#good husband geralt
Prompt 21
This past winter, Geralt grabbed a tower of books from the library and holed himself up in his room for practically the entire season. Eskel walks in one night, intent on just checking in on his brother, only to poke around and find that every book that Geralt is painstakingly studying is medical books, from how to deal with a sore throat to the most rarest of diseases. Eskel asks Geralt why he needs to know all of this, worried Geralt might be losing his mutagen-induced healing factor?! Is he getting sick!? Are his wounds not healing over time!? Oh GODS! Oh nvm- Geralt says he's fine :) He's reading all of this because... He met a human bard he wants to keep safe? Odd... Especially for Geralt... But whatever makes his brother happy! I just want a scene after some nice gay brotherly teasing that's like "Ow- Oh no.. Geralt, my arm was scratched by a branch. Hold on, I need to-" And geralt is like FROTHING and is like "WE NEED BANDAGES, THREAD, A NEEDLE, DISINFECTANT, NUMBING SOLUTION, AND I KNOW FOURTEEN DIFFERENT NATURALLY MADE POULTICES I CAN MAKE, AND I KNOW A HELPFUL SPELL A HEDGEWITCH CAN CAST AND-" "It's just a scratch, Gera-" "SHIT, SIT DOWN, I GOTTA FIX MY HUMAN BEFORE HE DIES AND I LOSE ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD THINGS IN MY LIFE"
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crazyrainbowgirl221 · 10 months
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The gay shot
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tadhannahj · 11 months
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I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending
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hannibard · 2 months
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Interesting how all three ships my blog is centered around have this dynamic huh
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crispyliza · 2 months
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It's a real struggle
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mattmurdock42 · 3 months
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Feather! D!addy Cavill.
Note: I do hope this helps someone.
W/c: 600
Warnings: body insecurities, angst, lots of fluff, d!ddy Cavill
You woke up on top of your daddy bear. You slept on his chest while he rubbed your back.It made you both sleep faster. However, you always got off of his chest while falling asleep, you didn't want to hurt him with your weigh. Altought, last night, you fall asleep completely and forgot to get off.
You woke in a jump, making Henry sigh and shift a little under you. You support you weigh on your knees and hands on the bed and prepares to get off of him, but suddenly, you feel his hands holding togheter at your back.
"You are not going anywere, kitten." He said with a groggy voice.
You try to get up but you just can´t.
"Come back to where you were." He commands. His eyes still close.
You knew you weren´t the skinny tipe. After all, 176 pounds were something considerable. You needed to get off.
"I need to go to the bathroom, daddy." You lied.
He lets you go.
You get up and goes to the bathroom. You flush the toilet and wash your hands and face. As you lay down on the bed again, he spoke.
"Come back to where you were, baby girl."
"Lets just go back to sleep, bear." You say as you lay on your side and turns your back to him.
You feel him shift behind you. Suddenly, you feel one of his hands around your waist and the other on your back, pushing you to the middle of the bed. He straddles your waist and pinn your wrists above your head. He leans and look into your eyes. "Weren´t you comfortable? I said for you to come back. Give me one reason to not do so." He sais with a little anger in his eyes.
"It´s just that, i´ll hurt to. I´m heavy. You´ll feel pain during the day if i do so. And i don´t wanna you hurt." You say as you look to his chest, his body hair tangled from the night before.
"Hey, daddy´s girl. You are not heavy, you hear me? I can´t believe you though such thing!" He chuckled.
He let your wrists go and got out of bed. He stood at the foot of the bed and reached a hand for you.
"Come here. Let me show you how heavy you are."
He guides you to lay on the bed. He wrapps a belt around your waist and commands you to hugh your legs. He puts one hand inside the belt and, before you could tell, he lift you in the air, with just one arm. You looked incredulous at him.
"See, kitten. Daddy's got you. Let me show you something else." He sat on a chair in a corner and ordered for you to seat on his feet. You hesitaded for a moment, but you did as said as you saw he wasn´t for jokes now.
"Hugh my legs." As you did, he lift his legs and you with them. You were bracing for dear life. "When i say you don´t weigh, it´s because you don't weigh." He said angry, mostly because you desafiated him.
"Now come back to where you were, or maybe you will be corrected like naughty girls are, tonight, kitten."
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carmilllaofstyria · 13 days
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"You must come with me, loving me, to death; or else hate me, and still come with me. "
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olliethewallflower · 10 months
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cirrius-akiyo · 1 year
Turns out, I do have preferences. It is:-
Golden Retrievers and Black Cats.
Sunshine and Moonlight.
Delightful and Dramas.
People Pleasers and Petty Ass.
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I request Geraskier and 17. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin, please?
words!!!!! I found words!!!!! i love the prompt! it got my cute words going again and for that I thank you!
CW: none i think? its very slice of life-y and they just kiss a little?
Jaskier carefully crept in the backdoor, and for a moment Geralt indulged him, letting his husband think he hadn’t noticed over the music and sounds of him preparing for dinner. When the door finally clicked closed and Jaskier let out a hefty sigh of relief, Geralt couldn’t help but crack a smile. 
“Hiding from the little monsters?”
Closing the curtain over the door window, Jaskier moved to stand next to Geralt and rest his head on his shoulder, “We avoided a full heat meltdown with a waterfight. I think they’re just spraying the mud out of each other’s hair now. Hopefully Cerys brought a change of clothes.”
“Grade A parenting,” Geralt teased with a little chuckle, turning to wrap his arms around Jaskier and kiss the tip of his nose, “Do you think they’ll live if you stay in here with me?”
A pleased hum rumbled deep in Jaskier’s chest as he not-so-subtly eyed Geralt’s lips, mumbling, “For a few minutes at least,” before tipping forward and trapping Geralt in a kiss. Geralt hummed and pulled him closer by his belt loops, reveling in the warmth of his body in the chilly air conditioined kitchen and the way something so familiar could still be so satisfying. 
As Jaskier’s hands gripped his waist, Geralt snuck one hand up the back of his shirt and cupped his neck with the other, only remembering after Jaskier’s squeaky gasp that he’d been digging around in ice only moments before. 
“Sorry,” Geralt laughed, moving his hands to fabric protected spots only to have Jasier grab them and move them back. 
“Don’t you dare. I’m positively melting.” To prove his point Jaskier swooned into Geralt’s embrace, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing their lips together. 
Unfortunately for them, Geralt’s hands eventually warmed up and there came the dreaded sound of two seven year olds banging on the back door and demanding Jaskier come play.
“Jaskier isn’t here right now! He’s gone on a tightrope walking expedition!” Jaskier called in his best imitation of Geralt.
Ciri’s cackling laughter almost made it easier for Geralt to let Jaskier go as she yelled through the door, “I’m not dumb thats you!” 
Geralt continued pressing little kisses to Jaskier’s lips as he yelled back utter nonsense, “You- who? I-” he was cut off by Geralt again and couldn’t help but giggle, “I dont- know- a You.”
Their tone made it clear they’d get destructive soon if he didn’t go outside again and Geralt reluctantly let Jaskier go. He watched them through the window as he finished making dinner, chuckling to himself when Jaskier had the kids jump on the trampoline and try to avoid the spray from the hose. At some point he got a little bit distracted by Jaskier’s ass in those shorts and by the time he realized it, Jaskier had too. Geralt gave him a little wink and got one in return, only to have the kids groan in disgust. 
As he set the table, Geralt smiled to himself, his life was pretty damn perfect.
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Prompt 5
Everything that can go wrong one night, goes wrong, and it's just annoying inconvenience after annoying inconvenience. Jask falls and drags Geralt down with him, Jask gets them kicked out of an inn, Jask spends their last coin, Jask complicates the fight and accidentally gets Geralt injured, etc, etc, and eventually Geralt snaps at Jaskier for getting in the way and making things harder. They get into a big fight over it, and Jaskier even gets a second room to sleep apart. They are still on icy terms after the argument, until Jaskier starts realizing he doesn't.. feel well.. In fact he feels quite awful. Jaskier shortly realizes that he's getting ill. But he's terrified to tell Geralt, in fear of this being the straw that breaks the camel's back. What if Geralt really leaves him after this? What if this is the last thing that Geralt can handle is Jaskier delaying them getting new contracts because he's ailing? So he does what every smart honorable self-respected bard would do. He pretends nothing is wrong and prays it goes away on it's own. It isn't. It's getting way worse. Geralt can smell something off with Jaskier's scent, and is getting worried. He keeps asking Jaskier if he needs breaks or help doing things (Jaskier is convinced Geralt is just proving he can do everything without Jaskier, and that stopping for breaks will show Geralt how shit a travelling companion he is) Geralt just needs to get them to a town so he can pamper Jaskier with his favorite sweets, a warm bath, and a nice bed, and then ask him when he feels most ready to tell. But then Jaskier suddenly just.. Collapses.
He's walking alongside roach like always, only for him to suddenly roll his eyes back and just.. fall to the ground. Geralt is of course, freaking out- Geralt picks up his bard and makes an abrupt camp to check on him. Holding Jaskier so close, he can smell the fragrance of illness, muffled and muddled by Jaskier's soaps and perfumes. His bard is sick. Geralt, loving his bard unconditionally, treats and watches over Jaskier until he awakes. Jaskier, when he finally returns to consciousness, immediately begins begging Geralt not to get rid of him, not to leave him behind, that he's barely even sick, that he can keep going, just keep him, please. Geralt is horrified Jaskier thinks he could ever be left behind by Geralt, and they make up and kiss and say "i love you" idk.. think it'd be kinda gay...
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linafinsterwald192 · 2 years
I’m on summer break from tomorrow on. Send me questions, talk about that story you are writing, tell me your favourite Geraskier and Ineffable Husband prompts, just hit me up for chatting, I don’t care - Send me your drawings and I’ll tell you how pretty you are, spam the fuck outta me, I MEAN IT, SPAM ME, COWARD
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jay-arts-t · 1 year
I should've saved that Geralt and Gweld drawing for Valentine's day.
Well at least the lovely people that are far beyond my timezone and are already experiencing Valentine's Day pls enjoy the Geralt and Gweld stuff. They're very cute and I love them and I hope you do too.
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hannibard · 8 months
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I'm genuinely surprised this quote hasn't become a meme yet
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fandom · 6 months
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Unexpected connections happen in two places: the Ships list and Feeld—a dating app for the curious. On Feeld, finding like-minded people is as fulfilling as finding yourself. In celebration of ships, here are this year’s iconic connections.
Ineffable Husbands +17 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Steddie Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
Destiel Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Byler -3 Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things
Wenclair Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair, Wednesday
Bowuigi Bowser & Luigi, the Super Mario Bros. franchise
Huntlow +7 Hunter & Willow Park, The Owl House
Avatrice Ava Silva & Beatrice, Warrior Nun
Hannigram +2 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Buddie -4 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Vashwood Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Trigun Stampede
Zelink +80 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Lumity -6 Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Ghostsoap Simon “Ghost” Riley & John “Soap” MacTavish, the Call of Duty franchise
Blackbonnet -11 Edward Teach/Blackbeard & Stede Bonnet, Our Flag Means Death
Wolfstar +8 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Merthur +12 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Jegulus +25 James Potter & Regulus Black, the Harry Potter universe
Bumbleby +48 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Bakudeku -4 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Dreamling -1 Dream of the Endless & Hob Gadling, The Sandman
Soukoku +60 Nakahara Chuuya & Dazai Osamu, Bungou Stray Dogs
Firstprince Alex Claremont-Diaz & Prince Henry of Wales, Red, White & Royal Blue
Wesper Wylan Van Eck & Jesper Fahey, the Grishaverse
Wangxian -8 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Satosugu +23 Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
Imodna +8 Imogen Temult & Laudna, Critical Role
Kanej +44 Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa, the Grishaverse
Bubbline Princess Bubblegum & Marceline, Adventure Time
Ladynoir -17 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Twiyor +6 Loid Forger & Yor Forger, SPY x FAMILY
Loustat +43 Louis de Pointe du Lac & Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the Vampire
Zosan Roronoa Zoro & Vinsmoke Sanji, One Piece
Marichat -12 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Serirei +65 Serizawa Katsuya & Reigen Arataka, Mob Psycho 100
Adrienette -21 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Chenford +24 Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford, The Rookie
Petrigrof Simon Petrikov & Betty Grof, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Kavetham Kaveh & Alhaitham, Genshin Impact
Griddlehark +54 Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus, The Locked Tomb series
Raeda -13 Raine Whispers & Eda Clawthorne, The Owl House
Tomgreg -19 Tom Wambsgans & Greg Hirsch, Succession
Hanamusa Jessie & Delia Ketchum, the Pokémon franchise
Zolu Roronoa Zoro & Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece
Narumitsu -12 Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Sonadow +23 Sonic & Shadow, Sonic the Hedgehog
Ineffable Bureaucracy Archangel Gabriel & Beelzebub, Good Omens
Spirk +9 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Ballister x Ambrosius Ballister Boldheart & Ambrosius Goldenloin, Nimona
Nandermo -42 Nandor the Relentless & Guillermo de la Cruz, What We Do in the Shadows
Jonmartin -15 Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Punkflower Hobie Brown & Miles Morales, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
AkiAngel Aki Hayakawa & the Angel Devil, Chainsaw Man
Ronance -49 Robin Buckley & Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things
Superbat -11 Superman & Batman, the DC universe
Shuake Ren Amamiya/Joker & Goro Akechi, Persona 5
Geraskier -48 Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Hualian -18 Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, Tian Guan Ci Fu
Sulemio Suletta Mercury & Miorine Rembran, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
Sterek -5 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Gumlee Prince Gumball & Marshall Lee, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Shadowpeach Sun Wukong & the Six-Eared Macaque, Lego Monkie Kid
Drarry -29 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Wilmon Prince Wilhelm & Simon Eriksson, Young Royals
Harringrove -34 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Kazurei Suwa Rei & Kurusu Kazuki, Buddy Daddies
Lestappen Charles Leclerc & Max Verstappen, Formula 1 drivers
Zukka -5 Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Codywan +8 Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Solangelo -23 Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, the Percy Jackson universe
Catradora Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Shadowgast -4 Caleb Widogast & Essek Thelyss, Critical Role
Stucky -43 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Tarlos -18 TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Johnlock +21 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Sasunaru -24 Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto
Locklyle Anthony Lockwood & Lucy Carlyle, Lockwood & Co.
Lokius Loki Laufeyson & Mobius M. Mobius, the Marvel universe
Supercorp -67 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Piltover's Finest Caitlyn Kiramman & Vi, Arcane
Helnik Matthias Helvar & Nina Zenik, the Grishaverse
Prohibitedwish Scarab & Prismo, Adventure Time
Klance -12 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Reylo Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Hanazawa Teruki & Kageyama Shigeo, Mob Psycho 100
Cockles -44 Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles, Actors
Percabeth -46 Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, the Percy Jackson universe
Astarion x Tav Astarion & Tav, Baldur's Gate 3
Timkon Tim Drake & Conner Kent, Young Justice
Davekat Dave Strider & Karkat Vantas, Homestuck
Cynonari Cyno & Tighnari, Genshin Impact
Creek Craig Tucker & Tweek Tweak, South Park
Klapollo Apollo Justice & Klavier Gavin, Ace Attorney
Style Stan Marsh & Kyle Brovlofski, South Park
Korrasami -11 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Bill x Frank Bill & Frank, The Last of Us
Nick x Charlie -51 Nick Nelson & Charlie Spring, Heartstopper
Dreamnotfound -50 Dreamwastaken & GeorgeNotFound, Streamers
Dinluke -33 Din Djarin & Luke Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
Rhaenicent Rhaenyra Targaryen & Alicent Hightower, House of the Dragon
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded ships weren’t on the list last year. Explore your desires on Feeld. Within a safer, inclusive space, you can feel free to connect more intimately to yourself and others. Choose from over 20 gender and sexuality options and explore solo, or with a partner. Curious? Download the app today.
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Winter's King 10
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: have a wondeful thursday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Queen Jazlene slumps against her chair. She’s barely awake as her eyes glaze over. Despite your deflections at serving her, she’d drunk herself to excess, swiping away goblets that weren't hers. Her constant imbibition has not been missed by her husband. Slanted looks and gristly whispers did little to deter her, your own gentle girding only fuelling her irritation. 
The king stands, stepping forward to overshadow his slouching queen. He raises a hand to the remaining crowd; the clumsy and drunken dancers, the chittering ladies, and the boasting lords. They turn their attention to him and hush. 
“So I must retire for the night, I bid you all a hearty rest,” he pronounces, “and may tomorrow see a brighter sun shine upon us all.” 
A hurrah is sent up in return and the king waits until the large hall falls back into its previous din. He turns slowly, his head down, and flares his nostrils at his queen. His golden eyes skim up and down the table. 
“Come,” he takes her hand, “let us get you abed.” 
Jazlene yawns and hiccups. She does not resist as he tugs her to her feet, though she teeters once upright. He swiftly hooks his arm around her, keeping her away from the view of the hall. He huffs heavily and ushers her around the bench. 
“Maid,” he demands over his shoulder. 
You follow as he carries on, finding a door behind the high table. The dimness of the corridor fogs around his figure as Jazlene’s slippers begin to drag. She babbles and gurgles. 
“I warned you not to drink so much,” he mutters, “why can you not obey? Why can you not just do what is best for you?” 
You tread behind them silently. The king falters and grunts, scooping up his wife before she can slip further down his arm. As he lifts her, her head lolls back over his thick bicep. He growls and presses onward. 
As he reaches her chamber door, you come around to open it for him. He doesn’t say a word as he enters and you wait near the entrance as he lays Jazlene down on the bed. She is very silent and still, only the subtle rise and fall of her chest suggesting a glimmer of life. 
You peer around as the king looms over her, his hand on the post of the bed as he simmers at her. His other arm bends as he rubs the bridge of his nose. You go to the vanity and take the now cool basin of water. You reach into your apron pocket as you hug the large bowl and cross to the bed. 
You pull out a cloth as you sit on the edge of the mattress and balance the bowl against your bent leg. You wet the fabric and lean over the queen to wipe her face. The kohl around her eyes has begun to smear and a sheen of sweat layers over her rich skin. You sense the king watching your deliberate tending. 
“You are good to her,” he remarks. 
“She will not feel well in the morning,” you say, “I will make sure she has water to drink and a warm compress when she wakes, your highness.” 
He’s quiet as he considers your words, “you will stay with her?” 
You wring out the cloth and fold it over the edge of the basin before moving it back to the vanity. You face the king and clasp your hands over your apron, “she cannot be alone when she has drunk so much. Once...” you shake your head and let the statement taper out, “your highness, she will need me.” 
“Hmm,” he pulls his hand off the post, pacing around the end of the bed and turn towards you, “once what?” 
“Nothing, your highness. It was only a memory I had. It doesn’t matter now.” 
“I would like to hear it,” he insists. 
You swallow down the dryness in your throat, “your highness, well, her mother, the duchess, she is the same about wine. Once she drank overly much that she did not wake when her stomach revolted. If we’d not been there to watch over her, she might have choked on it.” 
“Ah, yes,” he stops, just a step away, “that would be unfortunate. I will thank you then for keeping a close eye on my lady wife.” 
“As is my duty, your highness.” 
His eyes blaze down at you and he shifts on his feet, “but will you sleep?” 
“Me? I rest in the cart--” 
“We will not leave on the morrow, I have business yet in the capital,” he explains, “when the lady is awake, you will make certain she is conscious, then you will go and seek rest of your own.” 
“Your highness, how generous, but she would need to break her fast, and dress anew, perhaps bathe--” 
“There are other maids in this castle. I am commanding you to retire for the day. You will need strength for our pending departure,” he bids, “to serve your queen upon the road.” 
You bow your head, apologetic, “your highness, I did not mean to argue. Certainly, I will do as you say. Thank you for minding me.” 
He inches forward and your shoulders slant as you shrink for his closeness. You see his thick fingers twiddle at his side and his hot breath blasts over you like a brazier. He cautiously bends his arm and touches the front of your apron. You quiver as you watch his calloused hand climb up the stained fabric. He pauses and shudders, pinching the loose thread poking out from the belt. He pulls it loose and rolls it between his fingertips. 
“You will have new clothes,” he backs away, feeling the thread, twisting it, “you are a queen’s maid now. Not some castle sweep.” 
You squeeze your hands tighter as you stare at his tunic, “yes, your highness. Thank you anon.” 
He turns on his sole reluctantly and looks upon the bed. You follow his gaze to his subdued wife. He hangs his head and puts his back to you before he pivots toward the door. He stalks toward it and pulls it open with enough strength to make the hinges whine. 
“Good night, little maid,” he drawls just before the door snaps shut in his stead. 
You raise your eyes completely and stare at the heavy wooden slats of the door. Your chest is knotted so tight you can hardly breathe. The king’s displeasure lingers even his absence. Is he unhappy with his inebriate wife or is it you? You quickly dismiss the latter. You don’t matter so much. No, his marriage is not an easy one thus far. 
You only know Queen Jazlene is awake as she spits bile onto the floor. Her head hangs over the side of the bed as she wretches and spews, coughing and gagging until she goes limp and groans. The acidic smell permeates the chamber and you come forward to clean it away with a cloth. 
Once you’ve sopped up the mess, you leave her to dispose of the smelly rags and return with a cool, fresh basin and a new cloth. You help her onto her back, propping her against the pillows and clean her face anew. She moans as she keeps her eyes closed, a ripple in her forehead. 
“Too bright,” she mutters. 
“I will draw the curtains, your highness,” you assure her as you rescind the cloth and rise to do so. 
She winces as you pull the heavy drapes together and groans, “my husband... did he not see back to my chamber?” 
“He carried you here, your highness,” you explain, “you were not feeling well.” 
“Mm, I still do not,” she decries. 
“Shall I call for a bath?” You suggest. 
“Do what you will but be quiet,” she hisses as she shades her eyes beneath her long fingers. 
She gurgles as she sinks down and rolls upon her side. She curls up and you stare at her back. You go to the door and ease it open. You emerge and pass between the guards without. You are no more than a draught to them. As you approach the stairs, your name is called from ahead. You peer down the next corridor. 
“Eh, there you are,” Bryce approaches. You can tell by the shine in his hair that he has bathed, “and what mission has you so intent?” 
“I am to fetch lemon water for the queen. She has a sour stomach,” you say and turn back to the steps.  
The soldier descends apace with you and chortles, “as she would. She can drain an ewer like no other I’ve seen.” 
“Mm,” you hum grimly. 
“Ah, pardon, I do not mean to be cruel,” he says, “it is only... often we reap what we sow, yes?” 
“I suppose,” you allow. 
“Speaking of, mouse, it is your turn to reap,” he spins and stretches his arm across your path, “king’s orders.” 
You shake your head in confusion. 
“The queen--” 
“I will send another for her lemon water. But our dear liege and lord has bid that you rest your head. And I do concur. You are only mortal, little mouse.” 
“But I must--” 
“Obey your king,” he insists and rescinds his arm, crossing it with his other across his chest. “I’ve been given leave to treat you as prisoner if ye resist but I do not wish to go so far.” 
You frown. You recall the night before. The king’s orders are not forgotten but you thought perhaps they mightn’t be standing. You bow your head and press your palm to your stomach, another memory flitting through your mind. The king’s hand brushing along the belt of your apron. 
“I’ve acquired you a fine chamber,” Bryce says. “Gods, how could one ever be so glum about a bed of their own?” 
“Sir, I am not unhappy,” you counter. “I am...” you lift your head, “tired.” 
“Oh, how the fates align,” he quips, “come then. There is a bath and new dress too. I was too kind to mention it but you were starting to smell a bit too close to Daisy.” 
You can’t but laugh and snort, “hey!” 
“May as well take benefit in staying still,” he says, “now, let us hurry before the water is cold.” 
You acquiesce and follow him away from the kitchen. You hope Jazlene is not discontent with your straying. You walk along several corridors and up to the second floor again. You do not expect to stop at one of thick doors meant for nobility. 
“In here,” Bryce takes out an iron key and unlocks the door. He pushes it open and steps back. “I will come in an hour to look in on you but I trust by then you will be abed.” 
“Yes, sir, thank you,” you affirm. 
“Be certain to have some of the food,” he orders you, “much better than the goat meat I’ve been chewing on.” 
You thank him one last time and enter on your own. He closes the door behind you and you hear the lock twist. The loud grind of cogs does not unsettle you. It’s rare you ever have a moment of solace, though often you feel alone. 
You look around the chamber. It is much too grand for you. There is a wide bed at one end with a long canopy. The window lets in a warm breeze as the steam coiling from the large tub dampens the air. The furniture here is just as fine as that in the queen’s rooms. 
You meander around and stop before the covered tray on the round table. You lift the lid and reveal an assortment of fruit and cooked oats drizzled with honey. Your stomach roars and clenches painfully. Without a thought, you sit on the stool to gulp the porridge from the brim. You empty near half the bowl before you stop to catch your breath. 
You pluck at the citrus and devour the fruit with delighted purrs. When you have glutted your hunger to the point of discomfort, you lick your lips and rise. You near the tub as untie your apron. Your body aches for the heat of the water. 
You leave the layers of your filthy garments on the floor and step into the depths. You sigh as you lower yourself in. Relief seeps through your flesh and enshrines you. You lay back for a time and bask in the calm. Before the water can cool, you sit up to scrub yourself clean. 
When you finish, you climb out and pull on the shift folded on the top of the stack; a dress, and apron, stockings, and even shoes. There is no cap. You fish around your disposed clothing and retrieve your own. You soak it in the bathwater, wringing it out until it’s not so browned. 
A knock comes at the door. You sit on the edge of the mattress and call to the visitor, “hello?” 
“Eh, it’s me,” Bryce’s salty timbre comes through the wood, “you sleep now, mouse.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
He taps the door and you hear his footsteps fade away. You recline across the bed and stare up at the canopy. You close your eyes but your stomach is uneasy. You don’t know why. The bed is too soft, the linens too fluffy. 
You puff and sit up. You get to your feet and circle around the bed to the short bench across the foot of it. You tuck yourself onto the barely cushioned wood and bend your legs to fit. You fold and arm under your head. Much better. 
It isn’t very long before you succumb to your fatigue. You don’t realise how tired you truly are until you’re buried in sleep. Heavy and dark, almost suffocating. 
Behind your eyelids, you see streaks of colour, curling and rolling into visions. Shadowy forests and endless roads, the clop of horse hooves, the rattle of axles, and the crunch of boots in the dirt. The preening whine of the Queen as she splashes wine across your face. You gasp through the acrid sprinkle and fall backwards into air.  
You land on a heap of hay. You’re back in Debray, in the barn where you would flit away with Merinda to eat or even steal a nap. She would watch at the window and you would doze or nibble. You look over but do not see her. Instead, another stands at the opening.  
The king’s silver white hair hangs in waves down his muscled back. He wears only breeches as he stares off into the distance. The window greys with a storm beyond, pulsing from shades of dove feather to harrowing black. He faces you and his golden eyes glow like a wolf’s. 
You sit up and whimper. He prowls closer and closer, thunder crashing as a great gust blows through the barn. Then all at once, the tempest subsides and the wooden walls turn to stone. You’re trapped beneath something unbreakable, like iron, wrists bound. You look at your arms, pinned by large hands. You look above you and find yourself straddled beneath the king. 
He leans in, closer and closer, his fiery breath razing over you. 
“Little maid...” 
His growl snakes around your neck and you wake with a start. The bench teeters as you sit up, your hand gripping your forehead. You blink and look around, clearing the haze from your sleepy eyes. 
Just as in your dream, you are not alone. 
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