#enneagram 1 aesthetic
thatstoomuchman · 1 year
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wheresmyfuckintea · 2 years
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ENNEAGRAM TYPE ONE : the reformer
-> concerned with morals & justice
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rainytypology · 8 months
Enneagram Type 4
An overview of an enneagram type. Not an expert. May change later.
Type 4
Center: Heart/Image/Shame
Other triads: Reactive, Withdrawn, Frustration
Basic motivation: Create a unique identity, make personal significance
Basic fear: Being forgotten, not feeling important
Wings: 4w3, 4w5
Disintegration/stress: 2
Integration/growth: 1
- Strengths -
In tune with emotions
Expressive and creative
Have an eye for beauty/aesthetics
Tries to be genuine, be themselves
- Weaknesses -
Can be moody and overly sensitive
Self conscious
Feel defective
Can be self pitying
Focus too much on themselves
- 4w3 -
The 3 wing adds a spit of spark to the typically melancholic 4 core. A bit more outgoing and friendly. May feel envious of others more often. Want to have validation and praise for their unique accomplishments. 3 wing helps them set goals, which are usually aligned with expression and creativity. 4s want to make a mark/influence on the world and 3 wants to be successful in making that mark. They want their uniqueness to be seen.
- 4w5 -
4 and 5 are both withdrawn types, so it's no surprise 4w5s are often introverted and/or private. Independent type who does what they want. Can intellectualize their emotions. Can get lost in their own world as they are focused on building their creativity and skills rather than focusing on relationships.
Disintegration: 2
Disintegration to 2 can cause a 4 to lose sense of their independence, instead throwing themselves into relationships. They want to be rescued somehow without putting much effort into building genuine connections. Very clingy and intrusive.
Integration: 1
Integration to 1 can cause a 4 to become more objective and more bold to take actions towards their desired goals and dreams. They learn not to be trapped in their self absorptions. They learn to control/balance their feelings so they are less moody. Integrating 4s have a desire to contribute to the world and make a better difference rather than simply only doing things they want whenever they want.
Subtypes of 4
- Sp 4 -
Sp 4 is the most internalized and least expressive about their pain and suffering compared to the typical 4. They learn to deal with it by themselves. They want to be recognized and accepted for being so "tough" for not complaining about going through heavy things. They may instead look for those who are visibly suffering in order to provide empathy and help for them.
- Sx 4 -
Sx 4 is the most expressive and intense. They want to be their most authentic selves and chase after their desires. They are very deliberate in trying to attract others with their unique and genuine character - with the way they dress, act, any sort of self expression, they need people to like their uniqueness. They can be more assertive with their needs, which can be used to cover up the actual sadness they have inside. They have a deep need to prove they are worthy.
- So 4 -
So 4 is the most connected to their suffering and will openly show this. They compare themselves a lot to others and feel shame for not having the traits they envy. They want to be accepted but fear their flaws will drive people away. Inferiority and victim complex. There is a lot of inner conflict of wanting to be original and different but fearing having something wrong with them and longing for others acceptance.
Enneagram list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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vampirepunks · 2 months
Higgs Monaghan's MBTI + Enneagram Typology (pt. 1)
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(disclaimer: this is my opinion based on deep character study, eight or so years of special interest in typology, and subjective interpretation. if you wanna argue, good luck finding my PDB. friendly debate is fine.)
MBTI: ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si)
Enneagram: 7w8
Instinctual Variant: sx/sp
Tritype: 782
MBTI Analysis
This one is easy. Higgs displays all of the classic ENTP traits. He's well-read, adaptable, strategic, authentic, contrarian/anarchistic, charismatic, energetic, emotionally guarded, impulsive, and excessively idealistic. ENTPs come in two flavors: rebel with a cause, and rebel without a cause. The former typically has a strong alignment to enneagrams 1, 7, or 8, whereas the latter is more likely to be rooted somewhere in 6, 5, or 9. This can be a pull from within the tritype or wing, but we'll get to that. Higgs is, quite obviously, the former. His rebellious nature is driven by idealism first and foremost.
ENTPs are "introverted extroverts." They thrive in the spotlight, crave attention, and love being the loudest presence in the room. However, unlike "true" extroverts (i.e. see: ESFP) they require plenty of personal space and time on their own to nurture their inner worlds, reflect on their feelings and values, and retreat into the safety of their own private minds. In a reasonably healthy ENTP, this time is often spent pursuing knowledge, fresh ideas, and deeper meaning in the world, through things like literature, arts, and creative pursuits or pet projects. In an unhealthy ENTP, that focus goes towards obsessions, fixations, and hedonism. Such as... making a conspiracy board, covering the walls in manic writings and pictures of their no. 1 enemy, and drinking... a lot. Hello, Higgs.
Function Stack Breakdown
ENTP's cognitive function stack is Ne-Ti-Fe-Si.
Ne (extroverted intuition): First and foremost, ENTPs live in a world of possibilities. Like INTJs, they live somewhere between their minds and bodies, existing in a nebulous sense of insight and personal sentiment. Where INTJ sees how the world "should" be, ENTP sees the world as it could be. This trait is amplified intensely by a core fix in enneagram 7, which many consider to be ENTP's most likely/common enneagram alignment. Ne is constantly tinkering with a thousand ideas at once, scattered in all directions. Higgs embodies this beautifully; he is an intrepid explorer, both in the material world and in the realm of ideas and philosophies, shown by his love of literature, his hands-on approach to life, his sensory fixations (must! touch! everything!), and his deep investment in history. He takes external ideas in and challenges them, redefining them to his liking. This shows in his adoption of the ancient Egyptian aesthetic/practices after reading about them, his poetry references, his adjustment of literary quotes to change the meaning ("sound and righteous fury"), and his overall fascination with the world around him.
Ti (introverted thinking): ENTPs prefer to act based on logic over emotion, processing the world through what makes sense and where their curiosity takes them. They love puzzles, problems in need of solutions, and detail-oriented issues. The Ne-Ti axis makes an educated, mature ENTP a capable, adaptable strategist who always has a plan and the ability to craft an entirely new plan B, C, D, etc, all the way to Z on a moment's notice. They're rarely shaken by change, likely to relish the challenge presented by unpredictability. This shows in Higgs' accomplishments both as a porter and terrorist, earning him a reputation as "a damn good leader" and later, a fearsome foe with the presence of "a ruthless emperor" (thank you, DS novel Sam). As highlighted by the novelization, his leadership pre-Amelie was defined by idealistic yet practical solutions. He was insightful and precise in determining that the resource shortage wasn't a shortage at all, but an issue of unequal distribution brought on by greed, corporate hierarchy, and distrust. He showed people that they didn't need to sacrifice freedom in exchange for security, they only needed to pitch in and share fairly, and he backed his promises up with results and an olive branch by cooperatively setting up a new distribution system and bringing supplies from his territory in the West. Meanwhile, in the intellectual sense, Higgs is a skeptic. Due to his mental roots in Ne, he wants to believe in things, but he can't until he's thoroughly questioned them, examined them from all angles, and tested them. When Ne says "jump," Ti says "wait." This causes a constant push-pull between reckless impulsivity and calculated caution. Thus, Higgs is inquisitive and curious, with Sam describing him (again, in the novel) as a truth-seeker, reminding him of a philosopher. In line with the classic image of the ENTP personality, Higgs thrives in a vast marketplace of ideas and values, picking and choosing the ones that suit him after playing with each and every single one of the available options, especially if he has someone to bounce his thoughts off of. ENTPs are masters of the "yes and," but due to their weaker Fe-Si axis, they're also vulnerable to being manipulated and exploited for their ingenuity and inexhaustible drive. Higgs dives head-first into Amelie's promises, but then spirals when he realizes she's not telling him the whole truth. He intuitively knows when someone is hiding things from him and he isn't content to just let it go. If answers aren't freely given, he'll form his own and act upon them. "If there's another layer to this, I can't work it out -> Dear diary, today I nuked Middle Knot City."
Fe (extroverted feeling): Herein lies ENTP's soft side. Contrary to popular belief, the feeling function of MBTI goes much deeper than simple emotions; it determines moral direction (inward vs. outward) and social dynamics. Fi (introverted feeling) pushes against the grain, concerning *my* feelings and values, whereas Fe goes with the grain, concerned with *our* feelings and values. Fi is a rugged individualist, Fe is a team player. The tertiary function is a point of conflict for all personality types, and it doesn't usually develop until middle age unless significant trauma work or self-awareness development occurs earlier in life. Higgs has both. His early journals show the expected disconnection with his feeling function, as he resists the idea of group values, and denounces the notion of community as unsafe and unrealistic. This is why many ENTPs, especially below the age of 40+, are considered insensitive and disruptive; they haven't developed the balance between nitpicky Ti and open-hearted Fe. After shaking off his instinctive and learned aversion to group attachments, Higgs quickly does a 180 into "I'm an altruist now" and dedicates his life to serving others, going so far as to "offer my soul to this world while I live." More about this when it comes to his emotional center in enneagram 2, which amplifies his Fe. Overall, Higgs displays high Fe and thus has high empathy. He makes strong use of the Ne-Fe axis to imagine others' viewpoints and feelings, making attempts to step outside of himself to try and understand others on a deeper level. Anything an ENTP can understand, they can work with. Thus, they can be highly forgiving when there's a good explanation and they're not likely to hold grudges if they can relate. Here's hoping that factors into DS2.
Si (introverted sensing): The inferior function is every MBTI type's greatest weak point, second only to the "blind" eighth function which is essentially not consciously used at all. The inferior function acts to balance the dominant function, kicking in as a rescue mechanism when the usual approach fails or stress overload causes the given personality to begin breaking down. Being forced to use this function otherwise requires conscious effort and is, in turn, highly stressful and overwhelming. The inferior is an area of insecurity and discomfort. ENTP's inferior is Si, meaning they struggle with seeing projects through to the end, handling the day-to-day minutia of life, learning from past mistakes, and neglecting physical health due to poor internal bodily awareness. And oh boy, Higgs displays this in spades. Granted, he's absolutely suffering from chiral contamination and mind control don't forget the mind control but... still. His house is a wreck, he appears to eat little more than pizza, alcohol, and soda, he struggles with the gravity of life not bending to his idealistic efforts. Further, he believes it's on him to save the world all by himself despite evidence to the contrary, and this isn't even based in a god complex, he's just that caught up in what he wants to achieve and he can't see past it to why that's an unsustainable attitude. He creates unrealistic expectations for himself, punishes himself for *checks notes* being human, and is constantly seeking new, sweeping solutions to Fix Everything™ instead of spending his time putting in the work and giving himself breathing room to let his efforts pay off. He doesn't take stock of the good he's done, the things he's accomplished, the way people looked up to him (these folks called him King Midas!!), he simply pushes forward to the next big thing, fashioning himself Atlas with the burden of the world weighing down upon his shoulders. Always planning, always moving, incapable of sitting still or tolerating boredom.
Final thoughts before moving on
Overall, Higgs is like most ENTPs (who are sadly much more common in fiction--usually as a quirky protagonist or witty, Joker-esque villain) in that they are dynamic personalities, the best of whom have brilliant minds and restless spirits that create an even mix of genius and madness, and the worst of whom become internet trolls (Higgs is not immune to this, cough cough, the pizza emails) who provoke people for fun with little regard for others' needs or feelings. ENTPs have a quiet, soft side that's quite sensitive, fears judgment, and craves attention/validation. Once appropriately matured and self-aware, these personalities become surprisingly empathetic, directing their high-energy zest for life into everything they touch. Higgs is a beautiful, beautiful representation of the mature-but-unhealthy ENTP.
(part two: enneagram deep dive)
(Sam analysis)
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Understanding Type 5
An intro to enneagram 5
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Beth Harmon (Queens Gambit) INTJ 5w4 so/sp 
Core Desire (Exploration of the Mind)- They crave knowledge and understanding of the world around them. 
Vice (Avarice)-They will cling to things (Not necessarily material) and keep them guarded in order to feel a sense of comfort. 
Fixation (Miser)- Will hide away their knowledge and general understanding of things due to feeling like it doesn't give as much result as it takes to share it. 
5w4 (The Philosopher)- With the w4 they become more interested in metaphysical constructs and imaginative processes. Interested in the aesthetic and symbolic representation of things. Might be more introverted possibly a bit more on the intense side. Emotionally inaccessible while maintaining a level of intesity. But due to being a withdrawn type and a rejection type all of this emotional intensity is purely internal. 
5w6 (The Troubleshooter)- While the 5w4 will focus on metaphysical constructs and the understanding of the metaphysics on knowledge the 5w6 will be more interested in the  categorization of this knowledge. Will be more practical than then 5w4. More likely to be interested in the applicability of this knowledge in the outer world. Due to their interest in practicality they are gonna be more interested in methodical processes than imaginative ones. 
Triads- Head (5-6-7)
they have a tendencies to withhold all of their emotions to avoid all form of emotional attachment. 
Harmonic Triad- Competency (1-3-5)
Focuses on the gain of information and performs action in an “objective” manner withholding their emotions from getting in the way. 
Hornevian Triad- Withdrawn (4-5-9)
Detach themselves of reality to preserve their selves due to their being avarice they will withhold allot of themselves around others. 
Object Relations- Rejections (2-5-8)
They will reject any form of emotional attachment that comes their way. will withhold from any form of emotional attachment. 
Social (so)- The social 5 focuses on sharing their knowledge to others they want to expand on information. This subtype will use the knowledge and sharing it in order to keep themselves from feeling. They are more on the social side due to them wanting to share the knowledge they have gained in their life. They are extremely driven, social and competitive. Due to this qualities they can look like 3s and 7s. 
Ex- Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) INTJ 5w4 so/sp, Reed Richards (MARVEL COMICS) INTP 5w6 so/sp and Lara Croft ISFP 5w6 so/sp
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Sexual (sx)- As the counter type of 5 this subtype will focus on gaining the perfect relationship. They will start the relationship slowly by putting you via certain trails if you will. This subtype is only interested in connecting with someone who they can share their inner world with another who understands them. They can be more sensitive than the other 5s and due to this they'll look like 4s while still being a 5 at their core.
Ex-Joe Goldberg (You) INFJ 5w4 sx/sp, Mister Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)  INTJ 5w4 sx/sp and Mother Miranda (RE Village) INTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Self-Preservation (sp) the self-preservation type 5 will hide themselves from others by maintaining themselves away from others by creating physical and metaphysical walls between themselves and others. However they minimize themselves in order to have a safe space for themselves in comfort. They can be more social however it's a social battery that can run out. They can look like 6s sometimes. 
Ex-Alice Liddle (Alice in Wonderland) INTP 5w6 sp/sx, Raven INTJ 5w4 (Teen Titans)  sp/sx and L (Death Note) INTP 5w4 sp/so
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Moves (Positive and Negative)
Moves to 8
Positive- They become In tune with themselves and uses their anger to pursuit their goals more. They become assertive in their wants
Negative-They become more withdrawn and uses their anger punitively to push others away more.
Moves to 7
Positive- They become in tune with the enviorement less paranoid and fearful. Becomes more interested in the outer world and experiences they can find in it. 
Negative- Overindulges and becomes distracted easily. 
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yourtwistedlies · 2 months
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❝ women’s hearts are lethal weapons ❞
val ! ✩ she/her ✩ minor ✩ jason grace’s gf (REAL) ✩ speak now obsessed ✩ gracie abrams lovebot ✩ summer baby ✩ certified procrastinator ✩ professional listener ✩ pathological people pleaser ✩ general amaya’s #1 fan ✩ fitz vacker defender ✩ honorary grammar police ✩ kpop stan (mostly ggs) ✩ my moots’ cheerleader ✩ under the illusion i can write ✩ somewhat smart ✩ cabin 13 girl ✩
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dni: if you are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, support genocide and mass murder, sexist, 18+ only, religiophobic, creepy, toxic, or literally just a jerk, please leave!
byi: i swear sometimes!! i also adore using cute nicknames and pet names for my moots!! if you don’t feel comfortable w/ that or anything else, please let me know <33
moots - wattpad - ao3 - carrd - follower event (coming soon ⁉️) - 🇵🇸 | 🇺🇦 save the children!
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•̩̩͙⁺ the basics ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
call me valerie/val or twisted!!
she/her, straight (heterosexual), minor (18+ only acc’s please do not follow), 18+ do not interact unless i interact first or we are moots (on my list or to be added- i am the judge of who is to be added), cancer (zodiac, but i don’t believe in them), Christian (i post about it sometimes), << summer baby, entp (mbti), 4w3 (enneagram), ambivert, slytherin, cabin 13, shade (guys i swear i wasn’t trying to be edgy or smth with the past two and this 😭😭 i took the official quizzes i promise lmao), swiftie, kpop fan, staying up writing until 4am gives me life, purple is the best color (this is not up to debate, only yellow even comes close), proud notes app writer, CATS > DOGS (occasionally my verdict changes), bunny lover, chronic platonic sofitzer, i’m either hyperactive or extremely tired (there is no in between), people say im smart, but sometimes i feel like the biggest idiot ever lmao, and ofc dex dizznee’s much needed publicist (my favorite role of mine ever)!!!
•̩̩͙⁺ music ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, sza, conan gray, alicia keys, emei, gracie abrams, maisie peters, sabrina carpenter, laufey, queen riri (rihanna), adele, tiffany day, le sserafim, ive, newjeans, itzy, nmixx, stay-c, aespa, everglow, txt (baby fan), illit & more kpop, lizzy mcalpine, pheobe bridgers, nessa barrett, pinkpantheress, claire rosinkranz, lyn lapid, alessia cara, reneé rapp, mckenna grace, and more!!
as i hope you can tell, i like a lot of music :)
•̩̩͙⁺ books ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
pjo, hoo, (never read toa, but yes, ik what happens in tbm), the rrverse, kotlc, city spies, ss (spy school), alex rider (not done with rr), the academy for the unbreakable arts,
and my many other fandoms i’ve forgotten about (dead magisterium fandom oop-)
i’ll add more fandoms as i remember them lol
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•̩̩͙⁺ ships ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
rayllum, clauderry (stfu they’re adorable), percabeth (otp energy), sokeefe, dexiana, tiana (yes i know im the most indecisive bitch ever shut up you toad /jjjj i actually love u platonically), jason grace x ME (/j but i do love him lol), and more!!
•̩̩͙⁺ blogs ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
side blog: @yourtangledpromises
taylor blog: @iknowplxces
writing blog: @thejournalofvalerie (coming soon) (also, i won’t write anything 18+!! except curse words occasionally)
poetry blog: @yourwhisperedsecrets (coming soon)
moodboards/aesthetics blog: @yoursweetconfessions (coming soon)
and perhaps more?? (muahahaha)
•̩̩͙⁺ side note ₊˚. ↴ ·˚༘
if you’d like to be added to my moots list, or talk, please tell me (by wonder girls)!!
if we’re moots we’re actually bffs now (you just don’t notice it yet)
if i don’t respond to your ask/tag/rb/literally anything immediately i am not ignoring you!! i’m just lazy or busy and will do it later <33
im your biggest fan btw
1 Corinthians 16:14
with love,
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cartwif · 7 months
How to Discover Your Aesthetic
Discovering your personal aesthetic, whether it's related to fashion, home decor, or your overall lifestyle, is a creative and self-exploratory process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you identify and define your unique aesthetic:
1. Collect Inspiration:
- Start by creating an inspiration board. Collect images, photos, or examples from various sources that resonate with you. This could include fashion styles, interior design, art, nature, and more.
2. Identify Patterns:
- Examine your inspiration board and look for recurring themes, colors, and styles. Are there certain elements that stand out or make you feel particularly drawn to them?
3. Define Your Values:
- Think about your personal values and what matters most to you. Are you environmentally conscious, minimalist, or drawn to vintage and retro elements? Your values can influence your aesthetic choices.
4. Assess Your Lifestyle:
- Consider your daily life and routines. Are you a busy professional, an adventurer, a homebody, or a creative artist? Your lifestyle can influence your aesthetic preferences.
5. Take a Personality Test:
- Some personality tests, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Enneagram, can offer insights into your personality and may provide hints about your aesthetic preferences.
6. Experiment and Explore:
- Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles and aesthetics. Try out various clothing styles, decor themes, and hobbies to see what feels most authentic to you.
7. Edit Your Space:
- Make gradual changes to your living space that reflect your evolving aesthetic. This can include rearranging furniture, choosing new color schemes, or adding decor items that resonate with you.
8. Seek Feedback:
- Share your ideas and style choices with friends or family and ask for their input. Sometimes, others can provide valuable perspectives.
9. Embrace Evolution:
- Keep in mind that your aesthetic can evolve over time. Don't feel pressured to stick with one specific style forever. Allow yourself to adapt and refine your aesthetic as you grow and change.
10. Stay True to Yourself:
- Your aesthetic should reflect your genuine preferences and personality. Don't try to conform to trends or other people's expectations. The most important thing is that your aesthetic makes you feel comfortable, confident, and true to yourself.
Remember that discovering your aesthetic is a journey, and there's no rush to define it quickly. Embrace the process of self-discovery and enjoy the freedom to express yourself through your chosen aesthetic.
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ambiguouscheese · 2 months
matchup information:
status: closed (:
fandoms i'm comfortable writing: genshin impact, honkai star rail, mystic prince, six of crows, nevermore, marionetta, voltron, atla
fandoms i've been in before (know it less tho): harry potter, marauders, stranger things
if there's a fandom you don't see on here, feel free to request it and if it's a fandom i've been in or encountered before, i'll write the matchup for you! if it isn't tho, please do have a backup fandom for me to write for :)
1 matchup per fandom
max fandom request: 2 (except for elaborate aesthetic personality matchups)
types of matchups available: appearance matchups, basic personality matchups, elaborate aesthetic personality matchups
anons allowed!
please read below for more details
note: while each matchup has an estimated amount of time it'll take to finish, how long i actually end up taking will depend on how busy i am at the moment, please be patient! thank you
appearance matchup description
*it is preferred if you aren't anon for this matchup because if you give me your pics and would like them to be private as an anon, i can't really reply to your ask directly!
pic of yourself
specify preferred gender for matched up character
specify characters you specifically do not want
specify if you want a minor or not
i will get back to you in 1-2 days as this is the simplest kind of match-up
i will include the character(s) i have chosen for you based on which ones i think aesthetically fit how you look
this is the most basic kind of match-up, i basically just match you up with someone who i think you would look good with based on appearance and so all i need is your picture!
basic personality matchup description
description of your personality (mbti, enneagram, zodiac, whatever you want! just tell me about yourself)
likes, dislikes, and hobbies
specify preferred gender for matched up character
specify characters you specifically do not want
specify if you want a minor or not
i will get back to you in 1-6 days
i will include sfw headcanons and a description about you and the character i have chosen for you
this is your usual matchup where i read the info you've given me and match you up with a character that i think suits you best! only sfw headcanons and descriptions, and feel free to add any extra little details about yourself!
elaborate aesthetic personality matchup description
*you can only request from ONE fandom for this matchup
description of your personality (mbti, enneagram, zodiac, whatever you want! tell me about yourself)
likes, dislikes, and hobbies
aesthetic (eg: you're more cottagecore or you're more grunge, search up different kinds of aesthetics if you don't know!)
color you think represents you
favorite music artist or song or album
optional: choose multiple things that you think represent you (eg: hyacinth flowers, lip stained wine glasses, vanilla candles, etc)
specify what kind of tropes that you do NOT like
specify preferred gender for matched up character
specify characters you specifically do NOT want
specify if you want a minor or not
i will get back to you in 7-14 days, depending on how busy i am
i will include sfw headcanons, a description about you and the character i have chosen for you including dates i think the two of you would go on or songs i think the two of you would like, a trope or two that i will assign to you and the character's dynamic, a mood board for you and the character you've been matched with based on the descriptions you've given
the more detailed you are, the more elaborate i am able to be!
this is the most elaborate of all the matchups where i'll give you a mood board for the relationship between you and the character you've been matched up with! as well as this, you will receive a trope or two, songs you might listen to together, and potential dates you'd go on. again, as this is the most elaborate, these will take me the longest so please do be patient!
request through the asks!
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kidstemplatte · 7 months
matchmaking event #1
1.pronouns/identity - she/her, afab
2. I don't know my mbti/enneagram anymore, but I'm mostly introverted, have a small close circle of friends I spend my time with, but also a larger group of good peeps that I know and get along with. Very intuitive, don't like drama (but sometimes I just want that tea spilled!), I can take time to warm up to people. Homebody who likes the not-so-rare spontaneous adventure for a day trip, somewhat nerdy but also punk rock/witchy aesthetic. Secretly spicy and ready to fight if needed y Don't necessarily like to take the lead but often have to because no one else will (Personality and brief is hard - there's layers like an ogre!)
3. Hobbies - knitting/crafting, writing, photography, watching TV/movies, tarot, spending time with my dog/ animals. Sitting with my friends watching shows and just chilling.
Marvel over DC. I have too many hobbies.
4. Pet peeves - Drunks are annoying, as are ultra-conservatives. People calling me on my phone, especially without warning ( don't use it for that! Lol)
5. Appearance - dark hair, blue eyes, average height, curvy/plus size.
𓂃 ˖ ִֶָ𐀔 your match is…
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-you and copia are the worlds biggest couch potatoes together
-as we know copia loves movies and is a bit of a dork so he is more than willing to sit down and watch marvel movies with you.
-i feel like he’s a DC person just cause he’s a little more old school but he likes the comics haha
-you two talk through movies with eachother, him sharing his favorites with you, and you with him
-he loves your animals.
-he talks to them like they’re people
-and when he’s alone, gives them each voices and talks back as them.
^when you catch him doing that he is mortified but it’s adorable haha
-doesn’t know much about tarot but he will ask for a reading just to hear you talk
-he’ll even ask to listen in on other people’s readings just because he’s so in awe of your knowledge
-he really appreciates your intuition because it helps in his decision making, he’s not the most decisive person and your input always makes him feel secure, he trusts your sense of right and wrong <3
-you and copia gossip the house down in private but once someone tries to involve either of you it’s a harsh no.
-copia knows you’re not a fan of calling and he respects that. but simultaneously, he texts you all the time. it’s not like he even expects you to text back, it feels like he’s just taking notes in your conversation. also uses a trillion emojis because boomer.
-since you’re a good photographer and that’s not exactly his forte he’ll send you the world’s worst pictures to get a laugh out of you. very dramatically set up. spends 15 minutes learning how to use the countdown feature on the camera app and add filters, then sends you a black and white picture of him dramatically looking out the window. nothing is in focus. he’s like halfway in the frame. or he’ll sneak selfies from under the table during meetings which makes the angle hilarious.
-if you two are staying fairly sober at a party together, you are like the parents of the group, making sure a ghoul doesn’t pass out on the floor or terzo doesn’t start dancing on top of a table (again)
-if he’s drunk, he tries not to act drunk because he doesn’t want to get on your nerves but it’s honestly adorable cause he’s really bad at it
-asks you to make things for his rats with your crafting and knitting skills.
i hope you had fun reading!!! you sound like a lovely person ❤️
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thatstoomuchman · 2 years
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leonardhoee · 1 year
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Hello my lovely readers! I’m reopening my matchups for Valentines Day! Submissions will be accepted until February 14th.
I’ll be having 2 different matchup types.
I will not be accepting anonymous requests
Must be Following me
I will be writing your matchups in the order I have received them. If you would like to know your place in the queue feel free to message me!
However, if you harass me in my messages or demand to have your matchup done ahead of other people I will have to delete your request. Please be cordial.
I will not be writing nsfw for this event and I will delete any requests that include that kind of information.
Age must be in bio. I will not be taking requests from anyone under 16.
If you happen to get paired with someone you did not want or did not expect, do not be rude. You will be blocked.
Check the list of fandoms I will write for at the bottom of this post and the matchup guidelines. If the guidelines are not followed I cannot write the matchup.
I will only accept one request for each matchup type per person. Since there are limited spots for the personality matchup, it is not fair to allow people to send in more than one request. If you would like another matchup for a different fandom, please feel free to join any future matchup events!
That’s all for the rules! Now onto the fun part, the matchup types!!!
You can request up to 4 fandoms for this and I will post you with characters who I think you would look good with! Since these matchups will be shorter I am not putting a limit on how many I will take as of right now.
Information to include:
• At least one picture or a picture of yourself
• Age
• Gender preference
• Fandoms you would like the matchup to be for
• any characters you absolutely do not want to be matched up with
Things that will be included in your matchup:
• the reasons I chose the character for you
• a song that makes them think of you
All pictures will be kept private and only the matchup result will be posted!
You can request 1 fandom for this matchup. (Mutuals can request up to 2). Since these matchups will be longer I will only take a maximum of 10 requests as of right now in order to not overwhelm myself and to give you guys quality content.
I will keep this post updated with the amount of spots available! If you aren’t able to get a personality matchup this time around, no worries, appearance matchups will remain open!
Information to include in your request:
• pronouns
• the fandom you want to be matched with
• gender preferences
• age
• zodiac (big 3 + Venus if you know it)
• your MBTI and enneagram/ MBTI and enneagram types you like/dislike and why
• tell me about your personality. Include your hobbies and interests, things you like and dislike about yourself, your general lifestyle and attitude towards people (Like if you have social anxiety for example), relationship dealbreakers, the kind of person you’d want to be with, your type physically, love language, and your general likes and dislikes.
• Other things you can include are your pet peeves, Godly Parent, Hogwarts House, favorite things, etc…
• Include 5-10 general fun facts about yourself.
• your style/aesthetic, taste in music.
• a quote you really resonate with (can be from anything)
• what you expect from a relationship/what you need
• describe your dream date
• characters you relate to and why (preferably not from the fandom you want to be matched with)
• any characters you absolutely do not want to be matched with
The information you sent in about yourself will not be posted, only your matchup results! Keep in mind that the more information you give me, the more accurate and detailed it will be! Don’t hold back!
Things that will be included in your matchup:
• reasons I matched you with the character and what they would love about you
• what your Valentine’s Day date would be like
• a song that makes them think of you
My favorite shows are in italics but you can request whatever you want from this list!
Tokyo Revengers (I am caught up on the manga and anime)
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Sengoku
Ikemen Prince
Obey Me
Hunter x Hunter (will not include gon or killua)
Chainsaw Man (anime only)
Black Butler (anime only, will not include Ciel)
Twisted Wonderland
Record of Ragnarok
Tears of Themis
Genshin Impact (will not include Klee, Diona, Sayu, Qiqi, Nahida, or Yao Yao)
Demon Slayer (anime only)
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime only)
Attack on Titan (anime only)
Bungou Stray Dogs (anime only)
Case Study of Vanitas
Moriarty the Patriot
Great Pretender
Ouran High School Host Club
Kamisama Kiss
Psycho Pass
Bleach (caught up to TYBW but not a manga reader)
If I say anime only for any of them please do not send me manga spoilers, and as a rule of thumb I won’t write for small children obviously. If there’s any I missed above, then I’m including them in this statement. Additionally I will write for all characters unless specified above (anime only or specific characters I have excluded).
If you would like to request an appearance matchup and a personality matchup, let me know in your request and include your pictures with your personality matchup information! Feel free to message me with questions at any time! And happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!! 💗
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goblinsofdiscord · 16 days
👹 😤 Enneagram Frustration Types (Types 1, 4 and 7) 😮‍💨🥀
Frustration is a universal human experience, but it’s also a personality’s ego fixation in the enneagram system relating to “object relations” which is how we interact with the world around us is supposed to relate to our parental dynamics and wounds. It’s the over-fixation on the ideal - what could be and what isn’t. What’s desired and what’s missing. And frustration types (1, 4, 7) can go hard in one direction and then hard in the other direction. They can become fixated on what’s wrong, what’s missing, the disappointment, the lament of what was and no longer is, what could be altered, beautified, made more interesting, more personal, more perfect.
Frustration is essentially being in a constant state of WITHOUT instead of WITH. There is always something not quite right. Something annoying. Out of kilter. Not me enough. Not perfect. Not interesting. Boring. Common. Shallow. Disgusting. The pursuit of experiencing satisfaction is what they’re doing, not achieving satisfaction itself. And once they do achieve satisfaction, it’s often short-lived or disappointing. And the cycle repeats itself. And they may even edge, if they start feeling close to that one moment (getting what they want) - knowing it won’t live up to the ideal, or not wanting the fantasy to end.
This can show up as a grandiose fantasies of their version of the ideal - whether that’s in themselves - and their self-concept and what’s possible for them, in their art, in their partner, children, friends, business, the entire world, their house, their clothing and adornments, the weather, their bodies, the sex, the juice, the energy. Frustration makes itself home in enneagram type 1’s, 4’s and 7’s. It also shows up as an influence when you have a wing which is 1, 4, 7 or a fix. And the frustration is amplified when you have it 2 or 3 of your centers. 
The kicker about frustration and all of the types is that you are creating the pattern that fucks you over (your personality trap). Your vibe attracts your tribe. Meaning if you are constantly frustrated, you will attract people, situations, issues that amplify and feed that belief and energy.
What’s positive about frustration types is that because they are so obsessively trying to capture, create, chase the ideal they can funnel that obsessive, unsettled energy into creating change in the world, the arts, innovation, social structures/culture, etc. Their dissatisfaction becomes a catalyst for change, although it may cause personal ruin the process.
Prefer to watch it instead of read it? 👇 (A lot more sidenotes in the video, because I go off-script auto-reflexively.)
Enneagram 1's are frustrated in the gut center, giving them a God complex. They seek to exist in a way that is right, perfect and unadulterated by whatever their internal compass tells them is corrupt, bad, dirty and wrong. So this frustration is seen and felt primarily in the torso, the body. That’s why 1’s are often rigid looking, they look like they’ve got knuckle-crushing buttholes and are in a perpetual state of disapproval. They’re constantly churning the need to perfect, do, whittle, clean, wipe, purify, burn, pick at and that oozes out of their very being. They have incredibly high standards which can be centered around efficiency, competency, what’s right, pure, perfect, good, clean aesthetic, properness, manners, etc.
Their frustration object is something they need to FIX, perfect, eradicate, correct. They’re fixating this energy inwards, at themselves as well as outwards. They’re often seen as critical towards others, especially if they have a 6 fix and social instinct, but that’s just their baseline. That’s the world they live in.
They are already doing this to themselves and they project it onto whatever shows up around them, likely fixated more in their dominant instinct. SO this can be their partner or sexual fixation, their loved ones, coworkers, the outer world, their environment, home, art, craft, job. And when after many times trying to clean up the mess if they cannot fix the person, situation, environment they may feel the urge to replace it with a new frustration object or a new fixation. Although you may never be able to fully move on from the frustration object if it still exists.
Enneagram 4’s are frustrated in the heart center. Meaning the image they are projecting from inside of themselves is constantly at odds with the world around it. They’re out of congruence with their environment, people, etc, and it cannot be fixed. They don’t know how to exist in such a shallow, disgusting, empty reality. They’re both frustrated by it and fed by it. If they get what they want, they’ll find a way to ruin it because getting it might signal to the ego that they are now part of superficial, shiny reality. This is not to be confused with 6 head griping which is more associated with outsourcing their power or being angry at some kind of authority figure or system. 4’s are positively identified with “negativity.” Being different in a way that is not relatable or accessible can seem from the outside as someone who won’t play ball, is moody, hateful, an asshole.
But they’re also deep poets and lone wolves - or like to tell themselves they are. Separate. Superior and inferior. Tragic and fascinating. According to them they don’t suffer like a 6 or a 9, their concerns are not relatable and you wouldn’t understand. They’re not inviting you to understand either. That’s attachment territory. If you did get a whiff of understanding, it would mean that “thing” was now cheap, common, not good enough for the 4 to ruminate and fixate and chew on and will be either discarded or further personalized and transformed to feel like it’s more personal and specific to them. It’s not special when it’s everyone else’s thing. Ptooey. And again, this is not to be confused with the 6 urge to be an emo shit-poster edgelord with eyeliner and black hair. That’s not different. That’s a subculture. 
This frustrated, separated self-concept oozes dramatically and broodingly out of their countenance, their faces, their visages, the window to their soul. They are the unwilling cover model who wants you to know they don’t like posing but also wants you to see how deep they are. And have no comment on it.
4’s are first and foremost their own primary frustration object, unconsciously deepening their experience of themselves, and creating a continuous narrative around how deep, profound, separate, and beautifully broken they are. They’re unreachable unless they grant you the key, and that key is likely conditional and not permanent. This can be flavoured by their fixes - with 6 there is an amplification of self-loathing and the inescapability of the horror of self, with 1 there is an amplification of snootiness and disgust, with 7 there is an amplification of melodrama and self-fixation, swinging between self-loathing and self-aggrandizing, 4 with 5 is more prone to reactive nihilism (not to be confused with 9’s apathy and numbing), etc.
But this frustration will also show up in relationships, objects, art, their environment that they seek to make more deep, meaningful, mysterious, and personal to their specific tastes and internal narratives of who they are. It will be more noticeable in their dominant instinct - whether that’s social, sexual or self-pres. And yes, that can mean trying to impose this frustration narrative onto someone they’re in a relationship with to personalize them to their own desires.  Unconsciously trying to push them into being (or gaslight themselves into thinking they’re) more deep, unique or interesting than they actually are, or that their connection is somehow special and beyond the realm of mere mortals. And when something feels less than special or won’t reach that ideal, it can become devalued in the 4’s eyes.
7’s are frustrated in the head center. Meaning they want to be tantalized, obsessed, excited, turned on, lit up, distracted from the mundane, aroused by whatever their frustration objects are. And because there are likely to be many they can become spread across many frustration delights, never experiencing true satisfaction which also leads to them not finishing projects, not committing to anything, always having a plan B, C, D… They might be simultaneously existing in multiple realities hedging their bets for the most satisfying and ideal option - however because they do this, they never get satisfaction. 
Type 7’s frustration objects will be something they want - a possibility - something they feel that they NEED - to taste, experience, milk, lose themselves in. Something shiny. New. Intriguing. Sexy. Hot. Novel. Never conquered. Never tasted. 7’s can enter a total state of fantastical mania when they’re stressed out with reality or bored as fuck with their life, creating alternate realities to exist in, that expand these fantasies they have for their life, themselves, their relationships, their art… it’s all about possibilities.
Ideas, creations, booze or drugs, people, their partner, experiences, partying, places, food, interests, hobbies. Once this thing dries of its juicy nectar, the 7 is likely to lose interest and find another sparkly object. Although they may remain with one pinky toe still in it, in case that nectar returns or it becomes exciting to them again by some other means. They try and create this feeling of juiciness around them as they can grow bored easily in stagnant, repetitive and dull environments. 
They can get bored with situations, commitments, people, relationships, jobs, projects very easily as soon as they start to slip into the inevitable frustration pattern backslide. Disappointment. Time-sucking. Feeling like an obligation. Not being fun anymore. Not being interesting anymore. And this can show up when shit gets real - your partner is depressed or unwell, you’re having to work more hours at the job, the dream art career wasn’t as exciting and razzle dazzle. 7’s can focus when they really want something but it can be horrendously taxing to remain invested in something that no longer feels juicy.
The antidote to frustration is gratitude for what is and not for what could be.
Presence without conditions (just ALLOWING the situation/person to be as it is).
Realizing that you’re not SETTLING by just being content. You’re not giving up, or becoming part of the mundane reality that you despise. You’re simply allowing yourself grace, some level of comfort, peace, abundance, joy, appreciation. Which is the energy in which you can actually align yourself to what you desire on a soul level. And you can begin to create that from the inside, which will inevitably, and easily create it for you on the outside. 
Watch the video linked above to go through a short exercise.
More on Enneagram 7 (and personal experiences with “frustration)….
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ciceroprofacto · 1 year
Enneagram Characterization
I’ve recommended it a bunch, but if you do use the enneagram for characterizations I need to emphasize that the honesty of the portrayal is so much more important than the aesthetic of the type you choose for your characters.
That means picking the right type for the story you wanna tell and vice versa. there might be an impulse to be like ‘my character is hotheaded so they should be an 8′ or like ‘my character is artistic so they must be a 4′, but that mindset misses the point and diagnoses a behavior instead of their holistic personality- their core motivations and drives. realistically, a person’s core type affects so much more than behavior- their fears, their aspirations, their traumas. it’s basically 9 archetypal manifestations of the Human Id, so it does a disservice to your characters if you don’t dig deep enough to actually get it right.
I wanted to take a second to give some tips on doing that. 
Step 1: Define their Number:  Don’t think of the enneagram as 9 personality “types”. think of it as 9 archetypal Lies. the idea behind the enneagram is that it’s mapping out the survival strategies that people subconsciously pick up from their childhood experiences- the ways that they trained themselves to interpret a confusing and often conflicting world. the enneagram archetypes each have a lie they tell themselves to cope. 
it’s a pre-packaged “lie your character believes”.
When you’re defining their numerical type, it can be useful to take the quiz in the character’s mindset. it can also be useful to just look at what traits you want them to exhibit when healthy or under stress and work backwards from the points of integration and disintegration.
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The important thing is that- all aspects of that personality type should feel applicable to your character- and none should seem disqualifying.
Step 2: Sync it to your Theme Make sure the arc that your characters’ Lie produces matches the theme of that character’s story. you can do that by judging whether the Truth that answers the Lie is the message of the story’s theme. so, for example- with a Type-1 protagonist that I want to go through a positive change arc from a place of unhealthy belief in their Lie to enlightened acceptance of the Truth, I can’t make my theme all about how you do actually need to strive for perfection to be worthy of love- that theme should probably be something about finding their intrinsic value and personal happiness like ‘Inclination over Duty’. Or if I have a Type-8 character that’s meant to go through a corrupting arc of rejecting the Truth, my theme is probably going to be about the need to accept vulnerability and learn to depend on others, demonstrated by the consequences of the character’s failure to do so.
Step 3: Use it to build arcs. the core-type is a launch point for conflict and development. it’s built into the theory of the enneagram- directions of integration and disintegration show how different types might react under stress or when healthy. when depicting it, remember the ‘problem’ emotions that drive each type- anger, shame, fear.
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and most of all- remember the one “thing” that they want:
1.  ideals 2.  love 3.  success 4.  individuality 5.  competence 6.  confidence 7.  freedom 8.  power 9.  peace 
for each type, this is one thing that, if you take it away- you’ll send them into a crisis of character. each enneagram type wants this thing so badly it feels like a need it’s so pivotal to who they are and how they’ve been moving through the world their whole lives, it’s painful to rip it away from them. how your character specifically defines their thing is where you get to have your fun, but this core drive needs to be a factor of their character motivations. it’s the thing they Want but don’t necessarily Need. 
Pictures from Enneagram Institute
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Hi Lexi! It's so much fun that you're doing match-ups! 💜 If I may, I'd like to ask for one, please?
To answer a few of your questions,
I have no idea what an Enneagram type is. All I know is I'm an INTJ, a Scorpio, and a Slytherin. All of which makes me sound like a villain but I promise I'm actually ridiculously polite and friendly. Mama raised me right
My go-to way to fall asleep has been listening to ASMR for 7 years now. Back in college, my apartment was literally right next to the freeway and it was always so loud that I needed to listen to something else. Which is when I discovered and delved into it for the first time and have stuck around ever since.
I have so many different names I'd consider changing mine to but I really like Aurora "Rory"
My brand-new favorite Redacted audio is Avior's S1 finale. I've been waiting for so long. Hopefully that doesn't give away who I am lol. Other favorites include all of Elliott's happy ones, the Elemental boys non-canon confessions (Huxley's is my favorite of the three), and almost all of Caelum's playlist. My son
I don't really get the hype for Yanderes in general but Blake in particular, like, I got nothin'.
I could literally stand in front of you and quote The Incredibles front to back, doing Very Bad Impressions of all the character voices, and bad vocal renditions of the soundtrack. I watched it every day when I was like 8-9. I love that movie.
I would also like Cam and Caelum to be my best friends.
Fun fact: my go-to ramble is also space! I watched one (1) Bill Nye video on the sun when I was like 8 or 9 and I was hooked. Fast forward to college and I got a 97% overall in Honors Astronomy my freshman year and my honors program advisor looked at my transcript and went, "How did you get that high of an A in Honors Astronomy?" and I was like, "It wasn't hard???" And my advisor goes, "Yes it is! No one gets that high of an A in Honors Astronomy." And I'm sitting there like, "Well, uh... I did." Also, in said Honors Astronomy class, the professor put up two nearly-identical graphics (emission spectrum of hydrogen) and asked what the difference between the top and bottom ones were and I raised my hand and said, "The bottom one is red-shifted" (not knowing he was about to introduce the Doppler Effect but already knowing what that was) and my professor stares at me for a solid 10 seconds in stunned silence and said, "I've been teaching this course for 20 years and you're the first one to get that question right on the first try." So... yeah. Big space nerd. 🌟
One other thing that says a lot about me is that I adore that the Redacted d(a)emon aesthetic is music and stars. Music was the first thing I was taught to love by my musician family, and the stars were the first thing I loved for myself.
Also if I were an Empowered race, I'd definitely be a Freelancer, but one with a heavy emphasis in Dreamwalking, Psychokinesis, Fire Elemental Command, and Electro Command. I'm not cool enough to be a specialized race. Oh man I'm a rambler. I'll stop now.
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Don’t stop the rambling; I think it’s wonderful, and you know what? So would Lasko.
I think it’d be so cute to have a thoughtful and rambly partner for Lasko. Conversations are a push and pull, and I think Lasko is too often one or the other, trying so hard. Because of that, I imagine it would be so peaceful and quieting for him to not feel like he has to talk or contribute and to be able to just listen and be there for you.
Overall, Lasko is uniquely situated to uplift and care for you. INTJs (and Slytherins to an extent) are characterized as intelligent, ambitious, and virulently independent. Lasko, who strikes me somewhere on the brink of an ISFJ, would be a lovely partner for you in that his hardworking nature and ambition would not combat or stifle yours but would support it.
What's the hurry/ When you know that you've got me/ Don't you worry, I've nowhere to be/ Other than right next to you
I went looking specifically through my Lasko/OC playlist for this one, and I was not disappointed. Lasko is such a ride or die dude, you feel me? He’s so dedicated to the people he loves and the family he’s chosen, so once he chooses you, there’s nothing stopping him.
Anton also strikes me as a wonderful listener; I can easily picture him tinkering with some machinery while nodding and humming and listening to you wax poetic about the music playing in his workshop. Vincent would also be a good listener, not by his own virtue but just by being a fuckin simp. He’s the type who’d have his chin perched on his hands, starry eyed and mooning as you infodump and trying his honest to god best to understand what you’re saying even if he has no clue.
Note: I don’t think you sound like a villain! I’m an INTJ, and my boyfriend is a Slytherin, so you’re in fantastic company in my opinion 💜
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself!
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tealwrightiv · 4 months
Introducing Teal Wright IV
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Syrok, 25, EST; HE/HIM. | if you’re hearing D'Evils by Sir playing, you have to know   TEAL WRIGHT IV (HE/HIM; CISGENDER MAN) is near by! the 30 year old OWNER OF PANDORA’S BOX has been in denver for, like, EIGHT YEARS. they’re known to be quite DEMANDING, but being THOUGHTFUL seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble ROME FLYNN. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those NICE CORVETTE, BOMB STYLE, AESTHETICALLY PLEASING HOME vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the CHERRY CREEK DISTRICT long enough
POSITIVE TRAITS: Entertaining, Charming, Accepting, Ambitious , Funny, Thoughtful NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, reluctant, shuts down, demanding LIKES:
working out
people watching
walking and talking
people who don’t understand there emotions
mean people who treat people badly
drama of any kind
FOOD: Ledos Pizza DRINK: Manhattan or Old Fashioned MOVIE: Crazy Stupid Love TV SHOW: This is Us, Boy Meets World BAND/ARTIST: Third Story, Jake Issac, JP Cooper SONG: Still in Love By Third Story
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kindan-no-kanojo · 2 years
⊹𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔 1.0
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⊹𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐚⊹
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꧁•⊹ 1.1 General
꧁•⊹ 1.2 Personality (+ MBTI, Enneagram & Zodiac)
꧁•⊹ 1.3 Appearance 
꧁•⊹ 1.4 Interests & Trivia
꧁•⊹ 1.5 Skills & Special Characteristics
꧁•⊹ 1.6 Fears
꧁•⊹ 1.7 Residence
꧁•⊹ 1.8 Backstory
꧁•⊹ 1.9 Relationships 
꧁•⊹ Extra: A Faulty Ghoul
꧁•⊹ Voice claim #1 ⊹ Voice claim #2 ⊹ Character song
꧁•⊹ Character Sheet & Interview
꧁•⊹ How Blood Corrupts Her | How Her Blood Corrupts
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꧁•⊹ Character Inspiration | OC Info Template | Muse answers to Q&A | Character Icons | 5 habits | Random Muse Facts
꧁•⊹ Manner of Speech | Body Language | Feelings Aesthetic | This or That? | Detailed Body Touch | Flaws, Strengths, Skills & Hobbies | Character Quirks and Habits
꧁•⊹ What's in her bag? | Waifu stats | Love Language | Moral Alignment | Difficult Person Test | Muse's Life Experiences
꧁•⊹ Rice Purity Test (+18) | BDSM Test (+18) | NSFW Preferences (+18)
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