#everyone i spent a lot of time on this please reblog and or discuss if you found interesting
tungtung-thanawat · 5 months
Disclaimer: I'm not Thai and this contains a lot of conjectures that needs to be fact checked by someone who is either Thai/ knows enough about Thai folk culture to comment. So the tits out nagini played by Babe joke (that I'm really enjoying this isn't to knock us having a laugh down) really made me think about how demonizing female tits is a relatively post christian missionary disseminating puritanism as a extra religious extra cultural inherent to human civilization idea. So then, are the naginis meant to have their tits out and is using babe to portray the authentic nagini style of dress just a clever way of circumventing modern laws about censorship? Bottom line is - I don't know and I have no way of knowing on account of having zero access to Thai people but I do have some evidence:
Babe is wearing a 'female' style of dress
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I don't think I really needed to start here because the deliberate use of female pronouns makes it fairly clear that Babe is supposed to be a woman here but there's also the chain, the scarf, the long hair, gaudier accessories etc 2. Babe and Freen are supposed to be the same person and look very very similar, more similar than they do in real life but maybe even identical for narrative purposes
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The show has pushed the audience towards suspension of disbelief when it comes to how similar Freen and Babe look. The portrait of Freen as the Nagini looks like Freen and NOT Babe and yet all the characters in the show are convinced it looks like Tharn (played by Babe). This told me that no matter what I think for the show to make sense to me Babe and Freen look like they could be twins for all that reality matters. They have the same name and modern day Wansarut, played by Babe, shows up as a reflection of the past Wansarut, played by Freen, BEFORE the transformation at the end of ep 5
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In fact, the transformation is never shown and modern!Wansarut appears fully formed in front of Phaya as though once Phaya has allowed himself to open his eyes, he can see the truth - that they're the same. Their gender is never shown to 'transform' on screen and I think what this show is pushing for is that gender is just NOT an inherent part of their identity. IMO, that's taking it a step further than simply saying Wansarut was a girl in past life and Wansarut is a boy in this life. It's like saying Wansarut is Wansarut, whether Wansarut is a a boy or girl is just as relevant as whether Wansarut is wearing modern day clothing or traditional clothing. 3. The women have their tits out too????
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look at freen's hand, that's not a shirt, that's her skin and it's the same color as Babe's clothing is when Babe plays Wansarut
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same with Songjet she doesn't have the scarf or chains and her shirt is textured to the scales of a serpent. I think this is a tits out look too.
All their tits on principle appear to be out 4. Are tits out nagini the tradition? This is the part I have no idea. It's not like googling a hundred nagini statues from thailand will tell me when they were made easily or accurately. All I can say is that all the anthropomorphized nagini statues that were wearing clothes were very obviously wearing clothes and not scale textured clothing. There's also these tits proudly out variations
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chahnniesroom · 5 months
for richer, for poorer
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: gift giving has always been something you've agonised over. for chan, just having you in his life is enough.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: insecurities (especially related to finances), feeling anxious, hurt/comfort
a/n: i know it’s still a long time until october, but i didn't write it in time to fit as like a holiday related fic. formatted this on my phone bc i'm lazy so please let me know if anything looks weird!
bonus: minho's reaction to his gift (included as a reblog of this post)
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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Gift giving has always been something that you agonised over. You wanted so desperately to get something meaningful and special that nothing you ended up getting seemed special enough.
So when Felix had proposed throwing both Chan and Minho a party for their birthdays, you were more than happy to help plan. You could see that Chan had hesitated when Felix had told them about it, but he had ultimately agreed when he saw the way Minho had seemed to perk up at the idea.
It wouldn’t be anything too big, Felix promised, just inviting some close friends to have dinner and hang out. It slowly balloons into more than a simple dinner, but the opportunities for the members to have their friends gather are so rare that you swallow your concerns.
The night of, you can’t help feeling a bit nervous. You recognise almost everyone, but that's the part that scares you - you've only seen most of these people through your phone screen before. You know Chan and Minho have a lot of idol friends, but you didn't realise there would be so many at the party. You had discussed the guest list with Felix briefly, but your concern had been about the number of guests and not who they actually were. Now you’re starting to regret it, you aren’t mentally prepared to be face to face with so many celebrities.
The time passes surprisingly quickly with people trickling in as the night goes on. Dinner is casual, you’ve helped to cook a number of dishes and takeout was ordered to fill the rest of the counter. There isn’t enough proper seating so everyone is spread throughout the kitchen and living room.
You spend most of the time just wandering through and making sure that there’s no shortage of drinks, appetizers, and that the empty dishes or cups are cleared away. Of course, you greet everybody as they arrive and thank them for coming, but it’s hard not to be intimidated by all the famous faces.
Eventually Changbin drags the birthday boys to the living room, standing them in front of the TV to open gifts. Everyone else either crams themselves onto the couches, sits on the floor, or loiters closer to the doors.
Chan insists that he open presents at the same time as Minho instead of one at a time like Jisung suggests. Someone pushes a couple of matching boxes into their hands and steps away.
It's almost comical how different they open them. Chan takes his time, carefully pulling apart the ribbon that's wrapped around the box, sliding the lid off and putting it to the side, then slowly peeling aside the tissue paper. Minho on the other hand, manages to pull the ribbon off the box without untying it and flips the box to shake off the lid and reveal the contents.
They're complementary hoodies in the casual and oversized fit that the boys usually go for. You recognize the brand, have seen the members wear it on more than one occasion, and know that they most likely cost the same as your monthly salary.
The next gifts seem fairly innocuous, a beanie for Chan and a baseball cap for Minho, but you know their pieces often go for over a million won, more than you’ve ever spent on a single clothing item.
It continues on like this, the boys receiving items like music equipment, alcohol, and sunglasses. It makes you swallow hard when you think of your own, mostly handmade gift.
Maybe the worst part is that nobody else at the party even blinks an eye at it. You can’t blame them, it’s the nature of their occupation that has gotten them desensitised to being surrounded by luxury and it’s not like they can’t afford to indulge in getting more expensive things.
When you look down, wanting to stop staring at the pile of opened gifts, you see that you've partially crushed the packaging of your own gift. It already looked shabby enough, it was obvious you had wrapped it yourself and the paper you used was from the supermarket, but now it was even worse.
When you try to smooth out the crinkles, your shaky fingers somehow make it ruin it more. You bite your lip, hard, then stop, self conscious about your appearance around all these idols.
It suddenly feels cramped and too warm, sweat starting to gather on your forehead and back. The room starts to spin slightly and you become overly aware of your heart beating in your chest.
A burst of laughter from the crowd spooks you, pulling you out of your head. You use the opportunity to get to your feet and excuse yourself. You slip away as quietly as you can and breathe a sigh of relief when you make it into Chan's room without anyone following you.
You don’t bother to turn on the lights, not wanting anyone to check up on you, and sit on the ground with your back against Chan’s bed. With the door closed, the noise from the party is muffled and it’s significantly colder in this area of the dorm. You press your hands to your face and take a few deep breaths to try and calm your heart rate.
You don’t know what’s wrong with you because you know you shouldn’t feel like his. You had been looking forward to watching Chan and Minho open their gifts, you had spent a lot of time preparing them and you had felt confident that they would enjoy them.
Well, until you saw everything else that they received.
Now your ideas just seemed silly. You feel humiliated at the thought of everybody seeing the obviously cheap gifts and even worse when you consider how ashamed Chan might be for others to know that you were his partner.
Although you were working full-time at the moment, you had only graduated from university last year and your student debt was an ever present weight on your shoulders that you tried your best to hide. Everything you had went to paying it back and checking in bi-weekly to see the number get smaller and smaller was the only thing that made you feel better.
Chan knew that you often worried about money. You had been mortified the first time that he had walked in on you trying to organise your finances for the next few months. He had glanced over your shoulder before you had even realised he was in the room and all the red cells showing where you were in a deficit were hard to miss.
It had been early on in your relationship and the dates that the two of you had been on as well as a couple unforeseen events had meant that you had been spending way more than what you had anticipated. Of course, Chan had treated you on a number of occasions, but you refused sometimes because you felt guilty every time he offered to pay, especially since it had been only a couple years after his debut.
He had been more than understanding, but you had been so embarrassed and caught off guard that you couldn't stop the tears from streaking down your face. Since then, Chan and the members had never done anything to make you feel like they pitied you or thought any less of you for your financial situation, in fact they did the opposite.
When you had first started visiting the dorms, opening the food delivery apps was like a reflex for all of the boys once it was dinnertime. You were always hesitant to choose anything and felt even worse by the nonchalant way that they covered the costs each time. Even though you knew they didn’t think anything of it, you couldn’t help but feel like you were taking advantage of their hospitality.
Somehow they caught on to your reluctance to buy food and now it's tradition that you cook for them when you come over, enough so that they keep the kitchen stocked with more than ramen, chicken breasts, and protein powder.
In particular, Minho absolutely loved your cooking and had needled you many times on sharing how you made it. You had always denied him though, saying that you didn't use exact measurements and came up with things on the fly. That’s why for his gift, you had taken the time to create a recipe book, complete with pictures for each step and modifications that he could make based on the ingredients he had.
You had spent a few months thinking about what to give Chan. He was harder to shop for since you knew he wasn't overly fond of celebrating his birthday and didn’t want you to spend money on him, but was always touched when you got him something. Usually, you tried to do something he was more likely to accept.
Last year, you had organised with the company to give Chan a day off and had taken him out to a movie. It was a pretty standard date, but the two of you rarely had the opportunity to go out together and you knew Chan had resigned himself to watching the movie when it was released online instead of going to the theatres like he had hoped to. Having to spend a few days trying to sort out all the logistics of secretly rearranging Chan’s schedule had been more than worth it with the way that his face had lit up when you had told him about what you had planned.
You don't know how long you sit alone, but every time that you tell yourself to get up and rejoin the party, it feels impossible to move.
“Hey,” Chan's voice is cautious, but you startle anyway, scrambling to stand up. Stuck in your thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed him entering the room. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Just needed some air, it was getting kind of stuffy in there,” you explain. “I didn't think you'd notice.”
“Of course I noticed. You were there one second and gone the next, I didn't know what happened.”
“It’s nothing.” You avoid Chan’s gaze, not wanting to see the concern that shines in his eyes.
Chan steps closer, then reaches out and tangles your fingers together, using your connection to pull the two of you to sit on the bed.
“Y/n, baby,” he says softly. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on in here.” He leans forward until the side of his head bumps into yours.
“Don’t say it’s not important,” he warns. “It’s important to you and that makes it important to me, okay?”
“Uhm,” you pause for a moment, unsure of how you want to word your thoughts. You trust Chan, but it still feels scary being vulnerable. “I guess, I was just feeling… Insecure.”
“Insecure?” Chan tilts his head slightly. “About what?”
“Everyone-” you laugh slightly, embarrassed. “Everyone gave you guys such nice gifts, I feel like mine don’t even compare.”
“Y/n, you know I don’t care about that kind of thing. If I had the choice, nobody would be giving me gifts at all. Just having you in my life is enough.” Chan’s voice is painfully sincere.
“I know you don't mind. It just- It feels bad that I can't give you something nice like they can. It's dumb, I know, but I can't help it.”
“I can open it here, away from everyone else if you want,” Chan offers. “Or you don't even have to give it to me today, you can save it until you feel better. Or don't give it to me at all, it's all okay.”
“No no, I want you to have it,” you say immediately. Before you can think better of it, you reach down and retrieve the gift from where you left it on the floor.
“Whatever makes you feel comfortable,” Chan reassures you.
“This is fine,” you decide. “Just the two of us."
“It’s not designer,” you say suddenly, fiddling with the ribbon that keeps the two packages together. Both of you ignore the fact that you’re just stalling at this point.
“I don’t need any more clothes, I barely wear everything I own now,” Chan jokes.
“Really, you might not like it,” you warn.
“Baby, when have I ever disliked anything that you’ve gotten for me?” Chan drops the teasing tone. You think for a moment.
“When you asked me to order noodles for you and I accidentally got you the spicy version and it made you cry?”
“Did I say that I didn’t like them?”
“No, you ate it all even though I warned you that it would make your stomach hurt for the next couple of days,” you say, smiling faintly at the memory.
You had gotten yourself the same dish and had found it to be bearable, while Chan’s face had turned bright red after the first bite. You had offered a few times to get him a non-spicy version so that he could enjoy himself, but he had been determined to finish, soaking his shirt and beanie with how much he had sweated. He hadn’t even been able to continue carrying a conversation with you, too busy trying to suck in air to cool his mouth.
It had been even funnier for you the next day, receiving multiple texts from Chan about his stomach hurting and having to continually pause dance practice to go to the bathroom.
“The pain was worth it,” Chan insists. “I'm actually convinced that I'll like anything you give me. Now come on, let me open my gifts!”
You hand over the gift and watch as he pulls away the ribbon to separate the boxes and peels away the tape on the first package. His brow is furrowed in concentration as he tries not to rip the wrapping paper.
This gift was more neutral, a set that contained a wallet and cardholder, both in black. Although Chan hadn’t complained at all, the wallet he had been using was from years ago and the synthetic material was starting to crack and flake away at the edges.
He looks delighted, examining it briefly before pulling out his old wallet and transferring all his cards and cash into this new one. Although it’s not a name brand, you had purchased it at a small shop specialising in handcrafted genuine leather goods at a surprisingly affordable price. It was good quality and suited the simplicity that Chan preferred.
“It's just what I needed,” he says, sounding pleased. “You pay so much attention.”
“I'm glad you like it,” you say, feeling relieved even though you had been pretty sure that he would be happy with it.
The unease comes back when he turns his attention to the second gift. Once again, he puts in effort to gently unwrap it, revealing an old chocolate box that you had repurposed from one of your dates.
You’ve always been on the more sentimental side and had saved it, wanting to remember the evening that Chan had taken you out and the two of you had spent 20 minutes in the shop, meticulously picking out the flavours that you wanted to try. The box is made of a surprisingly durable material and is the perfect size for this gift. You’ve painted over it too, concealing the original design.
Chan turns it around in his hands curiously, before sliding the lid up. You turn away to stare at your hands, overwhelmed by nervousness.
You already know what’s inside. It’s a deck of cards that you’ve transformed, with 52 things I love about you inscribed on one of the jokers. On the flip side, you’ve painted a picture of you and Chan smiling widely with your cheeks pressed together. It’s his favourite, one he always tells you would be permanently on his lock screen if he wasn’t an idol.
The rest of the cards are decorated similarly, a small drawing or painting on one side with the things, people, and places that Chan loves on one side, and something that you love about Chan on the other. The last joker is the only one that's different, you've treated it as a card and have a small message written on.
You had been so excited when you had thought of the idea, even though it was almost embarrassingly cheesy. Chan was often hard on himself, overly critical, and sometimes insecure. You tried your best to reassure him that he was doing well, both in his career and personal life, but you weren’t always able to be with him to do it in person.
As time goes by, your dread just continues to build, but you don't dare look up, not wanting to see Chan's reaction. Based on the silence, he’s clearly not thrilled with the silly idea that you had gone with. You can almost imagine his expression, jaw clenched and lips pressed together as he tries to think of what he can say to let you down easy.
Finally, you can't take it any longer and you lean forward, reaching out to grab at the cards that he's still reading though.
“I'm sorry, it's stupid, I know,” you say quickly. “You can tell me that you hate it, it's okay. I don't know what I was thinking, but just- give me more time, I'll get you something else, something nicer-”
It catches Chan off guard, and instead of successfully taking the cards away, you grapple with them for a second before they slip between both of your hands, scattering across the floor like confetti.
You instantly drop to your knees, scrabbling to scoop them up like the most awful game of 52 pick up that you've ever played in your life. To your horror, the task gets even more difficult as tears start to well up in your eyes.
“Y/n-” Chan says gently, reaching out and taking your wrists in his hands to stop your frantic movements. “Come here.”
You resist for a moment, but he pulls you into his arms, cradling your head so your face is resting on his shoulder. The tears leaking from your eyes soak into the fabric and you sniffle softly.
“I'm sorry,” you say, voice partially muffled. “I'm a mess.”
In response, Chan pulls back slightly and when you don't turn towards him, he taps a finger against your cheek until you face him. Your eyes widen when you notice that he also has tear tracks streaking down his face.
“It's okay, I'm a mess too. I should have said it sooner,” he says, voice low and gravelly. Still in his embrace, you can feel the rumble of it in his chest. “I love it. I was overwhelmed, I wanted to say something but you left me speechless.”
“Don't just say it-”
“I've never had a gift so thoughtful, Y/n,” Chan says earnestly. “How could you think this was stupid? You must have spent hours and hours on it and I really appreciate it. It’s just- is this really what you think of me?”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Do you really love that-” Chan picks up the closest card to him and flips it so that he can read the message. “That I snore? Y/n, why do you even have this in the list?”
“Yes, snoring was one thing and it's because with everything, there’s always a reason to love it. It's not that I love that you snore, but with your insomnia, hearing you snore is a relief because it means you're sleeping, that you're resting. Even with your insomnia, I know you're busy thinking of every little way you can make things just right for you and the members. It's because you care so much, how could I not love these parts of you?”
“You- you really love all these little things?”
“Of course I do,” you say in a hushed voice. “Of course. When I was making these, I couldn't fit it all. I love everything about you, Chan.”
This time, it's Chan that breaks eye contact, shaking his head as if in disbelief.
“I don't know what I did to deserve you.”
“It's not about deserving. You didn't have to do anything, that's the whole point. I love you just as you are.”
“You know that's how I feel about you, right?”
“Even if you never got me anything ever again, I wouldn't love you any less. You being in my life, by my side, that's the greatest gift you could ever give.”
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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gigidragonbbxxx · 3 months
regarding mental diet
discipline. consistency. THIS IS HOW YOU MANIFEST.
it is the discipline and consistency in acknowledging the things in your 3D that you want and ignoring the stuff that you do not identify with.
Yes Gigi, we know that why are you saying something EVERYONE says?
bc dear reader and loass community, i'm gonna say something that might be known but I don't see stated enough:
To be a master manifester, you break your old realities and create new ones - AND A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME GETTING ON THIS LEVEL BECAUSE THEY ARE UNWILLING TO LET GO OF HABITS THAT DO NOT SERVE THEM.
You hear me???
I'll cite an example many of us go through: a friend who doesn't know the law and only wants to talk about how horrible men are. This friend is also addicted to complaining. What have so many loass practicing people have said? They've either 1) told that friend they don't want to talk about that stuff or 2) spent less time with that friend.
it's an experience so many in the community go through and many benefit from limiting their exposure to that type of person. because what is the point of spending time affirming lies like "life has to be hard" "life is unfair" "I always get treated like shit by men" "I'm never first choice" like EW!? guys, learn to get the ICK from this type of talk!!! there is no benefit from this energy.
Be willing to WALK AWAY. Be willing to be the one to say "This is not for me" if a convo is full of limited beliefs. Be willing to not participate in trends like making tiktoks about self deprecating jokes or tweet about toxic things. Be willing to say "Oh i never say those things about myself."
Let me explain what prompted me to write this:
I saw THE CUTEST lil key chains or cases made by a small business. I love to reblog cute things on my main account on twt (not my loass burner) and tbh I've manifested getting some of those cute things by making a lil placebo that whatever I retweet is mine/fact.
The first case/keychain thing was "Tummy Ache Survivor" which I thought was hilarious as I have a lot of Virgo energy in my life but the second image showcased another that said something along the lines of "Daily Dose of Dumb Baby Juice".
Does a master manifester drink dumb baby juice? Or is she the operant power full of knowledge and wisdom leading a fulfilling life?
Now, I'm not a limiting typa gal okay? You can totally be "baby". You can totally live a soft live. Be a baby. Hell, I love being baby in a relationship. What I'm saying is even seemingly "harmless" things like that phrase...you have to have discernment in what could be unfavorable influences in your life.
Again, Gigi isn't telling you how to live your life. If you wanna declare "fuck off Gigi! I'm a dumb baby AND I manifest!" go ahead. If you wanna declare "fuck off Gigi! I can consume ANY CONTENT I want and manifest!" GO AHEAD.
all of them. 100% of them. are careful about what they expose themselves to/say about themselves.
and I get the resistance to cut off things you mightve enjoyed. But i said it before and I'll repeat it again.
things gigi had to cut off:
sad songs on daily playlists
reality tv glorifying toxicity in relationships
accounts on twt that leaned heavily on "men are trash" mindset
conversations that were self-deprecating
and more but those are a few examples.
and you know what I have more time to do now, reader?
I have more time to affirm, to listen to subs, to write on this blog.
Because Manifestion is a Lifestyle. It's not a quick fix bc the outcome depends on the SOLIDITY of your BELIEF to enact CHANGE on the 3D.
so pls don't drink dumb baby juice. drink pretty girl juice. drink intelligent master manifester juice. drink "in my favor" juice.
with laughs and love, xx, gigi
p.s. I do not believe that this is an excuse to remain ignorant about world events and news. I encourage you to remain informed, intelligent people who do not lack awareness and instead are fully immersed in the nuance of balancing high self-esteem and understanding the political climate.
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mrsjellymunson · 4 months
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Written for @bettyfrommars, @allthingsjoeq and @somnambulic-thing’s Stranger Prompts, Prompt 1. He shows up at your house covered in mud in the rain, but the problem is, he died two months ago.
Series Summary: After the events of the previous months, everyone is shocked by the unexpected return of an old friend. But is it really him?
Chapter Summary: On a stormy night, an unexpected visitor arrives.
WC: 1.14k
Series C/W: 🔞 18+, MDNI, NSFW. I mean it, if you’re under 18, git! Post-S4, Upside Down exists, dark/supernatural themes. Eventual Eddie Munson x fem!reader smut. Swearing. Not much to caution about in this part, unless you don’t like rain, or bad decor.
A/N: This series contains a lot of things I haven’t written for before, so I’d love to know what you think! Please comment and reblog, it means the world to writers, and reblogs mean work gets seen. This series has a taglist so if you’d like to be on either it, or my general list, lemme know in a comment, ask or message 🙏💗
Skip to Part One
My masterlist
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You’re holed up in an old farmhouse on the outskirts of Hawkins. It’s not exactly remote, but the nearest building is little more than a speck on the horizon so you feel pretty isolated. Owens organised it, explaining it would be a good idea for the older members of the party to lay low for a little while. Nancy had put forward an excellent argument for remaining with her family, but you, Robin and Steve had reluctantly packed up some of your belongings and relocated here. For how long, you don’t know.
It’s no palace. The wood-built building is certainly past its best, the yellowing 50s kitchen barely functional and the faded decor not to anyone's taste. But it’s (mostly) warm, (usually) dry, and most importantly, it feels safe. Which is something you all need after the events of the past few months.
You’re all acutely aware of the obvious gap in your merry band. Owens had insisted that the three of you didn’t attend the funeral, but he’d involved you as much as he could, ferrying messages between you and the kids and Wayne, discussing what he would’ve wanted to wear (you all agreed on his spare Hellfire shirt and leather jacket, knowing he’d never want to be separated from either, plus a brand new, government-funded pair of black 501s), and sneaking mementoes to you with Wayne’s approval.
Mike and Will have taken charge of his D&D paraphernalia, Dustin got his wallet chain (and wears it with literally everything, even his Weird Al shirts and colourful shorts), and Lucas opted for a small pocket knife. You, Steve and Robin each have one of his rings. Steve and Robin keep theirs in their rooms, but you wear the silver skull every day. It’s too big for your fingers, and is even a little loose on your thumb, but that’s where you keep it, spinning it to ease your anxiety, and smoothing the pads of your fingers over its bumpy surface to remind you of the friend you’ve lost. Rueing the fact that you always wanted him to be more than that, but never had the chance to find out whether he felt the same.
The kids visit periodically, even staying over sometimes, nobody expecting anyone to be watching the comings and goings of a bunch of nerdy teens. Nancy drops them off, sometimes staying, sometimes not. On this occasion she’d dropped and run, explaining that she was going to visit Max in the hospital tomorrow, spending some quality girly time with her. Lucas, who usually spent every spare moment by her bedside, was going to spend the weekend here, after Max, still seriously ill but now well enough to communicate, insisted that he needed to spend at least a bit of time with his old friends.
Tonight, you’d had a movie marathon, Keith developing an uncharacteristically generous side since everything kicked off and periodically dropping off and collecting piles of VHS tapes. Not quite generous enough to bring you any brand new releases, but even things you’ve seen before are better than the ‘sweet FA’ you’d have available given the nonexistent TV reception around here.
Popcorn litters the floor and the saggy furniture, as do gangly boys and a long-haired girl. Jane has commandeered the sole armchair, sitting in it cross-legged, and you, Steve and Robin are squashed onto the sofa with an equally squashed Dustin, the latter insisting that there was definitely room for one more.
Mike and Will are on the floor between the sofa and the old, battered coffee table. Mike’s hunched over a bowl of chips that he’s shovelling in, and Will is leaning against your legs, you stroking his hair in a way you know he finds comforting. Lucas is lounging on the floor at the side of the table, his long body stretched out and his head supported on threadbare throw pillows.
The gentle patter of drizzly rain against the windows and roof, and the crackle of the open fire, one of your only sources of heating, gives the evening a cosy feel, though you hope the rain doesn’t get any heavier as you don’t entirely trust the roof over the rear extension to cope with much more meteorological abuse.
You’ve just finished Raiders Of the Lost Ark and Steve has got up to swap it out for The Stuff, when there’s a strong gust of wind and the rainfall picks up significantly. Great, you think, the weather gods definitely weren’t listening to your silent pleas.
None of you notice Jane stiffening in her seat and shifting uncomfortably.
Under the lashing of the wind and rain there’s a sudden noise at the front door. Not urgent, not loud, just two soft thuds. If the kids had been roughhousing or the film had been on you may even have missed them.
You all look at each other, instantly and equally on edge, and all hoping that somebody, anybody, will provide a simple explanation for this.
Steve’s the first to speak. Jaw slack and brow furrowed, he asks the room, “Uhh, did anyone order takeout?”
There’s a cacophony of ‘no’s’ and shaken heads, before another soft thud is heard, just one this time.
Steve steels himself, not for the first time realising that it’s his responsibility to investigate the possibly terrifying, and potentially life-threatening, situation. He stands from his position by the video player and moves towards the door, fingertips skimming the top of the bat that’s always to the side of it, before closing his hand softly around the handle.
He pulls back the sliding bolts before twisting the lock and pulling the door open just a crack, leaving the chain on. The noise of the weather increases in volume, but other than that there’s no indication of what’s on the other side.
Steve has his back to you so you don’t see his eyes go wide, but you do hear a soft, “Wh- What the fuck?”
Robin being Robin, and perpetually thinking about her stomach, she says,
“What is it, doofus? Pleeease tell me it’s Jonathon and Argyle dropping by from Cali with some delicious Surfer Boy pizza??”
“Uh, no, it’s, uh- You know what? Maybe you should just come and see for yourself. Wait, scratch that, just the adults.”
Knowing this will unwittingly pique the interest of the kids more than if he’d just allowed everyone to come look, you and Robin glance at each other before quickly rising and moving to the door.
Steve closes it and takes off the chain, opening it wide as the three of you arrive, the kids following close behind and trying to look between you.
There, hunched, shivering, soaking wet and covered in mud, is your friend. The one who’d died saving the town. The one they’d buried only a few days ago, after he’d been lying on a slab in a lab somewhere for weeks.
Continue to Part One
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Thanks so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this. Lemme know if you’d like to be tagged in future parts.
Extra tags: @jamdoughnutmagician @joejoequinnquinn
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Camp Counselor Munson
paring ✦ Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary ✦ You’ve been attending summer camp since forever. This year a new camp counselor joins, it’s Eddie. You’re the cheer captain, he’s the town freak. What could possibly happen between you two?Modern AU Contains smut
word count ✦ 4,800ish
authors note ✦ I love Eddie so much ): this took me forever for whatever reason lol hope y’all enjoy
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This was your seventh year attending Camp Summer Haven. You've been here a few weeks out of every summer vacation since you were 11. Now at 18 years old, headed into your senior year of high school, you were too old to be just an attendee. Since you turned 16 you have been volunteering as a camp counselor. All you really had to do was make sure the six girls you were in charge of didn't miss activities and they made it through the two weeks alive.
You had grown to love this place it was an escape from the real world. Two whole weeks with friends you only seen once a year. With the no phone rule you were able to make actual connections with these people. As the cheer captain at Hawkins a lot of your friendships felt forced. For two weeks you weren’t one of the most popular girls, just another girl at camp. A few of the kids also went to your school but as you got older they stopped showing up. Which you were grateful for, you already spent all school year around them. That was more than enough for you.
"Okay guys, go get settled in your cabins," Trevor, one of the camp leaders, announces to the group of camp counselors in front of him, you included.
"The kids should be here in an hour. When they arrive please make your way to the entrance building so we can get the kids split up between everyone." He explains, passing out the cabin keys. You all nod in agreement before he takes off. Your key lets you know you'd be staying in the Cabin nine, the one the farthest away from everything. Great you mumble to yourself, annoyed.
"Yes! I got cabin two." Jessie cheers.
"Which one did you get?" She asks when she notices your sour attitude.
"Nine," You groaned. Everyone knew that cabin nine was the farthest away so usually the most neglected. Also rarely did it entice camp leaders to make the trek out there. Meaning you could possibly get away with more but that didn't matter because you never tried to get away with anything especially with six kids staying with you.
"Sorry chica," Jessie laughs.
"I'll be fine. Just late to everything." You joke back. You two had gotten extremely close several summers back.
"Well once you get settled in were all gonna meet up at the rec hall and catch up till the kids get here." She smiles when you agree and then you both part ways. Making the long walk to cabin nine.
About thirty minutes later your on your way to the rec hall. You changed into your Camp Haven get up. A t-shirt with the green and orange logo and the matching shorts. As a camp counselor you had a few different options to wear, you usually wore the shorts because if you were being entirely honest you liked the way you ass looked in them.
When you enter into the rec hall a few of the girls are standing around in a circle, whispering.
"What are we talking about?" You ask infiltrating their group discussion.
"The newest camp leader." Jessie chimes, her tone of voice leading you to believe he must be hot. You follow her finger where she points to Trevor speaking to the long haired, tattooed camp leader.
"Oooh," you coo agreeing with Jessie, he was fine. At least from behind, his jean so perfectly hugging his butt.
"What do we know? What's his name?" You ask, needing to know all details.
"His paperwork said Edward." Lucy answers your question, she spent most of her time helping in the office so she was the go to for all information.
"That's a ugly name." Lacey laughs. Lucy and Lacey were basically twins always attached at hips. Blonde hair, blue eyes; borderline perfect.
"Maybe he goes by Eddie." Jessie suggests and that's when all the pieces start to connect. You groan outwardly when you realize its none other than Eddie Munson. The long haired "freak" who would make a fool of him self on a daily bases at school.
"What?" Jessie asks at your groan.
"He goes to my school."
"No fucking way." Jessie chirps, all the girls attention on you now.
"Unfortunately yes."
"Girl he is so fine. Why are you so distraught?" Lucy asks, puzzled by my reaction.
"If you went to school with him you'd understand." You tried not to judge anyone but its pretty hard when he's jumping on lunch tables hissing at the jocks, some your friends unfortunately.
"Whatever. I call dibs." Lucy laughs and you listen as they all argue over who gets to claim him. Lucy was known for sleeping around with the male counselors, rumors starting when she was 15. So she'd probably get him, she always got what she wanted.
The bickering comes to a halt when Trevor leads Eddie to the group of girls to introduce him. "Girls this is Eddie he'll be our newest Camp Leader. He’s going to be heading a guitar class.”
You watch the girls as they introduce themselves all basically throwing them selves at Eddie. You can’t help but roll your eyes at them only for your attention to be drawn back to Trevor when he calls on you.
“He says he’s goes to Hawkins, isn’t that where you go?” Your eyes move from Trevor to Eddie, who’s already staring at you.
“Yes it is.” You smile making eye contact with Eddie. You had never been this close before, his eyes were breathtaking. So much that you don’t hear Trevor’s words so he says your name again this time louder.
“Sorry what?” You ask face red giving your full attention to Trevor.
“I was saying maybe you could show him around.” You nod in agreement, eyes wondering to Eddie once again. He’s actively listening to Trevor explain whatever he’s explaining. You’re too busy admiring Eddie’s features up close to listen to the words. Only to be startled when he snaps his eyes towards you, smiling because he caught you staring at him.
“Oh I think I left your cabin key in the office. Follow me and I’ll grab it for you." Trevor says to Eddie before instructing you to stay put so Eddie can find you when they’re done. You nod yes before they leave you alone with the girls again.
“What the fuck was that?” Jessie laughs the question obviously directed at you.
“What?” You ask playing dumb.
“You we’re one second away from full on drooling.” She says, everyone’s eyes on you.
“Sorry he’s so pretty?” You say as a question.
“He was totally checking you out.” Lacey says while Lucy looks pissed.
"Does not matter I called dibs." Lucy snorts.
"You can't call dibs on a whole ass human." Jessie responds, her tone annoyed.
"Still doesn't matter not like he'd want anything to do with her." Lucy says like your not standing right there. Before you can respond for yourself Jessie speaks over you going off on her. Out of the corner of your eye you see Eddie let himself back into the room, the other girls entirely unaware. You make your way towards him leading back out the door he just came through.
“What was that about?” He asks, backpack and a sports bag in hand.
“Just Lucy be her usual terrible self. She’s kind of the worst.” You admit.
“She gives off that vibe.” He laughs, the two of you walking down the dirt walkway.
“We’ll you better be careful your her next victim.” He looks at you confused.
“She called dibs on you.” You further explain.
“Dibs on me?”
“She wants you. Thinks your so fine.” You laugh mocking her bitchy tone.
“I’m good.” He laughs.
“Good.” You say before asking which cabin he got stuck in.
“So what brings you to Camp Summer Haven? You’ve never gave off summer camp energy?” You ask, leading him to his cabin.
“Joey at the music store told me I could make extra cash this summer teaching kids to play guitar.” He explains.
“You’re getting paid?” You ask acting like your upset.
“You’re not?” He asks.
“No I’ve been going here since I was ten now I volunteer.” You explain.
“You don’t give off summer camp energy either.” He responds.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” You smile, walking ahead of him.
Eddie follows you around as you show him to his cabin. Where he unloads all his belongings while you sit outside waiting. After that you continue your tour highlighting all the most important places.
“This is the cafeteria. If you’re ever in need of a late night treat I can teach you how to sneak in through a window in the kitchen.” You motion to the window that sits above the sink, the lock has been broken for years. The camp too oblivious to notice.
“Is that an invite?” He asks.
“Perhaps. Promise you won’t say anything. If they find out the lock is broken I don’t think I could ever forgive you.” You tease, sort of joking.
“I promise.” He laughs.
“Good. The ice cream is to die for.”
After your tour is over you two head to the front gate to greet the kids. All the camp leaders and counselors are gathered. Trevor quickly approaches the two of you. The two of them start a conversation while you notice Lucy shooting you a dirty look. You slip away from them to find Jessie. She sits at a picnic table with other people so you join her. Mostly sitting in silence listening to everyone else talk.
Shortly after a couple busses filled with children start to show up. Once they’re all off and waiting, Trevor gives his pre camp speech. Letting the children know to get in a single file line so they can check in, turn their phones in and retrieve their cabin number. You end up with six younger girls. You introduce your self to them and they take turns introducing themselves as you all make the trek to Cabin 9.
“So where’s everyone from?” You ask trying to get to know the kids. They all speak at once, firing off their hometowns. Some of them look familiar from previous years, the oldest whose 15 lets you know she’s from Hawkins too. Her names Mandy.
“Hawkins? Do you go to Hawkins High cause I do and I think I don’t recognize you.” You admit.
“Probably cause your one of those stuck up cheerleaders. No you’re actually the queen of the stupid cheerleaders.” She retorts, her eyes rolling back into her head.
“Okay.. just gonna try my best to not get offended by that.” You laugh as an attempt to lighten to mood.
“Whatever.” She says, attitude apparent in her tone. She doesn’t respond again so you continue to converse with the other girls. Pointing out significant places to know while staying at Camp Summer Haven. Once you arrive to Cabin 9, you continue small talk. The clock on the cabin wall lets you know, it’s nearly time for the first get to together.
Everyone slowly shows up in the recreation center, sitting in circles taking turns saying their name, age and fact about themselves. Switching every five minutes as an attempt to have everyone get to know each other. You catch Eddie more than once staring. Or maybe he was catching you staring at him. Who knows?
“Everyone switch!” Trevor yells, so everyone listens. Your with Jessie’s group now, you quickly make you way to her. She leads the activity as you sit back and let her. The kids begin, one after another. You’re not paying any attention, too busy trying to see if Eddie’s back looking at you.
“Girl Lucy is fuming,” Jessie laughs.
“Because she’s trying to get Eddie’s attention but he’s too busy checking you out.” She says, pointing over to where Lucy is sat. Her annoyed face tells you everything you need to know.
“That’s a shame.” You tease, laughing.
Dinner rolls around and your group of girls follows you to the cafeteria where you all wait in line. You notice Eddie’s already here sat at a table. When he catches you he smiles and waves, you shoot him a shy smile. Confused why he’s got you feeling this way.
“Disgusting.” Mandy says to you, actually the first thing she’s said to you in hours.
“What?” You ask.
“The way your practically drooling over him.”
“I’m not.” You lie.
“You totally are.” Another girl chimes in, a few years younger than Mandy.
“It’s okay though, he’s so cute.” She adds causing the other girls into a fit of laughter. Only Mandy doesn’t laugh, rolling her eyes for the millionth time.
The line moves slowly but eventually you have your dinner. You follow the girls to where they want to sit, when in reality you kinda really want to sit near Eddie. Your too distracted following the young one ahead of you to notice, the leg that stretches out to trip you. You fall forward, your plate goes flying as you hit the ground with a loud thud. Silence falls over the room. You look up where the leg came from, it’s none other than Lucy. She’s sat there giggling, along with Lacey.
“You should really watch where your walking.” She snickers as you attempt to pick yourself up off the floor. Her plan backfires entirely because a pair of hands lead you up, your greeted by those chocolate brown eyes you haven’t stopped thinking about since you first seen them today.
“You good?” He asks as you get back on your feet, wiping away the dust that sticks to your shirt.
“I am now.” You say and it comes out more flirty than you had intended. Doesn’t matter because the smile that spreads across his lips makes it all worth it. He helps you clean up the mess Lucy created, walking to the trash can with you.
“Thanks for the help.”
“I saw her trip you.”
“That’s Lucy for you.” You respond, looking over to where she’s sat. Her eyes already on you, giving you the nastiest look.
“What did you do to make her feel the need to trip you?” He asks, bringing your attention back to him. You could either play dumb or tell him the exact truth.
“She’s jealous.” His face tells you he wants to know more.
“She thinks there’s something going on between us. She called dibs, remember?”
“Is there?” He asks, shocking you a tad.
“Maybe.” He nods his head, trying to rack his brain. How he came to some random summer camp only for Hawkins Highs Queen to be here, lowkey flirting with him.
“If there is, maybe you’d want to sit with me for dinner. Really stick it to her.” He teases, you bite your lip thinking. Trying to decide what you should do. If anyone from school knew you were throwing yourself at Eddie “The Freak” Munson it’d be social suicide. For the most part you want to believe that you don’t care what they think.
“Yeah let’s do that.” You respond finally.
“Let me grab another plate and then I’ll be there.” You add before leaving to replace the food that was wasted. Once you’ve done that, you race to Eddie’s table sitting right next to him. You smile at Lucy before letting yourself scoot closer to Eddie. He looks down at you with a smile before continuing his conversation with whoever.
“Really Eddie?” You recognize the voice, it’s Mandy.
“What?” He responds.
“You’re just gonna forgive her? She’s the queen of all the people that treat you like dog shit.”
“Mandy stop.” Eddie demands.
“No it’s bullshit.” Mandy yells before standing up and leaving the table.
“Sorry. She’s my cousin, when her mom found out I was working at this camp. She thought it’d be good for her. If you couldn’t tell she has some anger issues.” He explains.
“She’s right though, my friends are dick heads. I’m sorry.” You contemplate leaving, embarrassed.
“You’ve never been a dick. That’s all that matters.” Eddie says, giving you a reassuring smile. When you can’t come up with a response, he continues.
“You’ve been nothing but kind to me. If you promise not to judge me for what other people have to say about me. I promise to not judge you because of your stupid friends.” You sit momentarily, trying to take in everything he just said.
“Deal.” You respond, smiling. You two continue the conversation with small talk, nothing too deep. Eventually people sit around you guys, taking Eddie’s attention away from you. So you listen and watch Eddie intently when he talks, nodding every so often.
Dinner is over, you and Eddie walk out of the cafeteria. It’s nearly 9pm, time to call it quits for the day.
“So we sneaking in tonight to get some ice cream?” He asks, reminding you that you had offered that earlier in the day.
“Yes let’s meet by the window at 11. Usually by then it’s safe.” You smile before separating. Mandy and the girls follow shortly behind. They are not so quietly whispering about Eddie and you. How they ship the two of you, while Mandy disagrees. Bringing a small smile to your lips, shook that Eddie Munson is the one causing you to be so giddy.
“Where is that-“ You say aloud, getting interrupted and spooked all at the same time. Eddie is finally here.
“Hey,” he smiles, trying his best not to laugh at how he startled you.
“Sorry I’m late. Trevor showed up to my cabin, wanting to talk about tomorrow.” Eddie apologies.
“It’s fine, your here now.” You respond, pushing the window open. It was much easier when you were younger, to slip in. Now you had help because all of a sudden Eddie’s hands are guiding you in. In that moment your extremely grateful he can’t see your face. Realizing quickly your ass is not full display as you climb in. Once in, you jump with a thud off the counter. Turning to face Eddie who has no problem making his way through the window.
“It’s in here,” you speak, walking over to the freezer. Eddie shuts the window before following you. You pull out two ice cream sandwiches. Sitting down, letting your back slide down the wall in the process. You look up to Eddie who’s looking down at you with a smile. Handing the second ice cream sandwich over as his sits down next to you.
Eddie is the first to start eating, you follow his lead. There’s an borderline uncomfortable silence between you two as you realize you two are alone.
“This is some good ice cream.” Eddie speaks up, breaking the silence. You face him, watching him go to town on the ice cream. Bringing a small laugh to you. Before you can even get in a second bite, his is all gone.
“You got something on your face.” You point to the chocolate that sits on his upper lip.
“If this some sick ploy to kiss me, I won’t stop you.” He says with a smug grin.
“Damn I wish I thought of that.” You tease back, taking another bite of your ice cream.
“You convinced me to come to this secluded area, all alone. Dark as fuck. Either you want me or you want to murder me.” He says, your response is laughter. Laughing harder than you laughed in a while. Only stopping when you remember you’re not suppose to be in here.
“I’m gonna murder you actually.” You respond, flatly. Finishing off your ice cream as Eddie talks.
“Makes sense. Hot cheerleader seducing the schools freak for some sick murder ritual, sacrifice type shit.” He let’s out a defeated sigh, sitting back as if he’s ready to be murdered sending you into a fit out laughter again.
“I wasn’t joking though you got something right there.” You say before doing the unthinkable. Something you could of ever imagined yourself doing in a billion years. You close the space between the two of you, pressing your lips into his. Shock radiated through Eddie’s body, causing you to pull away feeling as if you did something bad.
“I’m sorry I thought-“ You apologize.
“No don’t apologize. I was not expecting that. You’re you and I’m me, that doesn’t happen. At least not to me.” He laughs, fixing his posture so he’s sat up.
“Well it did happen.” You say.
“Can it happen again? This time I’ll be ready.” He reassures you with that stupid little grin on his face. With a roll of your eyes, you go in for a second kiss. This time Eddie wastes no time kissing you back, hands finding the back of your head pulling you in deeper. The position isn’t the most comfortable so you hook your leg over the both of his, letting your self sit on him. Hid tongue reaches your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You let it in, your tongues fighting for dominance. His hands move to your hips, pushing you down on his growing boner. A sweet moan leaves your lips at the friction.
“Fuck,” Eddie groans, pulling away from your kiss to catch his breath. Also to attempt to wrap his mind around what happening, he’s in the process of hooking up with Hawkin High head cheerleader. What the actual fuck?
“What?” You asks innocently.
“Are you sure we should be doing this? What if we get caught?” He responds with another question.
“Not Eddie Munson worried about being caught.” You say, laughing still sat in his lap.
“I mean like I was specifically told to not fraternize with the camp volunteers. That’s exactly what this is.” He says, worry in his voice.
“But I want to fraternize with you.” You respond, biting your lip. Worried that maybe you miss read the situation.
“Fuck it,” he says before kissing you again. This time more forcefully, palming the meat of your thighs with his hands. You start grinding ever so slightly on the tent in Eddie’s shorts. The feeling of his hard member feel great between the thin clothes you two wear. Eddie is the one to pull away so he can speak.
“If you keep that up I’m gonna cum.” He admits, his voice breathy.
“Can’t have that yet.” You smile, temporarily backing away from Eddie. You pull at Eddie’s shorts, bring his boxers with them. He sits up quickly in a attempt to help you slide them off easier. Letting them rest at his ankles, you had every intention of riding him. You grasp his cock, pumping it slowly. Watching him squirm under you touch, you’re enjoying this way too much.
“Not fair, you’re not nearly as naked as me.” Eddie pouts his bottom lip. You laugh in response before pulling away from his dick, lifting you shirt up over your head. Eddie reaches around you to unbuckle you bra, watching intently as it falls exposing your tits. Eddie goes blank for a few moments just starting at the view presented in front of him. You shimmy out of your shorts. Your bare body on full display.
“You’re so fucking hot.” He manages to get out, lost for words. Still not believing whats happening right now.
“You can touch me ya know?” You laugh at the fact that’s he’s been sat here gawking at you when he could be touching the real deal. It’s like a light bulb goes off in his head, his brain finally catching up with his eyes. Reaching for you, pulling you back on top of him. His mouth finds you nipple, licking it softly causing a small moan leave your lips. You wet cunt rests on top of his cock, begging for some friction. The sound of your nipple leaving Eddie’s mouth makes a pop sound.
You lift your self up just enough to align his cock with your hole. Eddie watches in amazement as you slowly sit on his cock, letting him fill you up completely. The stretch hurts a bit but you’re taking him so good. His hands rest on your hips, waiting patiently for your next move. You start off slow, grinding on Eddie’s cock. Your hands are on his chest, he’s under you letting obscenities leave his mouth.
You’re pace picks up, Eddie’s hands guiding your hips faster. He starts bucking up into you, hitting you right where it feels the best. Moans continually leave your mouth, letting Eddie know just how good he’s making you feel.
“Get on you back.” He demands, his voice deep. You listen getting off of him and laying on the floor, using your bundle of clothes as a make shift pillow. Before you know it Eddie is between you legs, holding his cock to your entrance. He slams into you, wasting no time pounding into you a brutal pace.
“Play with yourself,” he says and it nearly comes out as a growl. You do exactly what he says, finding you clit with your fingers. Rushing circles around in. The mixture of his relentless pounding and the new clitoral stimulation is almost too much.
“Just like that.” He grunts, switching up his angle ever so slightly. This new angle is just what you needed because shortly after, you’re cumming. Your coming undone on his cock, he never slows only pumps into you harder. Not long before he’s pulling out and finishing on your belly, falling next to you. Both of you lay their in silence for a moment, breathing heavily.
“Fuck,” he says barley audible. You lazily nod in respond unable to respond with words. Eddie stands up throwing his clothes back on, finding something to wipe you clean with. He helps you put your clothing back on, placing a small kiss on your lips one last time.
The next day is filled with glances between Eddie and you, whispering to each other in passing. Promises to meet up that night. It turns into an almost nightly event, meeting up in the cafeteria to each ice cream and fuck. Your feelings quickly grow for him, his growing just a fast. The last day of camp ends with you two agreeing to go on a real date once back in Hawkins.
The rest of summer is spent avoiding your friends to be with Eddie in private. Occasionally inviting Mandy along so she can learn to like you, maybe one day. Just a few days ago she came over to watch a movie and didn’t roll her eyes when you spoke. Not even once. You considered that a sign of progress.
Your anxieties grow as the first day of your senior year approaches. Eddie can’t help but wonder what your going to do when school starts up again. Part of him terrified it’ll be the end of you two. You don’t want it to end but you worry what will happen if everyone found out you two were dating. In the end deciding your best bet is to invite Eddie to the last summer party of the year, it’s a annual tradition. The last Saturday before school starts everyone meets at the lake, gets drunk and makes fools of themselves.
“You sure you want to do this?” Eddie asks noticing your stress.
“Yeah I do.” You attempt to smile reassuringly, failing in the process. You two are sat in his van, the party is going on in front of you. It’s not too late to dip, no one’s noticed you yet.
“It’ll be okay.” You say, not believing your own words. Eddie hops out of the van before you can you get out, you hear the sound of a jock approaching the van.
“What the fuck are you doing here Munson?” You quickly hop out, approaching the two men. More basketball players appearing. Walking up behind Eddie, you intertwine your fingers tightly squeezing tightly.
“He’s here with me.” You respond, everyone looking at you like your crazy. Ignoring them you walk right past, Eddie follows behind you closely. Towards the bonfire you see some of your friends, they’re cheerleaders too.
“Hey…” Their voices trail off when they see who’s with you.
“Y’all know Eddie right? He’s my boyfriend.” You say, smiling softly. He waves to your friends, they’re unsure if they should believe this.
“Interesting duo.” One responds.
“How’d you meet?” Another asks, eyes full of judgement. You explain politely. Their faces tell you all you need to know. They don’t approve of your new relationship. No one brave enough to tell the head cheerleader. After a short time of small talk, you find a seat for you and Eddie near the fire.
“That wasn’t so bad.” He says. You lay you head on his shoulder, hand finding his.
“They’ll come around.” You smile.
“And if they don’t?”
“They will. They just need to get to know you, learn to appreciate you like I do.” You explain, kissing Eddie publicly for the first time. Not realizing in the moment that everyone’s eyes are on you two, whispering about the cheerleader dating the town freak.
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pedrostylez · 9 months
Something Else- pt. 5
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pairing: Frankie Morales x fem!reader
chapter summary: buying groceries with Frankie 👀 and getting ready to go to Benny’s fight with Anna gives you the courage to say something to her
rating: 18+ (no minors please) Explicit
word count: 3.6k
warnings etc: Frankie w/o a daughter, triple frontier movie plot has happened, dirty talk, pet names, oral (m receiving), (some slight face fucking whaaattttt) eating, jealousy, friendship dynamics, fluff, friendships, competition, drinking, 2nd person pov, no use of y/n
A/N: Happy Frankie Friday! Please be on the lookout on Tuesday for the first side drabble that will be less than 1k words that gives some further background on other characters in this story. I've worked really hard to only give what reader and Frankie are thinking in their respective parts in each chapter, BUT there's side story that is important too! Hope that is okay with everyone :) Please support by commenting, sending me thoughts, and reblogging. I appreciate every single one of you who reads this!
Taglist: @meveispunk, @jitterbugs927, @sullyosully @3sriracha @alltheseperfectimperfections @nandan11 @jake-g-lockley, @theanothersherlockian, @anoverwhelmingdin, @guelyury, @harriedandharassed, @wintersquirrel @scarletthefierce @paleidiot @brittmb115
Frankie knows that he is infatuated with you. He can’t really help it. 
After that first date, you watched a movie on his couch, laying in his shirt and your underwear, and he couldn’t help but trail his fingers up and down your leg until you looked at him with a small smile and an enticing “c’mere, Frankie.” that had him pouncing on you. 
And then all weekend long you spent time with him. You worked on Saturday, but he dropped you off and picked you up, spending the night at yours the next day. In each other’s back pockets, constantly together. He felt like a teenager with an obsession that he couldn’t shake. 
By Monday, when he had to go back to the hangar, he even offered for you to come with him. “The guys won’t mind. Benny was asking about you the other day.”
You had smiled at him and shook your head. “No, if I start going then Anna will insist on going too. And that’s not fair to you guys, you’re trying to get things done.” 
He had hummed at you, wanting to argue that you could come, that what they were doing wasn’t that important, just Pope wanting us to be prepared if he comes across another drug lord that has lots of money, but he wasn’t about to tell you all that. The way that you accepted that he and the other guys just “had things to do” and didn’t question it further until he was ready to discuss it, already had him wondering where someone like you had been all his life. 
Frankie had wondered all weekend long if you would bring up what he told you in the cafe, about his previous drug problem. You had paused many times, debating something in your brain before saying something that would surprise him, but never questioning what he had previously divulged. In a way, it put him at ease, but there was a pit in his stomach about having to tell you about it. 
When Benny picked him up, knocking on his door before waltzing into his kitchen, the look on his face at seeing you perched on his counter in one of his shirts and no pants, Frankie between your legs and kissing at your neck had Frankie laughing when he realized. Benny didn’t get surprised easily–but the wide eyes and blush creeping up his face to match yours said otherwise. “I didn’t know–”
“It’s okay!” You exclaimed, pushing Frankie away, hopping off the counter, and setting down the half-bagel you were chewing. “I’ll find some pants!” Your face was as red as ever before, eyeing Frankie that let him know you didn’t appreciate being bottomless in front of his friends. He just smiled at you, squeezing your hip affectionately before you ducked your head and turned. 
You ran away down the hall to his bedroom, and Frankie’s chuckle turned into a full laugh as Benny covered his eyes, mortified. “Sorry, Ben.”
Benny groaned, sliding his hands down his face. “Catfish, I swear to god. I didn’t know she was going to be here. I would have knocked!”
Frankie nods, grabbing the bagel you left and taking a bite. “I know, I didn’t tell you. My bad.” Benny just kept staring at Frankie like he had two heads, and in a way, Frankie thought he might; he was used to being the stoic, serious one who needed space from the others. He felt different after just a weekend.
You reappeared with buttoned jeans and an exasperated sigh. You looked over to Frankie mid-bite, pouting. “Hey, that’s mine!” Your face was still red, but fading as you reached for the remaining bit of toasted bread unsuccessfully.
“Sorry about just barging in,” Benny said quietly, facing you. He glanced at Frankie quickly and then back to your face. “But honestly? You’ve got some killer legs–”
“Alright!” Frankie frowned, taking the remaining bagel and holding it out to you. You were giggling, biting the bagel out of his hand before flicking your eyes to Benny. “That’s enough. Let’s get going.”
“‘You coming with?” Benny asked, pulling his keys out of his pocket. The look was expectant, assuming you would be tagging along. Frankie looked over at you with wide eyes, hoping you would maybe change your mind.
You shook your head. “Nah, got some stuff to do and then I work tonight.” You shrugged, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Have fun or…work hard or whatever.” You stumbled, smiling at the two of them. You grabbed your own keys, waiting for them to step toward Frankie’s door. 
In the apartment parking lot, you waved them off, blushing again when Frankie grabbed at your hip to pull you close. “When can I see you again?” He huffed into your ear, feeling you press closer to him.
“I’m workin’ the next few days.” You sigh, tilting your head toward Benny who is watching on, curious. “Text me later?”
Frankie nods, letting go of you and watching as you step into your own vehicle, smiling as you pull away. Frankie won’t get into Benny’s truck until you’re out of sight, shutting the door behind him and waiting to get moving to the hangar. 
Benny has different plans. “So, I assume Friday went well?”
Frankie scoffs, glancing at his friend and then leaning back. “Yeah, went really well.”
Benny hums, starting the vehicle but not pulling out of the spot. “You know dumb and dumber will ask questions too, since you canceled flight practice on Friday.” Benny reminds.
Frankie takes a deep breath, shaking his head. “It’s not their business.” He mumbles, waiting for Benny to start moving, but when he doesn’t he turns to him again. “What?”
Benny watches him, shrugging and shaking his head. “Maybe bring her to my fight next week?” He asks, reversing out of the space. “We all just want to see you happy, and make sure she’s a good fit for you.”
Frankie is ready to argue, wanting to come to your defense but holds back. He knows that between the three of them, they saved his life on more than one occasion. They let him crash at their places until he was on his feet again, brought him to meetings even when he didn’t want to go…he felt this twinge of guilt that he had been hiding you away, even though you didn’t want to be in larger groups anyways. “I’ll talk to her.”
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The next few days are bliss. 
Frankie has consistently invited you over for dinner with no expectations or brings you meals and spends time with you. He mentions Benny’s fight, saying “Benny would invite you himself if I let him be alone with you.” and you are quick to agree to go. You even go so far as to ask if Anna is going to be invited because you wouldn’t mind seeing her. 
You feel confident that Frankie won’t be distracted by Anna. 
He’s so attentive. He asks what you want, gives his input, and meets you in the middle. Sure, you only have food choices, movie choices, and places visited to base that off of, but you can feel it. You have to remind yourself it has only been a couple weeks and to not get too carried away, but you have this feeling in your stomach that this is right. 
You complained that you needed to go grocery shopping and he was happy to go with you, trailing along behind you for most of it, but perusing your list and going to the next few isles to find them. 
“You buy bulk laundry detergent, but you can’t even lift the container.” He mumbles, pushing your cart into the checkout line. 
He nudges you away when you try to argue that you can pick it up, smiling when you huff out a mumbled: “I’ve been doing it.” Sliding your card into the terminal to pay for your groceries. 
“I know, you’re very strong.” Frankie nods along, no sign of a joke or making fun of you. You eye him, unsure what to make of him as he helps you back into his truck, drives you to your apartment, and helps you unload. 
You’re quick to grab the laundry detergent this time, waddling to your front door trying to not break a sweat. He doesn’t need to know that you typically carry it in with a rolling cart you keep stored in your closet specifically for the task. You can hear him laughing, grabbing your reusable bags that had also been stuffed to the brim with other essentials. When you’re trying to unlock the door while also holding up the detergent, Frankie reaches around you and picks the key out of your hands. You try to not blush at how his arm brushes against yours, or how he turns his head to look down at you with a smirk on his face. 
When you get inside, Frankie is quick to remove all the items that need to be in the refrigerator; coffee creamer, ground turkey, and eggs. He glances at you before sliding his fingers over yours and grabbing the detergent from your hand. “I’ll take it, sweetheart.” He lifts it over your head and into the laundry room where there is a shelf where you typically keep the detergent. He sets it there gently, turning to you with a raised brow and a chuckle. “What are you looking at hermosa.” 
You shrug, turning back to the bags he set on the counter. “Oh, nothing much I guess. Just your arms.”
“My arms?” He asks, confusion clear on his face. “What’s wrong with them?” He looks at his bicep, pulling his arm around to look at the back of one of them and not realizing that he is basically flexing them in your face. 
“Nothing is wrong with them.” You laugh, pushing his shoulder to get him to look at you. “They’re just…big.”
He squints at you, similar to how you looked at him in the grocery store to gauge if there is a joke within your words. When finds none, he smirks at you, adjusting his hat and leaning against the counter. “Is that a good thing?” He questions, crossing them over his chest. 
You feign disinterest. “Means you can lift heavy stuff for me.” You shrug, smiling at him as he continues to try and dissect your answer. “So, tell me about the fight tomorrow. What should I be expecting?”
Frankie hears you shift gears, stretching his neck as he watches you pull the rest of the groceries out of the bags, sorting them on your counter. “Pope, Will, and I have seats in the front. Benny already knows you and Anna are coming, so he reserved a couple more seats. Lots of yelling, sweat, and probably blood.” He drawls on, looking up at your ceiling. “It will be a couple hours. Pope wants us all to drive together, but I figured I would ask you first…”
You look over at him as you’re putting away the pasta, seeing the tension in his shoulders as he waits for your response. “It’s fine with me if it’s easier.”
He brings his eyes down to you, crouched on the tile in front of the lowest drawer next to the fridge. “But, is that what you want?”
You shrug, moving the items around in the drawer. “It doesn’t bother me, Frankie. Unless you just want me alone in your truck?” You smirk, looking up at him again as you close the drawer. You realize just how close you are to him, how you could reach out and just touch the outside of his jeans–
He smiles, shaking his head. “I’ll take you any way I can have you.” He huffs out, watching your hand that has suddenly reached out to his pant leg. “What are you doing?”
“What?” You ask quietly, adjusting yourself to be a bit closer, hand resting on his thigh. “You’re just…in my way. Gotta get to that cupboard.”
He turns his body toward you, one hip leaning on the counter still, looking down at the cabinetry. “Right here?” He says lowly, eyes going half-lidded at seeing you on your knees in front of him. 
He’s silent as you nod your head, opening the cupboard to slide in the cleaning supplies you bought under the sink, using his leg to lean on. When you close the door, you hear the smallest groan leave his lips as you bite your bottom one. “Sorry, lost my balance for a second.”
You can tell he is trying to control his breathing, his eyes flicking between yours and your mouth, his hand reaching down to your chin. He lets his thumb trail across your lip before pulling it from your teeth, “That’s alright, baby.” He trails his thumb up, your mouth parted as he runs the pad of his finger over your top teeth. 
He whines when you close your lips around the tip of his thumb and give a gentle suck. He’s holding your chin steady while you lick at his thumb, your hands reaching forward to the button of his jeans. You get them fully unzipped before he’s pulling his hand away to stop you. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” You immediately respond, pulling at his pants again to see if he will let you. He’s unsure, looking between your face and your hands before lifting them away to let you. You smile triumphantly, biting at your lip again. “Let me make you feel good?”
He nods, jaw going slack as you let him free of the confines of his pants. He’s big-wide and weeping from his head already. His hair is dark, well trimmed and trails up to his belly button as you had looked at before, and you feel saliva collect under your tongue. When you look up at him again, he’s holding on to the counter with one hand, knuckles white from the effort. His other hand doesn’t know what it’s doing, reaching up into his hair and knocking his hat loose on his head as he watches you. 
When you lean forward to lick at the pearl of pre-come, he shuts his eyes tight, unconsciously reaching down to hold the back of your head. “Fuck, hermosa–” You give a small giggle, Frankie opens his eyes to see you again and smiles himself. “Sorry, you’re just–fuck you’re so sexy.” He laughs, watching as you lean forward again to wrap your lips around the head of his cock. 
You hum in acknowledgment, flicking your tongue over the ridge of his head to watch him shiver before you move your mouth down over him. He groans at the feeling, watching you with his fingers tangled in your hair. 
The thing about Frankie over these past few days is that he wants eye contact. It’s how he gauges how you’re feeling, how he expresses what he likes, and he’s desperate to keep his eyes on you. Even as his face gets red and his chest begins heaving with an impending orgasm, blinking rapidly with the want to close his eyes, he keeps them on you. 
Your hands are resting on his legs and hips, holding him steady for you to bob your head up and down. You pause when you get as close to the base as you can, letting him feel the inside of your mouth for a moment before pulling off. Catching your breath, a string of spit connects you still to the head, watching another pearl dribble from him. “Holy shit, baby.” He heaves, fingers tightening in your hair. You move one hand off of him and guide it to the back of your head, covering his hand with yours. 
Frankie’s brows furrow in confusion until you open your mouth as you push your own head back onto him. He whines, shutting his eyes and leaning his head back as you continue to guide him and yourself, wanting him to push you onto him. “You want me to fuck your face?” He groans, looking down at you again. 
You nod as best as you can before letting go of his hand and placing it back on his hip, squeezing it in confirmation. He hisses out as he begins to gently push you forward, his other hand lifting off the counter to rest on your shoulder. As he pushes his hips forward, stopping just short of the back of your throat, his fingers tickle up the side of your neck, resting there experimentally. “You look s-so fucking good l-like this. H-holy shit, I…” Frankie is starting to babble, and you would smile if your mouth wasn’t already full. “You gonna swallow me, sweetheart?”
You moan as an approval, focusing your own bobbing to help him push you further onto him, digging your nails into his leg. He shouts your name in warning, thrusting forward without any further thought before finishing in your mouth. His chest is flushed red from what you can see from his shirt, a thin sheen of sweat over his neck and forehead reflecting in your overhead lights. He’s breathing heavily as you pull off, looking up at him as you swallow and open your mouth for him to see. “All gone.” You whisper hoarsely, biting your lip again when he groans. 
He pulls you up, his pants still undone as he cups your face. “You can’t be doing that.” He sighs, leaning in to press his lips to yours, tongue searching your mouth. You give a surprised squeak at how his tongue twirls with yours, not caring if you still taste like him. “You’re too good at that. Won’t ever be able to last.”
You smile, pecking at his cheek. “That was the point, Frankie.” You laugh, looking down to pull up his pants around his hips. “Now, help me put the rest of these groceries away.”
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Getting ready for this group outing is giving you anxiety you didn’t think you were capable of. 
You’ve always gone out in groups when you’re with Anna; this really shouldn’t be any different. But something in the pit of your stomach is making you nervous, watching Anna put on highlighter in your mirror, yammering on and on about Santiago. 
“He’s just so sweet to me.” She sighs, setting down a brush and looking at you through the mirror. You’re sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, feet up close to you as you let your nail polish dry. “I feel like I might be…too wild for him?”
“I’m sure that’s not the case.” You mumble, looking up at her. “He was in the military, he can’t be that sweet.”
“He still is, technically.” Anna shrugs. “Says he’s going to have to go down to South America again soon for a month or so. But he’s not mean or anything–doesn’t put me in my place ever and like…yeah that’s fine but I like a little bit of a fight, ya know?” She turns, scrunching up her face. “I say I want someone to always agree with me, but give me a little excitement!”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “It’s only been a few months, babe. Give it time, you guys will argue about something and you’ll come to me and ask why he’s so mean.” You tease, watching a small smile appear on her face as she turns back around. 
“You’re probably right.” She sighs, brushing through her hair. “So…tell me about Frankie? Santi said Frankie is totally love-struck with you.”
You take a deep breath, standing up, and walking over to the mirror, grabbing your mascara. “He’s good. We’re….good. It’s still early but…” You debate how much to divulge to her, but then immediately decide to just say what you’re feeling. “I really like him.”
There’s a pause of tension in the air between you, Anna watching as you fidget to open the mascara tube. You don’t want to bring it up to your face until she responds, but staring at her is just as uncomfortable as pretending everything is fine. You jump when Anna squeals out, turning fully to you. “You like him!?” She’s smiling, she’s…happy for you?
“Well…yeah.” You crease your brow, smiling at her a little. 
“My plan worked!” Anna jumps up and down, clapping her hands. “I knew setting you up with him was a good idea. Santi wasn’t sure about bringing him along that one time, said he’s quiet and needs space but it’s so perfect!” 
You can’t help but smile at how excited she is for you, shrugging. “It’s only been a couple weeks but…Yeah, I really like him. I want to see where it goes.”
Anna nudges your hip with hers, looking at you expectantly. “You haven’t liked anyone in forever! I’m so happy for you.”
Her statement stops you in your tracks, looking at your reflection in the mirror before lifting the mascara to your face. “What do you mean, ‘not liked anyone forever’? That’s not true.” You step out into the hallway, waiting for her to follow you. A sharp knock comes to the door, announcing Santiago and Frankie’s arrival.
As she steps behind you, practically skipping, she shakes her head. “No, you haven’t! When was the last time you liked someone?” She scoffs, turning to you as you get to the door. 
You pause, hand on the knob. You can hear Santiago and Frankie through the door. Their voices are hushed and sharp. You’re suddenly debating how much to tell Anna again-but not about Frankie. All those years ago you had been adamant about not telling Anna that you had actually had feelings for Brad when she whisked him away during a night out. You had convinced yourself that it was your fault for not telling her sooner, and you didn’t want to destroy your friendship with Anna by saying it. But now? She couldn’t actually think that you hadn’t been interested in people for literal years. “I mean, I liked Brad.”
“What?” Anna’s face falls, looking at you in confusion and shock as you open the door to Frankie looking confused at Santiago. 
Frankie’s head snaps to yours, glancing at Anna before tilting his head. “Everything alright?” 
You look at Anna, her eyes still on you and glazed over in thought. “You guys okay?”
Santiago looks at Anna, reaching for her shoulder and stepping into the apartment. “We’re fine. You okay, Anna? You ready to go to the fight?”
Anna looks down at her hands for a moment, then over at you, shaking her head. “Yeah uh…I’m ready.”
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bearhugsandshrugs · 3 months
Bearhugsandshrugs Update – March '24
Hey all! I wanted to give a few updates since the last one was done over a month ago :)
TL;DR: Updates on MAD, WIPs, community things, and my life!
General Context
The last time I wrote I had some nice plans for things to write but then life happened and I got sick several times and spent most of February trying to recover. So in short, I'm "behind" on basically everything. And it won't get better, because...
I am also trying to crank out a proposal for my agent to take to publishers, and the loose deadline I was given for the best moment to submit is in April, so I will spend the next four weeks focusing on that. Which means all fics and WIPs will go on the backburner in the hopes of bringing my work into a form that'll get me published one day. That being said...
There are several WIPs I was working on. The giveaway fic is done and will go live today, and the Gorsimp series has launched this past month, but I am moving everything else to May, maybe even June.
Worthy Chapter 3: Structure is drafted. ETA in a few weeks May
Folie Chapter 7: same as above, ETA May/June
Durgetash series (concept linked): I am tempted to start this but I don't want to commit to several series beyond MAD and Gorsimp right now, so idk. If there's a lot of interest I might start it in early summer.
Raphael series (concept linked): same as above. If there's significant interest I might start this. Might be nice to get back into Raphael.
There are a few drabbles I'm dabbling with, but they're nothing I want to commit to right now.
MAD will continue and there's so much coming... you have no idea. I will, however, update less often, so moving from the 2x/week schedule I had for a while into 1x every week or 10 days or so.
I'm planning to pick it back up more frequently once I'm done with my proposal so this is only temporary! Please don't mistake me updating less frequently with me not caring about the fic. It couldn't be further from the truth.
This fic I'm co-writing with @bloodlessbhaalbabe is pretty much pre-written for the next year or so because we wrote a good chunk over the past two months, so you will see this fic update more frequently. It's cute. And hot. Please give it a read if you haven't already.
Admin: Discord Server, Community, Pinned Post
First of all I want to thank the people who sent me tips on Ko-fi the past month. I was so taken aback that I didn't even know how to properly comment and thank you, so I apologize if my replies were weird D: It's mindblowing to me still.
I do want to do more community focused things like comment of the week/month, having a discord server for people to hangout, do more polls and giveaways, offer more writing tips, have discussion threads, and much more, but I am at the limit of my available time.
I have an offer of help with the discord so this might go live at some point, but very transparently, it all depends on how much energy I have left. Either way it's on my mind!
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I hope these updates aren't too disappointing for you. It's basically me prioritizing my original writing for a few weeks.
In the meantime you can support me by reblogging your favs (Masterlist here!). I really do want to re-iterate how much it helps when you share my work on here.
Oh, and next giveaway? Once I hit 1k followers. Which will probably take a while.
Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me! I'm sending everyone much love 🖤
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Wednesday prompt: your reblogged Edom gif set gave me an idea: Alec being hounded by his family to move on from Magnus, with him being in Edom, claiming the just want what is best for him to the point where he is going „fine, let me tell you all the lie that I moved on to have some peace for planning“ to pull the biggest power move behind their backs to get himself to his man and ultimately his man and himself back where he belongs.
i loved this prompt and i love the idea it gave you that you then shared with me <3
okay i think i should admit at this point that sometimes i start to answer asks but then get distracted by formatting and forget to double check that i actually finished writing at the beginning
but i remembered and i am trying to be better
mentioned but not actual suicide
Alec isn’t sure what he expected.
Support, he thinks.
He’d thought that for the first time, he might actually get support in the moment he needed it the most, from the people who have started showing that they actually love him. That Alec is more than what he can do for his family and their name.
Instead, everyone acts like it should be easy for him to move on. That seeing Magnus ever again is impossible and that he needs to stop thinking about his fiancé.
It’s been months at this point and Alec is growing desperate and when they meet to discuss possibilities, even Cat is giving him sympathetic, pained looks — though she never tries to stop him.
Alec takes a deep breath and reminds himself that if this fails it doesn’t really matter.
Magnus is stuck in Edom — alone — whether or not he tries this and if he dies, well at least Magnus won’t know to mourn him until it’s far too late and he’s hopefully moved on.
The angelic core sings to him in the same way it has ever since Magnus used it to purge the leylines. It calls to him with crooning vibrations that shake the very blood in his veins. If this works, Alec will be sturdy enough to survive Edom, to survive whatever demonic powers will try to subdue him.  It might not be pleasant, but he’ll be able to live there, with Magnus.
Cat stares at Alec in shock before she’s shaking her head and she pulls him quickly inside, throwing up the background wards to ensure Madzie won’t wake and come out.
“You did it then?” She asks, reaching out to touch him with diagnostic magic. The results are unfamiliar but there is nothing specifically wrong and so she lets her magic fade, conserving it for the spell she’ll need to cast.
“It worked.” Alec says and he’s not smiling but he’s not gritting his teeth so whatever discomfort he’s feeling, it’s not enough to slow him down.
“And your family? The Institute?”
“The Institute is going to think I killed myself by throwing myself into the angelic core.” Alec says dryly, voice hoarse and face a little stiff. “It unraveled me, before it changed me, Cat. I came back to myself in our loft, in our bed clutching Magnus’ robe. When they look at the video footage and the heat signatures of the Institute, they’ll assume I’m dead. My family will have no reason to think otherwise.”
He doesn’t say what happened to his parabatai bond, but Cat doesn’t ask aware how sensitive of a subject it is.
“Well… I suppose that’s a pity for them.” Cat is too tired to care about shadowhunters other than Magnus’ partner. Especially when Alec is the only shadowhunter out of the ungrateful lot who actually cares that Magnus sacrificed himself.  Even Alec’s siblings are far too busy celebrating to even let their brother mourn and Cat will never forgive them for the disrespect they’re showing Magnus or Alec by their actions.
Magnus Bane is not someone easily gotten over, and Cat is pleased that Alec is devoted enough to go after Edom, it’s what Magnus deserves.
Magnus has spent months shoring up his power, demolishing his father’s palace and building his own. It’s built from demon bone, and it is a maroon so deep it’s nearly black and it gleams like arterial blood when Edom’s twin suns rise.
Lilith has kept herself hidden since their last skirmish and ever sense Magnus’ found and tamed the krakens of Edom’s deep abyssal lakes, he’s had to worry about her less. It means that he’s completely aware when magic alerts him to a magical intrusion.
It’s gentle in a way that Edom has nearly forced Magnus to forget, and he reaches out curiously, ready to destroy it but wanting to know what it is, even if it is a trick from Lilith.
It only takes a touch for him to recognize it as Cat’s magic.  Magnus stares with an almost detached surprise as he gathers the giant cloud of magic to himself. It’s nearly crystallized with how dense it is and Magnus wonders what Cat thought was so important that she’d not only risk sending it to him but give so much of herself to get to him safely.
His heart doesn’t let him hope and it’s not until the magic cracks away and an unconscious Alexander falls into his arms, that Magnus realizes the gift he’s been given.
There is a note, undoubtedly with instructions and explanations, but all Magnus can do is hold Alexander to him. His darling fiancé, his sweet, earnest boy is here, in Magnus’ arms.
Alexander came to him, he fought for him.
Because Magnus knows something is different and that Cat would only have sent Alec to him if she was sure Alexander could survive Edom.  His boy isn’t a vampire, and he still has his runes. His breath is soft and slow against Magnus’ neck, and it brings a sweet relief to feel it. Magnus will learn how to wake him in a moment but for now, the joy of simply holding Alexander outweighs even the desire to hear his name on Alexander’s lips.
So, Magnus holds his boy close with his arms and his magic and he vows that the next time Lilith comes, Magnus will destroy her properly.
For now, that his fiancé is here, Magnus will suffer nothing less than being the true ruler of Edom.
He is finished playing games.
I realize the prompt asked for alec to help get them back but honestly, that boy was 'I must get to magnus. it is a need, not a want' and then he went and did it and he made absolutely no plans beyond 'we'll have our wedding in edom if i have to make lilith be the officiant'
magnus: alexander i realize that you thought this out but what about things? like
alec: you mean the things that you like that you must be missing and cat and i both refused to give up so she helped me gather as many of your pocket dimensions as we could find and cat created a few extra and then she sealed them to my soul so they wouldn't get torn away from me because we hated the thought of you down here by yourself without any of the comforts you like
magnus hands shaking as he opens a pocket and finds his favorite blend of tea that ragnor and cat never would tell him how to make, along with a copied and sealed recipe in ragnor's handwriting. and plenty of ingredients to make it with. a whole pocket of cat's specially made potions and another of her poisions and cat did stasis charms on specialty food/etc.
like cat and alec planned the fuck out of this. they could only focus on one goal which was getting alec live to magnus and him staying that way. but they were also going to sure as fuck bring/send magnus everything he could possibly need and want.
cat wasn't going to give up on magnus, especially not with a determined, powerful adn recklessly in love shadowhunter racing her for most obsessed to help magnus.
she and madzie had weekly nights where they would go shop all weekend and get 'care packages ready to send with Alec when he goes to live with Magnus' and Madzie drew a lot of pictures and made little magical figurines and she made catarina go to the nightmarket and they got magical fairly lights and lanterns and lamps for alec and magnus and lots of blankets so magnus and alec can have blanket forts together even if they cn't with madzie anymore (her idea).
he also is taking all of magnus' portable libraries they could find and whatever of ragnor's cat's not using on her end (they're trying to find a waay to communicate easier)
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
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What is your unrequited love before you find your true love in this lifetime?
ONLY applicable for some whom I think really need this.
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2
3 - 4
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
Just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
Please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
Third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore, this pac can contains harsh, hurtful comments about you or the other person that can trigger you if possible, so kindly read at your own risk and take how it’ll resonates.
Lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , I don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits and reading goes and belong to yours truly. I use the editor tools canva for the header.
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Pile one
four of swords rx-eight of swords-knave of swords-knave of chalices-the heirophant-the sun-eight of chalices-six of chalices.
This person won't spent much of their time discussing their likes with you and won't even bother to look and listen at you when you were talking to them. While, there's no chances for this connection to improve. They always treated you with silent and type of a person who would let you overthink at night when you had an argument with them while they're sleeping soundly and peaceful. They probably calling you when they need you or need something to you or they want something from you. Somehow, you are making yourself imprisoned with this connection, even though it's very stagnant and it can't no longer can survive, no matter how many times you revive and saved it, it's already ended. They tend to manipulating you by saying : "Everyone that I love turning their back away from me and now you will leave me too?" or if not, they always beg their knees just to make you stay with this toxic relationship. This person needs some reflection about themselves, they lack of self-love and how do other's can love them back? If they don't care about themselves. There's no more love and joy, it feels like it ended but it seems not yet. This seems like giving you so many mixed signals. You need to have some self-control if they still pull this manipulative actions to you, in fact when you leave this person lots of doors will be opening for you but you need to forgive them for what they've done to you. It's better to leave past and start moving on rather than you will live beneath the lies of their words.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile two
the world rx-the chariot-knave of chalices-the judgement-ace of swords-the sun-the devil-three of chalices.
Hmmm, this is type of person will talk their romantic interest when the mere of fact they know and aware about how you feels about them. You are behind blinded of the fact you already found the one, your other significant and your soulmate but this is just a masquerade from what's happening in reality. You are the only one who are in love and pursuing this connection, they don't care about it. This feels like a tore between expectations vs reality. You have to decide now and make a choice, if you don't want yourself get bored and cries in the corner because of choosing to want more and keeps fighting for. You need clarity, you need to face and accept the truth because after all this the reality and you can't run away from it. The joy with this connection has been cut, there's no more wondering and being wander.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile three
six of swords-ace of cups-five of cups-3 of pentacles-ace of pentacles-the judgement-the moon-two of cups.
It's very familiar feelings isn't? The feelings that you have found the right for you? Otherwise the feelings of being so far from your truly love, there's no something beautiful to look for with this love perhaps you can be open in other options you have. The world is spinning round and you need to make an action, there's a lot of things to make yourself aside from love and sadness you are currently feelings. Filled yourself up with the sense and sparks of self-love and improvement. If you keep working and worked hard for this relationship and connection nothing will worked out because you were the only one pursuing it. This connection is potion of illusion, it makes you wild and high.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile four
the devil-knight of swords-temperance-the lovers-five of chalices-six of swords-ace of chalices-the chariot.
This seems like an old flame, i'm not quite sure but you and your previous partner decided to end up your relationship perhaps you might be the one who break up with them. However for some sort of reasons, you still missing their presence. There's a grief and longing for your part no matter how much you deny and saying to yourself that you are strong and you didn't care about them anymore. Let's talk about why you decided to end up this relationship? You decided to end this up because you think your partner is too toxic(showed multiple red flags for a relationship) and doesn't get time for you to catch up with them, this why end the game and take everything you can take for yourself and for your betterment. But what's the best to here is that, you are becoming unwavering individual. You are gonna focus more in yourself now and just wait for the right time to love comes at you. Just don't be afraid from the stings of life, it maybe hurt but the path you are rooting for is filled up with honey.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work in any other social media platforms.
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masterlist. | moodswings masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist?
warnings: hitman!Ashton. mentions of violence, blood and death. strong language. manhandling and small pieces of actual violence (she does not get hurt, I promise). discussion of addiction (gambling). discussion of murder. this is a heavier chapter, please be cautious.
word count: 3277
author’s note: Hello, I’m slowly working my way through this fic, and I’m enjoying every couple hundred words I’m able to write at the end of my days.
This is your reminder that this is not a fluffy, happy story, even though it has its moments when it touches on softer things. Ashton in this fic is definitely problematic, so please, proceed with caution.
Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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chapter 2.
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“Did you think of anything else?” you walked around the grocery store with your phone pushed against your ear as you chatted with Ashton, putting some chips into your cart.
“I think I’m good,” he hummed on the other side, and you jotted down a few more things onto your list. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. They are literally holding back everyone until we solve this problem.”
“Sounds familiar,” you pulled a face, stopping in one of the aisles so you were not in the way of anyone. “You think they will let you come home to sleep and all? Or will they make you set up camp in the office?”
“I’ll sneak out and then back in the morning,” Ash chuckled a little, and that made you smile as well. “I really need to go back now, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. See you at home?” your voice was laced with flirt, letting Ashton know that you were in the mood for some fun if he was able to make it on time.
“Of course. Bye, love,” he made a little kissy sound before hanging up, and you hid your face in your palm, giggling quietly in the middle of the store.
Two weeks passed since your little misunderstanding, and during this time everything seemed to fall back into place. Ashton checked in with you regularly, not just when you were both working, but also during the time you spent together, wanting to make sure you were both on the same page. For a few days you let him spoil you, but after that things went back to normal, and you no longer thought that he’s hiding something or someone from you. If you wanted to be honest with yourself, you felt like the two of you did a great job in sorting this thing out, even though you thought that you might have been overreacting it all a little bit. But better safe than to be sorry, right?
You spent another half an hour in the store, buying some more stuff for the upcoming week. Ashton’s been busy in the last two days, working long hours after his boss found a problem which needed urgent attention, and you thought you might surprise him with something nice for dinner, or if he came home late, then you also had a few options to make him a hearty breakfast. His efforts did not go unnoticed by you: there were little things that reminded you every day how much he loved you and how much he wanted you to know that you were important to him. The least you could do now was to take care of him as work piled upon his shoulders – if it meant his favourite meal or a blowjob in the morning, so be it.
There were a lot of cars in the garage when you arrived home, but his spot was empty next to yours. You hoped it wouldn’t be midnight by the time he came back – you were really in the mood to snuggle up on the couch, put on a movie that none of you watched and was only background noise to your late night kisses. It was the perfect plan for a chill Friday night, something you knew both of you were craving since the week started.
You played some music as you started putting away the groceries you bought, quietly singing along while gathering ingredients you needed for the meal you had in mind. Doing this with Ashton around was always much more fun, you liked sharing the kitchen with him as you cooked together, even though he was more in the way than providing any actual help, but you really didn’t mind – there was something soft and domestic in the whole thing. You liked him brushing up against your side or that you could ask him to taste whatever you were making, and also to reach things on the upper shelves so you could watch that tiny sliver of skin peeking out from under his shirt.
It's been a little more than a year since you moved in with Ashton, and you felt like it was one of the best decisions you’ve made in a long time. What you had with him was special, and this was one of the reasons why you wanted to work on your relationship any time you ran into a bump in the road. With Ashton doing his best to make up for the misunderstanding he caused you wanted to meet him in the middle, and as you thought more and more about it, you became more certain that the two of you were on the right way to build an even stronger and better relationship, something that could last for long years, if not a lifetime.
“Dammit, where are you?” a huff left your lips as you looked for your phone; you wanted to send a quick text to Ash, asking when he thought he would get off work, but the damn thing was nowhere to be found.
You felt a pang of guilt as you grabbed your keys, making your way back to the garage and your car. Just two weeks ago you got upset with Ashton because he left his phone on silent, and now you were the one who forgot it on the passenger seat or in the trunk, making you unavailable. If Ash was looking for you and you did not pick up his call, well, you thought he had every right to be mad at you once he got home. And if the black car parking next to yours was any indication, he already left work to check if everything was okay with you, and you hated how he might have come home early because he couldn’t reach you. His boss won’t like it when he finds out about it, that was for sure.
“Ash, hey? Are you in there?”
You already grabbed your phone from the passenger seat (it was right where you’ve left it), and now peeked inside the storage room which belonged to your apartment and which was now open just a fraction, letting you know that Ashton was probably packing something in there. It was usually him who brought stuff down and put them away in case you needed them later, and you rarely checked what was hidden on the shelves and corners, knowing Ashton would find them quicker than you did.
But Ashton was nowhere to be found. You frowned, looking around the tiny space, then back to the garage, trying to find your boyfriend. A thought crossed your mind that maybe he was already on his way back to the apartment, and that maybe he missed locking the door, but as you turned back to close the storage room something caught your eyes.
In the back there was a gap, something that looked like a door, hidden in the wall. You’ve never seen it before, but then again, you were the one who moved into Ashton’s space and you didn’t really leave anything down here. Curiosity got the better of you, and you stepped closer, opening the door just a little more to look inside. You desperately wished you didn’t do that, but it was already too late.
“Ashton? What is goi– oh my god!”
It was something you couldn’t unsee: the ropes and the bags, the guns lining the walls; so many guns it was impossible to count them. And in the middle of it all – Ashton. Ashton, the man you loved and cared about, who bought you flowers and donuts, who washed your hair and held you close at night, who kissed you senseless and said ‘I love you’ one too many times before falling asleep. Ashton, who still brought you on dates and acted like it was the first time, who touched and teased you under the table to make a mess out of you, who made sure you were satisfied and fucked good by the time your night ended.
Ashton, who was throwing a pair of leather gloves onto a table next to a bloodied rag, clothes wrinkled, hair dishevelled and eyes dark as he looked up at you, a grimace appearing on his face as a quiet ‘shit!’ left his lips. With his foot he shoved a gym bag under the table then took a step towards you, and that was the moment your instincts kicked in: you turned on your heels and ran out of the tiny space, out the storage room, ready to open your car and just flee–
“Where do you think you’re going?” you felt his grip on your waist, pulling you back against him, and you started thrashing in his arms, trying to free yourself.
“Let go of me, you monster!” you kicked back, aiming for his shin, but you lost your footing as Ashton picked you up, suddenly throwing you over his shoulder. “What the–”
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” he kicked the door of the storage room closed, voice low and dangerous.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” you hit his back with your fists, but it was like he didn’t even feel it. “Put me down, you–”
“Calm the fuck down!” he stopped in front of the elevator, squeezing hard where he was holding onto you. “If you don’t stay quiet then I’ll have to make you.”
You suddenly understood that this wasn’t his usual silly threat, the one he always made when you were feeling frisky and started teasing him, wrestling him on the bed, always ending up under him as he tickled you, your shrieks filling the room. He pressed his lips against yours to kiss away your giggles, reminding you in a whisper that the neighbours will hear you if you don’t stay quiet, and they will think he’s either being thoroughly naughty, or is trying to kill you. Now the memory made you sick, knowing that maybe those harmless, flirty threats held a much deeper meaning you didn’t know about. You tried to twist out of his grasp again, but Ashton was much bigger and stronger than you, and he kept you in place over his shoulder as he rode the elevator with you back to your apartment. And it made sense, of course, how it was so easy for him to do so – he probably needed to dispose of a few bodies, or simply just move them from one location to the other. Tears started gathering at the corner of your eyes, and you quietly sniffled. Maybe it was your turn now; maybe you were his next victim.
The elevator arrived with a ‘ding!’, and you hoped and prayed that someone was on the other side waiting for it, and that you could tell them to call the police because this wasn’t a romp between lovers, but when the doors opened the hallway was empty. Another futile attempt was made from your side to get out of Ashton’s hold, nails digging into his arm where you could reach him, but he only hissed once before adjusting you up on his shoulder, digging through his pockets to pull out his keys. A second later both of you were inside the apartment, the door locked tightly behind your backs, giving you no option to escape the nightmare you found yourself in.
Ashton put you down on the couch, and you immediately backed into a corner, making yourself as small as possible as he checked the long scratch marks on his arm, flaming red and slowly oozing blood where you broke the skin.
“That’s quite the scratch there, darling,” he finally looked at you, a scowl on his face. “This never happened during sex. You’re feisty.”
“I’m not just gonna let you throw me around like a ragdoll,” you grumbled, sending a dirty look his way. “Just because you’re bigger that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna fight back!”
Ashton finally let out a loud sigh, running his fingers through his messy locks. Suddenly he looked tired and done, his shoulders tensing before sagging a little, almost like he felt defeated in that moment. But then he turned towards you with a new vigour, taking a step forward, and you were crowding into the corner of the couch again, reaching for a pillow, like that could save you somehow.
“Don’t you dare touch me!”
“Just let me explain,” Ashton sighed again, stopping and taking a step back to give you space.
“Sure, now you wanna explain after you’ve dragged me up like that? And what are you going to tell me, Ashton Irwin? What the fuck was that? Who the hell are you?”
“I’m a hitman.”
The sudden silence that settled over you was deafening. Even though you started to understand that your boyfriend did something that was far from legal, there was an honest surprise on your face and that made him chuckle bitterly. He threw himself down on the other side of the couch, kicking his legs up onto the coffee table, tiredly rubbing at his eyes.
“You’re happy now, Y/N?”
You were rendered speechless – how were you supposed to react to a bomb like this? How could you go on with your life, pretending that everything was normal when you just caught your lover in a hidden compartment of a storage room, clearly trying to clean up after a mess he made somewhere in the city? Maybe it would have been less painful if he cheated on you. Now you wished that’s what he would have done instead of doing whatever he did during his so-called work hours and late night walks.
“Go ahead. Ask away,” Ashton said after a few silent minutes, almost sounding nonchalant. “I guess I have nothing to hide anymore.”
“…what was in the bag?” your voice was timid and quiet, afraid to learn what he has to say, but still, it sounded like the safest question to ask.
“That’s the first thing you can think of?” his bitter laugh was back, clearly not believing that this was what you really wanted to know.
“It’s not body parts, if that’s what you want to know,” he rested his head back on the couch, closing his eyes. “It’s just a change of clothes. I have duplicates of everything, so in case something got dirty I could change out of it without you noticing. I washed those when you weren’t home. Easy as that.”
The smallest of nods was your only answer as you let the silence settle over the two of you again. You tried to curl up in a ball as much as you could, the corner of the couch providing a little bit of comfort, almost like you could hide there without him finding you. A few minutes later Ashton glanced at you, the look in his eyes unreadable, and that made you shrink into yourself. Without a word he pushed off the couch and disappeared in the kitchen, and you felt panic rise in your chest again – thoughts of him coming back with the kitchen knife or a hidden gun made you shake. Still, you tried to think of any way to hide or escape, to run for your life. But you had a feeling he would find you anyway; that was his job, right? To find and get rid of people.
A mug was placed in front of you, steaming hot and smelling a lot like the drink you liked to have when you needed comfort. You finally looked up, giving a questioning look to Ashton, eyes flitting between him and the cup.
“It’s just tea, not poison,” he sighed, reaching for the mug and taking a careful sip before giving it back to you. “I’m not trying to kill you.”
“Could have fooled me,” you pushed the mug away, finally finding your voice and giving him another hard stare. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he scoffed, and that made you even angrier.
“No, Ashton, it’s not fucking obvious, because up until today I’ve thought I had a normal, functioning life and relationship with you, and then you’re telling me you’re a hitman and expect me to just understand that that’s actually our lives! Like how long has this been going on?”
“Six years,” Ashton answered without missing a beat, clearly done playing pretend. “You wanna know what happened? I had a gambling addiction. And clearly I was a shitty player because pretty soon I was drowning in debts and they didn’t let me join any of the parties until I did not pay up. That’s when the opportunity came.”
“To kill people?” you were in disbelief, but Ashton just nodded.
“At first I didn’t know that that would be the job. Someone approached me after one of my many failed attempts to get into a game, and they offered to pay off my debts if I helped them take care of something. So I said yes and the next thing I knew I was given a gun and a target,” he finally settled in the armchair, elbows resting on his knees, hands clutched together and on display in front of him, almost like he wanted to make sure you had a clear sight of them.
“You could have refused!” you were angry – at him, at yourself, at the whole situation; he was way too calm for your liking. “Just say no and be done with it!”
“You clearly never had a serious addiction. No offense,” Ashton added almost like an afterthought, before he continued with his story. “When I was done I threw up immediately, I was sick of myself, of what I’ve done. But you would be surprised how easy it is to kill after the first few times.”
“…how many?” it was long minutes later, after the silence settled over the two of you again; your voice was just above a whisper, not sure if you really wanted to know the answer.
“I don’t count,” Ash shrugged his shoulders, slightly shaking his head. “I just do the job they ask from me. I don’t ask questions, and they pay me that same night.”
“What about your gambling addiction? Or is that something you’re keeping from me as well?”
“I’m not playing anymore. My debts were cleared and I never went back. I had another thing that kept me high, and they even paid me for it.”
“Great – you just exchanged one addiction to another,” you heaved a breath as you stood from the couch, pacing back and forth in the living room. “What’s the next surprise? Your other job is just a cover for all of this and you actually don’t do anything all day long, just clean up after your night outs? Is your name even Ashton? Or that’s also just a lie?”
“I know you’re upset with me, I understand. But now that you know all of this we need to discuss some serious things,” he followed you, and you threw up your hands in front of you, making him stop again.
“Don’t you dare touch me! And I’m not interested in your thoughts or discussions or whatever bullshit you have to say about all of this because you, Ashton Irwin or whoever the fuck you are, you have lost me. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“Y/N, listen. I’m just trying to protect you,” he tried to make his voice sound calm, and at that you scoffed at him, turning on your heels to lock yourself in the bedroom.
“You don’t have to. I’m already living with a monster.”
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@mymindwide​ @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @suchalonelysunflower @talkfastromance4 @ashtonsunflower @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @lovelywordsblog @heyitskelseaj @cthheaven @sofsversion @justreblogginfics @whentherosesbl00m @sadistmichael
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supervoldejaygent · 2 years
She Likes Me, She Likes Me Not
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Reader
Song Rec: Sweet Tooth by Cavetown
Word Count: 1.1K
Summary: Robin suspects her coworker likes her. Good thing she likes her back.
A/N: Hello my lovelies! As it may come to no surprise, I absolutely love Robin and her awkward dorkiness, and I have like so many more fics for her planned than any other character (unless you count the series I have planned then they’re probably even) but I have a lot of one-shots planned for her, so be on the lookout. I would also just like to give a big thank you to everyone that’s liking, reblogging, and commenting on my fics. It means the absolute world to me and boosts my self-esteem, so please keep being amazing! Without further ado, this thing! Enjoy (:
~ ~ ~
It was a slow day at Scoops, especially for a Friday night. Being next to the more popular stores, Scoops usually was the last stop for people, yet they remained empty, despite the rest of Starcourt Mall being quite full.
Robin was leaning on the glass case of ice cream, picking at her fingernails when her coworker, (Y/N) walked in. The girl was coming back from her break, annoyed that it was still dead in the usually busy ice cream parlor.
Stopping in front of Robin, (Y/N) tapped on the glass, startling the younger girl. She apologized, placing her hand on top of Robin’s. It was something she always did to assure someone they were okay and that she wasn’t going to harm them. It was something that Robin absolutely loved, something she wished happened more as she grew accustomed to the butterflies that flooded her stomach when it did.
The friendship Robin had with (Y/N) was unlike any friendship she had with another girl. Sure, they were normal friends and all, but Robin couldn’t help but feel like (Y/N) was always flirting with her. It seemed crazy, she knew that, but the girl worked with Steve Harrington. She got very accustomed to girls flirting when he was around and (Y/N) always flirted around her.
She wanted to talk to Steve about it, but (Y/N) was scheduling herself with the two of them more often, so she never got the chance to get him alone and discuss the very real possibility that a girl, as cool as she, liked her. A possibility that Robin wasn’t used to. In fact, she was about seventy-percent unsure of herself and that she was actually crazy, and (Y/N) was just extremely nice and caring towards Robin.
But even that thought seemed crazy.
The real question, Robin wondered was if she was being crazy nice to Robin, why wasn’t she being crazy nice to Steve?
Feeling (Y/N) remove her hand, Robin looked back up to the girl as she surveyed the store. Robin bent down below, grabbing more cups to stock even though they were completely full.
“Is Steve here?” the (H/C) girl asked.
“Yeah, he’s in the back.”
“Okay, cool. He got here first, right?” Robin nodded. “Great, I’m going to send him home now. You and I can close up tonight.” (Y/N) smiled, walking through the door to the back.
As she left, Robin’s brain began to go berserk. The two of them? Alone? Closing together? By themselves? Yeah, they had closed together before, but that was when they were at the beginning. When (Y/N) was training Robin and they had to close together. Or when the two of them were the only ones scheduled and they spent the whole day together before closing the store. But never had all three of them been working the whole day, only for Steve to be sent home before the night ended.
Maybe Robin was reading too much into it, but that seemed more unlikely as time in her mind passed. 
As she pieced things together. 
She had been scheduling herself more with Robin, but also with Steve.
But even when she was scheduled with Steve, she would only talk to Robin. And when it was busy, (Y/N) would have Steve greet people at the door or take care of people at the register, while she and Robin would stand next to each other to take orders. And if there was a shipment coming in that day, she would have Steve stay in the store and ask for Robin’s help, despite Steve being a lot stronger than her. Plus, she made Steve deal with Erica Sinclair every single time, and if that wasn’t a full-blown hint that she liked and cared for Robin then what was?
Robin’s theories became closer to being confirmed when Steve walked out from the back, looked at Robin with his dumb smirk, and whispered, “Have fun.”
He tapped the register counter, winked, and left for the day.
She was not reading into it.
This was good, wasn’t it? (Y/N) obviously liked her and Robin (hoped it wasn’t obvious) liked her back. It wasn’t like Robin never had a girlfriend before or never kissed a girl, but this was (Y/N). Pretty, smart, sassy, sarcastic, great taste in music and movies, great sense of humor, passionate, lovely, (Y/N). She was everything Robin dreamed of and everything she wished herself to be. She was perfect.
Something that scared Robin more than anything.
Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the opening of the store, pulling down the door and locking it. She walked back to where (Y/N) was standing with two rags and all-purpose cleaners. 
“Ready to close?” she said, passing a rag and cleaner to Robin.
Robin smiled. “Already ahead of you.”
The two split up the store, (Y/N) turning off the lights, and began cleaning. As Robin began wiping her side of things down, her head began to swirl, conflicted on whether or not she should start a conversation. 
The two had a routine when closing together. Usually, (Y/N) would play music on their small speakers and the two would sing along to terrible pop songs. But all Robin could hear today was the standard store music at a low volume.
“Got any plans tonight?” Robin wondered, too anxious to keep billowing in the almost silent parlor.
“Uhm,” (Y/N) hesitated. “I’m not sure yet. I was thinking of watching a movie, but I’m not sure I want to go home on such a nice Friday night. You?”
Momentarily stopping her cleaning duties, Robin smiled and turned toward (Y/N). “Yeah, I get you. But, no, I don’t have any plans tonight.”
“Oh, maybe we could hang out?”
Robin’s smile only grew as all her earlier suspicions were about to be confirmed completely. “Like a date?”
Even in the dark, she could see the deep blush that snuck its way onto (Y/N)’s cheeks. “Uhm, yeah, like a date.”
It seemed so weird to Robin to see the other girl so flustered. She was so used to confident, flirty (Y/N). Still, she liked flustered, unsure of herself (Y/N). It was cute. It made Robin feel special that the same girl could be two different people around her.
Putting the girl out of her misery, Robin felt a small blush creep its way up her neck. “I would love to go on a date with you tonight.”
The other girl smiled even more as the two continued to finish their closing duties, both in their own content silence. Too excited to say anything else.
Both ready for their date.
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cr0g-0 · 1 year
Yall on the topic of titanic oceangate bullshut(as usually Imm not one discussing things like this)
And before anyone reads and yells at me in the tags or reblogs-I know that they are upper class rich people but this take on this event is more so a question as to why the fuck are people hoping people die for spending money. People go on vactions for plenty of money that they could put to charity yet I haven't seen one person say I hope that family dies cause they spent 2k on a Cruise cause they wanted to spend time together.
The people their may have spent 250k to go on that trip but somepeople have the money to do things they want? I get it- they should obviosuly seen the flaws in the submersible and been smarter but saying rhey all deserve to die what will be a likely horrible death in a small, claustrophobic tube is not alright!
Most people will say they'd donate money they win in a lottery. But people are people and unless they have a very good reason to do something they probably won't do it.
Also-people spend thousands of dollars to go on vactions and cruises to enjoy themselves or spend time with family. It may not be as much money as this cluster fuck but god how would you feel if you got rescued and found people wanted you to die? Their is a teenager on that submersible that most likely uses social media a lot more than the other people-if any of them live how do you think that'll affect them?
They may be 5 rich people who spent 250k on this trip and their is an immigrant ship off the coast of Greece that sank and only 105 people as of now lived
But they're all still people? How can you shame the world for not paying attention to a tragedy off the Grecian coast and then simultaneously root for 5 people to die in a submarine simply because they spent money to go do something. The company ain't cheap and some people might be intrested from a purely historical standpoint
It's like watching a documentry about a serial killer and hoping he goes and murders 5 people because you want them to die for being stupid and spending money.
Money is dumb. I'll never not think that. Its stupid people need it to live and for those who don't have the money they need to live I'm sorry and I hope you will get the help you need to stay on your feet.
But to the people who don't have money troubles and are hoping these 5 people get the 'karma they deserve'
How would you feel if you were on this submersible? You'd probably be hoping that people were looking for you or were worried. You'd hope people would be in your corner.
People if you don't know the many ways they could or will die in that thing I implore you to research those so you can tell me your hoping they all suffocate slowly in that cramped fucking vessel. That you hope if it hasn't, that it depressurizes right now.
Loss of human life is awful. Some people deserve death, especially those who have fucked over others.
But god these people don't deserve to die thousands of feet below the water,not getting to say a final goodbye or i love you to their families.
Because if you were going to die wouldn't you want to say goodbye to your loved ones? Wouldnmt you want to tell them you loved them one last time? Probably.
Not a lot of people are afforded that much but everyone deserve that. Even if they don't get it they don't deserve to not say goodbye.
I sincerely hope these people get found and I hope the accident in Greece gets coverage world wide. I hope more people get found from that.
Just please stop hoping these people die. Because all that does is show me you don't care if people never see their families again. You can hate rich people-go ahead. Just please be respectful about this. Their are plenty of rich people to hate that are not in a horrible submersible with 40 hours of oxygen left. If they get out alive? Go ahead hate them for being rich. At least then they could see their families again and tell them they love them and tell them goodbyes
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kuwdora · 2 years
Witcher Commenting Event & Community Engagement PART 2
I recently wrote a long post about an idea I had for drumming up engagement on Witcher fanworks.
In that post I described a commenting event where we collectively go and comment on fanworks that could use some love. We would comment during a dedicated window of time so creators get a fresh wave of comments! We could squee together and build discussion on the fanworks and engage with each other about the work in the comments where creators can see us appreciating their work.
I made a survey to see if this was something people might be interested in participating… It turns out there is a LOT OF INTEREST for something like this.
My survey is still open! - Please fill this out and reblog to continue to spread awareness of the project. If you left your contact information to help organize/brainstorm and I haven’t gotten back to you, I will be reaching out in the following weeks to follow up when I can.
😍😍😍 My original tumblr post reached 155 notes in a week and a half and I have received about 53 responses. Incredible response! Most of the reblogs with comments in the tags have shown great enthusiasm which has made me very happy.
So thanks to your interest I have spent the last week and a half with excited fans, brainstorming what this commenting event will look like. We’re setting up a tumblr and organizing the rest of the details and logistics of everything. You might see me or others commenting in various ways on tumblr as we try different things on this platform just to see what it's like and how it might be received.
I hope to have a more formal announcement and link to the community soon with actual dates and everything.
We’ve selected a theme for our first Comment Crawl and we will be curating some fanworks for the first round. But in the future we may move towards voting on themes via poll and allowing people to submit nominations that fit some engagement criteria.
I’m so excited about this project. Ahhh! Makes my heart so happy.
Keep reading if you’d like to learn more about some of the survey results and see what people are interested in reading, seeing and commenting on here in Witcher fandom and where everyone discovers fic to read!
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When I asked what kind of fanworks you’d like to see in a Comment Crawl:
100% of you would like to leave comments on fanfic
88% of you are interested in commenting on fanart
39.6% of you are interested in commenting on fanvids (!! oh my heart!! YAY)
28.3% of you are interested in listening to and commenting on podfic!!
6% of you told me not to forget fan crafts and music playlists!!
Lucky for everyone there is a lot of incredible podfic, crafts, vids, and fanart in Witcher fandom! Plenty of things to show you that need more love. I’m excited to create an event to showcase these works!
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I asked what kind of subjects you’d like to see and comment on for a Comment Crawl:
81.1% are interested in fanworks featuring character studies and gen (no pairing) (YAY!)
71.7% are interested in rare pairings (!!! YAY!)
60.4% are interested in femslash (YES!!!)
58.5% are interested in our juggernaut pairings
49.1% would love to read and see more fanworks from fandom exchanges
32.1% are interested in canon-specific fanworks (book, games, show)
And a whopping 73.6% of you are also interested in nominating your own fanworks for a theme! I hear ya! Comments are great!
20% of you also submitted ‘other’ - expressing your interest in reading more non-Wolf witchers, fear of not being interested in things outside your current fixations. And others are really excited to discover new-to-you fanworks and genres. We are a diverse bunch here in Witcher fandom. Which makes sense considering Witcher canon is 50 canons in a trenchcoat!
So my takeaway is that y’all are interested in a variety of things and I am hoping to curate our first event that will give everyone a little taste of the undiscovered and unsung fanworks on AO3, tumblr, and other social media platforms. There’s so much incredible stuff out here. 
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In the second half of my survey I asked people how they discovered new fic to read:
90.6% of respondents are subscribed to AO3 authors/stories/tags
79.2% of respondents find fic on tumblr via reblogs
58.5% of respondents utilize AO3 bookmarks to find new fic
39.6% of respondents discover fic via Discord
37.7% of respondents discover fic via friend recs
26% of respondents discover fic via Tumblr tags
20% of respondents are clicking around via AO3 tags, filters and searches
This is suggesting that it takes a lot to find new-to-you stories outside your fannish circles of interest and that trudging through AO3 tags isn’t as productive as it could be for you to find new things to read.  
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Would you be interested in an event about reccing Witcher fanworks?
56.5% said yes and would love to write and share recs
69.9% said yes and would love to promote and squee over recs
17.4% of respondents aren’t sure what this would look like
Many of you are also interested in learning more about recs lists and would be interested in an event that could help expose you to new parts of fandom and different characters and other fans. I have several ideas about this which I am excited to mull over and brainstorm later… but first we’re gonna do a commenting event!!  More details to come in the following weeks!
REMINDER: if you haven’t filled out the survey about interest in Witcher engagement events, the survey is still open! Feel free to leave me your thoughts about what you’d like to see in this event and future ones.
Feel free to leave any suggestions in the survey. Or send me a DM on tumblr if you have thoughts or questions!!
Thank you!
Tagging for reach...
@fangirleaconmigo @jackironsides @limerental @sargassostories @wannastayugly @mersephesie @bomberqueen17 @aramblingjay
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grey-rambles · 1 year
Of First Loves and Second Chances
Chapter Four
Words: ~6.9k
Warnings: Discussions of kidnapping and murder/blood, mentions of anarchy, swearing, a creepy dude hits on Starling at one point (very mild), and one scene that involves kissing
Notes: Finally, the chapter at least one person has been waiting for! This chapter features the @lyssys cameo during the Ball scene (it starts when the italics end if anyone is skipping straight to it) as Wilbur’s date. Special thanks to Carrie @pebblebrainlovejoy for her reassurances and feedback at my literally constant anxiety about the quality of my writing. Love you, Carrie, you’re the real MVP. If you enjoy this, please consider reblogging! It helps much more than a like.
Masterlist | Requests
< Previous Chapter | Next Chapter >
Seven years ago....
Things had been pretty quiet in your life since the... incident, three months prior.
Other than the odd condolence from folks in the street, people had left you and your family alone, for the most part.
You had been spending a lot of time by yourself recently, which wasn’t entirely coincidental. It wasn’t like you had had a particularly large friend base outside of Techno anyways, and you couldn’t bear the pitying stares of the others in town whenever you attended an event by yourself, so you had simply... stopped going.
You weren’t really sure why everyone was always so morose with you, anyways. Techno had told you he would come back to you, so that was that. There was no sense in grieving or anything of the sort, because he was coming back for you, simple as that. He had to be.
You didn’t like to think about what it would mean if he didn’t.
Besides, it had only been three months! That wasn’t very long at all in the grand scheme of things. Nothing to worry about, not at all.
Sighing to yourself, you head down to the kitchen for lunch, already planning a trip to the bookstore afterwards. You had grown increasingly close with Techno’s parents after everything, and typically spent at least a couple of afternoons a week with them, helping out around the bookstore. It was a nice way to still feel close to your beloved, even when he was so far away from you.
Upon walking past the study, you’re surprised to see your parents both seated at the desk, pouring over some papers. Knocking gently at the door, your father waves you in idly, eyes still scanning across the page he was reading.
“What are the two of you working on here?” you ask, trying to peek at the papers scattered across the desk’s surface.
“Nothing you need to worry about, darling,” your mother says, pulling papers towards her and away from the edge of the table. Suddenly suspicious, you quickly snatch up one of the pages from the desk and begin scanning your eyes over it to figure out what’s going on here.
You’re not happy with what you find.
“Are these... betrothal bids?” you say in disbelief. Your mother winces at your tone, but your father’s face is set in steely determination.
“It’s important that we find you an appropriate match, before everyone of our standing has already paired off. I won’t see you married to some lowlife who can’t give you the life that you deserve.”
“I understand that, Father, but you’re forgetting that I’m already betrothed.” You bring your left hand up to your chest, where your ruby ring still sits prominently.
It’s your mother who speaks up this time. “Darling....”
“No!” You cut her off. “You made an agreement with Techno’s family that we were to be married, and you’re already backing out of it? At least give him a chance to come home first, it hasn’t been that long!!”
Your father’s tone is cold. “The boy is gone, child. The sooner you accept that, the easier this will be, for all of us.”
You feel tears begin to well up in your eyes, and internally curse you weepy disposition. Fighting to keep your voice steady, you manage to force out, “He told me he would come back for me.”
Standing up and reaching for you, your mother says, “Oh, my baby...” You shrug her hands off and continue on through your increasingly heavy tears.
“He said he would come back! He promised! You can’t do this, because Techno is going to come back! He has to.” Pausing to take a shuddering breath in, you continue on a little bit more quietly, “What would become of me if he doesn’t?”
The room is silent for a moment, as you stare your father down. He breaks eye contact first, looking back down to the papers on the desk; you can’t find it in you to be happy at the small victory.
“I will be choosing a new partner for you from this pile of applications,” your father says to you, “and there’s nothing you can say that will change that.”
The world stops spinning around you. You feel a sudden wave of calm wash over you—your tears stop, and your voice comes out stronger than before when you speak again.
“I will not marry another. You can accept as many bids as you’d like, but I will marry no one but Technoblade. I’ll walk out of the church before the ceremony if I have to.”
The tears start to well up again as you finally admit aloud the thing you’ve known in your heart all along. “I love him. I always will, and no betrothal bid in the world could change that.”
“Bernard,” your mother is speaking quietly, as though she thinks you will not hear her if she does, “I told you it was too soon, we should have waited--”
“You can wait as long as you like, my answer will remain the same. I will not marry another. Techno will come back to me, and we will get married and live happily for the rest of our days.”
Your father stands abruptly, eyes blazing. “Go to your room.”
“Fine,” you reply, “but if I find out that you’ve accepted any of those bids, you’ll never see me again, and that is a promise.”
His hands slam on the desk, making you jump. “GO TO YOUR ROOM!” He repeats, much more harshly this time. You exit the study without speaking again.
Your mother follows you out into the hallway. Placing a gentle hand on your arm, she speaks quietly to you. “Darling, you know your father means well, and he just wants what’s best for you. Please, just think about it, alright?”
Turning to face her, you reply, “Techno is coming back to me. He promised he would, and so he will. I have to believe it, because the alternative is that he is dead, and I refuse to accept that.”
Removing your arm from your mother’s grip gently, you leave her standing in the hallway speechless, as you continue upstairs to your room.
You just barely manage to close the door behind you before you collapse to the ground, and the tears begin to flow freely once again.
‘What if he isn’t coming back?’ a small, traitorous voice in the back of your head whispers, ‘And you’re alone for the rest of your life?’
You shake your head sharply to dispel this line of thinking.
Techno was coming back to you. He had to be.
With these words on repeat in your head, you take a deep breath and move to continue on with your day, the ever persistent ache in your heart your only steadfast companion.
The castle has been alive with energy these past few days.
There was a ball coming up, you had learned, to celebrate the Empire’s recent military victories, as well as the Emperor’s upcoming birthday.
The Emperor himself was less than pleased about this whole thing, you had also learned.
“This whole thing was Wilbur’s idea,” Techno had explained to you one night when you were getting ready to fall asleep, head pillowed on his chest, with a paperback novel abandoned beside you on the bed, “and I’m fairly certain he did it just to spite me.”
“You still don’t like parties much, huh?” had been your sleepy reply. Techno hummed in agreement to that statement.
“I’ve never been to a ball before,” you had sighed out, “it sounds like it could be fun...”
Just as you were dozing off, you heard Techno gruffly speak into the silence.
“Maybe it won’t be so bad. As long as you’re there.”
Which led you to today, the day of the celebration.
You’d spent the past couple of weeks in various fittings for an outfit befitting of a Royal’s partner, all silk and lace, with a shiny new circlet and other jewellery to match. The clothing wasn’t as uncomfortable as you had feared it might be, and the blue and white of the Empire’s colours suited you well, thankfully.
You were currently waiting in the wings behind the largest platform of the Grand Hall to be introduced alongside your betrothed. Phil was also there, next to a beautiful woman you had never seen before wearing a gorgeous black gown and a veil over her face; Wilbur was standing nearby as well, accompanied by a young lady in a silvery-blue dress. He was nearly bent at the waist in order to be able to whisper something into her ear, which she was giggling at—it was sweet.
Trumpets sounded just outside of the curtains: it was time to enter the celebration. One by one, your names were called out by the steward (“Lord Phillip Craft, accompanied by the Lady Kristin”, “Lord Wilbur Soot, accompanied by the Lady Lyss”), until it was just you and Techno remaining behind the curtains.
He offered you his arm, which you took hold of gratefully, hand shaking slightly with nerves. “You ready?” he asks you gently.
“As I’ll ever be,” you reply, giving him a nervous smile.
“They’ll love you,” he’s quick to reassure, “and if they don’t I’ll have them executed.”
You laugh, but he doesn’t look like he’s joking.
Before you have a chance to try and unpack that any further, your names are being called, and Techno is leading you out into the bright lights of the Grand Hall. People are applauding, but you can barely hear it over the roaring in your ears.
Techno leads you down the stairs to the centre of the dance floor. It seems this must have been some sort of cue, because once the two of you are settled into place, other couples begin swarming the area as well. You end up between Wilbur and his partner (who gives you a little smile and a wave), and an older couple dressed in ostentatious outfits covered in feathers.
The music begins, and you scramble desperately to remember your childhood dance lessons. Techno had been your partner back then, too, you remember suddenly, and a wave of nostalgia washes over you so strongly that you almost stumble. If it weren’t for Techno’s grip on you, you would have.
Techno’s arm around your waist tightens. “You okay there, Starling?”
“Yeah, I’m all good,” you smile up at him, “just remembering when we first learned how to dance.”
He chuckles and replies, “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Feels like a lifetime ago at this point.”
“You’re much better at it now than you were back then.”
“I didn’t have much of a choice other than to learn.”
A brief pause falls over the pair of you, before Techno speaks up again, tone a little hesitant and awkward, “You look breathtaking tonight.”
You feel your cheeks blaze into a blush, butterflies erupting in your stomach. “Thank you,” you reply, “It’s a good thing that Empire blue suits my colouring.”
He hums. “I think you’d look even better in red.”
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
You once again lapse into a comfortable silence. Techno’s hand is warm on your waist as the two of you continue to make your way around the dance floor. His hair is pulled back in an elegant updo, and his many interconnected earrings flash in the flickering light of the ballroom. Your heart flutters, and you feel like a teenager all over again.
As the music begins to draw to a close, his eyes, glowing redder than usual in this lighting, flicker down to your mouth. The flutter in your heart picks up into a consistent pounding, and the butterflies turn into a storm.
Techno’s arm pulls you ever so slightly closer to him as the music fades away, and it feels like you’re the only people in the room.
You’re very abruptly reminded that this is not the case, when the pair of you are absolutely swarmed by well wishers the instant that the last notes of the violin have finished ringing out through the Grand Hall.
Techno does his best to keep a grip on your hand, but despite his best efforts, you’re swept away by the mob. You shoot him a smile and a wave from near the back of the crowd, and begin making your way over to the refreshment tables on the far side of the room. As you’re walking away, you can hear Techno’s voice rise above the noise of the Hall, sounding distinctly uncomfortable, and your heart squeezes that you can’t be with him to help.
After a brief stop to peruse the food and beverages on offer, you grab yourself a flute of champagne and a small chocolate tart, and continue making your way around the perimeter of the room, looking for a less crowded place to stand and eat your treat.
Nobody pays you much mind as you make your way through the crowd. You spot Phil and his mysterious companion on the far side of the ballroom, and wave briefly to Tommy where he stands with the rest of the servants near the main castle doorway. 
You eventually settle in a relatively isolated corner of the room, body mostly hidden in the shadow of a grand tapestry. 
As you take the first bite of your tart, the ensemble begins warming up their instruments for the next dance. You scan the crowd for Techno, and find him still surrounded, looking, at least to your eyes, like he would rather be anywhere else. 
You sigh. Looks like no more dancing for you for the foreseeable future. 
As the music returns full force, you idly watch the passing couples as they twirl passed. Wilbur and his partner glide by you, her pale blue skirt flashing silver where the material catches the light as he spins her around. You can't help but smile at the joy on their faces, even as your chest pangs slightly in jealousy.
Your silent contemplation is suddenly interrupted by a shadow looming over you to the left. You turn, startled, to see an unfamiliar face leering at you.
"May I have this dance?" he holds out a hand, cocky smirk still affixed on his face, as though he can't even fathom the idea that you would say no. 
"No thank you, I'm not interested."
The man scoffs, leaning further into your space, and your shoulders hike up instinctively. "Oh, c'mon honey, don't be like that…." You can smell the alcohol on his breath as it wafts over you.
"Thank you for the offer, but I'm really not interested." Sensing that this won't be enough to make him back down, you tack on, "I don't think that my betrothed would be very happy to hear you pressuring me to dance with you."
The man opens his mouth to reply, but before he can get a word out, a throat clears behind him.
“Is everything alright over here?”
You’ve never been more relieved to see Techno in your life. 
“Nothing you need to be concerned about, Majesty,” the man says with a sneer. Techno eyes him up and down, expression stony.
“Thanks, but I wasn’t actually talking to you,” Techno replies coldly, before his garnet eyes meet your own, expression visibly softening. “Are you okay, Starling?”
He holds a hand out towards you, and you don’t hesitate to take it. You’re quickly tugged away from the other man and tucked tightly into Techno’s side. You push yourself as close to him as you can possibly get, body relaxing instinctively into his warmth.
The other man has the audacity to laugh. Techno’s grip on you tightens. “Oh, honey, really? This is your betrothed?”
He takes a stumbling step forwards, and Techno instinctively shifts so that your body is partially shielded behind his own. Across the Hall, you can see Phil beginning to make his way over to where you’re standing, and Wilbur appears to be making his way over slowly, as well, as the music again fades out.
“Are we going to have a problem?” Techno asks, voice low and dangerous, hand moving to rest on the pommel of his sword. You had thought it was there purely for decoration, but apparently not.
The other man’s eyes stray towards the weapon, and he clearly isn’t drunk enough to think that fighting the Emperor is a good idea, because he takes a step back, hands raised in an ‘I surrender’. “No, Sire,” he says the honorific as though it is a slur, “I was just surprised to hear that someone like you had managed to snag someone so lovely to be your partner.”
Techno goes very still beside you.
Before either of you can add anything to the conversation, the man continues on, his eyes locked onto yours this time. “Tell me honey, do you know about what your betrothed really is? Has he told you about all the people he’s killed? The cities he’s burned in the name of the Blood God?” The man lets out an almost deranged laugh, “Let’s face it Your Majesty, no matter how much you hide behind your military accolades, and your holier-than-thou front, everyone here knows that you’re nothing but a monster.”
Time feels like it freezes for a moment, as the small group of you standing there process the words that were just spoken.
Several things happen in rapid succession, then.
Tommy appears, seemingly out of nowhere, jumping onto the man’s back, screaming “YOU BITCH” at the top of his lungs, as the man flails trying to get him off. More people jump into the fray in an attempt to separate the pair, a few strangers, but also a few familiar faces, Techno among them. 
“Guards!” he yells out, and six members of his Royal Guard, including Captain Dream, come storming into the scene. You very quickly find yourself sidelined, standing near the mysterious Lady that was accompanying Phil this evening– she gives you a small smile from underneath her veil.
The man is very quickly subdued, what with six guards, the Emperor himself, and an irate teenager all attempting to bring him down (although that last one was more a hindrance than a help; Tommy himself needing to be restrained by a put-upon looking Sapnap to stop him from jumping the man all over again).
The man sneers up at Techno from where he’s being held, kneeling, by two guards. Technoblade’s face appears impassive as he looks down at the man. Backlit by one of the hanging lamps that line the walls, he looks like some sort of avenging angel, here to pass judgement on the man kneeling before him.
Techno regards the man for another moment. Silence reigns in the ballroom, the scuffle having drawn the attention of the other guests present, as all in witness wait in anticipation to hear what the Emperor will decide.
“Take him away,” Techno says, face remaining a stony mask. The guards begin moving towards the doorway, hauling the man between them, and Techno turns away from the sight. 
The man makes eye contact with you as he’s being dragged past. “I’d be careful if I was you, honey,” he spits, “getting too close to a monster like that thing can only end poorly for you.” 
You scoff at him, turning away, and he laughs derisively. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” are his parting words, as the guards finally reach the grand doors leading out of the Hall.
The silence continues for another couple of moments once the doors close behind them. Your eyes search for Techno in the crowd, and you find him quickly, still facing away from the crowd, shoulders visibly tensed. 
The crowd unfreezes after a moment, and you quickly find yourself swarmed by a crowd of nobles, all of whom you’ve never met before. 
“That must have been so scary,” a lady practically squeals in your ear, and you step away from her on instinct, only to bump into a gentleman just behind her, who immediately begins grilling you for information about what happened before everyone’s attention had been drawn in by the fight. 
After a minute, you manage to extract yourself from the situation, scanning the crowd wildly for Techno, but you can see no sign of him anywhere in the vicinity. Turning slowly in a circle, your eyes continue searching for your betrothed in the crowd. You spot Tommy, speaking angrily to Sapnap, while he stands there, looking exasperated at this turn of events. Phil is in the corner where you last remember seeing Techno, speaking very seriously to his mysterious companion. So many people, all in colourful party clothes swim past your eyes, but none of them the one you’re searching for. 
A tap on your shoulder jolts you out of your focused search, and you turn around, startled, to see Wilbur’s companion standing there, a sympathetic look in her eyes. 
“He went that way,” she says, pointing to the tapestry on the Northernmost wall of the Grand Hall. At your look of confusion, she clarifies, “There’s a secret passage behind there that leads up to some of the galleries on the next floor up. Not many people know about it, so it’s a pretty easy escape route.”
Expressing your gratitude quickly, you begin making your way towards the tapestry. Lady Lyss calls out “Good luck!” to your back, and you shoot her a final smile over your shoulder, before slipping behind the tapestry and into the secret passage.
It’s surprisingly clean and well lit for something that’s supposed to be a relatively well kept secret, but you quickly shake free of that train of thought, and follow the short hallway down to a spiraling staircase up to the next floor.
Carrie if you’re reading this I love you <3<3<3
Once you reach the top of the staircase, you take stock of your surroundings. You’re in a relatively unfamiliar and little used section of the castle, one that you had only walked through maybe twice before during your initial exploration of the grounds when you had first arrived. The hallway is sparsely lit, with only every third torch on the wall illuminated, and you can see alcoves with openings overlooking the Grand Hall periodically. 
Along the other side of the hallway are darkened rooms, that you remember as being mainly unused guest bedchambers and seldom frequented galleries. Walking slowly down the hallway, you peer into each room as you pass by, scanning the perimeter for a Techno-shaped shadow. 
The third room you look into, you find success.
Moonlight spills through the bay windows, silhouetting your betrothed in silver light where he stands, with his back to you, in front of the window.
You must make some sort of sound, because Techno turns abruptly to face you. The moon now backlighting him, he almost looks like he’s glowing, the light glinting off of his crown making the golden metal appear closer to a silvery halo. His eyes stand out, intense in their scarlet glow against the shadowed silhouette of the rest of his face.
The two of you maintain eye contact for a breathless moment before Techno turns to face the window again, still silent. You slowly begin approaching him, the sound of your footfalls against the stone floor echoing loudly in the otherwise silent room.
You reach Techno’s side a minute later, but he keeps his eyes cast forward out the window. Standing next to him, not touching, but close enough together that you can feel his body heat to your right, you also allow your gaze to wander over the view outside of the window. This section of the palace overlooks the cliffs on the far East of the castle grounds, which you can just make out the shape of in the moonlight. Beyond that, the ocean stretches, dark and cold, into the horizon; the moonlight glinting off of the surface of the water illuminates the occasional ice floe, stark white against the surrounding water. 
Beside you, Techno lets out a sigh. “Why are you here, Starling?” he asks, tone weary.
“I came to make sure you were okay,” you reply evenly, despite the anxiety crawling inside of your chest.
He scoffs. "Of course I'm okay. It's nothing that I haven't heard before."
"That doesn't make it okay though," you counter gently. 
He returns his gaze to the window, and silence reigns supreme over the two of you once again. 
“Aren’t you going to ask about it?” Techno says suddenly, quite abrupt in his delivery.
“Ask about what?”
“What he said back there. About me burning cities and slaughtering masses. Surely you’re curious about how true all of that was.”
“Techno,” you place your hand on his arm, and he finally looks you in the eye, “I won’t ask about it if you don’t want me to. I’ll wait as long as you need me to, until you’re ready to tell me about your past on your own terms.”
The two of you stare at each other for a minute, no words exchanged. Music starts up again in the ballroom and drifts, just barely audible, to your ears.
Techno clearly hears it too; his eyes flick over to the doorway for a moment, then back to you. A conflicted expression briefly passes over his face, before it smooths back out into his typical impassive face.
Before you can even open your mouth to ask him what that was about, he’s moving to the center of the room and thrusting an open hand towards you. You stare at it for a moment, bewildered, before raising your eyeline to meet his.
With a faint blush on his cheeks, Techno abruptly says, “Dance with me.”
You blink. Then, slowly, you approach him and take his hand.
He immediately sweeps you into his arms, beginning a slow swaying to the faint chords of the violin drifting up from downstairs. The two of you fall into rhythm just as easily as you had at the start of the night, but with a few key differences this time around.
You’re standing much closer to him than propriety would typically allow now, and his hand is resting far lower on your back than it was when you started the night. The exposed skin there tingles where his fingers rest, hot like a brand, against your back. 
Tentatively, you bring your head down to rest against Technoblade’s shoulder, relaxing your body against him. His hand briefly tightens against your back, before he relaxes and shifts to accommodate more of your body weight. Your legs are brushing together each time you sway to either side, practically intertwined with how close together you are; you can hear Techno’s heartbeat underneath your ear, steady and strong, albeit a bit fast. 
“I have a scar,” Techno begins haltingly, a minute or so later, “in the center of my chest. I got it during the ritual that the cult did to summon the Blood God. I almost died– I did die, except the Blood God brought me back. He chose me as His champion. His Vassal.”
He pauses for a moment, taking a couple of deep, shuddering breaths. You can do nothing but burrow deeper into his chest, rubbing small, soothing circles on his back as best you can. 
Techno presses on after a minute, though it seems as though it takes him much more effort than usual to maintain his usual expressionless tone. “Time gets a little… weird for me, for the next little bit. It’s a pretty big adjustment, having a God inside your head all the time. I did a lot of stuff at that point, because the cult wanted me to. They were trying to build the Blood God’s strength back up, and to do that, they needed a lot of blood, and since I was his vassal, it had to be me that did it. I… I killed a lot of people.”
“Did you want to?” you can’t help but ask, internally wincing almost as soon as the words have left your mouth. Techno seems to take it in stride though.
Sighing deeply into your hair, he says, raw honesty evident in his voice, “I’m not certain. Our thoughts and desires were all… jumbled up during that time, Him and me. I have a hard time picking apart which were the things He wanted and the things I wanted. They’re really one and the same.”
“It got easier, to tell things apart as the Blood God grew stronger,” Techno continues on, almost as though he’s trying to reassure you, “and it got so that he and I could have actual conversations in my head as two separate entities shortly before Manifestation,” Techno laughs faintly here, but it isn’t a happy sound. “He uh… wasn’t too happy, both with how the cult were treating me, and with what He saw in my memories of how all this came to be. The last thing He did before Manifesting in His own separate, Godly form was commandeer my body to slaughter them all with Divine strength.”
He takes another shuddering breath, and you can’t help but interrupt. “You don’t have to tell me anything, Tech.” 
“No, I want to,” he counters, “You deserve to know.” 
When it becomes clear to him that you aren’t going to say anything more, he continues on, voice a little steadier now, “I wandered for a little while after the Manifestation and subsequent massacre. After Manifesting, the Blood God kinda just… left me to my own devices, although I still bear His mark, and I can channel His power in certain situations, if He deems it worthy. It’s come in handy a few times, although I shudder to think what may have happened if I had ever lost His favour.
“I tried to find my way home after everything, but I never was great with directions, and I wound up getting picked up by some nobel from the Kingdom of Hypixel, who brought me in to be a gladiator in the Capital. That’s actually where I met Phil.”
“What about Wilbur and Tommy?” you ask, and Techno chuckles. “They came along a little later on, after we had already started the Empire.”
“Oh yeah, how did that happen, anyways?”
“Ahaha….” he laughs awkwardly, “Uh, Phil and I…. kinda overthrew a government?”
You move to pull away slightly to look up at his face, eyebrows raised, though his hand tight on your back makes it hard to pull away more than a few inches. He smiles at the look on your face, and is quick to continue with his story, gently pulling your head back to his chest.
“Phil and I met in the Gladiator ring. Our quarters in the fighter’s wing were next to each other, so we became friends almost out of necessity. The fighters… weren’t treated super well, and we got to talking about how unfair it was, and next thing I knew we were recruiting the other gladiators to our cause and starting a rebellion throughout the Capital.”
“Okay, but that doesn’t explain how you ended up the Emperor of an Empire.”
You try to pull back to look into his eyes again, but his hand holds your head to his chest this time around. Still, he’s quick to elaborate in answer to your claim, so you allow yourself to relax back against him. 
“Turns out, the King and the rest of the upper crust weren’t just unkind to us fighters; they were unkind to pretty much all of the citizens that they viewed as lower class. So, the people were actually pretty happy to have somebody else take over. I became kind of… an icon? For the rebellion? Like, a rallying figure.”
Silence falls for a beat. The string quartet down in the ballroom hits a crescendo, but you and Techno never change the gentle speed of your swaying.
“I didn’t really want to be in charge once the dust settled. I mean, you know me, I hate people, and socializing, and that’s like, half of this job at the end of the day. But Phil talked me into staying, and now here I am.”
You giggle a bit at his tone at the end, asking, “What did he have to say to you to convince you of that?”
Techno chuckles into your hair for a moment, before letting out a sigh. “He convinced me that expanding the Empire and annexing towns with the resources we had would be a more effective way to look for you than me searching on my own.”
Your breath catches in your throat. “What?” you breathe out.
“Did you think there would be another reason? I never forgot the promise I made you. The only reason I ever kept going was the thought of seeing you and my parents again.”
“Did you ever find your parents?” you can’t help but ask. You hadn’t seen them in years at this point, not since your family had moved away about a year and a half after Techno’s disappearance. You hoped that they were well.
Techno’s grip tightens around you. “Yeah, we uh. We found them.” His voice doesn’t sound happy when he says this, and you feel your stomach drop.
“What happened?”
“We got there too late. The whole town was rubble by the time Phil and I arrived on scene. We had allied with another faction for this battle, and their commander had instructed them to burn everything to the ground.” 
There’s a shuddering exhale against your hair, but Techno’s voice is as steady as ever when he continues to speak. “I found my parents’ bodies in the ruins of the bookstore. I was just too late to save them.”
“Oh, Tech–” you begin, but he barrels right on, speaking over you for the first time that night. His grip on you is almost painful, it's so strong.
“I went to your house next, and there was nothing there but ruins. I was so convinced I had lost you–”
“Techno you’re hurting me.”
He lets go of you as though he’s been burned, quickly backing away and keeping his eyes on the floor. The music has stopped in the Grand Hall, leaving only the sound of your breathing in its wake.
You take a hesitant step towards him, and Techno flinches. 
“My family moved away,” you say softly, “a little over a year after I lost you.”
He nods his head, swallowing audibly, and adds, “I know. Alex- the guy my parents hired to help out in the bookstore?- survived, and I ran into him. He let me know that you weren’t living there anymore.”
You take another step forward, and reach out to cup his face in your hand. He keeps his eyes on the floor, breath still uneven. 
You place your other hand on his face, and gently force his head up until he meets your eyes. 
“Look at me,” you command, “I’m right here okay? I’m not going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Techno clutches at one of your hands like a lifeline. “Gods, Starling. When I thought I had lost you… I’ve never experienced anything worse in my life. Any and all suffering I had faced with the cult, in the fighting rings, all of it paled in comparison to how it felt to think that I would never see you again.”
He reaches out his other hand to cup your cheek, and you turn your face to press a kiss to the inside of his palm. In response, he hooks his hand on the back of your neck and draws you close once again, but in an inverse of your earlier position, with his head buried in the crook of your shoulder, hands now clutching at your back.  
In response, you pet his hair as best you can with the updo it’s in, murmuring reassurances into his ear. 
After a minute, he pulls back, eyes shiny in the dim moonlight. “I love you,” he says, his gaze boring into you and leaving you breathless. 
“I love you too,” you manage to force out past the lump in your throat. Techno smiles, wider than you’ve seen since you were children, and you can’t help but let out a breathless giggle. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, and you can do nothing but nod, butterflies crawling up your throat as he leans down slowly to press his lips against yours.
Throwing away any sense of decorum you may have had remaining, you push yourself up onto your tiptoes and deepen the kiss, tangling your fingers into Techno’s hair with no regard for his updo any longer. 
He pulls away from you after a long moment, both of your chests heaving. 
“Again,” you say, already moving back towards his lips. He breathes the barest hint of a laugh against your lips before indulging you once again.
You lose some time here, pressing kiss after kiss against Techno’s lips, his cheeks, his neck, wherever you can reach. You must have moved at some point, though you don’t remember when, because you find yourself pressed up against the bay window, legs wrapped firmly around Techno’s waist, hands still in his hair, with his arms resting on either side of your head, caging you in. The glass is freezing against your back, but Techno’s body feels like fire every place he’s touching you.
He brings his head down into the crook of your neck, and his breath against the sensitive skin there makes you shiver, legs instinctively tightening around him.
“Gods, Starling,” Techno groans into your neck, before placing a soft kiss to the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. When your hand tightens in his hair at the feeling, he does it again. And again, open-mouthed this time, before sucking some of the skin into his mouth and biting down. 
He’s going to leave a mark, you think somewhat dizzily through the haze of pleasure, and heat pools in the bottom of your stomach at the thought. Your eyes flutter closed around a whine, head tilting unconsciously further to the side to give him more room.
There’s a thud from near the entrance of the gallery.
Almost before you’ve registered what’s happening, Techno has pulled away from you and turned around, your body shielded behind him. He has his sword drawn and held steady in a defensive position, but when no threat immediately makes itself apparent, he relaxes minutely, sword lowering down next to him, though still cautiously on guard.
“Who’s there?” Technoblade calls out, voice echoing slightly, “Show yourself!”
“As the Emperor of the Antarctic Empire, I demand that you show yourself now. If you have no malicious intentions, I promise that no harm will come to you.”
You hold your breath, but as a few long moments pass by with no ominous figures emerging from the shadows, you relax, draping your arms around Techno’s neck and pressing your body against his back to speak into his ear. “Looks like it was nothing.”
He hums at your words, but doesn’t turn around, eyes still scanning over the darkness of the room.
Pouting slightly at being ignored, you take Techno’s earlobe between your teeth, smirking when you hear his breath hitch.
“What?” you say, trying to keep your grin out of your voice.
Techno sighs deeply, put upon, but he’s smiling when he rearranges your bodies so that you’re face to face. He still doesn’t turn his back to the door, you note, choosing to move you both so that your sides are to the door. 
He presses a kiss to your cheek. “I have to go check it out. I’ll be right back.”
“Do you have to?” you ask, winding your arms around his neck again, practically hanging off of him. 
He rolls his eyes, jostling you gently until you relent and let him go. “It’s probably nothing,” he replies, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand in a silent apology, “but I still need to make sure. For my peace of mind, if nothing else.”
“Fine,” you sigh dramatically, though your besotted expression betrays your true feelings.
“Stay right here, okay?” Techno tells you, “I’ll be right back.”
You lean your back against the window again, as Techno vanishes into the darkness. 
Thinking back over the past little while, you can’t help the swoop in your stomach as a giddy smile overtakes your face. 
Almost in a daze, you move to press against the mark you’re sure is forming on your neck, suppressing another shiver as the dull ache pulses pleasantly against the pressure.
Maybe you could convince Techno to head back to his bedroom once he got back. As attractive as it was that he could support your whole body weight standing up, you imagined that this would be even more fun laying down….
You’re broken from your reverie by the sound of shattering glass.
An unfamiliar pair of arms wraps around your body from behind. You struggle against them as hard as you can, letting out a single scream before a cloth is covering your mouth and nose. Instinctively, you inhale, smelling something cloyingly sweet.
Your vision begins to turn dark around the edges, head lolling as the stranger adjusts their hold on you into something more secure.
The last thing you see before your vision blacks out entirely is Techno's horror-stricken face in the gallery doorway.
Wind rushes through your hair, almost soothingly, as your assailant falls backwards out the window. You take what little comfort you can from the sensation, as you finally succumb to unconsciousness.
The reason that Lyss knows the passageway is there is because Wilbur and her snuck out through there at the last Ball. I couldn’t fit it in to the story, but I wanted everyone to know.
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autumntouched · 1 year
One month tumblr anniversary!
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Happy Friday everyone! It’s officially been a month since I joined tumblr and a month of being part of the TGM fandom. Woohoo for 57 (non pornbot) followers!! It’s been so wonderful getting to know you all. I’ve probably already spent enough hours on here to make up for lost time.
I’d love to get to know more of you in the TGMCU (Top Gun Maverick Cinematic Universe or is it Top Gun Maverick Fanfic Universe?) so share away! Calling all Phoenix stans!! Although Jake Seresin gets a lot of air time too...
Ready to have some fun? I love chaos. Not really. Mostly chaos that isn’t mine. Drop into my messages and asks. Let me know your thoughts! Kind ones only please (see my ground rules.)
Fun tumblr facts:
1) One of you sent me a wonderful list of fics to read that I so appreciate and am working my way through! Anyone else struggle to read, write, oh right, and live outside of tumblr?
2) One of you might know a secret.
3) One of you came up with my alias, Autumn.
4) One of your fics kept me up all night because I couldn’t put it down. Hence why I’m slow to read longer fics...zero self control.
5) All of you have made my day in some way.
A quick note on personal ground rules: I am here to have fun and share my obsessions. And my fanfics! And yours! If you feel something I wrote misrepresents you don’t hesitate to reach out and discuss. I’d love to and appreciate it! If it’s just not for you, it’s not for you. Jake Seresin is the only exception to my “no asshole” policy, and I am serious about that. Don’t bring it into my asks, messages, reblogs, comments, etc. please!
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Here’s a bit of an update to this post. Put in a new post because for some reason I can’t get the reblog to let me upload audio files. It’s almost like Tumblr is a fucking mess. I don’t usually complain about it, I see posts going around complaining about the updates every time they happen, and I agree with them but don’t say anything because I figure as long as they let me keep writing my words and posting them that’s all I need here even if the new UI is absolute bullshit… but God, it’s getting really bad. Anyway. That’s not the point, I’ve just spent a while trying to get a reblog to do what it’s supposed to do and I’m annoyed about it. Please consider my annoyance registered.
It doesn't even really need to be a reblog, because it doesn't follow up on that much stuff from that other post. Mainly, it's an update to that one because that post talked about the Nish Kumar/Mike Birbiglia podcast episode, and this post will also do that, so I wanted to put them together, but it's fine.
It’s a bit of an odd coincidence, that someone sent me a 2021 episode of Nish Kumar on Mike Birbiglia’s podcast last week, as well as sending me all his Mike Birbiglia comedy albums because he’d finally talked me into listening to the guy. Partly with the help of Nish Kumar, who spoke so highly of Mike Birbiglia on that 2021 podcast that I said, okay, that endorsement is enough for me. Then, a couple of days later, there was a new episode of the Comedian’s Comedian podcast, featuring Nish Kumar talking about his newly released special, in which he says he likes that he was able to “Birbiglia-fy” this show more than his previous ones. He even specifically references that podcast episode in 2021, and says the advice he got on there from Mike Birbiglia inspired him to make Your Power Your Control into what it ended up becoming. Which is quite cool, and I’ve gotten into Birbiglia’s comedy just in time to understand what he’s talking about.
There are also some references to Kitson, obviously, because you can’t talk about the history of narrative comedy without discussing the legacy – for better or for worse – of Daniel Kitson.
I do see what he's talking about more clearly now. I still have questions about what this type of comedy is, but I enjoy the way Nish Kumar explains it here. A comedy show created by putting everything in the right order. By spreading out the "general stand-up" bits across a show so they wrap around the main story, instead of doing the main story and then the general bits, so then the main story becomes a general bit in itself. I find it really interesting to hear Nish Kumar get that advice on Mike Birbiglia's podcast in 2021, then watch the show in which he took that advice that was filmed in 2022 (Your Power Your Control, now out on video, everyone needs to watch it, message me for a link), then hear him talk in 2023 about how the advice he got on Birbiglia's podcast helped him structure it that way. He's right, it turns out! He did do all those things in that show! Which would have been a more interesting connection if I could have made this a reblog of the previous post, and then more easily referred people to the Kumar/Birbiglia clip that was embedded in that post, to compare to the Kumar/Goldsmith clip in this one.
I did put a lot of stock in Nish Kumar recommending Mike Birbiglia, though, because in addition to making the type of comedy I absolutely love, Nish Kumar happens to also love the type of comedy I love. He has a bit in one of his older stand-up shows about how he finds it weird to be a comedian after spending so many years obsessed with comedy, he's basically a comedy fan but his fandom got out of hand and now he's on stage. And I love the kind of comedy fan Nish Kumar is.
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Okay - The Office, Parks and Rec, 30 Rock, and Community are hardly the smallest of underground shows, where it's a massive coincidence if I love them and someone else does too. But still, I enjoy that he got asked about the TV shows he watches over and over, and his answer is pretty well the same as mine. That's not the exact same as the answer to "What's your favourite TV show?" I have lots of favourite TV shows. I have a small number of TV shows saved on my main hard drive, because I've seen every single episode over and over and over, to the point where I have every episode pretty much memorized, and if I'm looking for a comfort show to go back to while eating a meal, I keep those easily accessible. That small number of shows includes 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, and Community. The Office US was on the list, has sort of dropped off, I don't love it as much as those others, but I did used to re-watch episodes of it constantly, I've seen every episode more than probably any other show except 30 Rock/Parks and Rec.
And obviously, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is a fucking masterpiece. If anyone else likes Garth Marenghi and Nish Kumar, there's a great episode of the Rule of Three podcast where Nish waxes poetic for an hour about how amazing that show is.
Also, of course, Nish Kumar's a rare person who can rival me in being a fan of the Chocolate Milk Gang. There are lots of clips out there of him talking sincerely and beautifully about his massive respect for Daniel Kitson and David O'Doherty, but I can't be bothered to find them right now, and would prefer to represent that with this:
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And then, obviously, there's this, the compilation I made last year of Nish Kumar being adorable in his fandom of John Oliver:
And there are quite a few instances on The Bugle the suggest Nish Kumar probably would, if called upon to do so, die for Andy Zaltzman. Or at least throw hands to defend his honour. I mean - I'm kind of joking, but honestly, you can feel the underlying respect for that man radiating from Nish Kumar even when they're talking shit.
This latest episode he did of the Comedian's Comedian podcast also reminds me of how quick he is to credit Bridget Christie as a massive influence on him, and talk about how great her work is, which I really like.
The point is that Nish Kumar knows quite a lot about British and American comedy. So if he says a dichotomy between the two exists and Birbiglia is on the British side of it despite being American, there is something to that. I will take his word over my brother's on that (a statement that would make more sense if this were a reblog of my other post where I discuss being confused about it).
The other point is that various people have been trying to get me to listen to Mike Birbiglia for about a year, but the only endorsement I really needed was Nish Kumar. If you're trying to get me to listen to something, find out of Nish Kumar's ever praised it, and then play me a clip of him doing so, and that'll work. I'd probably give, like, Jeff Dunham a try if you told me Nish Kumar likes it (I don't know why that was the first person who came to my mind when I tried to think of a comedian I'd never get into, but I think it's a good example).
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