#happy birthday grumpy king
blankdblank · 1 year
Oc handing Thorin a pocket sized journal on the Journey filled with affection coupons the day they admit their feelings about him to help break the awkward air between them and his happy but panicking/plotting self.
He flips through reading one hour hand holding, one hour of cuddling, back rub, foot rub, bear hug and others for when they get to a city like making treats for one another.
Thorin flips through it asking, “What is this?”
“A couple coupon book.” He looks up at them from the book, “When you want one you tear out the coupon and give it to me and I’ll give you what it says.”
Immediately he tries to hand the book back and oc asks in a trying to keep calm tone, “You don’t like it?”
“I want all of it.” He replied more curt than he intended and oc can’t help but chuckle.
“Not all at once,” they giggle back, “I’m one person.”
“Hmm,” he says and looks down proceeding to spend the next four hours debating which one he wants to cash in first.
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@devilishminx328 @jesevans @theincaprincess @deepestfirefun @lilith15000
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katsukikitten · 1 year
Imagine this is the first birthday you spend with Bakugou. Staying the night before because he insisted, calling him at midnight while he's on patrol to tell him happy birthday before you pass out.
Then you wake him up midmorning to his favorite breakfast.
"Fucks all this?" He grumbles heel of his palm in his eye as he glares at you with sleepy eyes, he just looks grumpy but you can see the small twinkle in his eye.
"It's your birthday!"
"I know what fuckin day it is." He comes closer, wrapping his arms round your waist as you're dwarfed in his apron, the strings just above your lacy underwear clad ass.
"Then don't act surprised that you're being spoiled rotten today, Prince."
"Prince?" He cocks an eyebrow before resting his chin on your shoulder, "Thought I was the king."
"Yea yea in charge and in control but that's doin work. When you're the prince you get to sit there and look pretty. I've got all three meals planned!" You turn your head just enough to kiss him on the cheek before going back to cooking.
"What if I want you to sit there and look pretty?" His voice is a deep purr, morning wood pressing into your ass and it makes you giggle.
God what a sweet sound.
One of his hands slowly makes their way up the front of your body until he can tilt your chin towards him with his fingers. Stealing a heated kiss that makes your knees weak enough Katsuki finds himself catching you.
Reluctantly you break the kiss with a whine although your back is still slightly arched into him.
"I will later but for now, just let me spoil you Katsuki. Just for today?" You plead and his sharp gaze looks over your features, he could tell you no but that would be a lie and Bakugou hates liars.
Besides being spoiled for the day sounded nice, paired with the fact that you're already pouting when he knows he's never been able to tell you no full heatedly.
"Fine." He bites out, teeth scraping your lower lip before he pulls away just enough so that you can see his wolfish grin.
"But I get to pick dessert."
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riaki · 5 months
a spritz of peppermint | megumi fushiguro x reader
pt.6 of christmas event! cw: petnames i think idk, not proofread, there’s probably other stuff i’m missing but wtv happy birthday the prettiest king pls come back the food is cold
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today is a very special day.
megumi notices that you rise early— mostly because when he wakes up in the morning, rubbing his sleep-heavy eyes groggily with a groan, he notices you’re not there. he rolls over, and smacks his face into cold sheets, devoid of your heat.
it pisses him off. so he starts his special day out as a grouch.
when he eventually crawls out of bed and makes his way into the kitchen after pulling on some sweats, though— he stops just short of the threshold to that sweet smelling cozy haven you love to spend your time in. the scent of pine needles and fresh chocolate orange wafts across the space, warm and welcoming and awfully wintery. he’s impartial to the cold— but he likes seeing your nose get red, so he guesses that’s one point positive.
“megumi?” your soft voice drifts across the open space, and the frost around his grumpy heart melts just a little; a crack in the frozen surface of the lake.
he reluctantly emerges from the shadow of the hallway, past the bundle of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. the thought causes a memory to flash across his mind— your sweet smile and your prettier laugh; a distinct feeling of fuzzy warmth like a knitted sweater spreading across his cheeks when you pulled him close by the sleeve of his shirt and leaned in—
he shakes his head, trying to dash the stray thought. he’s supposed to be mad. it has no right to be there.
“why’d you get up so early?” he sighs heavily as he joins you at your side, scratching the back of his neck and running a hand through his unruly hair. you smiled sheepishly, turning to face him and you wrap your arms around his middle, squeezing lightly as a silent apology. he takes it with a grumble, snaking his arms around your waist and resting his face in your hair to bask in the scent of home before pulling away.
“it’s a secret.” you grinned, and he glares down at you, clicking his teeth in annoyance. you just laugh like the angel you are, leaving no room for guilt. you’re wearing one of his sweaters; you smell like him, and he supposes it makes up for the way you ditched him this morning.
“i expect compensation.” he grumbles, leaning against the counter as he watches you move about the kitchen, pale winter sunlight painting you like an ethereal dancer beneath the surface of misty lake water, crystal clear in your beauty. it’s mesmerizing.
you laughed, and his teeth dig into his bottom lip. “what, missed me? were you feeling lonely, gumi?” you smiled.
he just shoots you a piercing glare, the color of icicles in his eyes, but the warmth of your grin melts it away. you spend the next few moments in a comfortable silence, preparing a french toast topped with sweet berries and powdered sugar that looks so soft megumi could probably sink into it, until your lovely voice breaks the crisp morning silence.
“want black coffee?”
that’s weird. he never hesitates. and you know he takes his coffee black; of course you do. not because he wants to look cool, or look suave in another person’s eyes… well, except for you, of course. but not in the area of caffeine doses. and to be perfectly clear, all he needs is a dose of you to get him going.
he clears his throat. “can you make me hot chocolate?”
you pause, and he almost wants to bite his tongue off. why is he so embarrassed? but you just chuckle, like morning bird song across fresh dew on the grass.
“switching it up, huh? that’s cute.” you hum, and his face burns hot like embers in a brick fireplace. he coughs, throat scratchy like the pricks of a pinecone— but you make no note of it, simply going about your day.
he’s content to watch as you fish around in the rum-colored cabinets, pulling out a crinkly bag of cocoa powder. you put him on milk microwaving duty and he busies himself, lithe pale fingers unscrewing the carton of milk and pouring it into his favorite little painted dog mug. you were the one who’d made it; that silly little ceramics class you insisted on taking clearly didn’t help you too much in the way of smoothing down the bumps and blotches on the mug, but it holds your fingerprint, so he might as well memorize the shape of your hands when you’re not there.
megumi’s snapped back to reality when you grab a candy cane from the mini tree you decorated together sitting on the kitchen counter, smashing it up in the wrappings to mix the pepperminty dust with the cocoa powder. he eyes the pile of holiday drug warily as he brings the steaming mug over, placing it before you and leaning against the counter again to watch you work your mystery magic.
“that looks like brown cocai—”
“shh, megumi. keep your pretty mouth shut, please.”
he’s about to butt in again, lips parted before he presses them together irritatedly and resigns to sulk in silence.
you pour the hot chocolate mix into the milk, swishing it together as it forms a pretty spiral of cocoa; the color of dark chai and chocolate tart. he’s content to watch in silence, humming some christmas carol he’d overheard you listening to one gray afternoon— until he realizes you’re opening a bag of those sickeningly sweet and fluffy marshmallows he’d bought you on a whim. he only did it because his mentor told him they made the best gifts, but he’s beginning to realize it was the sweet tooth talking.
“hey— wait… are you going to put those in there, pretty?” he asks, putting a gentle hand on your wrist to stop you from vigorously emptying the bag into his poor victimized hot chocolate mug.
you glance up at him and flash a toothy grin, giving him one of those looks that makes his heart skip a beat. “trust me, gumi! you’re gonna love it.” you laughed, shrugging his hand off, and his lips curve downward. less because of the marshmallows that are toppling into his mug with a splash and more so because you freed yourself from his grasp.
obviously, you notice— your eyebrows knit together, a pinch of guilt weighing upon them like the snow on the streets outside. but it’s wiped away as quickly as it comes; before he knows it, you’re walking away with a bounce in your step, disappearing behind the counter before re-emerging with something behind your back.
“don’t look so sad, gumi. here,” you say, the cadence of your voice as soft and playful as he ever remembers it being when you pull a bunch of roses from behind your back. the bouquet is small and there’s dirt clinging to the stems— but his heart melts at the thought that you hand-picked them, prickly thorns and all, for him. “happy birthday,” you whispered, and his walls break.
“you’re not so different from them, you know.” you hummed, smiling as he takes them from you and gives you an inquisitive, quiet look. “you might be a little prickly on the outside, but you’re just as beautiful. you just have to look a little past the thorns.”
he feels his face flush; at this point, it’s probably as red as the stray candy cane shavings melting in his mug and the vibrant petals of the roses. he splutters and mumbles something annoyed under his breath, but he’s sure you can hear the undercurrent of fondness and affection weaves into each syllable like the beats of his heart, where you’re so close to. megumi thinks you might’ve just cut him open and made a home in his ribcage.
the bunch of handpicked roses for his special day sit on the marble counter dusted with cocoa powder and candy cane shavings, marshmallows bobbing at the surface of his hot chocolate like apples in a bucket as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in to press his lips insistently to yours, slow and tender like the way he always loves you. his hands curl around your sides, as if to ground you there; freeze the time in this bubble of warmth, forgetting the chill outside to warm his hands on your skin. you’re so little in his arms; he wants to hold you and never let you go, to keep you under his tree and have you make hot chocolate for him instead of black coffee every morning he wakes up, because it’s fine if you’re not there in bed— as long as you’re waiting for him with open arms elsewhere.
and when he kisses you, he realizes he might not need his hot cocoa to warm his stomach— your lips are as soft and pillowy sweet as the marshmallows melting in his mug, filled with steaming hot cocoa and all the love he could ever wrap his heart in this cozy winter; his christmas gift to you.
he’s grateful today is a special day, if only because of you and his sweet little painted dog mug filled with your heartwarming love.
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stop this was so close to being late my (riaki) stuff. don’t repost and/or plagiarize !
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conkers-thecosy · 9 months
To Our Bilbo Baggins...
Here's to our Bilbo Baggins, no matter what guise he wears. To our book Bilbo, our film Bilbo, our Lego Bilbo, our Rankin & Bass Bilbo. To our fandom Bilbo, and all the hats we give him to wear. To our confident Bilbo, to our anxious Bilbo, to our clever Bilbo, to our foolishly brave Bilbo. To our feral Bilbo, to our calm Bilbo, to our grumpy Bilbo, to our determined Bilbo, our sweet Bilbo, our always a little queer Bilbo. Master Baggins. Mister Bilbo. Professor Baggins. William Robert Baggins. Billy-Bob. Bella. Bilba. Bilbo.
Here's to the Consort Under The Mountain, who finds his happiness with his found-family in Erebor. Who hits his stride amongst dwarrow, and slots into place as an ambassador between the three surrounding kingdoms. Who takes tea with Princess Dis every Mersday at 4pm sharp, who trains with Dwalin, and learns to speak Khuzdul with Ori. Who works and sleeps beside his husband, supporting and driving King Thorin onwards to meet all of his goals and dreams for his people. Their people, together, united, content, and in love.
Here's to the confirmed bachelor that lives at Bag End, who returns from adventure, tired and heart-sore, and finds comfort in the sunshine of the Shire. Who works in his garden, grows his tomatoes, and sits outside the big green door with his pipe. Who writes songs and poems, who translates epic tales, and dedicates years of his peaceful life to spinning one of his own. Who takes in his distant cousin, who calls him Nephew, and shares a birthday with him each year, then leaves him to begin his own tales of adventure with a precious golden trinket he picked up many years before.
Here's to the Hobbit who falls somewhere in the middle. Who leaves the Lonely Mountain and returns to his books and his armchair, who plants his seeds and watches them grow, all with the company of another. A dwarf who might have been king, but for one reason or another, has decided instead to spend his days beside the company burglar, both of them in their idyllic reshirement. Sometimes they have a child of their own, sometimes they adopt the self-same distant cousin who calls them both Uncle, and sometimes it's just the two of them, but they are always together, and always at peace, at last.
Here's to Bilbo Baggins, who is forever changing in our hands, but who, at his core, will always be courageous, always be impulsive, and always do the right thing, no matter what it may cost him. Who will always be kind, always love a good joke, and always take pleasure in good food and song.
Here's to Bilbo Baggins.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 9 months
Chapter 10, Pt. 1: Happy Birthday, Javi
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Summary: Javier Peña has never liked celebrating his birthday. That is, until you came into his life, and planned to give him a birthday that he will never forget. (Part 1 covers leading up to Javi's birthday and the morning of)
Word Count: 9.3K (I don't know how my peanut brain thought I could make his birthday only one chapter and keep it a reasonable length)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up, y'all), oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, creampie, praise, overstimulation (if you squint), anal fingering (f receiving *runs away into the sunset*), Javi being our consent king, Javi really just loving your ass (It's his birthday, give the man what he wants), mentions of death/grief (but in a really sweet, wholesome way), mentions of food/eating, Chucho Peña once again being the world's best dad and you two having the cutest lil bonding moment, sweet tooth-rotting fluff (but it's these two, so would you expect nothing less?)
A/N: The people have spoken, so I now present to you, part 1 of Chapter 10. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I started writing this chapter, I knew it was about to be long as hell because our sweet Javi deserves the best birthday ever, and boy oh boy, is he gonna get it. Also keep in mind as you read this, that I will die on the hill that Javi loves all of you, but is 100% an ass man though and through don't make eye contact with me after reading this, man deserves his lil birthday treat More birthday fun is coming soon!!! Thanks to the very talented @wheresarizona for the inspiration of this birthday smut!
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“New boots?” 
“A new briefcase for work?” 
“A pony? A trip to the moon? A million dollars? C’mon Javi, it’s gonna be your birthday, there has to be at least something that you want!” You groaned, playfully hitting Javi’s chest as your warm bodies laid tangled together in your bedsheets, sunlight just beginning to spill through your curtains. 
“As long as I get to spend my day with you, that’s all I care about, Osita.” He chuckled at your stubbornness, pressing a soft kiss into your forehead. 
“Ugh, you being so sweet is making this very hard on me, you realize that?” You sighed dramatically, giving him your best grumpy face as you ran your hands through the dark brown curls of his messy morning bedhead. “Alright, you have to go get ready for work, what do you want for breakfast, handsome?” 
“You.” He rasped, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you and nipping at your neck, the hairs of his mustache brushing against your skin making you squeal and squirm. 
“Javi! Real food, you dummy. You’ve already eaten me out and and we’ve fucked this morning and it’s not even 7:00 o’clock yet. At this rate, your work is gonna start writing me up for you getting in later and later every day.” You giggled as you tried to wrestle your way out of Javi’s strong grip, your bodies intertwined with the sheets of your bed as Javi finally let go, giving you a long kiss before letting out an exaggerated sigh. 
“I thought you said you still needed to figure out what to get me for my birthday. This works just fine, Hermosa.” He looked at you, trying to give you his best puppy eyes and pouty lips. You lovingly swatted your arm at him, shaking your head. 
“You cannot use your puppy dog eyes on me like that! Your birthday still isn’t for another week, and believe me, you will get all the birthday sex you want then, but right now, you need to go get ready for work, mmmkay? Do you want scrambled eggs or sunny side up?” 
“How did you know I wanted eggs?” He asked, smiling at you. 
“It’s almost kind of like I know you, just a little bit. Now go, get your cute butt in the shower before your puppy dog eyes take full effect and I lose the little self control I have left.” You gave him a quick kiss as he rolled out of bed, the muscles of his back flexing deliciously as he yawned and stretched his arms above his head before making his way into the bathroom. 
From the moment you had found out about Javi's birthday, he had been very adamant that you didn’t need to do anything special to try and celebrate, let alone get him any gifts. To him, it was just another day that he got older, and that no one needed to do anything to acknowledge that. Truth be told, Javi hadn’t really had anyone to celebrate his birthday with since he was a much younger man than he was now. When he was in Colombia, the only person he had told about his birthday was Steve, and with the threat of beating the shit out of him if he told anyone else, the most Javi ever got for the past decade or so was Steve’s annual bottle of birthday whisky and a phone call from his dad. He wasn’t used to anyone caring about him, let alone his birthday. Javi knew that you were a terrible liar and couldn’t keep a secret to save your life, so you had been trying your best to throw him off your tracks for the past few weeks by asking things like what he wanted for his birthday, or what he wanted to do to celebrate. Little did he know, you already had a plan in place to give him the best birthday that he’d had in a very, very long time. Today, you had to try and execute the next phase of your birthday plot, which required a little luck, and finding Javi’s cell phone. 
Once you heard the water of the shower running, you knew you were in the clear. You shuffled over to Javi’s side of the bed, where his pants from the night before were still laying in a heap on the floor. Digging through his back pocket, you pulled out his cell phone, opening it up to press through the contacts page. “I really hope he only knows one Steve…” you mumbled to yourself as your finger clicked on the down arrow, scrolling through the names on the tiny screen. “Samuel H… Sargent Davis… Oh yes, here we go! Steve!” You were relieved to find there was only one Steve saved in his phone, assuming that it had to be his former partner Steve Murphy. You quickly ran out to the kitchen to grab a notepad and a pen to scribble down his number before closing his phone and folding the piece of paper, stashing it away in your nightstand. 
After you had opened up to Javi about your brother, Patrick, he slowly started to reciprocate, letting you dive deeper into his past life in Colombia, beginning to share stories from his time halfway around the world. One of the things you had quickly picked up on was how much he really liked his former DEA partner, despite how many times he had told you he was the biggest pain in his ass he had ever met. So much so, that a few weeks ago, Javi had gone out of his way to call Steve, just to catch up and talk, learning that his friend had moved to the San Antonio area not too long ago, looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of Miami. The conversation had ended with them saying they should get together at some point, and the party you had been planning for Javi seemed like just the right occasion to try and reunite him with his old friend. The plan was to try and call him today while Javi was at work and pray that he really was the right Steve you were looking for, and that he and his family would be able to come down and celebrate. 
Satisfied with your mission, you slipped on one of Javi’s now many shirts that lived in your drawers, his collection of clothes at your apartment seeming to grow by the week as the two of you spent more and more time together. You headed out to the kitchen, pouring yourself your mandatory cup of coffee before you got to work on breakfast. 
As Javi made his way down the hall, freshly showered and suited up for work, he leaned up against the wall, enjoying the new favorite part of his morning routine. It didn’t take long for Javi to start spending practically every night at your apartment once the two of you had started dating, his presence in your home becoming an almost permanent fixture in your day to day life. It took even less time for Javi to quickly discover there were few things he loved more than coming into the kitchen after he had showered and gotten himself ready for work to find you in nothing but your underwear and one of his shirts, singing along to whatever music you had picked for the morning as you cooked breakfast. It had now become ingrained as his favorite part of his morning, taking a few extra minutes just to lean against the kitchen wall and stare, taking in everything about your sweet and sassy self that made his heart feel like it was going to burst out of his chest every time he watched you dance and sing around the kitchen. This morning’s choices were his navy blue DEA shirt and Hall and Oats, already finding you singing louder than usual to “You Make My Dreams Come True.” 
“Someone’s in a good mood this morning.” He chuckled, standing behind you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin against your shoulder as he watched you scramble the eggs in the pan below you. 
“Well it’s hard to be in a bad mood when you wake up to getting dicked down by your super hot boyfriend who comes out of the shower in his stupidly attractive suits for work.” You giggled as he kissed your shoulder, giving your ass a playful smack. “I could say the same for you, ya goof.” 
“Like you said Osita, hard to be in a bad mood when you wake up next to the most beautiful woman in the world and come out to find her making you breakfast in nothing but your shirt. The sex part’s alright too, I guess.” You nudged your elbow into his stomach as you both laughed. 
“Oh please, like you weren’t practically begging me to go for a second round this morning. Here, eat your breakfast, you horny menace.” You giggled as you put the finished eggs on a plate and handed them off to him. 
Per usual, Javi had already almost inhaled his food by the time you sat down to eat with him, taking a big mouthful of your eggs as he cleared his plate. “Any plans for today, Osita?” He asked, taking a sip of coffee out of the Star Wars mug that had now become his personal favorite after had finished watching the last of the 3 movies a few weeks ago. 
“Just some errands and stuff.” You tried your best to keep a straight face, knowing that you weren’t really lying about your plans for today, but you also weren’t exactly telling the truth. “Should probably start working on getting stuff ready for going back to school. I need to accept the fact that summer’s gonna come to an end at some point, as much as I don’t want it to.” You shrugged, trying to change the subject of Javi’s initial question. “Your complimentary breakfast and lunch every morning may not be as frequent once I have to go back to work, so I apologize in advance.” 
“No need to apologize, baby. You’ve spoiled me for the past few months. Just means I get to wake up early and make you breakfast now.” He stood up, grabbing his plate to bring it over to the sink, stopping first to give you a kiss on the forehead. After cleaning up, Javi downed the rest of his coffee and gathered his things to head out the door, preparing for the second favorite part of his morning, giving you one last hug and kiss goodbye before leaving for work. “Have a great day, Osita. Can’t wait to see you later. I love you.” He draped his arms around you, hugging you from behind as you still sat in your kitchen chair, planting a kiss on your cheek as you turned around to face him. 
“Love you too, Jav. Have a good day.” You stretched your neck towards him as he leaned down, your lips meeting softly and tenderly, leaving smiles on your parted mouths as you pulled away. Closing the door behind him, you gave him a soft smirk, the both of you beginning your internal countdown of the hours that needed to pass until you saw each other again. 
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As soon as you heard the door lock, you waited a moment before you ran back to your room, grabbing the piece of paper with Steve’s phone number, hoping it was early enough to try and catch him before he got to work. You took a deep breath, wanting to make a good first impression on Javi's friend, even if it was just over the phone. You punched the numbers written on your note into the keypad, sitting on the couch as you let the dial tone ring. 
“Hello?” a low voice with a pronounced twang answered. 
“Hi, is this um, is this Steve?” You asked, anxiously chewing on your bottom lip, crossing your fingers that you had the right number written down from Javi’s contacts. 
“Yeah, this is Steve. Who’s askin’? Sorry, gimme one sec- Hey Connie, Olivia wants to know if she’s stayin’ late for soccer practice today. Okay, yeah, I’ll remind her. Hey sorry, tryin’ to get the girls off to summer camp and daycare or God knows where. Jesus, I cannot wait for school to start again. Sorry, who’d you say you were?” You let out a little sigh of relief hearing Connie and Olivia’s names, knowing you for sure had the right Steve. 
“I’m um, I’m Javi’s girlfriend.” You introduced yourself. 
“Well I’ll be damned. You really are real.” You could hear him chuckle to himself through the other end of the phone. “Javi wouldn’t shut up about you when we talked a few weeks ago. I’d never thought I’d live to see the day I saw that man so in love. What can I help ya with?” You smiled to yourself, blushing at the fact Javi hadn’t talked to Steve in months and you were the thing he was most excited to bring up. 
“Well, I heard from Javi last time the two of you talked that you moved to San Antonio not too long ago. I don’t know if you remember, but Javi’s birthday is coming up, and I’m trying to throw him a surprise birthday party and I wanted to invite you.  I’m sure he’d love to see you- Connie and your daughters, too. The party’s going to be Saturday the 16th at 3:00 at his dad’s ranch! I completely understand that it’s a big ask, and kind of last minute, but I figured I’d at least try!” 
“Awh shit, it is, isn’t it. I do owe that old man a few years worth of birthday whiskey. Lemme go talk to my wife real quick, hang on.” You heard him set the phone down as you held your phone up between your ear and shoulder, grabbing your notepad to write down a list of things you needed to get today while you waited for Steve’s response. “Hey, you still there?” You heard his voice again through the receiver. 
“Yup, still here!” 
“Looks like that old man’s about to have some more birthday guests. Con just wants to make sure it’s really okay if we bring the girls.” 
“Absolutely! Lots of friends and family are coming, so there will be plenty of other kids there, too! Thanks Steve, I know this will really mean a lot to him.” 
“Perfect. I sure do miss that asshole. Thanks for the invite. I guess we’ll see you on the 16th.” 
“Thanks again, Steve!” 
“Of course. And hey- I wasn’t jokin’ when I said that he wouldn’t shut up about you. You got him head over heels in love. I think I could count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen that grumpy bastard smile and I could practically hear him grinnin’ through the phone. Glad to know he found someone who makes him happy.” You could hear the other end of the line click as Steve hung up the phone, leaving you with nothing but an ear to ear grin as you grabbed your list and got yourself ready for the day. 
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You had really been putting Javi’s lie detector skills to the test the past few weeks, going out during the day to meet with Chucho at the ranch to work together to plan Javi’s surprise party. Javi’s dad was absolutely thrilled with the idea after you had brought it up in secrecy one night when you and Javi had gone over for dinner, and was enthusiastic as can be to try and help you make the day a special memory for his son. Today was the last day you could be over at the Peña ranch to help with preparations without raising too many suspicions from Javi, losing out on your excessive free time as you needed to start preparing for the beginning of the new school year. Heading in with your arms full from your massive trip you had just taken for party food and decorations, you walked into the Peña home looking for Chucho. 
“Hey Chucho, it’s me!” You shouted, kicking your shoes off at the door as you balanced your grocery bags in your arms. 
“Hola, Mija! I’m in the kitchen!” He shouted from across the house, his tone warm and joyful. You grunted as you set down your bags on the table, finding Chucho in his usual spot at the stove, cooking something for the two of you to eat as you talked party details. 
“What’s on the menu today, chef? It smells delicious!” You smiled, unpacking the groceries as Chucho wiped his hands on his apron, waddling over to help you. 
“Chilaquiles. Figured it’s still early enough for breakfast food, and I know it’s your favorite.” He chuckled to himself as he watched you pull more and more items out of the brown paper bags.  “Dios mio, mija. Did you buy the entire store?” 
“It feels like it. With how many people we have coming, I don’t even know if this is going to be enough! Steve is coming, too! And his wife and daughters. I just called him today. I really think Javi’s gonna be excited to see him.” You grinned, your heart feeling full thinking about how many people wanted to come celebrate Javi on his birthday. 
“Oh, estupendo! (Wonderful!) He will be thrilled. Wait, how did you manage to invite him without Javier finding out?” He raised an eyebrow at you as he walked back over to the stove to turn off one of the burners. 
“I have my ways.” You smirked as you gave your shoulders a little shrug, organizing the items on the table. 
“Chiflado.” (Crazy). He snickered, plopping an egg on each of your plates over the fried tortillas and sauce. “That one can be our word for the day. It’s a good one. Here, eat, mija.” He smiled, passing a plate over to you as you sat down at the table, Chucho pulling out a chair to join you. Ever since you started meeting with Chucho a few weeks ago, you had asked him if he would help you work on your Spanish, knowing how important it was to Javi and his family. You cared so deeply for both the Peña men who were now a part of your life, and the least you could do was learn more of the language so deeply ingrained in their identities. Like most things you asked Chucho for help with, he was enamored by the idea, your request practically bringing him to tears. Since then, he’d been helping you learn more words and phrases, picking one to focus on each time you meet.   
“Chiflado.” You repeated, taking a bite full of your food. “What does that one mean?” 
“Someone who is crazy, a little bit nutty. It’s a good one for you, mija, and Javier.” You both laughed at each other, enjoying his use of the word. 
“That is a good one. Good one for me and you today since this is the last chance we have to plan together before the party.” 
“Es la verdad.” (It’s the truth.) So tell me, Chiflado, what’s our plan for today?” He winked at you as he set down his fork over his already cleared plate. 
“Well, I was thinking you could work on food, and I could help with decorations, since it’ll involve a lot of getting up and down off of chairs, and before you can tell me you’d be just fine, I don’t need to hear you whisper “Punta madre, me dulele las rodillas (Motherfucker, my knees hurt.) all day when I could have just done it for you.” You looked at him sternly, knowing that Javi had definitely inherited his stubbornness from his father, often leaving you in Chucho in a battle of iron wills over helping each other. 
“Fine, fine, fine.” He swatted his hand at you. “Just tell me soy un anciano (I’m an old man) and move on.” The both of you broke from your stubbornness, laughing playfully at one another. Chucho grunted as he stood up, outstretching his hand to take your plate back to the sink. You stood up out of your chair, pushing it behind you as you let out a quiet, nervous breath. You had been working up the courage to ask Chucho the question that had been lingering in the back of your mind for the past few weeks. Every time you tried, you’d chickened out, but with only one last meeting between the two of you before Javi’s birthday, you knew you had to do it now. 
“Um, there is uh, one more thing I wanted to ask for your help with, if it’s okay.” You said shyly, Chucho turning his head in confusion at your now meak voice. 
“Of course, Mija. Cómo puedo ayudarte? (How can I help you?). 
“I- I wanted to know if Javi had a favorite food his mom used to make him before she passed. I really wanted to surprise him and make it for his birthday. But I know how special Lucia’s recipes are to you, and if you don’t want me to make it, I totally understand. I’m sorry if I’m overstepping, I wanted to ask for your help since-” 
Before you could finish, Chucho was standing with his arms outstretched, tears welling in his eyes, as he pulled you in for a hug, tightly wrapping you in his grasp. “Oh Mija.” He whispered between gentle sobs. “I would love nothing more.” He took a step back from you, hands still grasping your shoulders as the wrinkles of his worn face crinkled from his smile. “She would have loved you, Mija. She would have loved you so much. I know she is smiling down on us, knowing the joy you have brought to our sweet Javier’s life. Dios la bendiga (God bless her), all she ever wanted was for him to be happy. It brings me peace to know she can rest a little easier, seeing the love and happiness you bring to our hijo. I know Javier is so thankful he found you, but know I am just as thankful, too.” 
You could feel the tears beginning to stream down your cheeks as Chucho spoke. You wished you had words to tell him how much it meant. That you were so grateful to be a part of Javi’s life, so thankful that Chucho had loved and accepted you, like you were one of his own from the moment that you two had met. You wished you could tell him how honored you were that he thought so highly of you, when all you wanted to do was just make Javi happy. You wished you had those words, but right now, they couldn’t make it out. The best you could do through your tears was pull Chucho back in for a hug, letting out a shaky whisper. 
“Thank you, Chucho. For everything.” 
He pulled back once more, the both of you wiping the tears off your wet cheeks as you smiled at one another. “Of course, mija. Of course.” He paused for a moment to compose himself before wiping his hands on his apron with a mischievous grin. “Tears won’t taste any good in our stew. C’mon, let’s get cooking.” 
Chucho pulled the well loved recipe box out of the shelf above the stove, flipping through its contents to pull out an index card covered in red sauce stains and tears around its edges. “Here we are. Pozole de pollo. Javier’s favorite dish. This is the last one from Lucia’s box I've yet to make.” He smiled to himself, gently holding the tattered recipe card in his hands before passing it off to you. 
“Why haven’t you made it yet?” You asked curiously as you ran your finger up and down the worn recipe card. 
“It’s the one that reminds me the most of her. Just haven’t been able to bring myself to make it. Now, I couldn’t be more excited to.” He beamed at you, grin stretched from ear to ear. 
The two of you quickly got to work, Chucho walking you through each step, mentally noting to yourself all of the little details he pointed out as you worked your way through the directions. You wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss a thing, feeling the need to do the special recipe as much justice as you could. While waiting for things to boil and simmer, the two of you found yourself chatting away as you chopped the rest of the vegetables you needed for your sauce and garnishes.
“You know, pozole de pollo was the only thing Javier ever wanted to eat when he came home from college.” Chucho chuckled, chopping up the rest of the garlic he had in front of him. “Could eat a whole batch of it in a day, a bowl for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even in the dead heat of summer.” 
“I believe it, that man is an eating machine.” You giggled, pulling out the chiles you’d finished soaking for your sauce. “Did he know he wanted to work for the DEA when he graduated?” 
“I don’t know if he knew that, but he did always want to have some sort of job where he felt like he was making a difference. Always had a strong sense of right and wrong, and always wanted to help others. Lucia and I weren’t thrilled when he got the job, no parent wants to think about their child in danger. But you know as well as I do that our Javier is a stubborn man, and if he wants something, there is no stopping him until he gets it. That’s how I knew he was in love with you. Wouldn’t stop talking about you from the moment he met you. For goodness sake, he woke up at 5 in the morning to build a fence just to see you. He’s a man who knows what he wants.” You tried your best to hide the red of your blushing cheeks as Chucho blended the pozole sauce. “That’s how I know he is counting down the days until he can ask you to marry him.” 
You just about dropped your ladle into the pot of boiling broth you were now stirring, hoping Chucho hadn’t heard the audible gasp you had made. “What… What did you say?” You asked as you gulped, trying to keep your cool. 
“You heard what I said, Mija.” Chucho smirked, clearly enjoying your current flustered state. “Don’t worry, he hasn’t said anything to me… Yet. But like I said, when Javier knows what he wants, he won’t stop until he gets it. I’m sure if I asked him, he’d say he’ll give it a year, but I give it 6 months, tops.” 
This time, the ladle you had been white knuckle grasping had now fallen to the floor, your face in absolute shock as your hand covered your face. “Wait, do you, are you… Chucho, are you being serious?” 
“Mija, all I know is that Javier está enloquecido por ti y el te ama con todo su corazón. (Javier is crazy for you and loves you with his whole heart) and I am not getting any younger. I need some nietos (grandchildren) to spoil before I get too old.” His grin now even bigger as he chuckled to himself, watching your cheeks turn bright pink, taking every ounce of self restraint you had in you to keep yourself from smiling like an idiot. You bit down on your bottom lip, Chucho letting you have a few moments of peace as you turned back around to the stove to stir the pozole. Chucho just kept shaking his head and laughing to himself, almost as if he could hear the squeals of delight screaming in your head through the quiet silence of the kitchen as you continued cooking.
“Alright Mija, what do you think?” Chucho said, handing over a spoon now that the pozole was finally finished, simmering in its pot on the stove. You scooped some up, slurping down the warm broth as Chucho followed suit, letting out a satisfied hum. 
“It’s delicious. No wonder it’s Javi’s favorite. What do you think? Is it okay?” You looked at him nervously, waiting for his response as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Just as good as I remember it, if not better. Javier will love it, almost as much as he loves you.” He winked, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder, smiling at the stew and then back up at you. “I have a feeling this will be the best birthday that he’s had in a very long time, thanks to you. Now, what do you say you listen to this old man swear at his knees as he helps you put up these decorations?” 
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You couldn’t believe it. Javi’s birthday was finally here, and everything had gone off without a hitch. Chucho had called one last time yesterday to let you know that everything was ready for the party, you had successfully hidden all your gifts and surprises in the apartment without them being discovered, and best of all, Javi hadn’t suspected a thing. You had made sure the night before to set your alarm to its quietest volume, praying that Javi wouldn’t hear and would sleep in long enough to let you put up some decorations in the apartment before making him breakfast and giving him a proper birthday good morning. Seemingly unstirred by your alarm, you tiptoed out of bed, trying your best not to wake Javi as he snored face down into his pillow. You grabbed some clothes before carefully closing the door behind you, fingers crossed that you could at least get another 30 minutes of sleep out of him. You quickly got to work taping the streamers and banners along the ceiling, topping off your decor with the balloons you had someone managed to hide in your coat closet. After setting out your gifts on the table, you quickly got to work on breakfast, indulging in your own family’s birthday tradition of confetti pancakes, which were really just pancakes with sprinkles and whip cream, but given Javi’s insatiable sweet tooth, you were sure they’d be a hit. You started with pancakes, along with the bacon and eggs, so focused on trying to get things done as quickly as possible, you hadn’t heard your bedroom door creek open down the hallway. Javi’s footsteps were soft and sleepy, the carpet of your apartment floors drowning out the sound as he finally stepped into the living room, speechless at what he saw. 
“Osita…” His voice shook, mouth hanging half open in shock as he looked around at the colorful streamers and balloons that filled the apartment. He took another step further into the living room, now noticing the handmade banner that read “Happy Birthday, Javi!” in your cute, neat handwriting. He was still at a loss for words as he turned the corner in the kitchen to find you, finishing the last of your pancakes for the breakfast feast you had put together for him. 
“No, go back to bed! Don’t look, I’m almost done! You didn’t see anything!” You ran towards him, trying your best to turn Javi around and force him back towards the bedroom. You pushed against his chest, trying to get him to move as he stood there for a moment before wrapping his arms around you, still taking in everything that you had set up for him. 
“Baby… Did you… Is this… Is this all for me?” He asked, eyes glistening with joy, as he turned his head down to you, smiling in his grasp. 
“No, I just really wanted to celebrate my birthday early. Yes, of course it’s for you. But right now, I need you to go back to bed for like 5 more minutes so I can finish and get my first present ready, pretty please?” You grinned at the tender expression on his face as he tried to process that you had really gone out of your way to do all of this for him. 
“Baby, I told you, you didn’t need to get me anything, you already did so much, you don’t need to-” 
“Javier Peña. It is your birthday. I want nothing more than to shower you with love and gifts and affection, but only if you go back into the bedroom and wait a teeny tiny bit longer and pretend it’s not your birthday yet for another few minutes.” You giggled, now shoving back into him, attempting to push his broad body down the hallway. He finally gave in, throwing his hands up, laughing as you guided him back into the bedroom, giving him a quick peck on the lips before closing the door behind him. 
As promised, it didn’t take long for you to get yourself ready for Javi’s first present of the day, slowly opening back up the bedroom door to find Javi laying down in the bed, elbow resting on the mattress with his hand under his chin holding up his head. “You ready for it to be your birthday now?” You giggled, peeking your head through the crack of the open door. 
“Yes, baby, I’m ready for it to be my- Oh, fuck me.” By the time you had made it through the doorway, Javi was sitting upright in bed, jaw just about on the floor as he watched you enter the room. You stood at the end of the bed in a lacy, black lingerie set- the bustier hugging against every curve of your body, its garters holding up the stockings pulled up your thighs, topped off with a strappy lace thong. You could hear how heavy Javi was breathing as he watched your every move towards him, his tongue darting out between his lips as he looked you up and down, soaking up every inch of you. 
“Happy Birthday, Javi.” You winked, making your way towards the edge of the bed, watching as Javi’s eyes grow darker with lust. Your sweet voice was enough to already make his cock start to twitch, but that, paired with the fact you were all dressed up just for him had him half hard in seconds. 
“Hermosa… Fuck… You look fucking incredible. Is this all for me, baby? Do I get to unwrap you like the pretty little present you are?” He rasped, practically climbing over the edge of the mattress to pull you into bed with him. He grabbed you by the hand, ushering you up onto the bed as you straddled over his lap, feeling how hard and heavy his dick had grown beneath you in his boxers. His hands slid along your sides, fingers tracing over the lacy fabric before he reached down to grab a handful of your ass, kneading your soft flesh between the strong grip of his fingertips. 
“I don’t know… I thought you said that you didn’t want any presents.” You teased, Javi giving you a playful smack on the ass for your witty remark. 
“If this is the only present I get to unwrap for the rest of my life, I’ll die a fucking happy man.” He mewled, grabbing your hips as he pushed you deeper into his lap, groaning as you rolled your hips against his cock, straining against the fabric of his underwear. 
“Don’t worry, this one’s just the first of many. You can unwrap me however you want, birthday boy. Anything you want, I’m all yours.” Your words made him shutter as he looked up at you, a curious smirk growing under his mustache. 
“Anything?” He whispered, licking his lips, his eyes filled with want and desire. 
“Anything.” You cooed, raising your eyebrows at him. 
“Fuck me…” He took one more look at you before grabbing you and flipping you on to your back, making you squeal. He kissed his way down your body, hot, wet presses of his lips against your skin and lace, covering you from your chest to your stomach. His hands ran up and down the meat of your thighs, fingers toying with the ends of your stockings before wrapping his arms under your legs, yanking you closer to him.  He grazed his fingers over your thong, the fabric already soaked, as he pushed it to the side, revealing the slick pooling along your entrance. 
“Jesus, Osita, haven’t even touched you yet and look at how wet you are for me. Fuck, I need to taste you, baby.” Spreading your legs open wider, he dove into your pussy like a man starved, feverishly lapping you up, tongue swirling and pressing against your already throbbing clit. It wasn’t long until his two fingers pushed inside you with ease, making you gasp as your back arched along the bed, whimpering at the way his mouth and hands worked against your heat. 
“Javiiiii…” You whined, bucking your hips towards his face, already feeling the arousal starting to pool in your belly at the way he knew just how to make you come undone. “Baby, you feel so good, fuck, Javi, fuck.” 
He removed his mouth for a moment, his breath hot against your sensitive bundle of nerves as he glanced up at you in delight. “Yeah? It feels good, Hermosa? Gonna be a good girl and cum all over my face, let me taste that sweet fucking pussy?” You nodded frantically, practically feeling his smirk against you as his fingers curved, hitting the sweet spot inside you that had the heat building at the base of your spine. He licked long, flat strokes of his tongue against your clit, his hand thrusting deeper into you, moaning his name over and over as you squirmed underneath him, his free arm draping over your hips, holding you in place. You could feel how tightly you were beginning to clench around his hand, your pussy fluttering as you felt yourself reaching your high. 
“Javi, Javi, Javiiiii.” His name the only words forming as your brain short circuited, coming closer and closer to your end. 
“Keep saying my name, baby. I love the way you say it. Don’t hold back, Hermosa, let me hear how good it feels when I make you cum.” It only took a few more thrusts of his hand before you snapped, crying out his name as your pleasure rolled through you, your fists grasping at the bed sheets. You cunt clenched around him, squeezing his fingers as they still pulsed inside you, nowhere close to easing from their usual pace after Javi watched you fall apart beneath him. You could feel yourself panting, worked up and on the edge of overstimulation. 
“Gonna give you one more, Osita. Doing so good for me, pretty girl. I know you can take it, baby, just a little bit more.” He purred, giving you a smug look before barely pressing his thumb against your clit, making you cry out from his touch, so sensitive and worked up from your first orgasm. The pad of his thumb pushed just a little bit harder, circling around your mound as you felt yourself on the brink of falling apart once more. Already so close, he slipped a third finger into your heat, the sweet stretch of his digits inside you making you lose yourself once more. Your moans were swallowed by his lips as he leaned down to kiss you, finally slowing his pace before removing his hand, leaving your legs trembling and breathing heavy as you tried to compose yourself. “Such a good girl, taking me so well.” He hummed, cradling the jaw of your blissed out face as he brought his other hand to your mouth, his fingers drenched and glistening from your slick. “Open.” His thumb pulled at your bottom lip as you complied. “Taste how sweet you are for me, baby. Sweetest fucking pussy I’ve ever had, and it’s all fucking mine.” Your tongue swirled around his fingers as they rested in your mouth, sucking the tangy taste of you off of them before pulling back out. 
“It’s all yours, Javi. It’s all yours.” You moaned, finally catching your breath enough to form a coherent thought. 
“You really meant it, Osita? Anything I want?” His hands running up and down the length of your body, taking in how beautiful you looked beneath him, lace covered and blissed out, all for him. 
“Anything you want.” You repeated, the sweet brown gaze of his eyes locking with yours. 
“Hands and knees, baby.” He smirked, grabbing you by the waist as he pulled you up, propping you on all fours as he shuffled behind you on the bed, smacking your ass before gently massaging your flesh. “I fucking love you so much, you know that? Fuck, I’m so lucky. So lucky that you’re mine, all dressed up just for me, Jesus Christ, you’re fucking perfect.” You whimpered as you felt him line himself up with your entrance, running his tip through your folds, the lips of your pussy still soaked and puffy from your last two orgasms. 
“Fuck, I love you too Jav-ahhhhhhh.” You gasped as you felt Javi bottom out inside of you, the angle of him pushing himself into from behind always stretching you in a way that had you speechless. He paused for a moment before slowly beginning to rock his hips, only pushing himself halfway in, savoring how sweet you felt. It wasn’t long before his thrusts became deeper, his cock brushing against your cervix, punching into the spot that had your vision going white, leaving you trembling and breathless. You could hear how wet you were, the sounds of him pounding in and out of your weeping pussy on top of the grunts and whimpers between you two had the room sounding borderline pornagraphic. 
Despite how amazing it felt as he pumped in to you, there was a part of you that was surprised that fucking you from behind was all he wanted after you had given him free reign for his birthday. Javi loved your ass, and that was putting it lightly. The man worshiped it, and being on your hands and knees was a position you found yourself in frequently in the bedroom, so you were surprised that this was his choice. That was until you felt his fingers reaching under your thong, pulling the lace even further to the side, the wet spit of his mouth on your ass, his hand creeping further down the base of your spine until it stopped there. 
You felt his thumb press against the tight ring of your muscle, swirling his spit as you shuttered, cunt clenching at the thought of what he was about to do. You knew why he wanted you like this. Oh, fuck. 
“Is this okay?” He asked softly, gently pressing the pad of his thumb more firmly against your tight hole, making you whine in delight.
You nodded desperately, your response practically incoherent as it babbled from your brain, falling off your tongue. “Yes, oh my god, Javi.” 
“Osita, tell me if it’s too much. If it’s too much I’ll stop right away, okay? Promise you’ll tell me?” God, this man was about to put his thumb in your ass and he still found a way to make it sweet. 
“I promise.” 
“Okay.” He kept his thrusts inside you steady as you felt his thumb breach inside, making you whine. Audibly whine. His thumb was barley in you and it felt so tight, the feeling of how full you felt making you wetter by the second. “Relax baby, it’s okay, I’ve got you. Doing so good for me, sweet girl.” He hummed, his praise deep and horse. You took a deep breath, feeling yourself relax as he pushed his thumb in further, making you whimper as you felt your clit absolutely throbbing with each press of his digit inside you. “You okay?” He asked, leaning over you, nipping at your shoulder as you shook your head yes, your brain an absolute loss for words. You gasped as you felt his thumb exit, being replaced by his two fingers pushing deeper into your tight hole. You felt so full, the size of his cock and the thickness of his fingers had you whimpering, clawing at the bed sheets underneath you. The thrusts of both his dick and hand slowly began to pick up their pace, feeling yourself throbbing in delight from the stimulation. It was like you could feel every nerve in your body screaming in pleasure, you were barely hanging on by a thread, painfully close to your end. All it took was the slightest press of the heel of Javi’s palm against your clit before you were screaming out his name once more. 
“Javi, fuck, fuck oh my god, Javi, I’m gonna-ahhhhhAHHH.” 
Your orgasm crashing through you like a tidal wave, leaving every inch of your body trembling, practically seeing stars from how hard you came. That was all it took for Javi to follow suit. He was already so worked up from the image of you, riled up and moaning his name, that watching you cum as hard as you did sent him over the edge instantly. It took all of his self restraint to not come from the moment you had agreed to let him play with your ass. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it more often than not, wanting to pleasure you in any way he could, and now that you had let him, it was game over. With only a few more pumps, he found himself rapidly pounding into you as he chased his own high. 
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna come too. Did so good for me, my good girl taking me so well. My fucking perfect girl. Quiero estar contigo para siempre, Osita. Te quiero con toda mi alma. (I want you forever, Osita. I love you with all my soul.) Fuck, I’m-”  You could feel his cock throbbing as he pulsed inside you, spilling deep into your walls, milking himself of ever last drop as he slumped over your body, your chests rising and falling together. After catching his breath, Javi pulled out, the mixture of the two of you running still down your thighs as he quickly got up to go wash his hands and grab a towel, laughing as he returned from the bathroom to find you face down in the bed, sprawled out across the mattress. “You okay, baby?” He shook his head as he sat down on the bed next to you, running his hand across your back. 
“Ho-ly shit.” You rasped, face pressed against your pillow before lifting it up to look over at Javi. “Javi… holy fuck. I don’t think I’ve ever came so hard in my entire life. I think I’m dead. I think I died and went to heaven.” 
“You’re fucking ridiculous, Osita.” He chuckled at your dramatics, gently wiping the cloth against you and cleaning you up before tossing it in the hamper. “To be fair, I don’t think I’ve ever came that hard either. Happy fucking birthday to me. This is the best  birthday I’ve ever had and it’s not even 10:00 AM yet. God, I love you.” You sat up as he grabbed your face, pulling you in for a long, deep kiss, a grin spreading across his lips as your mouths met. 
“Well then you’re in luck, your day’s just gettin’ started, birthday boy.” You winked, playfully pinching his cheek as the two of you laughed. 
“Does this mean I finally get to go out and see the rest of the apartment now?” Javi smiled, now remembering all the decorations you had set up for him around the house that he had only half appreciated in his shocked and sleepy state. 
“Absolutely. I’ve got breakfast and more presents for you too.” 
“God, what the fuck did I ever do to deserve you?” 
“I could ask myself the same thing.”
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Your hunch about the confetti pancakes was absolutely correct, losing track of how many Javi had eaten, considering you’d stopped counting after 4. To you, the decorations that you had set up around the apartment were just a fun touch to help celebrate, but to Javi, it was about the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for him. It almost brought you to tears seeing how excited Javi was that you had got him balloons, streamers, a handmade banner that he couldn’t seem to stop complimenting, even when you insisted that all you did was just write a little more neatly than usual. Javi meant everything to you, and the fact that you were able to bring him so much joy from something so small made your heart burst at the seams. If he was this excited from just decorations, you were really gonna have to ease him into the rest of the day. 
“You ready for your presents, or do I need to make another batch of pancakes?” You laughed as Javi finished off what had to have been his 6th pancake, squirting the can of whipped cream in his mouth to top it off. 
“Baby, I told you, you didn’t have to get me anything. You’ve already done more than enough for me.” He said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Let me rephrase- I bought you presents and I’m giving them to you. Can I please give them to you now?” You folded your arms over your chest as you gave Javi a stubborn look. 
“Yes, fine. Thank you. They better not be fucking expensive, you don’t need to be spending that kind of money on me.” He grumbled as you handed him over the first gift, slowly taking the tissue paper off the top of the bag. 
“Will you stop being such a party pooper and just open your damn gifts? I’m a big girl, I can spend my money how I want, and I wanted to spend it on you.” You sassed as he shook his head, pulling out a silky blue and red checkered tie out of the gift bag. He smiled as he picked it up, running his hands over the fabric. 
“This is really, really nice, thank you, Osita.” 
“You’re welcome. I figured it’d look good with any of your suits, and that you’d look handsome in it, regardless. Okay, next one!” You grinned, handing him over the next box, waiting excitedly for his reaction as he ripped off the wrapping paper. As Javi peeled the rest of it back, his eyes widened as he looked at the box before looking back up at you in shock.
“Osita…” He stared at you for a moment, just holding the box in his hands, almost as if he was refusing to see what was inside.  
“Will you just open it, please?” You pleaded, having a feeling this was going to be his reaction to your gift. Carefully, he took the lid off the box, his head shaking as he saw what was inside. Gently, he pulled the silver watch out, holding it in his hands as he stared at you with those big, brown puppy dog eyes. 
“Baby… This is fucking nice. Like, so nice. Do you know how expensive these are? You didn’t need to do this, I can’t-” 
“You have been constantly complaining about how your watch does work and you needed a new one. I know it's expensive, but it’s your birthday and you deserve it. And don’t you dare try and tell me to return it, I will come over and put that watch on your wrist myself if I have to.” You raised an eyebrow at him before he could rebuttal, biting down on his tongue as he smiled, slipping on the watch. He got up from his seat, cupping your face, kissing you deeply and tenderly. 
“Thank you, Osita. You’re amazing. I don’t deserve any of this. I just- thank you.” His thumb rubbed along your jaw as he cradled your face, practically feeling the genuine joy and appreciation radiate from him. 
“There’s one more thing I still have to give you.” You beamed, trying your best to contain your excitement for the final gift you had for Javi. 
“Baby, there’s more? You already got me way too much, please-” 
You cut him off, holding out the tiny black box that you had been hiding behind you, gesturing down at it for him to take it, your hands shaky as you nervously passed off the gift. With a sigh, Javi took it, undoing the bow you had tied as he opened the package, looking at it with confusion. 
“A key?” He asked, puzzled by the present. 
“Go take it and stand out in the hallway.” You requested, Javi complying but still utterly confused as to what was happening. Javi stood on the opposite side of your doorway facing you, giving him a little wave before closing it on him and clicking the lock. 
“Osita, what is happening?” You heard him laugh through the other side of the door. 
“Use the key!” You insisted, smiling to yourself as you heard the doorknob rattle, Javi twisting it open as he walked back into the apartment. You grinned at him in anticipation, hoping that he had caught on, but Javi still appeared to be completely oblivious to the point of gift. 
“It’s a key to your apartment?” He questioned, a confused look still spread across his face. 
“Mmmhmmmm.” You nodded, over dramatically, waiting for it to click with him. 
“Baby, I’m really sorry, I don’t understand.” He laughed, running his hand over his face, shaking his head. You put your hands on your hips, looking at him, bewildered how he still had no idea what the key meant. 
“Wow, I really thought your detective skills would have come into play on this one, Agent Peña, but I guess not. Javi. It’s your own key to the apartment. I- I want you to move in with me.” 
“Osita… Are you… Baby, are you serious?” He stood there frozen in shock, his jaw hanging open as he processed what you had just said. 
“I mean, only if you want to, I know it’s kinda fast and I don’t want you to feel pressured, but I- OH!” You shrieked as Javi locked his arms under your thighs, hoisting you up as you wrapped your legs around the small of your back, draping his arms around his shoulders. You could feel his smile against your skin as he peppered you with kisses, making you giggle and squeal as he spun you around the living room. 
“You’re really being serious?” He beamed at you, his grin stretching wide across his face as the tears welled behind his eyes. 
“Of course I’m being serious, ya goof. I love you, Jav.” Your face mirrored his as your happy tears streamed down your cheeks, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you hugged him tightly, Javi squeezing you closer to his chest as he held you.
“I love you so much. Fuck, of course I’ll move in with you. There’s nothing else I’d rather do than spend every day coming home to you. Me haces muy feliz. Eres más de lo que merezco. Tú y yo juntos por siempre, Osita."(You make me so happy. You’re more than I deserve. It’s you and me forever, Osita.) 
"Tú y yo contra el mudo, Javier Peña." (You and me against the word, Javier Peña.) 
Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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hey!! happy celebration time bestie :) sorry this took forever, i got sick but i'm here now!
i was thinking it would be cute to do a blurb for steve based off these grumpy x sunshine prompts: (i love sassy steve, he's my fav)
having the habit of hugging them randomly
^ and when u forget to hug then, they just stand there like an npc, too cool to ask for that hug.
or they pull you into a hug without any words and wouldn't show u their face after
i feel like steve would get this attitude probably bc you're in front of the kids or something and he doesn't wanna beg for your hello hug but he also doesn't want to go without it. you can decide if they're in an established relationship or not <3 congrats again on 500!!
riley i hope you enjoy this cause i wrote this in two days. both times while at work. completely forgot the grumpy x sunshine part, but i feel you could see hints (let me know if you want a rewrite)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader wc: 969😏
masterlist / steve harrington
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you and steve are friends who’ve kissed a few times. twice while drunk, one at a house party and another while at a surprisingly packed hideout where eddie’s band played. there were three other times where you kissed but both of you were sober and it was broad daylight hours. however, the two of you weren’t a couple. haven’t really chosen when to have a proper discussion or just blatantly ignoring how both of you are just waiting for the next time a kiss could happen.
yet, when it comes to hugging, you and steve are a gross couple in love. always holding onto each other for a time that isn’t considered a friendly passing hug. sometimes you’ll hug steve from behind as a ‘sneak attack’, other times it’ll be a side hug with your arms around his waist and one of his thrown over your shoulder while waiting in a long line. or it’s where you crash into steve chest seeking his warmth as a safety blanket, even could be where the two of you are full on cuddling while taking a nap on his king bed.
hugs are something steve fully expects to receive whenever the two of you are in the same room, within reach or quick steps. so when steve sees you walk into his backyard for this pool party the kids forced him to have, he’s completely frozen when you walk past him and throw your open arms around dustin first. dustin doesn’t deserve to be in your arms first, that’s a steve harrington only privilege. but he allows it since it’s the twerps birthday.
steve just stands back by the loungers, watching as you sway the boy side to side, almost throwing the both of you to the ground. the two of you laugh and steve swears he gets a bit tipsy from the high pitched lilt.
you pull away from dustin and turn on a 180 to then pull bright cheeked max into a sisterly embrace.
“what the fuck?” steve grumbled to himself. his eyes never leaving as you pull each kid, one by one into a firm hug. and when you’ve given will the last one of the group, steve expects you to come find him next, but no. you see nancy and bounce over to her.
“mad your girlfriend ignoring you?” steve startles at the voice of robin appearing beside him. she was unbothered while picking chips off her paper plate. “jesus, gotta put a bell on you.” hand over his heart while side eyeing her.
“i’m not a fucking cat, drill bit. you're just lost in that smooth brain of yours while creepily staring at y/n. might finally put that restraining order on you.” sentence punctuated with her loud chewing.
steve rolled his eyes, “she wouldn’t do that. and she’s not my girlfriend. she’s a girl who’s a friend.” his quiet tone showing his real emotions on that claim.
robin hummed, “yeah. a girl who’s a friend that you’ve kissed five times and been to chicken to do shit about.” he glared at the accusation. she then pointed a salty finger across the pool, “who’s also giving eddie a nice hug and you're over here standing like a tree waiting for her to take the initiative.”
steve whipped his head at robin’s pointed location to see eddie with his right arm casually holding your waist as your left is over his shoulder. steve could only see the mesmerized grin of eddie and it’s making his head fuzzy.
there was a slight shove at his shoulder and it forced him to once again glare at robin. “dude!” she rolled her eyes, “stop being wuss and get your girl. it’s not that hard, you both like each other already. act grossly coupley in public, that’s why you’re always ‘oh, not dating’ bullshitting to strangers.”
“robs, it’s just… i’m- im scared…” steve trailed off while turning his eyes to the ground. robin’s hand touched his shoulder and she asked, “of what? there just needs to be proper communication and everything will come together.” robin squeezed his shoulder before boldly stating, “she loves you. and you love her. be in love together.” and she walks away leaving steve by his porch door.
that is until there’s two arms sliding around his waist from behind and something laying along his spine. he automatically raises his hands to fold over yours, ruffling your arm hair from his back and forth motions.
“was wondering where you were?” your voice is muffled by the way you're pushing your left cheek into steve’s skin.
he turns his chin over his shoulder, “i’ve been here the whole time. thought you were ignoring me.” trying to play the last part off as a joke, but he really did think you were ignoring him.
you gasped and moved to stand in front of him, “never. just wanted to save the best for last. and also i wouldn’t have to let you go after i got to everyone else first.” making your point while rewrapping yourself into steve. his own arms resting over your shoulders with his cheek laying on your head.
“i love you.” he blurted with such an ease that steve was a bit shocked that it was such an easy and true statement.
a dreamy smile on your lips as you replied, “i love you too, stevie.”
and his heart jumped a little faster, both from your silky voice and you possibly saying it in a different meaning, “no, not as a friend.”
“i know, stevie. i love you both as a friend and more.”
steve lifted his head away from your skull and you tilted your head up. the two of you stay held together as infectious smiles grasped at your lips and childish giggles spilled free.
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behind-the-scenes-22 · 2 months
I think it's very fitting that my favorite extroverts who both put on a mask of not caring about anyone but themselves but really have a giant heart, are emotionally intelligent, have a two-toned theme, and are extremely flirtatious towards grumpy, short kings share the same birthday (April 1).
If I had a nickel for everytime I fixated on adorable twinks with these traits, it would be two times, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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Happy (belated) birthday, you lovely creatures!
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vermillioncourt-if · 4 months
Since you brought it up let’s get some facts about the other consorts and if not too much to ask a memory they favor with MC (in consort xings case a memory where MC outplayed her) ?
Hello! ❤️ I'd be happy to answer this! I'll only write the memory bit for Consort Xing, though, since she and Consort Huo have had a lot of attention so far!
Queen He Taiyin
- She's the King's childhood friend. Not in a similar sense as Consort Huo and the King, but more along the line of their families being allied together.
- Under her guidance, city infrastructure and policies for the poor have expanded rapidly. She is one of the few Queens ever to decide to be a part of helping/ruling the kingdom somehow! She has also taken Kutuo under her wing, as she (Kutuo) has expressed interest in city infrastructure and architecture.
- If she ever were to die early, somehow, and the King wishes to remarry one of his current consorts, Taiyin made it VERY clear that he's NOT allowed to make Consort Xing queen.
Memory with MC - One of her favored memories of MC is when they were little. She was walking down the halls of the palace when a little bump under a cloak came stumbling down the hall towards her. She helped them out of the giant cloak, but thought it was so cute how they just wandered around with a cloak on their head.
First Consort Dou Rizhe
- Rizhe is from a prominent noble family of the Xiatian Kingdom. Her family, more or less, "sold" her to the position. She never liked court environments nor did she ever want to be consort, but to get ahead, her family had her put as a Consort.
- She excels at art and poetry. Rizhe is a very good artist and poet, she just doesn't have enough courage to share her works publicly. Her palace has many of her works hung up or displayed.
- Rizhe has a suspicion that the "illness" she caught after having Tuojiu that left her barren/infertile wasn't an "illness" but something else. All of her efforts to figure this out lead nowhere, though.
Memory with MC - Rizhe's doesn't leave her palace very often, so her interactions with the other Consorts' children are fairly limited. One of her favored memories of MC is when they're a child and just discovered she knows how to paint. They would leave flowers (and a few weeds) for her in front of her palace so she would have something to paint. A decent amount of Rizhe's paintings have flowers as the subject.
Third Consort Re Hanshang
- Hanshang, like Consort Dou, is from a prominent noble family of the Xiatian Kingdom. Unlike Consort Dou, though, Hanshang willingly went into the palace, despite not really having any desire to be a consort or the queen.
- As mentioned before in a post about pets, Hanshang has a very old and very grumpy cat that has scratched/bit many palace workers and even some officials. There have been attempts made to get rid of the cat, but it always finds its way back or all methods have failed to get rid of it.
- Hanshang is a well-read and well-versed person. Her family encouraged all of her interests, whether they were traditionally "feminine" or not. This was practically unheard of at the time, but it has made her a very well-rounded person.
Memory with MC - One of her favored memories with MC is when she took them out to the city for their 13th birthday. Consort Huo was wrapped up with taking care of Liangxu so Hanshang helped her out. The two of them went shopping, watched some street performers and even caught a small firework show, since it was the beginning of a festival season. She thought it was such a nice day out.
Fourth Consort Xing Fangguo
Memory with MC - One time when MC outplayed her is at one of their sibling's birthdays when MC was younger and Fangguo was more direct with her tactics to try to get rid of competition. Fangguo had decided to poison one of the desserts for the celebration, MC didn't do it on purpose, but they did end up breaking the vial of poison, as they were rushing around the palace and bumped into her, causing her to trip and fall.
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blankdblank · 2 years
Battle Ravens
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@devilishminx328, @lilith15000, @jesevans, @theincaprincess, @gothams-gotchya, @i-will-bite-you​
added the couple people who asked to be tagged, and as always if you want to be added or removed from a tag list let me know. :) Now here’s some grumpy pining Dwarf King for you.
“Oh for Mahal’s sake how did I choose the most stubborn rock on this entire damn continent.” The muttered words through grit teeth had Balin, who was pretending to not be awakened by the noise of rock being scraped once again as you sat up on watch, in a fight to not laugh.
For three weeks now since Thorin mid skirmish with some goblins had lost a hidden pouch with beads apparently very special to him on the end of a braid severed by a gnarled and blackened blade you stole time on this task. Hours he and his kin spent searching for it as he chose to make camp there for that task and to rest you and his cousin Dwalin who had taken injuries to your left side at the sudden attack that knocked you both off your ponies that also needed time to be calmed.
But the nephews of said mournfully grumpy King who couldn’t seem to look your way since, unless to issue an order of watch times or ensure you had your helping of food each meal to go with the dry spots if any that could be found in this rainy leg of the Journey, had shared a secret with you. Or at least a fact he was not boastful of.
Not three days later a small stumble had led to five of the Company rolling down a rocky hill sending the King to help secure them after. A task that had broken another relic from his old home, a blade forged by his grandmother now without a hilt. A lost relic you couldn’t recall the design of so you were free styling and intended to fashion a new hilt to the blade he had tossed into a heap of rocks out of frustration at the fact of yet another loss.
“Ha!” You were heard saying by the now also awakened Bofur, who buried his face in his arms to not be heard chuckling at the back end of the battle when the Valar Mahal apparently had heard your battle himself and found it honorably intended and let the rock give way to your effort. Now you just had to secure the two decorative flower pins you had managed to make while on a helpfully lengthy market stop a few weeks back in the Smith stall after some very effective begging and puppy dog eyes to go with a silver coin that most likely would have done the trick anyways sans the amusement for the Smith.
“My watch,” Bifur said with a grin as he saw you tie up the spare blanket you had bought at that stall to wrap around the hidden blade he had a guess what you might be up to with the old thing. “You know your bearings, even in the dark?” Another few silver coins had gained another leg of this plan and with a nod and swap of funds he saw you ease off the rocky ledge you had been sitting on to creep out of camp to achieve your main goal.
 Two taps on the nose when pokes to the armored chest plate and arm braces didn’t do the trick later and the grumpy King opened his eyes to land upon you. Behind you however were the smiling Company grouped up making him ask, “No one is missing I am assuming it is a stranger then who has died.”
“It’s your birthday grumpykins. Come on, got a special breakfast for you.”
As he sat up he sighed and groaned out at the move of a bruised arm and side still left from the rescue on that rock slide, “Oh yes, boiled oats and a slice of dried salted ham, mighty meal to be woken early for. Now, who is dead?”
“Ugh,” you said and turned to show off a wooden crate Fili and Kili had uncovered for you with wide grins of their own. “We got eggs, sausage and I managed to haggle some flour and other fixings to make pancakes, not very much so very small pancakes so everyone gets some. And bacon, again, not much bacon, so just a cube each, but bacon.”
“How did you afford this?” He asked at a loss for how else to take such a bold gesture for him out of the bunch.
“Traded one of my ruby mirrors,” you said and he let out a puff of air in shock as you had shared those were very special to you as a first big price item you’d bought after your first job. “I have two left, biggest one also landed some sugar cubes for the ponies, so they get to party too. Now, gifts!”
You stood and his eyes followed you in Bombur’s move to ready the food out of eagerness with Oin right at his side to not waste any of it. “Our kin do not celebrate birthdays.”
“Well you’re celebrating this one.” You said and he had to let out a chuckle. Resituating his legs to accept the first of the hand carved tokens from each of his proud kin who wished to help make this day special. Not just for the King but for the one who wanted him to have a great day even if there was a deluge outside the spacious onion shaped tent you had brought with you complete with stove, chimney and outer tarp large enough for the ponies to stay dry as well.
You were at the end of the line and he could only grin in accepting the rolled blanket he had clearly seen you not use since bartering quite admirably down the outrageous price to something more tolerable. He had loaned his out several nights since leaving the Shire, but he had to wonder as to why you waited for now to gift it to him if he was the intended user. “A blanket, very useful.”
“To hide the real gift, yes.” You said and his brows opened as you unrolled it to make his jaw drop at seeing the blade he had angrily thrown then tried to return and find now with a new hilt in a material he couldn’t quite place. “Now that is the most stubborn rock on the continent, should not ever so much as dare to break.” Weakly in disbelief he let out a chuckle and took hold of the rocky grip that was a bit big in his palm. “Sized it to Balin’s hand, might be a bit big, but the acorn pommel came out just right to counterbalance the look. Couldn’t remember how it looked before, so just went square with some little angry battle ravens.”
He chuckled again whispering as he turned it over to see the lines of birds carved into each side around the touching flower pins he knew must have taken care and patience to wedge through to such perfection even if it wasn’t exactly fit to his palm. But some shaving of the corners and it would do nicely to not harm the birds. “Battle ravens.”
“See that ones got an axe.” You said with a grin and a point to one in particular.
“Thank you, I was quite heartbroken to see it was gone when I returned for it. I do not recognize this rock though, where did you find it?”
“It was in the wagon the goblins had. Everyone was going to leave the rocks behind, but they stole them so have to be useful for something. Might make a dagger or two for myself if I am up for a good month of nightly battle again.
“A month?” He asked in disbelief.
“Hardest rock ever, took three weeks to drill the hole to fit to the end of your blade.”
“Hmm.” He said in a pondering hum and then had to chuckle as a lit candle was produced over breakfast for him to make a wish.
All he could wish for was a chance to be yours though. Dwarves held sacred beads they carve upon adulthood for their Ones, beads he lost in that Goblin attack. Thoughtful as this was and a great burst of wind to his sails to cross this stormy pass still not even to the first of Elven lands that lay between him and his homeland it was not a blatant offer of courtship beyond question. A kindness in a rough patch, he kept repeating to himself.
All the same it was the best breakfast he could ask for, though nine miles outside of the rough rainy stretch of land when they reached the next town a removal of your wet hat and hood had smiles and waves mingled with calls of familiarity and excitement you had brought friends with you. Nine miles both ways through rough weather and back again before sunrise to gladly and tirelessly wish him entrance to a new year only muddled things more for what the intentions might be.
“Rivendell, let’s go to Rivendell,” you muttered helping to hoist the two wheeled wagon your pony had been pulling you commandeered from the long dead goblins holding not just your rocks but also the bags of the others. The ponies had been led off by Gandalf’s horse supposedly in the night, and now terribly lost on the way to the Misty Mountain hidden Elven refuge every Durin held immense displeasure at being inside the orc infested halls of Moria.
“I had no intention of drawing us here, Young Miss.” the Wizard said lowly as his staff lit the path ahead faintly to hopefully not warn any dark foe of your place here on the treacherous crossing ahead of the kingdom that will take weeks to get to the other side of it.
“Oh you don’t have a lot of intentions about a lot of things.” You muttered again driving your shoulder a bit more into the wagon as Bifur’s foot slipped and it neared sliding backwards at you.
“And just what might that mean?”
Fili chimed up in the start of a few hijinks this week alone that Bilbo carried on sharply only driving the Wizard to huff and furrow his brows in shared irritation of the bad luck of this week. Not two halls later you froze inside a long pillared stretch at the sudden drop of a helmet at your side that turned everyone around as you muttered, “Soon as I look up it’s gonna pounce, maybe if we ignore it, pretend it’s a turtle dropped by a bird.” Internal means to be amused at the notion died in the sudden sea of screeches that had the Company in full sprint.
Durin’s Bane however cut off that sprint and over a helmet your foot moved only to drop into a hole that had you collapse and cause the wagon to tilt and spill across your back and onto the ground around you to let bags and stolen rocks alike spill out. Bloodying your nose and cheek really well in the process on a broken shield left in the dust stained again with the product of the blow.
Another roar and bodies turning had hands clench around weapons in hand as only Bilbo, who was helping you to pull the wagon fumbled a grip to get you up in Fili and Kili’s leap over it to get around and hasten the task to keep fleeing. Just two steps and as belongings were thrown back in the hoisted up wagon the Balrog was within distance for his flaming whip to be useful. Reflex alone was the excuse when the hefty rock in your palms was shouldered and hurled up at the beast’s head. Not to hit it but well earning a gaps to be chomped whole between his jaws before damage could be done.
“He ate my rock!” You squeaked as Kili tossed the final rock back into the wagon to Bilbo’s whole body slam into your side to get you moving again so the brothers could pull the wagon to at least get to the armed rest of the Company and Wizard amongst them who had yet to do much but anger the beast to follow you here.
Low and pained a grunt came from the Balrog causing Gandalf to pause in his attack before he slammed his staff to form a bubble of light to protect the Company as the Balrog exploded into a sea of living flames that raced throughout the kingdom. Lost to a roar of the ocean of flames was your scream in being folded into a tight hug by the brothers that dropped the wagon to try and at least shield you and Bilbo from the flames if possible by their natural Dwarfly ways that had them hardy to many forms of heat, including the odd accidental explosion under the right conditions, like several layers to burn off, as they both had.
Quiet and cold soon washed over the cowering huddled Company all around Gandalf who held the barrier of light still. Though you were the first upon release to speak up and ask even if to yourself, “They explode?! The rocks explode?!”
Thorin however just outside the barrier rose up, releasing Ori from the huddle he formed with Dwalin to save the youngest of the Company at the sight of the brilliant shimmer on the hilt of his reforged blade he dropped to do so. “Gandalf, let loose the bubble.”
“Pardon?” The Wizard asked and moved with Thorin to watch and allow the King to lift his blade by the sharp end so he could see the remnants of the war ravens and acorn pommel exposing pure Mithril underneath the crude dark layer.
“Mithril.” He whispered now recalling tales of crude Mithril chunks his elders had shared of their commonplace appearance used to transport it long distances from this long lost kingdom to other Dwarf lands. Then said louder and to you, “The rocks are pure Mithril.”
“Does Mithril explode?” You asked back shrilly still in shock at the massive blast.
“Only the shell around it. Extreme caution is taken to chisel it free, far from heat of forges or it can cause blasts enough to empty an entire kingdom.”
“Okay, so if we find another of those we just hurl another rock at it. Add that to the battle plan booklet Ori.” You said and he nodded and turned a little bit to find his bag still strapped to his side to bring out his log of the Journey do far.
“For now Lass, let’s fix this gash of yours,” Oin spoke up hurrying to your side with his healing kit he found with haste at the tricking blood still flowing from it.
Now perfectly shaped to his grip Thorin could only grin to himself at the new weight to his gift now worth far more than he’d earned in the decades since being ousted by that dastardly dragon. On top of that you were the one to decide to bring the rocks as well, now a hefty haul atop any goods procured from this venture if this were to succeed.
Rivendell eventually was found and in the month of recuperating two taps to your shoulder had woken you on your birthday, out of the post Balrog shimmering Mithril clump a blade was made just for you by means of the Elven forge, wrapped in a new blanket as well. And through the pain of your bruised and swollen face you smiled in saying, “Battle Ravens,” with the amused King who adored that you were so pleased with his craftsmanship. “This one has a little bow and helmet.”
And he could only beam brighter as now with matching hilts to your unique blades the surplus of Mithril was forged with gems he kept on his person for cases of emergencies in bartering for matching courtship beads. Braided into both of your hair to be displayed both inside and out of this kingdom when you were mended and able to travel again without his concern for any lingering side effects or risk of infection of the facial wound to heal scar free by Lord Elrond’s assurance after he had helped to tend to it upon arrival.
“We have the perfect battle plan,” you said lifting up one of the rocks after jolting yourself out of Tauriel’s grip to be between the glaring Kings.
“A rock?” Tauriel asked and Thranduil straightened up recognizing it at once due to his age and kin’s former trade agreement for Mithril from Durin’s kin when Moria was still thriving.
“I am listening.” He said stunning the 700 year old Elleth her adopted older brother Legolas would explain fuller to her later at his own vague remembrance of what it might be.
 One break into the floating city by means of a borrowed barge left on the shore for a brief moment and a theft of a giant horn the Elves lacked possession of to be loud enough later and Smaug was on the chase off to the East over growth free hills. Down into the valley below by means of a giant slingshot and his jaws clamped around the rock launched at him off a crude trebuchet decimated in the body to follow.
Silence broke for the town post frenzy of the beast and their own populace could only hear the faint squeak of your loud shout to the Dwarves covering you fully behind a Mithril shelter of shields banded together for cover, “No less terrifying the second time around!” Gaining loud laughter from not just them but the Elves who dared to come and help transport the supplies for the battle plan.
Celebration died as you asked, “Laketown’s closer to Erebor isn’t it?” A collective curse sounded and you all started the sprint off towards the mountain.
Even natural born sprinters the Dwarves soon lost sight of you and the Elves that came close to catching your speedy self. Over the hills and open plane they only could walk right up to the lost peak to find a collection of groaning Men on the frigid ground in varied manners of injury a short distance from the closed front door meaning only one hopeful thing, you had beaten the Men here and sealed them.
“Lass?” Dwalin asked using his axe to tap on the smaller hidden door inside the massive larger set for travelers on foot without wagon, steed, cattle or carriage.
The sliding small door opened to show you with another bloody nose freeing relieved exhales from the tired Company to hear you say, “You’re gonna have to push the door, think I dislocated my shoulder getting the bigger ones shut.”
“There is a crank system on the far wall, Lass,” Gloin said.
“One, never lived here, two, do you know how dark it is in here even with our glowing buddies here?” You said making them chuckle and have them grip the door to get it open with the help of the Elves inside. Except for one who was trying to stem a rather deep gash on the non-dislocated shoulder you spoke of on your stained self they could only chuckle at the mention of not knowing if the various blood stains on you were all yours or not.
Shouts from the Men outside when the gates were sealed again were only answered by their being the ones to bloody the future Queen of Erebor and to flee before justice would be sought for the injury. Even if you were the one to slam them into the ground with very little assistance from the Elves who simply reached you in time to help with the doors. Gloin with hold of the shimmering chunk of Mithril let it down to help his cousins get to lighting the lanterns on the walls.
“Now that’s just terribly managed and inefficient.” Was what you said to break the awe striking group stare at the hoard after the break of time to feed the Company and let you be cleaned and patched up by the convoy of Elves with Thranduil and his son at the helm. They looked to you as you looked up at Gandalf, “What’s the extent of your magic?”
“Pardon me?”
“Could you magic up a few thousand buckets, for example?”
“Yes, I can manifest buckets.”
“Good!” You said and looked at Thorin, “Offered plan b, you said the forge needs to be warmed up, we need to search this monster sea of gold and we can get two Balrogs with one exploding rock.” Instantly he was smiling as you explained what he imagined you might be grasping at, “Gandalf Magic’s us up a sea of buckets and lights the forges with his staff and you all configure a pulley system to the forge. Melt the gold into whatever and you can always melt it back down to coin again later, and we find the arkenstone when the gold is gone and it’ll be so much more efficient.”
Practically vibrating with excitement the Dwarves were up for a new building project in their old home and leapt at the chance to Thorin’s, “Brilliant plan. Gandalf, if you wouldn’t mind?”
 “And what of my people! You steal from us then bar is from entrance to this mountain!” The Master of Laketown shouted up at Thorin on the overlook with the Dwarves.
One of the other older Men shouted, “And you stole my Grandfather’s horn!”
Out of the smaller door you hurried to that man with horn in hand he grabbed with one hand then looked at the second hand your speedy self collected to leave a handful of coins in his palm, “And we thank you for your donation to the cause. Your ancestor would be proud of your confidence in us!” The second sentence you said mid race to get back into the door that was slammed and locked again causing the befuddled men around the horse mounted Master and the man now smiling at the payment calming at least his frustration.
“What of the rest of us?! Our people starve while you live in splendorous gold filled halls?!”
He continued to argue as Bard strolled to the smaller door and knocked on it causing you to open the slot a crack he hunched to see through, “What if my barge you tied me up to borrow?” Out of the slot a fat golden raven with a sword tucked underneath its wing all of five pounds had him look at the odd offering. “What is that?”
“Battle raven. We‘ve had some trouble finding the arkenstone in the hoard, had to melt the gold, you can trade this for coin later when we melt it back after the stone is found.” Lowly he chuckled and accepted the bird enabling your arm to draw back in so you could snap the slot shut again and he could turn to head back to the others. He did pause as you slid it open another crack to add, “Sorry about tying you up as well. Barge looked empty. Make a very convincing mast.”
“Apology accepted,” he replied mainly to himself pocketing the statuette in his best pocket so he would be sure not to lose it.
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ts19009 · 2 years
(Bold title means favorite)
(UPDATED: OCTOBER 21st, 2022)
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Sore Loser | One Shot | jjk (m) ( streamer!Jungkook x valorantpro!reader) @haliiimede
left on read (enemies to friends to lovers?? hospital au, crack, grumpy/overachiever oc, social butterfly/annoying jungkook!!!) @muniimyg
𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐆𝐨𝐝 (Personal trainer!Jungkook x Baker!Reader) @moonlightkoo
the lucky one (pt. 1) | jjk (: You and Jungkook have been forced to be friends since birth. Keyword: forced) @babystrcandy
the nanny diaries ~ jjk (: jungkook x single mom!reader) @btsgotjams27
The Wedding Date (fake!dating au, some angst, fluff, and smut [18+]) @jjungkookislife
under the blankets (m) | jjk (Tattooed boyfriend!Jungkook x Tattooed!reader) @yoonia
Across a Crowded Room (Strangers-to-lovers, idolverse, smut) @monimonimoon
Intruder: Big day (dilf!Jungkook, CEO!Jungkook, arranged marriage, smut, fluff, angst) @btsamgyeopsall
ALL I WANT - JJK | bestfriends2lovers!au, fuckboy!jk, textbooknerd!reader, dom!jk, sub!reader @sxtaep
Save me + J. Jungkook (Slytherin!Jungkook x Ravenclaw!Reader) @jiminspjm
happy birthday loser; jjk x reader; 18+v(explicit smut, mutual thirsting, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, squirting, loud filthy (unprotected) sex. wrap before u tap) @jungk0oksthighs
a gift of love | jjk (dad!jungkook x f. reader) @mercurygguk
What if I love you too much? (fluff; angst; smut; single mum reader) @taleasnewastime
Please Don’t Go | JJK (spider-Man! Jungkook x Childhood Best Friend! Reader) @httpjungkookcom
All Mine - JJK (M) (smut, angst, ceo!jungkook) @katebacks
when it all falls apart | jjk (angst || mention of divorce, alludes to infertility & pregnancy) @7deadlysinsfics
JJK || Take Care of You (idol!Jungkook x housekeeper!y/n) @kookiecrumb
Because, I Love You Masterlist (Jungkook x Older!Reader) @readyplayerhobi
Public Enemy (Part 1) (Smut, Angst, Mafia!Jungkook) @explicit-tae
𝐣𝐣𝐤 | 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜. (idol!jungkook, author!reader, secret relationship, fanboy jungkook, female reader, established relationship) @auroraborealyss
Fallen Arrangement || pt.4 (prince!jungkook x princess!reader, village boy!jimin x princess!reader) @parkdatjimin
Perfectionist (ungkook x Dancer! OC) @miraclesatnightfall
RED | JJK (3/3) (FLUFF, smut, angst:(( pregnancy au) @taestefully-in-luv
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Seven Seas (Atlantis Taehyung x Reader) @readyplayerhobi
sea star (m) (pirate king!taehyung x reader) @koyamuses
With a Brush of Fate | KTH | Series Masterlist (Fluff, angst, smut, idol au, strangers to lovers.) @yoongiofmine
Ride With Me ( idol taehyung, coworkers to lovers, not explicitly smutty or fluffy but elements of both
Pairing: V x Fem Reader (A lucky communications grad student catches Kim Taehyungs eye during preparations for their concert. Or: A self indulgent naughty story inspired by my own delusions thanks to his bare-backed IG attacks.) @amethystwritesbts
Caught in the crossfire (Masterlist) (ssassin au; strangers to lovers; 18+ rating.) @taleasnewastime
Office politics (fluff; angst; smut; enemies to lovers) @taleasnewastime
the point of no return | kth (m) (starting out musician!AU. humor, smut, fluff. the trifecta.) @illneverrecover
ONE MISTAKE — 01 | KTH (: idol!taehyung x choreographer!reader) @vamours
❝ king of the clouds ❞ kth ― m. (royal!au, arranged marriage!au | smut, light fluff | 4.7k) @httpjeon
Get You The Moon (M) (Fluff, smut, angst / College!AU, enemies to lovers!AU, football!AU,  jock!Taehyung x student reporter!OC) @bymoonchild
— 1-800-music-street | taehyung (taehyung/reader | fluff, smut | homeless!taehyung) @httpjeon
Pick of the Patch | KTH  (Taehyung x female reader Genre: fluff, angst, smut, enemies to lovers) @taestefully-in-luv)
Comeback Home (1) II KTH - m (: exs-to-lovers!au, teenparents!au, college!tae, businesswoman!oc, smut, so much angst, a really cute kid, slowwwwwww burn) @another-army-spot
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One Shot: Both Sides (KSJ) (Friends to lovers, Fluff, crack, mentions of pining, mentions of pet dying, they’re so cute you guys :((() @stellalunatmblr
cinnamon bliss ● chapters list (Single Father!Jin, Cafe Owner!reader, Unrequited Love!au, Angst, Future Smut) @yoonia
all because of you | ksj (Seokjin x female reader genre: fantasy, f2l, HP!au; fluff, smut) @taegularities
The Light of Dead Stars (01) | KSJ (Seokjin x (f.) Reader; side Seokjin x (f.) OC; side Reader x Namjoon) @ahundredtimesover
a dozen tulips. (ksj) (florist + model seokjin x wife!reader) @writtenwhalien
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allfallsdown · 1 year
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Some wonderful TLOU fic-writing person, please take idea out of my head because it is occupying all of the space in my brain.
We all know I’m obsessed with the idea of the Bill/Frank and Joel/Tess friendship SO HOWS-ABOUT-THIS:
- Goes without saying, but obviously the friendship is pre-established before this would start.
- It’s Frank’s birthday and, now that he has friends, he wants to have a garden dinner party. He’s wanted to do this for a while. Now that Joel and Tess are around sometimes, he finally has his chance.
- There’s nothing Frank wants more than for this to be a real shin-fucking-dig. Instead of any gifts, his soul focus is convincing everyone to look presentable. He has formal-ish clothes for everyone to pick from.
- Grumpy Apocalypse Boyfriends™️—Joel and Bill—MUMBLE AND GRUMBLE about having to dress up, but ultimately want to make their Actual Rays of Sunshine™️—Tess and Frank—happy.
- I’m thinking Bill and Frank in their suits. Joel in, like, black plants and a nice dressy shirt. He fits in Frank’s clothes as seen in the show. And Tess is in a dress. A simple sundress, that Frank found in the shop. But then Frank wants to style her hair to make it a bit more formal.
- Joel asking Bill to play The Gambler on piano, and them heatedly debating over which version is better (Johnny Cash or Kenny Rogers).
- Speaking of music, the vibes for this evening are impeccable. Think:
Dancing in the Moonlight (King Harvest)
Sundown (Gordon Lightfoot)
Danny’s Song (Loggins & Messina)
It’s Too Late (Carole King)
We’ve Got Tonight (Bob Seger version)
Walkin’ After Midnight (Patsy Cline)
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scotianostra · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actor Richard Wilson.
Born Ian Colquhoun Wilson,July 9th 1936 in Greenock, he went on to study science there before completing his National Service in Singapore with the Royal Medical Army Corps. Wilson was a late convert to acting as he worked as a research scientist in Glasgow until the age of 27. He then trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) in London. Before his most famous role as Victor Meldrew, he participated in theatre productions in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Manchester. He also directed several plays.
After several bit parts in TV shows including The Sweeney and Some Mothers Do Have 'Em' in 1978, he portrayed a regular character in the show A Sharp Intake of Breath'with David Jason between 1977 and 1980. This was followed by lead roles in the show High and Dry in 1985, and Hot Metal in 1988. It was in between these two series that I first noticed Richar Wilson in the fantastic BBC Scotland series Tutti Frutti with a host of other Scots, including Robbie Coltrane, Maurice Roëves and Katy Murphy, Richard was Eddie Clockerty, the group's devious and exploitative manager, I remember fondly the scenes he shared with Kate Murphy as his lippy secretary Miss Toner.
Wilson then won his most famous role as Victor Meldrew, although he initially turned down the part as he was younger than the character, in the sitcom One Foot in the Grave. The line 'I Don't Believe It' became the character's catchphrase, the show ran for ten years before they finally bumped him off
After One Foot in the Grave, Wilson enjoyed roles in 'High Stakes' and Life As We Know It' in 2001. Between 2002 and 2004, he appeared in several TV movies including Jeffrey Archer: The Truth and King of Fridges
Wilson returned to a recurring TV show in the form of Born and Bred' between 2004 and 2005 and has since made the transition from a grumpy old man to a wise, old apothecary in Merlin, which debuted in 2008 and finished in 2012. Since then he has been picky with his roles and not appeared in too many shows, however a wee look at Indb tells me he has two projects on the go just now, Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter About Men also stars Alan Cummings and How Sweetly it turns.
Richard has devoted his time to working for the gay rights campaign group Stonewall he is also a patron for the Scottish Youth Theatre and has been a long-term supporter of the charity Sense.
Wilson was planning to reprise the iconic character of Victor Meldrew for one night only at The Edinburgh Fringe a few years back but in the run-up to the event the actor suddenly fell ill and had to pull out.
It was later revealed he suffered a heart attack but remembers nothing of it. He told BBC Radio 2′s Graham Norton:
“I had a heart attack and fell off a balcony. I don’t remember a thing about it.The great thing about the accident – I’m going to mention because I’d love to know who it was – the great thing about the accident is that there was a doctor walking by, and if he hadn’t been walking by, I wouldn’t be talking to you now"
The veteran actor is still working, latest roles have been in Around the World in 80 Days in 2021, A new film, Sweetly It Turns is next for Wilson.
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On July 22nd 2013, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her first child and heir, George, weighing 8lb 6oz. George is third in line to the throne and is likely to become King after the death of his father. George attends Thomas’s School, and was the only one of his siblings to attend nursery in Norfolk. George has long been a fan of helicopters, thunderstorms, and famously asked Father Christmas for a police car for christmas. When he was younger, he was a big fan of Fireman Sam, and a character inspired by him appeared in the show's 30th anniversary. He also enjoys sport, especially football. He has often been photographed in an England football shirt and attended multiple matches of the 2020 Euros. His father described him as a “little monkey”, although he can appear shy in public. We know he is competitive and was once grumpy that Louis' sunflower outgrew his
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bnuuys-writing · 10 months
Now That I See You
A little Flynn x Rapunzel fic for @midnightmah07's OC Daisy x Ruggie. I hope yall enjoy!! <3
-Bnuuy out!
The Lantern Festival
The day was crisp and new as two guests rolled out from the forest, crossing the arched stone bridge with a guard horse in tow into the opened gates of the kingdom. For one of the two seemed excited to be here, while the other seemed to be a bit grumpy at the fact that he had returned to the kingdom he was wanted in. For this was no ordinary kingdom, for it had spectacular sights and many things to do for today was the festival of lanterns!
Also known as; The Lost Princess' Birthday.
For the King and Queen will light the first lantern in hopes of their precious post princess to return to them, and who was this princess, you may ask? Her name was Lady Eléa, with golden hair like the sun, freckles upon her face and the most dazzling eyes ever. Unfortunately, they had no image of how their daughter would look now, for she was kidnapped as a child by an evil witch only to hope and pray that their precious princess will see the lanterns and return home one day…
"Ruggie! Come on! You're slowing us down!" Daisy exclaimed out softly in a teasing manner, reaching forward to grab the man's hands and pulled him towards the crowded marketplace. The hyena could only blush as his ears folded backwards in embarrassment as he was pulled to the rows of vendors, hoping that no one would notice the thief that stole the princess' tiara. Daisy was a polite, but excitable person, this having been the first time she was ever taken out from her tower to finally go see the lights; but this time, she wasn't watching them from her window.
Baked goodies and colorful tapestries were out and about within the festive market, and Daisy's attention was caught everywhere. Pulling out the little bit of pocket money that she had taken from her stepmother, which was technically her 'allowance' for purchasing things from her mother for her mother to go grab them from the market or supplies to make said item before gifting it to Daisy. Yet, it seemed like Ruggie was already on it as he pulled out some leftover change from one of his heists and as much as he hated seeing it go, he liked seeing a certain someone smile because of his genuine kindness. 
"Shishishishishi… I got you this, Daisy." Ruggie stated out as he held out a piece of clothes with the symbol of the kingdom on it; a decorative sun that shines brightly upon the purple cloth. "I thought it would be a nice token to remember today." Ruggie finished as he looked over at Daisy with a small smirk on his face, grateful that no one was paying them any attention within the crowded market. Daisy could only smile as she held the cloth close to her before nodding her head slightly, she would keep this token forever once she had returned back to her tower; as she had promised within the deal. Yet, part of her wished he would take back the deal so that they could stay together for a bit longer, at least.
"Thank you Ruggie, the gift is perfect." Daisy spoke out sweetly to the hyena, causing him to clear his throat slightly. A hand reached up to rub the back of his neck as he seemed to smile while looking away, a small 'shishishi' coming from him as he seemed a bit sheepish to have been gifting something so simple to the young woman. After all, he promised to take her home after this but what's a few more hours… Maybe days… Months? Forever? He couldn't decide on which one he wanted more at the moment.
Cheers and joyful instruments fanned out within the street as the two continued onwards through the market. Daisy had bought some donuts that Ruggie had insisted that they got just because he wanted to share that delight with Daisy. As she watched the merry band play their music, a thump in her feet as she began to dance around the merry crowd began to gather, clapping their hands together to the happy young woman who began to slowly drag someone in each time. Then lastly was Ruggie.
Oh, how he could not dance but attempted it embarrassedly with Daisy, for he couldn't resist her pretty smile shining up at him. 
It felt like hours that the two danced, getting ever so closer to each other that Ruggie could've sworn that their lips accidentally brushed into each other when they had bumped into another dancing couple. Having flung some apologies, the hyena being the most embarrassed out of it all, Daisy could only giggle as she would've handed him a donut from the bag within her satchel. A small token to cheer him up.
"To the boasts!!" A few people shouted out, screams of joy ripping through the crowd as Ruggie grasped Daisy's elbow ever so gently, bringing her towards one of the docks, having passed a mural of the lost princess with the king and queen upon it. Ruggie was gentle as he helped Daisy into the smaller boat that was secluded from the other boats as he pushed off and began to row the boat into the setting sun. Daisy could only look at the surroundings and the sunset in awe as she could only pray to let this moment last forever. Her and this mysterious thief, Ruggie.
"I wanted to show you something." Ruggie would've stated out, his face a little pink from all the rowing and perhaps what he was about to show to Daisy within this moment. The air felt intimate even as the sun kissed the horizon, leaving its warmth behind upon the shining waters around them. Daisy could only tilt her head in confusion as she gave Ruggie a sheepish smile. Without a moment's pause, he pulled out a beautiful flower and held it out to her. For this flower resembled the sun itself, a beautiful lily that seemed ever as bright as the sun itself.
"Oh Ruggie. Thank you!" Daisy would've murmured out happily, as if her voice was scared to break this intimate air they found themselves in as the sun continued to set over the horizon. Daisy snitched the flower slightly, for it smelt of the earth and as warm as the sun. What type of sorcery had he pulled to get such a beautiful flower? She didn't know but by the look on Ruggies's face at seeing Daisy's happy expression of getting the precious treasure, whatever it cost (or technically what danger he put himself in to steal it) was worth it.
"I wanted to give this to you as well. I know I have been holding back on you but… And I know our deal as well but, I just wanted to give it back." Daisy blurted out as she pulled out the crown from her bag, offering it back to Ruggie. Now, Ruggie would've at any time taken the chance to steal it and dip, especially when she was offering it back graciously to him without knowing the effects of what might happen afterwards. Yet, Ruggie felt changed as he reached forward and pushed the tiara down, looking ever so sweetly at Daisy.
"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm just glad to be here with you, Daisy. Celebrating your birthday under the stars with you…" As Ruggie leaned closer to Daisy, and she leaned in too. As their lips were about to connect, something bright was sparkling within the now night sky, filled with sparkling stars above them but this was much more warmer. A lantern! The first lantern! Standing up abruptly, rocking the boat ever so slightly which threw off Ruggie, he could only stare up at Daisy in shock before his gaze followed hers to the bright sea of lanterns now filling the sky around them. 
The water's surface did wonders of reflecting the lanterns, as if they were in one big mirror as they were the only two who seemed to be in the world right now. Daisy couldn't help herself as he leaned on the side of the boat, watching the lanterns around them float as Ruggie's hand went to her back to prevent her from falling into the cold water. This look of awe, this look of amazement upon Daisy's face caused Ruggie's heart to convulse and beat even harder. He felt his cheeks warming up even more as he looked at the woman on the boat with him before clearing his throat slightly.
Daisy's gaze was torn away from the lanterns around them, turning to Ruggie who was assembling two lanterns for the both of them but seeming to struggle ever so slightly. Daisy could only giggle at his misfortune as she reached forward to help him out slightly to help build up the lanterns.
All at once, everything looks different. Now that I see you.
Ruggie looked up towards Daisy who had assembled the last little bit of the lantern, as if he were looking through brand new eyes; everything had changed around them. He could feel his heartbeat pounding against his chest as they raised their own lanterns up into the sky yet he could only keep his gaze upon her. For her eyes held the twinkling lights of the lanterns and the stars within them, her smile was just as bright as the sun, and she smell was just as crisp as if biting into a farm fresh apple.
Is this love?
"Daisy… I…" Ruggie started as he continued to stare at her, only for her gaze to drop down to meet his. Her gaze finally tearing away from the lit up sky as she smiled at him ever so sweetly. Lanterns drifting amongst them, as if playful wisps egging Ruggie even closer. The lily within Daisy's hair shining just as bright as the lanterns surrounding them. Ruggie couldn't help himself anymore against such a patient, pretty woman.
"I love you." Ruggie whispered out, his heart pouring out for Daisy to see as Daisy could only smile, reaching forward to grasp his hand as she leaned in to softly kiss Ruggie. Truly, things have changed for both of them.
Now that I see you.
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A little quick something I made in celebration of the Dark Cacao Kingdom update coming out last year!
Happy birthday, grumpy king 👑❤️
I…also couldnt help but have his wife (my oc) give him A lil kiss for his B-Day 😘
(Also enjoy my new watermark! ❤️)
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