#but its just. idk. everyone wants to water their crops and no one wants to think about others
minglana · 1 year
it finallyyyyyyyyy rained a bit oh my god. its so despairing to hear everyone talk about how little water we're gonna have in the summer
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gretavanlace · 2 years
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Baby Doll
Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, language, alcohol consumption, dirty talk, praise, choking, degradation, use of derogatory terms, masturbation, penetration with a foreign object, etc...idk, this one won’t be for everyone
* Sending a little wink to these lovely anons who planted this filthy seed *wink* *wink* ❤️💋
“Please?” you beg, lending a sultry edge to your tone as your fists wrap around his jacket so tightly the sequins dig into your palms. “We can be quick. You look so good…this fucking jacket is just…” you trail off, at a lost for words. He is such a stunning specimen, dripping sex and confidence.
“No, baby doll…” he shakes his head and gently unfurls your grip on him. “Last gig I was so late they had to unload everything without us, remember? Josh is still bitching,”
“Josh is always bitching.” you counter, pressing your body flush against his.
His fingertips drag up the outside of your thigh, but stop just short of dipping under your tiny robe. “Is my poor little girl feeling neglected?”
You nod and throw him your best ‘fuck me’ eyes.
“The same little girl that I had bent over the kitchen counter stretched pretty and pink around my dick less than an hour ago?” His hand inches higher, teasing tender pinches into your flesh…voice placid and relaxed, as if he’s floating in a hammock, basking in the afternoon sun.
Again, you merely nod as your hands find his jacket once more. He looks so mouth-watering in the cropped, glittering shrug found in a thrift shop, undoubtedly donated after the death of an eccentric great aunt. How?
“Greedy...” he breathes, the word falling warm against your neck. “and spoiled. Fucking greedy and spoiled.”
“Yes…” it’s barely a word, hardley a response at all…more of a broken wisp of a moan.
“Well,” his lips are now pressed just below your ear as he sings a soft melody to you. “You can’t always get what you want.”
“Jacob.” you huff in mild annoyance. He’s toying with you and you have little patience for it. “The Beatles are better than the Stones anyway. Shows what you know.”
With a crack on your ass, he points you in the direction of the en suite, a silent order to go get ready. “I won’t listen to such blatant musical blasphemy. I want a divorce.”
“We aren’t even married.” you call over your shoulder with a subtle sway of your hips that you hope might lure him in.
“Okay, I want to marry you, just so I can divorce you.” he’s wandering out of the room, having won this round. “And the shower massager stays in its cradle while you’re in there, baby. We don’t have time for your antics.”
“Well look who decided to grace us with a timely arrival for once.” Josh nudges Danny with his elbow, arms struggling around a box overflowing with tangled wires.
Jake skirts around him and hauls out a mic stand. “Shut up, Josh. It was one time, alright? Let it go.”
Sammy appears out of nowhere, as he so often does, looking like he just stretched his way out of a cat nap, slender fingers wrapped around a sweating White Claw. “Yeah, but you didn’t even help!” he jumps in straight away, siding with Josh. “We had to drag everything in – that place had stairs, by the way, and…”
“Samuel,” Danny interjects, dropping a kiss hello upon your cheek before turning to his friend. “You did fuck all besides stand around and complain about the heat.”
“Lies!” Sam shakes his head vehemently and waves off the accusation. “I also got that girl's number.”
“Ah, yes…” Josh nods. “That was very helpful to the rest of us. Thank you, little brother.”
“Welcome.” Sammy shrugs, gracefully dragging the case that bolsters his bass out of the back of the van, before vanishing through the bar’s backdoor.
“Here, let me help.” you reach forward, searching for a box or case in need of carrying, determined to make yourself useful, but Jake puts a quick stop to it.
“My girl isn’t a roadie.” he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in for a chaste kiss.
“You’re right.” you agree, leaning in to kiss him back. “You guys don’t have those.”
“Someday.” he smiles. “You know what we do have though? Perks.”
“Oooh,” you sigh as if the very idea has caused a swoon. “Perks?”
“That’s right, baby. One free drink for each member of the band…and I’m gonna let you have mine.”
A feigned shiver of delight quickly turns very real when he nuzzles your neck. “A free drink?”
“That’s right.” his teeth nip into your earlobe, then he whispers in your ear, like pillow talk, “Bottom shelf only.”
He punctuates himself by wiggling his fingers into your hips, laughing when you giggle and shove him off.
Moving to grab you back in, he’s foiled by the brash sound of his twin brother’s voice barking out at him. “Get a goddamn room. Preferably after you help carry this shit in!”
You watch him tug a large black case effortlessly into his grip with one hand, while pushing Josh’s shoulder to knock him off balance with the other, and then head into the bar to round up that free drink.
Now you’re pissed.
Through the first half of the set, you chalked it up to the state you’ve been in all day. You wanted him. Needed him. So of course, everything he did…every minute detail, caught and held your attention. You’re aching for him, so he couldn’t be held responsible for the state he had you in, right?
Wrong. Because as he struts closer to the edge of the tiny stage, and thrusts his hips forward into his guitar, cocking his head to the side as his fingers fly across the frets so rapidly they blur…you know. When his beautiful brown eyes flutter and then flash to yours with a wolfish grin, you long to duck and cover. Whatever he’s cooking up in that devious mind of his won’t be helpful to your current situation.
His eyes never leave yours, and his fingers remain toying with the neck of his Gibson, coaxing pulsing whines and screams out of his amp, as he reaches for the Guiness he’s almost killed. He brings it to his lips, drains the dredges, and then…like the sadistic son of a bitch you know him to be…he drags the bottle slowly down his strings, creating a mournful cry.
Your thighs slam together as a silent moan sounds off inside your head.
Fuck this guy. You think. Haughty, and annoyed, and just so damn hungry for him. Fuck. This. Guy.
The smirk that he tries to hide breaks through and you want to smack him square in his pretty face. You want to fuck yourself on his pretty cock. You want to smack his pretty face while you fuck his pretty cock.
You catch him staring down at your clenched thighs, looking highly pleased with himself. He enjoys the game far too much, but you like to play too. So, in the spirit of sportsmanship, you part those thighs of yours that he’s so smugly inspecting. Just enough that if someone looked closely, they might catch a flash of your panties up your skirt.
Narrowing his stare, his expression burns hot as his jaw flexes firmly to ensure his demand is heeded. Close your fucking legs.
Well, look who can’t take the heat but won’t get his ass out of the kitchen.
Not to be rushed by a man who is clearly attempting to take you apart in the middle of a dive bar, you slowly cross your legs but still manage to show far too much thigh. Oops.
“You know, they say that’s a sign of sexual frustration?” Sammy points down to where you’re picking away at the label of your beer.
The set is long over, and the five of you are now scattered around a pool table as Josh and Jake battle it out, albeit poorly, with sticks in their hands.
You’ve never heard that before. Not surprising, though…Sam is a veritable forest of mostly useless information.
The inventor of Pringles is actually buried in a Pringles can. Rainbows were once called bows of promise. People used to answer the phone “Ahoy” instead of “Hello”.
These facts of his almost always sound made up, but they always check out, and you’ve long since stopped googling to double check him.
“Really.” he confirms grimly before turning his attention to his brother. “Is someone not doing his job, Jacob?”
“I do my job just fine.” Jake’s patience is very obviously wearing thin as he misses the shot he’s been lining up.
“That true, shortcake?” Sammy prods, offering you a conspiratorial wink that Jake can’t see. Let’s stir him up a little, shall we? It seems to say. He also knows his innocent pet name for you, chosen because you’re shorter than even the twins by at least a head, makes you blush.
“Usually.” you sigh, holding Jake’s stare when it catches yours.
“Usually.” Josh laughs infectiously, dragging you right along with him until Jake’s face sets into concrete irritation that seems like it may never dissipate.
Your laughter dies down as he shoves his pool stick into the rack on the wall and stalks toward you. “Your shot.” he points out to his twin, clipped and venomous, eyes still fixed on yours.
His mouth, warm and soft, finds your cheek and then sweeps up languidly. To anyone else, it would look like a sweet, intimate moment between two lovers in the darkness of a hole in the wall pub. In reality…
“Watch yourself, babydoll.” he warns, low and slow against the shell of your ear.
“You watch yourself.” you snap back quietly. “Fuck you and your beer bottle slide. I know what you were doing, whore.”
His head jerks back so his stunned eyes can assess yours. “Did you just…did you really just call me a whore?”
Your spine straightens defiantly with a terse nod. “Yes, I did. Because that’s what you are. Up there on stage trying to make me wet for you. Probably not even just me, probably trying to make everyone in here desperate for this.” Your hand cups his cock through his skin tight jeans, your actions hidden by his body and the corner you happen to be seated in.
“You want that?” he rasps, pressing into your palm.
“I always do.” your continued touch is a challenge, a game of chicken, who will be the first to veer off the road? “Are you gonna give it to me? Or does someone else get it tonight?”
He grabs your chin and guides your line of sight around the sad little bar, filled with no more than a handful of equally sad men staring down into their beers as if reading tea leaves. “See this crowd?” he jerks your face around with mindful authority until you nod.
“This bar could be bursting at the seams with gorgeous, fuckable, women, and you’re still the only one I’d see.” he dips his thumb into your mouth and allows you to suck it, like his favorite little baby, for just a moment before pulling away with a wet pop.
You lean forward slightly, searching…he takes great satisfaction in this. “Look at you, baby doll. Is that sweet mouth lonely?”
A hum through a bite of your bottom lip is your only reply, but he seems to like that just fine. “Maybe I’ll see if I can find you a lollipop.”
“Jakey…” you beg him with your eyes.
“Calm your pretty self down, yeah?” he grins, backing away. “We’ve got all night.”
You hate him. You love him. You love to hate him. In these moments, fuck how you love to hate him.
You’ve spent the remainder of the night digging yourself into a hole, nice and deep.
Smarting off to him, flirting with his brothers, spurning his touch one moment…seeking it out the next. You’ve perched yourself on his lap, moving far more often than necessary, swatting him away when he attempts to hold you still, swatting him away some more when he attempts to make you rock against him.
His cock is throbbing beneath you when the others drift off to put a pinball challenge Danny has set forth into play.
“You feel nice, baby.” you purr, spinning the stir straw in your vodka tonic, which is now mostly ice. “So hard and warm…will you take me into the bathroom and let me feel it, hard and warm, inside?”
You’re staring down at the table, facing away from him, so you aren’t privy to his expression, but you hear the sharp intake of his breath. Then you almost feel the split second decision ripple through him. He isn’t ready to give you your way. Not yet.
“No…” his palms splay out over your thighs. “And shouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself? This bar is filthy, and here you are asking me to take you into the bathroom. Fucking dirty.”
His mouth moves over the dip of your shoulder as he admonishes you. When you move to rise off of his lap, he pulls you back down firmly…a reminder of who is in charge. “You will sit here like a lady and wait patiently until I decide to take you home and ruin you with this cock you want so badly. Plan to wreck that snug little cunt, doll. Gonna fuck it wide open. When I’m good and ready.”
As much as you want to give in and obey him like a servant groveling at the feet of her king, there is a flame of defiance within you that he’s never been able to truly extinguish. Perhaps because he knows you would like it to remain lit. Perhaps because he would like it to remain lit.
Either way, that tiny blue blaze flickers strong in your belly, and you allow it to guide your disobedience.
“No, I will not sit like a lady and wait.” you bite back, sounding much stronger than you actually feel. You move to stand but his hands delve into your hips, dull nails digging into your flesh through your clothes.
“Red.” you speak the word with a delicate hint of sovereignty you don’t actually feel…but you’ll act the part anyway.
His hands rip away so quickly you might as well be on fire. “Sorry…” he murmurs, taking on that strangely formal, yet attractive, tone that only lends itself to his cadence during interviews. Usually. “Sorry, baby doll…fuck, m’sorry.” his mouth is now moving along your neck as his hands grip the table in front of you. He’s being mindful that you can see them.
“Don’t be.” you assure him lovingly. “Just remember your place.”
You watch his knuckles turn white as he clutches at the wood in a quiet frenzy. “Remember my place?” His voice is rumbling thunder, threatening a storm.
You rise off of his lap, immediately mourning the warmth and sturdiness of his body, and turn to kiss his cheek. “I’m going to the bathroom,” you murmur huskily into his ear. “To get off all by myself because you think it’s cute to tease.”
Without waiting for a response, you saunter off with the heat of his gaze lighting your path.
You expect him to follow, to be pressed up against you before you’ve even made it through the door…but you’re able to close and lock it all by your lonesome. You don’t really plan to do anything, you don’t want to take matters into your own hands, you want his hands.
All over you. Grabbing at you, drifting across your flesh, prying your legs apart, slipping inside, filling you, coaxing you closer and closer to that sweet, sweet end. You want to feel the kiss of his rings against you, his hand wrapped around your neck while the other fucks into you until you’ve soaked him, until you’re rolling down his wrist and shivering each time he tucks into that blissful spot inside.
Leaning against the wall, you survey the dingy, cramped little room that smells of cheap air freshener and stale liquor. It’s poorly lit, but, with an annoyed sigh, you lean forward and inspect your makeup in the blurry, smudged mirror. You expected him to come after you, you really did…and the rejection would sting if you didn’t understand that he is every bit as stubborn as you are.
You’re straightening your skirt, preparing to head back out, when a swift knock sounds against the door.
“Just a second.” you call out, feeling inexplicably embarrassed.
Jake’s voice, stern and commanding, responds “Unlock this fucking door.”
You swing it open with a satisfied smirk. He’s hunted you after all. “Hey, Jakey…can I help you?”
In a blink, he has pushed his way into the room and slammed the door shut behind him. Sealing you both into a grimy tomb that is filled with the muffled thumps of a jukebox and sexual tension.
“What makes you think you can misbehave this way?” he asks, walking you backward until you meet the sink. “What could have ever given you the impression that I’d take your bullshit with a smile on my face? Hmm?”
Stunned into silence by his tone, you watch as he swigs at his bottle of beer, downing the last of it before swiping the back of his hand across his plush, pink mouth.
“Asked you a question, baby doll.” He raises your face to meet his own with the neck of his lager hooked beneath your chin. “Answer it.”
“I’m sorry, Jakey.” you pant, airy and full of want. When he gets this way, it’s infatuating. “I didn’t mean to misbehave. I only wanted you to fuck me.” Your hand grazes the fly of his jeans with a soft moan. “Just missed your pretty cock. That’s all.”
His finger finds your lips in a silent ‘shh’ “You most certainly did mean to misbehave, troublemaker. Spreading your legs in a bar full of old men who probably haven’t seen a cunt as tight and pink as yours in years. Sitting on my lap, making me hard…” he switches to a high pitched voice that mocks you. “Red.” Now his fingers are wrapped around your throat. “Don’t you ever fucking safeword again unless you mean it. Am I clear?”
You swallow hard against his grasp and nod slowly. “Yes.”
He nods back, just as slowly. “Nice to see you’re listening again. I’d call you a good girl, but we both know that isn’t true tonight, don’t we? So what’s that make you, baby doll? Tell me.”
Eyes burning into his, you answer without hesitation. “That makes me a bad girl. I’m a bad girl, and I’m sorry for it.”
“Yes you are…” his knee knocks your thighs apart. “And do bad girls get what they want?”
“No.” you sigh, tense under his stare…he is radiating lust– hot, fierce desire.
He tilts his head as if he doesn’t already know “And what is it that you want?”
“Your cock.” your tongue slips out, searching for his mouth. You can’t reach, but he takes pity on you and pulls you into a deep, aching kiss before wrenching you back.
“So what won’t you be getting?” He leads, condescendingly.
“Your cock.” you repeat, sounding despondent. Your pulse is pounding in your clit, panties soaked and clinging to you, hips rocking into nothing, seeking friction that isn’t there.
“Well look at that. She may be a troublemaker, but she isn’t stupid.” his fingers drag up your thigh until he meets the dripping silk hiding your cunt away.
When your hips jerk from the counter and into his touch, he pulls back. “Eager, aren’t we, doll? And for what? Already told you that you won’t be getting any cock. So why are you so excited?”
“Please…” you’re whining and grabbing at him without shame.
“Please, what?” he’s taunting you, torturing you, dragging this out.
“Fuck me.” your fingers are latched around his necklaces. “Please…I just…fuck…”
He pets at your hair sweetly. “You just what?”
A tiny sob escapes you…he’s just all around you. Consuming you. The way he sounds, and smells…the way he makes you feel. The way he makes you want. “I need to feel full. Please, Jakey. I’m your baby doll, aren’t I? Don’t you want to make your baby feel good?”
“Jesus…” he shudders, faltering for just a moment, before kissing your cheek. “Yeah, you’re my baby doll, but I meant what I said…you can’t have this.” he digs his hot, hard, cock into your thigh. “You haven’t earned it.”
“Fingers?” you question hopefully, struggling to articulate thoughts, you want him so badly. “Your mouth?”
He hesitates, searching your face, turning something over in his mind, until he reaches behind you and snatches up the empty beer bottle he discarded on the counter behind you. Eyes on yours, he holds it up between your faces silently.
An embarrassing, animalistic, sound bursts out of your chest and he shakes his head in disbelief. “Panties down. Now.”
They are stretched around your thighs in a breath as he purses his lips to suppress a smile.
“Your cunt is slutty, you know that?” he whispers, nudging the lip of the bottle into your thigh. “You’re slutty. We’re in a goddamn bar bathroom…it’s disgusting in here, and any minute some drunk, dirty old man is gonna knock on the door and you don’t even care. You don’t care,” he shrugs, to illustrate his point, and eases the bottle upward. “You’ve got your legs spread for me, trembling all sweet and pretty, waiting for me to fuck you with a beer bottle. What the fuck is wrong with you, baby? You’re sick. Fucking twisted.”
“What’s wrong with you?” you gasp when the glass sweeps over your clit at last.
There’s a devilish gleam in his eyes when he answers. “Plenty. There’s fucking plenty wrong with me.”
“Show me.” you beg, rocking your hips up in an attempt to force the bottle inside you.
“Say please like a good girl. Ask nicely.” the amber glass skates across your overheated center, cold and shocking. “Where’s my proper little girl with all those finishing school manners?”
“Please…” the word shakes out of you as if your body is set to spin cycle. “Jake, fuck, please…”
In reply, he lifts the bottle to your lips “Suck.”
Your mouth descends down around the neck as if it were his beautiful cock, and he pushes it in further, until you’re gagging around it.
“Oh, that’s nice, doll…sounds pretty, pretty, pretty. I can’t even feel it, and you’re still working so hard to please me. Gag, baby…that’s it. So beautiful.”
He slips it in deeply, until you're retching around it while still trying to swallow it down further. “You want it inside?” he breathes against the curve of your neck as you suck away at it.
You nod urgently, allowing a groan of desire to shudder out of your tightened chest.
The bottle dips down, dragging a lazy trail until it's circling your soaked entrance. Your hips rock and thrust forward, trying to force his hand.
“Look at you…” he sounds smugly pleased. “Chasing it like a whore. Is that what you are? Is my baby nothing but a whore? All innocent eyes and a soaked pussy?”
“For you…” you whine, thighs quivering as your body vibrates with unbridled desperation. You reach down and grab at the bottle “I know I don’t deserve anything, I was mouthy, and I teased you…but please, Jakey. Please?”
“Begging…” he scoffs. “For a beer bottle in her cunt. Who’s my fuck whore? Hmm? Who’s my darling little slut?”
“I am…” you preen, spreading wider, inviting whatever he is willing to bestow upon you. “I’m your whore. You want to give your whore what she needs, don’t you, baby?”
Again, his body shakes at your wanton display, but he doesn’t own his vulnerability for long. Instead, he’s nudging the bottle inside you tenderly. Your thighs part as best they can with your panties caged around them. “Thatta girl, baby…take it. Just fucking take it.”
Your head should be heavy with shame…you should be telling him to stop, pushing him away, rejecting the complete obscenity of it all. Instead, your fingernails dig into the back of his neck for leverage as you begin to ride the smooth, cool glass.
“Look at you,” he twists his wrist. “All up on your tiptoes…that’s fucking adorable. How’s that feel, sweetheart? You like that?”
A frenzied nod, followed by a choking sob echoes into the room, but he doesn’t bother to hush you. “Harder, Jake…” you whine, tugging at his hair.
“No.” he slides two fingers into your mouth, pressing down on the cradle of your tongue when your lips part with a tiny wail. “Gotta be careful, baby doll. I don’t want to hurt you with it.”
“I don’t care.” you argue around his skin, licking and biting at him as he presses his digits deeper.
“Well, I do.” his pace remains cautious, but he tilts the bottle into your sweet spot, earning a gasping sob. “Yeah, see? Just shut your mouth, baby. I’ll get you there…you know I will.”
Your hand drops down, fingers frantically circling your slick, swollen clit.
“That’s my girl.” he coos into your ear, licking through his words. “Gonna help me take care of this filthy little cunt of yours? You’re a naughty, disgusting fucking slut and I fucking love it. I fucking love you. Maybe I’ll put it in your ass when I get you home, since you’re so in love with my cock…I bet you’d let me put it anywhere I wanted, huh? Bet you’d let me fuck your pretty ass and then slide down your throat, wouldn’t you?”
You’ve lost the ability to think, so you simply suck on his fingers and allow your eyes to roll back in your head.
“Can’t even answer me?” he teases, shoving into your mouth until you gag and tears pool in your eyes. “Cock drunk and stupid on a beer bottle. What’s everyone out there gonna think when you stumble out looking like a sloppy, fucked-out whore?”
“Mmmmjake…” muffles out of your mouth. You’re so close your entire body feels feverish…burning up from the inside out.
“C’mon, baby doll…” he whispers, twisting the neck of the bottle inside you. “Give it to me…cum for me. I want it, baby…fuck, I want it so bad.”
He suddenly sounds even more desperate than you feel and the need in his voice grabs hold of the white hot band coiling tighter and tighter in your stomach and rips it apart.
Your teeth sink into his knuckles until he hisses in pain as your vision blurs, your body writhing and fighting the unimaginable pleasure. Until something breaks, and rather than fighting it, you allow it to happen, you relax into it and crumple in his arms, safe and sure in his embrace.
“Fuck…” the curse drags out of him slow and rasping. He sounds transfixed, but you aren’t sure why until the fog clears a bit.
You’re soaked…thighs and panties covered, as is his hand and the arm of his jacket.
“Look what you did.” His loving scolding sounds winded, like he’s never loved anything more in his entire life. He eases the bottle out of you and brings it to his lips, lapping his tongue in a slow stripe along the side, tasting you…savoring you with heavy lidded eyes.
“Take me home.” you breathe, watching his tongue lick along the glass.
“No.” he answers off-handedly. “Oh, look at that, baby.” he holds it up, shimmying it around to draw attention to the liquid now gathered at the bottom of the beer bottle. “Caught some.”
In stunned, mute, lust-drenched awe, you watch as he tilts his head back and swallows it down before tossing it into the overflowing trash can in the corner.
He adjusts his very obviously swollen cock in his jeans and then turns you to face the sink. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Can’t have anyone suspecting what you just let me do to you in here, now can we?”
Taglist: @gretasintrees @gardenofgreta @greta-van-chaos @theweightofstardust @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @paintmyhouse @dvrkblooms @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @kdarling1 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @gretasmokerising @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @tripthelightfandomtastic @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @dakotadovato @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @joshkiszkas @avagvf @rhythm-of-space @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @loofypoofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @gretavanflowerpower @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @calumspretty @weightofdreams-gvf @greta-flanveet-admin @alisonwonderland29 @agirlwithmanytastes @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails
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thepoolhead1 · 10 months
since literally no one will look at this post because of the lack of tags (idk how that shit works), i will proceed to vent about what i hate about the stupid church im forced to participate in.
my immediate family goes to a conservative christian megachurch and it is agony. since it is a megachurch that probably doesnt pay taxes and gets its members to donate (checks notes) over a million dollars a year to support their totally ethical business.
as a young person, i am apart of this church’s student program where young, impressionable teenagers are hammered to death with teachings that rely way too much on one source (doubt it would fly in ap lang). one program in particular is one where people pay up so their kids can leave the concrete hell of (sub)urban life and live in the middle of the woods for a week while we learn about jesus fucking christ.
now how the camp works is that we are split up into groups of about 10 led by one adult. we all share a small cabin and we learn about jesus fucking christ together. each day, we would team up with another group for the ultimate collab and we would learn about jesus fucking christ. in these discussions, you could really see these people’s true colors. one thing that cropped up was the brief but apparent animosity towards the lgbtq+ people. this isnt anything new but it made me want to get up and leave. i just couldnt. i may be a bit biased as a closeted bi but i think it’s not that good to have seemingly irrational hatred toward a group of people that try to be who they are.
the biggest pisser for me were these two people that were getting on my nerves even though i tried my damndest to silently say fuck off.
every night, everyone would gather in a worship center and we would all sing about some weird metaphors and shit. me, being the edgy badass i totally am, didnt give a flying shit and made it apparent by plopping in earbuds and listening to whatever i felt like. this caught the attention of the group leader, who threatened confiscation, so i sat on the opposite side of the row as him. easy. then this fucker showed up.
at first it was just one. she saw i was sitting down during the songs. she saw i had earbuds in. “blasphemy,” she thought. “he must be dealt with.” so she approached me and asked what was up. i responded as vaguely as possible, not willing to give any ground. she eventually fucked off until i was a repeat offender i accidentally let my guard down and let something slip.
i was somehow able to get out unscathed though. i was lucky. the next time, she brought backup. a brother? a boyfriend? i didnt give a fuck but i didnt like him. they pestered me, asking me questions. they were merciful enough to keep prodding to a minimum, but i had to stand my ground. eventually, the backup tried his final attack: asking for my contact info so he could watch my every move. this attack was sneaky but i avoided it. the nightmare was finally over. i couldnt wait to get back home so i could pretend i overslept so i could skip church.
my favorite part of the camp was the free time. i would just sit under a beach umbrella and look out over the lake water and think: “damn. god aint shit.”
this is my first personal rant and this will not be the last. this is tagless because i just want to get shit out there. not commercialize it. its three am and i might sleep.
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lilyclawthorne · 2 years
For the "I wish you would write a fic where..." Thing:
I wish you would write a fic where...
Alma and Pepa talk.
(Or "fight and then talk" lol)
Like, about Bruno, about Mirabel, about Pedro... About Pepa's cloud and gift...
Sorry this took longer to answer than expected, but uhh thats because I did end up writing it!
It’s maybe less of a talk and more of a much needed vent for Pepa and her mother listening to all of her feelings for once?? Idk I’m not sure how i feel about it, it’s kinda dialogue heavy, and I’m not quite sure if its what you were looking for? Also, used google translate for some of this, so if anything seems off feel free to let me know.
Don’t Need The Sun To Keep You Warm
Word Count: 3780
Ao3 Link
It was supposed to be her day off. A good day. A calm day, and Pepa had been looking forward to it. But even if the people in the Encanto had been doing a better job of taking care of things on their own, of helping all of those around them and easing up on their reliance on the Madrigals, there were just some problems that people couldn’t anticipate. Emergencies that could best be handled by one of their Gifts.
Pepa had been quietly enjoying a book while sitting outside of Casita when her day was interrupted. She had actually smelled the smoke before the people came up to her yelling that one of the older barns had been caught on fire. She was up and running before they even made it all the way to her, abandoning her book on the ground, and following the direction the smoke was coming from. The sight itself was enough to kick her anxiety up, and by the time she got there she had no problem conjuring up a cloud with enough rain to put the whole thing out before it spread too far.
What would’ve been a challenge for most people, was an easy fix with a gift like Pepa’s, but even so, just working herself up like that, all of the adrenaline mixed with emotions was enough to make her exhausted. She wanted to go right back home, it was her day off after all, but as soon as the fire was out, people got to work cleaning the mess and she felt bad leaving everything behind as everyone else helped. With all the people involved, it only took about an hour to clear the debris, but now she was wet and cold and felt gross from getting covered in ash and soot. Now she really wanted to get out of there, dodging questions from farmers about when the next time she’d be available to water some crops would be before they could end up setting her off.
She was about halfway home when she was stopped once more, turning around at a tug on her dress to find two kids looking up at her. The rumbling in her cloud from the interruption ceased as soon as she saw them. There was a little girl who looked like she’d been crying, and a boy who was just a little older than her and looked like he could be her older brother.
“U-um, Señora, my hermana got hurt - she’s okay now - but she’s still sad and I was, um, wondering if you’d be able to make a rainbow to help cheer her up, por favor?” the boy nervously asked her. Pepa’s heart softened at this kid just trying to help his sister, but that didn’t change the fact that rainbows were hard for her to create if she wasn’t in a very good mood. She saw their faces sadden at her hesitation, which only made her feel bad as well, but she couldn’t blame two children for not knowing the extent of her gift.
“Lo siento, but they’re not that easy to produce, another time, okay?” she told them, and they shook their heads in understanding, but Pepa could still see the dejected look on the girl’s face grow deeper as they turned around to head back to their own home. As Pepa started her own trek back home, her cloud returned, a little darker than before to reflect her bad mood.
When she finally made it back to her own room, she used the cloud to rinse both herself and her dress of any dirt and ash that was remaining before getting changed into a dry set of clothing. She felt a little better than before, but her cloud still trailed along with her as she set out to collect her book from where she left it outside, but she did not make it more than a few steps outside of her room when she heard it.
“Pepa! You have a-“ her mother began, only to stop at the glare that was sent her way.
“Go ahead! See what it’ll look like when you finish that sentence!” She shoots back at the woman.
Her mother took a deep breath before beginning again, “I apologize, force of habit-“
Pepa rolled her eyes, her cloud growing darker and larger, “It should have never become a habit in the first place!!”
“I-you’re right. I should never have started pointing it out. I’m sorry and I want to do better, so if you’ll let me restart-“ Pepa gives her mother a nod to go on. “What’s got you upset today, mija? Would you like to talk about it?
Pepa’s still slightly annoyed but her immediate instinct to say no and storm off is lost. Her inner child has been longing to hear her mother ask that for so long, and before she realizes it she’s nodding her head. She’s nervous, but if her mother wants to try then maybe she should too. After all, Pepa knows she needs to improve on talking about her emotions with others rather than holding them all in. Who better to work on that with than her own mother, the person who she always should have been able to go to talk to in the first place?
Alma has now approached her, has very gently taken her hand, and is now leading them both upstairs to her own bedroom where they can talk privately. Pepa feels a little odd as she’s sat down on her mother’s bed. The only times she can remember being brought up here are when she was younger, usually to be reprimanded for whatever chaos she managed to get up to as a child.
They sit for a few moments in awkward silence before her mother speaks up, “Tell me what’s wrong, mi vida?”
Pepa thinks about her day and how it had put her in a bitter mood, but she can’t actually find anything that feels like a legitimate complaint. She’s feeling like she’s already made a big deal out of nothing, and starts to get up, “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
But she’s pulled back down by her mother, “It’s not stupid if it’s made you upset.”
Her younger self wants to cry at those words, wishing to have heard something like that from the woman for so long. So she gives it another shot and tries to talk about her day, “I-I’m just exhausted. It was supposed to be my day off, but there was a fire and no one can take care of it as fast as I can, so it’s far from unreasonable to make an exception there to help. But then I kept helping because I knew it’d look bad if I didn’t. T-then people wanted to talk to me about work but I ignored them and I feel horrible about it. And then there were these two kids! Who seemed very sweet, but they asked me to make a rainbow and I wanted to! But I couldn’t, and it’s not their fault they don’t understand how the gift works, but they looked so sad, and then I felt so sad. Not to mention almost the whole time I was soaked by rain and covered in dirt, and just felt so uncomfortable and gross.”
Pepa’s not quite sure when it happened, but she’s feeling a light drizzle coming down from her cloud, and feels tears forming in her eyes now that she’s let that all out. Despite the tears, she can’t help but laugh at what her mother has to say next.
“Ay, I’ve never understood why you never used any of the raincoats I got you.”
“That’s what you have to say next? Because they were ugly Mamá! And hot, between the rain and then the heat from the hood, my hair always wanted to frizz up horribly, which was a nightmare.”
“Oh you want to tell me how much of a nightmare your hair could become? I think I did your hair for you every morning until you were at least 15, and you would never stay still,” her mother laughed with her, “Would you like me to help you with your hair right now?”
Pepa is quick to feel her hair, questioning what was wrong with it, but as soon as she felt it, she realized after the work and rushing around today it had become very loose. Between the rain and wind, as well as the natural heat outside, her hair was sure to be a pain by the time it was dry at the end of the day. She feels her mother get up, grabbing a comb and shifting to sit behind her as she begins to undo the rest of the braid entirely.
Alma feels her daughter begin to relax a bit at her touch, and she continues, gently working through each knot. She takes the silence as a moment to speak up again, “Those farmers shouldn’t have bothered you, I’ll have to talk to them. And you didn’t have to stick around to help with the aftermath of the fire, putting it out was sure to already be a huge help.”
“How was I supposed to not help?” she quietly questions her mother before continuing, “Hard to erase a lifetime being taught that we couldn’t not help, that everyone else came before ourselves.”
It’s clear she’s not only talking about herself. She’s nervous she’s going to start an argument, and is briefly both thankful and terrified that she can’t get up and avoid everything like usual when her hair is currently in her mother’s hands.
“I- that would be my fault again. I did so much wrong by you all, and I will regret that everyday. I thought I was doing right by our miracle, by your Papá, but if he were here now I think he’d be very disappointed.”
“I know why you did it, Mamá, and sometimes I think I get it, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s had a negative impact on the rest of us to the point that we couldn’t even talk about it. An impact that, for some of us, is far too late to undo,” Pepa takes a deep breath, wondering if she’ll get yelled at, but the silence from her mother suggests she should continue, “This may hurt to hear, but sometimes I am so resentful of you because I know that both Julieta and I have tried so hard to raise our children differently than you raised us, and yet the things we learned from you still manage to sneak their way in there.”
She thinks if she turned around to face her mother, she’d have a hard time seeing the look in the woman’s eyes, but once again she’s glad that her mother has chosen to take her time working out each knot in her hair, making it incapable for her to face her. Her mother lets out a small hum, one that reminds Pepa of her sister and she thinks that must be where she got it from. It’s an indication to continue speaking.
Pepa decides it’s easier for her to begin on someone other than herself.
“It’s just, Julieta LOVES her hijas, so much. But she’s been taught to work herself to the bone every day since she was little, I’m pretty sure - no I KNOW - she didn’t have much of a childhood. It’s kept her from seeing the problems her girls have been having, and it’s normalized for them that it’s okay to overwork yourself for others. You taught Juli that if she’s not helping others or doing as told, she’s worthless, and her girls have gotten that too.”
They’re both briefly aware of the cloud rumbling above them, but neither one of them says anything about it. Pepa decides to ignore it as she continues, “Don’t even get me started on Mira! In this family, worth was equated to gifts, so she spent her whole life so far pushing herself too hard to reach a goal that was made unattainable for her! I feel horrible that I didn't pay more attention to her. She almost died because she thought the miracle was worth more than her life!”
She winces as she feels a harsher tug through her hair and she tries to turn around, concerned she’s already taken it too far, but her mother doesn’t let her, “Lo siento, just a tough knot. Continue with what you need to say.”
“A-and Bruno, we all treated him terribly. When he was little, me and Juli always wanted to defend him from the terrible things people would say or do, but we couldn’t. We were little too. Too little to do enough, and too little to take on the role of protector that should’ve been held by our madre.”
Pepa herself is getting uncomfortable. She has steered the conversation towards the triplet’s childhood which is only a step away from discussing her own childhood, and that’s certainly not something she planned on doing today. As if she sensed her discomfort, Pepa feels her mother running a hand through her hair, one meant for comfort this time rather than detangling, as if to say it’s okay to keep going, she can take whatever her daughter has to say.
“I hate the way I behaved after Bruno left,” Pepa finally says, taking the conversation in a slightly different direction, “I wouldn’t - no, I couldn’t - be upset about it. It hurt so much not to talk about him that I made myself angry at him instead just to stop a hurricane from occurring. And he could hear me this whole time! Yo era una perra.”
“Pepa! Language! Please don’t say that about yourself.” It’s the most Alma has said since her daughter really started to talk about everything and Pepa herself is unsure whether she’s more shocked because she let such a self-deprecating comment out in front of her mother, or at how instantly her mother reacted. Either way, a louder crack of thunder had been let out. “It was selfish of me to have suggested it in the first place. To deny you your feelings.”
The drizzle is back. It’s back and suddenly Pepa is very aware she’s slowly drenching her mother’s room. Worry instinctively takes over in the pit of her stomach and her hands reach up to soothe herself when she remembers her braid currently isn’t there.
“Just a moment,” she hears her mother say, apparently almost finished rebraiding her hair already. When she finally ties everything into place Pepa expects to feel her hair back in her own grasp, but instead feels her mother gently hold her hand. She takes this as her opportunity to finally turn around and face her mother, and it’s clear from the redness in the woman’s eyes that she has cried at some point while Pepa was talking.
“M-Mamá, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to ma-“
“Shhhh, mi vida. It’s not your job to worry about me,” Alma reassures her daughter before adding, “Besides, I missed this.”
Pepa’s confused, “You missed what? Me complaining?”
“No, I missed my Pepita, my little spitfire who always told everyone what was on her mind, regardless of what it was. I’m glad to have her back.” There’s tears forming in Pepa’s eyes again, and her mother is quick to wrap her arms around her and pull her backwards into a hug, “It’s okay Pepa. Está bien. I’ve needed to hear all of this anyways. You deserve to let it out.”
She’s not sure when it happens, but somewhere in the next few moments her mother is holding her as they’re both laying down on the bed. Pepa’s reminded of when she was little, before she turned five, when she’d get hurt or have a nightmare and her mother would comfort her just like this. It’s enough to calm her down that the drizzle stops for now.
“And what about you, mi vida? Tell me how all of this has affected you?”
Pepa takes in a sharp breath. They’ve managed to come back around to the part she really didn’t want to talk about: herself. The desire to run out of the room comes back again, but she shoves it down. She’s already gone this far, might as well keep going.
“I…” She takes a deep breath, her cloud is already getting bigger, “I, ugh, I don’t… know how to cope with my emotions at all. All I really know is “clear skies” and to suppress everything else. And suppressing always leads to everything spilling out in a mess. Literally, it’s such a common occurrence that the townspeople had already named them ‘temperature tantrums’ by the time I was eight.”
Alma was shocked, to say the least. She knew people had been awful to her Brunito, that was certainly made clear to her by now. It hadn’t occurred to her that something similar could’ve been happening to Pepa, and she briefly wonders if anything ever happened to Julieta as well. Pepa senses what her mother is thinking before she can even ask, “It wasn’t good, but it was never as terrible as Bruno. People did fear my lightning, after all. It only ever got bad if I got too scared to make the lightning happen.”
The woman wants to ask what exactly “bad” meant. She’d heard about all the times Pepa struck someone from annoyed townspeople, but “too scared to make lightning” was not a feeling she’d ever witnessed from her daughter, but seeing as she’d never heard about it, she could easily suspect that Julieta may have been involved with hiding the evidence that anything had ever happened. That her daughter felt the need to hide this from her.
“A-and speaking of scaring people,” Pepa continues, “Because I’ve never had control over this damn gift, even my own hijos are scared of me at times. The thunder hurts Dolores’ ears, I’ve seen Antonio try to hide when he hears one of my storms, and I have unintentionally hurt Camilo with my lightning. And it breaks my heart everyday to know that I do that to them.”
She’s feeling tears pricking the corner of her eyes, screwing up her face to prevent them from falling, because tears meant rain and that was the last thing she wanted to do right now, “And I know, I know, by now that letting it out should make it more manageable. Félix reminds me all the time, but I think it was already ingrained in me before I even met him, that my emotions aren’t meant for me, that they’re meant to be for everyone else’s use.”
Alma waits while Pepa takes a deep breath. It’s clear her anxiety is getting the best of her and if pushed she may start to panic. It’s best to give her some time.
A few moments pass in complete silence, her breathing beginning to even out again, before she speaks up, “E-Every time I have even the smallest of clouds, I-I’ve always heard you there, in my head, ‘Pepa! You have a cloud!’ or ‘Pepa! You need to calm down!!’ and I’ve always been scared to disappoint you. Bruno’s the baby and the only son, Julieta’s your golden child and the eldest, and I’m just, in the middle. I couldn’t afford to do anything extra to make me feel like even more of a disappointment to you.”
Pepa feels her mother’s arm around her, gently encouraging her to turn around and face her. She hesitates, scared at every moment she’s said too much and will get yelled at like a child, but when she finally gives in, she sees only sadness in her mother’s eyes.
Alma finally speaks up again, “You will never be a disappointment to me. Eres mi sol. And I am so sorry I made you feel that way. I can never take back what I’ve done, but I am so thankful for having another chance with our familia.”
Pepa nods her head. She’s happy that her mother wants to do better, but she’s also exhausted both emotionally and physically. And as tears finally do fall from her eyes, she feels the rain start up again. She nearly shoots up from the bed as she tries to apologize for her weather, but her mother keeps holding her, telling her that it’s alright.
“Estás bien. I don’t know if you’ve realized it, but you’ve let out a lot of emotions, and the most you’ve done is drizzle.”
Pepa looks around, and she thinks about the past hour or so. She’s not really sure how long she’s been here but it’s definitely darker outside than when she first entered the room. And her mother is right, she’s barely gotten stronger than a drizzle, a sprinkle at the most, which doesn’t match the weather she usually gets when all of her feelings build up and are let out at once. But this wasn’t an outburst like usual either.
“I-I think, that talking about what I’m feeling, instead of hiding it, maybe makes the weather less troublesome?” she tells her mother.
“I should’ve known better,” her mother tells her back, “Anytime you need it, you can always come to me to talk from here on out. No matter what it is, okay? I’ll remind you of it too so you don’t doubt it either.”
Pepa smiles. When she was younger, all she wanted was for her mother to just listen to her, especially when the emotions got too big for her to handle. She hadn’t been sure that she was ever going to get that. She feels lighter, now that she’s shared so much, and yet the exhaustion from the day feels heavy on her, and she lets out a yawn. Alma holds back a laugh at the sight, Pepa trying to keep her eyes from shutting as she begins to stroke her daughter’s hair, just like she did when she put all of the triplets to bed when they were little.
“You can rest now, mi sol, it is still your day off after all.” It’s only a matter of moments before Pepa gives in, letting out a light snore as she falls asleep. Alma holds on to her tight, content to let her lay there and take a well deserved nap. Alma knows there’s still so much work for her to do, but seeing how peaceful her daughter looks for the first time in who knows how long, well it’s enough to remind of her how ready she is to put in all of her effort going forward.
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recklessmark · 3 years
prove it
—enemies to lovers trope
Mark Lee x Reader
Words: 2180
Warnings: unprotected sex (be safe guys), face-cumming, oral sex, a lot of degradation, dirty talk, overstimulation, fingering, mirror sex, spanking, breeding kink, idk but it’s just mark fucking you dumb.
You tied your hair up in a high ponytail. Washing your face with some water, you look at yourself in the mirror. The thoughts of him have been wandering in your mind for eternities and you hate it.
Walking into the training room, you were expecting to be alone, to exercise and clear your mind of all distractions of Mark Lee. You clearly did not expect to see the man in question himself, your enemy to be in the room. His fists mercilessly pounding into the punching bag, he’s shirtless, skin damp and glowing. You definitely should try harder to hate Mark but he always makes thing so damn hard. Without making a noise, you swallow hard, turning around to leave when suddenly a hand slamming the door closed, a body pinning itself against your backside. You froze at your place, biting your inner cheeks when a pair of lips lands on your ear.
“You really don’t think that we can get along for at least 10 minutes?”, Mark asks, his breath hot against your skin.
“Are you repulsed by me that much?”, his hand is suddenly at your hip, “Or is it the opposite?”
“Don’t flatter yourself too much, Lee.”, you sway his hand away, turning around to face the man.
His eyes intensely stare down at you making you feel weak. You hate the fact that every time you’re facing Mark, you can’t control the way your heart beats like a piston or your hands all get sweaty. You hate the fact that Mark makes you feel, you were so heartless and this is nothing good.
“Why should you call that “flatter” when I’m the only one can make you bow down?”, he smirks cockily.
Now you’re getting somewhere. Did you say that you also hate the fact that Mark can probably see through you, you hate to admit that everything he said was right.
“Prove it.”, you surely don’t want to back off.
You raise your hands up in fists, ready for a hand to hand fight when Mark catches both of your wrists into one of his palm.
“Oh no princess, I have other ways to beat your ass. Fighting is none of that.”
You see something glinting in his eyes that you can not tell, ambition, stubbornness or is it lust? His grip on your hands is tight, forbids you to move away. Mark is now like a predator targeting its prey when he takes a step forward making you step backward until your back is against the wall mirror of the room. His hand finally lets your wrists free, but instead grabbing your neck causing you look up slightly. You squeeze your eyes shut when there’s something crashes onto your lips. Mark’s crazily kissing you, his tongue slips into your mouth, licking all over. You feel the urge to pull away but the tight grip on your neck reminds you of your vulnerable situation now. His mouth leaves your, letting you breath but not without latching his lips onto your neck. Mark licks a stripe up on your sensitive skin causing you to moan slightly, he makes sure that he leaves some marks on your exposed neck. You feel Mark then comes down to your cleavage since you’re wearing a crop top for practicing. He moves back a little bit to take your top off, unclasping your bra, throwing the clothing somewhere. You vulnerably give up when Mark attaches his mouth onto your nipple, making you cry out.
“That’s it, I’ll fuck you so good that the only thing you have in your mind is my name.”, he says while moving between your nipples.
You’re feeling your legs weak when Mark push you to kneel on the floor but not before taking every fabric left on you and him off. Your face burns up at the sight of Mark’s semi-hard cock which is directing right into your face. He pumps it with his hand making you swallow hard, wanting his length to fill up you mouth. His free hand makes contact with your face, tilts your chin up slightly to look at him.
“You want it huh? You want my cock to thrust deep down your throat so that I can cum all over your face and you’re gonna lick up everything, don’t you?”
You feel embarrassed but you can’t deny you don’t like it. However you don’t want Mark to know that you’re into this so you nod instead, hoping that you can cover up your desire. But you may forgot that Mark probably can see through you, and he’s not happy with it.
He slaps your face lightly with his palm, “Words, slut.”
“Yes I want it Mark, just fuck my mouth-“
Your sentence is halfway cut when Mark suddenly thrusts his cock into your mouth, stuffing it full not even with half of his length.
“Fuck- I fucking know you’re a slut. Your mouth feels so good god-“
Mark babbling while holding your head in place, his tip hits the back of your throat every time he thrusts in. He leans down making his cock even deeper, his hand finds your wetting cunt, landing a harsh slap on it. Your moans send vibrating onto his cock, you swallow your cheek, attempting to make Mark cum.
“Fucking cockslut,” he slaps onto your clit, “Sucking my cock like it’s your last meal, gonna cum all over your face, and you’re not wasting a single drop huh?”
You dart your tongue around his sensitive tip, tasting the leaking pre-cum.
“Fuck fuck fuck- god I’m gonna cum-“
Mark quickly pulls out, there’s a string of salvia between your mouth and his tip. His hand pumping his cock as you look up as his face, stick your tongue out. The sight of you looking at him sends him over the edge as sprints of cum landing onto your face, some onto your waiting tongue and some in your opened mouth.
“Jesus you’re so hot.”
Mark finally calm down, he smirks as the sight of your face painted with his cum. His thumb collect some on your cheek, shoving it into your mouth as you suck on his fingers.
“Yes, lick it all, don’t waste a single drop.”
He pushes you to lay your back on the floor, spreading your legs wide, exposing your wetness. His thumb leave your mouth, full of your spit, circling you clit. Your body squirms at the pleasure, wanting something more.
“Ask for what you want, darling.”, his fingers collect your essence, teasing you.
“Anything Mark, I’ll take whatever you give me.”
You’re now too gone to talk properly. Mark chuckles, finally shoving two of his fingers into your core.
“I barely do anything and you’re fucked up. Who knows you’re such a slut Y/N?”
Suddenly something pops up in Mark’s mind when he sees your palm pressing against the mirror. He retracts his fingers from you causing you to whine but he quickly makes you sit up, turning you around so that you’re facing the mirror. His fingers brush your slit again but he doesn’t go inside, you squirm inside his embrace.
“Open your eyes.”
You follow his demand, opening your eyes, welcomed with the sight of you become undone under Mark’s touch. You’re a mess, completely naked, your cheeks are bright red and his hand playing with your pussy, your arousal dripping. You immediately close your eyes, embarrassed with the image of you but you feel his fingers leave your core.
“If you want my fingers inside you, watch.”
Mark whispers in your ears, his teeth nibbling your earlobe.
Trying to ease the embarrassment away, you open your eyes, watching as his fingers make their way to your pussy again. He slips two fingers in you, pumping them in and out.
“That’s right, baby. Look at the way your tight pussy all wet, sucking my fingers in.”, Mark groans, biting your shoulder.
Your hand grips his thigh as he starts moving his fingers faster, trying to keep your eyes opened.
“M-Mark, I wa-wanna cum...”, you stutter, looking into his eyes through the mirror. You know if you didn’t do it he would stop.
“Do you deserve to cum? I don’t think so but I’ll do a favor since you sucked my dick so good.”
His tongue licks the corner of your mouth, you feel his fingers going even deeper, curling against your sweet spot. His eyes didn’t leave the reflection of you in the mirror for a second, examining every expression you make. You want to close your legs as your orgasm hit you but the firm grip Mark made on your thigh prevents you from it. You eventually give up, squeezing your eyes, your head burried in the crook of his neck, you scream his name like a mantra as he fingers you through your orgasm.
Mark retracts his finger from you, manhandles you into a doggy position. His hand pulls your ponytail, yanking your head back.
“What did I say about closing your eyes?”, his other hand slaps your ass harshly, “Should I punish you?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
Another slap lands on your ass makes you bite your lips.
“No talk back. A slut like you can only do what I say, understood?”, he pulls your hair again, your back almost breaks from arching too much.
“Yes sir.”, you mutter out.
“You want my cock huh? You want my big cock in your tight dirty pussy, don’t you?”
Mark teases you with the head of his cock, sliding it against your heat, making you clench around nothing.
“Yes please, I want it so bad, I want your big hard cock in my wet pussy, fuck me.”, you shamelessly beg.
Mark chuckles, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Your mouth opens wide when Mark pushes his cock inside you deliciously. Mark has been wanting to fuck you, every time you give him that hateful look or every time you compete. That stubbornness, that ruthlessness, he wants to claim you his. And now, you’re sticking your ass up, begging him to fuck you making him regret, regret that he didn’t fuck you sooner.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Look at yourself, such a slut. All that toughness is such a perfect cover, for the fact that you’re a cockslut, my cockslut, always desperate for my big cock, isn’t it?”
Mark leans forward to whisper into your ear, holding your chin so that you’re staring at your reflection in the mirror.
“I’ll fuck you so good, do you want everyone to see you like this? Letting me fuck you however I want. Stretching out your little tight pussy. I bet everyone can fuck you, right?”
The pleasure is too much for you to notice what Mark is saying, you’re just babbling nonsense.
“Fucking answer me. Or did I fuck you dumb? Who fucks you so good like this? A slut like you will let anyone fuck you, don’t you?”
You hear Mark growls into your ear, you clench your walls around his cock.
“You Mark, you fuck me dumb. Only you can fuck me, I’m yours, all yours.”
Satisfied with your answer, Mark pounding into your faster, his cock hits your sensitive spot.
“Fuck Mark-, too much...”, you stare in the mirror as Mark thrusting into you.
His thumb comes find your clit, rubbing circular figure on it, increasing the pleasure on you. His lips leave wet kisses on your neck and your shoulders.
“I-I’m gonna cum, fuck, M-Mark!”
You cry out, feeling a knot tightens in your belly.
“Yes! Fucking scream my name so that everyone can hear you. Look at yourself when you cum, look at me thrusting my cock into your cunt. Fucking cum baby, cum for me, cum all over my cock!”
All that words of Mark send you into oblivion as you reach your climax. Mark didn’t even slow down, his thrusts become sloppy as you feel the overstimulation.
“I can’t- Mark! Too fast- god...”
“I’m gonna cum in your dirty pussy. Filling you up with my cum, putting my baby inside you. You’re gonna bring my child, yeah, I’m gonna make you fucking pregnant.”
His breath hot on your skin, the sound of your skin slapping echoing around the room, giving you another orgasm.
“God I wan-wanna cum Mark! I’m gonna- gonna cum-“, you stutter.
“Yeah, cum baby, cum again for me. Fuck yeah- god I’m cumming-“
You cry out as the second orgasm hits you, blowing your mind away. With a few more thrusts, Mark reaches his climax, filling his seed inside you.
“You’re not wasting a drop of my cum, you will be pregnant with my child, yeah?”
Mark pulls out as he calm down from his orgasm. His fingers trace on your slit, pushing his leaking cum inside you again, making you whine.
“I win, princess.”, Mark kisses you sweetly.
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A Memory Locked In The Heart - Spencer Reid x fem! Reader
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A/N - Requested by the lovely @overduelibrarybooks I hope this was the kind of thing you were looking for!
Find my masterlist here.
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Requested: Yes l No
Request: "could u ever write a spencer reid x reader where reader def works for the cia but more as a translator who’s kinda forced into doing agenty things in order to gather intel and on a mandated break she finds out the UNSUB before the team does so she uses herself as bait, and shoots the guy all very badass fashion n then gets interrogated bc ms girl just shot him coldblood and halfway thru she recognizes spencer bc her mother and his mom lived in the same care facility??? idk sorry my mom has paranoid too so it just hits different but u don’t have to write this if u don’t want to i love ur writing <3"
CW: disclaimer: I know next to nothing about the CIA and what they investigate so please go easy on me here. This is all made up so hopefully it makes some kind of sense. Mentions of violence and sex work, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, some swears. Mentions of drug use and overdose. Spanish used towards the end is from Google Translate so I apologise if it isn’t completely accurate. Italics indicate flashbacks.
Plot: Eighteen years ago you met a boy named Spencer Reid whilst visiting your mother at Bennington Sanitorium. This time you are meeting under entirely different circumstances; across the table of an interrogation room.
WC: 5.3K
How did I end up here?
That was a question you kept asking yourself as you rolled into your third hour of sitting in that cold, dimly lit interrogation room at the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia.
Well you supposed you’d have to go back to the beginning to truly work that out.
The CIA and FBI joint task force for a country wide sex trafficking ring they believed to be operating out of DC.
When your team at the CIA had started investigating it was estimated that the ring had close to a hundred women who had been abducted and forced into the sex industry.
A lot of women were believed to have been taken trying to cross the border. Your job as a translator had involved spending a lot of time in Mexico, helping interview witnesses and family members who didn’t speak English.
The FBI involvement had come when women believed to have been part of the trafficking ring started turning up dead.
At last count they were up to twenty bodies. The Behavioural Analyst Unit had given their profile of the man they believed to be running the show.
White male in his mid to late forties. Bilingual. Possibly born in Mexico or an area surrounding the border but grew up in DC, they assumed based on his knowledge of the area. He’s attractive, charming and has a good level of education, he’d need to be able to charm the women into trusting him. He doesn’t have a full time job because he wouldn’t have time for one. All his time and focus goes on his girls. He was tech savvy, incredibly so, he’d have to be, to be able to set up the network on the dark web which enabled his customers to pay for his services.
It hadn’t been going well. Bodies kept dropping and the task force was no closer to catching the person responsible.
This went on for six months. Everyone was exhausted. You kept hitting brick wall after brick wall. It was demoralising.
Your boss had called for mandated time off. You’d all argued but she had been absolutely adamant. You’d all been working yourselves to the bone and she didn’t want you burnt out entirely.
You’d argued but your words had fallen on deaf ears.
“Can I get you a glass of water or something?”
The voice startled you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see the lanky, messy haired agent who called himself Doctor Reid, sticking his head through the door.
“Is coffee an option?”
He smiled brightly at you, a smile you swear you’ve seen before.
“Coffee is always an option.” He told you. “How do you take it?”
“Strong and black. Please.”
“I’ll be right back.”
With that the door closed leaving you to your thoughts once more.
There was something so familiar about the Doctor. His dark yet sparkling eyes, his awkward smile and the way he dressed. You couldn’t place it. But there was definitely something about him that stirred some memory buried deep in your brain. You just weren’t sure what it was.
He returned a few minutes later, bringing your coffee into the room and placing it on the table in front of you.
“Hopefully you won’t be stuck here too much longer. It’s just standard procedure.” he spoke sweetly, his voice stirring the hidden memory.
“Yeah I know. I get it.” you sighed as you spoke, wrapping your hands around the coffee. “Thank you for this.”
“You’re welcome.” he smiled before he started backing out of the room. You wished you could ask him to stay because you felt so much more at ease with him around. But you knew you couldn’t.
He turned to you in the doorway.
“You look cold in that.” He smiled a little sadly at you.
You’d forgotten about your outfit choice. No self respecting CIA agent dressed like you were right now.
“I guess I am a little.” You shrugged.
Spencer instantly shrugged his blazer off of his shoulders and laid it in front of you on the table.
“Thank you Doctor Reid.” you spoke again before he disappeared out the door.
“Goodbye Agent Y/L/N.”
The door closed, his voice reverberating in your ears, dragging you into a long forgotten memory.
As you slipped his jacket on, your eyes fluttered closed, his scent wafting up your nose.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Spencer. Spencer Reid.”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
Your eyes shot back open, a frown on your face.
“Spencer?” you muttered under your breath. “Spencer Reid.”
Where had you pulled that name from? And why did it feel oddly connected to Vegas?
You tried to push the thought away, you already had enough on your mind. There were much more pressing things to deal with than a vague memory from your hometown an undetermined amount of time ago.
You’d been instructed to switch off. Your time off should be used to recoup, relax and not to think about the case.
Easier said than done you thought.
Before you’d left the office on your mandated leave you’d taken photocopies of some files and slipped them into your bag. You knew you’d be in trouble if you were caught but you couldn’t help yourself. You wouldn’t be able to relax with this case still open.
As far as you were aware the BAU was still working on it but it provided you little comfort. In your time with the CIA you’d never gotten to be involved so heavily in a case. Your skills were mostly utilised in interview capacities and then you were sidelined.
You’d never had the privilege to work on a joint task force or investigate a crime so brutal.
You felt personally invested in this case. You thought if you could just find that one missing puzzle piece you could crack this case wide open.
And then you’d found it. The golden ticket. The smoking gun. The missing piece.
It had taken five days of your leave and copious amounts of coffee but you’d connected the dots no one else had.
You knew how to draw the unsub out. And you were going to do it tonight.
“Let’s start again from the beginning shall we?” Agent Rossi linked his fingers together on top of the table as he looked across at you, still slowly sipping your coffee.
“Oh goody.” You sighed. “Could Agent Jareau not fill you in what I’ve already told her?”
“Humour me.” The old man shrugged.
You didn’t have any ill will against him. Far from it. You were actually a big fan of David Rossi. But you were sick and tired of being treated like a criminal.
“Tell me how you managed to work out how to find him.”
You took another long sip of the coffee.
“All the pieces were there, they just hadn’t been put into place.”
“And how did you piece them together?”
“There was a pattern to where the women had been last seen. It was a guess more than anything. A lucky guess.”
“And the pattern was?”
You sighed in frustration.
“As I told agent Jareau,” you sipped your coffee. “The bars they were last seen in all had ties to Mexico. I’m not a native to DC but I know the area like the back of my hand. They were all either Mexican owned, had a Mexican name or were previously establishments such as Mexican restaurants. I made an educated guess that he frequented places such as these looking for his targets. I just got lucky I picked the right one.”
You felt incredibly exposed, but you supposed that was the point.
If you were going to get this guy's attention, you had to do this right.
It was a long shot. Just because Western’s bar was known for its famous tacos did not mean it would be the place he chose to pick up girls.
You just had to hope.
You wore a skimpy skirt that barely covered your ass, knee high boots and a crop top that accentuated your assets.
Your firearm was hidden in your left boot.
Your outfit garnered a lot of looks as you headed through Westerns towards the bar.
You felt men’s eyes on you from every angle, making you feel extremely self conscious. But you needed to keep your cool, exude confidence.
If your guy was here he needed to see you shine.
You ordered a soda to keep your head clear and sat at a table over the far side of the bar. From there you had a good view of the entrance and most of the room. And more importantly, the room had a view of you.
Three hours you sat there nursing your soda. It was a huge stab in the dark, you weren’t really surprised.
You finished your drink and headed out onto the cool DC street.
You made it five steps before you felt a presence behind you.
Just as you were about to turn, something covered your mouth.
You struggled against a pair of strong arms.
A smell wafted up your nose seconds before you lost consciousness.
“Why didn’t you tell your unit chief before you went in?”
“Because I thought it was a long shot.” And because she would have been furious I was working the case.
“So you chose to use yourself as bait?”
“Yes.” You shrugged nonchalantly.
“Do you know how dangerous that could have been?” Rossi raised an eyebrow at you.
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“Yes agent Rossi, I’m well aware. But I had a lead and I wasn’t going to ignore it.” You pulled Doctor Reid’s jacket tighter around your scantily clad body.
You caught his scent again. Coffee. Old books. A hint of peppermint.
Another long shut off memory wormed it’s way to the surface.
“So are you here visiting someone?”
“Yeah.” You smiled sadly. “My mom.”
“Oh.” He returned your sad smile. “Me too.”
“Agent Y/L/N?”
You were brought back by Rossi’s concerned voice.
“I said, what happened next? You were chloroformed and then what?”
You shook your head, your mind clouded.
“Can we take a break? I could really use some air.”
Rossi sighed with a small nod.
He stood from his chair and motioned you to follow him.
You got some odd looks from his fellow agents as he led you to the elevators. They all recognised what you were wearing as Spencer’s jacket.
You followed Rossi into the elevator and he pressed the button for the ground floor.
“Agent Rossi, can I ask you a strange question?” You asked as the doors closed.
He gave you a curious look.
“I suppose.”
“Doctor Reid. As in Spencer Reid?”
“The one and only.” Rossi frowned unsure what you were getting at.
“Where is he from?”
Rossi’s frown deepened, not sure he should tell you such things about his team. But you were an agent and you didn’t pose a threat to the team.
“Vegas I believe.”
Vegas. Of course.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I don’t know.” You chewed your lip. “I think I might have known him.”
You wished you hadn’t opened your mouth. This was not the time or place.
“I’m probably wrong. Just forget I said anything.”
The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. As you stepped out you pulled Spencer’s collar to your nose and sniffed it.
No you weren’t wrong.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 1999
“Hi again.” You smiled at the lanky man, Spencer you’d met a few days ago. “How’s your mom?”
“Still angry at me.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and stubbed the toe of his shoe on the floor.
“She came in recently?”
“Yeah a few months ago. I turned eighteen and I was able to have her put into care.” He blanched, clearly feeling guilty for his decision.
“Do you want to grab a coffee?”
“Uhm sure.” He shrugged.
He followed you through to the day room. It was late and there were only a few patients inside and a few nurses milling around.
You got two cups of coffee from the machine and the two of you sat at a table together.
“Do you mind me asking what’s wrong with your mom?” You dared as you slid him the drink.
He sighed heavily, gnawing on his bottom lip as though his life depended on it.
“She’s a paranoid schizophrenic.” He spoke clinically, words he’d had to say too many times in his life. It was as though he’d distanced himself from it. Like he was giving a patient a diagnosis rather than talking about his own mother.
“Mine too.” You gave him a wry smile. You had something in common, just not something you would like to have in common.
“How long has your mom been here?”
“Three years. She got really bad and my dad couldn’t take care of her anymore. She’s been doing much better since she moved in here.”
“That’s good.” Spencer nodded. “I hope my mom realises I did this for her. For her well being. At the moment she’s just so...angry.”
You reached across the table and placed your hand on top of his. He seemed a little startled by the physical touch but you didn’t move your hand.
“This is the best place for her. I assume from what you said earlier your dad isn’t in the picture?”
He used his free hand to sip his coffee with a sad shake of his head.
“He left when I was ten. He couldn’t handle mom's illness.”
You gave his hand a small squeeze.
“I can’t imagine what it was like for you to have to look after her by yourself. It was hard enough with my dad there. Really makes you grow up fast.”
“It really does.” He agreed. “I’m not sure I ever got to be a kid.”
“I know that feeling.”
After that you spent hours chatting about anything and everything until way into the night. It wasn’t until a nurse came and asked you politely to leave that you realised how late it was.
“I’ll probably see you around?” You spoke as you stepped outside together.
“Maybe. In a few weeks I’m heading out of state. I’m working on a PhD.” He didn’t want to tell you it was actually his second PhD.
“Oh. Ok.” You tried to hide the disappointment from your voice.
Despite the circumstances you’d enjoyed talking to someone like minded, someone who understood. You didn’t have anyone else your own age you could talk to about this kind of thing.
“Maybe we could exchange numbers?” You blushed a little.
“I don’t have a cellphone.” He shrugged.
“It’s not an excuse.” He sensed you didn’t believe him. “I’m not so into technology. I don’t even have email.”
Normally you would have thought it was just a bad excuse to get out of seeing you again but the look on Spencer’s face told you he was being genuine.
“Ok.” You gave him a shy smile. “Well maybe I’ll see you again before you leave.”
“I hope so.” His eyes sparkled as he looked at you on the dark street.
There was an air between you, some kind of thick tension but you didn’t know what it meant.
“If I don’t see you again,” you spoke trying to ignore whatever it was. “It was really good to meet you and I hope your mom gets used to the facility.”
“You too.” He smiled so genuinely at you, it made your heart skip a beat.
And then you went your separate ways.
“Ok, so what happened next?” Rossi wasted no time once you were back in the interrogation room.
“Well I blacked out after I was chloroformed so excuse me if I don’t remember.” You gave him a sarcastic smile.
“What’s the next thing you do remember?” He reworded his question.
“I woke up in a large basement. It was gritty and dingy. And there were other women there too.”
“How many?”
“At least twenty.” You sighed letting your mind travel back to the basement you never wanted to go back to. Not even in your mind.
You woke with a start, your head pounding. You gasped for air as though you’d been drowning.
You blinked your eyes trying to adjust to the dark room you found yourself in.
It was cold and damp and you could hear a pipe dripping in the distance.
You tried to roll over but your arm wouldn’t budge. You were met by a loud clanking sound when you tried.
You tugged your arm, hearing the same sound and being met with a sharp pain in your wrist.
“Good luck.” A woman’s voice scoffed. “They don’t come loose.”
You blinked a few more times, looking over to your left arm. There was a heavy metal cuff right around your wrist that was attached to a metal bed frame.
That’s when you realised you were laying on a small cot on top of a ratty, itchy blanket. You were still dressed, thank god.
You suddenly remembered your firearm concealed in your boot. You patted your left calf and sure enough you felt the hard weapon still inside.
That was something at least.
Oversight on their part.
You remembered the voice you’d heard before and turned as much as you could with your arm cuffed to take in the rest of the room.
There were at least forty other cots close together lining the walls, with at least half of them containing the body of other women.
The voice you’d heard belonged to a woman in the cot next to you. She gave you a smile but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Her eyes were broken.
“Hi,” you croaked. “I’m Y/N.”
“Delilah.” Her accent was Spanish. You were sure Delilah wasn’t her real name either.
“How long have you been here?”
She sighed, playing with a strand of curly black hair.
“What month is it?”
“Oh.” She frowned. “Not that long then. I’ve been here since July.” She looked confused as though that couldn’t be long enough.
“Delilah?” You narrowed your eyes on her. “What year do you think it is?”
“2018…” she saw your face drop and knew instantly it was no longer 2018.
“Oh gosh.” You felt for her, tears welling in your eyes. “It’s 2020.”
“Oh.” Her face fell. “Wow.”
“It’s ok.” You lowered your voice. “I’m CIA. I’m going to get us out of here. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”
“Delilah.” Rossi opened the file in front of him. “Was that Roberta Suez?”
He pulled out a photograph and slid it across the table. You averted your gaze.
“Yes and please I don’t need to see it, I was there.”
“How did she end up in hospital fighting for her life?”
“You know how.” You huffed. “Look I’m starting to get fed up with this now.” You folded your arms. “Carlos Ramirez was a sick son of a bitch. If I hadn’t done what I did he would have killed all those women. I don’t regret what I did.”
“How did she end up in hospital?” He repeated.
“Good lord.” You grumbled. “I’ll talk but I don’t want to talk to you.”
Rossi narrowed his eyes on you.
“No? But I’m so compassionate.” He spoke sarcastically.
“I won’t say another word unless it’s to Reid.” You looked up to the two way mirror. You didn’t know why but you had a feeling he was there.
Sure enough it was barely twenty seconds before the door opened and Doctor Reid himself stepped in the room.
“I got this Rossi.” Spencer told the older man who stood up with a shrug.
Rossi left the room while Spencer took the seat he’d been occupying.
Did he remember you? It had been close to twenty years since you’d last seen each other. Had it not been for the olfactory memory that struck you when you put on his jacket you might never have remembered him.
But you knew the rest of his team was behind the two way glass, or at least some of them were so it didn’t seem an appropriate time to ask such things.
“So agent Y/L/N,” he smiled softly at you. “Can you please tell me how Delilah ended up in hospital?”
“You already know the answer to that Doctor but since you asked so nicely,” you leant your elbows on the table, entwined your fingers and rested your chin the little bridge you’d created. “She had a drug overdose. But you and I both know it wasn’t her who administered the drugs.”
“And who did?”
“I did.”
Your words hung in the air between you and Spencer. He knew the answer, the whole team did. You’d already told Agent Jareau everything.
This was a huge waste of time.
“I administered the drugs because he told me if I didn’t he would kill me. I needed to stay alive so I could save those women.”
“Who said he would kill you?”
“I don’t know his name.”
“It wasn’t Ramirez?”
“No.” You shook your head. “If it was Ramirez I would have shot him. But it must have been one of his right hand men.”
“How would you know that? You’d never met Ramirez correct?” Spencer had a soft tone to his voice which made his line of questioning easier than Agent Jareau’s.
“I’m not a profiler but I’ve been to enough seminars over the years. He didn’t fit the bill. He was young, scatty, he didn’t strike as much fear into the other women as I thought the boss would. I made an educated guess and I was right. If I’d shot at him I would have blown my chance at getting Ramirez.”
“Shit shit shit!” You pulled yourself as close to Delilah’s cot as possible with your restraint. “Delilah, keep breathing, try to breath. Fuck I am sorry.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks, the empty needle you’d been made to inject in her vein between your cots on the floor.
He’d held a gun to your head and said he would shoot you if you didn’t do it. You didn’t think he was bluffing.
“It happens a lot.” A woman opposite spoke up. “You’ll soon find out. If she wakes up she’ll have the pleasure of returning the favour.” She gave you an almost manic grin.
If she wakes up. It was the if you were having the issue with.
“Who’s in charge around here?”
She shrugged.
“Don’t know his name. Big guy. Tattoos. Mustache. You can’t miss him.”
“Does he come down here often?”
Again she shrugged.
“Being down here you have a way of losing track of time.” She clicked her tongue. “But he’ll be here for you later. He has to test his new girls.”
Your blood ran cold.
“Test?” You swallowed, pretty sure you knew what she meant.
“He can’t very well expect you to make him money if he doesn’t know how good you are.”
Oh god.
Your heartbeat raced. No, it was not going to come to that. You were a CIA agent and you were armed.
It was not going to come to that.
Spencer’s face paled a little at your words. You hadn’t told Agent Jareau that part.
“He was going to...he didn’t…”
“No.” You cut him off, pushing the memory back down. “I had a gun, remember.”
You offered him a wry smile.
“So you know what comes next.”
“I’d like you to tell me.”
The way he said it was more like he was a therapist than an FBI agent. As though he wanted you to tell him so you could get it off your chest, unburden yourself, rather than for interrogation purposes.
“Ok.” You nodded. “He came for me later that night. And that’s when it happened.”
“Ahh look at you.”
A deep, Spanish voice woke you.
Your eyes fluttered open and landed on a strong, tattooed man with a mustache standing over your cot.
This must be him.
“Tan hermosa.”
So beautiful.
You tried not to shudder.
You sat up wiggling your legs in your boots to make sure you could still feel your firearm. You could.
“Su nombre es Rosa.”
Your name is Rosa.
Guess again.
“Su nombre es Y/N.”
“Tú hablas español?”
You speak Spanish?
“Eres perfecta.” He grinned menacingly. “My clients will love you.”
He reached in his pocket and fished out a key chain. He reached over you and unlocked your cuff.
You rolled your wrist to try and get your blood circulating again.
“On your feet.”
You complied and stood up. Your legs were shaky.
He grasped your wrist, hard enough so you couldn’t wriggle free but not hard enough to leave a mark. He started dragging you across the room.
With his free hand he undid the four locks on the large steel door and pulled your through it. Once on the other side he took care to lock them all again, keeping a firm grasp on you the whole time.
You were dragged down a long, narrow corridor towards another steel door, this one with just one lock on.
He slid the key in and opened it, pulled you inside and locked it behind him.
The room was much smaller than the one you’d been held in and only housed a single cot.
He licked his lip as he looked at you. His large, thick fingers stroked your cheek and you had to try and hide your disgust.
“En la cama. Ahora.”
On the bed. Now.
You had to pick the opportune moment. You had to plan this just right. You had no doubt he had a gun on him so if you faltered even slightly, he would kill you.
“Qué tal esto.”
How about this.
You made a show of licking your lips and then dropping to your knees in front of him.
“Whoa, feisty. I like it.” He grinned, his meaty hands going to his belt buckle.
Yes. Right where you wanted him.
While he was fumbling with his belt, you reached your hand back into your left boot, drawing your gun in one swift move.
You head butted him in the crotch, sending him stumbling backwards, crying out in pain.
“Mierda!” Shit. “Usted puta!”
You whore!
You were on your feet in a second, your gun trained on him.
“You will never hurt another woman again.” You spat, furious tears suddenly streaming from your eyes.
He looked up at you, his mouth opened to speak.
But the words didn’t come out as your bullet hit him between the eyes.
“Who’s the puta now?”
“I would say,” Spencer chewed his lip. “You did what you had to do to survive.”
You breathed a sigh of relief.
Thank god.
“Thank you.” You smiled softly. “And I did. If I hadn’t shot him, who knows how many other women would have died.”
Spencer pushed his chair back and stood up.
“Just so you know, we got word from the hospital a little while ago. Roberta Suez, Delilah, is going to be just fine.”
“Oh thank god.” You felt tears brimming your eyes.
He opened the door and turned back to you.
“Are you coming?”
“I can leave?”
“You were never under arrest.” He smirked at you.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
You got up from the chair and Spencer motioned you out of the room.
“I’ll walk you out.” He showed you across the bullpen towards the elevators. There was an awkward air between the two of you.
Did you say anything? It didn’t seem as though he remembered you, was it worth reminding him?
He motioned you into the elevator first and he followed, pressing the button.
The elevator started its descent.
Time was running out.
“So uhm…” Spencer turned to you and turned too. “How’s your mom?”
A smile broke out on your features.
“I didn’t think you remembered me.”
“Are you kidding?” He laughed. “I recognised you the second you walked in.”
“It’s been twenty years.” You laughed.
“Eighteen years, seven months.” He corrected you. “But I could never forget your face.”
You blushed a little, averting your gaze.
“My moms doing ok. Thanks for asking. How’s your mom?” You looked back at him.
“Recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.” He told you sadly.
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok. These things happen.” He shrugged. “Made it to thirty without having a schizophrenic break but now I have to wait until I’m older to find out if I’ll develop Alzheimer’s.”
The doors to the elevator opened and you stepped out, Spencer close behind.
“I really am sorry Spencer.”
“It’s ok.” He shrugged. “Is your mom still at Bennington? I used to see her when I went to visit my mom but I moved her out a little while ago.”
“Yeah she’s still there. She likes being close to my dad.”
You both hovered by the exit, not ready to say goodbye.
“Can I take you for coffee? If you don’t have anywhere else to be.” Spencer blushed as he spoke.
“I’d like that. A lot actually. But I’d really like to shower and change out of this getup.” You laughed. “How about dinner?”
“Dinner sounds perfect.” He grinned at you.
You gave him a smile and turned to leave but before you made it to the door Spencer spoke again.
“Y/N,” he called your name, his voice cracking a little. “You uh...you forgot something.”
You turned to face him curiously.
He walked closer to you and without a second thought, placed his hands on your face and kissed you.
For a second you stood frozen, in shock of what was going on.
But after a few moments you wrapped your arms around his neck and opened your mouth to deepen the kiss.
When the kiss ended you were both smiling at one another.
“What was that for?” You asked softly.
“Oh you know…” he shrugged with a coy smile. “Just something that needed to be done.”
“I’ll meet you back here in a few hours.” You told him, touching his chest briefly.
“Bye Spencer Reid.”
“Bye Y/N Y/L/N.” He croaked.
And with that you sauntered out the doors but not out of his life.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 1999
“Spencer?” You’d only made it a few paces away from Bennington before you stopped in your tracks, calling his name. “You uh...you forgot something.”
He turned to face you curiously.
You walked closer to him and without a second thought, placed your hands on his face and kissed him.
He stood frozen, in shock of what was going on.
It was just a brief kiss, Spencer was too confused to do anything but stand there dumbly.
“Wh-what was that for?” He swallowed.
“Just something that needed to be done.” You smiled. “Bye Spencer Reid.”
“Bye Y/N Y/L/N.”
And with that you sauntered back down the street, hoping that one day, the universe would lead you back into each other’s lives.
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@mggsprettygirl @measure-in-pain
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
For the prompts, 49 with doppio? >:3 Idk what it is about him I just look at him and think “oh you’re NEEDY needy, huh?”. Thank you so much, you’re a really good writer! :)
No problem buddy, thanks for the request! >:3
Warnings: not sfw, dubcon/noncon, abduction, dark themes, yandere, etc.
Also, my requests are still open, if anyone else is interested!
Yandere prompt with Doppio, “You want me to fuck you…? Would that make you happy? Would it make you love me?” afab reader, dub/non con
All you wanted to do now was go home. You had had a long week at work, your parents were nagging you again, and to make things worse you had a headache that would not go away. After an exhausting day that began before the sun was out, and ended after the sun had set, you certainly deserved to do nothing more than go home, eat some junk food in your comfy pjs, listen to a podcast while you took a bath and pampered yourself, and maybe jerk off before bed. Unfortunately, you had a “girls night” tonight.
Your friends (your IRL friends at least) complained that you never went out with them anymore (nevermind that whenever you suggested doing something with them, or wanted to chat or text on the phone they were busy) and had forced you to go clubbing with them to celebrate the three-day weekend ahead. You weren’t much of a drinker, and really weren’t much of a dancer, so you had been given the purses to hold while you waited for them to be ready to go home.
You wrinkled your nose in frustration, glaring into the blurry screen of your phone looking at the late time: this was unfair. You were a hard worker, kind to a fault to those around you, and you deserved better than this. Sitting in a corner of a crowded club, everyone in the place having a great time except for you, tired and alone. At least in your apartment, you chose to be there, and at least no one actively ignored you: places like this just pointed out the flaws you hated about yourself more: you were bad with people, and easy to ignore.
Once one of your “friends” stumbled over to the group’s table, you left them with everyone's purse, mumbling you were going to the bathroom (you didn’t know if she heard you and you didn’t care) and left before anyone could stop you. You stumbled your way to the restroom in heels way too high for you to walk in, trying to clean yourself up and find a quiet place to text your goodbyes so your friends wouldn’t worry about your sudden disappearance. Leaning over the sink counter, you wiped a makeup smear off the corner of your lips, noticing a second too late someone behind you.
“Hey, there’s another sink-” You began to say to the blurred figure way too close to you, before a sudden eruption of pain hit the side of your head, and you were out in a flash…
The next time you regained consciousness was several hours later, but it was still dark when you opened your eyes, trying to remember what happened and where in the world you were. The stale cigarette smell, the unreasonably cold ac, the bedsheets starched so strongly that the sheets felt like plastic- this was definitely a motel. But where, and how long had you been here? As you began to sit up, you heard a surprised, timid voice.
“Oh, thank goodness! You’re awake, I was beginning to worry about you! Hold on, don’t move so suddenly, i’ll help you sit up.
Sure enough, as you started moving, your head lit up with painful throbbing that made last night’s headache seem like nothing in comparison. You grit your teeth and clenched your eyes shut, trying not to groan in pain.
“What the hell happened to me last night?” you grunted through your teeth, rubbing your temple as gentle hands helped slowly sit you up propped against cushions.
“Haha, you had a lot of bad luck last night, running into my boss. He was waiting for...an employee in the restroom and thought you were sent after him. He’s a bit paranoid, and he may have...accidentally clobbered you.” The voice apologized, gentle as he handed you what felt like a glass of water.
You forced yourself to open your eyes; it was still dark, but you could tell it wasn’t because of the time of day but rather a lack of light and closed curtains. You looked at..you looked at the person in front of you. Like whoever had attacked you last night, they had long pink hair, braided and side parted. Their eyes were green and wide, and they looked particularly juvenile with a crop top and freckles. They were on the smaller side, perhaps even shorter than you (hard to tell from while on the bed) and their eyes were crinkled in apprehension, like he was afraid you were going to hurt him.
“Erm, don’t worry though, I talked him out of doing anything too..extreme, after all I'm his right hand man! Besides, you seem like a perfectly nice person, I'd hate to see anything bad happen to you. Sorry, I'm rambling! Umm, do you want something for your headache? You were groaning in your sleep, I'm sure it doesn’t feel so good right now-” He went on and on, pulling out some painkillers to take with your water.
After thanking him, you were about to swallow the pill before pausing, looking at the strange man who’d taken you to a remote hotel after his boss had nearly killed you. Sensing your suspicion, doppio exclaimed, “Oh, don’t worry, they’re safe, name brand painkillers! Um, hold on, lemme just-” And he made a show of popping some of the pills you were holding into his mouth and swallowing, sticking out his tongue and opening his mouth to show you he’d ingested it.
Satisfied, and more importantly in a lot of pain, you took some of the pills yourself, much to the relief of the pink haired man.
“Oh good, thank you for doing that! I was so worried watching you asleep, you’ll feel much better now! By the way, my name’s Doppio, it’s a pleasure to meet you! Oh! And I know your name’s y/n because you had your purse and ID on you! Haha, sorry for going through your purse, I was just hoping to find any info on you that might be, you know, important.” he sat on the bed, scooching closer and closer to you.
You cleared your throat, unsure of what to say, and the watchful eyes of Doppio doing nothing to make you feel better.
“Well, um, thank you, Doppio. I appreciate you, um, saving me? Sorry for any inconvenience, I'll just, um-” You try to get up to leave, only for Doppio to place a hand over your leg.
“Don’t go! What, I mean, what if you hurt yourself? You probably have a concussion, and also you haven’t had breakfast? We could eat together and-” Doppio stammered, grabbing your hand and stroking it with his sweaty, cold fingers.
You had to stop him, before things got out of hand.
“Thank you, Doppio, it really was very sweet of you to take such good care of me, but I-”
“Please! You don’t understand, I mean-” Doppio fumbled with his words, clearly trying to make you stay at all costs.
“Doppio, i can’t stay here forever, i need to go home. My friends are probably worried about me by now.” You tried to press on, you didn’t want to upset the man with a powerful boss, but you felt increasingly claustrophobic with Doppio pawing at you.
“You mean those mean girls who left you with their purses all night? Why would you care about what they-” Doppio covered his mouth with both hands quickly, realizing what he just said.
Your blood ran ice cold; how did he know so much about them? Had he been watching you before the “incident”
Using his moment of weakness, you got up from the bed and tried to reach the door; it was time for you to go home, if not call the cops.
Doppio yelped, Throwing himself in front of the door before you could make your escape.
“Please, don’t be scared y/n! I didn’t mean to upset you, I only meant that I can treat you much better than your friends can. I mean, look at how good I've been for you so far?? I didn’t make you dance with me at the club, even though I really wanted to. I didn’t just have my fun against your will in the bathroom stall like the boss told me to do.I saved you from a concussion, or worse! I got you your own hotel room for the night, and didn’t take advantage of you or touch you while you were asleep! I want our first time to be special, after all! Isn’t that what you want?” Doppio pleaded, eyes wild as he tried to smile, trying to calm you.
You were anything but calm however, this guy was clearly obsessed with you, and had been for longer than just one night. Even if at first he had merely seemed like a pathetic “nice guy” you no longer had any pity or time to give him.
“Doppio, get away from the door and let me leave, now.” you demanded in your best authoritative voice. Doppio whimpered, this wasn’t how this was supposed to go at all, you were supposed to love him!
“You can’t! Boss and I won’t let you!” He cried, covering the door with his body. With no other choice, you slid out of your shoes and charged at him full speed. You managed to give him a good blow on the head, and threw him out of the way of the door. He cried, crumpled on the ground. If not for the fact that he had kidnapped you, you might have felt bad for hurting him like this, but you had to think of yourself at this moment.
As you finally unlock and pull open the door, heading towards freedom, you hear the strangest noise behind you.
“RingRingRingRingRing!” Doppio calls after you, in an unnatural, high pitched tone. You try to ignore it, you literally don’t have time for this, but with strength he had not previously displayed, Doppio grabs one of your arms, twisting it behind your back and up to his ear, holding it like a telephone.
There’s a trickle of blood, and one of his eyes is rolled back in its socket, but he calmly says, “Hello, this is Doppio,” Into your hand, as if he was having a normal conversation on the phone.
You scream out, doubled over by the pain in your arm, Doppio silent as he “listens” to his “Phonecall” oblivious to your suffering. Where did all this power come from? He was acting like an entirely different person, and frankly scaring you. Doppio nodded, pulling your hand closer into his ear and intently listening to nothing but air before “Hanging up and pulling you back into the motel room.
He threw you on the bed ( his arms felt much stronger, and more muscular for some reason) before crawling on top of you and pinning you down. You were too stunned, and frankly too scared, to come up with any means of escape, just weakly struggling to throw him off of you to no avail.
“Doppio, please-” You whispered, eyes blurry with tears.
“I talked to the boss, and he helped me figure out what to do. He wants our relationship to succeed after all!” Doppio exclaimed, additude reverted to how he’d first spoken to you. You were confused, you’d neither seen nor heard anyone in or around the room, who was he talking to and how?
“Boss told me that people like you need some discipline in order to be obedient, or you’ll walk all over me. If I can do that, then I can make you love me, and we’ll be happy together, isn’t that what you want?” Doppio told you, stroking your cheek.
“This is not okay, Doppio!” you yell, thrashing against both arms, “Let me go or i’ll-”
Wait a minute, both arms?
Then how was he…?
You look over to one side in shock, only to see a floating metallic and red arm holding you down, one on either side. You screamed, overwhelmed by a stalker and strange supernatural forces you couldn’t understand.
“Oh, you can see King Crimson's arms? Interesting, perhaps because of your near death experience with Boss, you can see stands now? Although, it would be bad if you developed a stand, what to do?...” Doppio pondered to himself, speaking apparent babble.
You cried, trying to wake up from this obvious nightmare with no luck.
“Awww, hey y/n, it’s okay, i’m not gonna hurt you! Not if you be good for me and Boss.” Doppio cooed, kissing your cheeks and forehead. “I talked boss into keeping you with us- you’re always so lonely at home, and never have a good time with others, right? You don’t have to lie anymore, I've been watching you for a while. Nobody else seems to, though, they’re too self-absorbed and stupid to realize how incredible you are!” He continued, oblivious to his words not helping, but hurting you.
“You’re perfect for me and boss, we can take really good care of you. Forget this lousy motel, we have mansions and villas all over Italy that we can take holidays to. We have billions of Lira from work, you’ll never have to lift another finger and we’ll pamper you to death. And best of all? You’ll never have to see your awful friends or family again! Isn’t it awful how they treat you? We can get rid of them, so they can’t hurt you!” He finishes, grinning ear to ear, but his eyes hollow and lifeless, staring unblinkingly into yours.
This guy was sick, there was no other word to it. You might have had issues with your family, and yeah your friends could be assholes sometimes, but you didn’t want them killed! What good would that do you, or anyone for that matter?!
Doppio seemed to read your thoughts, “Look, I know it's a lot to take in at once, but trust me. Boss and I have planned this out for a while now, and we’re always going to do what’s best for us, ok? So don’t worry so much, and please stop struggling? Boss warned me if you got too unruly he’d take over and finish what he started last night.
A wave of nausea slithered through you as you remembered, thinking how close you were to dying. You gave up, lying limp on the bed, praying for this to end.
Doppio smiled again, this one almost seeming genuine, and gave you the softest kiss to your lips. It was childish, almost, and he clearly lacked experience, but he gained more confidence from your lack of struggling. With the mysterious hands holding you (stands? King crimson?) his own hands were free to touch you. He started With your cheeks, your face, your hair, your neck, stroking you with feather-light touches, his fingers tracing each curve, digit and flaw like he was trying to memorize it all.
“Finally… I finally get to touch you like this… I’ve been waiting for so long, y/n. Do you know how long I've wanted to hold you?” He whispered, wrapping his arms around your neck, cradling your cheek to his. You didn’t know, and you didn’t want to, but Doppio told you anyway.
“I’ve been watching, waiting...for so long. Following you home from work, listening into your calls, finding your online accounts. I’ve known since I first saw you that you were the one for me, and now I get to prove it to you. I get to show you all the things I've been meaning to do to you. You’ll never be lonely again, not with me around. We’ll never be lonely~”
He giggled the last part, giddy with excitement, as he slid his fingers down your ribcage, your sides, fiddling with the bottom of your shirt. You wriggled, trying to fight him off again, only to your dismay Doppio giggled even harder at your reactions-perhaps because he knew you could never overpower him.
“Ohhh~ still so shy? Don’t be so uptight, y/n, you need to live a little! I know how much you want this; you complain about it all the time on your personal blog-” You could feel the blush on your cheeks heating up your face, desperate to make him shut up, “ How you want someone to have their way with you, to make you forget everything else in life. You’re desperate for someone to truly cherish and understand you; mentally and physically. You want me to love you? You want me to fuck you…? Would that make you happy? Would it make you love me?” Doppio rambled on and on, ripping your shirt off with strength he hadn’t had before.
You yelped, goosebumps forming on your skin as Doppio cackled, rubbing his face on your stomach, and into your cleavage poking out from your bra.
“Yes, let go for me! Show me every emotion, everything you’ve been holding back from me for so long- i need it, I demand it!” He snarled, splitting your nicest bra in half, and biting down on your neck, hard.
You screamed, legs kicking uselessly as the pain blurred your mind and you were operating purely on instinct. Doppio didn’t seem bothered in the least by it, you could still feel his laughter against your sore neck, as he sucked down on it, trying to bruise and mark you. His hands couldn’t help but find their way to your breasts, toying with them and squeezing them with admittedly little expertise. But he was a quick learner, making note of each little gasp and twitch according to how he touched you, and improving his technique from there. He twisted your nipples a bit roughly, already hard from the chilly air and sensitive to touch- you couldn’t help but moan a little in satisfaction. It had been awhile.
Doppio’s moans echoed yours, as he kissed his way down the crevice of your breasts, and licked each nipple in turn. You squirmed, not in fear or anger but pleasure, angry at yourself for letting this strange man win your body over so easily. Doppio kept his eyes on you at all times, studying your face to see how you felt. He’d had to watch you for so long from so far away, alone in your bedroom, or so you thought… it was time to use the knowledge he’d gained to make your body crazy for him.
You jumped at Doppio’s hands, cupping your groin through your pants, trying not to buck into his hands . It was getting harder and harder to deny him, though, why couldn’t you just-?
Doppio pulled your pants down to your ankles, taking your panties with it. He groaned audibly at the sight- your pussy was so wet and dripping, there was still a trail connected to your underwear.
“No, don’t-” You cried, snapping your legs shut, visibly scared at what was taking place again. Doppio was losing patience, crouching down and prying your legs open,
“Stop fighting me, y/n, you clearly want this!” He cried, eye twitching in annoyance. He managed to open your legs again, and buried his face into your pussy. He moaned, licking up a wet stripe against your labia, warm and puffy and so wet for him- he knew you would be, he knew you loved him.
Tears streaked down the sides of your face, this was so much and so intense. Your thighs clamped down on Doppio’s cheeks and neck, squeezing him as hard as you could. Not hard enough, apparently, as he just started giggling again through a full mouth and busy tongue “Ssho good, y/n, why have you been hiding thissh from mee~?” he moaned, tongue circling your clit. You flung your head back into the pillow, gripping the mysterious hands that held you for any source of strength or comfort.
Watching you whimper so pitifully with his head between your legs, obviously blissed out after being so needy and alone for so long, just did things to doppio. He loved the pained, fucked out expression on your face- you couldn’t even keep your eyes open as he snuck one, two fingers into your aching pussy. You whimpered so cutely, and it was all for him and him alone. Finally~
“Y/n, please, i can only hold back for so long, let me make sure it’s not painful… be good for me, please?” Doppio begged, grinding his hips into the mattress before he could help himself. Begrudgingly, you moved your thighs back just enough for Doppio to push them away, when he got a wonderful idea. King crimson, or what Boss had lent him of his stand to use, sensed his thought, and grabbed both your hands in one arm. Doppio pushed your thighs back and up, effectively bending your knees into your chest and displaying your pussy in such a beautiful way. You cried out, surprised by the sudden movements and embarrassed by how exposed you were, but there was nothing you could do about it. Doppio was just too strong.
The other free hand floated down, spreading your lips apart to give Doppio a nice view before pummeling two of his thick, strong fingers inside of you. You screamed, crying as the fingers curled directly into your sweet spot, massaging with robotic-like precision and speed. The sounds you were making were wet, animalistic, and you were quickly brought close to the brink.
“Perfect, y/n! Just like that, let yourself go! It makes me happy to see a side of yourself you never show anyone else- and you never will to anyone but me! Remember, I'm the one making you feel this good, right y/n? You couldn’t possibly find anything half as wonderful from anyone else but me! Me, got it?!” Doppio exclaimed, his voice cracking and becoming much darker, scarier. For a second, you could swear he looked like a different person entirely, wild, angry and dangerous- but you blinked and Doppio was just as before.
Doppio licked his lips, sweating and anxious, this was good enough to make you love him, right? This was what he had to do to make you happy? Boss’s words from before appeared in his head though, and he remembered how Boss had always been right before. Doppio trusted him, and was determined to win you over. Doppio let go of one of your legs-you seemed adequately distracted and restrained to get away from him- and unzipped his fly. In truth, he would’ve preferred to get all the way naked with you for the first time, so you could see and feel the real him as well, but clearly the two of you were too desperate and impatient for him to get fully naked. This time.
You whimpered at the sound of a zipper, feeling the fingers pull out of you. You heard the crinkle of a wrapped, and the muffled groan as Doppio probably rolled a condom onto himself, but you were too afraid to look. The strong floating hand, still wet with your juices, gripped your cheek and forced you to look at Doppio, staring you down with much more restraint and calm than he had been. Doppio kissed your cheek, then your lip, and pushed his warm cock achingly slowly, gently, into your waiting pussy.
You couldn’t help yourself from moaning, grabbing at the hands that held you, thrusting yourself onto Doppio’s hard and hot cock. He bit his lip, feeling you twitch and squeeze around him; he was trying so hard to be gentle for you, why were you still making things so difficult. He chuckled to himself, and motioned for King Crimson to let you go; finally you were beginning to relax and enjoy yourself, and he wanted to enjoy every bit of it.
Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around Doppio, holding him close to you. Your mind was a mess, your body even messier, you didn’t know what to think or do about your abducter/rapist fucking you so tenderly, and you were tired of fighting. So you let him fuck you, slowly and gently and way way emotionally. Doppio wiped away new tears you hadn’t realized were there, shushing you, “It’s okay, my sweet y/n. Just relax and let me do the work. Don’t fight it any more, just let go.” He whispered, pressing kisses into your lips and cheeks far too sweetly.
So you did, you relaxed and sank into the mattress, pulling Doppio down with you. He let go of your thighs, and held you tightly to him as he fucked-no, made love to you. He gradually picked up the pace, huffing and whispering words of admiration to you about your body, or how much he adored you. You took it all limply, the fight having gone out of you and desperate for comfort. The floating arms, which you had forgotten about, reappeared and stimulated your nipples and clit, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
Doppio sped up as well, he knew this would have to end, but he wanted to make it last as long as possible. This was your first time together, after all. He wanted to make it special. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper and closer into you. You could feel the spongy head of his dick rub your inside so sweetly, you were starting to get addicted to the feeling. Doppio buried his head into your neck, mumbling nonsense as he pushed in deeper and deeper, faster and faster, as his restraint gave way to passion.
“Y/n I- I don’t know how much longer I can last, but-” He kissed you, as the stroking of your clit sped up. You groaned loudly, you were so close, “Just a bit longer, please~” You begged, biting your lip. Doppio took a deep breath, steeling himself as he was determined to make you come first. He pounded into you, urging you closer and closer, four sets of hands circling your body and drawing out noises and gasps from you out of your control.
“Almost there, please, almost~!!!” You cried, throwing your head back with a final sigh as you came hard and fast, your core heating up and washing over you as Doppio helped you ride it out with clit rubs. Your walls fluttering around him, the face that you made as you came from him, for him, it was too much and he quickly filled his condom inside of you, moaning even louder than you had as he thrust without abandon into your wonderful, most precious place. He didn’t want to stop, thrusting almost to the point of overstimulation, before he had to stop, and collapsed on top of you. He cooed and kissed his praises and thanks into your shoulder and skin, before he noticed the soft sound of you snoring. Poor thing, he chuckled to himself, you’d really worked yourself up.
He reluctantly pulled out, after indulging in 5 minutes of cuddling your sleeping body and listening to your heartbeat. Doppio cleaned the two of you off, and tucked you into the covers of the motel- now would be a good time to set up moving you into your new home. After all, The whole reason you were in the motel is because the moving company Boss had hired to move your things into the main base would take several hours to complete their job, and Boss didn’t want anyone seeing you or Doppio at home. Doppio ruffled your hair as you slept, pulling out his cellphone to check in with Boss and give him the full update he’d requested.
Tonight was going to be very busy.
231 notes · View notes
mazuwii · 3 years
Eren Jaeger SFW Alphabet
Authors note: I hope this is feeding you guys because I am dragging this motivation by its hair😤
I was going to do Bertholdt next but I got a request for Miche so either of them will come out next😄
If you guys can’t comment (I’ve no idea how to turn replies on) Then I’m Lunology on wattpad, just comment on my aot scenarios book and I’ll post here! <3
—A (Affection, how affectionate is he?)
•Not the most lovey-dovey person in the entire cast, Eren is really shy when it comes to conveying his feelings for you. But when you both are alone, and he's comfortable with you he can hug you, or pinch your cheeks as a way of saying "You're so cute I could squish you into nothing."
•He has a very aggressive way of showing affection, like biting your cheek, kissing places with his hands clamping shut on them, it's difficult to get him to let go.
—B (Bestfriend, what would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
•Being best friends with Eren is a wild ride. You'd think he adopted you as a best friend being the loud, boisterous extrovert that he is yet you're the one always getting him out of trouble.
•He's loud, fun, spontaneous but incredibly annoying. My guy will SPAM you with useless TikTok videos, his entire fyp on your messages.
•But he's very funny too, he crops your faces on animated videos and it lowkey looks so shit that it's funny.
•As your best friend, Eren will fight anyone who even thinks about threatening you (lmao he can't fight) so you're just stuck with scolding him and disinfecting his bleeding lip💀
—C (Cuddling. Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?)
•If he gets a random wave of gratitude he'd just randomly burst into your room and hug you, it would be sooo random. You're just playing a game and this guy hugs you but as a joke, he walks around the room while hugging you so the chair you're on walts around everywhere with him. Once you understand what this weirdo is doing you just burst out laughing with him because you both look dumb.
•Like the dude is just staring into space when he remembers that one time you slapped a teacher for him, or almost got yourself in trouble to give him something and he just goes: ƈ ͡ (ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु COME HERE Y/NNNNNN!!
•Eren is a pretty fun boyfriend, wouldn't just stick to a cuddle session, it would be more like... playing a game on the console with you sprawled out on his lap.
—D (Domestic. Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
•While Eren wants to tie a knot when it comes to you and him, having children never ever crosses his mind. It's just fun fun fun until you're twenty-eight and you're asking when he wants to have a mini Jaegar. He just looks a bit taken back because it isn't an easy job...
•And when it comes to cooking and cleaning, he's actually somewhat good at cleaning, never missing a spot with his aggressive wiping. However... I don't see him as a cooker if you get me💀 probably burnt his finger while boiling water and never tries again.
•If we're talking about domestic then yeah maybe, maybe he does have a nice husband in him. Not one that pretends there's a spider on you when you wake up... or nOt one that hogs the pillows.
—E (Ending, If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?)
•He felt as if he wasn't giving you enough and that other men could satisfy you. Eren would be too scared to face you when he breaks the news so he would leave a note and completely disappear from your life.
—F (Fiancé. How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
•Eren doesn't really put labels on things, at least, he says that... the guy calls you wifey even though you aren't married. Sure he may think about it for a few minutes but quickly shuts himself down since he's extremely shy when it comes to chatting about the two of you
•Eventually when he goes to all his friends' weddings, he gets jealous and decides he should put a ring on it LMAO, you can expect him to be incredibly flustered and even play it off with a 'cool' when you say yes. It's best you hug him so that you don't see how red his face turns.
•I'm just sayin' he's going all out for your wedding, it's so funny, he's so extra... why are their ten limousines? Men shooting guns upwards the moment you both kiss?! A fucking food fight-
—G  (Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
•If we're talking about physically, he is not gentle and he doesn't even try to be. He sometimes accidentally hurts you but never misses a second to kiss the spot and over-apologise. But Eren would never think about hurting you on purpose unless it was a life or death situation.
•Emotionally, he's fragile and would love reassurance. Emotionally, towards you, he doesn't be careful, always giving you jump scares, purposely pranking you
—H (Hugs, do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
•For you, he loves aggressive hugs where it's breaking your bones and he just lifts you off the floor and violently shakes you around like he can't get enough of you.
•He loves loves loves loves LOVES hugs when you two are alone and treating you like your a happy huge dog, ruffling every single part of your body for no reason at all and rubbing you with a relaxing force...?
•Again, Eren is very shy so you'd have to start hugging him first for him to get used to it and eventually, he'll be the one knocking into your body for a bear hug
—I (I love you. How fast do they say the L-word?)
•Eren says I love you through the number of shits he gives (Not literally)... If he cares about you he worries a lot and checks up on you almost all the time so
•It would probably be at a time where he did something so risky and you got so scared that the moment you caught onto him you cried it out, he'd apologetically say it back and hug you, with meaning of course.
—J (How Jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
•Coming from someone who tries her hardest to make this accurate, I can say Eren gets jealous to the  m a x
•At first he thinks to himself that you'd tell whoever it is flirting with you to fuck off but his pride shatters when he realises you didn't say anything and it doesn't sound like you will
•My guy either walks out in dismay and gets petty with you afterwards or he walks up to you and tells you the both of you have to go home before shooting a dirty look at the flirty dude or straight up telling him to piss off
•That may result in a physical fight 💀 that guy needs anger management classes...
—K (Kisses, what are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
•For Eren, I can say that he doesn't make out often but when he does he'll probably leave your lips bruised, he has an obsession with biting your lip at the wrong time💀 he's too rough on most occasions, it isn't fun... calm down Jaegar.
•Eren loves kissing your cheek, except he bites it and leaves a slobber of saliva on it. He thinks it's cute as fuck, he won't stop.
•As for where he likes being kissed... he likes feeling delicate and loved so he really enjoys it when you sweep his rapunzel ass hair aside and kiss the temple of his forehead
—M (Mornings, how are mornings spent with him)
•The blanket is probably completely off of him and his leg is resting on your hip. He's an animal so the guy wakes up at like...6am without an alarm- it isn't even a training day! It's a day off! And he still wakes up at that early time.
•A few morning exercises for an hour before he attempts to wake you up... violently.
•Listen! Eren likes making breakfast with you, it doesn't feel the same without you- it's defintely not because he has no idea how to work the gas and oven🌚
•He's very funny and social when he isn't hungry so mornings are pretty fun with him, cracking a few jokes while getting you dirty with pancake mix (he said he can't control where flour goes, this is why you don't get him to cook)
•And then after that, it's time to shower... idk you decide if you'll go in with him¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Just sayin' his skin is very red afterwards, my guy uses cold water but scrubs so hard with the lufa-)
—N (Night, how are nights spent with him?)
•Like I said, Eren is like a dog, he spends his days using his full energy and he makes sure to use it all up so by 22:00 he should be knocked out.
•Eren isn't too bothered on cooking so you both probably just watch something before bed while eating take out
•afterwards it's a... really boiling hot shower, brush your teeth, have a conversation in bed for a while until you're both falling asleep at the sound of your voices.
•"Hah... loser... I can...- I can see you falling asleep *Jaegar yawn* first..." even though he's the one with the heavy, falling eyelids.
—O (Open, when would he start revealing things about himself? Did he say everything all at once? Or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
•Eren is very hesitant when it comes to being emotional, he thinks it isn't very masculine so you have to remove the toxic part away and reassure him millions of times that just because he cried, it doesn't make him girly.
•It would be an accident, he'd be trying to go stargazinh with you, you were resting on his arm and he was rambling and the subject suddenly got onto him. Without realising, he spilled everything right then and there... somehow without crying.
•The least you could do was hold on his hand and squeeze it gently... I doubt he's paying attention, he's probably scowling in memory.
•It's best you reassure him that nothing is his fault, nothing could have prevented what happened
—P (Patience, how easily angered are they?)
•He is very impatient to say the least, a control freak.
•When things don't go his way, he shouts, punches walls, scrunches up his hair but the moment there are tears in his eyes, everyone needs to leave the room
•oh ho ho HOOO you don't want to Eren to cry from anger, he turns into the silent kid with a glock in his bag... leave him for an hour and you'll come back to a fully destroyed room👁👄👁
—Q (Quizzes, how much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
•He remembers dumb small details, your favourite flowers, why you don't like public bathrooms, the reason you won't stop annoying his half brother 💀 (You wanna know Zeke's wiping technique... who doesn't?!)
•However he can't for the life of him, remember your doctors appointment or to pick up your medicine... he's halfway home and goes "Fuck-"
—R (Remember, what is his favourite moment in your relationship?)
•He and you go out on a lot of dates, but they're always wacky and messy. One of his favourites was when you both attacked Armin at the beach with water guns and then both Armin and Mikasa were both searching for you to get revenge
•You two hid behind a palm tree, giggling lowly with each other, aiming to attack your two oblivious friends but little did you both know, they heard your low confident remarks and lunged from behind the tree with two full buckets of freezing sea water dumped on you.
•He always remembers that day when he drifts off into a daydream and it always makes him smile
—S (Security, how protective are they? How would they protect you?)
•Trust me when I say... Eren would kill for you...
•So in conclusion, he is very protective and would not hesitate to take far measures to protect you. He's pretty much your ride or die
•While he doesn't show his protectiveness, he acts on it... if that makes sense? Listen, he's very protective but he's sneaky about it! I don't know how to describe it
—T (Try. How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
•Despite how immature he seems, Eren completes all tasks in his day. And he makes sure of it
•When it comes to dates, it's very random... more spontanous but it's always something like. "Oh by the way, we're going to a waterpark this Sunday." Orrr "Babe! Get ready, we're going to eat out with Armin and his girlfriend!"
•You have an hour and a half to get ready so I would call your relationship active 😭 not even sexually active just active.
•Eren can be thoughtful but you have to shove your interests in his face for him to know what you want. Cartoon posters? He catches you watching a lot of gravity falls, steven universe, AWOG, etc... and then anytime he sees stuff to do with that in shops, he gets it for you on the way.
—U (Ugly, what are some bad habits of his?)
•Like I said earlier, Eren has some... mild anger issues🌚
•Nothing can calm him down, unless you have Ackerman strength I doubt you can stop him. He has no idea how to deal with his emotions so it just bubbles up and then he sees an object and thinks 💡 this can take my shit load of anger
•The walls probably have a lot dents yk and calming him down is very difficult but to be thoughtful, you tried getting him a few things to help him deal with his stress properly
—V (Vanity, how concerned is he with his looks)
•Couldn't really give two shits about his appearance, my guy grew rapunzel ass hair and just tied it up because I doubt he's bothered to take care of it
•Sure he wouldn't mind you washing it for him and applying conditioner, in fact, he loves it.
•Eren doesn't care about his appearance and just throws on a hoodie and sweatpants most of the time. You have to choose the shit he wears when you go out on fancy occassions 💀
—W (Whole, would they feel incomplete without you?)
•Again, to Eren, you're his world and he'd do anything to make sure that world is safe and healthy so without you, who would he feel the need to protect?
•Okay MAYBE he doesn't like worrying but he just does so I guess that would be a good thing if you broke up but it isn't as worth it💀
•But ever since you've been his sunshine cheerleader, he can't imagine a morning without your whining ass voice, or fighting with you to the bathroom in the morning, jumping on your back out of nowhere
•You're everywhere in his head, of course he couldn't feel whole without you
—X (Xtra, a random headcannon for him)
•Anytime Eren loses at something(it could be a hobby or a game) he'd stop doing it. Just dropping the entire thing.
•Unless he feels competitive, that always fires him up to do better... so in a way, Jean motivates him to do things. Those two actually care for each other but they hate each other (not literally) they're like siblings!
•Sorry, am I making sense?💀
—Y (Yuck, what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in person?)
•First of all, my mans fucking hates chocolate, put it near him and he'll kick it or throw it against the nearest wall.
•Like Eren was such a good boi when he was little, eating everything his momma put on his plate, even the brussel sprouts he fucking despised.
•But chocolate is his last straw. Chocolate and peanut butter. It gets stuck to the roof of his mouth and he panics like a drama queen, fanning his face like a princess and washing his mouth with his heart POUNDING against his chest
—Zzz (What are some sleeping habits of his?)
•He sleeps pretty normally, when he turns he lets out a soft satisfied groan, which I'd say is ordinary
•As for his sleeping weight, I'd say he's a heavy sleeper, you'd need to shake him to wake him up, slap his face or something because when that sleep is BUSSIN he won't be WAKIN (bad joke sorry)
•And he's gaping. Shut his mouth please.
•His hands may accidentily fall on some places on your body, he places them everywhere. Like on your nose, on your belly
Authors note:
Have you guys noticed that I don't add the letter L🌚? *shocked noises*
Jaaaa that's because I don't wanna write about kids so forgive me lmao
Deadass my brain just went bye bye when it came to writing and I recharge by reading actual original work by published authors, it helps me get back on track
Bertholdt/Miche is next!
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bullshxtvixen · 4 years
Safe word.
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Tendou Satori - Reader uses safe word HC
Pairing: Tendou x Sub!Reader
Request:  you wrote in your tendou hcs about him respecting the safeword, do you think you could write something about maybe his reaction and how he would handle his s/o having to use it? if not no worries!!
Warnings: Degredation, 18+, pain kink gone too far, sadism.
a/n: At first i was just going to go down the over-stimulation route, but idk, i always see him wanting to test your pain threshold so this seemed the best way for me to go.  Plus i write about over stim all the time. The reader will use the safe word because of pain so if that makes you uncomfortable then do not read these.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*
☆ Even though Tendou is a sadistic fuck who gets off on pain and humiliation, the last thing he ever wants to do is push it too far.
☆ In his eyes if you ever got to a point where you had to use the safe word for anything other than being unable to bare anymore over-stimulation, he’d see it as him breaking the trust between the two of you.
☆ I mean it when I say he’s super meticulous about watching your body language and keeping an eye out for your signal if you’re unable to use your mouth.
☆ His sixth sense always comes in handy too, it’s like he can tell if he’s about to take it too far.
☆ But everyone slips up every now and then, even the famous guess monster.
☆ He has a spreader bar placed between your legs and your wrists were secured behind your back with thick bondage tape as he pressed your front into the leather cover that was spread across the heavy wooden table that sat in the spare room of your shared apartment.
☆ It was also where Tendou kept his collection of toys that he used to bring you the intoxicating mix and pain and pleasure that had your whole body in a state of bliss.
☆ But today...
☆ Today was different.
☆ It’d start off amazing. He’d used the vampire glove he often favored to lightly spank your ass as his hand held a wand vibrator against your clit.
☆ The sting of the glove as the tiny mental spikes met the delicate skin of your ass only fueled your desire, your thighs immediately slick with your arousal and lust making your head spin.
☆ “Such a good little whore for me, squirming like that. I can see how soaked your dirty little cunt is, I can practically smell the lust dripping from between your thighs.” Then he’s bringing his hand down hard on your ass, the gloves biting in a little too harshly but the pain is quickly overridden as he turns up the settings on the vibrator, your body convulsing at the intensity of the sensations he’s making you feel.
☆ “Let’s see how much pain my little cum dumpster can really take.”
☆ Then the vibrations on your clit was gone. You hear some shuffling behind you and then you feel his presence return to you once more.
☆ “You better brace yourself for this, angel.” You feel the tip of a what you can only assume is a riding crop being dragged down your back and shiver. “I want you to count for me, all the way to 10.”
☆ The first blow comes like a shock, your body immediately reacting to the pain.
☆ “One.”
☆ “Louder, you filthy slut.”
☆ Usually his words didn’t get to you, but coupled with the actions, your mind began to spiral.
☆ The next blow is even harsher. You bite your lip as tears threaten to spill.
☆ “T-two.”
☆ “Not loud enough, didn’t you hear me, slut? Looks like i’ll have to make the next one even harder as punishment.”
☆ You couldn’t take another one, it was too much. There was no pleasure in this, only pain.
☆ You watch from the corner of your eye as he brings his arm up, ready to let the crop hit its mark again.
☆ The tears pool in your eyes as the one word you never thought you’d have to use leaves your lips.
☆ “Block!”
☆ As soon as the word reaches him and he hears the pain laced in it, he’s immediately dropping the riding crop and removing you from your restraints.
☆ I think he’d be in a state of shock, not believing it had happened for a few seconds before his brain catches up to what you’d actually said.
☆ When you flinch slightly as he moves to touch you, pain immediately engulfs his chest. He should’ve realised. He should’ve notice, and now the tears falling from your eyes were from him. He’d caused those from pain, not pleasure. 
☆ “Y/n...please forgive me...I’m so sorry, angel.” Then he’s carrying you to the bathroom, holding you to his chest, careful not to put pressure on your abused skin.
☆ He’ll place you on your feet in the bathtub, asking you to hold onto his shoulders as he uses a warm flannel to clean you up. His touch is light as he moves a long your body, scared to hurt you further. You notice his hand shake slightly as he rubs the flannel over the contours of your body.
☆ When you grab his hand and pull him towards you so that you can place a soft kiss on his lips, that’s when he feels like he can finally breathe again. 
☆ “I forgive you, ‘Tori. It’s...it’s not okay, but i forgive you. I’m not going anywhere.” You could read him like a book. He thought you would leave him after this, he saw it as breaking the trust he held so dear to him. 
☆ When he resumes his cleaning, he leaves a trail of kisses behind the flannels path. Your thighs, your hips, you stomach, your chest, they’re so light that you barely feel them but you know he’s not going to risk being rough with you for a while.
☆ Then he’ll apply cream to your broken skin, you hiss as it comes into contact. Each whimper that falls from your lips is like a shot to the heart.
☆ Once he’s satisfied that it’s all rubbed in, he’ll help you to the bedroom, placing you on your stomach on the bed. He’ll bring you water and your favourite snacks with a timid smile on his face.
☆ He’ll pull you to his chest and wrap an arm around your waist as his other hand traces over your face, down your neck, over your shoulder and along your back. He’ll repeat this for a while, just needing his hands on you as he whispers soft words to you, his lips ghosting over your forehead as he does.
☆ “I love you more than anything.” “You are my home, i hope you know that, y/n.” “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
☆ Then he’s humming the tune of your favourite song in your ear as you drift off to sleep on his chest, wrapped in his arms, where you belong.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:
i don’t really know how i feel about these but i hope you liked them.
I also just want to say that aftercare is super important after sex, even if it’s just vanilla. It’s definitely a practice that more people need to get into and it goes both ways for a Sub and a Dom.
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androidemotions · 4 years
these hcs are kinda halfway set in a modern au bc thats my context for this ! (gonna split it up so its not as long bc i drafted the original and it was LONG) water tribe siblings first !!!
adhd/autism king 😌
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[ID: a screenshot of Sokka standing on a raised stone platform with a map of the Fire nation hanging behind him. He’s holding his arms stiffly by his side with a wide-eyed look on his face, brows raised as he has his mouth open, saying something. End ID.]
- schedules to survive, he likes to know what hes getting into and if you try to change plans on him without warning he’ll be very resistant
- smart kid who doesnt study, oh he tries, oh boy does he try, he ends up reading the same sentence over and over until he gets distracted by drawing something, working on the blueprint for his latest invention, or with researching something completely unrelated to what he’s mean to be studying. then he tosses and turns all night because he’s stressed by not having studied, but when he actually takes the test he makes a 105, despite there not even being a bonus question, he just answered the essay question so well the teacher gave him an extra 5 points
- special interests?? we got em!!! classic weaponry (think swords, boomerangs, but also, like canons and catapults and shit) engineering/physics, art/drawing, strategy games. he tends to hyperfocus within his special interests, so like for a week he was hellbent on building his own full sized trebuchet, much to the dismay of Gran Gran who just wanted to grow her tomatoes without them being crushed by said full size trebuchet
- (also he plays all types of games probably, but he def plays those ones where you take over the world, like the ones online and azula also plays them too and they end up being rivals, while not actually knowing who the other is outside of their usernames)
- he also talks a lot in his classes/is like the ‘class clown’ and ppl think this is him not focusing but engaging this way actually helps him focus way more than sitting silently, a lot of teachers dont understand it but the ones who do are actually paying attention and realize that he’s generally talking/joking about their current topic
- some observations (this shit is all canon babey!!!) - sokka is great at being a leader and communicating in groups he’s in but he really really struggles in front of crowds, one-on-one and sokka can talk well, joke and stuff but as soon as he’s separate from other people and everyone is just listening he clams up (solar eclipse pt 1). he also loves to joke and make people laugh, and a lot of the time he misinterprets stuff because he’s autistic but he also will realize this and do it anyway because he thinks it’s funny and he likes laughing with his friends (idk if this happens in canon but i do this and sokka does too bc i said so :^). He also takes up the protector/comforting role but despite his best intentions he can sometimes say insensitive stuff and not even realize what he’s done to upset people (when he happily told aang ‘the whole world thinks your dead!’) works best when he feels needed, if he feels unnecessary or like something doesnt matter he struggles to complete it (i feel like the beginning of sokka’s master rlly demonstrates what i mean here), and this goes both ways, he will put too much value into certain things that he cares about and can get his priorities mixed if he’s focused too much on what he believes matters more than what might be most pressing (zuko destroyed his suki sculpture, oh right bc he was attacking aang)
she also has adhd/autism, (so do both Hakoda and Kya 💙)
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[ID: a screenshot of Katara, Hakoda, Sokka, and Bato. Hakoda has his hand on Katara’s shoulder as they both look at Bato who is saying something, she has curious look on her face with her brows raised, while Hakoda looks exasperated. Sokka beside him his also looking curiously up at Bato, with one brow raised and the other furrowed. Bato has a neutral expression on his face as he speaks. End ID.]
- palms sweaty thoughts spaghetti, she tries to be practical bc she thinks someone needs to be but really her brain is like a runaway train, she sees something that needs doing and is like, guess ill do that now! and drops whatever she was doing first. she can get very anxious because of this because all the thing that need doing start to pile up because theyre all in her brain at once. that and as much as she tries to be practical she’s very impulsive, getting help from other people really helps alleviate this stuff
- interacting w ppl, when she was only part of her own smaller community she had a lot less toll on her, bc she knew everyone and was used to them, as she meets more people she gets really frustrated with how many people seem to refuse to say what they really mean. Katara is very straightforward herself and she says what she means, so even tho she gets more and more perceptive when interacting with new people, she resents how much she has to work just to decipher what people really mean half the time.
- caring for ppl, with people she cares about communicating is much easier bc she knows them, so she’s very open about her feelings around these people, and she can be hyper empathetic at times, but then sometimes she will say SUPER insensitive stuff off the cuff because she’s just very impulsive and she might regret it after the fact but she really struggles with apologizing because being wrong makes her feel like ppl are going to reject her
- perceptions, she knows what’s expected of her by the world, but she really rejects the idea that she has to stay in her role. still, she has internalized a lot of these expectations and tries to perform them, even when she sometimes struggles. beyond herself, she’s very certain about what she knows is wrong and has a strong moral code, she sees something wrong and she wants to fix it.
- she’s awful in school, not because she’s not smart, but she’s smart in ways that society does not appreciate. she doesnt care at all about all the worksheets and math she’s never gonna use, and all the history that got distorted, she’s much better at learning stuff on her own and she will go on deep dives of subjects she cares about and is super knowledgeable abt them.
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[ID: A cropped screenshot of Sokka with his arms extended outwards, palms flat as he gestures. He has a slight grin on his face with his mouth open to speak, eyebrows raised and looking at the viewer calmly. He’s wearing his usual blue tunic with the Earth Rumble XI belt along with his earth kingdom bag hanging across his chest. The text on the image says, “This post made by ADHD Sokka gang. End ID.]
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[ID: a cropped screenshot of Hakoda, he has a serious expression on his face as he looks ahead. The text on the post reads, “This post made by ADHD Hakoda gang.” End ID.]
from this post (part of what inspired me to write these out) @meteor-sword​ now just katara needs one 😄
adhd aang next, i will finally live up to my url (will edit with a link when i post)
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riisinaakka-draws · 3 years
part 2/6
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2nd part of my old Black Sails scraps and doodles from 2016–2021. Not in any particular order.
This time the drawings are short comics that were abandoned for a reason or another, mostly because I lost the interest or felt like there was too much to redraw compared to the satisfaction of finishing something else more interesting. There’s also some talk about rigid mindset and how overthinking can lead to stagnation.
Contains early silverflint moments, specks of dust, rackham's glasses are found, jealous-Billy spying, desk-Flint gets caught, "squint-squint", a quiet moment and its bird dilemma etc.
And please do not steal and repost elsewhere. But if you do get inspired, feel free to make your own interpretations!
Long-ish post under the cut!
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“What are you thinking about?”
“Specks of dust.”
The idea was to show how much they and their relationship had changed. This was around 2016 when the season 3 began and I was still re-learning to draw with a tablet. Another art from the same time period (and idea) is this art: The Dynamic Duet. 
And for some reason I was really stuck up thinking that I’d have to first do the sketch, then the clean line art, then planes underneath, then shadows etc. and I have always struggled with that kind of approach! Mainly because I hate doing clean line work, lol. And I was a fool for trying to start with a white canvas! It’s so much harder to find values and plan things, or at least in my opinion..
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“Rackham’s glasses are found”
To celebrate their new pirate alliance, they share the four lenses of Rackham’s sunglasses as they were also found at the time (because I wanted it to resurface and they could be made into jewellery you know...). This was right after the episode where Anne fights and hurts her hands (here wearing protecting mittens from Max even though she’s not trusted at the moment). Uh, this doesn’t spark joy interest me much and it’s quite stiff and would recuire a lot of redrawing faces, so - discarded!  
I somewhat like the idea still (them having something to share, although it’s on Jack’s detriment). I tried to find a stylished comical easier doodlier? way to draw them and draw clean lines etc, but it just wasn’t for me. Also here too, the background is blank and too bright. Later I started to think things as scenes and draw everything at the same time instead of adding the bg later or trying to show everything (and everyone) at the same time.
Here’s also Billy in the same story:
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He’s spying on them and since it’s so bright he’s wearing his diy “sunglasses” and being envious to the others. *cough* uhhh...Idk? Also people were shipping Ben Gunn (and cheese) with Billy, so that bled into this too... Charles’ spirit is riding the “big white bird” that was mentioned in Teach’ story and in this case it’s a pelican.
As you can see, I also wasn’t using the brushes that I use nowadays. A hard (or soft) round brushes with no change in opacity just aren’t for me. For example, in traditional art, I struggle with markers and copics, but really enjoy charcoals and watercolours. I prefer ragged edges, layering and thus blending things into each other (and leaving the viewer to fill in the gaps) instead of having stark or definite things. I also struggle with vector drawings, although I have decided to finally start learning to use them...somedayyyy.
Also, I wasn’t paying attention to anatomy, like, at all LMAO. I was just so happy to be able to put something on the canvas.
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This is one of my first ink drawings, but I cannot find the original anymore. Again, I like the idea, but not how things look art-wise. And I was so adamant, that I have to get everything right in the traditional drawing and not fix anything later on on photoshop because then it would be cheating. And thus, I was never able to move on or finish this properly the way I liked it (idiot).
BUT! It was a good practise to just draw and test things on paper and gain confidense on drawing things in overall (as I was still getting back into art). To get over the fear of blank paper you know, and try to find my style whatever it would start to form into.
Oh, yeah, Desk Flint.
Desk Flint was a thing for a while (still is, lol). Another drawing from that time is this Slingshot Pirate (2016). And Desk Flint keeps repeating in many later works too. The point is mainly “Flint sitting behind his desk and people interrupt him and I don’t have to draw him fully”
Well, anyway... moving on.
Here’s a plan that has been stuck for years. It’s name is “Squint-squint.” Left is the sketch (with another sketch underneath because the expressions were clearer in the old one). On the right is the continued piece with colour scheme but I cropped the eyes panel and faces out (it was so ugly for some reason) but if I ever continue/finish this, it will be redrawn there in the middle.)
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Left. “On that moment their eyes were literally open(ed).”
Right. “After squinting on the shore for days, they had actually forgotten how pretty the other idiot’s eyes were.”
I still like it, quite a lot, but my perfectionist ass only sees too much “boring” things to draw and get right, so it hasn’t been a priority for a long time and other works have kept me occupied and more interested in them.
“Quiet Moment.” 2018 (a wordless comic happening after the events of Charles Town)
I’m going to explain after these pictures, but see how big the difference is when you start to look at references and plan things together (the space, “camera” movement, background etc). I also started to colour with coarser brushes:
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I drew this around early 2018. A lot of improvement! Still quite a lot of negative space (empty white backgrounds), but it fits this work. A few things tell where we are (the ship’s cabin and the balcony). Changing distances and how things are cropped/framed make things more moving and focused (and less to draw, lol). Colours and brush strokes are softer, more layered and so on.
But guess why it’s still a wip!
I couldn’t decide what bird is flying over there.
Yeap! At first it was an albatross (doesn’t go to Bahamas?). Then a seagull (but which seagull? there’s so many subspecies! Is the ship at sea or at the harbour? what birds are there on the open water/ close to the shore?? oh noo...) So, yeah, wayyyy too much over-thinking.
At some point I ended up with white-tailed-tropic-bird which was a plus! because it sounds like the bosun’s whistle, but at that point I was so tangled and frustrated and still had so much to finish with this that I left it be. Also Flint’s face looks different in every frame so I would’ve had to change some parts, lol. And then I forgot it for a couple of years! And then I had learned to draw a bit differently and again saw too much things to do, so it’s quite hard to take on this again, especially when there are so many other interesting wips waiting...
But I still really like the feeling of it! And the colour scheme. So I might just limit the things I’m allowed to fix and then post it as it own someday. I mean, it’s 90% finished, but the last reach just feels like miles.
And that’s what usually happens with my wips. They reach a certain point and it suddenly becomes really hard to finish or get back into.
But every time I learn things and then use the information in another work! :D
Final note for this post (altough this has been said hundreds of times): use references and look how things go and try to see the structure and form beneath things. And think where it is happening and how the light and surroundings affects the characters and/or spaces. And maybe think what you’re trying to convey with the art, what idea? what emotions? what purpose? or like, what are you trying to learn with the piece? and so on...
Thanks for checking this out, I hope you had fun <3
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loudestcloud · 3 years
After a long brake from this saga, it returns for her birthday! However, I should start this by saying the obvious fact that I don't like they way Nami and women in general are drawn, I really wish the mangaka had a middle ground between the 'If I sneeze I'll snap in half sexy girls' and the 'i will crush you in my fat rolls ugly girls' types but here we are and this is what we've got. As a result, most of my connects would usual be how I wish she her skirts would be longer n such but I'm not gonna do that because I don't want it to get in the way of the actual content in the post. Let's go: NAMI!!
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'First appearance': it's not the first at all, idk what to call it tho, it's her 3rd. it's just the one in We are so technically counts. It's probably the nostalgia, but I love this look. I can't place why but I'm not even mad at the weird stripe lengths design, it's just cute to me. The sleeves are short but long enough to hide her tattoo and I adore her skirt too like the dark orange parts remind me of blood oranges!
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Baratie, Loguetown, Little Garden, first Arabasta outfit, (& Long Ring Long Land) Post-Arabasta & Post-Enies Lobby: This was probably a common or local brand for her cos she's rocking that skirt in all different colors 👌 Also, I just wanna start by saying, all her t shirts actually go past her hips? So her skirts would actually be longer than they look cos she's actually draw quite strange when in tops. Anyway, shes starting off strong with this nice pink top n I like the nice shade with the white. Then, a dark blue for the first and only time ever for Nami to pick out. I personally think lighter colors are nicer for her tho. Bringing us to this BEAUTIFUL baseball jersey with purple sleves, get it bitch oml! 😘 I don't think that skirt matches very well but it's still cute. Then, she tries stripes and I think it works out well and I think the 3/4 length look is good for her too so that one is nice. The diamond pattern tank top is actually one of my favourite Pre-Skip looks just because it's so well matched with the skirt. You can't see in the picture but the dot inside the circle is the same yellow as her top so it's just very well done, definitely an actual set. And the lace? Amazing. I hate the feel of lace myself but it looks amazing.
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Baratie, Drum Island, Post-Arabasta, Long Ring Long Land Whisky Peak, Post-War, Punk Hazard: Now, I don't actually have much to say about these, I just think they are worth mentioning.i like Nami in shirts with text, I always spend way too long trying to read em lol. Anyway, I like the Drum Island shirt & Punk Hazard shorts because ✨ stripes ✨
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Water 7 & Enies Lobby: Nami's first dress! And also a new skirt! I like this frilly style more, I wish it stayed around tbh but oh well. Water 7 gives us the iconic blue shirt & tie with matching shoes and it's a blessing really. Then, Enies Lobby gave us the strange Denim outfit that Paulie hated with all his mind 🤣 At the time,I thought it was a cool outfit. It's not bad, the too looks a bit armour so it's go that going for it and that jacket slaps in my opinion. I like long sleeves on cropped jackets.
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Thriller Bark: Pink! When I saw the first outfit, I thought something super bad was going to happen because it looked fancy and that anime for 'time to die'. Lucky for her, nothing happened at all apart for her just looking really grown up. I like her hair too, super cute. In the next fit, it's a total flip, quite punk. Her belt is a nice contrast from her skirt and I LOVE her top! Her party outfit looks like an itchy lace and the straps, while I live frills, look very irritating. It looks cute but I could never wear it myself. Lastly for this set is one of my all time favourites for Nami because she gets to wear a necklace! It's very small and hard to see but I think it's amazingly cute. This combination of her hair being down again, a nice pokadot shirt, full length jeans and a big smile from making a friend makes it all the best.
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Sabaody Archipelago & Levely: As with the 3rd outfit set, I just think these are neat. She's rockin' a different necklace, shorts and a 90s style flower top then in Levely she's chillin' in a simple puff sleeve shirt with hearts a cross the chest. Simple looks, very effective
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Fish-Man Island, Punk Hazard & Dressrosa: Fish-man island comin' in hot with the iconic Timeskip look and belt! This, I much prefer the Crimin bra because it's simple plus her hair is up really cutesy. Also it's funny cos that would have been expensive for she didn't steal all the outfits she did. Looks wise, Punk Hazard is my favourite but I really dislike that it doesn't cover the bottom of her boobs and its not really supportive. I think it's my favourite because it reminds me of Frankys vibes. Dressrosa's is also really cute but once again looks like the frills would tickle a bit. Also I like her shorts.
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Zou: A DRESS! not only that but it's Purple, a color she's not worn before more than as sleeves years back. It's an interesting dress style, very lacy and would brake easy but it's VERY nice to look at. Her next looks bring back the ruffley frills and basic shirts. The half button shirt has her 2nd number on it and the colour matches her skirt! I like the purple coming back in her next skirt but what I like way more is her last Zou look. It's a nice halter neck with black lace trim then to make it better, her skirt is a wonderful shade of red that has an adjustable rope belt with little gold buttons on! I just- 🥰
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Whole Cake Island & Wano: everyone's lord and fashion savour, WHOLE CAKE!!! I mean look at how cute she is in that first one! That fairytale aesthetic really owns my ass at this point! Then it's a total shift with that more mature sexy style red turtleneck dress no sleeves? The side by side vibes are 😘👌 love em! Plus, this arc gave us more purple AND 2 box neckline dresses which I think with Nami they really work. The forts Wano ouyfit is only here cos blue really works for her. It look okay but I don't think they are as nice as most people do. Idk what it is about it, I think it's just too square. The 2nd is nicer to my eyes, idk
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And lastly, I just wanted to Shout out the First eps and the Dead End Adventure outfit cos it looks like Vector from Despicable me:
This post was made listening to 'One Piece vibes' by Kato & rewatching One Piece
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
Sino (Kageyama x m!reader)
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a/n: Yes. Another Kageyama fic. Idk what's with this King and I keep writing for him. And yes, this is a bxb fic. Yes, I'm a fujoshi. Yes. This is also influenced with Given anime? It's on air at Japan and I can't watch it >=[ 
 A song fic(?) of Unique Salongga's 'Sino' (that shit is so good)
-typographical and grammatical mistakes and my lack of vocabulary.
-also, m!reader is described with characteristics that are common for (East) Asian boys.
-mention of blood and suggestive words indicating of sick!y/n
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Who would've thought I would love you?
Kageyama stared longingly at the court. This shocked everyone-no, shock is an understatement. Astonished? Baffled? They were surprised to see him voluntarily ask for a water break, a request that is most certainly out of his character as he has always been loyal to volleyball training.
As much as Kageyama despised being off the court, he needed to. For he couldn't collect his self altogether. Despite his collectiveness, his certainty as his fingers passed the ball to the team, he couldn't help but to have a slight resist everytime.
"Sensei, I'm here on behalf of the student council."
He looked to his right, only to see him. He didn't even bother to give Kageyama a side glance as his entire attention is alloted for the club's teacher.
It didn't bother Kageyama. Instead, he took this as an opportunity to freely wander his eyes on him.
He was free to stare at his drowsy brown eyes, his lips that are in a straight line, his neatly cropped hair that covered up to his brows.
He probably should thank the sport for training his eyes to be wary as possible because even the way his black uniform hung loosely at his unathletic body did not escape Kageyama's vision.
He glanced at Kageyama.
Kageyama had to look away and suddenly, he is reminded by his brain of the very first encounter he had with him.
Kageyama grunted as he scrubbed the green board with full force, channeling his hate on the inanimate object as the fact that Hinata gets to go to the gym earlier than him irritates his skin.
God, who invented cleaning duties?
Kageyama's self hate is disrupted as he heard the sliding door screech. Surprised, he looks at the door, only to find an oddly familiar lad who share the same uniform as him.
"Kageyama-kun," the way Kageyama's name sounded with his flat voice made Kageyama's insides upset, "Hello."
Kageyama did not react but he only stared. Unvoiced curiosity escaping from his eyes instead. Who is he? Why does he know my name? The back of his mind asked.
His questions remained unanswered. Instead, this unfamiliar yet familiar guy walked his way towards the the lockers at the back, pulling a worn-out mop.
"I'm a cleaner, too," he said this in a voice with no intonation, as if he's only speaking for the sake of respect.
Kageyama, despite his thoughts, nodded. Looking back at the board again and this time, his scrub lighter than before, suddenly growing conscious knowing that he shares the room with someone else.
He's used to silence. Kageyama's not much of a talker himself. And yet he found the silence between him and the other deafening and nerve-wracking. The back of his mind played a couple of conversation starters that he knew he can use. But then, he lacked the courage-
The two lads jumped in surprise as their backs hit one another. Kageyama abruptly looked at his back and so did the latter, both surprised as they see the other staring at them.
"I'm sorry," Kageyama apologized with his usual gravelly voice.
"It's alright," the other replied, slightly chuckling this time, rendering Kageyama surprised as this person's dull look dissolved into a forced smile.
Kageyama glanced into his pin attached on his left chest.
It shows '(L/N)(Y/N)', written in legible Nihonggo characters.
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Who will confess their feelings?
As much as Kageyama wanted to revolve his entire life at volleyball, the harsh reality forbids him to do so.
Kageyama blankly stared at his paper, the ballpoint of his pen stucked on the first line where he has already written his name but as if he is on court, his thoughts are blocked. Not giving him the ability to write his reaction paper from the film they just watched.
Kageyama awkwardly sat straight. His hands slightly raising his paper as he looked up only to see (L/N)-kun staring at him. This realization made him feel odd. His stomach churning the same way he did when he first met (L/N)-kun. His ears feeling hot despite of the blasting aircon across the library's domain.
"May I sit here?" He asked in a voice that sounded unbothered, a fact that Kageyama is in awe. How could he remain so composed at the moment?
Was he the only one who is feeling this way? Are you saying that (L/N)-kun isn't feeling his stomach upset the same way his is? His hands aren't sweating? His breath isn't hitching? Kageyama needed answers.
His thoughts were put into a halt when (L/N)-kun looked up to him, catching him off guard. He wanted to apologize over nothing but he had his tongue tide.
"You weren't watching, were you?" (L/N)-kun asked, his body slightly leaning on the table, allowing Kageyama to see a portion of his collar bones with his uniform's upper buttons unbuttoned. He swallowed what was stuck on his throat.
"The what?"
"The film. You weren't watching the film?"
"I wasn't."
(L/N)-kun sported a soft smile, a smile that got Kageyama choking on his own breath once again, making him softly gasp in awe.
"I wasn't, too," (L/N)-kun confessed.
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Why don't I know why? It always comes to me. Though sometimes I am not enough.
Kageyama needed no one.
Kageyama did not need his superiors' words, he did not need Hinata's comforting words. He did not need the managers', the coach's comfort.
He needed no one. He's always been alone and he's fine alone.
He stopped on his tracks as he sees (L/N) on the doorstep of his classroom. Both of them froze as they are held captive with one another's eyes.
Kageyama frowned, feeling his stomach upset again. The odd feeling climbing its way towards his throat. His lips aggressively shaking as he tried to restrain himself from screaming 'help me' at (L/N)-kun.
He needed no one so why is he desperately seeking for (L/N)-kun's words?
"Kageyama-kun? Are you alright?" His flat voice asked in a tone slightly higher than the usual. Was this his attempt on being empathic? Was he reaching out?
Kageyama gulped everything at once. His eyes fluttering as he nodded curtly, "I am."
Though it felt like it wasn't enough.
I will continue to find love. The meaning of love.
Upset. Kageyama's upset.
A failure. He is a failure. A failure for not being enough. If he were more competent, more skilfull, more talented, he would've won. He would've defeated his former senior's team.
And yet he wasn't and this frustrates him. Days have passed and yet his frustration still lingers inside him, casually clenching his fist and chewing his lips until they turned white and his lips bled. A harsh punishment his judgment has given him-
A striking pain touched his forearm. Cold. He trails his eyes towards his arm only to see a cold drink resting on top of it. His eyes followed where the drink came from and it led him to the sight of (L/N)-kun, looking down at him.
He wanted to ask why and what it was for but (L/N)-kun pressed the drink harder onto his skin, urging him to take it in which he did.
(L/N)-kun walked beside him and sat on the cold floor as well. Both of them leaned on the school's walls as the sound of the vending machine vibrated at the side.
Kageyama pierced the straw towards his drink. He takes a sip and is temporarily relieved with the taste of yogurt on his tongue. He glances at (L/N)-kun who only stared at the empty hallway.
"Where's Hinata?" (L/N)-kun asked as your familiar companion is nowhere to be found.
And will be alone forever.
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Who is worthy of my love? Who should I set as my priority?
Kageyama tightened his grip on his shoe bag as he strode his way towards the doorway. The halls are empty given that it's already four in the afternoon. The sky painted orange as it is adorned with fleeting birds and gentle clouds.
Kageyama froze as he saw a familiar figure not too far away from him. A little glance and he immediately knew who it was who's shamelessly sitting on the hallway in a very odd position.
"(L/N)-kun," Kageyama muttered as he walked towards him, (L/N)-kun jolting with the mention of his last name. Though this wasn't enough to make him look at his back. Instead, this made him eager to hide his face more, only allowing Kageyama a flash of his shaking back.
"(L/N)-kun, are-"
"Kageyama-kun..." (L/N) looked up, allowing Kageyama a sight of his face which immediately made his color fade away.
"Are you alright?" Kageyama couldn't help but to crouch as he see what seems to be blood dripping from (L/N)'s nose.
(L/N) chuckled, slightly shoving Kageyama's tough arms, "Yes."
"You're off to practice?" He said in a dismissive tone, the back of his palms covering his nose. A futile attempt as Kageyama’s stares are entirely locked at the red liquid now lingering at his upper lip.
“Yes. Are you-”
“You should go now, it’s almost four-thirty,” (L/N)-kun cut him off, a subtle hint that he didn’t want Kageyama to pry. A hint that Kageyama was not able to take.
(L/N) looks up. His eyes weaker than they usually appear on Kageyama’s eyes. A ghost of smile on his lips as he shook his head slightly.
“Just go.” (L/N)-kun said softly.
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I will continue to find
A ghost of smile lingered on Kageyama’s lips as his ears are drowned by Hinata and some of his seniors’ overflowing joy as they took off from the team’s rented bus, each of them proudly wearing their raven black jacket, a mark that indicates they are a member of the volleyball team.
Flood of praises welcomed Kageyama the moment he stepped in on his classroom. His classmates proud and overjoyed as Kageyama, an official member of the volleyball club, recently won a match against another team, their ticket towards the nationals.
The meaning of love
Kageyama’s eyes wandered at the sea of crowd and it landed to where (L/N)-kun stood. (L/N) once again plastered a melancholic look. His eyes drowsy-looking as a small smile crept onto his lips.
“Your team won, right?” he mumbled as he walked his way towards the crowd, blending with his classmates. If it weren’t for Kageyama’s eyes that were stuck on him, he wouldn’t be able to notice him. But he did.
“Yes,” Kageyama said, eyes strained along with his brows. His lips in a line as he was trying to stop from smirking.
(L/N)-kun nodded, “Congratulations.”
And will be alone forever.
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
Monster AU Idea that I don’t know what to do with
Literally what the title says. Idk what to do with this, but its in my head and so i need to write it down and share it before my brain explodes. Talk about it or ask about it; whatever you want. As long as I know about it as it is still my idea, go nuts.
@ladyedwina @sparrowofsong
Warning: Does involve murder, being captured, lots of depressed Roman because I’m mean to him for no reason and it makes me sad, gory removal of fingers (not detailed but it is there), suicide mention, me swearing a lot, stabbing(not detailed), hints of Roceit; Intrulogical and qpr Pattmile
Spider Monster Who-Realises-That-His-Race-Sucks Virgil 
Born like this. Was raised to be alone but he likes being around others to feel safe, so it makes him a little awkward and even anxious around others.
Hates the rest of his kind because he’s the only one who doesn’t want to eat people. So now they all wanna kill him. 
He can retract his extra legs but it leaves small bumps in his back, so he likes to wear his over-sized hoodie to help hide them.
Janus saved him from one of his own kind. Travelled with him and Logan before getting separated by Monster Hunters and running into a lonely wolf-Patton.
Is now Patton’s spider child, despite the fact that said father figure is afraid of spiders. And that Virgil is technically older then him. He does try to look past the ‘too-many-eyes’ and ‘long, hairy legs’ thing; which Virgil appreciates.
The only one of the group that knows how mobiles work and he finds it funny as fuck.
Werewolf Underdog (ha) Patton 
Runt of the litter.
Can shift between a humany appearance, an actual grey-brown wolf and a bipedal werewolf. He isn’t the third one often and actually enjoys being a more typical wolf as he can be passed off as a wolf-dog hybrid and has gotten free bones and pets.
Ran away from his pack as they didn’t want him to die but also didn’t want him to get stronger, then raised a bunch of homeless orphans at a young age and also defended them from a trafficking ring by ripping out a bunch of people’s throats. 
Yeah... he brought them to an orphanage afterwards as it’s safer then the streets. Then he ran away again; at this point he’s only 15-16.
Lives alone and homeless for a few more years before running into Virgil and immediately adopting him. 
Patton helped Virgil find Janus and Logan so now he has more children (who are all older then him but he ignores that).
No one will go hungry EVER with Patton is around. He is the caretaker of this pack and he will not let his pups feel hungry ever- 
He’s not over how shitty his pack was to him and it’s very obvious.
When he meets Emile though, it lifts a lot of weight off his shoulders as he learns not to be so all-bearing of others issues. And he also feels safer talking to him about his old pack as he doesn’t want to be pitied by anyone.
Tired-As-Fuck Vampire Logan 
Who’s like 600 years old and knows that a lot of History that the modern day tells everyone is wrong and HATES that he’d be found out if he started yelling at people how wrong they are.
Parents wanted him to drop science and be a farmer. They, and his younger siblings, all died when their crops were poisoned two weeks after he moved out to do his science elsewhere.
Oh and he was bit by the person who 1. Was his partner in science and 2. He was head over heels for them because they let him take risks but still made sure he was safe as he did them.
So that pissed him off quite a bit. Because he almost instantly killed the couple who took in the sickly scientist because the wife cut her finger. He managed to kill the cow instead but he ran away afterwards and never saw them again.
Ran into Janus 300 years later -after travelling a LOT and learning a LOT and nearly dying a LOT and feeling so much that he doesn’t wanna feel anymore because that’s 300yrs of friends dying- and decided to travel with the one type of guy who won’t die of old age!!!
Then Virgil appeared. Then Patton. Then the Twins. Then Remy. Then Emile. He wishes that his dead heart would stop making him want to protect them all to his last breath but what can ya do?
He will murder anyone to save the others- but much prefers to just stay inside and just experiment on the occasional new thing that he finds.
Protector. Leader. Professor. Tired. Doctor. Cantor (yes he was Jewish for a little while after the bite but now he’s Atheist). University Chancellor. Lots of titles and he got them all legit too, although some are a little out of date.
Do not ask how he feels about the others. Especially Remus. He will glare at you without a word before moving on with his life.
Naga Will-Steal-You’re-Last-$5 Janus
Age? Social construct. He hints at being around Logan’s age but that could be give or take a hundred years or so.
He can shift between having a tail and legs- but ofc much prefers the tail. But he hates that his teeth change with it as it makes him hold his ‘s’ more when he talks.
When no tail, the left side of his face is very scarred. Someone tried burning off the scales on his face but the scars only appear when he’s trying to look human. When he has his tail, his scales replace them and they look fine.
Do not touch his hands or he will strangle you with them. They’re sensitive as hell without his gloves and he doesn’t know why.
He can hypnotise you to take a fucking break and he’s not afraid to do it (except on Logan as he’s somehow almost entirely immune)
Doesn’t like hypnotising his friends unless its just to take a break or to pull them out of an anxiety/panic attack. Every other living thing isn’t off limits though.
Lived alone until he met Logan. He also liked killing everyone he met until he met Logan. The only reason he didn’t kill Logan was because the nerd almost chopped off the end of his tail. The others don’t know this and it’s staying that way.
Has a cane to walk with for days that his legs decide that they wanna be a tail but he’s in public for some reason and he can’t and it sucks.
Almost killed Remy when they first met. Literally- he stabbed him in the side. Now they’re best buds over it and it was weird how quickly it happened too.
Has stolen Roman’s last $5. He will not be returning it. He hasn’t spent it because he finds him cute funny when he’s mad.
Siren But-Flips-Off-The-Sea-And-Heights Roman
Was born a Prince! With his weirdo of a twin. They were well liked and he was next in line for the throne and he was gonna be given a wife-
He wasn’t happy that it HAD to be a wife and when he argued that he wanted a guy; everyone turned on him and threw him into the ocean. So... fuck them.
Sirens saved him by turning him into one. He hates it.
Was forced to eat kelp or people. He chose kelp. He hated it.
Was dragged out of the sea by his brother who had been thrown into the evil swamp nearby and is now a banshee. Not as bad but he’s still rather pissed.
Although he was a little sad when he heard, 100yrs later, that his entire kingdom died of the plague. He moved on quickly though.
He hates the sea and doesn’t go near it. If it all dried up one day, it’d be the happiest day of his life. He doesn’t even eat seafood anymore as it makes him upset just looking at it.
He still likes to sing. He can control if it’s going to mind-control those who hear it or not; but it’s a little annoying as he can’t get too into it without accidentally losing control. Doesn’t stop him though. 
He learnt how to play multiple instruments, made anonymously published books, the money-earner of the two. Although he was jealous that Remus was better at more hands-on stuff and is slowly, but happily, learning how to craft things from wood.
He and Remus never separated. Even when Monster Hunters sprayed him with water, forced his tail to appear, and took him to a facility to be imprisoned forever. That’s another thing he was mad about since Remus refused to just fucking RUN but he was happy to see his brother be proud of him when he dug VERY sharp teeth into a mans arm.
Had to be carried out by Janus when he, Logan, Patton and Virgil decided to free everyone inside. Every other creature could run except him, which led to him and Remus staying with them.
He definitely, 100%, no-doubt-about-it got a massive gay crush on Janus when he taught him how to fight. And sword fight. And dance. And how to look after his rather pretty scales.
In the 200-300yrs since he’s had a tail, he hasn’t ONCE really looked after them. So when Janus helped him out and made his scales less gross and more gorgeous, he actually started liking his tail a bit.
The Ocean can still go fuck itself though.
Oh and the one time they visited the Seattle Space Needle? Yeah, fuck heights too.
Banshee Will-Eat-Your-Fingers-If-Given-The-Chance Remus
After Roman got thrown into the ocean, he went on a rampage. He didn’t kill anyone, but he sure as hell got close to murdering their shitty father.
They tied him up and tossed him into the nearby swamp, where he nearly died. He inhaled days worth of magical fog that eventually turned him into a banshee. Which is just the ability to scream so loud that he makes people pass out, which is useful. Oh and sharp teeth that he looks after really well.
He managed to escape the forest, he screamed at a passing merchant and took his horse, and went to the ocean where he found Roman depressingly eating kelp on a rock off in the distance.
He literally got on a boat, dragged the surprised but happy fish into it with him, and made sure that they would never be separated again.
Didn’t care about what happened to their old kingdom. 
He learnt how to make weapons, how to blacksmith, how to glassmith, how to make clothes- Literally anything he could since Roman kind of sucked at making anything that wasn’t music or a story of some kind. Fine by him since he knew the quality of the weapon he was stabbing people with.
When the hunters forcefully made Roman’s tail appear, he tried to scream to make them all pass out but they were ready and punched him out. He would have found it a little funny if he didn’t wake in a jail cell with a thing over his mouth.
The two worst things about it: He couldn’t see Roman and know if he was okay and he couldn’t cuss out the guards.
When that nerdy but very murderous vampire broke in and helped him out of the prison, he returned the favour by biting off the fingers of a guard that had broken Logan’s glasses. He later on fixed said glasses as well but he thought the fingers removal was a better thank you.
Loves Logan; only Roman, Janus and Emile have figured it out. Virgil thinks he’s plotting to kill the vampire one day, Remy doesn’t pay attention and Patton thinks that Logan is a good influence on him (he’s not wrong as he slowly stops describing brutal murders and talks about gross facts that Logan does and doesn’t know)
Remy No-It-Isn’t-Short-For-Remington-Yes-I-Am-A-Dragon-Roman
Born as a shapeshifting dragon. Was supposed to live like a recluse like the rest of his kind but said ‘fuck that’ and now works at a clothing store in a town full of morons for entertainment.
His kind does get tired rather easily so he lives off coffee. He is addicted and luckily for him; his body won’t get used to it so he doesn’t have to heighten the dose of caffeine in every drink. Yay!
Two things happened when he first met Janus and Roman. The first is that he got stabbed by the Naga because he may or may not have seen him wearing some shiny rings that he REALLY wanted. He wanted it more then Janus, so he found it okay to do- but got stabbed for it.
Two; he then bit Roman (who kinda deserved it when he tried to ‘slay the dragon’ when Janus had saw his unnaturally-bright brown eyes) and was dragged to see everyone to figure out what to do with him.
He managed to talk his way out of being murdered by Remus by sheer amazing personality (he’s x5 sassy when afraid and Remus thought he was hilarious) and just decided to hang around everyone just because he could.
Being stabbed turned into a joke between him and Janus and now they’re besties who totally don’t steal from random assholes that they run into down the street. It’s a now competition to have the shiniest collection (Janus is winning but gives Remy the occasional shiny thing as he knows that dragons get very mad about hoard sizes sometimes)
When they all moved towns, he dragged them to one where his old friend Emile was. He also introduced Virgil to Starbucks and their coffee and is still getting berated for it to this day.
Oh and when he does manage to let himself be a dragon, he’s about as large as a horse and has really pretty black scales with a light brown underbelly. His eyes turn bright green too. Virgil calls him Starbucks’s best mascot.
Emile Is-A-Disney-Fairy-Stereotype
Can grow and shrink on command; can also make his wings appear and disappear although it does hurt not to have them out almost daily.
Pink wings and pink hair. Very popular fairy attributes (for both fairies and Monster Hunters)
Can see aura’s of humans and monsters. They look very different depending on species but he LOVES seeing human ones the most as they are often filled with more colours.
Is a therapist, is a cartoon nerd, is able to make you a dress that disappears at midnight
... Can also see your dreams but doesn’t like doing it as its intrusive and it feels like he’s breaking some kind of human Confidentiality agreement 
Being a therapist has changed a lot of his views on personal space (like the whole dream thing he has). He’s very in-your-face when excited, but as a kid he would CLING to people at every chance he had. Even strangers. It wasn’t a good habit.
Became a therapist, an independent one too, because a human friend of his died of suicide and he blamed his therapist who was telling him a lot of bad advice. And said therapist wasn’t supportive of his friends gender-identity crisis as he was very strict on ‘born a boy is a boy’ kind of thinking.
Now Emile takes in teenagers for free and adults at a lower price then a normal therapist. He doesn’t have a great living space (upstairs from his office don’t tell anyone) but he doesn’t care! 
Met Remy as he was one of his patients once. He can tell when someone isn’t human due to their aura’s and nearly fell out of his chair when a FUCKING DRAGON walked in.
After Remy finished his sessions, he still visited occasionally and always remembered his favourite drink (chocolate smoothie with whipped cream and caramel shavings and a chocolate stick or five sticking out- and Remy thought his coffee addiction was bad)
And after not seeing Remy after six months, only to find that he has made friends with a lot of other creatures made him so happy.
Then confused when they all dragged in this fairy therapist into their group. Where Logan asked for the occasional emotional advice (not at ALL related to Remus-), Janus made sure he got a better living space, Remus and Virgil gave him someone to talk to about darker cartoon ideas, Roman (after the 18 times he asked for a magical dress) started making cartoon-stuffs for him, and Patton...
Patton helped him realise that he was still very gay despite the AroAce that he was. He gave him head scritches when stressed, the help he needed trauma-wise, the cartoon marathons with the doggo using his legs as a pillow-
And Patton gave him someone to talk to about all his feelings about his clients (without breaking any rules ofc). And about his old friend and the terrible therapists that he’s met.
He will admit to anyone that he squealed when Janus told him that Patton was pan aroace. Seriously, just ask. He is not ashamed of his excitement of the fact that he has a CHANCE WITH THE CUTE WOLF DAD.
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sinakakyralih · 3 years
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It had been a good idea. For her, if for no one else. And they didn’t look like they were doing poorly without her - not that she had ever doubted that. She left someone responsible in charge; someone she watched mature and rise and fall and rise again; they’d be fine. They were fine.
The Keeper smiled as she leaned on the bridge’s railing with her chin in the palm of one hand, her grey tail curling up fondly as a Lalafell threw open the doors of the Mare Tranquilitatis -- er, Shady Boughs -- with an armload of gardening implements. The young woman gently kicked the door shut behind her and dodged around the table on the front porch, maneuvered down the stairs, and dropped the lot of tools in a semi-organized manner on the edge of one of the garden plots in the front yard, made a show of rolling up their sleeves, tugging the brim of their hat into place, and diving in to dig out the weeds and tend for whatever crop they had coming in. 
The sunlight felt good. The breeze off the lake and the sound of the little waves upon the shore were relaxing, tranquil, and she closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of Lavender Beds, of home, though she made no move towards the house across the waters. This feeling was different than before, where home felt like the night, the wind rushing across the roof, the cacophony of the waterfall behind their little cottage; the shouting, the running, the friends bursting in at all hours. Back when they couldn’t afford their own houses. Then, they were constantly in each others’ hair and business and lives. … but those friends were gone now, moved on with their lives and their own adventures, and she’d been trying that too, lately, hadn’t she?
The first to drift had been Kel; it hadn’t been long after moving into the larger house in a different district - this district - that he had taken up semi-permanent residence in Ishgard, setting in motion what would eventually become the Ishgard Restoration Project. She’d seen him once or twice around the city - they had had tea once, but he was a busy man now and while she had thought his talk a little technical before this undertaking, now it was overwhelming. Not in a bad way - in that… well, that nostalgic Kel sort of way. 
Next had been… Cae. Cae had always been the “mom friend”: strong and driven and organized and strict with her expectations, and welcoming, caring, people-oriented. She was a caretaker and a fierce friend and she missed having her influence in her life, but somewhere along the way they had drifted, and while Cae had continued to count herself part of the Pretty Guardians for a long while after, she felt it was more for nostalgia and loyalty than for that feeling of connectedness. She had moved on - she met new friends, started an amazing and flowery business - she was a full-time healer, now, and wandered to collect the best herbs for both her medicines and her tea; her place was very pretty, very soft and pastel, and very much Cae. She seemed happy, and she was glad for her. And for Kal, and L’uana; she didn’t often have a reason to visit Shirogane these days, but she always made a habit of stopping by when she was there, and when the big-hearted owner wasn’t home, she doodled in her guestbook.
During that time was when their influx of new recruits really started to grow; at first, it was just one or two, like in the old days: just picking up strays that needed a home, like Alannah and Kel; but over time their registered numbers really started to climb as individual members started picking up one or two adventurers that needed an affiliation for safety, even if they didn’t really stick around the house all that often. She had been happy to give that: the Pretty Guardians were there to help, even if it were just to lend their name and a hand to their members when necessary. Some, however, stuck around, getting close with everyone, even as the old guard started fading away…
Alannah got married to that rascal Nine from the neighbourhood around their first Free Company cottage - their story not exactly typical in any way beyond ‘they were somewhat neighbours’, but that was their story; she was happy for their happy ending, even though it was sad to watch her move out of Lavender Beds and into a charming little cottage in La Noscea. She wasn’t around as often after that, not that she could blame her. She had a baby, Ash, that she brought back for meetings and playdates with her “aunties”; the little girl was adorable and was fun to teach things to that Alannah may not have exactly wanted her to learn so quickly, but that’s what she got for their free babysitting services. Alannah was still there, welcoming in new members, keeping track of the day-to-day goings-on, connected to the house through moogle mail and linkshell while not there in person. She entrusted her with everything.
But it had always been Adelpha and her that were the fixtures of the house - its caretakers, trainers of new recruits, calling shots, and organizing FC activities, but…
Adelpha’s retirement had been unexpected. She wasn’t that far away - she was back in Gridania, having taken a steady job as a researcher, going into the family business after her father had suffered a fall. She knew her father - they had met through her father; but what she was doing wasn’t just being noble or making a sacrifice for her family, it was what she wanted to do. They had been friends for nearly a decade; she had dragged Adelpha clear across Eorzea and beyond, had pulled her into the Scions, thrown her into dangerous situations and jumped in right after. They’d had fun; they were each other’s backup. Adelpha was her playmate, her grumpy, easily-aggravated-on-the-outside, clearly-enjoying-acting-that-way-on-the-inside best friend. … but adventuring forever hadn’t been her dream. 
It was Sinaka’s. 
And maybe that was what she needed to realize, and to let go of. All of her original friends had moved on, left their adventuring in their twenties or early twenties, and settled down into the occupation they wanted to have for the rest of their lives: occupations that made them happy and fulfilled, callings that they had found and fought for, and while that didn’t align with the dream they had shared nine years ago, it didn’t make that dream any less real. The time they had spent together had been real, and special, and something she wouldn’t forget for the rest of her life, and had to believe that they would never forget, either. 
But still, Adelpha leaving had led to a period of loss for her: the end of an era, and the idea of facing it while still running operations for the new recruits -- a reference she really had to stop making, seeing as how it had been years since most of them had joined now -- left her feeling hollow, unable to give the same lively performance they were used to, so she took time off to travel, to reflect, to see if adventuring was still her calling or if she had been hanging on out of duty and nostalgia and stubborn loyalty to the people of her past… 
It had been five months since she had transferred leadership to Alannah and left in the middle of the night. She had left a letter, sure, but she could just imagine the face the hyur would have had upon reading it. She grinned, taking in a deep breath that smelled of water lilies, and let it out slowly. 
She wasn’t ready to go back just yet, but she would be.
It was good to see the place was still standing, though, and that the symbol above the door still matched the pin she wore on her lapel, even if the house’s face had changed drastically from when she had seen it last. She didn’t know how Alannah was dealing with all the flowers, but it looked nice. 
The Pretty Guardians were okay.
And she was okay. 
She’d be back.
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Idk if those mentioned would want to be tagged ^^’ But yeah, feeling nostalgic for the “old days”, of 2012-2016, and when this definition came across my dash this little snippet fell into place and I feel like it explains not only character feelings and development and what’s been going on with Sinaka (wow I haven’t written for her since Heavensward? Waow XD (btw I had headcanoned years ago that her Path Companion, Sol, had traveled not 5 years into the future but to a different shard and man did shadowbringers bring me glee in letting that be a storyline I could wrap up hahahah)) but also give me a little moment to say...
Thank you.
Thank you Cae, and Adelpha, and Kal and Kel and Alannah (♥ still here with me, heehee) and those friends who weren’t part of the FC but were there for me back then (Sieg!). Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for logging so many hours with me doing stupid stuff like racing around zones and playing hide-and-seek and having hours-long hot-tub parties where we did literally nothing productive, just chatted about anything and everything in a basement hot tub through the text chat box. Thank you for the memories and the companionship and the silly stories. 
Thank you for being there.
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mogekolover · 4 years
WMMAP Fairy!AU(LP universe)
WARNING: THIS ENDED UP BEING TOO LONG OMG (and i didn’t even got to talk about the Fairy plants...
AU Details: 
- Athy has fairy power. 
 - Athy likes the fairy flowers(she doesnt know they are fairy flowers) 
 -Fairy flowers(and fairies) also like her a lot bc she next queen. 
 - All hail Diana the previous FQ
(My friend told me to write this here bc I forget in which of my 847683974698379123 Twitter accounts I posted this)
(This will be more of a description than an actual... “writing” because I’m a very lazy person and I have no motivation to do so, let’s just hope I don’t start making bullet points all of a sudden)
Ok so.
Diana was what was left of the spirit of the previous Fairy Queen (FQ for short) because all went to hell when some people(emperors and the like) became too obssessed with experimentating on magical creatures, the fairy forest was lost completely. 
Now, because intelligent people ALWAYS have a back up plan, the FQ essence/spirit manages to reincarnate in a human body so it will be easier to make a new forest (they have managed to pass down the seeds to make the forest again) and each reincarnation dies and we now have Diana. Because of how much time has passed Diana doesn’t remember why she always carries the seed bags with her, she just knows they are important to her, and that she needs the perfect place to plant them (something that never happens).
*cue Claude and Diana love story*
Because of Dianas death, the spirit/essence was supposed to technically die with her(like, definitively)
Because of Claudes genes(his magic) the spirit manages to transfer the wish to make the fairy forest again into Athy, and because of her crazy amount of mana, the fairy magic part of her started revitalizing essentially making Athy into a half fairy and also the next FQ.
PS: in my crazy mind blackie ONLY has her Obelian magic, not her Fairy magic, making it so that Lucas never ate any of it when he ate Blackie, leaving Athy with her (at the moment) dormant fairy magic/genes. Her magic waking up little by little when she gets the seeds.
- She got the seeds from Lily on her 15th birthday and she’s the only one that takes care of them,she doesn’t even let Lily to help her.
- She gets so “interested” in her new plants that she ignores and declines(and even fakes to be sick or bussy) all of Jennettes invites to tea and along the way stops caring about Claude.
- It was already rare to her to go out, but now she just stays inside the Ruby Palaces grounds, only going out when it’s an event she can’t ignore(or if she gets forced by Lily). 
- The more the plants grow, the more her fairy part starts to wake up, and because of that, the plants start growing faster, which in turn maks her fairy part more awake. Also, because this plants are supposed to make a new fairy forest (that kinda acts like the “Fairy Kingdom”) andAthy planted the seeds in the back of the Ruby Palace, when the plants are fully growm, it looks as if the Ruby palace has its own forest, a very dense one might I add, big trees everywhere, obstructing the view of everyone to see the inside of it and also hiding a little bit the Ruby Palace.
Because of this everyone in the palace is pretty worried because obviously from some seeds you don’t get a forest like that, but Athy shrugs it off, saying that if the plants don’t harm anyone, they can continue to grow.
- Now that she has a fully grown forest on her backyard, she spends A LOT of time inside of it, coming out in time for tea time, her meals and her study lessons.
- on her 18th birthday all hell broke lose because Rosalia insisted that Athy had something to do with Jennettes poisoning (even is Athy basically lived like a reclused in her palace), and Claude being a dumb f*ck believed that.
Because Athy’s 18, she’s supposed to grow her wings(idk dont ask me i forgot why) and obviously she doesn’t know anything, the poor soul. And because of how angry she feels, her magic kinda goes out of control and in front of everyone, her wings appear/grow. 
SCENE:  This will be the "declared guilty" scene (not gonna write in detail btw, maybe some parts)
“ Athy is in the throne room, and doesn't know why the f*ck she's there. She had just came from a stroll in her forest when royal guards forcefully took her to the Garnet Palace, not answering her questions, so when she asks in the throne room "You are guilty of poisoning Princess Jennette!" was what one the nobles present at that moment said angrily. 
She frowned "I haven't seen nor talked to Her Highness in the last two years." 
"Liar!" said another. 
"What prove do you have?" she was getting angry now.
"There is no need of proof when it's something as obvious as this." 
 Everyone looked at Claude. Athanasia was very angry now. 
"You are to be hanged tomorrow at sunrise." She wanted to scream in rage and pain. Rage because of this idiots blaming her without proof. 
 And pain... *rip*
Because her back felt as if it was going to break. And she screamed. 
*cue big and grotesque description of wings growing out of her back* Through all that, she heard little voices. 
 "𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘺!" 
 "𝘔𝘺 𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯!"
She heard a commotion, but she could barely listen now as the pain increased tenfold, making her double herself on the floor, letting out tears and screams. 
Then she saw white... and then she saw visio- 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 
 Memories from the ones before her  “
So basically Athanasia got all the memories from the FQueens before her(she didn't get the memories from all of Dianas previous "mortal" lifes) and now she isn't angry, she's LIVID.
after the light fades(bc she didn't imagine the light, she emitted light to finish her transition from normal human to Fairy Queen) everyone looks at her surprised bc now she has this big majestic wings and a breathtaking dress.
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[The wings is a combination of first image (for the color) and the second image (for the form). The dress is the one she wears after her “transformation”]
And her eyes are sharp and full of hatred. while everyone is surprised the fairies go and greet her, and she greets them tenderly, doing a 180 from pure hatred to pure motherly/familial love
When she finishes greeting, she goes back to her cold demeanor, and says that she doesn't want to see any of them near her forest or obelia will suffer more than it will do in the upcoming months
With that she teleports to her castle deep in the woods The fairy castle
Long story short, obelia will go into chaos(bc no one will belive her until it's too late) so Claude has to suck up his pride and hate for her and apologize This is where Lily becomes the savior of the empire. Why? bc she will be the one to convince Athanasia to put everything back to normal bc she(Lily) could die if this went longer (contaminated water, all crops ruined, no rain + contaminated air, yep, pretty apocalyptic) so Athanasia considers that, and accepts Claudes "apology" and makes Lily live with her in her castle
Obviously she restores the empire (it takes like 2 weeks or so) and tells Claude to not bother her and that she doesn't want to see his nor his "offspring"(Jennette) faces near her forest. 
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