#cupcakes are the hottest
maxsix · 4 months
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turkeyinnovember · 7 months
went to see the fnaf movie yesterday 😁
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bunny584 · 4 months
OBSESSED: SHOKO (feat. The Boys)
A/N: This took an entirely different route than I expected when I first started dribbling it. This was a fun one 🤭
C/W: Cuckholding, Mature, 18+
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Fact: You are the hottest woman alive.
Fact: Shoko is no better than a man.
Shoko is no better than a man because she has used you — your pictures, your smile, your tight hugs — as her personal spank bank.
Truthfully, she can’t really pinpoint the moment you broke her brain.
All she remembers is that there was an inflection point in time. Before meeting you. And after meeting you.
And the funniest part of it all is that you two have nothing in common.
Shoko is a sorcerer at Jujutsu Tech. You are a normie at University of Tokyo.
Shoko can count on one hand how many people she can tolerate. People flock to you in droves. And you like it.
Shoko is red wine and cigarettes. You are champagne and birthday cake.
So how the hell did a bubble gum, pretty pink, girly girl, princess work her way into Shoko’s life? And take permanent residence in a little (extremely large) part of her brain?
Not to mention the havoc you are wreaking in her heart. Whatever is left of the cold, shriveled plumbing system keeping her alive.
When was it exactly?
Shoko lights another cigarette on her short 2 mile walk home. You have a habit of making her burn through her vices.
Was it the night you went out dancing?
When the dress you wore made Shoko see God?
You grinded every part of your mind-altering curves on her, and Shoko left sopping wet. At home she immediately reached for her vibrator. Unable to look herself in the eye for a full day after that.
Or maybe it was the time you fell asleep curled up in her lap. Wearing one of her old ratty softball shirts, smelling like her shampoo. Small, rhythmic breaths flowing from your lips.
You looked like the missing puzzle piece in Shoko’s life.
No, no.
It’s definitely was the time you came barreling into her apartment with balloons and flowers and cupcakes that were too sweet. All because Shoko had finally mastered her reversed curse technique before the prodigal sons.
You can barely even grasp the concept of curses. And why would you?
A soft, gentle soul like you couldn’t muster enough negativity to form a curse.
You live in the clouds. Among the angels. You can’t see curses and yet — somehow —you’re the most supernatural person in any room.
She’s completely, fully, idiotically smitten with you.
And so is everybody else.
You pretty, unaware little thing. You have the two strongest sorcerers at Jujutsu Tech and their personal medic wrapped around your dainty fingers and you have no idea.
Suguru? He stares. Vision sharper than a hawk. He watches you talk, eat, walk, text, think. Suguru anticipates your next breath and would kiss oxygen into your mouth if he could. Even still, despite how taken he is, Suguru is the best at concealing his puppy love.
Satoru is the absolute worst.
Limitless goes off the second you step into a room. And Satoru rarely clicks off his technique otherwise. Even when it’s just Shoko or Suguru around.
He all but chains you to his body. He’s always lifting you, hugging you, carrying you, holding your hand, holding your hair. Satoru would crawl inside of your body and live there, if he could.
Then there’s Shoko.
Who seethes when anyone looks your way. But also masturbates to the thought of other people touching you.
A fucking mess of a conundrum, right?
The first time it happened was about 8 months ago. Definitely one too many glasses of Cabernet were poured. You two were gabbing on the phone. Exchanging the best and worst sex you’ve had to date.
And you. In that melodic, breathy, gossamer thin voice of yours that belongs in Heaven’s choir started saying the dirtiest things. About how cock-drunk you were. How you begged and pleaded for more. Swallowed cum like it was your only sustenance. And squirted all over your lover, only to kiss it off his face after.
Shoko touched herself until she came right then and there. On the phone. You unknowingly talking her through her one of the most satisfying orgasms of her life.
Since then it’s been a horrible habit she’s given into time and time again.
And who’s to say? Maybe it’s from constantly being in the shadows of Suguru’s Sun and Satoru’s Moon that there’s comfort in watching from the side lines?
Maybe she’s found the sweet pleasure in that pain and it’s manifested as her lust for others having their way with you? And her blind infatuation with you?
No, wait.
Not blind.
With you it’s like she has the Six Eyes. And with you, so does everyone else.
Shoko drags in a long, exasperated breath. Pausing just outside her apartment entrance, stomping out the last of her menthol.
If the time she spent mulling over you in her mind could be converted caloric energy - she’d be a supermodel by now.
Today’s the best day of the week. Friday.
Which means when Shoko opens her door, you’re going to be fussing about the kitchen. Cooking some kind of dessert for Movie Night.
The Boys usually trip over themselves getting to Shoko’s apartment after classes. But there’s always an idyllic 15 minutes where Shoko has you all to herself.
15 minutes in Heaven. Like she’s a damn middle school girl.
Shoko opens her door and nearly flatlines.
You’re evil.
An evil, mean, cruel tease.
You KNOW anyone with eyes would have a stroke at the site of you.
Fully bent over at the waist, rummaging through pots and pans. Not a single blemish on your silky smooth skin. Your lilac boy shorts could not BE any tighter. And of course, they’re just short enough to not cover the plump shelf of your lower ass cheeks.
Shoko’s hands start twitching. Like she’s going through withdrawal.
You pop back up with a triumphant “there it is!” An empty small pot in your hands. And Shoko thinks she’ll have to add a heart attack to her growing list of ailments.
Your matching lilac tank top is egregiously and deliciously small. The sliver of tummy between the hem of the top and waist of your shorts could bring civilizations to collapse.
Not to mention that the apartment is cold. And your nipples are so painfully responsive.
You are sin.
Wrapped in the most beautiful frame of a woman.
“Babe!! You’re already home. I let myself in because the icing for these cupcakes takes forever to get right.”
You flash your Colgate smile, ensnaring Shoko in your trap.
“You’re going to give Satoru and Suguru a heart attack.” Her, you’re going to give her a heart attack.
“Hmm? Why do you say that?” So non-chalant. So oblivious.
Shoko gestures to your outfit. Attempting to mirror your nonchalance. But, ironically, she can feel her face tumbling down the descending shades of red.
Genuine confusion weaves though your features and she almost screams.
“Shoko please. You know they don’t see me that way!”
Everyone, gorgeous. EVERYONE. Sees you that way.
Before she could edge another word out, the familiar hum of Limitless buzzing inward splits Shoko’s thoughts in half.
Dammit, they’re early.
“Daddy’s Home!”
Satoru charges straight at you because of course he would.
“Satoru!!!” You’re a plaything in his arms. Legs tightening around his waist.
Shoko would pay an inordinate amount of money to trade places with him.
She watches through an envy-green screen. How easily Satoru spins you and tosses you on the kitchen counter. Situating himself between your soft thighs.
How would your body bounce against his hips thrusting into you?
“You have to taste this, pretty boy.”
Tsk. He’s not THAT pretty.
Both Shoko and Suguru watch through parted lips as you shove half a cupcake into Satoru’s mouth. Neither of you miss how his tongue flicks between your fingers. Or how his hips lean closer to your barely clothed flower.
He lets out an exaggerated groan. “Fucking, perfect. I could eat your cupcake..all night.”
“You perv.”
You laugh and shove Satoru back from between your legs. Then turn in Shoko’s direction.
Silently curving your index finger forward, you beckon. Both Shoko and Suguru start toward you like well-trained, love-struck pets.
“No pouting Suguru, you’re pretty too. And up next.”
And Shoko’s shoulders sink like the child who is picked last for dodge ball teams.
Her eyes trail Suguru’s back - wishing to every God she was born with a technique allowing her to take over a host’s body.
“Me next.” He settles between your legs.
Suguru, the master of subtlety. Everyone but you can pick up on the strain in his baritone.
There’s something so painfully sensual about the way he grips both of your thighs. Your skin is so smooth, so pliant under his large hands. Waiting on your fingers to invade his mouth.
How pretty would your lips look like wrapped around his fingers? Do your cheeks hollow out when you suck on something larger?
Shoko crosses her right foot over the left. As if jamming her thighs together would stop the growing pool of lust between her legs.
“Alright babe, best for last. I have something for you too.”
Suguru takes his time pulling away from the warmth of your core. And Shoko has to strap her mind to her body to keep from sprinting at you.
Eventually, she nestles between your legs and is at eye level with your pert nipples. Immediately caught in a trance. So close to her mouth.
“Blushing so much!” Your thumb pulls Shoko’s focus back to earth.
Blushing so much because she wants to watch her best friends fuck you. Then lick your cunt clean after they’re done.
“I’m not, what’s my surprise?”
“So demanding.” You giggle. Your palm takes away Shoko’s view of your perky, hard nipples.
Shoko’s jaw hangs at your command. Cold glass hits her lips before the full bodied, decadent Cabernet does.
Red wine. Because she hates sweets.
You’re as thoughtful as you are beautiful and everything you do is a turn on.
“Mmmm,” Shoko hums and you gift her vision back.
“Amazing, right?” You take your own sip, maintaining eye contact.
Shoko’s eyes fall to your lips. And how you roll the wine over your tongue. Savoring each drop.
How would your tongue feel rolling around her mouth? Her neck? Her nipple? What kind of sounds would you make if her tongue rolled around your petals? Your clit? What do you taste—
“Movie time?” You break Satoru, Suguru and Shoko’s daze.
All three of them scramble around you. Grabbing your cupcakes, snacks and wine to settle in on Shoko’s huge sectional couch.
You drape your body over Satoru and Suguru’s lap. A little loose limbed kitten. Shoko situates herself on the long arm of her chair.
Far enough to drown into her own spiral. Close enough to register everything you do in the the most permanent part of her mind.
You nuzzle your cheek into Suguru’s thigh. His forearm immediately drops in front of his crotch. Undoubtedly to avoid spearing you with his manhood.
“Play with my hair, Suguru?”
“Yes. Of course.”
His free hand weaves into your hair. The soft, decadent moan you exhale sent visible shudders down their spines.
Shoko’s eyes laser to Satoru’s hands. His eyes haven’t touched the screen since the movie began. His grasp encompasses your entire back thighs. Slowly gliding them up to the delicate mounds of your ass.
“God that feels amazing.”
Satoru’s Adams Apple drags along the column of his throat. “Yeah?”
“So good.”
You deepen the arch in your back and the physical restraint Satoru imposes on himself is visible.
The only person watching the movie is you.
And the room tilts on its axis the moment you melt deeper into the boys’ hands. Their names, quiet praise, seep from your lips.
Satoru and Suguru exchange hooded gazes.
As if to commiserate about how fucking hot you are. And how it’s taking active awareness of every single muscle to not do vulgar things to you.
Not even a backward glance Shoko’s way.
Leaving Shoko out of the conversation. Again.
She angrily tosses a blanket over her lap. Frustration bubbling up her throat. Her fingers clumsily fumble with her zipper. She’s pissed. Angry. Fucking jealous.
And so turned on she might crawl out of her skin if she doesn’t touch herself this goddamn second.
Shoko’s fingers are ice cold against her warm, wet clit. It’s agonizing. How incredible the pressure feels.
You look delicious. So small between their laps. Far too tiny to handle them both.
But God it would be so hot.
It would be so fucking hot. To watch you choke all over Suguru’s cock. Slobber into his lap. All while Satoru bullies his length into your soft, dewy pussy. Helpless. Overstimulated.
Getting used like the pretty Barbie doll you are.
And the way they touch you, so brazenly, in front of her.
Like Shoko’s presence isn’t even remotely threatening. She isn’t any competition for their big hands and broad shoulders. Masculine frames. That’s why she’s just sitting there. Pathetic. Rubbing herself dumb just watching.
She would be so happy, so fucking eager to lap you clean. Pet your swollen, abused folds when they’re done with you. Hump a pillow while she sucks your nipples. You’d moan and whine and squirm under her touch.
Would you beg? Or laugh at how pitiful she is? Getting off to remnants of you when the Boys have had their way?
Shoko accidentally choking on her own drool draws almost everyone’s attention to her. The hand that was molesting her sensitive bud freezes.
Suguru’s eyes flicker back down to you, sleeping beauty.
Their coordinated touch lulled you to bed. Satoru’s eyes linger on Shoko long enough to make her simmer under his gaze. She blinks back to the movie, credits now scrolling up the screen.
How long was Shoko day dreaming?
“Let’s get her to bed.” Suguru gently pulls you onto his chest. You sleepily drape your arms around his neck.
Satoru follows close behind him into Shoko’s room. Because putting the smallest little kitten to bed is a two person job.
Shoko scrambles to zip up her pants and swipe the last of her arousal on the blanket. She gets to the doorway and watches the Boys dote over you in a way that makes them slightly more endearing.
You wake up long enough to murmur goodnight. Floating your arms in the air so the boys can bring their hugs to you. Both of them place quick pecks on your forehead. Leaving you with the cutest, most content smile on your sleepy face.
At least Suguru can hold it together. He weaves out of Shoko’s room quickly.
Satoru, however, keeps stopping along the 10 foot pace to the doorway to just stare. As if a monster from your nightmares will pop up the second he leaves you alone.
Shoko snorts, arms crossing her chest. “Put it back in your pants, yes?”
“Look who is talking.” Sly grin pulls across Satoru’s perfect, blinding teeth. Shoko could punch him right now.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Ieiri. I have the fucking six eyes. What do you think I’m talking about.”
Satoru wires around Shoko’s stunned body.
He and Suguru are out of her apartment before she can bat her eyelashes 5 times.
Shoko all but sprints to the kitchen. She gulps the rest of her red wine. Something. Anything to burn Satoru’s comment out of her mind. And to put out the desperate flame between her legs.
You’re in her bed.
She’s just been masturbating watching her two best friends touch you.
One of her best friends is FULLY aware of this all.
Her hands shakenly pour another, head sized glass of Cabernet. Which is doing absolutely nothing for how lusty she feels right now. And everything to destroy her self control.
Why does she have to sit on the sidelines?
Why do they get access to you that she doesn’t?
She downs the last few drops of red wine. Storming back to her room. She’s going to confront this once and for all.
You’re strewn over her bed like a silk scarf. Rolling, tender hills of flesh. Valleys of feminine curves. Shoko grips both of your dainty wrists. Tossing you onto your back.
Sleepy groans bubble out of you. Your eyes lazily slide open. Not an ounce of concern on your face. Full of trust. Even though Shoko is glaring down at you like she wants to crawl in your skin.
“Bad dream?”
“No.” Shoko is kurt. Angry. Jealous.
“What is it?”
“I just…” Moonlight is kissing your face in the way Shoko wants to.
“T-The boys,” Your eyes flutter expectantly. Nose crinkling in fuzzy confusion.
“The-the boys always get to touch you. And pick you up. And tuck you in. And kiss you. And-and I-im just…”
“Do you want to kiss me?”
Shoko hears her heart stop beating.
What did you just ask? So casually. As if you didn’t just catapult her into another dimension.
“H-huh? What?” Shoko didn’t hear you right.
There’s no way.
“I asked if you want to kiss me.” Something other than innocence lines your voice. And it pets Shoko’s flame
“I—I uh. M-. Yes.”
“So kiss me.”
Only one second of shocked hesitation passes before Shoko crashes her lips into yours.
Of course your lips taste like this. Marshmallow soft. Cotton candy sweet. Mini explosions of pleasure surge in all directions of her body.
“God,” Shoko groans, bringing the back of your head impossibly closer to her.
Melting into the soft hills and rolls of your sweet tongue. Shoko whines into your mouth like the desperate puppy she is. She’s drunk. Intoxicated. And it has nothing to do with the wine.
Do you know that?
Have you always known?
How does anyone ever make it out of their embrace with you with their wits about them?
“Baby,” you sigh into Shoko’s swollen lips.
Her hands tremble against your waist. Twitching to explore. Dying to map every inch of your body.
She lets out little, staccato moans of protest when you pull away.
“Feel better?”
Your starry eyes sparkle between Shoko’s. Sleepy, pretty smile playing on your puffy lips.
Shoko nods wordlessly. You’ve already stolen her logic and her heart. Might as well add her voice to the list.
You place a chaste kiss on Shoko’s lips before cocooning underneath the sheets.
Like you didn’t just make her fall in love.
“Goodnight, baby.”
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drewharrisonwriter · 9 months
Donor | Drabble | Superman
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, this is a drabble for my Henry Cavill fic Donor. English is not my first language.
Summary: Henry's kids find out he played Superman.
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"Paaaaaaapaaa!" Mari's excited call echoed through the house as she dashed down the stairs, with Henry rushing to meet her at the landing.
"Mari!” Henry exclaimed. “What's happening? Is everything alright?" he asked with a touch of nervousness, preparing himself to catch his thirteen-year-old daughter in case she stumbled while descending the stairs.
"Papa, were you actually Superman?" Mari's eyes shimmered with a blend of astonishment and curiosity.
"Good grief, Mari!" Henry exclaimed in relief, closing his eyes briefly and running a hand down his face, while the other rested on his waist. "You scared me half to death. Is that all you wanted to ask?"
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Mari asked with bubbling enthusiasm, bouncing on her heels.
"Well, it's not like it's some top-secret information," Henry replied, guiding his daughter down the hall toward the kitchen.
"What's all the fuss about?" You called out from the kitchen before Henry and Mari entered.
"Your daughter just unearthed the fact that her papa is the son of Jor-El," Henry responded with faux exasperation, causing you to snort. Henry and Mari settled onto bar stools across the kitchen island, where you were meticulously frosting the first of three batches of cupcakes that Sisi needed for school the next morning.
"Really? Nobody thought to mention that papa was Superman?" Mari inquired, still puzzled and amazed by the revelation.
"Why is this such a surprise?" You asked, not taking your eyes off the cupcake you were skillfully frosting. "Your father is an actor, after all."
"Yeah, but Superman? Ma, we've been living with Clark Kent all this time," Mari quipped, lowering her voice conspiratorially for the latter part, as though sharing a closely guarded secret. You laughed hard at your daughter’s reaction. 
"Thirteen years, darling. Took her thirteen years to find out.” Henry chuckled and you giggled.  “Who spilled the beans, anyway?" he asked. 
"Uncle Charlie did! And I knew you were a bit of a nerd, pa, but I had no idea you were enough of a nerd to be cast as Superman," Mari teased, prompting exaggerated gasps of shock from both Henry and you.
"Oh goodness, actors!" Mari groaned, rolling her eyes at her playful parents.
"Young lady!" Henry exclaimed, still maintaining his mock shock, with a hand dramatically placed over his chest.
"For the record, I’m a singer/songwriter. And you might call him a nerd now," you began, shaking your head with a mischievous smirk, "but he's the hottest and sexiest Superman. Ever." You cast a teasing glance at your daughter and playfully wiggled your eyebrows.
"Ew, ma. Stop it," Mari responded.
"Thank you, darling," Henry smiled at you, his expression still a bit theatrical.
"So, wait…" Mari began, a mischievous glint in her eye, "You mean to tell me that you had to fit in that Spandex?" She magically had promo photos pulled up on Google on her smartphone, then showing her parents a GIF from over 20 years ago.
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"We're home!" Sisi's voice echoed from the front door as it swung open. Vivi, Savi, and your youngest and only son, Teddy, trailed after her. 
"In here!" Henry called out. 
"What a dish!" You exclaimed with a playful groan as you stared at the photo on Mari's phone, as if it were a mouthwatering treat. Henry burst out laughing while Mari grimaced in sheer disgust, and Henry joined in with an exaggerated groan.
"I no longer look like that," Henry said, his tone carrying a hint of disappointment and nostalgia.
"No, you don't," Mari chortled, and Henry playfully smacked her on the arm.
"Of course you don't, Hank. You're hotter now. Total DILF," you said, walking over to Henry, playfully wiggling your eyebrows before leaning down to kiss him.
"Ew, please. I beg of you both. Stop it!"
"What's a DILF?" Sisi asked with a scowl as the kids flooded into the kitchen, giving their parents each a hug and a kiss.
"Please don't ask them, you don't want to know," Mari answered.
"Yes, I won't say either because the last word is a curse word," Henry snorted.
"How was school?" You asked your kids as they all settled down, and you began bringing out their afternoon snacks of cookies and milk.
"Oh, I thought we were having cupcakes!" Vivi said disappointedly.
"That's for my bake sale tomorrow," Sisi quipped.
"Can we at least have one each, ma?" Teddy asked, and who were you to say no to your husband's mini version? 
You handed out a cupcake to each of your children while Henry began pouring milk into their glasses. 
When everyone was happily eating and chatting, Mari filled her younger siblings in about their dad's (not-so) secret, and all your children gave their Papa surprised and then disgusted looks, resulting in a few more laughs.
Henry leaned in to whisper in your ear. "Do you mean it, darling?"
"What?" you asked, playing coy.
"That I'm a total DILF?" He raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his lips.
"Of course I do, Superman," you giggled, and he groaned before he kissed you, twirling you around as if you were dancing. The kids started groaning in fake disgust at their parents' display of affection.
Tag list:
@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetandgentlecreature @kingliam2019 @leaveitbythewave @mrsevans90 @evansabove1981 @bascmve01 @shellyshellshell @iamsana @foxyjwls007 @one-sweet-gubler @henryownsme @angelcavill66
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enchantedlov3r · 2 months
My heart is saying let's go! John B Routledge and JJ Maybank
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🎶I'm a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub me the right way! If you wanna be with me, baby there's a price to pay🎶
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Summary: There has been tension between you and the two boys but no one's ever acted on them, plus there the boys! They gotta rub you the right way...
Pairing: John B x Fem!hispanic!Pogue!reader x JJ Maybank
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: pet names, oral (f), flirting, angst, arguing, jealous kiara, angry reader, mention of death, smut, cliffhanger, kiara being a party pooper (i have nothing against her this was just a random idea), pinning and yearning, many emotions, overall good vibes, FLUFF LIKE TOOTH ROTTING, ENJOY!
A/N: I looooooovvvve me some of that John D and Papa J (divider creds to @cafekitsune
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you were walking down the street from your house. you had just recently gotten into an argument with your dad and you really didn't feel like dealing with that right now.
you were walking down the street towards the chateau where you practically lived whenever you and your dad fought.
It was the only safe place you could go to, besides your childhood best friends were over there!
john b and jj maybank, the two boys who grew up to be the hottest men around. you had the biggest crush on them both and they noticed ever since you guys started 9th grade together.
since then you've flirted with each other, tested each others limits to see who would snap first, you even kissed them both at a stupid spin the bottle game.
though kiara has always been a little jealous considering she kissed jj and john b at the same party. And granted they never said they were dating because no pogue on pogue macking but hey, you and them? broke that rule long time ago.
you finally arrived and ran your hand along the Twinkie. you looked inside wondering if anyone was inside but nope, nobody. you went up to the door and knocked. you pace around the front porch before knocking again.
after about a minute you hear someone say, "hold your horses man, i'm comin." You instantly knew it was jj's voice, how could it not be.
when he opens the door he's got this boyish grin on his face as his eyes rake up and down your body. "hi jj, how's my surfer boy?" you greet with a warm smile on your face and open arms.
he gladly accepts your warm embrace along with the feeling of your warm skin on his as you were just in a bikini with these cute little short shorts on.
"i'm doing a lot better now cupcake," he says biting his bottom lip as he checks you out. "gimme a lil' twirl huh cupcake?" he asks smirking. he grabs your hand holding it up as you twirl around with giggles escaping your mouth.
"hey jayj, my eye's are up here." you say snapping your fingers in his face. you roll your eyes when he pouts and push past him to get inside.
"johnny boy, where are you bubba? I missed you," you call out hoping that john b is in here somewhere. suddenly you hear footsteps behind you and as you turn around you squeal out of fear and excitement.
john b has you wrapped up in his arms as he spins you around. john b was always your favorite but at the end of the day, you liked them both and your love for them evens out to the point where there both your favorites.
"there you are, been thinking about you all day baby." he says as he puts you down with his head snugged into your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Oh really, well then I guess my appearance was good in your favor." you say giggling. You see jj behind him staring at your exposed legs and his bottom lip between his teeth.
"ugh, hey, john b c'mere. Take a look at our girl." he says as he makes eye contact with you. john b let's you go and his eyes rake over your body as he walks to stand next to jj.
"what? do you want a twirl too?" you asks with your hands on your hips. They both smile and look at each other. "no, no. y-you look nice" john b says.
"I mean yea but without the clothes would be reeeaaal nice." jj says.
"JJ MAYBANK! How dare- ugh how could- ugh never mind." you stutter, face flushed. they've never been this forward with you but I guess since you guys kissed, there getting bolder and bolder.
"aww is our girl getting all shy now?" jj said making a fake pouty face with only mockery behind it, no sympathy at all.
you flip them both off before muttering some slight curses in spanish.
"Ustedes, hijos de puta, pueden ser verdaderos idiotas." you say while walking outside. (Translation: you motherfuckers can be real idiots.)
they hate when you curse at them in spanish, only knowing a few words because you use them a lot. "Hey! I know what puta and idiotas means you jerk!" jj yells at you.
you giggle and stick your tongue out at them both. john b is standing there in pure shock like 'what did i do' and jj is just angry. you make your way to pope, sarah and kiara.
"hey guys! what's up?" you asks excited to see sarah and pope. you and kiara aren't exactly on the best terms right now. she was your number one and now she's been replaced with sarah all because of a boy.
it was stupid really but whatever, if your guy's friendship was put in jeopardy over a boy and jj at that, then you guys were never really best friends to begin with.
sarah rushes over to you instantly embracing you in a warm hug pope following and doing the same. You opened your eyes and watched as kiara sat there and gave you a small smile. You simply smiled back before drawing your attention back to sarah and pope.
"hey girl! what's wrong? you look like you've been crying." typical sarah. Such an observer. "Yea i'm fine, just got into another argument with my dad, noting too serious." you say with a weak smile.
She tuts and shakes her head, "I told you just come and live with me for a month at most." she says.
"Yea and risk my father tearing up tannyhill, and risk putting you in danger? yea no chance. Eres demasiado importante para mi" you say to her. (Translation: you are too important to me)
She smiles understanding the words that came out of your mouth as you say them to her and everyone else everyday. You nod at her and walk over to pope.
"Hey. pope pope! Hows papi Heyward doing?" you say laughing as soon as you see pope's face.
"One that nickname is dead. Two, never call my dad papi again. And three, he's alright thanks for asking." he says rolling his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Noted on number one. Never on number two, he's papi forever, and three, that's good, glad he's ok!" You say making sarah laugh.
You see the boys coming outside with beer cans in their hands and they're walking towards the boat. sarah managed to highjack one of her dad's famous boats and now you all have it.
Today was a day where you all go out on the boat, listen to music and swim around and get slightly drunk. That was a weekend for the pogues. And even though it is stupid considering you guys have school in two days, who cares!? your living life like stupid teenagers should.
your making your way towards the boat with john b and sarah when you see kiara rush up to jj. there both talking and jj looks your way but, you quickly look next to them to make it look like your looking at pope.
waving your hand over to invite pope to the conversation sarah was having with you and john b. you three get on the boat and you turn to grab some cans from john b so you can put them in the cooler.
Once everyone is on it's smooth sailing from here until of course kiara has something to say. This has been going on for many weekends now when you all want to have fun, kiara some how ruins it with her jealousy.
"why are you doing it anyway?" she asks. you were scrolling on your phone while jamming to the music in the background and laying your head in jj's lap while he was talking to john b when she said it.
sarah looked at her confused like 'what is she talking about' and then noticed she was talking to you. sarah then tapped you to get your attention.
"¿qué pasa sarah?" you asks her. She nods her head to kiara and kiara rolls her eyes.
"yo kie, is there a problem?"jj asks, it seems her question got everyones attention now. pope looks confused and so does john b.
"I wanna know why you do it. why you lead them on? why you flirt with them sooo much!" she says glaring at you.
"kiara are you serious right now? we're all just trying enjoy ourselves and you feel the need to have this conversation now?" you say trying to keep your composure.
you have your dads temper and when you got angry it wasn't exactly the best. your whole mood would be ruined the rest of the day and you didn't need that.
"i'm talking to you about it right? so obviously i wanna have the conversation now." she says with an atitutude in her tone and you snap.
"look kiara. i'm done with your bullshit ok? whatever the hell you need to get off your chest just fucking say it." you say rising your voice slightly.
she scoffs and then begins her rant, "i'm tired of seeing you flirt with them. it's so annoying and you know how I feel about it. and john b, jj? what happened to no pogue on pogue macking huh? it seems that rule just went out the window!" she yells back.
"Ok hermana, lemme stop you there. no pogue on pogue macking? that rule ended when you kissed them first at that stupid party kiara. then you just ditched them both completely like nothing happened and they did the same thing. When you had your stupid kook phase where you just up and left and fucking forgot all of us, that was cold." you yell.
"So yea maybe i did take the opportunity to try and explore my newfound feelings for the two boys I LITERALLY GREW UP WITH!? you love making this situation seem all about you and your fucking feelings kiara but that's bullshit. i had them first, there my boys! who were with me through everything! When my mom died, were you there? no! wanna know why? because you were too busy acting like a fucking stuck up, prissy kook to even notice!" you yell at her finally getting what you needed to get off your chest.
"No offense sarah..." you add quietly. she shakes her head as a 'none taken' gesture before looking back over to kiara.
"oh ¿por qué haces las cosas que haces? Oh, no lo sé, ¿probablemente porque puedo?" you say mocking her out of anger.
Translation: (oh why do you do the things you do? oh i don't know probably cause i can?!)
She sits there silently. "I bet 20 bucks you didn't even know my mother was dead." you say coldly before turning around to go sit at the bottom part of the boat.
20 minutes later john b and jj come down to comfort you.
"Hey bubs. you ok?" john b asks walking up to your laying figure and lays in front of you. jj gets on the bed behind you and grips your stomach while john b grips your waist.
your still in your shorts and bathing suit. jj's hands are warm on your bare stomach and john b's hands are toying with the back pocket of your shorts.
"really sorry about her. she just, she-" jj is cut off by you.
"she needs to chill the hell out. She needs to stop acting like i'm some girl that's obsessed with you guys when she's clearly the obsessed one!" you say cuddling into jonh b's chest a little more.
jj scoots closer to you, his crotch on your ass, you wiggle against him supposedly "trying to get comfortable" knowing damn well your just teasing.
john b notices what your doing and pulls your hips flush with his. "I'd stop moving if I were you sweetheart." john b says.
"yea, wouldn't want anything naughty to happen right?" jj whispers in your ear.
" 'm sorry, just wanna shut my brain off for a second. i'm so angry, can you help me?" you ask the both of them twisting onto your back to stare at both of them.
They both give each other this look before looking back at you and giving in. "ok cupcake what do ya want us to do?" jj asks, you look at him and smile tiredly.
"I want you to finger me, eat me out, you choose." you say pulling down your shorts and your bikini bottoms to reveal your already wet pussy.
"Damn bubs, that was kinda our job but hey i'll get to work." john b says kissing all down your body from your lips to your neck, down to your breasts until he reaches your thighs.
He parts your legs with his big, warm hands rubbing your thighs in just the right way to make you twitch. You grab onto his hair when his kisses start leading to your now soaking cunt.
"Are you a virgin cupcake? what? you saved your pretty pussy for us? how cute." jj says right next to you. He's kissing and sucking, leaving marks on your neck as he plays with your nipples to stimulate you.
you whine and nod your head lazily at how good it feels. jj chuckles beside you as he whispers dirty things in your ear to get you off.
John b's tongue is now on you eliciting a moan straight out of you. Your hands running through his curls. Your hips moving on their own to chase your orgasm that's building up (he was that good).
Your crying now, the feeling of john b's tongue and jj's fingers were a feeling of bliss and ecstasy. You wanted nothing more than to cream and cum all over john b's face.
jj's hands reach your clit at the perfect time, you clearly must have mumbled something about cumming but you were too drunk off the both of them to even notice.
your mush now, the feeling of your orgasm washing over you and hitting you like a wave. your slowly sinking in to a lulling slumber as your fingers get tired of gripping john b's hair.
You whine out one last time before your out like a light. 'damn they really rubbed you the right way.' you thought once more before your asleep.
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ashstfu · 4 months
you are 5'10 .. GODDD.. YOU ARE HOTTEST PERSON ON THE TUMBL.. [for me intelligence ( iq &eq both) + height = hotness] well anway I luv your blog ash >>>>
thanku 😭!! i used to hate being tall back in high school but now i’m like FUCK YEAH IM 5’10. also i love walking in the streets & being taller than most men. outta the way cupcake
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thebramblewood · 6 months
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There's no handbook for how to break it to your ex-girlfriend that you can't stay friends because you're about to become a bloodthirsty vampire who may or may not kill her on the spot.
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Ulrike: Are you sure you're up for this?
Helena: Stop asking me that! We'll be done faster if we work together.
Ulrike: I don't know how you can stand to wear that hoodie. It's been like summer the past few days.
Helena: Just shut up and keep this thing moving.
Ulrike: Yes, ma'am.
Ulrike: Really? You guys move one mattress and already need a cupcake break?
Isaiah: We've earned it.
Ange: There's been a real dearth of quality baked goods in our lives lately.
Ulrike: Get your asses back to work!
Ulrike: What is that on your neck? Is that a hickey?
Helena: What? God, no, it - it’s nothing. Why are you being so nosy?
Ulrike: [smirks] Because it’s fun to see you squirm.
Ulrike: Come on! You call to brag about meeting the hottest girl alive - must be, if she beats me - and now you’re going to leave me hanging?
Helena: [cringes] Did I really say that? I was so drunk that night.
Ulrike: Obviously.
Helena: There’s nothing to say because it’s not going anywhere. I’ll probably never see her again.
Ulrike: Ah. She was too good to be true?
Helena: Something like that.
Ulrike: Eat up, Zhao. You look like you could use the nutrients.
Helena: I do feel awfully hungry…
Ulrike: It’s the end of an era, huh?
Helena: Yeah, it really is.
Ulrike: You’ve got someplace to stay?
Helena: Oh, yeah. I’ll be fine. [laughs weakly] My turn to borrow a spare couch.
Ulrike: Then where are you headed?
Helena: Home, I guess. [under breath] That should be far enough for now.
Ulrike: Far enough from what?
Helena: I don’t know. [hesitates] Everything? I just need a break.
Ulrike: Well, you could always come visit me in Windenburg. I’d like us to stay friends, you know?
Helena: Yeah, maybe… [doubles over in sudden blinding pain]
Ulrike: You’re really okay?
Helena: [dismissively] It’s just cramps. Can you believe I’ve got my period on top of everything else?
Ulrike: Take care, Zhao. And keep the tarps. Seems like you need them more than I do.
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Would you do a Rudy x film writer and director social media au where it also mentions an interview they did together talking about first impressions: Rudy and reader meet by him not realising she’s the director, checking her out when he passes her smoking outside the audition building and trying to chat her up & when he asks for her name and number she says “you’ll probably find it on the front of the script” 😭😂
Thank you for your request hope you like it !!
Rudy Pankow x Director!Writer!Reader [social media au]
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Liked by madelyncline and 789 274 others
rudeth love you cupcakes! and my girl<3
View all 7840 comments
hichasestucks still finding sand in weird places…
⤷randomuser CHASE?!
⤷rafecameronwife that’s not-
⤷madelyncline I’m reducing your screen time babe
⤷mady234 @madelyncline NO MADDIE IM BEGGING 😭😭!!!!!
drewstarkey why am I not in there man?
⤷ rudeth …….. sorry kook
y/nuser love u pookie<33
⤷ rudeth love u pookieeee❤️❤️
⤷user23876 I want what they have..take care of my gf rudy 😔
⤷ rudypankowupdates @rudeth babe don’t cheat on me like that 😫
madisonbaileybabe miss y’all @y/nuser PLS MAKE SEASON 4 HAPPEN
carlaciagrant omg don’t make me cry rude boy 🫶🏻
jonathandavissoficial why am I the hottest?
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liked by rudeth and 100 237 others
y/nuser Penning the next chapter of Outer Banks, and it's a wild ride! 📝 Thrilled to be shaping the story for Season 4 alongside our amazing cast and crew. Get ready for more drama, mystery, and heart-pounding moments. Big thanks to my partner Rudy for always being by my side.❤️#OuterBanks #Season4 #BehindTheScenes
View all 4782 comments
rudeth I’m so proud of you princess ❤️
⤷y/nuser love you jj
User2749 is rafe and Sofia have something in season 4??
⤷y/nuser I vote for rafe + therapy <3
randomuser if the new season brings more close-ups of John B’s abs, I might need to invest in a new TV screen…😔
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obxupdates_22. Rudy spilled the tea in a recent interview he did with yn, the director and writer of outer banks, revealing his first impression of her. Turns out, he had no idea she was the boss when they first met! Caught checking her out while she smoked outside the audition building, he tried to make a move, but when he asked for her name and number, her epic response was, 'You'll probably find it on the front of the script.' #OBX #rudyandyn❤️
View all 6839
randomuser HAHAHHA imagine rudy thinking like “omg I’m soooo that man” and she just say that😭😭
kiaramygirl they’re living a wattpad romance in real life
User36784 This interview just made me love them even more! Who else ships Rudy and Yn?
rafecameronwh0re she’s so ugly and that response?…lol
⤷user2837 it’s so funny that you think that your opinion matters…gurl he’s not givin you a chance💋
User19873 let me know if y’all need a dog..I CAN BARK 🐶🐶🐶
User78349 yn is so THAT girl?!she wrote this badass show and is also dating rudy pankow..AAAA
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revasserium · 11 months
hq headcanons with gyaru s/o?? PLS IM BEGGING tysm!!!!
ギャル! 超かわいいー (gyaru! chou kawaii ー !)
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ft oikawa; suga; bokuto; hinata; tsukki
obsessed! asks u to send pics of ur new manicure designs, knows ur manicurist by first name, sends her his love every time u go
chides you not to spend too long tanning cause the uv isn't great for your skin but loves how u look; tells u that it makes your eyes stand out and your hair look nice and has mastered the art of taking selfies from that #45degreetopdown angle
has a pic of u as his phone bk bc this man is whipped and he's not afraid to admit it; will buy you trinkets and hair clips and earrings or send u pics of cute ones sees
always holds ur hand in public and brags about u to his friends u__u
kisses you with your flavored lipgloss bc he is an agent of chaos and he likes the way he can mess you up a little; he's secretly not so secretly super happy that u have a whole string of phone charms that are just presents from him -- tiny volleyballs, bejeweled cupcakes, random little animals, a giant fluffball just cause it's soft
helps u pick out circle lenses cause he thinks they're so so pretty and can't stop staring at your eyes whenever u wear a new pair
honestly kinda fell for u the first time he saw you cause of the way you tied up ur school uniform shirt and he caught a glimpse of your bellybutton ring and thought it was like... the hottest thing ever but;;;; we don't have to talk about that
tells u every day how beautiful you are, just bc u__u
honestly doesn't rly get it but boi if he aint supportive! and he cares so much; will sit and listen intently to u when ur talking about all the different clothing brands u like or ponder out loud how ur so good with ur hands cause if he had nails like urs he'd break them immediately
would let u paint his nails in glitter tho
will tell u just to go outside w/out sunscreen if u wanna tan more (like him!!!) but after u tell him about uv and sun protection now he actively slathers sunscreen on himself before going outside and preaches it to all his friends and teammates ("akaashi! did u kno it causes premature aging of the skin!??!! wait -- what do u mean everyone knows that?!")
loves your weekend outfits so much u__u honestly he's shooketh at your eye for style, thinks you should become a fashion designer, a model, actively advertises to the world that you already are one basically; swells!!! with pride when someone on the street asks to take a pic of your outfit -- "see?!?!? told u u should be a model!!! ur pics belong in magazines!!!"
is just so so awestruck at all the sparkly/pretty things; and you're the sparkliest, prettiest of all so i mean -- that tracks!
gets just as excited as you do about new clothing lines and is super eager to spend entire weekends walking through various shops, carrying all your stuff, praising the way you look in every single outfit u try on
the blushiest!!! if u dress him up too so you guys match! holds your hand so tightly and can't stop grinning to himself so that at the end of the day his cheeks hurt but that's okay bc he got to spend the whole weekend w/ you and he wants to do it again all the time!
loves ur long nails bc it feels nice when you trail it along his arms, down his back; it makes him feel loopy and sleepy and shivery and all sorts of good, and on top of that -- they're just gorgeous to look at arent they? everything about u is gorgeous and he's so, so glad to have u
will never admit it outloud that he actually likes it; pretends it's just another level to all the "girly things" that normal girls like -- so u like more of it -- so what
but BOI if he doesn't feel his chest get all tight when you get all dressed up for your dates, when your lashes are perfectly mascaraed to set off those gorgeous new circle lenses u bought the other day that he totally, totally isn't into cause that color is just so pretty against your skin --
constantly tells u that ur nails are kind of a hassle and he doesn't understand how u get anything done with them but will wait for u outside ur salon with ur bags and grab u icecream and sigh and begrudgingly admit that the nail art is cute this time...
is secretly super fucking into the fact that u have a pic of the both of u has ur phone background and it makes him happy every single time ur phone goes off and the screen lights up; and yeah, the fact that you have a volleyball phone charm that you told him reminds you of him makes him rly, rly happy too u__u
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bellysoupset · 9 months
Vince and Wendy going out on a dinner date and one of them ends up getting food poisoning
Hi anon! I removed the "out" part, because everyone ignores that Vin is the best cook out of my boys and I'm personally offended. Cook!Vince for the win.
"Stop," Vince said in a measured manner, when he felt Wendy press a kiss between his shoulder blades and wrap her arms around his torso, "you're gonna make me spill, little miss."
Wendy's cheeks caught on fire as she heard the nickname and she pressed another kiss on his shoulder, tiptoeing as much as she could to kiss his cheek, "I can't help it, you cooking is sexy."
"Everything I do is sexy," Vince scoffed, bumping his hip with her tummy so she'd stop interfering in his plating of the lasagna, "move out of the way, Wendy."
She let go of him, moving to the opposite side of the kitchen and jumping so she could sit on the counter, reaching for the wine bottle Vince had been using to season the food. She took a sip, noticing he too had been occasionally sipping from it by the way his cheeks were rosy.
"Alright, baby, in the oven you go..." Vince whispered, crouching down to put the large glass tray in the oven and then shutting it gently. Wendy pressed her lips not to laugh.
"I'm jealous, you never call me baby."
He scoffed, moving closer and slotting himself right between her legs, "you're so not 'baby', honey," Vin chuckled, nibbling at her bottom lip and bumping her nose with his, "did you..." he pulled back, "did you have cherry today?"
"Uhm?" Wendy wrapped her legs around him, ankles locking around his ass and pulling Vince closer, "no, a raspberry cupcake earlier when I was out with Bella."
Vince made a small appreciative noise as he could still taste the berries in her mouth, going in for a kiss.
She was excited about him cooking. Wendy had heard the guys talk about Vin's cooking before and she had been told by his sister that he was good at it, but somehow she had never had the chance to actually prove it. Something always got in the way, so much so it was a running joke between them that his chef apron was cursed. Every time he had put it on, something else had happened and forced their attention.
Her stomach growled with hunger and Vin pulled back, all smug, "right on time for dinner."
He had outdone himself. Wendy's mouth watered as Vince served her a large piece of spinach lasagna, pressing a kiss to her temple, "enjoy."
For dessert, it was strawberry gelato and Wendy could've sworn she died and went to heaven, "so they weren't exaggerating about your cooking," she moaned, digging on the bottom of the serving dish, her third serving of dessert, while Vince chuckled, eating his fourth serving.
"Oh yeah?" He said, tipping her chair and causing Wendy to scramble and glare at him. She licked off her lips.
"You want praise? Yeah, this is the best food ever, I'm never cooking again. You can take over the kitchen forever," she sighed happily, setting the dish down and then groaning, pulling on the elastic of her skirt, "I may have had a plate too many."
"No such thing," Vince rolled his eyes, pulling her chair closer with his foot and the movement caused a little burp to slip past her lips. Wendy's whole face turned red as she pressed her fist to her mouth and mumbled "excuse me."
Despite her kink, or maybe because of it, she was hyper aware of every little noise her body made. Tummy growls that she found the hottest thing when they came from Vince, made spikes of embarrassment run down her spine when they came from her. Little burps that turned her on when they were her boyfriend's, made her cringe and want to run when they were hers.
"You're in your head, doll," Vince said, getting up from his chair and kissing the top of her head, "you ate a little too much, so what."
"It's gross," Wendy pouted, extremely self conscious of how her stomach was pressing against her skirt and how she wanted to change in her pajamas, how her body would look. She wanted to be hot and cute and... Attractive. This didn't feel attractive.
"Nothing about you is gross," Vince said, returning to the dining area and starting to load the dishes in the dishwasher. Wendy frowned, getting up and biting down another burp. Her stomach gurgled and she fought the urge to touch it, walking to the kitchen and leaning against the doorway, grimacing as the wall pressed on her upset belly.
"It's not exactly dainty," she said and Vince frowned, as if the thought hadn't ever occurred him.
"Yeah, cute. Girly," Wendy grimaced, another burp gurgling up her throat and being swallowed back down, causing her stomach to bubble uncomfortably.
He raised his eyebrows, "eating isn't girly?" Vince closed the dishwasher with his hip, twisting the dishcloth in his hand.
"Being a slob isn't," Wendy scoffed, "cute girls don't overdo it and get upset bellyaches and all burpy and bloated and-"
"Honey," Vince chuckled, "you're the sweetest looking thing I've ever seen and you burp. Big deal," he rolled his eyes, "how come stomachaches are only hot when I'm the one suffering?"
"Because you are hot," Wendy wrinkled her nose as he used the dishcloth as a lasso and looped it around her back, pulling her closer, "but I'm-"
"Shut it," Vince scoffed, cupping her face and stopping Wendy's hurtful following words, "don't you dare say that about my girlfriend."
She let out an unhappy noise, mouth snapped shut by his hand cupping her chin, "it's not pretty-" Wendy mumbled and Vince glared at her.
"You're not a barbie doll, Wen. I don't want you to be one," he pressed a kiss on her mouth, muffling the next words, "stop with this nonsense, honey."
Wendy let out a frustrated sigh, but she nodded, knowing there was no hope for him to change her mind with just a couple of words or for her to change his. Vince wrapped his arms around her, steering them back to her bedroom and she unhappily changed into her pajamas, purposefully picking to pair one of his shirts with her little shorts, since it easily dwarfed her and didn't stick to her belly.
If Vince noticed, he said nothing. She sat down on the bed, muffling a string of wet belches as she heard him move around in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, taking a leak and tying up his hair in a little bun. He had the worst habit of stealing her scrunchies, at this point she was sure he had more scrunchies in his dorm than she did in her apartment.
"No skincare tonight?" Vince asked, throwing himself on the bed with a satisfied groan and kicking off the blankets. Wendy grimaced as a cramp squeezed her belly.
"No, I can make up for it in the morning," she groaned, getting up and going to brush her teeth. As she was doing so, the toothbrush triggered her gag reflex and suddenly all the food rushed up, causing her to brace against the sink, squeezing it as she tried to gulp down the awful burning in her throat.
She vaguely heard Vince say something, as she washed her mouth and face, now with sweat prickling her upper lip. The urge to gag lessened, but the nausea stayed, sitting heavy in her belly.
"What did you say?" Wendy mumbled, coming back to the room and turning off the lights on her way in, so he couldn't get a good look of her face.
"I asked if you want to continue Outlander," Vince hadn't gotten the memo she didn't feel like being touched, because he reached in the dark, illuminated solely by the red Netflix logo on her TV screen, and grabbed her thighs, pulling her to lie on top of him.
"You hate Outlander," Wendy said, hiding her face against his chest and cringing when the position put even more pressure on her stomach. She hoped he couldn't feel her belly gurgling something awful through the two layers of fabric.
"Well yeah, it's historical hot garbage," Vin scoffed, twirling one piece of her hair in his fingers, "but you like the little ginger fella."
"There's nothing little about Jamie," Wendy chuckled, but shook her head, exhaustion hitting her, "I think I just wanna sleep this tummy ache off."
"Do you want me to rub your stomach?"
It was an offer she should have predicted, seeing as she did that to him every time he had even a minor bellyache, but she hadn't. Both desire and mortification flooded her. The idea of a belly rub when it was feeling this upset was hot in theory, but the mortification of Vin being so aware of how gross and bloated her belly felt overrode her kink.
"No, don't touch it," Wendy said and he hummed in agreement, wrapping both arms around her and settling for rubbing her back until he lulled her into an unease sleep.
She tossed on the bed as soon as she was asleep, freeing herself from his grasp and curling on her side. Vince was still awake, watching Modern Family on a very low volume. He could vaguely hear Wendy wasn't feeling well, from the little whines coming from her tummy, but she was asleep, so he didn't think of waking her up.
He should've thought of it.
Vince was chuckling at Gloria's remark on the TV when suddenly Wendy lurched up. In her sleepy daze and nausea, she couldn't make out which way was where, so she turned to him. He heard a soft, delicate belch and then suddenly a flood of liquid covered the blankets.
"Dio-Jesus fucking christ, Wendy!" He jumped out of the bed, not angry but surprised, it took a second before concern had him circling the mattress and sitting behind her. There was no salvation for the blankets, not after that massive heave and so all he could do was hold the hair away from her mouth and rub her back, "oh honey, you really overdid it..."
She hiccupped, then let out a sob and Vince frowned, turning on the bedside table lamp since the tv light was hardly enough. It was a gruesome sight. All beige and sticky, the bits of spinach hadn't digested at all. He couldn't help but gag softly against his hand, quickly pushing the queasiness away as he heard yet another pitiful sob.
"I'm so sorry," Wendy whimpered, "I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean-"
"Shhh, I know you didn't mean to puke on my lap," he teased lightly, rubbing her back with a little more force and causing her to gag again, another mouthful of vomit joining the mess, "get it up, honey, you'll feel better..."
Wendy gagged, harshly and then attempted to wrap her arms around her stomach, something he quickly stopped her from doing since she had covered the front of her top with puke, "hurts Vince..."
"Take a deep breath, amore, your tummy should settle now it got the excess off," he patted her back, "it was just too full..."
"No," Wendy shook her head, "I'm still feeling really sick."
He frowned, but said nothing as she gagged again and even more puke joined the mess. It was frankly impressive the amount she could fit inside of her.
She let out a whimper and he bunched up all the hair in one hand, reaching in to wipe her tears, "shhh, you're alright, honey..."
"This is such a mess," Wendy hiccupped, "and my stomach is still hurting..."
"Are you done for now? Can we move to the bathroom?" Vince couldn't believe there was anything left for her to bring up after those massive gushes, but Wendy looked unsure.
"Help me," she said in a tiny voice and he held her arms, carefully removing her from under the ruined duvet and helping her hurriedly walk to the suite's bathroom. Wendy groaned as she caught a glimpse of her ruined pajama shirt, "that's so gross- I'm so gross-"
"I'm gonna get you a new top, honey," Vince promised, lowering her in front of the toilet, "hold on a second."
He rushed back in the room, grabbing a new pj top for her and folding the ruined blanket, running to stuff it in the washing machine.
"Here," Vince ran back to the bathroom, then cringed as he found Wendy draped over the toilet, the bowl already dirty with vomit, "arms up, doll-" he instructed, carefully peeling off the messy shirt. Wendy let out another humiliated groan, eyes tearing up all over again.
"I don't think the food was right," she mumbled, looking beyond nauseated as Vince manhandled her arms in the correct arm holes. He frowned, feeling a little offended.
"...I- But I ate more than you did and I feel fine..." Vince pouted and Wendy let out a little hiccup, turning back to the bowl and spitting the excess saliva.
"Not yours..." her voice was thick with the nausea, "the lunch-" more vomit rushed up and Vince had to scramble to hold her forehead, so she wouldn't hit it against the toilet seat with the force of her heaves. He felt an odd sense of relief that it wasn't his food making her sick.
"Oh no," Vince sighed, grabbing a handful of toilet paper and wiping her mouth when it seemed she was done for the time being. He pressed the back of his hand to her cheeks and forehead, but indeed she was cool to the touch, "you and Bell had the same thing?"
"Yeah..." Wendy leaned heavily on his touch, wincing, "I need... Fuck, I need some privacy," she pushed his arm and Vince raised his eyebrows in confusion, only to be answered by her tummy growling loudly. He flinched in sympathy, having been in that position too many times to count.
"Take your time, I'm gonna go out to call Lucas, make sure Bells is fine," Vince said, reassuring her he'd be nowhere near to hear any noise, knowing his girlfriend would definitely feel better that way, "shout if you need me."
"Uhummm," was all Wendy replied, squeezing her eyes shut as a cramp hit her.
It worried him to leave her alone, but true to his word he did get out of the bedroom, opening the windows to get rid of the smell of vomit and walking to the laundry room, phone pressed between his cheek and ear.
It rang only twice before Lucas picked it up, despite the fact it was late at a night. A bad sign in itself.
"Hey," Lucas said, voice alert, "I'm guessing you're calling because of Wen?"
"Bella also got it, then," Vince sighed, "how is she?"
"Bella, you wanna answer Vince how you're feeling?" Luke's playful voice travelled through the phone and then a loud whine, causing Vince to let out a snort.
"That great, uh?"
"Amazing," Lucas scoffed, "but I think it's just food poisoning, she's already holding down liquid. I'm not worried... How's Wendy?"
"Sick as hell," Vince cringed, turning on the washing machine and leaning against it, "I'm a little worried, she's tiny..."
"She'll be fine, it's just food poisoning, Vin," Lucas reassured him, voice getting deep as he yawned mid sentence, "look, give her sometime, if she's still sick in the morning then call up Jonah."
Vince bit the inside of his cheek, nodding before he realized his friend couldn't see him, "yeah alright. Tell Bells I hope she feels better soon..."
"I will," Lucas yawned again and then hung up with a sleepy "bye", Bella echoing him in the background.
Vince walked back inside the common area of the apartment, walking back to the bedroom. The bathroom door was still shut, so he knocked, "Wendy? Are you okay?"
"Yes, go away!" she exclaimed immediately and he pulled back from the door, frowning.
"Do you need anything?"
"For you to go away!"
"Ah, okay..." he pouted, "I'll be in the living room."
True to his word, he walked out once again, but couldn't bring himself to sit in the living room when she was this sick. Instead he sat down in the hallway, battling sleep and mentally counting. If she wasn't out soon, he'd go and knock again.
Ten minutes passed with no noise, no nothing and Vince inched closer to the door, poking his head back inside the room, "Wendy, I'm worried-"
"I'm fine!" she exclaimed again, although he was pretty sure she was crying. Vince's heart squeezed.
"Honey, please let..."
Finally the door opened and Wendy stumbled out. Her face was waxy pale and she had pulled her hair back with the pink wool headband she used when doing her skincare. It looked comically out of place.
Vince rushed up crossing the room in two steps and reaching to hold her, a good thing he did because it looked like she could barely stand.
"It hurts, Vin..." Wendy choked up, allowing him to pull her to the bed. Vince let out a whimper of his own in sympathy, helping her get comfortable.
"I need you to drink some water, Wen," he said, sitting next to her and planting a hand on her back as Wendy curled up around him as if he was a teddy bear.
"No," she groaned, "it's just gonna come back up... Or worse."
"Maybe, but you still have to drink," he reached to grab his own water bottle and held it to her mouth, "just one sip," Vince bargained when she wrinkled her nose and tried to pull back.
With some ushering he managed to get her to drink a full gulp, Wendy immediately curling up even more and muffling a sick belch against the pillow.
"I don't want you to see me like this," she moaned, face buried in the soft pillow case and Vince rolled his eyes.
"You're delirious," he joked, leaning in to press a kiss on her forehead, "move, let me rub your belly."
"I'm not feverish," Wendy scoffed and refused to move, her pale and clammy cheeks gaining a pink flush at his offer, "don't touc-"
She never finished that sentence, because Vince scooped her up easily, sliding under her and lifting up the pajamas top so he could plant his hand against her turbulent tummy.
"Excuse me?" Wendy scoffed, but all annoyance melted on her face as she pressed her head to his lap and Vince gently started to knead her belly, "god, this feels horrible..."
"Luke said Bella is already keeping down liquid, you'll be out of the woods soon," Vince said, frowning as he could feel all the angry bubbles under his hand. Wendy had a soft, squishy tummy most days, but now it was bloated so much that it felt hard to the touch, "you should sue."
"I should," Wendy planted a hand to her mouth, muffling a sick belch and mumbling "excuse me."
He patted her ass with a frustrated groan, "there's no point in the belly rub if you don't let the gas out, Wendy," he moved his hand back to where it was, "I'm never grossed out by you, I love you."
She sighed, turning so she could press her face to his stomach instead of being facing away, "I know, it's just... It's just hard... I don't want to be disgusting, I want to be beautiful and I don't think... I don't like you seeing me like this."
Vince slid down the bed a little, running his free hand through her hair, "you are beautiful, Wen. I'm serious, you're gorgeous... Being sick doesn't change that."
She let out a groan, pulling back just enough to look him in the eye and Vince frowned, he knew this was an emotional talk, but it was clearly harder for her to say this out loud than he was taking into account.
"I'm scared that you'll find me repulsive and not want to be with me anymore," Wendy mumbled, as if the words physically hurt her to say and Vince's heart broke in a million pieces.
"I don't like the guy I am in your head," he chastised, cupping her face, and she widened her eyes, scrambling to interrupt him, but Vince pressed a finger over her lips, "I love you. Do you understand that? It means so much more than how you look, honey."
She seemed ready to cry, so she ducked her head, pressing her cheek to his chest, "I love you too," Wendy said in a little voice and Vince sighed, kissing the top of her head, not feeling one bit reassured. He wondered who had convinced her she'd be unlovable if she was ugly.
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octuscle · 11 months
I’m a varsity football player at my university. Lately, I’m being non-stop pestered by the cheerleading team, a giggly mix of chicks and…well, let’s be nice and just say feminine men. Usually they just want to hit on me—because, let’s face it, I’m a stud—but nowadays they just keep whining that they need a new cheerleader on the team, since their captain broke his leg and had to transfer or something. But I could never do girly shit like that. I’m writing because just yesterday one of the sissies waved one of your devices at me, laughing loudly and shouting “Time’s up!”. Idk what a chronoviac is and I couldn’t find much information outside of your support contact form, so I wanted to know if you have any idea what this might mean
It all started when you were off your game. Coach had to take you off the court. You couldn't throw and catch the ball anymore. But instead of cheering you on, the cheerleaders made fun of you in their choirs. Fuck, you are a stud! But today you just don't succeed at anything. Nothing at all. You are devastated and don't understand the world any more.
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In such cases you always go to your cave. An old warehouse. You have set up a gym there and sometimes hang out with friends. Secretly drinking a beer or smoking a joint. Today you just want to vent your frustrations on your punching bag. But as soon as you're in the gym, the thought of a stallion on the punching bag gets you hot. You start jerking off to a fantasy of yourself. Fuck, yeah! It would be so hot to have sex with you. You're the hottest guy at university. You'd love to be your own tight little mare. Fuuuuck! You squirt an amazingly big load from your little cock into your delicate hands. And rub it into your slick little ass with your hand. Oh yes, being fucked by the quarterback and having his cum in your ass has been a dream of yours for a long time.
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Shit, the girls are coming! And you're standing here naked. And you wanted to renovate this hall and make it your headquarters. You didn't prepare anything. Just the box of freshly baked cupcakes. You don't have a knack for anything but baking. The girls don't mind that you're naked. They throw you your new uniform and ask you to pose on the stool for the cheerleading calendar.
Posing is your world. Big poses! You are a drama queen after all! And a cheerleader in body and soul.
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I must apologise… Support is a bit overloaded at the moment. I couldn't stop the process anymore. But if you don't like the result, get in touch, sweetie!
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eulalielatibule · 3 months
Suburban Dad Sunday:
Lloyd showing up the PTA moms and bringing the best snacks to the events.
Ugh yes!!! You know he's a fancy mfer! Bringing those bougie snacks!
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Lloyd Hansen was a man of luxury. It was one of the things you loved about him- his extravagance.
When you get your twin girls, they of course got on the waiting list for the best private school in the state.
And Lloyd insisted on joining the PTA, which didn't really surprise you.
Despite what people think, he was a big family man and wanted to be as involved in his girls' lives as possible.
And them getting the best education in the state- in the country was high on his priorities.
The school was having a school fundraiser to go on a special trip out of the country, and Lloyd volunteered to be in charge of food and drinks.
The kids were ecstatic to find out, while the PTA moms whispered and gossiped.
They hated to admit it, but Lloyd Hansen always got the best food, and they absolutely hated how bad it made the rest of them look.
Honestly, it made you laugh how your former CIA agent husband somehow now was involved in stay at home mom drama.
Nonetheless, Lloyd was in charge of snacks and he wasn't going to disappoint.
Got catered in cupcakes and cookies from the finest bakery in town.
Had a station for making cocktails and other fancy kid appropriate beverages.
There was gourmet popcorn and a cotton candy machine.
Catered food from the hottest restaurant in town.
He went all out, and of course it was all a hit.
"Are you working towards being the leader of the PTA or something?" You teased him and he smiled with a shrug.
"Nah, I just like pissing the other moms off."
LMAO God I love Dad!Lloyd so much. He's definitely one of my favorites.
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canyouhearmeow · 9 months
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hazelsmirrorball · 1 year
Hogwarts Elementary| Modern! Mauraders Era x Reader
parings: Teacher! James Potter × Teacher Reader, Principal! Sirius Black × TeacherReader, Teacher! Remus Lupin × TeacherReader, Teacher! Lily × Teacher! Reader, Teacher! Regulus Black × Teacher! Reader
Summary: It's Valentine's Day in Hogwarts Elementary and James decides it's a good idea to play secret admire with one of the teachers.
a/n: hi! I'm in love with this story I decided to mix something that I've been thinking of doing for a while Abbott Elementary X Marauders Era! So here it is incorporated to the Valentine's Day series. Hope you guys enjoy as much as I did writing it! Also the bold letters mean that they are doing a private interview!
warnings: English isn't my main language so excuse any mistake!
previous imagine
Fourteen Cupid Love Stories Masterlist
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The bell rang loudly filling the halls mixing with the loud voices of the kids that were heading towards their classroom. The teachers patiently waited outside the door greeting every single kid that entered.
"Hi! I'm principal Sirius Black. I still don't know how I ended up ruling this school but might I say I love it. Hot teachers, smart kids and the paycheck, being a principal is the best and I welcome you to this lovely school. Here we have one of our annoying second grade teachers, Y/n I'll leave you guys to it and let me say if you need more beauty shoots I'll be in my office" Sirius said while sending a kiss towards the camera.
"Hello!! I'm Y/n L/n. But around here everyone calls me Miss L/n. I've been a teacher here for about four years now and honestly it's a blast. I love the kids, I love the school, I love my coworkers, I love the classes, I love my mood ...Sorry l am rambling but in my defense it's the day of love and l'm in a loving mood today. Let me just get to the point I teach second grade and around here we all love to have fun. Want a cupcake?" She said with a huge smile stretching out her hand with a cupcake toward the cameramen while the kids in the background make cute cupcakes. Her face was covered in frosting and her clothes were covered in glitter.
James Potter smiled excitedly as his first graders entered the classroom holding some valentine cards. When the last student entered, his eyes trailed towards the end of the hall where he could see Y/n L/n handing her kids a lollipop while they entered. He stared at her in aw, noticing her adorable cupid's outfit she had on. He waited a few seconds to catch her eye and waved at her with a soft smile which she happily returned.
"Mr. Potter Jeremy is kicking me again" a kid screamed from inside the classroom making James quickly enter the room to detain the fiasco before it got worse.
James Potter didn't expect to like it as much as he did but having Y/n around made the teaching experience quite refreshing. Y/n was around the same age as James but she had been teaching here for about four years just like her close friend and history teacher, Remus Lupin.
“Mr. Potter, I wanted to inform you that the camera crew just got here today, so don't be surprised if they catch your fine ass" Principal Sirius Black said peeking his head through the door.
"Excuse me?" James asked, raising an eyebrow at Sirius making him wink at him.
"I'm just playing but remember that they...Oh look they are here now! Here we have Mister James Potter. He teaches first grade and he's been working here for about a year, yet he can barely get a hold of his class but we are working on it. So enjoy your time with him. Hottest teacher in the school. Bye" He exclaimed while he left James standing agape in the hallway with a camera crew filming straight at him. He quickly took his glasses off, cleaning them on his dress shirt nervously while the kids screamed as loud as they could in the back of the class.
“First of all, I'm not the hottest teacher here, I'll leave that to Remus Lupin and second of all I have perfect control of my kids" James exclaimed quickly while putting on his glasses and looking at the camera.
"Mister Potter!! Help me, Jeremy is still pulling my hair now" a kid yelled from the back of the class quickly gaining James attention. He quickly ran towards the back of the class and the camera crew quickly behind him. He tried pulling Jeremy off one of the other kids but he wouldn't move.
"Jeremiah, let go!" He said while falling desperately to get his attention.
"I'm not letting go James! She bit me" Jeremiah yelled still not letting go
"First, I told you even thought you are stronger than me to call me Mister Potter. Now let's just try to be in a loving mood, it's Valentine's day, don't you guys want to be in a loving mood?!" James asked desperately, trying to convince the kids to let go of each other. All the kids around them were unphased by the interaction, exchanging Valentine's cards while the fiasco unfolds.
"NO!" Both of the kids exclaim pushing James down towards the floor.
"How are you kids so strong?! Regulus!!
Regulus please, please help me" James exclaimed towards his friend that walked towards the break room. Regulus quickly rolled his eyes entering the classroom and instantly the kids stopped fighting while the ones that were exchanging cards sat down hiding their sweets.
"How?" James mouthed to the camera while watching the kids stay like statues with Regulus.
"I'm Regulus Black, please do not associate me with the principal or I will call the authorities against you. If it were my decision I would have been principal and I would have said no to this little filming festival you have going around here. But since l'm not principal I have to answer your dumb questions, so l'm the other second teacher here at Hogwarts elementary. The only person I don't get annoyed at in this school is possibly James. He isn't the worst teacher in the world but he isn't the greatest. Kids here can be little shits but I have them under control. James on the other hand doesn't. He lacks control and I truly believe he's one of the kids." Regulus said to the camera while moving to the side to let into view a giggling James Potter exchanging cards with his students excitedly.
Meanwhile, Remus Lupin and Lily Evans walked together to the break lounge ready to eat their lunch and enjoy their break. Both of them worked on the second floor with the middle school kids and they were exhausted.
"Good evening, I'm Remus Lupin and I teach seventh grade history. I've been in this school for four year and quite frankly still don't know why l've stayed so long"
Lily sat down taking her food out of her neatly prepared lunch box while Remus took his mug to serve himself coffee. Both of them took in the wonderful peace and quiet that surrounded the break lounge, something that it always lacked. But the peace and quiet was interrupted by the door slamming open and a visually alarmed James coming through, Regulus following behind shortly after.
"I'm so done with those little pieces of sh.. You" he took a deep breath pointing at the cameramen. "Stop following me with those stupid cameras. You're making me seem like I'm a bad teacher” He said while his eves twitched making Remus hide a chuckle with a cough. He continue to drink his coffee attempting to calm himself.
"I don't think they're making you seem like a bad teacher, maybe you're just being one” Lily responded while taking a bite of her sandwich making Remus "cough" even louder.
"Miss Evans, I came to this school the same time James Potter did and it still surprises me that he is still here. There were fifty new teachers and surprisingly the only two left are James Potter and me, I thought he was going to be the first one to leave, yet here he is, still struggling and still not getting the hang of it" Lily said to the camera while fixing the nonexistent wrinkles of her dress.
"Well, I have you know l'm a great teacher! My students and I had a Valentine's Day party, something that didn't even cross your mind to have today. We exchanged some cards, had a dance party and ate sweets. They love me. I love them. And all you did was bore you kids to death today, I suppose" He responded angrily while looking at the peaceful Lily.
"Actually, today we wrote love poems. Something you can actually do to learn since you come to school to learn not to party. But I guess you didn't get the memo since all you did was go to frat parties in college" She said taking another bite of her sandwich.
"Jokes on you I wasn't even in a frat. But I just know your kids wanted lollipops and by the way I gave my kids lollipops and none of them threw them at each other so I believe that's progress" Have said proudly while looking in the fridge giving his back to the teachers letting them see the back part of his dress shirt covered in lollipops.
"Congrats! You are getting better Potter” Remus applauded while placing his cup down.
“But I don't think you should get your kids hopes up with Valentine's Day. Then when they get older they get rejected just like my kids are getting right now" Regulus responded while sitting next to Lily.
"Aren't your kids seven?" Lily asked, raising an eyebrow at Regulus.
"Seven year olds can still fall in love. Lilian" Regulus said while taking a sip of his coffee.
“I already told you, my name isn't Lilian, it's Lily" she said seriously while glaring at the man.
"I will not stop spreading love in my classroom.I love Valentine's Day and no one loves Valentine's Day more than me" James exclaimed sitting down.
"Hellooo teachers!" Y/n exclaimed throwing flower petals in the air while entering the classroom.
"I highly doubt it" Remus responded while looking at his best friend, dressed up in a Cupid costume. She was holding onto a basket filled with sweets while her wings, bow and arrow were neatly placed on her back. Her hair wasn't styled as usual, instead it was adorned with a cute short pink wig that had two heart shaped antennas.
"Happy Valentine's Day to you, and you, and you" She said, handing a beautifully devoted Valentine's Day box to each of her coworkers.
Lily smiled softly, Remus whispered a thanks and Regulus rolled his eyes, but deep down he loved it. Y/n headed towards James giving him a bigger box than the rest. James blushed hard, taking in his hand the gift while Y/n did the same.
"Thank you, Y/n. I appreciate it a lot" He said smiling softly but his smile got wider when she sat next to him.
"You're welcome James! By the way, I love your heart shirt. It looks cute" she said, pointing at James pink heart-shaped dress shirt.
"Thank you! I really like your cupids costume” he said while trying to hide his blush
"Thank you! I wanted to go all out today, I was so excited for the afternoon party I forgot to bring lunch" She smiled at them while opening a water bottle and looking down at her notes to fix anything that was incorrect for the party the school was throwing later today.
"Here, have my sandwich" James exclaimed, planting the sandwich next to her. She looked up from her paper shaking her head.
“Don't worry about it James. You should eat, I can wait until later.” She responded by trying to hand it back at him but he shook his head.
"Have it, I'm not even hungry" James said smiling softly while shrugging trying not to worry her.
"Thank you James! I owe you one" Y/n said, taking a bite while Remus looked at the camera suspiciously while drinking his coffee.
"What? I'm not hungry. My stomach is filled with brownies, candies and cupcakes. Plus the cupcake I have this morning, if YIn hungry I wouldn't mind giving her my food!! Or anyone not necessarily her, I give my food to everyone that wants it, look. Here have this strawberry" James exclaimed while taking out the strawberry he was previously eating and handing it in to a kid that was passing by. The kid stared at James weirdly before continuing walking.
"So, did anyone get anything special from a special someone?" James said, trying to change the subject while they all peacefully ate.Everyone stayed quiet but James anxiously taped his finger on the round table making Lily groan and speak up.
"Well, since you're being nosy my boyfriend got me a beautiful bouquet of rose”
"Oh my God let me see!” Y/n exclaimed, turning towards Lily to see her phone, seeing the beautiful combination of flowers.
"It was so romantic. What did you get?" Lily asked looking at her friend but she simply shrugged.
“The kids gave me some beautiful cards, those that count?" She asked sitting next to her, Regulus laughed making the two girls stare at them.
“It's sad that you want that to count" He said, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Don't listen to Regulus, he's just jealous because the kids didn't give him anything because they are scared of him” Lily said, rolling her eyes.
"My kids love me, they know my second grade is the superior one and they did get me sweets. I just don't like them" Regulus responded, getting a bag of candy and throwing it on the table leaving Lily in shock.
"Well, maybe you'll get something later, the night is still young" James said suspiciously while looking at the camera with a smirk. As if it were by cue a delivery man opens the door holding a big strawberry and flowers bouquet.
“Delivery for Y/n L/n” the delivery man said while reading the card. Y/n excitedly got up taking it in her hands and placing it down on the table picking the card to see from who it was. She quickly smiled at the delivery man saying thanks before he left. All the teachers looked at the bouquet waiting for her to say who it was from.
"From who is it?" James asked while standing next to her with a huge grinch on his face.
"It says it was from a secret admirer " she said, inspecting the flowers excitedly.
Regulus, Lily and Remus stood outside in the hallways with the camera crew Filming them.
"It was James" the trio said at the same time while rolling their eyes.
"This is beautiful! The person that got me this has to know me really well, I love chocolate covered strawberries and don't get me started on these beautiful flower"
" I know her well!!! I got her that gift and went all out! I'm proud of my hard work and the smile on her face is to die for. So ha! I win Valentine's Day" James exclaimed happily at the camera while grinning.
"Breaks over, I need my teachers in their classrooms so they can take the kids to that dumb party Y/n making" Sirius said entering the lounge and getting himself some coffee.
"Nothing you can do will ruin my mood today
Sirius. So I will take that as a compliment" She responded, taking a bite of her strawberries.
"You got yourself that gift? That's sad, even for you L/n" Sirius responded while taking a sip of the drink.
"Actually, it was a secret admirer" she responded not even looking at him.
"James, it was James" Sirius said, looking at the camera in the hallway while taking a bite of a strawberry he had taken from Y/n's gift.
"Also how are you guys enjoying the reality show we have going on here?" Sirius asked, winking at the camera.
"I feel watched and stalked" Regulus responded seriously.
"I didn't ask you. Remus?" Sirius turned his head towards Remus who took the last sip of his coffee.
"This isn't a reality show Sirius it's a documentary for schools with poor funding so I don't think we should be proud of that” He said while standing up and planning his mug in the sink.
"You know what I'm not proud of, the fact I haven't received my Valentine's Day gift yet" he said only for him to hear.
"Now I remember why l'm still in this school" Remus responded to the camera in the hallway.
"Now everyone chop chop. We don't have all day" Sirius say applauding obnoxiously
Everyone started leaving the teachers lounge leaving James to himself to open the box Y/n had given him, he slowly open the box and open his eyes wide when he saw the gift.
"Oh, l've known about James' crush ever since he started working here. But I love seeing the reactions he does when he thinks I don't know a thing about the little gestures he does to me. That's why I decided that I should give something back" she said smiling to the camera holding the gift she had received from him. In the background you could see James dancing excitedly and when Y/n turned around to look at him, he froze waving at her trying to act cool which Y/n responded with a smile while quickly turning to her classroom.
James looked at his kids jumping up and down at the party and he smiled. He looked at the camera men and then down at his hand.
"I'm going on a date today" He said screaming while joining his kids in a dance battle.
Remus looked at James then at her best friend from the other side of the school gym and smiled softly at her.
"You asked him out, didn't you?" Remus said looking at Y/n.
"Yes, I like him" She responded while looking at the dancing James.
"Yeah he's nice" both of them looked at James before he quickly ate shit making the two of them run towards him to help him.
requests are open, xoxo.
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fizziepopangel · 9 months
Got any Octavia headcanons? Just in general 🦉🌠
Now, I don't have a ton since Octavia isn't one of my favorite characters and doesn't have a ton of screentime, but I did have a few, so ask and you shall receive!
“This place REEKS of corporate shame.”
(Octavia headcanons I think are pretty accurate)
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Octavia is super active on Sinstagram, but unlike most girls her age, she mostly posts photography and sometimes she tries silly trends or makeup looks with her dad.
Despite her original anger at her father’s affair, Octavia grows to love Blitz as if he were a second dad.
Via practices magic often with tutors or in school, but she prefers learning with her dad because she enjoys the bonding time it gives them. When her parents split up, one of the hardest things for her was having her studies with her dad cut in half.
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Her favorite snack is roasted marshmallows (sometimes smores). She often just gets a bag of marshmallows and sits in her room, using her pyrokinesis to roast them while she watches horror movies in bed.
While she is asexual, Octavia is biromantic. Stolas and Loona are the only two people who she's felt comfortable enough to come out to.
She loves to read, mostly thrillers and mystery novels. She plans to have enough books to rival her father's plant collection.
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After her trip to the human world in “Seeing Stars”, Loona and Octavia made it a point to have coffee at least once a month. While the two usually have coffee and walk around Stylish Occult and other hell stores similar to it, they use the time to vent about their fathers, school/work, unbeknownst to their fathers, the girls sometimes sneak to earth to take in the sights there.
Loona is the first person she tried drugs or alcohol with. Via really wanted to try something rebellious so Loona supervised her while smoked a little weed and took a few shots.... then spent the rest of the night holding her hair while she puked and trying to bring down the paranoia levels. They both agreed Stolas and Blitz never needed to know that happened.
Stella is afraid of reptiles…. Unbeknownst to her, Stolas has let their daughter keep a pet snake that she found in his garden. Via has had this snake for almost 4 years without her mother's knowledge and it's name is Starlight.
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Octavia still hasn’t mastered transforming into her full demon form, but she is more interested in learning to transform into her human form since she’s seen both of her parents and Loona do it before and she thinks they all look quite pretty in their human forms… Since she struggles with finding anything attractive about herself now, she wonders if she’ll be as pretty as them.
Octavia is extremely musically inclined and despite her mother hating it, Via taught herself to play the drums.
Via visits her father in the hospital every day. He makes her promise to take care of his plants and she actually ends up really enjoying tending to the garden, she even talks to the plants and plays music for them to try to cheer them up since, much like her, they're also feeling a bit lost without Stolas at home.
After taking up journaling, she took up writing poetry and she sometimes performs it at open mic nights. She’s never told anyone, but she really enjoys it and despite her demeanor, she’s found that her mental health has improved tremendously since she started writing.
Collects interesting/weird taxidermy and gives each one a unique and personality.
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Up until her first appearance in Helluva Boss, Octavia actually did the most to earn her mother’s affection. She stopped in hopes that the drastic change in behavior would catch her mother’s attention… When it didn’t, she slowly started learning who she was apart from her parents and came up with her current personality and aesthetic.
Loves spice. Like could care less about cookies or cupcakes most of the time but wants to eat the hottest pepper she can find like a tic tac.
Very much the type who wants to advocate for those who are struggling. Since she can’t do much to make hell better, once she’s old enough and learns to shift into her human form, she totally comes to the human realm to help with protests for causes she believes in.
Speaks in nothing but song lyrics sometimes. No reason, just does it.
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miku-life-tips · 5 months
Hi! It's midnight on the 29th and I'm excited to say! @formal-frog-shoes I was your secret santa :3 Hope you like it!!
Thank you to @rturnblrgiftexchanges (@/jasperakalucy) for hosting again
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Your oc Ick, is based on Toxic Waste (it's a candy)
Your c!self is fruit gummies!
Cupcake is cupcake
Iwd is those strawberry candies!
Dread is a lollipop
Obama (pop star and vampire mixed) is a sour patch kid
Jefferson is a gumdrop!
Gilbert is the world's hottest gummy bear!
Chat is cotton candy
And uh. Magical John is Magical John!
Based on this photo:
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