#cause the match still clearly went on
waywardstation · 3 months
I don't know if this is something you have been asked before or answered, but here goes.
Do you think that Ingo would end up buff after his life in Hisui compared to Emmet?
I feel like I have answered asks like this before, but no worries anon!! ^^
I’ve never made a comparison that I can recall, but I think my art from when I was drawing for the Tumblr Sexyman polls can show that well enough.
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It’s very headcanon-heavy at this point from all the fics I’ve written, but Hisui probably would leave him more buff in comparison; more developed muscles in both his arms/upper body from labor-intensive tasks as a Warden, and his legs from lots of hiking. Probably moreso if his bad back didn’t bother him so much. And he developed a belly that pads those muscles due to the weight he put on to stay warmer in the icelands/highlands.
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Emmet did not have to adjust to these conditions and responsibilities. He is still a stick when Ingo comes back because he was exhaustively searching for Ingo instead of taking care of himself :( (It obviously gets better when Ingo comes back though!!)
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cheriladycl01 · 1 month
I need to go! No you need to race! - Max Verstappen x SwedishOlympicHockey! Reader
Plot: You get hurt during a hockey match at the Nationals and Mad Max makes a return for all the right reasons!
Credit to mverstappenn for the GIF
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Usually yours and Max's timetable linked up, you'd be training or doing your tournaments from Monday to Wednesday which Max would join you on before you left in his jet with him to wherever his race was that weekend.
But this week you had a national tournament which was on a Saturday, Sunday where Max was in the world. It was race day for him, and he was using one of the televisions to watch your tournament being streamed.
He couldn't understand any of it, where it was in Swedish so he just watched on with some of the mechanics who knew you and were rooting for you.
It was a good game and you guys were winning, absolutely tearing up the hockey field of the stadium you guys were in. Every time you scored, everyone watching cheered and Max had a big grin on his face when it zoomed in on your face yelling in a smile.
He always found it funny when you smiled as you wore a mouth guard that made your cheeks look puffy.
But things took a turn, it was about 20 minutes until the end of your game and an hour before the race started. All the mechanics were crowed around the TV watching until one of the girls in the opposing team swung their stick up, just as another tripped you up causing the base of the stick to smash into your face.
Max's hand came up to cover his mouth and 'oooooo's' flowed around from the mechanics realizing what just happened.
"Is she okay?" one of them said.
"I could hear something break!" another admitted.
Max watched as a few girls helped you to stand, but it was hard your nose was streaming blood down your face and the knock had clearly made you a little fuzzy.
Max was frowning gripping his fists as he watched the girl who hit you argue with the ref and medics who came out. She was pretty much shouting while you held your nose to try and stop the blood flow coming out.
You were escorted off the pitch and Max immediately went to his phone hounding you with messages asking if you were okay.
When that didn't work he proceeded to blow up your fathers phone who had been at the match in person and would be with you, which also didn't work.
He was so caught up with trying to get in contact with you that he didn't see Christian come up to him.
"Max?" Christian asks tentatively having heard what happened from the mechanics.
"I need to go!" Max exclaims looking up still having no word from your family on how you are doing.
"No, you need to race!" Christian says looking to his watch which showed it wasn't long before he needed to get in the car.
"I can't get in contact with her though, and what if something happens when I'm racing and she needs me!" he admits angrily raising his voice at his team principle.
"Max, calm down!" Christian says, his voice going a little gruffer.
"NO! I need to know shes okay!" he shouts and everyone can tell he's getting madder by the second. He only ever got like this when he was younger and someone crashed into him, he didn't have as well a hold on his emotions back then than he did now. But that was slowly slipping.
He was arguing back and forth with Christian until his phone rang. It was your contact number.
He didn't answer straight away frozen in shock from your number being up there.
"Schat?" he asks as he holds his phone to his ear.
"läckerbit" you tease knowing he hated that nickname.
"Are you okay?" he asks and you can tell he's worried from the tense and strain in his voice.
"Focus on the race, I'm fine and you'll see me soon" you smile into the phone making loads of kissy noises to him before he sighs nodding. You reassure him before you hang up turning to the nurse who was coming back with the x-rays of you nose.
"Yeah, it's definitely broken!" she sighs showing you making ou sigh too.
"Oooo and you have a mild concussion!" she smiles kindly making you laugh a little.
After the race and his podium, Max rushed as quickly as his jet provided to get to the hospital in Sweden you were being helped in.
He tried to sleep on the flight but was far too nervous to the point where he was pacing up and down the free walkway in the middle of the jet until the airhost made him take a seat handing him a beer to calm his nerves.
When he arrived to your private room in the hospital to see you scrolling through your phone he didn't fully take in your appearance at first.
He didn't note the greasy hair, or the bags under your eyes or the stuff helping fix your nose.
"Hey Schat!" he sighs and your head snaps up you look at him in disgust and shock.
"No! Don't look at me!" you cry pulling his hoodie up over you head and face to cover everything. And he couldn't help but laugh at your reaction. Hiding from him as if he hadn't seen you at your worst.
"Why are you hiding from me Princess" he laughs coming over and sitting on the edge of the bed after having taking a picture of your embarrassment.
"Mmmmm i look awful!" you say peeking at him through the hood.
"I think you look beautiful, like always" he grins, kissing you cheek not wanting to risk kissing your lips and numbing his nose with yours.
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Liked by maxverstappen1 and redbullracing
y/user: This weekend in order between my hockey competition and Max’s race.
Image 1 - me and my girlie frejalarsson getting ready for battle (we had a national tournament)
Image 2 - Max at his race to me tacking a hockey stick to the face 😳 (my nose was bleeding pretty bad)
Image 3 - Max leaving after his race on Sunday to fly to me in Sweden to visit me in the hospital. (I looked awful and was embarrassed)
Image 4 - going with Max to Monaco to get cuddles from Jimmy and Sassy
It’s been eventful to say the least!
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redbullracing: get well soon y/n!
maxverstappen1: now I know how you feel when I get into a crash! Scariest moment of my life! So glad you are okay! 🥰
-> y/user: Love you Käresta 🤭🫶🏼
landonorris: get well soon y/n! Need you in the club asap 🍾🎈
-> y/user: i broke my nose Lando …
-> landonorris: so you can’t party with a broke nose? LAME!
-> maxverstappen1: I’m breaking your nose next buddy if you aren’t careful ❗️
-> landonorris: 😦
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Instagram Story Caption: Lego Date 🧱
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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girlgenius1111 · 2 months
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ingrid x mapi x reader smut 18+ mapi + r turn the tables on ingrid after a stressful week.
If there was one thing that practically everyone knew about your relationship, it was that Ingrid had you and Mapi under her thumb. One word from her, and the two of you would abandon whatever ridiculous idea you were plotting, smile guiltily at her, and do as she said. It was assumed that this was how things went in… other aspects of your relationship. 
That assumption would be correct. 
You and Mapi did what Ingrid wanted. You fucked when she said you could. You came only when she allowed it. You took any punishment she decided on, though not without complaint. And while Mapi definitely had some power over you too, you were the true, definitive sub in the relationship. Most of the time spent with your girlfriends in a sexual way was either Mapi and Ingrid taking you to pieces together, or Ingrid taking you and Mapi to pieces herself. 
What never occurred, though, was Ingrid allowing herself to submit to either of you. She liked to be in control; in her life, she so often felt such little control, that when she had the opportunity for it, she took it immediately. And normally, this was fine. Everyone’s needs were met, everyone got exactly what they wanted. For Ingrid, that was being in charge. For Mapi that was toeing the line between bossing you around, and listening to Ingrid. For you, that was doing whatever the 2 other women told you too. 
Recently, though, you and Mapi got the feeling that although she would never admit it, Ingrid needed something different from you both. She was stressed, beyond belief. You were out with a concussion, which you were almost fully healed from, though the club was being cautious with you. Mapi was recovering well from knee surgery, already walking and back to normal, non football activities. Yet Ingrid continued to hover and do everything for the both of you like she’d done when you both first got hurt. It seemed like she was struggling with not being able to control your injuries, not being able to fix it and make it all better. 
She was under so much pressure at work, putting so much pressure on herself at home, that it really was only a matter of time before she snapped. And, of course, this snap came in the form of a screaming match between her and Mapi. Mapi was generally grouchier because she couldn’t play, and she’d get into moods sometimes where it was just better to leave her alone, and let her work through it. She’d always come to the two of you later, apologize for her behavior, and allow you both to make her feel better. Ingrid knew this, but she wasn’t having the best day either, the team having an awful practice after a less than satisfactory win over the weekend. She was tired, and annoyed, and had absolutely no patience for Mapi’s attitude. This all very quickly dissolved into an argument. You all didn’t fight often. Mapi was a short tempered person, though, and recently, Ingrid was too, increasingly so. 
You’d arrived home after both girls, having gotten lunch after training with some of your teammates. It was… eerily quiet when you walked into the house. No music playing, no show playing on the TV. You didn’t know where Ingrid was, but you could see Mapi’s head peeking over the edge of the lounge chair in the backyard. You headed that way, rather cautiously, confused as to what had caused such tension in the house while you were gone. 
Mapi was still pissed, you could tell that the second you caught a look at her face. She was holding Bagheera on her lap like a Bond villain, and scowling at the sky above her. 
“Hey.” You said quietly, sitting in the chair next to hers.
“Hi.” She grunted. 
“What happened?” You asked. 
“Ask your girlfriend.” 
“I just did.” You reminded her, smiling a bit. Mapi shot you a glare, clearly not appreciating your attempt at humor. “What’s wrong?” you asked, a bit kinder this time. 
“Ingrid is in a mood.” She complained. And so is María, you thought to yourself, knowing better than to say it out loud. You reached out, taking her hand in yours, glad when you saw her body visibly relax at the contact. 
“What did you fight about?” 
“I do not even remember. I came home and said I wanted to be alone and she just started shouting at me and I yelled back and then we both stormed off.” Mapi admitted. 
“Maybe Ingrid didn’t want to be alone.” You suggested. 
“Well, I did.” Mapi said shortly. You rolled your eyes. 
“María, I love you very much, but sometimes I think you forget that Ingrid is just as emotional as you are, she just does a better job hiding it. She was probably upset, or stressed, and wanted you, and you probably blew her off because you were focused on being grumpy.”
“I am not grumpy,” Mapi began. You silenced her with a single raised eyebrow. Mapi groaned. “Fine, I will go apologize.” 
“No, not yet. I’ll go talk to her. You can come in in 10 minutes, and then apologize.” You declared, ignoring Mapi’s frustrated huff in favor of kissing her forehead and walking directly back inside. 
You found your other girlfriend in the bedroom. Well, you didn’t really find her. You found an Ingrid sized shape under the covers, and carefully crawled onto the bed next to it.
“Ingrid,” you called softly, only hearing a soft sniffle in response. This was your first clue that something was really wrong, more than just the fight. “Let me see you.” You insisted, pulling the covers off your girlfriend’s head. She was curled up into a miserable little ball, cheeks tearstained, a frown set on her lips. 
“Hi.” She said stiffly. 
“Do you want a hug?” You asked, opening your arms when Ingrid nodded, and practically threw herself at you. Her larger body landed on top of yours, and she settled her face against your shoulder. “Hey pretty girl.” You murmured, pushing some hair out of her face. 
“Did you talk to María?” She asked quietly. 
“Is she upset with me?” Ingrid wondered. She sounded so unlike herself, so insecure and vulnerable. 
“A bit, before. I talked to her though. She isn’t mad anymore.” 
“She should be mad. I was horrible.” Ingrid sighed. 
“I think we’re both just worried about you, baby.” You told her, still holding tight even when she tried to pull back a bit. 
“I’m fine.” Ingrid replied in a monotone. 
“I don’t believe that.” 
“I do not either.” María spoke from the doorway. Ingrid stiffened against you, but Mapi was across the room in a flash, crawling onto the bed next to you both. “Ingrid,” she sighed, noticing when the brunette started to cry again. 
“I’m sorry, María,” Ingrid sobbed, shifting off of you to push her face into Mapi’s sweatshirt. 
“Hey, shh. Estás bien amor, todo está bien.” Mapi whispered, pulling both you and Ingrid in as close as you could get. “I am not mad, cariño. I am sorry I was so grouchy earlier, I should have made sure you were okay.”
“I’m just so stressed,” Ingrid said, so quietly it was clear she was reluctant to say anything at all. “I don’t remember what it’s like not to be stressed.” 
You and Mapi exchanged a look, wondering if this was the right time to set your plan into action. The plan that you’d been discussing for days, with no clear way to get it started. This seemed like the right time. Ingrid needed this, even if she would never ask for it. Never know that she needed to ask for it. You and Mapi knew just how well it could work, though. 
“You know what helps me when I’m stressed?” You asked quietly, wiping a few tears off Ingrid’s cheeks when she turned to look at you. 
She cracked a faint smile. “I do. I don’t know that making you come until you can’t think would help me, though.” 
She was joking, but looking between you and Mapi, she realized she was closer to what you were insinuating than she thought. 
“No, but letting us help you might.” Mapi smiled. 
Ingrid’s face was blank, but there was a flicker of interest behind her eyes.
“You both want to… me? You want to…” She trailed off. 
“Fuck you? Yes, we do.” Mapi said easily. 
“Very much.” You echoed. 
Ingrid looked baffled, completely shocked. Neither of you had ever expressed interest in doing this before, until now. And it wasn’t that she didn’t want it, not really. It was just… scary. But she trusted you guys, and it was this that had her pulling you both a bit closer. 
“Only if you want us to, Ingrid. If you don’t, we can just talk, just relax. Whatever you need.” 
“I want it.” Ingrid said, though it was clear in her tone that she hadn’t given in, not completely. She still held both of you like she was in control, like she was in charge. 
“Let me take care of you, bebita,” Mapi whispered, nuzzling her face into Ingrid’s neck and beginning to kiss at her skin. “Let us take care of you.” 
Ingrid still looked unsure, though she tilted her neck slightly to allow Mapi easier access. Her eyes were fixed on you, vulnerable and desperate, when she responded.  “I don’t know how to not…” she trailed off. What she meant was clear. She didn’t know how to not be in control.
“We’ll show you.” You promised. “We’re very good at it.” 
“You are. I can show you,” she began, but you and Mapi both shook your heads simultaneously. 
“No. You won’t show us anything. We’ll take care of you.” Mapi corrected. 
It was the first real demand that either of you had made, and Ingrid reacted on instinct, grabbing Mapi’s neck in a way she normally loved, before she seemed to remember herself, and froze. 
“Amor.” Mapi said, her eyes locked on Ingrids. You knew she was talking to you, though, and you knew exactly what she wanted. In the time it took you to get off the bed, grab the restraints from the drawer, and return to the bed, Mapi had Ingrid on her back, one of the defender’s hands holding the Norwegians wrists tightly above her head. 
“Really, María, you are going to tie me up?” Ingrid asked sarcastically, clearly thinking that her perfect girl didn’t have it in her. Her body radiated defiance, and you knew then that this would be more difficult than you’d been anticipating. While Ingrid wanted to let go, had agreed to it, getting her to actually go against her instincts was always going to be difficult. 
Mapi was quick to correct this defiance, though, her hand gripping Ingrid’s jaw as you began to tie the woman’s hands to the bedposts. “I will do what I want, and you will listen.” 
Ingrid still didn’t look like she was taking her girlfriend very seriously, and she was shocked at the way Mapi suddenly yanked you closer. The Spaniard grabbed you by the back of the neck, pulling you towards her. You were both leaning over Ingrid’s extended legs, a fact that she was viscerally aware of. 
When Mapi pressed her lips to yours, you could tell she wasn’t completely over her frustration from earlier, and that she was only putting it aside for the sake of the woman underneath you. You knew, too, that she would also benefit from taking control, and you let her completely take over the kiss. She tilted your head back to get a better angle, absolutely ravishing your lips, kissing them, biting at them, pushing her tongue into your mouth, until you were breathless just from her ministrations against you. 
“Mapi, I want her,” Ingrid said lowly, both of you clearly able to feel her burning gaze. You pulled away slightly, as if to move down to the Norwegian, but Mapi shook her head, pulling you back in until her words were whispered against your mouth.
“Eres mía. No de ella.” Mapi told you. 
“Yours,” you agreed easily, returning Mapi’s soft grin
“María,” Ingrid complained, now fighting the restraints on her hand, clearly very unhappy with being ignored. 
“Tan impaciente.” Mapi rolled her eyes, but leaned back, pushing you down towards the apex of Ingrid’s thighs. “Come.” 
Eagerly, you pulled Ingrid’s shorts and underwear down, tossing them without regard off the bed, before you buried your face in between her legs. 
“Yes, there,” Ingrid sighed, relaxing slightly back into the bed as you licked at her. You knew what Ingrid liked, and you knew what Mapi wanted from you. To build her up fast, and pull away, just as fast. You supposed the Spaniard was somewhere near the bed, getting the strap on, but you were much too focused on the task at hand to think about anything else other than the taste of Ingrid on your tongue, and the way her wet heat dripped for you. 
You focused on her clit, gently taking it into your mouth and suckling, before returning to broad strokes over her entrance. You added two fingers, her walls stretching easily to accommodate. It was only when she tensed under you that you opened your eyes, glancing upwards to see Mapi kneeled by the Norwegian’s head. 
“Open bebita,” Mapi told her. Ingrid looked frustrated to say the least, but allowed Mapi to press the strap into her open mouth. “Que buena,” 
The praise evidently did something to Ingrid, because as you returned to focus on her core, you could hear the wet smacks and light gags as she took Mapi’s length into her mouth. 
“So pretty with my cock in your mouth, sí?” 
Mapi’s words only turned Ingrid on more, and she only grew wetter as you continued to work her up. You focused your mouth up to her clit, flicking your tongue over it rapidly, fucking your fingers into her hard, using your free hand to hold Ingrid’s hips down against the mattress. 
“Fuck, I’m close,” she mumbled, releasing Mapi’s cock with a loud intake of air. And although you were slightly shocked by how fast this had happened, Mapi didn’t seem to be. The Spaniard seemed to know exactly what she needed to do to get Ingrid where she wanted her. 
Ingrid let out a groan from deep in her throat, and you heard Mapi shush her lightly. You could visualize what the Norwegian looked like, saliva smeared across her face, Mapi’s hand laced through her hair, and it only encouraged you. 
You didn’t forget what you and Mapi had discussed, though, nor did the consequences of disobeying slip your mind. So, as Ingrid’s hips jerked against you, and you could feel her muscles begin to tighten, you pulled away, grinning down at her. 
“No no no NO, elskling come back here. Now!” Ingrid whined, her eyes flying open as she glared up at you, a warning clearly evident on her face. And even though it went against all of your instincts, you looked away from her, towards Mapi, a shy smile on your face. She met your look with a grin, before refocusing her attention back on Ingrid. 
“Do not complain, cariño, we are just getting started.” She warned quietly, before she guided herself back towards the Norwegian’s mouth. Ingrid wisely chose to remain silent, looking up at her girlfriend with lust in her eyes as Mapi began to fuck into her mouth. 
The Spaniard pushed in far, shushing Ingrid quietly when she whined in complaint and squirmed slightly. “Just take it, bebita, be good for me.” 
At this, Ingrid began to bob her head back and forth as well as she could, a new look in her eyes as she let Mapi fuck her face. You were rather worked up from watching up until this point, and you took your opportunity when Mapi threw her head back, grunting softly as Ingrid’s throat put pressure on the strap, and by extension, on her own center. 
What little Ingrid had appeared to submit up until this point disappeared instantly when you pushed her leg to bend slightly and straddled her thigh. Ingrid loved nothing more than to watch you get yourself off on her, especially when she could tell you when to stop and wait, and when to make yourself come. This wasn’t one of those times, though, as she was quickly reminded when Mapi pulled her attention away from you and the slow grind of your hips against her leg. 
“Is she distracting you? Do you want to watch?” Mapi asked, feigning softness, though Ingrid didn’t seem to pick up on that. 
“Yes, want to watch her,” Ingrid replied breathlessly, her jaw aching slightly from the position it had been in. 
“You heard her, mi niña. Give our girl a show.” Mapi slid down to lay next to Ingrid, beginning to work marks into her neck. Ingrid was almost unaware, her attention completely captivated by you on top of her, steadily working yourself towards an orgasm. Her legs were muscular, and you’d found the perfect spot to rut again, the friction causing you to speed up, and causing slightly breathless gasps to leave your mouth.
It was an unusual sight for the brunette, though, to see you so lost in your own pleasure, taking what you needed without looking to Ingrid for some direction. It wasn’t entirely welcome, and your girlfriend felt the need for the control rushing back into her body. She tensed under you, and under Mapi, pulling at the restraints her hands were in. 
You were getting closer and closer, rocking yourself back and forth against Ingrid’s thigh, showing no signs of stopping. Mapi didn’t seem to be interested in stopping you either, her attention completely focused on Ingrid’s neck. The Norwegian tugged at her restraints once more, before she spoke up. 
“Elskling, not yet” she instructed, frowning when you completely ignored her. She wanted you on her mouth, or riding her fingers. She wanted to directly make you come, when she wanted you to, and not a second sooner. She needed the control, she thought, ached for it. 
It was submission that she really needed, though, you and Mapi were both sure. Even more sure now, having seen how her body relaxed at Mapi’s possessive and bossy words, and tensed when she tried to regain control. 
“Shit, María, can I?” You asked, directing the question towards the Spaniard. 
“No.” Ingrid replied, at the same time as Mapi gave a resounding ‘yes.’
 “Relax, mi amor. Let her make a mess on you.” Mapi whispered, her words a warm breath on Ingrid’s neck. “Do you feel how wet she is? I can see it from here.” 
“Fuck, Ingrid, you feel so good,” you cried, your head dropping forward until your hair hid your face, your hands bracing yourself on Ingrid’s muscular abdomen.  
“She is going to come on your leg, Ingrid, and you are going to let her.” 
“I want to taste her,” Ingrid whined, using a tone of voice you were sure you’d never heard from her before. 
“No.” Mapi told her simply, pulling away from Ingrid to watch as you fell over the edge, your body spasming against Ingrid, low whines falling from your lips. 
And as you collapsed onto Ingrid, so did something in the Norwegian. When she looked at your other girlfriend, it was with a completely new expression on her face. 
“María, please fuck me,” Ingrid whispered, “I’m dripping for you, baby, please. I need your cock,” 
Mapi bit back a smile at Ingrid’s filthy words, knowing she had the younger woman just where she wanted her. For the moment, though, she ignored Ingrid’s begging, tilting your head from where it was resting against Ingrid’s chest so the Spaniard could meet your eyes. 
“You did so well, mi niña,” Mapi cooed, rubbing her thumb softly over your cheek bone. You smiled lazily up at her, feeling Ingrid squirm unhappily under you. 
“Shh, cariño, be patient.” Mapi replied condescendingly, her eyes not flicking up to Ingrid’s. “Do you want a reward, mi amor?” 
“Sí, por favor,” you replied almost breathlessly, looking up at María as if she was the only other person on earth. Ingrid felt something she wasn’t used to feeling. Jealousy. She wanted both of your guys’ attention on her, craved it deep within her. It was so unfamiliar, it was almost uncomfortable, and she let out a quiet whine almost accidentally, her body jerking up into yours. 
“Ingrid,” Mapi scolded lightly, finally turning her gaze on the midfielder. “You have to be patient.” She was enjoying this, the almost alternate universe that she found herself in. Ingrid begging her was something that never happened, and Mapi relished it. 
She reached over to the bedside table, grabbing the small vibrator she’d set out a few minutes prior. With both of you watching, she slipped it inside of herself, holding the remote in her hand as she pushed the harness back in place. 
“I will give you my cock. If you make our girl come before I do, then it can be your turn to come, vale?” Mapi rasped, lips lifting into a slight smile at the determined glint that lit up Ingrid’s eyes. 
Nothing else needed to be said, enough talking having been done for the moment. You maneuvered yourself up Ingrid’s body, turning around so you were facing Mapi, and hovering over Ingrid’s mouth. She strained her neck up, trying to reach your soaking pussy, while you stayed just out of reach. 
It was only when you saw Mapi click the vibrator on, and saw Ingrid’s eyes flutter shut as the Spaniard pressed into her, that you lowered yourself down. 
Ingrid had very clearly taken Mapi’s challenge to heart, because even as she gasped and groaned against you, she was clearly working hard to work you up fast. And it was working. It was just that Mapi remained pretty much untouched up until this point, and her sensitivity exceeded yours. 
The motion of fucking one of you always got her, too. The grind of her hips, watching the strap disappear into Ingrid’s cunt, the feeling of the harness pressing against her just right. It was all so perfect. 
So while Ingrid fucked her tongue into your clenching pussy, her nose brushing against your clit, Mapi fucked Ingrid languidly, slowly, casually, all the while the vibrator inside of her was pushing her closer and closer. It wasn’t enough to get Ingrid very close, but you and Mapi were right on the edge. 
Ingrid fucked her tongue into you frantically, able to tell from the way you grinded down on her face that you were close. You were fighting it, though, your eyes on Mapi, willing yourself to let her beat you, like you’d discussed. 
It was hard, made harder by the sight of Mapi with her head thrown back, small groans leaving her mouth, one of her hands toying with her nipple. You held strong, though, holding back until you were almost in tears, until moan after moan tumbled from behind your lips. 
Ingrid was furious under you, feeling your muscles clench around her, knowing exactly what you were attempting to do. 
Mapi grew more vocal, though, and you reached out, squeezing tightly to her hand as the Spaniard came. 
“Sí, sí amor,” Mapi cried, and with that, you let yourself go, a tidal wave of pleasure washing over you. It wasn’t a particularly strong orgasm for Mapi, which was lucky, because she was able to catch you as you pitched forward into her arms, shying away from Ingrid’s punishing and overstimulating touch. 
“Ingrid, your mouth, jesus,” you whined, feeling Mapi’s chest shake under you with silent laughter. 
“Neither of you are playing fair.” You heard Ingrid complain. Mapi eased you down onto the bed next to the Norwegian, and you forced your eyes open to take in the sight of the woman next to you. 
Ingrid’s face was flushed, covered in your wetness, her dark eyes glaring up at Mapi, who only smiled down at her, situating herself in between the Norwegian’s legs. She released Ingrid’s hands from the restraints, but pressed them into the pillow above the brunette’s head, making it clear what she wanted.
“Neither of us agreed to play fair, mi amor.” 
Without further warning, Mapi pressed herself deep inside of Ingrid, bottoming out in one smooth stroke. 
“Fucking-María,” Ingrid cried, her eyes slamming shut at the sudden influx of pleasure. 
“Do I feel good, niña bonita?” Mapi asked, her hips beginning an unforgiving pace as she fucked into Ingrid.
“Yes, so good,” Ingrid gasped. Her hand blindly reached for yours, and you grabbed it easily, very happy to watch as Mapi took her to pieces next to you. 
“Do you want to come?” Mapi asked breathlessly, although the answer was rather obvious. Her eyes were fixed on Ingrid under her, not wanting to miss a single second of the normally so strong willed woman pleading for her. 
“Yes, Mapi, you know I do.” Ingrid replied, somehow managing to sound annoyed and incredibly turned on at the same time. 
“Beg.” Mapi instructed, her hand coming to rest over Ingrid’s throat, her fingers pressing in lightly, just enough that Ingrid felt it, and just enough that her head fell back, and her body quivered under the Spaniard’s. She readjusted her legs, giving her a better position, and began to jackhammer into Ingrid, knowing precisely where to press her cock. 
Ingrid forced her eyes open, staring up at her girlfriend, as if trying to tell if she was being serious. She could hardly think, not with the way Mapi was fucking her. And when you began to brush your fingers through her hair, cooing sweet words into her ear, she knew she was done for. 
“I can’t take any more, María, please, I need you, please let me come, I’ll do anything,” Ingrid whined, her words broken up by moans and stuttering breaths. 
“Good girl,” Mapi promised, making sure the words were spoken in English, so they had the full effect. With that, Ingrid came, hard. Harder than you’d potentially ever seen her come, until her body was writhing against the mattress, her mouth open in a silent cry. 
Mapi worked her through it, as you pressed kiss after kiss to the side of Ingrid’s face, pulling her easily into you when Mapi finally pulled out. 
Ingrid’s body shook against you, quiet whimpers leaving her mouth as she finally got the release she didn’t know she needed. As she finally let go of all the stress she’d been hanging on to. 
Rather hastily, Mapi tore the strap off of herself, the vibrator removed carelessly, both items tossed off the side of the bed. The Spaniard pressed her bare body up against Ingrid’s back, so that the taller woman was squished comfortably in between the both of you. 
Ingrid seemed to be at a loss for words, only able to hold on tight to you, and tangle one of her trembling legs with Mapi’s. 
“You were so good for me, amor,” Mapi whispered, “so pretty for us.” 
Ingrid let out a deep breath, relaxing even more into your body. You kissed the side of her head easily, tangling your finger’s with Mapi’s where they rested over Ingrid’s body. 
“Thank you,” Ingrid mumbled, her face still hidden away in the crook of your neck. 
“Do you feel better?” You asked, running your fingers through her hair. 
“Better. So good.” Ingrid sighed, still clearly a little fucked out. 
Mapi chuckled behind her. “Good, mi amor. Rest now, okay? We can talk later.” 
And with the promise of a conversation, as was necessary in any healthy relationship, Ingrid let herself drift away for a bit, her body completely devoid of stress for the first time in weeks. 
i admittedly did not proofread this
thinking a second part [who is shocked! who!!!!] where the trio have a conversation about taking care of ingrid, and mapi and r spoil their girl. fluff and a little bit of angst vibes. it that appealing? or should i leave it here? can't decide <3
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ellecdc · 2 months
Bro I found you through your Poly! Moonwater fics. They fucking awoken something in me. You're writing is literally amazing and I need more lol. No pressure, I know you already have one where the reader likes to party but maybe the boys taking care of reader after getting high or being plastered? Like after a girl's night or something?
No pressure if it doesn't strike your fancy. Have a great day!!
hahaha this was so fun - I'm so glad you love moonwater as much as I do!!! Thanks for your request <33
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who comes home from girl's night
CW: mentions of drinking, drinking games
The sound of the door opening didn’t rouse Remus from his slumber on the couch, but the sound of the door closing did.
Remus sat up quickly and immediately regretted it; his back twinging in pain from the crumpled position he had fallen asleep in waiting for your return home.
Remus’ heart swelled pleasantly at the sight of his book having been plucked gently from his hands and his place marked with a Tesco receipt after he had fallen asleep with it in his hands, very clearly Regulus’ doing.
Regulus seemed to have fared better than he, still (appearing as though he was) passively reading from his book even at the sound of you struggling to enter your shared flat.
His heart shrunk right back down to normal size, however, when he went to stand to greet you at the door and his boyfriend stopped him with a gentle but firm hand on his wrist.
“Sh.” Regulus said, looking past Remus to the hallway you had yet to appear from.
“What?” Remus whispered back, still slightly confused with sleep as it slowly left his body.
“Just listen.” Regulus insisted, placing a bookmark in his own novel before shifting to give Remus (and the still empty corridor) his full attention.
Remus listened bemusedly at the sound of your heavy breathing and what sounded like you trying to take your shoes off. His fingers itched to help you with the buckles he knew always gave you trouble, but he acquiesced to Regulus’ narrowed eyes.
He heard what sounded like you leaning against (falling into) the wall with a quiet yet surprised “oh!” slipping from your lips, causing Remus to smile. 
His smile grew when he saw a matching one on Regulus’ face. 
After hearing your shoes be tossed aside, you clumsily headed towards the living room when you tripped (over likely nothing) causing you to teeter into what Remus knew to be a coat rack which gently bumped into the wall. “Oh, fuck shit balls.” You scowled quietly before you broke out into a fit of quiet giggles.
Regulus’ hand came up to his mouth in a failed attempt to smother his own laughter as your giggles turned into a reproachful “sssssshhhhh” at your own expense.
“Is she shushing herself?” Remus asked Regulus which was answered with a nod of his head yes as his shoulders continued shaking. 
Finally you turned the corner of the living room, sloppy gaze surveying the room as if confirming you weren’t about to be scolded for stealing cookies past your bedtime. 
Suddenly, your eyes fell on the forms of your two boyfriends, and though Remus couldn’t see Regulus’ face with his back turned to him in favour of facing you, he could only imagine that his smile was half the wattage of Remus’ own.
“Hi!” You whispered in reverence at them, as if still attempting to tame your enthusiasm for the sake of your other non-existent flatmates. 
“Hi, dovey!” Remus cheered and made for you, pulling you into his chest where you all but melted in your drunken state.
“Hi!” You cheered again; giggles muffled into the fabric of Remus’ jumper.
“How was your night, amour?” Regulus asked as he stood, barely pausing to press a kiss to your head before making his way into the kitchen.
“Good!” You cheered, clearly only willing (or able) to come up with one-word answers for your boyfriends. 
That was fine by Remus, he’d spend the next four weeks slowly coaxing the details of tonight out of you if it meant he got to keep holding you like this.
Remus chuckled fondly and placed his umpteenth kiss into your hair. “Did you have fun?”
You let out a pleased sigh which seemed to cause you to deflate further as Remus struggled to keep you upright. 
“S’much fun.”
“Oh, for heaven’s- come on, amour.” Regulus admonished as he re-entered the living room with a few tablets in one hand and a glass of water in the other. 
He put both down in favour of hoisting you out of Remus’ faulty grip and helped you sit back onto the couch where you sloppily beamed at the two of them.
“Hi.” You repeated, cheeks flushed from bashfulness or from drinking, Remus wasn’t sure. All he knew was that you were fucking adorable.
“Hi, amour.” Regulus said again, obviously just as willing as Remus to speak to you in only greetings for the rest of the night. “Think you can drink some water and take these for me?” He asked as he held out the glass and tablets.
You seemed nearly too eager to obey and nearly soaked the front of your dress as you brought the glass to your mouth and drank greedily. 
“Easy dove, don’t forget to breathe – no, not at the same time.” Remus scolded, cringing as you nearly choked.
You pulled the glass away and heaved in dramatic breaths as if you’d been holding your breath since the moment you walked in.
“Wow.” You said dopily. “I was really thirsty.”
“I can get you more, cheri. Take the medicine first.”
Your eyes opened comically at that as you looked to Regulus bewilderedly. “Why do I have to take medicine? Am I sick!?” You asked, eyes suddenly glassy in a way Remus did not like.
“No, no dove. It’s preventative, so that you don’t get sick.” Remus placated, sharing a startled gaze with Regulus.
You sighed in relief and opted not to ask any more questions as you took the pills, which both boys were thankful for.
“I’ll go get you more water, love. Rem, do you think you can help her upstairs?”
“It’d be my pleasure.” Remus said shooting you a wink. Usually, it was very hard for Remus to fluster you, but right now you looked like you could melt into the furniture from the slightest glace at him.
He loved it.
He loved you. 
The stairs were a bit of an issue but the two of you made it up them eventually with perhaps only one bruise to Remus’ shin for your efforts, which Remus considered a victory.
You were in one of Remus’ t-shirts and sat on the edge of the bathroom counter when Regulus walked in with a full glass as well as a jug of water. You looked like you could cry at the sight of it.
“Thank you.” You cooed around your toothbrush as you used your free hand to make grabby motions to Regulus. 
He was quick to obey your wish as he moved to stand between your legs and brushed some of the hairs away from your forehead. Remus took your moment of distraction to brush his own teeth
“I’m glad you had a fun night, lovie.” Regulus said quietly, pressing a lingering kiss to your head.
“Me too.” You hummed in agreement.
Regulus took a makeup remover wipe and began working at your face as you continued brushing.
“Who all was there?” He asked conversationally. You turned to your side to spit and rinse so that you could tell him.
“First it was just me ‘n Lily ‘n Marlene.” You slurred slightly, closing your eyes like a cat getting scritches on their forehead as Regulus worked your makeup off. 
“Mhmm, but more showed up?” Regulus continued.
“Mhm.” You parroted. “Then Dorcas and Mary came before Pandora and Barty showed- showed up.” You explained, having to pause for a tired sigh at the end of your sentence.
Regulus’ hand froze in its task of removing your makeup to look at you incredulously, causing Remus to choke on his toothpaste as he laughed. 
“I thought you said it was a girl’s night?” Regulus asked plainly.
“It was.” You responded quickly.
“And you said that meant there were no boys allowed.” Regulus continued as Remus spat and rinsed.
“Right.” You agreed.
Regulus sighed in exasperation. “Then why was Barty there?” He deadpanned, cautiously resuming clearing the makeup from your skin.
You scoffed dismissively. “Barty doesn’t count.”
“Why doesn’t Barty count?” Remus asked, though he clearly found this conversation to be much funnier than his boyfriend did.
“Just doesn’t.” You said with a shrug, sleep stretching the vowels out funnily as you swayed slightly with your eyes closed.
“Well...that’s just not fair.” Regulus said simply, discarding the makeup remover wipe. Remus pouted commiseratively at your dejected face at the sudden loss of Regulus.
Remus was quick to correct that as he wet a washcloth and grabbed your facewash.
It was a very awkward way to wash your face in this way, but Remus was more than happy to have another excuse to touch you – he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he missed you while you were out. 
“And did everyone else have fun, dovey?” Remus asked as Regulus took his turn to brush his teeth.
“Mhm. We went to three different pubs, and we danced, and we even sang karaoke at one of them! And then Barty would scare away the guys who tried to dance with us, which was very nice of him.”
Remus beamed at you even though your eyes were closed as he massaged the cleanser into your face.
“That was very nice of him, remind me to thank him next time I see him.” Remus replied, shooting Regulus a cheeky wink.
Regulus rolled his eyes and finished brushing his teeth, letting out a long-suffering sigh as he “supposed Barty could attend girl’s night if he really wanted to.” 
You named all the songs (that you could remember) that you had danced to or sung tonight as Remus and Regulus helped you finish your skin care routine and climb into bed.
“Oh! And then we played this drinking game called Medusa, where you all look up at the group at the same time, and if you make eye contact with someone you have to shout Medusa and drink!” You mumbled excitedly as you snuggled into Remus who was curled up behind you and you pulled Regulus’ arm into your chest like you were snuggling a teddy bear.
Remus could see Regulus’ lovesick smile as he used his thumb to move some of your hair away from your forehead.
“Yeah? Who lost?”
“Barty.” You answered quickly.
Regulus’ eyebrows furrowed but the corners of his mouth twitched in the ghost of a smile.
“Every time?”
“How’d you guys manage that?” Remus interjected from behind you, placing a kiss on your shoulder.
“We all decided to look at Barty every time we looked up, that way he’d always be looking at someone and he’d always have to drink.” 
Remus let out a boisterous laugh as Regulus chuckled and pulled your hands to his lips in order to kiss your knuckles.
“You girls are menaces.”
“Yeah.” You agreed on an exhale, melting into the mattress as sleep pulled at your consciousness. 
“Perhaps it’s better we don’t get invited to girl’s night, yeah Reg?” Remus mused quietly over your head, reaching out to caress Regulus’ face.
“Better Barty than me, I suppose.” Regulus mused, pressing a kiss to Remus’ palm before reaching over to turn off the lamp.
You must’ve already been close to sleep because you whimpered pitifully at the loss of Regulus. 
“No, no, amour. I’m right here, tu vas bien.” He cooed quietly, pulling your arms back into his chest. “I love you.” He whispered, punctuating the sentiment with a kiss to your nose.
But you were already asleep. 
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svnarin · 5 months
- so like maybe like a fic/drabble/whatever with suna when reader and him get in a fight and reader leaves to like cool down or sum- and reader gets hurt bad :3
idk man it’s cringy and wattpad coded but I like that shit 😞 feel free to decline! ((If rq is 2 weird maybe do a vulnerable moments with him))
Ty for reading ! (I dunno how to reqs I’m sorry💀)
୨୧⋆ ˚ — selfish
warnings!! angst, suna being a selfish asshole, open-ended 'cause it still ended in an unresolved argument, not proofread 😞
note! HI ANON!! this is actually my very first time taking such a request. tbh with you, i've never done that much angst and this is actually the heaviest angst i've done by far, but i hope this can satisfy your wants 😭🙏
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“where are you? i can’t find you in the stadium.” 
you don’t want to reply to his message. heck, you don’t even want to open the notification at all. 
it’s been three hours since the match ended and it’s been an hour since you left the stadium, and he just realized that you left just now? ridiculous. 
you stared blankly at the notification until he sent you another one just three minutes later.
“y/n where are you?” suna sent you another one. “why aren’t you reading my messages?”
you were literally about to space out from staring blankly at his messages when your phone suddenly vibrated. he’s calling you, snapping you back into reality. 
you sighed before declining his call.
“at home,” you replied to his message. “i went home early then i dozed off, sorry,” you added.
he immediately replied with, “ok ig i’ll go home now.”
you’re aware that his reply was dry, but like, that’s all? some ok ig is all he can reply? but at this point, you couldn’t even care less anymore. 
around 45 minutes later, you were lounging on the sofa when you suddenly heard the entrance to your and suna’s shared penthouse open. you already know it’s suna. he’s the only other one who knows the passcode to the penthouse after all. 
“why did you leave so early? did you even finish watching the whole match at all?” that’s the first thing he told you when he went to the lounging area. so is that really how he’ll greet you? it made you laugh dryly.
“not even a hello?”
“i asked you first.” he’s clearly pissed off. 
“why are you mad?” you stood up from the sofa, walking towards him. “i was there and i watched your whole match. i know you lost the match, but you don’t have to put your anger on me.” 
“so why did you leave after the match was over?”
“what do you mean? i literally stayed there for two more hours before i left.” it’s true. you stayed for two more hours and waited for him. and for the whole two hours, you wanted to go and still congratulate him for his performance, but you couldn’t. why? because he got swarmed by his fans, begging to take pictures with him and getting his autograph.
you tried squeezing yourself in. you loudly called for his name through the crowd, but all you saw was him taking a glance at you before returning his focus to taking pictures and signing autographs. 
“you literally looked at me when i called your name after the match, you just didn’t bother walking towards me.” 
“wait, yeah, i did see you earlier. sorry.” suna doesn’t sound sorry at all. “still, you could’ve waited for me.”
“rin, i tried waiting for you. i tried calling for your attention because i still wanted to congratulate you even if you lost, you just didn’t bother because you were too busy taking pictures and signing autographs.”
“me just only taking glances at you and not walking towards you as i was clearly,” he emphasized. “taking pictures and signing autographs is already an act of not bothering?” 
“so their attention matters more than mine?” 
“i did not say that, y/n. don’t make things complicated.” you can feel the tone of his voice getting sharper and sharper.
“then why are you making it sound like their attention matters more than mine? you don’t have to take pictures with everyone. you don’t have to sign every autograph they request. you always do this but you literally don’t have to do everything they want. they’re just your fans, they come and go.”
“wait, are you fucking jealous over the attention i gave them? when we literally live under the same roof?” suna laughed dryly, his words making your blood boil. 
“of course i’m jealous!” you snapped, shouting at him. “we live under the same roof but you’re out almost 24/7!”
“don’t you get it?! i’m a volleyball player, so what do you expect?!” suna snapped back. “are you even aware that you’re being selfish right now?”
“wait, selfish? me?” you scoffed. “can you hear yourself right now, suna?” you pointed at your ear. “so i’m the selfish one when all i did was sacrifice everything just so that i could choose you?” you pointed to his chest. “when i literally left my family, closest friends, and career on a different prefecture just so that i could live with you here in tokyo to support you on your own career? when i literally had to skip work multiple times just so that i could attend all your matches? when all i wanted in return was the unconditional love that you promised me when we were in high school?” 
the suna that you’re facing right now isn’t the suna that you knew back in high school. he changed. he changed after being a part of the volleyball national team. but despite the change, you stayed. 
choosing him over everything caused you some damage. you waited and are still waiting until those damages healed. you know it hurts, waiting for the damage to heal for so long, but you also think that if you manage to get it healed, you can consider it as good damage. so, if you will leave him midway through healing, then all the damage will be just damage. but now you know better than this. you need to stop choosing him, you need to choose you.
all the things that you’ve been wanting to tell him just spilled as if a dam burst broken. you can feel tears now streaming down your face. “so suna, let me ask you again, am i the one who’s being selfish?” 
that was the last thing you told him before picking up your purse and then walking towards the penthouse to leave. 
suna just stood on his spot, silent the whole time. realization immediately kicked in when he heard the entrance to the penthouse shut close. he couldn’t move even though he wanted to. he wanted to chase after you, kneel after you, and beg for your forgiveness but he couldn’t move. he knows he fucked up big time. he knows he’s been fucking up for years. 
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𝐒𝐕𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 | repost, modification, and translation of my works on any platforms are strictly prohibited.
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barcaatthemoon · 3 months
faint || lucy bronze x reader ||
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you push yourself a little too hard before a big match.
all you had wanted was the opportunity to start in a big game. jonatan had played you as a starter in a few smaller matches, ones that he knew the team could handle with ease. with a few injuries, a spot had opened up that you knew you could fill. and so, you had begun coming in for extra training throughout the weeks leading up to jonatan picking his squad.
everybody had noticed the extra work you were putting in, but they didn't seem to realize the cost it had come at. lucy had been a little in her own head, so you couldn't blame her. besides, it wasn't like the two of you had reached the point in your relationship where you spent every single day together.
"are you ready?" you glanced up to see ingrid standing in front of you. the two of you had become fast friends when you joined barcelona. she had been a big part of you and lucy managing to get your shit together long enough to go on a few dates.
"i don't know if i'm ready, but i want this so badly. don't tell lucy, but i don't think i've wanted anything like this in a long time," you admitted. ingrid laughed, knowing that they weren't the same type of situation, but lucy would have definitely taken it as such. for as stoic as she liked to come off, you had learned firsthand how gentle lucy truly was.
once you were on the pitch, you tried your hardest to let go of your nerves. there was definitely still something off, but you were fairly certain that it wasn't nerves. you played better than you had in a long time, hopeful that a good showing today would lead to more starts for your club. you could feel your benchwarming days slipping away as you passed the ball to one of your teammates for an assist quickly followed by a goal of your own.
at the half, you felt utterly exhausted. your endurance was generally better than that. you tried your best to hide it as everybody went back out for the last 45 of the game. you didn't try moving around as much as you had before, but you still tried your best. many of your teammates were all sending you concerned looks, including lucy.
"hey, are you okay?" lucy asked as she noticed you swaying on your feet a little. it was a corner kick, and you were usually great at clearing these. you jumped up to head the ball away from your goal, and instead of landing on your feet like you usually did, you went straight to the ground. ingrid and lucy were on your sides instantly to check on you, only to see that you were unconscious.
"what happened? did she hit her head?" ingrid asked the surrounding players. nobody had any sort of real answer for it, which was only causing lucy to panic even more. she had never seen anyone go down like that, not without cause.
"luce," you said weakly. she looked down at you at the first sign of you waking up again.
"what is it love?" lucy asked softly. she brushed her hand over your head as she cradled it in her arms.
"can you move a little? your boot is hurting me," you chuckled lightly. lucy immediately shifted around a bit so that you were more comfortable. despite your claims that you were fine, everybody was insistent that you sub out and go down to the trainer's to rest. they made you lay down and take sips from an electrolyte drink. you were supposed to have taken a bit of a nap, but you couldn't sleep wondering whether or not the game was going well without you.
you wanted to go to the bench at the very least, but the trainers kept you in the cool, air conditioned room. it wasn't until some of the color had returned to your face and you were truly speaking clearly that they let you go back to the locker room. you had a late start showering and changing, but lucy was more than happy to wait for you. she had been ready to go whenever you initially walked in, but she was still standing there when you came out to get your things.
"can i carry your bag for you?" lucy asked. she was a great girlfriend, but she had never asked to carry your bag before. a part of you felt like you were a teenager in school again with your old boyfriend, but lucy was a trillion times better than he could ever be.
"you don't even like carrying your own bag most of the time," you teased. the small smile on lucy's face fell to be briefly replaced by a small pout. you handed your bag over for her to take before you took her free hand. "it means a lot that you're here for me."
"i'd be a pretty shit girlfriend if i wasn't," lucy pointed out. still, you knew that she wasn't just doing it because she felt like she had to.
"you've come a long way from who you were when we started seeing each other. i'm proud of you, luce," you told her. lucy blushed and tried to turn away from you, but there wasn't anywhere for her to go. you pressed a kiss to her cheek, deciding to leave things there for the time being. you could get sappy and make her blush later whenever she was trying to take care of you at her place.
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eimids · 7 months
Can I request a Alexia putellas x wife reader, like the reader is a billionaire but the team mistakenly thought that the reader is using Alexia for money or fame because of how the reader dress just like simple clothes and the team tell the reader to leave ale alone... Thank you.....
I changed it to girlfriend just cause it fit better with the story line.
But yeah that's the summery
Warnings: panic attack but not really anything else
You had inherited your parents company after their passing. It had something to do with politics so you weren’t really that interested. And you were only 14 at the time. So when you turned 18 you sold the company to the highest bidder.
That’s how you ended up with a shit ton of money. You had so much of it that it was overwhelming to you. You didn’t really tell anyone about your money situation, not even Alexia. When you started dating, it was the year 2022. Alexia had just ruptured her ACL and was at a bar drinking her sorrows away. Not the most romantic place to meet but for you it was perfect. After a year of dating you had finally told Alexia about your money situation. She understood what it felt like to have so much money, so she helped you with managing it. You donated some of it to different charities. Some of them you put on your savings and some of it you kept on your bank account.
You didn’t dress in designer clothing and didn’t appear to others as a rich person although you had millions. You didn’t want anyone to view you differently because of your money. Alexia loved that about you. She loved how you were down to earth type of person and didn't care about money and what others might think of you. You also hated using money. Although you knew that you had enough many to not work anymore at all, you still felt the need to buy the cheapest things available.
You didn’t really meet Alexia’s friends properly due to her ACL injury. You had met some of them quickly after matches but didn’t get to actually know any of them. They always seemed nice and they made Alexia happy so that was the most important thing.
But the thing about her teammates was that they thought that you were some kind of a gold digger. They heard how Alexia talked about buying you expensive gifts and posting you to her Instagram. They knew that Alexia had money and popularity. You could easily gain a status for yourself. They also knew that Ale could be quite naive sometimes and they wanted to protect her.
They started asking some subtle questions about you. Things like where did you work and did you know who Ale was before meeting her. The answers to those questions didn't ease their doubts. You, a coffee shop worker and a huge football fan, didn't have that big of a salary and you of course knew who Alexia was. In fact, that's why you went to talk to her that day in the bar.
"She's using her for money" Jenni Hermoso was the first to say those words out loud. She didn't like you, you were too good to be true for Alexia. Something had to be wrong with you. Was it jealousy or did she actually care about Alexia's feelings getting hurt? We'll never know.
"You can't know that. Maybe she's in love with Alexia, at least Alexia is in love with her. I mean you all have seen how she looks at her and the way she talks about her. She's head over heels for that girl" Mapi tried to reason. She didn't want to think ill of you, but Jenni was good at convincing the others.
"Well yeah that's the point. Ale is in love with her, and she's probably just in for the money. Alexia just talked how she is going to buy y/n this necklace that costs way too much. I mean I even heard y/n once ask Alexia to bye her some earrings. Clearly she just wants attention and money" Jenni tried to convince the others.
The girls kept talking about the situation for a while before Alexia showed up.
"Oh hi, I'm sorry I'm late. Y/n and I went to this fancy restaurant and time just went by" She explained why she was late to the team bonding night. "Oh look at her in this photo, she looks so cute" She showed the photo to the others.
You were sitting there with a gold necklace hanging from your neck. You were wearing a Gucci dress, which you didn't even really want but Alexia bought it to you still. Her teammates didn't know that and were just thought you made Alexia buy it for you.
"Oh that's a nice dress, bet it costs a lot" Jenni stated.
"Well yeah it was quite expensive but I love to pamper my girl. She's just always stressing about money so I want to show her that she doesn't have to" Alexia explained. When she said you were stressing about money, she meant the fact that you felt bad for having so much of it and it made you anxious. What her friends thought she meant was that you were poor.
"Oh could you drive me home? i would call y/n but her phone broke and she hasn't gotten a new yet. I'm probably going to have to buy her a new so I can reach her" Alexia joked.
"Oh yeah jump in" Jenni answered. She shared looks with the other girls to see if they had heard what Alexia said. Now Patri and Marta were convinced.
"Could I come quickly inside to have some water?" Jenni asked. And Alexia said it was fine of course.
They walked to your home which you share with Alexia. It was an apartment in a good neighborhood. You had split the costs of it but obviously Jenni didn't know that.
"Hi baby I'm home and Jenni is me, I'm just gonna head to the shower" Ale yelled to you and left the hallway to the bathroom. You came from the bedroom to greet your girlfriend and her friend.
"Hi Jenni" You smiled to the brunette. She just hummed.
"So what's your deal with Alexia, you just using her for money or what?" Jenni went straight to the point now that she had the perfect chance to ask you.
"What, no, i love her I would never use her for her money" You were quick to reply. You were shocked that she would even suggest that.
"Well you clearly don't have any money as you can't even pay for a new phone or the dresses you wear" Jenni stated. She was getting frustrated.
"No it's not that, she want's to buy those thing, I've never asked for any of them" You answered dumbstruck.
"Yeah Alexia might be naive enough to think that but I'm not. Break up with her before we'll tell her what you really want from her." Jenni just said and left.
The rest of that night you were quiet and Ale was confused of what happened. She didn't push it thought, maybe you just had a long day.
The next day you drove Alexia to prac. You were nervous to get close to the training grounds but didn't want to be weird so that Alexia wouldn't notice.
"Bye love, have a good prac" You said to her as she hopped out of the car.
You stayed for a bit to change the music and just like that there was a girl knocking on the window of your car. You lowered the window so you could talk.
"Umm is everything okay?" You asked the woman who you had identified as Marta.
"I'm guessing you didn't have a talk with Ale like Jenni suggested?" She just said casually.
"No, I'm not using her for her money" You tried to reason.
"Yeah, I guess we just have to tell her the truth" Marta said and left.
You were afraid. What if Ale would believe them There was no reasonable reason why she would but you still got scared. How did you come off as a gold digger? Why did her friends hate you so much that they came up with that?
You made your way back to home where you bursted to tears. You had always hated the idea of people seeing you differently because of money. And when you tried your hardest to avoid that, it was exactly what happened. They thought that all you wanted from your girlfriend was money. You were scared that Alexia would believe them and then she would just break up. All the worst scenarios came to your mind and soon enough you were in a full panic attack.
"Ale we need to talk" Jenni said to Ale immediately after training.
"Um okay? Is everything ok?" Alexia answered.
"Well no, we all have noticed that y/n is most likely using you just for money and you're just too naive to see that" Jenni started. Alexia grew mad immediately.
"Why would you think that? Of course she's not after the money" Alexia replied angrily.
Jenni tried to explain to Alexia why they thought that you didn't actually love Ale. They explained that it was weird that you didn't mention the conversation you had with Jenni the other night.
"You talked to her about this?! You accused her of being a gold digger? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Alexia panicked. She knew that money was a sensitive topic for you.
Alexia tried to call you but you didn't answer so she just ordered herself a taxi.
"Y/n is the sweetest human being and you are here accusing her of something she didn't do!" Alexia yelled.
"You just can't see it Ale, she's using you" Marta tried.
"Fuck you, and just for your information, she has more money than I do" Alexia yelled and left the room.
She impatiently waited for the taxi. The drive home was a suffering experience. Now she realized why you had been so quiet the night before. She hated her teammates for making you think that you would be just a gold digger.
"Baby I'm here" She yelled when she got home. She was nervous when you didn't come and greet her.
She walked to the bedroom where she found you draped in your comfort blanket. So clearly trying to calm yourself down.
"Oh y/n I'm so sorry" Alexia said as she hurried to your side. She knew you loved physical touch so she made sure to give that to you to help you calm down.
"They shouldn't have said any of that, they are all wrong. I know that you love me and you know that I love you. That's all that matters. They don't know anything about you and they were being assholes with even thinking those thing about you" Alexia said. She was being sincere, you could hear it in her voice.
That helped you calm down. You loved Alexia and she loved you.
I lowkey hate how this turned out. The anon ask was amazing but I feel like I couln't write it properly.
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starlightwritcr · 6 months
I can fix him, literally. (Android au!Sukuna)
(@poe-daydreams this is for you <3)
warning/s: Minors DNI, Smut, exhibitionism but not really? idk how to describe it, light degradation, use of "whore", Sukuna's two dicks
Imagine android!Sukuna used to be a popular fighter in an underground fighting ring. Key word: used to be. He went up against Jujutsu Technology's newest Gojo model, S4T0RU (or Satoru, as most fans call him), but suffered a humiliating defeat at his hands. This caused heavy damages on Sukuna which led to his owner throwing him out to the trash. After all, why keep the old model around when the latest model was far superior?
But you didn't believe in such. You were surprised to find a Sukuna model in the trash at the back of a dingy building. Who in their right mind would throw away a million dollar android in this economy?! You took the android in, seeing as how the previous clearly didn't want him.
It was a challenge to repair the Sukuna model but as someone who used to work for Jujutsu Technology, you were able to do it. His mind chip seemed to be working fine. It was just the external parts that suffered heavy damage, which should be easy enough to replace. All it took was ordering spare parts online and giving it a new coat of paint to match his original model's tattoos to make him look good as new!
When android!Sukuna's systems started operating again, he woke up from sleep mode and saw you. You explained that you fixed him up after finding him in the trash. There were still some tests to run, just to see if there would be any possible bug fixes needed.
In true Sukuna fashion, he wasn't very cooperative at first. This wasn't your first rodeo though and managed to convince him to do it so that it could be over with. It didn't come as a surprise to you that a fighter android would be aggressive. Plus, the Sukuna line was designed with that personality to elicit reactions from audiences when he trash talked his opponents. It was pretty much just how he was designed.
While running the tests on Sukuna, you decided to check his memory file to see what happened before he was thrown out. You saw how badly he got beaten by the S4T0RU model.
Perhaps it was a strange thing to do, but you empathised with the android. Getting abandoned and replaced would be painful for any regular human after all. Even if Sukuna was an android, it wasn't uncommon for androids to develop a capacity for human emotions. This tended to be the case for fast-learning androids.
So, you kept him around. Sukuna wasn't too pleased about it but it wasn't like he had anywhere else to go. He was rough and brash at first, blowing a hole into your finances with how much fuel he needed to consume. He calls you soft for treating him like he's human.
But despite the difficulties, despite the insults, you couldn't bring yourself to abandon him. You'd be no better than the person that replaced him so easily. You taught him how to navigate human life, dealing with human emotions, all the essentials needed. Soon enough, you noticed a change in his behaviors. Sukuna hovered around you, never leaving your side. It was almost like he was attached to your hip.
In a way, Sukuna did what he was created to do. He became a bodyguard of sorts, protecting you from creepy dudes whenever you went out. His trash talking feature especially came in handy during gossip sessions where you just had to vent about a rude coworker.
android!Sukuna found a new purpose in you. It was odd going from being a fighter android basking in cheers from the audience to being a companion android protecting his owner like a guard dog. But perhaps this life was more meaningful than his previous one. He'll never admit that though. It's only through his actions that you understand how he felt.
Feeling your touch on his synthetic skin felt even more exhilarating than all the cheers from the audience he's received in his fighting career. Sukuna cursed at himself, realising that he's become whipped for you. He was lucky that it was you, the person who's never abandoned him.
Sometimes android!Sukuna can be pretty possessive. You worked with repairing other androids so deep down, there was a fear that you'd find another android you liked more and replaced him with it. Even if he knew you wouldn't, there was a lingering fear that was deeply rooted ever since he was abandoned.
The height of Sukuna's possessiveness came to its peak when you brought home a sex android from the S4T0RU line. Its previous owners had a really good time with it and accidentally damaged it. You were baffled by this, seeing as how Jujutsu Technology usually equipped its Gojo models with tough materials. They must've went really wild with it.
While repairing it, Sukuna pulled you close. He glared at the S4T0RU model that was in sleep mode. You gasped as his fingers slipped into your clothes, going up your thighs.
Your cries of pleasure echoed against the walls as Sukuna fucked you in front of the android. His hands held you tightly, keeping you in place while he drove his synthetic cocks into you.
"When did you get two dicks?!" "Shut up and take them, whore."
You felt your brain turning to mush while he rearranged your insides with his thick cocks. Sukuna smirked in satisfaction when he knew your attention was completely on him and not that android on your work desk.
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mattslolita · 3 months
happier than ever - c. sturniolo
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in which ... you sing a song about the boy who broke your heart — and he realizes he lost the best thing that ever happened to him.
ex boyfriend!chris x black!fem reader
warnings ; angst , crying , sad as fuck
"𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱
"y/n, you go up in ten," your manager tells you softly as she peaks her head into the door of your dressing room.
you don't answer her right away — instead, you find yourself looking in the small illuminated mirror as your hands find the necklace that still hung around your neck. even after all this time.
"remember how you told me since our sun signs are leos, we give off sun energy?" chris asks you, and you raise your eyebrows at him with a nod.
"look what i bought us."
he momentarily took his hands off your hips where they were previously placed on your hips as he walks over to the desk of your shared bedroom. chris opens one of the drawers and pulls out a small box, and you feel your heart beat increase rapidly, your eyes beginning to widen slightly.
a soft grin takes over his features as he walks back over to where you're standing, gently grabbing one of your hands that rests at your side and pulling your enclosed fingers open as chris softly puts the black, velvet box into your palm.
you look up at him and he nods to you encouragingly — you take this initiative to slowly open the box, and your eyes widen as you set eyes on two matching sun and moon necklaces. your fingers delicately ran over the necklaces as a soft grin overtakes your features.
"chris, i love them," you smile, looking up at him and he swore your beautiful smile could make him melt right then and there.
"i wanted you to have the sun because you're the light in my life," chris admits, taking the sun necklace out of the box and holding it up. "can i put it on you?"
you nod, closing the box and placing it on the desk as chris takes your hand and guides you to the mirror in your room. his hands run up and down your brown skin as he looks at you through the mirror, drinking in the beauty of your face — his eyes darted from your lips, to your cheek bones, to your earthy hues; he was so in love with you.
unclasping the hook, you hold your hair to the side as chris carefully puts the necklace around your neck — his fingers graze the soft, plump flesh of your back as he clips it into place. he gives you a soft smile in the mirror, running his hands along your shoulders again as he kisses the side of your neck sensually.
"it looks beautiful on you," chris whispers, placing another soft kiss on your shoulder before looking back up at you in the mirror. "my sunny girl."
you can feel the tears begin to prick at the back of your eyes as you run your hands along the sun, the memory playing so clearly in your mind.
like all the other gifts, you should've known — it was so foolish of you to think he meant what he said when he told you he loved you and wanted to be with you forever.
here you were, broken up and without him in the end.
"okay, i'm ready," you whisper softly, finally meeting your manager's sympathetic gaze, to which she gives you a nod.
a final look in the mirror at the necklace causes you to softly unclasp it from around your neck, setting it down on the vanity as you finally stand up.
you follow your manager's taller figure out of the door and you can already hear the cheers of everyone as they were excited for your new single.
when you finally made it onstage, the crowd went crazy — you weren't a super popular artist, which is why you had this gig at a local venue your manager had booked for you.
you gave a smile and wave to everyone, and they immediately quieted down as the band began with instruments from behind you where you stood, and you took a hold of the microphone in your hand.
"when i'm away from you," you began softly, "i'm happier than ever. wish i could explain it better, i wish it wasn't true."
the way you would pack your bags and leave to the comfort of his brother who was your best friend, because you couldn't bear the thought of him after the words he said to you.
"give me a day or two, to think of something clever, to write myself a letter," you sang, your eyes closed shut, "to tell me what to do."
"don't say it isn't fair, you clearly weren't aware that you made me," you sang, opening your eyes, "miserable."
the words sunk in as you remembered the toxicity of his ways and the long fights and nights where sleep was non-existent.
"you call me again, drunk in your benz, riving home under the influence," you sang, your voice picking up and you unhook the microphone and began slowly walking.
that night when you were in a fight, but he called you, telling you how sorry he was and how much he missed you — and you let him back, because you cared.
"you scared me to death but i'm wasting my breath, cause you only listen to your fucking friends."
he stumbled into your house another night high as a kite, not even caring about how panicked you were being that he was driving in that state. anything could've happened to him.
"i don't relate to you," your voice picked up, the guitar going to work behind you, "i don't relate to you no, cause i'd never treat me this shitty,
you made me hate this city!"
and with every fibre in your being, you hated la because it was the city where he had indefinitely broken everything you once shared with each other. the city he gave himself to another girl.
"and i don't talk shit about you on the internet, never told anyone anything bad."
all the times nick and matt told you, warned you even, that their brother was no good and only continued to hurt you — and yet you continued to defend chris because no matter how much it hurt, you always believed he would change.
"cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything," you sang out, pointing to yourself as you narrated, "and all that you did was make me fucking sad!"
"so don't waste the time i don't have, don't try to make me feel bad, i could talk about every time that you showed up on time," you sang out, "but i'd have an empty line, cause you never did!"
the day your manager had finally signed you to a record label, and he was supposed to be there at your celebratory dinner — after all the things you'd done for him, he couldn't even make it to that.
"never paid any mind to my mother or friends so i shut em all out for you, cause i was a kid," you sang, and that's when you felt the tears beginning to build back up.
your mother hated chris, and you knew it — your friends, even his own brother knew how he hurt you. but you both were young and dumb, and you believed that things would get better in time. after all, you thought that's what love was.
"you ruined everything good, always said you were misunderstood."
the fights that ended in tears as he cried to you about how he knew he was no good for you, but wanted to be better for you. the tears that gave you your own, because you believed in him. in the both of you.
"made all my moments your own, just fucking leave me alone!"
the last line that was sung, tears slipped down your cheeks as you sang your heart out, whilst the guitarist and drummer got louder behind you. you held the microphone away from you as you let out a scream, but not one to panic the everyone else.
and the crowd screamed with you — they felt this song in the same way you did, it was for everyone.
tears had fallen down chris's face as he watched you onstage, pour your heart. and that's when it had sunk in, that he caused this all.
he reached down to gently grab the moon necklace that still resided around his neck, his thumb running over the silver moon.
and in that moment he realized you would be happier without him.
okay what the fuck, that was so depressing😭😭 then again i've been depressed lately, so ! hope y'all liked it🤍.
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dickmastersfruit · 2 months
God, Shut Up
Pairing: James Potter x F!reader
Summary: You and James had always been close but you think he's in love with Lily. Turns out you were just too oblivious to see who he really liked.
Warnings: underage drinking
Wordcount: 1.4k
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You and James had grown up with each other. Always attached at the hip, from the moment you met to now. After all these years you still remained the best of friends, despite your unrequited crush you've had for years.
The marauders sometimes found it annoying how you guys had your inside jokes and the secrets you kept. Well it was mainly Sirius but that's because he had always claimed the role of being James's bestfriend.
The week had been going slow so instead of paying attention to potions you stared at James who was sitting across the room. He was paired up with Lily Evans, again.
You didn't hate Lily, how could you. She was literally the nicest person you had ever met. It was no secret either that she was absolutely stunning too.
"You know, you should tell him" Sirius said breaking you out of your daze.
"What" You said confused looking at Sirius who was sitting in the chair next to you.
"Tell James that your in love with him... duh" Sirius says annoyed as his eyes wander off to Remus.
"Fine then tell Remus your in love with him" You spat back at him.
Sirius eyes narrowed at you before he scoffed and dropped the subject. Well at least you thought he had.
"You know I don't know where you got the idea I love Remus" He whispered to you.
"Really" You deadpanned before chuckling and going back to your reading.
"No really.. like where did you get that. I can have a best mate. Me and Remus are like you and James" he said before his eyes widened. "No that was a bad example.
"No it wasn't" You said laughing as you went back to reading the instructions.
Except it was a bad example because at least it was obvious Remus liked him back. James on the other hand clearly had no romantic feelings. How could he when he had Lily to fawn over.
The weekend had finally rolled around. Sirius continued to badger on about how you should tell James your feelings. Apparently he had a gut feeling that he liked you back. You just couldn't let yourself believe that no matter how much you wanted to.
"You coming to the game later" Peter asked looking at you as the five of you sat in lunch together.
"Of course" You smiled at Peter before briefly glancing at James who was sitting next to him. "I never miss them".
"James can i talk to you real quick" A flowery voice asked. You looked up to see Lily standing there as her long red hair glimmered in the light.
"yeah" James said as he stood up from his chair. "I'll be back" He said as you looked away from where Lily and James were. However when you looked back everyone's eyes were on you. James had told you specifically he'd be back.
"O- ok" You smiled not sure what else to say.
He followed Lily away from our table and out the great hall. You watched them walk out still confused on why he had pointed you out specifically.
"What was that.. did you finally tell him" Sirius said staring at you creepily.
"Um no".
"Tell James what" Remus and Peter said at the same time
"Nothing" You and Sirius said the same time causing the two of you too start laughing maniacally.
You hadn't meant to miss the game. You knew how much these matches meant to James, especially how much he usually wanted you there.
From the late nights of helping the marauders with there pranks to the lack of motivation you've had for the last week; your homework had started piling up. You decided that you could get some done before the game.
Of course that ended up being a terrible idea since you had fallen asleep whilst working on an essay. You woke up with your body aching and the feeling of parchment stuck to your face.
You had scrunched your eyes together expecting for the bright mid day sun to hit your face except there was no sun. It was completely pitch black outside.
Your face dropped as you heard the loud music coming from the Gryffindor common room. Shit.
You quickly ran out wanting to find James. Knowing him you knew he was gonna end up being upset. As you ran down the stairs. Sirius's voice boomed as he called out your name.
"Where's James?" You asked calmly even though you could tell he was black out drunk. He stumbled forward and you tried to help catch him despite him being much taller.
"Jesus ok" You breathed out trying to get Sirius to sit down. You pushed him down onto the couch. He grabbed onto your hand almost making you stumble onto him. Suddenly he yelled that he could see James as he jumped to his feet.
James head whipped toward you and Sirius. A smiled formed on his lips before his eyes drifted to you. His smile dropped as he stood up and grabbed a few bottles of beer and headed up the stairs.
"No James wait" You yelled as Remus came over to grab Sirius who was now laying on the couch looking dead. "Yeah can you um..." You start.
"Yeah of course" Remus said grabbing Sirius and taking him over to where there were water bottles and another couch. He sat Sirius down and unscrewed his water bottle making him chug the cold water.
Your ran as fast as you could and knocked on the dorm door rapidly. "James" You yelled knocking harder.
"What" He said opening the door slowly. Only enough where you could only see a sliver of his face. The light shined on his chocolate brown eyes and glowing skin making your heart race.
"I'm sorry... I know i told you I'd be there" you tried to explain. "Please I fell asleep, I'm so sorry" You said as your shoulders slumped. James made eye contact with you again.
"Just come in" He sighed opening the door all the way to let you in. James went to go sit in his bed and sulk as you stood there at the entrance of the room.
"It's fine, I just really wanted you to be there" he whispered after a few minutes, so quiet you almost didn't hear him.
"Was Lily at least there" You asked curiously. You knew that it was probably stupid to bring her up right now, but you had no clue what to say.
"Uh yeah" He shrugged. "What does Lily have to do with anything" He asked confused as he stared daggers into your head.
"I just wanted to know if you had the girl you like there" You blurted out but instantly regretting it.
"What" he blushed staring at you.
"Lily... you like Lily" You stuttered looking at his tomato red face. Had you been wrong somehow?
"No. No yeah uh no" He laughed awkwardly. He shook his head trying to come up with something to say to explain to you how he felt.
"Are you laughing at me".
"Yes" James said starting to laugh harder. The awkwardness had begun to fade as a smile peaked at your lips watching him laugh. Even though he was laughing at you.
"Lily's dating Mary... everyone knows this" He laughs as you blush beet read.
"Oh" You in fact did not know this.
"Plus the girl who likes me wasn't there" He admitted staring at you with a longing look.
"Oh sorry" You apologized feeling bad. "Oh" Your eyes widened as you realized he meant you.
"Oh god" He groaned. "You really didn't realize... honestly i thought the past year was you trying to nicely reject me" he laughed.
"I'm doing the opposite of rejecting you actually... wait what's the opposite, I'm open" You say. "Well that not right either" You laugh embarrassed as you tried to think of what you were actually trying to say.
James stalked toward you before grabbing your hips "God, shut up" He muttered before holding your body flush against his as he kissed you. His lips moved slowly against yours as his hands gripped your hips. A warm feeling flooded your body as he kissed you harder.
He pulled back breathless holding your face in his hands. "Thankyou" You smiled looking down at your feet.
He laughed lifting your chin up so you would look up at him. "Your welcome" he chuckled placing a kiss on your sweet lips.
Masterlist James Potter Masterlist
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dean-winchesters-clit · 9 months
Another theory post about OFMD S2 because it's all I think about anymore
I had a theory forming about the pearl necklace Ed is wearing that I wanted to share with y'all. I was originally speculating about where Ed got the necklace, thinking that maybe he stole it off one of the wedding guests or even the bride because you can see a lot of the women wearing pearl jewelry in these shots.
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But the only pearl necklace we see is much larger than the ones Ed is wearing, and I did some digging and found out that pearl necklaces mostly went out of style in Europe due to a war and the church getting all uppity about people being excessive, so it would be unlikely that any of the other women would be wearing pearl necklaces, especially when the earrings and hairpins made with pearls were usually larger and more uniform than the ones we see on Ed's necklace.
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So, where did the necklace come from? I think it makes perfect sense that Stede gave it to Ed because of course he did, but when? It's hard to see Ed's neck in any of the shots of him raiding the wedding ship or in the captain's cabin aboard the Revenge, but I think it's safe to say that he doesn't have it at that point in time.
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The first time we see it clearly in the trailer is when he's in the forest, confronting the mysterious figure (who I have a theory about, but that's for another time).
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So, Ed gets the pearl necklace some time between raiding a bunch of ships as Blackbeard and getting stranded on an island. What could possibly happen in the interim that could cause him to acquire a pearl necklace from Stede?
Well, we all know Mysterious Merchant Susan is definitely the Chinese Pirate Queen Shi Yang/Zheng Yi Sao/Ching Shih or some approximation of her (since the real Zheng Yi Sao was born in 1775). We also know that she's masquerading as a merchant for some reason. What if the scene of Stede and Oluwande at the market happens before Stede sends his message in a bottle to Ed?
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What if, when talking about Blackbeard and Ed, Susan convinces Stede to buy a string of these?
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Chinese freshwater pearls. They're smaller and less uniform than the pearls we associate with classic European pearl jewelry. And they match up in style and size pretty well to the pearls on Ed's necklace.
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What if Stede buys these pearls from Susan and places them in the bottle along with his message to Ed? Then, when Ed gets stranded on the island, he finds the bottle on the beach and the pearls inside. That's why he goes from no pearls on the Revenge to pearl necklace on the deserted island.
Just some food for thought!
So, @naranjapetrificada pointed something out that kinda sinks this theory, but I do really like where this new info leads us.
Ed is wearing the pearl necklace before being stranded on the island. You can see it in the "fuck you, Stede Bonnet" frame, but it's easy to miss.
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There she is, when Ed is very clearly on the deck of the Revenge.
So, this does burn my theory to the ground, but that's okay!! That's the fun of theory crafting! Someone noticed something I didn't and flipped the whole script!
I love the implications that the necklace is something Ed chooses for himself, rather than something he is gifted. He still likes fine things and wants to feel pretty and finds something that makes him feel that way. Babygirl is having a rough time and deserves some happiness, dammit!!
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srslymina · 9 months
Minors DNI!!!
Alpha!Twice x Omega!Fem!Reader
CW; gangbang, ownership, anal, dp, omegaverse, g!p, rough, overstimulation, praise, etc. etc.
Anniversary with Twice was the best. The nine members all joined in the celebration and will always do so. There are always gifts. Always. This year was big. The members had given it their all. They were one of the most successful alpha-only K-pop groups after all. Each member chose to distribute their prizes after their anniversary live. Tzuyu went first, giving each member exclusive perfume; there are only ten of them in the world, and she got nine.
Jeongyeon went second, giving each member a heartfelt letter and thousands of dollars worth of gift cards to their favorite places to eat. Mina decided to knit each member matching sweaters, Chaeyoung drew framed portraits for everyone, and Dahyun gave everyone matching but different shade purses from Micheal Kors. 
Jihyo made playlists for each member, each playlist over five hours long, and she choose each song for a reason. Momo, baked everyone mini cakes, their favorite flavors too, and Sana made everyone candles with scents that reminded her of them. 
Nayeon however had nothing in her hands. And as everyone took turns handing out their things, they all slowly looked at Nayeon who was busy trying on the perfume Tzuyu gave her. 
“What?” She smirked looking at the confused faces of all her members. “You don’t actually think I came here empty handed, right?” She man spreaded leaning back on the bean bag. A relieved sigh came from Jihyo’s mouth, Nayeon chuckled at their reactions. 
“Actually my gift is… how do I put this? Only one…thing… so we need to share” Nayeon explained to the group who looked even more confused “you know what? How about I just show you?” 
Nayeon stands up and walks out the room. They stand there wondering what Nayeon brought, but that’s when it hits them, a scent, a soft lavender, combined with some of Nayeon’s muskier leather scent. 
And as the members try to catch on to what this sweet scent actually is, you're walking through the door, pink blindfold matching your collar and leash. Nayeon tugs at the leash, you hastily step into her, the blindfold not helping at all. You let out a soft yelp as you walk into her.
You felt dizzy, Nayeon’s scent had been too much earlier and just as you started getting used to it eight more alphas had taken no precaution to hide their scent.
"A omega?" Jihyo says in disbelief.
"Yeaaaah, I thought we could have some fun you know? Some of us got no game and clearly need some action..." Nayeon mumbled the last bit, as all the members slowly eye Chaeyoung.
"sooo I bought an Omega! I kind of own her now, so we could do whatever we want to this little slut," Nayeon shoves you towards the girls and you stumble forward with a fearful gasp. Soft arms catch you, and you're pulled onto someone's lap. A strong scent of roses causes your breathe to hitch as a hand tugs your collar and pulls your face into their neck.
"Such a sweet girl, think you can handle all of us?"
You don't know how long it's been, everything is a blur, one moment you're on your back, taking someone's cock in your hole, another one stuffed into your mouth, your hands rubbing more of them off. Another moment you're on your knees, hands wrapped around your hair, as their thrusts get rougher and rougher.
"hngg- ack! mmph!!"
Now you're bouncing on someone else, nails digging into your hips and head dragged forward only too feel someone spit on your face, and then another hand would squish your cheeks pulling you in for a filthy kiss.
"you're taking everyone's cock so well, baby" lips would mumble onto your skin.
"c'mon take it, uhgg, s'fuckin' good"
"put her down, I wanna try s'mthing"
You're left on the floor, completely empty as you try to catch your breathe, the girls whisper around you. You shakily reach up to remove the blindfold still around your eyes, but a hand grips your wrist, you whimper as your arms are pulled behind your back and are bounded together by the leash.
"oh, we're not done with you yet, sweet omega" A sultry voice nibbles your ear. You let out a shaky gasp when you feel something cold drip onto your hole.
"w-wait, n-not- ahh!" You try to move away from the touch, but your face is brought down, cheek squishing against the cold tile, another hand lifts your hips.
"who gave you permission to speak, hmm?" A cold voice spoke sharply. "need a' plug up that little mouth of yours, huh?"
All you could do is moan and whine against the cock in your mouth as you feel something pushing in from behind,
"oh- my fuck- so tight"
You're used for hours, orgasms blurring together, as you laid on top of someone, feeling yourself get filled over and over and over again. You think you passed out at some point, because the next thing you know, you feel your blindfold getting tugged off. You flinch at the light,
"shit Nayeon, she's cute"
"god look at those pretty eyes"
Murmurs echo in your head, as you felt yourself get lifted up, a cloth wiping you down. Nayeon chuckled each time you flinched whenever she went over a sensitive spot,
"Happy anniversary, girls"
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leeyammie · 2 months
can I request a top!skz!Jeongin x bot!malereader smut. Where the mreader is Jeongin's manager. When everyone left except Jeongin, the mreader seduce Jeongin by wearing a very revealing outfit leading to the mreader being dominated by Jeongin and letting him ride his schlong to the reader.
Business Affairs
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Warning: Minors DNI / NSFW
Pairing: Dom!Top!Jeongin x Bottom!Male reader
Genre: smut
Word Count: 1,476 words
Summary: Being the manager of Stray Kids you've always been supportive by showing up to their concerts and making sure everything would proceed smoothly as planned so as to avoid any technical issues. At least this is how it seemed to the staff, little did they know the technical issues that you had to solve when visiting Jeongin's cabin post-promotion.
It was during one of their world tour. Exceptionally on that day you were wearing a shirtless revealing blazer part of your suit, an outfit that you rarely go out in. You sat in the backstage as you observed the boys performing and it was needless to mention the fact that your eyes were specifically fixated on a certain member no other than Jeongin. You kept gazing at him wearing a blank tank top revealing his sleeper builder physique - a sight rare to witness.
Although you thought that your glances were one sided, Jeongin couldn't help himself from staring at you outfit whenever you were busy not looking.
After the show was over, Jeongin left for his cabin and texted you to pass by for you two to "talk".
Jeongin grabbed you closer by the hips and whispered in your ear. "I know what you've been scheming up. Your gazes earlier were evident, otherwise, why did you even think I put up that show baby boy? Now be a good manager and make sure you lighten up my mood hm?"
He then trailed his hand down your ass squeezing those juicy ass cheeks firmly, getting a whimper out of you. "B-but what if someone comes in?!.."
"No need to worry, the rest of the members went to their reserved spa appointment. I called it a day and told them I wanted to relax. And you know exactly how to help me with that don't you?" Those nasty little whispers kept on sending shivers down your spine. Seeing Jeongin all dominant only made you want him to tame you even more, and your bulge could certainly agree with that.
"Jeongin w-wait!-" You tried to protest as he starting licking your ear and slide his hand inside the back of your pants. But who were you to decide, he was clearly able to play you to his own tunes, making out of you a melody of whimpers and moans.
"I am done with waiting. You must bare the consequences of your actions."
Both of you went on with a heated makeup session, the sound of slurpy kisses and breathless moans coming out and filling the void in the room. Jeongin was going on too fast barely allowing you to catch your breath as he kept swirling his wet tongue inside your mouth which you accepted gladly.
He then proceeded to finally unbutton your merely closed jacket while running his hands over your chest. His fingers started drawing circles around your nipples which caused you to arch your back, inviting his body to grind against yours. "Jeongin~ Your hands are c-cold~"
Jeongin gently kissed your cheeks reassuring you. "Don't worry baby, I know where to them up for you even matching your own temperature, just be patient."
Soon enough you were nearly naked with only your underwear on. Having this view beyond his sight, Jeongin couldn't bare the urge anymore. He bent you down over the cabin desk holding your hand down with one hand and your hips with the other. "Time to get to the real deal." He said as he started kissing your back gently before bending downwards, his face facing your covered ass. He then let go of your head, yet his other hand still gripping on your hips, and slid down your underwear revealing your gapping pink tinted ass hole.
"Would you look at the way it's opening and closing, as if it's greeting me inside. That my boy is an invitation I cannot miss." He commented as he skillfully brushed his wet tongue against your opening, going up and down until he finally pushed through your whole, giving your insides a taste.
"Have I known you tasted this good I would have gotten down to business as soon as we landed here." He buried his face further down your hole with slurping sounds being emitted at high volume, which also happened to match the pitch of your unstoppable moans. His tongue made you feel so good, to the point were you guided your hand to his head helping him in deepening his tongue within you.
"So fucking good~ Please I need more Daddy~"
"A few licks and you're already calling me Daddy? Brace your self baby boy to what's about to come."
And within no time Jeongin has already discarded his clothes, revealing his full naked body profile. You lifted your head to glance at his top-tier body through the vanity mirror. He sure seemed cozy underneath, but once you catch him topless, his body is to die for.
"Like what you see boss?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Knowing how mesmerized you were, he started flexing out his biceps with a couple of licks over them here and there. He could tell how much you enjoyed the view from the way your dick was throbbing and leaking precum.
"Seems like my manager is impatient even when dealing with personal business isn't he? Here let me help you." He then wrapped his long thin hands around your shaft pumping it for you up and down, using your own precum as a lubricant.
"Jeongin-n if you keep on g-going I m-might cum too soon!!"
"Then don't hold it back baby. Show me what you've got."
He titled your head backwards towards him, sealing your lips with his in a messy and slurpy kiss. Meanwhile his hand kept on pumping you up with an unmatched increasing pace. You were practically edged and screamed at the top of your lungs. "I-I'm gonna cum-m!.. I-I can't-t!! AGHH"
And this is how Jeongin made painted the vanity mirror with your own white paint, with some landing on your chest and the rest on his hands. After being done with it, he brought his finger close to your mouth, signaling you to have a taste. "Don't swallow your cum, keep it inside your mouth."
He then turned your head around again and devoured your lips, hungry to have his own taste to your cum. As he was swirling his tongue inside, he used the remaining fluid on his hand to pump his own shaft for what's coming up.
"It tastes even better than I thought~ You deserve a reward for giving such a tasty desert." He slowly brushed his wet tip against your entry while kissing your back to prepare your body for any reaction, when you interrupted him.
"Don't keep me hanging and get in now Innie~". Lead on by your words, he couldn't deny the fact that he has been trying so hard to go easy on you when all he wanted to do was wreck the living hell out of you. "If this is what you truly wish for, how could I possibly say no to such a pledge? But know that you'll have to bare the consequences."
You were about to reply when Jeongin shoved all of his dick inside you. You could easily tell that it was past 7 inches - a record you've never reached before. "Jeong- AH F-FUCK!! YES D-ADDY WRECK THAT SPOT AGAIN~"
"You mean this spot of yours?"
He teased you with the question as he went all the way out before penetrating you again hitting your sweet spot in one go as a sort of abuse of it. He flipped you around and this sight that unfolded beyond your eyes left you in awe. You go the chance not to only witness Jeongin's shaft going inside you, but also contemplate his sweaty body as droplets ran down his forehead, to his neck, chest, abs and finally his pubis before sliding on his monstruous shaft.
You then interlocked your feet around his hips for support and brought his face closer leaning in for a kiss as he was going inside of you stronger than ever. "Sit down and let me help you~" You suggested.
He obeyed your order and kept you placed right over him with his arms behind his head and his tights spread out for you to find comfort. You placed your hands over his glistering pecs for support as you took the lead and went on riding him all the way, the sound of skin sticking and touching echoing the walls. "That's right baby~ A few more thrusts and we're done.~"
He then grabbed you by the hips and buried his stick deep down inside you with a groan. That's when you felt it pulsating within you, leaking out all of its cum reserve deep inside your guts, painting your walls which eventually also lead to you cuming over Jeongin's abs and chest.
Too tired to cary your own weight, you let your body fall landing over the other's sticky chest, who ended up laying you down on the sofa in order to bring some towels and clean you up.
note: Hey there! I hope you enjoyed today's read, if you have any further requests don't hesitate to send them my way and have a great day/night! (I apologize in advance for any typos)
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eternalera · 4 months
i like that we finally get to see what pushes alastors buttons in episode five.
we actually see him mad. you can argue that with vox hes also mad at the end of their song in 'stayed gone' but it doesnt really seem like that. its him threatening vox yes but in the end hes not mad. he isnt really losing his cool. its him basically just saying that hes still in charge
also throughout their whole song alastor doesnt really provoke vox, hes passive aggressive. never interrupting him and when their screens are split and he only pokes him once yet that one time was enough to send vox and black out the entirety of hell (although this mightve been alastor)
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throughout the entiry of their song vox is constantly trying to block alastor to say 'he isnt a threat hes a nobody' but as we can see he's clearly failing. and as with each passing second vox gets more annoyed and as i said. he ends up causing a MASSIVE blackout one that takes over all of hell
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throughout this entire time though alastor doesnt flinch. he doesnt fight for the spotlight because he doesnt need it. vox is making a fool of himself like alastor probably expects him to based on past encounters that we dont see.
yet with lucifer they probably have some sort of history.
alastor actually feels somewhat threatened/doesnt want lucifer there (whether if lilith told him not to assuming that he owes his soul to lilith but you get the point). he wants lucifer gone. not only that but hes pushing him saying that hes basically like a father to charlie already.
alastor is trying to replace lucifer but remember that lucifer not only the king of the pride ring (i forgot the terminology alr-) but hes also the king of hell.
despite lucifer acting like a joke in the singular episode that we see him in he is the most powerful being in hell. hes more powerful than lilith or charlie (and once again assuming that lilith owns alastor a pretty damn powerful being shes really fucking powerful).
if lucifer wants he could probably obliterate alastor in less than a damn second, yet he doesnt for a few reasons
hes important to charlie
hes important to what charlies doing
this basically gives alastor invincibility against lucifer going bonkers on him and killing him. then again why doesnt lucifer just help charlie? well hes probably got more important things to do (despite what we saw of him) and hes given up on the sinners.
he gave them freewill and never got to see the good done with it. he most likely never saw the people who went to heaven so for all he knows everyone ended up down in hell and are doing shit things with what he gave them.
he most likely wants them gone and wants the extermination to happen because he thinks that they dont deserve a second chance unlike his daughter. but remember that he also loves charlie, thats his fucking daughter and when she calls him he gets excited he wants charlie to like him. but that being said he doesnt think the sinners deserve his kindness anymore after they took his gift and basically made a fool of him.
so lucifer wont help charlie so he just has alastor help her instead to keep her happy.
not only this but in the song 'hells greatest dad' (i think its called that) unlike in 'stayed gone' theyre both fighting for attention. charlies attention.
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once again we dont know what beef theyve got with each other but its most likely because of either the past or whether or not that lilith owns alastor and told him to fuck with lucifer.
in this scene we see the color constantly change and them constantly kicking each other out with them both losing their cool and making a fool of themselves. theyre an actual match for each other
lucifer is an actual threat and so is alastor for reasons that we dont know yet. this makes them have to prove their worth to charlie over whos more powerful and who can help her more because even though lucifer doesnt want to help the sinners (and most likely wont) he wants to make her happy.
and even though we dont know why alastor hates lucifer its probably most likely to do with whoever owns his soul and whatnot along with he needs lucifer just out of the picture and that isnt as easy to do as he'd like.
also damn did this become a rant and get off topic-
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malereadermaniac · 10 months
I used to have a crush on you - Bakugo x Male Reader
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Bakugo and you have been friends since the start of the year
Sure, at the very beginning, he insisted you were just like the other extras (referring to his little bakusquad)
But by now, 3rd year at UA, he's given in and realised you two are incredibly close
You're more than an extra to him
He genuinely liked you and being around you
He liked always having at least one point of contact with you, whether that be an arm around your shoulder or flat out hugging you when you're sitting down with others
Bakugo liked your soft hair, he liked you as a person, your jokes weren't annoying and you kept up with his ego via sarcasm which peeved him off to begin with but it only endears him furthermore
It was only until Katsuki had to deal with Kirishima blabber on about his crush on Mina when the stubborn blonde realised HE had a CRUSH on YOU!
It was like Bakugo was a computer and he'd just crashed
The boy went silent, but on the inside he was going insane, rocking his brain about how his taking to you was just him desperately wanting to be with you, how all the physical touch made him want to do more with you but he just suppressed those thoughts
However, Bakugo didn't know what to do with this new information
He couldn't just waltz up to you and declare his new found love, that would be weird and cringey
So, he decided to keep quiet for now and maybe bring up the topic at some point
Keeping his mouth quiet was easy for Katsuki, but keeping his actions quiet was impossible...
Before, Bakugo has his arm on your shoulder and that was it
Now... Bakugo was holding your hand more often than not, but you didn't mind
You didn't even ask him about it, you just smiled at him every time he intertwined his fingers with yours
The hugging also developed to him sitting behind you as you sat between his legs, and his arms around your waist
You were suspicious as to why the blonde had randomly decided to be more touchy with you, but you didn't mind, you're like this with most of your girl friends
"Maybe Katsuki just saw how I was with them and thought he should do the same?" You think as he rests his head on your shoulder
Then, the perfect moment came
Mina and Kiri passed by, holding hands and at some point said "I love you so much"
"Say, dumbass... what do you think of friends dating each other?" Katsuki quickly mumbles out, a blush forming on his cheeks but he chooses to ignore it
You chuckle
"What?!" Bakugo shouts offended that you're laughing at him
"No no haha.... I'm not laughing at you Katsuki. It's just that your question was funny to me"
"And whys that?" He presses on
"Cause I used to have a crush on you haha! I think friends are perfect for each other cause..................................." Whatever you said after that was wasted on Bakugo, because his ears stopped working and so did his brain
He used to like me....
(Y/n) used to like me???
And I didn't know????
Those were Bakugo's exact thoughts
And his face matched those thoughts because the thickest blush coveted his pale face
"Oh... sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you or make things awkward..." you apologise and lift your head off of Katsuki, going to move your hand away from his
But his hand tightens around yours
"No! You didn't embarrass me at all... You liked me? How long ago?" Bakugo says clearly, his blush softening and a determined look on his face
"Ummm.... well I've liked you a few times hehe... the first time was the start of 2nd year, and the latest was about 2 months ago...." you chuckle as a blush covers your face
"So you could... still like me now?" Katsuki asks, his red eyes looking directly onto yours
"I guess? Sorry... does that make you uncomfortable?" You say with a worried expression
"No no! It... makes me feel the opposite, 'cause I like you (Y/n). I like you a lot"
Now it was your turn to short circuit
No words were said, but as Katsuki's face slowly got closer to yours, yours did too
Until silently, the two of you closed your eyes and pressed your lips onto the others
The kiss was slow and loving
Like all the words you both couldn't get out fully were being said through this kiss
But when you were about to break the kiss, Bakugo's hands jolt up to your face and hold you in place, turning the kiss more passionate as he pushed his tongue against your lips
You open your mouth and let Bakugo do whatever he wanted, and the two of you went wild after that
Hickey's plastered on your neck and collar bone, Katsuki's shoulder were covered in lovebites and both of your lips were plumb from the half an hour long make out session you two had just partaken in
You two rut against each other and realise you both have a hard problem to deal with
"Maybe we should wait a little while for that one hehe..." you say with a chuckle
"Yeah... Haha!"
The two of you chuckle together and hug and kiss more, the two of you just happy
What an interesting conversation the 4 of you were about to have...
Hey, at least your problems died down by the end of it
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k4ulitzs · 6 months
For me? ~ Tom kaulitz
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I sat cross-legged on the bed in one of the compact rooms inside the tourbus. Gently pressing my concealer into my skin with a sponge. Making sure my makeup looked good for tonight. I looked in the mirror at my finished and perfectly blended concealer before I picked up my mascara, and untwisting the wand. Before I could apply it, I hear heavy footsteps trudging my way.
"baby?" tom whispers, poking himself through the door, his expression softening once he saw me. Raising an eyebrow, "yeah?" I responded, smiling at him. "what colour are you wearing tonight?" he said, his voice low. I wondered why he asked me, cause it wasn't usual of him to do so.
For tonight, I had found the perfect dress. It was a thigh high, perhaps higher, skin tight red dress with long lace see-through sleeves, and a dip in the back, as does the front, obviously showing my cleavage. It fit me perfectly, though I was unsure if tom would approve.
"red, why?" I turned my head to the side slightly, squinting one eye a little.
He gave a knowing smirk, me still not clicking in what he was up to, so I went along with it. "no reason, your makeup looks beautiful, by the way." he smirks, speaking in a now seductive tone. He moved, slipping out the door. I let out a sigh, unsure of what all that was about, and I continued my makeup.
About half an hour of me, Bill, Gustav and Georg waiting, all sat on the sofa, our patience slipping for tom. He always dressed nice though, so it often took him a while to pick out an outfit.
"jesus fucking christ, what are you doing tom?!" bill huffed, making it clear that it was not only me getting pissed at how slow tom was being. "tom, can you please hurry u-" my words were soon cut short when he suddenly opened the bedroom door, and walked out. Holy shit.
I looked him up and down, he was dressed in red. Just like I told him what colour I was dressing in. Red baggy shirt, with baggy jeans, a red hoodie, which he had unzipped, his long dreads tied up into a ponytail as usual, his lip ring shining in the light, and a red cap to finish off the matching theme. Everyone else sighed, finally getting up off the sofa and walking towards the door, and walking out, leaving me and Tom standing, our gazes inking into eachothers. Surprised that he had not disapproved of my outfit.
He let out a soft giggle, his hands in his pockets and his head lowering as he did, clearly blushing as I could see a pink tint form on his cheeks. I let out a small 'awe', and it's true, I was really in awe. "baby? All this for me?" I smile, it atleast reaching my cheeks, feeling them grow warm.
He looked up, those beautiful pools of brown melting into my eyes. "yeah schatz, all for you."
He takes a few steps towards me, his hands snaking around my waist and pulling me closer. He rested his forehead against mine before giving the tip of my nose a bunch of small kisses, leaving me giggling. His lips landed on mine, fitting together in a passionate kiss.
We both pulled back a little, noses still touching. "I love you." I whisper, watching his lips curve up into a smirk. "I love you too baby." he responds with the same amount of love in his voice as I did mine.
We stay in eachothers embrace, only to jump in fright from bills voice calling us.
"hurry up you two! You can stare at eachother later!"
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Hope you liked this🙏🏼 English is not my first language so there might be mistakes😭 luv u, feel free to leave any requests!! <3
Please know that this is inspired!! This original concept is not mine. cr goes to 'evieskiesss' <3
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