#gluteal muscles
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Bad Boys II (2003, Michael Bay)
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Ready to relieve pain?
While sitting, hamstrings are contracted, which pulls hips and gluteal muscles. This can cause posture imbalances. You may experience low back pain and tension.
Align your right knee above your ankle. The place your left ankle crossed onto your right knee. Keep your back flat. Bend at the waist towards your leg shin. You should feel a stretch in your gluteus and hamstrings. This will help loosen your low back and hips. It will also help alleviate pain. Perform this stretch several times throughout the day, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
During work, I stretch 10-15 seconds on each side once an hour. At home, I stretch up to two minutes each side.
#Suicideprevention #suicideawareness #suicide #mentalhealth #mentalillness #depression #depressionsupport #depressionhelp #anxiety #anxietyrelief #stress #stressmanagement #lawfirm #legalfield #lawyers #paralegals #legalassistants #substanceuse #substanceabuse #selfcare #selflove #deskercise
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complaints I've already seen about Coral Island, a new Indonesian kickstarter cozy game: the barman selling a ruined dish is an uncalled-for jab at restaurant workers! cats shouldn't hang out outdoors! eew, this woman shouldn't display her pregnancy stretch marks! where are all the kippot! why is everyone in such good shape! preposterous! this partially deaf character talking in caps lock is triggering me! no one in doctors without borders would be that tattooed, this dreadful representation is literal murder! no doctor would forget her paperwork at a library, for that matter! why is a japanese fisherman talking like a scottish pirate, this is inaccurate!
meanwhile in the game: I freed a stone statue from a magical underground prison and he put an enchantment on my hoe. his brother asked me if I liked figs is he flirting. my hippie boyfriend is heartbroken because his bucket-wearing pet duck is sick but shhh watching tv will heal him. last night when I talked to the outdoors cat she mentioned that she has a crippling fear of birds and thinks of getting therapy. a stem academic looks like a kpop idol and is getting enough sleep. he wears his astrophysics degree all over himself like a linguist would have worn alphabet necklaces, just to spite his dad but it's not working why is it not working ah shit it's working. mermaids hired me as a janitor. it's not pro bono I'm paid in diamonds. my neighbor is worried that his shiba inu went back to rejoin the mountain whence it came from. a turtle won't let me pass until I serve her spaghetti. I'm fighting capitalism with a literal scythe. the local blacksmith is asking my opinion regarding a legendary battle hammer and if it's worth the logistics hassle. it's been a year crabs are still dancing in celebration their zeal is admirable but their choreography could use some work. this giant monkey covered in two layers of meta wants to sell me a nostalgic souvenir. I know it because he sent me a polite letter. how many propaganda flyers can I fish out of this pond a challenge. I barged into a local lab and upended a barrel of seaweed over intricate circuitry now my flowers are five percent prettier. the scientist at the lab attached a mermish translator to my diving suit via the power of coffee. hold on I'm doing meal prep for next week let me finish putting ectoplasmic slime on okra
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No one:
Me, googling shirtless fanart of malec: it’s for anatomy 😏
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beauregardlionett · 2 years
the amount of anatomical knowledge about the lower body in my head right now is a lot and yet apparently still not enough
my exams are thursday
send help
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sumitk881100 · 7 months
Leg Exercises
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#Squats#Squats one of the best exercise for lower body. It’s a strength exercise and effective your hips. Squats exercise worked the any muscles su#abdominals#glutes and quadriceps. Squats exercise some benefits such as balanced your body#increase your strength#improved your leg size#increase your endurance. stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell on your upper back (if doing barbell squats) or hold a dum#chest up#and shoulders back. lower your body by bending your hips and knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as you can comfor#Lunges#Lunges are very great and power full exercise. lungs are many muscles to worked such as calves#hamstrings#glutes#quads. Lunges exercise very effective for lower body. Stand with your feet together and hold dumbbells at your sides (optional). take a ste#Leg Press#Leg press increase strong leg and powerful muscles. Leg press some muscles benefits such as gluteal muscles#hamstring#and quadriceps. All gym people and body builders like the exercise because it’s a increase the lower body strength and biggest and powerful#but without locking your knees. Back down the machine with control.#Box jumps#Bos jumps exercise lower body exercise. its targets your glutes#calves#and quads. Box jumps increase the strength and power. Some benefits such as balance and stability. Front your face and stand the box. jump#landing with both feet on top. stand up on the box#then start to exercise step to step or jump back down.#Glute Exercises#Glute exercise best exercise for balance. some best exercises for such as walking lunge#step-up#lateral#lunge
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freeonlineworkouts · 2 years
Where Is The Gluteal Muscles Located?
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"hot girl walk"
daily walking is also a form of exercise, we work all our muscles, it helps us to lose weight, to have a healthy lifestyle, and more benefits. you should practice it and incorporate it to your routine!
the "hot girl walk" is a very complete activity since we take advantage of exercising and moving our body while connecting with ourselves, our purpose, and nature.
what time of the day? whenever you want! i love to do it mid-morning and I have also practiced it before sunrise and at sunset.
where? look for a place that inspires serenity and calmness, preferably in nature, i do it on the beach.
how long? 30 minutes is fine, the time is up to you.
how many days a week? minimum 3, the recommended is every day!
i like to complement this practice by listening to personal growth podcasts or audiobooks, you can also listen to relaxing music or simply let yourself be carried away by the sounds of nature.
i also recommend you to download a walking app that will count the km you do so you can keep track of what you do, i assure you that it will help motivate you! you can also motivate yourself with small goals such as starting walking 3 times a week.
benefits of walking for the mind
reduces anxiety
reduces depression
removes stress
sleeps better
helps with memory
plan better
you make better decisions
it gives you security
benefits for the body
increase your energy
helps you lose weight
walking prevents obesity and cellulite deposits.
increases vitamin d levels
improves circulation
is good for your bones and joints
lengthens your life
can help boost immune function.
strengthens the heart
is good for the brain
muscles we train when we walk: quadriceps and hamstrings, calves, and hip adductors. the gluteal and abdominal muscles are also used.
romanticize your practice
listening to meditation while walking
listening to positive affirmations
thinking about your goals and objectives for the day
reflect and focus on the positive
plan your intentions for the day
visualize dreams and goals
listen to a personal growth podcast
listen to the sounds of nature or music that motivates or calms you
other benefits
you will learn to enjoy your own company
you will stay in shape
will help you feel more focused and positive
help you create a healthy routine
you will feel motivated and grateful
work or study better
feel like your priority
connect with yourself and nature
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richiehugs · 4 months
Monthly update of this Greek pig.
After some weight loss last month, it got evident that he has lost mostly pectoral and gluteal muscles. (It is not visible in the gifs and video, but you know where to see them). He has tried working out, but he obviously got out of breath after 15 mins and sat down and ate instead. Well, it is the intention that counts.
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In the meanwhile, he is getting visibly more and more obese. According to the new measurmenets he has taken, he has gone up to 127,6 kilos / 284 pounds, a gain of about 3 kilos of pure lard in a month, reaching his highest weight ever.
His gains are going mainly to his stomach area. There, he measured 129,8 cm / 51 inches, which is his highest ever. That's 16 cm / 6,3 inches since May last year.
Who is going to help him grow past 300 pounds? This is the main goal until summer. After that, who knows?
The content has been shared with the consent of the creator.
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epigstolary · 11 months
TW: References to medical fatphobia and health conditions.
Your eyes dart nervously back and forth, from one side of the lecture hall to another. Surely they’re not going to see you like this and just sit there? Surely someone is going to step in and help?
But your hopes are disappointed. You’re met, to the extent the audience looks you in the eyes at all, with blank or half-bored stares. The uncaring look of people who see you and the half-ton of lard filling your body as a technical exercise, and little more. The lecture drones on next to you, and after a few minutes, you’re finally able to focus on what’s being said.
“…recall that yesterday’s subject exhibited signs of severe morbid obesity with excessive deposits of adipose tissue almost exclusively at the anterior abdomen. Today’s subject, by contrast—” at this, you feel the lecturer’s gloved hand grasp one of your bulging love handles, squeeze a solid handful, and lift as he continues “—supplements this distribution with deposits throughout the inguinal, gluteal, and posterior thigh regions, and to a lesser extent, in the pectoral and inframammary regions.” You feel one of your tits being lifted as the lecturer holds it in the palm of their hand, pointing out further details with the other. “So as you see, adipose distribution can vary significantly, based on a number of factors…”
The audience continues listening and taking notes. Occasionally, you see two of its white-coated members whisper to each other, gesturing at some point or other on your expansive body. Your mind wanders from the lecture again, and you begin to look around the room, to the extent the restraints on your bariatric exam chair allow. Despite the audience’s lack of direct attention to you, you’re keenly aware of how exposed and on display you are.
The angle of the chair allows your wide, doughy belly to spill down your lap and between your knees. It spreads your lumpy, shapeless legs into a split that leaves the bulging sacs of fat on your thighs and calves in full view. Likewise, because of the backward tilt of the seat, your head is also tilted back, bringing your chin level with your triple chins and emphasizing them along with your wobbly cheeks and jowls. Restraints tie your arms against padded extensions on either side of the main chair, holding them in a T-pose that causes the flab on your forearms to hang down in puckered globs and the bulk on your upper arms to pool around your shoulders, further squeezing the fat around your face. It’s a position in which, if there were any doubt, you’re shown off as the thoroughly, completely, and probably irrevocably fattened blob you are.
Eventually, the display screens on either side of the hall catch your eye — specifically, the unfamiliar shape appearing next to some inscrutable pixelated numbers in black and white. Then, suddenly, something in the lecture strikes you and the image clicks into stark comprehension.
“…86% body fat, with the result that additional strain on the musculoskeletal structure produces the characteristic bend in the vertebral column to compensate…”
The ill-defined shape on the screen, viewed through the lens of an MRI machine, is a person — is you. You knew you were huge, of course, but your breath catches in your throat to see your gluttony presented in this way — the cross-section showing the muscles and organs and skeleton of a normal person, but floating, buried, smothered in a sea of white-yellow tissue, spreading out shapeless in all directions. Hundreds of pounds of fat, dominating your body, captured with the indisputable precision of medical imaging. You are an anomaly. A curiosity. A pathology. A disease, needing to be treated.
You barely have time to process all of this before you feel two attendants beginning to undo the restraints holding back your arms and legs. You feel your feet spring forward slightly, no longer held down and now pushed out by the bulk of the fat hanging off your calves and thighs. Your arms fall immediately to your sides — or, at least, as close to your sides as the tremendous piles of rolls fighting your bingo wings and forearm flab for space will allow. You slide down from the tilted half-chair/half-gurney to a standing position, and feel a hot ache radiate through you, your body crying out at your full weight being put on your frame for the first time in a long time.
“We’ll see if we can get a demonstration of mobility. Clearly, physical activity isn’t this subject’s strong suit.” A stifled but derisive laugh ripples through the audience at this first flush of color commentary from the lecturer. You turn to look at the lecturer, standing at the lectern, and they gesture to the far side of the hall. A set of double doors, wide enough for you to go through, with a bright “Exit” sign above them, stand about thirty yards away.
Is this it? Are you free to go? After being fattened and poked and prodded for so long, are they finally going to let you just walk out?
You have to try. Slowly, deliberately, and with a shock of pain at every step, you lift your blubber-laden legs one at a time, putting your bare foot down with a wet-sounding plop, as you work your way closer to the door. You look around from the door to the audience to the attendants, eyes widened almost to the point of panic. You see all the audience now paying close attention to you, many of them looking back with genuine surprise, apparently somewhat impressed to see a person as fat as a small cow able to walk at all. But seeing nobody move to stop you as you continue your degrading waddle forward, you try to pick up the pace. Your flabby arms swing in a wide circle, trying to counterbalance the movement of the vast bulk hanging off your midsection, the belly and tits and side rolls wobbling chaotically with each step forward.
“As you can see, mobility is diminished as a result not just of the added weight, but also the severe limitations on range of motion caused by the excess adipose tissue.”
Barely halfway toward the door, you can hear the sound of your heart beating over the drone of the lecture, pounding as if it’s about to burst out of your chest. Sweat dims your eyes, and the heat radiating from your body — but, it feels like, especially from your florid face — makes you realize how fatigued you already are from walking just this limited distance. Walking this distance — but with an extra eight hundred pounds or so more than you’re used to, you think to yourself.
“Note, too, the compounding effect of the excessive weight and the lack of resiliency in the subject’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems due to a prolonged deficit in physical activity. Blood pressure and body temperature rise precipitously, stamina diminishes, breathing becomes labored, blood oxygen plummets. Hence, the elevated risk of cerebrovascular accident, embolism, myocardial infarction…”
You barely have the energy to feel angry at the lecturer’s patronizing indifference by the time you reach the door. Breathing ragged, soaked with sweat, barely able to concentrate and on the verge of collapse, you stumble into a lean against the door frame, desperate to catch your breath so you can finish your escape. It’s right there — you can reach out and touch the push bar, hear what sounds like street noise outside — but your body won’t let you. Your clouded mind won’t focus, your bloated legs won’t lift, your wobbling arms hang limp by your heaving, flabby chest. Exhaustion and despair rise within you in equal measure as you hear the gurney chair being rolled across the room, feel your body being jiggled and manhandled back into a sitting position, and see the exit doors and all hope of help receding as you’re rolled back to center stage, defeated.
Numb and indifferent now, you offer no resistance, sensing the tube and mask being fitted into your mouth as if watching it happening to someone else from a distance. You utter little more than an involuntary groan of complaint or protest — it doesn’t concern you, any more than does the flow of something cold you can feel pooling in your stomach.
“…typical example has a maximum capacity of barely two to four liters. However, consistent overfeeding with a diet that includes a sufficient volume of fiber at appropriate intervals has demonstrated the ability to reliably expand stomach volume to a maximum capacity of 14-16 liters, with p of .05 in our internal studies…”
The sound of the lecture flows past you, mixing with the buzz of the pump filling you with more and more of the chilly slop, and the low creak of the gurney as it takes the added weight. Your eyelids droop, drowsy with the food and your exertions; and you drift away to sleep, the gaze of the audience trained on the slow, relentless expansion of your tumescent belly the last thing you see before your tired eyes close shut.
Credit to the incomparable Mairari/@hyenaddict for the original post that inspired this story
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malegains · 7 months
I use Bing to make my pics. Go to Bing’s website, click images, click create. Make an account if you need to, it’s worth it. You can use a throwaway email. Use naturalistic language, separate phrases by commas, the closer to the top a phrase is the more it’s weighted.
I make this post because I get the strong sense the Bing party will be over soon. Every day the AI cottons on to phrases and chokes on things you used to be able to sneak past. Stuff that was safe and useful a day or two ago now result in a dreaded Prompt Blocked (too many of those and you’ll get suspended, it hasn’t happened to me but it seems the threshold is low).
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Safe prompts return four images. Fewer than four mean the missing ones were “not safe.” A prompt that processes but gives no results, or “egg dogs” is not too much of a cause for worry - retool, try again. Sometimes I don’t even change anything, and the one result I get on the second try is such a freakshow that it was worth it.
A prompt that is rejected without processing IS a worry and you should probably abort, as explained. However, keep in mind it’s not just sexy stuff that can trip that wire. I once got a harsh warning because I put “Phoenix park, Dublin.” I deleted that and it ran no problem. Avoid any and all political controversy (sigh. I know).
Using age, profession, and nationality can influence the look of the model very easily. “French rugby player” is a go to for me, for example. In general, “rugby player” is cheat code for “make him sexy.” The mind of the machine, what can I say.
Use descriptive phrases of action and location to engineer what you want to see. Be creative and be specific. “Reading a placard at a botanical garden,” for instance. It seems this allows more extreme kinky stuff to sneak past the filter. I usually start with “side view” because otherwise you only ever get models looking straight ahead.
Grey sweat pants has become a trigger (they caught on). However, “gray pants” still works and gives some very tasty results.
High social cache locations and activities also seem to help. I got some WILD and EXTREME hyper images from adding “goofing around on stage at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.” Paired with “cast as a fairy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and the mega bubble butts and thick thighs were BULGING, as long as you didn’t mind a little tutu and fairy wings (the corny goofy masculine dude having fun facial expression that the earlier inclusion of “goofy” brought really worked in this instance). Most of these freaks were NAKED and I didn’t even ask for that!!! (No dong of course, this is Microsoft still)
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Mention of glutes, butts, asses, etc are very dangerous and usually get you in trouble. I found some traction with “gluteal mass” but it got wise, and “bulging lower back muscles” used to be interpreted as glutes but seemingly no longer. “Disturbingly huge hamstrings” or “jaw-droppingly large hamstrings” does work to get That Ass sometimes, I guess because the computer has a fuzzy idea of the posterior chain.
Also, “pecs” used to be safe but is now also on the danger list. “Pectoral muscles” still seems safe, for now.
ALWAYS include shoes or footwear if you don’t want a tight cropped image. Black athletic shoes, sandals, converse sneakers, dress shoes, fluevog shoes if you’re making a fancy beef heap. Avoid boots. “Leather boots” once got me in trouble with the filter all by itself.
Adding a personality or mood descriptor near the top seems to humanize and give vitality to the outcome. Intense, goofy, outgoing, exuberant, shy - these have all done wonderful work for me.
If you’re into hyper / immobile muscle, imagining scenario where they’re constricted by space is useful. A prompt which just (“just”) gives a realistic super heavyweight will give an appalling mockery of the human form if you add “crammed into the front seat of his car.” Get creative. Elevators and doorways haven’t worked well, but cars, trains, planes, busses, subways, and CHAIRS of all descriptions have done well. Also, scooters and bicycles and mopeds really bring out the super freaks for whatever reason.
I write this to encourage you to go create some fleshcrafted sexy abominations of your own while it’s still possible. My sense is this party is only going to last a little while. I’ve already got more than 1000 images to share so, my larder is stocked to supply this blog for a while. But the more freaks we make while the freak factory is still in production, the better.
Get cooking!
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ovaruling · 1 year
i know everyone’s tired of me talking abt this but bc i’m on the subject now—once more on cosmetic surgery complications: let me clarify what i mean when i have said in the past “it’s rarely if ever a matter of ‘if’”—when you see “after” pictures on a cosmetic surgeon’s website, do you ever see ones that are “2 years after,” “5 years after,” “10 years after”? how often have you seen or spoken to a woman 20 years after her cosmetic surgery? do you think the surgeons do?
no. you know why? because, unless you’re getting more surgery, you stop mattering to that surgeon after your last post-op appointment. they do not give a shit about your long-term results. when you call in 2 years later, wondering why you’re experiencing xyz difficulty—guess how much they’re going to care? at most, if they even TAKE your call, they’ll tell you to go see your primary care provider.
most people have no way of knowing when their surgery is going to start causing problems. it might be a year. it might be 2. it might be 5. it might be 10. it might be 15. it could be 30. but trust me, you do not undergo major traumatic surgery to your body and get away with absolutely zero consequences.
i’m tired of people thinking they’ve got an argument when they tell me, “but EYE had xyz surgery, and i’m fine!”
tell that to the women en masse removing their breast implants due to complications that didn’t arise until years later. tell that to the women who are trying to remove gluteal implants and reverse gluteal injections because 5 years later and they’re showing signs of inflammation and infection (Blac Chyna, most recently). to women like me who’ve had nerve damage and spinal damage and muscle damage and infections and autoimmune conditions develop out of thin air after having that last post-op appointment.
i think a large number of we women who have had major cosmetic surgery are mentally unwell to begin with—or else we wouldn’t have gotten surgeries. but what i want to focus on is that we have grown up, as girls, being taught to ignore our discomfort, to minimize our pain, to get over our illnesses. i cannot in good conscience discount this phenomenon when i take into account why it is that YOUR surgery went so perfectly.
are you really recovered? or are you just ignoring the side-effects? did you already make up your mind that you’d bear the hardships of major surgery for the visual you wanted?
have you ever actually taken a moment to think about what you went through to have this surgery? have you forced yourself to adapt to the discomforts, just brushing them off as understandable collateral for something far more valuable to you (how you look)? how did the anesthesia affect you? how long were you on the table? how did your body respond to being given what it thinks is a mortally deep wound for no reason? how much pain medication did you need after? could you go to the bathroom by yourself? could you walk? how’s your scar tissue? is it still there, years later? what about your scars? have you lost sensation at the surgical site? is it still numb, years later? can you brace your core anymore? can you lift your arms above your head? how long? can you twist at the waist? what about your organs? did they suffer strain? what about your circulation? and can you draw in a truly deep breath after your breast surgery? how’s your oxygen intake after your elective rhinoplasty? or after your breast augmentation? have you felt any tingling numbness or dead zones or back pain after your BBL? or have you even thought about that? about any of this? stomach- and side-sleepers who’ve gotten breast augmentations, are you feeling rested these days?
how many of us have brainwashed ourselves into thinking we aren’t experiencing any unusual level of pain? how many women have died because of their practiced ability to shrug off extreme inflammation as “regular wear and tear”?
and you’re trying to tell me there’s NO chance of you or your tiktok faves having suffered even 1% of a change to your health after undergoing a major surgery?
no one knows it better than i do. you can lie to everyone else who’s never had cosmetic surgery, but you can’t lie to me. i know what you went through. and you don’t have to lie just to preserve your integrity.
i know women go through hell for this. and if they have, they need to pay attention to their bodies and watch for signs of long-term damage. or else you are also going to risk waking up one day and going, “hm. weird that i can’t feel my clitoris anymore. wonder why. it’s not like anything’s ever happened to—oh, wait.”
no one tells you what it all looks like 5-10+ years down the road. all you’re thinking about is the next year, at most. you aren’t thinking about lifelong consequences. you aren’t thinking about being 60, telling your doctor you had a tummy tuck when you were 27 or extreme liposuction at 18. you aren’t thinking about it. and that’s my whole fucking point, because neither was i.
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renphousa · 23 days
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Here are the top 5 muscle groups to target with a Renpho Massage Gun: https://go.renpho.com/collection-massage-gun-24
1. Quadriceps (Quads):
Your quads are powerhouse muscles that play a vital role in activities like running, jumping, and squatting. However, intense workouts can leave them feeling tight and fatigued. Using a Renpho Massage Gun to target the quadriceps can help alleviate tension, reduce soreness, and enhance flexibility, ensuring you're ready to tackle your next leg day
2. Hamstrings:
The hamstrings, located at the back of your thighs, are prone to tightness and injury, particularly if you engage in activities like cycling or weightlifting. By incorporating the Renpho Massage Gun into your post-workout routine, you can loosen tight hamstrings, improve range of motion, and promote faster recovery, enabling you to perform at your best without fear of setbacks.
3. Gluteal Muscles (Glutes):
Strong glutes are essential for stability, power, and overall lower body function. Whether you're a runner looking to prevent injuries or a weightlifter aiming to enhance your performance, targeting the gluteal muscles with a Renpho Massage Gun can help relieve tightness, reduce muscle fatigue, and promote better activation during exercises, leading to improved strength and athleticism.
4. Back Muscles:
The muscles of the back, including the erector spinae and latissimus dorsi, are often neglected but are crucial for maintaining proper posture and spinal health. Using a Renpho Massage Gun to release tension in these muscles can alleviate discomfort, improve mobility, and prevent the development of chronic issues, allowing you to stand tall and move freely with confidence.
5. Shoulders and Traps:
Whether you're lifting weights, swimming laps, or simply carrying groceries, your shoulders and traps bear the brunt of daily activities. Targeting these muscles with a Renpho Massage Gun can help relieve tightness, reduce the risk of overuse injuries, and enhance shoulder mobility, enabling you to move more efficiently and perform at your peak, both in and out of the gym.
Incorporating targeted massage therapy into your fitness regimen with a Renpho Massage Gun can be a game-changer, allowing you to recover faster, train harder, and unlock your full potential. With regular use, you'll experience less pain, improved flexibility, and greater overall performance, helping you crush your fitness goals and conquer new heights.
So why wait? Invest in your muscle health and unleash your strength with the power of the Renpho Massage Gun. Your body will thank you for it.
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The 12 easiest ways to lose weight
Many people develop an increase in body weight in middle age, and it occurs gradually, somewhat imperceptible. Of course, some resort to strict diet or exercise, but some attempts fail due to the nature of the busy lifestyle, family and social commitments, and working hours.
Two new studies offer a glimmer of hope in the form of small changes approaches to weight loss and improved health, with firm promise of promising scientifically grounded results.
In her research study, Professor Amanda Daly, a professor of behavioral medicine at Loughborough University, and her research team analyzed data from 19 trials involving more than 3,000 people to see if a simple microapproach yields enough changes to help maintain a healthy weight or lose excess weight. The results showed that participants who adhered to the approach of small changes – such as walking 1,000 extra steps a day or cutting 100-200 calories by choosing healthier alternatives to highly processed, sugary and high-calorie-rich foods lost about 1 kg less compared to those who did not follow these methods over eight to 14 months. While the amount doesn't seem great, Professor Daly says it was enough to stave off weight gain.
Small goals that are easy to achieve
Professor Daly said: "Adult weight gain is not usually the result of a short lack of exercise and excessive intake, but rather rather the result of a gradual decrease in activity levels and increased energy intake, the effects of which are cumulative and affect over time.
Professor Daly adds that providing guidelines that ask people to make big changes to their health, such as cutting calories by 500 or more a day or taking 10,000 steps from the starting point from scratch, requires a lot and may be better to "make them realize that it's only good to make one small change the first time and gain confidence in achieving it," noting that "big changes, by their very nature, make it difficult for some to achieve."
Small changes in food
In the second scientific study, published in the journal Nature Food, researchers from the University of Michigan reported how small changes in food choices can also help get extra minutes of healthy living. By classifying 5,800 foods according to their "dietary burden of disease," the researchers found, for example, that a small dietary shift such as eating 30 grams of nuts and seeds a day provides a 25-minute gain from healthy living — as expected from During an increase in disease-free life expectancy. "The message from researchers now is that doing small things, being physically active, eating a little better, and turning ideas into an initial change approach can make a difference to human health, and it's also a stimulus that can drive thinking about bigger changes in the long term," says Daly.
Simple methods of motor activity
1- Strengthen the gluteal muscles while sitting
A 2019 study from Wichita State University, published in the journal Peer J, showed that pressing the gluteal muscles in the buttocks while sitting in a chair can enhance strength and endurance, and possibly reduce the risk of injury. Study participants were asked to sit up straight in a chair — hips and knees at right angles, knees shoulder-width and feet apart — and squeeze the glutes as hard as possible for five seconds before relaxing and repeating. The exercise does not require any weights Or training tools. After eight weeks of doing this for an accumulated 15 minutes per day, one doesn't even need to do them all at once, lab test results showed that it increased gluteal muscle strength by 16% compared to an 11% increase in the control group that was asked to do the same amount of conventional gluteal bridge exercises.
2- Jump 10 times twice a day
The slightest amount of exercise can make a difference when it comes to maintaining bone strength throughout life, balancing the risk of osteoporosis. For an experiment, published in the American Journal of Health Promotion, 60 premenopausal women aged 25 to 50 were asked to perform 10 or 20 jumps with 30 seconds of rest between jumps, twice a day for 16 weeks, to see how they affected their bones. The results showed that daily jumping led to a 0.5 percent increase in bone density, while the control group that did not jump showed a 1.3 percent reduction in bone density during the four-month trial.
3- Reduce 10% of red and processed meat
In a study conducted by the University of Michigan, calculations by researchers revealed that for every gram of processed meat a person consumes, 0.45 minutes of their lifespan are lost. If a person eats a lot of red or processed meat, the researchers' advice is to replace 10% with a combination of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, which can add 48 minutes of healthier life.
4- Climb 4 groups of stairs in less than a minute
Last year, researchers at the European Society of Cardiology conference reported that being able to climb four steps of stairs, equivalent to 60 steps, in less than a minute is a strong predictor of good heart health. Study author Jesús Petero, a cardiologist at the University Hospital of a Spanish Coruña, says: "If it takes you more than a minute and a half to climb four steps on the stairs, your health is suboptimal, and it would be good to consult a doctor."
5- Jumping rope for 10 minutes a day
Daily jumping for ten minutes over 6 weeks has been shown to lead to improvements in cardiovascular health, equivalent to what is benefited by running for 30 minutes a day, in addition to strengthening bones.
6- Spend 60 minutes outdoors
Getting out of the house for an hour a day is, in short, the exact translation for better health, according to the results of a study to be published in the December issue of the journal Affective Disorders.  Sean Cain, an assistant professor of psychology at Monash University in Australia, studied the effects of daylight exposure on the mood and health of more than 400,000 participants at Biobank in the UK. He discovered that adults in the UK, on average, spend about 2.5 hours of daylight outside, and that each hour of daylight exposure is associated with easier morning wakefulness and reduced overall fatigue. Kane says:  "Getting bright light in the day is just as important as avoiding light at night to sleep."
7- 1000 additional steps per day
Instead of targeting 10,000 steps or more, start by recording an additional 1,000 steps per day. Henrietta Graham, a researcher in sports and exercise science at Loughborough University and colleagues, and the lead researcher on the latest scientific study, says. "People who do a low step count per day and who try to accomplish 10,000 steps per day from day one are more likely to give up." Even this added step, just 1,000, will pay off. In May, researchers from the University of North Carolina conducted a study on the walking habits of 16,732 women age 60 or older. Presenting their findings at the American Heart Association's Conference on Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle, Heart Health and Cardiac Metabolism, they showed that, compared to women who did not take daily steps, each initial increase of 1,000 steps per day was associated with a 28 percent lower risk of dying during the eight-year follow-up period, and women who took more than 2,000 steps a day in continuous shifts had a 32 percent lower risk of death. You can walk for two minutes every hour of the workday, about 20 minutes a day, a goal that a team from the University of Utah School of Medicine showed was associated with a 33% lower risk of death.
8- Jog for 5 minutes
Prof Dali says you can start by setting small goals before aspiring to run marathons "over distances of about 10km or more". Small, consistent but moderate exercise patterns can make all the difference. One study, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, involving 55,137 adults showed that running at a manageable pace for just five minutes a day was associated with an increased lifespan of an adult by about three years.
9- Commit to 20-second training doses
If you really can't find the time (or motivation) to exercise, the practice of taking light infusions is something to think about. Martin Gibala, professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Canada and principal investigator of a study on light training doses, found that just 20 seconds of strenuous exertion, like climbing 60 steps three times a day, resulted in a 5 percent increase in fitness and an improvement in leg muscle strength after six weeks. Graham says that just as much activity will help: "You can walk or run around, anything that makes you breathe hard will be helpful. Any amount of activity is better than nothing."
10- Practice yoga for 15 minutes daily
If one can't commit to a 90-minute yoga class, start with 15 minutes of simple exercise, and you'll get major benefits. A study, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, reported how yoga and deep breathing for a quarter of an hour reduced blood pressure by 10 percent as well as a heart rate reduction for at least 24 hours in a group of 78 patients with mild hypertension.
11- Stand on one leg for 20 seconds daily
By the time a person reaches the age of twenties, there are about 70,000 specialized neurons, motor neurons, concentrated in the lower part of the spinal cord, which connects with the leg muscles to control balance. But researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University have shown that by the age of 75, 40 per cent of these motor neurons are lost even in the fittest individuals. The result is a deterioration in coordination of movement and balance. While young people can stand on one leg, with their eyes closed, for 30 seconds, the average age of 70 can only hold up for four to five seconds. But the time period can be improved with practice. The goal should initially be to stand on one leg for 20 seconds daily, then it develops gradually and the exercise is repeated with the eyes closed. "You can stand on one leg while brushing your teeth or waiting for the water to boil [to make tea or coffee," says Graham.
12- Lifting weights for 13 minutes
Not everyone needs or can head to the gym just to train to lift weights in low doses for short periods. Indeed, exercise physiologists at Lehman College in New York have figured out the possibility of not going to gym training and achieving good results, asking participants in a scientific study to perform 8 to 12 repetitions of exercise with weights in three weekly sessions, and lifting them until their muscles are too tired to do anything else. While the researchers asked some to perform five sets of each in a 70-minute gym session, they assigned other participants to do just three sets of 40 minutes and do one set of each exercise, and the gym group spent only about 13 minutes doing weightlifting. Two months later, the researchers revealed that strength gains were similar across all groups and that those who did the fast-paced exercise for 13 minutes in the gym had similar results to those who exercised at home for longer periods of time and training sessions.......read more
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diogxnxs · 4 months
Is the fabulous butt a common trait of the McDuck - Duck family?
The prominence of the gluteal muscles are a product of both genetics and lifestyle. I can safely say that this is a blessed trait from both of Donald's family trees that have coalesced into the perfect butt in a rather active Donald Duck. So, I would have to say yes. But Donald's butt takes a special place here even within his own family because it's his "Mickey Mouse Ears" because of its prominence in merchandise. No, not even his hat. It's his butt. As seen here:
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Official Donald Duck food design from Disney Cafes, especially in Japan.
They even poke fun of this prominent feature in Donald Duck Visits Japan. Where it seems like his butt just increases in size in every panel.
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Donald's butt is cute and iconic and has been so since his very first incarnation in The Wise Little Hen.
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embarrassedanon · 6 months
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I'll admit I was surprised and more than a little embarrassed when the nurse told me I needed to lower my pants and "lift my buttocks up and down" on camera so he could show it to the doctor and assess my torn gluteal muscles. I was even more embarrassed when the doctor came in the room to perform his examination and he informed me he had no nurse working today. I sure hope that video doesn't end up online.
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