#demonic impy
bluerex64remake · 6 months
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Allstars Madness S2 Ep9
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redrexshorts · 1 year
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Gun comic short
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theworstbiscet · 5 months
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The whole damn season he's been sleeping like this I cant-
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
How would htp!Tango go with the bit from Limited Life episode 4 when he's running from everyone?
How would it be different from the actual scene?
(not canon to HTP ofc because the timelines don’t match up but HEY i like angst)
"tango!" skizz calls desperately, peering out over the ocean. he could’ve sworn he’d heard tango’s voice when he came this way, but the range of amplification their voices get from the proximity mod can be a little tricky sometimes-
tango’s voice crackles out of skizz’s communicator; he must be in range, after all. but skizz doesn’t relax just yet. crouching by the water’s edge, he scans the waves intently. his grip tightens around his axe.
"alright, where are you, dude?" he asks, voice low. he keeps the horizon in his periphery; he can just barely make out the horde of yellow names off on the distant shore, digging and searching for tango.
“r- right below you.” tango’s voice is shaky; probably from the adrenaline. being hunted by almost the entire server isn’t exactly a picnic. “where- is impulse with you? or- or etho?”
skizz shakes his head, even though he knows tango can’t see it. “no dude, they’re running interference, okay, but it won’t be long before the others see me over here.” he swallows. “you gotta let me kill you.”
there’s a brief silence.
“okay.” tango’s voice is barely audible. the tone of it gives skizz pause; that sounds like more than just nerves. “okay, o- okay, fine, i’m- i’m fine with that.”
“are you?” skizz asks, his brows furrowing.
“i…” there’s a shuddering exhale. “i don’t- i’d rather it be you, if- if i’m honest. the others, they might…” he breaks off, making a distressed sound in the back of his throat. “y- you know.”
there’s definitely something wrong. skizz’s heart is starting to pound, but he keeps his voice steady. “alright, yeah. this is gonna stick it to them so bad.” he lifts his communicator up and peers through its lens. “can you give me a quick tag, buddy?”
tango doesn’t reply, but skizz sees the flash of a gamer tag beneath the ocean before it vanishes again. tango’s not taking any chances, apparently. not that skizz can blame him.
“you’re pretty deep underwater, dude,” skizz informs him regretfully. “and i don’t- ugh, i don’t have my stupid shovel.”
tango inhales sharply. “i- i can’t- uh, can you…?”
“okay,” skizz murmurs. he knows tango won’t be harmed by water like a real blaze, but it’s uncomfortable even on the best of days and that’d be a lot to ask of him right now. “alright, i’ll come to you. stay put, okay?”
“okay,” tango whispers.
“there a hole for me, buddy?” skizz asks, putting his axe away.
“alright.” skizz straightens up, folding his wing tightly against his body. even one wing will cause a lot of drag underwater and he’s already not looking forward to soggy feathers. “i’m on my way, just hang on.”
taking a deep breath, skizz dives into the ocean.
salt stings his eyes as he swims towards the sand at the bottom. it’s darker down here than he’s expecting for midday, only the faint glow from his halo allowing him to see. he starts digging as soon as he reaches the bottom, hoping he’s in the right place. he’s acutely aware of how long he can hold his breath for and the last thing he needs is a stupid drowning death to steal even more time from him-
a figure enters his field of vision, making him jolt. it’s scott, his freshly yellow timer barely visible in the deep. still holding his breath, skizz equips his axe.
scott actually rolls his eyes. “i’m not gonna kill him, don’t worry.” his voice carries well underwater, and he doesn’t seem to have trouble breathing. must be due to those recently acquired gills of his.
well, that’s fortunate. skizz nods quickly and puts his axe away before resuming his digging. to his surprise, scott floats down next to him and starts helping, his webbed fingers making easy work of the sand. after a couple seconds, they’ve cleared enough sand for skizz to see a hold in the underlying stone, with a faint light beyond it. lungs burning, skizz dives for it.
he makes it through right as the first damage hits him, head breaking through the water with a gasp. kicking against the current, he finally emerges from the ocean. gravity once again takes hold of him. he flops onto the damp stone floor quite ungracefully, his wing heavy and pulling him slightly off-balance.
skizz hauls himself to his feet, dripping wet and catching his breath, and looks around the cave tango’s carved out for himself. it’s tiny, with just three blocks between them, and lit only by the glow of tango’s blaze rods. they’re redder than usual and roaring with flames, whirling above his head in agitation- the way a blaze spins before it starts shooting fireballs.
tango himself doesn’t seem to be doing any better. he’s crouched against a corner, his arms wrapped around his knees, claws digging into his skin. his pupils are blown, so much so that it almost makes his wide eyes look completely black. his chest is rising and falling rapidly, and the noise that comes with each breath sounds disturbingly like a blaze. his mouth hangs slightly parted as he pants, lips drawn back to show his sharp teeth- like a wolf does. but there’s no ferocity in his expression; just sick fear.
altogether, the sight sends a chill down skizz’s spine. it’s like he’s looking at an animal; a cornered, terrified, wild animal. there have been things in the past tango’s reacted strangely to, sure, but skizz has never seen it this bad before. god, he wishes impulse was here.
“hey, tango,” skizz says softly.
for a moment, tango just stares at skizz. then his eyes dart to the side, to the hole in the stone. belatedly, skizz realizes what’s got tango so concerned.
“scott,” he calls carefully, keeping his gaze on tango, “just uh, just stay out there, okay, dude?”
a dark shadow passes by the hole before vanishing. “you’re fine, just get on with it!”
skizz swallows. he stays where he is. “tango, buddy, you okay? talk to me.”
tango’s gaze cuts back to skizz. “is martyn…?”
“no, no martyn,” skizz assures him.
tango takes a shaky breath. “i killed him,” he says hoarsely. “he- he’ll want revenge. and- and the other yellows- you have to kill me, before they find me. skizz, please.”
“hey, hey, hey, it’s alright,” skizz soothes, despite the way his heart feels like it’s twisting itself into a knot. he never thought tango would fear the other players so badly; these are his friends. “you got it. what do you- uh, how do you want me to do it?”
“TNT?” tango asks quietly. “if you light it…”
“alright, yeah, i got some TNT,” skizz says, rummaging through his inventory and pulling out a block of it. “here, uh- you wanna just take that?”
warily, tango teaches a clawed hand out and takes the TNT. he sets it down right in front of him, flush against his folded knees.
“tango?” skizz prompts gently, pulling out his flint and steel. “i need to hear you say it, buddy.”
tango shudders. “do it,” he whispers, turning his face away. “you can kill me, you- i- i just want it to be over.”
“okay, thank you,” skizz murmurs, taking a cautious step forward. “that’s right, dude. after this, it’ll all be over. i’ll come find you at spawn, okay?”
“i’ll see ya there. now, count to five for me?"
tango swallows. “one…”
skizz lights the TNT. the sound of sizzling fills the air as the TNT starts to flash.
"t- two..."
putting the flint and steel away, skizz turns and dives back through the hole, into the ocean. tango's voice still sounds from his communicator.
kicking madly, skizz swims towards the surface, where scott is waiting.
skizz breaks the surface, gasping for breath. he glances back down and sees a new crater at the bottom of the ocean, water and sand churning into a froth. treading water with one arm, he holds his communicator up and looks at the chat.
Tango blew up.
scott gives skizz a sidelong look. "i know how hard it is to let a teammate kill you," he says, his voice low, "but that seemed..."
"scott, buddy," skizz says tiredly, heading for the shore, "keep this between us, will ya?"
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impyyyy · 2 months
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quick aesprite doodle from a few days ago :]
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some season 4 spoilers so watch out!
disclaimer: i have off the wall thoughts and theories that i just toss around in my little corner, don’t take it seriously.
so..was DBK dead in the first season or??
he had a mountain on top of him, sure, but he also had monkey kings staff which is pretty damn heavy and also very hard to remove, plus a whole mega city built on top of him.
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“flesh...bone..i have returned to the realm of the living”  i mean odd thing to say if you were only trapped.
also note his lack of fur and cross shaped scar on his chest, macaque had been in a similar state. as far as we know wukong didn’t lose his fur from being stuck under his mountain so why did DBK lose his?
what even triggered DBK’s rampage in the first place? it could be a few things: it could be half the brotherhood getting sealed in the memory scroll, whatever happened to macaque, or if they followed a bit from the book it could be about his son after the fire was removed.
i wanna talk about macaque, but i think i’ll save that for later? i’m hoping what i think happened to macaque didn’t happen cause that would be way too fucking sad oof.
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Demon Pearl anon to cause you all pain and suffering the Pearl way
Pearl has no memory of any of the games. She doesn't understand when Impulse avoids her under the defense of not wanting to be her next snack.
Or in other words Pearl is a cannibal who doesn't know she's a cannibal
She's a what.
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Imp And Skizz Play Football
“You ever ask yourself, like, ‘what’s it all for’?” Impulse rasped, his voice deep and rumbling.
“Dude!” Skizz called in the voice of the legion burning in radiance, “You wanna throw the ball already?”
“Fine, fine,” Impulse grumbled.
The plague demon braced his clawed feet on the soft grass, grass that was withering and dying all around him. He leaned back, thrashing his tail (covered as it was in hypodermic spikes full of disease) and tossed the football as hard as he could.
On the other side of the plain, Skizz floated over to receive. The football flew right into the centre of his body, hovering in the glowing nucleus. He was comprised of a dozen-odd wheels, rotating and spinning and covered in flames and glowing eyes. He shone with radiant light, and his wheels spun faster as he fired the football right back.
“No, but seriously,” Impulse said, growling as the ball flew over his horns and crashed ten feet up into a tree, “Like, what’s the point? Of me, mostly, but also of you? Why are we here?”
“Well, you know. You make people sick, I make them better. It’s the circle of life, you know?” Skizz replied, patiently twirling his wheels. He glanced over- and groaned.
“Impulse, my body fell off the hanger again.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it, don’t worry.” Impulse said easily. He dropped the ball and ambled over to a nearby tree, shaking his head.
“We gotta get better hangers, dude. This is not gonna cut it.” Impulse clucked his tongue.
“Hey, don’t look at me! You said it was rated for all six-foot-ten of solidified Skizz!”
Impulse shook his head again. Yep, there it was. The nail, driven deep into the trunk of a glorious oak tree, bursting into life- the picture of arboreal health and fitness. And there, on the grass, Skizz’s empty shell.
The coat hanger that they’d slipped into the back of said shell’s shirt had slipped off, and now the body was there in a crumpled heap.
“Man, you gotta learn how to shapeshift. It’s easier.”
“It’s easier when you already have arms! Do I look like I have arms?!” Skizz protested, “Last time I tried growing a body I got my arms and head mixed up and then that nice family who needed help with their pneumonia ran away screaming!”
“Theeeen… have you considered a corpse?” Impulse suggested, realigning the coat hanger and lifting Skizz’ robotic shell back up. He carefully hung the empty magitek shell back on its peg, and walked back towards the ball.
“Corpse? CORPSE? Dude! No! That’s like, rule number one! You don’t- it’s not- it’s not classy.” Skizz protested.
“Works pretty good for Cleo, I’d say.” Impulse said, scooping up the ball and getting ready to throw it again.
“Yeah, and Zed gripes himself blue about her every time we meet. Look, dude, it ain’t happening. It ain’t…not a good look. You get to be with the gross stuff, I get to do the nice stuff. It’s, like, the way of things.”
“Healing can be pretty gross,” Impulse chirped, tossing the ball gently, “I mean, you ever seen a guy get his stomach pumped?”
“Yeah, but that’s…that’s different.” Skizz said, “Though I guess…I mean. Thanks for teaching me about the maggots, by the way. I’d never have thought to even try it.”
Skizz caught the ball in his middle again, spinning around a few times for luck before firing it back.
Impulse chuckled.
“I mean, there’s…people don’t talk about the overlap enough. Sickness and health are a lot closer than you’d think.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, mister “I racked up my infection count because my cool angel bro told me all about these hip new things called ‘bacteriophages’.” Skizz said smugly.
“And who exactly needed to go into that hospital and handle that raging C. Diff outbreak with said hip new bacteriophages after his good angel buddy terrified all the doctors with legs instead of arms? Yeah, that’s right, it’s me.” Impulse chortled right back.”
“You had fun doing that and you know it!” Skizz countered.
“Yeah, you’re right. Phages, man. They’re great when you know what you’re doing.” Impulse chortled.
He’d caught the ball already, and tossed it straight back with an overhand toss from one of his lower pairs of arms. Impulse shuffled his seven wings and rolled his shoulders, flexing his jaw a few times. All the needle-sharp teeth in there jutting at odd angles could get a little sore from time to time.
“…You hurt?” Skizz asked automatically, “Want some help?”
“Uh, Skizz?” Impulse said, gesturing with one of his lower hands at his very-much-easily-damaged-by-holy-radiance-body, “Remember?”
“Oh. Oh, yeah. Uh, take a painkiller and I hope you feel better.” Skizz said awkwardly, “Anyway…after this, you wanna play something else?”
“Yeah! Wanna play Typhoid Mary?”
“…No, Impulse, no I don’t.”
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cocoabats · 8 months
For spooky month, I finally watched Impulse's pov from when he played Blood on the Clocktower and maybe some art of him as the demon?
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yessss i adore that episode plus always a pleasure to draw impy
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bluerex64remake · 6 months
Evolution of my characters (2020-2023)
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redrexshorts · 1 year
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The Leo Smash or Pass Challenge Comic Collab
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theworstbiscet · 4 months
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Let's see if people see this
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fizzypopsoda-comics · 1 month
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"What's Your Plan?!"
"New Luci, no plan~"
"No kiddin'..."
After seeing this Post with Eve, Impy, and Luci in this scenario from Steven Universe, I Immediately had to draw our demon trio together in this exact scene myself! XD It took me a while but I finally got it done, I'm quite happy with how it turned out! Hope you like it! ^^
Everette Morningstar belongs to @hey-imma-fangirl
Lucifer Dice belongs to @tomasitaoficial
Alt. drawing without police lights:
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anonymousreader4d7 · 15 days
Hermit-a-day Day 25: Impulse!
It's finally Impulse day, at Day 25!!! (I've been looking forward to his day from the beginning)
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Impulse is a Telluris (or Earth) Demon in the RMAU-Verse, hence the crystalline features! As always, you can go see the RMAU-Verse for more details!
I've been super excited for Impulse Day since the beginning of the challenge, because his design and Skizz's share some design elements, and I've never really done that before and think it's really cool!!! Particularly the "matching" earrings - Impy has "s" earrings, and Skizz has "i" ones! They also both have the grey at the bottom of their wings/ends of their tails - which is related to lore bits in RMAU... (And Skizz's gem in his halo is the same crystalline "material" as Impy's horns/tailtip!)
Their (Imp and Skizz's) designs were the two I did first (despite making minor adjustments/additions later), and I think you can see the improvement from theirs to the ones I've done more recently, like Dragon Gem or False or Bdubs... Which isn't to say I don't like these, or don't think they're good, because I do love them and think they're so cool - I just think I've gotten better at this style as I've gone!
Also, a bonus Cyberpunk Impulse - that I've technically posted before? - below the cut!
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(I forgot to take a screenshot of this, so you get the previous phone photo)
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
~When you ask them for a hug~
featuring- Scaramouche, Childe, Xiao, Kazuha, Alhaitham, gn!reader warnings-impied romantic relationship between character and reader a/n- omfg thanks so much for the support yall!
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-First, he'd sassily ask why, muttering something about people being weird these days -But when he realises you're being serious, he immediately hugs you, and doesn't let go until he's absolutely sure you're better. - He hides his face in your neck so you don't have to see the slight red on his face at his insistence to make you feel better
"Hey Scara, thank you so much. That hug from you really lifted my spirits." "What are you talking about? That never happened, alright?"
-You can see the concern on his face tho, and it warms your heart -He likes hugging you, but being the shy lil emo he is, he obviously denies it, claiming he hugs you because you're weak and need his support -You know better though, so you just laugh
-He'd give you a short, quick and kinda awkward hug since you asked for it -He'd be pretty flustered after one, especially because you give really tight and warm hugs -He'd quickly detach from you, struggling to keep a straight face and his composure -The tips of his ears would go red because he isn't used to physical contact -He'd then disappear, claiming that he had to go kill demons -He secretly liked it tho
"Can you pleaseee hug me more often?" "What the- for what reason?" "Firstly, because I really wanna hug you, secondly, you actually give pretty comforting and good hugs, thirdly because I really wanna hug you." "I- Goodbye, I sense a large gathering of monsters in the vicinity. I need to go purge them."
-Clingy lil kid -he literally just needs an excuse to hug you -he doesn't want to ever let go of you -he buries his face in the crook of your neck and cutely pleads to stay like this for some time -of course, you can't say no with the adorable puppy eyes face he's giving you, he's called 'Childe' for a reason -the childish happiness visible on his face after you agree is just precious and instantly makes you feel better
"You're such a child, Ajax. But I have absolutely no problem in staying like this, this feels so.. warm." "Aww, this is why I love you so much! Hmph, Scara could never."
-his hugs would be so warm and comforting that whatever worries and stress you had would quickly disappear -he's so perceptive that you usually don't even need to ask him for a hug, he'll give you one himself -gives you as many hugs as you want -sometimes he also gives you headpats while hugging and you love it -after you detach yourself from him, he affectionately ruffles your hair and emphasizes that you should take better care of yourself -he'd just be so incredibly sincere, warm and kind with everything he does (10/10 bf material fr)
"I do hope you're feeling better now, [name]. I have some things in my mind that could prove to improve your mood even more." "How could I not feel better now? C'mon then, let's get to all of your amazing ideas. I don't know what I'd do without you honestly."
-rarely ever initiates hugs -when he does, they're short and kinda stiff because again, he isn't used to hugging, but they also somehow always manage to provide you a weird sense of comfort -after he detaches himself from you, he sternly asks what happened that you needed a hug and who hurt you -he won't take 'No, its nothing' for an answer, and since you are one of the very few people he actually cares for, he, uh, hunts them down -when you ask what he's done with your info, he just smiles reassuringly and says that you don't need to worry about them because they've been dealt with -this doesn't reassure you at all but you let it go because you know that this is haitham's way of showing that he cares for you -in the end he pulls you in for another quick hug
"Haitham... May I know what exactly did you do?" "That, dear, shouldn't be your concern. Don't worry though, they've been dealt with adequately." "Somehow I don't trust that at all but I'll take your word for it, I guess."
[first time writing for Haitham and Kazu, hope they were okay, also haitham GIMME YOUR HEADPHONES I NEED THEM
have another set of hcs written but they aren't really my best works, but oh well]
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
:0 icons with a conventionally unattractive or ugly obsession
Of course they still find them gorgeous and sexy since beauty is subjective and of course theyd find their obsession attractive but they've been bullied for their looks
Maybe some brave or brain dead imps who whisper about the queens looks or if their even more idoitic impy someway to the queen that their ugly
Aka I'm unattractive and live through fanfic :')
[Anon, with all due respect, I'm not too fond of this.
The whole point of stuff here is that you're the hottest thing since sliced bread to these characters specifically (all of them)- Subtly, but you are. There's no need to reinforce negative pressures that you already have to deal with in real life. I understand that this doesn't work for everyone, because some people like to see their struggle illustrated, and I suppose that's where our differences kind of shine.]
You have to take into account that human beauty standards exist very separately from monster beauty standards. What human societies deem beautiful is, to many a monster, kind of garish and unsightly.
Some of the people many humans consider hideous are out there getting whistled after by monsters of visible status and top human models get mocked viciously in certain monster communities.
The same happens with demons, they're not likely to know you've been labeled unattractive by other humans unless you make it clear to them, or they hear it firsthand- More than likely not from their servants.
This isn't going to worry them however. They've chosen you as their Queen, and that's final. They love you. Human beauty standards have abso-fucking-lutely no say in the matter. And they'll make it known to you that there's no need to hide your body from your new home. Your new Ring.
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