#but ! i had a nice evening and my brain is fried at the moment so rather than get into it right now im gonna go snork mimimi. goodnight !
transgaysex · 1 year
head hurty
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messylustt · 10 months
late night calls — carlos oliviera
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you rubbed at your eyes as you heard the rather alarming buzz of your phone on the nightstand. your eyes squinted against the light that came from your phone. through the brightness you saw carlos’ name. with furrowed brows you answered, rolling over in bed as you placed your phone to your ear. “carlos?”
“oh, thank god you’re awake.” he muttered somewhat groggily on the other line. “why, did something happen?” your body becomes tense, but carlos quickly consoles you. “nah, nah, just…i dunno…needed to chat” you raise your brows in the darkness of your room. “needed to chat?” you repeat.
“yeah, what’s wrong with that?” he replies with an almost seeable shrug. “it’s like two in the morning, carlos. i thought you were in trouble.” he chuckles on the other end. “don’t worry, you wouldn’t survive without me.” you scoff. “right now i think i can.” you go to hang up, but carlos’ almost desperate voice stops you. “wait, wait! y/n. don’t…don’t hang up.”
you pause, placing the phone back to your ear. “if nothings wrong, then why did you call?” carlos breathes out a small laugh. “do you gotta be a stickler all the time, huh? i don’t see nothing wrong with talking.”
“this early? also I’m not a stickler.” your voice turns slightly defencive. “right, right. yeah, no, definitely not.” carlos replies smoothly. you sigh, resting back against your pillow. “was there anything in particular you wanted to talk about?” you can hear carlos shift on the other end. “and what if i said i just wanted to hear you talk?”
“i’d rethink about hanging up.” you sweetly say. “oh come on...” carlos drags out, his voice still low from sleep. “you gotta a nice voice. is it so wrong that i wanna hear you first thing in the morning?” you can feel your face slightly heating up at that. you cough. “then you should have called me in the morning.”
“it is the morning.” he indignantly replies. “so you’re telling me you wake up everyday at this time?” you scoff. “sometimes.” he replies. “hey, these muscles don’t just appear.” despite it all and your tired form you manage a laugh. on the other end carlos awakens more at that. the sound reverberating through him. he liked your voice, even more your laugh. it was…comforting to him.
“get any sleep? before i kindly interrupted, of course.” carlos asks, back against his bed as he kept the phone close. his hair was a mess, and his shirt was somewhere across the room. “kindly, huh?” your eyes are slightly fluttering from tiredness. “always.” carlos replies. you lightly chuckle, though carlos can hear the sleepiness drenching your words.
“and uh, yeah, i guess my sleep is alright.” you continue, rolling over again in your bed, your right cheek now against the pillow. “how about you?” now your words are drifting. you don’t mean to let them, but your fried brain can’t help it.
“ah, with the size of me and the unfortunate size of my bed i wouldn’t say it’s top notch.” carlos replies. he waits a moment, and that’s when he catches the faintest sound of a sleepy breathe. you had fallen asleep. “is my voice that soothing?” carlos chuckles to himself. he had wanted to talk to you. but he hadn’t known what about. correction — he had wanted to hear you. as much as he could. but now it seems it’s not enough. he doesn’t think he can let his head hit back against his pillow, he doesn’t think he can sleep.
he hasn’t been sleeping. at all. the last time he remembers is when the two of you were stuck in an abandoned apartment, while the infected prowled outside. it had been cold. and you two had decided to use body heat. he had slept so soundly pressed against you like that. in all honesty he misses it. even if it occurred for a brief night. a good sleep is hard to forget.
he couldn’t help it. the soft sound of your breathing on the other line was almost begging for him to come. you wouldn’t mind, right? either way he’s already made it to your apartment. he’s already inside, the spare key you had leant to him in the panic now coming in handy. your apartment is silent, dark. he silently reaches your room, your phone hanging precariously now over the bed, your face squished up against your pillow. god he couldn’t help it. he creeps forward, slowly, quietly.
reaching the bed, it creaks, his body weight a little more than yours, your bed clearly not used to it. then he was under the covers, the sheet already feeling more comforting. he shifts closer to you, his front now at your back as his arm carefully drapes over your stomach. this is probably the most comfortable he’s been. his hand finds solace a fraction under your shirt, the heat from your skin bringing him even closer.
he actually manages a sigh as his breath hits your neck, his mouth close as his head hits the pillow. you slightly shift, a small airy groan leaving your lips. but carlos stays put, gently stroking your stomach as he whispered soothingly in your ear. “shh, it’s okay. it’s jus’ me. lie back, sweetheart…jus’ rest…”
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Hello all well? I just read the new version of the fic "I can ride you until I feel better" from the sub version of the Obey Me boys, so I wanted to ask if you could write a version with the datables characters..
“Can I Ride You Until I Feel Better?” (part 3) 
Diavolo, Barbatos*, Simeon, Solomon x Male Reader (separately) 
Genre: NSFW
Content/Warnings: Dom/Top reader, mentions of riding, slightly OOC Simeon ig? depends on how you perceive him 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Barbatos uses they/he pronouns 
Diavolo’s day had consisted of nothing but work, work and more work
He was frustrated, tired, and his brain was fried from staring down at his papers from so long 
He dropped down onto the couch next to you, resting his chin in his hands and letting out a long groan 
“What’s up, Dia?” You asked, brushing away some stray hairs from his forehead 
“I don’t think i’ve had a day that draining in a thousand years…”
“Oh, honey, c’mere…” 
Diavolo laid down with his head in your lap, allowing you to stroke his head 
He stripped off his jacket as well, discarding it on the door thoughtlessly 
“Oh, my love,” Dia sighed, “I need a pick me up…” 
“Anything in mind?” You asked. It was quite obvious that he was already thinking of something
Diavolo turned over to look up at you, somehow keeping a completely straight face as he asked: 
“Can I ride you until I feel better?” 
You were a bit taken aback, but Dia’s calm demeanor didn’t falter 
He was serious, but not trying to be pushy 
Of course you had to agree, and a grin quickly formed on his face 
“Thank you, darling. Now sit back and sit still, I think we’re gonna be here a while…” 
They may live to serve, but even Barbatos gets worn out from time to time 
He may have more patience than most, but it’s still finite 
They finally got a moment to themself at the end of a long day, and were happy to see you laying in their bed waiting for them 
“Oh, hello, love.” He greeted you. It was short but sweet, although you could still see the tiredness in his eyes 
“Hello, Barbs. You seem worn out. Wanna come lay down?” 
“Yes, actually. That would be nice. I’m not sure why, but today was particularly trying.” 
“I get it. Don’t worry, I’ll stay with you.” 
Soon they had snuggles into bed next to, holding you to their chest and resting his chin on your head 
You could feel the rise and fall of his chest begin to slow as he relaxed, but there was still an odd restless air about them 
“You alright, Barbatos?” 
“Yes, I think so…just, uh, not quite out of ‘work mode’ I suppose…” 
“Well hey, you’re always doing things for other people. Why don’t you let me do something for you instead?” 
Barbatos paused, looking down at you with an intrigued expression  
“Yep. Anything you want Barbs, I’ll do it.” 
You nodded in reply 
Barbatos’ now borderline stoic face gave little to no insight on what they were thinking 
But when they did finally speak, it wasn’t anything you were expecting 
“If you really mean that, then…I think there is something I’d like.” 
Suddenly he was above you, your back now flat on the mattress as you gazed up at him 
“Would you be so kind as to let me—excuse my language—ride you until I feel better?” 
Even in moments like these they were still insistent on being proper 
It was endearing 
And of course you just had to say yes 
“I appreciate it, my dear. I’ll make sure you enjoy it as much as I do.” 
Ooooh booooy 
Y’know how the other characters said you never wanna see Simeon angry?
You don’t 
And he was pissed 
Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or maybe it was some other mundane thing he couldn’t put his finger on 
But something had made today extra difficult 
All he wanted was to go home and get away from everybody but you 
And even though that time eventually came, it felt like it had been an eternity since this morning 
He didn’t even greet Lucifer when he passed 
He just wanted to get to you 
And when he did you were in for a wild ride (pun intended) 
He knew that an angel shouldn’t be thinking or desiring such things, but in his fiery state it seemed like the only thing that could help 
And it was rather easy to push the guilty thoughts away once he had his sights on you 
He was on you the second he was in the door climbing into your lap without so much as a word 
By the time you had said “hello” he was already fumbling with your pants 
“W-Woah, Simeon—! Slow down, w-what are you—“
“Just let me have this human. I need you ride you until I feel better.” 
You could practically feel the frustration radiating off of him, so you simply sat back and let him have his way. 
“Let me make one thing clear to you: I don’t want a word about this in the morning, do you understand? Good. Now behave.” 
Solomon was generally cheery, but today was just not his day 
He was struggling with his spells and couldn’t seem to get anything quite right
Each little mistake piled up into a mountain of frustration 
Until eventually he simply couldn’t take it anymore 
He somehow managed to make it to the end of the day, but was only hanging on by a thread 
He was so very happy to see you in his room, sitting in his bed and waiting for him 
“Oh, my love, I’m so happy to see you. You’re exactly what I need after such a terrible day.”
“Aw, well I’m glad I could help. Want to come lay down?” 
“Mm…not exactly.” 
You quirked a brow in confusion, watching as he sat down on the bed next to you 
“I’ve had a terrible frustrating time today, and I need something to…blow off steam with.” 
He pulled the covers off and straddled your waist, putting his hands on your chest and pushing you down onto your back 
“I think I’d like to ride to until I feel better. Is that alright?” 
You nodded wordlessly, watching as he stripped off his uniform jacket and then shirt 
“Good. You’re always willing to help me out, aren’t you?”
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ts1m1kas · 7 months
Original Ask: the main concept is that the reader was hired as an intern in the media team for barca, she’s young, has a fiery tongue and can handle herself around players, and gavi ( who’s known to be a hot head cause he’s sergio ramos’s long lost son lol ) cannot help but melt everytime he sees her, pedri tries to nudge his best friend into talking but a funny incident happens that causes them to admit their feelings to each other. (@findingnemosworld)
Word Count: 904 words
(author's note: another request from @findingnemosworld whose ideas never fail to amaze me 🩷 apologies for the lack of fics, my inspiration seemed to disappear on me !!)
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Being hired for a media internship at Barcelona Football Club was the best thing to ever happen to Y/N. Every day was different, and she had developed close relationships with the players.
Y/N had a reputation around the Barça office for being brutally honest with a fiery tongue. She voiced every thought that came into her head and never lied to anyone.
She had been tasked with setting up the training equipment for the session on that day. She walked through the corridors of the training complex, heading towards the equipment cupboard.
Pablo's coach had also sent him to retrieve a clipboard from the same cupboard that, unbeknownst to him, Y/N had been sent to.
What Y/N didn't know was that Pablo had been admiring her from afar for a while. Every time he saw her, he flushed red with embarrassment. He thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.
Pedri and Ansu were walking through the same corridor. They saw Y/N collecting cones and balls to take out to the field for the team to use during their training session.
When Pedri saw him enter the same cupboard as her, he took his chance. He locked the door behind Pablo and ran back to Ansu, laughing.
Pedri was sick of hearing his best friend talk about Y/N. Every time the pair saw her, Pablo would try and drag him away in fear of making a fool of himself. In an effort to finally get the pair together, Pedri resorted to locking the pair in the cupboard. If that didn’t work, he didn’t know what would.
Hearing the door close behind him, Pablo spun around. His eyes widened when he saw the doors were shut.
"Hello? Who is it?"
Pablo recognised that voice. He'd know it anywhere. It froze him to the spot. He didn't want to believe what was happening to him at that moment.
"Pablo, is that you?" He heard Y/N ask. He finally saw her walk into view.
"Yeah, it's me. I think the door's locked itself, so we might be in here for a while." He replied, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
"Oh no. The team won't get their training equipment on time then."
She frowned. The idea of losing her internship made her sick. All she wanted to do was get the equipment and watch her friends train. 
“It’s fine, I’m sure they’ll notice we’re gone soon.”
Y/N let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding in. 
“How come you’re in here anyway? I thought you just had to turn up to training?”
Pablo laughed and shook his head.
“Coach wanted a clipboard, and I knew they were in here.”
Silence descended over the pair. Pablo wracked his brain, trying to think of something else to say to Y/N. His fear of embarrassing himself was growing larger by the second. 
“You look pretty today. Not that you don’t look pretty every day, just you look really-”
Y/N cut off his bashful rambling, “Thank you, Pablo, that’s nice of you.”
Since starting her work with the football team, Y/N had always liked Pablo. As she got to know him more over the years, she noticed herself falling for the young player rapidly. His humour and kind nature drew her in, and before she knew it, she was hooked.
Being locked in the equipment cupboard wasn’t where she thought she would finally confess her feelings for the Spaniard. However, she wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip through her fingers.
“Pablo, I have something I’ve been meaning to tell you. Before I tell you, I hope we can remain friends afterwards.”
His face dropped. Assuming the worst, he nodded at Y/N’s words, urging her to continue.
“When I first started my internship here, I didn't intend to form such lovely connections with anyone. But since we first met, I’ve found myself liking you more and more; what I’m trying to say is that I like you. A lot.”
Pablo was dumbfounded. Through his shock and disbelief, his heart began to beat faster.
“Are you serious?” Pablo’s mind was running at 100 miles an hour. “I feel the same, I have since I first saw you walk in through the front doors.”
Y/N’s face broke out into a grin.
“I don’t think we can remain friends, though. Pablo commented. “I would like you to be my girlfriend, though?”
Nodding ferociously, Y/N’s smile got impossibly bigger.
The pair moved closer together and Pablo wrapped his arms around Y/N. Just as the pair were settling down, they heard the click of the door handle and then footsteps. Looking up at the sound, they saw Pedri poke his head around the corner.
“I knew it!” He exclaimed, “I’ve been waiting for this moment for ages. You two were made for each other. I’ll finally be rid of Pablo talking about his ‘crush’ on you”
The trio laughed and Y/N and Pablo got up, making their way out of the cupboard. 
Pablo knew Pedri had locked him and Y/N in the cupboard, but he didn’t feel anger or resentment. Instead, he felt grateful for his friend and appreciative of the road ahead of him.
The three of them headed to the training field, laughing at the unusual events of the morning.
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sugar-plum-writer · 2 months
A Heian Era Affair
Parings: GojoSatrou!ModernEra x FemReader!HeianEra! Tags: Fem!Reader; Gojo!imagines; slight!mention of violence; Chaos; 18+ as more chapters come; slow burn [I want to have a good build up~ just like my Sukuna series fic~]; An ancient Japan romance through time with reader A/n: Sorry for not putting out any updates or fics for almost a month! T~T I was busy with college and sem exams! but they are finally over so yay!!!!
[If you all like it, please heart and reblog the post! to know you want to read more~ and follow for chapter updates! or leave a comment to tag you when I put out new chapters~ I will do my best to roll out UPDATES ASAP!]
@elernity @derpykirb here is the update! ^-^
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The sunlight basked in the small wooden house, the morning dew shimmered as the birds chirped in a lovely tune, a better alarm clock than what Gojo was used to
"Don't wash clothes like that! if you use too much strength it will rip apart!"
"I am trying god damn it!"
Wiping the sweat from his forehead he scrubbed the clothes, you guided him as you sat beside him, your hair tied up in a bun sweating yourself.
"How did humans survive this!?" he groaned
As he and you continued washing the clothes you heard a scream from him
"Ah shit!-", he bit his lip
"Oh lord what happened!?", hurriedly you took his hand and your eyes widened as blood dripped from his wrist
"This is bad wait let me get medicine!"
Before he could say anything you had already left
"I can use RCT…" he whispered words barely audible as he watched you running
After some seconds he saw you holding a wooden box
"You truly are useless and cannot even wash clothes properly! How can you even call yourself the strongest!?" you nagged him as you cleaned up his wounds and bandaged him up
"Oh sorry I am not used to washing clothes using ancient methods near rivers am I?!", he argued back as the yelling continued
Unknown to you the moment you bandaged him up he had used RCT to heal it within seconds
"Phew that should do it…let's just hope you don't get an infection if you do even I cannot save your life"
Hearing your words he has never been happier to be able to use RCT
"Y/n!" a lady rushed screaming your name, causing both you and Gojo to finally stop nagging each other
"Who is she?" he whispered
"Just my neighbor, an aunty my mother knew"
"I see... I guess aunts are the same every era..."
"Oh my god, you did not tell me you got married!?" she yelped as she saw Gojo beside you
"I am not married okay!?" freaking out you tried your best to refuse her words
"What do you mean not married!? oh~ he is your boyfriend~" She nudged you and smirked as she walked towards Gojo who was screaming internally looking at you desperately for help
"He is n-!"
"Greetings! My name is Sumi Tachibana, I am Y/n's neighbor!"
Cutting you off she looked at Gojo smiling brightly
"My name is Gojo Satoru it's nice to meet you too", he smiled putting his hand out to shake her hands
"Oh~ how bold to flirt with me in front of your future wife! I am married so sorry~" she chuckled bashfully
"Huh…?", he looked at her then at you confused
"Aunty! What brought you here?" you stood between her and Gojo shielding him
"Oh right! I came to tell you the village has decided to host a festival next week so be sure to come!" she smiled warmly and left after chatting a little longer
"Flirting…what crazy conclusion is that!?" Gojo looked at you dumbstruck
"See I don't know what you knew previously but to put your hand forward to a lady after just meeting her gives the wrong signals alright" You looked at him and sighed
"Ancient times sure are crazy…"
"Oh god…" groaning you lowered your head
"What's the matter?" he looked at you
"She is now gonna tell everyone in the village that we are in a relationship"
He looked at you even more stunned than before, things were progressing too fast his brain felt fried. He realized just how big of a deal it was for him and you to be together in ancient times
"I guess…we gotta pretend to be in one"
"Do you know the significance of what you are saying!?" you looked at him shocked
"What? it's just a relationship~ I have been in many! my experience is over the charts dear" he smirked playfully as he looked at you
Link to Masterlist!
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eyesofshinigami · 4 months
Three Little Words
Rating: T
CW: none
Tags: Established relationship, tiny bit of angst, kisses
Prompt: For @quinns-shadowy-arts "Love is saying 'I love you' even when you're scared"
WC: 1091
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 21
Three little words. 
Three little words that burned like acid on his tongue when he tried to say them. Three little words that he knew he felt, every single time his heart beat in a rhythm of Steve, Steve, Steve, but he couldn’t make himself say. It was just three little words. Three little words that he knew his boyfriend wanted to hear more than anything.
They both bore scars from those three, simple little words. Steve’s parents used them in a lofty, detached sort of way, trotted out for appearances just like the nice china. Eddie’s parents wielded them like a weapon, his father using them as an excuse for why he behaved the way he did. The old “I only do this because I love you” that Eddie learned very early in life had absolutely nothing to do with those three little words.
It had taken Eddie a very long time to even be open to the possibility of saying them to someone else. Even with Wayne, his father in everything but blood, never got to hear them out of his mouth. Wayne didn’t say them much either, had other ways to show it than speaking it out loud.
The problem was, Eddie really wanted to say them out loud. He wanted to croon them in Steve’s ear when they were pressed together in bed, or whisper them into his mouth during a good night kiss, or even whisper them into Steve’s skin when they were both shaking in bed from nightmares of the horrors they’d seen. His chest ached with it, but his stubborn mouth refused. 
So, he threw himself into showing Steve. Night drives together, cuddling in the van, making love in one of their beds until neither of them could stand it, falling asleep together after… all of these things painted the picture of what he wanted to say, but he knew it wasn’t enough. 
He needed to say them. He just didn’t know how.
“How do you tell someone you… you know…” Eddie asked one day when he and Wayne were sitting outside, smoking together. It was a warm, clear night, the stars winking above them. 
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “No, I don’t know. Mostly because I have no idea what you’re trying to ask me, son.” He took a drag from his cigarette. “Is this about Steve? Are you trying to break up with him?”
Eddie spluttered. The very idea made his heart feel like it was going to fall right out of his chest. “What the fuck, no! The opposite! I want to tell Steve that… you know…” Just say it. It’s right there. Just say it, you fucking coward. 
“Ah. You want to tell Steve you love him,” Wayne said after a moment. 
Eddie swallowed. “Yeah. I just… you know… can’t. I try to say it but it’s like my brain won’t let me.”
Wayne let out a sigh and stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray by the bench. “I get it. Sometimes it can be hard, especially after what you kids went through.” He sighed, rubbing his chin. “But I think you should just try. Steve’ll get it.”
Eddie nodded, but it didn’t stop the angry swirl of his stomach or the burn on the back of his tongue. 
He waited until the next night, after he’d picked Steve up. They grabbed some fast food and drove out to the quarry, parking and opening up the van. It was another nice night, the half moon blazing bright in the night sky. Perfect night for a little romantic rendezvous. 
“This is nice,” Steve said, pulling out their burgers and fries. “It’s nice to be able to hear myself think after being around the kids all day.” He popped a fry in his mouth and then leaned over, pressing a greasy kiss to Eddie’s mouth. 
It should have been gross, but all it did was make that feeling in his chest grow stronger, the need build higher. Fuck, it shouldn’t be so hard, but Eddie was terrified. What if Steve didn’t feel the same? What if he used it against him, just like his dad had? What if, what if, what if…
“Eds? You okay?” Steve asked, breaking Eddie out of his spiraling thoughts. His brow was furrowed and the corners of his mouth were turned down. “Do we need to go?”
Eddie shook his head, trying to gather every ounce of courage he had. Three little words. That’s all it was. “No, I’m good. I just… I really need to tell you something.”
Steve kept frowning, sitting back. “Okay, I’m listening.”
“I just… Steve…I…”
“If you’re going to break up with me, can you please just get it over with?” Steve said sadly, folding his arms across his chest. 
“Why does everyone keep thinking that? No, Steve. I love you, why would I break up with you?” 
It got so quiet, Eddie was pretty sure he’d be able to hear a pin drop. That wasn’t quite how he’d planned to say it, but now it was out there. Nothing he could do now. “Steve?”
Steve looked back at him, pretty mouth dropped open and his eyes sparkling, just like the stars above them. “You love me? You mean it?”
Eddie felt his whole body soften. He could still feel them there, burning in the back of his throat, but that feeling was being overtaken by the way his stomach fluttered, how pretty Steve’s blush looked under the moonlight. “Of course I do. I just… those words are hard to say, you know?”
Fingers entwined with his own and pulled him close, Steve breathing against his mouth from where their foreheads were pressed together. “I do. Thank you for saying them. I thought so, but… you know I love you too, right?” At Eddie’s nod, Steve continued, “I didn’t want to say them first, either. The last time, it kind of blew up in my face, but… I’ve felt it for months now. You’re kind of it for me, you know?”
“I do,” Eddie replied, grinning so wide his face hurt a little. “I’m sorry I was scared to say it.”
“I was too. But now we don’t have to be. That was the hard part.” Steve closed that last little bit to kiss Eddie again, deeper and sweeter than the last one. It felt good. It felt right. It felt like nothing was ever going to be the same again, in the best way.
It felt like those three little words.
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lossie92 · 2 months
A snippet from the beginning of chapter 6 of Cynosure. Please let me know what you think of it - I'm really curious!
Also sorry that it took a bit longer to post, but my brain is fried with a fever and I forgot I asked if ppl wanted to read this 😶
Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: a/b/o au, mentions of past abuse
Madara groaned, his eyes closed, before banging the back of his head against the wall behind him.
The meeting with the elders had ended a while ago and, considering the outcome, he knew he should be celebrating. However, he was too out of sorts to feel happy about this sound, if unexpected, victory.
Despite trying to push it away, the heartbreaking image Tobirama had made as he curled into himself amongst the blankets and pillows in blinding fear of being struck wouldn’t leave him alone. 
There had been many moments in Madara's life when he had felt helpless and at a loss for what to do, and this was definitely one of them. Even though it very likely wouldn't have gone over well, at the time all he had wanted to do was to pull Tobirama close and promise him that whoever had hurt him in the past would never be able to do so again. Not if Madara had any say in that whatsoever. 
An empty promise. 
A stupid one too, since they barely knew each other and Madara really had no claim to make promises of this nature. 
But he didn't fucking care.
Tobirama was… he was…
He sighed.
Tobirama was smart. He could be surprisingly witty. He was endearingly sweet, but he argued with the same precision he wielded a sword when he was passionate about something, and this in no way diminished his charm. He was a mystery too, one Madara was curious about and wanted to unravel.
And he was beautiful. 
Undeniably, achingly beautiful.
Of course beauty was a shallow thing to focus on and it didn’t matter all that much too in the grand scheme of things. Sure, being with someone beautiful was nice and it would be a lie if Madara said looks never played any part in his attraction to another person – they did – but they were hardly the be all, end all. Still, despite all that, Madara couldn't deny that for the last few days he had looked forward to waking up and that he had been spending entirely too much time each morning just looking at Tobirama as he slept.
Every day he was greeted by the same sight:  the omega's adorably disgruntled face, his brows furrowed and his nose scrunched up as he slept and dreamt of who knew what. With all that lovely white hair framing his face, curls sticking out at odd angles no matter how much effort Madara had put into taming them the night before, he seemed to belong nowhere else but in Madara's den. With him, always.
Madara couldn't help but be embarrassed about all of it. His thoughts, his feelings, and especially his actions. By now he had spent what felt like hours far running his fingers through Tobirama’s hair and tracing the lines of his face, marvelling at how a man with such lovely, soft features could strike fear and resentment in the hearts of so many people. 
He knew that he felt wasn't love yet. And it wouldn't be love for a while. Yet there was no denying it either that falling in love with Tobirama would probably be as easy as breathing.
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baek-at-it-again95 · 1 year
Walk The Plank (KHJ x fem reader)
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Chapter 16: If Without You
You had grown up hearing tales about the infamous pirate crew ATEEZ—the fearless, power-hungry men that roamed the seas in search of the most valuable treasure they could lay their hands on. You almost didn’t believe the stories your mother had told you as a child...not until you wound up on their ship  
Warnings for this chapter: tall heights, soft mingi lol, angsty!
A/N: HI ATINY BABIES! It’s been a while! I wrote half of this before seeing TXT and then my brain was fried for the weeks following... I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far <3
Previous: Chapter 15, Masterlist
Chapter 16: If Without You
"I have something I want to show you."
You follow Hongjoong as he leads you outside, a comfortable silence falling between you. It's a nice break from the previous chaos. 
You pass by a flower field that is beautiful in the moonlight, and you realize that the building you just left is surrounded by a farm. It's on the outskirts of a city, which looks like the Sector One you had jumped from moments ago. You space in and out as you follow Hongjoong, sometimes glancing at his hat from behind, wondering if he knows you're looking at him.
"You were not lying when you said your Sector One was similar," you mumble. He looks back at you, waiting for you to catch up to his side before answering.
"Did you not believe me?"
"No, I just...did not imagine there could be so much of the same thing in all these different worlds."
"Humans are very repetitive beings," he replies, wide eyes glistening in the moonlight. "Their history seems to repeat in similar patterns, whether from one world or another. Things that are present in one are present in the next."
You look at him curiously. "Do you think that is a good thing?"
"I believe it can be a good and bad thing. For example, bad, because you, me, and our alternates seem to be wanted in different timelines." You play with your fingers nervously at his statement. "But also good, since we are together in those worlds, as well."
"So perhaps it is beyond just a simple repetitive history. Like... fate," you suggest.
"That is true. Though, I would rather it not be."
"Fate is such a set concept. Like there can only be one option and one outcome, you know?"
"I see. You do not like your fate, if this is what your fate is. Correct?" You look at him with a frown.
"Yes. I would rather this life not be destined for every alternate version of me."
"Well, like there are different versions of you, I believe there can be different versions of fate," you reply. "I am sure that somewhere, an alternate of you and your lover are together. And they are happy." You keep your eyes on the ground as you exit the fields of the farm. The ground transitions from dirt to the same kind of odd, smooth ground from the previous city.
"I can believe that," Hongjoong says. "Actually, I know that we are together, happy somewhere. I have seen them."
"Oh, that is nice to hear." You give him a sad smile. Had he seen his alternate with his lover somewhere in the world you had just jumped from? Or maybe he's jumped worlds before even meeting you. You wonder what other kinds of artifacts aside from the Cromer possess such a power. What do the Guardians use to jump? Does each world have its own version of the Cromer, like they do people? 
He nods. "I hope they stay together." Hongjoong pushes open the door to a tall building you hadn't even realized you arrived in front of. "Come on," he whispers, holding it open for you.
Hesitating for just a moment, you enter the new structure. He gently takes your arm, leading you down a narrow walkway into another door. In this one, there are steps going around and around, spiraling up to a ceiling you can barely see. You begin to ascend them quickly but slow down soon after. It feels as if there is no end to them as you continue up, so after some time, you abruptly stop in the middle of a platform.
"Need a break?" Hongjoong asks, smile on his face as he watches you catch your breath. 
"No, no. Are we almost there, though?" 
"Yes. Here." You reluctantly follow him up one more set of stairs and he opens a door, taking you outside. You cautiously step out and look around.
"Wow." From here, you can see all of this Sector One. Little lights in the windows of the many structures sparkle like stars, making the ground look like a mirror of the sky. The lights expand across your entire line of sight, and the moon looks huge as it looms over the city, casting its low light over the buildings. "This...is beautiful." You can't tear your eyes away from the view. Unlike the last time you were high above the ground, you are not scared. You feel free. 
"Isn't it? I used to come up here a lot when I couldn't sleep."
"We are all so similar." It reminds you of the time your captain found you out on the deck, watching the reflection of the moon in the waves. He told you the story about his journey to Twilight Cove and you had fallen asleep right there, on the steps to the quarter deck. You smile to yourself.
"What do you plan to do once you get home?" Hongjoong asks. 
"Oh, I have not given it much thought. I was not even sure we could get home before this."
"I see. There is one thing you must do when you go back, though."
"What would that be?"
"You have to break the Cromer."
"What?" Your breath catches in your throat. "But we searched so long and hard for it. My father's entire life of research is in our hands, and you want me to break it? As if it is nothing?"
"Y/N, I understand why this would be upsetting. But your life will continue to be in danger as long as you have it in your possession. Once you rid yourself of the artifact and its effects, the guardians will likely not be able to find you."
"But Hongjoong—"
"I know, darling. It is your decision, and I will not be there. Just...think about it, please. I do not want you to live a life like me where you just run and run." He runs his fingers through his dark hair and you sigh, nodding. 
Hongjoong then points to the sky, taking you away from the subject of the Cromer.
"Do you see that star right there?" He comes next to you.
"The brightest one?"
"Yes, that one. It reminds me of her. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but I know she wouldn't give up. So, I can't."
"Hongjoong...I did not know her, but I feel like she would want you to live freely. Without worrying about her. Just as you do not wish for any harm to come to her, she is probably hoping the same of you." He lowers his gaze to the ground. 
"I know, but I am selfish. I have thought about giving up, but after these past few days, I remember why I want so badly to be with her again. And if I can't, I will die trying." Your eyes widen at his confession.
"I see." You notice in the distance how an orange hue has begun to appear in the dark sky. 
"Y/N, I need to tell you something." 
"What is it?" you ask, still watching the skyline. You begin to see pink along with the orange.
"It has been nice to see you again."
"Again?" You turn to look at him.
He hesitates. "Y/N, you are my lover. In every universe."
The world seems to spin at his words.
"I know I am not your Hongjoong. And you are not my Y/N. But being with you has given me some peace. To know you are just as lovely as I remember, beyond time and space. It has not filled the hole in my heart, but helped patch it." You just stare at him, your jaw opening to say something but closing again. "Forgive me for keeping this from you...I just did not know if it would cause any issues earlier on."
"I suppose for me to be in love with the Hongjoong in my world and you to be in love with the Y/N in your world makes sense. It is just quite overwhelming to think about."
"I understand. How do you think I felt when you suddenly appeared and helped me escape that Guardian?" He laughs. 
"Yes. Thank you, Y/N. For everything."
"No need to thank me." You brush him off. "I did not do anything." 
"Yes, you did. Y/N, you're amazing. You saved our lives and you have been so strong through it all. And again, you reminded me of what's important to me. So, thank you."
"Thank you." You pull him into your arms and hold him tight. "For everything. Good luck finding...um...me." Hongjoong laughs at you, pulling back.
"Here." He pulls the Cromer from the inside of his coat, handing the shiny object to you. You accept it carefully.
"Hongjoong, how can I be sure I can go home now? You said it works best when I am in danger..." He holds onto both of your arms as he speaks to you.
"Trust me, Y/N."
"I do, but—" He places a chaste kiss on your cheek.
"And don't be mad at me, please. Understand this is for you to get home."
"But why would I be—" Hongjoong scoops you up, bringing you to the edge of the rooftop. Your eyes widen and your heart feels like it stops as he holds you over the wall. "No, Hongjoong," you plead. "There has to be some other way. I do not like this method."
"Trust me. Until we meet again."
"Kim Hongjoong I swear—AH!" You scream as he lets go of you and you close your eyes, hugging the Cromer tightly to your chest. You hear nothing but the wind in your ears as you descend. Home. You have to go home. You think about your crewmates and the captain you miss so dearly, along with the ship you had gotten so used to traveling on. 
Are you still falling?
You can't feel anything particular around you, and you're scared to open your eyes. But you know you have to eventually. With one deep breath, you open them slowly. You make eye contact with Hongjoong. Your Hongjoong. You take in his eyepatch, his hook, and his scruffy mullet that you missed. His telescope clatters to the main deck and it brings you out of your daze. He runs over and cups your cheek with his hand.
"Joong!" You practically knock him over as you bury yourself in his arms. He pulls you away, inspecting your face and your body for visible injuries. Tears prick at your eyes, and you sniffle.
"I am okay." You watch as a tear falls from his eye, too, and he pulls you back into his chest.
"Y/N, I was so worried about you." He places a kiss on top of your head.
"I was worried about you, too. I missed you so much." His embrace is enough to calm you completely, his familiar scent comforting.
"What is going on out her-" You hear Mingi's voice from behind you and you turn to peek at him with your blurry, tear-filled eyes. "Shit." He disappears back into the captain's quarters and comes back out with six other men who you missed equally as much.
"Y/N!" Wooyoung shouts, running over to hug both of you. "I knew you'd be back with no problem." You roll your eyes, smiling. 
"Where is..." Yeosang starts.
"He is home. I have a lot to tell you all."
"We do too," San says. "Mingi cried a lot while you were gone." You watch as Mingi jabs his laughing crew mate in the side, and you have to hold in your own laughter.
"I am flattered." Your eyes then catch a glimpse of the Cromer on the deck. You must have dropped it when you saw Hongjoong.
How are you going to tell them that you need to destroy it...
Taglist: @foxinnie8 <3
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pumpkinfreak · 4 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E9-E10
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Let's take a moment to assess what in the Kentucky fried hell is going on in this story. So Far.
Hannibal knows that Will knows he's the Ripper. Will is trying to play the player by allowing Hannibal to manipulate him. Under the guise of Will accepting the fact that he and Hannibal are the same kind of monster. Everything Hannibal does to Will at this point in the story is to test him and get him to accept his true nature, so they can be friends. In reality, Will and Jack are working togother to catch Hannibal, so everything Will is doing is just an act. Hopefully.
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I need a nice no-think palate cleanser after this. I better now have to use any brain cells when I watch Yellowjackets, or I'm coming after everyone who voted in the poll and backing them into a pie, I will then feed to their families. Just one giant people pie. I'll break hearts and world records.
Back on track episode 9
Long story short, someone takes their Freddie Fazbear cosplay too far. Makes a suit out of prehistoric cave bear bones, and goes postal on some random people. Hannibal then directs this person, who was a former patient of his to attack Will. Will beats the holy hell out of this guy and brings his dead body to Hannibal. Stating that now they're even after having both sent people to kill the other.
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This episode opens with Jack and Hannibal having dinner togother. I feel like we need to acknowledge that Jack and Will are knowingly eating Human meat and organs. I would be so pissed if I was Jack's wife. I'm laying in a bed dying of cancer, and my man is out eating gourmet human meals with a serial killer. You are out of Will I'm leaving everything to my cat.
Margot and Will also meet in this episode. Margot is quick on the uptake and is just like "Wow our therapist is a psycho!" and Will is like, "Sister you do not know the half of it."
One of Will's dogs escapes in this episode and his little sausage body barely clears the snow he had to run through. It was much much-needed moment of levity.
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Pookie is going a little bit off the rails. He is devolving, and Hanni is super into it. I'm not, I want my sweet baby boy back, but I don't think he can hear me over the sound of his own psychotic breakdown. Will admits that he felt more alive than ever when he killed the bear suit guy, and Hannibal says that he should honor the bear suit guy. So Will mutilates the body and merges it with a cave bear skeleton in a museum. It...it's something...
Then Will is of course called in by Jack to analyze the crime scene Will Made. Will has a hallucination that the bear suit guy thanks him and that this event is a part of their becoming.
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Also, I hate that there's more, Margot's bother, Mason, shows her his pig pit. Where he attends to feed living people to pigs, and he fully attends to feed her to said pigs, if she doesn't get in line.
Hannibal's right. Mason needs to die. Like yesterday. Unfortunately, Magot cannot just kill Mason, because all their family's wealth would go to the Southern Baptist Convention. So Hannibal tells her to go get pregnant then. Who does she pick to be the daddy, Will of Course?
What proceeds is the weirdest sex scene. David Lynch would be proud. Will knows this is Hannibal's doing because Margot already told him she's gay. This scene is intercut with Hannibal and Alana having sex and Will imagining Alana and Hannibal having sex. Except Will sees Hannibal as the goopy deer man. I'm really glad this show was produced for NBC and not HBO.
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Some poor bastard had to put on a mask of Mads Mikkelsen's face. Plus other makeup and had to simulate sex on some other poor bastard. Imagine having to lay in a flesh-toned body suit, or worse be actually nude, and staring up at this lifeless replica of your coworker's face. Now add like twenty other people on set watching it happen. People left work that day changed forever and for the worse.
One more thing, one more. Freddie is getting suspicious of Hannibal. So she goes to Will's house. Goes to his shed, because she has more hair than brain, and finds a bunch of body parts in a freezer. Will shows up, and this encounter does not go well. We cut to Jack telling Will that Freddie is missing, and then Will and Hannibal go home and eat Long Pig.
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I'll probably post again later. Stay safe, and don't sleep with goopy dear men. Do not investigate sheds, ever. You have a fifty/fifty shot of it being lawn care equipment or something from the pits of Hell.
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a-cosmic-elf · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
I’m sorry for being so far behind on all the tag games, I appreciate every single tag! I’m just so tired! this is only the second week in my new job and my brain is still feeling like a fried egg.
But I’d like to share a rough snippet from my latest Starfield wip, ‘What We Leave Behind.’
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“Approaching vessel, this is Freestar space. Please hold your current speed and course while we scan you for contraband.”
Sarah’s eyes refocused, and she took a moment to adjust to her new surroundings in orbit above Akila before scrambling to take back hold of the controls. She steadied the ship and dialed the engines back.
Phew, Freestar Security could still be a little jumpy following the war. Rarely would they wait long before assuming you were hostile. But could they have at least done her the courtesy of waiting for the grav drive to spin down first, and her head along with it?
She tutted to herself, aware that the Constellation registry didn’t do her any favours in Freestar space; they were treated as though they were UC Military. Still, the approval to land at Akila City took longer than expected.
“You’re good to go. Have a nice time in Akila City,” said a decidedly cheerier but forced voice over the comms.
“Thank you,” Sarah sent back through gritted teeth. What was it that Aja used to say? Kill them with kindness? Rise above! Aja, I’m trying.
The Frontier may sound like it’s falling apart just before the grav jump, but it was still a reliable ship, and it felt good to let the old girl stretch her legs. And with an experienced hand at the controls, even in Akila’s gravity, she landed light as a feather at the makeshift spaceport.
It had been a while since Sarah had visited Akila City, and she remembered why the moment the cargo bay doors opened. She disliked the state of the place intensely and wrinkled her nose in disgust.
Whyever did Solomon Coe choose Akila, anyway? Sarah mused. The oppressive gravity that made her feel like she had lead in her boots couldn’t have been ideal for a farming community that involves, you know, lots of manual labour?
The Freestar Collective consider themselves a hardy bunch, but this took the biscuit. Not to mention the local wildlife. It’s hardly an ideal planet to settle and raise a family.
At least New Atlantis was built to complement Jemison’s environment, Sarah thought to herself. Unlike the ugly wall of Akila City, surrounding what amounted to little more than a shanty town. She had always understood why Sam had dreamed of escaping this place.
“Hello Commander, can I be of assistance?” Vasco greeted her at the end of the ramp.
Sarah paused, scanning the area with her naked eyes, catching movement, a gang of local kids, perhaps? Or thieves waiting for an opportunity to steal from a ship? “No, Vasco. Protocol Blue. Wait here, guard the ship.”
“Protocol Blue, very well.” 💙
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theundercoversquid · 2 years
Fighting and making up
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Request: Can we have more Lewis please - where reader is in a relationship with him but like fights & makeups? thank u xx 
Paired with: haaii:) i’d like to request a fight and makeup with Lewis ? it could be a drabble
Warnings: a verbal fight
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You were so tired and fed up. Your week had been hell with all the extra work you had to do. And stepping into the kitchen, you realised that you didn't have the energy to make a meal from scratch. Your brain was too tired to even take in the ingredients and come up with something to cook for dinner.
Yawning, you grabbed your phone and pulled up Uber Eats instead. Once in a while, you didn't feel too bad about getting Uber Eats.
“What do you feel like for dinner, Love?” You called out for Lewis. “I‘m ordering Uber Eats.”
“Can’t you cook, Love?” Lewis asked as you stepped into the living room. “I don't want to risk the extra calories at the moment.”
Mildly miffed, you looked up to see Lewis lazily sprawled across the sofa with Roscoe by his feet. “I’m not up to cooking tonight, Lew.” You told him. “You are welcome to cook for yourself if you want.”
“I know, but I'm too tired to cook.” Lewis has complained.
“I’m tired as well, Lew.” You told him firmly. If he wanted you to make the food, you were ordering takeaway.
“You haven't been doing anything all day, though.” Lewis had complained like a moody teenager.
And to be honest, at that, you had exploded.
“Just because I don't drive fancy cars around for a living doesn't mean I am not doing anything.” You had told Lewis. An angry edge to your voice. “I had a terrible week. Lewis, thanks for asking. It's nice to know how much you care.”
“All I asked was for you to cook dinner,” Lewis told you. “Not like it's anything hard.”
“Well, if it's not so hard, why don't you do it yourself then?” You asked him rhetorically.
“Because it's not my job.” Lewis has told you. And by his face, you knew that he had realised that he had royally screwed up. And at his comment, you had felt all the anger drain out of your body as pure exhaustion set in instead.
“I'm sorry, love.” Lewis had then rushed to amend, leaping off the sofa. “I didn't mean it like that.”
“I'm sure you didn't.” You told Lewis coldly as you turned away. “I'm going to bed.”
And with that, you had turned, ignoring all his pleas to return. Lewis followed you to your bedroom. When you got there, you opened the door and stepped in. You allowed Roscoe to follow you before you shut the door in Lewis's face.
Lewis had gotten the message at that point as he turned away. Lewis was determined to fix this somehow.
It was probably about half an hour later when you heard a knocking on the door. By then, you had taken a shower. Done your nighttime routine and climbed into bed with Roscoe. And currently, the two of you are happily cuddling in bed.
Clambering out of bed, you figured you should probably make amends with Lewis. And get some food as you were starving.
When you opened the door, Lewis stood sheepishly on the other side. 
"I ordered your favourite burger and French fries." He murmured. "They have just arrived and are downstairs."
"Thank you, Lew." You smiled. Grateful at the prospect of food.
Gently Lewis took your hand as he led you to the dining room. Walking, you were greeted with dimmed lights and flickering candles and a bunch of flowers in the middle of the table.
"Thank you for doing this, love." You grinned at him.
"It was the least I could do after being a bad partner." Lewis apologised, placing a kiss on your head. "I'm sorry for what I said. I crossed the line. I am grateful for all your cooking and took advantage of it. And I shouldn't have. I am sorry for that."
"It's okay." You murmured up to him. "What you said hurt. But we are both tired and hungry."
"I love you." Lewis smiled. Loading a kiss to your head. "Even when I don't act like it."
"I love you too." You smile up at him. "Now, how about we have our supper."
And with that, the two of you sat down to eat. And the two of you had a conversation and what had been wrong and what you could do to stop it from happening again. Because you were too grown-up adults in a series relationship, you weren't going to let something as small and stupid as an idiotic argument caused by tiredness and hunger drive you apart.
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Dawn of the Dead… in 3D!
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This has been one of my favourite movies since I was sixteen years old, and formative in my love of the horror genre, so it was very nice to be able to see it with @thedrillerkiller on the big screen, and in 3D. That’s 1.5 times as much movie, if you do the math. So obviously I had a good time. I won’t have any great new insights about a movie I’ve seen a billion times and that much smarter people than myself have discussed to death, so let me rattle off a few thoughts about the 3D conversion.
I used to be a purist for this stuff, but I think this is a really interesting choice for the format. A lot of the movie has characters looking down the barrels of their guns either towards or away from the camera, so this visual strategy lends itself pretty naturally to the depth offered by the format. Think of the part where H. Scott Reiniger kicks and shoots a zombie, or when Ken Foree looks through the scope of a rifle in the gun shop.
So as a result the gore pops as well, as Romero often frames it for obvious emphasis or will sometimes have viscera pop out at the camera. At least one headshot results in a zombie’s brains erupting towards the viewer. If someone near the front had tossed their ketchup-covered fries behind them, this could have been a 4D viewing, but luckily this was not the case.
But there are moments when the 3D accentuates other effects, varied in tone. There’s montage of the trophy heads in the gun shop or the different products on sale though out the mall, Romero’s satirical jabs getting just a little more punch from the extra dimension. Or, in contrast, the scene where Foree comforts a deteriorating Reiniger from the other room, the 3D almost adding a visual echo to the shot where Foree is framed through a doorway. It feels just a little more poignant.
And while one of the complaints about 3D conversions has been their dimness, I think the extra pop of the candy coloured blood against the extra brown, Carter-era sheen works really well. Has any movie used the period’s visual drabness to such deadening effect? This truly is a zombie epic for the Malaise era.
And speaking as someone who had a huge crush on Gaylen Ross when I first saw this as a teenager, I was not immune to the power of her performance on the big screen with the extra dimension.
And as for the movie, I think Ebert put it best:
“If you can see beyond the immediate impact of Romero's imagery, if you can experience the film as being more than just its violent extremes, a most unsettling thought may occur to you: The zombies in ‘Dawn of the Dead’ are not the ones who are depraved. They are only acting according to their natures, and, gore dripping from their jaws, are blameless.
“The depravity is in the healthy survivors, and the true immorality comes as two bands of human survivors fight each other for the shopping center: Now look who's fighting over the bones! But ‘Dawn’ is even more complicated than that, because the survivors have courage, too, and a certain nobility at times, and a sense of humor, and loneliness and dread, and are not altogether unlike ourselves. A-ha.”
Listen, you can whine about some of the times he’s been wrong or whatever, but when he’s right, he’s right.
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buckysgrace · 10 months
Fifty Four
“We’re supposed to hang out today,” Max pressed all of her body weight on top of Kim, as if she was trying to smother her, “You need to come out of your nest.” Kim groaned, throwing her arms to her sides dramatically. She didn’t want to move. She had to work a double today and wanted nothing more than to hide back under her blankets and pretend like she didn’t exist. She felt too numb. Her heart was gone, and her brain hurt too much to think. 
“My nest is comfortable.” Kim protested, although she knew she wouldn’t leave Max hanging. She hadn’t forgotten that they had decided to do something together. She just wished it included something simple, like lying in bed all night. She just dreaded that she would slip up and say something that she wasn't supposed to. 
“You need to live,” Max wrinkled her eyebrows together, “And shower.” Kim looked up at her confused, moving her head to sniff at her pit. She felt like she smelt fine. She just looked like a mess. She had no motivation to do her makeup, to wear anything cute. She barely could bring herself to brush her hair out. Everything felt like a chore when it didn’t involve Billy. 
“I just showered.” She told Max seriously. Max made a face like she didn’t believe her. Kim suddenly began to feel defensive, hoping that she really didn’t stink. She was still taking care of herself; she was just doing the basics of it. Every movement felt like a chore, like she had to force her hand to grab her brush so she could brush her hair out. 
“You look like death,” Max observed, “You’re not doing very good at playing hard to get.” Max looked at her with a judging eye. Kim groaned and shook her head. She didn’t want to do that. She didn’t want to make things more complicated between her and Billy. 
“Oh my god,” Kim huffed out playfully, “What do you want to do then?” She turned, watching as Max began to think. She hoped it would be something simple, something that ensured that she wouldn’t have to leave her bubble.
“Hm,” Max was still laying on top of her as she shifted around. Kim groaned as Max’s bony elbow dug into her ribs, “We could start with nails. You do it better, my hands always shake.” Max concluded, looking down at Kim with big blue eyes. She smiled right back, even though she felt nothing inside of her chest.
“If it means you’ll stop crushing me,” She dug her fingers into Max’s side, causing her to wiggle off of her with a laugh, “Mhm, better.” Kim sat up, pulling her blankets off of herself as she stood up and fixed her jeans. She hadn’t even bothered to change after she got off of work and wondered if Max had been smelling the fried food on her. She reached into one of her drawers for her set of nail polish. 
Max was still sitting on her bed and Kim didn’t mind as she joined her again. At the moment, she could care less if any of the polish got on her sheets. She thought that her room had slowly become a mess anyways. She thought that it felt nice to live in her own self pity. 
“What color?” Kim motioned to the different colors of nail polish that were resting in front of them. Max looked over curiously, her eyes darting between the different sets. Kim mainly stuck between pink and purple, but had a few different shades of blue, green and red. 
“The darker blue,” She said slowly, her eyes still taking in the different colors, “Yeah, I like that one the best.” Kim smiled as she picked the color up, not a bit surprised at the color Max had picked. 
“It’s pretty,” Kim commented as she slowly began to paint Max’s nails, “Matches your eyes.” She commented after a second. She looked down at Max’s pale skin, focusing on making sure that she didn’t get any blue on her skin.
“Are you feeling better?” Max asked softly. Kim glanced up at her, taking in the worried expression on her features before she looked back down. Kim wasn’t sure how she was supposed to describe what she was feeling. Everything felt numb. She was sure that her heart was gone, that it was following Billy around like a lost puppy. She wondered where he was, what he was doing. She wondered how he’d react when she would eventually tell him about what Susan had said. 
She glanced up at Max’s worried eyes again. She took a deep breath, wishing her heart would work again. She wondered if she should tell Max what had happened, what their mom had said. She thought for a moment, not having the heart to do so. She didn’t want to ruin her night, she didn’t want Max to be upset either. 
“Yeah,” Kim exhaled slowly, “I mean, how could I not feel amazing when I’m with my favorite person?” She grinned up at Max, not missing the way she rolled her eyes and scoffed. She watched her for a few seconds too long, wondering if Max would one day hate her if she found out about her relationship with Billy. Well, whatever remained of it. 
“You’re disgusting,” Max spoke with a laugh, “I just don’t like seeing you like this.” Kim switched Max’s hands gently, letting the painted one rest on her knee to dry. Kim didn’t like feeling like this either. There was nothing she could do about it. She got herself into this situation, now she had to deal with the consequences. 
“I’m perfectly fine,” Kim exhaled softly, dabbing away some of the blue paint that had escaped off of Max’s nail and onto her skin. She bit her lip, trying to keep her hand from shaking as she started her movements again, “You shouldn’t worry about me.” It was silly to think that Max had to be concerned with Kim. She was so much younger, she shouldn’t have to worry about anything. 
“We’re sisters,” Max reminded her. Kim leaned down and blew on her nails, trying to get them to dry faster. She felt bad for a moment, wondering if things would change between them if they had different dads. She hoped that it wouldn’t, that nothing would ever be different, “We’re supposed to take care of each other.” Kim glanced up at her, smiling softly.
“Of course,” She fanned at Max’s hands again as she capped the lid to the polish, “How does that look?” She asked, changing the conversation. She was worried that she would break down and tell Max the truth. She didn’t want to scare her. 
“Nice,” Max complimented nicely, “I got us some movies.” She hopped off of Kim’s bed gently, keeping her fingers spread wide so she wouldn’t mess the paint up. Kim followed her after a moment after she put the polish back in her spot. Kim rose, pausing as she passed by Billy’s room before she followed Max into the kitchen. 
“How’d you afford that?” Kim was almost afraid to ask. Max moved into the kitchen as she carefully poured herself a glass of water. She looked over with a smirk.
“I know people.” Max said simply. Kim shook her head as she rested her elbows on the kitchen island. She crossed her fingers together, her eyes glancing back towards Billy’s room. 
“What movie did you pick?” Kim said at last, forcing her eyes away from the hallway. She was sure that he was gone. She hadn’t seen him yesterday and she was sure that it wouldn’t change today. It seemed like he was keen on ignoring her. She just hoped he was okay, that he was figuring out whatever he needed to figure out. 
“Uh.” Max wore a sheepish grin, pushing the movies out of the way so Kim couldn’t see them. Kim felt her eyes narrowing, feeling that was something silly to ask too. 
“Max.” She chastised her playfully. Max shrugged her shoulders as she set the glass of water down on the counter. She scooted closer to Kim, still grinning full of mischief.
“Don’t be a wimp, it's fine.” Max swatted her hand playfully. She scooted the movies towards Kim. She didn’t mind Sixteen Candles, the other movie, now she did mind. She wasn't sure where Max had found her fascination with horror, but she hated it. 
“I don’t want to watch the Evil Dead,” She groaned softly, her eyes drifting up towards Max, “It’s gross.” She told her seriously. Max was still bearing her grin, obviously not going to back down from anything. 
“Suck it up.” Was Max’s reply as she scooped the movies into her arms and walked towards the living room. Kim began to feel anxious, wondering what sort of weird dreams would cloud her mind tonight. She'd probably end up crawling back into Max's bed at some point. 
“I thought you were supposed to be supporting me.” She tried her best to do anything but watch that movie. She felt bad for trying to guilt Max, but she really did hate all of the blood. 
“I will,” Max told her seriously, “After this movie.” She grinned as she bounced back into the kitchen. Kim had an urge to throw the dish towel at her.
“You hate me.” Kim whined dramatically, letting her head fall into her hands. She breathed in slowly then out deeply before she looked up again. Max was resting her hands on the other side of the counter, with an even deeper grin on her face. 
“Actually you’re pretty cool,” Max poked her nose, “But you’d be a lot cooler if you bought us pizza.” Max fluttered her eyelashes and smiled as politely as she could manage. Kim rolled her eyes, figuring that she would only compliment Kim if she wanted something. 
“You can order it, I have money in my purse. Better get enough for mom and Neil,” Kim paused for a moment, realizing that Neil could be Max’s dad. She quickly shook the thought away, not wanting to linger in something so dark, “I’m going to shower.”
“Oh thank god, you look terrible,” Max said with a smile, “Go get cleaned up, I’ll handle everything else.” Kim shook her head, picking up her playful tone. She walked into the bathroom, wondering if the water would wash everything she was worrying about down the drain. She just wanted to feel normal again, she wanted to feel like there wasn’t a gaping hole inside of her chest.
Everything made her think of Billy. Even when she showered. All she could think about was the way he had washed her hair, how he had touched her underneath the water jets. She scrubbed at her body, not wanting to forget the touch of him but wanting to lose it at the same time. She felt like his ghost was lingering to her, stuck to her side wherever she went. 
She kept turning the faucet hotter and hotter, but she still remained cold. It was like there was a permanent chill in her body that she was unable to warm. She thought of Billy again, thinking of how warm he was. She wondered if he had taken all of her heat with him. 
She couldn’t stay in for too long. She quickly finished, no longer dawdling under the water streams. She dried off as quickly as she could, not wanting Max to wait on her for too long. She scrubbed her hair dry with a towel before she began to dry it off. She didn’t bother dressing into something nice, she just put on a plain nightgown that ended mid thigh. She debated each night about putting his shirt on. It was still under her pillow, it still smelt like him. Usually she ended up holding onto it in the middle of the night. 
“Billy?” She breathed out slowly, feeling like she had fresh air in her lungs when she saw him. He turned, his arm resting on the back of the couch as he looked at it. Suddenly, it was like everything was alright. She felt that there wasn’t anything wrong. It was like a bright light was back in her life. His hair was pulled back in the blue scrunchie she had once given to him, his skin looked like it was tinted pink, as if he had been out in the sun for too long. Her heart felt like it was starting again as his blue eyes met her own.
“Yeah,” He spoke softly before he glanced over his shoulder again, looking towards Max, “She said there was going to be pizza.” He shrugged his shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal, but she knew it was. She tried to keep herself from grinning as she walked back to her room, quickly tossing her dirty clothes in there without care. 
“I told her to order enough for everyone,” She walked back out quickly, not even caring that her hair was dripping, “Are they going to be late again?” She asked no one in particular, but she was looking at Billy as she spoke. She crossed the couch, plopping herself down on the far end of the couch. She pulled at her nightgown, only doing so after Billy’s eyes found her thighs. 
“Probably,” Max spoke up first. She moved from the chair and onto the floor, beginning to set up the movie. Kim felt her pulse quickening when Billy offered her a bowl of popcorn. Her fingers lingered on the rim of the bowl, feeling like this was the first time she had been able to eat in days. She slowly took a handful, nodding towards him, “Are they ever on time?” Max mumbled under her breath before she was scooting back towards the chair.
“No,” Billy muttered underneath his breath, “It’s irritating.” He replied shortly after. She felt her lips curling into a grin as she placed the buttery popcorn against her lips. She thought of how early he arrived to work, about how he was always on time. 
“Some of us are just naturally late,” She found herself telling him. It wasn’t in defense of their parents, it had nothing to do with them. He grinned at her, his eyes swimming across her features, “Some of us don’t mean it.” She added softly, playing with the hem of her nightgown. 
“Right,” He drew out slowly and she had a strong urge to cross the couch and kick the popcorn out of his hands. All she could think about was the last time they all watched a movie together. She wanted to feel his hands on her skin again, his lips on hers, his cock inside of her. More than that, she just wanted him to talk to her like everything was fine, “I think that’s called being a brat.” She felt her face heating up softly.
Max walked over with one of the pizza boxes, setting it on the coffee table, “You know who's been acting weird lately?” Kim looked up at her confused, feeling hungry for the first time in days. It was like she couldn’t only function if Billy was near her. 
“Who?” Kim asked as she pulled a piece of pepperoni pizza to her mouth. Billy was watching her, his lips curling into a smile. She almost felt shy as she took a bite. Max turned in frustration, chewing on her pizza loudly.
“Mike,” She drew out quickly, “He’s been such a dick to me recently and I don’t know why.” Max had her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, like he had really been annoying her. Kim was sure it was true, she knew how her friends could get. Billy sat forward suddenly.
“Do you want me to talk to him?” Billy asked, his voice sounding raspy and serious. Kim rolled her eyes playfully as she took another bite. She knew he was being serious, but it still sounded like he was trying to put on a show. Max shot him a dirty look.
“No you beef head,” Max sighed exasperated, “I want to know what his problem is.” She sounded exasperated. Kim felt bad, thinking of how hard it had been for her to make friends growing up. She had finally made a group of her own.
“Boys are weird,” Kim tried to reassure her, even though she really didn’t know what she was talking about. The only boy she had ever really dealt with was Billy, “Just give him his space.” She told Max softly. Billy snorted like it was a ridiculous idea.
“Don’t let him talk down to you though,” Billy told Max seriously. Kim watched as he rubbed at his knuckles, “Punch him if he starts saying stupid shit.” Kim looked at him exasperated and shook her head, knowing that it didn’t always have to go to violence.
“Don’t hit him,” Kim spoke up again, “Obviously don’t let him talk to you in a mean way, but hitting him will just make things worse.” She tried to explain to Max. She was sure that it would end badly. She didn’t want the rest of Max’s friends turning on her. 
“He’ll learn not to run his mouth.” Billy said seriously with his nose scrunched like he was angry at the thought of Mike saying something to Max. Kim thought it was cute, thinking that he really did look like a big brother. She felt a pang in her stomach again, thinking about how it could be true.
“She doesn’t want to start anything that will ruin her relationship with the rest of her friends.” Kim sat forward a bit, resting her elbows on her knees as she spoke. Max was glancing back and forth between the two of them, her eyebrows furrowing together. 
“I say punch them too.” Billy laughed, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. He turned to face her, his free arm resting against the back of the couch. She gulped hard, trying to ignore the way his eyes were lingering against her skin. She nearly felt like they were back to square one, pretending like the other felt nothing.
“Billy,” She was shaking her head again, “She can’t fight all of them.” Kim wasn’t able to look at him. She glanced towards Max, watching the amused grin that was forming on her lips. Kim was fairly certain Max could handle all of those boys if she wanted to. 
“Okay,” Billy drew out slowly as he took another bite of pizza. He kicked his feet up by her, his socks pressing against her thigh, “She fights Mike and I’ll handle the rest of them.” He concluded. She turned then, noticing the grin on his face as he finished chewing his pizza. She was glad Max was in the room, otherwise, she feared she may pounce on him. She was completely in love with his cocky attitude and annoying smirk. 
“Neither of you are helping me,” Max said finally, “I’m actually really confused now.” Kim finally drew her eyes back towards Max. Her eyebrows were still drawn in tightly together, like she didn’t know what to think. Kim exhaled softly, too aware of the way Billy was watching her. He was frustrating, she was sure of that. 
“Have you tried to talk to him at all?” Kim asked suddenly, realizing that she hadn’t suggested that to begin with. Billy was moving his toes against her thigh, the material from his sock digging into her skin. She shot him a look but was unsure if she really wanted him to stop or not. She liked having him so close, but it made her heart hurt at the same time. It was like nothing had happened between them. 
“I think it’s something about his mom,” Max spoke honestly, “Only he’s not treating anyone else differently.” She sounded confused as she spoke. Kim was confused too. She didn’t know why Mike would blame Max for something that Karen had apparently done. 
“I can kill him,” Billy sounded completely serious again, “We can hide the body.” He said at last, sitting up just enough so that he had to reach over Kim to grab another slice. She swore all of her insides flipped at the scent of him. He smelt so good, she nearly wiped at her mouth to keep from drooling. When he pulled back, he had a smirk on his face, like he was waiting for her to respond. She had such an ache for him that she didn’t understand. She just wanted to be with him, and it was like he was dangling himself in front of her. She didn’t know if he was doing it on purpose, but she didn’t have enough shame to stop herself if that’s what he wanted. 
“Oh my god,” Kim finally found her voice again as she remembered what he had just said, “No one is hiding any bodies.” She said seriously, giving both of them a pointed look. Max had a curious look on her face, which Kim wanted to get rid of quickly. None of them were even paying attention to the movie on the screen. 
“We just have to chop it off, throw it in the quarry after,” He rubbed his hands together after he put the crust in his mouth. She stared at him baffled, “No one will find it.” He spoke as if he had thought about it before. She wondered who he had thought about doing it to, she wondered if Steve had made it on that list. 
“That sounds disgusting,” Max wrinkled her nose up in disgust, “Where would we chop the body up at?” Max questioned, sounding very curious. Billy laughed, the couch vibrating with the sound. Kim stared over towards him, wanting to shut this down before Max got any real ideas. 
“Max!” Kim shouted out in protest, quickly shaking her head no. She regretted the day that they had officially got a TV. All she had been influenced by was scary movies and Kim was sure Billy was a big reason for it. 
“The bathtub,” Billy nodded his head, “Wouldn’t be as messy.” He explained his reasons as he crossed his hands over his chest. He glanced towards the TV and she found herself staring at his side profile. She could still see the hint of hickeys along the curve of his neck. She didn’t feel as hurt, she felt rage. She wanted to kiss his neck and decorate his skin with her own marks. She wanted everyone to know that he was taken, that he was hers. He wasn’t ready yet, she kept trying to remind herself of that. 
“You couldn’t handle all of the blood,” Kim told him seriously as she turned to face him, “You hate messes, you’d freak out.” She told him, thinking of how picky he had been when he set his candles in his pie. He turned to look at her again, his blue eyes challenging her. 
“No, I wouldn’t.” He scoffed in disbelief. She nudged her leg against his foot, knowing it was very true. She was surprised that he hadn’t made a bigger deal about his room. She felt her eyebrow raising.
“You would,” She knew she was right, even if he wasn’t ready to admit it, “You’d be too concerned about which body part goes where and stuff like that.” She teased him, thinking of how funny it would be if he had different bags for different body parts. He shook his head, looking away but she didn’t miss the smile on his face.
“Do you think it would look like that?” Max referenced towards the TV. Kim kept her eyes trailed on Billy, watching how the screen flashed against his skin. She had no desire to look at what Max was referencing, she’d have no one to comfort her when she had nightmares.
“It would be cool,” Kim shook her head as Billy spoke. She readjusted herself on the couch, sitting in the corner and stretching her legs out. She tried not to fidget as she did her best to ignore the sensation of her skin rubbing up against Billy’s, “I doubt it actually looks like that though.” Billy’s eyes moved from the TV and up Kim’s long legs. She held her breath, slowly moving her legs apart so he could look up her gown.
She kept her legs apart for only a few seconds, before she was too shy and clasped her ankles around each other tightly. Billy was staring at her with his lips parted, an unreadable expression on his features. She bit back a smirk as she pretended to watch the TV, glad that she was still able to get a reaction from him. He pressed his foot against her thigh, trying to push the gown up higher. She beamed at him, shaking her head as she adjusted it again. 
It was comfortable in the room for a while and Kim felt like things hadn’t changed between the two of them. She winced as she looked away from a particular bloody scene, her eyes finding Billy and Max’s intrigued faces. She licked her bottom lip as she thought about what her mom had said. 
She was sure it couldn’t be true. She didn’t know why her dad would stay if Max hadn’t been his, then again, maybe that was why he left. She felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she watched them. They were similar in a lot of ways, but she always tried to brush it off as them having the same interests. Now, she wasn’t too sure. 
She knew she was staring for far too long, but she couldn’t help it. She was trying to compare the blue in their eyes. She was trying to see how similar they were, as if that would solve everything her mom had said. 
“You’re staring,” Billy observed quietly, turning to face her. She felt her shoulders shake as she tried to inhale as she tried to breathe again. It felt so hard to do anything when he was watching her, “What’s wrong?” His voice was soft as he spoke. She exhaled slowly, wishing it was something she could simply tell him. It was too difficult; it wasn’t the right time. 
“I guess I was just daydreaming,” She tried to play it off, but she could tell by the way he held eye contact with her that he didn’t believe her. She pulled the blanket up closer to her chest, unsure of how she was supposed to tell him anything. She didn’t want anything between the two of them to change. She didn’t want to lose him, “It’s a gory movie too.” She added at the end, pressing a smile to her lips. He nodded his head, like he believed that easier. 
She turned away, unsure of where she was supposed to look. She kept thinking of her mom’s hazel eyes and her dad’s brown eyes. She wondered if she needed to dig through family photos, see who all had blue eyes passed down through their family. She was overthinking, being completely irrational. She knew it was just an eye color. 
“When do you want to give her the skateboard?” He asked suddenly, distracting her mind from her thoughts. She felt her eyes widen as she turned to Max’s confused face. She felt bad, having forgotten all about the present.
“Oh,” She tucked her hair behind her ears as she sat up a bit, “Now is fine. Is it in your car?” She really didn’t like the thought about wearing this outside, but Max was sitting on the edge of her chair, practically bouncing in excitement.
“You got me a skateboard?” Kim liked the way her eyes lit up, the way she was fighting a grin. Kim nodded her head, turning towards Billy.
“We both did,” She pointed out quickly, not wanting to leave Billy behind, “I forgot about it. Sorry.” She mumbled under her breath. Max’s smile was enough to fix any heartache. 
“I put it in my room,” Billy stood suddenly, and Kim found herself missing his warmth, “Be right back.” He was out of the room suddenly, not even that far away, but Kim still missed him. She didn’t know how to describe this feeling, how to understand any of it. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to get over him. 
“Thank you,” Max was bouncing over towards her. Kim tucked her knees in, smiling as Max joined her on the couch, “It’ll be like my first real one.” Kim nodded her head, thinking of how badly she’d always wanted to skate.
“Billy picked it out,” Kim pulled some of Max’s long hair out of her face, “I wasn’t sure which one you’d like.” She grinned, watching the way Max leaned into her. 
“You would’ve figured it out,” Max spoke confidently as she turned to look at Kim. Kim hadn’t seen her so excited in a long time. She liked the way her eyes lit up in excitement. She hoped that this would keep her from worrying about Mike, “Just no-”
“Pink,” Kim finished for her with a smile. Billy walked back into the room, holding it out towards Max nonchalantly, “We hope you like it.” She spoke for both of them, noticing the awkward expression that was written on Billy’s features. He glanced towards her, nodding softly. 
“I need to find something to do with my hair,” Max whined after she had examined and studied her board for the longest time, “It’s going to get in the way.” Kim thought about suggesting that she just put it up but decided against it. She assumed that it didn’t work anyways. 
“Why don’t you just cut it?” Billy asked, sounding completely serious. Kim bit her lip, trying not to think of the awful haircuts Max had given herself over the years. Max shrugged her shoulders, looking a bit defeated.
“Mom wanted me to go to the salon, but they never want to cut it that short,” She protested, “They say it’s too pretty.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes, as if it was the most ridiculous thing to say. 
“I could cut it,” Billy offered, “I cut my own.” He said after a moment. Kim raised her eyebrows wide, watching how Max turned her head back eagerly to look at him. She was grinning from ear to ear.
“Really?” You mean it?” She asked, still looking up to make sure that he wasn’t lying. Billy chuckled, touching her hair softly. Kim felt a pang in her stomach, wondering if everything would change between them. 
“Sure,” He said softly, “You just can’t tell anyone that I did it.” He told her seriously. Kim nodded her head, thinking that was a smart idea. She was sure Susan and Neil would freak out once they saw she had a haircut. 
“What do you think?” Max turned to look at Kim, waiting for her to approve or deny the request. Kim smiled and shrugged her shoulders. If it made Max happy, she would be happy for her. 
“I think you look pretty no matter how your hair is,” Kim smiled big at her, “Go ahead and let him cut it. What’s the worst that could happen?” Max was beaming, smiling brighter than the sun. It made Kim feel happy.
“Okay,” Max stood up suddenly, rushing her way across the couch, “Can we do it right now?” She was bouncing on the balls of her feet, jumping in front of Billy. He looked down at her surprised. 
“Sure, I guess,” Billy looked like it wasn’t that big of a deal. Kim was trying not to smile; she could tell that he was enjoying himself as well. Even if he was trying hard to deny it, “I’ll get my stuff.” He mumbled as he walked away again. She wondered if he'd enjoy having Max as a younger sister, or if he would hate it. The thought made her sick again, thinking about how they could both be related to Max. 
“How are you going to cut it?” Kim grinned, facing Max again as she waited for her to answer. It was nice to have a distraction. Kim didn’t feel so empty at the moment. Max thought for a moment.
“It’ll be a surprise.” She said at last. Kim nodded, fully taking her word for it. She waited on the couch until they were done. She could hear Max telling Billy different ways that she wanted it styled and how she wanted it done. Kim was just glad that she was doing something that she liked. It was silent for a moment, before Max bounded over the couch again. 
“What do you think?” Max was grinning from ear to ear, looking full of excitement as she stood in front of Kim. Kim’s eyes lingered on her hair, a smile forming on her lips as she realized it resembled Billy’s mullet. They looked like they were a set. It made her heart soar and burn at the same time. 
“Cute,” She leaned forward to puff at the sides gently, “I really like it, Max.” She told Max truthfully. She would’ve told her it looked good even if it was ugly. She meant it though; it did seem to fit her better. Max never seemed to enjoy having long hair. 
“Mom’s gonna freak out,” Max was still grinning, “It just gets all in my face. I hate it.” She whined as she protested. She plopped herself down on Kim’s lap, earning a groan from her.
“It won’t now,” Kim fussed with her hair, looking at how even it looked. She glanced back as Billy made his way back towards them, fidgeting with his rings, “It looks really nice.” She complimented him, her eyes dropping to his hands. Kim tried not to think about how his fingers tasted in her mouth, how they felt inside of you. She quickly turned away, fearing she'd give herself away. She had grown used to her heart hurting around him, she didn't think her body would still crave him. She was growing frustrated. 
“Thanks,” He moved back to his spot, “It wasn’t too hard to do.” He faced them as he sat down. Kim snaked her arms around Max’s waist, remembering how she used to hold her when she was little. 
“She really is going to freak out.” Kim told Max seriously, thinking of how their mom had flipped out the other times. At least now it was actually styled, but Kim had a feeling Susan wouldn’t appreciate that it was a mullet. Max leaned against Kim, resting her head on top of Kim’s.
“She’ll get over it.” Max shrugged her shoulders, but Kim felt her stiffen when the familiar sound of a car pulled up. Billy rose quickly, taking the horror movie out. Neil didn’t like those movies and Susan thought that the girls were too young to watch them, especially Max.
“Remember,” Billy sat back down on the couch, hiding The Evil Dead to his side, “I didn’t do anything.” He told Max seriously. She sank down next to Kim, nodding her head as she appeared a little pale. Kim grinned.
“Too late to regret it now,” Kim told Max, ignoring the irritated look that Max gave her. She only shrugged her shoulders, laughing at the way Max sank further into the cushions.
Neil and Susan came in through the back, full of smiles as they appeared. Kim waved her hand softly, forcing a smile. She looked back over her shoulder, looking at how Billy looked withdrawn. She had an urge to reach out and touch his hand.
“What are you guys doing?” Neil sounded nice as he spoke. Max was still trying to hide, looking like she had suddenly regretted her decision. Kim glanced at the two of them, wondering if she would have to be the one to speak.
“We ordered pizza,” She said at last, filling the silence in the room, “We watched a few movies.” She shrugged her shoulders, then quickly stopped. She was trying not to draw too much attention to Max.
“Oh, that’s nice,” She watched as her mom walked around the corner. She ruffled Billy’s hair as she walked by, and Kim found herself grinning as the uncomfortable expression that crossed his features. Max dipped down lower, narrowly avoiding it, “I’m glad you’re all getting along.” 
“Yeah,” Billy glanced towards Neil, “There’s more pizza in there if you want it.” He offered softly. Kim wanted to reach across the couch and pull him into his lap. She hated how he was constantly seeking Neil’s approval. Susan paused, turning around quickly. 
“Max!” Susan exclaimed, dropping her purse in horror, “Your hair! Oh my god, what happened to your hair?” She was gripping Max’s face, turning her side to side as she examined the mullet that Max was sporting. Max shrugged her shoulders, a smirk pressing into her lips as she finally found her confidence again.
“What?” Max looked at her, like she was challenging her to say something, “You said I needed a haircut, I got one.” Neil was staring too, a displeased look on his features. 
“Billy!” Susan was exasperated as she turned to face him. Billy held his hands up innocently and Kim found herself ready to defend him as well. She didn’t want Neil beating him for doing so. 
“It wasn’t Billy,” Max defended quickly, “I went to the salon like you said, only I didn’t like the girl that was going to do my hair. So, I went to a barber shop.” Max was quick to come up with a story. Kim was trying not to laugh, knowing it sounded exactly like something Max would do. Susan was still staring at her, as if Max had grown another head. She sighed deeply, pushing her hair from her face in frustration. 
“A barber shop?” Neil walked closer, looking at her hair with his lip curled up. Kim suddenly wondered if she should get a mullet too. The three of them could match. 
“They had an arcade in the back.” Max said quickly, defending her story. Susan looked at her like she had just been stabbed. Kim's eyes lingered towards Billy, watching as he covered his mouth with his hand to keep from grinning. She was sure he was trying not to laugh. 
“It’ll grow back,” Kim defended Max gently, “It’s hair. It grew back before.” Kim nodded her head. Max pressed her cheek against her shoulder, hiding her smile into Kim’s skin. Billy was bouncing his foot, beginning to shake the couch as Neil turned towards them again. 
“I don’t want it to look like that,” Susan protested, looking at Max’s hair one last time, “Why would you cut it like that?” She sounded exasperated, like she couldn't understand anything that Max did. Max shrugged her shoulders.
“I didn’t like it long, it kept getting in the way,” She tried to explain, “This is the style now.” Max touched the ends of her hair gently, puffing it up. She looked proud of her hair and Kim found herself tucking a piece of her red hair from Max's face. She didn't want Max to feel bad about it. It was cute, it fit her. Even if it wasn't a normal haircut for a girl. 
“For boys!” Susan groaned, pressing her hands to her cheeks, “That’s enough movies and pizza. You guys should’ve watched her.” Susan leaned against the couch, looking frustrated as she turned towards Kim and Billy. Kim felt herself stiffening, not wanting Billy to get blamed for what had happened. 
“We worked,” Kim spoke before Billy, beating him to the bush, “I can’t take her to work with me.” She told her mom seriously, unsure of how she would’ve stopped it had it happened that way. 
“Max can just go with Billy to the pool from now on,” Neil said suddenly. Kim had expected him to be more upset, but he looked amused. She didn’t like that. She wondered if he was thinking about Max as his own. She pulled Max closer to her, “That way he can watch her.”
“Are you serious?” Billy sounded irritated as he spoke. Kim glanced towards him quickly, worried that he would get in trouble. Max frowned.
“I don’t like the water.” She whined as she shuffled her feet together. Kim nudged her shoulder softly, trying to get her to stop.
“You should’ve thought of that before you cut your hair,” Susan told her seriously, “I think it’s time everyone goes to lay down.” She huffed softly, still looking like she couldn’t believe Max had done that. Kim shuffled towards the edge of the couch, suddenly self-conscious with what she was wearing. 
“Thanks so much mom,” Max huffed, stomping towards her room, “I’m keeping my hair like this too!” She shut the door after that, still knowing better than to slam it with Neil around. 
“Just keep an eye on her,” Neil was looking at Billy pointedly, “It’s your responsibility.” Kim felt bad that it somehow always seemed to fall onto his shoulders. She was grateful that he was at least not getting beat for what he had done. 
“Yes sir.” Billy didn’t miss a beat as he spoke. He picked the movie up, still keeping it to his side as he rose from the couch. He handed Kim a blanket, looking at her one last time before he left. Kim felt lonely again, quickly wrapping the blanket around herself and leaving. She headed into her room, shutting the door behind her.
She was grinning, despite the odd feeling that was swimming back inside of her body. She felt like this had been the first normal night that they had since Chicago. She missed him. She missed everything about him. She had a strong urge to go back to him now but fought it. 
She laid down on her bed, pulling her blanket up over herself as she stared up at the ceiling. She felt a bubbling feeling forming in the pit of her stomach. She tried to ignore it, tried to ignore the wetness that was dripping between her thighs. She huffed, unsure of why she had to crave him when her feelings were still raw. 
Kim kept tossing and turning, trying to ignore the numbness that was spreading through her at the same time. It seemed that the only part of her body didn’t understand that she was supposed to be feeling that way. She kept thinking about Billy. How his eyes had lingered on her skin and how he still wanted her. She had an urge to bite down on her fist, completely frustrated with everything. 
She finally rose, stripping her nightgown and panties off before she put on Billy’s white wife beater over her head. She sighed in bliss, enjoying the way she could still smell him. She ran her hands along the curve of her body, imagining that it was Billy’s large hands instead. She thought of his raspy voice, the naughty things he’d say to her if he knew what she was about to do.
Her nipples hardened against her shirt, and she could no longer ignore the throbbing between her legs. She pushed her fingers between her folds softly, gasping at how wet she felt. She was frustrated, so irritated that Billy could do this to her so easily when they weren’t even together.
She moved her hand away quickly, grabbing a hold of one of her pillows. She folded it up before she quickly straddled it between her legs, begging to get rid of some of the tension. She moved her hips down slowly, gasping at the feeling of her wet cunt dragging across the rough material.
Her hands found her boobs as she slowly created a rhythm against the pillow. She was biting her lip, trying to be quiet, but it was like she hadn’t ever been touched before. Her clit was throbbing from the sensation, begging for more. She pretended that she was on top of Billy, that she was pressing down on his hard cock as she rolled her hips roughly.
She was so frustrated as she grinded her hips back down against the soft pillow, wishing she was being stuffed full of Billy’s cock instead. She gasped as she imagined him sliding in and out of her wet cunt. She thought of his rough hands, his dirty tongue and his toned body. 
She was losing control, feeling close as she fell forward into her other pillows. She desperately fixed the pillow between her legs, moaning as she grinded down harder into her pillow. She was hot and sweaty, trying to muffle her sounds as she pressed her face into the pillows.
“Billy,” She was crying out desperately, thinking of him as the movement of her hips became lazier. Her pillow was soaked, wet from her pussy as she moved down harder, thinking of how good he looked with his lips covered in her slick, “Oh Billy.” She bit down on one of her other pillows, cutting over her sounds completely as her thighs shook. Her stomach tightened and she came hard, pressing her cunt as hard into the pillow as she could manage. 
She stilled, panting into her bed as she came down from her high. Her ears were ringing as her thighs shook from how hard and quick, she had just come. She didn’t realize that her body would crave Billy the same way her heart did. She slowly peeled herself away, pulling the pillowcase away from her pillow and discarding it in the room. She rose slowly, beginning to take herself to the bathroom to clean away the shame. She debated about changing but decided against it. She wanted to keep the memory of Billy close to her. 
“Are you wearing my shirt?” Her body froze and she jumped as she paused near the bathroom door. Her eyes widened three sizes too big, and she peered at Billy standing in the kitchen, holding a beer in his hands. She froze in her spot, her fingers clenching together tightly as she grew flustered. She pulled his shirt over her thighs, wishing it was larger to hide her away. 
“You said I could have it.” His eyes scanned along the curve of her body, taking in milky thighs and perky nipples. He put his can down, stalking towards her slowly. Her pulse quickened and she felt her body warm as she took in his hungry eyes.
“Looks nice on you,” He had her back up against the wall, his hands drifting along her curves. She moaned at the touch, her body reacting before her mind could, “You’re so fucking loud.” He criticized, causing her cheeks to warm. She hasn’t been that loud, there was no way he had heard her.
“I wasn’t doing anything.” She protested. Her eyes widened as he dipped his hand between her legs. She whimpered softly, biting down on her bottom lip as he pressed his thick fingers against her wet cunt. He smirked as he dragged his warm fingers along her slick.
“You weren’t?” He teased her, his finger pressing against her swollen clit as he spoke. She exhaled roughly, her hips moving up towards his fingers. She shook her head quickly, ignoring how his free hand was sliding underneath the shirt and exploring her slender body.
“I was behaving,” She said quickly, her breath hitching in the back of her throat as he moved his fingers across her hole. She needed him to stop, she was craving him too badly to be the one to say no, “Oh god.” She mumbled softly, grinding against his fingers while his other hand squeezed at her boobs.
“You make this so hard,” He grumbled out, “Such a fucking brat.” She sighed, moaning softly against his lips as he kissed her hard. She fumbled for a moment before she found his pace, sliding her tongue into his mouth. It was messy and sloppy, but she didn’t mind. 
“I can make it up to you,” She promised, her palm pressing against his bulge. She squeezed, desperately wishing he’d just bend her over and relieve both of their tensions. He groaned, pressing closer to her, “I’ll be a good little sister.” She promised, knowing how he liked when she referred to herself as that.
“Fucking little minx,” He cursed out, gripping her chin as he kissed her again. She whimpered grinding her hips back up against him as a way to convince him, “Want you so bad.” His words danced in her ears. She was ecstatic, knowing that he still felt something for her. 
“I want you too.” She breathed out hard, her hands tracing the curve of his arms as she held onto him. She was searching for his darkened eyes, begging him for just a moment together. He bit his bottom lip hard.
“I can’t,” He said at last, looking a little crestfallen, “I don’t want to hurt you.” He finished his thought as he looked towards her. She was still clinging to him, not caring if she regretted this later. She only cared about what she felt right now.
“You won’t,” She promised, nearly falling on her knees to beg for him, “I want it too. Please.” She was trying to reassure him. She didn’t care if he didn’t make a decision after this, she just needed him right now. Just a part of him.
“Kim,” He sighed as he cupped her face, kissing her softer this time, “I don’t want to drag you along.” She was close to groaning in frustration. She leaned in closer, pressing her face up toward his again.
“I don’t mind,” Their lips were close as she spoke. He looked like he was debating it, “You said we could still have fun.” She was nodding her head, trying to convince him to change his mind.
“You’re cute when you’re like this,” He said at last as he slowly moved his hands away from her. She could’ve ripped her hair out and screamed from the loss of his touch, “It’s not the right time.” She felt like whimpering.
“When will be the right time?” She asked at last, worried that he would never want to be with her again. She wished she hadn’t made things so awkward.
“I don’t know,” He said at last. He pressed his lips against the corner of her mouth, “I promise it’s nothing against you.” She nodded her head, although she wasn’t sure. She worried that he’d find someone else. He kisses her again, slow and sweet as if he knew what she was thinking.
“It’s no fun when you tease me,” She pouted her lips out, her hands now resting against his chest, “I’m all bothered again.” She told him, watching the way a smirk formed on his lips.
“Do you want the vibrator?” He asked her, tilting his head as he watched her eyes go wide. She felt her cheeks warming again as she thought about the toy. She resisted clenching her thighs together.
“Nope,” She told him quickly. It felt too personal to use on her own and she was sure if she did, she’d have the whole house awake, “I’m fine.” She squeaked out. He looked at her amused, like he expected nothing less from her. He was frustrating. She just wished he could admit his feelings too.
“Are you going to Tommy’s party?” She nodded her head yes, curious if he was going to go. She figured he would, but she didn’t see a point in showing up if he wasn’t there. It wouldn't be fun if he didn't go, she'd have nothing to look forward to. 
“Yeah,” She hated the empty feeling that was settling over her as he pulled further away from her, “I sort of made a deal so I could find you.” She smiled softly, willing him to stay with her. Everything else that was complicated between them could wait until the morning. They could live for right now, forgetting the rest of it. She only wanted him. 
“Maybe I’ll see you there.” She felt another stabbing in her chest. Maybe. He acted like he might have better things to do, like he wouldn’t even search for her in a crowd. She felt ice in her lungs as she breathed out again, feeling like she was losing him.
“Yeah,” She tucked her hair behind her ears, “Maybe I will.” It hurt her to say. She wanted to see him. Even if he wouldn’t be, she’d be searching through the various faces until she landed on his. He cupped her face again, pressing his lips against hers in a gentle peck and leaving her more confused than ever. She watched as he left, feeling cold and empty again as her heart trudged along after him. She wanted him back.
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spagheddiediaz · 10 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @wikiangela :)
this needs some severe work and my brain is so fried rn i may be going through a breakup but that relationship was only half of my heart bc the roommates au was occupying the other half. enjoy :)
Eddie lifted his head, cocking an eyebrow. “Find it?” He asks, still trying to pry the string out of the stupid needle which was absolutely disposable and -
Buck appears in the doorway of the bathroom, his hands empty. 
“It wasn’t in the closet?” Eddie asks, clearly confused. “I swear, I just saw it there last night. Shit. You know what, maybe I put it on the top of the closet? I can go-” “Eddie.” Buck cuts him off, his face showing absolutely no emotion whatsoever. Eddie didn’t recognize this face. Granted, they’d only lived together for a few weeks - maybe a month. But Eddie thought he’d had a good grasp on Buck’s habits and emotions. Until this very moment, that is. “Why don’t you have a bed?” He asks, his eyes locked on Eddie, unable to tear them away even if he so desperately wanted. 
“What are you- oh.” Eddie panics for a moment, trying to think of the best logical explanation that would absolutely make sense in his head. “Just got used to it, you know?” He shrugs, locking the first aid kit and tossing it back into the bathroom cabinet underneath the sink. “I slept in a tent for nearly five years over there. The floor of a nice apartment is - it’s comforting.” He nods, unsure if he’s trying to convince Buck or himself. 
“Eddie.” Buck says again, his body frozen in the doorway of the bathroom. 
“Buck, it’s… I’m comfortable, seriously.” And Buck is moving closer, reaching out with his uninjured hand to take Eddie’s. He gives it a gentle squeeze, Eddie getting goosebumps at the touch. 
“Let’s go to bed.” Buck whispers, giving Eddie’s arm a gentle tug and walking backwards in the direction of his bedroom. 
Tagging (zero pressure as always) @king-buckley @hippolotamus @cowboy-buck @monsterrae1 @bellabrady @thosetwofirefighters @sibylsleaves @housewifebuck @buckactuallys @cowboy-buddie @tawaifeddiediaz @prince-buck-diaz @anxieteandbiscuits @hattalove @messyhairdiaz @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @mrevanbuckley @forthewolves @thewolvesof1998
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rosiesramblings · 2 years
Fandom: Stranger Things, Steve/Eddie
WC: 1.2k
A/N: Per request of anon, sequel to this fic. I hope you enjoy! I'm not super confident writing Eddie yet, so please excuse me if he's a bit OOC. Also sorry if this one is a bit plotless, my brain is fried today.
The realization came in the middle of Eddie’s daring attempt at escape. Because despite the burn in his lungs, the ache in his legs, and the hair in his eyes, he couldn’t remember the last time he had this much fun.
“Get back here, Munson!” Steve called from behind him, far too close for comfort.
“Eat a bag of dicks!” Eddie fired back joyfully, an involuntary smile stretching across his face.
They circled Steve’s pool for a few moments, panting from the sudden exertion, Eddie’s brain working overtime as he tried to figure a way out of the situation. Nancy had gotten Robin a glass of water, and the two girls sat on a lawn chair, far away from the danger zone. They would be no help, Eddie knew.
“You can’t run forever,” Steve teased, wiggling his fingers at Eddie, who shivered. “Promise to go easy on you if you let it happen.”
“Fucking liar,” Eddie grinned, arms hugging his own rib cage of their own accord.
Steve shrugged, “Too late to find out now.” He darted to one side and Eddie made a break for the patio door. If he could make it inside he could find a place to hide -
Unfortunately, the universe and the door had other plans.
Eddie tugged at the handle, but the door didn’t budge. He threw a glance backward, towards Steve, who was grinning evilly as he closed the distance between them. Eddie yelped, pulling harder at the handle, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Fuck you, piece of shit - fuck!” Eddie yelled as he was suddenly swept up into a bridal carry. It took his brain a moment to adjust as the world suddenly turned sideways, but Eddie was very aware that Steve had just picked him up like he weighed nothing, holy shit that was so hot and so unfair.
“Mmm, forgot to warn you,” Steve said. “The door tends to stick in the summer.”
“Steve, buddy, sweetheart, light of my life - woah!” Eddie’s babbling was cut off as Steve dumped him unceremoniously onto a lawn chair and straddled him, pinning Eddie’s arms underneath his knees. 
Eddie definitely did not blush, thank you very much, it was just… rather hot outside.
“Now what was it I did to Robin that you said was mean?” Steve asked, pretending to think. 
“Nothing, nothing, Steve wait I just - ohoho gohohohod,” Eddie started giggling immediately as Steve wiggled his fingers just above the ridges of his ribcage, not touching down.
“Seriously? This gets you?” Steve laughed.
“Shuhuhut up,” Eddie whined. “I cahahan’t hehelp it.”
“Aw, poor baby,”  Steve said with mock sympathy.
“Juhuhust - just gehehet it over wihihith,” Eddie said, squirming as much as he could in Steve’s hold.
“Well, if you insist, sweetheart,” Steve said, finally letting his fingers scribble over Eddie’s poor ribs.
Eddie screeched before descending into hysterical giggles. “Fuhuhuhuck you, Kihihing Steve.”
“How many goddamn times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” Steve asked, digging into the grooves of his ribs and making Eddie’s laughter get even louder.
Incorrigible, Eddie managed to get out, “At lehehast one mohohore tihihime, Kihihihing Steve.”
“Oh my god, ok, I was going to be nice, but now I’m not stopping until I find your worst spot,” Steve threatened, noticing Eddie’s face get a few shades redder. Steve moved his hands up and spidered into the hollows of Eddie’s underarms.
“Shihihihihihihihit!” Eddie laughed as he tried to squeeze his arms to his sides.
“Hmm. Good, but I think we can do better,” Steve mused. He cocked his head down where tears gathered in Eddie’s eyes. “How are you doing? Need a break?” He stilled his fingers for a moment to give Eddie time to answer.
“You can take your break and shove it up your aHAHAHAHAHASS, SHIT,” Eddie would rather die of laughter than admit that he needed a break - not that he was minding the current situation all that much.
“There’s no need to be rude, asshole,” Steve said, squeezing his way back down Eddie’s ribs to his sides. Eddie’s giggles went all breathy (and cute, Steve’s mind supplied unhelpfully) and Steve snorted. “Alright, now, you remember why you’re currently being turned into ticklish goo, Munson?”
“Nohohohohohot really,” Eddie snickered truthfully.
“The bet you and Robin made,” Steve supplied. “I’m not actually mad about the bet. I am, however, deeply offended,” he emphasized his words by vibrating his hand in the center of Eddie’s tummy, “That you assumed that I only care about my friends if they are under fifteen.”
“FuhuhuhuhuCK, OH gohohohoOD,” Eddie threw his head back at the unbearable sensation. He was vaguely aware of Steve continuing his lecture, but his brain was preoccupied with the ticklish sparks coming from Steve’s cruel hands.
Steve moved his hands lower, towards Eddie’s hips, and for the first time he felt a flicker of panic. “WAIT! Wahahahit, Stevie, you cahahan be done, I’ve - I’ve lehehearned my lesson.”
“What? Eddie the Great can’t stand a little tickling?” Steve teased, resting his hands ever so lightly on Eddie’s hip bones, not moving yet.
“Nohohohot THEHEHERE, he cahahahn’t,” Eddie admitted, squirming as much as he possibly could, giving Steve his best puppy eyes.
“Hmmm. Well, unfortunately for you, I promised I wouldn’t stop until I found your worst spot. Any last words, Munson?” Steve asked.
He took a deep breath, “Robin, I bequeath thee my rehehecord collection. Nancy, tell my uncle I loHOOHOHOVED HIM JEHEHEHEHESUS H CHRIHIST,” Eddie collapsed into loud belly laughter when Steve finally squeezed, bucking his hips so violently that Steve almost lost his balance.
“Oh my god, Munson, are you actually being murdered?” Robin snarked, parroting what Eddie had said to her earlier.
“I don’t know Eddie, you’re awfully cute when you’re laughing,” Steve smiled and drew circles with his thumbs.
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE,” Eddie begged, desperate.
Steve loved Eddie’s laugh, but he wasn’t a sadist. With one final scrape of his fingernails on Eddie’s hips, he stopped tickling.
It took Eddie a minute to realize his hands were free, but as soon as he did his hands went straight to his hips, trying to get rid of the ghost tickles.
“You survived!” Steve cheered, ruffling his hair. Eddie leaned in to the touch.
“Hehehey, Robin gohohot a hug when you were through wihihith her,” Eddie complained.
Steve cocked his head to the side, considering. Slowly, he leaned forward, eyes locked on Eddie’s, until they flicked down to his lips. “I’ll do you one better,” he said. “If you want.”
Shocked by the sudden change in Steve’s demeanor, Eddie lost his words. All he could do was nod, a little frantically, which he would later blame on the adrenaline.
Steve’s lips met Eddie’s. And Eddie had his second realization of the day.
He would go through that ordeal a thousand times over if it meant Steve would keep kissing him.
A wolf whistle from Robin shattered the moment, and Steve pulled back, breathless and red faced. His eyes searched Eddie’s face, anxiously looking for any hint that he did something wrong. Eddie knew he didn’t have the words to reassure him.
So, Eddie did the first thing that came to mind. He tipped his head up and captured Steve’s lips again, closed his eyes, and gave Robin the most emphatic middle finger he could muster.
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Although (M/n) was enjoying spending his time with Gally again for the past few days, he hadn't been able to shake off the memory of him saying something about falling in love before cutting himself off. He didn't want to pressure Gally into telling him who it was, it would only make him look like a hypocrite. So he didn't.
He had been working on his communication skills with Gally, not keeping everything to himself as he usually did, trying to comprehend that if Gally -or any of his friends- tell him they want to listen to what he has to say they mean it.
"I wanna know what you wanna tell me, even if you think it's dumb or a waste of my time," Gally said to him after he kept doubting the intentions of others, "I wouldn't have asked in the first place if I didn't care, alright? I'm not trying to act nice and as if I care, because then I will be wasting my time, I truly do care, bean."
Somehow, the thought- knowing someone cares about him in any way is still a foreign concept to (M/n), so he was also working on that with Gally. He was just basically restarting his brain at this point with all the parts of himself he had to fix.
And now, on their fourth day working on all sorts of issues he has, they were sitting atop the Watchtower, drinking some of Gally's non-alcoholic drink and snacking on some leftover fries Fry had in the fridge. The silence that surrounded them was nice, and the breeze was chill, the sun had been covered by the grey clouds heading their way and slowly made the natural light fade. It looked like it might rain soon.
(M/n) wouldn't have minded just sitting there in silence, but the Maze was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but ask.
"What happened..." He said slowly, noticing Gally turning to look at him, taking a sip of his drink, "When you went into the Maze? Why did you go?" He finished in a whisper, looking up and making eye contact with Gally.
He saw the blond getting serious and looking away, staying quiet for a while. Gally was debating whether he should say it or not, it wasn't necessarily a happy memory, and it seemed like everything that had a dark or sad story to him was made into a permanent reminder of that time.
But the moment he turned back to look at (M/n), he saw worry in his eyes, genuine concern, and he sighed, deciding he would tell him.
He shifted on his spot and got a bit more comfortable, "I haven't said this to anyone at all, not even to Alby, and..." He hesitated for a few moments, fiddling with the jar in his hand, "It's mostly 'cause I didn't think it would make a difference, whether I said this or not," Gally took a deep breath, and (M/n) silently waited until he felt ready to talk.
Gally appreciated that. He really did.
"I was... Tired. Of the way I was treated. Everything," he briefly looked at (M/n) before focusing back ahead, "So I tried to run away, I didn't even know what my plan was if I'm honest," Gally took a sip of his drink and reached for a fry, "After running into a Griever there's not much I remember, but apparently, I had found my way back and I collapsed when I got to the Glade."
(M/n) turned to look at the Maze Doors, looking as ominous as ever. He watched the Doors for a short while, and that same dream flashed in his mind, seeing Gally in the Maze wasn't just a dream... It was real.
But that didn't help him much, did it? It just brought more questions to his mind.
"And while I was unconscious, I kept having these... Dreams, or I thought they were, because I knew they weren't made up by my fevered and delusional mind," when Gally kept talking, (M/n) looked at him again, paying attention to his words, "I had no idea what they meant, so when I woke up I started drawing them so I wouldn't forget. It was... Weird too because..." He hesitated for a few seconds, unsure of how to continue, "There was someone I could never see clearly, just their silhouette, and whenever I woke up I felt... Empty, as if I was missing a part of me."
There was another silence, and (M/n) couldn't help but wonder if they were seeing the same "person" in their dreams. He had experienced something similar a few times, he could never see who that person was no matter how close they were, all (M/n) could recall was their sense of familiarity.
He wondered, if by any chance... Was that Gally? Or was it someone completely different?
"Alby told me that..." He went back to listening to Gally, he could figure out things some other time, "Someone had sent stuff up to help me survive, along with a note. I... I wish I could say thank you to that person, honestly."
And now, with a deep sigh, Gally was officially done talking.
He wasn't expecting anything from (M/n), maybe a comment to ease the air and go back to cheerful and playful, but he felt (M/n)'s hand wrapping around his, making him turn to look at him.
"I'm glad you're alive, Gally."
This was the first and only time anyone had told him that, he had been thinking everyone was just being nice to him because they had to, not because they were sorry or worried about what had happened to him. They were forced to stop bullying him, so Gally never felt as if he was welcomed in the Glade after that. New greenies had helped to ease the tension, but he always felt left out.
No one was happy he survived that day. But now, (M/n) completely changed how he felt about being alive. He felt thankful to have made it out of that, otherwise, he would've never met someone as great as (M/n).
The thought almost overwhelmed him to tears, just realizing how much he needed someone to care.
They gazed into each other's eyes, unsaid want and longing swirling in them.
Slowly, both of them began to lean in closer, their breathing mixing, lips mere inches away, hearts racing and heated faces, about to finally kiss...
When thunder startled them, making them pull back instantly, and less than a second later, they were drenched under the heavy rain. They should've expected it, the sky had been turning grey, but did it really have to start pouring right that second?
"Well, shuck..." (M/n) chuckled at Gally and they got up, "We should get inside," Gally decided to leave the empty bowl of fries and jars up top, they could pick them up after the rain ceased anyway, and then carefully headed down.
Laughs and squeals were heard as they made their way down the ladders, yelling 'be careful!' to each other between chuckles, until they finally made their way to the ground. They had to get to the nearest place that could provide shelter, and that could either be the Homestead or (M/n)'s treehouse, so they started walking, well, more like jogging under the heavy rain.
However, they were already drenched, what would a little bit more water do?
With that train of thought, (M/n) reached for Gally's hand and made him spin around, catching the blond in his arms. Gally looked down at him and smirked, "What are you doing?"
(M/n) tried to hold in his chuckle as he held Gally's hand, and did an elegant and slightly dramatic bow, "Can I have a dance with the prettiest boy?" There he goes, he said it.
Gally tried to ignore the heat creeping up his face, and decided he could turn the tables around on (M/n).
"I don't think you need to ask yourself for a dance, bean," he was caught off guard by that and he walked closer to hide his face on Gally's chest, unbothered by how soaked his clothes were.
"You're an idiot, did you know?" Gally chuckled and nodded, lifting his free hand to ruffle (M/n)'s hair, splashing water around.
"Well, you're best friends with an idiot, so that makes you a double idiot," (M/n) looked up at Gally with a frown on his brow, but a smile was pulling his lips up, and as a revenge, he decided to tickle him.
Immediately, Gally turned around and ran away with a squeal, "Unfair!"
"Apologize, Gally!" (M/n) yelled while running after him.
While those two continued chasing each other around like idiots, they were unaware of the audience they had, watching them playing in the rain and getting covered in mud, laughing alongside (M/n) and Gally, and enjoying the time they had.
Even Minho and Dan, who had to go back to the Glade as soon as it began raining, saw them rolling on the ground and cackling. The sight made them smile as they continued their way inside to change their soaked clothes.
Despite all the fun they had under the rain the previous evening...
Gally woke up sick. He had a fever and had been sneezing quite a bit.
Being the one at fault that he ended up getting sick, (M/n) decided to take care of him until he got better again. Gally didn't even try to argue with him when he saw (M/n) walk in with a tray and a steaming bowl of soup, Gally felt so bad he didn't even want to argue about that this time, he did not have the strength to fight him over anything anyway.
And since Gally spent the majority of the day sleeping, probably because he felt so bad all he wanted to do was rest, (M/n) didn't have to do much, gave him painkillers for his headache, tuck him in with blankets, and a wet towel on his head to ease the fever. He took care of Gally while he was awake and watched over him when he was asleep.
Only occasionally (M/n) would walk over to his desk, and crouch down to take a closer look at all the wooden sculptures he had done, paying attention to the details some of them had, some even had cute faces drawn on them, and a few other were painted, making spots or lines covering their body, whether it was fully or partially.
And at some point, when Gally woke up almost at dinner time, he turned to look at (M/n), watching him look at his little sculptures.
"Why did you not get sick?" He asked in a hoarse and raspy whisper, coughing right after. (M/n) was quick to handle him his cup of water and help him sit up to drink it.
"Don't know, big guy," after Gally was done drinking his water, he placed the cup down again, and (M/n) decided to mess with him a little bit, "Why? You wanted to take care of me?"
He made a dramatic and playful pout, smiling wide when Gally let out a breathy chuckle, and the red on his face caused by his fever was pretty good to cover how flustered the thought made him, "You wish, bean."
The next day, while Gally was sleeping peacefully in his room, (M/n) found Dmitri as he was walking out of the kitchen with a bottle of water and eating some leftover breakfast.
"Oh, hey (M/n)," he did the 'sup?' greeting with his chin, and walked past him and to the kitchen, grabbing a single candy from the new bag they had gotten two days ago.
"I wanted to ask you something," the Keeper did a 'shoot' signal with his hand, "Is there any way that I can maybe fix the Homestead?" 
"You want to... Fix it?" He asked as if he couldn't believe it, and (M/n) chuckled.
"Yeah, why? Is that weird?"
Dmitri proceeded to explain how no one feels entailed to fix anything in the Glade, because it tended to be harder than building, and (M/n) almost couldn't believe it, how could fixing something be harder than building it? That's what he thought, until Dmitri explained why.
The reason was simple, and it was the only one.
If you don't know what you're fixing or changing or whatever it is that you have to do, the whole built section could collapse, or break off more in the very least and most common cases. The Keeper wanted to do a demonstration with the kitchen wall, until Fry walked past.
"Do not break my kitchen or imma break your ass, Dimi," he raised his hands away from the wall.
"Sure, Fry, just wanted to prove a point."
Well, Fry's reaction was pretty much all the point Dmitri had to prove. At least (M/n) understood why the Brick-nicks never really repaired stuff around unless it was absolutely necessary.
And with all the time that had passed, he decided to go check up on Gally, and maybe try to work the next day, after all, Dmitri had explained to him how to do things without making them worse, he just didn't get to see the "make them worse" part of the job interview.
And yeah, he spent his time with Gally and took care of him until he fell asleep again.
"I'm gonna be downstairs for a while, and I'll come to check up on you every thirty to forty minutes, alright?" (M/n) told Gally while placing the newly wet towel on his forehead. He had just taken his painkiller for his headache, and ate some fruit for lunch, although he had to be fed because he said he wasn't hungry, "Or you could just... Make noise if you need me."
Both of them chuckled softly at that, and Gally nodded, getting comfortable on his bed, looking up at (M/n) with glossy eyes.
"Okay, try to get some rest, big guy."
(M/n) walked out of the room closed the door behind him, and headed downstairs, ready to start some work around the Homestead. Dmitri had said he could wear gloves to avoid splinters on his hands, but they usually get in the way, so he decided against it and opened the cabinet with the toolbox, wooden crates and leather bags containing various supplies essential for the Glade.
He took out whatever he thought he might need and what he knew he needed and carried it around in a small bag while he began looking around every room, every wall, every floorboard and every corner of the place. He began checking the Gathering room, and he saw a few holes in the walls, so he went and fixed them. He was done rather quickly with that and he continued looking around.
He even spotted the few leaks Dmitri and Brandon had covered up while he paced around the place.
After a while, with all the holes he could find covered, he began looking at the floorboards, cleaning the dust and pieces of wood would be easier after he was done with the floor, otherwise, he would've had to clean up twice.
(M/n) found himself kneeling on the hallway floor, where Newt's room was, at the end of the hall, he took out sticking out pieces of wood, filled the empty spaces in and sanded them.
He was actually enjoying doing this work, in peace and quiet, he had checked up on Gally to wet his towel again, finding him asleep with his mouth slightly open every time he walked in, and he had done it maybe two or three times now.
He will have to go back soon, but he wanted to be done with the last bit of the floor he had left before he did. (M/n) started humming a different song, just chillin' on his own, when he heard the loud noises of people barging in. He decided to ignore them at first and continued humming since the noise they were making worked to mask the tune he was letting out.
But then, when they were settling down, probably sitting on the couches, (M/n) recognized Stan's voice. He instinctively rolled his eyes and debated whether he wanted to finish working as if nothing was going on, or leave and stay with Gally until they left, act as if they weren't there.
He debated for a few seconds, and when he was about to stand up to leave, part of their conversation caught his attention.
First, he hadn't been paying attention to them until he heard his name. Second, they were making comments about him, and they were indeed worse when he "wasn't" around.
(M/n) was sure they were jacked in the head with how aggressive and/or sexual some of the observations they made were. Those pigs were saying stuff about how they would 'totally screw her', and he stood up, he was not gonna stand there and listen to their comments about his body and personality.
"But... Why would you want to screw her?" The hoarse and raspy voice of the scrawny twin, Sean, filled the room and there was a short silence.
"We thought you hated her?" Derek added, the sound of his gruff voice coming out with a confused tone to it.
Stan clicked his tongue, annoyed at the questions, "To get her to shut up, that's why I want to screw her, shank," (M/n) heard the sound of what was possibly Stan's boots being placed on the coffee table, "Show her where she belongs, under a man."
Yeah, Stan had a very delusional view of himself, referring to himself as "a man". Damn, (M/n) was about to come out from around the corner, throw up on him and leave him sterile for the rest of his pathetic existence with the kick to his ball he wanted to gift him, teach him not to mess around, and to save the human race from allowing "mini Stans" to live their lives.
He was mad. With every day he had to endure the comments and looks, his anger issues were becoming a big problem, all he wanted to do was punch them and break stuff, but who could blame him? Nothing he did worked to get them to stop.
The audacity Stan had never failed to make his blood boil. Screw working or leaving, he was getting ready to throw hands.
"Yeah, doubt Gally would ever allow you to touch what's his, he will probably kill you, or beat you within an inch of your life, mate," Gale argued Stan's comment, and the living room was soon filled with chuckles and snorts from the rest of the Sloppers.
All Stan did was mutter a 'shut up' for them to, eventually, quiet down. Of course, the twins didn't care about obeying Stan, he wasn't their Keeper, after all, Billy was.
"What's Gally's problem anyway?" At Sean's question, Stan scoffed and shifted his sitting position, leaning in and resting his elbows on his knees, as he was about to let the twins into a huge secret.
"Gally is just a pussy ass bitch who acts like a tough guy, but he's nothing more than a scaredy cat filled with trauma, believe me... I know," (M/n) frowned and leaned his back against the wall behind him, remaining hidden from their field of view.
After that, (M/n) stayed in place, listening as Stan proceeded to tell everyone how he used to bully Gally every day, belittle him and used him as he pleased.
Hearing everything he said definitely made his anger issues go haywire, and if he had been holding something, he would've broken it. He listened to everything with his jaw clenched and fists tightly closed.
But after Stan was done, another voice echoed in the room, "So, how are we getting rid of her?" It was Peter, now this was something he had to hear.
"Hm, we have to do something to get her banished and not simply make her get taken to the pit," and that was Jason, speaking for the first time in the past ten minutes.
"Well, she's gotten very similar to Gally, only more level-headed, it won't be easy to make her snap at us, and even if she did, I doubt anyone would vote for a Banishment," (M/n) almost couldn't believe their conversation, they were actually planning for him to get banished from the Glade? He knew he was hated by the Sloppers but... That much? What the shuck did he do to them that was so horrible?
Fry had previously explained to him what a Banishment was after he had overheard two guys talking about it. It was only used as a last resort.
"We will think of something," the twins muttered in unison, it sounded kinda creepy, their voices were emotionless, but at least, (M/n) knew what to expect would happen during the next couple of days.
He remained in his hiding spot until they finally left a few minutes after planning different stuff they could do, now he was gonna be on the lookout for those scheming bastards.
(M/n) sighed when they left and the door closed behind them, and proceeded to finish up what he had left, cleaning up all the dust, and wood on the floor. As soon as he was done he went upstairs to Gally's room.
Upon opening the door and walking in, he saw the blond awake and looking better than he did a few hours ago, "Hey," Gally greeted him and he walked over to sit on the edge of the bed, smiling at him.
"Hi," (M/n) reached his hand and began touching Gally's neck and chest gently, checking his temperature. His fever had gone down quite a bit now, "How are you feeling?" He asked and backed away.
Gally raised his eyebrows and grinned, "Bad, but better."
They chuckled together and (M/n) nodded, "Yeah, I get it, you'll probably be alright by tomorrow, big guy."
Gally did something (M/n) never thought he would see. He pouted and reached for his hand.
"But I like having you as my nurse," (M/n) laughed and lifted his free hand, moving his blond hair away from his face.
"Well, I like it when you're in top condition, it gets boring without you, Gally," the blond felt his face heating up suddenly and his heart beating faster.
He tightened his hold on (M/n)'s hand, staring into his (e/c) eyes and briefly licking his lips, "I feel the same."
They stared into each other's eyes, and felt the same pull from the other day, something making them want to be closer and closer together. And this time there won't be thunder or rain to break their moment-
Except for the sound of Fry coming up the stairs while hollering his name at the top of his lungs. He opened the door, completely oblivious to the moment he had just unintentionally ruined.
"Greenbean, could you chop some wood for me? Thank you!" And he left.
He sighed, and they watched Fry leaving, "Well, duty calls, be right back," reluctantly, Gally had to let go of (M/n)'s hand, and he observed him as he closed the door behind him, the one Fry didn't bother close.
Gally stared at the ceiling of his room and released a deep sigh, rubbing his face with his hands, "What am I doing wrong?"
With both of them left alone with their thoughts, they kept thinking about the same thing. How long could they hold back from just... Doing it? Every moment together, (M/n) began to completely ignore the idea of Gally not liking him back, and Gally thought the same thing about (M/n).
The possibility of their feelings not being so one-sided as they once thought was just too good to be true, but it wasn't completely delusional either.
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