#florist jhope
blu-archer · 3 years
Sharing is Caring?
Just some more AU sickness because why not?
snz based
Sickie: Tae - mild Jimin
Caretaker: Jimin [kind of?]
m/m [squinting at Yoonmin] and mentions of what I’m poorly portraying as ace. I’ve never tried to write about it before so forgive any misrepresentation please..
Apart of this little universe; Flower shop and Bakery au 
This piece mostly felt like me rambling, but it was kind of fun so I’m posting it.. sorry for any errors
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Taehyung sniffled as discretely as possible as he wondered through the isles of the large supermarket, doing his best to avoid people even though he had made sure to grab a face mask before leaving the apartment to avoid spreading his germs. Technically they could be considered Jimin’s germs… but he wasn’t one to blame his platonic soulmate.
After all, they lived together. This outcome was inevitable.
 So he hovered awkwardly through the store trying to move as quickly as possible by grabbing immediate necessities rather than the usual browsing of the shelves. And after the desperate sneezes that had surprised him by the canned foods and had kicked his headache into 5th gear, he wanted nothing more than to already be at home and back in bed.  
The photographer paused a bit away from the freezer holding the ready-made meals – something that had become a must-have for the pair if they wanted to survive living together – waiting for the few people there to finish before he made his own snatch. He blinked lazily at the rows of boxes that he could just barely make out. He would have to grab a few, they hadn’t done ‘grocery’ shopping for the month and it had come back to bite them. The few supplies he’d gotten days before had dwindled to nothing in a blink of an eye. He’d woken up that morning looking for food so he could take his next dose of medication and had been met with a small portion of days old take out from the noodle place down the street and what was left of the soup Jimin’s boss had dropped off for him after he’d called in sick.
And Tae was getting really tired of soup, despite only being on his second day of feeling like warm death.
So he had taken the courageous, probably mildly stupid, step to go shopping. They needed more tissues anyway, and he didn’t really know anyone in the area that well yet despite having moved a few months ago so it’s not like he could make a plea for help.
Jimin had been thoroughly knocked out in his bed with a mound of extra blankets that hadn’t moved from their place since Yoongi had put them there after bringing the smaller man home from work the day before. So Taehyung had just scribbled a brief note and pinned it onto his door so that Jimin would know where he was if the slim chance of the elder waking up did actually happen.
A gap formed as a couple broke away from the freezer and Tae swiftly slipped in front of it, muffling a cough into his arm before he made a move to slide open the glass top. Taehyung was jolted from his actions as something – a body, definitely a small body – crashed into his legs, immediately reaching out with one hand to steady the child that wobbled upon impact even though his own balance wavered drastically. Thank god for fast reflexes, if he hadn’t dropped his basket and rested his hand on the freezer then he probably would’ve fallen straight on his ass. That would have been almost as embarrassing as the canned food isle incident just minutes before. This day just wasn’t getting better.
He had just barely looked down at the small boy who had almost caused his next disaster when his foggy attention was dragged away to the next rapidly approaching figure.
 “Sehjoon!” An exasperated voice snapped before the small boy was pulled from Tae’s weak grasp. “I’m so sorry, he’s wild. Did he-“The man’s eye widened a bit and then he smiled, losing some of the tension in his body. “Its Taehyung, right? Jimin’s new roommate?”
 Tae blinked, nodding slowly although he couldn’t really be considered ‘new’ since a few months had already passed, and it wasn’t the first time that he’d shared a space with Jimin. The man looked familiar, and he clearly knew who he was, which meant he was probably one of Jimin’s friends from work. Taehyung tried not to feel too bad about not remembering whose name went with which face, he was often busy with his own work when Jimin would tell him about what happened during his working hours, so he couldn’t be expected to remember too many details. It was a similar situation when he tried to explain to Jimin the different editing terms while trying to perfect whatever photos he had done. He couldn’t count the numbers of times he’d just watched his best friends eyes glaze over with some familiar vague nodding.
 “I’m Hoseok, we met a while back when you first moved here.”
The man seemed to ooze happiness as he picked the boy up to rest him on his hip. Taehyung shuffled on his feet. He was a little unsure of what to say next. Usually he didn’t struggle with making conversation, but his head felt like it was filled with cotton, he couldn’t be faulted for this flaw of character right now.
 “Sorry,” Hoseok chuckled, rubbing at his neck with his free hand. “Jimin speaks about you all the time and even Jungkook and Jin mention you every once it in a while, it kind of feels like I know you.”
 “Uh…oh. Yeah. Jimin speaks about you a lot too.” Tae replied, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. His voice coming out deeper and with the beginnings of the congestion he’d hoped wouldn’t come so soon in the day. He cleared his throat in hopes that it would help. “The florist, right? With Yoongi?”
 It clearly didn’t help.
Hoseok’s smile faltered, turning more sympathetic. As if he had quickly pieced the obvious together.
 “Yeah, that’s me.” He shifted the boy on his hip when small hands grappled to be let down. Hoseok dropped his smile for a moment to give a stern look of disapproval that seemed to work like a spell over the boy as he went silent and placid in the mans hold. “I’m sorry about Sehjoon here. My sister asked me to look after him for the day and I think she both underestimates my babysitting capabilities and overestimates her sons behaviour. I was actually sent out of work for a bit because Yoongi needed a break from this level of chaos… Hey, he didn’t hurt you or anything right?”
 “Oh, no. No.” Tae gave a croaky laugh that irritated his throat. It already felt rough from the amount of coughing he’d done during the night and it appeared that he was nowhere close to being done with that. Turning away, he coughed deeply into his arm, twisting away despite wearing a mask, and winced at the spark of pain that had shot into him. God, he was so over this cold. “Sorry. He barrelled into me, but he would probably be at more risk of hurting himself than me. Has a hard head though. Definitely able to knock some people out with that.”
 That brought a bubble of sudden laughter from the other man that left Tae slightly bemused and yet, it was an odd feeling watching Hoseok laugh. A warmth of sorts spread over Taehyung when the man tossed his head back and seemed to glow as his shoulders shook. It was more contagious than Jimin’s illness and Taehyung couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the man as he began to tease his nephew shamelessly about being a new weapon of destruction. The boy simply whined and curled his head into Hoseok’s neck, apparently not seeing the same humour as his uncle.
  “I should get him a leash to be honest.” Hoseok joked, but Tae had a feeling the glint in the mans eyes meant he was deeply considering it.
 Taehyung didn’t really know how to reply so he just nodded slowly and turned his attention back to the freezer, recollecting his basket before just grabbing a few different meals at random and tossing them in with the juice and tissues he’d already gotten. Whatever it was he and Jimin would eat it whether they liked it or not. He had been out longer than he wanted to be by now and he wasn’t wasting more time on things that they probably wouldn’t taste much of anyway considering how this cold was progressing.
 “Not much of a cook?���
 Tae glanced to Hoseok who seemed to be shifting his weight as he looked towards the meals casually.
Sniffing lightly, Taehyung tried to suppress the desire to rub at his nose through the mask. He shrugged, his hand moving up to brush some hair from his eyes. “Never really learned. Jimin can’t either, but this is better than living off of take out.”
 “I can see Jin rolling in his figurative grave.” Hoseok chuckled. “If you want I can mention to Jungkook how I ran into you,  despite you clearly not feeling well. I can guarantee that you and Jimin will get visited by Yoongi and Jin with at least a months-worth of premade meals to be frozen because they heard from Jungkook that you were both malnourished and possibly dying.”
 He blushed at the call out on being sick, but to be fair, he hadn’t thought he’d run into anyone that would actually talk to him or that this store would be so busy during work hours. He also didn’t doubt Jungkook’s ability to exaggerate, Jimin had told him about some previous examples that had at the time probably caused Jin a lot of stress. It mostly seemed innocent but very few could look into Jungkook’s eyes and not believe everything he tells them. Tae had only just started speaking to him more and he already knew that.
“Please don’t. I can’t even bear to look at soup after these past few days and I have a feeling that would be a strong contender of what one would give a sick person.” Against his original will, he rubbed a finger to his nose as it twitched with an itchy irritation. “I need to get home actually; we had no food left so I should try to get back before Jimin wakes up. And I am about ready to sleep for the next week.”
 “Oh wow. So you really are in need of pre-made meals filled with some love and care.” Hoseok’s voice dipped into one similar to how he had teased his nephew. “Well, I won’t keep you then. You should get home and rest, but if you want to take me up on sending the s.o.s. message for food delivery, Jimin has my number.”
 Taehyung thanked the elder man shakily, and even managed to get a small wave bye from the boy, barely having time to hear the small apology for bumping into him before he abruptly turned away and buried his face into his elbow.
 There was a startled ‘oh’ and then deep chuckles. Taehyung winced as he gave a liquid sniff with a low groan, feeling even more congested than before.
 “ ‘cuse ‘be.”
 “Bless you,” Hoseok laughed with a hand instinctively holding his nephew closer. He dipped his head in a small bow. “Sorry, it’s not funny. That sounded awful, but I got a fright and now I feel dumb for jumping.”
 If he had blushed before, then this was him setting himself alight. That had never happened before, he’d never scared someone with his sneeze. Jimin was never going to let him live that down.
 “I’ll leave you be now,” the man grinned. “Go home and get some rest. But when you feel better we should hang out some time. Jimin speaks about you all the time and I just think it would be great to see more of you… like with everyone. Welcome you to the city properly.”
 “I…yeah. Okay.” Taehyung brushed his hands through his hair and took a starting step back, trying to hold back any more sniffling. “I’ll see you around then.”
 “Feel better soon, Taehyung, and get home safely.”
HEESHHU..H’HIESHH…snfff.. … Heh..h..hhh..HHeGXTCHh…hnnxgGTSCHew!... nghHEHHSHH!!!
 Taehyung panted out hot hitchy breaths as the tissue box was set in front of him as an offering. He laid a hand on the box to take it, his other hand hovered desperately over his face as he geared up for the next sneeze. His teary eyes had barely blinked open before they were forced shut once more, his throat and head pulsed with each sneeze that ripped out of him.
 “Ble-e’hh-hh-ss yo-uishhhiew.. H’ingxtshh… hih’itishhew!”
 Taehyung grabbed a few tissues and let Jimin keep the box as the elder coughed and crumpled into the seat beside him, before following Tae’s example of blowing his nose tiredly.  
 After shopping, Taehyung had managed a slow drive back to the apartment with multiple stops to tear open one of the tissue boxes he’d bought. It hadn’t helped much, and he had felt progressively worse as the minutes ticked by until he’d made it into the house, where he had promptly collapsed onto the couch with his tissues – only having to get up again to dump the food he’d bought in the fridge and freezer before sluggishly dragging himself to the couch once more..
When he’d been coaxed awake by Jimin gently shaking his shoulder, he had been met with a dim early afternoon sun and a plate a steamy food that had definitely been nuked in the microwave for longer than necessary. And from there they hadn’t really moved much, other than Jimin having forced some medicine into them and making tea before joining Tae on the couch.
There was some drama playing softly on their tv, but neither of them really had the energy to focus on it properly and Tae could barely hear the dialogue anyway once the congestion in his sinuses began to interfere with his ears. Jimin had dragged in a blanket from his room and draped it over both of them as Tae added to the pile of used tissues that had begun to form on the floor in front of them. Nothing seemed to stop the constant tickle that plagued him, nor his noses inability to do what he wanted. Tae was considering just stuffing his nose with tissues at this point. Since the trip to the supermarket his nose had turned into a mess that was seemingly draining the life out of him. Jimin had assured him that despite what he thought, it would get better, but he was sure that his friend was just trying to be his usual hopeful self. Always ready to reassure and look out for him.
At least they were suffering together. That was an upside. Jimin claimed to be feeling a lot better than the day before and it seemed to be mostly true, he was definitely being more active than Tae wanted to be. Although that could also have just a factor of the smaller man sleeping like the dead for almost 20 hours and Taehyung thinking it was wise to leave the apartment earlier. He was just deeply glad that he wasn’t alone again.
 Tae hated being alone. Even when he was well, he’d tried living by himself before and it had eaten at him mentally. It’s a big reason why he had convinced Jimin to find a new apartment that they could share when he switched towns, instead of just finding a cheap single flat somewhere. Thankfully his Soulmate had been searching for something already, so he didn’t feel like too much of an inconvenience. Jimin had always teased him relentlessly for needing people but never wanting relationships, always just content with a friend to cuddle up to or hang out with. Yet watching Jimin and others grow into bonds and commitments always made him doubt. Jimin meant well with his chirps and edgy teasing, but it always made Taehyung worry about his future.
What would he do when Jimin finally moved on in life? It’s not like anyone would want to invest in a person that would never give themselves entirely to a partner... He would never fall into the trap of letting someone take what he didn’t want to give again, yet that was all everyone seemed to want from him. … Maybe he’d start up a cuddle site, or a hug program, he’ll think of a way to get the skin ship he needed without being a bother or a hazard to himself.
 “You’re thinking too loud again…” Jimin whined hoarsely and sunk into Tae’s side, rubbing his cheek into the other shoulder as he curled into him. “Your brainwaves are hurting mine.”
 “You’d need a brain to have brainwaves, you’ll be fine.” Tae mumbled as he ran a tissue under his nose with a sniff and yelped out a weary laugh when Jimin pinched at his ribs.  
 “Asshole.” The elder snipped, but the smile in his voice was evident.
  It took no prompt for Jimin to snuggle even deeper into Taehyung’s embrace, relishing in the warmth despite the dampness that had begun to seep through Tae’s shirt. It would probably be wise for them both to get in the shower – at the very least to rinse off their sweat and germs – but they were far too comfortable to move. Tae felt as if his body had become moulded into the seat and the heat that was created between himself, Jimin and their blanket; paired with the medication he’d taken, only made him dozier. Even as his mind raced through various what-ifs of the future, his eyes gradually drifted shut up before jerking open with any sound or movement. Soft hands brushed soothingly up his side, edging him closer to sleep with low humming, and just as his eyes closed again there was a sharp knock at the door that caused both of them to groan.
 “If we ignore it, they might think we’re not here.” Jimin whispered.
 Ah…H’ERSHH! ..
 “… Never mind. Thank you Taetae.”
Another softer, more hesitant knock sounded through the apartment as Jimin pushed himself to his feet and handed control of the tissue box to Tae solemnly. He accepted it more desperately than he would have liked, but Jimin wasn’t going to judge him considering he’d been in the same situation just the day before.
 With a reluctant sigh, Jimin tried not to shiver against the loss of heat. “I’ll go see who it is then.”
  The photographer pushed himself up to sit cross legged instead off slouched down in the seat while Jimin left the room, so he could blow his nose as productively as he possible. Although his nose ached after so much blowing and he had immediately tumbled into a bout of coughing that had left him gasping and spitting into a tissue with a grimace, so he couldn’t really call it all that productive when it ultimately made him feel worse. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a yawn before considering just going to sleep anyway. From the front door he could vaguely make out Jimin’s voice – deeper and scratchier than usual – as he spoke with familiarity.
 Hopefully it wasn’t their neighbour. She had been hounding them about tidying up their balcony that, quite frankly, wasn’t that bad. Sure, it had way too many dead and dying plants and the chair out there had definitely seen better days, but if she didn’t like seeing it, she didn’t have to go out of her way to look. It wasn’t like they shared it.  
He leaned his head back to rest on the back of the couch and shut his eyes once more, trying to force himself to sink into sleep, yet it was now low grumbling and airy giggles kept him from rest. Irritated, he shifted so that he lay curled up on his side, tossing his heavy limbs around until he’d managed to get the soft, fluffy blanket over his body completely and tucked under his chin. Now if Jimin could get back so that he could at least have someone to cling onto, then he’d be ecstatic.
 Muffled coughing grew closer until Taehyung heard Jimin call out to him just loud enough to not disturb his penetrating, consistent headache.
 “Look,” Jimin practically collapsed on top of the photographer holding a small bouquet. He slid off quickly when the force of the landing set off Taehyung’s own thicker and hoarser coughs. “Sorry but look what Yoongi brought.”
 Ah… so there was a definite hold on the ‘cuddle’ part planned in their day. Once he didn’t think his throat was going to rip to pieces, Taehyung blinked heavily at the various bright flowers that had probably been put together with more thought and precision than he could possibly imagine in that moment. Clearly Yoongi had decided to call in a delivery, he wasn’t really surprised. Jimin’s eyes shone as if he truly hadn’t expected the florist to stop by, and Taehyung didn’t think the elder really cared what he thought about it, he had merely fallen into an instinctive habit. Although, Tae would have preferred not to be assaulted with things that would possibly trigger his sinuses.
He scrunched his nose and pushed away the hand that held the glorified weapons. There were quiet steps and a gentle murmur from behind them that he would have brushed off as him hearing things, if only Jimin didn’t glance up with such a warm, wide smile.
“Beau’iful Chim.” Tae sniffed and rolled so that the blankets rolled higher to hide his face.
 His cheeks were heated and Jimin turned his smile to him knowingly – albeit apologetic for letting Yoongi inside when Tae clearly just wanted Soulmate time. Jimin pressed a quick kiss to the small visible section of Tae’s damp forehead before getting to his feet with a stifled cough.
 “I’ll put these in water... You really didn’t have to come and check on me, you know.” Jimin said softly as he walked towards their kitchen. “Probably safer to just call.”
 “I’m not scared of getting sick, Jimin.” A low voice that could only be Yoongi, reassured as he followed the other. – So more than a delivery then.-  “I just wanted to make sure you were okay after yesterday. Hobi said he ran into Taehyung earlier… Although from the looks of things he should have probably stayed home, poor guy sounds worse than you did – than you do.”    
 Jimin hummed, and Taehyung shifted to cover his head entirely beneath the blanket, trying not to listen to the couples conversation. Maybe he should just move somewhere else and let them have some space without having to hide in the kitchen. Of course Yoongi would have to accept the fact that he was entering an area of disease, but he seemed more than willing considering he was already in their home.
Tae gave a sigh and then a deep sniffle. He plucked a fresh tissue to wipe at the tender skin under his nose. It took a moment to work up the energy but eventually he was able to twist so that he practically rolled off of the couch. His knees and hand connecting a lot harder than he’d predicted to the floor, while trying to keep the blanket as steady as possible on his hunched frame. With sluggish motions, he tried to sweep most of the used tissues up with his hands and dumped them into the wastepaper bin kicked under the table, then after achingly persistent hitch started up that had left him feeling frustrated at the lack of relief – he considered the area clean enough before standing unsteadily. Making sure the blanket was wrapped tightly over his shoulders, he grabbed the tissue box to take with him – Jimin could find something else, he felt he needed them more. Then he had almost tripped on the way to his room and had muttered half-hearted curses at the blanket for betraying him and getting caught up in his steps, until finally he was able to collapse onto his bed.
Sure it was cold and probably smelt of sweat but it was at least more comfortable than where he had been lying and it had pillows that he could hug in replacement of Jimin. He buried his face into his arm almost immediately, sneezing harshly twice before he was able to bring a tissue to his nose and smother three more, breaking off into an exhausted, thick cough that left him feeling miserable and wanting nothing more to recollect the bottle of medicine he’d taken earlier and take the rest of it.
God, he really was so over this stupid cold.
42 notes · View notes
girlwithlove7 · 2 years
Part 2
Word Count: 5418
Summary: Yoongi is a grumpy florist and Jimin can't stop himself from falling in love.
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Jimin and Jungkook sat on the floor with their legs tucked under them, tightly gripping on the console as they yelled at their characters on the screen. Jimin was not a huge fan of video games, but this one he had to win - though it was already a lost cause - since his money was at stake. Taehyung sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, cheering for Jungkook, hoping that the younger would share some money, which they all knew was highly impossible.
Almost two months have passed since Jimin and Yoongi's rendezvous. Jimin had recounted everything to Hoseok and had told him stringently not to ask for his help when it concerns the grumpy grandpa. Hoseok, on the other hand, kept apologizing for a whole week, even feasting him to lunch. Twice.
Jimin hadn't come across Yoongi during this time. Not even at the party last week. Not that it mattered, but he wondered how did the elder just disappear. But he didn't even bother to ask Hoseok.Though some nights he did find himself thinking about the shop and if they were able to set everything up.And then there were nights when he pondered upon the little patch of skin peeking through the silts of the elders' jeans. The pout that would appear every time he spoke or the silver rings adorning his long, veiny fingers. Soft and pure. Mostly, these thoughts would consume him when he had a little too much to drink and waited between his soft quilt for sleep to come.
But those were all drunken thoughts, when sober, Jimin felt anger bubbling in the pit of his stomach every time he thought about how ill-mannered the elder is.
The bell of their dorm room resounded but, neither Jimin nor Jungkook gave up. On the other hand, they began to scream louder considering only a few seconds were left in the game. Taehyung, along with his bowl of popcorn attended the door.
"Um...Chim...?" dazedly Taehyung called in after a minute. 
"Not now TAE!" Jimin was furiously jabbing on the console buttons. He was just a breath away from hurling it in frustration. 
"Umm...there's someone at the door asking for you," when both the boys gave him a deaf ear, he continued, "It's Yoongi..."
Jungkook slowed down a bit as he tried listening to Taehyung. But Jimin - although there was no way for him to win - kept bouncing and torturing the keys. 
"He's got flowers," Silence engulfed the entire dorm room. All evidence of the commotion disappeared in thin air. Jimin and Jungkook stared at each other for a good minute and then they both turned to look at a shocked Taehyung.
 "Are you sure it's for me?" Jimin asked carefully.
"He asked for Park Jimin, and I assume that's you," Jimin was sure that they were reflecting each other's expression of surprise. 
"No, there's a Park Jimin in 405 as well," 
"Park Jimin with a bright smile and silver hair." 
Jimin could now feel both Taehyung and Jungkook's eyes on him. He wasn't sure about the smile, but in the entire dormitory, he was the only one with silver hair. He hesitantly placed the console down and moved towards the door. He could feel the other two staring holes in his head.
Jimin was pretty sure that Yoongi got to the wrong address, but a part of him disagreed. But the moment he opened the door, he forgot how to breathe. There is no way this could be happening. No way, Min Yoongi was standing at his doorsteps. Dressed immaculately in a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans, a bouquet of yellow Gerbera daisy clutched in his hands. A shy, reluctant smile adorned his lips as he looked at Jimin with anticipation.
“Hi…” Yoongi stated shyly. While Jimin stood, stunned beyond belief. He opened his mouth to say something, but it seems the cat got his tongue. 
But then he finally managed, “Hyung?”
The elder smiled his gummy smile and Jimin could swear the butterflies stirred in his stomach. He looked down at the flowers as he offered them to Jimin, “These are for you.”
Jimin could hear a gasp from somewhere behind – He had completely forgotten about his friends – but couldn’t get himself to look away from Yoongi.
“What - what are you doing here?” Jimin queried, making no attempts to take the flowers.
“Um…” He rubbed the back of his neck timidly, “I was wondering if you would like to have coffee…with me?”
Jimin could literally hear his friends stepping closer. “Hyung I – “
“Please, just one coffee. I just want to make it up to you.”
“What just happened?” Jungkook asked as he plopped on the sofa. Jimin who was still standing near the door was looking at the flowers in his hands. Yoongi had finally left with a promise that they will meet tomorrow at the nearby cafeteria. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Taehyung asked. His lips had protruded out as a certain sadness laced his tone. 
“Tell you what?” Jimin replied as he moved towards the kitchen and placed the bouquet on the table, looking for a vase.
“That you and Yoongi hyung are a thing.” Jungkook was now leaning against the headrest of the couch. His hands were tucked in his pocket. 
Jimin, who was in the process of taking the vase from the top-most shelve, avoided an accident as the vase slipped from his hand. “What the hell, Jungkook? I and Yoongi are not a thing!”
“Then why did he ask you out?” Taehyung asked, “Besides, you two will make such a cute couple!” he exclaimed gleefully.
“Oh my God, No, no…” Jimin left the flowers and the vase as it is and walked towards their friends, “Listen, I don’t know what’s up with that Hyung. But we are not dating. I would never date that grumpy grandpa.”
“Uh-Huh, then why did you agree to have coffee with him?” 
“I…” when Jimin was at a loss of word and saw a coy smile on both his friend's faces, he realized there is no use talking to these idiots.
“Oh, screw you guys!” Jimin stated as he made his way to his bedroom. He could hear the two sniggering before he slammed his door. 
Jimin could feel his heart beat twice at a time. He jumped into his bed and wrapped his blanket around himself and yet he could feel giddiness crawling on his skin. He still wasn’t sure how he felt about Yoongi but ‘feelings’ were surely involved.  
It was a cold day laced in calmness. As Jimin walked towards the cafeteria, he witnessed the flowers waving in the breeze smiling up at him, happiness in vibrant colors and suddenly Jimin felt at ease.   
The day was calm but his insides were dancing in apprehension. In fact he hardly slept last night wondering what the purpose of this meet was. He occupied the table in the far end corner of the cafeteria, his leg tapping agitatedly as he continuously bit on his bottom lip.
He logged into his instagram account to stop himself from thinking too much or from checking his phone every second. Every time the doorbell jingled, he turned to look for those messy black locks and pretty pouty lips only to be disappointed. The bell jingled yet for the fourth time and still, no Yoongi, just some sophomores entering; their excitement resounding through the pastel walls. 
Since Jimin had a class at twelve, they had decided to meet at eleven. It was already ten past eleven and Jimin’s apprehension knew no bound. It was just crazy how he disliked the elder yet for some reason wanted to see him, listen to what he had to say. And it was his curiosity that urged him to wait for another twenty minutes, but when it was half-past eleven Jimin had enough. Now he simply felt irritated. First the elder was so harsh towards him for no apparent reason and then out of nowhere he shows up at his doorsteps, pleading to have a cup of coffee and when Jimin did agree, he stood him up. Jimin was beyond irritated, he was furious. He collects his stuff and stomps his way towards the exit.
For some ungodly reason, Jimin was looking forward to this. But alas, if he learned something today, it was not to expect much when it comes to Min Yoongi. He pulled the strap securely on his shoulder, books clutched in hand. He was just about to grab the door handle when someone from outside jerked it open and in no time Jimin was pinned to the ground, his eyes shut tight as he felt a sharp pain in his head.
Oh the day just gets better and better. 
The weight on top of him shifted a little and Jimin cracked open his eyes ready to yell, but his voice was lost somewhere as he recognized who the person hovering over him was. Yoongi was breathing heavily. He wore a red helmet; his eyes wide open as his mouth formed a little o.
“Fuck. Fuck,” Jimin felt his breath fanning his cheeks as Yoongi lifted himself making sure not to put any weight on the younger. Yoongi stood up and without caring about the onlookers, stretched his hand to help Jimin. 
“Are you okay?”Jimin was too stunned to either reply or take the hand offered to him. When the elder called out his name, Jimin immediately stood up rubbing his head. “Did I hurt you?” the elder asked concerned and Jimin stopped for a moment looking at the elder, “I was in a hurry and didn’t see where I was going,” Yoongi explained slowly.
“It’s alright,” Jimin scoffed, “I wonder what got you all rushed up,” Jimin continued sarcastically but he swears he could see light pink dusting the elder's cheeks. 
Soft and pure. 
Unbuckling his helmet, Yoongi glanced at the huge clock on the pastel wall, “Do you still have time for a cup?” Yoongi asked hesitantly as he combed his hand through his hair and Jimin noticed the thick silver band resting on his index finger. It was such a stark contrast against his smooth skin it reminded Jimin of metal against silk.
 “Sorry, Yoongi,” he bent down to collect his scattered books, “But can’t miss the first lecture of the day.” With that he storms out of the cafeteria, banging the door in the elders face.
Serves you right, Min Yoongi! 
Taehyung was seated on the white rusted bleachers as he looked at his two best-friends play football. Well one of them was surely his best friend, but the other, he was not very sure. It was Thursday today, a day when all three of them finish their classes early and then come down to the field where Taehyung simply sits on the bleachers – since he wasn’t a big fan of sports or exercise in general – and Jimin and Jungkook have a match of badminton, soccer or simply take rounds around the court. But that’s not it. They used this time to talk about their life, the miseries they are going through, about their crushes, and everything and anything in general. 
As usual, Taehyungs eyes were fixed on Jungkook. Both the boys had simply discarded their t-shirts and were wrestling with the ball just in their jeans. Not uncommon. Three boys, friends for that matter, who are almost, always together, being very comfortable with their bodies. Not uncommon at all. But Tae couldn’t help but gulp thickly when his eyes roved through the younger’s chiseled torso. His eyes start trailing the thin sheen of sweat making its way south and disappearing under his waistband. He felt blood rushing to his cheeks and he instantly turned around to admire the setting sun instead. 
Damn he needs to get his shit right!
The two boys, by now their shoulders heaving heavily and pouring in sweat, flopped down on the bleacher in front of Taehyung. Instinctively, they both reached for the water bottle and gobbled as much as they could in one sip. Jimin set aside the bottle and cupped his face as he rubbed his eyes. 
“Come on hyung, it was not that bad a match. Plus you should get used to losing to me by now” Jimin turned so quickly that for a moment Taehyung thought that he might have injured his neck. It’s a blessing that Jungkook is so adorable considering the number of times he teases Jimin makes Taehyung think that he has a death wish.
“Shut up you virgin bunny!” Jimin hissed back and Tae had to stifle his laughter as he saw Jungkook stiffen and blush furiously. They can talk about anything, curse each other as much as they want but when it comes to sex, Jungkook still behaves like a shy kid. 
Taehyung remembers the night when they had persuaded him to open up about his love life. It was the night before their final exam, last year, and the three were sitting in Tae and Jimin’s dorm room. Jungkook’s room was just a floor above but he dined, slept and practically lived in their room. So much so that he even had some of his clothes lying around here and there. An energy drink in hand, they all sat around the coffee table surrounded by books, laptops and all kinds of colorful stationery. 
They were studying continuously and sincerely for three hours straight. Their backs were sore, their butts stinging from sitting too long and so they decided to finally take a short break. When the casual conversation turned to discussing experiences of making out and losing their virginity, they never realized but it was a new deeper doorway to their bond. Jimin was talking about his relationship with his ex, of which Tae was in check with all the minute details. After all he was the one who was beside him, holding him close as he cried his eyes out. It was not just horrible for Jimin but Tae as well to see his chirpy, happy-go-lucky friend feel so worthless about himself. 
Taehyung was already done talking about his flings and one night stands – sadly, he hasn’t managed to find himself someone permanent. But it doesn’t hurt much now. He is adapting to this wild lifestyle, somehow. He could taste the bitterness in Jimin’s voice on his own tongue, a sting in his heart to see the gloomy expression on his best-friends face. When Jimin was done, and they both had finally cursed his ex to their heart’s content, they turned around to look at Jungkook, eager to hear his tale. 
Jimin almost choked and Tae just stared at him incredulously as the younger informed them that he has no experience in this field at all.
“With that body, how have you managed to stay single for so long?” Jimin had questioned and Jungkook had simply replied with a shrug.
After a moments silence he added, “Girls…they…terrify me”.
Jimin burst out laughing but Taehyung just kept on looking at the boy. There was this innocence in his huge doe eyes, the way he bit his lips and avoided eye-contact. Taehyung could just not take his eyes off him.
“And boys?” Jimin asked with a devilish smirk and that was the exact moment Taehyung’s heart skipped a beat. The Youngers eyes went absurdly wide as pink color kissed his cheeks. It reminded Taehyung of a spring rose and suddenly his heart swelled in admiration as he felt a current wave through his very veins.
“Yah, Tae-tae?” Jimin’s voice pulled him out of his memories.
“Clearly you weren’t…” Jimin remarked as he sat back with his head resting on Tae’s knees.
Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged a calculative glance. Today was the day Jimin was supposed to meet Yoongi hyung for a coffee. He did leave an hour early but he had been in a cranky mood since morning.
“So Jimin,” Tae began slowly, “How was your date with Yoongi hyung?”
“Oh for God’s sake, it wasn’t a date. That asshole showed up in the last moment when I was just about to leave.”
“Oh, so that’s why you are sad.” Jungkook said as he unfolded his t-shirt. 
“Who says I am sad?” Jimin jerked upright. 
“You haven’t been in a very bright mood today. We are just concerned.” Tae answered as he handed him his t-shirt. 
Jimin just sighed and looked at the t-shirt in his hands. “I am not sad, okay.” He started to unfold his T-shirt, ready to put it on his sticky body, “I agreed to meet him so I could get my well-deserved apology. But surely God had different plans.”
Taehyung could swear he saw a pout protruding on his lips. It seems like Jungkook noticed it too because when they looked at each other they couldn’t help but snigger at their dumb friends subtle behavior.
All three of them stood up collecting their backpacks and making their way slowly to their dorms. “So I heard Hoseok hyung is throwing a party once his exams are over.” Jungkook added to change and lighten the mood. 
“He is?” Jimin asked as he sipped from his bottle, “I know nothing about that. In fact, I didn’t see hyung today at all.”
“Yeah his examination was to begin at twelve. I met him before the class when you were…busy trying to get your ‘well-deserved apology’. Jungkook and Taehyung both grinned at that and Jimin just grunted in distaste. 
“Can you guys cut it already?” 
“Um…no.” The younger stated mockingly.
“You little shit; it’s not funny, okay?”
“Duh, it is” Jungkook answered with a bunny smile and Taehyung would have squished his cheeks if he hadn’t noticed death in Jimin’s eyes. 
“It isn’t funny guys,” Jimin mumbled in a low voice which made even Jungkook pay attention, “I know he dislikes me but he was the one who showed up at our doorsteps with flowers and then he doesn’t even show up for coffee. Ah! This is so frustrating!”
Taehyung and Jungkook just looked at each other. 
“Um…chim?” Taehyung took the lead this time.
“You sure you don’t…you don’t have feelings for Yoongi hyung?”
Jimin halted abruptly. He turned to look at his friends, his cheeks pink. “What the hell? What makes you think I will like that grumpy grandpa?”
“Well, if this behaviour of yours…” Taehyung pointed a finger at Jimin which somehow made him feel as if he was accusing him of a crime, “…doesn’t prove enough, we have heard you drunk-talk about hyung.”
Jimin looked mortified, hurt and stunned all at once, “I…I never speak about Yoongi when I am drunk!”
“Told you we should record it” Jungkook nonchalantly mumbled to Taehyung. 
“You literally accepted that – and to quote your words, “I can feel baby butterflies having a fancy tea party in my stomach every time I look at hyungie.”
“Baby butterflies!?” Jimin yelled with repugnance. “I will never say something like that!” Jimin continued. 
“Oh please, drunken Diminie is totally nutty. You once whined about how pretty Yoongi hyung’s lips are” Jungkook stated and looked at Tae as they both grinned. 
“And that time when you wanted to lick the skin that peeks through his ripped jeans.”
There was complete silence now. Jungkook and Jimin were staring at Taehyung. “Why the hell can I not recollect this happening?” Jungkook asked feeling betrayed. 
“Because…” Taehyung pinched the Youngers cheeks, “You too were wasted that night. Can you imagine how tedious a job it was to carry you two drunken muscle pigs back home. I almost broke my spine.” Taehyung whined, but neither of the two paid attention. 
“Was…was I drunk-talking too?” Jungkook’s voice was low due to hesitance. 
Of course he was. That night was a terrible night for Taehyung. Not only did he have to carry a horny Jimin back home but this time he was burdened with a horny Jungkook. Now there is nothing wrong with being thirsty but he couldn’t neglect the green, hot jealousy bubbling in his guts every time Jungkook mentioned the hot bartender and how he wanted to shove his tongue down his throat. 
Taehyung was just about to answer but they almost jumped out of their skins when they hear a sharp shriek escape through Jimin’s mouth.
“What the fuck, Park?” Jungkook asked resting a hand on his chest. 
“What is wrong with me!” he asked covering his face with his hands.
“I think you are pining over Yoongi hyung.”
Taehyung added matter-of-factly. 
“Guys…” Jimin groaned but Jungkook interjected.
“I think you are sexually frustrated.”
“And you know a lot about sexual frustration?” Jimin sassed.
“Of course his virgin ass knows all about it, right Gukkiee?” Taehyung nudged the younger playfully. When the younger just stared at them horrified, the other two burst out giggling.
The rest of the way was spent teasing Jungkook and him retaliating with a pout. For the time being, Jimin was glad for the subject change. But he knows sooner or later, he will have to figure his shit out.  
The cafeteria was a cacophony of loud chatter, each table a cosseted huddle of people. People were talking animatedly, enthusiasm buzzing all around them. Jimin wiped tears as he laughed at Hoseok and Taehyung dancing to ‘Touch my body’. Well they weren’t really dancing, just moving their bodies trying to be seductive but ending up looking like two goofballs. The reasons for all this hype was mostly because the third year’s had their last exam of this semester and were ready for a mini break. Namjoon and Seokjin were also laughing their hearts out. Though there were huge dark circles adorning their faces, their eyes were bright with satisfaction. 
Everyone was present except Yoongi. Jimin did ask Hoseok, very casually, about his whereabouts. “He didn't appear for the exam” is all he informed.
The sensuous dance went on for some more minutes. Jin was now stuffing his mouth with some salmon sandwiches while Namjoon recorded the antics of the two boys. 
“Alright, now listen you all,” Hoseok banged his fist on the table and Taehyung finally sat down huffing. All ears were on mighty Hoseok now, “the party is tonight, as you all are aware. If even one of you backs down now, I will throttle you with my own bare hands. Understood?”
Silence was all one can hear. But soon they all erupted in fits of laughter.
“Yo Hobi, ever considered becoming a gang leader or something?” Namjoon questioned adjusting his beanie.
“What do you think is my backup plan if my dance career flops?” Hobi smirks and then winks at Namjoon. 
“Bullshit,” Jimin piped in, “there is no such thing as a flop when it comes to your dancing skills.” 
“J-jiminie, baby…” within a second, Hoseok was on his feet, back hugging the younger, leaving kisses on top of his head. 
“Ewe! Gross. Hyung stop!” Jimin began struggling as the table once again exploded in hearty laughter. 
 Taehyung bumped into Jimin as he took an abrupt halt. “What the hell, Chim?” 
Jimin was tongue-tied. His heart jackhammered against his chest as he felt his throat constricting in agitation. Well Hoseok did mention that some of his friends will be present in the party, but he had also mentioned that ‘Yoongi will probably not be there’. But Yoongi is here, right in front of Jimin looking extraordinarily good. Long fingers loosely holding the red beer Styrofoam cup and a lazy smirk stretched on his lips as he lackadaisically conversed with someone. 
“I see your beloved Yoongi hyung is here…” Taehyung whispered in his ear.
Jimin spun around jerkily and motioned Taehyung to move behind, “That’s it! Fun time over. Time to go to bed!” Jimin kept on pushing Taehyung but stopped when someone put a hand over his shoulder.
“Ah, my boys are finally here!” Seokjin speaks giddily. He looked as handsome as ever wearing a black cashmere hoodie and mud-brown jeans. His cheeks were red and eyes glossy. He flashed them a dazzling smile. 
“Wow hyung,” Taehyung chuckled, “You are already drunk?”
“I didn’t lay a finger on alcohol the last entire month, I need to make up for that!” he dragged the other two towards the couch which was in the center. Jimin noticed all the chaos and Hoseok, the reason behind all the chaos. 
Jimin detached himself from Seokjin and went straight to Hoseok. He needed answers and he needed them now. When in the morning he had confirmed about Yoongi’s whereabouts, it was simply because he wanted to have a good, peaceful night. Eat a little, drink a little and dance to his heart’s content but it was all in the drain.    
Hoseok was busy laughing to something and moving to the beats. He turned around in time to notice Jimin approaching, “Jiminie!”
Skipping all the salutations, he grabbed Hoseok’s elbow and pulled him in a secluded corner. Before Jimin could even utter a word, Hoseok began, “Jimin, I can explain.”
Both arms folded across his chest, Jimin pinned him with an icy glare. His last few days were filled with endless apologies and explanations and it just keeps getting better and better every day. 
“I swear to God he told us he won’t be attending the party. I would have Informed you beforehand.”
Hoseok went on blabbering about his oblivion whereas Jimin just stared at the elder’s sincere expression. He sighed heavily. Things haven’t been going well for him what with the approaching exams and hectic dance schedules. A night of peace is all that he wanted and after a moment’s thought, he looked at Hoseok, told him that everything’s alright and then went in search of some drinks.
At first, the venue of this small get-together was supposed to be Hoseok and Seokjin’s dorm room but soon enough they realized that this small get-together was not that small and they would need a bigger room.  So they decided to take the common room. It took Hoseok a lot of self-control to not break into a fight with that loudmouth dorm supervisor. But Jimin could tell he was an annoying character not because of his personal experience but he had seen him getting into petty arguments with Jungkook a lot of times. Though the seniors and the juniors were in the same building, their wings were separate. The terraces were the only in-built connection. 
Jimin picked up the red cup without even bothering to look what concoction is inside. He just wanted something in his hand because after what Taehyung said about his drunk-talking, he couldn’t risk anything. Especially now, since he was in the same room as the devil.
He glanced around to see a lot of known faces. Few he greeted, few his simply avoided making eye-contact just to save himself. Finally, he realized that even the music wasn’t that energizing for him and that he needed a minute of peace.  
Instead of exiting the room, he made his way to the gaming room.
Three tiny bulbs hung from the ceiling. One above the blue, ancient-looking table-tennis. Jimin could see the net was in a poor condition and the rackets were left around hastily. The second bulb was right above the small, rickety table that held the chess-board. The chess pieces lay strewn. Jimin noticed some pieces littered on the ground along with the score sheets. The third one, Jimin noticed was above a billiard table. He smiled a little advancing towards it. The room wafted of sweat and old, unwashed carpet but it was not at all concerning. 
The balls rested peacefully between the ball rack and two cues were set next to them. Jimin picked up one of them and examined it. The wooden stick was impressively less damaged; the cushion on the tip well-treated and intact. He placed his cup on the edge of the green felt and delicately raised the ball rack. Placing the cue between his thumb and index finger, Jimin leaned forward as he aimed on the ‘sweet spot’ of the cue ball. He was not an expert; In fact, he barely knew the basics of it.
Though, Jimin did ask Seokjin on several occasions to tutor him.
He was successful in breaking the 8-ball but missed his aim that was the nose of the rack. He straightened and leaned on the stick as he stared at the balls, some scattered while the majority remained intact. 
“You need to loosen your grip.”
From nowhere someone voiced and Jimin jumped out of his skin. He pivoted on his heels to finally notice a figure slowly stepping out of the dark.  
“Holy shit…!” Jimin blurted, “You scared the living daylights out of me man!” he places his hand on his forehead to realize it was coated with a thin sheen of sweat. But all his actions came to a halt when he recognized who it was.
Yoongi ambled forward and paused right in front of Jimin. 
And there he was the person who Jimin was trying so hard to avoid the entire night standing in front of him, looking extremely handsome and a soft smile gracing his lips. 
“Min Yoongi” Jimin sighed, his eyes tracing the golden light veiling his features. His black eyes were drilling into Jimin’s and he could swear he had never seen such dark eyes with so much light in them. 
“Park Jimin,” Yoongi nodded once and then glanced at the billiard table, “It was a nice shot; you just need to loosen the grip on the cue.” He clenched and unclenched his fist. Their eyes were glued to each other. 
“I am not much of a player…” Jimin whispered, but when he noticed Yoongi’s eyes examining his face, instantly his cheeks begin to heat up.
He stepped away from Yoongi placing the cue on the felt, simultaneously mumbling, “I must get going…”
“Jimin!” The elder made an attempt to physically stop him but refrained as he saw Jimin’s eyes grow wide. Yoongi has stepped closer and Jimin could now see tiny, light freckles littered on the bridge of his nose and cheek bones. For some odd reason Jimin gulped thickly as he noticed red in the elders cheeks. The air around them growing a bit too hot.
“I really need –“ 
“I am sorry.” Yoongi interrupted him. When Jimin just stared in bewilderment, he continued, “I am aware that I have been a bit rude to you…”
Jimin cocked his eyebrow questioningly, “A bit?”
And then, Yoongi gives him a smile that seems so genuine and sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushed through Jimin. 
“I have been very rude to you,” He looks at Jimin kindly, “I am sorry. Last few months have been one hell of a roller coaster ride.” Yoongi looks away, his fingers messing with a ball.
When he does that, Jimin takes the opportunity to look at him freely.One of Yoongi’s hands was tucked in his pocket while the other fidgeted with the ball. No longer was his smile genuine, but a forced expression. Suddenly, Jimin’s heart felt heavy.
“What happened?” Jimin murmured and when Yoongi looked at him, he felt a heavy static thrumming through his veins.  
Yoongi smiled but not wide enough to light his eyes, “A lot of things happened. But the point is I am genuinely sorry. I wanted to apologize long ago but I kept messing it up. I-”
“It’s alright” Jimin blurted without even thinking through. He didn’t even realize when his mouth formed those words or voiced it but he was grateful because Yoongi’s smile was back.
The smile that makes Jimin feel alive. 
“So, you forgive me?” Yoongi asks eagerly and Jimin’s heart swells in admiration. 
Jimin sighed and pressed his lips to suppress his smile but it was all a waste. As soon as he opened his mouth his lips erupted in a huge eye-smile, the one which Yoongi reciprocated.
“I guess I do.”
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bts are the y/n in this florist au
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goldsprite · 4 years
Taetae I love you but what the fuck-
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aphrodijin · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga Characters: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga Additional Tags: Fluff, Thief Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Florist Min Yoongi | Suga, Minor Character Death, Alternate Universe - Flower Shop, Fluff and Humor, Humor, First Meetings, Meet-Cute Summary: In which Hoseok steals a bouquet of flowers from Yoongi's flower shop.
it's the "sometimes i steal flowers from your shop, but today you've caught me and have demanded to come with me to make sure the 'girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft' and i'm trying to figure out how to break it to you that we're on our way to meet my sister" au
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1quote-day · 6 years
Min Yoongi/Suga:
“I own a flower shop. I carry flowers everyday”
Jung Hoseok/J-Hope:
“Your face is a flower”
- Sope, BTS 2018
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justanotherkpopblog · 6 years
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Yoonseok | Florist Yoongi / Café Owner Hoseok
I opened a Flower Shop and you’re the cute Café owner opposite my shop who brings me coffee everyday. At some point you started drawing cute stuff on the coffees.
“I’d like a bouquet” “Hoseok please I have work to do” “Me too, that’s why I need the bouquet” You smile. You always did. I never saw you sad. I went back home that day and found you in front of my door holding the bouquet I made you. “You’re always grumpy so from now on I’ll buy you flowers everyday” “From my own flower shop?” “From your own flower shop!”
And you kept your promise. Everyday, for 6 months you came in, bought a flower and gave it to me. We grew closer. But then you had to leave. I wouldn’t see you for a year. The flowers stopped and I got grumpy again. My coffee didn’t taste the same without your hearts on it and the shop grew quiet.
I left the shop late tonight and headed home through the heavy rain. At my doorstep was a bouquet and in the dark behind me a soft voice. “Happy birthday hyung”
You were back.
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guksthighs · 7 years
Euphuistic ( i )
one | two | three
Summary: Hoseok’s delivery of flowers does not go as planned when it starts raining and someone mysertious gives him an umbrella.
Genre: humour, fluff, tattoo artist x florist! au
Length: 1.2k
A/N: i’m so here for shy hoseok and it’s happened okay. also pleASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK !!
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The smell of the fresh cut roses filled Hoseok's scent, the wafts of scent seemed to radiate from the flowers in a cloud of pale pink and golden glitter, his nose scrunched with the overwhelming perfume. Next, he reached for the paper, smoothing it out before reaching for the roses again; his fingers groped at the empty surface before he heard a chuckle and felt the bouquet being placed in his outstretched hand, "was this what you were reaching for?"
Hoseok looked up with a bright smile and Jin would swear the sunflowers turned their vivid yellow heads towards Hoseok as if he were a source of light, but he stopped himself from mentioning it to his colleague knowing it would just embarrass him. Hoseok had already forgotten his boss' presence, focusing on delicately wrapping the roses so the pale pink would not be tarnished by an unsightly brown bruise.
With a slight flourish of his hand, he handed the now wrapped roses to the customer, who instantly started smiling as he buried his nose into the flowers, "thank you so much, this is perfect!" Hoseok blushed and ducked his head in gratitude, watching as the customer left before sighing in relief and letting himself relax.
The clock's rhythmic ticking reminded him that he should be taking his break soon and with a glance at the ivory face, he quickly began walking around the shop selecting pale pink peonies and some lily of the valley that he wrapped in a huge bouquet and he could feel Jin's eyes on him as he made the bouquet for the local cafe that requested similar large bouquets every Monday.
"Take a break Seokie," Jin's large hands landed on his shoulders and squeezed them slightly just as Hoseok had tied the twine around the cellophane and the younger smiled, and moved out of his hold, grabbing his coat and shrugging it over his shoulders before grabbing the bouquet.
"I'll deliver it now and take my lunch," his voice was soft and Jin simply nodded, now busy sweeping the cut leaves and stalks off the table and into the bin, glancing up for a second to smile at the boy's back as he left, the door's chime breaking the soft piano that played across his shop.
The flowers rested on his shoulder, blocking his face from view as Hoseok made his way down the street. The clouds were low in the sky and he was sure it would start raining at any second so Hoseok walked faster, not looking where he was going as he made his way towards the cafe at the end of the road where he would probably grab a sandwich and coffee for his lunch.
The rain started suddenly, raindrops turning the pavement dark grey as the skies seemed to open above him, and soon Hoseok was running for the cafe, his feet thudding against the pavement as he tried to shield the flowers the best he could. When he finally made it to the pale yellow door, he realised it was shut.
The fairy lights were on inside but there were no customers, or for that fact any people inside and as the rain increased, Hoseok was trying to remember if they were shut but he made this delivery every week. He heaved a sigh and sticking his head out from the doorway, he glanced down the road, his body tensing as he prepared for a run.
"You need an umbrella?"
You had been helping unpack from the moving van when you had seen him, or it would be a better description as all you could make out were a pair of legs and a massive bouquet of flowers emerging from the flower shop next door to the shop you were now working at.
The box was placed into your outstretched arms by Namjoon, who gave a glance in the direction of the floral figure before meeting your eyes with a knowing look and a dimpled smile, "put that box away and then you can go talk to them."
Quickly nodding, you ran towards the store, barely stopping to look at the pastel purple storefront and the white cursive writing of the previous antique shop that had gone bust, instead your mind was focused on seeing the face of the mysterious flower holder.
When you had dumped the box on the floor, wincing slightly at the metallic clatter from inside it, you picked up a black umbrella, throwing open the door to catch up to the figure and you watched the bouquet walk into a doorway, only feeling the rain when a droplet landed on your nose which poked out from underneath your umbrella.
It was a boy, his hair was black and his fringe was splayed over his forehead and his lips were drawn together in an adorable pout. Your feet had already begun to take you in his direction and when you finally stood in front of him, a smile spread over your face as you tilted the umbrella to cover his shivering figure, "you need an umbrella?"
You watched him flinch back slightly, looking at you with wide eyes as his hands tightened on the flowers; his gaze fell to the floor as he looked at your scuffed boots before nodding slightly, his voice was soft as petals being blown in the wind, as he muttered, "would you mind walking me to the flower shop on the corner?"
He was handsome, and you watched in slight amusement as his eyes widened in shock as he stared at the black ink that decorated your arm, flowers bloomed on your skin and you nudged him slightly as you both walked slowly down the road, "Did I catch your name?"
"Hoseok, Jung Hoseok," his eyes shot back up to yours before he averted them as if scared to look at you, but you simply smiled. His voice was pretty and you wondered if he was working at the florist or if he had someone to give those flowers too, like a girlfriend.
The silence soon wrapped around the both of you, the rain continued and when you finally made it to the florist, Hoseok gave you a quick smile, "thank you, you really saved the flowers and me." He was standing in the doorway, as if hesitating to ask you something and you watched as he swallowed hard before opening his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by your boss.
"Y/N, stop slacking. I'm soaking over here and you can't do any studies of the flowers before every box is unpacked and we've had five customers," Namjoon called and you looked over your shoulder to shoot him a glare.
Turning back to Hoseok you were slightly surprised to find him smiling at you, "So you're called Y/N? It's a very pretty name and it seems you'll be working next to me," he plucked a peony from his bouquet and placed it into your hand before giving you one last smile, "you really saved me today, thank you Y/N."
next >>
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chattaboochel · 3 years
The Princess of Bangtan | Chap. 4
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WARNINGS: Swearing and descriptions of torture(will mark it in case you want to skip ahead), mentions of drugs and murder.
And I know Jhope, Jin and RM haven't been in it to much but I promise I have plans for each of the boys!
Words: 7k
Hope you enjoy!
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The unfortunate run in by the alley was a few days in the past and all seemed relatively normal, minus whatever the hell was going on with Jimin.
Kaia hadn’t seen him since that morning in her apartment, only getting a series of texts telling her theres nothing to worry about and adding the tag line of, 'I'll explain everything when I can.’
Maybe that would’ve meant more to the girl that stood at a 5’6 height, if she hadn’t already received variants of that same message for almost a week.
‘Gee I wonder who that is’, she asked herself sarcastically, pulling out her cell to see the man of the hour at it again.
Jimin: Hey, hope you’re taking it easy Kaia, l’m sorry I haven’t seen you a lot this week. Nothing is wrong, I just have a lot on my plate with work.
‘Bullshit’, she thought, knowing Jimin has been busy with work before but that never stopped the make from coming to see her before.
Jimin: I know you have questions and I’ll answer them the best I can alright? Soon I promise.
And there it was…
The temptation itched in her hand to throw her already broken phone on the floor, annoyed beyond belief.
Never mistake how much how much this girl adored Jimin, how deeply she cared for her childhood friend but ever since that night his whole demeanour was off. She knew him well enough to see that he knew something and he was keeping it from her.
Poor girl just didn’t know the scale of what of it was.
"Hey Kaia? You ok?"
Her body jumped at the voice calling out to her, almost dropping the bag of soil from the fright. "Huh? Y-Yes! Sorry, just have a lot on my mind Huening.”
Kaia’s fellow coworker gave her a small but optimistic smile as he helped carry the soil bag she almost dropped. "I've noticed, and I didn't want to point it out but your cheek-"
She sighed, a curse word tethering on her tongue when Huening mentioned her bruised cheek.
Most of the pain had vanished, the skin only now tinged in splotches of yellow and green as it slowly healed. She had done her best to cover as much of the evidence as she could with makeup whenever she would leave the house, apparently it was still visible enough that even the 19 year old took notice.
"Oh this? Was just a silly accident, nothing to worry about", Hueningkai took in her explanation with a slight frown but he didn't challenge it.
He wasn't an idiot, she knew that. He most likely saw through her lies the minute she spouted them.
Hueningkai and Kaia were fairly close, not in the way she was with Jimin but she always saw her her coworker as step in younger brother she never had.
Lying to him didn’t sit well with her but she knew if she told him exactly why her skin was bruised, like a true brother, she would never hear the end of it.
He would worry for Kaia and she didn’t want him to fret over her. Most of all she just didn't want to give her mind an excuse to bring her back to that night and when she was in Daniel's grasp.
Huening erased the concerned look off his face, replacing it with one his beaming smiles. "If you say so, but just so you know that no matter what's troubling you, you'll pull through. You're a tough cookie.”
A soft smile graced her lips at his words as well as his bright eyed grin. Huening always had a way of staying positive, she could only hope he’d never loose that disposition the way she did.
"I'm glad you hold me in such high esteem", She muses, returning back to the stack of soil bags to lift another.
Her associate florist chuckles while rushing over to assist her. "Well you do make my job a lot easier, not to mention our names are similar.”
She rolled her eyes at the younger boy as he referred to his full name, “Don't tell me you only enjoy working with me because my name is very close the end part of yours?"
Hueningkai goes quiet for a moment, almost as if he was pondering his words. "Would you be mad if at first that was true?"
Kaia raised her brows in question, watching him start to shift uncomfortably under her gaze before giggling when he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Her hand lifted up and began ruffling through his newly bleached hair. "Nah, you're way too cute to be mad at Huening.”
"Hey!", he protested, embarrassment flooding his cheeks. He tried tearing himself away from the teasing female but she made sign of letting him get away quite that easily.
Today’s shift at Freeze was pleasantly peaceful, only a few customers coming through the door every so often, making the day mostly uneventful aside from having to put away different items that came in stock.
Hueningkai enthusiastically waved at a leaving customer before depositing the cash he had received from them into the till, his deep brown eyes fixing themselves on Kaia as she did her daily cleanings around the store. "As I'm sure it's great to be working with me Kaia, it's time for your break!"
She giggled at his cheeriness, setting aside the broom. "I could just keep working?"
"And have Soobin on my ass? No thank you", A visible sweat drop started to form on his brow as he mentions the owner and both Kaias and his boss, his coworker only raised an eyebrow at the younger man.
"When has that stopped you before?", Huening blushes at her jest knowing he had walked right into that one.
"Since he threatened to cut my pay", muttering under his breath, glaring at the ground with contempt.
"No wonder your so pouty today", her comment had the boy with light hair stick out his tongue at the other freeze employee, the smaller one of two had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing. "Well I'll leave the store in your very capable hands”, Huening nods, giving Kaia a thumbs up as she heads out of Freezes to spend her quality break time out of the store.
A grin found itself on Kaias face as she gulped down her newly acquired cup of coffee, feeling the pleasant warmth travel down her throat as well as the caffeine boosting up her system.
Only still a few minuets into her break, she let herself wonder the streets while checking her phone.
Whilst she thought about messaging Jimin maybe even calling him, her phone buzzed in her palm, receiving a text notification she was not expecting.
JK: How are you Princess?
Jungkook, her savior from the alley had somehow wormed his way into Kaia's phone, not that she minded but it definitely made her eyebrow raise in question.
Kaia: Jungkook? How'd you get my number? And why do I have you saved as JK on here?
JK: Secret :)
Kaia fought out a scoff at his coyness, figuring he had slipped his number in when he had a hold of her phone the last time she saw him.
Not giving Kaia a chance to respond to that with some well equipped sass, He sent through another message, changing topic.
JK: How are you feeling?
Kaia: Aside from a slight throb in my cheek I'm just peachy, what about you? Your ribs okay?
JK: Nothing I can't handle Princess, no need to worry about me.
Kaia: Again with that nickname...
Kaia: please tell me you at least had them looked at?
JK: Yes I had them looked at Kaia, I'm in the clear.
Kaia would've smiled at that message if she didn't feel slightly put off by her surroundings.
She couldn't place it but it felt like something was lingering, that she had eyes trained on her her petite back as she was walking through the streets.
Kaia clutched her onto her phone as her eyes trailed around the area in suspicion, there wasn't many people out in the streets and anyone she looked at was clearly minding their own business or not worth taking note of.
Maybe that night was just making her paranoid, she thought to herself, but that didn't stop herself from darting back into the cafe she had gotten her beverage from.
Never hurts to be too careful, she rationalized before returning her attention back to the phone conversation with Jungkook, unaware on what he was conducting on his side of the screen.
Jungkook was absentmindedly spending his time at Jin's winery, keeping to himself at the back of the store so he wouldn't distract Jin's customers onto him.
He had an annoying habit of attracting specially the females that waltzed into his store and once they knew they would get nothing from him, they'd storm out in a fit and leaving without so much as looking at Jin's assortment of wines or cheese boards.
And Jin would not have any of that so unless he was working, Jungkook was sentenced to waste time in the back away from view.
Of course he still had his duties as Bangtans muscle and solider but his work load had taken a significant decrease due to his new found probation that was thrust upon him as a punishment.
Not being able to act as usual felt so restrictive to him and he couldn't stand it, but Jungkook wasn't stupid enough to fight it with RM when he was already in hot water with his boss.
He felt his mind take him back to that night but he didn't think of Taemin and his new found lackey taunting him in that alley, no he thought of her, the catalyst of all this mess.
Even though it had been days since he had last seen her, his mind couldn't quite be rid of her, often popping up in his moments of silence or just randomly.
She was so intriguing to him, he couldn't place why but there was something that captivated him when he thought of her.
Jungkook couldn't help himself but bring out his phone and type in her number into his contacts that he had memorized sneakily, and started texting her.
He wasn't expecting her respond, after all she didn't have a reason too but he was shocked to see her notifications appear atop his screen, surprised at how quickly she responded to him..
Jungkook let his lips curl up into a smile as he interacted with Kaia through the phone, even chuckling as she worried at the state of his bruised ribs, the sentiment reminding him of Jin which only made him laugh more.
Her responses go quiet for a moment for a few minuets, during that time of unmoved conversation Jungkook's phone buzzes in the group chat of the Bangtans seven.
Suga: We've got a situation.
RM: Wouldn't be the first, shoot.
Suga: YJ spotted a shadow on Kaia, she's being followed.
Jungkooks body stiffened at the information Suga had just unloaded, his ears only faintly picked up the sound of Jin exiting the store front of the winery and entering the back of the store with him, attention fixed onto his phone.
Suga: The fucker hightailed it after they realized YJ had spotted them.
Jungkook resisted the urge to text Kaia, worried for her safety especially given how their own conversation had abruptly ended, he wasted no time typing out his own response to the chat.
JK: Did he get a visual on the watcher?
Suga: Not much of one no.
V: Doubt we need one, pretty safe to assume on whose following her.
Jhope: If that's true then they are working fast.
Jimin: She okay?!
Suga: Looks to be , according to YJ, she darted herself into a close by cafe after she looked around the area.
Suga: He suspects she noticed that she was being followed.
Jin after reading the message clamped his hand on Jungkook shoulder. "She ran into a public area when she realized she may have been followed. Kid's smart.”
Jungkook smirked in agreeance, impressed with Kaia's actions in that moment.
RM: Get YJ to survey the area, see if he can track down the shadow.
Suga: Already on it.
Jimin: What about Kaia? If YJ goes after the shadow, we've got no eyes on her.
Jungkooks phone buzzed a separate notification away from the chat, the name of the sender making Jins eyebrow raised from above his shoulder.
Kaia: Sorry I went quiet, I uh, got distracted with something.
Kaia: I'm on break for work right now, what are you doing?
Jin watched the messages pop up with curiosity before removing himself from Jungkooks shoulder to type out his own message.
Jin: JK has contact with her, we can get him to watch her until YJ comes back with a report.
Jungkooks eyes widened before turning his surprised face to his elder who only raised his hand in mock surrender.
Jimin: Contact? The fuck is that supposed to mean?!
Jhope: Oh boy...
Jimin didn't need to be in the room for Jungkook to feel his glare in that moment.
RM: Enough, JK keep Kaia in your sights till you hear otherwise.
JK: Understood.
Jungkook tore himself away from the texts to answer Kaia.
JK: That's alright Princess, and I just so happen to be on break too, feel like wasting time together ?
Kaia at first was stunned with Jungkooks suggestion, but a part of her couldn't deny she was eager to spend time with the man that had saved her that night.
She did consider denying his request, considering she only had a small amount of time she had to in his words, "waste time" but as she told him where she was, it turns out that the winery was only a street away from her location.
So with newfound eagerness she agreed to meet with Jungkook until both their breaks were over.
"There you are Princess!", Jungkook called out to her as he practically barreled over to Kaia who was standing by the entrance of the cafe, waiting for him.
With a brow raised, she greeted the man as he sped over "That didn't take you long, Did you run all the way here?"
"You said you only had a little bit of time left of your break so I wanted to come as quickly as I could", He shyly chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck, her eyes catching the small tattoos that were inked on top of his hand and over his knuckles.
She wondered if he had any more past his hand but the jacket he had on currently was hiding away the skin on his arms so she couldn't tell.
"You didn't have to Jungkook", She said in between small giggles, her heart beating just that bit faster at the thought of him running over here so he could come spend time with her.
"No, but I wanted to", His sentiment made her smile and she gestured to her coffee, offering some of her beverage to him as they walked away from the cafe.
"So tell me, what's it like to work at the winery?", She questioned as Jungkook too the coffee cup from her hand to take a sip, his eyes widened for a second before reforming back to normal.
"Well what Jimin told you is true, I'm not in the store much, I handle more of the outside affairs", He says firmly, Kaia catching onto the vagueness of his answer as well as how his expression stiffened at the mention of Jimin.
"I see, Jimin doesn't speak on his work to much. The most I've heard about it is how one of his coworkers uh, Seokjin I think his name was, and how he likes to annoy him with puns.”
Jungkook took in her words, finding it impossible to laugh when Jin was brought up in the discussion. "Ahh that's Jin alright, he has a loose tongue shall we say?"
Kaia smirked, a chuckle escaping her lips as she thought about this mysterious 'Jin'. "I have a feeling he and I would get along then.”
"That I don't doubt.”
"I might be reading to far into it but, you and Jimin seemed... tense...", Kaia spoke carefully, not sure she was using the right words. "Do you guys, not get along?"
Jungkooks brows furrowed at her question, his eyes seemed so still to Kaia, making it hard for her to read him. "Well I wouldn't say that, we are friends, brothers even.”
Jungkook passes the coffee back to her, her hands taking it without leaving his gaze.
He sighed, halting his steps. "But brothers fight every so often", Kaia couldn't help but frown at his meek words, she hoped that Jungkook and Jimin would push away their differences and make up. "What about you Princess, you and him looked awfully... cozy.”
"W-what?", Kaias feet planted themselves on the ground, her face burning at Jungkooks accusation. "N-No! I mean we are... close yes but not like that. No..."
Jungkook smirked with his eyebrow raised, amused with her flushed appearance. "No?"
Kaias face burned harder as her mind wondered on the thought of it.
Kaia and Jimin..
Jimin and herself, together...
Jungkook continued to smirk as she remained silent, she not being able to read the genuine curiosity that lingered in his gaze.
Frantically shaking her head to rid herself of her flustered cheeks, she did all she could to avoid Jungkooks eyes. "N-No, I love Jimin but he's family.”
Kaia didn't know why she sounded so unsure of that.
Jungkook however only chuckled at the girl before him "You are way to easy to rile up you know", He teases with a mischievous grin, Kaia narrowed her eyes playfully as she smacked his arm.
"You ass!", He laughed at her attempts to hit him, she kept doing it until even she couldn't stop herself from laughing.
Kaia continued to walk with Jungkook back to her workplace, happy to bask in his pleasant company.
Once 'Freeze' was in sight she turned to Jungkook, a smile still etched on her face. "Hey, thanks for coming to hang out with me"
"Couldn't leave you on your lonesome during your break now could I?", Jungkook grins, Kaia not being able to take her eyes off his gorgeous features as he does so. "Besides I wanted to see you again but under less uh, dangerous circumstances.”
Kaias smile dropped a fraction at the mention of that night, something Jungkook took notice of almost instantly but before he could change topic another voice calls out from behind them.
"Danger makes things a little more interesting no?"
Jungkooks body stiffened as his eyes latched onto the new figure breaking into Kaia's and his conversation, a figure he knew all to well while Kaia almost jumped back from the sound of the new voice.
Her eyes met another set of deep brown irises, similar to Jungkooks doe eyes but this mans had an aura of mystery and maybe even a lurking darkness.
Kaia took in his appearance, so surprised with how beautiful this man was before her, his black hair perfectly tousled onto his head that complimented his tanned skin, his well structured jaw line and his plump lips.
The stranger noticed Kaia's watchful eyes with a smirk, something that Kaia annoyingly thought that just made him even more attractive, he bright his hand through his dark hair as he observed the girl with intrigue.
"I can see why Jimin kept you a secret", His husky voice alone would've made Kaia's cheeks burn if she wasn't so shocked to hear Jimins name come from his mouth.
"You know-"
"What are you doing here V? Jungkook cut her off before she could question this stranger, earning him a slight glare from Kaia from being interrupted. The stranger watched on with amusement as Jungkook crossed his arms against his chest.
Kaia watched the two with a quirked brow, dropping her annoyance for the time being as they addressed each other with familiarity.
"Duty calls JK", Jungkook sighs in response while the other turned his frame to face Kaia. "Sorry to tear him away from you Princess.”
Her eyes narrowed on V as he used the pet name that Jungkook had bestowed upon her. While she didn't mind JK himself calling her that , she would have to resist the urge to blush when he did. There was just something that when V said it made all the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
"Don't call me that", She snapped at V, his smirk freezing at Kaia's firm tone while Jungkook watched on with his bottom lip trapped between his teeth to contain his own smirk.
V collected himself as the Kaia still eyed him with a firm glare, his tongue pressed against his cheek. "Hm", that was all that escaped his lips before focusing his gaze on Jungkook.
Jungkook sighed, gently taking Kaias arm within his hand to guide her a few feet away from V which caused the man to roll his eyes with a scoff.
Kaia looks pointedly at Jungkook, lowering her voice as she spoke. "Ok something is going on here, How the hell does he know Jimin? He knows you too and what the fuck is this secret shit?”
"He really hasn't told you anything has he", Jungkook muttered under his breath, but Kaia heard every word.
"What's that supposed to mean?", She says, becoming more fed up as this common thread of secrecy. He didn't say a word, knowing he had already slipped up. "Jungkook", She presses but still, silence. "What do you know?"
Jungkook silently cursed, raising his hand that laid upon Kaias arm to her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Look, I -"
"If you say you'll tell me when you can, I swear Jungkook, I don't care how pretty you are I'm gonna kick your ass", She threatens under Jungkook grip, cutting off the familiar string of words she had been hearing for the last couple days. "I've been hearing enough of that bullshit from Jimin.”
In any other circumstance Jungkook would've teased Kaia on her choice of words, the fact that she had up and called him pretty had not been ignored by him.
If only she heard how his heart rate spiked as he heard her compliment, even if it was laced through a threat. "Then I'll say this instead", He lets out a pained chuckle, before leaning his face towards Kaia's ear. "I don't think it's my place to tell you, I know it's frustrating but trust me", his hand squeezes her shoulder tighter. "Just from now on be careful, you never know who is watching.”
Kaia's eyes could've bulged out her head as Jungkook left those words with her, the eerie feeling from when she was at the coffee shop returned ten fold as it seemed like Jungkook had indirectly confirmed that she was being followed.
Jungkook didn't let Kaia to respond to his words before walking away toward V, leaving Kaia stunned by the door of Freezes Flower Pot.
⚠ Torture Scene up ahead guys ⚠
J U N G K O O K &
Jeon Jungkook was a kind man in retrospect, he was as selfless as they come, competitive but he was always a person who cared deeply for others.
But that kind persona was left behind the moment he walked away from Kaia, the man that was now was with V, was JK. And JK was not the man who joked and played around with Kaia, no, JK was a man who after all was a criminal and one of the heads of BTS.
A man many criminals of Seoul's under city feared to see, and if they did they wouldn't return.
"And here I thought my day wouldn't be interesting", His partner, Kim Taehyung practically sang as he slid down the steel steps leading towards the basement, JK hot on his heels.
The walls were a slick grey, without a window in sight, insulated with sound proofing to hide away all the grotesque goings on that took place in this room.
A room Kim Taehyung reveled in.
In the center, illuminated only by a single flickering light was a man seated upon a chair or more accurately tied down to it.
The shadow as he was cutely named, flinched at V's voice echoing through the drab walls, only silent because of the gag that had tightly tied around his mouth.
V chuckled at the glare his new toy was giving him and his brother in arms but Taehyung could see the one thing that always made his blood burn with pleasure.
He could practically taste it and he hadn't even started yet.
Another figure emerged from the corner of the room, tearing the mafia brothers away from their prey for a moment.
The approaching figure bowed to the heads, a sign of respect before handing over a series of items. "These were found on him when YJ apprehended him.”
JK nodded, taking the objects from him. V viewing them from JK's shoulder. "Thanks BG, why don't you head on out? we'll take it from here.”
The younger male nodded without a word, jogging up back the stairs, leaving the captured soul alone with Jungkook and V.
"Let's see what our shadow had on him shall we?", V jests wrapping his around around JK's shoulder, sharing a smirk with each other.
The man didn't have much, a set of keys, a steel lighter that JK felt the need to hold onto, as well as pack of cigarettes that looked to be newly bought if they had been going off the clear seal that encased the packaging.
Of course those trinkets seemed boring to V, deftly tossing them behind him as JK passed them over for his inspection.
"Ahh, now this is interesting", Taehyung grins as he deftly swiped a leather wallet from JK's hands, not caring for the contents as he fiddled through the compartments until his fingers pulled a singular card.
An I.D of all things.
The man pulled at his ropes but they only kept digging further into his skin, muffled winces barely escaping the gag.
"Keeping an ID on you? Really Minho?", The man lurched in the chair, only to be tugged back his ropes, the reaction getting a sinister laugh from his oppressors.
"Not very smart of you, but given what else you were up to today can't say I'm surprised to find out you're a tool", Minho snarled behind the gag at V's words, completely unaware that he was playing right into the spy masters hands.
"Temper temper~", JK tuts, stepping forward with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Let's get to business shall we?"
"This is how things are going to go Minho", V also stepping forward, bending down to be at the mans level. "You're going to answer our questions, honestly.”
V keep his gaze firm, borderline unreadable. "And if I don't like the answers", JK threw his tattooed hand across Minho's cheek, striking it with a fierce punch.
"Well, I'm sure that even your simple brain can understand pain", The spymasters voice low and unyielding, thick with malice but with also a deranged glee.
JK flexed his wrist for a second before pulling out Minho's gag from his lips, the man chocked on the air before spitting out by Taehyungs feet.
"Go fuck yourself", the man seethed, hands gripping the ends of the chair he was bound to so tight the skin on his knuckles started turning white.
It only took a gesture from V to get Jungkook to bring down his fist again, only this time into the mans gut instead of his cheek.
Minho let out chocked gag, almost feeling bile rise in his throat from the hit he had taken to his stomach.
"I only want to hear answers from you Minho, you speak out of turn again and I'll make sure JK really makes the next one hurt", V threatens as he rises to his feet, his voice dropping down an octave as he does.
His new toy empties his mouth out of spit away from JK and V but doesn't say a word, a silent acknowledgment that he was indeed listening.
"So the tool can listen, see? we're already making progress", Jungkook taunts Minho, who stills in his chair but still not muttering a single word, only gritting his teeth together to suppress more foul words he wanted to throw at the Bangtan boys.
"Who would've thought", V circled Minho like a shark, waiting so desperately for his prey. "I'm sure you know why you here in this cold little basement.”
Minho nods silently but Taehyung only narrowed his eyes, his hand thrusting into the mans hair pulling it backwards painfully. "Words, Minho.”
"F-Fuck, yes I fucking know!"
Satisfied, V loosens his grip, forcefully pushing Minho's head away from his hand with a grunt.
"Well then, I'm sure you'd be more than willing to enlighten us on what exactly you were doing then? Following that girl", Jungkook asks, his amused eyes only turning into a hard glare as he mentions Kaia, something V had taken notice of.
The captured Minho just scoffs, pulling at his restraints once again. "I was only following her just so I could fuck her, girl had a nice pair of legs on her as well as other things", Jungkook felt his jaw clench, wanting to so desperately tear this man apart.
How he spoke of Kaia made his skin crawl, the way Minho adjusted the lower half of his body as those words left his disgusting mouth, Jungkook didn't realize how protective of Kaia he was.
V sighed in fake disappointment, Minhos resistance a welcome sight for him. “And here thought we were going to be honest with each other.”
The spymaster nodded to JK again, seconds go by before JK started swinging his fists down on Minho, somehow even harder than his last hits. V slipped into the shadows, biting his lip at those delightful sounds that left Minhos mouth.
The grunts and pained gasps could've been mistaken as a beautiful melody to V's ears. The gentle dripping of Minhos blood hitting the floor from all the little cuts JK left as he wailed on him had V's body shuddering with exuberance, with pleasure.
V picked up Minho's unopened cigarette box, tossing it in his hands before turning back, his grin deepened more when he saw Minho's damaged face.
Blood poured from his nose and mouth, his bottom lip was split, scratched and new found cuts adorned his skin.
To any other untrained eye it would just look like JK had went for him like most people do after they get into a brawl but V's job was to see the things that others dont, the finer details that others so easily miss.
While V had seen Jungkook at his worse, what he could really do and how this was nowhere near that, V had noticed that JK had went harder on his shadow, harder than what most of his playthings experience at this stage.
V had a pretty good idea as to why this was.
'Already so protective of that girl.’
He could see it, the way his jaw clenched at Minho's words, the way his body stiffened when he collected him from her, when he spoke with Kaia himself.
He was getting attached.
'But why?', he thought.
Jungkook was no stranger to interacting with other women, so he couldn’t chop it up as him just being infatuated with the first pretty face to bat their eye lashes at him.
He didn't seem to have a previous relationship with her as Jimin did.
What was it about this woman, this girl, that has him acting in this way, a prize that even Jimin had kept secret from him and he despised having secrets kept from him.
'I guess I'll find out what makes you so interesting soon Kaia.’
V licks his lips at Minho's battered body, signaling JK to stop his assault as he approached him.
"Would you believe that he could go harder Minho? That he could punish you to where you begged him just to end it?", Minho who was painfully heaving, looked up at V with shocked eyes, finding that almost hard to believe given the beating he had already received. His shocked orbs falling to JK who raised his brows up at Minho, silently challenging him to dare to find out.
"But you want to know one thing?", V wouldn't allow him to respond, grabbing Minho's jaw in a vice grip, his nails digging and cutting into his skin, bringing his attention back onto him. "The one you should fear in this room is me, so I'm going to give you...".
His grip on Minho's face continued tighten after each word he spoke. Minho desperately tried to pull himself away from V's increasingly strong grip but Jungkook moved behind him to hold his shoulders down. "You were following someone under our protection, why? What were you planning once you had her?"
V's eyes narrowed into slits as he eyed the man squirming in his hold, the glare made Minho wriggle in his seat uncomfortably, Jungkook having to tighten the hands on his shoulders to keep him still.
"I-I told you! I just wanted a quick fuck-"
"A tool to the end I see", V cuts him off, knowing the mans words were full of lies and god was he happy they were.
Now the real fun could begin.
"You know these little things are so bad for you Minho", The spymaster chastises his plaything who just eyed him with confusion.
His fingers start tearing through the packaging, making the process agonizingly slow for Minhos watching eyes.
He let his fingers slowly graze the paper on the cigarette as he pulled it out of the box. "Such a small thing could cause so much damage, Cancer, heart disease, the list goes on really."
"T-This is your plan? Scold me to a confession? This is the great V of Bangtan at work? You're a joke", Minhos taunting words, stuttered as they were, still made V narrow his eyes only this time a flicker of emotion was set ablaze in his eyes.
Minho had no idea how big of a mistake he had just made.
JK however knew very well and he couldn't hold in his chuckle from behind Minho, shaking his head.
"You probably thought you had a little power didn’t you?, I bet your small cock twitched as you tried to get under my skin", V's voice was dangerously low, his eyes flickered up to JK who took that as his cue to reach into his jacket pocket to toss him Minho's lighter which he had taken a few moments earlier.
V caught the lighter within his palm, wasting no time to light the cigarette but he did not take a singular whiff, "but I'm going to clue you in on a little secret", he stepped forward using his head to gesture to JK.
The roles reversed, JK held Minho's jaw, forcing his head back and mouth open, the man squirming in his grip. V's head tilted off to the side with a completely deranged smirk now on his face,"You have no idea how much worse you just made it for yourself.”
"What are you-"
"We're showing you how dangerous these are little Minho, maybe we can get you to quit after we're through", V's voice dripping with fake sympathy as he made sure to let the cigarette linger under the flame once more before placing the singed end directly on Minho's tongue.
The sizzling of Minho's flesh accompanied by his gargled screams permeated the room, the sounds were nicer on V's ears to listen to than the tool's cocky words.
He repeated this process on various spots on his body, making sure V left his mark on Minho's skin so he would never forget who made him scream like this.
Now done with half a packet of cigarettes, Minho was slumped on the chair, panting heavily and too weak to struggle against JK's grip.
"Feel like singing yet little birdy?", V says while getting ready to light another cigarette, Jungkook only laughs at Vs words and at the new pet name he had given Minho, not even bothering to hold onto Minho's weak frame anymore.
"Or do we have to leave our mark in other places", JK asks with that mischievous glint in his eyes that was seen by Kaia on that cold night.
Minho, weak as he was didn't fail to notice JK's gaze focusing on the lower half of his body, catching onto what he was getting at with fearful eyes, he desperately tried to find any strength to pull himself away.
"N-No, please!", his voice came out in gasps, a slight lisp permeating his voice due to the burns V had placed on his tongue.
"God, the two of you are barbaric.”
Another voice sounds from the top of the stairs.
All eyes turned to see Bangtans resident money launderer, Jimin standing a few feet away with his arms crossed, disapproving stare lingering in his eyes.
V pouts at his elder brother as he slowly made his way down the steel steps, "Oh c'mon Jimin-shi, don't spoil my fun.”
Jimin rolled his eyes but ignored him only giving Jungkook a slight glare before kneeling down towards Minho who jumped back into the chair.
"It's been a rough day for you hasn't it Minho?", Jimin didn't let him answer. "Of course you can understand why we don't like our assets being directly threatened especially when they are under our protection.”
Jimin hated his choice of words, he loathed having to refer to his friend, his family, as a chess piece that had been added to Bangtans board but he was at work now, and not only that, Jimin was angry that someone had the nerve to follow Kaia.
Minho wouldn't know that, Jimin kept his face void of emotion as he quickly pulled out his phone, quick dialing a contact while his eyes remained firm.
Once the call had gone through Jimin tapped the loud speaker button before speaking.
"You have a visual?"
"Yes sir, target is in sight, waiting for the order.”
"Good, keep her within scope, don't make a move on Tina until I give the word.”
"Understood Mr. Park.”
The name that rolled off Jimin's lips made Minho physically pale, forgetting all he knew of street life, never show your full cards but Minho too exhausted to think straight, to remember to hide away all weaknesses.
And V picked right up on Minhos panicked body language, the fear that oozed off his body in waves.
"You sly fox", V regards Jimin with a smirk, The money launderer felt his own lips quirk up ever so slightly at Taehyung's idea of a complement and watched him lean down onto Minhos shoulder, his lips teetering so very close to Minhos ear. "So who's the girl? best friend? girlfriend?"
Minho shakily spoke, knowing now not to test V's patience with silence. "S-Sister".
"Ahh a sister", Vs husky chuckle sent shivers down Minho's spine, Jungkook had to resist the urge to laugh at Minhos now flustered form, knowing that they had the upper hand.
"Here is what I propose to you Minho", Jimin ends the call before casually handing Jungkook his phone without looking at him, eyes firmly cast upon Minho's shivering body. "Tell us everything we want to know, you get to leave this room and Tina's head gets left on her body.”
"Y-You wouldn't, your damn code forbids you from killing innocent people", Minho says to Jimin, voice still thick with the lingering lisp, hoping to call him out on a bluff.
"Innocent? Now that's a strong word to use for her", Jimin raises his brow while instructing Jungkook to open his phone messages, pulling out one in particular.
"Tina has been buying Cypher from us for a long time now, and you've had no idea that your darling sister has been trading with your rival gang", Jungkook placing Jimins phone in front of Minho's face, showing off many surveillance photos of Minho's sister Tina buying Cypher, a drug that BTS created and sold onto the streets of Seoul, from J-Hope who controlled its distribution.
"Yes Minho, in fact little Tina owes us a large sum of money, money that should of been delivered a long time ago", "Do you know what happens to those who don't pay our debts? To those who run away?"
V chuckled into Minho's ear once again, "I get to play with them Minho, and she seems like a toy that I would have so much fun breaking", Minho pulls and struggles, the thought and fear of his sister in this chair instead of him taking over his body.
"I can assure that she will at least be alive if you corporate Minho, she won't have sit in this room, she won't become V's next play thing"
The spymaster on Minho's shoulder scoffed in disappointment while Jungkook rolled his eyes at his childish display.
"So what will it be Minho?"
"F-Fine, I'll tell you everything.”
V muttered something about it being too easy before leaning back against the wall with a bored expression while Jimin, a man of his word nodded, Jungkook tossing him back his phone to instruct his men to cease the operation on Tina and to only watch her, for now.
Minho let out a quick sigh of relief and hung his head low, fearing the words he was going to spill. "They'll kill me for this.”
"Not if we do it first", JK retorts from his spot, Jimin glaring at him as a warning to keep his mouth shut.
"I was told to watch the girl, follow her home and secure a route for Taemin", Minho visibly cringing at each word he spoke either from the burns or because he knew that he was a dead man when his gang got hold of him.
The spymaster laughed from his spot, his voice making Minho flinch, V happy to know that he had distilled that fear in him.
"If that were all you would've caved after JK was done with you, no, thats not all there is", V left his spot, hands in the pockets of his pants as he bent down towards Minho. "C'mon shadow, there's more isn't there? be a good boy and spit it out.”
Minho gulped, "Y-You better hope that girl stays the fuck away from that apartment.”
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Regarding pre debut gf , jm is the only member I think , who didn't confirmed to have a gf, that too in multiple occasions. RM , Jin , Yoongi , Tae , jhope have told about gf ( rm told about ex , jhope was cheated i think jin too, suga had a gf but it didnt worked out, Tae told about liking a girl and also in 2019 in florist episode tae told there was another girl he liked who liked flowers so much) and these members have clearly given their ideal types when asked. Jk also have told us he had a gf but didn't meet up with her n its been 200 days. He told it In 2014 ahl, so he must have gf in 2012-13 period. and he was smiling brightly about breakup lol and he didn't understood the hype for girls members are giving and he will choose grapes than a girl 🙄👏, also told ideal type is having toned muscles, workout and wear white shirt/t-shirt 🙄 when asked. JM, even when grps maknae and Tae younger than him spoke about having a gf before, didn't confirmed having one. In 2014 in a radio interview https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cyCvSwQd_Lw , jm who was loud in debut tym interviws only spoke about ideal type last when he was asked and in my personal view he was nervous and told cute and weird charms with support of rm and swiftly turned mic to Tae picking his lips nervously after that (maybe I'm reading too much but I don't think he was comfortable with ideal girl question and knew how to handle it ) also in another radio interview in 2014 itself https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dfVocujK_E8&t=1665s at 27.45 they were asked who was most innocent in terms of dating and members selected jm and rm told he is just so innocent (rest is not translated, I think he told jm had no relationship before plz check it) . These are just 2 examples I can find link . But I've seen maybe upto 5 times jm being only member who said not having a relationship before . Also when members where asked to say thanks to a statue imagining it's their date , jm sucked in that and freindzoned the statue lol. Which another indication of inexperience. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=edw-q8ivtNw . Also in I need u era jm told us the meaning of I need you being some unrequited love and he didn't know how to act it out on screen because he had never been in that place. So I think it's safe to assume he was not in any relationship at least before 2015(well who knows, there are from wt he n members have told) and being jikooker we all have some sort of agreement regarding 2015 especially 2nd half where many things starts to be obvious 💀
Very well thought out reply. I have nothing to add. Thanks for sharing anon!
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taes--suga--kookies · 7 years
Florist AU Chapter 5
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1017
Genre: Fluff
~Admin D
You entered the small shop the next Wednesday evening. You saw the other employee leaning on the counter. He stood up and smiled. “Finally.” You heard him say.
“‘Finally’? I’m early today.” You laughed as you went to the back.
“But it was so boring today. No one came in at all.” Your co-worker said loudly for you to hear.
“You say that everyday.” You shouted back as you clocked in.
“Because no one ever comes in during my shift.” He complained as you made your way to the front of the small shop.
“Can you just give me the orders for the day?” You held your hand out. Your co-worker scoffed as he leaned over to get the orders. He only handed one paper to you. Hoseok. You smiled slightly, but your smile fell when you remembered he was picking up flowers to confess to a girl.
“It’s starting to rain. Can I borrow your umbrella today, (Y/N)?” Your co-worker said.
“You know it’s monsoon season. You should have brought one.” You rolled your eyes.
“Come on. Just this once. It won’t be raining once you’re done with your shift anyways.” He pleaded.
You sighed. “Fine. Just bring it back tomorrow.”
“Thank you.” He dashed to the back. He came back out a minute later with his backpack and your umbrella. “Have fun, (Y/N).” He said without looking back to you and left the shop.
You sighed once he left, knowing you’ll be alone for the rest of the night. You knew Hoseok would come towards the end of your shift, so you just waited for him. While you waited, you put on some music and walked around the shop, watering the plants.
You looked out the window every now and again and noticed the rain wasn’t letting up at all. You let out a sigh every time you realized that you would have to walk home in the rain.
When you looked at the clock and saw that there was only 15 minutes left of your shift, you decided to go start preparing the flowers for Hoseok. While you prepared the flowers, you sang along to the music absentmindedly. You wrapped the white carnations in plastic to make it into a bouquet. When you turned to go back behind the counter, you saw Hoseok leaning on the counter with a fond smile as he looked at you.
You blushed when you realized he heard you singing and slowly walked behind the counter.
“Hi.” You said once you stood on the other side of the counter.
“Hello, (Y/N).” Hoseok smiled brightly. “I love your singing.” He said.
“Let’s act like you didn’t hear that.” Your blush only deepened.
He chuckled. “But I enjoyed it.”
“Your flowers are ready.” You tried changing the subject.
“Yeah, how much do I owe?” He asked, already pulling out his wallet,
“$7.04. They’re a lot cheaper than the other flowers you’ve bought.” You added when he looked a little surprised.
“I’m not complaining.” He chuckled and handed his card to you.
“So are you confessing tonight?” You asked as you swiped his card.
“Yeah. I think I figured out how I’m going to confess.” He smiled.
“Good luck, Hoseok. She’s a lucky girl.” You said as you gave him his card.
“Yeah, I hope she thinks the same way.” He said as he put his card and wallet away.
“I’m sure she will.” You smiled. “Are you nervous?”
“A little.” He admitted. “But it’s not everyday I confess my feelings to a girl, so, yeah, I’m a little nervous.”
“I’m sure it’ll go well.” You reassured. “Here are your flowers.”
“Thank you.” He took the flowers from you.
“Oh, it’s closing time. I gotta lock up the shop.” You said when you looked back at the clock. “Have a good night, Hoseok.” You smiled before heading to the back. You clocked out and grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder. You turned off all the lights and started heading to the door when you saw Hoseok standing under the little awning of the shop. You furrowed your eyebrows before leaving the shop.
“What are you still doing here, Hoseok?” You asked as you turned around to lock up the shop.
“I wanted to tell you something before you left.” He said as he turned towards you.
“Oh. What is it?” You asked as you put the key to the shop in your pocket.
“Well, we don’t know each other very well. I mean, we’ve only seen each other a few times, and during those times I was only a customer. But I remember every time I stepped into this small shop, I felt at peace. It was like this shop was it’s own separate world. And it was just you and I in that world. And I realized I started liking you when I hit my head on that hanging pot and you laughed but still made sure I was okay. And then I remembered you telling me about how flowers have meanings and I looked up what each flower you gave me meant. Did you know what they represented when you gave them to me?” He asked.
You nodded as you looked away. “The lavender rose represents love at first sight. The birds of paradise represent wonderful anticipation. The gardenia represents secret love. And the anemone represents fading hope.”
“So you do like me?” He asked hopefully. You nodded as you blushed and looked back up at him. “So would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?” He asked as a pink tint covered his cheeks.
You smiled at him. “Yeah, I’d like to go out with you sometime.”
He smiled as he looked down. “I noticed you don’t have an umbrella. Would you like me to walk you home?” He asked.
“These are for you.” He handed the flowers to you before opening his umbrella and offering his arm to you. You linked your arm through his as a blush covered your face and you started heading off to your apartment.
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ladyc0312 · 3 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 91-101
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Sometimes, I think about some of the moments I list here and start to worry that I'm reading too much into things. And I'll be the first to admit that a bunch of them are ambiguous enough that reasonable people can differ in their interpretation. 
The thing about jikook, though, is that there are so many of these eyebrow-raising types of moments that you could throw out half of them and still have enough left over to think "there's something up with those two." Especially in the following episodes...
Ep 91 "Mini Golden Bell Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where they make the best of sitting on the floor of an empty room and Jin and JK just barely manage to avoid murdering Tae over his less-than-excellent MC skills
03:35 - Everyone is confident that the "oh!" sound that's played is either JK or JM, but aren’t sure which is which. 
8:14 - When JM gets the right answer, JK is the only one to clap.
16:38 - JK is once again the only one to clap when JM gets an answer right.
Ep 92 "Mini Golden Bell Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
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15:00 - As he goes to measure JK's arm, JM informs everyone that JK's arms have gotten longer since he's been boxing.
15:54 - When JM keeps moving around while JK is trying to measure his arm, JK tells Suga to hold JM still. 
16:31 - When JM's arm somehow seems to get slightly shorter from his stretching, JK gets excited and calls him "Jimin" (no hyung) a few times and then "Jimin-ssi."
20:03, 20:18 - When JK is singing his karaoke love song, the other guys are all over-emoting or swaying and listening, but JM just stares straight at him (and even looks genuinely emotional?) and the camera just stops showing him at a certain point. See picture above. 
20:46 - When JK starts to criticize Suga's cham cham cham performance, Jimin tells JK to just sit down. And he does.  
BEHIND 5:48 - After RM tries to comfort JM about his short arms by saying his legs are long, JK repeats "yes, your legs are long" and then sings a lyrics with JM's name inserted ("moon, moon, what kind of moon jiminie")
Ep 93 "BTS Marble Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where I still don’t understand this game but enjoy the episodes involving it anyway
0:42: Not jikook-related, but I can't not point out the adorable moment where RM makes a pun about how Marble sounds like the way Koreans pronounce Marvel and JK says "I love you 3000" to himself. 
10:22 - JM and JK are sitting pretty close all episode, but it's particularly apparent here, where JM's arm is resting on JK's thigh as they read a question together.
10:40 - Reading the question is long done, but JM's arm remains. 
12:21 - JM pats JK's shoulder in comfort after he messes up a question.
16:14 - After the heart-making game is over, JM and JK make hearts towards each other once more.
20:21 - JK taps JM's leg while sweetly reminding him that the pedometer game is difficult. Then they lean in to strategize together. 
21:07 - JM pats JK's back when he ends up winning the pedometer game, then again when it seems like JK was tired out by it. BEHIND 1:15 - JK is sitting next to JHope in this shot. The next time we see them, JM is there instead and stays there the rest of the game.
2:10 - JK pats JM's hand after JM says that the winning team should share with the losing one so no one's feelings are hurt.
2:48 - JM appears to be sitting half in JK's lap as he explains his answer.
4:41 - JM leans into JK as he laughs. 
5:51 - Another angle of the 16:14 moment.
6:25 - JM is half in JK's lap again as they watch the other team eat snacks. When JK says it looks good, JM gets a piece for him and rather intensely watches him eat it.
8:40 - JM and JK continue working on a puzzle after the game is over. When JM solves it, he shakes his whole body and makes cute frustrated noises. JK looks like he finds it adorable (how could you not?). Jimin does it again closer to JK's face and JK looks away shyly. 
Ep 94 "BTS Marble Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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4:20 - JM & JK trace a line with their fingers together in sync and the on-screen text informs us "two hands are moving like one hand."
7:24 - After JM and JK mess up in a game, the reach towards each other and hold each other's shoulders while collapsing in giggles onto the game board. The caption dubs them "dumb and dumber."  
16:28 - JM has his arm around JK's shoulders (while continuing from last ep to be half on his lap).
23:13 - When they're going back and forth about who should do the challenge, JM puts his hand on JK's thigh (the far one, for some reason) to tell him that he (JM) might get a leg cramp if he does it. JK does the challenge. 
24:12 - After JK loses the leg-shaking game by only one point, JM comforts him by massaging his thigh, shin, and calf.
BEHIND  0:29 - JK yells out "Jimin-ssi!!!" after JM gets an answer wrong.
1:54 - Another angle of the 7:24 collapsing together on the board moment.
4:03 - More of JM with his arm around JK.
7:48 - JM and JK stay behind to geek out together over some sort of kitchen appliance.
Ep 95 "Let's Play with BTS Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones where BTS play childhood games 
9:17 - JK whispers to JM to ask for clarification on the rules.
11:18 - JK falls backwards laughing and, immediately after, JM does exactly the same thing.
15:23 - JK comments on how small Jimin's hands are.
31:33 - JM shushes JK when he tries to give advice on the game.
34:32 - JK puts his hand on JM's shoulder and asks for a snack.
7:40 - JM and JK giggle together over something.
7:56 - JK wants to show JM a jacks technique.
8:18 - JM and JK giggle together again and JM puts his hand on JK's arm as they do so.
10:24 - When JK adjusts the cameras, JM says JK is the director, then congratulates him and offers him candy when he's done.
Ep 96 "Let's Play with BTS Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The one where we get the origin of “Rock Bison” - and it’s rather jikook-y!
3:18 - JM sees that JK is sad because he didn't get the top he wanted, so JM gives JK his top and takes the Rock Bison one that no one else wanted. 
11:32 - JK giggles at JM repeatedly throwing his top in the background.
22:52 - JM and JK do a weird backwards handshake before competing against each other in the eraser game.
23:56 - JK claps for JM after JM beats him in the game.
31:11 - JK consults JM on which lane to choose for his model car.
33:46 - When JM reaches out to take a box that might be heavy, JK watches and stands up as if ready to assist. BEHIND 6:51 - JM stands with his hand on JK's shoulder as they watch RM compete.
6:57 - JM holds JK's arms from behind and acts as resistance for him as he does arm-lifting exercises. 
10:19 - An off-camera JM tries to help JK figure out what's why the model car he built is so slow.
Ep 97 "Pajama Party Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The ones where the guys wear cute pajamas and yes the Behind picture in the second part is real!
5:49 - We see that JM and JK have been drawing on their socks together. More on this in the Behind...
11:14 - JK is lying in JM's lap and they're playing around with their feet. This one is also expanded in the Behind!
22:13 - JK pokes a rod he is playing with in between Jimin's asscheeks. I... have been searching for a less suggestive way to describe this accurately and I keep coming up empty. Blame JK, not me!
22:38 - Another entry in our ongoing "it's JM's fault if JK thinks everything he does is hilarious" series, JM collapses laughing when JK skips back to the group carrying a Cooky doll attached to the rod like he hunted it. (In JM's defense, JK does look incredibly adorable doing it.)
23:54 - JK reaches over and touches Jimin's hand and the camera immediately cuts to something else.  
Note: For fans of JK's satoori, it comes out multiple times in this episode when he gets frustrated with various members after they get a question wrong.
BEHIND 2:41 - JM calls for Taehyung to come sit next to him. JK does instead. 
3:04 - JM rests his foot on JK's thigh as they both draw on their socks.
4:07 - After JM finishes showing off the drawings on his socks, he points the camera to JK in full focus mode finishing his drawings and JM smiles like it's the most adorable thing ever. 
5:26 - I'm sure you've all seen this clip already somewhere, but I'll describe it anyway! After JK tucks his feet under Suga's robe, JM pulls him back so he's laying in JM's lap. JM then puts his arms around JK as he grabs his decorated socked feet to show him while making silly noises. JK then picks up his foot to show his drawn-on sock and makes a different silly noise, causing JM to giggle. The shot gets cut off mid-giggle for whatever reason...
5:53 - JM rests his foot on JM's back while he adds to his sock art. 
7:52 - When JK stretches his arm out to indicate some of the members, he maybe puts his hand on JM's back for a moment.
Ep 98 "Pajama Party Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
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You'd think this would be a super jikook-y episode given those pictures, but strangely enough, there are no moments of note in the episode itself. Since you can see the pics without watching the ep, I didn’t include them in the KM score.
BEHIND 1:20 - JM complains to JK that he hasn't gotten any answers right so far.  Some people have matched this to a round of the game in the episode itself where JK doesn't seem to be guessing as enthusiastically as he did before, perhaps in an attempt to make JM feel less bad. I mention it here because it's a theory I've seen a lot, but YMMV.
7:50 - JK shows JM that he has attached J and M balloons to his shirt while saying "JM" and "Jimin," making JM giggle. 
Ep 99 "Florists" (Ep: 5 / KM: 3)
The one where we learn that Jin probably doesn't have a future as a florist
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4:33 - When JM starts to get embarrassed because everyone is laughing about his birth flower name sounding like a dirty word in Korean, JK rubs JM's neck and then continues rubbing circles on his back for a while after, seemingly to comfort him. 
19:05 - When Jimin looks confused after RM says he comes out of a glass bowl in Serendipity, JK lightly slaps him on the chest for forgetting. It's almost like it has some sort of personal meaning to him...
28:05 - After JK presents the bouquet he made (which he says represents all different kinds of love), JM says "I think I'll love it when I get it as a present."  Translation note: As we've discussed before, Korean can be hard to translate because often pronouns are omitted. A more literal translation is "present if received will be loved." Most translations that I've seen interpret it as Jimin talking about himself as the recipient, but it's not totally clear. Mentioning this because I know I was wondering why this moment isn't talked about more, since it seems fairly suggestive that JM would assume JK was going to give him a bouquet of flowers he made.
28:38 - When JM explains what "Serendipity" means, he's looking at JK (I think - I'll be totally honest and say the angle is weird and it could be RM).
31:02 - After the florist picks J-Hope's bouquet over JK's as his favorite, JM comments that Jungkook's "looks like a real bouquet for a wedding."
Ep 100 "100th Episode Special Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where the show does enhanced editions of games previously played on the series and you will walk away with zero doubt as to whom the episodes are sponsored by
21:36 - When it looks like Suga hit Jimin with the badminton birdie, but he actually made a bad serve, JK approaches with his frying pan racket held out and an angry look on his face and starts to scold Suga.  I’ve seen this written up as a jikook moment with JK being over-protective of JM. I’m going to be totally honest with you and say that I didn’t see it that way - JK had been getting increasingly annoyed at the other team re-doing serves and my read was that the moment was more about that. Let me know if you see it differently.  Regardless, the more significant moments are the ones in the Behind...
BEHIND 4:13 - When JM is hit near the eye with the badminton birdie, JK goes over to him and checks on whether his eye was hit. JM reaches out towards him as he gets up. It's interesting to me that the others stand back and let JK be the one to check in on JM, even though Tae and Jin were both closer when it happened. 
5:03 - Not a jikook moment, but JK is doing an adorable cheerleading routine in the background here and I can't not mention it...
8:39 - When JM sees that Jin and JK aren't messing around and JK was actually hit in the nose with the volleyball, he gets serious and walks over, asking him multiple times if it hurts a lot. He ruffles JK's hair before kneeling down next to him to check in.
Ep 101 "100th Episode Special Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
17:40 - JM tells everyone JK is good at this type of game.
1:06 - JK instructs Jimin (in half-informal language) how to work the box.
5:50 - JK calls out to Jimin that his photo makes him look like he's in a cartoon (and there's a slight pause when he calls him in between "Jimin" and "hyung").
7:09 - Jimin asserts that JK does look sexy in the "sexy pose" photo. He is imho correct.
9:15 - When JM is playing around after the game is over, he calls for Jungkook to cover him
100th Episode Special: Survival Directors Cut (Ep: 2 KM: 0)
5:32 - JM covers JK with his laser gun, allowing JK to escape.  Not particularly shippy since they're on the same team, but including it for anyone who wants a visual aid for some sort of military AU...
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yoonminficsrecs · 4 years
Hiii , I just started following and wasnt sure if you accepted asks for lost fics, but I’m looking for this au where jimin is a florist and has the powers to talk to and feel his flowers and yoongi has a tattoo shop across jimin and his powers have something to do with the ink on his skin..? And I think jhope and yoongi were really good friends but yoongi lost control of his power and hurt hobi :( its ok if you can’t find, loving all the recs 💜
good morning sunshine, yes i accept ofc, and i’m happy to know you enjoy my recs :’) the fic you are looking for is actually one of my favorites: Petals and Ink by SugarAndMint! 
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i gotta say, hobi was serving the florist au aesthetic so strong here like damn
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singularitexts-blog · 6 years
compilation of my old posts on @taegerous
cheers you up after a hard day (+ Jungkook)
Pranking Jin with lyrics
cheering boyfriend!jin
you get lost while shopping
future dad seokjin
yoongi confesion
yoongi comforts you for your height
teasing each other (+ maknae line)
you fight over Yoongi’s ex
hate/love relationship
yoongi accidentaly confesses (group chat)
yoongi thinks you’re cheating
teasing a jealous min yoongi
yoongi overprotective brother
best friends to lovers
you ask for attention. [Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok]
yoongi discovers your rapping skills
vampire!yoongi  another
smutty texts
happy birthday min yoongi
the moon at 4 o’clock
you ask him to pick you up
hobi teases you for your blog
hate/love relationship with Hoseok.  pt. 2
you ask for attention. [Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok]
hoseok cheats on you
smutty texts
hoseok comforts you
meme theories Part 2.
namjoon being a sassy shit.
you ask your brother Namjoon to pick you up
4 o’clock appreciation (+Taehyung)
fuckboy texts
namjoon hurts your feelings.
namjoon fight + surprise ending
namjoon’s dimples.  
random Namjoon texts
namjoon doesn’t warn you about the new video
namjoon is daddy material
enemies to lovers? pt. 2
lilacs; first love
namjoon cheats on you
namjoon makes fun of you
jimin forgets your date
angsty texts  pt.2
random texts
happy birthday minnie
jealous jimin
break up with fuckboy!jimin  pt.2
random bestfriend!jimin texts
hate/love relationship.
needy Taehyung.
comforts you after a nightmare
4 o’clock appreciation (+Namjoon)
jealous Taehyung angsty
taehyung comforts you after your cats death.
you ask for attention. [Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok]
Taehyung thinks you’re cheating  PT 1. PT 2.
jealous Taehyung (humor)
what just happened texts
bestfriend!taehyung to boyfriend!taehyung
farmer!tae  pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 5 pt. 6  pt. 7  pt. 8  pt. 9
taehyung feels betrayed
teasing!bts and protective!taehyung
random v.2
hold me tight PT.1
soft boyfriend
cheers you up after a hard day (+ Jin)
BTS + GOT7, jealous jungkook.    PART 2.
happy birthday
random texts
jeongguk mentions marriage
jeongguk finds out about boyfriend Jimin
birthday texts
fuckbuddy!jeongguk   pt.2   pt.3  pt. 4  pt. 5  pt. 6
takes his anger out on you
you texts Jeongguk because your car breaks down
you get lost while shopping
soft boyfriend!jungkook
online friend jeongguk
jeongukk hears you sing
boyfriend!jeongguk makes fun of you
jeongguk confession
clingy/jealous jeongguk
roommate or boyfriend jeongguk texts
jeongguk and you babysit.
you prank jeongguk
teasing goes wrong
crushing on bff!joengguk
hold me tight PT.1
BTS finds who is your bias.
pick up lines
borrowing their clothes
you ask for attention. [Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok]
dirty pick up lines
you feel insecure about your weight
BTS encourages you while fasting.
BTS helps you lose weight
yoongi accidentaly confesses
BTS find out your boyfriend cheated
BTS cheers you up after a nose surgery
happy birthday texts
BTS + GOT7, jealous jungkook.   PART 2.
random texts
teasing each other.
funny texts with bts.
BTS comforts you
cringy nickname
you accidentally texts bts in your native language.
BTS replaces you    PT.2  pt. 3   PT. 4 PT. 5  PT. 6  PT. 7  PT. 8  PT. 9
flirting yoonseok
BTS & nudes
teasing!bts and protective!taehyung
birthday texts
soft  fanfics
accidentaly send them naughty pictures
you’re being followed
they try to help you with your writes block
hyung line kids look like another member
spying their little sister
teasing each other (+ Yoongi)
soft fanfics (maknae)
soft fanfics (95z line)
accidentaly send them naughty pictures
jealous maknae line
hoodie maknae line 2.0
break up prank
break up prank
find out you sing
flirting yoonseok
Sugamon: You miss them (suga and namjoon)
poly taegikook
poly relationships with vmin
Jimin pt 1.  PT 2.
Yoongi PT.1 PT. 2 FINAL
Taehyung PT 1. PT 2.
BTS Reaction to you wearing their clothes.
BTS Reaction to you having a panic attack
BTS Reaction to you kissing them by accident
BTS Reaction to you asking them to model naked.
BTS Reaction to their drunk girlfriend telling them she has a boyfriend.
BTS Reaction to their crush kissing their cheek
BTS Reaction to you asking them to help you get dressed.
BTS reaction to you getting shy over public skinship
BTS Reaction to their s/o getting insulted on TV.
BTS Reaction to their s/o sulking
No happy birthday for the birthday girl. (OT7)
Two dreams one life (Jimin)
Trust (Yoongi)
Yoongi as a vampire
BTS as cats
BTS as things my friends have said. 2 3
GAME TIME #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
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mskatman · 6 years
BTS Comeback Date
Ok. So apparently the florist website with smereldos that was used last year to hint at the Love Yourself: Her album comeback date (and play with ARMY’s hearts) has come out of hibernation and has reposted the same article from last year, but has changed its opening date to “Late August.”
1. I think it’s highly likely that they will make a comeback on either August 17 or 24. They (along with many other artists) choose to release stuff on Friday’s because the timing gives the fans as much time as possible to stream/buy the music so that the newly released content can chart as high as possible on its first week. It would make more sense to me for them to comeback on the 17th so they have a week to promote on the music shows before they start their tour. (Although I’m personally hoping for the 24th because that’s my birthday!)
2. I know that many people have expressed concern that it’s a short turnaround period between albums; however I think they are trying to wrap up the Love Yourself era (maybe even faster than originally planned) due to the changing enlistment laws. Especially if you consider that most popular theories state that that the last album/minialbum/repackage for Love Yourself series will be Answer, with Jin singing the intro, titled Epiphany. Jin is the oldest, and the new enlistment laws affect him (and Suga); therefore, he needs to go ahead and release his Intro. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jin, Suga, and maybe Jhope or RM enlist once the tour is finished & we see more subunit activities until all members have finished their enlistment. I can only imagine that they would be modeling after BigBang or SJ in terms of ensuring longevity of the group despite military duty.
Also, on a side note, I know it was a big controversy that Jungkook only got the highlight reel for LY: Wonder, and a lot fans felt that he didn’t get proper spotlight. And while I don’t want to start a whole arguent on here, I do believe that BigHit had reasonings for this, and a lot of them had to do with the characters that the members play in their AU and their ages. (i.e. Jimin has a sweet voice, perfect for the lighthearted development phase of the story, V has the deepest, most somber voice, while Jin has all of the answers with all of his time traveling, and JK, being the youngest, has the most excitement and wonder) I also wish that LY had 4 albums and that each of the vocals got a whole intro to themselves. I even think that may have been part of the original plan, but in order to tell the story properly, JK’s intro only really works if it comes before Jin’s otherwise there’s no mystery left, and again BH may have needed to speed up the album release timeline for military enlistments. I trust that Jungkook will get his own intro very soon. Just wait a little longer and trust that BigHit has this planned out way more than most ARMYs could probably guess. :)
Ok sorry. I know I wrote to much. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. And let me know your thoughts!! :)
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