#for the demande part
egophiliac · 24 days
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we were fucking ROBBED
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toon-kirby · 9 months
There is SO MUCH that ALW changed that bugs me, but first and foremost the fact that the framing device is NOT about a Sadman Deadwife, but about a journalist that's trying to learn about the Phantom of the Opera. And even more got changed in the damn movie, which more or less is propaganda to make Raoul look like a giant wimp and Erik as a misunderstood honeybun! It grinds my gears with how much he changed to the point where all adaptations are just retellings of HIS musical!
Oh you are so right. I haven't seen it so again, I can't comment on all the changes, but it is notable that when I said I was reading it on discord someone replied with "I like the show and the book is way better, and Raoul isn't a wet napkin anymore!" I have to wonder if it was like with Tuxedo Mask in the Sailor Moon anime. I read that the people making it hated him for some reason and that explains why he doesn't do much and also why they tried giving Usagi other love interests every chance they got-- including Prince Demande, who totally didn't try to brainwash and rape her! Nope! (I prefer the anime over the manga for many reasons, but her giving no thought before blowing Demande into smithereens might be the one thing I prefer from it.)
The main reason I read it (aside from just wanting to) was for inspiration for both an original project with a similar villain and also a potential AU for FE4. Yes, I know what you're thinking, I haven't even finished the Sleeping Beauty one! And you're right! Might try to get the fourth chapter up before the Nintendo direct in an attempt to manifest that remake, actually...
For the FE4 AU, I figured I'd do the musical prologue scene but instead of sad wifeguy it would be Seliph wanting to learn more about his parents. Kinda a combo of both! I think the most obvious candidates for a FE Phantom AU are Ferdinand, Dorothea, and Hubert, but Sigurd, Deirdre, and Arvis arguably fit better due to their respective pasts and because Dorothea loathes Ferdinand at first. Arvis may not be ugly, but he does have to hide his cursed bloodline from everyone, which is a pretty good reason to live in the sewers.
Hubert would love that torture chamber though.
As for the original project, I worry that despite building up a very healthy relationship with the actual love interest that people will ship the main character and the villain, who has a very phantom-esque crush on her. I suppose it can't be helped, as people ship what they want-- but it would make me worry I failed at showing it wasn't a healthy relationship. Except if killing someone's parents isn't enough to show that I don't know what is.
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maiko-coy · 3 months
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I don't see any angry, vengeful Dogday in the ppt community so I'll provide for myself beCAUSE IM STARVING FOR THIS, HE DESERVES TO BE ANGRY-- ahem. Anyway, heres an AU where after there is still fire in Dogdays eyes and him being saved fueled the fire and now he wants to keep fighting.
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fairuzfan · 6 months
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strawberrysamara · 5 months
"Kaidan Alenko is boring" WRONG. Kaidan Alenko is one of THEE characters of all time. He's Canadian, he's Schrodinger's man of colour, he's DOWN to fuck and still didn't manage to figure out that he's bisexual until his thirties, he killed a man as a teenager and almost caused a diplomatic meltdown bc of it, his tits are bigger than yours, he's constantly getting migraines, he has autism but doesn't know it AND he glows. What more could you want
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junotter · 1 year
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Tres horny boys in a beach cycle my beloved
Edit: Part 2 here!
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howlerbat · 1 year
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Jason, storming into the Batcave: BRUCE! Get your demon.
Bruce, not looking up: Damain, let go of Jason. It's past your bed time.
Damian, clinging to Jason's torso: Not until he says it.
Bruce: Jason, say it.
Dick: What does he want you to say?
Damian: Todd is the only one who refuses to wish me a goodnight. I deserve to be Good Night'ed
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brighteuphony · 23 days
I am currently outside Saeko's house, humbly offering my hand in marriage, please and thank you. But now I'm incredibly intrigued how Sakura found out about this mysterious lady, doubly so when you consider why Saeko accepted her as a student; did Enji have a hand in both, by chance?
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Saeko is a complex woman with complex wants and needs. But she also really likes to be flattered.
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tblsomedoodles · 14 days
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The Preferable Alternative - part 13
Start - previous - next
Alt-Don has no immunity to Mikey's puppy eyes stare : )
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metalhoops · 1 year
Read Part 1 Here
Eddie wasn’t sure how he managed it, but he had a boyfriend. 
He thought he had a boyfriend, at least. None other than Steve goddamn Harrington. They’d been on dates, plural. He wasn’t sure Steve was ready for the word ‘boyfriend’, but no one Eddie had dated was, so it felt the same as it always did. He got it. This was new for Steve. Hell, this was new for Eddie. 
He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for things to go bad. They were one month into whatever the hell they were doing and everything was still peaches and cream. From Eddie’s past relationships, he knew things always went south quick. People didn’t stick around. But he had a good feeling about Steve, against his better judgment. 
Things did go bad, but not in the way Eddie expected. 
The first and only ‘unofficial’ date the two had gone on was when Eddie stumbled across Steve, cruising at a beat of all places. The first time Eddie realised who the guy was he’d been shocked breathless and knocked back on his heels. Space and fucking time ceased to make sense because there was no way in hell The Steve Harrington, Mr Popular, ladies’ man was in a place like that. But he was. 
More shocking still, Eddie had fallen for him before he knew who he was. He’d been all red-faced and tongue-tied, trying to help Steve ride out the wave of panic that’d overcome him. Eddie still wasn’t sure what had him so shaken up that night, but the time had passed to ask. If it was important, Steve would tell him. 
Somehow, knowing the pretty guy he’d been making goo-goo eyes at all night was the same Steve he’d shared a history class with hadn’t changed things. Eddie had still wanted to take Steve home with him, even if nothing came of it. Eddie had his share of casual hookups. Enough to know it wasn’t what he wanted, but in a place like Hawkins, where the town borders were small and people’s minds were smaller still, you’d take the scraps that were given to you. 
Steve was different to how Eddie expected. They’d orbited each other in high school. Well, Eddie had orbited Steve. He kept his distance, but trailed in the boy’s wake, much to Eddie’s own dismay. For a dude who had a stick up his ass regarding the high school hierarchy, and jocks in general, developing a crush on Steve during his first go at senior year had been a devastating blow to his sense of self. Hell, the guy had been a thorn in his side for years, spurring on a mad case of cognitive dissonance every time he crossed his path. 
Eddie was constantly surprised at how easy it was to date Steve. Not that he’d expected dating Steve to be hard on his end, but dating guys always came with complications. In Eddie’s experience, it was never simple. There were always hoops to jump through, parents or friends who couldn’t find out. Not with Steve. It was equal parts, comforting and disconcerting. 
Steve’s parents never factored into the equation besides a couple of off-handed comments the boy made, which always left a vile taste in the back of Eddie’s throat. Steve never said anything that’d raise alarm bells to an unassuming ear, but if you knew what to look for, they were there. Eddie heard his father’s voice echoing back through the years when Steve would talk about his father. 
Steve wasn’t going to come out to his parents, at least not while he still lived under their roof, but they’d been out of town for months, so the Harrington house had become a refuge, as had the Munson’s trailer. 
Wayne was always working nights, not that he’d care if Eddie had a guy around. His uncle knew about him, and he’d rather guys come around to their place instead of Eddie sneaking out to make out with them in his van or in the back of some club. Wayne was understanding, the rest of the world wasn’t always. 
He hadn’t told Wayne about Steve. He hadn’t told anyone about Steve, not that he didn’t want to. He did. He just didn’t think Steve was ready. The guy was good at acting calm, but Eddie knew there was something bubbling beneath the surface. He’d act smooth and unbothered when they’d make out on the couch. Hell, he’d been willing to go to third base quickly for a guy who’d thought he was straight up until a few weeks before. Steve had been calm. He’d taken it in his stride.
It was the little things that did it. They’d been watching a movie together at Eddie’s place. He’d taken Steve’s palm into his lap and traced absentmindedly, hating to sit still for too long. Eddie paused as he felt Steve’s hand tremble beneath his fingertips. He looked at Steve and for once the boy looked rattled, seeming floored that someone had touched him so gently. Again, Eddie felt the old familiar ache. King Steve wouldn’t crumble just because someone was soft with him, right? No way. Not back then. Something must have happened, but that was the thing about them. Their pasts were their pasts. They had each other and that would have to do for now. 
It wasn’t until Eddie showed up late to Steve’s place that he realised they needed to talk about it. Sometimes, when Eddie was absorbed in something, the rest of the world fell away. He’d told Steve he’d come around to his place for dinner at seven. He’d been making notes for the latest Hellfire campaign. He’d decided the party’s latest ‘big bad’ was going to be none other than the dark wizard, Vecna himself. He’d been poring over lore to set up things just right for the long road ahead of them and he’d lost track of the time. 
It’d been a hell of a day for it too. A dark cloud had descended on the sleepy town of Hawkins, breaking the winter freeze early. The sky was dark and if Eddie thought about it, the lights had been flickering with the storm. When he emerged from writing, it was dark outside and the alarm clock radio by his bed read 12:05. Which definitely wasn’t the time. 
Shit. Eddie threw on a jacket, hit the gas and was pulling up to the Harrington manner in no time. The clock in his car let him know it was eight-fifteen. 
Eddie expected Steve to be pissed. He felt worse when Steve wasn’t. 
He let himself in without knocking. To his surprise, Steve hadn’t locked the door. He always locked the door. He’d shot up from where he’d been sitting stock-still at the dining room table as Eddie’s footfalls seemed to bring him back from where his mind had been. He looked at Eddie for a long moment. Eddie could wilt under the scrutiny of Steve’s gaze, his jaw set, his eyes scraping over every last inch of him. He’d sighed, looking all at once like a lost child, uncertain and vaguely ashamed. 
“I thought something happened,” Steve muttered. 
It set off all the alarm bells and red flags Eddie had been ignoring. When their new partner didn’t show up to a date, some people might think the worst, that they were being stood up or that their date had found somebody else but not Steve. He’d been worried something happened to Eddie. He’d looked the way he had when the two first ran into each other at the fairgrounds. Wide-eyed and on the verge of a breakdown. 
Eddie kept telling himself that whatever had happened with Steve wasn’t a big deal, because Steve kept telling him it and damn Eddie wanted to believe him. Being with Steve had been easy, but Eddie knew facing whatever the hell this was would make it harder. The signs had all been there from the start.  
The guy rarely slept, and when he did, it was fitful and filled with incoherent mumbling. He’d ball Eddie’s sheets between his clenched palms and whimper like a dog in a car during the midday heat. Eddie didn’t bring it up because he’d been right during their first night together. Steve was haunted by something goddamn awful and Eddie wanted so badly to do something that’d make it go away, but he also knew things were never that simple. 
“I’m fine. I just got caught up. It was stupid. I’m sorry I made you worry,” Eddie spoke when he found his voice. 
Steve was shaking. Shit. 
Eddie reached out and touched his hand, balled so tightly into a fist, his knuckles turned white. As Eddie slowly pried his hand open, he realised his palms were bleeding, his nails having made five deep, half-moon crescent wounds.
“Was it that dragon game? The little shitheads don’t appreciate how much effort you put into that stuff,” Steve spoke, almost sounding normal, seeming unaware of the blood, or the way his knees knocked together, the way his body swayed like a strong breeze would send him tumbling. 
Steve wanted to know about his stupid goddamn fantasy game and god Eddie wanted to take the out, he didn’t want to have to dredge up whatever unspoken thing that’d twisted Steve up, knowing it might just ruin what the two had together but in the end, it didn’t matter. Eddie would rather know Steve was okay. They could work out what they were after. 
“Stevie, what did you think happened to me tonight?” Eddie asked, holding the boy’s hand, and leading him to the kitchen sink. 
He wet a dishtowel and gently rubbed it over Steve’s palm. 
“The power went out,” Steve mumbled, as though that explained it all. Eddie tried to follow. 
“Yeah Stevie, there was a storm. Storms kinda do that. Did you think I’d run off the road or something?” He watched Steve’s jaw tense.
“The thought crossed my mind,” He confessed, and Eddie nodded, placing Steve’s palm to his cheek, nudging against it. 
“But I didn’t and I’m fine. We’re going to talk about this, okay? Maybe not tonight, but I want you to tell me what’s going on in that head of yours. I’m your boyfriend, Steve. That’s what boyfriends do. They tell each other shit.” 
Steve’s eyes were suddenly on him again. Oh shit. Eddie had used the word, hadn’t he? That word was meant to stay in his head for another few months, at least. 
This is how you scare people away, Munson. You go too hard, too fast and you scare people away, but Steve had stopped shaking. 
He pulled Eddie in for a bone-crushing hug, holding him so tightly the man could hardly breathe. He felt Steve bury his head into the nape of his neck and holy shit, Eddie was so gone for this stupid jock. 
“Alright. Okay. Yeah. I’ll tell you about it, just not tonight,” Steve muttered, mostly to himself. 
Eddie wasn’t convinced, but he wanted to believe Steve. 
“Alright, not tonight.” 
The two stood together for a moment as another bout of rolling thunder cut the lights. Steve’s hands grasped at Eddie’s jacket. The silence felt loaded. Eddie needed to break it.
“You’re not weirded out I called you my boyfriend?” He asked, testing the waters, wondering how much back peddling he was going to have to do. 
“No, why?” Steve breathed, pulling back slightly, trying to work out Eddie’s features in the sudden darkness. It was just like the night at the fairground.
Eddie knew Steve better in the darkness than he did in the light. Steve, in the dark, seemed right. He was a figured silhouette, beautiful but inscrutable to Eddie. 
“It’s not too soon?” He watched Steve blink at him through the darkness. 
“I might have told Robin you were my boyfriend weeks ago,” Steve spoke hesitantly, his hand still ensnared in Eddie’s jacket. 
Eddie let out an exasperated laugh and pressed their foreheads together. 
“Oh, okay, cool. I was worried I was taking things too quick,” Eddie mumbled, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks, thankful for the darkness. Goddamn, he really had a boyfriend. 
“Life’s short,” Steve reasoned. It didn’t sit right. 
“Maybe for other people. I’m gonna live forever, baby. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,” he teased, slipping his hand into the back pocket of Steve’s jeans. 
He didn’t know what happened with Steve but this seemed important. Steve needed to know he wasn’t going anywhere.
Though the world had a funny way of turning around to bite you in the ass. The next time Eddie missed a date night, Steve really goddamn needed to be worried. 
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kazumist · 1 year
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✩ — includes: childe, zhongli, xiao, scaramouche x gn!reader. fluff. no cws. wc: 187. please do reblog !! it would rlly help me a lot :D btw lmk if u want a part 2 with diff characters bc i might indulge in that idea,,
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childe — !
he would squish your cheeks back, making that fish similar face or whatever you call it. he finds it cute but you find his face cuter. and there's something about you holding his face… it makes him soft. very soft.
xiao — !
xiao would be so confused but he'll find it nice! he'd have some sort of warm feeling inside when you squished his cheeks and told him he was cute—he just doesn't know how to express himself that he enjoys this gesture.
zhongli — !
he’s kind of like childe but would hesitantly do it because he doesn't know he's doing it right. this gesture was a bit new to him—but despite that, he'd let out a light chuckle as you squish each other's cheeks.
scaramouche — !
he would pull your hands away from his fave or even worse, he would slap it away playfully. he only did it because you initiated it in public—which wasn't to his liking (he doesn’t want people to witness him being all soft in public). scaramouche only shows a vulnerable side behind closed doors with you and you only. it stays that way.
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hearandfunger · 9 months
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simple edit comp #6
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tizeline · 2 months
Idk if you already answered an ask like this already but does Splinter and Donnie have a good father and son relationship? 🤔
For the most part, yeah it's good. Splinter still has his flaws of course, as much as he loves Donnie he isn't always very good at showing it, and he's still dealing with some pretty intense depression.
That being said, taking care of one mutant turtle child, while still hard, is significantly easier than care of four. Because of that, Splinter in this AU is able to dedicate a lot more time to Donnie. On the flipside, because Donnie doesn't have any siblings to entertain him, he seeks out Splinter for company a lot more, and Splinter isn't always able to give all of the attention that he needs. But overall, I'd say they are closer in the AU than they are in canon, considering they've mostly only been able to rely on each other for so long.
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
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slythereen · 11 months
okay but it's kind of funny to me that max made a point about the ferrari and red bull not being matched and his and charles' fight wasn't as fun because of it ... but carlos and checo's was fun bc they don't have the same issue. like. is he just rating them as second drivers squabbling or something 😭
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