#guess who got a job and then got sick. TWICE.
denblockedreboot · 1 year
That reminds you, another pal said she had a gift on the way for you. You wonder if has arrived yet.
===> Peek out the window.
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[ID: Termix’s cap is visible as she looks out the window, which opens on a pink desert with a blue sky. A bright pink parcel is floating down.]
There it is! You didn’t doubt she’d come through, but it’s still nice to see.
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[ID: A sketchy Termix looks thoughtful. She stands in a simplified version of her room, with a pink bearskin rug on the floor and a pink plant in a pot behind her.]
Still, it looks like the package is going to touch down a bit aways from your den... You wonder if it would be wise to get it.
You suppose you have time, according to your GOOD FRIEND.
0 notes
rachetmath · 3 months
Yang Priorities
Yang: Hey Jaune. 
Jaune: Yes?
Yang: Remember that question me and Winter asked you?
Jaune: Yes. 
Yang: Be honest with me then am I a good sister?
Jaune I mean you are better than me but not better than Winter or Sapphron.
Yang: How so?
Jaune: Yang you have been doing Ruby dirty for a while.
Yang: Not true.
Jaune: Yang on her first day you abandoned her. How do you think we met?
Yang: um.
Jaune: Our initiation, you never once tried to save her. Weiss did that. 
Yang: Okay but that was because she needed to toughen up. Especially if she is going for the big leagues.
Jaune: Okay. First mission.
Yang: Oh come on, I was asleep. I found her and hugged her.
Jaune: Okay. After the fall of Beacon. 
Yang: Okay you can not fault me for that. I was going through it. 
Jaune: You were crying over a girl. At least she was alive. 
Yang: I lost my arm.
Jaune: Protecting Blake who you were crying over. And you got a new one. I stepped up and went with Ruby to Mistral.
Yang: I eventually came back.
Jaune: You did. But not before going after Raven. The deadbeat.
Yang: She was my- 
Jaune: Bitch, you could've just called once you were close to the city.
Yang: It would have taken me hours. 
Jaune: You had a bike.
Yang: Still.
Jaune: Okay then back Blake. You talk shit about how your mom did you dirty. But suddenly when Blake did the same shit and came back you forgave her.
Yang: She's different. She did it to protect us. 
Jaune: That's great. But here's the thing, um, we were in danger anyways. What the fuck do you mean?!
Yang: … … I-
Jaune: And the crazy part is, you prioritize Blake a lot more than your own sister.
Yang: Not-
Jaune: Yang, Beacon you gave her a lecture because she was obsessed with the White Fang. 
Weiss: Then in the house, you got Blake out first before Ruby.
Jaune: Yang you were against telling Ironwood a lie and called Ruby out on it. 
Weiss: Not once but twice.
Yang: Weiss!
Weiss: You're right. He is going to do the same thing to me. But still.
Jaune: But all of a sudden when Blake wanted to talk with Robyn you agreed to that shit! With no debate!
Yang: Okay that-
Jaune: Then when that old lady talked bad about Faunuses, you were ready to talk shit considering your girl is a Faunus. 
Yang: Okay, I-
Jaune: Nah, bitch, I am not FUCKING done. The Ever After you were crying over your sister, but before, what were you doing that you didn't notice her having a mental breakdown?
Yang: Umm… well-
Jaune:  See bitch I should- Ooh. Ooh.  
Yang: Okay but-
Jaune: And then when she finally broke down. Start yelling at Blake, you jump in front, protecting her, from your own sister. 
Yang: Okay but I am still there for her.
Jaune: You're right. You do. But still, you need to start balancing Blake and Ruby because if you don't, then your relationship will be just as bad as Qrow’s.
Yang: Yeah you're right. But hold on what makes you worse?
Jaune: Yang, I have seven sisters. The one sister you met, I allowed all of you into her house. Eat her food. Cracked her walls. Risked her wife’s job and in danger her whole family to get us to Atlas. And guess what, I never told her about Salem or the mission we're on. She's probably worried sick especially because I barely write to her. 
Yang: Damn. 
Jaune: In fact I haven't talked to my family in years. I haven't spoken to anyone in my family since Beacon.
Yang: What? 
Jaune: You heard me.
Yang: Oh my God, Jaune, you need to go home. 
Jaune: *stressed out* I know!
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pretty-red-garnet · 9 months
Sparkly Blues
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader • Pre-apocalypse/Prison • Fluff/Angst
I’m not really sure how I feel about this one. I kept going back and forth about it and deleting parts and then rewriting and blah blah blah. But it took way too long to write, so I’m posting it anyway lol. I hope someone enjoys it. Also! I’m taking requests! So give me some for our love Daryl. <3
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You had met Daryl by bartending. You were new to the town and it was the only shit job you could manage to get. You were staying in the small Georgia town to take care of a sick family member, and all the money you could get was needed. Even if the job sucked.
It was the hot spot for the local bikers. The patrons you were forced to deal with were all seedy, loud, and rude. You had to stop a bar fight at least twice a night, and got groped and flirted with at least a thousand times. You had only been there a few weeks and you were about to quit. If you thought your sick aunt could make it back to your home town, you would've packed her up in a second.
But then Daryl showed up, in toe with his rowdy older brother. They sat at the bar, and one flash of his sparkly blue eyes and you were hooked. Your heart did one hard thump and your knees just nearly buckled. Damn he was cute.
"Hey, give us two pints!" His brother demanded, his eyes also blue but lacking the sparkle the younger man had. Lacking what made his eyes so pretty. His were empty and had blown pupils. His demand broke your daze, and you rushed to give them their beers. You smiled lightly at Daryl, who just avoided your eyes. You could just barely see in the dim lighting his face was a little pink.
At closing, you questioned your coworker about the brothers, mostly to learn more about the cute quiet one. She paused her wiping a table to look at you with confused eyes.
"Merle and Daryl? They've been coming for years, they go on hunting trips a lot though. That's why you haven't met them," she explains.
"Sooo... who's the quiet one?" She gives you a questioning look with a brow raised.
"You mean Daryl? Daryl Dixon?" She had asked.
"Is Daryl the really cute one with pretty blue eyes?" She laughed and rolled her eyes. "What? I'm serious!"
"Y/N, he's a Dixon," she said, like that was all the explanation you needed. You raised your brows at her to keep talking, she rolls her eyes. "They're no good. Believe me."
"He seemed plenty nice to me..." you say with a shrug. "Quiet, shy, he even thanked me! I mean I think it's the first 'thank you' I've gotten since I got hired."
"Daryl isn't bad I guess. He doesn't really talk to anyone." You nod and when she stops talking, you nudge her. "Y/N believe me, maybe he was ok today, but he's gotten in his fair share of fight. He doesn't say much, but when he does, it's usually yelling. And he's Merle's brother, who you should really stay away from."
"Damn," you mumble with a sigh. "He's really cute though." She laughed and slapped your shoulder.
"This isn't the place to find boyfriend material." She sighed dramatically and fumbled with something behind the bar. You looked at her with a puzzled expression. "But it is the place to drink!" She slams a hefty bottle on the bar and you laugh.
     When the weekend rolls around the Dixons come again. You try to snap yourself out of your daze and do your work, but it's a little hard with the handsome stranger sitting there and your coworker snickering whenever you so much as glanced at him. When closing time came around, you grabbed the wet towel you were cleaning with and snapped her behind with it.
     "Can you blame me?! Have you seen his eyes?!" You snapped at her with a red face, but she only laughed even harder.
     This little routine continued for another two weeks. Stealing little glances at the man and your friend laughing and poking at you until you were red as a firetruck.
    One night though, during a busy Friday night, your friend called out. You were all alone managing both the bar and waitressing as she did. You scurried to the bar from the backroom as you heard a loud ruckus and yelling. And to no one's surprise, it was another bar fight.
     This time it was the Dixon brothers against another two biker assholes. Merle against one and Daryl the other. You yelled and shouted at them to stop, but no one was letting up. Daryl was almost underneath the biker he was fighting, and so against your better judgment, you stepped in.
     "Alright, alright! Enough!" You shouted and tried grabbing his arm that was just about to wail on Daryl. He looked back just a split second before breaking his arm from your grasp and slamming it back into your face. You immediately stumbled back and onto the floor clutching your head, where he got you with a big metal ring right in the temple.
     Finally, an older, more respected biker stepped in. He broke up the fight and shoved the two bikers— who you assumed must've started the fight— out the door.
     You reached up a hand and slightly panicked when you pulled your fingers away and saw blood. Your vision was a little blurry and you looked up blearily to who crouched in front of you, only to see the prettiest eyes imaginable.
     "You alright?" Daryl asked. You nodded in a daze, but his brows furrowed in concern still.
     "Y-yeah. I'm ok." He nodded and reached his hands out to help you up. Even in your state, you can see his knuckles are bloodied and busted.
     He helped you to sit on a bar stool before walking off, and you took a quick glance around. It was just about closing time now, so most were gone. All that remained was the older biker that broke up the fight, a few stragglers, and Merle bragging that he won the brawl.
     "Everybody out! Come on," Daryl calls out. The stragglers filter out the doors pretty quick, still probably buzzing from the excitement of the fight.
     Daryl retuned to you with a little first aid kid. He grabbed a clean wet towel and wiped at the blood on your face. If you weren't still seeing stars, you'd probably be having a conniption right now.
"You gonna fix up the girl, baby brother?" Merle asks with a sickening grin. Daryl just hummed a yes. "Don't come home without getting some tail first!"
"Shut up, man!" Daryl yelled, turning to him. He turned back once he was out the door and his checks were a little flushed.
     "You need a hospital?" He asked a moment later, recovered from Merle's obnoxious comment. His tongue was peaking out of his lip in concentration as he puts a little bandage to your cut. Oh boy.
     "No, no," you stammer out. Now that you were beginning to recover from your state, you realize you were completely alone with him, and he was helping you. Being all gentle while he wipes your face softly, close to his face, staring into his eyes... this is heaven. "I'm ok. Thanks."
     He nods, biting the inside of his lip. He closes the first aid kit and stashed it where it belongs behind the bar.
     "'M sorry you got hurt," he mutters. You just give him a small smile.
     "It's ok. I know you didn't start the fight." He shuffled back over to you and hovers awkwardly. "And you cleaned me up. Thank you."
     "My fault anyway," he says with a shrug. He still didn't meet your eyes.
"Well," you start, but hesitate. Daryl looks at you and waits patiently for you to continue. "I know a way you can repay me. If you really want."
"What's that?" He asks.
"Drive me home?"
From that day forward you and Daryl were somewhat inseparable. He always came to the bar if you knew you were working, sometimes even without Merle which you appreciated. He gave you the creeps, even though Daryl had assured you he wouldn't do anything to you. He also might've threatened to knock him out for you if he ever stepped out of line.
Despite your coworkers concerns, Daryl was pretty perfect— even if a little rough around the edges at times. He was sweet, and while Merle and most of the other bikers looked at you as if you were meat, Daryl always looked at you so genuinely. So sweetly.
He even drove you home most nights now ever since that first night you both really talked. He learned your car broke down, and between your aunt's medical bills and your job's shitty pay, you couldn't get it fixed. Daryl had tried to fix it, but the part you needed was way too pricey. He didn't like that you walked home at almost three in the morning, so he drove you after every shift. Even if he didn't hang out at the bar that night.
You were pretty positive Daryl was the greatest guy you had ever met. So kind, and attentive, and always doing his best to help you with whatever you needed. Helpful without expecting something in return.
     When your aunt eventually died, a few months after being close with Daryl, he was the first one you called. You were in hysterics, and he sped over to the hospital as fast as he could just to hug and hold you.
     He stayed with you for days, made your meals, even hunted so you would have fresh meat for him to cook you. But mostly, he stayed by your side like wet on water.
     Daryl wasn't the best with comforting people, or really with emotions at all, but he tried. And you always appreciated it. Even if he didn't know what to say, and he'd just hold you tight and let you cry. Or played with your hair when you couldn't sleep. Daryl was better with actions than with words, and you didn't mind a bit.
     It was during this time that you knew you didn't just care about him as a good friend, or even as a crush, but was in love with him. You loved how caring and loyal he was, how you were completely comfortable with him and knew you could always rely on him.
     "Daryl, I need to tell you something," you murmured, you voice cloudy with tears still. It was only a week after your aunts passing and while you were getting better, you had a really rough day. Memories flashing through your mind and making it nearly impossible to get through your day without breaking down.
     "Hm," Daryl hummed. You felt the vibrations in your chest, as he held you close to him and stroked your hair.
     "I love you," you said, nuzzling your face in his neck, too scared to see his face. To see that he didn't feel for you that way. Or try to push you away. You couldn't look at him.
     Hesitantly, he gently pulled your face away from his neck to look at you. Your eyes were still red and rimmed with tears, which he brushed away with a thumb. You were scared to see rejection, but when you worked up the nerve to look at his face, you saw anything but.
     You saw pure love.
     "Daryl," you called.
     "What?" He said from the other room, shortly before entering the living room where you stood. He was shirtless, wearing only jeans. His hair was still damp from his shower and you took a second to take in the sight before voicing your concerns.
     "I don't think you should go on that hunting trip." You looked back to the news, who was reporting about strange serial killings around the country, now hitting Atlanta. They were eating the bodies.
     He walked up to stand by you. You looked at him in worry. He smiled and brushed a hand down your face gently.
     "That's Atlanta. If anything, me and Merle will be safer from those freaks in the woods," he says and presses his lips to yours to smooth away your worry. "You should come, too."
     "I can't." You level him with a serious look. "My coworker is sick with some flu, I'll be taking care of the bar all by myself."
     Daryl pushes his face into your neck and lays down kisses on your neck, moving down to your shoulders, then chest. You adore the scratchy feeling of his stubble on your delicate skin.
     "Come on," he complains into your chest, and you giggle a little at his whining. "They can close the bar for one goddamn weekend."
     "The money doesn't hurt either, Mr. Dixon," you tease. He pulls away to look you in the eye, hands on your hips and that same soft and genuine look on his face that you fell in love with to begin with. And those eyes. Despite all the years you've been with the man, his sparkly blues were still the prettiest thing you've ever seen.
     "Fine," he obliges, but he still with a little frown. You wipe it away with a firm peck and a caress to his cheek. His eyes close momentarily, soaking in the feeling, before opening them again. He gazes at you with half lidded eyes, so lovingly and tenderly. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Dixon."
     That morning was the last time you'd seen your husband. The flesh eating 'serial killers'—which you now are reanimated corpses— made their way to your small town while he was gone. You tried to stay as long as you could, but soon a herd trying to make their way into your house and you couldn't stay.
     You tried to get to where the Dixons were camping, but was too late. They were already gone for god knows how long. And so you moved around, trying to find him. You had no clue where to look, you weren't a tracker like Daryl, but you tried.
     You moved through the woods and stayed at cabins you found, or made a little camp with cans on wire surrounding it so you can hear anything coming. Daryl had taught you that, when you stayed at a campground with him once where there were larger animals roaming around.
     You missed him.
     You missed how he could always ease your worries and calm you down. His gentle touches and soft kisses. How soft he was with you. The way he always looked at you with love and care. You missed all of him.
     You're ashamed to think that maybe you'll never find him. Or maybe he only lives in your memories now. Maybe the last time you saw him was truly the last time.
     You could still see his eyes in your mind whenever you tried to sleep. You stayed awake most of the time now.
     You move around an abandoned gas station. It was your little camp for the moment. It had four walls and the doors held well enough, for now anyway. It's been almost a year of this now. Of moving around trying to find Daryl, with not even a clue. You needed to hunker down for at least a week, you're growing too weak and exhausted.
     The gas station was littered with dirt and grime, along with some candy and other snacks that weren't scavenged. Some water bottles were still in the coolers, but barren shelves took up most of the space.
     You're moving some of the shelving to the door, hoping that blocking it would keep the monsters out. If they didn't hear or see you, maybe they'll just wander by.
     You set up a blanket in the corner and throw your pack down before laying your head on it. You take a deep breath and try to fight the tears. You can't do this anymore. You can't just survive anymore. Is there even a point? Tears burn at your eyes and you close them shut.
     You must fall asleep at some point, because when your eyes fly open to voices, it's bright out.
     "There's something blocking the door," a woman says, trying in vain to push the doors open. You grab your gun quickly and rush to hide behind some shelving.
     "Hang on, let me try," a man says, before you hear more loud screeching from the metal shelves scraping on the floor. You point your gun in front of you, really hoping you don't have to use it.
     You hear footsteps, and see light streaming in now that the shelves weren't blocking the sun. Your hands shake a little on the gun.
     "Seems clear," the man says. You hold your breath. Maybe they'll just leave. You peak ever so slightly over the shelve to see the two. Ones a Asian guy, and the other is a pretty brunette girl.
     "Glenn," she says, and points over to your blanket and pack. "Someone was here."
     You slink back down, slowly and carefully. You can hear as the two begin to walk cautiously around the tiny store. The guy—Glenn— begins to walk around the shelf you're hiding behind, so you try to move to block yourself from his sight. But you didn't see the empty can by your foot, and kick it, causing it to roll out in the open. Shit.
     "Whoever's back there, come out!" Glenn calls out. "We won't hurt you, just come out slow."
     You weight your options in your head, but decide to walk out. They looked put together and well kept, maybe they had some sort of camp? A stable enough place that they wouldn't kill you for a can a beans and a half empty bottle of water?
     "Put the gun down," the girl says, flanking you from behind while the man is in front. You oblige, and the gun drops to the floor with a metallic thump. Your heart beats a million miles a second.
     "You have a camp?" Glenn asks.
     "This is my camp," you answer. Your hands were raised slightly in front of you, not wanting to startle them in any way and end up with a bullet between your eyes.
     "What about a group? Are you with anyone?" He asks. He eyes your warily, but they seemed kind. The girl walked out in front of you, her gun in hand but not held up. They didn't seem malicious. Maybe this could work out?
"No, just me," you answer. He and the woman give you a long look.
     "We have a camp, answer our questions and we can take you back," the girl says, holstering her weapon. Glenn lowers his but keeps it in his hand. "My names Maggie, and that's Glenn." You nod, and your eyes dance from one to the other. They didn't seem bad, but you can't be too careful nowadays.
     "How many walkers have you killed?" Glenn asks.
     "I don't know," you say with a shrug. "I've been moving around a lot, so a bunch I guess."
     "How many people?" You gulp at his question.
     "I shot a guy trying to rob me, not sure if I killed him." The man nods, and you wonder what's going to happen to you. They have a camp, but is it safe? Even if it is, would you go? Daryl could still be out there...
     "Our camp is a prison not far, you can come back with us," Maggie says, a kind smile gracing her pretty face. "What's your name?"
     "Y/N, Y/N Dixon." The couples eyes fly open, their jaws drop slightly. "What?"
     "You wouldn't happen to know a Daryl Dixon, would you?" She asks, and your heart just about burst right out of your chest.
"Yeah, he's my husband," you say, excitedly. Your heart is thumping almost painfully against your ribs. "You know him?"
"Daryl's married?!" Glenn shouts out. Maggie thumps him once on the shoulder and gives him a stern look. "What?"
The whole trip to the prison you thought you were dreaming. Maybe this isn't happening. I'm asleep still. Daryl is gone.... You still tried to hold onto hope, your chest tight and fingers anxiously drumming against your leg.
Maggie and Glenn were sweet, both with matching grins at the idea of yours and Daryl's reunion. They asked questions along the way, how you'd met him and how long you were married. You answered them all happily, almost to the point of tears.
When the car drove up to the prison fences, you looked around in awe. There were animals and crop gardens, kids running around the fields. It was something you never thought you'd see again.
A man opened the fence for you three, and a grey haired woman followed after seeing you step out of the car. The man had a beard and cowboy boots on, and he smiled warmly when he saw you. The woman had a look just as kind.
"Rick, Carol, you'll never guess who this is," Maggie says, a huge smile plastered on her face as she jumped out of the car. They both give you a second glance and look at her a little confused, and the man— Rick— nodded for her to continue. "Daryl's wife."
"Oh!" Carol gasped, a big smile on her face. "So nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"
"Only good things I hope," you say. You're still buzzing, and your eyes fly across the field in hope of catching a glance of your husband. Your heart flutters, your knees feel weak, and you still feel this may be a dream. A figment of your imagination.
And then you see him.
Your eyes widen, and with one last glance at your four new friends, you book it towards him. Your feet barely touch the grass as you bolt towards your husband.
"Daryl!" He turns sharply at the sound of your voice. He's half bent over his bike, hands full of grease and grime, and still he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. He stops in his tracks for just a second before running to meet you in the middle.
You jump into his arms, his grease caked hands rubbing all over you but you couldn't care less. His fingers tremble where they lay on your back. Your face is shoved into his neck and you relish in the feeling of him.
"I thought I lost you I—" he says, cutting himself off, like he couldn't even think of it. "I looked for you everywhere."
"Me too," you say, voice laced with tears. This has to be a dream, it has to be. Your burrow your face even deeper into him and tighten your hold. "I don't want this to be a dream."
     "Shh, it's not," he murmurs lovingly in your ear. "I promise, I'm right here."
     Tears flow down your face even faster. Negative thoughts still plague your brain. Daryl brushes his hands down your back, up to caress your shoulders, before moving back down to clutch at your hips. His touches become more desperate and clingy. You think he's never going to let you go, you never want him to.
     Finally, you muster up the courage to look at him. You slowly peel your face away from his neck. Daryl presses a kiss to your forehead, resting a hand on your cheek softly. You look at him with matching tear stained faces, smiling. Gently, you push his grown out fringe away from his face.
     He's smiling, probably the happiest you've ever seen him, even with tear tracks down his pretty face. And when you finally lock eyes with those sparkly blues you've only seen in your dreams for so long, you know he's really there.
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[It is January of 2022. I’m entering a wing of the DC Office site that looks older than the others. The carpets are a strange brown, vintage looking, and the lighting casts an almost yellow pallor over the wood paneled walls. I can practically smell the cigarettes. I pass by an empty room labeled “social media office” - boxes piled up by the door. Maybe they’re going to be using it soon. They’ll need it.
I approach a door labeled Necrocommunications, knock lightly twice, then enter. 
I am greeted with the sound of a voice drifting softly across the room. A few chairs and tables sit around me, the same vintage style as the hallway before, the same browns and yellows. A high desk is across the room, and a woman is seated at a control panel. She has black curly hair, done up in an old fashioned style, a polka dotted blouse, and though she’s facing away from me, I can see the edges of cats-eye glasses. 
The panel she’s working at is huge, and resembles the type of switchboards they used to use in the ‘50s, dozens of physical wire connections crisscrossing the device and attaching via plugs. The woman has a headset, one ear covered in a bulky speaker, with a microphone near her mouth. She speaks casually, with an incredibly heavy New Jersey accent.]
I] Oh, him? He’s circled, babe. Taken as hell. Mhmm. And he still asked you? Ain't that a bite. So now you know he’s out of the question and yarding on. Dodged a bullet, hun.
M] Irene? 
I] Oh, god, hold on. My appointment is here. Yeah. I’ll call you later, beautiful. Caio. 
[She hung up the call, taking her headset off and turning to me. She looked like she was straight out of my grandfather’s high school photo album, including the color. Her skin was almost grey, it was so pale, but she didn’t seem like she was sick. She looked me over with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, leaning forward on her desk.]
I] Well, hello Miss Meghan Hendricks. What can I do for you, sugar? 
M] I’m here to interview you for my audit, Ms Donofrio. 
I] All business, aincha? 
M] This is my job.  
I] ….yeah, you’re right. Sorry. I don’t get cute visitors much. 
M] Right. 
I] Pull up a chair, hun. 
M] I’ll just stand. This won’t be long. I came here because of your Occult Communication Tools poster. 
[She sits back with a dramatic sigh.]
I] Yeah, took me forever to convince them to let me do that. We had agents using spirit boards, pendulums, casting runes, tarot cards, ghost boxes, all kinds of shit they brought from home. Bought from Walmart, or worse, a thrift store. I was always telling them, honey, baby, you gotta use our stuff, we maintain it, we disinfect it of ectoplasmic residue, lockout-tagout procedures, the works. It’s so, so unsafe to use anything but our tools. Sure, you gotta do paperwork when you check it out, but it’s better than somethin’ following you home…
M] Right into it, I guess. That’s what Necrocommunications does, right? Talk to the dead? 
I] You bet, sugar. The dead, demons, angels sometimes when they ain’t on our plane or in realspace. Other little spiritual twerps and bugaboos. 
M] I’ve been asking this a lot in the last few months, but…you can do that? Consistently? 
I] Consistent enough to make it worthwhile. S’not perfect. Fails most of the time, depending on who you’re calling. 
M] How so? 
I] Well, some people don’t wanna be called. Some people are chatterboxes. We got a list of likely contacts who we suggest people contact, but…we do other people sometimes, too. Always worth a shot, I say.
M] How does it work? 
[At that, Irene winced slightly and wagged her head from side to side.]
I] We got theories, but more importantly we got procedures. We know different things work for different people. Sometimes it’s cultural. The method that contacts Mr Smith may not work for Mr Chan, y’know? 
M] It’s mostly for information gathering, then. Like the Board of Infernal Affairs.
I] Information gathering’s a big part of it. Someone died with a secret? See if they got loose lips now. Also, y’know, helps with hauntings or gettin’ rid of little jerk spirits. 
M] You mentioned disinfection….
I] Yeah, yeah, there’s….risks, y’know. Sometimes the person you contact ain’t a fink, you know, and they start a whole new haunting. Sometimes one spirit’ll lie and say they’re another. Then they follow you home, start leeching your energy. Happens less when we cleanse the tools. Which is why there’s procedures for this, and every Office staff member in the building is trained on at least the basics.
M] Is it….is it only for Office personnel? Is it something I could…
[Irene’s face grows into a playful smirk as she hears the hesitation in my voice, leaning her face in her hand.] 
I] You got fifty cents? 
[She leads me into a back area of the office. Lining the walls in storage containers are row upon row of spirit boards, each box with a paper listing the dates each was used and then cleaned, along with the name of the person who did it. There are other items, too - pendulums, bags of runes, spirit boxes like you see on ghost hunting shows, and other devices and artifacts I don’t recognize. Irene’s attention, however, is on a phone booth at the end of the room. It’s clean but battered, clearly old and used. It has no door, but an open front, and above the phone itself is a depiction of a figure on a boat, with one word beside it: “Charon.”]
I] We confiscated these in the 80’s. It’s easier to use this one than have to sign out spirit board, y’know.
M] Weren’t you just complaining about that?
I] I complain about a lot of things, sugar. 
[I approach, standing before the phone in disbelief. Irene senses my hesitation.] 
I] Put in the money, then use the keypad to type out the person’s name. It’ll take it from there. Who you gonna call? Grandma? Mom?
M] My brother. 
I] Ah. Shit, honey.
M] He died in California. Two summers ago.
[As I reach for the receiver, I see Irene’s face freeze in some sort of concern.]
I] H-honey, that…was he in—
M] Yes. 
[I put my hand on the receiver, and I feel her hand on mine. She’s cold. She’s so cold and clammy that I jump slightly and look her in the eyes. Her face is sorrowful and scared, searching me.]
I] Honey…you won’t be able to—
M] You said—
I] If he was in…there’s no one there, sugar. He’s gone. 
M] I know he’s gone, but you said I could—
I] No, no, he’s…if he was…he’s gone, gone. There’s nothing left of him. You can pump quarters into that thing all night long and you won’t get anyone.  
M] H…how? I was…I was on the phone with him when it—
[As I watch, her eyes go wide, and she covers her mouth.]
I] Th-that’s how you remember, isn’t it? Thought you were just…in the Office but you hadn’t known about…that’s how you remember.
[I let go of the receiver. I can’t feel my fingers. I’m shivering, but not from the cold.]
M] I know how I remember. What I want to know is why everyone else forgot.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
Amazing job at writing the new part as always! It flows nicely and you can easily tell how familiar Macaque & MC without making him OOC. Honestly i admire your grasp at these characters and ability of doing something as complex as interactive series. I'm kinda curious how do you plan things and how far ahead but only if you want to share it ofc.
Going back to the actually piece- it actually made me look up the meanings of flowers despite the original thought of it only being because of the color association. Two first flowers have pretty easy and basic meaning. I can see why the edgy (/affectionate) mentor wouldn't want them near his home.
Freesia - friendship trust innocence
yellow roses - friendship, joy and similar stuff
The one choosen by Macaque are a little more interesting.
Tansies - immortality, resistance, "I declare against you", sometimes used in medicine
black dahlias - (warning of) betrayal, sadness, (not specified black ones: dignity, good luck, elegance)
I'm guessing the tansies are about him being bitter about the Wukong and their more practical use. Black dahlias could be about Monkey King but also some kind of foreshadowing depending on our choice. Or I'm reading into it too much.
Hopefully I'm not overthinking it or completely missing the point (and if i am, I'm really,really sorry). Just wanted to share it in case other readers didn't look it up + i know some people like to see their work analysed but if i'm going to far please let me know! Have a good day/night! :]
(Sorry for any mistakes and feel free to delete the ask)
Oh my god, thank you so much! That’s such a sweet thing to say! (Please never stop analyzing my work I put a lot of effort into it💜💜)
🌻🌻I’ll start with flowers: you are right on the money here. Freesia especially are bright and colorful blooms, coming in many different gorgeous colors. Yellow roses are just the same, bright and cheery and so similar to the sun.
And, given that freesia come in orange and yellow… it’s possible the potted plants were a living reminder of Sun Wukong that Macaque finally got sick of and ripped apart. Or he just took advantage of someone else shredding the innocent flowers and took something that Y/N worked hard on and changed it to his liking instead. (Written to be ambiguous as to which scenario occurred.)
Notably, the new flowers not only match his own personal feelings, but even his color scheme! Yellow, then red and black. Twice over do these flowers symbolize him, something he took and changed to make more suitable to his tastes and feelings.
But he’s not the one who takes care of them- no, it’s Y/N who is dedicated to seeing them grow.
His student tending and nurturing the flowers that represent Macaque, while Macaque destroys/allows the destruction of the flowers that represent his student. Huh. Funny.
Okay flower rant done.🌻🌻
Macaque is such an interesting character to write, given that there’s a spike of cruelty barbing out from almost every action he takes. I think a lot of people have forgotten that the man hasn’t had a redemption arc in canon- he displays zero regret for, say… manipulating and trying to kill MK. Or leveling the Dragon Palace of the East Sea. Or assaulting Tang, a strict non-combatant. Or holding Mei’s life hostage.
He doesn’t feel bad for doing any of these. If he does, he’s keeping tight-lipped about it. No apologies. No direct atonement.
And even on the extremely rare circumstance that he’s being “kind”, like deciding to stop torturing MK in Shadowplay, it comes across as almost “I’m bored with you, you aren’t fun anymore.”
He’s not a good guy. So even with Y/N, who he genuinely does care for, there’s this level of manipulation.
Like, he calls Y/N adorable, which sounds nice… but there’s almost a level of victim-blaming to it. No matter how roundabout his words, Macaque basically says to his own student: “If you looked different, people wouldn’t bother you, so let me change the way you look.”
And they trust him enough to agree.
Or letting them cook in fear outside his door when he’s clearly near enough to open it, but dropping the act when they start to break down.
He’s such an interesting character to write ugh I love it.
I had a lot of the routes planned pretty far out, actually, and I’ll give a few examples of what was planned:
Spider Demon Y/N was sort of naive and excitable, but was going to mature/sour after realizing that their beloved queen was, in fact, the bad guy. They were going to have to come to terms with her necessary defeat and their own part in betraying her, as well as living on after you’ve cut ties to your family. Then, readers were going to be able to pick one other henchman to convince to join the heroes.
Dragon Y/N was going to have to both gain Ao Guang’s (their father) approval to live on the surface, and decide how they felt about MK possessing the Ruyi Jingu Bang. They fought using two strings of beaded pearls, utilizing them as whips and grappling hooks to maneuver around the battle field. Also, they hated Macaque. Genuinely throwing hands on sight if they saw that edgy rat.
Heir/Proxy Y/N was going to be a pretty miserable and clingy person, having spent most of their life alone on account of both the LBD and Mayor’s influence. Overcoming their fears and anxieties of being unlovable was going to be a massive part of the journey, learning to love themself and be loved in turn. They were going to have to learn to master the powers forcibly implanted into their body, trying to prevent themself from being sacrificed for power to aid LBD’s onwards path to ‘destiny’.
Ne Zha’s Y/N was going to be cute and polite, very excited to explore the mortal realm outside the grasp of their overprotective mentor/brother. They were also going to have to deal with the first two lotus princes (also overprotective) and Ao Bing, who served as a dear friend.
Sun Wukong’s Y/N was going to be his estranged child who was bitter over ML inheriting the staff instead of them. They were going to despise him for never training them, having to find masters and teachers elsewhere all across the world. In turn, he was desperately trying to make amends and reestablish a strong bond with his cherished progeny, hoping to reconnect eventually.
Also Mei was going to call Y/N “Broth-Face”.
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rizs-briefcase · 5 months
all my thoughts about episode two of junior year !! it’s a long one :)
The little scenes when they describe their attacks and moves where the minis are acting it out is so cute
‘A mega version of Riz’s mage hand’
They all look so good. But especially Ally and Murph omg
Adaine’s first turn was actually pretty sick
And Gorgugs wtf
‘Do you have mass healing word? Would you be interested in doing that?’
‘Brennan you’re literally bullying us’
‘You can try, oh it does hit’
These beans are DUE
Murph starting to roll like shit again
Fabian flirting with efac again
‘I punch the mirror’ ‘I punch Kristen twice’
Lou Nat one again to get out the van ‘I’m going to throw up’
In two turns Lou only needs a 2 to not get crushed by the van, and twice he rolls a nat one
‘For you to half or third or whatever you do since it has multiple attacks’
Adaine death fail instead of taking a Dex save wtf
‘You don’t have it written down! I thought you read the book’
‘Look somewhere else’
I need a full story of Balthazar and Duggan, THEY WERE LOVERS
Murphs sleeves being short enough to show off his tattoos, I might disintegrate
What is with these kids and crashing vehicles
Ally throwing their dice
‘With my wizarding powers and my absolutely fucked van’
‘Just don’t roll a one and this is over.’ ‘NAT 20’
Gorgug IS the greatest wizard of our time
DUGGAN NO. At least he’s with Balthazar now :(
Moggy the doggy crit <3
‘Can I get under that hood a lil bit’
‘Give me a tinkerers room check’ ‘I don’t have that’
‘It’s limp silk’
‘Fabian, photosynthesis is back!!’
It just ain’t the same
‘I don’t even cutting words. I just take it’
‘I’m feeling a little unhinged’
‘Love is love’
Gorgug double crit, my boy <3
The enemy rolling two Nat ones and shooting himself in the eye
Murph dying of laughter of these guys showing up late
‘Nat 20’ ‘are you serious?’ Balthazar is everywhere
Adaine would’ve got a job, Fabian would’ve gone to dance camp, Gorgug would’ve worked on his van ; THEYRE JUST KIDS
But Riz is just happy they got to spend the summer together STOP MY SON
‘I do a half hearted prayer of healing just because I don’t trust you’
‘This was supposed to be an in and out deal but I got involved and I regret it’
‘Hey girlie,,, heyyy girlieee’
Gilear x Hallerial wedding WHEN
There’s something so sad about Fabian, who’s been coddled his whole life, being abandoned and left to fend for himself in a massive house
Sklonda talking to Riz about college and how she doesn’t know if she can afford it for him
Riz just wants to go to college with everyone stop :(( him and adaine are fine there grades are good, but he needs to make sure he finds a place that suits the others please!!!!
WAIT DID GORGUG AND ZELDA BREAK UP?? THEY ARE NOT THE COUPLE THAT WAS MEANT TO SPLIT !! Although calling it rn they’re getting back together
‘The elven oracle, the Saint of mystery and doubt, and the archdevil of rebellion’ THATS MY GIRLS!!!
Kristen never told anyone she changed gods (I guess twice now?), Fig still hasn’t been to a bard class. They’re so funny
Ayda leaving Fig fossils to say she loves her her!!
Aelwyn putting protective wards on adaines bedroom to keep adaine safe :((
Cassandra my love,, but also it should not be up to a literal child who has just came out a religious cult to keep you alive and all that.
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kirausamaria · 1 year
Stolitz’ Fanfic: Boyfriend’s Therapy Session.
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This is the first fanfic I have even added a fanart to, but I wanted to do something special for reaching 1000 plus followers on Twitter. Thank you so much for your love and support even when I don’t share too much art or fanfics (life’s fault), and I hope I can make you smile a little with this fanfic.
Stolas was expectantly looking at the main entrance of the palace, waiting for his dear Blitzy to arrive. Since they started dating they made a compromise of meeting at least twice a week, and until now Blitzo had kept his promise and arrived at his palace, or Stolas would visit at his place when his work finished a little later than usual. Everything was going smoothly for both of them.
‘Only 10 minutes left’, Stolas said to himself, happily looking at the clock.
10 minutes later, Blitzo opened up the door and entered with lazy legs. As Stolas stood up to receive him with a huge squeezy hug, he stopped when noticing something wasn’t alright.
Blitzo had a very tired face. You could even say he looked gloomy. Who are we kidding, the whole background behind him had a dark gray color.
‘Erm, Blitzy, are you alright?’
      ‘Of course, better than ever! Why would you even ask that?’Blitzo grumbled just clear enough and tugged himself to the living room’s sofa in order to sink his full face on it.
Stolas walked to the sofa as well and sat on the corner, silently staring at the depressed imp for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth:
‘Blitzo, are you sure you’re ok?
‘I mean, I woke up today so I guess my day was good enough’, Blitzo replied with a muffled voice because of the cushions.
‘Would you like to talk to me about it?’
Blitzo lifted his face to see a cute Stolas smiling while gently patting his own lap. How could Blitzo refuse his invitation? He crawled a little forward in order to rest his head on it. He needed some soft head strokes from his fluffy boyfriend in order to gain some strength to talk.
‘Well, actually I had a little argument with Loona this morning at the office’, Blitzo started explaining while looking at the floor. ‘I told her she should be more careful when going out with shady guys with ill intentions because they could hurt her. She just yelled at me telling me she was strong enough to handle things by herself and to back off. I begged her not to be with boys who could be a bad influence and she answered back telling me I was a bad influence myself and she just walked away.’
Stolas didn’t say a thing, he just kept listening at his boyfriend, waiting until he finished letting everything out.
‘I mean, she is not wrong, I did a bunch of things I’m not proud of, and hurted people I cared about…it’s just *sniffles*...I’m trying to do better, I really am, but not sure if it’ll ever be enough for Loona to listen to me, to love me’.
Blitzo just stopped talking and hid his face on Stolas’ robe. Stolas could feel some small and warm teardrops falling on it, and even when he tried to look calm while listening to Blitzo, he could only imagine how he felt as father to be dismissed for things he had done in the past.
‘Oh, my dear Blitzy’, Stolas finally replied while caressing Blitzo’s head, ‘I know sometimes because of fights like that you may feel that your daughter doesn’t appreciates you, but during the times I’ve spent together with you all I was able to see it, little moments that showed me how much she cares and understands you really love her. 
‘Really?, Blitzo asked with a soft whine. ‘Like what moments?’
‘Remember when you got sick and stayed home while I tried to help with the office’s paperwork? I was actually making such a mess *giggles*, not on purpose of course. Loona got angry at me and explained to me how to do things properly so you wouldn’t have to do extra work after you came back. Then after the job was done and I was about to leave and go to your apartment…do you remember that topper full of soup I got for you to eat?’
‘Huh, yeah, you made it for me, right?’
Stolas started scratching the back of his neck. 
‘Well, actually Loona made it’.
‘Sorry, what?’
‘Yeah, Loona prepared it at the office’s cafeteria. She brought a bunch of veggies and cooked it as well as she could. She was too shy to ask Moxxie for help, I guess’. Stolas said with a wide smile staring at Blitzo who had finally lifted his head from his lap.
‘Loona…did she really do that for me?’ 
‘Of course! He was worried for his dad!’, Stolas replied. ‘She made me swear I’d say I made it, but I’m only responsible for bringing you the medication and the horsie plushie’.
‘Loona…my sweet baby…she actually loves me…’ Blitzo started sniffling again while standing up and hugging tight to Stolas’ chest trying to hide his tears.
‘Blitzy, sometimes children say things that are hurtful because of the heat of the moment’, Stolas continued while reciprocating Blitzo’s hug. ‘I’ve been there with Via as well, it’s something that happens. But do not be wrong, everytime you show them worry and caring to them they feel it, they know your love is genuine. I know you have had a rough life path Blitzy, but each one of us can see how hard you’re trying to make things change for the better. You trying so hard to move forward and improve yourself for all of us around you is one of the reasons I fell in love with you’.
Blitzo sobbed quietly for a couple of minutes before he was calm enough to look at Stolas, who patiently waited until he was ready. 
‘Ugh, my bad, I hate to be seen like this, it’s so embarrassing’.
‘Aww, you don’t have to be embarrassed for showing me your crying face at all, Blitzy’, Stolas said with a sweet smile. ‘Your softness is another reason why I love you so much.’
‘I knew you were a f**king sadist’, Blitzo replied with a low voice. His face was blushing a little.
‘Do you feel a little better darling?’
‘Yeah, I guess so. Erm, thank you Stols’, Blitzo said with a shy smile.
‘Always my pleasure my sweet little imp’.
‘Stop calling me those names God damnit!’ Blitzo started giving little punches with his closed fists to Stolas, with a face redder than before.
‘Ahahaha, I’m sorry! You’re so cute I just want to give you all the pet names in the world!’, Stolas said while covering himself laughing.
‘Mmph!’ Blitzo pouted and saw the opposite way. Stolas knew he wasn’t actually angry. Actually he looked much calmer than before their talk. But Stolas was planning to improve his dear boyfriend’s humor a little more. Giving Blitzo a happy look he said:
‘You know what darling? I feel you’re still feeling a little down. Why don’t we work a little on it? You look like you need to relax a little more’, Stolas said, getting closer to Blitzo in a very suspicious way.
‘Stolas, I think I’m good enough to move forward with it so…’. Blitzo suddenly paused and recognized the naughty look Stolas always gave him when ‘that’ was about to happen. ‘Oh no, Stolas, don’t you even think about it…no, I refuse and…Woah!’.
Blitzo didn’t move quickly enough to Stolas grabbing him and cradding him like he was a big cat. He then gave him a little nuzzle and giving happy leaps he reached the bedroom. Then he laid on the bed still holding Blitzo with one arm, long enough to hold on his legs so he couldn’t go away.
‘Stolas, I, I swear to f**ing Satan that if you don’t let me go I…’. Blitzo was stuttering and trying not to show his excitement for what was about to come.
‘Oh, my little Blitzy, no need to be shy. Just enjoy your therapy session of the day, you really need it, don’t you think so?’ Stolas mischievously said.
‘I f**ing don’t, ok? J-ust don’t do it, I…Mmmph!’ Stolas started giving him peppering kisses and smooches all over his face, focusing more on his cheeks because he knew it made Blitzo giggle almost instantaneously. Blitzo tried to make an upset face as long as he could, but it was a lost cause.
‘S-Stolas, no, I’m warning y-you, cuhut it out…no…stop…pfff! Hehehe, nohoho…’
‘Oh, you’re laughing! That’s wonderful, it seems like you’re enjoying my kisses my dear Blitzy!
‘Nohoho, I’m nohohot!’, Blitzo protested between giggles. Not very convincing.
‘Oh, maybe you need a little more affection!’ Stolas then started walking his fingers slowly on Blitzo’s stomach, trying to get a wobbly nervous smile from him, which wasn’t too hard to do. Blitzo was very susceptible to Stolas’ playful teasing.
‘Please, don’t dohoho it…, I will…pfff! Ehehehehe!’.
Stolas wiggled a single finger over Blitzo’s stomach, giving light tickles only. Usually Stolas would tickle Blitzo with all his might to the point of Blitzo falling asleep right away after his play, but on this occasion Stolas just wanted to pamper him and make him feel happy. 
‘Ehehehe, Stohohoolas! Nohohot there, hehehe!’, Blitzo said between giggles and squirms. ‘Not my stomach, hehehe!’
‘But your stomach is so soft , cute and ticklish, I can’t stop tickling it!’, Stolas replied, not using all his hand’s fingers to keep the soft tickles going, making Blitzo laugh and squirm harder.
‘Ahahahaha! Stahahahahap!’
‘I got your belly button!’, Stolas cooed while wiggling one finger inside Blitzo’s belly button, after going under his shirt. It didn’t tickle as much as the rest of his stomach but Blitzo still laughed.
‘You f***heheher, juhuhust wait until I’m freheheheee!’, Blitzo yelled before falling into more laughter. Stolas just laughed at seeing his boyfriend trying to sound menacing with no avail. 
‘Aww Blitzy! You trying to sound menacing under these circumstances is totally adorable! Please do it again!’, Stolas cooed again, while tickling Blitzo’s neck with his fingers this time, making him squirm from one side to another, trying to cover the side of his neck Stolas attacked alternatively .
‘Ahahaha, I hate you sohohoho much!’, Blitzo said without meaning it so much.
‘Oh, is that so? Maybe you don’t feel relaxed enough yet. What if we focus on your favorite spot now?’.
Blitzo knew what spot he meant, but tried to act like he didn’t. ‘Whahahat the f*ck you’re talking about, hahaha!’.
‘Oh, yes you do, my dear Blitzy!’. Stolas began playfully walking his fingers from Blitzo’s stomach to his ribs, poking in some places just to keep his excitement going, Blitzo couldn’t stop giving nervous giggles while Stolas’ fingers were close to reach that feared spot.
When Stolas’ hand reached the upper rib right under his underarm and tickled  there, Blitzo jolted and let out a loud squeal while laughing and squirming like crazy.
‘There it is! There’s that happy spot! Stolas cooed while holding his own laughter. Blitzo’s laughter was Stolas’ serotonin without a doubt. Blitzo weakly tried to protect his side and squirmed on Stolas’ arm, and then let out a squeak when Stolas suddenly changed to tickle his other side.
Blitzo didn’t give any smart ass comeback as he usually did. He’d rather die than admitting that he really loved being tickled there, but the fact that he kept quiet while laughing his a** off meant he was trying to enjoy every single second of his tickle therapy. 
When Stolas vibrated both of his hands while still holding Blitzo on both sides of his ribs, he let out such a loud and happy squeal that his embarrassment grew about 150%.
‘Aww, that was such a cute sound! Please do it again for me!’ Stolas cooed while still teasing his dear mate’s ribs.
‘Youhhhhuuu…ahahaha *hic*! F*ck, hahaha *hic* stahahahap!’
‘Alright, alright, I’ll change places now’, Stolas said, holding Blitzo now over his chest. Then he started quickly poking his back, making him jumpy and squirmy all over again, especially when Stolas poked a very ticklish spot. 
Blitzo could only squirm and laugh, his face hidden on Stolas’ fluffy chest, trying not to show him his face, now red as a tomato. That changed when Stolas dug his fingers on his lower back. Blitzo instinctively arched his back, showing his face and cackling.
‘Ahahaha! Stolahahahas! Nohohot therehehehe!’
‘Why not? You love when I scratch the base of your tail’.
‘But not like thihihhis! Stahahahap!’
‘Alright, I just give you a little more treatment and I’m done’, Stolas said with the sweetest voice he could ever do, making Blitzo afraid about what would be coming next.
Stolas suddenly lifted Blitzo from his low back and let Blitzo’s waist and head hanging from the bed, making his blouse go down to his chest. Because of the force of gravity it was very hard for Blitzo  to lift his arms and protect himself from what Stolas was planning.
Stolas walked his fingers over Blitzo’s stomach at a very slow pace, making him both afraid and excited, making it hard not to start giggling in front of Stolas. First making circles around Blitzo’s belly button, then proceeded to skitter his talons all over Blitzo’s stomach and ribs, making him laugh at an instant.
‘Nahahahah! Stolahahahahs! You’re the worhohohorst ahahaha!’
‘Oh, really? I thought I was the sweetest boyfriend ever, giving my dear imp boyfriend so much attention!’, Stolas said feigning ignorance. Then he started softly scratching each rib and then giving him soft pinches on them, making Blitzo all giggly and squirmy.
‘You’re so cute, my dear Blitzy! How was I able to get the most handsome, yet the most ticklish imp in the whole hell?’.
Blitzo just stopped fighting all at once, now too lazy to lift his arms and fight against Stolas. His tickles were too light to even care, and at this point Blitzo was having a lot of fun feeling Stolas’ caring touch. Blitzo had given up a long time ago about falling in love, even more getting love from someone, but Stolas was giving him just that right now. Every touch, every caress he received from the owl prince, made him both shudder and melt.
After almost 10 minutes of being upside down laughing and hipcupping,  Stolas lifted Blitzo and gave him a tight hug, giving him a moment to compose himself. Blitzo finally gave a long sight and stared at his boyfriend.
‘God damnit Stolas! You and your silly games!’
‘Did I go a little too far, perhaps?’, Stolas replied, tilting his head and looking too cute for Blitzo to even fake he was angry at him. He just looked away, blushing.
‘As always’, he said. Next time it will be your turn to get a therapy session, and it will be a full 1 hour session!’
‘Oh, really? Do I need an appointment for that?’, Solas replied, a little too enthusiastic about that scenario’.
‘Ugh, I forgot you enjoy anything I do to you’.
‘Wait, you don’t enjoy everything I do to you?’stolas said, faking being offended.
‘Anyways, I’m tired and I just wanna go to bed now. Can we just take a bath and rest?’
‘Of course! Let me take you to the royal bath, your Highness!’, Stolas playfully said while carrying Blitzo to the bathroom as if they were dancing in a ball. Blitzo couldn’t do anything but stare at his charming Prince’s eyes while dancing, hypnotizing him.
‘Mom, look at the new trick I learnt today!’ A little Blitzo yelled while approaching his mom with a giant circus ball. His mom just stopped what she was doing and sat looking honestly eager to see what his son had prepared for her. His little twin sister also quickly joined the audience.
Holding a little baton on his right hand, Blitzo began spinning it and then jumped on the ball, doing circles across the room while still spinning the baton. Then he jumped backwards letting the baton go, kept standing on the now still ball and holding it with his tail. 
When the act was done, both his mom and sister clapped, smiling a lot.
‘Oh, my Blitzo! You’re so talented! Everyone will love your act!’
‘Do you really think so mom?’, Blitzo said with shinny hopeful eyes, receiving a hug from his mom. ‘Do you think people will love me’.
His mom kindly smiled.
‘Of course Blitzo. Someday people will love you as much as I do’. His mom held him tightly and gave him a lot of smooches, making him giggle.
Blitzo opened his eyes to find himself in the arms of Stolas, who was already asleep. Blitzo could feel his warm breath on the nape of his neck, and his soft chest feathers warming his back. Beginning to doze off again Blitzo took Stolas’ arm and held it against his chest, letting himself be hugged by him.
Before falling asleep, Blitzo mumbled to himself while smiling:
‘Mom, I’ve finally found someone who loves me’.
Hope you all enjoyed my fanfic. If you want to support me to work on more fanfics or art you can buy me a coffee on my Ko-fi site, https://ko-fi.com/kirausamaria 
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hotluncheddie · 1 month
yoohooo~ guess who got fired!! but thinking of Scoops!Steve having already put on some weight is on his last straw with his boss worried he's gonna get fired so tries bumping up sales for new flavors. So when a party of 5 comes in an hour before close to the parlor and orders two of the Jumbo-Sundaes 🍨 Steve makes sure to hook them up and maybe work a little overtime. What he doesn't know is that they stole the tip jar while he was in the back and left. Steve, already in deep shit and having already finished the closing tasks, knows he can't just dump the ice cream so not wanting to lose his job has to stomach two sundaes in his already tight sailors outfit 😈
u got fired??? oh no!!!!
but that making u message me this is actually so funny anon omg
and I’m 👹👹👹 rn over it
Thankfully Robin had already left with her share and he’d used some to get lunch that day so it wasn’t his whole tip that was gone, and he won’t have to pay for the sundays they ordered as long as he makes record of what happened.
But it still sucks, it’s still exactly what he doesn’t need right now. With his boss breathing down his neck and always making comments about sales figures. Like Steve actually cares, in any way, at all.
It’s no use throwing the icecream out. But Steve needs to get out of here, he’s so sick of this place.
So he mixed the sundays together with an extra banana and some chocolate sauce, throws some brownie chunks in there for good measure.
It’s one of the best shakes he’s made. Thick and creamy and so sweet it takes his breath away.
He chugs what won’t fit in their largest cups, enjoying the now comfortable feeling of a cold snack filling up the space in his stomach between his food court lunch and everything he can find dinner.
He walks out slow to his car, the shitty day making him drag his feet, condensation dripping down his hand. It’s a nice night at least, the stars just coming out and the breeze cool and refreshing.
He doesn’t notice the van parked a few spaces down, too lost in his head and the feeling of ice cream in his mouth.
Doesn’t think twice as he does what has become habit for him now.
Putting the cup on the beamers roof he does his usual after work ritual, (which is now becoming his getting in the car ritual and soon to be during his breaks ritual) which is - undoing the too tight button of his shorts.
He’s started letting his belly push the zipper apart for him. Shivering at the sensation. Finally able to breathe properly. Enjoying the cool breeze on his stretched skin.
He sucks down more sweetness through the straw, prodding absently at the now free squish of his belly and he sucks harder, feeling that the sailor top just won’t cover it fully anymore. Leaves a pale crescent on display if his short are undone.
Oh well. The girls he talks to don’t like him anyway, but he likes the ice cream. So it’s worth it, he’s not really missing out on anything, only gaining.
He still doesn’t notice the van across from him. Or the big brown eyes peaking out from the window.
Eddie munson biting his palm to keep quiet as he watches Steve Harrington in all his newly chubby glory, petting pale skin and tracing pink stretch marks and smacking pretty pink lips that glisten with sweetness. Eddie aches to trace those lines with his tongue, help Steve through his treat and get him something else before he can even bat an eye.
Eddies always been weak kneed for The King, always noticing his honey soft insides hidden behind his mask of highschool. And now that softness is on the outside, in the cherub pink flush of his rounder cheeks.
He’s so cute Eddie is going to die, actually, and seeing Steve get any rounder before Eddie gets his hands on him is going to be the main cause.
Finally Steve gets into his car, Eddie watching as he moves a little awkwardly around his new bulk, pulling the seatbelt across his softer chest. Steve turns the key, engine spluttering. He tries again, engine almost turning over but it abruptly dies.
Eddie watches Steve rest his forehead against the steering wheel, banging his pretty head against it and eddie can feel the other boys sigh in his bones. Steve reaching, again, for his milkshake.
…Eddie knows cars. Eddie could fix that. Eddie can help.
He gets out of his van on shaky legs, making sure his wayward dick is secure in his waistband. Walks over to Steve’s door and knocks on the window. Steve jumps, lips unlatching from his straw. Eyes wide and shirt sitting just above his navel.
Eddie smiles at him…
Wg Tag list: @scoops-aboy86 @chickensinrainboots @cheesedoctor
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total-drama-shark · 2 years
Like a month ago I off handedly mentioned in the tags of a reblog that Mike’s ROTI bio lived in my mind rent free and I want to share my thoughts on it in more detail!
The bio in question:
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// TW for very mild discussion and insinuation of trauma
First thing I wanted to mention is that alters switching in the bio is represented by ellipses, which I really like! With the ellipses being used both to signal switching and as aposiopesis, it gives a sort of text equivalent of dissociating which I think is pretty clever.
Second is how all the alters featured in ROTI make a cameo in the bio. While I understand why they did that, I cannot imagine the headache that must be rapidly switching five separate times in the time frame of what must be less than an hour.
An interesting thing about the switches in the bio, actually, is how they take place without any of the triggers we were explained the alters had in the series, which could indicate that they have more than the triggers shown on screen or that they don’t always need a trigger to be the cause of a switch (and realisticly would probably be the both) I have some few speculations as to how and why the switches took place in this:
We don’t have much to go off as to why Mike switches to Chester in the first question, my best guess is Chester got pulled to the front cause Mike was anxious or he’s better at dealing with interviews?
Svetlana fronts after Chester at the mention of movies, I like to believe the topic of movies could be a positive trigger for Svetlana.
The switch from Svetlana to Mike is interesting, we never got to hear the end of Svetlana’s dream and I can’t decipher what would bring Mike back to the front besides just, wanting to get back to the front I guess.
Mike is read recalling a childhood memory which is presumably unpleasant in some way, before Vito comes to the front. I personally believe that Vito switched to stop or prevent Mike from fully recovering that specific memory, maybe because it’s traumatic or something Mike isn’t emotionally prepared to confront yet.
When Manitoba switches after Vito his tone reads as frustrated, and we don’t see any switches after this. Possibly Manitoba got sick of all the rampant switching and decided to front himself and stop the other front accessing the front in the meantime, which would best work if he was a gatekeeper.
Something interesting about the interview is that it’s stated twice that Mike doesn’t have the best memory, specifically regarding his dreams and his childhood. The childhood part makes a lot of sense considering the nature and cause of DID and it’s really the only time the show ever seemed to, even if vaguely, acknowledge the implications of Mike having DID.
Different alters also mention different family members; Vito mentions working with an uncle in his first job, which is presumably the body’s uncle, and Manitoba mentions having a wife, which very likely isn’t the body’s wife. Personal interpretation is that Manitoba is an introject and his wife is an exomemory.
Lastly, it seems that the way the alters refer to fronting is compared to driving? Like Manitoba refers to who’s fronting as “who’s at the wheel” in the last question and in AS, Mal (while masking as Mike) tells Zoey that he’s “back in the driver’s seat”. Kinda neat way to describe it tbh.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
So... so far my thoughts on Help Wanted 2 are that yeah probably playing as Cassie's dad or the conspiracy guy from SB. I'm weirdly not too interested honestly? We seem to have maybe given Vanny some revenge in allowing her to kill Glitchtrap with Princess Quest 4, which is interesting. Interesting to know that's where the fourth game is too.
Moon and Mystic Hippo saying "what makes you so special?" is interesting too like??? Honestly? This feels like the player is the one that got away. Like we survived something, when no one else did, or we just chose this path despite no logical reason and no logical connection to anything at all. Maybe we're Luis here to save Vanessa? Maybe we're Cassie's dad trying to save her, and in doing so, leave nothing to prevent Cassie from joining us in the dark? Or conspiracy guy from SB that just knows something is wrong and has figured out that someone is trapped by the games, with this being their final attempts to do something about it?
Or perhaps, we're one of Mimic's (or Vanny's?) victims, the only one to get away in a massacre and have returned for one reason or another? That does happen twice in the books, so maybe that's applicable here too and we're the one that got away and sealed it away? Such as one of the construction workers for the Raceway that went down there and never came back? Maybe we're there, now trapped underground (since you can't go into the pizzeria in Ruin) hoping Cassie will save us or stop the Mimic?
Mystic Hippo also tells you to really look at our hands which is interesting. Maybe to remind us we're in VR or something? I dunno. Interesting though. There's all those little things like Roxy's plushie being in the dark in the bowling alley, Mystic Hippo asking when we are, all the Glitchtrap stuff happening, the lack of anything Mimic related, the Maskbot having rabbit ears and whatever else... It's all really interesting I guess. Maybe we're the spirits that possess Tangle, or Vanessa or someone, I dunno, maybe Jeremy? Beats me. This is thinking for another day.
I fucking LOVE the DJ levels and the carousel. DJ's animations are gorgeously done, he looks amazing and so full of life and character, and the music is fun, he's just so cool. The carousel?? Fucking opens with Sunny complaining that if he was programmed to fix it, it'd be fixed by now lmao and then Moon is just coming at you while you get the three rows of characters moving again. Then suddenly it's on fire. And they added another fucking daycare attendant called Jack-O-Moon that looks dope as hell but I'd bet is making the tags even more inhospitable than before, so thanks for that Steel Wool lmao
I love that Chica is such a nuisance too. Like, they say they're looking into DJ's bugs but not Chica's. Nah you can handle her! She's just going to eat everything ever! Honestly, I'm convinced your job is less preparing food for customers and more preparing food as a Chica Distraction lmao. She's got a massive presence in the game. She's in every food prep stage, the last Fizzy Faz stage, the wild west Fazerblast game and the log flume ride, and she's a really big part of all of those too. This is Chica's game I guess??? Or perhaps this is to show us that Chica is an absolute menace to every staff member ever lmao good for her honestly
Roxy's game is eh. You need to keep watching her or she kills you and if you make too many mistakes she will also kill you which yeah that's fair. Why is her model so dirty though that's what I wanna know. Honestly, her intro speech, like a few others, all feel hugely reheresed like she's sick of saying it over and over which is neat. Foxy has the same thing going on and so does the carnival nurse (who I adore oh my god that happy "I QUIT MY JOB!" thrown in the middle I love it sfdsfsd) but what's interesting about it is the comparison. After the first introduction, Roxy loses that stilted way of talking. She sounds genuinely annoyed that you aren't paying attention to her, and of course in the Ruined version, she sounds in genuine distress the whole time. I dunno, I just think that's neat!
The fact you're using the parts of everyone else on her is interesting too. That's what Gregory did with Freddy, and now someone is doing it with her and she doesn't accept it at all. It just makes her more frustrated with us until she demands a mask. I suppose the thing here is that of course nothing is working for her. She can't see what she looks like and thus, has to go off of how these things are making her feel, and none of them are making her feel better, only worse. Cause of course it would! The other animatronic parts being stuck onto her face obviously aren't going to make her feel better. Her own snout isn't making her feel better because she just wants her god damn eyes back off that thieving kid and everything will be okay again... Hence why she gives up on this and goes back to trying to figure out where he's gone again. Interesting stuff on that one
And sddfsdd Freddy freezing himself in place in cold storage like a dumb. And the fact Circus Baby gives you ice cream and plays games with you like you're a friend and not killable? Interesting! Cool! Sunny being so bossy and stuck up about artwork and the carousel? Hilarious. I love it. Why's the carousel on fire though...
I believe there are still some gamemodes we don't have access to yet, so that's probably where Monty's at. Shame we don't see him at all here but I'm sure we'll see more of him soon.
WE GOT TO SEE MORE OF THE MINIS THOUGH!!!! I love them oh my god. Their model is all YIPPEEEE!!! and I love that for them. They just wanna make music with DJ too! It's so unfair!
And those are my current thoughts on the game. Would love to hear how other people are finding it!
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skriveting · 2 years
A bunch of different writing prompts MASTERLIST #2
updated 13.11.22
"This isn't going anywhere."
"This is making me very uncomfortable." "Good, I'm glad."
"Move along, move along, nothing to see here!"
"Where have you been?"
"My will to live is dwindling at an alarming rate."
"Don't get confused, you are disposable."
"Do you maybe wanna be friends?" "Go away!"
"Yeah, that tracks."
"A friend of theirs is no friend of mine."
"Why did you cut it like that?"
"Oh, dear."
"Could you put the knife down while you're talking, please?"
"Okay, I get it now." "You do?" "Yeah!" "Are you sure?" "No."
"All right, now let's get back to me yelling!"
"Let's eat a kiwi or two and calm down." "You know I don't condone cannibalism." "No, no, that's not what I meant-"
"How is it only Wednesday..." "It's Monday." "NO!!!!"
"Great, you again."
"You mean to tell me she hasn't read 1984?!" "Michael, she's 4." "And??"
"Hm. You know, I didn't really care to know that."
"It's getting worse, isn't it?" "It's nothing, don't worry about it."
"What's a few threats between friends?" "Exactly."
"I guess when you put it like that..."
"You couldn't be more wrong if you tried."
"I wish I could go on just one date where I didn't have to use the Heimlich maneuver." "Dude, what goes on on your dates?" "I wish I knew!"
"Keep up, please." "I'm trying!"
"What did you think?" "It was not good." "Dad!"
"Well I've heard that I can be an asshole, but I don't think it'll be a major problem." "I beg to differ."
"How was I supposed to know that?" "Well, if you'd read the brief I sent you, you would have!" "It was 600 pages!!"
"Put that down, that's disgusting."
"I'll tell you, that threw me for quite a loop!" "Stop talking like that."
"I've waited a long time for this." "I'm sorry, who are you?"
"So what's your plan, talking me to death? Because if so, it's working."
"Let's go, I don't have all day."
"I thought this would be difficult. But, looking at you now..."
"Have you always been this much of an asshole?"
"The least you could do is put up a fight worth my time."
"Why are we doing this?" "You can't be serious."
"Stop wasting time."
"Pity. I'd actually been looking forward to this."
"And you wonder why I hate you."
"Don't push your luck."
"I came alone."
"How you doing, champ?" "Don't call me that."
"I'll let you know."
"How are you still alive?!" "That's a long story."
"A hello would've been nice."
"I'm out of here."
"Get me out of this wretched torture device!" "Get a hold of yourself, it's just a turtleneck sweater-" "I am suffocating!!"
"Yes, it's terrible, and yes, I love it."
"Would you let go already?!"
"Riddle me this: what the heck is going on?!"
"You'd think I'd know better by now."
"I'm feeling pretty vulnerable right now." "Sick, dude."
"Some things never change."
"I'd like for us all to acknowledge that this was a huge mistake."
"So, what do you think?" "Hm. Not enough violence."
"If everyone could just calm down for a second, that'd be great."
"What more do I have to do before you realize that you can trust me?"
"I'm not into that sort of stuff."
"This is actually a pretty common side-effect." "Somehow I doubt that."
"Ever since the day I met you I feel the light inside me dwindle a little more with each passing day."
"You aren't meant to live like this." "Says who?"
"I've had a really hard time trying to work through this."
"What are you doing here? It's four in the morning!"
"Some days I really love my job. This is not one of those days."
"Are you sure about this?" "As sure as I can be, given the circumstances."
"I've given them enough chances. I'm not letting myself be put through that again."
"You got the right answer, but I have no idea how." "Neither do I, to be honest."
"How did you survive that??"
"There's just something about it that bugs me, but I can't put my finger on it..."
"Take that thing off."
"You don't have to tell me twice."
"Did you seriously think that would work?"
"Don't bother me."
"That's all right, I was leaving anyway."
"Well, you know..." "No, I don't, that's why I'm asking."
"Guess I missed the memo."
"Nevermind, it's nothing."
"What gave you that impression?"
“I don't take orders from anyone, let alone from people like you.”
"Wait, you’re telling me it’s supposed to taste like this??"
"It’s not wise to live a life where you make decisions based on compassion and love in a world that won’t show you any."
"Let's save us both some time and just be honest with each other from the start. If you're not, I'll find out eventually anyway, so let's just cut the crap right from the get-go."
"Isn't this enough?"
"Are you afraid?" "Of you? Never."
"Don't ever make me do that again."
"What are you doing?" "I told you, you have to trust me. I figure I should prove to you that you can."
"How stupid do you think I am?!"
"You owe me." "I don't owe you anything."
"I can't believe you carried me off like that, you made me look like a weakling in front of everyone!" "You were dying-" 
"Are you seeing this too or am I having a stroke?"
"Stop doing that, you're freaking me out!"
"This cake reeks of resentment and bitterness." "When we get to the party I'm going to need you to stop talking like that."
"Hang on, hang on, I have the perfect playlist for this scenario-" "Now is not the time!!!"
"Are those... bite marks?"
"The only thing about you that never disappoints, is your ability to disappoint."
"You're incredible." "Aw, thanks!" "Not a compliment, babe."
"I thought you didn't believe in fate." "Until I met you, I didn't."
"Get that thing away from me!"
"I want to get better, I just don't know how..." "That's bullshit."
"Name's Tammy. Short for Tambourine."
"Quit your yapping and start napping."
"Hold on tight!"
"Are you sure you're not drunk?"
"What am I supposed to do with this thing??" "She's a baby, Marc!" "Okay, what am I supposed to do with this baby??!"
"I... I've got nothing."
"You're coming here, right now, are we clear?"
"Why does it matter?" "Because it matters to me!"
"What do you think?" "Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to be nice? I can't do both."
"I can't do that, I'll embarrass myself!" "That's never stopped you before!"
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slashersgirlypop · 1 year
Grilled Cheese Chapter 6.
(September 1st, 1978)
            I huffed, bored out of my mind. Yes, I was still scared of the big, strong, stabby man, (who I just started to call Mask-Man), but I also was locked in the closet for a great majority of the day. If I had to guess, I had been in this closet for maybe five or so hours? Maybe more? All I knew was that when I knocked on the door, asking for at least some food, a slice of cheese was shoved at me. He only let me out today twice to use the restroom. I heard him leave about maybe an hour after locking me in the closet and then come back four hours later through the back door.
            Some point during the day, before he left, I heard Miss Petunia come down the stairs. I don’t know what happened, but it didn’t sound like there was any sounds of pained meows. I did hear her begin to eat food, so thankfully the stoic and silent Mask-Man does have decency to at least feed her.
            “Excuse me? Sir? Mr. Mask-Man-Person? Are you, uh, just planning on keeping me in here forever? You know, I got a job and friends who might be wondering where the hell I am. Also, it’s really boring in here. I counted all the brush-hair-things on the broom in here fifteen times. I’m worried I’ll go crazy, so, can I be let out?”
            As expected, I got no response. I groaned, slumping against the door, sliding down until my butt hit the floor. I began to light bonk my head against the wood. Alright, time to use the annoying-hostage-girl approach.
            “Let me out please.” Bonk.
            “Let me out please.” Bonk.
            “Let me out please.” Bonk.
            “Let me oOF-,” I huffed, falling on my back once he opened the door. I stared up at him, my head between his shoes, him looking down at me. Even though I couldn’t see his face, I hoped he looked annoyed by my successful antics.
            “Mra?” Miss Petunia chirped from Mask-Man’s shoulder, looking down at me curiously. My mouth slightly opened in betrayal at my cat. While I was locked in the dusty old closet, my beloved pet was buddying up and getting all cozy with my captor. The audacity of pets, I swear.
            “Alright. So, are we just gonna have a staring contest, Mask-Man? Am I allowed to come out? If you’re planning on a staring contest, it’s not really fair on my end because you could be blinking and I’d have no way to tell with your mask and all.” Shrugging, I looked up at the man. He just stared at me before walking away, leaving me on the floor.
            Groaning, I sat up, feeling my joints cracking in my back. I hoping he wasn’t planning on locking me in the closet tonight, because that would not be comfortable to sleep in. Speaking of which, where did he sleep last night?
            I turned, jumping as he just stood behind me.
            “How are you so fast and quiet, pal?” I asked. Wordlessly, he thrusted two objects into my chest. It was a notepad and crayons. Did…did he want me to draw or something? Then, Mask-Man pushed me not too gently into the family room, where the TV was on, playing cartoons. He shoved me into a chair before walking over and plopping down on the couch. Miss Petunia mewed softly at him as if the gently chide him before hopping off his should and walking over to me. She laid at the bottom of my chair, her head on my foot, and she began to purr quietly.
            Mask-Man said nothing, only focusing his attention on the animated figures. Honestly, this is not how I would imagine a kidnapping or hostage-taking-thing would go. It could be worse; I could be dead. At least my only reason to be alive is that I make him food.
            I began to absentmindedly draw on the paper, getting lost in my thoughts. I didn’t want to be his cook forever, and eventually someone other than Mr. Steinberg is going to wonder what happened to me and come check on me. Mrs. Gracie most likely will send one of her boys to check on me, like she did when I was sick with the flu and had to take off work. Until then, I have to figure out how to play my cards right and not piss off this guy to the point of killing me. Despite my numerous other escape attempts, I knew I could get out and get help. But how is the question? He’s always there, he’s quieter than an ant, he can kill me probably with one hand, so what would I do-wait. My crayon skid to a stop on the mane of the badass centaur I was drawing
            Does he know I have a gun?
            Earlier, when I thought he was just some kid pulling a mean joke, I did mention it, but I don’t know if he thought I was bluffing or not. I hope he does think I’m bluffing. I could use the gun and force him to let me out, or even kill him. I frowned at that idea. I don’t really like the idea of taking a life, even if he did kill people, but if I must…
            I stood up, stretching my arms, his head turning to me. He began to stand up as well before I sighed.
            “I’m just going to make myself some food, Mask-Man. No need to patrol and act as my guard. I’m not dumb enough to try to escape again,” except that I was, “so just, chill out. I’m just hungry because all you gave me was a slice of cheese.” He paused before slowly sitting back down, his head still pointed at me. Then, he slowly turned his attention back to the screen.
            Taking deep breathes as quietly as I could as I walked kitchen, my eyes zeroed in on the drawer where the pistol was. Casually, I approached the pantry, which was near the drawer, but unfortunately in sight of the family room, meaning Mask-Man could see me. It also just occurred to me that I had no idea how to use a fucking gun. It couldn’t be that hard, right? Just aim and shoot. I mean, I think it was loaded, although I wasn’t sure.
            After pretending to peruse the pantry, I took a deep and shaky breath before yanking open the drawer and grabbing the gun. I gripped it with both hands and pointed it at the man, who now was staring at me, standing up.
            “You know what this is, buddy? It’s a fuckin’ gun. I didn’t wanna do this, but I had no choice. Let me go,” I ordered, trying my best to look intimidating despite the man practically being a giant compared to me. He merely stared at me, before taking a step in my direction, which I yelled at.
            “H-HEY! No! Don’t take any steps towards me, you mask-guy-man. Stay there! I will shoot! Don’t try me!” He proceeded to take several more steps, despite my warnings. When he was within five feet of me, I closed my eyes and aimed the gun at his head.
            “I’m sorry, but I warned you!” I pulled the trigger, wincing and bracing myself for the inevitable fact that I will be staring at a corpse when I opened my eyes.
            Click. My eyes whipped back to the gun, wide. It’s in that moment I realized that it, in fact, wasn’t loaded. Fuck.
            He grabbed the gun and wrenched it out of my hands, throwing it aside, staring down at me.
            “Shit, oh shit, I’m sorry, please don’t kill me, I’m sorry! PLEASE!” I pled, shrieking as he grabbed my hair, no doubt pulling out strands as he dragged me to the living room, my scalp screaming in pain.
            He sat down on the couch, yanking me over his lap, making me lose my breath. He grabbed my jeans and yanked them down along with my panties, exposing my ass to the open. I began to writhe, desperately trying to get off him. He was going to rape me, he was going to fucking rape me-
            I gasped in pain as I felt his big hand come down of my right cheek, the pain bursting out. I didn’t have time to process what he was doing though because he continued to spank my ass, no doubt leaving bruises at a relentless pace. I began to sob around thirty, dangling miserably from his lap.
            My ass felt like it was on fire. He didn’t stick to a pattern, he just spanked. I never had felt so humiliated in my life.
            By the time he was done, I was a sobbing mess. Snot was dribbling slowly out my nose onto the carpet below, tears also staining the carpet.
            I choked on air when he cruelly gripped my left cheek, digging his nails into the skin. I just let him, feeling defeated. I didn’t know how to react. I was just grateful he was done.
            He shoved me off his lap and onto the carpet. I yelped, before continuing to sob, my rear exposed to the air still.
He just ignored me, as he normally did.
ye, sorry if you aren't normally a crier, (y/n) got a bit of a traumatic experience. I was basing her reaction off what I would do in this situation, and I would just fuckin sob and feel weak. MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HANUKAH/ HAPPY WHATEVER YOU CELEBRATE!!!! See ya, my fellow slasher sluts.
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himikochan · 7 months
Today was a no good terrible day :( I’m jotting this all down in bed and my mind is all scattered
So I had this coworker from my old job that I’ve been hanging out with which has been nice- we’ve snagged drinks after shit days at work before and since I’ve quit we’ve hung out once or twice just to shoot the shit. We mostly talked about family stuff (his ma is really sick, I’ve got sibling drama) and text each other pictures of our cats.
Well, today we went on a LONG walk along the lakefront- I’ve been doing these walks to get me out of the house and it’s free so that’s what I do now and he wanted to hang out so we went on this long walk. It was a 10 mile walk. It was nice to just chat with a friend and all that but when we were almost back to my home (and about to part) he’s got this whole rehearsed speech where he’s basically like- I’ve got a crush on you and I’d like it if you had feelings for me and it’s like FUCK OFF
This guy knows I’m in monogamous relationship and have been for 4 years and I’m HAPPY in that relationship!!!! Disregarding that, I’ve given NO indication I think of him that way or that I don’t want to be in my current relationship and there’s a nearly 20 year age between us— what the FUCK kind of signal do I have to give you that this is not a welcome invitation for that??? Or that this is an appropriate conversation to have with me???
Like I know we catch feelings sometimes and can’t always control who that is with- full sympathy on that front. But telling me about these feelings has put the burden on me to tell him to fuck off!!! And he clearly expected me to reciprocate in some way or start fawning with sympathy. I do not owe him shit in this regard!!!!
So I was just like- no thank you and if you want to be friends, go sort this out with other friends first. Do not come to me with this.
But then this mother fucker texts me later and he’s like- I wish we could have talked about this more but you talk so much. And double fuck off!!! I said No and that’s the end of the discussion.
But I was just fucked for the rest of the day. I burned the pie I wanted to make for the holiday and I had to keep ripping back my knitting. I guess this cowl is maybe done? Don’t fucking know.
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ttimecode · 2 months
i see you asked for whismur waif... i offer you 1 5 9 13 14 with jayden.... cold boyfie
dude this made me realize i've literally never talked abt jayden. i posted abt him maybe twice and dipped 😭😭 WELCOME BACK COLD BOY
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
i don't have a last name for jayden oops.... all my s/is dob is same as mine, october 10th (with the exception of reynold bc theres already idv characters that have that bday) also one thing i dont think ppl know is that all my inserts are usually demiboys. either that or just amab ig, whatever fits more 👍 idk how tall jayden would be but... maybe shorter than blake, taller than red? idk the height differences from frostkisses fanart is cute to me
5. does your self insert have any special abilities or skills?
no special abilities except sheer fucking will. for skills ig he'd have any skills a mountain ranger would need? stuff like ice climbing, medical aid, etc. maybe resistance to cold too since. i mean c'mon it's mt. silver HAHAIFJEJ
9. who are your self insert's closest friends?
i gotta remake his team soon but one of the pokemon that just seemed natural that i should keep for him is his houndoom for some reason? she's his best friend ok.... other than that i guess nurse joy since he probably stays at or near the pokecenters for his job. they respect act other's line of work yk.... but now that i think about it, i guess he's kinda lonely up there. huh. interesting
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
i did have an idea where raiden (s/i for gold (the lost silver one)) was related to jayden but it's not set in stone so. plus the timeline is kinda weird especially for the fnf version of the characters so........ otherwise i haven't really thought abt jayden's family? maybe he writes to them every now and then. maybe he wonders if they miss him or if they're worried about him. but that's the sacrifice he made to take this job, so he can't exactly complain.
(cartridge family pls save him)
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
i haven't thought much about this but i think it would be funny if he liked cooking. even better if it's baking. maybe he got sick of eating cup noodles or smth and wanted to expand on his skills HAHAHAFJEJFN 😭 maybe smth like sewing too? he'd need that kind of skill for like sewing stitches or for any clothes he tears so it makes sense (why am i turning him into a malewife.......)
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ventisettestars · 1 year
DannyMay Day 9
Day 9: Ghost Zone [ao3]
This is a continuation of Day 8.
Summary: Vlad’s tour of the ghost zone is cut short by a strange ghost.
Vlad took the lead once in the Zone. He seemed to know exactly where they needed to go to see this ghost doctor. It unnerved Danny a little once they started to enter unknown territories. 
“Calm down. This is no different than your own explorations. These are just the paths I take.”
Danny nodded and started looking around. “Do you know anyone?”
“Of course. I’ve been traveling for a long time.” 
“So, like, do they like you? Or you got outstanding beef?”
“Honestly.” Vlad pinched the bridge of his nose.  “I get along with most ghosts. You probably could too if you didn’t just start with picking fights when meeting someone.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but most ghosts invade the town or are sent by you to beat me up.” 
“Yes, well if you would just let me actually help you, I wouldn’t need to spend money to supplement your growth.” It was more a mumble from Vlad but it stopped Danny in his flight.
“What.” It wasn’t a question. Danny had heard Vlad just fine. 
“Oops. Cat’s out of the bag. For young ghosts it’s important to practice using your ectoplasm regularly, or your ectoplasm will form weak or it’ll be harder to learn new things. Even more so for halfas since we naturally don’t need to used it for everything since we’ve got out humanity. With most of the ghosts I hire, I make sure they are in your range. Maybe just slightly tougher.”
“So since I wouldn’t take you up on learning from you, you are- what, forcing ghost school on me??”
“Yes. And I’m sure half the ghosts you fight with are doing something similar, but fighting you themselves. I’d do it more, but I have a job.” 
The static in the ectoplasm around Danny started to rise with his mood. “I’ve been- And all this time- Everyone was just-” 
“Aw, look at that bright core!” A stray ghost passed and seemed to look at Danny with glee. “You are going to be a force to be reckoned with someday.” 
Some of the electricity sparked around Danny’s hair as the new ghost completely distracted him. The ghost ran their hand through his hair to ruffle it, and all the spark danny had building up completely dispersed. “Mighty force indeed.” 
“Ah- Thanks?”
The ghost circled Danny once or twice then turned to Vlad. “You on the way to the doctors? He seems in need of a check up.”
“Yeah.” Danny answered instead. “Vlad was going to show me the way. Are we close?”
“You are indeed. Here.” They ran their hand across open air and a portal opened. “A short cut. Because I like you. Make sure to come visit me once you get a bit stronger. I could go for a good brawl.” The ghost smiled revealing their face. Or rather faces. Their features kept shifting and the more Danny tried to focus on one, it shifted like water. Never making a fully still face. It almost looked like there were three sets of features swapping places. Like three faces rotating but none of them actually a dominant face. 
Vlad looked like he was going to be sick, bowed. “Thank you. Come along, Daniel.” 
Danny nodded. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around.” 
The ghost waved as they went through the portal.
Anyone got any guess who the strange ghost was? (it's not Clockwork.)
Also there might be a part 3? Where danny actually makes it the doctor? Tho more likely this concept with Vlad will emerge in another fic all together. i dunno yet.
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stillheresanctuary · 3 months
So. It's Been A While.
That last update was a bit prophetic, wasn't it.
Uhm, I guess I should give a sort of summary of the last... Two? Three years? For people that are still lingering.
I'll put the bulk of it under a read more, but TL;DR- Parks Department job has panned out really well, had to move out a second time due to Stuff, Dad had a second stroke and passed away from complications, my mom's dog passed away from a malignant tumor, and I'm currently doing a lot of juggling to help Mom and myself try to survive.
Could be better. Could be a lot worse.
For folks that want some more details, well-
I'll get the rough stuff out of the way first.
My dad died. It'll be two years this October. He had a second stroke, and went from slow but steady improvement to a rapid decline that ended with Mom and I mutually agreeing that his quality of life had degraded so badly it was basically torture forcing him to stay alive. He wasn't quite a vegetable at the end, but it was close. He couldn't talk. He couldn't articulate his needs. He couldn't take care of himself in any fashion.
I sat and waited in his hospice room, and saw when the final breath left his body. There is no possible means to describe the Certainty, and the Relief. Knowing he was gone, and that he was no longer suffering.
Neither Mom or I have really had the space to fully process it. His ashes have yet to be scattered, and we haven't be able to coordinate a wake for the extended family. I don't know if we'll ever have one at this rate, but we want to give him a send off for everyone to properly say their good byes.
Less than two months after Dad passed, Mom called me crying. Tali, our family dog for the last 16 years, hadn't been feeling very well for a while, and gave Mom a couple bad scares before she finally had to be rushed to an emergency vet. They found out that Tali had been developing a tumor, and while it wasn't metastasized or actively malignant, it had begun to interrupt body functions and after a sudden seizure, had caused internal bleeding so bad they weren't sure she would survive being sedated let alone surgical intervention.
We decided it would do her a disservice to force her through such an invasive procedure, with no guarantee of recovery, let alone good health.
Mom and I both held her as the doctors gave her a fatal dosage of anesthetic, and she passed away peacefully. Her ashes are also still with us, waiting for us to decide how to honor her life.
On to less miserable topics-
Moving house! Happened cause the roommates we moved in with ended up paranoid assholes who tried to get us evicted and/or arrested on falsified charges of theft! We had to call up the sheriff, police and the landlord, as well as a tenant-landlord lawyer, to get the roommates of our backs. We moved out as soon as we were able to keep their assholery from reoccurring and possibly resulting in legal actions.
My partner and I ended up staying with a mutual friend for a couple months while we hunted for a new place, and now we've been staying in a pretty nice duplex that we're currently hoping won't price us out come the next lease reup (there's consulting of tenant-landlord lawyers in the plan for negotiating with the landlord). Other than fretting over funds, we're pretty alright.
Job! Parks and Rec invited me back to a longer season, and I just recently got invited back again, and I may actually apply for a year round full time position. The people are great, I enjoy the work I do, the benefits are excellent, and I even have a supervisor who Gives A Shit for once.
Pretty sure the job kept me from a depression spiral when Dad and Tali passed away back to back.
Rapid fire what else- Got a new to me car, reconnected with a bunch of friends from old fandoms, made new friends in an entirely new fandom, started looking into possibly going back to school, helped my mom with buying a house and a car, got sick with Covid twice, got two cavities drilled and filled, played way too much Cult Of The Lamb...
I think that's it? At least, that's all I can remember anymore.
It's been A Lot.
What does this say for this project?
Well, I still want to put work into it. I want to reinvest myself and my interests into this world that I've created. Considering current Tumblr drama, I may end up seeing how much I can transition over to something less fragile, like Neocities. I haven't made a webpage in so long it's ridiculous, but it could be worth it to mirror all my Tumblr projects onto something that I can actually archive.
It's a bit up in the air, and I apologize in advance if I vanish again, since I'm going to be going back to work at the end of March and I'm not sure how much energy I'll have to juggle. Whatever happens-
Thank you all for participating in this experience with me. You all have made this silly little side project a true joy, and I'm thankful for everyone who has made it possible.
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