#essay help
gutsygremlin · 1 year
If it is remotely possible for you to make your essay about your special interest, DO IT!!!
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sapphicacademic · 9 months
hi everyone. essays are hard. working as an English tutor, I've started to realize how hard those can be. here is Mickie's Guide To Essays (basic). It has pretty much all the rules I follow, and i do pretty damn well in english. Yipee.
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Campus life in a nutshell: Car collisions won't stop us from chasing that degree! 🏃‍♂️🚗📚😂
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fur-paradises · 7 months
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immediatesonder · 2 months
I really hate begging
But I’m a chronically ill transgender college student and I’m in debt. I haven’t been able to work for a few months now. My goal is $100 by the end of the month so I can get out of debt ❤️
My Venmo is sun-and-moon18
I’ll edit your college level (or lower) paper or tutor you! I’m knowledgeable in psychology, biology, human anatomy, animal cognition, scientific method, history, and philosophy. My base price is $8/hr, but it’s a sliding scale ☺️
If you can’t help, I understand, but I ask that you please reblog this.
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melxhunter · 6 months
You got to be kidding with me… I seriously have to write a four pages essay about copyright?????
And add downsides of it? What kind of downsides does copyright have? Are there even any?
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measure-for-measure · 2 years
Dear academia and literarily minded people:
I've compiled a list of SENTENCE STARTERS for people to use.
The link is right [HERE]
Here's the link for in case if Tumble-Dryer-Dorothy-Commercial decides to misbehave:
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ursistersgirlfriend · 5 months
woah tumblr is weird but i wrote an essay on jason todd and i know tumblr is the right place for it, you can find it here: https://makhatesithere.substack.com/p/jason-todd-prodigal-son?publication_id=2163129&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&r=2vyptp
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brediest-littleguy · 2 months
Does anyone have any tips on writing essays? Sitting down and actually *writing* is extremely difficult for me so I just need to know if there are any methods to help me
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frogskelly · 9 months
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*Art commissions: Digital only is what I do, because paper is a fickle thing.
~~~ Just send me a message if you’re interested - I’m frequently online so I typically respond quickly, within the day!
~~~Price will vary on the detail, time taken to complete it, etc. Of course, this is without consideration of how much I decide to do per day. It’s based solely on how long I spend actively working on it in total.
*Essay Help: School is starting up again, I love essays, and I am down to assist in that tedious essay-writing process.
~~~Full disclosure, I am not experienced in offering paid essay assistance, but I have always received positive feedback on my work, and I have helped people around me better their writing (I am saying that with the least amount of inflating my ego as possible). I can help with college-level essays, on the general education level, i.e. humanities, literature, government, etc.
~~~Creative writing might be something I could do, I used to do quite a bit of short stories for my OC’s. I’m a little rusty but for a cheap price, I could throw something together for you!
~~~Out of everything, this is definitely the cheapest way to support me (if you need it), because it doesn’t require me to commute and spend time away from home! Again, just send a message my way if you’re interested.
If you have questions, let me know.
Thanks for reading and for your consideration!
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powerpoint3344 · 10 days
How to Write a Powerful PowerPoint Presentation — 2024
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Table of Contents
In today’s fast-paced business world, effective communication is essential for success. Whether you’re pitching a new idea, sharing a progress report, or training a team, a well-crafted PowerPoint presentation can be a game-changer. It not only helps you convey your message clearly and concisely but also leaves a lasting impression on your audience.
A powerful PowerPoint presentation is more than just a collection of slides; it’s a carefully curated visual and narrative experience that captivates your audience’s attention and drives home your key messages. By mastering the art of PowerPoint presentation design and delivery, you can enhance your credibility, increase audience engagement, and ultimately achieve your desired outcomes.
Ø  Key elements of an effective presentation
To create a truly powerful PowerPoint presentation, you need to focus on several key elements:
Clear and compelling content
Visually appealing design
Logical flow and structure
Engaging delivery style
Audience interaction and adaptation
By carefully considering and executing each of these elements, you can transform a mundane presentation into a captivating and memorable experience for your audience.
Planning and Structure
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Ø  Defining the objective
Before you even open PowerPoint, it’s crucial to define the objective of your presentation. Are you aiming to inform, persuade, or inspire your audience? By clearly understanding your goal, you can tailor your content, structure, and delivery style accordingly.
Ø  Identifying the target audience
Knowing your audience is equally important. Who will be attending your presentation? What are their backgrounds, interests, and level of knowledge on the topic? By tailoring your content and approach to your specific audience, you can ensure maximum engagement and impact.
Ø  Organizing the content logically
Once you’ve identified your objective and audience, it’s time to organize your content in a logical and coherent manner. Start by creating an outline that breaks down your presentation into main sections and subsections. This will help you structure your thoughts and ensure a smooth flow of information.
Ø  Creating a clear and concise outline
Your outline should be clear, concise, and easy to follow. Use descriptive headings and subheadings to guide your audience through the presentation. Additionally, consider including key talking points or statistics under each section to help reinforce your main ideas.
Design and Visuals
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Ø  Choosing an appropriate template
The visual design of your PowerPoint presentation plays a crucial role in capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention. Begin by selecting an appropriate template that aligns with your brand, topic, and overall tone. Opt for a clean and professional design that enhances the readability of your content.
Ø  Selecting complementary colors and fonts
Color and typography can significantly impact the overall visual appeal and readability of your presentation. Choose a color scheme that is visually appealing and complements your brand or topic. Additionally, select easy-to-read fonts that are consistent throughout your slides.
Ø  Using high-quality images and graphics
Well-chosen images and graphics can help illustrate your points and make your presentation more engaging. However, be selective and use only high-quality visuals that are relevant and add value to your content. Avoid cluttering your slides with too many images or graphics, as this can be distracting and overwhelming for your audience.
Ø  Incorporating charts and graphs effectively
If your presentation involves data or statistics, consider using charts and graphs to help visualize the information. These visual aids can make complex data more digestible and memorable for your audience. However, be sure to keep your charts and graphs simple, clear, and easy to understand.
Ø  Ensuring consistency in design elements
Consistency is key when it comes to effective design. From slide to slide, maintain a cohesive look and feel by using the same color scheme, font styles, and layout. This visual consistency will help create a polished and professional appearance, making it easier for your audience to follow along.
Content Development
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Ø  Crafting a compelling opening
Your opening is crucial in capturing your audience’s attention and setting the tone for the rest of your presentation. Start with a strong hook, such as a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic, or a relevant anecdote. This will pique your audience’s curiosity and encourage them to engage with your content from the beginning.
Ø  Developing concise and impactful main points
The main points of your presentation should be clear, concise, and impactful. Focus on delivering your key messages in a straightforward and memorable way. Avoid overloading your slides with too much text or unnecessary details, as this can overwhelm and distract your audience.
Ø  Supporting key messages with relevant data
To reinforce your main points and add credibility to your presentation, incorporate relevant data, statistics, or case studies. However, be selective in the data you include, ensuring that it directly supports your key messages and is easy to understand and interpret.
Ø  Incorporating storytelling techniques
Humans are wired to connect with stories, making storytelling an effective technique for engaging your audience and making your content more memorable. Weave relevant narratives, examples, or analogies throughout your presentation to help illustrate your points and keep your audience invested.
Ø  Including engaging multimedia elements
In addition to visuals and data, consider incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, animations, or interactive elements to enhance your presentation’s impact. These elements can help break up the monotony of slides and keep your audience engaged and attentive.
Slide Layout and Organization In a PowerPoint Presentation
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Ø  Using a consistent slide layout
Consistency in your slide layout is essential for maintaining a professional and cohesive look. Choose a layout that works well for your content and stick to it throughout your presentation. This will make it easier for your audience to follow along and focus on your message rather than being distracted by constantly changing slide formats.
Ø  Breaking information into digestible chunks
To avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information at once, break down your content into digestible chunks. Use separate slides for different main points or subtopics, and limit the amount of text or visuals on each slide.
Ø  Utilizing bullet points and subheadings
Bullet points and subheadings are effective tools for organizing and presenting information in a clear and concise manner. Use them to break down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable pieces, making it easier for your audience to follow along and retain key information.
Ø  Creating effective transitions between slides
Smooth transitions between slides can help maintain a seamless flow throughout your presentation. Consider using simple animations or slide transitions to guide your audience from one point to the next without causing unnecessary distraction or confusion.
Ø  Incorporating visual hierarchy for emphasis
Visual hierarchy refers to the way elements are arranged and prioritized on a slide to guide the viewer’s attention. Use techniques such as larger font sizes, bold text, or contrasting colors to highlight your most important points and draw your audience’s focus where you want it.
Delivery and Presentation Skills
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Ø  Practicing and rehearsing the presentation
Proper preparation is essential for delivering a powerful presentation. Practice your presentation multiple times, focusing on your timing, flow, and delivery. Rehearse in front of a mirror or record yourself to identify areas for improvement and build confidence.
Ø  Establishing eye contact with the audience
Making eye contact with your audience is crucial for engaging them and building a connection. While presenting, scan the room and make eye contact with individuals in different sections. This will help you establish a rapport with your audience and keep them attentive.
Ø  Using confident body language and gestures
Your body language and gestures can significantly impact how your audience perceives you and your message. Stand tall, maintain good posture, and use purposeful gestures to emphasize your points. Avoid distracting habits such as fidgeting or pacing, as these can detract from your professionalism and credibility.
Ø  Speaking clearly and at an appropriate pace
Enunciate your words clearly and speak at a moderate pace that allows your audience to follow along comfortably. Avoid rushing through your content or speaking too slowly, as either extreme can cause your audience to lose interest or become disengaged.
Ø  Engaging the audience through interaction
Incorporate opportunities for audience interaction throughout your presentation. This can include asking rhetorical questions, encouraging discussions, or inviting feedback. Engaging your audience in this way will help them stay focused and invested in your content.
By following these guidelines and mastering the art of creating and delivering a powerful PowerPoint presentation, you’ll be well on your way to captivating your audience and achieving your desired outcomes. Remember, a great presentation is not just about the slides; it’s about the overall experience you create for your audience.
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ginjones · 1 year
Can someone shout at me and tell me to write my essay please?
I'll accept anything mildly patronising or chiding.
For every shout I get I will write 2 words
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gradeoneessay · 24 days
Just came across this post & I liked it. The last challenge will shock you.
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High School vs. College: The study game goes from "Nah" and a 100 to "11 hours" and a 48! 📚🤣
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yourstudyassistant · 11 months
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thevampscene · 1 year
hello mcr nation! i could really use your help! im writing an essay about my chemical romance for a school project and i need some people to fill out this cool google form i made as a part of it. if you love mcr and want to answer some questions and write a little bit about what they mean to you, then this is the perfect opportunity to do so, there are only about 10-15 questions and many of them are optional! there is more information about what this is going to be used for and all that in the form so if you are interested please check it out!
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