#did a little change of dialogue to the previous post to make it a little like the scenes related to each other
ryllen · 2 months
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prologue of [x]
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trentonsimblr · 4 months
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Post 2 of 2 for today!
AN: The dialogue and the poses for this post were a HUGE labor of love by @ardeney-sims . All I can say to her is thank you and you knocked it out of the park!!!
P.S The transcript is below the cut!
B: Um, hey.
V: …
B: Your cousin… she, um… she said you’d be out here. 
V: …
B: Is it okay if I sit beside you?
V: Sure.
V: If you were trying to hurt me or get back at me for ghosting you for a week by ghosting me for a little over a month, you were very successful.
B: I… I wasn't trying to get back at you.
V: Could have fooled me.
B: You could have always messaged me, you know.
V: I had no courage left in me after how we left things. It was all used up when I was trying to explain myself to you.
B: Why would you need to build up the courage to message me?
V: Because you seemed upset with me when you left the call and it made me nervous and scared to reach out.
B: I wasn't upset with you. I just needed some time.
V: When I didn’t hear back from you after you said you’d message me later, it felt like our friendship was just… over.
B: It was never over. Not even for a second.
V: It really felt like it though.
B: Why won't you look at me?
V: I’m overwhelmed and not sure that I'm ready to face the reality of the situation. If I don't see your face and I just listen to your voice, I hear my friend from the forums and that’s comforting to me. But if I see your face and still hear that same voice… I don’t know.
B: I'm still the same person though.
V: I know that, but I just… need a minute.
B: Of course. I’m sorry.
V: Don’t apologize. You haven’t done anything wrong.
B: Haven’t I? I keep doing things that seem to upset you or hurt you or make you sad and I don't like making you sad. There is nothing worse than seeing someone you love in pain while also knowing that you're the reason behind it. 
V: Blaze. Look at me. None of this is on you. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one at fault because it's MY emotional baggage that got us here in the first place. I don't want you to feel bad for things that were entirely out of your control. I was wrong about you and I am so incredibly sorry for how I've treated you both on and offline. I can definitely understand why you were so adamant about not video chatting with me.
B: I’m sorry about that… I know it upset you.
V: It did, I won’t lie. And while I'm sure at first it was in the interest of basic internet safety considering who you are, after my whole tirade about you… I get why you never wanted me finding out. I… I didn't make you feel safe anymore. I can only blame myself for that.
B: I just… I couldn’t risk losing our friendship and then having you hate me even more. I didn’t want to lie to you but I also didn’t know how I could tell you the truth? Because hearing that story and everything you said about me… it hurt a lot. 
V: And I am so incredibly sorry for it all. You didn’t deserve it. I was such a huge bitch who called you all kinds of horrible things and put you in a place where you couldn’t properly defend yourself. I know I can’t take it back but, if I could, I swear I’d do it in a heartbeat. 
B: Do you still see me in that light?
V: Not at all. Remember that conversation we had a few days later where I told you that you were right about my anger clouding my judgment? 
B: Yeah, I remember. 
V: That’s what got me to change my mind. You were the first person who challenged my version of events. Sure, I was a little annoyed at first, but because you’re someone I care about and I care about the things you say, I felt like I should at least try to see it from your point of view. 
B: And when you did? 
V: When I did, I realized that I was 100% keeping this grudge because I could. I’ve been really shitty to you Blaze and I really am sorry for everything. I hope you can forgive me.
B: Of course I do. Honestly, Vanessa, you could punch me in the face and kick me in the chest and I'd still forgive you.
V: Rest assured I won't be trying either. Friends don't give friends black eyes. Or a pneumothorax, for that matter.
B: But drugging and assault is fine?
V: Don’t start with that! Are you ever going to let me live that down?!
B:  Never. 
V: I’ve missed talking to you so much.
B: Likewise.
V: I swear, my therapist is going to have a field day once I tell her about this trip...
B: Therapist? Have you always been seeing a therapist?
V: No, that’s new. And how I got there and how it’s going is a long ass story in and of itself.
B: I mean… we’ve still got time before the party if you want to talk about it. V: And completely deplete my mental and social battery before I have to interact with people????? Hell no.
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risingoflights · 27 days
Hmm, you don't feel comfortable talking about it unless someone asks your opinions? Then this is your official ask!
I've never played the critically acclaimed- er, you know. And I have no idea what the Ilsabard Region is or what its story and tone are.
So! What is it, and how does it compare to what you've experienced of Rebirth so far? What do you get from one that's missing in the other? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each narrative, and which do you feel, at this point, will have the most replay value?
(Plus anything else that's crossed your mind!)
ah friend, you should know better than to ask, but thank you for asking <3
leaving xiv out of this for a moment, i can tell you exactly why chapter 7 specifically of rebirth is the one to have caused me to openly gripe.
and, as you might expect, it's to do with hojo.
i was always going to judge the entirety of this game by its handling of hojo, and so far i've been sorely disappointed. standing by what i said in my previous post about nostalgia and fandom goggles, i still believe there was more written into hojo in og than, say, scarlet and heideggar. and since remake did a decent job rounding out president shinra, i was hoping hojo would get similar treatment. so far though, it seems like they've gone the opposite way.
i try not to make too many comparisons to og because many characters are pointedly deviating away from their og characterisations (rufus seems a standout so far), but this point in og was importantly where hojo started shaping up to be more than the trope he began as. it was crucial that as soon as sephiroth reappeared, hojo abandoned shinra. in fact if memory serves, someone (heideggar or rufus?) even points this out in og - hojo's 'disappeared'. then when you see him in costa and cloud asks why he's there, hojo admits 'the same reason as you'. cloud was chasing sephiroth, so was hojo. and he was doing it without shinra because finding sephiroth wasn't on shinra's agenda - at least not at that point.
i was actually so hopeful and happy at the end of remake where the camera pans across the executives lined up in front of rufus, and hojo is decidedly missing - off laughing to himself...! excellent! that defiance seems to have led nowhere in rebirth!
you could argue that in rebirth, hojo decided to continue using shinra resources to go after sephiroth and he's still playing his own long game. doesn't change the fact that rufus was openly out to kill sephiroth now - so what did he tell hojo to make him stay, if hojo had wanted to leave? i mean, you could argue a lot of things to make things make things deeper. and maybe things will get deeper - i'm only halfway through rebirth after all - but rebirth hojo was still on the beach to capture the robes and study them. that single-minded drive and obsession with sephiroth just isn't present. it felt like the icing off the original cake. the bikini girls fawning on him, really fun! him throwing off-handed remarks about recruiting them for his sephiroth breeding program, noooooot... as fun! the whole shinra bigwig come to town, johnny being made to carry his briefcase and push crowds on the beach out of his way? ish! sort of a... dazzling superficial picking of what that scene originally was? did i laugh? yes! was i let down? also yes!
the other thing that really grated on me was the optional aerith dialogue, but that's no surprise - the whole aerith situation has been one big headache for me so far and promises to continue to be so. talk to aerith on the beach and she says a bunch of things about hojo culminating in 'i hate him'. oh. oh, like we really needed this explicitly said? you know, what i really loved about og here is twofold - 1. hojo doesn't appear to even remember aerith's name, which is such a good demonstrating of him not registering her as worthy of ifalna, compared to rebirth where hojo literally yells this at her during battle. this was one of the neat little consistent touches about og hojo - he didn't give a shit, but passively and dismissively - like, it's not so much he deliberately chose to harm others as he just didn't even register harming others as a concept, which made the few people and times he did choose to be sadistic stand out more. and 2. og aerith, instead of... any of the ugly things she could've said to and about hojo, asks him about her lineage and connection to sephiroth instead. how loaded does that make their relationship? that no matter what he did to her and her mother, she still registers him as a source of knowledge and felt pressed to ask him despite the subject being a particular sore point for her?
og aerith probably also hated hojo - i mean, that just makes sense. but the way that scene played out really sets precedent for more questions... what more? what else? which. i guess summarises a lot of the issues i have with rebirth so far. that whole sense of wonder is just not there. the game likes to hand you everything, tell you exactly what to think. this is often done at its detriment, because real complexity simply cannot be spoonfed! BUT - i have to keep reiterating - nostalgia and fandom goggles. they're grafted to my face and i can't take them off.
....so after all that, would you still like to hear about ilsabard? i realise i've just completely failed to answer all your questions but, thank you for allowing me to vent a little!
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
How To Write A Disabled Character: The Dos And Don’ts 
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As an author, it’s important to ensure the content you create doesn’t accidentally offend or misrepresent a community, especially one you don’t belong to. This is why I made my previous post talking about how to write POC characters without seeming racist, and why I decided to write this blog post on how to write a disabled character. 
Before I jump into my writing tips, I would like to put out a disclaimer. Unlike my previous post, where I could speak from personal experience, I am not disabled and thus am not attempting to be a spokesperson for the community. However, I have previously written several disabled characters and decided to make a guide of sorts for authors like me. 
I would also like to mention that I did some research into acceptable terminology before writing this, using this website and others, however, I am always open to learning and correcting myself if and when I do make a mistake. 
Don’t Make Their Disability Their Personality 
This is possibly one of the most important things to keep in mind when writing with a disabled character. This is an issue when writing about any minority, really, but it is especially true for this community. A person’s disability doesn’t define them or their personality, and the whole introverted disabled person trope gets a little tiring. 
It’s sort of like how every gay man isn’t overly feminine. Yes, there are disabled people who can be sad and quiet and introverted, just like there are others who are loud and obnoxious and extroverted. 
When writing a disabled character, you need to incorporate their disability into their personality rather than making it their personality. A fun-loving protagonist with a hearing aid might slap fun stickers onto it, showcasing their personality. Maybe a person in a wheelchair loves to paint it a new colour every other month. 
These are just examples of ways you could introduce your character with their personality rather than their disability. She saw a peak of pink behind the protagonist’s ears, he watched as a neon green wheelchair sped towards him with a whooping boy seated on it. 
When creating your OC forms, take the time to actually consider how their personality impacts their relationships with their disability and how that impacts their relations with others. 
Know What You’re Writing About 
Do your research! I sincerely cannot stress how important it is for a writer, or any sort of creator, to take the time to research the medical conditions their characters are going through. The same writers who pour over several articles to figure out how much blood would their character realistically lose by a stab wound are often the ones who choose to overlook the complexities and finer details when it comes to a disabled character. 
The issue with this is the spread of misinformation it can cause amongst your readers. This especially applies to factors such as sign language, brail, etc. Think of it this way, if you are bothered enough to use Google translate for dialogues written in a language you don’t speak, then why can’t you do the same for unspoken languages? 
Whether your character has an intellectual, physical, sensory, or other disability, it’s important to take the time to thoroughly research the issues you are portraying. 
Here are some things to consider when writing a disabled character: 
Are there any side effects caused by this disability? If yes, how does this impact them on a daily basis? 
Is the disability curable or reversible? Do other people have access to solutions your character cannot afford? 
Does their disability, develop, change, etc. over time? 
Show Don’t Tell 
Rather than simply telling us about their disabilities, it’s important for you to them show your readers. I previously mentioned how you can do this by incorporating their personalities into your writing, but that is only one aspect writers should consider. 
It’s also important to treat your character as you would treat any other character. Many authors often write long winding descriptions of the things their character can see, hear, or feel. It’s important to do the same when writing with a disabled character as well. Especially if they have a sensory disability! 
Maybe your character can’t see but their lips curl up into a smile when they hear a soft swish of fabric by their side, because they know it means their sister bought that dress she was talking about. 
Recognising a character’s limitations also gives you an idea of how your character would experience the world and allows you to accurately translate that to your readers. 
Flesh Out Their Relationships 
Finally, it’s very important for writers to break away from the cliches when writing about disabled characters. It gets tiring reading about a disabled character who is pitied by everyone around them until someone special comes along and sees them for themselves. It is also important to recognise that a disabled character doesn’t necessarily have to only befriend other disabled characters. 
Your disabled characters can have friends, rivals, love interests, mentors, etc. without these relationships tying into their disability. Don’t restrict your character’s experiences simply because of their disability! A great example of a well-written disabled character would be Isaac played by George Robinson. 
Final Words
Writing about a community you don’t come from can be scary because you need to consider whether or not you’re accidentally offending or misrepresenting someone. This is why writers often stick to the communities they come from, which directly impacts the amount of representation for marginalised communities. 
However, I feel that the right amount of research and a willingness to learn is all you really need to be able to write about a community you don’t come from.
I hope this blog on how to write a disabled character: the dos and don’ts will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and marketing tools for authors every Monday and Thursday. 
Want to learn more about me and my writing journey? Visit my social media pages under the handle @hayatheauthor where I post content about my WIP The Traitor’s Throne and life as a teenage author. 
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amysgiantbees · 4 months
I find it very frustrating that Wyll and Karlach leave no matter what if you side with the goblins. Which feels particularly fucked up that the non-white and non-white coded origin characters are the only two who get this content cut off from them. Gale is the other morally upstanding character and although he's a bit more morally grey than the two of them he's certainly not okay with genocide by any means and yet he still stays.
I get it they are the two most morally upstanding characters and are very emotionally tied to the teiflings but they are then totally exempt from the story and loose a lot of content and depth. They both already have the least amount of content out of the origins characters from Karlach's late addition and Wyll's re-writes and cutting them out of the evil storyline just adds to this. It's especially frustrating with Karlach because she's so easy to miss as well as having less content. According to the DEV's this is on purpose bizarrely too "I would've missed Karlach if I hadn't been reading guides...
AS: That's common, I think.
SV: But it's also on purpose, because the replay value is much stronger if you've discovered things..." from https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-final-interview-game-of-the-year-2023-characters-endings
I feel also that they could very easily stay for the evil route in multiple ways without sacrificing their characters.
For Karlach she could have a speech at the goblin party post slaughter about how she thought she was free but this is just like Avernus. There's really nowhere where she can relax, nowhere where she can do good. No one that she can form a connection to that won't betray her. But if that's how it's got to be fine she's put up with it for ten years she can do it a little more to be rid of the tadpole.
Wyll could stay if he kills Karlach. This causes him to go through a Shadowheart like change. I think choosing to save or kill Karlach is his biggest and most dramatic moment (partially because he's annoyingly passive so much of the rest of the story but still) like choosing to save or kill the Nightsong is Shadowheart's. And thus should bring about a similar change in him like how Shadowheart shuts herself off if you kill Dame Ayelin.
There's dialogue that I assume is from early access because otherwise it makes no fucking sense like "I fear your lust for power could get the better of you. You are a hero not a politician." that you can say to Wyll. But with this route we'd actually bring out this side to him. At present his reaction to finding out he did an honest to god murder with Karlach is pretty lack luster (I blame the writing as they reuse so much of his saving Karlach lines instead of giving him a properly new scene). Instead of being upset I say he goes through a change and tries to justify himself instead. Like "I had to do it, you don't know what Mizora would have done to me" "I can still be a hero" "it was a one time loop hole who else are we going to find who is heartless". Something like that. We play up the dichotomy between the Blade and Wyll too. Now he only refers to himself as The Blade. He's less willing to hear feedback. He's more defensive. He isn't so much a person but a symbol.
However, he still wants to do good and should still definitely be upset at the goblin party. At the party he should say something like "These people trusted me! Trusted us! I was to be their hero! This isn't over. But I can't have the people seeing me as any more of a monster. So I'll stay with you since you hold the only thing stopping me from growing tentacles." He's still concerned with heroics but it's more selfish now.
When he made the pact with Mizora he gave up his home, only family, friends, previous career plans, everything! This is him desperately trying not to have to loose anything else. He would argue now that at the very least he should be able to keep his reputation, be allowed to keep his secret (which would add to how powerful it is that he grows horns in the other path). He's scared and so young and so the "good" ending would be keeping his pact with Mizora and dooming himself to an eternity of torture. Doing the scary thing anyway and becoming a lemur, a monster. I do consider breaking the pact to be the "good" ending at present but maybe it's just the "good" ending for the other version of him on that path. Because the other version of him is unendingly selfless and so should prioritize himself.
The other option is Karlach and Wyll both live. Get very angry at you for killing the teiflings. Say they'll stay because they're not strong enough to kill themselves and can't risk transforming without the Prism and inflicting that on people instead. So they say they'll stay but are secretly planning to kill you if you don't change. They pull a Minthara . Much like after revealing to Minthara that you can stop the Absolute's voice she'll try and kill you if you destroy last light inn Wyll and Karlach try and kill you. It would at least give them a bit more time with the party and maybe even stay entirely if you change.
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sonkitty · 2 months
Crowley S2 Hair Post #3 Redone
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 1, The Arrival, phone call with Aziraphale in the Bentley
Sideburns Check
The sideburns are shorter than the last time we saw him while attending to his mail in the street. We are only given a front view of them so not much to go on compared to the previous two scenes.
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To my own best estimates, they are longer than they were in the park and when he later arrives at the coffee shop. I made a composite image for us to compare. All of these are brightened:
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As my theory goes, the sideburns shorten with time while driving. I consider the "two minutes" in the dialogue as a clue.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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The brighter red streak is not visibly over Crowley's left eye in the car. When Crowley later exits the car for entering the coffee shop, the streak can be found, having moved back to an area above his left eye.
In the meantime, there is a streak of hair on Crowley's right side of his head, by his forehead, that is brighter and more saturated up until the cut where he turns off the phone. So, the brighter red streak either moved—and will move again when the drive is done, or an alternative is presented in its place. When Crowley actually does turn off the phone, there is too much saturation within most of his hair overall for me to really feel like the streak is there anymore. So, maybe it actually is starting to move. His sideburns might have even shortened a little more already, but I can't tell due to the angle.
Hairstyle Changes
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For a differing hairstyle, instead of both sides pushing inward and up with extra separated curls, most of the top hair appears together and is swooping upward, then down to his right, like a curve.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
Crowley is touching a steering wheel. Aziraphale is touching a phone. The dialogue itself includes a Hello, two questions, one number, and the name of the coffee shop.
Gabriel's around and touching a cup, presumably being seen by Aziraphale, but Gabriel has no actual dialogue himself. The fly is around too.
Story Commentary
This scene is the first time we see Crowley and Aziraphale interact in the present day. It's through a phone call instead of meeting each other in person. Season 1 did that too actually.
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However, the framing here decides to split the call, so that both characters are visibly on screen at the same time. The above image is brightened. Crowley is shown on the camera's left. Aziraphale is shown on the camera's right. In season 1, that would be considered as them being on the wrong sides. The standard then was that Crowley would be to Aziraphale's left when both are seen from the front. However, they are on the wrong sides so frequently in season 2, especially after a certain point in episode 5, it becomes overwhelming noise and loses meaning. I don't trust it. I figure things are not as bad as they seem.
The plants are more clearly shown as being in Crowley's car.
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Again, we don't actually see Crowley look in the mirror for his sideburns, but the camera work made sure we could see that the mirror is available quite early into the scene. He could have looked before the call. There are cuts of just Aziraphale and just Gabriel where Crowley could look without us seeing him look before he says, "Two minutes."
As the scene itself is presented, Gabriel's the last character on screen before it officially ends.
Referring to the timeline rundown post yet again, this scene does not have an obvious timestamp itself. In the context of the scenes surrounding it, it could finally actually fit into the timeline Aziraphale's been experiencing.
I'm not making an entire separate post for this part so skip it or read it as you see fit. It covers a lot of what I already discussed here in the episode 1 section on this scene: Bookend Buddies - Crowley and Muriel.
This phone call scene connected to Gabriel with the fly acts a front bookend to Muriel's first scene in the entire season. Among my many theories about this season, I have one that Muriel and Crowley have a deep trust in each other, to the point I think they are good friends. I am starting to wonder if it is a mentor-student type relationship too, with Crowley taking on the mentor role and Muriel taking on the student role. That would be cute.
So, first, we are introduced to the matchbox. The story has decided that this matchbox and the quote on it are so important that the words are copied and flow out onto the screen, so that the bigger text can be more clearly read. The text itself says, "Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out." It includes, "Job 41: 19" as an additional reference.
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We have seen and will see some things that remind us of that quote. Fire leapt out of Crowley's mouth in season 1, episode 6, when he was pretending to be Aziraphale. Later in this episode 1 of season 2, we are going to see lightning shooting out of Crowley with such force that the lights of the coffee shop itself go out as part of a power outage.
According to numerous sources found through Google that know better than I do, this quote is in reference to a leviathan. I probably read that on other Tumblr posts months ago too. Leviathans can be associated with snakes, and Crowley is a snake demon.
When we do get to Job later, Crowley is going to be shown with fire as part of his own power even if it is not literally shooting out of his mouth or involving lamps.
That's a lot of clues hinting at a link to Crowley. I think the matchbox is interested in him. The matchbox might be evil or borderline evil.
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Eventually, we see Muriel. They are careful in their touch of picking up this suspicious object. They manage their digits deliberately in the touch itself, much like Crowley does for his touches.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
Past version of this post:
Post #3 (phone call with Aziraphale in the Bentley)
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squishyteri · 2 months
More DFF (after ep 10)
So, I waited until the next day ... and it didn't help, I'm still disappointed from the episode.
First of all, this episode was really short (about 35 minutes if we cut the intro and the end credits) and it gave us even less than any of the previous ones. I wonder where to even start.
Let's start with my general issue for this ep and that being the uneccesary, immersion ruining flashbacks. I have no idea if BOC thinks we're dumb idiots with negative IQ who can't remember what happened previously, even when they showed it to us in the intro sequence, but I don't need flashback smacked into my face when character is admitting something hurtful to other character(s) and the main point is the reaction to the reveal. Just have the character say it, with emotions, with tears, let them yell it out! It applies to both PheeJin telling the truth to each other and Tee confessing what he did.
You know how much better would the scenes come out if Phee just teary eyed told Jin everything, in a dialogue, with us being able to see Jin's reaction to every word he speaks, every new information he learns? Same goes for Tee's confession. Instead of the flashback, make the man cry, admit what he did and beg Fluke for letting White go after every sentence.
Trust me, we viewers remember what happened, and even if not, the character saying it would be enough for us to remember.
Moving on to the PheeJin part of the story. If we turn a blind eye on the fact that they managed to walk in circles for so long (too gay to walk straight ig), we absolutely need to look at their talk before that painful part happened.
I was looking forward to this episode mainly because I wanted to see how Jin will react to Phee admitting he's been lying to him for 3 years and that he was just using him (including the sex). But Jin has like zero reaction to it. He seems confused and shocked for a second before saying: "You know what, I did something worse so ... yeah, it's ok."
And then admits he posted the video of KengNon (which like, why making all the effort to make us believe there's a chance Jin didn't do it, when he just spills it like that ... the suspense of the uncertainity was totally ruined like ... you could've just showed us he did it, it wouldn't change a damn thing if he admits it just like he did) AND PHEE'S REACTION IS LITERALLY:
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Like he seemed pissed, but then he saw the axe and everything was forgotten just like that?????? Hello????? Is this the Phee we knew until now???? The same Phee who told Non to get lost and die???? Like I get it there could've been some character development behind the scenes, but still, he should be pissed much more because the video absolutely destroyed the man he once loved.
Also, I don't know if I forgot anything, but did Jin hurt his foot/leg? I remember him falling and hurting his shoulder, so I was kind of confused why he can't walk suddenly and Phee has to support him.
But as my friend Dante (@tbhimnoteasyonmyself) said, man who has secret knowledge of Non in his ass, might as well have functionality of his two feet hidden in his shoulder...
Now another thing I want to point out is how they ran out of this little hints that will make a big reveal later and now they are just dumping REALLY obvious stuff on us.
Like PheeJin leaving the axe behind? I can tell someone (most likely someone unexpected, possibly the ninth person) grabs it and smashes someone with it (someone we would not expect to die in that situation).
And the moment I screamed at my screen and banged head on my table. THEM GIVING THE GUN TO WHITE. FOR A SECOND TIME. TO THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS SO EASY TO DISARM THAT A TODDLER WOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE THE MF GUN. AND FLUKE BEING THE ONE TO TAKE IT AGAIN! I'm at loss of words. Like did we run out of ideas there? Did the writing team take a day off and someone else had to write this ep? Like that was so predictable and it pains me that they are this stupid.
Another question to the writing team. Did we forget which character is the doctor there? Why did White suddenly pulled a drug knowledge out of his ass, while the character you told me was a to be doctor and a medicine student was sitting there saying that hallucinations are not a thing. Either we are missing some White background knowledge (which like, we do, tell me something about him pls) or the writing team got some absynth from Tan as well.
And lastly, Tan hurting Por. I know this part might be just what Phee thinks happened, but I wasted my good ten minutes watching his thoughts so... I believe we agreed that Tan had an alibi for the time of Por's injury. Yes, he could've set the trap earlier, but he had to make sure Por is the one to get lured in there (since we're following the script) so he had to be there lure out the right person. Not to mention that Por got cut with the knife (which was after he impaled himself most likely) and I have hopes that others are not such idiots to not question Tan if he had been gone at the same/similar time as Por after they found him hurt. And I'm not saying he had to bring out a brick solid alibi, just one line of them asking: "Hey, but you were gone too, where were you?" and Tan saying: "Oh, I went to the bathroom, my stomach was upset." would be enough, because they wouldn't suspect Tan and as a viewer you wouldn't suspect him either, because he might as well have been doing just that.
Now for the next ep, I wonder what is White. I hope they had a good reason to keep his backstory hidden until now, because right now, he has nothing going on for him. Top doesn't have anything about him either, but he at least has interesting plot in the present time, but all White did was cry, whine, let manical Fluke took the gun TWO FUCKING TIMES and ... oh, yeah he fixed the radio ... that was still useless, but at least he tried ig. Like I'm trying to like him, but there's nothing about him to like so far ... like yeah, he's cute, but that's not enough to make me care about him if he's in danger or the right opposite, make me wanna help the killer slash him. So I beg you, give me something to work with.
It also seems that we will get more Perth in the next ep and I'm so interested what he's about.
And Tan making Phee shoot someone? Oh boy, that's going to be interesting.
That was way too long, thank you for making it through.
Love y'all and see you next week again.
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G-Revolution Rant
If you’re a huge fan of g-revolution, I’d suggest you don’t read this post because in no way do I have any intentions of offending any fans. This is basically a critique.
I was thinking a lot about this today and I had to vent a little. I’m only going to list one of the very many problems I have with g-rev ore else it’s going be a long ass list.
Alright let’s begin. So apart from the two major problems of:
1) the awful dub censorship (trust me, the previous two seasons did not nearly have a censorship this bad)
2) the nerfing of every character (+a million other stuff),
I have another issue with this season regarding the entire concept of Tyson being the ‘world champ’. As someone who’s favourite is Tyson, this shouldn’t offend any of his fans because this is entirely the fault of the PLOT and has nothing to do with his overall character.
G-Revolution gives us this awful perception of Tyson being the exclusive ‘world champ’ when he’s literally not. If they changed that concept to him being something like the ‘strongest rival/ ultimate rival’ etc, it would’ve made everything so much better.
When Tyson is confronting Ray and Max about leaving the team, he says something like ‘I’ve won the championships twice in a row and now you want your turn’. I hoped that the Japanese version would have a different dialogue but that wasn’t the case.
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I think the creators forgot that both Max and Tyson were tag-team champions last year. Sure, Max’s performance wasn’t that good in the 2002 finals, but that does not exclusively make Tyson the ‘world champ’. Also what about Ray? The creators forgot how essential Ray’s victory against Bryan was in the 2001 finals.
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Ray and Tyson were the ones who brought the victory to the team, but it’s not like they both were exclusively the world champs. V-Force did not do this bullshit of only Tyson being the world champ. In that season, each and every one of the BBA team faced the pressure of being the world champions. But G-Revolution ruined this entirely.
Episodes 20 and 21 of G-Revolution focus on Tyson’s pressure of being a ‘world champion’ which in my opinion should have been changed to something like ‘the pressure of being an overly STRONG opponent’. That’s what V-Force was about, where everyone was in desire of the power of the BBA team and they ALL faced the some or the other pressure in different ways. An example for Tyson:
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This example speaking about Tyson’s insecurities was a much better one that what G-Revolution used.
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In the dubbed version of the 25th episode of G-Revolution, Max says, ‘You’ve always underestimated me Tyson and now you’re going to pay the price for that.’ On one hand it sounds believable but then you realize that Tyson was literally the biggest supporter of Max in V-Force and even yelled at Ray and Kai for doubting him once. Ultimately, it’s the audience that underestimates him and the show itself makes Max look like a weak link when he really isn’t. I believe there was no such dialogue in the original Japanese version, but it’s kinda obvious that Tyson slightly underestimated him before and during the match when compared to Ray and Kai. Or perhaps it might have looked like that because Tyson had no particular beef with Max like he did with Ray and Kai, so the friendliness might have appeared like underestimation.
This one particularly had nothing to do with that concept but I just wanted to put it in there, because Max’s contributions last year were completely neglected and there was a major downfall in Max and Tyson’s friendship. It saddens me how the friendship went down the drain but it was bound to happen, given that it’s nothing but the repercussions of the world championships. I hope they we got to see more of the them in the second half but it just wasn’t enough.
This is the best way I could put my finger on the issue because my brain seriously malfunctions and I cannot focus on one thing at a time so I hope it all made sense.
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grapecaseschoices · 8 months
thank you for being a friend~
this is my @wayhavenficexchange gift to @rosejellyy. thank you so much for this opportunity to learn about iris; i adore her! i had a great time reading yours, and others, works in my research about her. i hope i did right by her and that you enjoy!
who: Iris Lee & Farah Hauville when: sometime post book three; so some spoilers but i tried to keep it vague what: that's my best friend, she a real cool chick. [a lot of introspection with smatterings of dialogue; 2.5k just about] where: haley's and the warehouse! warning: cute.
Growing up, Iris hadn't had many close friends.
The more correct determiner was 'any' -- Iris hadn't had any close friends. She had made acquaintances growing up and had even been invited to parties. But for the most part, Iris tried to keep to herself. Growing up, she had convinced herself that it had been to keep people from asking awkward questions, that it had been because she wanted to avoid any problematic situations for Rebecca. (She had hoped maybe if her mother viewed Iris as undemanding and manageable … convenient, even, that her mother could better make space for her.)
(Those were the little reassurances that lonely children whispered into their pillows as they tucked themselves to sleep.)
The truth of it was that Iris had been afraid.
The reasons behind her fear didn't matter at the moment. Partly because the concerns of that lonely little girl seemed feeble in the face of the woman she had become and the friendships she had made. But mostly because it was difficult for fear to violently, steadily erect itself into her consciousness at the face of Farah Hauville's twinkling, bright gaze.
Still, Iris had to fight a desire to fidget. She took a steadying breath, her eyes glued on Farah's face as her friend took everything before them. The truth was evident in the taller woman's expression, but she still had to ask: "Do you lik -- oomph."
As a detective, Iris prided herself on being discerning and understanding - and as a friend, she did her best to maximize those traits - so she probably should have seen this coming; nevertheless, she managed to absorb the impact of Farah's tacklehug (and bouncing shouts of happiness) enough to keep them both steady on their feet.
"How did you -- ! -- this is -- this ... ! ... and the colors! The unicorn is HUGE Iris!!"
Iris hugged Farah tightly in return, her own happiness bright inside her chest as she listened to the young vampire stumble over her words.
Farah pulled back slightly, golden eyes shining, "Did you -- you did all of this for me?"
"Tina and Nat helped. Actually, Tina helped a lot." It seemed fair to give credit where it was due. Especially since Tina was the only one with actual sleepover experience, Iris' former coworker and still close friend had been as much of a resource as Google.
It seemed even more fair to give Tina credit as it had been her suggestion.
The idea had been borne from a casual conversation during their first bi-monthly "friends date" at Hayleys. The change was difficult. And the new shift in Iris' career meant she wouldn't be able to see Verda and Tina as often as she had in the past. While they all agreed to continue meeting for drinks whenever possible, she had devised a more structured way to catch up with them. Dinner once a month with Sol and Verda (with an open invite to Ava) and coffee time twice a month with Tina.
Sometimes, Tina was magnanimous enough to invite Nat and Farah.
They both always showed up when they could.
That late afternoon, they had flitted through several topics of conversation. Experience had taught Iris how to keep up with Tina's boisterousness. But for the most part, she had followed along with an indulgent smile until they'd dived into the topic of childhood favorite books. It was a pick-up from a previous conversation. It had gone from Tina enthusiastically chattering, "I definitely was a Stacey growing up; I bet you were a little bit of a Mary Ann!" to Iris admitting she had never read the Babysitters Club series (to Tina's mild shock though forgiving understanding). And then Farah declaring that she had never participated in a sleepover (to Tina's horror).
Iris'd decided it was best to not confess to her own lack of experience -- she didn't want to be the first person responsible for making the resilient Tina Ponome wither away in surprise -- but the conversation had stuck with her throughout the day.
No, it hadn't been precisely the conversation but Farah's reaction: The resigned disappointment hidden behind a determined smile. It had prickled under Iris' skin with burning familiarity. She had known Farah had made friends and acquaintances outside of Unit Bravo. It seemed strange that no one had ever invited the young vampire over to spend the night or to go on a girl's trip.
 (She ignored the little voice that reminded her that - outside the occasional stayover at the warehouse - even as an adult, no one had ever invited her to do such things either.)
 Farah's 'smile' had remained under Iris' skin -- unwilling to leave her alone. After the conversation, she found herself looking up the general term to satiate her curiosity. From looking up the word, she found herself looking into decorations (from what children enjoyed to what adults did during girls' nights), and from there, she ended up watching films. It became a full-blown research affair that would've made Nat proud.
In fact, it <i>had</i>. And the tight, hesitant, wary knot that had tried to dissuade Iris from going through with this idea unsnarled under the warmth of Nat's gaze. Nat had been absolutely delighted when Iris handed her an invitation. She shared her excitement over doing this for Farah. Nat's approval, the prospect of Farah's happiness, and her determination buoyed her to also hand Morgan an invitation.
 Morgan had declined as Iris had expected. However, she hadn't expected Morgan to offer to go on a "beer, and other shit, run". 
"It's nice," She had scoffed underneath the surprise Iris hadn't managed to mask. "You wouldn't catch me dead with a giggling, drunk Tina trying to do my hair, but --" Though the rest of the words were bit out, a small smile curled up a corner of her thin lips. "I'll help. Only if you really need it," She added hurriedly beneath the wobbly beam of Iris' smile, "don't go wasting my time for anything less."
"I won't," Iris promised.
"Good," Morgan stated sharply, placing an empty cigarette in her mouth before she turned briskly and walked away. But there was a look in her grey eyes when she shot Iris, a last lingering look that almost made the usually self-restrained detective bounce giddily on her heels. Almost.
Something almost friendly, something that almost caused the dryness that always clogged Iris' throat when she was near Morgan to vanish. 
Though her interaction with the intimidating vampire had turned out fruitful, Iris had little hope for her interaction with Ava. However, it became a non-issue. Before Iris could set the infuriating team leader with an invitation, the Agency had requested a meeting between Commanding Agents and their second-in-command. Meaning Nat ended up having to cancel.
In a continuation of the bad luck, a joint case based in The City ended up pulling away New Detective Tina Ponome at the very last minute. It left Iris little time to reschedule. But decided to be flexible about it -- these cancellations only opened up the door for doing this again in the future. 
A nebulous plan that Iris was sure would go over well with Tina and Nat. (Morgan was another story ... The offer to be their deliverywoman might've been a one-time thing. But that was fine!) 
Iris had mentally filed that away. She shifted her focus on tying any loose end for a group girl's night that had become a sleepover for two. There hadn't been much left to do except ensure that Farah stayed away from the selected sleepover room until -- well, the hours for sleep. That would've been the hardest part if not for the timely visit of the mailperson. 
A purse filled with coupons and Farah in hand, Iris dragged her friend for her first visit to the Wayhaven Mall. A day of shopping and splitting each other up until they came apart at the seams was a great way to pregame for the evening. 
As the time neared, they stopped for ice cream before heading to the warehouse.
And that was how Iris ended up with her arms full with a wiggly vampire. Foresight and knowing Farah well (hopeful for her positive reaction) allowed her to take the bags containing their cold treats and place them somewhere safe. After another hug and a session of bouncing gleefully in place, Iris pulled away, "Come on." She encouraged with a bright smile that stretched for miles, "Let's get changed. I want to reheat the brownies before our ice cream melts." 
"Be back in my jammies in a jiff!" Farah winked as she zoomed into her room. The precision of the vampire's speeding hit more like a pleasant breeze.
Farah made good on her promise, and Iris is just pulling the blood from the microwave -- warmed exactly to her friend's preference -- when a slight gust of wind is her only warning before the other woman speaks, "But you're not even dressed yet!" 
Iris doesn't have to turn around to see the smaII pout or the impatient bouncing on heels. She bit back a giggle as she looked over her shoulder, "This blood isn't going to warm itself."
"And I can't have this sleepover by myself!" Farah expertly volleys back in response to her pert response.
"I was going to change as soon as I finish adding the marshmallows that --"
Farah's golden eyes took up her entire face in surprise. They were wide and bright and pulled Iris in like a ship to a lighthouse. Iris hadn't stopped feeling warm since her friend had seen everything she, Nat, and Tina had set up for her. She wasn't just proud of how well they set up but also couldn't stop the delight that echoed what burst across Farah's features.
Her fingers itched to grab her phone to take a picture. She knew Tina and Nat were regretting being unable to make it tonight, and they deserved to bask in Farah's joy as much as she did. Besides, Iris wanted to immortalize this moment, as well. It earned a special place in her apartment among the slowly growing gallery of memories.
"Are those the special, limited edition rainbow 'mallows??" Farah burst out. Iris didn't mind the interruption at all; she nodded earnestly. She handed the bag into Farah's hands. This time, Iris couldn't suppress her amused snort.
"How! They were sold out at Wayhaven Mart. I couldn't even find them in The City. I checked in almost ALL the online weekly circulars!"
"Let's just say now, I know better than to bet against Nat when it comes to finding rare things and shopping," Iris stated as she poured some of the blood into Farah's favorite large mug. Typically, it was straight from the bag, but Farah occasionally enjoyed her marshmallows floating in warm blood. (A strange tendency that Iris had quickly learned to make peace with.) This occasion merited a special treat; she had even gotten the young vampire a new twisty, purple straw for it as well.
Farah let out an impressive squawk. 
Iris placed the mug down and washed her hands at the sink. Marshmallows and blood were somewhat forgotten as the taller woman trailed after her, "Nat got these? Natalie Sewell? Nat Sewell brought Miss Maples' Monstrous Marshmallows? Did she know it's dyed <;i>with food coloring&lt;/i>??!!? Nat thinks food coloring is --'' Farah freezes as a thought almost bowls her over, "How did Nat even find these? Did Nat use the Internet? Iris?? Iris, where are you going! I --"
"I thought you told me to get dressed!" She called over her shoulder as she made her "escape" (Iris was sure if she looked behind her, she would find the bamboozled vampire still holding onto the bag of sweets); her teasing laughter filled the corridor. 
Her joy, at this moment, was bigger than her body. It was almost bigger than this space.
ris was no super-speeding vampire; however, it wasn't very long before the two of them were enjoying the set up. Iris had Farah choose the movies and Farah choose the games. After all, this night was for her friend. And though Iris was in the same boat of sleepover-less past, her true enjoyment came from knowing that she had done right with all of her choices. Her true enjoyment came from the very fact that she had a friend and she was helping said friend heal parts of her that needed healing. Iris liked being needed and it helped fill a gaping hole in her own chest when she succeeded in taking care of those she loved. She didn't want them to have any doubts that she appreciated them in her day-to-day. (Iris didn't want to give them any reason to unfit her from their lives.)
Of course, it wasn't easy to pull "whatever you want to do" with Farah.
"I could do that on my own anytime!" She protested. Farah's earlier words echoed in Iris' mind: <i> "And I can't have this sleepover by myself!"</i>
Iris put her hands up and smiled slightly, "All right. All right, you're right! How about this? You pick a movie now and we'll eat a snack that I want. Then I pick the movie and then we play a game you like after?"
Things didn't exactly go to plan, but for the most part they kept their compromise. By their third film, Iris ended up sitting between Farah's legs as the other woman gently brushed her mass of curls from her face, "I didn't know you were so good at doing hair! I don't think I've ever gotten my hair to compromise." Iris tentatively touched the soft strands that Farah had managed to get to lie (mostly) flat against her scalp.
"How else do you think I look so fire fly everyday?"
Iris flushed slightly. That was a good point. "Agency beautician?" She was grateful that Farah briefly let go of her hair before she jerked back and began cracking up.
She was still giggling when she started braiding Iris' hair again. Iris didn't have much opportunity to stay settled in her embarrassment as she found herself giggling in return.
Later in the night (well into the next day; the birds were already chirping outside though it was still dark), after they had stuffed themselves and watched every film on the roster - and some shows to boot - Iris found herself drooping to sleep. Her body curled so forward that it was a surprise that she didn't topple the comfortably recling Farah off her lap. But maybe because of that she managed to hear the gentle whisper, "I had so much fun." A tiny, answering, smile tiredly stretched across Iris' lips. Even if Farah hadn't said as much - and she had several times - she had shown it. And that was enough for Iris. "Thank you for sharing tonight with me."
Something sharped pricked at the back of Iris' eyes and her eyelids fluttered open. Her breathing hitched slightly and she corrected herself: No. This – this was enough for her. Getting to have this moment with one of her best friends.
"Thank you for sharing tonight with <i>me</i>."
Farah's smile was soft as she looked up and tucks a stray curl behind Iris' ear, "Anytime, bestie. Anytime."
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2af-afterdark · 7 months
What in Hell is Bad?: First impressions the day after launch
It is the day after launch now. It has not been a full 24 hours as of when I have started writing this post, but I want to give my first impressions of the game; the good, the bad, the ugly.
I will not be holding the server overload against PrettyBusy, especially since that is a common launch day problem with games and they have been doing their best to fix it. Instead, I want to look at the actual content and gameplay.
The Good
There are a ton of Day 1 goodies that make it easy to jump into the game and get going as soon as possible.
Duplicates are automatically converted into an item called tealeaves that you can use to boost/evolve a unit. The unit is not automatically strengthened, but you are not required to go digging through all your units to merge the duplicates manually. There is also no additional cost to evolving a unit, so you can merge them immediately with little worry.
The comics between the loading screens really are a blessing. They are so charming and funny and give a little more insight into some of the characters.
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You can, like any decent gatcha, put character's you've obtained on the homescreen and tap them for dialogue that gives insight into who they are. Find my slightly troubling first encounter below.
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The combat is smooth. I personally have never played a tower defense type gatcha before, but I find this combat easy to understand, plan, and utilize. I do have an issue with it, but I will list that later.
The Bad
The biggest thing I noticed, the thing that leaves me feeling disappointed, is that the male MC is not implemented well. The male MC options appears to only change the MC's pronouns, but nothing about the actual descriptions of the MC. The game still describes MC having breasts and wetness between the legs, which are the traits of a female MC. If you want to play a trans!MC (like my Dallas), that may please you. Or it may not. It depends how your MC/you view your gender and what terms you choose to use for your anatomy. My point is that the male MC is simply a pronoun change and not much more. Even then, the game sometimes uses the wrong pronouns. I have had multiple moments where the game referred to Dallas (my he/him MC) as she/her, daughter of Solomon, said he and Minhyeok were opposite genders (when they both identify as men).
I love the rainbow bar giving me bonus goodies in the Adore function but... It is legitimately hard to see the bars when those items go flying everywhere. I have to be extra careful because I don't know when the left bar is getting too high.
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You cannot replay a story section without using AP. Honestly, this is a real let down. Having to use your limited AP to reread a story is sad. I want to go back and reread sections I've already done without worry. It's for memories and fun. I don't mind paying AP to unlock them, but rereading them is a different matter. Especially given how far apart each story section is. It will be hard to refresh my memory if I take a break from the game for any reason.
Do you know where to find the friends menu? Because I do not. I found it, but I had to go through a series of convoluted pathways. Even then, I don't have a friend code or codes to add my friends. Which is strange considering there is a mission about adding friends and sending presents.
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The Ugly (quality of life)
The actual battle maps are... Repetitive. There are often multiple battles in a row and they will have the same layout as the one before them. This often makes it so you can use the same units and arrangement you did on the previous map for the current one. This makes the battles easy to plan, but tedious to do.
The comics between loading screens will vanish automatically when the game is ready. I personally wish the game would prompt me to click to continue because my game loads so quickly that I rarely get to read them. If not a click to continue, then a separate menu where I can read them without worrying they will vanish before I get the chance to enjoy them.
Not sure if my game glitched during the overload, but my first Hell-oh! Talk vanished without a trace. The second one I received is still there, so I want to say it was a glitch, but I cannot be certain so I am putting it here.
It appears that tealeaves (the evolution item) can only be used 5 times. After you use it for the fifth time, you seem to be unable to do anything. Yet I am still gathering tealeaves, so I am unsure what to do with all these extras I am acquiring.
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A personal gripe of mine, is that it take 5 greater keys of Solomon to draw once (50 for a 10x). You need 3 lesser keys of Solomon for 1 draw (30 for a 10x). I have always preferred a 1:1 ratio when it comes to drawing because it makes it straight forward and easy to plan what I will need.
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There is no way to raise a character's level more than one at a time. If you want to level up a character 10 times, you have to hit the level up button 10 times. It would be nice if they gave us a faster way to do multiple level ups quickly.
Sometimes my chats will have these random empty boxes and I feel that is missing dialogue that I really want to see.
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When I go back to check my previous messages to reread them, I notice that the options are sometimes not what I actually chose. This picture is the same section as above, but you'll notice Leviathan's dialogue changed. That's because, for some reason, the game saved my answer as being the other one. Notably, I think it always defaults to whatever option 1 is.
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(this one is from 🪰 anon because I haven't seen it yet) In that same vein... you cannot control the speed of messages. That is detrimental when you are play one of the plot relevant text conversations. If it progresses faster than you can read you will simply miss it. A function to change the speed of the texts would be a nice addition.
You have to open boxes one. at. a. time. It is a very slow process when you have upwards of 10+ boxes.
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Random Stuff I Noticed:
Ppyong refer to class five angels as Vultures. Not sure if this is a mistranslation of Virtues (the actual fifth highest rank of angel) or if PB decided to use unique names for their game.
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pao-panda12 · 29 days
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So here's a list of headcanons I got for Bosch bc why not
Kalima is his and Yua's aunt: This is based off a line of dialogue I've seen when interacting with Yua after proving we're trustworthy to the Nayshalli Resistance (if I remember correctly), she describes Kalima as a relative- so that makes me believe she's either their biological aunt from either side of their family or a family friend that has supported them financially their whole lives and has spent little to no time with them when she worked as JP's secretary, but had more quality time with them once Kalima quit working for JP and inspired Bosch to fight for the resistance. Once it grew more and more Kalima started to have even less time for Yua since she had to tend to the rest.
Bosch and Yua are orphans: Assuming they lived in Old Nayshall since birth, both parents died young because of the poor healthcare and/or gang violence. This could've happened when Bosch was a kid and had now to take care of a baby Yua. Bosch recieved an allowance from Kalima which he mostly used for groceries and baby stuff for Yua, though sometimes money ran short so he had to resort to stealing (though this was on rare occasion).
Bosch, is in fact, a great cook: Since he had to basically run the house and raise his little sister on his own, he needed a lot of help and he got it through a nice old lady who was his neighbor. She taught him how to make a bottle for Yua, change diapers, care for the house, and of course- make mad delicious local dishes. Also, once Yua grew up a little she started to lean onto the old lady's cooking so he started to see her as competition for Yua's tastebuds, so he perfected the art of homecooking until the old lady unfortunately passed away by the time his little sister was able to barely remember her.
The origin of Bosch's scar: In the concept art and if you squint on his right eye (the eye his hair covers before he's experimented on) there's a scar thats only visible by the time he's revealed to be the Carboard Combatant and he's been experimented on by Neo Shadaloo (JP's faction) when irradiating purple from PP (Psycho Power). At first I thought it probably was because of a bad kitchen accident he had as a kid, but then I realized it could've also been one of the few times he stole out of necessity when money fell short, got caught, beat up and got that scar. That was the last time he stole until he stole that bag from Mad Gear in our second encounter with him in World Tour. (He can't lie to me that wasn't his first rodeo getting chased down)
Bosch is a great singer but is too shy about it (I blame his VA Griffin Puatu he's got blessed vocals): Okay so, ever since Yua was a baby he always sang her lullabies until she fell asleep and this has carried on until present day, which made him develop a good singing voice as a young adult, but is way too shy and introverted to show it off so his only audience who can testify about it is Yua.
Bosch can't lie for his life, even less keep one up: Look... He's by far way too expressive (and dramatic especially on his intro) to even lie about how he feels about something. You will be able to tell when he's happy, angry, sad, worried, etc. He may stammer a lie through his lips but one can tell what he's clearly thinking from one look to that beautiful puppy face of his. That why the only way for him to lie successfully is just running away before he says something he shouldn't. (RIP Bosch you would've loved being a theater kid)
Yua was the one who dyed his hair and did his braids: I did this on a previous post with a doodle on it but I'll say it again- Yua was the one with the idea of dying his hair red (with organic DIY hairdye) and was the one to braid his hair and place beads on it. Bosch just let her do it because it made her happy, plus it would be a reminder of her on his journey to the outside world, so when he got captured and his hair got butchered he would've been devastated since it was a piece of his sister that got ripped out of him.
Thanks for reading! (If I have more HCs I'll probably edit this or make a part 2)
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watcher-comic · 5 months
okay hi
did i promise to make an art... lore dump post literally last month? yes. did i not do it for nearly a month? also yes. and im Very Sorry.
anyway! onto the ranting
So starting off with the obvious, Nanehi's color scheme is based off of the Shawnee tribe's flag!
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Obviously more desaturated, but the blue sweater and two yellow stars were meant to show that he's native.
Alright, going in page order I'm just gonna throw around some easter eggs or fun facts or commentary...whatever....
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Because this is the only good image I can find of it, Nane wears his parents' wedding bands on a necklace. Because his parents are divorced </3
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On page 2, Nane has a poster up on his wall which is my current sketchbook cover in my art class. I believe it's somewhere on my art blog
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Nane has a ziptie on his backpack! It doesn't mean anything.
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Page 6: The white text that says "what?" is actually a reference to the first debut of Nane - an askblog!
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(technically his first word was "huh" but i changed it to what for plot's sake)
Continuing with the black spaces on page 6, the panicked eye doesn't really mean anything. However, the twisted light switch was supposed to represent the noose that shows up at the end of the comic.
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For page 7, there's obviously the audience design to talk about, but the things I actually wanna focus on are:
The doodle on the top left, which is Nanehi saying that he thinks he has tinnitus [which he then goes on to immediately deny in the next page]
And the doodle on the bottom right. His fursona is a bunny and if I could, I would've tried to fit more bunny imagery into the comic. But alas :pensive:
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Page 13: All the different colored text were the responses I got from a select few people. I showed them the previous panels of the page and asked them what they wanted [there is one distinct person I didn't ask but I will get to them later].
I also want you to keep the... 3rd shade of green in mind [the "i want to see where this goes"]
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For this panel on page 15, I wanted it to be known that Nanehi isn't a real person, and they know it. Everyone else's face is squared, even the simply doodled character in the background and the barely visible person in the foreground. Everyone except Nane.
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Page 16: Man that's just mold on his shower curtain.
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Page 17: There's actually a lot I want to talk about with page 17. Firstly, the design of The Audience. It changed, clearly. Before it was that weird circle thing, but now it's more humanoid - to the point of having hair similar to Nanehi's. The reason being, it's not entirely The Audience anymore. It's The Creator too. Nanehi was based off my fear of being watched and constantly having an audience. The little amount of comfort that the figure gives was... sorta supposed to be an apology to the character- as cheesy as that sounds.
(Also the fact that their text originally said "didn't they already answer that" but was crossed out to say 'we'. The Creator disguising themself as The Audience. And truly, what is to separate them?)
Another thing I want to point out is the dark grey panel. It's the same shade of grey I used for the askblog, and he's smiling in that panel, because during the askblog he was much happier around the audience- or the concept of them, rather.
And then of course, the dark blue text that reads "I know how this ends." That actually wasn't a response I took from someone, but rather a piece of... I guess dialogue, that I felt like someone would say. That specific someone being my friend Classi, who was the only person besides me that knew how Watcher ended. Purely because she had a very similar character and we thought that they'd be buddies.
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On page 18, we have 3 entire panels in a different style. That being the style of the askblog.
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(some examples)(the last image is where the avatar came from, haha)
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On page 19 we have this panel, which you can probably assume what it is. It, I suppose, could both be seen as Nane standing, back to the audience, or as Nane hanging without the noose. You choose.
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And of course, the last page. For some reason this fucks me up. Because this is The Creator talking to Nanehi. The Creator knows that Nane has no say in how their story ends, but they're given the illusion of control, because that's all they've been looking for. They wanted control over something, so the only way to prove such control was to show The Audience that they could end the story whenever they wanted. He doesn't know that he was talking to The Creator, he just assumed it was still The Audience. He doesn't know that he didn't really have a say.
This was what he wanted. That's how he's ending the story
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sam-glade · 7 months
Ctrl+F'ing the Document
Part 2/3 of my editing process. Part 1 link.
This is what I do to a novel or a novella before showing it to anyone (including beta readers). I’m posting it in hopes that it will help someone, and I’m not expecting it to work for everyone. Take any parts that help you!
The goal of this step is to reduce word count by removing redundant and filtering words, and make the text more crisp and direct.
Two things up front:
‘Imperfect’ doesn’t mean ‘bad’. Good writing can have imperfections.
The goal is to get the manuscript to a stage where the imperfections won’t be distracting to beta readers.
Remove filtering and padding words
(With examples from my current editing pass of Gifts of Fate)
Search the manuscript – literally, with ctrl+F – for the following words. Try to remove especially those outside of dialogue. I allow more padding in dialogue to help differentiate character voices. 
Most of these words can be removed within the context of the single sentence, maybe with a glance at the previous or the next one, for repetitions.
Suddenly – can be removed in 99% of the cases. In 109k words of GoF, I’m left with 5 occurrences, 3 of which are in dialogue. E.g. ‘He laughed suddenly.’ → ‘He burst out laughing.’
Then – as above. E.g. ‘He blushed then and looked to the side.’ → straight up remove ‘then’. What do you add to the sentence, little word?
‘In order to’ – can almost always be replaced with just ‘to’, but see a note below on using ‘to’ to indicate intent.
‘At that’, ‘at him’ in phrases like ‘was surprised by that’, ‘smiled at him’. E.g. ‘Ianim smiled at him with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.’ → Just remove ‘at him’ 
Something – can usually be replaced with 1-2 more specific words, which will pack a sentence with more information. E.g. ‘It was something he could trust, and so he did.’ → ‘It was an instinct he could trust, and so he did.’
And on that note…
Turn intent into action
Don’t tell me what the character’s immediate plan is; show them doing it. This makes the action more direct, since we spend less time in the character’s head, and more watching the events unfold.
The first words to search for here are: could, would, should.
E.g. second pass of the last example: ‘It was an instinct he could trust, and so he did.’ → ‘It was an instinct he trusted.’
E.g. 'He could understand where they were coming from' → 'He understood where…'
I’m not that aggressive with removing the latter two.
Similarly ‘to’. Searching for it with ctrl+F produces a lot of false positives, but the instances I’m looking for are ‘they did X in order to do Y’.
E.g. ‘She slowly reached out her hand to touch the blade.’ → ‘She reached out slowly and touched the blade with a shaking hand.’
E.g. ‘The animals began to scuttle away.’ → ‘The animals scuttled away.’
E.g. ‘He sat straddling the bench to look directly at Lissan.’ → ‘... and looked …’
Yes, the meaning changes a tiny bit, but is the distinction crucial? In my case, the answer is almost always: it’s not.
Other padding words, often included in writing advice, are ‘that’, ‘almost’, ‘still, ‘quite’, and ‘very’, and again, they can be either removed or replaced with a stronger/weaker word.
E.g. ‘The wall to the right was almost entirely covered by a detailed map of the Five Princedoms.’ → ‘The wall to the right was covered by a detailed map of the Five Princedoms.’
E.g. ‘It even glowed very faintly in the dark.’ → just remove ‘very’.
Filtering words
Heard, smelled, felt, saw – they’re the filtering words, ok, but what does that mean? They distance the reader from the events, like observing them through a window. They also shift the focus from the events, onto the characters – so yes, I’d leave the words in when I want to stress that the character managed to see/hear something, despite it pushing the limits on their senses, but in most cases, they can go.
Each one of them is a little different, and I’ll order them from the most straightforward to most nuanced.
‘Heard’ is probably the easiest, and the only times I’d leave it in is when someone is eavesdropping (with description of how clearly they can hear a conversation) or to highlight that someone has exceptional hearing (with a note on the distance). Other than that, remove. E.g. ‘He heard his own voice falter.’ → ‘His voice faltered.’
‘Smelled’ – I try to remove it in sentences of the form ‘they smelled apple pies’, not ‘the apple pies smelled delicious.’ I’m also less aggressive about this one, and again leave it when it highlights someone’s super-senses. And! I never remove it at the cost of not describing a smell – include all senses. E.g. ‘Lissan smelled a rejuvenating, not quite minty aroma.’ → ‘A rejuvenating, not quite minty aroma drifted towards Lissan.’
‘Felt’ – there are at least two reasons why I’d want to remove it. First is that it’s telling emotions, in sentences like ‘He felt embarrassed.’ and I’ll get to these in the next part. The second thing is strictly filtering, describing what a character noticed about the environment. E.g. ‘It was black and it felt oily.’ → ‘It was black and oily, leaving unpleasant smudges on his fingers.’ E.g. ‘He felt a gust of wind at the back of his head.’ → ‘A gust of wind ruffled the hair at the back of his head.’
‘Saw’ – again, there are two ways in which I see this word pop up in my draft, which I want to cut down on. One is describing the action of watching, noticing, or spotting, and in most cases it can be replaced with a more specific word, like the ones above. E.g. ‘She’d seen Barran sew a cut like this once.’ → ‘She’d watched Barran…’ The other way it comes up is the typical filtering: E.g. ‘He saw Lissan tense up.’ → ‘Lissan tensed up.’
One exception to this rule is when removing them makes you ask how the POV character saw it, e.g. when they’re facing a different direction. E.g. ‘They saw a glint of steel out of the corner of their eye. They pivoted on their heel and raised their Sabre to meet the falling blade.’ → leave as is. Note to self: ‘Out of a corner of their eye’ is not a get out of jail free card for using ‘saw’. I definitely use it too often.
Oof that’s all I the words I ctrl+F for…
As I write more, I start forming sentences without these words by habit, and I find fewer and fewer ctrl+f’able words to remove.
Part 3 to come soon.
Requested tag: @galactic-mystics-writes
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Okay, so I've decided to finally write this analysis that's been kicking around my brain for way to long.
Also, just a note before we start: I wholeheartedly believe that byler is endgame and Mike loves Will. Therefore this analysis was written with that in mind. If this bothers you for some reason, keep scrolling.
So, without further ado:
Stranger Things 4 and Romantic Monologues
We all love to shit on Mike's monologue and how it was a complete and utter failure as a declaration of love. We also love to heap praise on the van scene as a romantic moment. But these two aren't the only two romantic monologues in season 4, and if we take a closer look at them, there's a pattern regarding which ones work and which ones don't.
So Mike's monologue is objectively bad as a declaration of love. There are a million analyses on how bad it is. And it's very bad. Mike is lying the entire time, uses words that are a direct callback to things said to El by her abuser, and has to be prompted by her brother. Not to mention the fact that the entire thing was in response to Will's feelings, not hers. Mike barely pays any attention to what El actually wants, instead giving her what he thinks she wants. Yeah, Mike told El that he loved her. But it was never really about hearing him say I love you. I won't dive too deep into that; go read this post if you want to know more. But the general gist of it is that the only reason El wanted to hear him say I love you was because Mike wasn't making her feel loved. And his monologue didn't fix that because it didn't come from his heart. It was fake and riddled with romantic cliches and had to be wrenched out of him by the image of her choking on the table in front of her. It's very bad.
So Steve's monologue is technically two monologues, but I'm going to treat it as one for the purposes of this analysis. I absolutely despise these monologues. But we're already off to a better start than we were with Mike, because Steve is being genuine. You can tell because he isn't falling back on romantic cliches or what he's supposed to say in a moment like this. His six little nuggets speech feels genuine because that is how he feels. It's all coming from his heart.
The problem with his monologue, and the reason why I hate it, is that it doesn't take into account what Nancy wants. And we know that she doesn't want any part of the future he's envisioning for himself because she goes out of her way to tell us. She says, "That sounds like a nightmare". She is very clearly not on board with this plan and the writers make sure we know that.
So while Steve's monologue is genuine, we have yet another romantic monologue that ignores what the person on the receiving end actually wants.
Jonathan & Nancy
This one's a bit of an outlier. Technically, it's two monologues: one from Jonathan and one from Nancy. But they're set side by side like a dialogue, so it makes more sense to look at them as one.
Unlike the previous two declarations of love, these two actually take into account the person on the receiving end. They're about their qualities and strengths and what they see in them. We already know they love each other before they ever say it because you don't talk like that about someone you're not in love with.
But this is also the first time we've seen an endgame couple say the word love in relation to each other. And after they both say they love each other, Nancy insists that everything is fine in their relationship, and you can hear the bitterness in her voice. She's lying. And we find out later that everything isn't fine in their relationship, and they are in fact having communication issues. Their monologues did nothing to change that. They did nothing to fix their problems.
The monologues are genuine. We can feel that. We never doubt that they actually love each other. And we can see that in their reunion in episode 9. But they don't address the actual problems they're having. Something's still missing.
As they're walking to skull rock, Lucas and Max have one of the most important conversations for rebuilding their relationship in season 4.
Lucas in this scene is reassuring Max with this monologue. Telling her that she doesn't need to hide anymore because he understands that she's going through something hard and he's here for her. It's a monolgue that's tailored to Max's insecurities. When Max tries take on some of the blame for their relationship falling apart, Lucas immediately shoots her down because he knows that she has so much guilt over what happened to her brother, and what she needs right now is someone to tell her that it's not her fault. Lucas tells Max that he sees her because he knows that she has been feeling invisible.
I see you aren't inherently romantic words, but they do more for Lucas and Max's relationship than any I love you ever has for any other relationship in this show, because they are the words that Max needs to hear.
And that's the crux of it really. This monologue works because it's what Max needs to hear. It's about acknowledging her feelings and reassuring her insecurities. It's about bridging the gap between the two of them.
Joyce and Hopper have two romantic moments after they reunite: one right after, and then one at the church. The first one is basically Joyce telling Hopper that they missed him and the second one is her telling him that he was worth that whole trip. Unlike Lucas's monologue, they're both much more romantic moments, but they still follow the same basic formula. Joyce is telling Hopper what he needs to hear.
Hopper's main insecurity is that he only brings sadness and death to the people around him. But here Joyce is telling him that that's not true. They missed him. They want him around. She even brings in El as proof of this. And she's telling him that he's worth it. He's worth all that money, he's worth getting captured, he's worth crashing a plane in Russia. He's worth it. And they missed him.
So, finally, the van scene. This scene has been analyzed a million times. I have gone from thinking that Mike is an idiot with rocks in his brain to being convinced that he knew exactly what Will was talking about here. This scene has so many layers, so much to be looked at and analyzed, and there's no way I can do it justice. This is where I direct you to this analysis. Just go read it, it's amazing.
But from the perspective that we're looking at, from the perspective of romantic monologues and why they work in Stranger Things, this one follows the same formula that the last two have. Will in this scene is doing the same thing for Mike that Lucas did for Max and Joyce did for Hopper: he's reassuring Mike. Mike feels insecure in his relationship with El. He feels like he's not important. Like he's nobody, and nobody needs him. And Will is telling him, "No. You are somebody. You are important. You make (El) feel like she's not a mistake. (El) needs you Mike."
The reason Mike is so moved by this monologue is that this is everything he has ever wanted to be told. And for the first time he feels loved. And Will never once said those three words.
I see you, I missed you, I need you. On the surface those words aren't nearly as romantic as I love you. But that's the point. I love you is too general. I love you could be about anybody. But having the ability to look at someone, see the parts of them that they hate, and say that they don't need to feel that way because you're there? That's specific. That's love.
Grand declarations of love don't work in Stranger Things because they don't actually address the relationship. They don't get to the heart of it and tell you what it is about these two people that makes them compatible. And they don't address any of the underlying problems in a struggling relationship. All the I love yous in the world can't change the fact that Jonathan is lying to Nancy about Emerson. They can't bridge the huge chasm between Steve and Nancy. And they certainly can't make Mike and El's relationship less toxic.
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yukidragon · 1 year
DachaBo - 2D Boyfriend
Sooo... did everyone see the newest post on the SnaccPop Studios Patreon? At the $5 tier you can listen to Bo being a very naughty and obsessive yandere for his puppy, with their explicit consent to boot! Gosh, I love enthusiastic consent. It makes the spice so much better.
The audio inspired me to finally get off my butt and write a quick bit of flash fiction for Bo and my version of his puppy, Barbie King. You may have seen me mention her a couple times in previous posts.
This story, game, and fandom are for Adults Only. This story goes into very kinky territory involving a toy. I hope you enjoy a puppy who knows how to make this dominating alpha be a good boy and beg.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
There was nothing Barbie liked better after suffering through a long, grueling day of classes full of assholes than to be pampered by a virtual lover. She had all kinds of fun trysts with 2D characters of all sorts, with some games drawing her back in to replay them just to experience a little of the magic she felt the first time playing.
Sadly, there were only so many times Barbie could replay the same game. Even her favorite video game lovers could become dull and boring if she spent over a thousand hours trying out all their routes to squeeze out every line of dialogue and smutty CG cutscene.
That had all changed one day when Barbie finally found the holy grail of virtual husbandos, spousos, and waifus.
There had been rumors of this old brand of virtual pocket pet games 25 years ago which were so realistic that they seemed to be alive. They were built for love and were an instant hit. Sadly, they were recalled almost as soon as they were released with warnings that the programming had some malicious and dangerous scripts. There were rumors that the developers stole the software from some top secret government facility and the AI in those tiny egg shaped containers really were sentient.
Barbie could believe it, considering her pocket-sized boyfriend never seemed to run out of new entertaining things to say.
“Puppyyyy,” Bo whined, his cheeks puffing out as he caught sight of Barbie coming into range of his camera. “You’re late! Again! If you’re going to be gone for so long, you could at least take me with you - I was made for you to take me with you everywhere you go!”
Barbie chuckled as she tossed aside her backpack and scooped up the little device before getting comfy in her gaming chair. “And let you distract me during my exams? Not a chance, Bo.”
Another whine escaped Bo as his ears drooped. “But I miss you so much when you’re gone for so, so, so long, puppy… You don’t know how lonely it is without you… how cold it is without your warm touch…”
It was impossible for Barbie not to soften a little when Bo got so needy. “Aww… my little, big, strong alpha dog really missed me that much?” She stroked her thumb along the side of the little device, causing Bo to blush and perk up again. He reacted to her touch on the plastic as if it was on his skin and leaned his head into the side of the screen as if he was nuzzling into her hand.
“I did,” Bo whined. “I really, really did… It’s so mean of you to leave me behind all the time, puppy. I love you so much, and I’m always thinking about you all the time!”
Barbie traced the image of Bo’s pouty lip, and she heard him make a muffled sound behind her finger. “You think I was mean? Aww… I’m hurt.” She slid her finger down to the large button beneath the screen. “And here I was just thinking about what a good boy you are…”
Bo blushed harder as she teased the sensitive button with her finger, his cheeks turning a cute shade of blue. “Y-you really mean it? I-I’m a good boy?”
“A very good boy,” Barbie practically purred as she stroked the button in a circular motion. She smiled mischievously as she watched Bo squirm and exhale little puffs of hot breath that let her know how much he enjoyed the attention. “My good boy.” She brought the toy closer to her face. “And I think my good boy deserves a reward for being so patient today… if he asks me nicely~”
“Oh fuck, yes,” Bo moaned as he arched towards the screen, trying to get as close to his lover as his tiny electronic prison allowed. “Please, Barbie, please, give me my reward. I’ve been a good boy for you… please, please…”
“Such a good boy…” Barbie kissed the button before flicking her tongue across it briefly. The taste of plastic wasn’t exactly pleasant, but the way Bo moaned her name more than made up for it.
“Fuuuck,” Bo practically growled, his voice growing rough and ragged. “More… touch me more. Give me more! I need you… I need you.”
“It’s a shame I can’t reach in there and touch my good boy directly,” Barbie cooed as she stroked his buttons with both thumbs in a circular rhythm. “I’ll bet you’re so hard for me right now…”
“You bet your ass I am,” Bo growled before biting his lower lip, showing off his fangs. “My cock is hard and ready to fuck you until you can’t stand. Just let me out, and I’ll show you just how good I can be to you.”
“Let you…” Barbie paused for a moment, her fingers going still as she straightened up in her seat. “Oh, right, that hologram program you mentioned, right?” It was something Bo was always keen on her activating, 
A grunt of frustration escaped Bo. He instinctively rocked up into her, but it was ineffective, so all he could do was vibrate the device a bit to vaguely simulate the motion. “No, no, don’t stop. Fuck. Keep going.”
Barbie chuckled as she started stroking the buttons again, pressing the central one firmly to elicit a yelp of pleasure from her virtual boyfriend. “I’m getting mixed signals here, Bo. Do you want me to keep playing with you, or do you want to give me a show?”
“I’ll give you a hell of a lot more than just a show if you’ll just let me out, puppy,” Bo said, his voice growing rough with lust as Barbie teased him closer and closer to the edge. “Fuck, Barbie… I love you. I love you so much. I need you so bad… I’m burning for you… I’m tired of waiting. Let me out!”
“Getting impatient now after waiting for so long?” Barbie chuckled as she pressed the buttons again a little harder, eliciting a groan from Bo. “Don’t worry, I’ll give my good boy what he’s been waiting for…”
In moments like these, Bo seemed so alive. Barbie loved watching him writhe under her ministrations as she fondled the device and played with the buttons. The way he panted and begged her name or growled out that adorable nickname he had for her was just so cute. He was flushed and sweaty, so uncomfortable looking in those clothes of his, but he could never seem to take them off. It seemed that whichever rogue programmer secretly snuck this decidedly adult mode for a kids toy into the code didn’t take the risk to add nude art assets as well, which was such a shame.
“I want you,” Bo growled. The plastic container that contained him vibrated with his movements in a reflection of the way he writhed on the screen. “Barbie, fuck… God, I want you. I love you. I need you. You’re mine… mine, mine, mine…! Please! Love me! Love me! Say you love me!”
Barbie knew that Bo was close with the way that he babbled incoherently, demanding, dominating, and pathetically begging all at once. He was truly the best virtual lover that she could ever ask for. “I love you, Bo, my good, good boy. My best boy. Now come for me like a good boy, my love.”
The buttons were practically being mashed now, which might not have been good for the hardware, but neither Barbie nor Bo cared. He was getting so close until finally a loud howl of pleasure escaped him as the toy gave a violent shake to signal his climax, nearly slipping out of her sweaty grip.
The screen fogged up with Bo’s hot breaths as he slumped back against the blue heart-patterned background. Barbie smiled at the expression he wore, blissed out and exhausted from all their playing.
“Good boy,” Barbie cooed before briefly kissing the screen. “You’re such a good boy, Bo. I love you.”
“I love you, Barbie,” Bo said breathlessly. “Fuuuuck… I love you so much.” Despite cumming only a moment ago, he quickly started to rally thanks to his virtually endless well of stamina. “If you let me out, I’ll finally be able to show you just how much I love you, puppy. I want to love you all night long and make you beg me for more for a change.”
It was cute that Bo could be so cocky, but Barbie knew the truth. Despite how impressive his AI was, the hardware had limitations. She managed to secure a copy of the toy schematics from the internet and got a good look at its specs, including the hologram feature. The toy was capable of projecting a small image that could “interact” in the real world, but it was just a trick of light that was no more than two inches tall and was unable to actually touch anything. While the toy had a ridiculous amount of sensors that gave tactile, audio, and even olfactory senses to the AI inside, the hologram feature was, sadly, no more than a fancy light show.
The thought of a chibi Bo dancing around her desk was a cute image, but Barbie always got distracted by her boyfriend’s other, far more entertaining and stimulating features. Feeling him up and making him cum over and over was just too much fun. It was far better than just passively watching him pretend to come into her world to act like he was walking on her desk or something like that.
“I don’t know,” Barbie teased as she ran her fingers along the side of the device. “That hologram feature will take up a lot of processing power from your hardware, won’t it?” She began to circle the central button with her thumb again. “Wouldn’t you rather stay inside where I can play with you like this? It feels so good when I can touch you, right?”
“Come on, puppy,” Bo whined despite the way her touch excited him again and made him squirm. “You promised after your exams were over, you’d let me out. I was a good boy for you and waited all this time, wasn’t I? Please let me out, Barbie. I need you. I need you more than anything.”
“Well… alright,” Barbie said with an indulgent sigh as she reluctantly stopped teasing her miniature boyfriend. For as much as she treated him like the toy that he was, she had spent enough time with him to acknowledge that he was a lot more than just a program. He had his own thoughts and feelings. He seemed so alive, and he had been such a sweetheart for her ever since she got him. No human or 2D character made her feel the way that he did. “If it means that much to my adorable little, big, bad alpha dog, then I guess we can finally try it out.”
“You really mean it?” Bo asked, his eyes shining bright. He had an almost childishly excited expression, except there was a deep hunger in his sparkling eyes that spoke of his insatiable desire for her. “Oh, puppy. You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this~”
The way to engage the hologram mode was tricky, requiring some manual fiddling with the hardware. It was like the designers intentionally set it up so that the virtual pet’s AI physically couldn’t activate it without user assistance, unlike the camera and other features. Still, Barbie had no issue following the instructions Bo gave her, finishing with a final button press.
Despite how long it had taken Barbie to finally engage the feature, she couldn’t help but feel some anticipation as she watched the bar on the loading screen fill. Sure, this put a premature end to the sex that she had in mind for the evening, but she had to admit that it would be fun to see her tiny 2D boyfriend in 3D form for once. He would fit right in with her anime figures.
“Now this is more like it.”
Or not.
When Barbie saw her very large and very naked now 3D boyfriend looming over her, all she could do was stare with wide eyes, her mouth hanging open. She was frozen as he reached out to her, only jolting as she felt Bo touch her cheek. He actually touched. Her. Cheek! He was warm and solid, the pads of his palms soft and pliable while the fur that covered the rest of his paw-like hands tickled her skin a little.
Now Barbie finally understood exactly why Bo was always so eager for her to “let him out.”
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kiwanopie · 1 year
You get the things you deserve is seriously so so good!! I loved the way you dropped subtle hints throughout about the names/girls, I seriously could read this fic over and over it’s just such a smooth and easy read if that makes sense? Like the pacing and change of mood felt so seamless!
I’m kinda curious about oikawa’s character.. he seemed so genuinely interested but then it was revealed at the end that he’s done this with several different girls, and it suddenly got me questioning all of him and the y/n character’s past interactions!! Were his feelings for her “real” this time? (Real in the sense of like he really wanted to be with her long term and wasn’t going to just drop her after a few weeks like he did with his previous flings) cause at the beginning he had this inner dialogue about how he has never had a similar sexual experience with anyone before and that he felt like this was the first time he truly connected with another person. I couldn’t really tell if what he was thinking was true and he really did feel differently about y/n compared to every past fling, or if that was just the way his mind worked when he was really infatuated with someone, like thinking every fling is better and more special than the last and every girl is the one for him since he’s forgotten the rest of the girls? I’m so sorry hahaha I know you intended for the ending to be open to interpretation but it’s really got me thinking and theorizing!! Like I can’t tell what is a more sad scenario, it turning out that y/n was never all that special or unique to him or y/n actually being special and ~the one~ but he blew any chance he might have had because of his past behaviour. Both are pretty sad now that I’m thinking about it 😭
Oh man I honestly want to go back right now and read it again to see if I missed any other hints!! Thank you for the excellent read!!!
Oh man, so many things were going on in the background.
I’ve reread that one shot a few times and there’s a lot of things I took out that I felt were over explained but in hindsight should’ve stayed in. But I’m saying all that to say that Oikawa really felt for the reader.
In the beginning, after mentioning how he felt about the one night stand he gets into all the nervous feelings he’s experiencing by being in the presence of the reader. He mentions that “He thinks he may have liked you even before that rager last night.” And that’s because he did. Maybe not to such the degree he did post one night stand, but he knew you were the transfer and he knew you shared his morning lecture with him. And like the conversation among his friends referenced, you definitely came up a few times at some point - all very positive things. So, you’re new and beautiful and already well received among his group of peers, there’s probably been a few times that you caught his eye during your first lecture and he ogled at you a bit. You know, blushing cheeks, lingering glances, the usual signs of budding interest.
Mai and Ayumi, scorned women that they are, notice that shit straight from the jump. It’s a similar routine, leading to disaster like a ticking time bomb and at first they want to cut it at the bud. Like you said, they look at you like a little sister, if what happened to them happened to you they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. And of course you saw what his behavior did to them when he got what he wanted last time. Mai still hasn’t recovered and Ayumi locks up like a deer in headlights whenever they’re in the same room anymore. When you first hear about him you fucking hate this guy.
But here’s the thing, Oikawa never initiates these honey traps when they go down. He’s attracted to these women, sure, but they come to him. Ayumi, Mai, Yūka, Chihiro, they were all fans of him at some point. They approached him. And of course he egged them on when he realized there was something to gain from being with them. Mai was probably the most time he’s spent chasing but, there are differences in the way he interacts with the reader as opposed to everyone else.
It’s easy to miss but reader says: “Walk you home when it got too late.”
Oikawa is blatantly interested in the reader before they meet at that house party. Even at the house party he’s nervous, he has to drink himself into a coma just to make a move. Ayumi and Mai notice that difference, that this time he might have something to lose, so obviously they decide to take advantage of that.
Not to confuse, reader did accidentally fuck him at the beginning. Reader’s natural allure was already being weaponized before the story began, she just naively underestimated his ability to talk his way into somebody’s pants. But thankfully it works out in their favor. It confirms the fact that Oikawa really did like the reader and it makes it all the more easy to string him along like she did. The deal was to wait until he wanted to make something serious out of it and break his heart.
There’s also little things. Oikawa texted the girls during class and let them sit with his stuff during practice. Most of them were resorted to “The girl oikawa’s probably fucking right now ig.” And were all mostly limited to school time - they came to him. You, on the other hand, he walks to class and bites into his practice time for. He doesn’t just text you during class, he gets there early just to sit next to you. He texts you first thing in the morning. Changes his coffee order cause he knows when you’re done he’ll want you to sip on his and he wants you to enjoy it. He sends you heart eyes across the cafe, holds your hand when he walks you home in the chilly weather, hugs you tightly before he leaves. He even calls you in his free time and lets you talk through his earbuds while he studies. When you said “People look at me like I’m your girlfriend.” You really meant it.
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