#grant gustin au
crackships-and-manips · 10 months
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Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker
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jackiequick · 1 year
Royalty AU - The Regency Era 💎
-> The Return Of An Old Set Of Posts (cuz I’m celebrating 3000 posts on Tumblr!) Check it out 📱
— @msrochelleromanofffelton inspired idea by Bridgerton
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— Maiden Amelia Parker 🧹
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Sweet and Sassy. Sometimes This girl got a serious eye roll
Works for The Feltons 💅🏽
Lady In Waiting (makes sure everyone is dressed up, brings in letters to her bosses and on time for events etc.)
Usually found wondering the areas to making sure things are alright, doesn’t like to hear the gossip around the halls from the family
— Sir Tyler Sharp 🧲
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Nice, a bit of chatterbox, always tries to be serious and kinda silly
Works for The Marsh’s 🌸
A little timid a times but rather a bit of a charmer. He loves hearing the gossip with the the people of the court.
Makes sure the stables are fine, bringing in meals, standing behind holding umbrellas, and hanging out with the help
— Sir Jason Underwood 🛠
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Always annoyed with everyone but rather sweet depending upon the person.
Works for The Strange’s 🪄
You can find him always reading a book, sending out letters to subjects, throwing out a few glares to the help and rather nice.
You can picture Afield Pennyworth but blonde, snapping at everybody to do their jobs lol
— Lady Stephanie Foster 📖
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Darling, such a sweetheart and a bit of a caring maid
Works for House Stark’s 💰
She will spill secrets and hand over every newspapers with gossip around the land
A maid always trying to have a little bit of fun with the help. Hosting tea parties with the other maids & masters, has a shoulder to cry on, trying out the chefs latest treats and etc.
— Lady Sabrina Wilson 🍰
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Darling, caring, respectful and a maiden with a soft smile
Work for The Lehnsherr’s 🛡as her big brother is a knight of the land.
Spends her time holding the peoples swords and weapons, having them sharpened and cleaned to perfection.
Doesn’t care for games and gossip, unless needed. Holding items for her lords and ladies, whenever called for. However she spends her time with the chef of the house
The Upperclassman Folk 💠
— Princess Estella Strange 👑
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The runaway princess, rather not be dressed in a gown but out in the stables and walking the land.
She tends to be seen in the main hall trying to jewelry, making sure the guards know what needs to be done and questioning everyone.
Sweet, charming with a soft smile on her face, clever and gentle with most.
She tends to be very helpful and always tries to see the other person’s perspective.
As her brother rules, she’s in her corner of the palace reading and writing, setting up events for others in the land to attend, and getting fitted for certain items of clothing.
— Lady Alexandra ‘Lexi’ Banner 🍏
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One wouldn’t think she’s upper class like her brother and nephew due to the way she acts and dresses, but she is.
Always told to say quiet, sit straight, talk when needed and act pretty like she’s romanized by the lifestyle.
Carries around a small pet, like a dog per say, since she’s found nearby the gardens.
She tends to have a bit of a temper, getting twitchy at times and playing quietly with her nails, listening to other people speak.
Not interested in falling into any man’s arms that walked past her. Mostly because she’s unseen by most at parties, so the girl will find herself nearby the treats table.
Please keep the chain going: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @drspencereidhotch @meiramel @blueboirick @mandylove1000 @levijeanqueen @morgan108 @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @ohgodnotagainn
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thecrackshipdiaries · 9 months
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Danielle Panabaker and Grant Gustin
Requested: Anon
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mgnifiqueyoo · 3 months
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hello! i've decided to make a proper masterlist (my old one was really not that good... T.T) because unfortunately, i'm going on a bit of a hiatus. i'll be coming back very soon but maybe on the second half of the year :< so, i hope you could appreciate this small compilation of my works from both of my blogs (@mgnifiqueyoo & @mgnifique-tion) and i also hope you could wait for me! ^^
╰┈➤ mgnifiqueyoo's current works
◦ hey, cheesecake! | hwang intak x fem!reader (smau)
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◦ love at first spark. | seok matthew x fem!reader (oneshot)
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◦ old friend. | kim taerae x fem!reader (oneshot)
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◦ better than him. | choi yeonjun x fem!reader (oneshot)
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╰┈➤ mgnifique-tion's current works
◦ still a hero. | hc blitzkreig!barry allen x fem!scientist!reader (oneshot)
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◦ december 31st. | tva!loki x fem!historian!reader (oneshot)
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◦ hot cocoa. | harry wells x gn!doctor!reader (oneshot)
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◦ human reaction series | 2012!loki | ongoing »» part 1
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mckinleystreet-ads · 3 months
And then there was one! The role of Kurt Hummel has now been filled and we are in need of just Sebastian Smythe to kick off the chaos on this street! As I said previously, we may think about adding more pairings to the RP in the future too! But in the meantime, think you could mod our very own Snarky Meerkat with a big secret? We are a small Glee Secrets 3x3 RP on Discord and we need you! Kurtbastian shippers rise and slide into my DMs if you think you can survive living on McKinley Street!
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I Guess So
summary: butcher is furious when he learns you’re a supe.
pairing: billy butcher x female supe!reader
rating: R for language
word count: 4.3k
warnings: language, butcher being a complete asshole, cancer
timeline: set in an au after season 3 — in a world where becca doesn’t exist and butcher got into supe-hunting when his sister went missing.
author’s note: when i reference the flash/barry allen i’m picturing grant gustin, not ezra miller lol
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It was a quiet day in the office. Everyone was going through the several boxes of information on Vought that they had gathered at the last hospital they investigated.
“Jack pot!” Hughie exclaimed.
“What’d you find?” MM asked from across the room, head still down as he stayed focused on the box he was working on.
“There’s tons of names here of babies Vought dosed,” Hughie said. “And pictures of them now, looks like they were keeping tabs on the ones that didn’t go great.”
“Makes sense,” MM replied. “If one went off the rails they’d wanna know.”
“But why risk it?” Annie wondered out loud. “Why would Vought want these Compound V babies out there if they didn’t respond well to the serum?”
“Yeah, knowing Vought it’d make more sense to round ‘em up and put ‘em down,” Frenchie said.
“Wait, what the fuck?” Hughie’s eyes widened a little as his brows furrowed. “Uh, Y/n? Do you have a twin?”
“No, why?” you asked half-heartedly, buried deep in the box you were looking through. You had found some info on Temp-V and were hoping there was something in there that could help Butcher.
You were confused as to why Hughie hadn’t answered you so you looked up from your desk. Hughie was now standing at Annie’s desk as she read over the papers he’d just handed her. Frenchie and Kimiko looked up from their desks but didn’t bother going to see what all the fuss was about.
“Uh, MM,” Annie called him over. When he saw what Annie and Hughie were so freaked out over, his eyes widened.
“Holy fucking shit,” MM mumbled before he glanced at you. Annie tapped his arm a little and pointed at something written near the bottom of the page.
“What’s wrong you guys?” you asked, even though you had an idea about what they could be looking at.
You thanked your lucky stars Butcher had left to get lunch for the team, even though you knew you’d have to confront him about it at some point. It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t mean to keep it from him! But you were putty in his fucking hands and when he said he didn’t like Supe’s you weren’t gonna tell him what you had coursing though your veins. And after the ‘I love you’s had been said it seemed too late.
“Anything you wanna tell us, Y/n?” MM asked.
“Please don’t tell Butcher,” you said.
“‘Don’t tell Butcher’? Seriously, Y/n? You’re sure that’s what you wanna say?” Annie asked, silently begging you to just come clean.
“Don’t tell me what?” Butcher stepped into the office and you stood up quickly. “What’re you guys all looking at?”
He put down the food and took a few steps closer to where MM, Hughie, and Annie were. Before MM could move the papers around and help you keep your secret a little longer, Butcher grabbed what he was holding and started reading. By the time he finished, angered tears were forming in his eyes before he looked at you.
“You’re a fucking Supe?” Butcher asked you through gritted teeth. You stayed silent, completely frozen as he stormed over to you, papers still in his hand. “Fucking answer me!”
“Y-Yes,” you said quietly, unable to look him in the eyes as he towered over you. (He wasn’t that much taller than you, but right now you felt about two feet tall and didn’t dare look up at him.)
“What’s this mean?” He pointed to a note at the bottom of the pages. “‘Full power unknown’? ‘Extremely dangerous’?” he read. “What the fuck are your powers, Y/n?”
“Billy, please-”
“Oh, no, no, no! Don’t fucking dare Billy me! Answer the goddamn question!”
“I can sometimes run really fast,” you mumbled
“The fuck you mean, ‘sometimes’?”
“The Compound V in my system randomly acts up and I can run like the Flash. It’s always temporary, never lasts longer than a day or two.” (You could’ve used A-Train as an example instead of Barry Allen, but given your audience you made the right call.)
Butcher looked at you and for a second you thought he might just pull you into a hug as tears slipped down your cheeks as well as his.
“Fuck you,” he spat. “How dare you fucking lie to me, about this of all fucking things!”
“I-I’m sorry-”
“Sorry don’t fuckin’ cut it, love,” he said, teeth clenching again.
“Please, Billy I love you so fucking much!” You tried taking his hand in yours.
“No!” He pulled his hand back. “You fucking lied to me.”
“I had to! You said you hated Supe’s and I didn’t want you hating me!”
“Good job with that,” he scoffed, hurt flashing over your features. “Fuck you.”
He turned away from you before leaving the office, ignoring the others as they asked him where he was going.
MM was the first to talk to you about the whole ordeal; he went to your apartment that night to see how you were doing.
“Hey,” you said as you opened the door. He pulled you into a quick but tight hug.
“You could’ve told me, you know,” he whispered before pulling back to look you in the eyes. “I’m sorry about Butcher, has he talked to you since?”
“No,” you shook your head, “but he, uh, I think he’s done with me.”
“I’m sure he just needs time,” he tried to assure you as you both walked to the couch before sitting down.
“He came by and got all his stuff, MM,” you said. “It must’ve been right after he stormed out of the office because when I got home all his shit was gone and the key I gave him was on the nightstand.”
“Fuck,” MM mumbled. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
“It’s my own fault, I should’ve fuckin’ told him.”
“Yeah, but he’s always saying shit about Supe’s,” he countered. “He has to understand why you wouldn’t tell him.”
“But I’m not even technically a real Supe! When I’m not fast all I get is the bad side effects of Compound V—headaches, nausea, blurred vision—it fucking sucks!”
“I gotta ask, did Butcher really never notice?”
“He did, I just never told him the real reason. He was worried about my headaches and even asked me to see a doctor. I told him I did and they said it was nothing serious. I think that’s why he’s so mad at me; it’s not the Compound V, it’s the fact I’ve lied to him so fucking much.”
“I think he’s gonna get over it,” MM said. “I think he’s gonna realize how fucking miserable he is without you and just how happy you make him.”
You scoffed a little, “Don’t give me false hope.”
“I’m serious! You didn’t know pre-you Butcher! He was a complete asshole! Now? He’s… Well, he’s still an asshole but he’s not as annoying as he used to be.”
“Oh yeah.” He nodded. “I remember when I first caught on that he liked you; he’d try not to raise his voice, he’d make room for you to sit next to him on the couch, so many little things about him changed whenever you walked into the motherfuckin’ room.”
“He wasn’t like that before?” You smiled, feeling those familiar butterflies over the thought of Billy fucking Butcher having a crush on you.
“Never!” MM assured you. “You need to give him time and space right now, but I know he still loves you.”
The next morning you went to work, not knowing what else to really do. If Butcher didn’t want to see you, he didn’t have to come in.
When you got there and saw him at his desk (which was now moved a few feet further from your own) you knew you made a mistake.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Butcher asked.
“She’s part of the team,” Hughie said.
“Come off it! She fucking lied to all of us! She’s a fucking Supe!”
“And we get why she lied!” Annie came to your defense.
“A Supe defending another Supe, what else is new?” he grumbled.
“Butcher,” Hughie warned.
“Alright, let’s take a fuckin’ vote, how about?” Butcher suggested.
“Sure,” MM said. “All those in favor of Y/n staying on the team?” He raised his hand as Hughie, Annie, Frenchie, and Kimiko did the same.
“Five against one,” Frenchie commented.
“Supe’s don’t get a fucking vote,” Butcher said.
“Still three against one,” MM replied. “She’s staying on the team.”
“Butcher-” you started but he cut you off.
“Stay the hell away from me,” Butcher told you. “Don’t you fucking talk to me or touch me or even fucking look at me!”
It was a couple days later and you were pouring yourself a cup of coffee when Butcher walked up beside you, clearly wanting coffee as well. You decided you weren’t gonna move from where you stood in front of the little coffee station MM had set up a few months ago. If you stood your ground, Butcher would either have to ask you to move or push you out of the way.
He was getting impatient as you stayed and took a sip of your fresh cup of coffee. You let out a content sigh hoping it would further aggravate him and cause him to say something, anything to you—he’d managed to successfully give you the silent treatment since his angry voting speech.
“Get the fuck outta the way,” he said and you took a step to the side before he instantly went to pour himself a cup.
You were about to gloat a little but when you looked at his face you could tell he hadn’t slept the night before.
“How’d you sleep last night?” you asked, genuinely concerned as you furrowed your brows and turned to look at him more intently.
“Fuckin’ great, I didn’t have a Supe sleepin’ next to me,” he countered. “And don’t fuckin’ talk to me, if it was up to me you woudln’t still fuckin’ be here.”
“So you’d really be okay with me just getting the hell outta here? Never seeing me again?” you asked.
“Drop fuckin’ dead for all I care!” He shrugged a little and took a sip of his coffee before he finally turned to look at you.
“Huh.” You nodded, tears quickly flooding your eyes. “You know what,” you shook your head a little, “fuck you, Butcher.”
“What, now you bruise easy?”
“I have put up with so much shit from you. I have stayed with you through it all and I have proved to you time and fucking time again that I genuinely love and care about you. But this one thing you can’t let go? This one, stupid thing that was given to me without my fucking consent?”
“You lied to me, Y/n!”
“You’ve lied to me, too! You looked me in the eyes and said you weren’t gonna take Temp V then you fucking took it! And what did I do? I stayed up with you all fucking night as you hurled green shit into the toilet! Then you promised you wouldn’t take it again, but you did. And I was angry, but I loved you and I realized you were just doing what you thought was right so again I stayed with you as you puked. I even fucking kissed you after you barely rinsed your mouth out because I just wanted you to know I loved you!” You continued looking at him as his angered expression slowly softened. “And after you learned about the cancer?
“After you made me swear to just ignore it and act like you didn’t have a year to live? I stopped worrying about it in front of you. Instead I lost countless nights of sleep because I’ve been pouring through every bit of research Vought has on Temp V. I even managed to get files that only existed in physical copies kept at Vought Tower. I would’ve done anything for you Butcher because I thought you loved me too.
“The fact you can’t see why I felt I had to lie to you about the shit I’ve got pumping through my veins is ridiculous. And just so we’re clear—you can hate me all you want, but you better start acting fucking professional when we’re on the clock because I’m not going anywhere.”
“Did you have that whole speech planned just to try and get me to fold?” he asked, scoffing a little.
“Fuck you,” you said before brushing past him.
It had been nearly two weeks since Butcher and the others found out you were (kind of) a Supe. Everyone except Butcher had gotten over it by now and had even been asking you questions about your “powers”.
Hughie had asked you; “Can you tell when you’re able to run fast? Or is it you’ll be jogging and suddenly you’re miles away from where you meant to be?”
To which you had replied; “No, I can tell when I’m able to run fast; but I can’t predict when it’s gonna happen, you know? Like I have no control over it, I just sometimes know that if I were to try, I’d be able to go super fast.”
Kimko had asked you; “On the days you don’t have your powers, do you ever wish you did? Or are you relieved when you wake up and realize you don’t have them for right now?” (She had texted you while you were seated across from her.)
You had said aloud; “It tends to hurt on the days my powers don’t work. I get really bad headaches and sometimes they’re so bad that I actually puke. I’m happier on the days I can run, not because I’m fast, but simply because I don't have all the bad side effects.”
Butcher managed to ignore you since the coffee incident. He only ever spoke to you about work and never saw you outside the office. Not that you’d admit it, but you missed him like crazy. You hated sleeping without him, you hated waking up and only cooking breakfast for yourself, and you absolutely hated not being able to talk to him about all the random shit you two used to talk about.
He missed you too, though he never showed it. He was losing sleep over how he was treating you, but he figured you wouldn’t want him now. You both knew he only had a little over six months left (nine at most) and he wasn’t gonna go crawling back to you just to die. If he did, you would’ve welcomed him with open arms; wanting nothing more than to hold him while he ignored the inevitable.
“Everyone knows the plan?” Butcher asked the group, looking into the back of the truck from the passenger seat. “In and out, no fucking around and finding out what happens when we mess with this guy?”
You and the others beside you (Annie, Kimiko, Frenchie, and MM) nodded.
“I’ll keep the engine running,” Hughie said. “Once we see this guy leave you’ve all got twenty minutes until he’s back—but leave time for getting in and out, so safeside ten minutes.”
“Any questions? We all know what we’re looking for?” Butcher asked, earning nothing but nods. You raised your hand a little and he sighed with (what seemed like) annoyance; “What?” he asked.
“Uhm, not a question, more like a comment, my uhm, my powers just…turned on?” you told Butcher, and therefore the others in the car. “So just…”
“That’s actually great,” Hughie said. “Thank you for sharing, Y/n.”
“Whatever,” Butcher mumbled.
Another few minutes went by before the Supe left his house and you all broke in.
As everyone looked for what they came for (a file stolen from the office that detailed all the crimes this particular Supe had done with proof that would land him in prison) you noticed something strange in the corner of the living room.
“Is that a camera?” you exclaimed.
Before anyone could answer several shots rang loud through the house. Using your powers, you looked and quickly realized three bullets were headed directly for the back of Butcher’s head. He was looking under a desk on the other side of the room and if you didn’t hurry, he’d be dead in less than a second.
You ran and got between the bullets and Butcher; crouching down and letting them hit you square in the back.
“What the fuck!” the man holding the gun exclaimed. Before he could take another shot, Kimko tackled him and held him down.
Butcher looked at you, his eyes wide as you both realized what you’d just done. You looked down at your chest, fully expecting to be gushing blood.
“You’re fucking bulletproof?” Butcher asked, a sense of awe in his tone.
“I guess so.” You furrowed your brows a little, still looking down and not really believing you weren’t dying. As you stood up, the bullets fell off your back and onto the floor. “Wow,” you muttered, “I’m fuckin’ bulletproof.”
“You…” Butcher looked at you as he stood up as well. He put a hand on your shoulder, turning you so he could look at your back—three small holes in your jacket and shirt, but your skin unfazed. “You just…You were ready to die for me?” He turned you back and looked down into your eyes, keeping his hand on your shoulder.
“Well, I wasn’t about to let you die,” you mumbled, looking up at him. You then looked at his hand and smiled a little before looking back at him. You were prepared to make a snide remark about how he was suddenly willing to touch you, but you kept your mouth shut when you saw his eyes brimming with tears.
He wrapped one arm around your shoulders while the other went around your torso. It actually took you a moment to realize he was in fact hugging you but when you did, you put your arms around him too; one going around his shoulders, the other around his torso.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, closing his eyes to keep the tears from falling. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
“I forgive you,” you mumbled, reveling in the feeling of him holding you. You sensed he was about to pull away so you tightened your grip, not ready to let him go just yet, which caused him to do the same.
“I hate to break up this long-overdue hug,” MM said, “but I found the folder, we should take this guy in.”
“We’ll meet you in the truck,” Butcher replied, not opening his eyes or moving a muscle. “Cuff him.”
When everyone was out of the room, you whispered; “I really do forgive you, Butcher.”
“Thank you,” he replied, matching your tone. “Still can’t fuckin’ believe you risked your life for a guy who’s got about six months to live.”
That night you went to Butcher’s apartment and when he opened the door, he seemed surprised; “What’re you doing here?” he asked, letting you walk in.
“A couple months ago, I broke into the labs at Vought Tower and stole a shit ton of files they had on Temp V. I got the name of one of the doctors that helped make it, and I found his address. I was ready to threaten him to get him to find a cure for the Temp V side effects but when I explained my situation he said he’d help me willingly. He said he was actually already working on a cure without Vought knowing, because he felt insanely guilty about the fact Temp V kills people. He succeeded. He found a cure and he’s used it to make a new form of Temp V that gives you powers for a day while healing you and at the end of it, you should be back to your old self.”
“Wait, what?” Butcher furrowed his brows. “Why didn’t you tell me weeks ago you’ve been working with this guy?’
“One, I didn’t want to get your hopes up. Two, you told me to pretend you weren’t sick so we could enjoy the time we had left together. And three, he needed my blood for the new Temp V. Turns out I’m like the Ultimate Temp V Supe, and with my blood he was able to make the new serum. Also, I just came from his house, he perfected the new serum last night and texted me this morning. I was gonna come here tonight whether or not you wanted me near you, and I told the doctor if I didn’t meet up with him by the end of the week he should contact Hughie Campbell at Supe Affairs. I figured if something happened to me, Hughie would make sure you got the cure.”
“So…there really is a cure?”
You reached into your jacket pocket and took out the small bag containing a couple vials of the new Temp V and two empty syringes.
“It’ll either kill you quicker or you’ll be cancer free tomorrow,” you told him, handing over the bag before he looked inside. “You don’t have to risk it, but I wouldn’t be giving it to you if I didn’t one-hundred-percent believe it’s safe. If you don’t trust me, I understand and we can pretend-”
“Of course I trust you,” he cut you off. “And of course I wanna be fuckin’ cured, but this seems almost too good to be true?”
“I know.” You smiled. “The doctor tested it on himself and showed me the proof—he’s taken five doses over the last two weeks and he’s healthier than ever.”
“How long did he have powers?”
“Twenty-four-hours,” you said. “But he had the same side effects as the first Temp V; puking, headaches, all that shit. But, after everything, he was fine—no long term or deadly side effects.”
“If I take this…will you please stay with me while it lasts?” he asked quietly, not wanting to go through it all alone.
“I was planning to, whether you wanted me here or not,” you admitted.
“Thank you.”
You both sat down on the couch and you watched as Butcher took the serum, his eyes lighting up the same way they did before. He tossed the used syringe on the end table next to the couch and leaned back, allowing the serum to do its job and he could almost feel his strength come back.
“How’s it feel?” you asked.
“Fuckin’ hurts,” he said, “but I’m okay. It’s better than wastin’ away.”
“You can say that again,” you mumbled. “Can I scoot closer to you?” you asked, not wanting to be close unless he wanted you to be.
“Please,” he said and moved his arm to the back of the couch as you moved to sit right beside him.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered, not really enjoying how quiet things had gotten.
“I’ve missed you, too,” he admitted. “I’m a fuckin’ idiot for how I acted, and you have every right to hate me, but thank you for not leaving when I told you to. Thank you for not walking out of my life for good.”
“Can I tell you something?”
“The only reason I didn’t leave was because I needed to know where you were when I got my hands on the cure. Once I knew you were healthy, I had planned to leave like you asked.”
He moved his arm from the couch and instead rested it on your shoulders; “Are you still planning to leave?”
“Only if you don’t ask me to stay,” you said honestly. “If you want to go back to the way things were a month ago, I’ll happily stay. But if you’re still freaked out about the fact I’m a Supe, I won’t bother you again once I know you’re okay.”
“Please stay,” he said. “I’m sorry about the shit I’ve said and done the past three weeks, but please stay.”
“Stay working at the bureau? Or stay…with you?”
“You can’t quit the bureau, you’re the smartest fuckin’ person there,” he said, making you laugh a little.
“I dunno, Hughie’s pretty smart too,” you teased.
There was another silent pause as Butcher thought of what to say. He couldn’t just ask you to take him back, that didn’t seem fair. He couldn’t just say he’d take you back, because that was even worse. He knew he fucked up big time, and any future the two of you had was entirely up to you at this point.
“Do you want to go back to the way things were?” you asked him quietly.
“I really, really do,” he whispered. “But I was too much of an asshole to deserve another chance with you.”
“After everything we’ve been through together, I’d rather just let all the shit we’ve done be water under the bridge, if that’s okay with you. Just let the lies we’ve both told slide and try to be more honest with each other from now on. Personally, I’ve got nothing else to hide and I know there’s nothing you could say or do that would make me stop loving you.”
“You still love me?”
“Of course,” you said. “Do you…love me?”
“Never stopped,” he mumbled. “And I’d really like all the shit to be water under the bridge too if you’re really willing to forgive me for everything.”
“So it’s settled then; all the stupid, fucked up things we’ve both done up until this point are forgiven and we can go back to normal?”
“I love you so much,” he said, smiling a little as he turned and kissed your temple.
“I love you too,” you replied.
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hxlda-hxlda · 16 days
went to see ‘water for elephants’ on broadway for grant gustin. left with a wolfstar au planned???
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gali-la · 3 months
For the fic writers’ ask:
47. If [insert fic] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Plus 37 and 38.
only answer the ones you feel like answering (and only if you want to!)
Thank you for the ask!! So many omg im gonna love this
#47: If [insert fic] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
Hmm. Let's go with the last fic i posted for this, just for funsies. If Marked as His was a pair of shoes, they would be... a pair of those big, shiny, black demonias, yanno? a set of these bad boys—
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which, actually, I just learned that these are called Gravedigger 250, which is very fitting. I want some now
#48: What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Oh, actually, the last fic i read was not one piece! I was feeling nostalgic and who can resist combo grant gustin and wentworth miller? Not me, that's for sure.
Well, truth be told, I was reading two at the same time—Timeless and Love Me, my two absolute favorite fics for this fandom and this pairing <3 i'm not gonna ramble about that since it's less one piece, which is what i'm mostly about these days, so moving on...
#49: What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I'm doing a lot of zine work! However, there's a couple that i am more than happy to talk about!!
I've got one that's thanks to the optwt4gaza on twitter—a Kaido/Doffy focused fic that takes place pre-canon, though i guess it's a little canon divergent. I do love putting Doffy through all the wringers XD
Another is for my Bad Things Happen Bingo Card! I have a request form live for it rn, and this is (way overdue) the product of one of them! It's for the prompt "hospital stay", and I got a lovely crocorosi prompt from @gendervapor14~
"It was just as well, since moments after he laid back down, there were sounds of chaos just outside his door. Heavy footsteps followed by lighter ones, a protesting voice and snapped retorts, before silence. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they spoke in hushed tones, and then the lighter footsteps moved away. A nurse, maybe? But he still didn’t understand what was going on. Everything was made abruptly clear when the door to his room swung open for the second time since he had been conscious. In the doorway stood— “Crocodile?!”  The man stood in the doorway, frozen, more disheveled than Rosinante had ever seen him. Strands of hair fell in disarray around his face, loosened from their usual slicked-back style. His shirt was wrinkled and untucked, his vest didn’t match his pants, and were those—was he wearing mismatched coffee and carob-colored shoes? What the hell?"
This is my favorite bit so far. it just makes me giggle <3
#50: Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
oooo, question of my choice. let's see...
I'm gonna go with #17: What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Listen, I've had a Weakness™ for this movie since the dang day I saw it, and that's Pacific Rim. Every fandom i join/read fics for, I search for Pacific Rim aus. I've written a whole bunch but never published them, because i never feel like they're good enough for what i have in mind. They're intoxicating, and yet, an unattainable goal. someday i wanna write a good one that im proud of :)
#37: Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
promo time! I'm gonna go with my one of fav fics I've written so far—Shared Cigarettes. It's based off of two other works that are absolutely gorgeous, so check those out as well if you take a peek <3
It's a corabelle fic! It was a fun lil drabble i used to explore prose, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It does have that "doomed by the narrative" aspect to it, though, so beware XD
#38: Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
yeah, actually! It's this one: Nightmare, which is basically just lil luffy going to Doffy and croc for comfort after he has a nightmare. It got waaaaaay more popular than i ever expected, especially for being so short!! I do love it, and it's one of the earliest OP fics i ever posted, so this really boosts my morale whenever I feel a lil down in the dumps <3
Thank you for the lovely questions! <3 these are so much fun to think about
(dang this post got long. Here's the questions if anyone wants to ask away/reblog for themselves!)
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gleekingdom · 6 months
The reason why I like seblaine so muuchhh, and I hate the whole slushie thing that happened between seblaine that slightly ruined there thing going on in canon. These also might be headcanons too.
~ There eyes are like drawn to each other they kept giving each other guegue eyes and I loved it XD
~ Blaine tried to play hard to get but he seemed to kinda like Sebastians flirting with him. ( But he tried to deny cause he was with Kurt at the time)
~ Them dancing together
~ Blaine would make Sebastian a better guy, and Sebastian would help Blaine not stress as much and have fun.
~ Sebastian actually felt bad about the slushie incident. And he started to try to be better and part of that I believe had to do with that he wanted Blaine back in his life again. Also they did end up being atleast friends again seeing as Blaine happily invited Sebastian to his wedding with Kurt.
~ I feel we deserved to see a longer redemption ark on screen for Sebastian. And one of the people that Sebastian was nicest to was Blaine. ( I understand grant Gustin had just started the flash so he couldn't but I feel like Sebastians character deserved more okay XD)
~ Blaine would get a bit bashful around Sebastian and slightly stuttered or sometimes would be kinda speechless.( I am not making this up you can look it up the scenes of them together XD)
~ They were attracted to each other and I feel like if things had gone differently there could of been genuine romantic feelings there. Plus I just feel like they generally did care about eachother.
~ them flirting off eachother would be amazing (( XD ))
~ Sebastian was so into Blaine, and Blaine needs the attention. Plus Blaine would give Sebastian much attention if they were together.
~ Coffee shops were both there thing (( you'd usually see scenes with them there)) so coffee shop aus fit them perfectly!
~ the way fanfic writers write seblaine in fanfiction to me really makes me really like the character and creates a whole other depth to him that I really like.
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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chriscdcase95 · 1 year
My Marvel/DC crossover AU No One Asked for
Read the title. Here’s the layout.
This is an AU I’ve been sitting on for about two or three years now, and often revisit to make some changes. While this isn’t something I really shelved, I am unlikely to write any of the stories down. 
I still keep a lot of what I did write in my notes. From this AU I wrote down several prompts, some of which I already shared in other posts.
1. You'd think combining the Arrowverse and DCEU alone is gonna be a hassle, but when I wrote things down, the actual changes are pretty small.
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The main events of the Arrowverse, DCEU, and MCU remain otherwise the same, there are a few small adjustments made here and there. Some suspension of disbelief is required. Birds of Prey was the hardest one to adapt.
Most changes are “Who plays what character ?”  
Of course, because this is a fanfic AU, we can just say "The Other Darin" trope is at play. Henry Cavill’s Superman ? Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman ? Same deal as Eric Norton/Mark Ruffalo’s Banner, or Terrence Howard/Don Cheadle’s Rhodes.
With that all said, this AU treats Grant Gustin's Barry Allen is treated as the “canon”. The indefinitely postponed upcoming Flash movie is disregarded entirely. We all know why.
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Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor is also treated as his "canon" character, but he initially had the same traits and role as Eisenberg’s Luthor. I like to think Eisenberg!Luthor was fronting as “the eccentric young mogul” while Cryer’s represents Luthor going masks off.
Some fan casting is bigger issues. Mostly "casting" Diana Laurel Lance, between Katie Cassidy or Jurnee Smollett, for far reasons too complicated to discuss here.  
And finally, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is treated as canon.
2. “But where was X superhero during Y's events ?”
A lot of these events would have coincided with each other.
In this AU, Iron Man/2, The Incredible Hulk and Thor would have taken place between/around the first two seasons of Arrow. The present day events of Man of Steel would have coincided with The Avengers. Batman V. Superman and Suicide Squad would take place around the time of The Dark World and The Winter Soldier.
Age of Ultron would coincide with Zack Snyder's Justice League - also taking place between seasons one and two of The Flash, and before Supergirl's first season.
Up to speed, Barry ?
So, here’s some of the prompts I came up with for the AU.
1. Unlike Supergirl, Superman wasn't an active superhero when Kara came to Earth, but it was around the time Clark was wandering the world. During this time, Clark reached out to the Danvers family to help him understand his powers, much like the Arrowverse. 
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As it so happens, Carol Danvers turns out to be Jeremiah's sister, which is how they help Clark understand his powers. Clark would build a bridge of trust with the Danvers' and brought Kara to them, as he wasn't in the right headspace to look after a child. As a result ? Kara grew up with Carol Danvers as an “Awesome Aunt”.
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We’d also have a Superman prequel, also serving as a Captain Marvel crossover. For such as a story, I’d picture Ronan as the de-facto Big Bad, showing him falling out of favor with the Kree, before joining Thanos.
2. I wrote a post based on this AU, but I had this one idea of various WLW prompts for Diana/Wonder Woman. You can read the long version here.
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It focused on what Wonder Woman was up to over the decades, especially those she romanced. The most prominent being Wondercarter, Wonderwidow and Superwondercorp.
In this version of Captain America: The First Avenger ? Wonder Woman was considered a battlefield urban legend, and a partial inspiration for the super soldier project. After the events of Agent Carter, Diana would become acquainted with Howard and Maria Stark, and ends up staying with Peggy and Angie as a temporary house guest on the Stark Estates.
How long Diana was involved with them isn't elaborated, but I see Tony having memories of an “Aunt Diana” babying him from when he was a little kid. Cuz we all know she would.
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I don't see Tony reuniting Diana until well after he becomes Iron Man. Probably after Civil War or Infinity War. At the very least, Diana ends up another one of Morgan Stark's honorary aunts. Diana would totally be one of those aunts who’d tell Tony’s people embarrassing stories of him from when he was tot.
Another idea I had involved Sarah Rogers being Steve Trevor's sister, and her naming her son after her late brother. But I was pretty iffy about that. It came off as too nepotistic, and I felt Diana should have minimal, if any ties to Steve Rogers. Wonder Woman being the inspiration for the super soldier project should be enough, right ? 
3. This one's gonna get me fucking lynched...
So, it's come to my attention that The Batman 2022 was considered as a DCEU prequel early in development. At the risk of being mauled by both Battinson and Batfleck stans, I'm applying that here.
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In this AU, an altered version of The Batman occurred, the main difference being it was set in the late 90′s to early 2000′s. Technology adjusted accordingly, and the Riddler’s platform is old web forums, such as IRC chat (or if set around 2003, MySpace).
Anyways, Battison would have represented Bruce Wayne in his early career as Batman when he first became a symbol of hope, while Batfleck represents his “Broken/Fallen Hero” stage. After all, you can't have a “Fall From Grace” period if you never had anything to fall from...
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*prepares myself for the pitches and torchforks*
4. As I said above, the “present day” events of Man of Steel would have taken place alongside The Avengers.
Zod's attack on Metropolis occurs at the same time as the Battle in New York. Neither Zod, nor Thanos and Loki were aware of each other beforehand; it was just dumb luck their invasions occurred at the same time! Still, people initially thought Zod, Loki and the Chitauri represented the same threat. 
Any attempts by S.H.I.E.L.D or the Avengers to look into Superman yields the same results as this scene.
As with the DCEU, Superman was a controversial figure at first, with the Avengers having mixed thoughts about him. Unlike Batman, they didn't act on their suspicions, beyond a few cautious encounters.
Iron Man 3 would have taken place between Man of Steel and Batman V Superman. Superman tried to to look into “The Mandarin”, and teamed up with Steve and S.H.I.E.L.D to do so, but they kept running into dead ends. They were unaware of Aldrich Killian’s conspiracy until after the fact.
5. This is also something I covered in my Wonder Woman WLW prompts. 
This AU's Infinity War takes place alongside Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's retroactively implied that recreating the universe is what led to this world merger.  
Certain members of the Justice League - Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and Cyborg - anyone not with the Paragons, join the fight against Thanos, though don't do enough to affect the outcome. 
Out of them, Wonder Woman is the only survivor of The Snap and she helps the surviving Avengers - especially Natasha - and what's left of S.H.I.E.L.D hold down the fort for five years.
WonderWidow ensues.
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The Paragons survive the Snap because of their multiversal adventure; when they return to the recreated Earth, five years have passed. Agents of Shield is also canon to this AU, and its characters survive the Snap due to the time travel in season seven, returning to a Post-Blip world.  
The final fight with the Anti Monitor would have occurred at the same time as the one with Thanos. As with Infinity War, any members of the Justice League not fighting the Anti Monitor, join the fight against Thanos, albeit not affecting things in a significant way. The events of a Post Endgame/Crisis world remain unchanged, with minor exceptions.
But also Supercorp is canon here because I said so.
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While I’m at it, let’s talk the Superwondercorp arc I wrote.
Diana settles in Star City for a short “vacation” after keeping the world together for five years. There, Diana starts a love affair with Kara and Lena. Diana has an arc about opening her heart again, so soon after losing Natasha; whenever she loses a lover, it usually takes years or decades for her to open up again. When she develops feelings for Kara and Lena so quickly, she feels like she’s “betraying” Natasha.
Diana would later get involved when Gorr the God Butcher steps into the picture, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
6.  Birds of Prey was the hardest to include in this AU due to how radical difference between takes on the characters in the DCEU and Arrowverse. 
Here's what I'm working with.
With Helena Bertenili, I lean to her DCEU counterpart as being her “canon” character. Since I place Birds of Prey in a Post-Crisis/Endgame era, we could handwave it as being her history changing when the world's restored.
With the Black Mask, I had an (admittedly contrived) solution. This AU would have two Roman Sionis' - Sr. (Peter Outerbridge) and Jr. (Ewan McGregor). 
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McGregor's Sionis is written to be a decade or so younger than he is in Birds of Prey. Junior was far from Roman Sr's favorite child, alluding to his daddy issues Harley mentions. Following Roman Senior's downfall, Junior becomes obsessed with upstaging his father as the Black Mask, leading him to be the monstrous crime boss he was in Birds of Prey.
Then you got Dinah Laurel Lance, and her fan casting. I'm still flip flopping between Katie Cassidy and Jurnee Smollett, for reasons too complicated and distracting to go over here.
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The solution I'm leaning to is having Smollett's Dinah being a multiverse displaced individual, and she's adjusting to this new world when her Earth was destroyed by the Anti Monitor.
7. Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises had history. Stark Industries bought stakes in Wayne in the late 90's and early 2000's, when Bruce wasn't as active with the company, but that partnership slowly dissolved when Obediah Stane was in the picture.
When Tony went public as Iron Man, along Stane’s crimes being exposed, Bruce Wayne cut further ties with Stark. Such a relationship would bring unwanted attention to the technology Wayne Tech is developing, putting too many identities at risk. Afterwards the only ties they had was that many Wayne employees were former Stark employees. 
This becomes a problem when Quinten Beck enters the picture. 
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Beck reaches out to a few disgruntled ex-Stark employees, many of which are working for Wayne. As part of the Mysterio conspiracy, they embezzle a billions from Wayne Industries, and steal its technology. As a distraction, they stage a heist on Wayne Tech, and frame the Joker for the deed.
Bruce isn't made aware of this until Mysterio goes public, quickly recognizing Beck as an former Stark employee he turned away due to him being a “flight risk”.
Come Far From Home/No Way Home, Batman is going into detective mode uncovering and dismantling the Mysterio conspiracy. This is part of what exonerates Peter, along with Matt Murdock’s own “investigations”.
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During Peter’s case, Batman tries to reach out to him; but Peter knew Batman's reputation (which has become more sketchy following BVS), and became very defensive in their encounter, despite Batman avoiding his past mistakes. 
Even so, Bruce had to attend a number of legal proceedings, regarding the Wayne employees, and he'd have to go underground as the investigation got too close to exposing the identities of his associates.
As a joke, we'd have a scene where Bruce (Affleck) and Happy (Favreau) are both at a meeting with Matt (Cox) and Foggy (Henson). It really doesn't amount to anything but a throwback to 2003's Daredevil; “Hey, look! It's the old Matt and Foggy interacting with the new ones! Ain't that a hoot ?!”
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While much of the Mysterio conspiracy was exposed by the trial and investigations, the only member to escape was William Ginter Riva. The last we see Riva, he's bound, gagged and being dragged through a warehouse by a couple of thugs towards the Joker, whose not amuse that Batsy hospitalized over something he didn’t do. 
The Joker then pulls out a crowbar and prepares to show Riva how he previously Batman off the deep end...
8.  As for this AU’s No Way Home. This one was a lot of fun.
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Peter has a little more public support here than he did in NWH, with several members of The Avengers and Justice League publicly vouching for him. Especially after Murdock and Wayne’s investigations.
Coincidentally, Peter's identity is doxxed the day after Kara Danvers revealed her own identity to the public. When Peter is exonerated, Kara and Catco become Peter's most vocal supporters, countering Daily Bugle. Kara - as Supergirl - even interviews Peter and those close to him after his trial as a show of solidarity.
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Jameson tries to interview the elderly Steve Rogers, hoping that an “old and wizened soldier” (who previously fought against Spider-Man) would appeal to his audience...only to hastily cut the interview short when Steve ultimately speaks in Peter's favor.
When Hardy’s Eddie and Venom are pulled into this world, they end up settling into Star City, working for Catco as a reporter. Mainly because, I just wanna see the dynamic Eddie and Venom would have working for and/or with Kara. Especially in a world where not only aliens are public knowledge, but are active members of society.
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I wrote another post - “What if No Way Home Had More Visitors ?” - and while this AU had nothing to do with that prompt, I’d probably carry some ideas here; such as Topher Grace's Eddie/Venom being pulled into the MCU, as is Dane DeHaan's Harry Osborn, and possibly TASM's Gwen and George Stacey. Another thing changed is the villains (and Toby and Andrew's Peter) were trapped in the MCU longer than a few days. Let's say a month. Long enough for the Green Goblin to become a bigger menace than he already is. Throughout, I see the Goblin going about facing Sam, Bucky, The Defenders, what's left of Team Arrow, the Bat Family. He’s even prepping his weapons with kryptonite incase Kara or the Kents wanna throw hands.
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Peter trying to cure and fix the villains also takes place over a longer period. If L-Corp had a branch on the East Coast, I can see Lena starting a partnership with Stark Industries following Tony's death. 
When word reaches Kara (one of Peter's most vocal public supporters) and Lena, they let Peter set up shop in their labs. Eddie and Venom would actually be part of the story, working for/with Kara. The fact that Lena is a practicing witch could be used to play her up against Steven.
I don't see the Avengers or Justice League helping with the Statue of Liberty fight, if only because (much like Peacemaker) by the time they arrive, Peter’s already beating down the Goblin. Hardy's Eddie/Venom, may have helped...preferably if Grace's Eddie/Venom was part of the Goblin’s squad.
9. Now you may be wondering how this AU affect the multiverse ? I had a few ideas. 
I had this one joke in mind were Toby and Andrew's Peter(s) remark Batman and Superman existing in their worlds too; it being implied that either Burton's Batman would be in the Raimiverse, or The Dark Knight Trilogy being in the Webbverse, etc.
Part of this joke is Toby's Peter doing some investigating in the MCU, and comes across Nelson and Murdock Law Office. It'd be implied that Daredevil 2003 is part of the Raimiverse. Seeing them at their offices, he briefly mistakes Happy (Favreau) and Bruce Wayne (Affleck) for Foggy and Matt, before being corrected. In another joke, Toby’s Peter would see a mugshot of Adrian Toomes, once momentarily mistaking it for his worlds Bruce Wayne before correcting himself.
10. My latest prompt for this AU involves Wonder Woman in Thor: Love and Thunder. And before you ask, I wouldn’t Diana and Thor aren’t rebounding off eachother here. Any relationship they’d have wouldn’t go past platonic.
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Considered Diana having some involvement with The Eternals, but I couldn’t think of a way to write her in. With Love And Thunder at least, Diana has something to do, even if she doesn’t drastically change the story.
After spending some time in Star City, Diana goes on tourist travels, paying New Asgard a visit. It just so happens to be when Gorr abducts the Asgardian children. As Wonder Woman, she joins the fight with the Shadow Demons, before joining Valkyrie, Thor, Jane and Korg on the rescue mission. 
Besides rescuing the children, two things catch Diana’s attention. 1. The existence of the Necrosword, especially since as far as she knew, she was the “God-Killing Weapon”. And 2. The fact that Omnipotence City exists and her father, Zeus, is alive.
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Zeus has a slightly bigger purpose, and the “don’t meet your hero” thing strikes harder for Diana. It goes without saying that the heroic stories of Zeus that Diana (and Thor) grew up had a few embellishments. But this Zeus is a little more nuanced than being a “Fake Ultimate Hero”. 
The heroic Zeus stories were broadly true, it’s just this Zeus is a foil to Thor and his arc. Zeus is what Thor could have become if he didn’t humble himself. And after driving off Darkseid, as well as Ares' fall from grace, Zeus is also what Thor would have become if he kept up his maladaptive coping habits post Infinity War.
Another change is that Thor and co wouldn’t leave thinking Zeus was dead; before they escape, Diana tells an injured Zeus off. Zeus tries to appeal to Diana as her father (and offers her her picks of men and women in the gods orgy). Diana rebuffs Zeus, declaring “I am going with them. I am gonna be what the Amazons were made to be. What you made me to be.” 
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Diana leaves Zeus in his humiliation....only to become another target of his revenge.
Beyond that, I see Diana being “heart” of the team. With her history of love and loss, she would understand what Thor, Jane, Valkyrie are going through and have gone through. She even tries to appeal to Gorr when she learns how his god failed him. Even so, I don’t think it would affect the outcome that much.
Beyond the Zeus plot, Diana would ultimately be another voice to say what they need to hear, and the ear to listen to their problems. I did consider a Diana x Valkyrie subplot, but even that doesn’t drastically affect anything.
As of this post, the AU is currently on hold.
I’m still mulling over new ideas, but besides Black Adam I have nothing new from DC to work with, or to include in Wakanda Forever. Especially between seasons of The Flash and Superman & Lois. And especially with James Gunn apparently rebooting the DCEU.
So pending new releases, that’s all for now.
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thecrackshipdiaries · 10 months
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Grant Gustin and Willa Fitzgerald
Requested: Anon
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kimbersrp · 10 months
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don't know if anyone is interested, but these are my wanted fcs / fcs i'll rp with & wanted pairings. they're all under the cut. ♡
(not necessarily for romance plots, some are for sibling plots / best friend plots. will specify with some. also keep in mind that alycia is my main fc, so if you want someone else let me know.)
matthew daddario (for a completely au shadowhunters plot & in general)
cameron monaghan
joseph quinn (for stranger things plot)
miles heizer
manny montana
todrick hall
tom holland
timothee chalamet
noah centineo
nick robinson
dylan o'brien
charlie hunnam
max thieriot
taron edgerton
carlos valdes
daniel sharman
charles melton
steven yeun
grant gustin
keiynan lonsdale
joe keery
gaten matarazzo
finn wolfhard
caleb mclaughlin
nathan kress
there's tons more males, this is just a quick list.
sydney sweeney
sofia carson
lucy hale
troian bellisario
shay mitchell
vanessa morgan
laura harrier
maia mitchell
scout taylor-compton
madelyn cline
vanessa hudgens
natalia dyer
maya hawke
sadie sink
millie bobby brown
madelaine petsch
camila mendes
tessa thompson
candice patton
danielle panabaker
there's also tons more females.
pairings; (bold is my fc, italic is very much wanted)
alycia debnam-carey × matthew daddario (shadowhunters au)
alycia debnam-carey × cameron monaghan
alycia debnam-carey × joseph quinn (stranger things au)
candice patton × grant gustin (flash au)
miles heizer × alycia debnam-carey (siblings in charmed au)
madelyn cline × alycia debnam-carey (siblings in charmed au)
kyle gallner × grace van dien
jeremy allen white × cameron monaghan (sibling plot)
miranda cosgrove × nathan kress (carly & freddie)
dove cameron × sofia carson (best friends)
daniel sharman × alycia debnam-carey
alyssa milano × alycia debnam-carey (mother & daughter in charmed au)
that's just to name a few pairs, & any that are younger people (like millie, sadie, caleb, gaten, finn, etc.) they're only friend connections for some of my people.
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lady-winterediting · 2 years
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SAVITARXSCARLETWITCH (Ayo, they either F* each other or k*ll each other if they ever meet. Ain’t no other options for them.) ps; Pretty sure he’s Tommy’s real dad. OK BYE  + Tom Holland/Danielle Panabaker/Grant Gustin in our AU where Caitlin/Barry had a kid Nathaniel. 
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
Hello! Wow it's been a minute since I did solo rp, but i thought i would get back into it after being an admin for years. I'am a 30-year-old non-binary person, (he/they) and I'd prefer to only write with people over 21. I'm not a huge fan of discord, i prefer tumblr. I'm open to anything really, and i dont mind nsfw content, as long it does not lead the thread. I'm not comfortable writing as a female, so it's all male characters i have listed, i will admit that i'am a sucker for slow burn ships...I have multiple fandoms i'd love to get into, i'll mark them in bold below; - keeping off anon so you can message me if you like :) Marvel; Captain America/Steve Rodgers (as chris evans) DC; Barry Allen/The Flash (as Grant gustin) Harry potter AU/Marauder era; Sirius Black (Matthew Daddario) Barty Crouch JR (Max Irons) Doctor who: 11th doctor
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tomsland · 6 months
Aloha! He decidido hacer este FC Masterlist en lugar de una muse page porque durante 10 años de rol tuve más niños que una guardería. A continuación encontrarán faceclaims que he roleado/roleo/me gustaría rolear. Los escritos en negrita son personajes ya creados y el icono de estrella señala a mis musas principales, pero siéntanse libre de pedirme a quién sea que tengan como wanted opposite porque me abundan las ganas de rolearlos a todos.
Adelaide Kane
Alexandra Park (Eleanor Henstridge - Canon)
Alexis Ren
Alycia Debnam Carey (Saoirse Townes - OC) ★
Ana de Armas
Ariana Grande (Arielle Pavlak - OC)
Ashley Frangipane "Halsey" (Gemma Lovegood - OC)
Barbara Palvin (Sophie Blackwood - OC)
Bella Hadid
Bill Skarsgard
Britt Robertson
Candice Accola
Chace Crawford
Charlie Cox (Matthew Murdock - Canon / AU )
Chloe Bennet (Daisy Johnson - OC )
Chris Evans (Oliver Cohen - OC )
Chris Wood (Diego Casillas - OC) ★
Daniel Gillies (Ezra Sofianos - OC)
Danielle Campbell
Diego Boneta
Dylan O'Brien
Elizabeth Olsen (Winter Snow - OC)
Emeraude Toubia
Emilia Clarke
Emily VanCamp
Emma Roberts
Eugenia Suarez (Fernanda Acosta - OC)
Evan Peters
Francisco Lachowski
Gigi Hadid
Grant Gustin (Barry Allen - Canon / AU)
Halston Sage
Harry Styles ( Andrew Levine - OC ) ★
Henry Cavill (Louis Graham - OC)
Ian Somerhalder
Jack Falahee (Santiago Cardona - OC)
Jennifer Lawrence
Jensen Ackles (Zane Davenport)
Joe Jonas ( Jose Alejandro - OC )
Joseph Morgan ( James Black - OC ) ★
Josh Dallas
Katherine Mcnamara (Isis Sofianos - OC)
Kendall Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Lauren Jauregui ( Olivia Waldorf - OC )
Leighton Meester ( Brooklyn Swarovski - OC )
Liam Payne (Carter Disney - OC)
Lily Collins (Rosie Dunne - Canon )
Lily James
Louis Tomlinson (Thomas Crawford - OC)
Luke Hemmings (Blake Parker - OC) ★
Marie Avgeropoulos
Martin Garrix (Matthew Hale - OC)
Michael Fassbender
Niall Horan (Demian Ramsay - OC)
Nick Jonas
Nicola Peltz (Darcy Styles - OC )
Nina Dobrev
Richard Madden (William Hilton - OC) ★★
Riley Voelkel
Scott Eastwood (Lucas Prescott - OC)
Sebastian Stan ( Alexander Yasikov - OC)
Selena Gomez (Reign Carrington - OC)
Sophie Turner
Shay Mitchell (Chantelle Cooper - OC)
Tom Austen (Jasper Frost - Canon )
Tom Hardy (Jim Westminster - OC )
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland (Harry Gallagher - OC)
Zayn Malik (Nicholas Stronghold - OC)
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