Prompt 21
This past winter, Geralt grabbed a tower of books from the library and holed himself up in his room for practically the entire season. Eskel walks in one night, intent on just checking in on his brother, only to poke around and find that every book that Geralt is painstakingly studying is medical books, from how to deal with a sore throat to the most rarest of diseases. Eskel asks Geralt why he needs to know all of this, worried Geralt might be losing his mutagen-induced healing factor?! Is he getting sick!? Are his wounds not healing over time!? Oh GODS! Oh nvm- Geralt says he's fine :) He's reading all of this because... He met a human bard he wants to keep safe? Odd... Especially for Geralt... But whatever makes his brother happy! I just want a scene after some nice gay brotherly teasing that's like "Ow- Oh no.. Geralt, my arm was scratched by a branch. Hold on, I need to-" And geralt is like FROTHING and is like "WE NEED BANDAGES, THREAD, A NEEDLE, DISINFECTANT, NUMBING SOLUTION, AND I KNOW FOURTEEN DIFFERENT NATURALLY MADE POULTICES I CAN MAKE, AND I KNOW A HELPFUL SPELL A HEDGEWITCH CAN CAST AND-" "It's just a scratch, Gera-" "SHIT, SIT DOWN, I GOTTA FIX MY HUMAN BEFORE HE DIES AND I LOSE ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD THINGS IN MY LIFE"
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
i'm kinda sad now.....
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender - Ch. 1
Went a bit sideways yesterday with my wandering mind and started a TLOU fanfic. Here's chapter 1 of "Lavender," an age-gap grumpy/sunshine friends-to-lovers (and eventually friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers) fanfic that starts pre-outbreak.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Length: 8.6k
Warnings: Not much yet! Whole fic will be very NSFW so minors DNI. This chapter is very basic. Mild violence, mention of masturbation.
Synopsis: You're a college student in Austin, Texas, who gets a summer job nannying Sarah Miller. It's not long before her dad sees you as more than a babysitter - or more than a friend.
Austin, Texas, April, 2000
You couldn’t believe you were doing this. You closed your eyes, tilting your head up toward the Texas night sky, air surprisingly cool for April in Austin, trying to keep the tears that were building in your eyes from actually falling. Like that would make a damn difference. You took a deep breath and looked down at your phone. 
You only had a few numbers saved. You hadn’t made many friends in college, the only girlfriend you had was in the frat house behind you, hanging out with her boyfriend. She was out. Your grandmother was across the country, so she was obviously out. The handsy guy who’d brought you to this damn party was a big hell no. Which pretty much left…. Joel Miller. Your boss. You winced, thumb hovering over the call button for a moment before pressing it. 
“Kid?” He answered quickly. That somehow made it worse. But at least he didn’t sound half asleep. “What’s going on, you OK?” 
“Hey Joel,” you sniffled a bit. “Sorry to bug ya, I know it’s real late…” 
“Kid,” his tone changed, almost warning you. “I told you you could call if you needed somethin’, what’s goin’ on?” 
His accent got stronger when he got keyed up. You’d noticed that over the year you’d known him. 
“Could you…” Shit, you were really going to have to do this. You sniffed again. “Could you come get me?” The words all started coming out of you in a rush then, you couldn’t really stop them. “I’m so sorry, I know it’s late and I think I can walk it if you can’t but I went to this party with this guy and he’s not really what I thought he was and I just can’t stay here with him anymore and…” 
“Kid,” he cut you off. “I’m coming to get you right now, are you close to campus?” 
“Yeah,” you sniffed again, looking back at the frat house and reading him the house number. 
“I know where that’s at,” he said. His voice was calm, soothing. “I’ll be there in less than 10, you safe?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded even though he couldn’t see. “Yeah, I’m fine, I just need to get out of here…” 
“Stay put,” he said. “I’m comin’ to get you.” 
“Thanks, Joel.” 
You flipped your phone shut and put it in your purse before smoothing the back of your sundress down and sitting on the curb, hoping the plethora of cars on the street blocked you from easy view. Your feet - in platform sandals that you’d been stupid enough to paint your toenails for earlier that day - were in a puddle, but it was hard to care. 
You were just finishing up your junior year of college and this was only the fourth guy you’d gone out with so of course he had to be a massive jerk. It was just your luck. 
You’d expected a bit better when you moved to the Lone Star State to go to school. It had been a change of pace from your small town in upstate New York where you’d lived with your grandmother all your life. You wanted something bigger, to actually get out of that little town and see some of the world before you settled into whatever life had in store for you. And the south was supposed to be nice. That’s what everyone said, southern hospitality and all that. But it hadn’t been very nice. 
You’d tried to make friends with your roommate freshman year and you kind of had. She wasn’t mean or anything, you just had very little in common. She was an athlete so the demands on her time were many. She was studying music when you’d rather jump off a bridge than try to perform anything for anyone. She had a lot of friends there already - she was from Houston, so plenty of her high school classmates were there, too. You’d probably spent a little too much time trying to fit in with her. By the time it was apparent that you were fine as roommates but not friends, everyone else seemed to have friends, too. 
Which wasn’t the end of the world. You’d only had two close friends back home, anyway. You’d never been very social, preferring to be on your own and quiet instead of with people. Too much time with anyone else exhausted you, unless it was the RIGHT person. 
But there was a difference between alone and lonely and you found yourself lonely here a lot. The dating scene was, somehow, worse. The first guy you’d gone out with since coming to school hadn’t even made it past date number one, he was so self absorbed it was like you had been taken to dinner just so he had someone to talk at. Number two ended up asking for your roommate’s number when he walked you back to your dorm that night. Number three had made it as far as date number three but got a little ticked that - when his hand traveled up your shirt to your bra - you’d asked him to stop. He left you at a gas station and you’d had to call a cab to get back to your apartment. 
The guy tonight had been looking a bit better. Or so you thought. He’d pressed you against the wall in the hall outside your front door and kissed you at the end of your last date, his hips against yours, his tongue dipping into your mouth. You’d liked it, for a moment, until he pinned your wrist to the wall and tried to put his hand down your pants. He’d stopped and apologized, though, when you asked him to stop. That, you’d thought, was a good sign. That he was respectful, kind. So when he’d asked you to go to a party with him tonight, you’d said yes. 
But when you actually got there, he kept trying to get you to drink whatever concoction had been mixed directly in coolers in the middle of the room, pressing red plastic cups into your hand at every opportunity and getting more and more frustrated when you insisted on sticking with bottled water instead. 
Eventually, his hand had gone up the back of your dress as you threw a ball in beer pong, his fingers brushing against your lower lips before sliding up and groping your ass. You whiffed the shot, practically jumping away from him. 
“What the fuck, Jeremy?” You asked, tugging your dress down on instinct. 
“C’mon baby,” he’d said, all but stalking after you. “You gotta give me something…” 
“No, I don’t,” you glanced around you. There wasn’t much help to be had here. “I’m going home.” 
“Don’t be like that,” he said, reaching for you. You stepped back again. Then there was a change in his face, like a switch flipped. He was no longer the nice boy who’d, for your first date, asked to take you to the art house movie theater in town. He was a hulking man, one who had six inches and at least 100 pounds on you, who felt he could take what he wanted by right. “I just want to make sure you have a good time, let’s get you a drink…” 
His hand closed around your wrist and he started pulling you toward him. 
“I don’t want a drink,” you curled the hand in his grip into a fist and covered it with you other hand, yanking it free. “I’m going home. Don’t call me again.” 
You stalked out of the party, trying to keep your cheeks from burning. 
The 10 minute wait for Joel seemed like an eternity. You kept glancing to your watch, feeling like ages had gone by when it had only been a minute or two. Only eight minutes had passed when you heard your name being called from behind you. You winced, hoping Jeremy wouldn’t find you where you’d tucked yourself away to wait. 
No such luck. 
“Hey!” He prowled over to you, his lips curled into a snarl. “Who the fuck do you think you are, embarrassing me like that?” 
You stood up, instinctively backing into the truck behind you before you realized that you probably should have fucking moved somewhere else before you were cornered. 
“I wasn’t trying to embarrass you…” 
He grabbed your wrist again, firmer this time, his fingers digging into your flesh, pulling you sharply against his body. 
“Well, you did,” his breath smelled like liquor and cigarettes and his body was hard. You squirmed, trying to get away from him. “You really fucking embarrassed me…” 
A car door slammed and your head whipped around. Joel was storming across the sidewalk toward you, wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt - he hadn’t even stopped to put on shoes. 
“This isn’t your business,” Jeremy snapped before turning his attention back to you. “Stay out of it.” 
“The hell it ain’t,” one of Joel’s hands went over your shoulder, pulling you back from the other man’s grip and putting you behind him. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave her alone.” 
Joel looked to you, his brown eyes wide as they looked you over. 
“You OK?” He asked. You nodded. “This the guy?” You nodded again. His jaw clenched but he nodded toward his truck. “C’mon Kid, let’s go.” 
“Nah man, I don’t know you,” Jeremy came around you, grabbing your wrist again and yanking on you. “You’re not just gonna take off with my date…” 
Joel punched him, hard, across the face before catching you around the waist so you stayed up while Jeremy fell to the ground, groaning and clutching his face. Joel set you down gently before standing over Jeremy. “Touch her again and I’ll kill you,” his voice was oddly calm. You just stood there, holding your sore wrist to your chest. You hadn’t realized when you’d started almost hyperventilating but you were almost gasping for breaths. Joel turned back to you. “You’re OK, Kid. You’re OK.” 
He put his arm around you, pulling you into his side and steering you to his truck. He helped you up into it, watching as you buckled yourself in before getting into the driver’s seat. 
“That asshole know where you live?” He ground his teeth a bit, flexing his hand he’d punched Jeremy with on the steering wheel. 
“Yeah, he picked me up,” you were still holding your wrist. “Is your hand OK?” 
Joel glanced over to you before looking down to his hand. 
“Been in worse fights than that,” he said. “How’s your wrist? Need to take you to the hospital?” 
“Oh God, please don’t,” you groaned. “It’s just going to be a little bruised…” 
“Should report it to the cops,” he muttered. “That fucking asshole…” 
“And, what, get you arrested for laying him out?” You asked, brows raised. “It’s fine, Joel, really…” 
“Well I’m not taking you to your place,” he growled. “Not safe, not with that… You can stay with us for a bit. You said you’re moving soon, anyway, right?” 
“I really don’t want to put you out…” You began but he cut you off. 
“You half live there in the summer anyway,” he said. “I’d rather know you were safe. ‘Sides, Sarah’s at a friend’s house tonight. You can sleep in her room, don’t even have to put anyone on a couch. When do you get into your new place?” 
“Three weeks,” you sighed. “It’s really not that big a deal, this kind of thing happens all the time…” 
“Don’t make it right,” he glanced over at you again before putting his eyes back on the road. “You can stay with us for a few weeks, we’ll go get some of your stuff tomorrow.” 
You watched him for a moment. There was blood on his knuckles, the streetlights outside catching on the shaggy curl of his hair, his eyes narrowed on the road in front of him. 
It was lucky that you’d ended up working for Joel Miller. You’d know that before, too. He’d put an ad in the paper a year before, looking for a nanny for his then 9-year-old daughter, Sarah, and you’d been looking for a way to not take out more student loans. A simple enough arrangement. 
You’d met for the first time at a coffee shop near campus. You showed up a few minutes early - you always did, being late made you anxious - and Joel showed up a few minutes late. You’d recognized him by the look of general discomfort on his face, a look that made you smile a little. He was clearly out of his element, interviewing nannies, looking around a coffee house filled with college girls so that he wouldn’t even know which one to approach. You saved him the trouble. “Mr. Miller?” You asked, brows raised. You’d worn a sundress that day, too. But you’d put on the only blazer you owned with it, trying to look somewhat professional. Not that you really knew how. “Hi, I’m here for the interview?” 
“Hi,” he looked relieved. “Sorry I’m late, got held up on a job… Can I get you a coffee or… somethin’? I’m gettin’ somethin’…” 
“Sure,” you smiled. “Thanks.” 
You stood awkwardly beside each other in line, Joel insisting you order first which made you feel bad when you got an iced lavender latte and he just got a black coffee. 
“Sorry, I’m such a sucker for lavender,” you smiled, somewhat sheepishly, over your cup. “There’s a lavender farm down the street from where I grew up, could always smell it on the air at the right time of year…” 
You were babbling. You set the cup down. 
“Sorry,” you smiled again. 
“No, no, you’re good,” he smiled a little too. “I’ve never done this before, so…” 
“Me either,” you said quickly. “I nannied for the kids of some friends of my grandma’s but they already knew me, so didn’t need an interview.” 
“So, you’ve got experience watching kids?” He asked, turning his paper cup absently in his fingers. 
“Oh yeah,” you nodded. “I love kids, I started babysitting when I was 13 and have nannied in the summer since I was 17 but I’m staying here this summer because of my lease, so I need something local.” 
“You’re not from here then?” He asked. 
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m from New York? Not like.. the city. The state. The boring part.” He laughed a little at that. You smiled. “I came here to go to school. I’m studying to be a teacher.” 
“A teacher?” He asked. You nodded. “You must like kids. What do you want to teach?” 
“High school biology?” You asked more than answered. “Really, I’d love to be a pediatrician but the loans… But teaching high school would be great. There were some teachers I really connected with in high school, the ones who believed in me and trusted that I could become something. That’s what I want to be for someone else, you know?” 
He nodded and took a sip of coffee. You tried to not watch his throat as he did. Mr. Miller was almost weirdly attractive - way hotter than any dads you’d worked for in the past. You didn’t want to blow this interview just because it felt like you could write a book of poetry about the man’s jaw alone. 
“Can you tell me about your daughter?” You asked after a moment. “I think you said she was nine?” 
He nodded again. 
“Yeah, Sarah,” he said. “She’s a good kid, smart as a fuckin’ whip.” He noticed that he cursed, his eyes going wide. “Shit… sorry, no…” 
“It’s fine,” you smiled. “I’m a big girl, I can handle some adult language.” 
He looked relieved. 
“Thanks,” he said. “Sarah’s… I don’t know what I did to deserve a kid like her but it had to be somethin’ in a past life because it sure as shit ain’t this one. She’s such a sweet kid, so smart - way smarter than me, not a clue where she got it from - funnier than hell. You’ll love her, everyone loves her. She’s easy to watch out for, part of why I’ve never had to do this before. We had neighbors who were happy to look after her for me during the summer but they moved to Dallas about a month ago.” 
“Could I meet her?” You asked. “I mean, assuming you’re interested in potentially hiring me, I’d like to meet her, get to know her a bit…” 
“Well,” Joel looked awkward again. “You’re… the only interview I got. I must not be offering enough, didn’t get any other takers…” 
“I’m not opposed to being a last resort,” you smiled. He laughed. “And I’m fine with the pay. It’s enough that I won’t need to take out another student loan.” 
“That’s good,” he sighed. “Because I’d love to offer more but…” 
“I get it,” you said. “Will I be meeting Sarah’s mom?” 
“No,” he replied. “She hasn’t been in the picture in years. Her loss, but still. It’d be nice to have a… female presence in her life.” 
“That’s hard,” you leaned in a bit closer to him. “I’m really sorry. If it helps, I know a bit about what that’s like. My dad left before I was born, my mom not too long after. I grew up with my grandma. She’s great, I love her more than anything and she’s done so much for me but… I dunno, I guess I was always wondering why I couldn’t be enough for them to want to stick around.” 
“Speaking from experience,” he replied. “It ain’t got shit to do with you, Kid.” 
It was the first time he’d called you that. Now it was practically all he called you, you couldn’t remember the last time he’d said your name. You kind of liked it. Your grandmother had been the only person close enough to you to have given you a pet name, it was nice to have a term of endearment from someone. Even if it was a bit infantilizing. 
You realized Joel must have been fucking flooring it to get to you as fast as he did. It took almost 15 minutes to get back to his place and the TV was still on when you stepped into the living room, a horror movie you didn’t recognize playing. 
“C’mere Kid,” he jerked his head toward the kitchen. “Should ice that wrist.” 
You followed obediently, still cradling your injured arm as he rifled around the freezer. He pulled out a bag of frozen corn and dropped it on the counter before squeezing it a few times to break it up. He wrapped it in a towel. “Hop up,” he patted the counter and you obliged. He held his hand out and you put your injured wrist in it. He turned it over gently in his hands, examining you. 
“You’re already bruising,” he growled. “Should’a fuckin’…” 
“You got me out of there,” you cut him off, voice gentle. “I don’t even want to know what might have happened if you hadn’t come to get me…” 
“Me either,” he muttered, gently pressing the frozen vegetable bag to your arm. You winced. “Sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” 
“Positive,” you replied. “Nothing’s broken. I broke my arm once when I was a kid, it was way worse than this. They’d just send me home with some Tylenol right now.” 
You looked at his hand. 
“You’re sure you’re OK?” You frowned. He glanced down. 
“Definitely,” he said, going to run his hand under the faucet. He glanced up at you. “You know how to throw a punch?” 
“I think so?” You replied. “How hard can it be?” 
He shut the faucet off and dried his hands before stepping in front of you.
“Let’s see,” he said. “Make a fist.” 
You obeyed, using your uninjured hand. He shook his head, taking hold of your fist. 
“Your thumb has to be on the outside of your fingers,” he said, gently opening your hand and freeing your thumb. He nudged your fingers closed again and brought your thumb over the top of them. You’d never noticed just how large his hands were until you saw them contrasted with yours. “Like that. You’ll break your thumb if you do it the way you had it. When you go to punch, bend your knees a bit. It’ll stabilize you. All your power is going to come from your lower body, start there and carry it up. Strike with your middle knuckle and then follow it through.” 
“Thumb outside, knees bent, start low, follow through,” you repeated, your hand still in his. You tried to ignore the electric current that ran over you where his skin touched yours.
“Right,” he said, releasing your fist. “So next time some asshole puts his hands on you, do that at his nose, OK Kid?” 
“Something tells me it won’t be as effective as when you do it,” you smiled, your eyes meeting his. 
“Maybe not,” he shrugged. “But it’ll still hurt and give you a chance to run. Which is what you do. And you can always call me. OK?” 
He helped you down from the counter. 
“Don’t know about you,” he said. “But I’m a bit too keyed up to sleep quite yet. Want somethin’ to drink?” 
“Is it weird to ask for a beer?” You almost winced. 
“Not like you’re workin’,” he said, going for the fridge before turning back for you. “Wait, you turned 21 last fall, right?” 
“Yes, Joel,” you smiled, rolling your eyes a little. “I’m fully legal. Well, except to rent a car.” 
He laughed as he got two beers from the fridge, opening them with a bottle opener that was attached to the counter. He passed you one and you both went to the living room, the credits rolling on whatever horror movie he’d been watching. 
“Sorry I made you miss your movie,” you said, sitting on one end of the couch and taking a sip of beer. 
“It was shitty anyway,” he shrugged. 
The TV switched to a commercial break before teasing “When Harry Met Sally.” Joel went to change the channel but you stopped him. 
“What, don’t tell me you like that… romance crap,” he was almost teasing you. 
“Have you ever seen ‘When Harry Met Sally?’” You asked. He made a face. You rolled your eyes. “Joel. C’mon. It’s one of the best movies ever made.” 
“No,” he scoffed. 
“It is!” You insisted. “The dialogue? The pacing? The acting? Ugh, so good. It’s one of my favorites. Give it a try, pretend there’s a heart somewhere in there.” 
He was still looking at you, skeptical. You’d somehow closed the gap on the couch, your arm brushing against his. 
“I will lose all respect for you if you just refuse to even try it,” you challenged. 
“Oh because you’ve got so damn much of that,” he snorted. You elbowed him playfully. “Fine, Kid. We’ll watch your little romance movie. But only because you had a bad night and I’m not a total asshole.” 
“You’re not?” You clutched your chest in mock surprise. 
“Don’t tell anyone.” 
You kept glancing over at him as you drank your beer, your legs tucked up beside you as he leaned against the arm of the couch. He was actually paying attention, you’d give him that. 
“Well?” You asked during the second commercial break. 
“It’s… not bad,” he looked over to you. 
“You like it!” You twisted to face him. 
“No, I do not,” he fought to keep from smiling. “I just don’t… dislike it.” 
“Joel Miller: father, contractor, rom-com lover,” you smirked, taking a sip of beer. He just shook his head, a twitch in his jaw. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you tickets to opening night of the next Meg Ryan movie, it’s the least I can do.” 
You caught him stifling a laugh more than once and, about an hour into the movie, checked your injured wrist before taking the still half frozen corn back to the kitchen and coming back with two bottles of Shiner, passing one to you. 
The beer made you bold - and tired. Your head drifted onto his shoulder and he didn’t stop you, your blinks becoming longer and longer until your eyes stayed closed and you fell asleep against him. 
You’d been right about the movie. Joel shouldn’t be surprised. You had good taste in most things. The books and music you brought around, the food you invented on nights where he worked late and you made Sarah dinner. Your taste in men left something to be desired, though. 
Joel ground his teeth, glancing over at your sleeping frame, the almost empty beer bottle still in your fingers. He gently took it from you, setting it on the side table to not disturb you. You sighed happily and pressed yourself closer to his side. His eyes trailed down your body. You were wearing one of your damn sundresses again - seemed like that’s all you wore this time of year. He thought you were going to be the death of him the summer before, him coming home every night to see you in one of your damn sundresses or cut off shorts and a tank top, looking soft and sweet and beautiful as you made dinner or did a science experiment with Sarah. 
He’d never known a person as kind as you. That he was sure of. The first time he called you on a Saturday morning to ask if you could come watch Sarah on your day off - there was an emergency at a job site and he was desperate - and you made it sound like he was doing you a favor, not the other way around. 
“Of course!” You sounded actually excited. “Do you think I could take her to the zoo? There’s a cool program there on Saturdays, I was thinking of asking to take her sometime, anyway…” 
He’d tried to pay you for it but you waved him off. 
“I’m just hanging out with my best friend at the zoo, why should you pay me?” You looked at him like he was crazy. Sarah was glowing. 
You were everything bright and good and the fact that someone had put his hands on you… He ground his teeth again. He was surprised that you weren’t more upset. He’d have expected you to be crying, at the very least. It sounded like you had been when you called. But, by the time you got to his place, you were your usual self. Like somehow one asshole wasn’t going to ruin your outlook on the world. 
Joel hadn’t realized how strong the drive to protect you would be. He’d never needed to before. He’d told you pretty early on to call if you ever needed something. He’d even told you to call if you were drunk at a party and needed a safe ride - didn’t want you getting in a car with some idiot college kid who’d had a few too many behind the wheel. You’d rolled your eyes a bit but said thank you all the same. But he wasn’t expecting you to ever need to take him up on it. At least, not like this. 
He hadn’t realized that he’d run out of the house without shoes on - without even locking the damn door - until he was halfway back with you safely beside him. You’d sounded so hurt and so scared, he couldn’t get to you fast enough. He’d had to keep himself from beating the shit out of the man who’d been holding you. 
And now you were asleep on him. 
There was so much wrong with what he was thinking about you. There’d been so much wrong with what he thought about you since the day he met you. He called you Kid as much as a nickname as to remind himself that you were far too young for him, closer to Sarah’s age than his own. It didn’t matter that you were an adult, you were barely out of your teens when he met you. Men who preyed on young women disgusted him. He wasn’t about to become one just because he could spend all damn day just watching you exist. 
He sighed, closing his eyes and leaning his head back on the couch. Was it fair to even have you work for him this summer if he felt this way? He was going to, regardless, he just wasn’t sure how shitty he should feel about it. Offering you his home as a place to stay for a few weeks wasn’t a smart move, though. He was already around you all the damn time when Sarah was out of school - and pretty regularly outside of that, too, you coming by a few times a month to keep an eye on her when he needed to take care of something on evenings or weekends. You even tutored her in math and science when she hit a rough patch back in February, you figuring out her stumbling blocks and reframing it so she could wrap her head around it. Sarah had been so excited when she got an A on her test, the first thing she wanted to do after telling Joel was call you. He’d heard your excited yell through the phone from a few feet away, Sarah beaming with pride. You, in his space, with your damn sundresses and your CDs and your books in fucking French were going to kill him. 
He tucked your head tighter to him, slipping an arm below your waist before maneuvering you into his arms. You sleepily mumbled something - totally incoherent - and he carried you to Sarah’s room, setting you gently on her unmade bed. He took off your shoes before tucking you in and paused. You’d painted your toenails red, the same shade as the cherries on your sundress. You’d painted your fucking nails for the asshole who’d put hands on you. He clenched his jaw for a moment before pulling the blankets over you and closing the door behind him. 
Joel tried to think about anything but the way your breasts looked in that dress, knowing you were just down the hall, as he fucked his own hand before passing out alone. 
He woke up before you the next morning and stood awkwardly in his kitchen, wondering what he should do. If you were a woman - well, a woman he’d fucked - he knew what he’d do. He’d try to make you breakfast, something that was good enough that you might want to come back and fuck him again. What did he make for his babysitter who he rescued from a bad date and then fell asleep on his arm? 
He started with coffee and waited, standing there awkwardly leaning against the counter where he’d had your hand in his the night before. Thankfully, you woke up not long after him, shuffling into the kitchen in bare feet, your hair mussed and mascara on your cheeks. You’d put on an oversized zip up hoodie that Sarah had stolen from him and never given back, the sleeves pushed up to your elbows, the sweatshirt not that much shorter than the dress below it. 
“Morning sunshine,” he teased you. It took you a moment to register that he was there, looking almost surprised when you did. “Coffee?” 
You wordlessly nodded, shuffling to the kitchen table and sinking into a chair before putting your head down on the table. He smiled and shook his head, pouring you a cup of coffee and adding some milk and sugar before putting it in front of you. 
“Not a morning person?” He asked, sitting beside you. You shook your head, lifting the mug to your lips and taking a long drink. You looked surprised again, looking from the mug to Joel. “Use your words, Kid.” 
“How’d you know how I like my coffee?” Your voice was still scratchy with sleep. 
“Took a guess,” he shrugged. “Didn’t quite have the materials for a lavender latte.” 
You glared at him before taking another sip of coffee and sighing happily. 
“How’s the wrist?” He asked, nodding to your arm. 
“Fine,” you said, stretching it out in front of you. There were black and blue fingerprints on it. Joel clenched his jaw. “Just a bit sore. How’s the hand?” 
“Fine,” he said, voice gruffer than he’d intended. You just nodded and drank more coffee for a moment. 
“So,” you said, setting the coffee cup down and crossing your sweatshirt-clad arms on the table. “Did I fall asleep on you last night? And if yes, how embarrassing was it?” 
“You did,” he replied, half smiling at the memory of you against him. You groaned, putting your head down on the table again. “Not embarrassing though. You only snored a bit, sounded like a very small chainsaw…” 
“I snored?” Your head shot up from the table, eyes wide. He just laughed, taking a sip of coffee. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Cruel. That’s what you are, you’re cruel. Such a weird trait for a man who’s favorite movie is ‘When Harry Met Sally’ but what do I know…” 
“You hungry?” He asked after a moment. “I could make you somethin’. Not sure what you might want…” 
“You have to get me to my apartment today, right?” You asked, fidgeting with your mug. He nodded once. “Well, there’s this great diner around the corner from me, makes the best waffles you’ve ever had in your life…” 
“Not a Waffle House is it?” He asked, quirking a brow at you. You glared at him. 
“No, Joel, it’s not a Waffle House,” you shook your head but you smiled a bit all the same. “I could take you to breakfast? It’s the least I could do…” 
“I know what I pay you, Kid,” he said. “I’ve got breakfast. But yeah, let’s go get these famous waffles. I gotta grab Sarah this afternoon, was thinkin’ of calling Tommy and having him meet us at your place…” 
“Why?” You frowned. “I’m just grabbing some clothes and stuff, hardly need a team for heavy lifting…” 
“Because if that asshole comes around again, I’ll need someone to keep me from kicking his ass,” Joel said wryly. 
You rolled your eyes but went along with him, finishing your coffee and walking barefoot to Joel’s truck, your shoes from the night before dangling from your hand. You rolled the window down on the drive, hanging your head out with your eyes closed until Joel got closer to your apartment. 
“Turn right here, instead of left,” you said, pointing to a place with red and white awning up ahead. “It’s just up there, on the right.” 
You led the way inside, the small restaurant bustling for early on a Saturday. One of the waitresses did a double take as she saw you with your face all but pressed against the dessert case. 
“Girl, what are you doing here this early?” She asked, snapping her gum.
“Just getting an early start,” you smiled. “How’s your morning going so far Luce?” 
“Oh you know how it is,” Luce looked you up and down. You were still wearing Joel’s hoodie from Sarah’s room. “You doin’ a walk of shame?”
“Luce!” You swatted her arm. “C’mon, give me SOME credit. You know I’d tell you immediately how it was if that ever happened.” 
The waitress barked a laugh and shook her head. There was a bell at the kitchen window and she looked behind her before going back to you. 
“Sit tight for like three minutes,” she snapped her gum again. “I’ve got a table that’s ready to cash out, let me run this food and take care of them and you can sit with me.” 
“You’re the boss,” you gave her a small salute before turning back and smiling to Joel. “Prepare to have your life changed, Joel. I’m telling you, these waffles? Will ruin you.” 
“Nah, you’ve built them up too much,” he shook his head, frowning. “Can’t be that good.” 
The waitress you’d talked to before brought you to a table and put menus in front of you before leaning in conspiratorially to your ear. 
“Thought you said this wasn’t a walk of shame?” She looked Joel up and down. 
“Luce, this is my friend Joel,” you gestured across the table. “I look after his daughter in the summer. Joel got me out of a tough spot last night…” 
“He could get me out of a tough spot any time,” she winked. You gaped up at her. Joel just laughed. “Sorry, sweetie! We’ve just been dying for this girl to actually come in with a man at some point. She’s been on dates, never seems to go anywhere! She’s too cute to die alone, if she doesn’t have hope none of us do.” 
“No, you’re right, this restaurant is life changing,” Joel smirked at you. You went red. 
“Thanks Luce, I’m going to just die here now, appreciate you,” you smiled sarcastically up at her. She just laughed. 
“Usual drink, babe?” She asked. You nodded. She turned to Joel. “And for you sugar?”
“Just coffee.” 
“A purist,” she snapped her gum. “Be back.” 
You watched her go before groaning and burying your head in your arms. 
“I really should have known better than to bring you here,” your voice was muffled. “This is really on me.” 
“How often to you come here?” Joel asked, smiling as you emerged from your makeshift shelter. 
“Every Saturday,” you said. “Usually like an hour before close when it’s a bit slower. I sit in….” You twisted and pointed to a small, two-seat booth in the corner. “That booth so I’m out of the way and I just people watch and have coffee and waffles and catch up with everyone here. They’re all really sweet. Plus they’ll sometimes send me home with stuff from the display case that’s getting tossed that I then use to bribe your daughter with during the week.” 
“That explains the sugar highs,” he said dryly. 
Luce returned, putting something frothy in front of you and a coffee in front of him. 
“Whatcha eatin’?” She snapped her gum again. 
“Can you do me just the hugest favor,” you bit your lip, eyes wide. Luce sighed. 
“Tell me,” she said. 
“Can you make the sampler for my friend here?” You asked. “He’s never been here before and he absolutely HAS to understand the depth of affection I have for the waffles.” 
“Only because it’s you,” she shook her head. “I just let you get away with murder…” 
“It’s because you love me,” you smiled. She just sighed. “And I’ll do… the chicken and waffles please.” 
She turned to Joel. 
“You’re getting a bunch of waffles sweetie,” she said. “Whatcha want with em? Eggs?” 
“Any meat?” 
“Done,” she took your menus. “Don’t let her run roughshod over you like she does over me.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Joel smiled. 
“I’ve made so many mistakes in the last 24 hours and this might just be the worst,” you sighed, taking a sip of… whatever it is that you ordered. 
“You just make friends with everyone, don’t you?” He asked, watching you across the table. Your face turned serious for a moment and then you smiled again. 
“I try to,” you shrugged. “But I end up on my own most of the time. Which is totally fine, by the way, I like being by myself. Lots to do and solitude is a good way to do it.” 
He nodded slowly. 
“What about you?” You asked, stirring your drink with a straw. “Haven’t seen you bring many friends around. Except Tommy but family doesn’t count.” 
“Not a lot of time for friends,” he shrugged. “Got work, Sarah….” 
“Rescuing hapless college students.” 
He smiled. 
“I stay busy.” 
You stirred your drink again, bobbing your head slightly, in time to a song Joel could barely hear over the buzz of people in the cramped restaurant. 
“You really tell them all about your dating life?” He asked, half smiling at you. 
“Oh God,” you groaned and then laughed. “Yes. But only because it’s basically non-existent and I have almost no one else to talk to about it. Luce is convinced she’s a matchmaker. Maybe I should listen to her, she’s been right every time I’ve told her about a guy I’m seeing.” 
“Every time, really…” Joel’s jaw twitched a bit. He didn’t like thinking about you with other men. But he did have fun making you squirm a bit in your seat. “How many times is that, exactly?”
“Are you asking me about my love life, Joel?” You teased, leaning across the table at him. 
He matched your stance, his face ending up only a few inches from your own. Even now, you smelled good. Sweet, floral. A bit like lavender. 
“Curious about your track record,” he replied. You laughed. 
“It’s real bad,” you said, sitting up straight again. “Jeremy was the fourth guy I’ve gone out with since I came to Texas. He’s the only one who made it to date four and we saw how THAT ended. The others weren’t QUITE so awful. One came close to being that bad but otherwise, just run of the mill not working out. Believe it or not, there aren’t a lot of guys beating down the bio-lab door to get at the teacher in training.” 
Joel sat back in his seat, too. 
“Men are idiots,” he shrugged. “Especially when they’re in college. They wise up when they get older.” You bit your lip for a second before shaking your head to yourself. “What?” You scrunched your nose and shook your head. “C’mon kid. What were you going to say?” 
“They get better when they’re your age?” You blurted, blushing as you asked it. 
He watched you for a moment. 
“Like to think so.” 
Luce had been right. You’d ordered him a mountain of waffles. There were three of them, each quadrant a different flavor, topped accordingly, looking like a rainbow of food in front of him. He gaped at you and you shrugged, smiling as you cut into your own. You were right, too, though. They were the best waffles he’d ever had. And he wasn’t even that crazy about fucking waffles. Luce whispered something in your ear when she gave you a hug as you were leaving and it was enough to make you swat her on the arm before going to the truck, still smiling and shaking your head when you buckled up. 
Tommy asked few questions when Joel had called to ask him to come to your place and he’d beaten the two of you there, leaning against his truck. 
“Hey Tommy!” You hopped out of the truck and waved. You always sounded like whoever you were greeting made your day just by being there. It never seemed fake, either. Joel didn’t understand it. 
“Hey Kid,” Tommy smiled, hugging you briefly. “Heard I’m here to run interdiction.” 
“Your brother is paranoid,” you rolled your eyes, absently fidgeting with the sleeves of the hoodie. Tommy noticed the bruises at your wrist in the brief second they were exposed, grabbing your hand and shoving the sleeve up your arm. 
“The fuck is this?” He looked to Joel. 
“It’s nothing, really,” you took your hand back and Tommy didn’t fight you on it. “Just a… misunderstanding that Joel got me out of last night, that’s all.” 
“Misunderstanding my ass,” Joel muttered. 
“Some guy do that?” Tommy demanded. “What, he your boyfriend? Where is he?” 
“No!” You closed your eyes for a second and crossed your arms, Joel noticing the first traces of pain on your face since he’d picked you up last night. So you weren’t as OK as you looked, you were just damn good at hiding it. It passed quickly. “No, it’s just a guy I’d gone out with a few times and it just… didn’t go the way he wanted is all, it’s fine, it’s a misunderstanding, it won’t happen again, it’s fine. I promise it’s fine.” 
It didn’t look settled for Tommy. Didn’t feel settled for Joel.
“That’s why we’re getting some of her stuff,” Joel said. “He knows where she lives, she’s gonna stay with Sarah n’ me until her new place is ready. Wanted you here in case he showed his face.” 
“Afraid you can’t take him alone?” Tommy smirked a little. Like he knew the real reason. 
“Somethin’ like that,” Joel muttered. 
“OK so if the dick measuring contest is done, can we go inside and stop making a scene?” You fished your keys out of your purse. Joel’s eyebrows went up. He didn’t think he’d ever heard you say the word ‘dick’ before. Or be quite so blunt. 
“Sure Kid,” Tommy said. “We’re at your service.” 
“Such gallant gentlemen,” you smiled a little, leading the way to your apartment. It was on the ground floor of the small complex, a neighbor saying hi to you as you passed and giving a cagey look to the men trailing behind you.
Joel had never been inside your apartment before but, when he stepped inside, he imagined it was what it would be like to step into your mind. 
Everything was light and bright with soft things everywhere - a blanket draped over the back of the couch, pillows on a beanbag in the corner. There was a small cluster of plants on your windowsill and Christmas lights framing your bookshelves which were loaded down to the point that the boards were sagging in the middle. 
“Give me like five minutes to get changed?” You said, setting your purse down on the small breakfast bar that looked to serve as your only dining space. “Make yourselves comfortable, help yourself to anything…” 
You disappeared down the short hall and Joel took a minute to indulge his curiosity. He started with your bookshelf, the most worn copies. “Pride and Prejudice” looked like it was hanging on by a thread, the spine barely readable. He almost laughed. That fit you. “The Bell Jar” was also particularly worn. He hadn’t read that one, so he pulled it off the shelf and looked at the back, frowning. This seemed less like you. Or what he knew of you. He put it back. There were a lot of books on your shelf he didn’t know, and a lot that were in French that he may have known something about but fuck if he could tell what they were. 
You didn’t have many pictures, something he found oddly disappointing. There was one photo you’d framed of you with a girl who was the same age but it was years old, you couldn’t have been more than 15 in it. The few others there were looked to just be photos of you with an older woman, who must be your grandmother. There was a painting on the wall next to the bookshelf, almost too big for the space. A lavender farm. Of course it was. 
“I painted that.” 
Joel hadn’t noticed you come back in. You were still tying your mass of hair on the top of your head, wearing jeans and a threadbare t-shirt and the canvas tennis shoes you wore with fucking everything - the damn sundresses, the shorts that drove him crazy. He looked back to the painting. 
“It’s good,” he said. He wasn’t lying. He’d have never guessed you hadn’t bought it somewhere. 
“It’s that lavender farm, near my grandma’s place?” You stood next to him, looking at the painting. “Anyway, safe to say that can stay for now. Is it OK if I bring my plants? I don’t want them to drop dead because I’m not watering them when they need…” 
“Sure, Kid,” Joel smiled a little at you. “We’ll find a spot for them.” 
You looked relieved, finding a big, plastic tub to pack the plants in before going back to your bedroom. Joel followed you there and you handed him a worn duffle bag as you started to grab things to pack. Your bedroom, like the rest of your home, was you personified. There was a quilt on the bed that had to be about as old as you, tiny flowers covering the thing. The windows had frothy, white curtains, your bed had about six too many pillows. Stack of books on the nightstand, pressed framed flowers on the walls. All sweetness and softness and light. 
“Can you…” your face scrunched. “Close your eyes for just a sec?” 
Your hand hovered by a dresser drawer. He laughed. 
“Sure, Kid,” he obeyed, closing his eyes. “Pack your underwear without this old man watchin’.” 
“Not that old,” you muttered. He smiled, resisting the urge to sneak a peek at what it is you wore under those little dresses. 
It didn’t take long for you to gather your things, you turning in circles in each room a few times, muttering to yourself before nodding once, a sense of finality to it. 
“We can always come back if you forget somethin’,” Joel said. “But that’s a ‘we,’ no comin’ here on your own.” 
“I know,” you nodded. “But still, trying to avoid leaving stuff for school behind. I have exams soon, I need to study… Think I’m good, though.” 
You grab your purse and one of the three bags you’ve filled with the things you’ll need to survive a few weeks with Joel and Sarah. Joel grabs the other two, Tommy the box of plants and you fill up the bed of Joel’s truck. You’re about to get in your old car - a beater from the early 80s that Joel is still amazed made it from upstate New York to Texas in the first place - when a late model Ford F-150 that’s never done a day of work in its life pulled into the lot, closing your car in. You froze, a deer in headlights, as the fuckin’ guy from the night before stalked over to you and threw you against your car. 
Joel was over to you before he even realized he was moving, pulling the man away from you and shoving him to the ground. 
“What’d I tell you, boy?” He growled, pulling a fist back and bringing it down on his face. “Told you I’d kill you if you touched her again, didn’t I?” 
Joel hit him again, the man trying to protect his face, and he pulled his fist back to hit him again when you caught it, pulling him back. 
“Joel!” You were yelling it, like you’d been screaming it for a minute. Maybe you had been. Tommy was on him then, too, pulling him off the man on the ground. “He’s not worth it, Joel, he’s not worth it…” 
Joel got to his feet, breathless, the man on the ground curled in on himself. He turned to you, your eyes still wide. He wanted to hug you, hold you close. Instead, he just looked at you. 
“You OK?” He asked after a moment. You nodded once. He turned back to the man on the ground. “Take your truck and get the fuck out of here.” 
The man scrambled to obey and you watched, your body stiff, until he was out of sight. You deflated a bit when he was gone, the hint of a tear at the corner of your eye. 
“You’re OK Kid,” Joel said quietly. You looked at him, your eyes wide, trusting. “I’ll keep you safe. You’re OK.” 
You looked at him like you believed him.
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daniyummy · 2 months
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I'm sorry for this being late! I was sick all week and just had zero motivation, but here's the fanfic from my voting, and they have spoken, they want a Colby fanfic! Genuinely excited for this!
I want an angsty story, so, here I am!
Part 1 | Part 2
Use of Y/N and cussing
Happy reading!
Sure, Colby had hooked up with plenty of girls, but never a long term relationship. And, yeah, he's had a few girls that stayed for maybe two months but he got bored of just sex and them begging to go public after barely two months. How was he supposed to react when he got a woman?
"Girls and women are the same thing, brother. Just another girl after your fame." His friends would tell him, and as much as he knew that his precious woman would never treat him like the girls in the past did, he was still scared. How could he not be? He's never had a real woman. He didn't know how to act. It was just different. Naturally, he started acting like a douche. staying out late with no clear answer on when he'll be back, and most nights be won't even come back until the next morning.
You, obviously, were getting tired of this behaviour.
"Colby, what the fuck? Where were you all last night?" You look at him in frustration, so close to screaming at him. "Calm the fuck down, jesus christ. I was with Sam and a few friends." He replied, not sounding the least bit interested in having this talk again. "Do not tell me to calm down. You could've at least texted! I was worried!" You're voice on the brink of raising. You were fucking pissed. Nearly five months of this shit.
"Does it really matter that much? I'm safe." Colby replys, he groans, his head pounding from the hangover. "That doesn't mean I don't deserve a fucking text. You're treating me like I'm just an annoyance to you at this point." You huff and cross your arms. He snorts. "Not wrong there." He mumbles and your eyes widen, you laugh. "You know what? Fuck you, Colby Brock. I'm done with this shit. We've been dating for nearly five months, and you still treat me like a hookup! We're done. Get out of fucking house, now." You demand. Colby sits up and looks at you. "Over a text, Y/N? Grow up." He chuckles, yet in a condescending manner. What a prick. Did he think he was too good to be broken up with?
"No, Colby, not over a text. Over your lack of commitment. I get it, you've haven't had healthy relationships in the past but you can't just assume the worst." You look at him in anger. "Don't raise your voice at me, Y/N." Colby ordered, you laughed. "Shut the fuck up, Brock. Do not tell me what to do. And get out of my apartment." You yell, he rolls his eyes and stands up, grabbing his phone and walking out of your room to grab his backpack, not realizing the gravity of his actions. "Leave the key." You cross your arms. "What?" His eyes widen.
"You heard me, leave my key." Those words pull him back to reality as he reaches in his pocket for your spare apartment key you gave him. He sets it on your counter and leaves your apartment, his shoulders slump as he heard the door lock and he walks downstairs, taking his phone out and calling his friend, Sam. "What's up?" Sam asks, Colby sighs. "Can you pick me up?" Colby sighs. "Thought you were with Y/N until we leave tomorrow?" Sam questions confused. "Yeah, well, she broke up with me.." He mutters, shame and sadness in his voice. "Oh, shit..why?" Sam's concern evident in his tone. "I don't want to talk about it right now, too hungover. Just please come get me, man.." He rubs his eyes. "Yeah, of course, send your location."
After a long 15 minutes, Sam's car slows down in front of Colby and Colby gets in, Sam looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "I was a dick. I rarely told her when I'd get home, where I was and who I was with. I messed up, man.." Colby voice breaks and he covers his faces, trying not to cry. Sam looks at him in pure shock, he's never seen him nearly cry over a girl, hell Colby barely cries in front of same. "Shit, brother..you must've really liked her.." Colby looks at Sam. "I loved her.." He mumbles, love is not a word he throws around a lot.
They arrive home and Colby immediately goes to his room, he lays in his bed and holds back tears. How could be be such an idiot? He lost an amazing girl. He grabbed his phone and went to check social media, his eyes starting to water as he noticed that you blocked him in everything, besides Instagram. You didn't use it much, so you most likely forgot. He was quick to make a post, he posted a picture of you two, you cuddle into his chest as he smiled and took pictures, he typed a caption explaining how he was a douche and how much he was sorry, asking you to talk to him and ending it with a "I love you, Y/N. That's not a word I say to everyone, you're the first girl that treated me good and I took advantage of that, and I'm sorry. Truly."
He posted it and it got over a a million likes and hundreds of thousands of comments tagging your account and asking him if he's okay.
He just hopes you see it.
The end! Yes, there will be a part two and I'm happy with how this turned out, let me know if you have any suggestions for part two and feel free to send requests as well, tell me something I could do better for future fanfics! Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
Thanks for reading!
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eatingstringcheese · 1 year
one bed - katsuki bakugo
in which class 1-a embarks on a field trip, and somehow katsuki and y/n end up sharing a bed
warnings: swearing, its really just fluff :)
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"What do you mean there's only one bed?"
Katsuki grumbled from the other end of the phone, "I just told you, idiot! There's one bed in the hotel room."
Y/n pulled the phone away from their ear and groaned. "Why me?" They whined, stomping their feet on the floor like a toddler.
Mina rubbed her best friend's shoulder. "Don't worry, babes, it shouldn't be too bad."
Kyoka gave Y/n a pitiful look. "I'd offer the room I'm sharing with Yaoyorozu but we were only given a single bed too."
Momo intertwined her finger's with Kyoka's. "It'll be okay Y/n. Most rooms have a pull out couch."
Y/n glared at Katsuki, arms crossed against their chest.. "So one bed and a shitty couch."
"Yea, it's not even a pull out couch." He growled under his breath.
Y/n rubbed their face with a sigh. "Damn it. It's-" Y/n paused to check their watch. "It's past curfew so I can't go ask Aizawa."
Katsuki looked between the bed and the couch. "Two options, one of us sleeps on the couch or we share the bed."
"I'll take the couch, I won't make you sleep on that shitty thing." Y/n turned to grab their night clothes when Bakugo grabbed their elbow.
"I'm not going to make you sleep there either." He sighed, letting go of their elbow. "We can share the bed, as long as you don't kick me."
Y/n chuckled. "Only if you don't kick me either." They stuck out their hand shaking Katsuki's in agreement.
"Now, unless you want to grab my elbow like a cliche fanfic again, I'm going to change." They turned on the ball of their foot and headed towards the bathroom. Exchanging their school uniform for a nice pair of night clothes, a mismatched pair of top and bottoms. The correct matches were somewhere but this set had been thrown last minute after Y/n's bag check.
Pulling out a small container and a washcloth, Y/n rubbed their face with the cream to wash their face. After completing their nightly routine they knocked from the inside of the bathroom.
"Katsuki? Are you done changing?" They shouted towards the main room.
A grumbled yes was all they needed before shutting the light off and returning to the room. Catching a gaze of Katsuki they quickly turned their eyes away from his direction.
"I thought you said you were done changing?"
Katsuki turned back to them. "I am."
"Then why aren't you wearing a shirt?"
"I don't sleep with a shirt on."
"Gross." Y/n turned and rummaged through their bag, pulling out a blanket and shaking it out. "I'm tired and have shit to do tomorrow so I'm heading to bed now. Don't be too loud, got it?"
"Tch, dumbass. I don't usually stay up past 8:30. So you better not be the one making too much noise."
Y/n rolled their eyes. "Uh huh." Pulling the decorative pillows off the bed and throwing them onto the couch nearby they laid down on the bed. Katsuki did the same on his side of the bed.
"Katsuki, I swear. If I wake up with your feet in my back we're going to have some serious problems."
Katsuki rolled his eyes and turned off the overhead lamp. "Just go to bed, dumbass."
Y/n shot out of bed, a cold sweat ran down their back as they tried to remember where they were. Searching the room for some sign they paused and took a breath when their gaze fell upon their backpack. A school trip for training exercises. They turned on a nearby lamp to light the way to the bathroom. Hopping out of bed and walking to the bathroom they grabbed a paper cup from the coffee bar and filled the cup. Their watch read 12:12, way too late to talk to someone. They leaned against the wall and slowly sipped their cup of water.
The thin carpet of the main room absorbed the sound of footsteps, so Katsuki peering into the bathroom had taken Y/n by surprise.
"Oh uh, Katsuki. What are you doing awake?"
"You're louder than you think dumbass."
"Oh, sorry." Y/n swirled around the liquid contents of their cup. "I'll probably be awake for a bit. You can head back to bed."
Katsuki looked Y/n in the eyes and shook his head. "You seem shaken up, and I'd feel like an ass if I left you here."
Y/n gave a small smile to Katsuki. "I was just gonna play some Mario Kart on my switch, wanna join me?"
Katsuki grinned. "Hell yea, I'm the king of Mario Kart."
Y/n chuckled. "I'm going to make you eat those words. I've been playing since I was 8 and I'm kind of the best at it."
"Yea right." Katsuki rolled his eyes and began making his way back to the main room.
"Let's make a bet, I win I get to make you do something."
"What's the something?"
"Depends on what I'm feeling when I win."
"Alright. If I win you've got to try spicy curry."
Y/n cringed, handling spicy foods wasn't their strong suit. (a/n: rip y/n, spicy food is tasty)
With a nod, the pair shook hands and sat together on the bed.
A few minutes later, Y/n had connected their nintendo switch to the small hotel TV. Handing Katsuki the red controller, Y/n opened Mario Kart 8 and set up a two player game.
"So Katsuki, who do you main?"
"Thought so."
"What about you?"
Y/n gestured to the screen in front of them, where their character sat on their vehicle, ready for the game to start.
Katsuki nodded approvingly.
It was the final lap of the last map, the pair were tied head to head for first place. The score was 2:1, Y/n leading. Katsuki was determined to beat them this round. Katsuki ran into an item box, gaining a red shell. With a smirk, he pressed down on the L button and sent the shell flying towards Y/n's character, gaining first place for himself.
He grinned at Y/n. "Good game, loser."
Y/n smiled back. "Not so fast." They pointed to the screen where it displayed both Y/n and Katsuki's characters in 2nd place. Katsuki's frown faltered. "Wait- how?"
"I told you, I'm kind of the best at it." They shrugged, taking the red controller from Katsuki's hands and plugging it into the switch.
"Wait a minute! I want a rematch."
"Tomorrow. It's late and I'm tired again." Y/n yawned, crawling back into the bed next to Katsuki.
Katsuki sneered. "Fine. So who wins?"
"I guess we both do."
"That means you've gotta try some spicy curry." Katsuki's smirk widened.
"Then you're taking me out on a date." Y/n yawned and turned over on their pillow.
"Oi! What do you mean!"
The only response he received was the steady breathing from Y/n.
The next morning Katsuki and Y/n joined the class in the downstairs area of the hotel. Y/n joining their friends and Katsuki joining his.
"Yo! Bakubro!" Kirishima smiled, waving to his friend. He paused when Bakugo got closer. "Are you okay? You look super tired."
Bakugo yawned and waved him off. "Yea yea I'm fine shitty hair. Y/n just kept me up late last night."
Kaminari peered over the edge of his phone with a smile. "Dude what-"
"NO NOT LIKE THAT DUNCE FACE!" Katsuki rubbed his temples. "No, they woke up early for some reason and we played Mario Kart."
Denki nodded. "Sure, sure."
"That's what we did!"
"Whatever you say man."
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lmk if u wanna be added to the taglist :) like n reblog if u enjoyed <3
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ievutebebe · 10 months
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~Purple Rain~
Summary – You are at a party, where your friends like always had disappeared and you were stuck on the couch in between couples making out pretending to be on your phone. But it all changes in the kitchen.
Pairing – Pre-outbreak/no outbreak Joel Miller x F! reader
Warnings- MDNI 18+, use of alcohol, reader is drunk, but everything is consensual, unprotected p/v sex, use of ‘daddy’ kink (like a lot), fingering, chocking, inexperienced reader, reader is in her early/mid 20s and Joel is in his late 30’s-early40’s. Creampie, rough sex, squirting. Joel is good at convincing and praising. Anything else? Let me know.
Word count- 4,4K
A/N- Was listening to purple rain and my brain came up with an idea for a fanfic so wrote it all down. Also, this is my first time writing smut so apologies for any bad grammar or if you spot any mistakes. I actually was going to scrap this but decided to just go for it💀
Promise that part 2 of the fangirl fic is coming soon.
Inspired by~ Purple rain of course and @amandaapascalll love her brain so much.
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You are lonely at a party full of people, but you are avoiding everyone by pretending to be on your phone because of your anxiety.
You lift your head up to look at the crowd, your eyes land on a handsome man and he makes eye contact with you, but when he does you look away. When you try to peek again, you see that he has company. Sipping on your drink you realise that you need a refill so make your way to the kitchen.
On your way out you bump into this mysterious man and spill your drink all over his white shirt.
“Howdy?”. He says whilst standing in the door frame, but it was too late as you weren’t looking where you were going.
“Oh, my goodness! I’m so sorry”. Wine splashes all over his shirt, exposing his muscly chest.
“It’s alright darling”. He says rubbing your shoulder.
“Come in here I will clean it, I feel awful”.
 “Look it’s really not a big deal darl-“. you grab his hand and lead him into the kitchen where you find a cloth and damp it in the lukewarm water.
“Sit right there for me”. You point to the chair.
“Alright bossy pants”. He abides and sits right where you told him to.
You make your way to him and crouch in between his legs in attempt to rub off the wine stain on his shirt which, by the way is not going well. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why is he hot? Stay focused, stay focused.
“You really don’t have to do th-“ he tries to speak.
 “Shh” you shush him by pressing your finger to his soft pouty lips.
It is your go to phrase when you are drunk, you like to shush everyone. There is no way you would have this much confidence if it weren’t for alcohol running in your system, but you aren’t complaining.
“So, my names Joel by the way, how about you?”. Joel breaks the silence.
“My name is Y/N”. You look up making eye contact with him.
“That is a lovely name rhymes with Miller don’t you think?” He shoots you a wink.
“Mmhm not a bad pick-up line”. You try so hard to not smile like a schoolgirl, if it was supposed to work on you it sure did, but you weren’t about to make it obvious and out yourself.
“It’s not a pickup line, it’s the truth” he smirks as he is staring down on you in between his legs, making you fluster and this time you are unable to hold back a smile from forming on your lips, so you look down and continue your task of getting the damn wine stain off.
As you are rubbing the stain, you place your other hand onto his thigh to keep yourself sturdy, without paying any attention your fingers brush on his crotch and he groans.
“Joel are you okay?” you stop for a moment and look back up at him.
“Yeah, I’m ok, just um your hand.”
“Oh! shit sorry.” You look at your hand and realise that it is right on his private part, you quickly move it but can’t help your face from turning red as your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
“No need to be sorry, quite enjoyed that to be honest.” He adjusts his jeans.
Did he just flirt? No way can’t be, FUCK I must be imagining things. He is so fucking hard, ain’t no way. Focus, focus, focus. Don’t look... You try as hard as you can to resist the temptation of your thoughts from taking control.
You give the shirt a few more pointless attempts in hopes that the stain magically disappears, but it doesn’t. You decide its best to give up and stop embarrassing yourself by pretending that you can get the stain off.
You let out a huff. “Oh gosh it’s really not coming off, I’m so sorry Joel” you say biting onto your lower lip whilst looking up at him and batting your eyelashes.
He lifts your chin to face him “Well, it is a wine stay after all, look it’s okay”.
He gets up, giving you his hand to hold onto whilst helping you get up. “Give me this let’s put it down, I have a better idea.” He takes the cloth from your other hand and throws it into the sink.
“What idea?” You focus your gaze on what he is doing.
“How about I just take it off”
~faint purple rain song starts to play in the background~
He starts to seductively unbutton his shirt at a slow pace and then takes it off throwing it onto the floor.
“Holy shit” you close your eyes. “What is it?” “Oh, someone is shy.” He laughs playfully.
“You are, you are naked.” You squint your eyes as hard as you can to resist from looking. “No, I am not honey.” “It’s okay you can look, no need to be shy.”
~The music is now louder and both of you can hear it~
His warm ochre eyes are glinting from the faint light above as he steps forward to you and extends his hand. “Shall we?”
You grinned wider as you took Joel’s calloused hand and held it with both of yours.
“We shall.” Your voice grows quieter as you take a step closer to him, holding his hand tightly. ~I never meant to cause you any sorrow~
His eyes seem to sparkle even more at your quick response - the wrinkles under his eyes seem to fade away as he pulls you in closer, chest to chest. ~I never meant to cause you any pain~
Joel’s face lights up at your reaction, his gaze softening and his ears flushing a slight shade of pink. You fail to stifle a small laugh and your cheeks match the colour of his ears. ~I never wanted to be your weekend lover~
Both of you keep traversing through the room, your footfalls drowned out by the sound of bubbling laughter.
“May I?” Joel grins expectantly, lifting your hand above your heads. ~I only wanted to be some kind of friend, hey~
Whatever answer you planned on giving him dissolved in giggles as you twirl under his arm.
“I’ll take that as a yes, honey.” He blushes deeper as you steady yourself, meeting his gaze. A gaze full of emotion - adoration, awe, and something more. ~Baby I could never steal you from another~
Joel clears his throat and looks down to your feet, his moving slower as he thinks for a moment.
“Joel?” You skid the rhythm to a halt after asking.
“I just…” Joel leans in closer, his eyes flitting to yours. ~It’s such a shame our friendship had to end~
You don’t say anything instead just get on your tiptoes and place your hands around his neck until your lips meet his, he kisses your lips gently and slowly, but the kiss quickly grows hungrier and passionate.
~Purple rain, purple rain~
He picks you up without breaking the kiss walks towards the door, locks it and then sets you down on a table lifting the hem of your dress up to your hips.
His hands are gliding up your thighs caressing them in stroking motions closer to your core. He kisses down your neck making his way to your chest and uses his hands to free your boobs.
He uses his finger to glide it from your neck down to your nipple. He then rubs your nipple before using both of his hands to squeeze your boobs and returning one of his hands back to your thigh.
His calloused hand on your thigh makes you whimper, you try to close your legs and your pussy clenches on nothing, but he stops you by using his other hand to spread your legs back open by squeezing on your thigh roughly, whilst his other hand caresses your cunt through your soaked lacy thong that is drenched in your juices.  ~Only want to see you underneath the purple rain~
“What baby?”. “Nuh uh, you want me to stop?”.
“Don’t stop please”. You say breathlessly as he rubs your g spot.
“Such a needy girl”.
“Yes Joel, need you so bad”.
“So sensitive”.
“Yes, daddy”.
“Baby you’re so wet, is this how bad you want me?”.
“Yesyesyes, Joel” “Please, need your fingers”. You plead.
He pulls your thong off and slides his digits into your folds using them to rub your pussy in gentle circular motions to gather your slick.
Once there is enough wetness, he slides two fingers into your pussy curling them as they dissolve inside of you, deep inside your abyss, reaching his knuckles, you arch back a little and close your eyes.
Moans and whimpers escape from your mouth as he continues to pump them in and out of you hitting the spot that makes your toes curl.
“Such a tight little pussy baby”.
“Mmm yess daddy”.
Moaning feels up the whole kitchen, all that comes out your mouth is “Joel” over and over again.
“Remember if it’s too much at any point just say red light, okay?”
“Yes, that’s okay Joel”.
He is working his two fingers in your pussy, placing the thumb on your g spot and rubs it.
When he places his thumb on your aching clit and continues to deeply finger you, it makes you cry out in pleasure and your pussy flutters around his fingers pulsing now which makes him finger you at a quicker pace, your hips move to ride his fingers as you are approaching your release.
“Joel I’m close”. “I know darlin’ can feel you squeezing my fingers”.
“You’re doing such a good job baby”. He places his other hand onto your belly to have a tighter grip on you and takes your hard nipple into his mouth sucking on it and giving it a lick as he let goes.
“Come on honey, come for daddy”.
“Come all over my fingers”.  
“Soak em baby, want to taste your honeydew”. It doesn’t take long until you come undone soaking his fingers.
“Fuck! I knew you would taste good, as sweet as honey, I could spend hours between your pretty pussy”. He pulls his fingers out of you and puts them in his mouth.  
“You did so well, now you are ready for daddy’s cock aren’t ya? Going to let me ruin that pretty pussy of yours?” he reaches down to unbuckle his belt and unzips his jeans, letting them drop and frees his cock out of his boxers taking it into his hand giving it a few strokes it and moves closer.
You let out a gasp from seeing how thick his cock is and that it is already hard when he lets it sprung free.
"Go on, take it pretty girl".
You take his cock into your hands pump him until his pre cum leeks, you’re about to lean in and take his cock into your mouth when he stops you by pushing you on your back until you lay flat on the table.
“See how hard you make me baby?” “This is all you and your sweet little pussy”.
“Mhmm, Joel need you so bad, please”.  You brush your thumb over his tip.
“Not yet baby, you have to be patient”. “Daddy is in charge here”. “Be a good girl for me”.
“Yes daddy”.
He taps the tip of his cock on your sensitive throbbing pussy, drenching it in your arousal.
Then moves his cock up and down your pussy, teasing you at your entrance, making it seem like he is about put it in but instead he just slides back up to your g spot and slowly moves it down again repeating it a couple of times.
“How about I, yeah you like that baby?” “You like how I feel huh, dirty little slut” “Say it” he uses the other hand to choke you slightly to get a response out of you.
“Yesyesyes Joel fuck please” “I need you inside, please daddy, pleasepleaseplease”. You beg as you can’t handle anymore teasing, your pussy is aching for him.
“That’s what I like to hear”. “I like to hear you begging to be fucked like the whore you are”.
 “You will depend on daddy’s dick, baby”.  He speaks in a possessive and low voice.
He leans on top of you as you lay flat on your back on the kitchen table, he uses both of his hands to grab your waist to slide you down closer to his hard as a rock cock whilst holding you in a firm grip to position himself at your entrance.
“Shit baby you’re so damn tight”. “Mmm, feel so good”. He shuts his eyes as he enters your tight pussy. 
He thrusts in deep but not all the way, but it is enough for you to moan and arch making you slide up and his cock slip out.
He puts it back inside, but you place your hand on his chest trying to push him off a little because of the pain and not having time to adjust to his length. You’ve never fucked a guy with a big and thick cock as Joels, you’re not sure you can take it. It’s so big you can feel it stretch your tight walls and cling to his cock.
“Oh nuh uh baby doll no escaping, you can take it”.
“Joel I-“ you slide up again.
“Nonono don’t think so baby, you stay right here” He positions himself at your entrance and pushes in deeper this time then before using both of his hands to keep you in place not letting move not one bit as his hands dig into your bones.
“And keep your eyes open for me”. He commands.
“Shit! Joel I can’t” you see stars for a moment, and everything goes black in your vision.
“Your dick is too big, I-i cant Joel” you stutter “It hurts”.
“You can take it sweet girl I know it”. His thrusts slow down and he fucks you at a slower pace.
“Gotta get used to it baby”. “I will be gentle, relax for me” you abide to his command, as you completely give in, the pain fades and ecstasy takes over. His cock is stretching and moulding your tight pussy is addictive and any pain you feel is titillating.
“Atta girl just like that”.
“Doing so well for daddy aren’t ya?” “Good girl” he whispers in your ear. “Daddy is proud of you, you feel so good baby doll, your pussy is perfect like it was made for me”.
He sucks on your neck, pretty sure it will leave a mark, but you are way past the good girl shit right now it doesn’t even matter, a problem for another day.
He is fucking you so good you didn’t think anything could make it even better but him whispering into your ear and feeling his breath and warmth on your sweaty body only made you feel more intoxicated and orgasmic.
It’s like your pussy was made for him, his dick was sculpting your pussy and stretching it as if it was her first rodeo.
Although Joel hasn’t pushed himself all the way in yet, it sure didn’t feel like it to you, you didn’t think there was more to come.
“I’m going to come” You cry out.
“Hold on baby can’t let you come yet, not even in all the way baby”.
“What? Joel it’s too big I can’t take more”. Your eyes go wide as you look down at his cock seeing that he is barely thrusting past his tip. Your lack of experience at sex really is catching up to you.
“Yes, you can, sweet girl”.
“I will slide it in a little further, is that okay?” He brushes his nose against yours gently, moving deeper into your hole and you let out a moan.
“Yesss daddy”.
“Fuck daddy, fuuuck!”. You feel his warm hairy balls slam against your ass cheeks, making your pussy clench whenever his cock disappears into your body.
“Good girl, doing so well”.
He feels your pussy clench around his cock “Not yet, daddy’s not done with you”. “Come here”.
He gets up, pulling out up to his tip, holding your hand to help you sit up, when you do, he picks you up gripping onto your thighs just below your ass and you place your hands around his neck. You choke out a sob when he sinks your pussy down onto his veiny shaft, your head falls back, and eyes roll to the back of your head.  
Joel is pounding into you at a brutal pace, pushing himself all the way into you before pulling out only to slam straight back it. His balls strike your ass with each thrust adding to your building orgasm making your pussy tighten and thighs ache as your legs swing in the air.
His cock is reaching so deep inside of you that you can feel him in your lower belly, the only words you manage to choke and cry out in between the moans are “Joel” “fuck! daddy” “don’t stop”.
It’s buried so deep that you struggle to keep your eyes open and they water making your vision blurry while your nails dig into the back of his neck.
Joel isn’t being merciful at all, he uses his hips to thrust in you with his thick shaft to stretch and fill you up. Your pussy makes a sloppy sound as he uses your entrance however, he pleases, and you feel a sudden urge to pee.
“Whose pussy is it baby?” “Speak”.  
“Yours daddy, only yours”. You manage to choke out.
“Anyone fuck you like this before?”. Joel slams all the way into you and stops moving for a moment before pulling out and thrusting straight back in making you squeal.
“UHHH! no daddy”. “AHH- only you”.
“Mhmm that’s what I like to hear baby doll”. Joel grits his teeth.
“Yes, daddy just like that”. “Yesyesyes-yes”.
You can feel him hitting your cervix, your body tensing and pussy pulsing with pleasure every-time he pounds into you.
“Joel, Joel, Joel fuck fuuck!” “I-I I’m going to c-“.
“Come for me, I ain’t going to last much longer”. You know he is close as his thrusts are now even faster and messier.
“Fuck, I’m going to come baby”. “Where do you want it?”
“Inside, I’m on a pill”.
You come undone drenching him as your muscles tense up and his release follows shortly after one last powerful thrust.
He empties his balls deep inside of you, and you feel his warm liquid drip and flood your walls.
You don’t even realise it but when you come you completely drain him in your release and some of it had dripped on the kitchen floor.
He doesn’t pull out straight away, both of you are in the post sex haze panting trying to come down from your highs.
Breathing evens out and he finally puts you down gently onto your feet and you tremble on your limp legs and grip onto his bicep as your feet give in, Joel reacts quickly and wraps his arm around you to help you stay up.
“Ooop oop oop, I gotchu baby girl, you okay there?”.
“Yes, just can’t really feel my legs and everything is spinning woah-” you giggle.
“It’s okay baby girl you’re all drunk from daddy’s cock aren’t ya?”
“Yes daddy”.
“Go sit for me baby, I will get you cleaned up”. “Can you do that for me?” He pulls his pants on and buckles his belt.
“Yeah”. You make your way and slump into the chair.
But you are still intoxicated from sex that your sight is still blurry. You can’t help but replay the sex that you just had with Joel in your mind.
Joel ignited something within you, him pounding into you and his balls slapping against your ass with each thrust made your body burn with desire and lust for more. There are so many more ways you would love to fuck him or even let him fuck your tits and have him come all over them. Suck his cock until his cum drips deep down your throat. You’ve only just fucked Joel minutes ago, but you are already looking forward to fucking him again. He fucks like a god with years of expertise.
He grabs your panties from the floor and makes his way to you.
“Open your legs for me baby”.
“Hey, hey! don’t fall asleep yet baby”.  Joels tone is quite and gentle.
“Sorry, what did you say?”.
“I will get you cleaned up; can you open up for me?” “Oh yes, sorry” you can’t help but smirk looking down at Joel.
“It’s alright”.
He used your panties to wipe your pussy clean from both of your releases and then used the warm cloth to clean you up. He doesn’t give you the panties back instead he stuffs them down the pocket of his jeans without you noticing.
You pull your dress down and put the straps back on to hide away your boobs.
“S okay daddy’s gotcha” he wraps his hands around your waist.
“Did so well for me baby” pecks your cheek.
“You okay baby doll?”
“Yes, just feel tired”.
“It’s ok baby, let me get you some water”.
“Here you go and um so have you got a boyfriend darling?” Joel feared the answer to this question, but he had to know, a part of him hoped that he a chance with you and that he could see you again and ask you out on a proper date to do right by you.
“No” you choke on the sip of your water before answering.
“Easy, easy now” “The only thing you should be choking on is my cock”.
“Good one Mr Miller”.
“How come a girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend, look at you baby doll, you are perfect”.
“I guess I just prioritised my studies, I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend it’s not a priority for me, you know”. A lot of guys tried so hard to get your attention and constantly asked you out on dates, but none of them felt homely or long-term type of relationships so you just focused on getting your degree. However, one look at Joel made you rethink your ways, this instant attraction to him didn’t compare to any of your silly crushes you had before it was more intimate and nerve cracking. No guys had ever made you nervous the way Joel did, you stuttered in front of him.
“Any guy would be lucky to have a girl like you, but I get it”.
“How about you, Mr Miller, you got a girl?” you ask dreading what his answer may be in anticipation.
“No darling I don’t”.
“Well, I guess that means we are both single” you say in relief.
“Yes, baby I am all yours and now that we both established that we are single, how about I give you a ride home”.
“That’s very kind of you Mr Miller” you tease. “Oh please, just call me Joel”.
“Alright daddy Joel it is”. You giggle.
“Come on let’s get out of here”. He grabs your hand and walks out of the party holding your hand in his.
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Tagging: @kateispunk @amandaapascalll @brilliantopposite187
Wasn’t sure who to tag so sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged🥹
Thank you for reading! Stay hydrated and may Joel bless y'all.
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
Heya! I'm literally OBSESSED with your Dazai fanfic for valentines event its so good omg it got me rolling on the floor gasping for air, beating the shit outta my octogawa plushie 😭 ( he's fine dw)
since I'm thirsty af can I request prompt 9, 11 and 12 for this hot ass mf Akutagawa and its a jealous seggs and bondage too where he tied you up with rashoumon omg... Also happy late valentines day I'm sorry if I hadn't wish you valentines day on 14th I had go to my old school for reunion 😭😭
Anyways I wish you luck bbg 😼😼
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ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ/ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ: 9: “Beg for it, let me know that you deserve it.”, 11: “You're mine and I'm only yours, got it?” and 12: “Let me hear your sweet moans, baby.”
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:Jealous Sex with Akutagawa! I guess he just wants to make sure you know who you belong to, right? <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Jealous!Akutagawa, fem!Reader, Rashoumon being used as a rope to tie Reader up, rough sex, ada!Reader, bratty!Reader if you squint.. Lmk know if i fucked smth up!!! Accidentally added 10- (y'all are in the bedroom btw.)
ɴᴏᴛᴇs (ғʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ): I lowkey giggled when i read this..but i love this smut-trope alot! (if that's a thing) and it's okay, school sucks lol. Enjoy bbg! 🤭
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“Tell me, why did you hang with that disgrace of a tiger again?” he growled against your neck.
For a little context, you and Akutagawa were a couple.
But you were both from enemy organizations, which didn't stop you from dating though.
I mean, yeah, Akutagawa doesn't like any of them except for you and Dazai, but it really bothered him that you were friends with the Weretiger, one of his biggest enemies..
This time, he was just really annoyed.
When he walked to the café where you were supposed to be at, he saw how you smiled at Atsushi the way you smile at him, not to mention that you let him touch you.
He just waited for you to finish, gave Atsushi a quick death stare and walk off with you.
Now back to where we left off-
“He was just hugging me, Aku, it's not a big deal!”, you spoke up for yourself.
“I don't like the way you smile at him, it actually makes me want to kill him even more.”, Akutagawa responded,
“Aku, let's just leave this for some other time. It's getting kinda annoying, y'know?” you tried to change the subject.
Akutagawa looked at you with slight annoyance.
How could you say that? He was just worried about you and Atsushi, what if you left him for Atsushi like Dazai did? Poor Aku. Come on you couldn't blame him for being jealous!
But, he won't let you be.
Akutagawa wants to, no, he needs to convince you to stay by him.
That's when something inside him snapped.
“Rashoumon!”, interrupting the silence in the room, as black ropes held you in place.
Being not able to process what had just happened, you feel you chin lifted by his hand.
“You know how such things annoy me, right? If you still don't get it, let me demonstrate.” Akutagawa just said.
“Akutagawa, what do you mean by-”, you let out a slight 'eek!' when you felt Rashoumon ripping off your panties.
(idk if Rashoumon can do that but yeah and yes, you had a nightgown on)
As you wanted to ask him again, you heard him removing belt, but also felt yourself get wetter by the second.
Lining up at your cunt, he let's his free finger get a taste of your slick.
“You're already wet? What a whore, but since, you taste so fuckin' good, baby, I'll let that slide. I know for a fact that the Weretiger will never get such a good taste in his miserable life, don't you agree?” Akutagawa smirked slighty, as he started inserting his cock into you.
You muffled your moans at this euphoric feeling, which Akutagawa didn't like. The Rashoumon tangled up your hands.
“Come on, Let me hear your sweet moans, darling, let everyone know who you belong to..” he panted as he started thrusting his length into you.
That's when you started to moan shamelessly louder than expected, not like he didn't like it.
How could you even keep quiet if he was fucking you so good? Akutagawa's cock hit all the right places, he filled you up just right!
“I'm c-close, Aku! Please don't stop..!” you desperately moaned to him, you let out a whine as he slowed his pace down.
“Oh? Well, i might aswell stop right now, because i don't know if you deserve it..”, as you tried to move, you desperately failed.
Akutagawa, who saw this reaction let out a chuckle.
“You're such a slut. But if you have to cum that bad, beg for it, let me know that you deserve it.” he just demanded that from you because he was close to cumming, so hearing you beg for it, was gonna speed the process up.
“P-please, Akutagawa, i need you so bad..please let me cum! I swear, I'm only yours, i love you so much-”, you got interrupted by his erotic thrusting.
But now he was eager to cum, he needed to release into you.
“That's..damn r-right, you're mine and I'm only yours, got it? I hope you did by now.”, Akutagawa felt your cunt hugging his cock deeply, letting him lose a groan.
“Fuck! 'M so fuckin' c-close, Aku!” you told him, after the last thrusts your coil in your stomach snapped.
Bliss following, as Akutagawa shot his cum right after.
He released you from Rashoumon and collapsed on the bed, panting heavily.
You did the same. Akutagawa found himself hugging you and nuzzling into your neck.
“Did i make clear that you're only mine?”, you just whispered loud enough for him to hear,
“Yes, Aku, you did. I'm gonna set some boundaries just for you, but for now i want you to rest, m'kay?”, You felt his head moving, assuming he was nodding.
After all this, he drifted into sleep.
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Reading back at it i realized that I accidentally added the 10, but who cares? because it looks good lol. Hope you enjoyed it!!! :)
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verai-marcel · 8 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 4 of ?)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Part 2 | Part 3
AO3 link is here, darling.
Act I, Chapter 4 - The Discovery
It was late afternoon when you heard someone, or something, trip the alarm spell. The party had left you alone while they investigated the bog south of here, so you had set up a series of trip wires with silver string that would chime a tiny bell on your belt. You had five bells, and the one you had marked as the water path had chimed. 
Pulling out your dagger, you crept over to the water's edge, hiding behind some boulders. Your hands shook nervously and you wiped the sweat from your palms more than once as you approached. You saw a decrepit silhouette casually walking towards the water's edge. It looked like a dried up husk of a man, and you wondered if it was hostile. 
"Thou may approach… I will not harm thee," the skeleton called.
You blinked. Deciding not to sheathe your dagger, you carefully walked up to the strange being and looked him over curiously. He observed you silently in return. 
"What—I mean… who are you?" 
"I am Withers," he replied. "That is all thou needst to know."
The hell it was. "Why are you in my camp?"
“Because this is where fate meant for me to be.”
He did not elaborate, nor did he respond to any other questions. Since he seemed content to stand still and do nothing, you sheathed your dagger and went about the rest of your day. 
When the party finally returned, you immediately asked them about the skeleton. 
"Oh, right. We found him in a crypt we were exploring when we were still staying at your cottage,” Gale answered.
When no one else offered any further information, you prompted them. “...And then what?”
“He said we’d meet again at the proper place and proper time. I suppose that’s now.”
You were a little annoyed by how nonchalant everyone was with a fucking skeleton appearing in camp, but you didn’t push any further. They all seemed physically and emotionally weary from their time in the bog and were barely talking to each other, let alone you. So instead you quietly served their meal and snuck away to the skeleton once more.
He looked at you quietly, clearly waiting for you to speak first.
“So. Fate really meant for you to be here?”
He nodded.
“What about me?”
“Thou, as well.”
You frowned. You didn’t like the idea that your choices were pre-ordained.
“But now that thou art here, the rest is up to thee.”
You also didn’t like that he was seemingly reading your mind. “Thank you for your… insight,” you replied before turning away.
You were no stranger to sleeping light; after all, you used to work for a masked lord of Waterdeep. Danger was a constant companion, betrayal a nonstop neighbor.
So when you felt a burning hunger in your belly, your eyes shot open immediately. You were surprised to see Astarion hovering above you, his hands splayed on the ground near your shoulders, his wrist only just touching your exposed skin. You were even more surprised to see that he had fangs, and that they were bared at you as if he were about to bite. 
When he realized you were awake, he jolted back. "Shit."
You sat up, observing him by the dim campfire light. Fangs. Pallid skin. Other memories bubbled up in your mind. The refused food. The dried up rabbit in your yard. His fear of crossing running water. Things you hadn’t paid attention to before, or perhaps, hadn’t connected.
His expression seemed more contrite than anything else, as if he were a child caught trying to steal an apple. Through his touch, you had felt an admittedly understandable hunger, but also a thin thread of fear. Damn your empathy, but you felt a bit sorry for the poor creature.
"If you were hungry, you should have just said so," you finally said.
He had looked so ready to talk his way out that your unruffled acceptance threw him for a loop. All he could do for a full second and a half was stare at you, dumbfounded. 
“Well?” You tugged slightly on the neckline of your shirt to expose more of your neck. “Are you hungry?”
He stumbled a step away from you, looking at you for a moment, then peered around frantically, clearly wondering if this was a trap. But everyone was sound asleep in their tents.
“Well, if you’re offering,” he replied as he regained his wits. He took one last look around before coming closer, kneeling beside you. His gaze seemed honed in on your neck.
You wondered for a moment if you were crazy. Deciding that you were, you reached out and touched his hand.
hungry fear never again—
You quickly moved your hand away. Taking a deep breath, you tilted your head to one side. “Just a few sips, nothing more. Just to regain your strength.”
He flashed you a smile, cocky and coy at the same time. “Of course. Just a little drink.” 
His hands rested lightly on your bare shoulders as he leaned in. The hunger was there, so strong that it made your hair stand on end. Was that what bloodlust felt like? Before you could ponder it further, the tip of his nose caressed the skin on your neck, and you suppressed a shiver. Whether it was from fear on your part, or from anticipation on his, you weren’t sure.
You felt the heat of his breath on your neck. “Ready, darling?”
“Just hurry up.”
He chuckled darkly. “If you insist.”
Then he bit you.
The sting of icy needles into your neck contrasted wildly with the heat of his mouth on your skin. But you weren’t prepared for how much more you felt from him, so much more than a touch on the hand. You had steeled yourself for some emotional transfer, but this was beyond anything you had ever felt before. You felt the clawing hunger that suffused his entire body, a pain far worse than the cold stabbing of his bite. Twisted within the hunger was lust, a craving both arousing and triggering your fight or flight instinct at the same time. And beneath all of that, a deep relief, as if he had been saved from something he greatly feared. The emotion was so heartrending that you wanted to cry. 
Overwhelmed by everything, you lost the strength to sit up. You whimpered as you began to fall backwards.
Suddenly Astarion was holding you, one hand supporting your back, the other cradling your head as he followed you down. He gently set you down on your bedroll before he released you from his bite and pulled away. His face had an inscrutable mask, but you could feel something from the physical contact. He was… Touched. 
He stared at you for a moment, his scarlet eyes glimmering, a bit of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. His tongue flicked out to clean the blood from his lips, then he reached out and brushed your neck wound with his finger. Slowly, he brought his finger to his mouth and licked the last few drops, closing his eyes and savoring the flavor. 
Then he opened his eyes and stared at you once more with a serious expression. "You've given me a gift. I won’t forget that."
You were silent for a moment, entranced by his gaze. "Do you feel better?"
He nodded. "I feel stronger. My mind is clearer. I feel… Happy."
“Good,” you said, your voice strained with the effort to speak. “Glad I could help.”
He tapped your nose playfully. "You did. Now get some rest, darling. As delectable as you are, I need something a bit more… filling." Standing, he turned and walked away, looking quite a bit more haughty and hale. 
And so you had made another poor decision, dear witch. 
Or was it?
The next morning while everyone was getting ready, you made your way to Astarion’s tent. You hadn’t seen him yet, and you wondered if he had managed to hunt something last night.
Is he still hungry?
Just as you were about to call out to him, he burst from his tent, a fucking ray of sunshine. He was all smiles and cheer, especially when he saw you.
“Ah, my sweet little treat. Come to check up on me?”
“I did, but clearly you’re doing just fine.” You should never have worried. But you looked him up and down, just to make sure. “You seem healthy.”
“I am, thanks to you,” he purred, smiling at you a bit too prettily. A tremor of caution went down your spine, as if you were staring down a predator who was lulling you into a false sense of security. He stepped a bit closer to you, his voice dropping to a sultry murmur. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you lied. You were decidedly not fine; your neck was sore and you felt some fatigue. Any of the others would probably wave this off as a little bug bite and nothing more, but you did not have the strength or stamina of a road-hardened adventurer. 
A question suddenly bubbled up from your mind, and before you could think better of it, you asked, "Did you pick me because I'm the weakest?"
His perfect smile suddenly faltered. "Believe it or not, that wasn't the reason." He looked away, suddenly a little shy. "You… smelled the sweetest."
You raised an eyebrow. "You say that to all your blood donors?" 
He turned back to you. “I’ve had this condition for two centuries, but truth be told?” He cleared his throat. "You were my first," he mumbled. 
You stared in shock, but as he continued to explain himself, you started to believe him. His floundering rang of truth.
“You were delectable. And now I just can’t help but wonder how the others taste.”
As he rattled off his conjectures about everyone’s flavor, you had to wonder: Did he just like the sound of his own voice?
“What about you? Who would you want to taste? Hypothetically, of course.”
You grimaced. “I’d rather starve.”
If you hadn’t been watching him so carefully, you wouldn’t have noticed the slight twitch of his eyebrow. “Come now. This is a mere thought experiment. Pick someone.”
“Well…” you trailed off, looking around at everyone as they got on with their day. You turned back to Astarion. “Probably you, since you’d be the most accepting.”
“Not because you think I’d taste the best?” 
“I wasn’t even thinking of that,” you confessed.
You could see the gears turning behind his eyes as he observed you. You weren’t sure what he was calculating in that head of his, but you were pretty sure you wouldn’t like it.
"So what did I taste like?" you asked out of curiosity.
He stared at you so intensely that you regretted asking.
"You don't have to answer," you quickly added. 
He hummed before he leaned in, his breath on your cheek as he murmured secretly, only to you. "You tasted like the purest, sweetest honey wine."
You turned your head slightly to meet his gaze. With him looking at you like he wanted to eat you right up, you suddenly wanted to run. 
“Erm, right. Well, I better get going then,” you said, quickly turning around and bailing from the conversation like your life depended on it. 
Perhaps it did.
While most of the party was away, you began to take down the camp. Karlach and Wyll had offered to stay behind and help you move all the gear to a new campsite closer to the druids’ grove while the others investigated a possible cure.
The two of them were relatively chatty with each other, which left you time to stew over this morning’s interaction with the noble.
No, the vampire.
You replayed the conversation in your mind. His flirty posture. His beguiling tone. It was as if he was luring you in, playing at being attracted so you would feel the same in return. Give something to receive something, you supposed. It all seemed very constructed, and didn’t match the fleeting moments of shyness, which were much more charming to you.
He had nothing to gain from making you fall for him, other than your continued donation of blood. But you would have done that anyway. You liked taking care of your companions. It brought you joy.
Why is he doing this? Does he think I wouldn’t feed him otherwise?
As you spaced out, lost in your thoughts, the others had completed cleaning up their sections of the camp and packed things up. Karlach came up to you, waving her hand in front of your face when you didn’t respond to your name.
“You alright? You seem a bit tired,” she commented. 
Shit. Can’t let them know anything. “I’m good!” you replied, wrapping the scarf around your neck a little more securely before quickly getting everything else ready to go.
As the three of you hiked to the new area, your thoughts kept wandering, and so too did your perception of Astarion. Something wasn’t adding up. He was a noble, a flirt, and unapologetically snide at times. But he had fears, shadows in his heart that didn’t make sense to you.
You thought of a lion, caged in a circus. Forced to perform, perceived as mighty, but treated like property, only useful if it played along. A chained beast that lashed out in fear, having only experienced the worst.
Admittedly, you didn’t know much about vampires. But you did know about emotions.
Your heart clenched as the direction of your thoughts turned dark. You had a hunch and you didn’t like it.
If I’m right, then I should handle him with more care. But I hope to the gods that I’m wrong.
Chapter Notes: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I really wanted to bring my own spin to this scene. Let me know what you think in the comments!
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curiositymemes · 10 months
taken from the 2023 novel by kiersten white. trigger warnings for unreality, trauma, religion, and cults. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
“oh, i can see it in your eyes.”
“i’ve always known.”
“it’s okay to ask questions. questions are how we get to know the world.”
“safe, he / she / they’d say at the end of the day. safe, instead of good night, or i love you.”
“yes, it’s really me.”
“a lot of people never got closure. including us. especially us.”
“we all worried about you, you know.”
“i can’t believe i finally found you.”
“name, what did you do?”
“you don’t recognize me, do you? well, i’d never forget you, name.”
“what the actual fuck?”
“you’ve been here the whole time?”
“there’s always a spot for you.”
“i feel weirdly compelled to warn you about stranger danger.”
“i don’t remember you, but i know you. that’s enough for me, today.”
“i have so many more questions than i did before.”
“it was amazing, until it wasn’t.”
“we were all just kids.”
“time passed different then.”
“i’d say it’s like no time has passed but really too much has.”
“don’t overthink it. we’re almost there.”
“that’s so creepy. please read them all right now.”
“i changed my mind. i don’t want to hear this.”
“what’s fanfic?”
“sounds like one of those nonsense inspirational facebook posts.”
“this can’t be right.”
“i’m giving it thirty more minutes.”
“stay with us tonight, wherever we end up.”
“again, i ask: what the fuck?”
“it looks like someone put a regular house on a medieval rack and tortured the shit out of it.” / “funhouse mirror version of a house.”
“name said we aren’t staying here, and we all know she’s / he’s / they’re in charge.”
“it’s late and cold and none of you are wearing jackets.”
“is it okay if i spend the night? is there room?”
“did we all collectively dream this?”
“how does everyone remember something that, for all intents and purposes, never existed???”
“don’t sit too close. you’ll burn your eyes out, remember?”
“sorry, i’m exhausted. it’s been a long day. long year. long decade.”
“can we figure everything out in the morning?”
“let’s explore. up, or down? down, right? gotta be down. that’s where the bodies always are.”
“your mom- / dad- / parent-voice is powerful.”
“you haven’t changed at all.” / “excuse me, i’m much handsomer.”
“shut up, dork.”
“i can’t remember the last time i saw this many stars.”
“i feel like i’m losing my mind.”
“i just can’t believe you’re here. you’re really here.”
“i felt so guilty that i lost you, i shaped my whole life around the space where you were missing.”
“it was my job to watch out for you.”
“i wasn’t strong enough.”
“is it crazy that i feel closer to you than anyone else in my life?”
“it haunts us. knowing what we had, and that we can never get it back.”
“i never moved on. i never moved on at all.”
“i was only age but that shit has haunted me ever since.”
“if i had to live inside it all these years, so do you.”
“you really don’t remember it?”
“which question do you want me to answer?”
“i can’t remember the last time someone made breakfast for me. that was really nice of you.”
“i need this to work. it’s got to work.”
“i don’t want you to go through this alone. i’ll stick with you, if you’ll have me.”
“there’s something else going on here.”
“hey now, that’s not fair.”
“i guess he / she / they taught me how to survive.”
“they loved me in a way i needed to be loved. they were always there.”
“i don’t know what was real and what was nightmares after.”
“to be fair, no one ever thinks i’m a p.i., which can come in handy.”
“she deserves / he deserves / they deserve so much more.”
“not hidden, just unnoticed.”
“i’d say get a life, but i’m here talking to you about it, so i can’t really criticize.”
“married a kennedy. it was that or a bush, and kennedys throw better parties.”
“i’m trying to think what else i shouldn’t say about myself.”
“don’t worry about it. they won’t be mad at you, and they’ll be mad at me no matter what i say.”
“i figure, why poke a sleeping bear when you can kick it in the balls instead?”
“my rebellious-teen phase was cut short.”
“people think children’s lives are simple, easy, but it’s the opposite. everything that happens around them affects them, and they don’t have the power to affect any of it back.”
“you seem really intense about a show that ended thirty years ago.”
“your hand okay?”
“i’ve never needed anything more in my entire life.”
“look elsewhere, sweetie. trust me. you don’t want anything out there.”
“the desert does have a way of wriggling into your soul.”
“you’re small, and you’re alone, and you don’t matter. and that’s okay.”
“go anywhere else.”
“this doesn’t have to change anything.”
“that’s what i want. change. it’s what i asked for.” 
“we’re not in trouble.”
“i should have given you a better warning.”
“i need to go alone. but don’t leave!” / “i’d never leave you.”
“if the cops come, we can thelma and louise it out of here.”
“name, you didn’t do anything bad. you were just a kid.”
“you can’t make me!”
“well, come in, i guess.”
“i’m afraid it’s not going to be enough.”
“did any of us actually make it out?”
“she / he / they didn’t ask anything of you except approval. maybe she’s / he’s / they’re still asking for that.” 
“you sound like a fucking psycho.”
“you can tell me if i did a good job, if people will like it.”
“we made a deal, so we’re doing what we’re told.”
“keep going. you’re doing great.”
“i did everything i was supposed to, followed all the rules.”
“i’m so sad, all the time, and i don’t know how not to be sad.” 
“i’m the link holding everything together and it’s all just weight. it’s weight, and it never lets up, and no one else ever holds it. no one else even notices it.” 
“i don’t understand how i can be there every moment of every single day and somehow not exist at the same time.”
“i’m not happy, and i don’t know how to be happy.” 
“i want this part to be over.”
“do you have any questions for me?”
“you were getting better.”
“we were doing what was best for you.”
“but you always got your way.” 
“because he’s / she’s / they’re an idiot, that’s why.”
“i was going to be so proud to be your mother / father / parent.” 
“even now, they blame me.”
“did you look for me?”
“i need your phone.”
“we were playing a game of hide-and-seek, but no one was seeking.”
“what do you want to do?”
“i like it better this way. adds character.”
“i thought you couldn’t remember what happened.” / “i didn’t say i didn’t remember. i said it doesn’t make sense.” 
“you’ve been through a lot.”
“i don’t matter.”
“all that matters is figuring out the truth.”
“listen to me: it wasn’t your fault.”
“i’ve always known i did something unforgivable.”
“you still blame yourself.”
“you were my responsibility.” 
“it feels unfinished, doesn’t it?”
“you want to stay?”
“this is a celebration, not a tribunal.”
“she says  / he says  / they say they’ll meet us there in a couple hours.”
“oh, it’s not that bad of a joke.”
“why are you sleeping, lazybones? there’s so much to do.”
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mlmxreader · 10 months
Home Is Where You Are | Alfie Solomons x nb!reader
anonymous asked: Hello again! You've given me way too much power with these open asks 🙈!! I promise this is the last one (for tonight😆)! Could I please request the following for Alfie Solomons X Nonbinary reader: "I'm sorry, you want me to what?" "Be my fake boyfriend"+"Get closer, I want to remember the colour of your eyes"+"Is it so terrible to be scared right now?" Just a thought but maybe reader got out of a really shit relationship and they end up seeing the person within Camden while out with Alfie? Something like that?? Thank you again! I appreciate you so, so much! 🐍anon
summary: it's thanks to Alfie and his mother that you picked yourself back up after a relationship with a bastard had ended, but when you see him against whilst out with Alfie, you know what you have to do.
tws: brief mentions of transphobia (nothing explicit), swearing, brief mention of threat & violence
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
You yawned as you held onto Alfie's arm, thankful for the decent evening and the full stomach more than anything else; you wanted to go home, you were absolutely knackered if you were honest, and wearing Alfie's thick coat, you were getting more and more tired with each step.
You had had a good time, but it was getting late. You didn't mind it, though, you always liked being around Alfie; it wasn't rare for you to go out of Camden with him to see his mother on the weekends, and she was always more than happy for you to stop overnight.
She treated you like she did any other close family friend, even if she did always say that you never ate enough; you could have eaten a full five course meal with pudding and starters and sides and she would still say you didn't eat enough.
Alfie was always right there for you, and so was his mother; when your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, it was Alfie who looked after you, and Missus Solomons who took you under her wing and gave you a place to stay before you could move in with Alfie. She told Alfie about the relationship with your consent.
How your ex was less than kind and how he didn't like that you and Alfie were so close; she told Alfie about the things that your ex had said when you first told him about being nonbinary.
Alfie wanted to kill the cunt, but who could blame him?
The only reason he didn't was because both his mother and you had asked him not to. But Alfie still swore, if he had a chance to, he would take it.
He would kill that cunt after everything he had put you through. When it came to you, Alfie had more than a soft spot, more than a weakness; he never smiled and laughed the same way he did with you, his lips never ached and his sides never hurt when he wasn't with you.
He didn't feel so secure, like he was at home anywhere. You were his canary. His mongoose under the house. His snake in the grass to keep the small mammals at bay.
When he stole a look at you, daring to smile to himself even though he knew it was wrong; you were his friend, he shouldn't have thought such things, and given what you had just been through, he felt like shit for thinking that maybe, just maybe, he could have asked you to be something other than a friend.
Chewing at the inside of his lip, Alfie tried to keep those thoughts away as much as he could, but when you tugged on his arm, there was an ache in his chest.
"Alfie, two o'clock."
He looked, and furrowed his brows. "That the cunt?"
You nodded. "I need a favour… could you, I'm sorry but could you pretend we're together?"
"I'm sorry, you want me to what?"
"Be my fake boyfriend," you muttered. "Please? Just to keep him away."
Alfie clenched his jaw. "C'mere."
He pulled you closer, laying his arm across your shoulders as he kept you as close to his body as he possibly could, daring to gently graze his beard against your jaw as he brought you to the nearest wall.
He gently cupped your jaw with one hand, leaning into you slightly.
"Can I kiss you?"
You swallowed thickly. "I'm not sure… is it, is it so terrible to be scared right now? I, I mean what if he comes over?"
"I'm a big lad, sunshine," Alfie pointed out. "Big enough to protect us both."
You nodded, your eyes going to his lips for a moment. "As long as you're sure."
"Fuckin' very," he chuckled. "We can just act like we're snoggin', if that'd help."
You shook your head. "It's best if we do it properly."
"Put your hand here," Alfie whispered, putting your hand on the collar of his shirt. "Tug twice when you want me to stop."
You nodded, heart pounding in your chest as you welcomed the feeling of his lips on yours; his beard tickled and scratched at your skin, making you smile as you dared to relax, leaning into him and letting your hand slip from his collar.
Resting it on his chest as your other hand went to the back of his neck. When it was time to break the kiss, Alfie pulled away but still kept quite close, his breath soft and even.
"You alright?"
You nodded. "Yeah, yeah, no, I'm… I'm fine."
His head was spinning as he took a quick look around. The cunt who hurt you was nowhere in sight. "He's gone now. You're alright."
You couldn't stop yourself, closing the distance as you kissed him again; even though he was a little surprised, it only took Alfie a couple of seconds before he eagerly kissed you back.
But it only lasted a few seconds, and when you pulled away, stuttering and spluttering out apologies, Alfie simply shook his head.
"It's alright," he reassured. "I'm not gonna fuckin' ask if you wanna get into another relationship, I ain't like that but… when you do, when you're ready, I'll be right fuckin' here waitin'."
"I love you," you said quietly.
"I know," Alfie hummed, tugging you away from the wall gently. "Here, stand under the light and get closer, I wanna remember the colour of your eyes when I fuck off to Birmingham."
You frowned, shaking your head as you cleared your throat. "Take me with you… please?"
He thought about it for a moment. "Are you sure? It's not gonna be a fuckin' holiday, y'know, I'm goin' to deal with some cunt who wants to do business."
"I'm sure," you told him. "I know… I know wherever you are, that's home."
Slowly, Alfie dared to grin as he laughed softly. "I could say the same fuckin' thing about you, sunshine… but alright then, if you wanna come, you can come."
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haloburns · 3 months
(from this post)
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
hmmm.... i like genuine surprises, like when an author updates a fic after a while, but i hated planned surprises?? like when people plan to Surprise Me with A Thing, i don't like that very much. mostly bc i hate the social expectation of formulating a response aljsdlkfjsdkjf
now in terms of writing, surprises like "oh here's a new headcanon about ur OC" that just...happen...to me while i'm writing get mixed reactions aksldjfdsk sometimes im SUPER EXCITED bc it makes xyz easier, sometimes i get irrationally angry bc DAMMIT NOW I HAVE TO CHANGE XYZ TO FIT. most of the time, tho, writing is just. surprise after surprise lmao
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
@dreamwraith is one of my FAVORITEST EVER authors, anything he writes, i will read.
@emeraldsandamethyst is another friend of mine whose works are INCREDIBLE, both funny and angsty, and GODS her smut is like. some of the best out there.
OH and anything @not-close-to-straight writes??? instantly opened and read. the fic i currently highly recommend from her is Territorial, bc HOLY SHIT vampires, but literally anything she's written i will tell people about.
i am reading a Linked Universe-related fic that i would recommend but a) i'm not dragging myself in public for that alskdjfkdjf and b) it has A Lot of Stuff that i would want to warn about before ppl jump into it. it is fucking GODS-TIER level good, and i'm in a discord with the author and some other fans and it's just...so much fun, i love that series and the discord sm. if u wanna know what it is, just dm me!
BUT WAIT ACTUALLY there is another linked universe-related series I LOVE that i will recommend: Linked Universe Townhouse AU by St0rmy it is SO FUCKING GOOD, i could talk about it all day. anything st0rmy writes, i recommend. she's a wonderful author and writes SUCH GOOD, COMPLEX CHARACTERS AND HER FIGHT SCENES???? THAT ONE FIGHT SCENE IN THE BRAVE????? OH MY GODS.
im really bad at recs, bc all knowledge of my fav fics and authors leaves my head immediately after being asked, but these are the ones on my brain currently!!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
ohhhhhh okay, so this is a headcanon for mateo, my dp oc that i ship with danny. i wrote it out SOME in "stay for dinner?" but its full implications haven't been revealed yet, so here ya go!
mateo is a WONDERFUL liar. like. scary good at it. and its not bc he enjoys it, or whatever, but it was a coping mechanism he developed while dating this guy, santiago 'tiago'. kid was tryna be big and get in good with the gangs and dragged mateo along with him. mateo, young and naive, went along with it bc he liked tiago and he was slowly figuring out that he was attracted to danger so he didn't realize how bad it was until it was too late. after they broke up, the lying didn't necessarily go away, he just stopped doing it so often. but lying IS a skill that's needed, and he uses it when he needs to with danny (especially after his core begins to develop)
HOWEVER. he can't lie about like. petty shit?? or like when danny catches him doing something silly and calls him out (teasing) on it, he is suddenly THEE WORST LIAR ON THE PLANET (which just in turn reinforces the idea that he's a terrible liar overall to danny, which protects mateo's secrets further). danny's also oblivious, so he doesn't often catch him in a true lie. THAT is reserved for vanessa, emrys, manaia, luke, and eventually, dan. basically, everyone but danny (and nikau, poor bab) can see it alsflksjdfl
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naivesilver · 4 months
Anyway, an ask that allows me to gush about your fic????? sign me the FUCK up <3
My favourite fic of yours:
WHERE do I even begin with this, seriously??? I think that, technically speaking, your 25k Lampwick fic is your best fic (or, at least, your best pinocchio-adjacent fic, because sadly I do not read anything that isn't related to him in some capacity, but I have no doubt that your other works are just as high quality 💕). The premise...the pacing... the care taken to properly explore him as a character........fuck, it's SO good.
Two Stars will also obviously hold a very special place in my heart (SO so beloved).
However, I still think that 'to love (with little to your name)' is, well, unbeatable here. It truly is one of your best works. Eugene's chapter within this fic had me bouncing off the walls and gnawing at table legs. (It was also THEE chapter that really re-wired my brain when it came to Eugene and I have been Not Normal about the square boy ever since, as you're well aware.
BUT not ONLY does it have a Eugene chapter, it also has the Scalawags (THEE first chapter of the fic and I KNEW it was gonna be good when we started with that, holy shit) and Leona?? Leona my BELOVED HELLO???? This fic just means so much to me. It's made me laugh pretty hard from time to time (thank you Pierrot and Mignon in particular for that (ALSO I NEARLY FORGOT THAT THE CHAT FIC WAS PART OF THIS???? BELOVED HELLO?????) and it's also made me want to chew my own arm off (affectionate).
What I'm saying is, thank you for this verse in general, but particularly for this fic within the thousand problems series 💖 It has affected my brain permanently.
3. The best character you've written for:
SO, I would argue that the Scalawags (yes, all three) could take this crown. Because?? how the HELL do you take something as awful (for a multitude of reasons) as EotN and transform these characters into such likeable and three dimensional people with these incredibly well thought out backstories. It blows my mind!!!!!
I also love the way you write Lampwick. And also Eugene but DUH I could talk all day about the way you write Eugene because I am mentally unwell about him.
If we're talking about characters that aren't technically OCs? Then I've gotta say that I love the way you write Regina 💖 You do a fabulous job with her, truly.
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics:
A lot of your imagery in your fic has stuck with me (things like the green description of the chapel in eyeteeth), but I guess that there are just loads of general little details and snippets from various fics here and there that still cross my mind without warning. I still remember the opening scene of choice on the beach really well for some reason. The patchwork quilt. The little handstand that Igor did to make Twinkle laugh. Pierrot's 'nun of my business' joke. idk I've told you this a million times before but....It's the little character details that fuck me up the most and that make your fics so damned enjoyable to read.
7. What made me the most emotional after reading
'when you know the makers hand'. That fic fUCKS ME UP, okay???? Because of course it does!!!! Also, spell of shattered sight fic fucks me up in a similar way (it's about.......August and his relationship with his father........). Lose my mind every time I read either of them.
13. If i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else
well DUH. I'm abnormal about your little guys ofc I have to talk to other people about them every now and then <3
LIBBY SHUT UP 😭😭😭💓💓💓 I saw you play golf but really, you could have stayed playing - I wouldn't even have been bad, you're already too good to me during normal chats, you COULD have skipped that. But since you're here now!!!! Let's go 😏😏😏
Fanfic Asks (For The Askers)
1.My favourite fic of yours
Did I expect this? Yes. Did it STILL make me emotional? ALSO YES!!!! The big Lampwick fic started an avalanche of content that to this day fills me with EXTREME joy, and Two Stars is the one thing I was still shy about gifting to you (because WOW COOL WRITER IS GOING BRRRR WITH ME WHAT DO I DO), but the kids! The kids!!!!!! I'm so happy about this world that has blossomed to life and expanded into something ginormous, and it was a blessing to plant the seed with you 💖
3.The best character you've written for
You think my Regina is good? 🥺🥺🥺I will melt jsyk
Also you know what motivates me? Anger and spite. EOTN made me so fucking mad I couldn't NOT make it better (and it wasn't that hard to do, ngl). Justice for the weird little kids! They're so much more than love interests!!!!!
6.Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics
Not much to say here, just that a lot of those scenes get rolled around my brain like a pinball marble for ages before AND after I write them, and it means the world to me that they stuck with you too 🥰🥰🥰
7.What made me the most emotional after reading
MAKER'S HAND!!!! Wow we never talk about that anymore - we do love making that man sad, don't we? Sopping wet puppet guy smh
Spell of Shattered Sight moment will be brought up again btw so don't get mad at me when it happens I warNED YOU
13.If i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else
YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!! And you freak out when I go on rants about your Lampwick 😡😡😡💗💗💗
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
🎠 Holding out for a hero ‼️ PART 6. The knight revealed.
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A Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic!
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Wooo!!!! Part 6!!!! One more part till this fic is over! I hope u guys are enjoying this silly fic! :D I’m getting a bit . Burnt out . So I am glad it’s almost over bcs I really need some time to recover from how silly my brain is working!!! 😢😢😢 anyways Ty all for reading it means so much to me! ❤️❤️❤️ pls enjoy this silly part!!! :D so sorry it was posted so late . 😭 it’s very late rn and I’m . Tired so if u see some mistakes . Pls forgive me 😭
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You stood at the railing of the balcony looking down at your knight. You felt tears of joy stream down your cheeks you were so happy it was her. You said her name and she smiled at you making you cry more. Khaan let out a rumble and he looked up at you then down at himself as the magic on him faded. You looked to your father and Sands seeing Sabine’s clone fade away from the corner of your eye. You had so many questions in mind but right now only one mattered. You asked your father how to get out of the balcony and into the arena, but the king told you he needed to speak to Sabine before you did. You were about to beg him to tell you, but you didn’t have to thanks to your uncle. The man quickly told you how and once he told you, you were gone. You rushed out of the balcony hearing your father tell your uncle he shouldn’t have said anything as you went down the stairs that led into the arena. Sabine worried when she saw you run off did she confuse your tears for happy ones? Were you upset it was her? Shit did she read your relationship wrong? She didn’t get a chance to move so she could go look for you. The woman huffed and stumbled back a bit when you came out of nowhere and you hugged her. You looked at her and you sobbed “it’s you! I can’t believe it it’s you!” at this moment it felt like the only people in the arena were you and your knight. Sabine laughed and she nodded “I hope this is a good surprise?”. You nodded answering her question and the woman dropped her helmet so she could cup your cheek and her other hand rested on your hip. She used her thumb to wipe away your tears, but they just kept coming you raised a hand to hold the one that wiped your tears away “why?” you asked her confused to why she did all this. You were extremely happy she did but why would she? Did she like you as much as you liked her? Or was she just doing her job? “You asked for help and here I am” she kissed your forehead obviously she liked you too this was more than just her job. You kissed her gloved palm, and you thanked her for all she did for you, but your moment was broken by your uncle. Both you and Sabine looked up at the man as he laughed and he said, “sorry to ruin this sweet moment but…don’t you have a wedding to plan?!” You wiped your tears away looking back at Sabine “shall we?” the woman nodded kissing your temple “of course but I feel like shit right now and I’d like to clean up first” you laughed softly and Khaan walked to you nudging you with his snout. You pet the drake thanking him for all the hard work he did in the games, and you walked with him and his rider out of the arena. At the castle Sabine had a few short minutes to explain her plan to you before your father took her with him to his court. The knight wanted to refuse she wanted to stay with you but she could not refuse her king’s orders. While she was gone all you did was worry you sat by your window looking out at the village of the kingdom. You waited for what felt like hours to you but really it was only half of one. When you heard a knock at your door you got up quickly and you walked to the door opening it. Instead of Sabine you saw your uncle the man smiled “congratulations!” he said to you before he pulled you into a tight hug. You let out a huff as some air was squeezed out of your lungs from the force of the hug. You let out another when your uncle pat you hard on the back. When the man let you go you thanked him and took a deep breath in. Evergray’s smile widened “walk with me?” you nodded “of course uncle.” You walked out of your room closing the door behind you walking side by side with your uncle down the hall of your castle. Evergray looked to you, and he began to get a bit serious “that girl fought hard in the arena for your hand.” You were looking at the carpet of the hall and you nodded “she did.” Your uncle put his hands behind his back “now…I’m no expert but-“ he paused waiting until you looked to him.
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When you did Evergray continued “that girl put everything she had into those games to win your hand and her plan was great” he nudged you with his shoulder and you let out a hum. “Your knight is a good woman she cares for you I can see it in the way she looks at you” Evergray felt he was getting too serious, and you did too so he joked a bit. “Obviously my brother, your dear old dad is dumb and boring, so he doesn’t see it” the man walked you to the doors of the throne room. “He’s more of a grumpy old witch than a king” he laughed “don’t tell him I said that” you smiled and nodded “I won’t uncle, but may I ask where you’re going with this?” Evergray moved his hands to your shoulders holding them and he looked a bit sad his eyes were glossy “you’re in good hands kid” he pats your shoulder “your father wasn’t too sure about this marriage but me and my dear Bonnie convinced him.” You knew Bonnie she was originally from the house of Silverglade but after some clockwork mistake, she ran away to your home. The woman was part of your father’s court she was in charge of making odd but great inventions to keep the kingdom safe even drake saddles and armor she’s a great friend of your uncle’s…maybe more…anyways why did Bonnie and Evergray endorse Sabine? You asked your uncle why and he responded with something that made you tear up “because that woman loves you” Evergray hugged you when he saw your eyes get glossy. “she’s in the throne room right now waiting for you” the man let you go, and he looked to the doors of the room. “Me and Bonnie endorsed her because we saw it…we saw how hard that knight fought for you, and she had guts to defy your father her king in the throne room…all that because she loves you” he looked back at you seeing you fight back tears. “Go on then” he nudged you towards the doors not wanting to be sappy anymore so you wouldn’t cry “don’t keep your fiancée waiting kid.” You smiled and nodded “thank you uncle I owe you” the man shook his head opening the doors for you. When the doors opened you saw your father sitting on his throne in front of him stood your knight. Around your father’s throne his court stood watching the doors open. When you walked in the court smiled and congratulated you. You weren’t too focused on them though you watched as Sabine turned to face you, she smiled at you holding her hand out. You walked to the knight taking her hand and you smiled back at her ‘don’t cry’ you thought as you felt yourself get teary again. Avalon stood and he walked down the steps of his throne to you and Sabine. “Sabine has won the games and as promised reward for the game she gets your hand” he looked at the woman and then to you “your wedding will be in a month” Avalon smiled when he saw how your eyes brightened and you looked to Sabine with pure excitement and the woman looked to you with the same emotion. “Go on” your father said making his way back to his throne “you have a lot of planning to do don’t waste any time!” you laughed, and you gently tugged at Sabine’s arm “come on!” you were so happy, and your happiness was infectious. Sabine laughed and she let you lead her out of the throne room. Avalon and his court watched as the two of you left…the king’s brother was right…you were in good loving hands.
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TYSM FOR READING ❤️❤️❤️❤️ this part was a bit hard NGL bcs I had so many starts and endings in mind and I am . Burnt out . but I feel like this is good . Very fluffy . I love it. Also feels very ooc :( I’m sorry :( anyways I hope I did good I hope u liked it! ❤️❤️❤️🐴🐴🐴 tomorrow is the last part ❤️😭
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westanallthegays · 2 years
Writing 101 with your favorite queer (EDITED)
Writing is h a r d .
If you think writing is easy, then I'm going to ask you if you've ever WRITTEN A STORY BEFORE because clearly, you're oblivious af.
Writing isn't just w r i t i n g a s t o r y, it's late nights trying to figure out how the fuck to write this moment, it's sleep deprivation to puzzle this character over, it's scribbling ideas down, it's questioning whether your writing is GOOD or not and whether anyone would actually want to read it, it's staring at your google doc or word doc and thinking, "Is this worth it? Maybe I should just quit ahead of time."
It's so many things, but it's not fucking EASY.
Which is why I'm writing this post for y'all. Let's be clear, I don't know everything about writing. I'm in progress, still trying to figure shit out, but I thought I might share what I've learned with you through a very, very painful process.
So ✨here we go✨
One of the things about writing is that everyone has different methods. Here's mine. Use it or not. It's up to you.
I know a lot of people who don't plan their writing out are gonna be screaming at me, but I've found out that having at least a basic plan, if not the simplest plan EVER formed by just a few bullet points really helps.
I'll give you an example (which is miraculous themed because I'm pretty sure everyone at least KNOWS what miraculous is)
Marinette goes to school
Alya gushes to her about this "cool new girl" that has arrived
Marinette reaches school and discovers the new girl is Lila Rossi
shenanigans ensue. Adrien is the only one who isn't clueless. Lie la is a bitch, as usual (what is new?)
Okay, this example was pretty crappy, but you get the idea. It doesn't even have to be an exact copy of what's gonna happen in your story, just the general idea and a few more plot points. Doing this when I'm bored, whether in my sketchbook or on a google doc, really helps. For one, I can just write down a bunch of shitty ideas and later go through them and decide which ones are the least crappy to put in my fanfic.
I'm a planning person, but I don't go super crazy when planning out a chapter. I've heard of some people creating the most intricate plans EVER for their story, and well, sorry, but that just DOESN'T work for me. This method is a lot more simpler, and it's not totally crazy.
Also, if you're writing a story based on a tv show or book series(*cough percy jackson *cough) Then I find it INCREDIBLY helpful to write down a list of all of the minor characters i want to include in my story, because let's be real, I'm pretty sure I'd forget after like a day.
And I've read too many stories with only the main characters and there being like one mention of a minor character. (*cough GROVER *cough)
So spare your innocent readers (not really) and use this method.
Welp, that's it! I'm sorry this ran on for so long guys, I had a lot to say and wanted to elaborate on it enough so that it made sense. If you actually read through this shit pile of a post, then TYSM IT REALLY MEANS A LOT.
Stay safe, don't fall into a deep, dark hole of depression that you can't get out of, and I'll see ya later~
Hi guys! It's been a few months since I stepped into the world of tumblr and wrote this post. After that i kinda forgot about tumblr with the existential crisis that is school and basic stress, so ....sorry bout that.
Thank you to the two people who liked this post, it means a lot <3
As usual, your girl is here to give some more tips that i learned over those few months i was incognito.
2. Brain dump, second draft, third draft, fourth draft...
I dont know if yall have heard of the brain dump in writing. I recently found about it when despertely researching ways to improve my crappy writing. Basically, a brain dump is when you take all of your ideas and write them down on paper or a google doc or whatever you use. I thought it was a pretty good idea, but i kind of already told you guys this with my previous tip above.
MY version is that you do a brain dump but in the form of a really messy, chaotic first draft. Write whatever you want using the ideas you have, and you dont even have to put proper dialouge. I find that i obsesse way too much over dialogue, so with my brain dump, i just leave blank spaces where the dialogue should be and put that in the second draft, which is a much more organized version of the brain dump.
THAT WAY, you can have all of your ideas down and begin to edit them into a slightly better piece of artistic creativity. I haven't tried this out myself, so im not sure how reliable it is. if you want to try this out, drop a comment telling me how it went.
Im pretty sure that's it. There isn't much esle to say, and im sure yall are familar with the "first draft, second draft" concept thingie so i dont have to explain that bit.
Again, sorry about my long absence. I would promise to do this more often, but im pretty sure i wont be able to keep that promise, so . . .
anyways, have a great day and ill see you soon (hopefully!)
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keefwho · 1 year
December 16 - 2022
8:53 AM
UGH I just need a big breakfast but I have a decision to make. The pizzas I had mom pick up after my Walmart groceries look strange *squints*. They’re the only things that weren’t in the cooler BUT they were cold when they got here. Not even floppy yet. So they’ve gotta be fine unless the store selling them fucked up. Its probably nothing so depending on how hungry I am when it’s done, I’ll eat it. If not, its just a couple dollar pizza. I’ll find something else filling to make. Its no big deal. 
10:40 AM
I don’t know why I feel so disconnected from people lately. I guess I feel like everyone is judging me all the time, its like I’m not allowed to fit in anywhere. But maybe I’m just judging myself. Either way I’m extremely lonely and while it doesn’t bother me at this moment, I’m afraid I could get very upset about it any day. I’m unsure what to do about it. I’m afraid to ask anyone for anything because I don’t want to bother them. 
3:31 PM
I know there’s a solution to how I feel right now, I just have to find it. I don’t want to sit around and feel sorry for myself. I don’t want to be sad and lonely even though I clearly have friends. 
4:18 PM
JK, emotionally I give up. People don’t like me, my art is subpar, I’ll never find love. Same old same old. No use in trying to do anything right now. I don’t care and no one else does. 
7:42 PM
Tonight is a sad and alone drinking night. Why am I so pathetic. 
I know no one knows how I feel but I always wish someone would reach out. I unrealistically believe no one cares because no one hits me up. But how else am I supposed to know I’m care about/ thought of? 
8:10 PM
I must just be shit. My art sucks and I know it. I have no redeeming social qualities. I’m a total fucking wreck. Nothing for me to do but lay around and waste oxygen. Or just keep making dogshit and hoping anyone cares. And then what. Is my life going to be grinding away making art/ models just so I can get a little interaction out of it instead of going out and talking like a normal person? People don’t like me, they like what meager shit I can make for them.
10:15 PM
There are some things I know are wrong but I don’t know what to do about them. My sense of hope and wonder have been lost for a long time. I don’t want to do anything because I can never imagine the payoff. I feel like I’m stuck where I am and things can’t get better. I can’t see anything I’m doing succeeding beyond what it already has. I struggle to stay focused and present on anything. Maybe I think too much. Maybe I need to follow the “in my pain I find my values” theory more. There are lots of things I want to do in theory but often can’t justify doing. But it’s always for a reason that involves my own limitations, like my anxiety. I think I should do the things I want to do anyways, at least on the weekend. There really is nothing to lose. I could read fanfics on stream even if no one is listening. I could camp a world in VRchat until I make a friend. Stuff like that. Sometimes I just think too much and need to start doing things. Hopefully I feel this way tomorrow. I had my dramatic plummet and now I’m coming back up with new awareness to my issues. 
I know I’m struggling to be my own person. I’m so out of touch with my own values. I tend to mold to people around me, but when they aren’t around I am lost. 
10:56 PM
It doesn’t feel healthy to try to ignore all the thoughts that are making me sad. But I thought thats what defusion was all about. It’s not about suppressing anything, it’s about hearing it and choosing not to let it interfere with how I act. I don’t know. 
0 notes
darkmulti · 3 years
King of Hell
Series : part 1
Pairing: demon!Jungkook x human!Female Reader x demon!Taehyung x demon!Jimin
Genre: Angst & Smut
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: SHAIWJW, IVE BEEN “WRITING” THIS FIC SINCE LAST YEAR, HOLY FUCK. Anyways I hope you enjoy this shitty story:)
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These are the warnings for the entire series!! This is a dark fanfic that is not meant for everyone! If these warnings trigger you, please leave!!
Smut Warning(s): multiple smuts, cockwarming, face slapping, saliva kink, thigh riding, humiliation, heavy degradation, dacryphilia kink, threesome, anal, blowjob, somnophilia kink, mirror sex, choking, spanking, hair pulling, rough sex, mix of ddlg, sleep sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, begging, small bits of praising, marking, fear kink, cum shots, cum eating
Other Warning(s): possessive!Jungkook, blood, murder, torture, physical abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, submissive reader
I’m probably missing something...
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew this was wrong. But did she care?
The girl laid supine on her boss's desk, sore legs bound around his torso, caging him in. His hand gently kneads her sensitive breast, earning soft moans from her. She grabbed his tie and tugged on it until he leaned down and passionately kissed her. The man gently pulled her up and swiftly wrapped his shapely arms around her body. She pulled away first, eager to catch her breath.
The excessive tension in the overheated room was unbearable. Her head remained low in embarrassment while her boss burned her with his gaze. To break up the tension, she awkwardly clears her throat and hops off his desk. For some reason, she desperately wanted to apologize but stopped herself. From what she remembers, her boss was undressing her with his eyes, so she let him have it. Deciding she’s not going to apologize, she frantically pulled up her skirt and opened the door to leave.
However, her boss was faster than her and instantly closed it again. He cupped her cheeks and attempted to kiss her again, but she stepped away. “I’m sorry, Dr. Kim. It’s getting late and my apartment is far from here, so I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Taehyung scowled at her. It was insulting to him. No one has ever rejected his touch. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and flung her onto his desk. She groaned in pain, protecting her injured side. Taehyung clutched her face and attached his lips onto hers, kissing her like it was his last time. She instinctively kicked her legs at him, but that made him more belligerent.
“Stop! Leave me alone!” She yelled, throwing her hands against his chest, trying to get him off. Unfortunately, she was no match for him. Taehyung pinned her down without a struggle and pulled her skirt down again. “I tried being nice, princess. But now you’ve gotten on my nerves.” He growled, forcing his cock in, despite her screaming at him to stop.
A sadistic smirk appears on his face as he picks up his pace. His warm cock fitted inside of her perfectly. It was like they were made for each other. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, enjoying the feeling to the fullest. While Taehyung was on cloud nine, the girl was bawling her eyes out underneath him. “T- Taehyung! Stop! It h- hurts!” She sobbed uncontrollably, breath hitching. Her vision started to blur as she felt her energy drain out of her writhing body. She's never endured this much pain.
Taehyung grunts as he pushes himself forward one last time before cumming in her. “Fuck! You feel so good, baby.” He leaned down and licked her tears away. He then created a trail of hickeys along her jawline, down to her collar bone. “How about another round, babe?”
“No, no! Please, no! It hurts!” She hiccuped, putting her hands together. “Please, Dr. Kim. I’ll do anything except for this! I c- can give you money… if you’d like.” Taehyung couldn’t help himself. Watching her beg for mercy was a turn on. “I don’t need your filthy money, slut. Now stay still or else you're fired.”
He ruthlessly entered in again. She let out a painful whimper but didn’t dare to move because her job was on the line. Taehyung held her hips down and quickened his pace. The helpless girl was fighting off the urge to push him away with all her remaining strength. Soon enough, her legs trembled on their own as ripples of forced pleasure went through her body. More tears gathered in her fearful eyes. A minute passed, she was still sprawled on his desk, catching her breath. “C- can I pl- please leave now?” She faintly whispered, on the verge of passing out.
Taehyung pulled her ragged skirt up then pulled her upright. He moved her hair out of her face and tenderly caressed her cheek, admiring her face. “You won’t tell anyone about this, understand?” She sobbed but nodded her head. “Good… get your stuff, I’ll drive you home.”
“No, sir. It’s okay. I’ll call a taxi. You can go home.” Taehyung’s eyes darkened. He grabbed her neck and squeezed it. “You’re making me repeat myself, Y/N. You out of all people should know how much I hate doing that. Now for the last time, get your shit and I’ll drive you home.” He took a step back and followed her to her office. She quickly grabbed her purse and jacket, then they both headed out.
The car ride home was silent. She didn't dare to speak a word. Not after what he did to her. All she could do is keep her head down and play with the hem of her shirt. Taehyung glanced over at her here and there, but he too didn’t speak a word. He looked in his rear view mirror and spotted his best friend sitting in the back, staring at “his” girl. “Keep your eyes off of her. She’s already taken, Jungkook.”
Y/N flinched when Taehyung started talking. “Huh? Are you talking to me?” She asked, confused. Red flags were popping up but she couldn’t exactly jump onto the highway. She bit down on her lip and waited for a response. “Took you a while to detect my presence, Taehyung. I thought you could do better.” She immediately turned around and saw a man sitting in the middle seat, legs spread apart. His long, jet-black hair almost veiled his eyes, and he was covered in tattoos. “Who the hell are you?!” She slightly yells, clearly startled by the man. “I wouldn’t raise my voice if I were you, sweetheart. Anyone who disrespects me will regret it for the rest of their life and afterlife.” Jungkook mockingly said, confusing the girl even more. She turned to Taehyung for an explanation, but he simply rested his hand on her thigh. “Calm down, angel. I won’t let him hurt you.”
“Bold of you to say that, Taehyung. You really think you can take me on?” Jungkook challenged.
“To keep her by my side, I’d knock you over without hesitation.” Taehyung said with a dull expression on his face.
“Don’t tell me you have feelings for this girl. Man, you keep letting me down. First living in the mortal world and now, falling in love. What’s next? Marriage? Family planning? Pathetic, Kim Taehyung. If Jimin were here, he’d be laughing his ass off.”
“If you have nothing nice to say, leave. I thought you didn’t enjoy the mortal world.”
“I don’t, I just wanted to see what my dearest friend is up to. I’m astonished, however. You managed to keep that unpleasant side of yours a secret.”
Taehyung glanced at his girl. Her face was pale and if you looked closely, she was shaking. Taehyung stroked her thigh in a soothing manner, signinally her to calm down. Out of fear, she clings to Taehyung’s hand tightly. This didn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook. He sensed her fear the moment she sat in the car. He enjoyed watching her crumble apart in the passenger seat. She looked vulnerable and afraid, he wanted to ruin her innocent looking face.
“Stop gawking at my girlfriend, Kook. Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“No, I actually don’t. Next month, I’ll be announced king, but until then, I’ll hang around you and this lovely princess.”
From that point on, Taehyung knew he couldn’t leave her alone. If he did, Jungkook would 100% hurt her or even worse, mark her as his own. Jungkook’s one selfish bastard. He will always put himself before others. Taehyung immediately knew Jungkook was attracted to her; he could tell just by observing the way Jungkook looked at her. But he wasn’t going to let Jungkook have her too. Originally, Taehyung was supposed to be king, but Jungkook was stubborn and wanted to fight for the title. Taehyung didn’t want to fight his best friend, so he willingly surrendered.
30 minutes later, he finally arrived at her apartment. She quietly thanked Taehyung for the ride, then got out. However, Taehyung turned off his engine and got out of his car. “I’m staying with you tonight.” Without question, she nodded her head and grabbed Taehyung’s hand. She was terrified of what was going on. Of course she wanted an explanation, but Taehyung seemed to be protecting her. Therefore, she thought it’d be the best to stay with him until she knows exactly what’s going on.
She opened her apartment door and set her purse and jacket on the table. “I’m gonna go shower… Make yourself at home... I guess.” She mumbled the last part and headed to her bathroom until Taehyung stopped her. “Mind if I join?” Taehyung hinted he needed to talk to her so she said yes. Meanwhile, Jungkook plopped down on the couch with his arm behind his head. “Got any bourbon?” He yelled and she responded, “the cabinet behind you has all the liquor I own.”
Taehyung pulled her into the bathroom and hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry! I fucked everything up for you.”
“Taehyung, what are you talking about?” She worriedly asked. Taehyung looked at the door then quickly turned the shower on. “We have to be quiet. He might hear us.” “Please tell me what’s going on! Who is he? How did he get inside your car?!” She whispers as calmly as she can. “His name is Jeon Jungkook. Next month, he'll be announced king of hell. He’s a very powerful demon and currently, he’s looking for his queen. Someone who can be the mother of his children and someone he can somewhat tolerate. Y/N, he has his eyes on you. You need stay around me, so I can protect you. I know I hurt you not too long ago, but trust me on this one. Jungkook has anger issues and if he gets a hold of you, you will be his punching bag for eternity.”
“Demon? King of hell? Are you hearing yourself right now?” She whispers louder, being unable to control her anger and concern. “I’m not lying, Y/N. How else did he get into my car. Do you remember our conversation in the car? He said he didn't like the human world.”
“What about you? What are you?!”
“I’m a demon too.”
“Prove it because I don’t believe-” Taehyung towers over her and his eyes turn black. His teeth become insanely sharp and black, thick horns start coming out of his head. She stood there, staring at his true form. She reached out and touched his cheek which was freezing cold. “Demons are real?” She faintly whispered. “Take your clothes off. He’s coming.” Taehyung’s out of his clothes in a blink of an eye but she didn’t want to remove her clothes. Taehyung heard Jungkook getting closer, so he ripped her clothes off and pushed her in the shower. He followed behind and pinned her against the wall, kissing her forcefully. “He’s looking through the door, pretend you're enjoying it so we're unsuspicious.” She surprisingly listens and returns the kiss. Taehyung picks her up, and she wraps her legs around his waist, allowing him to enter her. “Moan loud for me, baby.” The girl digs her nails into his shoulder and releases her needy moans.
Jungkook was standing in the door way, watching Taehyung fuck the living out of her. What he would do to be in his position. A part of Jungkook was telling him to kill Taehyung and take his place. However, the other half of him knew that it would create a war between the Kim’s and the Jeon’s. Centuries of feuds have been going on between the two families and it finally ended when Taehyung’s father made a peace offering and Jungkook’s dad happily accepted. From there on, Taehyung and Jungkook grew up together as best friends. Jungkook stopped himself from making a big mistake but continued watching the two fuck.
Taehyung came in her one last time before pulling out and cleaning her up with some water. She clung onto Taehyung because she had no more feeling in her legs. Her clit was burning from the overstimulation, but she wasn’t complaining because it felt so good. He carried her back to her room and wiped her body off with a towel. Jungkook went back to the couch and tried to relax his mind. For some reason, her moans kept playing in his head and before he knew it, he was hard. “Shit!” He angrily muttered.
After tucking Y/N in, Taehyung came to the living room to see what Jungkook was doing. Jungkook was leaning on the balcony railing, staring at the full moon. “If you want, you can crash at my place.” Taehyung said, fiddling with his house keys. “Nah, I think I’ll stay right here… By the way, your girlfriend is hot. If she ever wants to have a threesome, tell her-”
“She doesn’t, Jungkook. One man is good enough for her.”
“That’s too bad. Well, tell her if she gets tired of you she can come to me any time and anywhere.” Jungkook cockishly smiled, raising one eyebrow. “Stop with the jokes, will you?” Taehyung's voice got deeper because he’s had enough of Jungkook’s irritating comments. “I’m going to bed now. Sleep on the couch or wander on the street, I don’t care. Just don’t kill anyone.” Taehyung said before leaving Jungkook alone on the balcony. “I'll try not to.”
Taehyung opened the door and saw Y/N struggling to fall asleep. He quickly got into her bed and pulled her into his comforting embrace. “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here now.” He carefully laid her face on his chest then ran his fingers through her smooth hair. “I love you so much. You don’t even know how long I’ve been watching you.”
“How long?” She whispers back. “First year of university was when I first saw you. Ever since then, I’ve been looking out for you.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around his body. “Why didn’t you talk to me?” Taehyung smiled, remembering why. “I’m a little shy.” She climbed up his chest and kissed him on the lips. “Is he gone?” She asked, tracing lines on Taehyung’s chest. “He’s gonna crash on your couch. Sorry about him, sweetheart.”
“It’s okay.”
Soon, silence took over the room and the girl fell asleep on Taehyung’s chest. Taehyung continued to play with her hair and trace her back until the door slightly opened. He saw Jungkook in the doorway and sighed. “What do you want now?”
Everything happened rapidly. The door swung open and all Taehyung saw were 2 red eyes staring him down. Before he could react, Jungkook knocked him out and pinned the girl’s body down. He entered into her sore cunt, causing her to wake up. As soon as she saw Jungkook’s face, she started to scream and fight. “Stop! Taehyung, help me!” She shook Taehyung’s body, but he was unresponsive. “What did you do to him?!”
“Shut up and cooperate with me or else I’ll take you to hell.” Jungkook swiftly got into a better position and let his raging boner free. The bed frame began banging against the wall harder and harder each time. Y/N was in a state of shock. She didn’t know what to do. Jungkook viciously thrusted into her and held her down by her neck. “No! Please! Stop!” Jungkook flipped her around and took her from behind. He spanked her ass multiple times, leaving his hand print on her skin. He pulled out and got up from the bed, dragging her along with him. “Look at yourself, you fucking slut.” Jungkook pulled her hair and forced her to look at herself in the mirror. “Watch me fuck you, slut. If I see your eyes aren’t open, I’ll slit your family's throat and send you pictures.”
“No! No! Please don’t! I- I won’t close my eyes, I promise.” Jungkook thrusted in again and had no mercy on her. Tears were rushing down her face but didn't once close her eyes. Jungkook deliberately went faster seeing if she could handle the pain. It took a lot out of her, but she didn’t want to put her family in danger so she listened to every order. Jungkook continued fucking her hard. He could sense the fear that was taking over her body. She was shaking and silently crying, but it merely encouraged him to go faster. At last, he pushed his whole length in and came deep inside her. She squirted around him and collapsed on the floor. “No more, please” “Get on your knees, now!” She whimpered but got on her knees. Jungkook didn’t waste a second to shove his whole cock in her mouth. He grabbed her face and started fucking her throat as fast as he could. After some time, hot cum was running down her throat as he finally pulled out. The poor girl was choking on her own saliva when Jungkook clutched her hair and spat in her mouth.
Jungkook wanted to go for another round, but someone hit his head, knocking him out. Jungkook fell to the floor, revealing a conscious Taehyung. He immediately picked her off the floor and hugged her tightly. She started sobbing on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, baby. We have to leave.” He quietly spoke. Taehyung quickly cleaned her up and gave her some warm clothes to wear. He carried her out of the apartment and into his car. He quickly dialed someone’s number and stepped on the gas.
“Jimin! Take your fucking brother back to hell. He’s lost his fucking mind. He knocked me unconscious and raped my girlfriend.”
“Holy shit! Where is he?”
Taehyung quickly informs Jimin of Jungkook’s location.
“I’ll pick him up. Just find a safe place, Tae.”
“Yeah, I will.”
After receiving the call from Taehyung, Jimin rushed to Jungkook. He was still on the floor, passed out. “How hard did you hit him, Taehyung?” Jimin muttered before bringing Jungkook back to hell and chaining him up.
Jungkook woke up with his head pounding. He groaned and looked at his surroundings. “What the hell?” He spoke in a raspy voice. “Wake up, brother. Taehyung informed me you were up to no good.” Right, that bastard Taehyung, he thought. Memories of last night came rushing to his head and he couldn't help but smile. “Where’s Y/N?” Jungkook asked, replaying last night in his head. “Y/N? As in Taehyung’s girlfriend?”
“Don’t call her Taehyung’s girlfriend. Soon, she’ll find her way back to me.”
“Brother, I knew you were absurd, but fucking Taehyung’s girlfriend? Really?”
“You’ve never seen her before, so you won’t understand. But as soon as you get close to her, I ensure you, you won’t be capable of controlling yourself.”
“I’ll see for myself.” Jimin said before getting up and closing the heavy metal door, leaving Jungkook alone.
1 month later
After the incident with Jungkook, Y/N and Taehyung got into a serious relationship. Every single day, Taehyung worked on becoming stronger to protect his beloved. He felt remorseful for placing her in this kind of situation, so the least he could do is protect her. Y/N was deeply in love with Taehyung. At first, she kept telling herself she only wants him around so he can keep her safe, however she couldn’t help herself. She let go of what he did in the past and focused on the present.
“Taehyung! I’m home!” Taehyung pops his head from the kitchen and she swiftly runs into his embrace. “I missed you.” She pouted her lips and kissed him. “Guess what?”
“I missed you more.” She giggles at his response and pecks him all over his face. Taehyung picked her up and sat on the couch with her on his lap. A sweet make out turned into a heated one quickly. She tugged on his shirt then removed it for him and he did the same for her. “How about we try something different?” Taehyung placed her on one of his thighs and placed both of his hands on her ass. “Ride my thigh, angel.” She started moving slowly, unsure of how it might feel. Once her clit started getting some stimulation, she kept going faster and faster, falling apart in Taehyung’s arms. She clenched and came around nothing while Taehyung attacked her tits with his mouth. He left a trail of hickeys all over her upper chest. Taehyung came in his pants just from watching her and feeling her juices leak onto his thigh.
They both eagerly kissed each other until Y/N pulled away. “Can we go out for dinner? I don’t feel like cooking today.” She panted, playing with Taehyung’s hair. “Of course we can.”
The long-awaited day had finally come. The crowd was larger than it ever had been. Everyone came down to watch the ritual and pay their respects to the new king. Torches were pointed downward, symbolizing death. In the middle of the stadium, there was a massive platform. On the platform, there was a throne, a crown, a pentagram and a tied up angel for the sacrifice. Jimin and his father stood side by side, wearing black suits. The crowd went silent when everyone detected a compelling, cold presence. Jungkook revealed himself from the shadows in his true form. He was shirtless with only a thin fabric wrapped around his waist. He walked to the platform and laid down on the pentagram. Everyone knew, this was the beginning of a new chapter.
Moments later Jungkook was screaming in pain. His body became a portal for all the previous kings. They were passing their abilities down to him, resulting in Jungkook's chest and back being burned. Everyone in the audience stood up and started chanting. Jungkook sat upright and headed towards the angel who was pleading for mercy. He manipulated his sharp nail and slit their throat, killing them in a matter of seconds. He attached his mouth onto their neck as the chanting got louder. The warm, thick liquid gliding down his throat was incredibly addictive. Jungkook could feel his power triple in seconds. He tossed the deceased angel away like a rag doll then faced his people. He stretched his wings and grew out his horns.
“I am honoured to be your new king. Thank you to everyone who came to watch the ritual. Please know I’ve acknowledged your presence and respect. I greatly appreciate it.”
Everyone applauded for Jungkook. Surviving the ritual requires an enormous amount of strength. Jungkook has proved to everyone that he is worthy of being king.
“Are you ready? I feel like I’ve been waiting forever.” Taehyung said, sitting down on the couch. He was dressed up in his black suit and tie, looking flawless like always. 5 minutes had passed, and he still hadn’t heard a word from her. “Angel? What’s taking so long? Do you need help with your dress?” Taehyung walked back to their shared bedroom only to see Jungkook holding her down with his sharp nail on her neck. “I’m giving you two options, Taehyung. Let me have her, and I won’t hurt her or, she dies, I take her back to hell and torture her for eternity. What will it be, Taehyung?” All Taehyung saw was red. Without realizing, he changed into his demon form and attacked Jungkook. He managed to get him off of her, but strength and power wise, Taehyung was no match. Jungkook punched him over and over, until his nose and jaw was broken.
“Fuck you, Jungkook. I let you have everything! I gave it all up for you because I wanted to be a good friend! One good thing happens in my life and you fucking take it away!” Taehyung yelled, managing to punch him one last time. Y/N sprinted off the bed and rushed to Taehyung’s side. She didn’t care that Jungkook was there, all she cared about was Taehyung. “Taehyung! You’re bleeding! What should I do?! Should I call the ambulance?!” Taehyung looked into her eyes and his heart softened. Tears were streaming down her face. She was actually worried about him. Even after he revealed his true form, she stayed by his side. Does that mean she loves him? Taehyung slightly smiled. “I’ll be alright, love. I’ll heal by tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t.” Jungkook interjected as he got up and kicked Taehyung’s head. “STOP!” She screamed, protecting Taehyung with her body. She wrapped her arms around his head so Jungkook couldn't kick him. “C- can’t you see he’s hurt?! Leave him alone!” She bawled. “I’m not going to leave him alone until he makes a decision. So Taehyung, what will it be?” Taehyung wrapped his arms around her waist, refusing to let her go. “There are billions of other people in the world. Why do you want MY girlfriend?!”
“Don’t question me, Taehyung. Now give me her, or I’ll have to forcefully take her.”
Y/N started sobbing on Taehyung’s shoulder. “Please don’t take him away from me. I love him. Please don’t.” She begged, her tears staining Taehyung’s shirt. Jungkook was slowly starting to lose his temper. He massaged his temples then grabbed her arm, prying her off and away from Taehyung. “If you don’t come back with me to hell, I’ll kill Taehyung right here right now. Or better yet, I’ll make you help me kill him.”
Y/N began to shake. “Please don’t hurt him. I’ll go back with you.”
“No! Y/N he’s going to hurt you! Jungkook you can kill me but leave her alone after I die. You break the promise and will die too.”
“No, Taehyung! I can’t let you die! You can’t leave me alone!” Jungkook pushed the girl back and kicked Taehyung in the stomach. “If you want her so badly, you’re going to have to fight me.” With that, Jungkook turned around, picked her up and disappeared. “NO! Shit! Shit!” Taehyung cursed at himself.
Once again, he failed to protect his love.
Uhhh, hi🤠
This is terrible and I’m sorry if it doesn’t live up to your expectations. I completely understand because many people have been waiting for this fic to release and it’s not even good. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed what part 1 has to offer. At first, I didn’t want to make this into a series because I’m very inconsistent. However, I had a sickening plot in mind that I really wanted to do, so the next best option was to make this into a series.
I know, not a lot of Jimin was in this, but the next couple of parts will have him.
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