#eunji gets us
jongseongsnudes · 5 months
Dropping by to tell you how much I adored your Ni-ki's badboy trope fic. It is my favourite one to read of all time and I will definitely be coming back to read it. Just kind of sad that it's all over, manifesting 🙏🙏🙏 you write a similar one for him in the future 🙏🙏🙏🥹 Do you think you could write drabbles of somesort for it? i.e. The team begging Yn to get Ni-ki to do something for them cause he won't if they asked? That would be so cute but please ignore if you don't want to write it. Thank you for your hard work Cass 🙏🤍
awww thank youuuu 😭💖💖 i loved writing this trope for niki, i feel it fits him so well so our tsundere, badboy will be back in the future!
ill write a little something 😊💖 if anyone else has drabble ideas, send themmmmm
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“why me?”
“who else but you mrs team captain!” taki shouts at you desperately, his hands pressed together in a praying motion, “it’s a saturdayyyyy! please help us, he will only listen to you and you know that!”
you both look over to the team captain who is standing by the sidelines, arms crossed, and already watching like a hawk over his team.
it was indeed a saturday and instead of going to the movies like you had wanted to do, niki organised a team practice, saying everyone needed to get back in shape for the upcoming season. the boy really worked hard when it came to football, you as his girlfriend knew that but come on... it was 8am on a saturday. no one wants to be here at the school oval.
“half the boys have dates today! i was gonna take eunji out,” taki nudges you a little, “don’t you want to go on a date today? it’s such a nice day... getting dressed up... holding hands with your boy... hugging... kissing...”
“say no more.”
and you were off on your way, a girl on a mission. niki may be tough but you knew exactly how to crack him.
“hi nishimura,” you say nonchalantly, your eyes on your phone like you were texting someone, “how long did you say practice was again?”
“well we can’t start practice if these little kids are just standing around wasting time!” he shouts a little louder for the rest of the team to hear before turning his gaze onto you, “why?”
“oh it’s nothing. you know how i wanted to go watch that new comedy today? well since you’re so busy, i’ll just go...” you smile sweetly, as if you didn’t have an ulterior motive, “with jj who also wanted to see it! anyway have fun practising! call me when you’re done.”
you had only turned to walk away when you felt a hand at your waist, pulling your body back into another. it’s obvious who it was so you had to fight back the urge to smile.
“so that’s who you’ve been texting the whole time? jj?” niki's tone is an octave lower as he mentions that name but it’s the deep chuckle that follows that tells you he’s unpleased.
“yeah! i’m gonna go home and change into that new dress i got, remember the one you picked?”
oh you were being so mean but you weren’t going to stop now, not when he looked like he was about to explode of anger.
“are you serious?”
“hm. if i didn’t know any better, i’d say this sounds like jealousy, niki.”
and you’ve hit the spot, calling him out on his jealousy that he always, always denied. even though everyone and their mothers knew how jealous niki could really get sometimes.
“hell yeah i am!” he suddenly shouts, gaining the attention of the team and definitely surprising you with the confession, “i bought that dress for you and you want to wear that out without me? of course i am jealous!”
“then come with me nishimura,” you finally break character, chuckling at how adorable he looked while throwing a tantrum. you reach up to pinch his cheeks, making the boy’s expression go softer instantly, “come on niki, it’s a saturday, let your poor team go have fun. don’t you want to go on a date with me?”
he thinks for a moment before leaning down to kiss you, his lips now curving into a smirk as he does. oh your poor heart. niki with a smirk? its a view you’ve always, always been weak for.
“you’re so cute thinking i fell for that miss class president, i heard you talking to taki,” the boy says with his usual smug grin and pinches your cheeks, “but since you put in so much effort to act, fine lets go on a date. you seem so desperate to have me to yourself anyway.”
“wh- what! i do not! whatever! you practice then, i don’t care!”
you try to push him away but the tall boy only hugs you harder. he’s now in a laughing fit while you turn to the field to get help from his team... but no one is there... the guys having ran off the moment they heard their team captain’s words.
but hey... at least you get to go on your date.
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jae-bummer · 9 months
A Little Air
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Request: Hi! I just discovered your account and I wanted to tell you that I LOVE the way you write,I´m kinda embarrassed to ask for this tho- I wanted to ask you if you could do prompt 8 with Bangchan,like someone introduces him to YN and uses thoses lines and then she falls in love or something like that? idk if I explained well,but I would really appreciate if you did this! ♡
8) "He has tired dad energy." "He doesn't have kids." "Still a DILF."
Pairing: Stray Kids Bang Chan x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Parties weren't really your thing.
And that's okay! Parties didn't need to be your thing. You much preferred things that were your thing. Coffee dates, reading books, going out to check the mail to say you saw sunlight that day. All of these were excellent things, and they were yours.
Your best friend, Bee, on the other hand, had very different things, such as parties.
And that's why you had been dragged to this one.
She tried to frame it as an "intimate get together," but upon arriving, you hadn't realized that nearly 40-50 people sharing a space was considered "intimate."
Glaring up at her, you tried to imagine small daggers flying from your pupils and into the side of her cheek. You didn't want to actually harm her, as they were very tiny, inconsequential daggers, but you wanted to have them annoy her, just like you were annoyed.
"You okay?" she hummed, her eyes constantly scanning the room around her. "You look like you have something in your eye."
You did. It was called revenge. "Why am I heeeere?"
"Because you're my best friend and I enjoy your company," she nodded, finally deigning to look your way.
Your expression remained deadpan as she burst into laughter. "What?"
"This is cruel and unusual punishment," you pouted, attempting to cross your arms with your drink still in your hand.
"Oh, come oooon!" she gasped. "It's not so bad! We're in the corner of the room, away from everyone, people watching. You love people watching!"
The bitch had you there.
"Hey, you two!" a familiar voice tugged at your attention. Looking over, a mutual friend was shuffling over.
"Hey, Eunji," you and Bee responded, one of you obviously much more enthusiastic than the other.
"What are you guys doing tucked away over here?" she asked, settling in at your opposite side.
"Reading the room," Bee grinned. "You know a lot of these people better than we do, so I have to ask...who is that?"
"Wasting no time on pleasantries," Eunji laughed. "Getting right into the important stuff, I see."
Motioning with her eyes, you followed Bee's line of sight until you too were looking at her subject of interest. It was not surprising in the least that this guy had snagged her attention. He was occupying one end of a velvet couch, sleepily following the conversation of the two men standing in front of him. Man-spread in an oddly desirable way, he held a drink by the edge of the rim in between his knees, his pose completely relaxed. Dressed from head to toe in black, you were surprised to admit that he made eye bags work. You had never seen someone look so tired and simultaneously hot at the same time.
"His name is Bang Chan," Eunji continued.
"He has tired dad energy," you murmured to no one in particular.
"He doesn't have kids," Eunji snorted, joining you in your ogling.
"Don't care," Bee said, shaking her head. "Still a DILF."
"Oh god," you gasped, immediately turning your attention elsewhere. You had been spotted. He was now looking at the three of you looking at him.
Bee continued to stare, a small smile on her lips. "I think you should talk to him, Y/N."
"I'm sorry, I should what?" you gasped, turning sharply to face your friend.
"Why not?" she asked, tilting her head. "He is very much your type."
"He is very much everyone's type!" you snapped. "Have you seen him?"
"I'm about to see him even better," she grinned. "He's coming this way."
Sure as shit, as soon as you turned your head back in his direction, you saw that he had stood and said his goodbyes to the men he had previously been talking to.
It may have been your imagination, but time seemed to slow as he strolled toward you. The sound of birds chirping and a few "sha la la's" could be heard playing in the distance.
"Excuse me," he said, much more cheerfully than you had anticipated. "I thought I'd come over and introduce myself. My name is Chris."
"Hi, Chris," the three of you chimed, clearly all taken aback.
This caused him to breath in a laugh, exposing you to his devastating smile. A spark danced in his eyes as he looked to each of your friends before settling his attention on you.
"We were just going to grab another drink," Bee interrupted, grabbing hold of Eunji's wrist. "You two want anything?"
"You haven't finished your first drink," you said in an attempt to get your friends to stay. You knew what they were doing, and you didn't appreciate it one bit.
"I want something different," Bee snapped back before shooting an awkward smile at Chan.
Before you could even blink, your friends disappeared into the throng of partygoers. Slowly turning back toward your newest acquaintance, you tried to come up with something thoughtful to say.
"How'd you end up here?" you blurted out instead.
Chan smiled easily again, watching you as if you were entertaining him. "This is my friend's apartment. What about you?"
"I was dragged here by the one who suddenly felt parched," you grumbled.
"Dragged?" he asked, lifting his brows.
"I'm not great at parties," you admitted, looking away from him in embarrassment. "I'm not great at...conversing or the whole...people thing."
"I think you're doing just fine," he cooed, his tone somehow comforting AND seductive. "But I totally understand. It can get to be really overwhelming."
You'd been talking for about twelve seconds, and he got it. Why didn't your friends get it?
"Do you want to get some air?" he asked, seeming to notice how stiff you were. "I have special balcony privileges."
"I'm talking with a VIP then?" you smirked.
"The V-est of the IPs," he grinned. Remaining silent, you realized he was waiting for your answer, not just assuming you wanted to go with him.
Well, that was refreshing. "I wouldn't mind stepping outside for a bit."
"Great," he nodded. Turning away from you, he began walking toward the opposite side of the apartment, parting the sea of people effortlessly. Almost forgetting to follow behind, you were shocked back into reality when he looked over his shoulder and intertwined your fingers in his.
Trying to remind yourself to remain calm, your heart skipped a beat, nonetheless.
You wouldn't normally go anywhere with a strange man you had met at a party, but there was just something about Chan that put you at ease. It was hard to explain, but his whole vibe was soft and comfortable. Like a human version of a hug.
Plus, there were more than enough people here to act as witnesses if he happened to push you off of the balcony.
Guiding you down a hallway and through a bedroom, Chan opened up a set of clear glass doors before stepping outside. As soon as the cold night air hit your face, you felt your body begin to relax.
"It's so quiet out here," you murmured, dropping Chan's hand and moving to stand at his side. You instantly regretted breaking the contact but were much too awkward to act normally if you maintained it.
"It's nice, isn't it?" he hummed, resting his forearms against the railing. "Hyunjin has a lot of these parties. This balcony has become an excellent hide out for when things get to be too much."
"Sounds like you're quite the party animal," you joked, pushing playfully at his shoulder with yours.
"Hardly!" he grinned. "I have a lot of friends, so I know I have some social skills, but I prefer to not be in a party setting. Don't get me wrong, it's fine sometimes, but I'd much rather hang out with people I'm already close with than be forced to meet new people."
Ouch, so much for being a human hug.
Instantly realizing his mistake, Chan jerked his head up and spun toward you. "No, no, no, no," he repeated quickly. "I didn't mean it like that. I mean, you're lovely. I mean...I should probably just stop talking, shouldn't I?"
Letting out a huffed laugh, it was your turn to lean on the balcony and stare into the city below. "It wasn't personal."
"It really wasn't," he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Man, really mucked up that one, didn't I?"
"It did not win you any gold stars."
Throwing himself beside you again, he tilted his face to gaze at you. "Forgive me?"
"Already forgiven," you hummed. Chancing a look his way, you offered a small smile. "It's easy when I hardly know you."
"Very valid point," he nodded. Letting the air settle into silence, it was a few minutes before he finally spoke again. "Would you let me know you?"
"Sorry?" you asked, not sure if you heard him clearly. "Weren't you just saying you didn't like meeting new people?"
"That may be a slight twist on what I said," he grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "But that was before."
"And now?"
"And now I'm on the balcony with someone who is clearly out of my league and I'm floundering for any type of brownie points," he smiled shyly.
"Out of," you stammered. "Out of your league?"
He started chuckling again. "You're doing a great job at repeating things I've said."
Shaking your head, you tried to work out his meaning. "Like you're doing charity work?"
"Whoa," he breathed, furrowing his brows. "No, like you're likely too good for me."
"I think..." you paused, the information slowly seeping into your understanding. Did he really think that? "Someone hit you on the head very hard and you aren't thinking straight."
This caused Chan to choke out a surprised laugh. "Come oooon. You know who is the attractive one on this balcony."
"Pfft," you snorted. "Sure, Chris."
A shiver rippled across your shoulders, causing you to wrap your arms around yourself. What had once been an energizing chill had turned much cooler as the night stretched on.
Noticing this, Chan cocked a brow before he began biting his lip. Your eyes immediately zeroed in on the motion, trying to remember to breathe through something so simply sexy.
"Do you mind if I-" he began, motioning with his arms.
You weren't exactly sure what he was getting at, but at this point, he could likely do whatever he wanted with you, and you'd still thank him for the opportunity. Giving a weak nod, you were surprised when he pivoted you to face the city again and wrapped his arms around you. Bracing his hands on the balcony railing, he sandwiched you in between the metal and the front of his torso.
Sure, you were immediately warmed by his close proximity, but you were also that much closer to passing out. Being in this range, he was even more intoxicating than he had been before.
"Better?" he cooed; his breath heavy in your ear.
"Much," you squeaked, trying to remain calm.
Resting his chin on your shoulder, he let out a light sigh. "You never answered me."
Suddenly every question he had asked tonight flew from your brain. "What did you ask?"
"Would you let me know you?"
You thought you were going to swallow your tongue. "I'd like you to."
"Good," he cooed. "I look forward to it then."
Man, you'd have to send Bee an edible arrangement after this. Who knew you'd like parties after all?
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toruro · 1 year
— ✧ red (k)nights
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pairing. xu minghao x reader
description. minghao is your knight in shining armor. literally.
tags. smut (18+), so much fluff, royal au, princess!reader, knight!minghao, secret relationship (kind of?!), minghao’s finger pieces from the super mv …
outfit inspo. minhgao's armor is as shown in the pics, his robes are similar to the light brown ones worn in their inkigayo performance, & reader's robes are of similar design to their 2nd outfits in the super mv!
fic playlist.
w/c. 6.7k
a/n. i'm usually not into royal aus or any au in general that isn't modern, but i had so much fun writing this and i think my mind has changed ... so i hope u enjoy! comments/reblogs are always appreciated c:
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“You’re upset,” Eunji notes, walking into your room as sunlight peeks through your silk blinds.
Grumbling, you slowly push yourself off the mattress and lean against the headboard as you rub your eyes. The soft browns and golds of your room are starting to sink into your vision as you adjust to the light, murmuring, “You didn’t knock.”
Eunji sighs, patting her hands down on her apron after setting down your black robe. “Your father doesn’t have any rules about walking in without knocking. And besides, you always lock the door if it’s necessary—if it isn’t locked, I assume it’s alright for me to walk in.”
“What about my rules?” you huff, finally slipping out of bed so Eunji can help you slip into your daytime robes.
“I don’t suppose you’re the king?” she responds as you groggily make your way up to her, your nightgown wrinkling at the ends.
“Eunji,” you whine, throwing yourself onto one of your plush lounge chairs in front of her. “I’m too tired,” you grumble when she points at the robe, again, signaling you to put it on.
“You’re upset,” she corrects, lifting the clothes and unwinding them for you as you begrudgingly stand up and slip off the dress, leaving you only in your undergarments.
“He’s still gone,” you whisper quietly, lifting your arms so Eunji can slip in the sleeves from behind you, moving in front to help tie up the flat, golden drawstrings on the front into bows.
“Away. He is away, not gone,” Eunji says with a pat on your shoulders, adjusting the edges and collar of your velvet robe.
“What’s the difference?” you mutter once she’s done.
“The difference is he will be back,” she explains simply, taking a step back to admire her work. “Now, let’s get you down for breakfast? I wouldn’t want to be caught making you late for your meal by gossiping about your—” she pauses. Eunji is among three of maybe your only friends in the entire kingdom, yet she still bites her tongue, still holds back. You used to resent her for it, but now you understand it’s only natural—after all, it is her job to take care of you, and being careful is just what she has to do. But right now, Eunji is your friend, not your maid, and what she follows with only confirms that fact—“your boy.”
Your lips break into a bright grin at the mere name—your boy. You should feel childish—Minghao is so much more than a boy. He’s a gentleman, he’s strong, he’s confident—he is so much. But after all of that, after his sword is yielded, after all his armor is stripped, Minghao is yours—your boy.
“Will you let me do your hair?” Eunji interrupts your thoughts, holding up a few hair ribbons from your large vanity across the room. You grimace, shaking your head.
“I feel like I might go bald every time you do,” you tell her. Eunji gives you a stern look and you let your shoulders sag. “Fine, but please be gentle. I’m already under so much stress, I can’t have any more pressure on my head.”
You shrug, a small smirk poking at your cheeks. “Oh you know. Just my boy.”
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Eunji escorts you down to the dining hall after raking all your hair into some tight updo. Wincing as you pick at the ribbons, she scurries off when you sit down to order the chefs to present you breakfast.
“Good morning, Princess,” a familiar voice greets, Mingyu placing down a steel plate littered with an array of fruits. “What would you like this morning?”
You watch Eunji who re-enters as you formulate your response. “I’m not really hungry right now, if I’m being honest…” you sigh.
“Don’t let her get away with that!” Eunji calls out from the other end of the room, and you cross your hands over your chest as she walks over. Mingyu gives you a concerned look, and Eunji continues. “She’s saving her appetite for when she plans to sneak out in the evening!” she says in a half whisper, half yell sort of voice.
Mingyu’s eyes widen when he looks down on you. “You actually snuck out that time? I thought you were just bluffing so you wouldn’t have to have breakfast with your cousins!”
“It was both,” you grumble as you roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, but they’re insufferable—the both of them! And then…” your voice trails off, “Mingyu you know your food is great and I love it but there’s this fruit stall down in the civil grounds and—”
“You snuck out for fruit?” Mingyu gasps, stepping back. Pointing at the platter in front of you, he says, “I should have you know these are harvested from the finest farm in the kingdom.” You stick your tongue out at him, glancing at Eunji who is giving you a funny look. Mingyu catches on, and his eyes narrow. “Are you keeping a secret from me? Oh my god—you know I hate being left out of things.”
“You have a big mouth,” Eunji murmurs and you laugh along in agreement.
Mingyu frowns, swiping the platter away from you as you reach for a grape. “Hey! This is no way to treat a princess,” you pout.
“Tell me what’s going on then?” he pleads, and you glance at Eunji who seems to take it upon herself to spill the beans for you. Leaning in, she motions for Mingyu to come closer so you can all lower your voices.
“She went to see her boy,” she whispers.
Once again, you can’t help but let the grin break out onto your face. Your boy.
Fuck, you really miss him.
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Him, being the man who followed you many nights ago as you tried to sneak out of the castle grounds. It’d been a boring few weeks and you overheard Eunji gushing to one of the other maids about a festival that took place in the civil grounds.
You’d heard of it before, and even showed up to the festival occasionally over the years, but it was only ever for a sparring moment—to sit and look pretty, wave hellos and goodbyes before you were being dragged back to the castle.
So when you heard that Eunji was planning on using one of her few, sacred days off, you just had to know what was so exciting about it—your temptation exceeded your ability to follow the rules.
Slipping into some old brown robes you used to wear for your dance training, you wrapped a shawl over your head and over the bottom half of your face in hopes to conceal as much of your identity as possible.
You couldn’t believe you were doing this. Or, well, maybe you could. You’d fantasized about this moment for ages, never really having the drive to go through with it though. That is, not until now. Still, you’d played this chain of events too many times for anything to go wrong. You had thought about every possible chance of something going wrong, and right now you were certain that you had planned against it.
Foolproof. Your plan just had to be foolproof.
So when you snuck off that night, when the deep oranges of the sunset turned to red and soon to black, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that things would go perfectly fine. That you’d be able to run through the gardens, through the militia grounds, and into the civil grounds, slip in and out of the festival, and back into your bed before anyone could even realize that the princess wasn’t in her bed.
Silly you for not accounting for him.
Him, being the man who was out in the militia courtyards, donned in his training robes as he read a book under the dim light of a flickering, yellow lantern. Him, being the man you thought wouldn’t recognize your figure as you scurried through the pathway and towards the exit to the civil grounds.
You were foolish, and Minghao was perceptive.
You hardly were in the crowd at the festival for more than half an hour before a strong hand tugged at your wrist. Considering yelling for help, you opened your mouth to scream, but not before a large, warm hand clasped over your mouth, trapping in any noises you made. He was gentle with the way he pulled you to a quiet place behind the wall, and even under the dim, crimson glow from the festival, you’re able to make out his face when he finally releases you.
His face was no stranger to your eyes, as his duties as a performance knight had him on and off palace grounds consistently. Xu Minghao. You remembered the name, and watching the scarlet hues fall on his skin, you were reminded of just why his face has not left your mind—why you recall him, and not any other knights.
The redness casted a sharp shadow over him, sharp jawline seeming further whetted under this new glow. Minghao’s dark and shiny hair hung perfectly to shield his gorgeous eyes from the bright lights from around you, and you find yourself growing mesmerized by the way he gazes down at you so … passionately.
Finally breaking the silence that stuffed the space between you, he spoke, “What are you doing here, Princess?” Unexpected of the concern that laces his tone, you were taken aback, mouth falling slightly agape as you wondered why he chose not to scold or reprimand you.
“I wanted to see the festival,” you finally managed to whisper, tearing your eyes away from the handsome man in front of you to look behind at the celebrations taking place all around you. Minghao studied your face for a few pensive moments before sighing and nodding.
He surprised you again with his next, quiet words, “I can show you.”
Looking up at him with bright eyes, you beamed.
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Sneaking out to your “fruit stall” doesn’t work, not when Eunji is on your tail. You huff and puff when she sits you down in your room that night, but then she’s whispering into your ear about how his team will be arriving the next morning.
That night, your stomach churns with the anticipation of seeing him, touching him, holding him. It’s been too long, and all you’ve been left with for the past weeks is the ghost of his touch against yours, imagining it’s Minghao when you hug your pillow every night.
You don't get an ounce of sleep, of course, but when you wake up after dozing off to the bright, morning sky, you feel nothing but excitement bubble up in your stomach. You ask Eunji to dress you in your robe of finest silk, and she grins, feigning ignorance as to the reason behind your request.
“This would look nice, don’t you think?” you murmur, holding up a silver dangling hair pin.
Eunji walks over, inspecting the little accessory you’ve picked out. “I don’t understand why you’re putting so much thought into this…he’s seen you in much less,” she mutters and you gasp loudly, nudging her shoulder.
“Y-you said you would never bring that up!” you stutter out, placing the pin back down. The that in question being the time you had snuck Minghao into your room one night and forgot to lock your door. That morning, Eunji was met with the side of a bare chested knight and the princess rolling around together under the sheets, the first person to be introduced to your little secret.
Eunji only hums, looking over your array of jewelry. “The gold would look nicer,” she tells you, ignoring your previous exclamation. She lifts a nearly identical hair pin, except this one is coated in gold, matching the shimmering designs on your robes.
You smile and nod, turning around in response so she can put the pin in your updo. As you continue to go about your morning, there’s an extra jump to your step when you make your way to the militia office. Inside is your father’s head officer, Seungcheol, sitting at his desk as he goes through the papers.
“The demo team comes back today, right Officer?” you ask curiously, stepping in.
Cheol looks up at you, eyebrows quirked. “They came back this morning, yes,” he replies, standing up as he organizes some of the papers in a neat stack. “Excited?”
“No, why would I be?” you say, letting your shoulders deflate a little to hide your very real and very true excitement. Seungcheol gives you a cheeky smile as he adjusts his coat.
“You’re not great at lying.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you reply, crossing your arms over your chest nonchalantly as Seungcheol walks out of the room, letting you follow behind.
“Really? Your father is picking up on it too. Tell me to tell him how the demo team is doing. Asks me to let him know if there’s anyone that seems … suspicious.”
You scoff, letting your hands fall to your side, “Well he hasn’t said anything to me about it … yet at least.” You sigh, figuring that if Seungcheol already has an idea of what’s going on, there’s no point in feigning ignorance. “Was I being too obvious when I asked for a whole unit to be moved from the battle team to the demo team?”
Seungcheol laughs. “Yes. Your father is definitely—”
“No, that’s not the right word. I think he seems more open to the idea than you might think. I was just going to say he has a feeling you and one of the demo team’s members are … are involved.”
You hum in response, skipping besides Seungcheol as you make your way to the militia courtyard. “That’s good to hear.”
“I guess. Whether your father approves so far or not, tell your boy—” Your heart flutters when Seungcheol says it like that. “—whichever one he is, to keep in line. I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to report any bad news back to the King.”
You roll your eyes but don’t respond, walking outside into the field of grass where some soldiers are lined up in neat rows in front of a black, raised platform where you and Seungcheol are supposed to stand. As you near the group of soldiers, your stomach ties up in a tight knot when you catch sight of the familiar face.
Walking timidly up to the platform next to Seungcheol, you place your hands in front of you, playing with your fingers as you struggle to break your eyes away from Minghao. He isn’t looking at you right now—he isn’t allowed to you.
With his helmet drawn by his side, sword sheathed at his back, crimson armor with gold intricacies glistening under the sun, it’s all too much for you—Minghao in his armor is a force of beauty, and one to be reckoned with.
And he’s standing so straight, so tall, his well built figure being accentuated by the sharp curves of the metal that plates his skin and you start to lose track of Seungcheol’s words. It isn’t until he nudges you in your side when you jump up and out of your reverie, only to see him looking down at you with concerned eyes.
“Princess,” he says loudly, and then much quieter, “Are you alright?”
“I—yes, sorry. It’s just the sun, it’s in my face and I lost track of things for a moment,” you lie, looking back at the knights standing in uniform in front of you.
“Do you want to head back inside? You don’t really have to be—”
“I’ll stay,” you say quickly. “What was it I needed to do?”
“Some last words for them. It’s been a long few weeks, so just say something and formally release them for this week.”
Right. That’s why you’re here. Clearing your throat, you straighten your back, causing the men to all turn their attention to you. Finally, both you and Minghao think. Finally he can look at you.
And fuck, you look so beautiful with your hair pinned back and loose ribbons strewn in, your black and gold royal robes hanging effortlessly off your body with the little bows decorating your waist. Gentle fingers clasped in front of you and Minghao can almost feel your gentle touch on him when you speak.
“Thank you for your excellent performances over the past weeks,” you begin to speak, your eyes doing their best to not linger on Minghao too long. “Your efforts are greatly appreciated, and to express my gratitude, you are relieved of your duties from now until the end of this weekend. Report to your duties the following morning as you would on any regular schedule. Thank you again.” You close with a bow, stepping back and motioning your hand out front as to signal.
“You are dismissed,” Seungcheol calls out loudly, and you see the way the soldier’s immediately drop their shoulders, their gazes averting to each others’ as they break out into loose conversation. Well, all but one. Minghao’s eyes are locked in on yours and you’re finding it impossibly hard to look away.
Looking up at Seungcheol, “Can I go now?”
“Of course. Thank you for showing up. Do you need one of us to escort you back to the castle grounds or—”
You shake your head quickly, eyes flickering to Minghao who is making conversation with one of his platoon members casually. “N-no, that won’t be necessary.”
“Are you sure? You aren’t looking too well. I think it’d be safest if you had one of them help you.”
“I—” you pause, “Okay, I’ll take him,” you say before Seungcheol can make his own decision, pointing at Minghao. Hearing your raised voice, he turns to see your finger in his direction, both you and Seungcheol looking straight at him. Seungcheol looks at you as Minghao walks over, but eventually shrugs.
“Minghao, take the princess to castle grounds,” Seungcheol instructs, throwing you a knowing look. He nods without a word, bowing to you and then his leader as the captain walks away to talk to some other soldiers, leaving just the two of you.
The air is thicker now—it’s filled with all the words you want to say, all the things you want to do, all the thoughts you’ve been thinking and fuck—you really missed him. You need to remind yourself that you’re still out in the open, still in the militia courtyard, still not alone, and you don’t even allow Minghao to do the formal, custom bow and greeting before you turn on your heel and rush away.
Your strides are long but his are longer and he keeps up with your discerningly fast pace, following you out of the courtyard, through the rows of decorated barracks, and off the militia grounds without a word. It’s only when you’re both alone in the small pathway that connects the militia grounds to the castle that you finally allow your pace to rest.
Minghao is the first to speak after glancing around to ensure that the coast is clear, “You seem to have forgotten that you’re the only one who isn’t lugging around 40 pounds worth of armor.” His voice comes out in soft pants, and it’s slightly gruff, but then he’s dropping his helmet to the ground and grabbing your face so he can smash your face into his.
His lips are chapped, moving roughly against yours hungrily, his tongue licking into your mouth as you struggle to place your hands—his armor isn’t the best for clinging onto—so you settle for placing them on his neck. Minghao’s own hands are cradling the back of your head, angling you better as his tongue delves deeper, exploring every inch of your mouth with a passion that threatens to consume you. He tastes of salt and sweat, your own lips sweet with the scent of royal gardens, and it all has you dizzy.
When Minghao breaks the kiss, you feel at a loss as you grapple for him, his skin, his touch against you. “Y-you need to get this off,” you say hastily, knocking on the steel armor that dons his body. You let your fingers trace down the hard material, finally letting them fall down to grasp one of the few exposed parts of his body left—his hands.
“Eager already?” his eyes flicker up at you and it seems to light a flame beneath you. You squeeze his fingers lightly, looking around you to make sure no one has stepped into this pathway yet.
“Whatever.” You pause. “I missed you,” you add quietly, as Minghao leans forward and adjusts the collar of your robes for you, the small gesture making your heart tender. His gaze softens, and he uses one hand to gently stroke your cheek.
“I missed you too. It was so long—I thought I was going crazy,” he confesses, and the admission has your lips pulling into a smile.
“Do you want to go to the gardens?” you ask excitedly, holding his hand up to your chest as you clutch it tightly. “The enclosed one? I’ll ask Eunji to make sure it stays private for the rest of the morning and—” Minghao’s lips pursed into a tight line causes disappointment to well up inside your belly. “What? You don’t want to?”
“No—no, of course I want to, it’s just…” his voice trails off and you look up at him dejectedly. “I need to go to the barracks. I know we have the week off but I still have things to do.”
“Oh,” you murmur, stepping back a little. Minghao frowns, squeezing your cheek lightly with the calloused pads of his fingers.
“You know I want to. I just need to unpack and get this—” he looks down at himself and clanks the metal armor, “—get this shit off and take care of some stuff with Jun.” You nod understandingly, but he notices the ways your eyes droop down just a little. Pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, he continues. “I’ll make it up to you tonight.”
Your eyes sparkle at the suggestion. “Tonight?” Minghao nods with a smile, his hand still resting by your cheek, gently stroking your jawline. “The gardens? My room? Where?”
“I actually have a different place in mind. It’s in the civil grounds. It’ll be better if you can come before sunset…” As he speaks, his fingers trail down your neck, running over your collarbone right where the two ends of your robe meet just above your chest. His touch lingers for a few moments, burning trails of fire into your skin as you struggle to keep your heartbeat steady.
“The civil grounds? We’ve never gone there before,” you murmur, voice dripping with curiosity. “At least not since … well you know.” Since the night we met.
“Trust me?” The way he looks down at you with pure adoration makes you feel like he can hear your heartbeat from your chest, shaking the earth under you.
“Before sunset, right here,” you promise.
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You can’t quite hide your enthusiasm from Eunji but you also can’t quite care. Nearly jumping off the walls from excitement, it feels like an eternity before the hour strikes seven and you’re whispering to her to cover for you as you slip off the castle grounds and to the little pathway that leads to the militia grounds.
And there he is, your boy, clad in no longer his armor but brown robes which hug his built figure. There is no sword drawn in his back nor is there a helmet clinging by his side, and you grin when you approach him with a smile, wrapping your arms around his torso.
Patting your back gently, Mingao places a soft kiss on your forehead, giving you a warning look as your eyes ask for more. “Not now … not here,” he clarifies, running his hand over your head once, admiring the updo it’s in as he slots his other hand into yours. “Don’t you want to see where I’m taking you?”
You grip his hand tighter and nod as he pulls out a brown fabric from the crevice in his robe. “What’s this for?” you ask as he drapes it over your head gingerly, finally tying the loose ends under your chin.
“Just so you don’t get noticed. We are going to the civil grounds, after all,” Mingaho explains, patting your cheek lightly once he’s done and pulling you to follow after him as he leads the way. You’re both quiet as he leads you carefully through the paths of the militia grounds, finally sneaking you out through a side gate.
Minghao quietly pulls you through the winding streets of the civil grounds where the atmosphere is bustling, with vibrant colors, loud voices, and an endless amount of people flooding the pathways. It’s new, of course, but with the sun hanging low above you, Minghao’s warm hand encased around yours, and the promise of a good night in your mind, you feel oddly comforted.
You’re led through the crowds, Minghao holding you close to his side until he stops at the base of one, tall building, leading you through an alleyway and to the back where there’s a narrow staircase leading to the roof. With a hand on your back, he guides you up the stairs, still keeping close as he follows carefully behind you.
“This is Jun’s family’s old shop,” he explains as the distant sounds of laughter and music grow fainter. “They’ve moved buildings now, but me and Jun come here sometimes with friends because this one is really tall and … and well you’ll see,” he murmurs as you finally reach the top.
He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist as you both walk onto the rooftop which is lined with a fence style barrier. The ground is covered in old rugs and there are some sacks and boxes strewn around. Walking over to the edge with Minghao, you gasp softly at the sight around you. The civil ground sprawls beneath you, and as you look up, you can see the castle against the blooming oranges and reds of the sky—it’s beautiful.
“This is … wow … this is really pretty, Hao,” you say, and his hold on you tightens for a second before letting go so he can turn around. He walks over to one of the boxes, rummaging through its contents before pulling out a few linen sheets and a lantern, setting it down on the rugs.
“Come, sit,” he instructs as he lays out the sheets, placing the light on top. You follow, smoothing your robes before sitting next to him and leaning into his shoulder so he can wrap an arm around you. Looking up, you watch the sky turn into a hue of orange so deep and vibrant that it’s nearly red.
“You really can’t get a view like this from the castle,” you say with a sigh as Minghao uses one hand to light up the lantern.
He hums in response, pressing a kiss to the temple of your head. “Yeah, I know. I’ve been meaning to bring you here for a while.” You turn to look up at him with a big grin, finally pressing a soft kiss to his lips. It’s short and sweet, and although you really are aching for more, you suppose you’ll settle for this right now. After all, you do have all night.
“This is beautiful,” Minghao tells you when you pull away, fingers brushing over the golden hairpin you stuck into your updo early in the morning.
“Eunji picked it out for me…”
He smiles at you gently, hands disappearing into the folds of his robe. “I love it. I actually wanted to show you something,” he says, pulling out a small object clasped in his hands.
Opening it up in front of you, on his palm sits a shiny, finger shaped accessory, gleaming with a hue that perfectly matches your hairpin. It vaguely resembles the figure of Minghao’s own fingers, and you run your fingers over the cool metal, tracing over the delicate patterns carved in.
“What’s this?”
“A prize. The kingdom was holding a competition for the different demonstration units, and as the leader of the unit that won, I was made this,” he explains, rubbing his own fingers over the accessory. Wordlessly, he slips it onto his middle finger and holds it up in front of you to see it more closely. As your vision zones in on the golden piece, you notice a shift in Minghao's eyes—a darkening intensity.
“Hao,” you whisper quietly, and then he’s bringing the decorated finger up to your face and pressing the cool metal against your lips. Gasping, you lean forward instinctively, your mouth wrapping around the piece instinctively. His hand in your mouth, you can smell him, although the taste of iron against your tongue is unfamiliar. New, but not unpleasant.
“You have no idea,” Minghao begins to say, pressing his fingers down on your tongue firmly, “how long I’ve been thinking about this.” You can’t respond, not with the way your mouth is stuffed, but you honestly don’t need to. The way your tongue swirls over his digits and teeths at the accessory is enough to tell Minghao that you’ve been aching for this just as long as he has. “Do you want to…try something?” he asks tentatively, slipping his slick fingers out carefully.
You don’t need to think about your answer, not with Minghao. You’d trust him no matter what, follow him anywhere, let him do anything to you. Your fingers toy with the ribbons of your robes as you nod eagerly, and he helps you untie them from your side. The cloth hangs loose from your shoulders now, the gap at your chest spreading now and leaving you bare.
The golden piece is still on his fingers, and as he trails his hands down the curve of your tits, pressing against your stomach and dipping in between your legs, Minghao watches your face contort into pleasure. The cool metal pressing against your warm cunt has your soft breaths turning into harsh pants as you grab his firm bicep, legs spreading instinctively.
Quickly, you glance around you, but Minghao quells your worries when he presses his lips against your neck and murmurs, “Don’t worry angel, we’re too high up for anyone to see.” His fingers are gliding between your folds as he sucks against your neck, and you know he wants to be sweet with you, wants to take his time, wants to be the patient gentleman he is, but it’s been far too long.
“Minghao,” you moan when his thumb brushes against your clit. “Wanna feel you,” your murmur, nudging his face in the crook of your neck with your own. He chuckles into your skin, licking a hot stripe over your skin before nodding. It hardly takes him a second before he’s circling your slick hole and pressing in.
The hard accessory is a new feeling—this isn’t the same as the familiar pads of Minghao’s long fingers rubbing against your plush walls, but you can’t say you don’t like it. Whining into his mouth as he kisses you, your hands roam Minghao’s body, tugging at the ropes of his robe around his torso.
As you aimlessly try to shuffle his robe off of him, Minghao starts to plunge his fingers in and out. Shrugging his robe off his shoulders, you’re finally able to press your palms against his hard chest, breaking away from the kiss so you can admire him. “You like it?” he asks amusedly as your mouth hangs wide open when he presses his fingers in extra deep with one thrust. Your head lolls back heavily, the finger piece adding an extra layer of thickness that you aren’t used to.
“Feels s’good,” you say softly, the moans getting caught in your throat when he speeds up his movements. “Love your fingers …” You take a deep breath before continuing. “Love y—you!” you whimper unexpectedly when you feel your orgasm creep up on you unexpectedly quickly.
“Are you gonna cum, princess?” Something about the way Minghao calls you princess is different from others. Maybe it’s the way he isn’t calling you that because you are the princess, but because you are his princess. His sweet girl, falling apart at the palm of his hand as he rubs your sensitive nub and continues to finger fuck you until you moan his name. His name falls from your lips like honey, sweet and thick as he kisses you passionately and doesn’t stop working you through your orgasm until you’re squirming in his hold and pawing at his pants.
Slipping out his fingers, Minghao holds the shiny accessory up, and it seems to shimmer even more now, coated in your wetness and reflecting the pretty red tint of the sky. Gently pulling the piece off his finger, he sets it to the side. “How was it?”
You smile hazily, still recovering from your much awaited orgasm. “I loved it … felt different but I loved it,” you tell him honestly, shuffling over on his lap as your robe falls completely off your body, leaving you in nothing but panties. Minghao’s breath hitches at the sight, and you grin as your fingers make their way to the firm waistband of his brown pants.
He’s quick to catch on, enveloping your lips in a kiss as he pulls his pants and boxers off in one go, hard cock springing free and hitting your thigh lightly. You feel the warm precum leak against your skin as you shift closer, your stomach pressing against his now that you’re both completely bare and more desperate than ever.
Minghao's arms wrap around your torso, one hand going down to line his thick tip up with your folds, letting himself get coated in your wetness. "You ready, angel?" he asks when your mouths break apart from each other, his pretty lips red and swollen. Your eyebrows pinch together when you feel his cock prodding at your entrance and you nod vigorously. “Words, princess, use your words.”
“Yes, Hao, ‘m ready,” you moan when you feel him press against you, letting your head fall to his shoulder. “So ready, so, so ready,” you continue, not being able to control yourself when you press your own hips down. Minghao gasps at the feeling of you sinking on him, warm walls hugging his cock and fuck, he realizes how much he missed you.
Realizes just how much his fist falls short of your perfect pussy—long nights of being without you so he to resort to jerking himself off to the thought of you but none of that compared to the feeling of you whining his name on top of him, hands clutching at his arms as you try to adjust to his size.
You’re also having your own moment of epiphany now too—realization that your fingers were not enough, and will never be enough. At least, not after you’ve felt Hao’s cock inside of you—one thrust in and he’s already hitting all the right spots and having you writhe on top of him.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Minghao groans when your ass settles fully on his lap, his cock pressed into you, balls deep, as your fingers lace into his hair and grab at his soft locks.
“Oh—oh m-my god, Hao,” you whimper when he shifts inside of you. The pain that once came from his size is now morphing into a white, hot pleasure that ripples through your spine as you lift your hips up halfway before letting them fall back down. “So—s’big,” you gasp out when his fat tip nudges against your cervix.
Minghao feels his cock twitch inside of you at your words, using his hands to guide your body so you can move and bounce on top of him with less effort. Your cunt is so tight around him and his eyes press shut tightly when he hears you call out his name. “Doin’ so good for me princess,” he praises when you roll your hips against his.
Both of your movements aren’t fast nor extravagant but it’s the way he’s so close to you, skin melting into one other as you share your breath and exchange moans. Bodies moving in sync as you drink in the velvety moans, your nose nuzzles into his when your thighs start to cramp up. “Hao …” you call out as his cock punches the air out of your lungs. “…’m tired,” you mewl, your hips stuttering into his.
His hand cradles your neck as you both still, murmuring, “I got you angel.” Swiftly, Minghao flips you over so your back is pressed against the sheets and he’s on top of you, arms on either side of your head to hold himself up. One hand comes up to hold your cheek as he starts to move again, taking control of the thrusts now.
Stroking your cheekbone with his thumb, he ruts his hips into yours, cock and pussy jamming together in a sloppy mess as you feel that knot in your tummy start to tie up again. “Missed you s’much,” you confess as heat flourishes through your body.
“Missed you too angel,” Minghao returns almost immediately, letting the snap of his hips become more sharp and forceful, your body jerking back and forth with each movement. Your eyes flicker between Hao’s pretty face, coated in a sheen layer of sweat, and the night sky that begins to loom into a dark purple, revealing the stars. “Gonna have to fuck you every single night now that I’m back,” he grunts when you squeeze around him extra tight, letting himself drop down onto his elbows.
You shudder at the idea of having Hao’s cock inside of you every night, and you aren’t sure if your pussy can handle the pleasure. “I’ll—fuck—” you gasp between the words, “—I’ll sneak you in e-every night.”
“Yeah? Eunji’s not gonna get mad when she sees your door locked every morning?” he chuckles, bringing a hand down to rub at your clit.
“Don’t care,” you mutter, biting down on your lip as your feel the knot being pulled and tugged inside you. “Fuck—Hao, ‘m so close, so, so close … Are you close?” you ask dazedly, lips puffy and eyes wide as you look up at him. And looks so sexy with the way his brown eyes watch you intently, his muscles flexing with every movement and Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he tries to hold off his own orgasm.
“Yeah, ‘m close angel, your pussy so good,” he slurs as he meets your lips for a tongue tying kiss. And slowly and carefully, you both start to unwind, your orgasm hitting you first from the overstimulation of your first that never quite ebbed away, Minghao’s following suit as you let out whimpers moans of his name into his mouth, cock twitching before filling you to the brim with his thick ropes of cum.
Your ears ring of white noise for the next few moments as thrash against Minghao, your bodies melting into one until he finally breaks away from your lips, leaving you both as a tangled mess of limbs. You’re breathing heavily into each other and you can’t quite comprehend what’s going on until he whispers your name into your ear, eyes shooting back to life.
“I love you,” he murmurs, kissing your earlobe before lifting his head so he can look at you intently.
“I love you,” you say, without a second of hesitation. He’s still inside of you, and now you’re hyper-aware of the growing mess that sits between your legs. Minghao kisses your nose as you look down when he finally slips out of you, a small noise of complaint leaving your lips. Inhaling deeply, you sit up. “You’re going to live up to that promise, you know,” you say shyly when he looks at you, sitting up as well to grab his robe. “You know … every single night.”
Minghao grins. “Of course I will.”
“Can I hold you to that?” you ask slyly, intertwining your fingers with his.
Minghao rolls his eyes, palm pressing against yours. “Guess we’ll just have to try ‘n’ find out.”
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thelargefrye · 7 months
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pairing : karina x idol!f!reader (platonic) ; poly!ateez x idol!f!reader (romantic)
genre : idol au, comedy, fluff, best friends
word count : 2k ... this was suppose to be short
warnings : language
time : december 2021
in which karina finds out about your relationship with the boys.
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if you had to pick one idol that was your best friend aside from the boys, you would pick karina. you and her connected and got along well immediately.
however, despite being so close with her, you haven't told her about your relationship with the boys. not because you don't trust, but more so because you were worried about how she react. granted your relationship wasn't the most conventional in the world.
so you decided that you would never tell her.
which seemed to work well for the most part. except for the fact that she was trying to figure out who you liked because you had to like someone.
it was during award show season and karina had beckoned you over to sit with her and the other girls. karina beamed a bright smile as you sat down and she happily shared the blanket she was using to cover her legs with you.
"did you see stray kids perform?" she asked and you had to stop yourself rolling your eyes at her quesiton. oh boy, here we go.
"i did," you answer, suddenly being aware of all the thousand of eyes around you both.
"annnnd?" she asked, nudging you a little bit.
"they were cool."
"ugh, you are literally no fun, unnie," she pouted making you laugh at her expression.
"their not my type," you simply tell and she gives you a rather deadpanned look that once again makes you laugh.
"you say that about everyone."
"right... because they're not my type," right after you say that, you are greeted with the sight of your boyfriends walking up to the seating area. you try your best to not look at them, still aware of the camera; however, you look up and make eye contact with seonghwa and you can't help the little wave you give him. he return your wave with a smile as he walks past you.
unfortunately, you soon regret that as karina had seen the wave and how you immediately got shy and flustered by seonghwa.
"oh. me. gee. you like seonghwa!" she whisper shouts, eye about to pop out of her head.
"hush!" you say looking at her with surprise. "i don't need all of korea to know," you tell her and you see the gears in her head begin to turn.
you were thankfully that you thought quickly in that moment, "pretending" to have a crush on seonghwa so she would leave you alone about your relationship. you mean... it wasn't like you were lying about having a crush on seonghwa, you really did, but what she didn't know is that you were already dating him.
it was fine. she wouldn't drag this out... would she?
you were wrong.
she did drag it out and also managed to get her members involved.
it was probably about a few weeks later when karina stopped by your dressing room, an excited smile on her face.
"do you care if i borrow her for a little bit?" karina asks eunji, your manager, who allows you to go off with your friend.
"just be back before you have to go on stage," she says and you nod your head allowing karina to drag you off towards her group's dressing.
"why does this look like an intervention?" you joke when you see the other aespa girls sitting in their dressing room, waiting for you both. you and karina come in and sit down with them, all four girls looking at you with wide, expecting eyes. as if waiting for you to tell them something. "what?"
"why didn't you tell us you liked seonghwa-sunbaenim?" winter questions you like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
oh. this is what this is about. you looked over to karina, faking a betrayed glare before turning back to winter.
"well... it just never really came up," you say with a shrug, unsure of what to say.
"you have to talk to him!" ningning spoke up excitedly. "i just know he feels the same about you," she adds with a beaming smile.
"how do you know?" you ask with a laugh.
"because we've noticed how he sneaks glances at you all. the. time," giselle speaks up, "he thinks no one notices but we do."
"ugh, i was the one that pointed it out to you," karina says, offended. "he looks at you like you are the literally light of his life."
"that's how he always looks," you say and you aren't wrong. that's just how beautiful and bright seonghwa's eyes always are.
"no, no, no– this is different," winter says, waving her hands in front of her as if to get you to understand them. "he looks at you like he's in love with you." well, she's not wrong. "so you definitely need to talk to him."
you let out a sigh knowing that they won't drop this until they physically see you talking with seonghwa. "okay, fine."
the four girls let out a cheer as they stand up from their seats, clapping and high-fiving each other.
"let's go do it right now!" karina says, pulling you from your seat and dragging you out of their waiting room.
you were really starting to regret this, you think as you walk down the hallway by yourself. karina hiding behind a corner, watching as you walked up to seonghwa and hongjoong who were at one of the vending machines.
"hey, guys," you say and you note how nervous you feel. knowing that your friend was watching you try to talk to the two older males.
hongjoong beams at you first, looking up from his drink to you with his bright smile. "hey jagiya," he says. he doesn't try to lean in for a hug, well aware that you all are still in public with prying eyes. you were honestly surprised he called you the endearing name.
"hey, joongie, hwa," you say as you fiddle with the lace of your shorts. your eyes flicker between your two boyfriends and hongjoong immediately notices your nervousness. his hand coming up to massage your shoulder before letting his hand trail down your back.
"you okay, baby?" hongjoong asks softly and you nod your head before licking your chapped lips. that's when seonghwa finally looks up at you, eyes just as concerned as hongjoong's.
"i'm fine," you say as you straighten your outfit out and you note how seonghwa's eye flicker over you before their meeting your own. "just... a little nervous is all."
"ah, baby," seonghwa says with a smile, his hand reaching for yours before he's pulling you into his embrace. you have to stop yourself from fully melting into his hold, remembering that karina is at the other end, watching. "you'll do great during your performance. you've worked so hard."
if only it was your performance that you were nervous about.
"yeah... um, so karina also stopped by my dressing room earlier," you tell them and they both look at you with amused eyes. they knew all about the female idol trying to set you up with other idols. they found it just as funny as you found it affectionately annoying.
"and?" hongjoong prompts you to continue.
"well..." you begin trailing off, "i might have told her that i had a crush on seonghwa at the last award show, and now she's wanting me to talk to you." seonghwa couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the news, "her and her members are convinced that you are in love with me."
"well, they're not wrong," he says giving you a smile. you know this is feeding his ego and he's eating it all up right now. you can't help but roll your eyes a little bit, and for a quick moment you forgot about karina as you got absorbed in your two boyfriends.
"our pretty muse has all the admirers," hongjoong teases as he wraps an arm around your waist. he gives your waist a comfortable squeeze before he's giving you a kiss to your temple.
"joongie," you grumble and seonghwa laughs before he's leaning down to press a quick kiss to your lips.
"you can tell karina that you succeeded in talking with me," he teases and that's when it finally comes back to you. you let out a startled gasps as you back away from hongjoong's hold, both males looking equally as shocked. "what's wrong?"
you don't say anything as you whip your head around to see karina at the end of the hallway. mouth agape and in complete shock like you are your boyfriends are. you had completely forgotten she was there, watching.
"fuck," you mumble under your breath as you take off down the hallway, leaving hongjoong and seonghwa to try and wrap their heads around what just happened.
karina is stuttering in an attempt to speak as you near her, but you don't let her say anything as you pull her away and into the nearest empty room.
"y-y-you and... WHAT!?" you cringe at her loudness before covering her mouth with your hand.
"i will explain, but you need to promise to never tell anyone. that includes the other girls okay?" you say, voice as serious as you can make it. karina only nods, eye wide in shock as you remove your hand.
"the reason i always avoided your questions about who i like is because i've been dating someone... ones for several years now."
"ones? so you're dating both hongjoong and seonghwa?" she asks, eyebrow raised in confusion.
"not... not just hongjoong and seonghwa," you begin and she urges you to continue with a nod of her head. "i'm dating all the members of ateez and they are also dating each other."
you never thought karina could be made speechless, but here you are looking at her as no words come out of her mouth.
"i'm sorry i never told you, but... you have to understand that its not really something i can just tell people," you explain and still she says nothing.
"jimin?" you call her by her real name and that seems to snap her out of her shock.
"that's... not what i was expecting. all eight of them?" she asks.
"all eight."
"wow, i think i need to sit down," she says and you are quick to pull out a chair for her.
the two of you sit in silence for a few moments until its broken by a soft knock on the door. you both turn to see it opening and hongjoong poking his head in, a shy smile on his face as he greets you both. you just see seonghwa standing behind him.
"you guys can come in, i told her," you say as your two boyfriends come in both a lot more sheepishly than they were earlier.
"i guess it makes sense," she comments earning your attention. "i always thought it was odd how they all looked at you the same way seonghwa did. i thought maybe you all were just close friends or something which would have explained why i've seen some of them in your dorm. but now... knowing you're all dating, its like... i don't know."
"jimin, i'm sorry i didn't tell–
"no, i understand why. this is a big secret and sometimes its hard to know who to trust in this industry," she says, cutting you off as she stands up and in front of you. "thank you for telling me." she adds and you feel your heart flutter at her smile.
you can't help but pull her into your arms to hug her. you immediately feel ten times better when she returns the hug, and you have to stop yourself from suddenly wanting to cry.
when the two of you pull away, you turn to look at hongjoong and seonghwa who are smiling softly at you having watched the interaction unfold. you smile at them before pulling the two of them into a hug as well.
when you break away that's when karina speaks up, "listen here, if any of you hurt y/n-unnie, then i will make sure you live the rest of life in eternal hell," she threatens before pulling you to her and then skipping out of the room.
you note how pale your two boyfriends are right as the door closes behind you two and you continue back down the hallway. leaving them alone once again.
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @invuwrld @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
252 notes · View notes
cafemilk-tea · 5 months
We’ll be okay
❒ pairing - evelyn x mingyu
❒ word count - 1.5K
❒ synopsis - the aftermath of the d*spatch news
⚠️ angst
🏷️ taglist - @justmochi @ateezjuliet @itzy-eve @cosmicwintr @billboard-singer @kimhyejin3108 @cixrosie @enhacolor @allthings-fandoms @mingis-wrld @kmgfeels @peachyaeger @choihaneul @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3
(a/n prepare your tissues everyone. im so sorry </3)
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Evelyn hummed a little tune to herself as she dropped the towel she used to dry her hair off into the hamper in her bedroom. After getting home from the airport, she had wanted nothing more than to simply take a hot shower and relax.
A small pout formed on her lips when she had finally taken notice that the apartment was way too quiet for her liking. She was picking Winnie and Bleu up tomorrow from Seungcheol’s place on his recommendation so she wasn’t stressing herself out having to rush to pick them up even though she had missed them terribly and wanted nothing more than to snuggle with her fur babies.
She turned on her heels quickly when the sound of her phone buzzing on the coffee table in the living room and the familiar jingle of her ringtone echoed throughout the apartment. Sliding in on the hardwood floor, she fumbled around for her phone, smiling when Seungcheol’s name and picture flashed across the screen. She fell back onto the couch as she answered the call, throwing her feet up on the coffee table in the process.
“Are my children causing you havoc, Cheolie?” She made herself laugh as she wiggled further down into the couch, “They’re my little angels they could never-.”
Seungcheol took a deep breath on the other side of the line, swallowing thickly before simply cutting her off, “Eunji, I need to talk to you urgently and I wanted to be the one that called you before you saw it for yourself.”
Evelyn pinched her eyebrows together as she pouted her lips outwards, picking at the fringe on her sweater. He sounded a little too serious to be playing a prank on her but she couldn’t quite tell what he was worked up over. His tone held that leadery tone that he used very seldomly and that’s when she knew something wasn’t right, “What’s up? Did something happen?”
“Eunji-,” He paused on the other side of the line, “Firstly, I want you to know that I’m so sorry that this has happened. I-I don’t know how but we will find out, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Cheol, please you’re scaring me.”
She took her legs off the coffee table to sit up straighter, gnawing on her bottom lip as she waited for him to continue his speech. She leaned forward to allow her elbows to dig into her knees in what she could only describe as anticipation? Fear? Maybe a little of both?
“Dispatch…You and Mingyu…They- someone told them about you two-.”
Her face drained from its color as the blood in her body ran frigid. Her ears were ringing so badly to the point that she could barely hear Seungcheol talking anymore. The firm grip she had on her phone tightened as she tried her best to keep it pressed to her ear, her other hand flying to her mouth out of complete shock.
“I’ve talked to Mingyu right before I called you and he’s on his way over.” It felt like he was speaking to her from a thousand yards away.
It was getting harder to speak, her throat felt like it was closing in on itself with the lump that jumped up into it, “H-How did-?”
His voice carried a heavy weight to it as he spoke to her. She could hear his footsteps on the other end, Seungcheol saying hello to someone and then a car door closing, “I’m not sure, Eunji. Manager-nim just picked me up and we’re heading straight to the company to see what we can sort out. You and Mingyu will probably be called in by them as well, but don’t be afraid, alright? Every single one of us has both of your backs.”
Her whole body felt numb to the touch with the feeling that she was going to be sick creeping up the back of her throat. It was hard being an idol in a relationship in this kind of industry. Wanting to keep the relationship a secret was always something she knew she wanted, knowing the exact outcome if anyone had found out. And of course, the world just happened to be against her on what some people wait an entire year for just to get their hands on the newly outed Dispatch couple; the good, the bad, and the ugly.
“I’ll call you back once I hear something,” Seungcheol’s voice dropped with sadness when she let out a dry gasp on her end, “And please for your sake, don’t go online, promise?”
Evelyn’s eyes clamped shut as all she could do to answer him was hum her response. She couldn’t give him that promise. She ended the call with him, dropping her phone into her lap and running her hands through her hair.
Tears pricked her eyes as a dry sob finally left her mouth, picking her phone up and her thumbs flying to type her name into the Naver search bar. She swallowed down the lump in her throat as she stood up from the couch to pace around her apartment, clicking on the first article she found.
‘Thanks to the work of Dispatch, Seventeen’s Evelyn and Mingyu are caught in a secret relationship extending a little over two years…’
Her vision was becoming blurry as she scrolled down the article, her eyes glossing over countless hidden pictures taken of the two of them in secret locations. She bit the inside of her cheek hard when she scrolled to the comment section and choked on air as she skimmed through the thousands of comments left behind by netizens.
“[+74, 0] #PledisRemoveEvelynFromSVT”
“[+36, 0] Is that girl for real?”
“[+53, -2] Seventeen is thirteen after this s**t”
“[+19, 0] Seriously, this girl has no shame. She’s going to drag Kim Mingyu down the more she hangs onto him.”
“[+6, 0] This b***h is crazy going after Mingyu. Dating your own group member is a little nasty?”
“[+22, -1] Protest trucks are on the way demanding for her removal ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Fingers crossed this one works.”
Her phone slips from her grip, clattering onto the floor below most definitely leaving a crack or two across the screen. Tears flowed from her eyes in steady streams down her cheeks, droplets falling onto her hands as she stared at the floor below. All this over finding that one person and being in love?
She didn’t even hear the front door opening until it was falling close behind the person. She knew who it was without even having to turn around. Her bottom lip quivered as she turned to face Mingyu, roughly wiping at her face with the sleeve of her sweater.
“Baby-,” Mingyu choked out as he reached her in three strides, pulling her into his chest firmly as she finally broke down guttural sobs. Her shaking hands came up from where she had them balled up at her sides to clutch at his shirt in tight fists.
Mingyu kissed the top of her head before making himself smaller and lowering his face into the crook of her neck, his breathing coming out in shaky waves.
“I-I’m sorry,” It felt like all the air inside her lungs had given out, “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t say that. You’ve done nothing wrong, Evie.”
“I-It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t-,” She choked out another sob and Mingyu tightened the hold that he had on her, “I didn’t mean it, I swear.” He fought back his own tears as he listened to her speak, wanting to be strong for her.
“I don’t want to ruin your career Gyu, you love this job way too much for me to tear it all down.” She didn’t think it would hurt this much. To her, it was her fault. If she hadn’t developed her crush on his all those years ago, they wouldn’t be in this position today.
“Evie, I love my job with you in it.”
“The netizens t-they-.”
“Let them all talk, say what they have to say. You and I both know the truth and that’s all we need,” Mingyu’s grip tightened on her again, wrapping her in his warmth, “They can go fuck themselves for all I care.”
He waited until she was calmed down enough and ready to be pulled back, moving his hands up to cup around her face. The pads of his thumbs swiped underneath her eyes to collect the buildup of tears from falling down their path. Her watery eyes found his eyes as they were filled with copious amounts of sadness from seeing her in this state.
“Baby, please listen to me.”
Her bottom lip trembled again as he gently tilted her head upwards to properly gain her attention.
“I’m still the same me and you’re still the same you, right? Nothing has nor will it ever change, okay? I love and care about you and you only,” He pressed his lips firmly to her forehead and left them linger there for a few moments before pulling away and pressing his forehead against hers, “We’ll be okay. I’m not going anywhere.”
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hwaslayer · 11 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | one.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 4.1k
—chapter warning: cussing/mature language, insecurities/overthinking, yunho also has some slight insecurities, seonghwa and sneaky links, hyunjin (skz) and yeonjun (txt) are part of oc's friend/dance group
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Seonghwa doesn't really like to text or call you unless it's convenient for him. There are days where you two can engage in a normal conversation, days where Seonghwa will call you to apologize for whatever he did wrong [he normally doesn't know, but he'll do it so you aren't angry anymore], days where Seonghwa will send something that 'made him think of you' and it puts a smile on your face.
So, you do the same.
Except, it's another one of those days or nights where your texts to him go unanswered. Call unanswered. It most likely means one thing and one thing only, but you don't really wanna go there as much as you know you should.
Now, you feel dumb. You feel like you shouldn't have sent him that stupid bunny video or sent him that gameplay clip. He probably read it and tossed it aside as if it were nothing. Or maybe, he just forgot to respond. Cause that happens, right? But if it happens often, should you even cut him that slack anymore?
As you step out of the car with Seungmin, you catch a glimpse of Seonghwa stepping out of his car with another senior— another girl. Her name is Eunji, you think. Or is it Hyeri? You're not sure, you don't have much connection to the seniors besides Seonghwa.
He doesn't even go that far with you on campus.
People know you two have a casual thing going on, but of course, he doesn't go around flaunting it. He doesn't say much about you, doesn't always acknowledge you. And people brush it off because it's Seonghwa.
It's how he is.
That must be how things go with him.
After all, you've agreed to be casual, to be a body— a number to him.
Silly, Y/N.
You should've just gone there; you should've just accepted the fact so this would hurt a little less.
"You have literature, right? In the library?" Seungmin knows what you're focused on, so he tries to divert your attention before you fall too deep in your thoughts. A little too late, but you appreciate Seungmin for always catching on.
"Yeah. Ugh, dread that class so much." You scroll through your phone again, hoping you just missed a text. Nothing.
"Sorry. It'll be over soon." He tries to reassure you. "I'll walk with you."'
"Statistics?" You look up at him and he nods. "Soobin's already there?"
"Hope so. Science building isn't too far from the library." Seungmin does a slight head nod. "Just not sure how he still manages to be late sometimes." You chuckle and shrug.
"Those labs can run late."
"Touché. It shouldn't take him more than 5 minutes to jog over though."
"Cut him some slack."
"Nah." Seungmin clicks his teeth. "That's how we lose the best seats in class. In the back." He sighs. "Anyway, meet you after class? Is Chaery just gonna meet us at the studio later since she doesn't have class?"
"Yeah, think so." You swing the door open to the library and drag yourself up the steps, dread and anxiety settling into the pits of your stomach. Not only did you despise this class, but now, you felt like your thoughts were everywhere. Hopefully, you'll be able to push them aside once your professor steps through the door. You can't afford to get another bad grade on an assignment.
Wishful thinking.
Because you're incredibly distracted, even as class starts— even as Dr. Nelson puts on the remaining few minutes of the movie you started last class. You can't help but think about the situation you've gotten yourself into with Seonghwa, and why you suddenly felt so.. out of place. It felt so unusual, so far out of reach. The only thing you can admit is that you're holding on because of how many months it's been. It may not mean much to him, but to you, time is always precious, always valuable. Sure, you might have been able to hold onto him much longer than his past flings. Sure, he calls you his baby. Sure, he knows how to do you right when you're alone. But, how much longer can you keep making excuses for him?
What exactly are you holding onto at this point? A pile of empty promises that sit on shaky foundation?
You are worth more than that.
Silly, Y/N.
You look up a few times to pay some attention to the movie, doodling on your notebook in between scenes. Luckily, the last 30 minutes of the movie goes by much quicker than you expect. One minute, you're attempting to draw the prettiest building on campus; the next, Dr. Nelson is shutting off the movie before directing his attention back to the class.
"Alright, please take this time to discuss your thoughts on the movie with the person next to you and get started on your review if you'd like. It'll be due next class and I expect to see some detailed reviews with references to at least 3 scenes." Yunho's eyes subtly drift towards you, down to your notebook, then back up to you. He can tell something's bothering you, and if he could take a wild guess, he'd probably assume it's from the other night. This feels difficultly awkward because you're the only person next to him and he has to engage in conversation with you even though it's obvious you're not really up to it.
"So.. what did you think about the movie?" The deep voice next to you pulls you out of your thoughts, causing you to slowly turn your head towards him. The voice belongs to none other than senior, Jeong Yunho, who awkwardly [yet patiently] waits for your answer. You had no idea Yunho had slipped into the seat next to you this entire time— clearly distracted by your mind, your worries. He sits with a curious expression, though it's soft and nothing hostile. Your eyes quickly observe him; he's in this black tee, black cargo joggers, Nike Georgetown dunks and a backwards black hat. You had always thought Jeong Yunho was attractive, but he was incredibly quiet and reserved. Not much of a social butterfly, you suppose. Just didn't like getting close to people and always had his head down in the books. Super smart and at the top of the class. Not a mean bone in his body even though he seemed like he could be mean, intimidating.
He just.. enjoyed his own company.
"I, uh—" You pause. "Thought it was pretty intense." What else can you say? You were only stuck with this literature class because you needed an elective to fill up credits. "What about you?"
"Same. I thought it was more saddening, though. You can definitely tell they tried to incorporate as much of the book in the movie as possible, especially with Elizabeth's emotions. I'd say they did a good job of portraying the repercussions of her actions—" He goes on but he stops when he realizes you're staring at him blankly. "Mm, sorry, yeah that's about it."
"No, no. That's a good observation. I just don't know how to word my thoughts correctly." He nods.
"Understandable." He tears his eyes away from you to begin doodling in his own notebook.
"Sorry, I'm not that great at this. I hope you don't think I tried to discredit your thoughts or make you feel like I wasn't listening." His eyes shoot back up to you as he lets out a small chuckle.
"It's alright. It's not the most interesting topic of literature anyway."
"That review for homework is gonna take me forever." He's back to paying attention to his doodles at this point, but you decide to continue speaking anyway. "Hey, if you're not busy, do you.. think you could take a look at my review before it's due?"
"Me?" He asks just to make sure you were talking to him.
"Yes." You respond softly with a nod. "I mean, again. If you're not busy. I could just really use the support since I haven't done that great with the last assignments. I can't seem to paint the picture Dr. Nelson wants and you seem to have a good perspective that could help me."
"Uh, sure." He shrugs.
"I can just send it to you whenever I finish."
"Sounds good."
"Thanks for your help, Yunho." You say and he pauses doodling. Yunho wasn't even sure you knew his name, so hearing it roll off your tongue caught him by surprise. He wasn't even sure you could put the name to a face since this is the first class he's ever had with you. Yeah, he's a senior and people are bound to know him by now, but that wasn't exactly his expectation either. He just wanted to focus on school and get out of here, build his life and make his mom proud. You— you're pretty well known across campus due to how well you get along with people. It might not be everybody, but Yunho has heard about how nice you are and how endearing you and your friends are.
He's also heard about the other things, but he'd rather not think about all the personal shit people like to pass around about your 'relationship' with Seonghwa. It's not his business and he's not one to meddle.
"You're welcome, Y/N." You give him a small smile and return to your own books.
After discussion ends, the class is dismissed and you're off to the dance studio with your friends before your last class of the day. You gather your things together shortly after Yunho does, walking out of the classroom just to be greeted by the image of Seonghwa laughing and talking with that same girl in his class. You pause in your tracks, making Yunho stop behind you since you were slightly blocking the way to the stairs. You swallow the lump in your throat, feeling your chest tighten with the anxiety bubbling in your stomach yet once again—
"Y/N!" Soobin waves as he and Seungmin walk out of their own classroom next door.
"Hey." You step aside, finally giving Yunho some room to move past you. "Oh, sorry."
"You're good." Yunho says before rushing down the steps. To be honest, he feels a bit bad knowing what he's heard about you two. He caught the way you froze just because Seonghwa was around another girl. He doesn't talk to him, but it doesn't take much for Yunho to know that he's the biggest asshole he has ever come across. He's cool with Seonghwa's bestfriend Mingi, and on occasion, he has brought up the things Seonghwa has done. He's not sure how Seonghwa could work through a whole list of girls, hurting them and dumping them off to the side when he's decided he's finished. Especially you— stringing you along for months, keeping you around like you're special to him when you're clearly not.
You know this, so why don't you leave?
Yunho doesn't understand and won't try to. He just knows you deserve better than Seonghwa. You must have tried so hard to be that girl who could change him. Sad how that worked out for you and the rest of the girls who thought the same.
"What's wrong?" Soobin looks at you, confused. You shake your head and start to lead the way towards the recreation center, head hung low.
"Nothing. Just tired." Soobin and Seungmin shrug as they follow.
"Well, how was class?" Seungmin chimes in.
"We just finished the movie and had a discussion. Definitely not looking forward to the review I have to do for homework. I'm so tired of Dr. Nelson chewing my head off for not being descriptive enough. What more does he want from me? I'm trying." You groan a bit.
"Why don't you just ask him for help, Y/N?"
"No, he's mean."
"Okay, then why don't you ask someone in class to review your stuff before sending it in?"
"I did. I asked Yunho."
"The senior, Jeong Yunho?" Soobin asks. "Random, but okay."
"I didn't even realize he sat next to me in class until he started talking to me during the discussion."
"He's pretty quiet. I'm surprised he even talked to you." Seungmin adds.
"Mm, he kinda had to.” You chuckle a bit. “But, he agreed to look over my review. He was really into the movie we watched. I felt bad. He was trying to explain his thought process and I probably looked so confused and uninterested."
"Ah, no biggie. I'm sure he didn't think of it that way. You'll be fine."
"Hope so." You pout a bit. As the three of you exit, Seonghwa is still lingering around with that girl, Mingi and San. They seem to be having a good time, laughing off to the side of the library entrance and talking loudly. When your eyes meet his, he doesn't do much to acknowledge you, nor do his friends.
Per usual.
Quite frankly, this is how you two are in public, on campus. Mingi and San would never say shit, even if they [somehow] didn't agree with Seonghwa's doings. Seonghwa likes to keep things distant, hidden, so he can make room for the next girls he's after— even if he strings you along.
They let him.
You let him.
It's funny [more dumb than anything] how quick he drains your mood. Soobin and Seungmin are no strangers to this whole thing. Being that they're your bestfriends and roommates, they know everything. They know the triggers. They know how long he's strung you along, they know how he treats you, they know that no matter how much they try to tell you to leave him alone— you won't. And that's what sucks the most. Because they don't ever wanna see you hurt, no. But who are they to tell you what to do and not to do? They can't force you, even if though it's clear this is no good for you.
He is no good for you.
"Y/N, come on. Don't worry about him." Soobin lets out a sigh.
"He's such an asshole, you know? Don't you get tired?" Seungmin chimes in after what he saw this morning, annoyed at how Seonghwa could treat you like an object so easily.
"Min, not now. She still has another class to get to later today."
"I'm just saying."
"No, he's right." You say softly before looking at Seungmin. "You're right. I just.. don't know. It's my own problem, I guess. But yeah, I do get tired."
"Leave him. He's full of shit." Seungmin says. "You know how I feel about it, he doesn't deserve you. That's all."
"Alright, well enough of that." Soobin says, worried that this will keep steer your focus away for the remainder of the day. And to be honest, it'll continue to. But, what can you do? You just haven't had enough courage to step away. It's the fucking hold Seonghwa has on you. It's like every time you think about ending it and walking away for good, he comes back around, whispering sweet nothings to keep you close;
Making you forget about every single thing you had ever thought about.
"The showcase is coming up. We need to finalize the last of our piece so that we can just clean for the remainder of the time until then." Soobin says as a reminder to pull you and Seungmin away from the awfully painful and awkward topic. You and your friends started your own dance group on campus, slowly gaining popularly and invites to perform at certain events on campus after you and your group took it upon yourselves to grab small opportunities to perform around town and at the nearby mall.
It's not a huge dance group, but it was still a good group. It consisted of all your good friends, with Soobin being the captain, making sure all logistics and the timeline of practices/events were followed thoroughly. There weren't any seniors involved, more of you and your junior friends, a handful of sophomores, a sprinkle of a few freshmen, handful of mutual friends outside of school. This is also how Seonghwa found out about you. He saw you and your friends perform last semester's spring showcase, introducing himself with the sweetest compliments.
You're so talented.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of you.
If only you knew.
"We fucking did it!" Hyunjin yells. "They're literally screaming so loud for us out there!" He says happily as the show closes out. And you were proud too, so proud that your group was getting that kind of attention tonight. You all worked hard to create a piece that was completely different from before— something more aggressive, more hardcore and intense. Something other than the usual, just to show everybody that you all were capable of doing things differently.
You continue to hug your group mates, taking pictures with each other backstage until you all make your way outside to greet family members and other friends. While looking for your mom and older sister amongst the crowded lobby, someone else came into your view with a soft smile and a sparkle in their big eyes.
Park Seonghwa.
Maybe he was lost and looking for someone else?
You had heard so much about the senior, heard so much about how every single girl tries to grab his attention knowing damn well he doesn't do relationships and messes around. Though, you look at his face and you can understand why— he was so, so fucking beautiful. So attractive, perfectly built and tall. Had plump pink lips and a gorgeous smile with those pearly whites. His soft, black hair framed his face, while he wore iron grey contacts that brought out the shape of his eyes. But even then, you knew better than to get caught up with his antics. You lasted this long without getting wrapped up into his bullshit; you were hoping to continue the streak.
"Hey, Y/N right?" He asks with his hands in his pockets.
"Uh, yeah."
"Park Seonghwa. I know." You interrupt him and he smirks.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you that you did amazing up there. You're so talented, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you."
"Thanks." You give him a soft, shy smile as he continues to stare at you, observing you from head to toe.
"Y/N! Found your mom and sis! Let's go eat!" Soobin calls from behind, gesturing for you to come. You smile at your sister while your mom sits contently in her wheelchair. You turn to Seonghwa, who is surprisingly still standing there.
"I uh, should probably get going. But, thank you again."
"Wait." He tries to stop you. "Do you think I can grab your number? Maybe we can hang out some time, let me tag along during your practice or something?" You nod silently, taking his phone to plug in your number before handing it back to him. He gives your phone a quick call before ending it and tucking the phone back into his pocket. "That's me. Text you later?"
"Have a good rest of your evening, beautiful." You blush as you slowly turn on your heel, biting onto your bottom lip while walking towards your family and Soobin.
"What was that about?" Your older sister and mom tease.
"Nothing, he just wanted to congratulate me, is all."
"Sure, I didn't know that included asking for phone numbers." She giggles. "He's a cutie."
"Yeah, he is." You walk behind your mom and sister, only for Soobin to grab your wrist gently and give you a look.
"Please don't. You know how he is."
"It's harmless, Soob. I promise."
♣︎ END
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That afternoon, practice ends well, with Hyunjin and Yeonjun finishing up the choreography for the remainder of the piece that you would perform at the fall showcase. The rest of the weeks would focus on formation, cleaning and making sure everyone was on the same page before the showcase. It ends right before your 6PM class, leaving Soobin, Seungmin and Chaeryeong to linger around outside of the gym before parting ways with you. You slow your pace when your phone starts buzzing, signaling a few texts.
seonghwa: lol cute
seonghwa: sorry baby, just getting to these
seonghwa: come over?
You roll your eyes, though you'd end up seeing him anyway. This definitely had something to do with the way he saw you earlier after your class at the library. Such a silly fucking cycle, isn't it? But, this is your own doing.
you: have class till 8pm, remember?
seonghwa: right, sorry. i can come pick you up after, just wanna see you and spend time with you
you: okay, but please don't be late
seonghwa: ofc not, ill be there
"Hey, do you need me to wait? I know you tagged along with Soobin this morning." Chaery gently squeezes your arm and you shake your head. The boys are waiting ahead with their bags slung over their shoulders, sweat still glistening on their faces even in this unexpectedly cold afternoon.
"No, it's fine." You give her a look and she understands.
"You're seeing him, aren't you?" She asks lowly and you nod. "Okay, well he better fucking pick you up on time. Call me if he doesn't."
"I will. Don't worry." She gives you a reassuring smile.
"Love you, see you later?"
"Make sure they don't burn down the kitchen tonight since they offered to cook." She rolls her eyes.
"More like that'll end up being on me, watch." She gives you a look before your roommates are giving you one last goodbye.
The walk back to campus is rather lonely, with everyone you know already finished with classes for the day. You kick the rocks beneath your feet, tugging onto your jacket sleeves as you slowly take yourself to class. The wind is picking up already, making it known that the evening would be even colder.
You hope Seonghwa arrives at his usual pick up spot in time. Usually he does. Most occasions, he doesn't.
And the latter seems to be the case tonight. There haven't been any texts to indicate that he's on his way or that he's arrived, even as class ends. The wind is heavier now, the cold harsh enough to ache your bones. You didn't dress well for this after practice, nor did you properly know how to since the majority of the day consisted of perfectly warm weather.
This fucking sucks.
You slowly walk towards the spot after class, hoping it could by you some time— maybe [hopefully] Seonghwa would finally text you and tell you he was on his way. Yet, even as you get to the back of the recreation center, you still receive absolutely nothing. You sit at the bus stop behind the center and near the tennis courts, knowing Seonghwa usually comes to pick you up on this street since no one likes to park at the farthest back-end lot of the campus. The recreation center itself was already far away from the main campus buildings, so people didn't like taking that extra walk.
"Fuck, it's cold." You mutter to yourself as you dig your hands into your zip-up as much as possible, hoping to shield your hands from the cold. Your nose is starting to feel numb as you sniff away, checking both ends of the street for any sign of a car approaching.
chaery: he better have picked you up already or else i'm on my way, y/n
You sigh heavily at the text and respond.
you: yeah, i'm with him, it's fine.
chaeryeong: don't lie to me!
you: seriously. all good, babe. love you, see you later.
Meanwhile, as Yunho starts to cross the bridge to head into the back-end parking lot of the recreation center, he spots someone sitting at the nearby bus stop in the cold. He continues to tread slowly, head still fixated on your figure as he tries to get a better look at—
Its you.
Yunho doesn't realize until he gets to his car, lazily tossing his bag into his trunk. He knows it's you, even from afar. He's seen you sit in that same seat before, waiting for that punkass to pick you up. Unbelievable. Although you haven't talked much to each other, Yunho feels like he should at least ask if you're okay. Especially with the way you sweetly apologized to him in class [though he didn't particularly take offense to anything]. Before he could decide, his feet are already taking him over to the bus stop.
It's freezing, why the fuck were you out here waiting for Seonghwa?
Was he late?
Just as he reaches halfway across the lot, he pauses. A car pulls up to the side and you immediately stand to toss your bag in the back seat and climb into the passenger's. When you swing the passenger door open, he catches a quick glimpse of Seonghwa in a hoodie, watching as you climb in. Yunho must look pretty dumb, but he's still at a relatively good distance for you to even notice.
That goddamn prick can't even take a moment to open your door even after being late.
It's what he could do, at the very fucking least.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine​ @soupbinlily​ @tyongff-ff​ @jiminiscricket​ @g1g1l​ @staytinyinmybpack​ @woomyteez @gfksz​ @bitchwhytho​ @savluvsmingi​ @thisisntmyrightera​ @hyukssunflower​ @miriamxsworld​ @tmtxtf​ @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead​ @carrietwrites​ @tournesol155​ @persphonesorchid​ [bold = couldn’t tag!]
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knightyoomyoui · 2 months
Welcome to my new book that consists of one-shots under horror genre that features every TWICE members! If you are a ONCE and a fan of horror who loves to get spooked, give this series a try! Thank you and enjoy reading!
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STORY #1: "Auntie's Reminiscence" ft. Im Nayeon
NOTE: Inspired from true events.
Im Nayeon joins along with her family to pay a visit on her Auntie Eunji’s home. She was willing to go for two reasons: one is because its their group’s vacation after taking a rest from both in their concert tour and current mini-album promotions. The second thing is simply because she cherish her Auntie and the place their about to go through with all her heart.
Her Auntie Eunji’s house in Incheon was her childhood home, and Auntie Eunji along with her husband and Nayeon’s Uncle Hajoon were the ones who stood up as Nayeon’s second parents and family when her mother had to work often after she and her father got divorced. The two had children, a perfect replacement to be the sibling figure for an only child like Nayeon.
That’s one of the reasons why her childhood wasn’t bad at all. She still has another family to grow up and to enjoy with. Sadly, not everything last long when Nayeon had to move back with her parents to Seoul after she got accepted to an Arts School there to study. 
It’s been years since she last saw her Auntie Eunji and also her Uncle Hajoon. Although, sadly… despite how Nayeon was able to have another opportunity to catch up the lost times with her beloved auntie, it’s the opposite to tell for her uncle.
Her Uncle Hajoon passed away from diabetes months ago, and what’s worse was that she wasn’t able to attend the funeral because she was in the States preparing for their tour there at that time. She instead sent her deepest condolences to her family and especially to her Auntie Eunji who must be suffering the most.
The relationship between the two can be described as very strong and truly dedicated. Their love story was one of the best stories Nayeon has ever heard, and that was also the one who encouraged and put Nayeon into curiosity to know what is true love. No offense to her father and mother, but her young mimd grew up to idolize more the other couple.
She was just like among her family that mourned a lot for her Uncle Hajoon’s untimely passing, but it was undeniable that her Auntie Eunji was the one who suffered the most. Every day and night it would not be a circumstance that she won’t gonna cry in despair and grief realizing that her beloved husband will no longer be in her side forever.
Nayeon’s family reported to her that they also tried to console Auntie Eunji but it was then no effect for the grieving lady. Without any other choice, due to the struggle they had to call for a psychiatrist to help Auntie Eunji atleast have a progress on accepting the death of Hajoon.
And that’s what she’s currently experiencing, and along the days came where Nayeon is staying in her childhood home. She would then take a peek on her Auntie’s bedroom, and there she was, crying while either curled down on the bed or sitting while holding one of Hajoon’s things.
“Poor Auntie. I really wish she would finally let go of the pain and accept that Uncle’s truly gone. It may be hard for her but it’s the only way.” Nayeon whispered to herself while pouting at the sight of her devastated auntie.
But then one day, Nayeon’s wish seemed to be granted when while their family and relatives are having a lunch, her Auntie Eunji suddenly came down from her room and joined the meal, surprising every person present in the table. They know that it puts them into hard time urging her to join them for food.
“Eunji! Finally you decided to come eat with us!” Nayeon’s mother and the older sister of Eunji, Seoyeon, gladly welcomed her as she watched her approach the table. “How are you doing?”
“Oh you can’t believe what just happened last night!” Eunji said with an excited tone. Nayeon just stared at her Auntie having a strange enthusiasm right now which is hugely contrast to her daily shallow mood she has been always observing from her.
“What is it?”
She sat on the table and let one of her sons to pick some food and place it on her plate. “Hajoon came to see me last night!”
Nayeon spitted the water she was drinking after hearing those ridiculous words. Did she heard it right? It must be the same question that everyone sharing in the room with her right now would ask too.
How was it possible to have someone pay you a visit when… that person has been recently passed away? Nayeon just watched her Auntie Eunji in her wide grin after saying it.
“W-what did you just say?” Seoyeon asked. Everyone in the room was exchanging glances at each other and muttering something that is probably judging Eunji right now except for Nayeon who remained speechless. “How? W-what did he do?”
“He said he misses me that’s why he wanted to spend some more time with me by helping me get to sleep!”
Chills starting to take over in their skin until Nayeon’s mother stopped this immediately by acting very glad for her mentally unstable sister and some attempts to change the topic. Once she was done eating and fled the room, everyone sighed in relief and started to buzz out their reactions of what just happened.
Seoyeon then tried to convince everyone that it’s probably just a pleasant dream of Eunji in order to cope with the loss, exactly the same thing as what Nayeon is trying to convince herself to believe in. However, it didn’t take too long for another scenarios to come just to disprove and scrap their claims.
Days passes by, and more stories of her Aunt Eunji talking about her private times with Hajoon during the night continues for Nayeon to hear. She tries so hard to wear this mask of disguise that she’s happy for her Aunt being the same old self as she is, but deep down Nayeon is so conflicted at what she truly feels for her Auntie’s condition.
“Mom, this isn’t right. Something’s wrong with Auntie now.” Nayeon talks with her mom while cleaning the living room. “At first I would like to think that she’s imagining things but… the more she speaks about Uncle Hajoon makes it starting to hear that…”
“Nayeon, your Uncle Hajoon is dead. It’s not possible.” Seoyeon quickly cuts off her daughter’s words. “Ghosts may be real yet she probably try to plaster its image as her husband just so she can think that she was still not alone and she still has the man she loves with her. It’s as if she’s finding way to forget the tragedy that happened to her.”
“But mom… it wasn’t doing anything good at Auntie. Her mind is being corrupted with her thoughts, the people here are starting to get scared at her stories, including me.” Nayeon defended. “I just want to see Auntie happy, but in the right way. This has to stop and we have to do something about it before its too late.”
Seoyeon sighs and slowly nods at her wise daughter. “Fine, I’ll give it one more try. She’s my sister, I have to help when she still needs it even if she doesn’t mind it.”
Nayeon’s encounter later that night had her loose her composure and completely disregarded the convincing that her Auntie is still hallucinating manifested from the reminiscence of happy memories she’s doing to remember Hajoon.
She was walking through her room when she noticed that there are footsteps exiting on her Auntie Eunji’s room leading to the stairways that directs to the rooftop. It was very dark there and Nayeon wanted to follow it but her examining at the footsteps was enough for her to feel the creeps.
The footsteps are covered in mud, and it’s size is large. Nayeon hurried rushed down on the living room to stay with her cousins and wait for them to return back in their rooms to sleep.
That’s not where it ends though, Nayeon still has to have one more experience that she thinks it’s definitely one of the worst memories she ever had in her life. 
As she was about to tell her Auntie Eunji to sleep after her loud laughs were echoing through the ground floor, Nayeon slowly checks out the barely shut door through its gap. It was dark, and Nayeon was about to knock when while she was opening the door, she couldn’t fathom what she’s witnessing in her naked eyes.
A tall skinny figure was kneeling beside of her Auntie Eunji who is laughing out loud. Nayeon couldn’t even describe what she’s looking at but one thing’s for certain: it’s inhuman.
In her panic, Nayeon hurriedly clicked the switch to turn the lights on, the figure was filed to be captured though as it disappeared from thin air. She shouted to call her helpless aunt. “AUNTIE!”
She was walking towards the side of the bed when her Auntie Eunji sat up and looked at her with ecstatic expression. She was smiling from ear to ear today.
“ Nayeon! You saw him, right? You saw your Uncle Hajoon, but sadly he said he has to go for now.” Her Auntie Eunji said. Nayeon just scoffed and shivered at the grip of her auntie in her arms.
“Don’t worry, dear. Your Uncle Hajoon says he’s gonna check for you somet-”
“STOOOOPPPP!!! JUST STOP IT PLEASE!” Nayeon suddenly screamed in mercy, making her Auntie scared and confused at the same time. “YOU’RE MAKING ME SCARED, AUNTIE! UNCLE HAJOON IS ALREADY DEAD, CAN’T YOU JUST MOVE ON ALREADY? HE’S NOT COMING BACK!”
“What’s going on here?” Her mother Seoyon along with boys came by at the room to check up on Nayeon after hearing her plead. 
“How can you say something like that? You saw him too, Nayeon. Hajoon is alive and he said he’s staying with us. He did that for me!”
Nayeon couldn’t contain anymore the fear creeping up inside of her. She started to cry and hug her mother, while the rest just watched their Auntie Eunji still daydreaming about the times she and her husband used to share.
After recovering from her emotions, Nayeon tried to narrate what she just observed in Eunji’s room. Unfortunately, none of her mothers, relatives or her cousins seems to believe what she’s saying because they stand for the side that Nayeon is just being sucked up by her Auntie Eunji’s rare delusions.
She still tries to explore what could be the identity of that mysterious figure that she witnessed last night that distracts her really bad. Having it repeating inside her head was giving her massive discomfort.
Despite defending and in denial at Eunji’s stories, it doesn’t mean that they are tolerating it. They still want her old self to return and no more sink herself down from agony because it also affects them emotionally.
Nayeon and her family continues to search for ways to assist her Auntie Eunji but to no avail. She can admit that its beginning to make her lose her hope and feel pity a lot for her sake.
Her stress came to an end… but in a negative note when a month later, they watched their Auntie Eunji came out of the bathroom and proclaims “I’m pregnant, everyone! I’m having a baby with Hajoon!” while raising her pregnancy test.
Nayeon’s eyes largened in a mixture of terror, confusion, and shock at the announcement of her Auntie Eunji. Everything they have thought to be impossible seemed nonsense anymore because… they don’t even know what they should suppose to do about it in order to fix Eunji.
When she gave birth to her baby 9 months later, the doctors slowly handed it to Eunji. As she stares at the features of her son, there’s a part that she acknowleged initially after it piqued her interest.
“He has his father’s eyes” says Eunji as she continues to rock her baby on her arms. Her family, including the doctors, nurses, were all viewing from the door as they watch the wholesome moment of the pair while both horrified and concerned.
NOTE: This story is inspired from a Filipino Spooktober 2023 entry by MilkyClear titled "Tito and Tita / Uncle And Auntie" and from the 1968 psychological horror classic film "Rosemary's Baby".
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bonbonchocolates · 6 months
I Don't Know You
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Yandere Seokjin x Reader
Summary: When you attend a party with your best friend and the next morning you find out that you are married.....
Warnings: yandere Jin, obsessive behaviour, dirty talk, forced marriage
A/N: Again originally from my Wattpad account. I hope you like it and if you do please leave a like.
You opened your eyes and felt a severe headache. You held your head with both of your hands. When the pain slowly went away, you observed your surroundings to find yourself in an unfamiliar place. The bedroom which you were in now was not yours.
You got scared and removed the blanket from your body and were about to get down when you felt a severe pain in your lower region. You looked down and found that you were completely naked.
Just then you heard the sound of the door opening. You got back in the bed and covered yourself with a blanket. The door opened revealing a very handsome and tall man. You remember him he is the man you met last night at the party. He entered inside and his eyes straight away fell on you.
"You're awake I see."
He flashed you a smile. You were not in a situation to return his smile back. So you just kept a straight face and watched him. You very well know what happened between the two of you and it was all your best friends fault. She was the one who dragged you to the party.
"Are you alright?"
You heard the voice of the stranger. How can he expect you to be alright after what happened between the two of you? You then noticed a shiny thing on your left hand. You brought your hand closer to you and there was a ring in the ring finger.
It looked hella expensive. The band of the ring was made up of what you assume, pure diamond and there was a sapphire in the middle. But the shocking thing was how did it come in your finger?
"Who are you?"
You asked the handsome stranger to make his smile drop. He came a few steps closer to you.
"Don't you remember anything, honey?"
Why did he use that nickname? It sounded like you were his wife. You don't remember what exactly happened last night but you know this much that you lost your virginity. So you nodded your head as a 'no'.
"I'm your husband, Y/N."
He is joking, right?
"It will be fun, Y/N."
Your friend Eunji pleaded.
"No means no."
"Please Y/N"
She gave you her puppy eyes but you ignored her. This time her trick is not going to work on you. Whatever happens you are not going to the party and that's final.
Yes, party this is the reason why for almost an hour Eunji is pleading you. You told her thousands of times that you are not interested in partying but she is not ready to listen to you.
"Please Y/N, just for this time. I swear I'll never ask you to come to a party ever again."
She requested once again. Maybe you should listen to her for once. Anyway this will be the first and the last party you are going to attend. You are sure of it.
"Ok I'll go but just this once."
Eunji came and hugged you.
"You are the best Y/Niee."
Eunji dragged you to the party and forced you to wear a very revealing and short dress. You were truly uncomfortable and had no intention to wear it but you can never win against Eunji.
As soon as you arrived at the party you regretted your decision to ever agree to Eunji. The place smelled like alcohol and the girls there barely wore any clothes. Most of the people present there were couples.
Few couples looked like they were about to do 'that thing' right here. It didn't look like they had any shame. You wished that you were home right now, watching Doraemon. At least you would never have to witness these unholy sights.
Even Eunji ditched you for her crush who asked her for a dance. Dance was just an excuse you very well know what they are doing right now. You were totally alone right now. You stood at a corner of the room and blankly stared at the floor.
"What is a beautiful lady doing here all alone?"
Your attention was grabbed by a masculine voice. You looked up and saw a boy whom you recognise to be from your college standing just a few feet away from you. You just ignored him. You wanted at least a metre away from him.
"I asked you something."
You looked away in another direction hoping that the boy would understand that you don't want to talk to him. After seeing your ignorance towards the boy, he grabbed your hands and brought you closer to him.
You were shocked by his sudden action. You tried to push him away but he was a lot stronger than you. Instead he grabbed your hands more tightly.
You yelled at him but he just passed you an evil smirk. You thought someone would notice you but to your bad luck no one even paid any attention.
"Playing hard to get, baby, I like it."
You struggled in his hold but he was not letting you go. Your arms started to pain due to his strong hold on you.
"You know all the girls are ready to spread their legs for me. What's so special about you?"
He said seductively but truth to be said his trick didn't work on you.
"I'm not like other girls."
"Feisty, huh?"
You glared at him but it had no effect on him.
"Don't worry you will be the one who will be begging me to fuck you afterwards."
You will never let him win. He just laughed at your pathetic state.
"Leave her, Jaehyun."
You heard a masculine voice coming from a few feet away from you. You looked at a particular direction to find an handsome man with broad shoulders coming towards the both of you.
As soon as the boy named, Jaehyun saw him, his grip on your arms loosened. You quickly backed away from him.
"Hyung you are no fun. If you want I can share her with you."
"No need. You can clearly see that she is uncomfortable."
"You don't know her, hyung. She is just pretending this way but deep inside she wants to get fucked like the whore she is. After all all the girls want to get fucked by me but she is lucky that I chose her."
You felt like puking at his words. How can he think so low about you? You were about to slap him but were stopped by the voice of the other man.
"She is not like other girls."
You were happy after hearing his words. At least someone is there to support you.
After hearing his words Jaehyun went away with a frown on his face. You sighed in relief after he went away.
"Are you okay?"
The handsome stranger asked you and you just nodded your head. Your were thankful to him as he arrived at the right time or you don't know what would have happened to you.
"I'm sorry on Jaehyun's behalf."
"No, no why are you apologising? It's not your fault anyway. I should be the one to thank you for saving me."
"I'm glad I could come to help."
You eyes went to the dance floor where you spotted Eunji dancing with her crush. You were about to go to her but were stopped by the voice of the handsome stranger.
"Do you want to grab a drink with me?"
"No, I think it's better for me to head home."
"Please I'll pay for the drinks."
He pleaded you. This was the first time your observed him and truth to be said he was really handsome.
"No, I can't."
"Don't say you are underage?"
"No, no definitely not. Actually I never drank before."
"No worries, there is a first time for everything. Come with me it will be fun."
End of Flashback
You both had a few glasses of drinks and after that you don't remember anything. You tried to remember what exactly happened but you couldn't.
"Who are you? I don't even know you."
You asked once again hoping that he would confess that he is joking.
"I'm Kim Seokjin, ceo of Jinhit Entertainment and your husband. We got married last night and don't think I forced you because you were the one who suggested getting married. If you don't believe me I can prove you."
You scanned his face and there were no signs of him lying. Even the matching rings on both of your hands suggested it. That means you got married to him in the drunken state. If your parents get to know about this, they will surely be disappointed with you and would probably kick you out of the house.
"Listen, Mr Kim whatever happened yesterday was a mistake. I was drunk and this marriage means nothing to me."
This made him furious. He got up the bed, hovered over you and pinned your hands above your head.
He yelled at you. Right now you were scared of him. The man you met at the party last night was no longer there in his place it appeared that a demon possessed him.
"If something is mine once it will forever be mine and now you are mine. My wife and the mother of my future children. No one can take you away from me."
He is totally crazy. It was your greatest mistake on agreeing to have a drink with him last night. When you had the moment you should have ran away from there.
"Now your only job is to be the perfect housewife and take care of our children. Do you get it?"
It seems like you are stuck here forever.
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daichiduskdrop · 10 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 25
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none :)
Words: 3736
Taglist:@thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashion @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
Your cheeks heated up, your smile was soft and sweet on your lips. Yoongi's grip tightened on your palm, his fingers holding yours sincerely.
Namjoon smiled to himself, glad to know his pack was doing so well. The alpha wished to have an omega to take care of for so many years—pretty much since their pack was formed during their predebut.
And now that they finally had you, the packalpha was ready to spoil you. He would make sure you were always taken care of.
You would get only the softest blankets to cuddle up with—none that would itch or scratch your skin. The food they would make for you would be the tastiest they could ever manage, the meat always cooked well through to ensure no risks.
Nothing too chewy or crunchy, so your jaw wouldn't hurt from anything. They would make sure you had enough of everything under the sun and would always be protected and cared for.
While it wasn't that unusual for omegas to cook for their packs, it wasn't too abnormal for alphas and sometimes betas to fully do so instead.
The kitchen could be dangerous, and they didn't want you to get hurt. Plus, if something goes wrong, you might get stressed out, and they didn't want that to happen either.
Namjoon was sure you were a great cook, though, and so an idea for a cooking RUN BTS episode popped into his head, with you participating.
Oh, he could already just imagine—it would be for baking, a silly competition using random gadgets their staff would order for them, and whoever made the better pastry would win.
The packalpha was no professional in the kitchen, that's for sure, but he got a bit better over time. All of his packmates were still more skilled than him, that's certain.
It would all depend on how the meeting with the management goes today, and he can't get his hopes up like this. Namjoon knew you would make a nice first impression deep down; you made a great impression on him the first time he saw you.
Remembering the moment of how small and fragile you looked- oh, the packalpha could hear himself practically cooing if he thought of it any longer.
The way you entered their lives, triggering their alpha needs that have been tucked away for so long, had them wrapped around your tiny finger right away.
Scrolling through the many available radio stations they had recently purchased, he selected the one that seemed the most suitable, named Staticooll, the alpha's smile was dry at the play of words.
Switching it on, the simple conversation of two people flowed through the vehicle, the alphas quieting to hear better.
„-cial season, isn't it? Speaking of which, have you had a chance to visit any of the amazing Christmas markets around Seoul this year? A few of them had already opened!”
„Absolutely, Ji-hoon! The Christmas markets in Seoul are absolutely magical. One of my favourites is the Seoul Christmas Festival at Cheonggyecheon Stream. There's something so festive about strolling along the stream, browsing through the stalls, and sipping on hot chocolate while Christmas carols fill the air. It's such a delightful experience.”
„That sounds absolutely delightful, Eunji! I can just imagine the twinkling lights and the joyful atmosphere. Now, let's talk about your music. Any new songs or exciting projects that you're working on that we can look forward to?”
„I'm glad you asked! I'm actually releasing a new single next week called "Winter's Melody." It's a heartwarming ballad that captures the essence of the season—a blend of love, hope, and the joy of being together. I'm so excited to share it with everyone, and I hope it becomes the soundtrack for many cherished memories this winter.”
„Oh, that sounds absolutely enchanting, Eunji! I can't wait to listen to "Winter's Melody" myself. Will you be performing this song or any other winter-themed tracks at any upcoming events?”
„Yes, I will be performing "Winter's Melody" live at the Winter Sparks Concert happening at Olympic Park this Saturday. It's going to be an amazing night filled with incredible performances by various artists. I invite all of you to join-”
„I never heard of this singer; what's their name again?” Jimin asked from the backseat; the song's name was not familiar with him either.
„Me neither, do you think their song will be the next trend? Ah, I want to listen to it.” Jungkook whined softly. While the alpha was quite on point with the newest trends, he himself was on TikTok quite a lot; he truly never heard of the singer on the show.
„I'm sure they will play it soon, oppa.” You said gently, looking behind yourself, the three youngest alpha's eyes set on you. They watched you fondly, only leaning over to ruffle your hair gently.
The car ride continued peacefully, with the host and the singer talking about many things. It was a calm radio station, obviously meant to not scare and unsettle any omegas with how the songs they played sounded.
The pack members were glad you seemed to enjoy it, happy that the purchased monthly subscription didn't go to waste.
„Sunny? Baby, come here.” Hoseok whispered softly, pulling you closer to himself. Yoongi shot him a disapproving glance but let him be. They agreed to share after all.
Holding onto both of the alpha's hands, he looked into your eyes for a second or two. Sighing, his chin ran over the top of your head, his scent still carrying a worried undertone.
„Baby, listen to Alpha explain now, okay? There's a lot of bad people out there, you know that, hm? We are known quite a bit, especially around Korea, and it's very scary for us to have you go around and see strangers. I know you mean well, and my heart,...
Just, sunny-bub, baby, please be more careful.”
Hobi had a hard time explaining what he wanted to say and understood that his message didn't come across perfectly how he wanted it to. But he was sure you understood at least a bit.
Sure, it was just the police officers today, but it could have been practically anyone behind the doors. And having you go to open the doors so quickly truly scared the man.
They didn't want you to get hurt; their hearts were practically beating to protect you from any possible harm.
„I kno-know Hobi, and I'm sorry... I'll go with one of you next time, okay?” You said, meaning your words. You knew where the man's worry was coming from, and you felt your heart flutter at the thought of them worrying about you.
Pulling you close to himself, his lips brushed up against the top of your head. Breathing out a soft thank you, the alpha scented you slightly before tucking you back in with the blanket.
The rest of the car ride was mostly calm. Yoongi spoke softly to you about what other music styles you liked, encouraging you not to worry about anything.
He could sense you were scared about what they would think, and while music certainly was a big part of their lives, they didn't feel the need to judge any of your opinions.
Soon, you all arrived at the Hybe building, with Jin driving towards the security entrance to the underground parking lot. Showing the man at the booth a card, the officer opened the bar, and the vehicle went through, the surroundings now darker.
Parking at a reserved spot, the car stopped rumbling, and you all started climbing out. Gently taking the blanket from you and folding it up into his bag, Yoongi smiled gently at you, unclipping the seatbelt before he helped you climb out.
You tightened the grip on the alpha's hand, worried after being in such an unknown environment. You didn't truly register that you would be going here today, and so you weren't sure what to expect.
Clinging onto the alpha's seemed like a safe bet, though.
He didn't seem to mind, pulling you closer to himself, his arm gently rubbing up and down your back, the puffer jacket crinkling.
The others soon noticed your unsettled and worried scent; the first to hop over was Taehyung, his hands taking in your cheeks as he watched you closely.
„Aigoo, babycheeks, don't worry, okay? Alpha's are here, baby." He whispered to you softly, his voice deep and rumbly.
Leaning close to you, his nose gently touched yours, a sweet bunny kiss shared between the two of you.
Taking your other hand in his, at the called-out command "let's go, you guys, we are already late", you all started moving towards the entrance.
Jin pulled out an ID card, letting it scan before the doors opened up, allowing you to all enter. You were met with a clean staircase and an elevator; the alphas ushering you inside once it opened.
You never did too well with closed spaces, but this one was larger than the usual elevators you've seen.
Still, you moved closer to Taehyung, the alpha understanding quickly before his arms gently pulled you to himself.
„You're okay, baby; Alpha is here now." He murmured, and all of you quickly moved up to one of the highest levels of the tall building.
With the doors opening with a soft ding, Namjoon led the way, your small group mingling through the hallways, many offices and doors lining the way over.
There weren't many workers you met on your way, but you all saw a few. They wore dark clothes and an obvious ID tag hung up on their necks that moved whenever they would bow to the packmembers.
They would eye you weirdly, usually looking back at you once the packmates passed by after they shared their own short greetings.
You looked back yourself, unsure as to what to do. Going to do your usual habit of picking on your fingers, you realised you couldn't, since your hands have been tightly nested in the palms of the two alphas.
Still, you turned your head to look back, noticing the quite nasty and confused state you received from the short-bob hairstyle girl.
You didn't get to do anything before Jimin gently positioned your head to stay forward, his smile sweet, calming you a little from your suddenly worried state.
„Don't worry, princess. Keep your head up, precious; Alphas will take care of everything, my sweet baby.” He whispered, being mindful not to talk too loudly.
 Opening the doors for all of you, Hobi held them as your group entered, Namjoon at the front. Everyone was already sitting around the long table, but once you arrived, they were quick to stand up, bowing and politely greeting all of you.
While you stood a little astonished and suddenly even shyer than before, a man was quick to stand up and greet you individually.
You didn't dare to look up, your hands abandoning the alpha's in slight emberassment. You weren't sure if showing skinship in here was okay.
„Hello, Miss L/N, my name is Sejin, and I'm one of the main managers from HYBE for the group. It's good to finally meet you.” His voice was heavy, and the man was obviously tired.
You could smell that he was an alpha himself, therefore making you more timid and shy if that was even possible. You didn't dare shake his hand, only whispering out soft greetings yourself.
Taking your hand in his right hand, Jungkook led you over to the table, pulling out the chair for you and letting you take a seat first before he sat down next to you.
The young alpha grasped your hand right away, your fingers locking with his under the table as he leaned close to your ear.
„You're doing great, baby. Alpha is very proud of you, my bunny.” A wide, toothy grin took over his face, your eyes shooting up to his for only a millisecond.
The man felt worry deeply swarming under his skin at how your eyes looked. Wide and almost teary, you truly looked like a small, timid bunny kit sitting next to him and Jin on your other side.
„Okay, let's just get this done and over with; we are already behind on the schedule. So you guys have started courting Miss L/N?”
Another man, his voice younger, asked the group. You didn't look up in case you made any unintended eye contact; your usual worry was coming back to you.
„Yes, we want her as a part of our pack, as our mate.” Namjoon answered simply, stating the truth. You felt your cheeks heat up slightly at how blatantly he addressed it. He was talking about marking and mating with you, after all!
„...Right. And can you all just once again tell me who this even-" The other manager didn't get to finish; a low rumble sounded through the room, his snarky tone cut off.
„That's our 'mega." Yoongi's words sounded so cold and heartless, you felt a chill run down your spine. Jungkook's fingers tightened at yours, and when you looked up, you could see his jaw clenching—you thought he might just about break it.
The room fell quiet for a few seconds; a stare off was held between the pack members and the manager.
„Okay. I trust you guys will choose the right one. I've prepared the NDA to be signed, so if you would be so kind, miss, and go through it to see if everything is to your liking, We will need a few details about you too.” 
The manager, Sejin, as you remembered his name, seemed to have taken a slight pity on you, noticing your shaken-up form.
He slid a file of papers stapled together, and you thanked him quietly as you went to look through the long documents. Jin and Jungkook are leaning close to you, reading it with you.
NDA (non-disclosure agreement)
This NDA is made and entered into as of the date set forth below, by and between HYBE, a S. Korea's corporation, with a principal place of business located at 42, Hangangdae-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea, referred to herein as "Discloser," and L/N F/N, with a principal place of business located at Y/A, referred to herein as "Receiver."
Whereas the discloser is the owner of certain valuable and confidential proprietary information, including but not limited to trade secrets, processes, formulas, product designs, market strategies, and other valuable information related to its business operations,
Whereas the recipient desires to receive access to such confidential information in the course of conducting business or for any other purpose,
Whereas the discloser and receiver desire to protect and safeguard the confidentiality of such proprietary information,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1. Definitions.
"Confidential Information" means all present and future, written or oral, technical or non-technical information, or data, relating to Discloser's company, products, processes, and/or information, including (without limitation) trade secrets, business plans, strategies, systems, software, research and development, financial information, customer lists, and supplier and customer information, which is disclosed by Discloser to Receiver during or following any discussion between the Parties.
"Discloser's Confidential Information" means all Confidential Information of the Discloser that is disclosed or made available to the Receiver pursuant to this Agreement.
2. Confidentiality.
The receiver agrees that the confidential information received from the discloser is highly confidential and will be maintained by the receiver in the strictest confidence. The receiver shall not disclose any confidential information to any person or entity, except to such of its directors, officers, employees, and/or consultants as may be required for the performance of the receiver's duties hereunder and who shall be required to keep the confidential information confidential. The receiver shall not make any use of confidential information of a commercial or competitive nature (other than for evaluating the feasibility of doing business with the discloser).
3. Return of Confidential Information
The recipient agrees that it shall not copy, reproduce, or remove any confidential information from its offices, and at the termination of this agreement, it shall return...
You felt like you didn't even understand half of these words. You never had to sign a contract like this in your entire life, logically, and you didn't really ever get to work except for small part-time jobs you would keep from time to time.
It wasn't like you would ever have the opportunity to get a job anyway; with you being an omega, it would be complicated.
You read through the whole stack of papers within the few next minutes, providing your ID and full name so the managers could get in touch with the police and get your full criminal records—there wasn't anything to really look at, though.
Jin would, from time to time, let his chin rest on top of your head, his own eyes tearing up slightly, his arms wrapping around you as much as he could in the current situation.
He felt his heart breaking at the things you had to agree to. Of course, it was a standard process for all of their staff members, and they had to sign such contracts all the time.
But having you sign that you wouldn't even get to talk to your friends about things you did with them? Something so absolutely normal and even considered necessary, in his opinion, for an omega to do?
You needed to have social contacts with other people, and the alpha didn't want you to have to cut off all of your social life because of them. What about that Yuki boy they met at the mall? Would you not be able to be friends with him because of their jobs?
With more and more worried thoughts clouding his mind, he sighed out once again, seeing you file in the list of required information from you.
You stopped at the address link; the pen handed to you by the managers stopped its smooth movements; you had pretty and sleek handwriting, the alpha noticed.
It probably had to do something with you drawing and painting your entire life, but nonetheless, it was so easy to read and pretty to look at.
„Sh-should I write my apartment address or yo-yours, oppa?” You whispered out softly, your fingers shaking lightly.
Jungkook looked up from the paper he was currently rereading, a small frown on his face as he leaned over to look at what you had struggled with.
„Sejin-hyung, the address should be ours or her own apartment?” The alpha didn't hesitate to ask, and the older man looked up from the notebook.
„You can write both.” Nodding timidly, you scribbled down the address of your place, letting Jin whisper the exact number of the street of their own softly.
You wrote out quite a lot of things: your full contact details, your previous pack name, your family pack name's (even though those were technically the same), your date of birth, your whole employment history, and the place of your occupations. There was a lot to do.
And with how long it was taking, it was only natural for someone to knock on the doors and ask for the alphas—they had a busy schedule today after all.
Whenever one of them would leave, either to go record a song, go to a dance practise, or just to have a meeting about their upcoming solo music, the alphas would make sure to tell you the most proper goodbyes.
Crouching on the floor next to you, Jimin found your soft hand, his fingers wrapping around yours. He held worried eye contact, smiling softly at you.
„Stay close to your alphas, my princess, okay? We will talk later, baby. Call me if you need anything. Alpha loves you precious, lots and lots.” He kept his words quiet, wanting you to understand they were meant for you and no one else in the room.
With his lips brushing against your forehead in a quick peck, he pulled away to leave himself. By now, you were in the room with only Namjoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung, though the second youngest was preparing for his own meeting that would happen only in a few minutes.
You finished the paperwork in a few minutes after he left, with Namjoon and Jungkook staying close with you the whole time, helping you whenever you weren't sure what exactly was requested from you.
Finishing with a signature from you and the main manager, the man then looked over everything, his eyes taking notice of your being an art student.
„You draw? You must be clever, then. Do you have a photo of some of your work?” He asked, the man warming up slightly to you over the time with you there. It has taken quite some time for you to read through everything, after all.
Fumbling with yourself, you took out your phone, going to the gallery. Before you slid over the cracked device for the man to look through, the album named 'Portfolio' opened.
Sejin wasn't so sure about everything when Namjoon and Yoongi came to tell him about starting the courting process. He was worried, naturally, that you might take advantage of them over time, but with how sweet and timid you looked, he felt reassured.
You were a sweet omega after all, and with how you had the packmates at your feet, quite literally, he knew you wouldn't do them much harm in the future.
„You are talented for sure. Good job!” Smiling widely, he placed your phone back on you, having you thank him for his kind words again.
It didn't take much longer before he was telling you all goodbyes, the other managers politely adding to the words as you all piled into the clean meeting room.
Just as the doors closed, you were immediately held against a chest, your body tightly gripped as the alpha's chin went over the top of your head, holding you close.
With Jungkook carefully hugging you from the back, you let yourself be held by the two alphas, their own chins and cheeks running over your head as they scented you.
„Alpha is so, so proud of you, my pup. You did so well."
„Such a good girl, babybun. Alpha's good 'mega.”
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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symbioticfic · 6 months
Producing Pleasure: Prologue
(Main story of Idol Alternate Universe)
Tags: Original Characters, no smut, just a teaser, an intro to the world
This is an alternate universe. Some events may differ from real life.
Thanks to @twice-inamillion The Company series for making me revive this idea from the drafts. Check out their awesome work on their blog.
“I said, I want you to produce our new girl group.” Mrs. Kwon repeats herself. You rub your face in disbelief, hoping your CEO is joking.
“With all due respect Ma’am, I’m already a leader of a group and you put me in charge to become our group creative director. That’s quite a lot. Why not choose Eunji or Keenan for the job?” you plead your case. All your focus is for your co-ed group, Twelve Six, along with Eunji and Keenan. With being creative director for your group and sometimes groups under your label, you don't want more stuff in your hand.
“Well, Eunji is also helping out as a composer for Phoenix. And Keenan is broadening our A&R connections. We may be an up and coming label in this industry, but we are still short staffed.” Slumping back to your chair, gears in your brain are working hard to find a way out of this.
“Then why don’t you hire someone who has experience doing this kind of stuff? I know you have the money to find one. If the three of us are spread thin like this, when are we going to make music?”
Mrs. Kwon always says that the three of you were geniuses and is the reason why OTB is the rising star of companies in Kpop. Take Shamrock for example. A thirteen member boy group and the first idol group under OTB. You recommended a talented Japanese street dancer that you used to battle and Keenan found a genius kid producer online. Both of them become important members of Shamrock. As for Eunji, she trained OTB’s first GG, Phoenix in vocals. With her and her sister, they composed and produced music for the five member group, resulting in them competing in the Red Sea of girl groups right now. Also not to mention, your group Twelve Six. Your group’s music is able to breakthrough the public listeners. Decades after the last big co-ed group, finally Twelve Six changed that. Now, Korea sees Twelve Six as “Music for the people” because of your group penmanship and music move and touch many people's souls, not just in Korea but also the world.
“Because I trust you and I see potential in you to be a great producer.” there she goes again, putting huge faith in you. Ever since joining your label, Out of The Box (OTB) Studios, you have been one of her favourites. As an experience street dancer and performer, also having a brain being a portal to fantasy world says Mrs. Kwon, she has pushed you to the limits. She even goes as far as creating you a co-ed group with her youngest daughter Kwon Eunji and a Korean American rapper named Keenan Shin. The three of you were born on the same day and year, the twelfth of June, hence the name Twelve Six comes from.
With all the money in the world and full trust on you, Mrs. Kwon will do anything to help you to become one of the greatest artists in K-pop. But you doubt your ability if you are given another responsibility.
“Listen, Choi Sesang.” you sit up straight as your CEO calls you by full government, “Just please look into this file and consider it.” a brown file is presented in front of you. Reluctantly, you take it and open it. The first name on the paper almost made you jump out of your seat. You flip through the pages and surprisingly most of the names are familiar to you.
“Ma’am, there are-”
“Yes, they were idols. Some had troubles with their past companies and ended their contracts, and some I bought them out of their contracts.” bloody hell this rich woman. Her way of using money to get what she thinks is the best for the company still baffles you even after years knowing her, “They deserve a second chance and I know you’re up for the job. And rumour has it, you have your ways with girls.” she gives you a teasing look.
“Your daughter really has a nasty mouth, you know that?” Mrs. Kwon laughs at you cursing her youngest daughter.
“I don’t care if what Eunji implied was the truth or not. But I do have my own eyes.” she says after calming herself, “Your relationship with the Phoenix girls is admirable. They see you as a brotherly figure and a safe space to talk to. Those girls are strong minded and some are hard to get through, but you easily befriend the girls. That is enough for me to know you’re the right person for this project.” you look down to the file in your hand, taking in all what Mrs. Kwon says. A heavy sigh escapes your lips.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Splendid!” she claps her hand in joy, “Also, there is one thing I need to tell you.”
Here you go, the catch in all of this, “Doing this job means you have got out of your way to get the job done. I know you are a good kid and have been staying clean until now. But sorry to say son, you have to get your hands dirty with this one. It's part of the industry, the system. No matter how long you try to avoid it, your time will come.”
Saying those words with a beaming smile so easily creeps you off. Well, a CEO of a K-pop company is not exactly the most morally right person in the world. Mrs. Kwon has always been brutal when it comes to business and you are led into one of her traps. Situations like this remind you where Eunji gets her nasty personality from.
Defeated, you know there’s no way out of this. Your fate has been sealed by the devil. Already, you try to drown your mind to come to terms with this twisted system. With heavy heart, you look straight at Mrs. Kwon. You can see insanity behind her eyes.
“So… do the job by any means necessary?”
“Correct! There you go, already getting a hang of it.” it’s supposed to be a laugh of joy for Mrs. Kwon, but it feels like she’s laughing at you. Soon enough, you will be playing with people's lives just like her.
“The girls will be coming in next week. Prepare yourself, mind and body. I have a feeling you will like them.” with a smirk, she leaves the room. You groan as you throw yourself back into the chair. The dreaded day is near. By next week you will become one of those industry scumbags. You love performing and singing, but you despise the industry. Being in it long enough to know stuff. The girl that you will be working with surely also knows a thing or two.
Thinking about your doomed future only makes you mad at yourself. Feeling suffocated, you pack your stuff and go home, not before leaving a text in the group chat.
Chat Room
Three silly peas in a pot
@Enzy your mother is a fucking witch
I mean you’re not wrong
But still…
Dorms now
I need this juicy story 👹
_ _ _ _ _
Three days since you operate as the main producer for OTB’s new girl group. You’ve met with the company staff and instructors over the week to discuss the training program. These three days have been orientation and waiting for the rest of the girls to join the company. Today is the day where they all finally present and training will begin to ramp up.
You arrive at the company at eight. Not wanting any problem, you do a morning check up every day just to make sure. After doing that, you take a sip of your black coffee while looking through the girl's profile again. You seriously can not wrap your head around the names on the list. Mrs. Kwon really is a crazy businesswoman for getting these girls to become trainees again in your company.
“Damn they’re hot.” startled, you almost spilled your hot coffee onto the papers. You look back to see Keenan peeking over your shoulder. His curly dark brown hair really needs a cut. It almost pokes your eye.
“Could you not sneak up on me like that?”
“You’re the one who’s busy staring at these profiles.”
“Hey!” he takes a seat next to you and slides the file over to him. You let him be, as you need a break from reading those papers over and over again.
“Still can’t believe they are trainees here.” Keenan says.
“Me too.”
“Mrs. Kwon is one damn good negotiator.”
“You can say that again. It’s like a person playing DnD and always rolls Nat 20 on persuasion.” Keenan laughs at your cheeky joke.
“Yeah… so, which one you gonna fuck first?”
“I- what?! Bro, shut up.” you punch his arm only for him to laugh even more.
“Come on, seriously bro. There are some hot chicks right here. If I were you, I would try every single one of them.”
“But I’m not you dumbass. I’m not some guy who will fuck every girl he sees.”
“Not yet.”
“Fuck off.” Keenan's laugh now turns hysterical. He’s always been like this. Being from Brooklyn makes him more frontal than your average Korean. He’s been teasing you since both of you met. With your ability in speaking English, you bonded easily with him. You also help him get accustomed with his homeland culture. But it seems you can’t take Brooklyn out of Keenan.
You take back your file from Keenan and walk off, “Ay! Where are you going?”
“Training is almost starting! I’m needed in the dance room!” you shout back at him.
“Okay then! Tell me if you score on one of them!” you don’t look back and flip him off. You can hear Keenan laugh fading as you walk further away from him.
The dance room for trainees is in the basement. Everything related to the trainees are in the basement. Only the ones who debut are the only ones who can experience the freedom of the city view from the artist dance room upstairs. For the trainees, the dark and damp basement is their prison. Some even will never see the day of light from the dungeon. Sound of blaring music can be heard at the end of the hallway. The girls may be stretching right now.
Other than being the main producer for the group, Mrs. Kwon also personally assigned you to be one of the dance instructors. Talk about a burden. It’s not the first time you are teaching a class. During trainee days, you already helped to train the fellow members of Shamrock and Phoenix. It’s just for a few sessions because Shamrock have a capable and experienced dance line and for Phoenix they are natural performers. Not the same can be said for this group. Maybe one or two names stood out, but they are nowhere near the talent as your fellow labelmates when they first join the company. And your part is to train them to be on par to standards.
Standing before the dance room door, you take a deep breath before twisting the door handle. The sound of your arrival alerts the girls. Quickly, they line up in a line with one of them scrambling to turn off the music before joining the line.
“Good morning PD-nim.” they greet you in unison.
“Good morning. At ease.” you say that, but they are clearly tense. Fifteen girls standing in front of you. You recognize their faces with a few unfamiliar ones. Some of these girls had a respectable career as idols. They are without a group due to them being in a project group making their contract length shorter than normal or suing their way out of their contract because of how stupid their company was. Some were in a group that disbanded. Others are trainees from different companies. Now, here they are starting from zero once more.
Knowing you have to keep professionalism, you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Starting today, you will have these girls' fate on strings. Toying with their dreams, giving them false hope. Just like Mrs. Kwon you thought. You open your eyes and give them a big smile.
This is when you notice Mrs. Kwon foul tricks, attacking your weakness: boobs. Most of these girls have sizeable to huge tits. You felt your cock twitch at the sight of the girls wearing tight sports bras, pushing their boobs together. One of them has a big enough bust, it outlines her baggy shirt.
“My name is Choi Sesang. For those who don’t know, I will be the main producer for this debut project as well as your dance instructor. Pleasure to finally meet you all.”
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Like I said on the top, this was an idea that was collecting dust in my google docs. @twice-inamillion The Company series really got me thinking about this idea again.
I already have a few names for the girls: Chaehyun, Natty, Hyeju, and Xiaoting so far, with the first three already having a rough idea for it.
Recommendations for idol names are gladly accepted with the general prompt of the story would be helpful also.
I know I said a Pokémon story is on its way but that's on hold for now. I have struggles for the smut scene of that story. Wait a little more.
See you next time 😄
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bts-eunji · 8 months
Eunji x BTS
“they are my everything. the last ten years of my life have been filled solely with them and there is no one else I would’ve wanted to spend that time with.”
#JOONJI – Gwan Eunji & Kim Namjoon
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“Namjoon is the Tom to my Jerry. It is so much fun to tease him! I don’t understand why the Maknaes don’t do it more often. I am pretty sure he was close to kicking me out of the group a couple times already though. That might be the reason.”
contact name: Tom to my Jerry 🐈‍⬛
Namjoon and Eunji are the typical Tom and Jerry Duo. With Namjoon and Eunji being two of the OG Members that had stayed through the multiple line-up changes pre-debut, they had gotten used to one another even before debut. They had met in early 2010 after they both got signed under BigHit Entertainment and Eunji was added to the line-up of BTS in mid-2010. Her and Namjoon got closer after an awkward encounter, where Eunji was crying in a practice room. Although their first interaction was awkward, their future was filled with playful banter and care. The two became almost inseparable. It took Namjoon a while to get used to Eunji. Her teasing and flirty yet responsible attitude confused the shit out of him. But when he did get used to her, he learned to be thankful for her presence. Eunji is somewhat a comedic relief to Namjoon. Whenever she teases him, he will act all annoyed and complain but secretly he enjoys it. It made the years that followed their debut less difficult. Her flirting helps his confidence and reassures him that he is worthy because in the end, it’s just compliments hidden in flirty pick-up lines.
But there is also the responsible and calming part of Eunji, that never fails to ground Namjoon. Even before debut, she managed to read him like an open book. She would know of his struggles, sometimes even before himself. Even more surprisingly, she knew how to help him when he had no clue. The responsibility of being the leader got too heavy? She takes on some of his duties. Managing the group part time. Assisting him in holding the weight. His thoughts spiral into overthinking everything he does? She sits him down with some tea and watches Friends with him. Teasing or reassuring him and making him laugh. He spends hours in the studio without breaks and works himself into the ground? She knocks and sits down next to him. She assists him with his work till she decides it’s enough, stopping him from overworking himself.
But don’t worry, he is just as important to her. His leadership has always been cherished deeply by Eunji. The way he knows what the group needs, sometimes without the group having to say anything, is fascinating to her. His communication skills never fail to impress her. Whether it is public speaking or managing conflict inside the group, he always knows what to say. “You’re like Captain America. You know? Because of the motivational speeches and stuff.”-Eunji 2019. On a more personal note, that also means he knows exactly what she needs. Positive Affirmation. His love language towards his members has always been Words of Affirmation and Eunji loves it. He compliments her looks before every public appearance. When monitoring a performance, he makes sure she knows how well she did. During music video shoots or photoshoots, he always watches her and lets her know that she is doing well.
They have known each other for 13 years now (2023). Eunji has said before that nothing has every really changed between them. She still teases him endlessly and loves flirting with him. And despite him gaining confidence and teasing back occasionally or even flirting with her too, he still gets annoyed or shy. This duo is often described as the old married couple of BTS. They are probably one of Eunji’s biggest ships and one of the most popular in the entire group. And after seeing their interactions it is easy to tell why.
special moment: (TW: small fire, small cut, spiraling thoughts)
Joonji is famous for a friendship full of duality. One second they’re bickering the next their flirting and then suddenly it’s time for a deep talk at 3 a.m. Therefore, they have very different moments and I assure you that Armys have done a fantastic job putting all of them into ship videos, but that is a different topic.
Kpop Interviews are crazy. Memes are born within seconds, grown up men and women play games that no one understands and exposing each other is on everyone’s To-Do-List. And right now, BTS is playing one of these ‘games that no one understands’. You have to spin in circles for 10 seconds and then you have to walk straight and do something. Eunji gets up and cracks her knuckles. “You will fail,” Namjoon throws in randomly and Eunji, who has gotten into position already, stands back up and glares at him in disbelief. “Honey, I thought at least you would have some hope in me,” she teases, and he rolls his eyes. She gets into position again, ready to spin. “If you pass out, I’m not going to catch you,” Namjoon mumbles once again, causing some of the boys to chuckle. Eunji scoffs. “Of course, you will,” she disagrees and begins to spin. It only takes the girl 6 seconds of spinning to fall sideways and as she had predicted Namjoon did catch her, groaning in the process. While the group is laughing hysterically she chuckles and pinches his cheek. “I don’t think I even have to say I told you so…but I told you so,” she teases and this time it is him who scoffs.
“I would call you an imbecile but that’d be cruel as you wouldn’t be able to spell it.” Namjoon sighs to himself, flipping the page of his book while sitting on the dorm couch. Eunji turns to him with a gasp and grabs her chest, right over her heart. “Oh god, you’ve insulted me! What ever shall I do? I’ll be scarred for the rest of my life!” She teases dramatically and pretends to faint against him. He groans at the sudden weight and grasps his book tighter. He rolls his eyes at her behavior. “You’ve had worse. You’ll live,” he mumbles under his breath, and she chuckles. Grabbing a pen, she scribbles something onto a paper and pushes it towards him. Upon seeing it he raises a brow and turns to her. “So, you DO know how to spell imbecile. I have to say, that amazes me. Good job,” he teases. She quickly slaps his arm and whispers in a hushed voice: “Don’t say that, people might think we are friends.” She looks around, pretending to be secret. I think you could tell already but Jimin and Jin were on the ground, dying from laughter the entire exchange.
The group is relaxing in the living room. Some are playing video games; others are reading and Eunji has just left to charge her phone. Suddenly, all lights go out and the TV goes black. “Huh?!” “What happened?” “Is this a power outage?” “NO! My score!” The boys erupt in yells. Seconds later Eunji bursts into the living room. “WE have a problem!” she announces. Namjoon sighs and sits up. “Let me guess, you caused it?” She huffs in response and then quickly collects herself. “Where is the fire extinguisher?” Now, that gets everyone’s attention. “WHAT?!” Turns out, Eunji’s charging cable was damaged and when she plugged it into the power outlet, it caused a short circuit which resulted in a power outage and a small fire. After successfully extinguishing the fire and getting the power working again, the boys help Eunji clean up the mess. Namjoon sighs. “You never cease to amaze me,” he mumbles and Eunji chuckles embarrassed from across the room.
The sound of something falling and a painful groan make Eunji look up from her painting. “What was that?” she screams into the dorm. “Nothing! Don’t worry about it!” Namjoon screams back. But before he even managed to finish his sentence, she is on her feet and rushing into the hallway. Upon reaching the hallway she stops at the sight in front of her. Namjoon had tried to put a painting of hers onto the wall but instead he had dropped it and was now clutching his hand. “If being clumsy was a currency, you’d be a bloody millionaire,” she complains and gently grips his hand. It seems like he had cut himself when the painting dropped. Pushing him down on couch, she searches for the first aid-kit she had bought for this purpose and this purpose only. While carefully bandaging his cut she chuckles. “You seriously need to be careful. As cute as it is, seeing you all lost and puppy eyed, I prefer you uninjured,” she mumbles with a teasing tone. He raises a brow. “You think I’m cute?” She scoffs. “Want me to whisper it into your ear? Dumbass.”
Namjoon’s head is resting on his hands, eyes focused on the computer screen that displays his newest song. His solo album is only going slowly so far, and his original enthusiasm has faded into frustration. Could he not even manage to produce something for himself? How could he make music for the group then? Pathetic. He feels useless. With an irritated huff he rips his headphones off and throws them onto his desk. Once again, his head falls into his hands. Fingers gripping his hair and pulling at it in a frustrated manner. Why can’t he do anything right? How did he even end up being a leader of a group? A group like BTS? Could he still lead the group? With his lack of management? A ridiculous thought. How can he manage others when he barely manages himself? Just in time, a soft knock rips him out of his spiraling thoughts. He quickly sits up and fixes his hair. “Come in!” he calls for the person knocking. When the door opens it reveals Eunji, a plastic bag in her hand and a gentle smile on her face. “Hey big guy. I thought I’d check how you were doing,” she greets him and closes the door quietly. Somehow, he feels relief wash over him. His Noona’s calmness immediately radiates onto him, and he can’t suppress the deep breath he releases when she sits down next to him. She calmly looks around, quietly taking note of the empty cups and scrabbled papers, before turning to him. “How are you getting along? Made some progress?” she asks and sets the bag onto the desk. He tenses and releases a shaky breath. Eunji notices. Of course, she does. When he doesn’t answer, she already knows he has been stuck. “Let’s eat. I brought your favorite.”
nicknames Army gave them: Parents, Old Married Couple, Tom & Jerry
love language: She is…
giving: quality time/acts of service receiving: quality time/words of affirmation  joonji ‘thing’: museum visits & going on hikes
#JINJI – Gwan Eunji & Kim Seokjin
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“Jin is my best friend. We clicked fast, despite our weird first encounter and opposite personalities. I can be myself around him and he never fails to make me laugh. A lot of my confidence comes from what he taught me, so props to him.”
contact name: Worldwide Nuisance 👑
Jin and Eunji seem like they have nothing in common. Jin being his loud self, screaming and laughing like his life depends on it, meanwhile Eunji is soft-spoken and prefers painting with lo-fi music over a game night any time. Yet you would be fooled, because these two fit each other like Ying and Yang. They first met back in July 2011 and, as cliché as it sounds, clicked immediately. But that doesn’t mean their first meeting wasn’t odd – oh no, no – it was a very weird experience. She had been peacefully playing the guitar in one of the practice rooms when Jin burst into the room. He had said nothing, simply staring at her before sitting down next to her and urging her to play more. At first she was hesitant and skeptical but eventually they began to sing together while she played the guitar. It was weird – yes – but it was also somehow precious. From that moment on, Jin always waited for her in front of the building to walk to the practice room with her. They began to text daily and go on friendship dates together. When Jin eventually moved into the dorm, they started doing things like cooking together, doing each other’s skincare or simply watching stupid movies together just to make fun of them.
She also became his professional support and vocal teacher. Eunji was and is incredibly skilled in the field of music, but she had also been gifted the skill of teaching. Before even training at BigHit, she had practiced and done her own research on producing, songwriting and vocal training. With this in mind, she was his number one place to go when he was insecure in his voice. She would listen, let him rant and give constructive feedback. They would do vocal exercises together and actually have fun doing them. More often than not they would end up sitting on the couch, Eunji playing the guitar and Jin singing to it. And although Jin barely says it out loud, he is grateful for her support.
As the oldest of BTS and, at least in the beginning, the most unexperienced in the group, he struggled a lot. Especially hard were the first few years after debut. BTS didn’t have the best time in the industry and throughout their years in the business had almost disbanded, twice. Every member had a struggle of their own. Eunji, being the second oldest, recognized this and she took special care of her boys. Especially Jin was someone who she always made sure was doing alright, because he was the oldest after all and he showed his frustration about improving his vocals many times. Being the same age, it had always been easier for the two to openly talk about their feelings with each other.
Despite or maybe because of their deep bond, these two never fail to make each other and the group laugh. In front of the camera, Jinji are mostly in happy moods when together. They are cracking jokes, mostly Jin actually but hush, and laughing freely together. Jin can never hide his happiness when he makes Eunji laugh, and he will rub it under everyone’s noses that he did that. Yeah, he is proud of it, alright. Because in the end of the day, she helps him more than he could ever thank her for. Making her laugh is his repayment on most days. Or going on stupid wholesome friendship dates together. Going to different restaurants and posting about it on social media with goofy selcas. Doing a Vlog in which they go shopping and make a silly fashion show out of it. Spending late nights in Eunji’s room, gossiping about people they don’t like and the newest tea. Visiting clubs together, only to go live after and have a bit of a tipsy livestream. ‘Jinji being drunk on livestream’ videos incoming.
In summary, Jin and Eunji are the definition of best friends.
special moment: (TW: mentions of alcohol & drinking)
Jin and Eunji are icons when they are separated but once you put them together they reach a new type of iconic. They never cared for the company rules, at least not when they thought they were stupid.
One night they went partying. Eunji and Jin go out together a lot to dance and drink a bit. So, that is what they did. That day Jin had asked Eunji to come with him and she did. After coming home, slightly tipsy, they had the glorious idea to start a livestream. And this livestream would go down in history.
“Heyy Army! How are you?” Eunji greets and giggles right after. They begin to talk and chat. Mostly Eunji and Jin having highly interesting conversations in a tipsy manner. Eventually they start to drink wine as well. “Guys, this – this isn’t wine. It’s grape juice,” Jin tries to convince but fails. Eunji laughs out. “Oh no, this is definitely wine.”
“Why did you drink?” Eunji reads out a comment while Jin is rummaging through some bags. “Oh, we just felt like it. Jin had asked me to come and so I did.” She turns towards Jin with a annoyed sigh at the rustling. “What are you doing?” It stays quiet for a while before Jin answers: “We have a problem.”
Eunji heaves a deep sigh. “Gimme a sec, I am not drunk enough to listen to this yet,” she mumbles, grabs the open wine bottle, and chucks a few big gulps. Turning back towards Jin she nods. “Okay, what’s the problem?” He looks at her and then at the camera. “We have another bottle of wine.” She chuckles. “You call it a problem. I call it a solution!”
“Are you fully drunk?” Jin reads out a comment and giggles. “I might’ve had a few shots,” he states and giggles even more. Meanwhile Eunji turns away from him and rummages through a paper bag. “I think I need food.”
As time passes and the second bottle of wine empties, they get a bit more incoherent. Jin drops his head on Eunji’s shoulder and mumbles something. Eunji, half-closed eyes from tiredness, looks down to him. “You are drunk,” she states the obvious. Jin looks up at her and tilts his head. “Yer beautiful.” This makes Eunji burst into a laugh. “Damn, you’re really drunk.”
“Why did you convince me to go there? The music was horrible!” Eunji talks about the party from earlier. Jin mumbles something before it goes silent. After a longer pause Jin whines and turns to her. “Oh, come on. I couldn’t go there alone!” he states in a whiny voice and Eunji giggles. “You’re right! Always need your big strong sister around!” she jokes and flexes arms. Jin slaps her arm and giggles. “Of course!”
Eventually the mood quiets down and the two end up laying on the bed. Jin is curled up against Eunji and the phone has been set up on the bed. “Sing me a song, please?” Jin asks. Eunji stays quiet for a while before humming to Spring Day. She whisper-sings the lyrics and eventually Jin falls asleep. “Okay Army, I’ll turn this off now. Thanks for watching!” she says her goodbye and turns the livestream off. But this livestream will remain in history. Jinji drunk on Vlive. A wild ride for sure.
nicknames Army gave them: Besties, Parents
love language: She is…
giving: acts of service/words of affirmation receiving: acts of service/quality time jinji ‘thing’: taking goofy selcas & friendship dates
#YOOJI – Gwan Eunji & Min Yoongi
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“Yoongi. Ah, yeah, my grumpy cat. Yoongi holds a special place in my heart. It took a while for us to get close, but I loved the process of learning about the mysterious producer everyone was talking about.” “Ah, shut up.” “Okay, okay. But for real, I’m sure I will never stop learning new things about Yoongi and I hope we will never lose each other.”
contact name: Grumpy Kitten 🐈‍⬛
Yoongi and Eunji – oh dear. Where do I begin? When Yoongi and Eunji first met, they didn’t really get along. It wasn’t like they disliked each other, they just seemed to have a difficult time interacting. To their defense, it was 2010 and they were barely 18 and 17 years old. Their confusing lack of interactions was later, in 2023, explained in one of Suga’s Suchwita Episodes. Yoongi admits he felt intimidated by the reputation that surrounded Eunji. She felt like this myth, unreachable and unapproachable. Funny enough, Eunji said she always wanted to talk to him, but he seemed shy and uncomfortable around her, so she stopped. Yooji’s pre-debut history is long and, in some ways, romantic. You could say it’s almost a love trope.
For example, he called her after his accident. She was the first person to know about his accident and for the longest time she also was the only one. That was odd for two reasons: 1) Yoongi and Eunji barely knew each other back then and 2) she was convinced he hated her. In the same Suchwita episode, Yoongi had tried to explain his decision back then. ‘It just felt right. Maybe because I saw you be so caring towards the others.’-Yoongi 2023. After Bangtan shifted from a hip-hop rap group to an idol group, things changed unexpectedly for both of them. Neither of them had intended to become idols and they weren’t prepared for it either. With no experiences in dance, they were quite literally lost. And, believe it or not, they started to bond over this fact. Often, they stayed behind to fix up mistakes they had made in choreos or just practiced their dancing.
Only after debut did they actually start to grow closer. In the beginning that solely came from the fact that Eunji took care of his shoulder pain by softly massaging ointment on it or helping him carry things. She did it subtly, not wanting to attract the boys’ attention until Yoongi wanted to tell them. Through his injury they began to talk, mostly to break the awkward silence that filled the room whenever Eunji would take care of his shoulder. They discovered their shared interest in composing music and spending time in the studio. And so, they began spending this time together. Producing and writing song after song.
Yooji is, in many ways, special. They have more in common than most people believed upon seeing them for the first time. They both have a resting bitch face, which makes them look intimidating or unapproachable. They both have some sad if not tragic history. They share hobbies such as producing and song writing. And so much more. Getting to know each other over the years they grew closer, both metaphorically and literally. Whether it is holding hands, hair ruffles or even cheek kisses, Yooji has it all. Although Eunji initiates most of the physical touch, Yoongi accepts it. Eunji is sure he secretly enjoys it too. This could literally be a Sunshine x Grumpy story.
But besides that, these two have a wholesome friendship. Spending so much time in the studio together they learned a lot of things from each other regarding their music and personal life. They began to rely on one another. So much so, that they actively miss the other when they can’t be around. You could almost say they are each other’s therapist or comfort zone. They can sit next to each other, working on music and saying nothing for hours without it being uncomfortable. Together, they even have a regular livestream that they do often, working on music and chatting with fans. Yooji appreciate each other greatly and, although it isn’t always obvious, care for one another deeply.
special moment:
Yooji is one of Eunji’s biggest ships for a reason. These two are incredibly close and it is noticeable in most on and off screen situations. There is especially one livestream that got stuck in Armys’ mind.
Every once in a while Yoongi and Eunji do livestreams together, where they would produce and write new songs. They’d wear headphones to not spoil much or anything at all. Usually, these livestreams were more on the quiet and relaxing, almost ASMR, side of Vlives. The two would work together quietly and occasionally have a convo about changing things or producing choices.
This livestream was going just like that. Yoongi was wearing headphones, trying to write the missing lines to his beat. Eunji was working on the computer, working on an old beat that she was now planning to use. She occasionally glanced at the chat. “For what will these songs be?” She reads out a comment and shrugs. She grins at the camera and looks back at her computer screen. “I don’t know. Maybe for the next comeback or a solo project or a different artist. We’ll see,” she responds and types something on the computer.
Suddenly Yoongi sighs deeply, sliding off his headphones. Eunji looks at him, brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?” she asks and gently turns towards him. He groans and pushes his sheet over to her. “I don’t know how to continue,” he admits and takes off his headphones to offer them to her. She takes them while reading over his writing. While she begins to listen and write some things down, he turns to read comments.
“How often do you do this?” he reads a comment. He combs his hand through his hair as he looks into the camera. “Almost every day. The livestreams are weekly, mosty,” he answers with a sheepish shrug at the end.
“Aren’t you the genius? If you don’t know, then she could never,” he reads out and a deep frown settles onto his face. For a moment he stays quiet, staring into the camera. There is a clear frustration displayed on his face, but he seems to be looking for the right words.
Eventually he asks: “You actually believe that?” It stays quiet once again, but his eyes stay on the camera. It is like he is directly looking at the commenter or at least he is trying to. Eunji suddenly murmurs something and scribbles onto the paper. This catches Yoongi’s attention, and he tears his eyes away from the camera to look at her. His face relaxes quickly as he watches her write things down and move her head to his beat.
A smile creeps onto his face. After she mumbles something else he turns back to the camera, eyes growing sharper once again. “She has the words that I don’t. She is the real genius in this room,” he continues his answers.
Apparently somebody comments something else about this that enrages him. “Oh, come on! Shut –“ he catches himself and glances at Eunji. His eyes stare back at the camera with new determination. “Shut it. Keep those stupid thoughts to yourself.”
“I think I got it!” she suddenly calls out and slides the headphones off. She pushes his sheet to him and taps the table in the right rhythm. She looks at him and smiles. “Does that fit?” she asks his opinion. He smiles and nods. While glaring at the camera he answers: “It’s perfect, Ji.”
This livestream is found in every Yooji Ship video, and no one can deny how wholesome his response to the inappropriate comments was. It does show Yooji’s relationship in a new light, that is rarely seen by fans.
nicknames Army gave them: Soulmates, Comfort Zone, Therapists, Orange Cat x Black Cat
love language: She is…
giving: quality time/physical touch receiving: quality time/acts of service yooji ‘thing’: spending time in the studio & nonverbal communication
#HOJI – Gwan Eunji & Jung Hoseok
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“Hobi is an angel. He never fails to cheer me up and I am grateful for his presence. He helps me relax whenever we’re together.”
contact name: Sunshine 🌻🌞
Hoseok and Eunji are opposite twins. They met when Hoseok joined in December 2010, but they didn’t become friends right away. They got along just fine but they didn’t start to become friends until the end of 2011. Their pre-debut history isn’t as complicated or interesting as Joonji’s or Yooji’s. They just started hanging out because the group was being formed and they had to spend a lot of time with each other. They are described as opposite twins, because although they are alike, they also are opposites. With Hobi being – well Hobi – and Eunji being more centered and coolheaded, they have been described as the sun and the moon. Eunji’s personal favorite nickname is ‘Sunshine & Moonlight Twins’. It fits them and sounds beautiful in her opinion.
Hoseok for Eunji is like a light in the darkness. Sounds cheesy, I know, but he embodies that freshness and rescue for her. Eunji often gets in her head and when her thoughts spiral there is no stopping it. Hobi knows this. He can almost read her mind when it happens and although he can’t stop the spiral either, he is able to distract her from it. He is incredibly good at reassuring her and taking her mind off of things. Eunji is fascinated every time because he always seems to know exactly what to say. He can calm her nerves with his mere existence and his words never fail to settle her doubts. He is her light at the end of the tunnel.
Hoseok knows how important he is to Eunji. Of course, he does. To him, Eunji is the responsible older sister, that puts others above herself. He always wants to give her love and care, making sure she is alright and healthy. She is the group’s therapist in many ways, and she is also his. Being seen as the ‘sunshine of the group’ is never an easy thing. Hobi felt like he had to smile no matter how he felt and that he always had to look happy. Eunji, being the mother-natured person she is, always led him drop the mask and feel his emotions without covering them. Therefore, it came naturally to him that he would be there for her too. Although their friendship is mainly laughter and happiness, they can talk about their feelings freely and show them to each other as well. Which is probably the reason they function so well.
special moment: (TW: Sickness, Symptoms of a Cold, mentions of weight)
Hoji are a wholesome duo. They are often funny and bright, especially when together and in front of the camera. But they are also incredibly perceptive.
Hobi was having a horrible day. He hadn’t slept well and had woken up with a headache. He had practiced dancing the night before and it had left him with a load of insecurities. He felt as though he was to uncoordinated, his dancing felt sluggish, and he worried he was losing his charm. But he also worried about his weight gain over the last month and had grown increasingly anxious about losing weight. So, his last day ended badly, and his new day began worse. Unfortunately, it was this exact day, that would be filmed almost entirely.
The day seemed to never pass by. Even the morning stretched endlessly in Hobi’s mind. As he sits down at the kitchen table, he has no appetite and feels quite drowsy. The group around him is too loud for his liking, despite him usually enjoying a cheerful atmosphere. Hobi hadn’t even noticed the camera man but when he did he desperately tried to fake a smile.
Suddenly there is a steaming cup of tea in front of him and a hand on his back. As he looks up he meets eyes with Eunji. “Hey, I made this for you. Have a sip, it should already be cool enough,” she encourages him. Hesitantly he takes a sip and lets the warm liquid soothe his sore throat. Goosebumps form on his skin and he sighs deeply. “I think you should wear something thicker, like a hoodie. You seem cold and the weather isn’t nice,” she explains. He nods, not fully registering what she is saying.
After the long morning the group makes their way to the company building. As he leaves the van to enter the company he shivers. Only then does he realize he must’ve forgotten to change into a hoodie before leaving. He almost bumps into the camera as he steps out of the vehicle.
The group is at the company for some recordings, to which the cameraman is supposed to follow them. Hobi is dreading it. He can barely talk without a rasp how is he supposed to rap clearly? As the group reaches the studio he sits down on the couch and sighs deeply. His head is still pounding and his body aches from the hard practice the day before.
As the time passes Hobi is more and more dizzy. He zones out a lot and he seems close to passing out. He shivers as well, a tell-tale sign that he is cold on the leather couch. There are mumbles surrounding him, but he doesn’t have the energy to lift his head.
Suddenly there is a hand on his knee. “Hobi? Hey, let me help you put this on,” Eunji’s voice echoes through his head and he manages to sit up right. The older girl smiles at him and helps him slide on a hoodie. “Jimin and I will take you home, alright?” she adds, and he frowns. “But the recording and the filming,” he rasps, surprised at his own voice. Eunji winces. “Yeah no, that isn’t happening today. Not for you anyways,” she answers.
As the two guide Hobi back to the dorm, without the camera, he grows increasingly less conscious. When he is finally in his bed Eunji begins to prepare a pot of tea alongside some other things like blankets, thick clothes, and calming music. She had decided to take Jimin home with her as well, because the younger seemed a little sick himself. So, she puts him in the other bed since he and Hobi share a room anyways.
Jimin is the first to fall asleep after Eunji helped both of them get settled in warm clothes and a fluffy blanket. She helps J-Hope drink some tea and sighs. “So, do you want to tell me why you practiced till three in the morning last night?” she asks and softly combs a hand through his hair. His surprise is expected by Eunji, she knew that he thought he was discreet. “How do you” – he interrupts himself and sighs – “I didn’t get the results I had wanted.” After his confession he takes another sip of tea. Eunji stays quiet for a moment, taking in his words and trying to make sense of them.
“This isn’t just about our new choreo, is it?” she asks and shifts closer to him. He hesitates. Unsure of what to say next or if he should say anything in the first place. Eunji doesn’t press, she simply continues to comb his hair. It takes minutes until Hobi answers. “It’s about my dancing. Or my body. Maybe it is both! Or simply none. I just think I’m losing the charm in my dancing and that would be horrible because it could ruin the groups image! I have gained so much weight recently and it all just burdens you and the guys and-”
This time Eunji interrupts him with a soft ‘Hey’. His rambling dies down and he locks eyes with her. She offers a reassuring smile. “Move over a little,” she asks him, and he complies. She shifts into the bed with him, letting him cuddle against her side and holding him. It stays quiet a little while Eunji searches for the right words. “It’s okay to be frustrated. You remember when I started my dance training, right?” she asks, and he can’t suppress the giggle that escapes him. Taking this as enough of an answer she chuckles and continues: “We all get frustrated with our work and our bodies somedays. But I assure you Hobi, your charm has not left you and your body looks as good as ever.”
Hobi stays quiet, cuddling into Eunji’s side. Eunji speaks up again, not quite sure her words have reached him yet. “I mean it Hobi. You are so talented, and I love watching you dance! There has never been any dancer like you in the industry and there will never be another!” She praises and he giggles but she squeezes him a bit. She is serious. “And you are so, so, so good looking! The fans keep on swooning over you and so do I! I constantly have to fight for my position as your number one fan! Just because you are so ridiculously talented and handsome!” she whines at the end. He slaps her arm and pouts. “Stop it! You’re making me blush!” he complains but laughs right after. “That means it’s working.” “Thank you.”
It grows quiet again. This time it is calmer. Hobi seems more relaxed in her arms, and she sighs. “Can you sing for me?” he suddenly asks. And who is Eunji to deny him this?
nicknames Army gave them: Sun & Moon, Sunshine & Moonlight Twins, Opposite Twins
love language: She is…
giving: words of affirmation/quality time receiving: physical touch/acts of service  hoji ‘thing’: piggyback rides & calling each other in livestreams
#EUNMIN – Gwan Eunji & Park Jimin
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“Ah, Jiminie. He is a very supportive person, but he is also overly hard on himself. I wish he could see himself through my eyes once in a while. He is exactly how I imagined a younger brother would be. He is so cute. But he is possessive, I got to say.”
contact name: Jiminie 🐣
Jimin and Eunji have the typical sibling dynamic. Eunji is the big sister to the Maknae Line and therefore also to Jimin. Pre-debut, they had some trouble getting used to each other. Jimin was incredibly shy and hesitant around her. The fact that Yoongi and Eunji seemed to have a difficult relationship also made Jimin more uncertain. Eunji was honestly confused at first, thinking he doesn’t like her. But she figured out quite quickly that he was just so shy and unsure how to talk to her. She tried to make it easier for him by starting conversation first and trying her best to seem more approachable. It helped a litter and the two at least talked about work.
After debut the two began to get close. Jimin felt in awe about his Noona. She had so much patience with him and the other two Maknaes. She never pushed them to interact with her and he began to feel more comfortable around her. Eventually Jimin grew quite protective of Eunji and even got a little possessive over her. She thinks it’s adorable, really. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be taken seriously. He is, in fact, very serious when it comes to protecting his Noona. He always makes sure to be around her in public spaces, keeping his arm around her waist and staring anyone down who even dares come close. The group has made fun of his possessiveness many times and he always laughs but it doesn’t seem like he will stop any time soon. For him, Eunji is this caring older sister that he needs to keep safe. He wouldn’t want anything ever happening to her and he makes sure to let anyone know. It is his way of showing love towards her, because he and the Maknae-Line tease and prank her a lot.
Eunji loves Jimin. She genuinely thinks he is such a precious soul, and she wants to keep him in her pocket. While he functions as her bodyguard she is his therapist. She makes sure his soul and body are well taken care of. Reminding him to eat, forcing him to take breaks and reassuring him verbally. That’s her job. She is the mom of the group, and she lives up to that name. She is just as protective of him as he is of her, just in different ways. She isn’t the offence kind of fighter; she is more like the passive kind of healer. She protects him from himself. His thoughts and doubts, that spiral into physical exhaustion and personal torture. She knows because she has been there. And that is why this duo is so unique and popular. Mostly because you have protective Jiminie, but also because you have mother Eunji.
special moment: (TW: wrist injury, shooting, gunshots, gunshot wound)
Eunmin are popular for a couple of reasons. One is, as mentioned, the protectiveness (sometimes even possessiveness) from Jimin towards his Noona. Another one is the motherly care that Eunji displays towards Jimin (and the other two Maknaes).
These are noticeable in small things. Some moments are tiny, others are so big they even make it into headlines of news articles.
It is a Run BTS episode. The group was loudly discussing the results of a game and who had actually won now. Eunji wasn’t taking part in this discussion, preferring to sit silently and watch the drama. The loud screaming was bothering her, but she wouldn’t mention it. It was not a pressing issue to her. She leans forwards to grab her water bottle only to find it empty. She sighs. There are new bottles a few meters away, but she is practically caged in her seat due to the studio set up. “Can you give me the water?” she asks into the room, but the arguing drowns it out. She tries to reach and grab the new bottles, unsuccessfully. “Hey, can one of you give me a water bottle?” she asks again. No response, again. But then she meets eyes with Jimin. “Hey, quiet!” he suddenly raises his voice slightly and the group grow quiet. He looks at her, waiting for her to say what she tried to say. Eunji smiles and points to the water bottles. “Can you give me a bottle?” Jungkook, who stands closest to them, immediately offers it to her. She thanks him with a smile before turning to Jimin. He seemed satisfied and she throws him a quick grateful smile.
Jimin is known for having a interesting relationship with chairs and the ground. Whether it is falling from chairs, randomly laying on the ground, or even kicking himself off of chairs. He also has a strong tendency to slip on stage and he does so quite regularly. So, once again, while on stage it began to rain. “Oh, come on. We haven’t even finished the sound check yet,” Hobi whines and is joined by a grumpy Yoongi. “Can we sit down backstage and just do the sound check there?” But he is denied. Meanwhile, the Maknae-Line is clearly enjoying the new weather. They are moonwalking and dancing to songs that are related to rain while singing them. And Jimin decides to slide along the stage. Bad idea. The stage is so slippery that he loses his balance, crashes into Namjoon, and falls to the ground. Eunji, within a split second, is next to him. “Are you okay?” she asks, already pressing down on his ankles and legs to find injuries. “Yeah,” Jimin answers but doesn’t attempt to get up. Eunji frowns and takes his hands in hers, feeling his wrists. He flinches as she presses onto his left wrist. Her face softens. “You’re hurt. Come on, lets get you an ice pack,” she suggests and ushers him backstage.
After the group had come back from dance practice, Eunji had started a livestream in her room. She had decided to start a new painting and was doing this live. While having lo-fi music playing in the back she was humming and painting peacefully. After a while Jimin had joined her, quietly beginning to read comments. “He worked really hard in practice today, Army,” Eunji praises Jimin causing him to smirk and blush. “Have you eaten yet?” she asks him, eyes focusing on him now. He turns to her and nods. “Yeah. I just did, actually,” he answers truthfully. She nods, satisfied with that answer. It had been at least two hours since dance practice. “Good. You need the energy, especially after such tough practice,” she continues. Jimin stays quiet before turning to her once again. “Did you eat already?” he asks. Eunji pauses. “Ah, not yet,” she admits and turns to Jimin, who looks at her with a raised brow. “I am planning to after the livestream!” she defends herself and turns back to the canvas. Jimin turns to the phone, smiles, and waves. “See you soon Army. I will have to feed Noona!” “Ay!” With that the livestream was ended and Eunji posted later on: ‘Have been fed and well taken care off. Don’t worry Army <3’
Throughout 2016 it had gotten clear that Eunji was facing a lot more hate than the company could handle at the time. People were sued due to spreading false rumors or sending hateful messages and harassing Eunji. But even that didn’t stop them. Death threats weren’t noticed or dismissed because the company was overwhelmed with all the hate. By early 2017 it had gotten out of control. The group had just arrived back in Seoul, making their way through the relatively crowded airport. Jimin has his arm wrapped around her waist, as always, and talking with her about the upcoming days. “I really want to get a spa treatment, would you come with me?” he asks. The next six days would be free, and the group had individual plans for them. Eunji gasps. “Sure! I could need some good messages and facial treatments!” she agrees with a bright smile.
Suddenly a loud shot rings out, quickly followed by panicked screams. Before Jimin can even fully register what is happening he feels Eunji collapse against him. He panics, quickly rushing towards nearest wall for cover. He leans against it, watching as all of the people including his members, duck for cover. Then his eyes go to Eunji. “O-oh god! Oh no, no, no, no!” he whispers as he finds her with a bleeding wound on her shoulder. He quickly slides her down the wall and grabs her face. “Noona?!” he asks, panic evident in his shaking voice. To his utmost relief she opens her eyes and nods. “It’s alright. I’ll be alright,” she reassures, although the pain drives tears in her eyes. “Y-yeah you will be! Of course, you will be!” There are sirens in the back and Jimin fears the attacker might still be around. He turns to look at his members, Namjoon is the first who catches his eyes. “She has been shot!” Jimin whisper-yells. The following shock that etches onto his members faces must be reflecting his own. “I’m okay!” Eunji tries to reassure but it sounds weak. Jimin immediately turns his attention back to her.
“This will hurt. I’m sorry,” he apologizes before pressing down against the wound. A scream erupts from Eunji’s lips but then she tries to even her breaths. Jimin feels guilty and almost pulls back but she shakes her head at him. “It’s okay. You’re doing good,” she reassures him and smiles. The ten minutes it takes the ambulance to arrive at the longest ten minutes of Jimin’s life. Only once the doctor told him that she would be okay, did he take a breath of relief.
nicknames Army gave them: Eunji’s bodyguard, Child #1
love language: She is…
giving: Words of Affirmation/Acts of Service receiving: Physical Touch/Acts of Service   eunmin ‘thing’: arm around waist & cheek kisses/squishes
#TAEUN – Gwan Eunji & Kim Taehyung
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“Tae is a lot like me. I see a lot from me in Tae. Maybe that is why we get along? It worries me sometimes. I hope he doesn’t forget about himself and that he can do with his life what he wants to. Because I forgot that at one point.”
contact name: Taedy Bear 🐻
Taehyung and Eunji have a sibling like relationship. The Maknae-Line x Eunji all give Sibling vibes but something about Taeun is interesting to see. Like Eunji said herself, they are very alike. They might not be twins but they do have personalities that could be siblings. As mentioned, the Maknae-Line was hesitant to approach Eunji pre-debut. Tae was 17 years old and this cheerful and smiley kid, but he was too shy to talk to girls or women. He reminds Eunji a lot of herself. And again, these two took a long time to get close and when they finally did, it was post-debut. They eventually began to talk more because Taehyung had found Eunji painting in the living room and got curious. He had sat next to her, surprising her and himself, and asked what she was doing. The two then sat there for a couple of hours, Eunji explaining and teaching Taehyung how to paint.
Taeun’s dynamic is a bit difficult to explain. They are the only duo in the group that actually could be siblings. They don’t just look alike but they also act similar. For every holiday she went with Tae to his family and his parents love Eunji like their own child. They also both went through experiences in their idol career that changed them drastically. For Eunji, it was her dating scandal and the tragedy that followed. For Tae, there might’ve not been a specific situation but the hate and pressure that he received over years. Two happy kids turning into broken adults. Tae reminds Eunji of herself because of this reason exactly. They went from smiley and happy to more reserved and calculated. And all Eunji wants is for Tae to be happy and healthy. Which she has stated often and clearly for everyone to understand.
Taeun’s dynamic is a bit difficult to explain. They are the only duo in the group that actually could be siblings. They don’t just look alike but they also act similar. For every holiday she went with Tae to his family and his parents love Eunji like their own child. They also both went through heavy emotional changes in those years. Two happy kids turning into broken adults. Tae reminds Eunji of herself because of this reason exactly. And all Eunji wants is for Tae to be happy and healthy. Which she has stated often and clearly for everyone to understand.
He is also the perfect example of her ‘I don’t like skinship, but you are an exception’ mindset. She will let him seek physical touch from her. Whether it’s hugs, holding hands, kisses or cuddling. She will let him do it. She lets him hug her for sleep as well, which prompted him to come over to her bed a lot once he found out. He is also one of the first people she told about her parents and what happened. It was also Tae that went to visit her orphanage with her, when she went to donate the next Christmas. He is like her emotional support teddy (teady) bear.
special moment:
Taeun have many moments on camera that show the positive development of their friendship. Especially during long time shows like Run BTS. Most Armys have been introduced to shows like ‘In the Soop’ or ‘Bon Voyage’.  
During Bon Voyage there is a situation, where Namjoon and Taehyung have to share a bed. Due to Taehyung’s subconscious affection while sleeping he hugs Namjoon. But the older doesn’t appreciate it and tells this to Taehyung the next morning.
Eunji, who heard the commotion, offers a solution. “I can switch with you, Namjoon,” she suggests as she enters the room. Her room is close by and has a single bed. Namjoon turns to her, face scrunched into a frown. “Are you sure? I thought you don’t like hugs,” he claims and glances at Taehyung. Eunji doesn’t hesitate and give him a determined nod. “I’m sure.”
After both Namjoon and Eunji have packed their bags and switched the rooms, Eunji sits down on the edge of the bed. She looks at Taehyung, whose face shows confusion and worry. “Don’t take his words personally. He finds physical intimacy too personal for friendships, we have to accept that,” she explains and quietly begins to unpack.
“You don’t have to sacrifice your privacy for me. I can take your room or the couch or something,” he tries to suggest and gets up from the bed. Eunji pauses her unpacking and turns to him again. “Ah come on, Tae,” she breathes out and for a moment the two just look at each other. Then she grins at him and adds: “Don’t be ridiculous. You just want the single bed, hm? Yeah, you thought.” This draws a surprised chuckle out of Taehyung, and he shakes his head amused.
In the evening, after successfully unpacking and spending the day together as group, Eunji is getting ready for bed. When she enters the bedroom she finds Tae, already in bed, laying as far on the edge as possible. She frowns, climbing into the bed and cuddling into the soft covers. “You don’t need to keep five feet away. I have nothing contagious,” she jokes, and he turns his head towards her. She smiles and waves him closer. Hesitantly he shifts more onto the bed.
She feels that he is still tense, even after she turns out the light and settles for sleep. His shoulder are tense, his breathing dangerously quiet and his back turned towards her. Cautiously she shifts closer. “Would you like me to hold you?” she asks in a whisper. His head snaps to her, eyes wide and full of shock. “W-what?! I-you don’t need to!” He answers quickly but Eunji tilts her head. “You didn’t answer my question,” she states calmly and smiles. He stays quiet, seemingly thinking about it. Until his hesitant eyes meet her determined ones. “Would you?” he whispers, barely audible. She chuckles. “Of course, dumbass. Why would I ask otherwise?” she responds and shifts even closer. “Can I?” she asks, and he nods way too quickly, which she finds adorable. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, and he shuffles to get comfortable. They end up with his arms wrapped around her waist, his head on her chest and her arms around his shoulders. She softly plays with his hair and hums a few melodies. It doesn’t take long until he is sound a sleep and she follows soon after.
Probably one of their biggest ship moments, not gonna lie.
nicknames Army gave them: Siblings, Mamma Bear & Baby Bear
love language: She is…
giving: physical touch/quality time receiving: physical touch/acts of service  taeun ‘thing’: skincare routine together & hugs (while sleeping)
#EUNKOOK – Gwan Eunji & Jeon Jungkook
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“Jungkook is my baby. Big baby I should say. My boy has grown into a handsome man, has he not? With the tattoos and piercings, the long hair, and muscles. It’s hard to accept that he is an adult, but he is so mature, right? We should recognize him for it.”
contact name: Big Baby Bunny 💪🐇
Jungkook and Eunji pretty much have a mother and son relationship. Since Jungkook was so young when he debuted, Eunji wanted to make sure he was going to be okay. With that goal in mind, she and Jungkook went to his hometown where Eunji formally introduced herself to his family. She wanted to meet them in person, exchange phone numbers and maybe learn a bit about Jungkook to help him in the future. His parents loved her, obviously. They immediately felt at ease, knowing she will be looking over their boy. His mother cooked with Eunji and even gave her some family recipes. That pretty much shows how devoted Eunji is to make Jungkook feel comfortable. Especially because the Maknae-Line was keeping their distance pre-debut. What can I say, these two got close fast.
In the beginning she really babied him a lot. I mean, he was a baby. But to be fair, she actually became more of a mom. She taught him to do his own laundry, make doctor’s appointments, cook, and even drive. She also helped him study and do his homework. She did have to scold him sometimes, but she was always gentle and loving. And funnily enough, the fans have noticed. There are things that Jungkook does, that the fans realized comes from Eunji. Certain habits, manners, or sentences. He actively quotes her sometimes. Jungkook back than was sometimes annoyed by her, which she accepted and backed off. To which he would realize that she was a big help and come to ask for her again. She never took it personally. Due to her experiences with the orphanage children, she understood. She knew how to handle kids well and Jungkook was her kid now.
The older Jungkook got, the more independent did he become. At first it was hard for Eunji to grasp but she quickly adapted to him maturing. She probably is his biggest supporter and never wanted him to feel suffocated or too babied. So, when he eventually turned an adult and matured a lot, she let him and watched proudly. She can never help the proud smile when he accomplishes something or just whenever she sees him honestly. She brags about him a lot. ‘He grew up so well, didn’t he? Ah, such a gentleman.’ She loves Jungkook and knowing that he is an adult now, doesn’t change that. But she never takes credit for raising him. She is convinced he did most of it by himself.
For Jungkook Eunji has always been the big sister that took on his mother’s role when he left. He appreciates her a lot. More than he could ever say. Don’t get him wrong, the boys did an amazing job raising him. It was just different with Eunji. She just knew what to do in every situation. He got mad at her for caring ‘too much’? She stepped back and gave him space to think. Then he thought about it and realized she was a big help. So, in a way, she humbled him in the humblest way possible. By listening to what he said, even when it was obviously stupid. Despite being grown up now and being a big boy, he still seeks her comfort. He likes being babied once in a while, especially by her. Eunji complies, of course. Jungkook always gives huge credit to Eunji for the person he is today.
Without her, it would’ve been difficult sometimes. There were topics that he was embarrassed about and that he didn’t want to tell his Hyungs. And to whom would a teenager usually go? Right, their mother. For him, it was Eunji first until he got a chance to call his mom. And she did a good job. Eunji never judged him for ‘embarrassing things’ or ‘stupid questions’. Which is why they are so close, even to this day.
special moment:
Eunji pretty much raised Jungkook and over the years they spend together they have grown incredibly close. Especially through the teenage years. The struggles of growing up in the entertainment industry were heavy on Jungkook but Eunji made sure to take care of him.
Eunji is sitting in the living room of the dorm. She is freely chatting with Jin and joking around. Jimin and Tae are also there but focused on their game. Yoongi is at the studio and Namjoo and Jhope are going to get food and Yoongi to go back to the dorm. Suddenly there is a timid tap on her shoulder. When she looks up she finds Jungkook. His head is low, eyes only hesitantly looking at her, and his hands are fidgeting. Eunji frowns, worry building up at the image. “Hey, are you okay?” she asks and turns her body towards him. He nods quickly. “Yes! C-can I ask you something?” he asks, stuttering a little. Eunji, still concerned, gets up and nods. “Sure!” she answers. But he hesitates once again. “Privately?” he whispers.
Eunji is surprised but leads him into the shared bedroom of the group. They sit down on the lower bunk bed and Eunji turns to him. He scratches his neck and shifts. Eunji can tell he is nervous. “You can ask me anything, Kookie. I promise I won’t make fun of you, and I won’t tell anyone,” she reassures and softly nudges his shoulder. He takes a deep breath and turns his eyes back to her. “Okay. Ehm, how do I make – how can I ask this?” He asks himself and frowns. Eunji gives him a minute to think. “How do I shave the best way?” he asks, cringing right after. But Eunji immediately understands the issue. “Okay, that alright. Don’t worry, it is totally normal to not know these things,” she reassures. He seems relieved and breathes out deeply.
She gets up and grabs a small bag before returning to him. She opens the bag and pulls out her razor and waxing strips. When she looks at the Maknae he seems intrigued. “I’m sure you know that you could shave with a razor,” she states, and he nods. “I personally prefer waxing, since it helps avoid certain problems with shaving and it is a bit more effective in removing hair for a long time,” she explains, and he listens carefully. “Does waxing hurt?” he asks. Eunji coos at his expression, pinching his cheek a little. “It does a little, not gonna lie. But if you want we can try a small part on the leg first?” she suggests. Eagerly Jungkook agrees. Eunji smiles. “Don’t ever feel embarrassed for asking this stuff, yeah? I’ll try my best to answer them.”
The stadium is empty. The only people there are staff and BTS. Speaking of, Jungkook is currently getting ready to practice the Euphoria Performance where he flies over the stadium. Eunji is standing in front of the stage, her arms folded on stage as she leans on it. There is a cameraman next to her, making sure to record everything while another camera was busy filming Jungkook. “You look so professional,” Eunji compliments after Jungkook just finished talking to staff and tying himself to the pole. His head turns to her, eyes big and shining. “You think?” he asks, excitement shining through. Eunji laughs. “Of course!” As he is lifted into the air he squeals with excitement. Eunji chuckles nervously. “Hold onto that tightly, yeah?” she almost pleads with him. He looks down at shows her a thumbs up. Namjoon steps next to Eunji, both watching their Maknae flying through the air and singing his song. “He grew up so fast,” Eunji mumbles. “Yeah he did,” he agrees. In that moment, Jungkook waves excitedly at the two. Eunji breaks into a big smile and waves back. “You look amazing, Kookie!” she yells up to him and his smile grows even bigger.
In a livestream, Eunji is chatting with fans and reading comments. “Where is Jungkook?” she reads out a comment. A smile forms on her face. “He called me earlier, asking if I was still doing a livestream today. I said yes and he wanted to come. But he is still working out right now,” she explains. She focuses back on the comments as praises and cute comments about Jungkook and Eunkook come in. “Jungkook still baby,” she reads out. A chuckle leaves her. “He is a very soft person. But,” – she interrupts her sentence to take a sip of her drink and then look at the camera more seriously – “he is a handsome and grown up man now. He still has parts of the kid from 10 years ago in him, but he has grown so much. We, you too Army, should acknowledge that, right?” she asks but it is more a rhetorical question. As she reads more comments she laughs out. “How does it feel to have raised the most amazing man on the planet?” she reads out and flashes a big smile at the camera. “Good question. I feel very proud, but he has always been an amazing person. He grew up so well and I will never stop being proud of him.”
It's Festa 2022 and the group is sitting around a table with drinks and food. The conversations have been mixed with funny and relaxed topics but also emotional and personal themes. Right now, the boys are arguing who raised Jungkook the best. “Obviously it’s me! I paid for all his food!” Jin argues and gestures at Yoongi. The younger side eyes his friend and states: “But I have raised him more. We spend so much time together.” “I am sure I raised him the best,” Hobi intervenes and sips his drink. “I mean I spend all my time with him,” he adds.
Meanwhile, Eunji is leaning back in her chair and watching with amusement. For her, this discussion is pointless, but she enjoys the entertainment from it anyways. Suddenly Jimin intervenes: “I believe Eunji Noona raised Jungkook the most.” The group goes quiet. Taehyung agrees with nodding and eats a piece of pork. Eunji chuckles. “I am not a part in this discussion,” she says. The boys begin to ponder on if Eunji should now voice her opinion or not, which makes Eunji giggle more. This is amusing to her. But then something makes them all shut up. “I also think Eunji Noona raised me the best,” Jungkook says. Everyone goes silent. You could hear a pin drop. Eunji laughs at the others’ faces. “Look what you did, Kookie,” she accuses the younger, who just shrugs.
“I actually am really grateful for Noona. I wasn’t easy as a kid and she always knew what to say or do. I feel that Noona was made to be a mother,” – Eunji chuckles at that and Jungkook smiles – “because she raised me as a mother, and, even when I don’t always show it, I couldn’t be more thankful,” he explains. Eunji listens, eyes tearing up and she softly caresses his cheek with the back of her hand. “Why so emotional today, Jk?” Jimin teases but even that doesn’t stop Jungkook from making sure that everyone knows he is serious. “Because I barely say it. I think I should say it more often. I am grateful for all of you raising me and you had a great impact on me,” he continues. Eunji wipes the stray tears of her cheeks and cradles the back of his head. “Oh, and my mom is also very happy about you raising me,” he adds, looking at Eunji. The group erupts in laughs and chuckles. Eunji smiles and softly scratches his head.
nicknames Army gave them: Mother-son, Eunji’s big baby/boy
love language: She is…
giving: acts of service/words of affirmation receiving: physical touch/quality time eunkook ‘thing’: sitting in each other’s lap & caretaking (washing hair, cooking dinner, removing makeup, etc.)
This layout isn’t mine; I have ‘stolen’ it from @txt-yaomi! Don’t worry, I got permission to use it. I recommend going to her acc as well, she has a great TXT Addition story! Thank you for letting me use this 🧡
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners.
©︎ bts-eunji - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
122 notes · View notes
riyangiis · 4 months
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you try and confess to ricky through a diary about your thoughts about love and your crush on ricky. (valentines special!!)
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 , ricky x gn! reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 , fluff
𝐰/𝐜 , 2.5k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 , bad writing, second lead syndrome.., one-sided love, i feel like this is more abt kazumi than ricky or reader BYE..
𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 !
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it wasn't hard to fall for ricky, never. he's so elegant, majestic, talented, everything! you thought that it would be a bother to be friends with him since it would get harder to hide the fact that you were astronomically down bad for him.
you weren't the only one like this. not at all. of course there were other people who like him as much as you do, he has a whole fan club.. you weren't that delusional to even show the fact that you had a crush on him or to show that you have a chance with him, you're insanely far from that. you know that there are people worthy enough to be with him, it's not bad to admire from afar. for now.
sometimes when you try to sneak a glance at him, he's already looking at you. you stop staring , or admiring, after a millisecond. you can always feel that someone is watching your every move whenever ricky is nearby. maybe you're really delusional. you've told your close friends about this problem.
"look for a little longer to be sure!"
your friend rocks you back and forth after hearing your thoughts, she seems more excited than you're supposed to be.
"do i look like i have the guts to do that?"
your friend looks disappointed in your shyness. to be fair you we're actually considering it.. but really, you don't have the guts to do that even if you wanted to do it.
"well maybe? please do it?"
your friend looks at you with puppy eyes. you roll your eyes.
"fine, just not now."
(try to guess who the friend is in the end!)
"do you really like [name]?"
gyuvin asks ricky. they're currently in an empty classroom with gunwook reviewing his notes for an upcoming test. it has always been their secret meetup spot since they all became a trio.
"gyuv, i really do like them. they're funny, kind, attractive, just everything. i'm sure about this."
ricky reassures gyuvin. even though ricky is popular around the school, gyuvin is just worried that ricky might get used for fame and money. gyuvin also knows well that ricky has been in situations like that. he knows what to do.
"yeah, ricky's fine-"
yujin barges in the door, cutting off gunwook. he just got out of class after a chemistry test. everyone in the room got silent and just stared at him. the classroom was secret indeed, but they had to let yujin know. he was practically begging for them to tell him and it won't hurt to let him join?
"how's the test?"
gunwook asks yujin, breaking the awkward silence. he proudly waves his papers to gunwook, showing a noticeable 18/20 in red.
"phew, that long night of reviewing you didn't go to waste."
gunwook sighs relieved after having to explain everything in detail to yujin for 6 hours just for that quiz. for. free. yujin sits down beside the boys and starts talking about drama from his class.
"did you know kanghee cheated on eunji?"
gasps emitted from the boys, completely leaving the conversation about ricky's crush behind.
when february started, you bought a cute cherry notebook and turned it into a diary to write how much you like ricky and give it to him once the day comes. everyday you fill at leaat 5 pages with whatever seems romantic and cute.
you knew ricky likes diaries, you thought it would be nice to put this in his collection as a valentines gift. of course you saved some pages for him incase he wants to put anything in the diary.
it took you 3 sore fingers, a load of stickers, you preparing to get rejected, also you hoping that this will work, and other stuff. you're lucky that you don't have a busy schedule when valentines is near because this is probably your only way to confess to ricky. you're pretty embarrassed to actually give someone you have a crush on your thoughts about them when they don't even know you. whatever, you had to get this off of your chest somehow.
perfect. your diary is finished. you're planning on putting this on his desk. well, hoping that nobody would just open up and read everything that's been going on in your mind. can't do that.. you can't just put it on his locker, you don't know the code. even if you did, it's probably full of love letters that he won't even notice the notebook. gosh, i'll just ask my friends.
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from what your friends said, they told you to put the diary in his bag while he's practicing. you asked your friends, kyungsoo and kazumi, to go with you. kazumi has a friend there that's also in the basketball team so you three were able to go to practice without any suspicions.
"do you think this will work?"
kyungsoo asks nervous. to be honest, you were extremely nervous as well. you've never done stuff like this before. kazumi just scoffs as if he was an expert even though he's new to this as well.
"trust me. when i'm around, we can never fail."
kyungsoo's face softens, she avoids trying to worry or ask a question like that when all she'll get is kazumi being a narcissist as usual. you're close to the court. you see gyuvin, ricky's best friend, on the way.
"[name]! you're here! did you invite your friends?"
gyuvin greeted you, he's also a part of the team. he's currently holding a soda can on his hand that's from the vending machine, is it their break right now?
"yeah! kazumi got invited by minho to watch them and kyungsoo just wanted to go with us since she had nothing to do! how's valentines for you?"
gyuvin scoffs and casually drinks the soda as if he was gets admirers all the time. gunwook walks up to him and barges in the conversation and cuts gyuvin off.
"it's going well for me, as expecte-" "he's lying."
gyuvin tries to silence gunwook and convince you that he's just as famous as his best friend is. they start bickering and forget that they were talking to you in the first place.
"let's just go, we can't waste time."
kazumi whispers to you and kyungsoo as a signal to escape the whole thing. you finally entered the basketball court. you check the seats where ricky's bag usually is. some places are with admirers. too suspicious but you can fit in somehow.
"let's go there."
kyungsoo pointed at an empty spot that's not noticeable and you three can easily watch your surroundings. it's the spot that kristine recommended. as soon as you three were about to go up to the bleachers, ricky walks up to you.
"[name]? out of all the days you decided to see us practice, it's before valentines?"
"we're supposed to be out there gossiping about the confession wall but [name] insisted on going here. i also got invited by minho so i have no choice. kyungsoo just has nothing to do so she followed us."
kazumi offers an explanation, a fake one to be specific, he's a really good actor you have to admit. ricky looks at the cherry notebook you held in your hand, it reads "for you ᰔ." he starts to become curious about the notebook.
'who will you give that to? is it someone from the basketball team?' ricky was about to ask but just sucked it in. it's not his business anyway, you might get uncomfortable.
"alright. see you!"
ricky goes back to his seat and relaxes after a tiring practice. he's still thinking about that notebook, 'did you come here to confess to someone? is it him? gosh, don't get your hopes up quanrui. it's just some.. silly notebook.' he looks back to the three of you, mainly you. he just brushes it off and told himself to focus on practice.
you're finally free from the.. conversations. you don't hate talking to ricky or gyuvin, it's just weird considering the whole reason you went to watch basketball practice is.. you know it. just when you guys were about to go to the seat kristine recommended before it gets taken by.. another admirer, minho stops you from doing so.
"sorry, i just need kazumi for a minute."
kazumi signals for you and kyungsoo to just go to the seats and he will follow later. you nod and leave him and minho be. minho grabs kazumi's hand and gently drags him to a private spot.
"how's the plan going?"
minho asks quietly.
"we haven't even started yet, people like you just keep on disturbing us."
kazumi scoffs, what an introvert (loner)..
"sorry, just let me know if anything happens okay? you can go now."
"also i saw ricky looking at the notebook. just so you know."
kazumi nods and quickly goes to the two.
"i'm back."
kazumi sits down on the spot that they reserved for him. he checks his phone to see any updates from kristine.
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time passes by as you watch your surroundings to find the perfect moment to sneak up and hide the diary in ricky's bag. eunha distracting yoonmi, the basketball team focused on practice, others just hanging around the bleachers to find a not really crowded place to review or just have time to theirselves. this is perfect.
"i think i should go do it."
as soon as you stood up and try to walk away, kazumi grabs your hand and drags you back. he grabs your other hand. he's now holding both of your hands.. or wrists?
"don't do something stupid or mess up. i'm counting on you."
"err.. ok?"
he lets you go, kyungsoo just gives you two thumbs up and a pearly smile. you quickly get down and start your 'sneaky' mission. you try your best not to get attention. you sneak to the side of the bleachers, near ricky's bag. you stop for a second.. kazumi looks at you confused, why did you stop?
how exactly do you put it inside his bag without getting noticed? no wonder kazumi warned you before you went here.. you slowly walk closer to the bag, lift it a little, slowly put the notebook under, adjust the bag so that the only way you'll see the notebook is when you lift it up.
you look back at the two, kazumi stares at you giving you a 'seriously?' look while kyungsoo just gives you an ok sign. whatever. what happens happens. it's good enough.
you walk back to kazumi and kyungsoo. you remain standing in front of them, waiting for the signal to leave the place since you honestly can't stay here anymore.
"let's just go, it's boring here. i'll tell minho first."
you finally got out of that place. you're currently going to the school playground to meet with the others. when you three arrived you see haruki up the place with the slide because the signal is great there, rin and jiwon in the seesaw, kristine in the swings.
"you're back!!"
haruki rushes to get out and hug you, jiwon rapidly gets up and hugs kyungsoo, rinjusy gets out the seesaw and calmly walk up to her brother.
"kazu we.. need to talk."
rin drags kazumi to a private place in the playground where no one would hear their conversation.
"are you okay with this thing? after all you liked [name].. you sure you can handle everything?"
rin questions kazumi worried. kazumi just smiles and tries to reassure his younger sister.
"yeah, i don't see [name] that way anymore. i've already got my eyes on someone else.."
"you sure?"
kazumi nods, not wanting to be a bother to his sister.
"okay. i'll let you be. let's go back to the others and tell them we'll go home. or maybe we can hang out? we haven't went out that much recently.."
"yeah, let's go to that café with the cute bunnies. my treat."
practice is finally over. no admirers around, fresh air. he was about to get his bag to get changed. when he lifted it, he saw a notebook. a cherry notebook. with that same note. was that for.. him? no way.. he opens the notebook to read what's in it.
a diary about my.. love life? what i think about love?
to: ricky
from love: [name] ᰔ
he closes the notebook. planning to read it when he gets home.
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today is finally valentines. you're kind of nervous and scared that you'll get rejected. but you don't really expect ricky to like you back anyway, there's other people better than you. don't get your hopes up.
you entered the classroom, seeing a lot of chocolates, flowers, and whatever gifts people give on valentines. ricky's desk catches your attention. it's full of love letters, diy gifts, crochet roses, candies, and other stuff. near his desk was a cherry notebook.. a cherry notebook? in his hand.
you swiftly look away and rush to your seat. still having the feeling that someone.. ricky is staring at you. perhaps you should try what your friend, rin, told you. to look at him.. longer than usual. you look over to ricky still reading the diary, he's currently somewhere around the middle. he stops reading and looks at you, he then smiles. not his usual smirk like you see him do with others. a genuine smile.
he signals you to look under your desk. you quickly do it without any hesitation, curious about what kind of stuff he put there. you see roses and a piece of paper. you get them and put them on your desk to see it clearly. the bouquet is full of paper roses and crochet roses surrounding the real rose in the middle. you see the same note that you put on the front of the diary, "for you ᰔ."
you open the paper that comes with it. it's a page from the diary, you can tell because of the cherries scattered around it. a piece of ripped paper on the empty space. it's the first page of the diary, except he put correction tape over the original names and reversed it. the actual paper is a page titled "what i think about love ─ flowers." the change of handwriting is seen at the bottom, it's ricky's.
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after reading the whole thing, you look back at ricky, who's admiring you in pure adoration. you smile back at him and keep the roses and the paper before your strict teacher scolds you. you nod, his smile grows bigger. but your interaction gets interrupted by that exact strict teacher.
"that's how it all started."
ricky ended the story. your friends (not the anti-romantics and the broskis they know it all..) were curious about ricky's valentines and anniversary gift.
"happy valentines and.. anniversary."
ricky gives the diary to you. the diary is now full with your side and ricky's side. it's finally done. when you opened the book, the first page was the page that led him to give you multiple roses on that exact day. you smile at the precious memory. the one that started it all. you never had to worry about anything after all.
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agi-ppangx · 7 months
broken promises (lee minho x gn!reader)
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tags: post-apocalypse!au, angst, hurt without comfort
warnings: mentions of death, blood and wounds
A/N: this is something ive never done before so please bear with me😶‍🌫️ also eunji is a made up character solely for this fic and she isnt based on anyone in particular ^^ i hope you'll enjoy my little experiment and please remember that feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated🫶🏽
the cold wind lazily made its way though your hair, bringing you back to reality. you looked around at the disaster in front of you. the city was destroyed and almost deserted, only a little people left to fight. the rest of them went south - it was told the life there would be better, but you didn’t really believe it. nowhere was life any better now. you noticed a woman with a little girl walking down the street. she made eye contant with you - her face was covered in burn scars and a few fresh wounds. she threw you a sad smile, seeing you weren’t doing any better. the girl waved at you, her arm covered in blood as well. you tried to wave back, but it came out a bit wobbly and you sighed, defeated. suddenly you felt a gentle tap on your arm. you abruptly threw your head up only to see eunji standing in the doorway. she took a step forward, sitting next to you. you took her hand in yours and rubbed it with your thumb. “how are you feeling?” you asked her softly. “i’m okay, don’t worry.” you hummed at her words and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
it was truly a miracle that she was alive. you had met eunji a few months before, she was wanderng around a small town nearby without anything to eat or drink. she slept where she could and was constantly running away, scared that someone will eventually kill her. you didn’t have heart to leave her alone and decided to help and protect her. she was unsure at the beginning, but you weren’t surprised. you took your time to earn her trust, letting he know with your actions that you wanted only to make her safe. your heart ached, looking at her, so scared and vulnerable, yet wise and independent. you thought to yourself that no twelve-year-old shouldn’t be so mature for their age. she was a kid, she should be playing around with her friends and not worrying about a thing. after a few weeks though, she finally opened herself up in front of you, letting you sooth her aching soul and create a shelter for her. she told you about her past and about her mother, whom she lost contact with at the very beginning of the apocalypse. you started treating her like your little sister and made a promise to yourself to stay with her to help her find her mum and make sure she grows up in a safe place, away from hunger, poverty and death.
“what are you thinking about?” eunji asked you suddenly, seeing your worried gaze. you shook your head and smiled faintly. “future. i want us to finally be happy,” you whispered, holding back tears that were starting to pool in your eyes. she hugged you tightly, burying her head in your chest. “as long as you’re with me then i’m happy,” she said simply and you giggled, sniffing. how could a kid be so wise? “oh, also,” eunji sat straight again and looked you in the eyes. “minho woke up.”
you ran through the corridors of the building, trying to get to minho’s room as quickly as possible. on your way you bumped into jisung and he grabbed your arms, steadying you so you wouldn’t fall. “whoa, careful. are you going to see minho?” you nodded fratically, panting. he smiled at you. “alright, go. he’s waiting for you.”
you quietly entered the room, not wanting to startle minho. you closed the door and heard him grumble in pain. “is that my guardian angel? am i in heaven?” he uttered when he finally noticed you and you giggled at that. “yah, don’t you dare talking about dying. i did everything i could to save you, dummy,” you sat at the edge of his bed, runing your fingers through his hair. he leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and humming in content. “i missed you,” he whispered. “can you give me a kiss?” you cooed at him and leaned over to place a gentle peck on his dry, cracked lips, savouring the moment that you missed so much. “alright lover boy, we have to change your bandages,” you said when you broke the kiss, caressing his cheek. you got up to gather all the stuff and came back to the bed, placing everything on the bedside table and turning to face minho again. “can you sit up?” he nodded and using his hands, tried to get up a bit. you helped him and soon he was sitting with his back pressed to the wall. you lifted up his shirt, ripping out the old bandage from his tummy and gently disinfecting his wound with the last bottle of iodine left after the treatments you had performed on the survivors in your camp. minho hissed at the feeling and you whispered a small “i’m sorry”, trying to be as gentle as possible. “how is everyone doing?” he asked you and you shrugged your shoulders. “well, it depends. some of us still haven’t recovered and we lost a few people as well…” you mumbled, tears welling in your eyes. minho took your hand in his, stopping your actions, and carefully brought you to his chest, bringing you comfort. “it’s okay, at least we have each other, hm?” he responded in this soft voice of his and you wiped your eyes, nodding. you came back to changing his bandages soon after, trying to calm down. minho intently analized your face, seeing all the worry and sorrow in your eyes. he hated to see you like this. he felt really protective over you and wanted nothing but the best for you. minho always made sure to guide you safely through the tough times and provide you with food and clean clothes. the only things he wanted for you was to be safe and sound, just like you wanted for eunji. “when we finally go south, i’ll build you a house there and we’ll settle down.” you stopped in your tracks when you heard his dreamy voice. “when we go south?” you muttered and minho’s eyes widened, looking at your furrowed brows. “yeah, you know, when i recover we can pack our stuff and leave the city. it’s destroyed anyway, so why even stay here,” he reasoned, confused by your reaction. “i told you so many times i’m gonna stay here, i have to take care of eunji,” you responded, feeling as the tears started to make their way down your face. you didn’t dare to look him in the eyes, scared that if you do, your heart will shatter into million of pieces. your hands started shaking, so you rushed youself and messily placed the new bangade over minho’s wound. you started gathering your stuff, wanting nothing but to leave the room and let yourself calm down.
minho always suggested the two of you going south, he wanted to do it even before the apocalypse was over, but every time you told him you had to stay in the city, to help the survivos and take care of eunji. you couldn’t just leave her here and taking her with you would mean she would mean she wouldn’t be able to find her mum. you also wanted to just simply stay where you were born, not having the heart to leave behind the place you grew up in. was is selfish? perhaps, but in times like these you had to consider yourself first in some cases. “yn, come on, i thought we talked this though,” minho started, his firm tone sending a shiver down your spine. “‘talked this through?’ minho, what the fuck? do you even listen to me?” you hissed through gritted teeth, feeling your cheeks grow warmer from the anger builidng inside you. “i told you i’m not gonna leave this place, not now, not in a month, never! i simply wanna stay here and help to rebuild the city,” you continued, your voice started breaking in the middle of each word and your vision was getting more and more blurry. “i have to take care of eunji as well.” it was minho’s time to scoff. “really? you’re still talking about eunji? there’s so many people here that could take care of her, it’s not like you’re the only one who could help her,” he responded angrily, his face scrunching at the pain from his wounds. “but i promised her! i told her i’ll help her and she trusted me!” you cried, screaming at the top of your lungs. “she should learn that people sometimes break the promises, that’s how life works!” you looked at him in disbelief, shocked that these words left his mouth. you looked at him and you swore everyone in the world could hear your heart sink. you couldn’t believe he said that, but you finally saw his true self. “people break the promises, huh?” you whispered, fidgeting with the ring on your finger. after a moment of hesitation you took it off and threw it at minho. “then i’m gonna break one too,” you stated, heading towards the door. “yn, wait! i didn’t mean it like that!” you heard minho scream, pleading, but you ignored him, shutting the door behind you and heading to find eunji. at least one promise won’t be broken.
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taglist !
@lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n @ggsez31 @laylasbunbunny @like-a-diamondinthesky @axel-skz @kittymaryam-skz @l3visbby
131 notes · View notes
starlightkun · 6 months
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❧ word count: 8.7k ❧ warnings: cursing, mentions of drinking (new year’s eve party) ❧ genre: fluff, new year’s themed, attorney kun, wedding planner reader (i know next to nothing abt wedding planning, sorry!), aged up kun (he’s like mid/late 30s and reader is implied to also be around that age) ❧ extra info: this is the last of my impromptu series of three (and a half) hallmark-esque fics starring kun for the 2023 holiday season. i've made a mini masterlist here for fun ❧ author’s note: i once again wrote this in like 48 hours and had even less time to proof it bc i wanted to get it out before new year’s so im sorry abt any errors! also a happy early birthday to the loml
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“Hopeless for the Holidays?” You snorted, reading the email flyer your friend had just forwarded to you. “You told me you had something fun for us to do for New Year’s.”
“This will be!” She pleaded with you. “It’s a mixer for single professionals who, you know, have no other plans on New Year’s Eve. Like us.”
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“Hopeless for the Holidays?” You snorted, reading the email flyer your friend had just forwarded to you. “You told me you had something fun for us to do for New Year’s.”
“This will be!” Eunji pleaded with you. “It’s a mixer for single professionals who, you know, have no other plans on New Year’s Eve. Like us.”
“So, an excuse to get drunk and mack on a stranger at midnight. Did that enough in my twenties. Pass.”
“Nooo, it’s going to be super classy; I swear! It’s happening at the old courthouse downtown. It’s so nice there. The dress code is literally festive black tie—”
“What does that even mean? Is it festive or is it black tie? And how did you even get invited to this?” You read the domain name of the original sender, then zoomed in on the details of flyer to double, triple check. “It’s being held by the Bar Association?”
“Attorneys aren’t that bad,” she replied, clearly miffed.
“Yeah, you aren’t,” you said pointedly. “Former debate bros are.”
“There’s going to be so many mature, serious, single professionals there for you, I promise.”
“It’s literally called Hopeless for the Holidays.”
“So it’s a bit tongue-in-cheek.”
“If its tongue were any more in its cheek, it would bite it off.”
“See? You’re so witty, these guys are going to be falling over themselves trying to have intellectual conversations with you.”
“If a single one calls my job cute, I’m out of there.”
“That’s a yes! Thank you thank you thank you!”
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On December 31st, you stepped into the old courthouse downtown with Eunji, out of the freezing cold and into a bright, glamorous venue. The main entry had been converted into a ballroom of sorts for the occasion, all the original marble flooring and walls, and oak and gold detailing preserved. Round, standing cocktail tables had been set up all around, a bar to the back and the side, waiters coming around with hors d’oeuvres, and even a live band set up on the landing of the grand staircase at the back. It was decorated in festive, New Year’s appropriate gold, silver, and black decorations, tinsel, baubles, stars, miscellaneous firework-adjacent shapes.
“Okay… not bad,” you muttered to Eunji as you took it all in.
“Told you it would be classy!” She whispered victoriously to you. Latching onto your arm, she pulled you into the crowd. “Come on!”
She diverted your course towards a table, and you saw a dark-haired man standing there in a neutral grey suit with a red-and-green plaid tie.
“Y/N, you remember my coworker, Kim Doyoung.” Your friend gestured between the two of you.
“Of course, it’s good to see you again, Doyoung.” You greeted the man brightly.
The few lawyer activities that Eunji had dragged you to before—more casual affairs—you had been introduced to many of her coworkers, but Doyoung must have been the only one that fit the criteria for tonight: single and hopeless on New Year’s Eve.
“You too, Y/N.” He nodded to you politely.
You liked Doyoung and all, he was a nice man, but you could already tell from the few times you’d met him before that he was a workaholic. Now, you were aware that most lawyers were, but Doyoung seemed beyond that. Eunji brought you to their firm’s Holiday Party last year, where he was recognized for putting in the most billable hours out of dozens of attorneys—and he was only a junior partner. You doubted he went anywhere but work, the courthouse, and home, where he presumably did even more work.
“Eunji, I’m so glad you’re here, actually,” Doyoung pulled out his phone, opening up his email app. “I was at the office right before I came here and—”
“No, Doyoung.” Eunji snatched his phone from hands, turned it off, and tucked it inside his jacket pocket. “No work. Don’t make any work calls, take any work calls, check your email, none of that.”
“But we’re surrounded by other lawyers.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine, you can talk about some law stuff, informally. But I want you to actually talk to human people not for the purposes of a file tonight, okay? Sound good?”
“I suppose I can do that for a night.”
“And I want you to find someone to kiss at midnight.”
“That isn’t me or Y/N.”
Doyoung seemed like he was about to pass out. “Eunji, this is very unprofessional—”
“I just said I’m off-limits.”
“Yes, but—”
“I’m going to get Eunji and I drinks,” you interrupted their typical bickering.
“Negroni!” She chirped, squeezing your arm before going right back into with her coworker.
With the sounds of their squabbling fading into the din of the crowd, you slowly meandered to the bar on the opposite side of the room. Putting in Eunji’s negroni and your own cocktail order with the bartender, you watched as he got caught by a very insistent older man who clearly thought himself to be very important as he put in what seemed like seven different drink orders as he ticked them off on his fingers as he spoke.
The bartender stopped by you to grab a glass, and you offered, “You can take care of him first, if you need. Seems like he’s in a rush. I don’t mind waiting.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go for it.”
And he moved off to do that, you were happy to turn around and people watch for the moment. You’d always known that law was a boys’ club, but this was just… sad. The few women who were here were interspersed, but you were definitely outnumbered at least 10 to 1. That left a lot of the men to group off and chat among themselves. If Eunji didn’t find somebody tonight after dragging you out here, you’d kill her.
A movement in the corner of your eye caught your attention, and you saw three men coming towards you through the crowd on your left, at least one of them already visibly tipsy. You shifted your eyes forward, trying to gauge if you should just abandon your drinks and find Eunji and Doyoung again wherever they ended up.
Then, someone was sliding up to the bar on your right, a pretty, smooth voice, “Hi. Do you have a moment to talk?”
You turned to your right, the voice matched to a rather handsome man, face framed by chestnut brown hair, and lips pulled into a charming, dimpled smile. He wasn’t too close to you that you felt like he was invading your personal space, a polite distance, just near enough so that you knew he was talking to you. Well that, and his piercing, dark eyes focused entirely on you as if there were nothing else he could possibly be looking at in the room. Not unblinking, but not distracted. He was the only man that you’d seen so far who had figured out the festive black-tie dress code, in a traditional tuxedo except in a deep midnight blue color, with several glittering brooches of fine materials on one lapel. Not overdone, and definitely not Christmas, which was a week ago. He already had a drink in his hand, some kind of dark liquor, neat. Whiskey, scotch, or bourbon, presumably.
“Sure.” You offered a small smile in return. “I’m waiting on my drink.”
The man set his drink down on the bar then, and offered his hand that hadn’t been holding it out to you.
“Qian Kun.” He introduced himself. “I haven’t seen you at a Bar Association event before.”
You shook his hand. It was warm. “That’s probably because I’m not a member. I’m a plus-one.”
“Ah, well that makes sense.”
“Y/L/N Y/N, by the way.”
“So what do you do then, Y/N?”
“I’m a wedding planner.”
“Wow, I’ve heard that’s pretty high-stress.” He actually seemed impressed, his eyebrows disappearing into his hair for a moment.
“I’ve heard the same about being an attorney,” you pointed out coyly.
“I don’t have bridezillas or in-laws to deal with on a daily basis.”
“I’ll take talking down a bridezilla over why she can’t have those specific orchids she saw on Pinterest because they won’t survive the two-hour outdoor ceremony and four-hour reception at her summer wedding due to how sensitive to heat they are over having to argue with my whole chest some position that I don’t even believe in just because I’m being paid to.”
“You think trial lawyers are sleazy?” He asked, the corner of his lip quirking up as if he found this amusing.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to offend,” you apologized flatly.
He sipped his drink. “Not all attorneys are trial lawyers, you know.”
“You aren’t?”
“Corporate. General counsel for businesses, contracts, that sort of thing.”
“Paper pusher.”
“You were brought here by a litigator,” he said knowingly.
“How’d you know?”
“Us paper pushers don’t really call each other that.”
“Right. She does insurance defense.” You were interrupted by the bartender finally returning with your two drinks, and you thanked him, opening your clutch for whatever cash was in there to hand him as a tip. Turning back to Kun, feeling the need to clarify something. “I don’t think she’s sleazy, exactly. You know, in criminal proceedings, the defendant is entitled to an attorney, right? And the state provides one if they can’t afford it. I think normal people should have competent representation in civil proceedings, too, just to help navigate the legal system. I think she does something good overall. I just… couldn’t do it myself.”
“A lot of time, it’s not about the facts, or what you believe, it’s about the law. Making the better argument.”
“Yeah, which is kind of what I hate about it.”
“That’s more than fair,” Kun agreed. “So what do you like about wedding planning then?”
“The moment that everything finally comes together, and I get to be the one who delivers the couple’s perfect day to them,” you sighed happily. “Every single meltdown, canceled vendor, whatever, is worth it when I get to see it all come together.”
“You love love?”
“Well, that, and I’ve also been told that I’m a bit of a control freak.”
“Playing to your strengths with your choice of career.”
“I’ve long embraced the control freak,” you declared genuinely. “What do you like about corporate law?”
“I’m not a trial attorney, first of all,” he started, making you chuckle. “And I really like contracts. Reviewing them, drafting them, refining them. I’ve been told I have an eye for detail.”
“Isn’t that a nice way of saying of saying control freak?”
“I suppose it is, yes.”
“And you know why that is, right?” You asked pointedly. “Why you ‘have an eye for detail’ and I’m a ‘control freak?’”
Kun didn’t miss a beat. “Of course. You’re a woman, so the same traits that are desirable in men are things that you get shamed for.”
“Huh.” You hid a pleasantly surprised smile behind your glass as you went to take a sip. So far, he had passed every level on your mental flowchart that you used to quickly weed out men who weren’t worth your time. “So you’re responsible for the Terms and Conditions nobody reads?”
“And you’ve definitely heard that one before.”
“Would it make you feel better if I said I hadn’t?”
“No,” you shook your head with a smile.
“It was worth a shot.”
You gathered up both of the drinks you’d been given. “It was nice chatting, Kun, but I do have to get this back to my friend before the ice melts and waters down her drink, unfortunately.”
“By all means; I’m grateful for your time that I did get.” He nodded to you graciously. “It was lovely meeting you, Y/N. I hope we’ll talk again later.”
Taking the two drinks back over to the table that Eunji was standing at, she looked at you with wide eyes and a knowing smirk. Doyoung had disappeared at some point, presumably to get on with his assignment from Eunji.
“Your drink, ma’am.” You handed it to her with mock fanfare.
“So who was that?” She asked lightly.
“The guy you were talking to at the bar for so long.”
“Oh, uhm, Qian Kun? Have you heard of him?”
“No, I haven’t. He say what firm he works for?”
“Didn’t think to ask. But it makes sense you don’t know him, he’s a paper pusher.”
“Ohh… corporate?”
“Yep. General counsel for businesses, contracts. Guy really loves contracts.”
“Oh boring.” She wrinkled her nose with distaste, then took a sip of her drink. “Ack. Y/N, seriously? You let my cocktail get watered down for a contracts guy?”
“I thought I had excused myself before it got watered down, sorry,” you apologized, rolling your eyes at her dramatics. “But he wasn’t talking about contracts the whole time I was over there, really. He was asking me about my job.”
You opted to not mention the part of your conversation about trial attorneys such as your friend.
This detail piqued her interest again. “Oh, okay. You didn’t walk out, so I assume he behaved accordingly?”
“He… was nice.” You conceded.
“That’s the best thing I’ve heard you say about a guy!”
“Eunji, hon, I didn’t come out here expecting to find my soulmate, alright?” You patted her shoulder. “A couple free drinks, hanging out with you, chatting with some nice people, and I’ll consider it a success, alright?”
“Why can’t you be open to something?” She sighed.
“I am. If it happens to find me. I’m just not exactly looking for it right now, okay?”
“How about we worry about you in the meantime, alright? Since you definitely are searching,” you suggested, looking around the large room with intent. “What about those guys over there? By the Christmas tree?”
“God, no.” She coughed and turned her head, very conspicuously covering her face with her hair. “You see the tall one?”
“Yeah, he’s really good-looking.”
“And we’re going to be avoiding him all night. Johnny Suh.”
“Wait, as in—”
“—your ex from law school.”
“That one.”
“Well. I definitely get it now.”
“Could you be more obvious that you’re staring, Y/N? Christ.”
You casually moved around the table so that both of your backs were to that group as you continued talking. “How have you been attending like any Bar Association functions then? If you’re like this?”
“He just moved here. I heard rumors but didn’t want to believe it until I saw him with my own two eyes. Which ended up being tonight.”
“Okay, well…” You looked around again, spotting another group at a nearby table. “How about them? The guys that Doyoung is talking to.”
Eunji peered over at where you were looking. “I mean, one of them is Yuta, which, ew. He works in international law at my firm but the other three… yes, sure, yeah. I think I did my clerkship with one of those guys, actually. Let’s go.”
After being introduced by Doyoung to the three men with him—Jungwoo, Sicheng, and Taeil—you found out that Eunji had in fact done her summer clerkship under a federal judge with Jungwoo during law school. As they got to chatting, and the others talked about some recent fascinating court ruling, you slowly sipped on your drink, zoning in and out of conversations. You loved your friend, really, but there was a reason that you had met at yoga and not in law school. Hearing lawyers talk about law was going to make your brain bleed out of your ears. Your thoughts drifted back to Qian Kun, and your eyes briefly flitted around the room, wondering where he had ended up.
“And what do you do, Y/N?” Yuta suddenly yanked you back into the conversation.
“Hm?” You blinked. “Oh, I’m a wedding planner.”
“Cool. Sounds fun.”
You immediately looked over at Eunji, and she flashed you the quickest lift of her eyes in an eye roll that would be imperceptible to anybody else.
“So how’s your mission coming along, Doyoung?” You decided to entertain yourself.
Sicheng and Taeil immediately stopped their conversation to look over, confused.
“I’m talking to people not directly about cases at work.” He looked at you with wide eyes, obviously hoping you wouldn’t divulge the other half of it. “I’ve done it.”
“Okay, and who are you kissing at midnight?”
“Huh?!” Yuta let out a comically bewildered noise.
Doyoung groaned, then pointed an accusatory finger at your friend. “Eunji… ordered me to not work tonight and find somebody to… kiss at midnight…”
You shrugged. “I’m checking in on his progress.”
“Are you offering, Y/N?” Yuta questioned teasingly.
“No,” you snorted. “I’m ineligible. Sorry.”
“You came to a singles event and you’re… not single?” Jungwoo cocked his head.
“I am. I’m just not letting some stranger put their tongue down my throat at midnight because of it.” You finished off your drink. “Sorry.”
“And there’s no way I’d let either of you do anything to my friend,” Eunji grabbed your arm protectively, pointing between Doyoung and Yuta. “I know how you live. And I’m not impressed.”
“Gee, thanks,” Doyoung scoffed.
“Yeah, understandable,” Yuta shrugged.
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After a bit more mingling, you and Eunji once again ended up by yourselves at a table. She had her cheek dejectedly in hand, visible pout on her face.
“So? Have you liked anybody so far?” You asked her. “Felt a connection? Seemed like you and Jungwoo were getting along… Or that environmental attorney, uhm, Taeyong?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think so,” she sighed, straightening up. “I’m going to use the bathroom. Come with?”
“I can, or I can get us drinks again. Which do you want?”
“Mm, drinks. Thanks.”
“Of course, hon.”
On your way back to the bar, you spotted a familiar blue suit jacket in the crowd and decided to make a short detour.
“Kun.” You approached, stopping behind him at a table.
The attorney turned around, a wide smile coming to his face as he recognized you. “Y/N, hello again.”
“Yeah, hey,” you beamed. “Mind if I chat with you for a second?”
“Please do.”
“I was on the way to the bar to grab another round for my friend and I while she freshens up, then I saw you,” you explained, settling in to lean beside him at his table. “But she’ll be a while…”
“Lucky me then.” A dimple appeared in his cheek. “And honestly, you might want to hold off on the drinks. They’re going to start bringing out champagne at eleven.”
“What time is it?”
He checked his silver, analog watch. “Ten fifty-four.”
“I think I will hold off, then. Eunji loves champagne. Thanks for the tip.”
“Of course.”
“You here all alone?” You indicated the empty table he was standing at. “I mean, I know it’s a singles event or whatever, but people have at least been talking to friends or colleagues too.”
“I was with some others a few minutes ago, we were celebrating a recent promotion, but they all seemed to have left me.”
“Promotion? Whose?”
“Ah, mine,” he admitted, hand habitually smoothing over the lapels of his suit.
“Congrats. And what have you been promoted to?”
“Senior partner. Non-equity.”
“Celebrating your promotion at an event for lonely singles? Bit sad.”
“If I’m being honest, I’m only here because my friend pressured me.” He nodded towards a dark-haired man in an emerald green velvet jacket, who you had seen darting about the event the whole night. “Ten helped organize it.”
“I was forced here by my friend too, Eunji,” you laughed. “She just about dragged me in kicking and screaming.”
“I didn’t put up that much resistance myself, admittedly,” Kun chuckled.
“Oh? You secretly wanted to come?” You half-joked and half-asked.
“Something like that.”
“Really? Do tell.”
“When Ten was first telling me his plans for the event, I thought, knowing him, it was just a convoluted way to get wasted and make out with a stranger,” he shook his head. “But the promotion sort of put some… things into perspective. And I feel like the New Year always makes me reflect more than others.”
“Why is that? You feel like you reflect on New Year more than other people?”
“My birthday is January 1st.”
“Oh…” You nodded in understanding. “Time marches on.”
“Yes, it does. I get the hit of a New Year and getting older on the same day.”
“I know we just met, but I feel like you’re already sharing something pretty personal, so I’ll ask: How old will you be? At midnight?”
“Thirty-six,” he said it like he was in a confessional, quietly, dipping his head down to looking down at his feet, then straight up at the ceiling, tilting his head back.
“Kun… You know that’s not even half your life, right? Statistically?” You arched an eyebrow.
“I’m aware. I’m not ashamed of my age, really. I’m quite happy to be out of my twenties. But now, about to be closer to forty than thirty… there’s things about my life that twenty-year-old me thought would’ve been quite different than they actually are.”
“Is this connected to your new perspective from your promotion?”
“Yes. A lot of people take their promotion as an incentive to work harder but… I think I’m going to cut back.”
“Does your firm know about this?”
“My new position comes with a certain amount of security.”
“You’re a damn good lawyer, Kun,” you chuckled.
Kun seemed caught off-guard for the first time in your conversation. “Well, I mean, yes, I suppose—”
“You’ve been talking around your point for the past five minutes. Now that you’re at a certain place in your career, you want a family. When you were twenty, you promised yourself you would do it all, career and family, then along the way you slowly started conceding more and more in order to get ahead, and now you’re looking back and realizing you wanted to have more in your life than just work by now. So you let Ten talk you into coming out to this singles mixer hoping that maybe you’d luck into your future spouse in one go.” You poked him on the chest. “Sound about right?”
He raised his gaze from your finger on his dress shirt to your face, a wonder-filled smile on his lips that turned into a knowing smirk as he challenged, “Seems as though you’re… familiar with similar circumstances.”
You took your hand back before giving a casual shrug. “Maybe. How close was I?”
“Scarily accurate. Did my mother put you up to this?”
“No. But, let me guess, she’s been not-so-subtly asking for grandchildren?”
“Only for the past decade.”
A waiter then came by carrying a plate of champagne, offering some out. Kun grabbed two flutes off the tray and offered one to you. You accepted it graciously.
“Thank you.” Tilting the golden liquid back and forth contemplatively, you asked, “Do you happen to know if Ten got real champagne or sparkling wine?”
“Whatever real champagne is, he probably did not splurge on it, no,” Kun chuckled.
“Nobody actually knows the difference, I was just curious.” You took a sip. “Good quality wine.”
“What is the difference?”
“Technically, real champagne can only come from the Champagne region of France,” you explained. “Whenever a couple comes in insisting on real champagne, but without the budget for it, I have tell them that they’ve probably never had real champagne in their lives anyway, and their guests will not know the difference between real champagne and a good sparkling wine.”
“Your job must require you to be knowledgeable about a lot of different things, doesn’t it? Wine, flowers, food, logistics.”
“Money, budgeting, color theory, weather, you name it, I probably have to know at least the basics, maybe more.”
Kun’s admiration and interest once again seemed genuine. “And what sort of degree do you get to be a wedding planner? Is there a degree for it? Certification program? I mean, it’s not as linear of a path as being an attorney…”
“There’s some event planning associate and bachelor programs. I have a degree in hospitality, and then mentored under a wedding planner to learn the ropes before going off on my own.”
“So you own your own business?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Wow…” He trailed off, eyes focused on you, beholding you.
You laughed self-consciously. “I don’t think I’ve ever made anybody speechless with that information. You alright, Kun? How much have you had to drink?”
“I’m quite sober, this will only be drink number two.” He lifted the champagne.
“I do need to drive myself home tonight.”
“I’m DD as well. And I’m also past my ‘getting shitfaced in public’ days,” you chuckled, lifting your drink to your lips again, looking out over how many of the other partygoers were more than tipsy.
“You’re beautiful, by the way.” Kun’s voice brought your eyes back to him, his eyes twinkling under the lights as he looked at you.
Your skin felt warm, and your heart jumped a bit. “Thank you.”
“That’s what I was thinking about, when I trailed off a moment ago.”
“You didn’t open with that. Earlier, by the bar,” you commented. “Why not?”
“I needed to know if you even wanted to talk to some random man first.”
“But after that.”
“I didn’t want you to think I was walking up to every woman here tonight and telling her that.”
“You’re not?” You teased, the corner of your lip quirking up.
He shook his head. “I’m not.”
“Well, you’re a paper pusher… so I suppose I can take your word for it.”
“I appreciate that.”
Checking the time on your phone, you then got up on your tiptoes, peering around for Eunji.
“Looking for your friend?” Kun asked.
“Yes, she should’ve been out by now.” You frowned.
“Do you need to go look for her?”
“Let me shoot her a text first. She might just be taking a while fixing her makeup…”
[you: jiji, you fall in? everything okay?]
Thankfully, but much to your surprise, she texted back almost immediately.
[jiji: i’m okkkk! chatting with taeyong from earlier! sorry for leaving you!]
[jiji: GREAT champagne btw 🍾🍾🥂🥂]
[you: that’s fine. you two have fun! call me if you need anything]
“She’s alright,” you chuckled, turning off your phone. “Found a friend. And the champagne.”
“Does that mean you’re free right now then?”
“Why yes, yes it does.”
“Lucky me.” He grinned. “So have you ever been in the old courthouse before this?”
“No, I haven’t. Never been to an event here, and it closed before I was born.”
“Well, we have…” He looked at his watch again. “Fifty-three minutes until midnight. How would you like a personal tour?”
“Can you do that?” You raised an eyebrow. “There’s ropes blocking off the hallways.”
“Ten’s part of the event committee for the Bar Association, and I’m part of the historical committee. We’re in charge of the preservation and restoration of the courthouse. I know which parts we can go in and which ones we can’t. Besides, if we were caught, the person they would report us to would be me.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, sure. Sounds fun.”
“I will have to ask that you leave the champagne. No liquids.”
“Of course.” You nodded, stepping away from your drink.
Kun cordially offered you his elbow, and you took it, well aware that the giddy, warm buzz in your body wasn’t from the few sips of champagne you’d just had. He led you through the crowd, and as you approached the black velvet ropes cordoning off the hallways, he looked around to make sure nobody was watching, then stepped over it. He offered his hand out to you, and you placed yours atop for him to steady you as you also stepped over the rope. You took one more look over your shoulder before you two quickly ducked around the marble column and out of sight.
The darkened hallway you entered was much smaller than the grand foyer you had been in for most of the night. In the dim light being let in through the windows, you could make out the multitude of frames along the walls, sconces clearly meant for oil lamps, and a few pieces of furniture—mainly chairs and tables pushed against the wall.
“This is where the clerk’s office was,” Kun explained. “The door at the end of the hall. But first—”
He stopped at a frame, and with your eyes adjusted to the low light, you could see the art that was in it. It was of the courthouse itself, but a whimsical interpretation, with flying chariots in the sky above it, and mermaids swimming in a river in front of it that certainly had never been there.
“It’s a beautiful etching,” you commented. “Do you know who did it?”
“We think a local artist, but they didn’t sign it,” he sighed, gesturing to the four corners, all blank. “And there’s nothing on the back. It’s something we’ve been working with local art curators and historians to try to track down.”
“That’s… sad.” You couldn’t find a better word. “I mean, it’s incredible that their work survived all these years and is still being seen and people are working to find out who created it… but it’s still sad that their identity was lost in the first place.”
“One of the experts we had look at it believes it’s a first or second state that the artist never intended to actually be the final piece, so that’s why they didn’t sign it.”
“It makes you wonder if they never made the finished piece or if the finished piece didn’t survive.”
“Also makes you imagine that artist all those years ago looking at this and thinking that it wasn’t good enough to put their name on, and now we’re looking at it wishing we knew who made it because we think it’s so beautiful.”
Your eyes scanned over the chariots and puffy clouds and mermaids swimming among the waves, then drifted over to Kun. “What was your undergrad degree in, Kun?”
“History, why?” He looked over at you inquisitively.
“Just curious.” You shrugged. “I know you can do anything before going to law school, so I thought I’d ask.”
“A lot of my peers did Political Science or Criminal Justice, but you don’t actually learn much about the law in those programs like people think you will. Everybody starts on a pretty even playing field when it comes to stuff that’ll be on the tests. But as for practical skills... majors that give you good research, writing, and critical thinking skills were really the best ones to go with. So the humanities majors were honestly running laps around everyone else the first semester or so.���
“You’re on the historical committee, so you just like history, too. Right?”
“Yes, I do.” He nodded, slowly guiding you further down the hallway. “I like knowing how we ended up here. The people that came before us, how they’re still influencing us even today. I think we have a duty to remember them, learn as much as we can, and preserve that knowledge and pass it down. Because I would want somebody to do that for us as well. I know we have cameras, and phones, and can document things so much better now, but that’s probably also what they thought a hundred years ago. But things still get destroyed, and lost, and people pass, and stuff gets forgotten. So I hope we never stop being curious about where we came from.”
“I like that, Kun.” You squeezed his arm. “I really do.”
He smiled almost bashfully, looking down at his feet, then back up as he stopped in front of the door at the end of the hallway, gesturing in. “This is the clerk’s office. We can’t go in since it is very much still pre-restoration and I’m afraid you may get injured.”
“That’s fine, I’ll peer in from here,” you chuckled, looking around from the threshold. There were floorboards haphazardly strewn about, but you could see one main desk, in the same dark oak color as everything else, multitudes of filing cabinets, and several different large, old manual machines that you weren’t quite sure what they did but you were sure there were probably an electric version of most, if not all, at any office building in the city.
“So this is where all the court documents were filed?” You clarified your knowledge that you had picked up from knowing a few attorneys in your life.
“Yes. Court documents were filed, real estate documents, and notary applications. They also did a few other things in this building that weren’t just trials, but weren’t handled by the clerk. I’ll show you in a second.”
Around the corner, Kun showed you where business licenses used to be processed, and where motor vehicle and driver’s licenses were taken care of before they got their own office long before this courthouse closed. In between all of these rooms, there were various pieces of art, painting, photographs, drawings, maps, or historical documents to look at on the walls as well.
The next room was a bit larger, and you were able to actually walk into this one, the first out of all of them. It had higher ceilings and a skylight, but not quite the infrastructure and grandeur to make you think that you were in the courtroom yet.
“The historical committee has been focused on getting this one ready sooner, with some pressure from the event committee. They think it’ll bring some outside business in,” he explained, guiding you towards the front, where there was what looked like a wood countertop of some sort. The windows on the far wall had a funny sort of tint to them, and you realized they were stained glass in various colors. They didn’t depict any specific religious imagery, but they were the only ones you had seen in the entire courthouse, almost giving the impression of a chapel.
“Why is that?” You asked Kun curiously. “Also, why is this the only room with stained glass windows?”
“This was where all the marriages in this jurisdiction were performed for hundreds of years. At least the legal part, the signing of the certificate. The actual wedding ceremonies were obviously up to the couples.” He said, then gestured to the wood countertop. “That’s where the certificate was signed. The stained glass was to emulate a religious setting without directly referencing any one religion. The event committee thinks people will want to hold their actual weddings here.”
You looked around at the room, already thinking about how many people would fit in here, how you would set up a possible wedding ceremony in here.
“So what do you think, wedding planner?” Kun prompted you.
“You want my advice for free?” You teased.
He held his hands up. “I’m humbly making conversation.”
“As a favor for taking me on this lovely tour, I’ll tell you what I think,” you giggled. “It’s pretty small. This area attracts a lot of big money weddings. It might work for a couple who wants an intimate ceremony but a bigger reception, if they can also use the foyer for the reception. Especially couples who aren’t necessarily religious, but don’t want to completely go off-book by not having a church wedding, since it feels similar to a chapel, and a courthouse is still formal like a church. You’ll also attract the kind of couples who are looking for unique venues: old bank vaults, railroad stations, cemeteries, that kind of thing. But again, the size of the room for the ceremony is really going to be a limiting factor for booking.”
Kun looked at you with wide eyes. “You can get married at a cemetery?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded, unfazed by that factoid at this point in your life. “Halloween weddings are pretty popular in a certain crowd.”
“I don’t think I’d want to get married on a holiday.” He shook his head. “Christmas, Valentine’s Day, anything. Or one of our birthdays. It’s…”
“There we go.”
“I agree. I think the only special date that I can make an exception for would be an anniversary. Anniversary of getting engaged, anniversary of our first date, anniversary of when we met, that kind of thing.”
Kun had the same look in his eyes as when you told him that you owned your own business, like you were the most incredible thing he had ever witnessed, and he couldn’t imagine ever looking at anything else for the rest of his life. “What if one of those is on a holiday?”
“Then we’d just have to pick a different date. Can’t be tacky.”
“Oh God, of course not,” Kun chuckled jokingly. “My worst nightmare.”
Still gazing around the non-denominational not-chapel, you were overcome with a feeling of unease, suddenly being overwhelmed with memories that you hadn’t thought of in a very long time. You glanced down at your empty left hand, then wrapped it back around Kun’s arm, looking up at the stained glass windows again.
“I was almost engaged once. In my twenties,” you stated into the stillness.
Kun took this pivot in conversational tone in stride. “And how do you almost get engaged?”
“He had me pick my ring and then… never proposed with it.”
“Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he said softly.
“Mm, could’ve been worse. I could’ve married him,” you laughed. “You know what’s funny?”
“Tell me.”
You turned to him still with a grin on your face. “He was a lawyer.”
“What kind?” Kun asked, then immediately followed up with, “Don’t say a trial attorney.”
“Family law.”
“A wedding planner and a divorce lawyer getting married? That sounds like a pretty savvy business model. Or a really great rom-com.”
“You like rom-coms?”
“I’d call it a guilty pleasure, but I’m at the point in my life where I can’t be ashamed of the things I like.” You confirmed your love of the movie genre. “I just can’t watch any that are about wedding planners.”
“Too inaccurate?”
“Yes! It’s always about falling in love with the best man or brother of the groom or something. I’m way too busy to find my soulmate on the job.”
“So was I right? Family law?”
“IP. Intellectual property.”
“I can keep going, there’s practically infinite areas of civil practice that are non-trial.”
“I’m not the one who turned this into a guessing game!” You guffawed incredulously.
“Wait, was he… a corporate attorney?” He let out a fake gasp. “Do you have a type?”
“And who says I’m attracted to you?” You fired back immediately.
“That’s fair, I shouldn’t have assumed.” Kun laughed, smoothing down his lapels. “So what kind of attorney was he?”
“He wasn’t.”
“He went to law school, so he’s a lawyer, but he never took the bar in order to practice law, so he’s not an attorney,” you declared victoriously through chuckles, much to Kun’s disbelief.
“I can’t believe you got me with that.”
“Don’t contracts require precise language or something?” You feigned cluelessness, making him snort as he knew that you weren’t that dumb.
“Yeah, they do.” He was shaking his head at himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “You really got me with that one, goddamn.”
That was the first time you’d heard him curse all night, you realized, despite the fact that you’d already done so multiple times.
“I do… think you’re attractive, by the way, Kun,” you admitted. “And you’ve been great company tonight. I’ve had a wonderful time on this little impromptu tour.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry about hurting my feelings, attorneys need their egos checked every once in a while. I’m honored to have such a stunning woman checking mine this time.”
“Well, any time you need me to lie to your face and say you’re not one of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen, I’m there.”
Kun patted down the front of his tuxedo jacket almost self-consciously, a pleased smile coming to his face and both of his dimples making reappearances. “Really? Well…”
“And I haven’t been walking up to every man tonight saying that, by the way.”
He laughed with his whole chest, eyes and nose scrunching up as he leaned forward, hair getting knocked out of place with his sudden movement. You smiled fondly as you watched him laugh so genuinely, so unrestrained, not in the practiced, manicured way as before. You didn’t think that they were necessarily forced laughs earlier in the night, you were sure that he did genuinely think what you said was funny, but he presumably had a laugh for these formal types of scenarios. And you’d been right, as the sort of laughing he was doing now was far different, warm, joyous, mirthful. It made your heart full to know that it was because of you.
As he caught his breath, the thought occurred to you of how much time you’d spent on your tour already.
“What time is it?” You questioned.
He checked his watch once more. “Eleven thirty-five. I should hurry this tour up to get you back in time for the countdown.”
“Lead the way.”
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You and Kun slipped back into the main party with five minutes to spare, and grabbed a couple more glasses of champagne off a waiter as he walked by. You looked around to see if you could spot Eunji now that you were on the opposite side of the room as before. Funny enough, you saw Taeyong and his colleagues that you had met earlier, but not your friend.
“Is something wrong, Y/N?” Kun asked.
“I’m sorry, do you mind if we go talk to someone?” You couldn’t shake the feeling of something being off, despite the large screen set up behind the band displaying the timer now at less than four minutes.
“Of course not.”
Pulling Kun through the crowd by the arm, you landed in front of Lee Taeyong out of breath, offering him a wide smile. “Hi, Taeyong. I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Y/N, we met earlier.”
“Of course, yes, you’re… an event planner, right?” He offered you a bright smile.
“Yeah, yeah.” You didn’t have the time to correct him. “My friend Eunji that was with me, have you seen her? Is she with you?”
The man’s features immediately turned confused. “No, she’s not with me. But I have seen her.”
“Oh, good. Where?”
“Over there,” he nodded behind you. “With Johnny.”
You turned around, eyes zeroing in on a corner of the foyer where Eunji was in fact pressed up into Johnny Suh’s side, giggling and laughing, his arm around her shoulders. He looked about as tipsy as she was, pink-cheeked and giggling too.
Looking back to Taeyong, you smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, Taeyong, one more thing: To the best of your knowledge, she’s been with him for the past hour or so?”
“Uh, yeah, I think so.” He nodded. “They look like they’ve been having a, uhm, pretty good time together. Not to be indecent...”
“Cool, thanks.” You walked off, taking Kun with you.
“So what was that about?” Kun questioned.
“Johnny Suh is Eunji’s ex from law school,” you explained the gravity of the situation. “Not a pretty breakup. Or second breakup. Or third breakup. From what I heard, I didn’t know her then.”
“Are we going to do anything?” Kun questioned as you were very clearly not walking over to Eunji and Johnny.
“I only got Eunji two drinks spread across two hours, so unless she has been chugging champagne at superhuman rates for the past hour, she’s probably only had one or two glasses, which with her alcohol tolerance would put her at mildly tipsy,” you responded with a shrug. “I’m not going to let her leave with him. But otherwise… she can deal with her choices in the morning. It would be way more trouble than it’s worth if I went over there and tried to remove her right now.”
“Gotcha.” He nodded.
“Besides…” You looked over at the countdown, which was now at 1:30. “It’s almost midnight.”
Kun tapped the side of his glass, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Y/N, I don’t want to be presumptive. Just being able to enjoy your company tonight has been more than enough—”
“Kun, I would be offended if you didn’t want to kiss me at midnight.”
“I do, I do,” he chuckled, clearly relieved. “I’m just aware that you had your reservations about coming here tonight, and about the entire premise of the event.”
“Well I said I didn’t want to get drunk and mack on a stranger. I’m not drunk, and I wouldn’t exactly call you a stranger. I feel like I know you a little bit.”
“Yes, I feel like I know you as well.”
A bauble nearby refracted the light into Kun’s eye just right and turned it a rich honey brown color, and the crowd around you began chanting the final countdown from ten. You and Kun both set your champagne flutes down on a nearby table, and you happily stepped into his personal space.
On one, you leaned forward to slot your lips with his, the cheers of the crowd fading out to silence. Kun’s mouth was gentle against yours, even as you curled your fingers in the hair at the back of his neck, resting your other hand on his lapel, fingers mindlessly messing with his brooches. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You squeaked into his mouth as that arm around your waist was suddenly used as leverage to dip you, the other supporting your back. You laughed against his lips as you wrapped your entire arm around his neck instead of just one hand, before kissing him again.
“Happy New Year, Y/N,” he murmured.
“Happy New Year, Kun,” you stole another kiss. “And, Happy Birthday.”
“You remembered.”
“Of course.”
When he pulled you back up to stand on your own two feet, you were still grinning like a madwoman, and stayed pressed against his side. “I have to say… I’ve never been dipped before.”
“Seriously?” Kun seemed dumbfounded.
“Every man in your life has been dropping the ball, Y/N. Absolutely unacceptable that you hadn’t been dipped before that.”
“I’ll keep that it mind,” you giggled. “Find a guy who’ll dip me when he kisses me more often.”
“Y/N…” He sighed taking both of your hands in his.
“Yes, Kun, I would love to see you again. Specifically, to go on a date.”
“Wedding planner and a mind reader.”
You laughed, cupping his cheek to kiss him again, letting him slowly, tenderly move his mouth against yours. Just as he went to deepen the kiss, you heard a throat get cleared much too close for it to be coincidental, and you damn near jumped out of your skin.
Breaking the kiss, you dropped your hand down to his shoulder and turned towards the source. Eunji was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised. Except she wasn’t alone, as Johnny Suh towered behind her.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying about getting wasted and letting a stranger stick their tongue down your throat?” Eunji cocked her head to the side, eyes flicking back and forth between you and Kun.
“I’m sorry, and what were you saying about Johnny Suh?” You snorted, pointing to the man with her.
Johnny looked down at her, surprised. “Yeah, what were you saying about Johnny Suh?”
“Nothing you didn’t deserve. Good or bad,” Eunji replied dismissively.
“Okay, that’s probably fair.”
“Anyway, I think it’s JiJi and I’s bedtime, so, goodnight, guys.” You took Eunji’s arm and backed away from both Johnny and Kun. Eunji went willingly on both hers and Johnny’s parts, which you were relieved for.
“I’ll walk you to your car,” Kun immediately offered.
“We’ll walk you to your car,” Johnny tacked on, flashing you a million-dollar smile that you were sure had done a lot for him in life.
And so you and Eunji headed out, Kun and Johnny on either side of you. As you were heading for the front doors, you saw a familiar face though, and just had to stop.
“Hey, Doyoung!” You called out to him. “How’d your mission go?”
He stopped, and despite the fact that it was you who asked the question, it was your friend that he focused his stern gaze on. “It’s done, Eunji. Happy?”
Her jaw dropped. “Who was it?!”
“It would be improper of me to say.”
“Oh come on. I’m just supposed to believe you?”
“The deal had no clause for supplying proof. Only that I find someone.” He straightened his tie. “I don’t kiss and tell.”
“I’m going to kill you, Kim Doyoung!” Eunji lunged forward, but Johnny easily caught her and kept her from her intentions of presumably ripping Doyoung limb from limb.
“Maybe you should’ve had a paper pusher like Kun there, Eunji,” you snickered, squeezing Kun’s arm.
The four of you continued your journey outside, Kun holding the door open for the other three of you, as Johnny was still restraining Eunji, just in case. Once the doors had closed behind you all and Doyoung was contained on the other side of them, he let her go.
“God, you get corporate dick one time and you’re brainwashed,” she complained. “Y/N, come back from the boring side! Please!”
“You’re drunk and dramatic,” you deadpanned, leading the way in the direction of your car. “Stop embarrassing yourself more than you already have at your big age.”
She immediately became more serious, but with a slight pout to her bottom lip. “Fine.”
Approaching your car, you slowed to a stop.
“This is us. Thanks for all your…” you paused, looking at Johnny, “…help, guys.”
Johnny flashed you that same million-dollar smile. “Anytime. It was nice meeting you, Y/N. Eunji talked a lot about you.”
“Yeah, sounds like you two were doing a lot of talking from what I heard,” you replied lightly, opening your passenger door for her.
“You’re not subtle, Y/N,” Eunji grumbled, willingly getting in.
You handed her the seatbelt buckle. “I wasn’t trying to be.”
After she had gotten herself situated and you gave her the keys to start the car and the heating, you walked around to the driver’s side, where Kun was waiting for you. Eunji had rolled down her window, and Johnny was bent over, leaning his elbows on the open window to talk to her.
“I have to say, I did not expect to meet someone like you tonight, Y/N,” Kun chuckled, his laughter coming out as fog in the winter air. “You’re… amazing. More than amazing.”
“I think I made it more than obvious that I wasn’t expecting to meet you either,” you laughed. “But thank you, for making this night not only tolerable but incredible. Unforgettable.”
“We uhm, got interrupted earlier, but if we want to see each other, we’ll need to contact each other…?”
“Right, right.” You brought out your phone, handing it to him with a new contact open. “Here.”
He quickly typed in his number, then handed it back to you. “I’ll let you go, since it’s cold and late and you have to get Eunji home.”
“Thanks. I have your number now, so I will definitely be using that.”
“I’ll patiently be awaiting that time then.”
“Goodnight, Kun.” You went to hug him. “And Happy New Year and Happy Birthday one more time.”
“Thank you.” He squeezed you back. “Happy New Year, goodnight, and drive safe.”
“Will do.” You pulled back, giving him a final peck on the cheek. “See you.”
“Bye.” He was beaming, and you took in the beautiful sight of his dimples one last time before turning around to get in your car.
As Eunji took over the Bluetooth in your car to change it to her own phone so she could play her music, you did one more thing on your phone, going into Kun’s contact that he had just created. Qian Kun, and his number. You had one slight correction to make.
Qian Kun 💍
Putting your phone away, you drove away from the curb, looking at Kun waving to you out the rear window. Yeah, you had a good feeling about this one.
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⤷ 2023 hallmark movie marathon | blog masterlist
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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pairing : yunho x idol!f!reader (background poly ateez)
genre : angst, hurt / no comfort, idol au
warnings : insecurities used in an argument, yunho is a big jerk in this, language, y/n blames herself, brief mentions of a car accident
word count : 1.2k
tag list : @tannie13 @icyb3rry @cookiechristie @atinytinaa @jcngh0-hq @kurosism
an argument breaks out between you and yunho which results in yunho saying somethings he shouldn’t have. now you begin to question your place in the relationship.
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YOU DON’T EVEN REMEMBER how the argument started.
all you remember is yunho and the others coming home from promotions and you greeting them. you could tell that they were tired and so you tried your best to help them relax.
you had made dinner for the nine of you, something which was rare in itself as you all knew how much you couldn’t cook, but you were determined to make them the meal wooyoung had showed you a few months ago. you had been practicing your skills for this exact moment.
wooyoung had come up behind you to observe your cooking. his head resting on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your waist.
“i know it won’t as good as yours,” you begin to say as you both watch the food cook, “but i’ve been practicing cooking it ever since you showed me how to make it,” you finish as you give your energetic boyfriend a side glance.
wooyoung smiles at you as he takes to spoon from the side of the counter and gets a small taste of the food.
“it taste great,” he says with a smile before kissing your cheek. wooyoung leaves to go rest on the couch with some of the others.
you can only assume that wooyoung just threw himself on top of hongjoong thanks to loud grunt the leader let out along with curse which is followed by wooyoung’s laugh.
when the food was done, seonghwa was quick to help you set the table as the others came and sat down.
you took your place in your usual spot between san and yunho. you noted how your taller boyfriend looked exhausted, the circles under his eyes doing nothing to hide his tired expression.
you placed your hand on top of yunho’s causing the male to look over at you. “how was your day?” you asked once the others began eating and chatting away.
“fine,” he muttered as he moved his hand away from yours. he didn’t make attempt to expand upon it or to look at you.
he’s just tired, you think as you push the odd feeling bubbling in your chest down in order to eat.
“wow! y/n, this is good! you’ve really gotten better at cooking,” mingi says making you and the others smile and laugh at his words.
“thanks, i’ve been practicing while you all were on tour! eunji-unnie has been a great taste tester.”
after dinner, san and jongho clean up and you try to help, but they are quick to send you off.
you make your way over to yunho who is sitting on the couch, watching as wooyoung and seonghwa bicker over what show to watch. you sit next to him, your head immediately resting on his shoulder like you always do.
however, before you can get comfortable, yunho is quick to shrug you off of him. you’re about to ask him what’s wrong, but don’t get the chance as he quickly stands up and leaves the living room. you all flinch as he slams his and san’s bedroom door closed, making all of you go quiet.
the odd feeling from dinner makes a reappearance as you make eye contact with mingi who takes in your shocked face.
“he’s just tired. you know how he gets sometimes when he gets overwhelmed. i’m sure he’ll be fine tomorrow.”
HE WAS NOT FINE as the next day rolled in as you all got up to get ready for the day. you give each boy their usual greetings which consist of you telling them good morning and a quick kiss to some part of their face.
however, yunho acted like your touch would burn him as he quickly moved away from you. you were honestly starting to feel annoyed by his sudden attitude change. you needed to figure out what wrong before you had to leave for practice.
“yunho what is going on with you? you’ve been acting like i have the plague or something since last night,” you say as you call him out before he can hide away in his room until you leave.
“nothings wrong, you’re just being dramatic,” he says with a huff as he runs his fingers through his hair.
“then why are acting like it’s a hassle to talk to me?”
“because maybe it is a hassle to talk to you!” he suddenly shouts catching you and the others off guard, “have you thought about the fact that maybe i don’t want you clinging to me all the time? have you thought about that maybe i’m just done!”
you stomach twisted as his words, like you were going to throw up, “done with what?” your voice is small as you ask him.
“done with you,” he says looking you dead in the eyes and you know from the look on his face that’s he’s serious. “i’m tired of you being so insecure about yourself and me having to try and make all those worries go away. if i had known that i would have to do that when i asked you out then—
“yunho stop talking,” hongjoong says from his spot behind you. he knew what yunho was about to say and the leader knew that yunho would come to regret it later. “you’re just tired of promotions, that doesn’t give you any reason to take it out on y/n when she’s done nothing wrong.”
“you’re one to talk hyung,” yunho spat with a frown, “last time i checked you’re the one who almost ruined our whole relationship because of some bitchy sasaeng producer. and who did you have that fight with, huh?”
you knew what he was getting at. if you weren’t in the relationship, if he didn’t ask you out when you were trainees then none of this would have happened. if you have just left yunho alone then maybe you wouldn’t be having this argument at six o’clock in the morning.
if you hadn’t accused hongjoong of cheating back then, then maybe he wouldn’t have said those harsh words and you wouldn’t have ran out. if you hadn’t of ran out then maybe you could have avoided getting hit by that car. if you hadn’t gotten hit then maybe you could have actual did some promotions and not caused the relationship to almost fall apart.
maybe it would be best if you—
“yunho, let’s break up.”
“what?” yunho seems taken back by your words.
“you obviously aren’t happy being with me anymore, so let’s break up,” you repeat as you look up to meet his eyes.
“now hold on a second,” seonghwa tries to jump in but yunho speaks before him.
“okay, let’s break up.”
“yunho!” everyone looks between the two of you as you nod your head at him.
“wait a minute you guys—
hongjoong tries to speak up, but is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. you all look towards the door to see your manager standing in the entrance way.
“what did i walk into?” she asks, but no one says anything as you quickly grab your bag and rush over to her and out the door without a word. your manager looks confused as she looks at the boys before quickly following after you.
the two of you say nothing on the elevator ride down and it isn’t until your in the van that you final break down. tears running down your face as you sob loudly at everything that just happened.
“hey, what happened up there?”
“me and yunho broke up!”
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jongseongsnudes · 1 year
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warning; 💫 the fluff-iest chapter yet 💫 1k words.
“i thought you liked eunji.”
“well you thought wrong,” he knocks your head playfully as he says so, “stupid.”
“hey! how was i supposed to know you liked me!”
“i didn’t say i did.”
embarrassment hit you like a truck, right to the face and there was no chance of running away. literally. although the boy did kiss you, he never specifically said he liked you.
“oh...” you mutter off, your fingers gripping so harshly into your uniform that you’re sure it’ll rip soon, “so you don’t... like me?”
“i didn’t say that either.”
“whatever then!” you were about to get up from the sitting position on the ground but the boy immediately grabs your wrist, pulling you back down beside him. he’s now holding your hand, having entwinned his fingers with yours while you were too distracted by his face so suddenly close.
“you’re so annoying,” he smirks, that taunting smirk that used to get your blood boiling so quick but right now, all you could think about was the way he was staring at your lips. it feels like the air was knocked right out of you once again as the boy leans in, kissing you for the second time.
your fingers are still gripping your uniform but not because of embarrassment, but because you feel like you’re on cloud nine, like a hundred butterflies had just erupted inside your chest. you feel happy.
“i know you’re dense but get this in your head miss class president,” his voice is as low as whisper, as if just for you to hear, “i like you. i like you a lot.”
you choke to the sudden confession, one you never expected to hear from the football team captain himself. ever. because not only were you the opposites of each other but the boy was literally the most popular boy in school. to call your story with him clichéd would be quite the understatement, the whole bad boy falling for his clumsy class president.
a classic enemies to lovers.
“i can’t believe you’re confessing to me in this haunted storeroom.”
“yeah well if you didn’t run away yesterday, i would’ve confessed at a much nicer place!”
“i didn’t run away!
“yeah you did!”
“no i didn’t-”
and his lips were on yours again, his hands now cupping your cheeks. you could feel him smiling into the kiss, something your poor heart was never prepared to see. ever.
no wonder this kid was popular. look at him!
“you’re so stubborn miss class president.”
“you’re the one to talk-”
and he kisses you, for the fourth time. and like every time before that, you just want to scream, to kick your feet like a teenager in love... and to be fair, you might just be one.
“s- stop that!”
“you don’t like me kissing you?” he tilts his head before swooping in to give you a quick peck, “well too bad.”
instead of wanting to knock him out for his obnoxious behaviour like you used to, you end up giggling instead. you wouldn’t have ever imagined that you’d go from crying over the boy to kissing him, all in one day but you’re glad it happened. it told you how much you truly liked him.
“you’re insufferable nishimura.”
“yet you like me soooo much, it’s insufferable.”
it was your turn to scoff, knowing he was just mocking you but instead of backing down, you take the chance to stand up and walk away from the boy. while you begin scanning for the textbooks you originally came for, niki quietly follows behind you. the boy is barely an inch away, his presence towering over yours like always.
“why are you ignoring me miss class president?”
“i’m not.”
“wait- did you hear that?” his question makes you turn back, just to see him gazing into the dark corner, seemingly frightened, “can you hear that- i think- there’s something there! ah!”
you’re already screaming bloody murder without having to actually look, your body immediately flinging into niki’s, your head hiding in his chest. every part of you is shaking of fear, tears so ready to fall at the thought of something jumping out to eat you.
but then you hear laughter. nishimura’s evil laughter.
of course.
“are you serious?” you throw a punch at his chest in anger but judging by his amused reaction, you assume it didn’t have much effect on the literal giant, “that wasn’t funny at all!”
“it was and so was your reaction!”
just as you were about to smack him again, you hear doorknob jiggling.
“are you guys still in there? the teacher said you’re taking too long!”
“eunji?!” you were at the door in a matter of seconds, just as it swings opened with your best friend on the other side, “oh my god thank you! it was stuck!”
the girl looks at you then to the boy behind you, her gaze going back and forth a few times curiously, “oh i’m sure the door was coincidentally stuck.”
“it was! tell her niki! tell her it was stuck!” you pull the team captain forward, urging him to explain but of course niki being niki, the boy leans down and places a peck on your cheek instead.
the move doesn’t only surprise you but also your poor best friend who looked like she had just been hit by lightning.
“see you in class,” is all he says, the smuggest grin on his face as he walks back towards class with his hands dug in his pockets.
“w- what- what the?” eunji’s eyes are widening more by the second, the girl seemingly not have blinked at all in the past minute, “i thought we were on team haruto? now we’re on team niki again?! girl!”
“it’s- it’s complicated but- but we were never on team haruto!”
“she has always been team nishimura!”
you and eunji both turn to the low voice, just to see the owner of it standing further down the hallway. the sight immediately melts your heart, the view of niki nishimura’s grin.
the widest grin, and for you.
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taglist; @jeonjungkookkk @soobsbby @astra-line​ @drunkanddazedalways @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​​ @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @axartia​ @bunhoons​​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​​ @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​​ @emoworu​​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​​​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​​ @sunooslover​ @muffinminnie​ @sashamifasolla @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​​​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​​ @f0rlov3rs ​  
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