#does anyone here feel extremely nervous about drawing in public?:( i need to know
writeyourdarlings · 1 year
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catxsnow · 3 years
A/N: It was pointed out that this got deleted so here it is again! Damian is 18+
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Damian doesn't focus on the physical attributes of you, so he finds your personality the most attractive. If you can keep up with his wit then he knows that you're a keeper. However, he does find himself getting lost in your eyes quite often so he would have to say that he loves those the most.  B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
I'm gonna have to say no. Damian loves you and he doesn't believe that he needs kids to keep loving you. Maybe when the two of you are way older, but he doesn't see having kids for a very long time. He would be open to adoption when you guys are too old for having your own kids. C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Damian hated cuddling with you at first. He ran warm enough as it was and to have another body under the blankets? He was sweating. Once he got used to it, Damian liked when you laid on his chest and he could wrap his arms around you.  D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Either ridiculously mundane or over the top extravagant there is no in between.
One time Damian took you across the world just to go hike and buy local delicacy. Another time he considered the grilled cheese sandwich Alfred made for you both a date. It really depends on what kind of occasion it is.  E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world...))
Damian says 'habibi, ya nour el ein' which means 'you're the light of my eye' in Arabic. F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It took Damian a long time to realize that he was in love. It's not easy for him to love someone after the way he was raised to opening up to you was a side that he didn't know he had.
He realized it one night when you were tending to his wounds as being Robin. You worked silently as you always did. Damian realized that if there was anyone he wished to stitch him up day in day out it was you. He broke that silence with an 'I love you' and you had nearly fucked up his wound even more with shock. G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Damian is gentle but he gets violent when he had nightmares. He never means to hurt you and you know that, but he always feels terrible when he sees that he left you with a bruise because of his rash actions while in his sleep. You never blame him for his nightmares, he's gone through so much as it is. H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Damian doesn't like to hold hands, especially in public. The only time that he will willing grab onto you hand is if he can tell that you're nervous about something. Otherwise, just standing next to you is enough. I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He didn't like you. Then again, he never liked anyone at first. J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Damian gets jealous for reason you never expect. He gets jealous of his brothers and when you spend time with any of them. He gets when Alfred the cat sits on you rather than him. He only got jealous at another man once and it didn't end well at all. He was all over the papers and Bruce nearly had a fit when he tried to fix what happened. K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You did. He was being an asshole and wouldn't shut up about something so you decided to make him quit talking in a different kind of way. Damian didn't complain about it though. L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
He did. You felt it first, but you never said anything until he felt comfortable enough to realize that he loved you too. M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory was when he was trying to teach you to draw. Damian held the utmost patience for you and he genuinely enjoyed spending that time with you. You spent the whole day practicing and looking for his approval. He loved everything you drew simply because it came from you. He still has your drawings hanging up. N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Yes. Without question he'll buy you everything that you could ever dream of. Being the heir to the throne of the League of Assassins and son of Bruce Wayne he got a lot of items that he didn't even need. He loves to spoil you with things. O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Red. As calm and as patient as you were, you had a fiery side when it came to Damian being a brat. When he saw anything red, he always thought about the times that you called him out. P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Beloved (as every Damian fanfic has ever had) Habibti/Habibi (my love), Ameli (my hope) Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Damian is surrounded by tech all day. So when he takes to the time to read a good book, he's in his happy place. He's read all the great historic literature and has tried more modern books but didn't like them as much. R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Damian likes to draw on rainy days. He's got a great talent for it and doesn't get enough time to practice it. You'll be laying on his bed while he draws and the rain patters against the window. When you get lonely, you'll stare until he notices and then pout until he joins you in his bed. The half a drawing left no longer matter, he just wishes to hold you. S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Damian cheers himself up by training. He'll spend hours working out and training like he did back in the League. When he's finally wore himself out, he'll find you and pass out in your arms. That's all he needs.
When it comes to cheering you up, Damian became a great listener. He refrains from making snooty comments about the people that you are ranting about and tried to give a level headed solution to your problem. However, he's always ready to go petrify anyone that has made you upset. T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Damian's got a well-rounded knowledge about everything. He could talk to you about every war that's ever happened or how the earth works. When he's in a talkative mood, he loves to spill facts about everything that he knows. It's not a way of him being cocky, he's just genuinely excited to tell you things. U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Damian doesn't relax. But when he does, its when he's injured or forced to stay home. You'll baby him for the night and even though he seems mad about it, he enjoys it (only when it's from you, not anyone else). He'll get Alfred to bake you guys cookies and settle in for a movie of his picking. V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Damian's proud of everything he does. He's a show off particularly with his athleticism. He doesn't have one specific thing that he likes to show off, except maybe his art. W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Damian doesn't. X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Bloodflood by alt-j Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Nope. Damian doesn't see the need for you two to get married. He doesn't want some fancy wedding just to show off your love. As long as you know how much he loves you, then that's all that he cares about. If he were to get married, it would be something extremely lowkey. Your immediate family and his, that's its. No supers, no teams, nothing. Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Damian was ready to adopt a whole herd of cows do you really think that he's going to settle on just one more pet? No, he's gonna get every single helpless animal that he can.
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naughtyneganjdm · 3 years
A Compromise - Chapter 10
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Summary: After her night with Negan, Y/N finds herself falling fast for him which makes her question all the things she felt before.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC)
Warnings: Swearing, smut, angst, parental abuse, etc. 
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27834154/chapters/84581761
Notes: Thanks to anyone who reads this for sticking around. I'm sorry real life has been so busy that this has taken me a while. I promise I will have the next chapter up soon!
There wasn’t a lot of things in life that surprised Y/N, but the way that she was feeling right now…that surprised her. After her night with Negan, that’s all she could think about. God, it was incredible. No one had ever gone so out of their way for her like Negan had. With Negan, she felt special. She felt on top of the world and nothing felt like it would bring her down. No one ever accomplished to make her feel that way.
While they were stopped at a red light, Negan’s right hand was settled on her knee and it made her smile. Stretching out her fingers, she curled them around Negan’s and squeezed them tightly within her grasp. Lifting her gaze to Negan, she could see that he was staring over at her. The way he looked at her warmed her heart. There was something in the way that Negan looked at her that made her feel like the only woman in the world. It was a feeling she never knew she craved. All she could keep thinking about was how unbelievable the last day had actually been for her.
It made her sad that they were almost home, but it also made her excited for their future adventures together. Never in her life did she ever think she would feel this way for someone. Being wrapped up so incredibly much by someone would have scared her in the past. Whenever she looked at Negan, her heart fluttered and everything in the world felt right.
There must have been something in the way she was staring at him that gave away she was deep in thought. It made a smirk press in over Negan’s lips and his eyebrows bounced. When he grinned at her, she felt her cheeks flush over and she turned her gaze away from him.
Without saying anything, Negan lifted her up hand up lazily to bring it to his mouth to deposit a faint kiss over the back of it. When her eyes connected with his again, he smiled one of those ridiculously charming smiles. One of those big toothy grins that brought attention to those already so gorgeous dimples. Nothing made her swoon more than those dimples she so often found herself staring at. It was strange how often Negan smiled, but damn it…she loved it. His smiles were contagious.
When Negan gave her a wink, it made her think about the person that she used to be. That part of her was still there and it wanted her to regret her decisions she made with him. It wanted her to think that the emotions and feeling she was having for Negan were wrong, but she didn’t. For so long she had this image of a stereotype of the kind of woman that she needed to be. Constantly in the past, her parents dug in this idea to her that with her career, she couldn’t have love. School and the career came first. It was a constant reminder that had be repeated to her time and time again. It just became a rule for her, but maybe Negan was right. The expectations her parents had for her were unrealistic. They thought that her having a relationship with someone would have her throwing her life away. But with Negan, she didn’t feel like that would ever happen. What was better than having everything she wanted while also having someone who cared for her like Negan did? Wasn’t the best of both worlds a good thing? Even at her best with school, she never felt this happy. With Negan’s support emotionally she felt like she could take on the world while still being happy about it. She genuinely felt that she could achieve greatness with Negan’s help. Now, she didn’t feel alone.
“What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours? You’re either really deep in thought or…?” Negan tried to read her and she realized that she must have been so lost within herself for him to notice. “You keep staring at me a certain way and it’s making me wonder if something is wrong or I have something in my teeth.”
“No, I just am trying to determine if you are something my conscience came up with in order to make me a happier person or if you’re actually real,” she answered almost in a teasing tone, but often she wondered if this was some kind of daydream she came up with. Negan was too good to be true.
Reaching for her hand, Negan placed it over the center of his chest to let her feel the steady heartbeat beneath her fingertips, “Does that feel real enough for you?”
“I look at you and you are the realest thing I’ve ever had in my whole life,” she explained and her answer made him chuckle. What she just said to Negan, that was something in the past she would have rolled her eyes at hearing. If someone would have said that she would have thought the person saying it was stupid. But being with Negan, she understood it now. How fast she was falling for Negan probably wasn’t good. It was just something she couldn’t help. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around why someone like you would want someone like me.”
“I just do. I think you’re perfect,” Negan insisted trying to keep his attention on the road when he thought of what to say to her. The light turned green and he quiet for a moment, trying to gather his own thoughts. “I’m the one with the baggage. I’m just lucky that you finally decided to give this whole dating thing a chance between the two of us.”
“It’s hard to tell you no. You were so damn persistent and I’m glad that I did do this,” she declared with a proud smile thinking about the night that they shared together. “You…you’re incredible.”
“Is that your way of saying you liked the sex?” Negan teased her with a wrinkle of his nose, giving her a quick glance with his mischievous hazel eyes. A small chuckle fell from her throat and he watched her cheeks flush over.
“Obviously,” she felt him pat her on the thigh before caressing over it. A shuddering breath fell from her throat with the closeness of him and she bit down on her bottom lip. It was insane how fast her body reacted to just a simple touch from Negan. “I guess I should be worried if the sex sucked for you since I’m the one that doesn’t have as much experience.”
“Last night wasn’t about the sex. It was about the two of us trusting each other. It was us connecting on a level that shows we’re open to something more. It was something a little bit more than just sex,” Negan stated with a long sigh and she squeezed tightly to his fingers loving to hear him say something like that. “Last night was beautiful.”  
“Are you saying you made love to me Negan?” she inquired knowing that’s where is sounded like his comment was going. It almost looked like it embarrassed Negan when she asked him that and he sucked in a sharp breath.
“I guess that depends on if me saying that creeps you out or not. If you are open to the idea, yeah, we made love under the stars,” Negan suggested, his right eyebrow arching when he stole a quick glance at her. “If the idea of me making love to you creeps you out, then no…it was just something more than sex.”
“You’re adorable. You know that?” she was in awe of him being nervous while he talked about them making love. When all of this started with Negan, this wasn’t a version of him that she thought she would ever see. She didn’t know why, but their first few interactions made her think their encounters would be like some cheesy porno film. “First you come at me originally acting like this sexual deviant that is going to fuck my brains out and make me hate the day that I met you, but you’re really this gigantic teddy bear that just wants to be loved.”
“Can I at least be a gigantic sexy teddy bear that is really good at sex, but still wants to be loved?” Negan’s face twisted and it made her laugh upon hearing him ask of that. Negan had an image and she could tell that. Negan probably was often that sexually hungry person that she was talking about, but with her it seemed things were different.  
“Yes, you can be my sexy teddy bear,” she agreed to it and Negan’s deep raspy laugh filled the car. “You’re also my extremely sexy sugar daddy.”
“In public I’ll be that, but between the two of us…I’m your teddy bear,” Negan winked as he pulled into the driveway to his home. When the car turned off, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure that her parents weren’t there to see them if she got out. Negan’s eyes were hooked on hers noticing the anxious expression over her face. “What happens the day that your parents find out that we’re dating? It’s going to happen eventually. I’m surprised they haven’t noticed you sneaking over here to be with me.”
“I’d rather not think about that right now,” she explained with a frown. “It has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with them. My dad will not handle it very well. Trust me.”
“I think your parents need to stop treating you like a teenager. You are in your final year of undergraduate school. You should be able to date who you want without your parents getting involved,” Negan pointed out and he could see the way she tilted her head to the side. It was obvious in the way she always got nervous at the idea of her parents seeing them together that her parents still scared her. They ran her life for so long that she was just nervous about how they would react to things. “I know your parents have controlled you most of your life, but you’re a big girl. Who you are dating is none of their business.”
“I know, but…” she went to respond and Negan reached out to stroke over the side of her face with his rough fingertips. Drawing her to him, Negan’s lips meshed in over hers and instead of worrying if her parents would see them she kissed Negan back. Parting her lips, she allowed his tongue to brush up against hers and whimpered when he did it.
“Life gets a lot better when you stop worrying about what everyone else will think of you,” Negan slurred against her lips when he pulled away enough to stare into her eyes. “You are your own woman. You’re perfect. You’re beautiful and you are a badass. Anything you put your mind to, I promise you can achieve. You don’t have to worry about them anymore.”
“God, where were you all my life?” she reached up to brush her fingers through Negan’s dark hair. If she had someone like him in her life before, she knew without a doubt that she would have had more confidence in herself. Her parents were always in the back of her mind, but if she would have met Negan sooner maybe a lot of the negative emotions she was going through right now would have never existed.
“Come on baby, I’m hungry,” Negan deposited a quick kiss over her lips before getting out of the car. Quickly, Negan moved around the car to help her out before leading her toward the house. When Negan got through the door, she pushed him into the house and then slammed him against the wall. A grunt fell from Negan’s throat when he felt her pulling at the belt in his pants. “What are you doing?”
“I still never got to give you that blowjob that you won in the game of laser tag,” she reminded him and an amused smirk pressed in over Negan’s features. With an arrogant bob of his head, Negan reached for her hands and he shook his head. A hushing sound fell from his lips when she gave him a frown. “What now?”
“I don’t want us to be one of those couples. I don’t want us to just have sex all the time,” Negan answered her with a loud sigh. “We’ll still have sex, but I want us to be more than this Y/N. Plus, I told you. I’m hungry.”
“You’re still holding that sex over me, huh?” she bawled up the material of Negan’s shirt at the center of his chest and let out a disappointed breath. Shaking his head, Negan kept his hazel eyes locked on hers and smiled. “Here I was thinking that was all over now that we were together.”
“I’m still going to pamper my beautiful girl,” Negan curled his finger in underneath her chin to lift her gaze to his. Tipping down, he teased his lips over hers and a wicked smile pressed over his handsome features. “I just want to make things special because you deserve nothing, but the best.”
“Which is you. You’re the best,” she tipped up on her toes to bring their lips together so they could kiss. Negan hummed in approval before brushing her hair back behind her ear. “But I guess I can honor your wishes and keep my hands to myself for now.”
“Good girl,” Negan snickered, reaching for her hand to lead her toward the kitchen. “I’m thinking I want waffles this morning. What do you think?”
“Sounds good,” she followed him into the kitchen while he made her sit down so he could pamper her and make her breakfast.
It was hard not to stare and admire him while he went out of his way for her. No one would ever go this above and beyond for her. So the fact that Negan did really surprised her. It was something that was easy to get used to, but it wasn’t something that she expected. After sleeping with Negan, she knew she was falling and potentially too fast.
After they slept together, she had automatically assumed that things would have been strange between them, but it really wasn’t. Negan was exactly the same and that was a good thing. He was very sweet, caring and like he was before. Instead of being distanced, which she pictured could have happened, he wasn’t. There was a fear that she would have felt uncomfortable about their relationship, but she didn’t. She just felt more in awe of him which surprised her all the more.
When she had lost her virginity before Negan, she was repulsed with herself for having sex and hated the person that she did it with. After sleeping with Negan, she felt closer to him and didn’t hate that it didn’t bother her. Things were moving fast between them, but it felt right.
They had their breakfast and afterwards shared a shower together, but Negan stood his ground when it came to the no sex. She was allowed to touch Negan, but it was hard not wanting to be with Negan. Being with him felt good. The attention he gave her and the passion they shared together felt better than anything she had ever experienced.
While she wanted to have sex again with Negan, she also enjoyed just getting to spend time with him. With most people she found herself bored being around them. Maybe that made her an asshole, but she didn’t care. A lot of people didn’t keep her interest. With him, it was easy to be able to enjoy being with him. Getting to learn more about his past and him in general appealed to her.
Their day just consisted of them doing random odds and ends together. They just relaxed. They watched television. They talked about their lives. Had dinner and at the end of the night they were headed to bed together. Before they could finish getting ready for bed though, Negan had gotten a call from Sam who wanted to talk to him before going to sleep.
Negan was sitting on the corner of the bed talking with Sam and Y/N sat watching the way Negan reacted to talking to his niece. She got a kick out of the fact that her boyfriend’s best friend was his twelve-year-old niece. Sam had called when they were getting ready for bed, so Negan didn’t get to change into pajamas, but Y/N had. This was something special about Negan. His niece meant everything to him and she loved that about him.
“I’m not lying to you,” Negan snickered, giving Y/N a glance over his shoulder and he made a dramatic expression. “She told me herself that she liked the whole thing. You weren’t wrong in suggesting taking her to the place. Why would I lie to you? We went on the air balloon after and then laid under the stars the rest of the night.”
When Negan laughed, Y/N was charmed with the whole interaction. The fact he would talk about her to his niece really touched her heart. Considering his niece was very special to him and she knew that his family knowing about her was a big deal.
“Yes dear,” Negan pulled the phone from his ear and held it out toward Y/N. Her eyes surveyed the phone wondering what Negan wanted. “She doesn’t believe me, so she wants to talk to you herself. I don’t get why she thinks I would lie about something like that, but…”
Once she grabbed the phone from Negan, he dramatically threw his hands up in the air with a shrug and headed for his dresser to pull out some pajama pants. When he headed toward the bathroom, her eyes followed his movements. Talking to Sam was a bit daunting, but she wasn’t about to say no considering who it was.
“Hello?” she found herself stretching out to watch Negan further while he pulled his shirt from his body and her throat went dry watching him.
“Holy shit, you really are there!” Sam’s amused voice filled the other side of the phone and it made Y/N laugh hearing it. “I don’t know why, I just kind of felt like he might have been lying to me so that way I didn’t feel bad for him.”
“Why would he do that?” she questioned, her nose wrinkling when she turned her attention away from the bathroom when she heard Sam say that.
“I worry him about him being alone and sometimes I just thought he was telling me things to make me not worry as much about him. Things weren’t exactly the best for him after Aunt Lucille died, so to hear that you two are having fun and super happy just…I don’t know, I guess it makes me happy,” Sam explained and it made a warmth flood Y/N’s chest when she thought about what Negan’s niece was saying. “It’s the first time I’ve heard him sound happy in a long time. So, thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me kiddo. I should be thanking you,” she proclaimed seeing that Negan moved to the door to watch her while he brushed his teeth. He was leaning against the door shirtless and in his pajama pants while she talked to Sam. “It was apparently your idea to go to that place we went first and that was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”
“Even after playing laser tag?” Sam teased making Y/N chuckle when she thought back to how seriously Negan took the game. “He gets kind of intense about that whole game. Try having him take you and your friends to play laser tag. At this point, I just always say it’s going to be me and him against everyone. Most of my friends will laugh because they think they are going to kill us. They don’t realize he's my secret weapon. After we absolutely crush them, they never want to play again with us.”
“Yeah, he is a bit of laser tag pro,” she admitted hearing Negan snort before heading back into the bathroom to continue to brush his teeth, “but I had a lot of fun with it. I can’t recall the last time that I had as much fun with anyone compared to the fun I’ve had with Negan.”
“That makes me happy to hear,” Sam admitted with a tired yawn and it made Y/N smirk. Taking a glance at the time, she knew it was late and wondered how late Sam’s mothers allowed her to be up. “I heard you weren’t a fan of the air balloon, but you liked the laying under the stars together?”
“The idea of falling out of the air balloon terrified me, yes,” Y/N recalled and it made Sam giggle on the other end. “I just kept picturing myself as a pancake and yeah, that was not my bravest moment. I tell you that. But the night under the stars was very romantic and I enjoyed it a lot.”
“It sounds romantic,” Sam confessed with another yawn and Y/N heard on the other end of the phone what she assumed to be one of Sam’s mothers urging her to go to sleep. Sam grumbled and obviously didn’t like being told what to do. “So when am I going to spend some time with the two of you again?”
“Well, I’m comfortable with you coming over any time you want. I think Negan and I will be spending more time together and I would have so much more fun going to the place we did with you I think,” she stated knowing that she had told Negan the same thing the day before, but it was true. “I think you would be able to probably help me when it came to the whole laser tag thing. Us girls against him.”
“Yeah, we’d like to think so, but he’d still kill us,” Sam giggled making Y/N laugh when Sam said it the way she did. Again one of Sam’s mothers was yelling at her to go to bed. Sam called out something and then came back to the phone. “But I would love to do that with the two of you! It was nice talking to you Y/N, but would you be okay with giving Negan the phone back? I have to say goodnight before I get grounded for being up too late on the phone. My mom is having a freak attack.”
“Sure thing kiddo. It was nice talking with you,” Y/N snapped her fingers to get Negan’s attention when he finished up brushing his teeth. “Sam wants to say goodnight. Her mom wants her off the phone or she’s going to get in trouble.”
“That would be Jane,” Negan informed her with a grunt and a roll of his eyes. When Negan said the name, she recalled all the information Sam fed her when she was here the first time. Elaina was Lucille’s sister and she was the calm on. Jane was the uptight mother that they spoke about. When Negan accepted the phone, she got comfortable in the bed and watched Negan pace. “Goodnight kiddo. I love you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye honey.”
When he hung up, he turned to face Y/N and he could see the way that she was staring at him with a smirk, “What?”
“The two of you are just cute,” she insisted and cuddled her head in closer to the pillow. Negan turned the lights off and crawled in over her on the bed. Reaching for her wrists, Negan pinned them down beside her head while he hooked his fingers with hers. “I just think it’s charming you are like this tattooed, badass looking guy and your best friend is a twelve-year-old.”
“Well, that’s your first mistake. Sam is quite the badass herself. I wouldn’t fuck with that little girl,” Negan warned with a playfulness in his tone while he smiled down at her. Hovering his lips over hers, Negan teased her with the hints of a kiss, but didn’t allow her one. “I’m not embarrassed to have a twelve-year-old be my best friend.”
“You shouldn’t be, it’s adorable,” she lifted up to try and kiss Negan, but he pulled back enough to let out a snort when she whined. “The two of you together are something people wish they could have with their own kids.”
“Right,” Negan’s smile slowly faded and he swallowed down hard before biting into his bottom lip. “So you haven’t had any changes in your decisions with dating me? I was kind of waiting the first forty-eight hours to make sure you didn’t have a panic attack over this whole thing.”
“I should be having a panic attack, but nope,” she noticed that Negan allowed one of her hands to be released and she reached up to trace her fingers over the side of his masculine face. “I’m very much happy with the decision that I made.”
“Me too,” Negan slurred, finally lowering down to delicately trace his lips over hers. It caused her to shudder and over time the kiss got more passionate. Hooking her fingers into Negan’s hair, she felt him getting more comfortable over her and his tired eyes looked her over when they finally parted. “You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she gave him a wink and it made him smirk. Peppering a few final kisses over her lips, Negan took his time to stare at her under him. There was something in the way he looked at her that gave her chills. Adjusting his weight, Negan dropped down beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist when she turned onto her side. Grunting, he realized he hadn’t turned off the light that was beside the bed. Lifting up, he outstretched his arm and tugged at the light to get it turned off.
Getting comfortable for bed was so much easier than it was before. Most nights, all it took for her to fall asleep was Negan wrapping her up in his arms and she was out like a light. Being with him she felt comfortable and safe. It felt amazing being wrapped up in his arms, but while she liked this…her mind was other places. Like where they were the night before. Biting into her bottom lip, she thought about what it felt like to have Negan inside of her and making love to her. It was a sensation that she craved again. It was drawing her to have goosebumps just at the thought of it. While she knew that Negan said he didn’t want to focus on sex, she couldn’t help yearning for just another time between them. Being this close to him had her body on fire.
Knowing that she promised to try to keep her hands to herself, she pulled her hips a bit forward. The warmth radiating from his body behind her was definitely having its effects on her. With Negan’s deep breaths filling the air, it was obvious that he had fallen asleep already. Which made her to cuss to herself because she wished he may have been having the same reaction to this that she was. Closing her eyes, she attempted to force herself to think about something different. She counted. Hell, that wasn’t working. Sucking at her bottom lip, she thought of trying to think of school things to help her, but that wasn’t helping either. Nothing was. This wasn’t exactly something she could control.
Oh hell. What was the worst that could happen? Negan could tell her no and then she would be forced to cool it?
Looking over her shoulder, she watched Negan sleeping, but her promiscuous side was getting the best of her. Sliding her hips back, she purposely brushed her bottom in over his groin and hummed to herself when she did it. Taking things slow at first, she took her time rocking her bottom over him. Watching his reactions over her shoulder while he slept was turning her on all the more. Originally, she wondered if Negan was even going to wake up. He wasn’t lying when he told her that he was tired. Yet, his body was reacting to her movements. The sound of his breathing hitched and she felt him tense up behind her when he finally woke up.
Instead of fighting with her, he stayed still and she wondered if he was attempting to pretend that he was still sleeping. Pushing harder back against him, she heard a growl escape his throat and his head lowered down to press a kiss against the side of her neck.
“You are relentless,” Negan slurred while she continued to rub herself up against him. The pressure she was using was much harder than that of what she started with. Sliding his palm in over the side of her hip drew him to moan when she ground back harder against him. “You were going to do this until you got what you wanted. Huh?”
“I’m good like that,” she turned her head so Negan’s lips could brush over hers. With his mouth eagerly covering hers, she knew that she could feel his cock hard against her ass while she took no time in continuing to draw herself back against him.  Cooing into Negan’s mouth when his tongue brushed between her lips, she knew that this was probably a battle she was winning which excited her. Gasping, she felt Negan’s hands tugging roughly at the material of her pajama pants while still keeping her on her side in front of him. The material stuck a bit, but Negan was determined to get them low enough to where he wanted.
“I think you’re very fucking naughty if you ask me,” Negan rumbled, pulling his lips from hers while nipping seductively at her bottom lip. She let him move her where he wanted on the bed. They were both on their sides, facing away from each other, but she was eager to move in whatever way he wanted her. Roughly, he pulled her hips back as close to him as he could. His masculinity was obvious beneath the material of his pajamas as it pressed against her bottom, but that’s not what he was focusing on. His arm curled around her hips, urging one of her thighs up just enough so he could caress his rough fingertips over her clitoris. “I think you need to be punished. Here I am trying to sleep and get some rest. You just won’t allow that, will you?”
“Negan,” she whimpered out his name feeling his fingers tracing the length of her body before thrusting one of his long, slender digits firmly into her body. Her eyes slammed shut when Negan inserted a second. Over and over again he thrust them inside of her, curling his fingers just right to hit the perfect spot. The friction from his palm rubbing over her clitoris was causing her thighs to twitch. Crying out, Negan seemed to nip harder at her jawline and she clutched tightly to his pajama pants. “Negan!”
“Nope,” Negan pulled his fingers away from her body, his thick laughter teasing against the side of her neck when he denied her an orgasm. A whine escaped her throat and he let out a proud sound. “You won’t let me sleep. I won’t let you cum.”
“Please,” she panted, reaching for his hand to try to lead it back toward her core again. “I’m sorry.”
“You like daddy’s long fingers inside of you?” Negan questioned and she immediately nodded. The warmth of his breath against the back of her neck caused her to shudder. A chill ran down her spine and hearing him talk like that sent a flooding warmth to her core. “Say it.”
“I love daddy’s fingers inside of me,” she repeated what he wanted to hear and soon enough his fingers were back inside of her, pumping away. Shuddering when Negan’s warm breath pressed in over her ear, she kept her eyes closed and listened to his loud breathing. Occasionally he would nibble at her earlobe, her jawline, her neck…little places that would drive her absolutely wild while he pleasured her with his fingers.
“Do you like the way that feels baby? Do you like daddy pampering you?” Negan slurred against her earlobe before pressing a teasing kiss over her flesh. “Do you want to cum all over daddy’s fingers?”
“Yes!” she cried out, her head falling back and resting against his collarbone when a flood of warmth filled her body. Reaching down to grasp at Negan’s wrist, she knew that she was desperate. Tensing up, she wanted to chase after the orgasm that he was building up inside of her, but a loud whimper escaped her throat when he pulled his fingers from her again. Negan was working her right up to the point where she was about to cum only to stop. “What the hell Negan?”
“I told you that you were a bad girl that needed to be punished,” Negan reminded her, lifting his fingers up to his lips to look them over. A wicked smirk pressed in over his tired, handsome features before he took the tips of them between his lips. Sucking at them in a seductive manner made her moan just at the sight while she stared back at him over her shoulder. Reaching back, she tugged at his hair to get him closer to her so her mouth could meet his and he hummed against her lips. “Do you want to have that orgasm baby?”
“So bad,” she purred when his tongue swept at the inside of her bottom lip which drew her to shake against him.
“Then you have to work for it,” Negan bucked his hips forward against her bottom and she cried out knowing that her body was already shaking in his arms with him spooning her from behind. “You can do whatever you want, you just can’t leave the position you are in now.”
“I can do whatever I want? That means I can use you in whatever way I please?” she excitedly tried to gather the details. Her response made an amused smirk tug at his lips when she looked over her shoulder at him. Nodding once, she let out a shuddering breath trying to determine how she was going to get things the way she wanted. “I just have to stay on my side?”
“Yes baby girl,” Negan growled, nipping at her jawline when she reached back to grab at his pajama pants. Dipping her hand beneath the waistband, her palm wrapped around Negan’s solid cock and she unhurriedly traced her fingers over his length. When she reached the tip, she felt the precum collecting at the tip and it made her smile. “You like that?”
“You know I do,” she purred with the warmth of his breath at the side of her neck. Releasing his erection, she attempted to pull the material down his hips with her free hand. When she was having trouble, Negan lifted his hips to help her. Getting the material just down below his hips, she bit at her bottom lip while stealing a glance behind her. The length of his masculinity traced over her bottom and she eagerly reached back to grasp at his body again. His thick cock was completely solid. The veins were prominent and she was in awe of him. “You know, you clearly want this just as bad as I do?”
“Oh, he does for sure. Me, I was sleeping,” Negan snicked, nuzzling his nose against the back of her neck when she led the tip of his erection to tease it over her most intimate parts. It drew his eyes to close and he grunted. “Now that I’m awake, of course I want what he wants.”
“I thought so,” she was amused with his reaction, licking at her lips while she traced the head of his cock through her wet folds. “I hope you realize the control you gave me here. Full control of this big guy.”  
“Condom first,” Negan pointed toward the nightstand after opening his eyes and she immediately shook her head. Snapping his fingers, he winced when she continued to tease him over the length of her body. “What do you mean no?”
“You just said I can do what I want with you, but I can’t leave the position I’m in. I want you inside of me like this,” she slurred and Negan’s eyes narrowed, his pupils dilating with desire. The way he was looking at her made chills run down her spine. “Are you going to go back on your own rules?”
“Touché,” Negan grumbled, his tongue clicking against the top of his mouth while keeping his stare locked on hers. “I guess I can’t go back on my word now, can I? What kind of man would that make me?”
Dragging her tongue over her bottom lip, she chuckled before lining up the root to his masculinity with her entrance. Negan’s Adam’s apple bounced in his throat when she pushed her hips back over him making him immediately moan upon her warmth surrounding him. A gasp fell from her throat when she pushed her hips further back over his hard cock taking maybe a little more of him than she was prepared for. She was wet enough, but that didn’t change the fact he was still big.  
“Fuck me…” Negan groaned from behind her and she looked over her shoulder to see that he was glancing down between them to see his length sinking into her. His palm reached down to squeeze at her bottom and she took notice of the way he was breathing. A surprised sound fell from her throat when he swatted playfully at her bottom. “That’s essentially what you’re going to do, right? Fuck yourself with my cock?”
“Yes,” she didn’t have much of a smart remark when Negan’s hand snaked up and around her to caress up underneath her shirt to squeeze at her full breast. He gave her permission, so essentially, that’s exactly what she was going to do. Lifting enough, she helped Negan pull her shirt from her body and the cool air around them caused her to tremor.
It took a minute for her to get accustomed to him. While she wanted to tell herself she could jump right into this, this was still the second time she had slept with Negan and she had to ease herself into things. Get used to the fullness that she was feeling with him inside of her.  
“Do you like the way that tight, wet pussy feels?” she used her dirty talk, making his eyes raise up to her and his lips were agape. The sound of his loud breathing filled the air around them. While the first time was more romantic and was them making love, this was very much a dirtier experience between them. “Much better than it did with that condom, right?”
“You are so fucking naughty,” Negan slurred with a wrinkle of his nose and he pressed his head in closer to her. Adjusting behind her, Negan pressed himself up against her back which led a significant amount of his cock to be buried deep inside of her. “Fuck.”
“Negan,” she reached for his thigh to dig her fingers into the warmth of his flesh. Crying out, she took in the sensation of him filling her and she never realized how much she would actually enjoy it.  Negan bit at her jawline, his growl falling from his throat when her hand caressed down his thigh. There wasn’t much movement between them yet, but just having him inside of her felt amazing. “You feel so good.”
With an uneasiness, she rolled her hips back and took him further into her before pulling her hips forward. The sound that Negan make drew chills to fill her entire body and while she wasn’t exactly sure how to do this right in this positioning, she was finding the way that things felt good for her. Negan wasn’t lying when he told her that she had to work for it. He wasn’t moving other than keeping his hand settled in over her hip while kissing over her jawline.
“Fuck,” Negan grunted when she found a movement that seemed to work for the both of them. Clutching to Negan’s thigh and using her grasp at the side of the bed helped her rock herself over his cock. “Damn baby girl you really want that orgasm, don’t you?”
The smacking of their skin filled the air and Negan’s faint moans were in tune with her cries while she used his body in the best way she could in the position that they were in. Nuzzling his nose against the side of her neck, Negan grunted against her flesh and it made her tremble. She wished the rules weren’t that she had to stay in this position, but she was making the most use of it that she could.
“You really wanted that dick,” Negan chuckled feeling his body tensing up and he looked down to watch her body sink down over his length down to the base and then pull up repeatedly. It was surprising how well she took him with it just being her second time with him. “Fuck…fucking…”
A whine escaped her parted lips when Negan nipped at her sensitive flesh. The warmth from her movements started radiating into her belly and flooded its way out through the rest of her, “please Negan…”
“You’re almost there,” Negan encouraged her noticing that she was shaking while her fingertips dug into his flesh. Noticing that she was slowing down, Negan started bucking his hips forward to meet her thrusts back onto his erection. Each movement had her mewling out in delight until he felt her tight walls contracting around him. When she clearly reached her orgasm, she went to pull her hips away from him in a moment of pure ecstasy, but Negan kept her where she was so he could experience her orgasm around his cock. “There you go…good girl.”
After allowing her a moment to come down from the high of her orgasm, Negan kept her where she was while pampering her with kisses over her neck and over her jawline. A gasp fell from her throat when Negan pulled his body from hers and then pinned her underneath him. A thin layer of sweat covered Negan’s body and his arrogant smile expanded over his features. Negan’s wet hair was in his eyes and a whine fell from her throat when his flesh smacked up against hers. One fluid thrust and he was inside of her completely, filling her to the brim. “One time sleeping with me and you’re already addicted to my cock.”
A crack of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips as Negan reached for her legs to put them over his shoulders. With his rough palms settling in over her bottom, she whimpered when he started thrusting into her again and again. Tossing her head back, she knew that her body was already so sensitive that it wouldn’t take much for Negan to get her to another orgasm. With the friction of his groin smacking up against her clitoris and his thick body stretching her in ways she never felt before, it had her crying out in absolute bliss. Tossing her head back, she reached for Negan’s wrists and wrapped her fingers tightly around them.
“Negan,” she cried out his name, opening her eyes enough to see that Negan was smiling as her body started to shake when he got her to another orgasm in no time. That was the look of a proud man. He knew he caused it and fuck he was cocky, but she loved it. Her second orgasm was intensified and it left her breathless.
Lowering her legs, Negan pressed in over her and she desperately clung to his shoulders. Kissing at the side of his neck, she felt his powerful movements over her and she was surprised just how good this felt with him too. It was definitely something she would have to get used to, but her body liked it and it liked it a lot. Negan was big and she felt it. Especially today. Dragging her right hand up, she sank her fingers into Negan’s hair. The breaths escaping Negan’s throat became more desperate and soon they became pants.
“I’m almost there,” he alerted her, his nose nuzzling against the side of her neck. With his groans vibrating against the side of her neck, she dragged her nails down his back which drew him to wince. Cupping his bottom in her palm, she appreciated the flesh flexing and relaxing beneath her touch while he pounded up against her. “Shit.”
In a hurry, he pulled his hips back to leave her with an empty feeling. The warmth from his release covered her lower abdomen while she clung tightly to him, not ready to let him go. Negan buried his nose against the side of her neck, his loud breathing causing chills to fill her entire body. The room was spinning around her and she felt like she was in a state of euphoria. What Negan had brought her to was absolute bliss. Her heart was pounding away inside of her chest. Everything was tingling and she ached, but God it felt good.  
Negan lowered in over her, cuddling his head against her shoulder while he caught his breath and she found herself stroking her fingers at the bottom of his neck teasing at the short curls of hair that were there, “Thank you.”
Pulling back just enough to look down at her, his nose wrinkled and he laughed, “Did you just thank me?”
“I sure as fuck did,” she confidently answered before tugging his mouth to hers while kissing him enthusiastically. Nibbling at his bottom lip, she took her time to enjoy the warmth of him over her and she shook her head. “I ache, but I feel so good.”
“You’re welcome?” Negan’s right eyebrow arched up and he snickered against her lips. Motioning her to wait, he got up from the bed and reached for the tissues that were on the dresser. When he returned, he sat on the edge of the bed. Taking a look at her abdomen lowering and rising made him smile. Reaching out, he traced his fingers over her ribs and it made her giggle when he did it. “You wiggle too much.”
“Sorry, I’m ticklish,” she apologized and it made Negan smirk. Taking his time, he took a few tissues and cleaned his release from her body. When he was tossing the tissues in the trash beside the bed, she reached out to squeeze her fingers around his thigh. “You didn’t have to pull out, you know.”
Telling him that made him smirk and his eyes looked her over while she was laid out in the center of his bed. Tracing his fingers from her inner hip, up toward her abdomen and between her breasts made a whimper escape her lips. Arching up toward him, she noticed him lowering down and he peppered kisses over her chest.
“I know,” Negan bit down on his bottom lip when he lifted his gaze to her. Getting up, he carefully lowered himself to lay over her in a way where his weight was balanced on his left arm so he wouldn’t hurt her. Resting his head against her shoulder, he couldn’t help but smile when she instinctively wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “It’s hard to read you.”
“What do you mean?” she stroked her fingers through his hair, nestling her head in next to his while he laid over her. With anyone else, she was certain that she would have felt claustrophobic, but with Negan she actually enjoyed this close contact with him.
“I mean, I want to be the man that wants to make love to you and be romantic with you,” Negan began with a long, dramatic sigh. Pausing to take a minute, he faintly kissed over her collarbone and traced his rough fingertips over her chest. “While I think you like that, I also think you would rather me be dirty with you.”
“I’m okay with a bit of both,” she blurt out with a snicker before leaning in to press a kiss over the top of his head. “Hey, you originally sold me on the whole dominant relationship with you here. You can’t blame me for being the slightest bit interested.”
“And what do you prefer?” Negan lifted his head, his right eyebrow raising to try and read her reaction to his question.
“It depends on the moment,” she palmed in over the side of his rough face, admiring him even more when he leaned into her touch. “I think both were great and depending on what’s going on, I’ll happily take either one.”
“So it’s all about reading a situation, huh?” Negan teased her with a smirk and lowered his head back down to cuddle it in over her. “I guess you’re always going to keep me on my toes then. Has this at all let you down in any way?”
“Sleeping with you?” she questioned and he nodded which made her laugh. “Negan, you have no idea how much I’ve liked it. The first time I slept with someone I didn’t understand why people liked it or wanted to do it. With you, I get it. Yeah, I ache, but it’s worth it. Plus…this…”
“What?” his voice vibrated against her skin while he kissed over her chest.
“Being in your arms. The way you look at me and touch me,” she brushed Negan’s hair back behind his ear. Her heart was still hammering inside of her chest. Nothing had ever enamored her like this had. She looked forward to every moment with Negan and she could never recall feeling that way about anything in her life. “It’s the most incredible, addictive feeling I’ve ever had in my life.”
Without a word, Negan lifted his head and stared out at her with surprise. The way his eyes narrowed made her nervous, but unhurriedly a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Stretching out, his lips met hers in a delicate caress and her comment seemed to make him happy to hear. Kissing him was remarkable and absolutely took her breath away.
“Well I’m glad you feel that way,” Negan hummed against her lips, nibbling gently at her bottom lip, “because I feel the same way about you and I’m eager to do whatever I can to keep you in my life.”
“As if you have to try,” she cupped his squared jaw in her palms and eyed him over. “You’re perfection. I’m lucky that you even looked twice at me Negan. Someone would be crazy to let you slip through their fingers. You’re everything someone could want and more.”
Negan cuddled his head in next to hers and she felt on top of the world being with him. Negan was gorgeous. He was good with kids. He was fun. He was romantic. There were so many layers to him and she was excited that he was allowing her to get to discover them. For the first time in her life, with Negan she felt at ease at nights. Her fears no longer ruled her thoughts. Often, she would worry about tomorrow and the future, but with Negan, all she cared about was what was happening in the moment.
It was incredible how fast time flew with Negan. In the past, days were boring and long. There was always a fear of her future but getting to spend her time with Negan was phenomenal. She looked forward to it. Being with Negan changed her in a lot of good ways. Instead of being worried and scared all the time she actually looked forward to her days. Yeah, the thought of that schoolboard meeting that was scheduled was always on her mind, but that wasn’t the only thing for her anymore.
Over the next couple of weeks, they spent every moment together when he wasn’t working. Even when he was working, she found herself lounging around his home working on things for herself. There was no need for her to really go home to her parents. Of course she would stop by here and there to let her parents know that she wasn’t dead, but she had everything she needed at Negan’s home.
Y/N and Negan really didn’t have a lot of sex because there was never enough time in the day to get it all in. Actually, a lot of their time was spent with Sam. Multiple times Sam came over to hang out with them and it was really nice getting to spend time with her when things weren’t so tense. Together, she had a lot of fun with Sam. Negan’s niece was a good kid and reminded Y/N a lot of herself when she was younger. She wished she would have had a family like Sam because then she may have had a bit of happiness in her life. Sam was very loved and Y/N was very appreciative that Sam was including her in this life.
On this specific day, Y/N woke up in Negan’s bed feeling joyful. The night before they had just curled up and watched movies together before falling asleep. It was the simple things in life that appealed to her, but these were moments that she would have never found herself doing before dating Negan. Dating life scared the hell out of her in the past, but with Negan she found herself getting very comfortable with it. Negan had to go to work today and she didn’t often get up when he did. Instead, she would sleep in and get a little bit more rest. It was her phone vibrating on the nightstand that had woken her. Reaching out, she grabbed a hold of it to see that Negan had texted her to let her know that he left his wallet on the counter in the kitchen. Tonight, he was supposed to go out with a friend from work which meant he was going to need it. So he asked her to bring it to him while he was working.
Getting up was hard, but at the same time, she was excited at the idea of getting to see Negan at work. When she got up, she took a quick shower and then went to grab his wallet. The movement was quick and she ended up dropping it on the floor to have it flip open on the floor. Kneeling down she reached for it to see the photo that it had opened to was Lucille and Negan together. Stroking her thumb over the picture, she felt her throat go dry knowing that Negan’s late wife wasn’t something she often thought about. Maybe it should have been though since she was still his first picture in his wallet and he still wore his wedding ring, even this far into their relationship. Flipping to the next set of pictures she could see that he had multiple photos of Sam in his wallet. There was also a few random photos, but when she fell upon a photo of Negan with a very obviously sick Lucille, she felt her heart ache.
At this point, she knew a lot about Negan’s relationship with Lucille and his past, but she still didn’t know when Lucille died. How long ago had it been? Negan was very open about things before Lucille got sick, but he wasn’t exceedingly open about after she was diagnosed. Looking at the last photo in his wallet, she noticed that it was a photo of her with Negan and it made her smirk. Clearly Negan had a photo from his phone printed out to put in there and it charmed her. They were not even a month into their dating and she was already in his wallet?
Taking notice that something was sticking out, she reached for it to see that it was the photo strip that they had done with Sam at the mall the other day. Sam was sitting between the two of them and she found herself enchanted that Negan had kept it in his wallet. It was a fun day that they shared and the silly expressions in the pictures they took made her smile. Instead of spying any further on his personal items, she closed his wallet back up and headed to his work. The one thing his wallet made her realize is that she had so many unanswered questions that were still there about Lucille. Ones that she knew she would have to approach with caution, but her curiosity was getting the best of her and she knew that.
When she got to Negan’s work, she parked in the lot that Negan directed her to do. He told her to walk around the school to come and give him his wallet on the baseball diamond that they had. Part of her was nervous about approaching him at the school. She remembered how strict her school was about people visiting and it made her worry if she was going to get tackled just for being here without announcing herself. It was hard not looking over her shoulder every second just to make sure the security at the school didn’t go crazy on her just for being on the premises.
As she started approaching the baseball diamond, she saw that Negan was out in the middle of it talking to a few of the students. The rest of them were spread out all around except for the few that were surrounding him. When a few of the students noticed her approaching first, Negan looked over his shoulder and smiled when he saw her stepping in beside the gate that was near the dugout. Swallowing down hard, she knew this was the first time she had ever seen him working. He was wearing a baseball cap, a white t-shirt and athletic pants that made her bite at her bottom lip. If Negan would have been her gym teacher when she was in high school, she was certain that she would have been in trouble because she would have wanted to be in his class twenty-four-seven.
After a second, Negan turned toward her and started running toward where she was standing. As he approached, he slowed down and his smile expanded over his handsome features. It was one that immediately drew her attention to his gorgeous dimples. That was always something that won her over with Negan. All he had to do was smile and she had butterflies in her stomach.
“Hello gorgeous,” Negan approached her, outstretching his hands to settle them in over her sides. Surprised with his forward movements, she was tense as he lowered down to her to brush his lips over hers. Worried that he would get in trouble for kissing her, she had trouble kissing him back. But he didn’t seem worried which soon relaxed her. Curling her fingers around the back of his neck, she kissed him back and heard Negan growl when he pulled away. One of the students whistled which made Negan throw his middle finger up when they did it. Immediately she felt a laugh fall from her throat and a few of his students laughed. “I’m sorry you had to come here and put up with these little shits.”
“I’m not, it was nice getting to see you in this get up. Why don’t you wear those pants more often?” she whispered quiet enough so the kids in his class couldn’t hear them. When she said that, Negan’s head lowered and a wicked grin spread out over his handsome features. “Those are…nice.”
“You like them?” Negan sucked at his bottom lip and arched his right eyebrow in curiosity. “I’ll have to wear them for you at home then.”
“Are you wearing anything underneath?” she stepped close enough to him making an amused sound fall from Negan’s throat. Negan’s head did a cocky bob and he looked back over his shoulder to make sure the students weren’t paying attention to them.
“You’re naughty, you know that?” Negan slurred when she reached for his wallet to pull it from her bag. She lifted it enough for Negan to grab it and slide it into his pocket. “So…what are you going to do tonight?”
“What? You need to know where I’m at all times?” she teased him, reaching up to circle her fingers in over the center of his chest and Negan’s hazel eyes narrowed at her when she said it. With a tilt of his head, he smirked.
“Trust me baby, I’d much rather be home with you,” Negan reached up to wrap his fingers around her wrist. Something changed in Negan’s face and he lowered his stare from her. What was that? It was like a switch and she didn’t know how to read that. “This is just something…something one of my friends here wanted to do. I kind of couldn’t get out of it.”
“I understand,” she watched him take off his baseball cap to brush his fingers through his hair to slick it back. Noticing that his attitude seemed to change a bit, she lifted her hand to swipe her thumb in over the curve of his chiseled jaw. “I figured since I’ve kind of ditched my parents completely since I started dating you, that I would have dinner with them tonight. I guess my mom is making my favorite.”
“Aw, they missed you,” Negan winked at her, reaching out to loosely wrap his arms around her waist again. When he leaned in to kiss her, she pulled away and let out a nervous sound. “What?”
“Your entire class is watching the two of us,” she alerted him, noticing over his shoulder that every single one of his students was staring at the two of them together. When Negan looked over his shoulder most of them immediately looked away.
“You nosey little shits,” Negan called out with a laugh and he threw his hand up in the air. “Run the bases while I’m busy. Do something!”
“You can talk to them like that?” she was amused to see the students do what Negan told them. When he turned back to her, his nose was wrinkled and he was laughing. “You would think you would get in trouble talking to them like that.”
“Ah, no. We are chill. They know I’m a sarcastic shit and they give it back for the most part,” Negan informed her with a shake of his head when he leaned back in to pepper kisses over her lips making her laugh when he pulled her playfully in closer to his chest. “I hope you enjoy your time tonight with your parents. Are you going to stay over there tonight or are you coming back to my place after dinner?”
“Are you kidding me? Sleep in my cold lonely bed or sleep with your arms around me?” she acted like it was a hard decision and Negan snorted when she was being dramatic.
“You’ve been with me every day since we started dating. I didn’t know if you would eventually want alone time. I don’t have a problem with you in bed with me tonight though,” Negan insisted with a loud sigh and he pressed a loving kiss over her cheek. “I’m glad it’s Friday so I can sleep in tomorrow. It will be nice to have a break.”
“Getting to sleep in with you in the mornings is one of my favorite things,” she alerted him with a hum and tipped up to kiss him again which led to a few of the students letting out teasing sounds. “You better get back to work.”
“I’ll see you tonight,” Negan rolled his eyes at his students’ reaction to them kissing and stepped back away from her. “Thank you for bringing this to me. I’d be lost without you.”
“You know it,” she winked and watched him run back to the students where one of them started hackling Negan about his girlfriend. It made her laugh, but she knew she needed to leave before someone picked up on her being there.
Stealing one final glance, she enjoyed the sights of him interacting with the students. Negan was good with kids. Even if he was being a smartass with them.
Heading back to her car, she decided to go home to Negan’s. For a while she stayed at Negan’s place, but knew when it started getting toward the time she was supposed to go back home with her parents that she should head over to help her mother make the dinner.
When she showed up, her mother welcomed her with a big hug and it was nice to see that she was missed at least. Y/N had always thought that she could just disappear and her parents would never give a shit at the end of the day. Her mother alerted her to the fact that her father was working on something, but would join them when dinner was ready.
Going straight to helping her mother with dinner, they were rather quiet. There wasn’t much to talk about that she could freely do since she was dating Negan. So if her mother wanted to talk, Y/N would let her, but she wasn’t going to freely open up about details going on in her personal life.
Dinner was surprisingly quiet because her father didn’t say much. They just talked about random odds and ends. When they finished with dinner, her father said he would do the dishes since they had cooked the dinner. As her father left the room, Y/N could see that her mother was staring out at her. It was what she would consider a judgmental stare and it made Y/N look down to make sure that she didn’t spill anything on her during the meal, “What is it?”
“So, who is the guy?” her mother finally questioned after leaving her hanging after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence. Immediately, a warmth flushed into her cheeks and she looked away from her mother. “You were always here. Then you got this job and I can only assume you’ve met a boy. You actually look happy. It’s something I haven’t seen in a very long time. Usually you’re really tense. Today, I think I’ve seen you smile more than I’ve seen you smile before.”
“Wow,” she hesitantly laughed hating that her mother was so observant and sadly knew that there was a man in her life. Did she really give off that big of a vibe to other people? The old her would have been mad at the idea that she looked happier because of a man, but it was true. It was all due to Negan that she was like this and she knew it. “He’s a really good guy.”
“So it is a boyfriend?” her mother’s eyebrow arched and Y/N couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips and she nodded. She knew deep down that she had to keep things somewhat a secret now because of the fact that it was Negan that she was dating. “What’s he like?”
“I don’t know how to describe him,” she thought for a moment letting out a long sigh. “He’s the sweetest, most caring man I’ve ever met. He’s funny, charming, handsome…all of the best details you could put into a man. I’ve never…felt like this before and it’s because of him. I’ve never met someone who has encouraged me to be the best version of myself while also being happy. He’s perfect. Everything I could have dreamt of and more.”
“Wow, it sounds like you’re in love already,” her mother snickered, reaching out to place her hand over Y/N’s and it made Y/N’s heart flutter inside of her chest. Pulling her hand back, she didn’t know if it was too soon to be using a word like that. Love. That was a big word. “When will we get to meet him?”
“I don’t know mom. It’s kind of fast,” she reasoned with her mother and she swallowed down hard. “I’m still trying to determine if this a permanent thing. I mean, I consider him my boyfriend and I love every moment I’ve spent with him.”
“It sounds like a dream come true to me,” her mother pointed out and it made Y/N laugh before lowering her head. Negan was a dream come true. Fuck, being with him scared the shit out of her because she couldn’t believe the ways that Negan made her feel.
“He is pretty dreamy. I hate to admit it mom, but this man has proven to me that everything I thought about dating is bullshit. In the short time we’ve been together, I’m not sure anyone knows me better than he does. He wants to know who I am. He wants to help me become a better version of me. He pampers me, he takes cares of me, he is the sweetest man you would ever meet,” she continued to swoon about Negan knowing that even tonight she was disappointed that she wasn’t with him. “In his arms I feel safer than I have my entire life. I used to worry every day about my future. With him in my life, I’m not so much worried about it anymore. He gives me confidence that everything is going to be okay.”
“What does he look like?” her mother urged her further into details and it made Y/N uncomfortable, but she knew that she could be vague.
“I’m going to be honest with you mom, he’s older than me,” she admitted knowing that Negan was a bit older than her in general so she was sure that her mother would have been uncomfortable with that if she stressed the age difference. “He’s just…perfect. He’s tall, slender, hazel eyes, dark hair, gorgeous dimples…he has tattoos.”
“We might want to keep your dad from that information for a while,” her mother teased her with a smirk looking toward the area of the kitchen. It made Y/N more at ease to know that her mother wasn’t being so stressed about the idea of her having a boyfriend in her life. “I’m going to take it the two of you are having sex?”
“Mom!” she blurt out feeling an overwhelming sense of dread when her mother said that out loud. Lowering her head, she buried it in her palm and shook her head. “That is really not something I want to be talking about with you.”
“So that’s a yes,” her mother reasoned making Y/N groan out with displeasure. In her opinion, there was nothing worse than getting your parents involved in your sex life. That was the last person she wanted to talk about sex with Negan to. “All that I ask for you is to be careful. I want you to be happy, but I also want you to still have the future we always talked about. I don’t want you stuck in a situation where you are unhappy, pregnant and have no means to helping yourself.”
There was an uncomfortable silence that filled the air after she said that and Y/N wondered if that was how her mother felt being stuck with her father. There was that air of curiosity that got to her, but also the fear of hearing the answer to that. Because then there was the idea that her mother didn’t want to have her in the first place and getting pregnant with Y/N is what forced her mother to stay with her father. That was something she had never heard from her mother before, so it definitely shocked her.
“We’re careful,” she assured her mother and she shrugged her shoulders, letting out a long sigh. “If it puts your mind at ease, we haven’t slept together more than a couple of times since we’ve been together. I find that we spend more time hanging out together and enjoying each other’s time than we do being sexual.”
“Does that mean he’s not good?” her mother definitely went too far with her question and it made Y/N snort with disbelief. “I’m just saying, some men you love and you are willing to look over the fact that they aren’t very good in bed.”
“No, he’s perfect in the bedroom. He’s just romantic, very romantic. He wants to make me feel special and he wants our relationship to mean something,” she explained with a loud sigh knowing that she would have loved to have had more sex with Negan in the time they had been together, but Negan always wanted each moment to be good for her. “I know this is going to sound weird mom, but he really just wants to focus on what makes me happy. He wants me to feel pampered and like I’m the only woman in the world for him.”
“Then why the fuck are you so nervous about him?” her mother swatted the table after hearing that and it made her laugh. She had never realized that there was this side to her mother and she liked it. Why had she never seen it before? “I like hearing that you have a healthy relationship with someone. That’s all you ever really want for your child. For them to do better than you. Find someone that makes them happy and wants you to succeed in life.”
“I have confidence that he is just that,” she reached out to place her hand over her mother’s and she squeezed over it firmly. Thinking about Negan made her realize that obviously her mother had met him already and she was already swooning over Negan in the past. “Trust me, I guarantee you that you would really like him. I know he’s the kind of guy that would just warm your heart.”
“So that’s what you’ve been wasting your time doing?” the sound of her father’s voice pulled her attention from her mother and it made her jump. Shifting uncomfortably in her chair, Y/N lowered her gaze and her father scoffed. “Here I was thinking that you were actually taking things seriously after fucking yourself out of school.”
“I have my meeting with the schoolboard soon,” she informed her father with a shrug of her shoulders and she let out a shuddering breath. “I’m prepared for what is coming. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I do actually. I thought I taught you better than this,” her father shamed her from where he was standing, his arms folded out in front of his chest and he looked absolutely disgusted with her. “We talked about the career. The career always came first because as soon as you focused on a relationship you were going to forget all about your future. People get blinded by fucking love and as soon as they are, they forget everything about their future and their potential. You already put yourself one step in the grave because of what you did with your professor and now you just laid yourself completely in after all of this.”
“I think you would be surprised,” she attempted to defend herself knowing that Negan had already helped her a lot as it was and he wasn’t the kind of person that wanted to hold her back from her dreams.
“What I’m surprised with is how disappointing you turned out to be,” her father snarled and she felt her heart sink when her father said that to her. For most of her life she had looked up to her father and he was the person that she had tried to get the acceptance from the longest. He was the one that urged her into doing law because she wanted to be like him when she was little. So to hear him say that broke her. “I thought I raised you right…”
“You did raise me right,” she stammered with a confused expression. “I’ve always done everything right. I worked harder than anyone. I graduated at the top of my class in high school. I worked my ass off on the first few years of college, but I stood up for myself with my professor. I did what I had to in order to protect myself dad. He tried to assault me. Would you have rather me just lay there and take what he did? I have put everything into all my classes. All my grades prove that. What he was doing to me was wrong. Altering my grades so that way he could blackmail me into having sex with him.”
“If I heard you correctly from in there, your boyfriend is apparently older than you?” her father repeated her words and it made her eyebrows furrow with fear as to where her father was going with this. “You have no problem dating an older man, but if an older man you’re not attracted to wants to have sex with you, it automatically becomes assault? If the person you are dating now was your professor, you would have fucked him, right?”
“That’s the nastiest thing I’ve ever heard you say,” she frowned not believing the things that came out of her father’s mouth about what happened with her and the professor. “It had nothing to do about attraction dad. It had everything to do with the fact that he was abusing his power over me to make me do what he wanted. Even if he was the most attractive man I have ever seen, I would have never allowed it. I would have still had the same reaction. It had nothing to do with attraction.”
“Right,” her father rolled his eyes and she could tell that he didn’t believe her which hurt her all the more.
“At this point I feel like you would have just rather me sleep with my professor instead of standing up for myself,” she pointed out and her father shrugged making her let out a disgusted breath.
“You’re going around being a slut anyways now,” her father stated with a dark expression, his eyes narrowing out at her. It made her stand up from the table, her heart was pounding inside of her chest and she felt like every part of her was on fire. “You could have at least been a slut and finished school instead of ruining your future and deciding to be a whore afterwards.”
“How am I a slut for dating someone?” she demanded an answer from her father, looking to her mother who was looking down and away. It was obvious that she was embarrassed by her father’s outburst, but her mother was saying nothing. That wasn’t rare. At this point her father could have said anything and her mother wouldn’t defend her even though her mother had seemed okay with everything before. “Wouldn’t I have to be sleeping around in general with everyone and anyone to be a slut?”
“Whatever makes you feel better honey,” her father moved around the table to sit on the corner of it, folding his arms out in front of his chest. “What you should have been doing is groveling. You should have been making up the work you knew that you were going to miss for the rest of this semester. Maybe you should have apologized to the professor. Begged him to forgive you. The schoolboard is not going to accept you back and you are so arrogant to think otherwise. You should have done everything in your power to get back into that school or find something else. Instead, you’re opening your legs to an older man. Sounds like you’ve taken this time to be exactly what I called you.”
“I should have known it would be a mistake coming here tonight,” she went to leave feeling her father grabbing a tight hold of her wrist as she went to leave. The yank he did jerked her back and his fingers had an exceedingly hard squeeze over it. “Let go. You’re hurting me.”
“You are an ungrateful little shit and I taught you better than this,” her father scowled, his eyes darkening while he looked her over. “After everything I have done for you over the years, this is the way you decide to pay me back, huh? All that money wasted.”
“I’m sorry I’m not your perfect image dad,” she snapped back, attempting to pull her wrist back, but he kept his firm grasp on it. “I guess I should have just let my professor rape me so you could be proud of your little girl and the woman she became.”
“You know, you have a really smart mouth and no man is going to be accepting of that little girl,” her father pulled her forward and she felt a nervous breath catch in her throat.
“Just because you’re an abusive shit that doesn’t like a strong woman doesn’t mean that the rest of the world is like you,” she scoffed watching her father’s eyes narrow and a moment later felt the firm smack of his hand across the side of her face. When he did it, her mother finally stood up from where she was seated and stepped forward. Reaching up with her free hand, Y/N felt her chest aching and she finally found the strength to pull her wrist from her father’s grasp. “Wow, not only am I not the person that you thought I was, but you certainly aren’t the man that I thought you were.”
“Y/N,” her mother tried to step forward and Y/N held her hand up to stop her mother from talking to her. “This just got elevated very quickly and I think if you sat down…”
“I’m not going to sit down here with him right now. I’m going out for a while and I’m going to let him cool down because I’m not going to sit here after he just hit me,” she insisted with a firm shake of her head, backstepping away from the table. “He’s not the man that I thought he was…”
“I’m not going to change my mind on how I feel you ungrateful little shit,” her father got up from the table and her mother stood before her father to press her hands into the center of his chest to stop him from moving forward toward Y/N.
“Then I guess I’ll be back later to get my things,” she swallowed down hard, hating to have to say that, but the things that her father said were just so unforgivable that she couldn’t stand to hear any more of it.
Instead of waiting for any other response from her father, she headed for the door and left. There was a sense of surprise that her mother didn’t come after her, but she didn’t know what she expected from her in the first place. While her mother had stepped up when she felt her father was getting too aggressive, she just let her father say those horrible things to Y/N. It was obvious that at this point in her life, her parents no longer accepted her or wanted to support her with her future, so Y/N was done with things. There was no point in trying with them anymore after her father’s outburst and she absolutely hated it.
Walking across the street to Negan’s home, she didn’t even care if they saw her heading that way. Their opinion of her was already skewed anyways so if they already thought she was a slut and a horrible person, who cared what they honestly thought about her being with Negan?
Tags: @slutlanna976​​  @nubbinrobin​​ @oreostars​​  @fuckthis-and-fuckthat​​ @jennydehavilland​​ @felicity291​​ @de-gabyconamor​​ @ibelongtonegan​​ @smallsadjellyfish​ @labyrinthofheartagrams​​  @msjamesmarch​​ @thebeautysurrounds​​ @hotfornegan​​ @redmercysugar​​ @caprithebunny​​ @iluvneganandjamie​​ @ninamarietwd @tuttifuckinfruitty​​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @a-girl-interupted​​​ @akumune​​ @stoneyggirl​​ @xsarcasticwriterx​​ @ritajammer21​​ @insertneganhere​​ @haleygreen23​
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet
A/N: This is a bit of a collab with my bestest best friend @lokistan! The ever amazing Star helped me come up with a question for each letter and she wrote the entirety of “N” herself! Hope you enjoy :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02​ @frostedgiant​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @lowkeyorlokificrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​ @castiels-majestic-wings​ @kozkaboi​ @cozy-the-overlord​ @birdgirl90​ @myraiswack​ @mythicalgarlicknot​ @what-a-flammable-heart​ @mlqcikemenmc​
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A=Adoration: What do they adore about you? • Everything. How understanding you are. Loki’s been through a lot, and you’re always patient with him. Even if he was nervous about the relationship in the beginning, you let him take his time, reassuring him you could go slow. And knowing all that, you always checked if he was alright, making sure you weren’t doing anything that made him uncomfortable or weren’t going to fast. He didn’t think anyone else would be quite as considerate as you.
B=Beauty: What do they find most beautiful about you? • Your smile. When you look at him with your face all lit up, he thinks his heart is going to burst from joy. No one else had ever looked at him quite as softly, as kindly, as genuinely as that. He likes to think about your smile as he drifts off at night. It gives him the best dreams.
C=Cuddles: Do they like cuddling? • Not at first. Loki is very guarded and letting anyone into his space is a big decision. Once he warms up to you, however, all he wants to do is snuggle. His preference between big spoon and small spoon depends on the day. When he’s feeling particularly antsy or small, all he wants is to be held in your arms as if sheltered from the world. But on his better days, when he just wants to protect his little mortal, he likes to wrap his body around yours, keeping the two of you in your own little bubble of happiness.
D=Date: What’s their favorite date you’ve had? • The first one. He was too nervous at first to go out with you in public, resulting in a dinner for two in his quarters at the Tower. It was happiness like he’d never known before, the first of many soft, quiet moments you two would share. Loki remembers being too nervous to take your hand in his and being pleasantly surprised when you were the one to hesitantly intertwine your fingers together. He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget a single moment of that night.
E=Embarrassed: What about you makes them flustered? • The little things. Like when you take his hand in public. Or say you love him. Or throw a smile his way during a debriefing. Or laugh at one of his jokes. Everything you do seems so natural, so genuine, that it throws him off guard for a moment. When he realizes that’s because all the small things are reflections of how much you love him, his face goes bright red!
F=Forever: How do they plan the rest of your life together going? • Honestly, Loki doesn’t like to think about it. He just knows he needs to be with you, and that’s enough. Though, he did find a spell to expand a mortal lifespan, and plans on asking you if it’s ok to use it. If you say yes, he imagines whisking you away to a cabin in the woods for a while, spending some of your many years just basking in each other’s presence. If you say no, that’s fine too; he’ll still treasure every moment you have together and knows he’ll see you again some day.
G=Gifts: Do they like giving gifts? Receiving them? • Loves giving them; mixed feelings on receiving. Loki adores you so wholly and completely, he thinks it only natural he gives you a gift here and there. Ok, at least twice a month. If he sees something that reminds him of you—and most things do in some way—why not gift it to you? You always love them and want to give back to him. It always makes Loki confused because he had never seen himself worthy of such tokens of love. With every one you give him, you change his mind a little more.
H=Hello: What’s their favorite way to greet you? • With a kiss. Nothing long or extremely passionate, usually just a peck on the cheek or back of the hand. Sometimes, he’s too nervous to say he loves you out loud, but the little kiss says it all. Besides, the god considers it an honor to be allowed to be the one to give you such affections, and he plans on making the most of the privilege.
I=Impression: What was their first impression of you? • He’s intrigued. Loki never liked to have particularly strong feelings either way toward someone. But, despite being the God of Lies, he doesn’t like to deceive himself. There was some unplaceable thing about you that drew him in. Eventually, he realized it was because you never scorned him or cowered for him. No, you were always attentive and interested in listening to him. For someone like Loki, that was rare, so of course he wanted to stick around you.
J=Journal: Do they keep a journal? • Yes. Not religiously or anything. If he misses a few nights, it’s no big deal. He does like to quickly jot down a few thoughts when he can, though, usually about time he spent with you. Then when he can’t be with you at the moment for whatever reason, he can pull it out and flip through, reliving the memories with a smile on his face.
K=Kisses: What’s their favorite part of you to kiss? • The back of your hand. Asgard was a fairly formal place, and having been raised a prince, it was common for him to bow and place a kiss there. But with you, it was different. More meaningful. It was almost a way of bringing his old culture with him, yet making it his own. He wouldn’t always bow when he did it. In fact, more often than not, it was sans bow. Instead, if you were walking down the street hand in hand, he’d lift yours to his lips and plant a quick, gentle kiss there. Or if you were sitting together on the couch, he would do the same. Really, they were a good, fast little reminder of his affection for you at any time of the day. How adorably flustered it made you was just a bonus.
L=Love: How do they tell you they love you? • Through the things he does. Sometimes it’s hard for Loki to actually say the words because of his fears, so he opts to show you. He’ll ask if it’s ok to take care of you if it’s something bigger, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. So if you have a tough day, he’ll ask if it’d be alright if he draws you a bath or gives you a massage. If it’s a smaller thing, he doesn’t mention it. He’s not looking for praise, he just wants to show he loves you. So, sometimes he’ll make your favorites for dinner or dessert, or suggest watching your favorite movie or comfort TV show. Of course, you always notice and respond with “I love you, too.”
M=Mischief: Do they prank you? Prank with you? • Absolutely. Loki is the God of Mischief, a title he prides himself on much more than God of Lies. He never does anything too serious to you, just small things. Like convincing you of something absurd or making an illusion of a rather large bug, just enough to make you jump. Even better is pulling pranks with you. Like convincing Thor everyone but him can lift Mjolnir now. Or making Tony believe he’s going crazy and that beeping he keeps hearing is in his mind. And the best part of it all is when Loki gets to hear your beautiful laugh.
N=Never: What's something they would never do to you? • Push you. Loki understands that some things take time and patience. He would never pressure you to do something that you're not ready to do or say. Loki knows what the weight of the world feels like and would never put you through that. 
O=Original: How original are they when it comes to wooing you? • It can go either way. After all, not too many people have magic at their disposal, and Loki loves using it to impress you. Then again, he loves to throw in cheesy pickup lines that make you grin like an idiot because he just looks so adorable saying them.
P=Protective: How protective are they of you? • Very, but he tries not to let it show. Loki doesn’t want to stifle you or make you think he believes you’re weak. You’re actually one of the strongest people he knows. Still, he always watches over you and checks in on you, making sure you’re alright and no one is upsetting you. And if someone has, oh boy, they better watch out because he certainly will have some choice words for them. Of course, that would come with a threat to the person not to let you know he’d spoken to them. Unless he’d gotten your permission to intervene.
Q=Quiet: What quiet, peaceful moments do they appreciate the most? • The ones where you don’t need to be doing anything else. So many people always need to be talking, but with the storm of thoughts always swirling in his mind, Loki appreciates the quiet. The fact that you two can just lay together saying nothing means so much to Loki. He likes just enjoying your calming presence, looking into each other’s eyes, almost as if communicating through the silence, the special kind that only those as close as you two could truly understand and appreciate.
R=Romance: How romantic are they? • Extremely. Loki loves to sweep you off your feet. He’s a little shy about it at first, but once he’s comfortable, he’s constantly writing/reading you love poems and songs. Candlelit dinners become commonplace and you find rose petals lining your way the table more often than not. And if you ever watch a rom-com, you can bet Loki will be taking notes.
S=Sharing: Are they good at sharing their emotions with you? • Sometimes. If his fears of you leaving get the better of him or cause the problem, he doesn’t really want to talk about it and risk making you upset. Instead, he just lets you hold him when you can tell something’s wrong. But for most other cases he slowly learns how to trust and open up to you, telling you what’s going on inside his mind.
T=Trust: How much do they trust you? • A lot. There's not a single other person in the universe Loki would ever let hold him the way you do. He doesn’t tell anyone else his feelings, either. He loves you and knows you’re there for him, though, so he trusts you won’t tell anyone else. It helps that you trust him so much too.
U=Upset: How do they comfort you when your upset? • By holding you. Even if you’re not at the point where you need to cry, Loki will encompass your body with his, tucking your head under his chin. He’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear until you feel better, rubbing his hands up and down your back. When you finally look up at him, he’ll shower your face with kisses and ask if you need to talk. If you say no, he just keeps holding you for as long as you’ll let him. If you say yes, he listens intently, offering words of encouragement or advice when you finish. He always makes sure to tell you how proud of you he is for doing your best.
V=Vulnerable: When was the first time they were vulnerable with you? • The first time his nightmares woke you up. You’d both fallen asleep on the sofa watching a movie. Unfortunately, he was startled from his slumber by the dreams that so often plagued him. You rubbed his back while he caught his breath and calmed down. Once he was doing better, you offered to listen to what was wrong. Unable to keep it in any longer, he broke down in your arms. After sharing with you, he felt better than he had in a long time. He didn’t have another nightmare for two months.
W=When: When did they realize they were in love with you? • The first time he said the words. He hadn’t thought about it, so it wasn’t premeditated. You two were just swaying to some music, and you’d looked up to place a quick kiss to his lips. He just looked at you and said the three-word phrase. You replied immediately, seemingly not thinking about it either. Loki realized his heart had known it before his brain, but it was in that moment he realized how true the words were. He loved you.
X=Xaphoon: What kind of music reminds them of you? • Classical music with big, sweeping movements. So often they start off soft, feather-light. Then they crescendo into something bigger, something brighter, something dramatic. It reminds him of the way he feels for you, how it swelled into that big moment of pure and complete love and adoration. If the piece calmed back down again, that was the best, since he’s feelings had settled into his bones, becoming part of him.
Y=Yearning: Do they yearn for you when you’re apart? • Very much so. If he has to go on a mission for a while or accompany Thor to Asgard, he misses you terribly. He’ll look at photos or make an illusion of you, but it’s not the same as actually having you there. When he gets back home, the first thing he does is run into your arms, telling you how much he missed you. The sudden confession he never exactly plans always made him blush.
Z=Zoo: Would they want any pets? • Only if you did. Loki was kind of neutral toward the whole pet thing. Sure, if someone else had one he’d always go and pet it, but having one of his own wasn’t that big of a deal to him. If you did want one, though, Loki would immediately take you to find just the right companion. And once you brought it back home, he’d love to play with it or look at it or tell it how cute it is. Practically becoming its best friend, he can be easily persuaded to adopt one or two or a dozen more. And, of course, he’s so absolutely adorable with it, you’d risk your heart exploding from a cuteness overload and let him pick the one to adopt that time.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
love your writing! could you maybe do some hc's for luffy, zoro and sanji with them having a shy plus size/chubby s/o (not poly, sperate hc's.) it's totally fine if you're not up for writing a plus size reader. <3
Monster Trio With A Plus Size! S/O
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A/N : thank you ☺️ thank you for requesting. As a plus size myself, I am more than happy to write these, so don’t hesitate to request more with different scenarios too. :D 🤍
Summary : the monster trio with a chubby, shy and insecure significant other.
Luffy would be the one who doesn’t care the most of what you look like. He loves people of all sizes. As long as you have a sweet personality and like to laugh, Luffy will appreciate and love the hell out of you.
Luffy thinks it’s cute when you’re shy around him, but it does bother him when you’re too insecure about yourself. Honestly, how could you be so down on yourself like this? He loves you, it didn’t matter your appearance, if you were big, small, tall, skinny, or had any weird marks or disabilities, who cares?
In fact, Luffy would adore your size. He loves to cuddle so it’s only great if there’s more of you for him to hug and snuggle against while you two sleep. His arms would wrap tightly around you and keep you close.
Luffy cares deeply for his crewmates, so when he learns that someone is hurting you, he won’t hold back his fists. He’ll become enraged and punches anyone who dares to insult his nakama.
When he sees you’re feeling particularly really insecure and shy, he’ll do his best to cheer you up by making you laugh. He’ll do stupid stuff with Usopp and try to excite and distract you by getting your attention while he’s fishing.
If he sees you’re not eating, he’ll have Sanji whip up a whole feast and sits in front of you and makes you eat with him. He’ll make sure to give you some of his meat to ensure you’re eating. He wants you healthy after all.
If you’re really upset about your size and thinking about change, being with Luffy would help with that in all honesty. This man loves adventure, but he’s also always getting in trouble. You’ll be running a lot when you’re around him so it helps. And if you’re slow, Luffy doesn’t hesitate to grab you and carry you as you all run from Marines.
Luffy would show you off in public for sure, he’ll always grab your hand and yelling throughout new islands you explore, drawing attention towards you both from the citizens. He’ll be shouting for you to look and pulling you closer with a big grin on his face.
“Why do you care what you look like? I don’t. I love you for you and that’s all that matters, right? So smile already!”
Zoro would also not care as much of your appearance. He likes someone who’s strong and even better if you can handle a sword. Appearance doesn’t matter in this case.
When you’re shy around him and all fidgety, Zoro is pretty confused and stares at you, wondering if you’re okay. He doesn’t quite understand why you’re acting this way, since he’s not someone who cares what other people thinks.
So when he finds out you’re feeling insecure, he’s a bit shocked before he gets annoyed and angry. Not at you, but towards the people that made you feel that way. Who the hell dares to hurt you?
Zoro wouldn’t show it, but it secretly breaks his heart a bit to see how much you try to hide yourself when the crew explores the new islands, and so he’ll force and muster up the courage to pull you by his side and hold your hand tightly, or wrap an arm around your shoulders.
He’ll tell you to relax and to just make yourself comfortable. He loves you, he doesn’t give a shit of your appearance at all. He’ll tell you not to worry yourself with your appearance because you’re just fine, don’t change just to impress and flatter others.
You have him and the crew with you. That’s more than enough. If anyone dares to make a comment, well, Zoro’s hands are already gripping his swords.
If you decide to come to him to help you with weight loss, he’ll ask if you’re sure and why you suddenly asked, and reminds you that you’re just fine. If you’re persistent, then he’ll gladly help you and push you.
However, if you really want to stop after a while, he’ll question you once before accepting, because he just wants you to be happy with yourself. He doesn’t like when you’re so upset, it makes his heart hurt seeing you cry.
Zoro is secretly soft and such a preciously sweet guy, so if he has to remind you everyday that he loves you, so be it then if that’s what you want. When you two cuddle for the night, you’re pulled and snuggled into his chest as his arms wrap around you and his chin resting on top of your head.
“You’re just fine like this. I love it and I love you so don’t worry over your appearance so much. Come here.”
I believe Sanji would be the one who cares about appearances a little more? Just because in the anime, he’s often gawking at women who have curvy thin figures, rather than the thicker women, but if you have a good heart and you care for his cooking and his crew, appearance goes out the window with him.
When you’re acting shy around him, Sanji first thinks it’s extremely adorable and thinks you’re just nervous of a relationship, and assures it’s fine. But when you’re still acting shy, that’s when he gets a clearer idea of what causes it and his heart shatters.
Was it because he still gawks at other women? He couldn’t help that, it was just his nature to respect and love all women.. you understood that. Were you comparing yourself to the woman then? That was no good. How could you even think of doing that? Intentional or not. He wasn’t going to allow that.
When you’re out and about, Sanji would be right by your side, holding your hand and pointing out the many sweets and delicacies the island has, and would want to try them all with you. He’ll pull you close and place soft kisses on your hand or cheek in front of the public to show that you’re his and he loves you.
He may ogle a few women here and there, but once he realizes how shy and insecure you’ve become, Sanji restrains himself from doing so. He only has eyes for you and he wants you to know that.
Sanji knows when you’re not eating and he notices when you’re eating less. It breaks his heart to see you doing so, so he’ll often leave out or make a ton of snacks for you so you don’t starve or eat too little.
He’ll make healthier food for you if that’s what you want, because he just wants you to be happy with yourself and with him. Whatever you want, you’ll get, as long as it doesn’t hurt you in some way. Health wise, physically or mentally.
If anyone even tries to look at your wrongly or make a comment on you, Sanji is reach to kick their ass to the new world. He wants to make sure no one even dares to attempt to do so, and makes sure they learn their lesson for trying to hurt his precious [Name]-chan.
He’ll make constant reminders to ensure that you are beautiful and amazing in his eyes. It doesn’t matter what others think, as long as you love yourself and you know that him and the crew loves you. He’ll ask for your permission to kiss you as many times as you need to know.
“My dear, [Name]-chan. I love you exactly for who you are, so don’t change for anyone, you hear me? I love you.”
a/n: I hope you like these! I adored them. :DD super cuteee ☺️❤️💚💙
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weirdfetishes123 · 3 years
'Why is my Dick Blue' and other Pressing Questions - deviantart
Did your dom leave you with a blue stain that just won’t go away? Are you now waddling around even after hours in the juicing room? Are you now a giant blue ball that hasn’t seen the sun in months and wondering what a cute technician is doing putting this pamphlet in your face? If you answered yes to the first two questions there’s no need to worry, and if you answered yes to the last question, congratulations! You can still read! In this short guide you will find all the answers to your questions on becoming a Permaberry!
There are five levels of Permaberry. They are, in order of severity: Stained, Bloated, City, Chameleon, and Barrel. The first two are the most common and tend to happen on accident. These can occur when a caretaker waits too long to juice his berry, or they can be a planned result in order to “mark” a sub. Depending on the severity they may be able to leave the Studio, or they may be required to stay. City Permaberries are the rarest of the five. These men swell up randomly once a month or even just once a year. This used to require them to stay at the Studio, but now they can lead a normal life with some new lifestyle changes. Chameleon and Barrel Permaberries are only found at Studio 71 or at its other properties. While both are available to everyone, they carry a heavy cost in one way or another. Whichever way you choose to go, know that each Permaberry is only as permanent as you choose to be.
1) Stained.
What it is: This is the most common Permaberry. It is caused when a caretaker waits too long to juice their berry. The time frame, however, varies from person to person. Some have been juiced only after a couple of hours after swelling and have blue stains on their body, while others can wait up to a week to be juiced and come out completely clear.
What to look for: I hoped this would be self explanatory, but in case you didn’t catch on you’re looking for one (1) blue stain on you or your fuck boy’s body. The most common area to look is the groin, ass, and belly. Other places this may appear are the feet, chest, nose, or hands, although these are less common.
How it’s cured:
Well this may be hard for the affected party, but in order to get rid of the stain the affected has to remain celibate for up week at a time. This will allow the residual juices to be concentrated in the semen and make the stain disappear within a week or two. A chastity can be used here to great effect, and in fact this is usually why doms choose to make their subs Stained in the first place. If you didn’t go this route because you’re just an eighteen year old college freshman freaking out because this is the closest thing you have to ever gotten to an STI don’t worry. Even if you orgasm three times a day the stain always goes away on its own, but that would take months rather than weeks. There are no long term effects so calm down you gushy bottom.
2) Bloated
What it is: This is what happens when you leave your berry swollen for over a week. The juice becomes slightly congealed and pools in one part of the body. They may be completely blue, or just the swollen body part may be colored. In either case it’s gonna take a while to get rid of it. This is the second most common Permaberry and they almost always have to stay at the studio
What to look for: You’re looking for stained skin and large parts of the body that slosh when you touch them, other then the ones you’ve paid to see. It normally pools in the ass and belly, but it can also cause the genitals, face, and feet to swell as well. Here's the thing, if you or your date are still blue and sloshing after a 2 hour juicing session that was supposed to be 30 minutes that's a good sign that they or you are now Bloated.
How it’s cured: Buckle-up bucker-roo because you’re in for the long haul. It could take up to a month to get the swelling down. See the thing about a Bloated Berry’s juice is that is more like Jello than fruit juice. It's very stubborn, but it can be diluted with a lot water. And I mean a lot of water. Think ten gallons a day. Basically if you always feel you’re about to piss yourself that means it's working. Now that it is somewhat fluid it can be coaxed out with some basic yoga poses. Studio 71 does offer some classes that are filled with bloated berries so you’ll never be short of company. Don’t worry, the classrooms have plenty of drains on the floor. Everyone after a month or so makes a full recovery, but some lucky bastards get to keep a berry’s legendary flexibility.
3) City
What it is: Are you busy man on the go? Need a vacation? Do you feel so stressed you can just burst? Do you have a strange masochistic desire to make your God Awful existence an oddly sexual nightmare? Then you might, might, become a City Berry. This is the rarest of all the Permaberries and it only affects a baker's dozen around the globe. They have earned their name due to the fact that all of them came from major metropolitan areas before the Studio and continue to reside there. They lead average lives and being a Permaberry doesn’t affect their professional or private life at all. However, about once a month, their stomach starts to gurgle, turn blue and they start to grow. Once that happens they have about an hour to rush home to their Juicing Kit or risk being stuck as a blue ball in public.
What to look for: City Berries look just like anyone else really. There is no way to really separate them from the crowd. However in private, if you’re comfortable with violating their privacy you can look for their juicer, but this isn’t recommend as there is only 14 or so people in the whole world have them. Anyway if they were a City Berry they probably wouldn’t date someone who’s rummaging through their closest like a cracked out raccoon. Come to think of it that is just the response you should expect for everyone who has a working brain stem. Anyway at full size they aren’t any different from the berries at Studio 71. Their juice is slightly more potent however, and while a regular Studio berry might make you shade or so paler, a City Berries juice will definitely turn you blue. In the off chance you find yourself in this situation juice yourself as soon as you can to avoid becoming Stained.
How it’s cured: As of now there is no cure. Some City Berries have had this condition for years, but it hasn’t affected their life terribly. If you do find yourself in this situation you have no need to be nervous or scared.
4) Chameleon
What it is: This is it. The most Exclusive Berry drink at Studio 71. One shot can make you a berry indefinitely, but that's not all. One shot of Studio Elite gives you full control of you transformation. Do you want to be buff? Round? Blueberry? Cherry? A mix of all four? Go for it Champ! A Chameleon can change what shape and color they are at will. It is the ultimate experience of berry inflation, and most are willing to work at the studio for a year just to pay the $10,000 price tag for one shot. As it is nearly all of the staff at Studio 71 are Chameleon’s and are paying back their debt. However there are some lucky sons of bitches who win a monthly drawing to get it for free.
What to look for: Honestly anything. They could be short, tall, skinny, fat, and any color of the rainbow. Just assume that everyone who works at the Studio is one and you’re good to go. Observant guests can even spy one changing from one fruit to another if the pay attention.
How it’s cured: Asking a Chameleon if they want to be cured is like asking a lottery winner if they want to work at McDonald’s. Most don’t want it to end, but if it must there is a drinkable cure which remove the effects. What follows is a standard juicing practice and they are back to normal. As of now there has only been a couple who willingly ended to move on with their life, but more have had the privilege removed for punitive reasons.
5) Barrel
What it is: This is it. The Ride or Die Berry. The drink that turns you into a Barrel is only $20, but the price is in reality much steeper. Like the Chameleon Berry this one comes with its own separate contract. If buy this drink you have to remain in the studio for a minimum of six months. And no that can’t be negotiated down. If you drink the Barrel potion it will change your life forever, and maybe not for the best.
What to look for: You’re gonna look for a giant blue ball that has no idea where it is. That’s because barrels aren’t your run of the mill berry. Oh no, they are the closest to being permanent. See the human body isn’t exactly designed to carry two tons of fluid inside it, so the potion makes some changes. It actually weakens the skeleton in order to get the resources needed to form a cartilage sphere under the berries skin. This new flexible shell now carries the weight. This process removes most human characteristics from the berry’s skin. Their nipples, genitals, and body hair are all removed, in some cases even their hands and feet are absorbed into the body. What’s left is smooth, shiny surface that almost looks like latex. Once the juice passes the blood brain barrier it starts to effect the berry’s mind. First they lose all track of time. If you leave them alone in a room and come back an hour later they will think you only just left. Then comes amnesia. The won’t remember anything from their life before being a berry. Lastly the long term memory process shuts down. Now they believe their entire existence is what is going on around them, nothing more.
Due to the extremity of the treatment paying customers are limited to six months of this treatment. Rule breakers are another story. This is the fate of anyone who breaks Studio 71’s security or the privacy of the guests. They will be a barrel for at least a year, possible many more.
WARNING! All berries CAN and WILL become Barrels if they aren’t juiced in two weeks time! Remember to juice your Berry Boys before the two week mark or you will be forced to join them for their extended visit!
How it’s cured: One word: Juicing. Lots and lots of juicing. There is special machines made for it at Studio 71 that specialize in juicing as Barrels need a long slow juicing process. This ensures a gentle and painless process in which the cartilage sphere its dissolved by the action and the skeleton can reform. The entire process can take weeks, regardless of how long they were a Barrel. Out of all of the Permaberries only half return completely to normal. The rest have permanently stained skin and might even always carry juice in there bodies. The lest common side effects affect the brain. While 90% of all return to their normal selves, 5% gain significant intelligence, while the other 5% never fully recover from the ordeal. If you choose to go down this path think carefully. You may not come out the other end the same.
Well that's it berry boy. Feel better? No? Honestly that sounds like a “you” problem. Look there isn’t really a need to panic about a blue spot or a swollen gut, so sit down, shut up, and I hope you enjoy your stay at Studio 71. Stay Juicy!
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zkfanworkweek · 4 years
ZFAW Content Creator Interviews: OwedBetter
Hey everyone! We hope you’re all excited for ZFAW, and to honor (ha!) ZFAW’s commitment to supporting and celebrating fan content creators in the Zutara fandom, we’re going to be rolling out a series of interviews with well-known and widely-beloved content creators over the next few weeks. We’ve got artists and fanfiction authors, some names you recognize as well as a few phenomenal up-and-coming talents, and we can’t wait for you to meet them all!
I’m super excited about this one! For the sixth (incredibly delayed, I’M SORRY) interview in the cycle, we have Jo, aka @owedbetter. Best known for the absolutely iconic Zutara fanfiction “I’m Still Here,” Jo’s works can be found at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12312357/chapters/27990618
Tell us about how you came to ship Zutara. What does this ship mean to you?
To use one of my favourite lines from Jane Austen, "I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun." I started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender when I was just a tiny little baby child at 10 turning 11 years old. I do know for a fact, however, that Zutara had simply always been it for me from the very beginning. I believe it was during "The Storm" that I just knew that there was more to Zuko than what was at surface level. As a brown girl trying to make her way into positions of leadership as a child, Katara's strength, rage, and bravery paved the way for me to survive in the way I have. As a survivor of child abuse myself, Zuko remaining kind and gentle and good was of paramount importance. Together, they were the joining of two souls that met in conflict and chaos but through merit, equal standing, and forgiveness, they were exactly what each other needed. They are not opposites nor two halves of a whole; they are the sky and between them is only the world. Everyone has the need to feel truly seen and understood as they are by another, and Zuko and Katara do exactly that. Other stories come and go, but they're the story I come back to and will continue to call home every single time. I will never tire of them.
2. What inspires you to create Zutara fanworks?
 I've been a professional writer for the last ten years. It's my job to imagine and create stories. I also love consuming stories through every medium possible. The well never dries when you keep it full to the brim. When you do the work I do and you consume as many stories as I do and you've lived a long enough life and paid attention to the life around you as I have trained to do, to be inspired is second nature. For Zutara, however, these are voices that have lived in my brain for fifteen years. When I get an idea for a story, literally any story, it's like my subconscious is naturally attuned to their dynamic that every prompt I come up with is automatically a Zutara prompt. Such is the way. If I ever publish a novel and/or lead my own show/movie, you can bet that it's probably Zutara if you squint.
3. Be selfish - if you could request one fanwork based on your own art/fanfic, what would it be? What would you absolutely love to see someone create? 
To this day, "i'm still here" is probably the single greatest thing I've ever done in my whole stupid life. It would be the greatest honour to see my work interpreted visually. Genuinely, I'd love to see certain scenes as comic panels or something. Katara's realisation at the beach over who she is and she thinks about Yue, her mother, and her grandmother. Zuko and Katara's mutual understanding. The scene that started it all: baby Zuko taking care of baby Azula at the beach. Katara and Iroh talking in Chapter 7. Toph meeting fear for the first time. The entire ending of Chapter 6. As of writing this, I haven't updated the sequel yet but I would love to see visual interpretations of incoming Original Characters because they've been fun to create. I don't even know. If anyone wants to draw something from "i'm still here", I would like to see it. Please let me see it. I will cry. But also, I would like to see visual interpretation of Zutara in my modern quarantine pandemic AU because I would like to see long haired 28 year old Zuko wearing autumn-wear in a public park filled with flowers with 26 year old Katara basically wearing anything I wear because I am projecting in that story for a reason. 
4. Any words for people who are new to the fandom and/or nervous about sharing their work for the first time?Buddy, we're all just a bunch of nerds who are creating things for our enjoyment and the enjoyment of likeminded individuals. Do things for you and because they bring you joy, first and foremost. Everything else can be ignored if you want to ignore it. You're doing great. 
5. What is your favorite Zutara-related thing you’ve made and why is it special to you?
 Again, "i'm still here" is literally the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. Something I get commended for a fair amount with ISH is how I handled Zuko being a child abuse survivor, and his conflicting emotions with his violent abusers because he's still a child who wants his family to love him. That comes from an extremely personal place for me and it means the world to know that other survivors out there resonated so well with it. Also, Masterchef Zuko with that chicken adobo meant me getting a LOT of people saying they tried out the recipe themselves and I can feel my grandmother radiate with pride over knowing I'm so great a cook that I can convince people to want my dish just by writing about it. I'm so proud of everything I did with ISH. I worked really hard on it and I'm so happy to know it means a lot to other people too. 
6. What’s an idea for a fanwork that you have but haven’t gotten around to making?
I have this one modern AU involving dogs that I've put on the backburner since 2017. One day... one day!!! I'm a bit of a workaholic, though, so most of the things I want to do, I just do 'em. 
7. Are you participating in ZFAW? If so, want to give us a hint as to your plans? 👀
I am! I have a draft ready based on one of Hayley Foster's animatics and I'm very excited. Tumblr user hayleynfoster, I owe you my entire life. 
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
There's not enough Comet stuff out there from the Wolfpack! Can you do relationship Hc’s (NSFW & SFW) for him???
Absolutely!! He needs more love!! I already did Sinker relationship headcanons, find them here! 
Comet relationship headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
Comet is pretty shy actually, and he doesn’t talk that often 
He’s not like Boost or Sinker 
So it may take him a little bit to finally approach you to ask you on a date
When he does he’ll probably take you to a small restaurant, somewhere away from his brothers
He’ll be a little awkward and nervous at first, but he’ll relax eventually 
Once you two get into a relationship Comet will open up a lot more around you 
He’ll start to playfully flirt with you, just to see you get flustered 
Once he’s completely relaxed around you, you realize he’s a complete goofball 
Terrible jokes. Terrible. 
Of course the pack finds out about you,and they insist on meeting you 
They tell you embarrassing stories about Comet 
You make a lot of friends before your boyfriend drags you out 
Comet is always holding your hand or has an arm around you, he’s pretty protective 
He also doesn’t care about PDA, he’s going to show off your love 
Most of your dates are you two at your apartment, since he can’t really take you out often
He prefers relaxing and cuddling you to being in public anyways 
Comet can’t cook at all, so don’t even let him try to make you dinner
If you cook for him he’s instantly wrapped around your finger 
A way to a clones heart is by food 
Also by bubble baths with you! 
He loves taking baths with you where you run your fingers through his clean cut black hair 
He melts immediately 
Comet will giggle if you trace the tattoo on his ribcage 
The tattoo is of a comet, of course. 
Comet is a sweetheart and tries to spoil you when he can
He mostly spoils you with love and attention though 
Sometimes he’ll bring you little trinkets from his missions 
Most are things that Boost or Sinker stole, that he stole from them 
He doesn’t tell you that, but you know anyways 
When he’s on missions he tries to comm you, but the pack always interrupts him
So he doesn’t comm you that often. 
Comet always spends his leave with you, he doesn’t want to waste any time away from you 
He’ll bring you to 79’s sometimes because the pack adores you
Comet is a little clingy, but you understand why 
He’s touch starved! 
Comet is a very anxious boy, so he probably won’t tell you about his insecurities for a while 
He thinks you’re going to leave him for his issues, especially because he can’t give you that much
You make sure to prove that you love him the way he is
He isn’t as confident as most clones, so he worries a lot 
Every now and then he’ll have panic attacks, so you’ll have to help him through those sometimes 
Comet tries to cover up his insecurities with jokes and such, but you can see through it 
Just kiss his forehead and reassure him every now and then
Comet has nightmares sometimes, but most nights he falls asleep pretty easily
Your warm clone boyfriend always sleeps snuggled up to you 
No matter if he’s in your embrace or it’s the other way around, he’s still relaxed 
Nothing is better then the warmth of his lover  
Comet loves you with all of his heart, and he’ll whisper that every night before drifting off to sleep 
Comet isn’t that experienced but the pack brags enough that he knows what he’s doing 
So you’ll have to teach him a little bit, luckily he’s a quick learner 
He never forgets what gets you going 
The first few times you two have sex he asks if everything feels good and all that 
Over some time he’ll become far more confident while having sex
After a long mission the first thing he did was pin you against a wall and kiss you 
That was the point where he fully confident in himself 
Comet is a soft boy, so he loves those long intimate nights! 
He’ll draw those nights out, making sure you cum as many times as possible 
He loves pleasuring you till you’re overstimulated 
Comet loves going rough too, especially when he’s stressed and pent up 
You usually can’t walk after a rough round 
He doesn’t dirty talk but he’s very vocal. He doesn’t hold back his pleasures 
Comet is a switch, so he’ll be dominant or submissive 
He’s especially loud when he’s subbing 
Like all clones, he’s up for anything really in the bedroom 
He won’t openly talk about his kinks, but he’s willing to listen to yours 
You soon learn what he likes after trying a few things out 
Comet loves giving you oral, he can’t get enough of your taste 
He was nervous about receiving it at first, but he quickly found out he loved it 
Comet has a breeding kink too, but he’s not at all ready for kids 
So he doesn’t care where he cums 
Comet will hold your hand in public, but he won’t fuck you in pubilc
He doesn’t want to be caught by anyone, especially the pack
Comet doesn’t tease in public. BUT! That doesn’t mean you can’t tease in public 
He’ll tease some in the bedroom, but he isn’t the type of guy that gets off to your begging 
Just some simple teasing for him
Comet is extremely caring so he always makes sure to clean you up with a damp towel 
If you two have the energy he might suggest a shower 
He always makes sure you fall asleep pleased and wrapped in his warm embrace
Tags: @hounding-around @catsnkooks @captainrexstan @valkyrieofthehighfae @roseofalderaan @royalhandmaidens @peacelandbread
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nerdybibeans · 3 years
 Random Dr,Nefarious headcanon Part 1
So, no one has ever asked for this but I have been reading a lot of Ratchet and clank fanfic, and recently replayed crack in time and the 2016 game, so here is a bunch of Dr nefarious headcanon, romantic and not
1 - Nefarious is somewhere on the autism spectrum, though he is extremely intelligent he struggles a lot in social settings, with more then 4 people, he becomes extremely anxious in large groups, he also can’t really read peoples emotions well which can make him seem a bit unfeeling towards others, Also Unless they are his jokes they well usually go right over him, which is why Lawrence can get away with insulting him constantly, Since he doesn’t really understand he is being sarcastic, he likes to stem with small soft things he can squeeze and are not easily destroyed, he also fidgets a lot with his hands when he gets very nervous, he also can struggle with expressing his own emotions, which is why he tends to blow up a lot,
2 - Nefarious desperately wants a relationship, despite not being very good with people he hates being alone, and having no one to talk to / at, and often worries about being alone for the rest of his life, since he struggles to maintain relationships, Mostly again since he doesn’t really always knows or understand what his partner needs emotionally from him, but he is a Down right hopeless romantic and thinks about romantic in general a lot,
3 - Nefarious does some-what misses being a ‘squishy’ now this strictly applies to the 2016 universe, but can be used in the Main one if you want, he misses just being able to sustained his own body temperature, and not having to worry about his mind glitching out, he also feels very uneasy in his new form for the first few months, trying to relearn everything,
4 - Nefarious and Elaris were Very close friends, again this applies to 2016, these two were basically inseparable and would hang out even outside of work, Elaris was also kinda his emotional support person, Especially as he felt more and more ostracize from the team, she was the one person in the rangers he didn’t want to hurt, even after leaving and going evil, and she still blames herself for not being a good enough friend and thinks maybe if she was better she could have prevented all of the 2016 game,
5 - Nefarious is very creative, outside of his evil plans and Weapon designing, he full on wrote a epic romantic action comedy space opera, and has probably written more, he is also a very talented artist and keeps a lot of his drawing hidden, since most of it is just fanart of things he enjoys, though he has no idea lawrence has gone through his sketchbooks multiple times, and so far only been traumatized twice,
6 - Nefarious had actually been fired from the Rangers about a year before he attacked the city, due to have a very public panic attack, he had been working for days on end without much more then a few hours sleep, and Qwark yelled at him when he found out he hadn’t finished the project, which completely pushed him over the edge, and he ended up completely breaking down...outside of the building, And The Rangers were about investigated because of it, which is why Qwark fired him,
7 - Nefarious is a total Cuddle Bug, in Cracken time we get to see his bed for a moment and he has way to many pillows for just one man, and he uses them all in some capacity, mostly for cuddling, but he will use them more normally if he has someone in his Bed with him, his favorite way to cuddle is just very ‘ subtly’ moving a little closer to whom ever he is with and putting him arms around them, once he got you should probably accept you’re not going to be leaving that position for at least a hour, since he will fall asleep or talk to you,
8 - he can’t regulate his own body temperature, for reasons unknown to both him and Lawrence, he struggles with getting overheated and freezing up, which is why he tries to stay in a very climate controlled area, but he can be on hotter planets for about 5 hours before he starts to have any negative affects, or overheats which usually results in him being kinda Drunk, while if he gets to cold he will pass out and won’t wake up until he at a reasonable temperature,
9 - he very secretly want a Family Nefarious grow up in a extremely dysfunctional home and was Very abused by his mother verbally, and maybe even physically sometimes, and he moved out the moment he turned 16, but as he gotten older he often wondered if maybe settling down is something he wants, maybe giving up on the whole galactic domination thing, but at the same time maybe once he achieve the galactic domination he can settled down, and find someone to rule with him, maybe even have a child with, even though the thought alone of being a father is a bit daunting, since he didn’t have one growing up is something he knows he wants, so he can have something that’s truly apart of him, that will live on passed all his other accomplishments, and someone who will love him unconditionally for in him mind no real reason,
10 - Nefarious is in his mid to late 30s, I don’t have much other then that lol
11 - Nefarious is extremely insecure, though he acts like he is Very confidence in everything he does, their are hits though the games that is it very much a façade, and he isn’t as bad as he plays up to be, he worries if he doesn’t constantly appear evil that the very few friends he has won’t like him anymore, but when he is alone he tends to be a bit more softer spoken and really just wants to relax,
And 12- he is surprisingly not a horrible boyfriend, despite having a hard time reading emotions and getting frustrated very easily, he does everything he can to show his partner he cares for them, in little ways such as sharing things he likes with them, or VERY proudly telling anyone who will listen that you are indeed his partner, he also will do his best to carve out a little a little time everyday just to hang out with you, no talking about work or taking over the Galaxy, just a hour or two of being together, he also likes to leave you little notes, since he finds it easier to tell you his emotions in writing, you will find them scattered throughout your apartment or work place, most of them are extremely cheesy and a bit over the top, but always very sincere, and finally if a very committed relationship and makes it passed the first year, he becomes very open and trusting, telling you just about anything you want to know about him, he also becomes a bit dependent if the relationship makes it a year, since that would be the longest one he had ever been in, and is constantly worried about fucking it up,
So yeah!! I hope y’all enjoyed this Dumb list, and tell me your opinions on it and if I should make more!! Of just relationship headcanon,
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wannabepygmalion · 3 years
30 factoids let’s gooo
( i just felt like doing these for fun... seeing briar do it + the ask memes got me thinking and i had the urge lmao )
1. His favorite Sanrio character is Cinnamoroll!! Also a fan of Marumofubiyori and Pompompurin.
2. Domino enjoys some music from pretty much any genre, but his favorite music usually is of the pop rock-pop punk-rock umbrella of sounds. He likes music that you could shout along to for Emotional Release (even though he will not actually do the shouting. he just still likes that vibe). 
3. He likes Animal Crossing. Probably doesn’t care too much about having a super finished and decorated island, but I imagine he tends to drift towards fall/autumn aesthetics and cottagecore vibes for what he does do… I think some of his favorite villagers would include Sylvana, Marshal, Teddy, Patty, Chief, Benjamin, Anabelle, Eunice, Shep, Hazel… he likes most of the Sanrio villagers too.
4. His favorite season is autumn, unsurprisingly.
5. Domino really likes dyeing his hair! He likes the sensation of looking in the mirror afterwards and his reflection feeling Different. 
6. He’s just so into art and art history. Once you get him to open up and he doesn’t feel like he’s annoying you, he will happily talk your ear off about (checks watch) the Corinthian order of Ancient Greek architecture. 
7. Also he does enjoy himself a little K-pop. He’s not super, super into it, but he has some groups he follows. Likes some songs he comes across. This is largely because I like to think about what kind of idols he’d bias since I”m so into it. I would name some groups he’d like, but I doubt any of them would still be around by 2030--
8. Growing up, his family never had any pets! Too busy. I think, honestly, Domino’s maybe never lived in a household that had pets, only met other people’s briefly. He would enjoy having a pet someday, but right now he doesn’t feel stable enough or like his life situation is good for a pet.
9. He has a couple fake succulents in his bedroom. He is currently too nervous that he’ll accidentally kill one and feel awful about it to try looking after a real plant.
10. His roommate’s name is Atlas! Atlas is a Twitch streamer who’s been getting more popular recently due to Minecraft roleplay, and is also a musician. Atlas’ online handle is Bird; his real identity is not public information.
11. Which. Yes, Domino has played Minecraft. But only on creative mode. He thinks it’s fun to build when his brain needs to chill, not really here for combat and all that.
12. He has a tattoo of a larkspur flower on one of his forearms; he got this pretty recently! Within the last 3 months or so.
13. He is banned from every Jamba Juice. If you ask him about this, he will either avoid it or tell you a different story every time.
14. Domino is actually really good at drawing as well as sculpting, but he heavily prefers sculpting. He’s been drawing for longer, but, when he first tried sculpting, something about it just clicked with him that he’d never experienced prior. 
15. He doesn’t drink alcohol, nor does he consume caffeine!
16. Atlas is also a faceless streamer -- his audience doesn’t know Domino exists beyond Atlas mentioning he has a roommate. Domino would like to keep it that way as much as possible.
17. He’s not a big spender… a good chunk of the money he earns from working goes to general life expenses -- rent, groceries, etc. He is not rich by any means. Money that’s leftover gets put away for when he needs to buy more art supplies; he spent a hot minute saving up for his tattoo since he wanted it to be nice.
18. Domino has an Instagram, but he doesn’t really do the “social” aspect of it. He just uses it more like a portfolio to post his work. Doesn’t respond to comments or anything, doesn’t look at it otherwise.
19. In general, he kinda avoids social media besides, like. Youtube and Twitch, and even then, he’s a diehard lurker for everything. He has spent some time browsing R/ddit, though, because it’s a decent place to see people talking about extremely specific experiences. Been on some specific forums too. Sometimes stuff like that makes him feel more validated and shit. Only valid R/dditor on the planet, etc. He absorbs other internet culture via osmosis from Atlas anyway.
20. He doesn’t drive! He still has a license for the sake of having a valid ID, but doesn’t drive with it. Doesn’t even have a car.
21. He has an older brother, who’s an engineer. He’s a couple years older and is off married somewhere else having an extremely normal life. Domino is estranged from his brother and has never met said brother’s wife. Probably didn’t even go to their wedding, honestly.
22. Domino doesn’t do commission work! He just kinda… does things at his own pace, then displays and eventually sells his work when it’s done.
23. The agent Domino works with is an older woman who works at a local art gallery that kinda took him under her wing. For obvious reasons. I mean, look at him. Her name is Veronica McCoy. Yes, I just took two names from Riverdale and slapped them together.
24. He doesn’t believe in soulmates! Or love at first sight, for that matter.
25. Domino’s usual typing style is actually a lot more laid back and casual -- no capitals, more prone to shortening words, etc. However, he types a lot more formally when it’s appropriate and/or he’s not comfortable with everyone in the convo. Similarly, he’ll loosen up a little in-person as he grows more at ease with you. To no one’s surprise, he will not give anyone nicknames unless they tell him to call them something else… he doesn’t want to offend.
26. Yes, he can and will swear if he’s comfortable with you. Yes, Domino can and will say ‘fuck’ -- though, he doesn’t throw it around constantly like some of my other characters. 
27. Domino has read a translation of all of Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses.’ He loves that shit.
28. I think cows are one of his favorite animals… he just thinks they’re cute and have very sweet faces. He never wants to touch T/kTok (or its future equivalent) with a 10-foot pole, but he would be very pleased if you sent him videos of cute animals. Curated content with none of the stress.
29. When very focused working on something, he tends to stick his tongue out. :P
30. Some plants I would associate with him include: cyclamen, columbine, and meadow saffron!
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(A Medieval!AU Loki x Stark!Reader Story)
Chapter Summary: Where our adventure begins...
Word Count: 2,018
Warnings: Angst? Breakups?
A/N: Thank you so much to those who liked the idea and decided this story was worth your time! I hope you enjoy!
Loki found himself looking out the window, while the woman on his bed slept soundly. He took a breath of the salty air that belonged to that dark and secretive night. A night of caresses and whispers, always aware that anybody could walk in but fully devoted to each other.
The northern star sparkled brightly against the dark sky and he found himself staring at it. At the millions of stars that he had explored yet still so many, he had out of his reach. He couldn't map further from what he could see. But there was no brighter star than the one that he had left to rest on his bed.
He approached her quietly and sat beside her. A hand petting her hair to wake her.
"Time to go love." He whispered as her eyes fluttered open.
She let out a heavy and sleepy sigh. "Must I?"
"I wish you hadn't. But you must."
"If only this wasn't so complicated..."
"Yes... If only." Loki stared out of the window. He knew this night was the last with his true love. "But despite what happens tomorrow, you must know that it was you. It was always and will always be just you."
They pressed their foreheads together, him trying to transmit his love for her and her trying to suppress the tears. After tonight these secret rendezvous and quiet cuddles would be no more. The dark prince was going to marry someone else, and there was nothing either of them could do.
"Promise me you'll never forget me." She asked him.
"I promise. But you also have to promise that you'll move on."
She kept quiet. Her golden hair was messy and it had fallen off her braid. Despite her disheveled look, she was still the most beautiful creature to Loki. His angel was struggling with her words, but he couldn't blame her. This was for the best, but it didn't mean that it wasn't hard.
Finally, she conceded. "I-I promise..." 
That night they would finally admit their love to each other, but they would have to painfully part before that love could ever be consumed.
The day of departure was extremely stressful for you. You paced around your room and Wanda helped you finish going over your luggage.
"Are you sure I have everything? Maybe double-check the list." You nervously paced as you pulled your dress to make it neater for the umpteenth time.
Wanda bit her lip in amusement. "Darling, this is the third time we have gone over about what you are taking and what you aren't. You have to take a breath. Everything will be fine."
You sat in front of your vanity and looked at the bags under your eyes in the mirror.
"Alright. Yes. Everything will be fine." You placed your head in your hands, and even though you tried to convince yourself, you had to admit that you really weren't feeling confident.
"This just needs to work Wanda. It does. I can't afford to slip up."
She kneeled next to you, and understanding look on her face. "I know my dear friend. But it will do you no good to worry like this. Come, you must speak to your brother. If you are nervous I can't begin to imagine how nervous he is."
You nodded and led the way to your little brother's room. After knocking, his brown eyes met yours and he beamed at you before tackling you into a hug. Not very princely like, but you loved him a lot so who cares.
"You came!" He beamed at you.
"Of course I came!" You smiled back. "I wouldn't want to leave without saying goodbye!"
A sad look crossed his face. "Do you really have to go?" He sheepishly asked.
"I know it's not ideal Peter, but it will only be for a little while, with some luck I'll be able to come back here soon." You tried to remain positive but the teen remained with a worried expression etched to his face.
"But you won't come back alone, will you?"
You hesitated. Your parents had been adamant about not letting Peter know many details, but you couldn't lie straight to his face.
"Best case scenario I won't."
"Why does that have to be the best-case scenario?" He grumbled, becoming slightly more annoyed.
"You know full well why Peter." You straightened up. "This is my duty and I'll fulfill it if I have to."
"But what about-"
Your glare and stern look shut him up immediately, especially after noticing a pair of guards walking nearby.
A sigh fell from your lips. "I don't wish to fight you."
"Me neither."
"Then please understand. I just want you to care for Morgan. And don't worry about me. I'm the royal heir. It's my obligation to worry about arranged marriages, not yours."
Both of your foreheads were pressed against each other. Both trying to draw strength from the other and still show your love, because you knew that in public you wouldn't be able to.
"I love you, little brother."
"And I, you."
The realm consisted of 9 kingdoms. Towards the ocean, was Asgard. A beautiful and towering kingdom. Rich in resources and culture. It was one of the biggest and most prosperous of the kingdoms.
To it's right was Vanaheim, which was a series of hunting tribes that had their own system of government. It was unusual for the Vanir to leave Vanaheim, and the thick vegetation and merciless fauna rendered it almost impossible to travel through it if not guided by a local.
To Asgard's left was Alfheim. An illustrious monarchy that made its home on the edge of the mountains, and had made itself rich for acquiring the precious gems and stones that decorated their palaces and streets. They lived quietly isolated and had refused for centuries to trade with any of the other kingdoms. But they had accepted to do so thanks to the Yggdrasil Accord.
Deeper into the mountains was Svartalheim. Their kingdom was to be found inside the mountains. Not much was known about them since they had remained isolated from the other kingdoms and despite the Accord, they still mostly kept to themselves.
At the top of the mountains and the subsequent valleys was Jotunheim. This kingdom was hostile. They bred warriors from infancy and were terribly dangerous to the other kingdoms. They were the strongest in the military sense. They had the best strategist and fiercest warriors. It was no surprise that anyone who approached the kingdom uninvited had gone missing and never heard of again.
In the valley below the mountains, there was Nidavelir. A kingdom of artisans and poets. A stark contrast to their Jotun neighbors, they were a complete opposite to them. Being mostly unarmed and interested only in refining their craft and methods of farming, they were the kingdom most defenseless yet with the most resources of the bunch.
Next, there was Niflheim. This was a neutral zone. A zone that was for the rulers of the kingdoms to come together in peace. As a result, the people of the place were pacifists and tried to share their ways with the other realms.
Then there was Hel. It had once been a powerful kingdom. But a raging fire had turned the green and beautiful forest into a barren and ashy wasteland. The people who lived there were ruled by their queen who barely had contact with the other kingdoms. Their system works like any other tribe would.
And finally, right in the middle of all the kingdoms, there was Midgard. The youngest of the kingdoms. This was your home. And this was yours to protect. Once you were old enough to understand your responsibility you took it with honor. Your small but resourceful centric land was everything to you. And you would protect it against the other kingdoms with your life.
"You've been looking at that map for a long time." You heard your father's voice.
He was coming towards you. His confident stride contrasting with the worry lines and sad smirk.
You smiled back at him before you looked back over the map. "Just making a mental list."
"Well. If I am to go to Asgard I must make a good case for my visit and arrangement, must I not?" You smirked back at him, hoping it would lighten his mood.
To your delight, he seemed to relax a bit, but it didn't last long before he took a good look at you and smiled sadly.
"You've grown so much, you know?" He cupped your face in his hands and brought you in a hug. "I'm proud of you."
You couldn't cry. You wouldn't allow your self. It wasn't fair to him. He needed you strong. 
"I love you, dad."
"And I love you, my little girl..."
The doors opened and you saw your mother stride in. Her strawberry blonde hair flowed as her cream dress did. She was the image of perfection and grace. Oh, how you wanted to be like her when you grew up.
She called your name softly and embraced you. You felt her love in the soft hug. She looked at you with the same fondness as your dad.
"She's become such a wonderful woman, hasn't she, Tony?"
He nodded in agreement. "Almost as beautiful as her mum."
"Oh, hush you make me blush." You teased.
"You'll be a wonderful queen when the time comes my dear." Your mother nodded towards you, disregarding your last teasing comment.
"Thank you, mother."
"That's why I keep saying that you don't need to go to Asgard!" Your dad tried to sway you once more before you left. "You're absolutely capable of managing Midgard by yourself! Just saying!"
Your mother tried to interject, but you beat her to it. You held your dad's hands and looked earnestly into his eyes.
"I know that, dad. I truly do."
"Then why go?" He basically breathed out, it was painful for everyone, but you knew that for your father it was probably the hardest.
"You know why. There is no other option. At least not one that would want to make an alliance with us. We have the common ground, and benefits to profit of." You lowered your head in slight resignation. "We both know that this was not what we had planned. But I'll do whatever it takes to keep our people and my family safe. Please... You have to trust me."
He looked back at your mom, searching for her to correct you, tell you there was another way, anything. But when he saw the resignation on her tired eyes he knew there was nothing he could do. You were going through with this. Like it or not, you were going to do it.
"I trust you. I just don't trust the Asgardians."
You pulled a section of your skirt where there was a hidden knife and he raised an eyebrow at you. "How many?"
"Three more under the skirt." You flipped a thin razor from your long sleeve dress. "One right here, just in case."
"Attagirl." He smirked back at you.
"Now those are for emergencies, alright dear? We don't want war. Please reconsider taking so many." Your mom tried to interject.
You gasped exaggerating your expressions. "Me, by myself at a strange kingdom and you prefer I go unarmed? Mother, you wound me worse than any Asgardians ever could."
She raised an eyebrow at you, unimpressed. "I'm just saying choose your battles, child. You go to make peace, so avoid inadvertently causing a war between us and Asgard."
The three of you went over the plan and the proposal once more, before they escorted you outside the castle and let you off to the mysterious land than was Asgard. 
As your home and family faded in the distance you saw Peter hugging Morgan to his chest who cried for her big sister. You finally allowed the tears to run. For you, your family, and everything that was about to be taken away from you.
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fallinnflower · 4 years
royal admirer
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jeonghan x reader (prince!jeonghan x actress!reader, fluff, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers!au)
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It’s a bit of a pity, really — modern-day princes really do nothing. To be fair, Jeonghan isn’t the type of person who enjoys doing too much, and the pressures of taking care of an entire nation would definitely qualify as just that, but he really doesn't do much but serve as a face for the country. But even that is a role he shares with celebrities and other public figures; really, he feels more like Crown Prince is just a role he plays more than an actual title. All it requires is for him to sit and look pretty, and occasionally address the nation when he and his advisors make important political decisions. 
Maybe that’s why he’s always been so interested in acting. It feels like that’s all he does in his day-to-day life. 
Jeonghan was the type of child to absorb performances in their entirety, never disruptive but enraptured by them. His mother had a love for musical theater which she seemed to pass on to him, but Jeonghan expanded from musicals to operas to plays to film. And because of his status as Crown Prince, he was allowed the best seats and free admission to any premiere he wanted, worldwide. He’d been to dozens of events, seen countless productions and met numerous professionals in the industry — and then he met you. 
Jeonghan would be the first to admit he was a fan of yours. He’d watched you grow on screen since you were both in your early teens, when you began popping up in indie films he stumbled upon. You seemed born for the screen, able to slip into every role with such confidence and ease that Jeonghan was soon seeking out any scraps of you he could find; films, interviews, anything. 
But you were elusive. You didn’t seem to do many interviews, and when you appeared at red carpets you were often humble almost to a fault. Every time Jeonghan heard you say something even mildly self-degrading in an interview, he had to pause the video and take a deep breath. 
Jeonghan had seen many performances. He had met those performers, and not one of them held a candle to you in his eyes. 
It was after you were forced to go on a brief hiatus due to vocal cord strain that Jeonghan decided he had to meet you. Someway, somehow, he had to get in contact. 
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Your first fan-mail letter arrived when you were fifteen. You had just gotten a relatively small role in a mini-series produced for a streaming service, and the letter was from a girl your age. That letter had been read so many times that you were concerned it would soon rip at the creases, so you seldom looked at it anymore unless you were in dire need of a pick-me-up. 
Eventually, more letters came — not a great many, but always enough and always right when you needed them most. However, when your hiatus was announced on your social media accounts, you were suddenly inundated with letters and comments on your posts. 
You received little drawings of yourself in-character from various people, get well soon cards, and then, strangely, one letter in an envelope with a wax seal and no return address. When it first appeared in your mailbox, you were extremely confused. You didn’t know anyone who used a wax seal, and you thought it was a mistake. Nonetheless, you brought it up to your apartment. 
At first, however, you couldn’t bring yourself to open it. You just stared at that wax seal in confusion, until eventually you decided to just stop wondering and open it. 
Shockingly, it was just fan-mail. The sender identified themselves simply as Jeonghan, no surname or other identifying factors. 
That was the first time you received a letter from Crown Prince Yoon Jeonghan (although you didn’t know it yet), but it wouldn’t be the last. 
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Jeonghan sent letters all through your hiatus. In his third letter he offered you his email and asked if you’d like to form a two-person film reviewing club, to which you quickly agreed. However, those emails soon proved to be somewhat long-winded and inconvenient, which is when the primary mode of communication became text messages. 
The thing is, once you exchange numbers with Jeonghan, your conversations gradually increase and become more casual, straying from your weekly movie reviews. It’s strange, you consider him a friend despite hardly knowing anything about him, but something about him just puts you at ease. He has a melodic sort of voice, especially so when he’s making teasing remarks, and you can’t help but grow attached. 
He’s there for you when your hiatus ends and you start going through scripts, trying to decide on your next project. When you finally do, Jeonghan is the first of your friends to know about the new role you’ve accepted. 
You try to keep in contact during filming, but it’s difficult for you — long hours on set mean that you go back to wherever you’re resting your head that night absolutely exhausted, and you barely have the energy to scarf down a meal, let alone message your friends. But nonetheless Jeonghan is always sending messages of encouragement, patiently awaiting the release of your film. 
Eventually, those long hours come to a close and the premiere is approaching. It’s not a very big affair, due to the indie status of the film, but the director has gained enough traction to get it released in theaters. 
Premiers have always made you nervous, because you’re just you. When you play a character, you can have as much confidence as is necessary for the role, but when it’s just you being yourself you tend to shy away from microphones and flashing cameras. However, it’s part of the job, so the evening of the premier you wear a brand new dress. It’s long and black, with flecks of blue and bronze glitter in the flowing skirt that you think resembles the night sky. It isn’t overly flashy, but you think it suits your style well enough. Your image has never been a flashy one. 
You feel wonderful until you reach the interview portion at the end of the red carpet; when all your fans are wanting to shake your hand and congratulate you on your return to the big screen, you feel on top of the world. It takes you a moment to compose yourself when you finally do reach the end, because you’re dangerously close to crying looking out at the crowd gathered around. 
“Are you alright, Miss Y/N?” One of the reporters asks as you gently swipe your knuckles below your lash line. You let out a soft laugh and nod. 
“Yes— I’m just, I'm honored and overwhelmed by all the support I got during my hiatus and even now. I really appreciate it, even though I don’t know that I deserve it.” The end of your sentence is drowned out by cheers of excitement from the crowd, and you feel your eyes welling up with tears again. The reporter makes a teasing comment about your softness, at which you let out a watery laugh before you allow yourself to be led inside the theater by the director and your co-star. You can’t help but sniffle, trying to hold back tears—
Without any warning, a handkerchief suddenly appears before you. 
“Thank you,” you say, dabbing under your eyes in an effort to preserve your makeup. Whoever it is beside you gently places a hand on your lower back and resumes walking into the theater with you. 
“You should really give yourself more credit, you know.” At the sound of that voice, you nearly trip over your own two feet. 
“Jeonghan?” you ask, looking up into a pair of dark eyes that glimmer playfully in the low light of the theater. He smiles at you, and you feel your eyes widen before they well up with tears once more. You look up at the ceiling and blink rapidly, at which point Jeonghan laughs and takes the handkerchief from you, gently dabbing under your eyes. 
“No wonder you cry so well on camera,” he jokes, and you swat at his arm playfully. 
“Shut up,” you whine. “You never said you’d be here! How did you even get in?” Jeonghan’s cheeks flush slightly at that, and you gasp once you realize how rude your words might have sounded. 
“I didn’t mean— sorry, I just—” He cuts you off by laughing once again,
“You’re cute. I’ll explain later. For now, they’re all waiting for you in the theater.” He offers you his arm, and although you have a million questions racing through your head all at once, you simply nod and rest your hand in the crook of his elbow. 
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One thing you’ve learned throughout your years as an actress is that you tend to have a hard time watching yourself act. It’s a surreal experience, and so you can’t say you’re surprised at yourself for focusing more on Jeonghan than the actual movie playing in the theater. At some point during the screening he offered you his hand, and you took it, making you feel an awful lot like a teenager on a first date. That feeling only intensifies when he drapes his blazer over your shoulders as you both prepare to go back outside, explaining that the temperature has dropped considerably in the hour or so you’ve been inside. You nervously chew on your lower lip as he holds the door open for you. 
“I guess I should hail a cab,” you muse, looking up at the sky. The stars are blotted out by dark clouds, and it already smells like rain — normally, you wouldn’t mind walking a bit, but you’d really rather not get caught out in the rain in this dress and heels. Jeonghan looks down at you with one eyebrow gently raised. 
“A cab?” You nod in response to his question. 
“The last bus is in four minutes, I won’t make it in time.” You can feel his gaze on you and so you finally turn your gaze away from the road, where you had been watching for a taxi to hail, and Jeonghan is looking at you with such bemusement that it makes you blush almost immediately. 
“What?” You half-grumble, looking away. He just chuckles and shakes his head. 
“Nothing,” he says. “My driver is here, if you want a ride?” 
“Driver?” You ask, but Jeonghan has already begun walking in the direction of his car, and you follow, desperate for answers to all your questions. 
“Where to?” he asks, opening the car door for you. You tell him the name of the hotel you’re staying at, at which point he slides into the seat beside you and gently raps his knuckles against the tinted glass divider between the two of you and the driver. He relays the address, and then the divider is shut again, just like that. You merely stare at Jeonghan, and as the driver pulls into the road he gives you a somewhat bashful look. 
“I suppose I have some explaining to do.” You simply nod at this, body turned towards him in the backseat. His gaze falls to where your knees are almost touching, a gentle smile gracing his features; you watch the colored lights of the city flit across his face, waiting for him to sort his thoughts. 
“Well,” he says, with a sigh. “I’m the Crown Prince.” All you can manage to do for a moment is blink, feeling all the breath gradually leave your body. 
“The what.” It isn’t even a question; it has no inflection as it falls past your lips, and Jeonghan flashes you yet another one of those seemingly embarrassed, shy smiles. He gently takes hold of your hands, which you barely notice because you’re pretty sure you’re in shock. 
“And a huge fan of your work,” he adds. 
“My— you’re a prince?” 
“Is that really so shocking?” he chuckles, leaning in a little closer to you. Although his gaze is playful as before, you can tell he’s being one hundred percent serious. 
“Holy shit,” you breathe. Then, realizing what you’ve just said, you quickly cover your mouth. “Sorry, just— oh my God.”
Jeonghan only laughs at your astonishment, as unbothered as ever, though his grip on your hands does tighten for a moment as if to anchor you. To your surprise, his reassuring gesture does seem to bring you back down to earth a bit. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me from the start?” you ask, and he shrugs. 
“I didn’t want to get special treatment. I wanted to get to know you organically, without my title influencing you.” You feel a blush rising on your cheeks and pull your hands from his to cover your face. 
“Why are you hiding?” he asks, his voice lower now, gentle. Hearing it you can’t help but think of all your texts and audio messages, and you let out a little whine. 
“I feel stupid.” Jeonghan chuckles, gently prying your hands away from your face and taking them once again in his own. You slowly let your eyes flutter open, allowing your gaze to drift up and meet his once again. 
You don’t think you’ve ever been looked at with such tenderness off-set. You’ve played a love interest many times in your life, but due to your hectic schedule you haven’t really had any meaningful, long relationships — but right now Jeonghan is looking at you like you’re the center of his world, and it makes you want to cry again. 
“It’s really nice to meet you, Y/N,” he murmurs, and you bite down on your lip. 
“Nice to meet you, too,” you say, and then, unable to keep the teasing smile off your lips, “Your Highness.”
He’s quick to playfully scold you for calling you anything other than his name, but while he’s distracted you lean forward and press a quick kiss to his cheek. It shuts him up immediately, and you grin cheekily, seeing your own joy reflected back in his eyes,
And when you exit the limousine at your next premiere, it’s on the arm of Crown Prince Yoon Jeonghan — or, as some know him, your playful, film-loving boyfriend.
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cloudyyoonji · 4 years
Hwang Hyunjin X Reader  
Summary: Lovelorn; The state of being sad because of the problems love brings. Stupid projects mean even stupider decisions when your in college. 
Genre: Super fluffy! College Fluff!! _____________
“What about proving gravity wrong?”  
The boy across from can only groan, folding into a pile on his notebook, pen falling from his hand.  
“You’re seriously so dumb,” Hyunjin groans into his sleeves.   “You know this project is like half our grade right?”  
“No shit sherlock.” You spit, rolling your eyes as you lean back into your chair.   “I seriously think we’re going to fail this unit. There’s seriously nothing.”  
“Hey!” Now he’s sitting up, eyes wide. “I’ve given plenty of suggestions!”  
“Hyunjin, being able to resist eating an open pizza box for 24 hours is not proving anything wrong.”   “Hey, it shows that we've got strong will power!"
You groan now, throwing your head back.  
On the unlikely chance to choose your partners for a project, you were both stumped with the project question of ‘Prove me wrong’, the topic as widespread as the question.  
Just what were you proving wrong? Whatever you two wanted to prove wrong.  
Hyunjin sits up suddenly, eyes wide with the essence of ‘eureka’.  
“What if we did an article on celebrity lives? Like the whole dating for publicity thing?”  
His voice grows more excited as the words pour from his mouth, the cogs clearly turning in his brain.  
“What if we proved that fake dating doesn’t always lead to love like people seem to think it does?!”  
You watch him for a solid minute, trying to wrap your head around this concept your best friend was suggesting to you.  
Fake dating?   Would people even believe that you two would date?!  
“Fake dating? I mean...” you trail off, fiddling with your ring, eyes averted to the table.  
“Y/N! It’s perfect!” The boy exclaims, grabbing your shoulders over the table. “Just think of it! It’s perfect, we can use extra media, like vlogs and shit too! We both know that there’s no risk that we could fall in love, so why not?”  
You couldn’t argue, even as you looked him in the eyes.  
He was right. He was always right.  
Plus, you two could use the bonus points of the extra media in the presentation.  
“Fine,” you hold out your hand, catching his in a firm handshake. “I swear that we will prove that this fake dating shit doesn’t end in love.”  
“Here’s too that.”  
13 days. That's all would only be.13 days of fake dating your best friend; Hwang Hyunjin.  
What had you expected?  
Things run as they normally do during the first 24 hours of the project.   Honestly, if fake dating Hyunjin was going to be this easy, you would’ve signed up for this years ago.  
With no relationship knowledge under your belt, you certainly knew that having a relationship couldn’t be this easy, right?  
Though you two were set on making an “itinerary of dating” for your project, you were happy with the way things were going. At first, you’d thought that this whole relationship thing was going to be overwhelming, and astoundingly difficult. But, things were still oddly normal around you two.  
That is until he pulled the camera out.  
Amidst a vlog type video, he looks over at you, the movie on the television loud in the background.  
“What?” You groan, covering your face, trying to shy away from his camera lens.  
“We should start the project. That involves filming the process, remember Y/N?”  
You groan in response, now pulling the blanket over your body, one hand still covering half your face.  
“Hey! We should cuddle, just like normal couples do when they watch movies.”  
Now your hand drops, Hyunjin’s camera capturing both your faces to gauge your reactions to this whole fake dating scenario.  
“I searched it up and found an article that said the first thing a lot of couples do is cuddle, and hold hands. It’s like the building blocks of a relationship.”  
“Aren't Chan and Felix coming over soon though? Aren’t you guys studying?”  
“Yeah, but we have to tell them at some point. Remember, we’re dating now.”  
You’re silent, pulling the blanket closer to your body now, eyes meeting his.  
“Can you put the camera away? This just feels so wrong.”  
He sighs, lowering his phone to press stop on the video, eyes back on yours.  
“We have to document this Y/N.”   “I know,” you say defensively, curling tighter into your legs. “But it's just...”  
Now he’s concerned, pushing himself across the couch to sit down next to you, a hand resting on your shoulder.  
“Hey, if you’re not comfortable with this idea, we can just change it.” “No, no, no. It’s not important. Let’s just drop it.”  
His head drops to catch your eye, concern written on his features.   “Y/N, what’s going on? You can tell me you know.”  
You sigh now, eyes closing as you let your body relax into the pillow behind you.  
“I don’t know if I’m right, for this project, I mean.”  
He’s confused, silence urging you to continue on, explain more.  
“Hyunjin, you’re experienced. You’ve been in a relationship. I’ve never been in a relationship in my life. I have no experience. You know? I don’t know what to do, or how to act! It’s all new to me!”  
You sigh, trying to gather your thoughts.  
“I just don’t think I’m the right partner for this idea.”  
“Hey,” he takes your hand now. “I don’t care that you’re not experienced. I didn’t pick you for experience, I picked you because your my best friend, and we can learn together.”  
He moves a little closer, catching your eye again.  
“I’ll show you. I’ll be your teacher. You know what, don’t think of this as a project, but rather ‘Relationship Advice 101: The Basics’ okay?”  
You smile at the name, looking at him properly now.  
“You’d do that?”   “Of course.”  
The conversation stops there, comfort setting in as your big secret is finally off your shoulders, lightening your load and mood as your eyes trace back to the movie, interested in the characters.  
However, it seems your ‘Relationship Advice 101: The Basics’ class was about to begin, the boy tapping your shoulder before patting the space next to him, urging you to move closer.  
Shooting the boy a questioning look, you scoot over, throwing half the blanket over him as you do so.  
He wraps his arm over your shoulders, pushing you a little closer to him.  
Ah, cuddling. The first building block of a relationship.  
Its still, awkward even, for a few moments, both of you watching the movie, tense bodies brushed together.  
“Hey,” Hyunjin’s voice is gentle, nowhere above a whisper, his tone something you’d never heard before.   “You can relax a bit, you’re really tense.”  
“How?” You ask, unsure of how to get comfortable in such a position with someone who was only your best friend.  
“Well, you can move more into my chest more, so you’re comfortable. Just try and find a position that’s comfortable for you, don’t stress about me.”  
Giving an apprehensive nod, you turn into him more, a hand coming to tentatively rest on the boys' chest, head pressed to his shoulder.   His grip on you readjusts as you do, strangely comfortable.  
You let out a nervous smile.  
“This is kind of nice.”   “Cuddles are always nice.”  
And just like that any means of conversation diminishes between you both, gaze on the movie.  
But even your gaze on that diminishes, as does your ticking mind.   Your body relaxes more into Hyunjin as your brain shuts off for the night, worries as light as the night air.   ____
The sound of a ringing alarm draws you out of your dreams, a hand trying to find your phone in amongst the blanket.
The sound is cut off, making you give a small sigh of relief, settling back into your comfortable position.  
You groan in response, fingers twisting with the blanket.  
A hand comes in contact with your arm, shaking your body slightly. You shoo it away, eyes clamped firmly shut.  
“Y/N, we have things to do today.”  
It's like all at once you’re hypersensitive of the owner of the voice, extremely aware of the grip in your arm, and where your head is rested.  
Opening your eyes you see Hyunjin in the same position that he was when you’d fallen asleep last night, your head still rested comfortably on his shoulder, hand splayed out on his chest. However, his attention is on his phone, fingers typing a response back to someone.  
You rip yourself from him, eyes wide.   He only gazes at you nonchalantly, sitting up.  
“You fell asleep.”   “And why didn’t you wake me?” You ask, eyes wide as you search for your phone.  
Your roommate was going to kill you for this.  
“You never get any sleep,” He tells you, soft tone enough to stop your franticness for just a second. “I didn’t wake you because you needed to sleep.”  
Giving him a small smile, your fingers find your phone, however, your gaze remains on the boy, eyes smiling at him.  
“You’re too kind Jin, but what am I going to tell my roommate. She’ll fry me for this.”   “We’ll we are ‘dating’ now, so you’ll just have to tell her you spent the night with your boyfriend.”  
His comment makes you splutter, eyes wide.   “Spent the night!?”  
Hyunjin only laughs at your state, pushing himself into standing position to tap your shoulder reassuringly.  
“We have a big day today, I’ll meet you at your apartment so we can work on this itinerary shit. The group wants to catch up too, Chan and Felix are asking questions."
Groaning as he leaves the room, you in turn also push yourself off the couch, gathering your things as you prepare yourself for the walk back to your dorm room.  
“See you soon then, Jin!”   “Bye Y/N!”  
Nobody questions a thing.  
From Hyunjin’s hand in yours to the way your roommate smiled when he’d come knocking at your door, your relationship seemed to be believable in the best way possible.  
Even your friends, when you’d sent the girls a frantic text on the group chat and shyly nodded to Hyunjin’s group, had congratulated you both in open arms, and the countless ‘I knew it’ statements.  
Any anxiety about actually getting away with the project had completely faltered, all you guys needed to do was keep the ‘dating itinerary’ safe away from the eyes of absolutely anyone.  
You guys had planned to go on three dates for a more reliable experiment, your last date being a somewhat fancy one for a more memorable experience.  
Any time in between the dates was filled with having coffee at the local cafe or watching a movie together. In the meantime, the day would be filled with working on the project together, linking the videos to the PowerPoint slide, writing a reflection, cross-linking with social theories.
It was a good plan, bound to work.   It had to work.  
It was working. Everything was going smoothly.  
Four days had passed without a hitch, your credibility growing when people saw you holding hands in public, or when you’d hug each other goodbye for the day only to reunite at the coffee shop some 8 hours later.  
But your anxiety had ridden dangerously high when you’d received a text from Hyunjin during your lecture, reading “My dorm. Now. Urgent.”  
What had happened? Had your idea been canned by the teacher? Was he hurt? Did he not want to continue the experiment?  
Packing all of your things on the sound of the bell, you bolt off towards the dorm rooms, arriving at Hyunjin’s in no less than 3 minutes.  
You knock on the door, hard, eager to get inside.
It opens, a mildly stressed Hyunjin standing in its wake, his hair tousled as if he’d been running his hands through it over and over.  
You’d seen him like this before, but there was something about the crease in his forehead that makes your heart sink a little.  
With a wave of his hand, you’re invited inside, following him into the small kitchen, where Jisung, his roommate is sitting.  
Giving him a confused side gaze, you sit down as he does, waiting for someone to speak.  
Jisung holds up a piece of paper, one you instantly recognize, one that was an important piece in your experiment.  
“So you two aren’t together?” He asks, eyes tracing from Hyunjin to you.  
You don’t quite know how to answer, eyes wide as you look to Hyunjin.  
“I’ve explained it to him, briefly. I thought that it might help if you explain too.”  
“Oh...” you trail off, thumbs fiddling together.  
“Yeah. We’re not. Look Jisung, I'm sorry we lied to you. It’s for a project you see, we have to prove something wrong, and we chose to prove that fake dating doesn’t always equal in two people falling in love as everyone thinks.”  
He nods at this, processing.  
“And you guys obviously need everyone believing your dating for this to work right? All your friends? And the boys?”  
You both nod.  
“Right. Okay...” the boy trails off, sliding the sheet of paper back to Hyunjin.   “I’ll keep your secret. Don’t stress. You guys look so pale right now.”  
You and Hyunjin seem to let out a breath at the same time.  
“Thank you.” You whisper, hands pressed together as you smile up at him.  
Jin smiles too, patting the boy's arm as a sign of thanks.  
“Well, it seems that you guys have a date to get to right? Today’s what, day four? You should get ready.”  
Giving you both a smirk, he hits Hyunjins arm as he gets up with a wink.  
The other boy groans at this.   “He’s going to tease me about this non-stop now that he knows what we’re doing.”  
You shrug nonchalantly, your own small smirk on your features.  
“Sorry buddy, I have to get ready for our staged date.”   “I’ll meet you at 6 then? At your dorm?”  
You nod, bidding him a cheeky goodbye, yelling out to Jisung as you’re leaving too.  
At least the situation had become somewhat lighter, right? Now that Jisung knows, this experiment could only go the way you both wanted it too, to prove your points that love doesn’t always have to bloom between two close people.  
In an hour and a half, you’ve wiped off the grime of the day, replacing it with a skirt and some hoop earrings.  
On cue, you hear Hyunjin’s knock at the door right at 6pm.  
Shuffling to the door, you open it in a quick motion, struggling to get your earring in.  
“Hey, come in, I’ll just be one second.”  
You skip back to the kitchen, earring finally in place, grabbing your bag off the bench as Hyunjin waits in the doorway.  
“Did you film anything beforehand? I did a short one just about the fact we were going on a date.”  
He nods, eyes wandering around the dorm room nervously.   You sneer, hitting his side as you open the door.  
“She’s not here, I wouldn’t talk about something like this if my roommate was in the other room.”  
“Well, I wasn’t sure if you’d told her, after Jisung and all.”  
You shake your head, locking the door before following him down the halls.  
“Where are we going?”   “You’ll find out.”  
You let him lead you through the buildings, going up some stairs and through some overpasses, unsure of your final destination.  
Pushing open the door, he gestures for you to walk past him, your eyes wandering over the rooftop location.  
Sitting down on the bench seat, you can't but help marvel over the view.  
“I come here when I’m stressed.” The boy tells you, eyes wandering over the horizon of the university campus.  
“It's beautiful up here,” you comment. “Very calm actually.”  
“The sunset should be soon. It’s really nice from up here. I thought that this might make an alright first date for my fake girlfriend.”  
You can hear his smile, even see the way his eyes are shining. He was happy, happy that he was making you happy perhaps. After all, he was teaching you all these things.  
Was this what a first date always entailed? So many questions yet so many answers at once?  
He was right, as always. There was something about the way the sunset looked from up here that set it apart from everything in your life. Encircled in orange and pink hues, you two watch as they fade to a shining purple, the night peaking from under the clouds magnificently.  
You’re mesmerized, not just by the light show, but by Hyunjin's sincere gesture.  
“So this is what a date is like.” You speak, eyes never leaving the beauty of the sky.  
“It sure is,” the boy answers, turning to look at you. “Fake or not, I thought you’d actually like this.”  
“I love it. Thank you.”  
And with that, you two walk back through the nights breeze, lead back through the buildings to your dorm room.  
“I know I'm not the best fake boyfriend, but I’m glad that you liked it. It’s the best I could figure out without making it too awkward between us...” Hyunjin trails off, a hand resting on the back of his neck.  
But you smile, sincerely, throwing your arms around your best friend to trap him in your tight embrace of a hug.
A hug you rarely gave to anyone.  
“Thank you again.” You mumble, pulling back with a wide smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”  
He nods, features mirroring your own smile.   “I’ll see you then.”  
It seemed that your ‘date’ with Hyunjin hadn’t solved all the problems in the world like you’d originally thought, but rather the stress of any college student had hit you like a ton of bricks.  
Bad test scores.   Money trouble.   Lack of concentration.   Lack of sleep.  
All combined together, you were sure that this was a horseman of the apocalypse, a fifth more unforgiving one that was reserved just to torture college students.  
Sighing into your notes for the hundredth time, your attention came to rest on your phone, the text from Hyunjin almost comforting in its own strange way.  
“Okay, 4 days of M.I.A studying is enough. Date tomorrow. Wear something pretty. I’ll come to get you at 1.”  
You texted a reply, sighing as your head hit the desktop.  
Now you couldn’t get him off your mind.  
That was an issue you were sure you wouldn’t have to face in this experiment. After all, you two were only friends, right?  
When this experiment finished, things would go back to normal, as if they never happened. You’d been sure of it.  
But 7 days in, you really weren’t so sure.   Your heartfelt a certain way around him, and when he’d grab your hand, you had to will yourself back to civilization, back to the reality that this was only - and would only -be an experiment for your project.
Nothing more.  
Surely your feelings were just all part of the experience, the learning of the way of relationships.   Perhaps Hyunjin simply was just a good boyfriend.  
But not yours.   He wasn’t your boyfriend. He is your friend. Nothing more, nothing less.  
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you blink up at the 11.57pm illuminated on the screen of your phone, eyes tired.  
Perhaps you should go to bed.   It seemed tomorrow was going to be the biggest day of them all, and you’ll need all the extra sleep you can get.  
So you abandon your papers, and climb into bed, thoughts of Hyunjin never leaving your mind.  
Slapping a hasty snooze on the alarm that has already rung its fourth course, you push yourself up into sitting position, head in your hands, tiredness sitting on your chest.  
Perhaps all those sleepless nights had finally decided to make their presence known.   And all on this particular day.  
Groaning into your hands, you run your fingers through your hair, grabbing your phone from the nightstand.  
You have 5 hours. Five hours to wake up. Five hours to get yourself ready. Five hours to wipe off all your grime and prime yourself up for a fancy date.
A date with Hwang Hyunjin - your best friend, your fake boyfriend.  
You were never the best with girly things, especially not your appearance.
Upon opening your closet, it was clear that you were out of your depth.   Unable to separate the whites from the pinks, you hailed your roommate in a mild yell, your crossed armed stance never faltering even when your roommate throws clothing at you to try on.  
Rather, your roommate takes the lead now, prepping you prime and pretty for your date, the dress something from her wardrobe, hair and makeup complete with her signature style.
1pm comes, Hyunjin's knock at the door only a few minutes late.   Your roommate is the one who answers it, greeting him with a smile, yelling for you to - as she puts it - “Hurry your ass up.” and “not keep your beautiful boyfriend waiting."
Even just the sight of him makes your heart flutter. Tall, dark and handsome, the boy looks considerably attractive in his suit.  
Silently, you swear at yourself for the thought.   You can’t think about this, not now. Not whilst you two were so close in proving your points.  
Hand-pressed into yours, he gingerly leads you to his car.  
“So where are we going?”   “You’ll find out.”  
You huff at his tight lips, wishing that he’d at least give you a hint, eyes staring eagerly out the windshield.
Pulling up some 10 minutes later at a lake, he gestures for you to get out, a smirk on his features when he sees your surprised expression.
So you open the door and climb out, never once breaking eye contact with the beautiful view as you wander forward, Hyunjin close behind.
“Wow.” you breathe, turning back around to face him, seeing that a blanket has already been laid down, but the boy is hidden behind the screen of his camera, lens focused on you.  
“Hey! You didn’t tell me you were filming!”  
He laughs at this, head popping out to face you.  
“I couldn’t disturb how marvelled you are.”  
You smile at this, eyes lingering on his for a moment before switching towards the open picnic basket.  
The camera is abandoned from his grip, hand held out to you now.  
With a small smile, you sweep your hair behind your ear, taking his hand as he guides you towards the blanket, gesturing for you to sit.  
With tousled hair and cheese and crackers, you watch the afternoon roll by over the lake.  
His phone is abandoned on the blanket, the containers empty.  
You were both quite comfortable, leaned back, light on the conversation.  
As the breeze hits your skin in goosebumps, you cross your arms in an attempt to keep out the cold.  
Hyunjin already has his jacket off when you turn to face him, body close to yours as he throws it over you shoulders, fingers fastening one of the buttons.  
“No one has ever given me their coat before.” You tell him, cheeks tinted a heated pink.  
“Well,” he looks at you now, leaning back onto his arms, head lulled to the side to face you. “Everyone is just a douche bag then.”  
Giving him a small smile, you look down at the coat.  
“Thank you for this though. It’s beautiful.”  
“You’re more than welcome.” He pauses, making you look at him, but his eyes are trained on the horizon before you. “You know, I think that you deserve to be treated like this at least once in your life.”  
You don’t quite know how to answer, eyes faltering as he turns to face you, cheeks burning red.  
And it isn’t the last time you do exactly that.  
As the day dissolves into the evening, you find yourself relaxed into his shoulder, heart beating nervously in your chest as his head pressed against yours, legs sprawled out against yours but crossed at the ankle.  
“I know I’ve said this,” you whisper, “but this is seriously the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, fake or not.”   “You’re most welcome Y/N.”  
Head pulling away from yours, you two find yourself in that same scene that was in every romantic movie you’d ever seen.  
That one look that is so adorning, so love-filled. The one look that builds the tension in the air, but just the right amount.  
You also know what comes after this type of look.  
This was easily where you two were meant to kiss, bodies moving closer like magnets, the kiss sweet.  
But this time, it’s not like that.  
Breaking away from your eyes, the boy looks back at his car than to his watch.  
“We should probably head back. It is sort of late.”  
You nod in agreement, aware of the awkwardness in his voice, helping to fold the blanket as he packs up the basket.  
Even the ride home is awkward, just what you were initially afraid of.  
Determined to break the tension, you suggest walking him back to his dorm, which he only laughs at.  
“You know that it’s normally my duty to do that.”   “Well Mr Hwang, I want to break this tradition of yours.”  
So he lets you, basket abandoned in the car, the sound of your clacking heels in the car park almost as loud as the silence between you as you two walk.  
Pulling out his keys he unlocks the door, pushing it open just a crack.   “Why don’t you come in?”  
You look up from the floor, eyes wide.   “You’re sure?”  
Perhaps you say it a little too eagerly, because his eyes cresent into moons, smile wide as he nods.  
Throwing the keys somewhere on the bench, you’re invited into the familiar room, the boy waving you to follow him to his room.  
“You left something here when you were the other day.”  
“I did?” You question, racking your brain for what it might be.  
Plopping onto his bed, you watch as he wanders around the room, racking through the draws of the tallboy.  
“Ah!” He exclaims, holding out something in his palm to you.   Two little gold hoop earrings lay flat, your eureka moment hitting you as you remember taking them off when you two were watching movies.  
“Oh! I remember taking them off!” You exclaim, taking them wide a wide smile.   “Thank you!”  
He smiles, plopping down next to you, shoulder touching yours, sleeves now rolled up at his elbows.  
“You look tired,” Hyunjin tells you as you lay your head on his shoulder, eyes slowly closing as your body relaxes.  
“I am tired.” You reply, mumbling.  
His head comes on top of yours again, his body relaxing too.   “Me too.”  
You’re not sure how long you two are sitting there, but you’re awoken by some shuffling.  
Eyes opening, you realize that you’ve both fallen asleep, Hyunjin’s head still rested on top of yours, breathing slow in your ears.  
In the crack of light peaking through the doorway, a tired Jisung passes along the doorway, shoes in his hand.  
Upon seeing your open eyes, he presses a finger to his lips, smile wide at the sight of you two.  
Within a haze of sleep, you smile back too, eyes closing once more as sleep bites at you, luring you back into the darkness, and the arms of none other than Hwang Hyunjin.  
The countdown is slowly diminishing before your eyes, mind stuck on passing your exams, rather than your project with Hyunjin.  
If you didn’t think about him, that would make this ordeal easier, right?
It would make the project easier to present. It would fill the “going back to friends” with some normality that you could fathom.  
Everything was ready to go, other than your hypothesis.  
It seems that falling for Hyunjin was easier than you’d thought.  
“Y/N! You have to come to the party!”
You roll your eyes at the boy, taking another swing of your coffee.  
“But why? You know I hate them! Chan’s parties are just too much most of the time!”  
“Because now that you’re my girlfriend, you have to come to the party’s I’m going too! It’s like the code!”  
You roll your eyes again, shaking your head.  
Hyunjin stops your walking with a hand on your shoulder, pleading look glinting in his eyes as he presses his hands together.  
“Please? Come with me? I’ll buy your coffee for a solid month. And you can choose the next movie on movie night!”  
This makes you smile a bit, the offer a ray of sunshine in your broke college lifestyle.  
“Fine. Only because I have no money,” you tell him. “But you have to promise to actually do that.”  
“Of course, I promise.” The boy says, wrapping his pinky with yours.  
Splitting ways, you head off to your next class, the remainder of the day a headache and a half.   The last thing you wanted to do was collect yourself for a party after such a long day.  
Sighing to yourself, you throw your bag at the bed, getting yourself ready for the night ahead.  
Upon arriving at the party, you’re beginning to realize just how shit parties are when your sober, you early morning presentation holding the two of you captive, locked away from any of the drinks.  
Weaving through the flurry of people, you crane your head for even a look of Hyunjin - or any of the boys for that matter, music as loud as the swaying bodies and terrible singing.  
“You’re Hyunjins girlfriend right?”
Whipping around to the girl who has tapped your shoulder, you ignore the urge to roll your eyes, Clarissa and her so-called possy knitted together tightly behind you. If college was high school, these girls would be the “popular group”, the biggest bitches to have ever walked the earth, living proof that people don’t just grow out of wanting to stick their noses into everyone’s business.  
“Yeah,” you nod, pulling to the side of the room. “I am.”
She smiles, one of those honey smiles, sticky with fakeness.   “Good. But, you know. I’ve been asking around, and it seems that you two have never actually kissed.”  
Is this girl serious?   She’s wasting her time buy inquiring if you and Hyunjin have kissed?  
“Just so you know, it’s none of your business.” You tell her, a lie on your tongue. “But yes, we have kissed, in public too, Clarissa.”  
“Well that’s a relief,” she sweats, giving you another sugar-coated smile.   “Because there’s a rumour going around at the moment, but I’m glad you can dispel them Y/N.”  
“What’s the rumour?”  
Hyunjins body is close to yours, hands resting on your shoulders, voice loud as he speaks.  
You can almost hear the venom in his words, see how his eyebrows are raised in false interest.  
“Oh,” she sighs, eyes flicking to the side before she leans in, hand half-covering her mouth. “People think your fake dating.”  
“Well, that’s bullshit and you know it.”   His words are straight to the point, hand taking yours.   “The boys are over here, come on.”  
And so you let him whisk your anxious self away, her words fresh in your mind.  
Your whole cover could be blown with this one rumour, whether she knows or she doesn’t, you have to make sure she doesn’t let this one slip.   But how? You weren’t quite sure.  
Rolling your eyes at your lack of solutions, you shoot a friendly smile at the group, who grow closer with every footfall.  
“What the fuck did Clarissa want with you?” It’s out of Felix’s mouth as soon as you’re close enough to here him, a disgruntled groan leaving yours as a response.  
“That bad?”   “Worse.” You answer Minho, a hand running through your hair.   “She was telling us that there’s a rumour that we’re fake dating.”  
Chan’s eyebrows furrow, the party holder putting his cup down.   “That’s complete bullshit. There’s no rumour.”  
You nod in agreement, giving him a half-smile.  
“Ah, so that’s why you two have a stalker.”   Jisung is leaning on the counter, cup tilted in the direction of someone, both you and Hyunjin turning to stare down a grinning Clarissa.  
This girl was going to be the bane of your soon-to-be hangover.  
You groan, quickly plucking up Chan’s abandoned up, and swallowing whatever it’s contents is the boy giving you a surprised look.  
“Hey, we’ve got a presentation tomorrow.”   Hyunjin tells you, hand on your shoulder.  
“Doesn’t matter. The only way to get rid of Clarissa is to get drunk,” you wiggle your fingers. “Then she’ll magically fade into the distance.”  
“Okay okay, You're officially cut off madame. No alcohol for you tonight.” Chan tells you, stealing his cup back, eyes narrow.  
You sigh, nodding, Hyunjin patting your back softly.  
The conversation drifts, you sitting down on one of the chairs, eyes watching over “Queen Bee” and her crew with a narrowing intensity.  
“Hey, stop! Don’t stress about her!” Jisung’s fingers come in front of your face, your gaze going to the boy.  
“It’s sort of hard not too.” You whisper, lips tight as your eyes wander around the group.  
He gives somewhat of a sympathetic smile.   “I know. But it’s only a few more hours. Don’t stress about it. Everything will go fine tomorrow.”  
You take his words with a smile, eyes landing on a quiet Hyunjin who stands across from you, fingers fidgeting with his ring, spinning it around.  
Catching his eyes, you stand, wandering to his side.  
“You okay?”   “Yeah. I’m fine.”  
Concern bubbles in your chest, but you know that now is not the right time to address it, perhaps you’d catch him later and ask again.  
“Oh, you’ve never seen them kiss either? How interesting!”  
You don’t even bother looking behind you, rolling your eyes at her words.  
“Don’t listen to her, She's bullshit.” You tell Hyunjin, eyes landing on the boy.  
But now he seems more uncomfortable than before, jaw clenched, eyes avoiding as if he’s weighing up something in his mind.  
“Fuck it.”   As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he’s turning to you, body close, as his lips touch yours.  
You’d always expected that kissing Hyunjin might feel like fireworks or explosions of some kind. But it was neither of those, rather a calmness, a safety net. It felt right. It was as if your world had been spinning around you, but suddenly just fell into place, into a perfect rhythm.  
And this was it. You’re kissing Hwang Hyunjin, your best friend. And nothing would ever be the same again.  
“Oh, okay.”   Jisung’s comment is all you hear, your eyes wide on Hyunjin, barely focused.  
“I’m going to leave now.”  
Although it’s clearly shut up Clarissa’s commentary, you can’t quite comprehend the last few seconds, bag slung over your shoulder, back turned to the group as you make your way, quick smart, out of the party.  
Your mind screams at you. This was a dealbreaker, a complete and utter violation of what you two had agreed to.  
How are you supposed to get up in front of your entire lecture hall in less than 9 hours and blatantly lie about your feelings to the boy standing next to you?  
The wind runs up your skin as you walk back to your dorm, heart beating heavily inside your chest, swarming with various emotions.  
Anger. Rage. Jealously. Hurt.   You hurt more than anything.  
You don’t dare slow your pace at the sound of your name, wind-cold, eyes teary.
“Y/N! Hey, wait up!”  
He’s closer now, footsteps echoing across the courtyard.  
“Wait,” A tug at your arm, stops you completely, body turning to face the boy.   He breathes heavily, eyes focused on you.   “Please wait.”  
Somehow, your heart still falters at his whispered words, eyes glued to his even in their watery state.  
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He starts.   “No,” you interject, voice cold. “You shouldn’t have.”  
“Believe me, Y/N. I know,” he looks around now, letting a small sigh slip through his lips. “But, hell, something just came over me. I don’t know if it’s just the fact I was too immersed in this fake dating business, or if it’s just the timing, but Y/N, you should know I wanted to kiss you.”  
You’re silent, eyes downcast.  
“And I know that it wasn’t the right time, nor place, but Y/N, I think that I’ve messed this project up entirely because I just can’t keep lying to you, or myself for that matter.”  
“What are you saying?” Your words come out a little harsher than you intend, but your bitterness seems to just flow out of your mouth. “That you like me? That you’ve been making up this crummy bullshit excuse of “oh I don’t feel anything for you.”? Do you know how much that hurt me? That I’ve been feeling like absolute shit because I’m holding this burden of the fact I’ve caught feelings for you?”
“No, I-”  
You cut him off in an instance.   “This is over, Hwang Hyunjin.”  
Turning away, you walk off from the boy, heart hammering in your chest, but he’s quick, arms wrapping around your waist, body pulling you into a back hug, chin pressed against your shoulder.  
You’re voice only cracks as you try to scold him, body giving up on fighting his grip.  
“I know I’ve ruined everything,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. “But Y/N, I really like you a lot, and I hate seeing you this upset because of me.”  
At first, you say nothing, trying to calm the wave of emotions splaying over you.   But that only leaves one remaining, on the rocks, for all to see.  
“I like you too.” You manage, letting a small smile slip onto your features.  
With the boy pulling away, you turn to face him, no longer boiling with anger nor sadness.  
“Can we do this again?” Hyunjin asks eyes lit up in a smile. “I’m Hwang Hyunjin, you’re once fake boyfriend, and certainly an asshole. But, I’d really love to be your real boyfriend, if you’ll allow me to be.”  
You crack a wider smile, giving the boy a small laugh.  
“But what about our project?”   “Fuck the project, all that matters is you at the moment.”  
And with that, he pulls you into another kiss, just as sweet as the first.  
Pulling back, you smile up at him, cloud nine flooding your vision.   “Fine, Mr Hwang Hyunjin,” You whisper.
“I’ll be your actual girlfriend.”  
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Sasuke’s pluto degree exploration
To complete the series I’ll add pluto. I don’t have a clue about his jupiter, uranus or neptune so I can’t really do anything for them but since we know he has very plutonian relationships and likely has plenty of harsh pluto nataly and is also very likely to have his pluto in hist first house I’ve narrowed it down quite a bit to 12-22 degrees aquarius and we’ll explore it in a bit. The issue I have with pluto is that it’s a generational planet so I have the consider the whole generation which makes it remarkably difficult so I decided to focus solely on Sasuke :)))
After this I’ll draw up a chart for him (in another post) with the degrees that I chose based on the exploration series and hopefully It will be accurate.
Once again I stress that these descriptions are pretty old but they get the general point across.
This is the symbol of one whose life will be beset with unforeseen dangers, and who should therefore go warily and with much circumspection into the narrow walks of competitive life. About the middle of his life there will be a great catastrophe, by which he will either lose the use of a limb, or will suffer a total collapse of his affairs. He will then be in danger of liquidation and may become involved in serious trouble. Almost from his boyhood he will have to be self- supporting, and while he is sure to be of considerable service to others, and may even be author of much wise counsel, he will himself stand in need of help and sustenance ere his days are half completed. His future thereafter is in the keeping of Heaven. It is a degree of COLLAPSE.
Endowed with a poor memory but alive to the slightest impressions of pain, the native will, right in the middle of his earthly life, face sudden disaster, as injury to life and limb, financial breakdown or any other accident. Such a mishap will prevent the native from getting on in one of his activities, in which he is unlikely to pick himself up again. From then on, should the interrupted work have been his main one, the native’s future will really be in God’s hands.
One with a very impressionable mind, who retains but little.
Literature; idealism; music; “Jack of all trades”; apt to be a child of fate; fortune may push him up or down in unexpected ways; appreciation of the beautiful; degree of an artist; versatile ability; rheumatic fever; rheumatism; artery of left lower leg (fibula).
Denotes one who strives to do more than he can accomplish, who has “ too many irons in the fire,” and, while thinking to accomplish much, does but little. He may be two-sided or have two philosophies obtruding themselves at the same time. The life is restless, anxious, and over it hangs a threatening hand. Peace comes from the cultivation of the higher and the rejection of the lower. It is a symbol of Difficulties.
Apt to be a child of fate. Fortune may push him up or down in unexpected ways. Versatile ability.
Earthy, self-controlled Capricorn with its opposite, watery Cancer, combine to form an unusual and negative (perhaps macabre) degree for metaphysical Aquarius. Many dangers can accrue: financial breakdowns, accidents, injury, threats, all of which weigh heavily on the character of this degree. But, Aquarian faith, fortitude and initiative help it-education, protective understanding and consideration should be given. Is highly emotional, suspicious, but outwardly courteous and friendly; curly hair is an indication of the kinky mentality beneath.
One who is utilitarian but fate imposes two lines of work so that there is much restlessness until there is complete submission to the higher forces.
This is the symbol of one who will possess an enterprising and somewhat adventurous spirit, such as will lead him into associations with others remote from him in nature or in clime. He will show a catholic and cosmopolitan spirit, a versatile and ambitious mind, and a benevolent and sympathetic nature. If he should be induced to leave his country it will be to form alliances that are productive of the greatest good to himself and to others. If he should follow the mercantile life, he will be fortunate therein. But whatever may be his calling, he will prosper and gain to himself a position of affluence and distinction. It is a degree of AFFLUENCE.
An all-round open mind, an enterprising character, an ambitious and adventurous spirit; the native’s country is the whole world, as he feels at home everywhere. In his native country he will associate happily with congenial cooperators and he will do excellent business abroad, profitable both to himself and to others. Fluent in speech and articulate in writing, possessed of a sharp insight, pleasant and easy with everyone but far from submissive, the native will be able to build himself up into a splendid financial position if other stars lead him to trade or to other lucrative callings. On the contrary, should he take to purely intellectual or altogether spiritual activities, he would enjoy a transcendental intuition enabling him to perceive the spiritual reality underlying this world.
One with great intuition. Those having this degree should pay strict attention to those impressions which the world calls foolish, but which show the Divinity speaking through humanity.
Attainment and success; music; carnival area (moments when one has to let it out); appreciation of the beautiful degree of an artist; sometimes eccentric, restless, or fantastic; rheumatic fever; lymph vessel of right lower leg.
Denotes one who is guided through the many intricacies of life by a faith which cannot be shaken, being born of a philosophy or understanding which sinks deeply into a receptive nature. The mind is broad and wide in its sympathies, and the native feels and knows the reality of the way immortal, even though he may not be able to express it in mere words. It is a symbol of Guidance.
Sometimes eccentric, restless, impractical or fantastic.
Versatile, talkative Gemini lends its active rays to humanitarian Aquarius. Cultured, open-minded, enterprising character and ambitious, adventuresome sprit. At home anywhere and happily conducts trade with almost anyone. Witty: good communicators, listeners. Social and cooperative which will take them far in life. Good for short story writers, journalists, critics - easy to listen to! Romances will be many and varied, perhaps jealous. Follows current trends.
One who lives and teaches that through faith alone can we overcome difficulties.
18-19 (I personally don’t think this is it):
This symbol is related to one in whose life some great catastrophe will occur at a time when providentially there will be a friend at hand to rescue him from his danger. It indicates that a deficiency of tact and skill is liable to reader him subject to adversity of fortune, and he will suffer-financial disaster and even peril of death. But there will be raised up to him a friend capable of sustaining him in his extremity, and he will not therefore sink into the depths. This will be in response to his great faith. The nature, although daring, is lacking in tact and strength. All his troubles will arise from failing to admit his own incompetence. He will travel afar. It is a degree of INSECURITY.
The native will go far. A man of many parts, he may, however, dangerously skirt light-headedness or anateurishness. He is not independent, but wields a measure of authority that may make him feared. He will love his lord as faithfully as did Pilades love Orestes, or as Kurnewald loved Tristram. All these features may be marked enough, but they do not reveal the key of his personality, lying in a formidable either psychic or bodily strength, such as to enable him to survive catastrophes apt to shatter lesser men. Vulgarly he would be thought to possess nine lives, as is said of cats. Just in the nick of time, when everything seems lost and any further hope of rescue would sound absurd, a providential intervention allows him to survive. Usually this will come as a deserved prize for the faithfulness mentioned above. Will it be faith in one’s lord or in the Lord? Here the rest of the horoscope should supply the answer. At the limit, the symbolic image recalls the miracle of St. Denis, who, after being beheaded, rose and picked up his head again. At the opposite limit, the native would be an executor of Justice’s dire retribution, and would show the populace the culprit’s severed head.
Denotes a business man, an expert accountant.
Musical ability; medical fields gain and recognition in any field; good intellect; well adapted to literary work. Bright’s disease; nervous system of the spinal cord.
Denotes one who has a graceful method of expressing his thoughts and who will reach his place when life’s midway has passed. He will accomplish much, and his words will ring so that many will stop to listen. His actions harmonize with his beliefs, and his soul is serene. It is a symbol of Proclaiming.
Good intellect, well adapted to literary work.
Cancer/Pisces double water sign influence for Aquarius makes it feel fixed, more adaptable, but less structured and cautious, bringing danger and enmity from others - an easy target. Love of home and romance; the Venus and Moon effect aids attractiveness and promotes deep affections, helping this degree survive a myriad of troubles. Often careless and light-minded. Moody and emotional, but adaptable and capable of success in a wide variety of fields such a writing, management and medicine, but usually more common, public vocations.
Intuitive and intellectual with a simple manner of presenting great truths so that many are influenced.
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ladyseaheart1668 · 4 years
Endless Summer Book 4 : Daughter of Vaanu (Chapter 50)
Description: Tahira awakens! And she has a plan. 
Tagging: @endlesshero1122 @mysteli @feartheendlesssummer @whatmcsaid @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @tigerbryn11
Chapter 50: Between the Cracks
I can't breathe...I can't breathe! I push against the Endless' grip, trying to reach the surface, but she only holds me tighter.
“It's all right, Tahira. It's all right. Just watch.”
The images are still coming. Quinn Kelly, motionless on a bed her hands folded in a funereal pose atop a large, shining stone. She turns into Alodia, clutching the Prism Crystal, but she's no longer lying in repose. Her face is twisted with fury, her eyes gleaming fuschia with the Crystal's power as she attacks an unseen opponent. I can't breathe. I want to get out. Someone get me out of here! I flail, pounding the Endless' arms feebly with my fists. I can't perceive the images anymore. There's only a vague itch at the edge of my mind, telling me that I know something that I didn't know before.
“Tahira...?” I don't recognize the voice at first, but everything around me is fading. The images. The Endless. The ocean. Then, as I finally draw in a desperate breath, I feel something warm and soft on my cheek. “Tahira, baby, can you hear me?”
“...Mom...?” I realize that I have my eyes closed. I open them carefully, squinting against a sudden assault of florescent light. A figure, blurry but definitely my mother, hovers over me. I hear her choke on a sob as she strokes and kisses my face.
“Oh, baby, thank God!”
I become aware of a pressure on my hand, and turn to see Grayson perched on the edge of my bed, holding my hand. His clothes and hair are rumpled, and there's a layer of fuzz on his face like he hasn't shaved in a day or two.
“Do you remember what happened?” he asks anxiously.
“Got stabbed,” I mumble. My mind feels surprisingly clear, but it's taking my body a bit to catch up, I think, because my tongue feels heavy.
“Yeah. The surgery went well, but you took awhile to wake up afterwards. You had us worried. How are you feeling now?”
“Fine,” I answer without really taking stock. As soon as I say it, I realize that my side still feels like it's on fire. But I feel fairly confident I'll heal quickly now that I'm awake. “...Alodia...she was abducted...”
Mom and Grayson exchange a look of mild surprise.
“...Yeah...” Grayson confirms. “And Diego. How did...?”
“Crystal stuff. I'll explain later. ...I gotta talk to the Catalysts. I think I might have an idea about finding her.”
* * *
“You want to...use the Prism Crystal to find Alodia?”
It feels risky to be on a video call with all the Catalysts plus my team while I'm still in my hospital room, but I've got Grayson standing guard, ready to signal me if any staff get too close.
“Hear me out here. Quinn, when you were...possessed by Vaanu, you could feel the Island's Heart, right? You could feel where it was?”
“Vaguely,” Quinn confirms. “I could feel it pulling me toward the other half.”
“And there were other instances of the crystals leading you places, right?”
“Quarr'tel,” Jake says, nodding. “They slipped a crystal into Raj's pocket and it lit up like a firefly when we were headed in the right direction.”
“And when we had three of them staked together, they literally just showed us the path when we looked through them.”
“The Prism Crystal is specifically Alodia's life essence. But it didn't react until I came in contact with it as her blood relative. Maybe that connection will help me use it to track her.”
“I believe your idea could work in theory,” Varyyn says cautiously. “...I would be extremely hopeful, if not for the fact that her abductors have managed to block her psychic link with me. Suppose they have figured out a way to block any link with her that the Prism Crystal might give to you? What if that was a function of the poison you were dosed with?”
“It might well be,” I admit. “But what do we have to lose by trying?”
“Nothing,” Jake says. “If anything, we'd be failing Alodia and Diego by not trying. If there's even a chance it could get them back sooner...”
“I'm not disagreeing with you, Jake,” Dax chimes in, “But there are a few logistical problems to consider. For one thing, Tahira, you're still in the hospital with an abdomen full of stitches. Even with your enhanced healing, it's going to be a process. You won't do anyone any good if you tear out your stitches and bleed out searching for Alodia and Diego. Two, this isn't La Huerta, where you guys were on your own with only Vaanti authority to deal with. If this works, how do we explain it? How do we explain Dragonness disappearing after these two people she presumably has no connection to, and how do we explain how she found them without giving away too much?”
I wave a hand impatiently. “We'll chalk it up to a mystery of the Prism Crystal and assure the public that we're looking into why the Crystal led me to these people. The public have been remarkably accepting of the idea that the Prism Crystal turned people into superheroes.”
“But why Alodia and Diego in particular? Why not any of the other thousands of missing persons in the US? Why would the Prism Crystal choose two people who went missing in California when it's on the East Coast?”
“You're overthinking this,” Jake says. “Look, my sister's a cop. People go missing every day, and most of them don't get half the attention Alodia and Diego have gotten. The only reason they're getting as much media attention as they are is because they were on the La Huerta trip, and the fact that Alodia's pregnant makes people more sympathetic. Once they're safe home, the media and the cops ain't gonna care too much about how they got there.”
“I can't say that I completely agree,” Poppy says. “I know I'm only a fashion journalist, but that doesn't mean I don't know how the media works. Alodia and Diego are still high-profile people, and there are high-profile people involved in their kidnapping. Dax is right. If this does work like we want it to, we do need to consider how we're going to spin it so that the attention doesn't go anywhere we don't want it to.”
“Let's not get too far ahead of the game,” Michelle cautions. “Dax is also right that Tahira needs a little time to recover before she's fit to go chasing anyone down.”
“Simple solution to that,” Jake declares. “If she gets a lead off the Prism Crystal, I'm going with her.”
I try not to grimace outwardly. I should have seen this coming. “Jake...you know I'll be faster on my own. Considering that I can fly without a plane.”
“Not while you've still got a hole in your gut. If this is gonna work, we don't have a lot of time for you to be on bed-rest here. We got a small window, and it's closing fast.”
Michelle nods. “Jake is right. Whether we find her or the authorities do, we really don't have time to just wait if we're going to take any action. She's due in a matter of weeks, and we can't assume she won't go into labor early. At the same time, Tahira, you can't just go on your own in your present condition. Apart from the stab wound, we don't know if that poison is fully out of your system. So, I'll come too.”
“Can the hospital spare you?”
“I've still technically got a week and change of vacation I haven't used, and I haven't officially put myself back on the schedule yet.”
“Well, you know I'm not letting you go without me,” Sean says firmly, taking his wife's hand. “I can't. Not just now.”
“I expected as much, and I won't argue.”
“I will go as well,” Varyyn declares. “Not least because my partner is among the missing, but also because if Alodia or I somehow managed to break through the barrier they've put on our psychic link, it would not do for me to be miles away.”  
I sigh. This is kinda turning into a plan for the world's most batcrap-crazy road trip, but I honestly can't say that I mind. In fact, I feel a wry smile tugging at my mouth. “...Anyone else want to join in?”
“You know Kenji and I are at your disposal,” Eva says, winking. But I shake my head at that suggestion.
“No, not you two. Someone needs to stay to protect Northbridge. We can't just leave DA Katsaros completely high and dry and expect to stay on her good side, especially given the situation with Caleb and the kids.”
“I'll come instead,” Estela says. “In case you need another fighter.”
“I'm rather handy with a fencing sword,” Aleister offers a bit reluctantly. But his sister shakes her head.
“Stay with your wife and son. There will be enough lonely doves among the Catalysts as is, and you and Zahra need to look after the company and field any questions from the authorities.”
“Besides that, we should keep our numbers as small as possible,” I point out. “Even if I can't go on my own, we will go faster the fewer we are.”
“In the meantime, what should the rest of us be doing?” Raj asks. “I mean, I'm good to stay in California if that's where I'm most needed...”
“We'd appreciate that,” Jake agrees. “Keep looking after our folks for us. I'll see if I can send Rebecca back with our parents, but it's possible they won't be willing to leave me alone unless I bring her with me.”
“Well...I guess we're mostly settled then. We can work out the necessary details once I'm discharged.”
“That's assuming this really works...” Aleister says soberly. “We've begun speaking of it as a certainty...”
For a moment, no one says anything. I hear myself speak first. “We'll know that as soon as I'm discharged, too.”
I'm not surprised when my parents are reluctant to let me go to Northbridge without them. I'm an adult, they say, and they can't stop me, but they do their best to discourage it. I don't hold it against them. I've disappeared on them too many times for them not to be nervous, even after I promise to check in with them. As I predicted, it's Rebecca's promise to go with me and keep an eye on me that finally convinces them to go back to California and look after Alodia's parents. I vow to go back there myself if Tahira's idea with the Crystal doesn't pan out, though of course I don't say that to my parents. I need them to think my visit to Northbridge is open-ended.
The meager bags Mike and I packed for what we expected to be a night or two away from home were retrieved from the motel we were staying at the night before our abduction. By now, I've been discharged and Mike's finally in recovery after surgery, so I bring him his bag as an excuse to visit before I take off. I wouldn't normally think I needed an excuse to visit, but the hospital staff are still hovering like flies, and the pretense of dropping off the bag gets me access to his parents, who manage to finagle a few minutes for Mike and me to talk privately.
He turns his head toward me as I slip into the room and smiles wanly. He looks pale and exhausted, and he's still got an IV in the crook of his arm, but he's awake and propped up on his pillows. Still, the sheet below his thighs is flat over the mattress. I pull up a chair beside him.
“How're you feeling, kid?”
“...You know those old clothes press things that they used to feed clothes through after they were washed to get all the water out? In the olden days before washers and dryers?”
“I think I know what you mean. I think they were called 'mangles'.”
“Appropriate name. Anyway, I feel like I've gone through one of those.”
I cover his hand with mine and nod down at the flat sheet beneath his thighs. “No new legs yet?”
“Apparently they gotta let the nerves heal or something first. I dunno. They got some metal things on the stumps to keep 'em fresh or whatever. The science blinded me a little. All I really know is they hurt like a bitch.”
“Fuck.” I squeeze his hand. “Sure feels like a shit time for me to be taking off...”
“Where are you heading?”
“Northbridge. ...It's not looking like Alodia and Diego were on the island. But Tahira has an idea to track Alodia using the Prism Crystal. Hopefully it works, and hopefully where we find Alodia, we find Diego.”
“No question you gotta go, then. Not like you'd be doing much good bumming around the hospital with me.”
“Probably not. ...Don't know how much good I'll be doing following Tahira around, either. But if there's even a chance of finding her...”
“You don't have to explain. We both know where you're most needed right now.” He turns his hand over to grip mine, his eyes finding my gaze and holding it. “Find your wife. Bring her home.”
* * *
Rebecca, Varyyn, and I get a private flight to Northbridge, compliments of Aleister and Estela, of course. I'm glad not to be in the pilot's chair on this one. I'm probably still not totally clear to operate heavy machinery after that blow to the head, and I'm not sure I could concentrate, even if I were. Problem is that I can't really sit still, either. I know I shouldn't be wandering more than necessary while the plane's in the air, but I feel like I'm gonna lose my shit if I try to stay seated too long. Predictably, Varyyn is perfectly still—almost stoic. Though I know him better than to assume he's not just as much of a hot mess as I am right now.
“...How're you holding up, Varyyn?” I ask, as much to distract myself as to check in.
“As well as you, I expect,” he sighs. “...I am afraid. I am afraid this will not work. I am afraid of what they might be suffering right now. ...I am afraid that if this does work, we will find Alodia alone and have nothing left to lead us to Diego.”
I grit my teeth, shaking my head hard. “Won't be like that, Varyyn. Don't think like that. They're together. They gotta be together.”
“...We don't know that,” he says softly. “We hope it. But do we really have any evidence that it is true?”
“Why else would they have taken Diego?” I demand. “They weren't together at the time of the abduction, so it wasn't just convenience like with Sean and Michelle. No offense to Diego, but I don't think Rourke really has much use for him in this timeline. He probably doesn't have much use for any of the Catalysts besides Alodia anymore, except to control her. And maybe Diego is useful if he wanted to bait you for some reason, but even then, wouldn't it still make more sense to keep them together, since you could track her if they hadn't blocked it somehow...”
“...It all makes sense...” he admits. “...I just...I can't help but fear...”
I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face. “Of course not. I won't lie, it scares me, too. ...But it makes more sense that they're together. Remember that.”
He nods. “...I feel powerless. I should be able to reach them. I should at least be able to speak to her and confirm that they are unharmed...”
“We all feel powerless here,” Rebecca says. “I'm a detective. I should be able to track and investigate. But because it's a member of my own family, I'm not allowed to help...” She trails off, and the silence that follows is heavy. I think we all want to try and say something comforting or optimistic here, but there's not really anything to say that we haven't already said. We all feel powerless. There's a chance that when we get to Northbridge, we'll have our path made clear for us, but there aren't any guarantees. If this doesn't work...what next?
“Are you sure you're up for this, Tahira? You only got out of the hospital yesterday...”
Tahira grits her teeth as she carefully makes her way to her dresser, using crutches to support most of her weight and to keep her stitches from tearing. She's healing fast. Fast enough that eyebrows were raised at the hospital. But not fast enough to have her in fighting shape yet, and she's clearly still in pain. Michelle has cautioned her against heavy lifting, even with her super strength. The only way we were able to confirm that her strength was still intact was by having her bend an iron bar that Dax brought over from the lab. Flying, too, is out right now, though she is still capable of it.
“If this works,” Michelle said last night, “You're basically going to be our tracker, at least for a few days. Let the rest of us do most of the work until I give you the all-clear.”
I cautiously place my hand between her shoulderblades and let my palm move in slow, gentle circles. When she doesn't pull away, I increase the pressure just a little.
“When a person goes missing, the first twenty-four hours are the most crucial,” she says lowly. “...That window has already closed. There's no more time to waste. What we have is already borrowed.”
She pulls out a T-shirt and a pair of jeans from her drawer, and maneuvers herself to take off her pajama top. I sigh.
“Here, let me help you with that. I can't really help with the rescue mission, but I can help you get dressed for it.”
“I think providing us with travel vehicles is extremely helpful,” she says, smiling a little as she carefully raises her arms over her head to let me take her shirt off. I help her on with her clothes, finishing just as the buzzer to her apartment door sounds.
“Tahira? It's Eva and Kenji!” I go to let them in as Tahira settles herself down on the couch. Kenji grins at her as they walk in.
“How's our fearless leader doing? You look like you'll be ready to kick ass again in no time.”
“With any luck, I will at least be ready to do my part when we finally track down Alodia and Diego. Do you have the Crystal, Eva?”
“Haven't let it outta my sight since Caleb tipped us off it they were going after it,” she replies with a mischievous smile, trailing a finger over the chain around her neck. My eyes follow her finger down to where her low-cut top clearly reveals that the pendant on the end is nestled between her breasts. Tahira makes a face as Eva draws the Prism Crystal out of her cleavage.
“That cannot be comfortable...”
Eva shrugs. “You get used to it. Besides....” She grins, waggling her eyebrows. “No way anyone gets to it without me noticing.”
“Yeah, but have you been, like, showering with it in there? Sleeping?”
“Not like water will hurt it. And like I said, you get used to it.”
Tahira rolls her eyes, smirking a little. “Still...maybe I should ask you to wipe off the boob sweat before I try to do anything with it.”
“Tahira, I'm insulted. The very suggestion that I would ever break a sweat...” But she does grab a washcloth out of the basket of clean laundry beside the dresser and rub it over the crystal before handing it to Tahira. “So...what are you going to do with it exactly?”
“I'll start with holding it. Then...I guess I'll think about Alodia...” She shakes her head with a frustrated sigh. “...I'm flying mostly blind here...”
As she closes her hand around the Crystal, we fall silent, not wanting to risk disrupting her concentration. How long will it take, I wonder, before we know if anything is going to happen? I don't have to wonder long. In fact, the thought is barely out of my head before the crystal begins to glow brighter. I hold my breath. For a moment, everything is still except for the bright purple flame dancing beneath the Crystal's surface. Then Tahira's eyes fly open and she gasps softly. I instinctively rush to her side.
“Are you all right? What happened?”
“I'm okay...” she replies dazedly. “...I...think...”
“Did you see anything?” Eva asks. “Do you know where Alodia is?”
“Not exactly, but...” She looks down at the Crystal balanced on her palm, softly pulsing with fuschia light. “I did see her. In flashes. And...I think...”
She stands up and turns a slow circle, keeping her eye on the Crystal. I watch it carefully. It takes a few more circles before I realize what's actually happening, but when I do notice, I feel my heart skip a beat.
“Tahira! The light!”
“Yes!” Tahira cries eagerly, a grin splitting her face! “It dims, except when I start facing this direction! ...What direction am I facing?”
“Northwest-ish,” Kenji says. “Which probably means she isn't on the island...”
Tahira nods. “...If she's even what the Crystal is pointing toward. ...Either way, it's our best lead so far.
* * *
A few more little experiments prove that using the Crystal as a tracking device is a viable option. Although it goes dull when I touch it, Kenji and Eva can both make it react—as can Varyyn and any Catalysts who come in contact with it. And the pulsing light consistently gleams when the one holding it is facing northwest, dimming as they turn south. As soon as is humanly possible, Tahira and her team gather with me and a handful of the Catalysts in the empty executive level of the Prescott Industries parking garage. Two seven-seater SUVs that I rented are the only two vehicles in the place.
“They're both fueled up,” I assure Tahira. “Tire pressure has been checked and there are spares, jacks, and tire irons under the floors.”
“There are also pillows and blankets so you can sleep and drive in shifts and not have to stop as often,” Dax says. “I've also fitted the cars with adaptable communicators so you can communicate through the radios, just in case everyone's cell phones die at the same time. Do you know who's going to be in what car?”
“I'll be with Sean, Tahira, and Jake,” Michelle says. “Since Tahira and Jake aren't cleared to drive just yet, Sean will take the first shift, and Tahira will hold the Crystal to navigate.”
“And Varyyn, Rebecca, and I will follow in the vehicle behind,” Estela adds.
Michelle nods. “I've also got a medical tote stocked. No one mess with that, please. It's not your standard first aid kit. I've also got some sterile towels and blankets double-wrapped in plastic, so hands off those, too. If we find Alodia close to giving birth, we'll need clean towels to lay down for her and something to wrap the baby in.”
“There are also coolers of water, fruit, sandwiches, and about twenty pounds of trail mix,” Quinn adds. “It's not Raj's cooking, and it obviously won't last, but it should mean you don't have to stop for food for a handful of days.”
“I guess we're all set then,” Tahira says. “There's no time to lose. Everyone pile in.”
“Wait...” I catch her hand as she turns toward the car, and pull her in for a kiss, holding her mouth with mine as if I can store up enough of her taste on my lips to tide me over until she gets back. I break away reluctantly and press my forehead to hers. “Good luck. I love you.”
Kenji and I meet at his apartment that evening. We don't exactly feel safe going back to the clocktower right now, but we don't have a new base of operations yet, either.
“...How much does Caleb actually know now?” I ask him over a cup of heavily-sugared coffee.
“Almost everything. He knows our powers are connected to our DNA, which is connected to the island of La Huerta and a crystal alien that crash-landed here however many billion years ago. He knows that Alodia is that alien's daughter and that Tahira is Alodia's cousin. ...I also basically confirmed that most of what Rourke told him in those interviews is true.”
“And...where is he now?”
Kenji shrugs, talking a long swallow from his coffee mug. “Processing, I guess. He says he can't go back to Gigi anymore. And based on the way their last encounter went, I'm not surprised.”
“And you don't have any reason to think it might be a trick?”
“Just doesn't add up to a trick,” he admits. “He told me he'd originally told Gigi he was going to try to get in good with us to get information out of us, which I know was true. ...But if he was never actually going to turn on her, he probably would have done something to keep us from securing the Prism Crystal once he realized we knew she was going after it. Plus, she was angry enough to try and frame him for burning down the priest's house.”
“...He's out of the hospital, by the way. Don't know where he's living with his house burned out, though.”
“No sign of the kids, either. ...Maybe he's gone after them.”
“Quite honestly, I hope he has. Scoundrel he may be, but I think his intentions towards the kids are good. At least good enough that I'd rather they have him in their corner than be wandering around out there alone. Especially given what's going on now.”
Kenji smiles wryly. “They will have to come back eventually, won't they? Since you still have their dog.”
I snort. “Good luck making me give up that puppy. I think we've bonded.”
“You'll give her up the moment one of those sweet little kids flashes sad doe eyes at you.”
“...Yeah, probably,” I admit. “My cold heart has been defrosting lately. Maybe proof that there's hope for Caleb.”
“There had better be. ...Because if we can't actually trust him, we might be screwed.”
I am in the office with Aleister and Zahra when the phone on the desk rings. It just barely registers at first, like an acquaintance I give a nod to as I pass on the street. Aleister picks it up.
“Aleister Rourke speaking,” he mutters absently. Then his posture changes. I take notice as he sits up a little straighter. “Raj, hello. Has there been any news.”
My heart wedges in my throat as I sit up to attention. Zahra visibly stiffens as well, her eyebrows knitting as she meets my gaze with anxiety flickering in her dark eyes. Aleister's eyes widen.
“What? Are they sure it's the same one?...” His shoulders sag slightly as he listens to Raj's extended reply. “...Dammit. Does Jake know? ...What are they planning to do?”
There's a longer pause now. Aleister's expression is difficult to read. Zahra stands up from her desk, then awkwardly hovers there as if she's not sure she should come closer.
“...I expect that is the wisest course of action. If the Crystal can track Alodia directly, it would be a waste of time to chase down a lead like that. ...I see. ...Of course. I'll make sure everyone is updated. Thank you. ...I will. ...Goodbye.” He replaces the receiver on the cradle and looks up at me and Zahra in turn. “...That was Raj. The police believe they have found the stolen ambulance that Alodia and Diego were transported in, but it has since been abandoned. They were able to determine that a helicopter took off nearby and they believe Alodia and Diego were on board, but from there, they're having difficulty picking up the trail.”
Zahra and I exchange anxious glances. “...Where was the ambulance found?”
“Cascade mountain range in Oregon. Near Crater Lake.”
“Oregon!” Zahra gasps. “They drove a stolen ambulance from southern California to the Cascade mountains in Oregon and no one noticed until now?!”
“Raj tells me the region around Crater Lake is fairly remote.”
“Maybe, but...�� Zahra is already tapping furiously on her phone. After a moment, she turns the screen toward us. “Look, the fastest path to Crater Lake from Riverside is about a twelve-hour drive, straight up through California.”
“They were driving an ambulance,” I point out. “If they had the lights and sirens going, they would have been able to speed and run red lights with impunity. Few people are going to want to impede an ambulance that they think is on the way to save someone's life. Even with the authorities knowing they were likely in a stolen ambulance, I can believe they got as far as Oregon without anyone wanting to risk stopping them. Especially if they swapped the license plate.”
“They still would have needed to stop for gas at some point. And twelve hours trapped in a vehicle can't be good for a pregnant woman. We're still operating under the assumption that Rourke wants Alodia and her baby alive, right?”
“It makes the most sense,” Aleister confirms. “If he just wanted her dead, there are easier ways than kidnapping.”
“What else do we actually know? They found the stolen ambulance, but are they sure Alodia and Diego were inside?”
“They found more than a few hairs inside the vehicle. They matched DNA samples from both Alodia and Diego.”
I nod. “...From what I overheard, I'm guessing Jake and the others aren't going to try to find them in Oregon.”
He shakes his head. “It would be a waste of time, driving some place they have already been removed from when they believe the Prism Crystal can lead them to where Alodia is currently.”
“Why Oregon, though? Why not the island? Why was the Crystal leading them northwest instead of toward the island?”
“...I don't know, Estela. The truth is that we don't know for sure that they don't mean for her to eventually wind up on the island. Maybe the plan is to throw us off the trail.”
I sit back with a frustrated sigh. “...It always feels like our dear father is ten steps ahead of us. The only person who has ever really managed to get the better of him was Alodia when she chose to sacrifice herself for the world.”
“Not entirely true,” Zahra mutters. “...I shot him in at least one timeline.”
“He is a genius and a master manipulator, but he is still human,” Aleister says firmly. “And humans are flawed enough to be outsmarted. Sooner or later, he will make a mistake. I am sure of it.”
Something doesn't feel right here. I'm in Elyys'tel. The armor of Andromeda encases my body and gleams gold in the Caribbean sunset. Beneath it, I am wearing my Vaanti warrior's attire. In my hands, I clutch the mask I won in the Valinorim. One hand drifts towards my chest, and my fingers brush the cold metal dogtags that hang on a ball-chain around my neck. My chest is tight, and my head throbs with grief, but I don't cry. I can't cry.
“This isn't going to help, Alodia,” Aleister says solemnly from behind me.
“...They're all dead, Aleister,” I hear myself reply coldly. “He killed them all. Maybe not directly, but he's responsible for all of their deaths.”
“I don't disagree. But killing him won't bring them back.”
I turn to face him, fully prepared to chew him out for his platitudes when he should want his father dead as much as I do. But then I realize what is actually happening.
“...You're going to say that if I insist on joining the battle, you're going to come with me.”
“Of course I am. We're the last Catalysts left. I'm not going to abandon you.”
“...No. You're not. You didn't even betray us this time. You played your father as a double agent. ...When Zahra blew up the MASADA complex, Jake tried to save me. But he was killed in the process and you got me out instead.”
Aleister doesn't seem put off by my explaining what must be recent history to him. “I'm going to die in the coming battle. I have learned that you're the one my father needs to complete his Janus Project. I don't know why yet, but I know that much. I die to keep you from falling into his hands.”
“...And then I bury the last of my family. And I die...and the timeline resets because I can't let it end like this...I can't let any of you die...”
Aleister reaches out to place a hand on my shoulder. “You can't change what's already happened, Alodia.”
“...I don't want to watch it happen again...”
“You don't have to. You know that.” His eyes flick downward. “Don't waste your time on a battle that's already been fought when you have a much more important one to worry about in the here and now.”
I follow his gaze downward, and dark static floods my vision.
The soft flutter of tiny limbs inside me brings me back to consciousness. The pressure on my bladder is unbearable. I push back the itchy blanket that barely keeps out the cold and struggle off the cheap cot I fell asleep on. The thin plastic mattress creaks as I get to my feet, and I hear a gasp and small movement from the cot beside me.
“Allie...?” Diego's voice is anxious, but still clumsy with sleep.
“I'm okay,” I call back. “I just need to pee.”
I make my way to the corner. We've been moved again. There's no en suite toilet in this concrete basement we've been stuck in this time. Only a plastic toddler toilet—the kind Jake and I will be buying in another year or two. ...That is...if I ever see him again... If we ever get to go back to our home in California and lay our daughter in her crib in her jungle-themed nursery...
Lowering myself onto the seat is an arduous and undignified process. I feel tears on my cheeks by the time I manage to relieve myself, and my hand trembles as I wipe with a cheap, rough paper towel—the only thing we've been provided with. By the time I have gotten through the equally undignified process of standing back up and dragging my gray sweatpants back up over my bulging waistline, I am sobbing. I only get a few steps closer to my cot before Diego takes me in his arms and gently draws me against him. I bury my face in his shoulder. When he leans his head against mine, I feel the subtle prickle of facial hair where his cheek briefly brushes my ear.
He doesn't say anything. Our supply of comforting words has all but dried up. Escape seems impossible with me as I am, especially when we don't have any idea how many of them are actually guarding us or how far we are from civilization. We've all but admitted aloud that rescue is our only hope.
I don't want to obey them. I want to defy them. I want to fight them tooth and nail. But I can't fight them while I am sheltering a child within me. And disobedience only gets Diego hurt. So far, the damage has not been permanent. But I don't know if I can keep him safe indefinitely, even if I kill any will to fight that might be left in me.
It's only a matter of time. If help doesn't come for us, it's only a matter of time before they break me.
I wish I had access to a razor. Or some scissors. The scissors more than the razor, I think. I don't really mind the growth of hair over my face as much as the hair on my head, which is shaggy enough now to get into my eyes, but not long enough to hook behind my ears. It's funny the things I think about when I'm trying not to break apart.
I'm scared. I'm really scared. I'm scared for Allie. I'm scared for her baby. I'm scared for myself. I'm scared of the fact that I can't rely on Allie right now like I almost always could before. It's not her fault, of course. She just needs me to be the brave one right now, and that terrifies me. But damned if I'm not going to do it. Damned if I'm not going to swallow my fear and hold her hand to get her through this nightmare. Damned if I'm not going to look for an opportunity to escape at every new prison they move us to. I know our best option is probably going to be to wait for someone to find us. But I have to keep watching. It helps me keep it together.
We're bound and blindfolded every time they move us. Sometimes we travel by chopper, sometimes by car or van or whatever they're driving. Maybe an ambulance again. We're not long in the concrete basement prison, which I appreciate, because it's really freaking uncomfortable. It's some kind of van that moves us this time. At least we're actually seated and buckled in this time, even if our hands end up tied to what I think must be the handles of the hooks a lot of cars have on the ceiling for hanging up dress clothes.
“Hey, Allie...” I say lightly, turning my head vaguely toward the weight on the seat beside me. “Is there a name for these things we're tied up to?”
I don't know if there's a partition between us and the drivers. I don't know if they can hear us. I am guessing there aren't any windows to either side of us since two people blindfolded in the back seat with their hands tied to the ceiling would probably be conspicuous. But if the driver can hear us, I don't want them to hear us scared.
“I...I don't know,” she replies. Her voice shakes a little, but she's trying to sound nonchalant, so it seems she's picked up what I'm putting down here. “Dress hooks, I guess? Handles? Before cars had seatbelts, some of them had handles for passengers to hold onto, but I don't think there was any special name for them.”
“Where do you think we're going this time? Another nice farmhouse?”
“I hope so. The farmhouse has definitely been my favorite on this vacation. The last place was shit, though.”
“Total shit,” I agree.
We let our conversation be sparse after that, and when we do speak, it's about silly memories from our childhood. We try to remember the rules to a game our first grade P.E. teacher had taught to the class that was like a slightly more complicated version of group tag, except it involved us all playing characters from Star Wars. We try to name all the seasons of Power Rangers that we grew up with. We try to recite the poems we had to memorize for our last literature class in high school.
Allie is nearly through Rudyard Kipling when the van stops and the engine turns off. Although my adrenaline spikes, I can't help but feel a little relieved, too. My hands are starting to go numb. I'm cut loose and I flex my fingers a few times, hissing softly as the feeling floods back into them. I don't resist as they hustle me out of the van and into whatever prison awaits us now. The air outside is bitingly cold, and the ground beneath my feet is hard. The sound my shoes make slapping against it makes me think pavement. Then, the cold air is replaced by surprisingly pleasant warmth. Central heating. A good sign. A less good sign is the way the soles of my shoes are squeaking and sticking against the floor now. I'm thinking this is tile I'm walking on.
We are finally allowed to stop, and my blindfold is removed. The florescent light might as well be sunlight for a moment, but when my eyes start to adjust, a deep, cold dread settles in the pit of my stomach.
The windowless room we're in resembles a doctor's office, with an exam table, cabinets, a sink, and medical instruments hanging from the wall. There are no decorations, though. Nothing to make it welcoming. Which makes the woman standing beside the exam table in full surgical gear—including goggles—all the more ominous. I can't really see anything about what she looks like. I mean, I can tell she's white, and her eyes look brown behind the goggles, but the blue surgical cap isn't giving me a good look at her hair color, and average height aside, I can't tell anything about her build under the shapeless surgical gown.
I don't like where this is going one bit. Neither does Allie judging by her sharp gasp as she takes in the scene. I press close to her, putting my arms protectively around her.
“What is this?!” I demand. “What are you doing?! Who is she?!”
The strange woman spreads her hands, taking a cautious step toward us. “Calm down, Alodia. I am not here to hurt you. I only want to give you a proper exam.”
Allie grips my arm. “Bullshit,” she hisses.
“Watch it, brat!” Fiddler snaps. “Unless you want your friend to suffer for your rudeness.”
“Stay your hand, Jeanine,” the surgeon-woman says mildly. “Just this once, let's try to work with Alodia instead of against her. I am sure she can be made to see reason here without resorting to violence against Diego.”
I can't figure out what it is, but there is something about her voice. My anxiety is ebbing away as I rack my brain trying to place it, but I'm still alert enough to keep my arms firmly around Allie, who glares at the woman.
“Don't touch me!” she snarls.
“I will not touch you if you don't want me to,” the woman promises. “But it would be in your best interests and your baby's best interests to let me give you an examination. Why don't we make a deal, hmm? Jeanine and her soldiers wait outside. Diego can stay in here with you. And you and I can figure out from there how close you want me to get. Sound good?”
“Hardly!” Fiddler scoffs before Allie can answer. “Leave these two alone in here with you? With no one to make sure they don't stab you with your own scalpel?”
“I don't have a scalpel in here, Jeanine,” the woman replies, sounding amused. “And killing me would hardly do them any good with you and your troops standing outside the only exit. Lock the door if it makes you feel better. I will knock when we're finished. ...What do you say to that, Alodia?”
Allie hesitates, looking uncertainly at me. I shrug helplessly. This is crazy. This is totally crazy. Somehow, Rourke has hired an evil obstetrician who is apparently totally okay with the fact that Fiddler and her goons have kidnapped a pregnant woman, but still wants to act like a not-evil doctor by respecting patient boundaries? I can't even comprehend the level of insane that is happening in front of me right now, and I once fought an actual three-headed sea monster. But what kind of choice do we actually have here? This weird woman's offer certainly sounds preferable to any possible alternative. Allie seems to agree, because she slowly nods.
“Excellent. It's decided then. Jeanine, if you would be so kind as to clear out and give the patient a little privacy?”
Fiddler looks like she's going to argue at first, but then she purses her lips, turns on her heel, and stalks out with her goons following behind her. The woman goes to shoo them out, and that's when I see it: a barely detectable green shimmer at the edge of her mask.
Before I can quite process what I've just seen, I hear the door lock from the outside, and the woman turns back to us.
“All right. Now that we have a little privacy...”
The woman touches the stud sparkling in her earlobe, and her white skin dissolves into green as her holographic disguise melts away. She pulls off her surgical cap, revealing her hair underneath—half-lavender and half-bubblegum pink—swept back into a french braid. Now I know why her voice sounded so familiar.
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t0ngue-tech · 4 years
All Yours | Seven
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“’Was I not enough for you…?’
Seolhyun parted her lips but hesitated to say anything. She also dropped her head, possibly trying to get everything in her mind organized.
‘Yoongi, I’m so sorry.’ She said sadly.”
↠fluff, angst, universityAU↞
word count: 4.5k
↠series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ↞
A/N: yall idk what’s gotten into me. i literally just uploaded a story and here i am with the update of all yours lmao. tbh ive also been working on this chapter for a while so tyj i finished it huhu. enjoy ^-^
“Come on, Yoongi. Just text her.” You stood in front of your mirror and adjusted your hoodie.
From the moment you woke up, had a cup of coffee, took a shower, and changed into an outfit, Yoongi spent the entire time debating if he really wanted to text Seolhyun. You agreed to go with him to see her because it was his stipulation, but he was the one hesitating.
“You know what, maybe I don’t need closure. It’s all good.” Yoongi placed his phone on your nightstand and laid back down.
“Ugh. Yoongs.” You grumbled and strode over to sit beside him. “Sure you may not need closure, but I know deep down you want to talk about your feelings. You don’t deserve to be cheated on—nobody does. Please text her.”
Yoongi glared at you for a few seconds before he softened his eyes. He mumbled something along the lines of I hate it when you’re right and reached for his phone but took a detour to grab your hand first.
“So, you promise you’re going to come with me? You’re not going to flake out?” He kept his eyes on your fingers as you lazily grazed the back of his hand.
Could he get any more adorable?
“I promise.” You replied earnestly. “But I start work at three today, so keep that in mind.”
Yoongi squeezed your hand and locked eyes with you. Never in your life did you ever picture yourself to be in this position. He held your hands before, mainly to guide you around places when you were extremely drunk but nothing like this. Yoongi had a sweet look in his eye with a smile to match and you were so sure you were dreaming. Yoongi was perfect. Why would Seolhyun want to cheat on him in the first place?
“Okay. Now, go to class.” Yoongi lifted your hand and kissed it. Your cheeks flared a bit and you probably failed to hide the disappointment in him not kissing you on your lips instead.
“Fine. But go outside and take a walk,” you gave him your dorm key. “You need some sunlight.”
After listening to Yoongi’s bullshit excuse about how sunlight was never necessary for him in the first place, you left his side to slip on your sneakers.
Why can’t time just fast forward to later? I just want Yoongi and Seolhyun to meet already so it can all be over with and done. How am I supposed to even focus in class?!
Yoongi’s voice broke your thoughts and you stood up from your floor. He scooped you by your waist to press your body against his before stealing a long kiss on your lips. You felt your entire body relax and you clutched onto his nape to support yourself.
“You may have more knowledge about people’s behaviors and shit, but I know you well enough that you were waiting for that, right?” Yoongi said with a smirk after breaking the kiss. Your face bloomed crimson and you playfully shoved him a few inches away from you.
“Bye, Yoongi.” You walked away from him with bliss coursing through you and just before you stepped out of your dorm, you caught the satisfied grin on Yoongi’s face.
I will die in this developmental psychology class, I swear.
Time in your psychology class always ticked on like you had nothing else planned for the day. You jotted down chicken scratch notes, promising yourself to fix them up when you had time later; thank goodness your professor put up the lecture slides at 7pm on the same day of class. You began to mindlessly doodle at the bottom of your paper.
So many things could go wrong later.
Three stick figures were drawn at the bottom; one with a crude drawing of a beanie, one with hair just below its “shoulders”, and one with long hair blacked out with your pen. You drew scribbles of symbols around the drawing of the figure with long hair indicating how pissed off Seolhyun would be if she saw you two together.
Ugh. I can hear her voice now.
“Why did you bring her?”
“Unless you were cheating on me first!”
You scribbled all over the drawing and turned over the page.
The same stick figures were drawn at the top this time and instead of symbols, you drew tears coming from the figure with long hair and hearts around the beanie figure; Seolhyun would be in tears, apologizing and begging Yoongi for forgiveness and he would play right into her and fall in love all over again.
This time, you fiercely scribbled over the drawing.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Like clockwork, you drew the stick figures. Hearts were drawn around the beanie and medium haired figures while the last one had a giant X covering its face; Seolhyun is completely cut out of the picture and forced to watch how lovey-dovey you and Yoongi were.
This drawing caused your face to heat up a little. There was no way Yoongi would show any affection towards you in front of her because he wasn’t the type to purposely make matters worse.
One last time the figures were drawn back onto your paper and this time, you drew speech bubbles with squiggly lines inside that ended with periods and a few exclamation points. The most likely scenario would be a calm conversation with a few outbursts between Yoongi and Seolhyun. The last thing anyone would want is making a huge scene in front of everyone—
Wait, I don’t even know where they’re meeting!
[10:32] You: hey, where are you two going to have this conversation anyway??????????
Yoongi’s reply came through like lightning.
[10:33] Yoongz: You know the benches outside of the library?
[10:33] Yoongz: There.
Great. We’re going to be in public…
His texts didn’t stop there.
[10:35] Yoongz: I told her to meet me at 11:15 so that you have time to be here before she comes.
[10:35] Yoongz: I’ll be wearing the light brown coat you gave me for my birthday and the blue beanie you hate so much
[10:36] Yoongz: You’ll be able to find me pretty easily.
That damn beanie.
The mental image of Yoongi in the blue beanie made you snicker, but you quickly cleared your throat realizing you were in class laughing to yourself like an idiot.
[10:40] You: okay. i’ll see you then
[10:40] You: fuk that beanie doe omfg.
“So you’re seriously going to be there? With Yoongi and Seolhyun? Possibly arguing in front of you? Right in front of your salad?!”
Walking to the library, you gave Hani a quick call to update her with everything that had happened since you told her about Seolhyun cheating on Yoongi.
“Yes, right in front of my salad.” You laughed. “To be honest, I’m kind of scared. Like why did Yoongi have to say he kissed me! Actually… I don’t know what would be worse, her knowing the truth or his lie.”
“Either way she’s going to raise hell, but if you need me, you call and I’ll come running!”
You smiled softly. Hani was serious in the most endearing way possible.
“I know—” Yoongi’s blue beanie stood out at a table underneath one of the large trees. “Yoongi’s there. I’ll call you later Hani or better yet, I work at three so you can come to the coffee shop anytime after that and I’ll update you on what happens.”
“Okay. Be safe. I love you!”
“I love you, too.”
You took a deep breath and approached Yoongi who had two cups of coffee and two sandwiches sitting in front of him. As much as you hated that damn beanie, he still looked as handsome as ever.
“Hi, Yoongs.” You smiled.
Yoongi instantly smiled at the sight of you. “Hey—no, sit by me.” He reached for your hand to stop you from sitting across from him and tugged you over to sit beside him instead.
The action startled you and almost made you lose your footing, but Yoongi supported you by the waist to let you sit down without injury.
“Th-Thanks.” You stuttered.
“Oh, here you go by the way.” He handed you a paper gift bag that he probably stole from your closet. “You left your work shirt and shoes. There’s also a water bottle in here because you need actual hydration and not just coffee swimming throughout your bloodstream.”
Everything he mentioned was sitting neatly inside the bag and your smile was impossible to hide. You’ve been nervous and jittery about meeting with Seolhyun that you completely forgot about your work clothes. Yoongi was a life saver.
“Thank you, Yoongi.” You breathed.
“Of course. Now eat, you didn’t even have breakfast this morning.”
As you had brunch, you spent the time complaining to Yoongi about how developmental psychology makes you want to jab multiple pens in your eyes. He argued that you say that about every class you have and even flicked your forehead.
“You’re doing great though, so keep on keepin’ on.” Yoongi rubbed the spot he flicked with the pad of his thumb.
You felt the weight of your school work elevate at the touch of his finger. Yoongi had the power to relieve any stress that you had in the palm of his hand and it amazed you. Maybe this was just the effect of you being whipped for him for almost a year. It sounded pathetic, but you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Both you and Yoongi tore your eyes away from each other to find Seolhyun standing at the opposite side of the table with her arms folded across her chest. Her eyebrows were furrowed and daggers shot from her eyes right into your own. The aura that came off of her was no less than intimidating and you felt as if your soul left your body.
“What is she doing here?!” Seolhyun barked as she took a seat.
“I asked her to come so just leave her be.” Yoongi spat.
You silently observed Seolhyun’s outfit; she wore a casual black dress that stopped above mid-thigh and had a deep v-neck line. A cream cardigan hugged her frame and she even made time to put on makeup and curl your hair. If your suspicions were correct, she dressed that way on purpose to use her looks to win back Yoongi somehow. Seolhyun was honestly gorgeous which made you nervous. What if it reeled him back in? 
She cleared her throat again and avoided eye contact with Yoongi. “Thank you for meeting with me.” Her voice grew softer and softer towards the end of her sentence and she fiddled with the ends of her hair. This gave off a vulnerable look, almost “cute”. 
“Okay.” Yoongi said sharply.
The tension in the air was suffocating and all you wanted to do was run away, but Yoongi kept his hand on your knee underneath the table to keep you at bay.
“So? Anything else you need to say?” Yoongi kept the same tone of voice, annoyed. He truly didn’t want to be here.
“Sigh. I’m sorry okay? God, can we just talk without you being mad at me?!” Seolhyun raised her voice a bit.
“Of course I’m mad! How the hell am I supposed to be feeling? You cheated on me!” Yoongi raised his voice as well and you were even more nervous. You three were sitting in public with students walking by and you were praying to God that everyone was just minding their own business.
“Y-You cheated on me too! You—!” She pointed at him. “—kissed her!” Her finger was now on you.
Yoongi furrowed his brows and squeezed your knee. “Alright, fine. I kissed her once and like I said, I knew I had to tell you because I was feeling so fucking guilty about what I did. You were my girlfriend, Seolhyun! I had to be honest with you.”
Seolhyun tightly pursed her lips together, probably stopping herself from saying anything else.
“How…” Yoongi breathed. “How long have you been…”
Your eyes softened at the sight of Yoongi faltering. He didn’t want to say it. You reached beneath the table to hold that had that was on top of your knee. Instantly, you watched his shoulders relax.
“Um…” Seolhyun chewed on her bottom lip and picked at the skin around her nails. “Just-Just once..”
“Don’t you think Yoongi deserves a lot more honesty that?” You boldly questioned. Talking was never part of your agenda, but it’s true, he deserved to know the truth after tearing himself apart from agonizing over his self-worth.
“Excuse me?” Seolhyun stared you down and you couldn’t back down no matter how much you wanted to.
“I–I don’t think you’re telling him the truth.” You tried to sound confident, but your stutter gave it away.
Seolhyun scoffed and crossed her arms. “Who do you think you—”
“She’s right. I don’t think you’re telling me the truth either.” Yoongi interjected. “For Seung Ho to talk to y/n about our situation kind of shows how close you two really are.”
“My thoughts exactly.” You said softly.
Seolhyun aggressively scratched the back of her head. “Ugh. Two months!” She blurted out. “Two-fucking-months! There’s the truth! Happy now?”
Your eyes widened then turned to Yoongi who was looking in Seolhyun’s direction with an empty expression. After remaining quiet for about a minute, a low chuckle pushed past his lips.
“Is that why we’ve been fighting so much lately?” There were hints of both sadness and anger in his tone. “This was why you’ve been so short with me? You would cut our dates short—it was because you would rendezvous with Seung Ho?”
“Y-Yoongi.” You whispered and gently rubbed the back of his hand, trying to calm him down.
“Do you know what the fuck I’ve been going through because of this?! I continuously questioned what I was doing wrong—was I not making you happy anymore? Did I do something to piss you off? Was I not buying you enough flowers on the weekends? Altering my class schedule to match yours wasn’t enough? Skipping class to spend time with you? I talked my friends’ ears off trying to figure out why I didn’t seem important in your eyes anymore…” Yoongi kept his head down and squeezed your hand to the point where his nails could draw blood from your skin. “Was I not enough for you…?”
Seolhyun parted her lips but hesitated to say anything. She also dropped her head, possibly trying to get everything in her mind organized.
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry.” She said sadly.
For the first time in a while, she sounded genuine.
“You were enough for me, but I—I guess… I guess I was being selfish and I wanted more.” Seolhyun lifted her eyes in search of Yoongi’s but he still kept his head down.
“You could’ve told me.” Yoongi choked out. “You could’ve talked to me about how you were feeling and maybe—maybe things could’ve worked out.”
It was your turn to lower your head. This was truly an issue between Yoongi and Seolhyun. There was no reason for you to inject yourself into the conversation anymore.
“Is there any way we could work past this?” Seolhyun asked.
Yoongi finally met her eyes. “No. No way in hell.”
He fumbled with your hand to let go and reached into his pocket to pull out his keyring and wallet. He detached Seolhyun’s dorm key and pulled out a polaroid photo of her from inside his wallet. “Here. I don’t need these anymore.”
Yoongi reached back underneath the table in search of your hand and you stealthy met him halfway.
“Please. Just go, Seolhyun. We’re done here.” Yoongi said firmly.
Seolhyun sat there for a couple seconds and then reached forward to retrieve her belongings. As she stood up from the table, she kept her eyes on Yoongi hoping he would say something else, but he remained silent. Shortly after, Seolhyun took her leave without Yoongi sparing her a single glance.
Even with the hustle and bustle of students walking all over campus, the world had never been so quiet. Yoongi had his head down, face buried in the crook of his elbow while still holding onto your hand. You weren’t sure when was the best time to speak, so you kept quiet waiting for him to break the silence first.
It almost physically hurt staring at Yoongi. He had been bottling up so many painful emotions to the point where it almost consumed him. He didn’t deserve to go through this.
“Y/n?” Yoongi finally spoke, but the rest of his sentence was muffled behind his coat sleeve.
“I-I’m sorry, Yoongi. I can’t really hear you.”
“Thank you for coming with me.” He turned his head and made heavy eye contact with you. “Saying all those things… I don’t think I would've been able to do it on my own, but you being here gave me strength to do so.”
His words caused a noticeable blush to form on your cheeks. He chuckled and sat up straight to tuck a few of your hairs behind your ears.
“I think you have enough time left to get to your next class from here. I’ll walk you.” Yoongi lifted you up by your arm and you almost didn’t want to go to class. All you wanted was to sit around and hold his hand all day. The thought of that made you blush even more and this made Yoongi laugh a little harder. “What’s the matter with you? Come on.”
Unfortunately, Yoongi didn’t hold your hand when he walked you to class. This was probably because it felt too soon to do so in public. It’s not like he and Seolhyun were the campus couple, but people might get the wrong idea if they knew they were dating.
After the whole thing with Yoongi and Seolhyun, it made it even harder for you to concentrate. Now that they were broken up, who knows if Yoongi still had anymore underlying feelings for her. They were together for a year, so there had to be some leftover right? Plus, Yoongi made a comment the other night about how he thought about why you kissed him and that he “figured it out.” This meant a whole new conversation, a whole new reason to be nervous.
Fucking great.
This was a conversation you weren’t looking forward to. You needed to prepare yourself somehow, but it seemed like no matter how much you could mentally prepare yourself, you still wouldn’t be ready. After knowing Yoongi for roughly a little over two years and falling for him like an idiot, never in your life did you imagine him finding out about how you felt about him.
You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t even a little happy. You kissed Yoongi, held his hand, and even shared a bed with him with your feelings unknowingly exposed in the air. It made you giddy; butterflies roaming around in your stomach, fighting the urge to smile whenever you thought about him. If only the circumstances were different, life would’ve been near perfect for you.
Class dragged on, notes were written down, doodles were drawn, and next thing you knew, you were tying your work apron around your waist.
“Where’s Yoongi? He didn’t walk you here?” Seokjin asked.
“Nah. His energy gauge was pretty much empty by the time he was done talking with Seolhyun so he decided to just nap for a few hours.”
“Okay, so, what’s the tea?” Seokjin stood near you, eagerly waiting for you to tell him all the juicy details.
You playfully shoved him away and walked over to the espresso machine. “I’m not saying anything until Hani gets here.”
“Aw, come on, y/n. She won’t be here till like five or something!”
You chuckled to yourself and continued to ignore all of Seokjin’s pleads for information.
The moment Hani walked through the coffee shop doors, the first words she shouted was “okay bitch, bring forth the tea!”—this was said with a shop full of students. You were immediately put on the spot, but Hani’s intentions meant well.
You made sure to include all details of the confrontation when you told Seokjin and Hani about it. You also made sure to keep your voice low because you weren’t sure who knew Seolhyun, Yoongi, or even Seung Ho. This wasn’t your story to tell, but both Hani and Seokjin were there from the beginning so it seemed fitting for them to know it all too.
Evening came just as quickly as your shift started. Hani didn’t mean to stay so late, but she got pretty invested in the situation between Seolhyun and Yoongi. Both you and Seokjin did his best to keep all of Hani’s reactions at bay, but you had to admit, it was entertaining. At least she was nice enough to help the coffee shop employees close up.
“Wouldn’t your knight in shining armor show up by now?” Hani joked. 
“You need to relax—oh, bye!” You chuckled and threatened her with a broomstick and waved two of your co-workers who were heading out.
“It’s true, y/n. He’s supposed to waltz in here and be like ‘my lady, I have arrived. Your chariot awaits.’” Seokjin pranced around the room and even bowed and took your hand in his.
“And by ‘chariot’, you mean his legs right? Because the dorms are within walking distance?” You laughed.
“Well, yes, b-but anyways let me finish,” Seokjin cleared his throat. “So your knight in shining armor swoops in—” he went from holding your hand to picking you up bridal style. “—picks you up and saves you from the dungeon aka the coffee shop! And then Yoongi says—”
“Seokjin, what in zakum’s name are you doing?”
At the mention of his name coming from behind him, Seokjin froze in his tracks and turned around to find Yoongi staring at him with a questionable look.
“I—uh—” Seokjin panicked, almost dropping you on the floor but he still managed to place you back on your feet. “Alrighty-roo, well, Hani—babe, shall we take our leave?”
All Hani could do was laugh until her stomach hurt and Seokjin dragged her out of the coffee shop by her hand; she laughed so much that she could barely properly say bye to you and Yoongi.
“Do I even want to know?” Yoongi asked hesitantly.
“No, you really don’t.”
Yoongi helped you flip up the chairs onto the table while you continued to sweep the floor. As you two cleaned up, you proceeded to tell him about your day and apologized for telling Seokjin and Hani what happened in the afternoon. He brushed it off because he also trusted them.
Unlike your busy day, Yoongi spent his entire day eating, sleeping, and watching netflix; he exaggerated that it was a packed schedule. He even mentioned that Seolhyun still tried to call and text him, but he ignored every single attempt.
“You know, I think she dressed up that way today to lure you back to her with her looks.” You confessed.
“Huh. You think so?” Yoongi walked behind the counter where you were wiping around the sink.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, I mean, it’s been pretty cold lately and she shows up in an outfit that could barely keep her warm. She curled her hair, put on makeup, like why is doing all of that necessary to meet up with you? It seems so—what?”
Yoongi was just staring at you with a smirk plastered on his face. “Were you worried that it was going to work?”
A blush bloomed on your cheeks. “N-No. I just think it was ridiculous, that’s all.”
He stepped closer and stood behind you, placing his hands on the metal countertop to cage you in between his arms.
“You know, you observe others pretty well but from my observations from knowing you, you kind of suck at lying.” Yoongi laughed and you forced a chuckle out. You weren’t going to even deny it.
From the counter, Yoongi lifted his hands to secure them around your waist, hugging you from behind. You made a few attempts to move around to clean the counter properly, but he remained.
“Yoongi, I have to clean.” You chuckled.
“Just—” He briefly let you go to spin you around so he could hug you from the front. “Five minutes. Let’s stay like this for five minutes, please.”
It was such a genuine request, how could you say no?
Yoongi was leaning into you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. You had your arms lazily slung around his shoulders and just listened to his faint breathing. The blonde tips of his hair tickled your nose a bit, so you gently slide your hand across his nape to brush down his hair. He hugged you tighter at your sudden action and sighed.
“You’re really going to touch me like that, y/n?” The teasing tone in his voice was enough to raise your temperature and cause a blush to appear on your cheeks.
“Y-Yoongi!” You tried to push him away, already feeling embarrassed, but he just continued to hold you.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” Yoongi snickered. “It’s fine, keep touching my hair.”
You were still feeling embarrassed because that was the first time Yoongi used that tone of voice with you. Nonetheless, you listened and continued to stroke his hair. Thankfully he didn’t wear that awful beanie.
Yoongi didn’t say another word and every once in a while, he’d caress your back and readjust himself. Small sparks ignited at the simplest touch and for some reason you wanted to laugh. This was everything you wanted but it did confuse you as to how comfortable Yoongi was doing all of this to you. All you did was kiss him once and the next moment he’s acting as if you two were dating for years.
“Okay, I’m recharged. Continue your cleaning.” He emerged from your body and cupped your cheek. Even if you were the one embarrassed, Yoongi still had a hue of pink displayed at the tops of his cheeks.
For the next ten minutes, you swiftly cleaned up the stations and tossed out the garbage in the dumpster out back. Yoongi waited patiently and even gathered all of your things for you from the back room.
“So you’re opening tomorrow?” Yoongi asked whilst helping you adjust your hoodie.
“Sadly, yeah. So we can talk first then I’ll head straight to bed.”
“We can talk tomorrow, it’s fine. You need your rest.”
Yoongi stole another kiss from you, probably to shut you up and it worked; it left you utterly speechless. You had to get used to this somehow.
“Tomorrow.” Yoongi whispered. “For now, let’s go home.”
There was no doubt that Yoongi was referring to your dorm as home since he stayed there the entire day. The idea of him considering your place as “home” gave you butterflies.
Home was a safe sanctuary. Home was a place where someone can easily unravel themselves to be at peace. Home was where the heart was and Yoongi was there with you.
“Yeah.” You blushed. “Let’s go home.”
♡ rae jagi
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