#cut to me sobbing on the fucking floor /dramatic
why does princess quest fuck me up. so incredibly.
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donatellawritings · 3 months
Rafe giving reader the silent treatment 🫢🫢🫢
ugh writing this made me scream - he’s so mean
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you’d taken your spoiled brat act a bit too far — you see, rafe could handle your entitled pout, the dramatic eyerolls, maybe even some backtalk, if he’d been having a good day, but watching you pathetically flirt with some random server at the country club as means to get your way? absolutely fucking not. in fact, rafe was so upset with you that he simply shut down, remaining silent as he forced himself to mentally check out of the situation, before he could allow himself to lash out on you. you didn’t realize just how serious rafe was, until he wordlessly stood up from his seat, his jaw tight as he made his way towards the parking lot, leaving you to pathetically trail behind him, your dior mules clicking against the pavement as you struggled to maintain the same pace as your silent boyfriend.
“wait, rafe — i can’t walk that fast in these,” you whined, your words falling flat to rafe’s ears as he continued walking towards his black pickup truck. your stomach sunk to your ankles as your glossy lips suddenly grew dry. a pang of guilt fluttered across your chest, guilty tears glazing over your doe eyes — you knew that you had made a big fuck up.
the car ride back to tannyhill was eerily quiet, the sound of the whipping winds seeping through the cracked open windows being the only source of noise that filled the truck. rafe was too quiet, too calm — you braced yourself for him to either never speak to you again, or have a meltdown that would result in you getting your feelings hurt. there was a small part of you that wanted to crawl onto rafe’s lap and apologize profusely, peppering sticky kisses all over his face, until he forgave you, but you knew that he needed to work out his emotions on his own. rafe kept his bright blues trained on the road, throughout the duration of the car ride, his shoulders and arms tense as he uncomfortably maintained a tight grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles straining against the skin of his hand.
with a defeated huff, rafe exited the truck, leaving you to make your own way into the house as you quickly sniffled back a threatening cry. you carefully closed the passenger door to the truck, adjusting the hem of your denim skirt as you walked into the house, your french-manicured fingers loosely hooked around the strap of your chanel wristlet as your heels clicked against the polished hardwood flooring.
goosebumps ran across the exposed skin of your arms and legs as your eyes fell on rafe who stood in the kitchen, holding a glass of water to his pink lips as he keeps his eyes focused away from yours, with a pout, you approach him, “papi, please talk to me,” you began, reaching your small hand to softly grab his arm, flinching as he snatches his toned arm away from you with an unamused frown.
you really fucked up.
with your doe eyes now fully blown with panic, you allowed a few tears to escape your waterline, “rafe, i-i shouldn’t have tal-talked to him and i promise i won’t do it agai-” you began, your tearful voice breaking into a squeak as the shrill of rafe’s cellphone ringing cut into your ramble. your bottom lip quivered as rafe accepted the phone call, bringing the phone to his ear as he made his way to the backyard. once you were alone in the kitchen, you let out a frustrated sob, before kicking your heels off, immediately picking them up as you stomped upstairs to your shared bedroom with rafe.
this behavior from rafe continued well into the evening, his decision to sit in his office, instead of sitting with you on his lap overlooking the sunset, leaving you a remorseful mess. dressed in your plush white robe, you sat on the balcony, the cool evening breeze soothing your sore, over-cried eyes. your knees were curled into your chest as you leaned your head against the cushion that adorned the loveseat, taking a short breath as you aimlessly watched the skies turn from a bright orange, to a deep blue.
part of you wished that rafe would lash out at you, maybe even roughhouse you a bit, anything. anything was better than the bitter silence and dismissal that you currently endured. silence gave you room to think, and it was never a good idea to give you too much room to think and leave your brain overworked. rafe knew this, he knew you, so much so that he needed you to feel even a fraction of the intense anger-fueled confusion that your careless and childish actions had brought upon him. he was a grown man who had made it his business to build a life for both you and him, so he felt disrespected by you, and that’s what hurt him the most.
a shaky breath of exhausted left your parted lips as yet another impending onslaught of tears clouded your vision. your delicate fingers fiddled with your chain, acrylic nails clashing with the diamond ‘R’ pendant that hung from the dainty chain. quickly pressing the palms of your hands to your dampened eyes, you wiped your tears, before you stood on your feet, your soles padding against the hardwood floor as you hurried towards rafe’s office.
carefully stepping inside of the dimly lit office, you observed quietly as rafe’s face glowed from the brightness of his laptop. he knew that you were standing right before him, but he was stubborn and petty — he was not going to acknowledge you, not yet, at least. his dressy and proper clothes had been swapped out for a plain t-shirt and jeans.
with a squeaky cry, you crouched beside rafe’s chair, tears rolling down your flushed cheeks, “m’sorry, papi, i just want you to talk to me,” you hiccuped pathetically, your voice barely raising past a faint whisper as rafe laid back in his chair, decidedly silent as he lazily typed. “pl-please, say something,” you whined, leaning your chin against the arm of the chair, your usually beaming eyes, dulled by your sad tears. you wanted to reach out and grab rafe, but you knew that his volatile temper could be brought out with any small action.
you remained in this position for a few more minutes, swallowing down the lump in your throat as you searched rafe’s bloodshot eyes for any sign of resolve. coming up empty, you stood up on your bare feet, watching as rafe continued to mindlessly type away and scroll on his laptop, “i love you,” you spoke softly, quickly pressing your pillowy lips to rafe’s temple, before he could pull away from you.
again met with silence, a small part of your heart shattering as your shoulders slumped in defeat. your feet padded against the floor as you turned to walk away from rafe as his hand grabbed your wrist, his eyes glazed over as he parted his lips to speak, “y’try that shit again, and i’ll fuckin’ knock you out,” he warned, his tone low and sleepy as he brought his hand to the back of your neck, lowering your face down to his, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “i love you, too,” he added, his body visibly relaxing as you climbed into his lap.
wordlessly, you eagerly pressed a wet and noisy kiss to rafe’s lips, letting out a satisfied moan as rafe laid his hand against your poked out butt, softly patting in approval as you were suddenly overcome with sleepiness, your head falling to his shoulder as your sore and tired eyes fluttered closed. rafe craned his neck back, taking in the way your swollen lips parted as you dozed off into a deep sleep.
“fuckin’ spoiled.”
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fieldofdaisiies · 8 months
Just A Little Bit of Your Heart
ship: Azriel x Reader type: angst word count: 2,4k  warnings: curse words, mentions of a one night stand, unexpected pregnancy summary: It was just a one night stand, or that is what you thought... fic masterlist
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"The baby will have wings!" 
Your hands tremble. And they tremble so much the plate you are holding slips out them, and then shatters when it hits the floor. Splinters fly everywhere, but your best friend is quick to shove you away.
She is faster than you, gently shoving you away before you can lean down to collect the shards. "Not in your current state! Let me do this."
You huff. "I am pregnant, not fragile or ill," you say, still dried tears on your cheeks, and more burning behind your eyes. 
"Yes, with a winged baby, because this fool did not pay attention." There is so much fury inside of your best friend, you have never seen this side of her before, her voice drips with venom. 
"For making a baby it always needs two people. I am not innocent in this." You crouch down and help your best friend collect the shards of broken glass and—
"Fuck!" You lift your index finger to your mouth, licking the droplet of blood away. 
"I told you to let me do this, you are hurting yourself and—" "And what? They baby will still have wings and I will still be pregnant. I just cut my finger, nothing dramatic."
You swallow thickly, slumping onto the ground. You immediately regret your tone and snapping at your best friend. She only wants to help and be there for you…
But it is so much to deal with and then the hormones just intensify everything you are feeling.
The fear, the apprehension about the baby having with wings and the prospect of having to raise the child by yourself, should you survive the birth, finally reach the surface. You tried hide these emotion for so long, but now you fail — they all bubble up, overwhelming you.
You lean against the kitchen counter behind you, pulling your knees up and fold your hands over your face.
Then the damn breaks, tears running out of your eyes, rolling down your cheeks as you sob into your hands. 
"I am so scared," you bawl. 
Your best friend has already scooted over, careful of the broken pieces of porcelain, and wraps her arm around your shoulders. She pulls you to her chest, letting you cry into her shirt. "I know that the babe has wings, the healer confirmed it. And I am just working in this little shop, I don't earn enough to take care of the child alone."
Your tears wet her shirt, and your best friend holds you tightly, her hand clasping your upper arm. She is becoming your anchor, the only thing you can hold onto in this moment.
"It was so foolish. He said he took the tonic. I also drank the tea the same morning, and neither of those things worked. Conceiving for fae is so difficult, why…"
Your voice breaks and you can't finish your sentence, your throat is dry, burns and the back of your mouth aches. 
"It wasn't foolish. You were both careful, and it just happened." Your best friend's voice is softer now, although inside of her a burning fire of fury about the shadowsinger putting a baby that could harm you inside of you. It could cost you your life and she would never forgive him for that.
You exhale a long breath when you lift your head a little, still leaning onto your friend. You rest your head against her shoulder, staring at the window opposite you. 
A veil of grey is being drawn over the sky, dark clouds passing by — rain is about to start. You keep staring at the window, sitting in silence as the first raindrops start to fall, landing gently on the window pane. You watch as the rain intensifies, and the sky darkens further until heavy rain pours down and wind whips agains the windows and the walls of the apartment building you are living in. 
The atmosphere outside mirrors the whirlwind inside of you, the storm brewing there, the cold and gloomx atmosphere.
There are so many emotions. And these emotions, mostly fear and nervousness, mingle with the hormones that actually make you so very happy that your are growing a little babe inside of you, but at the dame time so sad that the child will have to grow up without a father.
The whole previous evening you spent staring at your round belly in the mirror, sobbing silently to yourself.
With the big wool sweaters you always wear the belly is barely visible, but when naked, one can obviously see the growing bump. 
You best friend draws in a deep inhale and leans her head against the top of yours. 
"You need to talk to him," she says in a soft voice. "And before you protest, I say so because first of all, he has a right to know. And secondly, and most importantly, he might be able to help you."
You sniff loudly. "How should he help me?"
"The High Lord, who he is close with, has a son with wings. And our High Lady is also only fae, so there must be a possibility."
"What if he wants nothing to do with me?"
"Then you at least tried."
"Don't you think I will only be hurt more?"
You lift your head to look at her. There is a small smile on her lips, one that conveys support and warmth, her eyes shining with empathy.
She shakes her head. "You still have me. I won't leave you alone with this. I never would. But you still have to tell him."
You don't want to do it, you don't want to face Azriel, don't want to tell him, but you know she is right. You have to do it. He has a right to know.
This was a one night stand. 
You somehow caught the male's attention in a small bar in Velaris, and somehow he ended up in your bed. When you woke up, Azriel slipped into his trousers and out of your flat within a few moments. He was gone without a word, disappeared into the shadows, and you haven't heard from him since. You don't even know how to contact him. 
You don't know where he lives? Does he live with the High Lord? Or in this huge house on the mountain? With the general of the Illyrian armies and his mate?
"I don't know what to say to him," you whisper. 
The rain outside intensifies. Your friend uncurls her arm from around your shoulder, bringing it forward so she can clasp your hand in hers. 
She places a soft kiss to the top of your head and in a calm voice she says, "Tell him what you told me. That you don't understand how it happened and that you are afraid and want nothing more than his help."
"What if I want more than that?" You bite back a sob and turn your head a little.
"What if I want a little part of his heart. For the baby. If it—if we survive this, I want my baby to have a father. I want my baby to know its father." A single tear slips our of your eye and your friend quickly wipes it away with her thumb. 
"That is something to think about in the future. You need to think about yourself now, sweetie. You matter now, everything else is open for the future."
You nod, trying to agree with her, but the thoughts about the possibility of the baby never meeting its father are gnawing on you. 
And they keep gnawing on you the whole night where you lie awake, shifting and turning, your back aching, and tears still wetting your cheeks and pillow. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Cold sweat coats your back, your palms. Your knees wobble, and your whole body trembles as you lift your hand, drawing in a deep inhale. Then another. And another. Your hand rests on the cool door handle, but you can't bring yourself to pull it down. 
He really came.
You can hardly believe it. He got your letter, and he is truly here. Until a few moments ago, you doubted it. You did not think he would really follow your invite. You were very vague in your letter, only mentioned that if he remembers you you would have something important to discuss with him. It could have been a trap, but he must have recognised the urgency in your wording, must habe known he could trust you.
Drawing in another breath, you finally pull down the handle and your lips part as your eyes land on him. 
He is…still the most beautiful male you have ever seen in your life, covered in darkness and shadows, expression stoic, eyes glowing with curiosity.
But he came!
"You came," you whisper, voice trembling.
Your heart beats in your throat, hammering so fast and hard you think it might burst right through your ribcage. 
It was just a one-night stand, a fleeting moment of passion, but you still remember him so vividly. How he touched you, how he kissed you, how he held you. And how he left. You felt used and sad after it, but you shouldn't have. Both of you only wanted fun for a night, but still it somehow hurt when he left.
"You called." His voice is flat, no emotion in it as he speaks. His face is not necessarily cold, but nonchalant, emotionless.
Azriel is nothing but darkness as he stands there, shadows swirling around him, stretching out towards you.
He eyes you closely, jaw clenched slightly.
You barely know him, only know his body, but he is now connected to you in the most profound way possible. You carry a part of him inside of you. Your child. His child. 
Azriel's face is a mask of unreadable emotions, some clouds darken his eyes and you can’t tear your eyes away from his.
"I wasn't sure you if you—" "I do remember you."
Something, some unreadable emotion passes over his face, and a muscle in his jaw ticks. His hands, those scarred hands you felt all over your body, are folded behind his back, and he stands in a stance, almost like he is ready to fight whatever is about to come. A stern warrior, and not the passionate male you lay with. 
"Come in?" you say, your voice trembling slightly as you step aside to let him enter. Azriel hesitates, but eventually he walks in, gaze wary as it sweeps through the inside of your room. He is looking for possible danger, making sure the place is safe and you can't blame him for it. Your invite must have sound cryptic, he is careful and that is alright. 
"Why did you invite me?" Azriel asks, finally speaking up and taking the weight from your shoulder to open the conversation. 
You are wringing for the right words to explain it all as you lead him over to the kitchen counter. You lean against it, your gaze moving to his eyes.
You drop your glamour, and try to hold his gaze, but suddenly Azriel starts to sniff the air, his brows furrowing as he looks around him. It almost looks like understanding dawns on him, whirlwinds of emotions glowing in his eyes. He must sense it in this moment.
"I am with child!" you blurt out. 
The words are so loud in the room, they bounce off the walls and hollow through the room. Through your mind, making you feel dizzy for a second. 
You move your hand over your round belly, smoothing out the sweater, to show him the bump. 
 The silence that follows is deafening, broken only by the sound of your own ragged breaths. 
Azriel says nothing, his face pales, his shoulders slump, and his whole expression and posture crumbles. 
He blinks, as if trying to process what you have just revealed. Although his face is unreadable, you can see the storm of emotions swirling beneath the surface. 
"Is it mine?" he asks and you want to face-palm him. You would do it, if it were under different circumstances. 
"Of course, it is yours. The babe has wings!"
The tone you have chosen wasn't alright, he could not have known, you could have been with other males…but why would you invite him and tell him then?
This revelation shatters him truly. Azriel begins to vehemently shake his head, like he can feel the weight of what the baby having wings means.
"No," he whispers, and then repeats the word over and over again. He brings a hand up, brushes his hair back and shakes his head again. "No, that can't be. You took the tonic, I did too. How did that happen?"
"I also don't have an explanation, I only know that I am with child now. A baby with wings." Your chin quivers, lower lip starting to tremble. You feel how your body begins to shake, blood rushing in your ears.
"And I am afraid." 
Once again the damn breaks, and a sob rips itself free.
Azriel says nothing, just stands there. 
"I understand that it is a lot to take in, that this is difficult, but I needed to tell you." 
You suck in a sharp breath, your tears tasting salty in your mouth. "I just thought you deserved to know. It was a one-night stand, and I never planned for any of this to happen, but it did, and I can't keep it a secret from you." 
You feel so vulnerable in this moment, your heart cracking open, everything inside you convulsing. 
It somehow angers you that he says nothing, but you had more time to deal with the newly learned information, he only found out now. Maybe he just needs more time to process. 
"I don't know what to say," he admits, his voice softer, and for the first time he lets his own emotions show, vulnerability flashing brightly in his eyes. "This is... unexpected. Overwhelming."
You nod, biting down on your lower lip. With the back of your hand you wipe away some tears. 
"I don't expect anything from you, I just…if the baby and I survive this, all I am asking for is a little bit of your heart. Not for me, for the babe."
Your voice is so terribly shaky, tears welling up in your eyes again as you try to hold his gaze. "I didn't expect it either," you whisper, wiping away a tear. "But I want the baby to know its father. If it ever comes to that."
Azriel is the one to suck in a breath now, the weight of his own childhood crashing down on him. Everything, every little pain when he was a child, bubbles up inside of him and his body starts to shake. 
The room is filled with a heavy silence once more. It feels like the walls are moving in on you, the room growing smaller and smaller, almost suffocating you.
As you wait for his response, your heart still races, but now it's not just with fear. There's a glimmer of hope, a spark of possibility that maybe, just maybe, he will grant you this wish and be a father for the child if it comes to that. 
"We are going to see my healer, the High Lord's healer. She knows about wings, she knows about babes with wings. You are not alone in this."
Azriel's steps are so fast, so unexpected, he hesitates for a moment, but suddenly his arms wrap around your shoulders and he embraces you tightly, his chin coming to a rest on top of your head. 
"I am not leaving you alone in this. It comes as a shock and I am sorry about my reaction, but this child is as much mine as it is yours, and it will have a part of my heart." His arm wraps around you tighter. "It will have my whole heart." 
He swallows, his chest heaving with a deep inhale and your curl your own arms around him, loud sobs ripping themselves free, muffled in the fabric of his shirt. "And so will you."
~~~~~~~~~~ tags (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii@nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian  @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess @courtofjurdan @a-frog-with-a-laptop @insufferablebookaddict @callmeblaire
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zeevawyte · 4 months
Ok so, this is so far outside my usual stuff it’s insane, but this literally won't leave my brain and I don't know if I have time to write it so-
RadioApple fic idea under the cut:
TW: blood, mentions of cannibalism (it's Alastor, duh), semi-unsafe dom/sub (no actual sex), sub drops
Starts out your normal "stop interfering with my relationship with my daughter & you can have a snack whenever you want" kinda deal, with Alastor taking full advantage of the fact that he's got the most powerful being in hell at his mercy. Dude has a serious power trip the first time, & between that and the taste is hooked immediately.
And of course Luci isn't exactly complaining. Other than the occasional jumpscare via shadow, it hasn't been too bad. Kind of enjoyable actually, not that he'd ever admit that to the demon's face. And it's not like he hasn't been tied up or held down before either.
But then during one of their ‘meetings’ he ends up going into sub space on accident… and it keeps happening.
This wouldn't be a problem except Alastor (for obvious reasons) has literally zero information/knowledge about that sort of thing. And, being the dramatic asshole that he is, enjoys getting the last word and leaving without a backwards glance. Which means he's not there when Luci drops.
But it's fine! He's fine! He's the King of Hell, he doesn't need some sinner to help him deal with the consequences of an arrangement he proposed in the first place. He's totally fine on his own.
Except he's not.
He is very much not fine, and it starts to show. It gets so bad that one day Charlie actually asks him if he’s ok mid-conversation.
Enter Angel Dust.
Now, by this point Angel’s like 98% sure the two powerhouses are going at it. Alastor has been in a good mood for months now (coinciding suspiciously with the two of them not being at each other’s throats all the time - at least in public) & he’s seen Luci coming out of a room straightening his coat and hat on one of the upper floors. Not to mention the down-right flirty undertones to any barbs they shoot back and forth.
Husk agrees that something is going on but heavily doubts it’s what Angel thinks.
Determined to prove that he’s right, Angel starts wandering the upper floors or heading up just as Alastor heads down (subtly, he’s not an idiot). Anyway, he’s up there one day being nosy when he hears a crash from one of the rooms. He goes in only to find Lucifer on the floor, having tripped over a side table and knocked over a lamp, disheveled and absolutely shaking.
He recognizes what’s happening almost immediately (fuck you very much Val) and gathers the little king up onto the couch, helping him calm down until he doesn’t look like he’s going to either spontaneously start sobbing or throw up on the rug.
Luci is understandably embarrassed and tries to offer him a favor for his help, but Angel waves him off saying he’s been there & that Luci doesn’t owe him anything.
The next day when Lucifer is off doing something else, Angel grabs Alastor and all but drags him into a side room.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on between you and short king, and frankly it’s none’a my business-”
“No, it isn’t. And if that really is all you wanted to speak with me about-”
“Shut up! I’m not jokin’ alright? I’m bein’ 100% serious. You’re fucking up big time, and I’m pretty sure you don’t even know it. So if you don’t want this whole thing to end in a big fuckin’ mess you need to listen to me.”
Cue a hilariously awkward conversation where an unusually serious Angel explains dom/sub dynamics and the effects/consequences therein to an incredibly-uncomfortable-but-desperately-not-showing-it Alastor.
It ends with something along the lines of
"And look, I don't know if you actually care about the guy or if it’s just about gettin’ your kicks, but honestly? It doesn't matter. You've got your whole gentleman thing right? Openin' doors for the ladies and shit?" *pokes him in the chest* "Well as a gentleman, you've dropped the fuckin' ball. Only self-centered dicks leave their sub to drop alone."
Now if there’s one thing Alastor will not abide, it’s a loss of manners. Being told he’s been unknowingly committing a social faux pas gets under his skin immediately. It itches at him. To the point that his smile almost slips. More than once.
He needs to fix it. As soon as possible.
He’s visibly twitchy the rest of the day.
Husk corners Angel to ask what the hell he said to Al, but only gets a vague, noncommittal answer about letting him know about some information he was missing.
And the next time he and Lucifer have a ‘meeting,’ Alastor stays.
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imtryingbuck · 5 months
You Promised
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~ gif not mine credit goes to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: Steve and reader have an argument and Sharon’s there to cause trouble
Word count: 1,178
Warnings: Steve’s a dumdum, mentions of cheating, Sharon-ew. very very terrible writing. Ending is…well it’s terrible
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Waking up in his old room at the tower, the memories of last night’s argument hit full force. Steve groaned as he sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he knew how right she was. He knew he had to fix things between them. He understands that she’s worried about him, he does. He just hates how it feels like he has to choose his job or her, because he truly doesn’t know which he would pick. His girlfriend who he loves or his job that he loves.
They’d been arguing ever since he came home with fresh cuts on his face.
“Steve all I’m asking is for you to take some time off from doing missions please!” She stood there with tears filling her eyes.
“It’s my job”
“I know and I’m not asking you to quit, I would never ask you to do that but at least do what Bucky does and take some days off, even if it’s just a few days every month! Please Steve”
“I can’t Y/n you need to understand!”
“I understand why you do what you do but you can’t keep doing every single day-“
“Don’t be dramatic it’s not every day!”
“It is Steve. You’re never home-“
“It’s my job Y/n!” He screamed at her.
“One, stop cutting me off! And two don’t scream at me again Steven. You nearly didn’t come home from the last mission, you nearly died” A sob broke past the barrier of her lips.
He was about to say something but then his phone started to ring “I need to take this Y/n it’s Sharon, why are you rolling your eyes?”
“Are you cheating on me with her?”
“W-what? Don’t be stupid!”
“Yes or no simple answer Steve”
“…No I’m not cheating on you”
“Why don’t I believe you?”
“Because you’ve got trust issues I’m not like your ex who cheated on you every single chance he got!” His voiced was raised higher than before. He didn’t even bat an eye when she flinched at the mention of her ex. He didn’t let her respond instead he answered his phone.
“Yeah I’m on my way doll, alright, you too, of course I mean it” looking at his girlfriend “I’ve got to go”
“Y-you called her- you are cheating on me with her, I fucking knew it I just didn’t want to believe it”
“Just go. Your girlfriends waiting for you”
“I’ll be home soon. Bye”.
Only problem was being that he never went home that night. He berated himself mentioning her ex, he didn’t even try and correct her when she called Sharon his girlfriend. He hated himself for shouting at her, not once in the three years they’ve been dating has he ever so much as raised his voice at her. Searching for his phone which was normally on his bedside table when the bathroom door came open.
“Oh you’re awake, just needed a quick shower” Sharon says as she stands there with just a towel covering her naked body, her wet hair leaving droplets on the laminate flooring.
“Yeah that fine, I guess. Have you seen my phone?”
“On the dresser, I put it there after I spoke to Y/n. She was quite rude if you ask me”
“Wait, you spoke to her?” And the realisation that she showered in his bathroom “Why was you using my shower?”
“Yeah I told her you was still sleeping and she put the phone down on me”
“Okay but why are you using my shower?”
“Mines not working” shrugging her shoulders “hey can I borrow a shirt please?”
“No. Get out”
“Get out of my room Sharon.”
“Alright mr grumpy pants”
Just as the door closed he jumped out of the bed going straight for his phone. Ringing Y/n and not getting any response he grabbed his jacket from the back the chair and headed straight out the door to head home.
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His heart stopped at the sight of Y/n packing all her things.
“B-baby what are you doing?”
“I’m leaving”
“No baby stop” every time she turned around to grab more things he was taking the things that was already in suitcase, out. “Y/n I’m sorry for not coming home last night the paper, baby please stop! The paperwork took me ages to get through. I ended up crashing in my old room”
“I told you I can’t go through being lied to and cheated on again, I told you and what did you do huh? You promised me Steve that you would never do that to me. You promised” The tears wouldn’t stop falling no matter how hard she tried to stop them.
“Doll I have never cheated on you, baby please believe me”
“Sharon told me Steve so just stop”
“Told you what? Y/n I’m not cheating on you please believe me!”
“That you two having been sleeping together for weeks. Move out of my way”
That, that made him stop. He wouldn’t lie if you asked him if he had a bit of a crush on Sharon when he first met her six years ago, but it faded away after a few months. When he met Y/n he didn’t think much of her then over the course of a few months he developed feelings for her, it took him over a year to confess his feelings for her.
Because of a lie that Sharon told now he was losing everything.
“Bab-baby she’s lying, I have never even so as much as kissed her! Y/n please please listen to me love”
“Why would she lie?”
“I don’t know but she is! Y/n, baby please I swear to you I have never even looked at another woman! I don’t want anyone that isn’t you”
“Why would she lie though Steve? Why was she in your room this morning? I rang you too apologise and to my surprise it’s her that answers, the she tells.. she told me Steve”.
“I-I don’t know. I really don’t. I was asleep and she came into my room and used my shower, I don’t know why she did but doll nothing has ever happened between me and her I swear!” He shakes his head “Y/n I love you, and I’m sorry for the argument last night. I’m sorry for earlier but doll I swear I’ve never cheated on you.”
“You’re telling the truth, oh God, Steve I’m so sorry I’m sorry I’’m sor-“
“Baby it’s okay! Stop apologising it’s okay, come here I’ve got you” Holding her tightly to his chest he repeats the words over and over.
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~A month later~
“Baby, come on Buck and Sam’s here”
“I’m coming hold on!”
He sees her coming out of their bedroom and he can’t help but smile at her, as she got closer towards him he took her hand into his “I love you do you know that?”
“I love you too”
Sharon ended up transferring. Steve listened to Y/n by taking a few days off every week, their relationship was so much better now.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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nnnyxie · 8 months
So this one is angsty (if you squint) basically reader is Bakugos little sibling (by like a year or two to not make it weird) and they grew up together…And this is kinda mean!Izu x reader but whatever
Izu one day just randomly reflects on Bakugos bullying and is like well fuck him and decides to date his younger sibling to fuck with Bakugo as ‚revenge‘
Failing to inform them he was only dating them to fuck with their brother. He‘s still doting and sweet and oh so loving(he also failed to realize he fell for reader fr)…and on one random Tuesday they just overhear him speaking about it like on the phone to his friends being like „yeah Kacchan is totally pissed it worked like a charm“
Reader absolutely breaks down and runs to Kacchan for comfort because big brother is always the solution🤞 so then Izu dosen’t even realize and tries talking to reader and they just cut all contact and Izu panics and realizes what he feels for them but it‘s too late hehe. (I need some sort of happy ending for reader😭)
Bonus ofcourse would be lots and lots of groveling before they eventually restart, or reader moves on if you‘re not the second chance type..revenge is always the answer🫶🏻 idk both ends would be cute Idk when I turned into an angst Whore I used to be a fluff addict😞 #𖢥 izuku anon
i’m not much of a second chance person when it comes to this stuff but……. i like fluff……. so we shall see how the ending goes…….. it’s a wild card for the both of us???
(ps there is swearing bc it’s me…) (pps i did add a part where he said ‘fuckin with my blood’ but i originally had like— an adopted sibling in mind?? so just read however you’d like!!) (ppps i added some comfort from our girlies and kiri bc i LOVE them)
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for this we’re gonna pretend like the boys have had no progress in friendship and that they HATE each other with a passion and that season 6 didn’t happen!! AND that they’re in their second year while you, darling reader, are a first year at UA!!
okay so. despite katsuki being such an asshole and probably the most difficult person to deal with— he has such a soft spot for his little sibling!!
he makes it known that if anyone fucks with you— he’ll beat them worse than they could ever imagine. you thought his normal threats were bad? oh sweetheart, these are far worse!! he’ll go into solid detail and even give ‘warning’ hits.
enter izuku, your longtime crush. ever since you were kids, you have always liked him. loved him, even. you admire how ambitious he is and how far he’s come.
izuku was dense about your crush at first, in all honesty. it wasn’t until he overheard your conversation with katsuki in the dorm stairs one day!!
it was something along the lines of “you can’t love that nerd!” “but i do! and if he feels the same i don’t want you ruining this for me!” “you’re too good for him! plus you’re too young to date anyways!” “katsuki, i’m not a baby anymore! look— if he ends up rejecting me then i’ll tell you. and you can do whatever you want, okay?” “okay. and if he accepts then, i’ll punch him too.” “katsuki no—”
izuku usually isn’t the type for petty revenge but— katsuki has hurt him for long enough. so this would be a great way to get back at him, right..?
now let’s dive into izuku’s little plan—
like i said before, he isn’t one to do this sort of thing. he really isn’t but— katsuki just… fuels a fire in him that he can’t put out.
izuku thought this little idea was crazy (it is), so he confided in someone about it— can you guess who?? wanna know who??? the one and only…
kaminari denki!!
that is correct, he confides in kaminari. see— izuku doesn’t tell kaminari that the person is katsuki’s little sibling.
izuku just tells him “i want to piss this guy off by dating their younger sibling but, i feel like that’s crazy…” and kaminari says “nah dude, if that person is a piece of shit then i say go for it. i mean— if they’re shitty then their sibling probably is too!”
which is very incorrect— you and katsuki aren’t alike.
well— you are?? but also aren’t??? if that makes sense
anyways… izuku was STUPID and took his advice.
so— izuku enacts his plan. he’ll fake confess to you, in front of katsuki. it has to be in front of him. he’ll date you for a bit to make katsuki mad, lead you on a little, then break up with you. easy peasy right?
first off, he did confess in front of katsuki but, katsuki punched him right in the face.
second, when you accepted his confession, katsuki punched him again. this time in the stomach.
but hey— anything for petty revenge… ig…?
anywhooo y’all get into a relationship!! and it’s a dream for you, truly. you’re with the person you’ve been in love with for basically your entire life!! and that person loves you back!!!
literally everyone is jealous because you’re the couple. the blueprint. the outcome. the relationship. (or so you and the others thought….)
the relationship is… healthy? i mean, it is healthy if you ignore the fact that izuku is doing this all to piss off katsuki!!
and oh my god— katsuki is fucking angry. he’s always ‘mean mugging’ izuku. he isn’t doing anything,,, physical because you chewed him out for it. like— you really laid into him when he punched izuku. and you had a very lengthy talk with him. so, he’s keeping his hands to himself— for now.
okay moving on from that??? kaminari doesn’t put two and two together when izuku starts dating you— as much as i love him, he isn’t the brightest bulb in the box! yes he’s smart but c’mon……..
which actually brings me to how you found out!!!
so……. one day you and izuku are just walking down the hall to go to his room, y’all planned a cute movie night!!! (which he was really looking forward to) when the lovely kaminari denki comes strolling up to him.
“hey dude! how’s that revenge thing going? it’s been what?? eight?? months— you piss off the guy yet? is he totally mad that you’re with his sibling?” kaminari had the widest grin— he’s so dumb, bless his heart.
“izuku, what does he mean?” “i— kaminari, i don’t—” “huh? he’s dating some guy’s sibling to piss him off cause the dude’s a total piece of shit and i thought maybe the dude’s sibling was shi—” “kaminari! stop it!” izuku slapped his hand over the blonde’s mouth. all you could say was ‘oh’ then you ran towards katsuki’s room, hoping he’d be in there.
“wait— was— was the guy katsuki and the sibling was them!?” kaminari shouted in surprised (jfc…). izuku sighed with a nod. “dude you fucked up. like really fucked up. they were a total hottie?? and super cool?? plus katsuki is gonna be really pissed.” “i know…”
izuku felt so guilty because he was genuinely beginning to fall for you— like seriously!! he’s in love with you and now everything is ruined. i mean, he knew he’d have to tell you at some point because, no relationship should be built on lies but still !!
when you told your brother— he felt beyond pissed, angry, furious, etc. his emotions were indescribable. katsuki genuinely wanted to kill izuku. yeah, he’s always said ‘i’ll kill you’ but it’s not like he ever actually meant it.
but this time—
he really did mean it. he felt like he could commit murder.
“outside.” katsuki grabbed izuku by the collar of his shirt and dragged him through the dorms.
“wait— kacchan just let me explain!” he panicked, he wanted to tell katsuki that he did love you. that his intentions weren’t good at first but his feelings became real very quickly!
“what dumb ass excuse could you possibly have that would make this fuckin’ situation better!?” katsuki’s left hand sparked as he tossed izuku outside the doors.
“i— i’m not trying to make the situation better! i j-just want to explain!” “you have one minute before i blow your head off.”
“i did it to make you mad at first but— but, i ended up really falling for them! seriously! i w-was going to tell them!” “why the fuck would you even think about doin’ that shit!? even i wouldn’t go that low!” katsuki’s hands grew hot. he was on the verge of becoming a murderer.
“i’m sorry! i really am! i just— i was so mad at you and it was petty revenge!” izuku’s hands were raised in defense. “that shit wasn’t revenge! that was fuckin’ with my blood!” katsuki raised his hand to izuku’s face, getting ready to blast him— but he was stopped. “bakugo, midoriya. nezu’s office, now.” a very tired sounding, aizawa demanded.
while that was going down— you were left in katsuki’s room, crying on his floor.
“uhm— hey, it’s just us…” mina, jirou, and kirishima walked in. you wiped your eyes and nose, you didn’t really like being seen in a vulnerable state. something you and katsuki had in common.
“so we uh… kinda heard about what happened from kaminari.” jirou whispered as her jacks poked together. “i’m sorry, he’s a loud mouth…” “and uhm… your brother isn’t exactly quiet either.” kirishima looked to the ground beside you.
“i kinda heard their conversation… midoriya said he loves you…” mina sat beside you. “so what are you gonna do? are you gonna hear midoriya out..?” you shrugged.
even if he really did begin to love you, how could you ever trust him again? and— what if he was lying to your brother just to get an easy out?
you felt sick— and you felt like a fool. you felt so stupid for thinking that your brother’s enemy could actually have feelings for you. you felt like an idiot.
“i think… i think that, maybe, i could hear his explanation but… i won’t forgive him or give him another chance. i can’t trust him again. plus, i’d look like a fool going back to him…” you mumbled into your arms, your knees were to your chest. the three just gave an understanding nod, then, huddled around you for an awkward but, warm, group hug.
“alright.” you heard your brother’s gruff voice from the doorway. “you three, out. now.” he pointed towards his friends and you watched them leave.
“so… what happened?” you asked, your brother plopped down beside you. sitting in his usual ‘delinquent’ position. “almost murdered him. got stopped by aizawa. got scolded by nezu. now ‘m suspended for 5 weeks. gotta do supplementary classes n’ shit.” “i’m sorry, kats.” he scoffed and gave you an ‘are you fucking serious’ look. “why the fuck are you apologizin’!?” you fiddled your fingers, “i got you in trouble…” he rolled his eyes and lightly smacked the back of your head. “idiot, you didn’t. was all me.”
there was a bit of silence, it was a comfortable one. you and katsuki always shared this sort of quiet.
“did they tell you what happened?” he asked in a hushed tone, referring to his friends. “yeah…” “and…?” “and i’m not gonna forgive him or anything. he lied to me. why would i wanna be with a liar? plus, what if he was lying about actually having feelings for me now? i can’t trust him again.”
katsuki gave you a small, smile. one that said ‘i understand. i’m sorry he did that. i’m here for you. and i love you.’
when it comes to him, words weren’t needed most of the time. looks could tell all. and that look told you everything you needed to hear.
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i’ll be so real— i was very a teensy bit drunk writing this… so like if it doesn’t make sense or anything i’m so sorry
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froggywritesstuff · 8 months
stupid | yandere!rise!donatello
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ship/pairing: yandere!rise!Donatello x g/n!reader (can be read as platonic or romantic)
request: no one
warnings: kinda ooc, blood, wounds, kidnapping, unwanted touching (non sexual), blades, degrading, sadism, stitches, non consensual scarification (?), vomiting, hair pulling, threats of amputation, isolation used as punishment
fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
word count: 1145
A/N: i wasn't sure to write this with Leo or Donnie so i most likely wrote Donnie's personality wrong. 18+ people DNI. i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life
You wanted to cry as you felt Donnie’s disappointed gaze on you. Or maybe it was because of the pain of how tight he gripped your wounded wrist. Either way, it didn’t matter, as Donnie would have absolutely zero sympathy for you if you started crying. After all, it was your fault. Your fault you were currently staining his lab floors with blood.
He brought his other hand to your wrist to inspect the gash, as if something had changed in the last five minutes he’d been staring at it.
”Do you want to explain why you cut your tracker out of your wrist?” his voice broke the dreaded silence, and you weren’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
You stayed silent. He hadn’t been happy with your previous answer explaining that you wanted to be alone from him and go outside without him worrying. It wasn’t the answer he wanted. But the truth wasn’t the answer he wanted either.
He grabbed a new tracker from his bench along with a scalpel, gliding the blade through your wound to make a deeper cut, pulling your wrist tightly as he inserted the new tracker inside the wound. The metallic scent of blood in the room grew worse, making your stomach churn. You whimpered, biting your tongue so you didn’t cry out in pain, while Donnie just seemed unbothered by the pain his actions caused. 
“Or do you need me to tell you?”
You stayed quiet. Your eyes stung as tears pricked the back of your eyes, begging for you to cry. But you didn’t. Tears wouldn’t help you. Donnie would only mock you and belittle you if he saw you crying. 
A sigh left his lips as he brought his hands up to cup the side of your face. You felt yourself wanting to lean into his touch, wanting to cling to the gentleness of his hands that so harshly contrasted the anger he must've been feeling.
”You’re stupid, Y/N.” silence hung between the two of you while he stared you down, his eyes filled with disappointment and frustration. His hands dropped from your face and he grabbed a needle and thread. You felt your stomach drop.
”So stupid,” he muttered, piercing the needle through your skin, guiding the thread through your wounded skin to stitch it back together. The corners of his lips twitched upward as he heard your stifled groans and cries of pain. The tears building up in your eyes felt as heavy as rocks as you desperately tried not to cry.
“You’re even more stupid than I thought you were. I had faith in you, but you’ve proven me wrong. Because you are somehow so stupid, you can’t understand that everything I do for you is for your own good. I’m helping you, by keeping you here, because you’re nothing without me. You’re weak. Completely helpless. Fucking pathetic.”
You broke, letting the tears fall down your cheeks with a choked sob.
The room went silent, anxiety bubbled in your chest while you stared at Donnie’s hands. It was as if he paused for dramatic effect as well as staying silent.
Until he laughed.
He fucking laughed.
For a little longer than necessary in your opinion.
”Fuck, Y/N,” his laughter stopped abruptly with a yell, making you flinch, “that’s exactly what I’m talking about.” He stabbed the needle to your arm again and drew the string through tightly, forcing a strained cry of pain from your throat.
“You’re pathetic. Crying over everything and just so whiny. It’s pitiful, honestly. Consider yourself lucky you have me, darling. I have no idea how all your friends managed to put up with you for so long. No wonder none of them care that you’re gone.”
You found the courage to shake your head, opening your mouth to speak, when he tugged on the needle tightly, quickly making you shut up.
”Sorry, did you have something to say?” Donnie’s smug voice asked. He knew exactly what you were going to say.
You stayed silent, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing your weak attempt of convincing yourself he was wrong. The needle was pricked through your skin a few more times before he picked up some scissors, cutting the end of the knot he tied in the string as he finished the last stitch. He cleared his throat.
“Just to be clear, though I am enjoying all this, you brought this on yourself. I want you to look at the scar on your arm everyday and think of this. Think of how dumb you were trying to escape me. Think of how easy it was for me to catch you. I want you to look at it and regret everything you did, until every time you even think about escaping again, you want to ridicule yourself over how dumb of an idea it is.”
You shrank back at his words, your gaze falling toward the floor, when you caught sight of the stitches Donnie had made in your arm. It was obvious he had finished stitching your wound together for a long time, as you stared in horror at the array of letters stitched into your arm, spelling out his name. He had even made sure to stitch his birth name, which you could only assume was to cause more pain for you. The pain from the stitching mixed with the bloody scent and sight on your arm all made you feel sick, until you found yourself gagging, eventually vomiting up spit on the floor.
Donnie's face scrunched up in disgust, "Scoff, don't be so dramatic." he stood up from his chair, a metal claw from his battle shell dug into your scalp, dragging you by your hair as Donnie led you out of his lab. Too tired to fight against him you let him drag you, feeling the heels of your feet stinging against the tiles. You winced as every slight movement from your arm sent a jolt of pain.
You heard the creak of door, followed by the flick of a light switch, and you were shoved into a room you recognized all too well. All white walls and floors, and empty of furniture save for the single bed in the corner of the room. You were roughly placed onto the bed, Donnie wasting no time to restrain you to the bed.
"Take that tracker out again, and you'll lose your arm."
You stared at him with an empty expression, using the little energy you had to nod to show your understanding. His hand cupped your cheek gently, his lips upturned slightly, before he bid goodbye and left, making a show of locking the door for extra measures.
All alone, you let the tears fall freely down your face, eventually crying yourself into a restless sleep.
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bunmurdock · 1 year
office hours | professor!matt x reader
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cw: subspace, reader is of legal age bunny brain thoughts below the cut 😳
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you poke your lil head into his office after school n he's there !!
you scamper over so quick and crawl into his lap so you can go over notes together. his arms come over to lift your skirt and push your panties aside so you can cockwarm him :3
you’re an eager wet thing stretched around him, and he has to hold your hips still to prevent you from squirming around and making a huge mess
his arms come around you like a big blanket as he patiently guides you over the course material
he rubs your cheek fondly from time to time when you get an answer right
you try to focus, but the soft, low rumble of his voice and the way his chest radiates warmth on your back makes you feel fuzzy 😵‍💫😵‍💫
but then his arms are on your hips and lifting so only the head of his cock is inside u. “oh- what’d i tell you, sweetheart?” he says, not unkindly. you hadn't realized you were rolling your hips ever so slightly, and you clench again around the head of his cock. he pinches the inside of your thigh lightly, and you yelp a little dramatically
he lowers you back eventually, and when you finish your last practice problem, he says kisses your hairline fondly and says "my good, smart girl." his arms fall to your waist. with a nod of his head, n gives you the permission you’re waiting for. he meets the roll of your hips as he gives you his special reward <;3
you cum once with his temple pressed hard to yours, your clit pulsing wildly under his fingers and another turn around in his lap pulling at his shirt n sobbing into his neck
when your teasing gets to be too much for him, he pushes you face-first into the stack of papers on his desk. “spread ‘em. wide as you can, sweetheart” and fucks you so hard his desk scrapes several feet across the floor by the time he’s done with you
at one point you hear him grit out “oh god you’re gonna get me fired—” as a canister of pens hits on the ground
maybe he flips you over and he lifts you off the desk, hooking his elbows under your legs to bounce you on his cock like a toy, punching a sob out of you with each thrust. all you can do is hold on for dear life with an arm around his broad shoulders
the way you stare at him is something else. like he's your whole world, his furrowed brow and his panting mouth while tells you how good you are for him your favorite sight in the world
(never mind all the wetness pooling on your test papers 😭)
at one point, he lays you back on the desk, and a few buttons pop on his shirt where you pull. he’s still coming down from his climax, and you hold the shirt open while licking at his sweat-sheened chest as he pants
when you’re both sated, he smoothes a hand over your hair, kissing at your temple and forehead, and rights your clothing
you struggle to balance on your shaking legs, so he swoops you into his arms and carries you home with his suit jacket over your shoulders
mm bunny brain tag
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
Hi there! I've read a lot of ROTTMNT fics, and I mean. A LOT. But holy fuck The Neon Void is literally the most amazing thing I've ever read.
The pacing is FANTASTIC? I'm way too impatient for reveals to take so long in my own writing, the fact you've managed to make it last 20 chapters (so far)? INSANE. /POS.
The characterization is absolutely phenomenal, it genuinely feels like this is something that could have happened in canon. It FEELS like the characters in every sense, even with Leo being the way he is! Its genuinely amazing.
Not to mention the ANGST. Presumed death is my favorite trope ever, and the fact all of their grief feels so palpable? The way you described Raph's grief in one of the chapters stuck with me so much, I forget the exact wording but it was like "He couldn't be more grateful to have had Leo for a brother, or more proud of the fact he had been his big brother" I don't know something like that AND IT FELT LIKE A KNIFE TO THE CHEST. WONDERFULLY DONE.
AND THE TELEPORTATION THING- making true teleportation so difficult in such a smart way was such a great move. I LOVE that aspect so much.
I'm gonna cut this ramble off here before I further go off the rails, I just wanted to say this is my all time favorite fanfic EVER. Even long when this is over I expect myself to come back to reread it VERY often. You're doing an amazing job, and you're a really awesome writer!
Have a wonderful day! :D
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But seriously, that means a lot ;w; I’m always worried that my pacing is too slow, or if I’m hitting the marks on the boys’ personalities. ESPECIALLY with Leo fighting between insane giggle fits and self-loathing. It's been a challenge for sure. The reassurance that it’s somewhat believable makes me incredibly happy ;w; The story beats of this fic are honestly new territory for me—so it means the WORLD to me that you took the time to let me know you like my silly story!!! Especially since this is the first fic I’ve ever published—it’s a huge relief knowing that people enjoy my brain worms LOL
Honestly the amount of positive feedback I’ve gotten just from my silly little fic has totally floored me. Everyone has been so sweet and so kind and honestly writing this fic has brought me so much joy and I’m so happy that it makes other people happy too ;w;
But like??? The fact you feel like it could be canon?? THAT IS SUCH A HIGH COMPLIMENT THANK YOU 😭😭😭 I will admit I am proud of the teleportation aspect, and while I have some other silly particle physics lessons planned I just hope it all makes sense to readers in the end ;w;
Thank you again so so so much ;w; I love big dramatic reveal fics too, so it’s been VERY painful for me to have made it this far without a reveal LMAO. Seriously, I can’t wait to get this silly guy written and moved out of my head to free up rent space for some fanfic READING again (I WILL get distracted if I let myself read other fics rn SOB) I’ll def have to check yours out too because it sounds DELICIOUS 🤤✨
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narcatsisst · 19 days
so i finally watched the devil's chord and i. AUGH!!!! UEUHGH!!!!!!! i watched space babies a couple days ago and it was good ofc but i felt like it was missing something but devil's chord was literally fucking PERFECT. it was scary and emotional and silly and weird all at the same time and i almost cried and i got so many goosebumps and i just AAHH!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE EP UNDER THE CUT. GIANT RANT. I AM AUTISM.
i already have a giant bias towards the episode cuz one of my longest interests has been music and instruments but oh my fucking GOD the way they talked about music and hearing classical songs that i knew almost sent me to tears IM NOT JOKING. ruby playing the piano was so awesome and hearing saint saen's danse macabre made me feel like i was going to ascend into the heavens. putting doctor who and classical music, two of my biggest interests, together, was the best thing imaginable. I LITERALLY CANT DESCRIBE HOW HAPPY THIS EPISODE MAKES ME.
SECONDLY, I LOVED MAESTRO. like the toymaker (who i also adore so SO incredibly much), they have this silly evilness to them that makes them so INTERESTING!!! and then finding out maestro is the child of the toymaker was EVERYTHING. BECAUSE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. jinkx monsoon, the person that plays maestro, says some stuff about them that explains why i love them so much. "When human rules don't apply to you, you get to do whatever you want. You don't have to worry about whether your emotions make sense to people because you don't have to answer to them." and "What I love about Maestro is that, while objectively evil, they are an artist, they have a mission statement. " THESE ARE THE EXACT REASONS I LOVE THE TOYMAKER AND MAESTRO SO MUCH. both of them are other-worldly beings. they're gods of their own realms. they're dramatic and passionate and so dead-set on getting what they want. but its not just about getting what they want, its about having fun with it and turning it into a show. because what's the point in going out if you cant go out with a BANG?
something else i loved was the doctor in this episode. ncuti gatwa's doctor, like david tennant's, is so extremely emotional and passionate and it makes me want to SOB. the doctor mentioning his granddaughter? TEARS IN MY EYES. "i can only smile like this because ive lost so much" SOBBING ON THE FLOOR. the 15th doctor has already been so emotional and i know im gonna cry so so much while he's around. BUT THATS SOMETHING I LOVE ABOUT DOCTOR WHO. because it can be so silly and weird and funny and then it can turn around and be spine-chilling and emotional ALL IN THE SAME EPISODE. because when you think about it, the story of the doctor is HEARTBREAKING. and when that side of him comes out you HAVE to expect the waterworks.
AND THEN RUBY THE ENTIRE EPISODE ???? i know theres something up with her and i just OH MY GOD!!! BECAUSE THE SNOW??? THIS EPISODE AND LAST EPISODE? AND THE SOUND OF CHRISTMAS?????? im gnawing on the bars of my enclosure I NEED TO KNOW. shes so interesting I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT because its like who's her mom?? whys she able to do the snow thing?? how did she have a song in her ????? AND MAESTRO SAYING THINGS LIKE "no he couldnt be there" "the old one couldn't've been there" WHO IS THAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN.
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Don’t say forever- Chapter 4
tw: panic attacks, bullying
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This was one of those times. It was totally not cool for him to use embarrassing things about her to his own goals.
She knew one of his goals was to sit with the plastics and as “happy” as she was for him. She wanted to die.
She stomped after Damian a frown on her face as she walked over to hell. 
“Regina!” Damian shouts waving obnoxiously. Regina smirks and beckons them over before saying something to Karen and having her switch sides to sit next to regina and Gretchen. Damian sits and sets his tray down before looking back up at janis.
The short brunette stood there, her arms crossed and a glare on her face. Damian dramatically rolls his eyes before grabbing her jacket and yanking her down to his level before whispering something in her ear that makes her whine and blush before sitting down.
“I have got to know what you keep saying to her!” regina smirks leaning forward. Janis punches damian’s shoulder and mimes silence to him.
“Sorry Regina, blackmail only works if i keep it secret so she continues to do what i want” damian says poking janis’s side who squeaks and slaps his hand. Regina’s eyes widen before gretchen frantically taps her.
“Regina can we talk in the hallway” she practically squeaks out. Regina sighs but stands up and they walk out together. Janis’s eyes follow them confused until a soft voice interrupts.
“gretchen is confused why your eating with us, when regina said you were a charity case and she doesn’t like you” karen says smiling softly to janis as if she’s helping her and not breaking her heart again.
Regina and gretchen return as janis stares forward. Gretchen was right. Why was she here. Regina doesn’t like her, she was so rude this morning. Janis can’t think and she sure as fuck can’t breathe. Regina’s manipulating her again. With her straight blonde hair and straight teeth and straight As and her straightness.
“janis?” damian says turning to his hyperventilating best friend.
“shit janis breathe!” damian says rubbing the small girls back. The plastics eyes all widen comically large as they stare.
Janis shoves damian and claws at her chest frantically trying to stand up. She pushes past damian and runs to the bathroom. Damian and regina close behind.
Janis collapses on the floor in the bathroom her phone in one hand as she calls a number over and over. Regina’s heart sinks as she reads the caller ID.
Damian and regina coach janis through it, helping her take deep breaths until the only reminder of the panic attack is the lone tear dropping down janis’s cheek.
“oh janis!” damian proclaims hugging the small girl into his chest. He lets her cry into his shoulder without saying anything.
“jay come on. I’ll take you home” Regina suggests softly. Janis sniffles with an unreadable expression on her face as she lets damian help her up.
They walk to the pink jeep together as damian promises to call her later. She climbs in.
*** Regina hasn’t said a word. They drive back two hours early from school, both of them sitting in awkward silence.
Regina pulls into the fancy george turnabout before taking the keys out of the ignition. Janis goes to open the door but it’s still locked.
“open the door” she says quietly. Regina turns to her pulling her sunglasses up on her hair.
“Jay, what was that” regina asks softly. Janis scoffs and yanks at the door.
“Oh now you’re nice again! Fucking bipolar!” Janis shouts crossing her arms.
“Janis i” regina starts before she’s cut off. Janis yells, tears filling her big brown doe eyes.
“no fuck no regina! I lost my whole family and my best friend in what seemed like overnight. Now i fucking see her for 5 minutes then she’s gone again! I don’t know what regina george im talking to and it scared the shit out of me! You have us sit for lunch with you than make fun of me right in front of myself! Just pick a side regina, i can’t fuckinb do this” Janis sobs, finally letting all her emotions out.
Regina listens and watches in shock. Janis was right. She was being a manipulative bitch.
“Your right, i’m sorry jay. I don’t know how to act and it’s killing me and hurting you.”
“just stop!” janis shouts again.
Regina stares at her. She waits for janis to be ready to say something again
“i can’t be hurt anymore. Just tell me what you want or the path you choose.” Janis says.
“i can’t be confused all the time by you, be nice or don’t” she continues turning to regina to hear her decision.
Regina bites her lip as she stares at janis who stares back equally stressed. Regina wants to. She really does. Fuck it. She says in her mind as she lets her hands do the talking.
they grip the back of janis’s neck and drag her into a passionate make out. Which neither girl wants to end.
They stay there in the pink jeep making out in the passengers seat. Janis pushes her anger and hatred back as regina brings her hidden feelings forward.
Things are going to be very different.
AN: hey guys! i’m back with chapter 4. Sorry it’s short i’ve been busy and have long nails i can’t type with. Hope you enjoyed me putting janis through it. Don’t worry next chapter will be fluffy and less taxing.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Lies~ Eddie Munson
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Summary : There is no summary, I just wanted to cry
m-rae23 ~ palomam18 ~eddiesprincess86 ~figmentofquinn ~gloomybrieyxb ~hqtetsurou ~ theintimatewriter
The only sound that can be heard was the running of tap water as Eddie turned it on pretending to wash whatever dish was in the sink. He rather do that than face you as silent tears streams down your cheeks. His eyes bore into the white cup that had the water overflowing it.
" I just need to know if you ever felt something for me" you spoke through your tears as they ran down to your lips, the little gaps made his heart crack.
There is a lot to say but Eddie can't help it but swallow the lump on his throat as he looks away from you. He can't bare to look at you, to see your heat break in your eyes and it's all is fault.
He hasn't realized what he's done until it's too late, he knew from your confession that he was about to lose you. You were about to walk out of his life.
You had told him how you felt that feeling like this was driving you crazy and you saw how he was around Chrissy. It hurts so much that the boys from Hellfire had encouraged you to tell Eddie before it was too late.
Here you were standing there after you poured your heart out to him, how much he meant to you, how much you love him, how much he was worth it, how much he deserves your love and yet, you weren't the choice he wants.
" Why not me?" your lip quivered as you asked.
Eddie remained silent as he gripped the sink and closed his eyes. He never thought of you the way he thought of Chrissy. You were his best friend, always bringing him lunch, always looking after him, always making him laugh and everything else in between. He had noticed this is how you felt about him.
He was blind and he hurt you.
" ...Right..I'm not as pretty as Chrissy is...I'm not a cheerleader...I'm not as smart as her...I'm not Chrissy Cunningham..got it" your fist clenched at your side, it bothered you that he wouldn't even look at you. To look you in the eye.
" Look at me" you hissed. He flinched at your tone but doesn't budge from his spot by the sink.
" Look at me!" you yelled, nails digging in your palm with fresh tears streaming down your cheeks. He reaches out to turn off the tap water and hesitantly turns to face you. His mouth goes a jar seeing the fresh tears, the anger in your eyes, the hurt in them, the fist by your side and the shaking, your body was shaking.
" What did you expect from me Y/N?" was the first thing he says to you after you told him how you felt.
You took a step back staring at him in disbelief.
" I expected more from you"
" You always had a flair for dramatic" He shrugs as he looks at the floor of his trailer. There is a silence between the two of you and he knows his words cut deep in you. He is pushing you away and he knows he's hurting himself too, by doing this to you.
You chuckled getting his attention as he rose his head up, " fuck you! Fuck you for stomping on my heart, fuck you for being my friend, fuck you for letting me in, fuck you for giving me the time of day. I don't need, I don't need you Eddie Munson"
He body stiffed at you words. A knife going through his heart.
" It would be better if you stayed away from me" he mumbles as he turns, his shoes hitting the floor as he makes his way to his bedroom.
" Sometimes I wish I never met you" you tell him. He's by the door with his hand on the doorknob but he hears your word and hears as you slam the door of his trailer. He walks into his bedroom and his knees give out before he makes it to his bed as a sob escapes from him. His hands are in fist as he slams them on his bedroom floor with tears running down his cheeks.
The next time Eddie sees you is when your walking late into class with your book bag on your shoulder as you sit a few desks away from him.
" Miss L/N, nice of you to join us" you grumbled underneath your breath as you slump in your chair. But Eddie didn't miss the puff eyes and the way your hair covered your eyes mostly. It's been a few days since you confessed to him and he hasn't heard a word from you.
The class goes in a blur and before he even gets to look at you, you're walking away and out of class. He sees your hair as you walk through the crowd of students to get to your next class.
" You've really done it" a voice breaks him from looking for you and his eyes look down to meet Dustin.
" She's gone radio silent. Won't talk to any of us, not even Steve or Robin"
" She doesn't say anything about me?" he asks, a frown on his face.
He nods, " She does, her exact words are " I hate Eddie Munson. Fuck him"
Dustin leaves him without another word leaving the metal head to slouch his shoulders and hung his head.
What has he done?
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homunculus-argument · 2 years
Actually no, it's been 24 hours and I'm still mad about it so I'm elaborating.
My cousin's graduation is soon. I had decided that I will either get there through public transport, or I'm not coming at all. After seeing that getting there by bus and train wasn't a plausible option, I informed my family group chat (my mom and sister) that I'm not coming. When mom asked whether I'd need a ride, I told them that my therapist doesn't recommend that I should travel with them after what happened in London.
See, we went to London together as a family last summer. My sister was turning 30 and really wanted to go to London for it, but didn't want to go alone. So as my birthday gift to them both, I paid for our mother's ticket on top of my own to make the family trip possible.
In London, we tried to have a good time and do family activities. All being fond of history, we went to see a beautiful old church. I kept my hat off, of course, it would be rude and disrespectful to wear your hat inside a church. We were taking pictures in the areas where photography was permitted. I wanted to take a picture of something where I needed both hands, and didn't know where else to put my hat, so I decided to hold it by the rim with my teeth for the 30 seconds it would take to snap the picture.
My sister saw this, marched up to me and without saying a word, slapped my hat from my teeth onto the church floor hard enough to make my tickets and all such things that were inside the hat scatter. I was startled and baffled, asking why she did that and protested that it was uncalled for. Our mother swooped in to her defense.
"She was only trying to correct you."
Later on, we were eating at a restaurant. I had the toughest pizza in history, and while struggling to cut it, I managed to rip it apart and pieces scattered on the floor. Defeated and beaten down, I gave up trying to eat. One piece fell beside my foot. I wanted to pick it up, bur being used to my family berating me for anything I tried to do, I figured they would scold me if I did.
When my sister told me to pick it up, I broke down completely.
I wasn't just sobbing, but stammering and shaking uncontrollably, physically incapable of holding the outpour back. I was so desperate to calm myself down that I clawed my scalp hard enough to draw blood, begging them to just fucking tell me what the fuck they want me to be like, how the fuck am I supposed to be and do to be good enough for them. I told them that no matter what I did, it seemed to be wrong.
They calmly, angrily told me that they had never done such things, that the way I was feeling was completely incorrect, and right now they wanted me to calm down and stop being dramatic, I was embarrassing them. The waitress looked genuinely unsettled and concerned for my wellbeing, while my family was annoyed with me.
So that was what I was referring to when I referred to London. My sister responded with "well you were the one who wanted to come along" and a passive-aggressive thumbs-up emoji. As if I had forced my way to her fun birthday vacation that would have been nice without me, and therefore it's my own fault if I had a horrible time there.
Our mother chimed in to say that it's very sad if we can't all just get along when our family is so small, but agreed that maybe it is for the best to let the dust settle before we can spend time together again.
And that was it. I was done. I left the group chat, blocked them both, and I am never speaking to my family again. And I know if my sister finds this post (I've blocked her on tumblr too), she'll try to find a way to contact me to try to shame me for "airing out our dirty laundry" by reporting the things that they did in public.
Fuck you.
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tvitr · 1 year
Sob Story
Part One
Words: 3,258
Synopsis: Iono invites Grusha onto Iono Zone to talk about his accident. Things do not go according to plan.
AO3 Version
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Nobody really knew how it had ended.
It had been sudden, she knew that much. The press had only been able to report on “an accident”, one out on the slopes, which he’d been involved in somehow. Iono had attempted to follow the story to the best of her ability back when it happened, most girls her age had, but despite their efforts they'd been unable to find anything outside of what was being relayed to the press. Even now, years later, even after his failed return and subsequent retirement, he and his family still refused to talk about it.
Until now.
It had taken months of pleading, begging, Hell she’d even offered to pay him for an appearance, an interview, anything, until he finally agreed to do it. And he'd dismissed her, ignored her, told her his Galaric wasn't good enough for an interview on her channel, at one point he'd just straight up told her to fuck off and leave him alone, but she'd persisted. And her persistence had finally paid off.
"You ready to go live?" Her phone buzzed to life, hovering eagerly in front of the couch they were sitting on. The set was decorated in blue today, or as blue as her lights would allow. She'd been hoping to display photos documenting Grusha's career on her screens as well but… he hadn’t exactly been forthcoming with any preparations. At all. Honestly she was surprised he’d even shown up, he’d been that uncooperative. He’d even gone to the trouble of finding a shirt with the words “Under Duress” blazed across the front; according to him, it was the name of a heavy metal group he liked. Sure.
Grusha glared at her, not saying anything and just blinking in obvious annoyance, his face fixed in a hard, glowering scowl. She offered him a beam in return, tossing a cushion over his shirt (which he promptly tossed on the floor), and pressed record. "I'll take that as a yes."
The stream began.
"Ello, ’ello, hola! Ciao and bonjour!"
“Has anyone ever told you how annoying that is?”
She ignored him. “-And welcome back to Iono Zone, guys, you have no idea how happy I am for today’s episode, because today, we’ll be interviewing the one! The only!”
“Just introduce me already.”
“You can probably hear him already, it’s Grusha Ibáñez! Say hi!” The camera rotated to face him.
Iono hastily directed the camera back to herself before it caught Grusha flipping it off. “And as you all know- why who could forget!- he’s on here to talk about the drama! The tragedy! The heartache!”
She posed dramatically with each beat, trying to ignore Grusha’s unamused glare as best she could.
“You saw his rise to fame, you saw his career unfold, but you’ve never quite heard how it all ended.” The camera dipped in close to her face. “Until today!”
“Your movements are gonna give me a migraine and I’m not even watching the stream.”
Iono not-so-subtly hit him with her elbow going into her next pose, resulting in an annoyed grunt. “It took a lot of pleading and begging and may have offered to pay him at one point, but he’s finally here, in the flesh-”
“God you’re loud.”
"-And he's here to tell us all about that mysterious accident of his-"
“Wait." He held his hand up in front of her face, practically forcing the camera to pan over and include him in the frame. "Which accident did you want me to talk about again? You never said.”
Iono giggled, turning her head to one side. "What do you-"
He continued, cutting her off again. “Because like, I’ve been snowboarding for over twenty years now you know, I’ve had more than a few accidents in that time.”
Iono blinked. This was… weird. "Yeah but, you said you were-"
He kicked back fully, splaying himself ungracefully over the couch. "I mean, my first accident was when I was about… I dunno, eight maybe. Saw someone do this really sick grind- you know what a grind is, right?- and thought to myself, 'hey I could do that'. Well I couldn't, and fell off and smashed two of my front teeth out. Never tried it again after that, which sucks because it's a pretty cool discipline. Probably could’ve gotten good at it if I actually tried harder, but I think my parents would’ve killed me after the first time. You should've seen the amount of blood there was."
"You know, that’s a really cool story, but-"
“Oh, and this other time I was out with Vish- you know Vishnya right? Yeah she's my sister- anyways, she challenged me to a race once, we must’ve been about… ten, maybe. I was winning the whole way down, suddenly something hits me up the back of the head and I fall down. Breaks my wrist. Turns out Vish had stopped to throw a snowball at me, well joke's on her because I still won. And she got grounded for a week too."
Iono faked a laugh. "That’s funny! But-"
"And then there was this other time-"
It was clear he wasn't going to be shutting up any time soon.
Guests going off script was one thing, but this was another beast entirely. Granted, it was nice seeing Grusha actually chatty and animated for once; when he'd arrived here earlier today, she'd resigned herself to having to deal with monosyllabic grunting and a face like thunder. Or as she called it, his default setting.
But still, chatty or not, this wasn’t what he was meant to be talking about. Or rather, not what he'd agreed to talk about anyway. She'd put in a lot of effort for today’s episode, last thing she needed was for him to not deliver.
Iono nudged his shoulder impatiently, smiling nervously at the camera. "I thought you were going to talk about your-"
"Yeah yeah, I'll get there in a minute." He waved his hand at her nonchalantly. "Oh! Okay so this one is a bit technical. So you have this ligament- you know what a ligament is? Well it's important, put it that way- so I really badly damaged this ligament in my right knee, like I absolutely fucked it up-"
"Hey! Don't swear!"
"-and had to get surgery on it, right before the Triple X Games too, honestly it was pretty terrifying looking back, I thought my career was done for-"
Iono perked up. Finally. "Is that why you had to retire? Because of your knee?"
"Hm? Oh fuck no, I still competed on it. Had to wear a brace, and took a pretty long break from training afterwards to let it heal properly, but I still competed. Came first too, hold on I have a picture somewhere-"
He rooted around in the envelope of photographs he'd brought, some spilling out onto the couch. "Ah, here it is."
As he flashed the photo of a much younger him posing with a huge snowflake-shaped gold medal and a revoltingly smug grin across his face, Iono turned her attention to her monitor. Chat was buzzing as usual, with messages barely on screen for a few seconds before being buried under the deluge. However, some messages jumped out at her before they flashed on.
“He’s just talking about a load of shite…” “Has she clickbaited us again?” “God, was Ibanex always this much of an asshole? The way he keeps interrupting her is so rude.” "*Ibanez" “Yeah he’s always been like this.” "LMAO he swears so much lol poor iono." “F this I’m leaving lol.”
Iono noted, with some alarm, that the viewer count was decreasing much faster than it was increasing. Hell, she was haemorrhaging views right now. She could already see the articles in front of her face, all the reaction channels accusing her of clickbaiting her audience again, as if getting an uncooperative guest was somehow her fault.
She turned back to Grusha.
"... So the thing is, when you hit a Greavard, they kind of just… explode into a pile of bones that scatter everywhere, but after a while they just fly back together again and it goes on about its day. Not saying you should deliberately try to hit them because it's kinda cruel and also you'll also fuck yourself up, like I broke my… think it was my left shoulder in this one, but I'm just saying that the Greavard will be fine eventu-"
"Okay, and that was Grusha everyone! Thanks for coming on the show, really means a lot to me, okay bye!"
She turned off the camera, drawing a deep breath before facing the offending ex-professional-snowboarder, who wore a knowing smirk on his face. This was deliberate. She could tell.
Perhaps she should have controlled her temper, but at this point she really didn't care. The camera was off now anyway, she didn't need to act cute any more. "What the Hell was that about?"
He smiled innocently. "What the Hell was what about?"
"Don't be dumb, you know exactly what I wanted you to talk about."
He held his damn hand up again. "No, you said 'talk about your accident', you never said which accident. I told you, I've had a few."
"You know exactly what accident I meant, stop being stupid." She gestured to her monitor with such flamboyancy her large sleeve almost knocked it over. "I promised them a bare-all interview about your snowboarding accident, and what do you give them? 'Oh this one time I hurt my knee but it's okay because it's fine now', and 'oh I ran over a Greavard once'. And now look what's happened."
That damned smirk. "What's happened?"
“They’re mad at me! They’re saying I clickbaited them, oh wait, do you know what clickbaited means?” She mocked his previous tone.
“Yeah, it’s what you do on a daily basis.”
"I do not!"
“Look," He held both hands up this time. That made a change. "I’ll confess and say I don’t exactly watch your channel like, at all. But I did check out your recent videos last night, I'm fairly certain you didn't actually manage to call-"
She huffed. "That was a joke!"
"Okay, maybe it was." His tone dropped somewhat. Iono wasn't sure she liked where this was going. "But do you really think my accident would look…, you know, appropriate alongside you pretending to phone cartoon characters as a 'joke'? Or what was yesterday's video about? You and Tulip eating a McMime's and talking about lipstick?”
Her face scrunched up. "What's that got to do with any of this?"
He looked directly at her, his eyes staring deep into hers with an uncomfortable intensity. Iono really didn't like where this was going now. “This just isn’t something I feel is suitable for your tone of videos, like this isn't something I joke about or take lightly, like this was…" His piercing gaze finally dropped, and his voice fell to barely above a whisper. "This was serious."
She waved her hand at him with a dismissive tut and a snort. "Oh come on, I've covered plenty of other people's sob stories on this channel and none of them cared about my other stuff. I'm sure yours would be fine."
Sob story.
Sob story.
Grusha had always assumed Iono was somewhat out of touch; the kind of terminally online womanchild unable to parse the difference between her social-media-addled bubble and reality, but part of him had been praying it was just an act. Just something she did in front of the cameras to seem "cute" (see: annoying), or "innocent" (see: stupid).
But apparently not. She really was that disconnected.
He reached into the envelope of photos he'd brought. He hadn't intended on bringing some of these photos along, Hell, he’d prefer it if he never had to look at them again. But he had a point to prove here. One he certainly cared more about than feeling a bit uncomfortable.
She wanted a sob story? Oh, he'd give her a damn sob story.
He found what he was searching for, facing it down so he at least didn't have to look at it himself, and thrust it at the still-jabbering streamer. The abrupt movement caught her off-guard, and she stopped talking instantly.
“What’s-” Iono's eyes narrowed.
He jostles it, turning his head away from her. “Just take it.”
There's a pause, before the photograph is snatched away. He hears her turn it over, her breath catching. Good.
“That’s me. The day after the accident.”
Iono knew the accident had been bad. That was one of the few things she'd been able to deduce from the sparse news articles back when it happened. They'd been vague, intentionally so she’d suspected, but there’d still been a graveness to them that she’d noticed even as a young teen.
Still, nothing would have prepared her for the photo she was currently staring at. The wires, the tubes, the oxygen mask, that terrifying looking cage around his head, if it wasn’t for his distinctive yellow-streaked hair then she wouldn’t have recognised him at all.
"I mean, I think it was taken the day after, I'm really not sure if I'm honest.” His voice caught her off guard almost, and she tore her eyes away from the photograph to look at him. His posture has changed drastically; earlier he was ungracefully splayed across the couch, his arms along the top and legs wide apart, but now he was… smaller. His arms were folded tightly to his chest, his foot bouncing rhythmically against the floor, and his eyes were locked straight ahead with a cold, hardened expression. A far cry from that smug asshole who’d screwed her over only a few minutes ago.
“What do you mean?”
He shifted. “I wasn't exactly… conscious for those first few days afterwards. I wasn’t in a coma or anything, I was just completely knocked out on painkillers and the like. I don't know what they had me on, but, well whatever it was, it was strong."
Iono looked back at the photo again, noticing that his eyes were indeed open, but they were sunken, dull, surrounded by huge grey rings, and his eyelids hanging heavy. Barely open. Barely awake.
Barely alive, even.
She shooed that thought away. He was fine. He was right beside her, after all. He was fine.
“You know, you’re probably the first person outside of my family who’s seen that photo.”
Iono furrowed her brows. “How?”
He inhaled deeply. "Well, it was intended to be a press photo. I'm not sure who took it, probably one of my parents since they didn’t allow any journos in. But they never released it, they said it felt… I can't remember the word they used, but they said it wouldn't be fair publishing it or something. So they wanted to wait until I was able to decide on what I wanted to publish."
"Did you publish anything?” Iono had a vague memory of seeing photos of someone famous in hospital back then. Maybe it had been Grusha. Maybe it had been someone else. She couldn’t remember the details now.
“Oh yeah, but like… way later. I wanted to at least be off the oxygen, which meant having to wait for my lungs to heal, and I also wanted to be out of the halo and back brace so I could sit up, and that took ages. Think I'd already started physio by the time those were removed."
Iono didn't know what "the halo" was, and something told her she was better off not knowing. Though looking back at the photo, she could maybe hazard a guess.
"There were some other ones too." He pulled a small deck of photos from the envelope, unceremoniously tossing them towards her. None of them were as harrowing as the first one, though some came pretty close. “Bet those would’ve been good for your stream, eh? Show them off for all your fans to gawk at.”
Iono flinched at his tone. He’s mad at her, he’s really mad at her, probably madder than everyone who’ll be accusing her of clickbait tomorrow combined, but there’s something else in his voice. Something that’s almost tempering the mad. Something…
It sounded like somebody else talking when she finally spoke.“… I’m sorry.”
He didn’t react, his posture remained tense, his foot still bouncing against the floor.
“Like, really, I’m… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made you do this.”
Still nothing.
“I-I can tell that this is like, really uncomfortable for you to talk about and I know why you didn’t want to do this, I shouldn’t have forced you into this, I’m so… so…”
“Please say something.”
Oh, how he wanted to say something.
He had a lot to say after all. Perhaps saying it out loud would finally bring him some closure, or acceptance over what happened. Perhaps it would just be nice to finally air his troubles, get it all out of his system, to just vent and rant and let everything out. His emotions had lay dormant for some time. Perhaps it was time for an eruption.
But, try as he might, he couldn’t. Even with his thoughts and temper racing, the words refused to come out, and his body refused to move. He didn’t know why. He certainly felt like letting loose, like venting all those years of frustration, taking Iono by her shoulders or the collar of that hideous coat she always wore and looking her dead in the eyes, and telling her everything.
The pain never really went away, you know. My back still aches from it, even all these years later. I sometimes struggle to bend over too. That's what forced me out of the pro scene, really. I couldn't make turns like I used to without throwing my back out. I also sometimes feel like I'm developing arthritis in my spine. My doctors warned me of that ages ago. Did I mention I'm not even thirty yet?
Do you know what else they told me? I had to get an operation to insert a rod into my back to keep my spine straight whilst it healed. They told me that when they cut me open, a piece of my spine just fell out. Right onto the floor. Apparently one of the younger ones cried when it happened. I don’t know how I wasn’t left paralysed, and I don’t think they do either. They called me a “walking miracle”. I'm not sure how I feel about that sometimes.
And remember Vishnya? You've never met her before, I know, but she uses a walker now. Used to use a wheelchair, actually. Because of the accident, of course. A lot of people forget she was there too, maybe because she wasn't as well-known as I was. Or maybe our parents wanted to shield her more than me, who knows. But she can't walk properly any more. She used to be so talented too, almost as good as me even, now she refuses to go near the mountains. I’ve tried telling her she can go para, but she wouldn’t listen. I guess it hit her harder than it ever hit me.
So that made two lives ruined that day. Hers and mine. How’s that for a “sob story”, eh?
Maybe it was for the best that he couldn't speak right now. Iono seemed to have learnt her lesson; she’d gone awfully quiet, aside from a few muffled gasps here and-
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hoodoo12 · 10 months
Beetlejuice Squared 2: You Asked For It (3a, 3b/3)
It'd be best to remember there are different sides to Beetlejuice.
See You Around (ending choice 1)
Your eyes wide with fright, you shook your head as best you could under the invisible hands holding you.
“Say his name,” the Beetlejuice you’d wanted out of your life ordered again, his voice dropping to a dangerous level as he glared at you.
You shook your head again. Tears continued to flood your face as snot ran from your nose. You wouldn’t do it, you wouldn’t do it--
The spectral hand over your mouth released you. You sucked in a needy, gasping breath, filling your lungs with air. The rest of the hands on you stayed in place, but lifted you into a more upright position, so you could truly see the horrific victory he’d won over his twin.
“Say his fucking name!” Beetlejuice shrieked, his gravel-heavy voice echoing around the small confines of the room to bounce directly into your ear, making you wince.
“I won’t!” you contradicted. Your throat felt like it was full of gravel too.
The hand that had disappeared off your mouth fastened itself to your neck. Instantly you tensed; you hated the feeling of anything there, and Beetlejuice knew it. Ghostly fingers tightened.
Desperately, you did the only thing you could think of: you started to say his name.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” he roared.
The hand at your throat instantly clenched so hard, so tight up under your jaw, that your breath was cut off. You tried to finish the word, your mouth moving uselessly; not even a wheeze came from you. Panic rose as your lungs burned for air.
“You’ll lose your tongue and while you’re choking on your own blood I’ll make you watch me tear this fucking imposter apart!” Beetlejuice threatened in a hiss. “Say his name, and he’s just exiled.”
In your panic for a breath, you struggled against everything again. That made the situation even worse; your dwindling supply of oxygen was being used at a faster rate. You could feel your heartbeat in your head, your face was too hot but your limbs were getting cold. Blackness began closing in from the outer part of your vision.
Suddenly, your throat was released. You gagged and sobbed as sweet air returned to your lungs. The hand didn’t leave the front of your neck completely; it still rested there, threatening to repeat what you’d just gone through again if you didn’t obey.
“Say his name,” Beetlejuice demanded again, in a low voice.
“It’s okay, babydoll,” the broken Beetlejuice, the one you’d spent such a sweet evening with, rasped. In contrast to your wheezing for a breath, his voice was phlegmy as blood oozed out of his mouth with his words. “It’s okay.”
You wanted to touch him. You wanted to hold him again. You didn’t want to see him in such pain.
He repeated it again. “It’s okay.”
It wasn’t okay. But for the moment, you could get through it. You could send him away, and then call him back. That would be simple.
You hoped he understood that you did want him here, and this was all under duress. If he didn’t, you could explain it when you saw him again.
You swallowed. Your throat was raw. When you spoke, it was barely above a whisper. “B-Bheteljuz . . .”
Beetlejuice, the one on his feet, grinned. The one impaled and weak pushed a clot out of his mouth and managed a small smile too.
“I liked being with you tonight, babydoll,” he whispered.
“. . . Bheteljuz . . .”
Beetlejuice cackled. The invisible hand at your throat squeezed just a tad, to remind you there would be consequences if you went off script.
“Thank you, babydoll . . .”
Fresh tears blurred your vision. He shouldn’t be thanking you; it was your fault this entire mess had occurred.
After a final, wavering intake of breath, you whispered, “ . . . Bheteljuz.”
He was gone in a wink, without fanfare or dramatics. The blood that had been spilled and smeared on your floor, however, remained. You felt weak. Everything, your arms and legs, your throat, your eyes, and your heart hurt.
The shorter Beetlejuice, the one you hadn’t wanted to see ever again, clapped his hands in gleeful victory. His appearance returned to normal, all evidence of tentacles and shadowy mass gone. The hand at your throat loosened, but didn’t go away completely. He crawled up the bed to your side. You watched him dully, tears still streaming down your face.
“Oh, don’t look sad, baby,” he soothed, patting your hair.
He swooped in and pressed a kiss to the side of your mouth. You didn’t respond to it, but he smiled as if you did and put his forehead on yours in a parody of affection.
“I’m sure you’re thinking you can just call him back again, aren’t you sweetheart?” he asked softly, still stroking your hair, like he was a good friend helping you with relationship problems. “Right? You were going to give it a little time, then one night, when I’m not here, you’d be lying in bed in the dark and you’d whisper his name. If you wait long enough, he’d show up all physically healed, like nothing ever happened! That’d be nice, wouldn’t it?”
Despite yourself, you nodded a little, sniffling.
Beetlejuice pressed another kiss to your temple. “It sure would be,” he agreed.
Then he pulled back just a little, so he could drop his chin look you directly in the eyes from under his brows. You watched his expression change from soft and understanding to twisted and ugly.
“Fuck that,” he snarled. “You don’t get any of that.”
He put three fingers on your forehead. He tapped you there, hard, and it felt like they’d punctured your skull. If you hadn’t still been restrained you’d have collapsed backward from the pain. You could feel his ragged fingernails digging though your head, through your mind, tugging at things and snapping connections and making a general mess.
Immobile, you watched him concentrate on whatever he was doing, then a quick smile flashed across his face. He opened his eyes to yours, and his smile widened enough to reach them.
“Got it, baby!”
He yanked his hand away from your head. You recoiled a little from the movement.
He held up something small and glimmering between his fingers and thumb. “Know what this is, baby?”
You shook your head slowly. Why was he back? You’d told him to leave because you were upset with him. Why were you only wearing a garter belt and stockings? Did you fuck him? Why was your bedroom such a mess? Was that blood? Why was the plaster on the wall cracked?
“This is your memory of him,” Beetlejuice explained, rocking his hand so whatever he was holding caught and fractured the light.
Of who?
“I’m just going to take it with me, okay, babydoll?”
Babydoll? Your forehead wrinkled. Since when did he call you that?
Beetlejuice saw the puzzled expression on your face and laughed. Then he kissed you on the mouth and said, “Get some sleep. You look exhausted.”
You had to agree. You were exhausted. You could deal with the state of the room and the fact that you were sore tomorrow. Whatever was holding you upright disappeared, and you lay back down onto the mattress.
Beetlejuice raked his eyes down your body, but didn’t touch you as he got off the bed. “I’ll see you around, baby.”
Somehow you found the sheets and blankets that had been pushed off the top of the mattress. You settled in and sighed.
“Turn off the light, Beej?” you asked sleepily.
He didn’t reply, but the room was suddenly dark. You couldn’t see him any longer, so you let yourself drift to sleep.
⁂ ⁂ ⁂
Kiss Me Again (ending choice 2)
You swallowed and took deep breaths through your nose, trying to calm yourself down.
“Say his name!” Beetlejuice demanded of you, still shirtless and smeared with blood and ichor that was both his own and the twin’s he was holding. His voice was deep and harsh, and unlike anything you’d heard from him before.
Monstrously, his teeth were longer and sharpened, barely fitting in his mouth, and his eyes flashed silver like an animal’s caught at night with a flashlight. His hair was deep red, blood red, and you didn’t know if it was from his roots or if it’d been coated in blood too. All that, plus the tentacles with their random mouths that hissed and laughed and snapped and muttered a softer version of that infernal language . . . with him standing victoriously like a predator over its prey he looked truly demonic.
Tears welled in your eyes again.
Although he didn’t relax his hold on the shorter Beetlejuice he’d beaten into submission, he saw your tears and the hard lines etched into his face softened a little.
“Do you still want him around, babydoll?” he asked quietly.
Now, instead of the dominating rage, there was an underlying note of resigned despair in his voice. Like he understood it was his lot in life to be second best, to be everything derogatory that he'd been called: pathetic, knock off, second rate, never anyone’s first choice for summoning. He asked his question like he already knew the answer, and it would be: yes.
Your eyes widened at the look of defeat in his eyes and you shook your head as best as you were able, trying to respond but unable to form words.
He watched you struggle for a moment, still looking downcast, before you saw the dawning realization in his eyes.
“Oh shit, babydoll--!” he exclaimed. He released one side of Beetlejuice’s head that he was still holding and he swiped the air in front of you.
Instantly every spectral restraint on you disappeared.
You were able to take in an easy breath, finally. Your wrists and ankles ached from where they’d been squeezed, the pressure on your forehead evaporated like it’d been a headache, and you wouldn’t be surprised to find bruises around your mouth later. Carefully, you sat up. You didn’t want a better look at everything that was happening, but you didn’t feel you could just turn around and face the wall either.
“I’m sorry! Should’ve gotten those off you sooner!” Beetlejuice apologized.
You waved him off, still mostly concentrating on breathing. Your throat was raw and felt swollen, but you managed to croak out,
“Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.”
With no fanfare or dramatics, the mostly unconscious, beaten specter blinked out of existence. The smears and drips of blood still marked where he’d been.
Beetlejuice took a step forward and reached for you. He was still enveloped with shadowy, wildly writhing tentacles. Many reached out for you, mimicking his hand. You trembled because you weren’t exactly fearless in the face of what was before you; nevertheless you reached out to take his hand. Many of the umbral appendages found you. They were cold, so cold they left the places they touched feeling like you’d been burned, which added to your shiver, but as they wrapped more firmly around you they seemed to warm to your body temperature.
You’d just seen what he was capable of, what these tentacles could do, but they were gentle and nosed you like they were curious. You even dared to stroke one with your free hand, and it curled around your wrist and squeezed gently in return.
The sour fear in the back of your throat disappeared when you swallowed, and you tugged Beetlejuice off balance to get him close enough to hug. You were immediately, completely swaddled by a cloak of the tentacles, including around your head. They undulated slowly but were so thick that all light was shut out. Surprisingly, you didn’t feel smothered. They were gentle, and instead of feeling threatened, you felt protected. Beetlejuice himself was solid mass against you, and you fumbled for his jaw so you could kiss him.
He flinched a little in surprise, but quickly accepted your kiss. With your tongue you felt his teeth revert back to something more human, and when it dipped further between his lips, the distinct taste of blood filled your mouth. That did make you grimace a bit. You weren’t sure if he could see you, in this flat black void that cocooned you both, but but his eyes did flash silver and he could probably feel your nose wrinkle.
He apologized again, against your lips. “I’m sorry, babydoll--”
With no outwardly movement you could feel, everything inhuman about him vanished. Now he stood before you, shirtless, damaged, smeared in bodily fluids, and looking forlorn and a little lost. Carefully you peeled yourself off his chest; you’d forgotten about the damage he’d suffered there. The wound on his chest, the first injury he’d received, was still gaping and oozing blood. You were smudged in red on your front now too.
You couldn’t stop your fingers from reaching for it. He was lucky it hadn’t been deeper, or had a full tearing of the muscle, leaving him with a gaping hole.
You told him that.
“I’ll heal,” he told you quietly. Then, dragging his eyes away from the fingers you had on his chest, he looked you in the face. “Would you like me to go, too?”
You swallowed again. The fight and the true demonic nature of his being was etched into your brain. It scared you a little, but it’d never been displayed before in your presence. And afterward, you’d been embraced by him, by all of him, by what you could see physically and the adumbral part of him alike. He hadn’t hurt you. It was just part of Beetlejuice.
Slowly you shook your head, and replied, “No.”
Beetlejuice didn’t miss seeing you swallow like you were nervous and your slow response, and misinterpreted it.
“I’ll go," he decided, then managed a small sad smile. "I understand. We had a good time, didn't we? All the way up until the short asshole version of me arrived, that is . . ."
His voice trailed off and a pressure built in the air. Somehow you knew he was getting ready to leave you.
“No! Beej, wait!” you shouted as loud as you could, which wasn’t very much due to the state of your throat and the incoherent yelling you’d done earlier. You launched yourself off the bed and grabbed blindly for him, grabbing one wrist and the opposite shoulder. “Don’t go!”
He looked down at you, not entirely convinced.
“I want you to stay,” you insisted. “I don’t want you to go! Unless you want to. None of this was supposed to happen. This was all my fault! You were injured because of what I did . . . or what I didn’t do . . .”
Beetlejuice shook his head, dismissively. “I wouldn’t let him hurt you, babydoll.”
You never would have expected to hear a sentiment like that.
“I wasn’t lying when I told you I wanted to know you better, Beej. I don’t want you to go,” you repeated. “What can I do to convince you?”
His dark amber eyes caught yours. “ . . . kiss me again?” he suggested quietly. You got the impression he wanted it to sound cocky and off the cuff, but it came out a touch expectantly hopeful.
You didn’t hesitate. Blood and injuries and bruises and all, you slipped your arms around his neck and lifted your mouth to his, pressing a deep kiss onto him. His tongue met yours, and then he suddenly seemed to remember the taste in his mouth wasn’t the most pleasant, so he pulled back a little.
“If you stay, Beej, I can take care of you,” you offered. “I’d like to take care of you.”
His face brightened and he nodded, taking your wrist with a hand that this time felt a little empty without the extra shadowy tentacles to accompany it.
“I’m sorry I messed all this up,” you apologized as you took him to the bathroom. “I should have remembered to banish him permanently when I told him to get out, and then I shouldn’t have frozen up when he showed up here again. I should’ve just said his fucking name three times and been done with him the moment he came through the door!”
“It’s okay, babydoll,” Beetlejuice assured you. “Just, uh, you know? Don’t say it again.”
You laughed and nodded in agreement. With gentle washing and lots of persistence, you washed him of the flaking and drying blood on him. You were extra careful around the gouges and lacerations that were still knitting closed. Beetlejuice told you they were numb which meant it’d take a little longer than normal to heal completely, so you lightly bandaged them.
After shedding the remainder of your lingerie, you cleaned yourself too. Then you led him back to your bedroom and stopped at the sight of the disaster it was. You didn’t have the energy to deal with scrubbing the blood off the floor right now.
“Let’s sleep on the couch,” you announced, brooking no argument from him.
You dodged the tacky blood spots on the floor on tiptoe, grabbed pillows and blankets, and pushed him back through to the living room. The couch was crowded and moderately uncomfortable, even with the extra pillows, and it took the two of you a little bit of time to settle in and find the best positions. The kisses you stole from each other were distracting too. Eventually, however, even though you’d have expected the events of the evening to keep you up for hours, your head hit the pillow and you drifted off, secure in Beetlejuice’s arms.
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mha-cuties-pls · 1 year
Pairing: Kaminari x Reader | Rating: T (language) | Words: 2.5k | genre: angst
A/N: LOL i be tryna write that dabi scenario and shiggy one everyday but Ive felt so smut blocked lately and like this idea popped into my head out of no where like I bet Kaminari would be a big dumb cutie when it comes to this and I could totally see this happening. Anyways, enjoy my pain LMAO and if u think this should have a happier, smuttier, part 2 drop a comment and lmk ! Bc he’s a snack
“Just go away!” You yelled angerly, wiping the tears away that rolled down your cheeks harshly with the end of your sweatshirt. The way the rough material felt as you dragged it across your irritated skin stung, but you couldn’t care less. The only feeling you could focus on was the sinking one in your chest.
“Babe, wait!” Kaminari yelled, catching the door to your room swiftly before you were able to shut it in his face. “Come on, you have to talk to me.” He shouted while following you, finally cornering you between himself and your bed. Though, he was still met with you facing your back towards him. When he reached his hand out to place it gently on your shoulder, you immediately shrugged off the contact, sending a pang through his heart. Tears began to well in his eyes, though he dare not let them fall yet. “Please!”
You screamed out of frustration, eyes glued shut as you tried to steady your breaths. “No, just get out of here! I don’t even want to look at you.” Though you could still feel his presence behind you, and you could hear the small sniffles and breaths he was making behind you. “Please,” you begged, your voice cracking, “pl-please leave m-me alone.”
Kaminari looked at the way your body began to shake, and how your hands moved from their position on your sides up to your face to stifle the sounds of the sobs you were making. The sobs you were making because of him.
God, he cried internally, feeling a tear of his own roll down his cheek while he stayed frozen in his spot. Fear was consuming his entire being, and all his attempts to diffuse the situation just seemed to make everything worse. Why did I have to search those videos? He wondered, the breath catching in his throat once more as his body flushed, replaying the dramatic scene that had just went down a few moments before in his head over and over. Why did she have to see them?
“Babe-“ He started to say, but was cut off almost immediately.
“Don’t you dare fucking call me that.” You interjected harshly, turning your head around to shoot him a nasty glare. The way your eyes puffed out and your nose got red when you cried usually made you look even cuter to Kaminari, but the expression behind your eyes was something he had never seen before. It was cold, and calculating, and hateful. And it was directed towards him.
But, you couldn’t really mean that. Could you?
“So-sorry.” He said, his voice quieter this time as he looked between you and the floor, trying to avoid your harsh stare. “But, you d-don’t want to br-break up, right?”
Not letting your face falter, you stared at him in silence for a moment. Contemplating. Raging.
“Maybe I do.” The words left your mouth reluctantly, and hung around you two in the air menacingly during the moments that followed. Just as you felt yourself about to crack, however, you noticed the way Kaminaris eyes grew just a bit more desperate, and his lower lip began to wobble.
“No ____ please.” He choked out, and you watched the drops that once dotted his cheeks begin to form steady streams as he lost any resolve he had left. “P-Please, ____ dont do this to me.” Reaching out to you, he attempted to cup your face, only to have his heart wrenched even more when you flinched away from his touch. You used to love it when he grabbed your face. “I need you!”
“No you dont!” You yelled back, your voice going up several octaves more than you planned. The heavy feeling in your chest felt like it was never going to go away, and it was actually physically painful; Like someone literally ripped your heart out. Placing your hands tenderly on your chest, you pressed down, fruitlessly trying to alleviate the devastating ache. “Y-you obviously dont.” Your last words came out as a whisper, and you averted your eyes completely to the floor, allowing your vision to become blurry by your eyes unfocusing. Though when you weren’t actively looking at something, your mind flashed images of what you saw on his phone earlier. The gut-wrenching feeling returned in waves almost as strong as they were when you initially saw them, and a choked sob escaped your throat again in place of words. Oh god I think I’m gonna throw up.
“Baby,” Kaminari said, his voice cracking at the end. You wouldn’t have looked up at him, if he hadn’t of crouched down to where you were, bringing his face inches from your own. “Baby, I’m so, so sorry.” When you looked at him, you could see his face wet with tears, and the remorse was clear in his eyes.
But, unfortunately, its not like you haven’t been here before. “Yeah,” you mumbled out, wiping your red cheeks once more, “thats what you always say.”
And with that, Kaminari couldn’t deny, he definitely felt like the biggest piece of shit on earth. He watched your face contort and twist while you tried to fight back your tears, and wanted to say something to console you. Usually, whenever you felt like this, you would run into his arms, and ask him in that sweet voice of yours to hold you close to him while he rubbed your back in soothing motions and vented to him about whatever it was that upset you.
The only difference was, was that now he was the source of your distress.
“I-I know.” He breathed out with a meek voice, “I just didnt think….” But he trailed off, unable to explain himself in a way that he thought wouldn’t upset you further. Releasing a heavy sigh, Kaminari reached his hand out to pat your shoulder tentatively, and when you didnt flinch away from him or shrug off his hand, he felt a small part of him calm down. Maybe this will all be okay. “I wasn’t thinking.” Was all the explanation he could muster up. Which, based off your sour expression, wasn’t going to be good enough.
“That’s such a fucking cop out, Kaminari, and you know it.” Your voice finally seemed to be evening out as all the disappointment and sadness you felt burdening your chest turned into pure rage. “Why is it, that you get to do whatever you want, look at whatever you want,” you said through clenched teeth, “and I just have to be okay with it because ‘that’s just how guys are’?” Sure, maybe some people would say your overreacting. But really, were you? “I mean, come on, Denki!” The tears began to well in your eyes uncontrollably once more as you stared up at him, the emotions washing over too fast for you to properly register them, resulting in an all out breakdown from you. Grabbing fistfuls of his shirt, you pulled him closer to you dramatically, hoisting yourself up as well as you felt your legs become more wobbly by the second. As you stared into his eyes, you could see, he was hurting too. “I fucking begged you.” Your words were nothing but a whisper, and you couldn’t bare to look at him any longer, hanging your head down defeatedly.
“I know.” He said, and you could feel his breath on the top of your head, though couldn’t find the strength to meet his eyes. Part of you wanted to believe that it was remorse you were hearing in his voice, too. But you couldnt let yourself be so naive, especially after he basically just proved to you what you had known all along.
“So, just admit it.” Trying to get a grip, you took a deep breath, and wiped your cheeks again before looking back up at him. The way his sad eyes bore into yours made you want to cry and crawl into his arms, a place you had regarded as your safe space not too long ago. But, you couldn’t let him continue to make a fool of you. You wouldn’t. “Admit, that I’m not enough for you.” As soon as the words left your throat, you felt your lip begin to quiver, and water gathered in your eyes once more. You hated how this bastard somehow still had such a powerful effect on you when you just wanted to be rid of him.
“No!” He screamed, an incredulous look on his face. “Why would you even say that?”
“Are you FUCKING kidding me right now?” You screamed, all restraint and common sense lost. Straightening your back, you made sure to look him dead in the eye with the most spiteful look you could muster. “Do you take me as a fucking joke Kaminari?”
“I wasn’t done talking!” Now at your highest volume yet, you were almost sure your screams could be heard through the walls. Hopefully no one was in their dorms at the moment, but honestly for the time being, you didn’t care. “I begged you Kaminari!” Taking a step towards him, you pushed his chest as hard as you could, causing him to stumble backwards as you went in to push him again. “I got down on my hands and knees and I fucking begged you not to watch videos like that! Hell,” you started, a crazy laugh escaping you, “I even told you to just delete your history, if you did, because I’m an understanding fucking person!” But of course, he just refused to listen to you; to hear you. “And you couldn’t even be bothered to do that, huh?”
When you looked into his eyes, you expected to see some semblance of anger or defensiveness, but were met with neither. Rather, Denki Kaminari sat in front of you, possibly for the first time ever, as a silent, weeping mess. Biting his lip and trying his best to contain his cries as you unraveled in front of him. It almost made you feel bad for him, until you remembered why you were both in this fight in the first place.
“No!” He choked out, reaching out to grab your wrist, “It’s not like that, ____. You know I love you.”
As much as you hate to admit it, your heart swelled when you heard him say that. Just hearing that brought a comfort to you that allowed you to breathe just a little easier, and the way his hand wrapped firmly around your wrist soothed your anger a bit more.
But this was far from over.
“So then why’d you do it?” You spat out, malice dripping from every word. Though, you couldnt help but let the next words spill messily from your mouth, your voice cracking as you asked, “why cant you stop?”
Big, ugly sobs escaped you following your words. Only now, you didn’t feel at all inclined to hold them back, and allowed yourself to cry more intensely than you ever had in front of him before. The violent way they left your chest made your whole body shake, and Kaminari was positive you couldnt see anything as you just left the tears to stream down your cheeks uninhibited.
He reached his arms out tentatively, and wrapped them around you slowly, until he finally felt your weight fall into his own. Taking a moment to simply sit there, he appreciated the feeling of you being in his arms again, something he feared just moments ago might’ve never happened again, and it would’ve all been his fault.
Running his fingers gently down the side of your head he smoothed your hair down in soothing motions, causing you to relax into him ever so slightly. “Because I’m fucking stupid, okay?” His answer earned another whimper from you, and he felt your chest begin to rise and fall rapidly as you began to cry once more. “Hey, hey, hey, listen, okay?” Hugging your body tighter to his own, he closed his own eyes for a moment as he rested his head on top of yours, trying to find the perfect answer, if one even existed. “Ive never exactly had a real girlfriend before.” His words were hushed now that you had begun to calm down again. “And as awkward and nerdy as it sounds, I’ve kind of been watching those videos for years and I just, I dont know.” He wished there was a better way to describe it, a way that you could understand. But he also knew that the reason it probably hurt you so much was because you couldn’t understand. At the end of the day, you weren’t a man. “It almost becomes, like a habit, you know? Like a part of your life.”
You tried to calm down, you really did. But the way he seemed to half-ass his explanations only served to anger you further, and you felt your boiling pot of emotions bubble up inside you and spill over the edge once more. A strange led cry left your mouth before you continued. “Whatever, Denki.” Trying to wriggle yourself out of his grasp, you found your anger growing each time he tried to stop your exit. “Then thats it I cant do this anymo-“
“____!” Kaminari yelled, his voice just as hurt as your own. His face was a mess by this point as well, you noted. At least the bastard felt bad enough to cry. “____…dont leave me.” He squeaked out, voice barely above a whisper. You tried to pull your wrist from his grasp but he held on tightly. “Please.”
Taking in a shaky breath, you closed your eyes, trying to level your emotions enough to think. “You need to understand,” every word left quieter than the last, “how much this hurts me, Kaminari.” Your eyes were pleading with him, big and emotional. “I just dont think I can do it forever. Compete with them.” Another single, solitary tear rolled down your cheek before you added, “I dont want to.”
“Aw, ____.” Kaminaris hand reached to smooth his thumb over your cheek soothingly, and he was relieved to see you lean into his touch. However, he had never seen you so vulnerable before, and that was what scared him the most. He never wanted to see you hurt this bad, and he certainly never thought it would be because of something he did. “You’re not competing with them. You have to understand that its not like that.”
But his words did little other than upset you further, and you scoffed at his comment. “Whatever it ‘is like’, I dont care, Denki.” Taking in another deep breath, you took his hand in yours. “You either need to figure out a way to stop, or at least be diligent enough to make sure I never see that shit on your phone again! Or I swear to god-“
“Dont worry,” he said through a sniffle, and now it was his turn to wipe his nose. “I-I won’t ever let you down again, ____.” An ugly cry escaped his throat as he pulled you into a tight hug once more. “You mean everything to me.” Then, taking his hands and placing them on either side of your face, you were met with the adoration in his eyes, along with flooded relief as he realized the true weight of his situation wasn’t as bad as he originally thought. “I promise, I wont fuck it up again.”
Closing your eyes, you relished in the feeling of his hand against your cheek, and felt your body finally, completely, relax into his own. “You better not, because I really love you, Denki Kaminari.”
“I love you too, ____.”
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