#god i need to do more constant appreciation posts
demon slayer hcs: the hashiras reacting to your confession
wc: 830>
second post of the day? sí
you'd do it after eating at her favourite restaurant 
her eyes would definitely widen in shock as she wasn't expecting this at all, especially from you 
before she could respond, you tell her how she's the most beautiful and gorgeous woman you've ever laid your eyes upon 
i feel like she'd giggle and squeal and give you a ton of thank yous 
you'd leave her in a hot blush as she happily accepts your confession and tells her how she feels too  
the both of you go home, hand in hand 
would happen while the both of you are strolling through the woods
"huh?" is the most he'd say 
hes never got a thing for love, but he had cherished the relationship he's had with you for a long time
he may come off as sarcastic saying like "what am i supposed to say??" but genuinely he does NOT know what to say 
you didn't know how to reply to him but you told him its up to how he feels 
his clueless ass is just gonna say "sure" 
after that he'll try to awkwardly hold your hand as he walks faster, trying to hide his sudden blush 
will happen while the both of you are eating alone together
he was just about to put a spoonful of food in his mouth when he halted at those sudden words
he'd probably say "is that so, y/n?" 
he'll just randomly start smiling and laughing
he'll tell you that he was surprised that you had feelings for a man like him 
hes not a man of love but i guess he'll make an exception for you 
"well if that's your choice... i guess i'll happily be yours!" he smiled warmly, rubbing his hand on yours 
the rest of the evening was filled with happy chatter
you were having a friendly duel with him when you managed to pin him down 
oh god he looked so good when you were on top of him 
when you finally said it, he looked at you in confusion at first but suddenly reversed his positions with yours
next thing you know, he was on top of you 
"say what?" he sneered, a grin forming at the corners of his lips 
"i-i like you," your hands quivered as you were scared that he wouldn't take it seriously 
then suddenly he just pressed his lips on yours as he locked his hands with yours, leaving you in shock
i don't need to explain what the both of you did afterwards 
god damn bro this guy is so down bad for you 
you were watching her experimenting on stuff when it just came out 
"what?" she looked at you innocently, stopping whatever she was doing
you dropped your head down in embarrassment but she knew you were blushing real hard
she tilted your jaw so it faced hers and inched close to your lips 
"is that so?" she muttered under her breath but you could hear it as clear as day 
before you knew it, she placed a kiss on your lips before letting go and whispering into your ear "i wanna be yours too, darling," 
the butterflies in your stomach suddenly disappeared as you knew you had the real butterfly to yourself now 
the both of you were walking when you felt that it was the perfect moment to express your feelings for him 
he looked at you for a split second before turning back, his expression still constant
"y/n, i don't know how to feel about this," 
just like muichiro, he was inexperienced at feeling emotions, let alone love
you assured him that it was alright if he didn't return the feelings, but you just wanted to let him know that you appreciated him more than anyone else did 
those words managed to slither to the depths of his heart as he locked eye contact with you 
he slowly held your hand as he placed a clothed kiss on it 
you returned the touch by caressing the scars through his mask with your fingers, telling him how gorgeous he was 
"thank you y/n. i-" his breath hitched halfway. "i like you too," 
that was all you needed to hear as the both of you spent the rest of the night together 
he was walking you back to the dorm when you suddenly leaned into his ear and said it 
his eyes widened ever so slightly as he rubbed his ear to make sure he heard that correctly 
"i see," this man can't express himself LMFAOOO 
"well, you're quite- ahem- attractive too," he tried to muster up whatever words he could say before turning red
you took that as a yes as you dived in for a kiss on his cheek but you were suddenly stopped as his hands gently held your jaw 
"i deserve it," he said before leaning in to kiss you himself 
he definitely went in your dorm with you
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Bad PR-Jordan Li Fic
A/N: I saw someone post about needing a fic about Jordan being in a relationship where they're "unmarketable" and haven't been able to get the idea out of my head since. This is written with a black reader in mind. I also have a sequel in mind if anyone wants it.
Word Count: 3739
Warnings: Some sensuality and swearing.
I don't claim to own any characters or property from Gen V or The Boys. All credit to the original gif creators.
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  Silence was something that I always thought I longed for. Every day for the past twenty years, there was noise, whether it was someone (usually multiple) talking, music blasting, cars going by, or screaming. By now, I thought I would have learned how to tune it out and focus on what was most important: save the little kids from a burning school, study as hard as I could to get into GOD U, and manipulate social media algorithms so much it would make tech experts’ heads spin.
   But, I hadn’t. Then, I thought I got used to the noise, the demands to take pictures with total strangers, the background noise of a song I was doing a TikTok challenge to, Liza, my Vought-assigned PR rep, and my parents insisting on what I should wear, and the constant buzzing in the back of my head that my ability caused. However, as I laid on Jordan’s bed, listening to them ramble about Brink, I didn’t mind the noise so much.
  “I mean, he’s kind of a mad genius but for good,” Jordan stated. Then, they turned to me with a sheepish smile on their face. “Sorry, I’m boring you, aren’t I?”
  I shook my head. “No, no, it’s alright. Brink’s brilliant and it’s amazing that you’re his mentee.” I pushed myself up onto my elbows. “Besides, you’re pretty cute when you’re excited.”
  Jordan rolled their eyes and slowly made their way towards me, stopping right at the foot of their bed. “Only when I’m excited?”
  “Shut up, you know you always look good,” I teased.
   They playfully flipped their hair and batted their eyes. “Well, we can’t all have a glam squad on call so I appreciate it.”
   I scoffed, rose to my knees, and playfully pushed their shoulder only for them to switch to their masculine form and grab my hand. “That’s not fair and I didn’t even ask for them, my parents and Liza insisted on it when I got in.”
   Jordan nodded but I could tell they weren’t listening since their eyes were on my lips. “I don’t feel like talking anymore.”
   Something about their deeper masculine voice sent tingles down my spine and made my stomach feel fuzzy. Then again, they easily caused the same effect in both forms. My breath caught in my throat as soon as our lips touched, and I could feel my heart rate pick up. I tried to relax in their gentle but firm grip as I wrapped my hands around their neck, but it was easier said than done.
   Suddenly, my back was against their bed and the kissing got more fervent. Jordan slipped their tongue down my throat and trailed one of their hands down my leg. I shivered as they pulled my leg up around their hip and pressed further into me.
   “I should’ve known this is what you meant when you said you wanted to hang out,” I breathed after pulling away for a second.
   “I had good intentions but you kept screwing me with your eyes,” Jordan huffed back.
   “No, I---” Jordan cut me off, switching to their feminine form and kissing my jaw, working their way down my neck. “Not…fair.”
   One of their hands slowly started trailing up under my (their) sweatshirt and I tried to stifle my giggles at the soft touch. After a couple of seconds, I couldn’t help but start giggling and covered my face when Jordan paused their actions and looked up at me.
   “Still ticklish?” Jordan teased.
   “Shut up, it’s your fault since they're your hands,” I groaned through another laugh.
   Jordan smirked at me and ran their hands down my waist, gently tapping my sides, causing more laughter on my end. I tried to reach for their hands to stop them but they were too good at dodging me. At some point during my laughter, my phone started ringing.
    “Ignore it,” Jordan whined as they pressed their head against my stomach, their big brown eyes somehow looking bigger and browner than usual.
   “I can’t,” I whined back as I pulled away from them and grabbed my phone from my desk. “It’s Liza, I have to answer.”
    Jordan rolled their eyes. “That bitch has the worst timing.”
   “She might not be able to help it.” I quickly answered the phone. “Hey, Liza.”
   “Y/N, I’m on campus and we need to talk ASAP. Meet me outside the Crimefighting building in five,” Liza rattled off.
   “Oh, sure, what’s it about?” I asked.
   “I’ll tell you when I see you.”
   She clicked off and I turned to Jordan, who was much less than pleased.
  “Let me guess, you have to go,” they said.
   “I’m sorry, it sounded important,” I said as I started grabbing my stuff from around their room. “I’ll try to make it quick.”
   “No, don’t worry about it.” They pushed themselves off the bed and stood in front of me, gently grabbing my hands in theirs. “It’s your career and I’m proud of you. I knew what I was getting into when the Cyclone became my girlfriend.”
    I wrinkled my nose. “Ugh, don’t say it like that. But I appreciate you and I will show you as much later.” I quickly kissed them and grabbed my shoes. Just as I was about to leave, I paused at something in their closet. “Is that my jacket?”
   Jordan shook their head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
   I snatched the item from the closet and held it out. “Jordan, you’re going to try to convince me that you’re into vintage Yves Saint Laurent?”
       “Your taste rubbed off on me,” they said with a shrug.
       “I’m flattered.” I put it back in their closet.  
        “By the way, do you know where my black hoodie went?”
       “See you later!”
        About four and a half minutes later, I was sitting at an outdoor table with Liza and my parents. Despite the summer heat, Liza was wearing a navy skirt suit, and her graying black hair was tied into a severe bun on the top of her head. She was typing on two different phones and her laptop simultaneously, deep blue eyes never staying on anything too long. My mom, who sat on my right, smiled kindly.
        “So, Y/N, how does it feel to be a junior?” she asked.
        “Great, Mom. I thought I told you and Dad that you didn’t have to hover this much since I am a junior now,” I said, glancing at my dad who was on my other side.
        “We’re not hovering, it’s been two days since we dropped you off,” Dad insisted. “Besides, this is about business.”
           “Oh my gosh, is that Y/N Y/L/N?” Someone squealed behind me.
          “Show time,” I sighed.
          The “someone” was actually two someones, a pair of what looked like freshmen. One was a tall, pretty brunette in a white graphic tee and matching mini skirt and the other was an equally pretty, slightly shorter brunette wearing jean shorts and Vans. The taller one held her V-Phone with a death grip.
   ��       “Can we take a picture with you?” The taller one asked.
           “Of course.” I stood from my seat and made my way over to them.
           “I can take it.” But before my mom could stand, Liza shot up from her seat, grabbed the phone, and ushered us closer together.
           “Okay, Y/N in the middle, Tall Girl on the left, Short One on the right,” Liza instructed, eyes never looking up from the camera.
          “It’s Ashley,” the short one said.
          I did as I was told and the girls were walking away before I could even say an obligatory, “No problem.”
            Both my parents smiled as I sat back down.
            “It’s great to see that you’re still popular after all this time,” Dad said, his eyes hidden behind his tinted sunglasses.
             “As she should be. Y/N has thirty million followers across all her social media and she does amazing in the Midwest and the South, both tough demographics for young black women,” Liza stated.
            “Thanks, Liza,” I said, mindlessly playing with the ends of my butterfly locs. “So, you mentioned you were coming but left out my parents.”
            At this, Liza finally paused from typing and looked up at me. She slowly set her elbows on the table and rested her chin on top of her pale hands. My head involuntarily started shaking from side to side and Liza lifted one of her hands.
            “Let me speak first, Y/N, and then we can argue about it,” Liza stated.
            “The last time you said that, I ended up almost getting mauled by a dog during an animal shelter livestream,” I hissed.
             “Well, the dog had a serious history of trauma,” Liza insisted.
             “You didn’t inform me of that before insisting I cuddle with it for the camera!”
              “It was a learning lesson: you are fantastic under pressure.”
               I huffed and folded my arms over my chest. “So, what is this about?”
              Liza assumed her previous “Serious business” pose. “Like I was saying, you’re doing fantastic numbers. That last TikTok you and Cate did hit a hundred million views in less than twenty-four hours.”
            “The ‘Rover’ challenge wasn’t that hard,” I commented.
             “That’s amazing!” Mom practically cheered.
             “That’s my girl,” Dad said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
              I smiled despite the strong sense that a “but” was coming.
             “However,” Liza continued.
              Uh oh.
             “My job is to do everything in my power to make sure everyone associates Y/N Y/L/N and Cyclone with beauty, intelligence, grace, taste, and power. So, we are a little concerned about Jordan.”
              Immediately, my shoulders tensed and I gritted my teeth. “Who exactly is ‘we’?” I glanced at my parents.
                Mom’s eyes widened and I had no idea what Dad was doing.
                “No, of course not, Sweetie, we love Jordan. They have been a fantastic influence on you,” Mom insisted.
               I could feel my face warm up about what had transpired with Jordan a few minutes ago. I doubt that would fall under “good influence”, or any time we went out with the others. 
               “And they give you a run for your money when it comes to combat. You need someone challenging like them. Plus, that Luke boy isn’t bad either,” Dad added.
               As their words sunk in, I had a strange feeling that my parents were there to lessen a Vought-sized blow. My suspicions were confirmed when Liza’s lips pressed more firmly together and she was glancing at one of her phones.
               “Are you reading a script right now?” I seethed.
               Liza’s head shot up and she shook her head. “No, no, Y/N, not at all. Just some notes.” She quickly regrouped. “I understand that you’re happy and you’re probably having some fantastic sex right now----”
               “Liza!” I interrupted, praying that the ground would open and swallow me whole.
               Suddenly, Dad’s arm was back at his side, and Mom was suddenly very captivated by a pair of seniors skateboarding past.
               “But the facts are that a bi-gender Asian supe is not marketable in the Deep South or the Midwest,” Liza said. “I am not shaming Jordan for who they are but, my job is to sustain your relatable-but-unattainable brand and not let anything get in the way of it.”
              “You’re saying my partner is a threat to my career?” I asked, my voice much hollower than I intended.
               “Potentially. Now, I have come up with a very good alternative.” Liza turned her laptop so it was facing my parents and me. On it was a picture of Andre and some clips of us on social media. “Andre Anderson tested very well. Our focus group members responded positively to the black power couple aesthetic.”
             “We’ve met him before, he’s nice,” Mom offered.
              “He’s cool and I’ve met his dad and I could see us all getting along,” Dad mentioned.
               My head was swirling with so many thoughts that I was convinced I was either going to be overwhelmed by them or find one that was coherent enough to state. My mouth settled on, “It’s the twenty-first century and you’re all telling me I have to break up with my partner because of demographics? Jordan’s an amazing supe and they’re so smart, it’s scary. They can do---will do so much good and the only thing you care about is optics?”
               Mom gently touched my arm. “Y/N, please, calm down.”
When I glanced around, I noticed that several Vought-A-Burger wrappers, a couple of cigarettes, and a few panicked squirrels and rabbits were swirling around the table. Quickly, I released the small animals and put the trash in the nearby receptacle.
              “Sorry about that,” I muttered, eyeing Liza.
               “I understand that you have strong feelings for Jordan but, think about it. With the right moves, you could be living in The Tower with the legends of your generation. Sure, you’re number three at GOD U right now, but this status can easily go away. You’ve worked your entire life to be the hero that little black girls everywhere look up to. Don’t take Cyclone away from them before she even starts,” Liza warned.
               I desperately wanted to say something snarky, but my mind was blank. The only thing I could sense was my throat tightening up and my eyes beginning to well. I brushed a loc out of my face to play it off and tried to gain my thoughts.
              “How much time do I have before I make a decision?” I asked.
              “Twenty-four hours. I’ll be looking out for your call, text, email, or video call,” Liza stated as she started to pack her things.
                My parents stood and Mom gave me one of her warm hugs and Dad pulled me to his side.
              “It will be okay, Y/N,” he whispered.
               I swallowed the giant lump in my throat to thank him and then insisted on walking them back to their car.
              A few hours later, Elle Woods was sobbing in the fanciest restaurant in California while I carefully placed my baking pan in the oven. As much as I wanted to sob, I had no time for tears, I had to think. The thinking led me to have so many circular thoughts that my head spun and I resorted to baking and watching my favorite movie.
              If Elle could solve a murder case and exonerate her client as a first-year law student, I should be able to figure out this PR mess. On the one hand, I was happier with Jordan than I’ve ever been with anyone. On the other hand, my dreams and my family’s position were hanging by a thread.
            Maybe it was better that I channeled my energy into baking cupcakes.
            I exhaled a small gust of wind to clear the bowls and utensils from the counter and place them in the dishwasher. Then, I focused on pushing multiple gusts of wind from my hands to clean the counters and wash the dishes. By the time I was done, I was exhausted and flopped on my couch to mindlessly watch the movie.
            Unfortunately, the bright and colorful backdrop of Elle’s LSAT studying montage did nothing to take my mind off my dilemma. All I could think about was Jordan’s face when I told them. Breaking up with them would be like shooting a puppy’s mom in front of the puppy and making it watch it bleed out.
               How would I tell them anyway? Hey, babe, I’m sorry I had to run out on us almost hooking up to meet with Liza and my parents. Funny story, they want me to break up with you so that I have a shot at a career and date Andre instead. See you for that morning lecture?
             Knock! Knock! Knock!
            The sound jolted me from my thoughts, and I pushed myself off the couch to answer it. “Rufus, if you try to get me into your room again, I swear to----” I cut myself off at the sight of Jordan, in their feminine form, staring back at me.
            They wore a navy sweatshirt and black sweatpants. Also, their cheeks were more flushed than usual and they smelled like their sandalwood body wash, meaning they had probably stopped by the gym recently.
             “Is Rufus bothering you again? I’ll go murder him right now,” Jordan said.
              I quickly grabbed their wrist. “No, I appreciate the thought but I’m fine, besides, I can take care of myself.”
             “I know but I can’t help but worry.”
              A strange warm, tingling sensation ran its way from the center of my chest throughout the rest of my body. I was sure that if someone listened closely enough, they would hear me buzzing.
             I stepped aside to let Jordan in and leaned against the door to close it. “So, what brings you by?”
            They wandered over to my couch, sat down, and grabbed my phone off the coffee table. “Because you haven’t been answering my texts or calls.”
             “Crap, I am so sorry, Jordan, I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”
             Jordan glanced around my dorm. “I can see that.” They sniffed the air. “Legally Blonde and you’re baking, what happened at the meeting?” 
            Of course, Jordan would cut straight to the point. Usually, this kind of banter was pleasant but my stomach was in knots as Liza’s words and my parents’ expressions replayed in my mind.
           “What? I can’t bake and watch a comfort movie after a last-minute PR meeting?” I asked rhetorically, crossing the room to my desk to start organizing my textbooks.
           “Don’t try to deflect, Y/N. Tell me what happened.” Their voice was gentle but firm and I knew that they were not going to let me out of this conversation.
           So, I set Brink’s latest book down and sat across from Jordan on my tangerine accent chair. I prayed that I would find the right words to say before blurting them out. As soon as I made eye contact with them, my chest tightened.
          “Well, Liza surprised me by having my parents join us,” I started.
           Jordan raised their eyebrows. “Shit, this is serious.”
           “Uh-huh. Liza said that my numbers are doing great and I’m on track for a promising career.”
           I gulped. “And…she’s concerned that my personal choices might get in the way of that.”
          Jordan frowned. “Personal choices? Every college kid known to man has done illicit substances and drank alcohol underage. You’ve never been caught doing any of that anyway.”
        “You’re right but she wasn’t talking about partying; she was talking about us.”
         As soon as the bomb rolled off my tongue, I saw its impact on Jordan, from the flashing expressions of confusion and anger to the clenching of their fists. I just wanted to make it stop.
         As I rambled Liza’s reasoning, I could sense the hurt and animosity flowing from Jordan. Once I finished, the timer for the cupcakes went off and I jumped up to grab them. I could have cried at the momentary escape as I set them on the counter to cool.
        “She weaponized your desire to be a positive role model for other girls who look like you to screw you over,” Jordan said slowly.
           I wiped my hands on my sweatpants. “Liza’s doing her job, babe, and she’s looking at all angles, including how it could impact my goals.” I returned to my seat and folded my hands in my lap.
          “Her job is to make you choose between your relationship and your career?” Jordan asked. “That’s bullshit, this whole thing is.”
           “I know, Jordan, trust me, I know, I almost started a small tornado when she said it.”
            Jordan eyed me closely for a second. “What else did she say?”
           “I can tell you’re holding back, Y/N. Whatever else you have to say, it can’t be any worse.”
           They might have just jinxed that.
           “Liza thinks that Andre would be a better fit for me because a bunch of people like the idea of a black power couple.”
           Jordan had two angry responses: the first was they would attempt to tear down anything and everything around them unless consoled. The second was they would become unresponsive and deal with all their rage internally. That night, I got the second one. Their eyes were hollow and the color drained from their face. My eyes welled up as I hoped for them to start screaming, swearing, or something, but nothing happened.
         “But I don’t want to do it, Jordan, I think it’s so stupid.” I knelt in front of them, grabbed my phone from their hands, and set it aside to hold them. “My parents don’t even really agree with Liza because they know you and they think you’re awesome.”
        “What do you think?” they muttered.
        “Like I said, I think it’s stupid. We can figure something else out. Liza can spin us as the ultimate diverse power couple, huh?” I did my best to smile as widely as I could. “Come on, let’s forget about this. I made white velvet cupcakes with cream cheese filling. You can be my first taste tester once they cool.”
         Things would work out, they had to. We would figure something out and survive our junior year at GOD U with little to no incidents. Suddenly, Jordan’s hands slipped from my grasp and they shifted to their masculine form.
         “What if it doesn’t work out?” Jordan whispered.
          “What do you mean?” I replied.
         “I mean, you don’t necessarily have to be a supe but, I know that you’re scared for your parents. Your success has helped them a lot and it could destroy them if your reputation takes a hit,” they said. “And I’ve seen how little black girls light up when they see you now and how passionate you are about helping them and, I know that you’re just getting started and I don’t want to be in the way.”          “Jordan…”
         “I don’t want to hold you back anymore, Y/N,” they muttered.
         Their words sunk deep into my core like a boulder and took all my words with it. I wanted to tell them that they could never hold me back and that they made me a better super, a better person. But all I could do was watch as they stood and walked out of my dorm, taking our one and a half year relationship with them.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
Cod Characters General Dating Headcanons (part two)
+ Random and Some bits of Chubby Fem S/O Headcanons with mentions of different nationality S/O
+ What type of BF/GF they would be
Including Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski
+ Some Poly! Farah x Reader x Alex Headcanons
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fem terms and pronouns like she/her are used for the reader
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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Please comment if you want to be added to the taglist, the next part or cod content alone. I also have content for TLOU and Resident Evil, so please specify.
Taglist: @marshmallowinamess
A/n: Hi lovelies! It's me again Lia, currently working on this one while I haven't even posted the other yet because I wanna post early and I love Valeria. Y'all don't got shit on me, I'm writing this shit while I'm in class AHAHAHA. Btw more Resident Evil content soon...
Disclaimers/warnings: Typical Cod things, OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
Tiny sidenote: the reader in this has been describe to be shorter than the characters and has been mentioned to have a soft body rather than the muscular type.
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Valeria Garza
ꕥ (Just saying, I'd let her step all over me)
ꕥ The El Sinombre falling in love? No shit she's... semi-normal??
ꕥ Black cat/Doberman girlfriend for sure. She's extremely protective and extremely terrifying when she wants to be. Scary dog privilege if you get it. (Occasionally it's funny to imagine her as a Chihuahua)
ꕥ Dates all kinds of women, body type and other things don't matter to her because she doesn't have a type. If you catch her attention then that's that.
ꕥ Loves spoiling you in everyway possible, just sit pretty for her and she'll take care of everything. Doesn't give a shit on the amount of money she spends on you, you want it? You got it.
ꕥ Loves it when you need her, it's one of the ways she feels loved and appreciated. Would never say it out loud but loves it whenever you show her your appreciation by doing manual labor.
ꕥ The idea of you being her pretty little housewife is sending her to heaven.
ꕥ Spanish pet names galore, culture is something of importance to her so will definitely teach you Spanish if she had the time.
ꕥ Would be interested learning about your culture as well because if you're gonna know about hers then she ought to know what to call you in your language. (Definitely not self-indulgent because I'm Filipina and I know she'd pronounce it somewhat correctly)
ꕥ Doesn't ever let you know about her cartel business. You can never know and she will never allow you to get ever get involved. You're too precious to her and god forbid anything will happen to you, she will destroy the world if she had to.
ꕥ She's more of a masc lesbian, she's the type who likes to be in charge in a "I'm the one who wears the pants in the relationship" way. She's very dominant.
ꕥ Doesn't ever even consider to be submissive, with the amount of shit she's been through. She can be vulnerable with you but in no way, shape or form could you ever top.
ꕥ You're an escape from the life she knew, it was peaceful with you. At first she wasn't used to it, definitely has reoccurring thoughts of something going wrong. You dying, getting kidnapped, falling into the hands of her enemies so constant reassurance.
ꕥ Would absolutely kill for you, no hesitation. The literally definitely of "I would burn this world for you", would absolutely deny it but you know otherwise.
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Farah Karim
ꕥ Tabby cat coded girlfriend, she's down to earth and chill. She's that one neutral person everyone adores, she puts her best efforts into a relationship for sure.
ꕥ Has and will help you do your make-up all the time, doesn't matter whether you asked. She'll observe the specific way you do it and do it perfectly.
ꕥ Sweetest girlfriend ever, she has dominance tendencies but it's mainly because she's quite assertive and often makes the decisions. Can't help it, after all her field of work requires her to one up egotistic men.
ꕥ That being said, I think she's had some mild PTSD about how they treated her. Sure it made her tough and she didn't like to be bossed around (unlike angry Mexican man) but I like to think she keeps you out of it as much as possible.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader headcanon is that she literally would adore you, compliment anything and everything. Insecure? Not on her watch, she just makes you feel so loved.
ꕥ Most definitely has introduced you to Price (I feel like he's everyone's father figure except los vaqueros and characters he hasn't interacted with) and don't worry he's already looking after you as well.
ꕥ Poly! Farah x reader x Alex headcanons:
ꕥ You guys following whatever Farah says, towards relationship decisions anyway because you and Alex tend to be indecisive.
ꕥ Lot's of communication between the three of you even if it's just a small thing, consent is always key.
ꕥ Alex following his two wives around a lot, he's mostly behind you guys all the time.
ꕥ Farah is patient when it comes to a lot of things but especially you and Alex.
ꕥ You get head pats from both of them, Farah is in a more praising manner while Alex tends to be in a comforting manner.
ꕥ You cannot tell me these two won't be down to cuddle in any position because I know damn well they would be. More often it's just Alex wanting to be a little spoon.
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Alex Keller
ꕥ Golden Retriever boyfriend FOR REAL. This man is the type of man to kneel down and clasp the strap of your shoe or heel when he notices it.
ꕥ You know when you pick up something near a corner of a table or underneath it? He's the type of boyfriend to subconsciously cover the edge or corner of that table so that if your head bumps into it then it wouldn't be as painful or even at all.
ꕥ Having said the first one, he also guides your head whenever getting into a vehicle because god forbid you actually hurt yourself. Not on his watch.
ꕥ Understands why you're insecure and definitely offers a lot of verbal reassurance.
ꕥ Is the type of boyfriend to say "Yes Ma'am" when you ask him to do something, doesn't matter whether it's a small thing or labor intensive. It's kinda become your guys' thing now since people take notice on it.
ꕥ Pouty kind of jealous? Not necessarily whiny but makes this sad upset face at you when jealous instead of something like Ghost or Valeria would do where they'd be glaring the person down jealous.
ꕥ Very thoughtful, he pays attention to what you want and what you need and knows the right timing.
ꕥ Forehead kiss giver, you cannot convince me this man doesn't love doing it. Especially when you're shorter than him, loves resting his chin on top of your head or burying his head in your neck.
ꕥ HATES seeing you uncomfortable, absolutely despises it. That's the last thing he wants you to feel when you're around him. Would understand if there's imminent danger around but it would literally being him back to life if you felt safe enough around him even if there was danger because you're confident in his capabilities to keep you safe.
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Kate Laswell
ꕥ She only ever let the TF141 and Nikolai meet you because of course she trusts them enough.
ꕥ They were like "So you're the infamous wife of Laswell huh?"
ꕥ Even before you were married, Kate called you her wife because she was ✨manifesting✨.
ꕥ She loves using it though, sometimes she'd be with coworkers and they'd invited her to go out to pub and drink but she'll refuse saying "Can't, my wife is waiting for me". She'd really rather just spend time with you anyway.
ꕥ Congrats, you made her quit smoking or at least she's trying to. She still does every once and a while when shit gets really bad but never around you because she knows that secondhand smoke is just as bad for you.
ꕥ She doesn't have a type when it comes to people so body is out of the question, if she feels a connection then she feels it.
ꕥ Anything and everything to keep you safe, if something were to happen to you, trust that she'll either get it down herself or if she can't then she'll turn to Price and Belinski for help.
ꕥ As much as possible, she keeps you away from everything. The job she has is just too dangerous and she can't risk you, not when you're one of the only good things in her life that keeps her happy.
ꕥ Definitely a workaholic, something as simple as asking her to eat or rest, maybe take a break. She'll do it, for you and because she knows you care for her.
ꕥ Doesn't half-ass anything, full effort when it comes to you especially when there's a special occasion between you two like holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.
ꕥ Also she loves making you laugh, more often with stories of her experiences with Price and also about how they met.
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Gary "Roach" Sanderson
ꕥ (I CANNOT FIND A DECENT GIF OF THIS MAN FOR THE LIFE OF ME... Here's the credits to where I found the photo)
ꕥ Get this man a makeshift antenna, he would adore it. You made it for him because of his call sign.
ꕥ He sometimes wears it on missions but mostly keeps it so that it doesn't get damage because this man is definitely a horder, not in a bad way just anything you give to him is something worth keeping in his eyes.
ꕥ Gary definitely gives you handmade gifts back, when he knows you'll like something or even if it's at a random, he loves making them for you and he cried when he found out you kept those all in it's own box labeling it your treasures.
ꕥ Very shy and reluctant at first but once he's comfortable, he is tackling you for a hug when he gets the chance.
ꕥ Doesn't talk a lot, (it took me to Google when I saw that many people hc him communicating through BSL) but I like to think he does talk. It's just really selective, like a few words.
ꕥ The first time you heard his voice, you looked at him like "???". He looked at you confused at your reaction and he only realized it when you told him.
ꕥ Think that he'll try to learn sign language within your mother tongue you know, it's too cute not to think about.
ꕥ He gives off soft lover vibes, definitely far more on the gentle side compared to his comrades.
ꕥ Something in me tells me this man rambles but only and I mean only when he's already extremely comfortable around you, not used to using his voice much so expect a bit of stutter. Which by the way, he does this without knowing he's rambling and will profusely apologize with his tone of voice slowly getting more quiet. (This is your sign, comfort this man)
ꕥ Likes to crawl around and climb things for fun, another one of the reasons his call sign was formed. The first time Ghost genuinely screamed was when Roach was stuck on the side of the wall and Ghost saw him there. Kinda like when you see a roach climbing up a wall and it flies straight for you in your direction. (Happened to me by experience when I was taking a shower)
ꕥ He also likes crawling around, like this I mean. Hacker!Reader seeing this on the enemy's security camera while she tries to shut them off is just funny to me idk why.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader? Sign him the fuck up. You once sat down near him and he saw how you thought spread a bit and it was so close to his that he was just resisting the urge to touch. The voice in his head shamelessly thinking of what it would be like if you suffocated him with them.
ꕥ He loves peppering kisses, doesn't matter whether it's receiving or giving this man would straight up take your hands and use them to cup his face, his hands still being over yours and would with wait for you to kiss him or kiss you himself.
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Nikolai Belinski
ꕥ (I have no clue how to write for nik but I'll try my best)
ꕥ We all know him and his jokes about his "wives" which by the way is not true and you know it.
ꕥ He's husband material however he is quite busy, not that he'd barely spend time with you but he is away a lot. There's an upside to this, he constantly calls you (Let's be real, he prefers calls over texts) just to check on how you're doing and he tells you when he's going to come home.
ꕥ Despite all his jokes, he'd never actually make fun of you. Sure he's sarcastic and talks to himself a lot but he'd never go as low as actually making an offensive joke to his lover.
ꕥ Speaking of joking, your laugh is music to this man's ears. Don't matter if you sound like a dying cat, he's still gonna make you laugh.
ꕥ Surprisingly really sweet, people are often surprised to see that man with a lover. He's very thoughtful in a sense that he's observant, sure he's quite absentminded when around you because that's the only space he's comfortable enough to do so but also because he likes listening to you.
ꕥ Does every safety measure in a helicopter possible if he knew you or Gaz would be in that helicopter, he also makes improvements to it and calls it Gaz-proofing because we all know how Garrick fell off a damn helicopter TWICE. (Idk how he does it, Gaz has some serious plot armor)
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A lil rant about my experience with this god forsaken fandom
I made this blog around 2020 when I was 13 years old. This was my first shot at a dedicated fandom blog and I was pretty excited for it, to make friends, draw fanart, post fun stuff and what not.
All fun right? Right, so tell me why was it that literal 20 years olds felt the need to harass me, a then 13 year old girl with a relatively small blog, for the dumbest reasons possible?
What did I do that subjected me to 2 and a half years worth constant daily threats and harassment? Hmm???
You wanna know my crime? Apparently I showed interest in an antagonist character, which is so awful that grown adults felt the need to bully me. And following those adults came young impressionable people my age, that joined the bandwagon of hate against me.
As if other fandoms don’t have people literally dedicating themselves to a villain, no one bats an eye to that. Why did this fandom have such an issue? I also apparently dared to criticise the main character for a few of his flaws. Such a horrible thing to do right? I need to be burnt at the stake for it right?
I didn’t follow the “fixed” standards of the fandom so I was to be sent de*th/r*pe threats daily?? For not following the “rules” I was to be ostracised?
No please someone explain…I’m but a dumb bitch, I don’t understand what I did so terribly wrong to deserve this? Did I start a war? Did I rip open someone’s plush? Did I bully someone for not having the same ideology as me?
No it was but the fandom itself that for some reason found it so fun to bully a 13 year old, send her de*th and r*pe threats all because of not being of pjo fandom standards…let’s go and bombard her with hate!!
Do you realise how fucking stupid…this all sounds? Do you realise how low this is? Was bullying a child so fun? So trendy at the time?
Then came the victim blaming- I laugh everytime I remember people saying I must have done something really bad to get such harassment, that it’s all for attention. What kid wants to get hate everyday of their life for 2 whole fucking years? Tell me?
You know wanna know what I did wrong? Fight back, call the hate anons out for their bigotry. I was vocal about it, that’s what I did wrong right? Stand my ground? People said to ignore it and I did. But I still got bullied daily even if I didn’t respond. What was all this for?
I can imagine people asking why I didn’t simply leave the fandom? Why the fuck should I? I enjoy the stories, I enjoy the characters, they were my escape from real life struggles. It was the bullying I didn’t enjoy. Everyday I’d log on to enjoy posts and a few minutes later when the bigots found out I was active I was sent an anonymous threat.
Many of my oldest friends had to reduce the amount they interacted with me in fear of receiving harassment themselves. The extent of this is bigotry is beyond my understanding.
I did not deserve this much suffering AND ALL FOR WHAT? A STUPID LITTLE REASON THAT HAS BARELY ANY WEIGHT TO IT. Do people even realise the extent of what happened is beyond me. And Idc if I sound selfish, I want a fucking apology from all those bigots. I want compensation for the 2 and a half years of abuse I endured alone. I just want this bigotry to end, which surprise surprise! Still continues to happen.
Why do I bring this up now that it’s all over you ask? I’ve actually brought it up once before, but it was swept under the rug, (My deepest appreciation to the very few people who supported me when I first talked about it) I’m just finally being more vocal, because this has stuck with me. For all those 4 years this has stuck with me. It doesn’t mean if it’s over for now that all the trauma doesn’t linger. It still affects me to this day.
In fact I’m still being stalked by one of the people who sent me hate anons. One of the hate anons was revealed to be one of my bestest friends, they had admitted this to me and had the nerve to beg me to still remain friends. They were also the person who groomed me. They have left the fandom scene and I’ve rid of them from my life but they still continue to stalk me.
What do I get from ranting about all this? A bit of solace, a bit of weight off my shoulders. But nearly not enough for me to actually fucking heal. I also want people to realise how bigoted some are and how horrible the mentality of “fixed fandom standards/ideologies” is and that we as a fandom need to fucking change. Heck I know this issues in every fandom. But can we at least start with ours for a change for once?
Along side all of this there’s also a lot of racism and trans/homophobia that still actively prevails. Just look at what Leah went through when her casting was announced. Did she deserve all of that?? “Not my annabeth” do you realise how horrible that is to say to a CHILD? She is Annabeth whether you like it or not. And you are very welcome to leave if you wish to stick to your stupid racist nonsense.
I bet there are many others who have probably suffered the same may it not be for the same reasons, but everyone of them deserve their apologies and compensation as well.
Idc if I’ll get hate for this. I said what I said. I’m just so done.
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juuuulez · 5 months
📰 | part ten: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour! Reader, slow burn, enemies to lovers, gun violence, father figure! Negan, soooomeeee ooonneee has a crush, teenagers in love.
summary: You tussle with your emotions regarding Carl, whilst Grimes and co pay a surprise visit to the Sanctuary.
omg i’m on fire!!!!! cliffhanger ending……but also next chapter will be similarly juicy so don’t fret! also half-written a carl x reader oneshot/drabble i’ll post soon between chapters :P
i’m so glad you all love my saviour reader story because i am her she is me…….this series is my CHILD i will defend it with my life!
-> masterlist <-
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You hadn’t been to Alexandria in, frankly, what felt like years.
It was actually just weeks.
With an alliance between Hilltop, the Kingdom, and Alexandria, things for the Saviours were trickier than ever. Most of the time Negan spent in his office, trying to decode the best play. You helped, of course, and were practically running yourself ragged trying to keep things together at the Sanctuary.
It felt like everyone knew what was happening. Or they expected it, were waiting for it. It irritated you to no end, that others would blatantly show their disbelief in your cause, in Negan’s cause.
And then there was Carl.
You missed him, which was weird. He had become a constant in your life, the arguing and fighting, the pushing and shoving. But now your relationship had crested into something else… and you didn’t hate it.
In fact, you quite enjoyed kissing Carl.
Not that you’d admit that. To him, to anyone. Nobody needed that amount of power over you.
“You can go to bed, doll.”
You looked up from your lap, where a book of supply schedules was scribbled down. You were seated on that long leather couch in Negan’s office, whilst he worked on god knows what. Hopefully a viable strategy.
“No, I’m fine.” You tell him, politely. Too politely.
Truth is, you were hanging on by a thread. But with no supplies from Alexandria, nor Hilltop, the situation at the Sanctuary was becoming dire. You were trying to figure out how to jig things around so that everyone could be satisfied, or maybe even rethinking the points system, making the imaginary economy more competitive.
“I’m serious,” Negan insists, “You don’t gotta be doin’ this shit. It’s below you.”
You roll your eyes, “Who’s gonna do it, then? Simon’s corpse?”
The sarcastic comment earns you a glare in return, which does make you feel a little bad. You’d watched the brawl firsthand, and had almost tried to help Negan, if not for Dwight holding you back. Either way, it didn’t matter, for Simon was eventually strangled to death.
Brutal, but fitting.
Maybe you were trying to fill that void. The line between right-hand man and teenage daughter was thinning.
Negan rose from his seat, coming over to stand in front of you. He didn’t even need to lean down, swiftly plucking the tattered notebook from your lap, to which you groaned and leaned back on the couch.
He inspected it, reading over the numbers and scrawled figures. “You’re doing this wrong.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you should start making your wives do the bookkeeping.” You grumbled, laying down on the couch in defeat.
Negan tossed the notebook onto the coffee table, sitting on the couch opposite you. “Doubt they can count past ten.”
It was a terrible thing to say, but got a smile out of you. It was difficult to be in a good mood on so little sleep, so the tiniest hint of happiness was well appreciated.
“When will we go to Alexandria again?”
You tried not to sound too interested in the question, but couldn’t help yourself, and needed to ask. Not for Carl, just for supplies. At least, that’s what you told yourself.
“Soon. Give it another week,” Negan confirmed, though his eyes said he knew something more. “Awfully interested in that shithole, aren’t you?”
This caused you to roll over, onto your side, so you could glare over at the older man. “We need that shithole to survive.”
There was a playful glint on Negan’s face, the words earning a small laugh from him. “Maybe you do. Bet you’re just itchin’ for your little cyclops.”
The joke causes you to bristle, irritation rising as you hoist yourself from the couch, making a play for the door. On such little sleep, you weren’t in the mood to entertain being teased.
But Negan stopped you, that grin still on his face. “Hey, c’mon, doll. You know I’m just tryin’ to rile you up.” He admits, coming to a stand.
The glare remains, but at least you stop your escape, instead just standing near the door with your arms crossed. You’d likely give some defensive retort, but Negan is already speaking again.
“Everyone has their first crush at some point. I’m just surprised it took you this long.”
“I don’t have a crush,” You practically snarl. “I’m not twelve years old.”
“Okay, sorry. Not a crush,” Negan approaches slowly, like you’ll run off again, though is pleased when you stand still. “Sounds like it’s past your bedtime.”
Your nose scrunches up, eyes narrowed in offence as he continues to treat you like a child. But you know he’s just making a point to tease you, judging by that stupid grin on his face, so you try not to react.
His hands bracket your arms, giving you a little spin so that you’re facing the door. But now you sigh, turning back around, unable to just drop this conversation all together.
“You don’t care?” You ask. “Like, if I did have a crush, you don’t even mind? Not that I do, I’m just… wondering.”
Negan smiles, finding your half-confession quite adorable. “That’s what kids do, darlin’. Besides, the boy’s got his head on straight. Certainly got more balls than his father.”
You look down at the floor, a little pensive. “I don’t have a crush on Carl.” You reiterate, standing your ground, trying to sound firm in order to convince the both of you.
He seems to get the hint, understanding that maybe you don’t even know what’s going on. “I know, doll. Don’t stress it too much.” Negan drops the subject, letting his arm encase your back for a small squeeze before letting you go. “Go get some rest.”
You muster up a little smile, finally accepting the offer and scampering back off to bed. After all, you were exhausted, despite that inherent need to make yourself useful. Supply counts could wait.
It was a comforting space, your bedroom, one you retreated to whenever things got overwhelming. It was filled with photos and trinkets, candy stashed away in the drawers, all the things you didn’t have when growing up. It was your space.
That night, you fell asleep weighing the severity of simply going to Alexandria yourself. You passed out a few minutes into debating what transportation to take.
Fortunately, or, probably unfortunately, that wasn’t necessary.
For Alexandria had come to you.
Gunfire was a familiar sound to wake up to. Usually, it was a low-level squabble, or maybe one of the Saviours proving a point. Either way, it never lasted long.
But this time, there was shouting, and more bullets. It was enough to jolt you awake, pushing past that bleary state of consciousness and waiting, still, for it to continue.
It did.
You climbed out of bed with urgency, moving on autopilot as you threw on some jeans, not bothering to change from your sleep tank before bolting for the door.
Just as your fingertips brushed the bat, you realised it wouldn’t do. That gun was still locked away in the bottom drawer, so you reached for it, shoving a handful of bullets into your pocket before leaving.
Now, you’ve never been a very good shot. That’s why you preferred using the bat, or at the very least, hand-to-hand combat. You had terrible aim. But maybe now was the best time to fix that issue.
So, you made your way through the Sanctuary, swiftly stepping through hallways, gun at the ready. You were outside in minutes, the shouting becoming much clearer now, a voice you could recognise:
Rick Grimes.
“Fuck this..” You grumbled, growing irritated with this relentless back and forth. And now, they were in your home.
Another shot blew out the glass from above you, forcing you further against the wall, as the shards piled on the concrete. Some littered your skin, your shoulders bare, due to still wearing a tank intended for sleeping. You didn’t even have a bra on.
But there were worse problems, you supposed.
The gun felt heavy in your hands, fingers twitching around the trigger. Hopefully you wouldn’t have to use it, though that seemed like wishful thinking. You wondered where Negan was, yet believed he could handle himself. You and this gun were the main concern, a gun you had no idea how to use effectively.
You hid behind anything available, crouched down, trying to survey the surroundings. From here, you could see the scattered factions of makeshift soldiers, though Rick was now missing. You presumed he had a similar thought process to you: Negan.
That was fine, for now.
Clutching the gun tightly, you shifted into view, holding it outwards and discharging a shot into the distance. It echoed in the nearby vicinity, though there was too much gunfire to distinguish where it had came from, luckily. It didn’t seem to hit anyone.
What a waste.
It was a whisper-shout, one clearly intended to gain your attention. You spun your head around, searching for the voice, amongst all the yelling and fighting taking place within your home. It took an embarrassing amount of time until you saw him.
Thank fucking god.
He’d been watching you, on alert for your figure the second they arrived. He clocked your creeping approach into the battle field, ducking behind anything possible. It was almost amusing, the stark contrast in how you usually chose to fight, but made sense after you fired that hopeless shot.
You had no idea what was going on, assuming that Negan and Rick were off fighting, whilst a few Saviours tried to keep the rival gang at bay. Or gangs, plural. You guessed that speaking to Carl would be your best chance at getting a grip on the situation. That, and you weren’t in the mood for a defensive Saviour to shoot him.
So, you tried to get closer, looking left and right to make sure the coast was clear before ducking behind rubble or vehicles, anything to provide cover. Carl was used to fighting, sure, but felt slightly anxious for a reason he couldn’t pin. It was just a bad feeling, like something was not right.
This time, Carl called out your name, causing you to look up and at attention. He held out his hand, despite being meters away, a signal to come closer under the cover he’d found.
You clutch the gun tightly, safety off, poised at your side. But it’s difficult to see everyone, from this position, forcing you to inch out from behind the truck in order to get a visual.
Still holding out his hand, Carl waits, watching as you peek your head out.
A shot fires, crackling in the distance, though it takes you down with a solid thud.
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danfrik · 7 months
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I'm bacK, yes, you can all see that.
I finally finished this silly little drawing of mine and god I love it, and yes I'm going to make more drawings of them 'cause I have no self-control, also
⚠️Spoilers ahead for both series⚠️
So... about those takes that I have about this two (and a few others that I plan on drawing, don't worry, we'll get there), well, you can see that Phoenix is Crowley while Miles is Aziraphale...
It makes sense, I swear-
At first I was thinking of them but reverse (Phoenix as Aziraphale and Miles as Crowley) because, ngl they could fit either role anyway.
But character-wise? I think this is the best, mostly because of interactions the four of them had on their respective series.
To give an example, this dialogue in Ace Attorney:
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It feels strangely similar to Aziraphale's "hereditary enemies" dialogue in the first season.
I might need to write some things down or else I will forget, fuck- (I'm writing this without any plan, help)
But hear me out, I'm not crazy-
Just take a look at Aziraphale's and Miles' fashion sense, that old-timey style they both have (and it's even more obvious with Miles' debut suit), that stubborn personality and undying faith about their side (Prosecutor's Office and heaven), etc.
While Phoenix's and Crowley's personality are more care-free, going their own way, their own side, bluffing away their problems and always chasing or following their "best friend" anywhere.
Phoenix getting a law degree just so he can reach Miles and save him, Crowley always being there for Aziraphale when needed and saving him...
Do you see where I'm getting at?
Also, you remember that scene with the bookshop being on fire and Crowley thinking that Aziraphale was dead?
..."Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death."
Yeah... the only difference is that Aziraphale didn't dissapear for a whole year and much less left a cryptid ass note behind and it wasn't really his fault-
But the feeling is quite similar, isn't it?
Now, after all the sad or complex feelings aside, let's see more happy things that I noticed:
Crowley's fondness of children / Phoenix's habit of adopting kids anywhere he goes.
Aziraphale liking yellow because it reminds him of Crowley's eyes / Miles finding a particular shade of blue relaxing once in a while.
Crowley's tendency of following Aziraphale like a dog following its owner / Phoenix's constant chasing after Miles (and also having a dog-like personality.)
Aziraphale not admitting that Crowley is his friend (or that he likes his company) / Miles also not admitting Phoenix is his friend (or that he likes his company.)
Yeah... the pattern is getting more obvious the more you look at it...
But I guess this is enough for one post, if you read it all the way, thank you for indulging my delusional brain!
Any comments, requests or... anything, really, will be much appreciated :DD
(If there are some errors, mispellings or anything of the sort, feel free to correct me because even though I've been learning english since I was like five years old, still isn't my first language so yeah👍)
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edgelessdagger · 1 month
🗡 Heya there! Help this dagger stay sharp! 🗡
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see the full example art under the cut below, or by going to my blog
commissions are open for these little guys! for a base of just ten dollars you can tell me an animal and archetype and i will draw it for you! yes! do you want to see a mole wizard with a shovel for a staff? you got it! a bison gunslinger? that sounds fun! a cobra monk? i’m sure i can figure that one out! any animal will do. any animal. get as silly with it as you wish!
i’m only doing these simple animal/anthro lil guys right now (am i allowed to call these furry?), as they’re uncomplicated enough for me to make without adding too much stress to my life, can get them done relatively quick, and they’re super fun to draw. i more or less favor a medieval fantasy kind of aesthetic, but if you’re thinking of a different vibe, we can absolutely talk about it!
i need about 80-100 bucks for my adhd meds within the next few days before i run out (hoping to god and fuck that the price doesn’t increase without warning before i can get them. thanks free market!). so if you like what you see and would like to help me continue being able to make art, heres your chance! i’m opening 10 slots for these, and may possibly close them before they’re all taken if i reach my goal before that, so claim yours while you can!
whether you commission me, donate, or just share this post and/or my art i want to thank you so so much for the help and appreciation for my work. i love you and hope your life is filled with joy. 💕
Link to the kofi commission listing
Link to my kofi page if you'd just like to donate
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i feel sort of obligated to clarify something real quick and ask that you please be patient. i am slow, and in a more or less constant state of sleep deprivation, bodily pain, and just general stress. this makes certain things, like figuring out how kofi works and the technicalities and minutiae of freelance work, pretty darn difficult. if i somehow miss something or fuck up in some way just let me know and i’ll try my best to get it fixed as quick as possible. thank you 💕
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vampiric-tempt · 8 months
Kinktober | 06
≡ edging | kung lao x gn!reader *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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tw ➤ nsfw, edging, jealous kung lao, hickeys
a/n: sorry for posting this two days late! There's no excuse, I just didn't feel like writing it till now lol
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❥・*。"Hey, what was that out there!" Kung Lao asks, following behind you as you entered your shared room.
"What was what, Kung Lao?"
Kung Lao rolls his eyes, placing his hat down onto the nightstand. "Why did you let Johnny flirt with you, you know how I am!"
"And you know how Johnny is!" You throw your hands up in exaggeration. "You know I wasn't moved by any of it, there's nothing to worry about babe."
Kung Lao grumbles and grabs onto your wrist, pulling your hips together. "I know...I just don't like it."
You roll your eyes playfully, splaying your hands against his chest. "I like it when you're jealous, it's cute."
"Cute? I'm not cute, I'm hot."
You chuckle at your lover's words and lean forward to kiss him. An appreciative hum leaves Kung Lao's throat, his hands pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. You could feel Kung Lao guiding you toward the bed as your lips intimately danced with each other. His body moving over yours as your back hit the bed.
Kung Lao pulls away, a smirk on his face. "I should remind you who you belong to, y/n." He ducks his head to your neck, brushing his lips against your jaw down to your collarbone. You instinctively lean your head back as Kung Lao begins to bite and tease your sensitive skin.
You gasp as his teeth bite your skin repeatedly and Kung Lao couldn't help, but smile into your neck. He kept up his teasing until he was sure he had littered your entire neck of hickeys. He leaned back with a sense a pride. "These hickeys look good on you." He says.
He gives you another quick kiss before pulling back to help the both of you undress. Your clothes now tossed aside, he eagerly positions you toward his hips. Without warning, he begins to push himself slowly into you, his head stretching your walls as he goes deeper.
"Oh my god." Your hands grasp at his forearms. "Fuck, it feels so big."
Kung Lao grunts and begins to set a slow, but rough pace. His hips slamming into yours with each thrust so sensually. You moaned tossing your head back into the sheets, Kung Lao's thrusts making you see stars with how good he was fucking you.
He continued to fuck you, his eyes watching how you furrowed your brows and parted your lips slightly, overwhelmed by his thrusts. He could tell you were nearing your climax as his name left your mouth like prayers, nails digging into his forearm.
However, Kung Lao slowed his movements even more, preventing your climax from reaching.
"Kung Lao," You whined. "Please."
"I don't think you deserve it though." He smirks, beginning to thrusts again.
"Fuuuck," You curse, "You're s-such an asshole- mhmp~" You moan.
Kung Lao continued this for nearly an hour, continuously making you near your end, only to stop and do it all over again. He admired the sight of tears staining your face and the way you could barely mutter a word.
"C'mon baby, who do you belong to again?" Kung Lao coos.
"Y-you, I belong to-" You moaned, feeling his dick hit a particular spot within you.
"Use your words baby."
"I belong to you Kung Lao!" You cried, an utter mess beneath him. "Please, p-please let me cum! I need it so bad!"
"That's right," Kung Lao grunts, feeling his climax also nearing. "You think you've been good f'me?"
"Yes! Yes yes, I've been very good!" You whine, thighs shaking from his torture.
"F-fuck, yeah you've been good," Kung Lao groans, "Cum for me y/n."
You gasp, tossing your head back as Kung Lao finally allows your orgasm to course through, the orgasm much more intense from his constant edging. He thrusts a few more times before cumming soon after you, plopping down beside you as you both tried to catch your breathes.
You smacked him with what little strength you had. "Asshole." You muttered.
He smiles and pulls you into his arms, placing his chin on top of your head. "Ahh, but you love me."
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╰┈➤ other kinktober 2023 mk1 works
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got-ticket-to-ride · 6 months
Wanted to know your thoughts on this, but for what I've reading on John it really looks to me he really got worse post Paul and post Beatles, like his saddest songs match the moment he started to have issues with Paul, he wasn't really having much contact with anyone outside Yoko, he wasn't doing much music, he wasn't being that funny either, he even died without being able to fully overcome his heroine addiction (addiction that started in the Beatles fall out right?), and idk i believe his involvement in the whole peace/art movement looked more like an escape (like some people do with religion) than actual interest.
So what you think, was John at his worst after he got out the band and cut his relationship with Paul or was it was always like that?
Hello @lord-pain
thank you for this ask! I hope I'll make sense. I think the White Album was definitely the start of John's "sad songs". Happiness is a Warm Gun, Yer Blues. Subsequently, Dig a Pony sounded so desperate to me and Because which is yeah, post India, post breakup?
There's so many different accounts during that period. Some narrators might be unreliable because you never know who these "historians/journalist/"acquaintances" have their allegiance to.
During the 70s it was said that John was miserable, became a violent drunk (who believed in astrology). He was quite unhappy with how things turned out in his life due to his choices but he was too proud to admit it.
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About drugs, Fred Seaman said John stopped with heroin in the last half of the 70s in this video.
Due to differing accounts that are out there, I just concentrate on John, what he wrote lyrically and how clearheaded he was during his last interview. He was trying to be better. I think that is the most important detail despite everything that went down. Also the part where he was going to work with Ringo and had booked a studio with Paul for January 1981.
His activism was partly a distraction for him. Beatle John dabbled in it, but he became very aggressive about politics after the break up. He was anti-religion when he released Imagine (1971). But went back to believing in god when he wrote "Grow Old With Me" (1979?), which I have so much thoughts about but I haven't even had the courage to voice out.
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While there are glimpses of John's mental anxiety visible in his song "Help!" (1965)
"Help me if you can, I'm feeling down, and I do appreciate you being 'round",
he was trying to be positive about it as seen in "Strawberry Fields Forever" (1966):
"It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out, It doesn't matter much to me".
And was still holding on during the conception of "Across the Universe" (in February 1968) with his mantra:
"Nothing's gonna change my world",
which I think might've been a result of Paul's engagement in December 1967 to Jane.
Across the Universe (February 1968) > believer God (1970) > anti-religion Imagine (1971) > anti-religion (he made a satire song which I did not include here) Grow Old With Me (1979) > believer
During his alleged break from music from 1975, he was still making home demos and was writing Skywriting by Word of Mouth.
I think John and Paul being apart was just not good for them. The general opinion was that Paul left John and had moved on. (I don't believe that's true). It was John who made the decision to leave, it was this push and pull thing, and Paul continued to reach out to him (and we don't know what happened during all those times they've met up). Some accounts say that John was practically begging for a reunion but then again Paul never stopped reaching out to John (see 1976) so I personally think, regardless of all these details that are out in the open, there is still a missing piece we have not considered yet and that can only be told by Paul himself.
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To summarize it, John probably had depression (since his teenage years) but Paul was a constant positive thing in his life that he needed and that had helped him through it, "the girl who came to stay" until something happened...
John Lennon was definitely at his worst without his buddies by his side in the 70s.
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madnessreruns · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely adore your work! Would you consider writing any general Headcannons for the narrator from the Stanley parable? Thank you!
General Headcanons
TSP! Narrator x reader
Note: Two posts in one day!! I’m proud of myself. Finished a fic and wrote some hcs 😤🤗
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Okay so staying up with some pretty obvious stuff
He’s very confident, he thinks he’s hot shit, which I mean he kinda is but he thinks it, he knows it, and dear god he will say it.
He is quite smart, he loves to tel you all sorts of facts. He is 100% an ‘um actually’ person, if you say something about a topic that is wrong he will correct you no matter what it is. Which leads into many arguments about what a definition is or what something does cause he was a little meany pants and had to argue with you about it.
Sometimes it can get a bit condescending, be promises he doesn’t mean it! He’s just so extremely passionate about certain topics and wants to share all that with you and make sure you get all of your facts right! If you tell him to stop he will, but when you get something wrong he’ll just sit there with his eyes scrunched waiting for you to realize.
If by any chance you don’t, even if you don’t pick up his loud coughing and throat clearing, his endless blinking, his scrunched up face as he’s waiting for you to realize your mistake. He will tell you as soon as you leave the room. Just a cheeky little, “ah you see s/o. you are wrong. <333”
He loves his voice, he could listen to himself for hours and hours and hour and dear god narrator stop talking for a moment, we just want some peace and quiet for once please???
Don’t tell him that thought he will talk more just to piss you off, cause he can be a bitch sometimes.
When he’s not being a piece of shit to you he’s actually very sweet.
He’s quite romantic, stupid cheesy dinners, walks lit by moonlight as you stroll through the park, leading rose petal around your house on your anniversary to lead you to where he is wants you to go.
He’s very verbally affectionate, again, he loves his voice and you will to if he forces you too. But he doesn’t have to do that, you like his voice anyways, right?
But he also likes to give gifts, he knows just about everything about you. Dork your favorite foods to your favorite tv show that came out recently. He will give you little trinkets throughout the day and will bring home things that reminded him of you that he saw while you were out.
Again, he loves anything to do with his voice, want him to tell you something? Got it, he’ll say the longest explanation possible. Need him to read something to you? He knows how to do it as dramatically as possible, trying to get you to smile and laugh.
Hes also very physically affectionate, gentle kisses, snuggles and cuddles all day, holding you while he infodumps about the new thing he’s writing. He can seriously rant on and on about it as you lovingly look at him, offer him ideas and advice.
He has 2 modes: Him being a very deep sleeper, try to get him out of bed I dare you. Or if something important is going on, he will wake up at the crack of darn excited, getting everything ready, making sure he’s all nice and spiffy, all before you wake up. But then you wake up, don’t shower, throw on some random clothes, and you look almost as nice as him. How do you do it??
So we all know he likes to write, and although stories are his strong suit, he will defiantly be cheesy and stupid and write you a lovey dovey love letter for your birthday or anniversary. A letter explains all that he loves about you, how sweet and kind you are, how gorgeous he thinks you are, how thankful he is that you put up with him and his constant self-obsession over some things.
But he really is incredibly thankful. No one would be as sweet or as patient with him as you have been, and he’s so grateful for you, for your love, for the fact that he gets to love you at the same time, that it’s always reciprocated and he’s always appreciated and loved. He loves that you love him. Please don’t ever stop.
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melodiousmonsters · 8 months
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Torrt in this au, which is named Igeo Galaggoro Aphastratous, is basically your grandpa but a bit grumpier, or at least I hope for the most part. It's a reliable, steadfast (perhaps a bit too much), and fairly knowing monster. Also changed the hair to what I think is like, stereotypical spikey anime old guy hair, I have at least seen it once so obviously it means its everywhere/j. I love giving the celestials anime hair it's so fun.
Anyway one thing I forgot with Fhobia last month was any biology! So this time I'll do some, also side note for biological things I use the species name and not the individual even though there's only one torrt in this example, and with all the celestials.
Torrt is made to dig, they have fairly strong limbs, big hands, and large claws. They dig for rocks to eat, usually to the bedrock layer. Eating the rocks is just a quick way for it to gain more earth element to build its form. It doesn’t need to do that, but it also enjoys the taste of rocks so it is also for enjoyment.
Torrt’s insides are made of rock, like if you cut off a part of them the inside would just be rock, except for its shell which is hollow. The rocks making up its shell are more metallic than the rest of the stone making it up, allowing it to make its sound. Its eyes are made of marble, and its irises are made of fuchsite. The only organs it has are a kiln, doesn’t have lungs, still breathes to supply its kiln with oxygen though(Kilns need oxygen to function forgot to mention that in the noggin post).
Torrt’s “hair” is actually feathers, long thin feathers in clusters. Its antennae are used for secondary hearing, it has ears, but they aren’t super good at detecting where a sound is coming from. Depending on how much vibration each one is simultaneously experiencing is used to tell where a sound is coming from.
Anyway more explenation on the character of this thing. Igeo is a steadfast, mildly grumpy monster. They are very difficult to convince to change, for better or worse. And if you try, you better be prepared for an argument that might just end in it tucking into its shell and ignoring you. Even when they do change their mind they are very reluctant to fully admit they were wrong in the first place. It’s very frustrating, but luckily it only affects its personal life and relations with others as it’s only in charge of a few important, but constant things, like the aforementioned plate tectonics, and knowing what time it is.
If they say they’re going to do something you can tell they are going to do it. On the other hand they are not afraid to curse you out if they find something you ask them to do not fit for them and why the hell would you ask me to do that you disgrace? Yeah most of the time they are respectful and kind but sometimes they aren’t.
They admire hard work, especially through craftsmanship. They see the value in persisting through something to ultimately be rewarded, which is probably why they are so stuck in their ways. And they also just seem to like things like well crafted furniture or a building. They have helped in some large construction projects in the past, and was the secondary main monster doing construction on starhenge when it was being built.
When it isn’t being convinced it’s wrong, it's an overall pleasant monster. They are patient in most cases and gentle. They like giving life advice that may or may not be useful or accurate, but it’s said with good intentions. They are very interested in the going ons of the monster world and how monsters go about life, which is what they base their advice on, as their life experience being an immortal god isn’t super useful for a mortal creature.
They get along quite well with most of the other celestials, as they all do. It finds [plixie](don't got a name for it yet) and Xolt(galvana) a tad bit annoying when they are being a bit too playful, but overall appreciates the two. Their arguably favorite siblings are Pistin(vhamp), Pool(hornacle), and MehTeh(glaishur). Pistin is the literal embodiment of perfect creation and Igeo is always up to help with anything it wishes to create, just as long as it’s not too complex, which it often happens to be. Pool is kinda annoying sometimes, they purposefully like getting into debates with Igeo over whatever because it finds it funny that Igeo won’t admit it’s wrong. But they also share the appreciation of beautifully made things, maybe a bit too much in Pool's case, and they also enjoy a good fight every now and then. MehTeh is basically Pool but lest argue-y, maybe a bit preachy that Igeo should be a bit more open to change, but Igeo likes their calm nature and similar reliability.
And here's the slightly outdated sheet of what this old guy looks like! it's already slightly outdated in terms of colors and I kinda forgot the dewclaws on the feet, but it works.
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mania-sama · 3 months
Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Crime and Punishment: Short Bungou Stray Dogs Analysis
Finally finished Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. i might do a post talking about my actual thoughts on the book, but not right now because I'm INSTEAD gonna talk about BSD Fyodor because, if I'm gonna be honest, a large part of the reason I read this book was to see if I could get an insight on what his ability could be (obviously I also read it because I know it's an extremely influential book to the psychological thriller literature genre, and it's made me want to read more of his books because I am absolutely entranced by his writing style).
SPOILERS: This book did NOT give me a single damn clue to Fyodor's ability.
However, I do have a better understanding of why Asagiri chose to write Fyodor in that specific way, with the added effect of making Fyodor much more understandable. I have a better appreciation, I think, for Asagiri's character writing. Let me explain:
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The large, overarching theme of C&P is the idea that some people are naturally born with the right to kill. That is, people are naturally born into two categories: "Ordinary" and "Extraordinary". The majority of the population falls into the former - they live their lives in submission to the law and to those above them. In essence, they do not have the "right to kill"; they are otherwise overcome with guilt, regret, or simply caught for their wrongdoings.
The latter category has very few people in it, and for a simple reason - they are the ones who are, essentially, above the law, and therefore, the lawmakers. They are the ones who lead the revolutions, sit on the throne, and most importantly, kill when they need to kill and do not hesitate to "step" over their crimes as nothing more than the necessity to power. They are not caught. In fact, they are hailed as the greatest leaders. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and his most constantly referred example, Napoleon. These are the born with the "right to kill".
The main character, Raskolnikov (of whom I will be calling the affection Rodya because I am NOT spelling his name over and over again), believes himself to be a "Napolean". Rodya is the one who came up with this theory in the book, after all. However, he finds out, near the end, after several blunders and mental breaks, that he is not one of the people who can "step" over their crimes. He hesitated before killing his target. His guilt for his two murders sent him into a feverish state for days on end. He walked to the police station to confess his crimes a million times before finding some reason, right before he was meant to do it, to chicken out and continue living life under this ever-evolving notion that he was sorely mistaken about himself. Rodya is not the "Napolean" he thought he was born to be.
How does this relate to the Bungou Stray Dogs character? I believe that Fyodor is, essentially, the embodiment of the "right to kill". He is everything that Rodya thought he was, which is an excellent analysis on the part of Asagiri. One of the first things Fyodor does is kill Ace, then a relatively innocent child, Karma. He does this without blinking, without a hint of remorse, and proceeds with his day. He knows that this is his right, that he is the one above others, that he can kill and he cannot be caught for it. He claims to have mastered and tamed his own ability. Why? Because he is the "Extraordinary."
Another theme that I find quite intriguing is religion. In truth, it really isn't that prevalent (though there are a great many Biblical quotations and references throughout) until the last part, Part 6, of Crime and Punishment. Rodya has a near-constant epiphany with religious belief, even at one point stating, point-blank and in irritation, that God isn't real and He certainly isn't helping anyone in the mortal plane. He oscillates between claiming that the "Devil" forced him to kill, to saying that believers are frantic and stupid, then to kissing the dirty ground in repentance for his crimes. He state of mind ends in that repentance state, a supposed believer and eager to start his life anew.
To make Fyodor a devoted believer in God, with a set viewpoint and acting as an executor of God's will, is, once again, an excellent choice. Rodya's irritation and inner turmoil were one of the many reasons why he failed miserably in maintaining the secret of his crimes. Fyodor is none of those things: he is calm, cool, collected, and set in his ways. Interestingly, in Crime and Punishment, the vilest character also seems to have no particular issues with religion himself. And he, for the most part, gets away with his heinous crimes completely. This battle of belief, and relating it to God, provides a healthy insight to why Fyodor has obtained the "right to kill", versus Rodya, who was born "Ordinary."
The last point I want to seriously touch on is less about Crime and Punishment and more about the author himself. However, I did learn about this through reading the translator's notes (the translation I read is by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, Second Edition (2021), Vintage Classics). Dostoevsky was hugely indebted to Nikolai Gogol as a successor to Gogol's ingenious literary developments in "fantastical realism" and satire. Dostoevsky made several references to Gogol's works in C&P, and none in a critical manner. In the animanga, the roles are completely reversed; Nikolai is the one chasing after Fyodor, admiring his intellect and "ingenious" with the eventual goal of setting himself free. This idea of flipping authors' relationships on their heads is part of what makes Bungou Stray Dogs so entertaining to consume, and it takes a great deal of research and effort to be able to adjust these relationships so that they clearly reflect the real-life ones.
As for one afterthought, the name "Rats in the House of the Dead" appears to be a clever play on the Dostoevsky book Notes from the Dead House. I haven't read this book yet, but I want to (along with Notes from Underground). I'm curious to see if there is any further correlation, but I would assume not, considering the contents of the book.
NO. I did NOT find literally anything that could help me decipher Fyodor's ability. Rodya literally confesses his crime like a week and a half after he commits it. No character in this novel, nor theme, reflects whatever the h e double hockey sticks Fyodor has going on in BSD. I have theories, but they have literally nothing to do with Crime and Punishment outside of the base fact that his ability has something to do with killing (which we already knew). Woe is me. I'll get over it, I guess.
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sluttylittlewaste · 2 months
One super fascinating thing about Kristen's current arc in JY is how much it reflects real-world conversations I've been following about effort and consistency and reliability in relationships. Specifically, I've been reading about the resentment in (primarily het) relationships caused by uneven distribution of mental load and repetivite, constant labor between partners.
Follow me now-
I've seen a few posts on here from people who have ADHD highlighting how realistic it is to their experience that Kristen is SO GOOD for doing grand acts and big miracles, but struggles so deeply with "the boring stuff". Upkeeping social media for Cassandra/YES!, consistently holding meetings to maintain whatever following she does develop for her gods, even just bi-weekly essays. I can't speak to the ADHD experience myself. However, from my relationships with people who have it and a decent amount of the posts I see on this website, that is a consistent manifestation of the disorder.
Dovetailing from that is the very real conversation I've heard time and time again about people whose family/friends/partners refuse to help with the little tasks of keeping a home in order or a project on track, but will pull through for big events under the assumption that it balances things out. It's a conversation that occurs a lot in spaces of studying gender dynamics in relationships - i.e. In a dynamic where the wife is responsible for doing all of the cooking/cleaning/grocery shopping/organizing, the husband will do a singular, high-effort task or grand gesture, "I built you an armoire!", "I took the kids out for a full day so you could relax!" and reference that singular event or task as a counterbalance for smaller tasks they do not aid in (daily dishes, laundry, running errands). This can also take the form of one partner doing grand gestures on occasion, but not showing up in smaller ways throughout the relationship on a day-to-day level.
-Ex. Partner A indicates that would appreciate more frequent affection in the relationship, such as date nights, flowers, non-sexual physical contact, etc. Partner B responds by planning a fancy dinner, gratuitous non-sexual contact/complements, and buying a lavish gift - but they do not increase displays of affection in their daily lives. Partner A mentions that though they appreciate the gesture, it didn't solve the initial problem, and Partner B doesn't understand why all of the obvious effort they put in isn't enough. The cycle continues and resentment grows as both people feel like their needs aren't being met/their efforts aren't being appreciated.
(Sorry if that's an over-explanation, I'm trying to be clear lol)
I think a lot about two things Cassandra said to Kristen:
"You're unreliable." and "It's not fair." in the context of these dynamics.
I've seen a decent number of people talk about how mutually unfair bringing Cassandra back was for both her and Kristen. I have also seen a lot of very valid arguments about Kristen being a LITERAL CHILD who makes a lot of impulsive (re: bad) decisions because she cares so deeply about specific things. We've also seen that Kristen CAN be so good in the little ways (Giving Lydia Barkrock the Help action, supporting Tracker through her bullshit, trying to do okay in school to help Riz). For all intents and purposes, there is no actual lack of effort on Kristen's part - she very obviously cares deeply. However, those efforts are more occasional and case-by-case than something constant, like going out every day to spread the word of Cassandra or doing something boring like homework.
Cassandra, whose entire thing is that she's always there to offer support -"I'm there holding your hand in the dark"- knows these things as well. She knows what Kristen is capable of. The hurt, then, doesn't come from the fact that Kristen can't but because, for some reason, she won't.
In conversations about how certain partners... underperform in relationships, one theme that often arises is that of, "I know he can do it, he simply doesn't." Whether that be daily chores or consistent acts of affection, Partner A has seen Partner B be helpful or put effort into things that they find interesting. There is no question of capability - Partner B can do whatever it is Partner A requests. Partner A thus concludes that Partner B doesn't because they don't want to. -Ex. "He refuses to help me because he doesn't care about me/He doesn't think I'm worth the effort."
While I obviously cannot make a true 1-to-1 comparison between this particular manifestation of Executive Dysfunction in people with ADHD and lackluster partners in relationships (I am aware that it is deeply harmful to imply that being a "bad" partner is in any way correlated to any singular disability), this is a degree of parallelism to be found in the Kristen/Cassandra dynamic and the type of dysfunction I reference in above examples. There is the caveat that if you have ADHD and know you struggle with doing things that are smaller or more tedious/repetitive, you can work with the people in your life to accommodate that. Additionally, men (at least in the US) are traditionally socialized to undervalue the traditional female labor that is caretaking.
That said, in universe, Kristen doesn't seem to know she has ADHD and thus could not articulate her limitations to Cassandra - and even if she could, it might not have solved the problem ( though it could have kept Cassandra from getting so upset).
The entire reason I wrote all of this is that I've seen several responses to the most recent preview for FHJY wherein Kipperlily Copperkettle accuses Kristen of not caring (and, to be clear, Kristen fully does not care about the Presidency. That is very likely what KLCK was referring to, and she is not wrong in being upset if Kristen wins this thing she hasn't even bothered to campaign AT THE SCHOOL for). The trend in the responses has been people listing Kristen's miracles more than anything, and while those do prove that she does CARE about SOME THINGS, it doesn't address the fact that for most people care is displayed through active, consistent, reliable effort rather than big dramatic displays: While the shrimp jump was cool, it does nothing to prove that Kristen gives a shit about student government.
#this is barely coherent#there's just this wild juxtaposition that I feel like comes up a lot on Tumblr#it seems to happen specifically with ND characters that people see a lot of themselves in#where even if the flaws and complications of that Neurodivergence are being assessed and deconstructed#people will plant their feet on “she can do no wrong!”#and sometimes it's whatever because it's just a fictional character#but other times#like with Kristen Applebees#where the defensiveness has the flavor or being deeply honest#which concerns me#like I truly hope y'all are putting more effort into handling real world criticism than you do with fictional shit#the instantaneous demonization of anyone who isn't tooth grindingly supportive of the Bad Kids (namely Kristen) is worrying#kipperlily is allowed to be mad at Kristen for winning! She may have done some shifty shit#but you can't say she didn't try really hard to win#and Kristen didn't even do her own shrimp jump. she only ran because she immediately disliked kipperlily#and ever Kristen's reason for disliking Kipperlily isn't fair???#Like it started before they realized the whole rat grinder conspiracy#she just didn't like that Kipperlily was a Type A overachiever#which has nothing to do with Copperkettle#and everything to do with Kristen's own insecurities#as for the relationship aspect#i have a lot of concerns about how people on Tumblr talk about relationships#let me die#if i die#d20 fhjy#fhjy#dimension 20#rant#kristen applebees#i guess
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ghxstic · 2 years
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ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ intro —
hello! this is a repost of the original post due to tags not working at first! hopefully tags work now for this post or i'll explode. anyway! this is my first ever kinktober! i hope you enjoy! reblogs are very appreciated!
ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ fandoms —
this specific kinktober list will consist of: jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, death note, and hellsing!
ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ warnings & tags —
these kinktober posts will contain dubious & dark content that some might be wary of! read through the post to see which fics you do not want to read & what fics you want to read!
wanna be tagged in any of these fics or any upcoming fics? fill out my TAG FORM!
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he was so charming, flashing a soft smile in your way as you sat pretty, walking over he started gentle small talk. in the end he invited you out on a date, he was so charming, who were you to deny? the date went smoothly, but when he invited you to his home you were a bit hesitant, repeatedly telling yourself it would be okay, you accepted. he seemed so innocent, nothing could go wrong, right?
cream pie, mentions of kidnapping, chrollo takes whatever he wants.
kento nanami was an unhinged man, though all his murderous actions were all kept taimed and calculated. normally a man like him would be unlovable, simply vile and a scum of the earth. yet, here you were. a diamond ring on your finger and similarly unhinged mind. oh, what a killer couple.
murder makes you both horny? blood play (blood belongs to a victim) needy sex, cream pie, sex on a table
gyutaro shabana is a very troubled man, an incel of sorts, he was unsightly and most couldn't even bear to look him in the eye. he would take his anger out on the people around him, a cold blooded and vile murderer that left his victims mutilated. one night, while he stalked the streets, he saw you, trying to fight off a perverted drunk, feeling generous he was quick to pull to intervene, his ugly face scaring him away. but you? you held him close, muttering words of appreciation before leaving. this awakened a new obsession within him. 
fear play, he's actually obsessed with you, stalkerish tendencies, very needy sex on his part, slight dubious content? slight dacryphilia, groping, perverted! gyutaro 
you were a detective, currently working on recent murder cases that were lead by killers toji fushiguro and suguru getou. you just needed to collect more evidence against the two men to finally incarcerate them. little did you know that they were aware of your investigations, you'd be stupid to think that they would let you get away with exposing them. 
somnophilia, knife play, threatening your life? instead of being scared you're horny for the two killers, degrading, both of them are mean :( cream pies, double penetration, gun play on toji's part
with an odd appetite and a pretty face, it was hard to not fall for douma. you knew about his true cannibalistic nature, but he had molded you completely into the perfect follower. feeding you with constant praises that made you stick around for him, telling you about how his killings were for the greater good, you wouldn't want to intervene god's work, right? 
cannibalism, douma makes you consume the victims blood, praise, hes a bit patronizing, religion gets mentioned, sadism, his nails cut into you, highkey brainwashing.
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as a marine biologist, you were sent to an expedition to study and record the wildlife, you recorded the constant carnage that washed ashore of many disembodied fish, the fish being quite large. you stuck around, morbid curiosity filling your mind, wanting to know was animal was behind this. then, you saw him, a merman, a perfectly structured body with greenish hues in his skin, claws, scars through his body, and overall a fascinating creature. you managed to get close enough to it, intense green eyes staring up at you through the darkness of the water. what is it thinking?
oviposition, size kink, belly bulge, technically it's public sex but there's no one at the beach. you're a bit freaked out at first, but after relaxing you're enjoying it. dacryphilia, impregnation.
he was a very interesting creature, mostly human, but you could tell there were some differences between his body and the normal human body. you wanted to learn more about him and the differences there were in between you and him. finding out his cock was much bigger than the average was just a plus.
size kink, belly bulge, cervix fucking, he's very animalistic, primal urges on his part, breeding, knot, dacryphilia, dumbification. 
your job was to kill vampires, that was all your life was dedicated to, you enjoyed your job. but once you get assigned to kill illumi zoldyck, you knew this was a very important kill. finding him was hard, but putting a stake through his heart was even harder. you loved you job, why was killing him so hard?
blood play, masochist reader, he bites your neck and you enjoy it, breeding, impregnation, hypnosis / mind control, slight nipple praise, mentions of lactation and familial things.
being morax's concubine was an interesting job, to say the least, the geo archon recruited you and only you to be his outlet for sexual pleasure, yet you weren't his bride. your job was to be used, bred, and produce the archon his children. this all comes to play when the archon enter mating season.
oviposition, mentions of past pregnancy, mentions of stretch marks and lactation, very primal on his part, impregnation, mating season, he purrs and cares for you. 
you were a nun in the central cathedral of snezhnaya, one of your favorite parts of your job was a specific gargoyle that adored the cathedral by one of its many balconies. it was sculpted to be human like, a man with a built form, he held a scowl on his lips, sharp fans showed with the expression, he had large wings, claws, and only a cloth that covered his hips. you didn't know what attracted you to the sculpture, most days you would come to the balcony and talk to it as if it listed, you even spoke to him as if he were any other human. late one night, you noticed a change in his position, did the sculpture truly move?
statue sex? virginity loss, a while "purity" cliche, religious themes, religious guilt, dumbification, praise, he purrs too, a bit animalistic, biting & marking.
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cameras were set up everywhere in your home, against your knowledge. they recorded you every single day, watching as you went through life, the man behind the device was name Lawliet, a bright man that fawned over you. laying down on your bed, your hands slipped in between your legs, soft sighs leaving your lips, involuntarily putting up a show for the detective. 
voyeurism, non-con filming, male masturbation, female masturbation, L is a pervert and a creep. 
you could see him, maybe that's why he liked you so much, the fact that you could see him. you weren't a sorcerer, in truth he had no idea how you could see him. but, he didn't care enough to ask. he was a very crude curse, experimental and needy, constantly clinging and groping you, excusing himself by "wanting to learn more about you" and you let him, you let his fondle and use you like as if he was a hormonal teenager. who could blame you? you enjoyed getting used.
groping, fondling, slight threatening, needy sex, pre-mature cumming but mahito has infinite stamina, overstimulation, dacryphilia.
being pierro's wife was a very hard job for you, he was neglectful and selfish, you've had to put up with him for years now. even if you loved him, you knew you needed to go. once you told you you wanted a divorce, he was rather surprised, not expecting those words out of your mouth. he couldn't lose you, he wasn't going to let you leave, what can a man do to save his failing marriage? baby trap his pretty wife, of course.
babytrapping, breeding, impregnation, toxic relationships, pierro is a bad person, manipulation, size kink. 
you were an uppermoon, a very resilient and powerful one at that, there was something about you that truly caught the muzan's eye. the king of demons himself was enamored by you, he kept you at easy reach, making sure no harm is caused to you. normally, he would be selfish and crude to the women in his life, even his faux spouses, but when it came to you. you brought out the worst in him.
frustrated muzan, he's an asshole, but he's horny, degradation, marking, biting, choking, rough sex, dacryphilia, spanking.
you were such a sweet woman, crossing paths with the ninth fatui harbinger wasn't planned, but it happened. being courteous, you invited him into your home to offer warmth and food, even if he didn't need it, he agreed. now, it became a small weekly activity for him to visit your cozy home, you always welcomed him with such a bright smile and open arms. little did you know that he started growing a small fascination to you.
cheating / adultery, pantalone seduces you into cheating, reader is guilty but enjoys it nonetheless, dacryphilia, highkey sugar daddy! pantalone, cream pie.
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they were notorious for ruining your life, showing such dislike towards you, yet they never seemed to leave you alone. it all boils down when the school's halloween party starts to make the rounds in between students, you didn't plan to go, but your friends all make you tag along. at first, you enjoyed the party with your friends, singing and dancing, but when you separate to go freshen up, much to your dismay, you bump into them. 
threesome, they're both assholes, slut shaming, public sex (kind of), non-con filming, dumbification, doggy style, blowjobs, deepthroating, lots of cum. 
after a long night spent hanging out with your friends to celebrate halloween, you get home, dragging your much too drunk husband by your side. while sitting on your bed, he starts to talk about how pretty you looked, compliments slowly melting into lustful commentary. it went from how pretty you looked in your costume to how much he wanted to see that costume off. being his loving wife, you were going to comply, right?
riding, slight size kink, nipple play (m! receiving) drunk sex (consensual) slight-sub! uzui, he whimpers but he has control over you, leaving hickies.
taking your child trick-or-treating was just one of the wonders of parenthood, you and your husband walked hand in hand as your little boy collected candy. unbeknownst to you, your child saw how other families walked by, the difference was that instead of just one child, parents had two or more children. he wanted that! after you get back home, your little boy tells you how he wanted a little sibling! sharing a look with your husband, you can see that there was a new spark behind his crimson eyes. after putting your son down to bed, your hand was quick to drag you into your shared bedroom. 
mentions of past pregnancy, reader is implied to be plus-size, praise, slight body worship (f! receiving) diluc loves your mommy body, usage of the words mommy and daddy, breeding, impregnation, breast play, diluc is practically pussy drunk. 
kyojuro was truly a loving husband, you and him went hand in hand perfectly, you were quite aware of kyojuro's friendship with uzui. you didn't mind though! uzui was a great person to talk to, one day though, while the three of you are all hanging out in your home watching a horror movie as a simple way to pass halloween. you accidentally clung onto uzui once a jumpscare came to screen, hiding your face in his chest while your hands gripped his shirt, uzui couldn't help but feel his stomach swirl. embarrassed, you excuse yourself to get "more popcorn" once you come back and sit back down, kyojuro's arm wraps around yours and uzui's hand rests on your thigh. your attention was quickly turned from the movie to the two men.
accidental turn on, slight cuckolding, male masturbating, kyojuro watches as uzui fucks you, dumbification, double penetration, creampie on both sides.
you loved lawliet, you really did! sometimes though he was a bit hard to deal with, considering how seriously he took his work. now that he was chained up with the number one suspect of the kira case, you decided to have some fun. teasing was your number one activity, lawliet is a tough shell to crack though, but you did it. what you didn't expect was for light to join in too.
public teasing, cheating (light cheats on misa?) male masturbation, blowjob, pussyy drunk L, dacryphilia, cum eating? 
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you have been alucard's undead bride for centuries now, in nights like these, you enjoyed basking in your husband's cold touch. you could feel his fangs brush against your fragile neck, two hands holding you down against him. oh, how much you enjoyed his touch. 
blood play, he bites your neck and lets you bleed, licking, oral & fingering (f! receiving) praise, body worship.
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pineappleciders · 9 months
nightcord at 25:00 general relationship headcanons
A/N: i don't even know if there's an /reader side to this fandom. guys did you know i love analyzing characters
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kanade yoiskai
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she kinda has a hard time expressing it,, but she's a total sweetheart. like once you two get really close she gets really soft
kanade usually isn't one for things like close contact, but occasionally when she's worked herself to the bone she doesn't mind laying on your chest for a quick nap
she's kinda stressed out a lot, so she really appreciates neck massages and stuff. make her a cup of tea and she'll appreciate you forever (she probably won't drink it but it's the thought that counts)
needs constant reminders to eat and sleep and do basic functions. leave little sticky notes reminding her to brush her teeth!!!! she appreciates it deeply but doesn't show it very well
she likes to play her trauma off as something normal,, like if you worry about her she's genuinely confused like ???? is that not normal?????
she loooves flowers. loves to inspect and smell them. any flowers you give her go in a vase somewhere in her room,,, she likes to think it gives her room more life
although, you'll probably have to remind her to water them and let sunlight in.... she rlly wants to take care of them but forgets!!!
mafuyu asahina
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ough. owwww. ouuuuch.
it's really difficult for her to open up!!! it'd probably only happen if you were to hear about her music,, ask her what it's about and she might just. break down
oh god. if you like. held her in your arms while she's crying. her parental issues are hitting HARD
she likes to get you flowers but only really does it on occasion! in all honesty she'd love to get you hand-picked flowers every single day but she finds it a little embarrassing to bring them to your locker in front of everyone
it's really hard for her to get situated into the relationship, patience and reassurance are everything 2 her. be genuinely kind and god it hurts her so bad
you take her to the aquarium whenever she's feeling down ... it always makes her feel a bit better . also all dates r aquarium dates no arguing
she likes to help you with homework, and if you're just too tired or worn out she'll even do it for you!! might tell you the next day that it was a one time thing that won't happen again (it will)
freezes up a little if you suddenly grab her hand, but eventually warms up to it and even starts subconsciously holding your hand when she's feeling on-edge or anxious
ena shinonome
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ena is, admittedly, a bit scared of commitment. you might be at an awkward stage where you're not really sure whether or not the two of you are dating for awhile
even so, she's very supportive of everything you like. any sort of art, hobby, or music you're into she'll also get into in hopes of connecting with you
might post you on her social media!!! if you're camera shy she sneaks photos while you're not looking, but won't post them if you don't want her to (might on her priv tho)
she wants a lot of your approval, esp with her art. texts you drawings and asks for your honest opinion... she won't take a simple "it's amazing" for an answer
she wants you to criticize and give her advice ,,,, but she'll also get really sad if you do, so maybe it's better to just keep complimenting them . she acts mad abt it but is secretly happy you know her so well
she actually has always wanted to do sappy couple things,,, like watching movies together in bed or taking stupid photos with cheesy filters . might get a lil embarrassed if her friends find out
always takes photos of your food on dates (and sneaks a bite)
mizuki akiyama
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mizuki loves to drag you around shopping at the mall . as soon as you think it's about to end they see another pretty store . it's a never-ending loop
she begs and begs for you to try on something she thinks you'd look cute in. you always give in just because it's practically mizuki's love language
you don't often find yourself doing stereotypical couple things with them . from an outside perspective it honestly might just look like you two are really good friends
but that doesn't mean they don't love you like that !! it's shown in other ways ... like sleeping over at your place for a week, or waiting at the bus stop for you every single day. or doing your makeup (even if you're a dude).
mizuki wants one thing and that's stability . to be confident that you two are never going to bicker or argue over stupid things ... or that you won't abandon her
she has a very hard time opening up. she'll tell you, eventually ... but the thought is scary. would you tell other people? would you leave them? would your relationship stay the same?
there's nothing mizuki appreciates more than you telling them that you'll stay, no matter what secret they might be hiding. even if she can't help but worry , knowing that your care is at least mostly unconditional is heart-warming
mizuki will appreciate every moment they have with you, for fear that one day you won't be here
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hello I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Ranboo x Gender neutral reader, and they both just got into a heated argument that left them both crying (only if you’re comfortable with writing something like this, I’d not I completely understand, also thank you for your concern, I really appreciate it) :)
honestly struggled to find smthn to make an argument out of but I think I got something! oneshots are a little difficult for me bc I get burned out and I think the actions but can't find the right words LMAOOOO ; but this is totally find to request dw!! and of course, if you ever need to talk my messages are always open 🫶🫶🫶 ; also istg I have other ranboo headers they're just in my drafts bc I've only been working on reqs lately LMFAO
RANBOO ; burnout
summary ; youre both burned out and stressed, and take it out on each other
warnings ; language, fighting, reader is described/talked about as a writer, angry mischaracterization (it makes sense in context trust me)
word count ; 1.4k
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Both you and Ranboo had been working your asses off recently.
They had themselves so tied down to content creation that it was becoming a personal prison cell. It was like everything he did was only to appease his fans, and he didn't know how to just calm down and slow things down for his well being. From the constant, long streams to the talks with merch and production teams, it never ended. Plus, the infinite cycle of scrolling online to see all the hate they received, it was becoming too much.
You, on the other hand, constantly kept working and working through the lack of motivation and burnout with no breaks. No matter how much people reassured you that you could take a break and you didn't have to stick to a schedule, it didn't do anything. You were determined to fill out each and every request even if you barely had any idea what you were doing, you'd stay up late trying to block out what to write and how to put it into words to appease your followers. Three times a day, seven days a week, every day of the month, about 2000 posts a year, if you kept that up.
You were dedicated to writing, you loved it, and you loved that you were able to turn something you loved into a job considering "real" jobs didn't work out for you. You had streaming, but you only did that if you were writing or needed ideas or help every once in a while and wanted to share any progress and whatnot. Your eyes tended to be bloodshot on the regular, being pulled down by saggy, dark eyebags.
You trudge into the kitchen, taking a cold bowl of mac and cheese and some water back to your office with you. Ranboo glares at you from the couch, holding his phone to his ear as he talks to some big guy with money, most likely. He doesn't say anything, but you notice the look on his face, his eyes glaring daggers into you as you walk away.
You sit back down at your chair, not even touching your food. You stare at the screen, your eyes slightly protected by the dark mode you'd reinforced on the website. Your mind was blank, empty, vacant, muddled. There were no thoughts behind your glazed eyes.
Your head pounded in pain, caused by all the blue light absorption you'd been taking in recently. God, Ran hated that. How you'd fucking complain of a headache and only do everything to worsen it. It pissed him off. It made him want to yell at you to just shut up about it, considering you didn't want to do anything to help yourself.
You type away at the keyboard once more, every button press causing a little click or clack to immerse from it. The keys light up a particular shade of white, a smooth wave like pattern glazing across it once more. You stop again, unable to finish the sentence once more.
You groan and lean back in your seat, feeling the utter disgust around you. You oh so desperately needed to sit in the shower and cry, considering your stress and pain, but you couldn't. You needed to make these people happy, you owed them. You owed them for giving you a stable job and a roof over your head, the least you could do was have their requests out within a few days.
You sit and ponder about your partner. You were sure there was no love left anymore. Both of you were too financially dependent on one another to up and leave, so it had to work for now.
Ranboo, now not on the phone, nearly slams the door of your office open, smelling the ice cold pasta you hadn't even touched a few feet away. He's quick to raise his voice with a stern tone, pissed off at you once again.
"Dude, I told you dinner was ready an hour ago, what the fuck? And then you just bring it in here and don't even touch it just to stare at the damn screen some more? Are you fucking kidding?"
You roll your eyes, not wanting to deal with this again. "Fuck's it matter? This is my job, Ranboo"
"Your job isn't to please everyone who acts nice to you. Your job is to write quality content and not complain about burning yourself out or headaches that you could easily solve by touching grass! Go outside, this isn't even a job. You don't do anything other than write some stupid fantasy all day and feed into people's delusions, Y/n!" He quickly rants, scoffing at the end.
"Holy shit, you're one to talk! Meh meh, meh, I'm so miserable, and I do all these long streams for my fans, and I treat my partner like shit because I never spend time with them and enable their unhealthy behaviors! I take out my anger on them because I'm a lonely asshole." You quickly spit back, standing up from your chair.
They scoff, stepping towards you a bit, "You're so pathetic, I never want to hear you come to me with your problems again. You're dependent on me. You barely get any money off of that, let alone any to pay rent or buy your own groceries. Get into the real world where talking to fancy businessmen and actually working for your money is all you do! Walk in my shoes for one day!"
You roll your eyes again and scoff, "You don't think this is an actual job? I could say the same to you! You play video games all fucking day and beg for Twitch subs! Just because you have a fancy merch line and have some stupid show you're working on doesn't make you all high and mighty and more important than anyone else!"
"It does, actually, you have no room to complain! If you need a break, you can go take it. My schedule is busy every hour of the day, I have no time to do shit! You're an overbearing, selfish asshole!"
Now that got the waterworks going, that's what got you beyond the point of just petty arguing to genuinely fighting. You have no room to complain, yet you spend all day just trying to make people happy and not hate you, to just pump content out and pretend like you're okay. You bottle up your emotions so he won't have to worry about you, yet you're overbearing and selfish.
"You are such a fucking asshole! Everything needs to be about you, doesn't it? Every single fucking thing in the world, huh? Fine, screw you" You turn to grab the bowl of food, and quickly, out of sheer anger, throw it at him, shattering the ceramic bowl. "I hope I never see you again, go fuck yourself. You don't deserve shit of what you have, your platform, your friends, your money, anything. I hope your whole online empire comes crumbling down and you're left with nothing"
You snatch up your phone, wallet, and keys, quickly stomping past him as tears drip down your cheeks. He stands there, appalled as tears well in his glassy eyes. He tries to chase you outside once he realizes you're serious, but you'd already slammed the door so hard it might as well have fallen off the hinges. He wipes his eyes, cheeks a light red due to the sheer amount of anger he felt in the moment. He was soaked in cold mac and cheese, ruining his white hoodie.
Once the adrenaline wasn't coursing through his veins anymore, he sits himself on the kitchen floor, the cold tile against his hands being used as a grounding technique. Some ceramic dust lays on his shoes, some liquid cheese being smeared against his hoodie as he tries to use a towel to wipe the access off.
Fuck, what did he just do?
He sits in silence, rethinking the situation as tears slowly stream down his face.
He could only hope that you were safe on that bus to nowhere. That bus you used to just go anywhere but home, just to escape the horrible life you lived inside that house. The house that bound you to its walls so you couldn't escape.
You couldn't escape the pain of your popular online presence or the pain of being trapped in that house any longer. Finally, it broke, the enchantment that kept you sealed inside.
Someone had to leave, and it looked like it was going to be you this time around.
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