#good reasons being keeping whats left of my sanity
chanteuseu · 7 months
skipped logging day 3 of welbutrin, but i was just very emotional i both good ways and bad ways
theres this girl in school who is projecting insecurity and is trying to get into my head but like... my 3rd eye is open; my only competition is myself, but i know all people arent like that
it did really hurt my feelings that she's still talking shit about me, which came as a surprise to me bc it's unsurprising behavior from her part
the good part was that i was doing recordings for a competition (to make money bc im so broke pls, anyone who reads this pls manifest that i win any anything) and had a little transcendence moment singing a mahler piece, which was so deeply refreshing bc doing recordings is usually a nightmare and editing them is so cringe
but the song is about finding peace and closure in the feeling that everything is gonna be okay, which was such a euphoric feeling, but also bad bc i can't produce "quality vocals" while i cry which unfortunately is the point of doing the recording
but falling in love again with what i do and finally coming to appreciate the emotional labor of my work, which for so long was a hinderance on my art is very cool and good
day 4 of welbutrin: i didnt sleep well last night and i didnt have breakfast this morning
i have a terrible headache and had to come back to my apartment to lie down AND i have an audition in 2 hours ooooof
like, im VERY excited but SO exhausted
thats on me, i shouldve figured out breakfast, but this is the final stretch of the semester and i NEED to graduate
idk, they cant all be winners, and i still need time to get used to the meds i suppose
but it does feel like my life kind of started over
a soft reset (in a good way)
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
YOOO I SEE U FELLOW UNUS ANUSER🫵🫵 i fucking love ur works keep at it bestie pls feed our delusions😫😫
may i ask for, dan heng, blade and jing yuan with a sweet and kind s/o but the moment theyre (the characters) are talked to in a disrespectful way, s/o is immediately turning into a guard dog with a “i’ll tear out your guts with my hand showed down your throat”? idk i just love feral but also gentle s/o tropes so much😔
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Thank you 🫵 my fellow Unus Anuser for the ask and enjoying my writings, despite me thinking half of them could be better but I’m not going to complain if ppl enjoy them regardless.
Dan Heng:
He’s taken aback by your sudden threats of violence towards a random pedestrian for intentionally bumping into him.
He was more use to Caelus rummaging through trash cans before waxing poetry about them and whenever March 7th going off on her own as it was expected of their characters.
You however? His sweetheart, his precious jewel and beloved partner? It was extremely unexpected. Dan Heng had to physically stop you from actually fulfilling your threat by holding you against him before putting a good deal of distance between you and the rude individual.
He’s not against you defending his honour, he just doesn’t want you engaging in fights with random people just because they said something about him that you didn’t like. He didn’t want you to stoop to their level and become like them, no matter how good your reasonings for doing so may be. Dan Heng just wants you to be better than them and not give them the reaction that they needed to fuel their own narratives.
That and Dan Heng knew that you could easily kick their ass but he didn’t felt like dealing with being chased by the authorities for unprovoked acts of violence. However some exceptions can be made to this but Dan Heng would much rather that you kept out of trouble, just for his sake and his sanity as he didn’t want to make breaking you out of jail a reoccurring thing.
Jing Yuan:
His interest is peaked.
Who’d knew that someone as sweet and kind as you had such a vicious side, waiting to come out.
Jing Yuan didn’t care for much what others said about him, but having you come to his defence without hesitation had him smiling with pride. His reputation precedes him wherever he went, so naturally he wasn’t going to be easily intimidated by senseless yapping of others, especially those who had not even the slightest clue of the things he’s put himself through in order to get where he was.
While Jing Yuan appreciates your need to stick up for him, he didn’t think it was necessary for you to waste your time and energy on those who lack the capacity to listen to a voice that wasn’t their own.
‘Always pick your battles wisely my dear,’ he said all the while looking at the person who insulted him dead in the eye with that half asleep expression of his, ‘for most aren’t worth fighting in.’ He finishes before gently pulling you by the waist and walking away.
He had an inkling that there was more to you than meets the eye. However he didn’t expect someone who went out of their way to feed stray kittens and puppies, patch up his wounds despite knowing he could heal, would ever spout such detailed threats towards another person.
He didn’t give two shits about what people said about him that he hasn’t heard before, he had long grown immune to ignore the comments from those who didn’t know him nor his past. Yet he couldn’t help but revel in the look of surprise on the persons face the words left your lips, chuckling softly at the countless possible thoughts that must be running through their head in that moment.
It was always the sweetest people that everyone was the least suspicious about, it was near enough impossible to fathom that they were capable of hurting anyone.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing is what described you best in this moment as Blade watched you with new found interest. He found this side of you rather exciting and wanted nothing more than to help you hone in on this side of you and use it to your advantage; Yet he found another part of himself wanting to be the one inciting violence, as he refuses you to tread the same path he did, he wouldn’t allow it.
After all he was the weapon.
He was the one stained in the blood of others.
He was the one that inflicted pain onto others and himself and it was something he will continue to do until death was finally granted to him in whatever form that may be. Blade will refuse you from ever embracing that side of yourself if it meant sending you on a projectory much like his own.
You were his light in the dark for a reason and while it was reassuring to know that you had what it took to fight back, Blade would much rather be the one to fight instead and to be the one to keep your hands clean of blood and violence overall.
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Would I be the asshole if I refused to pay my phone bill?
📱🧾♿️ <- To recognize my post for later :)
The title is probably already a bit of a red flag, but I genuinely didn’t know how else to word it…
For context: I am a disabled, chronically and mentally ill trans guy who recently turned 20. I haven’t left home yet for a lot of reasons, some being that my parents promised to let me live rent-free so long as I was in college (which I am, just not currently for the summer) as well as the fact that they really haven’t raised me to be very independent and rely solely on them (which is honestly a whole other can of worms), but primarily because of my disability. It isn’t safe for me to live on my own, as I faint commonly, cannot stand up for more than maybe fifteen minutes at a time roughly, and sometimes am unable to eat for long periods of time due to debilitating nausea which leads to weakness. I also have severe chronic pain in my limbs and gut, something I’ve had most of my life, while my chronic illness I’ve only had for about a year and a half now and am still struggling to adjust to.
Because of my disability, I also can’t work a traditional job. I offer art commissions online, because I’m very passionate about art and it’s one of the few things I’m good at, and I haul in a decent amount, but certainly not enough to live off of. I make enough to set aside some good savings (I’m currently saving for a wheelchair, as that might grant me more freedom and the potential to get a job at least for the summer) while also indulging myself in buying the occasional fatty treat (I’m very underweight so that’s not an issue, and I was raised essentially in an almond mom household all my life, so this form of eating is really the only sense of control I have over my life, as I’m fully dependent on my parents elsewise).
The issue has come upon relatively recently. I feel like a huge entitled brat for it as well, and if others believe the same, I sincerely don’t blame you.
My mom sat me down the other day and said that she expected me to start paying at least one bill. She offered my cheapest bill (which would be for my phone; my parents bought it, and it’s theirs, they’re just letting me use it as my own.. I don’t own a whole lot of “my” items myself) and asked what I thought about that. I was fully honest with her: if I had a steady stream of income, I wouldn’t hesitate to offer to pay for all of my bills, but with the way it stands, I just don’t make enough month-to-month to regularly afford the bill. I also do my commissions through my phone, so if I could afford the bill, my phone would be turned off, and I’d be unable to continue.
My mom got very upset and started talking to me like a child (though she really has every right to, honestly, and I know that). She went on a very long rant about teaching me responsibility, and how I can’t rely on my parents forever, and that I need to grow up at some point… All things that I fully agree with. I sincerely want to! I want nothing more than to be fully independent. But the way it stands, my parents cover my entire medical bills and they pay for my meds… And I just don’t make enough to survive on my own, and I can just barely afford a meal or two from a sandwich shop I enjoy twice a month to keep my sanity in check because I’m usually bedbound.
I tried explaining to her that I would if I could, sincerely, and that I’m not trying to be a leech or lazy, but she wasn’t having it. She just scolded me and said that if I can afford to eat out every month, then I can afford the phone bill. But again, with the way things are, I don’t think I’d be able to do it every month without tapping into my savings, which again, is for my wheelchair so I can regain some sense of freedom for myself. I’m seriously debating just telling her no straight out, but I don’t know what the aftermath might look like…
So, sincerely: Am I in the wrong here? Should I just swallow my protests and cough up the money somehow? I really don’t know and would love an outside perspective.
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xxoxobree · 10 months
Morales Fam Road Trip HC’s.
Ft. Jeff, Rio , The Twins, And You 🥰
You guys are driving to Florida To Visit Rio’s Parents. Orlando Specifically.
You weren’t supposed to come but the twins begged you and their parents until they heard yes.
It was so last minute too, they asked you two days before the trip.
It was Really Miles’ idea that you came, he hates to be separated from you.
Milo (because you guys like that name 😭 it’s so basic) too hates to be separated from you but he’s Capital P fr so he couldn’t let you know that.
Rio said you guys weren’t going to any theme parks but the ticket prices are reasonable so they bought them to surprise you.
You are forced in the middle seat to keep the peace between the twins. 😂
It works for the first 2 hours of the trip.
Big Daddy Jeff 😍
He’s Driving ofc
Goes 10 under the speed limit.
Calls out every traffic violation he sees.
Had a lot of coffee so he’s a bit jittery and is talking a lot.
Holds Rio’s hand🥰
Does the dad hand thing when he hears snacks being opened.
Shakes it and throws it in his mouth 🤣
He was that nigga back in the day, yk what I mean ? 😏 so the playlist is good but clean versions only 🤣
Does the dad “Hey.” When y’all are misbehaving in the back.
We’ll get there when we get there , when asked how much longer.
Needs to stop to pee every hour 🤣
Mama Rio.
Had to pray for her sanity before she entered the car.
Takes pictures of everyone and everything the whole car ride.
Loves the cows , makes everyone look at the cows and horses.
“Oh my god Jeff, stop.” Whenever he calls out a road violation.
Ask if you guys are excited every time you stop.
Turns around with the mom face when you guys aren’t listening. Fussed at you guys in Spanish.
Y’all are listening to Selena.
Plays some of her childhood music and talks about memories in Puerto Rico.
Plantain chips and water. And don’t ask her for none. 🤣 She gives Milo some cause that’s her baby Miles is salty , but she shares with him too.
Is sooo excited you said yes, has a whole itinerary for you guys, that he FaceTimed you about the night before.
Sits to the left behind Jeff
Sketches Things he sees, on the way , redesigns street signs. Sketches a picture of you and his brother.
Shows you the sketches to get your approval.
Only one who listens to Jeff’s fun facts
“That looks like you” when he sees something ugly. He did it to Jeff and had the whole car cracking up
Begs to go to universal studios because he wants to take a picture with Megatron. Lowkey a minions fan too.
Shares his blanket with you.
Leans on your shoulder and falls asleep.
Makes you watch cartoons with him. You love it.
He and Jeff eats everyone snacks. Doesn’t want to share his tho.
Share with you ofc.
Tells you stories of his grandparents.
Takes pictures of him you and Milo.
Throws his legs across you and Milo.
Is excited you came too but he’s Capital P so he just hugs you.
Is the reason you’re in the middle. “I’m not sitting next to him ma.”
He leans on your shoulder too , they’re clingy boys.
Talks to Rio in Spanish the whole ride.
Shares his AirPods with you. His playlist is fyeeee🔥🔥🔥 puts you onto new artists and songs.
Plays IMessage games with you. He wins every time.
Texts you talking shit about Miles 🤣 you tell him to be nice.
Shares his candy with you and Miles
Him and Miles go back and forth about Miles eating his snacks.
Pushes Miles’ legs off of him every time and give him a death glare.
“We close Ma?” Rolls his eyes every time he hears no.
Watches Tik toks with you
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avoxrising · 6 months
The Feral One • Chapter 1
Finnick Odair x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
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The first thing you remember after they lifted you from the arena was the hands of Capital doctors grabbing at you. Three weeks in the arena had left you extremely weak and you had a bad cut on your face but none of that mattered. They were touching you and you didn’t like that.
The second thing you remember after they lifted you from the arena was waking up chained to your hospital bed, surrounded by peacekeepers and President Snow.
“Miss Y/L/N,” the old man stated. “I wish you wouldn’t be so difficult with us.”
“Difficult?” you ask with what little voice you have left.
“It seems that you won’t let us treat your wounds, or let anyone get close to you for that matter,” he states. “The poor doctor was just trying to take your temperature when you stabbed him with a scalpel.”
“He was touching me,” you reply.
“Oh my dear we have a long road ahead of us if you are planning on remaining… difficult.”
You hadn’t meant to kill so many people. First it was 6 in the arena, then it was the doctor in the capital, then it was your first client, then it was another capital doctor and a peacekeeper trying to restrain you. By the time you came down from your lapse in sanity, you had been sentenced to house arrest in District 4’s victors village.
“Feral” is what they called you. To everyone outside of your home you were uncontrollable; crazy; even dangerous. To yourself, you were broken; confused; misunderstood. To him, you were everything.
“Y/N Y/L/N!” Linessa, the District 4 escort, calls out as she reaps the tributes for the 75th annual Hunger Games. Mags moves to volunteer but you quickly shoot her a look and she backs down. She knows you won’t hurt her, in fact, she’s one of the few people who genuinely cares for you, but she knows not to interfere when your mind is made up.
Annie shrinks into Mags’ side as you shuffle past her towards the escort. She’s another poor, misunderstood being like you. The two of you have never been friends for the simple reason that she is absolutely terrified of you and sometimes her meltdowns set you off. Maybe in a different reality you two would be friends, but not in this one.
Peacekeepers follow you to the front of the stage as you drag your shackled feet forward. This is the first time anyone besides the victors has seen you in around 5 years, and they’re getting a good look at what “feral” looks like.
The peacekeepers hold a gun to your back as you stand on the stage, head high. It’s so hot out you’re hoping you’ll sweat enough to slip your hands out of your cuffs. The district center looks the same as the last time you saw it all those years ago.
“Finnick Odair,” Linessa reads out and your head immediately snaps towards her. She lets out a small shriek and the peacekeepers tighten their hold on their guns as Finnick makes his way to the front to stand next to you. Of course, they don’t let him get anywhere near you, but you wouldn’t hurt him. You would burn the whole world to the ground if it meant protecting him.
The peacekeepers allow Mags to join you and Finnick on the train but they don’t let her anywhere near you. Finnick tries to tell them that you’re fine and won’t hurt anyone but they won’t listen.
You’re done trying to advocate for yourself. In fact, it’s useless. You haven’t spoken to anyone besides Finnick in five years. Not since your client…
Anyways, peacekeepers escort you to your room and set up guard in the hall. They’re too scared to be in the room with you, and none of the avoxes will go near you.
You wouldn’t have even been fed if it weren’t for Finnick barging into your room (despite the peacekeepers’ protests) with a plate of food. The peacekeepers made him keep the door open so they could monitor the situation but at least you could eat.
“How are you feeling?” Finnick asks as you pick at your food. You shrug your shoulders in response. He goes to lay his hand close to yours in comfort, causing one of the peace keepers to pipe up.
“Hey!” he yells, causing you to jump. “Back up Mr. Odair. We’ve been advised not to let anyone get within five feet of it.”
Finnick stands up and moves himself between you and the peacekeepers.
“First of all,” he states. “She is not an ‘it’. She’s a human being like the rest of us. Secondly, she is not a danger to me. She would never hurt me and even if she tried we both know I would win that fight. Scaring her like that is only going to set her off, and I won’t hold her back if she does. The best thing you can do, for everyone’s safety, is treat her like a human being, absolutely do not touch her, and no yelling. She’s not an animal, she’s traumatized.”
“Sir we’ve been ordered to shoot her at the first sign of agression. The capital doctors have advised us that she’s a danger to those around her,” the peacekeeper states.
“The capital doctors haven’t seen her in over five years!” Finnick exclaims. “They don’t know the first thing about her. Now get out and let us eat in peace. Don’t forget I’ve killed people too.”
The peacekeepers, visibly shaken, leave your room and allow the door to close. Finnick sits back down on your bed with you to resume your meal.
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@randomgurl2326 @mystargirl-interlude @uther-pendragon-is-an-ass @yourdailymemedelivery @americanprometheuss @l3xi3luv @noisyalmonddreamer @nordicvxid @teaganthemorningstar @samatokisunfinishedcigarette @justtrying2getby @heytherellala @notplutos
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breadbrioche · 10 months
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so mun x reader
➳ summary: after telling mun to take better care of himself, he ends up taking care of you instead
➳ warnings: description of treating wounds, mention of guns/gunshot wounds, self deprecating thoughts, season 2 episode 3-4 spoilers
➳ word count: 1.5k
➳a/n: my offering to the tuc tumblr fandom haha fyi the reader is also a counter but was not with mun during the scenes mentioned
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As you hunch over your desk, trying to get as close as you can to your mirror, you become aware of how pathetic your situation is. Blood soaked cotton balls litter the surface of your desk from your attempt to clean the injuries inflicted on you just hours ago, though you’re doing a pretty horrid job at it because every time an alcohol swab just even brushes against the open wound, you flinch away from your own hand and hiss at the pain.
You sigh regretfully, thinking about how you could’ve avoided all this, been fully healed and pain free hours ago, if you just didn’t cause such a scene earlier.
You bursted into the base, shoes slapping against the floor loudly as you made a beeline towards the table where all the counters were waiting to be healed by Ms Chu. Stopping right in front of Mun, who was looking worried at your apparent injuries, your scowl deepened as your gaze landed on his shoulder and the perfectly circular openings in it.
Frustrated and thinking of no other way to express this, you slapped your palm against the offending shoulder. Mun jerked back with a yelp and looked at you in disbelief.
“You’re an idiot, did you know that?” You began, not beating around the bush.
“Let me expla-“
“Explain what? That you let yourself get shot?” You cut him off quickly. “Us counters may be stronger than average humans but at the end of the day we’re still humans! And humans aren’t bulletproof like how you apparently like to think!”
Words were spilling out of your mouth without a second thought, your voice getting louder with every angry confession.
“Do you think of yourself as someone who can just die whenever they want? Evil spirits aside, did you even think about how your death would impact everyone!”
At this point, you couldn’t remember how the rest of the confrontation went down apart from that when you finally finished your rant he looked at you with an expression incomprehensible to you at the time - maybe he was shocked or mad or sad, either way you didn’t stick around long enough to find out as you finally gained back your sanity and dashed to hide in your room.
Maybe you’re the idiot, and not Mun.
He didn’t get shot for no good reason; he saved the chairman’s life! And you had a go at him for doing what was right. So on top of being a pathetic coward, you were also an idiot who blamed innocent people. What an amazing turn of events.
Before you could wallow in your pity for any longer, knocks on your door pull you out of your thoughts and make you turn towards it. You come eye to eye with So Mun, who’d left himself inside your room before you could even get up to open the door.
“Hey.” He begins awkwardly, probably trying to gauge your reactions to see if you were still angry at him. “You missed dinner.”
“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t realise” you say dumbly.
“I just wanted to let you know that I saved some food for you, its in the kitchen if you ever feel hungry”
You smile slightly; grateful for Mun’s thoughtfulness, even if after your tirade on him earlier.
“Thanks, Mun-ah. I’ll go eat in a sec once I’m done with all of-“ you gesture to the mess of medical supplies on your table “-this.”
Taking note of it, Mun frowns before approaching you and leaning down to assess your injuries. He immediately picks up an alcohol swab and gently cleans the cuts on your face. Instinctively, you jerk away from the sting but Mun keeps you still with a hand on your cheek.
“You know that Ms Chu can heal these for you.” He says gently, though the close proximity of your faces makes you hear it loud and clear.
“They’re not big… I don’t wanna be a bother for a few cuts here and there” you murmur in defense.
Mun’s hands pull away from your face for a moment to reach for a band-aid on your desk but you grab his wrist to stop him.
“I can treat myself, you don’t have to do it”
He huffs shortly before pulling out of your grasp and shaking his head stubbornly.
“I want to. Please?” He asks with a classic So Mun smile that makes it hard to remember why you were ever mad at him. You reluctantly nod, allowing Mun to put the bandage on your face.
It’s quiet as he repeats the process of cleaning and wrapping the rest of your wounds.
“Uh-“ You speak up suddenly, unable to handle the suffocating silence. He perks up and faces you fully, attentive.
“Sorry about what I said to you earlier…you did what you had to save the chairman and I blew up at you for no real reason but when I heard that you’d gotten shot, I guess I started spiralling and assumed the worse so…” you trail off and lower your head in shame, eyes focused on the scrapes on your knuckles that Mun is currently working on.
His hands clasp yours and intertwines your fingers together with his, then pulls you up to your feet which forces you to maintain eye contact with him. He’s smiling at you calmly, eyes creasing ever so slightly.
“Don’t worry about it. Honestly it’s okay.” he says in a reassuring voice. “I’m sure I worried all of you so I would’ve gotten an earful from someone eventually.”
You laugh slightly at his comment lightening your mood. Being around Mun is addictive - his warm presence pulls you in and his positivity infects you, putting a small smile on your face too.
Though, part of you couldn’t let go of your guilty thoughts and you still feel apprehensive. Mun must have sensed it because he squeezes your interlaced hands tight, stroking your hand with his thumb.
“You had every right to be mad at me. I don’t regret what I did but you're right about the fact that I didn’t think about how my actions would affect everyone else. So I guess that was pretty selfish of me.”
Mun rests his head down on your shoulder, face nuzzling into your neck slightly. His breath tickles your skin as he exhales which makes you squirm slightly.
“Could you forgive me?” He whispers into your ear.
Since he entered your room, all of his sweet actions were slowly piling up, making you feel flustered and heartbeat speed up, but this was the tipping point. You try to push away from Mun, feeling far too overwhelmed, but he effortlessly pulls you back in, his eyes twinkling.
“So~?” He insists you answer, dragging out the last syllable. You roll your eyes, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.
“Fine. I guess I could forgive you” you huff out. “But only because you’re annoying and you won’t stop until I do.”
Mun chuckles and brushes away hair hanging over your face to get a clear view of your reactions.
“You’re so cute.” he points out teasingly. He watches your nose shrivel when you scowl at him.
“And you are a little shit.”
“Hey! Is that any way to speak to your cool and amazing boyfriend who patched you up?” Mun grabs your bandaged hand and shakes it in front of your face to emphasize his point.
“I told you that you didn’t have to do it”
“And I told you that you should’ve seen Ms Chu!”
“It’s too late for that now anyways, she’s probably sleeping. I can just have it done tomorrow” you defend yourself.
“But knowing you, you’ll definitely forget!”
God, Mun could be so stubborn sometimes. You sigh before flopping onto your bed, bouncing slightly as the springs in the mattress resist against you.
“If you’re so bothered, maybe you should just sleep with me tonight so you can remind me in the morning.”
Mun gasps dramatically as if your suggestion was something obscene. You roll your eyes at his act, your point from earlier being proven - he is a little shit.
“You’re welcome to go back to your room then” you point out, gesturing to your door. Mun shoots you an offended look before pulling your blankets open to climb onto your bed quickly.
“I never said no!” He complains as he worms his way to get closer to you.
You shuffle about for a second before getting into a comfortable position, with your face pressed against Mun’s chest, head laying on one of his arms. A silence envelops the two of you again but it’s not the awkward tension from before.
This silence was cozy. Relaxing.
“Thank you, Mun-ah” you whispered, cuddling against him more. He pressed a kiss on the top of your head, silently answering you. Gently he stroked your hair, lulling you to sleep.
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sanakimohara · 5 months
“Tongue Tied” H.J.
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Jisung is so cute when he laughs and you get giddy hearing it but oh does it hurt to know he can’t be yours. You sit alone, mind running rampant with less than pure thoughts you’ve had about him, and not a single person suspects why you’re so quiet.
You’re always silent, everyone knows that, so you sit and imagine scenario after scenario.
You keep from staring at him by occupying yourself with a game on your phone. It works for a while but at some point Jisung sitting near you, talking up a storm as usual, and barely acknowledging your presence.
That is until he accidentally bumps into you. It’s not on purpose. Just a little nudge against the back of your head. You wince, not because he’s hurt you, but because you weren’t expecting to be this close to him all of a sudden.
Jisung smiles at you before apologizing, “My bad. I didn’t see you there. We good?” He holds out his hand, suggesting a fist bump to reconcile his mistake. You don’t say anything, just flash him a small smile before bumping a closed fist against his, and just like that he turns around to resume his conversation. You frown at the loss of attention and decide to leave your spot on the couch and go to the bathroom instead.
You want a minute alone, just to think, and maybe unwind yourself to get through the rest of the night with your sanity still intact.
Jisung is just…he drives you crazy…and you can’t do a thing about it.
You’d risk being hated by everyone, people would question your morality, and he’d definitely reject you. If locking yourself in a bathroom to get off on the thought of him was what you had to do to keep things the way they are now…it wasn’t a problem for you.
So, you stand, slipping past everyone towards the farthest bathroom. It’s upstairs and you doubt anyone will come looking for you up there. No one ever notices your absences in the first place. Jisung did though.
The moment you stood up from the couch he was leaning against his attention shifted from the conversation to your empty seat. He’d ask himself why you would leave, not aloud, but a singular thought he keeps to himself. His focus would be disconnected, trying to come up with reasons you’d disappear, and he comes to the conclusion it’s his fault. Maybe it really bothered you when he accidentally hit you. Maybe you felt even more alone when he continued to speak to someone else after apologizing.
These tiny assumptions about your behavior made him feel guilty and so Jisung excused himself, “I’m gonna go use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” He followed the path he’d seen you take upstairs, jogging up the steps, and heading down the hall to see which room you were in. Not his old one. Nor the master bedroom. You weren’t in the loft either. So that left the bathroom.
He hesitated to check there but eventually decided it wouldn’t hurt to be sure. He was about to knock, but instantly froze when he heard your soft moans and trembling whispers.
You were so quiet, barely mumbling louder than the running faucet you’d turned on to muffle any noise you make that might be heard outside. That little diversion doesn’t work too well since he’s inches away from the door, unable to speak, and even less capable of moving as he eavesdrops on you.
“Jisung…” you moan shakily, face burning up as the sound of his name edges you closer to your high. He bites his lip, having to shut his eyes to keep from reacting impulsively to your delicious little sounds. You, of all people were saying his name, chanting it between breathless sighs and strained whimpers. His cock twitched to life, growing firm in his jeans as he listened more closely.
You slid down to the floor, two fingers deep inside your cunt that was dripping cum at this point. Your clit was slick and ever so sensitive each time your thumb circled it in slow repetition.
You were sure his tongue could do so much better than your small fingers. His hands firmly gripping your inner thighs, pushing your legs apart as far as he needed to have unrestricted access to your count while eating you out.
Fuck, you swore his dark eyes would look so gorgeous staring up at you when your cum flowed onto his tongue. He wouldn’t hesitate to lap up the mess you make, smiling proudly when he spits on your overstimulated cunt.
Jisung is always so chaotic, charming, and easy to get along with. Just the thought of him being shamelessly filthy with you is a sin you indulge in.
He wouldn’t care about the disassociated look in your eyes when he sits up, admiring the sight of your fucked out state before rising to his feet, and fisting your hair into a makeshift ponytail. You whine in pain but he doesn’t care. “You’re okay sweetheart,” he reassured you, taking his belt off and setting it on the counter before unzipping his pants. A deep sigh rumbles in his chest as the confines keeping his erection hidden are loosened. You help him, expertly tugging his cock free from his boxers and pants.
Jisung bites back a groan feeling your bare hands wrap around his shaft. Your touch is soft and your fingers are still damp from touching yourself. A perfect combination. He can’t help the smile on his face as he stares down at you, on your knees, kitten licking his leaking tip with the most lustful look he’s ever seen.
You lick at his cock like candy, savoring how salty his precum is, and pumping his cock for more when it’s gone. Jisung leans back, dragging you with him, and bucking his hips towards your face for more. He’s not ready to force himself into your mouth, no, he wants to see how long you’ll tease him despite dreaming of tasting his cock for god knows how long.
“Come on, pretty girl. Let me fuck your face…” he pressed the tip to your pouty lips, a longing look in his eyes as he waits for you to oblige him. You do without a warning, deep throating him in one go.
He nearly moans too loud, head reeling back as the warmth of your mouth envelops his dick generously. It’s heaven on earth for him. Your delicate tongue swirling up and over his length in intricate patterns and your hands fondle his base gently with every bob of your head.
He’d be lying if he told you he wasn’t jealous of the other men who’ve had the honor of getting head from you.
A strangled chuckle leaves his chest as you deep throat him again, inviting his tip to abuse the back of your throat, and each time you’d moan like it was a personal reward for you.
Jisung looked back down at you, drops of sweat forming on his temple from the unrelenting heat coursing through him, and it was no help to him that you looked perfectly in love with him fucking your face. Drool trickled down your chin, tears glossing your half lidded eyes, and your face a shade of light pink.
He could only admire you for so long before his eyes rolled back slightly in pleasure.
You moaned on his dick, vibrating it with pressure, and then you felt him twitch. He was close and you were eager to feel his release coat your tongue and slide down your throat. “Fuck…fuck you’re so…gooooddd Ahm…” he moaned quietly, whimpering in utter bliss, and struggling to find any other words to praise you.
Your heart swells with pride hearing Jisung’s compliment and you take extra care in sucking him off then. Your tongue circled his tip slower and your hands pump his base faster.
The overstimulation paired with the impending height of his climax has him growling and groaning like a touch starved man .
You think it’s so cute.
“Want you…need you to take it alll…” he stutters, nearly pleading for you to swallow his seed as it pours out into your dainty mouth.
There’s so much of it, warm, salty, and thick. It flows down your chin but you keep milking his tip with your tongue for more as you swallow it down greedily.
You’ve got him shaking at this point, whining in immense pleasure, and it’s so intoxicating. Jisung has no words, only a stunned expression when you finally remove your lips from his cock with a soft ‘pop’ a string of cum and saliva connects you to him and you lick it up with a content smile.
“M’ sorry if I did too much…I’ve just wanted to do that for a while,” you break the silence with a genuine apology and a heartfelt smile.
He regains his composure and starts to fix himself up, shaking his head in disbelief from what just happened.
Jisung doesn’t regret it though and he lets you know that with a pleased smirk on his face. “No need to apologize. I needed it anyway and…” his gaze trailed over your body, dark eyes hazing over with lust again when they met yours, “I have a few things I want to do to you too…”
Your face heats up and you have to look away from him as he leans down to caress your face with one hand. “I want to keep you as my little secret alright? You’d like that too, right sweetheart?” Jisung kisses you, knowing you’ll say yes, knowing you’ll chase his lips for another kiss.
He’ll let you have it, dominating your tongue with his, and only pulling away when you’re panting for air.
I wrote this for a crush a while back but it fit Jisung so well that I decided to tweak it to feed all the Jisung stans 🖤 hope you enjoy it…
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cuubism · 8 months
unfortunately for my sanity i am thinking about them again [sheltered rich boy dream and feral child hob]
In retrospect, it was fitting that the first time Dream met Hob, he was breaking a rule.
It hadn’t been easy. Dream did not like to lie, and wasn’t very good at it besides. And breaking rules made him nervous. Broken rules carried consequences. But he’d needed to get out of the house, just for a moment. To clear his head. And just going for a walk was not a good enough reason to leave the house when he could be doing something more productive. Something better. Make some use of yourself, Dream.
So Dream had crafted a little story of extra studying, extra work, and managed to slip out. Dream did not always tell the truth, could not, but usually he lived in the shadows left by omission. The outward lie was bitter on the back of his tongue.
But he’d been freed. And now he was wandering. He did not often get the chance to wander, untended, unobserved. Making his unsteady way down the winding road leading out of the estate, and then into town, where he’d never really walked before. It was just getting late, almost sunset on a Thursday evening, and the streets were fairly quiet, only a handful of people about. And Dream wandered, not quite knowing what to do with himself but enjoying the quiet in his head.
Possibly meandering about on his own was a bad idea. Possibly he’d be hit by a car or attacked by a madman. He didn’t think he much cared.
And that was when he met Hob. That first dip of his toes into freedom.
He was sitting on a bench in the park, watching the small scattering of pigeons pecking for seeds by the fountain. Dream had always liked birds, but it wasn’t often he had the chance to sit and just watch them. He studied their patterns, mentally tracking the shapes they traversed, their mathematical lines. He should have brought his sketchbook. It would have been nice to work from live subjects, for once.
He was deep in his thoughts, in the calming trickle of the fountain and the repetitive paths of the birds, when another boy about his age plopped down on the bench beside him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look so depressed while feeding birds.”
The birds had fluttered up in disarray at the sudden motion, but settled down again quickly. Dream looked at the other boy askance, irritated at his rare peace being interrupted.
“Do you often speak with people who are busy feeding birds?” he asked, unable to keep the annoyance from his tone.
“Only when they’re broody and mysterious,” said the boy. He wasn’t wearing a school uniform, but he must have been college age, like Dream. Dream was still wearing his jacket and trousers, for his own part. Everything about this boy was looser, really, from his longish brown hair, to his jeans and t-shirt. It made Dream feel very uptight in comparison, which was not a fact about himself he needed reinforced. He already knew it. “Do you often feed birds?”
“I am not feeding them,” Dream said. “They are eating what was there.”
“Just spying on them, then,” said the boy teasingly. Dream did not know what to do about being teased with what seemed like lightheartedness rather than mockery, and so didn’t respond.
“Seriously,” said the boy. “Are you okay?”
Then Dream did look at his face properly. He had very kind, very genuine eyes, was the first thing Dream noticed. It was not something he noticed about a lot of people. Perhaps it was not something a lot of people possessed.
Then the boy smiled at him, a soft, kind smile. It transformed his whole face from something merely pleasant to something lovely.
“Is that why you have come over?”
The boy shrugged. “You looked sad and alone. I’ve been sad and alone before, so I don’t think anyone else should.”
Dream bristled. “I am not sad and alone.”
“Just alone, then?”
Dream’s mouth popped open in affront, and then shut. Then he said, “Are you always so familiar and impertinent with strangers?”
“‘Familiar and impertinent,’” echoed the boy, with a laugh. “Sure. Are you always so snooty and aristocratic?”
“Yes,” said Dream, and he laughed louder.
“Honest though.” He stuck his hand out. “I’m Hob.”
Dream nearly said, What kind of name is Hob? but swiftly realized the hypocrisy. Gingerly, he took Hob’s hand. “…Dream.”
“What kind of name is Dream?” said Hob, and Dream sighed. “And you really don’t have to shake my hand like a king deigning to touch the peasants. I’m not diseased.”
“I don’t like to touch people,” Dream said, taking his hand back. “Peasant or otherwise.”
“Peasant or otherwise,” Hob echoed. He didn’t seem offended. He was smiling.
“Are you here because you felt I should be taught a lesson? Is that it?”
“Nah. I just get bored easily.” Hob turned to watch the pigeons again, tapping his fingers restlessly against the bench. “I was out and about. You looked interesting. You wanna go for a walk?”
“…Why?” But Dream knew why. He had learned it as he’d wandered the streets, freed for the first time.
Hob shrugged. “Just to do it.”
Dream had stepped out of his comfort zone once today already. He supposed he could do so again. If Hob turned out to be an adolescent serial killer at least the end of his life would hold intrigue. “Very well.”
Hob grinned, so bright it struck some deep, static bell in Dream’s chest and set it ringing. “Come on.”
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What's the real reason Elon Musk bought twitter?
What joke could I invent that compares to the humorless spiteful laugh that is the reality of modern times?
What darkness, what chaos, what perversion of natural order has not been committed even in the last few days that would let me get a concept in edgewise to compete?
I have invented worlds, written novels, made films, drawn landscapes and creatures and comics that challenge the extremities of human invention. I have scarcely tamed my own sanity for decades to keep from falling into the lovecraftian abysses that torment me in my nightmares, but I cannot begin in satirical text to compare with the cycles of atrocity after maddening atrocity inflicted upon us by the mindless evil of humankind devouring itself, as those in control are the least able, the most inept and greedy, the most vile and demented and malevolent?
Every page I turn reveals a new level of frustration. Every article I read reveals a new low to depravity. Everything good that I struggle to create is shattered and shamed. Every person I meet constitutes a further absence of soul and devotion to absolute cruelty. I cannot look at the eyes of another anymore without being crushed by their disgust and contempt, and then again their abuse.
There is no hope now, if there ever really was. The only ashes of the sublime left to us are those that we're given to experience the pain of their loss. It is not the death of the world we see now, but the beginning of its final state- That of inescapable and eternal misery.
He also probably wanted to ban that kid who was tracking his jet.
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More headcanons about Anakin and Ahsoka being menaces to the general public
I feel like both Anakin and Ahsoka react to being sick in similar ways and by reacting in similar ways I mean they do everything in their power to ignore the fact that they’re sick 
Which is funny because they both get annoyed when the other refuses to accept that they’re sick Ahsoka will take any hint that Anakin gives her that his condition is failing and runs with it 
Man could breathe different way and she’s like “Master it sounds like you’re sick maybe you should lay down and let me take over” to which Anakin refuses 
Ahsoka’s just as bad because Anakin tries his best to take care of her without letting her know he’s onto her 
But of course she’s not stupid and can tell when he’s being more of a helicopter sibling than normal and calls him on it 
God forbid they get sick at the same time because they just spend the whole time trying to take care of each other 
And god forbid they get sick at the same time when Obi-Wan is around cause then they just turn into whiny children 
Like no seriously it’s like a switch goes off in their brains that renders them into beings incapable of fixing their blankets 
Obi-Wan obliges because what dad would stop taking care of their kid depending on the age 
Honestly my brain kinda leaned into Ahsoka’s chaotic younger sister energy with this one 
But I love the idea that she will just sneak attack Anakin and Obi-Wan 
Most of her “sneak attacks” go something like this: Anakin walking down the hall minding his business when Ahsoka drops down from the ceiling 
But before she can land on him he sidesteps and grabs her by the collar before she can hit the floor which results in Ahsoka moaning and groaning that she “Almost got him that time” and Anakin grumbles back that the only thing that “almost got her” was a black eye
He does have to admit that her random seak attacks have made her better at climbing 
Sometimes she’ll walk up behind Obi-Wan and try to cover his eyes but most of the time all she gets is his shoulders 
Most of the time it doesn’t even slow the man down he just keeps walking while asking her about her day and how classes are going 
But as she gets older she’s able to mask her presence better and manages to sneak up on the men once or twice  
Obi wan is always willing to admit defeat and congratulates her on her well earned victory 
Anakin blames it on his age and that’s the only time that Ahsoka will ever hear him admit to being “old” (he’s 30) 
It’s an ongoing joke that you shouldn’t separate Ahsoka and Anakin some say you risk a limb if you try others say you’re risking your life what most don’t mention is how you’re risking your sanity 
Because they become the most annoying motherfuckers when they’re apart 
Ahsoka acts like they’ve been separated for 10 years and will tell stories like she’s reminiscing about the good old times but most of the time the people she tells the stories to were present for the events so it goes something like this:
“Hey Rex do you remember when me and Anakin threw someone into that lake those were the days” “Yes I do remember that commander because I was that person and it was a week ago”
In his defense that’s the fifth story she told him in the past hour and he was there for all of them
Anakin’s just as bad but for a different reason because all he does is overthink
Like don’t get me wrong he keeps up the “cool guy” personality before she leaves but the second she’s gone he’ll sprinkle little questions into normal conversations like “Do you think she packed warm enough?” “Do they have enough emergency rations?”  “Did anyone make sure that ship was up to code before they left?”
He made sure she packed for every single weather possible, he packed enough rations for two weeks even tho they were supposed to be gone for two days, and he checked the ship before they left 
Sometimes Anakin or Ahsoka will just walk into each other's room and hang out they don't do much they kinda just sit down and talk 
Sometimes they have a silent but mutual understanding to leave the room and go bother Obi-Wan in his 
I love the idea that Obi-Wan and Anakin are victims of Ahsoka’s undying fascination with human hair she loves when their hair is long and encourages them to grow it out longer so she has more to work with 
She all but falls to her knees when she sees how long Padme’s hair is and she’s the creator of some of Padme’s funkier hairstyles (both Anakin and Padme make a small note to force Ahsoka to do their future kid's hair)
She’s also weirded out by facial hair so every single time Obi-Wan shaves or Anakin tries to grow a beard they’re treated like a different person entirely 
It took them a while to figure out why but once they did they lost their minds laughing (and also made silent vows not to do it again cause it freaked her out)
People often say it’s like Ahsoka and Anakin can read each other's minds without using the force 
Some people find it hard to believe but it’s pretty easy to tell when people are having conversations through their bond and when two people are having a conversation just with looks
It’s not an uncommon sight for them to shoot each other looks after someone says something a little bold and for both of them to be laughing by the end of it 
It’s just as common for them to get into little arguments and finish it in complete and total silence before one of them finally gives in with a huff 
It’s kinda freaky but they don’t seem to notice and everyone around them is too used to it to care
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
hiiiii!!! can I request headcanons for tr with ran, izana, Mikey and Chifuyu where they are asked by their s/o parent/s to break up with them because of the danger they bring being a delinquent? ( Think when Hinatas father asked Takemichi to break up with her to keep her safe ) tyyy!!!!
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲, 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮, 𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚, 𝐑𝐚𝐧
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚞𝚙 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: 𝚃𝚘𝚔𝚢𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 "𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘, 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚢𝚞 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚘, 𝙸𝚣𝚊𝚗𝚊 𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊, 𝚁𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Oh yeah I remember that scene, Hina gave Takemichi a good beating too, thank God they got back together cuz I was STRESSING
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-> 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 "𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲" 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
When Mikey got called by your dad he expected it to be something about marriage.
He thought he'd have to make the first move but you already told your parents and all that? How cute of his darling~
Though he'd rather get married a little bit later when everything is in order rather than right now but engagement is always a good option!
Mikey was fully confident about everything only for his happiness to crash down when your father told him to break up with you.
Mikey will stay quiet for a few seconds before speaking again since he'd like to think that was just his ears hearing stupid stuff.
"Hah... I don't think I heard that right... Could you repeat yourself?"
Mikey would softly laugh, hoping it was some sick twisted joke, until realizing what he heard was correct. And that your father was being very serious.
All emotion will drain from Mikey's face as he looks at your dad when he says it's for your own good -gonna creep old pops out too for sure-
Honestly he has half the mind to beat your dad to death right then and there but held himself back. That annoying man is still your dad after all... But would you miss him?
Mikey doesn't listen to reason when it comes to you so he just got up and left without another word.
Immediately calling you over to meet with him and when you arrive he's going to look at you with such an empty yet hurt look.
"Do you... Hate me that much [Y/N]? Was I that scary to the point you can't even tell me you want to break up with me on your own?"
Yes he's kinda feeling a little insecure and needs an answer from you to save the little sanity he has.
You best either love this man or be an Oscar worthy actress and say yes otherwise you WILL be kidnapped and it's not going to be pretty for you or your family.
But if those two things apply to you and you reassured Mikey with a hug and kiss then Mikey might calm down and not go in a homicidal rage towards your dad and whatever poor soul blocks his way.
Yeah he'll continue to date you and he doesn't give a fuck about what anyone says. You better not miss one date or meet up because he will blame your father about it.
Have your father ground you once to not see Mikey and Mikey will break into your house through the front door like he owns the place and take you back. Gonna drag you out right in front of your dad's eyes too and DARE him to do something about it.
Let's just hope your father is dealing with Toman Mikey before all that shit happened because otherwise if he tries to stop this menace your dad boutta be put in the news as an unfortunately dead victim of a mysterious murderer.
God forbid if it was any other Mikey, your dad would've been dead the moment he told Mikey to break up with you.
"Telling me to break up with my angel... If you try to keep them away from me again I don't care if you're their family, I WILL kill you."
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-> 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨
Chifuyu was super nervous when he got a call from your mother to meet up with him.
Of course he tries his best to seem as a good boyfriend when you introduced him to your mom, but the anxiety will start to eat up at him from the inside and Chifuyu will begin to think your mom is going to tell him to break up with you even if she started off the conversation with a smile and a pleasant greeting.
But when your mom did in fact tell him that Chifuyu might as well had shut down for a few minutes.
He looked so upset, broken, close to tears even.
Promising to your mom that he'll so better in hopes if saving this situation.
"I... I'm sorry if I offended you or [Y/N] in any way! I can be better for them, I promise! Just because I'm a delinquent doesn't mean I don't love them..."
But your mom just wouldn't budge.
And Chifuyu found it annoying... Really annoying and irritating. He'd rather die before going out like that.
Who does your mom think she is!? Sure she may be your parent but if she was a good one she would see that you and Chifuyu are meant to be.
Chifuyu agreed at first because it was "for your own good." so he could drop your mom's guard and just leave before causing a scene.
Then he called you over alone and boy you were met with Chifuyu crying, begging and looking so broken you can't help but feel bad for him.
Twisting her words into a more hurtful context and even lying about a few things when he explained the situation.
"I don't want to break up [Y/N], I love you too much! B-but your mom said it's for your own good... C-can't I please do anything to stop it? Please tell me what to do [Y/N]... I don't want to break up with you..."
Now you get upset and angry at your mom, sparking a full on argument between the two of you it was just what Chifuyu would want.
Better yet if the argument was so heated to the point you don't want to be home anymore, you can always stay over at Chifuyu's place, his mom wouldn't mind either!
... That man will start instigating shit, now his own mom gonna call your mom and talk about that bullshit, does it really matter if he's a delinquent when he and you love each other so much?
All your neighbors will be against your mom because Chifuyu is petty enough to make her life harder, by spreading rumors especially and making your mom act out towards them for the smallest things.
Maybe even drive her to the point of depression and suicide if she's so persistent on keeping you away from him. But if she agrees to just let Chifuyu and you be he might forgive her.
Of course he makes sure you never learn of what truly happened. Won't let you move out either.
Might use this incident to his advantage and guilt trip you if you act out.
No one and nothing will separate you from him, not even your parents.
"Your mom hasn't called again?... Do... Do you think she even cares about you? She's so mean... But it's alright [Y/N], you can stay with me all you want."
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-> 𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
I know it's gonna take both of your parents strength and bravery combined to call/visit this man, tell him who they were and ask to meet up because of his reputation.
But of course when Izana learned who they were he welcomed them with open arms, barely giving them any trouble -Izana already knew who they were just by a single look, obviously he'd spy on you and have information on your parents-
He should be kind to his future in-laws after all. They got sat down and were served food and drinks of high quality too.
Another thing that makes him and Mikey brothers, adopted or no: they both think it's a meeting about taking your relationship further into an engagement then marriage.
But why weren't you with them? Were you too shy to be here? Izana thought it was adorable.
Only for Izana to then stop and stare when him breaking up with you was demanded of him instead, all emotion draining from his face before he composed himself instead of throwing a punch.
Looks like your parents had the gall to come and command him of that... Why didn't they tell you you to do it? Izana knew it was because you didn't want to break up with him so why were your parents deciding for you?
Izana smiles and drinks whatever he ordered, staying quiet and blocking whatever reason your parents were trying to get through him before standing up and speaking with a firm tone despite his small smile.
"You are my darling's family and I know how important family is, so because of that I am allowing you a few minutes to think and retract that statement if you know what's best for you. I'll just go for a short walk and I'll be back, hopefully until then you'll be in your right minds."
Izana gave them a chance because they're your family.
But he already fucking hates them so much.
As soon as he went on that "short walk" with Kakucho following worriedly, the closest thing to him, no matter human or object, will be met with a malicious and life threatened beating.
The sheer anger and disdain Izana feels at the thought of someone telling him to break up with you was unmatched. Your parents no less! People who should know what's best for you- and what's best for you is him, it's Izana and no one else.
So why were your parents so stupid and frustrating.
Kakucho had to actually give you a call and then give the phone to Izana for him to stop having a malicious meltdown.
Izana, of course, was calmed down just by hearing your sweet voice telling him happily about what you were doing... Though he does have a few of his men following you around and he'll get the report at the end of the day anyways. Not to mention the tracker he has placed on you.
So within just a few minutes he was smiling genuinely again.
"Thank you for letting me hear your voice [Y/N]... Meet up with me later? How could I deny that?~ I'll be sure to come pick you up."
Now Izana was in a good mood after hearing your voice. And it will just be better when he goes back to check on your parents and hear them say they were wrong about what they said.
Except they DIDN'T do that...
God- were your parents always this cruel? Not letting you be with Izana who loves you so much? Have you suffered under their wrong and harsh rules without telling Izana because you didn't want to bother him?
So the simple report of you having a normal family life was wrong, Izana will be sure to punish whoever made such a grave mistake.
Oh his poor sweet darling, you should learn to rely on him more... And he knows just the way to do that but first he needs to get rid of some obstacles.
Your parents might think the sad, hopeless and dejected expression on Izana's face is because he's making peace with the decision of needing to let you go for your own good.
Then realization dawns on them when Izana simply opens his hand and Kakucho gives him a gun.
Not hesitating to kill your parents at all.
Now that the obstacles were gone you could just rely on Izana instead.
"I gave you a chance to correct your mistake but it seems like disobedient dogs don't know how to follow orders... You must've made my darling suffer so much, I won't allow that to happen any further. But don't worry! This is for [Y/N]'s own good so you understand right?~"
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-> 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
Ran, of course, saw it coming.
With his reputation and power he'd guess your parents would either force the two of you to stop dating or play nice and pretend he doesn't have a criminal record because they're scared.
And unfortunately for him it seems that your parents are good people who don't want you in any danger.
So when he was called to meet with them Ran was casual and smiling, like he didn't know what was about to happen.
Of course he barely acted surprised when your parents told him to break up with you, just focused on finishing whatever dessert or drink he order.
Ran looked all thoughtful before sighing helplessly and smiling at them.
"No ♡"
He then got up and left, leaving them flabbergasted.
Of course Ran knows that's not enough to make them back off when he saw how uncomfortable you started to look during dates.
Have your parents switched their target to you instead and now forcing you to break up with him?
Ran had to laugh at how unwilling you were to follow your parents orders. Did you like him that much? Adorable~
Still Ran can't let that slide, he doesn't give a fuck about what they think of him but to actually put you through stress too? Unacceptable.
Being the considering -and manipulative- boyfriend he is, Ran will start comforting you, possibly treating you even better than before and willing to lose sleep because of it, all and all just making you see clearly what an amazing boyfriend he is.
How could your parents want you to break up with Ran when he's so caring.
"I'll never back down sweetheart, nothing can keep me away from you... I'll find a way to fix this, so trust me. Now quit stressing and let's enjoy this date okay?~"
On the other hand, the life of your parents might've gotten worse.
Roppongi is a nightmare for them and there's even people following them everywhere, not just the Haitani's controlled area.
In some days your parents are always somehow bumping into rude, annoying and dangrous looking people.
While some other days they're helped and saved by people who very explicitly say it's because they're the parents of Ran's lover. Even Rindou helps them sometimes clearly stating it's because they'll be in-laws in the future.
But if your parents still don't get the hint and back off that ridiculous proposal they'll find themselves in the hospital because they got viciously attacked.
Of course as your boyfriend, Ran will go there to check on them so you won't be bothered with whatever you were doing.
And he'll give them a deal, either stop trying to break up the two of you or suffer the consequences for messing with Ran and if they still have the audacity to do what they want the next thing they'll be laying in will be a coffin not a hospital bed.
"I can make your life very easy or very hard so choose wisely, I'm never this patient with anyone else but I'll give you a pass since you're my darling's parents... Then again why would they need you when they have me~"
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my-mt-heart · 2 months
When I think of the Caryl spinoff we were promised, I think of all the space there'd be to explore a new, but hard-earned romance between the two underdogs turned most iconic duo of TWD.
I think of them getting back to their roots, helping each other heal from their trauma, and conquering their fears of not being worthy of each other's love.
I'm tired of sitting through explicit beats of shipbaiting for the sake of marketing Daryl as the most eligible bachelor and riling fans up while Caryl, the relationship that sold me on their chemistry and their one-of-a-kind bond is treated like a dirty secret.
I'm tired of Carol feeling, and being portrayed, as if she isn't good enough or young enough or blonde enough for Daryl and I'm tired of the ageism Melissa has to suffer in order for the show to please an unreliable market that's more likely to watch clips on TikTok then subscribe to the show anyway.
I’m tired of foils and subtext and symbolism being used to say something about Caryl's relationship in a round-about way without ever seeing the payoff.
I don't want a retread of Caryl’s entire story that makes me think...
Canon is coming!
We're almost there!
Just a little bit further!
Maybe the next episode!
Maybe the season finale!
Maybe the series finale!
Absolutely not.
Because I know the difference between telling a longform narrative and stringing me along, manipulating me into thinking I'm getting exactly what I want ...
At least Daryl and plot device #100 didn't get together.
At least Carol doesn't die.
At least Daryl and Carol are finally alone.
At least there's "hope."
...when in reality I'd be getting nothing I want and not even for any creative reasons, but because it isn't good for an EPs brand or his ego or whatever it may be.
There's a lot of hype for Melissa's/Carol's return right now, amplified because of the year-long fear that her fans were never going to see her again, but what's the hook going to be for S3? If AMC wants a large fanbase they can rely on to keep tuning in and to keep growing, they should want all Carylers on board. And to get us all on board, including the ones who left a long time ago, explicit canon that honors both Carol's and Daryl's journeys is a must.
S2 is THE chance to show me—clear as day—how Daryl and Carol really feel about each other. That they are in love. That they are and always have been each other’s only choice and plot devices 1-100 never changed that. That's the Caryl spinoff I'll watch.
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*This is my response to a few anons I received over the past week or so. I figured it would be better for my sanity to address them all in one go.
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ask-neloth · 4 months
Greetings, Magister Neloth!
It is no mystery that your stay on the isle of Solstheim, besides the notional study of heartstones, also includes research of the daedric grimoires known as Black Books. While the effects of these dangerous artifacts are relatively well-known, your own relationship with them is not.
Would you care to elaborate on your history with these Black Books and their creator? Did they become a research subject by happenstance or is there a more personal investment involved?
Your question is incredibly forward, but I shall humor it within reason.
Hermaeus Mora is neither considered one of the Good Daedra nor part of the House of Troubles. As an entity, he is neutral in most dealings, with relatively well-defined rules of engagement, motives, and boundaries. It is rare that one strolls into Apocrypha unwittingly. Anyone who considers themself a scholar knows well what to expect and what is expected of them when dealing with Hermaeus Mora. That being said, I was quite young when first introduced to the endless libraries.
Given a mere glimpse into the fathomless depths of Apocrypha, I was left bedridden for weeks as my family’s best healers attempted to repair my fractured mind. I made a full recovery (despite what some might claim), and for a time I devoted myself to regaining entry to Apocrypha while also retaining my sanity. It took much trial and error, combining the schools of Restoration and Mysticism in ways never before attempted. Now mind you, this was in the late second era, when travel between Nirn and the realms of Oblivion was both deeply frowned upon and strangely accessible, if one knew where to look.
After several years of training my mind and strengthening my Will, I was able to locate a functional portal on the Telvanni peninsula. And thus, the infinite knowledge of Apocrypha stretched before me.
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Of course, no mortal enters Mora’s realm without drawing the attention of the Great Eye, and he naturally chose to address me personally after I’d managed to pass as a visitor on multiple occasions. He offered me a contract, which I did not immediately accept, but gave great consideration. A contract with any Daedra is not something to be taken lightly, though in my upbringing it is considered far less taboo than in other parts of Tamriel. With the attainment of great power there must also be an equal sacrifice. In the end, I presented a counter-contract, and we reached an agreement. I was given access to Apocrypha in exchange for my conditional servitude. 
What does ‘servitude’ under Hermaus Mora look like, you might ask? You must fashion yourself to be an eternal Apprentice of arcane study, and he is your ever-watchful Master. There is no knowledge you possess that Mora does not also have access to. In a sense, you are sharing your mind with a God. 
As for the Black Books, my mind is protected from the madness that these artifacts can induce so long as I remain faithful to our agreement. Each Book is an entry point into Apocrypha without having to physically leave Nirn. As to the conditions of my contract, I shall be keeping those to myself. And upon the expiration of my mortal body, I have a promised place in Apocrypha, where I shall continue the Work into eternity and beyond. I can imagine no better fate for myself.
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selfindulgentpixies · 10 months
Part three is here and so begins the hidden inventory arc! This is extremely spoiler heavy and also jumps around a lot. Being caught up on the episodes or having read Gojo's past arc are a must for this to all make sense because while I will be covering some of what’s been shown just with reader now being there some stuff will get glossed over since I value my sanity.  Contains canon typical violence.
Satoru x Reader x Suguru
(GN!reader Be warned that reader is referred to as pretty and adorable at different points, as well as being notably short. I know for some that can cause dyphoria though it applies well to my own experiences and this at it's heart is very heavily self insert. Reader's CT is also talked about and used based upon what I imagine what mine would be and is part of the plot. I hope people are still able to enjoy this though since i've worked hard on it and it's the biggest project I've posted on here. Links to other parts are at the end.) Edit: Liek parts 1 & 2 some small revisions have been made but nothing major
Chapter 3: And so it begins
You’re flat on your back staring up at a clear blue sky, your chest heaving. “Tell me again why I can’t even use practice weapons when we train? Cause you know using weapons is kind of a big part of my cursed technique, Suguru-senpai.”
He chuckles at you and reaches for your hand to help you back up. You take it and he pulls you to your feet. “Because you might have to fight someone at some point who’s able to disarm you like I am, or who doesn’t give you a chance to summon your weapons, among the many reasons I could give you.” 
You puff out your cheeks and pout. “Not everyone is as good at hand to hand combat as you are, you’re one of the strongest-” 
He shakes his head. “There are plenty of strong opponents who will be able to put you on the back foot. I just want you to be prepared for that.” 
The look he’s giving you is a serious one and it makes you want to squirm so you rock back on your heels and shove your hands in your pockets. “That makes sense, I guess,” you relent and he gives you a small smile. Reaching out he gives your shoulder a small squeeze.  
“Suguru, you comin’? There still hasn’t been any word from Mei Mei and Utahime so we’re gonna go check it out.” Gojo’s voice calls down from the stairs leading down to the training field. Shoko is with him and she gives you a wave which you return. 
Smile widening just a bit, Suguru lets go of your shoulder. “Sounds like I’m needed elsewhere. Think about what I said and keep training alright?” And with that he’s walking away. 
You watch him go, and your eyes linger just a touch too long.
An arm rests on your shoulder. “You’re sure spending a lot of time training with Geto-senpai aren’t you,” Haibara says with an almost conspiratorial tone. 
Your face heats up. “He’s just helping me out. Like you said, it's training.”
Haibara hums and you hear another pair of footsteps approaching that you assume are Nanami’s. “I also heard you got invited to a movie night by him and Gojo-senpai.” He glances down at you with a knowing look that you don’t like. “Annnd that they were awfully touchy with you.” 
You wish the training field would swallow you whole or that a curse would appear and just end this conversation. “And who told you that exactly?” 
“We were out in the hall when Shoko-senpai came grumbling past us. We asked what was wrong and she said something about it.” Nanami says from behind you. 
Betrayal complete and utter betrayal. Your face burns with embarrassment. “So it’s true!” Haibara cheers. 
“Oh shut it, Haibara!”  
“Aww come on I want to hear about it from you! What happened after Shoko-Senpai left?’
“Personally I’d rather not hear about it.” You can practically hear Nanami’s eyeroll. 
Haibara turns to him with a pout. “Aww come on it-” he pauses and looks all around but doesn’t see you anywhere. Somehow you’d pulled a vanishing act. “Did you see where they went?” 
Nanami makes a noise in the affirmative but doesn’t say where you went. “Neither of you are being fun today,” Haibara says with a pout and puppy dog eyes that fail to sway the blonde boy. 
It’s a couple hours later you find yourself with a textbook balanced on your knees and scribbling notes on a notebook off to the side. You’d been doing your best to not to think too hard about that night. You probably were just reading too much into some teasing. The two older boys were together, you were sure of that much. What would they want to do with you as anything other than a friend? You’re grumbling to yourself with your chin tucked to your chest when you hear approaching footsteps and then your textbook is being lifted from your legs. Your head snaps up in time to watch Gojo snap the book closed. 
“Gojo-senpai, what are you-” You start to protest but he interjects “How’d you like to go for a lil trip with us?” Suguru is standing a little ways off behind him smiling and shaking his head.
Thus you found yourself trailing after your two senpai having the mission explained to you. Your brow furrows not really liking the sound of it. “She’s not that much younger than us.. I can’t imagine being told I have to just.. Cease existing and be okay with it.” 
“We talked about it a bit already. If she doesn’t want to, we won't make her.” You blink up at Suguru in surprise.  
“Don’t worry, we’re the strongest so if she doesn’t want to we’ll make sure she doesn’t have to.” Gojo says ever confident. 
You truely hope they’re right. 
“Oh by the way… Does Yaga Sensei know I'm with you?”
A beat of silence. 
“Suguru-senpai, does he know?” You figure he’s more likely to tell you the truth. 
“Wait, you're calling him Suguru now?” Gojo’s voice sounds indignant, maybe even a little hurt. “You never call me by my first name.” He stops walking and fully faces you.
“Oh.. well uh he told me to, the other night.” 
Gojo looks back at Suguru who’s giving him a smug smile like he won something. Gojo whips his head back toward you, giving you a serious look and you stand a little straighter. “From now on you should call me Satoru,” he declares, thumb pointing at his chest before turning and beginning to walk again. 
You stand there in confusion for a moment watching the older boys walk away before it occurs to you. “Hey neither of you answered my question!” you yell and run to catch up with their long strides.
It turns out that no, they hadn’t asked permission to bring you along and Yaga hadn’t known you’d gone with them. How’d you find this out? Given how you’d been sticking to Suguru like velcro lately, which Yaga was partially to blame for, he’d had a hunch and had called when you hadn’t shown up with the other first years for a lesson. When you’d answered your cellphone and the two older boys heard you greet Yaga they both froze. 
“Ah yes i’m with them. Is something wrong?” A pause. You blink and pull your phone away from your ear to look at the screen. You tilt your head to the side. “He hung up on me?” 
Then Satoru’s phone begins to ring. He definitely looks like he doesn’t want to answer but does so reluctantly. Before he can even say anything he has to pull the phone away from his ear because Yaga starts yelling on the other end.  In the end he wants to tell them to immediately bring you back since he thinks they’re out of their depth already without having a first year with them but this mission is too time sensitive for that. You’ll just have to listen to them and be careful. Really they knew Yaga was going to find out and get mad at them for taking you along, they'd just kind of hoped he wouldn’t find out until after the fact since now he got to stew on it. They didn’t know what led to it but he’d become your guardian at some point before you enrolled at jujutsu tech and was particularly protective of you. You were always evasive about it when asked though.
You pout as you walk away from the sweets shop. “Is sending me on errands while we’re on a mission part of keeping me safe or was this why they brought me along in the first place,” You grumble to yourself as you put the nicely wrapped package of mochi and other goodies in your bag without stopping. Satoru should be right around here you think to yourself, tossing the bag back over your shoulder just in time for a large explosion. Your head whips toward the source of the noise and panic grips your chest when you see a girl flying through the air, that panic soon turns to relief though when through the smoke and falling debris you see Suguru catch her while riding one of his curses. You let out a little cheer but then suddenly someone is gripping your shoulder. 
“You’re another one of those jujutsu high brats, aren’t you?” A voice rumbles behind you.
You glance over your shoulder with narrowed eyes, not dignifying him with a response. He was dressed strangely like the men in the pictures you’d been shown of Q members.
He’s about to say something else when you grab the hand on your shoulder and bend back and break several of the man’s fingers. He pulls back with a howl of pain and surprise clutching at his broken fingers. ”You fuckin lil shit-” Before he’s even able to finish speaking you summon a lance that looks like a series of small linked hands and smack the blunt end across his head before swiping it under his feet on the back swing making him crash to the ground.
“Oi, __-chan you okay over there?” Satoru’s voice calls over to you. You look over and he’s leaning against a railing surveying you and the little scrap you’d just had. 
“Ah yeah I’m fine, Gojo-senpai.”
“I said to call me Satoru,” he whines in a way unbecoming of his age.
As you’re about to respond the man on the ground begins to get up only for you to bonk him on the head without looking. “Right.. sorry, Satoru-senpai.” You hop over the now dazed and prone man and make your way to Satoru who immediately ruffles your hair looking between you and the guy on the ground. 
“Don’t see why Yaga was so worried about you. You hold your own well enough,” he says with a grin. You swat his hand away and try to fix your hair though you can see from your reflection in his dark glasses that you’re only partially successful.Then you look around him and see another strangely dressed man, though this one has long hair. He’s already sprawled out on the ground along with dozens of twisted knives scattered about.  Satoru follows your gaze and grins. “If they’re all this weak we won’t have any problems.” He jerks his head toward the smoking building. “Let’s catch up with Suguru.”
Perhaps foolishly you thought he meant walking to the building and taking an elevator like a normal person. But no, suddenly you’re airborne, tucked under his arm. When you reach the smoldering hole in the building it’s with you flailing and telling him to warn you next time. 
“What're you scared of heights?” he looks down at you with a raised eyebrow.
A beat of silence is all the answer he needs before a big grin splits his face. “Oh you so are! That’s adorable. Don’t worry I’d never drop you-” You kick him in the shin which results in the two of you bickering until Suguru reminds you both of the situation at hand.
From that point on the mission feels like a bit of whirlwind, meeting Amanai, the attack at the school, Kuroi’s kidnapping. Things don’t seem to settle into a lull until now with you lightly dozing against Suguru’s shoulder on the beach. Truthfully you hadn’t meant to fall asleep but Suguru didn’t mind, he found it cute how you’d curled up against him in an oversized hoodie and bathing suit you weren’t even putting to use. He brushes a bit of hair off your face as he speaks to Kuroi. The world is all a muffle to you as you drift somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, at least until Suguru calls out to Satoru about it being time to go followed by him gently nudging you awake. Then softly in your ear, “You need to get up now, time for us to get on with the mission.”  You blink groggily and then as it occurs to you just where you’d been napping you sit up straight about to apologize, his smile tells you that you don’t need to and so the words never reach the air. As he stands he reaches for your hand and helps you to your feet. He looks toward your companions in the water as he releases your hand after giving it a gentle squeeze. “Satoru, it’s time.”
“Oh, it’s that time already?” He replies, stopping whatever game he and Riko had been playing. Even from where you’re standing you can tell she’s disappointed. Satoru is quiet for a moment as he looks her over. “Let’s head back tomorrow morning instead.” And just like Riko’s disappointment you can also see her elation. 
Suguru frowns. “But…”
 Satoru makes his way toward the two of you. “The weather’s holding steady, right? Besides… there are fewer curse users in Okinawa than there are in Tokyo!”He turns with dramatic flair. 
Both you and Suguru give him an unimpressed look and in unison admonish him. “Let’s keep it a little more serious, Satoru.” “Please take this seriously, Gojo-senpai.” Your use of his family name earns you Satoru’s hand on your head vigorously messing up your hair. 
“It’s better if the time limit on the bounty runs out while we’re still mid-flight, right?” His hand is still on your head while you try to swat him away.
“Satoruuuu-senpai!” Those seem to be the magic words and he lifts his hand off your head. 
Ignoring the antics going on between the two of you, Suguru leans in close to Satoru so only the two of you can hear him. “Satoru. You haven’t released your technique since yesterday, have you? You haven’t slept either. And you don’t plan on sleeping tonight, do you?”
This gets your attention and suddenly guilt curls in your gut for not having realized. He must already be tired.
“Are you sure we don’t need to go back to jujutsu high?”
Satoru’s fist lightly smacks into Suguru’s chest before he starts to walk away from the two of you.“It’s not a problem. Playing through 99 years of momotetsu was far more draining and besides, you’re here too.” 
You watch the small smile play across Suguru’s lips and sense how he seems to be reassured. For you as much as you have faith in the two upperclassmen you still worry. Particularly now that you know Satoru hasn’t taken any time to rest. 
All the same the only way you can describe the rest of the day is blissful. Not just spending it with the older boys but also seeing the wonder and joy on Riko’s face. It makes you wonder what her life before was actually like. 
Even for you who deals with what can only be called magic, the aquarium is otherworldly. It makes your chest swell with wonder and you take both Satoru and Suguru by the hand when they hang too far back and get them to hurry along with you. You chatter excitedly as you pull them along. With them behind you you don’t see the look they share or the look they send your way, a look full of fondness. Truly they both think that getting chewed out by Yaga later will be worth having brought you along.
Edit: Link to master list
I could have probably stretched this out further but I really didn't feel like writing out hidden inventory scene by scene when a lot of people will have probably just watched it. I hope it's still enjoyable. I Admit I was super tempted to combine part 3 and 4 together but I'm gonna work on part 4 a bit more and will probably release it this friday. I'm really excited for it. Hopefully this part stands well on its own.
@strawberrystepmom @nanamikentoseyebags @gojoest
@icy-spicy @porridgesblog
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
could i ask for an adam x reader angst/fluff oneshot mayb...? where they along with thatcher find adam in his room but instead of doing anything bad they help him out and comfort him?
My sweet boi :(( Had to do it to 'em
(Also this is more angst if anything but it's got a good ending)
"What are you doing here?"
"Same as you, I guess."
"....you heard it, too?"
"..yeah." Sighing, you turned to the bleach blond-haired cop, gazing at the bodycam that was messily attached to his shirt.
This guy was nothing like the confident and inspiring lieutenant the town placed all their hopes in. If anything, he seemed just as scared as you were right now.
You both met here purely by chance.
All you wanted to do was take the BPS van and leave this county for good, but you first hoped to find Adam somewhere around here.
After not hearing from your friend in weeks, you presumed he contracted M.A.D and was either dead...or trying to isolate himself so that he didn't hurt you when his symptoms got too severe.
Sarah and Evelin, on the other hand, were angry with him over his odd behavior, even though you messaged them both saying that M.A.D couldn't be ruled out as the reason.
He wouldn't act this way without any warnings. What else could it possibly be?
Still, Sarah insisted he was "heartless" when confronted about Jonah's death, and Evelin hated him for the awful things he apparently told her. Both of them have basically given up on trying to help or understand him.
As much as you tried keeping the gang together, everything had fallen apart and you ultimately decided that starting over in another state was the best course of action.
BPS was more or less disbanded, your friends were all either dead or arguing with each other, and nowhere in Wisconsin felt safe anymore.
It's better to leave while you still had some sanity left.
Yet when you showed up to take the van, finding the keys in the ignition slot, you noticed some angel statue tucked away into the back that you don't recall seeing before.
Despite it being shrouded in darkness...it seemed to stare at you, making you feel uneasy.
Then a voice spoke inside your mind.
Whispering gently, yet far from comforting.
"I am your intuition, [y/n]. He's nearby. You know it. You feel it. But tell me, child....do you hear it?"
Right after it finished, you heard one of the most bloodcurdling screams of your life coming from within the house.
Someone was inside, and they barely sounded human.
It shocked you to your core, and when you looked back at the angel statue...there was nothing there. Just the old dusty computer equipment.
You thought Adam might've been on the run still, as the neighbors claimed his house had been vacated for a long time. They haven't seen anyone go in or out.
But if your "intuition" was right, maybe your friend had been right here all along.
Before you could break down the front door, however, Thatcher showed up, apparently drawn here by the same voice who urged him to investigate the screaming.
You feared he was gonna arrest you for being part of BPS. Though he didn't seem interested in placing you in handcuffs right away, so that was a relief. He, too, had reasons to believe Adam might be inside, expressing more concern for your friend's wellbeing than having intentions to arrest him.
So you both agreed to search the house together, figuring that going in pairs will lessen the chance of you getting ambushed if this was a trap set by an Alternate. He turned on his bodycam for documentation purposes, insisting you stuck close to him.
Of course, you're one of the primary suspects..so he probably wouldn't let you run off that easily.
But upon entering, you were immediately met with trash and destroyed furniture all over the place, making it rather difficult to transverse the house. With every step, you felt like you were going to trip and make even more of a mess.
Yeah, it was bad.
You used to come here often and play video games with Adam and Jonah, laughing and having a good time kicking their asses...or vice versa.
Now? The gaming console and controllers were smashed to bits.
Even more concerning was the blood and vomit splattered everywhere. It was nauseating to inhale, yet Thatcher looked as though he was used to this sort of smell--but was nevertheless just as disturbed.
You had a bad feeling that Adam was seriously hurt...especially since the screams had stopped the moment you both walked up to the house.
Then out of nowhere, a radio flickered to life, a narrator reading something called "The Fate of the Jester".
It nearly gave you both a heart attack as Thatcher swiftly turned to it, wondering if an Alternate was messing with it. But eventually he shook it off and followed you further into the house.
Finally, you arrived to Adam's bedroom. When you turned on the light, your eyes widened in shock to find him slumped next to his bed.
He was sitting against the nightstand, almost propped up like he was some doll, unmoving.
All the while the radio in a distant room droned on, concluding the reading with something quite ominous before it abruptly switched off:
"--milky eyes cut through the thick blackness of the bedroom, a spectator. He was no longer the hero of the story, just a cog in the machine."
You held your breath, wondering if you should call out to him considering how still he was. And as you got closer, you could see he was shirtless, thin, and pale...completely corpselike.
You could see a bottle of bleach tipped onto its side, your heart dropping at the implications of seeing it empty.
'What the fuck? Adam..what did you do?'
Thatcher seemed just as bewildered, enhancing his bodycam footage in order to confirm who the person laying there was exactly.
Sure enough..
The description matched.
He was interrupted as Adam let out another bloodcurdling scream, causing the footage to glitch out.
Startled, he dropped the camera in panic, backing away while pointing his gun at the younger male, terrified that he was going to attack at any moment.
You were equally as horrified at Adam's current state, yet your heart broke at the same time as his cries of agony continued.
'How is his jaw doing that?!? That's something no normal human can do....unless-'
"..please...fucking kill me..fucking kill me...!!!" He sobbed. "I-IS SOMEONE THERE?!!" Loud howls of pain escaped him as he struggled to sit up, his soulless eyes finally meeting yours and Thatcher's.
His jaw unhinged in such an unnatural way, and you heard a snap of bone as he screamed even more.
Then it finally hit you.
He was an Alternate after all this time.
There couldn't be any other explanation.
It suddenly all made sense: why he seemed "immune" to the Alternates, why he acted so cold and uncaring for the last few weeks...
But as much as it terrified you, you just couldn't look away from him. You refused to believe he was anything like those monsters. He seemed fully aware and didn't immediately try to attack you or Thatcher.
That proved he had at least some shred of humanity in him.
Speaking of the lieutenant, you glanced at him and noticed that he was three seconds away from shooting your friend's head off. So you blocked his line of fire, earning you a glare.
"Kid, move aside! He's-!"
"No. I can help him! He might recognize me. Just put that gun down...please. It's scaring him." You begged, keeping your arms out.
Although silent for a few moments, he decided to trust you and withdraw his weapon, sighing. "Fine..j-just...be careful." He prayed to whatever god was out there that you knew exactly what you were doing.
Because he was sick of reporting so many casualties. He didn't want you to become one more statistic.
You nodded in understanding, but upon hearing Adam's screams die down into soft sobbing and whimpers, you turned your focus to him. "Adam?"
He gazed directly at you, surprised.
Tears filled your eyes as you kneeled down in front of him, finally seeing his gaunt figure up-close, along with his arms and fingers which looked slightly elongated. "It's me, I'm here.." You spoke softly, as though he were a cornered animal. "You know me, right?"
With a whine, he managed to utter your name, flinching as you unzipped your jacket. But then you put it over his shoulders to cover him, and he clutched it on instinct, taking in its warmth.
"Y-You shouldn't have come here.." He rasped, his voice hoarse and distorted--barely resembling what he used to sound like.
"How could I not? I was worried about you."
"Everything I knew was a lie...all of it!! I'm not him. I-I...I never was...!!" He was growing hysterical again, tears streaking down his bony cheeks. "Wh-Why didn't you let him kill me?!! I don't wanna live!! I don't wanna be one of them!! DON'T LET ME KILL ANYONE!!"
"Listen to me...you're not gonna kill anyone, okay? I won't let that happen." You reassured him, although he was completely shattered as he curled up into your chest, wanting to hide away from the awful truth that was his entire existence.
He didn't know why you came here, or why you ever worried about him at all.
He was nothing but a shitty person. A literal monster who should've been left to rot.
Yet you didn't believe that for a second as you wrapped your arms around him securely, wishing you could shelter him from everything. And you rested your chin on top of his head, solidifying the fact you aren't going anywhere.
Normally, he would've hated being touched. But your actions only caused him to breakdown further, sobbing into your shirt as his sorrowful wails and groans continued. He clutched the fabric with trembling fingers, hoping it would distract him from every ache and crack in his bones.
"I-I just wanted to find my mom...b-but..she...she was never mine..! Fuck...it hurts so much!! Everything HURTS!!!"
"Shhh, it's alright." You held him close, but not too tightly for fear of causing him greater pain. "I got you, man..I got you."
Meanwhile, Thatcher was looking on at the scene, feeling pain in his heart and sympathy for the poor guy.
All this time, he thought this was just another troublemaker breaking laws specifically related to Alternates and running from the consequences....only to discover that he's one of the monsters who took so much away from him.
But he was confused.
How could Adam not know what he was until now?
Was it possible for Alternates to simply forget they're Alternates in the first place?
Though more importantly...how was he able to feel such strong human emotions?
The lieutenant didn't think for a second that Alternates could feel anything but malice. No love, sorrow, or joy...just evilness--as they were disgusting abominations who destroyed his career and all of his friendships.
But seeing how you gently talked to Adam, embracing him and letting him cling to you without him ever showing a hint of hostility...
It changed his perspective a little.
Still, he didn't know why he chose to show him this.
Should he have done something years ago to prevent this kid from becoming what he is now?
Was he implying that this, somehow, was also his fault?
Shaking his head, Thatcher sighed quietly, deciding to check the rest of the house for any evidence of other Alternate activity. He still got the chills from Adam's ceaseless muffled sobbing, which continued to echo even after leaving the bedroom.
All he found was more trash strewn around, along with a bloody knife on the kitchen counter and a snapped rope on the floor. Next to it was a knocked-over stool.
He was 100% convinced that the earlier screams were from Adam's many attempts...with none succeeding in ending his agony.
'Can't blame him...I sure as shit wouldn't wanna live either-'
He tensed, turning around as he saw you and Adam step out into the hallway, the latter having calmed down finally. Your jacket was now actually on him, covering his torso and most of his arms; he did walk with a slight limp, but otherwise looked okay.
"We're...just gonna take the van and go." You told him.
"Go...where?" Thatcher blinked in confusion.
"I dunno. Somewhere far away from all this shit. We just can't stay here anymore." You looked to your now taller friend, who was clinging to your arm and slightly leaning against you. Then you glanced back at the officer. "You should come with us. We can leave-"
"No, I can't...not yet, at least."
"Why not?"
"I've got a score to settle with the bastard who killed my partner and is running around wearing my face." He revealed, frowning slightly. "It blames me for what happened to this town. I can't just...abandon it. Wish I could, though, but...I'm not gonna find any peace 'til I know for sure it's dead."
"....alright, I understand." You nodded. "So will you let us go, Lieu-"
"Just call me Thatcher." He quickly corrected, flashing you a small smile. "That title leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But yeah, you guys can go."
"Thank you, Thatcher." You smiled back. "Good luck out there. Stay safe."
"You, too. And..Adam?"
The aforementioned male tensed and stared at him, not saying a word.
"I'm sorry about everything. Jonah, your mom, and...this, obviously." He awkwardly gestured to Adam himself, unsure if his words were comforting enough. This wasn't his specialty.
"Th-Thanks.." Swallowing the lump in his throat, the Alternate was forced to avert his eyes when he spotted the gun clipped to Thatcher's belt.
Part of him just wanted to lunge for it and end it all right here. You'll not only be a lot safer, but also better off without him.
Yet...an even bigger part of him wanted to live and stay by your side, determined to prove him wrong:
He may not be the real Adam Murray, but he wasn't going to be anything like his kind. He's not going to kill or try to be anybody else.
Things were going to be different.
After grabbing a few more things from the house, you all headed outside, with Thatcher leaving in his car, and both you and Adam hopping into the BPS van. You took the wheel since he was clearly in no condition to drive.
You made a mental note to paint over the letters at the first sign of daylight, but for now you were just going wherever the roads took you.
Hopefully you can leave the horrors of this place behind once and for all.
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All Wheel of Time fans/haters: what is the least important part of the Wheel of Time that irritates you? Nothing actually plot important, nothing that touches on real world issues, just the most narratively inconsequential thing that sticks out to you like a fishbone between your teeth?
I’ll go first: In spite of having the White Tower divided into Seven Official Ajahs RJ did not assign them the Seven Visual Colours that make up White Light. 
Red, Blue, Green, Yellow: all fine and good, red and blue being diametrically opposed even if these groups mission statements aren’t the clearest that's fine, that's not the point of this. 
Brown: Fine, if you really don’t want to have orange because orange doesn’t meet the ‘dark academia’ vibes keep brown (why the brown ajah didn’t have an exploratory devision that could have used orange idk and again not important.
Grey: I am chewing Robert - grey for your politics division? Grey? Purple Purple is the colour most associated with royalty, make them purple. The Grey Ajah should have been the logic and philosophy ajah, between and apart from good an evil not the White! 
This way pure white is left solely for the Amyrlin Seat - since she is the tower and the tower is her, "of all Ajahs and none." And novices wear a similar (obviously more uniform and less nice version) of all white as in the books 
Egg in her less nice whites against Eladia in her excessive fabrics both technically in the colour of the Amyrlin they both but forward to be?
Egg haven’t never chosen an ajah before she is raised to the Seat, being apart from and beyond the political struggles the black ajah had taken advantage of? A true - perhaps the first True Amyrlin?
Egg taken on the Seanchan attack technically in her novice dress But visually the Amyrlin atop the White Tower??? 
It would have been so NEAT ROBERT. It would have been so simple.  
In summation, the Ajah should have been Red, Brown(orange), Yellow, Green, Blue/Indigo, Purple and Grey for no reason other than my sanity 
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