#but then his lips are pink and soft and beautiful and his eyes and skin are soft and beautiful too and the heartthrob romcom hair is there
metalmonki · 2 days
A Well Kept Secret Part 3
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
1.3k word count
Summary You and Spencer have been in a secret relationship for a year. When you unexpectedly become pregnant it becomes harder to keep that secret.
Part 1 Part 2
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A sudden warmth spread through your jeans, stealing your breath. Panic clawed at your throat, but you forced it down. Grasping your phone, your fingers fumbled across the screen, finally hitting speed dial.
"Dr. Reid," Spencer's familiar voice filled your ear, a grounding presence in the sudden chaos. Relief washed over you, so intense it almost rivaled the fear. "Spencer," you managed, your voice thick with a strange mix of terror and exhilaration, "my water broke."
Morgan's voice, gruff with concern, crackled through the phone a moment later. You could hear him bark questions at Spencer, the urgency in his tone mirroring your own.
The world narrowed to the insistent beeping in your ear and the frantic pounding of your heart. Minutes bled into an eternity before the apartment door swung open, revealing Morgan's worried face and Spencer's tense form beside him.
The car ride to the hospital was a blur of flashing lights and Spencer's hand, a warm anchor in yours. A memory flickered in your mind, a stolen kiss, a promise whispered under the cloak of night. The consequences, both terrifying and exhilarating, were now cradled in your womb, about to make their grand entrance.
At the hospital, the whirlwind intensified. Nurses bustled around you; their faces grim. A memory surfaced. Twins. The word hung heavy in the air, unspoken but understood. Relief, laced with a sliver of fear, washed over you. At least they were alive.
The sterile white of the operating room swam before your eyes. A prick, a burning sensation, then blessed oblivion.
When you came to, a soft weight rested in each arm. Tears welled in your eyes as you gazed at the tiny faces, impossibly small and perfect. Two beautiful girls, their skin a canvas of soft pink, forever marked by their unique bond.
"There you go," Spencer's voice, rough with emotion, drifted in from beside you. He cradled one of the girls, his gaze fixed on the tiny face. Your heart ached with a love so fierce it took your breath away. He might not have planned it, but there was no doubt in your mind – he would be an amazing father.
You reached out a tentative finger, brushing it against the soft cheek of the baby in your arms. A tiny hand, impossibly small, grasped your finger with surprising strength. A choked sob escaped your lips. These were your daughters, a part of you, a future you hadn't planned but now embraced with every fiber of your being.
"Penelope Jane and Jennifer Emily," you whispered, the names feeling perfect the moment they left your lips. Spencer looked up, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before a warm smile spread across it.
"Those are beautiful," he agreed, his voice thick with emotion. He carefully placed the other baby, presumably Jennifer, in your free arm. "Which is which?"
You studied the two tiny bundles, so identical at first glance. But then you spotted it - a faint birthmark marring the otherwise flawless skin on Penelope’s right cheek. "The one with the birthmark is Penelope," you said softly.
A wave of exhaustion crashed over you. The ordeal of the birth, the weight of the revelation about the twins, the overwhelming love that bloomed in your chest – it all threatened to pull you under.
"You did amazing, y/n/n," Spencer murmured, squeezing your hand gently. His touch, calloused from years of fieldwork but surprisingly gentle now, sent a comforting warmth through you.
The sterile silence of the room was broken by the soft coo of one of the babies. Jennifer instinctively turned towards the sound, your maternal instincts kicking in with a ferocity that surprised even you.
Just then, the door creaked open, revealing a parade of familiar faces. Hotch, ever the stoic leader, offered a tight smile. Morgan, usually the life of the party, looked unusually subdued. Even Garcia, her hair a riot of colors as always, seemed uncharacteristically quiet.
"Wow, you got Garcia out of her office," You rasped, a weak attempt at a joke.
Morgan snorted. "It wasn't that hard. Spencer, can I talk to you for a sec?"
Spencer hesitated for a moment, his gaze lingering on you and the babies, before nodding curtly. He followed Morgan out of the room, leaving Melody alone with the team and a secret you knew wouldn't stay hidden for long.
You watched them leave, a knot of apprehension tightening in your stomach. The team had already noticed the tension between you and Spencer, the unspoken truth hanging heavy in the air. You glanced down at the twins, the delicate features calming your racing heart.
"You must be tired," JJ's voice, laced with concern, broke the silence. You offered a small, reassuring smile. "Why don't you get some rest? We can hold the fort for a while."
You nodded gratefully. The exhaustion was finally catching up to you, a wave threatening to pull you under. As you drifted off to sleep, the hushed murmurs of the team filled the room, a comforting presence despite the unease gnawing at you.
When you awoke, a sliver of sunlight peeked through the window, painting the sterile room in a warm glow. Spencer sat beside you, his brow furrowed in concentration as he stared intently at a medical journal. The air crackled with unspoken words.
Rossi, his normally jovial face etched with concern, stood at the entrance. "Mind if I have a word, kid?" he asked, his gaze flickering between you and Spencer.
You felt trapped, the truth caught in a tangled web of unspoken words and simmering emotions. With a resigned nod, you allowed Spencer and Rossi to step outside, the weight of the secret growing heavier with each passing moment.
The sterile hospital room seemed to shrink as the door clicked shut behind Spencer and Rossi. JJ and Garcia exchanged a worried glance, the playful banter they usually brought to any situation replaced by a concerned silence. You wanted to scream, to break the suffocating tension, but exhaustion kept your voice a mere whisper.
"Do you want us to stay, y/n/n?" Emily asked, her voice gentle but firm.
Melody looked at the two godmothers-to-be, a flicker of gratitude warming your chest. "For now," you rasped, your throat dry. "But maybe… maybe you could give them a heads-up? Let them know things might get a little… heated out there."
The weight of the secret pressed down on you like a physical burden. It was time to come clean, but the fear of losing Spencer, of jeopardizing this fragile new family you were building, was paralyzing. You glanced at the twins, their tiny chests rising and falling in a peaceful rhythm. No, for them, you had to be strong.
A few minutes later, the door creaked open and Spencer reappeared, his face a mask of controlled emotions. Rossi followed close behind, a comforting hand on Spencer's shoulder. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.
"Y/n," Spencer began, his voice tight. "Rossi knows—"
You cut him off, the words tumbling out in a rush. "It's Spencer. I lied. He is their father."
A collective gasp filled the room. Emily's eyes widened in surprise, while JJ and Garcia exchanged a knowing look. Hotch, ever the stoic leader, simply raised an eyebrow, a flicker of something akin to amusement crossing his usually stoic face.
Spencer stared at you, his expression unreadable for a moment. Then, a slow smile spread across his face, a smile that reached his eyes and crinkled the corners. Relief washed over you, warm and sweet. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be the disaster you'd envisioned.
"Well, Agent Reid," Rossi boomed, his voice gruff but laced with a hint of amusement, "looks like you've got yourself a whole new team to manage."
A nervous giggle escaped your lips. This wasn't exactly how you'd planned to reveal the truth, but seeing the acceptance, even amusement, on everyone's faces calmed your racing heart.
"Let the interrogation begin," Spencer said with a playful glint in his eye, stepping closer to the bed and taking your hand. He looked down at the twins, his voice softening. "Welcome to the world, Penelope and Jennifer. We've got a lot of explaining, and even more loving, to do."
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violettduchess · 1 day
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A/N: This is an official entry for the @flash-exchange In a Flash Creation Challenge. A huge thank you to @lorei-writes for all her help with organizing this so that I can post the whole thing at once.
Ikemen Prince OCs and their Suitors. Thank you to everyone who shared their OCs with me and trusted me to write them. It really is an honor! 💜
WC: 3.3 k
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Esther x Chevalier (@lorei-writes) Bright fingers of sunlight try to push their way through the hazy white curtains, but even their insistent prodding isn’t enough to wake Chevalier. Esther, propped up on one elbow, takes a moment to study him, sunlight washing across his features, brightening the pale blond of his hair, gilding his long eyelashes, caressing the sharp line of his cheekbone. She smiles, allowing her fingertips to brush the soft, fair strands away from his forehead before leaning down, her own hair falling in curls over her shoulder like a curtain of ringed sunshine. “It’s morning, Chevka.” Her voice is brimming with affection, rounded with love. He grunts, the only sign of life aside from his steady breathing. Warmth blossoms in her heart and Esther knows what she must do. Cupping his face in her hand, she lowers her head until her lips touch his. She lingers there, reveling in the feel of his mouth, the scent of him, remaining still as a marbled statue until she feels him respond: there’s the curve of his smile against her lips and the sudden, secure wrap of his arms around her. In a voice thick with sleep and purring with tenderness, he kisses her back through the following words: “Good morning, my Ragdoll.”
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Imogen x Nokto (@yarnnerdally) Nokto watches from the bed as Imogen rubs a towel through her damp chestnut hair, expressive green eyes narrowed in concentration. She catches sight of him in the mirror and turns, hand on her hip. “Something funny?” Slowly and shamelessly he sits up, allowing the bedsheets to slide down his lean torso and gather enticingly around his hips. “You….being so annoyed at having to bathe.” Imogen shakes her head, huffing out a breath. “You try getting all that chocolate out of your hair!” He grins slowly. “When I suggested we use chocolate, I believe your response was something like ‘Show me what you mean’ in a very seductive voice.” She rolls her eyes and his heart echoes the motion, flipping about in his chest as if he were some lovestruck youth. So what, he thinks. So what if he is? With a flourish he throws the bedsheets back and stalks towards her, relishing the way her expression goes from startled to heated in a matter of seconds. Nokto slides his arms around her, pulling her against his naked body, and dips his head so his lips brush the shell of her ear. “How about we take a bath together?” He kisses the sensitive spot just below his whispers and Imogen’s breath catches in her throat. “But…I’m already clean,” she murmurs, towel slipping from her hand to the floor. She feels his huff of laughter against her neck, the sharp nip of his teeth before he kisses the pink skin. “Then I will just have to dirty you again.” The words are throaty, a soft growl. She sighs happily, her body already saying yes as it yields itself to his kisses and his touch.
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Melinda x Chevalier (@dododrawsstuff)  “I have something to show you.” With these words, Chevalier reaches for Melinda’s hand, threading his fingers through hers tightly, and leads her through the winding halls of the palace and into one of the salons. “What...?” she murmurs as he drops her hand a bit quickly, a bit awkwardly. She watches, perplexed, as he makes his way to the elegant white piano and lowers himself onto the bench. There is no sheet music in front of him. What is he.....and then he places his hands on the ivory keys and begins to play. At first she is simply captivated by the movement of his beautiful hands, the dexterity of his elegant fingers, but then the melody breaks through and she gasps. It is a song from her home country, one she sings to herself when she feels the lonely pangs of homesickness echo through the corridors of her heart. It is a song made famous by a woman who sang from the very depths of her vibrant soul, whose voice not only comes from Brazil, but IS Brazil. Melinda’s vision blurs as she makes her way over to the piano. She never knew he was listening, let alone that he was mentally recording every note she sang. His hands still as the chords fade and he turns towards her. “I had to infer certain musical elements but I believe this was an adequate—” He stops speaking as Melinda leans down, capturing his face in her hands and kisses him, words unable to convey the gratitude and love for this man who sensed her sadness and tried to bring a piece of her home to her. He relaxes under her touch, eyes only opening when she pulls back to rest her forehead against his. “Obrigado meu querido.” Thank you, my love.
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Beatrice x Yves (@bicayaya) The kitchen is filled with the smell of cinnamon and sugar. Humming to herself, Beatrice carefully uses the flat end of her knife to spread the thick, pink cream across each of the cookies that have cooled enough for decoration. She leans down, concentrating as she makes sure the spread is even, each cookie matching the one before. She doesn’t notice that Yves has returned from the small garden just outside the kitchen, nor does she notice the way he’s paused, simply watching her with sunny affection dancing in the bright blue skies of his eyes. “There,” she says, straightening up again, staring down at the sea of pink frosted cookies proudly. Glancing over her shoulder, she spots him and smiles. “Don’t they look wonderful?” He pushes off the doorway he’s been leaning against, his smile curving into a grin. “They do, little bee, but….” He stops in front of her and with a small laugh, touches the tip of her nose, his finger coming away pink. “It looks like you decorated yourself.” Beatrice gasps softly, touching her nose and then starts laughing when her fingertip is also pink. “I guess I got too close!” Yves sets down his small basket of edible flowers, reaching for a clean dish towel. Gently, he cleans her nose and then leans forward, giving it a light kiss. He starts to straighten up but she catches the back of his neck. “Ah ah….not when I have you so close.” He melts into her touch, sighing happily as he slides his arms around her and meets her lips for a kiss sweeter than all the cookies in Rhodolite.
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Viva x Leon (@lorei-writes) Being king means many responsibilities and one of them is dealing with ambassadors. Most are skilled at what they do and therefore polite, but every now and then, one comes along who believes that rudeness may prove more advantageous than civility. Leon watches one such man walk away and sighs heavily into his champagne glass, keeping his expression as neutral as possible. The man was arrogant, condescending and above all, an idiot. At least Viva didn’t hear some of the insulting things he had said– “How dare he speak to you like that!” He winces inwardly, turning to see his beautiful wife puffed up with indignation. Her eyes are narrowed, her shoulders squared and she’s about to chase down the man and possibly cause an international incident. Leon quickly sets down his glass and catches her hands mid-raise, turning her away from the gathering so that she can only focus on him. “Viva, my love.” He smiles, tenderness welling up inside him at the sight of the indignant fire blazing her eyes. “That boar of a man–” she rumbles, ready to let loose a storm. Leon gently tugs her towards him and places a calming kiss on her lips. “Forget him, my beautiful, valiant rooster.” Her attention snaps to her husband at that and he laughs, triggering her own, answering chuckle, deflating the cloud of umbrage. He twirls a curl of her golden hair around his index finger, head tipped as he regards her. “How about we get out of here?” Viva grins slowly. Never has she heard a better idea.
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Romarin x Leon  (@ikeprinces-stuff) He follows the sound of music, the soft, mournful notes that guide him away from his study and up the winding stairs towards the salon on the third floor. It is a room he does not visit all that often. The walnut-colored door is open, just a crack, and he slowly pushes it further, peering inside. She’s standing by the window, magnetic jade eyes closed as she plays her beloved violin, that constant companion that saved her in so many, many ways. He watches her from the doorway, his heart aching in his chest at the story her music is telling. A song of sadness, of loneliness, of the dark, secret shadows that haunt a person’s heart. Her whole body bends as she plays, one with the instrument. The final note fades, leaving the room in silence until Leon clears his throat. Romarin’s eyes open, at first startled, but when she sees who it is she relaxes slowly like a skittish feline that needs a moment to recognize a kind face. “I didn’t know you were there.” He doesn’t answer with words but crosses the room to where she is standing. She notices the way he swallows, emotion balling in the back of his throat, before he places his hands on her shoulders and bends to place a kiss on her cheek. She breathes in deeply, the cool scent of him flooding her senses and steps closer, her violin hanging by her side as she rises onto her toes and kisses him, marveling at the way his mouth fits perfectly against hers. He sighs her name, sliding his hand along the silken moonlight of her pale hair. That sound, her name from his lips, feels as romantic and full of longing as any serenade, any sweet piece of music, could ever be.
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Carina x Leon (@fang-and-feather) The campfire burns a warm orange, crackling steadily as it releases tiny red embers up into the night. The forest trees stand tall, reminding Leon of gentle, peaceful guardians keeping watch over the campsite he and Carina have built. Speaking of his love…he pulls his gaze away from the flames and stands, frowning. Where has she gone? Squinting, he looks beyond the tent towards the water. Moonlight glints off the smooth surface of the lake, silvery and idyllic. But there is no sign of her. A tiny tendril of concern sprouts in his heart and he’s about to call her name when suddenly, a dark shape explodes from behind several trees and leaps into the water, shattering the peaceful silver and filling the air with a loud gasp of laughter. He grins slowly. Of course. Carina waves from the water, still gasping from the shock of cold on her bare body. She watches, sapphire eyes alight with mischief and anticipation, as Leon makes his way towards the water, shedding his clothing piece by piece as he goes. Only when he is as bare as she is does he pause with a leonine grin on his face and then takes a running leap into the water, diving towards her. Their laughter fills the isolated area and when she holds out her arms in welcome, Leon swims to her and accepts her embrace. Moving aside her damp curls, he begins pressing kiss after kiss to her cheek, her neck, the curve of her shoulder, his mouth so very warm against her cool skin. Above the stars gleam brightly, tiny diamonds in a black velvet sky.
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Ciel x Rio (@floydsteeth) Rio adjusts the straps of Ciel’s quiver on his shoulder as they walk back through the fields. He listens, bright blue eyes alight with adoration, as she explains the characteristics of the mushroom she is holding, a beautiful brown and pale green specimen she spotted on the way back from archery practice. “They only grow for a period of two weeks and then they’re gone. We’re so lucky we found—” Her words cut off and they both stop in their tracks. Just ahead, grazing upon the lush grass in the field, is a massive horse. It’s easily seventeen hands high, with powerful muscles that roll underneath its glossy silvery coat with every movement it makes. Ciel freezes, the little mushroom tumbling from her hand. “Rio.....” Her voice is small, shrunken with fear. But he’s already moving, walking towards the huge beast, calmly, fearlessly. “You seem to be in the wrong place, fella.” His tone is soothing, gentle. The horse lifts its great head and nickers. Before Rio can say another word, a red-faced stablehand comes huffing and puffing over the mound of tall grass. “This one got away,” he manages between deep breaths. “C’mon now Llwyd, let’s go.” He leads the horse away and Rio quickly returns to Ciel’s side. She’s pale but breathing steadily. Setting down the quiver of arrows, he reaches for her, pulling her against him and embraces her lovingly. “It’s ok.” He presses gentle kisses to the beauty marks on the side of her face. “It’s ok.” One final kiss, this time to her lips, soft and reassuring, a candle in the darkness. “Let’s go home.” He bends down, picking up the quiver and the tiny mushroom which he presses gently into her palm once again. “Let’s go home and you can keep telling me all about this little one on the way.”
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Oliver x Sariel (@olivermorningstar) The sun has long since set, sinking into darkness, as Oliver adjusts the focus of his microscope. He wants to observe the bacteria he’s been cultivating just a little bit longer. The door to his study opens, the hinges squeaking softly, but he is so focused on his subject that he doesn’t even look up. The sound doesn’t even register. He’s muttering to himself, his black quill scratching against the parchment as he records his observations and questions they spark. It’s only the surprising sound of someone clearing their throat that breaks through, letting him know that he isn’t alone. He turns, eyes wide behind his glasses and then relaxes instantly when he sees Sariel. “It’s late,” the minister says as he approaches Oliver. The researcher sighs, turning to look over his shoulder at his instruments and his notes. “I know, I know but I just wanted to finish collecting my observations on this particular–” Sariel reaches up, gently taking hold of Oliver’s chin and turns his head back towards him. His eyes, an arresting dark violet, are full of something soft, something admiring. Still holding Oliver’s chin, he leans forward and presses a delicate kiss to his lips. Oliver’s breath catches in his throat, any and all protests crumbling immediately. Sariel kisses him again, then lets his fingers trail down his neck before falling back to his side. “I’ll wait here while you finish.” A rush of warmth colors Oliver’s cheeks. Sariel is so patient, so considerate….and somehow, in the greatest mystery known to mankind, he has chosen him to love, to care for. He nods, reaching out to briefly squeeze his hand. “Just another minute.”
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Maeve x Keith (@keithsandwich) Maeve’s emerald eyes are closed, her head resting comfortably in Keith’s lap. The grass is soft beneath her bare feet and every now and then, a bird chirps, adding its music to the soothing sound of Keith’s voice as he reads to her from a new collection of Jadean poetry. In one hand he holds the slim volume, the other is holding hers, reveling in the feel of her slender fingers entwined with his. He’s reading a poem about love and nature and fate, about stars in the night sky that bless those who have found the sacred bond of lovers. Then he feels Maeve’s hand squeeze his and he lowers the book to find her looking up at him, those eyes wide open and bright, green as springtime, beautifully wild. Under that loving gaze he feels his heart unfold like a flower beckoned by sunshine and he can’t help himself, he has to kiss her. The book falls to the soft grass as he leans down just as she reaches for him. Gently he shifts her, pulling her into the warm circle of his arms, his lips moving over hers with wordless declarations of love and devotion. It is moments like this, enveloped in the safety of her love, that he understands a poet’s desire to try and capture the enormity of what it means to love and be loved in return. Maeve kisses him and the world is born anew. She smiles and it is daylight illuminating a field of wildflowers. He loves her and she loves him. There is nothing more natural or more beautiful.
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Céline x Gilbert (@celiciaa) Céline slashes her way through the underbrush, single-mindedly heading towards the narrow dirt path that runs through this part of the dark Obsidian forest. Her sword bites into bushes and brambles, an extension of her fury. Gilbert knew they were being followed and went without her to take care of it. Damn it. Damn him. Her blade hacks through the last scattering of vegetation, revealing the earthen road and she stops when she sees the sight laid out before her. Gilbert, face flecked with crimson drops, pistol still in hand. Several bodies are laid out like fallen petals before him. He glances up from the havoc and offers her a bright smile. “They made poor choices.” Céline throws her long white braid over her shoulder, her sword falling to the ground as she crosses the space between them in several long strides, throwing her arms around him and kissing him fiercely. She catches his lip between her white teeth and bites down. The sound he makes is fire to gunpowder, sending a wash of heat straight through her body, every nerve feeling like it might explode at any moment. He pulls her tightly against him, their mouths restless and searching, rough and savage. She tastes blood, but it doesn’t matter. There’s blood everywhere anyway.
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Leyla x Silvio (me) —  The overcast sky matches the expression on Silvio’s face. He watches as the last of the crates are loaded onto Siren’s Call. Leyla’s ship. The one getting ready to leave the royal Benitoite port. “That’s the last one, Captain.” First Mate Kai clamps a large, reassuring hand on Leyla’s shoulder and she nods at him. He inclines his head towards Silvio, a begrudging sign of respect, before heading onto the gangway. The silence between Silvio and Leyla hangs as heavy as the gray clouds above. “I don’t get why you gotta go. You know I could–” Leyla cuts him off with a sharp shake of her head, her gold hoop earrings swaying with the movement. “I won’t be a kept woman. You know that.” She sighs heavily, brushing aside several wayward strands of hair that the wind has plucked free of her dark braid. Silvio’s fingers ache at the sight. He curls his hands into fists, fighting the burning need to touch her. “Besides,” she continues, “It’s not that long. Just a few months.” Her words are hollow with forced optimism. Silvio looks down at his boots, jaw clenched. “Fuck.” His voice is ragged. “Captain!” Kai’s deep baritone calls from the ship. “The tide!” “I know!” she barks back, her own voice scraped raw with emotion. Trying to ignore the vice squeezing her heart, she turns to Silvio. He lifts his head and in his eyes she sees all the words his mouth can’t form, all the storm clouds churning in his heart. At the same time they stumble towards each other. The kiss is messy and desperate, tinted with anger and sharp with longing. It’s Leyla who pulls away first, afraid she won’t be able to take a step towards her ship if she holds him a moment longer. “Good-bye.” He doesn’t answer. He can’t. He only watches as distance shrinks her figure, taking her away from him, with her kiss still lingering on his aching lips.
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Taglist: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage
@redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet
@silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton
@ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea
@chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja
@starlitmanor-network @sh0jun @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381
@whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @ozalysss @bestbryn
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russellius · 10 months
good morning to the most perfect human being on planet earth 🌍✨
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
i wish i could kiss my ryan rn
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screampied · 11 days
✧ ⁺˳ cw. fem! reader, soft dom nanami, praise, p in v, mdni.
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husband nanami was a patient man. he treated you like glass, so delicate—he didn’t want to ever break you. with something as passionate as intimacy though, he made sure to go slow and take his precious time with you. after all, you were his baby. yet, there’d be one time where you ask for him to be a bit more rough. just a little, he playfully raises a eyebrow at you before swiping a thumb underneath your chin. “go r…rougher?” and his words were a mere sweet whisper.
“y- yes, ‘s okay, ‘ken,” you’d nod with a tiny tremor in your voice. as he’s giving you slow, deep strokes, the heel of your foot sensually rubs down against his back. pulling him closer to you, you coat the edge of his twitching pink lips with chaste kisses. “i can handle it, promise.”
“okay, sweetheart,” a soft, genuine smile pulls against the crevices of his mouth before he returns the kissing gesture, a candied mwah. grabbing your knees, he gently moves them up toward your jostling chest. “you’re so perfect,” he groans, hearing each lewd moan elicit out of your throat like it was nothing. “mhm, hold my hand. good girl,” he breathes, his sloppy hits against your core starting to quicken and you bite your lip. in a heaving voice, he buries his face into your neck. a strong musk of cologne wafting against your nostrils. “if you want me to go rougher, i’ll go rougher, my love. just for you.”
his pace was swift and gentle—mahogany colored irises of his continue to pour into your gaze. nanami feels his heart flutter once your arms wrap around him, pulling him close. with a single arm, you drag him further into you, another hand squeezing onto his. masses of fingers intertwine between each other as you moan from his touch. with nanami accelerating in a more quick pace, he presses a kiss against the bridge of your nose.
“t- this . . alright, sweetheart?” he asks in a soothing tone, an eyebrow entwining as he meets your loving stare. god, you were just so beautiful like this underneath him. he could stare at you all day and not get bored of your beauty right in front of him. “not going too hard, am i?”
“yes, ‘s good, baby.” you nod, feeling his grip against your left hand tighten just a bit more.
with a concise sharp piston of his hips, he’s more forward and he sibilates a groaning grunt the second he feels your soddened walls grip against him in such a compressing way. as if you thought you were clingy with nanami—your pussy was even greedier, hugging tightly onto his shaft as if you never wanted to let go. granted, you didn’t.
not now, not ever..
as you depart your fingers from his, you start to feel up against nanami’s bulky arm as he’s repeatedly jerking into you. he��s panting, blond strands of hair run down his face and he has to constantly shift his head back so he can look at you. he relishes in your cute expressions—his favorite part of intimacy was to just stare into those pretty eyes of yours that successfully captured his heart.
you moan again, your hand trailing down against the veins near his arms—he’s so beefy. your fingers then reach near his wrist. clammy digits of yours ghost against the frigid texture of his pricey g-shock that swaddles around his wrist. the watch’s been broken for years, but it was a gift from you so he still proudly wears it. flaunting it with a sweet smile on his face everytime.
“f- fuuuck,” you start to babble, feeling his twitching cock continue to pump you full of staggering inches. your ankles rub all against the outer sides of his back to where it almost tickles him. nanami’s moaning right with you—hot chest pressing up against yours. skin ruthlessly slapping so loud that it’s reverb echoes throughout the entire room. it’s like a song of its own, the bed chimes in to pitch a few notes as well from the constant melodic creaking. “don’t stop, kento. ‘s good, i love you.”
“sweetheart,” he inhales a sharp breath, dimples poking against the corners of his mouth. you’re so whiney, he grips against the fat of your thighs with a single hand before you feel him still bottoming out from the inside. “oh, dear. mhm, you drive me crazy, you know that?” and his voice was lighthearted, he was still moaning himself before he’s still stretching your walls out in the process. as his chest heaves, nanami presses a long, adoring kiss against your lips before he cups your chin. “i love you too. more than you could ever know..”
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suncoved · 5 months
WHAT THE BUZZ! — RAFE CAMERON (smut 18+, mdni.)
pairing; boyfriend!rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary: rafe returns home with a fresh new haircut, and you don't know whether to be mad... or turned on
warnings: smut 18+, mdni. fingering, oral.
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it was a peaceful saturday afternoon in the outerbanks. the sun slowly setting over the horizon as it emitted a soft golden orange hue to the sky from your window.
you quickly flipped over the next page of your magazine, feeling the glossy pages between your fingertips.
you had to admit you really hadn't done much today. besides going out for lunch with your boyfriend before he dropped you off at your house because he was meeting up with his friend barry for the afternoon.
that gave you an ample amount of time to paint your toes a bright white and to change your bed sheets to your favourite cream set with little pink roses decorating the fabric.
now you were lying on your bed, clad in a matching pyjama and fluffy light pink socks, kicking your legs as you read a magazine filled with unnecessary celebrity gossip lying on your stomach.
rafe was due to be at yours any minute, hopefully arriving with his promise of ice cream for dinner.
you didn't make any attempt to move as you heard your front door lock click and the sound of heavy footsteps making their way towards your room.
you bit your lip in anticipation, hearing the sound of rafe making his way to the front of your open bedroom door and his body leaning up against the door frame.
you smiled and you rolled your body over, making your way to sit at the edge of your bed.
though, instead of your boyfriend standing at your door, there was a man. seemingly resembling your boyfriend.
the same clothes, the same bright smile, the same strong arms with veins running down to his hands, but with... a buzzcut??
"rafe! what did you do!" you jump up from your place on your bed, padding your feet over to your boyfriend. you reach your perfectly manicured hand up to his usually soft, golden mop of hair, only to feel spikiness under your fingers.
"what? don't like it baby?" he asked, painting a mocking pout on his face as he brought his hands to the sides on your waist. "no-no. i-i i like it, its just.. different" he sighed, standing back so you could get a better look at the man in front of you.
his bone structure could probably fit any haircut he had, this one being no exception. he was utterly beautiful.
and as much as you are going to mourn the loss of carding your fingers through his soft locks, you could get used to how this new haircut made him look. which was even hotter, in your humble opinion.
"b-but. how am i going to play with your hair?" he raised his brow at your phrasing of what he knew you meant was 'how am i going to tug on your hair as you're eating me out'
"hair grows, pretty girl. but you and i both know that you playing with my hair is not your only problem with this" rafe stated smirking, the cold metal of his ring making contact with the bottom on your thigh as he hoisted you up so your legs were straddling his waist.
you squealed at his movements, draping your hands over his shoulders and he carried you over to your bed, dropping you softly where your head hit the pillows.
"why didn't you tell me you were getting your haircut?" you asked, changing the subject as rafe planted kisses down your neck.
"barry did it, said it would be fun to see your reaction." he murmured, not lifting his head up from your neck. "you shaved your hair to get my reaction, rafe!" you scolded, playfully pushing his head away from you.
"kinda, and my hair kept getting in my eyes, disrupted me from eating my meals" he said nonchalantly as he swiftly pulled your red heart-decorated cream colored shorts down your soft legs.
"what do you mean?" you asked, staring down at him through your lashes as goosebumps appeared all over the skin of your thighs from his fleeting touches as he pulled your white lacy panties off slowly.
"you, baby." he states simply, running one slender finger through your wet folds. you hissed at his touch, lulling your head to the side as you rested on your plush bunny lying on your bed, discreetly turning it over so it was facing the covers and not witnessing your lewd acts.
he spread your thighs further apart, kneading the skin as he licked a long strip across your slit, making you jolt.
"it's ok baby" he said softly, grabbing your hand for you to have something to hold onto as he watched you grasp the air near his head, not feeling the normal soft locs you were used to due to his recent haircut.
he began to drape your legs over his shoulders, pushing them against your chest as you whimpered, looking at you sternly as he used his large biceps to keep you pinned down.
he bowed his head down, the sound of him spitting offensively making its way to your ears as he took his finger and spread his salvia all over your pussy.
he shushed condescendingly and he entered his first finger into you, watching closely as it disappeared in you. "good girl, you're doin' so good for me yea?"
you nodded quickly at his question, feeling him kiss your clit once before diving in and moving his tongue all around your pussy. he pumped his finger in and out and he collected all your juices, eating you out like a starved man.
"god i love this pussy, so good to me" rafe says to himself, pushing you down further as he pushes another finger into you, making you squirm.
the coil in the bottom of your tummy tightens, getting closer and closer to exploding as he keeps sucking on your clit. your legs shake over his shoulders, making him to chuckle against you, vibrations pulsating through you from his actions.
your eyes squeezed your eyes shut, bringing your hands up to his biceps and pushing your acrylics so hard into him they were sure to leave marks, but he didn't care.
"you gonna cum for me baby?" he asked looking up at you, his lips puffy and slick with your juices.
you bit your now chapped lips as you nodded eagerly, his fingers how speeding up inside of you.
"o-oh my god rafe" you moaned, trying to pull away from him subconsciously but his arms not letting you move an inch. "c'mon sweet girl, give it to me"
your eyes rolled back and you came, his fingers and tongue working you through your orgasm as you squealed, thankful your parents weren't home for the evening.
"so, so sweet. love the taste of this pussy" rafe sighed, not making a move to stop after you had came, causing fat tears to roll down your cheeks from overstimulation.
"how many more do you think you can give me ma?"
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saetoru · 10 months
do you ever think about drying gojos hair after you both took a shower together 💔
contents. established relationship, like two tiddie squeezes LMAO, it’s ridiculously corny and i need to be shot. lots of kisses. lots of (corny) banter. did i mention lots of kisses ????? also satoru is taller than reader. he’s 6’7 in my heart
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“c’mere,” you mumble, holding the towel as you motion for him to bend down. satoru grins—it’s that wide, smug one with the slightest hints amusement that normally make you want to wipe it off his face.
but right now, you decide you’ll be nice. sometimes he deserves something nice. really nice, in fact.
“oh?” he hums, “need me to come down there? i wonder why.” he brows are wiggling, and his head is angled enough that his cheek is just in range for your lips to touch the soft skin. you huff, rolling your eyes as you plop the towel over his head and promptly cover his face.
not a lot of people catch gojo satoru off guard—but you watch him stiffen under the towel in surprise. you can’t see his face, but you’re sure it’s confused. the thought makes you giggle.
“not for a kiss, you idiot,” you snort, “i’m gonna dry your hair. don’t need you getting my pillow wet.”
“our pillow,” he corrects, “there’s no mine in a relationship, sweetheart. it’s just ours.”
“you’re lucky i let you have a pillow at all,” you mutter, pulling the towel back so his face is visible again.
and then, at the sight, your eyes soften—satoru looks beautiful like this. shirtless, just in a pair of joggers, pale skin slightly pink from the hot shower and damp stands of hair sticking to his forehead. you gently rub over his head with the cloth, drying it as he leans into your touch.
you can feel his lips hovering just above your own, eyes studying you carefully. you try to ignore it, the intensity of his eyes on you, the heat of his body just inches away from yours—instead, you try focusing on drying his wet hair as much as a towel permits.
“well who needs pillows anyway,” he hums, “when you have these.”
you hiss when his hand squeezes over your tits, making you slap it away as you scowl—of course, even when you try to be gentle with satoru, he doesn’t let it come easily. but that’s why you love him, you suppose—something about him, even despite the irritation that comes with all of him, calls for something gentle.
“satoru, you’re shameless,” you glare, “can’t you be normal for once in your life?”
“me, normal?” he gasps, “there’s nothing normal about me, sweetheart. i’m extraordinary—the strongest! the handsomest! and…” he drawls before he winks, “the luckiest too.”
he adds the last part with an easy grin plastered on his face, leaning in so that his lips rest over yours. he doesn’t kiss you though, no—he leaves that entirely up to you.
you decide to indulge him, just this once.
“oh yeah?” you murmur, lips still pressed against his as you speak. he hums, closing his eyes when your hands cup his face, your thumb rubbing over his right cheek gently.
“yup,” he breathes.
and then you kiss him, softly at first, pecking his lips at the corners before pressing a lingering kiss over them properly. his hands find your hips, grabbing them tightly as he pulls you in, lets your body press against his chest as he deepens the kiss and nips at your bottom lip.
you smile—satoru is beautiful like this. in the palms of your hands, wrapped around your fingers, yours.
“i wish i could say the same,” you sigh dramatically as you pull away, “but unfortunately you’re the only lucky one in this relationship.”
“i’m wounded,” he clutches over his heart, the towel falling from his head to drape over his shoulders. you can’t help but admire him—satoru is beautiful like this. he always is, you think. “and here i thought you were hopelessly in love with me—you even dried my hair. did that mean nothing to you?”
“yup. it’s not me, it’s you,” you giggle, “i think we should see other people.”
“oh yeah?” he chuckles—and then, his lips are on your face, kiss after kiss after kiss pressing to every inch of skin he can find. on your forehead, across your cheeks, down your nose and along your jaw, right until he’s back to where he started.
his favorite spot, the one he’ll never forget, committed to his memory. your lips—the same ones he loves when they’re curled into a smile, when they’re parted as the scold him, when they’re pursed into a scowl.
the same ones he could kiss now, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and forever if you let him. he’ll never get tired.
“yeah,” you giggle, squealing in laughter as he bites at your cheek playfully.
“that’s cute, sweetheart,” he says lowly, kissing down your neck until his nose brushes against your collarbone, “but they don’t call me the strongest for nothing, y’know. your new man can fight me for your hand—and he’ll lose.”
“you’re an idiot,” you laugh, fingers threading through his hair delicately, nails raking over his scalp—and it’s sweet, the sound of your voice, he loves the taste of it when it trickles from your lips onto his. so he presses his to yours once more, just to taste it again.
“i’m afraid love turns us all into fools,” he sighs, “that’s why you’re the biggest fool. don’t worry, i’d love me that bad too.”
“i’d be careful if i were you, toru,” you raise a brow, “or you’ll lose pillow privileges.”
“and that, sweetheart, is why i got these,” he says cheekily, hand creeping up to squeeze around your tits again—you’re tired of him. but you can’t get enough. you roll your eyes at everything he does. but every time, without fail, a smile creeps along the corners of your mouth too.
“i’m sick of you,” you mutter.
“what’s that? you’re sick? don’t worry, i know just what will make you feel better,” he says confidently—and then he kisses you again. and again—and you hope he doesn’t stop anytime soon.
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the way this is so embarrassingly cheesy if someone called the police on me i’d go without a fight. like ykw sorry officer ur right my fault !!
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thefallofruins · 7 months
── “Inconvenience” [Ryomen Sukuna]
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Request — I love love love love love your fav concubine/queen stories with sukuna 😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ can I request a story where for the concubine rides sukuna's tummy tongue until he's completely satisfied , like edge play/multiple orgasm or pregnant sex where the queen is really needy and horny for her husband after he has spent so much time outside.
A/N — hi nonnie, tysm for requesting <3 hope you don't mind, but I went with preggo sex cuz I'm not comfy writing fics with his belly mouth involved yet, so I'm really sorry. Hope you enjoy this though.
Warnings — pregnant sex, praise, creampie, nipple play, true form! Sukuna Minors DNI
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"S'kuna, missed you so much..." you mumble softly, face buried in his chest. He was met by such an adorable sight the moment he returned— his adorable, pretty lil wifey with a small yet visible baby bump rushing to greet him and capturing him in a hug. He chuckles, patting your head softly.
"That so? just how much did you miss me, my Queen?" he places a finger beneath your chin, gently nudging you to look up at him. One of his other hands are placed on your hip, his thumb tracing your slightly swollen belly.
"Too much, Sukuna..." you reply with a frown. Your hormones were driving you mad. Carrying the child of the king of curses wasn't easy, your needs increased phenomenally. You needed Sukuna more than ever, you needed him to be by your side, saying soft and comforting things to you, reminding you of how good you are, how proud he is of you for carrying his little heir.
He chuckles again, a hand reaching to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, "Well, I'll have to apologise to my Queen for causing her such inconvenience, no?"
"You better," you pout, tiptoeing in an attempt to get a kiss. He smiles and pulls you close, bending a bit to give you a well-deserved kiss. You whimper softly as he bites your lower lip, his tongue swirling around yours, driving you crazy. You needed him so, so, so bad.
He parts, allowing you your oxygen, a thumb tracing your lower, swollen lips slightly. Goodness, you had gotten so beautiful with his heir growing in you. A hand traces the line of your back, causing shivers to run down your spine, "My beautiful queen..."
A short gasp escapes you as his fingers finds your loosely tied obi— untying it in a single moment. Your kimono loosely falls at your sides, and Sukuna gently places you back on your bed where you lay resting before his return. He presses a few kisses on the soft skin of your neck, relishing your scent— one he had to unwillingly part from for a few days.
"Magnificent..." he mutters, trailing kisses before stopping at the swell of your breasts, which had swollen significantly thanks to the pregnancy. He chuckles darkly, cupping your sore tit with one hand, making you whine softly before his lips latch onto your nipple, sucking deviously on the sore skin.
"N–Ngh...S'kuna..." you let out a soft moan, fingers tugging on his pink hair slightly as you feel the wetness grow between your thighs. You rub your legs together to soothe the growing ache. Sukuna, noticing soon, parts from your nipple with a smile, a string of saliva dissolving as he does.
"Feeling needy, are we?" he speaks, his finger reaching below to trace your dripping folds from over the cloth. "Ah...so needy, my queen." he chuckles, feeling the wetness grow and watching you squirm, eyes pleading him to continue.
"Speak, my Queen..." he smirks, teasing you by torturously tracing his finger up and down, finding your sensitive clit. You're a mess and he hasn't even begun yet.
"S-Sukuna–ah, please!" the plea escapes your lips, "N-Need you," you say in a raspy voice. The hormones had gotten you so needy and sensitive for him. He chuckles, the no-good panties ripped off from you in an instant, revealing your glistening cunt.
"How cute." he smirks, beginning to undress himself, the kimono falling off his body, the silk material falling of his body. You eye your husband with your needy eyes— making quite a cute sight for his. He reveals his cock– veiny, throbbing, pre-cum dripping down from his tip. Such a sight could make you drool on spot...
"Ready, my Queen?" he asks, a smile on his lips as he rubs the tip against your puffy lips. You give him a weak nod, as he prods his cock into your entrance, making you gasp at the sensation of his girth slowly filling up your tight entrance. "S-Sukuna!"
He enters your heat fully, making you feel every inch of him, and added your grown sensitivity from your hormones— every push, every pull, every caress on your skin, it drove you crazy. "O-Oh, Sukuna-Ah!" you moan, wrapping your hands weakly around his neck.
He begins to rock his thick length in and out of your tight cunt, which welcomed it warmly, squeezing around it everytime. He groans, feeling the slick coat his cock, feeling the warmth of your sweet cunt tightening around him, leaning down to kiss you and leave your lips swollen, feeling your round tits bounce up and down with each thrust against his chest.
"Cum for me, my precious..." he grunts, feeling your gummy walls tighten around him a bit more, knowing you're nearing your sweet release. "Mnhh...S'kuna!!" you moan out loudly, a clear liquid gushing over his cock as your walls clamp around him, your head buried in the crook of his neck, making him grin merrily.
A few more thrusts, and he finds himself close to release too, he grunts audibly before emptying his seed into you. A soft whine escapes your lips as you feel the warm sticky liquid fill you up, feeling more sensitive than ever. He pulls out, looking at his cum gush out of your cunt slowly, proud of the mess he created.
His eyes shift back at your tired form, and he leans to press a kiss to your forehead, gently brushing the strands of your hair from my face before he grins at you, "Hope that was enough to make up for the inconvenience caused."
You, through heavy breaths, manage to give him a soft and sweet smile, "Will do..."
He smiles at your response, laying himself beside you, kissing your forehead softly. His fingers gently traces the swell of your belly. "You did well, my love..." he says softly, allowing you to rest as you cuddle up to him.
A hand rests on your head and the other on your belly, he's enthralled by the fact that there's a tiny version of him on the way. And you're the one who's giving him this blessing. His precious queen.
"I'm so proud of you," he mutters softly, kissing the top of your head. That's the last thing you hear before slipping into sleep's sweet embrace.
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fairy-hub · 8 months
𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨; 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐬
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: whiny, switch!choso, some fem dom, praise/choso calls you slut once, begging/teasing, grinding, daddy/mama/choso is both daddy and baby girl and that’s factual, light choking (choso), manhandling, belly bulge, size kink, mating press, squirting
@akumuprincess and @sugurupookie for adding to me choso brat rot resulting in this blurb 🫠
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Loosening your gasp on Choso’s neck, he gently gasps, steadying his breathing. The pale pink blush of his cheeks matches his eyeshadow. He pleads, whiny and needy, “Please mama! Lemme feel your soft cunt on my cock, you’re so wet!” He flexes his perfectly chiseled abs when your cunt loudly squelches.
Steadily grinding your sloppy cunt, stroking your clit, clenching his slim sides with your soft thighs. “My beautiful baby girl wants to feel me. You wanna have your fat, veiny cock deep in my tight cunt?” Trembling, glancing over your hips, his thick cock head drooling pre-cum below his belly button.
His eyes widen, “Baby girl?!! Fuck I really need to feel ya mama!” Biting his bottom lip groaning, admiring your clit peeking out when you glide your hips closer towards his cock. He moans when his cock head momentarily strokes your soft wet lips.
Sliding your sloppy cunt up. You made such a mess on his hard abs. It makes it easy to glide your cunt on his flexed abs, chasing another high. “But you’re about to feel me cum on your abs? Isn’t that enough for ya?” Your cunt clenches around nothing, squirting on his abs.
Moaning, you gently tug a handful of his shaggy hair. He whines, “Beautiful, you’re so so beautiful! I’ll never get enough of you.” Gliding your sensitive sloppy cunt towards his cock, flexing his abs. He moans when his head touches your cock.
Squeezing a handful of his thick pec, biting down. “Ahh need to feel ya!” Lifting you up with one hand on your hip, lining his cock up, roughly slamming you down to meet his needy thrust. “Nnn fuck that’s it! You’re so tight, hot and wet! Clench my cock one more time with your beautiful cunt.” Loosening your grasp on his hair, his thick cock splitting your hot, tight, soaking wet cunt.
Clenching him, getting off on sloping shape, and soft ridge of his fat head, puffy veins, and soft skin. Contrasting with how hard he is. Losing any ambition to top Choso with his cock stirring your guts and thoughts up.
Smoothly in between thrusts Choso rolls you onto your back. Gliding the back of your thighs and pinning you in a firm mating pressing. His heavy balls hitting your cheeks with each quick harsh thrust. Watching your puffy lips glide along his lips, your cunt split in a perfect o by how fat his cock is.
Moaning, the soft texture of his skin contrasting with the hardnesslooking up into his beautiful dark blue eyes, sliding your hand down to cup his cheek. “Fuck fuck fuck!” Choso smirks, “Mama ya baby girl is gonna fuck your sloppy beautiful cunt into a gaping mess dripping my cum.”
He trembles, whining, his eyes rolling back, jaw dropping. It’s beautiful to make such a tall, muscular man tremble with a clench of your cunt. “Nnn shiiiit don’t think Imma last long!” His thick hair is framing his face when he leans down. “Want me to fuck my thick cum into your needy cunt until you squirt on me?” Gliding your hand into his hair.
Pulling him in closer, “Please daddy! Wanna feel your cock throb when you cum!” Choso fucks your squelching tight cunt faster, relentlessly stroking your sweet spot. Pushing himself up glancing down his eyes widen.
He croons, “I’m daddy now?” Gently pushing on the bulge forming in your stomach. “I didn’t realize I went so deep!” Staring lovingly into your beautiful eyes moaning, “Good girl takin’ my cock like a slut. You gonna let daddy feel his beautiful cunt cumming?”
Oreo creampie’s m.list
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nanaslutt · 6 months
entering zenin clan as toji's little trophy wife
contains: fem reader, established relationship, age gap (not specified), misogyny, naoya needs his own warning, voyeurism, masturbation, choking, rough sex, riding, dirty talk, cumming inside (toji has a vacectomy), Toji is a good husband, praise
Your large husband Toji stood in front of you, fastening the fabric around the kimono he had bought you for the special occasion. He himself was adorned in a dark blue kimono, the white fabric of the jupan peeking out from underneath the neckline of his kimono. He was wearing a pair of traditional setta sandals, you had never seen him look so formal and old-fashioned in your life.
"People really still wear this stuff?" You asked, watching him tie the light pink fabric in a bow that would rest on your hipline. Toji kept his eyes on his hands, working carefully, "You're making it too obvious you're not from a sorcerer family." He said, looking up under his dark eyelashes at you once he finished prettying you up. He took a step back, keeping his hands on your waist as he smoothed his hands down the sides of your hips, admiring his handiwork. A whistle from his lips made you blush, smiling up at the older man.
"Beautiful." He said, stepping up to you once again he pressed you against his chest, gripping his hands on the small of your waist he leaned down and kissed you softly, humming against your lips before pulling away. "Thank you Toji." You said, making the scar on his lip bend as a smirk graced his handsome features. "The geezers you're about to meet don't take kindly to.. women, they're old fashioned so do your best to stay close to me, not that I plan to leave you alone with them." Toji shivered internally thinking about what they would do to a pretty thing like you if he let you alone, not that he didn't have full faith in your skills, he knew you were strong, but he also knew how strong his family was.
"I figured out the old-fashioned part by the clothes, I guess misogyny just comes with that territory." You said lightly, making him huff out a laugh. "Don't take their words too seriously, especially Naoya, he respects me so It's hard to know if he'll say anything, but he's notorious for having a big fucking mouth." You watched Toji's expression while he spoke, a vein popping out under the skin of his forehead. "Especially with the women. I don't know if there's a single maid he hasn't harassed in some way or another." He said, growing irritated at the thought of him trying something with his wife.
"I can take it." You said, the soft touch of your fingers tracing Toji's cheek snapping him out of his annoying daydream, bringing him back to reality, his eyes shutting as he sighed, leaning into your touch. "We're just there for me to introduce myself, then we never have to see them again, right?" You asked, smiling when he cracked open his eyes and nodded at you. "What's the worst that can happen in a couple hours?" You spoke reassuringly. "You don't know my family." He sighed, covering your hand with his, pressing it harder agaisnt his face. "I wish I didn't either." His animosity made you smirk, he was working himself up too much.
"How did they even find out we got married?" You asked, Toji's hand dropping from your own as he stepped away to grab his phone on the table behind him and call for a ride. "Who fucking knows, they're so creepy they probably know your blood type and the time you were born by now." He mumbled, holding his phone up to his ear as it rang, reaching one of the drivers for the Zenin clan. You came up behind him, running your hands up his back, relishing in the feeling of the soft fabric of his kimono, before reaching his shoulders and massaging his shoulder gently as he spoke curtly to the man on the other side of the phone.
The two of you stepped out of the car, Toji first, taking your hand in his as you slid out after him, thanking the driver before you interlaced your arm in his. You were greeted by a kind-looking maid, she looked to be about ten years older than Toji, she bowed when the two of you approached. "Right this way Zenin." She said, glancing at the two of you before she raised her tired body and started a trail into the main building of the Zenin house. Toji cringed at the use of his last name, you felt his bicep tense when she uttered the word. You looked up at him, watching the muscles in his jaw flex as he repeatedly clenched his teeth together.
"I should be the one nervous." You whispered, receiving a glance from your husband, the shadow of a smile gracing his lips before he averted his gaze back in front of him, his eyes darting around to the familiar walls of his miserable childhood. "Being here makes me feel sick is all." He said. You absorbed his words, nodding to yourself as you looked forward, watching the fabric of the older woman's kimono crinkle on her back as she walked.
Toji had told you about his childhood before, but only the once; it was a sore subject after all. You knew it was a very toxic and abusive environment to grow up in, especially for Toji, as he was one to form his own opinions and morals, not letting anyone other than himself influence that; which his family did not appreciate in the slightest. "Here you are, please enter at your own pace." The woman spoke, looking Toji directly in the eyes and squinting before she bowed and walked away, following the hallway back the way you had just come down, presumably to complete some mundane task.
"She knows you, huh?" You asked, squeezing your arm tightly against his as the two of you stood feet from the massive sliding wooden doors that separated you from the main room, where his family was currently residing; chatter and laughter could be heard muffled through the thick wood. "That old dinosaur." Toji laughed quietly. "She was in charge of my main academic classes, would smack my hands with a ruler when I got an answer wrong, shit hurt." He said, you watched him smile, recalling the memory.
"And you're smiling?" You said, tilting your head confused. "Old hag was the only one who actually looked out for me in this hell hole." He said, shaking away the memory before looking down at you. "You ready sweetheart?" Toji asked, staring into your eyes fondly. When you nodded he leaned forward, pressing his plush lips to the top of your head before pulling back and taking a step forward, slipping his fingers into the inverted door handle he slid the door open, the loud grating of the wood announcing your arrival.
Immediately all chatter in the room stopped and all eyes were on you, not Toji, you. The aura in the room was suffocating, only a couple seconds in the presence of these men, and you had understood why Toji was acting so uncomfortable. They were strong, incredibly so, you could feel it. A man with long dark shaggy hair leaned back on the couch, his legs spread as he caressed his chin looking you up and down. You felt shivers crawl down your spine from his perverted gaze alone; his aura wasn't as strong as the others.
Continuing your scan around the room, your eyes landed on a younger-looking man with blonde- almost green hair, a brown halo of hair around his head, he gave you an incredulous look, man spread on the couch much like the last man, he had his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze focused on your chest, thankfully covered by the Kimono; and yet you still felt so exposed under his gaze.
Some other unmemorable men were scattered in the room, an old man with a high ponytail, a teen with short spiky hair, and a handful of longer hair wrapped in bandages behind his neck. One man stood out from the rest though, in terms of the sheer cursed energy radiating off of him, making you shiver, every hair on your body standing at attention. A silver-haired man, twice Toji's age, sat on the floor on a fancy-looking pillow in the center of the room, a half-empty whiskey bottle in his hand, his lips dripping the liquid. The man burped vulgarly, making you suppress a wince at the shameless action.
As much as his face alone looked perfect for the bottom of your foot, you knew this was a man who was absolutely not to be messed with. You guessed this was Nobito, Toji's uncle. "Toji tightened his arm around yours, keeping his gaze in front of him as you looked up through your lashes at him; he could feel your anxiety and was trying to silently tell you he was right there. Nobito laughed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he raised to his feet, taking long strides toward you and your husband.
He stopped in front of you, ignoring Toji's presence completely. "Bagged a cute little woman, Toji." He laughed, looking at you when he spoke. You maintained composure, keeping eye contact with the wrinkled man in front of you, his breath reeked of alcohol. "Too bad she doesn't know her place." A voice interrupted. Toji's eyes looked to the voice, his face staying unexpressed, making eye contact with the source of the noise, Naoya. "Who does she think she is? Dumb woman doesn't know she should walk behind a man?" He said, scoffing, a look of disgust plastered on his face.
"When you get a wife, feel free to treat her however you like," Toji responded, deadpanning. "Insult my wife again, I'll cut out your tongue." Toji's deep asserting voice made you shiver, a heat creeping over your face at how he had defended you without a second thought. Naoya presented a toothy grin to Toji, a vein in his forehead popping out in annoyance. Suddenly it was too hard to breathe. "Now now, ten years of radio silence from you, and this is how you want our reunion to start?" Nobito tsked, keeping his face in front of yours but darting his eyes to meet Toji's.
"Nice to meet you, sir." You said, bowing respectfully, looking up at the old man under your lashes. He smiled, taking a couple steps back from you. "She's polite~" Another voice resounded through the room- the teen with the rat tail had spoken. "At least she can do something right," Naoya mumbled under his breath, the bitter words not being missed by Toji. You quickly reacted, squeezing your fingers into his arm to warn him not to do anything stupid. His nostrils flared on his otherwise blank face, his chest rising in a deep breath before leveling out again.
Nobito walked back to his seat and picked up the bottle of whiskey, grabbing a glass from the table in front of him he poured a generous amount before sitting and pushing the drink in your direction on the table. All their eyes were on the two of you, waiting for you to sit. Usually, you would sit down first, Toji making sure you were comfortable before sitting down next to you. In this setting, however, you weren't sure this was the best idea.
Unlacing your arm with his, you gestured towards the table with your hands before holding them in front of you, looking up at Toji. He paused, looking down at you before he started for the couch, you followed hot on his trail. Naoya smiled at this, not being able to shake the feeling that he had some influence on your actions. Toji held his hand out for you before you sat down. Placing your hand in his larger one, you sat next to him, your thighs touching with the proximity. He continued to hold your hand, placing tangled hands on your thigh as he gripped his over yours, enveloping it completely.
You pressed your knees together tightly, not wanting to reveal even a centimeter of your skin to the men around you if you could help it. Toji picked up the glass in front of him, bringing the caramel-colored liquid up to his lips before he was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist. The shaggy-haired man had grabbed Toji, tsking, "Thats for your pretty little wife." He smiled maliciously, Nobito grinned, watching the interaction. "She doesn't drink." Toji was quick to retort, pushing though the grip on his wrist he tipped the glass into his lips, tasting the bitter liquid on his tongue before swallowing.
"You keepin' her pure?" Naoya's grating voice once again spoke. Toji was right, the man constantly had something to say, and none of it was good. "She even old enough to drink? Fuck, did you snatch up a young one?" He laughed, the sound making you cringe. "I can drink, I just choose not to." You responded, making the blonde-haired man's smile immediately flush off of his face as his gaze dropped to yours. "Why is your wife speaking right now?" He asked, the question directed at Toji, but his eyes were on yours.
"Only speak when you're being spoken to, and even then, make sure what you have to say is meaningful," Naoya instructed. You looked visibly taken aback. Oh he wanted to die huh?Toji thought, the vein in his forehead showing itself from under the skin. He swore he was going to come back here and strangle the man to death in his sleep, and he would enjoy every last second of it. Who the fuck was he to speak to you like that?
“I don’t tell her what to do, and you sure as hell won’t as long as I live either.” Toji growled, his grip tightening against your thigh. "Naoya." Another voice cut in before things could escalate. The man with the ponytail prevented Naoya from digging his grave deeper. Toji's eyes were glued to his younger cousins, his heartbeat racing in his chest as he tried to calm himself down.
You had no idea how much self-restraint Toji really had. Whenever a man even looked in your general direction you had to physically pull him back on his metaphorical leash so he didn't kill him on the street. He took a large gulp of the liquid once more, he couldn't tell if the bitterness was easing the angst he was feeling or increasing it. Naoya lost the glaring battle with Toji, scoffing as he looked away. "How old are you, Naoya?" Toji spoke, holding the glass of half-empty liquor on his thigh, spreading his legs. "Twenty-six." He replied.
Toji laughed curtly, raising his eyebrows before he released your hand and wrapped his arm around the back of the couch. "Don't you think It's time you find a wife? Or you been havin' some trouble findin' a woman who you don't have to beat to act like your dog?" Toji spat, making the younger man fume across the room. A snicker could be heard from the teenager to your left. You had to fight back your own smile, you're pretty sure you would get smacked upside the head by Naoya himself if you did.
“How did the two of you meet, dollface?” The man with the dark shaggy hair questioned you. Toji could obviously see you looked visibly uncomfortable at the nickname the man had used, squirming in your seat before your opened your mouth to speak, “Me and Dollface met through a mutual friend.” Toji interrupted, making the weight on your shoulders lift and dissipate into the air.
“Your friend know anymore cute young things like your wife here?” The man spoke again, directing his question to Toji but looking at the expanse of your covered body, they all did that and you hated it. “None that would be interested in an old pervert like you.” Toji responded, trying his best to laugh through the situation so his fist didn’t end up through someone’s stomach by the end of this.
"So, do you come from a sorcerer family?" Nobito interjected, taking a swig from the whiskey bottle. The questions never seemed to stop coming from every direction in the room. "No sir, I'm the only sorcerer in my family." You responded a couple chuckles could be heard throughout the room at your response. Naoya almost burst a blood vessel keeping what he really wanted to say at bay. Sure, you had a nice figure, and a pretty little face to match—but you were arrogant and had too much of your own personality. Naoya had an an inkling your relationship wasn’t as traditional as you were playing it out to be.
Toji deserved to be with someone who listened to him, who didn’t speak out of turn, who could actually walk behind a man. You must’ve been good in bed for Toji to have put a ring on your finger with all those flaws, he presumed.
"She's a first-grade sorcerer before you open your pathetic mouths again." Toji defended. You pressed your thighs together. He was so stoic and serious, it aroused you to no end, and the way he wasn't afraid to show you off, fuck it was doing things to you. Some “Ooh’s~” echoed through the room.
"Pretty and useful." The old man with the ponytail spoke. You averted your gaze to some corner of the room when you saw some nods throughout the room. "She cooks and cleans too?" Someone teased, creating more chuckles to emanate throughout the room. Toji clenched his jaw in annoyance. If his family knew that he did most of the cooking, he was sure at least 5 of them would have an aneurysm in this very room. At least he could be left alone without fear of starvation while he doubted these grown men knew how to cook something as simple as rice.
"When are you having a child? She doesn't look pregnant now." Naoya blurted out confused, his words indicating that the only thing a wife was good for was having children. You couldn't help but feel too aware of your own body at his words, realizing you could actually be perceived, and were actively being so in this moment. You kept quiet, looking up at Toji, waiting for his answer to come. Truthfully, you wanted kids with him at some point, but you were still so young. The two of you had talked about it briefly, at decided you would revisit the topic in a few years.
Toji brought his hand to wrap around the back of your shoulders, rubbing the skin there before he spoke. "She's too young to have kids now, maybe a few years," Toji answered curtly. Naoya looked flabbergasted, leaning forward on his elbows he spoke exasperatedly, "What? Nonsense, there's no such thing as too young to have kids-" barf. "Her eggs are going to be dried up in a couple years." His lackluster knowledge of a woman's body amused you, once again suppressing a laugh as you pretended to scratch the tip of your nose, hiding your mouth from view.
Toji picked up on your amusement, smiling before he spoke. "What would you know about a woman's body?" He challenged, sliding his hand across your shoulders to drop back down to your thigh, squeezing the fat through the fabric, making you feel a heat between your thighs. Naoya's lip curled up in annoyance, keeping his eyes on Toji's. "Let's take a break, yeah?" Nobito spoke, his voice coming out slurred. "We have a room for the two of you, dinner will be ready soon, we can catch and learn more about your little wife more then, hm?" he said, the words phrased as a suggestion but you knew it wasn't that.
"After you baby," Toji said, nodding his head at you. You smoothed your hands over your thighs as you stood, standing, you bowed before the men as Toji stood with you. "Nice to meet.. most of you." You said, licking your lips to conceal your grin as you started for the door. Toji smirked, making eye contact with Naoya's obviously irritated face before he wrapped his arm around your waist, his hand resting right above your ass as he let you out of the room, sliding the door shut behind the two of you.
"Well, that sure went!" you said, looking up at him and smiling through a cringe, making him laugh at your unfinished sentence, he knew exactly what you meant. "What you said at the end got me all worked up," Toji said, grabbing a handful of your ass as he started walking toward his old bedroom. "Huh?" You asked, confused. "No one talks back to that shitty guy, shoulda seen his face when you said that shit." Toji laughed. You caught on, realizing he was referring to your indirect jab at the blond-haired man before you left.
"Didn't realize bullying your family was one of your kinks." You teased, stopping in front of the doorway when Toji slid the door to his room open, holding his arm out atop the frame for you to go under. "You kiddin? Think it's higher up than my love for titty-fucking'" Toji teased, grabbing your hips as he followed you into the room. He shut the door with one hand behind him, before pulling you against his chest and pressing his lips to yours. "Sorry about those fuckin' assholes." Toji apologized, kissing the corner of your eye.
"It's not you who should be apologizing." You giggled, holding his face in your hands. "Plus, the way you were standing me up for me in there got me all wet." You leaned and whispered against his lips. "Yeah?" His deep voice whispered back, his breath tickling your lips as he hovered his mouth an arm hairs length away from yours. "Wanna see for yourself?" You asked, dropping one of your hands from his face to grab his wrist and bring it between the slit of your Kimono, under the jupan, so his large fingers were directly touching your damp panties. “Wanna hear how loud you can be for me, show these old fucks how good you take my dick.” Toji whispered, finally closing the distance and pressing your lips together.
In the other room, the men had not yet dispersed. Talking amongst themselves, they still collectively hung around in the main room. "She's a bold woman I'll give her that." The old man with the ponytail spoke with his arms crossed over his chest. Naoya fumed in his seat, his nose crinkling in disgust as he replayed your words over in his head. "Nice to meet... some of you." the fucking audacity. He was the heir to the Zenin clan, did you not know that? Talking to him like he's some trash, dumb woman.
"The only thing good about that noisy woman is her ass, what the hell does Toji see in her?" Naoya spoke, making Nobito laugh as he took another swig from the whiskey bottle, holding it by the neck. "She has a nice face, and she's undoubtedly strong if even Toji was willing to praise her like that in front of Nobito." The teen said, shrugging his shoulders. Naoya tsked, crossing his arms over one another, staring at some corner of the room angrily.
The locker room talk about your body and other discussions about you and Toji continued for a couple minutes before their talk was interrupted by a loud sound shrieking through the walls. The men raised their eyebrows, stopping all conversation as they waited to hear the sound again. "Agh!!" There it was again, the loud sound being muffled by the walls that separated them from the source. "The hell is that?" Naoya spoke first, his voice cutting into the otherwise silent room.
"Shh." Nobito hushed, setting the bottle down he scanned his eyes around the walls, waiting to see where the sound was coming from. "Ah-ah-ah!" He tilted his ear towards the direction of the sound when the moans came more steadily, his head tipping in the direction of where you and Toji were staying. Naoya was growing frustrated, already annoyed that his dad had hushed him in front of everyone. "Toji- Fuck-" That was all they needed to hear. Nobito let out a hearty laugh, as he raised to his feet, whiskey bottle in hand as he started for the sliding door that would take him to the garden.
Naoya's face was plastered with a blush, did you just-? "Fucking under Nobito's roof after being absent for a decade, heh~" The shaggy-haired man laughed. "He's marking his territory, bastard," Nobito spoke before sliding the door shut behind him, lounging on the edge of the deck. He thought you were eye candy, sure, but he didn't want to hear his nephew fucking his wife in front of him, he would rather be the one doing the fucking.
Toji's growls could be heard through the walls as he fucked into you, the sound of an old bed creaking through the walls was not missed by Naoya's ears. "Even her voice is cute." One of the men spoke. Naoya couldn't take this torture anymore, with his face completely flushed, he rose to his feet, walking quickly out of the room. "It's disgusting." Naoya spit, sliding the big wooden door loudly behind him.
Some maids were in the hallway gossiping when he exited. Giggling and covering their faces as they listened to Toji absolutely ruin your shit. His face burning hot as he leaned against the door, he glanced up at the women, "What the hell do you think you're doing? Get back to work." Naoya hissed, the woman immediately dispursing to finish their chores. He sighed when they were out of sight, finally looking down at his Kimono, he noticed a tent had formed at his crotch, he looked at it in disgust, scrunching his face up as he made quick work to his room, which coincidentally neighbored Toji's.
"You like that baby? Like when I fuck your tight little cunt like this? Toji groaned, gripping your hips as he brought your ass back to meet his thrusts, fucking his cock into your g-spot with pinpoint precision. "Y-yes Toji- Love it- love it so much!" You groaned. He had you face down, ass up, and his hips were being so fucking mean. Mercilessly he pulled his cock almost completely out, before bulling the entirety of his girth into your tight pussy, loud squelches filling the room at how wet you were.
"Yeah you do, take my cock-" thrust "so" thrust "fucking" thrust "well-!" He grit through his teeth, his hips colliding with your ass and making the fat ripple. He had only pushed your kimono up, revealing your pussy to him, he himself had only pulled his cock out through the slit, making it easier for him to get inside you faster after he briefly stretched you out on his fingers. "You're so pretty baby, fuck- such a good fucking wife-" He groaned, making a point to say that last part extra loud.
He didn't feel like he had anything to prove to his family, he knew how good you were to him, and how in love the two of you were. He just wanted to make them jealous, they were all old, ugly, and wifeless or had shells of women on their arms after all. He saw how they looked at you, how they tried to look through your Kimono and get even a sliver of skin to feast their eyes upon. He wanted them to know they would never, in a million years, get the chance, so here he was, fucking his lively young wife, bubbly and full of personality, in their prison of a home.
"Wanna ride me, baby? Let em' hear how good you fuck me?" He asked, not letting up his assault on your pussy. You drooled and whined into the sheets, gripping your nails into the expensive cloth as your body jerked and slid across the sheets from his manhandling. Riding Toji was a rare feat, it got him so worked up. The angle at which your pussy sucked in his cock, how deep he got, always made him relinquish control unconsciously, which is why it was so rare he let you ride him.
You nodded into the sheets, your words getting slurred together when you mumbled out "yesyesyes" while he fucked you. Toji laughed, pulling out his cock he continued to jerk it slowly, spreading your juiced all over him before he plopped on the bed next to you, holding your outer hip to pull you towards him as he got comfortable against the sheets. With shaky legs, you slung them over Toji's hips, watching him still jerk his cock in his large hand as you situated your pussy to hover right over his fat tip.
"Sit down baby, fuck me." He said the smile your husband had on his face being controlled by lust and love together. His eyes immediately rolled to the back of his head when you sat down on his cock, his abs clenching and legs twitching as you eased his length into you. "Fuuuuck, that's good~" He groned, tipping his head back into the pillows as your pussy swallowed up his cock to the hilt. He could feel every bump and ridge of your cock, your warmth, how fucking tight you were in this position--he already felt himself going dumb.
"Fuck me baby, bounce on my fucking cock-" Toji begged, his hands coming to grip your hips and aid you the best he could in lifting you off his cock and slamming you back down on it. "God~ Toji, you're f-filling me up!" You whined, starting a quick pace on him, pressing your hands against his pecs for stability as you gound your clit against his pelvis every time his cock bottomed out inside you. Toji had his eyebrows scrunched together, his jaw dropped open as he moaned freely into the room, his moans overshadowing yours.
"Y-yeah? Feel my b-big cock fuckin' up 'ur guts?" Toji laughed through a deep whine, trying to watch his length disappear into your pussy when you sat down on it, but he was having a hard time keeping his eyes forward in their sockets. "Yes, Toji- fuck!" You cried out when one of his hands came down to rub his thumb against your clit. The added stimulation made you ride him harder as you chased your orgasm. He loved touching your clit not only because it made you feel good and he loved seeing your reactions to it, but also because your pussy tightened up like it was trying to constrict his cock when he did so.
His body jerked forward every time his dick slid inside you, his deep voice laughing through his arousal when you stopped your bouncing and instead ground against him. The movements made his cock rub against your sweet spot deep inside you. He watched your head tip back as your nails dug into his chest at how good you were feeling. "Choke me baby, cmon~" Toji begged quietly into the air, needing to feel your smaller hand squeeze around his neck when you came.
One of your hands slid up the expanse of his chest, traveling over the fabric of the Kimono as you splayed your fingers out along his neck, giving him a squeeze. The smirk on his face grew tenfold, a dopey grin spreading across his features. "Yesyesyes baby- yesss-" His words were slurred, his eyes rolling back every time his cock was forced against your walls from your incessant humping along his pelvis.
"Baby I'm gonna cum-" You spoke breathlessly, squeezing your hand tighter around his throat as you were brought closer and closer to your high. Toji was getting dizzy, not just from you choking him out, but from watching you shut your eyes and hump yourself on his dick, getting yourself off on him like he was some sex toy--and he fucking loved it. "Yeah- use me baby, use me, cum all over my dick baby please~" He groaned, his jaw falling open and closed like a fish out of water, his eyebrows scrunching shut as he watched your orgasm crash over you.
Your hand around his neck loosened when you came, your orgasm wracking through your body as you jerked and twitched on top of him, your hips losing their rhythm. That was Toji's sign to take over. He abandoned his thumb on your clit and brought his hand back up to join the other in grabbing your waist. He planted his feet on the bed and started pistoning his hips against your ass like a madman. He fucked you through your orgasm and into overstimulation as he brought himself to his own high.
He watched you grit your teeth and squeeze your eyebrows together, pushing through the painful pleasure. "Almost there baby- doin' so good letting me use you like this- fuck-" He praised, shaking his head agaisnt the sheets as he watched your body bounce limply on top of him. Toji was too fucked out to announce before he came, but you knew. His hips lost their rhythm, his voice got higher and higher in pitch before he stilled his hips against your ass.
He groaned hard as he felt the first ropes of his cum shoot inside your pussy. He shot his body up and wrapped his arms around your torso, hiding his face in your neck as he bit down hard against the skin there, letting your cunt milk his balls as his hips stuttered agaisnt you, his cock releasing all of his seed as deep as he could into you. "Fuuuck-" He groaned against your skin when he started coming down from his high.
You pulled your head back, grabbing his face between your hands you pressed your lips to his, breathing heavily against his lips as the two of you kissed passionately. You pulled away, smiling at his flushed face, "Probably sounded like we just made a baby." you giggled, wiping the sweaty strands of his hair from his forehead. "If they ever find out I got a vasectomy, they might have a heart attack," Toji smirked, making you giggle as he peppered kisses on your face. "So maybe we should." He added, dropping his kisses to your neck as the two of you embraced each other, his softening cock still snug in your walls.
In the room over, a fuming Naoya sat on the edge of his bed, his jerking slowing over his softening cock, covered in his own cum as he tried to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "Fucking... bitch.." He whispered into the room, covering his ashamed face with the back of his arm as he flopped back agaisnt his sheets.
The two of you spent another hour cleaning up and enjoying each other's company as you sat outside of Toji's room, your back against the wall of the sliding glass door, Toji sitting in front of you, your clothed feet in his hands as he massaged them softly, listening to you speak. "You ready to leave, princess?" He asked when the conversation died down. You sighed, "I wish your family weren't such assholes, food always tastes better when it's free." Your husband gigged as you retracted your legs, pulling on your sandals as the two of you stood to your feet.
"I'll take you out tonight, you look so pretty in this after all, it would be a waste to not enjoy you out like this," Toji said, walking up to you and holding your waist in his hands as he gave you a one-over. You smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips before the two of you made your way back inside to say your goodbyes to the men of the household.
Entering the same room you met them all in before, they were all in their respective places, even Naoya. They all looked over at the two of you as the doorway slid open, Toji's hand on your waist. "We won't be staying for dinner, it's been awful, as always," Toji smirked, looking around the room but spending a little extra time on Nobito and Naoya. You smiled in faux politeness, the bright red bite mark on your next standing out like a sore thumb when you tipped your head to the side. "You think you can just use my home as some sex hotel, and leave?" Nobito asked incredulously, raising en eyebrow at Toji before taking a large swig of the alcohol. You silently prayed he would die in this moment of alcohol poisoning.
Naoya's face was bright red as he stared at the pair of you in disgust, his observant eyes picking up the bruises across Toji's neck from you stranging him in bed. "Watch us." You replied, which made a proud Toji Zenin look down at you and smile. The two of you backed up and shut the door behind you, leaving quickly without another word.
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peachypinkygloss · 8 months
say it — jjk
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Jeon Jungkook isn't a guy you're really familiar with. You have a lot of mutual friends, but somehow you've never shared a conversation with him before... until it changes and you end up exchanging more than a couple of words.
♱ pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
♱ genre: friends to lovers, university au, smut
♱ word count: 2.3k
♱ warnings: drugs consumption, shy!oc (extroverts are not real), himbo!jk 🫶🏻, they're super cute i love them, jk loves her tits, dry humping, unprotected sex (i thought about doing it protected for the first time ever but fuck off lmfao), tits play, squirting.
a.n.: yes 3d came out so here i am with my porn <3 enjoy 😸 tell me if you like it!!
"Mind if I take that off?" He points at your top; a grey hoodie that has a tight fit on you.
You look down and shake your head from side to side before glancing up at Jungkook. "I don't," you sheepishly smile. You're sitting on his bed as he's standing up in front of you, towering over you with all his height.
He brought you to his dorm after the diner you had with all your friends. Jungkook turned down the offer to join them at the party that is currently taking place downtown, inviting you to his room instead. You obviously accepted — way too excitedly — because how could you refuse a man as pretty as him? And anyway, that party didn't seem much fun to you compared to a night with Jungkook.
You shift yourself closer to the edge of the bed shyly, presenting your chest to him. He catches the zipper of your hoodie between his thumb and his index, tugging it down slowly.
You trap your bottom lip between your teeth as he gets you rid of your clothing, leaving you in your white tank top with thin straps. "And that too," he purrs, gripping the end of your top and passing it over your head. His eyes settle on your breasts supported by your lace bra, your skin looking so soft to him. "Would you lay down for me, pretty?"
You bob your head and push yourself to the middle of the bed, letting your upper body fall on the mattress. Jungkook faintly smirks, appreciating the cute view you're giving him with your boobs out and your hair sprawled around your head.
He crawls over to you, his knees dipping in the bed on each side of your legs. You hold in your breath as he hovers over you, hands sneaking behind your back to unhook your bra.
When he does, the garment discarded somewhere on the floor, you hide your tits with your arms, face heating up in embarrassment. Jungkook pouts at that, his cute pink lips pursing out.
"Baby, don't be shy. Show me how beautiful those tits are," he demands, hooking a finger over your wrist and pulling it down to reveal your naked chest.
You let him see your breasts, squirming a bit uncomfortably, fighting the urge to hide yourself again. He cups them in his big palms, warm and soft, your nipples hardening under his hands. He leans down to kiss you slow and passionately, biting down on your lip and making you whine quietly.
He breaks your exchange and lowers his head to your chest, your breath accelerating when you understand what he has in mind. He sends you a cheeky smile before diving in and taking one of your nipples in his mouth. You sigh shakily at how great it feels, the warmth and wetness of his mouth making your eyes roll back.
You pass your fingers through his black locks, gripping on it when he bites a nipple gently, glancing up at you with a playful glint in his eyes. He continues to suck, licking it and twirling his tongue around it, playing with the other with his hand.
He lets out your bud with a 'pop', wrapping his lips around the other one. He repeats the process, rolling your wet nipple under his calloused palm, having you arch your back and push your chest into his face. He hums, appreciating that he's procuring you a lot of pleasure to the point of eliciting moans out of you and making you squirm under him.
"Jungkook..." you call his name and he groans in response, loving how the syllables roll on your tongue, coming out so sweet and shy.
"Say it again," he breathes out, hooded eyes set on you. You blink at him, too distracted by him pulling on your little buds and pinching the soft skin of your breasts. "What's my name? Say it, baby," he orders, though his voice is low and husky, making goosebumps appear on your skin.
When you don't answer quickly enough to his taste, he bites you again, a loud gasp escaping your mouth. "Jungkook!" you exclaim, taken aback, but still really turned on, feeling your core heating up and wetness pool in your panties.
"That's right, pretty girl," he approves proudly, his face now above you, his hot breath fanning across your burning face. "Scream my name, tell me how good I make you feel," he sings in your ear, his hips swiftly grinding against yours.
He leaves lots of kisses down your neck and tits, appreciating your stretch marks and how tender your flesh is. You lock your legs around his waist, bringing him closer to you — if it's even possible at this point.
"So good... Really good," you answer breathlessly, sensing the bulge in Jungkook's pants rubbing against your clothed pussy. Your arms are now around his shoulders, his face hidden in the crook of your neck, still smooching and biting it lovingly.
"Yeah?" He chuckles, genuinely happy to know you're liking the gentle treatments he gives to your body. "Ah, fuck," he keeps grinding his cock against you, fully erect and ready to be buried into you.
He then removes his t-shirt, throwing it away before coming at you and crashing his mouth on yours. You slide your palms up his chest, feeling how strong and defined his abs are, slightly flexing under your adventurous fingers.
Your shyness is still there, but the longer he dry-humps you, the crazier you become and you desperately need more from him.
So you pull down on your pants, bringing your panties with them, and undress yourself completely, except for your little white socks that you don't bother getting rid of. Jungkook has to stop his kisses and grinding, looking down at your uncovered pussy, wet and aching for him — solely for him.
You pull on his jeans, colliding both of your pubis together, arching your back again at the feeling of his hard and big cock against your sex. "Please, Jungkook," you beg quietly, sad puppy eyes looking up at him. "Put it in. Want to feel you."
Jungkook can't say no. "Of course, baby. Whatever you want," he agrees rapidly after, unzipping his pants, removing both his jeans and boxers.
You shiver at the sight of his big cock, standing tall against his toned stomach, his tip swollen and leaking so much pre-cum. It twitches in front of your eyes, as if telling you itself that it wants to be in your cunt so bad.
He grips his member with his tattooed hand, giving himself a couple of strokes, growing fully erect. He guides the tip of his cock to your pussy and you open your legs wider to welcome him. He swipes his cock head through your slicks, watching how it glistens so much, coating himself in your juices.
He circles your entrance with his tip and you moan softly, loving how he slightly enters and exits your hole, wanting you to get used to his prominent size. He eventually penetrates you after a few seconds of adjustment, leaning down and placing his hands on each side of your body.
You grip his biceps, sinking your nails into his skin adorned in colourful drawings, leaving small crescent forms behind. Your mouth hangs open, letting out quiet and soft moans. Jungkook groans, exhaling heavily when he bottoms out in you.
"You're so big," you gasp, but the stretch of your pussy is so good.
He starts to move, cock sliding in your cunt so smoothly without any barriers at how wet you are. His cheeks are flushed, tainted in a soft shade of red, his pretty brown eyes looking at where your two bodies connect.
"Sorry," he breathes out, seeing how your face is contorted in an expression of pain, or maybe pleasure, he's not sure. "I'll go slower..."
"It's okay, Jungkook," you reassure because even though it burns a little, it's not uncomfortable enough to make you want him to stop. "You can go faster, please," you say a bit shakily.
"Yeah? I can do that, you sure?" He asks, just to be sure and to tease you, of course. You nod your head immediately, letting out a little moan when Jungkook decides to unhook your legs from around his waist and bends your thighs over your belly. "Do you feel me, baby?"
You bob your head again, croaking out a low 'yes'. He picks up his pace, thrusting in you faster and harder, your tits bouncing up and down on your chest. In this position, you almost can feel him in your guts, going in so deep he repeatedly brushes over your sweet spot inside you.
You take a hold of your knees, keeping them bent for Jungkook, allowing him to have a better view and access to your soaking wet pussy. His hips roll swiftly over yours, precise and lithe, making you moan his name each time his skin comes in contact with yours in a harsh thrust.
He leans a hand on the wall behind you as he keeps pounding into you, boobs jiggling at how hard he goes on you. You don't mind it, on the contrary, it makes you feel so many new sensations. It's like everything is bubbling in your tummy, ready to explode and make you see stars.
He keeps hitting your sensitive spot, the knot in your stomach tightening as you clench and unclench around him, literally sucking him in.
"So tight, baby, shit," he curses, his dark eyebrows frowning as he looks at his cock entering and exiting your quivering hole. "Pussy's so good, fucking dripping wet," he comments, biting down on his pink bottom lip, silver piercings shining under the light of his dorm room.
"Jungkook, it's- I-" you stammer, your words not aligning correctly in your mind before saying them. The pleasure is so strong, something you've never felt before. Why do you feel like this?
Jungkook glances up at you, waiting for what you were about to say, but your eyes are shut, chest heaving rapidly. You frown, still trying to figure out this intense feeling unraveling at the pit of your stomach. There's one thing you know; he needs to continue fucking you because you don't want to lose this feeling.
"Keep going, keep going!" You say hastily, your back lifting up from the mattress. He listens to you, even going faster, literally sending you into heaven because the next thing you feel is certainly not real.
You let the pleasure of your orgasm take over you, knot snapping in your stomach. Your toes curl and you have to pass your arms around his shoulders, hugging Jungkook tightly as your high hits you like a brick.
Your thighs shake in his large palms and white spots appear in front of your eyes. You don't know what's happening for a fraction of seconds, his cock thrusting in you as a clear liquid floods out of your pussy.
Jungkook looks down in awe, seeing it coming out first as little droplets, then in bigger amounts, wetting his thighs and pubis. You haven't predicted this and neither has he.
"Fuck, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen..." He says, still surprised, but so turned on. It doesn't take much until he feels his own high coming close, your walls hugging him tightly enough to send him over the edge.
He steadies his hips over yours as you regain consciousness, feeling his cock twitch in you. He cums in your pussy, filling you up to the brim, both of your releases mixing together.
"Jungkook, I'm so... Oh, no," you grumble, feeling extremely embarrassed. You've squirted, if the wet puddle under your ass is any proof of it.
You hide your face with your hands, but he stops you from it, wanting you to look at him. "It's fine, baby, really," he coos softly, still nestled in you. "I don't mind. It was super hot, not gonna lie," he smiles, showing you his bunny teeth. "Didn't know I could do that... with my dick."
You roll your eyes, but still let out a genuine laugh. You didn't know either.
Outside of the dorm building, Jungkook calls you a taxi at the telephone booth. He kindly offered to pay for it, and you said yes.
You've got something different on; a white t-shirt with 'hurt lover' written on the front that you've stolen from Jungkook. It fits you loosely, but you don't really mind. It's warm and smells like him.
He comes back to you when he's done with the call, keeping you company until the taxi arrives. "Mind if I do?" He shows you a pack of cigarettes and you shake your head no.
He lights himself a cig, covering the flame of his lighter with a hand so the wind doesn't put it out. You watch him take the cigarette away from his mouth when the end has burnt, blowing the smoke out.
It's a bit chilly, the cold autumn breeze making you shiver. Jungkook leans his back against the brick wall and he opens his arms in your direction, inviting you to snuggle with him. "Come here," he smirks.
You place yourself in front of him and then lay your back against his chest. He passes his arm over your shoulder and you cling on it as he uses the other to bring the cig to his pink, soft lips. He tilts his head upward to spit the smoke out of his mouth so you don't accidentally inhale it.
You wait like this for a couple of minutes, enjoying each other's presence until your taxi is finally there and you have to leave him. You turn around to face him and he's already smiling at you. "Bye," he says, a bit of smoke coming out from his nostrils and mouth.
He gropes one of your ass cheeks as you lean in to kiss him on the lips. You squirm away and giggle, waving him goodbye.
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fairytsuk1 · 20 days
Waitwaitwaitwait but what if r was sating akatsuki but wasn't into degradation and stuff. Like she prefers praise and nice stuff like that
katsuki with a soft!gf
katsuki groans against you, your poor twin bed creaking under the shared weight of you two. he's not exactly gentle as he litters your body with marks of his own. he leaves two, one near each breast and one on the right of your thigh, before he dove his face in and ate you out like a man starved.
"taste fuckin' delicious," he groans, hand grabbing your chin to kiss your plush lips. he smirks wickedly when he pulls away, "you agree?"
you immediately kick at him with a flushed face, "you're so nasty, katsuki."
"you still want me," he huffs quietly as he settles back on his haunches, tapping your thigh to flip over. "plus, I can't help it when you're spread out fa' me like this. you're dripping, baby. look so fuckin' sexy."
his hand smooths comfortingly down the curve of your back, encouraging you to arch further as you wiggle your ass enticingly. katsuki watches enraptured, cock hard and smearing precum against his navel.
"please," you beg instinctually. your head turns to pout at him with needy eyes, "fuck me, katsuki. wanna feel it."
his red eyes rake over you adoringly as he adjusts, fisting himself with a hiss as his head tips back toward the ceiling. he refocuses with a heavy breath, nudging your knees wider, "yeah, gladly, baby."
it's only the tip, but you're already caving for him with a broken whimper. your head stuffs itself into the pillows, and your boyfriend can only chuckle as he squeezes the fat of your ass.
"relax, you've taken it before," he croons softly as he bullies another inch into you. "can feel how much you like it, squeezing me so tight. gonna cream this dick, hm? fuck, you're so beautiful."
the last part comes out just a bit softer and more loving as he squeezes your hard that flies back for comfort. he interlaces your fingers, hand holding yours tenderly as his hips snap against yours. the skin on skin is so loud and lewd that you hope no one can hear, but the thought is fucked out of you as katsuki loses himself in your gummy walls.
"katsuki, oh, ohmygod!"
"what, baby? c'mon, tell me."
your man only grins as you babble to him, but he only noses your neck and kisses you to remind you he's there and loves you. your eyes roll back and he feels a hot rush of pleasure course down his spine. god, he'll do anything you ask.
you'll say katsuki's pussy-whipped, and he'll never deny it, only looking away with pink cheeks and ears.
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aweina · 8 months
Could I request the reverse of your ‘when you catch them staring’ headcannons? And with a lot of teasing from the reader too?
୨୧. heart eyes — mortal kombat one. kameos : sub-zero. scorpion. smoke + johnny cage & raiden
when you catch them staring at you.
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bi-han tries to make his staring unnoticeable. with his silver mask blocking away any emotions that he could display, his eyes have become naturally expressive over time. they gleam whenever you pass by him, a foreign softness to them. the permanent scowl is less intense when he takes a moment to memorize details of your face. your eyes captivated him the most — a whirl of emotions so deep set into your irises. he could stare at them for hours on end.
it’s when you asked bi-han to revise tomorrow’s training module, his staring is much more obvious in such a closer proximity. his dull brown eyes look restful, more hazy with warmth that contrasted his deadly cold nature — yet he still looks terrifying, but it could never be helped when it came bi-han, it was his resting face. when you quickly look up for a reply, he realizes all too late that he’s caught, yet his stubbornness tells him not to falter under your gaze as he mentally cursing at himself for his blatant act of staring.
“are you angry at me or is there something on my face?” you quirked an amused brow with a smile, tilting your head cutely.
bi-han just grunted in response, snatching the scroll off your hands and raising it against his face to avoid your teasing gaze — thankful his mask hid his redden cheeks. the grandmaster would have to die of old age before he admits that he admires you from afar. but for now he’ll deal with your relentless teasing.
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kuai liang loves to admire beauty whenever he encounters it. the vibrant, pink blossoms grown in wu shi academy always made him smile. the fresh greenery and exotic plants that he cared for always brightened his day. but all those things were incomparable to your beauty and intellect. he loves to watch you fight — even looking past the sweat and messy hair after intense training. he watches you with adoration when you converse with the younger trainees — resilient and beautiful — he thinks.
you tended to him after he comes back from a mission, offering herbal tea and a scenery of his garden under the moonlight. you converse with him, although it’s one sided. kuai liang stares at your lips, soft and pretty — curling into a sweet smile. you notice that his soften eyes were directed on your lips. a rush of heat flowed through your body, how long had he done this for?
“what is so interesting about my lips kuai liang?” you muster the courage to ask, mentally thanking madam bo for gifting you tinted lip balm.
his reaction seemed halted before he realizes he was indeed caught. he chuckled nervously as he propped himself up to turn towards the luminance of the moon. kuai liang was flustered, but when he felt your balmy lips on his cheek, all the shame in his body vanished.
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tomas isn’t subtle. at all. he’s very much aware of that, even his brothers and the young trainees tease him for being so smitten at plain sight. even so, he still cannot help but continue to stare at you with a loving daze — nervously fiddling his fingers behind his back. through his daily admiring, tomas came to the conclusion that he loved everything about you. his eyes tend to dart to your bright eyes, soft lips, pretty hair, and silky skin.
when you’re accompanying him with his training, cheering and playfully applauding at the younger ninjas dueling in an tense battle. the action playing before tomas was lost in time. it was blurry, silent, unmoving but all he could see is you — manipulating this time stop in his mind with your raw radiance. then his eyes widen when you met his gaze and suddenly he’s panicking. with trained speed, he’s now looking down at his feet, whistling a broken tune.
“this is the third time i’ve caught you staring, you know that right?” you mused, uncontrollably giggling when tomas nods in flustered acknowledgment.
tomas looks up from his feet and sighs in defeat. even caught another time, he’ll still take the opportunity to look at the scene before him — your cheerful grin and gleaming eyes. if his staring problem can make you this happy, he doesn’t see why he should ever stop.
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johnny cage is a shameless man. he loves to flirt and proudly embrace his failed attempts at flirting. eye contact is key, he believes. a very effective technique to swoon others and an act of intimacy without touching. johnny loves to stare at you, in hopes of meeting your eye and share a perfectly cliche romantic movie experience. but with your oblivious nature, he hasn’t been successful just yet. although he learned that he loved your smile — instead of his usual attraction to anything below the face.
mindlessly wondering around the fire temple, johnny finds you sitting on the stairs while reading a rather thick looking book. he immediately joins your side, flashing a white smile as he enthusiastically boast about his acting career. even if your eyes aren’t on him, to much to his disappointment, you acknowledged every word and responded in interest. then he gradually stops talking until he’s mute and you grow concerned.
“johnny, did you fall asleep?” your brows furrowed as you turned to him, his head resting on his knee.
with his frosty blue lens, you couldn’t tell if he’s awake or asleep. slowly, you took the frames off his face and flinch in shock. his eyes were wide open, staring at yours with unfamiliar intensity for a moment. then you smile and turn away flustered. finally! he made eye contact and was rewarded with your beautiful smile. johnny’s hollywood charm works … most of the time.
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raiden is clueless when it comes to his staring problem. he doesn’t mean to stare half the time, it was a force of habit — automatic admiration. you were simply bewitching, even in simple attire that was paired with a stained apron. his eyes are big and soft when he looks at you, even so when he talks about you. it could take kung lao screaming in his ear for raiden to snap out of his enchanted state. he promises himself to be more subtle, and so he did.
you’re pacing around the tea house, serving refreshments with impressive finesse while warmly conversing with the local villagers. under his straw hat, raiden watches you intently — noticing the loose stands fall on your face as it tickles your neck. your soft hair frames your face perfectly, dancing through the air like silk in the wind — one of your most beautiful features. under a smitten daze, he doesn’t notice how your body is much closer and how your voice was much clearer, soothing his ears.
“it’s okay to call me over for a chat raiden, i don’t bite.” you jested as you tilted his hat back with a finger, meeting his eager gaze.
he’s blushing now, beet red. a nervous laugh escaped his lips as his eyes averted to the side — caught in the act. you only adoringly smile at him, leaving the check on his table as you tend to another customer. another friendly interaction, raiden thinks. but when he looks at the check, a small heart and the time you’re off work was written on the parchment. his cheeks suddenly hurt from smiling too hard, he couldn’t wait. but for now, he’ll kill time by watching you from afar.
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© aweina : please do not copy, repost, or modify any of my content.
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auggieblogs · 16 days
freckle kisses ֶָ֢ | MV1
Max Verstappen x fem! reader
Author's note: Hello, lovelies!!! I hope everyone is doing good. This fic has been in my drafts for a while now and I finally had the motivation to edit it today. The Max brainrot is very real, I cannot stop thinking about his little freckle. He is so beautiful🥹. Anyways, I hope you all like this piece. Happy reading<3
ALSO fun fact, I have a freckle that's right below my lower lip jshshdjdhs I don't know I think it's a sign!!! (im delusional)
―୨୧⋆ ˚masterlist
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Max was used to the routine. Before the haze of sleep fully left him every morning, he would feel the soft, warm press of her lips against the tiny freckle on his upper lip. It was her unique ritual, a habit she had never skipped, and he had come to adore.
As the sun streamed through the blinds of their bedroom, she stirred beside him, her eyes fluttering open. Without missing a beat, she leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on his freckle. Max smiled, his heart swelling with love.
"Morning, love," he murmured, his voice still heavy with sleep.
"Morning, Maxie," she replied, her voice light and cheerful.
Every day followed this pattern. Whether Max was leaving for a race, taking a break between practice sessions, or they were about to make love, her lips always found that freckle. It was her little act of love, and Max never questioned it. He cherished it
One lazy Sunday afternoon, they were lounging in their living room, a movie playing in the background. She lay on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. Max absentmindedly played with her hair, occasionally pressing soft kisses to her forehead. She sighed contentedly, snuggling closer.
Max felt her shift slightly, and there it was again. Her lips met his freckle in a gentle kiss before trailing a line of kisses up to his lips. "I love you," she mumbled softly against his skin.
"I love you too," Max replied, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
He paused momentarily, a curious look crossing his face, "Why do you always kiss my freckle?"
She looked up at him with a shy smile, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "It's silly," she said.
Max tilted her chin up gently, his eyes searching hers. "It’s not stupid if it’s something you do," he said softly. "Tell me, please."
She took a deep breath before explaining, "Well, my mom used to tell me that freckles or moles are spots where lovers used to kiss you in past lives. She said they’re like beauty marks, little reminders of love."
Max's expression softened, a tender smile spreading across his face. "That's beautiful," he said, his voice filled with genuine emotion.
She laughed softly, the sound like music to his ears. "I told you it was silly."
"It's not silly," Max replied, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles gently, his eyes never leaving hers. "It's one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. And I love you for it."
Her heart swelled with love as she looked at him, feeling incredibly lucky to have someone like Max in her life. "I love you too," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. They stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other’s warmth, the movie long forgotten.
Max chuckled softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "So, every time you kiss that freckle, it’s like you’re saying hello to my past lovers?" he teased.
She laughed, playfully swatting his chest. "Or maybe it’s just my way of marking my territory," she quipped back.
Max laughed, the sound rich and joyful. "Well, consider it marked," he said, leaning down to capture her lips in a loving kiss.
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yuutx · 28 days
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choso kamo x f!reader ノ 18+ content. ノ nsfw ノ shibari ノ dacryphilia ノ multiple orgasms ノ dirty talk ノ spitting in his mouth ノ prostrate vibrator ( m ) ノ hair pulling ノ dirty talk ノ begging ノ msub + fdom ノ not proofread ! ૮꒰ྀི ´ ꒳ ` ྀི꒱ა
jjk manga spoliers : i was so upsetti when i saw choso died soo um . . in order 4 all of us choso lovers 2 take our minds off of it, here's a lil pick-me-up ! art credits go to @/n9c4z on danbooru ♡ + ↻ are rlly appreciated ! !
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"Look at you, baby boy.. such a pretty little thing.." You cooed, running your fingertips up his thigh, stopping right below his ass, digging your nails into his flesh. Choso whimpered, his thighs trembling, his cheeks flushed a pretty shade of red. He was on his knees, his chest pressed against the floor, his wrists bound together behind his back, the ropes wrapped around his arms and chest, digging into his skin, creating pretty little indentations on his soft pale skin. His hair was a mess, tangled and sticking to his forehead, his lips parted as he panted, his eyes half-lidded, tears streaming down his face, soft sobs escaping his throat. You leaned over him, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple, before pulling back and giving his ass a sharp slap, a strangled moan leaving his mouth.
"Look at how wet you are.." You said softly, moving your hand between his legs, sliding your fingers over his slit, teasing the head of his cock, a whimper slipping past his lips. His cock was shiny and sticky with his own arousal, the tip glistening, the slit leaking precum. His balls were drawn up tight, the skin stretched taut. He was dripping onto the floor, his whole body trembling, his toes curling.
"So wet and messy for me.." You whispered, grabbing a handful of his ass, spreading his cheeks apart, admiring his tight little hole, the rim red, puffy and viably twitching, the muscles clenching and unclenching around the vibrator that was buried inside of him. You smiled, giving his ass another firm slap, before leaning forward and licking a stripe along his taint, feeling him shiver underneath you. "You're so beautiful like this, all tied up and spread out for me." You said, wrapping your fingers around the base of the vibrator, turning it up a few notches, watching his hole stretch around the toy as it began to buzz. "All mine to do with as I please.." You mused, grabbing his cock, giving it a rough tug, his body jerking in response, a broken moan leaving his lips. You slid your hand up his back, tangling your fingers into his hair, pulling his head up, forcing him to look at you, your grip tightening as you pulled harder.
Choso's eyes rolled back, his jaw slack, a stream of drool dribbling down his chin. He was a complete and utter mess, his hair matted, his face covered in a mixture of sweat and tears, his cheeks stained pink. He was shaking, his legs weak, barely able to hold himself up, his muscles strained and trembling, his entire body drenched in sweat. He was gasping, his breath ragged and labored, his lungs burning, his throat raw from the constant screaming and crying. He couldn't think straight, his mind clouded, his thoughts incoherent and jumbled, his vision blurred. He was barely able to string together a coherent thought, his words reduced to nothing more than incoherent whines and moans, his words slurred and sluggish, his tongue heavy in his mouth. "M-mm..mm-more, plea-please, please, pleaseplease.." he managed to choke out, his body convulsing as his balls constricted, a spurt of cum shooting out of his slit, landing on the floor. "I-I n-n-need t-t-to, mm, cum, p-please, pleasepleaseplease, need-t-to c-c-c-c-um.." He begged, his voice hoarse, his words trailing off, his eyes rolling back in his head, even more so when he felt gooey saliva land in his mouth, a gurgled moan leaving his throat as he swallowed the thick glob, his body shuddering.
You let go of his hair, pushing his face down into the ground, watching him sink to his knees, his ass raised high, the vibrator still buzzing, causing his legs to quiver and his hips to buck, his cock bouncing as it slapped against his stomach. He was a whimpering, sobbing mess, his body limp and pliable, his limbs unable to move, his mind hazy and fuzzy, his body feeling like it was on fire. He did his best to remain upright, his knees spreading further apart, his ass cheeks parting, the vibrator moving deeper inside of him, rubbing against his prostate, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through his veins. "Mmh, mommyyyy.. mommy, p-please.." Choso moaned, his voice muffled by the ground. He was so close to cumming, his cock throbbing, aching for release, his balls tightening, his stomach clenching, the pressure building and building, until finally he felt his cock swell, his orgasm hitting him hard, his hips bucking forward as he came, thick ropes of hot cum coating the floor beneath him, his cock pulsating and twitching. His body went slack, his legs giving out, his knees sliding across the ground, his arms limp at his sides, his entire body sagging, a long drawn out moan escaping his mouth, his voice hoarse, his throat raw.
The vibrator continued to hum inside of him, his hole clenching and unclenching around the toy, milking his prostate. Choso's hips moved involuntarily, his ass swaying from side to side, his body moving on its own, his cock already half hard, the tip still oozing precum. "H-hhm…mm.. turn it off..p-ple-ase.." he gasped, his voice raspy, his body twitching, his limbs tingling, his skin tingling. "P-pleas-e.. I-I can't…" He whimpered, his eyes fluttering shut, his head falling forward, his shoulders slumped. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breathing erratic, his heart hammering inside his chest. He felt dizzy, the room spinning around him, his vision blurring. "M-mommy.. please.." He begged, his eyes snapping open, his mouth opening wide, a scream ripping from his throat, a fresh wave of tears falling from his eyes, his body writhing and thrashing on the ground, the vibrations intensifying as you turned it up further, the toy pressed firmly against his prostate. "N-ngh, no! S-sto-p! Hnn.. aaah.. n-no!" Choso cried out, his ass rippling, his body rocking forward, his knees sliding further apart, his head dropping down, his hands balling into fists, his nails digging into the flesh of his palms. "Mmmph, I-I can't.. hol..hold back-!" He sobbed, his legs tensing up, his spine curving, his toes curling, his teeth clamping down on his bottom lip. "I'm g-gonna.. c-c-cu-um! I'm gonna cu-um..! Mmm- Cumm-cumming again! Nnnhg.. mmn, fuck! Ffffuck!"
He was completely helpless, unable to control his body, the pleasure too intense, too overwhelming, his mind and body completely and utterly consumed by ecstasy, his nerves tingling, every muscle in his body screaming for release, his body writhing and twisting, his limbs jerking uncontrollably. His cock pulsated and throbbed, continuous spurts of pearly arousal shooting from his slit, the floor beneath him becoming slippery. He was making a mess everywhere, the puddle beneath him growing larger, his thighs and calves drenched. "Aaaah-ha.. ha-ahh.. ahnnn-h-haaah!" Choso wailed as he came down from his high, his cock pulsating and throbbing, the vibrator continuing to hum, the sound reverberating throughout the room, his ears ringing, his body shaking violently. "N-nggh, I c-c-can't h-hand-le it..!" He stuttered, his voice cracking, his vision blurred, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was panting heavily, a gasp of relief escaping his mouth as the vibrator was removed, his hole clenching and unclenching, a shudder rippling through his soul. His arms and legs were numb, his fingers tingling, his knees bruised from where he had been kneeling. "Oh.." he mumbled, his eyes fluttering shut, his heart rate slowing, his breathing evening out, a quiet sigh leaving his lips.
"Poor thing, you're absolutely filthy.." You tutted, running your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp. Choso whined softly, his face heating up, his cheeks burning, a deep crimson flush covering his entire face. "So messy.." You added, trailing your fingertips down his back, tracing the outline of his spine, pressing down slightly. He flinched, a whimper escaping his mouth, his body tensing up. You leaned down, your breath hot against his ear. "I'll clean you up, don't worry.."
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
snow leopard!gojo, who pounces on you in the early morning, brushing his nose against yours. he nips at the soft skin of your cheek and then at your earlobe, giggling to himself as you begin to stir under him.
cracking open your eyes, you're met with a giddy big cat. his tail can't stop twirling around – he's just so excited. he bumps his nose into your again with a big grin before pulling back and situating himself onto your lap. he's so cute.
he thinks you're cute, too. all sleepy and comfy and warm. he watches you rub the remaining sleep from your eyes with a yawn and he wiggles his hips on top of you, diverting your attention back to him. he points to the window with way too much enthusiasm and he revels in the way your eyes widen at the sight.
big snowflakes dance in the air and it just looks so beautiful. no wonder why he's so revved up. the light from outside illuminates the whole room and you take the moment to admire him. his pretty crystal-blue eyes are glued to the window; snowflakes swim in the pupils and he's perfect. white hair and white eyelashes, he looks like a proper snow angel. his dark fuzzy ears twitch and a smile makes its way onto your face.
his tail swings by you and you grab onto it gently. it's so soft. you let it swirl around your hand and fingers and now he's staring at you. his lips are so pink and so are his cheeks. and the tip of his nose. he's extremely excited.
so, you usher him off with a laugh, ordering him to put some warm clothes on while you do the same.
he doesn't need as many layers as you do and he thinks you look absolutely adorable all bundled up like that. he fake-bites your nose just before stepping out, making your face scrunch up with a laugh. pulling on your gloves, you rush after him. his eagerness is rubbing off on you, there's no fighting it. he looks so happy and that's making you happy, too.
satoru doesn't waste a second before diving into the snow. he literally dives in head first and you stare at him in shock. his head pops back up and he has the most beautiful smile on his face. he shakes his head like a wet dog, making the snow fly everywhere. his eyes lock onto you and you know what's coming. backing up with a nervous laugh, you try to escape your boyfriend but you can't.
his giggles echo over the street as he tackles you into the ground. soft snow breaks your fall but it doesn't really matter because the only thing you feel right now are the butterflies in your stomach. he's so close. his whole body rests on top of you and it's nothing new; it's ridiculous, how he still has this effect on you. he brushes a few stray hairs from your face and his breath fans over you.
"you're so pretty."
his voice is gentle, the syllables falling from his lips just like the snowflakes outside. slow and full of love, ready to engulf you completely in them. there are stars in his eyes as he stares down at you – dainty flakes adorn his hair and his cheeks are redder than ever. he's perfect.
he presses a quick kiss to your lips and then he's already scrambling off of you, leaving you in the pile with a flustered expression. when you push yourself onto your ass, you see him rolling around in the snow and you can't surpress the loud laugh that creeps up your throat. his head whips towards you and he gives you another bashful grin. your heart feels so full.
satoru is laying down on his stomach and he's wriggling his ass like a real cat. he looks silly (and so fucking cute). his big crystal eyes stare at you over the snow pile and your cheeks hurt from smiling. he plays his part in being a big bad predator and he lunges at you again, proud of the sounds spilling from your lips. you spend another fifteen minutes by running away from him. by throwing snowballs at him. by getting tackled. by laughing so hard that you almost piss yourself. and by getting kissed stupid. he can't keep his hands away from you for more than a minute and you couldn't be any happier.
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