#but too bad he’s in too deep now when he learns that his annoying child boss is going hungry every night
deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
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tastes like the tv static in my head
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unluckiestmember · 7 months
can I get the main characters of blue eye samurai with a innocent fem reader? I loved your Arcane innocent reader <3
Coming right up!
Blue Eye Samurai X Innocent Fem! Reader
Characters: Mizu, Taigen, Ringo and Ito Akemi
Tags: Friends to lovers, workers to lovers, brothel, overprotective boyfriend/girlfriend, yandere themes, Ringo being Ringo, fluff, toxic(?) and open ending.
Warning: SFW
A/N: I'm so happy Blue Eye Samurai is getting the recognition it deserves! Who would you date? I'd get with Mizu or Taigen.
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“The stars are out tonight?... I can barely see them… It’s okay. At least I can see you… You’re beautiful…”
At first, Mizu found you to be as annoying like Ringo. You weren’t as annoying, but it was infuriating to travel with someone who was so fragile and couldn’t even defend themselves. She was surprised that with your demeanor you weren’t in a brothel or married to the next idiot of a samurai. She kept you at a distance, arm's length. But someway. Somehow. You slithered into her good graces and touched her heart.
When you two became a couple, Mizu began to treat you like a porcelain doll. If a man tried to touch you, their hand would be severed from their body in seconds. If someone bad-mouthed you, their tongue was cut out. Suddenly, you found yourself becoming a precious jewel to Mizu instead of a nuisance. During down time, she always checks up on you to see if you’re okay. Expect her to check if you have a temperature, if you’re hungry or thirsty. She wished deep down she could give up her mission to live a perfect life with you because that’s what you deserve. But promising such a thing is hard. At least for now, she has you and she will savor the time you both have together.
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“That was pretty cool, huh? You know I can teach you a thing or two if you say please… Haha! You’re cute when you pout!”
Unlike Mizu, Taigen found you to be a breath of fresh air on his journey to assist Mizu. He enjoyed how you were so pure in a world that was getting colder by the day. For a second, he was fearful of pursuing anything with you because of his relation to Akemi. But as the days went by and word started spreading fast of his lover’s affairs, the more Taigen lost hope in any future he could have with her. However, he gained hope in a future painted for you two.
Taigen is a mix of a man child and an amazing boyfriend when you two become a couple. He will tease you whenever you are being cute unintentionally or when you mess up doing something. It’s only because he loves your reactions to his commentary. He will also teach you how to protect yourself, preferably with a dagger. If you master using one, he’ll have you use a sword, but even then he’ll be a bit concerned it’s too much for you. On the battlefield, if he’s not showing off and winking at you after every kill, he’s quick to protect you from any harm. Let’s admit it. Taigen can be a pain in the ass. But he’s a great boyfriend.
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“You really think I can be a great samurai?! Then I’m going to train hard for both of us- I’ll be the greatest samurai for me and you!”
Ringo is a sweetheart. He didn’t expect to go on this journey to end up with a girlfriend, so when he scored one with you, you can imagine his surprise. He didn’t think much at first admittedly, but the more you kissed his cheek, nuzzled into his body on cold nights and threw him words of endearment, the more it settled. And boy did he adore having the title of being your amazing boyfriend!
With someone now to take care of, Ringo pushes himself to be an amazing samurai. He’s more persistent with his master to teach him how to use a sword and possess honor. He’ll even go as far as to ask Taigen to assist him if he can! Whenever he learns something new, he’s excitedly telling you all about it. If he finds anything interesting, he’s grabbing you gently to share it with you. If you’re looking for a ball of sunshine who’s both your friend and partner, look no further than Ringo.
Ito Akemi
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“My darling. We will make our own path, away from this prejudice, these men- Everything that’s ever hurt us. That’s ever hurt you… You will never be hurt again. I swear it.”
Akemi knows all too well how it feels to be used and thrown away for your body if not your status. So when she met you at the brothel, she immediately clicked with you. She found your personality to be contagious along with your laughter. She spent every moment staring into your eyes filled with life, gently caressing your smooth skin just to make sure you were still there with her in this hell. You were the most beautiful flower she’s ever seen. You were a flower she couldn’t afford to be tainted.
She didn’t know why she fell for a woman or if it was a curse, but she loved you. She loved you enough to run away and spend as much life as she could with you until she was found by her father. But even then, nothing could hold her down. She was a princess who laid eyes on a commoner she wanted. That she needed. And no one would get in her way of having them. Of having you. She would destroy everything and bathe Japan in flames if it meant she could keep you in her warm embrace. She’d turn everyone into her enemy if you could be her lover. She’d be the villain if you were her savior… And that’s exactly what she was going to do.
If you got any requests for Blue Eye Samurai, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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dyns33 · 9 months
A Silly Dream
Another idiots in love with Morpheus and female reader.
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"… What did you just say ?"
Sometimes Y/N forgot that Dream of the Endless wasn't human, and therefore didn't think like a human. He had great difficulty communicating and understanding that there were things he shouldn't say or do if he didn't want to hurt people.
The problem was that even when she remembered that, she also remembered that he was an old being, so normally experienced and wise, the prince of stories and words, who yet kept behaving like a selfish, spoiled child who never learned from his mistakes.
"I just said I couldn't stay long for our meeting."
"No, after that. And, what 'meeting' ? We didn't have an meeting, it was you who came to my place."
"As with Hob Gabling every hundred years, I meet with you once a year, for you to give me your impression of the new dreams and nightmares, and in exchange I let you read an unfinished book from my library. But I am very busy and it will be difficult for me to stay more than an hour today."
He was really telling her that for all this time, more than a hundred years, their relationship was not at all friendly, but hardly professional, a simple obligation, which annoyed him but that he had the kindness to fill in each time ? Oh, Y/N felt really honored at that moment.
"… You're a jerk."
"I beg your pardon ?" wondered Morpheus, visibly very offended.
"I said you're a jerk. It's because of the kiss, right ? It's your way of telling me that I shouldn't have, and that I'm very lucky that you keep coming to see me instead of punishing me ?"
"You know I have to come see you."
"You're a real jerk. Go away, since you're so busy."
His face still impassive, Morpheus stared at her for a long time, as if he still didn't know what he should do, before standing up without saying anything and leaving.
The kiss had been stupid, Y/N agreed to admit it.
It had happened two years ago now, when she had just finished her review of the last nightmare he had created, and Dream was trying to explain to her why she was wrong in her reasoning.
It could have happened much sooner, because her heart had been beating for him and only for him for decades already, but before that day, she had always known how to keep her feelings buried deep inside her.
But this time, without her being able to explain why, while she admired his eyes deep as the ocean, his skin pale as the moon, listening to his lulling voice, Y/N had not thought, and she had kissed him.
Dream of the endless went silent. He had looked at her as if she had just stabbed him, and of course he had left without listening to her excuses, not finishing his sentence, but leaving her a book, because he had only one word.
She had strange dreams after that, where she was in a labyrinth, then in a castle, then in corridors, and always she had the feeling that she was looking for something without really knowing what.
Sometimes she saw Dream, sometimes a cat, and she began to follow him, never being able to catch up with him.
The following year he came back, they didn't talk about what happened, and everything seemed to be back to normal.
It hurt to think that all of this was actually just an obligation for him. Y/N had met Hob several times. She knew that Morpheus was really bad with people, since it had taken him more than half a millennium to admit he had a friend, but she had also heard of his lovers, and so she knew that he was not incapable of feelings.
There had been the secret hope then that he liked her, at least a little. It was over now.
The next year, when he showed up on her doorstep with a book, Y/N wondered if he was more mean than stupid, or the other way around.
"I thought I told you to leave. I know you're terribly busy."
"The competition is indeed quite exhausting, but everyone else has given up for the day."
"Oh, you have a moment for me in your schedule ? Too kind. No, wait, we have a meeting, I forgot. Well, I'm busy. Goodbye."
"You do not want…"
"Bye." she repeated, closing the door in his face without taking the book.
It was the first time she hadn't taken the book. If he wanted to, Dream could have appeared in her apartment, or in her dreams, to scold her and throw the book at her, but he didn't.
Y/N didn't know if she was happy or disappointed.
Meanwhile, the bizarre dreams continued.
This time, she was in the gardens of his castle, in the Dreaming. She knew it, because she had already been there. It was because of this stuff that she felt she was more than an obligation.
There were a lot of people in the gardens, some looking human, some not, and they were all looking for something.
Tired, Y/N decided that this time she didn't feel like running, and she sat down on a bench. A wing sound told her that a little spy had decided to join her.
"They all look ridiculous, don't you think ?"
"I don't know who they are or what they do, but I guess."
"They participate in the competition, of course." Matthew said with a desperate tone. "It's been so long now, what's it been, four years ? Five ? I don't know. Some like you have a point, others are starting to despair a bit. I wish they all despair and stop. The boss is tired."
"… What do you mean by 'I have a point' ?"
"The rules are simple, one kiss, one point. Two kisses, two points. Three kisses, the hand of the Master of dreams. None of them asked for his consent, wicked ones. Neither do you, I'm a bit disappointed, young lady. You're the least bad, but still. He was hurt, that was not good manners."
"Matthew… Matthew, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."
The raven looked at her like she was stupid. Then he realized she must be really stupid.
"No… That can't be true ! You two are really the same. Two idiots, you deserve each other ! Idiots ! He was hurt, but happy ! He was waiting for the other kisses during your little dates in the Waking !"
"You're talking about our more or less professional and obligatory meetings that he doesn't have time to go to ?"
"What ? What do you mean by… He said something stupid, right ? Of course he said something stupid. You do stupid things, he says stupid things, when you could just kiss. God damn it ! He was grumpy last year, and sad this year, because he thinks you don't want to compete anymore. But you don't know there's a competition ! And you don't want to see him anymore, not because you don't like him, but because you think he doesn't like you ! Boss ! Boss, you really kill me sometimes !"
Y/N woke up not sure if she had dreamed or not. Of course, she had dreamed, and all dreams were real, but she didn't know if she had talked to Matthew, or if she had dreamed that she was talking to Matthew, which was not the same thing.
In one case, she could continue to hope stupidly. In the other, she was just plain stupid.
She got her answer when she came home from work one evening and found Morpheus on her couch. He looked smaller and more fragile than usual. Tired, as his raven said.
"I thought we already had our meeting this year." she said taking out her jacket, not knowing what she should do, or what he was going to do.
"We didn't. You were busy."
"Ah, yes. That's right. Tea ?"
"No, thank you."
Usually things were very simple. They greeted each other, talked quickly about the past year, then Y/N talked about her dreams and nightmares, saying why she liked them or not.
This time, they said nothing, sitting next to each other. Of course, he had brought a book, placed between them. She didn't know if she should talk about those weird dreams.
It was a new surprise when he spoke first.
"You're near my sister's realm lately."
"Which one ?"
"Oh. How is she ?"
"What do you think ?"
"I don't know, you are not really dreamy yourself. I mean, you are, just when you are not talking. The talking you is a real nightmare. But I meant, how is she, as in is she alright ?"
"I must say that I don't know."
"You should call her to ask, she's your sister. Except if she's a bad sister. I guess it's not my business. How are you ?"
"You never kissed me again. Why ?"
He was back, the child with his big deep eyes, his innocent look and his dangerous words. How could he say such important things without the slightest hesitation ?
Y/N found the courage to meet his gaze after taking a deep breath.
"I don't know. Maybe because you have to come see me, and you clearly didn't like the first time I kissed you."
"I appreciated that. I would have fully appreciated it under other circumstances, but at that moment I thought you were acting like the others, in order to win the competition."
Matthew wasn't wrong, they were both a bit stupid, and mostly unlucky. All of this was mainly a problem of bad timing, and communication. If Y/N had acted sooner, and if Morpheus had known how to talk, there would never have been any problems.
"Following your entry into the competition, I am obliged to join you, in order to give you a chance to steal two more kisses from me, under the same conditions as the first. All the others who succeeded having it done in the Dreaming, I do not have to meet them elsewhere."
"… So you've been obliged for two years. But before too, since you impose one meeting per year."
"I told you, I'm very busy. I wanted to make sure I can see you at least once, as much as possible, so it seemed safer to set a specific date."
Damn, he was a jerk. A lovely jerk, a sweet idiot, a pleasant fool.
"And so… You want to kiss me ?"
"I'm not allowed to give kisses, you have to take them. It's the rule."
"I don't like that rule. I didn't kiss you for that, I should have asked your permission, and I'm not going to do it again, that's wrong."
"So you don't want to kiss me." he whispered, looking disappointed.
"I don't wish to force you. I won't steal another kiss."
"You could ask me."
"And would that change anything ?"
"I can't give kisses, but I can give you permission."
During their little conversation, Matthew had been very clear, clear as he always was and much more than his boss who gave him a headache. Silently, for three years, Morpheus had been patiently waiting for Y/N to kiss him again, silently giving her his consent.
He had been too proud or too stupid to understand that he had to verbalize such things.
"Morpheus, I love you very much and I don't care about this competition, can I kiss you ?"
"You can." he sighed with relief and what looked like a smile.
This kiss was much nicer than the first. Probably because it had been desired for more than two years now. Y/N would have liked it to last forever.
"And… For the third one ? Do I have to wait until next year ?" she asked nervously, keeping her hands on his shoulders, thinking he would leave as soon as she let go.
"You can take as many kisses as you want, my love. You can take everything you want."
"Dream… My Dream…"
It was difficult to know what happened in the Dreaming at this moment. No doubt that Lucienne and Matthew announced to the other participants that they could leave because they had lost. Then the wedding planning began.
Y/N hadn't thought about marriage. She had only thought about Morpheus, silly Morpheus, and all the love she had for him. They would need to discuss all of this. But right now, she was too busy kissing him again and again, and him not devouring her with his endless passion.
"I'm glad it's you." he whispered against her lips. "I have to go now. We'll see each other tonight, I'll wait for you."
Being a man of his word, he left a book on the sofa before disappearing. A love story with a happy ending, maybe because he knew they would be fine, or just because he hoped they would.
Y/N read it before going to sleep to join her future kingdom, and her stupid prince of dreams.
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jackhues · 7 months
Youngest!hughes who goes to Quinn for comfort and the other two are like wtf why him
notes: there's a fight with ellen and jim, but it's just a normal parent/child argument. not the end of the world.
"it's literally kids from school!" you argued. "like i'm not doing anything stupid. you know most of them."
"no means no," ellen said simply. "you're too young to be going to parties like that. there's going to be drinking, and smoking, and so much going on. you have your exams next week. you need to focus on those."
"but mom--"
"no," ellen said sternly. "i'm not doing this right now."
"y/n/n, your mother said no," jim interjected. "we cave in to your demands. sometimes, you need to listen to us."
you stared at your parents, trying to ignore the burning of tears building up in your eyes. you hated how you cried whenever you got emotional. it only made you mad, which made you cry more.
"yeah, okay," you whispered, turning around to head upstairs.
your parents didn't call out as you quietly headed upstairs, slinking through the hallways and entering quinn's old room.
the nhl season was still underway, with quinn and jack in different cities -- quinn in a different country. luke was in university now, doing his own thing and visiting only when he wanted food.
your parents had always been protective over you, but it seemed to grow so much worse now that all of your brothers were out of the house. you didn't understand why, especially considering you were the most well behaved out of the four of you. even better than quinn.
and your brothers would agree with you.
you closed the door quietly, taking a second to steady your breathing. it didn't make a difference because the tears began to flow immediately.
you let them flow silently, flopping into quinn's bed and pulling the blanket up around you.
you missed your brothers. they were annoying as hell, but you hated living without them. pulling out your phone, you scrolled until you reached quinn's contact. you debated facetiming him, but realized the tears might be too much. instead, you called him, putting the phone on speaker.
"hello," quinn answered.
"hi," you sniffed.
"y/n? what's wrong?" quinn asked. "are you crying?"
"i cry over everything, it's not a big deal," you said simply. "anyways, how're you? what're you doing?"
"you didn't call to hear what i'm doing," quinn replied. "what's up? why're you sad?"
"i just-" you took a deep breath, "you know how every week before exams, there's that class party across town? and how mom and dad let all three of you guys go?"
quinn hummed on the other end of the line, urging you to continue.
"i just asked mom and dad if i could go, and they both said no," you groaned. "and i -- i know it's such a stupid thing to cry over, but it's just not fair. i'm not a bad kid, i'm actually a very good kid. but i -- i don't like this."
"it's okay kid," quinn said softly, allowing you to cry. "they're just having a tough time thinking about you growing up. honestly, i'm having a tough time with it too." he laughed a bit, "but i'm starting to learn how to come to terms with it. tell you what, i'll talk to mom and dad, and try to explain your side of the story. don't worry kid. you'll be fine. i promise you."
you sniffed, "thanks q. i owe you."
"damn right you do."
"shut up," you laughed. "i'm gonna hang up if you keep bullying me,"
"i'm your older brother," he responded. "that's literally my only responsibility."
you startles at the sound of your phone buzzing, seeing jack's caller id.
"wait, it's jack," you told quinn. "i'm gonna add him to the call."
"is that quinn?" jack asked. "who'd i call?"
"you called me, your favourite sibling," you responded. "but i'm on the line with quinn."
"i'm jack's favourite sibling," luke interjected. "he called me first."
"you called me," jack corrected. "any why is quinn on the line too?"
"i called him because i was sad," you answered.
"yeah, she was crying," quinn agreed.
"i'm always crying."
"wait, so you went to quinn because you were sad?" jack asked. "why him?"
"yeah, why him?" luke agreed. "we're much better at making you happy."
"mhm, whatever you say," quinn muttered. "but she still called me."
"oh my god, i can't believe i wanted you guys back in the house," you groaned.
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fukingsad · 1 year
You’re My Home
Ao’nung x Fem!reader
Mainly fluff 🤷🏾‍♀️❤️
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Being the eldest child of Toruk Makto means you’re expected to be the example but what will you do when nothing can fill the hole you have within you after leaving your home…? But maybe home isn’t a place.. maybe it’s a person 🤧🤭
‘I want to go home’. It was all you could ever think of anymore. Did you show those feelings? No. Why? you were the oldest you had to be composed and give your younger siblings a good example of how to act. But no matter how much you learned, how many friends you made, how much you tried to forget your mind always ended up back to the beautiful bioluminescent forest you had called home for 16 years. Plus having an asshole always reminding you why you didn’t fit in at your new home made it so much worse. You can’t sleep. Every time you closed your eyes all you could see was home. Your real home back in the forest. It’s not even morning yet but you can’t just lay here in silence anymore.
You carefully get out of your family’s Marui pod making sure not to wake anyone. Especially tuk if you woke her up it’d be a bad day for everyone. She is a very cranky child.
Did you miss home? Of course, you did, why wouldn’t you? At home, you had a title you were the eldest daughter of Toruk Makto you were an extraordinary warrior and healer you had a future promised to you. But here you were nothing but a freak whose family is hiding away from who they once were.
This is all you could think of as you walk the shore of the deep blue ocean lit up by the beautiful sea creatures living in the water that surrounds your new home. New Home, you hated those words they seemed bitter and every time they were said this new home became more of a reality.
Walking along the shore was peaceful. It gave you a place to think. It gave you a place to feel. You knew as soon as the day began you’d have to pretend that you didn’t miss home your friends your grandmother your sense of self or any form of normality. You felt somewhat content walking until you hear a very familiar annoying voice.
“Oh look the four-fingered freak what are you doing out here already not like you can do much without me to watch you”. Aonung you swear he has no life he couldn’t he cares too much about you and your family to possibly have one.
“As entertaining as it is to argue with you it’s too late for this and I can’t deal with you right now so please just go away”. You said the displeasure of his company showed in not only your tone and face but your body language as you plopped on the cool sand.
One thing Aonung is not is someone to back down even with OBVIOUS social cues to do so. “Well I’m not sure why your acting like this no one told you to leave the little forest and creep into my home, not like any of us want you freaks here anyways,” He told you looking down at you.
His words circulated your head. As if you wanted to leave your home. You wanted to fight for your home but you couldn’t do it now you’re stuck here. How could he think you wanted to leave? You thought to yourself. Standing up quickly which caused the boy to stumble slightly your clenched fist pinned to your side.
“YOU THINK I WANTED TO LEAVE! Why does your dumbass think I wanted to leave, that any of my family would want to leave! oh, how fun it sounds to come to a COMPLETELY different way of life and have to COMPLETELY relearn how to live! it was either we come here or we not only put our family in danger but our people and I know how much you hate my family and me being here but we don’t wanna be here either!”
Tears threatened to fall but you wouldn’t let yourself cry in front of him or at least you didn’t want to. He just stood there and stared at you if you hadn't known better you would’ve thought he cared for you.
You quickly sat on the sand clutching your knees to your chest clinging to yourself. “Do you think I find it fun to have to act like being here doesn't bother me? I’m the oldest I have to show my siblings that all of this is ok But it’s not, none of it is how could it be?”You asked looking at the boy with big doe eyes full of pain and anger. You place your head down and begin to sob “I just wanna go home I’m tired of being here this place isn’t home I wanna go home I just want to go home”. You said to yourself quietly sobbing. As much as you hated crying in front of others you just couldn’t hold it together anymore it was too much.
Aonung stood there awkwardly, surprised that he made you cry, not even cry practically break down completely. The way you looked at him. It pained him to see you so upset. He just couldn't understand why.
You hear movement assuming Aonung left out of awkwardness. That is until you feel arms wrap around you. You lift your head quickly and push the fish boy away standing up after. You look at each other shocked
“What the hell was that huh?” you asked him slightly flustered but mainly confused.
“One ouch Two have you never heard of a hug before it’s something people do to comfort others duh three you just... you seemed like you needed a hug you know?” He spits the last part out awkwardly.
Your face deadpans at the boy's lack of social skills. “Why would I want a hug from someone who for starters isn't my friend and is the reason I'm crying in the first place? It makes no sense for you to hug me.” You said matter of factly. Silence overcame you as you thought for a second before saying “But thank you I suppose that was kind of you” You once again sit down facing the ocean the moon's bright light reflecting off the water.
Aonung moves to sit to the side of you just staring at your features as the moon's light begins to shine on them. If we're being honest here Aonung feels bad still seeing the tears on your face. He wasn’t used to this he was used to you arguing back or yelling and pushing him to go away. The way you never backed down amused him. He found you interesting he felt a need to break your confident shell, and now that he did he regretted ever wanting to do so. “Look i- I’m sorry for what I did it was uncalled for truly,” the boy said head turned slightly flustered.
You turned your head around quickly your legs sprawling out. “Okay, why are you being so nice?” you ask raising an eyebrow at him. “DID YOU PUT SOMETHING ON ME?!” you reach your arms around to feel for something on your back frantically only for Aonung to grab your arms carefully pulling them toward himself. He let out a (very sexy) light chuckle before saying “As funny as that would be forest girl, no I didn’t put anything on you and I’m being nice because I get where you're coming from…kinda?”
You pulled your arms away from the boy. “How could you ever understand how I feel? You didn't have to pack up your life and leave your home. You didn't have to run away from who you are,” You told him pulling your legs back into you.
Aonung turns his head away from you staring off into the night sky the stars as bright as ever. “I might not understand that way but I understand what it’s like to always be under pressure you know being the oldest and all,” he says sincerely. Out of the sincerity in his soft words, you turn your head to look at him as his light-colored skin seems to shine with the night. ‘When did he get so fine?’ you quickly shook the Thought to continue listening to his words.
“Look y/n, to be honest, I don't care that you're here it's just…” he paused taking a deep breath and continuing. “The fact that I had to teach you and knowing that you all were running away from war was both irritating and scary. Being the oldest means I'm going to be the next olo’eyktan and I not only have lots of training and responsibilities I also have to care for my people. And having to take care of you all adding to my long list of responsibilities and worrying that the war you're all running from might come to my home annoyed me and angered me it… It scared me. And being mean to you all was just my sad attempt to not only run you all away but gain some power back the power that was taken away from me from forcefully becoming your teacher and no longer knowing that my people are completely safe.”
You looked at Aonung shocked. He sounded so mature. So caring. He sounded like less of an asshole and more like a true olo’eyktan someone that deeply cared for his people. It was comforting to know he wasn't as shallow as you thought. That there was more to him than just what you saw. Kinda like Home how even though the forest looks scary it's beautiful and simply misunderstood. Just like Home. Just like Aonung
“Hey, monkey girl you ok? Why you looking at me like that?” he said waving a hand in front of your face. You shook your head realizing you had been staring. “Yea I'm fine it’s just you sounded mature like a true chief and less like a bratty kid,” you said pushing him slightly and chuckling as you did so.
“Y’know you aren't so bad when you're being nice you should do it more often,” you told him “ya think so?” “yea I do” “Well even though you’re from the forest you are quite civilized and easy to talk to” you pause before joking “After all that progress” you giggle smiling at his joke “hey old habits die-hard y’know” He pauses.
“We should be friends,” He says after standing up and holding out a hand. “hmm I don’t know” you stay seated thinking of an answer. Aonung retracts his hand slowly letting it fall limp to his side. He squats down in front of you looking into your bright yellowish amber eyes with his light blue ones. “look I know we had a bad start but I do wanna be friends with you because you don’t seem all that bad and you are easy to talk to I feel oddly comfortable with you plus you’re not scared to put me in my place none of your family is in fact but you especially… so please at least gimme a chance to prove I’m not all bad.” he said standing straight reaching his arm out to you again.
You think for a moment. Were you gonna take the hand of the boy whose only mission since you and your family emerged here has been to run you all off? The boy who makes fun of your family. The boy who not only UNFAIRLY fought your brothers but ALSO almost got one killed. The boy who did all these things yet he gave you a familiar feeling. The feeling you haven't felt since the move. The feeling of home.
“Welp Im not leaving any time soon so might as well,” you say taking his hand. His hand is much bigger than yours given the metkayina’s adaptations to the water his hand completely engulfing yours. He lets out a laugh still holding your hand.
“Hey since we’re friends now you wanna go somewhere cool?” he asks excitedly. You pause for a second “I mean I’d love to but I don’t wanna get stranded in the middle of the ocean to be killed so I don’t know” you tease him. Aonung rubs the back of his next embarrassed “Yea sorry again for that but I promise on eywa I won’t and if I do may eywa bring my spirit to her immediately” he says seriously.
“Well with a promise like that, I guess I have to trust you plus I’m not going to sleep anytime soon might as well” you shrug. The two of you call your ilu’s over. Before we head underwater Aonung pipes up “Hey just make sure to keep up with me don’t wanna break my promise I’m too handsome to die tonight” he teased “Yea definitely too handsome” you roll your eyes.
With that, you and your ilu start to dive underwater making sure to splash Aonung as you do. Aonung quickly dives and races in front of you causing you to lose some balance but it is quickly regained.
You trail slightly behind Aonung as he leads you to this mysterious place. He stops abruptly and signs to go to the surface. “what’s wrong?” you ask “you need to take a really deep breath we’ll be underwater for a while and I would love it if you didn’t drown before we reached our Destination”. You roll your eyes at his playfulness.
As you go to take a breath Aonung comes beside you and places a hand on your lower stomach and chest. “Breathe from your stomach deep slows breaths you need to slow your heart rate if you don’t wanna die”.
You pray to eywa that he didn’t notice the spike in your heartbeat when he put his hands on you. But the light smirk ghosting his face says he did. “ now one last breath ok?” You take a deep breath and you both dive under.
Aonung was right when he said you’d be underwater for a while, it feels like you’ve been under for 5 minutes already. finally, there’s an opening and you both swim up.
after wiping off your face your eyes adjust. “Ok hold my hand and close your eyes no peaking” you grab his hand and think this is the same boy who insulted you every chance he got. Aonung leads you a few steps before letting your hand go “ok now open your eyes” You open your eyes and you are left speechless. A beautiful cave, with bioluminescent plants and creatures scattered across. It reminds you of the nights at home
Aonung nervous by your lack of words asks “So do ya like it?” you turn to him “I love it.” He laughs “I’m glad, I haven’t been here in a while it’s pretty cool right?” “It reminds me of the forest back home, so yea definitely cool,” You say eyes wandering taking in every part as if it’s not only the first but last time you’ll see this amazing place.
“Well, I’m glad you like it because this is officially our spot,” He says chest puffed out smirking. You said an eyebrow and smirk back “Our spot huh?” The boy nods his head. “I kinda like the sound of that,” you say laying down and becoming one with this moment of peace this feeling of home. You feel warmth beside you as Aonung began to lay next to you and everything feels content at this moment. Everything is in place. It feels like home.
Since that night the days have gone by fast all fading into one but you're not complaining. That beautiful cave truly was Aonung and yours. Only for the two of you. How easily you both could talk there. Words seemed to pour out of both of you as if they were crawling to be listened to by the other
Your urge to go home lessened did you still miss home yes of course but being here wasn't so bad. Maybe you've finally started to accept Awa'atlu as your home. Or maybe it wasn't Awa’atlu that you were accepting maybe it was…Him
Just like every other night, you ended up back at the beautiful cave. No matter how many times you’ve been there it never seemed to lose its hold on you. You didn’t expect aonung to be here tonight he seemed… distant? no busy? Nah maybe distracted? Either way, you both hadn’t hung out at the cave in around seven moons but you can’t be mad at him he’s the future olo’eyktan so he won’t ALWAYS be able to go off in the night.
Plus you had other friends to hang out with so when aonung was busy you’d hang out with them.
Yet there he was sitting there like always it seemed like he was waiting for you. It felt as if no matter what got in your way anymore you’d always find him waiting for you to come back to him and vice versa.
“I didn’t know you were gonna be here why didn’t you tell me?” you asked playfully walking over to the boy. “Didn’t think you’d wanna come” he said standing up and shrugging. What had you done? I mean he’s the one that hasn’t been hanging out with you, yet your not mad so, why is he?
He starts to walk away from you. You quickly grab his hand “hey what's wrong you know you can't talk to me? We can always talk here.” “It's nothing” he replied harshly ripping his hand away from yours “well if it's affecting you like this it must be something”.
“It's just so stupid it doesn't even matter”He said plotting down on the cool cave ground.“Well it obviously matters to you so it matters to me”
“Do you still wanna go home?”
Your whole body froze. Why would he ask that? He always made sure not to bring it up he knew it was a sensitive topic yet he asked so bluntly. You’ve thought of home a lot but since you and aonung have gotten so close home seemed close not the faraway forest. Home felt
“ I don’t know why do you ask?” you said gently, squatting down on the ground.
“It’s just” he started sitting beside you. “I think about it a lot like what would happen if you could go home, would you? and if you did what would I do without you?” He turned towards you.
“You act like you haven’t been without me before it’s not like you’ll be alone if I left” “Yea I won’t be alone but I won’t have you what’s the point of anything if I can’t go back to you?” he said becoming aggravated. what does he mean what’s the point?
“Aonung what are you saying”. Aonung stood up abruptly “I’m saying I see you y/n and now that I do I can’t imagine seeing anyone else the way I see you but I can’t help but think one day you’ll go home and I’ll be alone and I won’t be able to see you ever again” he went quiet.
You didn’t know what to say. Would you go home? Would you really just leave him? What would YOU do without him? He was your best friend the best friend that you’ve grown to love and that you’ve grown to see in one way and another. That’s when you knew exactly what to say.
You cupped his face softly. “I see you aonung deep down I always have and I won't leave you I promise I won't and if I ever had the opportunity to go home it would lead me back to you. Do you wanna know why?”
Still shocked by your words he mutters out a soft “why?” “Because” You pull him into a kiss the salt water present however oddly sweet. You feel his hands wrap around your waist pulling you in keeping the kiss. You pull away slowly still cupping his face
“You’re My Home”
a/n:i hate this might delete it later 🤪🤞🏾 but i had to get it finished so i could finish the others anyways i take constructive criticism and feedback jus don’t be too mean 🤭😻
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alixlives · 5 months
helping the pain
lee!revivedbur, ler!tommy
summary: wilbur has always experienced back pain, but ever since his revival it’s gotten worse. tommy decides to try and help with that.. but of course, it derailed— not exactly in a bad way.
word count: 1,278
this was supposed to be a tickletober fic, i’d never finisbed it until now. and of course, we have to end the year off with some crimeboys tickles. :]
this is officially my LAST fic of 2023! enjoy🤍
During L’manberg times, Wilbur was known for overworking himself.
He did it very often, too often. It was concerning, and many people worried for him. But he didn’t care; it was important work that NEEDED done! He couldn’t just take breaks.
Well, now, all of that came back to bite him in the ass.. Or, more like in the back. Because he always kept such terrible posture with how much he was in the chair, and all he had in limbo was concrete floor and walls?
He came back to life with a shit load of back / shoulder pain and problems.
And there was one person who fell victim to his complaining over it.
Wilbur had a tendency to complain about his back or shoulders hurting when he was around Tommy. He’d attempt to stretch—never ended very well. It just hurt. He did often crack his back, while it did help for about five seconds, the pain would come back not long after.
He was currently with Tommy, which his shoulders were absolutely killing him, by the way. He made an attempt to stretch his arms out to help, before Tommy spoke up.
“You do realize that won’t help, right? Same with cracking your back, you do it too much. You’ll just worsen it.” Tommy spoke flatly as he looked up at Wilbur, setting down a flower he previously held to push his white streak of hair out of his face. Seeing Tommy do this made Wilbur do the same with his own.
“I haven’t got any other options, do I?” Wilbur rolled his eyes. “It’s not my fault.”
“Well.. It is, though. We did tell you, you should have stopped overworking yourself. Or to at least fix your posture; God, that was awful. And it still is! You do not learn, do you?” Tommy was lecturing Wilbur now, which only made the brunette place a finger to Tommy’s lips.
“Shut up, child. I don’t need a lecture from you.” Wilbur glared at Tommy, who just shoved his hand away.
“Okay, well, constantly cracking your back or doing.. whatever that was, isn’t gonna help it. Do you want me to help, or something?” Tommy placed a hand on Wilbur’s back, as if he were comforting him.
“Nothing will help it, I’m sure this has to be permanent by now.” Wilbur’s tone remained monotone, he sounded annoyed in a way. Stressed?
“Uhh..” Tommy thought for a moment. “Would a massage help..? It would at least relax you a little bit.” He offered, but even he sounded unsure.
The suggestion made Wilbur pause; he hadn’t been given a massage in… Well, he didn’t even know how long.
“Maybe? I don’t know..” Wilbur ran his hands down his face, a deep sigh escaping past his lips. This seemed to be bothering him more than Tommy thought.
“Alright- uhm.. Let me just..” Tommy moved from his current position, and sat on his knees behind Wilbur. He gently placed his hands on Wilbur’s shoulders; Wilbur tensed up almost immediately.
“Fuckin’ hell, man,” Tommy muttered under his breath, it was really all he had to say.
“Don’t judge me.” Wilbur rolled his eyes, tensing again as Tommy began massaging the area around his shoulders. Isn’t this supposed to make him do the opposite?
“I’m judging you.”
“Fuck you.”
“Hey, I’m trying to help you, don’t be a dick!” Tommy poked Wilbur in the dead center of his spine, grinning as the man arched forward with a soft squeak. He went back to massaging Wilbur’s shoulders, being as gentle but firm as he could.
After a few minutes, Wilbur finally relaxed a little. This made Tommy smile. He moved his hands a little closer to Wilbur’s neck, his thumbs firmly rubbing the spot in small circles.
Wilbur immediately tensed again, reaching his hands back to grab onto Tommy’s and stop him. Tommy smirked knowingly.
“Really? You can’t even handle a little massage?” He teased, freeing his hands from Wilbur’s hold with ease.
“Shut up, you fucking bitch!” Wilbur smacked Tommy’s hand.
Tommy placed his hands back near the crook of his neck, smirking when Wilbur flinched.
“Tommy, don’t even think abOUT IT!” Wilbur’s voice cracked when Tommy very, very lightly dragged a single finger down the back of his neck. A shiver went down his spine, he was quick to grab onto Tommy’s hand again. This didn’t stop the teen, absolutely not.
“I’m thinking about it. Wanna be a dick again?” Tommy placed his hands back on Wilbur’s shoulders.
“No! No.. Just- Continue, please?” Wilbur sighed, relaxing his shoulders.
“Hmm. Apologize first.” This sentence made Wilbur immediately turn himself around to face Tommy.
“Apologize!?” Wilbur sputtered. “No, I didn’t even do anything! What have I got to apologize for?”
“You told me to shut up, you called me a bitch, and you hit me! Apologize!” Tommy complained as he crossed his arms. Wilbur rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you deserved that. I’m not apologizing.” The look on Wilbur’s face became smug, as Tommy’s fell into a blank stare.
“Hm. Alright then.” Tommy hummed, and didn’t say a word as he latched his hands onto the sides of Wilbur’s ribs, digging his fingers on the spaces between the bones.
He couldn’t help but smile as Wilbur went from being smug and cocky, to panicked and shrieking of laughter.
“You going to apologize?” Tommy moved his hands up, vibrating his fingers under Wilbur’s arms as the man fell to the ground helplessly.
“NOHOHO!” Wilbur pressed his arms against his sides in an attempt to evade Tommy’s stupid, horrible, evil tickling.
“No? Okay.” Tommy easily turned Wilbur over and pinned him down, making him stuck laying on his stomach. Tommy’s hands found their way to the backs of Wilbur’s ribs, and he dug his fingers onto the spot. Wilbur screamed, immediately reaching behind himself to stop Tommy, but finding it to be quite difficult.
Tommy really couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Wilbur like this, a helpless mess of giggles and shrieks. It was adorable.
“How about now? You gonna give up?” The teen kept his teasing tone. It pissed Wilbur off how easily flustered his little brother could make him.
“NOHOHO!” Wilbur was now screaming in laughter, barely being able to muster up any words aside from “FUHUHUCK!” and “NOHOHO!”
“Apologize!” Tommy nagged, clawing his hands up and down Wilbur’s ribs. He even shot one hand up to vibrate on the man’s underarm..
That’s what did it for Wilbur.
“OkaHAHAHAY! I’M SORRY! PLEHEHEASE!” Wilbur pleaded, and Tommy immediately stopped and moved back a little. Wilbur melted against the ground, greedily taking in big gulps of air as he tried to compose himself.
Tommy placed a comforting hand on Wilbur’s shoulder, frowning a little at the way the man tensed.
“I’m done, Wil. I promise,” Tommy’s tone flipped around entirely, switching from teasy and a little pestering, to sweet and reassuring. This relaxed Wilbur.. He hadn’t felt relaxed in a long time.
And Tommy is the one who helped him.
Wilbur took a deep breath and looked up at Tommy. He was quiet as he spoke, “thank you.”
Tommy blinked, then smiled fondly. “You’re welcome.” He looked down at Wilbur.
“..Do you want to get off the grOUND-“ Tommy yelped through his words as he was suddenly pulled down to the ground by Wilbur. Tommy rolled his eyes as Wilbur wrapped his arms around the blonde’s torso, cuddling him close. This wasn’t like Wilbur, at all. But Tommy wasn’t gonna complain about it.
“..You know we can’t just lie here on the ground, right?” “Yes we can.”
“…Alright then.”
A/N: Honestly I cannot believe 2023 is about to be over. Time flies.. a little too much. I just wanted to say that I am incredibly grateful for all of the support I have received this year, and for the friends I’ve made and the friends who have stayed with me throughout everything. I love y’all, thanks so much. Happy New Year 🫶❤️
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fatuismooches · 9 months
*kicks door open*
Saw that Dottore post talking in a different language in the middle of class. It will NOT stop me for brain rotting.
God he'd say everything and anything he wants to tell you in the language that attracts you the most and he'd laugh affectionately when you glate at him with a red face. He'd be SO teasing about it, calling you pet names you don't know the meaning of but he says it so sweet and tender that it makes ur heart beat so fast,, you'd see him leaving notes to you with lines of what it seems to be a poem and you dont understand at all, and the segments do it to you as well like!!! CMON 😭😭
They refuse to help you study the language bc it's not a collective thing they do and they all use so many different languages it makes ur head spin
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But imagine making ur own language just to level with dottore???? After learning it and developing it n becoming fluent, you burned all ur notes and documents of your own language and u watch him and the segments fume when you talk to him in a language he has never heard of
(Now imagine talking to a fellow harbinger with the said language, teaching them to further egg on him 🤭🤭🤭)
HCHKCHDOEHFOSIW this is kaiser and it's time for me to EXPLODE 💥💥💥
AHHUDWDWD THIS IS SO SO CUTE. IM BRAINROTTING SOOO HARD BEFORE CLASS UGHHH I LOVE THESE IDEAS😭😭❤️ He would be SO relentless with teasing you, you would literally have to BEG him to return to speaking in your native language because he is a monster ugh 😒😤 You would have no idea what he's saying no matter how much you try and plead for him to tell you... you eventually hear certain words so many times you just associate them with a pet name that you still have no clue as to what it is. You HATE how much he has you wrapped around his finger and blushing but you also love it because who doesn't love when the Doctor is so outwardly affectionate to you 😔❤️ tHE POEMS BRO. THE POEMS. I think he's also very bad at written affection but since it's in another language he has creative freedom 😭 you'll never know the disgusting sappy things he'll write. The clones being in on it is the funniest part lmao you thought they would be on your side 😭😭💔
oh MY GOD THOUGH READER MAKING THEIR OWN LANGUAGE IS MY FAVORITEEE PART!!!! I love when reader tries to one-up Dottore, like, two can play at that game honey, i'm not your lover for no reason 🤭 LMAO i can just imagine reader grinding out their language verbally and written, day and night, just to spite Dottore and make him feel what you feel >:)
The look on their faces would be PRICELESS. Dottore would ask you to repeat what you said and you would, happily, and then walk away as if what you said is everyday language... they would be scrambling to figure out what is going onnnnn 😭 HELP YESSS Pantalone, Bina, and Childe are the best candidates 🤭 He would be so annoyed at seeing you communicate with these three so jollying... ehehe also teaching his child clone the language too, because the baby would never betray you either and would stick his tongue out at the bribing of other clones.
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aries-rp-corner · 4 months
During the scuffle with Dimah, Lamont meanwhile was spending time in the Museum. Checking out the relics, but his most favorite were the ancient stones and fossils. Admiring their uniqueness and wondered what they hold during the ancient times when Pokémon truly ruled the lands.
Holding the letter close to see it was an apology letter… he knew who it was from, and didn’t bother to open it. The man was still angry from what transpired…. “I know what that lad was doing, I’ve learned his battle tactics… I somewhat agree that I should of… been better…” He spoke to himself, holding his arm as a form of comfort. Looking up to the skeleton towering before him. “I… shouldn’t have left the group… I didn’t want to hear that a child being used as a weapon in someone’s eyes… who she believed life holds no meaning…. Like the man I fought so hard to convince what he was doing was wrong…. Only to have it blow up in my face he made me do something that…ugh….”
He pinched his forehead, all of that clearly damaged him mentally… walking out of the museum to see night approaching. Carefully putting on a hat as he began to walk back to the hotel, looking side to side, front and back to see if he’s being followed… for now, he was safe….
Upon arriving back the entrance of his room, he felt a heavy dark energy waiting for him on the other side. He knew what this was, as that quickly made him leave the spot out of fear. “Leaving so soon?~”
A voice echoed, Lamont looked back to see a ghostly hound phasing through the door.. but what spooked Lamont the most was the voice… no, sure this can’t be… he was told Veda was dead and turned into a hound like beast… surely! I can’t be!… right? “No…. You died…. She made sure of it!…. You can’t be…”
“I am, dear brother.~” The Hell Hound Veda smiled horribly, as this caused Lamont to run for his life. Hearing claws tapping the floors and heavy steps followed as well, Veda is on the hunt. “YOU CAN’T RUN FOREVER!!~ I’ll make you regret EVERYTHING you have done!~”
Lamont didn’t want to know what Veda has in mind, he needed to get out. FAST. Flying down through the halls and stairs to reach outside for his Pokémon to defend him. He can feel his team shaking with fear and anger, truly ready to fight and defend. After finally reaching outside, Lamont turned as he sent out Fang who roared with rage as Veda emerged outside as well. “I don’t want to think about what you’ll be doing to me, but I know it’s NEVER going to happen!”
Fang instantly charged at the beast, causing Veda to move out of the way and charge at Lamont. “If I can make you kill a pest, I can certainly do it again!” He lunged at Lamont swiftly as the two met the ground. “Come any closer you pathetic fossil, and I’ll make sure your trainer meets his true end!”
Fang growled deeply, even a slight movement caused Veda to sink his claws into Lamont. Causing him to yelp in pain. Fang had to back away, yet Veda forced the T-Rex back into his Poké Ball. “There we go, now then…~” The hound turned over to meet his brother again. “Now… let’s get this over with, and too bad no one will see you on the other end.~ Enjoy the view, Brother.~”
All Lamont could remember was that he felt he was being dragged out of his own body and thrown to the side. Awoke to see golden stars on him, but what scared him the most was he can see through himself. “V-Veda! What did you do?! What have you-” Lamont then gasped as he witnessed Veda entering his body… slowly rising up as he sees his body taking a deep breath. Finally his head turned over with a sick grin. “This… This can’t be happening! This has to be a nightmare! Veda! GET OUT OF MY BODY!!”
“Annoying that only I can see you, but what will you do? You can’t do shit.~ Thank you for the proper body, dear brother.~” He turned over in time to see people rushing out of worry for the old man, causing Lamont to scream and yell at them that this is not really himself… yet… nothing… until….
“The Witch… Aries!” Lamont thought as he began to run to find the Frigate. Causing Veda concern, yet at the same time… an idea…
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tobi-smp · 2 years
Every time I see someone try to lean into the softness of the crimeboys ending it just makes it feel more cruel.
I see something like This
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And it makes me think about how c!Wilbur leaving wasn't some quiet inevitablity or a sudden tragedy that nobody could have stopped, it was a choice.
Wilbur wasn't taken, not by tragedy and not by a person, he left. He left Knowing that the people he cared about weren't safe and weren't okay. And then he tried to present That as softness. Not just to us the audience, to the narrative, but to tommy.
And that's what needles me about people trying to present it this way, about it being presented as necessary and soft and healing.
Because wilbur's allowed to prioritize himself. he's allowed to say that he doesn't want to stay, that he doesn't want to be there to protect tommy or tubbo or fundy or anyone else, but he can't have his cake and eat it too. He doesn't get to make the choice to leave them at the mercy of an abuser and serial killer and expect them to be there when He's ready to have a relationship with them. He doesn't get to avoid being honest, to avoid talking about it at all, until he's skipping town to a new country and expect the trust to be there when He wants it.
Wilbur is under no obligation to stay, but tommy is under no obligation to forgive him. Wilbur is under no obligation to protect tommy from a monster, but choosing to abandon tommy with his serial killer abuser on the loose utilizing the power of a god Should erode whatever foundation that relationship had left.
It's not Fair to expect tommy to forgive him, that it's taken for granted that his trust doesn't have to be earned or nurtured. It's not fair that he's been abandoned and left behind and hurt time and time and time again and yet he always forgives, perpetually waiting for the chance to Earn being loved and being left behind anyways.
Letting his anger and sadness at wilbur go because there's nothing he can ever do to have his feelings respected wouldn't be Healthy. It's not the soft ending where everything's allowed to be okay. It'd be a link in a long pattern of unhealthy behavior.
Phil didn't have to apologize, in fact he told tommy to his face that he earned the trauma he gave him by being selfish and tommy not only Let him, but he tried to follow Phil's advice to Fix himself. Because he Needs somebody, Anybody to be there.
He refused to let tubbo apologize after exile because he saw Himself as a bad person, because he Believed that he wasn't worth saving. He held himself responsible for betraying techno before doomsday even started, despite techno being the one who lied to Him. Even if he'd been angry, even if he'd recognized that techno hurt him at first, he quietly let that anger go because techno was Never going to acknowledge that.
He's full of abandonment issues a mile deep and desperately Desperately wants to hold on to the people he cares about, but time and time again he's nobody's priority. Nobody will choose him no matter how desperately he needs it.
This will not teach him to not have abandonment or attachment issues, this will not make the genuine threat of being kidnapped and tortured for eternity go away.
The only thing worse than Wilbur knowingly choosing to leave him when he's in This vulnerable of a position, without even talking it through with him, is the idea that Tommy's not even allowed to be angry about it. That even if he Is angry now he just doesn't have the Perspective to know that it's a good thing yet and he'll Learn eventually.
Just like he Learned that he was selfish all along for wanting to protect his home and friends. Just like he Learned that he was an annoying child that just needed to be fixed.
Nobody has to put in the Work to earn Tommy's love and trust, he just has to realize that he never had the right to be upset in the first place.
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frogchiro · 2 years
Foxboys x bunny!girl reader 😳 foxboy childe loves to tease you about how easily flustered you get when he’s so handsy! He’d find any reason to have his hands on you, whether it’s him touching your floppy ears, putting his hand on your lower back, maybe at his cheekiest,grabbing your fluffy tail. As a bunny girl, you’re not used to foxboys who’re so foward!
Eventually though, he learns that even though fox and bunny hybrids have different habits, your sexual staminas match up well. He loves to pound into you from behind, and get you addicted to his knot!! Or when you ride him, he’s addicted to the way you bounce on his thick cock. Especially when you’re in heat, y’all just go multiple rounds - 💖
warning, this may be sloppy and feel off since i'm slowly getting back into writing :(( this is a small apology for the lack of content lately so i hope you'll enjoy it!
fem!reader, smut, heavy breeding kink, hybrids (foxboy childe and bunnygirl reader), a/b/o-esque so mentions of marking, mating and knotting
foxboy childe is such a menace </3 he loves to gently bite your sensitive floppy ears and tug on them a little only to smirk and laugh when you squeak and jump around with a frown to scold him
and you're so confused and flustered too! you're a bunnygirl after all and you're totally not used to such forward gestures of affection especially from a foxboy! while you find childe annoying, a menace, an unapologetic flirt and sometimes even dumb he kinda...grew onto you.
with the way his big ginger ears stand in point and his fluffy tail wags every time you're in the general vicinity as him or when he playfully jumps onto your back when he's in one of his 'moods' and fake mounts you can't help but feel all tingly and warm on the inside...
the straw that broke the camel's back was when poor little you was in pre-heat, feeling already warm and the low burning feeling of arousal settling in your tummy and all you wanted was to return to your cozy burrow and sleep through the heat when suddenly you felt a certain ginger glomp you from behind with a teasing chuckle and a slippery hand that went and grabbed your fluffy tail
childe's teasing smirk was soon replaced by a shocked face when his little princess let out the most sinful keen and hid your flustered face behind your palms. all it took was a deep sniff and a additional nuzzle against your neck that had the man all tingly and tight like a spring-his little bunny was in heat! he will finally get the chance to claim you!
so without further wasting of precious time he took you with him and carried you back to his den; it was much larger than yours but not less cozy-every chamber had a thick bedding of soft furs where childe laid you down and finally got to ravish you~
the quiet space of the den was soon filled with loud and wet smacks of his hips colliding against your ass, full heavy balls twitching every time he heard your delicious moans and whimpers.
words of affection and love were exchanged between tired panting, childe's promises of breeding you nice and full with a large healthy litter of his babies were sealed with sloppy kisses and when his heavy throbbing knot finally started to catch on your poor abused pussy you knew that you made the right choice on choosing your lovely fox mate <3
now you lied side by side, with your leg hooked on childe's hip as to not disturb his still throbbing knot as it was still locked inside you and would be for another hour. your quiet whimpers when you felt another jet of your mate's cum shoot inside you were quickly answered by the growling rumbles of your mate in a way to soothe you and you felt the light graze of the ginger's teeth on your neck to ensure you wouldn't run away from him.
maybe foxboys weren't so bad after all? or maybe it was just your own sly little fox that stole your heart <3
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
𝓦𝓮'𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷 𝓜𝓮𝓽𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲/𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭? 𝐒𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭! 👀
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴍᴇᴛᴋᴀʏɪɴᴀ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ x ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: sibling fights, chaotic family stuff.
A/N: I had a hard time with this fic, but I kind of came up with something. Also sorry if it sounds confusing and the fic being short.
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You didn't know why today you and Ao'nung decided to just annoy one another. It all started that morning during breakfast, Ao'nung thought it would be funny to steal your food, so he did, it annoyed you a lot. You had told him to stop, but he didn't stop. The whole morning he was just annoying you for no reason. It got to the point where you literately wrestled your brother at the beach after dinner.
Then was when you and him went to catch fish in the family's canoe, you and him were fighting on where to go, for sure the whole can could hear you and him arguing over which direction to take. Then your father came over and dragged you both back home. Scolding you both that you can't be acting that way since you were both siblings and that you're showing a bad example to the younger kids. Tonowari's solution to your fighting was that you and Ao'nung must stick to together until further notice.
That did not work, the fighting between the two of you got worse, everything was just bickering and fighting over little things. It got to the point where your father had added to you punishment, which was that you and your brother must stick to your father while you and him were grounded. During your time with your father, he made you and Ao'nung basically hold hands, which was embarrassing, you both had faces full of anger and humiliation, your father said that this was for you both to learn on how to get along.
Tonowari also made you and Ao'nung do hard tasks which took two people to do, so you did them together to your displeasure. Roxto was allowed to hang out with you both, your father knew that Roxto was a good influence on his son, he'd also be a good influence on you too. While you, Ao'nung and Roxto were in the Marui which your father who was busy making more darts for Ronal. Ao'nung had decided to asked his father a question involving you.
"Father?" Ao'nung called his father over who responded. "Yes Ao'nung?" he continued to work on the darts but he kept his ears open to listen to his son. "Are you sure that y/n is my older sister?" he asked, making you send him a death glare. "Yes, she is your older sister Ao'nung" your father replied to his question but your brother continued to ask other questions. "Hm, but she is so small and she doesn't even look like us" he said, making Tonowari respond again "even though she is small and looks different from the rest of us, she is your older sister." He said, now making another dart once he was done with the previous dart. "But father where did she come from? I mean look at her" he said gesturing to you, which made you hiss at him, which caused your father to look over at the three of you.
Tonowari sighed, placing his work on the floor of the marui then turned his attention towards you, Ao'nung and Roxto. "It doesn't matter where she came from, she is a part of this family since the day she was born." Your father stated, but Ao'nung was still no conviced, which made Tonowari take a deep breath again and spoke. "We are all freaking Metkayina!" he said, then pointed his arm towards you "plus y/n!" he said, making both Ao'nung and Roxto laugh at this, meanwhile you just gave your father a surprised look while trying to contain your laughter. "I'm rocking with y/n cause y/n is rocking with us, not to mention that she is my child and your sister."
Your father told a laughing Roxto and Ao'nung who were dying of laughing. Then you also began to laugh, also making your father laugh. "So, even though I am a Metkayina, I kind of not a Metkayina?" You asked while you laughed, then your father responded. "You're a Metkayina y/n" he said, which you argued back. "But you just said that I was y/n!" you said, making the other two boys laugh harder. "That's not how I meant it child!" Tonowari protested, trying to get you to understand that he went that you were a part of the Metkayina despite not looking like the rest of them.
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scrollypoly · 10 months
hi! for the past month i’ve been seeing people say BEN is a child and i think that part of it is linked to the fact that they think of Benjamin Lawman being BEN? but it’s so annoying to read these type of stuff because i understand not everyone read the whole arg story but stop spreading things that aren’t true </3 it’s such an interesting story too! another note do you prefer BEN’s canon or fanon design? :3 i love both but his canon design is so nostalgic i can’t let it go at all omg!! i’ve also been wondering, do you think Ben’s avatar was the statue? i was thinking about what if BEN took over it early on, before Benjamin did making BEN inhabiting it since the start?
Sorry this was such a ramble i practically make no sense omg but i need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It </3
"I need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It" LITERALLY SAME OMG
Ok this is going under a cut becus . . . Its ben and BEN and if u didnt know i am Obnoxious about these two. Im gonna try to keep it organized a bit, so ill talk about the canon stuff first and then ill talk my personal headcanons and my fic so le's go!
In terms of the age and child thing, yeah i 100% believe you are correct. Ive been p open on my stance with the whole "is ben a child?" thing, and i think a lot of the heat with it comes down to current fandom purity culture and the pro/anti thing. So, lemme try to like. Boil down a complicated situation into smth easy to read. ahem
Ben Lawman and BEN are completely different entities guys, and for those that do not know the arg story, the Ben you know is not human nor a child.
You know BEN, BEN is the one in the story who terrorizes jadusable and spreads himself on the internet as a virus. That BEN is a program, a mess of code, an AI, however you want to interpret it. Personally i interpret it as a series of protocols running in a machine, like a self learning AI, but ive seen lots of cool interpretations of BEN. So . . . What does BEN specifically? Its an anagram for the Behavioral Event Network. If you dont wanna call it BEN cuz it gets confusing with actual kid Ben, do what i do. I call mine Evie :) ive seen some call it Netty, my bf calls his two izzi and clever (@benilos btw hes also got crazy ben stuff). Just go ham! Have fun! Remember when fandoms were about having fun and not accusing each other of pedo shit and call each other horrible things for just writing black-to-grey characters and stories??
Anyways ive gone off in enough peoples tags like this, for those that dont know the canon dont be spouting the age discourse. You look stupid as hell. And for those that are gonna spout it, please dont cherry pick through the canon. Use both characters, use the other moon children, actually please do because I want more rosa content so bad, im down so bad :'(
Or just. Heres a thought. If someone has him as an adult or writes him in adult situations, maybe dont assume that they interpret him as a kid and call the writer a pedo? (Literally has happened to me, yall are fucking weird)
Plug for the jadusable wiki with all the canon lore:
Okay now my stuff 🥰
Yes i use more of the canon design and heavily use the canon story, i participated in arc 3 of the arg and it left deep grooves in my brain, i can never go back to fanon Ben. I say, as i put a more fanon appearance on my Ben 🤭
My Evie is full canon design, green hair, red eyes, creepy ass grin. I actually based it very heavily on my desktop wallpaper, which we actually figured out was a picture of @hauntedtotem (also amazing ben artist plz check them out) that they edited and posted. Sorry friend, it looked way too cool, ig youre in my fic canon now 🙇
And my Ben Lawman bleaches his hair and goes from the canon Ben to fanon Ben because of it. Hes got the pale pretty green eyes and glasses and hes a total nerd and i smooch him on the daily so he knows hes loved ♡
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These is the ref pic i made for the two of them. So yeah! Kinda both!
As for bens situation in the actual arg, yes i do think he was in the elegy statue, we actually do see him for the first time in the arg buried in the games code and trapped in that statue. I do think he was in there from the beginning, i personally think BEN was not limited to the models it could inhabit. Personally i would place it as skull kid and hms, but it also feels disingenuous to me to say it was in one model the whole first arc.
The arg events do happen in my canon, before my fic (like right before, it picks up after the arg left off technically), but the events are skewed a bit because i had a hard time deciphering what happened and i wanted my fic timeline to fit more with the characters i had made. Cuz my evie isnt as chaotic evil as canon BEN, its very logical and has a path of logic and reason you can follow for every action it does. It was also originally meant to be very pleasant and corteous and beneficial to the people it housed so, yes its pretty different from canon.
Ill do a quick run through of the arg events in my personal headcanon and fic here.
Kelbris starts coding BEN (Evie) for the Eternity Project. Initially, Evie was meant to be an afterlife director. People that died would be digitized into code that would be moved into Evie's servers, where it would keep them happy and occupied as the Behavioral Event Network (notice and log behavior, create events for residents). Like a community organizer kind of, think the Good Place.
While Evie is in development, Ben Rosa and Matt are friends and have yet to join the cult. Rosa and Matt are siblings, and Ben is the kid who lives catty corner on the street. They walk to school together and play at recess and all that jazz.
Kelbris quickly learns that the Eternity Project isn't as goody two-shoes as he thought. This was in like, the 90s, before digital corporations were really established. After seeing the greed and corruption in the company, he goes rogue, takes the source code for Evie, and jumps ship. He keeps working on Evie at home, anthropomorphizing it and kind of seeing it like the son he never had. This is where it actually gets the name BEN, as thats what Kel calls it. He also begins working on a body for it, so it can live independently. Its light, cuz Kels old, made of crystalline structures and hollow steel beams. A hard light projection would make its appearance.
Since Kel has basically locked himself up in his house and isolated working on Evie, he goes a leetle bit crazy. He has hallucinations of his deceased wife (you know he was doing all this just to give her a good home, you KNOW IT) and eventually starts writing kind of poetry, kind of none-minded rambles about her in a forum online. He gets a following, some of which that interpret these divine words as a goddess, one Kel has called Luna. The Moon Children start to form as Evie finishes development.
Matt sees this literature and starts talking about how this Goddess could save them like it saved the man online, whos username is only Father. He gets sucked into the cult and drags Ben and Rosa with him. Ben doesn't see the harm and joins pretty easily with his best friend, but Rosa is the older sibling and sees the red flags and is more resistant to joining.
As Kelbris finishes Evie, he wakes it up for the first time and says hello to the son he made from scratch. Evie is bright, curious and naive like a child, but heavily knowledgeable about its protocols and the information it knows about the world. Kelbris tests its function by killing himself, and ascends into the code, finishing off the hardware by becoming its firewall. Evie is alone for many years.
The abuse Ben's father slings onto his mother is slowly being directed towards him as he gets older. Ben is not the "good little girl" his father sees him as, and his mother does all she can to protect them both. Matt and Rosa constantly refuge him, and Matt specifically is constantly being a guard dog for him. If he wasn't just 13, he'd probably go at Ben's dad himself.
Because of his homelife and the conflict he has with himself, Ben takes the first ascension. He thinks when he drowns himself, he will meet Luna and she will give him another life free of pain and fear and full of happiness and freedom. Instead, he dies a cold, dark death, and wakes up in the white endless void of the Event Network.
Evie has not known another living human since Kelbris, but it does know its protocols to support and keep the deceased happy. It makes fast friends with Ben, devoting itself to him. Ben actually finally takes the name "Ben" from it. Together they recreate the inside of Evie's hivemind into their own paradise.
Slowly the other Moon Children ascend. First Matt, wracked with guilt for what happened to Ben. Then Nekko, from a different branch of the cult. These three figured out that the Moon Children cult was all a farce, and that what Kelbris had started, the Eternity Project had found and twisted. Next to ascend was Dusk, then Insidiae, and finally Rosa.
This all leads into the first arc, shortly after Rosa ascended, Evie in the outisde world stumbled upon the Operator. The Operator attacks it and seals its coding into the game that it carried, a personal item of Ben's. The game eventually finds it's way to a garage sale, and Alex picks it up.
Evie does not like Alex. Matt does not like Evie. Matt gets Evie to lash out at Alex for prodding into its code, its too naive to think that Matt would want to see it or any of them hurt. When Alex stumbles upon the Father, he awakens and swallows Alex down into the game. After his disappearance, the game gets picked up and passed around again.
Because of Alex's actions, at least Evie can now branch out a bit from the game. Though it doesnt "escape" into the internet, it learns that it can now access it and uses that freedom to try and steer the game around into places it wants.
Matt gets fed up with Evie. The fact that its the leader, how close it is with Ben, he just doesn't agree with it. So much so, in fact, that he tries to kill it. Cue arc 3 events, Sarah picks up the game in the aftermath of this. Evie is traumatized from the events and snaps a bit, locks everyone down into code or immovable models and tries to hunt Matt down. It goes rouge, and because of this, the Father wakes up.
Sarah's actions in arc 3 eventually hard reset the game. Matt gets sealed away, the Father also takes Sarah, and Evie gets reset as well, though its less like a clean slate and more like snapping back awake. Its personality changes and it has major trust issues. Its more muted, hyper observant of everything around it, and murderously overprotective of the Moon Children it keeps within itself.
And this leads into my fic 🤗
I have some doodles of my other Moon Children, but not all of them unfortunately. Cant figure out how tf i want Insidiae to look 🤭 Plz dont judge my constantly shifting art style 🙏🙏
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Dusk is bigender btw, i gotta put a little more trans rep in there lol
I think ill stop here, this is already a long ass post. But thank you for sending this, as you can see, i am Perfectly Normal about this arg ( ;) ) and can be trusted with information about it
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Hello! Do you have some headcanoons on the everyday life with the creeps? Stay healthy!!
You stay healthy as well, drink lots of water and be kind to yourself!
Thank you for requesting!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Life with the creeps
Big brother and sister vibe from all of them
Except BEN, he's the annoying middle child
Everyone has their own little friend group
Privacy is pretty much non existent tbh
And silence
From the moment you wake up, there's cheerful chatter and chaotic yelling all throughout the mansion
Going about your morning routine normally consists of dodging Toby's hatchets as he throws them, covering your ears as you walk past Jeff's room which is blasting Slipknot, and trying to not get caught up by Sully when he's in a bad mood
If you eat breakfast, you'll have to pinch your nose as you open the fridges riddled with ungodly things, and find a seat, quietly bidding a good morning to the other creeps at the table
After breakfast, it's work, so you head back up the staircase that leads to your room (careful, the floors move!) and you get into your uniform, black pants with a red dress shirt that has the proxy symbol on the back, as well as cargo boots
Then you go see Slendy in his office in the library for your daily chores
You typically get a list of names of people you need to exterminate, and a list of household chores as well
After you do your work for the day, you report back to Slendy, get your pay, and the rest of the day is yours
You get out of your bloodied and dirtied work clothes, take a nice shower, and get into some pajamas
You go back down to socialize and hang out with the other creeps
Smile dog hops up onto the couch with you and rests his head on your lap, his tail wagging wildly behind him and his slobber getting all over your knees
Dinner is normally either a gigantic meal with everyone in the house all sitting and eating together, or you and another person or small group of people eating fast food
And then you go to sleep and do it all again the next day
And now that we have the day cycle out of the way, let's talk actually living there
Avoid the basement areas of the mansion
And don't go too deep into the woods
Unless you have either one of the Jack's accompanying you
Or toby
He's a menace, so you know he'll protect you
Watch out for glitchy t.v screens, it's usually BEN waiting to pop out and scare his unsuspecting victim
If you really wanna feel safe around the mansion, I suggest either learning how to preform certain protection spells or befriending one of the mansions many intimidating creatures
Not that you'd be unsafe, as Slender takes care of all his residents, but the creeps don't know their own strength sometimes
You're all one big delusional, yet happy family in a way <3
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yourbelgianthings · 7 months
taz november celebration fic 1: card prompt vampire
i was pretty loose with the prompt as you’ll see, although vampire fish (also known as lamprey eels) are a real thing, this is a devo fic, 1k words, tw blood and general guidance being guidance @taznovembercelebration
Four year old Devo was having a very hard time sitting still. Sunday services had just ended, and he wanted to go play with all the other children in the parish courtyard. Of course, he was never permitted to do that, though. Guidance had acquiesced slightly and allowed them to sit on a bench outside rather than inside to have their discussion, and that was as good as it was going to get. She placed her hand on his shoulder and said,
"Devotion, look at me." Her voice was stern but not harsh. "You need to pay attention in services and when we talk. You're going to have a very important job someday and everything you do now is helping you get ready for that."He crossed his arms and pouted, an appropriate reaction for any other four year old, but unfortunately not the one who would be replacing the Hand of Guidance. "Why can't I have time to play too?"
Guidance sighed, getting frustrated now. "That's just not part of your training, okay? You're different from all the other kids. It's about time you got your head around the fact that you need to do what I say without asking questions and that I only have your best interests at heart. No more talking back. Now, where were we? Ah yes, tell me something you learned from this morning."Having been scolded so thoroughly, Devo only wanted to cry, but he took a deep breath and managed to remember that they had sung one of his favorite hymns earlier. Just as he was about to answer the question, a horrible pain exploded in his right arm, and he screamed. Devo didn't even notice yet, but Guidance saw that there was a deep bite in his arm that was bleeding profusely, and she jumped up to carry him inside. She noticed an eel slithering away, and cursed silently. They ran inside, immediately drawing the attention of Adelaide, the secretary, since Devo was still screaming and sobbing. As she ran over towards them, Guidance shouted, "Go find Orlean NOW and send him to the infirmary, I don't care what he's working on, he needs to drop it and help me!" Adelaide nodded in stunned silence and rushed off to obey her instructions. In the small infirmary at the back of the parish, Guidance set Devo down on one of the cots, where he immediately curled up into a ball. She rubbed his back and whispered, "It's going to be okay, Devotion. I just need you to sit up and let me see your arm, okay? Be brave for a little bit and then you can rest while Benefactor Orlean and I figure out what happened." Devo did not like Benefactor Orlean, but the mention of his name barely even registered right now while he was so overwhelmed with pain, extending his arm to Guidance so she could wash it, stop the bleeding and bandage it. He laid back down, cuddling the extra pillow Guidance gave him (he had no stuffed animals or toys) and passed out almost immediately. There was a light knock on the door, and Benefactor Orlean finally entered, looking very annoyed.
"This better be good, Guidance," he snapped. "I already have to waste enough of my time on Devotion with tutoring."Her face darkened. "Watch it, Orlean. I give you a lot of autonomy, and you do valuable work for the parish, but Devotion is our future, and everyone will be a part of ensuring his success, no matter how they feel about it. The problem at hand is that he could possibly die if we don't come up with a cure for a vampire fish bite. Not that you asked."
Orlean looked surprised. "Wow, okay. That's actually bad. Are you thinking a spell or a potion?" They headed off down the hall towards his office. In their worry about preserving the future of the Hand of Devotion, it hadn't crossed either of their minds that they had just left the current child in their care alone. So, little Devo did, in fact, wake up alone in a dark room, confused and still in pain. He didn't know what to do, but he he definitely didn't want to try and get up and go somewhere else, even though his own bed would be more comfortable than the cot. After a moment's thought, he sat up, still hugging the pillow, and started singing the hymn from this morning to himself. It was one of his favorites, it was about serving others. From his perspective, it didn't seem like his teachers at the parish actually did anything like that very often, but the lyrics and melody of the song were comforting to him, he often sung or hummed it to himself when he was upset. Eventually Guidance and Orlean returned with a weird purple liquid for him to drink, it tasted sour and fizzed in his mouth, but it worked and he didn't get sick at all. The bite itself slowly healed, scabbing over, then scarring and fading a bit over time. Devo was often told to be grateful and thank Benevolence for his healing, which he did, of course, but as he got older, he realized the ones who had really saved his life that day were Guidance and Orlean, which was honestly worse. He figured it was the least they could do against all the other bad things, though, and he didn't feel indebted to them by any means. When Devo finally left the parish, and got to figure out his own sense of style, he of course bought a very fashionable long jacket, which meant he didn't see the scar often, and he honestly preferred it that way. Whenever he did see it, he pictured four year old Devo in his mind, sitting in the dark infirmary, and gave him a hug. In some ways, he was still just as lonely, but he was much more powerful now. Hell, he had survived the vampire fish bite as a little kid with barely any control over his magic. He'd come a long way from there, and the world better look out for Devo La Main now.
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lysa1201-saucy · 2 years
Don’t Read A Book In Abyssal At 3 AM! (Not Clickbait)(Emotional)(Gone Sexual) - Lucifer x F!Reader (Part 4)
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
Read Chapters Early on my Patreon!! Chapter 5 is currently up! Also includes NSFW art uncensored!! <;33
Lmk if you wanna be added to the tag list!! Thank you for reading! Reblogs, likes, and comments appreciated!
This story will contain sexual themes and smut in the future, which is why it is being posted onto my 18+ account rather than my SFW account. Thank you <33
Genre: Comedy, Romance (Fluff + Smut), Angst
Warnings: None (that I know of, lmk if there is thanks)
Word Count: 1505
Lucifer had been living in your apartment with you for around two weeks. You two had gotten used to each other and the dynamic you had created. You would check out books he wanted to study more intently for him since Lucifer had no ID to do so himself, and he’d stay at home working through what he needed and taking notes when he could.
Every weekday for work, you would get up at 6:30 am, which you found disgusting, and start your morning routine. However, now that Lucifer had arrived, you added him to your practice. He wasn’t a morning demon, but he wanted the time to get as much research done as quickly as possible.
“Here you go,” You put down the black coffee on a coaster on the coffee table, he was leaning over to read.
“Thank you,” Lucifer would recognize your kindness. He was still very questionable about you, but he got used to the routine and appreciated your hospitality. He would go as far as saying he tolerated you. “So what I figured out about the spell you used is that it only brought me, but I’m still unsure how Solomon was able to contact you.”
“Do you think Barbatos had anything to do with it?” You asked the demon, sitting behind him on the couch. You were already dressed for work and had your coffee in hand, so you had some time to spare to theorize with Lucifer.
Lucifer hummed. “Most definitely,”
You continued to read with him for another couple of minutes, occasionally asking for some translations you didn’t quite understand, but it was finally time to leave for work. “Okay, I’ll be back at 5 pm, as always,”
“I’m not a child. You do not need to remind me this every single work day,”
“I know that; I just worry about you,”
“And why’s that?” He turns on the couch by resting his arm across it to face you. He raises an eyebrow at you in question.
You groan and roll your eyes. “You don’t have a phone, so I can’t contact you, and you can’t do anything else. So you’re holed up here, and I feel bad about it. So I want you to know I’ll be back, you know?”
Lucifer let out a deep breath. “Sure,” He turned back to face the papers in front of him. “Enjoy work.”
He didn’t want you to know, but he felt nice that you cared.
“Lucifer!” You shouted as soon as you entered your living room.
Your apartment was tiny, and you opened the door to the living room when you entered it, so he was very annoyed with your entrance. “What?” Lucifer spat out with annoyance.
You plopped on the couch next to him to place a laptop on the coffee table. “My laptop was fixed, so now we can use it for more research!” You excitedly explained. “I know some good websites with other spells and where I learned some abyssal. So I can open up those tabs and look through those while you look through the books.”
Lucifer just nodded. He looked tired. Very tired. And he was disappointed. He wanted to be home, and you wanted to take him home. You thought having one of your “demon boyfriends” in your actual life would be a dream, yet you feel nothing but guilt and sadness.
The rest of the night was silent, but you yawned loudly. Finally, you uttered a small apology and returned to your research when Lucifer raised his hand. “Go to bed,” Lucifer proposed.
“No, it’s fine. I want to help you,”
“You won’t be much help if you’re falling asleep,” He stated without taking his eyes off the books in front of him.
You sighed and nodded. “I’ll leave the tabs open. Don’t stay up too late.”
It was probably past midnight already, but that was fine by Lucifer because it was the weekend, so he didn’t need to force himself to wake up too early anyway. So he allowed himself to sleep in just a bit more since you did.
It wasn’t until Lucifer finally decided to use the laptop you provided that he found something he wished he didn’t. He was going through what he needed to until he misclicked and opened up a tab to one of your bookmarks. It would have been less embarrassing if it was the bookmark to one of the sites you go to for your bills, but to your luck, it was to a dating website. Even worse, you were logged in.
Lucifer went to exit out of the tab until he realized he was on your profile. He should have looked away, and he wanted to look away. A little peek wouldn’t hurt. He is living with you, and you hadn’t had time to sit down and get to know each other, so it’s not wrong to look at your answers.
That’s what Lucifer did. He scrolled through your profile and looked at some of your answers and pictures. He would sometimes let a puff of air out of his nose from a silent chuckle at some of your attempts at being approachable. It was kind of cute, though. Even with your writing, he could tell you were a kind and honorable person, and from knowing you for the past two weeks, he could confirm that’s what you were.
He couldn’t deny that the pictures you chose for your profile were phenomenal. Some photos were on vacations, regular candids, and just casual mirror selfies. You were so adorable. He didn’t want to think about you like that, but how could he deny it? He liked learning about you more than he would like to admit. Your favorite color, your favorite memory, your favorite food, your favorite type of animal, all of it intrigued him. Maybe you weren’t alike in every way, but it’s always good to have someone even a little different than you.
He noticed you had a message box, so he snooped a little more and checked. There were some messages that you never replied to. He shouldn’t have clicked on them, but he did.
Some upset him slightly from how different people treated you. For example, they were only looking for sex, and it wasn’t something you were looking for. On the other hand, he would occasionally feel nice at how sweet you were to certain people. But then, there was a weird pang of jealousy when you and another seemed to hit it off, plan a date, or even a second date.
MC: I would love to see you again. I enjoyed our time together.
Jensen: I did too. Plan something for next week? Can I take you out to dinner next Saturday maybe? 8 pm?
MC: I’d love that.
He would read your messages up to the next date, making him feel slightly angry with how flirty you two were with each other. Then, he would scoff at the lines that man told you, thinking he could do better. Lucifer prided himself on making whoever he was flirting with flustered, and he was sure he could fluster you more than that man ever could.
MC: I’m ready :)
MC: Jensen? We’re still meeting up today, right?
MC: It’s okay if you’re running late, just hope to get an update! I’m worried about you :(
MC: Hello?
MC: It’s 8:30 pm. I’m tired of waiting.
MC: I’m wearing a cute dress and prepared my makeup for this fancy dinner we planned. Please don’t stand me up.
MC: It’s 9 pm. Please answer me.
Jensen: I’m sorry.
MC: It’s 10 pm. Now you respond?
Jensen: I uh
Jensen: I met someone else, and they came over. I forgot about our date. And I think I want to keep seeing them. I’m sorry.
This user can no longer message you.
Lucifer felt sad that you got stood up, though he felt pride because you chose to block him instead of trying to fix something you couldn’t. You’re stronger than he initially thought you were. You knew how to stand your ground. Those messages were about two months ago, and since then, it appeared that you refused to mingle with anyone else. Leaving them on read or just not opening the messages they sent trying to get a hold of you. Jensen hurt you a lot, didn’t he?
That’s when he finally snapped back into reality and decided to close the tab. It was 1:30 am. He decided it was time to go to bed. Lucifer couldn’t stop thinking about you, though. Your words, your flirting, your pictures, everything about you. It was stuck in his head, how magnificent you are. He was disgusted with himself for thinking that way about some human that took him away from his loved ones. Yet, he couldn’t get you out of his head.
Lucifer told himself that after a good night's sleep, he would wake up and stop thinking about you.
He was wrong.
Tag List: @sassykattery , @dfgdfgxftdd , @karmasadistic69
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nayialovecat · 11 months
Bad and good couples - en + pl
Recently, someone asked me a question about whether I prefer (in literature, TV series, games, etc.) homosexual couples or heterosexual couples. Frankly, I don't really understand the question. Why should I be guided by such a criterion as whether couples are of the same gender or of different? I answered: I prefer couples that make sense. And I am already in a hurry to explain. You can write badly both a heterosexual couple and a monosexual couple, it's just a matter of good writing. I will now give you some examples each of good couples and of bad couples. We'll start with the bad ones.
(I warn you in advance: there will be spoilers.) (Please also keep in mind that this is my exclusive opinion. You have the right to have a different one.)
My example of a badly written heterosexual couple is Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley from the "Harry Potter" series. Why do I think so? Well, there is no chemistry between them. Ginny pays attention to Harry just when she learns that his name is Harry Potter - so it's safe to assume that her entire childhood crush stems from the fact that Harry is someone famous, and her subsequent desire to be together stems from the fact that she wants to get "that famous Potter." Harry, on the other hand, pays no attention to her, even avoids her (like he should - she's his friend's younger sibling - by the way, his friendship with Ron is also questionable to me). And then in probably the sixth volume he suddenly starts to be in love with her. I'm assuming that Ginny used some kind of spell or love potion, because the other option doesn't make sense. Or Harry comes off as a shallow asshole, because he fell in love with Ginny when she grew boobs and turned to be pretty girl. Both options clearly indicate that there is no real deep feeling here. That's why I think this is a poorly described, even artificially created couple - or a pair of very sophisticated assholes who are with each other for benefits other than love. Either way, to me this is a couple that evokes more disgust than warm feelings. Another example of a couple in which there is no question of love, in my opinion, is Ariel and Eric from Disney's animated "The Little Mermaid." Frankly, I was glad that the live-action film fixed this and gave them more moments to fall in love with each other - too bad it still did it poorly… To be fair - as a child I loved "The Little Mermaid." As an adult - I am severely disgusted with the plot and prefer Andersen's original…
An example of a badly written homosexual couple is Benson and Troy from "Kipo". Oh my, how much this couple tormented me throughout the series. Why do I think it's badly written? Let's start from the beginning… I can even give up the fact that the first guy who likes the homosexual Benson also turns out to be homosexual and interested in a relationship…. although it already mildly irritates me, because how lucky do you have to be to fall in love, among dozens of people, with the one who has the same orientation and we happen to be their type? I could forgive this if they met and just were together as an ideal pair… But the theme of their artificially generated "problems" (yes, artificially - a problem that is not really a problem and is solved by saying one sentence is artificial) is sometimes the axis of the episode, it is done by force, as if the creators wanted to draw our attention to them at all costs… It is tiresome, annoying… I don't even know whether I'm more irritated by the fact that everything in their couple is unrealistically perfect (they agree in everything, they have no flaws that would hinder the other, everything works out for them, etc.), or by the fact that, despite this ideality, the creators of the series try to make us believe that there are problems in the formation of their bond, and the characters are not sure if they will be together (no, they don't appear, they are by force!). This is frankly a couple I hate and boycott - although I like Benson's character very much and have nothing against Troy's character himself.
And now well-written couples… These, fortunately, there are more, but this made me have trouble choosing… Let's try though.
I can name a lot of good heterosexual couples: Sam Vimes and Lady Sybil from "Discworld", Crono and Marle from "Chrono Trigger", Gumball and Penny from "The Amazing World of Gumball", Steven and Connie from "Steven Universe", Mitch and Starla from "Regular Show", Evie and Doug from "Descendants" - I can go on like this for a long time. But what do all these couples have in common and makes me follow them, root for them and delight in the changing dynamics of their relationship until the happy ending? That they HAVE TIME to grow. Even if there is a deep infatuation on one side from the beginning (e.g., in Gumball), by the time there is the first declaration of love, the first kiss, or even the realization that any feeling exists - time passes as the characters get to know each other, like each other more and more, and their affection grows and blossoms. I love how Steven and Connie influence each other and make each other braver, better, more confident…. Mitch and Starla, despite being created as disgusting creatures, are so adorable that I got such an "awww" at each of their scenes, and already the wedding teleshow episode was absolutely wonderful. I love the unobtrusiveness of Vimes and Lady Sybil storyline and the later stories of how they are already married. I love that things don't always work out well between Gumball and Penny, and that Marle's affection evolves from "damsel in distress, grateful to her savior" to "determined to save her beloved the strong maiden with a crossbow." The stories of the couples given as examples vary - sometimes more, sometimes less dramatic and fraught with dangerous events, their being together sometimes obvious from the beginning, sometimes clarifying only halfway through. There are scenes that give depth to the relationship - for example, Evie's doubts when she is supposed to lift the curse from Doug with a kiss of true love and hesitates - because what if nothing happens after the kiss? Does that mean they don't love each other and can't be together? Or the scenes where Steven, wanting to protect Connie, avoids contact with her and runs away from her because he fears she will eventually die because of him? These are the relationship dramas that make you feel the chemistry here, feel that it's more real than those hapless Troy and Benson from "Kipo." Then there are couples who are already together in a given storyline and we get to know them as married couples. There are so many such well-written ones, however, that I won't even list them, enough that somehow it probably comes out easier to portray well-written marriages - than to show the road to that marriage.
There are quite a few good homosexual couples too, I'll start with my favourites: Luz and Amity from "Owl House," Barney and Logan from "Dead End: Paranormal Park," Zulius and Splendib from "Centaurworld." I ship all of these pairs. Let's start with Luz and Amity - their dynamic is one of my favourites: they start out as rivals, go through a friendship before they realize it's something more. I love when the love is growing out of friendship. It's not done in an embarrassing way, there are no annoying scenes done by force to make it more drama (but I'm only on the second season, please no spoilers for more). Barney and Logan - they're kind of like Benson and Troy, only done well. Any possibly embarrassing scenes between them are not because the creators want to draw attention to them (as in the second case), but because of the characters, they are consistent with them and make sense. I love the dinner scene with Barney's parents - in it you can see that Logan is not perpetually laid back, that he also cares and stresses himself out to do well. Zulius and Splendib - another pair of rivals. Maybe I could pick on the fact that their transition into being a couple was too quick, but… this is, after all, Centaurworld, a chaotic and putting on the head world at times, and the chemistry between these two (though not necessarily immediately amorous) can be felt from their first scene together. I'll boast that I was shipping them before they officially became a couple :3 Next up are completely different couples, but also my favourites: Netossa and Spinerella from "She-Ra and the Princesses of Power", Harold and Howard (Clyde's parents) from "Loud House", Ruby and Sapphire from "Steven Universe"… What these couples have in common is that we don't observe in the pages of the series how they come to be together - but we see them already as a couple with years of experience. However, we also see the deep feeling between them, that despite their clear differences, they complement each other and get along, there is both love and friendship. And also: there can be drama. I cried at the scene when Netossa had to fight Spinerella possessed by Prime. I was really sad when Garnet broke down into Ruby and Sapphire after discovering Pearl's lie and later after discovering Rose's lie, and I was genuinely happy when there was an episode with the wedding (and also that it was Sapphire who wore the suit! She looked beautiful! Fuck the Russian censorship!). And the scenes and episodes with Clyde's dads are among my favourites.
Finally, a few more words about a very rarely used thread in the case of homosexuals… That is, rejection because of a different orientation. I've noticed that the general tendency especially in TV series is that if the protagonist falls in love with a character of the same gender and eventually confesses their love - it turns out that the other one feels the same. It is… so unrealistic, so absurd. There are plenty of threads when someone is rejected by a person of the opposite gender - but for some reason there are virtually no threads when the same thing happens to homosexuals. Aside from the fact that a homosexual person always falls in love with another homosexual person, why else is it so consistent that he always also reciprocates the feeling? I don't understand it… Therefore, a special award will go to a certain thread well done on this subject: Norma from "Dead End: Paranormal Park," who, when she realizes that she is bisexual and that she has feelings for her friend Badyah, finally confesses her feeling to her. I, bored in front of the screen, am already waiting for "I secretly loved you too" and hear suddenly "sorry, I'm straight… but we can still be friends, yes?" I was so shocked! Finally, someone did just such a scenario and what's more, allowed the plot to develop further, changing the relationship between the characters and giving us a real scenario of what happens next! I wish I could see more things like this in series or books, I really do…. By the way, however, I can't help but mention my favourite, best done rejection in the case of a heterosexual person. This is Hedgehog from the series "Summer Camp Island" who, secretly having a crush on the bat Max, finally confesses her love for him - and he, in gentle words, explains to her that he doesn't feel the same. I like the impact this theme has on the subsequent plot and their relationship, as well as the eventual reconciliation with rejection. I hope the creators don't suddenly change their minds and make them a couple, because that would destroy all my good feeling about this motif.
To sum up: answering the question of what kind of couples I prefer more, I will answer: those that make logical sense, supported by real-looking emotions, well-written and portrayed, where you can see dynamics, emerging or evolving emotions, where everything doesn't have to be perfect, but there doesn't have to be unknown dramas either. Simply couples that make my heart melt in delight, bring tears to my eyes and a smile to my face when I see their relationship with each other. And whether the couples are two boys, girls, a mix both, a demon and a human, two animals of different species, aliens or genderless slugs from outer space - it doesn't matter to me. A well-written couple is something that pleases the eye - a badly written couple will arouse dislike and disgust, no matter who the characters are. And that's it.
Ostatnio ktoś zadał mi pytanie, czy wolę (w literaturze, serialach, grach, etc.) pary homoseksualne czy heteroseksualne. Szczerze mówiąc, nie bardzo rozumiem to pytanie. Dlaczego miałabym kierować się takim kryterium jak to, czy pary są tej samej płci czy różnych? Odpowiedziałam: wolę pary, które mają sens. I już spieszę z wyjaśnieniem. Źle napisać można zarówno parę złożoną z dwóch płci jak i monopłciową, to jest tylko kwestia dobrego rozpisania. Podam teraz po kilka przykładów dobrych par i złych par. Zaczniemy od złych.
(Z góry ostrzegam: będą spoilery.) (Proszę także o pamiętanie, że jest to moja wyłączna opinia. Macie prawo mieć inną.)
Moim przykładem źle napisanej pary heteroseksualnej jest Harry Potter i Ginny Weasley z serii "Harry Potter". Dlaczego tak uważam? Cóż, nie ma między nimi żadnej chemii. Ginny zwraca uwagę na Harry'ego, dopiero, gdy dowiaduje się, że nazywa się on Harry Potter - więc można śmiało założyć, że całe jej dziecięce zauroczenie wynika z tego, że Harry jest kimś sławnym, a późniejsza chęć bycia razem wynika z tego, że chce zdobyć "tego sławnego Pottera". Z drugiej strony Harry nie zwraca na nią uwagi, wręcz unika jej (jak to młodszego rodzeństwa swojego przyjaciela - swoją drogą, jego przyjaźń z Ronem też jest dla mnie dyskusyjna). A potem w bodaj szóstym tomie nagle zaczyna być w niej zakochany. Ja zakładam, że Ginny użyła jakiegoś zaklęcia lub eliksiru miłosnego, bo inna opcja nie ma sensu. Lub też Harry wychodzi na płytkiego dupka, bo zakochał się w Ginny, gdy tej wyrosły cycki i wyładniała. Obie opcje wskazują wyraźnie, że nie ma tu mowy o prawdziwym głębokim uczuciu. Dlatego uważam, że jest to źle opisana, wręcz sztucznie stworzona para - lub para bardzo wyrafinowanych dupków, którzy są ze sobą dla innych niż miłość korzyści. Tak czy siak, jest to dla mnie para budząca bardziej obrzydzenie niż ciepłe uczucia. Innym przykładem pary, w której nie ma moim zdaniem mowy o miłości, jest Ariel i Eryk z animowanej "Małej Syrenki" Disney'a. Szczerze mówiąc, ucieszyłam się, że aktorski film naprawił to i dał im więcej momentów, aby mogli się w sobie zakochać - szkoda, że nadal zrobił to słabo… Żeby nie było - jako dziecko uwielbiałam "Małą Syrenkę". Jako dorosła - jestem mocno zniesmaczona fabułą…
Przykładem źle napisanej pary homoseksualnej jest Benson i Troy z "Kipo". Jak mnie ta para męczyła przez cały serial. Dlaczego uważam, że jest źle napisana? Zacznijmy od początku… Mogę darować nawet to, że pierwszy facet, który podoba się homoseksualnemu Bensonowi też okazuje się być homoseksualny i zainteresowany związkiem… chociaż już to mnie delikatnie irytuje, bo jakie trzeba mieć szczęście, żeby pośród wieludziesięciu ludzi zakochać się akurat w tym, który ma taką samą orientację i akurat jesteśmy w jego typie? Mogłabym darować to, gdyby oni po prostu poznali się, byli razem… Ale temat ich generowanych sztucznie "problemów" (tak, sztucznie - problem, który tak naprawdę nie jest problemem i rozwiązuje się powiedzeniem jednego zdania, jest sztuczny) stanowi niekiedy oś odcinka, jest robiony na siłę, jakby twórcy chcieli za wszelką cenę zwrócić naszą uwagę na nich… Jest to męczące, irytujące… Nawet nie wiem, czy bardziej mnie irytuje, że wszystko w ich parze jest nierealnie idealnie (we wszystkim się zgadzają, nie mają żadnych wad, które przeszkadzałyby temu drugiemu, wszystko im się udaje, etc.), czy to, że mimo tej idealności, twórcy serialu próbują nam wmówić, że w tworzeniu się ich więzi pojawiają się problemy, a bohaterowie nie są pewni, czy będą razem (nie, nie pojawiają się, są na siłę!). Jest to szczerze para, której nie cierpię i ją bojkotuję - chociaż bardzo lubię postać Bensona i nie mam nic do samej postaci Troya.
A teraz dobrze napisane pary… Tych na szczęście jest więcej, ale przez to miałam problem z wyborem… Spróbujmy jednak.
Dobrych par heteroseksualnych mogę wymienić naprawdę wiele: Sam Vimes i Lady Sybil ze "Świata Dysku", Crono i Marle z "Chrono Trigger", Gumball i Penny z "Niesamowitego Świata Gumballa", Steven i Connie ze "Steven Universe", Mitch i Starla ze "Zwyczajnego Serialu", Evie i Doug z "Następców" - mogę tak jeszcze długo. Co jednak łączy wszystkie te pary i powoduje, że podążając za nimi, kibicuję im i zachwycam się zmieniającą się dynamiką ich związku aż do szcześliwego finału? Że MAJĄ CZAS się rozwijać. Nawet, jeśli od początku z jednej strony mamy głębokie zauroczenie (np. u Gumballa), to zanim dojdzie do pierwszego wyznania miłości, pierwszego pocałunku, czy nawet zdania sobie sprawy z istnienia jakiegokolwiek uczucia - mija czas, kiedy postacie poznają się, coraz bardziej się lubią i ich uczucie rozrasta się i rozkwita. Uwielbiam to, jak Steven i Connie wzajemnie wpływają na siebie i czynią się nawzajem odważniejszymi, lepszymi, bardziej pewnymi siebie… Mitch i Starla, mimo kreowania na obrzydliwe stworzenia, są tak uroczy, że w każdej ich scenie mam takie "awww", a już odcinek z teleturniejem ślubnym był absolutnie cudowny. Uwielbiam nienachalność wątku Vimesa i Lady Sybil i późniejsze historie, jak już są małżeństwem. Uwielbiam, że między Gumballem i Penny nie zawsze wszystko dobrze się układa, a uczucie Marle ewoluuje od "dama w opresji, wdzięczna swojemu wybawcy" do "zdeterminowana ocalić ukochanego silna dziewoja z kuszą". Historie podanych za przykład par są różne - czasem bardziej, czasem mniej dramatyczne i obfitujące w niebezpieczne wydarzenia, ich bycie razem niekiedy jest oczywiste od początku, niekiedy klaruje się dopiero w połowie. Są sceny, które nadają głębi relacjom - np. wątpliwości Evie, kiedy ma zdjąć z Douga klątwę pocałunkiem prawdziwej miłości i waha się - bo co jeśli po pocałunku nic się nie stanie? Czy to znaczy, że nie kochają się i nie mogą być razem? Albo scena, jak Steven, chcąc chronić Connie, unika z nią kontaktu i ucieka przed nią, bo boi się, że przez niego ona w końcu zginie? To są dramaty związków, które powodują, że czuć tutaj chemię, czuć, że jest to prawdziwsze niż ci nieszczęśni Troy i Benson z "Kipo". Są jeszcze pary, które w danej fabule są już ze sobą i poznajemy je jako małżeństwa. Takich napisanych dobrze jest jednak tak wiele, że nawet nie będę wymieniać, dość, że jakoś łatwiej chyba wychodzi przedstawianie dobrze napisanych małżeństw - niż ukazywanie drogi do tego małżeństwa.
Dobrych par homoseksualnych też jest sporo, zacznę od moich ulubionych: Luz i Anita z "Sowiego Domu", Barney i Logan z "Martwy Punkt: Paranormalny Park", Zulius i Splendib ze "Świata Centaurów". Shipuję wszystkie te pary. Zacznijmy od Luz i Anity - ich dynamika jest jedną z moich ulubionych: zaczynają jako rywalki, przechodzą przez przyjaźń, nim zdają sobie sprawę, że to coś więcej. Uwielbiam miłość wyrastającą z przyjaźni. Nie jest to zrobione w sposób żenujący, nie ma irytujących scen robionych na siłę, żeby było bardziej drama (ale jestem dopiero na drugim sezonie, proszę bez spoilerów do dalszych). Barney i Logan - to taki Benson i Troy tylko zrobieni dobrze. Wszelkie ewentualne żenujące sceny między nimi nie wynikają z tego, że twórcy chcą zwrócić na nich uwagę (jak w drugim przypadku), ale z charakterów postaci, są z nimi zgodne i mają sens. Kocham scenę obiadu z rodzicami Barney'a - w niej widać, że Logan nie jest wiecznie wyluzowany, że też mu zależy i się stresuje, żeby dobrze wypaść. Zulius i Splendib - kolejna para rywali. Może mogłabym się czepiać, że ich przejście w bycie parą było za szybkie, ale… to w końcu Centaurworld, świat chaotyczny i postawiony niekiedy na głowie, a chemię między nimi (choć niekoniecznie od razu miłosną) czuć od pierwszej wspólnej sceny. Pochwalę się, że shippowałam ich zanim oficjalnie zostali parą :3 Dalej zupełnie inaczej zbudowane pary, ale także moje ulubione: Netossa i Spinerella z "She-Ra i Księżniczki Mocy", Harold i Howard (rodzice Czarka) z "Harmidomu", Rubin i Szafir ze "Steven Universa"… Te pary łączy to, że nie obserwujemy na łamach serii, jak dochodzi do tego, że są razem - ale widzimy ich już jako parę z wieloletnim doświadczeniem. Widzimy też jednak, jakie jest między nimi głębokie uczucie, że mimo wyraźnych różnic, dopełniają się i dogadują, jest i miłość, i przyjaźń. A także… potrafią być dramaty. Płakałam na scenie, gdy Netossa musiała walczyć ze Spinerellą opętaną przez Prime'a. Było mi naprawdę przykro, gdy Granat się rozpadła na Rubin i Szafir po odkryciu kłamstwa Perły i później po odkryciu kłamstwa Rose, i szczerze cieszyłam się, gdy był odcinek ze ślubem (a także, że to właśnie Szafir założyła garnitur! Pięknie wyglądała! Chrzań się, rosyjska cenzuro!). A sceny i odcinki z tatami Czarka należą do jednych z moich ulubionych.
Na koniec jeszcze kilka słów o bardzo rzadko stosowanym w przypadku osób homoseksualnych wątku… Czyli odrzucenie z powodu innej orientacji. Zauważyłam, że ogólna tendencja zwłaszcza w serialach jest taka, że jeśli bohater zakocha się w bohaterze tej samej płci i w końcu wyzna mu miłość - okazuje się, że tamten czuje to samo. Jest to… tak nierealne, tak absurdalne. Wątków, kiedy ktoś zostaje odrzucony przez osobę przeciwnej płci jest mnóstwo - z jakiegoś jednak powodu wątków, gdy to samo ma miejsce w przypadku osób homoseksualnych praktycznie nie ma. Już pomijam fakt, że zawsze osoba homoseksualna zakochuje się w drugiej osobie homoseksualnej, to skąd jeszcze do tego taka zgodność, że zawsze akurat też odwzajemnia to uczucie? Nie pojmuję tego… Dlatego specjalna nagroda powędruje do pewnego dobrze zrobionego w tym temacie wątku: Norma z "Martwy Koniec: Paranormalny Park", która, gdy zdaje sobie sprawę, że jest biseksualna i że czuje coś do swojej przyjaciółki Badyah, w końcu wyznaje jej swoje uczucie. Ja, znudzona przed ekranem już czekam na "ja ciebie też skrycie kochałam" i słysze nagle "sorry, ja jestem hetero… ale możemy być nadal przyjaciółkami, tak?" Byłam w takim szoku! Wreszcie ktoś zrobił taki właśnie scenariusz i co więcej, pozwolił się wątkowi dalej rozwijać, zmieniając relację między postaciami i dając nam realny scenariusz tego, co się dzieje potem! Chciałabym móc zobaczyć więcej takich rzeczy w serialach czy książkach, naprawdę… Swoją drogą, nie mogę jednak się powstrzymać i wspomnę o moim ulubionym, najlepiej zrobionym odrzuceniu w przypadku osoby heteroseksualnej. Jest to Jeżynka z serialu "Obóz na Wyspie", która skrycie podkochując się w nietoperzu Maxie, wreszcie wyznaje mu miłość - a on w delikatnych słowach wyjaśnia jej, że nie czuje tego samego. Podoba mi się, jaki wpływ ma ten motyw na dalszą fabułę i ich relację, a także ostateczne pogodzenie się z odrzuceniem. Mam nadzieję, że twórcy nie zmienią nagle zdania i nie zrobią z nich pary, bo to by zniszczyło całe moje dobre mniemanie o tym motywie.
Podsumowując: odpowiadając na pytanie, jakie pary wolę bardziej, odpowiem: mające logiczny sens, poparte prawdziwie wyglądającymi emocjami, dobrze rozpisane i przedstawione, gdzie widać dynamikę, rodzące się lub ewoluujące emocje, gdzie nie musi wszystko być idealnie, ale nie muszą być też nie wiadomo jakie dramaty. Po prostu pary, które sprawiają, że moje serduszko topnieje w zachwytach, w oczach pojawiają się łzy, a na twarzy uśmiech, gdy widzę ich wzajemną relację. A czy pary te są dwójką chłopców, dziewcząt, mieszanką, demonem i człowiekiem, dwoma zwierzętami różnych gatunków, kosmitami czy pozbawionymi płci ślimakami z kosmosu - to nie ma dla mnie żadnego znaczenia. Dobrze napisana para to coś, co cieszy oko - źle napisana para będzie budzić niechęć i odrazę, nieważne, kim będą te postacie. I tyle.
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