#but the t shirt !! man idk it feels like i should be able to buy it off a rack in a supermarket (which i guess is the whole point)
hersweetrevenge · 10 months
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rohan campbell as corey cunningham [X]
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aerodaltonimperial · 10 months
that spooky lighthouse au epilogue
(idk man i re-read this fic and was like oh, i love that universe still, that was so much fun to write, maybe i should write a little ending? so here you go.)
Darby wakes before the sun.
At this point of the season, not that much before, but enough that the glow coming in through the blinds is still a muted, reddish hue. It’s learned behavior, really; he was always woken up when something went wrong, or when the lighthouse turned itself on, and now, the instincts are slow to fade. Except that now he wakes up and stares up at the textured ceiling tiles of a just off campus apartment that’s far too small for the amount of people currently living in it.
There’d been a nightmare at some point last night, the kind that worms its way down into his bones. He runs a hand over his face and sighs. Then he rolls over to slide his arm across Jack’s waist. Jack is an indulgent sleeper—he never fails to curl around Darby’s hold, scooching back against him without waking up. He’s the sort of person who has never had to worry about his well-being while he slept, never had fear tickling the back of his neck even in his dreams.
Darby envies him, but more than that, he’s determined to make sure that stays true. He curves himself along Jack’s spine, slotting his knees behind the other’s. Presses a kiss to Jack’s shoulder, the little bit of skin peeking out from beneath his shirt collar. Sometimes, Darby can fall back asleep and catch another hour or two. This morning is not one of those times.
When it’s obvious he won’t be able to get any more rest, Darby slides out of Jack’s grasp and creeps quietly out of the room. There’s only one main room, separated into the living room and the kitchen; counter space is severely lacking, but neither Hook nor Jack seem to be much for cooking. The coffee maker holds a space of honor in the corner. The timer hasn’t switched on yet, so Darby flips it manually.
He’s sitting on one of the unpainted kitchen chairs, staring out the sliding glass door, when the door to the other bedroom opens. Hook makes it halfway out before he realizes Darby is there. Then he frowns, blinks, and sets his phone on the counter. “You’re up early.”
“So are you,” Darby returns.
Hook shrugs. He’s dressed in shorts and a tank. “Going to the gym. Can’t sleep?”
“Happens sometimes.”
Hook nods. He goes to the fridge and pulls out a bottle filled with an obnoxious green smoothie, one of those ridiculously expensive things both of them tend to buy without even thinking. He seems as though he’s getting ready to leave, but pauses before he hits the door.
“Hey,” he says, to get Darby’s attention. “I know you saved his life. So...thanks.”
“He’s annoying as fuck, and I swear he doesn’t have an ounce of sense in his head, but he’s my best friend,” Hook says. “I don’t know where I’d be without him. So. Yeah. Thanks.”
Darby nods once, slow. “You’re welcome.”
“You’re still an ass,” Hook tells him.
“Feelings mutual.” Darby jerks his head back towards the bedroom door. “He up yet?”
“Nah. He’s pretty lazy sometimes.” Hook doesn’t bother to wave when he leaves, just grabs his keys from the holder nailed to the wall. But the coffee is done, so Darby gets a cup. It’s some organic brand; the bag boasts that it was grown, like, beneath only blue lights that had been locally sourced in dirt flown in from a tiny island in the Pacific or some shit. Darby doesn’t know where the hell they buy this crap. Tastes good, though, so maybe he shouldn’t complain.
Halfway through the cup, Danhausen wanders out from the room. He squints blearily at Darby for a moment before waving a hand. “Ah. Good morning.”
“For an all-powerful entity, you sure would be easy to kill in the mornings,” Darby says.
Danhausen grumbles out something unintelligible when he goes to the counter to hunt down a clean coffee mug. “Yes, yes. Be sure to put a big neon light up when you invite things in. Danhausen will hardly be the most interesting specimen in the apartment.”
When Darby makes a face, Danhausen offers a wide smile. “Darby has been touched by an otherworldly. He is considered a delicacy in some realms now.”
“So has Jack.” Darby frowns.
“Huh,” Danhausen replies, with overly false surprise. “An added bonus.”
That makes Darby think a little. He takes another sip. “You keeping everything away?”
“Perhaps,” Danhausen says. “But it is not a full-time job. We are not very high on anyone’s lists. And right now, Danhausen will go shower, so that we remain that way: unnoticeable.”
Darby doesn’t really know what a shower has to do with not being noticed by dangerous entities from other worlds, but whatever. He finishes his coffee, pours another cup, and goes out onto the balcony. Dawn has broken, painting the sky red. Here, they are far enough from the coast that the smell of the sea is hard to pick up, but Darby lived his life by the brine, and he’d know it anywhere. It’s strange to be looking out over the morning and not hear the roar of the waves or the screams of the gulls.
Eventually, the door slides open behind him, and Jack pads out onto the metal. “Hey. When did you wake up?”
“Not that long ago,” Darby replies.
“I’ve only got Lit and Calc today, so I’ll be back early.” Jack leans over the railing, both elbows propped up against it. “Wanna hit somewhere near the beach for dinner?”
Jack studies him, chewing on his bottom lip. “You okay?”
Darby turns, back hitting the rail. He loops an arm around Jack’s shoulders, mostly so he can pull the other in closer, press his face against Jack’s hair pulled back in a messy bun. The coconut scent of his shampoo is strangely grounding. His t-shirt covers none of his arm, the tattoo that’s still healing to hide the shadowy marks that will never go away: overlapping ocean waves against the rocks.
Against his better judgment, Darby misses those rocks.
But he’s here, standing on a balcony overlooking the sprawling student apartments that carry far too high a rent, drinking overpriced coffee that Hook will bitch about having to buy more often with more people drinking. Darby drops a kiss against Jack’s temple as Jack curls in closer, fingers sliding up beneath the hem of Darby’s shirt.
“Yeah,” Darby murmurs. “I’m okay.”
And for the first time in maybe forever, he really means it.
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zukuist · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞
200 followers special
includes: multiple characters (would add more tags but.. i reached 30 ;;)
your name is shortened to y/n, they/them pronouns
notes: thank you for 200 followers! this isn’t really going to be that long, but im just doing the characters i really like so ;; ALSO I MIGHT’VE GOTTEN KIRI’S ENTRY A LITTLE WRONG so ugh sorry ;;
shouto todoroki
from the start, he’s quite oblivious to certain things, (social ques, signs of romantic interest, etc.)
but when he’s observant with someone, then that totally means you’re special to him. does he realize how much he pays attention to you? hmm.. maybe?
he’s going to be the first one that notices you’re hungry, even if you don’t realize it yourself. he’s quick to grab a snack and break it open to you
same thing with being thirsty— if he notices that your water bottle is empty, he’ll quickly find the nearest vending machine and buy a bottle.
temperature is also no problem. he can immediately tell whenever someone’s cold; but he usually helps you first
too hot? he’s slowly putting down the room’s temperature
too cold? his left palm starts emitting some sort of heat in your direction, hoping it creates some sort of aid
if your shoelaces are undone, and/or he notices that there’s a button undone on your shirt— he’ll fix it for you
will ask to take your pictures on dates, and he’ll also help you pick out the best photo (not that any photo of you is short of any beauty)
in short— people will notice that he’s actually a big simp for you; because of how observant he is with you specifically.
katsuki bakugou
just because he’s simping for you doesn’t mean he’ll treat you any differently. bakugou will be bakugou, and you eventually learn how to adapt to that.
but even so, his simp habits slip out sometimes.
when he’s cooking, he’ll accidentally make too much to eat, and he’ll coincidentally put the extras in another box and hand it to you
he’s a good student, even with studies. but would he say he’s a good teacher? hm. probably not
but if he notices you need help, he’ll sigh, feining annoyance as he decides to tutor y’all, because those ‘idiots’ are hopeless
rolls his eyes when he sees food on your cheek, but he’ll grab a tissue and wipe it off for you— claiming how you’re so messy.
he’ll act like he hates hearing your ‘annoying ass singing’ but he’ll lean against the doorway and listen to you rock out to whatever song you’re singing to.
denki will call him a simp for looking after you, and bakugou will just yell at him to “SHUT UP” >:T
he secretly likes taking care of you. his words aren’t the softest thing in the world, but his actions make up to it.
izuku midoriya
as katsuki bakugou would call him; he is a nerd
he definitely meant that as an insult, but his input on detail makes it very useful in things like relationships
he remembers every detail of your quirk, your limits, potential secret moves.
it would’ve been stalker-ish, if it weren’t for the fact that deku does this out of admiration for his s/o
so if you so happen to collapse due to overusing your quirk— deku has a detailed plan on what to do. it’s almost scary.
he puts detail in a lot of things, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, and so on.
deku’s also the type to plan things weeks before it actually happens. like.. planning out the perfect birthday gift
and with this, his memory is really good. so it’s very unlikely that he’ll just suddenly forget anniversaries and birthdays.
i hc deku as a bad cook, so he eats takeout food more than his homemade food
but he’s takes note of your allergies, your dislikes with food— and he finds himself mumbling small details to recall what you like
when you walk out in pretty/good outfits for dates
his face will break out into shades of red— suddenly rambling all the good details of your outfit, complimenting you while he’s at it
“y/n’s looks fantastic as always. i might die from their beauty”
if anyone calls him a simp, he’ll be really embarrassed about it. “me? a s-simp? is that a bad thing?”
just tell him it’s fine.
denki kaminari
a big simp
like.. really big
he worships the ground you step on, and hypes up everything you do
y’all know when irene from red velvet literally breathed in north korea, and the crowd just
yeah, that’s denki to you
it’s so blantly obvious that he’s simping over someone, and everyone’s just kinda used to it at this point
he’s just a big fanboy sometimes
whenever you’re sparring with someone, he’s always in the background like
“go s/o!!” 🤩
and he has tendencies to go a little easy on you like.. what’s he gonna do when you get electricuted??
but that doesn’t mean he’s never serious— nah.
there are times where he’s just a little bashful just being in your presence
sneaking glances your way, as he silently fanboys about you in general.
“s/o looks really good today. they always look good but !!”
when y’all weren’t together, the bakusquad was just tired of the constant romantic pining
it was really obvious that he was simping back then, and they’re not so sure as to how you didn’t say anything about it
mina always called him a simp
so yeah!! it was a big relief when you got together with him. he never makes you feel terrible, because he’s always your #1 hypeman.
eijirou kirishima
— THE HELPING SIMP (rip idk what to call this)
i didn’t really know what kinda name i went for this one but let me carry on
kiri upfront is very confident, and friendly. he never shows a mean side to anyone,
and there are rare cases of him being bashful
he’s kinda almost like a golden retriever? since he’s always nice and friendly to everyone
but then when you enter the room; he suddenly goes quiet, and he’s left alone with his rather loud thoughts about you
he didn’t really know how to properly approach you at first
but him being kiri, he’s still rather friendly to you (for now)
when he’s messing around, practically sharing one braincell with kami and sero
and then you suddenly walk in— he snaps out of his foolishness, and greet you with his very warm smile
“hey y/n!” he waves at you, and he hopes you don’t mention the teasing look on both kami and sero’s face
sometimes when he’s doing his close combat training, and he notices that he’s getting too close to you
he’ll be like “woah man, maybe we should move locations.” bc he doesn’t wanna hit you by accident ;;
kirishima prefers to not stand near you when his hair is all spiky. like he’s never conscious about it, until he’s around you
man poked sero with his hair before, and he doesn’t want to do that to you
kiri always looks at your hand, just to see if it’s occupied with something. his thoughts linger to what your hand might feel like
“their hand looks really.. soft. argh! i shouldn’t be thinking about these kind of things in public! im sorry y/n”
bakugou really only notices kirishima’s simping ways
bakugou always mentions the fact that kirishima goes really silent whenever you’re around—
and he’s secretly contemplating on having you around more so he can just shut up 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
moving aside all of that, kiri always carries your things.
you’ll beg him to give you at least one thing, and he’ll say no because it’s “not manly to let someone carry all of this.”
if you’re sad, he’s the first one to cheer you up— reassuring you that everything will be okay.
kiri’s just wants to be at your service at all times! it’s manly to help people, right?
hitoshi shinsou
no one would be able to tell that he’s simping for someone
because unlike kaminari; he’s not like IM HITOSHI SHINSO AND IM ACTUALLY A SIMP
he’s a lot more discreet, and no one has really caught on, besides you and kaminari of course
he’s a lot less sarcastic with you, asking you about anything that’s happened instead of just being there
he prefers it to hear you talk. the way each word and syllable rolls off your tongue smoothly, and the way you use your hands to emphasize things
he’s amused.
oh and the way he looks at you? almost any normal person can sense the simp in him pop out (he’s so contained though)
he’s definitely the person that’ll get rid of any bug that’s terrifying you— even though he’d normally just leave it to them
he’ll do it, regardless if it’s the biggest fucking spider he’s ever seen, or the smallest spider
he’ll do it to make you feel safe.
he has these random spurs of compliments during the day
the source mainly comes from his staring habit
and they’re just so unexpected and out of the blue. hitoshi’s amused whenever he sees your reaction to his compliments
like.. you could be really frustrated about something, and he’ll just go “your eyes are pretty.” that’s his discreet method tO MAKE YOU TEMPORARILY DISTRACTED FROM THE ISSUE—
call him a simp, whatever. it’s true anyway so he doesn’t why should he be ashamed of it?
he’s discreet about it, since it’s your business and his business. but you can definitely feel his feelings loud and clear
neito monoma
— THE 180 SIMP
“i’m not a simp!”
[you enter the room]
*nervous laughter*
he had his last laugh, and he never thought he’d be this soft around someone.
especially if you’re from class 1-A like.. i became the thing i hated, ugh.
relentless teasing is amped but this is his way of making sure you remember him loud and clear
but he’ll never tease you in a condescending way— like how he torments the rest of class 1-A
that’s reserved for them 💅
always compliments you, that’s the first thing he does when he sees you—
and they’re never generic compliments either
“it’s nice to see you here, y/n! you make the world better day by day!”
“i’m still wondering what you’re doing in class 1-A, you’re much better than them!”
everyone secretly wonders how you got monoma to like you
monoma canonically likes pastels. spread the word
so sometimes, you’ll walk over to your desk— and you’ll just see this random pastel ornament sitting on your desk
you know who it’s from
whenever monoma starts becoming annoying, kendo will definitely use you as a weapon to make him shut up
he’ll be laughing at the expression on his face, thinking he’s absolutely winning at this
but the smile is wiped off his face when he hears “ok go on, i’ll tell y/n about your antics.”
“no, no! i’ll behave now, please don’t tell y/n.”
class 1-b literally use you as blackmail whenever monoma acts up, and it’s because of how different he is around you
like.. his personality takes a 180, (besides the obvious teasing) it’s alarming
©️zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not repost my work❕
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wizardgame100 · 2 years
Things I like to think would be neat in Wizard101:
= Wizzy Cafes! This could be a place to get specific treats/drinks for your pet or for YOU! There's one on every world and you can buy recipes there to actually learn how to Cook at your house / dorm with a Kitchen Table (like a Crafting Table). Meals or Snacks you make can give you boosts for a short period of time (it saves on Crowns too) = Maybe when you learn a spell it shows you what the spell is or what it does? Like when you get a new spell, that Professor demonstrates it? (I just don't know how this would work with spells that you get from packs smh)
= There should be like a hangout area that isn't just the commons. The commons gets way too jam packed. Even if it's just like another gate attached some where in Wizard City that just leads to a small zone where people can hang out. (My immediate thoughts were like the Life House but then I thought maybe with more of the carnival vibe in WC, idk man I just spawn in the Commons and my computer wants to die) = Aging up feature. I feel like I've said this before too many times (lmao) but the idea that when you get to a higher level, your character ends up growing a little bit taller and the option of facial hair may appear? With this I also think they should have older options anyway. Where's my cool hair with a stress streak >:(
= Non Gendered clothing, Wizards should be able to be GNC as fuck. Even if it's as small as letting a Fem Wizard wear pants come ON we are NOT in the 50's, people!! Speaking of 50's, they should have more items that are based around eras or are just fun. "But Wyshe, a Wizard in a t-shirt and leather jacket isn't magical!!!" Bruh you're no fun that would be sexy as hell.
= Packs should be worth Gold too
= ZONES should be worth Gold too!!! Like BRUH let people play your game!! I'd be more willing to put hard work into shit like that. Maybe make it to where they Main Quest isn't blocked by a paywall and make it to where you have to work hard in the playable Main Quest and Side Quests to be able to do other shit or something I don't know I'm angry huff
= Add more POC hair styles. Add more varying hair styles in general honestly?? Along with glasses? Or SUNGLASSES. That'd be sweet as hell. More cosmetic stuff in general would be just *chef's kiss*. You can put a bandage on your wizard's nose or piercings or tattoos or for all my Death and Shadow wizards, how 'bout some of that black gradient at the finger tips leading to the arms, aye? aye???
= Can there be normal pets worth Gold. I just want a normal ass cat, bro. Just give me a cat. Or a normal ass dog. I just want to come home to a normal ass cat please I'm begging you I have so many imps in my house help me
= Wizard Baja Blast
Anyway let me know what y'all think these are just my late night ramblings<333
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Hey I love your content. Would you be able to do a Derek Hale NSFW alphabet please?? Thank you. I love how you write his stuff
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pairing: derek hale x fem!reader
warnings: smut → NSFW alphabet
headcanon 🖤
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests are open🖤
request guidelines✨
smut night masterlist 💦
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
(i've written a headcanon on this)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
honestly i wanna say derek loves your hands
now hear me out
he loves having your arms wrapped around his back as your nails drags down his back
or when your hands reach out for him
or holding your hand while fucks into you
would love to tie them up but would secretly miss the feeling of them over his body while he pleased you
would also love when you pull his hair
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
fuck omg okay derek would get off on making you cum
that man would love when you cum - you'd be moaning his name, gripping the sheets, body shaking, pussy throbbing and pulsing
to make you cum while he fucked you and have you pussy pulsing around his cock
that would make him feel so good too
plus i think being able to make you cum would be such an ego boost too - like don't think that little shit wouldn't be cocky about it though hahah
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
oooh bitch okay so we all know how werewolves have increased senses
and so i feel like he'd use it to his advantage
he'd be able to hear the way your heart beats faster when you're getting closer to the brink of orgasm
or he'd be able to smell your arousal dripping off you and he'd use that to tease you - this could be by running his finger up your thigh, squeezing your ass
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i mean it's literally cannon that he's had experience before lmao
so that being said, derek would know how to please a woman
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i think it's hard for him to really choose one specific position?
like he'd like lots of different positions tbh
but one might be when you're on your back and your ankles are on his shoulders while he fucks you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
okay so i know derek is the most serious guy but that doesn't stop him from having fun during foreplay
or when he's being rough with you - when you giggle at teasing or him tickling you slightly, it comforts him bc he knows you're doing okay
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i dont really think he cares about that tbh
like i'd like to say he's groomed but idk
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
derek's not really into pda, so any alone time you guys get is when he loves to hold and kiss you
and so during sex i think he'd love to hold your hands or hold you close ya know
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
derek would get himself off when he knows you're not in the mood
he'd hate to be one of those partners that expects their significant other to get them off every time they were horny or have the view that just because they're together it means they have to do it all the time
we love a respectful king
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
ugh would 100% begging and light bondage
to have you pleading for him to let you cum or to even touch him would drive him wild
would be such a dirty talker too oh my lord
would love when you're in charge
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
his loft lol and that's it
his car if you're lucky
like i said, he's not that big on pda so i can't really imagine him fucking you in semi-public placs
but the rare exceptions would be if you were seriously misbehaving and teasing him lol
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
derek would love seeing you fight!!
seeing you destroy the monster would make him have that 'that's my girl' thought ya know
you'd be so focused and using the combat moves derek taught you
awh he'd also love you when you do little things for him
like make dinner or buy him something nice (like a shirt or something)
or even if you did the grocery shopping for him bc there's so little food in his loft omg
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i think derek is really good at knowing your limits which would result in you rarely having to use the safe word
so basically anything that would push you too far tbh
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
would be the king of pussy eating!
derek would never expect you to give him head (especially during the first few times)
but oh my he would die happily whenever you did
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
okay so i think when he eats you out, he'd be slow and really wanting to take his time with you - you've got all night so what's the rush?
but fucking you is a different story
he'd be rough - fast and hard and would love changing positions a lot too
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
these would be either for 1 of 2 reasons
1 - you're misbehaving so he fucks you hard in a public bathroom or even his car in the parking lot to each you a lesson
2 - when you look so damn good, especially if you two were going out for a group dinner or something that requires you to get al dressed up
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
both of you would be up for experimenting
but he would suggest going over ground rules of what you absolutely do not want to try so he knows not to suggest trying
i suppose he'd the type to try things in the moment too
like there'd be one time where he blindfolded you for the first time bc he just thought of it
you were okay with it, of course, but it's things like that that makes sex with derek really exciting
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
um okay but have you seem his normal stamina???
that man would go for hours and not get the least bit tired
derek would love to see you all fucked out and exhausted ahah
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i'd say he'd experiment with toys too
wouldn't be a fan of using them all the time (besides the obvious handcuffs and blindfolds lmao) but would still be up for it
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he'd be such a bitch when he ate you out
would stop right before you're about to cum and ask how good it feels before going back to eating you out
that little break only causes a stronger orgasm for you which of course he knows - derek would be so smug about that too lol
would also perceive you in a nice dress (as mentioned before if you guys were going out to a nice dinner or something) as you teasing him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not loud - i'd imagine low grunts and maybe a louder moan when he cums
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
derek hale is a switch
he would love the power balance between you both
he'd love to be the one to dominate you, but would 100% love when you do that to him
ahh omg and would secretly love when you tease the hell out of him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i wanna say pretty big lol 👀
like i dont think we should be surprised lmao
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
high but not ridiculous you know
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
sweetie would love to cuddle you afterwards and play with your hair
would also fall asleep by doing that too lmao
tag list: (click here to be apart of the tag list!)
@dylanobrienhehe // @jermaee // @boxofsteampunkplaces // @mollyknm // @greengarsstuff // @bailaycantaconmingo // @angelcbf //@daniellegreavess // @shrekaliciouz // @v3niceb1tchldr // @stellastyless // @jenniferrvsesi // @madaline1hatter // @bellabadacadabra // @mutlifandom // @babygirl-angel-love
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xmint-conditionx · 3 years
⊹ lava cake ⊹ birthday sex | myg
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✜ pairing: yoongi x reader; yoongi x fem!reader; dom!yoongi x brat!reader ✜ word count: 3.4K ✜ summary: your friend dragged you to this huge house birthday party for some guy you don’t even know, and she disappears with her boyfriend, leaving you alone in the crowd. while trying to find her, you lock eyes with a handsome stranger across the room who looks like he could use some company. ✜ warnings: 18+ only, light slapping, casual sex, orgasm denial, overstimulation, sex w/ a stranger, unprotected sex (pls be safe y’all), rough dom, slight public sex?? (idk y’all are behind closed doors but at a party so?????), oral (f), slight degradation. ✜ a/n: hiya! bringing this gem back a day late for the best boy's birthday! wrote this for his birthday a year ago, and one day it will get the sequel it deserves. yoongi w mint hair is my inspiration for my name, so this holds a special place in my heart.
i really hope you like it! thanks, luvs, enjoy!
<3 minty ✧
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The crunch of ice in your mouth from your now empty drink is a welcome distraction from the overall din of the loud party guests and even louder music. You scan the large open living room of the house again for your friend and her boyfriend, but they’re nowhere to be found. “Wait right here, we’ll be back in a minute” Micha had said as Taehyung took her over to another part of the house, presumably to meet with another friend of his. That was half an hour ago. You impatiently begin searching the room once more for any sign of Micha’s bright pink hair, furrowing your brows in frustration as you come up with nothing.
As your eyes are rapidly moving from face to face, your search is halted by a minty haired man who is staring directly at you from the other side of the room.
He’s nestled in by the foot of the staircase, back leaning against the railing, red solo cup in his hand. The ends of his hair caress his tiny ears, which are decorated with long and dangly silver earrings, alive in the colored lights of the party. By the time you’ve assessed the man in full and return to his eyes, his eyes are still locked on yours. Unwavering, like a challenge.
You hold his gaze almost threateningly, but he doesn’t flinch away from your heavy eyes. While maintaining eye contact, he gently sips out of the red solo cup before brazenly eyeing you up and down and raising one of his brows in response. After he finishes his sip, he again makes deliberate eye contact with you and runs his tongue over his bottom lip, collecting the drops of drink that was left there.
Your friend is nowhere to be found, so you might as well go and make a new one.
You break away from his lingering stare to fill your cup, and then you make your way through the crowd to the challenger on the other side of the room. You expect him to be looking at you when you return into his line of sight, but are shocked to discover the opposite.
Where his gaze was full of intention, it is now lackluster. Where it had been on you, it now seems to be looking at nothing at all. The empty space in the middle of the room. You walk up and say the only thing you can think of that will get a conversation going.
“Lame party, huh?” you say, taking a sip of your drink and leaning into his direction.
“Yeah,” he says, still looking out into the distance, “I’m not really enjoying it either.”
“I don’t really know anyone here. I’ll be honest with you; I don’t even know the birthday boy. My friend’s boyfriend is a friend of his or something and she dragged me along so she ‘wouldn’t have to go alone’ or whatever.”
“Why aren’t you with her, then? You’d probably be having more fun.” he says as he finishes another sip.
“If she hadn’t disappeared on me an hour ago, I would be! This place is huge and I don’t want to go wandering around some strange man’s house. You’d think with all the money he has he’d at least be able to have better taste,” you say as you point to a bookshelf by the fireplace. “I mean look at that lava lamp! The 80’s called and want their aesthetic back, right?”
The man next to you just shrugs, “I don’t know. Some people like them I guess.”
You move your pointer finger to another corner of the room next to the bar. “That piano too? It looks so beat up! It doesn’t make sense with the rest of the decor at all. I wonder if this guy is alright. His head can’t be right.” you say and the man next to you snickers a little. You turn to him and meet his gaze again. It’s playful and a little dark; it makes you want to continue. “He could literally just buy a much better looking piano.”
His expression darkens further to a playfully scrutinizing one. “You’re awfully bold, insulting the host while you’re still at his party. If I were you, I’d watch that pretty little mouth before it gets you into trouble.”
This is going to be good.
“Oh yeah? And what if I don’t?” you fire back, staring up at him through your lashes. “Doesn’t seem like anyone is trying to stop me.”
He lets out a drawn out sigh and scratches the back of his neck, “Yeah, you’re right. And what a shame that is. I’ve got about a million ideas about what you could be doing instead of running that mouth. More… productive things.”
You raise your eyebrow at him. “Who says I’d actually take you up on your little ideas, hmm?” you tease.
His eyes darken further, and you know you’ve got him.
“Well, it would be your loss,” he says.
You dramatically roll your eyes for maximum sass, “Yeah right, I’m sure.”
“Is that a challenge, little miss?” he asks, his gaze narrowing and his body closing in on you, trapping you against the railing of the staircase. You begin to feel like prey, a sensation that only dampens your panties further. At this close distance, you can just begin to smell his aftershave. His free hand brushes up your exposed thigh and starts to slowly ascend up past the hem of your short skirt. Your heart begins to pound and your legs start to tingle as you hesitantly meet his gaze again. He leans in closer.
“Aww, cat got your tongue?” he sings in your ear, making you bite your lip. You can feel the heat flushing your cheeks. He can likely feel the warmth that is spreading to other places, because his hand stops just outside of the cloth of your underwear.
“Mmm, let’s see if you can stay this quiet when my tongue is in your slit. Now, be a good girl and follow me.” he says, suddenly backing off and walking up the stairs. You wince slightly at the lack of warmth, but don’t hesitate to grab his hand as he leads you up.
He brings you to a set of double doors to the immediate right of the top of the stairs. The light is already on and you can see that the ensuite bathroom’s lights are on as well. He turns back to shut both of the doors and you hear the faint click of the lock.
“Is this the master?” you ask, taking in the details of the room. “I don’t think the birthday boy will want people fucking in his bedroom.”
He’s back on you in an instant, arm around your waist, pulling you up against his chest. “I guess you had better keep quiet then.”
Your lips are suddenly being pressed against his. He immediately deepens the kiss, receiving your tongue into his mouth with sloppy enthusiasm. He starts backing you up towards the side of the bed. Once you get there, you’re shoved down onto the mattress, bouncing slightly as you recover from his kiss. You watch dumbly as he deftly strips off his leather jacket and yanks off his plain t-shirt. Once his stomach is exposed, you find your mouth open and watering at the sight of the little happy trail under his abdominal muscles. You don’t have time to process any of it though, because in another instant he’s on top of you, straddling your hips.
He hooks his thumb into your gawking mouth, holding it open and says, “I’m going to rip you to shreds, little girl. If it becomes too much, say genius. Do you understand me?”
You nod sheepishly and swallow hard.
“Let’s hear you say it then.” he demands, removing his thumb from your mouth.
“Genius?” you say in almost a whisper and he begins to grin.
“Good girl. Remember, stay quiet. We wouldn’t want to disturb the party,” he says, removing his weight from on top of you while shifting you up the bed so that he can situate your hips under his face. He doesn’t bother taking off your skirt; he just forces the fabric up, exposing your already soaked panties.
“All this for me? I haven’t even touched you yet,” he teases.
You huff in frustration. “Yeah, you should probably get to that already.”
He responds with a smart little smack on your still covered clit. You clench and moan at the sensation, looking down at him with your best puppy dog eyes. He is unimpressed.
“What did I say about watching your mouth, brat?” he says as he hovers right over your heat, just close enough that you can feel his breath when he speaks.
“I’m sorry,” you groan out as your legs begin wiggling in hopes of getting his lips to make contact.
“That’s better,” he says, teasing your entrance outside of your panties with his thumb, sending sparks up your spine. “I just don’t know if you want it badly enough, princess.”
“Ugh,” you scoff, “I don’t know what else I can do! Pleeeeease?”
“Please, what?” he asks with a smirk, sending you a look that is filled with fire. “What is it that you want me to do?”
“Please taste me,” you beg with fistfulls of the comforter, and in that instant, he rips off your panties and is busy sucking on your clit. You let out a silent scream at the new sensation, hands pulling even harder on the blanket. He licks down your slit and then into it, sending another wave of pleasure through you. You’re already so wound up that you’re close to the brink, almost teetering over the edge when you grab his hair and start to buck your hips into his mouth, chasing your release.
He pulls away, much to your distaste, earning a whimper from you.
“Whyyyyy did you stooooppppp?” you whine, and he shoots you another dark look right before he slaps your clit again, this time much harder. You let out a yipe as you involuntarily clench around nothing. “I was about to come…” you say in the most adorable voice you can muster, poking out your bottom lip for full effect.
“Who says you get to come?” the man replies, your slick coating his lips. He plunges two fingers into you and starts a slow, teasing rhythm.
“Please, move faster, I–” your voice is cut off when he starts flicking his tongue on your clit, bringing you dangerously close. You know better than to tell on yourself, and you clench in anticipation of your orgasm… but he quickly stops everything and leaves you to come back down slowly, agonizingly.
You’re desperate and dizzy with desire, on the verge of tears with how badly you want to come. He’s kissing your inner thighs, leaving little marks here and there where he sucks and bites. It’s like he’s comforting you through the torture, by somehow making it worse.
“Ple– Please just let me come. I’ve tried to be good,” you plead, consumed with want.
He stops his little kisses and looks up at you. He says, “One more, you can do one more. I know you can. Then I’ll give you what you want. I think you might have learned your lesson.”
He takes the fingers that were just inside of you and puts them in his mouth, drinking up every bit of your wetness that he can. There’s no resistance when he reinserts them. He sets a menacing pace, curling up his fingers to hit that sweet spot, his lips fixed on your clit and his clouded gaze fixed on you. Before long, your release starts to build again, and you try to hold it back as best as you can. He comes off your clit with a wet popping sound and says, “Not yet. Don’t you dare come,” his fingers still pushing you ever closer.
His gravelly command makes you clench and that does it. You’re rocketing through your high and he fingerfucks you all the way through it. He pulls his fingers out and gets off the bed, leaving you to come down from your climax with closed eyes and labored breath.
Before you’ve fully recovered, you’re suddenly being hoisted up. He’s got your back up against the headboard, that much you can tell. When you open your eyes, you can’t believe what’s in front of you.
The mint haired man’s lips are mere inches away from yours, and he has pinned your arms down at your sides. You’re straddling his lap, which is now only covered by a pair of black boxer briefs that aren’t doing much to hide his erection. The outline of his dick with it’s tiny wet spot at the head makes you swallow, hard.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, I told you not to come, princess,” he teases. “It seems you need a different approach to learning your lesson. Since you wanted to come so bad, you’re not leaving this room until you’ve done it three more times.”
Your mouth hangs open; your eyebrows shoot up. You don’t even know if that’ll be possible.
“But this time,” he says lowly in your ear, “you’re going to come on my cock.”
He takes your hands and puts them on his waistband, indicating for you to remove them. As you do and his cock springs free, you can’t help but to lick your lips at how utterly delicious it looks. If he didn’t have other plans, you would have gladly taken it in your mouth that instant.
He takes his member in his own hand and teases your entrance with the head, mixing his precum with your leftover wetness from before. Just that touch has you ready to go again. You take matters into your own hands, literally, by taking his shaft and lining him up with you. As you sink down onto his cock, his breath hitches and you’re glad that you’re not the only one who is being tortured tonight.
His hands are tight on your hips, your skirt having rode all the way up a long time ago. His eyebrows are knitted together in concentration, and before he allows you to start, you see his eyes dart to your cleavage and back up.
“Take off your shirt for me,” he says.
“Why should I?” you snark back.
He quickly pulls out and thrusts all the way up into you, filling you completely up, sending a cry past your lips that was likely too loud. You’re suddenly more keenly aware of the ongoing party right outside those doors. You comply with his request, and he seems pleased that you weren’t wearing a bra underneath your blouse.
“Number one,” he says and unleashes a cruel pace. The lewd sounds of your bodies slapping together only heighten your arousal, and you’re not surprised when you get close to your next orgasm. Sensing this, he grabs your jaw in his hand and directs your gaze to meet his.
“I’m– I’m gonna–”
“Come for me, brat.”
Your second one of the evening shoots fireworks all throughout your body and you clench all over, relishing in being able to fully ride it out. You can’t hold all of your noise in this time, but neither of you seem to mind. As you come down from this one, you notice that he hasn’t slowed his pace at all. What was once the most pleasurable thing has now crossed over into being a little too much, but in a good way. Your sensitivity was almost painful, but this new sensation had enraptured you. You were ready to try for another.
There’s a banging at the door, and you both freeze. A voice comes through the other side.
“Yoongi, was that you in there? We’re about to light your cake. Come out so we can sing to you!” the voice says over the din.
“Give me 5 more minutes, Namjoon-ah! I’m in the middle of something,” the man, apparently named Yoongi, apparently the birthday boy, apparently the one who you’ve been insulting all night, yells back.
You stare up at him in shock, and try to figure out what to say to apologize. He wants none of it, because he covers your mouth with his hand and flips you down onto the mattress. He resumes his unrelenting pace this time with more force behind his thrusts, all while his hand is fast against your mouth.
“That lava lamp,” Yoongi said, “that was the first thing my mother bought when she got her first apartment. She passed it down to me when I got mine.”
You’re moaning against his hand, the embarrassment you feel fueling your arousal even more. He really was out to punish you.
“Number two.”
He grabs your hip with his free hand and digs his fingers into you so firmly, you’ll know there will be bruises there the next day. Yoongi is glistening with sweat, his eyes staring straight through you. All it takes to send you over the edge again is for a smart nip on your nipple.
You scream out into his hand, thankful you can at least be a little more vocal. He still has kept up his pace, and as you come down, it starts to become too much. You’re so wet and sensitive that it’s borderline unbearable. You start to tear up at the feeling, and he removes his hand from your mouth. Without stopping, he leans into your ear and tells you how beautiful you look taking his cock. He tells you how good you’ve been for him, and how he loves the way you taste. He tells you about how he knew he had to have you when he saw you across the room, looking like sin in that short skirt and revealing top. He says he knows you can take one more, because after all, it’s his birthday.
“This time, I want to hear you say my name,” Yoongi says sweetly before taking his thumb and pressing it against your overly sensitive bud. You cry out and then stop yourself, afraid of who can hear.
“Don’t hold back on me; be as loud as you need to,” he says, “this is my fucking house.”
You begin to let yourself whine out, the overstimulation reaching a breaking point. Your mascara is definitely a mess, but the way he was looking at you made you not care.
“Number three. Last one. You can do it.”
He increases the pressure on your clit and deepens his thrusts. He takes his hand from your hip and traces your bottom lip with the thumb before he plants a kiss. The kiss deepens and you allow him to lightly graze his tongue over yours, which he follows up with a little bite on your lower lip. You’re groaning up into him, feeling your next release sneak up. He locks eyes with you, and you can tell he’s holding himself back from his own release.
“Come, beautiful. So I can fill you up.”
At that, the coil snaps and you’re sent reeling into easily the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had. As his name spills from your lips, he too meets his own end and you both ride out your climaxes together.
After you’ve cleaned yourself up a little in the ensuite, you deem it safe to return back downstairs. It’s been long enough that you’ve just heard them sing, so you’ll likely go unnoticed with all eyes on Yoongi as he blows out his candles. You walk down the stairs towards the crowd of people surrounding the birthday boy and his giant chocolate cake. He’s smiling and hugging some of his friends who are encouraging him to cut it open. Once he does, chocolate sauce oozes out and everyone cheers. It’s a lava cake.
He laughs and hugs one of his tall friends wearing an apron, whose laugh sounds like windshield wipers. Yoongi scans the crowd and meets your gaze. He scoops up a bit of chocolate sauce on the two fingers that had been inside you only moments ago and smirks at you as he licks them clean.
Why do you feel like he isn’t done with you yet?
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devanthus · 2 years
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You want me to say it again?
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Rating: SFW
Word count: 3,000+
Warnings: ??? This is one of the first things I've ever written that isn't a school paper of some kind, which should be a warning in itself; otherwise not much. Implied food poisoning. Excessive use of dashes and semicolons. Self-indulgent angst/fluff bc I've had a stomachache for 3 weeks now (but no spice bc ✨idk how to write it ✨)
Also a huge thank you to @zinzinina who made the moodboard for this!! I’m absolutely smitten with it 💕
It had been nearly a week since you’d seen him last.
Din had landed the aircraft in a secluded meadow on a small, backwater, Maker-knows-where planet a few days ago in pursuit of his latest bounty. You’d absently kissed the side of his helmet before he left, assuring him that you would be more than able to keep yourself occupied while he was gone. There was a small river nearby for you to do the laundry that had been accumulating while the two of you had been in hyperspace, and the climate was conducive to line-drying everything once you were done. Not to mention the mending you knew was piling up (Din was notorious for ripping the arms of his flight suits, much to your dismay), plus you needed to replenish the first aid supplies, and buy food, and…
Even through the impenetrable beskar, you could feel Din’s eyes glazing over as you rattled off your prospective to-do list, and you smirked up at his visor.
“Go on then, I’ll be fine.”
“Be careful while I’m gone.”
“That should be my line.” You glanced over your shoulder and narrowed your eyes at the growing pile of clothing that threatened to spill out of your broom closet bedroom and onto the main deck of the ship. “At least I know that your dirty socks probably won’t kill me in the meantime.”
“Hmph.” The modulator made it hard to tell sometimes, but you thought you could hear the faintest smile in Din’s voice. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“I know.” A beat passed.
“Close your eyes.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, scrunching your eyebrows as you did. A faint hiss let you know that Din had removed his helmet with one hand, and you felt him gently tilting your chin up with the other. Soft lips pressed tenderly against the crease in your forehead, and your heart clenched in your chest at the sweetness of this gesture –the sweetness of this man – you couldn’t see. You tilted your chin up instinctively in an attempt to catch his mouth with yours. Din snorted, and a warm puff of air landed across your nose, causing you to adjust course in your path upward; you sighed into his mouth when you reached it, and your arms snaked up past Din’s scruffy jaw and twined through his soft curls. The two of you stayed like that for a long minute before Din, finally, broke away. You sighed at the absence of his touch, but patiently kept your eyes closed until you heard the hiss of Din’s helmet repressurizing around him. You waited another beat before opening your eyes again, just in case.
“I’ll be back.”
Maker take your kriffing to-do list. You had known it would take a while to mend all the holes you'd noticed lately in Din's clothes (plus one you'd found in your favorite work shirt last week), but you had severely underestimated the amount of time it would take to wash all the dirty laundry you and Din had piled up over the last couple weeks. By the time you’d scrubbed and wrung out every article of clothing to within an inch of its life – and hung it out to dry on a makeshift line attached to the tie-down hook under the wing – the sun was only a handswidth above the treeline and you were never going to make it to the market today. The nearest village on this skughole planet only convened three days a week to sell and barter, and you’d just missed the second day; you hoped Din was safe, wherever he was… and that it would take him at least another day and a half to return, so you could (hopefully) replenish the pitiful store of first aid supplies, caf and food remaining on the ship. It didn’t help that the majority of the bounties whose pucks Din picked up all seemed to have the brilliant idea to hide out on the most miserable planets in the galaxy. Couldn’t one of those kriffing mudscuffers decide to camp out somewhere like Coruscant or Scarif? You supposed you should be thankful, at least, that Din had yet to pick up a puck on a bounty hiding on a planet like Hoth. But still. You were tired of trying to refill supplies on backwater planets that didn't have half the items you needed.
With that, you stomped up the ramp and onto the main deck, the clipped, metallic thunks matching your mood. Food – you needed to eat. You spun left and ducked into the galley – also a glorified broom closet – crouching down to peer into the tiny cabinet and see what options you had. Shit. You really had needed to make it to the market today, as your inspection revealed three ration packs that ranged from slightly to very out-of-date. You picked up the least-expired packet and eyed it suspiciously for a long moment, then shrugged. Beggars can’t be choosers. You dropped the packet into the nano-heater, flipped the switch, then stood up to pull a bowl and spoon down onto the tiny counter.
Once your food was ready, you climbed up into the cockpit — bowl held precariously in your dominant hand as you scaled the ladder — and ran a quick radar scan to make sure that your laundry would be safe outside overnight. You had made that mistake only once before, and the seething fury you felt re-scrubbing mildewy flight suits the next day was more than enough to teach you your lesson. Once you were reasonably assured that the weather would hold, you sat back in the pilot’s seat to consume your dinner and watched the sky fade from orange to crimson to indigo.
The next morning you woke up feeling miserable. You hunched over in your bunk, curling your spine to alleviate the pressure on your stomach, which felt like it was trying to turn itself inside out. The sudden movement made you clap a hand across your mouth, and you had a horrible moment where you considered whether you’d make it to the ‘fresher in time if you got up to make a run for it. You breathed shortly through your nose, willing the spell to pass. In-in-in, pause. Out-out-out, pause. After a long while, it did, leaving you to debate whether getting yourself some water was worth the struggle of sitting up and climbing off the cot. You stretched your legs out slightly and your stomach heaved a second time. Later, then. You retracted your knees to their original position and closed your eyes.
The next time you woke up feeling impossibly worse, with a headache now battling your stomach for your attention. Blergh. You heard footsteps and the distinct clanging of metal handcuffs against beskar get louder, then fade away. A muffled yell, a thump, a loud hissing noise – that would be the carbonite chamber; Din caught a live bounty, then – and silence. You heard Din call your name once, then twice; you groaned out a response that echoed around in your head far more harshly than you had sounded aloud. The footsteps grew louder, and your head throbbed. You heard the metallic slide of the door in its track as Din peered down at you lying in his bunk.
“Sweet girl, I– are you alright?”
“Hnnnnnngh,” you responded, eloquently.
“What’s the matter?”
“Stomach… hurts. Head hurts.” You winced at the sound of his footsteps as he stepped into the small space and knelt down, pulling one of his gloves off to check your temperature. He swiped a few sweaty hairs away from your temple, then gently laid the back of his hand across your forehead.
“You’re burning up. Hang on a second.” He stood up and backed out of the sleeping area.
“Wait,” you croaked, but you could already hear his boots thunking away toward the front of the ship. You laid your head back down.
A few minutes later, you felt rather than heard Din return. He cradled the back of your head up off the pillow slightly and whispered, “Drink.” You sipped hesitantly at the water he tilted for you; and when your stomach gave no signs of revolting, you gulped at it faster.
“Easy there. Don’t drink it too fast,” Din warned.
“Thanks,” you rasped. “Sorry.”
“Hey– it’s okay,” he said. “It’s okay. I got you.”
Once you had finished the cup of water, Din laid your head back down.
“Will you be alright on your own for a few minutes?”
“Yeah, ‘ll be fine,” you mumbled.
“You sure?” His helmet tilted slightly.
“Yeah… ‘m just gonna… close my eyes for a minute.”
“Ok then.” Din reached down to peel his glove off the ground, then stood up with the empty cup and padded away.
You lifted your head up just enough to watch him leave, and noticed that the Mandalorian was dressed in everything but his boots. So that’s how he came back so quietly. Your mouth quirked up at the sight of Din in full armor from his head to, well, slightly above his toes; but as your head dropped onto the bunk again, your heart lurched at the thought that he had taken off his boots just so he could walk a bit quieter. For you.
Outside, Din quickly pulled down the dried laundry waving along your makeshift clothesline. While the forecast yesterday had predicted clear skies overnight, he’d felt the air pressure lowering as he hauled his latest quarry back to the aircraft this morning. He’d been concerned when he saw your clothes still fluttering outside; the last time you’d left the laundry out and it had rained unexpectedly, everyone within a 5-meter radius of you had suffered the consequences for nearly a week. He knew there was no way you would have left anything outside in the increasingly overcast weather, and he had felt uneasy as he’d entered the ship earlier with the quarry in tow. It only grew worse when he’d called out your name and heard only a faint groan in reply; his heart had faltered under his breastplate, and he all but ran toward your voice. When you told him it was just a stomachache, he felt almost queasy with relief. You would be fine. He shook his head.
With a large pile of laundry now spilling up and over his pauldrons, Din stepped gingerly up the ramp and back into the ship. He dropped the clothes down onto a relatively clean crate, then took his boots off again to walk over to his bunk to check on you. You were dozing with your hands tucked around your head, curled in on yourself as if it would ease your discomfort. Under his helmet, Din frowned slightly; he felt as if he'd swallowed a heavy stone. Although perhaps his stomach only ached because he was hungry. After satisfying himself that you were truly asleep, he headed to the galley.
Maker help him. Beneath his helmet, Din scowled at the expiration dates on the two remaining ration packs. He’d told you not to worry about the credits when you’d gone out to buy food last time… was that three bounties ago, or four? Admittedly, he hadn’t been keeping as close an eye on these things since you’d begun handling them. He mostly ate when you were either sleeping or in the ‘fresher, which he only knew because you usually handed him the bowl wherever he was, announced where you were headed, and then left. He had always assumed you ate beforehand, but now he wasn’t so sure. He thought back to before he’d left the ship chasing this latest bounty. If he remembered correctly, the next market would be tomorrow morning. He could buy you proper food then. Din sighed, and turned toward the caf machine instead.
One depressingly watery cup of caf later, he stepped back into his –now your– sleeping area and gently set down some water next to the bunk. He paused for a moment, then spun on his heel to leave – and froze. Din tilted his head down to where your sleeping hand had reached out to grasp at the pant leg of his flight suit. “Stay,” you whispered. “Please.” His heart rate skyrocketed. It’s just the caf, Djarin; she must be dreaming. Calm down.
You’re fully awake approximately two nanoseconds after the words have left your mouth. Kriff. You’d been sure that you were dreaming, and dream you, apparently, had zero inhibitions about initiating the soft, fluffy, clingy things that awake you only fantasized about. The second your thumb and forefinger touched soft canvas, though, you realized your mistake. You always told yourself you had no ulterior expectations of your relationship with Din; you traveled with him, repaired his ship, mended his clothes, and so on, so that he could focus on hunting bounties. Sometimes he (and you, a voice chimed unhelpfully) needed physical release, and you helped with that too. Long days, weeks, months in hyperspace would do that to anyone, you told yourself. Don’t read into it.
Din still hadn't moved. Pleasepleaseplease don’t realize I’m awake; Maker, I will never let myself get carried away imagining us together during a really boring flight again, I swear— your internal plea to the universe cut off abruptly. He was moving… closer? You felt a gloved hand encompass yours, gently removing its grip from his pant leg and setting it down next to your pillow where the other one lay. No. You couldn’t take this. Kriffing Maker, just leave so I don’t have to keep pretending to sleep through this humiliation. You heard the soft swish of canvas again, felt the sudden, indistinct warmth of a large body hovering somewhere just above your head. You fought every instinct in your body to keep your breath light and even. If you weren’t so determined to keep up your pretense, you’re not sure whether you would be hyperventilating at the hot musk of Din flooding your senses right now, or completely frozen and not breathing at all. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. The warmth moved closer, past your shoulder, and solidified into a physical form easing into the bunk behind you. Din’s weight pushing into the fabric of the thin mattress caused you to slide backwards into his chest with a soft whumph, and this time you did freeze for a second. Exhale. Inhale. The two of you stayed like that for a long moment, your shallow breaths gradually slowing to match his until the two of you inhaled and exhaled in unison.
“Is this ok?” Din whispered.
You debated whether to answer him or not.
“If it’s not, I’ll leave. …I-I’ll sleep in the cockpit tonight.”
“No– yes, it’s okay– please don’t leave–” your words came out in a jumbled whisper.
“Sweet girl. I’ll stay.”
Din has a very long night.
Up until this point, everything the two of you had done had been purely physical. Certainly quite a bit of feeling in the moment, but no feelings, plural. At least at first. If Din was being honest with himself, he’d fallen for you a few weeks into your arrangement, and had been resolutely (and futilely) trying to avoid them ever since. But tonight… he knew he should’ve just left, since you’d probably been dreaming when you’d said the words. He couldn’t, though. He couldn’t leave, just as he couldn’t help the acrid pang of worry he’d felt when he’d returned to the ship. Just as he couldn’t help trying to ease your discomfort now.
Once he’d laid down, he could feel your heartbeat hammering away in your chest; you were awake, then. It had taken him a very long moment to work up the courage to ask you if this is what you had wanted. If he was what you wanted. When you hadn’t answered at first, his heart dropped. I knew it, I shouldn’t have hoped… He didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, though, and so he had spoken again. The speed of your response to his offer to leave was soothing, but. Don’t read into it, Djarin. It doesn’t mean anything. Just that she doesn’t want to be alone right now.
It doesn’t help him fall asleep any faster, though.
The next morning, you wake up to the faint clink of a cup being set down next to you.
“G'morning… what time is it?” You open your eyes blearily to see Din leaning over you, once again dressed in full armor (and boots, you notice).
“Nearly midday. Here, drink this. How do you feel?”
You nod to yourself and reach for the cup, then freeze. “Shit– the market–”
“Is almost over. Don’t worry– I got most of the stuff on your list.”
You blink at that. “You… what?”
The helmet tilts down at you. “They didn’t have the kind of caf you like, so I got something similar. I’m not sure what rootleaf is, either, and the locals didn’t seem to recognize it…”
“I… thank you.” You take a small sip of the golden drink in your hands. Whatever Din brought you is bright and pungent, but sweet; it burns slightly in the back of your throat. It’s good. You drain the cup. “What is this?”
“Uh… I’m not sure what it’s called. It’s made of a local root and some spices. I didn’t catch the names, but the woman who sold it said it was good for stomach ache.”
Your stomach flips at the thought of Din asking a vendor to make this for you. “Thank you, Din.”
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Better today. My back hurts, though. Not sure why.”
Din picks the now-empty cup out of your hands and sets it once more on the shelf beside the bunk. “Roll over.”
Doing as he says brings you face-to-face with the far wall of the small sleeping area. Din stands behind you, and you can hear the clinks and creaks of various pieces of metal and leather being unbuckled and set down. You hold your breath as you feel him ease himself down onto the bunk, and you exhale a little louder than you meant when you feel him place a hand on your shoulder. He slowly rubs up and down your spine, pushing at the tension in the long muscles of your back, and you practically melt into the mattress. When Din pushes at a particularly large knot below your shoulder, you emit a rather... forceful hnnnnnngh. To your embarrassment, you hear AND feel him chuff in amusement behind you.
“Does that feel good, sweet girl?”
“Shut– oooooooh. Shut up. Do that again.” Din’s hand doesn’t move. “Please.” The pressure instantly resumes, and you shudder an exhale.
“You know I’ll always make you feel good.”
That shuts you up for a second. You'll... always? No. Don’t read into it.
The two of you lie in silence, Din’s roving ministrations eventually slowing into long, featherlight strokes up and down your spine. Your breathing slows too, and you are just sinking into a hazy light-sleep when you imagine you hear Din whisper into the back of your head.
“I love you.”
I love you too, you think, dreamily.
“Say that again,” Din rumbles.
You freeze like you’ve just been doused in ice water. Fuck. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean- it just slipped o–”
“Say it again.”
“I… I said I love you.”
“I love you too, sweet girl.”
You’re glad you’re still facing the wall, because your jaw pops open into a comically round O. In shock, you dig your shoulder into the mattress and flip over so you’re now staring up into the impenetrable black T of Din’s visor. For the second time this morning, you’re at a loss for words.
“You… what?”
“You want me to say it again?” Din’s arm snakes around the small of your waist and hauls you close until you’re pressed flat against him. Even through the modulator, his voice deepens further. “I. Love. You.”
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pixelated-pogues · 4 years
Insecurity (d.s)
Requested: Yes, and you’re right anon. This concept is immaculate  Summary: You’re feeling insecure and Drew comforts you Warnings: Mentions of specific areas of insecurity (idk how to word that correctly but I don’t want anyone to get triggered for reading. It’s not anything super detailed but I still wanted to put that out there), fluffy Drew ----------------------------------
You stand in front of the full-length mirror, glaring at the reflection staring back at you. Initially you were trying to hurry, Drew and his friends are waiting, but you can’t help but feel trapped in the comfort of his small bedroom. 
You’ve been dressed in your swimsuit for well over ten minutes now, completely ready to go, but you can’t move. Your eyes scan over every portion of your body, welling with tears, as you take in every imperfection. A sick feeling erupts in your stomach at the sight and thoughts of how effortlessly perfect the other girls would look fill your mind.
“God, I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to this,” you groan, turning to the side to watch as you suck in your stomach a little in an attempt to make yourself feel a little more desirable. Dissatisfied with the results, you spin around to search for something else to wear but only growing more upset at the sight of all of your bathing suits littering your boyfriend's bedroom floor. Tears flow freely down your cheeks as you dig through your bag, wanting nothing more than to crawl into Drew’s bed and hide for the rest of the day. 
A soft knock thumps against the door just as it swings open; breaking you away from your thoughts.
“Babe, are you almost re-what’s wrong,” Drew’s voice fills your ears, halting your movements as you rush to wipe away the tears rolling down your flushed cheeks. 
“Yeah, I’m almost ready, just give me a minute,” you cringe at how strangled your voice comes out. You’re met with his concerned gaze as you turn towards the door, watching as he quietly shut the door behind him and stepped closer to you, a deep frown etching onto his face at your disheveled appearance.
“Why are you crying,” he pouts, cupping your cheek in his hand so that he could catch your tears with his thumb. Your arms instinctively curl around your waist, insecure thoughts rolling through your mind as Drew stares at you curiously.
“It’s really nothing Drew,” you brush off, shooting him a fake smile. “I’m just not feeling well is all. You guys should go ahead, I think I’m going to stay in and get some rest.”
Drew’s frown only deepens at your words. He knows you’re lying. Of course, he knows that you’re lying. You’ve never really been able to keep anything from Drew. His blue eyes always search yours for any tell that you’re lying, and he catches on to the way that your words slightly slur together when you do. 
“You’re not feeling well,” he repeats, clearly not buying it. “Babe, what’s really going on?” Both of his hands cup your face now as a gentle encouragement to get you to look at him. You stare into his eyes from a brief moment, a quiet sigh falling from your lips as you gently untangle yourself from his grasp. He watches you pick up one of his t-shirts off of the floor, pulling it over your body before you plop down on his bed, curling your knees into your chest.
“I just,” you pause, glancing at him with a sigh, worried about how he’d react to how you’re truly feeling. “I’m just really gross, Drew.” He takes in a sharp breath, his eyes widening in shock at the words that fell from your mouth.
“What,” he asks incredulously, dropping next to you on his bed. 
“Just look at me, Drew. How can you not see it,” you state, gesturing to yourself. You push yourself off of the bed, sauntering over to the mirror again, eyes locking with your own reflection. “I mean, my legs brush together when I walk,” your fingers reach down to pinch at the skin before moving elsewhere as you begin rambling about your least favorite features. “..my arms have way too much skin, my stomach jiggles when I walk, my muscles aren’t as tight as they should be. Everything is just gross, Drew.” You stop to catch your breath, looking at yourself with such disappointment, his presence is briefly forgotten as you become engrossed in mentally tearing yourself apart. 
You’re torn from your thoughts when Drew’s hand reaches for you, forcing you to look at him. Guilt erupts in your chest at the sight of his normally bright eyes brimming with tears; his hands resting on both of your arms. You mentally scold yourself for telling him, hating that you’re the reason for the hopeless look on his face.
“Stop,” he commands hoarsely, shaking his head. “Please, stop.” Your shoulders slink forward in defeat, eyes dropping to the floor, embarrassed by the outburst that had just ensued. 
“Y/n, look at me,” he breathes, hooking his fingers under your chin. You hesitantly oblige, waiting for him to begin reprimanding you for what you’d said. Instead, his expression remains soft. “Those things you said are lies. In fact, they couldn’t be further from the truth,” he tells you honestly, seriousness lacing his voice. 
“You’re absolutely beautiful,” he whispers, causing your body to slump forward even more. You pull your face from his hands to stare at the floor, desperately wanting to believe his words but your mind screams in opposition. “I know that me saying that isn’t going to immediately make you believe it, but it’s true. I wish that you could see yourself through my eyes.” He hugs you close to his chest when you sniffle for the first time, your quiet cries slowly transitioning into soft sobs as you curl into him. He murmurs encouraging words into your ear, his hand drawing comforting shapes against the skin on your back.
“I love everything about you,” his lips brush over your forehead, fingers wiping your tears away as you lean back to look at him. “Can I show you?”
“What?” A look of confusion crosses your face as you stare at the man in front of you curiously. 
“Just trust me, Y/n,” he murmurs, his hands gripping your waist delicately as he presses a chaste kiss to your lips before spinning you around so that you were facing the mirror again. You watch his reflection, intrigued as to what he was trying to do. A soft hum falls from your mouth when his lips begin peppering soft kisses against the skin on your neck, your head instinctively tilting to the side to give him more access. 
“Can I take this off?” His hands grip at the bottom of his shirt that’s hanging off of your frame, eyes meeting yours for permission.
“Yeah,” you nod, your heart swelling at how sweet and gentle he’s being. 
His lips curl into an innocent smile as he slowly peels the fabric away from your skin, revealing your bathing suit clad body. The shirt is discarded to the floor carelessly as his hands meet your waist again, pulling you flush against his clothed chest. 
“Look at you,” he smiles proudly, his lips grazing your shoulder. You can’t help but let your face fall at the sight of your body, glad that Drew’s arms cover your stomach as you rest your hands over his. “It makes me sad that you look at yourself like that.” 
“I love your legs. I love how they look in skinny jeans or when they’re on display every morning when you’re in your underwear, but I especially love how they always bring you back to me,” he begins, his fingers grazing over the exposed skin on your thighs. You open your mouth in shock, at a loss for words, as he continues. 
“I love your stomach and the cute noises it makes when you’re hungry, but I especially love how it works as a pillow on days when I’m stressed and need you to reassure me that I’m going to be okay,” his hands move to your stomach, goosebumps rising wherever his fingers delicately brush over your skin. Your eyes flicker to his reflection again, body melting into his chest at the look of adoration staring back at you.
“I love your arms. I love how soft they feel when they brush up against mine and the way that they swat at me when I tease you, but I especially love how they always pull me into you when you want to feel safe,” he smiles at you endearingly, pulling you deeper into his chest. 
“I love everything about you, Y/n,” he repeats his words from earlier, his eyes gleaming as he holds you against him. “I know that you can’t see it yet, but you’re absolutely perfect in my eyes.”
You can’t help but burst into tears at the genuine love he holds in his eyes at the sight of you. His lips press against your hair, thumbs ghosting against the exposed skin on your hips as he slowly rocks back in forth.
“One day you’re going to love yourself as much as I do,” he announces, a bright smile taking over his features. “Until then, I’m going to do everything I can to help you get there.”
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” you sniffle, spinning around to face him. He grins at you, covering your lips with his own sweetly. You melt into him but pull away abruptly, suddenly remembering the fact that all of your friends are waiting for the both of you. You rush around the room, haphazardly sliding a pair of jeans shorts up your legs.
“What are you doing,” Drew asks, giggling at the sight of you nearly tripping over yourself to slip on a pair of shoes. 
“Drew, they’ve been out there waiting for ages,” you explain, pulling his shirt back over your head. “They probably think we’re having sex.” You check yourself over in the mirror, sighing at how flushed your cheeks are but  simply shrug it off.
“They don’t think we’re having sex,” he laughs, pulling you against him by your belt loops. “I told them to go get snacks before I came to check on you. Knowing Rudy and JD, they’re going to be busy for awhile.”
“Drew,” you groan, throwing your head back dramatically. “That sounds exactly like something you’d say so that we could have the house to ourselves.” A bashful smirk forms on his face, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink at your statement. 
“I mean, we might have a little extra time before they come back,” he trails off, cackling when your hand smacks against his chest. “I’m just kidding, relax.” He pauses, glancing at you suggestively. “Unless.”
“Dork,” you roll your eyes, exiting the room as the front door swings open.  ------------------------------------------------- A/n: I know this ended on kind of a goofy note, but I’m super soft for this concept. Boyfriend Drew always hits me right in the feels. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it! 
Also, the song “Dear Insecurity” by Gnash kept running through my head while I was writing this. You should go give it a listen if you feel inclined to do so! (I always listen to it if I’m feeling down on myself)
tags: @thelocalpogue @kitluvs1 @outerbxrafe @maaybanks @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @drewstarkey @maybankdreams @ssjiara @snkkat @bluebirdsbluebells
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blackbellybella · 3 years
What were some early messages you received about what woman should do during sex? Who taught you these messages? How did they make you feel?
*edit* I used pansexual when I meant to say Polyamorous
Ummm I was raised by a [polyamorous] chaotic neutral man child and a hippie thot... I had non traditional upbringing to sex so yeah. My mom would buy me condoms, sex scenes, and nudity in media wasn’t a taboo thing in the household. I was home schooled for a while so I didn’t know that wasn’t “normal” till I started public school. My mom was very kink forward so when the internet became a thing and I got caught sneak looks at porn she was very positive about it and stressed how fake it was and we just talked about it. They never forced abstinence or virginity on me but gave me the knowledge and said it was ultimately my choice. I even told my mom I wanted to be a playboy bunny in like middle school and she helped me make a bunny costume out of my dads old t-shirts. It also tide in to her and my dad teaching trade skills like sewing so I think that was the main point of that. But yea I had a very sex positive up bringing.
As far as gender specific messages it was more so don’t let anyone ruin your experiences or manipulate you. And never accept anything free from men/boys cause it’s never free. I knew kinda early that I was also attracted to women. I also dressed more masc when I was younger so I didn’t really have a gender specific message. Just be mindful of those trying to use you for your body and consent and all that. I was also taught you can use your body as a tool, “use what you got” is a common phase in my household... my mother has a man renovating her whole house for free. So there’s that
Idk if this answers the question. I can ramble about this for a while but I guess this is like my in-house first experience with sex and sex culture. I didn’t really have social experience or date anyone till like high school. And it’s very short till I moved out. I never felt like I sex was a big deal growing up so I didn’t fall victim to the social pressures that cause many teens to make drastic mistakes. Not saying I’ve never made any or experienced trauma but I was able to somewhat enjoy my childhood. Give or take a few traumatic experiences
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bubble-tea-bunny · 5 years
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where the grass is greener
[sebastian x reader]
author’s note: just a quick thing i wrote over the last couple days, idk where the sudden inspo came from but enjoy <3
word count: 4,532
The twinkling lights of Zuzu City are the stars of some faraway galaxy, and Sebastian wishes he were an astronaut.
He’s yearning for the great beyond, and that’s the natural course of things, isn’t it? To look past the edges of the world within reach, and hope to one day explore the unknown, a search for life, for the future, for a place to call home. The rolling hills of the valley never seem more restrictive or suffocating than when he stands here, high on a cliff, elevated enough to view the bustling city. For a while now he has felt an urge deep in his gut to go there and experience a life so different from his own as it is currently, with the noise and the vastness. The mountains are walls keeping him contained and in the hours that bleed into days that bleed into weeks, he resolves that he’ll break past them when he’s older, and he’ll set course for his goal, for those glittering skyscrapers. What should he name his space shuttle?
Winters in Pelican Town are a special kind of cold, colder than normal due to the basin-like structure with the mountains on either side. The cold crawls in, settling at ground level, and the heat rises and seeps out. Pelican Town, sitting right in the middle, is forced to deal with the remaining chill.  
This morning, the tip of Sebastian’s nose is flushed red from the harsh winter wind. His preference for not wearing scarves leaves him with nothing with which to shield the sensitive skin of his face. It may reasonably be believed, then, that this is cause to hasten his trek to the town center, but his decision to take the long way into town serves evidence to the contrary.
An old man had once owned the large farm to the west, but since his passing, the weeds have festered, and the few buildings on the property are in various states of disrepair. Sebastian walks by on occasion, observing the debris and decay. In winter, the weeds have rotted away and left the wide field barren save for rocks and stray logs. But by spring, they’d be back, and perhaps the new bursts of color from the trees still standing there will lessen the eyesore the steading has become.
Some nights Sebastian comes here to sit with himself and think because he knows he won’t be disturbed. No one comes this way anymore. He likes to sit on the edge of the porch and observe the expanse before him. The small house behind him has darkened windows, once illuminated with a soft yellow glow in the late hours. If Sebastian were to pull open the door (which would require some tools, given that it’s been boarded up, though acquiring them wouldn’t be an issue given his mom’s profession) and glance inside, there would only be cobwebs and silence.
The ponds on the property are frozen and snow clings to dead tree branches and Sebastian can see it all even without the aid of lights, for there are hardly any in this tiny town. Instead, the moon is the main source, a gentle white glow washing over the farm. Sebastian takes a long drag from his cigarette and exhales steadily. The cloud of smoke looks like a puff of air similarly breathed out in cold weather like this, except without the numbness he loves to find in the stick between his fingers. His brows furrow and he glances down, flicking off the ash. It lands on his jeans. Is he just tired all the time, or has he been carrying a pack of sleeping aids in his pocket?
Tired of this place… Sebastian huffs, is faintly amused, is exhausted.
Spring arrives and with it, another year bundled together with another bout of wishful thinking. Sam’s sitting by his desk, one leg crossed over the other and strumming lazily at his guitar. Sebastian sprawls out on the bed, staring at the ceiling and focusing on the sensation of the blood rushing to his head. They’ve been looking into securing a small gig in the city, nothing too big, but something to get their name out there. It stirs Sebastian’s thoughts of moving to Zuzu City permanently, and he loses himself in them as Sam experiments with riffs for the opening of their newest song.
A wrong note is plucked and Sam curses under his breath, then with a heavy sigh he sits up straight to stretch out his spine. During this momentary break, he seems to remember something, for once he relaxes, he grabs Sebastian’s attention.
“Hey, did you hear?”
Sebastian hums and he isn’t certain whether it’s meant to be a hum of question (Hear what?) or of half-hearted approval (That progression sounded good). Perhaps it’s neither, merely a signal to show he’s actually awake, listening for whatever Sam has to say.
“Someone’s moving onto the farm this week.”
Upon this revelation, Sebastian feels a mild irritation. He’d enjoyed having time to himself on that property. It offered an isolation he couldn’t get anywhere else in town, since he was basically the only person to bother passing through. The only ones to know about his late night visits to the abandoned farmstead are Sam and Abigail, but they don’t interrupt him when he’s there, understanding his need for space. Now, however, Sebastian would have to return to the train tracks.
“So the old man did have relatives after all,” he comments quietly.
The reason nothing had been done to the property is that no one in Pelican Town had the authority. After the previous owner’s death, the land had come into the possession of his family. The news had been passed along to said family a while ago, but there wasn’t a response, nor did anyone even come to appraise the farm with the intention of selling it. So there it remained, untouched for months, long enough that some grew skeptical that anyone would ever come to reclaim it.
Sam chuckles. “Guess so. But you have to wonder why now.”
If Zuzu City is a galaxy, you’re an asteroid drifting away from that system into the vacuum of space, floating aimlessly until you’re pulled into the orbit of another. And perhaps it is your aspirations and dreams of what you hope to find in this sleepy town that reside within the shooting star Sebastian sees pass overhead a few nights later, outshining the rest who hang in place.
Though if Sebastian’s honest, he has no idea what dreams might involve the valley and the town. It might be a great place for tourists to visit, sure, to bask in the quiet and the freshness, a temporary change of pace from the city. But for him, the quiet is too overbearing to stay here, and he wants to get away. He’d like to switch places with you. You, for some reason, have growing interest in the country life, and he has always had vested interest in the city life. A fair trade, right?
You’ve got quite the fixer-upper to take care of, that’s for certain. However, the sheer amount of work it will require to get the farmstead in an acceptable state doesn’t appear to deter you. You make many trips into town to buy supplies, and Sebastian has seen you when you stopped by his mom’s shop, the two of you working out blueprints for adding a new water well here or a chicken coop there.
The first time he spotted you had been in passing as he ascended the stairs from his room with the plan to get lunch from the kitchen (his first meal of the day). He heard the front door open and close and his mom’s friendly greeting, and he turned to see you walk right up to the counter she stood behind.
You didn’t look like someone from the city. He wouldn’t have guessed that you were if he hadn’t been told previously by Sam, who’d heard it from his mom, who’d heard it from Pierre. You wore a yellow t-shirt beneath light blue overalls (scuffs and dirt marks already marred the denim), the bottoms of which were rolled up neatly, and a pair of dirtied work boots. A red backpack sat on your shoulders and you had your hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.
He briefly listened to your conversation, and you sounded bubbly, excited as you shared your ideas for repairing the farm. And he still might not understand why you had the dreams you did of leaving the city and coming to Stardew Valley, but they’re yours, and you’re making them real, and he’d never fault anyone for that.
Day by day, new life is breathed into the steading you’ve come to call your own. The rocks and logs have been cleared out and you’ve set aside a small section to grow crops. There’s a fenced off area designated to be the site of a new chicken coop, with work beginning tomorrow. You even have a dog now, a stray Marnie came across and brought to your doorstep. Her name’s Daisy. She follows you into town sometimes.
Sebastian sees you often but hasn’t talked to you, other than a curt hello during your first meeting. The short of it is that he doesn’t have much interest in being your friend. He likes his small friend group, and when he isn’t hanging out with them, he’s perfectly content to be alone in his room. Maru brings up over dinner how nice you are, having stopped by the clinic earlier to drop off a basket of strawberries. Then she turns to him and mentions how he really should talk to you because You’ll like her, she’s sweet! But instead of convincing him, it does the opposite and only continues to dissuade him, and he merely sighs, shrugging noncommittally.
Sam and Abigail have taken a liking to you too. They wave you over on a Friday night at the saloon, and you join them in the game room. You excuse yourself from a conversation with Gus and walk over, but once you see Sebastian, you slow down, standing by the doorway. Grinning politely, you lift a hand to wave and give a quiet hello. Evidently you’ve been able to sense Sebastian’s disinterest in you, having kept a similar distance as he at any other time. But tonight, given Sam and Abigail’s invitation, such a distance would be impossible to maintain.
The two of them tell you to relax, and Abigail assures with a laugh Don’t worry, Sebastian doesn’t bite! and you chuckle good-naturedly but Sebastian can surmise you are nervous. For Sam and Abigail’s sakes, he will be a good sport and be friendly. He’s not so childish as to carry on as if you aren’t there. So with a smile, he grabs another pool stick for you.
“We can reset the game,” he informs you as you gently take the stick. “Sam was getting his ass kicked; I was expecting him to ask for a do-over soon anyway.”
“Wha—I was not!”
After that, Sebastian is considerably less averse to speaking with you if you happen to run into each other. He’s still curt, and never tries to carry on a conversation longer than the basic hello’s and how-are-you’s. You don’t push or pry either, to get him to open up, and he appreciates that. You understand he likes his space, and you let him have it.
Ultimately, it’s Sam who encourages him to get to know you better, and he won’t take no for an answer. She’s got plenty of stories to tell about the city, he remarks. I’m sure she’d be happy to share them if you asked.
Sebastian begrudgingly agrees to have an actual conversation with you the next time he’s able to, and he already knows he can’t lie and pretend that he has because you’re friends with Sam, and Sam will inevitably ask if you and he have talked lately. Though ironically, after this, Sebastian doesn’t see you a lot. The end of the season has you scrambling to harvest and ship the remaining crops, and your farm has grown quickly since you’ve been here, which means you’re out in the field most days.
It isn’t until the final day of summer that Sebastian gets the chance. The appearance of the moonlight jellies has everyone out on the beach this evening. Multiple lanterns have been placed on the water to provide better illumination, both for the purpose of viewing the jellyfish and to ensure no one accidentally slips off the edge of the docks. You’re one of the last to arrive, looking tired but satisfied as you speak with Elliott. You make your rounds saying hi and sheepishly brushing off comments on your diligence in preparing the farm for the next season.
Conversations die down to quiet murmurs as the ethereal glow of the jellyfish illuminates the water. Sebastian notices you in his peripherals coming to a stop a few feet away, sitting down and letting your feet dangle over the edge. He hesitates momentarily, but takes a deep breath, resolving himself to just do it, and, sticking his hands in his pockets, he walks towards you.
His boots thud quietly on the wood but if you notice, you don’t react. Not until he talks.
“No Daisy tonight?”
You blink and glance up to see him standing next to you, at a far enough distance that you don’t need to crane your head back painfully to meet his eyes. At his question, you smile lopsidedly and shake your head.
“No, she was too tired to come. She’s been working hard all day.” Usually Daisy accompanies you to the beach, running up and down the shore while you get comfortable on the docks, fishing rod and bag of bait in hand.
Sebastian smiles too, then points at the space to your left. “Mind if I join you?”
“Oh, of course!” You scoot over slightly as Sebastian sits down. The jellyfish are closer now.
“I was thinking of bringing her tomorrow,” you continue the original topic regarding your dog. “To take in that crisp fall air.” The humidity of summer had been fading this past week, leaving in its wake a colder, fresher breeze.
“I bet she’d really like that.” Sebastian might not have much to say, but what he does, he finds himself saying with ease. Perhaps it’s due to to the relief of tension now that he’s finally talked to you past a few courteous remarks, that he’s no longer anticipating the moment because it has already come to pass. And suddenly the prospect of talking to you more doesn’t seem so bad, despite his initial reservations.
“I hope so,” you respond quietly. You flash him a quick smile, then you both turn your attention on the ocean.
The approaching jellyfish are soundless, and with everyone silent, all that can be heard is the gentle lapping of the waves on the support beams of the docks. Spots of light move beneath the surface, the blurry forms of moonlight jellies venturing closer. They pass beneath your dangling feet and the lanterns on the water are poor competition for these creatures.
Sebastian feels you tap on his shoulder a couple of times to grab his attention, and he glances at you. But you draw his attention back to the jellyfish, pointing at one in the distance. Whereas most of the jellies are blue, as is their natural coloring, you’ve spotted a lone green jellyfish. Sebastian smiles and whispers you have a good eye. He’s not sure if anyone else has noticed, but he doesn’t bother to speak up, the silence so full of awe and wonder that he doesn’t want to break it.
The jellyfish congregate near the docks, as if to say goodbye, then slowly they drift back out to sea, and maybe the galaxy called Pelican Town has its own twinkling lights right here.
Green leaves fade to brown in the following days. They detach from the branches and float to the ground, and they’re the satisfying crunch beneath Sebastian’s shoes. The temperature has dropped quickly, and many townsfolk are bundling up to fend off the impending winter chill. The Stardew Valley fair comes and goes, and Sebastian doesn’t understand quite how to appraise the grange displays, but from the passing comments he overhears from Lewis, you put up an impressive arrangement for your first year. However, you don’t win, coming second to Pierre (it was close though).
Sebastian waits to the side as all the participants are given ribbons. You saunter over to him afterward, red ribbon in hand, and Sebastian pulls out his hands from the pocket of his hoodies to clap a few times. You smile shyly and rub the back of your neck, muttering a thanks.
“Hey, not bad for your first go of it,” he commends.
You shrug as you glance down at the ribbon. “I’ll win next year,” you resolve, and he doesn’t doubt it one bit.
The next event on everyone’s minds the second the sun sets on the valley fair is that of Spirit’s Eve. Sam, in particular, has begun to brainstorm costume ideas, first only for himself until he proposes a group costume—for him, Abigail, Sebastian, and you. He starts rattling off movies and games from which to draw inspiration, and Sebastian guesses he was meant to give his approval (or disapproval) for each idea, but Sam is listing them so quickly, excited as he is, that Sebastian hardly gets the opportunity to speak up. But he’s fine with simply listening.
“We really should have a costume contest,” Sam murmurs, voice low in a way that Sebastian isn’t sure if he’s talking to himself. “I wonder if I could ask the mayor to have one this year…”
Sebastian chuckles before he sits up and stands from Sam’s bed. He stretches his arms above his head and glances out the window: it’s completely dark out. The daylight is minimal this time of year, so this fact isn’t satisfactory evidence for the time of night. Rather, it’s the glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand that alerts Sebastian that it’s time to leave, for it’s growing late.
“I think I’m gonna head out,” he announces once Sam’s rambling has quieted down.
Sam nods and stands up as well to walk Sebastian to the front door, but pauses with his hand on the doorknob of his room as he twists around.
“You wouldn’t be taking the long way to your house, would you?”
Sebastian tilts his head. Walking past the farm? He hasn’t done that since you moved in. “I wasn’t planning to. Why?”
“Well it’s just my mom patched up one of [Name]’s shirts and asked if I could give it to her when I see her, but I figure if you’re going to pass by tonight…”
Sebastian nods. “Sure.”
With a smile, Sam picks up a folded long-sleeve from his desk and hands it to Sebastian. “Thanks, man.”
It feels strange to make his way towards the bus stop instead of the park on his way back. He hadn’t taken this route for almost a year, having never been one of the people to pay a visit to your farm. He’s not sure why he never did. Perhaps he didn’t want to be a bother. You’d always given him his space, and he figured it would only be right for him to do the same in return. Though unlike him, you never shy away from visitors, always glad to greet whoever comes over for a quick chat. So perhaps you won’t mind. Hopefully. The last thing he wants is to be in your way.
He’s unsure if you’ll even be awake at this time because you work a lot, and it leaves you exhausted. You don’t tend to stay up late. But as he approaches your farm, he not only spots the light shining through the windows, he sees you sitting on the edge of the porch, right where he has sat so many times prior.
He calls out your name to grab your attention and you look over, smiling when you see him.
“What’s up?" you ask as he comes closer, and your smile widens when he holds out your shirt. “Oh, Jodi’s fixed it! That was fast… I’ll have to bake her a cake to say thanks.” Then you turn to Sebastian and thank him for dropping it off.
But he’s not in a rush to leave, and he inquires what it is you’re doing staying out here so late. You shrug. Just basking in the quiet I guess… and taking it all in. You motion to the field, and Sebastian understands why you’re content to sit and observe the fruits of your labor. He hardly recognizes the expanse, so different from the way it was just a year ago. You’ve poured your love into it and it shows.
“You deserve to be proud of it.”
You smile and the lack of lights conceals the reddening of your cheeks at the compliment. Momentarily your eyes are downcast at the ground, but then they slide back up to observe Sebastian standing there. You take the thermos next to you and hold it out.
“Hot chocolate. Want some?”
He glances at the thermos but shakes his head no thanks, and you retract your hand. The nights are increasingly colder as winter nears, and even if he’s wearing a hoodie and jeans, you’re certain that he’s feeling the brunt of the weather. You speak up again.
“Okay. But it is cold and, well…” You grab the edge of the large, fluffy blanket around your shoulders and stretch out your arm to extend it. “There’s room for two.”
Sebastian catches on to your efforts to ensure he doesn’t freeze, and while he isn’t bothered to stand in the chill for a few minutes, he appreciates your gestures and agrees to this one, closing the gap between you in a several short steps and settling down on the porch. You drop the blanket around his shoulders as well, and both of you look out on the farmstead. In place of weeds and stray rocks are crops and pastures for the animals you’ve started raising. You’ve mentioned before they can be a handful given how many there are when there’s just one of you, but you’re happy to have them. And Daisy helps with the herding at the end of the day, so it could be worse!
The silence is comfortable, but Sebastian finally breaks it.
“Why’d you leave?”
You glance at him, confused as to what he’s referring to. He elaborates.
“The city.” He turns his eyes from the field to you. “What made you want to come to the valley? I mean… it’s so quiet, too quiet sometimes. I’ve always wanted to move to Zuzu City. I want to get away from here. But you did the exact opposite.”
This is the most he has ever opened up to you, and it surprises him how easily it slips out. But it’s too late to take back the words now, as they hang in the air between you, and his breath catches in his throat because, frankly, he’s embarrassed. He’s never this quick to share his feelings, his thoughts, his one wish to leave this sleepy town and not look back. And he’s worried what you’ll say, what you’ll think, of the candidness springing up from nowhere.
You don’t respond immediately, which fuels his concerns even more, but he realizes it’s the time spent putting your own words together carefully, as you smile gently, a reassurance that it’s okay to talk about these things. You’ll listen to whatever he has to say, and you’ll still be there even if he says nothing.
With a deep sigh, you face forward again to survey the farm. And you explain to Sebastian that you’d been in the city your whole life. Before your grandfather passed away, he left you a letter with explicit instructions only to open it when you grew tired of the hustle and bustle, of the fast pace of the city and the same thing day-in, day-out at your corporate job. I thought I could handle it, you muse, but I just cracked one day. One boring day… I can’t even remember if it was a Wednesday or a Friday because they all felt the same. You chuckle dryly.
Sebastian is watching you closely, patiently waiting for you to continue. You’ve followed his lead and opened up, and he has found himself intensely curious to discover more about you.
You take another deep breath, acutely aware of the crisp air that floods your lungs. “In the letter, he called the valley the place where he truly belonged. And I thought maybe it would be the same for me.” You stay quiet after this for several moments, both of you contemplating what you’ve said, but then you perk up and look at him. “Of course, if you want to go to Zuzu City, if you truly feel you’ll thrive there, then go. I’m not trying to dissuade you.”
It’s Sebastian’s turn to give you a smile of reassurance. He has taken no offense to the story you shared. He understands where you come from. People are different, have different desires and goals. But he’s not ready to turn the conversation on himself, still wanting to focus on you, if only for a minute or three longer.
“Is it the same for you?” he inquires quietly. “Do you feel this is where you truly belong?”
It’s a reasonable follow-up to your story, yet it still gives you pause and you mull it over. Even before you speak, Sebastian can already see the answer in the softening features of your face, as you stare at the field you have worked so hard to turn into something worthwhile. He’s not sure what you’re thinking, but he’d like to have penny for your thoughts because your eyes slide towards him now, and they are fond and your smile is soft and he wonders if it means anything.
“Yes,” you state finally. “I think it is.”
You watch each other, and the corner of Sebastian’s lips lifts in a small smile, unable to be contained after witnessing yours. His chest tightens and he wonders if all this—the town and the valley and him and you—if maybe it means everything. Because the air seems fresher and the moon seems brighter and he finds he doesn’t want to lift off in his space shuttle if it takes him farther away from you. So maybe he’ll stay on the ground just a little longer.
He drops his gaze to the thermos you hold. “I’ll take some of that hot chocolate if you’re still offering.”
You laugh and nod, twisting off the lid. “Yeah, here, hold on…”
The autumn evening is beautiful, and for once, the valley feels like home.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 4 years
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Reader x Dad!Tony Stark
Reader x Avengers
Warnings: idk, sad?? Then fluff
Alright well this probably sucks, but here goes: it’s Y/N’s sweet 16 and almost no one remembers, that’s about it as far as the plot goes.
F/B = favorite band, F/F = favorite fandom, F/C = favorite color, Y/B/D = your birth date
Y/N was on cloud 9. She hadn’t known it was possible to feel this great so early in the morning, but it was. It was her birthday, her second favorite day of the year, (Christmas came first) and she couldn’t be more excited.
She had already received several presents this morning, courtesy of Peter, who had delivered presents from several of her friends in his neighborhood while he was patrolling.
Thus far she had received the most adorable stuffed bear she had ever seen from Ned, (and of course the bear was dressed in a little Star Wars t-shirt, because, Ned) MJ had gotten her a book she’d been wanting, and texted her to remind her she was even closer to dying (MJ had a weird view on birthdays), and Peter himself had gotten her a collection of t-shirts: one from F/B, one from F/F, and—Peter has found this one rather amusing—a Spider-Man t-shirt. He made her promise to flaunt it in front of her father, too, saying maybe if she did that he’d get jealous and buy her an Iron Man t-shirt, so it was a win-win all around.
Y/N couldn’t wait to find out what her father had planned for her. Being the daughter of Tony Stark meant that birthdays would be filled with way too many presents and the biggest party of the year. Part of her—ok, most of her—wished that her birthdays could be a bit more simple, but she loved watching how happy her father was when he got to spoil her, and she loved that every year on her birthday he made sure to spend the entire day with her, no matter what.
Y/N quickly got dressed in one of her favorite outfits, jean shorts and a F/F t-shirt (her other favorite was a F/C dress, but she didn’t feel like getting too dressed up today, she wanted to be comfortable), and practically skipped over to the elevator. She knew the first event on the birthday schedule would be pancakes, compliments of her father, which was very special. Tony Stark never, ever cooked, except that one day a year when he rolled up his sleeves and made birthday breakfast pancakes. They were always oddly shaped, with weird lumps in them, but Y/N loved the tradition anyway.
Y/N was confused when she arrived in the kitchen and saw it completely vacant. Wasn’t her dad awake yet? He always got up a little earlier on her birthday to make sure they had plenty of time together, so where was he?
Barely had the thought crossed her mind when she heard her father’s voice in the living room
“...are you sure? Alright, I’ll call you back later then.”
Y/N rushed to the living room just as Tony Stark got off the phone.
“Hey babygirl,” he greeted and kissed her forehead “you’re up early. What are your plans for today.”
Y/N felt her heart drop like a stone. He...he didn’t remember?
She struggled to keep her voice steady as she replied.
“Not-not much, you?” Maybe he was just messing with her, just joking as usual. He wouldn’t forget.
“I have a meeting in Paris with some execs at Stark Industries, really boring stuff but Pep says I have to go. I’ll be back tomorrow night though.”
Y/N fought hard against the tears that had begun to gather behind her eyes. He really had forgotten, and he would be gone all day.
She probably should remind him, that would fix everything, he’d drop absolutely everything and apologize a million times and the day would go back to normal. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
She didn’t know why, but she felt too embarrassed to bring the subject up. She hated being the center of attention, and she hated making her father feel bad, and reminding him that he had forgotten his daughter’s sixteenth birthday would make both of those things happen. Besides, she didn’t want him to drop all of his important business just for her. It was just a stupid day.
Before she could stop it, a tear slipped down her cheek and dripped off her chin. Her father hadn’t seen it, however, because he had turned and stepped into the elevator. He had his important meeting to get to after all.
With one last smile and wave, Tony Stark disappeared.
A few more tears slid down Y/N’s face, but she quickly wiped them away when she heard approaching footsteps.
“Morning kiddo,” Bruce greeted with a grin. “Where’s your dad?”
“He—um...he went out,” she muttered. “He’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Alright,” Bruce nodded and walked into the kitchen, and Y/N felt her heart sink even further. Bruce had forgotten too.
She didn’t want to mope, not on her birthday, but she was also pretty bad at cheering herself up. She’d just need some help.
She saw her first opportunity when Steve walked sleepily into the living room. Steve was both the best cuddler and the best tickler on the team, the perfect way to cheer her up. But if she wanted to be tickled she’d have to annoy him a bit, that always got him to tickle her.
“Hey Stevie,” she greeted with a grin, stepping up onto the couch and using it as a stepping stool to jump onto his back. He grunted at the impact, and turned his head to glare at her.
“Y/N, go annoy someone else, I’m not in the mood,” he snapped, and she pushed back the hurt at learning that yet another teammate had forgotten her birthday.
“Ignore Captain Mcgrumpypants, he got back from a mission at four a.m,” Clint announced as he walked into the room. Had no one remembered her birthday?
“Stevie I’m bored,” Y/N whined, jumping off his back and poking him in the chest.
He moved away from her, scowling. “Then go find someone else to bug.”
“But you’re the most fun to bug!” She insisted, poking him again.
He shoved her hand away. “Y/N, I swear, touch me one more time and I-“
Y/N grinned, mistaking his grumpy tone for the usual joking threat. She was so close to getting tickled. She poked him yet again, hard in the center of his chest.
Steve shoved her back harshly, and it was then she realized that he hadn’t been kidding around, he really was angry with her.
“Y/N, I mean it! Grow the heck up and leave me ALONE!” He was standing in front of her now, using his height as an advantage to tower over her. She had never felt quite this small before.
“Steve I just-“
“I’ve had ENOUGH of your childish antics, you’re too old to be running around and acting like a two-year old, now stop it!”
Y/N couldn’t hold back the whimper that bubbled up in her throat as tears streamed down her face.
Upon seeing her reaction, the anger almost immediately faded from Steve’s eyes, but it was too late.
“Y/N-“ he began, but she had already disappeared up the stairs.
“Oh nice going Steve,” Clint scoffed.
Y/N threw herself down on her bed and began to cry into her pillow, hugging it tightly. She hadn’t meant to upset Steve, she just wanted to have a little fun.
She didn’t understand. Why didn’t anyone remember her birthday? Why had Steve gotten so mad at her? What had she done wrong to make today go so horribly?
One thing was for sure. This was the worst birthday ever.
“JARVIS, what time is it?” Tony Stark asked as he went over his notes for the upcoming meeting.
“It is 3:27, Saturday, Y/B/D, sir,” the AI responded.
Tony froze. Had he heard that right?
“You...you said it was Y/B/D?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark.”
Tony moaned. It was Y/N’s birthday! How had he not known?!
“Clint spilled coffee all over your calendar three weeks ago, that’s how,” Tony muttered to himself. He hadn’t looked at the date in forever, and he’d forgotten to set a reminder on his phone.
Tony groaned. That was such a lame excuse. He shouldn’t always need a reminder or a calendar to remember his kid’s birthday. He should’ve kept track!
“JARVIS, cancel my meeting and turn this bird around,” he demanded, doing calculations in his head. He had left at 9 a.m, meaning he should get home a little before 10. He would still be there for a little bit of his little girl’s birthday.
“JARVIS, call all of Y/N’s friends and-“
“Mr. Stark, I believe Y/N would be much happier if she was just able to spend time with you,” his AI responded.
Tony stopped. Maybe JARVIS was onto something.
“Hey, where’s the birthday girl?” Everyone in the living room froze when they heard Bucky’s question.
“The what?” Steve asked, but he already knew.
“Oh don’t tell me you guys forgot,” Bucky groaned. “It’s Y/N’s birthday! So where is she?”
All eyes slowly turned to Steve, and the guilt already torturing him doubled. Why has he been such a jerk to her?
“Upstairs in her room,” Steve muttered.
“Alright, I’ll go get-“
“No,” Steve interrupted. “I have to get her.”
Y/N had finally stopped the flood of tears when she heard a gentle knock on the door.
“Y/N?” Steve. Of course.
“Go away!” Her voice came out quiet and muffled because of the pillow still pressed against her face.
“I’m coming in,” he announced, and Y/N was surprised when the door opened. She lifted her head from the pillow.
“JARVIS!” She whined. “You were supposed to keep him out!”
“I’m sorry miss, but it seemed like it would be better if you listened to what Captain Rogers has to say.”
“Traitor,” she mumbled, dropping her head back onto her pillow.
“Hey,” Steve said gently, sitting down next to Y/N. She ignored him.
He sighed. He wasn’t that good with awkward silence.
Slowly, he began to sing happy birthday.
“Stop it,” she interrupted, her voice thick. He sighed
“Y/N I’m sorry.”
“Who told you it was my birthday?”
“Bucky. I’m sorry I forgot.”
Y/N sniffled. “It’s fine. You’re not the only one.”
Steve froze, realizing he hadn’t seen Tony all day. “Your dad too?”
“Yeah,” Steve could tell she had started to cry again. He pulled her gently away from her pillow and into his lap, and she cried softly against his chest.
“I’m sorry I annoyed you,” she whispered.
“Don’t apologize. I should never have yelled at you.”
“It’s ok.”
“Captain Rogers, you’re wanted downstairs,” JARVIS announced.
“I’ll be right back,” Steve promised, kissing her forehead.
Steve was surprised when he reached the bottom of the stairs and was greeted by none other than Tony Stark.
“How is she?” Tony asked.
“Sad. But she’ll get over it, especially if you get up there,” Steve assured.
“Great,” Tony started up the stairs, but Steve stopped him.
“Please, no huge parties. I don’t think she would want that right now.”
Tony merely grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it all worked out. Go to the living room and you’ll see,” and with that Tony disappeared up the stairs.
“JARVIS, please don’t let anyone else in,” Y/N muttered. She didn’t feel much like being happy anymore. The only thing that could make her feel better was-
“Babygirl open the door.”
Y/N froze. No way. He was back?!
“JARVIS let him in!”
“But miss you-“
Instead of a response, the door clicked and Tony entered.
“Hey kiddo,” he said quietly.
“Dad,” she didn’t even care anymore that he forgot her birthday, she was just glad to see him.
“Commere babygirl,” Tony hugged her tightly, and she smiled. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. Everyone else forgot too.”
“But I shouldn’t have. C’mon, let’s go downstairs,” Tony stood, pulling Y/N along.
“Dad, there’s not a big party down there is there?”
Tony laughed softly. “Just come down.”
Y/N grinned when she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“You like it?” Tony asked.
“Are you kidding? This is great!” Y/N ran over to the huge table in the back of the living room, filled with about a dozen different kinds of ice cream and way too much candy. She turned and saw a pile of presents in the corner, and next to it a stack of dvds.
“Tonight we’re gonna open presents, eat ice cream, and binge watch every Star Wars movie,” Tony promised with a grin.
“Every one?” Steve whispered, and Nat elbowed him.
Y/N hugged Tony. “Thank you!”
He grinned. “You’re welcome baby girl.”
“But there’s one thing we have to do first,” she announced, wandering over to the couch.
“And what’s that?” Bucky questioned.
Y/N grinned and snatched up a pillow, swinging it hard at Bucky’s face, “pillow fight!”
Best. Birthday. Ever.
The End
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edwardsvirginity · 4 years
And now... I introduce my best friend to Eclipse! 
[riley’s first appearance]
Friend: who's that
(the rest of the commentary for the movie is under the readmore!)
[bella reciting the opening monologue: some say the world will end in fire…]
Friend: wow…drama queen
[Edward and bella in the meadow]
Friend: is this real or is this more of her crazy headspace
Edward: marry me
Bella: I have an English final
Friend: wow……. Rude
[Charlie grounding bella]
Friend: charlie…. is the only sane character tbh lmfao
he knows an abusive relationship when he sees one
[Edward sabatoges bella’s truck]
Friend:  Y I K E S
this is not romantic lol
Renee: I just want to make sure ur making the right choices for you
Friend: she's NOT
[renee gives bella the quilt from all their trips]
Friend: awwww
except she's selling out her fam for bloodsuckers
[all the cullens wait for Victoria in the forest]
Friend: is it whatshername
the redheaded bitch
Friend: i'm just gonna say….alice and carlisle are the only valid vampires
Me: whyso?
Friend: idk anything about jasper and emmett, edward is weird, who else even is there
Me: [pauses movie because a spider has appeared by my head and I’m freaking out]
[it lands on my laptop and I scream and close it]
Ok… we can resume
Friend: what happened?
Me: [explains]
Him: ? ? ? why didn't you kill it?!
Me: killing it requires getting close enough to touch it, and that's Too Close
i don't kill spiders
Him: what?!? lmfao
you don't kill spiders
Me: killing them is too scary
Him: i'd rather kill it and know it's dead than wonder where it is
me: i just scream until someone else comes to do it for me
him: that's a lot to take in
[jake confronting Edward about being on their territory]
Edward: I was trying to protect u by not telling u abt Victoria
Friend: mmmm yikes
bella just needs to move tf back to florida
this is….Too Much
[bella goes to lapush]
Friend: tbh i like his pack
Leah: if ur here to torture jake some more u can leave
Friend: oooooh
[movie introduces imprinting]
Friend: tbh i think that whole concept is insane™ and i dont get it
bc it like absolves you of your own…actions
& removes the other person's choice
it's really fucking creepy
Friend: also it would be soooo weird to be able to read people's thoughts
Me: i know it would freak me out
i would hate being able to hear everything my packmates thought
Friend: i don't need anyone else to know how horny i am
[Jacob arguing with bella about the cullens]
Jacob: theyre not even alive
Friend: "they're not even alive" y i k e s
[riley creeping in bella’s house]
Friend: man i'd be sleepin with a shotgun lmfao
& like 12 dogs
[Edward yelling at bella abt bella disappearing with jake]
Me: he’s so overprotective
Friend: she needs it tho
Me: because she's such a danger magnet?
Friend: um….yeah
& she is a fucking damsel in distress
she has no power of her own :((
Friend: he's so…ugly
me: Edward?
Friend: yeah ……….
[Jake appears shirtless]
Edward: doesn’t he own a shirt
Friend: “doesn't he own a shirt"
LMFAO edward voicing my thoughts
[Edward kissing bella before passing her off to jake, who immediately hugs her]
Friend: the way they …. fight with each other by using her body :|
Friend: what do native americans think of this?
Me: [explains]
Friend: so what is the redeeming quality of these movies exactly lmfao
Me: they’re… fun?
Friend: i guess
like indiana jones
racist trash, but fun(?)
Me: I hate his sideburns in this movie
Friend: don't think they're that bad
his whole face tho is not great
especially pale af
[nonconsensual kiss scene]
Jake: ill fight until ur heart stops beating
Bella: u wont have to wait for long
Friend: YIKES
[Edward and Jake fighting post-punch]
Jake: she’s not sure what she wants
Friend: Y I K E S
[Carlisle bandaging bella]
Friend: carlisle is so hot
i wanna marry dr. carlisle
the way he medicines everyone up…
edward is useless
seduce Carlisle
edward's been alive 100 years and hasn't become a doctor??? c'mon
[Rosalie killing her rapists]
Friend: LM FAO
love that
that's a more interesting story than bella's LMFAO
[Rosalie trying to convince bella to stay human]
Rose: there’s one thing you’ll want more than Edward… one thing you’ll kill for… blood
Friend: ohhh….
Friend: & also bella's assumption that Edward is That Great
she's 18….. she hasn't even TRIED college boys
has she even had sex with anyone, ever?
Friend: Evil Dakota Fanning is ….. scary af
Friend: i'll say what i want about stephanie meyer being a fucked up mormon…. but her music taste is p good
Me: she didn’t do the soundtracks
Friend: ummm…i remember stephanie meyer specifically thanking Muse in her books
in the "acknolwedgements" section
 or did you, the twilight princess, not read that part
[graduation party]
Friend: I feel like there should be a twilight spoof..
where a high school girl has to choose between dating a furry and a goth
bc that's what this feels like to me
Friend: he freaks me out
the beefy one
[training scene]
Friend: jasper's kinda sexy too
well, everyone looks good next to robert :|
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: jasper was a confederate soldier?!?!??!
what?? lmfao
confederate vampires? thanks i hate it
Friend: didn't he have like a life and morals before becoming a vampire or
i mean i guess he's a confederate so maybe not but
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: he just listens to her lmfao
his Evil Mexican Bruja
[about Victoria]
Friend: she should just make someone sexy a vampire and fuck them tho
she has the power here
[about Jacob]
Friend: is there a REASON he never wears a shirt?
[Jake trying to convince bella she has feelings for him]
Jake: you can love more than one person… like sam, Emily, and leah
Friend: thruple!
that's the only resolution here
jacob & edward need to fuck each other and get over it
there's too much tension between them
Alice: you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight
Friend: oooooo
Alice: you’re welcome
Friend: LMFAO
alice is a bro
Bella [immediately after the scene with Alice]: hey dad, I was wondering
Friend: hey dad… i was wondering. do you have any condoms
Bella: dad I’m a virgin
Friend: not for long….
Friend: but like honestly it's all so deeply unclear to me
he has like no blood, right?
HOW does he get hard
Me: he’s always hard
Friend: i don't think that's how that works
[Edward and bella in edward’s room]
Bella: I wanna ask u something
Friend: "can we fuck"
Friend: i feel like "becoming a vampire" is just a metaphor for "losing virginity"
[Bella tried to jump Edward]
Edward: bella…no
Friend: ???????????
they already kiss and stuff?????????
Me: yeah
i think he's worried he'd like. fuck her to death
idk… her vulva is delicate i guess
 Friend: they could do some Other Stuff
Me: yeah i know
edward is just…. too old school to understand anything but piv
Friend: fuck her to death…with his flaccid vampire dick
this is so………Weird
?????????? sex is not a sin
[Edward talking abt how he would have courted bella in 1918]
Friend: ???????????? i dont believe that at all
people fucked in the 1800s
edward is a fucking weirdo
[Edward starts his grand speech]
Friend: Ew
this is…. a Lot
tbh it's Not Sexy that he can't adapt to a more feminist era
[Edward proposes]
Friend: this is…… a Lot
he Keeps Asking
[bella accepts]
Friend: she's only saying yes because she's horny!!!!
Friend: also….tbh it's sad that these vampires have to deny their instincts and have no control over themselves
like ….maybe they should just be euthanized
 Me: :O
Friend: is it fair to deny them their nature???
we don't force tigers to be vegetarians
what is the difference
Me: because… they're sentient and intellectual and can decide for themselves not to eat humans
Friend: i'm not sure i buy that
Me: you think they're not smart enough to make their own decision not to eat humans?
Friend: it seems like they have to be rehabilitated to deny a very natural instinct that they have no control over
are the cullens themselves a metaphor for mormonism?
 Me: yeah but carlisle CHOSE a vegetarial lifestyle… no one forced it on him
Friend: i guess
but at what cost
[tent scene]
Jacob: I am hotter than u
Friend: LMFAO
Friend: why didn't they bring more blankets?????
how fucking cold is it
[Edward and jake arguing over bella]
Friend: idk bella….
i'd rather fuck a hot wolf than a freezing rock hard PussyDestroying Vampire
those wolves are HUGE…. huge dicks im sure
[Edward talking about how he doesn’t want bella to be a vamp to jake]
 Friend: i feel like they're Bonding
over their inability to control this woman lmfao
[jake and Edward fighting over bella]
Friend: bella is not that interesting? ? ? ?
Edward: if you weren’t trying to steal bella I might actually like u
Friend: wow
THIS is where they should fuck
t h r u p l e
look deep into each other's eyes
Friend: she'd warm up if they were having sex
[post tent scene]
Friend: she's not even wearing a hat rn
bella…what the fuck
[Edward and bella talking about being engaged, jake overhears]
Bella: it’s the 21st century
Friend: yeah, it is the 21st century…. marry them both
[bella asks jake to kiss her]
Friend: what the FUCK is happening
[bella and jake making out]
Friend: she's not even wearing anything warm
Friend: carlisle…. kung fu master
Me: renaissance man
Friend: only breaks the hippocratic oath when absolutely necessary
[confrontation with riley and Victoria, Edward trying to convince riley to turn on Victoria]
Edward: think about it riley.. .you’re from forks… you know the area
Friend: "you're from forks… who would want that"
[Carlisle healing jake]
Friend: god…..my sexy, classy dad
… so smart….. so kind
Bella: I’m not normal
Friend: bella….you are SO normal
the reason every middle school girl read these books and thought they were like bella is bc you are just THAT normal
Edward: I guess we should start planning the wedding
Bella: no… something more difficult first… more dangerous
Friend: is she still talking about her virginity
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surteic · 4 years
Look, I’m You!
Summary: Bucky find's Loki's outfit lying on their bed when he is in the bathroom. So why not put it on?
Pairing: Bucky x Loki (Winterfrost)
Fandom: MCU/Marvel
Genre: humor
Warnings: none
Words: 1108
A/N: I honestly can’t yet write good fluff that goes beyond the flirting part but I will eventually find out and write some deeper ones but for now you guys have to deal with that little bit, I’m sorrry ;-;
Also, I wrote this at 3am totally sleep deprived and without proofreading it so idk how it turned out.
"James, give me back my clothes. Please." Loki said in a firm tone. He wasn't screaming but one could clearly hear the annoyance that underlined his voice.
"I don't even think about it." Bucky answered laughing, looking at his boyfriend standing angrily in their bathroom door; a towel around his waist. His wet hair was combed back.
"Bucky, please. I need my clothes." but the only response he got was the soldier grabbing his golden helmet that he had put in his closet and storming out of the room. He sighed.
'Really, this can't be happening.' Loki whispered. More to himself than to anyone in particular.
He looked through their shared closet, only finding clothes that belonged to Bucky. I really need to get some more clothes than just my combat dressing and my pyjamas, he thought, grabbing short grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Great...
He stormed out after Bucky as soon as he got dressed and followed the voices to the living room. When he entered, he saw the soldier standing in front of the big tv that was hanging on the wall. The other avengers, except Tony, sat on the sofa; Natasha was spitting out her drink, Clint almost fell off the couch from all the laughing and Steve had his hand on his face, shaking his head. Thor looked at Bucky, now fully clothed in Loki's outfit and had a big smile covering his face. Bruce didn't really understand what was going on.
"Brother! Look! Barnes has the same outfit as you!" Thor yelled excited and took another sip from his.
"Those are my clothes, Thor." Loki angrily pointed at himself. He glanced at Loki 2.0 and raised his eyebrows. "And I'd really like to have them back. Now." But all he got was Bucky grinning back at him. Even though the demi-god didn't enjoy this whole act as much as his boyfriend did, he loved to see him smile and having fun.
"Maybe I don't wanna give them back. They're so comfortable, Loki!" Bucky spread his arms wide open. "And they fit so well!"
"They are too big for you! Look! The sleeves are too long and you had to roll up the pants." Loki sighed frustrated.
"What's going on in here?" Tony asked as he entered the living room, sipping on his coffee and looking at the couple that has obviously switched clothes. He pointed to the two of them confused.
"Have I missed something? Most importantly, what's happened to our favourite brainwashed couple? Switched your clothes for a reason?" he laughed, earning a glance from Steve and a soft, barely audible 'Tony' from him, telling him to stop.
He took a seat between Nat and Steve and put his feet on the coffee table standing only inches away.
"C'mon, doll. You're wearing my clothes too! I think we should call it even." Bucky said and got closer to his boyfriend.
"Well, it seems like you are missing quite a big part of the story, dear. You took my clothes and ran away. I was naked!" Loki paused for a second. "And there really was no need to take the helmet too."
"But maybe I wanna wear your clothes because they smell so good. They have that scent that I love. And I feel a little bit closer to you." he grinned, getting closer and closer until his face was almost touching Loki's.
"Is that so?" Loki asked, raising one eyebrow mischievously. "Well, maybe I should change my appearance too to look a little more like you to feel closer." he whispered teasingly.
A green light started to surround him, making Bucky stumble a few steps backwards. The green was a beautiful light green, sparkling too. As the light began to fade and everyone in the room was able to open their eyes properly again, they looked at Loki.
He had taken on Bucky's look, the metal arm reflecting the sunlight that was shining onto it.
"Okay, it's getting really really weird. Capsicle, others, let's get out of here. I can't even watch what is going to happen. Breakfast's on me, let's go!" Tony said as he stood up and practically ran out of the room to see as little as possible. The others soon followed wishing the couple a quick goodbye, even though they'd see each other later again.
"Wha- LOKI!" Bucky shouted shocked, letting his mouth open slightly. "Stop that! It's- ya know. Dude, this is so weird."
"Why? What's the matter with me looking like you?" Loki asked, his arms provocativly crossed over his chest.
"No, nono, doll. There's a big difference. A really really big difference. I am wearing your clothes. You are looking exactly like me."
"Do you want me to change back, dear?" Loki was getting used to that kinda game. He actually started to enjoy it, now that he clearly had the upper hand.
"Do I want you to- YES OF COURSE I WANT YOU TO CHANGE BACK, Loki. Just, whatever you do, stop looking like that." the shocked voice turned into a softer one. Bucky started to realize what Loki was playing. If Loki could do that than he could do it as well.
The soldier took a few steps closer to his boyfriend again, just like he had done before the bright green light had driven him away. When he was in the same spot as before. "I don't wanna stare into my eyes when I'm kissing you." he whispered in Loki's ear.
"Hm, so after all that trouble you got us into, you offer me a kiss?"
"I'd consider it if you'd change back to your usual self."
And so he did. After the green light faded and the broad t-shirt hang somewhat loosely from his shoulders, Bucky pressed his lips against his. Loki put his hands on the soldiers waist, holding him in place.
"That was quite an interesting way to start the day, don't you think, dear." Loki whispered as they broke apart, resting their forheads together.
"It was something I could get behind." Bucky smiled.
"We should consider doing this more often. Seeing you with my helmet and my clothes on is quite the sight."
"I don't see why not." he laughed. "But we should consider buying you more clothes for the start. You can't just keep wearing the same outfit every single day, doll."
"Then I'll just wear yours. You know, for the scent." Loki chuckled, bringing his right hand from Bucky's waist and putting it on the other man's cheek before returning his lips to Bucky's again.
This day was going to be a good day.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 5 years
Excuse me! But where is my Sanders Sides Gamer AU???
Voices in my head: Gee Bunny, it seems you have no problem writing a lot of other fics and stuff yet you still haven’t even finished the next chapter of your Spiderverse fic???
Voices in my head:.....
Me: Yeah, that’s what I thought! Anyways, idk if I just missed a memo or something but I haven’t seen any Gamer AU of my boys and that is a crime in and of itself! Like, how dare! But fret not, I am here to provide content (Read: headcannons) that you did not ask for! Let us begin! Or should I say start!
(please note that I am not a gaming expert so feel free to add or correct stuff)
Roman Rosewood
Obviously loves RPGs! Anything with a good story line really! Or has medieval fantasy aesthetic!
Skyrim, Diablo, Undertale, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Fallout, Red Dead Redemption, Undertales, Dragon Age, God of War Dark Souls, Assassins Creed, Earthbound, etc.
Played West of Loathing just so he could rip on it but actually ended up loving it and spending way to many hours playing. Then he found out there was a game called Kingdom of Loathing by the same creators and went down that rabbit hole as well.
He was iffy about getting into JRPGs but then Virgil convinced him to play Persona 5 and he absolutely fell in love with the music!
All the music in his phone is either from musicals or Video games!
Also really likes choose your own adventure games like Detroit: Become Human, Life is Strange, and Telltale Games
So much video game merch! Usually figurines because he likes to make little shelves and display cases for them.
He also really likes multiplayer games because he’s a social butterfly and likes to play with his squad.
Sucks at first person shooter games but still willingly plays Fortnight or Call of Duty or Left for Dead with his friends because he doesn’t want to be a drag and complain. But also they sometimes die in game in the most hilarious ways and it just leaves everybody wheezing.
Virgil Dante
Horror games, obvs!
All about that dark aesthetic!
Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, Fran Bow, Sally Face, Resident Evil, The Witch’s House, Amnesia, Little Nightmares, Bendy and The Ink Machine, Alice: Madness Returns, SCP-Containment, Pony Island, etc.
Yes, he’s played all the Five Nights At Freddy’s games. It’s a good series and it isn’t his fault the fandom is bat shit crazy and full of ten year olds! Fuck you Roman!
Every time the Walking Dead comes out he knows he’ll end up crying by the end of it. He and the squad make and event out of it.
Japanese horror games are usually his favorite because they deal more with the psychological aspects of horror instead of the jump scares
So, yes, he’s also a fan of Corps Party and Fatal Frame
Also really good at first person shooters because he has a really steady hand (you usually have to when playing horror games least you want to restart the level) and it pisses Roman off to no end every time Virgil randomly headshots him.
Usually likes to by merch in the form of posters, t-shirts, or beanies. He only buys figurines if it’s a game he really, really likes.
At first didn’t know why people kept bugging him to play Doki Doki Literature Club but then he finally caved and...oh...that’s why.
Logan Mill
My boy loves puzzle and strategy games yo!
Legend of Zelda, Portal, Tetris, Unravel, World of Goo, Inside, Limbo, Pokemon, Shadow of the Colossus, StarCraft, Command and Conquer, Age of Empire, Heart of Iron, World of Warcraft, etc.
He likes Overwatch but doesn’t like playing with people online so he usual solos or asks the others to play. But that too usually ends in chaos.
Hates rage games because he gets frustrated easily and has broken at least four keyboards and two controllers
He still plays them anyways because he can beat it damn it! Just give him a minute!
Enjoys the God of War series despite all the mythological inaccuracies
He plays a lot of Minecraft to relax or destress and has build beautiful works of architecture and sometimes entire cities.
He thought it was stupid and childish and was embarrassed about it for a long time until the squad came over to his house one day uninvited and caught him playing. He was getting ready for them to make fun of him but they instead gushed about how AMAZING everything looked and how TALENTED he was for building all himself.
Logan ends up showing them how to play afterwards and they work together to make weird sculptures and complex tunnels underground.
He likes practical merch like backpacks, coffee mugs, pencil holders, notebooks, ect. as well as a few t-shirts and novelty ties.
Yes, he does collect Pokemon cards!
Patton Adley
Silly dating sims, farming games, and any cute game really! Plus a few side scroller games!
Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Slime Rancher, The Sims, Dream Daddy, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Monster Prom, Hatoful Boyfriend, Scribblenauts, Night In The Woods, Ni Nu Kuni, etc.
Big Nintendo fan!
He made the mistake of playing Doki Doki Literature Club without reading the warning tags and regrets it immensely...still a good game though.
He did the same thing with Huni Pop but that one made him laugh more then anything and he kind of got addicted to it. Then he found out there was a sequel called HuniCam so he went down that rabbit hole too.
He likes a lot of phone app games too like Cut the Rope, Neko Atsume, and Candy Crush.
Loves trashy dating app games, he thinks they’re so funny and cheesy
He was addicted to Mystic Messenger for a long while
Just because he has his preference doesn’t mean he won’t try other games too, Logan got him hooked on World of Warcraft (though really he did that to everyone), Virgil showed him Hollow Knight, and Roman suggested he play Undertales.
Prefers merch in the form of plushies and key chains!
He likes to bake and decorate cookies, cakes and pastries in the form of his favorite video game characters.
Duncan [Deceit] Adley (Patton’s twin)
A lot of first person shooter and combat games!
Doom Series, Super Smash Bros, Mortal Combat, Halo, Fortnight, Grand Theft Auto, Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Half-Life, Team Fortress, Destiny, Wolfenstein, Bio Shock, Splatoon, PUBg etc.
Patton was the one that introduced him to Splatoon and he won’t admit that it’s actually super fun.
Doesn’t mind story driven games and RPGs but he really just wants something he can zone out to and relax
He likes to troll people online, mainly assholes picking on little kids who just want to play.
He once teamed up with a group of kids on Call of Duty solely for the purpose of collectively kicking the asses of this groups of so called “real gamers” that were being jerks.
Has memorized all the combos! He doesn’t have time to sit and look up a cool finishing move, he needs it now!
Always mains the weakest/most useless character in fighting games and still manages to kick everyone’s ass.
Doesn’t have a preference in merch and usually grabs whatever he likes be it figurines, t-shirts, posters, plushies, or whatever, so long as he likes the game it comes from.
Has several tattoos from his favorite games
Emile Picani
Classic retro games, cartoonish games, and Nintendo are his jam broham!
Mario, Classic Sonic, Paper Boy, Transylvania, Spyro, Pac Man, All the Saga Disney games, Duck Hunt, Mario Kart, Galaga, Mega Man, Donkey Kong, Secret of Mana, Banjo-Kazooie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, etc.
Absolutely fell in love with Shovel Knight when it came out!
Remy got him into all the indie pixel games: Towerfall, Terraria, Owlboy, Hotline Miami, Papers Please, Celeste, One Shot, etc.
Duncan was the one that introduced him to Cuphead and the usually play it together and see how far each of them can go without dying.
The game is difficult but the art is still so breathtaking!
Likes the occasional psychological thriller game
Bet Virgil showed him Alice: Madness Returns and Doki Doki Literature Club (after he’s played it of course)
Likes plushies and figurine merch with the occasional poster and coffee mug.
Likes to doodle a lot of his fav video game characters and cartoons and is actually really good at it. He helped design most of Duncan’s tattoos.
Remy Knightly
Likes a lot of indie games and old online flash games!
The Stanley Parables, Oxenfree, Inside, Firewatch, Super MeatBoy, The Binding of Issac, Donut County, Henry Stickman series, Impossible Quiz, Crush the Castle series, Hyper Light Drifter, etc.
He always gets everybody hooked on one game or another
He convinced everyone to play Undertales so for like a month they all went through a HUGE Undertales faze.
Was the actual, ACTUAL one that showed Duncan Cuphead because he knew the dork would be reminded of Emile because of the animation and would want to show it to him and play multiplayer (*cough* subtle matchmaker *cough*)
(Do not be fooled, he is a pinning boy himself)
Is up to date in all the gossip of the latest games and consuls, indie or mainstream! He’s in the know, know and if you need to know something chances are Remy probably knows it.
Weeds out through all the indie horror games for Virgil and recommends what he thinks are the best ones.
Same thing with Logan and his puzzle games, he’s usually is able to find very strange ones and Logan seems to likes those best.
Obviously has a lot of merch in coffee mug and thermal form as well as a few key chains.
Occasionally streams on Twitch with Duncan and Emile (sometimes inviting the main squad too), they’re commentary is usual hilarious.
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Dr. Flug x Reader: The Club
I don’t really speak Spanish but I’m leaning. Those who don’t know I have southern Native American/ northern Mexican ancestry (along with Eastern European and Asian so I’m literally a mix of everything). But anyways I’m not sure where exactly the show is supposed to take place, I kinda just assume maybe a big city like San Francisco or LA makes sense to me. But sense I know that it is a Latin American show primarily, I headcanon most of the main characters are some sort of Latin. Plus I actually prefer watching it in Spanish. Idk feels more authentic? Also like I said it’s kinda helping me learn Spanish since I can understand it but I’m working on creating sentences. This is a reader insert but you’ll be basically filling in as my character Vanessa. Obviously I haven’t said yet but I am a musical theater major/performer and so I love to do fics surrounding musicals and what not. I’ve been listening to in the heights (fun fact I used to live in NY) and the Latin themes got me inspired. If I could literally find people to do performances with me with characters or something that would be amazing.
SONG: The club
MUSICAL: In the Heights
I don’t write genders now because I realize that anyone should be able to enjoy but I do write for more feminine characters if not asked for specifics. I am actually non-binary myself but I do present feminine (although most times I just exist idk but if I’m getting dressed up I’ll mostly look feminine)
I’m going to include most of the Spanish that is in the song. It’s nothing really big. It kinda just feels inauthentic to not include it. Maybe you can learn some things too.
Wepa= Hey!
Y cada día = and every day
Sí = yes
No mames = no way!
The city was bursting with excitement as “Latin dance night” was approaching at sundown. Villains and their friends could gather for a night of fun and dancing. The idea was that just because you’re evil doesn’t mean that you have to be lonely. There were other thematic nights but this one was specifically for those south of the hemisphere. The temperature was steadily climbing in the past few weeks and everyone was itching to get out and enjoy the cool night air. Being located in Southern California meant that there were bound to be a lot of people at the party. “Latin Night” happened every other weekend and (y/n) found herself frequenting a lot. There they could dance and have fun with other villains. There was a wide range of people and some not-so-people that would show up just for the sheer fun. (Y/n) felt pride rise in their chest upon the sight of so many beings in one place celebrating their heritage.
(Y/n) managed to convince one awkward doctor to come with her for the night. On top of that, they were even able to convince him to show his regular face after telling him about all the different kinds of villains that would be at the place. He usually didn’t like going anywhere without his protective bag on his head, but (y/n) told him that there was nothing to fear. Dr. Flug examined himself in the mirror feeling shy. He wore dark blue jeans, a flannel over a blue t-shirt, his normal sneakers, and his medium length dark brown curly hair tied at the base of the back of his head. Strands of curls framed his face and he tried to smooth them down. Flug met his dark brown eyes in the mirror and sighed. He felt ridiculous and thought about what (y/n) would say once she saw him. He began tracing one of his scars on his face with a shaky hand. It was true that (y/n) was giving him more and more confidence to go out without covering his face like he normally did, but he feared this would be too much. Although, knowing that there were going to be worse looking people and even some not-really-people at the event made him feel a lot better. He’d seen some really ugly villains in his time and figured that it wouldn’t be that bad.
“Slys! We don’t have all night” there was a knock at his door and he turned around shyly.
‘I guess this is it’ he thought as he answered a quick, “come in.” The door swung open revealing a beautiful (y/n) who was wearing an equally beautiful red knee-length dress and black heels. Their (h/c) hair was done up and they wore a seducing smile. They looked like they could kill a man based solely on good looks alone. Flug felt his entire face burn up in red, almost matching (y/n)’s dress.
“Hey not bad Dr. Slys” (y/n) gave a slight punch on his shoulder and stepped closer to embrace him. This didn’t help his nerves or red face situation.
“T-thanks” he choked out and pat his friend on the shoulder. True they were only friend for now, but that didn’t stop the feeling he had for them take root and blossom in the pit of his heart, no matter how many times he tried to kill it.
“Come on let’s go!! We will have fun I promise you. Whenever you want to leave, just tell me and I’ll take you home.” (Y/n) gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded as they began walking out of the mansion, hand in hand.
“Hey!! (Y/n)!!! The whole club shouted as (y/n) and Dr.Flug stepped in the vicinity.
Flug grasped onto (y/n) even tighter and tried to seem cool. He was, in fact, the very opposite of cool.
“Hey this is kinda nice. I really like what they’ve got going with the lights. So this is the place where you spend your weekends? And did I mention you look really great tonight? Because you do-“
(Y/n) cut him off and patted his chest, “Slys, for me just relax.”
“Relax? Què relax? I’m relaxed!” Flug tried to brush it off.
“Wepa!! (Y/n)!!” Another group of people called out as Flug and (y/n) made their way more into the club. Flug felt a little jealous at all the attention (y/n) was getting and he could tell they were eating it up. He began speaking again, “so I guess you’ve been here before? As you know I don’t go out much in fact I’ve been so busy with work. Y cada día it’s a brand new thing my boss wants. Not to mention I’m not really good at dancing, but maybe you and me could sometime hang out some more..?”
(Y/n) turned back to him and smiled cheerily. They could tell that he was extremely nervous and that’s why he was rambling so much.
“Let’s go get a drink.” They grabbed their friend’s hand and led him to the bar. There they met one of (y/n)’s friends that Flug recognized as Jason. Jason was once a hero like (y/n) who also turned to the dark side. Then he also worked as a ‘villain for hire’ where (y/n) and him became close friends.
“Is that?? Doctor Flug Slys??” Jason slapped the thinner man’s back and pulled him in closer.
“Uh, yeah” flug tried to hide his face in embarrassment. He hadn’t really let Jason see what he looked like under his bag and he could feel the heat rise with in him and his chest tightened.
“Aw man. What you need is a good drink.” Jason slapped Flug on the chest and turned to a grisly looking man on the other side of the bar that separated the workers from the patrons.
“Bartender! I would like four shots of tequila-“
“Oh I don’t drink..” Flug looked away and Jason smiled with his arm still around the doctor.
“Make that five then!” Jason winked and turned back to his friend, “so what brings you to Latin night at club ‘Wicked Merlin’?”
Flug continued looking at the ground and doesn’t realize (y/n) had slipped away a little bit ago.
“Well. (Y/n) decided it would be good for me to go out. And now I’m starting to regret that decision really.” He looks to his side and sees that (y/n) is not next to him anymore.
“Speaking of which, where did they go?” Flug began to get worried. Jason laughed as the five shots came their way.
“Who knows. I’m sure she’s just dancing, knowing her. But anyways you should drink it’ll take away your nerves. If you want to have fun you need to drink.” With that Jason downed his two shots and handed the remaining three to Flug. Flug stared at him for a second before deciding to knock one back and preparing for the sting.
“Alright there you go! As long as you drink, I’ll buy” Jason gave a great big smile. For being a villain, he had a good heart.
“No no you don’t have to do that” Flug said after taking the second shot. He could feel his face flush from the alcohol enter his bloodstream.
“Nonsense! I just copped a bag from my last gig so I got cash to blow. Besides, how many times do you get to go out and have fun? Also, knowing you, you’ll be a cheap date” Jason laughed and Flug found himself unable to say no.
“Fine but this is all I’m having.” He swallowed the last shot and Jason tugged his arm.
“Hey is that (y/n)?” Jason pointed across the room at their red figure talking to someone Flug didn’t recognize.
“Who are they talking to?” Flug tried to inquire.
“Some dude… I don’t know man, I think they're trying to make you jealous.” Both Jason and Flug we’re starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. Flug crosses his arms and puffed.
“Jealous, I’m not jealous. I can take all these men, whatever.”
In just that second, the unknown man grabs their hand and pulls them to the dance floor. The two began to dance to the Latin music blaring overhead. It doesn’t take long before the entire dance floor is cleared out until it’s just (y/n) and the unknown man dancing in the center. The music speeds up slightly and the dancing continues. Even though Flug is beyond jealous he can’t help but feeling impressed at how great his friend is at dancing. They never would have seemed like the type who could completely tear it up on the dance floor. For a little bit, Flug felt joy grow within him and he studied their moves intently.
“(Y/n)!! Let me get the next one!!” Other people began to call out wanting to dance with the new star of the show. The way they were sweating and flexing their body on the dance floor made Flug want to join in even more. On top of that the alcohol was really starting to kick in and gave him an extra boost of confidence. He liked to dance secretly in his lab when he knew he was alone. He was Latin after all! He never would admit it, but music was in his soul and he enjoyed the twists and turns music would make in his mind as he listened.
Everybody clapped and cheered as (y/n) and the unknown stranger finished dancing. They caught Flug’s eyes and offered a warm smile and ran over to join him.
“I had no idea that you could dance like that” Flug started sheepishly. Suddenly it felt like all his confidence was gone.
“Well when you have enough practice, you get pretty good. Wanna dance?”
“Oh no I don’t dance.” Flug grabbed his shoulder.
“So you can be a doctor but not learn how to dance?” (Y/n) jeered and elbowed him.
“Sí” Flug stared blankly. He was lying but he didn’t want (y/n) to know.
As everyone was coupled up, (y/n) grabbed his hands anyways and pulled him into them.
“Nope. Don’t believe you. You got perfect dancing hips.” (Y/n) placed their hands on his shoulders and he tentatively slid his clammy hands on their waist.
“Here like this. You go back first then go forward” (y/n) swiveled their hips forward making Flug take a step back. His face grew red again as he realized how close he was to (y/n). They slowly got into the rhythm and continued going back and forth.
“Okay now I’m going to go around you and you’ll stay in place but turn to face me. This is called ‘the rejection.’” Flug gulped in response and nodded. He knew what they were trying to tell him and he followed suit. (Y/n) crossed begins him and he spun to face them. It wasn’t that hard, but appeared to be more complicated than it really was. They continued taking turns doing this and everyone started to notice.
“Oh god they’re starting to watch us.” Flug started to get worried.
“Then let’s give them a show!” (Y/n) smiled devilishly at him and pulled him into her chest once again. Their body was flushed with his and he felt tingles go up his spine. He never felt so alive and scared at the same time. They made their way across the floor and (y/n) really began to take off. To everyone’s surprise Flug was able to keep up with them and (y/n) took notice.
“I knew you could dance lier!!” They smiled as they continued salsaing across the floor. Flug grabbed them by the waist and threw them up so that their legs would wrap around his torso. They stopped for a second to pose with the music and then he grabbed them again so they could continue spinning. The whole crowd was going wild and Flug could feel his stamina start to drain. He spun (y/n) into him and flipped her over his arm and brought his face close to their’s as the music came to an exciting end. The club went wild again as another song began to play. (Y/n) began to laugh and gave Flug a kiss on the cheek. Just then Jason appeared clapping and singing to the music.
“No Mames!! Holy hell you two were fantastic!! Who knew!! Did you two rehearse that because wow” Jason was extremely wasted by this point.
“Some people are just that good.” (Y/n) winked at Flug who just shrugged his shoulders.
“Alright. I’m going to go grab a drink. I’m way too parched.” (Y/n) said before patting their friends on the shoulders and walking over to the bar.
Once (y/n) was out of sight, Jason punched Flug on the arm in a more or less friendly way.
“Some date you got there” he said and kept winking at Flug.
Flug was rubbing the now sore spot on his arm and looked irritated. “Yeah I know.” He stated plainly.
“Well have you told them yet? You know, how you feel?”
“What??” Flug was growing impatient.
“Come on it’s obvious. You like them. We all know in the villain community.”
Before Flug could answer there was some buzzing noises and a flash of light before a complete and utter blackout.
Those who know the musical knows what happens next. But I’m also not going completely by the musical.
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [I'm gonna say he's just full on sat next to her for food or whatever after also sitting next to her on the coach/minibus etc] Jimmy: let's not stop meeting like this Janis: Hope you don't think this harrassment is going to fly Janis: not a Catholic school Jimmy: You'd have to speak up, reckon that's about as likely as Jesus weighing in on the issue Jimmy: but alright I owe you a vape pen, glue stick or whatever else the paddy youth classes as a fun time Janis: Wouldn't wanna inflate your ego more than everyone else has Janis: or talk to you, obvs Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: congrats on your immunity Jimmy: 🏅🏆 Janis: To what? Janis: the clap or your lack of charm Jimmy: both Jimmy: you're a real winner, girl Janis: aw thanks Janis: if you want tossing off under the table though, you've got plenty other options Jimmy: a real heart breaker, you Jimmy: gives me a better idea Jimmy: tah Janis: that's me Janis: brains and beauty Janis: ? Jimmy: don't forget modesty and humility Jimmy: use your 💔 talents to publicly me and I can spend the rest of this trip in exile Jimmy: 🎻😭🎻 Janis: i'd rather, tah Janis: you want that rep? Janis: guess a pussy is pretty undesirable Jimmy: more than the one they're trying to give me, yeah Jimmy: not the only 🧠 on board Janis: no jerking off, remember Janis: fine Janis: leave your vape pen at home Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: don't touch me Jimmy: or my nonexistent vape pen Janis: not planning on it Janis: school trips are ample molestation time all 'round but me and Mr Lucas got other 🎯 Jimmy: what is the plan then? Jimmy: be 💔 to cockblock you and him and that's your thing more than mine Janis: you've come to me with no plan? Janis: 'course Janis: right, who's in your room? Jimmy: if you can't do it you ain't the girl for me Jimmy: and if you are, I ain't gonna tell you how to work Jimmy: Dunno, man bun, deepest of v neck t-shirts? Jimmy: probably does vape Janis: yeah, dead considerate, I buy it Janis: not bad description though, if you're a police informant, you're giving the game away Janis: later, message me when he's got his mates in your room, yeah Janis: step 1 Jimmy: 👌 💰 Jimmy: I'm 45 and faking being a real boy, the 😎 hide my crows feet Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [when you 😏 irl] Janis: explains the whole look, really Jimmy: [likewise cos she's funny too] Jimmy: save it for the break up, sweetheart Janis: rest assured, just 'cos you're new doesn't mean I've not got enough insults for you to spare Jimmy: that'll be why I asked you Jimmy: all in for that 👅 baby, sharper the better Janis: obviously Janis: not like I'm the only bitch who wouldn't take this as a 💍 Jimmy: 🤞 Mr Lucas has picked one out for you Jimmy: 👰🎊💕 Janis: 😩😩😩 Janis: don't get my hopes up Jimmy: my bad, mate Jimmy: You want me to give him a nudge? Only take the one screenshot, I'm sure Janis: idk if he swings both ways Janis: or that a 🍆📸 is gonna help my case Janis: but cheers, mate Jimmy: give him a bit to get to know me Jimmy: and appreciate my many talents Jimmy: be alright Janis: defs what they had in mind for the group bonding sesh Jimmy: bit rude to skip it then, like Janis: who are you to deny the world of your 'talents' Janis: I feel a migraine coming on though Jimmy: with a head that big it's gonna be a killer Janis: 🤞 Janis: I'll need all afternoon Jimmy: 🙏🏻 for you, my dear Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: [a dramatic 😑 deadpan] Jimmy: [he's just like 😏 of course] Jimmy: the dickheads are about Janis: alright Janis: get ready to answer the door Janis: [idea is she shows up so whoever the f was in her room at the time knows she's gone somewhere (and they nosy af so they'll be ON IT) and then these lads will see them go off together and thus the rumour-mill can do it's thing without them having to do more than go and hide and smoke somewhere for a hot sec] Jimmy: if you're gonna be naked give me a heads up to be 😍 not 😑 Jimmy: whatever the rumour mill reckons I weren't on that teen soap Janis: alright, hollyoaks Janis: the accent and the IQ, not any of the emotional range Janis: subtly is your friend even if I ain't, nothing makes them lose their shit more Jimmy: maybe you do have something going on behind them 👀 Janis: save the 'compliments' for when you 'reckon they're just out of earshot, boy Jimmy: save the bossiness for when Mr Lucas wifes you Janis: you're the one that said you weren't gonna tell me how to work Janis: so fuck up if you want my face to be anything but not at your door Jimmy: you're working them not me Jimmy: so crack on Janis: pick up a hoodie or a jacket yeah Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: what's your colour? Janis: right, so you aren't a total amateur Janis: ⬛️ works 😎 boy Jimmy: It's how we woo girls in the freezing cold north Janis: try not to freeze yourself 'cos naturally you can't have it back 'til this shitshow is over Jimmy: are you dyslexic? I just said 💪 Janis: believe that when I see it Janis: [shows up] Jimmy: [off you go 'sneakily' haha] Janis: [she's 100% in a shortie PJs moment for the added scandal of it all 'cos unlike the rest she hasn't bought all the LEWKS to this trip honey, hence the need for the hoodie] Jimmy: [don't check her out too much boy cos we know that's actually a look and you wanna] Janis: [avoid the teachers on the way out but get caught on the way in, 'cos no one ever gets in proper trouble on school trips 'cos they cba but again, gets people shooketh] Jimmy: [such a mood, unrelated but I once mooned on a school trip] Janis: [just walking in casual silence right now] Jimmy: [literally not gonna say a word this whole time lbr] Janis: [suits both of you, just be somewhere they can't be peeping] Jimmy: [you know he's 🚬 because always, casually retrieved from behind his ear because #mood] Janis: [just stealing it 'cos what else are you gonna do frankly] Jimmy: [giving her a look like oi and stealing it back cos likewise] Janis: [when you're just snatching lmao, 'YOU owe ME, dickhead, so consider your debt repaid' 😏] Jimmy: [lights a new one for her and gives her it like aim higher because shady bitch and also that's a habit from day 1] Janis: [raises it like cheers] Jimmy: [tips a hat he doesn't have on] Janis: [the 🙄 but we know you sneaky amused] Jimmy: [gotta give them back because its what they always do] Janis: [gestures like gimme your phone] Jimmy: [does without a second thought which makes me die] Janis: [lucky she's not being a dick with it, takes a cute/vaguely sexy pic in his hoodie and saves her number handing it back with a shrug like now you can brag as much as you do or don't wanna 'cos how boys do] Jimmy: [sends her a text which is literally just '😍' so she has his] Janis: [sends back a '🖕'] Jimmy: [sends back '💔'] Janis: ['😂'] Jimmy: [when you gesture at her to come here so you can take a pic together because she needs something in her phone too in case of nosy bitches] Janis: [does, obvs, start as you mean to go on lads] Jimmy: [casual photo session] Janis: [you know grace is blowing her phone up like WHERE HAVE YOU GONE rn] Jimmy: [the truest thing, hold on honey, they're busy] Jimmy: [he'd give her a bemused look cos miss popular is not the mood he expected but like also he knows the plan is working so can't complain] Janis: [the face you'd make 'cos it looks like you're just bffs with her and not related like omg no] Jimmy: [it'd make him lol he wouldn't be able to help it] Janis: [just scowling in that last pic] Jimmy: [casually his fave out of all the pics] Janis: [the temptation to send one to her just to shut her up but that'd be too easy so you gotta make her work for it lol] Jimmy: [you'll have so much time to shut everyone up, hang in there kids] Janis: [for now enjoy the literal irl silence] Jimmy: [it would be so nice cos his roommate would be as annoying and loud] Janis: [I legit thought you were describing Ollie so #real when your fam is just too much] Jimmy: [#confirmed and whatever girlfriend he has currently should be on the trip too so it's even more annoying to share] Janis: [fun and games, defs kicking grace out so you can 'get it on' 'cos she'll be fuming, everyone coupled] Jimmy: [we simply must] Jimmy: [she'd have to throw herself at some random trip lad so as not to be entirely left out which is not a mood] Janis: [can only imagine the quality gurl no] Jimmy: [honestly, don't even bother but we know she will] Janis: [god bless, also you can probably start heading back lads] Jimmy: [take a second to imagine the kiss when he walks her back, like enjoy everyone but also you two shamelessly] Janis: could've warned me, prick Jimmy: so you're the amateur then? Jimmy: could've warned me of that Janis: fuck off Janis: was following the 'don't touch me' rule Jimmy: you never said I couldn't touch you Janis: 'cos it's a given Janis: whatever Janis: it worked Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: you don't think? Jimmy: you that confident? Janis: i get it, lads ain't AS hysterical as girls are Janis: usually Janis: these headphones aren't as noise-canceling as they promised Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: not for you, but as far as the plan Janis: you're welcome Jimmy: not for long Jimmy: exile, remember Janis: ain't got a spare room I can magic out my arse for you Jimmy: I get it, we ain't back at your mansion now Jimmy: it's alright, rich girl, no hard feelings Janis: 😢 some more, pussyole Janis: you wanna swap beds? Jimmy: you want that rep this soon? Jimmy: I've had a few less than 🥇 nights with northern lasses but nowt worth crying about Janis: you can spare me the details if you want an invite Janis: the idea is to be less annoying than this lot Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: hope you don't think i'm doing this work for free Janis: they reckon we're having such a scintillating conversation rn, again, welcome Jimmy: what you don't love an emoji standoff? Janis: 😍 Janis: of course Jimmy: if you need me to make you 😳 that's one of my talents Janis: sure Janis: that shit don't work on me Jimmy: sure Jimmy: you're well special, you Jimmy: a proper ❄ Janis: if you like Janis: or you ain't as special as you've been led to believe but either or Jimmy: the idea is to be less annoying than this lot, in your own words Janis: if you think i'm the type to take the higher ground whilst you continue to be a dickhead, you got the wrong bitch Jimmy: If you think this is me being a dickhead, you've got the wrong northern new boy Janis: scary Janis: is this the part where i cream myself? Jimmy: You can't kiss and you scare too easily Jimmy: is there owt else I gotta be warned about? Janis: you couldn't make a 🐷😳 Jimmy: you've got body issues an' all ✔ Jimmy: what diet are you on, I'll try and look interested Janis: wrong sister Janis: pass on your deets Jimmy: Tah Janis: have fun Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [skip to after am activities which they slayed as a #team] Janis: tah for not dragging me down too much Jimmy: I were about to say the same thing to you, girl Jimmy: 💕 Janis: wow, so in-synch Janis: what am I thinking rn Jimmy: it'd make a 🐷😳 Janis: [when you barely hold back that lol] Janis: oh well Janis: 💕 whilst it lasted babe Jimmy: fuck it, I'm still pretty Jimmy: 🧠 off for a bit Janis: sound like a delusional single ma Janis: you'll bounce back, karen, you still got it Jimmy: that'll be 'cause I am Jimmy: two kids and no man Janis: 💔 Janis: make the most of this you time Jimmy: on it Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: 🙌📣👏🏆 Jimmy: living laughing loving Jimmy: all in this one morning Janis: break out the pink gin and prosecco babes Jimmy: It's a #date Janis: the lack of booze on this trip is shocking Janis: someone's got to have something Jimmy: meant to be what you paddys are known for Jimmy: sort it out, the lot of yous Janis: if I find the goods, I won't share 💕 Jimmy: actually 💔 Jimmy: I'll sneak off and find my own then Jimmy: gotta be a pub somewhere Janis: you reckon you're getting free Jimmy: why not? Janis: 😎 not ninja Jimmy: I'll send you a selfie once I've had a few Jimmy: proof'll be in the pint Janis: fuck off are you going without Jimmy: you reckon you're coming with? piss off Janis: i won't need to chat to you when we get there Janis: if Jimmy: you don't need to chat to me now but on you go Janis: this ain't talking Janis: and you can't stop me Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: you'll get over it Janis: dry your eyes Jimmy: You'll get over staying here Janis: fuck off, you don't even know where we are Jimmy: I've got a 📱 knobhead Jimmy: [waves it at her IRL] Janis: call a hotline to 😢🍆👌 it out Jimmy: phone a friend to take you to the pub Jimmy: I'll see you there Janis: I can go myself, dickwad Janis: 🤞 we don't pick the same one Jimmy: I'll avoid anywhere called the Blushing Pig Jimmy: know it's your local Janis: you'll wanna avoid anywhere too local with that accent Jimmy: I ain't scared, leave that to you, like Janis: piss off Jimmy: the plan's that, yeah Janis: okay, try this one, shut up Jimmy: this ain't talking Jimmy: what happened to that? Janis: i make the rules Janis: it's talking when i want you to not Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Janis: 🙄 Janis: laters then Jimmy: in a bit Janis: ✌ flip reverse that Jimmy: [nearly lols] Jimmy: 😘 Janis: 💕 Jimmy: went from hot to cute well quick Janis: yeah, not the only one with talents Jimmy: I might believe you when I see any Janis: I were about to say the same thing to you, boy Jimmy: I got in there first, girl Jimmy: what are you gonna do? Janis: fact remains, no blushes, just bullshit Janis: and to get to the pub? Janis: not helping you, amateur Jimmy: [sends her some real saucy shit use your imagination cos we know I don't have skills] Jimmy: To hide your blush or top that Janis: [when you have to make a face of disgust so it ain't straight up 😳] Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [at least her going out for a run would not be weird if the teachers asked] Jimmy: [run baby run] Janis: [jump that fence, you're defs getting into trouble after the hols, starting the new term off well before finishing this one] Jimmy: [start as you mean to go on, everyone will be scandalised] Janis: [just ignoring each other lmao] Jimmy: [good luck with that] Janis: did you get lost Jimmy: did you pull a muscle? Janis: I'm 💪 Jimmy: no proof, just chat Janis: proof is how far behind you're lagging Jimmy: Piss off Janis: aw baby Jimmy: save your sweet talk, Judith Jimmy: you might need the practice but I don't need to hear it Janis: gotta concentrate on your 🗺 Janis: only so much 🧠 power a Northern boys got Jimmy: congrats on being a native, mate Janis: ain't that hard Janis: one main road Jimmy: I'll drop you in my old home town and you can let me know how well you crack on Janis: alright Janis: piss easy Jimmy: 👌 Janis: can't be much worse than here Jimmy: can be your own judge Janis: generous Jimmy: I ain't buying you a pint Jimmy: stop flirting with me Janis: I'll get someone of age to do that Janis: tah Jimmy: 🧠 and 🍀 Janis: just tits Janis: don't feel too bad Jimmy: I feel bad for you if you're banking on that Janis: 10 feminist points for you, pop up a status #ally Jimmy: I meant 'cause your sister's are better but alright Janis: didn't see her hauling her arse over no fence but alright Jimmy: nobody asked her, that'll be why Jimmy: must be politer than you an' all Janis: find your way back and shag her then, like Jimmy: If I fancied that I wouldn't be here Jimmy: but tah for giving us your blessing Janis: got more chance that than getting a drink Jimmy: take that 🍻 chance still Janis: tits aren't that good then Jimmy: To cancel out the lass attached she'd need them🥇 Jimmy: I'm new, but that don't mean I ain't got a single clue about nowt Janis: so made up you've seen a boob, mate Jimmy: me too, like Janis: 👌 Janis: [sends picture of drink like mission accomplished] Jimmy: 👏 Jimmy: you should post that somewhere you can actually brag Janis: tah for the suggestion Janis: wait 'til I'm finished Janis: Lucas don't need my location Jimmy: How else is he meant to propose? Jimmy: 💔 for him Janis: you wanna 💔 him when I get caught cheating Jimmy: he's 💕 I'm just here to make you 😳 Janis: not talking about you, you ain't here Jimmy: not talking to me either, this don't count Janis: too right Jimmy: 👍 Janis: be thinking up #s for me if you've got the brain space Jimmy: How much you gonna pay me, rich girl? Janis: get you a pint if you ever make it Jimmy: [struts in] Jimmy: Go on then Janis: [gets the lad to get 'em all a drink in, sure he is thrilled lmao] Jimmy: [#cockblocked] Janis: 👏 on not dying Jimmy: might do on the way back Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: wouldn't be a tragedy to miss more team building Janis: I don't wanna give you cpr Jimmy: don't bring it up then Jimmy: I never asked Janis: I don't care Janis: not catching a case 'cos you're suicidal Jimmy: I get it, you need the practice for that an' all Janis: I get it, you're a dick Jimmy: Is there owt you can do on the first try? Janis: none of your business Jimmy: no then Jimmy: alright Janis: you don't know me Janis: and you don't need to Jimmy: 👌❄ Jimmy: I don't want to Janis: sure Janis: so don't ask Jimmy: It weren't a real question, more of a dig Janis: like I said, I get it Janis: real edgy stuff Jimmy: whatever big head, you know things Jimmy: I got that myself ages ago Janis: yeah, you're dead convincing, hollyoaks Jimmy: I wouldn't bother auditioning if I were you Jimmy: they really care about tits Janis: you're fooled Janis: but thanks for the advice Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [when your phone's going off 'cos only so long before they'd be obligated to call the police lol but they'd try to get contact first, massive 🙄] Janis: drink up, newbie Jimmy: no chance, I just got here Janis: you wanna be dragged out by a teacher Janis: that'll look well 😎 Jimmy: If it's Mr Lucas Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Janis: [short lol like ha] Janis: alright then, enjoy Janis: [going out with the dude] Jimmy: 💕 Janis: [after a period] Janis: I'll tell 'em where to find you then, shall I? Jimmy: such a romantic, you Janis: well it ain't gonna look very #goals but that's your choice Jimmy: Thought you were making the rules Janis: I ain't gonna drag you out, nice try perv Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: do whatever the fuck you are gonna do then, Jennifer Janis: 🙄 omg get out Janis: take the glass with you if you're aiming for impressive here Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: what are you trying to achieve Jimmy: We've done this bit, don't know each other, don't want to, ring any bells? Jimmy: and it should be obvious for a 🧠 like yours Janis: you want to get them to leave you alone, sure Janis: so you don't need to cause this scene Jimmy: Do you wanna be here? Janis: I didn't come for no reason Janis: but I don't need the garda called on me Jimmy: I came here for my dad's bollocks reasons Jimmy: so maybe I do Janis: alright Janis: I'll say I ain't seen you then Janis: if that's what you want Jimmy: that won't look right Jimmy: we're meant to be love's young dream Janis: right Janis: so we've really gotta bonnie and clyde it? Jimmy: I'll find another way to fuck him over Jimmy: without dragging you down into it Janis: cheers Janis: consider it an IOU, yeah Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: we should've taken more pictures Janis: I've text my sister, now they know we're not actually runaways/kidnapped/other, we can at least take our time before the bollocking Janis: get another drink if you want Jimmy: I don't have a 🔪 in my pocket everyone Jimmy: figure it out Janis: just pleased to see me, yeah Janis: good one Jimmy: 💀 pact's tomorrow Jimmy: and we're obviously using poison Janis: obviously, the ⛵ lake isn't deep enough to walk into the middle of Jimmy: and I don't have rocks in my pocket either Jimmy: they ain't that deep Janis: 💔💰 poor boy, right? Jimmy: Yep Jimmy: 🎻😭🎻 Janis: gutting Janis: I'll bring the poison then Jimmy: Tah Jimmy: I'll bring the 🥧 for you to poison Janis: it's for credit, by the way Jimmy: 👌 Janis: somehow shitter than I imagined still Jimmy: 💔 Janis: yeah yeah Janis: you got a 🚬? Jimmy: only thing actually in my pockets Janis: don't need an inventory can I have one Jimmy: If you come here Janis: so bloody awkward Jimmy: I don't get credit for exercising, mate Janis: 🙄 yeah cheers for the training Janis: [comes in though] Jimmy: [waves because cheeky little shit] Janis: [😑 just puts her hands out like tah] Jimmy: I said, come here Janis: [stomps closer like boy] Jimmy: [pulls her closer to him because 1. that bitch and 2. selfie opportunities shouldn't be ignored 3. shameless] Janis: [when you go hard for the selfies but then you push him back like oi] Jimmy: [when you likewise go hard for the selfies but then shrug and walk out knowing she'll follow you for that 🚬] Janis: you're so stupid Jimmy: *northern Janis: if you wanna do your people like that Janis: I'm just talking 'bout you Jimmy: We all understand what come here means Jimmy: my stupid dog just about does an' all Janis: fuck off Jimmy: Do you want a 🚬 or not? Janis: I did, you heard me Jimmy: Come on then Janis: [comes out but starts walking gesturing like let's go] Jimmy: [lights one for her and holds it out cos always] Janis: [takes it in silence] Jimmy: [walking and 🚬 in silence as is their standard] Janis: they better go easy on you 'cos you're a new kid and by proxy, me Jimmy: I'll play the 🎻🎻s loud Jimmy: it'll be alright Janis: yeah Janis: long as my parents don't find out and try to fuck with my holiday, give a fuck Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: like you wanna be grounded for 3 weeks Jimmy: like that'd be his choice of punishment Janis: lucky you Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: poor you Janis: mhmm Jimmy: [is just 😒 but when is that not his face tbh] Janis: [so not gonna notice really] Jimmy: [deafening silence is also not a clue] Janis: don't snitch on me and I won't snitch on you Jimmy: 👍 Janis: later then Janis: [bolts 'cos awkward] Jimmy: [meanwhile he's taking his sweet time and we all know it] Janis: [the very next day, room cleaning duty 'cos you've been bad eggs] Jimmy: here's your chance to see if anyone has anything to drink Janis: true Janis: I'll do Dan and Jake's room then, that's where my money is Jimmy: 💕 and 🍀 girl Janis: godspeed Janis: 📸 anything good Jimmy: What kind of bollocks paddy punishment is this? Jimmy: barely started and I've got 🚬s and 💸 Janis: they ain't the sharpest Janis: plus they're terrified we'll turn around and say they went full on abuse of power away from school property Jimmy: You should let me in your room Janis: I ain't got nothing to steal, have at my sister's shit Janis: but seriously, they realise they've left us alone rn, dopes Jimmy: Later, dickhead Jimmy: when your sister is about Janis: twincest ain't the one Jimmy: 💔 Janis: Jack would disagree, clearly Janis: [retro pornmag moment] Janis: guess he knew the signal would be shit, clever boy Jimmy: can't be that clever if he ain't getting any off the page Janis: neither are you, like Jimmy: You're rocking my world, baby Jimmy: don't insult yourself Janis: 😏 Janis: right Jimmy: [a picture of some prescription pills] Jimmy: want these? Janis: won't even take offense to that implication Janis: go on Jimmy: 👌 Janis: You should come then Janis: later Jimmy: I don't wanna do drugs with you, Jodie Jimmy: it weren't the idea Janis: I get the idea, moron Janis: I'm saying yeah, probably should Jimmy: Alright Janis: these kids are idiots Janis: why have they bought half this shit Jimmy: not all of them, I just found your sister's friend's binge stash 🍫🍪🍬 Jimmy: won't be starving in a bit Janis: that's evil Janis: someone'll die if she don't get her cals Janis: 🤞 it's grace Jimmy: 😈 me Jimmy: come and get a 🍪 Janis: not your stupid dog Jimmy: she follows instructions 50% of the time Janis: 🖕 Janis: maybe if you were a better trainer Jimmy: more for me 💕 Janis: you enjoy, I'm busy Jimmy: I get it, it's decent porn Janis: that's it 🙄😂 Janis: but you've put me off now, twat Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: 🍀 I'm coming over later then Janis: obviously Janis: how morally dubious is it to put Kieran's missus' bra in say Janis: Leon's bed Janis: asking for a friend Jimmy: I'd reckon you were morally obligated Jimmy: answering for everyone Janis: 😇 me Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Pouring water in Brian's bed is gonna be my good deed for the day Janis: 🙏 Jimmy: Could've got into Catholic school well easily, me Janis: missed a trick Janis: you'd have loved it 📏😩 Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Janis: that is a username and a half Jimmy: Wait til you have a scroll, mate Jimmy: you'll be 😍🤤 Janis: 🍀 I don't need the sugar Jimmy: he ain't got the 💰 to be that kinda daddy Jimmy: and you ain't got step mum in you Janis: fuck you Janis: just 'cos you don't want that for you Jimmy: 'Cause you just said you're 😇 Jimmy: gotta be evil, knobhead Janis: suspect Janis: why you being almost nice Janis: you wanna share the swag I found Jimmy: #duh Janis: depends Janis: you eat all the 🍪s Jimmy: I'm only one lad Jimmy: there's fucking 1000s Janis: part-timer Janis: yeti could do it in five minutes Jimmy: you're the 😳🐷 Jimmy: but challenge accepted Janis: why you trying to give me an eating disorder Janis: you've already tampered with one bitch's today, like Janis: is it your thing? Jimmy: Why ain't you already got one? Jimmy: looks like most of the lasses at school have Janis: No I don't Janis: I'm not an idiot Jimmy: Sounds like something a lass with an eating disorder would say but alright Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: I'm going for a 🚬 Jimmy: cover me Janis: sure Janis: diligent as Jimmy: or come with Jimmy: if you want Janis: depends Janis: you giving me a 🚬 to stay skinny Jimmy: No need Janis: make your mind up Jimmy: I've never said you're fat Janis: bullshit! 😂 Janis: at least try to keep up with what you're dishing out Jimmy: I can't keep up with what ain't there Janis: the pig emoji is straight-up still on my screen, boy Jimmy: 🧠 and 😳 Janis: 😏 sure Jimmy: don't come then, girl Janis: shut up Janis: I want one Jimmy: Who's the biggest dickhead? We'll go in their room for it Janis: 🤔 Janis: 11 Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: race you Janis: big mistake Jimmy: [obviously beats her but only because he was halfway there when he said they should race #sneaky] Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: [just fuming 😒] Jimmy: [😏 shamelessly and lounging on the bed of whoever the hell's room this is] Janis: ['cheater' and sitting on the floor] Jimmy: [throws a pillow at her like oi even though he is but also so she can sit on it if she want #softboy] Janis: [just looking at him like I don't want a pillow] Jimmy: ['reckoned you might need one after being such a sore loser' shrugs and throws some 🍬s from the stash he's pocketed her way instead] Janis: ['don't get sore that easy, boy' popping one in her mouth and throwing whatever spoils she found into the middle] Jimmy: [lighting up x2 first for her and then him and then lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling, bit rude that you haven't looked at what she brought boy] Janis: [takes it but is just ashing it on the floor] Jimmy: [blowing smoke rings at this random kid's ceiling casually] Janis: [just on your phone like] Jimmy: [when you lowkey are trying not to fall asleep because blatantly on his phone all night to Bobby 'cause he was left with Ian] Janis: [allowing it 'cos no need to be that much of a dick, like] Jimmy: [accidentally doing that OTT dramatic jerking yourself awake thing after a bit, which there's no styling out] Janis: [lil 😏 'don't set the gaff alight, too far'] Jimmy: ['if that's where you draw the line, babe'] Janis: ['save the big stuff for the death pact end times'] Jimmy: [does a IRL 👍] Janis: ['he keep you up?'] Jimmy: [when you nod automatically but obviously who you mean isn't who she means but you can't then be like actually no] Janis: [shakes her head like dickhead but kinda fondly 'cos doesn't hate Ollie] Jimmy: [when he doesn't know they are related still so amused] Janis: [just looking like you have a crush lmao] Jimmy: [lighting another 🚬 you don't need immediately after you've put the 1st one out in this room cos you don't wanna leave] Janis: [hopping up onto the bed to look through the shit he found 'cos no rush to go back to cleaning or being with the rest either] Jimmy: [sneaky looking at her while she's looking at the things] Janis: [oh duh, she should have the holy grail in a backpack 'cos someone had to have some booze even if it's just cans or shitty alcohpops, get that out like now it's a #haul] Jimmy: [yasss get #day drunk kids, well not really because there wouldn't be enough but still, have at it] Janis: [just putting one on his chest like a bottle for a baby lmao] Jimmy: [a little lol] Janis: 💕🍺 Jimmy: 🍻 Janis: ['Slainte'] Jimmy: [downs the drink cos the only thing to do when its shit] Janis: [the same] Jimmy: [eating all those sweet treats and necking all that booze having a lovely time] Janis: [get some energy boo] Jimmy: [being #goals together on the low] Janis: [selfie moment] Jimmy: [as always going harder than you need to] Janis: [gotta make people think you used your time wisely] Jimmy: [voting for the first ever love bite to happen rn] Janis: fuckin' vampire Jimmy: subtlety ain't always the way to get top marks Janis: alright 🤓 Janis: but if I die in a freak hickey accident, like they write about to scare bitches, you have to pretend to be devastated at my funeral Jimmy: you'll live, dry your eyes and wipe your mouth, like Janis: you with the blood, dickwad Jimmy: you with the 🍫, baby Janis: 😑 Janis: [but has to check] Jimmy: told you Jimmy: it weren't a pisstake Janis: you are Jimmy: 💔 Janis: could've at least wiped it off for me Janis: make it work Jimmy: I know how much you ain't about being touched Jimmy: I am making it work Janis: don't be a pussy Janis: [points at the love bite like duh] Jimmy: [shamelessly touches it while giving her a look] Janis: [when you just have to be like not phased face 'cos competitive] Jimmy: [when you have to do another even better one as a result cos #same] Janis: [giving him an ear one 'cos gotta one up the situ otherwise why are you doing this boys, we know why] Jimmy: [when you're so into it you have to be like ow to hide how into it you are] Janis: [🙄 but checks it sneaky like] Jimmy: [🙄 back cos what else can he do] Janis: you'll live Jimmy: leave it out Janis: you said it first Jimmy: you were 😢 first Janis: you're louder Janis: how much more trouble are you gonna get me in? Jimmy: how much more trouble do you wanna be in? Janis: [a LOOK] Jimmy: [gotta return it of course] Janis: [need to hear people coming for the cockblock] Jimmy: [I was just about to say that] Janis: [better get outta this randos room sharpish] Jimmy: [when you can take her hand to run off cos you can play it off like in case someone sees us if she was like excuse you] Janis: [not gonna fight it though 'cos you can just say you were on the level] Jimmy: [we all know what's up] Janis: [are they going to her room or separate?] Jimmy: [good question, do you wanna do any afternoon awkwardness before that?] Janis: [we could do another lunch moment and see if we have any ideas] Jimmy: [I'm down to give them a fake coupley af lunch] Janis: [go cause a commotion honeys] Jimmy: [everyone would be so extra about their everything, I can't] Janis: [it'd be amusing af] Jimmy: [be a cliche and carry her food for her for a start boy] Janis: [sit at a table with like some people but only have eyes for each other, duh] Jimmy: [and they should whisper a lot cos it looks saucy but really they could be saying anything and are probably shading y'all] Janis: [deffo, as well as sharing food like you probably have the same shit on your plates there's 0 need] Jimmy: [#thosecouples at least they are being OTT on purpose like] Janis: [exactly, also everyone has peeped those love bites 'cos they were such a big deal when school like people would be wearing scarves like oh no don't look aha] Jimmy: [Grace about to stab herself with a fork, oh honey just wait til you get kicked out of your room later] Janis: [you gonna be heated and your friends are just gonna be at the door like 👂] Jimmy: [literally she is gonna angry cry and we all know it bitch] Janis: [you know there would've been convos this whole time, we should probably do that] Jimmy: [we totally can] Jimmy: [also he's totally slipping in some actual flirtiness with the whispers and we know it's not just to make her 😳 bye] Janis: [just angrily whispering back like imma fuck you up boy] Jimmy: [like she's not a white ginger where its gonna be that obvious nobody's checking you can calm down Jimothy, you're already also touching her way more than you need to for your own benefit] Janis: [gotta hit him with a footsie moment 'cos there's still nothing more obvious than when you're being faux subtle] Jimmy: [love that for them] Janis: [like you can't be too cray there are teachers in here lmao] Jimmy: [thank god, any actual PDA and Grace would die] Janis: [can have a moment on the way out to your activity try and stop 'em] Jimmy: [they want it as much as their audience does so sorry Mr Lucas you're outvoted, like] Janis: [when i went to camp mary and her mans were so extra at the end they got awarded camp's romeo and juliet so like as long as it keep pg 13 you're alright tbh and he loves it] Jimmy: [god bless] Janis: [okay trust falls and blindfold assault course moment for the afternoon] Jimmy: [lowkey having fun even though you're meant to be hating it] Janis: [when she'd be freaking out to him on the low like don't fucking drop me bitch 'cos trust issues but you gotta be #goals so he won't] Jimmy: [we know he'd piss about but it's actually fine, he can and will piggyback you in the future babe, he's got this] Jimmy: [#trustissuessquad because likewise would not enjoy that bit] Janis: [poor grace bouta die on the other hand, like courteney let ellie drop and she still doesn't trust her lmao] Janis: [good for tryna get attention like friends help me i'm hurt] Jimmy: [Grace would be living for that drama and also she gonna fuck that boy later so payback for you boy getting put in some vulnerable positions lol] ] Jimmy: [also she can cry off like oh I'm so injured so she don't have to watch the JJ show for a bit] Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🎻💔😭 Janis: sure there's a defrosting pack of peas going if you want the job Janis: not as popular as she'd like to believe Jimmy: You're alright Jimmy: and so's she Janis: never how I'd put it, but no shit on that point regardless Jimmy: hang on, just gonna @ my dad to prove that my little brother ain't the biggest cry baby going Jimmy: She's 🥇 and you're 🥈 Janis: funny Janis: when I have him over for dinner he can see for himself Jimmy: Funnier Janis: i know Janis: not your fault you're 🥉 Jimmy: Reckons the lass who can't do owt first go Janis: the boy who still reckons he knows anything about me when we've been over this Jimmy: You nearly took my 👂 off earlier but I've still got both 👀 mate Janis: if i knew we were aiming to maim, you wouldn't have Janis: still got a 👄 you chat 💩 out of too, unfortunately Jimmy: [when you're trying not to lol] Jimmy: lovely you Janis: [😏] Janis: it's been said Jimmy: I get it, you've got form with the maiming, loads of blind and deaf lads about now Jimmy: Tah for letting me off so light 💕 Janis: well it ain't real, so only fair Jimmy: now I know you're a lass who plays fair Janis: you'd have different bruises to prove otherwise Janis: join her on sick bay 🤕🥴 Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Jimmy: You've gotta stop flirting with me, girl Janis: you'd know that too Janis: if I were Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: [throws a 🍬 at her in full view of the bitch he stole them off] Janis: [good thing you ain't concerned about making friends/can catch, just smiling at her like cheers babe] Janis: you feeling left out? Janis: you gotta make a girl 😢 now, yeah Jimmy: Gotta give myself a break from that 👄 of yours Janis: shh Janis: don't say that out loud Jimmy: don't screenshot me and the secret's safe Jimmy: or wait until I say something about exercising your jaw for later and then hit post Janis: 😂 Janis: grim Janis: and unlikely humblebrag Jimmy: There, made a lass cry laugh, that'll do Janis: Soph can consider herself safe Janis: and welcome I took the hit Jimmy: 😇 you Jimmy: I remember Janis: someone's gotta Janis: so unappreciated Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: Gimme a sec to find signal enough to tweet it Janis: gotta clue in all your fans that couldn't be here Jimmy: [does do some suitably cringey tweet of course] Janis: 😏 how you still expect to get laid after this holy show is beyond me Jimmy: I don't #duh Jimmy: transferring to that Catholic school as soon as, obviously Janis: they're the worst for it Janis: just say sorry afterward Jimmy: Everyone knows anal don't count, Judith Jimmy: do it for Jesus Janis: 'less it's with another lad, sodomite Jimmy: That'll be why Mr Lucas is my plan B Janis: yeah well, fight yer for him Jimmy: 💪🏆 Go on Janis: [just looking at him like really tho] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: [play fight moment] Jimmy: [so flirty, get a room you two, she should win though obvs because he cheated on that race earlier] Janis: time to get some 📿 Janis: 👋😘 Jimmy: You ain't getting shot of me that easy, babe Jimmy: Letting you win 'cause of how unappreciated you feel counts about as much as this counts as talking, like Janis: yeah right, whatever makes you feel better, loser Jimmy: Take your hollow victory 😘 Janis: I can beat you at anything Janis: any time, anywhere Jimmy: when it's #fakeforfake Janis: convenient for you, that Jimmy: nowt about this is Janis: 🎻 Janis: take your 👑 crybaby Jimmy: No tah, I'd have to touch your sister to get it Janis: she is a lot like that dragon in shrek Janis: fair Jimmy: 😂 Janis: she'll find the right donkey one day, I'm sure 💕 Jimmy: could save me a bit in 🚬 if she were blowing smoke about Janis: there's one pro Janis: you never talk so she could blather on as much as she likes Jimmy: I talk, just not to you Janis: and no one else here Janis: least of all her, so still counts, don't fight it Jimmy: I'd have to save all my strength to keep her off me Janis: you really saving yourself for marriage, yeah Jimmy: 👍 Janis: that's a con, damn Janis: really thought I could get rid of her once and for all Jimmy: don't pretend she ain't the 👰💍 type Janis: obvs, but a massive slag, no child of the lord there Janis: allegedly my fathers Jimmy: My ex was a massive slag an' all Jimmy: I'll make it work Janis: great Janis: get on it then Jimmy: 💕 Janis: if you could move again and take her with, that'd be perfect Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: No need to wait that long for your real happy ending then Jimmy: were a bit rude how you've been such a tease about the 💀💀 pact but alright Janis: you'll do yourself in after a few months, max Janis: hmu then Jimmy: as a 👻 Jimmy: least I won't have to touch you and you can't me Janis: weren't planning on it wanker but exactly Janis: everyone gets to win Janis: she's the 🕷⚰ type Janis: love an excuse to cry forever Jimmy: might get her with my dad instead Jimmy: move over mate Janis: and I'm the one who can't follow instructions? 😑 Janis: stick to the plan Jimmy: plans change Jimmy: leave the crying to her Janis: just don't understand why you won't die for me tbh Jimmy: Not as 🧠 as you made out, eh Juliet? 💔 proper tragedy that Janis: it's your fault, you don't stick to your word ever Janis: nothing to do with me Jimmy: Nowt to do with you is right Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: How long is this bollocks gonna go on? I don't need to know how to build a raft Jimmy: or give a fuck if the 🦊 has 🐔 for his tea Janis: how you planning to navigate that sea of 😭 then? Janis: more practical than a maths lesson at any rate Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: you're uninvited for a 🚬 Janis: fine, drama queen Jimmy: in a bit 🤓 Janis: just 'cos you can't keep up Jimmy: just 'cause you're working on commission Jimmy: hmu when you need art for your 'more practical than a maths lesson' poster Janis: that's your thing then Janis: makes sense Janis: had to be one of the two Jimmy: 👍 Janis: at least you won't be bringing out the acoustic around the firepit tonight Janis: small blessings Jimmy: only bring the 🎻🎻 me Janis: ha Janis: cute Jimmy: tweet it if you mean it, girl 💕 Janis: k, if you like Jimmy: I'll give it a like, yeah Janis: not even a retweet, cold Janis: do you want them to buy this or nah Jimmy: can't retweet my own praises Jimmy: wouldn't be #goals Janis: oh right, we're ignoring your giant head Janis: fair 'nuff Jimmy: Nobody likes a bighead, you should know, mate Janis: dunno what you mean Janis: everyone loves me Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you ain't being on my raft team, FYI Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: I know Janis: drown on your own time, I gotta win Jimmy: I'll already be in sick bay after how #savage that jab was Janis: almost as bad at faking it as her Jimmy: you being the only one that reckons so isn't gonna make me 😭 Janis: awh, but everything else does Jimmy: #whensheknowsyouproperwell 💕 Janis: it's true love 💕 Janis: as far as any of these idiots are aware Jimmy: 😍😍😍🤞😍😍 Janis: alright, this is boring now Janis: no one needs this health and safety bullshit Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: wouldn't have 💀💀💀d you to nod when I first said it Jimmy: 'Cause yeah, that'll be why I'm staying here 🚬 tah Janis: you wanna start agreeing on everything now Janis: not pretending we're married Jimmy: Tah again, this time for admitting I'm right about everything Jimmy: I was just talking about the once but alright Janis: you never said it was boring, technically Janis: and I never said that, get lost Jimmy: I might be lost 🤞 Janis: deep Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: geographically, dickhead Janis: how 😂 Jimmy: can't be lost if I know Janis: I mean, this place is not that big Janis: and signposted to fuck, where've you even gone, like Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: v helpful my dear Janis: soz I didn't put a chip in your neck whilst you were gnawing on mine Jimmy: It's alright, I know you can't do owt right, forget two things at once Janis: fuck off Janis: stay lost Jimmy: have done and will do Janis: 👍 Jimmy: haunt you later then Janis: not that long since lunch Janis: you'll survive until one of the teachers finds you Janis: 💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: I'll pray for Mr Lucas obvs Jimmy: probably get Ms O'Brien Jimmy: actually 💔 Janis: you know he's already in the water Janis: if he could get away with speedos, he would, whereas her turtleneck could not be higher Janis: unlucky Jimmy: 👙 on him and 🥔 sack on her Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤 Jimmy: be why you ain't coming to my rescue Janis: 😏 Janis: obviously Janis: fine, hang on Jimmy: it ain't actually in the contract Jimmy: don't bother about me Janis: whatever, won't be hard Janis: then I'll just go back to my room after, peace and quiet Janis: anyway, her still in the sick bay gives me a valid excuse, concerned sister I am Jimmy: text me when you want me to show up Janis: ha, alright Jimmy: least if she's concussed we won't have to put on as convincing a show Janis: one can hope 🤞 Janis: sadly there's fuck all to damage in her head so Jimmy: Sounding like she will be my dad's perfect match 💘 Janis: does that mean you'll start showing up for dinner and xmas Janis: not part of the deal Jimmy: 🙏 they'll rent a cottage together and leave me the fuck out of it Janis: can get behind that Jimmy: #forlifenotjustforchristmas Janis: make it happen @iantaylor8 Jimmy: 'cause that's such a dream come true, I'm going to sleep Jimmy: don't miss me too much Janis: ..outside? Jimmy: If I get eaten by some animal or owt you can have my 🚬s Janis: 💘 Janis: romance aside, at least you'll be easy to find if you're 😴 Jimmy: Keep my snoring off the socials tah Jimmy: not very #goals Janis: but you look so cute baby Jimmy: #duh Jimmy: look cute all the time Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: goodnight, Jenna Jimmy: 😘 Janis: sweet dreams, dickhead Jimmy: just said they were guaranteed Jimmy: can't stop being a 😇 you Janis: not yet 😈 Jimmy: @ everyone who missed my earlier tweet Janis: yeah don't make me sound boring Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Janis: can agree on that Jimmy: if I wanted boring I'd have asked Ms O'Brien to fake date me Janis: 😏 Janis: she could be a secret freak Jimmy: doubt she's bitten any ears off though Janis: missing out? Jimmy: the benchmark has been set Janis: oh please Janis: you loved it Janis: got the job done, didn't it Jimmy: tonight will Janis: yeah Jimmy: Owt off limits? Janis: you love 🍑 stuff, I get it Janis: but nah, I don't care Jimmy: 👴 love me Jimmy: #soznotsoz Janis: if I pretend to be Mr Lucas, it kinda defeats what we're doing here Janis: soz Jimmy: It's alright, I'm more 👵💕 live out your what would Ms O'Brien do fantasies Jimmy: you started strong, like Janis: admitting I do know what I'm doing? Janis: about time Jimmy: Baby please Jimmy: you wish I would Janis: you wish I'd do the other side 👂 Jimmy: Yeah well fed up of this earring #newschoolnewme Janis: 😂 Janis: bye 😎 boy bye Jimmy: Tah for not having braces, you'd be dangerous Janis: if that's your thing you should deffo go catholic and start your religious training asap Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: and your thing is what, going from 🐷 to 🦈 after a few drinks? Janis: pigs have eaten far more humans than sharks ever have, for one, idiot Janis: and two, you only need to fake like you know exactly what I need Jimmy: sounds like fake news that Janis: your favourite word, that Jimmy: you don't need to know my fave word Jimmy: won't be on the test Janis: just the safe word, sure Jimmy: What's it gonna be? Trust fund's two Jimmy: Pony'll work Janis: great, you're a furry Janis: give me strength Jimmy: You don't need to know my kinks either Janis: stop being so obvious then Jimmy: It's obvious you're turned on by 💰 only trying to be accommodating until you secure Mr Lucas' teacher salary 💍💕 Janis: Obviously Janis: hit up some overworked and underpaid nurses whilst I'm at it Jimmy: Get that blood, vampire girl Janis: more fun making you bleed Jimmy: 😍🤤😍 Janis: yeah yeah Jimmy: save the enthusiasm for the #fans that want it Jimmy: I know how much fun I am Janis: I tweeted about you last Janis: it's your turn to tweet about me Janis: if you can pry your hand off your dick for one sec Jimmy: you were last 'cause I always go first Jimmy: pull your weight Janis: not my fault you're premature Janis: well, obvs is but you know Jimmy: If that's the rep you want, Joanne Jimmy: [posts something extra about missing her that's like really hot and a mood] Janis: you care about my rep as much as I do Janis: though that post didn't entirely suck Jimmy: careful, that almost sounded like a real compliment Jimmy: what kind of fake girlfriend would you be Janis: never Janis: [can find him 'cos you know, has to at some point] Jimmy: I get it, you need the IRL inspo of seeing me now it's your turn again Janis: [😑 but sits down with and has to get close to match the mood of his post to take a #reunited pic] Janis: needs must Jimmy: Fake like you know what come here means and do it properly Jimmy: [When you shamelessly just wanna be more extra] Janis: [defs first lap sitting moment needed like don't test me boy] Janis: there Jimmy: [yassss having such a moment bye] Jimmy: and you reckon I need to be a better trainer Janis: stop comparing me to fucking farmyard animals and dogs Janis: [angry face right in his 'cos you ain't moved] Jimmy: Alright, Juliet next post I'll compare you to a summer's day Janis: hilarious Jimmy: necessary if you're gonna keep making that face Jimmy: can't have it sticking Janis: [makes a face like give a fuck] Jimmy: [😏 because she obvs does or why are they doing this ha] Janis: you're so smug Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt babe Janis: unduly Jimmy: How would you know? Janis: [gestures at him like it's obvious] Jimmy: [shrugs because again being a smug dickhead like you don't know me bye] Janis: [pushes on his chest to get up off him] Jimmy: [offers her a 🚬] Janis: [takes it and starts walking but looks back like] Janis: follow me to civilization Jimmy: Why? Janis: because you're lost Janis: and you could be inside right now, undisturbed, for at least another 45 minutes yet Jimmy: Do the maths on that, did you? Jimmy: not sure if I can trust a #hater Janis: oh my god Jimmy: What? Janis: would it 💀💀💀 you to just come Jimmy: Are you trying to? Janis: what are you talking about now Jimmy: Gonna lure me to my death or not? Janis: tempting as you make it Janis: we have 2 of those shit drinks left Janis: unless there's something better we can do out here Jimmy: Help me up then Janis: 👴 Janis: [but does] Jimmy: Oi, you were sitting on me so long I've got a 💀 leg Janis: if that's how shit your stamina is how we gonna fake fuck convincingly Janis: sort it out Jimmy: you ate half my lunch, sort that out Janis: you didn't need it, skiver Janis: only using your voice, I had to actually do the course Jimmy: I had to keep you alive Jimmy: not as hard as your sister makes it look but still a challenge when you Janis: piss off Janis: I could've done that shit alone Jimmy: bollocks Janis: so could Jimmy: go on then, we'll recreate it Janis: [closes her eyes and struts for a bit like see] Jimmy: fuck that we're going to the course Janis: alright Janis: come on then Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [we know the drill, when you're being slow af so he's like do it properly and then you go faster and fall, not actually doing any damage but] Jimmy: [shamelessly helping her up even though she don't need it and being actually worried until you can see she's not hurt] Janis: thanks a lot Jimmy: didn't push you over Janis: [when you start to hobble away for the drama of it all] Jimmy: stop, dickhead Janis: [looking like, what?] Jimmy: [goes and helps her obvs] Janis: I could've done it Janis: you were rushing me Jimmy: Yeah, I were Jimmy: on the ⏲ Jimmy: you said 45 mins uninterrupted Janis: you challenged me Janis: we could've just gone inside Jimmy: you challenged you Jimmy: admit you need me Janis: excuse me Jimmy: you heard Janis: I heard some dumb shit Jimmy: [walks away but not far just to make the point cos she was leaning on him then] Janis: [😑] Janis: stop being a twat Jimmy: you Janis: you Janis: immature Jimmy: I'm a lad, we do it slower Janis: no excuse for acting like a kid is it Janis: [is less 😑 though] Jimmy: What's yours, I'll borrow that Janis: I'm injured, bastard Jimmy: You've been a knobhead since before I got here Janis: and how the fuck would you know thay Jimmy: I've heard some dumb shit an' all Jimmy: I told you, I ain't that new Janis: Exactly Janis: how would you know Janis: [walks off faster now, with as little hobbling as poss.] Jimmy: [stops her so he can try and help her again because not that rude] Janis: I don't need your help Jimmy: I don't need to offer but I am Janis: I'm meant to be grateful, yeah? Janis: do one Jimmy: [shakes his head because no and no and is helping her whether she likes it or not] Janis: fine, white knight 'til we're back but then leave me alone Jimmy: [picks her up cos that's permission right there, if you say so boy #problematic and sure if anyone sees them it'll look #goals] Janis: [when you ain't speaking so you don't say no] Jimmy: [casual walk back in silence, obvs he gently puts her on her bed and leaves] Jimmy: [definitely takes a bottle out of the two that are left cos his share even though it's not gonna do fuck all] Janis: [when you're definitely like cheek but not gonna break your vow of silence to argue about that like] Jimmy: [okay so my idea is, he shows up later, knocking on the door which Grace answers so he knows she's there cos this is only gonna work if she was and sweeps in full of apologies like I'm so sorry you got hurt cos of me babe etc (which would kill Grace cos that boy ain't sorry and that's the tea) but critically there is some real sorry if there hidden for him being an actual dickhead, like. Even though we can pretend it's for Grace's benefit everything he's saying and why she has to accept and get back on this fake train] Janis: [good thinking my nugget] Jimmy: [he ain't that good of an actor and anyway he'd make sure she can see he's actually sorry too] Janis: [lbr she's too closed off to want to talk about it so she's gonna take it for what it is, even if this puts them back 10 paces, that's the vibe always] Jimmy: [gotta throw yourself fully into this pantomime so it don't get too real kids, really milking that injury and his nurse role] Janis: [truly, give them an oscar] Jimmy: [nobody give Grace one, cos we all see you] Janis: [when her friends are probably low-key over nursing her now like quit before they bitching to mia about you gurl] Jimmy: [literally that though, she'd have to have given it up which makes it ruder that Jimothy then shows up to do it for Janis] Janis: [oh this poor boy she's gonna be feeling murderous at now] Jimmy: [plus you know Jimmy would be being so hot about everything like 'oh does this hurt, what about this' as a shameless reason to touch up her entire leg] Janis: [just umming and ahhing like you're not sure so he has to keep doing it lmao okay] Jimmy: [Grace's friends just 👀🍿 while they're doing their make up or whatever] Janis: [welcome for tonight's entertainment ladies, be sure to tell the whole world, being that bitch by asking him to get you something like water and then being like 'don't go' 'cos they'd love that] Jimmy: [he should totally get his hoodie for her too which she still has #duh and put it on for her like she's an actual invalid] Janis: [get on the invaleed couch honey] Jimmy: [please say she's wearing the pjs rn for that throwback and mood] Janis: [of course, 'cos bitch actually does the activities so her clothes would be muddy, as if you weren't jello enough ladies like put that perf body away] Jimmy: [this is why as much as Grace wants to share a room she also doesn't because be more beautiful Janis goddamn] Janis: [cuts her hair off in her sleep or smothers her with a pillow] Jimmy: [also he should be ignoring his phone going off (we know its because fuck you Ian) because what would be more goals to Grace and her friends than full attention] Janis: [100%, though she should pick it up (when it ain't ringing like lol) and just go on it 'cos trust with the passcode too omg] Jimmy: [and bonus points that it adds to his new boy mystery like why is he so in demand] Janis: [god bless, when you'd be trying so hard not to lol at them at so many points] Jimmy: [literally do give them an oscar cos I could not] Janis: [kick it up a notch by being like 'you know what would make me feel better' 'cos it's a power move when the girl says it, nick from the act] Jimmy: [yaaaaaaaaas] Janis: [like we said though, actually have to make out 'cos no faking that part] Jimmy: [good thing they've got real chemistry] Jimmy: [just a really epic make out sesh for everyone to enjoy and Grace is like NOPE g2g] Janis: [facetimeing mia rn 'cos they think you too busy to notice and lbr, a bitch would screen record she creepy lmao] Jimmy: [Grace just stomping around fuming getting ready really quick by her standards meanwhile this is the hardest JJ have had to go, don't think about it] Janis: [oh babe you know they ain't gonna stop, meanwhile janis just freaking 'cos she ain't ever been arsed before and it feels good so whoops] Jimmy: [literally no acting going on from him here he's just fully into it cos no need to hold back unlike with the lovebite situ when you can pretend its all for that lot, any sounds you make or things you do] Jimmy: [taking that hoodie off her again like] Janis: [when an audience means you can do more, what is this time period, god bless] Jimmy: [it's my fave for a reason cos who else would even do this never mind take it this far] Janis: [just going for the other ear like she said she would] Jimmy: [at least he doesn't have to act like he's not into it/she's bad at it this time cos barely got away with that the first time] Janis: [there's no hiding it rn, deny it later lads] Jimmy: [that said he'd still have to whisper some kind of pisstake in her ear about it just so she can't be too smug later] Janis: [naturally, can't be too real with it] Jimmy: [loses some of the sass when you're breathless as hell trying to say it though so] Janis: [so you just 😏 now like heh] Jimmy: [just gotta pull her hair so you can pull her into you and a kiss to wipe that smugness off her face like nbd so casual rn] Janis: [when that kiss would be so aggressive bye] Jimmy: [it makes me die because Grace would NEVER let anyone touch her hair, not even the fam and especially not a boy it's like her number 1 THING so she can see that and it can be her cue to slam that door and go honey] Janis: [you should probably leave shameless friends like there's no reason for you to be in here now lmao] Jimmy: [them just hurrying off after her so gutted they gotta leave meanwhile JJ are gonna be gutted that they have to stop] Janis: [soz lads, purely for your audience, remember, at least he can't leave 'cos that'd look so rude like bye we done] Jimmy: [and you know her friends would be loitering lowkey cos Grace is in no mood to be followed and would sister snap so there's the excuse they don't need] Janis: [exactly, you gotta stick it out 'til a teacher finds you and kicks you out tbh] Jimmy: [Jimmy just aggressively drinking that water he got for her #thirstybitch so he don't have to look at her or say anything] Jimmy: [lowkey shady sir like lemme get the taste of you out of my mouth] Janis: [when you get up to look in the mirror like you're remotely arsed what you look like but really you're just assessing love bite damage] Jimmy: [pissing about with the bed once she's off it unscrewing something or whatever so they can pretend they broke it] Janis: [does the 'not bad' face] Jimmy: [shrugs and goes on his phone to check in with both Bobby and Cass] Janis: [wrapping her ankle with some tape she'd probably have brought 'cos sporty bitch not 'cos it's needed but for the look of] Jimmy: [does the face back at her cos good idea and gestures for her to go to the door and listen if Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are being that extra or if they've gone] Janis: [hops over, again not 'cos she needs too but #bants and has a serious listening face on] Jimmy: [tries not to lol for what must be the millionth time honestly] Janis: [gestures for him to come over and nods like they're there but I have a plan] Jimmy: [comes over of course] Janis: [pushes him into the door and starts faking noises like you do the same keep up 'cos that'll shake them to their core but also show 'em that they're still going at it, like] Jimmy: [does as he's told this once] Janis: [least they wouldn't have to do that long 'cos they'd bolt because could not not lol out loud at that] Jimmy: [goes through Grace's drawers, finds her condom stash, opens one and ditches it but leaves the wrapper when it can obvs be seen at the top of the bin] Janis: [when you make a face that's like ew but fair] Jimmy: [🙄 but playfully cos not like you're living for this bit either] Janis: ['could've just pulled out, amateur' but whispering 'cos don't wanna be too loud unless for the right reasons yet] Jimmy: that the fave 🍀 method then? Janis: pretty much Jimmy: bit soon for a fake pregnancy scare Jimmy: and I obvs couldn't 'cause I want you so much 💕 Janis: obvs Janis: c'est la vie, just wanted the trip to Liverpool, like Jimmy: how many of these shall I do? Jimmy: [gestures to the wrapper like] Jimmy: don't wanna have to throw your sister on a ferry or under a bus Janis: [goes over to look how many there are and chucks out two more, opening one] Janis: she'd be buzzin' Janis: know she's the type Jimmy: My ex has got one she's bound to be regretting by now if she's that desperate, like Janis: [looks at the condom then him then down like awks] Jimmy: Piss off, it ain't mine Janis: [when you literally breathe out like phew] Janis: Jesus, lead with that Jimmy: [throws whatever stuffed toy Grace still sleeps with at her] Janis: [clutches the bear to her chest like 😲 faux outrage] Janis: how dare you treat Tuffie like that Jimmy: 💔🎻💔 Jimmy: be our secret, yeah? Janis: good thing you ain't a dad Janis: [throws the thing at him] Jimmy: raising two kids, only not with her Jimmy: [throws it back] Janis: [just playing catch at this point, obvs doesn't think he's got two kids like that so is like okay] Janis: explains why you're so knackered Janis: that and all the wild fake sex Jimmy: that'll do it Jimmy: [sits on Grace's bed and starts doodling on the back of his hand with her eyebrow pencil or whatever] Janis: those things are like 20 quid a pop Janis: [is clearly amused by this not mad, goes over to the window to open it and get some air] Jimmy: better start paying me then Jimmy: [does the good idea face again though cos letting that non existent sex smell out] Janis: you weren't fake that good and I'm not fake that desperate Jimmy: [😏 cos yeah he was] Janis: [kicks her bed so he wobbles] Jimmy: [is like OI cos of course his doodle smudges cos he's left handed anyway] Janis: [shrugs like you know what you did but goes over to the mirror where the makeup has been left, finds him the wipes and gets a lipstick and puts it on] Jimmy: [shrugs back cos not actually bothered also actually ambidextrous anyway so you choose to use that hand boy and we all see you shamelessly looking at her as well] Janis: ['hold still' and then covering his face/neck area with lipstick kisses quickly then smudging them with her fingers so they're faded] Janis: evidence Jimmy: you weren't wearing it before Jimmy: don't say much for me if you stopped mid go to put it on Janis: weren't my face they were looking at, new boy Janis: 😍 Janis: trust Jimmy: when it was attached to mine they were Janis: it's only a nude, not fuck off red Janis: wipe it off if you reckon though Jimmy: not my area of expertise tbh mate Janis: 🙄 Janis: then hush Jimmy: til you want me to get loud again sure Janis: they shouldn't come back now Janis: hopefully they have some life, like Janis: unlikely though it seems Jimmy: What about Grace? Meant to sleep here Janis: I'm hoping she's Ophelia'd herself in the lake Janis: probably go in with them now, idk Jimmy: If she's beat us to the 💀 pact, I'm 💔 Janis: gotta get the attention back somehow Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: [leans out of the open window to 🚬 cos can't leave yet] Janis: purely post-coital, obviously Jimmy: you should have one an' all then Janis: [puts fingers up like 'three' but smiles like jk] Janis: go on then Jimmy: [obviously lights her up cos a princess can never fuck opening your own doors @ nick in the act this is the real #goals] Janis: [cheers motion, also it's clearly a small window/small room in general so they'd have to be close rn] Jimmy: [my thoughts exactly, so much of your bodies touching casually] Janis: [when you'd be so aware of it after dry humping each other for however long there] Jimmy: [literally though and she did not have many clothes on at all so] Janis: [still don't rn like hi] Jimmy: [when you remember because you're brushing up against so much of her bare skin so you fetch the hoodie again like a dutiful bf even though nobody's watching] Jimmy: [making her hold your 🚬 while you get it] Janis: [puts it on 'cos lbr you both need another layer between you rn] Jimmy: [lifts her hair out of it for her unthinkingly, how intimate excuse you boy] Janis: [just freezes casually like] Jimmy: [when you just take a step back like] Janis: [just goes and sits on Grace's bed to finish it 'cos whaddya care tbh so unphased by all of this] Jimmy: [he'll be here unmoving like musical statues nbd] Janis: [on her phone seeing if any of the goss has ended up there yet 'cos invariably will, sends him a gossipy ass post with '😂 #missionaccomplished?' Jimmy: 👍 Janis: guess you can go now then Janis: do you reckon Jimmy: [his phone is going off again too but it's just the fam so ignoring for rn] Jimmy: Alright Janis: unless you wanna try to sleep Janis: clearly the teachers are too pissed to be clued in right now Jimmy: [fixes her bed and lies on it] Jimmy: remind me to break it again Janis: will do Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: [closes his eyes but nobody falls asleep that fast and we all know it] Janis: [quietly like 'night' and turning the big light off and putting on a lamp by the bottom bunk as if this is such a casual situation] Janis: don't freak if I have to hop up there if Grace comes back, yeah Jimmy: [when the pillow obvs smells like her cos its hers and you're just lying there like mistakes have been made before the thought of having to lie with her has even crossed your mind] Jimmy: even if I do, I'll fake I ain't Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: that's the spirit Jimmy: 👻 me Janis: [little lol] Janis: lucky for you casper, I don't sleep, so she won't reckon you've kicked me out my own bed or nothing Jimmy: I know you're a vampire already, don't need to convince me, girl Janis: no neck biting Janis: scout's honour Jimmy: Saving it for the bus back, I get it, why wouldn't you? Janis: my parting gift to you, babe Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: well romantic that is Janis: ain't it just Janis: beats whatever the shit giftshop has got on offer Jimmy: So cute you Janis: bullshit am I Jimmy: I'll steal you a pen or fridge magnet, make you believe me Janis: 🧸 obviously needs a friend Janis: cute enough for ya Jimmy: Depends Janis: on? Jimmy: 🐷 🦈 or 🐴? Janis: 😑 Janis: really Jimmy: alright 🧸 if you wanna twin with Grace that bad Janis: fuck off or I'm breaking the bed whilst you're still in it Jimmy: just don't kick it Jimmy: might get more than fake injured Janis: thanks for the fake concern Jimmy: hot as that bandage is, like Janis: vampire, not a mummy, got it Janis: fucking halloween up in here Jimmy: what you wanna be the easter bunny or? Janis: that's the cliche hot option, ain't it Jimmy: give us some 🍫 then Jimmy: she must have it hidden somewhere Janis: you just lay there whilst I look, your highness Janis: [but is] Jimmy: could've asked you to make me a sandwich Janis: you want me to smack you that badly, just ask Janis: [finds some 'cos obvs knows her and throws it up] Jimmy: 🤤😍 etc Janis: I felt that, so convincing Jimmy: I know you can feel every bruise, babe Jimmy: that job's done with Janis: thank god Janis: 😷 Jimmy: 💔 etc Janis: go to sleep, dickhead Jimmy: [as if on cue Bobby's blowing his phone up cos can't] Janis: can get that, like Janis: got 🎧 and not bothered what you're chatting about Janis: sounds important Jimmy: I'm tired Jimmy: [but obvs does because has to] Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [casually the longest convo ever, poor bab] Janis: [doesn't listen 'cos ain't that bitch but does take 'em off for a sec to see if he's done but is like oh when he ain't] Jimmy: [why you gotta be so shit Ian it was your idea he went] Janis: [when you can't get your own kid to sleep like] Jimmy: [when you don't try cos you're the shut the door on him type aka my mum lol] Janis: [goes out for a wee, get a drink etc so he doesn't feel rushed or like she would be listening] Jimmy: [when you're done but then can't sleep cos mad at your dad so 🚬 at the window again] Janis: [has brought him a drink too so when she sees he's up puts it on the window sill for him but doesn't speak 'cos can read the room well enough] Jimmy: [staring out the window furiously excuse him] Janis: [a look she knows personally so not going to be up in his face, just gets back on Grace's bed] Jimmy: let's go Janis: okay Janis: anywhere, yeah? Jimmy: [downs the drink she brought him to show it's appreciated thank you bae] Jimmy: Teacher's block first, that's the real holy show Janis: [raises her eyebrows like what you got planned but nods 'cos regardless, swapping her shorts for joggers before they go like] Jimmy: were gonna say put some clothes on Jimmy: don't tell anyone though Janis: [mimes zipping her lips] Jimmy: so many secrets, I know Jimmy: [touches the OG lovebite] Janis: [opens the door with a flourish like lead the way 'cos can't dwell on that/make it a moment] Jimmy: [walks through but then remembers what she said about halloween and runs back to take all the toilet paper he can find like a little nerd] Janis: [😏 wid it, helps] Jimmy: 🎃🧛👻 Janis: [a bit of lowkey mindless vandalism will help take your mind off it] Janis: 💀💀💀 Jimmy: 🤞 🐰 girl Jimmy: [that and spying on the teachers in general would be fun for that hot goss] Janis: I won't hop, if it's all the same to you Janis: [deffo, we know they're schwasted] Jimmy: what kind of fake injury Jimmy: you gotta commit, Jules Janis: the idea is, no one sees us Janis: if we get caught I'll fall dramatically into your arms, yeah Jimmy: No need Jimmy: [picks her up like he did earlier but with a very different vibe we know] Janis: ['this is committing, yeah'] Jimmy: [a look] Janis: [looking back like half challenge half like what's up before tapping his back like let's go] Jimmy: [boy we get that you wanna be distracted by her specifically in a specific way but please calm down] Janis: [can't let you do that yet lads] Jimmy: [on you go to annoy the teachers and spy] Janis: [at least that'd be amusing af] Jimmy: [before they go back they should see Grace leaving that lad's room but obvs she don't see them] Janis: [😒] Jimmy: [gives her a ? look cos maybe he was focused on teacher drama still] Janis: [shakes her head and starts walking not in the direction of the rooms] Janis: got any 🚬 left Jimmy: [obvs does and obvs lights one for her and then himself] Janis: [heading outside and to a bench to smoke in silence] Jimmy: [sits near but not close] Janis: ['just gutted we didn't learn O'Brien's a dark horse, like'] Jimmy: ['she ain't no lightweight, next time'll be the one, heard it's France'] Janis: ['next time then'] Jimmy: ['it's a date'] Janis: ['ain't gonna be dead by then?'] Jimmy: ['Depends'] Janis: [nods like I feel you] Jimmy: ['Taking that as your personal guarantee the poison you got is stronger than the shit they're drinking, don't let me down, rich girl'] Janis: ['it's lethal, trust me' and a look] Jimmy: [nods like good] Janis: ['you should go in, get some sleep at last'] Jimmy: [nods again but doesn't move] Janis: ['want me to return the favour and carry you?'] Jimmy: [😏 'on that proper dodgy ankle, no way baby' and playfully nudges it with his own foot 'sleep on the bus with you as my pillow, tah'] Janis: [shakes her head but is 😏 back 'well soz my tits aren't bigger then'] Jimmy: ['me an' all, would make this shit easier to fake'] Janis: ['you're such a cunt'] Jimmy: [gives her a well I'm soz about that then sarcastic look] Janis: [kicks him but not hard as she gets up 'later then'] Jimmy: [is all oi as per but not really ever mad] Janis: [shrugs like what you gonna do about it and goes off in the direction of a trail to do a casual run at whatever late o'clock this is] Jimmy: proper miss you already 💕 Janis: beam it into the night sky, batman Janis: I already know Jimmy: hang on, trying to do a 😳🐷 Jimmy: you see it yet? Janis: you're meant to be an artist Janis: sort it out Jimmy: never said I were Janis: you did Jimmy: that were you Jimmy: I reckoned I could sort you a poster Jimmy: so could my little brother Janis: good enough Janis: get to work Jimmy: very inspiring you Janis: soz I don't look more like a pig Janis: you who keeps on saying it Jimmy: it's you who keeps going pink Jimmy: soz I didn't have a hoodie in that colour Janis: erm not even once Jimmy: 👌 Janis: 😑 Jimmy: You coming to bed or what? Janis: I can't be in the same room as her right now Jimmy: be in mine then Janis: alright Janis: cheers Jimmy: Alright, come on Janis: just gotta circle back Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: such an athlete, I know Janis: I never said that either Janis: but yeah, I won't deny it Jimmy: Don't have to, still got my 👀 Jimmy: not fully closed or owt yet Janis: Impressive Jimmy: can't deny it Janis: 🙄 Janis: [showing up 'cos wouldn't have got too far] Jimmy: [just quietly like 'hey'] Janis: [lil awkward laugh like 'alright'] Jimmy: [and it's back to walking in silence] Janis: [when you don't know if he's giving you his bed or you're about to get in together so you're mentally preparing yourself for either] Jimmy: [when you know you're gonna share (can blame Ollie's presence but we know the truth and that he's sleeping) so preparing yourself for that since you didn't think it through before you said it] Janis: [styling it out like you're way more confident than you are 'cos can be part of the act, hence she'd take her joggers and the hoodie off casually 'cos wouldn't sleep that clothed but waits for him to get in first like your bed] Jimmy: [we all see you taking your top off boy even though there's no need] Janis: [👀 when you looking but try to be subtle please] Jimmy: [she's earned that right tbh he's seen and touched so much of her by now] Janis: [fair] Jimmy: [in you get kids for your single bed forced closeness] Janis: [get used to it tbh, at least he's clearly tired af so can at least pretend he's sleeping even if he ain't] Jimmy: [they are both too tall for this to be comfy you'd literally have to be all over each other] Janis: [again, no denying you're into it, just have to stay quiet if you wanna pretend lads] Jimmy: [the realest] Jimmy: [and don't move too much, don't need to get betrayed by your boy parts there Jimothy] Janis: [as amusing as that would be for us, don't need you to die of shame] Jimmy: [🐘 in the room now and definitely earlier because there is no way you could do all that shit and not] Janis: [she'd be like, don't take it personally, that shit just happens but it doesn't just happen if you're not into it at all, like] Jimmy: [mhmm as much as his internal monologue be like well I can't help that we all know if it was Grace or whoever you wouldn't be feeling it so bye] Janis: [#tea] Jimmy: [if it was Mia it'd go back inside his body] Janis: [lmao you wouldn't know she was in the bed with you tbh] Jimmy: [don't ever wanna think about her hooking up with anyone my god] Janis: [amazing it happens so much] Jimmy: [just gonna think about JJ having a spoon instead thank you] Janis: [indeed, much nicer] Jimmy: [at least he is tired enough to fall asleep eventually because that'd feel like the longest night ever if not] Janis: [let her have some too or rude for likewise] Jimmy: [pray you don't dream about earlier either of you] Janis: [hope neither of you sleep talk] Jimmy: [can't be that cruel omg] Janis: [awks when ollie wakes up like hi] Jimmy: [you gotta run girl, really hit him in those abandonment issues when wakes up] Janis: [see you on the bus] Jimmy: [#awks] Janis: [gotta sit next to each other though, at least faking it for the fans will break the ice] Jimmy: [least there's only so much coupleyness you can do there if you're not making out, no need to go as hard] Janis: [mainly the aforementioned snuggling] Jimmy: [first time he ever plays with her hair in a soft way which will forever be his future fave] Janis: [just imagined grace from her seat like 😒] Jimmy: [honestly, probably crying on the low because contrary to popular belief she is capable of subtlety when needed to protect herself like that] Janis: [but we must know, did he go to the giftshop] Jimmy: [he had to steal her a teddy of some sort or I swear to god] Janis: [she can take a selfie with that then] Jimmy: [probably the kind of crap sort that have a t-shirt on of the place but he didn't spend money on it so] Janis: [it's the #brag that counts, they'd be jel] Jimmy: [exactly and it's points for him with her cos he stole it like he said he would and didn't get caught or anything cringe] Janis: [exactly dr phil dem sneaky feels] Jimmy: [and the reminder of this trip when she thinks its all she's gonna get] Janis: [lmao what a headfuck like you're just gonna pretend you don't know each other now okay lads] Jimmy: [in what world also everyone would be like UM what] Jimmy: [I love how they haven't discussed it once] Janis: [ridiculous] Jimmy: [it's the best thing likewise how nobody's gonna think she's gay after those bedroom antics so there's no reason for her to agree to anymore but she do] Janis: [be more blatant with your flimsy reasoning guys] Jimmy: [you silly eggs] Janis: thank fuck it's the holidays Jimmy: 🙌 Janis: 💃 Jimmy: 🍾 Janis: 👙🕶 Jimmy: 😎 forever obvs but 🎊 that you can't take the piss about it Janis: every ☁ Jimmy: ⛅ Janis: just remember to sign off with a post about how you'll miss me though Jimmy: it's drafted Janis: 🤓 Jimmy: 🥇 Jimmy: I get it, your 👅 is tied around me, babe Jimmy: lemme write it for you Janis: trust falls were yesterday Janis: what are you actually gonna write Jimmy: refresh my feed in a bit Jimmy: it'll be there Janis: shifty Jimmy: I ain't forgot how easily you scare Jimmy: it'll be alright Janis: piss off Jimmy: yeah, in a bit Jimmy: hang on in there Janis: do my best Janis: feel 💀 approaching though Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: bit rude Jimmy: bit rude to outlive me when we made a pact Janis: I'm more of a shootout with the law kinda girl Janis: what can I say Jimmy: nowt 'cause you should've said before Janis: don't remember signing nothing Janis: in blood or otherwise Jimmy: 💀💌 got a massive J scrawled on it, my dear Janis: [😏] Janis: fine Janis: see you at the funeral, beloved Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: Your sister keeps staring at me Jimmy: hang on Jimmy: [such a GOOD long kiss that's no less intense than any of their others but softer and therefore easier for him to say is 1000% fake cos she don't know what a #softboy he is yet] Janis: [you know the bus would wheyyy 'cos nowhere to hide so even if you're caught off guard you've gotta play into it yeah] Janis: surprised she can see fuck all Janis: 😭 Jimmy: thought you were gonna say you blinded her Jimmy: save all your maiming for me, eh 💕 Janis: 'course Janis: doesn't get that biblical Janis: my brother's deaf but that's fuck all to do with me alright Jimmy: sounds fake but alright Jimmy: [😏] Janis: ['wipes it off his face with her hands then cups his chin you know what I mean ott cutesy] Janis: rude Jimmy: [giving her those OTT 😍 so fake mhmm] Jimmy: Teach me some sign language then Janis: [says something along the lines of 'I'm gonna maim you' I hope Grace isn't looking that hard, just like excuse me, teaching him swear obvs 'cos first thing anyone does lol] Jimmy: [just having a lovely time learning and loling its fine Grace will be blinded by her tears after that cute kiss] Janis: [when you forget you're putting on a show but this is a mood anyway so it's fine] Jimmy: [literally though, love that for them] Janis: [even the teachers can't be mad 'cos you know they'd be like ooh they know sign language teach everyone 'cos it looks good on them] Jimmy: [Grace is the only one fuming honey, texting Mia like] Janis: [that snek, just gonna keep that 'i fucked your brother' 'til it really hurts] Jimmy: [she's the literal worst and Pablo is too hot for you, girl] Janis: [what a time] Jimmy: [is there anything else we want to happen, besides a dramatic hug goodbye at the end obvs] Janis: [and taking off his hoodie to give back] Jimmy: [but he's like no, boy don't be giving your clothes away she's richer than you] Janis: cute bit Janis: I'll drop it off somewhere covert, like Jimmy: You'll have stretched it Janis: please Janis: you stupid Jimmy: Take the closest thing to a tit compliment you're getting off me and leave it out Janis: 🙄 Janis: you're alright, thanks Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: make sure you tweet that out 💕 so sweet to me, you Janis: you said you drafted it Janis: ugh Jimmy: My bit, yeah Jimmy: [but also sends out that pic she took of herself in the hoodie way back when remember with a post about how he's letting her keep it cos it looks better on her etc] Jimmy: that ain't it though Janis: guess I'll have to put my thinking cap on Jimmy: if you can find one to fit your big head once all the comments, likes and DMs flood in] Janis: nope, I'll take this fame and run with it Janis: all I ever wanted, obvs Jimmy: #duh Jimmy: 🥇🏆💪 you Jimmy: 🤩 me Janis: you'll always be my no.1 fan, babe Janis: 😘 Jimmy: Babe OMG 😭💕😘 Janis: I know, so sweet Janis: 😇 you might say Jimmy: You would Jimmy: I'd go 😈 Jimmy: [a LOOK] Janis: You really want one last 😳 for the road, yeah? Jimmy: You'll always be my 😳🐷, girl Janis: Wow 😭💕😘 Jimmy: I know, Shakespeare's #quaking Janis: yeah, well known pussy destroyer, old bill Jimmy: [laughs] Janis: [😏] Jimmy: [showing her how extra everyone is being on that post obvs] Janis: [between an eyeroll and vaguely smug 'cos it's worked but people are cray] Jimmy: [gives her his phone so she can do replies if she wants, enjoy seeing that trust again peeps] Janis: [when you get to be a funny bitch, hands him hers like there's Mia say hi] Jimmy: [obvs does and it would obvs also be hilarious, he'd probably literally facetime her rn like oh hey cos doesn't give a fuck] Janis: [don't get feeling special, babe] Jimmy: [when he's a better mean girl than Mia bye] Janis: [cackling] Jimmy: [If you weren't into him before Janis, you will be now] Janis: she's such a cunt Janis: wish I coulda seen her tryna haul ass up a rock wall though Jimmy: we can 💀💀 her when we get back Jimmy: I'll put my thinking cap on Janis: could blow on her and she'd go tbh Janis: that was ON, btw, don't get ideas Jimmy: I did read it as let her blow me Jimmy: not that ride or die for you, mate Janis: her teeth are probs false so it'd be a good time Janis: 👵 Jimmy: Alright, I'm in Jimmy: [sends a pic of Norman Bates' dead mum in the OG psycho you know the one] Jimmy: Just my type that Janis: why stop at a beej Janis: dress her up and take her for a spin 'round your room, like Jimmy: It's a date Janis: that's why you 😎 huh Janis: psycho eyes Janis: no faking emotion Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: don't forget my crows feet Jimmy: It's alright though I reckon I look decent for 45 Janis: too cocky for a predator, honestly Janis: 🙄 Janis: got the receipts and everything, boy Janis: man, whatever Jimmy: If you hear sirens, they're for me Jimmy: Calm Mr Lucas down however you like Janis: awh, you wanted to start a ⚪ Janis: that's cute Jimmy: still time or? Janis: he's only got 👀 for me and it's very fucking rude to suggest otherwise Jimmy: Is that what he told you? #awks Janis: shut up Janis: shit stirrer Jimmy: I'm not talking Janis: tryna break me and my mans up Janis: got a taste for it, like Janis: fuck 👻 boy, you're a monster Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Janis: holiday flings been fun and all but he's dependable Janis: penciled in every Wednesday, last period, like Janis: 😍😍😍 #getyouamans Jimmy: the point were I don't want one Jimmy: 🙏 only Janis: the ultimate Man Janis: I get it Janis: 😇 repent, bitch Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: soon be time to be a 😈 and 💔 me Janis: that's the storyline, yeah? Jimmy: Got a better one? Janis: Nah, just wondering Janis: cool, I'll find a willing participant then Jimmy: 👌 Janis: [scrolling through the post 'cos lads be horny on main] Jimmy: [when you're so 😒 but you can't let it show] Janis: [dw this plan lasts like 10 secs you thirsty hoes] Jimmy: [don't even go into how triggered he'd be cos how much his ex cheated bye] Janis: [exactly dr phil it doesn't happen for all the reasons and we know it] Jimmy: [boy just shut down over here nbd nothing to see people] Janis: [when you notice but you're not gonna bring that up but you put the phone down like k and go back to chillin'] Jimmy: [meanwhile he's just texting Cass on the way back from her trip, distracting himself with big brother duties, like] Janis: [when usually you get picked up from school after a trip but you know ian ain't coming honey] Jimmy: [literally, he will have to go himself so fingers crossed they get back earlier than her trip does] Janis: [least they at the same school and live near it but still, also janis and grace in charming moods so welcome home! lmao] Jimmy: [Caleb chatting away in the car in portugese god bless] Janis: [when ain't no one talking to you, janis probably didn't wanna get in like oh lads] Jimmy: [break my heart all of y'all, Grace only speaks to be like drop me at Mia's] Janis: [aren't you so glad you had 10 kids looool] Jimmy: [truly]
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