#feel free to add more fandoms those are just the ones im into!
hideous-art · 5 months
• Absurd comedy
• Laws of the world/lore being unclear, nonexistant or everchanging (most characters are chill with it)
• Most if not all characters being morally grey at best
• Death/Injuries being frequent but inconsequential or disregarded
• Artstyle/chara design all over the place
• Gets randomly serious and deep
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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bijoumikhawal · 8 months
I've gotten tired of making a post like this every few months so let's just fire a few of these off, and feel free to add on! Tropes you should at minimum reconsider using when you write or talk about Julian Bashir:
Mentions of "harem" pants, "Arabian nights" aesthetics, etc. These are improper terminology (that feeds into racist ideas) for real things, and when using that terminology those things are often being misrepresented. For my part, if you would actually like to know about the material culture of the Middle East and North Africa, I'm a "hobby" researcher of that very topic and will readily answer asks about it- with the caveat that I mostly know about Egypt, and I'm not the best person to ask about Sudanese specific culture even though I know a little, and I don't know much about Indian or Pakistani fashion (mentioning because these seem to be the most common cultures brought up around Julian).
comparisons to monkeys, apes, the word "simian". This should be obvious but it happens a fair amount, and it's almost comedic given a common trope is to comment on how much Garak hates being compared to a lizard.
This is separate but the way some people use mammalian tips from writing xenofic and trying to understand how an alien would think and categorize things into something that feels very exoticifying. It's not a "full stop, do not do this" but it is something I've noticed
Jokes about how undesirable Julian is. He's the exception that proves the rule about fandom's obsession with white twinks and a rare example of a brown nerd who isn't pinned into the "Couldn't sleep with a woman if they were the last two people on earth" box. I'm not saying we can't make fun of how he flirts just- Stay clear of Raj BBT territory
Conversely: my most hated garashir trope is when the author makes Julian's libido a problem by making him inconsiderate, cruel, and outright manipulative in service of his dick, and the writing often makes it clear they're connecting this to his masculinity. Julian does do some really stupid shit when it comes to his relationships, but this particular way of trying to incorporate this into writing him is just OOC, and you need to not confuse writing Julian's canonical robust and healthy sex life with negative stereotypes about lecherous Black and brown men. There's fics that pull off Julian being a bit of a dick or manipulative well- such as Salt the Earth or the ageswap series (at least where I last left off on it).
making his eyes green or blue. I have the same eye color as Siddig, more or less, and while it's technically hazel (or olive, as some people call it) most people think it's brown and most lighting makes it look brown. If you look at screencaps of Julian, you'll notice it also most of the time, looks brown. This sounds minor if you haven't experienced it, but it has a real and very negative impact on people's self image.
Older one but to be clear: if you're writing Julian as explicitly Muslim, find and replacing "god" with "allah" in English text is not how Muslims (or Arabic speakers in general) use the word? It is really funny to read, but please...
Over focusing on Julian as British. There's a long, LONG conversation that could be had about the dynamics of assimilation and how European racism (ime) very specifically views it as progressive to strip people of their culture and thinks they're causing the problem if they don't go along with it that would need its own post and which I've had with white fans before and feel exhausted thinking about- but to put it simply, there is no such thing as "just British", even for white Englishmen.
Yes the inverse is also wrong but I really haven't read a fic newer than 2014 guilty of that lmao and I think some of the more recent complaints about it are overblown, given I've read only a few fics recently published that delve into Julian as a Brown/African Person and I enjoyed them
I would personally appreciate it if fic writers were a little more balanced about cultural discussions honestly. If you write a lot about Cardassian culture, it'd be nice if Julian’s background was discussed. I won't say that kind of research is easy (again, I do this as a "hobby" that's very important to me, it's actually really annoying and difficult sometimes), but it is possible. I recently talked about how not doing this kind of mentally slots Julian into a "white guy" role.
This is not a matter of me policing your "artistic expression". I have no control over what you do. I would just like for fandom, a hobby I do for fun, to be a place where people stop being racist in a way that directly impacts me.
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booksandpaperss · 10 months
with all the antisemitism in the ST fandom rn I wanted to put some Jewish positivity on the dash, so here are some things I love abt being a reform jew:
-I love the unending kindness from the rabbi’s at my synagogue, and how they always try to make everyone there feel safe and loved
-I love the focus on social justice in Reform Judaism, and the active willingness to learn and support other minorities
-I love the desire I always feel from leaders at my synagogue to make sure those who have been excluded from their own Jewish heritage in the past feel welcome there
-I love the hebrew language
-I love that above all, the focus is hope
-I love that I always have more to learn
-I love that no one is shamed for asking questions and not necessarily believing in god in the traditional sense
-I love the singing and the celebrations and the stories
fellow Jews feel free to reblog this with the things you love about it (and u don’t have to be reform u can be any, I’ve just personally been raised reform so), and non Jews are welcome to reblog this as well (just don’t add it to it) im trying to spread some positivity <3
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copsecore · 2 months
my thoughts on the "fanon-isation" of sam (and his newest ba)
(taken from a long winded text conversation i had - slight NSFW talk below the cut) [WORD COUNT: 1047 WORDS, IM SORRY]
psa: while i am complaining about it, it's just my own thoughts, and none of which is an actual criticism of erik, feel free to add your opinions, as per the usual
Maybe its coz time is passing, and the relationship is developing but i feel like i’m enjoying the dynamic between sam and darlin’ a lot less than i did at the beginning. It feels a lot less “human-realistic” and more “tailored for fan preference” (you sam fans gotta hear me out on that bit okay).
Clearly erik isn’t “pandering” towards the fandom or anything, however there HAS been a change in sam’s writing that i don’t know if anyone else can see, or whether it’s just me.
 Fight me, but i feel like whatever’s happening to guy, the reverse is happening to sam. In the sense of where guy is gaining lore and becoming more plot relative, sam seems to be losing that position, which doesn’t cover all of my opinion, but it’s the simplest way i can think of putting it. 
He feels more “disconnected” as a character and I wish i could write this more specifically but there’s almost no “good” way of putting it, i’m just trying to put my vibes about this into readable thoughts in a way that’s somewhat well communicated.
It feels like he’s being diminished, where there’s less of the gruff dad-type personality, protective semi-asshole, gently-caring-in-a-non-tsundere-way, and a lot more “here’s your standard cookie-cutter southern bf who just so happens to be a vampire, however that’s essentially irrelevant because it’s never referenced in a way that’s plot-needed”. 
It’s quite flat and 2D now in a way that i can’t explain, so therefore don’t yell at me for saying it. While he’s still hot ofc, I don’t enjoy his character nearly as much as i did pre-quinn era, which is a shame because it’s difficult to let go of the fact that he’s one of my favourites, but the energy’s shifted and it’s “off” now. 
Maybe it’s because I’ve changed as a person in the last four years, which i know i have, but it doesn’t seem to be just character development, in the nicest way possible, it feels like he’s being written “out of character”.
Character development in any way is good, I’m a writer myself, I would know that, but those words aren’t what i would personally use to describe it. Forgive me, but i just felt like i needed to get everything out so i could see if anyone else agreed. 
You could say “it’s not that deep” but I’m autistic; this is my special interest, so as much as you can say otherwise, it is in fact “that deep” for me. 
Don’t get me wrong, i still thoroughly love sam as a whole, complete character, and the more recent videos that i don’t like as much could never take that away from me, so again, don’t come at me saying i’m “hating on him”, because i’m not.
This is as constructive of a “rant” that i can make it, and yes, my anonymous asks are turned off. I’m not gonna go on about how “i’m not criticising erik, BUT-” because if you know me at all, you’ll know i would never send hate towards him. 
With the “fanon-isation”, that’s just a word i threw out there to header this whole thing. I meant it mostly in reference to how a large part of the fandom seems to idealise or romanticise darlin’s character, and somewhat how that seems to be translating to the canon of their relationship with sam, and thus effecting him as well. But that wasn’t the right wording - the sam fangroup is big, and i’m already throwing myself to enough proverbial wolves as it is.
The thing that sparked all of this - and if you don’t have the patreon then you probably won’t know - is that Sam biting darlin’ for the first time happened in his most recent ba, which wasn’t something that i really liked. It felt weird to me that, even though it was fully communicated and both parties were okay, it would happen FOR THE FIRST TIME in a sexual setting. While it made sense for darlin’s character, it made less sense for sam’s.
 It also means that (at least as i’m writing this) the non-patrons won’t experience the very plot-important aspect that is sam biting darlin’ for the first time, considering how built-up it’s been throughout their storylines, it didn’t feel right.
It almost felt like the only reason the reverse-comfort audio even previewed for a ba was because THAT was the video that fell on release day. The circumstances just didn’t feel right for it, not given sam’s past and everything that happened in the quinn arc. 
i figured it would at least happen with a sit down conversation, in an sfw audio, even if it was ON patreon, but free. Of course - knowing darlin’ - it was going to be sexual at some point, but i didn’t think it would happen for the first time.
 I’m not going into any more specifics on the audio itself, but those are my thoughts on that bit. Sam bites darlin’, and i didn’t like it. My gripe is neither that it happened, nor that it’s not available to the public, but that nothing about the setting or the build up felt right, and it felt like it happened “just because”, which was a big let down for me, personally.
It wasn’t even the first time I’ve gotten the gist that something was “up”, THAT happened in sam’s hbs 2023 audio (NOT the ba, just the youtube access one) where it definitely felt more like “this is what the audience wants” because yes, who wouldn’t want to see a hot southerner get down and dirty in a club? But it didn’t feel right, and I couldn’t put my finger on it at the time, but more so now it seemed like fandom influence of a sorts.
Almost like I was reading a fanfic or something that was posted on here (no hate of course, I would say my "platform" on here is mainly constructed of fan based content, just that it seemed more “headcanon-y” and less Just Canon) rather than something that erik himself wrote.
TL;DR: sam feels more and more “out of character” to me as a long-term viewer, and it all came to a head in the most recent bonus audio
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saym0-0 · 3 months
oh my god. oh my GOD mechs esmp crossover. this is for SUCH a niche audience the esmp fandom is dead i dont care mechs esmp crossover
LISTEN TO ME okay ill have to add a sci-fi element to my established esmp world i am OKAY with this, grimlands are already victorian steampunk its not that big a stretch to add space travel, especially in the place of dimension travel.
okay so in my esmp lore the emperors are blessed by the gods with conditional immortality and flight, they know a new ruler has been born by if they're born with wings. i bet though i could twist that into the king cole/olympians idea of trading their citizen's lives for immortality. although it is kinda reversed? (mechs immortals tend to stop aging but can be killed, emperors still age and can die of old age, but cant be killed). hmm i mean theres definite differences between king cole and the olympians so maybe its just another variation, or something closer to the mechs themselves? though that ones less likely
honestly there literally is an esmp1 musical so i reckon its interesting enough to attract the mechs
but lets be honest with ourselves here, the only reason im doing this is so i have an excuse to draw grimlands!marius lmao
i think raph would be interested in it too though, with how they're so much more reliant on technical advancement than magical.
ivy would love the rivendell library, and crystal cliffs
hmmm jonny might have fun between mythland and the cod empire,,,
hmmmm brian would maybe like to hang out with shrub in the undergrove? he does like his garden,, maybe the overgrown with katherine too,, or gilded helianthia!
hrm,, i keep wanting to put people in the grimlands but i know thats only because its my favourite so therefore the most developed and also the most similar in vibe to the mechs
with that said though, tim really would have fun there,, like hes the gunpowder guy!! fwhip is the gunpowder guy!! they both r in charge of weapons!! guns, crossbows, same difference really
oough back to raph i think she and fwhip would bond over making their own wings,, fwhip made his to prove that he is fit to rule after gem fucked off to wizard school and raph,, uh actually i never found out raphs backstory beyond the fact im like 78% sure she made her and marius' mechanisms,, although that could be widely accepted fanon who knows not me
i think marius would also enjoy mezelea
but OH MY GOD TOY SOLDIER IN MEZELEA,,, i cant believe i almost forgot it,, i think it would immediately blend in with the clones and pretend to be one right up until they leave the planet, and have the time of its life the whole time,,
i dont know where ashes would go either.. i cant just say grimlands again because theres like four of them there already but,, the explosions!!
maybe mythland, or rivendell, those both seem like they'd appreciate a good mob boss taking over the place tbh
i think brian would get along with pix also
okay this isnt mechs but the fandom is a circle so if theres actually any fans of both out there reading this post, has anyone else noticed just how similar pix and jon's (tma) voices are?? genuinely when i started listening to the podcast i had to double check the va wasnt pix (and imagine my confusion when they share the same name too..)
anyways if anyone wants to scream about this with me please do, or if you want to know more about my esmp expanded universe feel free to do that too! in asks replies or reblogs idm
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wildernezz · 1 month
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woahahaha im finally making an intro blog no wayyy, also dont mind me spreading my reblog > likes agenda
about me:
hey ho im wildernezz and we be ballin af. i'm an osdd-1b system and i might be more open about that later but i also maybe not who knows lol. i do animation, edits, writing, regular art, kinda anything art-related honestly, but i usually just post digital art here. pronouns are whatever tf you want but i prefer he/him. here's some other random stuff i can rattle off: infj, gemini, i like witchcraft, once made an album that currently has 200 pictures of joe keery because i thought it'd be funny, also once restarted the soviet union in 6th grade, currently making a presentation on david aames' mental stability for algebra, overanalyzing film is my only real personality trait, and i think bugs are funny-looking. anyways we vibe.
multifandom as all hell, but here are the ones i'm most consumed by currently and you can expect to see a lot of.
Dead Poets Society
Death Note
Musicals (BMC especially) & Film stuff in general
other fandoms that i'm also a part of but post less frequently about:
Camp Camp
My Little Pony
Sanders Sides
Stranger Things
there's a boat load of other fandoms but i don't engage that much in those so they're not entirely worth mentioning.
feel free to ask me for doodles btw. im always looking for ideas loll.
here's some other places you can find me but they're honestly not that important since i'm only really active here.
abandoned youtube #1
semi-abandoned youtube #2
also abandoned twitter account
surprisingly not completely abandoned ao3 account
my spotify & pinterest if you want those ig idk this is all i got guys
also this other side blog where i analyze people from time to time: @analyzing-people-like-hell along with my cringier side blog @nezz-cringe-crib
here's some of my friends who are very cool and you should check out :3
@awesomejedie (all kinds of cool thingies!!!! i think of it as a silly treasure box filled with random goodies :33)
@b0cc (posts many awesome art stuff :D)
@chick3nbot1000 (reblogs fun stuff and every now and then posts fun random stuff)
@dandebbfan (posts random cool stuff about her interests that are fun to see)
@rockymintscollective (also posts awesome art stuff but also analyzations and other random things)
thats all i can think of rn. i'll probs add more later but for now we ball B)
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athena-xox · 2 months
Hi! I've been wanting to send asks for a while but couldn't think of a good question until recently.
I have three questions (or perhaps I should say headers).
One: How's your rewrite progressing? At what stages is cannon altered? Are there going to be concepts/characters ignored entirely?
Two: I've seen your (humorous) plea for long/multi chapter eah fics what are some of the favorite's you've read already? Any chance you have an idea of your own outside the rewrite? long or short (chances are yes, for literally anyone in this fandom but it bears asking).
Three: What fairytale(s) would you
A: Like to repeat
B: Could functionally thwart if you had to live through it.
C: Die in, or flee the land to avoid at all cost's.
Omg love the questions. I will admit I’m a bit to brain dead to fully comprehend all the questions so if I answer I different question that what you intended feel free to correct me.
With that being said, the first chapter of my rewrite is done and basically fully edited I believe it’s around 6000/7000 words. Chapter two hadn’t been edited but it’s kinda a weird one so it doesn’t really need to be edited and it’s only around 2000 words.
Chapter 3 I’ve written a bit of it and it’s also a short and I have a layout for it. And chapter 4 is going to be on the longer side probably 6000-10000 words. But after those are done and edited hopefully I’ll publish the fic!!
So that’s the progress, for what parts of canon are being altered, I think a lot of characterization. Bunny, Alistair, Crystal, Milton Grimm, Snow White & EQ are all characters who were either portrayed as good or morally grey that I’m going to make evil (whoops spoilers) and then also kitty isn’t really going to have a redemption arc like she did in spring unsprung, she’s just going to continue to chaotically be herself.
And then just every plotline / character will just be slightly more mature and in depth. And it depends on how you see canon because the rewrite is going to be a mix the tv series + the books which vary a bit on canon. And then obviously a lot more queer representation.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that the epic winter arc is being disgraced but it’s going througu many changes. I’ll probably get ride of the whole through the woods concept because it doesn’t really add anything to the plot (although I am adding a musical that doesn’t really do anything for the plot except allow be to geek (theatre kid) out and give us some cute dizzie moments).
I really want to include her but I don’t think there’s going to be any room for Bella sister. Other things from canon that I’m not including is darise, Meeshell being a horrible singer, DARABELLA, Maddie having visions, the snow king, cupids crush on dexter, the revealer rays, probably lots more but I can’t think of them.
Onto the next question I definitely have some fic recs. I’ll probably make a separate post for it but my top 2 are rewrite ignite restart and a legacy of brambles and thorns.
I think the reason why I’m actually commuting to the rewrite is because it’s really the only eah fic I want to write since I plan to hopefully cover all the characters and ships I like. In my past fandoms I’ve had like 20 different fics I wanted to write but I never got a around to all or them.
Oh wait actually I guess I have one idea but I doubt I’ll ever write it since I want to focus on the rewrite. But during my transition stage from the mlb fandom to the eah I was thinking about an au. Either the eah characters with miraculous’s in the real world or mlb characters at ever after. 
Okay and for the last questions im assuming you’re asking which fairytales I’d like to 1. Be a part of 2. Don’t want to be a part of and I could stop it 3. Would have to run away from ?
1. When I was little I had the yearbook thing that had you create your own eah character and I always wanted to be a princess so I made myself goose girl
2. Definitely wouldn’t want to be like Jack in the beanstalk so I just wouldn’t take the beans
3. Sleeping beauty was my fav when I was younger so I definitely wouldn’t want to have Faybelles destiny. Or be an ugly sister, that would kill my self esteem (no wonder Bella and Brutta ran away)
For the last 3 questions I wasn’t sure if you were asking all abt me or if any were for my rewrite.
Anyways tysm for the ask !!
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rollercoasterwords · 30 days
I've heard of ppl complaining about ur writing speed and posting schedule but it's honestly ridiculous. like you actually write insanely fast. it is incredible that you have managed to write over 150,000 words (in very high quality writing might I add 🫶) in like 10 months !!
thank u lol honestly i feel like i’ve had relatively little bs 2 deal w compared 2 the flack i’ve seen some other fic writers get etc but i have def like. had conversations w some other fic writers abt how strange it feels 2 get people immediately commenting on chs like “when will the next ch be out?” or sending messages etc asking abt posting schedules…idk i have conflicted feelings bc on the one hand im like well maybe i just did this 2 myself by having unusually fast & consistent posting schedules at various points w past fics but on the other hand i do try 2 make it v clear when like. my posting is gonna slow down…& also i v much do not think it should be considered standard 4 people 2 be updating wips weekly or monthly etc like when i was writing a fic 4 a different fandom before i joined this one i took like a four month break in the middle of posting w no warning & no one complained abt it lol.
& it’s also like. i do understand that none of those comments/messages etc r ill intended & usually people will tack on a little ‘no pressure!’ but unfortunately i am going 2 pressure myself regardless…which i have had 2 actively work on bc i was like. i cannot keep stressing myself out over arbitrary deadlines i set for something that’s supposed 2 be a hobby!! so i might just be extra sensitive abt it now & if one of those messages catches me on a day where im stressed abt other stuff etc (frequent occurrence recently lol) then like. no matter how nicely it’s phrased it still doesn’t feel nice. & i understand wanting 2 know but i also don’t think u should read a wip unless ur actually prepared 2 a) deal w the story however it goes [separate complaint that i’ve been discussing w my fic writing friends lmao] and b) wait however long it takes 4 chs w no expectations abt regularly-scheduled posting. so!
anyway not sure 2 what extent this is like a new phenomenon or expectations have actually changed…one friend who’s been like. writing fic way longer than i have told me they do feel like there’s been a sort of shift across various fandoms w this new expectation that fic writers r posting regularly quickly & consistently. like maybe bc fic has become more ‘mainstream’ etc there are an influx of people who r bringing in new standards that sort of echo what they’d expect 4 other forms of media but like. when u take a step back & think abt it it’s a little wild 2 want or expect some random guy 2 be providing u w weekly entertainment for free…have seen a few people being like “ugh we need a new big wip that everyone’s reading & talking abt” & im like. oh so u want someone 2 kill themself lmao like everyone i know who’s had their fic treated like the fandom’s ~tv show~ that they tune in for every week has had a horrible horrible time lol
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anna-the-undertaker · 9 months
IDK im bored and sleep deprived
I had an idea.... The idea is that any living thing that has a soul or the equivalent of a soul gives off spiritual pressure, or in other terms an aura/energy. I am unsure if this has been discussed at all within the fandom or mentioned in the game, so I want to take some time and explore it a little here because it has been floating around in my brain ever since I started rewatching Bleach. Just a warning, this is pretty long and some things may seem repetitive, but that is because some of the stuff mentioned can be applied to many of the characters mentioned. If you have any thoughts or something to contribute feel free to add onto this, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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Spiritual pressure and Demons/Angels -
1. Origin and Nature: Spiritual pressure is an intangible force that emanates from the spiritual essence of demons, angels, and humans. It's a reflection of an individual's inner strength, emotions, intentions, and overall power. Every being in the Devildom/Celestial realm/human realm possesses a unique spiritual pressure that is a direct result of their personality, experiences, and abilities.
2. Manifestation: Spiritual pressure is not directly visible to the naked eye but can be felt and perceived by those with heightened sensitivity to supernatural energies. Demons, angels and even some humans can sense and differentiate spiritual pressures from one another, allowing them to gauge the strength, emotional state, and intentions of those around them.
3. Emotional Influence: Emotions play a crucial role in the intensity and quality of spiritual pressure. Strong emotions such as anger, fear, joy, and determination can amplify an individual's spiritual pressure. This connection between emotions and spiritual pressure is often harnessed in battles and interactions with others.
4. Power and Rank: A person's level of spiritual pressure is directly linked to their power and/or rank within the demon/angel hierarchy. Demons/angels with higher spiritual pressures are generally more influential, respected, and powerful. It is a reflection of their experience, skill, and overall dominance.
5. Interactions and Relationships: The interactions between people are influenced by their spiritual pressures. People with similar or compatible spiritual pressures are more likely to get along, cooperate effectively, and understand each other. On the other hand, conflicting or vastly different spiritual pressures might lead to tension, misunderstandings, or even conflicts.
6. Battle and Combat: Spiritual pressure also has a practical application in battles and combat situations. Demons/angels can manipulate their spiritual pressure to perform powerful attacks, defend against incoming attacks, and create barriers. The manipulation of spiritual pressure adds a strategic layer to battles.
7. Growth and Development: People can undergo personal growth and development, which can lead to changes in their spiritual pressure. As they mature, gain new experiences, and overcome challenges, their spiritual pressure can evolve, becoming more refined and potent.
Spiritual pressure and Humans -
1. Nature of Human Spiritual Pressure: Human spiritual pressure is a latent energy that resides within every individual, arising from their emotions, thoughts, intentions, and life experiences. It serves as a conduit for their inner essence, which, though less potent than that of angels and demons, remains an integral part of their existence.
2. Awareness and Sensitivity: Ordinary humans typically remain unaware of their spiritual pressure due to its relatively feeble nature. The majority of individuals go about their lives without ever consciously perceiving this energy. However, moments of heightened emotion, danger, or extreme stress trigger a subconscious response, activating their "sixth sense." This heightened sensitivity allows them to detect particularly potent spiritual pressures and elicits the innate "fight or flight" survival response.
3. Sensitive Individuals: Within the human populace, there exist a select few who possess heightened sensitivity to spiritual pressure. These individuals, often referred to as "Psychics" or "Mediums" or "Witches" or "Sorcerers", possess an innate ability to perceive fluctuations in spiritual energy. This gift grants them the power to pick up on the emotional states of others and even sense the presence of supernatural entities that remain invisible to the majority.
4. Compatibility and Adaptation: Unlike in the relationships among angels and demons, compatibility of spiritual pressures does not exert a significant influence over human interactions. Humans display remarkable adaptability and malleability in their spiritual pressure, allowing it to "change shape" to accommodate the spiritual pressures of those around them with ease. This adaptability stems from their inherent ability to rapidly adjust to new situations and environments.
5. Influence on Relationships: Human relationships are not directly influenced by spiritual pressure compatibility. Humans possess a unique capacity to forge connections and bonds based on shared experiences, interests, and emotions. Unlike angels and demons, whose spiritual pressure dynamics might dictate their relationships, humans transcend these considerations through their natural ability to empathize and communicate effectively.
6. Flexibility and Growth: Human spiritual pressure is characterized by its inherent flexibility. It is not a static force but rather one that evolves and adapts alongside an individual's personal growth and development. As humans undergo transformative experiences, conquer challenges, and evolve emotionally, their spiritual pressure likewise transforms, reflecting their newfound wisdom and resilience, whereas a demon/angels spiritual pressure would only become more potent and not change from what it was originally.
How MC's spiritual pressure changed -
1. Pacts with the Seven Brothers: Through these pacts, MC forges deep connections with each brother, sharing their spiritual energies and strengthening their bond. This connection contributes to MC's spiritual strength by infusing them with the unique traits, powers, and emotions of each brother.
2. Angelic Blessings: (I wholeheartedly believe that Simeon and Luke would bless MC so....) These blessings infuse MC's spiritual essence with celestial energy, augmenting their inherent potential and granting them insights into the angelic realm. The angelic blessings heighten MC's spiritual sensitivity, enabling them to better perceive the supernatural energies that surround them.
3. Angelic Heritage: MC's lineage also plays a significant role in their spiritual strength. They possess an inherent connection to the celestial realm, regardless of how minuscule the connection may be. This heritage acts as a wellspring of power, enabling MC to draw upon angelic energies in times of need, even unknowingly, enhancing their abilities and fortifying their spiritual core. For example, their immunity to the brothers sins influence.
4. Experiences in the Devildom: Their experiences shape and refine their spiritual strength. Each encounter, victory, and setback contributes to their growth, deepening their understanding of the supernatural world and honing their ability to harness their spiritual energy. Over time, these experiences bolster their resilience and resourcefulness.
5. Death and Resurrection: They experience death and subsequently return to life. This life-altering event leaves an indelible mark on their spiritual strength. The brief sojourn into the afterlife grants them insights into the balance between life and death, further expanding their spiritual awareness and granting them a unique perspective on the forces at play in their world.
6. Transformation and Ascendance: As MC's experiences accumulate, their spiritual strength undergoes a profound transformation. They evolve from a newcomer to the Devildom into a formidable presence, bearing the marks of their pacts, angelic blessings, heritage, and resurrection. This transformation enables them to channel and manipulate spiritual energies with greater finesse, allowing them to access new abilities and confront even more formidable challenges.
The brothers and angels influence: what they gave and what they gained -
The pact/blessing represents a bond between a demon/angel and a human, allowing both parties to share their strengths and attributes.
Lucifers Pact -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Knowledge and Wisdom: Lucifer is known for his wisdom and knowledge as the Avatar of Pride. Through the pact, MC would gain insights into arcane lore, strategies, and a deeper understanding of the Devildom's history and politics. This influx of knowledge would broaden their horizons and allow them to approach challenges with a more analytical and informed mindset.
Mastery of Authority: Lucifer's affinity for leadership and control over others would influence MC's spiritual pressure, endowing them with a natural sense of authority. This would make them more adept at commanding respect and cooperation from both supernatural beings and humans.
Manipulation of Shadows: The pact could grant MC the ability to manipulate shadows, reflecting Lucifer's power over darkness and manipulation. This skill could be utilized for stealth, defense, and even as a form of offense in battles.
Calm and Composed Demeanor: Lucifer's stoic demeanor and composed nature could influence the MC's emotional control. They might find it easier to maintain a calm and rational mindset even in the face of chaos or emotional turmoil.
Lucifer's Gains:
Human Sensibilities and Creativity: Lucifer's pact would grant him insight into the human perspective, emotions, and creativity. This understanding could help him navigate complex social dynamics and develop innovative solutions to challenges in ways that might not be immediately apparent to other demons.
Emotional Resonance: MC's emotions would be intertwined with Lucifer's spiritual pressure, providing him with a deeper emotional connection to the human experience. This could lead to personal growth for Lucifer, allowing him to explore and understand emotions more profoundly.
Adaptability and Resourcefulness: Lucifer's exposure to the human world through the pact would also instill in him a sense of adaptability and resourcefulness. This might lead him to consider unconventional strategies and approaches when dealing with various situations.
Shared Strength and Unity: The pact would strengthen Lucifer's connection to MC, forging a sense of unity and shared purpose. This bond could serve as a source of strength for both of them, enhancing their determination and ability to face challenges together.
Mammon's Pact -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Ambition and Drive: Mammon's unyielding ambition and desire for success would contribute to the MC's spiritual pressure, infusing them with a heightened sense of determination and the drive to achieve their goals. This would make them more tenacious and focused in their endeavors.
Financial Intuition: As the Avatar of Greed, Mammon's affinity for wealth and material gain could grant MC a heightened sense of financial intuition. They might possess a knack for making shrewd decisions and predicting trends, aiding them in both their daily life and business ventures.
Skill with Artifacts and Objects: Mammon's pact might grant MC an aptitude for handling artifacts and objects, reflecting his penchant for collecting valuable items. This skill could prove useful in solving puzzles, uncovering hidden treasures, and manipulating objects in creative ways.
Fearlessness and Adventurous Spirit: Mammon's daredevil nature and lack of fear could influence MC's sense of adventure and courage. They might find themselves more inclined to take risks and venture into the unknown without hesitating.
Mammon's Gains:
Human Emotions and Empathy: Through the pact, Mammon would gain insight into human emotions and empathy. This could help him better understand the motives behind human actions and allow him to develop a deeper connection with others.
Shared Ambition and Motivation: Mammon would experience a shared sense of ambition and motivation from MC's spiritual pressure. This could inspire him to set higher goals and strive for self-improvement, driven by MC's determination.
Heightened Resourcefulness: MC's financial intuition could rub off on Mammon, enhancing his own resourcefulness and financial acumen. This might lead him to find new and inventive ways to amass wealth and manage his finances.
Shared Fears and Bravery: MC's infusion of courage and fearlessness could provide Mammon with a newfound sense of bravery in the face of challenges. He might learn to confront his fears and insecurities, becoming more resilient as a result.
Leviathan's Pact -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Creativity and Imagination: Leviathan's passion for gaming and imaginative worlds would infuse MC with a heightened sense of creativity and imagination. They might find it easier to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to challenges.
Natural Aptitude for Technology: Leviathan's affinity for technology and digital realms could grant MC a natural aptitude for understanding and using technological devices. This skill could be beneficial in various situations, from hacking to problem-solving.
Empathy for Others' Perspectives: Leviathan's deep connection to virtual worlds and characters might lead MC to develop an enhanced sense of empathy for others. They could become adept at seeing situations from multiple viewpoints and understanding different emotional states.
Adaptability to Change: Leviathan's tendency to immerse himself in different realities could influence MC's adaptability. They might find it easier to navigate unfamiliar environments and adapt to new situations.
Leviathan's Gains:
Insight into Human Interaction: Through the pact, Leviathan would gain insights into human relationships, emotions, and interactions. This understanding could help him navigate social dynamics better and develop more meaningful connections with others.
Shared Creativity and Imagination: Leviathan could draw inspiration from MC's creativity and imagination, leading him to create new and unique ideas. Their shared strengths might lead to the development of extraordinary experiences.
Technological Skill Enhancement: MC's aptitude for technology could rub off on Leviathan, enhancing his own technological skills and expanding his understanding of digital realms.
Broadened Horizons and Open-Mindedness: The main character's adaptability might encourage Leviathan to step out of his comfort zone and explore new experiences. This could lead to personal growth and a more open-minded approach to life.
Satan's Pact -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Knowledge and Wisdom: Satan's deep love for literature and learning would contribute to MC's spiritual pressure, enhancing their knowledge and wisdom. They might gain a broader understanding of various subjects and be able to apply that knowledge strategically.
Analytical Thinking: Satan's logical and analytical mindset could influence MC's thought processes. They might become skilled at analyzing situations, making well-informed decisions, and identifying patterns.
Insight into Emotions: Through the pact, MC might gain a better understanding of emotions, mirroring Satan's ability to empathize with others. This insight could lead to improved communication and the ability to comfort and connect with those around them.
Calm Under Pressure: Satan's composed demeanor could influence MC's emotional stability. They might find it easier to maintain a calm and collected attitude, even in high-stress situations.
Satan's Gains:
Human Connection and Empathy: Through the pact, Satan would gain insight into human emotions and experiences, allowing him to develop a deeper sense of empathy. This could help him better connect with others and understand the complexities of human interactions.
Shared Knowledge and Wisdom: MC's infusion of knowledge and wisdom would influence Satan, inspiring him to explore new subjects and broaden his own intellectual horizons.
Emotional Resonance: Satan might gain a heightened emotional connection to human experiences, allowing him to better understand and manage his own emotions. This could lead to personal growth and a deeper sense of self-awareness.
Balanced Perspective: MC's calm under pressure could serve as a source of inspiration for Satan, helping him to better manage his own anger and frustration. Their shared emotional stability could lead to a more balanced perspective.
Asmodeus' Pact -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Charisma and Social Skills: Asmodeus' charm and sociability would influence MC's spiritual pressure, enhancing their charisma and social skills. They might become adept at forming connections, reading people, and navigating social situations with finesse.
Emotional Intelligence: As the Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus' ability to understand and manipulate emotions could grant MC a heightened sense of emotional intelligence. They might become skilled at recognizing and managing their own emotions, as well as understanding others' feelings.
Aesthetic Appreciation: Through the pact, MC could gain an enhanced appreciation for beauty and aesthetics. They might have a keen eye for details in art, fashion, and their surroundings.
Empathy and Understanding: Asmodeus' understanding of desires and relationships might lead MC to develop a greater sense of empathy and open-mindedness toward others' needs and perspectives.
Asmodeus' Gains:
Human Connection and Authenticity: Through the pact, Asmodeus would gain insight into human relationships and connections, allowing him to cultivate more meaningful connections based on authenticity and genuine emotions.
Shared Charisma and Charm: MC's infusion of charisma could influence Asmodeus, inspiring him to explore different facets of his own charm and enhancing his ability to connect with others on a deeper level.
Emotional Depth: Asmodeus might gain a deeper understanding of emotions through MC's emotional intelligence, helping him to navigate complex emotional situations and experiences.
Mutual Empowerment: MC's empathy and understanding could inspire Asmodeus to better connect with his own emotions and desires. Their shared bond might empower him to embrace his emotions without fear.
Beelzebub's Pact -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Physical Resilience: Beelzebub's incredible physical strength and durability would influence MC's spiritual pressure, enhancing their physical resilience and endurance. They might become more capable of enduring physical challenges and recovering from injuries.
Voracious Appetite: As the Avatar of Gluttony, Beelzebub's insatiable appetite could grant MC a unique relationship with food and nourishment. They might be able to gain energy from consuming a wider variety of substances.
Shared Determination and Willpower: Through the pact, MC could gain a shared determination and willpower from Beelzebub. This might make them more stubborn in pursuing their goals and resisting challenges.
Empathy and Compassion: Beelzebub's deep understanding of others' pain and struggles might lead MC to develop a greater sense of empathy and compassion. They might be more inclined to help and support those around them.
Beelzebub's Gains:
Human Connection and Understanding: Through the pact, Beelzebub would gain insights into human relationships, emotions, and connections. This could help him better understand the complexities of human interactions and develop deeper connections with others.
Shared Resilience and Endurance: MC's physical resilience could inspire Beelzebub to push his own physical limits and explore the extent of his strength and endurance.
Empathetic Insights: Beelzebub might gain a deeper understanding of human emotions through MC's empathy, allowing him to better connect with others and offer emotional support.
Mutual Determination: MC's shared determination could inspire Beelzebub to pursue his own goals with even more vigor and dedication. Their bond might motivate him to overcome challenges he previously avoided.
Belphegor's Pact -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Intuition and Perception: Belphegor's tendency to observe and perceive details others might overlook could influence MC's spiritual pressure, enhancing their intuition and ability to pick up on subtle cues.
Restorative Energy: As the Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor's connection to rest and rejuvenation might grant MC the ability to draw energy from restful environments or moments, allowing them to recover faster.
Shared Calmness and Patience: Through the pact, MC could gain a shared sense of calmness and patience from Belphegor. This might make them more adept at managing stress and dealing with situations that require a composed approach.
Understanding of Hidden Motives: Belphegor's knack for understanding hidden motives could lead MC to develop a greater sense of perception when it comes to deciphering others' intentions and actions.
Belphegor's Gains:
Human Connection and Empathy: Through the pact, Belphegor would gain insights into human relationships, emotions, and connections. This understanding could help him better navigate social dynamics and form deeper connections with others.
Shared Intuition and Perception: MC's enhanced intuition could inspire Belphegor to further develop his own perceptive abilities, allowing him to better understand the world around him.
Calm and Restorative Energy: Belphegor might gain a shared sense of calmness and restorative energy from MC. This could help him manage his own stress and find moments of relaxation.
Mutual Patience and Composure: MC's shared patience might inspire Belphegor to approach situations with a greater degree of composure, even when faced with challenges that test his patience.
Simeon's Blessing -
MC's Gains:
Enhanced Serenity and Compassion: Simeon's angelic nature would influence MC's spiritual pressure, enhancing their serenity and compassion. They might find it easier to remain calm and empathetic, even in the face of challenges.
Healing Touch: As an angel, Simeon's healing abilities might be shared with MC through the blessing. They could possess a touch that brings comfort and healing to those around them.
Heightened Intuition: Simeon's wisdom and insight could lead MC to develop a heightened sense of intuition, allowing them to make wise decisions and navigate complex situations.
Empathy and Forgiveness: Through the blessing, MC might gain a deeper sense of empathy and forgiveness, reflecting Simeon's compassionate nature. They might find it easier to understand and forgive others.
Simeon's Gains:
Human Connection and Emotions: Through the blessing, Simeon would gain insights into human emotions, experiences, and connections. This could help him better understand the complexities of humanity and foster deeper connections.
Shared Serenity and Compassion: MC's infusion of serenity could inspire Simeon to explore different facets of his own compassion, enhancing his ability to provide emotional support and understanding.
Wisdom and Intuition: Simeon might gain a deeper sense of wisdom through MC's heightened intuition, allowing him to better navigate angelic affairs and make informed decisions.
Mutual Empathy and Forgiveness: MC's empathy and forgiveness could inspire Simeon to approach others with greater compassion and to extend forgiveness more readily.
Luke's Blessing -
MC's Gains:
Heightened Purity and Light: Luke's angelic nature would influence MC's spiritual pressure, enhancing their sense of purity and connection to celestial energies.
Divine Healing: As an angel, Luke's affinity for healing and restoration, like Simeon, could lead MC to develop a touch that brings comfort and healing to those around them, reflecting his angelic abilities.
Enhanced Empathy and Understanding: Luke's compassion and understanding might inspire MC to develop a deeper empathy and better understanding of the emotions and struggles of those they encounter.
Divine Guidance: Through the blessing, MC could gain a sense of divine guidance and intuition, allowing them to make decisions with a higher perspective.
Luke's Gains:
Insight into Mortal Experiences: Through the blessing, Luke would gain insights into human experiences, emotions, and connections. This understanding could help him better navigate his interactions with mortals and demons.
Shared Purity and Light: MC's infusion of purity could inspire Luke to further embrace his own angelic nature, enhancing his ability to radiate light and goodness.
Empathy and Understanding: Luke might gain a deeper sense of empathy through the main character's enhanced understanding, allowing him to connect with others on a more profound level.
Mutual Guidance and Intuition: The main character's sense of divine guidance could inspire Luke to trust his own intuition and guidance from higher realms, deepening his connection to his angelic abilities.
MC's Influence -
MC's spiritual pressure, influenced by the traits and characteristics of the seven demon brothers and the angels, would be a complex and multifaceted energy that could vary in its impact on different individuals. It's important to note that spiritual pressure, as described in the context mentioned throughout this post, isn't inherently threatening or overpowering by default. Instead, its effects would depend on the MC's interactions and intentions. Here's how it might play out:
Threat Level to Lesser Demons: MC's spiritual pressure, influenced by the traits of the demon brothers, might be perceived as powerful by lesser demons. Some demons might feel intimidated or awed by MC's presence due to the infusion of qualities like pride, envy, wrath, greed, and more. Whether it's threatening or not would depend on how MC uses their spiritual pressure. If they exude dominance or challenge, it could be seen as threatening. On the other hand, if they emanate empathy and understanding, it might be more welcoming.
Impact on Ordinary Humans: Ordinary humans might not directly sense or perceive the nuances of MC's spiritual pressure, as they lack the sensitivity of angels and demons. However, particularly potent moments or intense emotions could trigger MC's spiritual pressure to manifest in subtle ways. It might influence human interactions by amplifying emotions or conveying a sense of authority, depending on which demon/angel's traits are most dominant at the time.
Reactions from Angels: Angels, with their celestial nature, would likely be more attuned to MC's spiritual pressure. The shared traits of the demon brothers could evoke curiosity, understanding, or even caution from angels. The way MC's spiritual pressure interacts with the angels' own energies and intentions would determine whether it's seen as overpowering or harmonious.
Ultimately, the perception of MC's spiritual pressure would be highly context-dependent. It would be less about being inherently threatening or overpowering and more about how MC chooses to channel and express the influences of the demon brothers and angels they're connected to. Their ability to balance and control these influences would shape the reactions of those around them.
To sort of wrap this up (because I have been at this for a few hours now and if I don't stop now I won't) MC is most definitely one of the most powerful humans in all three realms to ever exist.
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phdmama · 4 months
im not sure if this is the right place to ask this but do you have any advice about writing or posting fic after nearly a decade? the last time i posted fic it was a very different fandom and i was 13 ish. what i am struggling with specifically is that last time i wasnt really thinking about including themes or accurate characterisations etc. and the new fandom i want to write in is much smaller and has some incredible writers. the prose is so good with incredible diction, different styles and literary techniques.
so essentially i've stalled because im so focused on trying to incorporate these things that i just end up not writing anything. i think its also a general lack of confidence maybe?
thank you :)
Hi pal! Sorry it took me so long to answer you - I spent yesterday shoveling and today at work!!
I feel like there are maybe two different things in your ask here? There's the issue of writing (especially in a new fandom) and then there's the issue of posting and wanting people to actually read your stuff!
I know this is such a cliche but I really do actually believe this, which is - when it comes to writing, YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Sure you can absolutely emulate the work you're loving (and there's nothing wrong with that! I've certainly done it, I think a lot of us have, especially in the beginning), but it sounds like you're maybe forgetting the most important part. Which is this, in my opinion. Your story is valuable because it's YOURS. No one else can tell it. That's where all the stuff about "write what you want, for you" comes in.
What would you write if you could let go of all of the expectations you're burdening yourself with, to live up to other people's writing, and just let yourself write?
In part - it's so much easier to edit than it is to write (at least that's true for me, my fellow writers, PLEASE feel free to add on to this). The first draft is just for getting it out of your head - from there, you can focus on the craft part of it (if you want to!), really honing your narrative and characterizations and whatnot. But write the first draft and let it be ugly.
In terms of breaking into a new fandom, especially a small one, well. I dunno, but for me, I do love some very rare pairs and when I find something new, I get really excited! So I'm betting there's an audience for your work - it might be small, but dang, I bet it's enthusiastic.
For connecting with people, well. @allwaswell16 has really great enthusiasm for self-promotion (and I'm so bad at it, but she's NOT wrong) - write your fic, make a fic post, post it and reblog it. Tag it!
I know for me, I'm probably too shy to reach out to people and say hey! pls read my fic? But if you haven't made some fandom connections as like, a fan, that might be worth doing as well - not to get people to read your work, but to have other fans to celebrate with! I've made some incredible friends simply by shrieking in the comments on the fics and then stalking them on Tumblr to yell at them some more about how much I love their work. (All in complete sincerity too.)
I am pretty bad at Discord and writers groups and stuff, but maybe there are people there to connect with as well?
And like, a thing I want to be really clear about is, it's 100% okay (and like, super normal?? I think??) to *want* people to read your stuff! I write for me, I share it because I want other people to like it too. it does take time to build up those connections usually, but again, I'm guessing that people who love that pairing are going to be excited for someone who's excited to join in.
Anyway, just some off the top of my head rambling - please please feel free to come back if I can be of any other support? xox
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tazdrgaoneyetagain · 9 months
i canNOT deal with looking at the outdated one much longer so its new pinned time!
HELLAO! i go by taz, jevil, or if youre feeling sillay, you can call me drgaone! or just dragon. if youre normal. also any variation of the word dog
☆ he/it/bark, transmasc and pan!
☆ furry and therian (black wolfdog), selfshipper!!!1!1!
☆ not whatsoever diagnosed but everyone who talks to me agrees theres some divergent on that neuro
☆ taken and very loud about it i love them sm.
☆ theoretical cannibal. key word THEORETICAL.
☆ chronic epistaxis i am the number one bleeder
《FANDOMS :3333》
◇ wings of fire
◇ pjsk/vocaloid
◇ fnaf, specifically the dcas
◇ hfjone
◇ the walten files
◇ chonny's charming chaos compendium
◇ regretevator its birds fault
◇ kinitopet!!!!
《F/OS !!》
♡ sun (five nights at freddys, romantic f/o)
♡ six-claws (wings of fire, father f/o)
♡ sayori (doki doki literature club, romantic f/o)
♡ shadow bonnie (five nights at freddys, platonic f/o)
♡ the heart acoustic (cccc, platonic f/o)
♡ kinito (kinitopet, romantic f/o)
♧ drgaone roars -> og posts
♧ drgaone snarls -> asks and answers
♧ tax evasion -> art tag! i used this one across all my past blogs (@taz-drgaone, and the one i had to deactivate womp womp) so going through a tag for a literal felony is fucking flooded with fruity dragons. in retrospect i should have made it drgaone draws
♧ manatee the silly! -> manatee my blorbo my silly. also used across all blogs but you dont have to scroll past political shit
♧ drgaone scrawls -> poetry n fanfic !!!!!!!!!
♧ saveforlater -> imagine me curled up on a pile of these posts like a sleeping dragon atop its horde of treasures
♧ holy shit the images are moving -> animations i post
♧ phoenixposting -> me being in love
♤ feel free to send asks requests dms whateva!!!1! i thrive off interaction its my fucking lifeblood
♤ ask about my ocs.
♤ my discord is assignedmuckaatblucka PLEASE ADD ME.
♤ tazzerjevil on ao3!!! read my fics boy but maybe not the smut. currently workinf on a jashling chatfic im v proud of
♤ my biggest trigger is the military PLEEEASEEEE dont send me shit related to it. or i kill you wigh my teeth
♤ PRO-PALESTINE. except i cant post much abt it because my pro-israel mother knows my tumblr. and also the above
♤ i am worlds most annoying dog. i will spam you with barking and yap about my partner so much
BASIC DNI SHIT! pls if ur a jackass do Not follow. also anyone against cannibalism, transspecies people (not one myself but its such a cool concept), mspec lesbians, xenos or neos. also if youre gonna tag me in a reblog chain plEASE dont do one of those ones where it says "tag [insert number of people]" i panic and have no clue who ta tag,,, also no reblog bait please!
OKAY GO LOOK AT MY SHIT HAVE FUN!!!!!! yes i changed this. slay
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Rules and Regulations:
DNI if you are one or more of the following:
In summary if you’re gonna be a jerk kindly move along please
Please do not:
Send hate to me or others
Harass me or others
Give unsolicited criticism (some polite constructive criticism is fine tho)
Doxx me or anyone else
Share any personal identifying information (name face address etc): this is just a personal thing i grew up with strict internet safety rules and ik some people are more comfortable sharing things like their name or their face but im not and i think it’s better in practice not to so id prefer if you didn’t share that kinda thing appearance description is fine but like your name or anything like that especially cause i most likely wont use your name unless asked personally in which case that’ll be a private post (however pet picks are v much welcome plz send them).
What I will not write for:
Smut: I don’t know a thing about sex other then the biological understanding so I don’t think I could write it very well nor do I feel comfortable with writing it so sorry im fine with insinuating it tho 😉😏
Anything hateful towards irl people
Anything political
Romance with children
Anything that makes me uncomfortable: if you request something that makes me uncomfortable that is not this list i will explain why im not writing it
What I will Write for:
Note: if you want to request more than one fandom you can, but it has to be separate asks for each one because my headcanons are kind of long.
One shots
Original stuff I come up with out of boredom
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Pretty much anything that wasn’t on the will not write for list unless or until i say otherwise
List of Fandoms:
Note: I’m in a lot of fandoms and always joining new ones so if there is a fandom not on the list that you want feel free to ask me I might know about it and forgot to add it or you’ll be introducing me to something new :) I’ll also try and keep the list updated
Note #2: I’m ok with writing for celebrities or vtubers as long as we’re respectful about it ok that means you understand that everything here is complete fiction and you understand their boundaries and if they dont feel comfortable with works about them those posts will be taken down
Marvel (Movies)
Harry potter (Movies)
The Maze Runner (Movies)
Motherland Fort Salem (Series)
Siren (Series)
The Owl House (Series)
Arcane (series)
The dragon Prince (series)
Avatar the last air bender (series)
Legends of korra (series)
The magicians (series)
My Hero Academia (Anime)
Sword Art Online (Anime)
Oshi No Ko (Anime)
Takt Op Destiny (Anime)
The Disastrous Life of Saki K (Anime)
Revue Starlight (Anime)
Blue Reflection (anime)
RWBY (anime)
Classroom of the Elite (anime)
The Apothecary Diaries (anime)
Revue Starlight: ReLIVE (game)
Bang Dream (game)
D4DJ (game)
Fire Emblem: Awakening-Engage (Game)
Persona 5 (Game)
Tales of Arise (game)
Our Life forever and always (game)
Mystic Messenger (game)
Obey Me (game)
Twisted Wonderland (game)
Honkai Impact (game)
Honkai Star Rail (game)
Genshin Impact (game)
Tears of Themis (game)
Zenless Zone Zero (game)
Punishing Gray Raven (game)
Aether Gazer (game)
Project Sekai (game)
Takt Op Symphony (game)
Blue Reflection series (game)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (game)
Danganronpa TTH-2GD (game)
Master Detective Archives: Raincode (game)
Rune Factory 5 (game)
Hyperdimension Neptunia (game)
Atelier Sophie (game)
Baldur’s Gate 3 (game)
Love and Deep Space (game)
Nijisanji EN (vtubers) (Hiatus)
Hololive EN (vtubers)
Holostars EN (vtubers)
Avallum EN (vtubers)
(More to be added later)
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starzzify · 2 months
hi! i’m star/starzz. (online name, my real name doesn’t go online)
i decided to make a small introduction, as well as organize my blog more. so, this is the post for that!
as for the introduction. my fandoms are hazbin hotel, bsd, and death note but im into a whole bunch of other stuff too. (bolded ones are the fandoms im more active in)
i absolutely love music, i’m listening to music right now. i’m always listening to music every second i can. and some artists i like are sir chloe, conan gray, matt maltese, the smiths, mcr, msi, MITSKI, green day, frank sinatra, melanie martinez, tv girl, and the neighborhood. my music taste could be put under the spotify category of “alt” or “indie” ig? any post i make about music, song lyrics, analysis, anything, will be posted under the #starzz music shop tag.
i also post random thoughts and things, those will be under the #starzz thoughts tag.
another tag that you might see, sometimes.. rarely, is the #starzz is reading!? tag. this will be book quotes or thoughts!
i have a few tags where i post my writing, these are #starzz poetry and #starzz writing, if I post poetry it'll be under both and when I post my #Flu Season story it'll be under the Flu Season tag and the starzz writing tag.
#starzz life posting is where i post about things im going to do, or doing. basically just events.
#starzz obsession or #starzz obsessions posts are where i go on and on about how much i love something or i analyze media (most likely the death note musical OR bsd stuff) basically just things im obsessed with atm.
#texts i never sent or #texts i’ll never send ; where i write things that i think about sending, but never will. (for good reason or not, we might never know)
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about me:
if you couldn’t tell i love purple
i really like listening to music (specified abovee)
im looking for more moots/mutuals
things i like: music (duh), art (drawing, writing, poetry, etc.), fashion, makeup, jewelry, my friends, journaling, movies and shows, video games, cooking/baking, talking to people, nature, pretty things, when people ask me about things i like (online most of the time, when people ask me about things i like irl i short circuit and don’t know what to say), my phone, tumblr, sending random asks to people i like, buying stuff online, money, listening to essays/rants on random topics on youtube, spicy food, bracelets (i have so many on omg), also making bracelets, clothes shopping, the mall, making presentations
things i dislike: school, annoying people/pick mes, when i make a typo i can’t correct, headaches, anxiety, the beach, the fact i can’t get a job, toxic people, when people say im boring, people who say everything is “cringe” (i promise im not a hater for having so many types of people i dont like its just they’re things i dont like), beige moms, people who fat/skinny shame, getting up in the morning, when people talk over me/ tell me im talking too quiet
(i might add more to my likes/dislikes idk)
feel free to talk to me about anything you like, i love hearing (or in this case reading) people talk (or write) about the things they like
also if you talk to me about something and i really like it there’s a chance i’ll start liking it too
i love to post random things and thoughts so that’s what you’ll probably get on this blog
sometimes i’ll post about my pets, i have 2 cats. one named taffy and the other loki
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zabiume · 6 months
sorry if this is any way discouraging… not exactly the word im going … offending? jdjdjdjd I just wanted to say hearing when you say that a fic like the ichiishihime one it took a lot of time and how you wrote it slowly! like it was… very inspiring to see to me. because fjjfjf writing is v difficult and i always get frustrated when I write slow and i keep hitting blocks (honestly most of the time it’s not even blocks but more like it’s those fics that just a bit of marinating in between of working on it) but seeing how much your writing is so good and how much I really really love it. It making me more appreciate of writing slow, despite how much I want to get the end and get frustrated when there’s no progress for months or ahaha a year and more. it doesn’t feel like im alone in it and like — I love your writing so much and it makes me wonder, why can’t I love and take pride in my own too in all its slowness. as the craft of writing is like that sometimes
JDJDJJD I DO NOT IF I GOT THSI ACROSS WELL… but just! wanted to thank you! your writing inspires a lot in me with how you write bleach characters and everything. just! thank you 🥺💞
this was not offensive at ALL, don't worry! rather, i'm very touched you said this because if this is the message my writing process is sending then i am very, very happy about that!
i'm not sure if you can relate to this, specifically, but i think for a lot of working/studying people, we're very used to having deadlines and having to be "on" all the time that maybe some of it seeps into our attitude regarding our hobbies as well. i don't mean this in a kids-these-days way, but we are also in a culture of fast consumption lately with streaming and binging, where it seems unnatural to spend YEARS with a series — even though that was a pretty normal thing to do only a few years ago😅 the urgency of that kind of gives the impression that you have a limited window of time to stay "relevant" before people stop being interested in your work and move onto something else!
BUT. the thing about fandoms is that they are alive forever. even if everyone else has moved on, there's always going to be at least one rando on the internet writing fic and one japanese artist on twitter still dropping renaissance level masterpieces. which is all to say....the pressure to write fast is the devil talking and we must NEVER listen to it!!! there is no deadline and even if you feel like there is, there are going to be days where you have IRL commitments that keep you busy. and sometimes you might have an entire afternoon off but still be unable to come up with a single word. my creativity has always arrived in random streaks and if i'm free, i try my best to take advantage of it and put it all on a doc. if i'm not feeling creatively inspired, i don't write at all, i just do something else that i enjoy doing.
believe it or not, when i was writing A Combination of Factors, there were WEEKS where i only wrote 2-3 sentences a day. yeah, that's slow, but i still put it out eventually, right? the chadhime training scene in Therein Lies the Heart was actually something spinning in my head since 2019 (when i got back into the bleach fandom again) but i only managed to work it into a story earlier this year.
the reason i'm giving these examples is because sometimes it's good to sit on an idea for a while, even if the urge to share a good thing instantly is definitely understandable! more often than not, you'll get more good ideas you can add to the story and build it in a better, satisfying way. i know this from experience because there are a lot of stories that i was so excited to share that i jumped the gun and then later thought, "damn, i still had more left in me." not that i regret it because i go in, add it anyway and then update the author's notes in case any re-readers get confused by the extra content that definitely wasn't here last time :D my policy on that is: it's fanfic, who cares, i make the rules. it also helps to have more than one WIP so you can always have something else to work on if you feel like writing but this one particular story is giving you trouble.
anyway, i love the part where you mentioned taking pride in your own work because i think you definitely should! even if no one loves your fic but you, you still deserve to pat yourself on the back because ONE WHOLE PERSON enjoyed your story! the important thing, as i always say, is to be deeply involved and self-indulgent with it! 💖
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ne0nlightzz · 7 months
Characters/Fandoms I Write For
These are not all the characters I'll write for nor all the fandoms! Just some characters that I personally favor and would like to write about way more than some others! [this also includes what season of specific shows I'll write for. This will change and be updated quite a bit as I watch further into some shows and start to write for other characters and seasons]
This also includes what type of 'xReader's I'll write for!
Note: i keep saying throughout this post and this applies to every fandom i write for- ill write for other characters that aren't listed, so please if there's a character you'd like to see be written for and you don't see it on the list please just ask if I'll write for that character and ill let ya know!! it doesn't bother me and id rather people ask me rather then not!
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Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
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The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Damon Salvatore Stefan Salvatore Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson Kol Mikaelson Rebekah Mikaelson Marcel Gerard Lorenzo 'Enzo' Bonnie Bennett Tyler Lockwood Jeremy Gilbert Luke Parker Kai Parker
S.1 - S.8 [TVD] S.1- S.3 [The Originals]
Note: I'll write for practically all of TVD and most of The Originals. The characters in red are ones I'll write for but am less egar to write for if that makes sense. also if there is a specific character that you'd like written but isn't on this list please feel free to ask if I'll write for them! because trust me ill somewhat willingly write for most! (except for Matt. never ask me to write for Matt unless it's about him getting it by a car. This is mostly a joke so Matt fans don't kill me please-.)
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The Lost Boys
Characters- David
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
note: is anyone even in this fandom anymore? im not sure but this old vamp movie is so bad but also so awesome-
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TMNT 2012
Donatello [Donnie]
Michelangelo [Mikey]
Leonardo [Leo]
Raphael [Raph]
Casy Jones
i do write for other characters like April O'Neil, but i prefer to mainly write for Casey and the turtles as i favor them and i think i can write them better then i could other characters (this doesn't mean i won't write other characters!)
tmnt masterlist [each gen ill write for and what characters ill write for in those gens cuz i can't add every tmnt gen ill write for here- but untill i make my tmnt master list please know ill also write for a bit of rottmnt,2003 and a bit of bayverse and mutant mayhem! ]
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Marble Hornets
Tim Wright [+His alter ego-Masky]
Brian Thomas [+His alter ego-Hoodie]
Alex Karlie
Jay Merrick
i will also write both hoodie/brian and masky/tim in creepypasta context and plz know im still watching marble hornets because my attention span for stuff like that[or most stuff in general] is nonexistent so it takes me awhile to get through series and all that[im slowly getting through marble hornets and am learning more about it but its taking me 6 years no joke- also i do write Tim and Brian and their alter egos separately because in my head that just makes sense because i just imagine that there are very different behaviors in between the person and the alter ego if that makes any sense]
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Ticci Toby/Tobias Rogers
BEN Drowned
Bloody Painter/Helen
The Puppeteer
Jeff the killer
Eyeless Jack
Note: plz ask for any other characters! these are just the ones i could think of off the top of my head! ill also write Masky/Tim and Hoodie/Brian in the creepypasta context too. im also sure ill end up editing and add onto this.
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Invader Zim
Characters- Zim Dib Gir Gaz Tak
Seasons- S.1 S.2 note: ill write for s.1-the first haft of s.2 but not for the movie as i haven't watched it yet. ill also write aged up/feature au and maybe Zadar [plz don't kill me] besides that please ask for any relationships or characters.
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Helluva Boss
Fizzarolli [Fizz] Asmodeus[Ozzie] Blitzo Stolas Octivia Moxie Millie Luna Note: as i keep saying and this applies to every fandom i write for- ill write for other characters that aren't listed, so please if there's a character you'd like to see be written for and you don't see it on the list please just ask if I'll write for that character and ill let ya know!! it doesn't bother me and id rather people ask me rather then not!
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IT [2017]
Richie Tozier Eddie Kaspbrack Bill Denbrough Beverly Marsh Henry Bowers Patrick Hocksetter Victor Criss Belch Huggins
Note: I will write for the rest of the Losers and other characters but these are just the ones id like to write for [bill is an eh actually-] and as ive said before characters in red are ones ill list and write for but am a bit less egar to write for. Ill also totally write for the bowers gang-
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This list will continue to be updated as i remeber and get back into older fandoms and as i watch more of these shows/movies and such!! so again please feel free to ask about fandoms/shows/movies you dont see on this or any other list!! ill most likely make a a basic fandom masterlist that doesnt go into the characters ill write for as those will most likely just be other fandoms i that dont really need a list of characters!
also here is a short list of other fandoms/shows/movies ill write for but i felt dont really need a character list-
Interview With The Vampire The Black Phone Gravity Falls Lego Ninjago Sanders Sides FNAF/Aftons HTTYD The Owl House OHSHC Marvel/Spider man [Mainly Iron man or Spiderman because they are like my comfort characters- i also write for both the Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield Spiderman !!Not the actors but the character! ] Spider Verse Ask/ETC!
disclaimer: i do not own any of these chatacters, fandoms/shows/movies or images. all rights n all go to their respecful owners
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