#which means that Bruno (not pictured but who he went against in this poll) ONLY went for Ingo’s face
waywardstation · 3 months
I don't know if this is something you have been asked before or answered, but here goes.
Do you think that Ingo would end up buff after his life in Hisui compared to Emmet?
I feel like I have answered asks like this before, but no worries anon!! ^^
I’ve never made a comparison that I can recall, but I think my art from when I was drawing for the Tumblr Sexyman polls can show that well enough.
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It’s very headcanon-heavy at this point from all the fics I’ve written, but Hisui probably would leave him more buff in comparison; more developed muscles in both his arms/upper body from labor-intensive tasks as a Warden, and his legs from lots of hiking. Probably moreso if his bad back didn’t bother him so much. And he developed a belly that pads those muscles due to the weight he put on to stay warmer in the icelands/highlands.
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Emmet did not have to adjust to these conditions and responsibilities. He is still a stick when Ingo comes back because he was exhaustively searching for Ingo instead of taking care of himself :( (It obviously gets better when Ingo comes back though!!)
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