#but maybe purple is better but like why would she make me the worse one compared to what she made my ex
elytrafemme · 1 year
today might be a lyric posting on main kinda day
#nightmare.personal#GF said she was excited to see me later and sent me a heart and a smiley emoji#and it's the PINK hearts which I think in her heart rankings I learned last May that's a good thing?#but maybe purple is better but like why would she make me the worse one compared to what she made my ex#that doesn't make any sense also did i mention that my ex's first kiss i think was with my current girlfriend#i feel like this is some ruse but i was the one who pitched the date so nothing bad is going to happen but i don't think she likes me?#like i don't think my girlfriend actually likes me because i haven't seen her in forever#like i didn't see her at ALL yesterday and i mean i had to mediate an argument with her and my other friend#and that was like a week ago and we definitely spoke after that but i think she still remembers#and i HAVE to look good today but it's really cold outside so i don't know how to impress her#because I don't know what traits about me that she actually LIKES and that's like so difficult?#because I don't know what i need to play up to get her to really like me she isn't giving me ANYTHING#does she think i'm attractive? does she think i'm smart? does she think i'm kind? like WHAT IS IT.#because if i don't KNOW then i have to just be me and that's not going to work!#dating is so fucking difficult what the hell i'm going to explode#maybe I do my makeup today OOH I COULD PAINT MY NAILS#maybe that iwll make me better#no but then i have to hide the nails from my mom God dammit.#oh and i can't listen to music because my brother wants me to change my spotify username!!!#so if he sees me listening! he'll know i haven't! but i also don't think he follows me?#i don't think i like my brother very much#i keep trying to decide if there's something wrong with me and honestly i'm not so sure i think there isn't#but the fact i said that will make you think there is so there's no point anyway
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goldustwomun · 1 month
bags (s.h.)
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: you'd loved steve since you were fifteen, followed him wherever he went. so when you were finally over him, stumbling home with another man clinging to your side, why was he waiting by your doorstep?
warnings: (unedited) angst angst angst, best friend robin and nancy but also lovers <3 robin and nancy <3, swearing, drinking, clubbing/partying, self-deprecating thoughts and a stubborn reader, steve is kind of an asshole despair and dread lol, this went a route i hadn't expected but i'm feeling achey and sad tonight so :) enjoy :) and don't hate me!
wc: 2.2k+
note: i hope this isn't entirely ass lol i just want steve harrington to break my heart but like i cant put my ideas into words and its SO FRUSTRATING but whatever :’)
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Can you see me? I'm waiting for the right time I can't read you, but if you want, the pleasure's all mine Can you see me using everything to hold back? I guess this could be worse Walkin' out the door with your bags
You should’ve known it’d end up this way. His back, coloured shades of blue and purple as dusk kissed at his skin, retreating into the distance and down the very road you’d just stumbled up only moments earlier. Maybe if you had listened a little closer, noticed a little more, the way he grabbed at your waist, squeezed your palms, held you close, you could’ve avoided it all. The shock and heartbreak and unbearable yearning only to turn up empty and desolate all over again.
Because you loved Steve Harrington, in more ways than he would ever know, but it had taken days, months, years, even, to get over that initial infatuation and belly flutter you’d been plagued with as teenagers. He was King Steve and you but a peasant, a shadow, one of many, that flocked to his side when he waved or smiled or tripped you up.
You loved Steve Harrington, but you hated him for waiting so long to work up the courage to just say it. I love you; I’ve always loved you, you wanted to say, but the words refused to pass the seal of your lips and instead you were left gaping at an empty spot on the ground, a Steve-shaped hole in your heart.
It’d been days since you’d seen him last, mourning his absence but refusing to sit around like you might’ve done if you were still seventeen. But no, you weren’t seventeen, you were a twenty-something independent that went out and did things and met people and kissed them if you wanted, maybe even take them home to your one-bedroom that would be otherwise empty without Steve plastered to your sofa, a hand stuffed into the popcorn you kept around because he once said he didn’t entirely hate it.
And that’s what you had done, convinced Nancy and Robin to leave the haze of their never-ending honeymoon phase to take you dancing. The drinks hadn’t stopped coming. Every time you gulped down a shot, another would be shoved into your hand before you’d had time to comprehend the reality of what you were going to do. To sleep with a stranger in the same space you’d watched Rocky with Steve only days earlier. You’d called and asked and begged him to come over, to join you, Nancy and Robin, but he’d bit at you in that way he sometimes did. The harsh edges of his teenage-self making itself known in ways you’d have liked to forget.
“Stop it, babes. I know what you’re doing,” Robin scolded, frowning at the dip between your brows and the lost look in your eyes. You forced a smile then, and she scoffed at the minimal effort you put into hiding your feelings, always having excelled at letting them take over your features even when you didn’t mean them to. Of course, every knew, everyone could see it in the way you trailed after him, like a lost puppy begging for an ounce of attention. Steve was cruel with the crumbs he handed you, but he didn’t know any better.
Everyone knew and everyone could see but Steve had always stood out, the most handsome, the most fit, the most clueless. And maybe that’s why you were perfect for each other because you hadn’t known either, had you.
“Come on, up you get!” Robin urged, pulling you from your chair with Nancy already clinging to her side, shuffling the three of you with what little sobriety she had left in her to the dance floor, pulsing lights and thrumming bodies none-the-wiser to the way you heart was cracking open.
So, you jumped and danced and bounced to the beat in ways you didn’t know you were capable of. Free and without regret and it wasn’t until someone was staring at you from across the room, watching your every moment with a fascination you’d never been subject to, that you stopped, pressing past Nancy and Robin with a tip of your head that assured them you’d be back.
He, whoever he was, surged into action, coming behind you at the bar where you were busy asking for a glass of water. You turned and smiled, stomach dipping, because he was attractive and strong, and he had these kind eyes and soft lips that looked like they’d be otherworldly against your skin. He introduced himself but the music obscured his words, so you nodded and pretended and wondered why you were dreading this conversation when it had only just begun.
He pulled you into a somewhat quieter corner after you’d gestured it was alright, and really, he seemed as surprised as you were when you all but pounced, mouth meeting his, open and desperate. He hadn’t complained, had probably seen it coming in the quiet desperation of your eyes. Of course, he didn’t know it was because of the way you wished it was someone else kissing you into the wall and not some all-consuming lust you were fueled by.
The next thing you knew you were huddled into the backseat of a cab, then stumbling across the gravel to your front door.
And that’s when you saw him. Sat on the bottom step of your apartment’s front door, gaze focused on the way whatever-his-name-was smirked into your neck, having probably thought you had stopped for a smooch and not because the man you had loved, unrequited, for close to a decade was staring at you like you’d stabbed him right in the chest, and twisted.
“Steve?” you whispered, loud enough to prompt Harrington off the step and marching across the short distance to you. “What are you—” but you never had a chance to ask him before he was swinging a left hook right into the guy’s jaw.
“Steve!” and you were shouting now, pushed to side as the stranger retaliated out of instinct, socking him in the nose. Steve looked like he was grinning, blood dripping into his mouth, like he was enjoying the feel of getting the shit beat out of him. “Stop it! Steve! I said—” you yanked him back, shoving him behind you as you rushed forward to-- fuck. You still don’t know his name.
“I’m sorry— Jesus Christ—” you swore when you noticed how his eye was already bruising as he shook you off. “I don’t know why he did that. I—I’m—"
His words were bitter when he responded, shooting daggers at the looming figure you were keenly aware was still behind you before meeting your pleading eyes. “It’s fine. It’s fine,” he assured you, squeezing your hip as he moved past you to leave. “You should talk to your boyfriend, you know, before you bring anyone else over.”
“I’m not—He’s not—” but he was gone, and you were still reeling from what had just happened, what Steve had just done. You turned, anger coursing through you so violently your hands were shaking. “Fucking hell—Steve! What the fuck are you doing here? And what the fuck was that?!”
“Were you going to fuck him?” he asked plainly, bluntly, shirt pulled to his face as he tried to stop the bleeding. There was still that wild look in his eyes, a flush to his skin, like he too was dazed and confused.
“What—I--- how is that any of your fucking business?” you answered back, shoving a finger against his chest. He was immovable though, only grabbed at your hand and held it until your palm was flat against the front of him. You could feel, now, the reckless thrum of his heartbeat, and you asked yourself how you’d gotten here in the first place, pushed up against a bloodied and bruised Steve Harrington.
“Just tell me. If I hadn’t been sat here, would you have fucked him?”
And you didn’t completely understand it, didn’t know what answer he was looking for—the one that was acquiesce him enough to explain himself or at the very least go inside and forget about all this ever happening—so instead you answered honestly. “Yes,” but your voice cracked at the end, so you snatched your hand back, cradling it to yourself like an injured bird you hoped to keep cocooned in your warm. You cleared your throat and tried again. “Yeah, I would have slept with him. And if it hadn’t been him, I would have found someone else.”
He nodded, looking as if he were pained but you were certain, now, it wasn’t because of the punch he’d taken to the face. “And if I had answered your call, met you there, got drunk and kissed you, would you have fucked me, too?”
You reeled at his words, feeling entirely as though you were the one in the midst of a fight. “Where is this coming from, Steve? Why are you saying these things to me?” you begged, pleaded, tired of whatever back-and-forth the two of you had gotten into the habit of.
“Look—” and he was determined now, steely gaze pinning you to the ground. His bruised knuckles brushed through his hair, scattering the strands across his forehead so that your fingers tingled with the urge to brush them out of his eyes like you’d always done. “—I should’ve said this ages ago. I just—I never could because it was never the right time, and I didn’t really see you in that way, not when I knew you did—” and really you wanted to stop him there, let the Earth swallow you whole and spit your bones out to be buried far from here. “I knew you had this—this thing for me but I ignored it but then we became friends and we—I mean, we watch movies, and we cuddle on the couch and sometimes I think I’d like to do that with you all the time and—
“Steve, please,” you whispered through the tears flooding past your irises, looking anywhere but at him, cheeks flushed with humiliation. He’d always had this tight grip around your heart and maybe he didn’t know that with every word he spoke that grip tightened, and tightened, and you were sure your heart was going to burst if he didn’t shut up right then.
“Just listen—I want to do those things with you always, sweetheart, I really do. I could’ve—I mean, I should’ve communicated my feelings earlier, I know I should have, but I didn’t want to lie to you. Not when you mean so much to me and I couldn’t give you what you wanted.” He looked at you then, expectantly, reaching forward to pull you into his embrace but you stumbled back, wanting out of the hold he had on you in more ways than one.
“Am I meant to thank you for looking at me differently now?” you bit out, exhaustion coating your syllables like rust on a nail.
His face fell as he stuttered over his own words. “I mean—no, sweetheart, no, of course not, I just thought—”
“You thought because I’m pathetic—because I’ve always been fucking pathetic to you—stumbling after you since high school that I’d just be, what, waiting for you? That I’d welcome your change of heart with open arms and gratitude?” you scoffed, gaze narrowed as you watched that wall of his build itself back up. Your ego was bruised and you were too stubborn to admit it, because you thought he had been clueless, and that thought had kept you safe all these years as you curled into his side every weekend.
“I don’t think that. I’ve never thought that” he cautioned, temper rising. If Steve Harrington was anything it was beautiful, and if he wasn’t beautiful, he was angry, stubborn, a pot ready to boil over.  
“Come on, Steve. You said it yourself: I’ve had a thing for you since freshmen year. I followed you after we graduated, and I’ve followed you again, here, now. It took me years—fucking years—to get over it, to accept that I’d never be more than a friend, if that, and now, after you’ve been dodging me for days, you turn around and confess some sort of miracle feelings for me?” You were panting, out of breath from the way the words spilled out of you, thoughts you shouldn’t have kept to yourself all this time.
“Well what should I have done!” he roared, and a few curious lights blinked on from the building behind him. “Should I have not befriended you when you turned up to the same college? Should I have, instead, fucked you ten years ago when it would have meant nothing to me?” And you flinched at his words.
“You should have let me be, Steve,” you sighed, defeated. Because he was right, but you hated him for prodding at wounds you were still trying to heal.  “You should have kept it to yourself and let me be.” But really what you wanted to say was you’ve been lying to Robin and Nancy because you weren’t over him. You loved him; you’d always love him, but you were afraid, if you told him the truth, that he’d slowly fade from your life until he wasn’t a part of it anymore.
He nodded, face slipping into that mask of his you’d dreaded seeing. “Right. Got it.”
He pushed past you, and you wanted to thank him for the slight brush of his skin against yours, but you kept quiet, like you always had.
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as always, please comment and reblog if you enjoyed <3
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empress-simps · 2 months
Line That Leads To You
Pairing: Sirius Black x Fem! Reader AU: Soulmate AU CW: Language, Genre: Angst with a happy ending (don't worry guys) Summary: You make Sirius realize that having a soulmate isn’t all that bad— that he too, will have his happily ever after.
Note: One of my favorite tropes to write, soulmate AUs! Sirius just needs love and affirmation. I love writing for this! Enjoy! Picture is from pinterest, credits to the owner!
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You know, Sirius never really believed in those pesky soulmates stuff. It irks him to no end, and makes his head hurt.
The topic makes him snappy, bitter, and it leaves him feeling angry. To whom? The world— the one who’s responsible for everything that has to do with soulmates. He thinks it is a bunch of bollocks. It’s a pathetic little concept that everyone seems to be too invested in.
Sirius would be very much happy to tell you it doesn’t really end with a happily-ever-after.
“I’m telling you, Prongs. It’s just a bunch of crap.” Sirius tells James one time at the drawing room in the Potter Manor. James shakes his head, disagreeing with his best mate.
“It isn’t always like Walburga and Orion, Pads.” James gently tells him, eyes swimming with empathy for Sirius. “Just look at me, Lily and I are together, finally.” Sirius can’t help but scoff, shaking his head in a disagreeing manner.
“That’s because you were already pathetically in love with her before you even knew she was the one, Prongs. Same thing for Lily, but she was quite stubborn trying to deny what she felt about you. You guys are actually made for each other.” James lets out a laugh, the memories resurfacing making a love-struck smile appear on his face (Sirius gave him a disgusted look)
“That’s what soulmates are, Pads. You’re supposed to complete each other, balance the other person out” He pursed his lips and sighed, there’s no way Prongs could understand his opinion on the matter.
Complete each other, huh?
Then can someone give him a reasonable excuse on why his parents broke each other? One descended into madness; the other doesn’t really seem to care as long as the noble house of Black lineage will continue.
Sirius bites his bottom lip, deep in thought as he stares at his pinky, willing the connection to be seen; a red string that was tied into a bow that leads to Merlin-knows-where. It serves as a connection; the string that he and only his soulmate can see whenever they want. He tugs on it curiously, awaiting any reaction with bated breath. He almost scrambled away when he felt the other end also tug it. Sirius was utterly terrified, a shiver crawled up to his system, it’s foreign feeling for the Black’s eldest son. It made everything feel too real. A fact that he desperately tries to deny.
That night, before they returned to Hogwarts as sixth year students was the last time he ever willed to see the annoying little string in his pinky, not caring if his supposed other half was finding him or already found him.
Maybe it had to do with his twisted upbringing. He saw how his father cut the string tying him to their mother, the purple string that bound them together turning gray and withering away.
He saw how Regulus flinched, no one should’ve seen a scene like that, but they did. Someone severing their connection to someone who should’ve been with them through better or for worse, the one that fate intended for them. Their life got worse just after that, forcing him to flee and leave his younger brother behind at the deranged hands of Walburga Black.
“You should eat more, Reggie.” You turned towards the quiet and reserved Slytherin, pushing his plate closer to him, which made him wince. “I am quite full.” You raised a brow “None sense, all you did was sip pumpkin juice so you better do as I say or I’ll tell Evan and Junior.”
“Do you know that you boss people around quite well?” He grumbles, shoving a few spoonsful of dinner in his mouth as you hummed in approval, cracking a small smile. “I was told.” Your eyes flickered to the Gryffindor table, it seemed to gravitate you, pulling you in.
Looking down at your pinky, you willed the string to be visible to you. Seeing the red string attached to Sirius Black made your stomach churn; was it butterflies? Unease? You don’t particularly know, having mixed reactions to the string that leads to your other half.
You’ve known for over a year now, keeping it to yourself as you quickly figured out that he wants nothing to do with his soulmate.
“Reggie! Reggie!”
You exclaimed, slapping the poor boy’s arm as he was currently staying in the L/n Manor. He looked in your direction, quite annoyed, he was interrupted reading his book. “I’m reading, Y/n. You know, you should too. It’ll do you some good.” He sassed, trying to find which part he stopped reading. “My soulmate! They tugged the string!” You gushed, “They must be looking for me too, right?” You asked no one in particular, you can still feel the tingles you felt, how your heartbeat picked up, and how you felt like you were in could nine.
Quite the opposite from what Sirius felt, huh?
You never told him, never planned to. It was quite clear what his views are on the concept of soulmates when you saw him snogging different girls every week. It wrecked you; you swore you felt your heart stop beating every time you see him loving a girl other than you even just for a week. It sounds stupid and all, but you would give up everything just to know what it feels like; how he will look at you with love and adoration in his eyes, how his touch and kisses would linger on your body, and how his voice would sound like as his breath fans in your ear, whispering promises of love.
You looked at him from the Slytherin table; so close yet so far.
Regulus noticed, the all too familiar broken look in your face. His heart hurts for you, even if you do not tell him, he already knows. Seeing his brother’s indifference, Regulus’s gaze hardened. How could he have the guts to do this to his soulmate?
The memory of their mother's despair, the way she withered away after their father severed the bond, was etched into his mind. Regulus does not wish for anyone to feel that way, he does not wish upon it even in his worst enemies.
It was a pain no one should endure, a lesson that should have been learned.
Yet there sat his brother, laughing with his friends and willfully ignoring the pulls of his heart. The person who held the other end of this unseen tether, was beside Regulus. Your soul ached as you watched your soulmate. It was a betrayal of the heart's deepest connection, and it stirred a tempest of fury within Regulus that he struggled to contain.
“My brother is foolish. Eat.” He states, pushing your food and placing the cornbread on his plate to yours. She cracks a smile, chuckling. “Alright, Reggie. You’re lucky I love you.” You pat his curls, proceeding to eat the bread, smiling a little. Reggie never really shares his food with anyone, except for you. You’re the only exception.
“Padfoot.” Remus starts, looking out of the window as Sirius lays down lazily in his bed, looking at nothing.
“What, Moons?”
“If I say that I have an inkling on who your soulmate is, would you… look for them?” Remus asked cautiously. Peter and James perked up, eyes wide with shock. How could Remus possibly guess who his soulmate is? Unless… They’re also in Hogwarts?
“Don’t start with that crap, Moony.” Sirius sat up; a scowl displayed in his features as his grey eyes turned stormy.
“Don’t you even feel the slightest amount of guilt in your system as you snog other girls?” Remus frowned.
Sirius’s scowl deepened, his hands clenching into fists. “Guilt? For what, Moony? For not wanting to be chained down by some ancient magic?” His voice was a low growl, barely containing the emotions that surged within him. “I won’t be dictated by fate. I make my own choices, and I refuse to be bound by a bond I never asked for.”
Remus’s expression softened, the lines of concern etching deeper into his face. “It’s not about being chained, Pads. It’s about finding someone who complements you, who understands you in ways no one else can.” He paused, his gaze steady and piercing. “You’ve seen what happens when that bond is severed. You’ve seen the pain it causes. Is that what you want for yourself? For your soulmate who’s probably hurting somewhere?”
Sirius looks down, biting his lip and playing with the rings on his fingers. “I don’t plan on severing our bond, Moons- “
“Then what the fuck are you doing?” Remus spat, Sirius flinched, looking at anything but them. He knew deep down that Remus was right. He can’t deny he also wants to look for his soulmate. The only thing that was holding him back is that he’s scared. What if your story would end similarly like how Walburga and Orion’s did? Dread fills his system as he reflects on how he slowly realized he’s becoming like his father. Peter and James exchanged a glance, the weight of the conversation settling heavily upon them.
“I’m scared,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “Scared of finding her… Scared of repeating the same mistakes.” He paused, his gaze lifting to meet Remus’s. “But you’re right. I can’t keep running from this. It’s not fair to them, and it’s not fair to me.”
James offered a supportive smile, feeling happy for his friend. Sirius stood up, his posture straightening as if shedding the weight of his fears. “I’ll do it. I’ll find her,” he declared, his voice steady. “I owe it to both of us to at least try.”
“That’s our Padfoot.” Remus breathes a sigh of relief as Peter nods encouragingly at Sirius.
The next daylight soon came. Sirius gulps, looking around the great hall, feeling quite overwhelmed at the number of students entering for breakfast, eating, or chatting amongst themselves. For the first time in a long time, he willed the red string of fate to reappear within his vision.
Ah, there it was. The red string connected to someone from the Slytherin table. Sirius felt his heart drop, seeing the end of the string connected to your pinky. “Y/n?” The name left his lips in a hushed awe, his heart skipping a beat as he saw the string connected to your pinky. You, who laughed with such ease beside Regulus, were the missing piece.
Whether it was some brotherly instinct, Regulus looked at him, shooting him a warning stare as if to say: ‘If you hurt her, you’ll never see the light of day ever again.’
Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise, knowing eyes set on his friend. “Found her, Pads?”
“Yeah. Found her, Moony.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” James chimed in, a grin spreading across his face as Peter silently cheers him on. “Go on, before you lose your nerve.”
Sirius took a deep breath, trying to shake off the weight of Regulus’s protective stare. It was a silent challenge, a vow to keep your heart safe from his brother. With a nod of acknowledgment, Sirius stepped forward, crossing the small distance between the Gryffindor table and Slytherin.
“Y/n,” he said, standing before you, the red string pulsing with a life of its own.
You stilled, slowly looking in his direction. Eyes wide with surprise, searched his for a moment before softening. “I was wondering when you’d come around,” you teared up, making Sirius’ heart ache.
Sirius extended his hand, the red string wrapping around both your destinies. “Let’s talk, yeah?”
And in that moment, as your fingers intertwined, Sirius knew that whatever the future held, he had made the right choice. For in finding you, he had found a new path that began to unravel, one filled with hope and courage. The buzz of Great Hall continued, but both of them felt time still, feeling the bond weave into their souls deeper.
Sirius’s and Y/n’s story had its flaws, but it was theirs, uniquely woven by the red strings of fate.
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Concussions, Greg House
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Word count: 1.7k~
Warnings: mentions of vomit, concussion, hospital rooms.
Arguing with your boss is one of the worst things you can do with your boss. For my boyfriend of almost a year, it was nothing new. Plus, in Greg's mind, there were worse things one could do with their time. Like argue with me, his girlfriend - that was much worse than arguing with his boss, according to him.
Still, that didn't mean that he could always get away with arguing with his boss. Especially around Christmas time when the hours were needed and he just so happened to be an asshole. Anyone could figure out why I was upset when he told me he was unable to get Christmas Day off. He just had to be rude to Cuddy the day before he asked, and because of it, we both have to suffer.
Despite him promising to call me almost every hour, I still felt lonely when it came to Christmas Day. I woke up without the love of my life beside me, and I'll be alone until he gets home around nine in the evening. When Cuddy told him she couldn't give up the hours, he was especially rude in response, therefore earning more hours to work that day.
Right now it's around eleven in the morning, and even though I've put on a Christmas movie and made myself hot cocoa, I still feel sad. I have no one to spend this great day with, and it sucks. Maybe a nice walk outside will help me feel better. It's cold and snowing, but I can always wear a heavy coat and boots - no biggie. Besides, I may even see a pair of cardinals flying through the white sky like a holiday card straight from the hallmark section, and it would make the weather all the worth it.
Slipping on my fuzzy black boots that Greg got me at the beginning of our relationship, I throw on my fleece coat before heading out front. The lights strung on everyone's apartment are lit up, and the people that have their Christmas trees in front of their windows have them lit up as well. The green and red bulbs are a nice contrast to the white snow that fills every window sill and yard, making it look almost like a floating blanket on all the little segments of grass. It's such a beautiful sight to see, but it makes me miss Greg even more. He's always pessimistic, but even he would be happy with the looks of everything.
Stepping off the steps and onto the pavement, I take a few steps forward, only to look up and see a pair of cardinals flying above me just like I wanted. I marvel at the beautiful red shade of the male next to the equally beautiful olive colored female floating next to it. When they find their mates, a pair of cardinals can never be separated as they are mated for life. The idea of such a thing makes you smile, but the idea of finding your own true mate? It feels nearly impossible.
I seem to find the cardinals very distracting as the next thing I see is the pure white sky above me as I feel myself slip, my arms and legs flailing to grab onto something as I fall backward. However, they don't, and I end up landing on my back with my head colliding against the ice I slipped on. Everything happens so fast that I barely recognize the pain rushing to my cranium or mine and Greg's elderly neighbor rushing toward me as concerned words flow out of her mouth. Despite wanting to respond, I can't, and instead, my eyes close as I feel myself slip into a vast sea on unconsciousness.
It isn't until I finally wake up once again that I register the pounding pain in the back of my head. It nearly makes my eyes roll back, but before I can even do that, I quickly lean over the edge of the surface I'm lying on and feel the contents of my stomach empty. I soon feel a pair of hands gently pull my hair back as I do so, my eyes clearing up enough to watch a nurse’s legs in purple scrubs quickly push a trash can in front of me to finish vomiting into. However, it doesn't take long before I’m done and I almost fall back onto the slightly stiff surface I'm on, a damp cloth wiping at my mouth once I do so. Flashing my eyes throughout the room, I recognize the bright fluorescent lights above me as ones used in a hospital room and the surface I'm on is one of the uncomfortable beds in a hospital room. Great.
Turning my eyes over to the source of the hand holding the wet cloth, I find it to be the man I've been wanting to see all morning, a worried look etched onto his face. I want to fling myself in his arms and hug him, but my almost drunken haze prohibits me from doing so. Instead, I languidly smile and tiredly reach a hand up toward him, to which he takes in his own hand with a small smile.
"How in the hell," he begins, his voice taking over the almost stuffy noise in my ears. Gently running his thumb against the back of my hand, he takes the damp rag away from my face before tossing it onto the lid of the biohazard bin a few feet away. "Did you get yourself a grade two concussion just by walking outside?"
"I didn't mean to," I defend myself, trying to sit up a little, despite the deep pounding in my head. Greg helps me, but not before pushing my head back against the pillows to angle my face upward. "I just wanted to go for a small walk, and see some cardinals maybe! I did, by the way, and man, were they beautiful."
"You seem to be doing better than I thought," Greg points out, hovering over me to look into my eyes with a flash light. "No confusion or seemingly dizziness," he lists off. "You just seem fatigued and dazed, which is to be expected. The good news is you don't have memory loss."
"Who are you again?" I quickly throw at him, earning a downcast face with a frown. I immediately laugh at his reaction while reaching up to take his face in my hands, but his hands catch mine before they're even halfway there. I really am tired.
"I would say you're also having some psychological disturbances, but it's nothing different from usual," Greg jokes back, making me laugh again. At this, he smiles, but continues on. "How bad is your head pain?"
"Compared to the constant headache you give me, it's nothing," I tell him, once again, earning an eye roll in response. I know he's wanting to throw playful insults back at me, but he's trying to keep the moment as serious as he can. Don't get me wrong, I understand how severe my situation is, but I just can't help but take the chance to banter with Greg like he usually does with me.
With a sigh, Greg sits back in the armchair beside my hospital bed before taking something out of his pocket. "You just had to hit your head so you could end up in the hospital with me today," Greg chides, holding the rectangular box in his hand as he stares at it. "I guess irony plays a huge part in life's never ending game of... slipping and falling on ice!"
With his sarcastic comment, Greg pushes the box toward me as I smile at him, my hand reaching out to take the box from him. "Open it," Greg tells me, scooting his chair beside me to be closer to my bed. Doing as he says, I shakily unwrap the green ribbon from the box before slightly struggling to open it, my hands trembling from being asleep for so long.
With the maroon velvet box now open, I gasp upon seeing the diamond tennis bracelet shining back at me with the bright hospital room lights causing each beautiful crystal to sparkle like a thousand pieces of glitter. "Oh my God, Greg," I mutter, my eyes flashing over to him beside me. "This is... beyond gorgeous."
Smiling, Greg lifts one of his hands to brush my hair away from my face before using the other to take the bracelet out of the box and secure it around my wrist. "Merry Christmas," He tells me, leaning over to kiss my cheek. "I thought you would like this."
"I-I love it, Greg," I tell him, looking over at him with a frown. "But I don't have my gift for you! They're at the apartment and-and I wanted to give it to you so bad-"
Greg cuts me off from my rambling, an almost flabbergasted expression washing over his face. "Are you kidding?" He sarcastically asks me, reaching over to take my now diamond covered hand in his. "You ending up in the hospital with me is possibly the best thing you could do today, as morbid as it sounds," Crinkling my face at him with amusement, I shake my head at his demented words as he continues on. "This means I don't have to do what Cuddy says and stay in here with you and watch I Love Lucy."
Just as he says this, Greg takes the remote from the side table and turns the TV on, flipping through the channels before finding the show mentioned seconds earlier. Glancing away from our intertwined hands, I smile at Greg as he turns to look back at me as well. "I love you, Greg," I tell him, receiving a smile back before he leans over once more and presses a kiss to my cheek.
Sitting back in his chair, Greg keeps my hand in his as we both look over to the TV and watch as Lucy banters with Ricky just as Greg and I did moments ago. At this, I smile and ignore the pain in my head as I enjoy the positives of today despite being in a hospital. My loving partner beside me, a beautiful diamond bracelet on my wrist, and I Love Lucy reruns on the TV in front of us. As long as I'm with Greg, it doesn't matter where I spend my Christmas - just as long as he's by my side, I'll be fine.
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
When handmaid!reader was pregnant, did Aemond ever suck on her titties? Did Aemond do the thing where the husband is behind na pregnant woman and carried the weight of the baby?
oh of course he did. c'mon, aemond's totally a boob guy (do not argue with me on that). in fact, here is a small drabble over that:
pairing: aemond targaryen x handmaid!reader
warnings: tiddy sucking and simp aemond.
his handmaid's tales | main masterlist
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She’s begun to tire more easily as the children grew within her.
Twins, the maesters and midwives alike had declared, while pouring over moon charts and estimations. She is carrying twins- maybe two boys, maybe two girls, or maybe one of both. The latter would be absolutely lovely, she decides.
Prince Aemond’s dismissed her back to his bedchamber with strict commands to rest abed. In truth, a day of rest is most welcoming to her. Her poor feet feel so swollen, and she’s taken to waddling like a little pond duck around the Keep, heavy and aching with her first hatchlings.
The courtiers pay her special attention too, as she feels their eyes on her everywhere she goes. No doubt their comments are much worse. Alas, her Prince Aemond can only do so much to protect her.
So safe within his room, she lays atop the cool, clean sheets, curled on her side and cradling the dragon egg her prince had chosen for one of their children in the hollow between her swollen belly and tender breasts.
It is a beautiful thing, with a deep purple shell, speckled with tiny golden flecks on its scales that shined like gold, and holding it close made her feel a lot better- stronger and braver. Perhaps her babies sense the dragon inside, a siren call only the golden blood of Old Valyria could hear. Or perhaps she’s turning into a dragon too.  
“Oh, but I really am carrying little dragons,” she giggles to herself, brushing her fingertips against the tight swell of her belly. Saying those words aloud makes her feel giddy and proud and beyond anxious to meet them. “Two sweet little dragons…”
“Indeed you are, my love.”
She startles, glancing up to see Aemond looming over her with a small smile. There is a fierce pride in his violet eye as it rakes over her breasts and the curve of her bump. “I sent you back to find sleep, not strike up a conversation with the dragon egg...again.”
“The babes enjoy feeling the egg near them,” she shrugs. “That is why I do it.”
Aemond clicks his tongue, crawling alongside her onto the bed. “Did they tell you that?” he asks, voice thick with teasing.
One hand rests on her bump, fingers drawing small circles as she hides her head within his neck, feeling the children suddenly stirring in her womb. “Ah, seems my babes know their father is now here.” And the other drifts down to her breast, cupping and giving it a gentle squeeze.
She sighs.
Her dear prince, he’s taken quite the fancy to her breasts, now heavy and swelling with milk. Most nights Aemond sleeps with his head pillowed comfortably on her chest, face buried between her tits. They bring him comfort, he says a lot. He enjoys fondling and nursing from them too- as hungry for her soft gasps and moans as he is with her milk and cunt (his words not hers).
She cannot understand why, nor can she ask around for an answer.
A baseborn servant carrying royal babies is enough scandal for a terrible headache, and she can do without that.
She closes her eyes and shivers when he leans to kiss her clothed breast ever so tenderly. “I suppose this is good practice,” he murmurs as he tugs down her neckline, eye darkening at the delicious sight before him, “-for when our little ones finally arrive.” He then blows on her swollen nipple, smirking at the cute little whimper she lets out.  
"Look at you. Gods, you are so fucking gorgeous."
Aemond shushes her before taking her nipple in his hot mouth. Her head flings back on the pillow as he suckles, flicking it back and forth with his tongue. “Ach! My prince…!” she cries, hips grinding down on the bed, desperate for some release, while her pretty face scrunches up in sheer pleasure. “Please- please- please…!” Yet all her lurching, to his delight, just brings her breasts closer to him.
“You’ll feed my sons so well, my pretty girl,” and he slaps her breast, “I’ve known you’d give me fine heirs the moment I first laid eyes on you.”
She pants. “-want them, ah, to grow nice and strong like their father. All for you, my prince, tis what you deserve…!”
His other hand squeezes her other breast, tweaking and pinching the nipple until little beads of milk fall and she’s withering beneath him, a putty mess of cries and moans and shudders. Aemond smiles, her tit dropping out of his mouth with a pop.
“My lady- my sweet girl,” he tells her, lapping up the milk around her chest. “Pretty, pretty girl, all mine.”
By the time he's finished, his handmaid is fast asleep, with a sweet smile twisted across her pink lips. Her chest, now bruised and marked, heaves up and down with slow breaths. Aemond lays there, kissing her nipple and listening to her steady heartbeat. He swears it matches his.
"Mmm, works every time," he chuckles to himself.
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tag list for "his handmaid's tales": @aemondsblog @dc-marvel-girl96 @neobanguniverse @missalycat21 @enchantingcupcakecollectionfan @padfooteyes @alexizodd @avidreader73 @the-common-cowgirl @inlovewithhisblueeyes @elegantsplendour @katzarantos @fan-goddess @okfashionista @randomdragonfires
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ambrozjas · 3 months
Could you do a songfic with the song 'Mary' by Alex G with Dallas?
I love your writing sm it genuinely makes me happy <3 take your time with this request and have a lovely day !!
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mary is the girl that leaves you to rot ꨄ︎
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
i cried makjng this n im so proud of it n i love alex g sm
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
major character death, grieving reader, weird descriptions of adrenaline because i’m obsessed with it, song lyrics r in italics !! 💕
✧˖*°࿐ word count ᰔᩚ
2276 words, 12170 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
mary is the girl that i wanna kiss
she’s got big red eyes and big red lips
she’s got big sharp teeth and big fat hips
dallas winston was known as a lot of things. he was a hood, a filthy greaser, a pervert, an idiot. and while you had heard all of these things about him, you had never actually spoken a word to him besides a gruff, “watch where you’re going” when you bumped into him.
you took notice of the hollowness in his dark eyes, the way his hair was always tussled, the way a new purple bruise was always blooming on his cheek, the milky skin that shone through the small slit of his shirt lifting when he stretched, the fullness of his pink lips whenever a cigarette was sticking out between them, how soft they looked..
no, you told yourself. dallas winston was a no good hoodlum who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. that’s all he was, and that’s all he’ll ever be. but how wrong you’d come to be in the future.
mary is the girl that i wanna fuck
she’s got leather heart and leather gloves
over the next few weeks, your mind couldn’t help but wander about dallas. you practically analyzed every part of his being. the way his eyebrows furrowed when he struggled to light the cancer stick meticulously placed between his index and middle finger, his leather jacket creasing at the forearms in the process.
but of course, your thoughts had to be interrupted. whether that was for the better or worse, you couldn’t decide.
“hey! what’cha lookin’ at?” your friend slides up next to you on the bench, slipping out of the sun’s reach and under the tiny umbrella shielding you two as she followed your gaze. you both were at a small diner, eating outside despite the tulsa heat causing your thighs to sweat when you sat down. you didn’t mind the heat, maybe that’s why you started playing with fire by talking to dallas winston.
you muttered a quick, “nothin’” when you saw your friend roll her eyes and groan at the fact that you were watching him, dallas. you snatched the juice box that she held out to you while she continued to watch dallas with two younger kids chase a group of small kids around, shouting about in an attempt to scare them.
“i still don’t get it. yeah, he’s a bit cute but i don’t understand why you’d go for a guy like that—“
“i’m not going for anybody. ‘s it a crime to observe the locals?”
“bit creepy but,” she paused as she tsked, “not a crime.” she sighed, sipping on her own juice box once more.
she’s the only girl that i wanna love
when you had finally mustered up the courage to talk to ‘the big bad wolf’ himself, you got through the brief scoffing-at-your-attempts-at-conversation stage and actually realized that dallas isn’t all that bad. maybe he’s wore you down, maybe it’s just habit at this point, but he’s actually tolerable when he’s not around all these dumb broads who are looking for a quick bang.
it took a while. like, a long while. but dallas didn’t mind you anymore. you were no longer the pest that buzzed around his ears in hopes that you weren’t swatted away. dallas claimed he didn’t have friends, need friends. but you’re one of the closest people that would ever get a chance to see dallas the way he truly is. you had met the curtis brothers, already recognizing sodapop from school before he dropped out. you had met two-bit, an obnoxiously flirty drunk who threw teasing remarks at you and dally at night long. you had met steve, although all he did was sneer at you when you got close to him, similar to a dog with a piece of beef in its mouth.
when dallas had finally asked you out, it was curt. grumbling a small offer in an attempt to sound tougher so he would mask his awkwardness if you said no. but if you’re being honest, you couldn’t imagine being with any other boy besides dallas winston. he plagued your mind, planted like weeds that you couldn’t get rid of. whether that were his intentions all along were unknown, although you wouldn’t put it past him. dallas was an interesting guy, for sure.
listen to me baby, i don’t mind
i wanna be with you and waste my time
“y’know, you don’t have to be here right?” you asked him, watching as he blowed another cloud of smoke through the small gap his mouth provided on the other side of his cigarette occupied lips.
he merely glanced at you, his arm behind his head as he lounged about on your bed, weight crinkling the sheets.
“because if—“
“can you relax? i wanna be here, otherwise i’d get up and leave right now.” he plucked the cigarette from his mouth as he fully turned his head to look at you.
you shrugged, “i wonder what’d make me ask when you’ve said ‘i’m wasting my time’ and ‘how long are you stretching this out’ and—“
“alright, alright. i get it.”
you sat in silence for a bit, feeling a bit awkward at the fact that you pulled his card and had said nothing more. you were convinced dallas would leave once he had sat up, dusting some ash off of his dark shirt.
“how long ‘til you finish that thing?” he pointed to the paper on your desk below you, leaning his elbows against his thighs as he got comfortable in the new position.
“why? you need t’much attention?” you cooed at him teasingly, still keeping your eyes glued to the paper.
“feels like you’ve been workin’ on it forever. i don’t wanna spend my time in silence while my girlfriend is just working on her homework.”
girlfriend, you repeated in your head. he’s been getting pretty ballsy with this label thing, huh? you smiled to yourself, writing one last sentence before putting your pencil down and getting up from your desk. dallas’ eyes trailed your figure as you stood between his legs, his hands instinctively resting on your hips.
you would almost call it domestic, the way his brown eyes gazed at you. the brown eyes that were so full of disdain and resentment for the world, somehow had room for adoration whenever he looked at you. you always admired that about him.
you placed your hand on his face, before giving him his wishes and unceremoniously plopping on top of him. you couldn’t deny him, dallas winston always got what he wanted.
give it to me baby, i feel good
i wanna feel whatever you think i should
sing it for me, baby, play my song
i wanna hear your daddy sing along
“i dunno.” he said, shrugging his shoulders.
“what do you mean you don’t know?” you put your hand on your hip and looked down at dally, a cancer stick shoved between his lips as usual.
“i don’t dance, ‘specially not with losers like you.”
it was the perfect moment, you were at a family party with dally. you two decided to go to a small clearing behind the house, the smell of trees wafting in the air. it was distant enough that nobody would see you but it was close enough that you could still hear the music faintly blasting through the speakers.
“c’mon dal, nobody can see us. just you ‘n me.” you held out your hand, tilting your head as you offered for a final time.
he stared at it for a second, eyes flickering between your face and your hand as he cocked an eyebrow similarly to two-bit’s habit.
you scoffed and rolled your eyes. “fine, guess i’ll just go find another guy to dance with. i’m sure andy would love—“
and then came dally’s hands on your hips pulling you back towards him when you tried to saunter away back to the front of the house. you yelped as he tugged you towards him, getting up from the small white garden chair.
you laughed and threw your head back as dallas tried to twirl you, he was almost comically stiff as he did a small two-step shuffle with you in his arms.
“wow, so romantic.”
“shut up.”
you leaned forward and rested your chin on his shoulder, relaxing in his embrace as the music changed to a much slower song. you assumed the adults were slow-dancing with each other, too. you found it funny how when you were little, you would gag at anybody else doing these actions and now, you just realize how in love they were with each other.
you mumbled the lyrics a bit as you swayed in dally’s arms, resting your eyes as his hands came to sit on your waist.
dallas relaxed a bit, too. he listened to your sweet voice as you lowly whispered the lyrics from off the top of your head, mumbling incoherent phrases at lyrics you didn’t know.
if you had told anybody else about this, about how you had practically domesticated dallas winston, about how he was no longer the big bad wolf of tulsa but instead of a common dog who rested his head in your lap, they’d never believe you. they could never believe that he could be anything else besides a greaser, that’s all that mattered in this town. you cherished these moments, oblivious to the futures ahead of you and dallas.
mary is the one who leaves you to rot
she says, ‘i am real and you are not’
that phone call from dallas still haunts you. his voice was breathy, you heard him groan at the slightest shift of movement, he sounded like he was on the verge of tears.
“what did you do, dal?” you remember the way you clutched the landline, your palms had already been sweaty. one second you were hunched over a desk stressing about math homework, and the next you were pressed up against the wall as you frantically tried to get dally’s location.
you remember the way he had whispered your name over the phone. his voice cracked as he repeated it. for a while, it was ‘doll’ this and ‘baby’ that, he rarely called you by your name anymore.
“please, just tell me where you’re at dallas.” your voice was barely a whisper at that point, you were surprised at how the phone picked it up. you pressed your forehead against the wall as you begged him not to go once he told you his goodbyes. you remember how before he slammed down the phone, he let out a small cry.
“i love you.”
and then came the familiar dial tone.
you remembered feeling a pang in your heart, it was like your vision went blurry. your throat was practically coated with barbed wire as you fought back a sob, biting your fist to avoid a cry from escaping your lips, an old habit you had learned from dallas whenever he tried to hide from you.
it was nothing like the movies, where a dramatic string quartet would play in the background as you ran in slow-motion out the door. your mind couldn’t think, your thoughts couldn’t focus. your thighs started shaking as you ran out of the door, not even bothering to put shoes on.
the cool air hit your legs, creating a pebbles effect against your skin as the goosebumps raised. your legs didn’t stop, you ran until you couldn’t anymore as you followed the noise and the array of police cars that made a bee-line down the street to the old convenience store.
you remembered the burn in your nostrils and at the back of your throat, the cool air hitting both your bare shoulders and sinuses. that didn’t stop you, though. all you could think about was dally.
you remembered how your eyes couldn’t even focus on what was in front of you. all you saw was dallas, and in his hand was a gun, in replacement of his normal cigarette.
she says, ‘i am real and you are not’
you couldn’t eat after that. who could eat so casually after watching their boyfriend be gunned down right in front of them?
it’s all a blur now, your adrenaline blocking out most of the details. all you remember was crying, as shouts came from the gang, yelling about how dally was just a kid. those screams still haunt you to this day. even now, you can’t look at a pack of kools without thinking of dallas.
you understand why he did it for johnny. johnny was the closest thing dally had to a family. if he was alive now, you’d smack the shit out of him though. you weren’t selfish, nor were you a mean person, but you couldn’t forgive dallas for doing this to you.
as you laid in bed the night of his death, you remembered how dally had made promises that were soon proven to be empty about escaping this small town, to a place with no worries. you realized now how stupid it sounded, but that didn’t matter to you because you had dally. had. and now what you had was gone, lost with the solemn memories of resting against the silk pillows and whispering small words that no other person would ever get to hear, for those words would never leave that bedroom, and those words would never leave your mind either.
you know it now, that dallas was trying to just plant himself in your mind. in his own sick way, he wanted a piece of him to be left with you. and you couldn’t deny him, dallas winston always got what he wanted.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the outsiders did NOT have to go that hard with that “whatever dally wants dally got” quote
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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elllisaaa · 6 months
Omg oMg omG OMG soft dom reader never going through with punishments so he/she decides the boys need one tonight bc minsung was touching without permission and they’re both subs so she/he watches hanji desperately try to fuck minho and minho trying to jerk off and they cant keep a steady rhythm so they switch and minho is on top but it makes it worse bc minho has a small cock. so eventually reader gives in and fucks them hard making them cry and then fluffy after care 💓
omg minsung x reader is my weakness (and 2min, but i'll talk about it another time) and subby men ??? that's another weakness (yes, i have many). thank you so much for sending me this (my first ask, i'm all giggly, kicking my feet and all (don't hesitate to send more)). I hope you'll like it even if I changed some details as inspiration flooded. also, sorry for answering to this a little late, i was very busy with my no nut november serie, but a lot more is coming, don't worry. thank you for your ask anon ! enjoy !
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-> pairing : sub!minho x dom!fem!reader x sub!jisung
-> words count : 3.5k
-> genre : smut, established relation, threesome
-> warnings : dom/sub dynamic, threesome, poly!relationship, punishment, dirty talk, teasing, mutual masturbation, oral (f. receiving, m. implied), swearing, use of 'good boy', 'puppy', 'brat', and 'slut', degradation, face slapping, voyeurism, dry humping, masturbation, body worship, hair pulling, mommy kink, handjob, footjob, cum eating
+ the way i'm depicting minho and jisung does not represent them, it's only a work of fiction !
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist
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You never felt the need to punish Jisung, nor Minho. Your boyfriends were always very sweet, always listening without you needing to be rough or assertive, thus there was no need to be mean. Maybe that’s why they took the liberty of touching each other even when you explicitly told them not to, maybe thinking that you wouldn’t be mad and let it go like every other time. But as soon as you entered your shared bedroom, they felt the mood shift and that you wouldn’t be as kind tonight. Maybe it was because of the stress of work, or maybe you just wanted to put them in their places for once. 
“- Care to explain what both of you are doing ?”
Jisung lifted his head from Minho’s neck where he left a tone of little purple marks, his hand stopping his motion on the other boy’s cock who couldn’t help the little whine that escaped him at the loss of friction. 
“- We… We were too turned on… Sorry, sorry, but we missed you too much.”
You walked fully into the room, your heels clicking on the floor as you threw your suit jacket on the chair sitting before your dressing table, the guys fumbling until they were sat at the edge of the bed while you did so, their eyes scanning every one of your moves nervously. You couldn’t lie to yourself and say that the scene didn’t make you wet. Because it had, obviously. But you weren’t one to let it slide when they disobeyed you like that. 
You stopped in front of them, staring right into their souls, especially at Minho. You knew him. You knew that he was the one who had led Jisung into this. He surely had argued that you wouldn’t be this mad, that you would even be happy to have them ready for you when you’d come back home. But as you tugged his hair back, forcing him to look directly in your eyes, he felt so little, as if your aura was crushing him. It was threatening, but also hot. So hot. You were still wearing your working clothes : black high heels, black suit pants and an elegant white blouse, which was a little see-through, and they both could see your laced bra underneath. Yeah, maybe Minho had a thing for you looking like the attractive businesswoman you were.
“- That’s not a fucking excuse. I only asked you one thing. Do you remember ?”
Minho knew better than to answer without being allowed to and so did Jisung that was squirming in place, dying to have your hands on him too. You smiled down at him in a sickeningly sweet manner that didn’t presage anything good for him. 
“- Good boy, you at least learned one thing. Now you can talk.” 
You had grabbed his jaw in the meantime, making it difficult for him to talk but he did it anyway. He understood very well that if he wanted to cum tonight, he must follow every one of your orders very closely. 
“- You told us not to touch ourselves while you were away.
- That’s right baby, and why did I say that ?
- Because you only left for three days and that you’ll be back soon.
- Looks like you remember after all.”
You squeezed his jaw harder before releasing him, turning away from him to shift your attention on Jisung instead. Even if you suspected that Minho had gaslighted him into making out, he wasn’t innocent either, always testing your patience and being a brat. It was time to put them both in their places
“- So fucking explain me why I find you doing exactly what I told you not to do ? 
- I- We missed you so much, we just want-”
Jisung’s next words died into his throat, replaced by a moan when you slapped him, his head turning to the side with the violence of the impact. But you knew better than to stop at his hiss of pain - you knew he liked it, loved it even, knew that it made his dick twitch without even needing to check.
“- Don’t talk until I fucking tell you that you can, you don’t want to anger me even more, do you ?”
This time, Jisung didn’t dare let out a word, simply shaking his head from left to right, big doe eyes zeroing on your lips as you stroked the red mark you left on his cheek. 
“- Good.”
You stepped back a little, taking in the lustful view of your two boyfriends, seated on your shared bed, entirely naked when you were still fully clothed, their cocks rock hard when your panties were drenched, waiting for your next command. Why didn’t you try that out before ? It gave you such a rush of adrenaline to see how much power you held over them, ideas of everything you wanted to do to them clouding your mind. You could break them in so many ways, the possibilities were endless. But for now, you just wanted to see them suffer and pay the price of their actions.  
You pushed the chair you previously threw your jacket on until it was before the bed, sitting down and spreading your legs wide open. You could see Jisung drooling on your thighs, and Minho’s hands gripping the sheets to stop himself from touching his cock at the sight before his eyes. You smiled cockily at them as you unbuttoned your blouse painfully slowly, taking forever to reach the last one, exposing your chest to their hungry gazes. And as much as Jisung wished you didn’t wear a bra, he also had to admit that it fitted you perfectly, making you look like a goddess. 
“- Go on.”
Both of them stared at you, confusion written all over their faces. You rolled your eyes, annoyed that they didn’t get what you implied. 
“- Gosh, I really have to do all the work, dumb boys can’t even understand what I’m saying.”
Your degrading words went directly to Jisung cock, a moan threatening to escape him. He was almost ready to nob at your words, willing to agree to whatever you said as long as it meant pleasing you. He never saw you so bossy, but he already liked it. He wanted more and more of your mean words. 
“- Continue to touch yourselves like the stupid little sluts you are.”
Minho threw an hesitant glance at the other boy, but in a matter of seconds, they were all over each other again, lips and tongue mingling in a heated and messy kiss, hands roaming over their body and groping everywhere they could reach. They were so desperate for more it was almost cute. Almost because the way Jisung was humping Minho’s leg as he straddled his lap was everything but cute. He looked like a dog fucking his favourite toy, tongue lolling out of his mouth as his hyung kissed down his neck, groping his ass to guide his moves against his thick thigh. 
“- F-Fuck Min ! I need more…”
You bit your lips, resisting the urge to come up to them and wrap your hands around both of their pretty cocks, but seeing them whining so pathetically against each other's mouths was maybe even more satisfying. 
“- Be more specific Ji. What do you want Min to do ?”
Your voice breaking the silence made them halt their grinding for a bit, but they quickly went back to it, both of them hissing at the feeling of skin to skin contact.
“- I- I want his hand wrapped around my cock… Please…”
Minho’s eyes dived into yours over Jisung's shoulder, and he swore he had never seen such determination in your gaze before. He shivered as you cocked your head to the side, your mischievous smile having him wanting more. 
“- Do you think you deserved it though ? You think you deserved to have your dick touched after not listening to me ?”
Jisung turned his head toward you, tears almost spilling out of his eyes from how badly he needed to be touched. Your smirk widened as you unzipped your pants, slipping your hands between your thighs and brushing against your clit still covered by your panties. You let out the filthiest moan, just to tease them a little more.
“- No… I don’t think you’ve been good enough to earn it.
- Does this mean I have ?”
The pretentious smile on Minho’s face was soon whipped off as your gaze darkened. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Maybe he shouldn't have provoked you. 
“- Does testing my patience get you going Lee Minho ? Answer.”
He gulped loudly, not even trying to hide how much your rough tone was turning him on.
“- N-No… Just want you to touch me.
- Then stop being a fucking brat for once.”
Minho only nodded his head, not daring to speak up again and risking to not feel your hands on him tonight, not when you looked so gorgeous, with your legs spread, rubbing at your wet clit while licking your lips. 
“- You’re going to listen to me, and do exactly what I tell you if you even want to see my hands coming near your cocks. Understood ?”
Both of them silently responded, not wanting to further anger you. 
“- Great. Ji, get off of him and sit down. Min, down on your knees.”
They shuffled quickly, moving into the exact position you wanted them to be, Minho staring at Jisung’s hard cock while the second was focusing on you, panting heavily and waiting for your next order. But it seemed like the older one couldn’t resist the urge to lick along the younger length, taking pride in the loud whine he let out. 
“- Close your mouth, slut.”
Minho did as you told immediately, fighting with his self-control to not touch either Jisung or himself. But he wanted to, badly. He needed it. 
“- Touch him, but no sucking or you’re not cumming.”
A small “yes'' left his mouth before he wrapped his hand around Jisung’s cock, watching him as he threw his head back and grabbed the older’s hair, another moan slipping past his lips. As Minho got to admire his boyfriend sinking down into pleasure, the latest got to contemplate the heavenly sight of your panties pushed to the side, fingers slowly working your wet cunt open. 
“- Finally listening to me. Doesn’t it feel so much better than disobeying ?”
Both of them moaned in response once again, and your smile widened at the sound, your fingers reaching deeper inside of you and making you release a noise too. Seeing them giving in to you was the quickest way to get you relaxed after this stressful work trip. 
“- Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’ve been good Min, you can touch yourself now.”
He didn’t let your words go to waste, immediately wrapping his other hand around his aching cock, whimpering at the feeling, pleasure and relief rushing through his veins.
“- S-Shit ! Feels so good… 
- Is that so ? 
- Y-Yes ! Would feel better if it was yours though…”
You let out a huff, and Minho could feel your disappointed gaze on him, but what he was even more focused on was how he couldn’t help but moan at seeing one more drop of Jisung’s precum hit the floor - such a waste they were not dripping down his throat. Jisung who didn’t care about your conversation by the way, as long as he got someone touching his cock. 
“- I’m being kind and you still find a way to complain ? Do you really want me to punish you ? 
- No, no, no, no ! I promise I can be good !
- Then come over here and show me. Prove me that you’re a good puppy.”
Minho never felt so turned on in his entire life, so he didn’t think twice before abandoning a whiny Jisung behind him as he crawled to you, sitting back on his heels between your legs, looking expectantly at you, silently asking you for permission to finally touch you. 
“- Go on.
- Thank you… thank you…”
You smiled down at him as he slowly took off your heels one after another, then slid down your pants to get a better view of your soaked white laced panties that he got rid off just as quickly. Maybe that having mens at your feet was your biggest kink after all because you’ve never been this wet before. Minho squeezed your thighs before he placed a kiss on your left ankle, slowly leaving a wet trail behind him as he got higher on your legs, sometimes sucking a little harshly on your skin. When he got to your inner thigh, he left a noticeable purple mark, his moans answering yours as you tugged on his hair. He was ready to do the same with your other leg but you yanked him roughly by his hair, inching his face closer to your pussy, his nose almost brushing against your clit. Minho was surrounded by the intoxicating scent of your arousal, his mouth watering at the memory of your taste. 
“- Haven’t I made it clear ? Eat me out.”
Minho immediately licked a strip of your wet folds, whining as your delicious essence filled up his senses. His nails were digging into your thighs, but you didn’t mind the slight pain, just as he didn't mind how roughly you were pulling his hair - in fact, you both loved it. You threw your head back when Minho sucked on your clit then pushed his tongue into you slightly, all the noises he made created a delicious vibration against your core that had you release one or two whimpers. But your focus shifted to Jisung when you heard him whine as he squirmed in place, desperate to get touched too. You smiled widely, seeing how tightly he fisted the sheets to keep his hands for himself, thrusting up in the air.
“- Have you been a good boy too Ji ?”
He lifted his head quickly, his teary eyes diving into yours as he nodded his head fervently.
“- Yes ! Yes ! I’ve been so good mommy ! Didn’t touch myself, I promise !
- Good job baby. Time for mommy to reward you hm ?”
Jisung closed his eyes, thinking that he could cum just from your deep, raspy voice praising him. He certainly would have, if you didn’t offer him something even more appealing. 
“- Oh my god, yes please ! I need you so bad, please… 
- Then come here.”
Just like his hyung before, he didn’t waste a second and almost ran to where you were seated, with Minho still eating you out as if he was a man starved, trying to ignore how painfully hard is dick was. You beckoned Jisung to come closer, until he was standing beside you and you could wrap your hand around his pretty cock. The loud moan that escaped him as you did so only made you smile again, loving to see tears spilling out of his eyes and rolling down his puffy cheeks. Having men crying from only your touch was maybe your second biggest kink. 
“- Aah ! Thank you ! Thank you mommy, f-feels so good…”
And having men calling you mommy was the third, without any doubt. However, your smirk was wiped out of your face when Minho buried one of his fingers inside your cunt, a moan leaving you instead. You knew him by heart ; he was jealous of the attention you were giving to Jisung and not him. You scratched his scalp lightly, another muffled sound coming out from him. He couldn’t put up an attitude with you, becoming putty in your hands every time they landed on him in any way.
“- Yeah ? Feels good Ji ?”
The boy only answered you with a high-pitched moan, one of his hands gripping your breast, just needing something to ground himself in reality. Because you were making him crazy, he was losing his mind over you and how good your touch felt. No coherent thoughts were crossing his brain anymore, the only one invading all his senses being you. 
“- So fucked out and you didn’t even put your dick in me…”
You knew Jisung could and would fuck you good, so good when you’ll let him. But for now, having him leaking precum from only your hand and the view of Minho devouring your cunt was enough to bring him close to the edge. It was also very tempting to put him in your mouth, but the man between your thighs was going feral, bringing you close to the edge. He added a second finger, stretching you out just like you loved, licking all the juices that were leaking out of your cunt. He needed more, more and more of your arousal. But he also needed you to touch him, whatever it was, he needed it. Minho lifted his head, his glossy eyes diving in your lust filled ones, his chin and lips covered in your essence.
“- Can you touch me, please ? I’ve been good for you…”
His hands were squeezing your thighs hard while your own, which wasn’t busy jerking Jisung off, came down to stroke his cheek. Minho sighed in relief to the feeling, leaning even more in your touch.
“- Mmh… It’s true, you’ve been such a good boy for me, eating me out and not complaining, and you’re even begging me… But aren’t you forgetting something baby ?”
His face was already flushed and hot, but at the thought of the words only, he felt his cheeks grow warmer. Jisung never felt any shame in calling you that, but it still got Minho all shy, and it was the very reason why you asked him to do it. Because you loved to see him like that : on his knees for you, totally giving in to you.
“- Please mommy… Touch me…”
The smile stretching your lips was worth it, and even more when he felt your foot caressing his thigh, reaching higher and higher until you pressed lightly against his cock. And the sinful moan Minho let out ravished your ears. Without you needing to ask this time, he dived back into your cunt, and it was your turn to moan loudly, your foot moving deliciously against Minho’s length and your hand still squeezing Jisung’s cock. The three of you were working in sync, your whimpers and whines mixing to create a filthy symphony. 
Jisung was the first to cum, letting out a broken cry of your name as he did so, the sticky substance landing on your cheek and lips. You continued to squeeze his cock, milking him dry and slightly overstimulating him as he was still very sensitive. And seeing him in such a state of desperation paired with Minho’s skilled tongue and fingers pushed you over the edge too. You unconsciously pressed your foot harder against his cock, making him whimper louder, and you felt it twitch before his release was covering your skin just a moment after. 
All of you needed several minutes to come down from your highs, the only sound being your heavy breathings. When you regained enough consciousness to open your eyes again, it was to be struck by the vision of your two boyfriend’s fucked out faces, still in their own little worlds. A mischievous smile blossomed on your face, because you were certainly not finished torturing them now that you discovered how pliant they could be. So you nudged Minho’s face that was still resting against your thigh, getting him to lift his head and look at you with the softest eyes and you almost felt guilty for what you were going to do - almost being the key word.
“- You made a mess baby, didn’t you ?”
Simply looking down at your feet covered in his cum made him hard again. Minho only answered your question with a shaky “yes”. 
“- Then you’re gonna clean it up. Lick it off.”
Without uttering a word, Minho grabbed your ankle to bring your feet to his mouth and he didn’t hesitate to eat his own cum, under Jisung’s intense gaze, who seemed completely out of it. However, all you needed to get his attention back was to point at your cheek that was also covered in cum. In the blink of an eye, he was greedily licking it off of you, and you couldn’t have felt better than with your two men all over you - and it was only the start.
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As you layed in bed between Minho and Jisung, you finally felt at peace for the first time since the beginning of this stressful week. You pecked Minho’s forehead and Jisung’s nose before snuggling even closer to them, if that was even possible. 
“- I’m sorry for being so rude, I hope it wasn’t too much.”
Jisung chuckled, his fingers coming down to trace random patterns on the exposed skin of your shoulders. 
“- Don’t worry baby, we would have let you know if it was.”
Minho nobbed at the other boy's words, not lifting his head from where it was nuzzled in your neck. 
“- It was really good actually.”
The warmth radiating from his face was enough of a hint for you to know that he was blushing again, making you smile softly as you closed your eyes, ready to drift to sleep.
“- I missed you even if you’re two little brats.”
And something was telling you that now that they had a taste of your dominant side, they would test your limits even more.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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skz taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@puppy-minnie @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls
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marlynnofmany · 8 months
An Impressive Number of Arms
“Hello!” I said, holding up the clear travel crate. “Here are your small hopping animals!” I really wanted to say frogs, but they weren’t from Earth, and neither were the people I was handing them off to.
“Excellent,” said the one-armed alien. She stood more solidly on that single leg than I ever would, regarding me with one large eye. It was weird to see her mouth instead of a breathing mask. The air on her ship was unbearably damp by my standards, and I couldn’t wait to get back on the shuttle.
The other Solo spoke up from behind her, a greenish-blue to her purple-blue. “Do you have the crawling animals too?”
“Yes, sorry,” I said. “Mur is bringing those.” I called back into the open hatch of the shuttle, “Need a hand, Mur?”
“Just double-checking the seal,” my coworker called back. “And why would I need a hand when I have tentacles? Absurd human phrasing.”
I turned back to the clients, setting the crate on a table. “He’ll be right out.”
Before I could get the payment tablet or strike up some small talk, an authority figure walked into the docking bay. Well, hopped. But she made it look regal. And the other two immediately folded in half to bow. I did the same briefly, hoping it was the right amount of deference.
“Are the creatures lively?” she demanded.
“Oh yes,” I said, waving a hand at the crate while keeping my other arm at my side. It wouldn’t do to emphasize my abundance of limbs.
The boss turned her one eye on the purple underling. “Open the lid and check.”
I blurted out, “It’s clear. You can see them.”
That just earned me a glare. “False sides can be faked.”
Yeah, okay. Guess we’re doing this. I shrugged, hoping it looked polite, and stepped back for the purple one to unfasten all the safety catches. Maybe the frogs will behave themselves.
Of course they didn’t. The first one leapt right at my face, and I caught it in midair. Others were springing everywhere with excited little peeps. The purple one shut the lid hastily, but it was much too late.
“Hm. Good,” the boss said. She turned on her heel and bounded toward the door. “Make sure you clean up thoroughly.”
I’d like to say I was flabbergasted at that, but I’d been working with people of one sort or another for long enough to know better. The customer is often an idiot, and you’re obliged to pretend they’re not.
“I got one!” said the green guy. “Open the lid again!”
“The others will get out!” objected the purple one, trying to slap her hand over another tiny frog-thing.
“Who designed this crate?” the green one lamented.
“Here, I can do it,” I said. “I’ve had practice.” The frog I’d caught was small enough to hold in one hand without worrying that I’d squish it, so my other was free to slide the lid back an inch, covering the rest of the opening with my forearm. I dumped the frog in and closed it, then held my hands out for the next one.
The Solos were grateful. We did our best to catch the many little beasties that were spreading across the docking bay. I caught twice as many as they did, and put them all back one at a time.
The green guy shook his head. “That two-armed advantage,” he grumbled.
“We appreciate your help,” said the purple one, giving him a sharp look.
“No problem,” I said. “I’m happy to put my arms to use.” It was only showing off a little to catch two different frogs at once. “I think we’ve got most of them, just missing the ones that have gone into hiding.”
“Hiding inside our shuttle?” asked Mur’s voice.
I looked up to see him posing in the entrance with a frog wrapped in almost every tentacle. He towed the snail crate behind him on a glider pad. The seals looked fine.
I cocked a hip. “Nobody likes a show-off, Mur.”
His grin made him look like a cartoonishly proud squid.
The Solos fell over themselves thanking him. I put my two frogs away, then took his one at a time while the Solos peeked into corners and crevices in search of strays. Eventually they were all back in the crate, none the worse for all the excitement.
I didn’t know if they were destined to be food, royal pets, or something else, but they were healthy and accounted for on my watch, dagnabbit. I even got out the medical scanner to count how many were in the crate, because there was no way they’d hold still long enough to do it the old-fashioned way.
“Yes, that’s all of them!” I declared. The Solos looked visibly relieved. “Good job, team!”
“You’re welcome,” Mur said with false humility.
“Yeah yeah,” I said. “You and your more-arms-than-the-rest-of-us-combined. What took you so long to come out, anyway?”
“Oh, that.” Mur leaned in with a tentacle shielding his mouth from lip-reading on any cameras that might be in place. “Whoever made the snail crate did a bad job. The lid popped open in transit.”
“What?” I asked while the two Solos looked appropriately alarmed.
“Not to worry. I got them all.” He looked exceptionally smug, waving his tentacles gently.
I just shook my head and took out the payment tablet.
“Don’t tell the boss,” said the purple one as she took it. She had to set it on the table so she could use her single hand to tap in the information.
“Not a word,” I promised.
“I will only brag to trusted ears,” Mur said. With a glance at me, he added. “I think now is a fine time for a round of that card-flipping game that you lost so badly at last time. I’m on a roll.”
I pointed a finger at him while I accepted the tablet back with the other hand. “Oh, you are on. There’s no way I’m going to let you be this smug twice in one day.”
He grinned some more. I was pretty sure he was definitely going to be that smug again, but I’d give it my best shot. On the behalf of people with only two arms everywhere.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
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Viola redesign?
I'm not sure what exactly she is - because while I really like the "She's a Bayojeanne kid" side of things, I also love the theory/headcanon made by @leolithe (original post!) that Viola is actually just an amalgamation of all the people Bayo knows and loves - Rodin, Jeanne, Luka, Enzo, Loki, so on and so forth - so I ended up making two lore bombs under the cut to go along with both, since I couldn't decide on just one
Viola being a Bayojeanne Kid
With Viola being a Bayojeanne kid, I could see a "Possesed/Kidnapped by the Fae" situation going on with her
If you're like me, you didn't like Singularity. Hell, if you're truly like me you hated Singularity. Which is why I'm benching him from his villain pedestal in favor of the Fae.
Fae are much more compelling villains, and if the Cereza and The Lost Demon Cereza is the same Cereza as Bayonetta 3, then I'm pretty fucking sure the Fae are itching for revenge.
Aaaaaand what better revenge on a witch than to take her cub away?
And that's what happened - once Bayo and Jeanne had their little baby girl the rebel coalition of Faeries started plotting on how to steal her away. They probably have agents or spies to keep tabs on them, and once Viola was idk maybe a young teenager - they came in and snatched her away right under her mothers' noses.
The Faeries plan wasn't to just replace Viola with a Fae double - that would be too mild to be proper revenge for what Cereza did to them - so instead they settled for transforming Viola into a Fae, so she would never return to her mothers at all.
...but they failed to realize that not only were they messing with Umbra Witch MOTHERS, they were also messing with an Umbra Witch CHILD.
Cereza and Jeanne at least have some self control over themselves and their magic. Viola had a whooping total of none, zero, negative, she was a ball of chaos and untamed demonic potential - she was arguably worse than child Cereza ever HOPED TO BE, and that's how a portion of Avalon Forest dissapeared in one night 💀.
But to make things clear, what happened was that Viola was able to stop the Fae ritual before they could complete it - and then proceeded to cause massive chaos on the Avalon Forest while trying to get out, only for Cereza and Jeanne to come in, rescue her and trash the remaining Faeries like they were in a Rage Room.
However, some effects from the Fae ritual still were present in Viola, and it didn't matter how much they tried to, it wouldn't come off - so Viola had to learn to live as a 1/3 Fae from then on. Which, as far as Viola is concerned, if having a very powerful Fae form and a sick ass hair and face mark is living as a 1/3 Fae, then she's good with it lmao
And yes, due to the ritual being stopped at about halfway, it caused Viola to have this angry looking dark purple mark on her face - her purple hair strands aren't painted, it's just because the face marking seeped into her hair and made it into THAT. She thinks it's cool tho :)
Viola being an amalgamation of all the people Cereza loves/loved (Fae creation)
With Viola being an amalgamation of Cereza's memories created by the Fae, I can see her as being meant to be a weapon that chose to not be a weapon
In this scenario, I can see Viola being meant to be a counter attack against Cereza - "the only one who can defeat me is myself" and all that - essentialy, a glorified clone.
The Fae used up all their knowledge gathered about Cereza and her family circle, and crafted Viola based on those people and memories. She has everything - Jeanne's volatile/short fuse nature, Balder's flair for dramatics, Luka's determination, Rodin's resourcefulness, even Enzo's goofyness and Rosa's agility and steadiness, Loki's sassy behavior and desire for independence, and most importantly, Cereza's power.
She was born and bred to be the perfect anti-Cereza weapon, capable of blocking any and all her attacks, and counter them accordingly - but with how many people were used to make her, her mind is a jumble of feelings and memories that are not her own at all, and they influence her in ways the Fae didn't imagine it would.
Cereza's love for her mom, the memories of the sadness over not being able to rescue her, her love for Jeanne, how she considers Enzo, Luka and Rodin as her family and would do anything to protect them, all of her experiences and feelings and memories - Viola feels all, she knows everything, for fuck's sake she can hear Cereza's heart bleeding for these people - and she can't find it in herself to ever turn her hand against them, she feels too much, she's too soft. She also feels for Cereza too, how could she not, when she was made from her?
However, as much as she has Cereza's memories and feelings, she slowly begins to wish for her own self, to not be a weapon or a clone or just another Fae, but Viola, her own person with her own feelings and her own experiences. Which is what drives her to reach out for Cereza and her family as a call for help (the gang probably adopt her as a collective but she only calls Cereza [and maybe Jeanne] Mom)
The facial markings and hair are from the fact that while she is quite the outstanding creation, she's still both a Fae and an imperfect copy. Viola is not human, or Umbra (her ability to activate Witch Time comes from Cereza's memories, not really from a natural place within herself), she is and will always be Fae until the day she's dead, and she's not a perfect carbon copy of Cereza either - she has her own emotions and reactions that are wildly different from Cereza herself.
Another thing that is worth mentioning, is that one of the reasons Viola couldn't find it in herself to attack any of Cereza's family might be because she was made from the people she loved - love was the key in the equation, if the Fae had made Viola using only what Cereza hated (angels for example) chances are they would have a much more effective but volatile weapon (Viola evil counterpart maybe 👀?)
Aaaaand that's it for Viola for now, I must say I prefer the Amalgamation!Viola tho gotta love experiments that learn to be human 😍
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fan-a-tink · 3 months
Young Royals S3 thoughts
Even just hearing this scene’s echo was horrific. It must have been so much worse to actually go through it. 
It must be so hard for Wille to reconcile how he knows Erik which what he now knows about him. And he is not here anymore to defend himself. Uuuurgghhhhh!
Please talk to Simon. Please talk to him. Shutting him out will not make anything better.
Sara and Felice doing desserts together, that’s the best idea anyone has ever had :) A chance for them to talk, yay!
This Micke is starting to be a dad too good to be true. This is sketchy behaviour. He is too happy, this is going to spiral out of his control. Oh Sara I am worried for you….
Ok, I am just going to say it (even 2021 me would judge me so hard for this) but August „redemption arc“ is working. Like I honestly believe that he is trying to be a little bit better as a person. I want him to be alright. And yes, I am shocked that I think this. 
Whose locker is number 60? Is that Sara’s? 
Wille once more calling his parents because he needs support. And his dad once more not stepping up. Nobody is perfect, not even Kronprins Erik….!
Edvin Ryding, the actor you are…
This episode it’s Wille’s turn to look as if his soul has left him. 
Oh shit this will be the music room fight. I am not ready. I am not ready. No no no no no noooooooo.
RIP Wille in the choir. Those scenes in episode two were worth it though :)) 
It is so typical for Simon to think that he has done something wrong. Simon, my love, you are not ‚difficult‘ for asking questions!! You are wonderful. 
Wille, those are your thoughts, not Simons. They are your fears, your doubts, your anxieties. And they are completely valid. But please don’t put words in Simon’s mouth and push him away like that. „Maybe he gave in to peer pressure. What do you know?“ Like, Simon is trying to help you here, he’s trying to talk it through with you and help you out. Nooo, don’t walk out on him?!!!
Simon being left behind in the music room is just as devastating as Wille being in there after their fight last season. I am done with this music room. 
The 36 on Simon’s locker is now always going to remind me of that fan exam :)) I was sooo unsure about that question haha
So she takes the letter, but is she reading it? Should we assume she read it? Or is she just not going to read it? I am confused…
Oh no. Micke has forgotten. The hope and desperation in her voice that she’s trying to conceal while leaving these voice messages for her dad is killing me. Also, ruuuuuun! You can still make it :) 
Why is Wille only ever with Felice when he’s had a fight or something with Simon? Like, when they’re good, he never hangs out with her. 
I also do believe he would have accepted and embraced Wille’s queerness. But I guess it’s the fact that we’ll never know that is so hard to deal with.
Purple nail polish ✨ slay :)
Sara made it :) But also, it’s stressing me out that she just puts her id back into her bag and doesn’t close it properly. It could fall out!
That is so heartbreaking seeing that Micke is falling back into the habit of drinking with his friends. And the worst possible moment for Sara to find out, mid-driving test, in the middle of the road. 
Linda giving Simon the long overdue hug and telling him he’s not doing anything wrong. YES!
„Love shouldn’t be this difficult“ - Linda, I trusted you!!! Don’t give Simon ideas.. 
Sara turning up at the house, breaking down. Simon hugging her. Forgiving her. I am in actual tears now. Can’t handle it. I’m sooo glad he is forgiving her. This was soooo necessary. Finally some healing…. 
That’s a decent apology text, Wille, I’m proud of you :)
The nail polish looks sooo good!!
And its off 😂 That was shorter than Wille’s career in the choir..
The Happy Birthday Song Scene will forever be my favourite Wilson scene. I am crying my eyes out because I know it’s all going to go wrong soon, and this might be one of the last moments of happiness. And it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! 
Also I am sooo glad the ‚Is everything ok between us?‘ line happened here and now was immediately answered with a ‚yes‘ - that takes away one of my biggest fears from the trailer… 
Also, he made him a sandwich? Asjdnä oajbef lskdfb .sjdnfsldnf lsdn 💜
I like Farima. Also her green suit is gorgeous :) 
They are holding hands in the car !!!!
„Maybe it was stupid to tell you that thing about Erik. I get that it must’ve been tough to hear.“ Yeah, no shit, August.
Simon is just chilling, living his best life eating cake :) 
„Cause there’s a risk of poisoning.“ Oooff. Simon’s expression is golden :))
I think Simon will never get used to having staff to take care of everything. And to Wille being absolutely ok with that and not even noticing it. 
Spotted Lisa Ambjörn, hihiiiii :))
Please make Simon feel welcome. Please. 
Why are they all pretending like everyone’s happy and fine? 
August is just so happy to be near Sara, it is actually adorable. 
Felice and Sara working side by side. I have so much hope that they can find their friendship again. Like, they are both loving being in each other’s company..! And Felice wanting to be a chef? I am here for it!!!! That whole little scene was beautiful :))
That is the most awkward dinner conversation ever. Poor Simon. Poor Wille. And they really don’t make it easy for anyone just bringing everything back to Erik. Like, that just adds so much pressure on Wille, and also this is such a vulnerable topic for him right now… 
Class Bad Boy. Lol
I love that he hates the title. Like, season 1 August would have loved it! That is GROWTH, ladies and gentlemen!
„It’s not very long. I’ll read it to you“ - dude, she can read, she just didn’t want to! 
His voice breaking up a little while he reads the letter. Malte is really on the next level this season…
The way he leans his head into that hug…! I have so much hope for them…. Please, please, please!
Yes, I can see that from Frederike’s point of view this looks bad. But you don’t know anything about the situation. And you’re just going to cause problems. But of corse she runs straight to Felice. Uuughhh, and things were just starting to look like they could be friends again someday. 
Wille playing a bit of the school song. Is that the only thing he remembers how to play, because he taught it to Simon? 
Wille, you’re being unfair. Yes, it’s hard for you. But Simon is also allowed to find it hard. And he is only trying to support you.
I’m sorry, but Wille’s parents could not be more useless right now. I am so glad Wille is finally speaking his mind. Maybe the delivery is not the most productive, constructive, diplomatic, but a child should not have to beg for his parents to be there for him. And they should not just leave the room when he does. Like, I understand that you are ill and struggling and that it must be absolutely terrible to deal with your eldest son dying tragically in a car crash, but Wille is right, you still have a son, and he needs you!!! 
The way Simon looks horrified and genuinely scared when Wille smashes the gifts. Like, he looks kind of scared of Wille. I bet he witnessed these kind of violent outbursts from his dad when he was younger. Oh Simon….
There it is: „Love shouldn’t be this hard.“ And it hurts just as much as I thought it would. 
Wille’s cheek is so wet, he must have been crying a lot already. 
Simon’s voice cracking when he says „Maybe it just can’t work.“ - he is breaking his own heart admitting this. 
The lyrics just before the cut „I got addicted to a losing game“ - KILL ME NOW!
I am in tears. Like, I knew they were going to come to a point like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok!!!
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sansloii · 1 month
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Dissect your own writing style. What do you do most often? What do you want to take away from other writers (tag them if you want)? What is something you want to break out of?
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when i started eons ago (2011/2012-ish), I had major issues with splicing-- where i felt the need to reply to every single thing in a response. even though it seemed like my muse was thoroughly engaged with whoever they were interacting with, it made my writing quite awkward since i would jump from one topic to another--from one focus to the next--and it didn't really flow well either. it wasn't pleasant to read and if i went back to re-read it, i found it very tedious. i would scan it, which is even worse because if i'm not properly re-reading it, why would anyone else, you know? i also struggled with many of the things most people did, which included dumping a thesaurus ( not to the point of purple prose ) into my writing and praying it would make it better.
anywho, i mention splicing first because it was the driving factor in me reshaping how i wrote and everything else either came after or changed with it.
style and structure
my current writing style is divided into three parts: Reaction, Thoughts, and Response. how these three are arranged are completely dependent on how the prior post in the thread left off but more oft than not, they are in that general order; my outlines ( when i do write them ) are in a similar order too. It has its upsides ( it makes it easier for me to direct a thread or a response to something because there's a structure ) and downsides ( if I'm not willing to compromise on structure here and there, it makes it difficult to frame my writing properly ). overall, though, it's helped me--as frustrated as i get with getting things down
reactions and thoughts tend to either take 2/3rds of a reply and a response takes up about 1/3rd. the reason why reactions and thoughts are bundled together is because, to me, they're more or less blended together by default and trying to section them out like "here's a reaction. then a thought" interrupts the flow of my writing. instead, they're layered together so it allows me to maybe going back and forth when a muse is reacting and/or thinking about what's happening in a moment. the response is, more oft than not, interacting with the other character if it wasn't included in the previous section and active dialouge. i've been guilty of having my muse say things, do things, and think things that don't push anything forward so at the end of a reply, i make sure to evaluate whether or not my muse has done anything of substance if needed.
things i've noticed i do a lot are:
repetition for emphasis ( e.g: he tried over and over and over again )
including phrases/descriptions/entire sentences that a partner used not necessarily in that thread/ask, but in another in order to make a connection between the muses a bit more apparent
splitting dialouge with an icon or with a singular line of thought
splitting dialouge with action that's not "he said, she tells, they laugh", etc. if i can
if there is a theme that is going to prevail throughout the entire response/ask, it's usually established in the first or second paragraph
i'm sure there are other things that i do but these are the few i've noticed because they're more of an active choice i make.
something i also do that's not necessarily visible in my writing is that i repeat my dialouge to myself with the general mannerism of whichever muse is talking. so take for example, mikah and kurama ( @un1awful ). these shits do nothing but make jabs at each other if they're not actively engaged in something serious. as a result, they're very dialouge heavily. mikah's words have to be concise and sharp ontop of conveying bits and pieces of their ego because of who they're dealing with ( like here ). mikah's not threating kurama--so it can't be too aggressive or too insulting... but it also needs to convey that they want him to shut the fuck up without them outright saying "shut the fuck up", you know?
on the flip side, we have Andris, who also has ego and is also sharp.... but the way he is sharp is different. he has that "customer service" type of voice--very even and is intentional about what he says and how he says it. any bite he has tends to be a bit subtle. for example, here when he addresses seth ( @starpoacher ), he's teasing back but he's also still a little annoyed about seth barging in, hovering over his shoulder, etc., hence the use of "sir chef" instead of Seth's name. it comes and goes quickly because... it's seth and he will ultimately get over it, but that's how he tends to convey things.
it's a little awkward repeating dialouge to myself but it also helps me identify better ways to say something or to figure out if something is not quite right about a phrase my muse says. my muses also have different cadences when they speak so repeating them in that cadence does help when it comes to placing it in a reply and knowing where i can break it up, if needed.
what i want to take away from other writers + what i want to break out of
i require the ability to proofread better.
i don't think i'm the only one that thinks faster than i type and so, i forget words/sentences/etc. and don't catch it until i circle back for a second read... after i've posted it. it doesn't happen a lot but when it does i cringe so fucking hard.
i also have a bad habit of writing too much and not being willing to cut things out even if i don't like it, which stems from the mentality that "longer is better" and it's not. longer without substance is not better. longer with tedious language is not better. longer to the point of... not quite knowing what the point of the reply was is not better.
i've curbed a little bit of that through reading the threads and asks answered by others ( @un1awful, @rexpyre, @nezumivc103221, @bloodxhound, @royaletiquette to name a few ) and it's less to take from them and more to just... see how they write, i guess? and not necessarily things that i'm involved in but thing threads or asks i catch that are interesting to me. it helps to take a step back and not think so much about how i write things for a little bit and just... read something else--something that i have nothing to do with. in a way, it helps me be a little more objective with my own writing.
as much as i like my style and the way i write, seeing it over and over again makes me crave variety. i want to see how other people describe things or get from A to B. to that point, varying sentence structure is another thing at the back of my mind that.... i have a love-hate relationship with. on one hand, i can write something and be perfectly fine with it. on the other, i look at it and wonder why i have multiple long sentences like "[action/thought] and [action/thought]" right next to each other. it's that or a bunch of short sentences bundled together. sometimes, it's even a long and short sentence but they don't flow well like that... so they both need to change. i get though it somehow but not without some difficultly
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Unprompted | @eternasci
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ghostboidanny · 5 months
Flowers of truth choking on my secrets
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Danny lies sometimes. Of course he does, which teenager doesn't lie occasionally? But lying becomes much more important after he dies, alone, in his parents’ lab, inside a Portal leading into a whole new world. He lies to his family and to his friends, to his classmates and teachers and everyone else he comes across. He lies to himself. Not because he wants to, but because he has to. Because being Phantom is too dangerous and it’s the only way to keep himself his loved ones safe.
Unfortunately, for ghosts lying has consequences. Deadly consequences.
Chapter 6: The truth is out
He slowly wakes up, which is a surprise even to him. Danny had been certain that he would die during that last attack. Die again . Because he has already died once, months ago. He didn’t just get ghost powers, he died and he came back . Maybe that is what has happened now. Maybe he died fully this time. That would explain why he feels fine when last he could remember, he was in torturous amounts of pain. 
His chest is no longer burning and he can breathe properly for the first time in months, since that day he walked into the portal and died . The memory flashes through his mind and he almost wishes he could bury it again. It hurts to think about, makes the hand that pressed the button ache with phantom pain - though logically he knows that the hand shouldn’t feel any better or worse than the rest of him. He remembers now that his whole body was burnt to a crisp by the end. Only the ectoplasm immediately fusing with his destroyed body and merging his soul back together with it saved him. His heart races at the memory. 
Wait … his heart races . He can feel his core buzzing, but if he had died fully this time, then his heart should have stopped for good. 
Danny’s eyes fly open.
The first thing he notices is that he’s still in the same hospital room as before, except now it's night time. The second time he notices is that his parents and sister are all sleeping in different chairs around the room - Sam and Tucker are nowhere to be seen so they must have been kicked out of the hospital. The third thing he notices is the heart monitor, displaying that his heart is beating at a steady - though slightly slower than normal - rate. 
“I’m alive”, he whispers to himself, starting in astonishment at his hands. His voice is hoarse and speaking hurts, but not nearly as much as it did before. It's more like a moderate cold than thorns in his throat. And his throat doesn't close up on itself when he tries to speak about death. The improvement is so minimal and yet it feels vast to him. 
“I died and then I came back to half life and right as I was dying again, I finally admitted the truth to myself, and so I’m still half alive.”
All this time, he had been sick because he had been lying to himself . Though lying to his friends and family probably didn't help any. A laugh escapes his throat and then another. Soon he’s laughing so hard that he can’t breathe. 
He sees the other people in the room startle awake and feels guilty about it, but can’t stop laughing. “Danny?” Jazz mumbles, looking at him with sleep addled eyes, deep purple bags beneath them. Her eyes widen when she takes in his awake form in the bed. 
A second later, her arms close around his body, pulling him into a hug. He presses his face against her shoulder. It isn’t until the fabric grows wet that he realizes that he’s crying. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re okay.”
“I died”, he sobs and her arms spasm around him for a second before she hugs him even tighter. 
When Jazz next speaks, she sounds heartbroken. “Yeah, you did.” 
“I couldn't face the truth of it for so long that it almost killed me again. I really thought I would die for good this time.”
Jazz’s voice turns to steel. “You didn’t and you won’t. But I’m proud of you for facing the truth, no matter how hard it was.”
“I only did it thanks to you. If you hadn’t realized that I’ve been lying to myself and made me face the truth, I would have died. Thank you.”
Jazz leans back and cups his face in her hands. She strokes some tears away with her thumbs and looks very intently into his eyes. “There is no need to thank me, I would do anything to help you. Anything .”
There is a surprised sound coming from the corner with his parents and then in the next second, Jack runs across the room and pulls both Danny and Jazz into a hug. Within moments, Danny can feel tears soaking his hair. “You’re awake!”
His dad’s loud voice startles Maddie awake as well and a second later she is also sobbing on him. She presses a kiss against his forehead. “My baby boy! We nearly lost you for good, never do something like that again!”
“I’ll try not to”, Danny says as tears start dripping down his cheeks again. He clings to his parents and is happy to discover that he is once again strong enough to actually hug them back. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, I can’t even imagine how hard all of this must have been for you. I’m just glad you’re alive … or half alive?” She asks, sounding very careful all of a sudden, as if she didn’t want to offend him or scare him. It only makes him cry harder and Maddie immediately pulls him closer. 
“It … it was very hard. I didn't w-want to admit to myself that I had d-died. That’s why I didn’t tell you guys about being Phantom. S-some part of me knew that it would lead to me having to confront my death and I wasn’t r-ready. It was easier to just l-lie about everything, at least until it hurt me so much I almost died again.”
“We understand”, Maddie says and kisses his forehead again. 
“But you know the truth now?” Jazz asks from where her face is pressed against his shoulder. He can feel some wetness there too but doesn't comment on it. 
“Yeah, I know that I died in the portal and that it then brought it back. I know that I don't just have ghost powers but am a half ghost. Half alive, half dead.” For every word he speaks, he feels lighter and lighter. The last of the pressure in his chest disappears and his breathing gets easier. In fact, he’s pretty sure that his throat and lungs have completely healed up. 
He pulls back from his family and stares down at his hands. He feels stronger than he’s ever done before. If he’s lied to himself ever since the accident first started then … how long did he have the parasite for? Since the very beginning? Has he been fighting while sick all this time? Just how powerful is he?
“I … I’m going to transform into Phantom now”, Danny says, half to warn his family and half to prepare himself. His family back away a few steps, but for the first time, he feels no fear about transforming when someone else might see him. His parents smile at him in encouragement and Jazz has so much pride in her eyes that he feels heat rise into his cheeks. 
Danny pulls on his core and it buzzes with energy, almost more than he can comprehend. The transformation passes over him in a flash, faster than ever before. Gravity lets go of its grip on him without any struggle on his part and he floats up from the bed, weightless. A laugh bubbles from his throat. A throat that is completely healed. The pain he’s suffered for so long while in ghost form is just gone . 
The excitement is too much and just has to do a loop to get some of the energy out. He laughs some more and is startled when another voice joins him. Danny looks over to see his family. Jazz is beaming, laughter spilling from her mouth. His mom has tears in her eyes, but she’s smiling fondly at him. 
Jack cheers, “That's my boy!” Then he runs forward and sweeps Danny into a crushing hug. Danny hugs back, melting into his dad’s arms. 
A strange sound starts up from the center of his chest, where his core lies. It's like a big cat is purring, a deep repetitive sound. For a moment he feels like he should be embarrassed by it, but then the rest of his family join the hug and he forgets all about it. He just basks in the love radiating from his family and the relief of all the pain being gone. 
The truth is out and his family still love him. The truth is out and it didn’t destroy him, as he has feared for so long. Suddenly, the future looks bright and as Danny is nestled in the arms of his family, he feels ready to face it.
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The Most Powerful Waitress
Chapter one School's out
Chapter three: No cure for me
Chapter four: Rinse and Repeat
Chapter two summary: Merula auditions at the opera because her voice deserves to be heard.
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02. I'd hire me
‘Wake up, Ruru.’
Quinn’s singsonging pierced through Merula’s foggy dream state and she groaned. Why couldn’t mornings start in the afternoon?
‘Five more minutes.’
‘You said that ten minutes ago. Come on, you don’t want to be late. I’ll make you breakfast.’
Today she had another job interview. She hadn’t lied to Haywood, she did have options. Not as much as she liked though. She had owled multiple venues asking what kind of jobs they had available, but had gotten almost nothing back. No one had given an actual reason, but she knew why. After all these years and all her accomplishments (O’s for all her N.E.W.T.s!), people still couldn’t see past her family. Like she chose to be the daughter of deatheaters, or worse, the niece of a wannabe cult leader. Being made into an accomplice had been the best time of her life. Who didn’t like betraying friends?
Not that she needed a job to survive, she could do nothing for the rest of her life and still be rich when she died. But what good would staying at home do her? She’d just end up bored and worse, forgotten.
For now the time off was a nice break, but if she didn’t want it to last she needed to get up. So, she went for a quick shower and put on a purple pantsuit. Quinn gave her a long look and whistled when she entered the kitchen.
‘I’d hire you.’
‘Of course you would. Everyone should.’
Quinn handed her eggs with toast and flipped through a cookbook. She had cooked every meal so far and kept out trying new recipes. Turned out to be a good cook too, much to Merula’s delight. Cooking had never been her favourite thing. She cooked for the result, but Quinn cooked for fun. Every meal made her question her decision not to make this arrangement permanent yet, until she remembered that Quinn would want to invite her friends over if she lived here. For now, Merula wasn’t ready to share her home with anyone else.
‘What’s for dinner?’ Merula asked when she sat down next to Quinn. She peered at the book and saw a recipe for roasted brussels sprouts. That better not be it.
‘I was thinking braised eel, or fried cauliflower and salad. What do you think?’
Much better!
‘Eel of course, I love eel.’
‘Yeah, I should’ve known.’ Quinn chuckled, flipped a few pages back and put in a bookmark.
When Merula finished her breakfast, Quinn gave her a quick kiss and told her to break a leg. Even though Merula didn’t need luck, she appreciated the sentiment.
Today she an audition at the Banshee’s theatre. She’d found out about it through an ad in the Daily Prophet. The Banshee’s theatre was looking for singers for their newest opera: Cliodna. Which told the life story of the famous witch. Maybe this would be the job for her. She’d be a perfect Cliodna. Genius, stunning, an amazing voice, she had it all!
Her mum had taught her to sing. She’d been an opera singer at the Banshee’s theatre and had sung for her every night, her voice lulling her to sleep. During the day they practiced singing together in preparation for her audition for the Frog Choir. Both her mum and dad were impressed by her raw talent and at school she had gone on to impress everyone else too. No one stood a chance when she auditioned for the Frog Choir and Professor Flitwick assigned her solo’s whenever he needed a soprano. He’d even suggested her to Celestina Warbeck when she asked for students to sing with her during the performance at school. She’d managed to get the solo part.
Surely the Banshee’s theatre would be impressed too. She could use a success after her earlier job interviews. The first had been at the biggest publishing house in the country, but all they wanted was to sell her story. Get her to tell all about the battle with R, her role as double spy and finally how she turned around to help defeat her aunt. While she was flattered by their interest, to actually write the book she’d have to talk about her feelings. Like that was ever going to happen. No way that she would let strangers in on her private thoughts.
Her other interview had been at St. Mungo’s, for the cure research team. If hired she would be trained to invent new potions and spells. Extensive knowledge of the dark arts and potions were required. The job itself sounded great. She would learn how to experiment with spells and potions and invent her own. She’d have to do constant research and keep up to date with developments in the darks arts. Something she already did on her own. So, of course she’d do great and the interview went well, but the problem was that no one would know about her. No one cared about cure inventors.
Then there were the desk jobs. Like a Snyde would ever work a desk job.
No, getting to be the lead in an opera sounded better. People would see her on stage. She’d get to mesmerize the crowd. They would adore her.
She stepped out of the fireplace from a nearby pub she’d flooed to. The Banshee’s theatre stood as proud as she remembered. The two-story high glass windows shone despite the dreary weather. Its big entrance made her feel like she’d be part of something great if she ended up working here.
A desk worker escorted her through a long hallway, the hall of fame. Full of paintings of famous singers, all people who’d performed major lead roles. Even though she knew she wouldn’t be here anymore, she couldn’t help but look for her mum’s painting. Like she expected, it was long gone. Maybe her own could hang here instead, bring some glory back.
They ended up in the backstage lounge. A large decorated room with multiple couches and a little bar. A few other people were already there and she could hear singing coming from the stage. She caught herself in one of the many mirrors and smoothed her outfit. Perfect. She looked perfect.
She took seat in the corner of one of the couches, as far away as possible from the other occupant. The other occupant, a fawn woman who looked to be in her 40s, smiled at her.
She’s not going to talk to me is she?
‘What part are you going to audition for?’
Great, small talk with a stranger. Her favourite. Especially when she had no way to escape without coming off as rude when she couldn’t afford to be.
‘Cliodna, of course.’
The woman frowned, but kept smiling. ‘Aren’t you a little young for that part?’
‘I’ve been singing since I was a kid.’
She began to laugh. ‘As have we all, dearie.’
Dearie. The word made her shudder and she crossed her arms. ‘So you think they’d pick you just because you’re older?’
‘Of course not. I’m only saying you’re going up against people much more experienced than you. That’s all. I’m sure you’ll do fine. What’s your name anyway?’
‘Merula Snyde.’
The woman’s face fell and Merula had to repress an eyeroll. The chatter in the room paused for a moment and a few heads turned her way. After all these years it was still the same. Her name evoked fear and disgust in almost everyone she met. She’d contemplated changing it once, but decided quickly against such ridiculousness. The name Snyde had commanded the respect of people. They had been a proud, powerful family with a rich history in politics and high society. As the last Snyde not dead or in Azkaban changing her name would mean erasing her history. Erasing not just the bad, but the good things about growing up Snyde. No, she’d rather make the name Snyde something to be proud of again.
‘Oh, I’ve read about you in the paper. I don’t think this world is a good fit for someone like you.’ Her smile returned, but looked forced and overly polite now.
‘Someone like me?’
‘Yes, well, you know what you did. What family you come from. The opera world is for a certain kind of ‘refined’ people.’
‘I’m not responsible for what my family did. You know nothing about me!’ Merula’s voice rose and a few more people turned their heads.
Great, just great.
‘I suppose we’ll have to see what the audition panel thinks.’
‘I suppose.’
Merula got up to get a goblet of water from the little bar and ignored the stares that followed her. Stupid people. They didn’t know anything about her, they just wanted to think they were above her. Well, she’d show them who was really above.
After finishing the goblet, she fought the urge to slam it into the bar. Instead, she put it down gently and made deliberate soft steps to another couch. Once there she turned her gaze to the ceiling with all its swirls and twirls and recited her songs for the audition in her head.
‘Miss Snyde?’ A man called out to her and beckoned her to follow him.
Show time.
She followed him towards the stage, where he left her. The opera hall looked just like she remembered. Red plush seating went up to five rows high. Right behind the orchestra pit sat the four people she would impress. She recognized one of the women, Eliza Kreslina, as a former colleague of her mum. They were led by the head of the chorus: Mister Nicholich. He rose from his seat when she entered the stage.
‘Welcome Miss Snyde. Before you start, please tell us a bit about yourself and your experience.’
‘I’m a soprano and I’ve been singing since I was a little kid. My mum taught me.’ She didn’t miss the way Madam Kreslina shared a look with another panel member and clenched and unclenched her fist.
It doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean anything.
‘I’ve been on the Frog Choir for four years and have sung with Celestina Warbeck when she performed at school. I love singing, absolutely love it and I’m a quick learner, so I know lines and lyrics won’t be a problem. Especially with my work ethic.’
Mister Nicholich nodded. ‘Very well. You may start your performance.’
And start she did. Within second the notes flew from her throat, all smooth and rich. She’d chosen three songs with different ranges to show off and in three different languages too: French, Italian and German. That should impress them. She didn’t know anyone her age that could sing in any language other than English.
After what she knew to be a flawless rendition she waited as the panel whispered among themselves.
‘That was a wonderful performance, you have a beautiful voice, Miss Snyde.’
Her chest swelled with pride. ‘Does that mean I got the part?’
‘The part?’
‘Of Cliodna, of course.’
‘What? Oh, no, no, no. We’re looking for someone more refined and with much more experience on stage to play her.’
‘More refined?’ There was that word again.
‘You will need to work on your stage presence. While your voice is wonderful, you don’t draw me in. I would hesitate to hire someone like you. I just don’t know if someone like you would be a good fit.’ He cocked his head a little and gave her what had to be the fakest look of compassion anyone besides her aunt had ever given her.
‘How would I not be a good fit? I’ve been around the opera since I was a kid. Mum and dad brought me here all the time. I know how it works backstage.’
Mister Nicholich’ face didn’t change. ‘We’ll have to discuss if you’re the kind of person we want to hire. You’ll hear from us.’
Yeah right. Merula stomped her foot. ‘Just say you don’t want a daughter of deatheaters and be done with it! It’s always the same. You all expect the worst from me.’
The panel gasped in shock and Mister Nicholich pursed his lips. Madam Kreslina rose from her seat, her white cheeks flushing. ‘How dare you! You’re young and inexperienced and we just wanted to discuss what kind of part to give you given that fact and the range of your voice. You’ve got a lot of potential. I worked with your mum, she was a great singer. It’s a shame how she turned out, but that has nothing to do with you.’
Silence fell over the hall as Merula let the words sink in. Madam Kreslina sounded sincere, but things didn’t add up.
‘Then why did you remove my mums painting?’
‘Because after her conviction we couldn’t keep it up in good conscience. She’s not the only one we had to remove.’ Madam Kreslina’s face hardened. ‘I understand you may have had a rough start, but whatever start you had, it’s no reason to take it out on us. Now if you would make way for the next candidate.’
‘You understand nothing!’
Merula stomped of the stage. They had it easy from their plush red seats and their jobs which made everyone look up to them. How could they ever understand what it was like to have the entire country at your throat for your family’s actions? They didn’t know shit.
Whatever, being an opera singer would probably become boring real soon anyway. Merula made her way back to the pub, her boots making big splashes in the puddles. Once she got back home, she looked around for Quinn, but couldn't find her inside.
Seriously, in this weather?
She entered the porch through the kitchen and sure enough, the broomstand was missing a broom. Merula shook her head, only her girlfriend saw rain and thought it made the perfect weather for flying. Venting had to wait, because she wasn’t about to get wet looking for her.
The large porch connected the kitchen to the ballroom. Or what used to be the ballroom. Nowadays she used it mainly for roller skating. In the corner stood a large fireplace with two comfortable purple sofas. Despite the rain the temperature wasn't that bad. Even so, Merula turned the fireplace on as she flopped on the couch and pondered her day.
Total waste of time. She should’ve known ‘someone like her’ couldn’t ever have been a good fit for the opera. If she’d thought about that beforehand, she would've stayed inside.
'You're back!' Arms wrapped around her from behind and Quinn planted a wet kiss on the side of her face. Water dripped off her, down Merula's back and chest. 'How did it go today?'
'Ugh, dry yourself off, will you?!'
'I'm going to take that as a not good.' Quinn twirled her hand and steam came off her. Her freckled cheeks were red from her exercise. Now dry, Merula allowed her to sit down next to her. 'What happened?'
She burst out ranting about everything that went wrong and how horrible she'd been treated, but instead of sympathy all she got from Quinn was a frown.
'You let your temper get the best of you, again. I thought you were working on it?'
'My temper’s fine!’ How dare she! Of all people, she should understand her. She knew everything about her. ‘Didn’t you hear anything I said? They removed mums painting and said they didn’t know if they could hire ‘someone like me’’
‘And what about what Madam Kreslina said afterwards?’
‘She was just backtracking because I called them out!’
‘You don’t know that! And you’ll never know because you ruined it with your attitude.’
'You've no idea what you're talking about. You just got handed this prestigious job at the ministry without even looking for anything!'
'Really?’ Quinn's cheeks turned a different shade of red and her voice rose. ‘I just got a job shoved down my throat that I know nothing about. All I know is that I start ‘somewhere in August’ and that I don’t have a choice. But I don’t want that job! I want to be outside. At least you have a choice, or you had until you ruined it. I wish I had a choice.'
Her voice faltered a bit and Merula felt guilty for her outburst. Perhaps Quinn was right. She looked away from her, to the formal garden. Once her father's pride and joy. As a herbologist he knew exactly which plant liked to go where. He had planted so many different species that the garden bloomed almost year-round. Now, eight years after the arrest, the garden was an overgrown mess. She had tried to keep up at first, but had given up. As a ten year-old she just didn't have the necessary skills.
Then there was the biggest part of the garden: the unicorn pasture. Complete with waterfall. Her mum had kept three unicorns even before she had her. The unicorns had been seized the day after the arrest. Only when she got introduced to the herd living in the Forbidden Forest did she find out what happened to them. At least they still lived a good life.
She pulled her knees up to her chin. Her parents arrest had dominated her life so far. People had scorned her, send her death threats, but she’d be damned if she let it continue. She deserved to be known for her accomplishments. For Salazar’s sake, she was fucking powerful! A force to be reckoned with. Anyone would be lucky to work with her.
'I'm just tired of people thinking the worst when they see me. Or treating me like I'm some charity case.'
Quinn's face softened and she reached for Merula's hand. 'I know. And you're right, I don't know what that's like. I'm sorry, I guess I'm just jealous.'
'I suppose I'm jealous too,' Merula sighed and let herself be pulled into a hug. 'You and Copper got those big jobs just handed to you, but I was there too. I did more than Copper! But I had to send dozens of letters and got only a few replies.'
'I know. It’s not fair, but you’re not helping yourself when you go off the way you did.’
‘I suppose,’ Merula groaned and buried her head in Quinn’s chest. ‘I guess I do have one flaw.’
‘Yeah you do.’
‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.’
‘Thanks.’ Quinn snuggled her a bit closer. ‘Don’t worry so much. You’re the Most Powerful Witch, you’ll find a job that matches your capabilities. Even if it takes a while.’
‘I know.’
As unfair as it all was, dwelling on it wouldn’t help. Nor would sitting at home. She had to start somewhere, how else were people going to recognize her talents? Tomorrow she’d have a look again at those other jobs. Surely one would fit her. She’d be fine. Everything would be fine.
‘You know,’ Merula said, changing the subject. ‘If that ministry job doesn’t work out you can always quit and become my housewife. Cook me dinner every day.’
‘That doesn’t sound half-bad,’ Quinn chuckled. ‘Maybe when we have kids.’
There it was again, that certainty that they’d stay together forever. As if there was no way they wouldn’t get married and have kids. After today she could only hope it would be as easy as Quinn made it sound.
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ninjacat1515 · 4 months
Fresh Start Part 1
Karl drifted through his 24nd birthday, feeling like everything was slowly suffocating him. His job was pure drudgery and he loathed getting out of bed in the morning. Same old, same old. Nothing excited him and he took it out on anyone he found weaker. That gave him fleeting satisfaction at least.
An old woman had moved into the apartment across from his and she unnerved him, seeming to know way too much about everyone in that complex, including Karl. One day he was fed up with being creeped out and barged across the hall, kicking the door.
It opened a moment later, like she had been waiting for him. Her eyes pale and her skin tinged with mottled purple. A black cat slept in a cat tower in the living room, which was fairly tidy. The apartment was clean if albeit full of odd nick knacks.
"Well? Come to teach me a lesson for existing?"
"Why the hell do you know so much about me??"
"Public records. I like to find out who I'm going to be living alongside before choosing a spot. This place is so crowded, I miss the swamp."
He stared, eyes narrowing.
"You aren't happy with your lot, are you?"
"What? Ofcourse I'm happy!"
"You scowl and throw your weight around all of the time. Not happy."
He snorted and began to turn around. God he was ready to pack up and leave...
"Your entire life feels like a joke, doesn't it? You are empty and hateful, heading for more of the same if not worse. Unless you make a change."
"Lemme guess. You're some kind of self help guru who will fix my shit and sell me what I don't actually need. I have a job and my own place."
She smirked, most unimpressed and leaned on her cane.
"That wouldn't help you. I'm talking about something truly drastic. A change of scenery! But not a vacation. It would be your new home..."
Karl glanced about the hallway, hoping no one was witnessing this conversation. He didn't want people thinking less of him for interacting with this old bitch.
"So like what? Moving to a new town? I haven't even been here a year I don't feel like doing that."
"You would just be taking what you could carry. It would be a tough new life but you could go wherever you wanted and you wouldn't be beholden to this society's standards or bills. A clean slate! You could be who you truly want to be!"
The more she talked the more Karl fought the urge to roll his eyes. But ultimately she was pretty harmless. Just an old lady who lived alone who was probably experiencing signs of dementia.
"I can show you the way if you're willing. Tonight at midnight! Bring any supplies you deem necessary and some good shoes and a jacket."
"Um OK sure. Thanks..." he backed away and swiftly closed his apartment door. She was batshit but what the hell, he didn't have anything to lose and nothing else better to do. Maybe it was some whacky seance or a hike through a cemetary.
Just before the visit he downed some coffee before packing a bag with a canteen and some snacks, along with layers and his old hiking shoes. He hoped it didn't bore him to death.
"What is your name by the way?"
"Artemis. Now let me free you!" She beckoned him to a door and flicked it open, revealing a shimmering mirror of sorts. It was beautiful but Karl felt the hair rise on the back of his neck. What a strange set up and it looked so real! A lot of effort for some worthless old spinster...
"So...what is this?"
"A special doorway but I should warn you it is a one way trip. There will be no second chance to change your mind once you go through."
Karl blinked as his curiosity became anxiety. The lady was focused and eager and she suddenly didn't seem so weak.
"Ok I was playing along but I'm not going through anything! It's a prank isn't it? You drop a bucket on my head and film my reaction and all that fucking shit, right?"
"Actually no, it's not a prank. Nothing will be dropped on you." Her eyes shifted to lavender and her nails sharpened.
"But I need to hold up an agreement!"
She shoved him through with shocking strength, cackling. Karl fell through the warping magic before he could scream only he couldn't even breathe! The pressure in his chest didn't last and he sprawled onto the floor of some huge room. Dark polished wood, grand paintings of things with grey skin and he felt a sensation of being watched.
Karl looked up and a very tall figure in black and gold robes stood over him, arms neatly folded. It was smiling at him, flashing teeth no human should have. It had the same grey skin as the artwork and Karl scooted away. What the fuck, this was all some sort of stupid over the top joke!
"Thank you Artemis!" It gave a low laugh and Karl's stomach dropped. He leaped to his feet and went to run but toothed bear trap like horrors emerged from the floor, jutting up and snapping shut; almost getting his leg.
He was scared shitless and mightily confused but the old woman had not lied about the excitement. Be careful what you wish for you stupid fuck!! Karl snarled to himself as he dodged another attack and bolted off down a hallway.
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Road to Her part 2 — based on Titans 2018
Warning miscarriage, smut again, and it’s kinda long
The second time it happened was because a of mission that went side ways; or what we thought was a mission.
It started on my birthday, well since Tamaran and Earth solar systems count days and year’s differently, it the day that Dick refers to as my Earth birthday. I woke later slightly later then usual because Dick had kept me up late with what called an “early birthday gift” in the form of multiple orgasams. It had been a few months since the miscarriage and we had only just started to have sex again. Though we had filled that gap with talking, we both found sex to be a great stress reliever.
Dick had me pulled tight agains his chest, still asleep and with him being able to wale at the slightest change, I don’t want to move away. We always slept more on my side of the bed, Dick could be a clingy sleeper him claiming that he loved my natural warmth I gave off more than it being the love we shared. But it being closer to my side table was just better for when Dick slept later than I did, I could reach for my phone and wait for him to wake up. I always felt bad waking him when he doesn’t get enough sleep.
As I reached for my phone there was a purple envelope propped up with my name written in gold in Dick’s handwriting. I grabbed it and turned it over to find a note: I wanted to be the first to give you a gift but please wait until I’m up to open this. With love, Dick.
“Well than,” I said to myself and started to get out of the bed.
“Kory,” Dick said sleepily at the suddenly movement. “ is everything alright?”
“Yes. Everything is fine, just going to the bathroom.” Sorry not sorry.
I did a shorten version of my morning routine and when I came out Dick was sitting up leaning against the headboard smirking, as he fanned himself with the purple envelope.
“This wouldn’t happened to be why you abruptly decided to get up would it?” Dick asked.
“Maybe, but you said to wait and after the work out we had last night I don’t know how much longer you be sleeping.”
I crawled over him on the bed before sitting up, with my legs on either side his, straddling him; one of his hand resting on my thigh as the other held my gift.
“Can I open it now?” I asked reaching for it.
“After what you just did? I don’t think so,” he replied.
I leaned in for a kiss, stopping just short of our lips meeting, “I’m sorry but why did you set it out if you wanted me to to wait?” I countered.
“I wanted to explain the gift a little, it’s 2 parts. This is the first and I thought it’d better if I said that before you opened it and had to fake a thank you. Or worse you went and said something to Donna and she called to yell at me.”
I kissed him then wrapping my arms around his neck because it was sweet how much though he had put into this gift.
“Wait,” I said pulling away, “ You thought I’d complain to Donna or Rachel before I said something to your face it the gift was crappy?”
“No but when they ask what I got you, they might think its something that it’s not. And I would’ve told them but I wanted to this on my own because you deserve it.”
“Well Grayson, that’s so sweet.”
“Happy Earth Birthday Kory,” Dick in between kisses and holding the last one.
The kiss get deeper as he rolls me onto my back and makes his way down until he’s between my thighs and pushing them open for him. He keeps eye contact as he licks between my folds and I shiver.
“Fuck Dick!” I say because that was hot.
“Your other gift from me is this but this is also for me,” he simply states and goes back to eating my wet pussy.
I grab a fist full of hair and pull him closer, who am I to object to this because he sure as fuck knows what his doing down there. Alternating between suck my clit and lips hard then soft, making them swell for later pleasures.
“Dick, that feels so good. Yes! Like that right there!” I pant, “Can’t take it.”
He’s solely focus on my licking my clit starting hard but slow. Building up that release and has me close to begging.
“Fuuuccck, Dick make me cum.”
He starts to suck on my clit but not hard enough for my release.
I cave “Please, I need to cum.”
I knew he was hold back because fuck my back arches off the bed, my feet plant bringing my hips up closer to Dick faces.
I’m lost in my haze I don’t how Dick manage to roll us and I’m now sitting on my face. Him licking away at my release and seeming to himself. As I try to catch my breaths, I try to push off him but his arms lock around my waist and pull me back onto his face as he sucks on my pussy lip again.
“Keep going then,” I say. Leaning forward to grab the headboard and ride his face. Dick’s grip loosens and is just as talented in this position.
No words just sounds escape my mouth from the way he’s eating me out right now, and has me cumming on his face for the second time this morning. I roll off him easily breaking his grip this time because I need a moment to breath.
He rolls over onto his knees, licking his mouth as he watch me catch my breath.
“I hope you like the present I got you as much the ones your getting now,” he says.
“You’re to have to wait until I get both before I decide.”
He pulls at my legs so I’m no longer leaning on the headboard but right below him. He opens my legs without resistance and lines up.
“Look forward to hearing the verdict,” he says.
I laugh a little, wrapping my legs around him so know that I want him in me. He’s slow and steady at first but as he speeds up and pushes into me harder he leans forward for a kiss steal the noises of pleasure his giving me.
Breaking the kiss he begins to whisper in my ear, “I love you Kory. Fuck, I’ve loved since that first training session and that has done nothing but grow.”
I came after that, Dick shortly after and I was sensitive that the feel his release had me cum again. I was too spent to get up so Dick went and got a cloth to clean us up. The short moment he was gone I was so content with the after glow, I started to actually glow when Dick noticed he smiled.
“Once you stop glowing and can walk we should go out for a birthday brunch,” he said.
“I can walk but waiting until after the glow is smart,” I retorted.
After brunch we wondered into an art gallery Dick had pointed out on the wall back to the tower. The space was large with bright lights and gave a cheery feeling, it made me question of this had been a random stop on my our walk. They were giving out champagne and Dick and I took a glass, sipping as we made our way around the gallery.
“This art is interesting,” I said to Dick.
“Is it similar to the art on Tamaran, in any way?” He asked
“Some of the paintings, like the landscape that just model what’s being painted. On Tamaran there’s many landscapes and Royal portrait around the palace, and a few head sculptures. I don’t recall other much of the art found in non royal places.”
With that sad thought I finished off my drink and headed to the bathroom, Dick followed.
“Kory, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you sad,” he said before I made it through the door.
“You didn’t, I promise,” I said.
When I came out Dick was waiting with a glass of water, some snacks and a smile.
“Is this for me?” I asked smiling.
He nodded, “I want to put the smile back.”
I kissed him on the cheek, squeezing his arm and the water before we continued on our. We made it about 4 paintings before Dick had to run but to the bathroom, releasing he never actually went.
I continue on my own at his request. The next painting that reminded me of the Vegas star system. I could feel the smile spreading across my face.
“Beautiful piece isn’t it?”
I turned to find a short thin man with dark brown un kept hair, in a rumpled grey shirt and khaki.
“Yes,” I agreed trying to both not be rude and also ignore the man.
“It’s a shame the artist didn’t follow model it after earth’s galaxy. Would’ve been better don’t think you?” He trying to continue the conversation.
“All galaxies have their beauty,” I said countering.
“But our is the best, wouldn’t you say? That why all these outsider come here,” his tone getting rude.
I gave him a contempt smile and tried to walk away from this xenophobic conversation but the man grabbed my arm.
“Earth is the best planet and all these outsiders are changing it!” he said voice rising.
“Sir let me go,” I said firmly.
“Say it. Say you agree with me,” he demand.
He seemed to have to no intention of dropping his hand, so I dropped him instead. I toasted my arm up to break his hold and gave him a shove, harder then I meant, as he tumbled back he fell into a server.
“YOU,” he shouted from the ground.
Staff came from every direction to help the 2 up from the ground. Security asking if everybody was alright and what happened.
“I was just discussing art and she pushed me out of the way,” he claimed.
“I was looking at this painting and he came up to me started making xenophobic comments, and when I tried to leave he grabbed and wouldn’t let go,” I stated.
Dick came out of nowhere and was helping the server, a young woman, to get back on her feet before coming to my side.
“She telling the truth,” the server said, “I was walking around saw her alone at the painting and saw the plate she was holding. I went to get from her but someone stopped me for a drink and when I turned back the 2 of them were there. She didn’t look like she liked the conversation and when she went to leave he grabbed her.”
A staff woman who looked like she was charge, touch her and pointed to man and than to the door. Security quick grabbed hold of the man and he was whisked out the door.
“I’m so sorry miss?”
“You can call me Kory.”
“Miss. Kory. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
“No it wasn’t your fault.”
“We’ll if that changes please let me know,” she turned and focused on Dick, “Mr. Grayson I’m so glad I got to see you again. You forgot to check off whether you wanted to pick up your art or want it delivered.”
I looked to Dick confused. “Dick what is she talking about?”
“Mr. Grayson here purchased the painting here, Among the Stars, for his girlfriend as a birthday present isn’t that sweet? He described her as his North Star. However the painting has to stay in the gallery for another week to complete the collection.”
Dick cleared his throat and he stepped closer to me, as the woman looked at us for the first time.
“Oh is this …?” she trailed off as Dick nodded.
“Did I ruin …? I am so sorry! I had meant to call you this afternoon but since you’re here I thought, again so sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he assured her and turned to me, “I meant for you to open the bill of sale this morning but we got distracted. And since we were passing the gallery I thought I’d show you the painting and see if I picked one you liked. Do you like it?”
“I love it Dick,” kissing his cheek.
“So,” the woman said, “Pick up or Delivery?”
“Delivery and please call before it leaves?”
“I will make a note. Thank you your business and again sorry about the surprise,” she said and left.
“This is so sweet Dick. It reminds of the Vega’s galaxy.”
“That was the hope. I know you’ve felt a bit lost over the past few month about losing the baby, and that when we have a baby you won’t be able to share some of the things from Tamaran you love. So when I came across this painting while looking for a gift I thought, maybe when you look at this you could feel like you’re in both places,” he said.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard say this much outside of speeches before mission. I felt my eyes start to tear up.
Dick phone chimed as I was about to respond.
“This better be an emergency,” he grumbled. As he read it his smiled returned. “Did you see everything you wanted?”
“Yes, why?”
“You’re final birthday surprise was just confirmed.”
“Another gift?” I asked. Dick said nothing as he led us to the door and back to the tower.
Dick had been silently refusing to answer my questions about the surprise gift. As the door opened I stepped out to him blocking his path.
“Dick what is this surprise? You’ve already given me an amazing painting, a lovely brunch, and 4 or-”
He cut me off with a kiss and started walking me backwards through the short hallway before spinning me around.
“SURPRISE!!!” They all shouted.
Rachel, Gar, Tim, Donna, Connor and Krypto were all standing under a banner that read Happy Earth Birthday Kory! in purple and gold paint.
“You guys,” was all I could say. They all vaguely claimed to be busy to this weekend to celebrate when I had asked them. Yes I’d been a little disappointed and grew to love the idea of celebrating birthdays the way earth does, with just close family and friends.
This was the first time we had all been together in awhile. The first couple of months when they found out about losing the baby, they each stopped by to check in with Dick and I. I swear Dick and Donna created a schedule, someone was there every few days but I’m glad Dick got just as much support that he was giving me, and Donna got a break from our grief.
“So what we’re saying about the gifts you’ve already received?” Gar teased.
“Oh! Dick just showed me the painting he found that looks like the Tamarean star system Vega. For the times I might be a little home sick.”
“Who knew Dick could be so sweet,”’ Connor continued to tease bumping Gard shoulder.
“Be more like Kory and you’d know,” Dick countered, “but she one of s kind. So I guess you’re out of luck.”
“I got to add an Amazonian flower to my greenhouse,” I said, “and it’s been thriving for 3 weeks.”
Recapping my earth birthday celebration to my alien gardening group. There were 6 of us who meet up monthly to discuss our experiences with gardening plant from our home world and Earth plants.
Last year for my birthday Connor had brought us to this Out of this World bar he learned was an alien focused place during his time with Superman. Often found in many cities if you knew where to look. They respect the age requirement of the person home world, so they would o my serve Dick, Donna, and I but allowed to Rachel, Gar, and Tim. Connor put up a bit of an argument stating that he was also Kryptontian but he still didn’t meet their age requirement.
“Sound like these Earth Birthdays are something but I still think how they count their ages weird,” Abby states, “only basing on the revolution of the sun. And not including moon cycles is just odd.”
“It’s not too late to change it, they’ve changed it before,” joked Mayx.
“I’m going to get another drink, before I have to rehash this debate again,” I say as I get up and suddenly feel a dizzy and grab the back of the booth.
“You alright Kory?” Hailee asks.
“Maybe you should just get some water?” Ciree suggests.
“I’m fine but waters probably a good idea.”
As I make my way to bar for some water I text Dick asking him to pick me up early.
“Hey, Kory another round?”
“Just a glass of water please Mike.”
He sets my water down on a napkin with some writing on it: another 2 heat based.
I nod as I drink my water and spill some in the counter, snugging his message. “I’m so sorry Mike I’m not what’s wrong with me today.”
“Trust water is the best thing that can be spilled on this counter,” he jokes.
I close out my tab and head back to my gardening group, “I’m going head out as soon as Dick gets here.”
“Well since your golden retriever just walked in have a good night,” Abby teases as she give Dick a nod hello.
“You really should join us one this nights Dick,” Mayx suggests.
“Thanks but since I’ve killed a cactus, I think I’m a lost cause,” Dick reply’s, “beside this is Kory’s space not mine.”
I stand leave and again feel dizzy, I grab onto Dick arm and he immediately grips me arms to steady me.
“Kory?” he worries.
“I’m alright,” I says after a moment, “just got a little dizzy again.”
“Again?” He asks.
“I just got a little dizzy earlier, but I’ll be fine. I’m going to lay down when we home.”
“Ok, let’s go,” he says leading with his arm around my waist to the car.
“That’s all the information I got: 2 more aliens with heat based abilities have gone missing,” I tell Dick the next morning over coffee. He’s been hovering all morning, still worried and even suggesting we call Dr. Haz’le but I feel fine today.
“Maybe we should look at the security footage from where the others last know locations we’ll see something different this time,” I suggest, “or we can go there and see if we find something new?”
“Are you feeling up to that?”
“Dick, I swear to X’hal if you ask me that one more time,” I talk a deep breathe. “You what know I’m going to stay here and monitor security and test heat signatures . Maybe will get an idea of how these guys are hiding them.”
I make my way towards the door not waiting for a argument.
“Kory maybe I should go, it could be a trap. You’re an alien with heat based abilities, similar to those that have gone missing not because I don’t think you can handle yourself,” Dick states.
“Nice try Grayson, that’s the exact reason I should go and if it is a trap I have total faith that you’d find me,” I says with a smile.
“Absolutely not!”
“It’s just recon Dick. We can have the team on standby.”
“Or I go with you and the team can track us both and if something happens they can be there within second.”
“Fine, we’ll both go.”
Gar and Rachel were excited to do a mission with us but after explaining they’d be monitoring security and heat readings as backup they were less excited.
“Alright we have your locations,” says Gar through the coms, “Kory have we ever checked your thermal imaging before, cause your off the charts right now.”
“Let me see,” Rachel says, “Gar’s right. Remember a few years ago at Star labs, they checks and it was nowhere near this level.”
“Korys alway been hot,” Dick says, “ Now can we focus, one of these stores must be used to vet for what they’re looking for.”
We walk down the street like a couple looking to do some shopping, I reach for Dick hand.
“That being alien with heat abilities, and why were using Kory as bait,” Rachel commented.
“Yes,” I say the same time Dick says “No.”
“Korys not bait, this is recon only,” Dick firmly states holding the door of our third store.
“We’ll don’t you the two of you make a lovely couple!” a cheery store lady says pulling a clips from behind her back, “my name is Glenda. Now before we get started I just have a few questions: what days the wedding?”
We’ve walked into a bridal shop.
“We haven’t picked one yet, we’re looking to get some estimates before deciding on the budget of attire,” response quickly. Touching Dick shoulder hoping he’ll snap out of whatever state he’s in.
“We’ve lost visual. Thermal scans show at least 5 people in the building,” Rachel tells us through chuckles.
“Alright,” she notes rapidly fire the questions from her list “what styles would you prefer?”
“I … I don’t know.”
“Would you be open to colours other then white?”
“Do you want your bridesmaids in a similar style and how many do you have?”
“No and maybe 3?”
“Is there a chance that your pregnant?”
“Um,” I say at the touchy topic.
“Is there a way we can just look around and let you know what we like to answer these questions,” Dick asks as he squeezes my hand.
“Of course please come find me when you’re ready.”
We make our way to some racks and pretend to shift through them.
“Hey, are you okay?” Dick asks.
“Yeah, the question just through me,” I says.
The lights flickered just then.
“Sorry about that folks, old building couldn’t handle the power surges like it used to,” Glenda calls. “Please enjoy some of the complimentary champagne.”
“Was that a power surge?” dick asks Gar and Rachel.
“Looks like it was something. I’ll keep looking into it,” Gar said.
I flipped through some more dresses with Dick, and Glenda came over with a flute of champagne and hand each of us one. Pulling the clipboard from under arm preventing any chance of protest she asks, “So find any styles you like?”
“This one,” I say pulling out the in my hand.
“Ah the ball gown is popular with those that wish to look like a princess on their wedding day. Cheers,” she says looking at our full glasses.
Dick and I look at each and take a snip. Glenda looks directly, “now why don’t you pick a few more you like before try them on and get a feel for them. I’ll be back in a few minutes for the other dresses, and let me know when your ready for a refill.”
“Thank you Glenda,” I say taking another sip the champagne.
“Gar can we get an update on that power surge?” Dick ask.
There’s no answer as I fake interest in a few more dress, pulling them and having Dick look at them.
“Let’s look at some them over by the window,” I say, hoping we can get in touch with Gar and Rachel. Dick follows behind me.
As we reach the rack, I stumble a little lightheaded. Dick catches me and leads me over to a black viewing couch.
“Is she alright?” Glenda asked appearing behind Dick.
“Kory, hey look at me,” he says., “keep you’re eyes open.”
I try to force them open to look at him, but they’re so heavy. The last thing I see is the worry in Dick’s eyes.
“Kory, Kory. Wake up, please wake up,” I says gently shaking her shoulders. I reach for her neck to get a pulse and take breath feeling its still there.
As I reach around for my phone to call Gar and Rachel, I don’t know why the com aren’t working, I feel a sting in my arm.
“What the fuck?” asking Glenda as I jerk away from the needle she jammed in my arm but she’s already pushed down the syringe.
“Thank you for bringing her to us. We’ll take it from here,” she states, “ move aside.”
I stand, moving in front of Kory, “she’s not going anywhere with you.”
“I think she is. We tend to water down the dosage with champagne but since you didn’t drink enough to affect you. That shot to your arm wasn’t as watered down,” Glenda says.
“Take me in her place,” I says, my words slurring a bit. Where are Gar and Rachel?
“Sadly you cannot provide what we want from her,” she shaking her head.
“Wwhhat … do you … wannnt with her?” I says watching her coworkers for any movement I won’t let them take her.
“Doesn’t matter you won’t be awake long enough.”
She’s right, I can’t stay awake anymore, I fall to ground against my will; my body and brain not listening as I scream at it to move to protect Kory.
“Dick, WAKE UP,” I hear Rachel scream.
I felt as if I was shocked, “where’s Kory?”
Rachel and Gar were front of me, Gar spoke “We don’t know. Whoever these people are, they mirrored heat signatures during the supposed power surge and had two people shift into you two, and leave the store and disappear.”
“Korys heat signature, you said it was off the charts. Can we track it?”
“It’s gone. After we’d tried to fix the coms and calling you a few times but nothing was going through. I’m sorry did but they must’ve taken her to wherever the others are to hide it,” Rachel tells me.
“How’d to find me?” I ask.
“Bruce’s tracker gave us the area, his sense of smell,” pointing to Gar “and me sensing you we found you. We’re about 5 block away from the store we lost sight of you,” Rachel says.
I move to get up, and head in the directions back to the store to get answers.
“How long was out?”
“Couple hours,” Gar says.
“So they couldn’t have gone far,” I say, “but they must’ve headed under ground. Likely the only way to hide abnormal heat signatures.”
“Where are you going? Cause we’re going to need information about who took her and a plan to get her back,” Rachel reasons.
Gar grabs my shoulder, “Connor and Donna are back at the tower doing a speedy deep dive into the stores background. We can make a plan with what they’ve found and you can tells us what happened before we found you.”
I stop understanding his reasoning.
“We’ll get her back Dick,” Rachel says. I nod at there words, knowing Kory would want us to make a plan before trying to save her.
Rachel creates a portal for us, something she learned since being more accepting of her powers, and we walk into the tower.
Donna and Connor turn to us, Donna comes over and squeezes me in a tight a hug, “we’ll get her back Dick.”
“Here’s what we found: the business is obviously a front, only been there a few months, but according to the satellite images the building has advanced tech built into it,” Connor tells us. “The building can mirror bodies to make it appear that people are still there when they’re not and shapeshifters wearing that same tech can model people leaving. And the walls are lined with lead.”
“The mirroring only works temporarily and takes a huge amount of power. The building essentially has there own power grid to maintain that, so wherever they’ve taken Kory and the others likely are far,” Donna says.
“They’re probably underground to and using their tech to hide heat signatures,” I say.
“That’s what we were thinking,” Donna agrees. “Before Gar left he suggested we use Bruce’s satellite to pull up previous thermal image of the missing aliens, scan the areas around the store to see if we can weed out how they’re hiding them.”
“Did you find any of them?” Rachel asks.
“We didn’t find but when we looked for Kory’s we found something,” Connor said looking to Donna.
“What?” I ask.
“Korys heat signatures were off the charts today,” Donna continued “so we looked back to see if this has been consistent for her.”
“Guessing by that sentence, Kory’s s has spike recently,” Gar says.
“Yes,” Donna says, looking at me until I make eye contact, “and this spike also happened a few months ago Dick. We’re pretty sure they’ve been monitoring Kory, more her powers, for awhile and when they saw this spike again, they wanted to know the how and why.”
“Fuck,” I say.
I wake up with a killer head ache and realize I can’t move my arms or legs.
“Good your awake!” That cheer voice says, “now if you could answer some brief questions we can get started.”
I turn to look at the voice, it’s Glenda from that shop Dick and I were searching for clues to the missing aliens. So I guess we found it.
“Where’s Dick?” I ask.
“He’s not of importance,” she says brushing off my question, “now a few months ago we noticed a spike in your heat signature and when you use your fire abilities. The spike lasted for a few weeks then dropped, and recently spiked again. Can you tell me why?”
“How long have you been watching me?”
“Please answer the question. If you don’t know the answer we’ll have run every test to find the answer.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say and begin to pull at my restraints and met with a painful zap.
“Please refrain from doing that and tell me why there has been a spike in you abilities,” she says tapping away on tablet.
“There’s been no spike,” I say, pulling again and met with a stronger zap. “Fuck! Why does it matter to you?”
“Because,” says a male voice, “these spikes have been reported in other galaxies just before a star dies and kills every planet in a supernova.”
“You,” I says. It’s the short guy from the art gallery who ruined my earth birthday surprise from Dick.
“Starfire, if you do not know the cause of these reading,” he continues “you should be working with us to helps us prevent you from going supernova and killing everyone on the planet.”
“Does it looks like I’m dying?” I ask annoyed.
“We understand that Tamaraneans have a longer life span than human and looks can be deceiving. So maybe this is what your people do to save your planet; leave to live out your last few years on another, and keep Tamara’s safe from dying stars.”
“That is the stupidity fucking thins I’ve ever heard,” I say. I get zapped again as I pull on my restraints.
“You should stop that. The table and restraints are designed to administer a shock when it sense resistance. And the shocks will only increase each time, including when it sense your abilities,” he informs me.
“And what gives you the confidence that you know my abilities well enough to know this room can hold me?” I say, my eyes and skin starting to glow with starfire because now I’m pissed.
He looks to Glenda and nods.
The next shock feels more like a tickle but it’s cold and it’s that cold that’s painful.
“I used to work for Mr. Luther before his death on Project Starfire. During that time I learned a lot about about you and once that project was completed, Mr. Luther asked me to continue researching you. Wondering if your power could rival that of Superman, work I’ve continued to work on for about the past 2 years, without any notable change until the last 5 months. Now tell me what changed?”
“I don’t know,” I say keeping my face neutral.
I was pregnant five months ago, and I realize I’m pregnant again, that’s what the changes have been. However they’ve been monitoring me, they must have detect it.
“I don’t appreciate lying Miss. Anders,” he says coldly, using my name for the first time. He walks over to Glenda and takes the tablet out of her hand and presses a few keys.
I’m hit with that cold shock again, this time longer and I scream.
“Now tell me what changed to cause the spikes?” he says calmly.
“Fuck you.”
“Set the shock to run for 3 minutes intervals every 15 minutes and see how her abilities react. Increase the interval to 5 minutes in an hour. If she won’t tell us we’ll run every test we’ve run on the others until we see the change,” he tells Glenda.
“But sir, the others didn’t survive all the tests,” Glenda states.
Dick and the team will find us, speaking silently to myself and our baby, we just have to hold until then.
“She will,” he states as they leave the room and the shocks start.
It likely wouldn’t be long before they learn Kory was pregnant with them looking for possible changes to her body to cause energy spikes.
I would do anything to get Kory and put baby back and I warned the team of this before we left the tower.
The team and I cut the power to the store and entered through the back. There were at least 3 employees, all of whom were there when Kory was taken, and we took them by surprise quickly. Rachel, Donna, and I spoke to them while Gar, Gar, and Tim who was for caught up on our way there, searched for clues.
“Now you can tell us where Kory nicely or one of my friend here is going to take the information,” I tell them.
“She’s dangerous right now but we’re going to help her. She needs to be with us,” one lady says.
“Dangerous?” Rachel asks.
“Her abilities are unstable, spiking and dropping in the past couple of months. She could kill the planet,” another lady says.
“Where is she?” I ask again trying to be patient but when it comes to Kory’s safety that has never been my strong suit.
“She must be stabilize,” the First Lady states.
“Hey I think I found something,” Gar calls.
“Stay on them,” I tell Donna and Rachel.
I make my way over to Gar, Tim, and Connor hovered over a tablet moving along the back wall.
“What is it?”
“There’s something behind the wall but there’s also something in the wall that were not sure happen if just created an opening,” Gar says.
“How long would it take to find the opening?” I ask anxiously.
“We don’t know,” Tim answers.
“We can’t wait for uncertainty,” I turn to ask Rachel to pull the information from the women’s mind, “Raven.”
I hear Rachel say “No” as the ground begins to shake. I grabbed the counter to catch my balance.
When the shaking stops I look back the guys and look towards Donna and Rachel. Donna is holding Rachel up, she looks like she in pain and when she looks at me I know it’s not her pain she feels but Kory’s.
“No,” I whisper back.
After an hour and a half of their shocks I feel it. That same pain I felt when I lost our baby the first time, my eyes start to tear.
I let the pain of losing her and the pain of the shock flow through me, combining it with my anger at this lab what they’ve done. I call my all my Starfire needing to let this pain and anger out, the pain for losing my baby again is overwhelming.
The explosion is a mini supernova; breaking my restraints and burning everything in the lab. I roll off the table, hugging myself and let the tears fall freely for how long I’m not sure.
“Kory? Kory!?” I hear familiar voices calling my name and start to get up. Making my way through the burned lab leaning against the wall as I go.
She’s the first one I see. Dick is right behind her, he pushing past to her and I fall into him, his arms wrapping tightly around me.
“Dick!” I cry into his shoulder.
“I got you. I got you Kory,” he says into my ear.
“Dick I,” I pull away to look into his eyes, I have to tell him “I … I was.”
Looking down I see one of my arms is still hugging my torso. Dick places a hand on my arm and I look up at him.
“I know,” he tells me, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”
“While searching for you we’d figured it out and Rachel felt your pain,” he says, “the same pain as before.”
I look towards the rest of the team, a mix of relief and sadness across their faces.
“Let’s go home,” Dick says standing pulling me up with him. When we’re standing me pick me up into his arms.
“Clear any of the remaining hard drives, and set up a virus’s for any computer that tries to access the files remotely,” he tells the rest of team as we leave.
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questionablepastries · 9 months
Wahoo I beat armored core (just now now!) thoughts below (and spoilers of course)
I can’t believe they made me fight an upgraded balteus lmao but what balteus wasn’t ready for was an upgraded ME 😈
Good game! Visually very very pretty to look at, mentally I’m clapping a lot at the credits rn lol
And the choices the game made me do lol aaaaaghhh. I almost considered putting the game down for the day when it asked me to betray carla. Same thing with eliminating G1 Michigan, only because I thought VIII Pater was my friend (turns out he’s sick in da head!! Scary guy. Really lives up to his AC name “dual nature” whew) less messed up arquebus members the better. In the end I went with ayre all the way but not because I like ayre but because of 2 things
1) carla she did try to kill me once (she made up for it by saving my ass out of prison tho)
2) (the more important reason why I sided with Ayres idea) — who knows what the ecosystem of the planet would be like with the complete removal of coral, not to mention coral is semi sentient so it’d be like super massacre if I went with Carla (and Walters) idea of destroying it all. ALSO, the destruction of the giant space ship crashing into that coral harvesting place, like what would life be like for the rubiconians? Even worse? Nobody has their interests in minds bc as far as they’re concerned they’re always caught in the middle of some corporation war, so if I sided with Carla it’d be adding fuel to that corporation war fire :(
Like ayre says at the end though, I’m sure we can avoid a fires of ibis situation 2.0 if we work really hard together. 621 is a human that didn’t lose their mind completely after contact with coral voices and maybe it has to do with the fact that they’re a fourth generation human (since the later generations worked out the kinks of not having to hear coral anymore)
Also. During the very sad heartbreaking (for me) killing carla mission, do u know how excited I was to beat the shit out of snail lmao
After reading that his augmentations were only perfected thanks to who knows how many innocent deaths, and his mind re-education shenanigans I’ve hated his ass since DAY ONE. Even IF he’s a sassy funny guy
Ok the ps just told me the trophy for this ending is called liberator of rubricon. Whatever ending that is lol idk what ppl are calling it
God I already miss Walter why’d they make me kill him too lol
ON THAT NOTE I MISS RUSTY I THINK WALTER MAY HAVE KILLED HIM. I’m gonna stick to anime rules for this one and that’s “no body seen no death” yup rusty is still out there (<- copium)
Oh wow ok I guess NG+ just starts like that huh, that’s ok w me I’ll do a NG+ run just to see the other endings, they better not make me actually kill rusty tho that’d break my heart more than it did to take out carla and chatty : (
Also pvp is fun but I’m ok at it lol I keep losing a ton but I’ve had a couple of close matches and won like 4 matches so far
Oh right about snail tho, back in the Carla mission? I was talking mad shit while fighting him like “I ALREADY BEAT YOUR DATA IN THE ARENA YOU THINK YOURE HOT SHIT??” that sorta thing. And u know how dissapointed I was that I didn’t kill him right then and there? His ass escaped that ass beating. Don’t matter tho I terminated his ass for good when he was riding that toddler ass upgraded baby chair balteus 2.0
Idk how from soft does it but they keep making these super super climatic boss fights and super fucking awesome attack patterns that are both visually appealing and difficult to evade/survive but when you do it’s like you’re really in the fight in that moment it’s awesome :) this happened with balteus, balteus 2 purple laser moment, and the fuckinnggggg icewormmmm, malenia elden ring comes to mind (alongside demon souls king of storm)
And I can’t believe they got me with the sekiro monkey “it’s not dead! It’s getting up again!” Moment too god damn that flying boss whew, sad the game wouldn’t let me use that boss’ sweet ass wings as a part to equip :(
Rusty really warmed up to me, initially I was a hater because his ass was always setting me up with these missions that always had an extra lil spice in them meant to kill me or set me up in some way (probably arquebus’ fault) but he…. Waghhhggg………”the first to join” ok cool….ty for being so eager to reunite with me rusty…I honestly thought he was dead after the ice worm mission….and the fucking line he says “there’s only one person who can keep up with me” with 621 in on the comm to listen in on….what are we…….(we’re buddies…)
Great game. And amazing cast of characters, like maybe it’s the voice acting that really nailed it but for me to care about a bunch of people (g1 Michigan…..) that you never actually see in game and only hear is wild lol
I do not care for ayre tho. I’m sorry I’m a hater, she always said some common sense stuff like “remember to dodge” baby we been on how many missions together now please. If she was a deep voiced lady I would’ve been on my hands and knees tho, and if she had a male voice I’d be even worse lol
Cortana ass!!!! Anyways cutest ayre moment was 621 and her watching these giant nuke missles hit a massive structure and she’s like (cutely) “they’re really like fireworks” & I had to laugh and be like we gotta get u some real fireworks ayre they don’t look like this gsvdvdvd
Right and do u know how much I was pogging when the fake raven or Rather the Real Raven showed up??? Damn what was that guys situation about and their handler too? Hmmmmm (dlc potential?)
Fun ass game! Slow start but momentum wise it keeps speeding up and then the end is like WHAM did ya like it and I gotta be like YEAH. I DID. Now I have the urge to play the other endings in ng+ since my AC is geared the fuck up to handle anything I feel like. Kinda wish the pacing at the start stayed the whole way as in slow pacing the entire game with the game letting me kill more shounen protagonist types lol (although that would mean killing ppl like Rusty hmmm my sadism for wanting more murder of naive protagonist types and love for rusty is like oil and water when it comes to that idea lol)
One complaint tho just one, the ost can be somewhat lacking. It has its moments tho!! There’s like 3 tracks that really kill it, and they’re at important moments too. Iceworm, balteus 2.0/snail showdown, and Carla fight are good. The rest went over my head tho sowwy
Now that I’ve achieved credits in this game im a certified armored core fan (even tho this is my first one) and I’m glad this game is getting attention! I really hope they release more AC games bc this kicked ass, maybe they can take a break before taking that on though, because every single mission is pretty breath taking visually, and MASSIVE in terms of sheer size sometimes like damn. Lots of love!
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