#give me hal jordan burn out
zylev-blog · 5 months
Danny was pissed. He was chilling in the Speedforce, waiting on his dad—the Flash—to show up when he felt something shift around him. He exited the speedforce to find that the timeline had changed again, and he had been written out of the timeline. He technically was a time anomaly now, and didn’t exist. So he talked to Clockwork, a ghost he’d gotten to know extremely well after Danny’s creation.
Danny was a clone of the Flash and Green Lantern(Hal Jordan) as part of an experiment that Lex Luthor had taken prior to cloning Superboy. Lex had wanted to know if the power ring was able to transmit anything genetically (it couldn’t. It was a wearable weapon, not a genetic thing.) but Danny had inherited Flash’s superspeed, so he wasn’t a complete loss. Danny wasn’t sure if he looked more like either man, considering they both wore masks. He had brown hair and green eyes. Beyond that, he tanned well, was tall for his age, and packed on muscle far easier than the Flash did. He hadn’t ever seen either man out of the costume.
After a talk with Clockwork, he decided he was just going to force his way back into his Dad’s life. Both of them, if possible. He arrived years before his creation by mistake, right near the start of the Justice League. By his estimates, the team had only been formed for a year before he’d arrived. It was strange; he both didn’t exist and was from the future. He guessed that it was around nine years before his birth, and since he was technically six months old, he was 9 years in the past. Thinking about this was going to give him a headache.
The Justice League was severely mistrustful of each other. They didn’t go out of their way for teamups, didn’t have weekly meetings, and almost pretended if the other members didn’t exist. The most recluse of them was Batman, of course. If any hero set foot in Gotham, they were booted out before they even got to downtown. Danny highly suspected Batman had the entire city on camera. The situation was weirding him out more than before. What had happened to the team?! He was used to everyone being one big family, and even the sidekicks having their own teams… speaking of sidekicks, why was Robin so small?! Wait a minute, that wasn’t the third Robin that he was used to, that was the first Robin! Baby Nightwing!
Thankfully for him, he still had his costume on this entire time as he zipped around the country, spying on the younger members of the Justice League. It was surreal watching everyone try to capture him, but he wasn’t going to be caught that easily!
Eventually his presence forced the Justice League into another teamup. Batman laid the trap out, and Flash lured him into it. The plan was so beautiful that he didn’t even realize it was a trap until he was caught in it. Green Lantern took off Danny’s mask, and for the first time, he looked at his fathers without a mask. They didn’t make the connection to him right away. It wasn’t until Wonder Woman’s lasso made its way around his wrist that the truth finally came out.
“Who are you?” Wonder Woman asked.
“Oof , hard question—ow ow oww—I’m being honest!” He struggled against the lasso as it started to burn him. “My designation was Dn-y, I go by Danny, though. I’m a clone.”
“Of who?” Batman demanded.
“Flash and Green Lantern.” The lasso was glowing brightly, indicating that he was telling the truth.
“How did you escape?” Flash asked.
He didn’t answer right away. He was trying to think about how to phrase the whole time traveling—timeline erasure thing when the lasso started to burn him again. “Ow ow! Sorry, I’m thinking! Ow! Turn down the settings on that thing, holy shit—okay, okay.” He winced, his words coming out in one breath as he quickly talked, “What do you know about time travel?”
Diana’s eyebrows were rising. “How are you able to resist the lasso for so long?”
“I’m not really resisting it.” He answered, noting the obvious deflect of his last question, “I just-oww—okay! My mind moves too fast for me to put into words sometimes and it makes me stop to think about it, but like, I’m not good at controlling the speed in which I speak all the time—owww make this thing stop burning me! I’m speaking honestly!”
Diana revoked the lasso, and he rubbed his wrist where his costume was starting to singe. He was still trapped in an anti-speedster prison, so it wasn’t exactly like he was going anywhere anyway.
“Why were you asking about time travel?” Batman asked.
“Based on the crickets chirping I heard earlier, that leads me to believe you guys haven’t had any experience in it yet.” He leaned against the wall of the prison, wincing as it shocked him with electricity. “Seriously? How paranoid are you, Batman?” He rubbed his shoulder. “Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting with you people, but I feel so attacked right now.”
“So we have experience with it in the future?” Superman piped up.
“Yeah?” His tone of voice equated to a ‘duh’ tone. “Why would I ask what you knew if I wasn’t from the future?”
“How far in the future are you from?” Green Lantern asked.
“Nine years, maybe close to ten? Timelines are weird. I’m technically six months old, but at the same time I’m sixteen. Cloning is odd, but I was like, the first clone ever, so I don’t really have a basis for this sort of thing, if you catch my drift.” He shrugged. He seemed like he talked a lot more than the heroes did, but he didn’t know if that was because he was a chatterbox, or because they weren’t comfortable in each other’s presence. Either way, the silence was odd to him.
“How did you end up here?” Batman asked.
“Honestly? I don’t fully know. Don’t give me that look, Diana! I’m telling the truth.” He added quickly as Diana fingered her lasso again. “All I know is one minute, I’m chilling in the Speedforce, and the next, the timeline is changed and I’m nine years too early for my birth. You’d think the timeline would at least have the decency to spit me out in my own year, but nooo, it wanted to—“
“What’s the Speedforce?” Superman interrupted.
He tilted his head at Superman’s question, then turned to the Flash. “How long have you had your powers?”
Flash shifted uncomfortably. “Two years.”
“Oh boy.” Danny’s green eyes widened. “You don’t know anything about them, do you?”
“I do know things!” Flash deflected, “My suit doesn’t catch on fire anymore! I can run up to Mach 2! I can get from either end of the country in thirty minutes!”
He groaned loudly. “Oh no. Oh no.” He chewed on his thumb, trying to recall everything he’d learned about his powers from his Flash. While he hadn’t learned his or Green Lantern’s identity yet, he knew almost everything about their hero personas and a lot of personal information. They were just worried of the Cadmus connection and didn’t want their identity to fall into the wrong hands if they still could see inside of Danny’s head.
“What’s wrong?” Diana asked.
“Okay.” He ran his hands through his brown hair, making it spike up. “Hypothetically—“ he cut himself off as Batman glared at him. “Okay, totally real, but uh, Flash, let’s just say that I’m faster than you right now. A lot faster.”
“How much?” Flash took a step forward, obviously curious.
“From what we can tell, I’ve topped out at Mach nine.” He responded with a dry laugh, “But your speed was still a lot faster than mine. You’d never tell me what it was. I’m still growing though, and I’m getting faster. I’m able to beat my precious time by almost double each time we test. But my situation was complicated, and things were happening, and it was a mess.”
“Like what?” Superman asked.
“World war three. I think?” He rubbed the back of his neck, a gesture that he had picked up from Green Lantern, “Things got complicated. That’s why I was going to wait for…” his eyebrows scrunched together as the last piece of the puzzle clicked into place. “It was you!” He turned to Flash. “You!” He jabbed a finger at the speedster. “You set this up! You set ME up!”
The heroes took fighting stances, but Superman took a step forward, blocking them from Danny. “What are you talking about?”
“Okay okay.” He was trying to calm down his anger, but he had been told by Green Lantern in the past that he had inherited the man’s anger issues. “Let me start at the beginning. This is going to be a long story, you might want to take a seat.”
Nobody moved, but everyone was tense.
“Or not. Okay. So my creation starts with Lex Luthor.” He noticed Superman stiffen. “He used me as his trial, if you will. Once he got a successful attempt at cloning—me—he moved onto his real target. Cloning Superman.” Danny’s green eyes hovered onto Superman’s blue ones. “He was successful.”
“What happened?” Superman’s voice was unnaturally quiet.
“Well, at first, Conner wasn’t showing that he had all the powers of Superman. So Lex tossed him aside and tried again. The second attempt was more successful than the first. But cloning Kryptonian dna was hard, I guess.” He shrugged. “The second clone lacked basic emotions. Empathy, remorse… it made him the perfect little weapon for Lex. But eventually, the clone’s anger and Lex’s greed got to a point of no return. Lex was elected President of the United States and uh…you can probably see where this is going, right? While the fighting hadn’t like…’officially’ started,” He used his fingers to create air quotes around the word ‘officially’, “Things were getting tense. See, we couldn’t take the clone down because Lex had wrote out the Kryptonite deficiency out of his weakness. And the clone had all the strength of Superman and none of his remorse…”
Superman looked pale. “I see.”
“So Flash and I came up with a plan.” He turned back to his father, “We were going to travel into the next dimension for help. From what we could tell, that dimension was full of god-like beings, and one of them actually helped me out earlier! But for a lot of them, they ask for a price for their help. But anyway, Flash and I were going to take our case to the King and plead for help. I was waiting for Flash when the timeline reset and I found out that not only did I not exist, but I was nine years too early.”
“What are you going to do now?” Green Lantern asked.
“Dunno,” His voice dropped as the reality hit him. He wasn’t going home—his home didn’t exist anymore.
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graysonist · 10 months
hal jordan's word choice analysis post because oh my god why would he say that
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for context: in this page he 100% believes he's going to lose power in his ring (which he thinks is the only thing giving him the ability to breathe) so he's like completely sure he's going to die.
let me just get this out of the way too!! that's a construct of carol he's talking to, meaning entirely made from his head so he's literally just talking to himself here. notice the star sapphire symbol on her hat, a jacket that mimics his dads, and the ferris air buckle ☹️❤️
'I love life with you'
NOT even just that he loves her, but that he feels like
1. she's the most important thing in his life
2. she makes his life worth living
which if you know anything about hal is CRAZY like i'd marry him on the spot if i knew he said that about me...
'you made me burn brighter. you made me want to be better.'
now if we're talking rings here (cus they rarely arent) this can be taken both as a person and that she's part of what makes his will so strong i'm LITERALLY going insane!! + he said he wants to be a better person because of her, which i don't have much to say on that, it's just an all time favorite thing of mine romance-wise.
'i remember when we met... i love you, and the only thing i've ever *really* been afraid of was losing you.'
HOLY SHIT!! we all know he's not afraid of a lot of instinctual fears like dying but there's been times where he's been shown to be afraid of not living up to who his father would want him to be and other things like that, but man?? fear being his one weakness and that's a metaphor for carol? i love them so dearly goodbye i can't do this...
'don't stop living. find someone else. be happy. be fearless.'
this part fucking GETS me in the bones because he doesn't even care if he dies as long as she's happy and able to live without him. we already talked about fear and 'be fearless' is such a green lantern thing to say but he also doesn't want her to be afraid of losing him because he knows it's about to happen. he's dealt with so much loss in his family and his city that when it comes to his final words, he picks carefully based on his own experiences with mourning and grief.
last thing, i'm pretty sure his 'I- I-' is supposed to be an 'i love you' again until he realizes he can breathe but ohhhh i hate everything i love halcarol can you tell !!!!!
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mindshelter · 1 year
biting steel chewing glass over kyle and hal's relationship. chugging lava at the way kyle is so damn kind it becomes the enduring matchstrike that sets hal on the path to redemption.
kyle's call to arms is a tumultous one. he is green lantern because hal jordan is a traitor. a murderer. the narrative setup seems obvious: this new hero will defeat an indomitable villain.
during one of their first conversations, hal tells kyle: "i only wanted to fix things [...] put it back. put it right. unless i can do that, i can't be a hero. i'll be... i'll be... one of the bad guys." and that translates to: so much is at stake; i've taken everything one hundred broad strides too far and everyone is calling me a killer, a monster, and maybe i'm the first thing but it'll all be worth it when i remake everything to be even better. failing means they're right: that i turned my back on everything i am to be reviled by everyone who once loved me for nothing. if i don't absolve myself, coast city stays a barren crater, and i stay a bloody stain on history.
and hal fails. and kyle doesn't defeat the villain, in the end, instead keeping hal immobile long enough for oliver to shoot his best friend in the chest. even then, he opposes, shouting, "arrow-- not this way! [...] he was powerless!" kyle never truly accomplishes what he was meant to do. hal, too, is left to wander, purposeless, thinking: "all i feel is empty. i [...] ponder what i've become. maybe my time as a hero is over."
but kyle never seems to forget that first conversation, where he and hal shared their grief and a quiet moment together. where, however briefly, they were friends. under all that anger, he saw parallax's humanity. so kyle takes a leap of faith.
when all the heat from the sun has been sapped away, kyle is the only person who reaches out to hal. no one else knows i'm here, he says. we need you to be a hero again.
i came because i know you, hal.
kyle gives hal the opportunity to to fix things. together—with hal's power, and kyle's compassion—they put it back, put it right. hal reignites the sun, and burns to death.
hal's funeral is held in the ruins of coast city. there, kyle says, i didn't know hal as a friend. he says, i feel like i've lost someone close to me.
so maybe hal doesn't fail. kyle never forgets what hal meant: if i don't absolve myself, coast city stays a barren crater, and i stay a bloody stain on history.
the heroes transform the ruins of coast city into a garden. and at the centre, kyle builds a statue.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
The gladiator post just made me think like… Bruce goes out there every day to fight again and watches the crowd decide his fate. At the end of every battle, it’s a nod from his handlers or the hands of the crowd that decide. It’s never him. He has never had a choice. Never has he been gifted free will, he is simply a limb for what others want.
So what happens when he asks such a soft favor of Clark and he actually does it? What does he do when he wants but there is nobody to tell him which path to take? He has never had his own choice before. He was born to bloody dirt and a sea of hands and the knowledge that protest is death. And death will not save him. What does he do with his own choice?
WAHHH, born in a sea of hands! Bestie. That's amazing. However, I'd argue to say, Bruce does make his own choices, however small.
When the king's thumb goes down, and the gladiator below him watches him with deep piercing eyes, and he refuses, he makes a choice.
When she criticizes him for it, hands tied with barbed chains to the arena post, lips dry and burning under Metropolis' glaring sun. Bruce had stole her warrior death, she says.
" and now you're stealing my dignity, " when Bruce gives her his water and food ratios, under the others' scrutiny. A scrutiny not even their own. " you truly vex me, Brutus. "
Bruce says nothing. Hal Jordan makes a noise of both fear and disgust as he leaves,
" These things creep me out. Does it even need food?"
"Quit it, " Oliver snaps, arms crossed, " He'd put you down with both arms tied. He's done it before, remember? There'll come the day he'll have to put someone down, and I speculate its you."
" Brutus doesn't kill," Diana savors the water still clinging to her lips, casting the battlespawns, better than them, lower than them, a curious stare. " He doesn't lose, either."
When Bruce refuses to strongarm people for the king's sake, he makes a choice. And he's punished for all of them, yet he can't stop. He can't.
Clark respecting his daring, arrogant plea would confuse him. If there's one truth, one truth they carry close to them, is that riches listen when riches talk.
Clark, the educated, respectable, dignified consort of Alexander, listening to him. It's a pretty dream, but pretty things die fast in here.
And he knows very well, Luthor will sooner strike him down than let him walk free.
He stopped asking about payments when he was 10. It was futile. He at least hoped his dear, dearest Alfie, the last of the House Wayne, remained taken care of.
Yet. Clark? He comes back. A handwritted letter, with the Al Ghul sigil carefully wrapped around jasmine scented paper, lay softly in his hand.
"Can you read?"
Bruce nods.
If he's surprised, Clark spares his feelings by not showing it. He goes to leave. Bruce asks him to stay, to remain. "I know what it will say. It is happy news." It's a blessing custom; Happy announcements extend to friends who hear them.
Misty eyed, blue and glossy, Clark nods. Waiting patiently for Bruce to finish.
Bruce, for the first time since they've locked eyes, caged animal to caged animal, smiles. A close lipped thing. Lovely and soft and so fitting for him.
" She lost the child."
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
Hal Jordan Is the Second Smartest in The League
by Captain_Kinky “What are you playing at, Lantern?” Batman asks. His lips are pulled into a frown, and his tone is searching, prodding– like he’s trying to see if Hal is joking or genuinely knows. Hal raises his hands in mock surrender to show he means no harm. “Look, the code of capes, masks, and cowls: I won’t tell anyone your civilian identity.” He smiles. “I’m just letting you know that I know so that you know I’m the smartest in the League.” “What are you talking about?” Batman applies the same tactic as earlier. “Well, you’re the smartest, I digress– so maybe I’m the second smartest, but finding out your identity? C’mon Brucie, give me some credit, it’s pretty impressive.” “Don’t call me that.” ___ A fic where Hal Jordan is the first to learn that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Words: 1661, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Green Lantern - All Media Types, Green Lantern (Comics), DCU, DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Bruce Wayne Relationships: Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal, Slow Burn, Batman Identity Reveal, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Justice League Doesn't Know Bruce Wayne is Batman, Green Lantern Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Bruce Wayne is Brucie Wayne via https://ift.tt/qwNcoQC
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Misc Dc Fic Recs (Part 6)
in the name of the father, the billionaire, and honorary bat-uncle by buttercupbabyyyyy
It becomes a bit of a tradition, after this; when Wally gets mad, he announces with a (obnoxiously loud) screech he'll be living with Uncle Bats until Barry gets his act together, except the smaller redhead doesn't use the word 'act' and Batman, with a reputation to uphold, has to resist the urge to cover Robin's ears.
Or; everyone fears Batman. the younger heroes tend to forget it. Bruce is thrusted into the hesitant uncle role.
The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain by sleepypapaya
The Core 4 are neurodivergent icons, basically.
His name was king by theresurrectionist
Everyone knows who the butler is.
The cape void by Charleswaterloo
In which Batman’s cape may or may not be bigger on the inside, contains many sandwiches, creates more problems than it solves, and is the constant delight of his children.
‘We played hide and seek in the cave once and Tim had the bright idea of hiding in the Cape Void,’ Dick said, smiling slightly evilly at him.
‘Yeah, that was a weird couple of days. The void demons are nice, though,’ Tim added casually.
‘What?’ everyone said at once, heads snapping towards him.
(A series of stories detailing the problems that occur when several lightly insane vigilantes have access to an unexplainable void.) -
Three’s a crowd (but I’m here if you are) by JUBE514
Bernard pops the top off his water bottle, a roll of his wrist at the perfect angle and it comes right off, and pops the faucet in Tim’s very nice kitchen to cold. Tim presses a kiss to the back of Bernard’s neck before Tim moves to the fridge to get his own water.
Bernard used to not drink as much water, but Tim drinks enough water for three people a day so Bernard naturally has followed- and now Bernard has no acne so he’s sort of mad about it actually. “The main character has two hands.” Bernard chimes easy and teasing. “Polygamy is the awnser here babe.”
Tim peaks over the door of the fridge. “Oh? Is this you telling me something?”
Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd, and Kon-El have two hands each. They use them to hold onto each other.
Emergency line by crucifixinhell
Hal Jordan would like Bruce's kid to stop calling him at absurd hours of the morning, please. (Except not really.)
(AKA the one where I try to give you emotional whiplash as many times as possible.)
Ten cents richer by ms_trickster
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
That’s how the saying goes. Take enough punches from the universe and eventually it becomes harder and harder to pop back up, to see the worth in fighting back, to stop yourself from turning around and delivering some punches of your own.
Tim never wanted to become the villain—
“Appendicitis,” Tim breathed in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
—but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to burn the world to ashes when shit like this kept happening to him.
A campy camp-out by summerbummin
What would happen if Young Just Us discussed gender and sexuality at their camp-out?
Bart says gender is fake, Kon wasn’t aware people of the same sex could date until now, Cassie believes it’s a universal truth that everyone thinks girls are gorgeous and Cissie has to correct that misconception, Tim is procrastinating his sexuality, and Greta is the personification of that meme “she’s a little confused, but she’s got the spirit”
It’s chaos basically
Jason Todd: The Not-So-Outlaw by GoAwayOlivia
Jason Todd isn't what Batman made him, he isn't what the Joker made him, he isn't what the League of Assassins made him, and he isn't what the Lazarus Pit made him. He's his own person and he's taking himself back, one home renovation at a time. Also he might just make friends with the people who are supposed to be his brothers while he's at it.
death is only the end if you assume the story is about you by unluckyloki
Young Justice crash-lands on an unknown planet and disrupts a very important local ritual. The whole planet's life depends on it and now Superboy is about to be sacrificed. There is no way to stop it, except - Tim has a plan. Maybe it's not a good one, but there are no other options.
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
Coughing up Blood | “You’re safe now.” | “Take me instead.”
“You’re safe,” they tell him when they pull him off and away from the tarmac, from the burning remains of his father. He doesn’t believe them but he nods along, like he does when his mother tells him off or asks him something. He clings to the jacket and sits where they tell him to sit, and he watches his mom cry.
“You’re alright, it’s safe here.” They say when he lands the plane and steps down. “You did good,” the co-pilot says but he sees the eyes of the brass on him, he knows it’s the last time he flies for the army. It is safe, after all, but this isn’t what he wants.
“You’re safe,” he says when he sets foot on the tarmac clad in green and a ring adorning his finger for the first time. The pilot shakes his hands, thanks him, and he gets it, for the first time. To be the one to say those words, to bring protection to others. That night he fits the jacket tighter around his shoulders and clenches his fist on his ring, warm and pulsating with power.
“You’re safe,” he says, repeats, “you are safe,” and “it’s all safe,” dozen upon dozen of variations on the sentiment, offering these words with pride knowing they are true. He does not think about the times he says those when they are not, or when he can’t bring himself to say them. It all blends together after a while, but the gratification never fades.
“You’re safe,” Hal Jordan chokes out at an emerald city born out of his failure. “You’re alright,” he says to his mother and his father before they vanish, before they’re ripped away from him. “I will make it right,” he promises. He takes off from the earth and does not look back, will not look back until he can make it right.
“You’re safe,” Green Lantern croons and lays his hand flat between him and Kyle. “It’s alright, just give me the ring.” But he doesn’t believe him, doesn’t trust him, and he makes him fight for it. And then he says it, Kyle looks at him and tells him “it’s alright,” but he doesn’t tell him it’s okay, or that it’s safe, he doesn’t.
“You are all safe, now,” Parallax whispers, now a truth for the first in months, years, decades, his arms pulled wide by the black sun before him. He can close his eyes and accept what’s coming, what he’s done, what will remain. “You are safe now.”
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bibereangelum · 2 years
dc give me the parallax hal movie i deserve give it to me just hand it over HAND IT OVER
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glitterge1pen · 2 years
Can someone put on Come On Over Baby by Christina Aguilera?
Hal Jordan x reader, sfw, fluff?, word count 4,503
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Hal Jordan did not expect to see you. You with messy hair, torn up shirt, a black eye, lazily tossing a rock in your palms as you sat on his front porch steps. He stopped mid step, unwilling to think that you were actually there. You couldn't, but more specifically, you wouldn't. His mind reeled as he pieced together the last time he had seen you. That striking purple aura of yours lashing out at him, the searing heat of the blow his face. A blow he self admittedly had deserved.
“There you fucking are,”
You say standing up to greet him.
“No, hey, or hello?”
When the lock clicked open, you barreled inside, pulling Hal in behind you. Yanking on his shirt, your eyes wild as a flare of purple cascaded around his living room. He wanted to ask so badly what was wrong, if you were okay, but he could see how distressed you were, and let you be.
After scanning the room, you head to the fridge. Taking out things to assemble a sandwich. He tosses his keys on the counter, his jacket over the couch. He kept his eyes turned to the living room to his left, sitting at the kitchen island as you prepared the food.
After scanning the room, you head to the fridge. Taking out things to assemble a sandwich. He tosses his keys on the counter, his jacket over the couch. He kept his eyes turned to the living room to his left, sitting at the kitchen island as you prepared the food.
“Nice place,”
You mumble out. Hal nods. The silence is consuming. When Hal does look at you finally, you are making another sandwich.
He asks, lips twitching into a smile. You cover your mouth with your hand as you tell him to shut up. Swallowing another bite and letting out a shaky breath you start explaining yourself.
“I haven't eaten since yesterday morning,”
All he does is hum, attentive, arms crossed on the counter.
“Had to go back home. I’ve visited everyone. Hal, I think you’re the only person who knows I exist right now”
“What? Back up, you gotta give me more than that,”
You sigh, turning back to the fridge for something to drink.
“Four days ago I was following some leads on a case. I was attacked by me.”
“By you?”
Hal reiterated.
“By me. I had been staking out this bingo hall in a strip mall, it's a money laundering front. Just as I was about to turn in for the night and go home, I get hit with one of these,” you lift your hand up in ablaze, the purple light disappearing just as fast, “So cover is blown, I’m fighting in the middle of the street, getting my ass kicked, and then just like that they're gone,”
“Hurts huh,”
Hal says, nodding his head at your hand, a teasing tone in his voice.
“Fine, it does burn more than I thought. But after that, the next day I get to work and they're there. I freak out. I think it’s a shapeshifter but then how does this version of me, or clone, or whatever it is, know where I work? That's when I start getting weird calls from family and friends. Not weird, but just about things I don't remember. Whoever this is has been wreaking havoc,”
“So why come here?”
You gulp down from your cup.
“You were the only one I could think of who hasn't been talking to the other version of me,”
“Oh yeah I’d definitely remember that, but why not me?”
“Don't know. I think because whoever is doing this was stalking me and well…”
You trail off. Hal understands, he wasn't in your life. Even as prolific heroes you did not interact. Cities apart. You were known to stick to your territory, you did not speak to press, you didnt work with other heroes. Hal remembered when your name had been brought up in a league meeting, Batman saying his means to contact you had failed. A vortex of emotions had come out of Hal then, Wonder Woman didn't want to give up on recruiting you, and everyone was waiting for him to weigh in on the matter. He told them they should leave you alone if you didn't want to work with them.
“What are you going to do?”
He asked, his concern drowning and heavy.
“I don't know, was hoping you would,”
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Hal showed you the bathroom and let you borrow some clothes. He was on the couch staring at his phone. He knew exactly who he needed to call but dialing up and explaining himself was harder than he wanted it to be.
“How did you meet?”
Hal should have expected to be totally grilled by Bruce. Especially because it was you, elusive vigilante who no one could reach, he was bringing in to see Bruce.
“Long time ago,”
Was all he could think of to say which only made Bruce more insistent on the subject.
“You’re 26,”
“That's not a long time for anything,”
Hal huffed.
“We were 20, we worked together for awhile,”
“You never mentioned it,”
“You didn't ask until now,”
Bruce said nothing, he must have gone over to the ridiculous array of monitors he kept in the cave, because Hal could hear the click clack of keys. Hal could tell that Bruce was not satisfied with the conversation. You were not just anybody, any vigilante or hero would know you by sight, you had been scouted by the league, and you had famously haloed your entire city once to protect it from solar debris. You were powerful, but because you were more of a recluse, a potential threat.
After taking a shower, sleeping, and eating once more, Hal had said he had a friend in Gotham who he thought could help. Flying with you again had been an experience. Before you two would twist together in the air, throw each other around, he remembered his shaky first moments as a lantern, how he had almost fallen from the sky and that purple glow had caught him. The fly over to Gotham today was silent though.
Bruce’s first questions were ‘this clone has your powers?’ and ‘did anything unusual happen to you’ then he had Alfred lead you to a separate room where you were currently taking an MRI. Hal crossed his arms, tapping his fingers on his own bicep. He often tiptoed around thoughts of you, he didn't ever voice his desires, not even to himself, he just liked to think of you. Like a snow globe or music box on a shelf in his mind. A pretty thing he could visit anytime. With you in the other room this was much harder to do.
He thought about that last night. What he could have done different. If you two could have actually lasted as a couple anyway. If there was a chance now. Which was the most painful of his circling thoughts. He had been with others since you, and he was sure that was the case for you, but he still wanted to be with you. Even being friends again would be more than enough to heal the ache his heart had.
“The scans should be available to look at now Master Bruce,”
Alfred and you appeared from a door off to the side in the massive cave. Hal and you were huddled around the computer screen watching as Bruce and Alfred scrutinized the images. They had drawn blood, taken temperatures, weighed you, had you pee in a cup, and asked a barrage of questions. Looking at the MRI Bruce sighed.
“What is it?”
Hal said excitedly, leaning over Bruce's shoulder.
“Come on, just tell me,”
Hal prodded but Bruce shook his head.
“No it's nothing,” Bruce turned to you now, “You're completely normal as far as I can tell. I fear our problem isn't of science, its of magic,”
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John Constantine was the next stop. Hal and you were instructed to wait outside while Bruce brought Constantine to you. You were waiting in a cramped apartment hallway. Hal leaning on one wall, you leaning on the other. The wallpaper faded, the tile black and white checkers, the lights dim and twinkling.
“Can I ask you something?”
You can't stop the upwards crinkle of your lips.
“It's never a good thing when you ask that,”
You say back to Hal.
“You’ve been okay right?”
That wasn't what he was trying to say.
“Yeah,” a pause, and then you ask him the same question, “have you been ok?”
He copies your response. You two stare at each other then, taking in the few subtle marks of time. You note that he has more stubble now, light bags under his eyes, a crinkle around his mouth.
“So you’re the…one who needs help,”
Constantine had emerged from the apartment startling you and Hal. You had not noticed but you two had inched closer together and the interruption made you jump back. You see Constantine looking between you and Hal, you dive in, introducing yourself to Constantine.
“I know who you are,” He says with a smile, “I’ve always wanted to know how you managed to fly,”
“It's magic, right?”
He asks and you nod. All you understood about your abilities was that you inherited them. You woke up at sixteen, startled by the sounds in your room. Opening your eyes you saw the purple streaks of lights racing around your room, then the light started to seep into your body. You struggle to try to escape the light in your room, reaching your door you trip, the last of the light entering your mouth.
You woke up in the hospital. You had slept for three days, inheriting the memories of the past users of the light while you slept. No one had been able to wake you up during those three days.
You don't tell Constantine and Batman all of that, just a simple ‘I think so,’
The four of you head down the stairs of the apartment building. Constantine is explaining all the creatures he doesnt think it is. He talks of Icelandic creatures that can turn into anything they eat, of indegnoius skinwalkers.
“Those creatures would not be able to so eloquently take over your life, I suspect a glamor!”
Constantine says this with a flourish of his hands but neither you, Hal, or Bruce reacts.
“A glamor?”
You and Hal ask at the same time.
“It's a type of spell. One that changes a person’s appearance. It's a hard spell to cast, especially if they are able to recreate your powers,”
“Who would do that to you?”
Batman asks.
“I’m not sure,”
You say, a bit dumbfounded by the prospect of someone having the will to do such a thing to you. Constantine holds the door open, you step out into the sounds of the hefty night life of the city streets. The door you had exited lead into an empty alley but only feet away is the bustling street.
“There’s no way you don't have enemies,”
Batman says and you nod.
“I have enemies, but nothing that goes this far,”
“I doubt it,”
Batman hands you off to Constantine, reassuring you he’ll continue to look into things.
“And this clone, has it done any harm to your life? Your relationships?”
“They attacked me only once. To shove me out of the way and take over, but other than that,” you shrug shaking your head, “No, they sent flowers to my co-worker who called out sick. Visited my family back home, my family didn't seem to notice anything strange,”
“That sounds worse,”
Hal says.
“What do you mean?”
“Well if they were destroying your life we would know it was a rival, an enemy, maybe someone you wronged. But what type of harm are they doing? It sounds like they just want to be you,”
You gaze up at Hal, dumbstruck at his line of thinking. Not because it was unthinkable, but because so far it was the closest thing to a lead you had.
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You, Constantine and Hal had traveled back to your home. You lead them through a complicated route of side streets and alleys, afraid of being stalked now that you were back in the vicinity of the clone. Twitter sightings confirmed that your clone was going about business as you usually would.  
“You moved?”
Hal asked. Last time he had seen your place it was a small one bedroom house on the edge of the city. It felt safer back then to be away from the action. But as time went on it made more sense to move downtown. Your rooftop was the perfect place to jump into your hero life. 
“Yeah, a year or two ago,”
Constantine ignores the general pitter patter of you and Hal. The supernatural detective was flipping through a notebook, muttering to himself as if solving a complex math equation.
“Further away from the desert,”
Hal says leaning on the ledge of the rooftop. You three were across the street from your own apartment, hidden by the rooftop staircase enclosure. You stand next to Hal and can only ‘humph’ in response to him. The memories of the two of you in the desert were hard to think of. Bittersweet now. You imagined that part of you would never forgive Hal. The part of you that was always going to be twenty, to be crying at the mercy of his words.
That same part of you looked back with fondness. You forgot sometimes and it was like ‘oh right that was you two,’  that was Hal with your favorite take out on your porch, that was you laying next to him looking at the pink orange sunset on the rocks. The few times you held hands, the many times you wrestled with him in the rough dirt for training, the two times you kissed.
“You still hate me?”
Hal had finally worked up the courage to ask you. His words came out soft, tentative, like the question was a glass figurine he had taken out of a display case to show you.
You say, embarrassingly fast. Determined though you don't break your gaze with him.
“That’s enough of that please,”
Constantine waves his hand between you and Hal creating space. He points to a page in his book.
“I’m going to break the glamor but in order to do so I’ll need to have my hands on them,”
“We’re going in?”
You were expecting a bit more time but Constantine nods.
“They have your abilities, we don't know what they’ll do with them, whoever is in there is a bug we have to exterminate,”
“I cant just barge in there, all hell will break loose,”
You say looking up to the dark empty windows of your home.
“Don't worry, I got this one,”
And Hal was up in the air.
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Hal did not know if this was going to work. He left you and Constantine on the other roof before either of you could object. He was careful to remember which window you had pointed to as yours. Creeping up to the bedroom window he saw your clone perfectly asleep. He tried to search for a physical difference but found none.
He tapped on the window several times. Your clone was startled to see him but quickly regained their composure. Them, or you, he wasn't sure how to refer to the situation in his head, came to the window, opening it slowly. They could replicate your movements, he decided, but they could not move like you.
“What are you doing here?”
They ask genuinely confused. He puts on his best romeo voice, it's not that different from his normal voice.
“I just had to see you,”
It's cathartic saying that to a person that looks just like you. He has wanted to say for a long time. He tells himself that this isn't actually you but it's hard to keep saying that in his head, when some version of you is right in front of him.
Is all the clone is able to muster. He offers his hand to them.
“Come on, lets go to our spot,”
He sees your features take in the situation. If his earlier assumption was right, if this person just wanted to be you, they would follow. And they do. He feels your hand in his and he flies with you. Like you used to, he can't help it. This version of you doesn't know the patterns or dances you two used to do in the air, the playful twists. So he lets them be, leading them to the desert that rests between your city and Hal’s.
He doesn't have to check; he knows that you and Constantine are not far behind. He can't believe but he is able to recognize some of the old landmarks of the desert. He knows he’s far enough away now. He turns to the clone, and finds that he is still holding their hand desperately.
“I know that everything that happened between us was hard on you, on me too,” Was it bad to be venting to a clone? He wasn't sure, but his words had sparked curiosity in the eyes of your clone he could tell that much,”But just seeing you has made me-”
A purple blast from down on the ground has left him unable to finish his sentence. Your clone goes flying back hundreds of feet, scattering to the ground as they try to catch their feet. They extend their own purple fires towards you. Hal searches for Constantine and sees him hiding behind one of the larger rocks.
Hal creates a towering green wall, trying to bring them closer to you and Constantine. The clone had been focused on charging you but then seems to remember him in the sky, they leap into the air lunging at him. He dodges and raises his arm to create a weapon but his mind is blank. He can't harm you, or a being that looks like you, he just can't. Your clone is fast, twisting in the air to hit him with several large halos of purple.
It’s your voice, he’s able to catch himself but a softer gentle purple came to catch him as well. When he regains balance he sees you and your clone engaged, they are able to match you, move for move, blow for blow. He chides himself, he can't believe he’s up here hundreds of feet above the conflict just watching you fight. 
A bow and arrow materialize from the ring. He’s about to fire at the clone but the bow falls to his side. He can no longer tell who you are. Hal can not justify the panic that is rising in his chest like flames. The thought that he can't recognize you, that you could be lost to him like this, so easily, that in actuality you are just a face in a crowd, enrages him. It is not something he can accept.
Charging at the ground with only a veil of green to protect him, he aims for you and the clone. He does his best to land between the two of you. The impact is loud and hard. You and the clone both slide across the desert sand. Coming to your feet you don't charge at Hal, but neither does your clone. The three of you are at a standstill.
“Why are you doing this!”
You shout across the sand and Hal’s response is to try to cage the clone in a construct. Purple wisps protect your clone though. You move to stand with Hal, aiding him in creating a prison. Your clone escapes but with you and Hal working together keeping them contained is easier than expected. After fighting them you are able to understand how they are moving, as if they have studied your general range of motion, but they cant copy you forever. They eventually have to rely on themselves, which is exactly how they fall.
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Hal woke to the buzzing of his phone. His hand flopped around his nightstand and bed as he tried to find it.
He musters out.
“Hello? Hello? That’s all you can say to me?”
Hal starts to sit up in bed, running a hand through his hair.
“Are you just waking up?”
“Yes, why?”
Barry laughs, its his hearty true laugh, but since Hal hasn't told any good jokes this worries him.
“You gotta check the news, or twitter, or something, and probably check under your bed for Batman,”
Hal on insticit does take a quick peek under his bed. With Barry still on the phone he opens up Instagram and Twitter. There you are, or your clone, it doesn't matter anymore it's you. And him. At the current number one trending spot and god someone had managed to get a picture of you two holding hands in the air.
“God damn it,”
Years of pretending he didn't even know who you were out the window.
“Are you going to explain yourself or not?”
Barry’s voice brings Hal back down.
“Yeah give me a minute, I need to wake up,”
There's a knock on his front door, Hal worries it's you. He can't see right now, he wouldn't know what to say. Well he never does. Would you be angry about this? Hurt? Or worse would you not care at all?
“I can't believe you managed to hide this from me,”
Barry says and of course it's Barry standing at his front door and not you. The short walk to their favorite diner is filled with Barry firing off a hundred questions.
Salt and pepper sprinkle on the table as Barry too enthusiastically shakes them on his plate of food. Hal had just spent a little over an hour explaining not only the previous night's events to Barry but his entire history with you.
“Wow, so it was a super fan of theirs? That's kinda scary, could happen to any of us,”
Barry says mouth half full with a bite of BLT. Hal shrugs.
“Isn't that how Batman caught one of his sidekicks?”
Its Barry's turn to shrug.
“But that's it? You wrapped up business and left?”
“What else was I supposed to do?”
Hal asks.
“Um, I don't know if you know this but you're totally still in love with them,”
“That’s crazy,”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m wrong”
Barry says. Hal turns away, letting his arms rest in the empty space of the diner booth.
“Look man, if you don't talk to them it's going to drive you crazy,”
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You are still in bed. You had showered, put on fresh clothes, called out of work. You had done nothing but lay in bed and contemplate the events of the last few days. 
How had no one known? Even Hal had struggled to tell you two apart. And if not for him and Constantine what would have happened to you? How had you let a complete stranger seep into your life, almost steal it away from you?
These thoughts were interrupted by thoughts of Hal. You were unable to taper the bashful heat that ran over your face as you thought of him. After seeing him again after so long it only confirmed that you did feel the same way towards him. It felt kinda pathetic. How long had it been?
Mulling over this all in your head for the hundredth time you were startled by your phone. It was a message from an unknown number but you knew it was Hal because it just said “Meet me?” Turning off the lights and taking a look in the mirror you head out. You knew exactly where he would be waiting for you.
In the dry midday heat of the desert you tease Hal for not taking off his leather jacket.
“I just look too good in it,”
He say fluffing the collar and the two of you laugh a little. But when the laughter is gone you two putter into silence. You try to get comfortable on the rock you two found to sit on.
“Why did you want to meet me?”
You ask, all the allure and veil from the past days gone. It hurt still that terrible last argument. Because you had not properly bandaged it, or rather he hadn't.  But more than that it hurt that you had lost your friend. Your first sparing partner. The first person to know all your secrets and you theirs. A confidant and ally. A person you loved. So your voice was true, raw, flat almost.
“Because I missed you,” Hal said simply. You nod agreeing with him, “For a very long time, I’ve missed you,”
“Me too,”
All your emotions are at your throat and you can feel your forehead crumble as your face tries to hold back the tears. But you manage, take a breath in and compose yourself again. It was a relief to know he felt the same.  
“Can we see eachother again? It doesn't have to be serious or anything yet,”
You tease but your words seem to whiz by Hal as he continues talking.
“I just mean that we’ve always been, or you have, been special to me, and that makes everything complicated but I get if you still want time or space or whatever it is, I understand,”
You stand up and you can see Hal’s shoulders fall in disappointment.
“Hal, relax. How about you meet me here, same time next week, and then maybe we can get a bite to eat after I kick your ass in a sparring session,”
Hal smiles and says if you wanted to try to kick his ass you were welcome to. He brings up the one time he absolutely wrecked you in a match. You bring up the time you threw him so hard into the sand you accidentally gave him burns. He shows you how that wound never correctly healed on his bicep. Which turns into you two sharing new scars, filing each other in on the battles you missed.
But eventually you have to leave. He’s about to take off when he mentions something you don't understand.
“You know I thought you’d bring up the photos, thought maybe you'd be jealous,”
He’s teasing you but you're not sure about what.
“You haven't seen the photos?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don't open twitter until I’m back home,”
And there's a trail of green as he leaves. You pull out your phone immediately, surprised to see the notifications. Texts from your best friend, local papers and fans on social media. All saying, asking the same thing; You knew the Green Lantern?
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A/N; Yeah thats right :p I’m just rewriting Hals beginning days :p just being a silly little goose. Also I’m not dead!!!! Have just been focusing on personal works a bit more the last few months. But the inbox is always open. Can you tell I still dont know how to end these?
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dccomicsimagines · 3 years
Sand and Love - Kaldur x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  Hey honey! I hope requests are open still. I was wondering if I could request an imagine when Kaldur has a crush on the reader and the team decides to do a beach day and she meets them at the beach late and he gets all flustered because the reader is in a bathing suit and just some fluffy awkward Kaldur pleeeaaasssee!
Kaldur sighed deeply as he laid on the beach. He stretched his legs and rested his arms behind his head. The sun warmed his skin. War cries and shrieks came from the water. Kaldur opened his eyes and sat up, frowning at the sand stuck to his back. 
“I’m going to kill you, West. If it’s the last thing I do,” Artemis said as she tackled a laughing Wally into the water. Robin and Zatanna cheered her on. Kaldur felt a chuckle creep into his chest, but he held it in, not wanting to encourage their behavior. 
“Hey, Kaldur. Want some lemonade?” Raquel’s shadow fell on him. He smiled up at her and took the cup she offered. 
“Thank you.” He took a sip, frowning at it’s sourness. After a moment of letting the lemonade linger in his mouth, he forced himself to swallow. “Did M’gann make this?” 
“Too sour, right? I tried to slip in more sugar, but she was watching me,” Raquel whispered, sitting beside Kaldur on the sand. She glanced over her shoulder where Conner and M’gann were grilling lunch. “I’m starting to wonder if Martians don’t taste like we do.”
Kaldur shrugged and took another sip of lemonade when he felt M’gann watching. “Perhaps.” He sent her a smile. M’gann beamed in relief.
“Are you disappointed (Y/N) is not here?” Raquel elbowed Kaldur’s side gently. A playful smirk on her lips. “I know you got the hots for her.”
Kaldur blushed, clearing his throat. “It is unfortunate that (Y/N) was not able to join in our team beach day.”
“Sure, very unfortunate.” She got to her feet, giggling. “Well, it might cheer you up that (Y/N) is going to try to make it after her family thing.”
“She is?” Kaldur almost dropped his lemonade. 
Raquel just laughed. “You got it bad.” She ran off to join the others in the water.  Kaldur sighed, resting his chin on his knees. He embedded the cup of lemonade in the sand next to him.
Truth be told, Raquel was right. He did have it bad for you. Always did, ever since he met you the first time two years before. 
A wave of fire soared toward Kaldur. He quickly called water to his water-bearers and formed a shield. His eyes closed, preparing for the heat. The flames roared around him, but the heat never came. 
He opened his eyes to see a blue form in front of him. “You okay?” the form asked, glancing back at him from over their shoulder. No, her shoulder. Kaldur’s heart spasmed. You were so beautiful. One of the most beautiful people he had ever seen.  
“Yes.” He dropped his water-bearers. You pushed out with your hand. A blue glow came from your hand and absorb the flames. Kaldur pulled his eyes away from you to see a blue shield collapse into the blue glow from your hand. You turned to face him. His eyes caught the symbol on your chest. It was similar to a Green Lantern symbol, but blue. “Who are you?”
“Aqualad, are you alright?” Aquaman ran up to the two of them. “I should have warned you about flames and gasoline.”
“There is a lot to learn about the surface world,” Kaldur said. Kaldur’s face burned when you smiled at him sweetly. Aquaman turned to look at you, frowning slightly.
“Are you (Y/N), the Blue Lantern?” Aquaman crossed his arms. 
“Yes, she is.” Hal Jordan floated down from the sky to land next to you. “She’s my sidekick.”
You shared a look with Kaldur, rolling your eyes. “Actually, he’s my sidekick, but I let him think otherwise. For his ego,” you whispered to Kaldur. Kaldur’s ear tingled at your breath. A lump formed in his throat. 
“(Y/N), we better go. We got that meeting with John.” Hal clapped a hand on your shoulder. 
“Sure, sure.” You stepped away from Kaldur, giving him a wave. His eyes caught the blue ring on your finger. “It was nice meeting you, Aqualad, Aquaman.” You flew into the air with Hal following behind you. Kaldur’s eyes didn’t leave you until you disappeared into the clouds. 
The lump formed in Kaldur’s throat again. He hugged his knees to his chest, staring out at the water. Swallowing hard, he tried to lose the lump in his throat, but it wouldn’t go away. 
Suddenly, Kaldur was on his feet as a blue glow splashed into the water far out from shore. He knew that blue glow like he knew his own name. 
“Did you see that?” Zatanna asked, pointing out at the ocean.
“Was that (Y/N)?”  Robin’s creepy laugh filled the air. “She always has to make an entrance.” 
Kaldur started to run toward the ocean, preparing to dive in. However, you suddenly surfaced only a few meters away from him. You flipped your head back, arching your back with a laugh that sent a wonderful shiver up Kaldur’s spine. 
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” You walked toward shore. “What did I miss?” Your ring absorbed your blue lantern suit revealing a bathing suit that fit you perfectly underneath.
“Well, Kaldur’s pretty whelmed,” Robin teased, coming over to elbow Kaldur’s side. Kaldur jumped, realizing his jaw was hanging open. He was ogling your body as if he was Wally West. “Artemis is going to murder Wally, so you didn’t miss much.” Robin grinned, glancing between you and Kaldur. 
Zatanna pinched Robin’s arm. “Knock it off,” she hissed. Robin flinched, pouting slightly. 
“Hey, (Y/N)! Save me, will ya?” Wally jumped into your arms. You gasped, catching him and keeping your balance. He wrapped his arms around your neck. “Fly me away, please. (Y/N), babe, I’m begging you.” 
You floated into the air. “Hey, you don’t get to use (Y/N) to help you escape,” Artemis shouted, stomping her foot. Raquel tossed her a beach ball and Artemis chucked it at Wally. You dodged, both you and Wally laughing in delight. 
Kaldur stepped back out of the surf. He watched you and Wally evading Artemis’ attacks. The lump was still in his throat. At least you didn’t notice how he stared at you. He felt a blush come to his cheeks again. 
“You should ask her out, Kaldur.” M’gann’s voice echoed in his mind. He glanced over at her. She was still grilling with Conner, but was watching him. “Don’t tell her I told you, but (Y/N) likes you too.” 
Kaldur bit his lip. “Perhaps.” He looked back to you to see the rest of the team had picked sides. Part of him was concerned by this, but he realized it was just for play. Besides, you were laughing and Kaldur couldn’t find it in him to stop it. 
The sun was setting. Most of the team had gone inside to nurse sunburns and clean up from the day. You were still on the beach, sunbathing on the sand. Kaldur bit his lip. One foot after the other, he made his way to your side and sat down beside you.
“Hello.” You smiled at him, opening one eye to watch him. “This was a fun day. I’m glad I got away in time.” A sigh escaped you as you stretched your arms above your head. You winced suddenly.
“What is wrong?” Kaldur studied you. 
“Nothing, Wally is a heavy boy. My arms are sore now.” Your lips formed a pout. 
Kaldur found his gaze wandering lower than was appropriate. He blushed and turned away. “I am surprised you were strong enough to carry him for so long.” 
“Well, the ring helped.” You laughed. Kaldur looked back at you. You smiled brightly at him. “At least I can do some things without a Green Lantern nearby.”
“You can do a lot of things.” Kaldur blinked when you looked at him in surprise. His voice disappeared, the familiar lump formed back into his throat. 
“So can you.” You reached up to tap Kaldur’s nose. Kaldur’s nose tingled at your touch. 
“(Y/N).” Kaldur cleared his throat. The courage was leaving him quickly, M’gann’s reassurance from earlier the only thing that kept him talking. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to...take a walk with me?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Sure.” You rolled to your feet and brushed the sand off your body. Kaldur didn’t move, watching your hands. “You meant now, right?”
Kaldur jumped to his feet quickly. He hoped you didn’t notice he was staring at you again. His cheeks burned. “Now is fine.”
You smiled at him and linked arms with him. “Shall we just go down the beach and see what we find?”
Kaldur saw stars, squeezing your arm in his gently. “Anything you wish.” Your laughter hit his ears and Kaldur never felt so content in his life. The two of you started to walk down the beach as the sun fell below the horizon. 
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Time Stops When I Look At You
Barry Allen x Wondersis One-Shot
Word Count: 1.8K Warnings: None
Author's Note: Based on the ask I received! Love this pairing now! -Thorne
When he opened the door at seven AM after getting in at three that morning, he wasn’t happy. And Hal Jordan certainly wasn’t happy to see her with a bright smile on her face as she greeted, “My dearest friend! What a blessed morning we are having, yes!”
He blinked blearily at her. “It was a blessed morning…when I was still sleeping.”
“Are you telling me you do not rise with the sun and train?” she asked. “I thought that was standard for the warriors of the United of American States.”
“United States of America, (Y/N),” he corrected, opening the door. “And to answer your question, I haven’t been in the military for a few years now. I get to sleep in before I go to work.”
(Y/N) hummed as she stepped inside. “That seems like a waste of valuable time.” She glanced back at him. “I have something important to discuss with you.”
Hal merely made a noise low in his throat and lumbered down the hall, her on his heels, into his bedroom; he collapsed back onto the bed and pulled the covers up to his ears. “What’s on your mind, Princess?”
She quickly unhooked her greaves before climbing onto the bed, laying across his body. “I am unsure of how to show affections for someone.”
He adjusted his body so that her head was on his stomach. “Really? The Princess gifted by Aphrodite doesn’t know how to show you’ve got a crush on somebody? Who woulda thought?”
(Y/N) dug her chin into his gut. “You mock me, my dearest friend.” She let out a sigh. “I was going to offer him a blade forged by my mother and sisters and recite Sappho’s Ode to Aphrodite to win his favor.” Her eyes drifted to his. “But I do not know if he likes poetry.”
“Who is ‘he’?” Hal asked.
He blinked. “Wait…you mean Barry? Like…our Barry?”
She nodded. “Yes.” (Y/N) stared at him. “Does Bartholomew enjoy poetry, Harold? I have more pieces prepared. The Iliad for example.”
“Please, God, don’t call me Harold.” He shuddered. “Makes me think my mom is scolding me.” He sighed, laying his head back. “Barry’s…not exactly a poetry guy. He’s more the ‘take me to a science museum’ type of guy.”
(Y/N) hummed thoughtfully. “Interesting! What is a science museum?”
“Big building with a bunch of things that make lovers of science all tingly inside.”
“And you think Barry would like that better than a sword and poetry?”
Hal snorted. “(Y/N), let’s get one thing clear. You could give Barry a dowry of a million dollars, and he’d still not get the hint.” He glanced down at her. “You’ve literally gotta tell him you like him or he’s not going to get it. Hell, probably though a science line. That’s one way to get through to him. Actually, that’s probably the only way to get through to him.”
“Hmm…and to think I had a dowry prepared back home.”
“What? Seriously?”
“Of course. Many animals and a great deal of gold.” She turned over onto her back, resting the back of her head on his stomach. “Where is a science museum I can take him to? I do not know if there is one in the city I live in.”
“There’s a really cool one in Chicago,” he offered. “I know Barry’d get a hard-on for that place.”
“A hard-on?” (Y/N)’s brows furrowed. “What does that mean?”
“Is that another euphemism for arousal?”
“You are such a man.”
“Thank you for noticing,” he chirped, glancing out the window. “Well…you woke me up and since I’m awake…wanna get pancakes?”
(Y/N) jumped up, excitement crossing her face. “YES! I LOVE THE CAKES OF PAN! THEY ARE DELICIOUS!”
Hal chuckled, tossing the covers from his body. “Lemme shower really quickly. Hey, and make sure you text Barry about going so he can put it in his schedule.”
She pointed at him. “That is a wonderful idea.”
(Y/N) glanced at the watch on her wrist for what seemed like the millionth time, holding the umbrella with her other. The rain poured around her, thunder rumbling above, but she stood hopeful that the Scarlet Speedster would eventually show. They had talked about the museum for days and she’d been anticipating it ever since they agreed to meet up.
Barry had texted that he would be there in the morning, but that had been hours ago, and he hadn’t answered his phone after she’d last called. (Y/N) pursed her lips as the sky darkened, and not from the storm, wondering if he had forgotten.
Perhaps I should have given him the sword and recited the poem? She frowned and looked around, seeing couples walking around, sharing umbrellas and laughing, joy etched onto their faces. No, I must wait. He said he would be here.
But as the hours dwindled and the day turned into evening, she realized he wasn’t going to make it in time. With a sigh, she turned to the doors of the museum; most of the lights were being shut off and the workers were leaving to go home for the evening.
(Y/N) smiled sadly and gripped her umbrella, turning to walk down the street. There was always tomorrow.
Barry rushed back to his house, speeding into his bedroom to yank out a dress shirt, a pullover sweater, and a pair of khakis that he hadn’t yet ruined. He’d completely forgotten all about the museum trip (Y/N)’d invited him on, getting so caught up in cases and running around Central, that by the time he remembered, it was already a quarter to six.
He changed and sped through his door, the streets of Central City turning into a blur as he headed for the museum in the next state. He skidded to a stop outside the museum, eyes widening when he saw the doors shut and the lights off.
“Oh no,” he whispered, looking around for (Y/N); she was nowhere to be seen. “Oh no.”
He sprinted down the street, trying to remember if she’d said she was wearing a blue dress or a red one. He should’ve remembered earlier. He should’ve sent a text. He should’ve called. He should’ve—
Barry went barreling to the ground, landing atop something warm and soft. The scent of flowers and metal oil flooded his senses, and after he caught his bearings, he looked up, cheeks flushing when he realized he’d landed on a woman and more importantly, face first into her chest.
“Good evening, Bartholomew.” His eyes darted to the woman’s face, and he saw (Y/N) smiling at him. “You are late.”
He floundered. His mouth opened and closed but nothing came out except a pitiful burst of air as he scrambled off her, face as red as his suit. He bent down, hauling her up. “I’msosorryIdidn’tseewhereIwasgoingandIlandedonyouandIputmyfaceinyourchestandI’msosrry!”
(Y/N) blinked at him. “I…I did not catch that, Bartholomew. Can you repeat that? Slower, perhaps?”
He raised his hands to his face, covering them as he apologized profusely, “I am so sorry, (Y/N). I didn’t mean to be late or land on you or—or stick my face in your—I’m really sorry!”
She giggled. “I am not offended.” She reached out and took his hand, pressing it to her chest. “Many friends have rested their heads on my bosom. They are comfortable, are they not? Like the finest cushions.”
Barry’s jaw dropped and this time all that came out of him was strangled noise. “I can’t feel my face,” he whispered, and she pressed her free hand to his cheeks.
“Hmm, your face is very hot. Shall we go find somewhere cool to rest?” she asked, taking the hand still pressed against her chest; she laced their fingers. “I saw an ice cream store down the street here.”
He let himself be tugged along. Every circuit in his brain had been burned out and his heart was fluttering way too fast for him to think about anything other than calming it down. But it was impossible. Barry could feel the warmth from (Y/N)’s body, could smell the delicate fragrance of roses, could see the beauty that threatened to blind him.
(Y/N) led him around for a few moments, then stopped in front of an ice cream parlor that had a big blue sign. “Here we are.” She led them inside and glanced at the menu. “Do you want anything?”
Barry blinked, looking up, though it was all a blur, still shell-shocked. “I, uh, a milkshake? Chocolate?”
She smiled. “I will order for us. Please, go sit.”
He did as she said, collapsing into one of the seats in the corner, immediately rubbing vigorously at his face to will the blush away.
After a few moments, (Y/N) sat down across from him and placed a frozen drink down. “Here you are, Bartholomew.”
Barry glanced up to see her with her own straw in her mouth, eyes shut, face drawn in joy as she sipped her milkshake. “Thank you,” he replied. “How much was this?”
“Please do not worry about repayment. I do not need one.” She looked at him with a smile. “You came.”
Suddenly he remembered how late he was. The entire day had gone by; Barry lowered his head. “(Y/N)…I’m so sorry about not making it here earlier. I never meant to leave you here all alone.”
“You are a busy man and I understand, Bartholomew. You need not apologize to me.”
He looked up and gazed at her. “You weren’t there. I thought you’d left and gone home.”
“Of course not,” she said, eyes wide. “We said we were going to meet. I was waiting for you.” She coughed slightly. “But I had to use the restroom, so that is the reason you did not see me immediately.”
“Wait,” Barry said. “Were you…were you waiting here all day?”
(Y/N) blinked. “Yes?”
Now Barry felt like a bigger jerk, and he let his head drop again. “I feel terrible, (Y/N). I’m so sorry.”
She merely stared at him, heart beating against her rib cage and the words of her people’s poetry came back to her, but so did Hal’s words. You have to tell him.
Reaching out, she rested her hand on his, urging, “Bartholomew, will you look at me, please?”
He did as she asked, meeting her eyes. “Yeah?”
(Y/N) smiled. “You must be the speed of light, because time stops when I look at you.”
For what felt like the millionth time, Barry’s mouth dropped open. She didn’t know if that was a good or a bad sign. “I…figured you would like, a line as Harold calls it, that was scientific.” (Y/N) smiled awkwardly. “I care for you, Barry. More than the bonds of battle have forged between us and…I would like to spend more time with you. Intimate…close time with you. Just us.”
Barry nodded dumbly, turning his hand over so his palm touched hers; he brushed his thumb over the back of her hand. “I would love to, (Y/N).”
“Oh, you would?” she inquired, face full of joy and he nodded, a smile crossing his own lips.
“Absolutely. But I have one request.”
Barry smiled at her. “Call me Barry.”
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sinhasaheart · 2 years
This is a collab I did with @elba-stardo. The writing is by me and the art (amazing 😍😍😍) is by him. Totally check out his blog :)
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It's because Hal doesn't want to be here, at a stuffy party with stuffy people, that he's dressed all up in the most obnoxious thing. He's getting a few looks but that's fine with him as he ruffles his hair with one hand.
On the other side of the room, a small commotion catches Hal's eye. It's a tall elegant figure who looks to be Korugarian snapping at some human.
"Get your hands off me," Sinestro is snarling as he shoves the human away. While this disguise causes more trouble than he expected, it is nothing he cannot handle. The true issue is how his feet are aching from the ridiculous shoes Earthling women are required to wear.
Now the grabby human has been dealt with, Sinestro returns to scanning the room, searching for one being in particular. His breath catches.
In a room of mostly humans, Hal outshines the rest. Sinestro cannot look away, his skin tingling, utterly taken in by Hal's image so far from the usual and yet gloriously fitting. It's difficult to think, to consider anything other than staring.
One human steps in between them, blocking the vision and Sinestro is immediately annoyed. He hurries to step around and trips, stumbling over the ridiculous high heels.
Solid arms wrap around Sinestro, catching him before he falls and he has the warm embrace of Hal Jordan wrapped around him.
"What are you doing, Thaal?" Hal murmurs, and the soft low tone of his voice is affecting Sinestro too. It seeps into his skin and makes a home there so he's driven to want to hear more because it's safe and familiar, comforts him without reason.
Utterly distracted, Sinestro has difficulty forming words. "Admiring you," he finally says, and then he's desperate to know more of Hal, to speak with him. "How did you know it was I?"
"Well..." Hal sets Sinestro in his lady form disguise back a few steps so they're no longer clinging to each other. "No one else looks at me like you do."
The glow of yellow eyes is exactly the same, even framed as they are by impossibly more delicate features. There's glittering jewelry fixed in Sinestro's ears, matching his elegant and gorgeous dress, and he really is a stunning view, as always.
"A mistake to not," Sinestro responds but now he has to look away, concerned he is giving too much power to Hal as he frowns.
It makes Hal laugh a little, seeing Sinestro's familiar expressions etched into the disguise. "You're allowed to look at me," Hal says. He moves in, has to stand on tip toes to reach Sinestro's ear. "I like it."
The hot breath on Sinestro's neck amuses him and he does look at Hal. All over again, he's captivated, stunned, and Hal's approval has him in a grip. It's powerful.
"What's with the -" Hal indicates vaguely to the whole of Sinestro's lady disguise, curious what the Korugarian is up to this time.
Sinestro straightens his back, the high heels extending his height so he is even taller than Hal. "Humans are weak minded. They would never expect me to appear like this and I had no wish to lower myself to their level by truly disguising my features."
"Mhmm," Hal hums, scanning his gaze up and down. "They're great features." He can't help it, the passion burning, he needs to touch Sinestro, be touched by him.
When Hal stretches up again, this time after Sinestro's lips, Sinestro gently redirects him. "I cannot look at you when you kiss me."
With the matter of fact way it's stated, Hal has to laugh again, into Sinestro's neck where his lips have ended up. "Have at it," he shrugs, smiling. "Should I do a twirl?"
In answer, Sinestro grasps Hal's hand and spins him in a smooth twirl. They end up close together, Hal wrapped in Sinestro's arms with his back to Sinestro's front. People are watching them and Hal takes notice. He frowns. Sinestro is all his.
Almost like some kind of mind reader, Sinestro murmurs in Hal's ear, absent the usual brushing of a mustache, "Darling, all eyes ought to belong to you. I would rip them out of their sockets and fill a crater for you to bathe in."
Before Hal can reply, someone is shouting his name across the party. "Hal! I've been looking everywhere for you! Have you really just been here with some alien chick?"
Like a scene from Hal's worst nightmare, Carol is storming towards him, looking ruffled and annoyed. Hal tries to pull away from Sinestro but Sinestro holds him firmly, refusing to allow him to pretend something else is going on.
Nevertheless, Hal persists with excuses. "It's not what you think," he tries to reason with Carol.
"Liar," Sinestro interrupts. Just to nail in his point, he licks up Hal's cheek, eyes on Carol the whole time. Looking upset, Carol storms off again.
Annoyed, Hal finally succeeds in shoving Sinestro off of him and he furiously wipes at the trail of saliva on his cheek. "You didn't have to do that!" he argues with Sinestro.
Irritation flickers over Sinestro's feminised features. "She does not own you," he tells Hal. "Or do you seek to own me?" Anger growing, he allows his disguise to fade, leaving him once more in blazing yellow and black, visible as himself once more.
As people scream and run away, Hal stands defiant, even when Sinestro grabs him by the neck. "I am not yours to control," Sinestro snarls.
In a flash of green, Hal is responding, a magnificent burst of will energy that knocks Sinestro back. From there, it quickly devolves into an all out battle with people evacuating and the room getting smashed up.
When Hal wins, he throws Sinestro into the irreparably cracked floor and kicks at him. "Stay down!"
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There is nothing Sinestro can do to counter Hal but growl, furious, on the ground at Hal's feet. Smooth marble is against his cheek, and he's tired and frustrated that it all fell apart so quickly.
In Hal's mind, he's having a similar sensation of frustration. "Why do you have to ruin everything? It was going well."
At once, Sinestro is defiant, lifting his head. "Did you think to tame me as you would an Earthling?" he accuses. He grips into the broken up ground. "All I wanted was to see you without interruption."
The fight drains from Sinestro and he drops his forehead to the ground. Even when he intends for peace, he cannot maintain it.
Sympathy and compassion well up in Hal and he forgets all about Sinestro upsetting Carol. He can't remember why he was fighting Sinestro when it all seems very pointless. So he kneels at Sinestro's side and wraps arms around him again.
At first, Sinestro is tense, still sore and drained from their fight, but he has to relax after a mere few seconds, cannot resist it. With half closed eyes, he rests his head on Hal's shoulder.
"I liked seeing you," Hal says, running his fingers through Sinestro's hair which is back to its usual style. "Would've been fun to hang out." He doesn't get a reply.
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redjaybathood · 3 years
What people expect batfam or Outlaws do you think Jason would have had an interesting team up?
Ohhh this is a good one.
Tbh I want anyone and everyone in a team-up with Jason. It could be fun to explore how his personality meshes with different type of people. Except maybe Flashes - sorry Flash fans, nothing against Flashfam but it's just hard for me to keep track of basically any storyline with a Flash. I developed an irrational anxiety about them.
But ones interesting for me in particular:
1) Jason and Rose. Canon gave us the lackluster "they're exes" and fuck this. Give me some actual team up.
2) Jason and Rose and Eddie.
I am pretty sure it's shauds' fault I am invested in this. Amazing author, superb ideas, go check out their AO3.
In particular, it's because all three are connected. Jason and Eddie are pen pal buddies (for two issues but still); Jason and Rose are exes (in this case you can not show their relationship starting and crash-and-burning, playing off the unimpressed exes dynamic is good); Rose and Eddie were on NTT both.
Also, it could be an iteration of Outlaws!
3) Jason and Gen O but only if he mentors them for real; I don't think it's going to happen but it's a real shame we don't have Jason actually being a good mentor to kids.
Look, he could be a side character in this but I want him to take care of kids in a way that is more than just getting rid of threats that kids face. I think it could be a good development for him as well. Especially in the context of leaving the Batfam and healing. It is easier to let go of certain grudges and genuine hurt inflicted to you by your parents when you're a parent yourself. Just need to make sure you won't do the same or worse mistakes.
4) Onyx, Orpheus, Spoiler and Batgirl versus, and then &, Red Hood.
Ok, this could be an Elseworld story as Orpheus is dead and Onyx... I am not sure about her... But. Okay, imagine an Elseworld story where Jason gets in Gotham during War Games. Of course he will plug himself right into it. And Orpheus kinda did the similar thing that Red Hood was supposed to do? Maybe Jason can go work for him! Butterfly wings, Orpheus doesn't die, nor Spoiler.
Black Mask does, for sure.
5) Talia, Damian, and Jason
We could have it all, imo, if Jason was involved in bringing down Leviathan - who he was accused of being - with them, who also are invested in it.
They all have ties between each other as well, so it's not a random team up either.
6) Jason and any magical users. He has flaming soul swords and slayed interdimensional monsters and ancient evil. He can get on JL Dark or partner with Raven or - I don't actually know a lot about magic users within DC but hey. If this team up ends up existing, I will find out.
I propose them to go against Trigon. I bet Essence could capture him in a sword - so let's add Essence to the team as well.
7) Jason and Lanterns. Give the man a ring. He can be actually any Lantern you want. Rage? He has it. Love? In abundance. Fear? Hope? Will? Yes, yes, yes.
Also, sending Jason in space would be 👨‍🍳👄
And, after BUL, I want Jason Todd, in his civilian outfit, to meet Hal Jordan, who wears exactly the same stuff. Please. Nobody is talking about it. But the shit! The jacket!!! It's very reminiscent of the classic Hal look as I (not a Hal fan so I didn't read much and watched a movie everybody hates) remember it.
8) Huntress, who also started her career with killing gangsters, Manhunter who is another underrated character who isn't a vegetarian. Maybe add Question here. Focus on detective work, mafia organization, police corruption, nitty-gritty of the Gotham's underbelly. No super-villains, just your regular scum of earth.
9) Suicide Squad. They're doing it with Get Joker. They kinda done it but not really, with RHATO (when Biz orchestrated getting captured by Batwoman and being sold into Waller's hands, if I remember it right).
10) Danny Chase and various other NTT rejects nobody wants and thus, some Dick fans (mostly Dick's) think it would make more sense for Jason to partner with than Dick's friends, or his protege, or his whatever. If it was in any way related to Dick, Jason is not allowed to have it! Like, you know, even the electrified crowbars made a controversy. (I am pretty sure Dick's bankrolling Jason si the weapons is his idea for his money and that's why it's what it is? I may be wrong)
But while I do believe this is a ridiculous reason for a team up (especially with Danny who never said a word about Jason except break the news of his death to Dick while, you know, being a 13 yo shithead about it), you can get them - oh, so Nightwing doesn't want you either, huh? And bond other it. If in the process they end up, like, fuck Nightwing, my self-worth can't be dependent on how do I measure up to him or whether he approves of me... That's even better.
11) ALL of Jason's pre-death friends. The ones I remember are his childhood buddy Chris who he watched kung fu flicks together with, in New52, and almost joined the Red Hoods together; Max Dawkins from Truth and Justice, who was his friend before he met Batman and was forced into Ma Gunn's school, and, later, adopted - retcon his death please (I was really uncomfortable with that, I am sure you could see why); Numbers (from the Ma Gunn's school of doom), of course (it's one of the best one-shots of Jason that I read); Dana Harlowe/Strike, from RHATO #51-52 (she is already a vigilante in her own right, trained by a member of the League of Shadows).
Like, Jason renovated the house on the Hills - he gave it away to Tyler and his mom, but. I think, he was considering staying there. In Gotham, in Hills, maybe. Would have been pretty good seeing him reconnecting with childhood friends and fighting for his community in ways that don't involve vigilantism. Which, with Max getting off the streets and starting a promising career - for some reason, I headcanon him as a lawyer; Dana, a very community-minded activist; Numbers, who left the life of crime behind, maybe wanting to do something good with it; Chris, who was scared straight back in the day so maybe he knows dedicates efforts to keep kids in school instead of them joining gangs, especially Joker-related gangs. All of this in the aftermath of Joker's War. Which, I don't actually know how it ended or what it was about? But I hope Joker's dead, Jason found some peace and started rebuilding his life.
12) Jason and all of Slade Wilson's kids. Rose, Joey, and Grant. Idk, some people ship them, I just want them to be friends. Lots in common re: shitty fathers, doing shitty or (self) harmful things because of shitty fathers, dying and coming back to life (for most of them).
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pricetagofficial · 3 years
Interstellar -Part Six
Warnings: Language, angst, fluff
Word Count: 4.9k
Taglist: Let me know if you want to be on my taglist!
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long, I have had absolutely no time to write these days. Thank you Fish for proofing this and helping me make it better!
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Part Six
Wally was The Flash, the very same Flash she despised with every fiber of her being. How was she so stupid, all the signs were there and she missed them. Everything about The Flash screamed Wally West, yet she let herself be fooled by the mask and the illusion that they were different people. 
That night he took her to the Irish Pub made so much more sense, how he was able to disappear and miraculously not get caught by Captain Cold. With the power of superspeed, anything was possible. 
The look Wally was giving her, it seemed he was thinking the same thing. 
Wally was familiar with the various Lantern Corps, and yet he somehow missed the violet ring that was always present on her finger. Everything clicked about her in his mind, from the first day he met her to the moment she opened up to him about Jackson’s death. The lack of friends, why she was never present at work, the constant traveling, all the pieces were there. 
The fact Y/N lied to him wasn’t what hurt the most. Wally eyed the way Y/N leaned against the wall holding her side. The words she said to him earlier echoing through his mind. 
“If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have gotten hit,”
If Wally was being honest with himself, it was his fault she got hurt. The evidence was staring him in the face. Y/N was hurt because of him. Maybe if she had told him who she was none of this-- no. Wally couldn’t place the blame on her, despite whether he knew or not it was still his fault. 
They stood there staring at each other not saying a word, the silence that covered them was deafening. 
“How long?” was all Wally was able to muster out. He was still in shock from finding out his girlfriend was a Star Sapphire, and he just wanted some answers. 
“Since Jackson died, the ring put itself on my finger and the rest is history,” she answered, pushing herself off the wall with a wince. The ring that rested on her finger beeped, alerting her that it was low on power. It explained why her healing was slower than it should be. Y/N didn’t miss the way Wally’s eyes glanced at the ring on her left hand and where her right one was placed, and she knew what he was thinking. 
“Wally, it’s not your fault,” she said softly stepping towards him, only for Wally to step back. 
“You said it yourself Y/N, if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have gotten hit,” he muttered. “Your ring is running on fumes because of me.” 
“That’s not fair! I didn’t know it was you!”
Wally’s eyes met hers and Y/N could see the conflict in his gaze. “If you'd known I was the Flash, would that have changed who’s fault it was?” 
Y/N was at a loss for words. What was she supposed to say, those words came out in anger? No matter what excuse came out of her mouth, she could see Wally genuinely felt this was all his fault and she was the one who put the idea in his head. 
Pulling the cowl back over his head, Wally looked around to make sure no one else was in the area. “I have to go, I’ll see you around Y/N.” Then he took off into the night in a blur, leaving Y/N alone in the gust of wind left in his wake. 
Now that he was gone, Y/N realized just how bad she messed up. With a wince, she took a step forward, almost tripping from the intense pain in her side. She wasn’t going to get anywhere in this state, she needed help and her list of allies was slowly dwindling. The only person she could think of that could even agree to help her lived across the country and even then, Y/N and Hal weren’t that close. 
But what choice did she have?
Reaching into her purse, Y/N pulled out her phone and dialed Hal’s number mentally grateful that he put it in there in the first place. 
“Y/N? This is a surprise, in all the years that I’ve known you you have never called me let alone acknowledge I exist.” 
“Shut up Jordan,” she hissed. “I need help and didn’t know who else to call.” 
Hal didn’t miss the whimper at the end of her sentence and was already gearing up to head her way. “Just tell me where you are and I’ll come find you.” 
“I’m in the alley off Main Street in Metro.” 
Hal nodded. “Alright, stay put. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” 
Hanging up the phone, Y/N leaned against the wall once more. She didn’t know what her side looked like under the dress, and truth be told she didn't want to. Like he said, a few minutes later there was a streak of green light before Y/N saw Hal lower to the ground next to her and power down his ring. 
“Holy fuck, you look like shit,” he said rushing over to catch Y/N before she collapsed. “What happened?” 
“Just get me home Jordan.” 
Hal nodded and helped Y/N, walking her out of the alley and catching the closest cab. It took just over half an hour for Hal to get back to her apartment, the second they were in the door he helped her sit on the couch before finding the first aid kit. 
While Hal was off searching, Y/N forced herself up and walked towards her room. She needed to change out of the dress and into something more comfortable on top of hunting down her personal battery. Hal was bound to have questions, and she would rather not be in a bright purple dress when he asked them. 
Finding a pair of sweats and a shirt on the floor, Y/N threw them on before grabbing her power battery from the closet. She usually had it on her dresser, but since Wally had been coming over she hid it out of sight to keep her identity a secret. 
Holding out her ring, Y/N took a deep breath and began to recite the oath to power up her ring. "For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight, love conquers all-- With violet light!"
Watching her ring power-up, Y/N looked at her side, the wound was better than she expected but it was still bad all things considered. 
Hal walked in with a knock, “Come on, let’s get you patched up.” Helping her back to the couch, he lifted her shirt just enough to clean up the large burn on her side. 
He worked in silence as Y/N sat there contemplating everything that happened that night. What was she going to do? She doubted Wally was going to talk to her anytime soon, but Y/N wasn’t sure if she was ready to talk to him herself. 
“So, you going to explain to me why your side is one degree away from a barbeque?”
Y/N looked down at him while he applied the burn cream. “I met Livewire earlier. Electricity hurts like a bitch.” 
Hal chuckled at her words. “Fair enough, but that doesn’t explain how you got hit.” he prodded. 
Clamping up, Y/N knew what Hal was getting at. What had caught her so off guard she got hit? She knew that had a strong friendship with the first Flash and therefore he probably knew Wally. It was a matter of time before Wally told his mentor, and he told Hal. 
“I was distracted,” she said softly. 
Finishing up with the burn cream, Hal raised a brow at her and huffed. “You? Distracted?” he asked. “What the hell got you distracted?”
“You remember that guy I mentioned I was seeing the last time we talked?” she asked. 
Hal nodded as he began to tape the gauze to her burn. “Yeah, never caught his name though.”
Y/N took a deep breath, now was as good a time as any. “His name is Wally.”
Hal kept working as he talked. “Wally? I know someone named that, he’s a good kid,” he commented. “A bit of a brat occasionally, but he has a heart of gold.” 
“Hal, it’s the same guy. I’m dating, or was dating Wally West,” she blurted, tired of the tiptoeing around names and secret identities. “I know he is the Flash as well and he knows I’m a Lantern.”
Putting the last piece of tape on the gauze, Hal leaned back and looked at her. “You’re dating Wally? There’s no way. The kid would have mentioned if he was dating a Star Sapphire.”
Y/N groaned. “That’s the thing, Hal, I never told him. He was there with Superman taking care of Livewire. After, he saw me power down my ring and removed his cowl.”
Giving her a look of confusion, Hal rose to his feet and began cleaning his mess. “This makes no sense. If you know who each other is, why didn’t he bring you home? The Wally I know wouldn’t have left you there alone.” 
“This is where it gets icky. I said some things to him before I knew who he was,” she sighed. “And they hurt him. Wally blames himself for what happened to me, and I’m the reason he blames himself.”
Hal listened to the story and groaned. “I am the worst person to ask for relationship advice from, but what I can tell you is that you need to talk to him. I’ve known Wally for a really long time, watched him grow up even and I know that he won’t let this go unless someone knocks some sense into him.” 
Y/N looked at Hal with surprise. “Since when did you grow a brain?”
“Since my best friend is a forensic scientist, and you tend to smarten up some when you work with Batman regularly.”
Laughing at his words, Y/N slowly rose to her feet. “Well, whatever it is, keep doing it. Who knows, maybe you'll make a great mentor or something.” 
Hal gave Y/N an unamused look. “Funny, that’s the last time I helped you out.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and walked towards the kitchen. “Well, since you’re here are you hungry? My dinner plans suddenly got canceled and I am dying of hunger right now.” 
With a shrug, Hal joined Y/N for dinner. Hal was old enough to be Y/N’s dad, but she never saw him like that. He was more of a friend, possibly a brother to her. When Carol wasn’t available, Hal was the next person she went to for help. 
And if he was going to keep up with the occasional good advice, then maybe good friends wasn’t that far of a stretch. 
While Y/N was getting patched up by Hal, Wally sped off to Central City. He didn’t know what to do. He was at fault for the girl he loved getting hurt. People were hurt on missions all the time, but none of them fully placed the blame on him like she did.
It was like Wally went into autopilot and it didn’t click in his brain where he was going until he was standing outside his Uncle’s front door. Barry would know what to do right? He had a secret hero life when he married Iris and yet they managed to make it work. 
Raising his hand to knock, the door opened in front of him, and there stood his uncle with Iris at his side. 
“Wally? What are you doing here?” Barry asked. 
“I messed up, I didn’t know where else to go,” he muttered. 
Iris’ face grew concerned as she dragged Wally in the door and had him sit on the chair. “What happened, Wally?” she asked. 
“I got someone I love hurt, and it’s my fault,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper as he rested his head in his hands. “It’s my fault she’s hurt, and I’ve lied to her about everything.” 
Barry knelt next to his nephew. “Does this have anything to do with a certain girl you’ve been seeing?” he asked. 
Wally turned to look at him with a confused look, how did he know?
Seeing the look, Barry chuckled. “I just got off the phone with Hal, he wanted to give me a heads up in case you came here. Wally, she doesn’t blame you.” 
“Yes, she does! She said it herself, I’m the reason she was hurt!” 
“From what it sounded, Y/N blames herself and not you,” Iris said.
“How could she not blame me? I got her hurt, she said it herself.” Wally argued. 
“And how many times have you said something because you were hurt or angry?” 
Wally looked at the floor as he rested his arms on his knees. Iris did have a point. Wally was nice to everyone, but there were times when he wasn’t. He was known to have a quick wit, and it showed in his jokes and pick-up lines. But it was also present in his temper, some of the things he’s said while angry were not kind. Of course, he regretted them the moment the words left his lips but it still didn’t change the fact that Y/N got hurt because of him. 
“It’s still my fault Aunt I,” he muttered. “Nothing will change that.”
“Wally, if it’s your fault then it’s also her fault,” Barry replied. “You both kept secrets from the other and this is the fallout. Do you really want to lose her because of this?” 
Letting out a sigh, Wally nodded. Of course, he didn’t want to lose her, and he never gave her the chance to explain her side of it all. Wally loved her with everything he had, and he felt like an ass for just leaving her alone like he did. If he loved her as much as he claimed he did, he needed to fix all of this starting with going back and talking to her. 
Looking up at his aunt and uncle, Wally smiled at them and rose to his feet. “Thanks, Uncle Barry, Aunt I, I think I know what I need to do.” Kissing his aunt’s cheek, Wally hugged them both and sped out of their home and to his own place. 
Wally knew what he needed to do, he just didn’t know when. He couldn’t expect Y/N to just let him in hours after he ditched her in the alley. He wanted a second opinion, and the only other person he trusted as much as he did his aunt and uncle lived across the country. 
He figured it wouldn't be the greatest idea to show up to Dick’s place in his Flash suit, so he threw on a set of civvies and took the nearest zeta tube to Bludhaven. Dick wouldn’t have cared that much, but if he was seen hanging around in his uniform it could cause some not-so-wanted questions. 
It didn’t take him long to end up outside Dick’s apartment door with two boxes of pizza. He knew that he was still out on Nightwing business, so he used the key he hid above the door frame to let himself in. Wally had shown up unannounced before so this was nothing new to them. Dick trusted Wally more than anyone else, letting him into his apartment alone didn’t seem to be that much of a stretch. 
Locking the door back behind him, Wally made his way to the fridge and looked through it. Grabbing the jug of apple juice, he grabbed a glass and poured himself some. Looking at the clock, Dick wouldn’t be back for another couple of hours. To pass the time, Wally picked up around the apartment.
With the dishes done, the floors swept and mopped, Wally had quite a while to think to himself. He knew he needed to apologize to Y/N, his fault or not. He left her there alone in an alley and that was something he shouldn’t have done. But after apologizing, he didn’t know what else to do. 
Wally was dozing off on the couch when a window to his left opened and in stumbled Dick still dressed in his Nightwing suit. The mask he wore couldn’t hide the surprise on his face when he saw Wally sitting on his couch. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked, removing the mask. 
“I brought pizza?” Wally replied, raising his brows. “Also, I need your help.”
That last part really caught Dick’s attention. “What happened? Is everyone okay?” 
Wally shook his head. “Everyone is fine, I just-- I might have messed up everything between me and Y/N and while Barry and Iris both made a good point, I wanted a second opinion.”
Dick watched his best friend and crossed his arms. “Let me go change and we can talk over the pizza you bought.” he smiled and disappeared into his bedroom. Minutes later, Dick came out dressed in sweats and a shirt running a hand through his hair. 
Wally pulled the two pizza boxes out of the oven to keep them warm and set them on the coffee table while Dick grabbed paper plates and napkins. Both of them sat on the couch and dug in. 
The quiet that wafted over them was awkward. It was obvious to Dick that Wally needed to talk about something, he was just waiting on him to start talking. It took a couple of slices, but finally, Wally was ready to start talking. 
“I’m not sure I’m even supposed to tell you this, but Y/N is a Star Sapphire Lantern.” Wally started. 
Dick looked over at him, taking a bit of his pizza as the cheese strung between his lips and the food raising a brow at him. “I might have already known that.” 
Wally turned to look at him with a dumbstruck expression. “Did she tell you, or is this one of those weird Batman things where he needs to know the secret identities of every masked person out there?” He asked with a laugh. 
Dick chuckled at his words. “Bruce told me when you told me you were dating her I didn’t want to say anything because it wasn’t my secret to tell.” 
“Fair enough.”
“Is that what’s wrong? She lied to you about that?” Dick tried.
Wally gave Dick a look. “You really think that of all things, a secret identity would bother me? Dick, come one. I have one myself.”
Dick huffed a laugh. “Okay, fair enough. But if it wasn’t that, then what happened.
Taking a deep breath, Wally told Dick everything. From the moment he showed up, to Y/N getting hurt, to their conversation after the fight and ended with his talk with Barry and Iris. The whole time Dick sat quietly and listened, giving little nods here and there to show that he was listening. 
“So, what I am gathering from all this is that you blame yourself for something that was out of your control even after she tried to tell you it wasn’t your fault?” Dick asked at the end. “Is that right?”
Wally nodded. “Yeah, basically. I know she said that it wasn’t my fault, but I know that if I didn’t distract her she wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” 
“Walls, we get hurt every day. Do you blame yourself every time I get hurt on a mission? He asked. 
“No, I usually call you a dumbass after making sure you’re okay.” 
“Exactly my point. In our line of work, we don’t have time to sit around and play the blame game with each other. I know you care a lot about her and I am willing to bet she feels the same. You’re my best friend and I don’t want to see you throw away the best thing to ever happen to you because of something like this.” Dick said, leaning on his knees to watch his friend. 
“You’re fault or not, you two need to talk to work this out and see where you go from there. She probably blames herself as much as you blame yourself.” 
Wally pursed his lips. “I swear, you and Barry talked before I came here. He said basically the same thing to me.” 
Dick laughed and patted Wally’s back. “No, we’re both smarter than you apparently.” 
Rolling his eyes, Wally stole a piece of Dick’s pizza and ate it in retaliation. 
After his talk with Dick, Wally big him farewell so he could get some sleep and left. He really needed to talk to Y/N to at least see where they stand as a couple, and if she needed more time he would give it to her. Walking back to the zeta tube transport, Wally stepped through and into Metropolis. Lucky for him, her apartment wasn’t too far from the zeta tube so he could just walk at a normal pace and be there in good time. 
What was he going to say to her? ‘Hey, babe, sorry for just up and ditching you in the middle of a dark alley?’ Wally cringed at his own thought, he knew he needed to be honest with Y/N but that was just rubbing salt in the wound at this point. The entire walk, Wally thought of different things to say once he saw her, finally settling on a simple apology for running off like that and not giving her the chance to explain. That was the best place to start, and if she didn’t want to see him after that, Wally would have to find a way to live with it. 
Wally had been so lost in thought he didn’t notice how quickly he got to her door. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. The wait as he stood outside her door was torture, he knew it couldn’t have been more than twenty seconds, --thirty at max-- but it felt like an eternity.
He had half a mind to knock again when he heard the door open slowly. Wally looked up at the beautiful girl in front of him and every word he had prepared died the instant he saw her dressed in nothing more than a shirt and short shorts. Opening his mouth, the only sound that came out was a squeak.
Y/N raised a brow as she looked at him. “Wally, are you--”
Not letting her finish her sentence, Wally cupped her face and kissed her deeply. Wally kissed her with such force that she stumbled back and Wally kicked the door shut behind him. Her hands wound themselves around his neck pulling herself closer as she felt Wally nibble softly at her bottom lip, pulling a moan from her.
“I’m sorry.” he breathed in between kisses, pulling Y/N impossibly closer to him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” was all he could say. 
Y/N pulled back from the kiss and looked up at him. “I’m sorry too, it’s not your fault. I didn’t tell you who I was or what I did not because I didn’t trust you but because I didn’t want you hurt and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if--” 
Once again, Wally interrupted her with a kiss. “I wasn’t honest with you either,” he replied kissing her cheek. “If I was honest with you earlier, things would be different.” 
Pulling away fully once more, Y/N stared into his striking green eyes. “I don’t blame you for not telling me about that. It doesn’t matter if I knew or not, I shouldn’t have said what I did,” she explained. 
“I love you Wally, and I don’t want to lose you.” 
Brushing the stray hairs out of her eyes, Wally smiled down at her. “I love you too, Y/N.” and leaned down to captured her lips with his own. This kiss was more intense than the last, slowly Wally pried her lips apart with his own and laid claim to her mouth with his tongue. 
The mixing of their breaths drove Y/N wild as she tugged at his hair. 
Leaning down, Wally gripped Y/N’s thighs and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands moved to the swell of her ass, grabbing at it wanting to feel the soft skin under his hands. Y/N moaned against his lips, pushing back into his hands. 
Pulling away slowly, Y/N tried to catch her breath under Wally’s intense gaze. “Stay, please?” she asked. 
“Of course I’ll stay.” 
Wally woke the next morning wrapped in Y/N’s sheets, but she wasn’t there. He could smell the breakfast wafting in from the kitchen, so he untangled himself and pulled on his pants. Running a hand through his messy hair, he walked out of the room and saw Y/N standing at the stove wearing his shirt as she cooked. 
Crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe, Wally watched her cook with a smile on his face. It was nice to know that she didn’t blame him, but Wally still blamed himself. Even after he spent the night with her as she told him constantly she didn’t blame him, Wally still couldn’t get the idea out of his head. 
Turning to take the plates to the table, Y/N jumped in surprise to see Wally watching her. 
“Hey, you.” 
“Hey beautiful,” he smiled and walked over, placing a kiss on her temple. “Food smells amazing.” 
Y/N smiled at his words and kissed his cheek in return before taking her seat across from Wally as he too sat down to eat. Even after they made up the night before, the atmosphere still felt off. Neither of them could put their finger on it, but was that because they didn’t want to talk about the night’s events?
Looking at the plate in front of him, Wally let out a chuckle. Y/N made all of his favorite breakfast foods consisting of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Reaching across the table to grab the syrup, his hand brushed her and they both jumped back mumbling an apology to the other. 
Something was still wrong between them and they both could feel it. 
Y/N’s eyes couldn’t meet his, it was as if she refused to look at him. She still felt guilty at the fact she placed the blame on Wally, and then he proceeded to blame himself. Things like that didn’t just go away with a simple apology sealed with a kiss. 
She was still unsure if he blamed her, but none of that mattered because it was all her fault and Wally refused to acknowledge it. 
Narrowing his eyes, Wally watched her carefully. “Y/N, what’s going on?” 
Looking up at him from her plate, Y/N smiled at him. “I’m okay, what are you talking about?” 
Raining a brow at her, Wally leaned back in his chair. “You can barely look at me, there’s something wrong.” 
“Nothing is wrong Wally.” 
Picking up on the tones in her voice, he had a feeling what it was. 
“Y/N, I don’t blame you.” 
“No, instead you blame yourself.” she snapped. 
Wally was taken back at her tone, she was still upset over this. With a sigh, Wally reached over and took her hand. “I never blamed you.” 
“But you should have!” she cried. “You should have blamed me because it was my fault! You wouldn’t be blaming yourself if I didn’t open my damn mouth!” 
“Don’t try and tell me it’s not my fault! We’ve been over this, so please leave it alone.” 
Crossing his arms with a huff, Wally frowned. “I thought we were too, but apparently you’re not.” he started. “It doesn’t matter to me if it was your fault or not, the fact is that I don’t blame you.” he got up from his chair and knelt in front of her. “I never blamed you.”
Y/N turned her head not wanting to look at him. “Well you should, the bottom line is that it’s my fault. If I wasn’t so stubborn and prideful, I wouldn’t have said those things and you wouldn’t be so upset.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I am not mad at you?” he asked. 
“Eternity, don’t waste your breath.” 
Wally gave her a deadpan look before he took her hands in his. “Y/N, look at me please.”
Slowly, Y/N turned to see his soft gaze. 
“Your fault or not, I do not blame you. I don’t want you blaming yourself over this either alright?” he said softly, his eyes not leaving hers. 
Y/N let out a sigh, “I guess you’re right.” she replied. “There’s nothing I can do to go back and change it. All I can do is use it to learn and not repeat those same mistakes.” 
Wally’s smile grew as he listened to her talk. It may not have been exactly what he wanted, but it was a start. “Good, now how about we finish eating and I give you a tour of my hometown?” he asked. 
“Wally, you live halfway across the country.” 
“Babe, I’m the fastest man alive. Distance really isn’t an issue with me.” he grinned and got up giving Y/N a quick peck to her lips. “Maybe if you behave, I’ll take you to meet someone.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and began to eat her food, the smile not leaving her face. “Whatever you say sweetheart.”
Taglist: @bluejay-the-geek​ @unknowntoanyone​ @subtleappreciation​ @catxsnow​ @littleredwing89​ @offendedfishnoises​ @lostoctaviaaugusta​ @arestorationofbalance​ @screennamealreadyused​ @woahjaybird​ @bikoncon​ @river-bottom-nightmare​ @battlenix​ 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
by wf_ft Emery and her deaf younger siblings live with the one and only Flash, Barry Allen, after the devastating murder of her parents. She finds out her parents had something to do with an organization that killed both of them. She finds out more about it and the reason for her parents' death. Along the process of giving her parents justice, she met an old friend, Dick Grayson. Grayson wishes to get close to Emery again after what he did in the past but Emery thinks otherwise. Despite Emery's emotional distress, she will find all the possible ways or take down anything that would get in her way of getting close to the organization, to finding out about her parent's deaths, and to give revenge... Even... no, especially if it's Dick Grayson. --- "... Seriously? What did they even do to you?" "Fuck off and let me do my thing, Nightwing." "No can do, Princess." Words: 5457, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Nightwing (Comics), Nightwing (Web Series), DCU, Batman - All Media Types, The Flash - All Media Types, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (Comics), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Dick Grayson, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Bruce Wayne, Batfamily - Character, Justice League - Character, Titans Family - Character Relationships: Nightwing/Reader, dickgrayson/reader, richarddickgrayson/reader, Barry Allen & Reader, Hal Jordan & Reader, Barry Allen & Hal Jordan, dick grayson & kori Additional Tags: Dick Grayson - Freeform, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Hurt Dick Grayson, Nightwing - Freeform, Not Self-Insert, Own Character, Past Relationship(s), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Betrayal, Angst, Family Drama, Emotional Manipulation, dick grayson x own character, you can self-insert as the character, Hurt/Comfort, barry allen adopted you, Barry Allen is a Dad, hal jordan is a big brother, deaf siblings, Protective Barry Allen, Protective Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Swearing, Recovery, no superpowers, nightwing is 23, main character is 19, Badass, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, Self-Harm, References to Drugs, Slow Burn, possible of intercourse, mc don't know grayson is nightwing, Alternate Universe, everyone lives near each other I'm not good with directions via https://ift.tt/5uHYaAe
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frownyalfred · 3 years
“So anyway,” Hal said, looking through a display of calla lilies, “which one of these says ‘sorry I had to do space coke off your ass, glad we completed the mission’ to you?” 
                                                       “Just do it, Jordan.”
Hal hesitated, scanning the crowd of drunk aliens watching eagerly. For the eighth time that night, and the thirtieth time on this mission, he questioned his life choices. 
Across the table, Bruce tilted his head, his jaw clenching briefly. He’d accepted a glowing drink, holding it between his hands as the aliens around them cheered, tentacles waving. 
“If you don’t accept it, the negotiations are null and void,” Bruce said in that cold, logical voice that made too much damn sense. “Take. The. Gift.”
“Fine,” Hal said, snatching the proffered packet. A cheer went through the crowd, tentacles undulating and beaks chattering. “What now?”
“You ingest it,” Bruce replied, looking pained. “Ewoan traditions were mandatory reading before this mission.”
“I skimmed,” Hal said, nodding and smiling as one of the aliens gestured at the packet, its tentacles waving insistently. He held up the pink powder. “So. Just like fundip? You got a glass of water I can dissolve this in?”
The alien immediately to his right -- the one they’d had been negotiating with, crowned by a ring of horns and fleshy nubs -- chattered into his ear, displeased. 
“He said I have to...inhale it,” Hal translated for Bruce, frowning. “I think. The ring’s having a little trouble distinguishing the clicking noises.” 
“So inhale it,” Bruce said, deadpan. 
Hal frowned at him. “All of it?”
The alien leader made a series of clicking noises, translated by the ring as increasingly distressed questions about his faith in the negotiations. 
“I’m doing it,” Hal spoke through the ring, waving a hand at the alien, “I’m doing it!”
With a sigh, he split open the packet, watching the pink crystals drift into the air. There was no warning from his ring, so he sniffed gingerly at the floating powder. 
A bolt of energy burned through his head, sending shockwaves across his body. Pink burst behind his eyelids, blinding him as he flung a hand out, desperate for stability. 
He opened his eyes to Bruce, a spilled mug of whatever the other man had been drinking across the table, and the distinct feeling he’d been about to fall. 
“Jordan. Talk to me.”
“I’m fine,” he said, feeling the words out in his mouth. They tasted...strange. “It’s just stronger than I expected.”
Bruce looked mildly concerned -- on his face, a slight twitch of his lips. “Will you be able to finish it all?”
“I...probably.” Hal shook his head, suddenly realizing the other man was holding him up, a hand braced under his shoulder. “Give me a sec.”
The leader clearly didn’t like that, waving his front tentacles in combination with a clicking that came from the very recesses of his throat. Hal groaned as the ring translated. 
“You need to help,” he told Bruce, “Apparently. I don’t know, it’s not translating well.” 
“Whatever you need.” the other man said, painfully casual. 
The alien motioned for Bruce to stand, which he did, grudgingly. Hal frowned as he chattered back at him, gesturing toward the powder, then back to Bruce. 
“He wants you to...bend over?” Hal said, cheeks flushing as he realized what he’d just said. 
Bruce paused, considering this. “The Æœțriegfor ritual.”
The other man sighed, looked up at the stars, and began taking off his pants. 
Hal’s cheeks, already red, began to burn. “What the--what are you doing?”
“Completing the ritual,” Bruce said, pulling off his boxers and leaning down across the table. With a shift of his hips, he was laid flat, the leader clicking in approval behind him. “Jordan.”
“Huh?” Hal said, staring somewhere above the other man’s head, absolutely flummoxed. 
“If you ever want to get off this planet,” Bruce said, glaring over his elbows, “You’re going to put the powder on me and inhale it.” 
“Fuck, why?” Hal said, panicked.
“It’s a sign of respect in their culture,” Bruce fucking Wayne rolled his eyes, “this species communicates trust through anal contact, are you telling me you didn’t read anything I sent you--”
“Shut up!” Hal said, pointing at him, his hands trembling, “I’m taking this in, okay!” 
“Process later,” Bruce said, somehow managing to appear dignified, naked from the waist down and leaning on his elbows. “I don’t speak much Ewoan, but they’re growing displeased with us.”
The leader clacked his beak together, a sharp click that had Hal flinching. 
In an instant, tension crippled the room, drawing tight over them. He met Bruce’s gaze, prayed to whatever higher power was still listening, and stepped forward. 
“Okay! Fine! I’m doing it!”
“So anyway,” Hal said, looking through a display of calla lilies, “which one of these says ‘sorry I had to do space coke off your ass, glad we completed the mission’ to you?”
Dinah froze, her hand hovering above a bouquet of roses. 
“I’m thinking the autumnal arrangement,” Hal said, considering, “Wait. What if he doesn’t like mums?”
“Please back up,” Dinah said, strained. “I’m begging you.”
“Everyone likes mums, though,” Hal said, frowning at the arrangement. “I’m getting it. Holy shit, $24.99 for one bouquet?”
“Maybe I should do an edible arrangement instead.” 
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