#guess who’s rambling about something nonsensical at midnight again
tmmyhug · 3 years
I haven’t been on tumblr for quite as long as a lot of people but over several years I’ve noticed this interesting gradual sorta,, shift in the general culture? that it went from this mostly depressed, nihilistic outlook where people would regularly joke about hating themselves and being hopeless and depressed, to a wave of vehemence of “STOP hating everything actually the world is Good and you deserve love!!!” type posts, to now, where those aggressive ‘PSAs’ have faded away and instead I regularly see people romanticizing simple things like stars and hot tea and rainy mornings, and waxing poetic about their friends, and just trying to put love out there. and I don’t know exactly what that means (someone who knows more than me could probably say something smart about generational expression and trauma or popular perception of mental health and whatnot), but I do know that it makes my heart very full to see people learn to love the world and themselves by extension, and a whole userbase adopting healthier coping mechanisms, and therefore teaching the younger users to do so as well. I might just be following different people, but I really do think we’ve grown. everyone has grown. five years ago it wasn’t unusual for the next post on my dash to be a scathing commentary on why nothing matters or an anon ripping into someone they barely knew or someone complaining about how pathetic their interests are. now I have mutuals who get excited and spam reblog art of cows and friends I see tagging each other in pictures of frogs and strangers writing paragraphs about how much I matter. it makes me happy. idk. just an observation I wanted to make. I think people are good and everyone’s just trying their best at the end of the day
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m0e-ru · 2 years
“Isn’t that reasonable?” the golden-eyed young lady said before another slurp. “Oh, my hair was falling apart before the last cut—I can’t believe it got on camera! And my gloves, they really are so delicate, they ripped right here by the elbow. I must have been too excited—ohh, what will miss manager say…” “Manager?”
Excerpt of GSA SL AU's MTS where the IT try to find Yukiko in her castle. Nothing much besides literally showing the Midnight Channel's "behind the scenes."
“Cut!” the princess’ voice echoed through the set’s made-up halls of prop walls. The castle’s dramatic lights shut of while more structured ones turned on, and smaller Shadows were out and about. Some stouter than others, even taller but skinner than others. Some looked… relieved.
Yosuke noticed those who emerged from behind the walls drag themselves out tiredly, and others gently put down what they were carrying. Was this the crew behind the camera? The extra set of eyes that were on them to monitor what they had been doing?
Speaking of eyes, that piercing sensation of being watched suddenly washed away, as if the cameras stopped rolling for a while. The four watched the non-hostile Shadows begin congregating somewhere behind the set’s walls. Although, they were still vigilant some would still act violent towards them. So they scuttled their way into that same little room from whatever nonsense instinct they had instead of pushing forward.
The way the Shadows walked together looked like a flood of black sludge among the cool low lying mist, but at this point the little group of four-eyed comrades and a teddy bear knew they wouldn’t be harmed… as long as they didn’t make much of a fuss. Like those poor Shadows from earlier, holding measuring tape and a clipboard that ran away when Chie-chan stood in her crane stance yelling her signature “hiyaaa!”
Was it a buffet? No, it looked more like a… catering service? Who knew Shadows could eat… then again, they didn’t really know what they were “eating.” On a plastic table with a matching plastic chair, they heard the rather inelegant slurping of a regular girl. I guess even the princess needs to take breaks from being a princess.
“Isn’t it reasonable?” the golden-eyed young lady said before taking another slurp. “Oh, my hair was falling apart before the last cut—I can’t believe it got on camera! And my gloves, they really are so delicate, they ripped right here by the elbow. I must have been too excited—ohh, what will miss manager say…”
“Manager?” Yosuke asked, tilting his head and fixing his headphones. “—Before that, what’s going on?”
“It’s a break! Don’t you want one? You can’t run around shooting yourself willy nilly. A good production needs time no matter how cheap it is. It’s all being provided for already and—Oh! And help yourself too, would you?” she rambled on and handed them three food stamps with her ungloved hands. “You’re my special guests! I wouldn’t really have this show without you. Pick out something you like. Chie, I’m sure there’s still soba left over. The heated water’s right there if you need it.”
“There’s only three,” Sensei commented.
“Yes, for my guests?”
“What about me?” Teddie said with a little flap in his ear.
“Hm? Don’t you have one already? —Ah, you must be new here, I have an extra somewhere around…” she patted around her synthetic satin gown after wiping the soup from her lips. “Hm…” she went as she scratched her needed-to-be touched up hair and finally took her gloves from the table. A single stamp fell out and the friendly black-haired host gently gave it to the bear.
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gingerxarmy · 3 years
Falling In Love  MV&LN
a/n - this is an midnight thing of me trying to cope with stuff. hope you enjoy! hah
Reader x Max Verstappen & Lando Norris 
Inspired by; Hopeless romantics - James TW
Words: 1800+ 
You having falling out of love with one, but, falling in love with an other. 
Some People say the art of love is one of the most beautiful things in the world. The process of pinning after one person, to grow with them and if you're lucky, have them with you until your days are count. But all beautiful things have a dark behind. The moon, which is one of the most beautiful and calm things we have on this planet, has a dark side. No-one can know what's on it for sure. 
Love has actions and words. Your significant other can give you flowers, but they can also give you bruises. You can have sweet nonsense whispering in your ear when you are watching a movie, or they can tell you lies you so desperately want to hear. 
But the most painful thing about love is when one of the two people is falling out of it. What are you supposed to do when the exciting feelings are fading away, when you no longer can have them staying with you. When whatever you do or say are no longer enough. The heartache is one thing everyone experiences in the name of love. Even if you are living a loving life, the death you vow will make sure you are apart. 
But when you are the one who can’t stand to be with him anymore. All you wanted to do was wish for a moment to make sure you could get into an argument and get him to hate you, just so this wouldn’t hurt as much as it did. He had been perfect. Everything he had done was for your preference, so you could be happy. But in the end, your feelings faded. It hurt, it really did, but when one goes - another comes along. It’s always a shift. The worst part was that they were friends, best friends even. 
You’ll never forget about the time you meet him and how inlove you were from the first eye contact. You had met Max one evening in Monaco when you were on a vacation with three of your girl friends. You had been walking on the streets of Monte Carlo in search of a Café. After almost thirty minutes walking in circles you decided on Scala Green Café, neither of you had heard about it before, but it was calm and in need of something to drink thanks to the heat outside you took a table and ordered a drink each. 
You had lovely conversations about the city you are vacationing in and as usual, for four single ladies, it turned quickly to the cute guys you’ve seen on your walk earlier. You had all agreed on one particular man you had seen not too far from the café who had taken home the price of the most handsome one. With his broad muscle building and determined steps it had made it quite hard to not look at him. His face and hair was hidden under the cap he had been wearing, which was a shame, you all agreed on. 
You had a nice conversation on planning the remainder of your trip when the doorbell for the Café called. Three muscular men in t-shirts and shorts made their way to the cashier. Probably asking for a table. Your conversation died down when the waiter led them to a table in your direction. Looking after them when they passed, not really caring if they were aware that you and your friends were staring or not, and trying not to droll. 
“What is it with handsome men in this city?” One of your friends asked. Your group started to giggle but you soon interrupted when the doorbell called once more and the man with the cap stepped in through the door, looking around before seeing the three men who just walked next to you. The difference with this man was that he could feel you staring and your eyes meet for a short moment. But long enough for you to start to blush, hiding from his gaze you took a sip from your drink. 
“You made eye contact with him. Didn’t you?” Your friend to the right of you said and gave your shoulder a squeeze. You nod your head and turn around trying to find the guy who just walked past. But to your luck/misfortune he was already looking at you, and for a second time in less than ten minutes you had made eye contact and he had made you blush. 
That café wisit had ended with a tissue with a phone number and a name, Max. You could never have thought that two moments of eye contact and a tissue could give you two amazing years of love. Max Verstappen had taught you about Formula One and everything about the sport that you now loved with a passion. When race weekends didn’t clash with your job you would be with him for support and for yourself and the adrenaline rush from watching the race from the teambuilding. 
 Your relationship was amazing, you had your fights like every couple had. But when the new rookie trio came along in 2019 and you found yourself hanging with when Max went out with the youngest one of them three. Lando Norris had become a big part of your life when he and Max started to play games and stream together in their spare time. And when you got invited to chat with the two when they were playing games, things started to escalate. 
It wasn’t something big, Max knew you two were close friends, but when normal conversations started to become more flirty and when you started to find yourself  thinking about Lando more often and not only in a platonic friendship way you started to think about your relationship with Max. 
And here you are, trapped between two wonderful men with a mind drawn between them two. Would you just block Lando and try to find your happiness with Max and try to fall in love again? Or would you talk to Lando about what you feel for him and tell Max how you’re no longer in love with him. Whatever you come up with you couldn’t get rid of the feeling of disappointing one or not both of them. 
That evening Max felt something was up with you. You, who always talked about your day, were now sitting quiet and not eating your food. Of Course he would get worried, you knew it. 
“What’s wrong, love,” he asked. Love, it hurt. 
“I think we need to talk.” You pushed away the food. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yes, of course. I’ll always love you. What’s this about?” He reached forward for your hand but you couldn’t bring yourself to let him take it. Instead you put your hands in your lap and let your gaze rest on them. Fiddling with your fingers. 
“I will always love you Max. But I don’t think I’m in love with you anymore. I’m so sorry, you haven’t been anything but lovely and kind to me. But I think our time is up.” A single tear escaped your eye when you lifted your gaze and met Max’s eyes. 
“I had already guessed it, even though I didn’t want to believe it. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. And he would be really lucky to have you.” This time you let him take your hand. Releaf wash over you and you give him a broken smile. “And I’ve been texting this girl, and before you think anything, no. It was always friendly but now when I know for sure that you like Lando I may give her and I a try.” 
“I think you should,” you give Max’s hand a squeeze before letting his hand go, giving yourself one more moment before letting him go. 
“You and Lando need to invite me to your wedding later on, alright?” You two start to laugh at this. The eaze going conversation coming back between the two of you. 
A couple of weeks later you followed Max to Monaco GP, where everything started between the two of you, your journey could have an ending there years later. He had invited the girl he had been talking to as well, or, you had invited the girl he had been talking to because you were dying to know how had his heart now when you no longer had it. She was kind and you two shared a couple of laughs during the grand prix weekend. Max was in safe hands. 
“Okay, so, Lando’s waiting!” Max said later that evening. Max, Carlos and Lando had shared the podium today and you couldn’t be more proud of the three of them. 
“Isn’t it meant for you to be out celebrating your first podium and win in Monaco?” You say before giving him a hug. Even though you no longer are a couple you are great friends. The platonic love is still there. 
“Yes, and you are coming with. And so is Kelly. Come on!” Max dragged you off to a car where the others were waiting. And Max, being the matchmaker he is, made you sit next to Lando on the short way to the Bar someone of the drivers had shoosed. Probably Daniel if you could say it yourself. 
“You and Max broke up?” Lando dared to ask later when the group of people had gotten a couple of shots. 
“Yeah, our time together ran out. It was mutual so no hard feelings or anything. And I’m really happy about it. I really thought we were going to end on bad terms. And now I’m rambling!” You put a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from talking. But all Lando could do was laugh. Oh, God, that laugh. 
“So if you two are no longer a couple I can do this without having to risk my head.” Lando leans in and you two share a kiss. Your hand finds its way over to his curls and his hands make it way down your back, making you move closer to him. 
“If I was you I would still be careful of your head,” you say as you make eye contact with Max. 
“If you're breaking her heart, Mate. I’m breaking you!” Max screams over the loud music in the club and makes the others look in your direction. “Oh, and don’t forget about that wedding invitation you promised me!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, happy that you got the man your heart wanted and still have your best friend by your side. You lean in and steal a kiss from Lando once more before leaning into him, laying your head on his shoulder and start to speak with the people you are out celebrating for the night. 
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violetsoju · 3 years
page 30彡★
kageyama tobio · fluff · 3.2k
a/n: came up w this idea based on a tiktok vid of this trend that randomly popped up on my feed (which i can't find anymore T_T) do let me know if you enjoyed it! ❤️
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“Hey, Tobio.”
The mop of raven hair doesn’t look up to you, eyes fixated on the jiggly onsen tamago on top of the curry tonkatsu.
“There’s this new trend going on.”
He hums in response, fingers gripping onto a pair of wooden chopsticks, manoeuvring the fragile soft lump towards the spoon. Just a few more steps till being cradled snugly in the deep end of the cool ceramic spoon.
“And we’re gonna learn the moves and film it right here after this.”
His fingers twitch. One of the long pointy chopsticks loses its cool and stabs the tamago right in the core, streaks of yellow bleeding across the crisp golden brown tonkatsu. Its counterpart desperately tries to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, but too much yolk has been lost, and more jabs were made in the frantic rescue mission. Not even the string of ‘shit’ muttered could save the day. So long, dear onsen tamago.
You’re finally met with piercing blue eyes glaring at you.
“No. And look at what you did to my onsen tamago.”
“You should’ve scooped it up with your spoon instead of pushing it with your chopsticks. Common sense much?” You thank the waitress for the hot steaming tempura udon. “Plus, you’re supposed to break the yolk and coat the luscious essence over your rice, unless you’re a freak and eat it in one go.”
Kageyama’s scowl softens when a piece of fried tempura lands in his bowl in exchange for a piece of tonkatsu. A glint of delight gleams in the two pair of eyes at the first bite of delicious food, taste buds tingling in satisfaction.
It’s a rainy Wednesday night. And rainy nights call for warm comfort food to make up for the gloomy wet weather brought by the pitter patter parade of fat rain droplets. So after a spontaneous text message, here you are, with an old close friend of yours, inside a small cosy shop hidden in an alleyway without any prior arrangements.
“And let me repeat myself. I’m not going to do any dumb dance trends with you again.” Kageyama restates his point firmly.
“Come on, you had so much fun the last time! Even Tsukki sent a good job sticker in the group chat.” You reason.
“You mean he enjoyed seeing me almost tripping over my feet.”
“That was the highlight, to be honest.”
He smacks your chopsticks away with his at your attempt to snag another piece of tonkatsu, not giving in into your pout.
“Anyway, I was just kidding. You’re in luck this time because it’s not a dance trend.”
Kageyama raises an eyebrow at you suspiciously, tilting his head to ask you to continue on.
“This time it’s a trend where you grab your nearest book, turn to page 30, and the first sentence will describe your love life. Interesting, isn’t it?”
“Just when I thought you’ve outgrown these ridiculous nonsenses.”
“Says the one who still insists on drinking a box of strawberry milk before matches.” You jab your chopsticks towards his direction accusingly.
“That’s different because it actually works. And it’s good.” He counterattacks by returning your gesture.
“I hate to say this but, point taken.”
He triumphantly snickers as you sigh in defeat.
“Aren’t you curious on how my love life is described?” You question, blowing off the steam from your spoon full of udon.
Kageyama chomps on another piece of pork cutlet, unamused at your question. “If you’re generous enough to share, I’d be honoured.”
“‘He smiles’”
“That’s the first sentence on my page 30. ‘He smiles’.” You reply matter-of-factly, taking a sip of your hot green tea.
“What’s that even supposed to mean?” His brows knit in confusion, hands momentarily forgetting the spoonful of curry rice in hand.
“Use your imagination, Tobio. Awaken your romantic cells.” You gesture with your hands dramatically, earning a deadpan look from the boy seated across you.
“Does it mean whoever’s smiling is the love of your life? Or someone who’s always smiling?” Kageyama rests his cheek against his left knuckle, trying to connect the dots together.
“Wait a minute! Don’t tell me it’s Suga-san. Because if it is, I won’t allow it because Suga-san is way too good for you.”
He yelps as you not-so-accidentally dip your chopsticks stained with broth into his green tea.
“Shush, we both know how much Suga-san adores me. And everyone else.” You smugly take another bite of your fried tempura as he frowns in disgust after drinking the now broth infused green tea.
“I guess it’s feeling of love at the sight of his smile? Like feeling all warm and fuzzy seeing him smile.”
“Is there someone who makes you feel that way with their smile?”
You swirl the udon with your chopsticks mindlessly for a moment. “Maybe there is.”
You look up to the pair of blue eyes staring back at you, holding the intense gaze firmly, neither side backing down to break the tension.
“Do I know him?” Kageyama falters, a hint of anxiousness cracks in his voice.
“Since when were you so interested in my love life?” You laugh awkwardly, hoping to conceal your nervousness.
Despite the surrounding bustling chatter, the world suddenly falls painstakingly silent, with the irregular beats of two young hearts thumping deafeningly and out of rhythm.
The raven-haired boy succumbs first, looking back down to his half empty bowl. You continue swirling your bowl of udon, mentally slapping yourself at your answer and cracking your head to come up with something to save the mood.
“Well, I could help to scan him for you, if you want. Boys know boys better after all,”
You snap back up to look at the boy seated across you, eyes not meeting yours. This is a surprise.
“Plus, you can save the tears and snot to yourself because I might not be free to attend to your midnight crying sessions. If it really happens.”
A surge of warmth radiates throughout your body at his words. Definitely not from the hot bowl of udon.
Kageyama still has his eyes on the bowl before him, looking anywhere else but you. He tries to keep himself busy by scooping more rice, groaning as he further destroys the onsen tamago, unaware of the faint blush painting his cheeks. Definitely not from the hot bowl of curry, too.
“Don’t worry, he isn’t a jerk. I’m sure you’ll like him too.” You chuckle, adjusting your chopsticks to pick up more udon.
Oh, Kageyama Tobio, what exactly should I do with you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
Scroll. Refresh. Switch apps. Repeat. Sigh.
You’ve been stuck in this constant loop for the past hour. Instead of getting much needed sleep for the next day, you subject yourself to the chains of the device held in your hand, despite the drooping eyelids and strained arm muscles.
What’s so fascinating about social media anyway? If it’s not friends or random acquaintances posting sinful food pics of ootds, it’d be someone ranting about either their work or love life, or memes you’ve already seen before. Sometimes you wonder if you’ve been casted a spell by social media.
Crying out a yelp as the gadget lands right in your face at the slip of your hands, you massage your nose bridge and forehead from the impact, grimacing in pain. It’s not easy being a slave to social media, huh.
Tossing your phone to the side, you roll over to lie flat on your back, sprawled like a star fish on your bed. A long sigh escapes your lips, eyes staring blankly at the bare celling above. Maybe you should really call it a day.
A beep from your phone tells you otherwise.
Tobio [23:17]
I did it. You owe me one box of strawberry milk.
You immediately plop yourself up to sit cross-legged on your bed, tapping on the notification to open the message. As expected of Kageyama Tobio, it was a full-page picture of a book, with a small number 30 on the top left-hand corner. But unexpectedly of Kageyama Tobio too, the page wasn’t from those volleyball books or magazines stacked in the corner of his room. Looks like the mini ramble session you gave him on the way to the metro station worked.
“I know volleyball is the love of your life too, but we’re talking about your actual love life here! So no volleyball books or magazines, go rummage Miwa-san’s book shelf for one random romance novel. Just one. She’ll thank me for taking care of your love life.”
Sliding both your thumbs outwards on the screen to zoom in, your lips press together to form an ‘o’, brows arching in fascination at the first sentence.
She knows.
Your fingers dance across the screen swiftly.
me [23:20]
Ohhh interesting. See, it’s exciting, isn’t it?
Tobio [23:21]
I guess so
me [23:22]
Do you think it describes your love life well?
To actually imagine Kageyama Tobio having something that he loves as much as volleyball is, an odd and foreign feeling.
Tobio [23:24]
I’m not sure tbh
me [23:25]
Well spill the tea so I can help you analyse it
Tobio [23:25]
You swear you would throw punches at him if he was beside you now.
me [23:26]
Tsk tsk, so who’s the girl you’ve been hiding from me
Tobio [23:27]
Since when were you interested in my love life?
The use of your own words against you has you clicking your tongue in amusement.
You were contemplating between a civil or sarcastic remark when a new message bubble pops up.
Tobio [23:29]
But do you think she knows?
me [23:30]
About what?
Tobio [23:31]
Nvm, forget what I said
Seriously? This conversation is by no means, ending like this. You tap on the video icon on the right-hand corner of the screen hastily.
It takes a few rings for the familiar face to appear on screen, face a little too close to the camera, brows furrowed, lips pursed.
“What the heck, do you know what time it is?” Kageyama huffs in annoyance, running his fingers through his dishevelled black hair.
“Says the one who sent me such juicy information at this hour.” You bend your legs up, resting your hand on your knees for a better angle.
He throws his head back exasperatedly, muttering something inaudible along the static noise from the speakers, resting his head on a wooden frame you recognise. He still hasn’t changed his bed that he has long outgrown, complaining about soreness in his legs and arms that dangle off the edge every night.
“How do you expect me to go to bed with you hanging me like this? You have the worst timing ever.” You raise your hands in protest.
Kageyama buries half of his face in his palm. “I shouldn’t have listened to you.”
“But you get a box of strawberry milk from this! It’s worth it.” You gesture a finger gun to him knowingly.
He moves two fingers away from his face, peeking to see you through the screen like a child. Heaving a long, heavy sigh, he shifts his weight to sit up properly, half of his face still cradled in his palm.
“So, ‘she knows’, huh. Back to your question. What do you think she knows?” A tinge of excitement and fear bubble up your throat.
Kageyama avoids your gaze, looking to the side. “Well, I mean, about my, er- my feelings, I guess?”
“You mean your heart.”
The sentence has his eyes back on you, vivid blue eyes clouded by the shadows of dimly lit room.
“Yeah, uhm, well, I guess.” His voice trails off.
“Well, have you told her before?” You keep your voice steady.
“No, of course.” His words come out like a whisper.
“Then how is she going to know without any words or actions?” It comes out like a blunt statement, but somewhere deep down, a wave of relief washes over you.
“But I’m always there for her. Whenever she needs me, wherever she is, I try my best to be there for her,” Passionate flames ignite across the vast blue ocean. “I know something is on her mind when she bites the insides of her cheeks, when she flicks the tip of her thumb with her index finger constantly, or when she plays with the piercings on her ears. I’m not one with words, but I stay by her side when she needs me to, listening to her rambles or vents, or wiping away tears that stain her cheeks soft like mochi.
“I set notifications the night before to give her morning calls during her exams or important days because she tends to snooze the alarm on days like these. I always have extra band-aids ready on hand because she always somehow cuts and hurts herself, which hurts my heart too. Heck, I even learn ridiculous things that would be the death of me just for her, because nothing compares to the sparkle in her eyes when she flashes her precious smile, brighter than the sun that takes my breath away every time. I-”
Kageyama stops midway, face painted with horror as if he just let out a million-dollar secret. Panic flares in his eyes, mouth agape in incredulity as his body rigids, dumbstruck with terror by what rolled off his tongue so smoothly. You wonder if the line got disconnected because he turned into a static image, with a full-blown flustered look on his face.
You wave at the screen. “Tobio, you still there?”
It takes a few seconds for the raven-haired boy to snap back to his senses and regain his composure, coughing awkwardly in attempt to calm himself down. Small patches of blush blooming furiously on his cheeks peek out from his hands covering his mouth.
He looks cute.
No, he’s cute.
He’s always been cute.
“I- Er- Ye- Yeah, I’m still here.” Kageyama struggles to find words from his tad-larger-than-average vocabulary vault that has seem to disappear into thin air.
“Gosh, breathe Tobio, breathe. Come on, take a deep breath with me. One, two, three.”
He exhales deeply at the count of three with eyes shut close, hoping that all his jitters have been expelled away in the air.
“There you go. Feel better now?” Your lips tug up gently as the boy on the screen visibly relaxes, shoulders loosening from the tension, face free of creased lines.
He opens his eyes slowly, blinking a few times to adjust his vision before returning a soft smile to you. “Yeah, I do. Thanks.”
A tranquil silence blankets over the both of you. This time, the steady beats of two young hearts thump in tune like a metronome. Two young souls gaze at each other, basking in the calmness and comfort of the sincere warm smiles that felt so much like home; but too proud to admit they were like lovesick fools, brushing off the feelings that were screaming loudly to be heard, feelings that they were afraid to face.
“Do you think she knows?” It’s a genuine question, one that takes a mountain high of courage to come up with.
“I’m sure she does.” It’s a genuine answer, one that takes a of couple hundred meters of might to emerge from the deep ends of the sea to come up with.
And you both hope that you’re on the same wavelength.
“So back to square one. Who’s the girl?”
“None of your business.”
“Another piece of crap from you and I’ll leave without you at the metro station tomorrow.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
When you reach the designated exit of the metro station the next day, a pair of eyes as blue as the day immediately catches your attention among the crowd, feet shuffling on its own accord towards them. As if there was a detector sensing your presence within him, the owner of the beautiful pair of orbs turns to you, raising a hand in greeting.
Kageyama gives you a smile, a smile that says, ‘I hope my smile makes you feel warm and fuzzy’.
You smile back at him, with a smile that says, ‘I hope you know that I know your heart’.
It’s hard to shake off the pride to be damned, but the two lovesick fools find themselves discarding it slowly, bit by bit with each step taken, together.
Kageyama is a creature of routine. He always has his day planned out in detail and hates it when it doesn’t go according to plan, or when something pops out of the blue. But there are a few which he can make exceptions for. So when he receives your text asking for dinner after his training session, he agrees in a heartbeat.
He felt his heart sink deeply in his guts when you said there was, indeed, someone who made you feel warm and fuzzy with their smile. But who was he to have his say when his status was merely just a close friend?
Miwa thought he had lost it when he barged into her room without notice that night, scanning her bookshelf for novels, specifically of the romance genre. It was more nerve-wrecking than retaking exams back in high school with Hinata while flipping through the pages, and it didn’t help much when he finally found the particular page, with the first line inked in black staring back at him in doubt.
He doesn’t know why he sent the picture of the page to you. What exactly was he expecting?
Worse, he doesn’t even know why he started blabbing about how he was always there for you, how much he cares for you, and how much you mean to him. It all just came out so naturally that he could actually score an A+ for impromptu speaking.
But when your eyes were filled with concern while calming him down instead of making fun of him or pestering him for more, something flutters in his mind. Maybe it was from the rush of adrenaline from before, or maybe it was his heart that had leaped out from his chest taking over. He brings up the question once again, with more confidence this time.
He knows you’re not one to lie with your eyes. And he sees the kindness and honesty in them.
A ray of hope flickers in him.
So today, Kageyama musters up every ounce of courage he has, and tells himself it’s now or never: to close the gap he has longed for so long between two hands that swayed side by side. Instead of retreating his hands away when they brush against yours, he curls the tip of his fingers with yours delicately, as if your fingers would melt at his touch.
He hopes that he made the right decision.
And when your fingers curl back, intertwined with his, he knows he has made the right decision, and that his question has been answered.
She knows.
And the fact that he’s the one behind the smile that makes you go all warm and fuzzy, he swears it feels like he could run for miles and miles without running out of breath, soaring even higher than the clouds in the skies. None of the perfect sets he has set in his lifetime could compare to the satisfaction and bliss he was feeling right now.
Because you had set his life ablaze the moment fate brought the both of you together, and you’re his end game.
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shimmeringclouds · 3 years
Karamatsu - Lycoris Radiata
𝘠𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘪!𝘒𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Dim. Yet warm. You figured that's how a forest would be during the summer.
With that thought in mind, however, it didn't help you whatsoever with finding the path you were supposed to be walking along. Of course you would lose track of where you were meant to be walking; wandering minds and feet aren't exactly a good pair.
Glancing upward through the mess of tree branches and leaves, you could just about make out the glimmer of stars above you. Looks like you missed dinner. Again. Was it really so hard for you to go for a relaxing walk in the woodlands?
Sighing, you rubbed your upper thighs. Sore. The blood pumping through them felt weird against the fabric of your trousers, thumping uncomfortably against your fingers. Tingling. Just... weird.
Tree trunks stood by attentively, waiting patiently for your tired figure to curl up against its' bark. And you did just that, groaning as you stretched out your arms and legs. Your arms fell with a thud to your sides, fingers absentmindedly caressing the cool grass beneath you.
...Now what? Were you just going to sit there for the rest of the night? A ridiculous idea, surely. However, it was the only thing you could do. It's not like you knew if anyone was nearby to help you get home and, even then, you didn't think you could just trust anyone you would meet in the middle of the woods at night.
Another sigh. You're good at those, aren't you? You tried to take a look at your surroundings, only to see the dark figures of trees and bushes (at least, you hoped they were bushes). Dark blues and greens, hues of black, absences of colour.
A flash of red. A stark contrast to the deep colours around you. A beautiful flower, you saw. Its' crimson petals clustered together in the centre, with numerous similar coloured stems curling upwards, swaying and dancing with the wind.
"A Spider Lily, huh?" you muttered. You reached out and grazed the tips of your finger against it, a small smile tugging at your lips. "You shouldn't bloom here, all alone like this..."
Your mind briefly wandered back to a conversation you had had with a friend at some point throughout the week. Being the flower enthusiast she was, you always allowed yourself to become subject to her seemingly endless rants about flowers, plants, herbs - anything that she had knowledge about. You remembered what she had said about these richly coloured beauties.
'If you see someone that you may never meet again, these flowers will bloom along the path.'
It sounded like a beautiful but tragic piece of poetry. You began to wonder where the myth had even come from. When was it first spoken? Was it based on true events? Was it really such a bad thing, not meeting someone again?
You knew, from experience, that letting people leave your everyday life was actually beneficial for yourself. Although it took you a number of years to realise it, you found that the kinds of people you attracted were a lot worse than they appeared to be. Deep down, they were monsters. Horrible people, who have the audacity to call themselves human.
Of course it was painful, but only at first. Now, it didn't bother you much anymore. Your soul felt lighter, if anything, indicating that you were getting better, not worse.
Releasing the flower from your ghost of a grasp, you leaned your head back, closing your eyes. That was enough for today. It was time to rest for a while. Breathing in, and out, slowly, ever so slowly, a feeling of slumber crept its way into your body.
Relaxing your tense muscles, you released a long, heavy breath. Sleep.
"It's dangerous to sleep out here, my dove."
An unholy shriek escaped from your throat suddenly, and you pushed your body away from the tree you were leaning against, crawling rapidly across the ground. Whipping your body around, your wide eyes landed on the lantern that outlined the shadowy figure, who stood just behind where you were previously sitting.
"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, angel!"
The deep, husky voice that whispered into your ear became slightly higher pitched and frantic. You saw the figure step forward, causing you to flinch.
"Ah, do not worry, princess. I won't harm you..."
"That's what they all say!" you blurted out. A short silence followed before you asked:
"Who.. Who are you?"
The figure stepped forward, raising its' lantern to reveal itself.
It was... a man. Yet he wasn't human. His skin was pale, eyes surrounded by red markings. On top of his brown hair was a pair of glowing blue horns, which seemed to flow like fire. his clothing seemed old fashioned, covering his slightly built figure in dark robes of satin and ribbons. The lantern that he held also emitted the same coloured light as his horns, flickering before you.
"You may call me Karamatsu, my dear," he bowed slightly, a cat-like grin crossing his features. "I am but a humble spirit who spotted a wandering soul, lost and alone in a forest that humans should be cautious with. Perhaps some guidance is in your best interest?"
"I, uhm... You're not.. human?" A deep chuckle sounded, sending a shiver up your spine. It was echoey. As if, even though he was standing right in front of you, he was still so far away.
"I'm afraid not, flower. I am an Aoandon. But do not be afraid, I am not here to hurt you. I would only be a guilty guy if I were to leave such a beautiful woman alone in the woods, where anything could happen."
He reached out a partially gloved hand to your figure, still on the ground.
"Please, allow my light to guide you home."
You were sure that if you could see the words he spoke, they would be surrounded by flowers and sparkles. You never knew a man - or anyone, for that matter - to speak in such an overzealous manner.
However, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It didn't make you feel uncomfortable. Quite the opposite, actually. You guessed that's why you reached up and grasped his unnaturally cold hands, allowing him to pull you upwards in a swift motion. He grinned softly down at you, making you realise just how short you were compared to him.
"May I ask for your name, love? Or would you prefer the names I give you?" he winked. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes, in fear that he would actually hurt you if you got on the wrong foot. So he was a gentleman and a flirt? What an odd combination.
"[Y/N]..." you decided to not answer his second question. It was probably for the best.
"[Y/N]. A wonderful name! As gorgeous as the stars above! I am certain that they aligned to create a bridge just for us to meet on this special night!" Karamatsu's hands were waving around in wild, extravagant gestures. He looked ridiculous. What a strange character.
"I- .. Sure.."
For most of the journey, you listened to this... spirit, ramble nonsense about the scenery around you, or about your features that he found endearing. There were times where he would deliberately lower his voice into something he thought was sultry and enticing, peering into your eyes with a smouldering stare. You didn't mind the dip in his voice at all, not a single bit. It was just the way that the poor man was clearly trying too hard to make you fall for him.
'He clearly has never been successful with any woman before... How cute!'
You couldn't help yourself. You had just met him, and you already wanted to know more about him. Was that weird? Probably. Maybe it was the touch-starved part of yourself that was talking, longing to be held in someone's arms after being neglected by so many for so long.
"Watch your step here, my dear." His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, peering up at him to see this a pale hand was held out to assist you. You gladly took hold of it, fingers grasping his colder ones. Even as he helped you over a few jagged rocks in your path, you weren't willing to let go just yet. Although his skin was cold, his touch felt inviting and comforting.
You didn't want to let go yet.
And it seemed that Karamatsu was overjoyed by this, his eye glistening with a kind of happiness that you had never seen a human hold before.
"A-Are you afraid, sweetheart? There is nothing to fear, not as long as I am here by your side! However, if you wish to hold me tightly, I will never object you!" The slight tremor of nervousness in his words sounded so endearing to you.
"Good, because I wasn't planning to let go just yet."
You had never seen a human wear such a broad and satisfied smile, either. It was contagious, causing you to smile timidly up at him in return.
Eventually, though, your midnight stroll had to come to an end for the both of you. Karamatsu had led you to the beginning of the trail where, just a little further ways down, was a bus stop for you to get home.
"We have arrived, my angel."
"Ah... right," you mumbled, slight disappointment seeping through your tone. Karamatsu chuckled, his cat-like grin widening slightly.
"What is this? Is my fair maiden unwilling to let me go?"
"Something like that..." you mumbled, keeping your face directed towards the ground as you released your hold from his arm. Karamatsu's cheeks bloomed pink, a shade darker under the moonlight.
"A-Ah! Well," luckily, he was able to snap out of his surprised stupor, "Do not be so sullen, my moonbeam!"
"I'm sure the stars will align once again to reunite us as we journey through our lives together, and one day... One day, maybe..."
His bold tone suddenly simmered down to a gentle murmur, almost lost to the breeze if you weren't standing so close to him. A gentle smile was on his face now, his eyes glazed over in reminiscence of something akin to a far away daydream.
"I hope, one day, our paths cross again, my love."
His cold fingers caressed your own, lifting them up to press a chaste kiss onto your knuckles. It may have been brief, but the cold touch burned itself into your skin, lasting as he slowly, reluctantly, pulled away.
"Have a safe journey home, angel!" He grinned, saluting quickly before turning away, holding his flickering lantern before him to lead his way back into the forest he called his home.
You had no words left in you. They had all been snatched away by his comforting words and soft touches. His kind eyes, his dazzling smile. His glowing aura that led you through the darkness around you.
Ah, but good things never last long for you. You had to leave before you missed the next bus. You had leave this lonely, broken soul behind. Just like how he had no choice but to leave yours.
Turning away, you caught a glimpse of red from the corner of your eyes.
A trail of red spider lilies. Standing tall and blooming where he once stood a moment ago.
'Please... Meet me here again. One day.'
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lilachaeyo · 3 years
Staying in the Shadows (A Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 4 - Dropping Out.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (Part I) Chapter 3 (Part II)
"Two Ichiraku Special, please," Jinko ordered as both her and Mitsuki sat at a table.
"Ichiraku ramen is the best ramen in the world!" Jinko looked at Mitsuki. The room smelled of spices and filled with customers chatting amongst themselves. The place had been redecorated. It was much larger than Jinko remembered. Jinko couldn't recognise it.
"Here you go!" A waiter placed their food. Both of them said their prayers and dug in. Mitsuki was gulping the noodles. His eyes were wide, amazed at the taste. Jinko chuckled at him. Mitsuki finished his bowl when Jinko's bowl was half. "Do you want some more?" she asked. Mitsuki shook his head. Mitsuki wanted to ask her about her past but was not sure how to bring up the subject. Jinko knew something was on Mitsuki's mind but she let it slide. He will tell her when he wants to.
"Uh, Jinko," Mitsuki interrupted in between her bite.
"Hm?" she asked.
"How come you never told me that you're from Konoha?"
She swallowed her morsel before replying, "Never came up. Didn't think it was important." It wasn't just that. She didn't want to bring up the subject as she didn't want to remember those days. Only few people knew of it, most of them were dead. Orochimaru knew some of it, but not everything.
"Well I'm bringing it up. Could please tell me?"
Jinko sighed. "I'm from Tao clan, which is a small but a proud clan of the Konoha. I grew up here, went to the academy and became a genin."
"What happened after that?" Mitsuki asked. He was curious about her past life. She was from Konoha meaning she might know some of the people here. What if she knew Naruto Uzumaki? The thought wasn't very far from his mind.
"Something came up and I had to dropout from the programme," she answered looking down. Mitsuki couldn't believe his ears. Dropping out of the programme? How can she quit? What was so important to give up being a shinobi?
"Why!" he exclaimed.
"It's a story for some other time. Nothing special. I don't want you to dwell on these trivial details," Jinko shook him off. "Now if you are done, we should leave and find ourselves a hotel to rest. I don't know about you but I'm pretty beat."
Jinko paid the bill before standing up and leaving the hotel with Mitsuki on toll.
After an hour of searching, Jinko and Mitsuki finally settled in a two room suite, which wasn't too hard on their budget. After making sure that Mitsuki was asleep, Jinko slid into her own bed. The streets seemed silent. It must be around midnight, she thought. Although she was tired Jinko couldn't make herself to go to sleep. Her mind kept going back to her past.
It had been months since formation of the Team 7. The missions assigned to them where only D-ranked. Naruto was becoming a nag, always complaining how bored he was with these mission and how he was ready for some serious ones. Tch, baka.
Ever since the bell test Jinko knew she was the weakest amongst them and she had to train extra hard for her to be of any use. She got up every morning and practiced her punches and shuriken throwing skills. She meditated before going to bed to increase her chakra control. She even asked Isao, her older brother to spar with her but he was too busy. Teme, if he ever comes to me asking for help, she thought grudgingly. These D-rank missions were easy as it didn't require any Ninjutsu or any other skills for that matter but she knew the day wasn't far away that she might have to go on a C-rank or B-rank missions.
Team 7 was in the Hokage's office for their new mission. "I don't want any of these baby missions. I want some real mission," Naruto yelled.
"How dare you! You're only freshly graduated genin and you are going to do missions D-ranked only, just like everybody else!" Iruka sensei yelled back.
"Naruto, listen to me," the Third said calmly. "Different people come to our village for missions and then we analyse them and categorize them into A, B..."  Lord Hokage was explaining how the village works but Naruto, Kakashi, Sasuke, Jinko and Sakura all zoned out and started listening to Naruto who was talking about ramen. "So I had this Tatsu ramen yesterday and I think I need Miso ramen today—"
"Silence!" Hokage silenced him. They directed their attention to him now.
"Ah! You always lecture me as if you're my grandfather or something! But I'm not the brat who pulled pranks all the time. I'm a ninja now and I want some ninja mission!" Naruto puffed his cheeks out and turned his back to lord Hokage.
Both Iruka and the Third laughed at his antics. "Alright. Since Naruto wants us to know that he is a former brat and want some ninja mission. So be it. I will assign you all one since you are so determined." This piqued Naruto's interest and he turned to the Hokage again.
"I'm giving you a C- rank mission. You are going to be the body guards of our client."
"Really? Who? Is it some feudal lord? Or a princess?" Naruto began rambling. Everyone was excited for the higher level mission but Jinko was sweating bullets. She knew this day was coming but never thought this early. Damn you, Naruto! she thought. She wasn't ready yet. D- rank missions were easy and nobody really understood each other's capabilities. But C- rank mission will be different. They would need to use their skills and talent. What if they laugh at Jinko for being so weak?
The door of the office was opened and in stepped a drunk old man. "What? A bunch of snot nosed kids," he slurred. "And you, the little one with an idiotic look on your face."
"Who's with the idiotic look on the face?" Naruto laughed. Everyone stepped closer to Naruto and he understood that it was him. "I'll demolish you!" He started flailing his punches around in the air.
Kakashi hold him back, "You can't demolish the client Naruto!"
"Now if you leave the room, I have some important matter to discuss with Jinko," the Third voiced over all the ruckus. Jinko looked at the Hokage, "Huh, me?"
"Yes." Everyone left the room and Jinko was now facing Iruka sensei and the Hokage. He put his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers. He looked gravely at Jinko, almost like he knew whatever he wanted say wouldn't settle with her. He pitied her. Jinko was scared. Her mind overworking her imagination. Was someone dead? Is it Isao? No that can't be I saw him leave today. Who then? I'm I in trouble? Is it because of my performance? Jinko kept searching the ground as if it had answers.
"Jinko, your parents and I had a meeting this morning about your future. They had a peculiar request," he said, finally breaking the silence.
"A request?" Jinko's eyebrows creased.
"They came here for your unenrolment from the programme."
Unenrolment? "What do you mean?" Jinko asked incredulously.
The Hokage sighed. "They don't want you to continue being a shinobi. They want you to drop out," he said grievously.
"But why?" Jinko exclaimed. Outside the door, her team and Tazuna was interrupted in their argument by her loud, distressed voice.
"That you are going to have to discuss it with your family, my dear," the old man replied. His voice laced with sorrow for the girl. Jinko's eyes filled with tears, looking pleadingly at him to help her out. Her face flushed and a knot was forming in her stomach. Why would they do this? She thought many reasons as to what made her parents to take this step. Never in her wildest imagination she would have guessed the actual reason which would be released to her later that day.
"That's all, my child. There's nothing I can do here. If your parents change their mind then you can rejoin your team but till then I must strictly ask you to not participate in any kind of missions with your comrades."
Jinko couldn't hold it any longer. As soon as the Hokage was finished, she slammed opened the door and darted past her fellow comrades. She had her arm around her eyes to hide her tears but she couldn't help the sob that left her lips. Everyone outside were surprised by the sudden loud sound of the door slamming against the wall. Their faces were of confusion and concern for their teammate who passed by them sobbing. Even Sasuke was taken aback. "Hey Jinko! What's the matter? Where you going?" Naruto tried to stop her but his voice didn't reach her ears. He was about to run after her but Kakashi stopped him. "We have a mission to worry about," he told him, knowing full well of the conversation that was held inside. The Hokage broke the news to him just after Jinko's parents left. Naruto couldn't argue with him. Kakashi was right. I would ask her on our way to the Land of Waves, he thought.
"Mother!" Jinko yelled as she barged inside her house. "Mother! Father!"
"What is it Jinko? Should a lady be yelling this loud?" her mother chastised her as she came out into the living room.
"Mother what is this nonsense about you asking me to drop out?" Jinko asked wiping away her tears and fixing her attire.
"Yes. Your father and I need to talk with you," her mother replied calmly. "But before that, go and clean yourself. I will not have you in my house looking this filthy!"
Jinko went to her room and changed into her yukata. After tidying herself, she went downstairs in the living room. Jinko sat in front of her parent in a seiza, with her head bowed down. Her father, the head of the Tao clan, cleared his throat. "Jinko, my dear, you know how the Tao clan works, correct? We may be small but we are a proud clan. We are not powerful like the Uchihas, or have renowned kekkei genkai like the Hyugas, but we have connections. Connections which make us stronger, perhaps even more than the Uchihas. We maintain these connections by having good relations.
"And these good relations are because of mutual respect and a little give and take. Some times they make requests and we have to abide them, if we don't there will be consequences. Consequences which harm our clan's reputation. The same goes for them, dear—"
"But what does that have to do with me dropping out?" Jinko cut him off. "Quiet! Shouldn't you know better than to interrupt your father!" Jinko's mother shushed her. Jinko looked down at her hands clutching her yukata.
"As I was saying, a request has been made by the Eguchi clan from the Land of Silk. A request which involves you. The son of the feudal lord, heir of the Eguchi clan and you are arranged to be married." Jinko's father finished. There was silence in the room. Jinko sat transfixed, clutching her yukata. Her eyes flickered with shock. Married? He is not serious. He can't be!
"But why?" Jinko wailed. "Why me? I don't want to marry!"
"The Eguchi clan and Tao clan are bounded together by our common perspectives and our respect to our ancient principles and our traditions. They wanted a daughter in-law from a family with such beliefs. No better than the daughter of the Tao clan, don't you think?" her father explained. His face showed no emotion. He was unfazed by his daughters tears, which were now running down her cheeks.
"Now," her mother started this time. She looked almost bursting with joy to tell her further news. "They wanted a lady, one who could bear them their heirs and not a shinobi. That is why you will be dropping out of the programme and stay at home. I will teach you all the things that an ideal and perfect housewife needs to know. You'll be a real lady in no time." She smiled at her proud. Her mother got up and walked around the table. She bent down and hugged Jinko with her thin arms. She then proceeded to kiss Jinko's wet cheeks, all the while Jinko was motionless. Her mother then got up from her position and left with her father, both talking about being fortunate to receive such a proposal. Neither of them paying heed to Jinko.
A tear slipped from Jinko's eye as she remembered the day which turned her world upside down. She quickly wiped it away and shut her eyes to get some sleep, but orange light shimmered through her windows and fell upon her bed. The birds started chirping and the swishing of the brooms sweeping the road was heard. Well, might as well arrange breakfast before Mitsuki wakes up, she thought. Jinko stretched as she stepped out of her bed and started her day.
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Blue Eyes Part 19
Summary: After the Garrison is shot up, the youngest Shelby daughter finds a new home in London. She strips herself of her last name and tries to live a peaceful life far away from her brothers’ chaos in Birmingham. But fate leads her right back into it after she runs into Alfie Solomons.
Part 19: Tea leaves don’t lie. 
Warnings: Miscarriage
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       Niall Devlin was having quite a day. The Shelby brothers had been winding up the entire factory with an impromptu boxing match and they were still unaware of the revolution. The man blamed this on Tommy’s lack of listening. Not that Devlin thought it would matter whether they knew or not. It would just spare him so grief later on.
           Bonnie had displayed his fighting prowess much to the shock of the workers. There was still a lingering crowd, all buzzing with disbelief at what they’d just witnessed.
           That’s when the doors to the factory flew open and Mr. Devlin’s day got even hairier.
           Most of the works quieted when Alfie Solomons stormed across the floor. No one dared stand in his way because he looked beyond pissed.
           The Jewish man snapped his fingers at Niall, assuming he had at least some sort of power because he was better dressed than the others and holding a clipboard. “You. Where’s Tommy?” He demanded.
           Mr. Devlin looked rattled. “Erm, he’s upstairs in a meeting now.” He relayed.
           “Great.” Alfie began climbing the stairs, his cane falling heavily on the wood floor.
           “Well-wait, sir, I cannot have you interrupting Mr. Shelby.” Niall scurried after him. “It’s very important and-”
           Alfie stopped halfway on the stairs and looked at the assistant. His eyes teeming with rage from under the brim of his hat. “Mr. Shelby and I are family now. Family is very important, innit? S’pecially to him. Family comes first, therefore,” He put a hand over his heart. “I come first.” With that, he continued towards Tommy’s office.
           Mr. Devlin swallowed nervously and trailed after the man, ready for Tommy to chew him out for letting Alfie that far.
           Alfie banged on the door, rolling his eyes at the S initial embellished everywhere around him.
           “I’m busy!” Tommy yelled back.
           Frankly, it was laughable that anyone thought they could turn Alfie away. So he barged through the door.
           His brother-in-law, fuck that would take some getting used to, looked incredulous. A woman was sat across from him at his desk and looked a little annoyed, albeit confused by the intrusion.
           “Alfie, I’m in a meeting.”
           “Oh, that’s nice, mate. I don’t fucking care.” Alfie spat. “Love, if you could give us a minute, this is about family matters.” He addressed Jessie.
           The woman scoffed. It was difficult enough trying to secure the appointment with Tommy, she wasn’t about to let it be interrupted. “I think you could wait a minute.” She shot back. “And don’t call me that.”
           Alfie raised an eyebrow. “Tommy I didn’t think you associated with women who actually fucking stood up for themselves.”
           Jessie wasn’t impressed. “We have business to discuss. If you wouldn’t mind…”
           “To be honest, I don’t fucking care if you’ve got business.”
           Tommy removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes wearily. “Jessie, he won’t leave until I’ve spoken to him.” He informed her frankly. “It’ll only be a moment and we’ll resume talking.”
           Jessie frowned sourly but stood up to leave.
           “Thank you.” Alfie shut the door behind her. “Did Ella come here?” He demanded.
           “No. I haven’t seen her since this morning.” Tommy replied. It was exhausting going back and forth between business and family issues.
           “Did she ask you for anything?” Alfie remained standing, both hands placed over the top of his cane.
           “Nothing? You fucking sure ‘bout that?”
           Tommy placed his glasses back on and looked up at the man. “She spoke to me about unsettling dreams she was having.”
           “Right, mentioned the same thing to me. Now she wants you to give her dope so she won’t dream. Won’t fucking listen to me, right, when I tell her to stay away from that shit. Any reason why?”
           “‘Cause her fucking brothers drink that shit like it’s fucking water!” Alfie shouted. “You’ve got her thinking it’s the answer to all her issues ‘cause you lot like to repress your fucking emotions!”
           Tommy took a deep breath. “I never told her it was okay.”
           “Oh right, mate, do as I say not as I fucking do.” Alfie rolled his eyes. “She is pregnant and if I find out that you or anyone in your family has given her drugs, I’m going to wrap you up in a nice little bow and hand-deliver you to Luca Changretta.
           The Blinder looked mildly amused. “Is that a threat, Alfie?”
           “Oh, you’re damn right it is, mate.” He snarled, his face clouding over. “Something about Birmingham, yeah, that makes you more violent. A pit of hell, innit? Guess that fucking explains why you’re the way you are, Thomas. But mark me fucking words, my wife and I are walking out of this place unharmed. Won’t have Birmingham fucking her over. Even if that means we have to walk over your dead body.”
           Tommy lit a cigarette. He’d grown used to Alfie’s colorful vocabulary a long time ago. Sure he knew that the London gangster was more than capable of keeping his vows, but Tommy had a feeling he wouldn’t do anything of the sort. “If she comes to me asking for anything I’ll turn her down.” He responded. “I’ll warn the others to do the same, I’ll pass along your message.”
           The other man had been expecting a little resistance. Tommy did love to argue with him. But it appeared they were on the same page this time around. “Good. Then we won’t have any issues.” Alfie retreated a little from the desk. “I’ll send her back in. Oh, and Tommy, try not to get this one pregnant, aye? Two children outta wedlock, well that’ll just tarnish that glowing reputation of yours won’t it?”
           “Alfie, kindly fuck off.”
           The soft nicker was all too familiar. It was the sweet sound that was like a melody to Ella. The warm greeting from a friendly horse, an old friend, even.
           Ella pushed through the fog on the moor. The rocky terrain unsteady under her bare feet. Her hair was long, almost to her waist, just as she used to keep it as a child. Polly and Ada would braid it for her to keep it out of her face, sometimes sticking wildflowers into the plaits. It made her feel like a Romani queen. Wild and one with the forest.
           Lilac’s sturdy frame came into view. The perfect specimen of an Irish cob. Built to pull and traverse through the toughest of environments. Her coat was a painting of God’s. Beautiful black and white patterns swatched over her form. Her mane was long but kept clean and untangled. The heavenly scent of her namesake wafted in the air. Dried lilacs falling from her wiry mane.
           The mare nickered again to her beloved Romani chavi. She bobbed her head as if nodding to coax the girl over.
           Ella smiled serenely and continued through the fog. When she grew closer, she saw the two foals that had been hidden by the thick fog. Both splattered with identical black and white patterns. They stood on shaky legs, staying close to Lilac.
           Then, they all began to walk away from her.
           Ella wanted to call out to them, to tell them to wait for her but she couldn’t speak. The air was trapped inside her chest. So she kept following the three horses, trying to run to catch up to them but stuck at a walking pace.
           Finally, one of the foals stopped and turned to look at her. Then, a haunting voice traveled over the moors.
           Ella shot up in bed. Sweat plastered her hair to her face, her heart was beating relentlessly against her chest. Through the darkness, she let out a sob that startled Alfie, Cyril, and Anthea awake.
           “El?” Her husband grumbled and groped the sheets to try and find her. “Whasamatter?”
           Cyril whimpered and padded over to the bed, pressing his cold nose to Ella’s hand.
           “The babies...the twins. It’s them. Something’s wrong.” Ella’s voice quivered with fear as she rambled on.
           “What?” Alfie blinked blearily and reached for the bedside lamp. “Ella, what on Earth are you talking ‘bout?”
           “The foals. The foals...oh my God.” She cried and tucked her knees to her chest. “It’s the twins. Something’s going to happen.”
           Warm light flooded the room and Alfie reached out to her. “Ella, it was just a dream. I told you it’s nothing.”
           “It’s not nothing!” She threw the covers back and got out of bed.
           He didn’t want their argument from the previous day carry on into the next but they needed to get through it. “Ella, I’m listening to you. But you need to speak! I want to hear you! If you pull this Shelby nonsense of keeping everything inside ‘til you explode then what am I supposed to fucking do except damage control?”
           “These dreams mean something. Something bad is going to happen!”
           Alfie could’ve argued that bad things were already happening and had been since her brother was shot dead. But he decided being a smartass wasn’t the best course of action.
He rubbed the heel of his hand into his eyes and groaned. “Okay, so what’re you gonna do ‘bout it, love?”
           “I need to talk to Polly.” Ella grabbed Alfie’s discarded shirt off the floor and threw it on over her nightgown.
           “Hang on, you’re gonna go there now?” Alfie got up as well, disturbing Cyril and Anthea at the end of the bed. As he followed his wife, he spotted the time on the old clock in the hallway. “It’s past midnight, love, you can talk to her tomorrow morning.”
           “No, no, no, this is important.”
           “This is important.” She repeated again as if they were the only words she knew. “This is important.”
           Alfie reached out to stop her and pulled her into his arms. “It is important. It’s important, love. But we can wait a few more hours. If you don’t want to sleep then I’ll stay up with you until the morning.”
           Her knees went a little weak as she cried against his chest. “I don’t deserve you.”
           “Nonsense, don’t think like that.” He scolded softly and guided her back to the small bedroom. “Let’s just both calm down.” With care, he got her settled back into bed. “Take a deep breath and just try to forget ‘bout everything.”
           Ella was shaking with anxiety but stifled her quiet sobs and reached out to Alfie.
           “I’m here, I’m here.” He assured her and laid down, letting her cuddle close. Cyril rested his chin on Ella’s feet and Anthea scrambled to sit in her lap.
           She sniffled and pressed her lips to the pitbull’s head.
           “Take a breath.” Alfie soothed again. “Pretend we’re in Margate. Just pretend we’re far away from here.”
           “You look like you haven’t slept much.”
           Ella muttered a sarcastic reply under her breath but she was too tired to argue with anyone. After Alfie had managed to calm her down the night before, she didn’t fall back asleep.
           “What was that?” Polly raised an eyebrow.
           “I said can you read my leaves?” Her niece spoke up and chose not to repeat herself in the risk of losing Polly’s help.
           “Why? You know you’re pregnant and I’m glad you came to terms with it too, saves me a lot of arguing in the future.”
           She yawned and tugged a hand through her tangled curls. “Are you going to help me or not?”
           “Not with that attitude.” Polly retorted and refused to move from her spot by the kitchen table.
           Her aunt moved to the stove while muttering something about Shelbys. Ella dozed off a little at the table while the water boiled. The sound of the kettle whistling woke her up.
           Polly poured the tea and handed her the pale yellow cup before sitting down near her.
           Growing up with Polly and the Lee girls, Ella had her leaves read many times before. Most were vague readings about fortune and misfortune. She’d become a little disillusioned with the practice in her later years. But the dreams of Lilac had reawakened the Traveler beliefs in her. There was a reason for the recurring dream and there was no use in ignoring it anymore.
           Her palms warmed against the porcelain surface. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, smelling the rich leaves.
           “Right, here.” Polly took the cup back leaving Ella in her semi-peaceful state. As her niece kept her eyes closed, she examined the patterns in the dark leaves.
           Something caught her eye and she felt her stomach twist in fear. Clearing her throat, Polly put the cup aside.
           The clink made Ella open her eyes again. “And?”
           “It says you’re in danger,” Polly admitted truthfully. “But that’s clearly because of the Italians.” That had to be it. Ella wasn’t in any more danger than the rest of them were.
           Ella wasn’t too alarmed by the reading. It seemed sound enough. Of course, they were in danger, that came with being a Shelby. Their family was cursed. “Did it say anything about the horses in my dreams?” She leaned over the table to try and see inside the cup even if she couldn’t decipher the pattern.
           “No, it’s just a dream.” Polly forced a comforting smile and touched her shoulder. “Go home with Alfie and rest. If the dreams come, welcome them. Ask what its purpose is. Perhaps you’ll get more answers if you stop fighting.”
           Ella swallowed and nodded. “Thanks, Pol.”
           Alfie was still waiting by Polly’s front door when Ella came out. He was pleased to see she was noticeably more at ease. The tension in her shoulders and worry in her eyes had diminished significantly. The man knew he would have to thank Polly later. “Feel bit better?” He offered his arm to her.
           “Yeah, think so.” She smiled lightly and let him escort her down the street. “I’m sorry about everything. I didn’t mean to scare you or make you angry.”
           “Love, relationships ain’t ever perfect, yeah? They’re work but it’s work that’s fucking worth it.”
           Instead of going home to rest, Ella wanted to walk around Small Heath for a bit with Alfie. The morning was bleak but that was standard for Birmingham. They talked softly, both happy to be back to the semi-normal they could have in Small Heath. They spoke about returning to Margate once it was safe again. It sounded like paradise. The promised land. A little beachside cottage with a newborn boy and girl on the way. A perfectly even family of six. Ella smiled at the idea of Cyril and Anthea meeting the children. How they would get to grow with the dogs and have a bond with them. It was the heaven that seemed so close.
           “Hang on, the strap on me shoe’s slipped.” Ella grimaced and leaned down to fix her heel. “Bloody things are giving me blisters.”
           Alfie was stopped a few feet away from her. “Well, take ‘em off then, I’ll carry them for you and we can head back.” He offered.
           “And get my stockings dirty?” She rolled her eyes and straightened up just as a car passed them on the uneven road.
           Neither noticed the window of the passenger side roll down. Nor did they see a gun being pointed out. “Per Angel e Vincente!” Someone shouted in Italian before three shots rang out.
           Alfie’s blood went cold when he saw the look on Ella’s face turn into shock. A hand went to her abdomen.
         Instinct set in quickly. He drew his gun and turned to fire at the car that was already speeding off. His hand was shaking and he only managed to hit the side and a street lamp.
           Her voice brought his attention back. Alfie pocketed his gun and rushed to her. Both hands clutched over her stomach. Blood was already starting to seep into the blue fabric of her dress.
           His hands were shaking. He’d seen countless wounds of all sorts. In France, he had to learn a little bit of trench first aids to keep his subordinates alive. He knew how to get a bullet out and wasn’t too shabby at stitching someone back up. But seeing his wife bleeding caused him to hurtle into such a state of panic that he couldn’t even see straight.
           “A-Alfie.” She began to cry. Her blue eyes rolling up to look at the sky above her.
           “Sh, sh, s’alright.” He had to force his brain and body to work. Pulling off his coat, he wrapped it around her torso, pulling at the sleeves to keep it snug. It was no proper tourniquet but it would have to do. “I’ve got you. It’ll be alright.” He bent down to pick her up.
           She inhaled sharply at the movement and wailed in pain.
           “I know love, I know.” Alfie’s heart was racing so fast. Closest ally. Polly. Polly was one street over. Closest ally, closest telephone.
           Polly was a bit more levelheaded than Alfie but that wasn’t saying much. The woman couldn’t take another loss so she was damn well sure her niece would survive.
           “Finn!” She shouted for the youngest Shelby. “Call an ambulance!” She rushed Alfie into the parlor and got Ella onto the couch. “Go to the kitchen, get as many towels as you can.” She ordered Alfie.
           “Polly…” Ella moaned. “Polly, the babies.”
           “Hush, chavi, you’re safe.” Her aunt soothed and opened Ella’s blouse so she could find the wound.
           Her breathing began to become shallower. Tears streamed down her face. “Polly, please. Please save them.” She pled helplessly.
           Alfie returned with the towels and passed them over to Polly one by one. He crouched by Ella’s head, holding her hand and trying to calm her down.
           She screamed when Polly attempted to soak up the blood and apply pressure. It wasn’t out of pain. It was agonizing grief and rage.
           The ambulance arrived shortly after and whisked Ella to the hospital. While she was in surgery, Alfie waited outside in the hallway. It felt like he was slowly being crushed. He slid to the ground, his arms over his head. Ella’s screams echoed in his mind.
           He stayed there. Long enough for Tommy to pass by him and speak with the doctor. The man returned to stand across from Alfie. But he didn’t speak.
           Finally, the silence got to Alfie. He was terrified of the answers to the questions that he asked. “She okay?”
           “Yeah,” Tommy answered. “She’s sleeping now. Doctor says she’ll wake up in a bit.”
           He exhaled shakily. “The babies?”
           There was a pause. Tommy was afraid of unleashing Alfie’s wrath in the middle of the hospital but he had no choice. “They’re gone. She miscarried.”
           Alfie’s hands curled into fists over his head.
           “We formed a blockade. Stopped and searched every car. We found one with two men who had guns. Italians.”
           At the news, the Jewish gangster stood up with the strength of a hurricane. “Where are they?”
          Alfie once found himself thinking about death. For so long he’d become indifferent to the idea. But that was before he met Ella. Before he held another person’s heart. Before he realized he would take an infinite amount of bullets for her. It got him thinking about the death of his family. Something he’d long tried to cover up with the notion that he was stronger than grief. Too busy to properly mourn. And yet they were always there with him because he had yet to let them go. It was safe to say that he would never let them go even if he did acknowledge his grief.
            But death was inevitable, wasn’t it? What was the use in fighting something that was guaranteed to happen? All he could do was make the best of what he had now and worry about greeting death once he was finished.
            That was all well and good but it didn’t account for the fact that Ella would also die. Before or after he did, there was no way of knowing. But it caused him immense pain to consider she would go before he did. Then what would he do? What would he do if she were taken from him too soon?
            He’d once slogged through knee-deep mud in a trench with one of his wounded men on his back. He pushed through the pain to get him to safety and to a nurse. And that was a man he hardly even knew. If something happened to the woman he loved? He was sure he would rip the fabric of time.
            These men, these cowards had nearly taken his Ella from him. Even worse, they had ended the lives of his children. They would learn to hope for immediate death, but Alfie would keep them alive. He’d keep them alive for at least two torturous days. One for each child.
           The warehouse door made a loud bang when it was slammed closed. Alfie stepped inside and felt it was torturous to even walk.  He wanted to jump across the room and rip out the throats of the men who had killed his children.
           The two young men were tied up in chairs side by side. The fear in their eyes only grew when they saw Alfie stalking towards them.
           The epitome of rage. A man who had been brought to the edge and shoved off without warning. A sinner with nothing left to lose.
           “Who are they?” Alfie demanded, not glancing behind him to where Tommy was standing. “They Changrettas?”
           “No,” Tommy replied. “Just Italians from London looking for something to give them credibility.”
           “Fuck.” Alfie began to pace. He was too angry to stand still. “Not even fucking part of…” Unable to finish his sentence, he grabbed one of the men by the throat. “I’d love to hear your reasons, mate, yeah? Reasons for what you fucking did. ‘Cause I can think of two very good fucking reasons to squeeze your neck so hard your fucking eyeballs pop out.” He snarled.
           The man spluttered but couldn’t get any words past the grip around his neck. And the longer Alfie held him there, the more purple he turned.
           Finally, most likely seconds from choking the man out, Alfie released his hand.
           “What ‘bout you? Aye?” The gangster grabbed the second man by the hair and forced him to look him right in the eyes. “Any reasons? Make ‘em good to, ‘cause they might be the last fucking words you speak.”
           “Luca nothing.” Alfie backhanded him. “Luca ain’t your fucking boss, me colleague’s just told me. Luca didn’t shoot me wife in the street.”
           The man whimpered and held back a sob. “Please…”
           “Tommy, you gotta flask?” Alfie interrupted.
           The Blinder reached into his coat and handed it over.
           “Now it’s been years since I last drink, yeah, drank while I were in the war.” Alfie began to speak as if he had an audience. An audience of men headed right for the gallows. Dead men breathing. “Drank to forget ‘bout all the atrocities I came across. Now you lads look like your too fucking young to have even fought in the war. Don’t mean you haven’t seen your fill of violence, yeah. But I’ll tell you a story. Story ‘bout Italians.” He made a show of unscrewing the cap off the silver flask and pocketing it. “Italian like you, fucking pain in the arse, weren’t he? Kept calling me nasty names. Nasty weren’t they? Disrespecting me religion. The chosen people.” With a measure of grace, Alfie began pouring the gin over the two men. It wasn’t enough to drench them, but enough to douse their hair and clothes. When the flask was empty, he threw it to the side. The echo of the metal on the concrete echoed a few times. Alfie put his hands on his knees and bent down slightly to look the men in the eyes. “So I took a fucking nail and I drove it right through his brain. But I weren’t satisfied. Wanna know why?” He raised an eyebrow. “Why? Well, ‘cause he didn’t suffer. He died like that.” He snapped his fingers. “Woulda liked him to suffer a little. Yeah, some sufferings good. I get a headstart on the devil, don’t I?” Alfie straightened up and held a hand out to Tommy. “Your lighter, Tom?”
           The Blinder obliged without questioning.
           “Already know what flesh burning smells like.” Alfie flicked the lighter a few teasing times. The men were sweating and quietly pleading for mercy. “You two wanna find out?”
           “Please!” One of the men broke down in tears and struggled against his restraints.
           “You’d be so lucky.” Alfie snarled and returned the lighter to Tommy. “No, I’m gonna fucking tear you to shreds with me bare hands. You’ll stay alive, awake until I fucking let you die.”
           “We didn’t mean-”
           The words fell on deaf ears. “She were fucking pregnant!” Alfie’s voice rumbled through the room like thunder that was near enough to feel in the ground. You killed my children! Killed them ‘fore they were even born!” His face turned red and he heaved a few breaths before continuing on. “If they don’t get to live, then neither do you.”
           Alfie kept his word. The two assailants were kept clinging to life until forty-eight hours were up. Tommy didn’t leave. In fact, he participated for much of it. Alfie wasn’t the only angry one.
           Once the men stopped breathing, Alfie slumped into a chair. He was covered in blood. His white shirt soaked almost completely, his arms sticky and flecks of red spattered over his face.
           Tommy walked over with a towel. He’d gone to call a few people and wash up a bit. “Ella’s asking for you.” He said quietly.
           Alfie took the towel and weakly scrubbed at his arms. “Didn’t help, Tom.” He muttered.
           “I know. It never does.”
           He put his head in his hands. “Both of ‘em. Fucking hell, I could’ve lost all three of ‘em, mate.”
           “You didn’t though.” Tommy reminded him. “Ella’s going to be okay. You’ll both be okay.”
           To Tommy’s surprise, the man let out a strangled sob. “We were happy, Tom.” His voice shattered beyond repair. All the embellishments he used to convey confidence had fallen to the floor. All that was left was a man stripped to the bare bone. A man who lost a dream and nearly lost his source of joy. He laughed bitterly and wiped at his eyes. Blood streaking over his forehead. “She fought it at first but-but we were happy. Was gonna have the babies born at Margate. She wanted them to see the ocean. Not this fucking-fucking shithole.” His fist clenched but he dropped his hand after a moment. Too weak to fight anymore. “I shoulda taken her away. Brought her somewhere else. Overseas. Somewhere safe.”
           Tommy swallowed and felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. He’d promised his family they’d be kept safe. Now John was dead and his sister and cousin had both been shot.
           “What do you need from me, Tommy?” Alfie lifted his head. Tears welled up in his blue eyes. “Aye? What do you need from me to make sure those wops pay?”
           His brother-in-law took a deep breath. “I need this boxing match. And I need people to think Arthur was killed during it. I need you to take a job from Luca.”
           Ella was turned on her side in the hospital cot. Her back faced the door.
           Alfie had scrubbed away all the blood. Patched himself up, wound gauze around the cuts on his hands. He walked into the room. The sun was filtering through the thick, glazed glass. Everything was white and hollow.
           A few bouquets had been left in Alfie’s absence. An outreach to try and comfort Ella even when most of them couldn’t fathom the loss.
           Polly was sat beside the cot, her hand steady on her niece’s shoulder. An anchor point to remind her the world was still spinning and she was still alive. But when Alfie entered, Polly stood and went to give the two privacy.
           But before she left, the older woman paused and touched Alfie’s arm. “This wasn’t your fault.” She said quietly.
           Alfie didn’t believe her and simply nodded. After Polly shut the door behind her, he approached the bed. Ella’s form hadn’t moved in response to his heavy footsteps against the clean floors.
           “Love.” He tested out the air between them.
           She didn’t react.
           He sat down with a sigh. “El, please…”
           “Do you know what it’s like to have your heart pulled out?” Her hoarse voice whispered.
           Alfie leaned forward so he could hear her. “Yeah, love.” He whispered. “Know how much it fucking hurt me but dunno how much you’re hurting. Can’t even imagine.”
           His wife pulled the thin sheet further over her shoulder. “I felt it. Just like that, they were gone. Both of them. Both of them, Alfie.” She shuddered a sob.
           “Ella, please.” Alfie’s chest tightened and he pressed his face to her shoulder. “Love, please look at me.” He begged.
           “They said I might never have kids again. Not after this. M’all fucked up.”
           “That’s not the problem right now. What matters is you’re okay.”
           She let out a bitter laugh. “Okay? I’ll never be fucking okay.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “M’nothing anymore. They took everything from me. Everything...everything. Everything and everything.”
           “They didn’t take me away.” He asserted. “I’m still here and ain’t anyone taking me away from you.”
           “Everyone leaves.” She whispered as if she was only talking to herself and Alfie wasn’t there. “Eventually.”
           He wanted to shake her, pull her into his arms and never let go. But he knew she would push him off. “I ain’t going anywhere.” He asserted again. “Believe what you want, love, but I’m stitched to you. Stitched right to your side ‘n that’s that. That’s the end. I’m yours until the end.”
           Her eyes glazed over and she pressed a hand to her stomach. “They’re foals now.” She whispered. “With Lilac. They’re so beautiful. Called me mumma. Isn’t that so nice?” A tearful formed faintly on her pale lips.
           Alfie frowned. Something had turned as if she were taken over by something. Possessed. He stood up suddenly and went outside to where Polly was waiting anxiously. “What’re they giving her?” He demanded.
           Polly was chewing on her nails and gave him a strange look. “What are you on about?”
           “Drugs. What’re they giving her?”  
           “I-I’m not sure.”
           “Fucking-” He grabbed the nearest nurse by the arm. A startled petite blonde looked aghast at him. “What’re they giving me wife?” He jabbed a finger at the door.
           “Oh, I…” The nurse shook her head and gathered her thoughts. “Morphine, sir, for the pain.”
           “Fuck.” Alfie released her and pressed his hand to his eyes.
           “She’s in pain without it,” Polly replied in a warning tone. “It’s not bad unless they’re giving her too much.”
           Alfie’s jaw tensed. “Fine, but we need to keep an eye on her after she’s outta here. ‘Fraid she’s gonna get lost in it if we’re not careful.”
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​ @giftofdreams​ @biba3434​ @kimmietea​ @karmezii​ @enrapturedbythemoon​
Tag list: @deaflikehawkeye​ @octaviareina​ @mylovelykelsifer​ @doubletriplepowerbomb​ @ramblingbaby​
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doyouever-daydream · 4 years
You are the only one
A/N So this is what happens when Spotify plays One by Ed Sheeran followed by If the World Was Ending by JP Saxe and just because it’s been raining and I love writing angsty fics during rainy nights lol. There’s a 50/50 chance I will write a second part, who knows. Also remember English is not my first language and I wrote most of it at 2 am so I’m sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!
Pairing: Penelope Garcia x Luke Alvez
Warnings: Angst without a happy ending, sorry y’all
Wordcount: 2144
Luke ran his fingers through his hair, usually he wouldn’t be out drinking alone at a bar on a Thursday night but the mixed emotions going through his mind had led him here. Earlier the team had come back from Kansas where they had been on a case for a few days, during their trip on the jet, Luke had overheard JJ and Emily talking about Penelope’s relationship, apparently things were looking great.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to move in together” JJ whispered but Luke had heard it.
“Really? I’m impressed, good for them, honestly I wouldn’t have thought about it, Penelope seems a little secretive about Jonathan” Emily stated, he had a guess as to why Penelope wasn’t sharing that much with them.
“Well, you know, she doesn’t want to bring it up in front of Luke” He was sure both women assumed he was asleep, and he had been until a few minutes ago, he decided to go back to sleep before he heard more stuff that would rub more salt to the wound. 
After arriving to the BAU and getting his paperwork done he quickly said goodbye and drove to the closest bar, by the third beer he knew he was not driving home and he continued to drink in silence.
It had been a year since the things between him and Penelope ended but it still pained him, he had tried to move on but the truth was he didn’t want to, so when he found out Penelope was seeing someone his heart broke even more.
He knew she had every right to move on, but he still had some hope left, they could work things out, Luke knew he didn’t see himself with other woman that wasn’t Penelope. He almost called Matt, usually he would go to him whenever he needed to talk about this situation, he was truly his best friend and always the shoulder he cried on, but by now, Luke felt uncertain to go to him to tell him the same things he’s been telling Matt since Penelope and him had broken up, and Matt always assured him that any time he wanted to talk he would be there to listen or give advice if he needed it.
But now he was afraid of taking his phone out because he just knew that instead of calling his best friend, his drunken brain would dial her number instead. And he didn’t want to bother her, it wouldn’t be fair to burden her with all of his false hopes and unresolved feelings, especially now that she was happy and getting serious in her relationship.
He continued to drink a bit more, he wasn’t usually the type to drown his sorrows with alcohol but the thought of Penelope settling down with someone else was the last straw, ever since their break up, nothing was ever the same between them, at first they only spoke when it was work related, when more time passed they tried to be friends but they never went back there, they could have conversations about that new place he thought she would like, or how Roxy was doing, he would ask about Sergio, but there was always some awkwardness floating around them whenever they were alone.
Even after everything one thing was certain: they wished each other the best. And as much as it hurt him to see her being with someone else, if it meant she was happy, he would learn to live with it, he was really trying to, but it was hard to see the person, you swore, was the love of your life with someone else.
He decided it was time to go when he realized it was pouring outside, so he paid the bartender and left, he knew he had to Uber home, he’d deal with his car in the morning, before he knew it he was on his way home.
Or so he thought.
The car stopped and he thanked the driver and got out, only to be met by Penelope’s building in front of him, he was confused but once he checked the address he typed on the app, he saw it was hers.
The loud thunder snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked for some shelter from the heavy rain, once he did, he stood there debating whether or not was a good idea to go up, it was almost midnight, maybe he was there with her or maybe she was at his place.
He pressed his lips together wondering what he should do but before he had the chance to think it through, his feet were already walking towards the door of the building, lucky for him one of Penelope’s neighbor recognized him and let him in when they were getting in.
As he found himself outside her door, he still wasn’t sure what he was going to say or if he should even be there but his feelings got the best of him so he knocked one, two, three, four times.
It was almost midnight but Penelope couldn’t sleep, the storm happening outside was to blame, she had never a fan of lightning and thunder, so now she was drinking a cup of tea while Sergio rested on her lap, petting him made her feel less anxious.
She continued doing that until she felt her eyes getting heavier, and just when she was about to fall asleep, the knocking on her door made her eyes shot open, she sat up straight a little startled, Sergio jumped off at the sudden notion.
When she looked through the peephole, she thought she was hallucinating when he saw him standing there, Penelope slowly opened the door, as if he was going to disappear if she was not careful.
Luke had his eyes fixated on the floor but the moment he heard the door open, he lifted his gaze to be met with the most beautiful woman in his eyes.
“Penelope” His voice was almost inaudible.
She was both surprised and confused to see him there “Uhm, what are you doing here?” She wrapped her arms around her and stood there avoiding his gaze.
“Are you ok?” That’s when Penelope’s gaze met his.
“Me? I’m fine” She paused “Are you ok?” She tried to decipher what was going on in his mind.
“You really don’t like storms” He slurred and Penelope realized then he was drunk.
“Did you drive here?” She was ready to give him a piece of her mind.
His eyes shot open “What!? No” He looked at her as if she was saying nonsense.
Penelope moved to the side so he could enter the apartment “Come on, you’re gonna catch a cold, let me make you some coffee”
He smiled “Thanks Pen” His mind didn’t come up with something else to say so he followed her inside.
She went to the kitchen and he sat on the sofa, he tried to see if the place was any different, to see if there were any signs she was moving out, he knew something was missing but couldn’t quite figure out what was it.
Soon Penelope returned with a coffee mug for him, they sat in silence for a few minutes, neither of them able to come up with small talk.
Suddenly Luke started talking what was on his mind “I had to come, it was raining, you can’t sleep when it’s raining with lightning and thunder, I wanted to make sure you were fine” Penelope shuffled awkwardly in her place, she was aware this conversation would turn uncomfortable.
“I- uh, I appreciate the concern but you didn’t have to come here just because it was raining”  Since Sergio wasn’t there, she took the pillow next to her and hugged it, in an attempt to protect herself. 
He shook his head and started to ramble “No, you’re wrong, I did, I mean, I can’t let you be here alone and scared”
“Luke-” Penelope tried to cut him off but Luke was set on speaking his mind.
“It’s my job to make sure you’re ok” He reassured her with a furrowed brow.
“It really is not, I can take care of myself, thank you very much” She pinched the bridge of her nose “But I don’t know why I’m telling you this when you’re drunk, you are a stubborn drunk, Alvez”
He let out a harsh breath “I’m not, I-I’m not”
“Drunk or...?” She inquired. 
“Stubborn, drunk I am” She let out a sad laugh, she missed drunk Luke, and sober Luke as well..
“I guess I should offer you to crash for the night” She got to her feet seeing the opportunity to end the conversation “You can sleep on the couch”
“I don’t want to sleep” He rubbed his chin.
“Well, either that or you go home, newbie” The familiar nickname rolled off her lips for the first time in more than a year and he swore his heart skipped a beat.
“I want to talk” Those were the words she dreaded to hear.
“No, you’re drunk, you need to sleep, let me go get you some blankets and some more comfortable clothes”  
“I won’t wear his clothes” He stated with a firm voice.
She sighed and ignored him while she searched for the blankets, when she returned he was pacing back and forth.
“Pen, I’m not wearing your boyfriend’s clothes” His voice had softened.
“They’re yours, I found them in some drawer the other day” He stopped and turned to her, again unable to stop himself before he started to pour out all the words he had been wanting to ask.
“What happened, Penelope? Please tell me” He took a step towards her and she took a step back, Luke stopped and felt his heart break a little bit more for the second time in the day, she didn’t want to be close to him.
“Luke, please, don’t do this” She rubbed both hands on her forehead. 
“What didn’t I do? What do I need to make things right?” His voice broke.
“Let’s go to sleep, please” Penelope pleaded as she held back the tears. 
“Penelope, I need you to know that if you ever feel like you could give us a second chance I’d say yes and I know that most likely won’t happen but I needed you to know” Luke knew it wasn’t fair to do this to her, but he couldn’t stop himself.
Penelope on her part wasn’t as shocked as he thought he would be, a million thoughts were going through her mind, but she remained silent so he continued to talk.
“I know you’re happy and that I’m an idiot for doing this but I can’t take it anymore, I wish I was over you by now but I’m not, the thought of you being happy with someone else pulls me back together and breaks me up again, I wouldn’t want you to be sad and there’s a part of me that is glad there is someone else making you happy because I can’t but you have no idea how much I wish it was me making you happy” He also wished Penelope would tell him that she was waiting for him to show up and confess all of this so she could come to terms with the fact that she still loved him but she didn’t.
He didn’t know how long he stood there looking at her, waiting for something, anything to come out of her mouth, even if it was just her telling him to fuck off, he couldn’t stand the silence.
“I-I better go, I’ll type the right address this time” As he was about to leave the apartment he turned around “One last thing, I know I’ll have a moral hangover tomorrow and I’ll act weird and probably will avoid you but please, don’t stop being my… Friend, not being with you it’s incredibly hard but not having you as a part of my life at all would be the death of me, please, don’t let me drift apart just because I’m a fucking moron, Pen”
“Can you let me know you got home safely?” That was all Penelope could say to him.
“I will, sorry I showed up like this” And with that he left.
Almost forty minutes later, she got a text, it was picture of Roxy lying on her bed with her stuffed duck that Penelope had bought for her almost two years ago.
“Maybe this can help you sleep”
“I made it home safely, I’m sorry for everything”
That’s when she let the tears finally come out and so she cried herself to sleep, on the other side of town, Luke also let the tears out, thinking he would regret letting Penelope go the rest of his life.
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d-c-it · 5 years
I rather forget - 1
Based on this post.
Summary: Thomas had a wonderful dream he unfortunately forgot about. The sides lead him to the subconscious to search for it with Remy’s help. He finds long forgotten memories of his sides, things they rather forget and threw there. Why are the yellow memories the most predominant? What is it that Deceit wanted so bad to forget?
Ships: platonic DLAMP, romantic Roceit (maybe, still deciding…), Remy is a flirt but he is completely platonic.
Warnings: sympathetic Deceit and Remus (although they’re just mentioned in this one.) cursed words because I’m a heathen. If i need to tag something else lmk.
Not beta-ed we die like man.
With Thomas pacing in his living room it was only a matter of time before the sides appeared. The brunette instantly running to talk to them, especifically, to Roman.
“Roman! What did I dream about yesterday!?” he exclaimed, excited.
“Actually, you must have certainly dreamed it today, since you went to sleep after midnight, meaning…” started Logan, being ignored by everyone once he started rambling. Thomas directed his attention to Roman yet again.
“Uh… pardon moi?” said the creative side.
“Is-is that french? … How do you know french? First spanish now french it just doesn’t make sense to me…” murmured Logan.
“Well! I’m glad you asked! Of course he knows them!” exclaimed Patton, his smile make them all prepared for what was coming. “After all they’re ROMANce languages!”
“… Oh god, no.” facepalmed Logan. While Virgil, who had been very quiet let out a snort.
“I mean partly yeah…” said Roman, hand on his chin.
“Wait, really?” spoke at unison the moral and logic sides.
“My dream!” insisted Thomas.
“Oh, right. Sorry for that figurative tangent…” apologized Logan, focusing on Thomas once more.
“Look, I had this amazing dream you wouldn’t believe!” he exclaimed, arms up in the air.
“Oh! oh! What was it about!?!” said Patton, jumping excitedly.
“That’s the problem! I have no idea!” huffed Thomas, now holding his head. “All I remember is me thinking I could make that into a video…”
“Oh… ”
“I hate that” said Roman echoing Virgil who looked at him in surprise, sharing a little smile.
“My best ideas go to waste that way!” continued Roman, looking back at Thomas.
“Do them? Is there no way to get them back?” Thomas sighed when Roman shook his head.
“Well…” said Logan, fixing his tie. “There might be one way…” earning hopeful looks from Roman and Thomas, he coughed. Virgil and Patton looked at him with confusion. Until he raised an eyebrow.
“OH! oh! oh! yesss” exclaimed Patton, realizing what the logical side meant. Virgil was the next one to understand.
“Do we really?” said the purple side, making a face.
“What? What’s happening?” asked Thomas, looking at all of them.
“They want to go to the subconscious now…” grumbled Virgil. “But…”
“But..? is it dangerous..?”
“Not at all!” Roman said making a pose with his arms.
“Well no, but Remy is… an interesting character.” murmured the anxious side.
“Now, now, Virgil, we don’t judge someone for their personality.” scolded softly Patton.
“Remy? Is he another side!?” questioned Thomas, excitement clear on his face.
“Not quite, the best way to call him would be…uh, a function.” said Logan. “He is sleep.” he explained. There was a beat of silence.
“That b**ch.” Thomas said, and Virgil started making sounds of agreement.
“Kiddo!” scolded again Patton.
“We’re not sure how long the dream will stay in the subconscious, tho.” mumbled Virgil. “or if that dude keeps track of them…”
“Nonsense, I’m sure Sleep has an organizing system that will allow us to…”
“Yeah, no.” interrupted, Roman. “I know the guy, he hangs out in the imagination a lot. And believe me when I say…he doesn’t seem like the type.” shrugged Roman.
“Well, what was the word-oh right, sh*t.”
“Language!” shushed Patton. Crossing his arms.
“None of that explains why I need this…” added Thomas, holding up a cup of Starbucks coffee.
“You don’t think he’s just going to help us for the goodness of his heart, right?” answered, Virgil, making a face.
“Of course he would! We all just want to help Thomas!” exclaimed Patton.
“Tell that to my insomnia…” whispered Thomas.
“uh? I didn’t catch that…?”
“He didn’t throw you anything?” questioned Logic.
“No, it’s-” Thomas sighed, massaging his temple. “just forget it.” he said, which earned him frowns from both sides.
Roman and Virgil were trying really hard to hold back their laughters.
When they finally made it to the subconscious Thomas was tired, after many unsuccessful attempts of making thomas fall asleep and almost deciding to just knock him out, they finally made it. Looking around, he find himself shivering. It was empty, everything around them was black, and the air seemed heavy.
“Guuuurrrrl, I could smell that from miles away.” was the only thing Thomas heard before the cup of coffee was taken from from (almost along with his hand). “This is the good sh*t!”
“Language.” automatically scolded Patton.
“OMG, Patty, my gurl. It’s so f**king nice to see you!” said Remy, Thomas guessed, while the guy put his arm across Patton’s shoulders. “I cannot f**king believe how many time has passed since y'all visited, you ungrateful b**ches.” he continued with a smirk, making Patton’s eye twitch.
“Why is my personality so weird?” asked himself Thomas.
“Well, he’s not…” started Logan.
“I’m not part of your personality, gurl. I’m my own kind of weird. Anyway! Thanks for the coffee, it was a nice detail, now If you excuse me…”
“Wow! Wait a f**king minute!” exclaimed Virgil.
“Language…” murmured Patton again, crossing his arms, defeated.
“Geez, of course you wouldn’t come here just to say hi! Y'all are the same, At least Dee-Dee pretends he wants to make conversation…” said Remy, as he started walking towards somewhere. Thomas didn’t know where, since everything was surrounded by darkness.
“Dee-Dee?” asked Logan, pushing his glasses up his nose, where they moved when Remy grabbed his arm. Thomas found his being grabbed to.
“Deceit comes here?” asked Virgil with a suspicious tone. “Why?” Remy just smiles, looking back at anxiety.
“Well of course, same as you.” he answered, putting his head in Thomas’s shoulder. “It wouldn’t be fair if I only let you guys do it.”
Logan nodded, as if agreeing. Patton gave a shivering Roman a side hug while Virgil crossed his arms, huffing. Thomas look at all of them, confusion clear in his eyes.
“I mean, even trash boy leaves things sometimes! But it’s rare.”
“Remus?” questioned Virgil.
“No, It’s Remy.” said sleep, making Thomas laugh at the reference. This made the guy look at him and Thomas finally was able to look back at him.
He had Ray-Ban glasses, he wondered if he could actually see with them on this dark place. His attire screamed bad boy but Thomas had alredy heard him talk, Remy was none of that. Leather jacket and all. The guy smirked at him and winked, at least that’s what Thomas thought, since he couldn’t see his eyes.
Before he realized, they were already walking on a long hallway. He startled a little, making sleep laugh.
“Don’t worry, babe. I got you.” He murmured.
Thomas nodded, looking around, the hallway was as dark as the entrance, or well, the place they arrived into. He wondered if Remy had just made it look into something he would find more normal to make him less nervous.
As they walked, framed pictures started to show up in the black walls, giving them a little bit of life. The more they walked the more frames there were. Thomas noticed the pictures moved, as if it was some kind of memory recorded and put there. The frames too, were of different colors.
“I don’t have to remind you guys not to touch those, right?” spoke the function, pulling Thomas closer to him when the brunette got too close for comfort to a green frame. “I would specifically avoid grabbing those, hun. If even Rem-Rem wanted that out of his head…” he shivered. “Oof, cannot imagine what would unsettled that dude. Knowing him.”
“What are them?” asked Thomas.
“Memories! There’s a bunch of yours too, but I keep those in a different place.” answered Remy, sipping his coffee. He had Logan crouching next to him, walking funny because of the height difference and because he never let go of his arm.
“Also why are you pulling Logan too…? I mean I understand me but…”
“Ha! This hot babe is more curious than you think. I don’t trust him not to try and poke one in the name of ‘science’…” while he said that he made sure he pulled Logan even closer. “He is also very handsome and I rather have him close if you know what I mean.” he whispered only for him.
“You are rather cute yourself!”
“I think that’s quite enough!” huffed Roman, making Thomas jump in fright, he had been quiet since they arrived there.
Remy stopped and turned, linking Thomas and Logan’s arms together. The former looked at the logical side for answers, but Logan just shrugged, holding him closer.
“Ro-Ro don’t be jealous!” said Remy, hugging the creative side. “you know you’re my favorite!” despite himself, Roman couldn’t stopped the tiny smile in his face.
“Well of course!” he said, making a grand gesture with his arms.
“After Dee-Dee!”
“Wait, what!?” said Roman, Virgil and Thomas at the same time. Patton only giggled and Logan shook his head.
“He visits the most, of course I love him!” said as he return to his previous position between Thomas an Logan. “You should come to our pijama parties, raven.”
“I’m good, thanks.” was Virgil’s sarcastic response.
“Oh! Oh! Can I come? Sounds so fun!” jumped Patton.
“Of course!”
“Yaaaaaay.” celebrated the moral side.
“Oh, come on kiddo, he can’t be that bad if Remy likes him right?” plead the dad side.
“You can’t trust this guy’s judgment…” insisted Virgil.
“Ohoho no, he’s a total bitch.” interrupted sleep. “That’s exactly why I love him.”
They kept bickering and Thomas was getting even more tired. He looked around once more, watching the moving pictures in the frames, almost like Harry Potter’s! He thought, excitedly. He watched closely but making sure he didn’t touched any by accident. He didn’t know what would happen but he wasn’t going to chance it.
As he payed more attention he noticed the frames were not in any specific order, they were also diferent colors and shapes, it certainly made the walls look less gloomy. He also noticed one more thing.
“Are the yellow ones from Deceit?” he asked, stopping the voices, he hadn’t noticed how loud they were now that even Logan had joined them.
“Uh… What makes you say that?” asked Remy instead of answering.
“Well, you said Remus’s were the green ones. I’m pretty sure I saw Roman in one of the red ones, and the purples can’t be anyones but Virgil's…” Thomas looked back at the other’s, Logan was smiling at him while fixing his glasses.
“Great deductions, Thomas, I’m very proud.” Logic said, making Thomas blush and smile a little.
“That makes the dark blues Logan’s and the light blues Patton’s.” he finished, hand on his neck. Remy smirked.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“But…” said this time Patton, frowning worriedly. “There are so many…”
Nobody had really noticed how the yellow frames took most of the walls, even more so, as they walked ahead. You could almost miss it at the amount of purples and light blues that also filled the other wise blank spaces. But Patton was right. Yellow was predominant.
“Well, I did say he visited me the most, didn’t I?” shrugged Remy, holding Thomas’s hand. “But is whatever, let’s find that dream you’ve been looking for, Tom-Tom, It shouldn’t be too hard since it’s so recent.”
“Oh… Uh, alright…”
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nekoabiwrites · 5 years
Welp, it’s midnight here, so guess what... again?!
Happy Birthday @notalwaysthevillian!!! Here’s a thing I wrote for you, because I know you love one (1) coffee boy and one (1) therapy boy.
AU: Human Pairings: Remile Words: 2440 Warnings: Talk of insomnia, talk of sleep therapy, mention of smoking. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Remy is dealing with awful insomnia and his doctor recommends him to a sleep specialist, though it’s really the receptionist who picks up that inspires Remy to go through with it.
“Ugh, is this really necessary?” The young man was staring at the phone number written on the paper in his hand as if it were a piece of trash he’d picked up off the street.
“Yes, Mr Sanders. It is important to have every avenue explored to ensure nothing else is affecting your condition.” The doctor said, matter-of-factly. He left no room to argue.
Remy sighed exaggeratedly and stood, tossing his leather jacket back over his shoulders, “Fine. I’ll call them.” He sauntered out of the room, through the small local clinic and out to the front, where he eventually took a perch on the low wall next to the building.
“I don’t need this shit…” He muttered to himself as he rummaged around in his pocket for his phone.
All Remy had come to do was see if the doctor had any idea why his sleep patterns were getting so fucked. He’d been dealing with awful insomnia over the past month and he could think of nothing that would be causing this sudden change, so Remy thought a medical professional’s opinion would help him. Instead, all he got was a bunch of rambling nonsense that he already knew and a number to call in order to set up another appointment with a completely different doctor.
After tapping the number into his phone and hitting the call button, Remy leant back and waited for the call to be picked up. His foot tapped along with the ringing tone and he found himself instinctively popping a piece of flavourless gum between his lips. Finally, the call was picked up and a voice sounded on the other end.
“Hello! Thank you for calling the Alora Sleep Clinic. If you wouldn’t mind holding for just a moment?”
The oddly peppy voice caught Remy off guard for a moment. “Uh… sure?” He responded shortly after.
“Great! Don’t go anywhere! We’ll be right back!”
With that, Remy was greeted with the hold music which was almost painfully loud. For a sleep specialist, the guy running the place clearly wanted anyone who called to stay awake. Remy moved the phone away, so the noise was less likely to deafen him, but still close enough that he’d be able to hear when someone picked up. He tilted his head back to look up towards the sky.
The man currently had some time to linger on the odd man who picked up the phone. His voice was far too cheery to be real, it was almost as if he were putting on a voice like some kind of character. His inflection and word choice just reinforced it, creating an image inside Remy’s head. All he could see was this off-putting, cartoonish character sitting at a bland desk in a bland room and it was all just so… strange.
“And we’re back! Thank you for holding! How can I help you today?”
Remy was quick to put the phone back to his ear. “Yeah, alright, hi. I was told to call this place by my doctor. They want me to see a professional or something, see if there’s anything really bad about this insomnia I’ve got.” He fiddled with his free hand, almost wishing he had something between his fingers to toy with. Normally, he’d likely have a cigarette in that hand right about now, but he’d been off the things for around six weeks by this point and his roommate would likely murder him if he went back on them. Remy instead rooted around inside his pocket and pulled out a stick from an old lollypop, beginning to play with that as he listened to the man on the other end of the phone.
“Alright…” The man said, clearly tapping away at a keyboard as he input what Remy had just told him, “What’s the name of your doctor?”
Remy gave all the information that was asked of him to the receptionist on the other end, all the while still a little confused and stunned by the odd voice the man spoke with. It was becoming clear that he just spoke like that, as it never wavered, even as the call dragged on.
“Right! That’s all, folks! We’ll see you in a few weeks! Please call and let us know if there’s any problems!”
“Uh-huh, I will. See ya.” Remy ended the conversation quickly, really trying hard not to linger on the utterly random quote thrown in there at the end, along with the horrendous attempt at an imitation. Despite the awful impression, Remy could feel the corners of his mouth twitching into a fond smile as the dedication to his ‘brand’ was somewhat adorable, admirable and wholly relatable.
He could just about make out the man on the other end saying goodbye before he hung up. For the rest of the days before his appointment, Remy just couldn’t get the odd man’s voice from his head. It was almost as if it had plastered itself to the inside of his brain somehow. The man’s mannerisms, while odd and seemingly random, were endearing in a way that Remy just couldn’t comprehend.
Either way, the day finally came, and Remy pushed the door open to the sleep clinic, entering the stuffy room. The place seemed almost entirely empty, with only a slight muffled voice coming from the door behind the desk at the other end of the tiny space. Remy approached it and looked around, searching for someone to check him in or whatever they did here. It took a few minutes for someone to poke their head out from the door and do the thing they had to do.
“Please take a seat while you wait. Doctor Grove will call for you when he is ready.”
Remy did as he was told, taking a seat down on one of the two empty chairs. He pulled up his phone and scrolled through whatever he could while he waited, every now and then fanning himself with the open ends of his jacket or pulling the sunglasses down off of his eyes so he could see something more clearly.
“Someone’s determined to keep up appearances, aren’t they?”
It was such a distinct voice that Remy could place it immediately and his head snapped up to look at the man gracelessly attempting to get through the front door with his hands full of food and drink.
Remy dropped his phone in surprise. He had little care when it hit the wooden floor hard, as his screen was already badly cracked that this fall wouldn’t do much more damage. What was much more important was the man whose voice he’d been stuck on for days now.
He was gorgeous. Not conventionally so, but since when did Remy care about what others’ preferences were for potential romantic partners? He didn’t. And he definitely wasn’t about to start now, especially if it meant he was the only one interested in this fantastic specimen of a human. He was soft in all the right ways to make him look purely huggable and approachable, and yet… he did have a sense of some kind of sensuality. Maybe it was just his warm brown eyes that Remy felt himself almost falling into as if they were deep pits or perhaps it was the simple way his mouth moved as he spoke, but there was definitely something.
‘Oh no, he’s not just kinda cute. He’s actually really fucking hot.’ Remy thought to himself. He now had to make a good impression, feel out this guy and if he was interested and then pounce.
Remy purposefully lifted his sunglasses a little and obviously swept his eyes along the man’s body, making sure he saw it. He took a sip from the almost empty cardboard coffee cup next to him and set the glasses back in place, “No one else will, so why shouldn’t I?”
The receptionist laughed aloud, louder than Remy expected. He couldn’t quite tell from behind the sunglasses, but he was fairly certain he saw a light blush on the other man’s cheeks as he passed. Score 1 for him.
Remy then stood and made his way across to lean on the front of the desk, watching as the man separated the food he’d brought in with him. He slowly moved the sunglasses up and perched them on top of his head, giving him full view of this man… who he still wasn’t sure the name of. “So, am I being too forward if I ask for your name?”
“Of course not! My name’s Emile Picani!” The man grinned at Remy, as if he hadn’t just given Remy all the cards he needed.
“Well then, Emile…” Remy purposefully lingered on his name, letting it practically fall from his lips, “I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for a blush to look that good, but… it is a good colour on you.” He leant a little more towards the receptionist, almost pushing the edge into his lower stomach. It was uncomfortable, but the reaction he got was more than worth the slight discomfort.
Emile blushed an even darker shade of red and he let out a flustered giggle before chewing on his lower lip a little. He returned back to the food, avoiding Remy’s piercing gaze, “I-I’m not sure about that. I don’t think I’m the bad one of the two of us.” He sent a small glance sideways towards the leather jacket clad man who was still leaning far over the counter towards him.
As if he’d practised beforehand, Remy gasped dramatically. “Oh, honey. I’m not bad,” he lowered his voice, “I’m just drawn that way.” He flirtatiously winked before sliding the sunglasses back down to rest on his nose. The pleased giggle made his smirk grow into a genuine smile.
“Remy Sanders?” called a new voice from just a little beside them.
Their bubble was popped immediately. Emile turned towards the new arrival and smiled innocently once more, despite the clearly flustered blush coating his cheeks, “Oh, what’s up, doc?” He also held out one of the bags of food and a drink.
Remy covered his mouth with his hand, fake coughing in an attempt to cover up his laughter at the receptionist’s question. He turned to face the doctor once he’d recovered, “You’re the one I’m seeing?”
The doctor’s smile was even more vibrant and wide than Emile’s, “Yes! I’m Patton Grove. Please follow me. Thank you for the food, Emile!”
Patton led the way into his office, with Remy following behind. He purposefully sauntered slightly more exaggeratedly than usual, putting a little extra effort into the sway of his hips. Being that he heard yet another giggled from the receptionist’s desk, Remy knew that it was not at all in vain.
The session was apparently supposed to be an hour long, but it felt like an eternity. This man would just not stop making awful sleep puns. At first, they were a little charming, but they soon started to grate at Remy’s psyche. If it had to continue much further, he might have actually considered seeing someone to help with the trauma he might be left with once he walked out of this clinic. Thankfully, Patton determined that Remy had no major issues with his sleep and that his bout of insomnia was likely from some kind of lifestyle change and would hopefully improve over time.
Remy could not wait to get out of the room soon enough. He thanked the man for his time, whilst backing towards the door. He quickly and quietly shut it behind him, letting out a long and heavy breath.
“Everything alright?”
Remy jumped in surprise, turning sharply to find Emile standing just behind him. He quickly composed himself, “Oh, I’m fine. But we both know that.” He smirked slightly, enjoying his personal compliment.
Emile scrutinised him for a moment, exaggeratedly scrunching up his face in a way that make Remy’s heart both skip a beat and inflate with affection. “Well, you might also have a fine…”
“Since you’ve been, resisting a rest.” Emile immediately broke out into a grin after his pun.
Remy stood still for a moment, merely blinking. Then he doubled over in laughter. Pure, joyful laughter. Normally, he’d maybe given the pun a chuckle at best, but this man was really too much. His joke was not just amusing, but his delivery was absolutely precious. While the prospect of another pun after dealing with the awful doctor was horrifying before, the man before him had managed to make him enjoy one anyway. Remy was busy wiping away a couple of tears from his eyes when Emile spoke once more.
“No one’s ever laughed at my joke before! I’ve tried that on every person who’s come in!” His eyes were shining bright, looking at Remy as though he’d given him a brand-new puppy and the best news of his life at the same time.
Remy raised an eyebrow as he smiled at the receptionist, “I’d be more than happy to laugh at more of your jokes over coffee…”
The offer of a date clearly didn’t reach Emile for a couple of seconds, but once the realisation set in, he nodded his head frantically, “I’d love that! Just a moment!” He hurried to the front desk, with Remy quick to follow behind him. He peered out from over the top of his glasses as Emile scribbled down something on a piece of ripped out paper. “My number. For you!”
Emile held out the note towards the leather jacketed man, waiting for him to take it. But, he didn’t seem like he was going to, and so Emile dropped his arm a little, ready for the rejection. Then a horridly cracked phone screen was in front of his face.
“How about you put it in yourself?”
Unphased about seeming over-eager, the receptionist typed in and saved his number. “There!”
“Thanks. What time do you finish today?” Remy asked, pocketing his phone once more, still leaning casually on the desk.
“Um,” Emile turned to check the clock on the wall behind him, “In about half an hour? Why?”
“I’ll wait for you. I can go that long without another coffee, but I’m definitely gonna need one after that.”
Emile was concerned by that statement. He waited until Remy was seated back in the chair he’d been sat in previously. Emile knew he shouldn’t pry, but he couldn’t help asking, “How much coffee do you drink on a normal day?”
Remy had to think for a moment. “Probably around… 10 or so cups. Why?”
“I think I figured out your insomnia problem.”
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette @doces-e--tuga @coloursintheblur @safesandersides
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
A/N: Hey everyone! So this is part 2 of the Harry Oneshot I posted. Sorry for the long wait Mamita and hope you enjoy it!
WOrds: 2000+
Warnings: Cringe?
Genre: Cute, Fluff.
Pairings: Harry x Samantha (@papichriscnco)
Samantha’s P.O.V:
I woke up to the loud tapping (more like thundering) at my bedroom door. lazily open my eyes and before I can utter a quiet ‘Come in’ the door flew open as I jerked up and sat on the bed in shock.
“Wake up you lil shit…” yells a voice as I shielded my poor ears
“Well hello to you too loser….Now leave me alone Stella…. You’re just too annoying..” (I’m a bit of a conceited jerk..Forgive me) I reply as I rub my eyes stretching my arms up a bit
I absolutely hated being disturbed in my sleep..
“Okay DArLin’…You can sleep and I’ll tell of your BOYFRIEND to leave you alone…” Stella says as she smirks emphasizing on boyfriend
Shit…So all that confession wasn’t a dream! I mentally thanked the guts I had gotten a week ago.
Things turned out pretty good for us.. Our parents were more than Happy (at least mum was…Dad looked a bit protective…but eventually agreed)
Yesterday at Dinner he had asked me if we could go on a date..And I obviously agreed…cause why nOt??
But it wasn’t any date…It was my FIRST date…That’s why it bothered me so much…
“No! Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I slept through! I just thought I’d rest my eyes for a while…”
“If I were you I’d keep myself busy with something else…Cos’ I wouldn’t trust myself..”
“Ha.Ha.Ha…So funny Stel..Sometimes I wonder if you’re my best friend or my rival.” I reply as I get off my bed
“Your best friend definitely..or wait…I’m your savior…You would have slept through and kept Harry waiting.Thank Me!” Stella remarks as she shoves a towel and a lot more things into my arms as she pushed me into my washroom.
“Freshen up quickly!! We can’t waste anymore time..QUICK!” Stella yells as I lock the bathroom door.
I asked for a best friend…not a god damn mother or a loud speaker. I wish there was a volume controller in her or something. Don’t mind me.. I’m just grumpy I didn’t get enough sleep.
                                                      ~ ~ ~
“Aha! Looking Fresh and Gorgeous Sammie!” Stella remarks as I walk out of the bathroom in a bathrobe
“Okay…Now what do I wear? What hairstyle do I do? What shoes do I wear? What nail polish do I wea- -” I begin rambling,my anxiety kicking in as soon as realization sinks into me
“Done, done and done…” Stella remarks as she points at all my requirements for the night
“Oh my! Stel…You’re just…” I begun
“Amazing, Awesome, fantastic…I know!” Stella finishes off as she does a sashayed her hair
“You’re a lifesaver!” I reply gratefully
“Yeah yeah…I know…Now go change into these and I’ll help you with your hair…”
“Okay sure…” I reply as I go back to the bathroom to change into the dress she had given me.
                                                      ~ ~ ~
“Umm…Stel…Why am I wearing this again?” I ask her staring at my own reflection in boredom
“Let’s just say I know Harry..And he wouldn’t like anything fancy..so maybe a picnic or maybe a I don’t know..some cozy place…Nothing fancy.” Stella replies as she does my hair
“So…did he tell you something about the date?” I ask her hopefully
“I may or may not have helped him.” Stella replies as she smiles smugly
“Come on Traitor…Spill the details..” I threatened
“Oh come on… It’s a surprise darlin’.. and Harry would probably sue me if I did to…so ehh…Can’t do..” She replies merely shrugging
“At least give me a hint…” I insist
“It’s a Date…Ta daa!!!” Stella replies stupidly yet with pride.
“That’s downRighT obvious!!” I reply rolling my eyes
“Come on Sammie!! Just waittt a bit longer… It’ll be worth it..”
“I remember you texted me the day I confessed…At midnight or something.. how did you know I did…?”
“You told me you were going to confess and besides I was there spying on you…”
“You were what??” I asked surprised
“Ah…What? I said nothing! Did I??” She asks nervously looking away
“You were there??”
“Duh! I had to check if you messed up or not…If you did, then I had to obviously butt in and make sure you don’t mess..Somehow you had gotten the guts and nope! No you couldn’t mess up so as a supportive caring respectful bestie- -” Stella begins
“You DeCiDe to SpY on ME and HARRY?!?” I ask as I wear my sneakers
“Tsk..Tsk…you make it sound so stalker- ish…I was just observing to make sure nothing went wrong.. That’s all..” Stella replies as she folds her arms
“Okay okay..Thank you I guess?” I reply
                                             ~ ~ ~
We began talking about abSoLuTe nonsense trying to pass time and it was considerably working. Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring.
“Go get it!!” Stella ushered me as she practically shoved me off the couch
I quickly hurry up and open the door only to reveal Harry standing in front of me, looking as perfect as usual
“Hey…Manna…” He breathes out surprised as he continues “You look.. Beautiful..I mean you always do..But I don’t know..you look even better today..” Harry says as he hands me a box of chocolates…not just any chocolates..my favourite chocolates.
“Haz…You didn’t have to..” I reply as he leans down and pecks my lips
“PDA!!! MY EYES ARE BLEEDING!” Stella says as she shields her eyes
“Sorry that you don’t have a boyfriend Stella…”
“At least I had the guts to go and confess and not waiting for my crush to confess because I was too scared, eh Styles?” Stella remarks proudly as Harry stayed silent
“Oh will you stop harassing my boyfriend for heaven sake Stel.” I reply rolling my eyes playfully as I handed Stella the chocolates “Keep them somewhere…”
“No promises Sammie!! Well you kids have fun..but not too much FuN…” Stella replies as she shuts the door.
We both walk over towards Harry’s car…He being the obvious gentleman he was opens my door for me as I smile gratefully at him..
The ride was comfortable and quick too.
“Where are we going Haz?”
“It’s a surprise! Did Stella tell you about it already? As you already looked rightly dressed for the venue..”
“She just gave the clothes to me..No explanation..”
“Thank goodness…I thought she’d ruin it.”
“She didn’t…” I reply
                                               ~ ~ ~
Harry parks the car and gets out, opening the door for me again as I took a hold of his extended hand..He locks the car and guides me towards the venue linking each of our arms’ together.
“Hey…Could I blindfold you? I want this to stay a surprise!” Harry admits a bit nervously
“Oh okay! Sure.” I reply as Harry ties a blindfold around my eyes restricting my vision as he holds my hand, guiding me through.
                                                    ~ ~ ~
“Where are we going Haz?” I ask within like two minutes of blindfolded walking
“Well…we’re…We’re here…” Harry replies excitedly as he removes my blindfold
I let my eyes adjust to the lighting. It was an ice skating rink arena sort of things, a few couples skating around.
“Surprise? I thought…this would be nice…” Harry says as he looks at me
My face just looked absolutely surprised as I gaped at the ice skating rink. Probably one of the biggest ones I’ve ever seen
“D- -do- -err..do you l- -ike it?” Harry asks nervously
“Haz!! I love it!!! This is absolutely amazing!” I reply hugging him
“Now let’s go get our skates and we’ll be all set to go…” Harry says as he takes my arm
                                                 ~ ~ ~
“How are these?” Harry asks showing me a pair of ice skates as I tried them on
“Too loose…” I reply as I remove them
“These?” He asks
“Too highlighter ish Haz…My eyes!” I reply as he softly giggles
“This one?” He asks handing me a pair of ice skates
“Perfect!” I reply as I put them on
                                                  ~ ~ ~
You make it look effortless Haz..“ I say as I skate beside him
“Oh come on babe…You are a natural.. I’m just awestruck by how terrific you are at this..” Harry says as he hold my hand spinning me around…
“I really like this a lot…I hope you realize that.” I say as I spin around  and stop.
The laces of my ice skates come off. Before I could even bend down to tie them, Harry takes up the initiative and kneels down
“Allow me babygirl…” Harry says as he ties them tightly safe and secured.
“Thanks Haz” I reply as I plant a quick peck on his cheek, a tint of pink evident on his cheeks.
“Anytime princess…” He says as he holds my hand
                                                    ~ ~ ~
We try skating around as if we were dancing. Both of us were naturally talented dancers so we skate elegantly whilst dancing around carefully with grace, well most of them time Harry was just goofing around like a clown showing me super cool tricks.
Harry stops after a little bit as his gaze turns to a couple who tried out super wacky poses that would be hard even on bare ground.
“Manna…Look at that! We should totally try that out!” Harry urges as his eyes gleam with happiness
I really don’t think that’s the cleverest idea Harry had come up with..but I didn’t want him upset.
“Are you sure it’s going to work out? I mean, it looks super risky..we could end up hurt or something..”
“We’ll be careful..come on let’s try it out…It’ll be fun!!” He remarks
                                                      ~ ~ ~
We observed the entire steps for a solid ten minutes as we mildly practiced it. The last part was the hardest….It involved a lot of lifting and spinning around.
It was fun…well it would have been perfect…if the both of us hadn’t fallen and broken a bone or two?
“You don’t know how sorry I actually am right now…” Harry almost whispers, tears glinting his eyes “ I just wanted this to be perfect..” He breathes out as a nurse patched up the sprain in his left arm with a huge white plaster
“It’s okay Harry…I had a lot of fun.. Dates were never meant to be movie perfect, eh Haz? It was fun! I absolutely enjoyed how you goofed around… honestLy,it was perfect… I couldn’t have thought of anything better.” I reassure him whilst squeezing his hand softly
“But I hurt you…” He said as he looked at my ankle, which was sprained
“So? Your arm’s sprained too… It’s fine! We are both used to ending with up injuries one way or another!” I replied laughing as I remembered the endless amount of times we had gotten injured..
“I’m sorry…” Harry mutters and before he continues to ramble on, I interrupt him with a kiss…
Well a simple kiss slowly turning heated..until a cough snapped us back to reality.
“Look y'all..I appreciate young love and stuffs..But can you continue this after I patch her up?” The nurse asks Harry with a smirk on her face
“Oh right..sorry..We got a bit carried away..” Harry admits sheepishly
“Well too obvious..” The nurse muttered as she plastered my sprained ankle
“The night is ruined all thank to me..” Harry grumbles to himself
“Nope Haz…The night’s still young. How about we we take out some food and go over to your place and have a movie marathon?” I suggest
“That sounds great…But are you sure you enjoyed the…now ruined date?” Harry asks as he looks down, evidentially disappointed
“Haz…Come on…I li- - loved it.. nothing was ruined. So what if it was a bit messy? We can learn from these silly messes so that our future dates turn out good…It’s completely fine Harry!” I reassure him
He smiles shyly at me as he quickly pecks my cheek.
                                                  ~ ~ ~
Our drive back (I drove, because my left ankle was only sprained, as Harry couldn’t steer the wheel and control the gear) was comfortable…I mean, everything involving him was obviously supposed to comfortable.
We took in a lot of takeout, drove our to Harry’s house as I parked the car and helped him out. He helped me walk in and shut the door behind them.
“Let’s get changed into something more comfortable…you can use the room downstairs.”
“Okay..Thanks…I can help you if you need help..” I offer
“I’ll manage…” Harry replies as I walk into the guest bedroom changing into one of his oversized t-shirts as I walked out only to see him changed I to a loose shirt
“Wow…You look cute in my shirt..I mean extra cute..” Harry smiles as I settle down next to him, our food laid out in front of the mini table laid in front of us.
“Thanks Haz…” I reply blushing a bit as he wrapped his arms around me
“Which movie are we watching?” He asks as he hands me the remote
“I was going to ask you the same..” I reply as I look at him
“Well… We’ll just watch anything then..” He says as he switches on the TV and flips through the channels as he found the opening credits of Titanic playing…
“Titanic? Aww!! Yes please!” I usher him as he keeps the remote down
I grabbed a few snacks and handed a few to Harry as we shared everything, cuddling each other just simply enjoying each others’ presence and watching a movie…
Nothing Fancy…nothing out of the ordinary apart from the amount of excessive love surrounding us…this was all I’ve ever wanted.
I looked at him, as he looked at me… Our gazes fixated on each others’ eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me for a passionate kissing, our lips moving in sync as my hands trailed into his brown curls..
“I love you Manna…” He breathes out as he looks at her
“I love you too Haz…” I reply as I pull him into another kiss.
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Okay, here it is. I started writing this on the 1st or 2nd but a bunch of stuff happened that delayed me finishing. Basically, I saw all the #2019 kingdom stuff on @beerecordings‘ blog and it sounded like people had fun that night. I was unfortunately unable to really join in because it was after 11pm for me when it got going. However, I did send a picture of my cockapoo Honey as a sort of ‘peace offering from the future’. And when I woke the next morning to discover the Queen was dead and Tardus was about to vanish, So I realised I had to race to pick her up before I lost her for the rest of 2020. And then this fic somehow came out of that. Look, idk, don’t ask me. All I know is that writing in my dog’s POV is so funny to do and maybe I should write more stuff from odd Points of View this year.
Anyway, here’s Honey doing her own thing while visiting royalty.
Honey hated this. This was far too much. The threatening noise, the bursts of colour she could sense in the sky, just everything about tonight. Holly talking nonsense at her wasn't really helping the situation either, if she was going to be honest. She would admit she had been warned but now was not the time to debate whether she should have listened. "Are you going to behave yourself? You're going to Tardus for uh, diplomatic reasons." Another intrusive noise boomed. She gristles in retaliation. The movement of Holly's hand on her back increases. "Shh, shh. It's okay, baby. Just some fireworks. There shouldn't be any of them in Tardus." "Is she ready to go?" An unfamiliar human asks upon appearing in her peripheral. "Just a second. Honey. Hey, look at me for a minute." The clicking of a tongue captures her attention. "Hi. Listen, you need to be on your best behaviour. You'll be a guest there, after all. I'm guessing there's gonna be a bunch of people walking around the castle so don't get underneath anyone's feet. And no jumping on beds, sofas or whatever. You can get away with it here because we give you permission. But, over there, you won't have explicit permission. So don't go jumping onto anything you're not supposed to. Comprende?" Another explosion. Strokes are accompanied by a sigh. "I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll come for you when it's morning there, okay?" She doesn't recognise the smell of the person who takes her from Holly. Nor are the scents in Tardus particularly familiar once they arrive. The journey across the world had been stressful. Like pretty much everything in the past several hours. The eyes of a human dressed in extravagant regalia light up at the sight of her. This must be Bee, the queen Holly had spoken of. "A gift from Holly of Medwich, ma'am. To help with the celebrations." "Oh, hello there." Hands interrupt Honey's inspection. Okay, she enjoyed strokes and scratches as much as the next dog but there was a process to this. Oh wait, no, this human has got their hands underneath her ears, making them flop slightly from the motion of scratching the back of her head. Honey takes this opportunity gets a good whiff. Alright, this Bee smelled trustworthy. She leans in when a hand cups her face. Now for the true test of faith. She is in the perfect position to flop. "Oh! Careful there. What would Holly think if you hit your head on the floor?" The queen giggles. Probably roll her eyes then give her a cuddle, Honey thinks. Her belly is seconds away from being rubbed when a servant has the audacity to interrupt. "Your majesty, there are urgent matters that require your attention concerning tonight." "Well, you heard him. I'll be back later, okay? This is a big place so if you wander off, it would be easy to get lost. Be careful. I know Holly wouldn't want you get hurt or go missing. Actually, can we get someone to keep an eye on her while I'm gone?" "Of course, ma'am." The messenger nods and departs. Unsupervised, Honey immediately sets off to explore the various surrounding halls. She enters a chamber. There, situated on a table, partially hanging off the edge, were papers. She pays them no notice as her tail absentmindedly thumps against the wood. It is only as the paper falls that she becomes attentive to them. They suffer the fate of being ripped without a moment's hesitation. Shreds of varying sizes are the end result. Bee's ever trustworthy advisor discovered the scene. "What did you do?! Those were my-" The person scrabbles at the pieces of parchment. "Wait, these were the... important notes I thought I hid before heading out." Their body jerks, slightly and silently, in a way she thinks is related to happiness in humans. Yes, that beahviour was a good one. She had done something positive. Fingers find themselves gently pressing behind her ear. Yeah, keep doing that but maybe go up just a fraction. "I suppose I should thank you. Won't tell if you don't." A wink is directed at her. Despite apparently doing something right by shredding paper, Honey is ushered away from the area. Oh well, there was always something else to check out, something to sniff or somewhere to laze about. And just her luck that her senses detected a hub of activity and delicious scents. A kitchen? Brilliant! A young cook spots her. "I heard about you. You're our little guest, aren't you? I don't blame you for coming straight to this part of the palace." He gives a smile reminiscent of when Holly stole one of her balls before hurling it across the living room. "You like chicken?" She knows how this goes. She is usually made to sit before being granted food. "Aren't you polite. Here you go." Something else emitted an amazing scent. So sweet. Undoubtedly tasty. If only she could have a bite. Honey follows the food all the way back to the throne room. Ah, she understands. Well, Bee was nice to her before so surely she wouldn't be heartless enough to ignore her sad eyes tactic. She lays her head on the queen's lap. Bee laughs, obscuring her face. Their eyes meet a moment later. There is a great deal of hesitation. Oh, forget her. Mummy was usually the only one who shared her dinner and sandwiches anyway. But she'll tell Holly about this injustice, don't think she won't. Wait, never mind. Tardus' sovereign is kind enough bestow her a morsel. Sugar! She is sure she's had something like this before. Sweet bun, was that what humans called it? She is given a few more pieces before the bun is gone. It doesn't matter. Honey had a new focus now. A servant arrives with chocolate pancakes. She administered her persuasive ways again but it proves unsuccessful this time. Bee uses the old excuse of 'chocolate is poisonous to dogs'. Please, at least think of something more creative. She's sick of that poison line. 'Dangerous' was another one of the same vein. Besides, that excuse was probably human propaganda so they could hoard all the chocolate for themselves. Honestly, she's been eating chocolate as a treat for years and has experienced no health problems as a result. So there. Stop lying about chocolate because it's not nice. Also please let her have some of those pancakes. There is speak of a pond creature who is leaving soon. The queen orders more chocolate pancakes to be delivered to the creature's aquatic dwelling. A pond sounded great. The beaches back home sucked during winter, always forbidding dogs like her to have fun and splash around. Maybe she could earn permission to swim for a while. Once more, Honey leaves Bee to her royal duties. The sky is dark now, an expanse of stars blanketing it. The night causes her further problems with navigating a landscape which was already unfamiliar. She swears she returns to a path she was travelling minutes earlier. No matter how long she searches for this elusive pond, her efforts bear no fruit. She should probably return inside. The explosions she thought she'd be escaping by coming here are sounding again. Yeah, she definitely needs to find someone. She'd prefer Mummy or Holly but they're far away. Okay. Perhaps if she retraced her steps... There is chaos as she nears her destination. It is too much noise and panicked hurry for her. She thinks she hears several shrieks regarding Bee's demise. Dodging people's feet is tricky with their volume in consideration. They weren't paying attention to her. Something big had obviously gone down. She lets the crowds lead her to the square where they seemed to be gathering. "Anyone wanting to leave Tardus for Medwich, over here!" Medwich? And what she swears sounds like Holly's voice? Yes! She wants to leave Tardus for Medwich! Please. The second Holly spots her, she flings herself off the back of the beast on which she had been perched. "Honey! Oh my god. It's okay. Hey, it's going to be alright. I'm here. I'm here." Holly comforts with both her words and actions. "What happened?" "The Queen's been assassinated." Someone answers. Holly goes quiet for a second. "I'd heard rumours but I was hoping they weren't true. Is it really true this place will return to the earth when the last timezone reaches their midnight?" There is a murmur of general agreement. A second person speaks. "There's about an hour or two left before Tardus falls for another year." "So come to Medwich. It was early morning when I left so it will probably be about 11 by the time we return." Her owner pats the cherry coloured dragon. "This guy's pretty fast." A third voice. "There's no point. We'll all be home before this kingdom is truly lost." "Are you sure?" Again, a consensus of assurance. "Well, in that case... Come on, Honey, let's go home." Holly rambles as they mount the dragon. "What do you think of my ride? I know what you're thinking. 'What are you doing with something that can fly when you hate heights?' But don't you think a dragon's a cooler mode of transport than a unicorn or lion? Plus, the Welsh have the best method of mythical transportation so why wouldn't I call in a favour to pick you up in style? Although, I had hoped it would be in a few hours. Sorry, I had no idea this place was a limited time deal. Whatever. Mum probably needs my help with today's belated Christmas dinner. I'll give you an extra pig in blanket as compensation. How's that sound?" "Make it two." "Yeah, I missed you too." Her owner tightens her hold as the dragon is signalled to depart. With a cry of "Happy New Year!" during launch, Tardus gradually fades into the horizon, leaving it doomed to be crumbling by the time they set foot in Medwich.
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wexregolden · 5 years
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Read it on ao3 here <3
Chapter 8/19
-The Midnight Duell Call-
The feeling of coming home after a long day of school, a day you´ve been exhausted from the second you woke up till now. The feeling of coming home, the feeling of taking off your shoes and jacket, putting your backpack down, the loss of weight off your shoulders which feels like a relief. Simply the feeling of coming home, the place you feel the most comfortable at.  
He was tired, so tired. Having relented when Gio, Luca and Elia tried to convince him to join them at the Baretto to get some studying done. Studying. Which ended up in various rounds of table football.  
His plan to go home straight after school was cancelled and so he only came home now, around 6pm, even more exhausted as before thanks to having to try to beat Gio and Luca at table soccer. He couldn´t help it. It´s essential to do so!
“Mamma?” Marti shouted int their apartment, wanting to know if his mother was home.  
“In the living room!” came a reply almost immediately.  
“Hey,” Marti greeted her as he entered the living room, pressing a kiss to her cheek after sitting down next to her on the couch. A smile appearing on her face.  
“How was your day, honey?”
“It was okay I guess. A bit exhausting but well, nothing major. I was just a bit tired.”
He put his phone and keys down on the little table in front of them, making a mental note to himself to take them back with him to his room later.  
“Tired? Did you stay awake till late?”
Marti immediately had to think back to his and Nico´s conversation last night that lasted till the morning. Yeah, he definitely stayed up late. But it was worth it.  
“Maybe,” he answered while a grin appeared on his face.  
“I see, I see. So no pity from me,” his mom answered, a grin appearing on her face too. Only short, as she came back to another topic afterwards.  
“But apart from that: Are you hungry? I made some pasta salad, there´s still some in the fridge.”
“I´m starving!” he answered, not exaggerating at all. Well okay, maybe a little. But only a little of course.  
“Help yourself then,” she answered with a laugh while Martino got up and went to the kitchen.
Taking a plate out of the cupboard and filling it with a loading of the pasta salad. A big one. Cause nothing, literally nothing, can beat the pasta salad of his mom, it´s the best.  
“Is it okay if I take this back to my room?” he asked as he was back in the living area.
“Of course!”
They exchanged a last smile before Martino went to his room, literally collapsing into bed, his food next to him. Before finally starting to eat he took his laptop from his desk, opening YouTube and clicking on some random video on his explore page.  
As Marti finally started eating and falling back into his pillows, he could actually feel the relaxation wash over him. His body starting to calm down and relax. His hunger disappearing.  
Suddenly, out of the blue, he was there again. On his mind, a mental image in front of his eyes. Bright smile, shiny eyes, beautiful hair. Niccolò.
He doesn´t know what and why he´s doing that, but he finds himself typing Nico´s name in the search bar on the opened YouTube page in front of him.
Niccolò Fares.  
Marti didn´t reckon to find anything here. Really, not at all.  
And so he got really surprised when he found that video, with Niccolò on the thumbnail, sitting behind a piano.  
Occupy2017 i concerti all´alba del fares
There was nothing holding him back as he immediately clicked on the video, starting to watch it.  
The soft sounds of the piano filled his room and made their way directly to Marti´s heart.  
Note by note.  
The sound of Nico playing the piano, a gentle piece, makes his heart beat faster, beating happily.
And the image, watching this boy sitting behind the instrument, his hands roaming over the piano keys, face focused, absorbed in the music he´s playing.  
This image, Nico playing the piano, it did something to Marti. To his heart.  
On a rational level he was impressed by Nico´s musical skills, yes. He himself would never be able to play an instrument like that, the way Niccolò played the piano.  
On the other hand, on an emotional level, this video made him fall even more for him. The boy on the screen in front of him. Niccolò.  
Damn it, yes, he fell for Niccolò.  
This boy. This boy he doesn´t know for that long. This boy he met over social media. But still, this boy who is one of the persons he feels the most comfortable around. This boy he has the feeling he wouldn´t have to hide his true self whilst being around him. This boy who stole his heart.  
The video was finished by now and he closed his laptop and put it aside. A sigh escaped him. And then he finished his pasta salad. Acting as if nothing has happened, on the outside at least.  
On the inside it looked differently. Really differently.  
His heart was beating, his mind was racing, all his thoughts wrapping around Niccolò.
Niccolò, Niccolò, Niccolò.
His thoughts even went that far that he could suddenly hear Nico´s voice everywhere, even in his apartment, in front of the door to his bedroom. And it felt so real. Too real.  
And as he heard his mother say something in the hall in front of his room and Nico´s laughter as an answer it suddenly hit him.  
“Mom? Do you have my phone?!” he shouted, his mom entering his room in the exact same moment.  
“Marti! You left your phone in the living room”
And there it was again: Nico´s laugh coming from his phone.  
Shit shit shit shit shit.
“Mamma! You can´t just answer my phone!”
“Come on, it´s not so bad! What should I have done instead? Just keeping it ringing? No way!”
“Yes!” Marti butted in at the same time as his mom finished her sentence.  
“Now give it to me!” he continued while he took his phone from his mother's hands, pressing it to his chest. Hearing Nico´s laughs even louder and clearer now.  
“And now out out out!” he said as he pushed his mom out of his room. Gently of course, a smile on his lips. Which got wider as he saw his mom was smiling too.  
“Bye Marti. Have fun phoning,” she said before she actually left, closing the door behind her.  
Martino inhaled deeply and exhaled loud afterwards, before he sat down on his bed again, pressing the phone to his ear.  
“Ciao Marti!” Nico said and Marti was basically able to hear his grin through the phone.  
“Come on, stop grinning! I can literally hear that through the phone!” Marti responded before he buried his face in his pillow, letting out a groan.  
A loud laugh escaped Nico´s mouth.  
“It´s not that bad, Marti! We just talked one or two minutes. She´s nice.”
“I know that she´s nice but still.”
“I´m glad you have such a good relationship with your mom. At least it seems like that from what you´ve told me.”
“We do. At least I would say that it´s like that. Yes, it wasn´t always easy and sometimes it can be hard when she has her lows and depressive episodes but she´s still my mom and I love her so much,” Marti said, a soft smile on his face.  
“That´s nice. Really, it sounds great.”
“It is. How´s your relationship with your parents?”
“Quite good too I´d say. Yes, we do have our ups and downs too and there´s some time I can´t stand them but overall, I do really love them too,” Nico said.
“That´s nice,” Marti answered with the same words as Nico did before, a smile on his lips.
And so they fell into their usual chatty banter. Talking about this and that. Books, social media, school, their friends and family, sharing stories from their childhood. Talking about nothing and everything at once. Laughing, laughing so much. Martino couldn´t think back to a time where he felt at ease like that with someone, just being happy and laughing all the time whilst chatting.  
It felt like no time was passing at all, like they just have started talking to each other, still having so much to talk about.  
But when Marti took a look at the clock it hit him. It was already after 11pm.  
Shit. Once again.  
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Wait a moment... Oh shit! I´m sorry, Marti!”
“Sorry? Why?”
“Well... I kept you awake again. And I know you need your beauty sleep,” Nico spoke and Marti was sure that there was a grin on his lips again. By now he was able to hear this even if it´s only over the phone.  
“Oh come on, fuck off with your beauty sleep, what´s up with you and that topic?!”
“Nothing Marti, nothing. I just think that you´re good looking and that you need your beauty sleep to keep that.”
And then it was silent between the two.  
Nobody said something, the only thing you could hear was their unregular breathing.  
And Marti blushed. He couldn´t help but his cheeks turned bright pink, maybe even red, and his gaze turned down to his lap.  
Right now he was really glad that Nico couldn´t see him and that they were only talking over the phone. Really glad.  
“Well, don´t get me wrong, not that you wouldn´t be handsome without getting sleep, I´m sure about that, but well, I just think that it´s... well, I mean... do you get me?” Nico said, stuttering a bit.  
He stopped after that sentence, breathing out loudly.
“Doesn´t matter, just forget it. I´m rambling nonsense again, don´t ask me what´s up with that today,” he continued afterwards.  
“Don´t worry,” Marti said, trying to appear calm, trying to not seem affected by Nico´s comments, him literally complimenting him and calling him handsome twice. He really tries. Which might not work the best as, on the inside, he´s everything but calm and relaxed. Really, everything. His heart was beating too fast again and his thoughts were wrapping around what Niccolò just told him.  
I just think that you´re good looking. Good looking, good looking, good looking.  
Silence set in between the two of them again, no one being able or brave enough to say something right now. Not knowing what to say at all.  
After about a minute, which felt like years, an eternity, not only a simple minute, Nico broke the silence.  
“But now to another important topic before we should possibly stop talking for today: Is there any afternoon you´re free this week?”
“For another meeting, Marti! You said you want to repeat that too, right?”
A wide smile immediately appeared on Marti´s face, thinking about the fact that Nico really would like to meet him again.
“Yes!” he answered, probably a bit too fast and enthusiastic.  
“Of course I want to!” he continued, a bit more settled this time.  
“Great Marti! So, when are you free?”
Marti took a moment to think about it, trying to call his schedule into his mind.  
“What about Wednesday afternoon? After school? I should be free then.”
“Wednesday sounds great! I don´t have anything planned there too.”
“So, Wednesday it is?” Marti asked.  
“It is,” Nico simply answered.  
Martino turned silent again and smiled brightly to himself.  
He´s going to meet Nico again. In only two days. And Nico was the one who got it on, he wants to meet him too.  
“Any idea where we could meet this time? Or what about talking about the details tomorrow via messages?”
“Sounds good!” Marti said, still smiling and unable to get the smile off his face. He´s just too... happy.  
“Well then, I guess we should literally stop talking now. Not that I want to but for the sake of it not getting out of control like it did yesterday or should I say this morning?”
Marti had to grin at Nico´s words.  
“Oh, and for the sake of you getting your beauty sleep of course. Sorry, I just had to mention it again,” Nico said, followed by a laugh.  
“Once again: Shut up, Nico!”
“Come on, Marti, it´s funny! I don´t mean anything bad!”
“Yeah yeah yeah, for sure!”
“Really, Marti! You should see me now, I just put my hands up in defence. I really mean it!”
“Still not sure if I should believe you,” Martino responded, laughing afterwards.
Silence settled in again, not awkward or unpleasant, but a comfortable one.  
“Well then, we should really stop that call now and go to bed, I guess it´s about time. And we´re going to hear from each other tomorrow and plan our meeting?” Nico asked.  
“Sounds good,” Marti answered.  
“Sleep well, Marti”
“You too!”
“Can´t wait to see you again,” Nico said with this soft voice of his.
“Me neither,” Marti answered.  
“Good night, Marti.”
And with this the call ended.  
As Marti took the phone away from his ear and looked at the display, it hit him.  
They talked for five hours.  
And the clock said 11:56pm. Nearly midnight.  
It didn´t feel that long, not at all.  
He never talked to someone on the phone for that long. Simply because of the fact that there isn´t a person he could talk to for five hours without getting bored or running out of topics to talk about. Not with him. Not with Nico.
Yes, he knew it before that phone call, but now there´s no way at all to deny this anymore.  
He´s in love with Niccolò.  
Here we have the next chapter, wuhu :D Marti is in looove <3 And yes, new meet up coming soon, yayyy haha :D I hope you liked the chapter and thank you for reading it! I would love to hear what you think of it in a comment or my ask box <3
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srona58 · 6 years
When I Drift Off, I'll Dream About You (Part 1)
***PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR STEAL: this is listed on Wattpad, FF.net, AND AO3, all under either SRona58 or ShannonRona.***
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Marvel or Iron Man.
A/N: Totally fan made, written PRE A4!  Just a guess, something I made based off of the trailer we got today.  Might be a multi part thing, I don't really know yet.
Part 2: http://srona58.tumblr.com/post/180913150946/when-i-drift-off-ill-dream-about-you-part-2   
"This thing on?"
It was a stupid question.  The flickering glow of the face plate eyes as they scanned his image for a video recording should've answered his question, but these days, he was used to talking to himself.  It was comforting, for some reason.  The silence, for the first time in his life was nice, but...there's only so much silence he could take before he started going insane.  But that's how it would be...there was no definite path home, and now he was facing the end of his legacy, the end of Tony Stark as he knew himself.
So, he had to say goodbye to Pepper.  Just in case someday Nebula was able to transport his body home...he had to say goodbye to her, to remind her he love-loved...her.
Once the helmet was recording, he slumped back against the metal parts of the ship, weak from lack of food and water.  It was already hard to breathe; the air was thinning, and his lungs felt like collapsing.  Eventually, he would use the rest of the air, so talking now wouldn't matter.  As long as she knew...
"Hey, Miss Potts," he managed through a hoarse voice, battling his own defeat down.  "Or...Mrs Stark?  Potts-Stark?"  He huffed in his own delirious amusement.  "Guess we never decided. That's okay...we'll, uh...we'll figure it out."
He paused, feeling choked up for a second.  But this was a recording for Pepper.  For her to remember him by, not for her to feel sad every time she saw it.  Though, he wouldn't blame her if she did.  He wasn't hiding it well; he was emotional and moody due to lack of, well, everything he needed to survive, and the scar in his abdomen that he healed temporarily was starting to get infected and there was nothing he could do about the pain of that, either.  He looked like a skeleton, his face sunken in and his stomach growling louder than a bear, and there was no cover up for that.  Hopefully, she'd hold onto other memories of him when he was more...himself.
"Hey, I was thinking..." he tried next, tossing a loose screw aside and leaning his head back against the wall behind him, his knees up as arm rests in front of him.  "What if we didn't do the big wedding thing?  Lose all the hype, just...go to a court house or something.  You can invite your family, if you want.  ...You are my family; I don't have anyone else.  Except...Rhodey and Happy, maybe...Morgan?"
He sighed, thinking of their last conversation together.  God, all he wanted was to give her a family.  Give her a shot at something normal...
"I dunno, Pep..." he whispered, looking down at the floor now to hide the way he tried to blink back tears.  "I just felt like..."
No.  This wasn't supposed to make her feel guilty, this was supposed to be an explanation, a promise that he cared for her and that he was doing the right thing when he...passed?
"Never mind, I'm rambling..." he mumbles, shaking his head before running a hand through his hot, messy hair.  "I'm up here in space, you're not."
There was no way for her to be pregnant.  Not now, anyway.  She wasn't before, so she wouldn't be now.  He was sort of needed for that.  He was talking nonsense, just hoping desperately for some kind of confirmation that he did something right before he died.
"Uh...  If you find this recording somehow...if my body makes it back to Earth or something...don't feel bad about it," he requested instead.  "I probably didn't suffer.  Honestly, I'll probably knock out and lose consciousness when I start to run out of air.  It's not a bad way to go, considering all the ways I've cheated death before..."
He chuckled lightly, realizing how much of a lucky son of a bitch he really was, in the scheme of things.
"...Part of the journey is the end.  And...I've reached my end."
But then he quieted, looking out the big window of the ship into starry space.  
"For the record, being adrift in space with...zero promise of rescue...is more fun than it sounds," he sighed, eyes closing as he let his head fall back a second time and he sucked in a deep breath, trying not to gasp for air unless he felt particularly short breathed.  "I thought..." he began, then pressed his lips together, frustrated.  "I used to have those nightmares about it, you know?  The portal and the big dragon things, and...it isn't like that out here.  It's...peaceful.  Maybe it's because nothing exists anymore, maybe you don't even exist anymore, who knows..."
That was the worst part.  Him, recording this, not even sure if Pepper would ever receive it.  If he died, would anyone ever save her?  Bring her back?  Give her the life she deserved, maybe without the pain of knowing him?  He ruined her life, after all.  He made her fall in love with him, just to do this...just to disappear.
"There's just nothing out here," he finally continued, eyes glossing over as he kept his gaze out the window, tone emotionless and exhausted at this point.  "Nothing out here to help, nothing out here to hurt.  It's the first peace and quiet I've had in a very, very long time, actually..."
And then he forced himself to tell her the details, realizing he was getting light headed and it had to be nearing midnight.  He had mere hours left...  Nebula would make it, she was more robot than human, and could function on no oxygen, but he had no chance in hell.
"Food and water ran out four days ago..." he admitted quietly.  "Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning....  And that'll be it."
As he said it, a weird calm overcame him.  Sure, he hadn't lead a good life to start, but he had changed.  He bettered himself to better the rest of the world, and now half of that was gone.  He attempts to redesign his drive...pointless.  What was left of the world...might be better off without his attempts.  He'd just disappear.  But a name in a history book, someone to blame for all of this.  The infamous Iron Man, who couldn't save everyone.  
"I'll just...drift off into sleep," he whispered, bringing his attention back to the helmet as he pushed himself up and knelt down in front of it, knowing his time was coming to an end.  "Just like I do every night.  Nothing new, just...sleep, dreams...  Only this time I won't wake up.  But when I do drift off..." he swallowed, "I'll dream about you."
Sighing, he reached out to turn off the recording, but hesitated, not knowing if it was the right place to end it.
"It's always you..." he added.  "I love you, Pep."
And then a tear finally slipped out of his eye and down his cheek, so he ultimately rushed to turn off the recording and save it, storing it within the helmet.  His hand lingered, caressing the side of it as he remembered.  Remembered the suits, remembered her.  Everything Iron Man meant to him.
He remembered her fiery red hair against that blue dress the first time he saw her.  Really saw her, not just the friend he hired to do all his paperwork, but the woman he...fell in love with, that night, despite what she believed.  He remembered her excitement when he gave her the CEO title, the rush of their first kiss on the roof.  He remembered her voice as it soothed him in his nightmares, her hand when he put the ring into place on her finger, the way she bit her lip when he asked for a kid...  And now it was all gone.
He would've killed - ironic, right - to listen to any of her old voicemails to lull him into sleep, to calm his erratic heart so he could go without panic, but if he did, he would exhaust the last of the power for the helmet and she would never have a chance at getting his message.  So he couldn't.  He would die alone, in space, facing his worst fear without a choice.
Except, he had at least one person.  Nebula, the being he'd befriended over the last...however long it had been, he really had no idea; he'd lost count weeks ago.
He tugged on that old track jacket - the same one he had worn the last day he was with her - and crossed his arms as he scooted back against the floor.  And that's when he heard her footsteps coming to check on him.  She'd given him privacy to record, but even she wanted to say goodbye before he tried to sleep.
"She'll get your message," the blue robot promised, hand on his shoulder as he sat back again, closing his eyes.
"You have to make it back first," he mumbled, and that's when her hand slid back off.
"I will.  I can last out here.  Someone will cross my path eventually."
He sighed, knowing it was a long shot.  They had been powerless for days, and she'd have to eat eventually too...  Sure, her diet was a little different, but she still did have human parts which would expire if they didn't get the things they needed.  She was just less dependent as he was.
"I'll kill Thanos for you," she promised next. "They'll remember you."
And that just made him laugh, smirking that usual Tony Stark smirk.  "Just like he wanted..."
Next came the shared silence of a goodbye, and then the long hours he spent wishing he could sleep but knowing he was too afraid.  He tried to picture her, picture all of the happy smiles they shared...but it was hard.  He hadn't seen her in so long...
"I'm sorry, Pep..." he whispered when he finally gave up.  "God, I'm so sorry..."
And then, as he started to believe maybe there was a chance, his ears began to ring from pressure and he felt faint.  There was no vision, no energy left to open his eyes.  But he swore...he swore on every fiber of his being, as he slowly slipped into an oxygen deprived sleep, the last thing he inhaled through his nostrils was her scent...lemon, ginger, and...Pepper.
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sugaskoffee · 6 years
Seconds | 002
↪ Jung Hoseok × Reader (ft. Jeon Jungkook & Min Yoongi)
↪ Genre: best friends au, one-sided love au, soft ANGST, fluff.
↪ WC: 6.1k+
↪ Sum: Being a good friend, you were there to help piece Hoseok's broken heart. He was just never there to piece yours.
001. 002(finale)
You kept praying that Hoseok would forget everything from last night, but an hour after dinner his name popped up in your messages. You were in your pajamas, comfortably laying on your bed; hangover finally dimished after a good meal and painkillers. Suit-case was all packed and ready for tomorrow, and you were finally starting to relax. But the text Hobi sent made your nerves jump and stomach turn, making you sit upright, spine straight, eyes wide.
     | Hey can we talk?
You felt your heart slide up your dry throat. Discussing last night was the last thing you wanted to do. So you did what the childish part of you told you to do: ignore it. Thirty minutes later your phone stopped buzzing with texts and rang with a call. It was Hoseok. Of fucking course. Can’t avoid things forever, it seemed. Groaning, your nervous hands answered the call.
"Y/N," Hobi's voice sounded cautious through the phone. "Are you- is everything okay?"
"Uh- yeah. Why wouldn't it be?”
There was a hesitant pause. "I mean...you left so quickly last night. Especially after, uh, everything. And you weren’t answering my texts, so I thought-"
"It's nothing," you lied. "Last night I just.. realized how late it was -you know me and my curfews. And since you were busy on the phone, I decided to just call Yoongi to pick me up. So, yeah, I'm fine."
"Oh, really? Okay, that’s good..I guess." Hoseok cleared his throat. A pause. Then, "Y/N...we should probably talk about.. what happened."
Your heart skipped a nervous beat and your breath stopped short. You didn't want to face your faults yet. You still needed time to think through everything and move past it all; if you didn't, there was a slight chance of you babbling out something you shouldn't. "And what happened, exactly..?" You said in a light manner.
"Y/N, you can't just-"
"Yeah okay, I get it; just so it wouldn't be awkward between us or whatever, we should talk about it.” You rambled on, “But there's really nothing to talk about! I mean, we were both drunk, and we did something that shouldn't have done. That's it." You hoped he didn't hear through the forced nonchalance in your tone.
In your chest, you felt your nervous heart pulse through the beat of silence. Then, "Oh- thank god." Hobi exhaled in what sounded like relief. "Here I thought you would- nevermind. I should just apologize for letting myself act so.."
"No, yeah, it’s fine," You reassured him, chuckling awkwardly. “Takes two to tango, you know.”
"So you...don't regret it?”
"I.." you didn't regret it. But by Hoseok's tone, you knew exactly what he wanted you to answer. "I was drunk, Hoseok. So I can't really say- but, I mean, I definitely regret the drinking part. The hangover almost killed me." You chuckled just to clear the tension.
A warm laugh sounded through the line. "Yeah, I was surprised you even went near a bottle of rum!"
Rolling your eyes, you smiled. "Ugh, I was too. But, you know, there's a first for everything.."
"Oooh yeah, there were a lot of firsts happening yesterday.."
"Shut up." You groaned. "Can you just let that go, please?" Hoseok only laughed at your response.
You knew his little comment was meant as a tease, but your heart still twisted painfully for some reason. You were stuck between being relieved and torn at the fact he was joking it all off.
"Awww, why? Did I steal your first kiss, y/n?"
Yes. "Ugh, you wish!"
Hoseok chuckled and you let your spine flop back down on the bed. Despite feeling a small sense of relief, another kind of heaviness settled in your chest. You didn't feel like joking about last night with Hobi anymore. You just wanted to sleep away these weird feelings.
"What are you doing right now?" Hoseok asked.
"Getting ready for bed," you sighed. "Just finished packing for the trip."
"Riiiiight. You're leaving tomorrow.."
Your hooded eyes blinked at your blue-painted ceiling. "Not with this headache."
"Well nobody forced you to drink so much yesterday, you know.."
You scoffed. "You invited me, so I'm still blaming you."
Hobi's laugh filled your ear. “You’ve been blaming me for everything since middle school!”
You smiled. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”
Hoseok scoffed. You turned to one side of the bed, grabbing the edge of your blanket and bringing it over your naked shoulders. "You still remember our deal while I'm gone, right?" You asked.
"Yeah, yeah. No getting wasted in clubs. No calling Leya. Wow, I'm really gonna be bored, you know.."
"Don't be a baby. You'll be just fine." You said. "I'll call from time to time to check up."
"Doubt it. You’ll be too busy fending off all your new boyfriends..” He teased.
You rolled your tired eyes, not willing to fight him on this anymore. "Sure, Hobi. Sure." You didn't expect anything from the trip other than spending time with your cousins. You highly doubted you’d come back with all your sanity -much less some boyfriend.
"Well anyway, I'll let you go now. You sound tired." Hoseok sighed. "Would've invited you over today, but I haven't gotten out of bed since an hour ago, so.."
"Not surprising. Once a lazy-ass, always a lazy-ass.”
“Psht. Look who’s speaking!”
You chuckled. “Goodnight Hobi."
"Sleep tight, y/n. I'll really miss your annoying ass."
Something in your chest fluttered and a grin pulled at the corners of your mouth. His little not-a-compliment made warmth flush up your neck. You were going to miss him too. After hanging up, your tired eyes came to a close and your mind replayed the scenarios of the last 48 hours vividly on your lids. You fell asleep with a desire to place your lips against Hobi's lips. To have his fingers stroke your back as he did. To soak in his pleasurable moans and breaths.
Yeah. You definitely needed some time away from him. Maybe then the thoughts in your mind will stop spouting nonsense and your sanity will return.
The family trip couldn't have gone by any longer.  And the worst part wasn't the fact that it was practically one million degrees of burning heat outside. It was the fact that your family decided to stay for another week and there was no wifi or phone service. Which -besides your frustrated groans of not being able to watch Netflix- didn't turn out to be much of a bad thing, really. You spent most of your time outside, socializing with your relatives and helping out your Mom and aunt with the cooking and cleaning, and reflecting on life. Which, in itself, was kind of therapeutic. You didn't realize just how much you needed this time away until came the car ride back home.
Throughout the entire span of those three weeks, you've tried to keep your mind clear of what happened before the trip, but Hobi kept popping back into your thoughts as if he was supposed to be there. Before falling asleep you caught yourself wondering about Hoseok; where he was and how he was doing. You wanted to call him and hear his voice and know what he was up to. You wanted to listen to his stupid rants about car models and comics. To put it simply; you missed him. So damn much. Which was exactly why you dreaded going home just as much you couldn't wait to.
Because those pesky little feelings for Hoseok didn't resolve as you expected them to. In fact, they seemed to consistently make themselves known. The thought of seeing Hobi again made your chest flutter with anticipation and anxiety all at once, and you kept trying to shake away those feelings as you did the thoughts of him. On the ride back home, you pondered over the years you've known Hoseok, and how your heart gradually grew warm to his throughout your span of friendship. But...maybe you just needed more time?
You kept wondering about it even now, as you avoided Hoseok. You've gotten back to the comfort of your room and full phone service only two days ago -which you spent lazying in bed and eating on the floor of your room whilst catching up on your favorite shows. It was all for distraction, of course. Reality had used fear to grip you; embracing what you knew was the last thing you wanted to do. Which was to accept the truth and do something about it.
It was nearing midnight when you ran out of episodes to watch. You forced yourself to finally get up and unpack your suitcase. A buzz from your phone sounded loudly against the bedside table. Expecting Hoseok's text, you were ready to swipe it out of sight. You were surprised at seeing Yoongi's name pop up.
    | Min(t) Yoongi: come out I'm at your door
Exhaling a loud breath, you wrapped your shoulders with a knit cover-up and made way down the hallways, the stairs, stopping only when the doormat was poking your bare feet.
"Hey," you smiled meekly as you shut the front door behind you. The summer breeze circled around your neck like a warm welcome.
Yoongi turned his back, flashing you that tired crooked smile of his. He didn't change much since you've last seen him. The boy was still wearing long-sleeved shirts, still touching up the color of his bleached hair, still looking sleep deprived. With the change that's been surrounding you lately, you were grateful for the consistency of Min Yoongi.
"You look like you haven't slept for days," he said.
You snorted, arms crossing as you leaned against the wooden rail of your porch. "Look who's speaking."
Eyes amused, Yoongi shrugged. Then pulled out something from his front pocket. "Came to give you your keys back."
Right. You nearly forgot he borrowed your car when you were away. Retrieving your key-chain from his grasp, you murmured out a thanks. "You know," Yoongi said. "Hoseok still thinks you're five hours away. You should pick up his calls."
Sighing, you averted your gaze. "I'll call him back tomorrow... but even if I don't, it's not the end of the world."
"Oh hell. You are acting weird about this."
"What are you talking about?"
"Look, I know, okay?" Yoongi exhaled. "About you and Hoseok making out and shit. So don't pretend with me."
"Leya told you, didn't she."
"No comment."
You groaned, closing your palms over your face. "I seriously just hate all of you."
"Look," Yoongi said. "Just talk to the guy. Pretend it didn't happen in the first place -that'll make it easier, and soon the awkwardness will go away."
"I wish I could! I-" you stopped, swallowing down the truth; it actually hurt to admit out loud. "No, you're right. I will."
A few beats of silence filled the air between the two of you. The noisy calls of frogs filled the summer air. You felt a pair of eyes staring at you intensely. "You have feelings for him," Yoongi spoke as if he just realized. He seemed upset but not surprised.
You scoffed. Then stuttered. Your brain couldn't figure out ways to cover up this obvious truth. "That’s just- that's ridiculous," You said. "I..." Trailing off, you gave up. You didn’t get why you were trying so hard to deny what was there. There was no point to it; you needed to let it out. "Fine. Yeah. Okay, I do. But that doesn't change anything. Hoseok doesn't see me that way. So," you shrugged.
There was a loud exhale beside you. "This is just... It's all fucked, isn't it?"
Your neck turned. "Why do you say that?"
"Because; you either have to ignore your feelings and stay his friend or tell him the truth and keep your distance," Yoongi said. "Otherwise- look, I won't lie and say that Hobi probably feels for you the way you feel for him. If he did, he would've made the move earlier and without the influence of alcohol."
At the information coming out of Yoongi's mouth, all you could do was frown and nod. "Yeah... I know all that." You sighed, gut twisting with pain. "Which is partially why I've been ignoring Hobi ever since I got back.."
Yoongi nodded in your peripheral, and you turned yourself to fully face him. "What would you do? You know..if it was you on my spot."
Eyes on his shoes, arms crossing over his chest, Yoongi smiled as if he thought of something funny. Then shrugged. "I'd not say anything." he said. "Feelings come and go. No point to ruin a good friendship for something you're not sure will last."
You were surprised by Yoongi's response. With how straightforward the mint-hair boy was, you'd think he was like that when it came to his love life. You wondered if he actually was on your spot before. "What if.. it does last?" You asked, head tilting.
"Just by being in that kind of situation tells you that it’s not likely it will." Yoongi exhaled, facing your front yard. “If you think about it, nothing lasts. Not for long anyway."
Silence captured the small moment of your eyes assessing him with furrowed brows, perplexity twisted in your chest. Then the moment was broken by your defeated exhale. "Yeah. I guess you have a point." You said, peeking over at him. You almost felt sorry for making him stay and listen to your problems. "Thanks, Yoongi. You know, for this."
The boy merely shrugged. "Sure."
Sighing, you mirrored his stance, shoulder lightly nudging his. "Where will I get this kind of pep-talk once you move, I don't know.."
Yoongi scoffed. "Now you're just mocking."
"A little." You smiled. "But it's true. I'll miss our conversations."
He rolled his eyes. "You still have a week and a half of me left. Feel free to take advantage of it."
Chuckling, you shook your head. "Careful now, I might just take you up on that offer." Yoongi let out a dreadful groan and you laughed harder.
You stayed with him on the porch for a bit longer, catching up on the vain things of life. Then Yoongi mentioned a project he needed to finish and was headed home. Before he left, you thanked him with a hug and made him promise to not forget you once he becomes a famous music producer. You waved him goodbye with a smile but your mind kept anxiously repeating his words once your body was tucked in bed. You hoped that these feelings of yours truly were nothing but a figment of your desires. You prayed that they wouldn't last.
With that, you decided to call Hoseok tomorrow. You decided to be what you didn't think you could possibly keep up for long; his friend.
You stuffed both hands into the pockets of your hoodie as the metal fence squeaked shut behind you. Grass brushing against your feet, you flip-flopped toward your old elementary playground, the warm breeze brushing your hair from your neck. The spacious property was empty -as it would be during this time of year, but it contained enough of your childhood memories to fill the entire property with a nostalgic feel. Spotting Hoseok on the swing-set from a distance, you smiled and picked up pace.
He texted you to meet him here before the two of you headed off to Yoongi's go-away party. You were excited to finally see him since you didn't get a chance to hang out since you came back. It's only been three days since you made yourself call him back, yet it felt longer. Butterflies of nervousness kept disturbing your train of thought.
"Hobi!" You called out once close enough.
Looking up from his phone, it took a second for Hoseok to realize it was you approaching him. When he did, his dazzling grin was ear-to-ear wide. His hands were hanging down as he slowly swayed back and forth on the swing. You couldn't help but grin back just as wide as you maneuvered around the seesaw and skipped on over to him. After exchanging a fierce hug, both of you plopped down on the seats of the swing set.
He was still smiling. "Long time no see, am I right?"
You exhaled a chuckle, only then holding yourself back from hugging him again. You nudge his shoulder with your own instead. "Yeah, yeah. I missed you too."
He sighed. "But seriously. It got so boring without you around." his black eyes then met yours. "What took you so long, by the way? I thought it was only gonna be two weeks?"
"It was supposed to be two weeks. But certain things changed while we were there and we decided to stay a bit longer."
"Certain things, you say?" He hummed. "Does that mean there were boyfriends after all?"
You scoffed. "Oh yeah. I had a whole bunch, actually. They even left marks," you said, bringing up your sleeve and showing him your arms that were covered in numerous mosquito bites. Hoseok laughed.
He shook his head. "Damn, that’s a lot of marks. Can't say I'm jealous though." You rolled your eyes and he continued, "But really. Jokes aside.."
You sighed. Because despite the fact there physically wasn't anyone there that caught your eye or vice versa, you did realize a lot. Especially where your heart really lied at. You realized how much your heart ached for Hoseok, your ears missed hearing his laugh and you itched for his presence. You hated to admit that even to your thoughts, but you couldn't avoid this forever.
"Besides the bugs, no." You told him truthfully. "What about you? How was your month? Stuck to our deal, or..?"
"Or." Hobi said.
You frowned. "What happened?"
"Relax, it's nothing bad, y/n. Just..." He sighed and you didn't feel like hearing the rest of it actually. "I sorta met someone. But it was.. in a club and I was kinda drunk, so I-"
"I know, I know. But it was a birthday celebration, I couldn't miss it, okay!"
That's not why you reacted the way you did. The ‘I sorta met someone’ took your mind by strong curiosity. "Not that," You waved a hand dismissively. "You met someone? Who?” And why was this the first time you were hearing this?
That's when a soft smile stretched Hoseok's pretty mouth. "Her name is Kye." He said, gaze averting down thoughtfully; by the look in his eyes, you knew there was nothing but her face before them now. "It's only been a few weeks since we met, but I feel like I've known her forever. I- y/n, she's just.. wow. It's funny cause I didn't really like her at first. But now...now I want to ask her to be my girlfriend."
The entire time he spoke, your heart twisted and turned until it ripped from its socket. Deep down, that selfish vessel of mixed feelings wanted to go back to scolding him about going to the club. But a part of you actually felt glad for Hoseok; that he was able to move past his first love. Yet you’d be lying if hearing all this didn't leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
Sighing, your lips shaped into a half-hearted smile. "That's great, Hoseok," you said softly, sincerely. "I'm honestly really glad that you've moved on."
Hobi raised his chin until his gaze tied with yours. You hoped he wouldn't spot the pain behind your eyes. "Me too, y/n." He replied. "It's all thanks to you, actually."
"What? How?" That was the last thing you wanted to hear.
"If it wasn't for you and your scolding words always coming into my head when I was in that club, I probably would've never run into Kye on my way out and spilled my drink on her." He chuckled at the memory.
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. It baffled you how much can change in three weeks time. The small amount of hope you bared in your chest had been crushed in a span of seconds and you didn't know what to do with those broken pieces anymore. Looking over at Hoseok, you were glad at least one of you got the desires of their heart.
"You're still coming to Yoongi's going away party, right?"
You blinked. "Y-Yeah, I am." You said. When, in truth, you had forgotten all about that.
"Awesome! You can meet Kye there." Hobi grinned. You grinned back, not as wide.
"Can't wait," you said. You didn't mean it.
And it seemed that Hoseok caught on your tone. “Done worry, y/n, this doesn’t mean I’ll neglect you,” He chuckled, nudging you. “You know you’re my one and only right?” 
Yeah, you thought, one and only best bud.  Pursing your lips you nodded, knowing that he probably wasn’t going to stay true to his word no matter what he thinks. Relationships change not only change you but also take up most of your time.
Hoseok stemmed his legs into the ground until he was off his swing. In seconds, he was out of sight and strong hands were pushing your back, setting your swing flying toward the sky. Gripping both chains like your life depended on it, you let out a surprised yelp. Hoseok's distant laughs breezed by your ears. You hated that you gave in and laughed along with him.
"Don't you dare push too hard, you ass!"
"Just trust me!"
"I swear, if I fly off," inhale, "you better catch me!" Exhale.
Hobi let out another laugh when you squealed at his hard push. As warm air winded through your hair and skin from the fast motion, your heart swelled at the thought that it was you who made him laugh this hard. You kept your eyes shut and pretended it was only you who could get that kind of laugh out of him.
You and Hoseok stayed in the park until the sun left no trace of it being there and the sky held nothing but darkness and stars. You had no clue how many hours you spent talking with him but they passed by like minutes. When you decided to check the time, you realized there was only an hour until everyone was to gather for the going-away party. Hoseok offered you to carpool with him since it was all taking place in his friends’ place. You had forgotten all about Kye until you walked through the threshold of an unfamiliar house. A petite girl with blonde pixie hair rushed to Hoseok so hard that it even made you trip.
You could smell weed off of her as she jumped into Hobi's arms and peppered him with affectionate, drunk kisses. He chuckled into her mouth and you turned away from the pair as quick as you could. Cheeks flushed from witnessing what you did, you made way through the living area, heart twisting in your gut. You needed some water. The walls were decorated with dark blue party strings and a few balloons floated around. The tables around the house were stacked with a variety of alcohol, chips, and sweets. You took a turn into what was the kitchen and filled water in a plastic party cup. Downing it in one go, you missed the figure that came to stand beside you.
"Princess! what a surprise!"
Chin turning, you met a pair of chestnut eyes. Dark parted hair, athletic shoulders, bunny smile. It was the guy from Hoseok's friend group at that one club. Jungkook. You blinked. It was you who was surprised. "Oh, hi." You said. "You, uh, know Yoongi?"
Jungkook leaned his side against the counter near-by. "No, not really. But I don't have to. I live here."
Brows going up, you nodded. "Yeah I guess that works too." The boy grinned.
"How come I haven't been seeing you around? I kinda missed your superb dancing skills."
You snorted. "Right. Well, that was definitely a one-time thing, so I'm afraid you won't be able to force them out of me."
"Even if I beg?"
"Especially then."
Jungkook chuckled. "Damn. Here I was hoping you could teach me some of your moves."
You grinned but didn't say anything in response. You just filled your empty cup with water again. The brunette hummed beside you as he came closer. "Do you want something stronger, maybe?"
"You're not just trying to get me drunk enough to dance, are you?" You teased.
Jungkook laughed, hand coming to rub the back of his neck. "Nah. At least, not yet." He said with a wink. You rolled your eyes. "I'm just in need of a drinking buddy. I'd call Hoseok over but he's too busy sucking face with Kye."
The gut-twisting feeling was back again. A bitter taste coated your tongue. You drank more water in hopes to wash it down. "I think I'll pass, actually." You said, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "I think I'm not the right candidate for that job."
"Says the girl who went beast mode on the sprite vodka we ordered last time."
You groaned. "And I very much regret doing that... Especially for my first time."
"No way! Really?" There was a glimmer of intrigue in Jungkook's eyes; inspecting you as if they didn't believe your words. As if you were some rare species. Mouthfull of water, you nodded surely in response. "Okay, let me ask you this. Have you ever been to Rum and Coke?"
You swallowed. "Nope. What's that?"
Jungkook's eyebrows rose up to his hairline. "Damn. Princess, you're really missing out."
You shrugged. "Can't miss out on things you've never experienced." Though he was probably right. But you weren't the type to care about stuff like that. You liked your life the way it was, the last thing you pondered over was how many parties you were missing or how high your tolerance for alcohol was.
"That's what boring people say," he waved a hand dismissively. "I'm gonna take you there someday."
You snorted. "Sure."
"I'm serious."
Looking up, you found that he was. Despite his mouth being curled into a smirk, Jungkook looked dead-on serious. As if he was set on taking the challenge before him, with strong dedication. "Don't be scared, I'm not gonna force you to drink or anything."
"I'm not scared."
"Oh? Well, how about tonight then? Right now?"
"Right now?"
"Why not?"
Holding his gaze with yours, you saw a dare shining in his eyes. He was waiting for an incredulous reaction. Problem was, you didn't feel very incredulous about his offer at all. Not with the long summer nights that held no responsibility. Not when Hoseok was down the hall cuddling with Kye -his soon-to-be girlfriend who got to taste his lips and swallow his laughs and feel his skin on a daily basis. Not when your mind was a jumbled mess of jealousy, pain, and confusion the past few weeks.
"Fine." You told him. He raised a brow. "I'll go with you, but only if-"
"Ahh, the rules!" Jungkook brought his hands to a clap. "A goody-goody classic. Okay, hit me."
You sighed, annoyed if not amused. "Only if you bring me home before midnight, and not mention a thing about my dancing."
Grinning, Jungkook tilted his head. "Done." He said. "Shall we head out?"
Pursing your lips into a smile you looked down into your empty cup. "Maybe in an hour? I still wanna give Yoongi his present."
"Ahh, so you know him?"
Jungkook chuckled. "Since middle school, actually." You continued, grinning. "So he'll be on my ass if he thinks I didn't come to properly farewell him and shit."
"Well, we wouldn't want that now would we." He said, shoulder nudging yours. "Later it is, then. Just remember; you can't back out now. I’m not letting you."
You had yet to figure out how he got this close. Smirking, you nudged him back just as hard. "I won't back out okay? I'm thinking you might, though."
Jungkook snorted. “You don’t know me that well then.”
The front door then swung open. By the time you made way to get a good view, everyone in the living area had already screamed 'surprise' and were laughing at Yoongi's expression. The mint-hair boy didn't look all that startled but you saw the surprise-laden beneath his blank expression. Grinning, you held back the urge to go over to him. He was busy talking with Hoseok and a few other guys from school.
The next hour passed by in a strange blur. Besides Jungkook, you've spoken to many other faces over the time and managed to stumble upon Kye, who smiled drunkenly at you and hugged you warmly when you told her you were Hoseok's good friend. She was nice. Had kind eyes. Very chatty and loud and giggly. Everything about her screamed spontaneously simple. She had tattoos running up her left arm and a pierced lip. She was gorgeous in her own artsy way and a warm vibe radiated from her. You understood why Hoseok was with her. You understood why he would never see you when he has her.
You talked with Kye until you spotted Hoseok coming over; you left as quick as you could, not ready to face him yet. With the house being stuffed with warm bodies on a hot summer night, you found yourself needing fresh air. After excusing yourself, you found Jungkook chatting up a blonde, and told him you were ready to leave whenever he was. Now, seated on steps of the front porch, you felt like you could finally breathe. The cement felt nice and cool against your naked legs. The early night carried a breeze that smelled of cut grass and river water. The stars were surprisingly bright -no moon, though.
Your thoughts kept turning as much as the jealousy in your stomach. You felt many things today. Shame and pain ranked the highest on the list. Shame because you were wrong to have the thoughts you did about Hoseok when he's happy in with someone who cares for his heart as much as he cares for theirs. You were wrong to assume that Kye wasn't going to be enough for him. You were in the wrong, wrong, wrong. From that, shame kept surfacing. You couldn't look Hoseok in the eye without feeling as such.
You didn't realize that a figure came to sit beside you until you felt a shoulder brush your own and a voice spoke. "Hey, stranger."
Blinking over to the body, you smiled when Yoongi's melatonin eyes caught yours, watching you through strands of mint hair. "Hey," You said meekly. "I was wondering how long you'd last in a crowd like that."
His lips turned up. "Did you guess right?"
"Ten minutes off."
"Huh. A lot less than what I thought."
You chuckled. "That's progress, then."
"I guess." Yoongi sighed. "What about you?"
"I lasted a lot less than you did, as you can see. Too stuffy inside."
"No. I meant with Hoseok." He said. "I've noticed he told you about Kye.."
Your body stiffened, you looked down at Yoongi's shoulder. Your mouth was packed with vague answers that wouldn't give anything away. But there was nothing to give away when it came to Yoongi. He knew everything; he read you like an open book.
"There's nothing much to say, honestly." You said. "I mean I'm glad he's happy and all, but I can't just- I'm.. I just need more time, I guess. I don't know.."
Yoongi nodded. "Yeah. Understandable." Then, "Anything else?"
"I didn't break down crying in one of the bathrooms if that's what you were wondering."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, pulling out a cigarette from his side and lighting it up with his battered lighter. "You suck at answering questions, you know."
You laughed. "Well, I did grow up hanging around you a lot, so.."
His mouth turned up as smoke billowed through his teeth. "Brat." He said, keeping his gaze straight. Yoongi took in short breaths and let out long exhales.
"Do you think.." you said quietly, following his gaze. The dark sky met you. "That everything will get better eventually?"
The boy hummed. "Eventually, yeah."
"Hard to believe it at times, to be honest."
Yoongi looked over at you. Your eyes caught his; a wave of perplexity and sadness filled his dark orbs. You blinked and it was gone. "It will," he told you. "Believe me."
Nodding, you sighed dreadfully. "Any other advice, Dr. Phil?"
He rolled his eyes. "Don't let your feelings make you their bitch."
You laughed then. A hearty, loud laugh. The kind that made you rock back and lean into Yoongi. After catching a full breath, your head came to rest against his shoulder. "You suck at giving advice, you know that?"
You felt him shrug. “You get what you ask for."
"But has any of it helped you, though?"
Yoongi looked over at you, hooded eyes holding an unreadable look for too many silent beats. "Sometimes." He whispered, gaze searching yours as if he’d find an answer in your eyes.
"Y/N!" A voice had you straightening your spine and looking over your shoulder. Jungkook was by the door, slipping on a leather jacket with keys jingling in his hand. "Ready?"
Plastering on a pursed smile, you nodded. "Yeah. Just give me a minute?"
"Sure. I'll be waiting in the car." The brunette smiled at you before skipping down the steps. After exchanging greetings with Yoongi, you watched Jungkook stroll down the lawn and into a black BMW.
Yoongi was looking at you with raised brows, smoke clouding from his lips, eyes bearing no emotion once again. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing." He shrugged. "Jealous you get to leave so early."
You rolled your eyes, shoulder nudging his. "Tell me what you really wanted to say."
The boy exhaled. "Don't get too fucked up. I don't wanna deal with your hungover ass again."
Shaking your head, you gave up with him. Standing, you wiped dust off your numb butt and stepped off of the porch, shoving both hands in your front pockets. Yoongi was observing you with a blank expression, the small of his cigarette tucked between his lips. You didn't know you were grinning until he told you to stop being a creep. Chuckling, you only leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek with lightning motion; slipping the gift-card you got him along with an old-fashioned iPod that had a mix of songs you know he’d like on it, into his jacket pocket as you did so.
"Have fun!" You said once you were a good distance away, grinning from ear to ear. "And don't miss me too much."
Yoongi just waved you away before calling you a trader. You got into the passenger seat of Jungkook's car with a smile on your face. Talking with Yoongi made your night a lot less shitty. Despite not saying much, his mere company and mental support were more than enough.
After driving out of the neighborhood, Jungkook took off in unbearable speed down the empty freeway. With windows down and hair blown back from the warm impacted wind, you laughed and let loose in your seat to the beat of his choice of music. You nearly forgot every detail of your crushed heart until your phone started buzzing against your thigh.  The BMW was already parked in a large, foreign to you, property, and you already unbuckled your seatbelt when your cell demanded attention.
"You gonna get that?" Jungkook asked before opening the door and sliding out of the driver seat.
Wide eyes on the phone screen, you shook your head no. Hobi it read. You declined the call. You ended up turning your phone off entirely. You felt stupid feeling guilty for doing that. But how else are you supposed to let your heart heal if not by making some distance, creating some limits? It had to be done. Not like he was in need of your company tonight anyway.
Hopping out of the car, you followed a grinning Jungkook into a weird-looking building that had a large neon sign flashing ‘Rum&Coke’ on it. You left your cell in his car just in case you gave in to the itch and called Hoseok back. This... this was progress.
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unfolded73 · 6 years
Hi, could you please write a part 3 of the Lieutenant Duckling smut, where they're finally married and can make love and enjoy each other? please, and thank you
Finally, I finished this, hooray! As with everything I’m writing lately, it’s pure filth, albeit fluffy feelsy filth. Enjoy. 4900 words, rated Explicit.
I’ve reposted this on ao3 as a separate 3-part fic here.
(Part 1)(Part 2)
Part 3
Emma lifted her head, flipped her pillow over, and punched it before flopping her head back onto it. She closed her eyes, counting to fifty. She rolled onto her back, pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes hard enough to see spots, groaning in frustration.
There was just no possible way she was going to fall asleep.
Finally, she sat up with a determined frown and swung her feet down onto the cold floor. She reached for the extinguished candle on her bedside table, then thought better of it, leaving it where it was. Emma pulled on her robe and walked over and carefully opened her bedchamber door, listening for the footfalls of a night watchman. Hearing nothing, she slipped out into the passageway.
On the eve of their wedding, Killian had been put in a room in a different wing of the castle, far from Emma’s bedchamber. But after so many years of sneaking down to the kitchen for a midnight snack, it was an easy matter for Emma to avoid the watch’s patrol pattern and make her way to Killian’s bedroom, the location of which she’d made a point of memorizing. Ducking into an alcove and waiting until she was certain she wouldn’t be observed, Emma dashed to the door and carefully opened it, letting herself inside. She locked it behind her.
She heard a fumbling sound, and with her eyes straining in the dim moonlight, she saw Killian’s hand shoot out and knock his candle off the table.
“Who’s there?” he said, his voice raspy with sleep.
“It’s Emma,” she whispered, hurrying over to the bed. “Don’t… raise the alarm or whatever.”
“Emma? What are you doing in here? I’m not supposed to see you, it’s bad luck.”
“I know, sorry, but I couldn’t sleep.”
Killian sat up in bed, completely bare-chested, and Emma gulped at the sight. Reaching out for her, he took her hand and kissed it. “Too excited about tomorrow?”
“Too nervous about tomorrow.”
He smiled at her. “Not nervous that you’ve made the wrong decision, I hope?”
She punched him on the arm and then sat down on the bed at his side. “No. Nervous that something will go wrong, I guess. That I’ll get up in front of all those people and trip and fall into the wedding cake.” Killian chuckled at that. “And… I’m nervous about the wedding night.”
Killian squeezed her hand. “Me too.”
“Why are you nervous? It won’t be your first time,” she said.
“It’ll be my first time with you, Emma. My first time with the woman I love, the woman I intend to spend my life with. My wife,” he added, and the way his voice caught on that word made her heart skip a beat. “Of course I’m nervous.” He pressed his lips against her hand again.
She hesitated for a second and then decided to forge ahead with her original plan. “So let’s get it over with.” And then she winced because that had sounded much better in her head. “I mean, not get it over with because that makes it sound like I’m dreading it and I am definitely not, but if we do it now, then we won’t be distracted during the ceremony worrying about… you know.”
Killian was quiet in answer to her rambling, and Emma bit her lip, waiting for him to say something.
“My love… are you sure that’s what you want? You’d be going to your wedding day no longer–”
“Killian, if you say ‘pure,’ I’m going to smack you. You know how I feel about all that patriarchal nonsense.”
“Aye, and you’d be right to strike me, darling.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “I just don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.” Chuckling uneasily, he added, “And I think it would be a shame if your father were to find out and murder me mere hours before I am to wed you.”
“I locked the door,” she said, and then inched a little closer to him. “Look, is there really a difference between right now and tomorrow in terms of the commitment we’ve made to each other?”
“No, of course not.” He reached out and touched her cheek, and Emma shivered at the contact. “I love you, Emma, and I will be yours for as long as I live.”
She felt pinpricks of tears behind her eyes at his declaration. She knew what had driven her to sneak into his room was a mixture of lust and pragmatism, but right now it felt like so much more. “I love you, too. And I don’t want to wait another second to share this with you.”
Killian launched himself up from the pillows, taking her in his arms and sealing his mouth forcefully over hers. Hoping that was his answer, Emma brought her feet up onto the bed, letting her momentum carry them down so that she ended up sprawled on top of him as they continued to kiss. He was still under the covers and she was on top of them, and there was a bit of fumbling as they tried to correct that fact without letting their lips part.
Emma still wore her nightgown and robe, she realized, and with a frustrated grunt, she sat up and struggled to untangle herself.
“Let me,” Killian said, his hand gently curling around her shoulder. “Let me undress you, darling.”
Unable to find her voice, Emma nodded.
His fingers deftly worked the knot in her robe before easing it off. Her nightdress was tied with a ribbon at her neck and he pulled it loose, moving aside the neckline. Leaning over, Killian kissed her bare shoulder, and it felt startlingly intimate to have his lips on a part of her they had never before touched. It seemed to affect him profoundly as well, and his movements as he lifted the nightgown up her body and over her head were rushed. Emma shifted her weight to assist him, and before she knew it, she was completely nude.
As much time as they had spent pawing at each other over their clothes, and sometimes under them, Emma still felt terribly exposed, and she moved her arms instinctively to cover her breasts.
“Oh, don’t,” he whispered. “You’re the most beautiful vision I’ve ever seen, let me look at you.”
Hesitantly, Emma lay back, her arms falling to her sides, and let Killian take her in. Cool air and nerves made her shiver, and he gently brought the covers up around them as he settled down beside her.
With a little smirk, Emma rolled toward him and reached for the drawstring of his trousers. “You’re overdressed.”
He laughed in response. “Aye.” She untied the laces and he pulled the sleeping trousers off, tossing them on the floor.
His skin was pale in the moonlight, the hairs that covered his body a stark contrast. She’d seen his cock before, but never in the context of the rest of him, had never been able to let her eyes follow the trail of hair down his abdomen to his erection, jutting proudly toward her now like some kind of divining rod.
Killian gathered her into his arms, and Emma finally felt what it was like to have his bare skin pressed all along the length of hers. She sighed into his mouth with joy at how wonderful it felt. It was like something clicking into place, being with him like this. Like her heart and body were finally in sync.
While they kissed, Emma could feel the wet press of the tip of his cock against her belly, and she couldn’t help but fixate on what it would feel like to have that part of him inside her. She both wanted it desperately and feared it at the same time. Would she be different, afterward? Would people just be able to look at her and know?
As if he sensed her trepidation, Killian’s kisses slowed and his hand rubbed her back, soothing her with his warmth and comforting embrace.
“Emma, if you don’t want this, you can change your mind, darling.”
Shaking her head, she shifted onto her back, letting her legs fall open. “I want this. I trust you.”
He kissed her again. “May I touch you?”
She couldn’t help but giggle. “It’s nothing you haven’t done before.”
Killian’s hand trailed down her belly. “I know, but it’s different now,” he said. He skimmed past her sex and cupped her inner thigh. “Isn’t it?”
“Yes,” she said breathlessly because it did, it felt so different from those times with his hand under her skirts. She felt more vulnerable, naked and in his bed as his fingers inched up and came in contact with her folds. The slick way his fingers moved against her skin made her aware of how wet she was, her body anticipating and needing him. At least now she knew that he found the wetness arousing.
“You feel so good, love,” and Emma stifled a moan as he began to stroke her with more purpose. “So ready for me.”
“Yes, I’m ready, Killian.” She couldn’t help but writhe against his fingers, her hips moving instinctually as he slid one finger into her easily.
“There’s no rush, Emma. I want this to feel as good for you as I can make it. All right?”
Nodding, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensations his fingers were creating between her legs. He focused more and more on that tiny nub of flesh that made pleasure radiate out like sunlight inside her veins, and very quickly she felt the tell-tale sparks of an impending orgasm. She almost didn’t want it to happen, wanted to save it until their bodies were truly joined, but something about being in bed with him, their naked bodies close together, seemed to heighten the experience of being touched so intimately and her climax crested over almost against her will. Emma bit her lip, the only noise coming from her throat a choked off squeak.
“I love it when you come,” Killian murmured, his lips brushing across her sweaty brow. His fingers continued to stroke her down below, stimulating her over-sensitive flesh, and then he adjusted his hand and Emma felt the pressure of being entered again, this time with what seemed like two fingers. She gasped.
“Does that feel okay?” he asked.
It didn’t hurt, but it was more of an intrusion than she’d ever experienced, so it felt slightly strange. Emma hesitated, and then she nodded.
He continued to gently move his fingers in and out, and her body quickly accommodated them. Emma felt renewed desire and pleasure, and she moved her hand to Killian’s cheek, stretching up to kiss him. “Make love to me. Please.”
Killian seemed to tremble as he positioned himself above her and she spread her legs to bracket his hips. The first touch of his cock sliding across her folds made both of them moan.
“We need to stay quiet,” she whispered, and he nodded.
“I know, but gods, I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long, and you feel so good.”
He continued to just thrust against her, not pushing inside, and as lovely as that felt, Emma wondered what he was waiting for. She felt uncertain, like maybe there was something she should do to allow him entrance that she didn’t know about. “Killian–”
“Can I?” he said at the same time she spoke his name. Emma nodded. Propping himself over her with one arm, he reached down and took himself in hand, and then she felt the tip right against her opening. For some reason, it hadn’t occurred to her that he might need to direct the angle of his cock with his hand, and Emma almost giggled at her own naivete. It felt huge, like there was no way it would fit inside her, and that same mixture of anticipation and fear swelled in her chest.  Then he was pushing and there was pressure, and then a sharp twinge as the head of his cock slipped inside. Emma gasped, and Killian stopped.
“Does it hurt?”
She felt a burning at the way her body was being stretched, but it wasn’t terrible. “A little, but it’s okay. Keep going.”
Very slowly, he pushed inside her, and the slight pain persisted but something about it also felt good, like nerves that his fingers couldn’t reach were being stimulated by the size and length of him. She was almost surprised when she felt his hips come up flush with hers and she realized he was all the way in.
With panting breath, Emma opened her eyes and looked at him. She felt full and strangely complete in a way she never had before. Their bodies were like puzzle pieces, finally put together after so many months of being separate parts of a whole.
“I love you,” he said, and she felt him move just a bit as he pinned her down with his hips.
“I love you,” Emma answered. “I’m so glad it’s you.”
He moved then, pulling out and pushing back in and Emma gasped again. A few more shallow strokes and the pain was almost gone.
“Oh,” she said, and she could hear the surprise in her own voice. Having him inside her like this was everything she had wanted since she had fallen in love with him. “Oh.” Again as he pulled out a little farther and pressed back inside with more force. Every time felt better and better.
“All right?” His voice was strained and breathy.
“Yes, gods, it’s… yes.” She spread her legs wider and clung to him, giving herself over to the rhythm of his movement.  
Killian didn’t last long, his back arching and a pained grimace on his face as he climaxed. Emma was a little disappointed it had been so quick, but then she remembered how excited she’d been and how quickly she’d come from just his fingers, so she could sympathize with his lack of stamina. As he pulled out, Emma felt a little stinging twinge of pain between her legs, and she pressed her thighs together. Rolling onto her side, she felt a flood a moisture run out onto the inside of her leg, and she grimaced. Sex was strange and messy, she thought as she tried to get comfortable, but it was also wonderful and sort of life-changing.
“Are you all right?” Killian asked, his hand coming up to caress her cheek.
She snuggled close to his chest, kissing him tenderly. “I’m… good. And looking forward to doing that again.”
He grinned. “Less nervous about tomorrow, I hope?”
Pondering that, she nodded. “Yes, I suppose I am. But I wish I didn’t have to sneak back to my bedchamber.” She felt bereft at the thought. After such an intimate act, the last thing she wanted to do was leave Killian and return to her own bed alone. She needed the comfort of his arms around her, cradling her through the night.
“This is the last time we’ll have to sleep apart,” he assured her, kissing her forehead. “After tomorrow, there’ll be no getting rid of me.”
“You’re going to look so beautiful, Emma,” Snow said, carefully fingering the embroidery on the wedding dress in the morning sunlight. It hung on the door of her wardrobe, ready to be put on. “Are you excited?”
Emma took a sip of her tea, then returned to brushing out her long hair. She was excited, but the lack of sleep made it challenging to match her mother’s energy level. “I’m excited.”
Snow’s face fell a little bit. “You don’t seem excited.”
“I am, I am, I’m just…” It was impossible to articulate how she felt. Sitting there at her dressing table, she was aware of a slight soreness between her legs, and it just made her feel all the more like the fact that she’d given up her maidenhead a day early would be obvious to anyone who looked at her. “Nervous.”
Snow eyed her, and Emma could tell there was something on her mind. Her mother took a deep breath.  “We should talk about tonight,” she blurted. “The wedding night. You know.” She wrung her hands together.
Emma’s eyes widened. “Are you really going to bring up sex with me at the very last possible moment to bring it up?”
“Sorry, but this is hard for me, talking about this sort of thing with my only daughter. You’re still a little girl to me in a lot of ways.”
A surge of anger surprised Emma with its ferocity. The idea that without Ruby, she would have been left all alone to try to figure out her physical reaction to Killian and how to navigate that aspect of their relationship suddenly made her furious. “Well, I’m not a little girl. Killian and I have already done things together,” she blurted.
Snow crossed her arms and frowned. “What things?”
She felt a perverse sort of thrill at the idea of shocking her mother, although if what Ruby had said was true, it was nothing she herself hadn’t done.  “I’ve been physical with him,” she said vaguely, thinking more of their months of stolen moments in empty rooms in the castle than of the night before.
She expected shock or anger or both, but what she got were her mother’s eyes glassy with tears. “I should have been here for you before this,” she said.
Emma shrugged. “Ruby was here for me,” she said, unable to resist getting another dig in.
“That’s hardly comforting,” Snow said, sinking down onto the bed.
“I’m just saying, you’re off the hook,” Emma said to the mirror as she brushed her hair.
“I don’t want to be off the hook. I’m your mother, and I failed you.”
Turning around and looking at Snow face-to-face, all of Emma’s anger melted away and was replaced by guilt for making her mother feel bad. “I’m sorry.”
“Is he… kind to you? And giving?” Snow asked timidly.
“Very giving.” Emma experienced a visceral flash of memory, of the way he’d once hiked her skirts up and let her wrap her legs around him, grinding his hardness against her until she’d had a powerful, shuddering climax against the wall in an alcove behind the armory.
“I didn’t know loving someone could feel this way,” Emma said. “I thought I loved Baelfire, but it was nothing like this.”
“It was destined to be,” Snow said with a dreamy look in her eye. “From the day he saved your life–”
“He didn’t save my life–”
“The day he pulled you out of the water then,” Snow said. “You were destined to fall in love.”
Emma shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Do you know when you first realized you were in love with him?”
“Realized it? I don’t think I actually realized it until the first time we kissed, but I’m pretty sure I was done for when I was fifteen and he put on that naval uniform the first time.”
Snow giggled. “Men do look good in uniform.”
Indeed, the sight of him at the altar in his formal dress uniform took Emma’s breath away.
The ceremony went by in a blur, and Emma was hard-pressed to remember the details later. She remembered the way her hands trembled, the shaking of the delicate flowers of her bouquet making it terribly obvious. She remembered struggling to repeat the words she was supposed to say as she got lost in the blue of Killian’s eyes. She remembered his voice catching as he said his vows, and that catch making her own tears flow. She remembered the warmth of his lips as he leaned in and gave her a chaste kiss. She remembered the blur of happy faces as they walked back down the aisle as husband and wife.
The receiving line that followed was boring and exhausting but the ball was fun, at least in that she got to dance almost every dance with her new husband, save the one reserved for her father and a few more that she was diplomatically obligated to share with visiting royalty from neighboring kingdoms.
“Are you happy?” her father David had asked as they spun around the room.
“Very happy.”
“I can tell; you’re positively glowing today. There’s already something different about you.”
Emma had blushed at that, her head immediately filling with images of the night before.
The ball went by so quickly that she was almost surprised when one of her ladies-in-waiting said it was time for them to go.
They had a honeymoon on the coast to look forward to, but this first night was going to be spent at the very hunting lodge that they’d once stolen away to, an easy ride from the castle since they knew they’d be too tired and it would be too late to embark on a long trip immediately after the wedding.
“Oh, thank the gods, there’s food,” Emma said as they walked into the main room, where a servant had set out a selection of fruits and cheeses for them in front of the fireplace in which a lively fire danced. Someone who knew she would barely have time to eat at her own wedding must have arranged for the spread, and Emma would have gladly kissed whoever that was.
She caught Killian staring at her as she ate, and she swiped at her mouth with a napkin in case she’d made a mess of herself. “What?”
He smiled. “Nothing, just… you’re my wife.”
She grinned back. “Yeah.”
When they had slaked their hunger for food, Emma stood and held her hand out for her husband. “Let’s go to bed,” she said, and his expression shifted to lustful in an instant.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
They undressed each other slowly, removing the traveling clothes that they had dutifully changed into even though she would have better enjoyed watching Killian peel off his officer’s uniform, just as she would have preferred to feel his hands unlacing the stays on her wedding dress. But there was a protocol to these things, and at least in this case, they had followed it.
Emma was alight with desire as he leaned over and took her nipple between his lips, his tongue flicking it and making her moan. The staff who had readied the hunting lodge for them had returned to the castle, and they could make as much noise as they wanted.
“Do you regret last night?” he asked hesitantly as he lowered her to the bed, his body covering her and caging her in. In the firelight, she could see everything more clearly, but she wasn’t as nervous about being bare in front of him this time.
Emma shook her head, smiling up at him. “Not even a little.” Killian moved his hips against hers, his cock dragging against her flesh, and she winced.
“Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” she said quickly, not wanting to mar this perfect night, but he gave her look that said he didn’t believe her. “I’m the tiniest bit sore, but not enough to matter. I want to make love to my husband.”
Killian planted a line of open-mouthed kisses down her throat, his teeth scraping against her collarbone. “Let me make sure you’re ready first,” he said, a dark rasp in his voice, and then he began working his way down her body, his mouth focusing on her breasts for a while before he covered her flat stomach with little sucking kisses.
His intent became more than clear when he positioned himself lower on the bed, his shoulders spreading her legs apart. Emma couldn’t believe the way he was examining her sex so closely, and she felt the urge to close her legs to his scrutiny, but she held herself still.
“Relax, darling,” Killian said, no doubt noticing that she was tense. “I’m merely going to service you the way you did for me in that closet a few weeks ago. When I had to go make conversation with your mother over dessert while all I could think of was the way you looked with my cock in your mouth.” He placed a closed-mouth kiss right over her opening, and Emma gasped, her leg twitching. “I’ve fantasized about this so many times,” he murmured, and the tickle of his breath on her skin made her tremble. “I’ve caught your scent on my fingers and wished for the freedom to taste you and pleasure you the way you deserve.”
He licked her then, the flat of his tongue running all the way up between her legs, and Emma cried out. Humming with satisfaction, Killian’s lips pressed against her pleasure center, that nub of flesh that was so sensitive. “Now that you’re my wife, I intend to give you every pleasure your body can stand. Is that something you want, Emma?”
“Yes,” she whispered, shuddering as his tongue swept over her again. “Oh, yes.”
She sank into a pool of liquid pleasure after that, losing all sense of embarrassment about the way her husband was acquainting himself with her body as he worked so diligently at his task. At some point, she felt his fingers on her, then inside her, and the combined sensations brought a series of nonsense sounds from her mouth.
When he stopped, Emma almost screamed in frustration, her thighs shaking, her body positively thrumming with need. She wanted him to keep going, wanted to push his face back down between her legs and make him keep licking her until she climaxed, but then he was up and kneeling between her legs and before she knew it he was pushing his cock inside.
It was easier than the night before, the discomfort less, especially now that she was so aroused. Killian again took it slow, working inside her inch by slow inch, staying up on his knees this time instead of stretched out over her like he had been the night before. Emma took the opportunity to watch the way his abdominal muscles flexed as he fucked into her, the way the muscles in his forearms moved as he clutched her hips.
“Killian, you feel so good,” she gasped, her hips circling even as he held himself still, buried to the hilt and straining for control. “Gods, I’m so close, please, oh gods, I need, I need…”
He pressed his thumb down accurately against her tiny bud just as he started to move, and Emma writhed and gasped, aware of every thick slide, every circle of his talented fingers.
Her orgasm was shattering, and Emma cried out loudly as she rode the waves of it, the intensity of which she’d never experienced. She was barely aware of Killian falling just after she did. By the time she became conscious of anything but white-hot pleasure, he was carefully pulling out.
Emma lay unmoving as Killian collapsed at her side with a huff of breath.
“That was… amazing,” she said finally, her throat dry and uncomfortable. “Was it amazing for you?” she asked, turning her head but the rest of her body unmoving
“Aye.” He reached over and pulled her close. Shifting her bottom a little, she felt a wet spot on the sheets and tried to position herself to avoid it. She wished she’d thought to ask Ruby what to do about the fact that things got so sticky afterward. “It was unbelievable,” he added, and then noticed her squirming. “What’s the matter?”
Emma blushed. “There’s a wet spot on the sheets,” she said with a grimace. Why couldn’t these realities of their bodies be whisked away somehow with a magic spell?
“Ah. Hang on just a moment.” He levered himself out of bed, and Emma watched his naked form greedily as he went over to the washbasin and picked up a cloth. Returning to bed, he wiped between her legs gently, and once again Emma was dumbfounded at the intimacy between them. She’d thought many times about what sex would feel like, but never about what it would be like to have a man be so casually intimate with her body in other ways. She decided she quite liked it.
“Shift over,” he said, settling down where she’d been lying when she followed his direction.
“Then you’re just on the wet spot,” Emma pointed out as Killian arranged the blankets over them both.
“I don’t care, love. I’m about to spend the night with my wife in my arms. I couldn’t possibly be happier or more content than I am right now.”
Emma curled into him, relaxing into his embrace. “Me too.” She traced a finger down from the hollow of his throat to his chest. “Although if you want to wake up and do that again in a few hours, I probably wouldn’t be opposed.”
His gentle laugh was like warm syrup. “Have I mentioned how much I adore that you’re insatiable in the bedchamber?”
“No, but I assumed.” Yawning, Emma shifted against him and felt sleep weighing her eyelids down. “Sex is just so much fun.”
“Better than Parcheesi, even?” he asked, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
Slapping his chest, Emma closed her eyes. “I hate you.”
“You love me.”
“I do.”
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