#but then some guys exist and my mind goes blank
jujutsustraycats · 1 month
I have no idea why but Karasu thoughts are eating at my brain rn
@someprettyname a little help??
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resart · 7 months
Wrath of the Righteous features a roster of splendidly written and enjoyable companions, but the majority of their interactions are, sadly, easily missable on individual playthroughs. A collection of camping banter made by the amazing @neverwintrians remedies this issue to some extent by making some of the dialogues easily accessible for all the players. Since the characters’ input goes much further, a good while ago, I started a project to record all their comments and interjections. The idea was to copy-paste them from the localization file into a convenient spreadsheet. Since a new wave of players pick Pathfinder games after playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and we have more DLCs on the way to reignite the interest of the old fans, I figured it’s about time for me to share the results so far. Whether you want to use it for all sorts of analyses, as an inspiration or a reference for fan content, are simply curious, or want to get a few laughs: here you go.
Now, a few notes to keep in mind.
The data is still incomplete. My current playthrough goes very leisurely, and I only finished Act 3 recently. Almost everything past this point, save for some crucial parts of the story I revisited, comes from the run during which I wasn’t yet using Toy Box. I intend to continue slowly patching the holes as I go on, but please take what you see in the later chapters with a grain of salt for now (and don't expect to see Ulbrig's lines there).
Having that said, the branching, especially in later acts, gets crazy, so naturally, I wasn’t and won’t be able to find every last bit of dialogue on my own. What you see is based on my Angel playthrough, in which I haven’t even activated most of the romances. I managed to cheat my way into some interactions that normally would be unavailable to me, but the results were mostly confusing. Cells highlighted in yellow contain dialogues that I found via game files but either have some of the information missing, or I simply wasn’t able to trigger them while playing. There are also red cells that include lines that, to my knowledge, might not have been implemented since I found them in localization files, but the blueprints folder doesn’t confirm their presence in the game.
So here’s where I have a request for you all. If anyone can help me fill in the already existing blanks or spots a dialogue is missing and can provide a screenshot or a transcript of it, please contact me. I will add it to the document and credit you. All I need to know is when and where the conversation occurs, what/who the companions are reacting to, and if there are any specific requirements to see it.
The areas of special interest are:
mythic path exclusive interactions,
romance exclusive lines (especially in Acts 4 and 5),
Greybor’s, Arueshalae’s, and Lich companions’ lines during the celebration in Heaven’s Edge
late game dialogues for corrupted Arueshalae
I also want to thank GardathWhiterock from Pathfinder reddit, who advised me to look into the blueprints folder. Once I figured out how to work with it, filling up the majority of the blanks became super easy.
I will most likely edit this post in the future to note some important updates and milestones. For now, I just hope you guys will find anything of interest in what I have gathered.
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chicken-fifi · 4 months
BTS Reaction | Silly Things They Do When Crushing on You
Pairing: BTS Members x Reader
Requested by anon: Can you please write dumb/random things BTS members will do while they are crushing on reader?
A/n: happy valentine's day everybody!
Tunes: dance moms ;)
I feel like all the confidence Seokjin exudes vanishes when he’s around you
He’s jittery and stuttering
A blushing mess when he’s around
And he gets lost in thought for long periods of time when you talk to him
Don’t be surprised if he trips and nearly fall in front of you
Or screws up his words to say some funky things
As embarrassed as he may get
Seeing you laugh is worth it
Even if it’s at his expense
Our normally stoic and cool Yoongi
Well he’s very expressive let’s be real
And around you even more so
He’s attentive even when you don’t need him to be
And he gets flustered so easily when around you
One time he was being nice getting you a glass of water and accidentally spilled it all over you
He was embarrassed but there was also this goofy smile as he tried to get himself back in shape
Those goofy smiles a regular appearance though
Hoseok is normally a gentleman around you
A nervous ass, jittery gentleman
He holds doors open for you, and then proceeds to crack his face against the door frame as he walks in after you
Or accidentally walks into a post or a glass door because he’s paying attention to you
Puppy eyes whenever he’s looking at you
No one else exists in the room if you’re there
And it becomes a joke among the guys
Imitating the way he looks at you that is
I remember seeing a tiktok of Namjoon’s apartment with books all over the place
And since then I can’t get it out of my mind
He’ll be reading something and the moment you enter the room the book is nonexistent
He’ll be on the same page for a very long time
And when you point it out
He get flustered and ends up brushing it off as he didn’t really like the book
Breaks his heart to say that but it makes you laugh
He eats crow when he sees you reading the same book a few weeks later and you’re raving about it
All smiles and nearly closed eyes
Jimin might as well be a combination of the 😁, 😍, and 🥰 emojis
He looks at you with heart eyes all the time
And he says the weirdest things sometimes
He’ll use words that are just cuter
It pitches up ever so slightly
And all he does is giggle and laugh when you point it out
As expressive as Taehyung can be
He goes blank most times around you
He’s so 0_0 sometimes when you are in the room
It like you enter and all thoughts leave his mind
His eyes follow your every move
At first it may be creepy
But then he beats you to getting things for you and his close attention to detail shows
And he accidentally spills something on you trying to be nice and O_O
Intense eye contact as he just stares trying to process what just happened
Jeongguk is so shy around you
He watches you like a hawk and will leave things out for you all the time
But he runs and hides when he sees you
I do imagine that he’d be a bit more vocal and talkative when texting or doing some online chatting
Bam also loves the shit outta you
Like owner like doggo
Except Bam rush towards you while he rushes away from you
Don’t be surprised if he tried to get the up with the dog
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unyandere · 5 months
Yandere kidnapper x cringe reader who reads THAT kind of fan-fiction - pt. 1
Tw: mdi, yanderish behaviour (kidnapping), mention of omegaverse Fanfictions, mention of NSFW acts, good ending (?)
Part 2
✨Yandere kidnapper who at first kidnapped people for a ransom or to traffic them since he didn’t really have money
✨Yandere kidnapper who was actually planning on kidnapping your bestie to sell her to some of his clients, but, while stalking your friend to decide how and when kidnap her, sees you and his mind gies blank
✨what makes him lose his calm the most is your smile while you talk with your friend… You have such cute expressions and from now on he wants to be the cause of all your happiness
✨at first he just steals some of your clothes and uses them to please himself while thinking about your smile, but it’s not enough
✨So… He kidnaps you
✨When he brings you on the van you’re first surprised, then your mind decides to make you think about all the Fanfiction you’ve read (and written) and you start asking the guy questions in the most cringe, japanenglish tone
“Ara ara kidnapper-kun when are you taking someone as kaway UwU as me?”
✨the Yandere kidnapper needs to remind himself of your smile to NOT kick you out of the van
✨ He finally arrives to his house and brings you to his room bridal style, needles to say that you tell him in an even more cringy tone
“Oh my, kidnapper-kun, are you taking me to your room to sell me to the alpha mafia boss lead of a boyband to pay off my father’s debts?”
✨the (poor) Yandere kidnapper just looks at you with a puzzled expression, sighs, puts you on the bed and goes out of the room to smoke a cigarette and ask himself wtf you meant with alpha mafia boss lead of a boyband
✨so he searches it on the internet… and gets to read the most traumatic smutty omegaverse x omega reader Fanfiction that has ever existed
✨Yandere kidnapper who now looks at you like the degenerate you are, but still likes you… somehow
✨But after three months of living together he can’t stand you anymore
✨You’re the epitome of the worst roommate. You eat food and don’t clean you plate, you don’t flush the toilet, you never clean, in the bed you always take all the blanket for yourself, you verbally assault him, but when he makes you notice things you tell him to stop being the victim, you always talk about Fanfictions and force him to read the worst works that have ever seen the light of day… he still likes you, but he’d prefer if you two never saw each other again, he has abandoned his obsession to make you his and just wants you to leave him alone
✨So, one day , he decides to make the video to ask for a ransom to your parents… but your parents never answer
✨He feels bad for you, but he can also understand your parents… so he tries to give you some comfort and buys you some mangas
✨You both continue to live at his place, he doesn’t want to sell you, since he still cares about you, so he thinks of punishing you to make you stop talking… but then he remembers the Fanfictions you read and decides against it
✨so you two start living as roommates from then on
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sevensoulmates · 26 days
Greetings, I really want to know your opinion about this topic I saw. Something about metrics, so my friend was saying there's is a shift big enough in the fandom favorite characters because the buck/tommy ship is the most popular pairing now than buddie is and abc was waiting to see the fans reaction to decide the future story of buddie and the possiblity of buck tommy is bigger now. Are tv studios really measuring this data? I knew they did this with ratings but not this, how exactly fans get this kinda info and statistics? And shows like this one usually listen to the audience this way? I just thought it was interesting but don't know if is true.
If networks only went by what fans trend then buddie would've gone canon back in season 2b/3. That's when they had their first big surge in numbers like right now. Buddie was so popular it was beating out seasoned pairings like Destiel!
And yet...the networks did what they wanted and buddie stayed just platonic friends. Regardless of how popular and profitable buddie was/is.
And I don't believe bucktommy is more popular than buddie. There's a surge in popularity, yes, because they're brand new and Buck is confirmed queer for the first time, so of course there's gonna be a lot of new and excited eyes on it. It's the shiny new thing everyone's curious about. They're almost ENTIRELY a blank slate that people can project all of their desires for a canon pairing to have. It's far easier to trust a pairing that has two confirmed queer characters than it is to hope that the show will do the same for Eddie. There's a lot of factors that go into it, that make it seem like bucktommy would suddenly be the new fan favorite, but you also gotta keep in mind....it's only been a month. It's still fresh in people's heads. Buddie has survived seven years. It all goes down to infatuation vs. love. A crush vs. commitment. You'll see.
And yes, some cynical buddie people or people who just want Buck to get with a guy period and don't care about a love story will jump ship easily. But they are NOT the majority. They're just being super loud right now (which makes sense again it's huge news!) so it FEELS like there's a lot of them.
Myth: eVeRyOnE'S jUmPiNg sHiP to bUCktOmmY
Reality: Most bucktommy shippers are also buddie shippers and are just enjoying a new cute ship while it lasts and multi-shippers are allowed to exist. Just because one ships something doesn't always mean they want it to happen in canon. Two things can exist at the same time.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: I don't think they would've taken the leap to make Buck queer in the first place if they weren't AT LEAST strongly (and I mean strongly) leaning towards making buddie canon down the line. Majority of fans are going to EXPECT it now, and as Tim said, he tries not to let fans dictate what happens in the story, but he IS aware of what fans want. If he's making a decision like this, he is committing to being hounded literally non-stop about buddie until they actually become canon. I don't think he would do that unless that was the end goal, even if it's not for another x amount of seasons.
Yes, networks do keep track of fan metrics because it directly correlates to views which earns them money. BUT just because they know something is popular RIGHT NOW doesn't mean they're gonna just jump and immediately do it or scrap other plans. Especially when those other plans might be something that earns them MORE money down the line. I've talked extensively already about how buddie would be extremely profitable (more profitable than bucktommy sorry).
Fact of the matter is Tim and Co. know how loyal and dedicated most of the buddie fans are. They know they can weather any storm and still come out of it annoying as hell badgering them for the same thing.
Finally, despite Tim Minears many many flaws, I do have faith in him as a writer that he at least TRIES to do right by these characters. He's flawed, he has bosses that he has to adhere to. The same goes for the Kristen Riedel seasons as well. BUT, I think that Tim knows his characters well, and at least has SOME kind of vision of where they need to end up. I trust that Tim is going to be true to his word and is not going to let fandom trends dictate where he takes his story. I hope Tim knows what he wants, and with the approval of the networks, does it.
Edit: You can also think of the Bucktommy vs. Buddie popularity like Spotify monthly listeners. Just because a new popular artist with a trending song suddenly has more monthly listeners than someone established, like say Beyonce, doesn't necessarily mean this new artist is more popular than Beyonce or has more dedicated fans than Beyonce, it just means that person is the hot new thing and is trending so they have more listeners than Beyonce AT THE MOMENT, but not long term. Does that make sense?
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nunalastor · 3 months
Ask Compilation Because We Are TIRED.
Last night i tried having a dream about radioapple via looking through all your radioapple asks on here 
I had a dream about blitzø and striker somehow
Been watching Taylor Tomlinson's Netflix comedy specials and she has this joke where she talks about how growing up religious made her weird in many ways, one of which was masturbating wrong for her entire adult life. She goes on to explain that because her youth group was told that masturbation itself isn't a sin, it's the lust in your heart when you're doing it, she decided she could masturbate as long as she kept her mind totally blank except for "road trip thoughts (almost there, making good time)." Anyway that's Vaggie to me hjhjhb
Ay did you answer my ask abt the "au where hh characters are in the place of hb characters"? If you did can you gimmie a link 2 it
alla that little red Riding Hood ask but it's Hoodwinked
"creepy old guy" from beetlejuice but someone for me it's literal
'gum disease' which alastor canonically has black gums from a lack of hygeine iirc
also i love beetlejuice too i would marry him or alastor fr
Anonymous asked:
Since when did the cannibal colony get tumblr?!?! 
Anonymous asked:
Blood and cannibalism? Who started this??
-Alastors dick
Anonymous asked:
huskers-bar mom has got it going on~
Anonymous asked:
How Alastor hasn't given himself chronic wasting disease is a mystery beyond anyone's understanding. Either human or as a deer demon, he shows no signs of having gotten a torturous existence via prion.
xxx-angiedust asked:
if gay people don't exist, how are you this popular?
checkmate liberals
Anonymous asked:
Oh, they look good!
-Alastors dick
Anonymous asked:
I know where Eve went.
She was turned into a rubber duck!
Anonymous asked:
Oh! I've found it!
-Alastors dick
Anonymous asked:
B-b-bingus cursed alastor cat
Anonymous asked:
I feel devious, like I'm a little rat scurrying around when I leave a message in a blogs inbox anonymously and they only know me by some goofy ass name I thought up.
-Alastors dick
Anonymous asked:
I just got sent the something anonymously and now I must send it here.
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby, let me know-
-Alastors dick
Anonymous asked:
I know you know who I am, I'm just hiding from the other people on this blog. It's like the confessionals, you see.
*thump* *bleat* *thump* is canon????
-Alastors dick
I usually hate swifties because of a expierence but ill make an exeption for you cursed mod
Anonymous asked:
Hii! How are you this hellish morning/day/evening/night ? :>
Love how you and huskers-bar have a ship name now😂
Anonymous asked:
Just to piggyback off angeldust never forgiving Valentino and redemption/ forgiveness, I once had a pastor tell me that if I was unable to forgive someone who hurt me badly, then it was ok to just forgive myself for not forgiving my abuser. Forgiveness can come in many different forms and part of redemption is forgiving yourself 
Anonymous asked:
im the person that did an ask on the charlie x al and on how i let my friend used my acc
lemme tell u smth
love u btw
xxx-angiedust asked:
"why does everyone suddenly wanna get cartoon characters pregnant?"
i've been writing mpreg since i was 11
xxx-angiedust asked:
i need alastor's tentacles inside me
i need to ripped apart by them like rire in boyfriend to death
@fujillamaparadise asked:
Alastor + Loki = ??????
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porchlightfairy · 1 year
Shoot for the moon part 3
Tumblr media
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
rockstar!eddie munson
a/n: I might be second guessing myself after this part. It feels like it's dragging so hope you guys are enjoying this series and continue reading future parts.
summary: efforts are being made.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“It’s his?” Wayne sits down with you on the couch in his trailer. He hands you a mug of tea he brewed for your visit.
“It is. I haven’t been with anyone else since he left.” You hold the warm cup in your hands but don’t take a sip. You don’t think you can stomach it right now.
“Have you told him?” He watches you fidget.
“Why not?” He leans forward in surprise.
“He’s in California, living his dream! We just saw him on the television! If I tell him now, all that goes away, and he’ll be right back here. Struggling to get by as we take care of the baby.” Your voice cracks as you feel overwhelmed.
“But you don’t deserve to struggle by yourself, sweetheart.” He sets the mugs down and holds your hands. “You don’t have to do this alone.”
“Wayne, I can’t ask you for help. Eddie…”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering. And I want you to know that I’m not doing it for the sake of him. I’m doing it for you. It takes a village to raise a child, I know.”
“Thank you, Wayne.” You hug him tightly, “I don’t know what I would do without you here.”
Eddie sits in the front seat of Wayne’s car as they drive Jupiter to school. She looks absentmindedly out of the window. “This is where your mom and I first met. She knocked out my last baby tooth in the sixth grade.” Eddie says.
He gets silence in return. It was her first day at school since her mom had passed. He pursed his lips as Wayne speaks, “Eddie and I have some business to take care of after we drop you off. But if the day gets to be too much we will come and get you okay?”
She nods, “Okay.” Her voice is meek and trembley. She gets out once they park and heads for the entrance with the other students.
“She’ll be okay. She’s a tough cookie.” Wayne reassures Eddie as they drive off.
The business they needed to take care of was your will. The thing on the front of Eddie’s mind was Jupiter. Would she stay here in Indiana or go to California with Eddie? He would hate to make her leave home but he doesn’t want to leave her and Wayne behind. His head starts to hurt as he thinks about how complex the situation was.
“Thank you for meeting with me.” The lawyer speaks, “She did write a will before passing and it does begin the discussion of custody over Jupiter. However, what is written here is not the final say.”
Eddie leans in as the lawyer goes over most of her things. She wanted most of her things donated unless Jupiter wanted keepsakes but not too much. The lawyers goes on and on until finally, “And lastly, I wish for Jupiter to remain in guardianship of Wayne Munson, her appointed grandfather although not biologic. I want my little girl to live a normal life and I don’t think Eddie is fit to parent. He doesn’t even know she exists.”
Eddie chokes back tears and nods. You didn’t even think he would have shown up. Wayne and the lawyer continue to talk but Eddie’s ears burn hot. He was mentally drained. He wished he could talk to you. Hear his side of things. It hurt how bad he wanted to tell you, he would have stayed.
Back at the house, Eddie sits in his room staring at the blank wall. Wayne went out for a bit so he was alone in the house. There wasn’t much to do, Eddie packed on a whim so he brought nothing to occupy himself. He sighs and deflates before falling back on the bed. What now? After everything, what does he do? His band, his image, his PR, what would they think of Eddie?
Before he could come up with an answer the house phone rang. Eddie gets up and rushes for the living room to answer the phone. “Munson’s”
“Grandpa?” On the other line were Jupiter’s sobs.
“It’s Eddie. Are you alright?” He says worriedly, “Wayne’s out right now but if you need me to, I will come get you.”
“...please, “ Is all she says in response. Eddie hangs up the phone and grabs the only other keys in the house. The keys to your car. He takes a deep breath before jumping into the driver's seat and speeding to the school.
Jupiter slips out of one of the side doors and gets in the car as soon as she sees it’s her mom’s. Eddie smiles at her as they peel out of the parking lot. “Not your first time sneaking out I assume?”
Jupiter laughs, “I’ve seen the other kids do it.”
“Right, you’re a good student.” He drums his fingers against the wheel. “It’s still a little early to go home, and if Wayne finds out I snuck you out of school instead of him getting you out ‘legally,’ my ass is grass.” Jupiter giggles, “So, why don’t we go to the interstate for some ice cream? That’ll kill some time right?”
“That sounds good.” She smiles, “Thank you for getting me.”
“Of course. I would hate to think you were being tortured in there.” Eddie smiles but it soon fades, “I was about your age when I felt on my own. All I had was Wayne.”
Jupiter turns to look at him as he continues, “I want you to know that you don’t just have him. You have me too. I know I wasn’t around back then but… I’m here now.”
Jupiter feels her chest warm with delight. The rest of the car ride is filled with the sound of your music. Like you were in the car with two of your favorite people.
When the two arrive, they order their ice cream and sit on the curb to eat. Eddie chose rocky road and Jupiter chose neapolitan. “Let me guess, your mom told you her secret.” Eddie smirks.
“When it’s hard to choose for just one serving, neapolitan will be there to catch you.” Jupiter laughs.
“She would always get it but never say it was her favorite.”
“What is her favorite?” Jupiter asks, “She always got neapolitan with me.”
“I don’t know actually. She would get it with me too. And when she finished hers, she would offer to help finish mine.”
“Sounds like her.”
They sit in silence, the sound of the highway exists behind the woods. Offering some ambience to the silence as they ate.
“So, will I be going back to California with you?” Jupiter asks.
Eddie stops eating and sighs, “Nah, you wouldn’t want to stay with me. Your mom thought it was for the best that you stay here.”
“I think it’s a good idea too. You shouldn’t have to rip up your roots and move across the country. You’ve got it good here with Wayne.”
“Right.” Jupiter mutters.
“Did you want to move to California?”
She shrugs, “I don’t know.”
Eddie was in the same boat. He felt helpless, not able to give her a definite answer to anything. He could tell Jupiter was having a hard time. He just had no idea how to help her. After they finish their frozen treats, they head back home.
When they arrive, they see Wayne arms crossed in the kitchen. His notorious frown on his face. “I just got a call from your school saying you weren’t in class after 5th period.”
Jupiter looks down at the floor, “I’m sorry, Grandpa.”
“It’s alright, I know today was going to be tough. It’s just…”
It’s just that I don’t want you to fall down the path Eddie did. That’s what he was going to say. Eddie felt the sting of those words, even if they weren’t spoken. Eddie’s bad behavior started when he would cut class. First it was the tardies and the absences, then it was flunking classes, then selling drugs. Wayne had been around the block a few times with Eddie. Losing a parent is tough in all circumstances. 
 Jupiter looks down at her shoes. Wayne sighs, “I’m glad you’re okay now. How about some ice cream? Your mom has some rocky road in the deep freezer in the garage.” 
“Rocky road?” Jupiter and Eddie look at each other in confusion.
“It was her favorite. While she was pregnant with you, it was all she craved for about a month. She kept some around in the deep freezer as a secret stash. A little treat for her to enjoy.” He heads for the door to the garage, “So, y'all want some?”
“I’m up for some more ice cream.” Jupiter smiles.
“More?” Wayne chuckles.
Later in the night, Jupiter heads off to bed and Wayne tucks her in. She was too old for that but Wayne wanted to make sure she was okay. “Goodnight, sweetie.”
Just as he stands up to leave Jupiter asks, “Do you think Eddie will forget about me?”
“Forget you? What makes you say that?” Wayne sits back down, his brow knit together in concern.
“He forgot about mom. Who’s to say he won’t do the same to me?” 
“Eddie was young when he left your mom. And both of them have made very young and dumb decisions.” Wayne sighs, “I think he’s learned a very hard and troublesome lesson. And I don’t think he will repeat that mistake again.”
“Do you think mom not telling him was a mistake?” She asks.
Wayne pauses and thinks to himself for a moment, “I do. I understood why she did it but Eddie deserved to be a part of your life in some way. It doesn’t make her a bad mom for her choice. Eddie is my son and seeing him like this hurts my heart. I see the way he acts around you. He wants you to like him. He’s trying really hard.”
Jupiter nods as she listens, taking in all his words.
“Now, will he forget you? Never. Never, never, never. Now that he knows he will never be allowed to forget. Heartbreak is what pushed him away, but he can’t ignore this. He can’t pretend until it goes away. Okay?”
Although harsh, Wayne’s words brought comfort to Jupiter. He turns off her light and closes the door, leaving her in darkness with her glow in the dark sticker stars on the ceiling.
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zmediaoutlet · 9 days
okay first of all. Lovee the takes on each character/ship dynamic. second this one is kind of a given so I completely get it if you don't really have any opinions at all about them but I was wondering what your thoughts are on Sam/Jess. Obviously most people just think about them in the existing dynamic of the show but idk! Personally I find their dynamic to be really interesting in the context of what Jess is representative of to Sam. Especially in that time of his life. So I guess it's more of a question of if Sam/Jess is interesting to you, what makes it so and your thoughts on that.
As a backup question to that, thoughts on Dean/Jess? Dean/Jess/Sam?
eyyyy continuing the wine party into post-workout saturday morning tea party --
to be honest friend, I'm falling into the "most people" category here because my real opinion about Jess is that she... basically isn't a person. And I love that for her, sincerely. Some characters really are tools in a story to spin in forward, and I am soooooo tired to death of all the carrying on about "fridging" and whatnot. Some characters are characters and some characters are narrative tools and, yes, bad luck to the angry ladies out there, spn is a show built on super classic-traditional bones about men who are getting revenge for the dead wife and what they learn along the way. That's good and fine. I'm into it.
with that aside, and given that she is a tool, I just -- don't... care about her. Like I thought about writing a fic one time as a demonstrative exercise called "Five Personalities Jessica Moore Could Have Had," because she's such a blank-slate (again, correctly!) in her like five minutes of screen time. We can't even count the djinn dream of Jess, because that was a pretty vision dreamed up by Dean to hurt himself worse, lol.
but as you say, her being representative of something to Sam is legit interesting -- he didn't fully engage in the relationship, he was gonna marry her without telling her the truth -- like a gay man desperately hitching himself to a nice wife in some misguided attempt to "fix" it. Like if he just tried hard enough he would be someone other than who he is. Which is the whole Sam-at-Stanford story, really. And it's an important part of his story -- the hero has to go away from home and return to it with a better sense of who he is -- but it makes Jessica entirely figural and metaphorical instead of being, again, a person. Like when Sam says in whatever late season ep that he "still thinks about Jess," I'm left going... really? Because even by late in the first season he's reoriented into the family revenge story, not specifically the for her revenge story. But if we reorient that to "I still think about the life I could have had" -- that, I believe. And she'd be part of that. Whatever her actual personality was. Apparently she made cookies. How... fridged wife of her.
WITH all that said, what I'm most interested in with stories that circle around Jess are stories that completely ruin that relationship, haha, because the whole point of it in the larger frame-story of Supernatural is that it has to end so Sam can get back to his real life. So -- if it's an AU where Sam for some reason stays at Stanford and they do get married, I'm only interested if their marriage kinda sucks and they get divorced by year five. (e.g. maybe, like his mother, he pretended he could be 'normal' but he keeps sneaking out on hunts after all, and Jessica thinks he's cheating, and they end up dead bedroomed, etc etc.) Or, if it's set during Stanford, I'd go for an almost horror-story dramatic irony fic where she's introduced to this tall hot guy by her smiling blond classmate Brady and we can see fate rearing up to grab her by the neck, and she feels almost compelled to stay, and she doesn't know why when Sam keeps obviously not telling her things but she forcibly dismisses it from her mind and goes he'll tell me someday. And then it's November 2nd. :)
Dean/Jess similarly I guess I'd only be interested in from a symbolic sense -- Dean attempting to get closer to Sam any way he can in the period of not-talking. I have no interest in Jess living -- her job is to die -- so it'd have to be still at Stanford, and it'd be a really tight window to make it work in a way that wouldn't screw up everyone because Dean isn't a piece of shit and Jess (being a figural Nice Girl who Dies) can't be a cheater. Maybe in the very early Sam and her have only gone on like one date but they're not an 'item' yet, Dean sees her at the bar after Sam leaves and decides he'll take her for a spin...? Eh, that's too mean. So, I guess not for me. And I never like ot3s so the other one is not for me either. But if you can make it terrible and Jess dies at the end anyway, maybe!
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blade-liger-4ever · 3 months
RWBY X Transformers Partnerships 4: Optimus Prime and Mercury Black - Peacemakers
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"It's just....after everything I've done, it's still hard to believe a chance to change exists for a guy like me."
"There is always hope for redemption, Mercury. However, I believe you are missing one crucial factor regarding your past."
"Man, you talk in the most ancient way. Alright Boss Man, I've told you about myself, no lies. I was trained to be an assassin, made to kill others, and steal, then killed my own father. What 'crucial factor' am I missing?"
"The fact that you were an innocent child born into a hard life. I do not deny that you were forced into committing vile acts, or that, in some aspects, you perhaps enjoyed it. However, I know that you had no say in the matter, and that until you befriended young Ruby, you felt you had been caged in the occupation of an assassin. But by choosing to escape that life, and proving your reliability since then, you have shown to be capable of changing for the better. I believe you were meant for more, Mercury Black, and if you are willing, I would be grateful to help guide you on your new path."
".....You mean it? Even though we just met like, what, a month ago?"
"I refuse to lie to you on such matters, Mercury. In my spark, I am certain that you will achieve more than you could dream is possible."
"I...well, Ruby believes in me, but I - I never had an adult give me a chance like that. Until Tai and the others, but even then, they're..."
"Heh, to put it mildly."
"I assure you, Mercury, that such caution will not be exercised by myself. Should you need anything, you can always speak to me."
"....Thanks, Optimus."
Mercury is used to adapting. As an assassin, you have to be ready to switch tactics on a dime, or create a new plan on the fly when your old one goes up in flames. It'd been drilled into him (he had the scars to prove it), and even when his perspective on life had been shattered and reconstructed by Ruby, Mercury was able to pull himself together and adapt to the change in time for the Fall of Beacon.
However, living in his sort of/definite girlfriend's house with her family and now having to deal with the revelation of giant alien robots bringing their war to Remnant is more than probably even Marcus could handle.
In order to process this curveball, Mercury decides to keep by Ruby's room, detach himself from the world, and analyze the residents of Patch while this new pattern settles in his brain.
Tai is a kind man, and though he's surprisingly tame, Mercury has caught glimpses of the senior Xiao Long's fire that has been passed on to Yang. Speaking of Yang, the fiery blond is returning to her old self, albeit more restrained than before. To be completely honest, Mercury is grateful for that progress; seeing Yang in a shell-shocked, blank state had actually hurt him. Her boyfriend Neptune has perked up on account of this, and although he gets along with him, Mercury is still confused about how he's so accepting of the existence of literal alien robots. Then again, this guy's dating the Sun Dragon, so he shouldn't be surprised that Neptune was actually excited to hear that Qrow had brought home over-sized guests.
Oh, right. Qrow Branwen.
Although the Huntsman's reputation precedes him by a wide margin, and though the hairs on the back of his neck still tingle when Qrow's eyes land on him, Mercury's initial fear of the man has morphed into suspicion and a deal of resentment. Tai can claim he was adopted into the family all he wants to, but Mercury had been taught to look for patterns and anything unusual. And the uncanny facial resemblance between Qrow and his "honorary niece" is blatantly obvious. And the scythe weapon? Please, it takes a genius to build something like that, never mind maintaining and operating it with the ease he and Ruby exercise. So yeah, the chances of two unrelated individuals having the same genius to build an intricately designed scythe weapon are a million to one - and those odds have already been stolen by the 'Cybertronians' who'd fallen through some portal onto Remnant.
Mercury is still trying to understand that, but between monitoring Ruby and the house, he's getting there.
Wheeljack is similar to Qrow, which Mercury automatically associates with the words "dangerous" and "unpredictable". He's a good engineer, judging by the doo-hickey he's cooked up on the island, but the scars and sparky look in his eyes tells Mercury that the...'Wrecker-scientist', is just as capable of destroying as he is of creating. Ironhide is what every drill sergeant wishes he could be; the giant 'Autobot' barks orders and gives assignments at great speed, usually practiced as he takes over a task from one of the others when they move too slowly. Despite that, he's surprisingly careful when dealing with Miko - and Mercury does his best to avoid her and her explosions. She's innocent, he knows that, but by Remnant, she has too much energy for his liking.
Sideswipe is...loose. Mercury can't quite put his finger on it, but he knows that Sideswipe, in spite of his bravado and snark that rivals Yang's, is fast. If he had to bet, the younger Autobot is used to moving at speeds that allow him to dish out pain with little detriment to himself. Good qualities for sure, but the way he acts like a twenty year old and carries himself like that hits a little too close to home for Mercury's comfort. As for Smokescreen, it's obvious he's the team baby - the short Autobot has the same kind of energy for justice as Ruby, as well as the excitableness and easygoing nature. Because of that similarity, Mercury's willing to spend some of his free time with him, though there are moments of eerie silence from Smokescreen, as well as a distant gaze, that makes him wonder about the guy's inner thoughts. However, the kid brushes it off with swagger, and Mercury's too deep in his own concerns to bother trying to coax an admission out of him.
However, the one he can't seem to pin down is their leader: Optimus Prime.
The Autobot commander towers over them all, with only Ironhide standing even remotely close to Optimus' height. Optimus walks steadily, with a silent strength and confidence that Mercury has never seen in anyone else's stride. Moreover, he can feel the guy's power when he enters a room, almost as if it were a supernatural sensation. Heck, even when he's standing still, Mercury can sense that power at rest, waiting to be used and capable of unleashing itself in a breath if Optimus wanted to cut loose.
But that's not what boggles his mind the most about the Autobots' superior.
It's the way he speaks.
Optimus' voice is deep and carries far, easily putting every other male's baritone and bass to shame. And yet, despite that, despite the sheer force in his voice, Optimus always speaks in a calm tone. He always uses full sentences, never utilizes slang or contractions (That's wild), and not once - ONCE - has Mercury heard his voice rise beyond an octave. It should be intimidating, should make him question this guy's status among the Cybertronian race.
And yet...the absolute warmth in Optimus' voice reaches something inside of Mercury. It reaches in and stirs something, something like a small child, to consciousness, and makes the child want to reach out to Optimus for something like comfort, and safety.
The only time Mercury can actually remember doing that is a time when he was eight, shortly after his mother had died. And his plea for consolation had been answered with a severe punishment from Marcus.
That memory makes all of his instincts scream to stay away from Optimus emotionally. Ruby understands him, accepts him, and so far her opinion outweighs the realistic worries of her family, which has given Mercury more time to continue improving himself and showing that he has changed from his upbringing. But since he's gotten to know her, he's become friendly with the other people in her life, although he can't help but keep some of them at arm's length for a while yet. Tai lets him roam the house free, Yang's willing to spar with him while Neptune cheers and mediates on the side, while Mercury and Qrow keep their distance based off a mutual, silent understanding of Ruby's true parentage between them.
So finding himself almost unconsciously following after Optimus whenever a meeting ends is more than a shock for Mercury.
It happens to him three times. The first time is when they meet, and Mercury had still been processing the Autobots' arrival. He'd all but locked himself in the guest room, and stayed in Ruby's room for a week to figure things out. The second time was when Wheeljack had finished half of the doo-hickey out in the woods, and required new equipment that required everyone's presence. Mercury had all but run back to the cabin from the shock of that lapse, and seeing that Ruby had woken up had kept him occupied for the next five days, and given him a reasonable excuse for avoiding the Cybertronians, their leader especially. However, his time with Ruby, while relieving and rejuvenating for them both, came to a head when Wheeljack stuck his metal foot in his mouth and openly identified Ruby as Qrow's daughter when they were working on Branwen's scythe.
He knew she was going to run, knew she was going to be too fast for him. But Mercury still tried going after her, mildly surprised that Smokescreen shifted into a sporty racecar to take after her as well. It seemed that he reacted instinctively too, as the short Autobot drove off without thinking to offer him a ride, and Mercury found himself chasing air and dirt before logic made him stop.
As he stood there, Optimus entered the area from the side, and Mercury's whirling thoughts consisted of one realization that the Autobot had been nearby when the fiasco began. To his surprise, Optimus asked him what had happened, and with a quick scan of the place around him, Mercury saw that Qrow and Wheeljack had disappeared - whether to chase down Ruby or not, he had no idea.
Resisting all his better instincts, Mercury summed up Ruby's real parentage and how he and Qrow had been trying to avoid it until Wheeljack ruined it. To his immense surprise, Optimus listened with keen interest, and once he'd finished, the leader thanked him and advised they let Smokescreen find her, as (apparently) the kid had ways of bonding with "human youth". Mercury quietly scoffed at the phrasing, then mumbled about the strangeness of this alien leader.
That dour sarcasm evaporated when he looked up and saw that he was trailing Optimus' moving feet.
Certain he was losing his mind, Mercury froze and tried to think of a way to leave without being spotted. However, Optimus paused and spoke his name, the patient, quiet underlying command of "stay put" rooting him to the ground. Turning around, Optimus revealed that he was aware of not only Mercury's unconscious tailing of him, but how he'd been avoiding him for the past two weeks as well. Optimus told him that while he respected his privacy and actions, he wished to know why Mercury fears him, as he only wants to be a friend to him.
The words make everything that's been building up inside of Mercury snap, and he can't help it. He yells at Optimus, blurts out that no one can be as good as he is, that adults aren't as inherently kind like him and that anything like those qualities are destroyed somehow in short order. He lashes out that he can't figure Optimus out because he's so different, so good, and honest-to-Remnant heroic, and that no one can - can...
"...Make me feel like a kid. A defenseless kid, who never....never had what Yang has with Tai."
Mercury stuffs his hands in his pockets, then stares at the ground and hopes against all reason that the world will just go back to making sense. Optimus takes two careful steps forward, bends down, and to Mercury's shock, picks him up. His hold is gentle, and he brings the hand holding him to his chest, where Mercury notices a pale glow emanating from somewhere behind the glass before the comforting warmth of his metal body distracts him and makes Mercury relax. As Mercury processes this, Optimus quietly speaks, telling him that many people are too weak to be either good or heroic, and that yes, many can be good, but will have their better qualities destroyed. Oftentimes, the latter is a personal choice, such as the Decepticons' leader Megatron, who Optimus once considered a brother before their war broke out. As Mercury detects a faint humming inside of the Autobot's chest, Optimus adds that many can and do choose to be good, and that while some possess those qualities to greater degrees than others, it does not make the entire adult world cruel.
"Life itself is cruel, and I feel you know that better than many your age do. However, if you will allow me to, I would be pleased to help you heal and learn to trust others again, Mercury."
Mercury's not sure if this is how it feels to have a father, but even if it isn't, he's gonna fight to keep it the same way he'll fight to keep Ruby safe.
Optimus and Mercury form a close bond after this, with Optimus often making sure Mercury is both safe and emotionally well after a long day. He knows when Mercury needs a push to go to bed or otherwise take care of himself, but more times than not, Optimus can tell when he should speak sternly to the boy over his sleep schedule, as well as when to put his foot down over Mercury's regular time of training, reconnaissance, and other habits. Similarly, Mercury has learned tricks of getting Optimus to take a much needed break, usually by asking for some alone time that he's reluctant to admit he needs. They make a strong team on and off the battlefield, with Optimus helping to refine Mercury's techniques while Mercury tells him about Remnant's stars and history. The Autobot leader's fascination with learning their culture softens Mercury a tiny bit, and - perhaps - leads him to learn of Optimus' past on Cybertron....
Lord Almighty, last year drained me more than I realized! Sheesh, I thought for sure I'd get them done sooner than this!
Anyway, I had this team up in my head almost from the get-go. Mercury needs a real father, and Optimus is the manifestation of Team Dad, so it only made sense to buddy them up. For their name, I chose Peacemakers because Optimus wishes and fights for peace, while Mercury needs to find peace - though I admit, I was partly inspired by the weapon of the same name.
Pray I get more done sooner than this, folks! I love these two franchises, and I want to get back on track for this series I started so long ago. See you around, and remember the wisdom of the greatest Prime in history:
"Hold on to your dreams. The future is built on dreams."
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I have been holding this in for too long, but as a firm believer in Steve and Robin being Platonic Soulmates I can't keep it in anymore.
I was actually extremely disappointed that we didn't get to see one of the two of them being Vecna'd and the other either singing OR making everyone sing Total Eclipse of the Heart like muppets. And I'm even more extremely disappointed that I haven't seen it in a single fic. Reminder that the explanation that was given to Robin and Nancy by Hatch about music helping to reach deeper parts of the mind didn't specify 'favorite song' it specified songs with personal meaning.
example for how this scenario would have played out, I'll even put it within an existing vol 2 scene:
"Not everything has a happy ending," Robin says placing the now full bottle on the ground behind her.
"Yeah," Steve replies softly, glancing briefly out to the field where the others were prepping their own weapons, "believe me, I know."
Robin follows his gaze to where Nancy is practicing her aim with her newly sawed-off shot gun and snorts, before returning to her job of filling bottles with kerosene, "I'm not talking about failed romance. I just- I just have this terrible... gnawing feeling that it might not work out for us this time."
She's looking up at him, waiting for a response. And at first she thinks he's just thinking over what he's going to say but he doesn't say anything.
The bottle he was holding, the one that she had just filled with kerosene slips from his hand splashing on their pant legs, but Robin can't focus on that right now.
"Oh my god, Steve?!"
At first she thinks that maybe, he's having an absence seizure. She's not afraid to admit that she had looked into the potential long term affects of multiple frequent head traumas and concussions after she realized how many times her best friend had been beat, hit in the head and/or concussed in the past few years. In fact, she's been keeping half an eye on him for a few months now, just in case he had been having absences that no one has noticed or recognized. But she doesn't think that's what is happening now. Steve's eyes are open but they don't seem to be looking at anything, they've taken on a kind of milky appearance, and they are moving rapidly almost as if he were having a dream. She's seen this before, she saw it in the trailer when Nancy had...
Robin stands up quickly and grabs him by the shoulders gently shaking him.
"Steve, oh my god, Steve! Help! Guys, help!"
She can hear various cries and clatters and footsteps but she's only focusing on Steve.
What is his favorite song, c'mon Buckley what's his favorite song?! She thinks to herself, but finds herself only pulling blanks.
The others have all reached them by now.
"Steve! Oh shit what do we do?" Dustin's frantic voice asks.
"Ugh, why didn't we think to get tapes for everyone, we should have known better after the trailer!"
"Well we didn't, Lucas so we'll have to figure something else out"
"Wheeler, please tell me you know Harrington's favorite song."
"I-I-I, no I can't think of anything. We never really talked much about his music taste!"
Something about that makes something click in Robin's mind.
'We found that music has a particularly calming affect on the broken mind. The right song, particularly...'
"... one that holds some personal meaning."
Everyone goes silent, as Steve's eyes continue to rapidly move.
"What?" Nancy asks Robin.
"That's what Hatch said, he didn't say it had to be their favorite just that it had to hold personal meaning," Robin talks through her own thoughts outloud.
"Yeah but that doesn-" Nancy starts to say before Robin gets an idea and cuts her off.
"Do you guys know Total Eclipse of the Heart?"
Various "What?"s ring out but Steve has started to lift under Robin's hands.
In a move of desperation she flings her whole body forward and wraps her arms and legs around him and soon it's not just Steve beginning to lift off the ground. Robin is realizing now she might have a slight fear of heights, but she also knows that there's no way in hell that she's going to let go of Steve.
"Sing like a muppet!" She yells as she clenches her eyes closed. If she can't see what's happening she can pretend it's a year ago. It's a year ago, and she just told Steve her deepest, darkest secret on the dirty floor of a mall bathroom. They're cramped together in a tiny stall, and he doesn't turn away from her in disgust, no he just makes a joke about her taste in women.
Robin opens her mouth and shakily sings, in a very poor and muppety way, "And I need you now tonight! And I need you more than ever."
She hears the others confused voices joining in, but they sound wrong, they sound too right, too correct to the original.
"Like a MUPPET guys, like Kermit!" She yells before returning, "And if you only hold me tight! We'll be holding on forever!"
The others must have gotten the memo because at this point Steve has to be hearing the absolute worst rendition of Total Eclipse of the Heart, like Bonnie Tyler could sue them, it's so bad.
"And we'll only be making it right! Cause we'll never be wrong - Together we can take it to the end of the line. Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time!"
If it weren't for the situation, Robin thinks she might have laughed at the backing vocals provided from below her, echoing in just the right spot while sounding like, well a muppet giving birth.
"I don't know what to do! I'm always in the dark! Steve please c'mon! We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks!"
Robin can feel that they stopped rising a while ago, and can hear that everyone's voices are getting shakier and shakier the longer this takes, and she just knows that there are tears absolutely streaming down her face.
"Please Steve, please! I really need you toni-"
Strong arms snap around her midsection as the weightless feeling of floating in the air suddenly vanishes and they crash to the ground.
By some miracle, Steve is able to land on his feet without dropping her.
"Holy Shit, that actually worked!" Dustin yells in joy and relief as Robin untangles her legs from around Steve's waist, returning her own feet to the ground.
Steve has started rubbing her back with his rough palm making soothing circles.
"I'm not gonna lie, that was terrifying," Steve says with a huff of a laugh, "You really under sold what that guy looked like Red, eugh creepy."
Robin thinks she hears Max give a witty retort in response, but she just buries her head into his shoulder and takes a few deep breaths to collect herself, before pulling away.
"Okay, so I think that then proves the theory that it doesn't need to be a favorite song, just a personally significant one."
Eddie folds his arms in front of his chest and leans in towards Steve and Robin with a shit eating grin, "That is true, but it absolutely begs the question-"
"Oh dear god, no," Steve whispers and looks up towards the sky as though asking God to strike him down."
"-how does one end up with a shitty muppet's rendition of a Bonnie Tyler song on their list of personally significant musical numbers? Hmm Stevie boy? How does that happen?"
Steve swings his head back down to catch Robin's gaze with a small light of humor behind his eyes, "Well Munson, if you really want to find out you'll have to make a friend on the floor of a dirty public restroom while high on Russian truth serum - it might enlighten you."
Robin cuts in, "They might even have to be your soulmate."
"Platonic soulmate, of course."
"Of course, with a capital P."
Eddie is still leaning towards them, but his mischievous eye and shit-eating grin have been replaced with a furrowed brow and slightly parted lips that convey only confusion.
With the whole fiasco over with, they all go back to their jobs, though Erica quickly darts in to hug Steve's leg before immediately running off after her brother to continue making spears.
"Hey Steve?"
"You know I love you right?"
He looks up at her with fond eyes, "I love you to Buckley."
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fisheito · 8 months
friend fish!!! do you have any super specific headcanons for nucarni you'd want to post about? like from the serious to the silly. im talking from like how did little yakumo deal w humans and snakes hating him and then his grandparents loving him to who are the left handed mfs and who are the right handed mfs. how did kuya handle huey disappearing vs can garukaru wink. i like your brain and i like the very specific little things that come from everyone's brains and just wanted to see if you wanted to post any sillies or seriousies :3
why, friend anon, it seems like You are the one bursting with ideas... if u wish to share with the class i shan't object ohoho
MMM>....UUHHHHH boy ain't it just appropriate that once u hand me the microphone, my mind blanks hmmm........ ............(leaves ask and comes back in several hours)
OH I got one!! yakumo and chickens
s o one day, i wished to draw yakumo holding a chicken. just snekboi holding an absolute buff orpington orb of chicken, because it would be, how u say,... grotesquely adorable, yes??
but before i could, i wondered.. is that possible? do chickens like yakumo? or would they sense his snakeyness and hate him? was it ever discussed in the story?
my immediate thought was of those chickens who get hypnotised into a catatonic state when u draw a straight line in front of them. u know all those gifs of the chickens that just go [plop] with HARD FOCUS on the line? and as soon as line was erased, chicken blinked back into existence/Killer Peck mode?
i remember ppl hypothesising that it was bc the lines reminded them of snakes and the chickens were like shhhhh play ded the snakes will want nothing to do with us.
i can;t remember if they ever actually found the answer to that behaviour. i wish i knew. but i don't. so instead i imagined eiden placing a 🧍‍♂️yakumo horizontally in front of a chicken to see if the trance could be replicated
the whole thing made me think about yakumo's relation to animals, especially farm animals, bc idk if his grandparents ever farmed animals or if it was JUST produce. the story so far seems to say vegebls only but *I* want *FARM ANIMALS* and *YAKUMO* ***toGETHER*(*(***** so we continue the train of thought
yakumo has pulled Princess-Snow-White-shenanigans in the past (Idol Fest). those forest animals didn't have a problem rolling up to yakumo just to listen to him sing. i don't remember if exact animals were mentioned in the story, but i'mma assume it was lil guys like rabbits, birds, rodents, deer. i mean... snakes have been known to share habitats with these guys... so it would make sense for some of them to be scared if yakumo's energy is more snake>human.
but then KUYA??? he's a fox. yet he's got parades of adoring forest worshippers everywhere he goes, regardless of predator/prey status. so maybe the vibe of Yokai overrides whatever trophic chain dynamics are supposed to exist in this world. So instead of EEK! A SNAKE/FOX! the animals be like Yokai=cool nature powerbeing let's hang out ?
but then i wonder if the Yokai Vibe is moderated by Yokai expertise. bc kuya of course has way more experience as yokai... he's more likely to embrace his foxy traits than yakumo with his snakey traits (what is this.... a competition of self acceptance now??).. so maybe the animals all trail after kuya bc of his confidence,,, but would they do the same for yakumo who hasn't yet transcended to that Power Strut Aura?
which relates to childhood yakumo. to surrounding animals, what was his vibe? snakey? human? yokai? did it matter? he mentioned that the other snakes used to bully him .. and that people also used to chase him away... so his vibe was. what? like the king cobra who eats other snakes, and can bite people? at this point, it's not like yakumo has the self-control or self-acceptance to consciously manipulate his outward appearance. his vibe is his vibe.
so, in this unsure, untrained, scared snake-self stage of his life, he still appeared as a Threat to other snakes (and probably other animals that typically fear snakes). i imagine that if i were to introduce yakumo to farm animals at this point, they would react like they saw a potentially dangerous snake. chickens angy. cows might stomp u. goats might eat u
and yet Grandma and Grandpa , like many humans, promptly threw convention out the window and went [lol what threat?? he scared. let's give him some soup]] -> for further proof of ppl being like that, look at. any dangerous creature. cute as heck. i'll fawn over apex predators. angry bear incapable of empathy? deserves my respect. sure i'll share my room with a snake if it looks like it's crying . self-preservation? why would i care about that if i have the chance to make the snake less sad??
i mean, farm animals are domesticated so they're supposed to be pretty chill. i like to think that once yakumo spent more time on the farm with a loving family, his energy became more stable and more human. and surely with daily exposure, those farm animals would acclimate to yakumo's presence. maybe even grow to like him if he takes care of them.
THAT IS TO SAY even if the animals initially shun him or treat him like Danger... they eventually associate his energy with the good times. and yakumo would learn how to act around each specific animal so as not to upset them (just like any good zookeeper!!). As both parties build upon their experiences, the likelihood of positive interaction between yakumo and another animal goes up up 🆙☝!!!
IN THE END, ALL THIS MEANS is that, simply bc i like animals, i'm gonna pretend that yakumo's grandparents also farmed creatures (dang, an undertaking for 2 elderly ppl. i know. but this is gay fantasy isekai). ok, maybe more believably, a neighbour farmed animals and yakumo was the only young'n around to help. and because of all that, yakumo has experience dealing with animals.
according to my made-up timeline (😄) if i drew him at human age ~7, it would make sense if it was a pic of a cow chewing on his hair (being bullied by ungulates. he's crying), or chickens pecking him en masse
and if i drew him getting ALONG with those same animals, it would more likely be a yakumo at human age -- well- older than that. he's got some working experience at that point.
i crave interspecies friendships. humans do nonsensical things to befriend other critters. why can't the chickens override their snake fear for this one special boi. it is what i want to see and i will twistturn canon until i see it.
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choicesmc · 3 months
okay i've been dying to know about fiona
12. Open the notes/note-taking app on their phone. What’s there?
15. Describe their computer. Is it a sticker covered laptop? A high-tech gaming computer?
16. Let’s look at their search history. What are the last 5 things they searched?
also how is his 'process' like? say he's looking up info for a case online, where is he usually inclined to start the discovery process? and how is his research process like? chaotic w/ 7 million tabs open? slow and steady - one tab at a time, collecting links in a docs or taking notes by hand' person?
ahhhh, glad you’ve taken an interest in him!! Fiona is very very pleased xD 
12. Open the notes/note-taking app on their phone. What’s there? 
First things first: there are so many of them. And none of them are blank, they have writing in them. There’s a couple of shopping lists/item orders he has jotted down but those are droplets compared to the amount of memos he has in them. 
The memos can be literally anything: Gigi’s new outfit is stellar, Beau wants to check out a new restaurant, Gabe’s wearing his best suit, he found some music Aislinn might like, a briefcase Martin would adore etc. 
It’s really an observation log of anything and everything Fiona notices. Sometimes he reminds himself to tell the other person whatever it is he’s noticed. Sometimes his observations live and die in his memos.  
On slow days at the office (so a blue moon day) he goes through and sorts all his notes into folders for easy access later! …He has so many folders. Enough that it defeats the point of sorting all his memos into folders. (but he doesn’t mind.)
15. Describe their computer. Is it a sticker covered laptop? A high-tech gaming computer? 
Beau picked up his laptop case, weighing it in hand, “It’s a really nice color.”  Fiona glanced over from his meal, the soft green never failing to put him in a better mood, “Yeah, it’s why I bought it.”  Cracking a smile, Beau chuckled, “Fair enough man. Who’re the makers?” Fiona leaned back, “Hah, wish I knew. Literally can’t find anything on it. It’s like it doesn’t exist anywhere but in my house.”  Beau fell silent for a couple seconds before speaking again, “What’s this flag?”  “Which one?”  “The green and white one. I know the others: the bi flag, the trans flag, pride, but I can’t place that one.” “The green-white-green one?”  “Yeah.” “The Nigerian flag?”
Fiona has two laptops 1) for work and 2) personal. His work laptop is clean and sleek. While he doesn’t decorate the laptop itself, he did switch out i’s case for a sweetgreen one (hex: A5D56E –it's really pleasing to look at!) and he hangs small knitted flags from it.  
His personal computer is an older model. He was close friends with one of the IT guys at the university Fiona used to work at who let him have it. Said they were planning to throw them out anyway. 
So his personal laptop has been with him since a little before quitting his job as a professor, going through law school, and his first couple years as an actual lawyer. 
Safe to say, it’s had better days. It’s covered in stickers, mostly from his teaching days (he doesn’t add more these days). And he mostly hooks it up to his tv anyways so he can watch downloaded movies on full screen 👍 
Fiona really doesn’t do much with his personal laptop. He already looks at laptops/computers so much at work that he is all laptop fatigued when he gets home. 
16. Let’s look at their search history. What are the last 5 things they searched?  
explaining gunshot wounds 
hibiscus flowering season 
ugh, food for bad moods 
name of 2nd circuit judge 
gifts for shameless men 
*based heavily off where he is in this series [don’t let this be the last time] 
If Fiona’s memos are observation logs. His search history is a damn diary. He’s got a process going on: 
have a thought -> search it up -> thought satisfied -> go back to serious stuff 
Though, he does this stuff on his personal phone. Even he’s not confident enough to search half the stuff he thinks up on a company issued device. 
also how is his 'process' like? say he's looking up info for a case online, where is he usually inclined to start the discovery process? and how is his research process like? chaotic w/ 7 million tabs open? slow and steady - one tab at a time, collecting links in a docs or taking notes by hand' person? 
Mads, can I just say I love your questions? Like they make me think and consider stuff I hadn’t considered yet. (and it’s also why it takes me forever to get back to you 😭)  
His method definitely falls into slow and steady territory. Everything done in order from top to bottom, do not disturb the order –it’ll distress him. 
Every case starts with one tab, a legal pad, and a nice, dark pen. He takes his first notes by hand just free-guessing potential ways to approach a case. It’s real messy with tons of things scratched out and asterisks and arrows pointing nowhere. Anything that might help gets placed down regardless of how possible or helpful it’d actually be. This is all just brainstorming. 
Then he goes back in red ink once he’s understood what he wants to do. Circling and starring the important stuff that he actually wants to keep/can make use of. It helps him double check his work along with making sure everything seems like a reasonable game. 
Finally he puts his ideas into a memo that he can share with whoever else he’s working with, if any. Even when he’s not working with someone, Fiona finds that memo writing helps him think through everything and ensure he’s not making any logical jumps.
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calliethetrekkie · 8 months
Star Trek TOS S01E10: Dagger of the Mind
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Original Thoughts
"Overall good episode. The Neural neutralizer is both fascinating and horrifying. It’s another episode that got my attention based off concept alone, the planting/removal of emotions. Pretty sure this thing would be VERY unethical in the mental health field, but still. Also, nice to finally see Spock use the Mind Meld since that’s something I was waiting on. Feels like Kirk having had a fling with Dr. Noel was an necessary point to add aside from still having feelings for what was essentially a one night fling just didn’t add anything, though the planting of the emotion by Dr. Noel and then exploited to painful levels by Adams was again fascinating and horrifying. Overall, a good episode that again has interesting ideas that are played well enough to keep my investment."
(Original Post)
Rewatch Thoughts
So fun fact, my mother is a LCSW and works as a counselor. While I myself am no professional, due to it, I look at stuff that handles mental health and psychology with a pretty close lens. I also enjoy mind control/hypnosis/mental kind of plots for some weird reason. IDK, it's a good way to explore a character and see different sides to them and how they cope with it. So to say that this episode interested me is no exaggeration.
Now... I know that this came out in the 60's. Thus, our knowledge and ability to understand and treat mental health was NOT all that great. I will give the episode credit in showing that something like the neutralizer, a device that implants suggestions, as a bad thing. Again, I am no therapist, but I am almost positive that having this kind of device in today's world would be incredibly immoral. Even for just therapeutic reasons, to implant or remove emotions for any reason... that's not how it works.
But again, different time, and again it is portrayed as a bad thing. God, I feel horrible for all the people who had to endure that thing. We see how many of them are just blank slates and Gelder, the one person who managed to get away, is in constant pain as he tries to warn the Enterprise. Dr. Adams is terrifying, seeming like a perfectly kind and pleasant doctor, but abusing people who need his help, all without losing the kindly attitude. People like that do exist among doctors and therapists, and it's sickening. Thank God that McCoy is actually a good doctor and went with his gut by convincing Kirk to investigate. Otherwise, they'd have likely returned Gelder and Dr. Adams would have been free to continue. It sounds like Gelder was able to at least start recovering at the end, so hopefully the rest who Adams tormented will be able to as well.
So the main plot has Kirk beaming down to investigate along with a psychiatrist named Dr. Helen Noel. Apparently they had a fling at a Christmas party and while Noel is still interested in him, Kirk isn't and/or is in Captain Mode, so nothing like a fling matters. I'm almost positive that McCoy did it on purpose as some sick joke based on Kirk's reaction, haha. Honestly... I don't know why they needed Dr. Noel in this? She does barely anything from a psychiatric point of view and to implant suggestions into Kirk until Adams finds them. I don't want to say she was useless, she DID cut the power and even electrocute a guy in an admittedly really cool scene. And I get why they couldn't have McCoy go, since they need him on-board the ship to tend to Gelder. But otherwise, Noel just feels like she's there because they needed Kirk talk to somebody and have some romantic tension. I read that it was originally going to be Rand, but since the actress was on the verge of leaving, and it wouldn't make any sense for a Yeoman to go, they made Noel. I guess that's just how it goes.
Also, not sure how I feel about Kirk here. He not only brushes off Bones' concerns until he sees the facility for himself, but he decides that it's a great idea to have Noel test the neutralizer on him. Like... really Kirk? Really? That was NOT one of your brighter ideas. I will give him credit, he holds out FAAAR longer than most others likely would have. Even when brainwashed to be in love with Noel, his mind is on being a Captain and saving their hides, despite how much pain it causes him. I guess that Starfleet training really came in handy this episode. I also hope that he had some kind of therapy from McCoy or some kind of counselor (NOT Noel) after this, because even at the end you can tell that he's not fully recovered from the torture. Then again, it's unlikely he'd seek it out for himself... ah Kirk, you're such a mess. I love you, but you're a mess.
This episode is also notable for being the very first instance where we Spock perform the Vulcan mind meld. Apparently they were going to use regular hypnosis, but the network said that either they had McCoy do it since he's... you know, a doctor, or they think up something else. Leonard Nimoy came up with the meld, and thus an essential piece of lore was established. It's hilarious tbh how Spock is reluctant because the mind meld is a private affair, and he's never done it on a human... and proceeds to do it in front of multiple people on various other humans throughout the franchise. Guess he got over it pretty quickly XD
Still, it was nice to see it since I'd heard about it, but I had no idea what a mind meld actually was. I guess this also helped establish Vulcans as touch telepaths, at least in fanon since IDK what's established canon and what isn't anymore. We'll have more fun with melds and such later on. The whole scene is superb, with Spock uncertain with McCoy pushing him because Kirk's life may very well depend on it. Gelder has given his consent and Spock does his thing as McCoy keeps an eye on Gelder's vitals. Considering Spock saying how private it is, we do see a little bit of how he must trust McCoy if he's willing to do it in front of him. I'll blab about that more on my main blog. And of course both are motivated due to, once again, Jim's safety. Want to make Spock and McCoy get along? Throw Jim in danger XD
And I need to go into fangirl mode for a second, but McCoy is really good in this episode! Like I said, if it weren't for him, they never would have looked into Adams at all. He has no proof of anything being wrong, but decides to voice it to the captain and push him to investigate anyway. Kirk clearly thinks that he's holding onto an old stigma regarding penal colonies at first, but turns out he was 100% correct. I almost wish that he did get to meet Dr. Adams because I can only imagine the interactions that we could have gotten concerning medical ethics. Now that would have been awesome to have seen, but alas. IDK, McCoy doesn't get the recognition that I feel he deserves, and I think that despite not being the most in-focus, he has some of the best material here.
So yeah, this episode was good! Fun concept, some nice establishment of lore, and it's certainly thought-provoking. Especially with how Adams ultimately dies, literally dying of loneliness via his own device. It's scary, but IDT anyone will argue that it was more than deserved. It's not perfect by any means, I could have done without Dr. Noel and I almost would have preferred Rand. But that's more nitpicking than anything. It's a solid episode and one that I enjoyed.
Original Rating: 4/5
Rewatch Rating: 7/10
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kaylor · 2 years
Uhh... Sorry to send this to a F1 blog, but I've honestly been preoccupied with Lover Fest today.
But do you or one of your mutuals have a playlist of which songs they would have liked to see in the Lover Fest setlist?
here's what i think would have been the loverfest setlist (taken some liberties because i hate london boy even though i know it would have been on the Official setlist but hey who cares this is my hypothetical taylor swift tour and i get to choose the songs) lemme run you through it
we start off, unsurprisingly, with i forgot that you existed. she doesn't play the whole song, she doesn't even really sing any of the lines. it's just more like an introduction that slowly builds up to the Real Show starting with you need to calm down. she comes out strutting to that dumbass synth and despite themselves the entire crowd goes wild. get the road on the show with some gay shit to start off with, the theme of lover era was gay pride and she's consistent about it!!
immediately after yntcd we jump straight into cruel summer, no breaks no chat just fever dream high in the quiet of the night you know that i caught it!!!! it's the best almost 3 minutes of everyone's life. "hey guys and welcome to loverfest, my name's taylor" and we segue smoothly into a style/getaway car mashup idk how that would work i don't know anything about music in that way but for the sake of coolness it works okay moving on.
she disappears down into the stage lift for a costume change and reappears for the Feminism Segment. in my mind's eye she's wearing some kind of bedazzled lesbian power outfit like the one she wore at stonewall but more sparkly. she performs the man and blank space and then probably shake it off because she legally has to.
after that we have our regularly scheduled acoustic segment featuring cornelia street, dbatc, delicate, and a surprise song (playlist includes how you get the girl, because the theme is still gay pride, obviously)
there has to be something upbeat/high energy in between the acoustic and piano segment so we get paper rings (full band) and mine (taylor on the electric guitar!!!!!!)
costume change into something unbelievably flowy fairy princess like legitimately the most beautiful dress you've ever seen. we get lover on the piano, followed by red and daylight. she does a bit of talking during this segment that becomes known as her daylight speeches (of course) <3
now it's time for love story because of course it is!!! it's massive, it's emotional, it's a standalone event, with another full length princess gown, first round of confetti comes out, it seems like the end of the show, she disappears back down into the stage, it goes quiet, then softly you hear the opening notes of it's nice to have a friend, the stage fills up with different colors of smoke, like a rainbow kaleidoscope, taylor is nowhere to be seen but the whole crowd sings along, it's a beautiful moment, then quiet, a moment goes by, another moment goes by, and then we hear "i promise that you'll never find another like me", taylor appears from within the rainbow smoke and finishes off the show with ME! and brendon urie isn't there and it's the best night of everyone's life and years later the second round of confetti (rainbows obviously) go for $100 per piece on ebay
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
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@wellfell sent in: drenched in sunlight , waves are peacefully brushing over the soft sand . she hates sunlight with the same passion she's been hating momoko since middle school . her beach party was loud , unlike what they thought of her , akina wasn't keen to exist in crowded places like these but at least she looked good . under the shade , sipping her cool berry juice with her pink sunglasses on . pissed , bored , and exceptionally aware of the fact that her old friends hasn't forgotten about the scandals that had her name on it . . . all went smooth until lamon approached her — she was peacefully brooding and glaring at the sea until he sat beneath the cool shadow of the shade beside her . and smiled a little . ❛ did momoko got tired of eyeing me and send you to check on me ? if she keeps calling me miss dracula i will break her jaw . go tell her that . ❜ of course momoko didn't send him , lamon doesn't listen to anyone . she didn't even know with such thick walls of ice between him and his friends , why exactly he appeared . maybe the same reason she did , to see him .
Here’s how life goes: it happens and then expects you to act like it never did. Is that how they think he should act? What, with the way they disappeared into thin air in the aftermath of the accident, only to reappear two years later with some kind of squeal like ‘oh my god, I haven’t seen you in like forever, how have you been my guy?’. Those were the same people who didn’t even bother to visit him in the hospital, let alone send a text. And now they come crawling back like nothing ever happened? Like he’s still the same shadow from two years ago, the naive lamb who would take everything said to him at face value.
Yeah right.
Momoko’s beach party sounded like a drag, from the very beginning. For one thing, the more Co*caine Don*nald’s new roommate talked about, the less it sounded like a meetup so much as a frat party, but copy-and-pasted onto a beach. Why would he go when his roommate already drags him to the beach ( in the middle of the night too- some would say it’s sketchy, but again, who cares, it’s four in the morning, no one should be giving a shit at this time ) anyways? This is just the same, except now he has to put sunblock on if he doesn’t want to burned.
But he’s here anyway, half-tuned out to whatever the hell Momoko and the others are saying. The only reason he knows her is because she was friends with Robin back in the day. ‘Was friends’ because he’s pretty sure she’s not taking the time to go see her up north. He has a red solo cup holding some mysterious blue liquid, which he has no intention on finishing. It’s easy to see how strong the punch is just by the sheer amount of time it took for people to get plastered. Why did he change his mind again?
“Why would she ask me that? She can do her own bidding.” That and if she did ask Lam that, he’d cuss her out instead. At the very least he’d say if she’s so intent on harassing someone she invited, she damn well better have the guts to do it herself. He takes the seat next to the only tolerable person at this party. If the others are busy getting smashed, heating up as hot as the summer sun shining down on them, then Akina is the SEA BREEZE. 
( The wind, day or night, has always been his favorite part of the beach. )
“If you’re Count Dracula, then she can be a WEREWOLF- loud and furry.” Which would be fitting for her, he doesn’t add. Knees brush against Akina’s bare ones. In all technicalities, she doesn’t have to be here either, doesn’t have to hang around these people who smile to her face but give back-handed comments behind her back. 
So why did she go?
( He could ask himself the same question, really. When a mutual friend mentioned that Akina would also be invited, he looked up from his phone for a long moment- she always does that to him, making him stop what he’s doing and listen. He has her number so he could’ve asked her point blank if she would be going. That would be the easiest way to know and to see her.
But then again, for all the times they could be direct with each other, they…aren’t. And besides, if they can just keep ‘meeting up by circumstance’ then it’s all the more convenient, isn’t it? People will talk either way. )
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He motions towards the water and the shoreline that stretches in parallel. “...Wanna ditch? They won’t notice if we’re gone for a while.”
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scuba-divers · 1 year
Grave Brigade: The Great Info Dump Thus Far.
Okay, so Grave Brigade- What, exactly, is it, and what am I planning to do with it?
You may have heard of Grave Brigade if you lurk around my page. It's usually in the tags of art posts I make related to Terraria [typically Terraria's enemies] or it's mentioned in the text I put in a post. Well, here's what it is, summed up and compacted into a rather large nutshell.
Grave Brigade, nutshelled. [A tl;dr]
Basically, Grave Brigade is an Alternative/Alternate Universe, or AU for short, of Terraria. Now I expect that if you've seen this post, it's likely because you're following me, so I'm going to assume you know at least a bit about Terraria. Now, why on earth do I call this an 'AU' and not just 'my interpertation of the Terraria lore' if Terraria's lore is so open? Well, you see, that's the neat thing, it isn't focused around lore change or anything. It's focused around enemies, but not just any old enemies.
Now, I know what you're probably thinking: "How can you make an AU based off of enemies??" Well, it focuses around the unique enemies, specifically the main three linked below:
Of course, there are other unique enemies that'll likely be included [Eyezor, Nymth, Tim, Rune Wizard, ect.] but these three are the main cast. Why? Well, it's just because they're my favorite enemies in the game.
My project plan for GB
So, what, exactly, am I even doing with this AU of mine? Well, it could just float around in my mind and sort of exist, but no, I'm taking it a bit further. I'm not making a comic or a written story, however; I'm planning on making this thing into a series. An animated one, to be exact. I've been building up characterization for the three I mentioned earlier for months, and since little is actually known about these guys, they're basically blank slates for headcanon characterization. Using Blender for effects, IBISpaintX for sprites backgrounds, Google Docs for scripting, Ableton Live 11 Intro [along with my mediocre composing skills] for a soundtrack, the possible help of some others and more, I'm going to attept to make a cartoon series about my versions of these wacky undead people that I'm obsessed with, infused with the worst possible mixture of headcanons, headcanon personalities and awful animation because almost everything I know about Blender was found out by fucking around while making VRchat avatars.
What's up with this series?
Grave Brigade [The Series] follows the wacky and sometimes [usually] dangerous adventures, situations and shenanigans that a trio of zombies get themselves into, and that's basiaclly all.
Who are the characters, and what are they like?
Well, putting it simply, the characters are my versions/characterized versions of the unique enemies from Terraria.
The Main Cast
The main cast is composed of my characterized versions of the three I mentioned before:
Doctor Bones, or, as everyone just calls him, Bones, an undead archeologist who unfortunatley lost all of his memories from when he was a human. The only thing that remains of his past self is his obsession with anything regarding nature, archaeology and/or history. Outgoing, energetic, uncannily physically strong and lacking common sense, this guy can easily unintentionally [or intentionally] cause trouble wherever he goes. [Yeah, I'm aware that in the canon game he's supposed to be a reference to Indiana Jones but I have always and will always disregard that fact because he's at very least 20x cooler than the original source.]
Victor [A.K.A. The Groom], an awkard guy who doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know [or even being around people he doesn't know for that matter] and would much rather wander around pouting about his afterlife choices than go on a rampage for human flesh. Obviously the husband of Angela.
Angela [A.K.A. The Bride, A.K.A. Angie]. She gets bursts of rage and pissed-offness every now and then, but she's usually pretty chill. She's always the first one to choose violence in any situation, because despite the fact that she's typically pretty chill, she always thinks it's the easiest and fastest answer [She isn't always wrong with this view, but but I'm gonna say that ~65% of the time, she is]. Obviously the wife of Victor.
Why am I putting actual effort into characterization and a series?
I just felt like I had so many ideas and concepts for these undead dorks, and I wanted to do something with them. Not a lot of people in the Terraria fandom/community even aknowledge these guy's existances, so I thought that since I'm the one big fan of these guys, I need to make something! And boom, Grave Brigade was born.
So basically, this freakishly long post is just to provide information on my Terraria AU. That pretty much draws a conclusion to my current plans for it, so I'm done writing.
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