#every anon like this and every comment reblog brings me so much happiness
rexxdjarin · 2 years
You got me checking your blog everyday for writing updates, I love your work!! -🤞anon
Ok as someone who has done this to countless others for over 10 years….it’s such an absolute honor to receive a message like this from someone
I am so truly grateful for the support and love. You have no idea how much genuine joy running this blog and writing again has brought back into my life when I desperately needed it💙
I know I’m slow writing sometimes. I’m a bit of a perfectionist and want to make sure my work comes out really great for you all. More stuff is coming. Never ever be afraid to message me any thots or asks or headcanons. Anything !! I love hearing from all of you.
I’ll be updating my WIP soon 💙
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halsteadlover · 6 months
𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐭, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲
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*Gifs and pic not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Hi i saw your post 'exam buddies' and it gave me and idea of Jay gets grazed by a bullet or something and while he's getting checked out he is flirting with the doctor who he has had a crush on for a while and she does to so she denies him and says how unprofessional it would be but while she is talking he walks closer to her and starts undressing her while teasing her and saying "yes so unprofessional" of not that's fine love your work.
• Warnings: curse words, making out (hehe), mention of wounds, and I don’t know what else let me know if I missed any lol.
• Word count: 3604.
• A/N: when he gets stabbed just to see you 😍😍😍. Need me a man like Jay frfr. I hope you’ll like this one I really had fun writing it. Comment, reblog and leave a like if you want, it’d mean the world. Thank you so much for your support sending lots of love to all of you xx
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“Halstead, third time in a month, that’s a record even for you.”
An amused expression appeared on your face as you entered the room of the patient you were supposed to see, who turned out to be no one other than Jay Halstead. He was lying on the bed, his back resting on the raised headboard and a bored expression on his face which however disappeared as soon as he saw you enter.
“Oh yeah I couldn't wait to see you, Dr. Sunshine,” he replied, letting his eyes wander unscrupulously along your uniform-covered figure, before returning them to your face and giving you a full on smile.
This was a nickname Jay had given you since the first moment you met and since then he had never stopped calling you that. In fact, since that day he had noticed how you always had a smile on your lips, constantly, how nothing seemed to disturb you. You always had a happy and serene expression on your face and this was one of the things that most attracted him from the beginning.
The two of you had met some time ago when Jay had arrived at Med's to question a suspect who he had injured during a chase and who you had taken into care.
He remembered how impressed he was with you when he first saw you, he couldn't deny you were a beautiful woman. But it was the marked humor with which you addressed him and your sharp but nice jokes that truly mesmerized him. While you two talked in front of that helpless patient who did nothing but bring his eyes between you and the detective, Jay found himself being attracted more and more to you, feeling the ever-increasing desire to get to know you better.
After that exchange in front of the patient, you left Jay talking to the suspect and walked out of the room, winking at him before closing the door behind you and leaving Jay standing there looking like an idiot.
Needless to say, as soon as he finished questioning the suspect, he immediately turned to his brother with the aim of asking for information about you. He didn't know why but he wanted to know everything he could about you. He had looked for you so he could have the opportunity to talk to you again but you were already with another patient.
From that day you had never left Jay's mind or his thoughts.
He found himself going to Med's every time for all sorts of reasons, most of which involved having to say something to his brother who couldn't help but make fun of the detective. You obviously weren't stupid and there was no shortage of your comments regarding the fact there was a very different reason behind those visits to which Jay responded with some mischievous joke that made you blush from head to toe.
However, there was no shortage of visits either due to some injuries Jay got due to his job but that didn't stop him from shamelessly flirting with you even if he was on a hospital bed.
He loved this relationship that had been created between you, the flirting, teasing each other, and every opportunity was perfect to see you but he wanted more. He struggled to admit it to himself but he had a huge crush on you and the fact he couldn't read you and know what you were thinking was driving him crazy. He was getting tired of looking at you from afar, of hiding behind the flirty jokes, he wanted you.
You giggled and looked at him for a moment as you quickly examined his body for injuries. Or at least that's what you convinced yourself of. You were pretty good at hiding your feelings because to say that damn detective gave you goosebumps and set every cell in your body on fire was an understatement.
You sanitized your hands and put on a pair of clean gloves before approaching him, his eyes never leaving yours and just the way he looked at you made you shiver from head to toe and your knees tremble.
Focus Y/n, he’s a patient now.
“What did you do this time?” You asked and he rolled his eyes playfully.
“You're no fun dammit, always straight to the point.”
“You know me Halstead,” you replied. “So?”.
He shrugged nonchalantly. “Just a little cut while chasing a suspect, no big deal.”
Your gaze fell on his abdomen, at the level of his left side where you noticed a copious stain of blood. “Well let me be the judge since I’m the doctor. Lift your shirt up.”
His lips lifted into a mischievous grin and you rolled your eyes knowing where his mind had immediately gone. “If you want to undress me just say so Dr. Sunshine, there's no need for these excuses.”
He took off his shirt and you tried with every fiber of your being to try to maintain a composed and professional expression, trying not to look his abs and not to focus on the heat that was spreading through your body.
You swallowed the lump in your throat but you couldn't help but admire that Greek God laying in front of you. “You didn't need to take off your shirt Halstead.” You said in an amused tone before pulling up a chair and sitting next to the bed.
“Well, you know I'm a self-centered bastard,” he retorted and you rolled your eyes again as you began to examine the wound. “Plus I love the way you’re struggling not to jump on me right now.”
You flicked your gaze into his eyes, not responding but maintaining eye contact as he looked at you as if he wanted to undress you right then and there. The heat spreading through your body intensified and rose to your cheeks and you struggled to say anything because, damn, he was just telling the truth.
“J-just, let me do my job Halstead,” you murmured and cursed yourself for the way you stuttered. You looked away and back to his wound and he chuckled, probably aware of the effect it had on you.
You examined his wound. It was a stab wound and luckily it wasn't very deep so it only required a bit of disinfection and a couple of stitches. You took what you needed and sat next to Jay again, who continued to watch and examine your movements with meticulous attention.
“I'll numb the area so I can stitch you,” you said in a firm, professional tone of voice but refusing to look at him. You couldn't do it, not when his eyes were enough to make you a babbling mess.
You tried to maintain all the concentration you possessed, failing miserably as Jay was laying there in front of you with his shirt off.
You couldn't help but let your gaze travel down his abdomen, along his hips, the V-line disappearing into his boxers you so much wanted to trace with your tongue, the line of his underwear that slightly protruded from his pants.
He was so fucking hot and you were about to be burned.
Your breathing quickened even though you tried to keep yourself composed but this didn't escape Jay, who didn't take his eyes off you for even a second.
He carefully scanned your profile and features, the way your eyelids and eyelashes fluttered, the way your cheeks were flushed and he knew it was because of him, the way you were trying to avoid him even if you were attracted to him like a magnet.
“You're so beautiful Y/n, you know that?” he murmured before he could stop himself.
You almost dropped the pliers you were holding, taken aback by his words. You giggled, keeping your expression as neutral as possible even though that short and simple phrase had thrown you into a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions and sensations.
“And you know I’m your doctor right?”.
“Mmh just for now,” he replied “As soon as you're done you won't be anymore.”
“You're actually one of my most loyal patients.” You gave him an amused look, a smirk on your lips as you continued to stitch his wound. “Like I said, you're breaking every record so no, you can't make those comments it's very unethical of you.”
There was nothing ethical about Jay's sinful thoughts about you, but he didn't let them out at the time.
He laughed, never taking his eyes off you. “Since we see each other so often we’re more than just doctor/patient now, I’d say I have every right to tell you’re beautiful.”
“Stop it.” You gave him a fake disappointed look even if you were internally giggling like a little girl. “Am I hurting you? You feel anything?” You also asked but the smug expression on his face and the smirk on his lips had given you the answer you needed.
He shook his head. “Come to a date with me.”
Your heart started beating wildly, more than it already was since the first moment you say Jay laying on that bed. “Is this a question or an order?”.
“You want to tell me no?”.
“Jay, I need to focus.”
“That's not a no though, so I have some hope.”
You laughed, at the tenacity and cheekiness he was showing and to mask the nervousness you were feeling, God, you didn't know how long you could last before giving in.
After about ten minutes you finished suturing his wound and placed gauze over it, recommending him to disinfect it and change the gauze at least twice a day even though he did nothing but flirt with you.
You stood up and removed your gloves before throwing them into the bin along with the dirty gauze you had used earlier and disinfected your hands.
You glanced at Jay, noticing he had sat up in bed, still wonderfully bare-chested. For the second time you found yourself running your eyes over his frame, his broad shoulders, his muscular arms and toned chest.
That man oozed sex from every pore of his body and you no longer knew what to do to resist him.
“Why are you this far? I don't bite, you know.” He said with a wicked smile on his lips, not even trying to mask the way he was eye-fucking you.
You rolled your eyes for the thousand time and crossed your arms over your chest, remaining firm in your position even if with difficulty. You felt as if there was some kind of force pushing you towards him and as the minutes passed you were less and less able to fight it.
“Don't you have to go back to work?”.
“Not until you give me an answer.”
“About what?”.
“About the date.”
“You didn’t ask me though.”
“Well will come to a date with me?”.
You tried to suppress a chuckle but didn't answer, keep losing yourself in those two emeralds that were his eyes.
You didn't have to hesitate like that, you didn't even have to think about it. You were a doctor, he was your patient and there was nothing more immoral.
But then why didn't you say no? Why were you actually thinking about that?
Jay stood up and walked over you noticing your silence, standing a step away from you.
Still shirtless.
God please have some mercy on me.
You raised your head slightly so you could look in his eyes given your height difference, the words dying in your throat every time you tried to say something.
It was undeniable there was an attraction between you two that in one way or another always pushed you towards each other. It was undeniable that man made you feel things you hadn't felt in a long time.
You didn't know what he had done to you, what kind of witchcraft he had practiced on you since there had never even been anything between you. Sure, you flirted with him too, he shamelessly hit on you and sometimes you didn't even know if he was serious or just because of the way your relationship had turned, but you couldn't get him out of your mind.
“You're thinking about it, aren't you? I know you want it,” he whispered, lifting a hand and stroking your hair, moving a strand behind your ear as his eyes continued to admire and analyze every little feature of your face.
You let your arms drop to your sides, dumbfounded as his fingers caressed your skin so lightly his touch seemed unnoticeable. But you felt it all, you felt his touch in every corner of your body.
Your breathing quickened as your eyes alternated between his and his mouth, without even being able to stop yourself.
“We can't,” you whispered back.
“Why not? We both want it, I know it and you know it too.” He wet his lips with his tongue. “And the way you're looking at me now, fuck… I'm fighting every fiber of my body not to throw you on this bed and have my way with you. You can't deny it Y/n, you can’t deny what's going on between us.”
Before you knew it, your hands were resting on his chest, his skin hot under your fingers and his breathing visibly quickening under your touch. “And who tells me it's not just the thrill of conquest? That once I say yes you won't just disappear?”.
His hands cupped your face, his lips so close to yours they kept brushing each other. “I’m planning to do so many things to you that a lifetime won't be enough Y/n, you're not just a conquest. I want you.”
His thumb traced the outline of your bottom lip and your breath hitched, almost making you pass out at his feet.
God Jay what are you doing to me?
“You really think every time I'm here it's to see Will? Don't get me wrong, I love my brother but do you seriously think I'm here almost every day just to see him? Do you seriously think I would randomly find myself at Molly's every night whenever you're there? Do you think I’d let myself get stabbed just to have another excuse to come here and see you?”.
You pulled away from him, hitting him in the chest in disbelief. “Are you out of your goddamn mind?! I hope you're kidding.”
“Do you see me laughing? I'm not fucking kidding. I could’ve easily overpower that piece of shit but you got into my head so much that at that moment I just thought I had the perfect excuse to see you and be close to you. That's how fucking insane you make me Y/n. Please just give me a chance, I want you so bad,” he spoke, not caring about how desperate he sounded.
Now that he had said it out loud he realized how crazy he really was. But did he care? Absolutely not. He just wanted you to accept to go to that date.
“And it's not just wanting to have sex with you. I mean, God yes, you turn me one so much I would fuck you on every floor and surface of this hospital… But I want everything, I want to know every single part of you, the good and the bad, I want you to be mine, I want you to know me and I want to be yours.”
You sighed in frustration, the temperature of the room rising a degree with each passing second. How were you supposed to push him away?
“Tell me you don't want me and I'm leaving right now and you'll never hear from me again. Tell me you don't feel like this thing between us is consuming you too... Tell me,” he continued, brushing his nose with yours.
“You're so unprofessional Jay,” you whispered, trying so hard to fight the urge to give in but, fuck, you didn't think it would be this hard.
“Yeah so unprofessional. Now answer me.”
You sighed. “Jay I…”
“God you're so stubborn Dr. Sunshine, you really want to torture me until the end? Have mercy on me at least now that I'm… Shit,” he stopped, holding his side where he had been stabbed and letting out a cry of pain.
“Jay! Hey, what's going on? Talk to me please.”
“Fuck it hurts.”
“Here, let me help you. Sit down so I can take another look at you. Everything will be fine.”
You helped him sit on the edge of the bed, worried and thinking of every possible scenario imaginable like an internal bleeding.
But when he instead surrounded your hips under your white coat and pulled you towards him, making you settle between his legs, you understood that asshole was just faking it.
“You piece of shit! You've got me worried sick!” You exclaimed, hitting his shoulder harder this time. You tried to pull away from him but his grip was too tight around your waist.
He laughed, a cocky look on his face that only made you want to punch him. “Look at you so worried about me. Just as I thought.”
“You thought about what? That you’re an asshole?”.
“Yes I am,” he replied amused, “But also that all this facade you want to put up, all this resistance is fake. That you want me as much as I want you, so why do you keep fighting it so much?”.
“Because it’s unprofessional, I'm a doctor and you're my patient. We can't.”
“Of course we can.” His hands tightened around your waist, moving up your hips, distracting you and making you forget what you even wanted to say. “Like I said. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want me.”
You didn't answer, again.
You just looked at him and melted under his touch.
You didn't know what happened, it was like a switch had been turned on inside you.
All your rational thoughts and abilities left your mind as you grabbed his face and crashed your lips onto his.
You didn't want to resist anymore, especially since you weren’t strong enough. Let's be honest, it was a battle you already lost from the start.
You didn't want to live in fear of what might happen, hide behind the hypocrisy of 'unprofessionalism' because the truth was that you wanted that man more than anyone you had ever met in your life. The truth was, you couldn't look him in the eyes and tell him you didn't want him when just hearing his name made your heart beat wildly and your body lit up on fire.
Jay kissed you back, not even being able to explain how ardently and for how long he wanted that moment.
You parted your lips slightly and he immediately took the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth, deepening the kiss which was becoming more and more passionate, borderline pornographic.
His hands rested on your stomach and moved up your abdomen, grazing your breasts before settling on your shoulders. He hesitated and you nodded during the kiss, giving him permission to take off your white coat which fell to the floor next to your feet.
His hands then trailed down back to your ass which he squeezed and groped without any shame as you threaded your fingers through his hair, sighing into his mouth at the sensation.
If at first there was a thread of doubt that left you perplexed, after finally feeling his lips against yours, their taste, you knew there would never be a return from that point. You were deeply and inexorably lost for Jay Halstead.
Your heart was pounding as your body continued to press against his, as if you were both trying to suck out each other's souls.
You bit his lower lip and a small moan escaped him which immediately made you press your legs to each other, your insides twist and goosebumps on your skin. He slapped your ass in response, a gesture that turned you on more than you would ever admit.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, pulling him towards you.
“I'll take this as a yes?” He whispered the moment you both broke apart panting as you tried to catch your breath.
He slid his hands down your back, up your ass, your thighs, touching and caressing every inch of your body he could reach.
“What do you think?” You replied, one eyebrow raised.
“I can't even think right now to be honest, all the blood has rushed to my dick. It actually hurts a little, can you kiss it better?”.
“You’d really love it wouldn’t you?”.
“Oh you have no idea how many times I’ve imagined you kissing me better, especially my dick. This mouth of yours is haunting me princess.”
You chuckled – not mentioning how bad you wanted to do it – and he smiled back, feeling lighter, happier.
“Is tomorrow night okay?”.
“Tomorrow night? Are you kidding me? You really think I can last until tomorrow especially after you kissed me like that? No, there’s no chance. I want to see you tonight.”
“Oh Halstead, remember that patience is the virtue of the strong,” You smirked at him, caressing his shoulders. “See you tomorrow night detective.”
You gave him one last sweet kiss on the lips and picked up your white coat from the floor, then straightening out your wrinkled uniform. You winked at him before exiting the room, leaving him sitting on the edge of that bed with an erection in his pants he knew he’d struggle to keep at bay for the next twenty-four hours.
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @klovesreading, @firetruckstuckley
Jay Halstead tag list: @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @ixna-mikaelsxn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @jinxtan18, @ready hit-it, @rainroo2, @tinfoilhat2719, @upsteadlovingheart, @nevaehstreater18, @sophiatellerrhodes, @dedlund82, @kellykidd, @rippI3s, @stephanie708, @annahargrove, @smutlOver, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @baby, @nosy09, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @saiyuo12, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @deanstead, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral314, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @averyhotchner, @ellavanderberg, @mrshalsteadxx, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @laaaauuraaaaa, @firerusher, @itserickalove, @23victoria, @slytherlight, @goingwiththewind, @notanordinaryprincess95, @cadyfanninger, @acewritesfics, @iloveest, @instantpizzacat, @wickedlovely121, @hart-kinsella, @novabckly
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ventismacchiato · 10 months
42 behind the lens — curtain call !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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It’s at the times between recording scenes where you really get a glimpse at your lover.
His sweat stained hair and tear stained cheeks from a rather intense scene never get old. You were feeling rather fond as he made his way over to you, falling into your director’s chair and heaving a heavy breath. The only one other than you allowed to sit in it.
For a mere moment, you both simply look at each other. You guys were on break so a few conversation topics come to mind, it wasn’t often you guys got to speak as lovers rather than coworkers during work. And while they’re all things you’d like to talk to Scaramouche about, you realize you don’t need to force conversation with him.
There’s a hue of weariness that shows in Scara’s eyes, but you can tell that he’s happy. He’s doing what he’s been striving to do for all his years at university, so of course he is.
You search his dark eyes for his thoughts, too. When your eyes meet Scara’s he let’s out a tired smile.
“I missed you,” he easily says. The words come out easier than they would’ve years ago.
Your heart skips a beat, even years later.
“How? We’ve been working together all day,” you say.
“Do I need a reason to miss the person I love?” Scara scoffs, looking away from you to study the script he brought with him.
It isn’t the first time Scaramouche had told you that he loves you, but it’s never stopped holding the same weight it did the first time he’d ever said it.
It’s a rare type of love. The kind that exists so rarely for people in this industry and that lead lives similar to your guys’.
His loves makes you feel alive everyday. And Scara should know it, you should tell him more often—even if it’s rather dramatic for midday on set for their most recent project. It’s something you’d bring up at night that you two could laugh about in bed. Even if it catches Scara off guard.
But Scaramouche’s love caught you off guard, too, and every second you got the privilege to spend with him was a gift.
And as you stare at him, fiddling with the sleeves of his costume and eyebrows scrunched as he mouths his lines, you couldn’t help but feel your heart grow heavy.
“I suppose you don’t,” you reply, a minute too late, but Scara still chuckles at your response as he tosses the script aside.
“What? You’re not going to say it back?” he teases, “And I thought I was the emotionally constipated one.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you mutter, hitting him on the shoulder, “I love you, too. I guess.”
“Archons, you’re worse than me.”
“No, you were much worse when we were younger!”
“It was hot and mysterious when I did it.”
“Uh huh, just go back to set I’m sick of you.”
“Weird way to say you agree but okay.”
୨⎯ THE END ⎯୧
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev
author’s notes — and that’s a wrap folks! hope the ending wasn’t awkward i just wanted it to be short and sweet. anyway, thank u to everyone who read and kept up with this fic, means a lot to me that this blew up as it was smth i wrote for myself. if ur rereading this or are a reader in the future ty to you too! i appreciate the silent readers, anons, and ppl who left me sm cute comments and reblogs. u guys made writing it more fun and easier to ignore the not so nice ppl. i cant reply to everyone but just know i do read every ask and comment i get! i do hope to see u guys in my notifs in the future even if i don’t write for genshin anymore, but if not then i’m glad you gave my writing a chance <3 have a great day/night byebye
synopsis — you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
taglist — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @ins4nebish @stxrgxzxr @lilacponds @uma-umie @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @erosdevil @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @courtneydefender @drunkwithfever @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @ainlaw @ovaliz @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko @moon-320 @orionicchaos @cartierfiles [1/3]
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f10werfae · 2 years
Oops, Sorry Daddy
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pairing: Husb!Dad!Chris x Mom!Wife!Reader
summary: Can u do a fic with Chris evans x reader and the triplets where they all just clingy with their mamma lol (requested by anon)
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist form
Sitting on the couch, with each triplet laid out in front of her, Y/n couldn’t help but swoon at the sight of her babies all beside each other, her husband Chris was right behind her with his arms around her waist. Isabella, Noah and Jacob Evans, the cutest things to arrive on planet Earth.
“Hm which one of you should I eat first?” Y/n cooed smacking kisses on Noah’s cheeks repeatedly, his squeals lifting up the room, his siblings now pouting due to not getting the same amount of attention. His feet being the next victim, Y/n pretending to eat them by pressing kisses on all ten of his small toes, with him scrunching them up at each sensation.
“Don’t worry mama didn’t forget her other babies, oh no” Y/n laughed sweetly, doing the same to the other two buggers, her husband placing open mouthed kisses onto her neck and shoulder from behind. His smile content and happy with the family home he’s made for himself, someone to care for, someone to love and someone to come home to.
Showing off their gummy Evan smiles, each of them slowly made their way towards Y/n, who was basking in the feeling of her husband’s arms supporting her. His gruff grown beard rubbing gently along her neck as he whispered nothing but ‘I love you guys so much’ ‘so so pretty’ ‘Thank you baby, for all of this’
With all of them still being relatively small, they all managed to squeeze themselves into the space between Y/n's legs, each of them nuzzling their head into her stomach and chest adorably. “No love for dada?” Chris questioned peeking his head over his wife’s shoulders, the three Evans looked up at him, tilted their head curiously before smiling back up at their momma.
All their tiny hands fisting her shirt as they bounced up and down trying to get some more of her renowned hugs, the first hug they felt when they first came into the world.
“Tsk hoggers” Chris scoffed hugging onto his wife tighter to bring her more into his chest, taking in her soft lavender scent.
“Hey, these are our little babies” Y/n pouted picking up tiny baby Jacob, his face the exact double of Chris', his arms going around Y/n’s neck to rest his head on her shoulder, sticking his tongue out at his daddy, who obviously made the faces in the first place.
“Yeah yeah, angels or whatever” Chris chuckled watching his other two angels just look up at Y/n as if she was the most beautiful thing on planet Earth, yep they were definitely milk drunk
Chris laughed looking at the dried milk moustache on each of them, wiping it off with his winter jumper before giving each of them a sweet kiss on their cheeks.
“Why do they never wanna cuddle with me?” Chris said out loud starting to fake cry, instantly catching the attention of his only daughter, baby Isabella. Leaving the comfort of her older brothers, she slowly clambered her way over to her father’s lap, her tiny hands trying to steady herself before sitting comfortably.
“Dada, cry?” She asked looking up at him with those beautiful sparkling eyes of hers, ones she inherited from her momma, ones that Chris loved to look at every single day. Chris felt his heart swell at the sight of his baby girl, her tiny sparse hairs sticking up all over the place, her mouth formed into a tiny pout with her big doe eyes scanning his face. Her fingers mindlessly playing with his bigger ones, twisting and turning the golden wedding band on his finger.
“No baby, no cry, jus playin'” Chris explained knowing damn well she didn’t understand the last part with their limited vocabulary, his hands going to pick her up and cradle her in his arms. Her soft giggles filling the room, her brothers soon leaving to follow her to their dad, with all three now sitting comfortably on his lap and arms. Noah and Jacob finding themselves trying to stuff themselves up Chris' shirt, a habit they had picked up throughout the last few weeks.
“Ha! Beat you honey, got them this time” Chris smirked smugly at his wife, obviously winning the competition this time, softly bouncing all three mini Evans in his arms.
Y/n being the smart woman she is, knows exactly how to lure her breastfed babies back, with one clip of a bra and all three are back in her arms. All three opening their mouths for a bit of her sweet milk, one they realised they were in competition for. Chris faced her in shock with a glimmer of hot red on his cheeks, choosing instead to clear his throat, stand up and head to the bedroom.
“I WON BABYY” Y/n shouted hugging all three of them, their giggles getting louder as they watched Chris turn around last minute, shake his head before beckoning Y/n over with a wag of a finger. God was she in for it now. I guess it wasn’t too early to put them down for a nap…
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @patzammit @seren-a-ity @chrisevansdaughter @chrisevansangel @cevansgurl @marvelgurl @taramaria @mirikusashes @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @jackslover12 @bxdbxtxh15 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @aerangi @caps-shield1918 @evanstanwhore @thereisa8ella @mrspeacem1nusone @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @sairsei @tojisbabymomma @tinyelfperson @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @fdl305 @mysticfalls01 @mdpplgtz03 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @adoreyouusugar @imboredat2am @mansaaay @girl-of-multi-fandoms @meetmeatyourworst @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @s-void @roofwitty779 @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry @bluebellsn @feltonswifesworld87 @ravenhood2792
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nicoline1998enilocin · 8 months
Flufftober Day 8 | Dancing in the rain
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Pairing | Best friend!Loki Laufeyson x Best friend!!Avenger!Female!Reader
Word count | ~ 850 words
Summary | Both you and Loki decide to make the best of a rainy day. He starts the day off with breakfast in bed, and you decide to bake him a pumpkin pie in the afternoon. When you suddenly get the idea to dance in the rain with him, something shifts between you, and you can't keep your hands off one another.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Best friends to lovers, mutual pining, breakfast in bed, dancing in the rain, implied shower sex.
Prompt(s) | 8. Rainy day
Request | Anon: Can I request a lazy rainy day with loki and female reader? 😍😍
A/n | This one shot is written for day 8 of Flufftober 2023. Thank you for this sweet request, Nonnie! I dream of spending a day like this with Loki, so I'm happy to have worked on this. I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Loki Laufeyson Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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It is genuinely an autumnal day outside, with the rain falling heavy on the windows, the wind blowing trees in every direction, and it is cold out. Luckily for you, you're working in the kitchen to make a treat Loki has never had before: pumpkin pie.
The morning started nicely, even though you were rudely woken up by knocking on your door. Loki decided to bring you breakfast in bed, and you weren't fazed that he was wearing sweatpants and a tight shirt, which is the complete opposite of his usual Asgardian leather clothing.
''Mornin' Darling,'' he says with a small kiss on your temple, a little routine the two of you have built over the years you've known each other. What started as short, small pecks turned into lingering kisses and hugs, and sometimes, you two even slept in the same bed.
There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself if it weren't for the fact that you both have feelings for one another.
''I think I know what I want to do this afternoon,'' you suddenly said after Loki popped a strawberry into his mouth.
''And what would that be, Darling?'' Loki looks up at you expectingly.
''I'm going to bake you a pumpkin pie since I think it's a real shame you've never tasted one. It is one of the most amazing desserts on this planet, and since the weather is dreadful, it's the perfect opportunity to bake something!'' you said, and Loki was almost as enthusiastic as you were.
Keyword being almost, because your baking skills haven't always proved to be the best.
''Alright, if that's what you want to do, I'd be more than happy to try some of your pumpkin pie,'' he says before feeding you a strawberry, too, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
And that's how you found yourself in the kitchen, preparing the filling for your pumpkin pie. Loki silently observes you as you dance to the music you put on, and with each movement, he can feel himself falling more and more in love with you.
By the time the pie is ready to go into the oven, Loki has set up the living room to watch a movie together, a blanket, snacks, and your favorite Halloween movie ready to go.
''C'mon, we can probably watch about half the movie if we start now,'' he says, but when you look out the window, you suddenly get a better idea.
You stretch out your hand, and when he puts his in yours, you feel a warmth flowing through your body you can only describe as nothing but love.
''Trust me, it will be worth it,'' you tell Loki, who believes you, following you outside in the pouring rain.
''There's one thing I've always dreamt of doing: dancing in the rain!'' you scream at Loki so he can hear you through the pouring rain, and without a second thought, you dance like your life depends on it, not a single care in your mind right now.
All you know is you, Loki, and the rain, and he quickly follows suit as he busts out some odd dance moves he probably learned in Asgard, making you laugh uncontrollably.
''Loki, can I confess something?'' you say as you stop to dance. ''Because there's one more thing I've always dreamt of doing,'' you say, finally having found the courage to bring it up.
''Always, Darling,'' he says.
You walk over to him, and in the pouring rain, you wrap your arms around his neck, your lips crashing onto his in a kiss that takes your breath away in the best way possible.
His hands pull you closer by your waist until there's not a single inch left between you two, and it feels like you're in a romantic comedy, the moment feeling perfect.
When Loki pulls away, you chase his lips, and he gives one more small peck before telling you all about the feelings he's had for a long time now.
''I have to tell you how much I love you, how much I am in love with you. Every single time I see you, my heart skips a beat or two, and when we talk, I never get bored of talking or listening to you, and not a single moment is ever boring with you,'' he says, and your eyes light up at his words.
''I like how you look at people like they're all so precious, and you talk to everyone with love and care; it makes everyone feel special. But there's no one more special than you, Darling. And if you'll let me, I want to show you just how special,'' he says, a glint of mischief showing through.
''Please, Loki. I want you to show me,'' and within no time, you're both in the shower, and he has you pinned between himself and the wall as he makes sweet love to you, telling you how much he loves you and how perfect you are.
But most of all, he tells you what a good girl you are for him.
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sprout-fics · 1 year
Hello, I hope you don’t mind me asking but why is there so much hate towards people who like posts or liking posts in general? I understand that people value reblogs more because it gets them more notes, but every time there’s a post about how much creators love interaction it never includes likes. If I like a post, it means that I liked it but I’ve been blocked, gotten hateful dms, called a “post murderer”, and told I didn’t value creators as humans—even though I’m a writer myself—because I like posts and I don’t think I or anyone else deserve that kind of treatment for pressing a button that literally means I liked your post?
As a writer, I’d feel worse knowing someone was only reblogging my stuff because they felt forced to and not because they actually liked what I wrote. Also it makes me happy to see likes as much as it does other kinds of interactions, but people act like liking something is akin to spitting on the creator and I don’t understand it?
I’m not saying this as an attack on you or anything, I don’t think you’re like any of the people above who’ve been rude to me, I’ve followed you for a while and think you’re really nice. I only saw your reblog of the post talking about interaction and how much it means to creators—which I agree with 100%—but I noticed in posts like that likes are always left out and I don’t really get it? But I’m also newer to tumblr so I realize there might be something I’m missing here as part of tumblr culture or something?
You totally don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to either, it’s just something I’ve noticed and was wondering about and you’re one of the few writers I follow who’ve reblogged the nicer posts that don’t yell at me for liking things so I feel a little safer asking you 😅
Hi anon, thanks for reaching out! I'm always happy to share fandom perspectives, and I'm glad I can be a safe space to ask questions. I want to always cultivate civil discussion, and it's so nice to see someone reach out in such a genuine manner!
So it sounds like you are fairly new to tumblr, and that you may not fully understand how the site works yet. The short answer to your question is: Likes do nothing to build a fandom community.
The long answer is a little more complicated.
I'm going to go back to my fandom is cake analogy here.
Fandom is a lot like being at a potluck. Lots of people show up, not everyone brings a dish but everyone does enjoy a bite of something or the other, people talk, chat, and have a good time. Now, if you are a writer, and you brought cake, you brought it because you want to see people enjoy it. Reblogging something is the equivalent of grabbing a slice of cake, wandering over to some friends, and when they say 'Oh, what a wonderful slice of cake Who made that?' You point to the baker/writer and possibly say something like 'Oh I love this flavor/trope!' so others may be compelled to also enjoy the cake
Liking, however, is when someone wanders up to the dessert table and goes 'Yup, that's a cake' and then vanishes. We can't assume that you liked the cake and just didn't want to share, of if you saw the cake and went 'Ugh, vanilla, gross'.
Reblogs are inherently community based. Likes are not.
Reblogs are designed to share, to reach out and expose works to others. By doing so we cultivate communities and fandoms, expose artists to corners of the fandom not yet reached. This isn't necessarily for an ego boost on the part of writers or creators, it's because we post things to connect with people, because we want to make friends, to share ideas, to participate in fandom.
Likes, by contrast, are inherently isolationist. They don't expose works, they don't foster connections. They are the equivalent of a hundred people at a party looking at you without saying hi or introducing themselves, without introducing you to friends who are there at that party for the same reason as you: because you all love and adore the media you are there for.
Reblogs, comments, and comments in the tags are how I've meant 90% of my friend group. I didn't passively like things until they noticed me, and frankly if someone is trying to be friends with me in that manner? Chances are I will not notice them, because likes tell me nothing. For all I know they could be saving my fic for later, they could be saying something I can't understand because I can't read minds, and the only way for me to know is if you take a slice of my cake and show it and say 'What a neat piece of cake!!'
I think it's unfair for people to say things like 'post murderer' and such, or spread vitriol. Shaming people into reblogging does not foster meaningful connections, and frankly accomplishes the same thing serial likers do- isolating people. It's inherently detrimental to fandom. Does this mean I'm not frustrated with the current climate of fandom? Far from it. I could sit here and write essays on fast fandom culture burning through works and creators and leaving burnt out creators behind as people gobble up and spit out fandoms with short attention spans and limited investment into fandom building. It's very disappointing, and I myself am fairly burnt out trying to keep this blog and active space only to be met with this:
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This is my top post of the month. Out of the reblogs with tags, maybe two or three have genuine comments and/or feedback. There's so so many missed connections here and it's incredibly disheartening. The only way to fix this is to reblog and add maybe a nice tag. Even something as simple as a few emojis or a 'I enjoyed this!' goes so so far for us writers, and encourages us to stay within the fandom and continue building and fostering new connections with readers, writers, artists, and other creators.
Reblogs are the foundation of fandoms. Artists need fandoms to thrive, and without new works/art/creations, fandoms will die. Every reblog counts.
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luffyvace · 3 months
Hello first of all- Omg my new fav author I LOVE UR WRITING SM LIKE ???? APBDISBRQKOZ
I found your blog form the author!Reader the anon who ask haz a creative mind I loved the 2 post sm I already got addicted to it I hope u Dont mind me requesting sm form it
Imagine Kusuo getting a notification (he seems like the one has his phone on dnd but has his notification open for his s/o in all media) of her post sm in one of there public social platform saying "I'm turning into my emo phase if this writer block doesn't move on form me " and when checking her private acc (the it's only access for him and her older friend) she is all memes about her writer block and her saying "if I stop writing I give all my books and series to you my friend" just her and overreacting to her block writer
Hiii!! THANK YOU CUTIE!! It always makes me so happy to hear I can share my hobbies with others <3 ahhh I see! Of course I don’t mind dear :)
ohh so if I’m getting this right it’s Saiki finding readers second blog (in which she mostly posts unserious stuff about her writers block) I believe I get what ya mean :}
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Lol if feel like almost every writer has they’re side blogs or blog where they not a writer they just read other’s stuff
and to me this blog seems like a kinda funny vent blog where reader can just complain about her writers block whenever she has it
LOL imagine going inactive on that acc for weeks and saiki’s wondering if you forgot about it or forgot the password but you just simply have had a lot of motivation lately
then all the sudden you come back and your rebloging all types of relatable author memes and making posts about how ‘your going emo because you have writers block’
honestly it’s kinda ironic to him
he likes your posts on both accounts to support even when your do have writers block
cuz who’s likes a guy who ups and leaves when you don’t have motivation?
the first time you threatened to give your books away he knew you were joking but at the same time he was like ‘wait don’t give all your books away they can’t write it as well as you can 😀’
’kusuo I’m joking’
‘me too I knew that’
(“Thank goodness..her books were the only thing keeping me sane from those nuisances..”)
- In Saiki’s head
he doesn’t get all the writer memes bc he’s not an author, obviously he’s not stupid so he does find some funny
i feel he doesn’t post on social media but if a post of yours does particularly good he’ll repost it
i think I touched up on him being supportive before but yeah I’m gonna say it it again bc it truly is an honorable mention
‘(Name/pen name) has posted!’
- notification
- Saiki
the emoji combo was terrible but basically that’s him about to break his screen from how hard he clicked
he’s always the first one on your posts and interacts every way possible
except comments..
which sucks cuz it boosts it a lot but he just doesn’t interact online 😭
if it’s a social media where you can see who liked, aiura and torisuka always tease Saiki for being the first like every time
“Dang your a real simp huh? Your the first like on her every post!”
- Aiura
”MAN! You don’t miss a beat do ya Saiki? I can never beat you to it 😭”
- Toritsuka
“wow..you beat me once again. The second the notification pops up you’ve already liked, reblogged and shared before I can even click on it. That’s impressive I must say, but it’s also quite annoying because I would like to be the first one to support (name) one day. In fact you do everything first! You get the books before they publish! You like all her posts first! Satire or not too!- yadda yadda yadda..”
- Akechi
“you don’t even respond to me that fast! Sometimes you leave me on read or delivered for 2 days before you answer me”
- Kaido
Saiki also sees that your friend likes your second acc too
which he would figure since you two are close
ehehe..a bit short dearest but I hope it brings you joy regardless~ 😅💞
I have much to get out..need to be more active..
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mmingooo · 2 years
Hello? Could I resuest a Minho fic where he takes care of you? Like baby you and the whole shabang. I had a shower thought that he would insist on washing your hair/body in the shower (and if you deny him ofc hes gonna pout and make you feel guilty)
Oh and the best part? When your doing your nightly skincare (maybe even hum a song in the process...) he thinks your the cutest thing to ever exist. So much so, he'd just come up and *cheek squish* and kiss all over :(
This baby will be the death of me <333
winding down || lee minho
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warnings: none.
genre: fluff.
pairing: lee minho x gn!reader
word count: 0,7k words.
notes: hey anon! thank you so much for your request, i really appreciate it! sorry it took me a while to get this out, but i was kinda very busy with uni so i hope you can understand 🥺, also this is kinda bad because i wrote this when i was very tired, but i you can enjoy this regardless <3
please make sure to reblog and if you want to, drop a comment!
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the best part of your day has got to be winding down. taking care of yourself felt sometimes tedious and too long of a process to do every night, but you managed, and the results satisfied you. not only were you feeling better in your own body, but you also slept better and faced the next day with a better attitude.
so when your boyfriend decides once in a while to join you, it brings you nothing but happiness, since you can share this intimate moment of just letting go and relaxing with your lover and best friend.
your first step was always hoping into the shower.
after running around all day and sweating, your tired body needed the relaxation the warm water brought, and so, to “save water and take less time showering” in minho’s words, you two began washing the day away off your bodies.
today you were particularly tired, and minho noticed, obviously, he always notices the little changes, so when you went to grab the bath sponge, he moved your hand away and poured the soap, you tried to grab the sponge to do it yourself, but minho gave your hand a very light slap and frowned at you, as though shooing you away from what you were trying to do, and once there was enough foam, he began washing your body.
once the soap was washed away, minho moved on to your hair.
“why are you-”, you begin saying.
“sh, your distracting me”
“from washing my hair?”
“but baby i can do that myself”, you smile fondly at minho’s concentrated face, he didn't even look at you, too focused on the task at hand.
he didn't respond and just continued.
after your were squicky clean, minho began washing himself.
“can i at least wash your hair too?”, you ask.
“nope, hop off and dry yourself, i’ll be out in a sec”
you concluded that there was no point in fighting the stubborn man that was your boyfriend, so you decided to follow his instructions and hop off.
when you were in your pajamas and with your hair a bit less soaked, minho came out of the bathroom.
you were sitting in your desk, finishing some stuff up and checking what you had to do tomorrow, while minho began drying off and putting on his own pajamas that he kept in your closet for when he slept over.
once you were finished with your work, you pushed your laptop away and brought forward your mirror, you grabbed your creams and toners and masks and began your nightly skin care routine.
minho noticed your slow movements and the peace you felt reflected by your facial expressions and how your eyes failed to stay open from the soft massages you were giving to your face.
you began subconsciously humming some song that had been stuck in your head for the longest time, and minho couldn’t believe how incredibly cute you looked.
he walked over to you and you turned to look at him surprised by his sudden presence next to you and before you could even say anything, he was squishing your cheeks and giving you multiple kisses, and once he was finished with your lips, he moved to the rest of your face, kissing your forehead, your cheeks, your nose and your eyelids.
“hey! i just finished cleaning my face!”
“well it's not like i’m sick or anything so it won't affect the cleanliness of your face”, he almost lectured you, but his voice had a playful tone.
“yeah but you still carry germs in your mouth!”, you break away from the hold he had of your face while smiling. it wasn't every day you got to see extremely physically affectionate minho, so this interaction was kind of overwhelming and you were trying to process what has just happened.
“well you don't think about that when i kiss you on the lips don’t you?”, his arms fall back next to his body as he says with an amused grin.
“yeah but that's different!”
“see, there’s no difference, now come here”, he goes to grab your face again, but this time, places a fond kiss on your lips that you quickly reciprocate.
“i love you”, you say, and he smiles fondly back at you, telling to in his own non verbal way that he loves you too.
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Mine | Chapter Twelve
Colson x Original Female Character
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Synopsis: Presley may look sinful on the outside, but deep down, she's innocent, guarded, and terrified of intimacy. Colson, on the other hand, is living up to his womanizer reputation as a way to cope with heartbreak. When his new guitarist invites his twin sister to join them on tour, Colson discovers that he's actually capable of feeling. Will Presley and Colson be able to push past all of the barriers trying to prevent them from happening?
Content/Warnings: Smut (18+, it isn't much but it's there), getting walked in on, angst, swearing, physical fighting, blood, all the emotion
Shoutout to everyone who messages me, reblogs/comments/likes these chapters, and all the anons who give me so much love on a daily basis. Y'all really encourage me to keep writing and posting. Also...this chapter hurts. You've been warned.
Two weeks left. Just two weeks until Colson and I can stop hiding and finally tell everyone our secret. 
I’m so sick of waiting. It’s so painful not to be all over Colson like I want to be. It sucks to watch him from across the room knowing how much he wants me beside him but knowing that we can’t, not with Cash around. All the while, Cash snuggles up to Olivia. Kisses her. Holds her hand. Scoops her into his arms when he runs offstage. I hate him.
I don’t hate him. He’s my brother. My best friend. But I’m so angry with him that it makes me sick. And if he reacts poorly to my and Colson’s relationship, I’m going to see red. 
Our next show is in Olivia’s hometown, so we’re all staying at her parents’ huge house. They’re out of town for work which Liv says is pretty typical. The house is two stories and gigantic, with a huge pool out back, a basement with a gigantic sectional and a pool table, darts, and a table created specifically for beer pong. It’s the perfect set up for a bunch of people who like to party.
My one drink limit is now down to zero. I will never drink again after the hangover I had. Jesus. I puked all morning, and I did not like Colson having to see me like that. But he was amazing, as always, rubbing my back, getting me water, and taking care of me. When it feels like I can’t keep this secret anymore, I just look at Colson and remind myself how much he loves me and how nice it will be once we no longer have to hide.
It’s late in the evening and we’re all out by the pool. Cash and Baze are grilling burgers for everyone and us girls hang by the pool, sitting on the ledge with our feet in the water. The rest of the guys are gathered around a table, sipping beers and chatting. 
Every once in a while, I’ll take a second to just soak up my surroundings, my situation. Months ago, I was home, lonely in a one-bedroom apartment, doing nothing but working and playing the occasional show. I thought that was all there was to life. Now, I’m surrounded by people I consider close friends, traveling almost every single night, and in a happy, healthy relationship. I don’t know what I did to deserve all this, but I’m not complaining. 
I haven’t told Ashleigh yet about what’s going on with me and Colson. She and him have been friends for so long that I’m scared of how she’ll react. Until she brings it up or we confess to Cash, I’m keeping it a secret. When I can get a second alone with Olivia, she checks up on me and reassures me that everything will be okay. 
I glance over at Colson for the millionth time, and this time, he catches my eye. His smile is so small that no one else would be likely to notice, but I see it. He looks gorgeous as always in a backwards hat, shirtless in nothing but a pair of swim trunks. Nice and short, showing off those skinny legs, just how I like it. What I wouldn’t give to go over and sit on his lap, to take his face in my hands and kiss him. It hurts not being able to do that. 
I sigh quietly and grab my phone from where it’s sitting on the pavement beside me. I open up my text thread with Colson and send, Meet me in the basement in 5?
I watch as Colson picks up his phone and reads the message. He types something quickly, sets his phone back down, and returns to his conversation like nothing happened. My phone buzzes in my hand and I read the message. Can’t wait. 
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” I tell the girls, standing up. I dry my feet off on my towel and then slip inside the air conditioned house, shivering at the chill. I glance out the sliding door to make sure no one followed me, and then sneak into the basement. The next five minutes are torture, waiting for Colson to join me. 
The basement door opens and I hear footsteps, and for a second, I’m worried it isn’t Colson, but then I see his long legs tromping down the stairs. He grins when he sees me, and immediately, I’m in his arms. I giggle as he kisses all over my face, squeezing me to his chest. “I missed you,” he mumbles against my skin. 
“Missed you more,” I tell him. He pulls back a little to look down at me, and his eyes darken. My breath hitches and I swallow hard. “Do you think we have time?” I whisper.
“I need us to have time,” he says, gripping my hips to guide me around the pool table. He turns me so I’m facing the stairs, my back to him, and he caresses my waist. His lips press to my neck and I sigh, tilting my head to give him more access to my sensitive skin. 
“Mm, come on, baby,” I plead, eyes closing as he tucks my bathing suit to the side and brings his fingers between my legs, finding me wet from just the idea of him fucking me. 
He groans softly and spreads my arousal around. “Fuck,” he grunts. “So wet already. Can I fuck you, baby?”
“Of course,” I say hastily, arching my back a little. 
“Fuck,” Colson breathes, and then I can hear him taking down his swim trunks. I gasp when I feel the head of his cock against my entrance, and I do my best to stifle a whimper as he bends his knees and slides in. “Missed you so much,” he sighs as he pushes in to the hilt. 
I shiver and close my eyes, biting my lip hard. I grip the table with shaking hands. “M-missed you, too,” I manage. “Fuck, Cols–”
Colson picks up his pace right away, gripping my hips firmly, and I whine in the back of my throat, hanging my head. It’s so hard not to moan, not to cry out his name when he’s filling me so perfectly. I can tell Colson is trying to conceal his moans, too, letting nothing but soft grunts and sighs slip past his lips. 
“More,” I beg, and Colson listens, pressing me harder into the table to fuck me faster. The head of his cock is slamming right into my g-spot and I bite my lip so hard I taste blood to stifle my sounds. I whimper when I feel myself starting to pulse around him, when out of nowhere–
“What the fuck?”
Oh no.
Oh, god no.
My eyes fly open and with a curse, Colson pulls back from me, yanking his shorts back up hastily. My heart is pounding so hard that Colson can probably hear it. Cash stands at the bottom of the stairs, stock still, looking back and forth between me and Colson. He’s breathing hard and his face is red. He is pissed. Furious. 
“Cash,” I say warningly, but he shakes his head.
“Nah, I’m not doing this.” He throws up his hands and starts up the stairs.
“Cash, wait!” I call, coming around from behind the table. 
“No, you can both fuck off,” he says, pausing before coming back down the stairs. “And you,” he says to Colson, coming a little closer. Colson stands stiffly behind the pool table, jaw clenched and mouth shut. “You. I told you not to fucking do that. Fuck you, Kells.” With that, he turns and storms up the stairs, leaving me and Colson in his wake. 
“Fuck,” I say weakly, covering my face with my hands as tears well in my eyes.
Colson comes over and wraps my shaking body in his arms. “It’s okay,” he says quietly. “It’ll be okay.”
“This is the worst possible way for him to find out,” I whine, burying my face in his chest. “I need to talk to him.”
“Not now,” Colson says after a moment’s hesitation.
“Yeah,” I agree. “Not a good idea when he’s raging like this.” I bite my lip. “What do we do, Col?” I pull back from the embrace to look up at him.
Colson smiles weakly but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Guess we don’t have to hide anymore,” he says halfheartedly. 
I sigh and rest my forehead against his chest. Fuck. This is so, so bad. 
Presley and I don’t bother to rejoin the group. We take separate showers and retreat to our separate rooms. The plan was for her to sneak into my room after everyone else is asleep but I doubt that’ll be happening now. With Cash as fired up as he is, we definitely don’t need to be throwing it in his face. 
I don’t know what to do. I have to fix this. I can’t let this fuck up Presley’s relationship with Cash, and I don’t want to lose him as a friend, either. Yeah, it will suck for the band if he leaves, but I care more about the relationships at risk. Rook knows, of course, but will the others hate me, too? My stomach is so knotted with anxiety that it physically hurts not to curl up in the fetal position. 
I must lie there for hours trying to fall asleep, but I already struggle to sleep without Pres beside me, and with the anxiety I’m feeling, there’s no way I’m getting any shut eye tonight. I have to do something about this. I can’t go to bed this way. 
Finally, I roll out of bed and head quietly down to the kitchen. I never got to have a burger, so I’m starving, even though my stomach hurts. I might as well try to eat something. I pause outside the kitchen when I see the light is already on. It’s past two in the morning now, and the house is quiet. I didn’t think anyone else was up. I tell myself to chill. It could be anyone. It’s very unlikely that it’s…
Cash. Shit. He stands in front of the open fridge, but he turns around when he sees me. His nostrils flare and his eyes darken. “You motherfucker,” he says, and then, he’s lunging at me. 
It startles me so much that I don’t block the first punch. Cash’s tattooed knuckles slam right into my cheekbone and I wince, but it’s not the first time I’ve been punched and it probably won’t be the last. I take a step back when he swings again, and the third time, I catch his fist. He snarls and swings at me with the other fist, and when he misses, adrenaline must kick in because he backs me up and slams me into the wall with more force than I thought he was capable of inflicting. My head knocks back against the wall and I see stars for a second. And then, his fist collides with my nose.
“Cash, fuck, stop!” I roar, and fuck, I don’t want to hit him back, but he just keeps coming, and a guy can only take so much. Especially when I’m mad as fuck at him, too. When he rears back his fist, I throw mine and hit him hard. Blood flies and he collapses backwards into the island.
“What the fuck is going on?” Slim yells, running into the kitchen followed by Baze and Justin. When he sees Cash lunge at me again, he and Justin cut him off, holding him back. He’s like a caged lion, trying to get to his prey, gnashing his teeth as blood drips from his nose.
I’m panting hard, and Baze grabs my arm, but I shake him off. I’m not going for the kid again. I just needed him to stop hitting me. I swipe my hand across my face and it comes away bloody. I’m not as mad as I should be. The fight seems to slowly go out of Cash and we’re all quiet, the eye of the storm.
Until Hurricane Presley enters. 
“What the fuck?” she cries, looking between me and Cash. She can obviously tell I’m more beaten up than her brother, and she quickly decides on her victim. Her nostrils flare and her eyes darken just like her twin’s, and suddenly, the resemblance is uncanny. The only difference is that Presley scares me and Cash doesn’t. 
She zeroes in on Cash and even Slim and Justin know to back away. “Cash David Carver, I’m going to fucking kill you!” she screams, and I’ve never heard her this way, almost feral. She lunges at Cash and, despite him having four inches on her, she throws him to the ground with ease. “You motherfucker! How dare you! Colson doesn’t deserve that!” She’s not even hitting him, she’s just sitting on his chest pinning his arms down with her knees. “What is wrong with you!” she yells. 
The rest of us are dead silent. No one expected this to happen tonight. Rook, Ash, and Olivia eventually find their way to the kitchen, too. When Olivia sees Cash, her eyes widen. “Oh my god!” she says. “Cash–”
“Get away from us,” Presley snarls, and my blood runs cold. Holy shit. My girlfriend is scary when she’s furious. She turns back to Cash and looks down at him. He looks a little scared and he doesn’t fight against her. Before any of us can predict it, Presley’s hand winds back and she smacks him across the face so hard that each and every one of us cringes, a few “oooh”s rising. 
With that, Presley gets to her feet and goes to the sink, ripping off a paper towel. She gets it wet and then makes her way to me. She bunches up the towel and gently dabs at my face. My eyelashes flutter at her gentle touch. Cash has to get over this. He has to. We love each other. Pres gently wipes off the blood, examining my face with her beautiful eyes. “There,” she says softly. “I think that’s all. You okay, baby?”
“I’m fine,” I say quietly. Presley nods and then leans in, kissing me softly. 
“What the fuck?” Slim says, looking over at Rook who’s stone faced. “You knew, man?”
“Sorry,” Rook says, but he doesn’t sound sorry. 
“Who the fuck else knew?”
“Just me,” Olivia says quietly. Cash is sitting against the island now and he looks over at Olivia, his eyes flashing with pain. 
“Oh, this is so fucked up,” he croaks, getting to his feet. “I’m out.” With that, he sulks out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.
“Cash, wait!” Liv calls, scurrying after him, leaving the rest of us standing in the kitchen. 
Justin clears his throat. “Um. Explain?” he asks.
Presley looks up at me and I clear my throat. “Presley and I are together,” I say slowly. “She’s my girlfriend.” I gain confidence the more I speak and I stand up a little straighter. “And I love her. I don’t give a fuck what any of y’all think, I’m not a manwhore who can’t keep his dick in his pants, ight? I’m capable of falling in love and I have. I’ve found the girl I want to be with forever. And if anyone else has shit to say about it, take a look at Cash’s face and decide if that’s the right move.” I’m breathing hard when I’m done, but I soften when Presley wraps her arm around my waist. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and tug her close.
“Dude,” Slim says, and that’s when I realize he’s smiling. So are Justin, Baze, and Ashleigh.
Baze laughs and shakes his head. “You crazy motherfucker,” he says. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Same,” Slim says with a chuckle. “You two look great together.”
“If you’re happy, we’re happy,” Justin adds.
“I’m just mad you didn’t tell me,” Ash says. 
I relax immediately, pressing a kiss to Presley’s forehead. “Thanks,” I croak. “But Cash hates me. He told me when Pres first joined us to stay away from her. Clearly I didn’t listen.”
The boys wince. “But that’s not fair,” Presley says. “I’m 23 years old, just like Cash. It’s not up to him who I date.” 
“True,” Slim says with a nod. 
“Probably just weird to see his sister with his friend,” Rook says quietly. “Not saying he did the right thing, just…saying.”
I sigh softly, suddenly exhausted. I can’t believe I hit Cash. Fuck. When I hear Presley sniffle, I look down, and I can see her silently crying. “Hey,” I say softly, holding her face. “Are you okay?” 
She sniffs again. “This is so messed up,” she whimpers. “Cash is my best friend. I can’t believe he hit you.”
“I hit him back,” I say.
“Of course you did,” she says. “Was he coming at you?” I hesitate, then nod. “Exactly. Self-defense.” She wipes her eyes. “God, I’m so mad at him.”
“I know,” I say softly. 
“But he’s hurt,” she says. “I need to go check on him.”
I nod and let her go. “Okay.” Presley takes a deep breath and then leaves the kitchen. I groan and sink to the ground, tearing my hands through my hair. “Jesus Christ,” I mutter.
“It’s gonna be fine, dude,” Slim says. “Cash’ll get over it.”
“I don’t know,” I croak. “What if he doesn’t? Pres won’t choose me over her brother.” And there it is. That’s what I’m really scared of. Cash will never approve, and Presley will never choose a guy over her family, and she’ll break my fucking heart. Suddenly, it’s all too much. All of the emotions that I held in for 29 years, all of the anger and fear and love and joy and misery, and much to my horror, I start to cry in front of my friends, the toughest dudes I know. 
But then the toughest dudes I know are sitting next to me, pulling me into their arms. “It’s okay, bro, it’s all good,” Slim soothes. 
“It’s alright, Kells,” Baze adds. 
Ash hands me a tissue and sits down on the floor. Thank god for these friends. I would be totally lost without them. We sit there for a long time, and Presley, Cash, and Olivia never resurface. I need to get up and check on Presley, but I’m so scared to talk to her. 
“Ash,” I say. “Will you go check on Pres?”
“Of course.” Ash gets to her feet and heads upstairs. Five minutes later, she’s back down, and she looks apprehensive. “Cash and Olivia are locked in her room and Presley is locked in hers.”
“Fuck,” I mutter. “I gotta go check on Presley.” I get to my feet and hug my brothers, then take a deep breath and head up the stairs to find my girl. 
Sure enough, her door is locked and I rap softly. “Pres, baby, it’s Colson.”
My gut twists. “Pres?” I knock again. Nothing. I let my forehead fall against the door and I sigh shakily, closing my eyes. I can’t do this. I got into a physical fight with one of my close friends, my girlfriend is locked in her room ignoring me, and I cried for the first time in years in front of my friends. Everything is such a fucking mess.
And I can’t handle it.
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demxters · 5 months
—it’s that time of the year again….
this year was a rollercoaster for me and i couldn’t have gotten through it without all of you. thank you to everyone who has stuck around through all my shenanigans and to everyone who has ever supported me and my writing. i love you all and wish you so much happiness going into the new year.
☾ to the loml fe @blue-aconite : thank you for always being there for me and being such a constant support. your encouragement gives me the strength to continue writing, even when i feel like my writing isn’t the best. i love you so much, thank you for being part of my life 💜
☾ to nika @intrepidacious : i’m so grateful to call you my friend, no matter how much time has passed. you are a breath of fresh air and bring me so much joy. though we don’t talk as consistently, when we do catch up, it is always the highlight of my day.
☾ to izzy @jellyfishbeansontoast : i’m so glad we were able to reconnect this year. the fact that we’ve been friends since both of our obx phases is absolute INSANE. like wdym it’s been almost four years. that’s not possible. every time we catch up, it brings a smile to my face. i know im not the best at reaching out sometimes, but the fact that we are still in touch after all this time makes me so happy. ily!
☾ to @stfukie : another person i cannot believe i’ve known since my start on tumblr. again, im not the best at reaching out but i am so grateful for you and being able to call you my friend. i think about how much we’ve been through and how grateful i am that we are still in touch after everything. love and appreciate you lot, my love!
☾ to lauren @thesewordsareallihavetogive : again, another person who i cannot believe i’ve known for so long. and to think it all started with teen wolf hehe. we don’t catch up as often as id like, but the fact that we do still talk and keep up makes me so happy. you genuinely understand my niche humor and i love you so much for it. i’m so thankful to call you my friend.
☾ to tiff @barnesafterglow : ik you’re not as active on here atm but i decided to throw you in anyway bc you are seriously one of my best friends ever. and to think it all started on this monstrosity of a site. i’m so glad you reached out to me and that our friendship as grown so much since then. i love talking to you and feel like i’ve known you forever. ik we talk all the time and i tell you this often, but im telling you again. ily so much and thank you for being part of my life.
☾ to friends old and new: @annab-nana @bobfloydsbabe @joaquinwhorres @briseisgone @whisperofsong @x-lulu @gretagerwigsmuse @buckyseddie
☾ finally, to you! if you’ve ever commented, reblogged, or read my work. if you’ve ever sent me a sweet anon ask. if you’re just here for the vibes. thank you. thank you for being part of my tumblr journey, you make staying here just a little more worthwhile.
i’m wishing everyone a happy new year, may 2024 bring you all so much love and light!
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narumi-gens · 1 year
the chaos couple are lovely!! I have immensely enjoyed every single snippet and fic written about them <3 do you have any hcs about the reader? I love a woman that can put narumi in his place
ahh thank you anon! I love writing for them so much and it makes me so happy to hear that other people love it when I do too! and yes, I have lots of hcs about the kn8!chaos couple reader, so here are a few. (using the 💯 emoji for bullets since that's the reader's fave.)
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kn8!chaos couple hcs
narumi gen x f!reader part of the Agents of Chaos series
minors, ageless, and blank blogs do not like, comment, or reblog
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💯 Narumi's attempts to woo you mainly involve him bringing you snacks and boba and ordering you things off of Yamazon and having them delivered straight to you. he also starts hanging around the Operation Room, taking over the console next to yours and gaming on his handheld. the rest of the Operations Team doesn't really know what to make of his sudden presence. but you're just reminded of male birds who try to court mates with food and by following around the females in hopes that they'll be chosen.
💯 for all of your protestations that your pussy is closed to losers, it only takes about a month before you're giving in and fucking Narumi on a regular basis. and where Narumi falls in love with you at first sight, you fall in love with him at first fuck because your heart is 100% connected to your pussy.
💯 Narumi is your first serious, long-term relationship, which is both appalling and embarrassing. he's the first person you've been with who's actually grown more interesting and exciting the longer you've known him, where you've quickly grown bored of previous partners. while his immaturity and ego and gaming and irresponsibility and chaos turn everyone else off, that's what keeps you coming back for more.
💯 similarly, you're the first woman that Narumi has ever wanted to spend more than just a single night with. you're the first woman that Narumi has ever felt the need to impress. for a man who values skill above all else and abhors formalities and decorum, it's your total lack of both boundaries and respect that bring him to his knees and have him begging for just a scrap of your attention.
💯 in Never Felt a Feeling Like This it was mentioned that Captain Ogata tried to steer you clear of transferring from the Fourth Division to the First. this wasn't because he was trying to warn you away from the chaos. it was because he was (rightfully) worried about how much chaos you and Narumi would cause together.
💯 since the Ariake Maritime Base is both home to the First Division and the Defense Force HQ, you end up working closely with Kurusu, the Director-General's personal aid. when you first joined the Division, Kurusu did his best to try and reign in your more chaotic impulses. he even went so far as to set up a strategy meeting with both Hasegawa and Ogata. when they asked Ogata for advice, the man merely laughed and poured himself another cup of sake before ending the call. ultimately, the only solution that Kurusu can think of is to stock up on medicine for both migraines and stomach aches.
💯 your relationship with Narumi moves more quickly than is healthy. almost immediately after you and Narumi start fucking, you're basically living together. you also start spending all of your time together. you'll probably end up getting married on something as flimsy as a dare.
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halsteadlover · 10 months
Shadows From The Past
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader.
• Requested by anon: I don’t really know if this is how you make a request if it’s not correct me but would you possibly be able to write one where Jay has an episode because of a criminal that took tours in Afghanistan as well, like an episode in the show in season 5 I think. Where the criminal gets shot and dies and J is the only one there and you go to check up on him and he points gun at you because he’s having an episode idk I really don’t know, but could it end in him apologizing a lot and feeling really bad then just cuddles?? Thank u and uh if you see this could you pls just remind me when it’s done possibly. Thank you so much!!!❤️
• Warnings: mention of blood, gun, PTSD.
• Word count: 5825.
• A/N: hi everyone! Long time no see. I know this is ugly af but I tried my best. I hope you’ll like this piece anyway, please let me know what you think. Comment, like, reblog if you want this would be amazing! Thank you so much for your support, and for everyone who stayed even if I upload once every 100 years 😭 I love you all so much ❤️
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Jay had always tried to do his job the best he could, giving everything in his power to every case he worked on, always trying to focus on nothing but bringing justice to the poor victims. He had always tried to be as objective as possible, leaving emotions out and thinking and planning every move to make lucidly. Some cases were easier, others a little less.
There were moments of his life, some shadows of his past, that still echoed in his present. They sometimes came back so strong and overbearing, they made him risk his present, all his progress and happiness, even his future.
And the case he was working on was one of those moments.
Following the discovery of a man's body, Intelligence was assigned to investigate this case. After questioning witnesses, analyzing the victim's life, talking to family and friends, suspicion fell on a person Jay met while serving overseas in Afghanistan. In fact, Don Stanton had served in the 3rd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment at the same time as Jay, but he had never had the opportunity to speak in depth with him.
In fact, after returning home, Don didn't do too well, soon spiraling into drug, alcohol and illegal dealings.
From the moment they found out about this suspect, Jay felt something stir inside him, though he didn't know exactly what. He tried to disguise it or he would’ve estranged from the case but he couldn't hide his feelings from you, who knew him like the back of your hand and had learned to know every single nuance of him and recognize when something bothered him.
To try to get Don to confess, Jay offered to go undercover, build a relationship with him in a way that would make him trust him, and no one could be perfect for this role except someone who had gone through the exact same shit during the war as Jay.
It goes without saying that you didn’t agree with this decision at all and Voight would’ve even agreed with you if this wasn’t the only lead you got to catch the killer.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” you asked Jay as you adjusted his hidden microphone in his shirt. “You can always back out, someone else will go or we will find other leads to catch him.”
Jay sighed. “It's an undercover operation like any other Y/N, if anyone can do it it's me.”
You looked up at him, your hands still on his chest as you tried to analyze his expression on his face. “No baby, it's not an operation like any other. The suspect served in your own battalion, you met him and you can tell from a mile away you're upset about…-”
“Goddamn Y/N stop it! You've been asking me if I'm okay since this morning! I'm fine, I don't need a babysitter!” he snapped raising his voice and this sudden outburst made you withdraw your hands in shock.
Jay immediately regretted those words the instant he said them. He noticed the sad expression that appeared on your features and felt guilty like few other times in his life. “Baby… Shit…” he sighed again, running his hands over his face in frustration. He cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I don't know what has gotten into me. I’m sorry baby.”
You remained silent for a few seconds, looking at him for a moment before speaking. “Jay I'm just worried about you, I know it's hard for you but I want to help you… It breaks my heart seeing you like this,” you mumbled softly, your throat tight in a knot, your heart heavy.
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry love. Come here,” he whispered, pulling you into a hug and holding you with all the love he could. “It'll be okay. I can do it. You don't know what people like him are like, like me, he won't trust anyone and if there's someone who can make him confess it’s me. We served together, we saw the same crap, I can understand him,” he continued, pulling away from the hug and looking into your eyes.
You looked at him intensely, as if you wanted to read inside him, trying to discover a shred of hesitation or uncertainty.
“Jay, you are not like him, he is an alleged murderer, drug addict and alcoholic, you are a decorated detective. Don't even think for a second you're like him, okay?”.
He caressed your hair, and then nodded, smiling slightly. “I know, I know.”
“If something, anything, goes wrong you're out, you understand me?” you threatened him, pointing a finger at his chest.
He chuckled, caressing your cheeks. “Yes ma'am. Everything will be fine, I promise.”
If only he believed it too.
The truth was, Jay's mind was racing and image after image, memory after memory, everything seemed to be resurfacing, moments of the past he wanted to forget at all costs but which was about to overwhelm him like a river in flood.
He didn't want to talk to you about it, he knew he'd get over it – just like he had all time – he didn't want to worry you any more than you already were.
While he was in the car waiting for Don Stanton to show up, he read the message you sent and a small smile crept onto his lips.
From Baby D💕, 3.13pm
Be careful love. I'm here for whatever you need. I love you.
That message made the abyss in his heart grow and a feeling of guilt took over him. But the way he loved you, God, he didn’t know what he would’ve done without you.
From Jay, 3:16pm
I love you too babe, more than anything and everyone. Everything will be okay.
He put the cell phone back in his trouser pocket, trying to concentrate exclusively on the case. He sat in the car for about ten minutes before seeing Don in the distance. He looked around suspiciously before approaching Jay's car and quickly getting in.
“Drive,” Don ordered, and Jay gave him a confused look.
“Where? What is going on?”.
Don snapped his eyes at Jay. “Didn't you say you wanted a job? Drive then. Go straight, at the first crossroads turn left, I'll tell you from there where to go next.”
Jay understood there was no way to get an explanation and after letting out a sigh, he started driving, aware that you and the rest of the team would’ve followed him from afar.
After driving for about twenty minutes, he and Don arrived at an abandoned building. It looked shabby and it must’ve been unused for at least twenty years.
“What the hell is going on Stanton?” Jay asked, for the umpteenth time. Don stopped in his footsteps, turning to him, looking annoyed and angry.
“What part of ‘I'll explain in a moment’ you don’t understand?”.
“I won’t do anything until you explain to me what hell is going on. This place is clearly a mile away from legality and I'm not risking my ass for whatever bullshit is going on here. So either tell me what's going on or I'm out.”
Don sighed, glancing between Jay and the building, looking uncertain, even almost frightened. Jay noticed this and realized whatever was going on, they weren't alone and that there was nothing good about that abandoned building.
He approached Jay, walking fast and hands in his trouser pockets. “Then leave.”
“C'mon man talk to me...”.
“Damn it! I'm in deep shit man, I can't back out!” he exclaimed in despair.
“Why? What did you do?”.
They were all at the edge of their chairs as they listened through Jay's microphone conversation, knowing that a little nudge was enough to get Don Stanton to confess.
“Don, talk to me. I can help you, I know you're not doing well, I totally understand. You don't have to do anything, whatever it is...”
“You can't help me… I… I fucking killed a man!” Stanton exclaimed loudly, running his hands through his hair “But it wasn't my fault! They forced me! I… I really needed the money…”
There were some moments of silence in which you and Voight exchanged a look. He confessed, but why didn't Jay arrest him?
“What are we going to do here Don?” Jay asked, trying to stay calm as his heart was pounding.
“They gave me another job. A gang member… They want me to kill him and they’ll pay me almost ten thousand dollars.”
“Don, for fucks sale! No life is worth this money! How can you do this? You were a fucking soldier, you risked your life to protect others, to protect this country and now you're the one hurting people!” Jay exclaimed, more angrily than he would’ve liked.
“I know! I know! They've foreclosed on my house… I'm out of money… I need it man…” Don muttered.
“Halstead what are you waiting for? Handcuff him,” Voight ordered over his mic but Jay didn't seem to listen, in fact, he didn't even seem to be on this planet anymore.
You were worried sick, your stomach was in a vice. You knew Jay couldn't do this, he was too involved to be able to deal with all of this, to deal with his past.
“Voight we have to do something,” you said, turning to your now impatient boss.
“Let's just wait few seconds.”
But when you saw Jay enter the building your heart stopped for an instant and fear took over. Before Voight could say anything, you leapt out of the car at lightning speed, waiting for no one, thinking of no one but Jay.
You pulled out your gun from your holster before entering the abandoned building. It was larger than it appeared externally and at first sight there was no sign of Jay.
Your heart was beating so hard you could hear it pounding in your ears and with every step you took, fear ate you more and more. What the hell was he thinking? Why did he come in here alone with a criminal?
As you climbed the creaking stairs to the first floor, a shot rang out from the walls and you jumped. “Oh my god,” you murmured in a trembling voice before starting to run as fast as possible towards the place where the shot came from. Your mind began to project images of Jay lying in a pool of his own blood, dying, and the very thought made you die inside.
God let him be okay, please.
Once you climbed to the third floor, however, you saw him in the distance but before you could take a step towards him or even take a sigh of relief, a bullet was fired in your direction, forcing you to take cover behind a pillar.
A gun fight with some men ensued, and though you knew you had to focus on saving your own life, you couldn't help but glance at Jay from time to time, noticing him hunched over Don Stanton, trying to revive him.
The rest of the squad arrived at that moment and you managed to take down three men who were shooting at you. You approached Jay while the others explored the rest of the building for anything suspect.
“Jay,” you called but he didn't seem to hear you as he tried to stop Stanton's bleeding, “Jay,” you called him out again but still nothing, no answer. So you placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to make him aware of your presence but that touch made him stiffen and you almost had a heart attack when he pulled out his gun and turned, pointing it at you.
“Woah!” you exclaimed loudly, spontaneously raising your hands to let him know you were unarmed, “Jay, what the hell are you doing?!”.
His gaze was fixed on you but he wasn't really looking at you, his eyes were empty, without the light that characterizes them, his forehead was wet with sweat as his chest rose and fell quickly as if he had run a marathon.
“Jay put that gun down. It's just me. Can you hear me? Everything is fine.”
You continued to speak but your voice reached far into his ears which continued to ring incessantly. You didn't dare take a wrong step, or try to get him to put down his gun because you knew Jay wasn't there right now, that his mind was unconscious and his body uncontrollable. He was still in war and he saw you like an enemy and not his girlfriend.
But that didn't make the moment any less scary.
Jay, the person you most trusted in the world, with whom you felt safest, was pointing a gun at you and anything could trigger him to shoot you. You've never felt so small and helpless, even after facing the most dangerous and depraved criminals, you felt so scared and intimidated.
He'd had similar episodes, where the PTSD made him lose touch with reality, but he'd never come to that, never pointing a gun at you and threatening to hurt you.
“Jay!” you almost screamed and only then did Jay seem to come to his senses.
When he realized he was pointing his gun at you a wave of guilt fully overwhelmed him and he dropped the gun from his hands in disbelief at what he had just done.
What the hell had he been up to? Was he really point a gun at you? The love of his life?
He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe he was capable of doing such a thing and as he watched your face contorted in an expression of pure fear and terror, as he watched you back away until you ran away, he realized he seriously needed help.
The case was finally closed but never like then it left you an unbridgeable abyss inside you.
Since you'd left that building you'd been trying to avoid Jay even though he'd been trying hard to talk to you. You knew it wasn't his fault, that what happened was just a consequence of everything he'd been through, that knowingly he wouldn't do anything that could hurt you.
But that episode had shocked you more than you could ever admit and the image of that gun pointed at you continued to haunt your mind.
You were at your house, sitting on the couch staring at nothing in particular, contemplating whether to respond to Jay's many texts and calls. You knew you had to talk to him, you couldn't avoid him forever, but you needed some alone time first, to digest everything that had happened.
But when the bell rang you understood this was not going to happen.
You stood up and your heart skipped a beat when you saw through the peephole it was Jay. You took a deep breath and opened the door, realizing you couldn't avoid him forever and sooner or later you had to deal with the confrontation.
Jay was a walking disaster.
He didn't know what to say, what to do, how to act and especially when he noticed the way you kept avoiding his gaze, he panicked even more. You made room for him to enter and he felt his heart break when, in an attempt to say hi, you pulled back slightly.
“Uhm… Hi… Come in,” you murmured nervously before going to sit back on the sofa.
Jay closed the door behind him, walking over and sitting next to you. You brought your knees to your chest and he didn’t miss this gesture, he didn't miss the way you tried to distance yourself from him, how you tried to protect yourself by moving away from him.
“How are you feeling?” you asked feebly, finally looking up at him and a chasm opened inside you as you saw his tired, destroyed eyes, the melancholy expression on his face.
“I'm fine but...”
“No Jay,” you interrupted him “Don't start with these lies, you know I can't stand them. You pointed a damn gun at me, you are definitely not fine.”
You knew it was tough, but it was time for him to face the shadows of his past that kept haunting him, it was time for him to face reality and realize he wasn't good at all, that he kept lying to himself and pretending to be in a state of well-being which, unfortunately, wasn’t true at all.
He sighed and it was him who lowered his gaze that time, unable to look in your eyes anymore. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans before resting his elbows on his knees, his face in his hands. He was silent for a moment before returning to his previous position.
“You're right…” he murmured, almost afraid to admit it aloud, “I… I'm not okay I know, I’ve realized it… But Y/N, darling, I just want you to know I would’ve never done that… I would never hurt you…”
“Jay…” you sighed “I know that, but… But what if you won't regain control of yourself next time? What if you won’t come to your senses and shoot me?”
“No! No! Fuck… This will never happen again, I swear…”
“And how do you know this, Jay?” you asked, a lump in your throat, eyes brimming with tears as you tried to hold them back. “How do you know you’ll be able to stop the next time that in the grip of a similar episode you’ll point a gun at me again?”.
Jay had never experienced a worse feeling in his life. He always promised himself he would given his life to protect you, that he’d do everything in his power to keep you safe, that he’d rather die than know you were suffering.
He loved you more than anyone else in the world, more than he ever thought he’d love someone and knowing he was the one who tried to hurt you, destroyed him. He’d never forget the expression of fear, terror and pure shock with which you looked at him in that damned building, it would’ve haunted him forever.
“I would never hurt you Y/N, you… You are the most precious thing in my life. God, I'd die to protect you…” he babbled in desperation.
“I know, Jay. I consciously know this,” you answered, putting your feet on the ground and approaching him without touching him. “I want to help you, but...”
“But what?” he whispered, his green eyes bright with tears as he looked at you. A tear slid from your eyes onto your cheek but you immediately wiped it away before you spoke again. “You want to leave me right? You are afraid of me?”.
You remained silent for a moment.
“Y/N I… You can't leave me please, I can't do this without you, I need you. You're the only person I'm still here for, helping me through this shit… Please…”
You cried. “I have to protect myself Jay,” you wiped away another tear “I don't want to leave you, God. I love you so much…”
“But you're afraid of me,” he stated, swallowing the lump in his throat. He looked down at the floor and his shoes to try and mask the tears he couldn't control anymore and streamed down his cheeks. He stood up, suddenly feeling suffocated, and ran his hands over his face as he began pacing around the living room.
“Hey…” you said, standing up and approaching him. You placed your hands on his arms to make him stop and he directed his eyes at you. They were red and shiny from tears and God only knew how much it hurt you to see him like this, how much he didn't deserve all that suffering.
You placed your hands on his face, wiping away his tears with your thumbs. “God baby,” you whispered “I hate seeing you like this…”. He hugged you, squeezing you so tight it made you gasp for breath.
You hugged him back, putting your arms around his neck and letting yourself be cradled by that embrace. You stroked his hair while he hid his face in the hollow of your neck, letting go in a desperate and liberating cry.
“It's okay love, it's okay,” you whispered, as you too were crying, “Let's sit down.”
You sat back on the sofa and you hugged him, letting him rest his head on your chest as he let out all the anger – mostly towards himself – and sadness he felt.
“Cry all you want, I'm here. I don't want to leave, I'll always be here with you Jay,” you mumbled, caressing his hair. He wrapped his arms around your chest tighter, as if he was afraid to let you go.
“I'm so sorry my love. I didn't mean to scare you… When…” he sighed “When I realized what I was doing, the way you were looking at me…” he couldn't finish the sentence, because just remembering the expression you had in that moment pushed him over the edge again “God Y/N I will never forgive myself for what I did...” he got up, sitting on the sofa and running a hand through his hair “When I saw your face… That moment I understood I seriously need some help, I don't… I can't risk hurting you, losing you, I don't want you to be afraid of me. I want to be your safe haven, I don’t want you to doubt for even a second I can intentionally hurt you… I… I don't want you to look me with that terrified and fearful look again... I can't...”
“But I'm not afraid of you Jay, I know you were going through a lot , the case was heavy to deal with…” you tried to comfort him.
“Yes you do,” he smiled at you bitterly, eyes and nose still red from crying “No lies remember? You told me before and even now…” he tried to stop crying but failing “You hugged me and you were tense and the thing is, I can't even blame you… It's only my fault for believing all the shit the war brought me could just go away on its own and I will never be able to forgive myself for how I reacted, in that building, when you were putting my mic...”
“You weren't yourself,” you whispered.
“I know… But I won’t let you to suffer the consequences of what happens to me… But on the other hand I'm too selfish to let you go, I love you too much Y/N and I know if you're not here I… I'll never be able to face this alone.”
“But I don't want you to go through this alone,” you retorted, grabbing his hand with yours and intertwining your fingers as your eyes were on his. “Jay I will never leave you… You’re my whole life and I want to be with you at every step you take, I know it will be hard, I know it isn't easy, I know there is a long way ahead but we’ll do it together. I won't leave you alone… I was just scared in that moment, let's be honest, who wouldn't, but I don't want to abandon you, okay? I just need to know you’ll really, really, try to face these ghosts.”
“Absolutely, I don't want to hurt you anymore…”
“No baby, you don't have to do it for me but for yourself,” you didn't let him finish the sentence “Because you went though what no other human being can go through and you deserve to be happy, to fully live your life, to do your job serenely, you don't deserve to wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares. You are strong, one of the strongest people I know and if there is anyone who can do it, it’s you, love, okay?” you stroked his cheek and he nodded faintly.
“Promise me you'll really try? Not for me though,” you continued as he looked at you with all the love he felt for you. “I can take it, past the fear I know it's not your fault baby, you don't control it. I can't even imagine what you're going through, what you saw over there, anyone who didn’t experience it will never be able to, but I swear Jay I… I would die to give you all the happiness you deserve.”
“You are my happiness,” he retorted and you smiled feebly when you saw him calm down a bit “Tomorrow I’ll look for someone and start doing therapy, I promise I'll do it, for you, for me, for us.”
Your smile grew on your lips. “I know you will. I'm so proud of you.”
“So you won't leave me?” he whispered so softly he almost sounded like a child intimidated by the response he’d receive.
“No baby, never, I swear. I'd take a bullet for you if it means to make you happy.”
“Don’t even joke about that,” he mumbled. He placed his hand on yours which was still on his cheek, then bringing it to his lips and leaving a kiss on the back without his eyes ever leaving yours. “I love you so much Y/N, so fucking much I can't even breathe right now. I don't know what I did to deserve you,” you smiled again “I always want to see you smile like that, God… I can't even explain what you do to me. I… I want to make you happy as much as you make me happy. I'm so sorry baby, I'm sorry for everything...”
“Shh, it's okay, it's not your fault I want you to put it in this cute little head. I love you too Jay so much, more than you can ever imagine.”
You stayed on that sofa embraced for and indefinite amount of time, cradled in each other's arms. After some time you managed to get Jay to eat something before letting him take a shower, needless to say he was going to sleep over at your place.
You both got into bed and, due to the exhaustion, the intense emotions experienced that day, it didn't take long for Jay to fall asleep, his head resting on your chest as you held him and hugged him. But you couldn't sleep a wink, the events of that day still clear in your mind.
When Jay woke up in the middle of the night, it didn't take him long to realize you weren't there anymore. He sat up in bed and looked at the time on his cell phone, which read 1:32 in the morning, before getting up and walking towards the living room.
For a fraction of a second he thought he heard a sob but he thought he just imagined it. But when this sobbing sound was accompanied by a sniffling, he knew he didn’t imagine them at all.
He walked quickly to the living room and his heart skipped a beat when, in the dim light, he saw you sitting on the sofa, your knees drawn up to your chest as you cried. He turned on the lights and didn't miss the way you tried - in vain – to quickly dry your tears.
“Y/N… Baby… God, what happened? Are you hurt?” Jay asked after rushing over to you, kneeling right in front of you.
You mentally let out a curse, aware that you wouldn't be able to escape this. “I'm fine,” you replied though, hoping for a nano second he’d buy it.
“Oh baby don't lie to me, you don't cry if you're fine. Please talk to me, are you okay? What happened?” he continued to ask worried. He grabbed a handkerchief from the top of the coffee table and handed it to you, watching you intently as you blew your nose. He sat down next to you and started stroking your hair in an attempt to comfort you.
“Don't worry babe, it's okay. Nothing happened, go back to sleep you're tired.”
“How can you even think I'll leave you here alone?” he said “Wait, I'll go get you a glass of water.”
Before you could object, he was up and in less than no time he returned with a glass of cold water which you drank with pleasure. “You want another one?” he asked and after you mumbled a ‘no’ he took the empty glass from your hands and placed it on the coffee table. “Are you feeling better?”.
You nodded. “Seriously baby, I'm fine, go back to bed.”
“How about you stop lying to me and start telling me the truth? You're making me worry to death love.”
You sighed deeply, feeling the urge to cry coming back. “It's just… It's been a busy day and I needed to vent.”
Jay was silent for a moment, wiping away a single tear that slid down your cheek. “Talk to me baby, I'm here for you.”
You shook your head and then stood up. “No, there is nothing to say. Let's go to sleep, I'm getting tired too.”
“No, we're not going to sleep until you tell me what's going on,” he stood up too, looking at you with such intensity it almost took your breath away. God why did he insist so much, why didn't he just let you cry and forget everything?
“I told you Jay, I was just venting after today.”
“Yes, but it's not only that, I'm sure,” he retorted, taking a step towards you. “Baby don't you trust me? You know you can talk to me about anything, I just want to help you.”
“I-it's not that, of course I trust you.”
“Then talk to me,” he pressed, now on the verge of losing his mind “What...”.
“I don't want to bother you, you already have so much to think about.”
“Y/N I want you to listen to me very carefully now because I won't say it again,” he spoke, placing his hands on your face to force you to look at him. “There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you, and nothing, I say nothing, is more important than you. You never bother me and never will. You want me to be honest with you, to ask for help, but you have to do it too, you don't have to be afraid to tell me about something it’s bothering you.”
You started crying again and he hugged you, holding you close as he stroked your hair. “It's alright baby, I'm here. Cry all you want, let it go. I won't leave you.”
“It’s just…” you sobbed at a loss for words, letting go as a wave of guilt washed over you. You placed your hands on his bare chest as he continued to hold you.
“Y/N, please, I hate seeing you like this. What are you afraid of? Why don’t you talk to me?” he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Because I feel guilty,” you answered so feebly you feared he didn’t hear you.
Jay placed two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at him. “And why’s that?”.
Another sob escaped your lips and at that point you slightly moved away from him, no longer able to hold his gaze, his closeness. You ran your hands over your face and then through your hair, not quite knowing what to say.
“Because I was fucking terrified! And… And I feel guilty because I know what happened wasn't your fault, you weren’t yourself…” you sniffed as the tears continued to flow in rivers, leaving you not even a chance to talk “I know you’d never consciously do anything to hurt me but seeing you point that gun at me… Jay, I…” you sighed “I've faced criminals, murderers, but I've never been so afraid and terrified as today and for a moment I really thought you’d shoot me. The way you looked at me… God I can't get it out of my mind and I'm hating myself because it wasn't your fault…”
Jay stood there attentively listening to every single word you said as every second that passed he felt a part of himself die.
“That's why I didn't want to tell you about this, because I know you’re blaming yourself for everything and you're already going through so much Jay and I don't want to add this other burden on you...” you continued and at that point he approached you again, putting his hands on your cheeks and wiping away the tears with his thumbs as you did with him.
“Y/N…” he said your name as a little prayer “You really think I don’t know that? I know you, I know when something is bugging you, I know when something makes you feel sad. I saw the way you looked at me this whole evening, the way you were tense and I'm so sorry for putting you in this situation my baby. I hate myself so much for this, you didn’t deserve any of that,” he left a soft kiss on your forehead.
“And I love you so fucking much,” he continued “You're willing to suffer alone just to not make me worry but you don't have to. Your feelings are as valid as mine, you have to tell me when you're hurt, when you feel like crying, when you're scared even if I'm the cause. I want to listen to you and do everything in my power to fix what’s hurting you and I promise I will. We have a long way to go, you said it too, but we can't do it unless we're both honest with each other, if we don't express our fears, our apprehensions,” he said wiping away your tears as you did nothing but keep crying “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Y/N, you saved me from a chasm that I am trying hard to climb over, you are my lifeline and I want to be the same for you. I can never apologize enough for what I did today, but I promise I’ll do everything I can to put all that shit behind me. But you need to talk to me, okay? You are so fucking important to me and I'm okay if you're okay. I can't focus on anything else if I don't know you’re happy and to know that I need you to tell me everything that goes through your mind, and I will do the same… Okay baby?”.
You nodded and in response you pressed your lips onto his in a sweet, long-awaited kiss before hugging and squeezing him as if your life depended on it. He was right, God was he right about everything.
He was your everything.
Your sun, the love of your life, the reason for everything.
You were his salvation.
You were the light at the end of a dark tunnel, the first breath of fresh air after being underwater too long. You both knew that even in the most difficult moments you’ll be able to overcome everything and that you could always count on each other in joy, fear and pain.
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @mrspeacem1nusone, @halstead-severide-fan, @allivzs
Jay Halstead tag list: @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @ixna-mikaelsn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @jinxfan18, @ready-hit-it, @rainroo2, @tinfoilhat2719, @hehurst23, @upsteadlovingheart, @secondaryjob, @nevaehstreater18, @sophiatellerrhodes, @dedlund82, @kellykidd, @rippl3s, @stephanie708, @annahargrove, @smutlOver, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @baby, @nosy09, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @saiyuo12, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral314, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @averyhotchner, @ellavanderberg, @mrshalsteadxx, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @laaaauuraaaaa, @firerusher, @itserickalove, @23victoria, @slytherlight, @goingwiththewind, @notanordinaryprincess95, @mel0809, @cadyfanninger, @acewritesfics, @iloveest, @instantpizzacat, @wickedlovely121
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albonoooo · 2 months
Emy 💛 slowly working my way through the list of people who make my dash a better place to be. Your tags are always perfect and hilarious and insightful, but I always notice when you reblog art/fic/edits you are so sincerely thoughtful in a way that means so much. Your post about ao3 bookmarks the other day is just proof that you have such a big big heart. And I *always* see you being supportive in people's likes and comments. I feel so lucky to have you on here <3
oh i'm 😭 thank you so much anon!!
i don't even know what to say, i'm just so happy to be here honestly. all of the people i've met through f1blr are so incredibly kind, funny and supportive. being a part of this community is so much fun and it brings me great joy that something as small as writing a little comment or being insane in my tags can have a positive impact.
i'm also taking your words about having a big heart and (gently) throwing them right back at you. i've seen a couple of your messages on other blogs and every single one of them has been heartwarming and thoughtful. it's such a lovely thing to do, thank you for that!!
i've screenshotted this ask and will cherish it greatly (read: possibly reread it every day, who knows). you've absolutely made my day and i hope someone will make yours, too 🫶🏻
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gretavangroupie · 8 months
I would like to share something extremely and truly deep... emotional and devoid of any exaggeration.
Vigilance saved my life. and that's it.
I've been a Grestie since 2016 if I remember correctly, Greta Van Fleet played a very important role in my life, their love, their dreams and achievements, seeing them blossom, their music often pulled me back from the voids that always chased me.
At the beginning of the year I found myself again in a pure and cruel void where nothing made sense, recently diagnosed with bipolar depression, I faced the words "Sometimes you'll be fine, sometimes you won't. This is for life." and despite it being something treatable, I was still told that there is no cure, so not even GVF's songs were helping me anymore, simply my hope of being "normal and happy" was ripped away from me.
So I found myself simply looking for something that would make me at least stop thinking about the negative side, something that would distract me, so I thought "What do I love most after music? Stories. And who knows, maybe I can mix the two worlds and experience 'fanfics' and 'one shots'?" So I started reading about them and guess what I found? Vigilance.
And it was just at the beginning of the story, but I was intrigued by the writing, the description of scenarios, the feelings... And it brought to the surface feelings that I hadn't felt in a long time, sometimes the voids lead me to become "numb" from any emotion so when I came across the way Vigilance brought these feelings to the surface with such ease, I was surprised, intrigued, enraptured, it gave me strength to look for what else could bring me "back to life", the little things, words, moments and people.
So, it's been 8 months, is that correct? that I have been reading Vigilance and this has helped a lot in the healing of my heart, mind and soul. Less and less I face the voids and, when I do, the duration is shorter than the last time and so I continue.
I can only thank you and @gretavanmoon for this and I have a feeling others out there might say the same, we'll never know.
I finish by saying that with the last chapter of Vigilance, I begin another in my life, a chapter that was only possible thanks to you.
Thank you for giving me life. With love - V
Thank you so much for sending this in, as I know it was probably not easy for you to talk about. I said from the beginning that if this story could help even just one person, it would all be worth to me. So thank you for taking the time to share this with us and giving us the gift of knowing we made an impact.
We received tons of love on this last chapter and we appreciate each and every message, like, comment, reblog etc. But THIS, by far, is the best thing we could have hoped for with the completion of this story. Helping someone feel empowered to make a change.
I am so happy to hear that we helped you, even in this tiny insignificant way, and that you're on the path to happiness, but as Glinda told Dorothy, "You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself."
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Happy Ending
Eddie and Carver!Reader whose Jason’s twin sister dating secretly for years and after graduation one week the Carver family finds a note because reader left Hawkins with Eddie. Fluffy content for Eddie and Reader getting happiness out of the town that didn’t see any more that what was in the surface.
Request by anon.
Warnings; Fluff
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated. I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
They had rented an old camper van. It was really cute, y/n loved it. Eddie had got a great deal on it and it was perfect for getting out of Hawkins.
She couldn't wait.
Hawkins was the last place that she wanted to be. For years she and Eddie had to hide they were in love. All because of her brother Jason and assholes who wouldn't understand their love.
Assholes who called Eddie a freak and made him feel less about himself, she never wanted to hide their relationship, never.
Neither did Eddie but people were awful to him, called him a freak, bullied him. Only leaving him alone when he started talking back and developed a don't fuck with me attitude.
Despite that, he didn't want any shit he got from others to happen to her, she was the golden child, the princess. Queen of Hawkins along with Chrissy.
She was the good girl, the sweetheart yet she had a brother who despised her, her parents weren't much better, throwing money at problems they couldn't be bothered solving.
Everyone pressured her to be perfect, with no room for mistakes, constant perfection, constant fake smiles, looking the best and no room for error.
With Eddie, she found someone who she could be herself with. They knew each other in every single way, every flaw, every secret.
They never had to hide from each other, with Eddie she could truly be herself. Except for their friends all everyone saw when they looked at her and Eddie was surface level, they never got to know them, just judged them for what they saw.
It wasn't the best way but she had left her family a note, she confessed everything about how she and Eddie had been dating for almost two years. That they were in love, soulmates Chrissy and Robin called them.
Their closest friends were the only people who knew about their relationship. Chrissy, Dustin, Gareth, Jeff, Robin and Steve, they never judged and were always supportive as was Eddie's uncle Wayne.
"You ready beautiful?". Eddie asks grinning as he kisses her forehead, she nods happily and he kisses her, pulling her close to him.
"Ready Eds". They head inside and she takes the seat beside him, her parents would have found the letter by now.
It took a long time for her to figure out what to say but the words just flowed last night.
They still wouldn't understand no matter how much she poured her heart out to them.
She takes Eddie's hand and he squeezes it, a tender smile on his face. Then they set off, ready for their new journey.
Two months later she and Eddie were happier than she ever thought possible. They had their camper van and even though it was small it was theirs, Eddie had found a job working as a mechanic, and she found work In a bookstore that was very popular.
When they weren't working they travelled places and it was so freeing being able to be together without any close-minded judgement.
They both looked forward to the future and all the joy their happy ending would bring.
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romirola · 1 year
youre a big redacted blog and i was just wondering what you think about the burn out posting thing a lot of blogs are talking about?
Hi, Anon! Thanks so much for reaching out with a question. I don’t think ‘big blogs’ exist in the Redactedverse fandom. If they did, I wouldn’t consider myself to be one of them. I’m happy to have a place to share my fanfics and headcanons with the fandom while getting to access everyone else’s fanfics, fanart, headcanons, playlists, and ideas. I enjoy the community of creativity of this space. It’s not often that I have a stake in anything else that happens to be going on in tumblr-land. Frankly, as you’ll see from my answer, I don’t have a stake in this answer, either, but I’m presuming that you’re asking this question from a genuine place of curiosity and community, so I will answer to the best of my limited abilities from my limited perspective. 
I’m not familiar with the ‘burn out posting thing’ to which you refer, but I think I can gather what you mean based on how I post my own fanfics. I’m flattered you think I have my finger on the pulse of the fandom, but alas, I do not. If you’re looking for me to agree or to disagree with anyone else or to respond directly to something you’ve seen, I’m afraid you’re looking in the wrong place. I’m the first to admit that I have very few skills, but something I do very well is ignore posts that don’t bring me joy, whether that by blocking or simply letting my eyes skim over posts without comprehending or engaging with them. I certainly am willing to talk with and to listen to others in private conversations, but that's not anything I'd broadcast here. I am but a simple, predictable Romi. 
I’ll respond as best I can to your question, but before I do, I first want to pause to offer some statements that I hope are obvious, but I feel must be included in conversations regarding writing, writing processes, authorial mindsets, etc.. Every writer writes for different reasons. Every person holds different opinions. Everyone has a different comfort level and means to move through the world happily and safely. I write for my own reasons. I hold my own opinions. I know my comfort level and seek to preserve my own happiness and safety. I can only speak for myself because I’m all I know. If other writers/artists/creators hold differing or contrasting opinions, that is perfectly valid and they are all deserving of respect and courtesy. In no way, shape, or form should my answer (or anything I post) be construed as invalidating, attacking, or otherwise negative towards anyone or any works. 
If you’re still here and still interested, Anon, I’ll share my thoughts under the cut… 
As a writer, I love it when people engage with my work. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I love when people leave comments on AO3. I love when people leave kudos on AO3. I love when people bookmark on AO3. I love when people reblog and add comments/tags on Tumblr. I love when people reblog without saying anything on Tumblr. I love when people reply to my posts on Tumblr. I love when people like my posts on Tumblr. I love when people ask to be added to a taglist on Tumblr. I love when people send me DMs on Tumblr. I love when people (signed or anonymously) drop by my inbox on Tumblr. I love when people read my work anywhere. 
All that said, I don’t write for comments/kudos/bookmarks/reblogs/DMs/asks. I write because I enjoy writing. Otherwise, and I mean this in a loving, kind way, I would be giving you people way too much power over my life. 
I write because I enjoy writing. I post my writing because I enjoy sharing my work. 
I adore a lot about the Redactedverse. You can tell from my work that I’ve got preferences regarding characters, storylines, genres, etc. I tend toward writing longer fics, though I’ve also got oneshots. I tend towards hurt/comfort and drama, but I’ve also got fluff and humor. I’ve got stories that mix up characters, prequels, AUs… For the most part, I like to write about my favorite characters and explore the storylines I think would be interesting, plausible, and compelling. Sometimes, I write gift-fics for people (for a variety of reasons) or I solicit prompts from anyone. Even when I write those stories for others, it still is (it has to be!) my own conceptions of the characters, plotlines, dialogue lines, etc, that drive the work. I’m thrilled to have the chance to show my love to people through my writing. Overall, my hope is that there’s something for everyone contained in my (still growing!) catalog of fics, but whether or not it does isn’t something I can control. What I can control is that I enjoy the stories I write and that I’m proud of the way I created plots, presented the characters, captured their voices, and constructed the stories. It’s fun to see my work live on AO3 so that I can reread it whenever I want. I do that frequently.
Like I said earlier in this post, though, I do welcome and cherish any and all feedback on my work. I think I value that feedback, in whatever form it comes, precisely because the feedback comes unmandated, unregulated, and otherwise without expectations. People make the choice to speak up and let me know they read my work, not because they have to, but because they want to. I wish I could fully articulate how incredibly special that makes me feel as a writer. 
Mandating reblogs, asking for a certain number of comments, or something similar to that line of thinking that, for me and my approach to writing, would be dangerous. It takes the fun out of all the feedback that is freely left. Feedback isn’t a toll readers pay to access my work. I would never want to impose that, even if I had some way to enact such a bizarre construction.
Do I hope that people will, somehow in some way, choose to engage with me when they read my work? You bet I do. That’s why I respond to every comment I get on AO3. That’s why I respond to every reblog with comments/tags or replies on Tumblr. That’s why I keep my inbox open. I want to show my undying, overflowing gratitude when people choose to take that extra step by letting me know they liked what they read and, by reblogging, help more people see my work. It’s a true gift. That’s why I like to say thanks. Not only that, I’ve met some WONDERFUL fandom friends by replying to a comment, which turns into discussing characters, which turns into a string of DMs, and poof! Friendship achieved that includes but reaches beyond fandom. I hope everyone reading this has the chance to experience such joy in life. 
As much as I enjoy receiving feedback, I also know blogs don’t exist in a vacuum. There are people on the other side of those usernames (Except the bots! Report and block those bastards!) Sometimes, people get way too anxious to be able to leave a comment. All they can do is kudo. Even though I don’t share that sentiment, I understand it. Sometimes, people aren’t ready to reblog something because they don’t want to showcase a certain fandom/subject/kink/preference/whatever on their blog, whether out of embarrassment, peer pressure, or real concerns for irl safety. Instead, they like the post. Again, that’s not a challenge I face, but I acknowledge it’s a possibility for many. Sometimes, people miss seeing work because of how dashboards are organized. It happens. Sometimes, people just don’t like my stories or headcanons, so they certainly would choose not to interact with my work. That’s completely and totally fine, too! There are SO many reasons or circumstances that hinder someone's ability to interact. It's not my job (or prerogative) to create meaning out of someone's lack of interaction.
Moreover, I’m not just a writer in this fandom. I’m a reader, too. I read a lot of the fanfic on Tumblr and AO3. As you might already know, Anon (depending on who you are and how observant you are), I often reblog and comment when I like someone’s fic and/or want to support an author's work. I love spreading the word about people’s cool texts! I like knowing that I’m making an author’s day by engaging with their work. Same goes for art, headcanons, playlists, and the other cool Redactedverse stuff people create and share. At no time am I, however, required to engage with those works at all. The fact that I choose to engage is an example of my exercising my choice, not reciprocating out of obligation. Sometimes, I miss stuff. That doesn’t mean I purposefully refrained from commenting. Other times, I heavily disagree with the interpretations/ideas, so I opt not to engage. 
I need the space and grace to have agency over how, when, and where I leave feedback. It’s only fair I offer everyone else that same space and grace. I don’t want to feel pressure to leave feedback. It’s only fair I make sure I don’t pressure anyone else to leave feedback on my work. 
It’s worth mentioning that when it comes to promoting my own work, I don’t hesitate to do so. I always make sure that I’m my biggest fan. That works out well, because I’m an attention-seeking showoff. It is my hope that every creator can say truthfully, “I’m my biggest fan.”  I promote to my heart's content, but I cannot, in good faith, foist my work on anyone.
So, I think all of that is context for how I approach this idea of your phrase ‘burn out posting thing.’ Have I noticed a decline in engagement with my own work? For sure I have. Perhaps it’s a Redactedverse trend. Perhaps it’s a fandom trend more broadly. (I have no data to back up either of those guesses.) While I’d love a sudden upswing in engagement, I think there’s nothing much I can do to generate that. Instead, I’d rather use that time and effort writing and posting more fanfics. 
It’s fun for me to create. It’s fun for me to know that I created something that didn’t exist before. That’s why, as of this moment, I don’t see an end in sight when it comes to my fic writing. I certainly will continue to write at my own pace which, as I’ve said many times, is slow. I’ll write fics that I will want to read, featuring characters I want to read about, plotlines I want to explore, with a word-count that suits me.
I mean it when I say, in every story-note, I welcome and cherish any and all feedback on my work. I suppose that whether that feedback comes in the form of a flood or a drip-drop, I take solace in the knowledge that each and every piece of feedback I receive was freely given to me. 
My answer was probably way longer than you ever wanted, Anon. I hope I answered your question, however long-winded my answer might be. If I didn’t, you are welcome to reach out with follow up questions or concerns. 
For anyone else who happened to read, I hope you got something positive out of reading this post.
As always, thanks for reading!
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