#cholesterol-lowering herbs
the-neat-leaf · 1 year
Herb Your Way to Lower Cholesterol: Tasty Egg Combinations for a Healthier Morning!
Herb Your Way to Lower Cholesterol: Tasty Egg Combinations for a Healthier Morning! Hey there, health-conscious foodies! If you’re anything like me, you love starting your day with a delicious, protein-packed egg breakfast. But did you know that you can also use your morning eggs as an opportunity to lower your cholesterol levels? That’s right! By incorporating certain herbs into your egg dishes,…
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healthyrex · 2 years
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elicathebunny · 5 months
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Eating ginger can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas. Wear and tear on cells. Ginger contains antioxidants. These molecules help manage free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells when their numbers grow too high. It is useful in minimizing menstrual cramps, and it relaxes the muscular spasms as well
high in antioxidants, which may help protect against disease, inflammation and ageing It may improve gut health, dental hygiene, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.
Garlic offers an immune system boost to help prevent colds and the flu virus. One study found that allicin, an active component of freshly crushed garlic, had antiviral properties and was also effective against a broad range of bacteria
commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. 
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumorigenic, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective properties. It could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.
Tumeric :
Turmeric has been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive and liver problems, skin diseases, and wounds.
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greenwitchcrafts · 8 months
Salvia officinalis
Known as: Common sage, green sage, garden sage, meadow sage, culinary sage & true sage
Related plants: A member of the of the mint family Lamiaceae that includes plants such as basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender & perilla as well as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga & oriental motherwort.
Parts used: Leaves & stems
Habitat and cultivation: This evergreen subshrub is native to the Mediterranean region with it's mild to cool, rainy winters & warm to hot, dry summers.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Zone 5-8 your sage will grow as a hardy perennial. However in the humid climates of zones 9 & farther south, sage is usually an annual, as it does not easily tolerate summer heat & humidity.
Harvest: Harvest lightly in the first year to ensure the plant grows fully. After the first year, be sure to leave a few stalks so that the plant can rejuvenate in the future & If fully established, one plant can be harvested up to three times in one season.
Planting tips: Plant in full sun & plants should be two feet apart. Sage should be planted in well draining soil like a sandy or loamy soil with good drainage. Wet soils can cause rot and be fatal to the plant. The easiest and best way to start sage is from a small plant, but you can also sow seeds up to two weeks before the last frost date.
Medicinal information: Taking sage by mouth seems to improve memory and thinking skills in healthy adults & taking it for four weeks can improve menopause symptoms. One study found that drinking tea made from sage both raised antioxidant defenses and lowered LDL or “bad” cholesterol. It also could be used for pain after surgery, lung cancer, sore throat, sunburn, and many other conditions. Sage leaves have been used in traditional medicine as a treatment for diabetes.
Cautions: Sage is possibly unsafe when taken in high doses or for a long time due to a chemical called thujone. Too much thujone can cause seizures and damage the liver and nervous system. Thujone can also bring on a menstrual period, which could cause a miscarriage so taking sage during pregnancy is not advised. It may also reduce milk production while chest feeding.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Chiron, Consus, Jupiter, Obatala & Zeus
Magickal uses:
• Use the leaves for tea for communion of Jupiter or in any workings involved with the planet & grounding
• Burn to find clarity & wisdom while asking difficult questions
• Write a wish on Sage leaf and burn it to release your intention
• Place a Sage leaf in your wallet to attract money
• Include in feminine fertility spells to boost your chances of success
• Add Sage oil incense or herbs to any spell to temper the results with wisdom
• Burn during a funeral & memorial to facilitate healthy grief and bonding with the spirits of those who passed on
• Use spells to alleviate grief & steady emotions
• Put in a satchet to carry from protection from negative energies & influences
• Burn to cleanse your home, clear negative energies & increase your intuition
• Rub sage on your forehead before divination to increase the accuracy of your results
• Pick twelve leaves at midnight on Christmas Eve to see a vision of your future husband(without damaging the bush)
• Write your desire on a sage leafe & place it under your pillow for three days. If you dream of your desire, it will soon materialize. If not, bury the sage.
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lunavenefica · 2 years
We’ve all heard about kitchen magic, but how does it work?
It’s pretty simple! Every herb and spice has a meaning and magical properties.
Kitchen witchcraft consists in the use of basic ingredients to make magical recipes!
Casting spells is cool and all but I think we’d all agree that enchanting your cookies is way better!
So how do I make a spell?
It’s easy! You enchant the ingredients and follow your recipe meditating through the process and visualizing your intent.
And then you eat what you made! Or you can share it with your friends, your loved ones, offer it to the Deities you’re worshiping or to the Earth; there are many possibilities!
There are also many herbs that can help improve your health and aid you in your spiritual journey!
⛤Some useful herbs:
Cayenne: boosts metabolism.
Cilantro (Coriander): Is a good source of iron and magnesium; it has been used for thousands of years as a digestive.
Cinnamon: can help lower cholesterol.
Cumin: Is loaded with antioxidants, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, magnesium and  it also helps with insomnia.
Clove: Is an anti-fungal and alleviates toothache.
Ginger: Stimulates circulations and it is an excellent digestive, aiding in absorption of food and minimizing bloat.
Parsley: Is a nutrient-rich substance which acts as an anti-inflammatory  and antispasmodic, helping conditions from colic to indigestion.  Rub it on itchy skin for instant relief.
Thyme: Is a cure for hangovers and helps alleviate colds and bronchitis.
Turmeric: It boosts production of antioxidants and helps in the reduction of inflammation.
Sage: Very beneficial in treating gum and throat infections. Sage tea can help ease anxiety.
⛤This is just a short list with some basic correspondences:
Black coffee with cinnamon
Chili pepper
Water and lemon
Bay leaf
Apple pie
Ginger tea
Honey and milk
Mint tea
Bread with poppy seeds
Chamomile tea
Cinnamon Rolls
Lavender water
Vanilla ice cream
Apple pie
Honey and milk
Please feel free to add to the list!
⛤Isidora & Bleiz ⛤
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⛤Isidora ⛤
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all-legs-no-nothing · 2 months
Sister in Ana, let me give you a recipe for FAT BURNING tea!
We've all heard about green tea and it's part of our culture, but let me tell you about tumeric. Good heavens above! Now you can have something caffeine free at night!
For this you shall need:
Mint (optional)
Cinnamon (optional)
So, why these spices and herbs?
Tumeric has this great component called curcumin. It is metabolized in your body with the aid of pepper. The benefits include: reduced high blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, reduced blood sugar, SUPPRESSED FAT TISSUE GROWTH, prevented insulin resistance, high antioxidants, bile production aka it speeds up your digestion.
Why I add mint? Mint is the best girl to fight bloating. Cinnamon, along with great flavour, also helps lower blood sugar and prevents insulin resistance, all which help you lose weight faster.
These all put together will help you get AND keep a flat tummy! <3
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tarot-tea-cafe · 2 years
4 kinds of teas
Im currently reading the book "Herbal Tea Magic for the Modern Witch. A Practical Guide to Healing Herbs, Tea Leaf Reading and Botanical Spells" by Elsie Wild.
I thought i would share what Wild wrote on tea, spices & herbs, their magical and medical benefits and their warnings.
these entries in this post are from Chapter 2, pages 15-18. i'll make a seperate post or few for more entries!
While there are hundreds of different kinds of tea in the world, there are four main types of tea: black, green, oolong and white.
Black tea
One of the most versatile teas, black tea is a more oxidised version of green tea, with a stronger flavour and more caffeine (though much less than a cup of coffee). Because of its full flavour, black tea acts as a great base for most tea blends and potions. Black tea originated in China in the seventeenth century when the Chinese started fermenting tea leaves to extend their storage life. Black tea came to Europe in the eighteenth century, charming the British aristocracy and eventually all of England. Black tea is the main ingredient in classic tea blends such as English breakfast tea and Earl Grey tea.
Magical Properties: Strength, stability, endings, finished business, expelling negative energy, energy boost, courage, mental clarity, grounding, cleansing. Associated with the earth element and winter.
Health Properties: Boosts metabolism, boosts immunity, relieves stress, improves bone health, eases asthma, kills bacteria, lowers cholesterol, lowers risk of diabetes, increases energy, decreases digestive activity.
Medical Warnings: Pregnant people should not drink more than two cups of black tea a day
Different Types: English breakfast, Earl Grey, Chai, Assam, Darjeeling.
Brewing tip: For the best taste, brew black tea in about 180-210f (thats 82.2-98.8c) water and let it steep for four to eight minutes, depending on the blend.
Green Tea
A staple for any tea lover, green tea is made from the unoxidized leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. It's called green tea because the leaves are harvested when they are slightly withered and immediately cooked before they can oxidize, thus keeping their green colouring. Camellia sinensis leaves for green tea are harvested three times a year to get the highest quality. Green tea was initially used for medical purposes to treat a range of illnesses. For many decades, green tea was a symbol of status and wealth due to its cost and lengthy preparation time. But today green tea can be enjoyed by anyone. Matcha, green tea's popular cousin, is made from the ground powder of shade-grown green tea leaves, which is whisked together with hot water in a ceramic bowl. Macha was originally used in traditional japanese tea ceremonies but is now popular everywhere.
Magical Properties: Healing, love, mindfulness, passion, cleansing, regulating energy, wealth. Associated with the fire element and spring.
Health Properties: Boosts metabolism, improves brain function, supports sexual health, supports heart health, rich in antioxidants. Could also increase longevity.
Medical Warnings: None.
Different Types: Chunmee green tea, gunpowder green tea, jasmine green tea and matcha.
Brewing Tip: Green tea tastes best when brewed at a mild water temperature (about 180f (which is 82.2c)) and steeped for about three minutes. Water that is too hot could make the tea bitter.
Oolong Tea
While black, green and white tea are easily recognisable to most people, oolong tends to throw people off. Sure, you've heard of it, but what is it? Oolong is a semi-oxidized tea made from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. The amount of time the tea is oxidised varies, which makes each oolong flavour unique. Oolong tea gets its name from two Chinese words meaning "black dragon", a reference to the way the leaves are rolled into curly shapes resembling dragons.
Magical Properties: Wisdom, beaty, emotional balance and connection, romance, friendship, serenity, divination, reflection. Associated with the water element and autumn.
Health Properties: Lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, improves gut health, increases bone density, prevents tooth decay. Increases alertness and improves your mood.
Medical Warnings: None.
Brewing Tip: Oolong tastes best when its brewed at a water temp of 185-206f (85-96.9c) and steeped for around four minutes. Oolong tea actually tastes better the more you re-steep it.
White Tea
A highly delicate tea made from the unopened buds of the camellia sinensis plant, white tea is produced with minimal processing during a short harvesting season, creating its unique floral flavour and its expensive price tag. White tea, which originated in the Fujian Province of China during the sixteenth century, has become popular for its taste, health benefits and magical properties.
Magical Properties: Purification, protection, clarity, realization, meditation, cleansing, psychic abilities, youth, blessings, new beginnings, happiness, wisdom. Associated with the air element summer and moon magic.
Health Properties: reduces risk of heart disease, lowers insulin resistance, protects against osteoporosis, helps skin damage, reduces risk of cancer, rich in antioxidants.
Medical Warnings: None.
Different types: Silver Needle (BaiHao YinZhen), White Peony (Bai Mu Dan), Tribute Eyebrow (Gong Mei), Long Life Eyebrow (Shou Mei).
Brewing Tip: Because of its delicate nature, white tea should be made with 175-85f (79.4-85c) water and steeped for one to three minutes maximum or it will turn bitter.
Sorry for the post being so long, unfortunately the next posts might be longer ^^;
If you'd like to see the next post when it comes out you can follow my blog and/or the tag #Herbal Facts with Koi (wip name)
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Incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet can help prevent chronic diseases. Some of the best foods to add to your diet for disease prevention include:
1. Fruits and Vegetables: Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions.
2. Whole Grains: Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can help lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
3. Lean Proteins: Foods like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes are good sources of protein without the saturated fat found in red meat. Protein is essential for muscle health and immune function.
4. Healthy Fats: Foods rich in healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil can help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease.
5. Fatty Fish: Fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve brain health.
6. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are good sources of healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants that can help lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation.
7. Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are high in fiber, protein, and antioxidants that can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
8. Herbs and Spices: Turmeric, ginger, garlic, and cinnamon are just a few examples of herbs and spices that have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help prevent chronic diseases.
By incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your diet and maintaining a balanced and varied eating plan, you can help reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases and promote overall health and well-being.
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booksbeansandcandles · 10 months
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Sage - Salvia officinalis
This herb is also simply called garden sage. The word “sage” has come to mean “wise” or “a wise or learned person." We're going to focus on Common Sage, the Salvia officinalis, rather than the endangered White Sage Salvia apiana.
Common Sage is originally from the Mediterranean, while White Sage is native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. Salvia comes from the Latin word salveo, “to heal” or “to save”. It has masculine energies, connects with the element of air and earth, and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It honors Jupiter and Zeus and the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. Zodiac sign; Gemini.
Sage tea was used to help ease headaches, anxiety, and arthritis. People also used sage leaves as poultices on mouth ulcers or to ease sore gums. You can also make tea with sage as a gargle if you have a sore throat or to soothe the stomach if it sours. Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels and aids in heart health. Eases menopausal symptoms. Improves antioxidant defenses. Fights inflammation. May improve brain health, memory, and improve moods.
It is used for protection and purification spells more than anything else. But can be used for wisdom, long life, protection, health, and wishes. Sage has been utilized to ensure a long life—sometimes even immortality. This is done by eating some of the plant every day, or at least in May, for: "He who would live for aye, Must eat sage in May."
Sage is carried to promote wisdom, and the leaves are used in countless healing and money spells.
To guard yourself against contracting the evil eye, carry it in a sachet.
To make a wish come true, write it on a sage leaf and hide it beneath your pillow. For three nights sleep upon it. If once you dream of what you desire, your wish will be materialized; if not, bury the sage in the ground.
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the-neat-leaf · 1 year
Guggul: Health Benefits and How to Use It
Guggul: Health Benefits and How to Use It Guggul is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties. Guggul is derived from the resin of the Commiphora mukul tree, which is native to India and Pakistan. The resin is extracted from the tree and then dried and ground into…
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
Win the morning, win the day 🦋
You must know by now that caffeine is a highly addictive drug?! 🤯
Withdrawals from caffeine or coffee in particular can make you feel tired, anxious, irritable, depressed and we all know of that “caffeine headache”! If you feel reliant on coffee and want to reassess your consumption, think about starting your day with TEA 🍵.
Tea has no known negative impacts on our mental and physical health and assists with things like diabetes, heart disease, lowering cholesterol, encouraging weight loss and increasing mental awareness without depleting minerals/causing jitters.
3 benefits of starting your day with 🍵
1. Energy without the jitters: Herbal tea contains no caffeine and therefore is a gentle and nurturing way to start your morning. Green tea has less caffeine than coffee (approximately 1/10 of your regular latte) but it can still be enough to give you that pep in your step, without interfering with your adrenaline levels. Green tea contains a mix of L-theanine and caffeine which helps to increase brain function, particularly memory and focus. Our green blend Aristotle was made exactly for this function, with the addition of Rosemary which is our favorite memory herb.
2. Medicinal benefits: whether you opt for a herbal blend or a green tea base; out tea’s have an array of added botanicals which have been carefully curated to assist in a range of health concerns. Regular tea drinking can help fight off free radical damage. Whilst coffee does have antioxidants, tea really is the winner when it comes to nutrients.
3. Morning rituals: the process of making your pot or cup of tea is a soulful ritual which is to be enjoyed in peace and with presence!
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Is Matcha Stronger Than Caffeine?
Is Matcha Stronger Than Caffeine?
As caffeine remains a vital ingredient in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and many other beverages worldwide, it's no surprise that it's also a top ingredient in matcha. However, while caffeine in coffee and tea has been widely researched and understood, matcha is a relatively new entrant in the game. In this article, we will take a closer look at matcha and caffeine, and the question on everyone's mind: is matcha stronger than caffeine?
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Table of Contents
What is Matcha?
The Origin of Matcha
Matcha vs. Caffeine: The Basics
Matcha and Caffeine in the Body
Matcha's L-Theanine Content
How Does L-Theanine Affect Caffeine?
The Benefits of Matcha
The Downsides of Caffeine
The Downsides of Matcha
Matcha vs. Coffee: Which is Better?
Who Should Drink Matcha Instead of Coffee?
How to Brew Matcha
The Best Time to Drink Matcha
How Much Matcha Should You Drink?
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1. What is Matcha?
Matcha is a type of Japanese green tea that has gained massive popularity in recent years due to its health benefits and unique taste. It is made by finely grinding shade-grown green tea leaves into a bright green powder, which is then whisked with hot water to create a frothy, delicious beverage.
2. The Origin of Matcha
The history of matcha can be traced back to ancient China, where it was first used as a medicinal herb. Later, Buddhist monks brought it to Japan, where it became a staple in traditional tea ceremonies. Today, Japan is the world's leading producer of matcha, and it's consumed worldwide.
3. Matcha vs. Caffeine: The Basics
Matcha contains caffeine, just like coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages. However, the amount of caffeine in matcha is generally lower than in coffee but higher than in traditional green tea. A typical serving of matcha contains about 70 mg of caffeine, while a cup of coffee contains 95 mg.
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4. Matcha and Caffeine in the Body
When you drink matcha, the caffeine in it is absorbed into your bloodstream and travels to your brain, where it blocks the action of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep and suppresses arousal. This is why caffeine makes you feel alert and awake.
5. Matcha's L-Theanine Content
Matcha contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which is not found in coffee. L-theanine has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
6. How Does L-Theanine Affect Caffeine?
When you consume L-theanine with caffeine, it enhances the cognitive effects of caffeine, such as alertness, focus, and attention, while reducing the jitteriness and anxiety often associated with caffeine. This is why many people feel more relaxed and focused after drinking matcha than after drinking coffee.
7. The Benefits of Matcha
Matcha has been associated with numerous health benefits, including:
Improved focus and cognitive function
Increased energy and endurance
Reduced stress and anxiety
Boosted metabolism and weight loss
Lowered cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Improved heart health
Enhanced immune function
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8. The Downsides of Caffeine
While caffeine has many benefits, it can also have some negative effects, such as:
Jitters and nervousness
Insomnia and
9. The Downsides of Matcha
While matcha has many benefits, it also has some potential downsides, such as:
Lead contamination: Since matcha comes from the entire tea leaf, it may contain higher levels of lead than regular tea. To avoid this, it's best to purchase high-quality matcha from a reputable source.
Caffeine sensitivity: Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, and may experience side effects such as jitters, nervousness, and insomnia when consuming matcha.
Expense: High-quality matcha can be expensive, and may not be affordable for everyone.
10. Matcha vs. Coffee: Which is Better?
Whether matcha or coffee is better for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. Matcha contains less caffeine than coffee but has more L-theanine, which can help reduce caffeine jitters and promote relaxation. Coffee, on the other hand, may provide a stronger caffeine boost, but without the potential relaxation benefits of L-theanine.
11. Who Should Drink Matcha Instead of Coffee?
Matcha may be a better choice for people who are sensitive to caffeine, as well as those who want a more sustained energy boost without the crash that often comes with coffee. Matcha may also be a good choice for people who want to reap the potential relaxation benefits of L-theanine.
12. How to Brew Matcha
Brewing matcha is simple. Here's how to do it:
Boil water and let it cool to around 175°F.
Sift 1-2 teaspoons of matcha powder into a bowl.
Add a small amount of hot water to the bowl and whisk the matcha in a "W" shape until it becomes frothy.
Add the remaining hot water to the bowl and whisk again until the matcha is fully dissolved and frothy.
13. The Best Time to Drink Matcha
The best time to drink matcha is in the morning or early afternoon, as it can provide an energy boost without disrupting sleep. However, some people may prefer to drink matcha later in the day as a substitute for coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
14. How Much Matcha Should You Drink?
The recommended daily dose of matcha is 1-2 teaspoons or about 2-4 grams. However, it's essential to listen to your body and adjust your intake based on your individual needs and sensitivity to caffeine.
courtesy of zen matcha tea
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15. Conclusion
So, is matcha stronger than caffeine? The answer is yes and no. Matcha contains less caffeine than coffee but has more L-theanine, which can enhance the cognitive effects of caffeine while reducing the jitters and anxiety often associated with it. Ultimately, whether matcha or coffee is better for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you're looking for a more sustained energy boost without the crash, or if you're sensitive to caffeine, matcha may be a better choice for you.
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parambodyfitmind · 6 months
Top 23 Foods for Weight Loss!
Top 23 Top Foods for Weight Loss and Speed Up Your Metabolism!
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Hi Guys, Most of us always worry about our overweight. I know you are very serious about weight loss so I am. For losing weight, we have to start eating right. Most Experts say abs build in the kitchen not in Gym.
It means you can reduce fat or Loss Weight or Build Muscles With Right diet Macros according to your body weight. So here I will tell you to top 23 Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian foods, which as best virtual weight loss coach online I always recommend to my personal training client. These foods also help to controls your craving about eating crap.
These Top Foods for Weight Loss also help you to speed up Your metabolism and weight loss.
1. All leafy green vegetable:
I love them to have you first in your choice they are an amazing source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins. They work in so many ways in our body, low in calories.
2. Quinoa:
Quinoa is the best source of veg. the protein contained in 100 grams is around 13 gram, best things about quinoa it contains all nine essential amino acids and packed with vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamin b, fibers, calcium, and many more benefits.
3. White eggs:
Almost one white egg contains around 3.6 grams of protein. Rich in zinc, copper, b6, vitamin d, selenium, phosphorus, it has no cholesterol.
4. Chicken breast:
100 g chicken breast contains around31 grams of protein, Good source of chorine, b6, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, etc.
5. Any berries:
Berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. They all have immense benefits for us. Good source of vitamin c, fibers and antioxidants, and many More.
6. Cinnamon:
I really recommend this herb always for weight loss naturally and it helps speed up your metabolism. It contains antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial properties. I love to have it with my green tea I add one pinch of it.
7. Oats:
Oats are rich in insoluble and soluble fiber, Really help to lower the cholesterol, Help in constipation, Helps in skin issues, and many more. I love to have them in my breakfast.
8. Fish:
They are a good source of protein. 100 grams of fish contain around 22 grams of Protein. Also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin d. The latest science study claims it also helps in your Depression.
9. Green salad:
Amazing Food With amazing nutrition value with low calories.
10. Grapefruit:
I remembered how when I was a kid, In our home have grapefruit tree. But that time I was not aware of its benefits. But I use to eat every day in its season time. It helps in your immunity and mainly slows down ur aging process. Study claims also help in Kidney stones.
11. Legumes:
All are Good source of complex carbs, will not spike ur insulin, packed with amazing nutrition value. Also help in to lower your cholesterol and heart-friendly.
12. Avocado oil:
I always recommend to my client 2 to 3 spoons daily of it. It really helps to reduce Your abdominal fat.
13. Black beans:
A good source to protein, 0 saturated fat, having a nice amount of fibers, vitamin b6, potassium, 100 grams Contain around 21 g of protein, Most important heart-healthy
14. Seeds:
Seed like chia seed, pumpkin seed, Fennel Seed, sesame seed, flaxseed, sunflower seed, etc, They all packed with a good amount of nutrition value and help us to lose weight. I love to have in my early breakfast with oats.
15. Brown rice:
It is Called low energy density food. It helps to keep u full for longer and also provides our body with good nutrition value.
16. Fruits:
Fruits like pears, apples, pineapple, grapes, papaya, lemons, mangoes, watermelon, oranges, grapefruits, etc; they all are good carrying different nutrition value. I love to have a mixed fruit salad with eggs white in my after workout meal. Very help full to restore your glycogen level after a workout. Help to speed up the recovery. I always recommend season fruits are the best way to get its full benefits. But please don’t overeat it.
17. Dark chocolate:
Dark chocolate I really buy in powder form and make a good recipe with it, and enjoy. One of my friends told me long ago u can spell stressed in backward it becomes desserts. Really nice is in it. Help in anxiety I love to have it but again don’t overeat it one portion in a day with your meal.
18. Wheat bran:
Very higher in fibers, having good nutrition value, a good source of natural protein, and top of that helps in high blood sugar, high blood pressure, constipation, and keep u full for Longer.
19. Green tea:
very famous everybody already knows about its benefits I like to have it before my workout it really helps me for more focus.
20. Dry fruits:
For example almonds, resins, cashew, etc. They are also good for your skin and make your brain stronger. I love to have them in the early morning with my breakfast but in small quantities.
21. Sprouts
Sprouts are full of minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Really mix them with green salad enjoy and lose fat.
22. Soybean:
Very good source of fibers, calcium, and protein. 100 grams of soya contains around 36 grams of protein with 8 essential amino acids.
23. Spices:
Like black pepper, Green chili, Coriander, Mustard seed, Fennel, cayenne paper, ginger, Garlic, Onion, Add them in your cooking, Enjoy the benefits.
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
your list of herbs is super help ful. do you have any idea for mushrooms that could be used as medicine?
i'm glad you found it useful!! i looked mostly at mushrooms found in the uk & the more northern parts of north america, since that's the sort of mixture found in the books.
also, the effects i list are the effects on humans, not cats. DON'T FEED UR CATS MUSHROOMS it probably won't go well!!!! and i'm not an expert! i spent like two minutes googling each mushrooms, don't take my word as gospel.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect*: Boosts stamina, reduces fatigue and inflammation in the airway. Used as a traveling herb and to treat asthma.
**Common Earthball**
*Location*: On tree trunks & roots or sandy soil.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* Nausea & vomiting. Given to expel stomach contents in the case of being poisoned.
**Hen of the Woods**
*Location*: At the base of oak trees; Occasionally under maples or along creeks & riverbanks.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* Produces energy, strengthens the heart and immune system.
**Jelly Ear**
*Location*: Found growing in clusters on dead or dying elder branches all year round.
*Usage*: Ground into a poultice and placed on eyes or swallowed.
*Effect:* Soothes eye infections & inflammation and sore throats.
**Lion's Mane**
*Location*: In woodlands on dead hardwood logs.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* Soothes depression and anxiety, reduces side effects of diabetes and inflammation.
**The Prince**
*Location*: In woodlands and by Thunderpaths.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted.
*Effect:* May slow diabetes. Lowers cholesterol, eases digestion problems, and soothes stress.
*Location*: Stumps, fallen logs, and tree roots.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted or ground into a poultice and placed on wound.
*Effect:* Soothes stress, increases stress and stamina, prevents infections, and reduces inflammation. Used as a traveling herb, though too much may cause a dry mouth, nausea, headaches, and/or dizziness.
*Location*: In woodlands from summer to late autumn. Their stench makes them easy to find.
*Usage*: Ground into a poultice and placed on wound.
*Effect:* Protects against some infections.
**Turkey Tail**
*Location*: In woodlands year round.
*Usage*: Eaten by afflicted or ground into a poultice and placed on wound.
*Effect:* Prevents illnesses & infections.
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hinesmoond · 1 year
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walterellison26 · 9 months
Health Benefits of Herbal Tea Herbal teas, also called tisanes, are caffeine-free infusions of leaves, roots, seeds and flowers. Some like chamomile tea have calming properties while others like peppermint can help with digestion and alleviate nausea. Because herbal tea doesn’t use the Camellia sinensis plant, it isn’t considered true tea. Nevertheless, many enjoy its health benefits and stress-relieving properties. Ginger Ginger has a number of health benefits. It is an anti-inflammatory and improves digestive function, which can be a problem for many people. It also has antioxidants, and it boosts the immune system. Ginger is also beneficial for the heart as it encourages blood circulation and lowers bad cholesterol. It can help to relieve symptoms of indigestion and the common cold. It also has a calming effect and helps with depression and anxiety. Hibiscus tea is an excellent source of antioxidants. It can protect against some strains of bird flu and can help to lower blood pressure. Rosemary Rosemary tea is a natural diuretic, which helps to reduce fluid retention and lower blood pressure. It also helps to improve mental function and memory. It has been shown to relieve headaches and minor aches and pains. It is also a great way to relax before sleep. It is a great source of calcium, iron, and vitamins. It contains healthy compounds like rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid, which can help prevent free radical damage. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce pain and inflammation. This herbal tea is very easy to make and can be enjoyed at any time of the day. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help with digestion and boost the immune system. It also has anti-bacterial properties and can be used to treat indigestion. It can also be a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. This tea can be made with a variety of add-ins, such as thyme, lemon juice, or honey. Olive leaf Ancient cultures used olive leaf to reduce fever and infection, soothe rashes and wounds and even cleanse the liver. Today we know it contains powerful phytochemicals called oleuropein and hydroxtyrosol which have incredible anti-oxidant properties. They boost immunity, improve blood sugar, lipid profiles and bone health. One of the most interesting benefits discovered is that olive leaf extract can lower blood pressure in cases of hypertension. In fact, a 2022 randomised control trial of identical twins showed that patients taking 1,000 mg/day of olive leaf extract had significantly reduced blood pressures. The oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol found in olive leaf also have hypoglycaemic and antidiabetic properties. However, it is important to talk to your physician before starting this herbal tea if you have diabetes. It could interact with blood glucose-lowering medications and cause hypoglycemia (lower than normal levels). It also has antihypertensive and cardiovascular properties, dilates coronary arteries and relieves arrhythmia. It also reduces cholesterol, and is gastroprotective, neuroprotective, antimicrobial, anticancer and antinociceptive (reduces the sensation of pain). This is why this delicious drink has been dubbed as the 'liquid gold'! Peppermint Peppermint is a common ingredient in herbal tea blends. It can help treat stomach ailments like indigestion and nausea. It may also reduce tension headaches, soothe sinuses and promote relaxation. It's loaded with menthol and menthone that give it a refreshing flavor. A recent study found that drinking peppermint tea eased symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including abdominal pain, gas and bloating. It can also ease nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy. The plant contains phenols that can help prevent certain types of cancer and support the body's natural defense system. The herb is full of antioxidants, potassium, calcium and vitamins A and C. dandelion tea 's also high in magnesium, which can boost energy levels and aid in digestion. If you are looking to learn more about the many benefits of herbal teas, we recommend Sacred Herbs. At Sacred Herbs, they aim to inspire daily herbal embrace. Find out more by visiting the Sacred Herbs website at https://www.sacredherbsblending.com Anastasia is the founder of Sacred Herbs. They craft flavorful blends and educate on proper herbal use for natural well-being. Our lives follow a rhythm: awakening, meals, work, and rest. With daily chances to nourish, minor shifts bring major benefits. A soothing herbal blend before bed or an energizing adaptogen instead of coffer can uplift mood and life quality. Join them at Sacred Herbs for herbal tea, herbalist services, and herbal medicine like Ayurveda, guiding you to vitality and balance. Incorporating herbs into a wellness business brings forth an array of advantages for both the enterprise and its clients. This is why they collaborate with cafes, spas, yoga studios, and fellow wellness professionals. Together, they curate tailor-made solutions utilizing herbal teas and consulting expertise. Some of the benefits include: enhanced health, heightened client satisfaction, distinctive offerings, sustainability, and a diversified revenue for business growth. Visit the Sacred Herbs website today to learn more!
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