#comfy slippers too of course
shares-a-vest · 1 year
Wayne shuffles to the door, desperate to answer the incessant knocking that sounds like whoever is on the other side is going to beat the exterior fly screen straight off its hinges. He is greeted by Claudia Henderson, clutching her handbag strap tight across her chest and looking very serious.
Although it might just be his sleep-deprived inability to gauge the emotions of chipper 9-to-5 receptionists who wear cosy sweaters. He checks his watch. He’s only been asleep for about an hour after getting home from night shift - what with waiting for Hurricane Eddie to finally head off for the garage.
“Hello, Wayne,” Claudia nods and purses her lips.
He scrubs a hand over his face but steps back nonetheless to let her in. Claudia is one step in the doorway anyhow.
“Coffee,” he not-so-much asks as he moves to the kitchen.
“No, thank you,” Claudia says politely, “I usually wait for my morning tea break.”
He looks over to find her pulling out his assigned chair at the breakfast table. She looks nervous, if a little pissed off as she gathers her handbag up on her lap. He blinks harshly and pinches his nose enough to press his forefinger and thumb into the inner corners of his eyes. He really needs to wake the hell up a little more, it appears.
“What did Eddie do?” he sighs, looking over the drying rack on the sink for one of the mugs he has in his rotation at the present time.
“Oh, Eddie hasn’t done a thing!” she insists, a smile evident in her voice, “I’m here about Steve.”
Cubs mug it is then...
He frowns again and turns back to Claudia, confused. And the woman looks like she was expecting such a reaction because she huffs and straightens up, looking like she is readying herself to give a sermon on the kid.
“I need you to help me convince that boy to move in with Dustin and me,” she explains, promptly holding up a defensive hand, “Now, I know he stays here, mostly This isn’t about anything to do with you… Or Eddie…”
She tacks that last mention of his nephew on with a tone and a knowing look.
Wayne clears his throat. It’s certainly far too early in the morning for the ins and outs of that conversation. He flicks the kettle on to drown out the awkward silence between them.
“Have you uh...” he hums and scratches the back of his neck as he searches for words, “Have you talked with him about this, at all?”
Claudia squeaks out a noise he assumes is a negative as he quickly spoons coffee into his mug. He’ll settle for black coffee for now - he really cannot be assed to stand up for much longer, even if he did have the sense to quickly step into his comfy slippers when Claudia came a-pounding on the door.
“And you want my help specifically?” he says, raising his voice above the steaming kettle that is whistling away in boiling readiness.
He waves a hand in the air, “Well, what about Robin?”
“Oh, gosh, no! I can’t talk to that girl,” he barks a laugh that makes Claudia startle in her seat, forcing her to clarify, “I mean she is a steel trap about that boy!”
Wayne smirks and nods as he heads for the table with his piping hot - and hopefully, heavily caffeinated - beverage, “He’s not the biggest talker when it comes to himself.”
“I’m not one to speak ill of other mothers,” Claudia says in a hushed tone, “God knows, I am not perfect. But where are his parents?”
She rocks a little with each word like she has needed to ask that question for a good long while. Of course, Wayne thinks about Steve’s parents. A lot. Because the boy almost never mentions them.
He shrugs, “He says they stayed away on business.”
“After everything that has happened in this town?” she argues, voice growing shrill with worry, “Did he tell you what actually happened with the mall fire? It was more of that other dimension nonsense!”
He almost chokes on his coffee. He knows a little - there was no way around it with Eddie in the hospital surrounded by all those secret nurses and doctors. But he didn’t know Claudia Henderson knew about some of it too. Still, he decides to remain cautious and gestures for her to continue.
“And he’s been concussed more times than he can remember!”
She slumps back in her seat with a look of such horror, Wayne thinks the sweet woman sitting opposite him considers it her closing argument.
Wayne taps on the rim of his coffee cup. They would have to tread carefully, not ambush the kid.
“He does get a lot of migraines - ” is all he can think to say.
“ - And he has dizzy spells,” Claudia cuts in, leaning forward. He can see tears starting to well up, “I just want him to be looked after. I know he’s a young man with his own life and everything, but he still needs a parent to care for him, to support him.”
“Yeah,” Wayne nods firmly, “Yes, he does.”
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a/n: i played myself on this one. posted that little barzy blanket thief headcanon post a million years ago and then i had to write this! the pro shop doesn’t sell the themed comfy, which i think it should but whatever. couldn’t resist writing this one and it just got away from me. full disclosure this was written before christmas but i didn’t want to post it in the middle of posting the other christmas fics so i held it back for a little bit! enjoy!!
word count: 6.2k
tw: brief unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, protected sex
summary: mat’s a blanket thief and tries to make it up to you
In theory, the king sized mattress that you’d bought for the new house was meant to stop Mat from stealing all of your blankets in the middle of the night. What with king sized sheets and blankets and comforters to go along with the king sized mattress, the thought was that Mat would have more than enough of his own coverings without having to take yours too.
Wrong. So wrong.
Every night for the first week in the new house, Mat rolls himself into a little burrito of blankets, cocooned up in the warmth that you’re missing. He’s oblivious to it too, which is extra annoying for some reason. It’s not even like he normally sleeps all rolled up in the covers. Usually Mat’s a restless sleeper, all that energy trying to escape even when he’s asleep, and he’s starfished on the mattress or rolling from one side to the other. Only after games or travel days does he pass out like the dead, after, of course, working you into the mattress and making sure you both have at least one orgasm.
For whatever reason lately, even when he’s got an off day, he’s been sleeping like a log, moving only to pull the covers over his shoulders and rolling them around his body.
“Mat,” you hiss his name, pulling at the comforter. He doesn’t budge at all. “Mat!”
If anything, he wraps himself tighter in the blankets.
You let out a frustrated little growl and pull harder, planting your foot flat against his outer thigh, or where you assume his outer thigh is, and kick a little, trying to get some leverage. Mat grunts a little in his sleep and shifts his lower body away from you, taking the blankets with him.
You flop back against your side of the bed, exposed to the elements and freezing. Stupid fucking Mat and his “the bedroom has to be at sixty-five degrees so we get the best possible sleep” arguments. A chill runs down your spine and you scowl to yourself, yanking at the little bit of sheet you managed to keep him from taking, wrapping it around yourself and snuggling up close against his back for a little warmth.
The next morning, as usual, Mat’s awake before you and you’ve got the covers back, having subconsciously pulled them over your body when he left the bed. Groaning at the thought of having to leave the warm bed, you drag a hand over your face before slowly getting up and padding to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Feet shoved into Ugg slippers that have seen better days and pulling a sweatshirt over your head, you make your way down to the kitchen where you find Mat making himself eggs at the stove. You lean a hip against the kitchen island, watching him for a few minutes, the way his muscles work as he’s cooking, bare back displayed just for you. His sweats hang low on his hips and you want to press your hands against his lower back.
“Staring’s rude, Squeaks,” he says on a laugh. Without turning from the stove, he gestures to the counter with the spatula in his hand, “coffee’s hot.”
“Stealing all the blankets from your poor frozen girlfriend is also rude,” you reply deadpan, reaching up for your favorite mug and pouring yourself a generous serving of coffee. You doctor it up with sugar cookie flavored creamer and wrap your hands around the ceramic to warm them up before taking a sip.
Now he turns to face you and his eyes go wide and his eyebrows lift up his forehead. “Ah, shit. I’m still doing that even with the bigger bed?”
“Mhm,” you confirm with a roll of your eyes. “I’d say we should upgrade to a California King, but you’d probably keep doing it.” An amused smirk plays on your lips and Mat grimaces.
He sets the spatula down and flips off the burner before coming over to stand in between your legs. You keep your mug held up by your chest as a barrier. “I’m sorry, babe,” he brushes the tip of his nose against yours. His hands fall to your hips, sliding up underneath the fabric of your sweatshirt. His palms are warm and rough against your skin and you shiver a little. His hands slide up your sides, thumbs brushing the undersides of your breasts and you can’t help yourself from pushing your chest further into his hands. “You should’ve woken me up, I would’ve given you the blankets back.”
A startled laugh bursts out of your mouth and Mat looks briefly offended. The pads of his thumbs freeze on your nipples.
“What?” He asks, flicking a nipple with his fingernail. You press your thighs together. “I can share.”
“If you,” you start, stuttering a little as Mat’s fingers roll over your nipples, “think that it’s just that easy to wake you up, you’re delusional.”
Mat huffs a laugh and you yelp when he pinches down hard. The menace. He knows he’s a heavy sleeper. You reach behind you to set your coffee mug down on the counter, afraid that the hot brew is going to spill everywhere. “Aw, come on,” he teases, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, “it’s so easy to wake me up.” His hands continue their work under your sweatshirt and you feel your panties growing damp.
“Mmm?” You hum, letting your knee rub up against the outside of Mat’s thigh slowly, opening yourself up to him. “I kicked you twice and not even a peep.” Your hands come up to lock around Mat’s neck. Your fingers play in the shirt bristles of Mat’s hair and you wish, not for the first time in months, that he would let his hair grow in again.
He lets his hands slide down your sides again, one over your stomach and one around your back. “Your mistake,” he says, pulling you closer so your core is flush up against the hard ridge of his erection. You grind against him mindlessly, tension building low in your stomach, already forgetting why you were annoyed. “I don’t respond to kicking,” his hand works its way underneath your sweats and grabs a palmful of your ass. The other hand remains frustratingly warm against your lower stomach, the tips of his fingers just barely brushing against the elastic of your panties. “Gotta be nicer to me, baby.”
“Oh yeah?” You breathe, wiggling against him, scratching your nails absently against his scalp. “What do you suggest?”
“I dunno,” he shrugs, kneading your ass with one hand. “Could’ve wrapped that pretty mouth around my dick.”
Fire pools in your stomach even as you giggle. “And how would I have penetrated that cocoon of blankets you stole?” You ask tartly, raising an eyebrow. Before Mat can answer, you continue, “besides, blow jobs are a reward for good boys.”
Mat’s ears go pink, but he smirks at you. “Just like getting your pussy licked is for good girls?”
Your cheeks heat and arousal floods between your legs, a little gasp punching from your lungs. You try to press your thighs together, but Mat’s hand is lightning fast, sliding under the band of your panties and cupping you in one warm, broad palm. You squeal at the sudden contact, grinding down onto his hand. “Maaat,” you whine his name, his fingers stroking gently between your folds, teasing at your entrance. He uses his grip on your ass to drag you closer to his chest and you allow him, knees feeling weak as his fingers play with you.
Your hands drift down to his biceps, gripping them for dear life to keep you upright. “Stop teasing,” you hiss, the tip of his middle finger sliding inside of you. You clench around him, chasing his hand and your pleasure.
“So fucking wet, babe,” Mat grins, dropping his forehead to yours. His hand never stops moving, drawing you closer to the peak of your pleasure. “So good for me.”
All the blood in your body rushes to your cunt at the praise and your back is arching, pressing Mat’s fingers deeper. He holds the pad of his thumb firmly over your clit and squeezes your ass, slanting his mouth over yours to muffle the moan that escapes when he rubs against your clit. Your toes curl in your slippers and your head falls back, legs trembling with the force of your orgasm as it washes over you. Mat’s fingers guide you through the aftershocks for a few lazy moments and you drop your chin to your chest, breathing hard.
“Why was I mad at you?” You mumble, laughing breathlessly. You wiggle your hips, starting to get overstimulated and uncomfortable with Mat’s hand still down the front of your panties. He takes the hint and pulls his hand out of your pants. His fingers are wet with your arousal as they brush against your lower stomach and you shiver happily.
Casually, he sticks his middle and ring fingers in his mouth to suck them clean, releasing them with a wet pop. “‘Cause I steal blankets,” he replies, without really thinking. He realizes his mistake a beat later, hazel eyes going wide and jaw dropping open. “Aw, fuck. If I haul you up on the counter and eat you out will you forget I said that?”
“Nope!” Your giggle turns into a shriek as you try to escape Mat’s lunging hands. He digs his fingers into your sides, tickling you mercilessly. “Nooo! Mat! Stop! No tickling-“
“Gonna make you forget about the blankets one way or another,” Mat laughs, holding your squirming body tightly. Your ass presses against his crotch and he hisses, biting gently on your shoulder.
“Never! If I forget, you’ll just steal them again,” your words are stuttered from laughter and you fight Mat’s hands. He’s stronger and manages to wrestle you to the kitchen floor, pinning your wrists above your head, straddling your lap, knees on either side of your hips. His sweats ride low and the chain around his neck sways with the momentum. His cock bobs behind his sweats and you swallow harshly. Mat grins down at you, flattening his body to yours, his cock pressing insistently against your stomach. He kisses the edge of your jaw as you wiggle under him.
“You look pretty warm to me,” Mat teases, rolling his hips against yours. The hard heat of his erection makes your thighs tremble.
You wrinkle your nose at him, fully aware that he has the upper hand in your positioning. “You’re going to be late to practice,” you say, even as your hips lift to his subconsciously.
“Always plenty of time to fuck my girl silly,” he says lightly, bumping his cock against your cunt again. “As long as she forgives me for being a blanket thief.”
“Mmm,” you whine, heat prickling up your spine, “you’re forgiven. Just…I need you.”
Mat’s teeth scrape at your jaw and one hand lets go of your wrists, moving between your bodies and tugging your sweats and panties down in one swift move. The cold kitchen tile against your bare ass has you yelping and instinctively bucking your hips off the ground, up into Mat’s hips. He soothes a hand over your inner thigh before pulling his sweats down enough to free his cock. You crane your neck to look down at him, grinning when you see the tip of him, groaning when he bumps it against your clit. Shocks of pleasure ripple through your body and you whine again, heels kicking against the floor, dripping for him.
“Gonna give you everything, ‘kay?” Mat mumbles, gripping the base of his cock and guiding it to your entrance, letting the tip slip inside of you. His head falls forward on a groan and you grind down on him, trying to get more.
“Just not - can’t come inside,” you babble, bucking your hips up into his. “Not without a condom.”
“I’ll pull out,” he promises and you know he means it. You’re on birth control and neither of you is ready for kids. “Gotta fuck you good. Make you come on my cock and gonna finish in your mouth.”
His words are punctuated with harsh thrusts that have your back sliding against the floor. Your free hand roams Mat’s body, scratching against his chest and arm, fingers tangling briefly in the chain around his neck. You egg him on, reaching down to dig your nails into his hips. “C’mon, Mat. Harder, please!” You beg, meeting him thrust for thrust.
“Fuck. Fuck, so good. You’re so perfect, baby,” Mat grunts, leaning down to kiss you and changing the angle so he hits harder and deeper inside of you. “Gonna fuck you everywhere in this house. Every wall, every floor.”
Your body tenses up with pleasure, gasps and moans leaving your lips along with Mat’s name. Your orgasm builds heavy and fast in your stomach, clit throbbing from the drag of Mat’s pelvis against the swollen, sensitive nub. “Gonna - Mat, please!” You cut off in a wail when his free hand finds your clit and pinches it, sending you over the edge of pleasure, sparks dancing in your vision, arousal leaking from your cunt down the curve of your ass. Your hand slaps against the floor, fingers scrabbling for purchase as he continues fucking into you, the hard, hot drag of his bare cock making you stupid.
Mat’s hips continue pistoning into yours and you’re faintly aware of the slapping of skin against skin underneath his babbling. “Jesus, so fucking pretty when you come. Love that face, love that I made you make that face,” the words fall from his mouth without him even focusing on them, too busy working his cock in and out of you.
You watch his shoulders tense up, feel his thrusts falter a little and you know he’s close. “Mat, not - no baby,” you remind him, pushing at his shoulder, hand slipping down to his chest, stomach, hip.
“Fuck,” he groans, pumping into you once more before pulling out completely, the sudden loss of him inside of you leaving you feeling too empty. You slide your own hand from his hip and let your fingers skate over your clit lazily, not really working yourself towards another orgasm, but just easing the empty feeling. Mat’s hand grips the base of his cock, jacking himself once, twice, three times before his entire body goes taut and he comes all over your sweatshirt covered chest, too far gone to even give you a chance to try and get your mouth on him. “Sorry, baby, sorry. I’ll buy you a new one. I couldn’t—“ he mutters around the groans and slick sounds of his palm sliding over his cock.
When he’s done, the hand holding yours above your head loosens and Mat flops down onto his back next to you. His cock is softening against his thigh and you have a literal puddle of his cum warming your skin through the material of your sweatshirt. Your ass is cold against the tile, wet where your arousal had dripped down the curve. You roll your neck and look at Mat, watching his chest heave while he catches his breath. His cheeks are pink from exertion and his limbs are completely limp.
“We’re disgusting,” you comment on a laugh, afraid to move.
“Why didn’t you say the tile was so cold on your ass?” Mat replies, lifting his hips so he can pull his sweats back up. You watch with a little pout as his cock disappears under the sweats, a little wet spot forming and turning the fabric a darker grey.
“I was a little busy getting railed on the kitchen floor,” you deadpan. “That I’m going to have to clean with, like, bleach now.”
Mat rolls onto his side, props his head up on his elbow, and gives you such a mischievous, shit-eating grin that you kick out your foot to make contact with his shin. “What’s with that look?” You comment, wiggling your sweats back up over your lower body. He whines a little.
“Just thinking about how hard up we were that I had to fuck you on the floor,” he laughs, his fingers coming over to tug on a piece of your hair.
“If anyone hears about this,” you warn, half-joking, half-serious, “I swear to God that I will never give you a blowjob again.”
A laugh startles out of his chest and Mat promises he won’t say anything, defends himself that he doesn’t usually talk about your sex life with the guys anyway.
“That includes Beau,” you warn him, carefully wiggling into a sitting position, wincing when Mat’s cum slides down your chest and pools in the fabric of gathered on your lap. “This is so gross, Mat.”
“He’s my best friend!” Mat yelps. “I tell him everything.” You whip your head in his direction, eyes wide and mouth dropped open a bit. There is no way Beau knows everything about sex life. Mat backtracks, his hands up in surrender, “not everything. I didn’t mean everything. He knows a lot, but not about the time we almost killed each other in the shower or the time I almost —“
You clap a hand over his mouth, muffling his ramble. “Enough. Oh my god. You seriously need to get a filter,” you can’t help the little disbelieving laugh that works its way out of your mouth. Shaking your head, you mutter to yourself, “to think this all started because you’re a fucking blanket thief.”
Mat opens his mouth under your hand to defend himself and you can physically see him gearing up for a long ramble, so you shake your head. “No, nope. Go get yourself cleaned up for practice. I need to get myself in a completely different headspace for the day,” you laugh. “Fucked on the kitchen floor was not how I pictured my week starting.”
Mat licks your palm so you’ll pull it away from his face. You grimace at him and wipe your hand on his bare chest, the faint smattering of dark hair over his chest tickling your skin. “Don’t say that’s gross, Squeaks,” he teases, leaning in to kiss you, “I’ve had my tongue all over that body.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “it’s the principle of the licking. Now leave me, I have to figure out how to get this sweatshirt off without making more of a mess and it’s not going to be cute.”
He laughs at you and gets to his feet, dropping a kiss to the top of your head. “Whatever you want, babe. I’ll be back down in a few to finish making breakfast.”
You’d almost forgotten that Mat had been cooking when you came downstairs. Thank God he’d turned off the stove. As he heads back upstairs, you drop back onto your back, arms spread out to your sides. What a fucking morning.
Mat’s out of town for a few days, a mini road trip that has him gone from your bed for nearly a week, and so you get the bed and blankets all to yourself. You’ve more or less forgotten about Mat’s thieving habits when you have the thick comforters wrapped securely around your body.
So when Mat comes home on a Saturday afternoon, lugging a giant shopping bag along with his suitcase and duffel bag, you’re a little curious and a lot confused.
“Plane snacks?” You tease after accepting a hello kiss from him.
“Those didn’t even make it out of the Tampa airport,” he grins, setting the bag on the couch. “This is even better.”
You lean over the back of the couch and watch as Mat pulls a blue and orange something out of the bag. He shakes it out and you recognize it as the extra long Islanders-logo patterned, hooded Comfy that’s being sold in the pro shop at the Northwell rink. Mat holds it out in front of him with a little “ta-dah!” and a big, cheesy grin on his face.
“What is that?” You ask rhetorically, hand reaching out of its own accord to touch the fleecy fabric. It’s soft, you’ll give him that.
“It’s one of those Comfy things, for you to wear when I steal blankets,” he laughs. “I haven’t forgotten what happened last week.”
Instinctively, your gaze cuts to the spot on the kitchen floor that you’d scrubbed three times with bleach. Mat’s eyes follow yours and his grin turns into a feral little smirk. “Haven’t forgotten that either,” he continues. “But try it on.”
“This is ridiculous,” you say, grabbing for the hooded blanket. Pulling it over your jeans and t-shift, your voice is muffled, “you could always just stop making a cocoon out of the blankets - oh!”
It’s extremely soft, the Comfy. The hood is oversized enough that the hem of it flops over your eyes, obscuring your view of Mat, and keeping your head nice and warm. The sleeves hang a few inches past your hands and the bottom of it comes to your mid-shin. It’s like wearing a space heater. You wrap your arms around yourself and sway a little, giggling.
“I actually love this?” You can’t believe it. There’s so much room and you know that if you were sitting on the couch you could tuck your legs up under the fabric and still have plenty of space. “Okay, we still have to train you not to steal blankets, but this is a nice temporary solution.”
Mat’s laugh is delighted and you flip back the hood to look at him. “You’re adorable in that,” he says, coming around the back of the couch to get into your personal space. “Gonna share with me?”
“Absolutely fucking not,” you giggle, dancing away from him, the fleece swishing around your legs. “This is my reward!”
“For what?” Mat cocks an eyebrow at you.
“Putting up with you,” you retort, hands on your hips, knowing you look insane in your new getup.
Mat grabs for the fabric, snagging it between two long fingers and pulling you into him. “Babe,” he kisses your cheek, “you give just as good as you get.”
You cuddle up against his chest, head tucked under his chin and arms wrapped around his waist. “Missed you,” you mumble into his shirt.
“Missed you too,” his arms tighten around your back. “How about we do something fun tonight? I’ll take you out for dinner too.”
The Comfy works wonders even though Mat continues to steal the blankets. More often than not, you’re wearing the giant hoodie to bed, tucking your legs up underneath and curling up in a little ball.
Mat loves the stupid thing too - if you’re wearing it while laying on the couch, he’ll crawl up underneath it too, laying on top of you, chest to chest, like a giant weighted blanket. The head hole isn’t quite big enough for both of you, so usually the top of Mat’s head is bumping up against your chin while he rests his cheek against your chest, groping and mouthing at your breasts.
“It’s hot under here,” he complains, voice muffled. He’s kneading one of your breasts in his giant hand, lazily grinding his half-hard cock against your thigh.
“The Comfy is only meant for one person,” you sigh. You’re getting sweaty and worked up from Mat’s body heat. “It’s a giant fleece blanket, what did you expect?”
“Dunno,” Mat says against your shirt, licking your nipple through the thin cotton. You arch your back, pressing your breast into his mouth. “Wasn’t really thinking.”
He bites the underside of your breast and you wince, even as a spark of pleasure fires low in your stomach. You’re surprised that you don’t have a permanent mark there - Mat’s a biter.
“Story of your life, Mathew,” you murmur affectionately. “How about I take the portable sauna off and you fuck me into the couch properly?”
Still under the Comfy, Mat tries to sit up, gets tangled in the fabric and before you know it, you’re both falling off the couch and landing on the floor in a pile. Your knee drives into Mat’s thigh, your elbow in his stomach and he grunts with pain. Your head takes a glancing hit to the edge of the coffee table and you see stars briefly. “Fuck,” you drag the curse out for a few extra seconds. Mat’s wiggling underneath you, trying to get out from the confines of the fabric.
“Are you okay?” You ask, trying to roll off of him and help pull the fabric away from his body. Mat’s face is bright red, but he looks okay.
“No one can ever know about that,” he says seriously.
You laugh and he breaks, cracking up too. “How about we never discuss our sex life outside of the relationship cone of silence?” You hold out your hand for him to shake.
“Deal,” he shakes your hand once, snorting a laugh. He leans up into a sitting position. “Can I still fuck you into the couch?”
“I think I’d be kind of insulted if you didn’t,” you pull the Comfy over your head and toss it off to the side before crawling into Mat’s lap so you can wind your arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. Mat’s hands roam up your back, under your shirt, pulling you closer to him. You rock your hips, grinding down over his cock and Mat moans into your mouth. He braces one arm around your lower back and gets up on his knees to lift you onto the couch, pressing you back into the cushions. He settles into the cradle of your hips, your thighs coming up to wrap around his waist, ankles crossing at his lower back.
He grinds his cock against your cunt and you whine into his mouth, breaking the kiss to say, “want it hard and fast, Mat. Don’t be sweet, just fuck me hard, okay?”
Mat’s pupils are blow so wide you can’t see any of his hazel irises. He nods like a bobble head, “yeah, fuck yeah, baby. Whatever you need.”
He makes quick work of your pants, leaning back on his knees to get both of you bare from the waist down. His jaw goes slack when he sees just how wet you are for him, his hands holding your thighs open so he can just stare for a bit. “Jesus,” he mutters and your cheeks warm. You kick at the back of his thigh, startling Mat.
“If you don’t get a condom on in the next thirty seconds,” you say, fighting past the blush that’s heating your entire body, “I can’t guarantee that I won’t just take matters into my own hands.”
Mat laughs hoarsely and springs into action, reaching for one of the little side drawers on the coffee table. A strip of condoms is hidden away there just for times like these. Your hands are already sliding down your stomach to tease at your throbbing clit. Mat catches sight of you and smacks your hands away, the condoms in his other hand. “Oh no way,” he growls. “I still have twenty seconds.”
You laugh and start a little countdown, making Mat’s fingers fumble on the foil wrappings. He scowls at you and shifts so one knee is pressed firmly against your cunt. You break off into a surprised moan, head thrown back against the couch cushion, “Mat!”
He shifts his knee, moving it slightly so your throbbing clit catches against his leg hair and you whine, grinding down harder on him. “You’re not gonna touch yourself,” he warns, finally getting the condom open and rolled down his straining erection, “are you, baby?”
“No, no,” the words stutter out of your chest as Mat keeps moving his knee against you. Your hands fly out to clutch the couch cushions and Mat grins down at you.
“This pussy’s mine,” he says, planting one foot on the floor and keeping one knee bent on the couch so he can stabilize himself. You whine at the loss of contact from your cunt, but the noise gets choked off in the next second when Mat grabs your hips and thrusts into you in one swift punch of his hips. His hips smack against yours as he bottoms out and you cry his name in a babble of breathless chants.
“Told you,” he grunts, pumping into you and using his grip on your hips to push and pull you closer, your ass hitting high up on his thighs. “Mine, fucking mine.”
Your legs lock around his hips, thighs trembling, heels pushing against the top of his ass. “Oh - god, more! Mat!” Your fingertips turn white from how hard you’re grabbing at the couch cushions, your body sliding up with the force of Mat’s thrusts. Your breath hiccups out of your lungs, fire burning in your veins. Every hit of his cock against your g-spot has you screaming his name.
“Fucking -“ Mat grunts, jaw slack as he watches where his cock splits you open, disappearing into your soaked cunt. “Gorgeous. Fucking all for me, baby.”
You need more, just a little more to push you over the edge. Mat usually pays attention to your clit, helping you finish, but he’s pounding into you hard and fast, just like you asked, so you reach a shaking hand down and circle your fingertips around your clit, arching your back with the added stimulation. Mat growls over you and bats your hand away, not stopping his pace.
“Told you no touching,” he huffs, pulling your hips flush against his and holding you there, his cock throbbing inside of your cunt. “Ask for it, baby.”
Tears slip out of the corners of your eyes and trail down your temples. You whine, “wanna touch my clit, Mat. Need it.”
Instead of touching you, Mat’s hands tighten on your hips and circle them slowly over his cock, your clit pressed tightly against the dark hair at his base, making you moan, eyes squeezed shut hard enough for you to see stars.
“Come on, baby,” Mat mumbles, watching you fall apart. “Come for me, gonna make you cum. Right here on my cock.” He pulls his hips back, all but the tip of him leaving your body and you babble at him, trying to grab at his wrists to pull him back in. “Who’s gonna make you cum?” He asks, snapping his hips back against yours, harsh and fast.
“You!” You wail, dragging out the word for several seconds, barely breathing as Mat bullies the orgasm from your body, holding your hips to his as you clench around him, shaking in his grip. Pleasure loosens all of your limbs as you gush around Mat, crying his name.
He strokes his thumbs over your hipbones and pumps into you a handful more times, but you’re barely aware of him filling the condom with a shout of your name, your head fuzzy with post-orgasm haze. Mat breathes heavily over you, slumping slightly to the side as he finishes, loosening his grip on you. You blink sleepily up at him, a lazy, satisfied smile forming on your lips. “What?” He asks, voice raspy and smoky.
“Just really like your face,” your smile turns a little wicked, “‘specially when you’re cumming.” You wrangle your features into a caricature of his orgasm face. “Looks like this.”
Mat pinches your hip and pulls out of you, wincing when he takes the condom off and ties off the end. “Yeah? Yours looks like this,” he throws his head back dramatically, squeezes his eyes shut, and drops his mouth open, letting his tongue flop out like he’s a corpse on a terrible soap opera.
You bark a laugh, kicking at him. “I do not!”
“Do too,” Mat grins, leaning down to cup your jaw and kiss you with tongue and teeth. “Good thing I think you’re the fucking hottest woman on the planet.” He climbs off the couch to toss the condom and you watch his ass as he walks away. It should literally be a crime to have an ass that tight. Your clit gives a pathetic little throb as you watch him, used and abused but so ready to go another round. You slip a hand between your legs, rolling the swollen nub between your fingers gently.
“Can we implement like naked weekends around here?” You ask, popping your head over the back of the couch. Mat’s laughter echoes through the kitchen.
“You know I’m never gonna say no to that,” he replies, and then in the next second, his t-shirt is flying through the air and landing on your head. “In fact, let’s start now.”
You get in late from girls’ night - it’s close to one in the morning - and you know Mat’s asleep. He’d texted you around midnight, a typo-filled message that essentially said he was going to bed, but if you wanted to wake him with a blow job he wouldn’t be opposed to it. You’d snorted a laugh at the message, hiding your screen from the other girls while you typed back a definitive no. He’d replied with a pouting selfie that you ignored. You figure he’d gone to bed shortly after that since the boys have a game later in the day.
The house is dark when you get home, just a few of the under cabinet lights on in the kitchen so you don’t trip on anything.
You make your way slowly up to your bedroom, unsteady on your feet, discarding your shoes and clothes as you go. All you want to do is curl up in bed and pass out.
There’s a lump of blankets on one side of the bed that tells you Mat is passed out under there. Sure enough, when you get closer, you can see one of his bare feet poking out from the bottom of the covers. You smile faintly to yourself, getting rid of the last of your clothes and rummaging around in a drawer for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The alcohol has your body feeling overly warm so you don’t bother with retrieving your Comfy from the closet. You’ll manage with whatever blankets you can wrestle away from Mat.
The bed is nice and warm from Mat’s body heat and you settle happily on your side of the bed, cricketing your feet a little to really warm things up. Mat hasn’t wrapped himself all up yet, so you scoot closer to him, planning on pressing your chest against his back and spooning him, but instead of feeling bare skin or the cotton of a t-shirt, your fingers are met with a familiar fleecy material.
“What the fuck?” you forget to whisper and your voice is loud and echoes around the room. You squint and pull back the blankets that are partially covering Mat’s head.
The royal blue and orange of the Islanders’ logo comes into view and your jaw drops when it finally clicks that Mat’s wearing your Comfy to bed. The hood is secured over his head and his hands are tucked into the sleeves.
“Oh my god!” You shove at Mat’s shoulder and he startles.
“Hnghh?” He grunts, rolling onto his back, yawning.
“You took my Comfy!” You jab at his arm and Mat’s eyes crack open.
A faint, sleepy smile curves his lips. “Hey, babe,” he mumbles, reaching a hand out for you. “Have fun with the girls?” He stretches, blankets shifting around.
“Don’t ’hey, babe’ me!” You grumble, pulling at the blankets. “You literally gave me that because you take my blankets. Now you take my Comfy?”
Mat yawns again, jaw cracking. He doesn’t look apologetic at all. “It’s warm,” he whines, grabbing your hand to pull you closer. “And it smells like you.”
You go to him despite yourself, scooting over and curling up against his side, tucking your shoulder under his armpit. Your legs brush against his and you frown. “Are you naked in my Comfy, Mathew?” You yelp, pulling at the fleece fabric. “You cannot be serious!”
“I have boxers on!” He laughs in protest, swatting your hands away from him. “I’m not gross.”
“Yes, you are,” you grumble, growing sleepy again. “I want a new one now that you’ve taken this one.”
He slings his legs over yours, arms holding you close as he kisses your forehead. “I can share, Squeaks. I’m a generous boyfriend,” he laughs against your hair. You press closer to his warmth, burying your face in his chest.
“You failed sharing in kindergarten, Mat,” you tease quietly. He slaps your ass gently and you giggle, curling up closer to him.
“So mean to me,” you can hear the pout in his voice. “Definitely not sharing now. Gonna buy my own Comfy.”
When Mat comes home from practice three days later, he’s toting another giant bag that he hadn’t left the house with.
You eye it suspiciously and he’s laughing like a lunatic as he pulls out another Comfy, declaring, “we match, Squeaks.”
“Oh my god,” you laugh. You didn’t think he was actually serious about getting his own.
Mat pulls the fabric over his head and does a little twirl for you, holding his arms out. “How do I look?” He asks, striking a dramatic pose, pushing his lips out in an exaggerated duck face.
“Like the hottest oversized fleece hoodie model in the world,” you reply, reaching out to grab the fabric and pull him in for a kiss.
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ellieluvr420 · 4 months
wife Abby headcanons xoxo
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-You met at a bar when your friend cancelled on you last minute, she offered to buy you a drink and you chatted at the bar until she invited you back to hers, this was back when you were 22 and she was 25 so her flat was more modest but still well decorated and clean. You both shared a bottle of wine and sat and spoke more for hours until you were both so drunk you started doing karaoke together by watching youtube videos on her TV, she invited you out to an actual karaoke bar as your second date and she only fell even more in love with you the more she saw you.
-I think she would work in corporate like a lawyer or investment banker or something so I think she would try and work from home as much as they would let her.
-She looks so funny when she works from home too because she wears work clothes on her top half for her zoom calls but then she would be wearing pj bottoms and her slippers on her bottom half.
-Such a victim of Apple's marketing, always insists she needs the newest phone or whatever they had brought out, she has the watch, the phone, an ipad, an imac, macbook pro, airpod pros and airpod max's. Literally everything they sell because she's actually a tech geek at heart.
"I totally need it."
"Give me one reason you need an iPad Abigail."
"...I don't know, it's just cool."
You roll your eyes at her but chuckle at her insistence as you press a small kiss to her pouty lips. She smiles at you and looks like a child on Christmas day as she orders her new toy.
-She would so wear the airpod max's while working out and i think she'd always have one of those gallon water bottles that she'd take everywhere with her.
"Babe please just let me buy you one, trust me it will make you drink so much more water."
"No it won't, do not waste your money seriously." She'd huff at your stubbornness and go and buy you one anyway.
-I think she would workout at night or during the day if she can fit it in which rarely happens because she enjoys her mornings with you where you guys cuddle and chat and have breakfast together before she goes to work or gets started in the home office
-Does majority of the cooking because she really enjoys it and is also a chef, like she whips up three course meals so regularly like its nothing.
-You try and make dinner together on the weekends which equates to her micromanaging you until she gets too stressed watching you mess up and does it herself while you sit on the counter entertaining her.
-She always goes to sleep as big spoon and always wakes up as little spoon, every night, without failure. Also loves to lay on your stomach with her arms around your waist, one of her fav cuddling positions.
-She's the kind of person to ignore and persevere through a cold until she literally passes out and will get mad at you when you have to force her to rest but once she's comfy and has accepted she's ill she's such a baby.
-She would be so good with kids and they would all love her too like when you would go to family gatherings together all the kids would always be glued to her pulling her every which way
-loves dogs and cats and wants two of each
-loves home date nights where you cook together and watch films or play games whether its board, video or card games. Once you bought a fake police file and tried to figure out who the murderer was, it ended in a huge argument because you couldn't agree on who it was, you were so annoyed you made her sleep on the sofa but in the middle of night she sauntered back into your room and climbs into bed cuddling into you.
"Sorry babe, you were right." She kisses your forehead and you smile as you both go to sleep happily, Abby had managed to find the answer online but she didn't tell you that you were in fact wrong, she would rather be in bed cuddling you than prove she was right.
-I think she would want 3 kids, preferably boy, girl, boy or vice versa but she would be happy with any kids.
-If/when kids come along she starts working from home primarily and you watch them grow together.
-She would eventually want to move away from the city where she lived for an easy commute to work to a beautiful house in the country with large fields behind a huge back garden where the dogs and cats, and ducks all play with the kids.
-She would love reading crime thriller books but she also has a guilty pleasure for romance and sometimes she'll sit in bed with you and read you parts of the books. Can imagine older Abby refusing to get reading glasses because that makes her officially old but she’s literally holding the book as far as it will go and squinting so hard and she still can’t read it, you eventually give in and read it to her which only motivates her to not get glasses more because this was a way better option.
-Loves Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, all those kind of shows but if you put on a drama she'll grumble and then be hooked.
"Oh my god, oh my god, are you fucking kidding me? Noooooooo." Abby yells at the screen as she watches the season 1 finale of vampire diaries with you, you had started rewatching it as it was nostalgic and she made fun of you so much until you forced her to watch the episode you were watching.
Like I could so see her watching greys anatomy and sobbing when there's a major character death
-Goes to get mani pedis with you and she'll always get her nails painted to match the colour of yours even when you'd pick super bright to mess with her she'd get it without batting an eye.
-Of course she gets along super well with all your friends and family, sometimes you think they love her more than you 😀
okay that's all I got for now but I will probs do way more once the series is finished :))
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olive-fics · 9 months
Studying with Abby. SFW
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You missed your best gf, Abby flipping Anderson. Of course you wanted to hang out with her.. but she was studying.. whatever. she can multitask ..Right??
☆Reader is hyperactive/neurodivergent in ways (?), Abby can get annoyed and angry..., slight angst, petnames, FEM reader, comfort at end.☆
For the girls and the gays, Men leave! (please)
☆My awesome friend Ara gave me this idea so Ilysm! <3 ☆
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"Sit still.." *Abby would groan placing her thick fingers on your hips, nudging you down into her hips. "You can't sit on my lap anymore if you keep moving peach, 'tis too distracting.." Abby would rub her nose and temples annoyed, not at you fully of course but the way you kept moving against her hips alone.
-This was probably your 4th time shifting on Abby's lap in just these past 10 minutes.
"Oh c'mon...you're hard to sit on when you study over the desk ..can't we just go lay down..? Get comfy..?"
"How the hell will I study when I'm laying down y/n." She was upset, something she never was with you.
"Please.. just- go sit down..I'll join you in a bit? Please let me study baby girl." Abby asked with a sigh.
As much as it hurt you, you still obliged to her command and sat down on the couch in her room. Of course you couldn't focus without being next to Abby, it made you nervous. Just sitting away from her made you anxious, that's when everything was louder and 10x intensified. The urge to bite your nails, sweat, click your tongue, crack knuckles, whatever you could fidget with was much more impulsive than usual.
Right as you decided to check your phone's time or mindlessly scroll online, it died. of course... time to do that fucking walk of shame up to Abby (who was now upset with you) and ask her if you can play piano tiles, candy crush or whatever games she let you download on her phone.
Getting up from the couch your bunny slippers shuffled across her mahogany floors with that airy "pfft" sound when the ears flipped up with each step.
"A-Abby..?" Fuck.. of course your voice was falling out. You got so nervous when Abby acted like this, which rarely happens.
Abby's office chair didn't move, instead Abby just replied short.
"Hm? what do you need."
"Can.. can I borrow your phone.. for- for games...?"
As much as Abby wanted to be angry at everything your stammering made her laugh.
"Such an Ipad kid..sure sure.." She sighed again, giving you mixed signals.
Abby handed you her Iphone, Abby had those clear cases with a little polaroid of you and her on the back encased by the plastic.
You smiled softly and ran off back to the couch bundling up under the blankets. Your fingers tapping at the screen and small sounds or music emitted from under the blankets. "Sweet!" "Tasty.." "Delicious."
As much as you were lost in Abby's screen you didn't even notice her calling your name...
"Y/n? Honey turn it down." "Y/n please, I need to finish studying.."
It was too late once you did hear her though, Abby was already on her feet marching to your place on the couch. She had pulled the blanket off of your head and gave you a small annoyed hand gesture.
"You gonna turn it down or do I have to take it from you?"
Embarrassment flushed out your cheeks into a bright red. How could you not hear her..?? You felt so stupid.
"I-I'm sorry Abs.. I- I'll turn it down.. I-.." Why were you stuttering now..? You felt so weak and little as Abby stood over you.
Abby could notice your mind rattling as you overthought the whole situation growing frustrated.
"Hey..Hey it's okay..i didn't mean to hurt your feelings love.. I'm so sorry." Abby frowned and held out her arms to you for a big hug.
With slight hesitation you still accepted Abby's hug and stuffed your face deep into her shoulders, the smell of her pine soap and hair washes filled your nose as you hugged her tightly.
"I'm almost done. Can you wait another 10 minutes?" Abby reassured you she would cuddle and chill with you as much as you wanted after. "Alright. I'm right here okay? Just wait a few." How was Abby so good at making you feel better. ughhhhhhhhh
After hearing Abby's keyboard click and her pencil dragging over her notebook for what seemed like forever, she finally got out of her office chair and looked at you with the warmest smile ever.
Abby walked over to you and draped the blanket over the two of you.
“I’m sorry Y/N. Movie night..?”
Fuck yes.?!?! Movie nights with Abby were the best. But then she hit the..
“I picked last time- what do you want to watch Pumpkin?”
God..you wanted to pick your favorite ofcourse..The muppets. (100% best movies…) but..you felt so bad for pestering her while studying so you put one of her favorite boring War movies on.
“Really..? You want to watch that..?”
Abby was kinda shocked you picked one of her favorites,but how you described it was..
“The Micheal Bay Film with the guns..and war-“
Abby put it on and kissed your forehead pulling you into her to cuddles.
“C’mon..I’m sorry about earlier..I love you..yknow that.?”
You nod and smile softly just emerging into her warmth and into the blankets because you just needed to sleep everything off,so did Abby.
“I love you princess..”
“I love you too…Abby..”
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HII sorry for lack of posts I cannot write cus my brain is slow.😞🔥‼️ but I have an Ellie Williams one shot or something coming up!! (Srs..) okay Goodnight :3 and thank you Ara for giving me this idea!!
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lelengerine · 11 months
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to have you
pairing | streamer!hyuck x streamer!reader
synopsis | your sleeping schedules never fail to worsen, but in luck, you have him to ease those troubles — just don’t mind the stream in the background, of course.
genre | established relationship, reader uses she!her pronouns once in this, use of nicknames for reader (baby, love) and hyuck (babe)
wc | 0.9k
notes | another gamer hyuck oneshot because im actually obsessed its unhealthy atp ;0; i'd love to know your thoughts on this one!
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its three in the morning, and the thuds of your soles echo through the quiet hallway as you walk down the familiar path to your boyfriend’s room — highly unaware said boyfriend is live on twitch for a 38 hour streaming challenge (courtesy of renjun doubting he couldn’t pull it off). 
you had been trying to fall asleep for the last hour, knowing all too well your sleeping schedule was declining from bad to even worse. yet no matter how much you toss and turn in hopes of falling into a comfortable position, nothing seems to make your eyelids droopy enough to fall asleep.
in the end, you sat up from the comfort provided by your bed, slipped your feet into a pair of fluffy slippers, and started trudging your way over to wherever your boyfriend was  — hence why you were currently approaching his room at this ungodly hour in the first place.
you twist the cold, metal doorknob open,  the amount of lights currently in use blinding you for a brief moment. “hyuck, what are you doing?” you question with a groggy voice, rubbing your eyes to hopefully ease them to the brightness of the room. 
“baby? what are you doing up?” haechan awkwardly moves himself closer to the camera to block you out as much as possible, knowing you probably haven’t realized the camera filming him all this time. 
user_01: Y/N IS HERE??
user_02: is that why he’s blocking the cam?
“couldn’t sleep.” the frustrated whine you let out only fuels haechan’s chat as they get affirmation on your presence in the room. 
you, on the other hand, only notice your boyfriend’s streaming materials properly set up after an entire minute had already passed. he’d usually store them away in one of the drawers so that meant…
 a wave of shock washes over you at the late realization, eyes flicking wide open as you crouch down to hide yourself in the current state you were in. “oh my god, im so sorry!”
“noo y/n, love. it’s fine, hm? just fulfilling my part of a bet with renjun.” your boyfriend reassures you, stepping away from his desk to crouch down at your level, meeting your dazed eyes. he gently cups your face with the palms of his hands, placing a gentle kiss on your lips — the feeling still lingering even after he had already pulled away.
user_04: hii y/n!! we’re all just chilling with hyuck dont be shy :>
user_05: @.user_03 I GOTCHU BFF
“i should’ve checked if you were up to something.” you mumble, soft enough to not get picked up by the audio from haechan’s mic.
“you didn’t know, it’s okay.” he giggles, the bubbly sound lifting your spirit by a little. “plus, you were all cute being whiny about sleep.”
you laugh along with him, lightly smacking his chest. “you’re literally the only one who’d think that.” 
“i better be!” he protests with a gasp, “can’t have any others seeing you all cute and huggable like that. that’s part of my boyfriend rights.”
“what do i get in return then?”
“you, my love, get an unlimited pass to get cuddled by yours truly.”
“i think you benefit from that more than i do, babe.”
“do not!” haechan lets out a gasp, “but really, i can help you fall asleep- if you don’t mind the stream that is…”
“i think i’ve fallen asleep enough times on my own streams to not care, hyuck.” you chuckle, letting him lead you over to his desk.
he pulls a comfy chair from the side, patting the cushion to let you know where to sit. you give him a small smile, grateful he’s taking care of you despite his stream ongoing. 
once you get confortable enough, your boyfriend gently guides your head to his shoulder before mindlessly reaching out to play with your hair while reading the chat messages. you’ve realized he formed a habit of doing so quite early on into your relationship. 
it wasn’t like you minded it either, in fact, it was rather the opposite. to you, it was a soothing gesture he’d do every time the two of you were about to sleep. perhaps, you’ve grown too used to the feeling, to the point you couldn't sleep without it. without him. 
god, you’re so thankful to have him by your side.
user_06: i want what they have :(((
user_07: you guys are the cutest W(`0`)W
you doze off before knowing it, your boyfriend chuckling to himself at how your lips go agape ever so slightly. “chat, isn’t my baby just the cutest?”
user_08: you mean OUR baby?”
haechan reads that comment aloud for the rest of his viewers to hear. “now where are you guys getting that from?? y/n is mine, back away!”
user_10: NOT MY STRIMER ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
“as if.” haechan scoffs in faux annoyance, opting to hug you a little tighter than he was before (to quote and quote assert his dominance over chat). “you guys are probably jealous of me, huh? i’m the one who has y/n in their arms.”
“and i hope it stays like this forever.” he whispers, a growing smile on his face as he glances down, glad he’s the lucky one who does have you in his arms.
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synthetickitsune · 1 year
Hi !!! If you don't mind, i would like to request Fluff 27 + Angst 4 with SVT Wonwoo pleaseeee??? Thank you!!
Hi, ofc, thanks for requesting!
Wonwoo (Seventeen) | "Don't go. Not yet." & Empty side of the bed fluff | 0.6k
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You really should’ve put on the slippers. The floor is so cold you involuntarily hop every few steps to avoid your feet touching the icy surface just for a second longer.
You hoped you’d get used to it and forget about it as you moved around the kitchen preparing your breakfast. Well, no such luck. It’s still cold, but at least once you’re done and set your plate on the table, you can sit down and tuck your legs under your body. It’s an awkward position to sit in but it beats losing your feet to frostbite.
You eat in silence for a bit, scrolling on your phone, when you hear a few choice words mumbled from the direction of your bedroom. You chuckle to yourself, quickly attempting to make yourself look more put together.
It doesn’t take much longer for something to land right beside your chair and two arms enveloping you from behind.
“Good morning,” you greet, getting a mumbled answer as Wonwoo presses his face into the crook of your neck. You melt into him, gratefully letting him surround you in his warmth.
“Why’d you get up so early?” he complains. It’s rare to hear him whine but you guess it is a ridiculous hour for him to be up.
“I told you I need to do some shopping today,” you remind him, “I thought I’d just get it over with and let you sleep in.”
“Don’t go,” he frowns, “Not yet.” His hug gets just a little tighter. You almost feel bad for even suggesting leaving. However, with how cute he’s being you can’t resist the temptation to tease him.
“Why? Would you miss me?” you smile, humming happily when he mumbles a ‘yes’ before kissing the top of your head.
“The bed is too cold and empty without you,” he whispers right into your ear, and you swear he smirks when he feels the shiver that runs down your spine. He’s always been good at making you bend to his will. “I don’t like it. It’s like you’ve left.”
It really borders on blackmailing. You’ll allow it though - if only because the sentiment is very much shared. You could of course argue that you need to bear it every time he’s on tour but you knew what to expect and accepted it.
“Carry me? The floors are so cold,” you pout. It’s not like you’re serious, yet before you can at least try to make your case stronger, you notice your pair of comfy slippers right next to your chair. You chuckle, slipping them on and squeezing Wonwoo in a hug when you stand up. “You’re perfect.”
“Efficient and lazy,” he counters, “I knew you’d try to get me to carry you.”
“I wouldn’t,” you correct him, “Wouldn’t want my perfect boyfriend straining himself so early in the morning.” He hums in response, his arm lingering around your waist as he guides you back to the bedroom. You turn back to look at your abandoned half-empty mug and dirty plate but any thoughts of doing the dishes fly out of our mind when he squeezes your hip. Yeah, those definitely can wait - unlike your boyfriend.
You chuckle at the sight of the bed - the blankets neatly stretched across his half while yours is quite messy. As soon as you get on the bed, though, and curl up to him, you understand. It’s pleasantly warm on his side, like he hasn’t left at all.
“Sleep in with me,” he murmurs into your hair, “I promise I’ll take you shopping later. Just stay for a bit longer with me.”
How could you say no?
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wooahaes · 8 months
interrogation room
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pairing: non-idol!96z & gn!reader
genre: fluff. goofy silly fluff
word count: ~0.8k
warnings: n/a just a silly interrogation of reader's housemates
daisy's notes: yes this IS a prequel to the seokmin fic-
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“You may be wondering why I’ve summoned the three of you here today—”
“We all live here.”
Despite Wonwoo’s interruption, you took a deep breath. You pulled up a picture of yourself that you’d taken maybe a week ago, zoomed in specifically to the flannel you had been wearing there. Of course, you wanted to hold this interrogation until Soonyoung was home—but he hadn’t answered your texts, and this was the rare moment that most of you were in the same space and didn’t have anywhere to be.
“I left my flannel on the couch,” you said. “It’s one of my bigger ones so it’s extra warm and comfy… And now it’s missing.”
“Didn’t it get thrown in with the laundry?” Jun looked around. “It’s your favorite.”
“Why was it on the couch to begin with?” Jihoon piped up. “I thought we agreed—”
You shook your head, “That’s not the point right now, we can bitch about leaving clothes out later.” You turned your attention to Wonwoo, who had been quietly observing after that earlier remark. “Wonwoo?”
“I know of the flannel,” he said. “But if I wanted to borrow it, I would have asked.”
You nodded slowly, turning the thought over in your mind. He had a point. Wonwoo borrowed clothing from you before—a hoodie you owned, and a scarf another time. He’d always made a point of asking before he took things from you, and usually made sure you saw him returning them. “Okay. Jihoon—”
“I don’t wear other people’s clothes.”
Jun furrowed his brow. “You wore my hoodie yesterday?”
Jihoon’s face started turning red. “I don’t wear other people’s clothes often. I wouldn’t have worn your flannel anyway.” 
You marked Jihoon down in your mind as ‘occasional liar when embarrassed.’ You would focus on him again later, let him cool off first before you really turned the heat up on him (by literally asking again and promising you wouldn’t be that mad if he lost it). 
Before you could turn your attention to Jun, your phone went off. When you pulled it out, it was Soonyoung, saying something about how he had his own flannels. Why would he borrow one of yours? Which was fair enough: sometimes you and Soonyoung had similar fashion tastes. He wouldn’t need to borrow your flannel when he probably had one similar enough to it to pull his outfit together. 
“Jun.” You looked up. “Did you take it?” 
“It’s your favorite one,” he repeated. “I wouldn’t take it without you knowing.”
Wonwoo, despite finding a little amusement in how serious you were taking all of this, tapped your arm. “Are you sure it isn’t buried in your closet? I’ve seen it. We could lose Jihoon in there—”
“It’s not that bad!” You pouted. “But yes, it’s not in there, because I organized the damn thing while looking for it.” 
“Why do you need it so badly?” Jun spoke up. “I’m sure we’ll find it, but you’re acting really serious about this.”
For a moment, you debated not telling them. Yet you let out a sigh. “It’s my lucky flannel… and I’ve got a date on Saturday, and I really want it to go well because he’s really sweet, and—”
Jun waved a hand to stop you before you. “We’ll help you find it.”
“Is it Seokmin?” Jihoon asked after a moment, and when you nodded, he, too, nodded to himself. “I see.”
Despite the way your heart warmed at having your housemates care for you, you pouted. “Okay, so one of you had to have accidentally grabbed it. So that means—”
The door suddenly opened with a chime, and the four of you turned to see Soonyoung making his way inside. His headphones were on, and he was bobbing his head to whatever song he was listening to. He paid little to no attention to any of you as he stopped to slip out of his clunky shoes and into his house slippers, eyes pinned to his phone as he stepped up. 
Soonyoung’s head jerked up, pulling his headphones off. “Huh?”
Flannel thief located. “I asked you if you’d seen it!”
“Seen what…?”
Jun leaned back in his chair enough to peer around Jihoon, “You’re wearing their flannel. It’s been missing for days.”
Soonyoung stood still for a moment, looking down at himself. The flannel still had one of your favorite pins attached to the breast pocket, a clear sign that this was your flannel he’d accidentally stolen. “... Isn’t this mine?”
Soonyoung: Exit pursued by four housemates yelling. 
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @staranghae @synthetickitsune @weird-bookworm
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042502 · 26 days
☆༉ — CHRIS STURNIOLO. The unwritten rule.
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about. Everyone knows the rule, don't fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend.
word count. 2K
a/n. This is the Chapter 2, I hope it sounds interesting to you. My first language is not English, you will read this under this warning. m.list.
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I've liked Chris for a long time. A shameful long time, and no one, not even Anna knows it. She thinks that in eighth grade, when he asked me to the dance and I said yes, he was just being nice, and when I said: "I like it a little, okay?” waiting for her to say she was.
She just said: "Come on, you can't really like me. It’s Chris.”
I could still remember her telling me how lucky I was because it turned out that he couldn't go because his grandmother had passed away and he had to fly to Boston for the funeral. At that point Chris wasn't worth Anna's time or interest, so he wasn't supposed to be worth it to me.
But I thought so. I wanted to go to that dance with him, I wanted to be his girlfriend, but we couldn't go to the dance, and when he came back from the funeral Anna had told everyone that I hadn't wanted to go out with him and was too kind to say no.
He listened, of course, and we didn't speak again until the end of our freshman year of high school, when we ended up standing next to each other waiting to leave the school during a fire drill. I can't be the only person who sees the problem with that, right?
We spoke only one day.
"Hello, what's happening?" And guessing how burned we'd be if there was a real fire, And after that, I admit that I thought, wait, maybe, someday...
And then, something from six weeks ago, I saw him at a party.
I saw it, but Anna had it.
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I see Anna waving at him as I get on the road. Chris raises a hand too, and I try not to think about that party. About what I thought at that moment.
About his hand touching mine.The party that Anna and Chris got together at was a thing where summer oh shit school is going to suck, and all the usual suspects were there. Anna ran into a bunch of people from the drama club, and everyone was talking about what work they wanted to do.
I was looking around the house, greeting everyone who passed by and talking about summer, We all agreed it was too short.
I wandered off to the studio, which was his usual study. A haven for dad complete with a comfy, stubby chair that they clearly didn't allow into any other space in the house, a collection of newspapers and magazines, all open in articles about sports, and two huge shelves, They ran from floor to ceiling and were filled with paperback books and what looked like old manuals, but there were also some books on the coffee table, of the kind that are all photographs. One of them was shoes.
And here's the thing about me: I like shoes. Good sneakers. I have twenty seven pairs, and twenty-five of them are ones that I decorated myself or bought already designed. Two pairs are in my room now, stark white and waiting for inspiration to strike.
Which leads me to what happened. There I was, flipping through the shoe book and wondering if I could get a copy and decorate a pair of sneakers with shoe cutouts. I saw heels around the edges, boot dancing across the top, and bright yellow lace with lovely tiny silver slippers on the ends. When I saw a painting on the wall.
I don't know much about art, but the painting was clearly valuable. It was nicely framed and had one of those little reflectors that say "Look! Look at this picture!" about her. I had also been waiting to see one of those little white cards screwed to the wall next to the painting with a little title like "the internal struggle of the human spirit", but there was nothing there, just the paint and the light.
The paint, well, it looked like shit.
I didn't mean it figuratively, I was serious, literal.
I moved a little closer, interested and horrified, and I practically had my nose against the glass frame when someone entered the room. I looked over there, and it was Chris. I smiled at him.
And then I felt my heart drop into my stomach because... Well, the summer had been very, very good with him.
Chris had always been three things: silly, joker and obsessed with music.
During the summer, had grown to the point that I had to look up to meet his eyes, and he had a pretty muscular body. Not the big, bulky kind you always picture when you hear those words, but long and toned ones.
He seemed... I wish I were a poet, but he looked beautiful in a strange, exotic way and when he said "Hi, Ada", I wanted to run up to him and trace the lines of his cheekbones with my fingers and then touch his hair.
And that's fine, the rest of it.
Although, I did not do it. I just said "Hi Chris, can you tell me what this is?, like he was normal old Chris, the one who had vomited just before giving an oral assignment in fifth grade and is not suddenly a wonderful creature whose face, that had all angles and was huge, with amazing blue eyes, It had come together in a way that worked and made me shiver.
"It's a painting” he mentions smiling at me. I had always liked Chris's smile, She was friendly and warm, but now in that face he had become, it was lethal.
“I, I kind of realized that.” I cleared my throat.
I knew from Anna that being beautiful wasn't all that great. Anna had changed in second and third grade. One day we were both first year girls, the next day, She was a supermodel who had an A-list girl as a best friend. Maybe it wasn't so dramatic, but it was quite sudden.
Anna had always been pretty, but she became beautiful quickly, and people had noticed it. She liked it at first, it was even all they noticed. And then she got used to it. That took a while though, and I remembered her screaming "I am more than breasts! You know?" to a boy we met at the shopping just after everything had changed for her, and then how I had cried that night in my room, hating that people looked at her and saw nothing more than her body and face.
“Looks like…" Chris remained silent, narrowing his eyes and looking at the painting.
"Shit?" I said, and then he smiled back at me. My stomach did a somersault with that smile and I swallowed hard. I told myself it was Chris, and that I had known and liked him forever.
The thing was, I had always liked him.
“That's what it looks like, but I don't think it is.” It still sounded the same, I still sounded like Chris, a voice that had been a little serious and deep for him before. Now he was laughing. “I think it's dust.” He pointed to the painting, careful not to touch the glass. “Look, do you see this?”
As soon as I saw Chris' reflection in the glass, I nodded anyway.
“Looks like a smudged handprint” I give it a short look, and then go back to see where it says. “Just like someone leaves a mark, time and nature wear it down. Maybe it's about what's left after you create something. The little you're not supposed to see, but that's what it has to be for a painting to exist.”
Now he actually sounded like the Chris I knew, the one who had greeted in the hallways every day last year, the one who was my friend.
“Or some boy just thought, hey, I have this gob of coffee, why don’t I smear it on a canvas?”
“Disgusting” we both laugh. “Where have you been all summer, anyway?”
"Me?" I'm ashamed to admit that I yelled at him.
“Yeah, I didn’t see you around.”
“That's because I was at home, helping out and all that.” explained. “My father paid me to paint the garage.”
Brilliant, now she sounded like a fourth grader. My dad paid me to paint the garage! I had no life!
“I painted too” speak. “Houses, I mean. Do not paint to paint. I did some of that, but most of it was at home, like I said.”
I relaxed a little more then, despite his appearance he was still Chris.
“So, that's how you got those muscles” I hit him on the arm. He shrugged, blushing a little. 
Imagine a boy, He is a little taller than you, with the perfect skin of those that scream "Touch me!" and long disheveled hair. He looks so sweet, and it is. Surely you can understand why I dropped the book I was still holding.
He bent down to take it at the same time as me, and for a moment we were so close that I could have leaned over and kissed him.
“Take” He extended the book to me. We were still so close, and he was looking at me, the smile in his eyes darkening into something deeper, more intense.
“Thank you” although I bet it sounded more like "garatyuhrh", and then I reached for the book and he handed it to me, his hands touching mine for a moment.
And then he said "Ada", and took my hand again. I looked down, my ears stained with the dark green my father wanted for the garage, and his hands were stained too, white and yellow, and the book slid to the floor as he did more than touch my hand. He held it, and slid his fingers into mine.
Our palms were pressed together, And all I could think of was a line I had read somewhere, about palms pressed together like a kiss, and he was still looking at me and then we were standing, still holding hands, and I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, I could only watch and wait, waiting and breathless for him to move closer and closer and….
“Ada, You won't believe what I heard the game would be. It’s… Oh” 
It was Anna.
He looked straight at Chris, and smiled the smile she gave when she saw a boy she wanted to see.
"Hello you” she was splendid, tanned, Tall and beautiful, her black hair curled around her heart-shaped face, and I saw Chris smile back.
"Hello Anna” Chris greets her.
“What have you been doing this summer? “Come and tell me everything while I go to the store for some soda.” she smiled to me. “I have to go in a while. One more story about camping and I'll start screaming I swear, I wish I could have gone.”
"I know” Because he had been there when his mother said no, I tried not to notice that my hand was no longer touching Chris. “Don’t just bring Grape, okay?”
“I wouldn't just bring Grape , ok. I would, but I won't." He put his arm in Chris's as he led him out of the room, driving towards her as only she could, and by the time they returned with a few six-packs. Anna smiled at me, a pleasant, bright smile. “Chris likes Grape , too.” He throws me a can of Pepsi. "Your favorite."
“Mine too” Chris made that comment, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Anna, perplexed I would even say stunned, and I knew he wasn't going to turn around.
I looked at her, and she was smiling the smile she made when she saw a boy she wanted., and that's when I knew I was going to get it because that's who she was and what she did.
I saw that I had already achieved it.
I went to the kitchen to drink my Pepsi. I served it in a glass with ice. I waited for the effervescence to dissolve. Delay techniques, and by the time I took it and returned to where Anna was, she and Chris were sitting together, talking.
Anna was nodding attentively, like everything he was saying meant to her. Chris was still looking at her slightly dazed, but then he looked at me and started to say something, and then Anna touched his face and kissed him in front of everyone.
And there it was. He was hers.
He could have talked to me first. He might have even held my hand first. But that didn't matter.
Except for me.
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જ⁀➴ taglis. @l34n @jetaimevous @jnkvivi @loveyoumatthewbernard @d1tzy-bl0nde @laxbabe131147 @slut4chriss @dontellaf1lms @surniolozzzprincess @sturnlova @inlovewithchriss @whicked-hazlatwhore @mattsgirlsblog
a.n. If you want to be part of the taglist leave a comment below and I will add you. Thanks for reading, remember to like, share with your friends and leave a nice comment ^^
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ilovehimyourhonour · 1 year
hello! can i request ni-ki with prompts 20 + 35 pls 🥹 thank you!
- 🥟
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📂 bf! nishimura riki x reader . niki cant sleep without you by his side . niki just being a soft boy :( inspo — prompt 20: trailing their lips softly across their lovers skin. + prompt 35: their lover gets out of bed, they get up and drag them back under the covers .
a/n not as good as I wanted it to be 😭 apologies in advance
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You hadn’t been gone long enough for the sheets next to where Ni-ki laid to loose all there warmth, but he felt as if you’d been gone for hours. He laid half asleep, his hyungs snoring and stirring in their own beds—completely unaware to the state of misery their maknae was in. Perhaps as he balanced between sleep and wake his emotions were having a hard time balancing between logical and extreme. As his heart filled with a unexplainable ache and his eyes began to brim with irrational tears, he decided you had been gone from his side for much too long—and he would be taking it upon himself to bring you back.
He swings his legs over the side of the bed, pushing himself from the mattress—his head knocking against the frame of the bed above him, he muffles his groan with a hand laid over his mouth. He slips his bare feet into his slippers, the soles shuffling against the floors as he trudges from the room. Even this early into the morning the boys are still filling the dorms with their bodily noises, snores and sleep-filled grunts slip into the air—but yet if Ni-ki was any louder with his steps he would have more problems than trying to locate you.
Jungwon smiled softly as he spoke, his gaze lingering on his mug as he glides it from hand to hand at the kitchen table. “You know, I’ve never seen him this happy.” His words are barely above a whisper, he seems shy about his statement. “He broke out into a dance when the boys agreed to let you stay the night,” his voice turns up as he laughs.
“Of course he did,” you mutter softly. “I’m glad I got to stay.”
“Even tho our snores keep you up?”
“I should have known what I was walking into,” Jungwon simply smiles and raises his mug to his lips. “Or maybe Ni-ki should have given me a heads up.” His mug clinks gently against the table. “Thank you, tho.”
“For what?”
“Sitting here with me, talking to me, making me tea.”
Jungwon raises his eyebrows in surprise and he chuckles softly. “You do so much for us, and lately , because of you, Ni-ki hasn’t been such a pain.” Jungwon reaches for your mug, to which you let him take, and then he stands from the table. “When Ni-ki is having a hard day you drop everything for him, but you also drop everything for each one of us. Me making tea and talking to you is the least I could ever do.” A moment passes in the kitchen before anybody speaks, but when somebody does its neither you or Jungwon.
“Come back to bed, I’m tired.”
Both your gazes flicker to the messy-haired, pyjama clad boy standing at the kitchen entrance, a deep frown is plastered across his features—bringing a slight smile to your face.
You tried to fight against Ni-ki as he dragged you from the kitchen, but his grip on your waist was much too strong—leaving you to mutter apologies to Jungwon as you were dragged from the kitchen. The leader only chuckled as he watched you struggle against your boyfriends hold, you knew you weren’t going to escape but it was worth some sort of try.
As Ni-ki opened the door to the room you ceased struggling, not wanting to risk waking up one of the boys—knowing how grouchy they could be. Ni-ki let you go, kicked his slippers off, and crawled into the bed—throwing back the duvet. It wasn’t so much an invitation, more of a command. You oblige and crawl onto the mattress, Ni-ki lets out a satisfied sigh as you lay in the space next to him and brings the duvet over your shoulders, tucking it beneath your chin.
“Comfy?” He whispers, you nod gently. He hums softly as he pulls you closer—if that was even possible, seeing as you both are squeezed into a single bunk. He stares at you with loving eyes, leaning in closer he brings his lips to your cheek—but he doesn’t press a kiss to your skin. He simply glides his lips gently across your skin, trailing them over your jaw—lingering softly on your chin before he continued the trail down the front of your neck. Once he reaches the base he plants a soft kiss atop your collarbones. “Can you stay here?”
Bringing your arms around him and pulling him tight against you is your answer. He sighs happily and nuzzles deeper into your shoulder.
“Why’d you leave me for him?” His voice is barely above a whisper.
You sigh, your fingers running through the hairs along the back of his neck. “I didn’t leave you for him, I had to get a drink and he was already in the kitchen when I got there. Im sorry I was gone so long tho, I didn’t notice.”
“You still love me?”
A bed frame groans as one of the boys shifts. “Can you two shut up?”
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© ilovehimyourhonour
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tarjapearce · 7 months
Hey I got a question,do you mind if we can draw the Soccer family ? Like Miguel kids? And if you allow us can you give us
What there wear ?
What is there feature ? (Like hair, eyes color, if there have scar, or mark, idk anything)
Who is the most trouble maker?
Who is overprotective? (besides Miguel 💀 and Y\N)
Who is most liking to prank each other ?
Who will take care of Alice more ? (Idk if I spell the baby right I'm sorry)
Who will be charged when Y\N or Miguel isn't there?
What is there favorite color?
Who is most liking to fight with Miguel (joking of course)?
Ik that you have a series about Miguel family\kids but but just in chase if you put more information about these beautiful kids (😭 there so cute ❤.) I love the idea of Miguel being happy and having three kids 😭 and having a soccer family!
I'd be honored if you guys do this, tbh ❤️. Sure do!
Gabi ⚽ wears comfy clothes, like soft fabric pants or shorts if it's too hot. Colorful and graphic tees, with either funny phrases or cute motifs. She adores the t-shirt uncle Gabriel gifted her when he returned. Full of famous soccer stars signatures. That's her treasure. Her favorite color is blue. Her hair is like Miguel's. Wavy and a deep dark chocolate brown. Her eyes are brown.
She's definitely the prankster (she printed the adoption certificate for Benji jskjs), and the big sister. Gabi is overprotective with Rosie. She's her lil sis after all!. She has even got some matching scrunchies set for the both. Also in charge when Miguel or Mama aren't around. (Still, Miguel would call the spider gang to send one of them to supervise his kids.)
Benjamin 🕷️ is always on the matching sets for earthy colors. He's a a stylish kid when the situation requires it. But when it does not, he's like his Papa. Little sweatpants and cotton shirts with slippers. He's a Mama's boy (Just like Miguel). Not overly spoiled but definitely loved. But don't mention his Spiderman plushie. He's almost 4. Big boy with growing fleckles and a troublemaker. His eyes got a bit more of the red-ish hue of Miguel, (Rosie too btw)
Fought Miguel for Mama's affection when a baby and ate spicy food after. He's a menace. One of the cutest kids in his classroom. White is his favorite color. (Even though Mama and Miguel have to buy extra bleach to keep the food stains away and the white crisp.) He loves teaching Rosie how to walk, even though Rosie is just a couple of months old. He's got Mama's curls.
Rosie 🌹 is a cute chubby baby with a beautymark on her ankle. Her little waves are shill having an identity crisis cause one day she wakes up super wavy, and the other is curly. Just like Benjamin. Definitely a Papa's girl. Red is her color. Mostly of her wardrobe is either red, pink or white with roses or strawberry motifs( She's Miguel's Rosita Fresita after all) full of beautiful headbands aunties Jessica and MJ gifted her in the little belated baby shower they had. Miguel's chest is her favorite place to sleep in (Just like Mama's).
A chomper that likes to bite Miguel’s fingers and cheeks. (And Mama's nipples, ouch.)
Hope this helps! ❤️
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m-jelly · 5 months
Levi with a s/o who loves books and the rain.
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Raindrops and pages
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, CEO Levi, being a couple, rainy day.
Levi comes home from work with a gift for you. Before giving you the gift, he stops for a moment to admire you. The two of you shower each other with love before enjoying a nice quiet moment.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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The crisp cold air nibbled at Levi's cute puffy cheeks as he hid under the umbrella. All Levi could think about was you warming his cheeks up with your kisses. It'd been a long day for him and he was very tired and it was too damn cold out.
He moved through the front reception and waved to the guard on duty. Once he'd gone through he tapped his card against the reader in the lift and went up to the penthouse. The closer he got to the penthouse, the more relaxed he felt.
The penthouse was so big when it was just him and he hated going home, but after you moved in he couldn't wait to get home. It used to feel and look cold. However, you added little touches to the place to make it more welcoming. It wasn't the forever home though, Levi had plans for a home in the country with you so you could have a family together.
Levi pulled off his wet coat and placed his umbrella in the right spot for the water to trickle off. He placed his work bag on the hook you installed for him and retrieved a present for you. It didn't take long to find where you were. Levi always knew that on long days at home, you'd be sat in the cosy window he made for you so you could sit, read and enjoy the views.
He paused a moment and admired you in a baggy shirt of his, comfy trousers, fluffy socks and a blanket. He couldn't but smile as you focused on your book with a hot cup of tea on your coffee table next to you. The intention was to go right over to you, but seeing how comfy you were as it rained outside he wanted to join you in that comfort.
You were so in your own world that you didn't notice Levi go to the bedroom. He quickly removed his suit and changed into his jogging bottoms and a long-sleeved top. He put his slippers on and made his way to the kitchen to grab a cup so he could share a tea with you at your little tea station next to you.
Levi called your name. "My cute little bunny."
You lifted your head from your book and smiled. "Hello, grumpy. How was your day?"
He leaned over and kissed you. "Horrible. I missed you."
You giggled. "Let me guess, you had to socialise a bit?"
"I did."
You took his cup and poured him a cup of tea. "Well, I'm proud of you. You've done really well today. Thank you for your hard work."
"You always know what to say to make me feel good."
You shuffled forward. "Want to cuddle?"
He sat behind you and pulled you into his arms. "Mm, perfect." He handed you the present before taking his tea from you. "I got you something. I made sure it was delivered to work so I could surprise you."
You unwrapped it slowly. "Thank you. You're so sweet to me."
"I hope you like it."
You gasped when you saw it was an old book. You investigated it and saw it was a first edition. "Holy shit. A first edition!?"
Levi showered your neck and shoulder with kisses. "I know you love that story and I thought you'd appreciate a first edition."
You stared at the first page. "Is that the author's signature?"
Levi looked closer. "Yeah. They sent me this certificate as well to say it's real."
You turned in his arms a little and kissed him. "You're incredible. Thank you. This is...wow..."
Levi hugged you with one arm. "Can you read to me?"
You shuffled around and leaned your back against Levi's chest. "Of course."
It was comforting to Levi to be with someone like you. There was something so soothing about quiet moments reading a book, watching the rain sometimes and having a warm drink. This life was like a long, warm and lasting hug.
Levi smiled and called your name. "I'm happy, really happy."
You snuggled closer. "Me too."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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Reading Himeko's story sections, it mentions how she remembers things about the Astral Express gang, and how Welt has "juvenile hobbies". Which is just so cute to me because like??? Yes, absolutely he does, he had his chance at childhood stolen away from him so of COURSE he would enjoy things that people would consider a bit too silly or odd for an old man to enjoy.
Of COURSE Welt Yang would love collecting figurines, and even building and painting the model kits himself! He has them displayed proudly in his room, some on a shelf, others suspended from the ceiling. He has two desks; one is neat and orderly, used for reading or more organized work. The other has an array of small paint vials, brushes, a lamp, magnifying glass stand, and a well-worn cloth streaked with paint.
Of COURSE Welt Yang still makes animations, comics, storyboards in his spare time. Maybe he even commissions March to sew a little plushie here and there, using a mix of his sketches and his mimicry ability to give her details. He treasures each and every one she makes, and she enjoys the challenge it gives her!
And of COURSE Welt Joachim Nokianvirtanen Yang would make himself hot cocoa in the late nights when he can't sleep. It's a very easy recipe, after all, and it helps him fall asleep every time: a cup of milk, heated over the stove. Mix in one scoop of cocoa powder, two scoops of sugar. Add a splash of vanilla. Top with mini marshmallows, enjoy with shortbread cookies while looking out of one of the many large windows of the Astral Express.
Welt Yang is adorable, I love him, and he deserves the world. He's taken care of it for long enough, even bearing its name for the sake of humanity. Let him have fuzzy slippers, and a comfy blanket, and little trading cards of his favourite Aetherium Wars monsters. Let him hum to himself, and twirl his cane, and pose like a cool cartoon hero. Let him go on little nerdy raves about his heyday and his work as an animator, and his favourite mecha anime, and his fun tidbits of cool history facts!
I love Welt Yang.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
It's Not Fair...
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sad
Warning Labour and Csection
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I finished up with surgery heading back into the prep room slipping off my apron and hanging it up on the hook before I walked across the room washing my hands in the small basin. As I dried my hands I heard the prep room door open I glanced over expecting to see Hetty or perhaps Sneed but the moment my eyes met her I smiled so widely. There she stood, dressed for the day in her little blue slippers, white cotton stockings, her long white cotton dress, her deep blue dress coat with many pleats and buttons down her chest but even so she couldn't do all the buttons up as it was impossible to do up over her swollen stomach leaving her white dress exposed, her sweet Y/H/C hair in a little braid down her back and her Y/E/C eyes meeting me with a gentle tired smile.
I wanted to cry she looked so cute!
"Look at you," I cooed, "You look like you're about to pop."
"I feel like I'm about to pop." she chuckled,
"Come here," I smiled taking her into my arms and stroking her stomach, "You look so beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, captivating, the most ravishing lady in the world,"
"You're just overexcited." she smiled,
"Of course, I'm excited to finally meet our little one."
"I think you just like seeing me pregnant,"
"Humm I admit, I do... enjoy the sight of you like this." I smirked, "Oh your swollen womb pushing out your stomach and stretching your skin, as you carry our little baby, feeling our little one growing and developing." I smiled stroking her baby bump and feeling the kicks, "Aww he's kicking?!"
"Kicking away again must be happy to see his daddy,"
"Well, daddy's very happy to see him and mummy too," I smiled giving her baby bump a bunch of little kisses, "How are you feeling?"
"Large. Swollen. In pain." she complained,
"I know Y/n, I know. But it won't be long till our baby comes." I smiled, "I am having the nurses sort my old room upstairs so you and I can start staying here,"
"I don't want to stay here Jack, I want to be home. In our little house, our little bed, so we can cuddle up by the fire while we wait for our little one."
"I know, I know that's what you want, and I want you to be home cosy in our bed too. But it's not safe. You go into labour while I'm here by the time someone gets to me and I get to you so much could have gone wrong." I explained, "I can't leave you on your own when you're this far along,"
"So I have to be shoved in an attic," she pouts,
"Well, you can have my old room? or you can have a hospital room? You need to be here where I can check up on you, where I can keep an eye on you, and where I can be close to take care of you Y/n,"
"Alright..." She slightly whined, "So long as it's best for baby."
"Well, I want it to be best for you too. for you and for baby." I kissed her sweet little forehead,
I turned over and sat myself up hearing my back crack and click as I did, I wasn't used to this bed again. I had learnt to become far used to our big cosy bed at home, and now back in my old bed, I wasn't getting much sleep. Didn't help I constantly put my hand on Y/n's stomach making sure everything was as it should have been. And she had been kicking me out of bed. Not on purpose, she's just grouchy from being pregnant and not being very comfortable in the bed either. I don't mind, if she has to push me off and kick me onto the floor so she and baby can be comfy, I'll happily sleep on the floor. Honestly, the floor might be more comfortable than trying to share a single old hospital bed with my pregnant wife. But I got up and got some clothes on as quietly as I could, and once dressed I knelt on the bed beside Y/n and stroked her beautiful Y/H/C hair running my hand down her pale skin in her white cotton nightgown. I stroked across her bump feeling tentative so as not to wake her her bump had dropped in the night, and it wouldn't be long a few days at most until her labour began. I didn't bear to wake her, let her rest while she still could. I kissed her bump softly right around where the baby's head lies, and then kissed her own forehead inhaling the scent of her Y/H/C hair before I pulled back. I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay and comfort her in my arms, but I knew there was so much work to do. So I climbed out of bed and moved silently out the door leaving the door open a crack to not risk the sound waking her, and in case she needed anything nurses would be able to hear her.
I headed around the hospital on my rounds when I saw Hetty rush over clearly something was wrong by the panic on her face and the speed she approached, I assumed something had fucked up with that damn Hernia patient in room four but she said one word. That made my blood run cold.
I didn't ask questions, I dropped everything and bolted through the hospital like a creature possessed, up the stairs and into my old room to find one of the nurses holding her hand and dabbing her head with a damp cloth as she screamed in pain holding her stomach. I rushed to her side and took her hand checking her stomach and under her nightgown, Yep. She's in labour pretty deep in labour actually.
"How long."
"We don't-"
"How long has she been like this!"
"She began complaining of pain at ten o'clock, we thought it best to call you up now." Hetty nodded,
"Now... It's bloody half past three! Five hours and not ONCE did you think to come and tell me my wife is in LABOUR!" I yelled, "Y/n, darling are you okay?" I began but she grabbed me by the waistcoat and screamed into my face before collapsing onto the pillow again, "Fair enough." I nodded,
It was torture to hear her violent screams and see her body contort so much that I had to hold her down, It was utter agony to watch the woman I love in such pain, knowing there was nothing I could do to help her. We did everything possible to try and make her comfortable, or as comfortable as you can be with a baby coming out of you. But... we kept hitting dead ends. The moments felt like hours of trial and error but nothing seemed to be working, she was in labour deep in labour hours in at this point but... the baby just didn't move. I kept checking and checking but never once felt the head, her water had broken, her body knew this was happening and she pushed exactly as she should have doing everything I could have asked of her no matter the pain she felt. But still, the baby didn't come.
I didn't want to think it possible, not now. Not her... Not our baby, not my wife. But... it was becoming increasingly obvious what was wrong. I gave it one more check moving my hand to fully examine her even if it hurt her, and hurt me too.
"No?" Hetty asked as I moved my hand away and quickly cleaned it,
"No. We're in a time crunch. Her body's gonna keep pushing until the baby comes out. But..."
"But... the baby is stuck. Her cervix either hasn't opened wide enough or the baby's at an angle it can't get through... it's stuck inside her. and her body will rip her apart trying to force it out."
"Then what do we do?"
"Out. All of you." I demanded,
The room cleared leaving Y/n and I alone, I sat beside her cradled her in my arms and kissed her head as much as I could as she let tears slip down her face.
"what's wrong..." she squeaked out,
"Baby isn't coming... He's stuck. Won't come out."
"You never told me that could happen..."
"Cause I didn't think it would happen! Not to you..."
"what do you need to do Jack..." she whispered,
"I don't have much time. As it is with your water broken we're running on borrowed time." I told her, "If we leave it... baby will die and it'll take you with him."
"what can you do?"
"... I... I could open you up. cut you open remove the baby but..."
"But what?"
"Y/n I'd kill you. You'd die within the sheets before it was even done."
"But it would save the baby?"
"Please do not ask this of me."
"But would it save the baby Jack?"
"... it could."
"Then do it."
"You can't ask me to kill you. You can't ask me to trade your life for the baby."
"but if you don't... you will have nothing. If it claims both baby and I. You will be left in this world with nothing," She explained, "I trust you. I love you. I know you can do this, I wouldn't want anyone else in this world to do this. Save our baby... Please."
"And if I kill you? If I pay the ultimate price for our baby... and I lose you. You think I could ever live with the blood of the woman I love on my hands?"
"can you live with yourself if you don't?" she asked, "knowing to sit there and hold my hand into the next life, knowing you watched me and our baby die without even trying to save him."
"You are worth more to me than an unborn child. I would trade his life for you a hundred times, I would trade the life of everyone in Port victory if it meant I could have you... Y/n... my darling... Please... You can't ask me to kill you,"
"Jack...Please." she begged, "Save him. Please."
"This is what you want?" I whispered between tears and she nodded, "Okay..." I nodded as I kissed her lips, "I love you so much, Y/n,"
"I love you too Jack," she nodded,
"Please..." I told her as I moved and grabbed my tools, "Whatever happens... Forgive me my darling."
"I will I promise," she nodded,
I grit my teeth but called Hetty back in, with no time to move her down to the theatre I did what had to be done. I tried to block out her, as I cut open the woman I loved like she was nothing but a piece of meat, trying to imagine this was any woman but her. Often having to brush tears from my eyes getting her blood over my skin, before finally the baby was out I handed him off to Hetty without much of a word.
As horrible as it sounds, I couldn't be happy... I couldn't look at him, even think about our baby when Y/n was under my blade the moment the baby and afterbirth were out. I began to work fast and delicately trying my best to ensure she survived.
"Jack-" Hetty began trying to get my attention, but I ignored her and focused only on Y/n.
I worked until my hands and fingers were sore, just trying to make sure everything was as good as I could make it and when the final stitch was in I finally stopped.
"Jack..." Hetty spoke up and I turned to see her with the baby in her arms,
I felt so cold to see the baby in her arms, I almost didn't want to see it. I thought I could have just given up Y/n for the baby.
"It's a boy." She said,
"Is he alive..."
"Yes, alive. Healthy. Bigger than most... likely the cause of-"
"Okay." I nodded stopping her from speaking doing my best not to cry,
"Will you hold him?"
"...I - I-"
"Jack, Hold him." she said, "He's happy, he's healthy," She said as she handed me the little baby wrapped in a swaddle cloth, I held him in my arms looking down at his little face but I felt this horrendous guilt in my stomach, I felt... like all of this was my fault. I could have just killed her. I could have brought a baby into this world robbing him of a mother, I could have taken the woman I love from this world, even as I held him... I couldn't believe he was worth it. I felt like I was to blame, like... if I hadn't ever gotten her pregnant... none of this would have happened, "He looks like you," Hetty tried to comfort me, she was right... he looked like me.
"It's not fair..." I gasped fighting back the tears that slipped down my face, "It's not fair. he should look like her. He should look like the most beautiful woman in the world... not like me." I answered, "I can't." I began to panic so I handed the baby back to her and gripped the bed desperate to get my breath, "Is she breathing..." I asked, "Is she breathing!"
The nurse checked and nodded,
"Let her rest. As long as she needs..." I nodded, "You both can go." I told them,
The nurse nodded and left so I took her place sitting on the bed and holding Y/n's hand finger on her pulse and my other hand on her diaphragm to feel her every breath. Hetty lingered for a moment, she set the baby in the Moses basket and moved it beside the bed even if I couldn't bear to look at him.
"Jack... Look at your son," she demanded, but I didn't move. "Y/n would want you to look. She'd want you to hold him. To love him... You can't blame him, Jack,"
"I don't... I blame myself."
"Jack... Y/n is alive. Your baby is alive. That is not something to blame yourself for, it is something to celebrate and rejoice in. How often is it a mother and baby both survive a cestion?"
"It's not over yet... Not until she's healed. all it takes is a second and I could lose her."
"So savour every second you have with them both." She said before she left the room,
I did my best not to look at him even if he cried I just wanted to hold Y/n a little longer, but I couldn't take his crying so I picked him up and cradled him for a moment letting his cries fade.
"... I- I am sorry little guy, I know I should be giving you attention, you probably miss all my cuddles and kisses I promised you but... I- I am far too worried about your mother." I whispered, "If anything happens to her, please forgive me, little guy, I know I won't ever forgive myself."
"Must you be dramatic," Her voice croaked,
"Y/n!" I jumped turning to her letting tears flood down my face so overjoyed to see her little Y/E/C eyes open, "You're alright!"
"..alive... don't know about alright," she giggled, "Is he okay?"
"He's a happy, healthy little boy."
"...good," She smiled she offered her arms and I carefully handed our little boy over to her kissing her head as she held him,
"I was so afraid I'd lost you,"
"as was I... I thought I'd lost both of you." she whispered, "Thank you, Jack, I know it was hard."
"I don't care how hard it was. I only care you're alive. You and our baby."
"He's beautiful, so sweet, for all the trouble he caused,"
"Yeah... I think he might forever be a little troublemaker."
"Umm, our little troublemaker." she smiled, "Have you named him?"
"no, I wanted to wait to know you were okay,"
"...I think... little Simon,"
"Simon Dawkins? It's perfect my darling." I cooed giving her and him little kisses, "I-I love our little boy, our little Simon,"
"I love him too," she cooed,
"I love you so so much Y/n," I told her as I stroked her cheek,
"I love you too Jack" she smiled giving my lips a soft sweet kiss.
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marcspectorstannie · 8 months
ᰔPrank Wars ᰔ (Steve Grant x Reader)
This is kinda long and I did not mean for it to be and i don’t even like it. So uh yeah. Enjoy
A/n- this is very very VERYYY old and my very first moonknight writing☠️So if this is bad I apologize,I've made some edits so it's not too terrible hopefully. Also dropping this bc I've been putting off that Ken fic😞
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You and Steve have been dating for a while now, and one day you decided to catch him off guard one day. He was getting ready for work when you took his name tag the night before while he was asleep and put it in his bathroom cupboard. "Love, have you seen my name tag? I can't seem to find it." You hid your smile as you shook your head. "No I haven't, maybe check on the table? " He nodded lightly as he turned away confused. You began to think you went a little far since he can already barely process things well. A few minutes of thinking went by when you heard a voice in the bathroom. "Love, why is my name tag in the bathroom?" He came out and saw you chuckling. "Did you put that in there?" He smiled slightly. "You cheeky little devil." He walked over and lightly kissed your forehead. "Goodbye love, I'll see you later."
Steven is finally home but you left to go the store to buy some more food. It's pay back time. He takes your slippers and hides them under that bed. You hide his tag, he hides your slippers, it's only fair,right? You're finally home, tired from carrying bags and of course you would wear shoes that hurt like hell after too long. "Steven, can you help me out here?" He rushes to the door to help you, grabbing a few bags from your hands. You aren't thinking about anything but getting your uncomfortable shoes off and slip into some much more comfy ones. "You alright, love? You don't look too sharp." Steven asks placing the bags down.You sighed, ploping onto the couch and peeling your shoes off. He watched your relief as you began to search for your slippers. "Sweetheart, have you seen my slippers? It would be today that I can't find them" He shook his head no and quickly turned away from you. You quickly caught onto his act and played along. "Really? They're usually right here." You pointed to the empty spot in front of the couch. You glanced at the bed, seeing the pink fur peaking under the mattress. "Steven,love,I can see them under the bed." His smile slightly drops and awkwardly plays with his hands. "Well I tried, I'm not that good at.. pranks.. and stuff like that." You walked over to him and leaned on his shoulder. "It's ok, not everyone is a prank master like moi." You kissed his cheek, grabbed your slippers and walked away.
You and Steven went on a small date to have some time to yourselves. You were holding hands when Steven felt your grip slip away. He figured you went to go look at something else so he wasn't too worried until a couple of minutes went by and you didn't come back. He texted you asking where you were and still had no answer. You only weren't answering him because you wanted to end the prank war once and for all.
'Hey love, where are you?'
'Love,are you alright?'
'I'm getting worried where are you :('
' :((((?'
He was so scared you went missing when you were really just on the other side of the store. You quietly snuck up behind him and blew into his ear. He quickly jumped and covered his ear. "Bloody hell! Christ, you scared me." You stifled your laughter as his face relaxed after the sudden adrenaline rush. "Bollocks, I thought I lost you. I didn't know where you were." You looked at his shaky hands and grabbed them. "I'm sorry I got you scared, love. But this war had to be settled one way or another." He looked into your eyes, relaxing his breathing, knowing you're safe. "Yeah, you win this one. "
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lllivia · 1 year
Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
Think it can be read as gn!reader too, not proofread!
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It was raining pretty bad outside, Y/N was already snoring softly in her dorm when she heard a loud boom coming from outside. She woke up with a start rubbing her eyes before getting up from bed chipping on her now cold slippers.
Walking over to the window she saw the dark grey clouds thundering down on the earth beneath it, realizing it was just some thunder that woke her up she got back to bed, closing her eyes just as she heard her phone ring loudly, irritated she picked it up, ready to hang up on whoever called. Blindly looking at her screen seeing Enid's contact "ENID ❤❤🐺👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩" she picked up instead wondering why she was calling so late in the night. "Hello? Enid what is it" Y/N's raspy voice questioned too tired to fully comprehend what was happening. "Y/N come here right. Now. I mean it" enid's voice whispered while whimpering softly. "Are you alright? has anything happened? Where are you??" You woke up a bit more, worried for your girlfriend. "I'm in my dorm, just please come, I need you here" okok I'm on my way, wait a second" Y/N said not cutting the line as she checked down the hallway for unsuspecting teachers, walking fast to Ophelia hall she tried to be as quiet as she could. Hanging up the phone not bothering to knock on the door she walked right in, scanning the room for Enid.
"Enid?" You whispered just as the thunder could be heard outside again, then looked over to her bed as you heard a scared yelp. "Are you hiding under your blanket? " you giggled a little "don't laugh! Can't you hear the thunder outside???" Enid whisper yelled as you walked closer to her. "You're scared of thunder?" You asked not giggling anymore feeling sympathy for your girlfriend as she laid scared under all her plushies and blanket. "Of course I am, it's fucking terrifying" "ok then move over, I'm coming in" you said smiling as Enid shuffled a little making some space on the comfy bed, stepping out of your slippers again before laying down cuddling close next to Enid before putting your face in the crook of Enid's neck liking how she smelled. As the thunder striked again Enid moved closer turning around and pushing her face to your pajama covered chest. "Are you okay?" You asked against Enid's multicolored hair "yeah I'm okay, I feel better now that you're here"
"Wanna watch a movie on my phone to distract you?" You suggested wanting to do whatever it took to make her not scared anymore "yes please"
You struggled reaching for your phone in your pocket. "Here, you know the password right? And is it alright if I go to sleep? I can stay up with you if you want tho of course" you kissed the top of her head as she scrolled through Netflix "you can sleep, it's alright now, knowing you're sleeping next to me makes me feel safe" she looked up, the light of the phone reflecting in her pretty blue eyes, she looked into your eyes then down at your lips, you noticed her silent plea and kissed her softly before turning over to finally rest, happy that Enid trusted you enough to share her vulnerable moment.
💗 Masterlist 💗
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sunshineting · 1 year
“Fuck me I’m horny, feed me I’m hungry, he love hood pussy so he fuck me in my bonnet” Warning - Megan thee Stallion
Gojo Satoru x f!reader (black coded (wears a bonnet) but anyone can read ofc)
Word count- 1256
No minors! Minors DNI PLEASE this is SMUT
You’ve been… bratty today, to say the least. You wanted to go on a date today, but noooo you just had to be dating the strongest sorcerer. Gojo had promised a date night tonight then got called to exorcise some stupid fucking curse. You sat in his high rise apartment in your robe and bonnet, playing on your phone until the blue eyed bastard himself called. You reluctantly answered.
“Hey sweet girl. Guess what?”
“What.” You huff.  
“Oooh, is that an attitude I hear?”
“Satoru, love of my life, whatever could be the occasion for you to grace my ears with this phone call?” You ask as sarcastically as possible.
“I finished work early, so I’m on my way home. Aren’t you excited to see me?” He says giddily. The tone of his happy voice makes you want to be a tiny bit nicer to him. Just a tiny bit.
“Can you ask Ijichi to stop somewhere and bring me some food? Seafood preferably.” There’s a little less attitude in your voice this time.
When Satoru returns, he has the goods in hand. You rush over to him with grabby hands aiming at the food bags. He holds the bags above his head and way out of your reach before he says, “Nuh uh, you gotta pay up first.”
You roll your eyes and get on your tippy toes to give the little shit a kiss. Except, the ‘little’ shit in question is a foot taller than you and doesn’t bend down for you to kiss him.
“Ru, come onnnnn. I’m hungry! Gimme your face so I can eat!” You reach up to his head and try to pull him down toward you. Alas, Gojo still doesn’t bend down, prompting you to jump up onto him. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, planting a big fat kiss on his lips. A devious smile spreads on his face. Gojo holds you in place with his empty hand and places the food on the counter with the other.
“This little attitude of yours won’t do. Let’s see if I can fuck some manners into you, yeah?” Satoru taunts. You put your forehead on his, looking at him in his never ending blue eyes.
“Well, I wouldn’t have an attitude if we went on our date! I picked out such a nice dress and shoes and jewelry; all for nothing. Plus, I’ve barely eaten all day because I was looking forward to having dinner with you,” you say, your voice getting softer with each word. So, maybe you were a little hangry. It happens. Your boyfriend carries you into his bedroom, hands squeezing your ass through your robe. You start kissing his neck, a feeling of neediness overwhelming you. You wanted him, you needed him inside you; some type of friction, at least. He lays you on your back and unties your robe. Underneath, you wore a silky nightgown. Once you knew he wouldn’t make it in time for the date, you made sure to get as comfy as possible.
To be honest though, Gojo loves seeing you comfortable. Something about your at home attire got his dick hard. Your nightgowns, your robes, your bonnets, hell even your fluffy slippers had him licking his lips. You feel his long fingers stroke along your slit. The thin lace panties did little to conceal your wetness. A breathy moan slips past your lips. You try rocking your hips into his hand to get more. A swift slap on your pussy makes you yelp.
“Behave,” Gojo murmurs. The slap only makes you wetter. You have no choice but to close your eyes and submit to him. His fingers enter you, slipping inside with ease. They curl inside you, slow at first but gaining speed with each repetition. You’re a moaning mess; you feel like you’re close to cumming already. Satoru could feel it, too, but he couldn't let you off that easily. Of course not; he has to pull out of you completely, sucking on his dripping fingers. You hear him mutter a ‘fuck’ under his breath after tasting you. He places kisses on your barely covered cunt; the lace thong is soaked and now sucked in between your pussylips. The only thing it covers is your weeping little hole. Gojo is finally being nice when he removes your panties fully and gives you little kitten licks. His tongue licks one long stripe from your asshole to your clit. The tingle feeling makes you swiftly arch your back.
“Fuck, Ru, I wanna cum!” you beg. You swear you feel him smile down there. With that, he grips your thick thighs and digs in. His tongue is exploring every part of you, it feels like he’s French kissing your pussy. He shoves it in your hole, slurping out as much of your cream as he can. With shaky hands, you reach for his soft white hair. You can’t help it, you find yourself tugging his hair to pull him impossibly closer. Satoru shoves his fingers back into you, moving his tongue to your clit.
“Sa-Sato-ru!” you wail, “I’m gonna cum!” Your orgasm crashes over you, legs  shaking, muscles trembling. You want to ride your high and float down, but Gojo is relentless. He’s intent on punishing you for your brattiness. He’s not a hard dom, however, so his version of punishment is overstimulating you until he decides you’ve had enough. Curling his fingers inside you and suckling your clit, your boyfriend is torturing you. You feel another, more violent orgasm rip out of you.
“FUCK! It’s- it’s- it’s too much I can’t,” you babble. Your words begin to fail you as you feel yourself get more and more fucked out. You’re a trembling mess when Gojo decides to give you a short break. He removes his clothes and aligns himself with your over sensitive cunt.
“Just give me one more, baby, and I’ll be done. You’re doing so good for me,” he praises. You give a weak nod and feel his long cock ease in. Your vision goes blurry as your eyes roll back. Satoru groans at the feel of your hot, gushy walls. His pace is quick and deep; he loves seeing how your tits bounce with each thrust. He’s going so deep and it’s hitting that oh so sensitive spot inside you, making you tighten around him.
“You feel so good sucking me in like that. Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum soon. You gonna cum with me?”
Your final orgasm of the night hits you like a freight train. Feeling your cunt squeeze him so tight, Gojo has to pull out before accidentally filling you to the brim with his cum. His seed lands all over your nightgown. All your muscles are sore, your whole body feeling limp like a wet paper towel. Eyelids heavy, you remember you still haven’t eaten.
“That food better not be cold, Satoru, or I’m gonna bite you,” you threaten with your last strength. The sweet embrace of sleep is pulling you in, but you’re determined to get some of the expensive food your boyfriend brought.
“I know you will, baby.” Gojo smiles.  
. . .
“Open,” Gojo commands. You’re too sleepy to feed yourself, so he’s feeding you. The two of you sit in his king sized bed with you leaning on him. You open your mouth and a forkful of hot salmon graces your tastebuds. You do a little happy wiggle as you chew.
Gojo chuckles lightly, “You’re so spoiled.”
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