#but he did eat treats out of our hands instead of trying to eat our fingers this morning so it's progress!
six-of-ravens · 11 months
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good morning puppies
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i-cant-sing · 7 months
I'm not sure what I want to write about but I have this very overwhelmingly strong urge to write about Platonic Yandere Gojo Saturo x teen/adult reader. And not like just light fluff, I'm talking about unhinged yandere Gojo- the one from the latest panels where he was fighting with Sukuna- that Gojo.
Like that Gojo just radiates "buffed up cool dad finally puts his foot down and is now actually low key scary".
Hmm, I mean I could see unhinged Shibuya arc Gojo just going absolutely feral as he drags you away from Toji (your dad) and begins to actively kill him, no matter how much you beg and grovel to spare your father's life. How you can't bare to see your dad taken from you again.
But Gojo? Nah, he doesn't care. He was serious when he took you in (kidnapped u from Naoya/Zenin Clan) and told u that he'll be the father you need.
And he doesn't even have any qualms about knocking you out either, he doesn't need u interfering mid battle and getting injured in the process. He might even hand u over to Yuta and others and cheerfully threaten them to keep you safe while he obliterates Toji, because yes Gojo is 100000% jealous of Toji and you bonding/being closer to each other than u are with Gojo. How fucing dare you??? Does he need to do the speech again?
"Through heavens and earth, I alone am tge honored one" or whatever 🙄🙄🙄
Listen to me- Romantic yandere UNHINGED Gojo with reader who'd been selected by his clan, trained and raised by them for you to be Gojo's bride. Obviously, growing up Gojo was like "yeahhh, you're not good enough for me" and well treated her like absolute trash (he insulted her) which them lead the clan to be even more harsh on you because why the hell are you still not able to seduce Gojo????? So, basically poor reader is just being absolutely miserable throughout her life until one day the Gojo Clan is finally like "Alright, we gave it our best and Saturo still doesn't like u, so you can work as a maid in our house" and like instantaneously her life turns much better now that she doesn't have the pressure to be the trophy wife/heir producer for Gojo, and reader now can even leave the house to run errands.
But then Gojo notices that there is one less person who was constantly fawning over him, vying for his attention, and he's trying to figure it out who it is when he realises its you! And when he asks his clan about you, they tell him that they demoted u to a servant instead of future Mrs Gojo and Saturo is like "hm. Okay." And it doesn't exactly hit him how much this affected him until he saw you giggling away with some man.
He doesn't react immeadiately, still treating you like you're just nonexistent to him, but deep down, it eats him up the way you were touching that man's arm, the way you looked at him like he hung the stars for you.
Why tf weren't you like this with him?
Whatever. You're just... so beneath him. Why even bother thinking about you?
And then Shibuya arc happens. This man gets trapped in the prison realm and most of his thoughts are occupied by you, and how after be defeats Sukuna and the gang, he's gonna date you and you'll be touching his arm, looking at him with goo goo eyes.
Except when he comes out, for whatever fucking reason, you're fucking clinging onto some guys shoulders, acting like you're a damsel in distress, and if things weren't worse before, they certainly were when you kissed the man in front of him (okay but like u didn't know Gojo was watching u two. Like you were with your man in alley, kissing and hugging each ither lovingly after just barely escaping death from curses and then mf Gojo is just hovering in the sky above you)
Of course, now it's instantaneous death for your man, and then Gojo is just dragging you screaming and crying, and you're like "WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME??" And Gojo very cheerfully tells you, as if he still wasn't covered in blood from your man-
"I don't want my wife-to-be cheating on me."
Like whoa! Where tf did that came from???? And you're all like "What are u talking about??? Your clan ended our relationship- if you could even call it that?? Besides, you're the one who always said that we're not compatible because I'm beneath you."
And Gojo doesn't even bat an eye, as he goes "doesn't matter. You were born for me. You were made for me to marry, play with, discard, do as I please. So don't you ever even look at another man again, or I will be the one to rip your eyes out." And you know that he's capable of doing that after u just witnessed the live demonstration of your man being murdered.
Anyways, jealous Gojo, be it romantic or platonic, is dangerous unhinged Gojo.
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Look at him, the tiny waist, the Toji Fushiguro fit.
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topmalereaderblog · 10 months
You deserve better // Miguel O'Hara 🌸🚨⚠️
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Theme(s): Fluff / Angst / Mature
Warning(s): Infidelity, abuse, realization, jealous Miguel, happy ending.
Summary: Miguel hates it when people have everything and are still ungrateful for what they have that person being his co-worker, your husband.
Parts: Part 2 / Part 3
Words: 1.6k
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Miguel hated when people were ungrateful it got him upset, and today, he was upset at his co-worker, your husband. You and Miguel met at an Alchemax event. You were alone but held confidence, and when he got to know you, he was surprised, to say the least.
How did someone like your husband end up with some like yourself? You were both complete opposites. You looked well built, confident, a little intimidating, sure but kind no the less. As for your husband, well, he was a chum he was well built like yourself, but his attitude was distasteful, just like a lot of the other jerks that worked here, and as you both talked through the event he got to learn more about you.
"Can I ask a question?" Miguel said hesitantly.
"Sure," you smiled at him.
"How did you and C/W/N meet? I mean, you don't have to tell me. I'm just curious."
"No, it's fine. we went to the same college together, and I know it might sound touché but we pledged the same frat house."
"Mm, sorry for asking. It's just that you're both so-."
"Different," you finished for him "Yeah he wasn't always like this. We have our good days and bad days like any other couple he's a good guy to me for the most part of it. I guess I just need to try harder," you said, turning to look at your husband he was chatting with a woman.
Miguel could only remember your face that day. You look a little sad, and the more he got to see the way your husband treated you, the more it made him mad for you. You were a catch, at least that's what Miguel thought you often brought your husband lunch, which he usually gave away or through it out in the garbage.
According to Miguel, he felt lucky to try your food after his co-worker offered him the lunch you made for him and fuck was it good.
"Miguel, do you want it? I was gonna through it out but might as well ask."
He started at the lunch box in front of him, "Sure."
"Cool, just give me the box afterward. My husband tends to over due it on lunches." He said, walking away.
When Miguel opened the box, he was impressed the food smelled good, and there was clearly a lot of dedication and love put into it. He picked up the note that was on top of one of the tupperware.
*Love you so much C/W/N I have a late shift today at the station, so I might take a while to get home ill see you later maybe if your up to it we can go to the gym when I return or watch something anyways love you have a good day at work - ❤️❤️❤️ *
Miguel placed the small note to the side, re-reading it periodically while he finished the lunch you prepared.
"Here it was amazing." Miguel said, handing the lunch box back.
"Oh, that's good."
"He also left you this," he said, grabbing the note from his pocket.
"Can you through it for me? I have somewhere to be right now," he said, walking away with the lunch box in hand.
He didn't through it he kept it in a small drawer even though it wasn't for him. The note was sweet he often day dreamed of you bringing him lunch instead of C/W/N. Wait, day dreamed what was he thinking you were a married man and taken he can't be think of you this way but he was as the day went by he often got to eat your prepared lunches keeping the notes you left inside.
The part that made him get annoyed with your husband was when he was bragging about you to his colleagues.
"So wait, he just does whatever you want?"
"Meh, sometimes if I ask for something like massages, he does it, but things like sex are rarer. He is not bad, both top and bottom, but doesn't mean I can't have some side action, " your husband said while the other laughed.
"He's such a stupid guy," one of the colleagues said while they continued to laugh.
Miguel only reacted when he felt the ink in his pen start to spread in his hand, cleaning himself up before it tried.
One day, Miguel bumped into you in the grocery story, and gosh, you looked amazing. You were wearing your cop uniform as you recognized him.
"Hey Miguel, right?" you said, extending your hand out to him.
"Yeah, nice to see you again. How are you?"
"I'm good for the most part. I just got out of a shift, so I'm free for today. I was gonna spend time with C/W/N, but he went out with a friend, but anyways, what about you."
"I've been here and there, nothing much really."
"Mm I- I was gonna get ice cream your welcome to join me if you want."
"Sure, but I'll probably have to leave. I've been really tired this past week." He said walk with you to the cash register bags in hand.
"That's fine. Everyone needs a break sometimes. You look tense. Maybe you should go to a chiropractor sometime it could help."
"Never thought about it."
"Come to my place. I'll give you a massage."
"I wouldn't want to intrude. You're probably gonna be busy later."
"No, I insist I'm basically free this weekend, and C/W/N is gone to. It'll be nice to have a friend around, " you said, smiling at him.
"Okay," he signed out. "At what time I don't mind going after we get ice cream, but I'll need to leave my bags at my house."
"That's fine, how about 6 pm."
"Sounds good," he said as you parted away to get to your cars.
After that day you and miguel became good friends often going to the gym togther since your partner didn't want to go but not only that, somewhere within Miguel, jealousy sprouted, he was jealous of what his co-worker had.
Your place was homey and comfy after the massage you made dinner, and it was amazing, but he also felt pain knowing he didn't have this someone who would treat him like this someone to look forward to. You were amazing, and you deserved better.
It took a couple of months, but one day, you invited Miguel over he was oblivious to what he was gonna walk into as he made his way over to your door and knocked. No answer.
He thought you forgot and started walking away till he heard something fall quickly going back to the door and opening it with force he walked in on you on the floor with blood on seeping from your head as your husband had a belt he landed a whip but before he could do it again Miguel stopped him.
"Calm down," he said, raistraining your husband.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house." He said struggling to get out. Miguel let him go and went to aid you. we have to get him to a hospital, and he'll need stitches.
"Do whatever you want." Your husband said, leaving.
Miguel visited often in the hospital his co-working was bo where to be seen for the past couple of days, and a police report was made for what he did to you.
"Hey," Miguel said, entering your room.
"Hi," you replied. "How has work been?" you asked.
"Good, nothing exciting," he said, taking a seat.
"I caught him," you said, looking forward while your head rested. "He was cheating on me. I started the divorce process. it's my fault." You said he could hear the quiver in your voice and the way your eyes filled with tears.
"It wasn't your fault" Miguel didn't know what to say he didn't know what to do either right now he just felt sympathy for you how a big strong and confident guy like you looks so valuable.
"Wasn't it if I wasn't a bad husband if I was good enough, maybe-"
"You aren't." You were cut off by Miguel. "M/N, I know we only know each other for about what half a year, and in that time, you were the most caring husband I've ever met hell alot of the other spouses don't do what you do." He said, placing his hand on your thigh.
"I know this is a bad moment, but if I'm being honest, I- I was jealous of C/W/N after the event I paid more attention to him, and you. He gave me your lunches. I was gonna tell you about it but I didn't know how. I would read the notes you left him they were cute and sweet." He said, looking down.
You stared at him, and you didn't know what to say.
He took a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is you deserve better, and I want to be the one to prove to you that I know it too soon." He said getting up.
"All I ask is that when you're ready, give me a chance." He said, walking away with his head down.
"Stay," you said, stopping him from leaving. "It gets lonely here without someone."
"Are you sure I would want to intrude."
"It's nice to have a friend around," you said, scooting over a bit and patting the spot next to you in bed.
This is it. Miguel smiled at you as he walked over and got in bed . He tucked his head under your chin and rested.
"You know you were basically my personal Spiderman," you said, looking down at him.
"Maybe I am," he said, staring at you.
"Well, in that case, you need to wear the suit more often," you said, laughing to yourself.
"Miguel, I'll give you a chance, but I want to move slowly very slowly."
"I'll wait for along as it takes." And with that, you both feel asleep holding each other close, Miguel resting his head on your pecs.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Hello. Hope u r feeling good. I was wondering if u could write something again. This one is particularly personal to me. Picture it. Reader is daughter of any one of the bat boys. If cass Or az then single dad. She has been bullied since the day she started school as a child because she has a problem when it comes to studying. As she grows it's her looks. The ic, notices her behavior is starnge. Like, snapping at small things, crying when they correct her or raise their voice. She has never told anyone because she doesn't want them to stress out and the bullies said that she was so worthless because she keeps running to her father for everything. Her dad finds out soon. U can decide the ending.
Oh my love 💜 all three of our boys got you.
Head Held High
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Summary - After being born with Feyre's looks, but illyrian wings, Rhysand and Feyre's daughter faces challenges wherever she goes.
Warnings - bullying, signs of low self-worth, anger, inferred adhd or other learning issues, older brother coming in to do the older brother thing while protective dad does the dad thing
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You had him wrapped around your finger the second you came into the world.
His beautiful baby girl, wide eyed and filled with curiosity and happiness.
You truly were a stunning little thing, but how couldn't you have been with parents like Rhysand and Feyre? He loved you even more for being the small version of your stunning mother. Her nose, her lips, her hair. The only piece of you that screamed you were his were those star flecked eyes.
Your childhood was filled with love and joy. With you constantly praised for your looks, for your smarts, or your imagination. Rhys and Feyre never thought anything of your wild mind. They loved it. They loved how sporadic you were, how one thing was never enough for you to stay focused on. They loved your random outlook on the world.
To Rhys, Feyre, and your significantly older brother Nyx, you were the world. They sheltered and loved you, thick and thin, protecting you from darkness and meaness at every turn.
It wasn't until you began lessons that you truly saw how unkind fae, especially those your own age could be.
You hated school and struggled to focus during lessons. You were busy, you told yourself in your little mind. Busy day dreaming of far away places, daring sword fights, a knight just like daddy or Uncle Az and Cass, mainly Uncle Az if you were honest with yourself, rescuing you from enemies.
Your grades reflected that. As did how your peers treated you.
"Silly y/n," one girl giggled when she thought you couldn't hear. "It's a good thing she's pretty, 'cause she's dumb."
"Her mommy couldn't read either. Maybe that's why."
In class the jabs were subtle enough that your teacher didn't notice, and when they did, nothing was done.
No one at home noticed either. No one noticed when you began to hide away more, when you stopped playing with your big brother after school. No one noticed when you weren't dreaming about being rescued anymore, but instead dreamed of running away.
Things did not get better when you were sent to Illyria, Uncle Cass and Aunt Nesta in tow, to begin training. You knew comments about your intelligence would be coming. You'd never expected comments about your looks, though.
"Imagine looking like your mom and trying to pass as an Illyrian."
"Her mom isn't even that pretty."
"Never said she was either."
You'd hide behind your wings constantly in public. You'd started eating alone. Stopped talking at home.
Cassian had tried asking what was wrong one night. His large hand running up and down your back as he spoke gently enough to you to shatter your aching heart a little more. "Just leave me alone!" You finally screamed at him. "I just want to be alone."
He wrote it off as homesickness, calling for Rhys and asking the High Lord to come visit you.
Rhys noticed it then.
He noticed the way you tucked behind your wings in shame. He noticed you eating alone. He noticed you never had a training partner.
He noticed your loveliness.
"Darling," a soft knock came at your door. "We need to talk." You curled further into your bed, your father refusing to enter or leave without your permission.
"Little love, please," his voice was pleading with you. "Let me in. Let me help you." You felt the gentle claws on your mind and blocked him out harder.
"Y/n, please. Don't shut me out." You'd never heard his voice break like this. The Crack that indicated he was about to cry. "I know what it's like to feel like you're the outsider here. I know what being this lonely feels like and how it eats away at you."
You heard something soft hit the door. "Babygirl, please. Let me come talk to you. Let me settle any feelings you're having. Let me help you. Please don't make me force myself in."
Shadows appeared in the corner, blue reflecting in them every so often. "I have her, Rhys. I'll come get you in a second." Your father yielded then. Yielded you to the arms of the Shadowsinger. "I've been watching for a little while." He admitted, "we've been worried for a few weeks."
He sat down on the bed next to you. "You stopped writing all of us. I know I violated your privacy and independence, but we all know how being out here can be. We all knew there was a risk of you being targeted the way we all were and the way Nyx was."
Azriel placed a hand on your back, rubbing small circles. "Your dad is the most worried. He did not want to send you here. He wants to bring you home."
You sniffled hard, finally lifting your body and shifting to sit next to him. "It's not any better there. I'm stupid in Velaris. I'm ugly here."
Azriel's jaw tightened. "Let me go get Rhys." Your uncle stood, walking to the doorway and leaving it open as he spoke softly down the hall.
Your dad was a mess when he entered. His hair was sticking different directions from how frequently he was running his hands through it. His face was tear stained. His shoulder slumped in defeat as he practically dragged his feet.
Azriel motioned for him to sit next to you, shutting the door so the three of you were alone and pulling a chair from across the room to sit in front of you. "Tell him what you just told me, little bat."
Your breath hitched as your hands began to shake. You could feel your eyes watering as you looked down to your unkept nails. "Taking me home won't make a difference."
Your dad pulled you close to him. "It would make all the difference, darling. We'd just send you back to regular-" Azriel shook his head at his brother, silencing him.
"Tell him the rest of what you said, y/n."
"I get made fun of in Velaris for being stupid, I get made fun of here for being ugly. It wouldn't make a difference."
Your father's world shattered then and there. Azriel stood, leaving the room to allow you to time alone now that the truth was out. Silence hung in the room. Interrupted every so often by your soft sniffles.
"How long," your father's voice broke again. "How long have you been getting picked on?"
You shrugged. "Since you started sending me to lessons."
He nodded, looking up. "I'm sorry I didn't notice, darling."
You didn't respond, only holding yourself tighter. He started. "I learned around your age, that holding my head high and not letting others see how much their cruelty hurt me tended to lead to it ending, but There is no merit in either of those statements"
He pulled you close to him, resting your head on his shoulder. "Are you easily distracted in school? Yes. Uncle Lucien always pushed us to teach you outdoors in a less formal environment with private help. You would have thrived in that setting. That is on me, y/n. I picked a public lesson setting so you could socialize." He paused. His jaw twitching. "You are not stupid in any sense, though, y/n." He motioned to the countless books stacked on your dresser. "Those are all educational texts or intense world building fantasies that you have taken the time to notate in a color system with separate journals filled with notes. That is not the action of someone who is stupid."
He tilted your face to him. "And you are not ugly. There is not a single court or location in this world where you do not meet or exceed their beauty standards. Anyone who says otherwise is either in denial of their attraction to you or blind. I never want to hear you say you are ugly ever again, darling."
A loud slam interrupted the heartfelt talk as your other brother entered the room followed by your cousins. "This is nice and all pops, really it is. Touching." Nyx walked to you, getting on his knees in front of you. "Their names, sis."
Rhys hid his smirk. "I never said your uncles and I weren't also going to do this, Nyx."
The heir rolled his eyes. "You can have their piece of shit fathers. I get the ones my age." Nyx grabbed your chin forcing you to look into his eyes. "Their names, y/n."
You gave them to him without hesitation. "Be nice," you said softly.
Nyx froze in the doorway. "You have mom's heart, y/n. I have dad's. You handle it with kindness and grace, I'm going to handle it with my fists and intimidation."
Your father pulled you close to him again. "Never change anything about you, little love." He stood moving in front of you and tilting your head up by your chin. "Just hold your head high, y/n. Hold your head high, walk away, and let dad and Nyx take care of the rest." He placed a kiss on your forehead. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a camp leader to beat the shit out of."
He paused at the doorway, turning to you. "I'll be right back. I promise. Maybe you could make us some hot chocolate and we can have a cuddle date like we used to?"
Your eyes lit up for the first time in years, making him smile and laugh. "There you are, darling. My beautiful girl."
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deonsx · 10 months
If They Argue With You
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Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo
Not: You are the right side in the discussions here, but he understands this later and is trying to win your heart
Dazai Osamu
You had an argument a day ago and when she suddenly shouted at you, you stopped defending yourself and went to your room, slamming the door, and that night she went out too and didn't come back
You couldn't sleep at night, despite that fight, you thought about where he went at night and why didn't he come back, "could it be?" No, you quickly wiped that stupid thought from your head and went into the living room
The worry inside you grew every hour he didn't come. You were angry with him, but you couldn't stop worrying, where? You suspect that something has happened to because you know your lover, all your worries disappeared with the sound of the key on the door and you continued to watch your movie
Footsteps approached you and sat next to you. silence.. it was so reactionary you got up to prepare breakfast and went to the kitchen pulled back with a grip on your waist he pulled you towards him with his hands and rested his head on your neck "sorry about last night Bella"
his voice was muffled. you wanted to ask him "where were you osamu" did he go to someone else? you doubted your relationship "I slept in agency"
You got the answer that you were unresponsive, but you wouldn't forgive him that easily, you promised each other before your relationship started that you would be respectful and not shout. "Bella please" there was silence "let me cook dinner sit at the table"
This went on all day, giving you hugs and kisse. but you no reaction. if you give him what he wants so simply he will always do it. when you go to sleep he quickly comes to the bed and snuggles next to you he grabs your waist and buried his head in his neck "forgive me I promise I won't do it again"
"my heart is empty without you" the kisses continued you looked at him you ran your hand through his brown locks you tilted, his head towards your hand and he grunted
"Please don't do it again osamu"
"Never.. I promise it won't happen" he kissed your eyes and hugged you tight"
Chuuya Nakahara
You had a fight with your lover and he quickly threw the glass against the wall with his talent, you couldn't believe that he treated you like that and stopped talking. You let silence fill the room. you continued to eat your food in silence but obviously chuuya quickly realized what you were doing
"My love, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it like that"
he kept staring at you but you remained unresponsive he constantly defended his own boss in the argument and refused to believe you now he's apologizing? he chose to trust her instead of trusting you made him think you were not worth it
"My love, it's just this-" "You don't trust me?" The silence repeated, "You don't trust me! Then what's our relationship worth?"
"you don't understand" you got up from the table and went to bed he didn't come to you during the night he probably slept in the living room
When you woke up, you smelled the smell of food, you walked slowly into the living room with your hair messy and saw your boyfriend with messy orange hair. With his hair tied up like a ponytail, your boyfriend cook all the meals one by one. he is a really good cook
when he saw you she smiled quickly "good morning my love" you wanted to ask his "you at home? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" he gave a warm sigh and took off his kitchen apron and sat down at the table "I quit" your eyes opened “you quit?"
“I left because I didn't want to fight with you again, youre right”
I wanted to cook our dinner this morning so you can forgive me so you can give me an idea of ​​my cooking? he grinned and spoke. you chuckled "let's see how many points you cook"
Ranpo Edogawa
You had a fight with him because you felt that he didn't pay enough attention to you and he was too fond of his job, sometimes he wouldn't even come home at night, and you were waiting for him at home at night. This has been about 1 month, he hasn't written anything about whether he will come to you like this or not
Even if you called him, he didn't pick up, of course you didn't think he was with someone else. but when you asked him why you didn't pick up the phone he said "I'll get stupid if I look at the phone too much" this indifference was driving you crazy but you didn't say anything
You waited for it to end for 1 month, but it didn't,he was always in the place called "agency", he came morning and night, but he went back 3-4 hours before you wake up and he is chaotic these days
you couldn't stand it and one night you decided to go to the agency, put on a nice formal outfit and got in your car and drove by opening the location. In the end, he was where he was every night for a month, he didn't introduce you to anyone, you just knew where he worked
You entered the apartment and climbed up the steps until you saw the door. you knocked on the door but no one opened it, you hesitated about whether to go in, what were you thinking when you came anyway, your mind was full but everything was disappearing.you finally got rid of the thoughts and you opened the door everything was dark but on the right there was a yellow light leaking from the slightly open door
you took your steps towards the light and when you looked through the doorway you saw a woman with ranpo a purple haired woman whose clothes looked like a doctor they looked like they were talking to her about something important but a thousand thoughts came to your mind but you thought you should be respectful and you knocked on the door all eyes turned to you "s/o?"
"Sorry, I was worried about you and I came..." he interrupted, "I always tell you not to do something stupid like that."you ran out of the apartment
the rain got you wet by the time you reached your car your hair was already wet you got in the car and started the car you paused with your boyfriend banging on the window his voice was muffled by the rain "s/o open the door, let's talk a bit" you thought about whether or not to open the window "tell me here" your eyes were full of tears "s/o. .please open the door, let's talk, I don't want argue”
the rain water was quenching him quickly "1 month ranpo.. you haven't given me any explanation for 1 month and when I come to work I see you with a girl friend but you shout at me instead of explaining"
"My colleague Yosana sure doesn't mind such things I told him about you and he knows you please open the door"
"You don't seem to care about me or you feel that way I can't take it anymore Ranpo" "We've been on a job for a month, you're right, I should have explained" the rain started to stop
"Please let's talk about this when you get home. be kind to me" you got quiet, unlocked the door and ranpo sat next to you, talking at length as you made your way home
Request Are Open
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detectivestucks · 3 months
Overnight Training
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interract
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader
Summery: Your adopted baby brother Naruto isn't being treated fairly by his Sensei as he prepares for the third Chunin Exam. You go over to Kakashi's house to give him a piece of your mind.
Warnings: NSFW, gaslighting, spanking, slapping, fingering, oral, unprotected penetration
Word Count: 4.5k
Anon Request
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The smell of Ichiraku ramen wafts through the air and into your nose like a welcome friend on your way towards the noodle shop. You see a familiar pair of legs dangling off the stool as you approach, ready and waiting for you to pay for their meal.
“Hi Naruto!”
“Hi Y/N-san!”
“How ya doin kiddo?” you say as you tousle his blonde hair. 
Though he was a royal pain in the ass, you took a liking to Naruto shortly before he enrolled in the Ninja Academy. He was loud and crazy, and terrorized the village plenty, but then one time you caught him between acts of corruption. You saw the sad orphan who just needed attention and you took it upon yourself to become a sister figure to him. You’d chase down shop owners who were rude to him, gossiping wives spreading false rumors about the boy, and yes, you went toe to toe with Iruka several times while he was at the Academy. The latter may have resulted in a brief relationship but ultimately caring for Naruto was your primary concern and Iruka couldn’t appear to be favoring the boy more than he already was. The two of you had started talking on and off now that Naruto was no longer at the Academy but now you have a new sensei to worry about. 
The infamous Kakashi Hatake, the Copy Ninja. You were less than thrilled to find out he would be responsible for your baby brother because of his reputation as being ruthless. Naruto needed a nurturer like Iruka, not a solider like Kakashi. Lord Hiruzen assured you it would be fine but you had your doubts, hence why you began checking in on Naruto more than ever. 
“I’m doing really really well! I learned all kinds of chakra control stuff and I made it through the second exam!”
“That’s wonderful!”
“But now I’m trying to learn a cool new jutsu for the third one and Kakashi-sensei is too busy with Sasuke to train me!”
“What?! He’s not helping you train!”
“No” He crosses his arms in front of him. “I’m relying on some pervy old sage guy who said he’d train me.”
Your stomach sinks knowing who he’s talking about. “His real name wouldn’t happen to be Jiraiya, would it?”
“Yeah! That’s the one! But he spends most of our time looking at girls instead of giving me directions.”
“...I bet he does.” you murmur under your breath.
“Look Naruto, Jiraiya happens to be a really great ninja. You’re lucky to have gained him as a sensei.”
“You think so?!”
“They don’t call him one of the Legendary Sannin for nothin.”
“Wow! Really?”
“Really. And while you train with him, I’ll go give your Jonin Leader a good talking to. Remind him that he has three genin he’s responsible for, two of which made it to the final round.” You say in a firm tone as you accept your bowl of ramen.
“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t go dating him like you did with Iruka-sensei. That was embarrassing.”
The heat on your cheeks rises as you nervously tuck your hair behind your ear. “It’s not gonna be like that. Iruka is…well…sweet,” you blush “But Kakashi is such a, well…”
“A Jerk!”
“Naruto! Don’t say that about your sensei!”
“Why not? You were going to.”
“Was not!”
“Were to!”
“Just eat your ramen.” you say with a soft tap of your chopsticks on his yellow mop.
The two of you chow down before you escort Naruto back to his home. He excitedly blabbered on and on about his experience in the second chunin exam and you couldn’t feel more proud of the kid than if he were your actual biological brother.
You reach the door to his second story home and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Okay, kiddo, have a good day of training tomorrow. Learn everything you can and put your all into it like usual.”
“Will do Y/N-san!”
“Night kid.” you say with a chuckle releasing his shoulder and watching as Naruto unlocks the door.
“Night Y/N-san!” he shouts as he closes the door.
You couldn’t help but smile at the disappearing image of the world’s most adorable little punk with a heart of gold to match his spiky locks. The idea that Kakashi abandoned him right before the third chunin exam had your blood boiling.
What the hell was Kakashi’s problem? Did he have some vendetta cause Naruto housed the Nine Tails? Was he favoring Sasuke cause of unresolved feelings about his old teammate, Obito? Or was he just a wannabe Uchiha jerk who needed to be taught a lesson?
You march your way over to Kakashi’s house and bang on his door. He takes forever to answer so you knock again, feeling your temper rise. 
You hear the latch of his lock click and the sound of the knob twisting. As the door opened, you saw a shirtless Kakashi standing before you in sweats, with a towel in his hand. He had clearly been showering after a day of training with Sasuke and was in the middle of drying off when you disturbed him. 
“Oh hey, Y/N. Come in.” he says casually as he walks away from the door towards his kitchen and lowers his head to dry his hair with the towel in his hand. 
“Oh hey nothing, Kakashi! Don’t act like you didn’t do anything wrong.”
You let out a grunt of anger. Was he really that arrogant that he couldn’t have possibly done anything wrong. It just made you fume.
“You’re spending all your time training the Uchiha boy and left Naruto to fend for himself! How can you be so callous to your own team?!”
“I already told him I’m sorry. Plus what I’m trying to teach Sasuke is very complex and only someone with a sharingan can learn it.”
You stride up to him standing centimeters from his face as you glare and poke at his chest.
“Look at you all high and mighty. ‘Only someone with a sharingan can learn it.’ Bull! Naruto is swimming in chakra! He brims with potential while you’re out here playing favorites!”
Kakashi grabs the finger you were poking him with and spins you around so that your hand is pinned behind your back. He holds you firmly as he whispers dangerously in your ear, 
“I’d be careful who I’m poking that finger at, little lady.”
Your breath may have faltered a little from the change in position but you had a point to prove so you press on.
“What, can’t take criticism?”
Kakashi slams your upper body down on his kitchen counter, your free hand barely catching you before you hit your head too hard. He leans down over you, his body pressing into yours as he chides, 
“I treat all my soldiers the way they need to be treated. Only I can know what all three of them need from me at any given time. Right now, the only Uchiha in the village needs training from the only other posesser of a Sharingan in the entirety of Konaha. Unless you’re secretly an Uchiha bastard who can train him, I’d suggest you simmer down.”
His words were chilling. Ice to your ears. It made sense but why should Naruto get the short end of the stick? He was always excluded from everything. You struggle in Kakashi’s grasp trying to turn around and face him as you continue to defend your little brother.
“That’s a bullshit answer! Just cause Naruto doesn’t have  a sharingan, means his own sensei can’t give him any training at all?!”
Kakashi slaps the flesh of your ass with all his might making you cry out in pain. 
“Enough! I’ve heard about as much as I will tolerate from you! You don’t know a thing about leading a squad! I will not subject myself to any more of your baseless, ignorant opinions.” 
He brings his hand down again on the same spot. All the muscle he spent years developing, employed in this moment to humiliate you as you laid bent over Kakashi’s counter, hand still pinned behind your back by nothing more than his grasp on your finger. 
Your breath hitched as the blow landed, pain searing your skin. You were certain that a bruise would form within the next few minutes. 
Overcoming the shock of his actions you begin to struggle in his grasp. “Fuckin’ asshole, let go of me!”
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who came to my house to yell at me!” he snarls, twisting your arm painfully. You cry out but he doesn’t loosen his grip. No, he stands directly behind you, leaning in, securing your hips against the edge of the counter. He begins rubbing his hand in large circles over your hip and cheek as if preparing the area for another assault. 
You continue to struggle when you feel his warm breath as he chuckles in your ear. 
“Did you really think you could come over here to yell at me and get away with it?”
He interrupts his rubbing to deliver another striking blow to your cheek. “No. It seems you’ve been spending too much time around Naruto. You’ve forgotten your manners.”
His free hand slides from your ass up to your neck where he grabs you at the base of your jaw and turns your head to the side just enough to press his nose into your cheek.
“Maybe you need some private lessons from a sensei of your own. Hmm?”
You can feel his manhood hardening beneath his sweatpants, your compromised position once more causing your breath to falter. 
Smiling at your reaction, Kakashi kisses your cheek before standing up. He keeps his hips ground against your rear, pinning you to the counter still. He begins to play with your hair using his free hand as he continues,
“Naruto’s lucky to have such a pretty big sister. Watching out for him, picking senseless fights.”
“It’s not senseless you’re showing favoritism.” You grumble before he twists your arm again causing you to wince. 
“As likely as that may seem, let's not jump to conclusions yet.”
You scoff at him and he slaps down on your backside once more. You let out a small groan upon impact making Kakashi chuckle. 
“Let’s look at the facts, shall we?”
Kakashi releases your arm to grab your hips and spin you around. He steers you towards the wall, backing you up against it, caging you in as he grabs both your wrists, bringing them up above your head and pinning them together to hold with one hand. He casually props his free hand on his hip while leaning his weight against your wrists with the other as he continues.
“Naruto is a high energy kid who needs a high energy sensei. His father’s former sensei is in the village, available to train him. Ask yourself, is that a coincidence?” 
Your eyes narrow as you glare at him. His words were so convincing but you couldn’t shake the feeling he was full of it.
“Sasuke has no other options and happens to have the same chakra nature as me. A perfect student to pass my jutsu onto.” It takes every fiber of your being to resist the eye roll threatening to make an appearance at the mention of passing down his original jutsu. “It’s only logical that I give Naruto the honor of studying under one of the Legendary Sannin while I take on Sasuke”
He was damn good, you’d give him that. You knew he was full of shit but you almost believe him.
“Now what do you have to say to me?”
“Excuse me?”
He takes his hand off his hip to give your face a sharp slap.
“No, you do not need to ask to be excused. Try again.”
Your mouth falls open in disbelief. Your eyes scan down his body, starting with his covered face and dropping down to his shirtless chest. You take note of his war torn body carved to perfection with an alluring V-shape plummeting down into his baggy sweatpants currently pitched by his erection. 
“Eyes up here, Sweetie.”
You look back up to his uncovered eye suddenly very aware of your nipples stiffening in your bra. You were so mad at yourself. You came to defend Naruto but found yourself pinned to the wall doubting your convictions as Kakashi closed the space between you. He gave you no other option than to feel his entire body against your own, pressing himself into your chest as his free hand roamed up and down your side. 
Your breathing becomes shallow. All the free air between you is being used up by him when he reminds you what he’s waiting for.
“What do you have to say to me for coming to my house at night to yell at me?”
“I’m sorry?”
He slides his hand to your sore rear and grips it harshly, pulling your pelvis into his.
“Try that again.” 
Brimming with shame you whisper in his ear, “I’m sorry”
“Good, but perhaps I should ensure this lesson really sticks so we don’t have a repeat of tonight, hmm?”
Your eyes grow wide as you search his face for answers but with a stoic expression he begins to unbutton your pants and tug them to the floor. 
“Hey! What are you do-”
Your protests are cut off by Kakashi quickly removing his mask to kiss you. He presses his lips into yours, silencing your voice. It was surprisingly welcome. Tender but passionate with the taste of his orange mouthwash freshly on his breath. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into it.
Once he had the cooperation of your lips he resumed removing your pants. Stripping you down to your thong. He began to rub over the fabric, circling around your clit making your breath catch in your throat. 
“It seems like you’re struggling to stay mad at me. Isn’t that right Sweetie?” He stops rubbing to give your sex some firm pats over the cloth. 
“Your underwear is soaked. Is that cause of me?”
Arrogant asshole. You were embarrassed and ashamed. You looked down so as not to acknowledge his statement but he gave a more forceful slap between your legs causing you to sharply inhale. He hums into your ear, enjoying how he is toying with you. 
He slips your thong to the side exposing your bare folds and you can’t help but return your eyes to his face. He slips one of his long fingers in causing an involuntary whine to slip past your lips. The corner of his mouth turns up at the sound. He strokes in and out of you a few times before adding in a second finger. “Ah”
The sound was quiet and small but it ignited him in a primal way. He leans his forehead against yours as he continues to taunt.
“Naruto’s mouthy older sister. Always sticking her pretty nose where it doesn’t belong. I was wondering how long before I saw you at my door. Heck, I was practically counting the days.” He gives you a long drawn out kiss as his fingers continue to stroke in and out of you. “Been hoping to get a taste of what Iruka had ever since the kid was assigned to my team.”
You were so mad at him for bringing up your ex, but the way he was working your walls was enough for you to hold your silence. You didn’t want him to stop. You needed him to keep going, even as your trapped arms began to lose circulation and fall asleep above your head.
A third digit slides in leaving you gasping and breathless. 
“You like that, don’t you Sweetheart?”
You’re biting your lip and closing your eyes, resisting the urge to scream ‘yes.’ 
“You don’t need to say anything, just let the cream running down my knuckles do the talking for you.”
You hated giving him the smug satisfaction but you squeeze around his fingers helplessly. Then he finds just the right spot and begins to hook his digits as he drags them outward. A long moan spills from your lips
“Oooh, gods Kakashi, yes!”
He hungrily kisses you, attempting to claim you as his own. The scent of his soap lingering on his freshly washed skin fills your nostrils as you inhale between kisses. His tongue explores the inside of your mouth, the muscle dancing with your own. A need to devour you communicated by his greedy lips.
He withdraws his fingers from your cavern and feeds them to you. You suck on them while making eye contact with him before he takes them out and finishes licking them clean in his own mouth, sucking one digit at a time. 
When he was done he released your wrists and brought both of your arms to wrap around his neck, holding your gaze while he did. 
The familiar tingle of circulation restoring itself spreads through your limbs as you tighten your grip around him. His hands run the course of your back. Wandering, touching, feeling, groping, before settling with one around the small of your back and the other in your hair. You lunge back into a kiss, nibbling and biting his lips, consumed with want. He pulls back briefly to pant, “bedroom.” You get the message and the two of you kiss sloppily as you stagger over. Once through the door you each shed your remaining layers before you fall to your knees. 
Immediately you grasp his length, wrapping your fingers around its base while your other hand reaches up to claw at his back. You stroke him a few times before you point your tongue and drag it all the way from his base to his tip. You feel the rush of his blood pulse through his shaft as your grip tightens before you seal your lips around him. Up and down your hand tugged, keeping the pressure firm while your tongue worked along his slit, siphoning out his oozing pre cum. His hips shifted forward slightly and you knew he was yearning for you to swallow him whole. 
You released his head with a wet pop before licking one more stripe up from his base.
You look up at him through your lashes and part your lips, breathing on his tip before opening up and swallowing till he hit the back of your mouth. 
“I know you can do better than that” he taunts
You grip his hips, bracing yourself as you reangle and relax your throat, allowing him to sink past your vocal cords. Your nose brushes against his silver body hair as you push forward.
“Mmmm much better.”
He sinks his fingers into your hair, guiding you up and down along his length, the lip of his mushroom tip catching in your throat with each pass. 
“Feels so damn good. This is where you belong. On your knees before me. Fuck”
He draws a breath through his teeth feeling a tingle run over his entire body. The lewd sounds coming from your mouth fill the air as he begins to rock his hips into you. He closes his eyes and groans, letting you service him, excited by the powerful feeling of having you choke on his cock. 
Saliva dribbles out of the corners of your mouth and down on your barren chest. Your tongue glides along the underside of his length. When he bottoms out in your throat you stick it out further, trying to lick some of the skin below his endowment, making him shudder. 
“Grab them.” he whispers.
You reach down and tactfully massage his balls in your hand. One arm still gripping around his hip and your nose flush with his abdominals, Kakashi was twitching harshly in your mouth. He was on the brink of cumming.
“Fuck Y/N! I didn’t wait all this time just for a blow job. Get on the bed.”
Slowly you withdrew your lips from his manhood and crawled up onto the bed. As much as Kakashi wanted to rail into you from behind, he wanted to see your face when he entered you for the first time. Cause it definitely wouldn’t be his last. 
“On your back, Sweetheart. I wanna see your face.”
You nod and lay down with your knees propped up and legs spread. He settles between your thighs and slaps you clit with his slobber-soaked dick, allowing you to flinch from the strike. Your eyes are fixated on his thick girth as he lines himself up with your slit. You watch him begin to sink in when he demands, “eyes up here.” 
Your gaze snaps up to meet his as your mouth drops into an O shape, brows furrow together and a shameful breathy moan slips from your open mouth. A stifled grunt from Kakashi lingering with it.
Your face was everything he hoped it would be. You paint the picture of pleasure while your pliable silken walls fold around him perfectly. He couldn’t help how his toes curled from the simple act of entering you. A mutual understanding that this would be the first of several rounds was silently communicated by nothing more than your response to his intrusion. 
He slides back and forth, lubricating his length as he slowly acquaints himself with every part of your interior. Your core knots up each time he fully sheaths himself in your cavern, arms clutching him, forcing him down to your lips. 
“Fuck Kakashi”
“Yes?” He bottoms out again pushing your groan past your tongue. “Did you have something to say?”
“Just fuuuuuckk.”
“Apologize for jumping to conclusions and maybe I can treat you this good everytime we see each other.”
“Are you fuckin serious right now?” You pant, sexual pleasure stealing all bite from your words. You are little more than a pile of flesh at the present moment unable to argue with Kakashi’s ego.
He leans closer to whisper in your ear, “dead serious” before leaning back up and establishing his pace. You know his mind is almost as clouded as yours from the way your bodies mold together. His usual calm and domineering demeanor faltered each time you squeezed around him. The pleasure creasing his features as he pushes into you, maintaining his tempo. 
He shifts all his bodyweight over to one arm as he uses the other to grab your face, pulling you into him for another heated kiss. His lips working against yours, sucking off the last remnants of your chapstick. Normally he didn’t kiss his hook ups so much but something about you made him hungry. Maybe it was how mouthy you are. He needed to give your lips something better to do than shout your ignorant opinions. If that’s the case he’d kiss you for hours if he had to. Never able to get enough of the taste. 
You thread your fingers through his soft hair. It was nearly dry and smelled heavenly from his conditioner. You push your chest up into his, allowing your tits to rock against his pecs with each thrust into your soaking wet folds. Little sighs and groans filling the space between you. He couldn’t help but think that you were the cutest fuck he’d had in awhile. Maybe he needed to piss you off more often since it got him here, between your legs, panting and moaning for him the way that you are. His eyes roll backwards as your fingers toy with the silver strands. 
“Shit Y/N, on your knees.”
You comply with one last hungry pull at his lips, shifting to all fours. Kakashi grabs two fist fulls of your ass as he plunges in, hitting so deep you can’t breathe. The wind has been knocked out of you. It’s all you can do to catch it again. He lets his excitement get the better of him and launches into you with brain rattling speed. 
He hit so deep he found a sweet spot that has been long neglected. One you can’t reach on your own. When he felt how you constricted around him he focused on it. Pummeling into that same spot, making you drop your face to the sheets. You cry out from the pressure and he knows you’re on the brink of orgasm from how white your knuckles are as they grip the sheets for support.
He smiled at the bruise he created in the kitchen while watching how your ass rippled violently from his hips colliding into it. His shinobi training allowing him to get carried away. Speed far exceeding any normal man. Your poor little cunt is no match for his unrelenting strength and stamina.
You start to scream from the stimulation. Kakashi fists your hair and yanks it back so he can hear your screams properly. Your cries are by far the sexiest sound he’s ever heard and he needs to make you louder. He needs to hear the power his cock has over you. Your current predicament, boosting his ego far more than it should ever be boosted. One arm tugging back on your hair, the other secure around your waist, he arched your back impossibly far, his tip displacing your cervix, you both speed to the precipice of orgasm. The squelching that omits from where your bodies connect, mingles with your moans and screams. Kakashi doesn’t think he’s ever heard a more beautiful melody. 
All of Naruto’s more tedious qualities are completely justified in this moment. They are worth his patience if he can ravage you like this everytime Naruto throws a tantrum. 
“That’s it. You can take it Sweetie Just a little more.”
His praise only continues to lead to your undoing. One hand clutching the arm wrapped around your waist while the other grabs around the wrist of the hand in your hair. Words aren’t even an option in this position. All you can do is empty the air in your lungs with whatever noise comes out. You are millimeters away from falling over the edge. Each thrust scooting you there. He’s almost there too. He’s losing his rhythm. His strokes are getting sloppy but it doesn’t do anything to dampen the intensity of the moment. 
You cry out as the orgasm finally hits. You start to tremble and quake. Kakashi lifts you all the way back so you are flush against his chest as he empties himself inside of you. Deep groans fill your ears as your walls flutter closed around him, sucking out every last drop. You feel a rush of relief flood your core as his strokes slow to a complete stop. 
The two of you kneel on the bed, you weak in his arms, as both of you catch your breath. You feel him grow soft inside your walls while a mix of both your cum slips out of you and slides down your inner thighs. Kakashi holds you tight, not letting go. He begins to kiss the curve of your neck making you close your eyes and moan some more. 
“Thank you, Sensei” you breathe
“Mmmmm, you up for another round?”
You feel his length hardening again between your legs. He responds to your question by twitching his cock so that it tapped against your labia. 
“Do I seem ready to you?”
You obediently lower back to all fours again, letting him slip past your lips a second time. He strokes in and out of you lazily as he says, “Brace yourself, Sweetie, it looks like we’ll be training all night.”
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rain0tes · 4 months
No words can express how much it is doing HEHEUSVJSGSJZBWKUE to me, thank you for writing this, I shall take it and bite it
Can I request on how the other character staying in the hotel feel about the reader?
Of course you can, nonnie! I'm so glad people like hacker!reader so much 😭
How the other residents at the Hazbin Hotel feel about hacker!reader
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Angel dust and you would not get along at first. His hypersexual nature puts you off, which he teases you for.
"what? can't handle a bit of teasing, sweet cheeks?"
"stay six feet away from me."
Eventually, when he does tone it down, he finds that he enjoys your company quite a bit. You're pretty down to earth, and probably the sanest resident in the hotel.
That doesn't make your conversations any less weird.
"so basically you can use 'ussy' as a suffix for anything that has a hole."
"So, like, spidussy?"
Collective groan from everyone else while you cackle uncontrollably.
Teaching sinners gen Z lingo aside, you two would get up to mischief very often (much to everyone else's annoyance). The whole "replacing every porno video with a rick roll" was actually his idea. Petty revenge!
Husk is mostly indifferent about you, up until he realizes that Alastor is interested in you in one way or another. He tries to warn you not to have anything to do with him. He would know. But then again you've never been one to be told what you can or can't do.
Annoyed when you make a deal with Alastor regardless of his warnings, but at least you didn't give up your soul(?)
You two get pretty close afterwards. Something about looking out for you since you're so impulsive.
He's the one who helps you adjust to hell, telling you about things you need to know.
Learns very quickly that once you've put your mind to something, there's no persuading you out of it.
"Husk! Let's go eat at that fancy restaurant, my treat."
"It takes months to get a reservation to that place. And neither of us can pay for it."
"I bumped our reservation for tonight. Besiiiiides, I don't think the Vee's would mind if I take a couple hundred dollars off of their account."
You're gonna get yourself killed one of these days.
He's gotta make sure to prevent it.
Vaggie does not appreciate you messing with the V's.
You try to assure her that they wouldn't find out, but she's still skeptic.
Point taken, you just hide what you're doing from her as much as you can.
She wonders if you really did stop but has a nagging feeling that you're just doing it behind closed doors instead of doing it in the hotels lobby.
"You're endangering everyone else in the hotel!"
"They're not smart enough to find out. Did you know that they have surveillance around the hotel? I can turn all of that off."
Well, so far, they really haven't found out.
But the moment you endanger anyone in the hotel, you're out.
Charlie was ecstatic the first time you came to the hotel after it had just been rebuilt. After a while of staying there, that excitement dies down as she realizes how much of a handful you are.
Still, she's glad to have you around. No one said that redeeming souls was an easy task.
Realizes way too late that you're not really interested in redemption.
Like a few months in way too late.
But at least they have a new technician? You're pretty adept with anything that works on electricity and the help is really appreciated. Especially now that they're confident they won't be spied on while you're around.
Also worried about you constantly messing with the V's, but she's more worried about your safety.
But her dad seems particularly fond over you, and Alastor said he'd make sure you won't get killed. You should be fine, right?
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170 notes · View notes
Hear the lonely cry out
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requested: for some azriel angst, maybe the reader getting pregnant but not telling az (for justifiable reasons ofc), and az only finds out later on and angst ensues?
a/n kind of feel like this might be the saddest thing I've ever written. I hurt myself while writing this so now it's your turn. So that's that...
warning: neglect, fighting, pains associated with pregnancy, nausea, mention of possibility of loosing a child and just suffering.
"Baby, you need to sleep," you said, running your hands down your lover's shoulders. Azriel had been sitting in that chair for hours, going through the information his spies had gathered for their master. He didn't even come down to eat, nor did he eat the food that you brought up for him. You knew him well enough to know that when court responsibilities got this serious, reaching him was practically impossible. 
"I'll be there in a couple of minutes. You can go up, love," the spymaster said, catching your hand in his and bringing it to his lips, yet his eyes didn't lose focus on the paper he held in his hands. You knew it was a lie. He wouldn't be there for at least a couple more hours, maybe till the sun started to peak over the mountains. Get an hour of sleep, and then be off for a day of meetings.
Leaning in, you pressed a kiss to the side of his face before you turned to go. You've had conversations about his workload more than once. And gods forbid you weren't the one to complain. Azriel was an extremely attentive lover. He remembered the things you told him. Listen to what you have to say. He treated you well, and for the most part, you genuinely had nothing to complain about. It was those busy weeks that would turn into months that would make you feel like you didn't have a partner. Make your heart sting just a little.
Instead of going to the bedroom, you made your way back into the kitchen for some tea. For the past couple of days, you have been feeling rather odd. You didn't feel all that sick; it was more like an overall unpleasant feeling that you just couldn't shake off. But if you were being honest, you didn't pay it too much attention considering the little cramping in your lower stomach. And knowing your not-so-regular cycle, you wouldn't be too surprised if, due to the stress, it decided to knock on your door earlier.
Your gaze was drawn to the dining table, and a smile formed on your lips. When you moved here, Azriel had taken it upon himself to redo all the wooden furniture. The oak table was your mating anniversary gift. You had never seen a table so intricately carved with different ornaments of leaves and flowers. But still, what made your heart clench the most were the two letters carved into it. The first letters of your and Azriel's names. "We can add our kids' names as our family grows," he told you then, while you sobbed in his arms, snot everywhere since he had taken you so by surprise.
"Are you mad at me?", you felt two arms slip around your lower stomach, making you jump slightly. "Why would I be handsome?", you questioned, leaning more into your lover's embrace. "Just felt multiple strokes of discomfort coming from your side of your bond", you frowned at that. You were trying to keep your emotions somewhat hidden from him when he was so busy. The fewer distractions, the better.
Turning into Azriel's embrace, you wrapped your arms around his torso. Selfishly enjoying the moment of having him so close to you. "I'm fine, just crampy. I have a daunting feeling that my cycle is close," you huffed, and Azriel hummed in response. "Should I run you a bath?", but you just shook your head, knowing well that the longer you keep him here, the longer he will spend in the study. "I'll make some tea and go curl up in the bed under five blankets. You finish your work and come cuddle," you pouted your lips at him, earning a chuckle from the spymaster as he leaned in to kiss you twice. Even if it wasn't much. Just a few feathery kisses made your heart skip a beat. "I won't be long tonight, I promise," Azriel whispered to you before kissing you one last time.
You ended up falling asleep on your own last night, and it wasn't that big of a surprise when you woke up to a cold and empty bed as well. You quickly shut down your end of the bond before allowing a wave of sadness to wash over you as your mind wandered off. Wondering when was the last time you woke up with Azriel still in your bed? But as you turned to lie on your side, your stomach suddenly rumbled, and the next thing you know, you were up and rushing to the bathroom. Barely making it to the toilet as the food from last night made its way out. The sensation brought tears to your eyes as you tried to hold your hair out of the way.
Once the feeling subsided, you let your head slip down onto the hand that gripped the side of the toilet. Mother, the last thing you needed was a complicated cycle. Especially since you had no one to look after you and you were not going to tell Azriel about it. There was no way. So pretending everything was fine would be the next burden in your path.
You only managed to drag yourself out and get somewhat ready quite sometime later. You promised to help Nesta clean up alongside Feyre. She was now heavily pregnant. The babe was a surprise for both of the mates. Cassian had spent a whole day crying with excitement, and Nesta's fears of being a bad mother had died with every day that passed. At least it seemed like it. They seemed so happy, and it was a dream knowing that the inner circle was growing. Not to mention that Nyx was over the moon that he would get a friend soon. With a quick stop at the bakery, you make your way toward your friend's house. The cooler morning breeze soothed your nausea and made you feel way perkier than before. It was exactly what you needed—some time with the girls.
 Your mood almost immediately picked up as everyone laughed while folding the baby close together. "I'm telling you. I've been catching him doing breathing techniques and muttering all sorts of motivational stuff", Nesta laughed, hand on her tummy as you all gossiped about Cassian and the father mode he had entered. "Imagine hearing a - push Nes push at two in the morning", you three snickered, "That's pretty much how it goes", Nes wiped away the tears that came from laughing quickly. You were still grinning as you stood up with a basket in your hands when everything blurred. You swayed slightly to one side. Pressing your eyes shut tightly before blinking quickly a couple of times, hoping that the fog would clear up.
"Darling," Fayra said as she wrapped her arms around you, fanning you with her hand. "Reach out for Az," Nesta said worryingly, her hands holding onto you now. "No, no Azriel", you said sharply. Quickly giving both of the females a death-like look, "No one is telling him anything." Both of them looked into your pleading eyes with nothing but concern. It was unlike you to deny the presence of your mate. "But lo-", "I said no. It's nothing, just my cycle; I've been feeling weird." The two sisters shared a look. Not believing you but then again fea cycles were no joke. It took women out like the plague. With no strength to move. The list of symptoms was enormous. Yet something about this didn't seem right. Feyre handed you a cup of water. "Maybe you still seek out Madja on your way home?", the high lady asked gently. "That's unnecessary...", "Please, it would give me peace of mind," Nesta said, and you weren't about to put more stress on a pregnant woman. So you nodded your head at her, smiling ever so slightly so you could reassure her.
You softly knocked on the clinic's door, and Madja wiped it open almost in an instant. "It's nothing serious," you started, but she was already guiding you toward the bed. She asked you a question here and there, but for the most part, you could tell that she already knew everything you had told the girls. Meaning Feyre had already informed her of everything.
"Well, lay down, dear," the healer whispered, guiding her hands over your body. A fond smile spread over her face almost immediately. "This year is a blessed one. I'll need to go to the temple and give an offering to the mother," she muttered in excitement. You gave the healer a puzzled look, but her soft hand only moved to touch your cheek, saying softly, "You're with a child, girl." For a moment, you felt like you had slipped into a different universe. Hovering somewhere between the stars and the solid ground. Your head started to spin just like it did before, the sickening feeling once again increasing.
"It can't be, it's... I'm starting a cycle," she said, but Madja only shook her head, "It's early days, but you are carrying a strong babe, dear." Your eyes still searched, waiting for her to burst out laughing and tell you that she was just joking. "Why is the face like that? A child is a blessing, and Azriel, my boy... oh, he'll be so happy," you thickly swallowed at the sound of your mate's name. Oh, gods, how were you going to tell him, and when? Could you just tell him now? Should you? But this would be such a distraction. What if he thinks it's just an additional burden? You quickly pull yourself together as Madja continues to speak again, going through the appointments she would like to have and packing you all sorts of stuff to take home for nausea and aches.
You stop at the side of Sidra on your way back. Needing to clear out your fuzzy head. Put thousands in the right place. You hated the fact that this didn't at all feel as you had imagined. And Mother forbid, you were so happy. Not many get blessed with a baby. Couples grew mad while trying to conceive. But it felt like such bad timing. Azriel was not in the right mindset for this. Or maybe this was exactly what he needed? Someone or something to focus his attention on.
Your hand slips onto your still flat stomach, only slightly bloated, but that was just the impact of the food you had eaten today. "What will we do, my little joy? How do we tell dad?", you whispered into the light evening breeze. The conversation you had about kids playing on and on in your head. You knew that Azriel wanted them. He wanted a family of his own, and there had been times you caught him with his hand on your stomach after a particularly rowdy session of sex, "In case we created something. Need them to feel a warm fatherly touch from the start," he would say, leaning in closer to snuggle into you. He wanted this a lot. You even found sketches of the little crib he was making. Azriel hadn't told you about it, and you didn't ask, of course, but he wanted to have a child. He wanted it before his overworked brain turned on.
However, the moment you stepped foot into your shared home, you could practically feel the lingering essence of anger all over the place. Azriel's back was toward you. He was sitting on the sofa, one leg bouncing up and down, and he was so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't even hear you coming in. "Sweet, did something happen?", you asked carefully, Azriel's tired eyes shooting up to meet you as he let out a frustrated huff. "It's all shit," Azriel snarled, "They screwed up the entire mission, and I warned Rhys. I fucking warned him." As your mate stood up to pace the room, you flinched slightly at the sound of his loud voice. 
"Now I have to go there and try to fix this. I don't have time for that," the spymaster continued, visibly growing more and more frustrated. "Can you ask someone to go instead?", you tried to send loving strokes of support down the bond, but you were met with nothing in return, nor did it seem to do anything. "Who You fancy a trip?", Azriel barked back, and you quickly bit the inside of your cheek so your eyes wouldn't fill up with tears as you shook your head no. Well, here went your plan to tell him over a sweet dinner together that you wanted to cook. If you mentioned a child, this would be a tragedy, so you bit your tongue. Promising yourself to stay silent.
"How about I make you some food, and while you eat, I'll pack up your stuff and get everything ready?", you asked softly, trying to at least get his emotions somewhat in check. "It'll take at least something off your shoulders. Even if it's insignificant," you murmured at the end. And usually, Azriel is good at picking up on your emotions from the tone of your voice, but tonight it seemed like he either didn't hear it or didn't want to hear it.
Azriel stayed still for a moment, but then he softly nodded his head, "I'll do some work in the study in the meantime." You gave him a light smile. He did step closer to you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. And the fact that he had lingered there for a moment gave you hope that he might have sensed you, that he considered staying. But he moved past you, his hand lightly grazing your tummy, but he doesn't stop in his tracks. If only you knew, you thought to yourself, if only you knew that that's where your child is growing now. What a difference it would make if you knew...
He doesn't come to eat, and he once again doesn't eat what you bring to him. You pack his stuff up, and you can't help but feel like you are just packing his way out of your life. The shadow singer leaves in the middle of the night. You're not asleep yet, and you don't turn to face him. You hear the sound of his clothes ruffling as he gets dressed. You don't even know how long he will be away or where he is going. Closing your eyes just as he walks to your side, leaning in to press a couple of kisses to your forehead. And with that, he's gone. 
You wait a moment longer until you're fully sure that he was not coming back before you let your eyes fill up with tears. A painful sob slipped past your lips as you clench your finger around the sheets. Cry your heart out into the darkness of the night.
At first, you felt utterly alone. Having to run to the bathroom every morning and well into the day as you gagged with your face hovering over the toilet. Needing to drag yourself to make food. You didn't care that much for yourself, and if not for the baby, you would have probably just spent your days in bed without moving. But then it struck you. You weren't alone. You were never alone. You always had your baby with you. With every step you took, a little joy was always there. Warming your weeping heart. Azriel reached out through the bond while he was away. And because you didn't want him to go flying home, you listened to him speak. Letting his voice slip into nothingness as the words went through you and out. You ignored everyone in your family. Saying that you had caught something and didn't want to get any of the kids sick. So the best decision was to stay away.
You were sitting with a big blanket over your body, eyes gazing at the fire when the front door suddenly opened. You had felt this was going to happen considering that for the past couple of days, you had completely shut off the bond. "Take that off," Azriel said, his voice shaking as he stepped through the living room, making his way to you. Looking like nothing but a frightened animal in the woods.
"Azriel," you spoke weakly, your hallow eyes turning his way, and you just hoped that he would drop it. "Take it off," he yanked at the blanket's side, reaching for your arms to get you to stand. So you did, letting the material crumble to the floor. The spymaster's mouth gaped at the sight of you. At the sight of your bump, which had become more visible. Even if it wasn't all that big yet. "You're..." the male trailed off. Chest falling and rising rapidly. "I am, yes. I am pregnant," you said coldly, as you walked past him and into the kitchen. Azriel just shook his head, turning your way, "Why did you... when did you find out?" His steps followed right behind you. You debate over your answer. The pain stings your chest.
"Before you left", "And said nothing?", his voice grew louder, and you slammed your cup down on the counter. "Don't you dare! You were boiling with rage that night," you said, firmly pointing your finger at him. "That's not a good enough excuse," he muttered under his breath, and your blood filled with so much rage. So much anger was pushed away. "You are unbelievable... I've been neglected by you for weeks like some dirty foot rag. You enjoyed just wiping your shit at me, didn't you?", you shouted at him now. You didn't seem to mind that you'd never done that before.
"What the fuck are you on about?", Azriel barked back, leaning closer to you. "You and your work. Are you sure you shouldn't be mated to your papers?", you spat his way, moving to push past him, but Azriel gripped your hand firmly, making you stop in your tracks. "Don't start with this shit again", "I will start because ahh...", you leaned forward, hand coming to your bump as the pain shoots through you. Azriel's grip on your hand loosens as he moved to wrap his arm over you, but you coldly push it away. Gritting your teeth. Until another pain shoots through you, a much louder cry slipping past your lips, and you have no other option but to let your mate lift you as he carried you to the sofa.
"Love, talk to me, what is it?", his worried eyes sought you out. "It hurts," and you try to take deep breaths in and calm your heart down. Fighting like this. All of these emotions at once were not what your body needed. Not what you needed. You were so tired. You didn't have it in you to deal with this. And it's not even a couple of minutes later that the door opens and Madja rushes in accompanied by Rhys.
Azriel is being pushed out of the room. Your teary eyes, hands gripping the bump, a bump that he hasn't even touched yet, the last thing he sees before the doors are closed right in front of him. A small bump that carries his child. And it all comes crashing down. It's him. It's him. He's the problem. He's the one who caused this. The darkest scenarios cloud his mind, and he's about to march back in, but Rhys is in his way instantly.
"Move, Rhys, move!", the spymaster wept as he tried to reach for the door handle. "Azriel, it's not the right time", "Rhysand, don't test me; there's my mate and my child there. I need to know if they are okay," Azriel roared, trying to somehow find a way to feel you through the bond, but there was nothing but coldness there. "Don't cause a scene. Let her be checked and calm down," the high lord tried to say calmly, but anxiousness was inevitable on his face. "If she.. if I", the images of his father fill Azriel's mind. His mother being pushed around. Whimpering as his father yelled at her. Her cries were all he could hear at night, and she was nothing but lonely and scared. Alone. You've been alone through all of this. You've made up your mind to keep it from him. To keep his baby away from him. Because he wasn't worthy. He was nothing better than a piece of trash. He wasn't any better than his father. Worse, perhaps.
The time seemed to slow down; it feels like years as Azriel stands there. Hoping that he had at least done something good in his five hundred years of existence that would be enough to buy the gift of keeping you both safe. When Madja walks out the door, Azriel practically falls to his knees. "She's okay; both of them are. I've got her to sleep," her words set the tears flowing down Azriel's cheeks, "She's distressed and hasn't been drinking or eating enough."
He walked inside as quietly as he could. The sight of you curled up on the bed both warmed and broke the spymaster's heart. The male debated whether he should just leave you here or carry you up to your bed. Carefully, Azriel ran his hand over your head before scooping you up in his arms. The sofa, no matter how comfortable it was, would most likely leave your back sore, and the shadow singer had a feeling you already had those pains as it was. Once you were tucked in between your sheets and Azriel had sat and watched you for an hour, he went back downstairs. Cleaning up the place as he went along, washing up the dishes, and sorting out the trash. Started making some soup as well. All the little things. Small things he realized he hadn't done in what seemed like an eternity.
You woke up sometime later. Feeling much more refreshed yet slightly dissociated. The window was narrowly open, letting just the right amount of fresh air flow into the room. The pitcher with water was nestled against the side of your nightstand. You reached for the glass, only now realizing just how thirsty you were. Taking a couple of dried fruits and nuts from the bowl as you swing your legs over the edge. The heavy feeling in your chest still lingered, yet you threw on one of Azriel's sweaters before you went downstairs. His scent instantly relieves some of the tension in your body. Azriel was lost in his head again. Stirring whatever he was cooking in that pot so viscously that you almost felt sorry for both the pot and the spoon.
"That smells nice," to the sound of your voice Azriel practically threw the spoon as he rushed to you and asked, "What are you doing up? You need to be laying in bed", his arms were hooked under your legs in an instant as he carried you back to the sofa. "Azriel, I can walk", "Madja said you need to take it easy for a couple of days. Are you in pain now? Do you need anything? Are you craving something? Because I can...", your head was starting to spin again from the number of questions he managed to cramp in the space of one breath. Placing your palm on his, you squeezed it gently.
"Calm down," you mumbled, watching as your mate practically started hyperventilating right beside you. "I don't deserve you. You shouldn't be speaking to me now. You shouldn't be speaking to me ever again," he blurted out, his eyes glossing over with tears. "Love," you tried to interfere, but Azriel only shook his head. "I've failed you. I'm no better than my father. You deserve so much more. I've failed my kid, and the baby isn't even born yet. You shouldn't even tell them that I'm their father", you crooked your head to the side, watching Azriel self-sabotaging himself once again. "You're talking nonsense now. They will know that you are the father, and you will be here by their side as they grow up," you said firmly, sitting up so you could reach for Azrie's face. Gently turning it towards you so his eyes would be on you as you spoke.
"Am I upset with you? Very much so. But I will always choose you. It will always be you, Azriel. I just can't be... I won't be... We won't be a second option," moving closer, Azriel rested his forehead on yours. "You were never a second option. I just... I get so scared sometimes. Your love, it overwhelms me," the spymaster said, his brows furrowed. "It's been years, and I still tell myself that the cauldron made a mistake. I'm not good enough for you; we are not equal. You are so much more than me", "Azriel, you get in your ways with thoughts like that", you mutter, pulling away slightly, so you could see his face better. "You need to realize that you are not the same little boy locked up in the basement. You made it out of there. So live, my love. Don't rob yourself of the happiness you deserve", Azriel's bottom lip quivered before tears started rolling down his cheeks once again. You give him a sad look before pulling him closer to yourself, "Let it all out, my love. You've pushed yourself too much," you said, running your fingers through his already messy hair as you tried to soothe the cries that escaped his lips.
"Give me your hand", you nudged his arms slightly, taking it into your much smaller one. Guiding it under your sweater, Azriel's sweater, "Calm your breathing and listen to this," you said calmly, keeping your hand on top of his. Even the fact that his palm got to rest on the swell of your stomach made him let out yet another cry. But his ears picked up on something else. A tiny little heartbeat. Tiny but so strong. As if it was screaming from the inside of your tummy at it's parents about just how much it wanted to be there and grow. Azriel pulled back to look at you, eyes wide now that he could feel the life growing inside you. "Our baby...", the spymaster mumbled, and you let a tear slide down your cheek, "Yes, our little joy", "I love you", he muttered, leaning in to pack your lips softly before he moved down, lifting the knitted fabric. "And I love you," Azriel said, running his hand over your bump carefully before pressing a kiss on your skin. "I love you. I love you. I love you," he repeated over and over. You watched your mate with a fond smile, finally feeling somewhat content. Finally feeling the other side of the bond flourishing, no longer cold and unwelcoming.
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Bad Teachings (Pt. 7)
Older!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
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WARNINGS: A little itty bitty smudge of angst, fluff. Miguel into espectator mode. Tiny bit of jealousy if you squint. Relationship buiding, Slow burn, friends to lovers, tiny bit of Nerdy Miguel
Summary: Getting to know Miguel is as rewarding as a double edge weapon.
Special Thanks to my beta readers @tojismommymilkers00 <3
Pt. 8 Masterlist
The warm touch on your shoulder had lingered a second longer as Miguel said his goodbyes to you.
"Try to get some sleep." He'd mumble with a soft nod, "Goodnight, guapa"
"Goodnight, Miguel."
You couldn't help but look at the shelf with a little smile. A rather pleasant surprise to your aching and bleeding self. A flurry of thoughts came to your mind.
What made him apologize? was the biggest of them all, still, all you knew was he had made an effort first, and such a thing as apologizing was clearly meaningful to you. There were no bad dreams that hunted you tonight. ---------
Miguel's eyes drooped in exhaustion, the triumph over your distress made him close his lids and savor the victory for a moment. Apologizing surely was something he had been doing for quite some years, but that didn't mean it had gotten any easier.
Misunderstandings were just another part of his life, and if he deemed them problematic enough, he'd assess them. Some solved themselves most of the time, but again, a new lesson was learned thanks to you. Communication always leads to better places.
He drove home, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips. No more nightmares came to plague him. ---- Your morning started on the right foot, you found Hobie and exchanged some pleasantries with him, promising to give a little treat for his support back at his shop. Then went to work.
The job was rather easygoing, another day of making people's dreams come true, another day of taking pictures in the company's studio for you to work your magic later.
Bloomsearch had grown, you'd notice a couple of new people that were part of another team. Fingers crossed your workload would be less. After the pictures were taken, you did a bit of editing until your lunch break came.
It hadn't been five minutes since you started eating your salad when your phone buzzed, nearly choking at the name displaying on your screen. Miguel was calling.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"Not really, I'm on lunch break. Just surprised actually"
"Hm? Ah..." He chuckled and there was a little shuffling on his line, "Yeah figured it was better to just call instead of texting."
"You really hate texting that much?"
"I just forget, and wouldn't want to repeat the little stunt we did"
"Right, uhm-"
"What about at four thirty?"
"After work, to... Julien's Spells"
You giggled "It's Julien's Potions . But yeah, four thirty sounds perfect"
"Well, ahí nos vemos ."
"See ya."
"So rude!"
"That's what it means, guapa." A little chuckle.
"Oh... Yeah you forgot I know a peep about spanish."
"Better get learning then"
"Right, right. Nose vemmos "
You butchered the word, he'd probably be hiding his face in his hand out of cringe, but hey, you were trying. ----
Complaints only piled up, thankfully you weren't in the main campaign teams, but your pictures had to be retaken since the client decided on a different packaging at the last minute.
Your name was called by your immediate boss as you were editing. You followed and he took you and your other teammates to a meeting room. Swallowing the sudden anxiousness that took over, you sat nearby the entrance.
Your boss and another elderly man entered the room. He was tall, salt and pepper hair neatly combed to a side, blue eyes that if you look long enough would find something hidden in them. The man was handsome, but something about him flared your mistrust alarms…
He carried himself arrogantly, the way he regarded you all as he entered the room was a bit frightening honestly.
"This is Julius DeSantis, our new Graphic Arts Division Manager."
"Nice to meet you all. As you may know the company is expanding-"
His voice was deep, some of your teammates couldn't help but ogle him, his white hair kind of reminded you the patches of silvery strands in your father's head, his neat lock shaped beard that encaged a pair of thin yet refined lips, reminded you of the Mall Santa's man true identity.
The meeting was over, a pair of icy blue eyes trailing on you for a brief moment.
Of course the talks of how attractive the man was echoed through your section of cubicles.
The I wouldn't mind him talking down at me , along with more of he's such a dilf! And such straightforward as I'd ride him, made you chuckle at the sudden memory of your classmates saying the exact things about Miguel.
Guys in general were a little known territory for you. Of course you'd had little boyfriends here and there, You had one in your freshman year of college but you'd barely see each other to the point you weren't sure that you were still a thing anymore. And then another in your sophomore year that dropped college to chase a dream in another country.
The only one that had met the little yet honest list of standards you had for a guy so far.
You didn't know if it was the weather getting colder as the year slowly crawled towards its end that made you a bit wistful, or the sudden little changes that added as your life went on. But your mood has certainly improved a little since yesterday.
A little sadness remained in the furthest and darkest corners of the mood shelf, hoping to not be noticed.
Four o'clock ticked and you picked up your things, checked out and went for your car. Nervous fingers dialed a certain geneticist, hesitating for a moment to actually reach back, but how would he know where the place was? Because it wasn't registered on the GPS map yet.
Silly girl.
You dialed, it rang a couple of times before his deep voice erupted from the other line.
" Aló? " (Hello)
"Uh... I will send you the location of the parking lot I'll be in."
"Alright, salgo en cinco." (Coming out in five) "Okay?. Bye"
Your mouth exhaled, but you were proud. Concise and precise.
You were the first to arrive, and waited inside your car, a black mini Cooper you had bought in an auction for half the price. A little repairs and restores here and there and it was brand new for you.
You scrolled through social media in the meantime, fetching ideas for your hobbies. A few ideas for your own photoshoots and knitting techniques that surely seemed easier than the current one you were trying
Around twenty minutes later, A red Nissan Pathfinder parked in the opposite row you were. An all too familiar car that made your brain flood with memories you thought buried for good.
Miguel stepped out of his car and looked around but frowned upon not seeing anyone. His lab coat was left abandoned on his passenger seat, he wore an olive green button shirt and a deeper shade of green pants, polished black shoes, of course a belt that always accentuated his waist and to your surprise a pair of sunglasses.
You stepped out of your car as he was calling.
His frowning softened upon seeing you.
"Hola, guapa"
"Ready for a walk?"
"Hm? Thought it was closer"
"It's fine, it's just a couple of blocks away. C'mon."
You gestured for him to follow you. You had gone for a black knitted long sleeved Maxi dress and boots. The belt around your waist only added enough seasoning for your curves to pop out. His eyes fell on your waist and a bit lower just to trail on the road ahead. Your perfume guided him through the streets, a soft yet delicious smell of sweet summer cherries.
He stopped you when you intended to cross a street. Nueva York Streets were always bustling with people. His arm before you, shielded you from any intrusion in your personal space, a new wave of people pushed you further and further away from him. His hand however took a gentle hold of your wrist and pulled you closer.
"Agárrate" (Hold on)
You didn't have to know Spanish on this one to understand that he was instructing you to hold on his arms. Your hand squeezed through his arm and secured it as you kept guiding him through the streets.
You couldn't help but sigh in relief and give a little squeal when you stopped before your little treasure.
"We're here."
Your arm let him go and opened the door for him. The outside layout only allowed him to have a little peek into the bar. It turned clearer as he walked in. A little wind chime echoed, announcing your presence.
Some of the tables were occupied, the assistants glanced briefly before attending their own business. Miguel’s face was sure a treat. His eyes scanned through the place, face contorting in confusion, wonder and of course some resignation.
"Welcome, travelers. Allow me to get you a place." The waiter guided you to a more private stall, away from the people and gave your respective menu charts.
Pearly painted nails raked over the plastic menu, as he examined his.
"You've been here, what would you recommend?"
"I liked the mango muffin and the red berries cold brew. But they have more elaborate dishes if you're hungry."
You both ordered, he went for the 'Tavern's Special Panini' and a cold iced tea. He had a good appetite.
"How was your day?"
You both chuckled as you spoke in unison.
"Ladies first."
"Right. Nothing new to report except I've got a new division boss. Everyone is... swooning for him."
"How so?"
"A dilf, according to my coworkers"
"And according to you?"
"Uh, sure, attractive, but... ever feel that weird feeling upon meeting someone?"
"It's called anxiety."
You scoff. "Oh trust me, I know about it. And it's more like a "I don't trust him sort of feeling."
"Isn't that a bit prejudiced coming from you?"
"Maybe, but I'm trusting my gut. Besides, sure, older men are something else, but I'm not into that much of an age gap."
He chuckled and leaned on his chair.
You rolled your eyes. "But enough on me. How was yours?"
"The usual, people complain but at least this time we got something done. So, it wasn't that bad."
"Glad to hear so."
After a couple of minutes your food was brought to the table and he didn't waste a single second trying it. You snapped a picture of him after taking the first bite of his panini with a giggle.
"That good, huh?"
"Delete it"
"No. I actually like it."
You showed him the picture and he huffed with a roll of his eyes.
"Can I keep it?"
You chuckled and saved it. "Thank you" You dug into your muffin, enjoyment plastered all over your face.
"This kind of reminds me of something"
"What exactly?"
His eyes turned a bit serious and your lips pursed. "If it's something embarrassing, I'll share one to make it even."
He seemed to consider for a second and exhaled.
"Dungeons and Dragons..." He breathed.
Your eyes went wide then smirked "I'm sorry but that's the most unexpected thing I've ever heard you say."
"I was young once too."
"And a nerd , apparently."
You chuckled but stifled a laugh as he deadpanned.
"I met Peter there."
"Wait... Peter? As in Mr. Peter B. Parker?!"
"You sound surprised."
"Of course I am! Cause you're totally opposites!"
"You played with him? "
"And many others, good kind of fun."
You both went silent.
"That sounded...so very wrong." 
He swatted your head gently and you snorted. 
"My god. This feels like getting classified information from a dangerous source."
He chuckled and continued eating, just like you.
"Please tell me that you have pictures of that."
You put a hair strand behind your ear. Conversation slowly spreading through many topics. You'd learn that his favorite color was white, red and blue. That his coffee worked better with the least amount of sugar possible. And that he liked sweet bread, something called 'conchas'. He had a sweet tooth. Flan and Tres Leches are his favorites.
Your eyes came fixed on the little soccer ball keychain attached to his car keys. The edges were faded, some of the enamel had worn out. A little smudged outline of a couple of words you couldn't make out since his large hand covered the resin back.
"I didn't know you were into soccer."
His face turned devoid of all emotion for a moment, muscles rigid, jaw clenched and eyes casted at the keychain.
He knew the trinket and the words on it like the back of his hand, like the algorithm he had been working on.
'Number One Papa!' Scribbled in an infant like penmanship with a sharpie, a too round heart next to the last 'a'.
His eyes turned into something you couldn't exactly pinpoint, but it wasn't good. Hand held the little aluminum thing tighter, his thick and mildly labored breaths made you clear your throat, snapping his attention to you. A chill ran down your spine  but words managed to come out your mouth
"I'd love to try some aerial dance."
As stupid as the comment was, he had turned his gears into a different direction.
"Or dance."
"What's stopping you?"
"I have the movement of a sessile organism." You pinched your fingers together at 'organism, earning a chuckle from him. Amused at your attempt to be science-y.
"Can't be that bad."
"I was the tree in a school play because I moved like them…"
He had to hold back an ugly snort, harder to contain as your brows scrunched.
"Oh c'mon I shared my embarrassing moment! What's yours?"
He took a moment to recover before he cleared his throat. "I was afraid of horses."
You cocked your head "Oh?"
"That's all I'm saying."
You giggled and nodded. "Alright."
The conversation died as you both finished your meals. The sight of a green smudge on his right cheek had caught your attention for a little too long.
"Uh, you have-" Your hands gesture on your cheek, he touched the wrong one, completely missing your cue.
"Open your hand."
He does and you grab it to point at the green sauced smeared area with his fingertips. Your hand, small and elegant against his.
"Why didn't you just wipe it off?"
"Because I don't know if you like having your personal space invaded."
His eyebrow quivered with a mildly amused grimace.
"We've fucked before and you now worry over personal space?"
You sighed at his bluntness. "Just because we did means it's alright to invade people's personal space."
" Como gustes, supongo " (As you like, I guess)
He shrugs.
"How's the shelf going?"
"Sturdy and holding up as it should. Thanks for helping me with it."
"Not a problem."
You clasp your hands together abruptly. "OK, wanna play something?" "Like?"
"Quite curious you are. Aren't we already playing then?"
"Well, I am meeting new people and trying to make new friends, remember? And now that I actually think about it, I didn't know much about you, until today. But, if you are uncomfortable sharing things, it's fine."
" La curiosidad te va a matar, gatita" (Curiosity will kill you, kitten)
"Again, not a peep on spanish"
He smirked and gestured for you to continue, indulging you this once.
"What's something new you have recently learned?"
"Some plants react well to blood."
Okay you definitely weren't expecting that. "Uh... what?"
He laughed silently at your alarmed reaction.
"An experiment back in the lab."
"I'm kinda concerned as to what kind of things you actually do for a living"
"You'd be surprised."
"Why genetics though?"
He shrugs.
"Pays well and basically you're paid to fuck around to find out."
"Yeah, I kinda wanna be a geneticist now."
He chuckles
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Why knitting?"
"It's calming. Even though I can't get a technique right and it's costing me a lot of yarn. Anyways, last book you read?"
"Not a book precisely but more like a long ass report about an upcoming research. You?"
"Just finished Camille."
" La Dama de Las Camelias? " (The Lady of The Camellias?)
"I... guess? But yeah. I cried, but absolutely loved it."
"You think that Margarita did the right thing?" His arms lean on the wooden chair's arms, waiting for your reply.
"There are many questionable things she does. But if by the right thing you're meaning her giving up Armand's love so his sister could be happily married? No. I don't"
"Why not?"
"Because... She was about to die. She didn't have much time left. She should have enjoyed her love till the very end."
"Hopeless romantic, aren't you?" "I'm a sucker for tragic romances. But it actually surprises me you know the book."
"A gift, really. I'm not usually into pink novels, but gotta give Dumas some credit. Armando is such... a relatable character."
"Strong willed and quite stubborn?" Reminds me of someone."
"Ouch." "I really hated Armand towards the end though"
"He didn't know about the deal."
"Still! I don't understand that... pathological need to get revenge. He had such a fragile ego." 
"A proud man that has done almost the impossible to conquer a famous courtesan, that does little to nothing in keeping him in the shadows?"
"Hey, Marguerite spoke clearly to him ever since the begining! But he was too... possessive and impulsive."
"Last bit reminds me of someone"
He said as he poked his ear, you gasped playfully.
"At least it was a piercing and not a letter saying awful things or using a friend to make Marguerite jealous."
"I don't justify nor condone his actions, but Armando deserved the truth."
"On that we can agree. Keeping such a thing from him was terrible."
"What would you do if someone pulled a Margarita on you?"
"Their excuse. Some things can't be said right away or face to face because they might be too much to digest. But there are things that can be said on the spot."
His eyes twinkled in amusement as his eyes widened softly at your response.
"Still. It's not that easy"
"I never said it was. They didn't communicate properly and that's how they ended up like they did."
"Communication is key to you?"
"Of course it is!. I mean, I might not have as much experience in relationships, but nothing can't work without communication. Not even friendships."
" Cierto, cierto."  (true that) He nodded with a small smile.
"I didn't expect this"
"What exactly?"
"Having fun."
"Are you calling me a bore?"
You snorted. "No. Just... feels different. The first time felt like an obligation. I know you said it wasn't, but I couldn't help but feel like it was."
His eyebrow quirked. 
"And this one feels different. It's fun."
"You looked out of yourself, yesterday. It was odd."
"You're usually all... like that." He gestured at your clothes, "Pretty. Perfect." It was your turn to frown and cast away your eyes from him.
"I hate that word, y'know?"
"You'd have to tell me something really personal too in exchange."
His eyebrows rose in surprise. You sensed an impending tension so you broke it, clearning your throat. "But I think we've shared enough for today."
He nodded, and you smiled softly.
"Thanks for your concern though. Ready to go?"
"Wait. I'll pay for my-"
His hands stopped yours and he shook his head. " Déjame ." (Allow me.)
"You really need to start learning spanish."
"Seems so."
"Consider this my apology."
"B-But you gave me macarons yesterday"
"Still, it seems like a last minute idea for an apology. This is better"
A soft blush crept your cheeks and you couldn't help but nod. "Really appreciated." 
You had gotten a little muffin box for Hobie and his mom, and another one for yourself.
You walked next to Miguel, silence stretched between you both but this time it wasn't awkward or discomfiting, after all you had spoken, it seemed only right. It was comforting even. Knowing a bit more of himself surely offered a new perspective on what made him Miguel.
Your thoughts however were interrupted by your name being called, both couldn't help but turn at the source.
A man, late twenties, athletic looking, kind face with short and styled to a side hair and a mild stubble approached you with a bedazzling smile.
Miguel instantly turned his spectator mode on, and let everything unfold before him.
You held the muffin boxes in one hand as the mystery man hugged you.
"Simon!" Your voice seemed more surprised than anything, as you hugged the young and attractive man with a little fondness plastered in your face.
"Look at you! So... different."
Miguel cringed inwardly as he stepped away from the both, but the hazel eyes from the young man stared at him.
"Oh... didn't mean to-"
"It's fine. Really. This is Miguel O'Hara."
"Friend." Miguel mumbled as he stretched his hand a bit rougher than intended.
"Right. Simon Morvan." He let his hand go
"Thought you'd stay abroad."
"Oh that... heh. No. Sure it was fun but I like it here better" He smiled and you returned it.
"You're staying?"
"Possibly, yeah."
"Mind if I get your number?"
"Sure do."
Miguel noticed that Simon input his phone number into your phone. Giving you the absolute power of a further interaction with him.
"See you then, gotta go. It was nice to see you again, cherie ."
"Same, take care, Si."
You both watched Simon go and then smiled at Miguel. He just chuckled as you made your way back to your respective cars. You gave him a mango muffin and went home. You gave Hobie the little box and greeted his mom in the process. ----
"Thanks for today, it was fun. Sorry for the sudden interruption, though"
Phone rested on your cheek, body tucked under the sheets as you both talked.
" It was interesting seeing you interact with someone else ."
"You say it like you and Hobie are my only friends."
" Isn't that the truth?" He chuckle and you groaned, mildly annoyed
"You're mean. But yeah. It's true. Didn't know you thought of me as a friend."
" And that is?"
"Good. I'm glad to know you think I am reliable."
" You are, guapa."
"Damn, just remembered, might as well start re-learning french."
" How come?"
"Simon is French"
" No mames, qué cliché " (No fucking way, how cliché)
"I certainly understood the last thing, don't be rude!"
" Spanish first, French later.""In order of arrival."
" Spanish first, trust me."
He pressed and you nodded with a yawn.
"Okay, okay. Goodnight, Miguel"
" Descansa, hermosa." (rest well)
@jkthinkstoomuch @queenofroses22 @del-lightfulling @katitakenway @amylasagna @rositabluemoon @lyrasdrawer @plumplumpurin @damhanallagorm @chibiiichann @tatatida @incustellar @taeecups @vonev
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deathbecomesthem · 6 months
Roomies 5
Eddie Munson x Best Friend Reader | 2.2K - Previous
*This series will/does contain smut, angst, and fluff. Each chapter will have its own warnings for any potential triggering contents.
Chapter Summary - We are spiraling. Eddie is a rock. A shared best friend is in town for a visit. We've got some angst and bad behavior by our reader. The next chapter will feature more time with the shared best friend, and some important air clearing.
“Do not -” Eddie’s hand is on your reaching hand pinching the head of the arm on the record player that’s currently playing Black Sabbath. You’re not a fan, but you know the sound of Ozzy’s voice from the many years of friendship with Eddie. “- make me listen to your shitty music tonight. I’d rather sit in silence.”
“Don’t be a dick, Munson. Bikini Kill isn’t shitty. You’re just used to listening to that male chauvinistic garbage. You’re brainwashed into hating the girl bands fighting against that way of thinking.” The dig shouldn’t have much sting, it’s one you use a lot. It can be tiring defending your musical tastes all the time, and you know Eddie understands that. 
His response isn’t the normal finger flick to your forehead, though. His face drops, and he lets go of your hand. “Uh, fine. Put it on if you want.” He turns to head back to the kitchen where the boxes of Chinese food are set up on the counter. No fight. He caved, he didn’t set you straight. He didn’t explain that his reasons for not liking the punk riot grrrl bands has nothing to do with their message, which he agrees with. He just lets you win. 
Instead of Bikini Kill’s Demi Rep, you reach for Alice in Chains’ Dirt. Neutral ground. Sliding the disc from its sleeve, you wonder what new mines you might find hiding under the field of your friendship now. What else has changed without you realizing it. You wonder if every single interaction will be like this until eventually you’re both too exhausted to deal with it. And then what? You know what. And then it all fades away.
“So,” you approach Eddie from behind, hands clasped behind your back as if in private prayer, “what treats did you procure from Main Moon this fine evening?” You rest your chin on his arm, sneaking a peek at the inside of the containers as he opens them. “Oooooohhhh, you got spare ribs!”
Eddie laughs and mutters, “can’t disappoint my best girl, can I? Not when she gets that sauce all over her face every time she eats them.” You don’t see it coming before it’s too late. An arm wraps around your neck, and you're in a headlock you can’t twist yourself out of. He caught you off guard in a vulnerable moment, and now Eddie’s got sauce on his finger ready to spread it on your nose.
“Eddie, let me go!” You flail, but Eddie’s bicep remains firm, holding you against his side. 
“Oh, Angel, we’re just getting a head start on the mess you’re gonna make.” Eddie’s laughing while his finger makes a meandering journey from the tip of your nose to your forehead. He even managed to get some on the inside of your left nostril. He releases you, grabbing your arm before you stumble too far and fall, and stands back to admire his handiwork. “Oh, you’re looking very beautiful. You should let me do your makeup more often.”
“You idiot,” you try and fail to keep laughter out of your voice, “I’m not eating the rib you just finger fucked. That one’s yours, Buddy.” 
It was that takeout dinner, shared on the couch in your shared living room, that took the edge off. Eddie set the tone. The doubts started to calm. The looks between the two of you might last too long, there might be more excuses made to touch, but the fear that the end of your friendship had arrived dissipated. The routine set in. It was a relief.
When Friday night rolls around, you’re ready for a break. Three days off in a row. A miracle worthy of celebration. Convenient that your favorite spot happens to be below your apartment, and that you’re friends with the bartender. Heavy pours and free booze, and a short commute home. Ronnie’s in town for the weekend, the missing piece in your friendship with Eddie. The third Musketeer. 
“I can’t wait to see the look on his face,” Ronnie is close to your vanity’s mirror with a black eye pencil skating across her lower waterline, “he’s gonna shit his pants.”
“I’m just happy he’s got the rest of the weekend off. I thought I might have to spill the beans to get him to do it.” You’re rifling through your bag of lipsticks looking for the burgundy that’s your favorite. “He’s probably going to fucking murder me when he realizes I’ve been keeping your trip a secret.”
“Yeah, well, fuck him.” Ronnie fluffs her hair a little and adjusts the waist of her jeans, “last time he was supposed to go east to see me, he was neck deep in that waitress. Remember her? The one with the huge tracts of land?”
“How could I forget? She was the reason I didn’t see Eddie for 3 months. I thought he was gonna marry her or something stupid like that.” You laugh a little, ignoring the way your mind tries to compare yourself with the girl that Eddie was obsessed with only 6 months ago. 
“What are we dealing with now? Any ladies I need to fight for his attention? He never tells me shit about his love life, but I definitely got the feeling the last time we talked that there was someone.”
You laugh, and hope that Ronnie doesn’t look too closely at the way your smile sits strangely on your lips, “I don’t know. Where Eddie decides to stick his dick is really not something I think about a whole lot. But I haven’t seen any evidence of a girl in the apartment.”
Ronnie looks at you with her head cocked and says, “Except for you, of course.”
“Oh, sure. Except for me. We both know I don’t count.”
Garland wrapped in Christmas lights runs along the outside counter of the bar. You’re happy to find most of the booths and barstools empty. You were worried that Eddie might be too busy to enjoy the presence of Ronnie when he’s trying to work. It really feels festive, you can smell a hint of cinnamon in the air and wonder if it’s the Christmas ale that they have on tap this time of year. And there’s Eddie, standing in the corner with a Santa hat sitting crooked on his head, and a tall blonde tugging on the end of his hair with a wide grin on her face. 
“Who’s that?” You’ve forgotten that Ronnie is behind you for a second and you jump at the sound of her voice, “they look friendly.”
“I have no idea. Maybe she’s the new bartender,” your voice is quiet, afraid to draw his attention to you. You consider turning on your heel and heading back upstairs, but can’t with Ronnie here. “Let’s, uh, let’s go say hi.”
Eddie turns and catches sight of Ronnie, his oldest friend. His closest friend, next to you. Like a shot, he pushes past the blonde woman standing next to him to bring her into a big bear hug. They’re rocking back and forth and Eddie’s sparkling eyes are shining on you. He mouths, you’re dead, and then kisses Ronnie on the top of her head.
He hugs you next, holding you tight in his arms. It’s something that he hasn’t done in recent days, a familiar thing that reminds you that this is Eddie. Your Eddie. The smell of smoke and Old Spice and the feel of his stubble on your forehead make you forget the way only moments ago you were full of dread. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell you she was coming.”
“She wanted it to be a surprise. She’s been missing you.” you say into his chest, not wanting to break apart from his embrace just yet. You’ve been missing him too, despite the fact that you see him every single day. Eddie pulls away and puts an arm around both you and Ronnie.
“Consider me surprised. I can get out of here early, maybe. It’s dead, and Laney can close up.” Eddie turns his head to call back to the girl that’s made her way back behind the bar, “what do you think? You think you can handle closing alone?”
“Sure, Eddie.” She smiles at him, and turns to the old man sitting at the end of the bar. She rests her elbows on the bar, hip jutted to the side and you catch a glimpse of a line of red fabric - a thong - poking out from the hem of her jeans.
“Laney, huh? She looks like she’s got some talents.” Ronnie shrugs out from under Eddie’s arm and sidles up to a bar stool. You look up and see Eddie averting his eyes from the ample derriere of the bartender in question. You can see his cheeks darken under the Christmas lights.
“She’s an excellent bartender, and we’re lucky to have her. Shut up, and maybe I’ll get the two of you some free drinks.”
Shots on shots on shots. Round 3, and the feeling that this is a mistake has already started to pass. Now it’s just fun. It’s warm. You’re loose. Fear is a distant memory, and your lips move without the barrier of common sense. Eddie’s red rimmed eyes are on the girl behind the bar, again. It’s not in your head, because you see Ronnie shaking her head on the other side of him. 
“One more round for me and my friends, Baby.” Eddie’s low voice hums through his chest, and you see the way his thumb runs across the back of Laney’s hand when he passes her a $20.
“No problem, Eddie.” She answers back, and her tongue flicks against her lips before she turns towards the cash register.
“Subtle.” You bite your words into the moment, causing both friends next to you to turn their attention to you. “Don’t let us stop you. You’ve been eye fucking each other all night. Might as well get it out of your system so you can maybe pay attention to Ronnie for more than 10 seconds.”
“Hey now,” Ronnie reaches around behind Eddie, “we’re good.” She’s squeezing your forearm in an attempt to ground you before things escalate. 
“What the fuck is your problem? You’ve been rude all night for no reason.” Ronnie’s arm drops at Eddie’s words. 
“You’re rude, Eddie. I can’t do this.” The room has started to tilt, and you can feel the words tangling in your head. “I’m going for a walk. Have fun.” You lean over the bar and shout in the direction of the bartender, “Good night, Laney. I hope you and Eddie are very fucking happy together.”
The humiliation rises inside you like a tsunami as you stumble over your feet and down the steps outside of the bar and onto the sidewalk. It’s cold, but you can’t feel it, the whiskey is keeping you warm from the inside out. Tears prick the corners of your eyes, and you wonder if you could sleep in your car tonight. You wonder if there’s somewhere you could go. 
Instead, you circle the block and peek into the frosty windows of the bar. Eddie and Ronnie are getting up from their barstools, and Laney is leaning over the bar to give Eddie a kiss on the cheek. You start up the stairs full of shame, anger, and confusion. You’re going to bed, and you’ll pretend to be asleep before Ronnie crawls in next to you. You know that this time, the light of the morning will only put a spotlight on your bad behavior. 
The sunlight sneaks in through the blinds, and your eyes crack open to see the room spinning in front of you. You groan, and an arm wraps around your waist. Ronnie. You see a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin sitting on your bedside table. You sit up a little and take 2 pills with a small sip of water. And another sip. One more, and then it hits you. The things you said last night. 
“Oh no, what did I do?” You ask yourself. And then you notice that the hand around your waist is bigger than it should be. You should have known by the smell of him, that scent that calms you and makes you feel cared for.
Eddie’s fully dressed and laying on top of your blankets, face pressed into the pillow you bought specifically for Ronnie to use while she stayed with the both of you. He must have - what? - been worried about you and passed out while checking on you? Probably. You’re surprised Ronnie didn’t crawl in between the two of you, sharing a bed is something the three of you have done many times. 
You lay back down and push your face into Eddie’s chest. You’ll take his comfort for now. Let the sadness and humiliation leak out of your eyes and onto his cotton shirt. For now, you breathe in the smell of his neck, and let his curls tickle your cheek, thankful for the opportunity to steal this peaceful moment before the questions need to be answered.
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ramblingoak · 5 months
Naps With Copia
Chapter 4: Un Riposino A Verona
Other Naps: 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
For @foxybouquet 💙
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Cardinal Copia x GN Reader
These are all stand alone chapters so you do not have to read one before the other! This series came from my post about wanting to nap with Copia all around the abbey. The stories will all have gender neutral readers and soft Copia naps.
Warnings: Copia being sweet with you while you're on a trip to Italy, sfw, about 800 words
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“So what do you think, amore?”  
Copia let go of your hand briefly to get the hotel room door open, placing a hand on the small of your back to usher you inside once he did.  You watched as he removed his red suit jacket and threw it over the back of a chair.  The buttons of his black shirt were next and when you noticed him fumbling on a few you moved close to help him.
“Too much wine at lunch, Cardinal?”
“Bah, no such thing.”  You swatted at his hands when he tried to help you but rather than dropping them at his sides he reached up to cup your face.  It was hard not to lean into the warm leather and you sighed softly when he rubbed his thumbs over your cheeks.  “What do you think of Italy?”
You almost laughed because really, that was the silliest question.  What did you think of Italy?  You loved Italy.  When Copia had come to you and asked if you wanted to go with him to a conference here you hadn’t even given him a chance to finish the question.  Two weeks in Verona, Italy with the man you loved more than anything else in the world, how could you say no?  Why would you say no?  
While you were technically there for work the meetings and events only were scheduled in the morning.  After they were done you were treated to some of the finest meals you had ever eaten in your life.  Today’s lunch was spinach risotto (you could still hear the little happy noises Copia had made while eating it) followed by a salad with stewed artichoke and grilled trout.  Normally you would both stay after to nibble on whatever fresh fruit they had to offer and to chat with the other attendees but today Copia had grabbed your hand and swept you out of there as soon as your plate was clean.
So far you had spent most of your afternoons exploring the city.  It had been so special to see Italy through Copia’s eyes and he was always so excited to show you things.  Even more special was how he just seemed excited to show you off to anyone you met.  Today had been no different, your first stop after lunch was to a gelateria and after introducing you to everyone that worked there he had made sure you got samples of every flavor that caught your eye.  By the time you were done you were full of so much good food and so much love you nearly cried when he suggested you go back to the hotel.
“Hmm?  Oh!  Sorry, Copia.”  You laughed a little, shaking your head to bring yourself back to the present.  Perhaps you had a little too much wine yourself.  To reassure him you leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, smiling when you tasted the strawberry gelato that clung to his lips.  “I was just thinking about how much I love being here.  With you.”
Your smile grew when you noticed his blush but instead of teasing him you finished with his shirt and helped get his arms out of it.  While you tried to hang it over the chair to prevent wrinkles Copia wandered over to the plush daybed near the windows of the suite.  You heard him grunt and when you turned around he was already sprawled across it on his back in just his undershirt and pants.  He lifted his head when he heard your footsteps and held out his hands for yours.
“Come now, amore.  Time for our riposino.”
“At least take your pants off.”
It was his turn to swat your hands away and in a quick move he grasped your elbows and pulled you onto the bed next to him.
“Why are you always trying to get my pants off, eh?”
“My apologies Cardinal, it won’t happen again.”  His pout was back and you had to bury your face in the crook of his neck to muffle your giggling.  “I promise.”
“Let’s not get hasty, amore.  Maybe in a few hours, huh?”  Copia let out a big yawn while he shifted so he was practically wrapped around you.  “Nap first, then we’ll talk about my pants.”  
“Fine, fine.”  You kicked your shoes off and settled more comfortably against your Cardinal.  It was getting harder to keep your eyes open but you couldn’t resist whispering your thanks against his chest, the hair peeking out from the top of his shirt tickling your nose while you spoke.  “Thank you for inviting me, Copia.”
“I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.”
After a few more strawberry flavored kisses you both settled further against each other as the window drapes blew gently in the breeze.  From outside you could hear the water lapping against the old stones along the edge of the canal and that along with Copia’s soft breathing was all you needed to be lulled into sleep.
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@conjuring-ghouls your nap is next 😉
Other Naps: 1 / 2 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
"Age doesn't matter" 15
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
It’s been days since Y/n started babysitting Kazui. After the administration suspended the class due to the villain attack, Y/n had to email every parent about what would happen and how can the children still catch up with their lessons, as well as mail them the day-to-day school activities. But for Kazui, instead of mailing Katsuki the manuscripts, she has Kazui’s daily school activity printed out and hands it to him personally.
No, she won't teach him at all. It may be part of her babysitting job but being his school instructor, she treats her pupils equally. That implies no special treatment for Kazui.
Although almost every day she can hear Katsuki lecturing Kazui whenever he sees him writing down the wrong answer. Sometimes she’ll catch him smacking his head which will earn him a lecture from her.
She remembered when she first did it in front of Eijiro. The guy was taken aback of course, but surprisingly, Katsuki behaved which made Eijiro taken back more.
“Did you just...- What?” The poor guy was confused.
Today, Katsuki’s on his daily pratol and you were working in the Dining area where you can keep an eye on Kazui who completed his homework and was just watching tv now.
All of a sudden you received an email from the school principal. Clicking it open, Y/n read the content. It was apparently an email about the new employee since some of the kindergarten teachers resigned after the incident. The principal is basically relying on her since she’s one of those who stayed.
“Another work, then.” Y/n mumbled but started responding to the email anyway. It’s not like she has a choice not to. But deep down, she wanted to leave her job as well, not because she was hired as a babysitter, it’s because of the workload which has been keeping her up till midnight.
And yes, Katsuki noticed this. He has very observant eyes, we all know that. He can see her strained smile whenever Kazui comes up to her to show anything he drew.
“Ah. I guess that’s it for now.” Y/n yawned as she stretched her limbs. Once done stretching, she checked the time to see it was almost dinner. Which means, he’ll be here anytime now.
“Time to make dinner, Kazui-chan.”
Kazui beamed once he heard Y/n. He always wanted to be a great good like his dad, so Y/n agreed that Kazui can help her or watch beside her.
“What will we be cooking today, Miss Y/n?” Kazui asked while rocking on his heels. A mannerism Y/n found out whenever he’s excited.
“Well, I always wanted to try something new. I just need to see if we have all the ingredients.” Y/n smiled as soon as she finished packing her things before proceeding to the kitchen.
Once she checked the fridge, “Huh. It seems like we’re missing one ingredient.” Y/n pouted. “I guess another dish, then.”
Very uneventful, is what in his mind. Katsuki groaned as he stepped in and set his boots aside.
Well, at least he got home unharmed.
“Hey, brat.” Katsuki grinned and picked up Kazui who dashed towards him.
“How was your day, papa? Miss Y/n is cooking dinner!” Kazui beamed while being carried by his father.
“What the hell? Again? I swear to God.” Katsuki tsked after knowing this. Careful, he put Kazui down and marched toward the kitchen where he saw you cooking.
“What did I tell you, hah?” He was pissed, alright.
By accident, you dropped the spatula you were using startled by his voice. You didn’t expect him to come home this early, way too early actually.
“W-what are you doing here?” You said while trying to use your body to cover the dish you were cooking from his view.
“What the hell do you mean? This is my house.” Katsuki pointed out, arms crossed over his chest with Kazui beside him, holding him by his pants. “Didn’t I tell you to not cook? That ain’t part of your job.” He groaned.
“If I didn’t cook us our meal, we won’t be able to eat supper and you’ll come home with an empty stomach.” You pouted while slowly picking up the spatula.
“I said you can order out. Didn’t I leave you enough money for that?”
“Well, I’m sorry but inside of ordering unhealthy food, I used the money to buy something healthy since Kazui is still a growing boy.” You said after successfully picking the spatula. “Besides, you should know this. You’re a hero. You need to maintain a proper diet and have a healthy meal.” You said before turning your back at him to focus on finishing your cooking.
Katsuki’s lips twitched at your response.
“Hey brat.”
Kazui looked up at him curiously. “Yes papa?”
“Take my bag to my room. Bring me a clean pair of comfortable clothes. I just need to talk to Miss Y/n.” Katsuki handed Kazui his bag without looking at him which he took, obviously struggling.
“E-eh?” Your attention was now focused on the struggling Kazui who was hauling his father’s obviously heavy bag.
“It’s alright. This is how I train him.” Katsuki said to you, but eyes still engaged on you.
“O-okay.” You responded still concerned.
“I can’t pay you more if you keep doing this.” Katsuki said out of nowhere when he heard Kazui reach the stairs. He doesn’t want his child to overhear this.
“I don’t care.” You responded to him as turned your attention back to the sizzling food in front of you.
“What do you-
“Look.” You started before slightly reducing the heat to prevent the food from burning and set your attention completely on him. “At this point, I don’t care about the extra stuff I don’t have to do. You are a hero and Kazui’s a kid. Both of you need something nutritious since, like I said, Kazui’s a growing kid, and you, for your diet.” You instructed. “You are a parent, and you should know this.”
Katsuki was outraged at your last statement.
“What the hell do you know about being a parent, huh.” He spat, taking Y/n aback. “You are not a mother, so stop nagging me.”
But you’re not backing down.
“I may not be a parent, but I know things about being a good one.” You responded calmly.
“What? You’re saying I’m not a good parent? Hah?” Katsuki dropped his crossed arms and took a step closer to Y/n who didn’t even flinch. “You know nothing, woman.”
Y/n even challenged him by stepping closer to him, almost nose to nose. “I know everything, Katsuki. I also know that you needed help.”
“I don’t.”
“You do. You’re just too prideful to accept one.” You said quietly, almost a whisper.
The space between both of you was enough for Katsuki to study your features. Your (e/c) eyes, your lashes, your nose, and your glossy lips that he’s tempted to touch with his own.
Screw it.
Following his thoughts, Katsuki wrapped his arm around you, taking you by surprise and pulled by your waist as he placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head upwards and as gently as possible, placed his lips onto yours.
He was right about your lips being soft and tender.
You on the other hand were still in shock. You didn’t expect this to happen. Never in your life did you expect Dynamight to kiss you.
When you felt him pull away, you were speechless. Your eyes were looking straight on his, as his to yours. As if everything around you was blurry.
Katsuki was the same as you are though. He was shocked by what he did. Hell, he didn’t even know why he did it. All he knew was your lips looked so glossy.
“Fuck.” He muttered.
“Papa. I hope this is okay.”
Kazui’s voice jolted both of you making you push him away, and him releasing you.
“I- That’s fine.” Katsuki said out loud as he glanced behind him. When he turns to look back at you, you were touching your lips, face flushed while your eyes stare into nothing. “I-“ he was trying, okay? He doesn’t know where to start.
“I-I’ll go back to cooking.” You stuttered and turned back to the stove.
“Y-yeah.” Katsuki agreed as he scratched the back of his head, slightly blushing. “I guess.”
It was finally time for Y/n to go back to her apartment and She was a glad about this.
After what happened earlier, the dinner was awkward. Both adults didn’t even glance at each other. Thankfully, Kazui was telling them stuff making the tension in the air light.
When Y/n finally got her things, a knock on the door caught her attention. “Who is it?” She called out. But before she could reach the door, it swung open, revealing Eijiro and Denki.
“Oh. Hey Miss Y/n!”
“Oh? Good evening.” You bowed and let them in the house.
“Were you about to leave?” Denki asked while eyeing your things lying on the ground.
“Oh. Yes. I was about to.” You smiled at them as you closed the door behind.
“What’re you two idiots doing here, hah.” Katsuki’s emerged from the kitchen while wiping his hands dry. He did the dishes, okay? “And keep it down, Kazui’s asleep.”
“We’re just stopping by. Kaminari here wanted to visit Kazui and have a little drink with you, so I joined him.” Eijiro grinned at Katsuki and sat on the couch.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit late to drink? We have an early patrol tomorrow, morons.” Katsuki said while hanging the wet towel on its rack and joining them in the living room.
“Come on, man. We drove all the here to see you.” Denki pouted. “I wanted to see the kid as well.”
“Tsk. Fine.” Katsuki agreed. “After I drop Y/n to her place, and don’t wake Kazui, got it.”
“I’m sorry?” You were obviously not listening.
“I said, I’ll drop you to your place.” Katsuki repeated as he grabbed his jacket from the bracket near the entrance and wore it. “As if I’d let you leave this house at this hour, idiot.”
“I can just ride a bus.” You said as you watched Katsuki pick your things and left. “Bakugo.” You called, only to get ignored.
“You can’t change his mind, Miss Y/n.” Eijiro chuckled as he watched you try. “He’s one stubborn man.”
“Its not bad to try, right?” You slightly pouted.
“And you’ll only go unnoticed.” Denki smiled at you.
“Sigh. Alright. H-have a great evening to you both.” Once again, you bowed and left the house. “Bakugo!”
Eijiro and Denki were smiling like idiots as they watched your figure disappear from their sight.
“What do you think about her?” Eijiro suddenly asked as he stood up and grab himself a drink.
“Miss Y/N?” Denki asked not making an effort to look at Eijiro. “She seems really nice to me, way too soft for Kacchan.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, bro. She seems like a gentle woman to me. Completely opposite to, you know.” Denki said, this time looking at Eijiro.
“I think they look good together.” Eijiro said as he handed Denki his drink.
“What did I say about formalities?” Katsuki tsked as he placed your things inside the car.
“You don’t have to-
“Sigh.” He was obviously tired of your attempts.
You watched him groan and put both his palm over his face.
“God you’re more stubborn than Kazui.” Katsuki groaned.
“I-I’m sorry.” You murmured to yourself as you play with your fingers.
“Do you want me to kiss you again?”
“W-what?!” “Relax, it’s a joke,” Katsuki smirked at you. “Get in the car.”
Hello, my lovelies! I am glad to be back. I am once again apologizing for disappearing like that. But here's part 15. I do hope you like this and stay tuned for 16. Thank you for all your patience.
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hotchgirlsummer · 1 year
There’s barley people on this app that make good bimbo reader! You are amazing!! Could u do one where she goes to his office for lunch and after they eat she gets sleepy so he lays her on his couch to nap and she’s like “so sleepy”
summary ⤷ There's nothing more one looks forward after lunch than napping with the love of their life.
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x fem!bimbo!reader
warnings ⤷ nothing but fluff! maybe some heart to heart talk?
word count ⤷ 1.6k words
a/n ⤷ no cause you are so sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this took a long while to get done as february was a busy month for me. hopefully you like it!also!! to get back in the habit of writing, drabble requests are open! ☺️
"Your food delivery's here!" Y/N giggled cheerfully as she opened Aaron's office door but her cheery expression was halted when she noticed that Dave and Emily were also in the room as they were previously discussing important; she looked at the other two agents and shot them a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry I didn't get you guys anything, can I make it up next time? Did you guys like the chocolate mousse or the cupcakes that I brought last time?"
"i liked both, I do have a craving for your chocolate mousse," Came Emily's immediate and well-thought of reply, which earned her smirking looks from the two men, "What? Y/N's a great baker and I love all of her treats."
"Aw, you're too sweet to me, Em," Cooed the younger woman and hurriedly hugged the noirette tight, "I'll bring some next time I visit here, kay?"
"As much as Emily and I would love to chat more with you, I believe there's a certain commander of ours who'll get grumpy if he doesn't ear his lunch," Rossi remarked as he took note of the rather tight-lipped expression that Hotch was wearing; Emily smirked as well once she broke off the hug and took a good look at their unit chief, "You're right, Rossi. It seems like they might even need to be put down for a nap."
Y/N waited until the two were out of the room before placing the lunch bag on his desk, making way to where Aaron was and sat comfortably on his lap, lacing her arms around his neck as she wondered, "Did you guys get a new team member?"
"What makes you say that, sweetheart?" Aaron questioned back as he busied himself with stroking her cheek as he kissed her nose before landing a sweet kiss on her lips.
"Dave was talking about a commander, do you have an army teammate?" Her cute head tilt made it hard for the unit chief to explain what Rossi really meant. Instead, he went along with her understanding by agreeing, "No, sweetheart. But wanna know a secret?"
Her cute gasp as she nodded excitedly, prompted him to reveal, "Sometime I don't really understand what Dave says. We all just go with what he says and make him think he's making sense."
Smacking his shoulder slightly, she reprimanded him, "That's mean, Aar. You be nice to Dave! Or else he won't make me anymore of his delicious lasagna." Leaning forward to press a kiss on her glossed up pout and chuckles at her, "Well don't worry, I will cook all the meals you will ever crave for."
"You are a great cook," She pondered for a bit before her eyes drifted over to the lunch bag she had carried with her, perking up in excitement as she remembers, "Oh! I brought you lunch! I made a it all healthy like you want, with produce, filer, and gains!"
As she was opening the covers of the tupperware, Hotch nodded to himself as he understood better what she was trying to convey, "Protein, fibre, and grains," He listed as he saw the chicken, eggs, banana, grapes, and some nuts. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble, sweetheart," He said, with a voice full of love as he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.
Shaking her head as if what he said was absurd and lifting the forkful of food by his mouth, cupping her free hand underneath the fork in case some food fell off, "But I really wanted to see you, and I knew you didn't pack any lunch with you. Plus, you always cook for me and I wanted to return the favor, you know?"
Taking the bite she had prepared for him, he hummed appreciatingly as he smiled up at her, "I'll forever be grateful for this, sweetheart. It's been a while since I had a pretty girl bring and feed me lunch."
Giggling as she scooped some of the eggs and brought it to her mouth, "Just say the word and I can make this an everyday arrangement! Oh, would you need a personal assistant, Aar?"
"And no, I don't think I need one. Besides, I'd love it more if you busied yourself with your designs, sweet."
"Oh! Speaking of my designs, I worked on more today! I came up with this dress that comes down mid thigh and it has this Venus cut on the shoulders. Though for a while I struggled because I wasn't sure if I wanted the design to be simple sparkles to look like stars or have like embroidered flowers on it," It was apparent on her satisfied smile as she fed him more chicken that she was immensely proud of the result, "Can't wait to show you what it looks like once I've made it!"
"I can't wait to see it either. Maybe you can give me a fashion show hm?" Rubbing her back to settle her pent up excitement.
"Well maybe not right away, I have these shoes in mind that I wanna buy that will tie up the whole look."
As he was fed another bite, Aaron felt around for his wallet before speaking, "Why don't you take my card when you buy it?" Scoffing in mock offense, she shook her head and feed him another spoonful as if to silence him from making more silly suggestions, "Well excuse me for wanting to use my hard-earned money. You can't be the only one who will do all the spoiling of me. Or for me," She pouts as she looked up at him, "You do know what I mean, right?"
"I always do, sweetheart," He reassures which brings out a bright, toothy smile from her.
From there on out, Hotch filled her up on what the latest happenings within the team are — he of course left out the gruesome details of the cases are, but instead what the latest life updates of team members. And in return, she shared memorable interactions with her customers.
While he was recalling how Spencer pulled a prank on Derek with the help of Blake, Hotch's keen eye noticed that Y/N was scooping eggs but instead of feeding it to him, she fed it to herself.
"Hey! I thought those eggs were for me?" He jokingly scolded her when the bite of eggs went to her; as if to make up for it she gave him a big serving of the eggs before answering his question, "Well it's because I had such a busy day, Aar! I cleaned the apartment, cooked food, and I worked on some more designs!" She laid her head on his shoulder as she passed the fork to him — which allowed the unit chief to this time feed for himself as he noticed that the exhaustion of her day's activities was catching up on Y/N. "So ready for a nap, Aar."
"Yeah? Your tummy's all full so you're ready for a nap now?" While his voice was teasing her , Y/N did not register it as such and instead took it as concern for her well-being. Snuggling further into his neck while her hand busied itself by rubbing his chest lovingly, spreading warmth on his entire being.
"Can I go lay on your chest? Wanna stay with you while I nap," She was a hundred percent sure that he would give in but Hotch knew that if she did let him lay on him like this that one, work that needed to be done that day would not get accomplished which means more time not spent with Y/N and Jack. And second, it would be likely that a team member will barge in and poke at him for letting his guard down.
Against his will, he shook his head as he lifted her body in his strong arms — he smiled to himself upon feeling her snuggle close — and laid her on his office couch, he draped her with the soft, faux fur blanket her purchased after her first visit into his office and she made some comment about what will keep him warm while he works and she was not there to snuggle him.
"I won't take more than two hours and then we're out of here, okay?"
"Mmkay, I'm just gonna nap here, Aarbear. Wake me up when it's time for us to go, okay?" She immediately nuzzled herself into the blanket, leaning against his soft lips when he pecked her cheek softly.
"Sleep well, sweetheart," He muttered softly before promptly returning back to his desk; now motivated more than ever to brisk through this mountain of paperwork if he had any desire of spending his time with her and Jack for the evening like they had originally planned.
It wasn't until twenty minutes in when he had the expected visitor that took place in the form of Derek Morgan. Polite knocks followed by him entering the office, the Chicago native smirked as he spotted the sleeping form of his boss' girlfriend. "I see you got yourself a sleeping beauty," He remarked as he placed the files on the desk.
"Don't worry, I'll wake her up with a kiss before we leave," Hotch joked as he thanked him for the files he got accomplished. Taken aback with how he cracked a joke on his own, Derek replicated his chuckle and said, "Honestly though, Hotch, she's really good for you."
Putting the pen down as he took in his words and stared lovingly at her, "Not only that, but I she is the one for me, Morgan."
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sparklingself · 2 years
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the outside world isn’t yours to control. of course, you are in control, but you are doing anything else but taking control, if you try to force it. let go of control. stop blaming yourself for the unpleasantries you encounter. yes, it’s all you, but blaming isn’t going to take you anywhere. you’re just inflicting more punishments on yourself. instead of asking “why is this happening to me?”, ask “why am i in a reality (state) where this is happening to me?” the difference between the two questions is 1. is victimising yourself, blaming yourself, putting yourself into a position of hopelessness and 2. , on the other hand, is putting yourself in the position of having the power to choose.
how enjoyable your life is - it is all entirely your doing. if you’re imagining and not enjoying, then what are you doing? stressing if you’ve actually done everything right isn’t productive. because you’re God. God doesn’t need a rulebook, he makes the rules.
Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. - Psalm 115:3
stop trying so hard to change the outside. just focus within, because that is where you can do anything you want.
And you may say, "But I want to experience them here in the world." That right there, is your problem. Focusing the attention on the outside. There is so much relief by understanding the outside, no matter what it is, it will fade away and reflect. - Edward Art
the thing is, if you’re imagining and then you’re looking for it in the outside, then you’re doing it wrong. imagine, because it’s enjoyable. because you can. you’ll receive it in the outer world anyway, you don’t have to worry about that. you’re not actually imagining to get the thing you want, you’re imagining because you want to experience the emotions. and guess what? you can experience them now. and they’re just as real and as justified as the ones that are triggered by the outside. stop the endless cycle of depending on the outside to control the inner.
think about your successes. why did they happen? it wasn’t because you affirmed enough, or you thought about it enough. it was most likely, because you let it be. you maybe forgot about it and then it appeared. you assumed, felt it and then let it be. so let it be and have confidence.
why is it so hard to just “let it be” sometimes? because you’re making the desire so big. but it’s not. it’s tiny compared to you. the desire of eating your favourite food today and being the richest person in the world is the same. they’re both tiny. make yourself the one who is grand and great, not the desire.
to end this post, a contemplative exercise by Edward Art:
Treat it like a experiment.
Lay down or sit in a chair and be comfortable.
I want you to tell yourself this, or word it they way you want to, "I am allowed to completely let go of the outside world. I do not need to focus on others or what is happening out there. I only need to focus what is happening in here. If I feel satisfied in here, then I am. I will identify myself with my inner self. I no longer have to control the outside to but my inner. My desires are so easily achievable within myself. It brings me much relief knowing I can let the outside go, and only focus on changing myself. "
Say it once of a few times. Really focus on the relief you feel from not having to control the outside.
From here, imagine feeling satisfied or accomplished. Then ask yourself, "What would it feel like if I was who I wanted to be?" Then feel it, enjoy that feeling and know that you are NOW it. You do not need any more confirmation. That is final.
After you feel all of that, come out of contemplation and simply be neutral or feel more confident in yourself.
Only look within from here on out. Do not care about the outside. It will conform, even if it seems like it won't, it will. You will be in positions that will confirm what you have done. You will be in a position that will trigger your memory of what you have done within.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Okay idk if u wanna do this but May I request a crossover of vita Carnis and Mandela Catalouge headcanons?..
For Adam,Jonah and Mark. Basically they arrive at theyre s/o’s House..and find out they have a pet trimming named Meatloaf or something.s/o treat them like they’re baby like any pet owner would,what are they’re reactions?
Awwwwe yeah my two current analog horror fixations let's goooo
He shows up at your door right as you were getting food for your pet.
It was especially important that you fed it at this particular time so it would settle down for the night...
But Adam's persistent knocking forces you to stop and answer the door, momentarily leaving it with an empty bowl.
"Adam? What are you doing here so late?"
"Did you get my message? Our client wants us to go to his place now. I got the salt and everything."
"...he's gonna have to wait a minute. I just gotta feed my pet and-"
"C'mon, babe. We can't lose this offer. I'm sure your pet's not gonna starve to dea-"
All of the sudden, both of you hear metal scraping and a loud whining noise that sounded like a dying animal, startling Adam while you just stare blankly at him. "You were saying?"
"..what the hell was that?????"
You decide it's better to just show him, so you go back inside and introduce him to your pet: a small six-legged fat lump of raw red meat with a collar around its neck.
"What the fuck is that?? An alien??"
"No, it's a Trimming. And their name is Meatloaf."
"....that literally explains nothing."
After feeding your Trimming and calming it down, you told Adam a little bit about its role in the Vita Carnis family.
Where you're from, they're common house pets, being even more popular than dogs or cats as they were docile and willing to eat anything.
When you're done explaining, he just stares at Meatloaf for a while, who's now swaddled in a blanket and curled up in your lap.
It looks kinda gross, but he is intrigued.
Apparently, it's trained to sniff out Mimics and scream when it detects one....which has saved your life on multiple occasions, and it did the same when it sensed an Alternate in your house not long after you moved here.
That's cool.
He thinks you should bring it on BPS assignments.
On the other hand....
When you mentioned owning an exotic pet, Jonah didn't expect anything like this when he showed up uninvited, letting himself in with a spare key.
"Hey I brought some pizza for--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, S/O?!!
Babe, please don't scream-"
"Am I tripping or is tHAT A FUCKING FETUS??!!!!" He points wildly to the Trimming sitting in your kitchen sink, covered in soap and looking saddened bc your bf interrupted bath time.
Meanwhile, you're pissed off by his yelling and covered its sensitive ears, glaring at him. "Will you calm down? This is a Trimming..you haven't heard of them?"
"No???? It looks like the goddamn chestburster from Alien! What is it?!!"
He was ready to run out of the house, but you convinced him to stay and you explained what a Trimming is, rinsing off the soap while doing so.
Poor guy's still trying to comprehend why (and how) a thing like this even exists, eyes wide as he watches you dry it off and care for it like you would a puppy or kitten.
It doesn't help that you call it "Meatloaf" and have a cute little bow on its collar/head.
Nothing you say will stop him from getting nauseous, suddenly losing his appetite for the pizza (especially since he got pepperoni and sausage on it).
You reassure him it's not gonna go to waste, instead feeding it to Meatloaf in bite-sized pieces.
Jonah's just in shock as it happily devours them with no hesitation, before it waddles back into your arms for cuddles.
You made it your mission to get him to hold it, trying to show him it's not scary at all.
It's....still a work in progress.
You knew exactly what he was gonna think of your Trimming.
So you explained what it was exactly, even showing him a photo so he's better prepared to meet it when he comes over.
The last thing you wanted was for him to scream "demon" and throw a bible at your sweet little nondemonic meat pet.
But still...he clams up when you greet him at the door, holding Meatloaf in one arm.
"O-Oh, it's..uh....cute...?" Mark tries his best to be polite, yet his face is as pale as a ghost's.
You're just relieved he didn't panic and cause a huge scene.
However, for a normally social creature...Meatloaf became unusually shy around him, flinching away when he attempted to pet it and whining if you put it down for too long.
It constantly followed you, refusing to be in the same room as him.
This keeps happening whenever he visits, and he's unsure what to do.
So one day he asks if it'll ever warm up to him.
"Oh! How could I forget? Trimmings usually like it when they're sorta "involved" in conversations..if that makes sense." You tell him. "Meatloaf probably thinks you're unfriendly because you talk to only me when you come over."
"....so..how do I fix that? By talking to it myself?"
"Will it...understand me?"
"Not sure, but it just likes hearing chatter." You then speak to Meatloaf, scratching under its chin to stir it from sleep. "Hey, Loafy. My boyfriend wants to tell you something."
With the Trimming now looking at Mark, he feels...awkward, but he finally stutters something.
"H-Hey, uh...so I'm Mark. But you probably know that. S/o talks about me a lot and...uh....anyways we've been together for a few months. Sorry if I didn't seem that "friendly" to you, but I hope um...you...approve of us..?"
He trails off as it shifts out of your hold and climbs into his lap, curling up and cooing happily.
His eyes are HUGE and he's filled with fear(tm), but eventually makes the brave decision to pat its fleshy head, hearing it...purring?
Then you see his smile.
You're extremely happy about this bonding moment and had to snap a picture of the two.
'Yeah, this one's definitely for the books'
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lostinforestbound · 3 months
This is an exploration of Rolan, Cal, and Lia 's past together and how they met. I have read plenty of headcannons and fics that have already explored this topic (the ones I've read are so creative!) and I wanted to do my own little spin on it!
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Cal & Lia & Rolan
An unwanted, despised child wanders Elturel one of the worst storms the city has ever seen, looking for scraps to survive the night.
Word Count: 3.1k (AO3)
Relevant Tags: Child Abuse (Only shown in the beginning), Trauma Responses, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with Happy Ending
A pitiful tiefling child is dragged by his hair, wailing as a woman kicks the front doors of the orphanage open. She tosses the young boy out into the middle of the storm, and he falls into a large, muddy puddle in the streets of Elturel. The rain hits his back harshly as he struggles to get up on his hands and knees.
“Don’t you ever come back to this place.” He hears the woman spit, and he tearfully looks up at her with golden eyes from his place at the bottom of the stairs. “This is no place for you, devil spawn. When you came to us originally, I bit my tongue in the name of our God; I thought we could shape you into something instead of what you are. Now you bite the hand that feeds you. A conniving, thieving, spoiled brat is what you are!”
She reaches for the handles on the doors, hatred in her eyes as she stares him down. “Leave, we will be more at peace without you to burden us.”
He weeps as the doors slam, wanting to plead with her; he didn’t steal anything, he never touched anything he wasn’t supposed to, and he was framed by an older child that resided further down the hall, but his voice has never worked ever since he was left here. The caretakers tried everything to make him speak; prayers, beatings, and starvation were all they resorted to, but none of those worked. It only made him silent. Even with how cruelly he was treated, he crawls up the stairs, trying not to slip on the wet stone, and frantically knocks on the doors.
His cries are left unheard or willfully ignored.
Body shaking violently with his sobs, the cold sinks deep in his bones as the rain mixes with the tears running down his face. He’s resorted to scratching at the wooden doors with his nails, but they’ve been blunted by the worshipers here. Cut down until they bled so they looked more humanoid.
Less devilish.
Please let him stay.
He yells out another cry when a loud clap of thunder hits, covering his sensitive ears from the sound. It hurts so much, the little ice needles called raindrops piercing his skin repeatedly without mercy.
To the happiness of those inside the orphanage and temple, he finally runs away.
No one would give him a second glance, and he never felt so isolated.
His legs shake with every step after he stops running, whether from the cold or the terror that sunk into his bones. He’s directionless, not recognizing the street he's on and unsure how long he ran for. What did he do wrong? Should he have fought the caretakers less? Should he have gotten along with the other children more? Should he have been better behaved?
Is there something wrong with him?
As more lightning strikes, he picks up his pace again. A couple of small houses still have candle lights burning in their interiors, but he’s too fearful to go knocking. Who would want an orphan in their home? A tiefling orphan, no less? And on top of that, one that’s too scared to talk? Would they throw him out again?
He feels his stomach is being clawed at, hunger overcoming his senses. They were already punishing him for insolence by not feeding him, but thinking he stole something from the altar was the final straw in the haystack. He did not think caretakers could look at him so disgustingly.
Waterlogged by the rain, he finds a small house with their candles still lit, trailing over to the trash they left. It’s by the front door, the worst place for him to hide, but if he doesn't eat something soon he might collapse here.
He sneakily opens the wicker basket and looks inside, trying to find scraps. A loose crust of bread, old meat, bad fruit, anything he could find sustenance in. Anything that can tie him over for the night.
But there is nothing. Only broken glass from what looks to be a shattered plate, stray strings of yarn, and old needles that have long rusted.
His eyes start stinging again, knowing that luck will never be on his side. It’s the only trash he sees out here in this street, everywhere else is now too dense to peek through. He doesn’t even hear the door open, he only feels the waft of warmth from the inside-
The door is open.
He trembles again, not just from the cold, but dread. He can’t will himself to run away. Maybe he’ll be shown some mercy if he gets on his knees to beg, wordlessly hoping the punishment wouldn't hurt him too badly.
“Hello?” A feminine voice calls out cautiously, opening the door fully as the light hits his skin.
He quickly looks up at the figure, petrified.
She’s beautiful. The light gives him a better view of her orange skin and darker orange eyes. She’s wearing a white night dress, loose fitting with frills at the end of the sleeves. Her short black hair is a mess as if she got out of bed rapidly.
A Tiefling, most importantly.
He stares at her in a childlike wonder, surprised by the warmth he feels just by seeing her soft, sleepy eyes.
“Oh my goodness, you poor thing. Come in, now.” She states, gently but urgently pulling him inside.
Tugging him along to the interior of the small home, the tiefling woman sits him down in an old chair and puts a heavy blanket over his shoulders. “Sit tight- Cal, Lia, what have I said about staring?”
“It’s very rude…”
“Very good Cal.” She says softly, mirth and honey in her voice.
He didn’t even notice that there were other people around. They sounded young, like some of the other kids in the home. Their voice is sweet, the one that spoke. Innocent.
Quiet steps quickly approaching, she comes back with a towel, kneeling in front of him and carefully wiping his face. He leans into the towel's softness, enjoying the texture and lightly starting to purr. “Gods above, what happened to you sweetheart?” She asks as she takes one of his hands, looking down at his blunted nails in horror.
Opening his mouth, he tries to speak, but nothing comes out. What would he even say? His teeth chatter violently, threatening to crack the incisors that adorn his mouth.
“You’re freezing. Cal, Lia, please find some of the old clothes in the closet. He’s soaked to the bone and we need to get him dry.”
He hears the tinier tieflings run off somewhere, the woman carefully pulling him up and leading him into a bedroom. It’s small but comfortable. The orphanage was cramped and he had to share a bunk bed. He always took the top one, since it would be easier to hide himself when he was higher up. When he was out of sight, he was out of mind.
The other children arrive with a clothing pile, and while he can’t look them in the eye, he sees the amount of clothes they bring as they threaten to fall onto the floor.
That makes the woman giggle, a sweet sound that relaxes him even while he shivers. “Thank you. Now, sweetheart-“ She starts, gently tilting the boy’s chin to face her. “Do you have a name?”
He glances at her, dumbfounded. Yes, he does have a name, but it feels as though his throat is closing.
She gives him a sad smile, moving her hand away. “How about you change into some dry clothes? Come out whenever you’re ready.”
Getting up, she leads the other two children back out the door with hands on their backs.
”Mom, why won’t he talk?” The taller of the little ones question.
“Hush, Lia.” She whispers, closing the door behind her after they leave.
Silently looking around the room, he spots a portrait hanging high on the opposite end of the bed, easy to see even while laying down. It’s the woman, but she looks much younger, and there’s a man next to her. Red of skin with similar black horns, but they were cuffed in some kind of jewelry. Ceremonial, perhaps? They seem so sweet, holding each other’s hands like it was their whole world.
They’re in love. He hasn't seen the man around, though.
He snaps out of his trance, starting to peel off his wet clothes. The shirt snags on his horns, and it rips the side open while trying to yank it off.
Damn it all, the only shirt that he owned is now ruined. How could he fix this? The caretakers never taught him how to sew like the other children. They didn't let him participate at all, usually. It was too delicate, they said; his claws would tear the cloth and he would ruin it, like how he ruins everything else.
He ignores the tears stinging the corners of his eyes, focusing on putting on the new clothes. They’re big on him, clearly meant for an adult, but it’s dry. Kicking off his shoes mostly in frustration, he now looks at the door that leads back out.
Does he leave now? Is he allowed to?
Feet tiptoeing to the door, a shaky hand reaches out for the handle and opens it. He winces when the hinges creak so loudly, and he starts to shake again. Should he hide under the bed? Will they be angry about the noise?
No one seems to come after a few minutes, but he thinks that might be worse. Maybe they’re waiting for him to show his pathetic face.
But he smells something wonderful coming from what he thinks is the kitchen.
And gods, he’s so hungry.
He makes himself walk over to the area, the warmth of the room and the smell of chicken overwhelming his senses. The other children are sitting at the small table, waiting patiently with empty bowls as the woman, their mother, stirs her pot.
Her ear twitches, and she looks over with another soft smile. “Ah, there you are. Please sit, I’ll get you a bowl once this is ready.”
Wordlessly, he trails over to sit down on one of the available chairs, wrapping his own tail around himself. He doesn’t want it to get stepped on like it did in the orphanage.
”So, why were you out in the rain??” The girl asks suddenly, startling him. “It’s cold! And I heard that the storm was getting very dangerous.”
She looks like the man in the portrait, he notices. Red skin, longer black horns. She is staring at him expectantly, but he’s very distracted by the decor of the house. It’s colorful compared to the orphanage, with pots of flowers settled on tables including the one they’re sitting at. There are loose pieces of fabric, with a wayward needle and thread fastened in between so it wouldn’t disappear.
”Hello???” She calls to him.
”Lia.” The woman warns, turning her head and giving the child a stern look.
”But mom-“
”If he doesn’t want to speak, we will not force him. Leave him be.”
Lia pouts, puffing her cheeks slightly but doesn’t speak to him again.
He’s never been defended like that, before.
The fire stops suddenly, and their mother brings out a larger spoon. “Come here Cal, you first.”
Cal excitedly hops out of his chair with his bowl, tail swishing behind him rapidly as he trots over. Lia does the same after him, happily taking their bowls back to the table once they’re filled up. They take no time at all to start eating, even with how hot the soup is.
The woman sets a bigger bowl in front of him, filled with the same thing. “Eat as much as you’d like. There’s plenty.”
He looks at the contents, seeing the steam rise up and disappear in the air. It’s hot against his face, and he sees all the ingredients through the thick broth. Chicken, peppers, onions, and probably some spices too.
He shouldn’t be allowed to eat, he’s done nothing to help in the kitchen.
The other two finish way before he ever could, but he didn’t even touch the food. Thankfully, they don’t comment and run off to go play in another room.
He doesn’t hear their mother approach, so he jolts when he sees her kneeling beside his chair. “Are you alright, sweet pea?”
Fear washes over him fairly quickly, thinking she’s angry. He can’t get his tongue to work, even now. He wants to apologize for being rude, for not eating, for daring to enter this home, for everything.
For existing.
She gently cups his face, a look of concern as she searches for something in his expression. “Honey, you’re not in trouble. Not at all. I want to make sure you’re okay; please, eat.”
No one has ever been this kind before. No one has ever looked at him so lovingly.
He starts to weep, ears twitching down and tail falling limp as his vision goes blurry. He can’t see her expression anymore through the tears he’s been keeping in ever since dinner started. That’s when she gathers him up into her arms, holding him as he gets on the floor with her.
She coos at him and lets him cry in her arms, holding him closer to her chest. “Shh, cry all you need. You’re okay.”
His sobbing grows louder and more desperate, as if he was grief-stricken. He cries and cries, but that never deters her one bit. She gently rocks with him, hand scratching at his scalp as she whispers comforting words.
When he finally calms, she takes out a handkerchief and wipes his face clean from the tears and snot. “Do you think you can eat, honey?”
He weakly nods, sniffling.
She easily lifts him up back onto the chair, pushing the bowl closer to him, and he finally takes a spoonful of soup into his mouth. He forgot how starved he was and ate up eagerly. It takes another two bowls before he’s satisfied.
He gets led back to the bedroom he was originally in, and she has him sit on the bed. “Get some sleep, okay? Don’t worry about anything, I want you to rest.”
He carefully lays down on the bed, doing what he’s told. The mattress is large and surprisingly soft, so he easily gets under the blankets. He wished the blanket was heavier, but he knows not to ask for anything.
The woman smooths his hair back with a smile. “If you ever need anything, I’m here. Feel free to come get me or call out when you want to talk, okay?”
He watches her leave the room afterward, exhaustion setting deep into his bones. Eyes growing heavy, he finally decides he wants to rest.
Hot. He’s burning. His skin is overly sensitive, and the drag of fabric along his skin is borderline painful. He tries to wake up, but can’t force his eyes open.
A muffled voice reaches his ears before he can panic. “You have a fever, dear. I will take care of you. And sweethearts, stay away from him. I don’t want you getting sick.”
”Yes, Mama.”
He’s in and out of consciousness constantly; sometimes hearing muffled voices, sometimes falling into a dreamless, uncomfortable sleep.
Sometimes he cries when woken up, part of him hoping he never wakes at all. But she wants him to drink water, so he will obediently. Maybe then, she’ll let him stay here. He’ll be good.
He promises to be good.
Please let him stay.
When he feels himself start to get better, he finds himself gathered in her arms as she gently hums a tune for him. He chastises himself internally when he feels the sting of tears in his eyes; is he so pathetic that he would cry over being comforted? Being loved so dearly?
“Darling, I can’t let you go back out into the storm. It’s too dangerous. Stay here.” She murmurs, thumbing his bony shoulder. “I’ll keep you well fed. I have more than enough to feed another mouth.”
He nods a little too frantically, hand crumpling the sleeve of her dress.
“Good. Let me go get something for you, okay?”
He reluctantly lets her go and patiently waits as she walks away. The rain hasn’t let up at all, still beating on the windows harshly as the cold tries to seep into the room.
The floorboards creak with her return, holding a blue shirt and brown trousers. “I made you some clothes. I noticed you only had one pair with you, so I made you another.”
She puts it in his hands as he looks it over, and he runs his fingers over the material.
It’s soft. Softer than anything he was ever given.
”Try it on whenever you’d like. Would you like some lunch? I’m making some steak and eggs.”
He nods a little, and she smiles as she leads him to the kitchen once again. Cal and Lia are already there, and super excited about his presence.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better! Did you like the blanket? It was one of my favorites when I was small!” Lia exclaims happily.
She doesn’t seem deterred at all by his lack of response.
“It’s the best one!”
“I like that one too. Is it still soft?” Cal asks, looking up at him. When he nods, Cal smiles more, and he idly notices the small boy is missing a missing tooth.
”Settle down children, the steaks are almost ready. Ah, how do you like your eggs darling?”
He stares at her with a confused look, and she gives a small frown as she tries to think of an example that he would understand.
“Me and Cal like ours scrambled! Mom, maybe he’ll like scrambled??”
“That’s the safe option, I suppose,” She giggles, going to a different pan where the eggs are being cooked. “I enjoy sunny side up. It's where you only cook the underside and leave the yolk on top untouched.”
He remembers a visual he saw in a picture book. Is that sunny side up?
”Ah, I suppose I should ask this question. What would you like to be called for now? Sweetheart? Darling?” She asks, looking back at him.
These nicknames are something he’s not used to. The people who ran that hellhole he stayed in usually called him ‘boy’ with such disdain he could crumble onto the floor. They stopped at nothing to make sure he felt like disappearing. That he was a disappointment to them; but that place was all he had.
Maybe this place is different, and he can be cherished. This woman never once made him feel like he was a burden, even when he thought himself to be.
Maybe he can be safe here.
Maybe he can be loved.
“Rolan.” He finally responds to her.
She looks at him with wide eyes before the brightest smile appears on her face, warm as the sunrise.
Lia squeals as she quickly stands on her chair. “Mom! He talked!”
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