#impy the imp
bluerex64remake · 6 months
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Allstars Madness S2 Ep9
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texasthrillbilly · 2 years
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Charlton horror hosts
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theworstbiscet · 6 months
*He wants his battle axe back*
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Will you give it to him?
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mezzmerizd · 6 months
so funny thing that happened on twitter-
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and erm, i got some help and feedback from more knowledgeable people (@leoincaps) soooo-
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Young Emo Tango & Scene Skizz respectively :3
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i guess since anyone with the right knowledge, could use these chains at will.
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really makes me hope that macaque wasn’t part of some ritual to remove his shadow powers (or other abilities?). in shadowplay, this is clearly wukong being attacked by what looks to be shadows or it could be macaque posing as wukong and suffering the consequences/ taking the heat for wukong to help keep him out of trouble
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and macaque seems emotional/upset about it.
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and when the ritual didn’t go right and can’t really control it 
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he had to be “put down” or just left to suffer then die (he never said wukong killed him, just abandoned him). then after being resurrected he still has some (he also had to steal from mk) of his powers, but he still feels the aftereffects....
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it would be painful to find out in the end, that because of his abilities (hearing past, present, future) he knew this would all happen, but he had to  “play the part” for the best possible outcome for everyone. if he could hear the future he could have avoided everything and lived somewhere comfortably; and if he heard the past then there wouldn’t be miscommunication or at least a better understanding on why wukong made his choices. macaque should have most, if not, full understanding of the situation. either mac has selective hearing when it comes to his abilities or he’s putting on one hell of a show. 
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impyyyy · 2 months
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quick aesprite doodle from a few days ago :]
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cartooncrazyart · 10 months
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[image description: two drawings of Impulse SV and Skizzleman. The first is Impulse, with tiny bat wings and horns, wearing a yellow sundress with a black shape pattern over a purple T-shirt. He has a chunky black belt and yellow converse-style shoes, and he’s wearing a friendship bracelet. He is smiling at the viewer as he holds his skirt out to the sides, kicking up on leg.
The next image is Skizzleman, with a large gold halo and six angel wings. He is wearing a dark blue sundress with yellow flowers and gold butterflies all over the skirt, and a few at the base of one of the straps. He is wearing chunky black boots, a flower necklace, and several bracelets including a friendship bracelet. He is smiling at the viewer as he poses with one hand on his hip. End ID]
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transfemzedaph · 4 months
skizz and zed girls 👍
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eluminium · 2 years
geez impulse who let you have TWO soulbound partners? My god. This poor man only has 1/3 of his soul to himself at this point.
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mawofthemagnetar · 2 years
Imp And Skizz Play Football
“You ever ask yourself, like, ‘what’s it all for’?” Impulse rasped, his voice deep and rumbling.
“Dude!” Skizz called in the voice of the legion burning in radiance, “You wanna throw the ball already?”
“Fine, fine,” Impulse grumbled.
The plague demon braced his clawed feet on the soft grass, grass that was withering and dying all around him. He leaned back, thrashing his tail (covered as it was in hypodermic spikes full of disease) and tossed the football as hard as he could.
On the other side of the plain, Skizz floated over to receive. The football flew right into the centre of his body, hovering in the glowing nucleus. He was comprised of a dozen-odd wheels, rotating and spinning and covered in flames and glowing eyes. He shone with radiant light, and his wheels spun faster as he fired the football right back.
“No, but seriously,” Impulse said, growling as the ball flew over his horns and crashed ten feet up into a tree, “Like, what’s the point? Of me, mostly, but also of you? Why are we here?”
“Well, you know. You make people sick, I make them better. It’s the circle of life, you know?” Skizz replied, patiently twirling his wheels. He glanced over- and groaned.
“Impulse, my body fell off the hanger again.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it, don’t worry.” Impulse said easily. He dropped the ball and ambled over to a nearby tree, shaking his head.
“We gotta get better hangers, dude. This is not gonna cut it.” Impulse clucked his tongue.
“Hey, don’t look at me! You said it was rated for all six-foot-ten of solidified Skizz!”
Impulse shook his head again. Yep, there it was. The nail, driven deep into the trunk of a glorious oak tree, bursting into life- the picture of arboreal health and fitness. And there, on the grass, Skizz’s empty shell.
The coat hanger that they’d slipped into the back of said shell’s shirt had slipped off, and now the body was there in a crumpled heap.
“Man, you gotta learn how to shapeshift. It’s easier.”
“It’s easier when you already have arms! Do I look like I have arms?!” Skizz protested, “Last time I tried growing a body I got my arms and head mixed up and then that nice family who needed help with their pneumonia ran away screaming!”
“Theeeen… have you considered a corpse?” Impulse suggested, realigning the coat hanger and lifting Skizz’ robotic shell back up. He carefully hung the empty magitek shell back on its peg, and walked back towards the ball.
“Corpse? CORPSE? Dude! No! That’s like, rule number one! You don’t- it’s not- it’s not classy.” Skizz protested.
“Works pretty good for Cleo, I’d say.” Impulse said, scooping up the ball and getting ready to throw it again.
“Yeah, and Zed gripes himself blue about her every time we meet. Look, dude, it ain’t happening. It ain’t…not a good look. You get to be with the gross stuff, I get to do the nice stuff. It’s, like, the way of things.”
“Healing can be pretty gross,” Impulse chirped, tossing the ball gently, “I mean, you ever seen a guy get his stomach pumped?”
“Yeah, but that’s…that’s different.” Skizz said, “Though I guess…I mean. Thanks for teaching me about the maggots, by the way. I’d never have thought to even try it.”
Skizz caught the ball in his middle again, spinning around a few times for luck before firing it back.
Impulse chuckled.
“I mean, there’s…people don’t talk about the overlap enough. Sickness and health are a lot closer than you’d think.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, mister “I racked up my infection count because my cool angel bro told me all about these hip new things called ‘bacteriophages’.” Skizz said smugly.
“And who exactly needed to go into that hospital and handle that raging C. Diff outbreak with said hip new bacteriophages after his good angel buddy terrified all the doctors with legs instead of arms? Yeah, that’s right, it’s me.” Impulse chortled right back.”
“You had fun doing that and you know it!” Skizz countered.
“Yeah, you’re right. Phages, man. They’re great when you know what you’re doing.” Impulse chortled.
He’d caught the ball already, and tossed it straight back with an overhand toss from one of his lower pairs of arms. Impulse shuffled his seven wings and rolled his shoulders, flexing his jaw a few times. All the needle-sharp teeth in there jutting at odd angles could get a little sore from time to time.
“…You hurt?” Skizz asked automatically, “Want some help?”
“Uh, Skizz?” Impulse said, gesturing with one of his lower hands at his very-much-easily-damaged-by-holy-radiance-body, “Remember?”
“Oh. Oh, yeah. Uh, take a painkiller and I hope you feel better.” Skizz said awkwardly, “Anyway…after this, you wanna play something else?”
“Yeah! Wanna play Typhoid Mary?”
“…No, Impulse, no I don’t.”
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bluerex64remake · 7 months
Sheesh Impy's mum
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impy-d · 10 months
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So I was doodling today and I made a little goober version of Impy. It made for a great excuse to boot up the tablet and make a basic ref sheet for practice !
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theworstbiscet · 7 months
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If a had a Nickel every time he did this I would have two nickels,
which is not a lot but I'm glad it happened twice
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scarletiswailing347 · 2 years
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wip of revamped imp and skizz backstory
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changed them a bit but yeah
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midnightlavenderimp · 8 months
trick or treat
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redrex-64 · 2 years
Impy was the first character I created his series was supposed to be called The Creatures(2020-2022) but in January was changed to Impy series he was suppose to be a imp hybrid fox but changed
Debutted in January in 2020
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nature:A full of it genius but Garp beats him in IQ
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