#but some ppl aren't ready for this conversation
2k3raph · 5 months
one misconception i've seen abt 2k3 raph's character quite a few times is that he dislikes the nickname raphie. he's called raphie by mikey and donnie throughout the series and casey at least once, and he never responds negatively to the nickname itself nor is it even Implied by him or any other characters he feels any sort of negative way abt it. he also calls Himself raphie ("it's not nice to invade mr raphie's neighborhood") in space invaders part 1. like the mischaracterization's coming from Inside the house.
edit: i'm scared but making this rebloggable now.
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moonlit-positivity · 15 days
Some of my best moments of healing came when I started to understand some of these snippets of wisdom from others:
People can only perceive what they know.
Comprehension is also a part of communication. If they can't comprehend what you're saying then there is no point in wearing yourself out.
There is a big difference in "listening to respond" vs "listening to be right" and most people do not understand this.
Most people on social media aren't looking to have healthy communication. They're looking to argue. Find other places for conversation outside of the comments section.
People cannot tell you how you're feeling. That is information only you have access to. They are projecting themselves onto you.
People often hide behind projection when theyre hurt. Don't take things personally.
Emotionally immature people cannot understand the difference between communicating vs reacting.
What's the difference?
Communicating = listening with intent to understand
Reacting = allowing the perceived threat to dominate the mood
Triggers can also show us parts of ourselves that are unhealed and in need of attention. Though it is never okay to force yourself to "work through them" if you do not relate.
"There is always more work to do" = this is a lifelong process. Don't try to rush it so hard.
Breaks are allowed and actually necessary in order to catch up.
"Trust in yourself & trust in the process" = you know what's best for you. Nobody else should be telling you how to live your life.
"Do something else" = your sanity is in danger if you don't learn how to step away from the stress. Don't ignore your mind & body asking for a break.
"Life is not a game" = take yourself and your health seriously.
It's normal to seek chaos while recovering. Sometimes we are hard wired for chaos due to the nature of our traumas. Healing can leave you feeling "boring" and that's normal.
Recovery can also be reflected in our outward appearances. "As I grew inward, my outward appearance changed too." The changes we make inside can have a very deep impact on the way we take care of ourselves and the way we project that outwardly through our appearance. Sometimes negatively, sometimes positively. It can fluctuate and change just like we do.
You're not alone. I guarantee you, whatever it is you're going through- there's a community out there for it.
Sometimes you will never know how to move forward. These are the moments that require the most kindness and compassion you can find.
There is such a huge awkward transitionary phase between "I'm stuck repeating old habits" vs "oh okay, I've learned enough to move on now, but I don't want to give up my old identity and now I'm even more panicked than I've ever been in my entire life what the fuck is happening please help me" and this is so fucking normal.
When that happens, just be as kind and patient as you can be. The old parts are in need of patience. They are clinging for a reason. Maybe the closure long forgotten? Maybe the underlying issues finally able to be spoken out loud and addressed? Give them the safety of knowing they are safe, well loved, and that you're still gonna be you in all that you are when they're ready to put those burdens down.
Change doesn't look good at first. At first it feels like ripping your skin off. There's a subtle power in allowing it to feel uncomfortable and doing it anyway. You can tap that power just by waking up and staying committed.
"You're stronger than you think, give yourself some kudos, you're worth the effort to heal." These are all words that others have said to me. Take the positive words that ppl give you and use them to your advantage. They're actually not bullshitting you. They actually really do want you to succeed. Draw on them to get you there.
In the same vein, ask trusted ppl what they think your strong points are. I've had ppl tell me "you're resourceful. You're strong in how you advocate for yourself." It can help to hear these types of things. It's okay to ask!
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haemosexuality · 11 months
im rewatching she-ra and naturally im gonna want to write about it a lot. starting by breaking down the catradora conflict origin story scene from s01e02 the sword part 2
people have said this before but the most important thing to keep in mind here is how different their understanding of whats going on is. theyre both approaching this with completely different views and so they misunderstand what the other means.
Adora: There's no time. We have to put a stop this.
Catra: What? Why?
Adora: Because this is a civilian town. Look around! These aren't insurgents. They're innocent people.
Catra: Yeah, sure. Innocent people who kidnapped a Horde officer. Now come on, let's get you back to the Fright Zone. Shadow Weaver is freaking out. [laughing] It'd be funny if she weren't such a terrible person.
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so immediately theres two things i wanna say about this part, about how catra reacts to stuff. first off, something we learn about catra throughout the whole show and especially in the portal-alternative-reality, is that shes big on Pretending Nothing Is Wrong. whenever shes feeling upset or angry about something, she will start joking around and acting like shes just totally super chill guys, dw ("Ugh, whatever. It's not like I even care. I just wanna get out of this dump at some point before I dieee of boredom). Shes acting like that in this scene. Adora was missing for hours, shadow weaver was breathing down her neck and threatening her, she was already worried adora might have left at this point. she cant let adora know how worried she was tho, so shes all jokes and fast paced conversation. To Adora, tho, it just looks like catra doesnt care, like she doesnt understand the gravity of the situation.
and the other thing is that honestly? I dont think catra does care. about the town, i mean. i think catra was ready for war in a way adora never was. theyre both seeing combat for the first time here, and adora hates it. training for war is completely different than being in the battlefield, and adora couldnt handle it. face to face with it she couldnt tolerate seeing people suffering and dying, houses being burned down, a whole village destroyed. when the horde brainwashed adora into thinking they were only doing the necessary to save etheria, she completely and fully believed it, and when faced with the reality of the horde she immediately realized how wrong that was. Catra, tho, could not care less. she never believed in what the horde said, she knew full well what the horde did, so this isnt a surprise for her. and i do think shes naturally a bit sadistic, or at least growing up among the violence of the horde made her so. either way, shes seeing battle here for the first time and shes completely fine with it. doesnt even spare it all a second glance. why would she care about these people she never met if the most important thing in the world is right here in front of her? (i think even if adora hadnt left that night and went into the battlefield as a force captain, she wouldve ended up deserting. she cant stand seeing people suffer and she cant stand not saving them. shes too good, too selfless for that. catra isnt.) (also she is so ready to kill at all times. she loves violence. i once saw someone say how shadow weaver thought adora was the "cutthroat, ruthless warrior" when that was actually catra and they were totally right)
adora is also trying something futile here, she doesnt need to explain to catra that the horde is bad and hurts innocent ppl because catra has known that all her life
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Adora: Catra, no. I can't go back. Not until the Horde leaves this town alone. You have to help me.
Catra: What are you saying?
Adora: I’m saying, this is wrong. They've been lying to us, manipulating us. Hordak, Shadow Weaver, all of them.
Catra: Duh! Did ya just figure that out? Manipulation is Shadow Weaver's whole thing. She's been messing with our heads since we were kids.
(the captions in the pics are slightly wrong, nvm that.) everything i said before. adora just realized all of this, while catra has always known, probably because the abuse adora suffered was more manipulation-and-brainwashing, while shadow weaver always made clear to catra that she didnt give a shit about her, so she suffered physical abuse with little attempt to convince her this was fine.
the "what are you saying?" is one of the things that show how different their perspective is. adora is talking about going against the horde and helping the town, while catra immediately gets more personal. what do you mean? are you saying that you might leave the horde? leave me?
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Adora: How could you possibly be okay with that?
adora means, how could you be ok with the horde lying about its actions, and killing innocent people? how could you be ok with the horde raising us to do the same? and catra hears, how could you be ok with shadow weaver and hordak abusing us?
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Catra: Because, it doesn't matter what they do. The two of us look out for each other. And soon we'll be calling the shots. Now come on, can we go home already?
catra replies: because, i love you. because you have my back and i have yours. because nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other, remember? and soon enough, we'll be powerful enough that they cant hurt us anymore. Adora hears, because i dont care about these people dying, the only thing thats important is you and i. and anyways, soon its gonna be Us killing them, isnt that good? lets go back home to the evil murder place.
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Adora: I'm not going home, Catra. I can't. Not after everything I've seen. Come with me. You don't have to go back there. We can fix this.
adora says: im starting to realize now how wrong i was about everything. we're not the good guys, and i cant stand for that. i cant stand around and watch people get hurt. i cant stand around and watch you get hurt. lets leave, together, and have a better life, please. lets do the right thing.
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Catra: Are you kidding? You've known these people for, what, a couple of hours? And now you're just gonna throw everything away for them?
catra hears, shes willing to leave me. after everything i did for her, all that i took, all of these years of us being together, she would still leave me. she would break our promise. she would leave me behind.
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and then she straight up electrocutes adora. ok
she says it was a reflex, but i dont know if i believe her. i dont think she likes hurting adora (not physically. not by this point, anyways), but i do think that shes the type to lash out when upset and immediately regret it, then feel guily about it. which just makes her more upset. :(
Catra: Oh, man. That was a lot stronger than I thought. Are you okay?
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Adora: Why are you doing this?
Catra: Because you left me! And if I don't bring you back, Shadow Weaver’s gonna have my head. So, enough with your weird little identity crisis and let's go home already. Or do I need to zap you again?
thats the last time they talk. adora gets teleported away by glimmer, and when they see each other again, its clear that they both made their choice.
the moment adora showed catra she was willing to leave her, there was no coming back for them. because catra would never get over that. she'd spend all her life in that hellscape, putting up with abuse and bullying and probably so much more we dont get to see, because of the promise adora made her. and, in her eyes, adora was ready to leave her on the first opportunity that came up. that hurt. that broke her. and that released something really ugly inside of her.
cue in 2,5 years of homoerotic rivalry and trauma. ok post over if you read this i hope you liked it <3 bye
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 3 months
One of my favorite parts of Does Fiction Affect Reality discourse on this website is when ppl are discussing like. The ideas and themes communicated by the narrative framing of stuff within a work of fiction (e.g. how the narrative of most cop shows will almost always frame suspects trying to exercise their legal rights as an obstacle in the protagonist cops' quest for justice, and breaking the rules and ignoring these rights as the solution to this obstacle) or how the way certain ideas are taken as a given and treated as universal and politically neutral reflects how deeply entrenched they are in the creator's culture.
And then someone will walk in with the most basic-ass baby's first media literacy "Uhm friendly reminder that depiction is not glorification. But seems like some of y'all aren't ready for that conversation" take. Just like. Pure Dunning-Kruger effect in action.
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detransraichu · 2 months
i think there would be a lot more trans acceptance among feminists if trans ppl were like "okay i know i'm female/male (probably phrased afab/amab) and that's an important part of me, i don't know what it's like to be female/male yet until i do pass and i won't pretend to know the opposite agab's experiences or inner feelings. i know that while trans women have unique struggles, cis women are oppressed in a unique way too and it's not a strict oppressor/oppressed dynamic. cis people don't need to say they have a gender identity, they can just see their gender as a body type. but for me, i want to live being seen as the opposite sex or get some characteristics of that sex because it's the only way that has kept me sane so far. i will keep in mind my agab, and i know i can't change my sex, but living this way is the only thing i've found that keeps my mental health for going down a trashcan. you don't need to change your sexuality for me, you don't need to literally see me as the opposite sex. i'd appreciate if you used my new name and pronouns. i just want to blend in. i had a lot of therapy before this. i'm open to deep discussions about transness and how sometimes it can be a harmful identity, and how minors aren't ready to transition, and i think everyone should hear detrans ppl's experiences to minimize future painful detransitions. i think transition should be properly regulated. i think the affirmative-only model can be harmful. i think some ppl, like me, really do need this treatment, but it's not for everyone and for many ppl it's just a very harmful coping mechanism. using suicide as a threat for trans acceptance does more harm than good. i'm just a person trying to handle my gender dysphoria, my difficult symptoms. i'm open to difficult discussions and will remain respectful and see cis women, an oppressed class, in good faith. i know transness is a complex topic" I WISH IT WAS ALL LIKE THIS i know some trans ppl do talk like that and i love it, i wish more people did, but shitty trans behavior is rampant!!
like THAT'S how trans activists really should talk instead of acting like the only victims in the world and like feminists are trying to genocide them when they try to have deep talks about afab oppression and not being inherently more privileged than trans women, just having two complex different oppressions... also seeing us as evil for saying that ppl w same-sex & opposite-sex exclusive sexualities shouldn't go thru conversion therapy and be "fixed" into finding trans ppl hot ??? that's activism somehow, making ppl be into girldick and boypussy and bodies affected by their agab puberties and say "well reversed-penis surgical vaginas and clit dicks & surgical penises exist so you have no excuse not to fuck a trans person!! and if you don't like their bodies you can still date, why would you want sex in a relationship?! yeah afab4afab & amab4amab trans ppl exist and they're only attracted in that way too BUT THAT'S NOT THE SAME YOU BIGOTED BITCHES"
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definitelynotnia · 3 months
sorry i have to rant or i will cry i hate when im so angry that the anger comes out as tears
tw: random guy being a general asshole abt lgbtq and trans ppl so if you dont wanna deal with that today, cz ik there's already enough hate literally everywhere online, then please save yourself from this burden and move along, i hope u have a nice day bcz if i cant then someone should
i just spent my whole afternoon arguing with this guy- it was such a waste of my time i haven't slept properly last night and i wanted to take a nap but my nap time is GONE i hate this i told him im done with this conversation and that i dont give a shit about him enough to want to educate him on things and have him change his opinion i TOLD HIM IM DONE i told him that he can keep his opinion shoved up his ass and as long as he doesn't bully people i dont give a shit i was READY TO GO TAKE MY NAP but nooo this bitch is like "just say you've run out of valid points" like BITCH NO.
i can't have valid points to counter you with because all the points ur giving me are utter bullshit like how the fuck am i supposed to reply to "ppl assigned male at birth wearing skirts and make up is worse than war" like WHAT???? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF??? ARE YOU INSANE? what the fuck am i supposed to respond to that with? except that trans people aren't hurting anyone and war is, and he's like "at least war can be contained, these people are spoiling the mentality of the youth" like YOU ARE THE SPOILED YOUTH not the other way around, im like listen if you were really pressed about children and how trans inclusivity impacts children then you would have at least read more about that but if your first point is only "they're doing surgery on children" then clearly you have not even done as much as a simple google search so we both know that you just heard that in some random reel and went with it and you dont give two shits about the supposed 'children being made to undergo surgery', which they're not, and all you actually care about is looking cool and edgy by hating on the lgbtq community because thats whats in trend right now in india. he's like these people are too privileged why cant they just shut up and enjoy life they are rich like first of all rich people can have problems too??? also being able to afford therapy and gender affirming care does not equal to rich thats like saying if someone in ur family has any chronic illness ur automatically rich like ??? also poor people are trans too? and im so sick of these ppl thinking being trans is just an american thing or a first world problem like brother no? you are literally living in india trans people are mentioned in the FUCKING SCRIPTURES are u KIDDING ME? being trans is not a new sudden occurence its been there for longer than you have. like literally after 2 hours of conversation the only points he could think of to hate on lgbtq for no reason is
they are rich and privileged so they shouldnt have problems
if they have a problem with their gender they should keep it to themself and not fight it (??????)
they are running from their problems (they are literally solving the problem thats the part which everyone is mad abt its when trans people try to solve the problem by being okay with expressing themselves freely and to counter i said that even alcoholics are running from their problems ive never seen any of u andrew tate cocksuckers ever make a "joke" bullying alcoholics he's like thats different like literally all his "points" are him just saying whatever and then if u try to explain it with logic he'll be like no but thats ok bcz i said so and this is wrong bcz i said so like fuck you dude)
they shouldnt have rallies and stuff because there's more important things like war that the government should focus on (he was the one who said "war is a beacon of peace there cannot be peace without war" when i had first mentioned that its ironic that out of all the bad things happening in the world rn LIKE war the biggest thing he's worried about is a "man" wearing a skirt but ok sure now all of a sudden war is a big boo boo and we should all be focusing on that, so basically when he wants to hate on ppl war is irrelevant but when a marginalised group wants to fight for their rights that time war is the most important point and no one elses suffering is valid bcz there is war)
it is spoiling today's youth (im not even gonna talk about this because i do not see how people living their lives and just existing is considered "spoiled" and "corrupt" but people regularly hating on, bullying and degrading a whole ass community just because they are uneducated swines lacking critical thinking skills and a spine that saw some 'famous' youtuber or influencer or wtv or maybe a reel with 'dark humor' dissing on lgbtq and pronouns and 'blue haired girls' and now they thing they're oh so cool and edgy and dIfFeReNt and "not like those woke snowflakes" just cz they degrade and bully a whole community of people every chance they get)
im so done im SO DONE with this bullshit its EVERYWHERE its a trend now to be hateful and mean and an asshole to anyone who isnt "normal" according to heteronormative standards. i understand not having an opinion, to some extent ok i get it you're young you don't need to be involved in this yet but no, they want to have an opinion but they will do no research they physically shudder at the thought of reading a book and god forbid they actually google up a trustworthy article to confirm some of the bullshit they believe they will do none of this but they will scream and shout about how lgbtq is the problem and magically that is the only "social issue" they care about and they care soo vehemently apparently that they have to post about it and make dArK jOkEs about it and use slurs and degrade them every chance they get because THEY are harmful yes sure you who are actively spreading hate are the angelic saviours of society and a community of people JUST EXISTING are the ones that are harmful, right.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
The whole thing about Toorus cover has already been frustrating enough but whats even worse is the amount of ppl that had come out of woodwork to yell 'its not even the first time he sexualized a minor!!!' or 'this is shonen what did you expect??? Other mangaka do it too'
Like you understand that first is just worse and second is no excuse. Like yeah Hori probs wont see any of the outrage and that cover will sell like hotcakes but these are still important conversations to have in fandom about the standards of the way women are treated in manga. Like why no try to build a mood in fandom where mangaka are held to higher expectations instead of just giving up cuz 'its shonen standard'. Drawing cute girls for teen boys to swoon over is one thing, putting an almost completely naked minor on the cover of ur very popular (and publicly sold like i cant imagine how this will look on BOOKSTORE SHELVES) is another. I also see many ppl bitch about like 'oh ppl who complain the most are those who write explicit bakudeku smut' which like, wild conclusion to some to and probably not true but also i think ppl have to understand that influence of a random fic writer in a fandom (even if a popular one) is Very different from influence of a popular mangaka whos work influences the fandom culture anyway. Like there will be ppl who write freaky shit in every fandom but the mangaka very much sets up the bar there i feel.
Like, Witch Hat Atelier is extremly non sexual manga (aside from Qifrey whos sad and wet) and the only sexual content ive encountered for it was between the two adults in it. There IS a creator there that draws minor x adult explicit stuff (as i said freaks in every fandom) but the only reason i know of them is cuz there were warnings from other users like 'hey this person is posting yxz art tagged under the main manga tag, it can be p upseting so make sure to block them!' its a whole different climate for real.
Uhhhh long story short like ppl are allowed to discuss weird stuff a mangaka pulls, thats good for the fandom, why is everyone on twitter so damn ready for this to be their hill to die on lmao all ppl are saying is 'wow pretty gross for Hori to put a naked teenager on the cover' hows that controversial
....long time no rant at foxy i hope i made sense
I completely agree with you, Lucy and I'm mad that the attitude in fandom a lot of the time is "well there's nothing you can do about it so why complain?"
Why aren't we allowed to hold Mangaka, grown men, accountable for the shit they draw and sell to a wide audience. Why can't I be upset that yet again a female body is being exploited by a grown man for sales.
Yes, she's fictional but that's not the issue! It's an issue that it's okay just because she's female and this has been normalized! Imagine the outrage in public that would have caused if it was Deku in such a pose?! It probably wouldn't be allowed to be printed, let alone on the cover of such a popular magazine that is sold to young boys.
It's because people brush it off that it's everywhere that NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Yes, my voice will probably go unheard regardless but at least I'm saying something about it, at least I'm supporting people who are also upset that their bodies are used like this. It's better than ignoring it and the people hurt by Hori's choice (which you'll notice are mostly females).
And the argument that fandom creates content just as bad is null. Firstly, a fandom creator who barely gets over 100 views most of the time will NEVER carry the same influence that a man who draws in over 10s of 1000s. Not to mention, it's deflecting the issue. We're not talking about the creation of porn, we're talking about how Hori has exploited the female body, using a character of his that is a minor, for profit as representation for his work.
My question is WHAT DOES THIS COVER DO. It doesn't represent Hagakure as a character nor it doesn't represent his story of heroism. It exists just for people to, frankly, jerk off over. As a fan of BNHA, I don't want what was once one of my favourite stories represented in such a way! I don't want a character to be reduced to this!
If Hori wanted to draw sexy females for young males, he should have created an ecchi manga, not a shonen one. At least then I wouldn't have to see this bullshit with my own eyes and have it supposed to represent something I used to love.
I'm upset as a female because I'm tired of shonen artists getting away with using girls like this, especially teenage girls.
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firespirited · 11 months
Must have used up my 'no being social' luck.
Had two rando conversations today. One didn't make much sense (probably schizophrenia) but I nodded and agreed and wished him well.
The other, well I figured I'd just pop out with Talia for five minutes and ended up having a 25 minute conversation with 'masks are for when you have covid' dude who is now not a rando anymore. Uh slowly over the last month of nodding hi when we see him, short small talk and sis having her own long chat with him, he's on a fast track to being an acquaintance if not a friend of the family. He's local, a fellow crip and amiable, that's how things tend to go. He certainly seems to want to be friends.
G is 50, didn't have polio but a series of strokes in utero, has epilepsy, loves his nature hikes, made up for being visibly disabled by being a loud mouth and funny guy, thinks we're being very brave tackling new things and finding work arounds (walking at day break to avoid the heat, various hacks in case we get ill while out), not the smartest or socially attuned since I was stuck having this conversation in full sun. But it was bound to happen, expanding from outside the building was going to mean more neighbours to make conversation with.
'Fancy dressed fancy dog' lady who seems depressed now also has a name and a new puppy (she seems lighter too).
Wish I were better at small talk and not in pain (I'm walking for physio) so I could walk out the door without dreading the possibility a little bit (maybe more than a little on days when I just want to just do my horrid walk) .
I get online ready and eager to see what my internet people from around the world have been posting, even if they're going through rough times because it's not a one sided thing so it's not completely misanthropic (why yes I can go hermit mode for months but that's more of a me thing not a 'i don't like ppl' thing) . Like, I would really like to meet reciprocal friends irl. Except it involves meeting a lot of acquaintances who want to chat A Lot.
In the meantime I need to rehearse some banal and pleasant topics to pivot to because I'm the nice lady who listens and tries to not look like a deer in headlights and doesn't yet have a good evasive answer for 'how are you' that wouldn't be a lie or open conversation. I need a good quip that isn't I'm fine but also doesn't open conversation (not that some people aren't going to just talk about life the universe and everything anyway)
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Wait a minute when did you see his vacation post because when i read it he had about 5 or 6 comments disagreeing with him, not full on hating on him simply telling him his thought process did not apply to the general public. If you saw NONE then there is further proof he deleted them which is not cool. If you are not able to start a conversation and have people add their own experiences because you see it as a personal attack towards you, then why start the conversation to begin with. Just deactivate the comments if all you’re interested in is people blindly agreeing and praising something that does not apply to them. I was all for him starting a book club, that was his original idea for dumb & wise, but what fun is it if all he reads is self help books that apply to only him and how to get rich quick??
He looks up to Bezos, Musk, the Paul Brothers, Jeffree Starr and all because they’re extremely wealthy. And while it’s great to challenge yourself to see how far you can go, dont start preaching to regular people about how they need to have the same mindset as these toxic men who value always working and not having any time off ever and scam their workers when they all have the ability to travel anywhere, purchase anything, and do so without giving back to those who got them there. Musk literally said hes never had a day off and sleeps on friends sofas. Bezos the riches man refuses to pay workers past minimum wage, and rented out a ride in a amusement park all to himself and had no one with him nor let anyone else ride it, The Paul brothers moved to Puerto Rico to get a tax cut when hundreds of people on the island are loosing their homes and suffering, and thought they could break every rule and kill their sea turtles, and Jeffree Starr moved to the middle of nowhere Wyoming because no one in La could stand him. Thats who he wants to mirror his mindset and business approach after😕.
i haven't checked on the post since he made it. i was more commenting on when he first posted it, i didn't see anyone outright disagreeing with him until i got on here. but that doesn't mean there weren't comments disagreeing, i just didn't see them originally.
and like i just said in the previous ask, i do think to some degree he doesn't really want to hear ppl's opinions. he'd rather live in a bit of an echo-chamber. maybe i'm wrong, so don't take my word for it. that's just how it feels sometimes. bc it's not like he replies to ppl who disagree or tries to keep the conversation going. he just posts and moves on lol
he looks up to ppl who've made a shit-ton of money, and while i get that from a business stand point….. find better ppl. there are probably plenty of rich ppl who didn't abuse a fuck ton of ppl on their way to the top. granted if you're trying to look up to billionaires you aren't gonna find any good ones. that's just my personal opinion.
i think his issue is that he believes the one main way to be successful is thru wealth and business. and while that is definitely one way, it's not the only way. there are plenty of ways to be successful. but i think he hyperfocuses on business and working bc it's the one thing he can control. his emotions? absolutely not. but he can control how much effort or time he puts into something.
i've never really mentioned this before, but sometimes there is an intensity with him that concerns me a bit. especially when it comes to him talking about working or editing. he just seems… like he's ready to burst at any minute.
i truly hope that both him and colby can take a much needed time off when hell week is over.
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unrequited-fantasies · 5 months
One of the few good take I've seen followed by "yall aren't ready for that conversation" is the fact that some ppl subconsciously categorize asking for consent as a part of cringe culture.
I thought about it and yeah, that's not too far from the truth. Cause whenever I hear future inmates rail against asking for consent they almost always use terms like "lame" or "boring" when discouraging the act.
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An idea for how Will's sexuality could be handled in s5
I don't need will to get a boyfriend. Just have him come out to at least one person, and show him hopeful that he will find other queer ppl and love in the future.
For example:
Robin comes back from college and will accidentally overhears her and Steve talking about her love life.
Will tells her he heard what she said, promises not to tell anyone and asks her some questions, like how to meet other queer people, and how Steve found out about her sexuality.
She sees that these questions aren't just casual curiosity, but doesn't press him, though he suspects she saw through him. She answers his questions, tells him about queer spaces and how to find them, how great it is to meet someone like her, how invisible she felt before, mentions queer books and movies she discovered, how nice it had been to be able to talk to Steve about everything, and what a relief it was to realise she can live a full life, even if she is mostly closeted, and how she realised that their is nothing wrong with being gay.
Later Mike makes a comment about will finding a gf.
Shortly after that, Will comes out to Robin properly, and they they talk a bit more and compare their experiences
A few days later, Mike brings up the subject of girls and romance again, and this time, Will comes out to him.
The season ends with the Party getting ready for college ( or other post-high school plans) and Will has a private conversation with Mike where they discuss their futures, promise to keep in touch, and Will trying to find other queer ppl and love. the conversation ends with the implication that they are ready for the next stage of their lives.
I feel like Will would come out to El before the guys, since she is a girl and raised outside of regular society, but I am a bit worried about the pacing and redundancy of this arc if Will had too many coming out scenes, and I would rather him coming out to Mike than el BECAUSE mike grew up in the same society as Will, so he understands what a big deal it is, and him accepting will would matter more since he was raised in a homophobic environment.
Also want a Jonathan and will coming out scene bc I am not sure Will realised that Jonathan knows. But again, pacing and redundancy. Plus, between other stuff about Will that needs exploring, and the arcs of other characters, and the main plot itself, it would be a lot to have several coming out scenes for him.
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Man... Ichiruki it's not only a perfect ship, but it has POWER, this ship alone can literally carry the f*cking franchise in back, put ichiruki in it and it sells! This ship keeps a lot of people engajed with Bleach content until today! This ship is not only strong enough to make people who didn't ended Bleach or who don't watch it, think that they are official, but it makes the CANON PAIRINGS BE IGNORED, my girlies, same after the ending, Bleach live action and theater performances put ichiruki on it! It's like the ending never happened. Man, the FANON SHIP it's treated with more love and has more content in other medias, than a canon one, it's literally like they're official... MAN ICHIRUKI HAS THE POWER.
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sureuncertainty · 4 years
i think it’s interesting how we talk so much about the fluidity of gender and how nonbinary can look like SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS and it can be fluid and changing and nebulous and hard to pin down, and then we come to sexuality and it HAS to be ONE specific thing and FIXED and fit perfectly into a certain mold or it’s WRONG and HARMFUL 
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
If requests aren't open, feel free to ignore but like:
Poly!Ghostface with an soon-to-be SO that has selective mutism. They physically can speak but its painful and can take a lot out of them mentally. Now, that SO ends up spending a lot of time with Billy and Stu - by their design - and they learn their cues and nonverbal communication baselines. SO feels like they finally have friends (its more cuz friends don't smooch eachother's faces Stu! but whatever, nothing is official) - ppl don't like hanging with the boring kid who can't talk after all.
Eventually though, S/O gestures that they want to say something and the boys are looking all wide-eyed and the SO manages to get out a small, whispered 'thank you. Love lots.'
Sure! Sorry this took awhile, I don't have nor have much experience with selective mutism, so I was at a bit of a roadblock on how to write it. I hope this ends up being good for you babe!
Poly!Ghostface x SelectivelyMute!Reader:
So, honestly, Billy and Stu dont take notice of you at first.
Stu especially is so high energy, he doesn't notice the quiet kid.
Eventually though, they do take notice. But it's not in the best way.
Stu kinda joins in on the bullying. I mentioned before his form of bullying is bandwagoning, and that's exactly what he does when someone else makes fun of you.
Billy notices this. And color him intrigued by the fact you won't say a word to your bullies. It's almost admirable, he thinks.
He mentions this to Stu. And Stu kinda takes a minute to evaluate. It's true: you are unique. And with how Billy and Stu generally view themselves as above and more unique than others, that catches their eye.
So Stu stops his bullying, and tries to talk to you more.
But of course, you never reply. He asks for a pencil? You silently hand it to him. He asks what movies you like? You shrug and point to your (insert fav. horror movie here) T-shirt.
To Stu, that's the perfect in. He lets Billy know, and the next time you meet them, it's at the video store. They pick out some horror movies, including your favorite, before asking you if you wanted to join them for a movie marathon?
But you aren't stupid. You know a prank when you see one. The years and years of dealing with dumbasses trying to bully the "mute" kid has hardened you. You give a simple shake of your head 'no', before leaving them to their devices.
They're shocked. They're two of the most popular guys at school, for different reasons and in different ways. But they put two and two together and figure you think it's just another cruel prank.
That gets them fired up. How dare you assume they're like the rest of the sheeple of Woodsboro. Oh no. Now they wanna get to know you and what makes you tick.
And they do. They put in the work, showing you that yeah they want to genuinely be your friend.
They don't have a long term goal, they don't even have any intentions of being really close to you or anything. You were more just entertainment: a way to pass the time as they get ready to rock Woodsboro.
Stu easily fills the silence. And Billy, while annoyed at first for doing what he deems 'all the heavy lifting' in the friendship, comes around to your nonverbal cues. He's observant and perceptive, so it doesn't take too long before you two are having full conversations with just him talking and you gesturing, writing, or giving him cues.
They're thrown for a loop. They weren't expecting to actually enjoy being your friend. They were just curious.
But they end up enjoying you, and eventually you become a trio of friends.
But uh oh! Why are they noticing how cute it is when you scrunch up your face or pump you fist in victory when watching a tense scene in a movie.
Why are they laughing so hard whenever Stu teases you and in response you call him a dick via asking for his arm and drawing it on him. Why is that kinda precious???
Eventually when they're alone, they both end up talking about their feelings for you. They had already been in a secret relationship with each other for awhile, and didn't want to ruin what they have. But upon realization they they both liked you, the thought bounces around in their head : would the possibility of the three of you being together be feasible?
They decide that yes, it is. And that's the turning point.
They become a lot more affectionate, especially physically. Not just around you but each other, clueing you in on the nature of their relationship. In ways that you know, friend aren't with each other.
You realized your feelings long ago, but of course, never vernalized them. Their affection with each other and you continues.
Stu smooching your face, Billy's hands on your hips when he pulls you over to show you something.
Eventually, once they're confident that you're into them, they pop the question to you. Your response? Boldly pulling them into you one at a time for sloppy make-outs.
You feel loved in ways you never have before. The bullying ceases, of course, everyone at school far too scared of thinking about messing with Billy and Stu's best friend (and secret S/O)
Once they trust you enough, they slowly hint at their plans. When they notice you responding positively to the idea of fucking over everyone who's ever hurt and messed with you, they drop their plan.
How you react is up to you, but it can be assumed you do come around to it eventually. Or you secretly hatch a plan to stop it somehow. The choice is yours.
Either way, they find themselves even more in love once you accept them and their ideals. You'd be hard-pressed to find a moment when the three of you aren't with one another, or at the very least hanging in pairs separately.
It's a stormy, movie night. A perfect evening, framed with an even more perfect ambiance. You feel the time is right, and as your viewing of Hellraiser III ended, you gesture to them that you have something important to say.
You have their attention now. You grab both of their hands, before you speak to them for the first time. A small whisper of "Thank you. Love you lots."
They're shocked. Ecstatic. It was so out of left field and quietly spoken that for a second, they thought they'd maybe imagined it. It isn't until they make wide-eyed eye contact with the other that they realize you both had heard it.
Stu immediately pulls you in for a kiss, hands roaming all over you on an attempt to feel closer. Billy's reaction is much more subdued, but the fact he's smiling instead of smirking for once tells you all you need to know.
Once settling down, Billy throws his arm over your shoulder and Stu moves to lay his head in your lap, holding your hand as another movie starts.
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UK what, this is what annoys me abt this fandom... like we (bipoc) will be fighting for representation and rights, we defend yuki and lewis with our lives for small innocent things for which they and we are still scrutinised. but a white man can say the worst things about us and get away with it?? like the amount of problematic stuff that they say, and ppl forget in a week or smth because "oh look he posted a cute photo". It's so tiring and I'm broken. I'm not against fawning over your faves but omg the ppl who sweep aside the terrible stuff some of them say are the same who try to be allies.. if we aren't consistent with the outrage what's the point....
sorry for the rant I'm upset af
First, it's okay to rant in my inbox dw anon!
ngl it terrifies me how people are so ready to forget what their fav driver did in a few days and keep bringing up whatever happened in the past for which the bipoc drivers have apologised and learnt from and slander them using that one excuse. but if we talk abt max using slurs we get slandered in return.
"blacker the berry... the sweeter the juice... the bigger I shoot" - literally what this fandom lives by and 0 fucks are given to bipoc fans and drivers. sorry if it offends people, but genuinely the majority of the comments i see about lewis, yuki and zhou (he's literally a rook!!!!) are just hate and slurs... nothing else.
the double standards, simply put, are disgusting! if people slander bipocs for showing the slightest bit of emotion slander others for the same or don't slander bipocs; but things aren't like that here huh
this shit keeps getting worse. when you send love to bipoc drivers when they've been racially abused, people slander you. if the official f1 account posts just 2 posts about lewis, the fandom starts whining asking why they're posting only lewis like ??? wow. dominance of someone who doesn't belong to the same race as the majority fans rattles the fandom so much. imagine appreciating lewis, putting him in the GOAT conversation etc... it's never gonna happen.
this sport genuinely doesn't deserve the bipoc drivers. it just stinks. imagine going through so much shit in your workplace and yet you come back and work at that same place where you'll never know how much more such fans and maybe even the employees would abuse you. even if you, as a bipoc, are silent or speak out, you are gonna be slandered by this fandom :(
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
A lot of anons always sound like they’re trying to convince themselves when they send in messages saying they’re better off with others and should just remain friends 😂
Also it’s funny how T/Z lasted 3 years in a LDR and when they got with people who are more “convenient/reliable” (as the antis would say) those couldn’t even get past the honeymoon stage… 🙊
Right!! 😂
I'm like..... who are you trying to convince lol? 😅
Also it’s funny how T/Z lasted 3 years in a LDR and when they got with people who are more “convenient/reliable” (as the antis would say) those couldn’t even get past the honeymoon stage… 🙊
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Mmmmhmmmmm 😏
But some ppl aren't ready to have THAT conversation yet though.... 👀 Ijs......
I'll be honest that their rlshps with other ppl before each other (PRE-Tomdaya) did last pretty long though. Z was with Trevor for like 4 years, and Tom was with Elle for nearly like 4 years too if I'm not mistaken.
But POST-Tomdaya?
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Yea..... Their rlshps with other ppl haven't even lasted a year. 👀
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