#disability confessions
odinsravendutchess · 2 years
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My anemia…
Is so bad I have to take a total of 130mg of iron a day per my immunologist. The man knows about my bleeding disorder and truly gets what’s up!
In other news, this gif explains how I feel over tasting a pop tart with butter on it after it comes out of the toaster. It’s delicious! I have low blood sugar right now though.
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butch--dean · 8 months
I was housed by your warmth / thus, transformed
my manifesto on dean's relationship with love and faith and what it means to be saved <3
hozier // shrike - yt
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actually find it so fucking infuriating how they changed the way Starflight is blinded in the graphic novel. It's supposed to be violent. He is supposed to be left with several scars - not just losing his sight - several burn scars all over his body. Going from "he loses his sight because volcanic ash flew right at his face, got in his eyes and burned a large amount of his body" to "he lost his sight because the explosion was too bright" is actually wild to me
I do understand the graphic novels are aimed at kids, and there is a point where you start to question if some of the stuff in the books is too graphic to be putting in a kids comic book. I can see how showing a dragon being so severely burned like that could cause issues for kids who only picked up the book because there a dragon on the cover and didn't know what they were getting into. However, I do think there's ways the scene could've been drawn where it wouldn't appear as gorey. Morrowseer's death doesn't really show him being burned, just being taken over by the flames. It would've been so easy to have something similar happen to Starflight, have Clay grab him in a way where you can only see his back, and then cut to those last few panels of Starflight's internal monologue. They didn't need to water it down so much to the point that Starflight can't even have his scars
I agree. They could have just put blobs of orange going at his face if they were concerned about violence, and cut off the panel before too much damage was shown. The "explosion was too bright" excuse is a bit silly.
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taxidermycanine · 3 months
a short positivity post to remind you all that you are loved, important and valued in not only the therian / alterhuman community, but in life. take care of yourselves.
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to the therians who use canes and wheelchairs, you are no less of a mobile creature for needing an aid. whether your theriotype is a fish, a domestic cat or a wild canid — mobility aids are found in most, if not all, species out there due to the help from humans. if you had been born in the right body, you would be given the same sort of aid. i promise. it isn't shameful.
you have carpal tunnel and feel left out because you're a wolf who was born to run and hunt elk? that's great!! i bet you'd be great friends with this guy :0}
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to the blind and / or deaf therians who are told that their theriotype simply wouldn't survive due to their blindness — this simply isn't true. there have been many cases of blind or deaf animals surviving, look at this wolf as an example! and bare in mind MOST cases of blindness are partial, but this old gal is pretty much FULLY blind, and she's doing fine. why wouldn't you?
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to the therians who have some sort of learning disability, it does NOT make you an idiot. i tend to see a lot of critters with stereotypically intelligent animals (think elephants, border collies, etc) as their theriotypes and feel worried due to their disability. you aren't dumb, you aren't "mentally not there", you aren't any of the mean things you've been called throughout your life. there ARE animals with learning disabilities, you would not die in the wild for having one just the same as you would not die in a domestic household for having one (or many)
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and to those who have any other disabilities that i didn't mention in this short post, you are enough. you don't have to prove your therianthropy to anyone. if someone ever insists that you can't possibly be your theriotype because you are disabled? ignore them, they're lying and just trying to make you feel terrible about yourself. it's hard being disabled, it's hard waking up in pain and never not being NOT in pain, it's hard knowing that there are folks out there that'd demean you just for being disabled, it's hard needing mobility aids and not being able to afford them, it's hard when people think that you're stupid or less deserving of respect because they don't deem you "all there".
i love you all, those hardships are something that you shouldn't ever have to experience.
take good care of yourself if you can, and if you can't? get yourself that sweet treat you've been wanting, eat your favorite candy before a savory meal, give yourself a well deserved hug and watch your favorite show.
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"I'm not normally a supporter of retcon but I really wish SNW would retcon the treatment of Pike. Instead his disability is still being treated like he's going to die in a few years. And maybe update the chair because we have way better tech than that chair now let alone in another 200 years. Pike's ending has always sat wrong with me because to change the concept of a place from a Cage to a Menagerie simply because Pike's disabled now is insane. It's still a cage and he still can't leave but he can walk again so I guess that's not important anymore."
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localratwithcowboyhat · 3 months
hi omg!! i love your art style so much, i just discovered your blog!! its so cool to see another trans autistic dyslexic adhd physically disabled artist whos a furry with a tma special interest?!?!/pos and /gen!! if you're ok with a request, can you draw michael (shelley or distortion) from tma?/nf hes my comfort character i love him so much!! thank u for all of your content!! and sorry for any spelling/grammar errors!!(dyslexia :P)
Ayyy thank you so much thats so sweet‼️im glad you enjoye my art :]
So here a michal just for you
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histrionarcpunk · 2 months
Chronic pain is being in constant denial of your denial. It’s being in pain but not reacting outwardly “enough.” It’s pretending to wince and act more miserable so that someone can actually help you. And then asking yourself if your pain is real or “really that bad” because of it.
Chronic pain culture is!
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artaintfartwarriors · 5 months
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oscconfessions · 4 months
,,cAbBy iS pHiSYcAlLy DiSAbLeD!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"
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going to finally pull out some motivation to do some confessions today.. wish me luck gamers
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lunarharp · 1 year
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scribbly first date type affair (continuation of my modern au stuff)
#witch hat tag#orufrey#idk when the next modern au thing will be so i'll just post this by itself. hehe#that art was one of qifrey's first drawings. it was of a creepy eye. (it was around the time he got glasses as a kid)#(and was told that he might lose his sight completely one day so he became an emo because he already wanted to be an artist#like beldaruit who ran his foster home where he encouraged kids to draw art to express their feelings.)#and an insidious deviantart group called The Brimhats idk stole it & reposted it. he never got to the bottom of who exactly did it.#but one day. they will fucking suffer.#(he believes their goal was to develop AI art as they said stuff like 'all art should belong to everyone anyway' & 'there shouldnt be rules'#but actually they were probably just regular mean ppl who have moved on to new things in life than stealing kids' art on deviantart.#who knows though.) i want people to retain their disabilities or general tragedies like beldaruit would be in a wheelchair#and coco's mum is in a coma. but its just so funny if qifrey just has regular bad eyesight#and it's so cute that he would say he doesnt think of beldaruit as a dad & is distant with him but now basically runs a foster home too#where he doesnt just encourage like he was encouraged but actively teaches kids from sad backgrounds to become wonderful artists one day#anyway i am so fucking hungry now goodbye#P.S. BELDARUIT IS NOT OLD !!!!!!! i mean if qifrey is late 20s or older in canon like i want... i guess he..but.... NO !!!!!! 😭#*edits in some follow-up drawings*#oru: i couldn't c-c-confess my feelings bc it always seems like he's worried about something..i shouldnt bother him..#qif: *always worried about how to confess his feelings*#ive decided meeting at 7 on da is kind of ridiculous actually. i think they probably meet at like age 10 in canon..not immediately =_=#since beru-sama is like 'he finally found a friend'. whatever... this'll be my last art post for a while probably so see ya <3
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odinsravendutchess · 2 years
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2nd Bariatric Surgeon Fired…
So I had to have a special swallow study done for my bariatric surgeon. It was no walk in the park.
I live 2 hours from the hospital it was going to be done at. So I made the appointment and was told to be at the hospital for an 8am appointment. I was supposed to be mailed paperwork but they didn’t do that.
I drive 2 hours 1 way to be told my appointment was at 11:30 so I had to wait. Not happy, but fine! I was going to at least get my info so I could look at my chart. So I got all the info to do that.
I look in my chart to find the labs I did 2 months ago were low. It was my iron. I have a medical history of a rare bleeding disorder that pairs with anemia. It’s called immune thrombocytopenia purpura aka ITP.
I had a hysterectomy and I’m 37. There is not explainable reason as to why I have low iron other than something is going on that we don’t know about causing this.
I had my swallow study done. Everything was normal.
The bariatric surgeon didn’t think it was a big deal and the surgeon’s nurse lied about what she communicated to me in my chart.
Every call or email is saying I had a call or email with the surgeon. I didn’t talk or email the surgeon. I called or talked to a receptionist or nurse. I have only talked to the surgeon once. The hospital did that to bill my insurance more.
So I told the “bariatric coordinator “ what happened. She disregarded me entirely and was acting like I was the problem so I hung up on her and emailed the bariatric nurse to tell her I was firing them.
Then I filed a grievance with the medical facility explaining everything that happened. They called me back and they want me to report it to the hospital campus, which I am going to do here in a moment.
The bariatric nurse emailed me back and tried to say she didn’t falsify anything even though she did. She also tried to say she didn’t call but emailed it to me, which I didn’t ever get an email over my iron levels.
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And now I am upset with the bariatric surgeon because she wasn’t taking my health issues seriously.
If my iron gets any lower I will be in serious trouble, we’re talking being admitted, (I don’t get to be in med/surge, I am a direct admit to ICU), and transfusions. I currently can’t have surgery at all because I have a high risk of complications just from my low iron levels alone.
I got my “Dream Team” of doctors on it though. I have my PCP (internal medicine), Endocrinologist, Gastroenterologist, and my Immunologist looking into it.
My Immunologist will figure it out in like 2 minutes. He is crazy super smart and has worked at a transplant hospital before starting his own practice. My labs indicate low iron due to chronic illness (from my research) meaning my iron needs to be monitored closely for the rest of my life. I see all my “Dream Team” doctors in the next 2 weeks.
Why am I posting this;
As health care professionals, we are human. We are not gods. We are not above you. Every life is worth caring for and supporting. Every life matters. Patients are not pay checks and to treat them as such is beyond despicable and unforgivable.
I am a very aggressive health care professional because I treat my patients like family so if someone tries to give my patients or their families (I’m specialized in pediatric high acuity more specialized in rare illnesses) a hard time, I will have it out with them.
As a patient I am very aggressive to get on top of things and to be compliant because at the end of the day, how can my patients and their families trust me if I don’t practice what I preach?
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Others too: Black Raisin is also missing her arm with no replacement. Elder Baumkuchen has an incredibly frail body from childhood so uses a wheelchair and wears a mask due to disfigurement from a light shard incident. PV is blind with aid of staff. Aloe lost a leg n built herself a new one; by extension Cyborg given how they have an entire body replaced after accident which also caused memory loss to boot. Various other npcs also use canes as well for mobility. Possibly some other kind in there. Probably others I'm missing but there's variety in disability
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vtuberconfessions · 7 months
I think the "all vtubers are middle aged men" crowd are SOOOO close to understanding what makes vtubing amazing, but they're too close-minded to arrive at the right destination: the amount of self expression offered is quite literally limitless. A woman who's self conscious about being 6' can be 4'9", a closeted trans boy can be as masculine as he wants, hell, if you're like Jowol, a (afaik) cis man whose ideal form is a busty anime babe, YOU CAN DO THAT
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hi! I always find your takes on things really interesting and mentally stimulating, so I'd love to know your opinion on this one: recently I came across the take (from some generally very conservative and reliable Christian theologians/bible teachers, not reddit crackpots or anything like that) that the concept of "friendship" is not biblical, but that the only really biblical structures for human relationships are within a family context, specifically marriage and siblinghood. (now, a caveat: the people discussing this were doing so within the context of a greater conversation about some odd things that have happened within the side-b movement, but I still think that's a pretty extreme claim to make at any rate?) would you have an opinion that you'd like to share about this? personally I think it's a little weird and extreme to denounce friendship as a whole amongst Christians.
Sorry I got caught up in watching this video. I consider the 3 people in it to be very decent sources, indeed, though I'm much less familiar with Christopher Yuan. I had planned to read his book but haven't read it yet.
Mrs. Butterfield has a very interesting perspective on SSA issues given her background. I don't necessarily agree with her on everything, she has a few strange takes, for example she also espouses a view on "exclusive psalmnody", that is, claiming that Christians shouldn't sing hymns or other christian music, but ONLY the psalms because they are in the Bible.
Ironically, she HAS written a lot of stuff on the need for closer Christian community and relationships, so it may be that she is here attempting to "balance" this stuff or something.
So... looking at this video they start off addressing not "friendship" as such but a very specific concept called "spiritual friendship", which is a terminology used by specific groups. Now, I hope these guys are misunderstanding what's going on here because I would love to believe the best of the folks who are a part of this movement. But what they're attacking is actually this idea promoted by an organization called ReVoice that it's a good idea for SSA people to form these "covenental" relationships with a person they're already same-sex attracted to. He also mentions that the book says some people in these relationships "embrace non-sexual romance". It's also been described by some as a "sexless marriage".
Before I get into it one other thing I like about the video is that Rosaria makes a really great point about Gnosticism and "secret knowledge". The idea that there need be this new terminology or "neologisms" and concepts whose spiritual meanings are known only to the initiated and that they can only be understood because by those who have unique personal experience is a very gnostic idea.
And one thing Christopher Yuan is very correct about is that from this (Side B) movement there is a great deal of messaging ambiguity, which is a major complaint of mine as well about that movement.
Then they get on to this part of the video where it's discussed how some people think intersex conditions existed prior to the fall, which is a bizarre claim on its surface since these people are frequently very sick from their condition, as well as obviously the "He created them male and female" line. But that's not as relevant to your concerns.
But I understand why you feel concerned about aspects of the video & the messaging.
That's because isolated from the context of SSA, none of the things mentioned are actually bad things to do with your friends. Cuddling. Celebrating important dates. Even living together, or in communal settings (as much as they dunk on it because it's inspired by the monasteries) or moving from place to place together. So when does this become unhealthy? I don't wanna give an "I know it when I see it" answer but. I think it's when a person has a temptation and they're not fleeing that temptation, instead they're trying to see how close they can get without going over.
So like yes. Individuals called to celibacy can struggle with community and need to form strong communities, and I feel like it's adding to the Bible to arbitrarily condemn the forms this takes. (That is, to condemn communal living would be adding to the Bible.) Again I feel like also this conversation is missing an honest look at pre-20th century norms which might include unrelated adults called "Uncles" or "Aunts" living with a family (surprising number of cases of unrelated household members getting, "adopted" as it were or at least that's my impression). None of this stuff should be considered intrinsically related to sexuality in my opinion. By contrast, the concept of "romance" is intrinsically related to sexuality.
(As an aside, Yuan totally butchered the term "bromance" - this is an older term that actually has nothing to do with homosexuality, it's an ironic/humorous term for an emotional or close friendship. It's fallen out of general use now because people take the idea of friendships becoming gay too seriously and therefore the ironic intent is lost.)
Then later Rosaria Butterfield gets to the part about excessive androgen production in people with XX chromosomes, and her response to this is, "Or maybe the fall just caused us to desire things that God hates". My response to this is really, "does she even know what the word intersex means"?
To me those last two points contribute to my general sense that the commentators are willing to speak without fully knowing what they're talking about.
Back on the topic of "friendship", you have to realize that even if all Christian relationships ARE to be defined in a family context, we ARE family. All Christians are brothers and sisters. So I don't see that as limiting. [maybe this is the closest thing to an answer to your original question]
Personally my views are marked by the fact that I do NOT see a smooth continuum between "friendship" and "romance", as it is not a matter of degree but of nature. That's why I say "I know it when I see it." SSA creeping into a friendship will corrupt its nature in a way that any degree of closeness will not. I don't see any way of policing this by policing people's actions. It is not an external sin, it is a sin of the heart.
However, you can often realize people's intentions based on the words that they speak. I would urge people to distinguish their conception of close friendships from this terminology related to sexuality, marriage, or romance.
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dianalolihikki · 2 months
Now I see how much I underestimated that I could see him on a fairly regular basis.
Even if he only liked me as a friend and treated me like his own child, it was and still is A LOT for me. I will always be grateful and I never asked and never will for something more than that.
I could talk to him about life, Japan or anything else.
Now I don't know if I will ever see him again.
It hurts a lot.
No one understands me like he did.
All I have left are occasional messages on messenger,memories and imagination.
(sorry for my English, I'm not native speaker.)
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