#brotp au
some-aus · 1 year
Some AU #32
Your mum has been inviting me to your family gatherings for years to try to set us up. But you notice how nervous I get around your hot cousin and keep trying to help me shoot my shot.
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 4 months
Sokka and Azula would not date each other. They would be those two kids who take summer engineering camps and they have to win every competition or they might literally die. When school starts they meet up again in a speech debate club and become partners because they’re the only people they know there. They bond over Zuko being a dumbass. When Sokka does weed on the weekends and decides aliens do actually exist, Azula drops everything to walk in the woods with him and look for evidence. They are best friends.
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augustjustice · 14 days
you wanna feel how it feels? (let's exchange the experience), 1/?
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Summary: After the Spring Break from hell, Eddie and Steve become fast friends, with a possible hint towards something more…except they're never quite sure what the other one is actually thinking. But maybe, just maybe, walking a mile in each other's shoes can lend them some much needed insight.
Notes: The long awaited first chapter of bodyswap fic is finally, finally here! This chapter is primarily just set up for the shenanigans yet to come.
I went ahead and added a taglist below for some of the folks who have been following along with the progress of this one. Apologies if I missed anyone, and if you'd like to be added to or removed from the list, please just let me know!
It was a typical Saturday night in late April–at least, typical post-the radical turn of events that had started with Eddie’s own personal nightmare during the Spring Break from hell, that series of dominoes tipping over and taking his life up to where it was now. And where he found himself was at Hawkins’ very own local Dairy Queen with Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, and a rabid pack of six hungry teenagers and one formidable preteen who could rule them all with an iron fist if she wanted, following up yet another successful session of Hellfire with some celebratory ice cream. 
Being able to hold a meeting of the Hellfire Club at all was cause for celebration in Eddie’s book, especially since the school would no longer allow them to host events on school grounds, despite the fact that all the charges against Eddie that had started the witch hunt in the first place had been dropped. Hawkins wasn’t exactly a forgive-and-forget kind of town, something Eddie had always known and been even more acutely aware of given the even more frequent, vitriolic stares that had been following him around since March. 
Still, he was soldiering on for now, at least until graduation–thanks in no small part to the apocalypse stopping crew currently clamoring over each other at the front counter. Despite the school’s best efforts, the club venue had been relocated to the Munsons’ newly minted trailer, courtesy of the government suits. And with the revival of their D&D campaign came the start of this new tradition–begun by none other than Steve himself, who had pulled up to Forest Hills to pick up the kiddos that first night, stuck his floppy-haired head out of his BMW like an overgrown puppy, and offered to meet everyone at the local DQ, his treat. The Corroded Coffin boys had begged off coming that first time–and the week after that, and the week after that–but, still. Standing under the hazy fast food fluorescent lights and with the promise of a chocolate malt ahead, life–for the moment, at least–was as good as Eddie could ask for, all things considered. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” With three quick snaps of his fingers, Steve tried to corral the kids into some semblance of order, one hand already settled in its customary position on his hip. “One at a time, you guys. Try to cut, ah…”
“Brandi,” the brunette behind the counter supplied helpfully when she saw Steve squinting at her name tag, face blooming into a bright grin. 
Eddie was pretty sure he recognized her from his second senior year math class, and there was a vague memory of seeing someone who sort of looked like her in the cafeteria tickling at the back of his mind, sitting a few tables from the jock zone amongst the lucky hopefuls looking to catch the attention of a baseball or basketball playing potential boyfriend. If so, that definitely explained the big moon eyes she was currently shooting Steve’s way. 
But Steve only returned her smile with a harried one of his own, his attention still firmly focused on the demands of his many babysitting charges. Eddie tried to tamp down the sick twist of satisfaction he felt when Brandi deflated slightly. 
“Right. Try to cut Brandi here some slack, alright? Believe me, slinging ice cream is plenty of work without having a bunch of little menaces shouting in your ear.”
As the group finally managed to file themselves into something that resembled a line–with plenty of jostling and grumbling along the way–Erica gave Steve’s polo a sharp tug and then jabbed two fingers in his direction.
“Free ice cream. For life,” she emphasized, the same way she did every week, like Steve needed the reminder. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve waved a dismissive hand in her direction even as he pulled out his wallet, same as he did week in and week out, putting on a show like he didn’t already know he’d be footing the bill for most of the munchkins’ orders. 
Robin had explained the situation to Eddie when he’d asked after their first DQ outing, with the same airy tone they all often used to describe the truly mind-boggling shit they had been through over the last few years. 
“Oh! It’s a leftover debt, from when we infiltrated the secret Russian base under Starcourt. Free ice cream was Erica’s price for getting involved. Never underestimate her ability to drive a hard bargain.”
Eddie had nodded, trying not to let how gobsmacked he felt about the entire story show. “Yeah, I, uh…wasn’t planning to. Lady Applejack is a force to be reckoned with.”
“You have no idea,” Robin had agreed, looking almost strangely…proud about the fact. 
That evening, when Eddie sidled up to join them, leaving Robin in position to guard the three booths sequestered off towards the back they had claimed as their own, he caught the tail end of the sheepies excitedly recounting tonight’s session for Steve. 
“And D20 is…good, right?” Steve asked, still watching the register as Brandi passed a vanilla cone with a hefty serving of whipped cream and sprinkles off to El. 
“Yes, Steve, it’s only the best roll you can possibly make in the entire game.” 
The no duh tone of Dustin’s voice was enough to have Steve raising an eyebrow at him, completely unimpressed. 
“Like sinking the winning shot after the final buzzer at the championship game kinda good,” Lucas explained, much more helpfully, his grin wide.
“Oh,” Steve nodded, and Eddie couldn't help but get distracted by the way his lips, pink and shining with a hint of chapstick, parted perfectly in understanding.
Eddie seized the opportunity to catch Steve off guard, hooking an arm around his shoulders and tugging him into his side. Delight bubbled in his chest at the way the gesture made Steve let out a loud, startled laugh.
“Should've figured that's all it'd take to rope you into playing sometime, Harrington,” Eddie shook his head solemnly. “Sports metaphors.”
“Always with the sports metaphors,” Dustin echoed. 
Steve reached out and swatted the brim of his cap, the force of it just enough to send it slightly askew and trigger a string of cursing from Dustin.
“Hey, I never agreed to that,” he argued, ducking out from under Eddie’s arm in one seamless motion. Jock reflexes, Eddie had decided, were both a blessing and a curse. 
He had learned that lesson firsthand in the past few weeks, as Eddie had grown more and more comfortable indulging in a little light rough housing with Steve, despite the fact that he knew there was no way in hell he had any better shot than their gangly freshmen did at not getting his ass handed to him. Eddie was stronger than he looked, sure, but he wasn’t exactly former basketball captain level athletic, not by a long shot. 
But was it really losing when he got to be pressed up against the firm planes of Steve’s chest, wrapped up in his strong arms–even if it was in a death lock grip–or occasionally pinned to Eddie’s own bedroom floor by him? Eddie definitely didn’t think so, and part of him was also just happy his recovery was going well enough he could scuffle, again. On his good days, at least. Doing it with his hot friend–and crush–was just an added bonus. 
“You know, it’s not my fault Lucas knows how to explain shit to me. I’ll stop talking in basketball when one of you two nerds actually manages to tell me what Mordor is.”
Dustin let out a huff. “If you just read the books–”
Steve cupped a hand around his ear, leaning down towards Dustin and hamming it up for all he was worth. “Huh? What was that? Cuz it didn’t sound like much of an explanation to me, Henderson.”
Eddie tugged a strand of hair across his mouth, trying to hide his grin. “Harrington, trust me when I say–you do not want to open that can of worms. Do you have any idea how long I can go on for once I get started? Hours, man. Days, probably.”
“Can’t be any worse than that time Robin tried to explain, uh…shit, what was it called? German New Wave? Or, no, maybe that was French Expressionism. I don’t know, the point is, it can’t be more boring than that was.”
“It's French New Wave!” Robin called from the back despite the distance, freakily intune with Steve as always. “Or German Expressionism. And sounds like you're due another lesson, Stevie-Evie. Don't worry, I've got a tried and true method to guarantee it all sticks this time.”
Steve groaned, dragging a hand over his face and into his hair–but his apparent grief at the thought of another Buckley-led film history lesson was quickly diverted when he realized it was his turn. 
From there, placing the rest of their orders passed by with little fanfare–apart from the brief, minor hiccup that came when Steve tried to pay for Eddie’s treat on top of everybody else’s. 
“Ah, ah, ah,” Eddie waved a finger at him, just barely managing to step around Steve and hand his fistful of dollars over to Brandi. “Your money’s no good here, my liege.”
The title was enough to produce a patent Harrington scowl, all drawn eyebrows and pouted lips. 
When he opened his mouth to protest, Eddie cut him off again. “Seriously, Steve, I’ve got it. One shake isn’t gonna break the bank, you know?” 
“I know that,” Steve huffed. “I just–would it seriously kill you to let me treat you once in a while?”
Steve had done more than enough, and Eddie thought he damn well knew that. Between literally saving Eddie’s life when he’d been about to bleed out in the Upside Down and then sticking around through all of his recovery in the weeks after, the amount he had done was approaching near superheroic levels. 
“You know you don’t have to hover, right, Harrington?” Eddie had asked him one day towards the end of his stay in the hospital, gnawing anxiously at his bottom lip, as he watched Steve look up from the Sports Illustrated sprawled across his lap.
The truth was he hadn’t wanted to say anything, too afraid bringing it up would lead to Steve doing just as he was suggesting…finally leaving. But the anxiety humming in his ears that Steve was just here out of pity had finally become worse, forced the words from his mouth. 
“You saved Dustin, man,” Steve had replied, expression earnest, “and helped distract the bats from me and Nance and Robin, too. I’m not going anywhere. So, you know…get used to it.”
He had punctuated the last statement by giving Eddie a light, friendly slap on his knee, and Eddie had to bite back the beaming, relieved grin that threatened to split his face. 
Steve had stayed pretty much a permanent fixture in Eddie’s day-to-day life after that, proving time and again he was serious about being in it for the long haul. Even through all the embarrassing shit, like Eddie hobbling around on his cane like a baby deer on shaky newborn legs, or needing somebody to help him wash his hair. Not exactly the ideal position to be in with a hopeless high school crush that had come burning back to life with a vengeance, but Steve would hear none of it when Eddie tried to insist he didn’t need to go out of his way like this. 
“What, you want Henderson in here instead?” Steve had asked with a snort. “You gotta be kidding, Munson. Like I said, better get used to being stuck with me.”
“Happy to be stuck together with you anytime, big boy,” Eddie had flirted, the shameless bravado in place to cover up the very real fluttering of his heart.  
In other words…Eddie had already accrued more life debts to Steve Harrington than he could ever hope to repay. And while Steve might have insisted he was more than happy with nursemaid duty, Eddie really wasn’t looking to turn himself into a charity case. Not if he could help it.
So Eddie let his grin grow, obnoxious and wide enough to show off all his teeth.
“It might,” he quipped. “And how would you feel, Harrington, knowing that this was the thing that finally managed to do me in? I’m just trying to spare you the guilt, man, I know what a complex you’d get.”
“Whatever, Eds,” Steve scoffed, steering him towards the designated babysitter’s club booth with a nudge of his elbow, hands full of his and Robin’s matching strawberry sundaes. 
Steve took his customary spot on Robin’s side of the booth, the pair of them, as always, practically glued at the hip. Their friendship, Eddie had learned, was a boundary free zone, one that frequently involved holding hands, devolving into childish slap fights with little warning, and falling asleep sprawled on top of each other while watching bad daytime soaps at the Harrington house. Only their vehement denial and the goo-goo eyes Eddie caught Robin making at the red-haired chick–Vickie, he now knew–from band convinced him Dustin’s loud, frequent, and insistent claims that they were dating were total bullshit. 
As he was just about to slide into his own place across from them, a commotion at the table behind them called for Eddie’s attention. 
“Eddie, El wants to hear you do the roar again!” Mike requested. 
Eddie tilted his head to one side, stroking his chin, as though trying to recall what exactly Mike was speaking of. Biting his lip to keep from smiling, he gave Mike a shrug. 
“No clue what you’re talking about, Little Wheel.”
A chorus of cries rang out from both tables the party had overtaken, shrieks of “Eddie!” and “C’mon, man!” reverberating again and again in his ears. 
Spinning on his heel as though he was set to ignore them, Eddie answered Steve and Robin’s expectant expressions with a quick, subtle wink.
When he leapt up from the floor and into a crouch on the booth seating, Eddie felt a sharp tug at his sides, his scar tissue very eagerly making itself known. Gritting his teeth, he refused to let the hot flash of pain show on his face as he loomed over Will and El, hands curving into claws as he reached towards their table.
“Kas the Bloody-Handed demands vengeance!” he bellowed, letting his voice drop into a deep, growling register. 
His performance was met with what might as well have been a standing ovation, in his book–a series of delighted shouts from the boys, eerily similar head shakes from Max and Erica while they both visibly fought back their smiles, and El letting out a peel of giggles as she hid her face in her brother’s side. 
When Hellfire had started back up again, Eddie had considered starting over from scratch, maybe even trying this deep into the game to veer their campaign in a different direction. He didn’t want something that they all loved to become somehow…tainted, by reminders of everything that had happened. 
“Nah, man, just leave it like it is,” Steve had suggested, one afternoon when Eddie’s fretting had finally bubbled over to the point he couldn’t hold it in any longer. “It's good for their…trauma processing? Or something. I don’t know, you’d have to ask Owens about it. The point is, they wouldn’t want you to change it. Not unless you want to.”
In the end, Eddie had heeded Steve’s advice, figuring he knew more about the way those little hellions ticked better than probably anybody else, at this point. 
Moments like these made him glad he did, proof positive his instincts had been spot on. 
Eddie dropped, satisfied, down into the booth, his foot knocking straight into the side of Steve’s under the table. A little spark of pleasure shot through him when Steve simply bumped his Nike sneaker against Eddie’s Reebok in answer and then left it there, pressed close together.
“No wonder you did drama,” Steve observed, twisting a bite around in his mouth as he sucked up the bright red streak of strawberry syrup. “You’re a total natural, man. Kinda, like…hypnotic.”
Eddie tried not to make it too obvious, how closely he was following the way Steve licked up every last morsel.  
“Yeah, until he dropped out like a quitter.”
“What can I say, Buckley? Organized–well, anything really–just ain’t for me.”
“Says the guy who literally runs an afterschool club,” she pointed the end of her plastic spoon at him in accusation. “Sounds to me like you’re full of it, Eddie.”
“She’s got you there, man,” Steve agreed with a shrug, a drop from his sundae dribbling onto the table as he swirled it around yet again. 
“Oh, napkins!” 
Slapping a palm against her forehead, Robin clambered over Steve and out of the booth, not so much as hesitating to give him a chance to stand up. 
“You know, if you wanna see more where that came from–my flare for theatrics, that is–you could always, I don’t know. Stick around when you drop off the kiddos next week?” As Eddie posed the question, he wondered if the lilt in his voice sounded too hopeful. “I won’t even make you play. You have my word as a dungeon master and a gentleman.”
“Yeah, uh…fat chance of that happening,” Steve murmured, voice low, almost like he didn’t want Eddie to actually hear him, “your friends fucking hate me, dude.”
“They don't hate you,” Eddie protested automatically, feeling the need to defend them even as his own heart sank in his chest, “they're just…a little skittish, after everything that went down with Jason. You–you get that, right?”
“Sure,” Steve shrugged, looking down as he stirred his spoon through his steadily melting soft serve. When he glanced up at Eddie again, a tenseness crept in around the edges of his smile that Eddie desperately wished he could help wipe away. “I get it.”
Robin returned to the table before either of them got a chance to say anything else, sliding over Steve’s lap with enough clumsy limbed flailing it prompted a, Sheesh, Rob. Watch the elbows, will you? out of Steve. 
Seeing an opening, Eddie quickly changed the subject. 
“So, speaking of the ins-and-outs of living in the institution that is our organized society–how is Family Video treating my two favorite, upstanding, and gainfully employed Hawkins citizens?”
Robin snorted. “It’s minimum wage, Eddie. How good could it possibly be?”
“Well, I mean–you could trade places with me if you wanted. Be gainfully unemployed with a side hustle that went up in smoke since that whole–you know, accused of being a ritual Satanic murderer thing put the local law enforcement on your tail.”
Both Steve’s eyebrows shot up at that. “The cop’s still giving you trouble?”
“Not in so many words, but, uh–let’s just say they’ve made it pretty clear I’m not exactly their favorite person, right now. So, yeah. Officer Callahan must have circled the trailer park like–three different times, last night.”
“But…you were exonerated,” Robin protested, the force of her distress clear from the way she slapped a palm down flat on top of the table. “That–that’s a total misappropriation of police funds, not to mention harassment of a private citizen.”
“You ever think that maybe they’re just keeping an eye on the place?” Steve suggested hopefully, “You know…after everything that happened.” 
“Your adorably positive outlook has been noted, Stevie. Noted, but ultimately dismissed.”
“Want me to talk to Hop for you? Get him to tell them to stand down?” 
“Nah, man,” Eddie gave a forceful shake of his head, hair whipping around him in a messy cloud, “I can handle it. I’ve got plenty of experience, evading the Hawkins Police force.”
Rubbing a finger over his sideburn, Steve tilted his head from side-to-side in consideration, before he casually added, “Guess we all do, now.”
“A band of fearsome outlaws, that’s us,” Robin agreed, her nose crinkling as she laughed, loud and bright. 
“More like Robin Hood and his merry men.” At Robin’s pointed glance, Eddie was quick to amend, “…And women, of course.” 
The conversation flowed along at a rapid fire pace from there, the three of them at first trying to assign different characters from the story to all the members of the party before devolving fast into a debate about which cinematic performance of the lead character was the best–and sexiest, though Eddie didn’t divulge that was most of the metric he was using for his answers–and thus which adaptation came out on top. Robin fell into the same camp as him–Errol Flynn all the way–while Steve was a firm defender of the Disney version because, That little fox guy is cute and charismatic, guys, you can’t even argue with me on this one. 
When he had slurped up the last remnants of his malt, Eddie stretched his arms above his head, leaned back against the booth’s cracking red vinyl, and sighed. 
“Fancy a smoke break?” he asked, pulling the pack from his pocket and waving it tantalizingly for Steve to see.
Steve laughed with a roll of his eyes.
“You know I quit, dude.” 
“And so should you,” Robin added pointedly, an argument she’d made countless times since Eddie got out of the hospital, pretty much every single time she caught him lighting up. 
“Cut me some slack, Buckley,” Eddie said, same as he always did. “I’ve been through a traumatic experience. Ciggies are good for the stress, since I can’t exactly smoke weed outside this fine, family friendly establishment.”
“Uh-huh,” Robin replied, deadpan and unconvinced as ever, “we’ve all got our fair share of U.D. related trauma, Eddie. That’s not an excuse to suck on those…little sticks made out of cancer.”  
“Alright, well. Fancy a stand-outside-with-me-and-bullshit break, then?” Eddie directed at Steve. 
Robin raised an eyebrow at him, and Eddie couldn’t quite read the expression on her face. It seemed…knowing in a way he was too afraid to totally unpack. 
She saved him the trouble of having to do so by letting out a put upon sigh, dramatic enough for him or Steve either one when they got going, and a true reflection of the fact she had stuck it out through almost four years of high school theater. 
“Stealing away my own best friend to go join your boys’ club, Eddie? Really? And right in front of me, too. You know, this is just like second grade, when Trevor Milligan convinced all the boys in our class girls had cooties, and Bobby B. wouldn’t race me on the monkey bars anymore.” 
Laying a hand over his heart, Eddie had to fight down the grin that threatened to split across his face. “I solemnly vow to bring him back all in one piece, Buck. I know who's top dog around here.”
The nod she gave him was swift and authoritative. “And don’t you forget it.” 
With a wink and a click of his tongue, he mock saluted her. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
She turned to Steve, giving his bicep several sharp pokes. “But just because I'm the girl doesn't mean I deserve to get saddled with child-rearing responsibilities, you know!”
“We're not children,” Red interjected with a dry sort of exasperation from the next booth over.
Her point was immediately undermined by Lucas, using the makeshift catapult he'd made from his spoon to fling a maraschino cherry at Dustin. The other boy let out an indignant squawk when it missed his mouth entirely and got caught right in his curly hair.
Even from behind her glasses, it was pretty obvious what sort of look Max was giving her boyfriend.
“Correction…I'm not a child.”
“Sorry.” Lucas's grin was sheepish.
“Rob,” Steve said flatly, ignoring the kids’ antics to instead pin her with his own look, like she was being ridiculous. 
Which was…pretty fair, this time, in Eddie's opinion. He wasn't sure he'd ever met anyone with quite the same intense level of tired dad–mom–whatever energy as Steve had, and all before he'd even hit his early twenties. When it came to babysitting duties, he definitely wasn't a slacker.
“I'm just saying, as a feminist, I thought you should know,” Robin waved her spoon at them, managing to pull the move off without so much as a drip of her ice cream plopping onto the table.
“We agreed that you'd be the fun uncle,” Steve argued, the lack of protest from Robin proving that was, in fact, a conversation they'd already had, “so then be the fun uncle while Mom and Dad step outside.”
“Mom and Dad?” Robin echoed, eyebrow raising and face scrunching in transparent disbelief–and Eddie had to admit, he was caught on the exact same thing.
Steve only waved a hand at her, rolling his eyes. 
“You know what I mean. Look, it’s only gonna be like fifteen minutes, tops. If you do it I’ll–” Steve spun his hand around in several aimless, pinwheel like motions before finally snapping his fingers in revelation, “I’ll let you put on whatever movie you want at work on Monday!”
Robin stuck her hand out to him. “Make it ten, and you’ve got yourself a deal.” 
Tapping a finger on his top lip, Steve pursed his mouth in thought for a moment. 
“...Twelve,” he bartered. “And you can make it a black and white one. With subtitles.”
Robin’s face lit up, teeth glimmering with the sheer force of her glee.
“Look at that. You really do know the way to a girl’s heart, Steve.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve grumbled, giving her hand one firm, business-like shake. 
Eddie was already up, having impatiently shimmied several paces away from the booth, by the time Steve stood and fell into step beside him.
Cupping his hands around his mouth, Eddie couldn’t resist shouting over his shoulder, “Make sure they eat all their vegetables!”
Steve met Eddie’s shit-eating grin with one of his own before adding, “And no scary movies before bedtime!”
Seven individual hands all popped up, shooting them the bird as one.
By the time they stepped out onto the sidewalk, they were both stumbling into each other’s sides with laughter. 
Once they were outside and had managed to pull themselves together, Eddie stuck one of the smokes in his mouth and went straight for his lighter, his craving growing palpable. But, as that meant he had to rummage around the tangle of other things jammed inside his pocket, just laying in wait to come spilling out–like a nearly empty pack of Big Red gum, a crumpled receipt, and the spare die Eddie kept on his person in case of D&D-related emergencies–he fumbled it, the BIC hitting the ground with a sad thump.
“Jesus H. Christ,” he complained out of reflex, both from general annoyance and just a tinge of embarrassment, feeling the burn of it with his klutziness deciding to come out around Steve in full force. 
Nat 1 on charisma, Munson. Critical failure.
Steve waved a dismissive hand at him. “I got it, man, I got it.”
And before Eddie could protest, he was stooping down beside him to pick the lighter up off the asphalt of the Dairy Queen parking lot, giving it a toss into his hand like the total show off he was.
Eddie was about to make a crack about it, something along the lines of You just gotta demonstrate your athletic prowess in front of us lesser mortals, doncha, Harrington?–except, well. He didn’t get the chance. 
Because, one second, Steve was popping up and waving the lighter cockily at him, grin bright on his face, and, the next…
The next, and totally without warning, he was leaning in close, cupping his hand to light the cigarette dangling from Eddie’s lips for him. 
Eddie inhaled on instinct, taking a long drag as the cherry glowed to life, a stark red in the fading light of dusk. As for the sudden rush that went to his head–he had little doubt that it was just from the hit of nicotine alone.
And–maybe it was a trick of the low light. But for a long, breathless moment, Steve’s eyes seemed to linger on Eddie’s mouth, and Eddie’s heartbeat kicked up in answer, rabbiting wildly in his throat. The air between them grew thick, heavy-laden with tension that seemed to almost crackle like electricity. 
Eddie took the cigarette from his lips slowly, dropping his hand to let it hang at his side. And, still, Steve’s gaze never wavered, eye line still leveled directly at his mouth. If one of them were to just finally cave into the building pressure, sway forward and close that distance between them, maybe they could…
But, then, from one blink to the next, the heated expression on Steve’s face cleared, replaced by a guileless, easy smile. 
…Eddie tried to tamp down on the flare of disappointment he felt at the sight of it.  
“You know, man–Robin’s totally right about those things.” 
Steve dragged a finger across his throat, pretending to choke as he briefly mimed his own dramatic death scene. The Eddie of a year ago wouldn’t have believed it–but the Eddie of now knew better, had been exposed to Steve’s silly antics on more than one occasion. He could be just as big a goofball as Dustin, as any of the kids, as Eddie himself when he wanted to be. 
“You really should cut back.”
It was all so…normal. Casual. A light chiding about bad habits in an airy tone, like…
Like everything before hadn’t happened at all. 
Eddie stared at Steve for a long moment, trying to read the expression in his wide, hazel eyes. But…they were totally and completely inscrutable to him.
And, look. Eddie was queerer than a three dollar bill–had been since gawky adolescence hit him like a freight train, all too-long limbs and sudden, embarrassingly consistent morning wood. Dudes or chicks, it didn’t matter. Like Bowie, Eddie was an equal opportunist…for all the good it had ever done him, able to count the times he’d made a pass and hadn’t struck out on one hand. Being Hawkins local freak would do that to a guy, and that was before the murder charges and cult-leader accusations. 
But the thought that Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington was anything other than stalwartly heterosexual in the most apple-pie, white-picket-fence, boy-next-store way imaginable? The idea should have been laughable. And a year ago, Eddie would have done just that, laughed it off with a no way, man rolling easily off his tongue.
But now…now he wasn’t so sure. 
Because there was something electric about the growing familiarity that had popped up between him and Steve the closer they’d gotten since their fateful spring break excursion to the Upside Down. He felt it, when Steve slung his arm over the back of the couch when Eddie sat next to him during movie night, or laid a hand in the small of Eddie’s back, easy as anything, to keep him steady when the kids all jostled ahead of them to get through the door at the arcade. 
Maybe it was all just some vestige from Steve’s high school glory days, leftover jock rituals Eddie knew nothing about. Maybe it was total wishful thinking on Eddie’s part, as his crush steadily grew into something gargantuan. Shit, that’s what he tried to tell himself most of the time, if only for his own sanity–but he was still reluctant to say it was all in his head. Especially when moments like this kept cropping up more and more. 
…Eddie was too afraid to push it, though. Hardly over a month old, technically–even though some days it felt like a lifetime–the friendship between them was new. Not delicate, not hardly, but still not something Eddie was looking to scare off when it’d only just gotten started. 
So as the uncertainty settled over him, Eddie finally ducked his head for an instant, gnawing at his bottom lip. Then he reached over and gave Steve’s temple a teasing tap. 
“Sometimes, I just wonder what’s going on inside that pretty head of yours, Stevie.”
The flirtation was thick, sure, but it was easy enough to play it off the same way he always did–just some harmless teasing between two guys, nothing serious. Plus, Eddie figured Steve was more than used to his antics by now. Sometimes, his over-the-top personality really did pay off. 
But behind those words was the truth of Eddie’s thoughts, swirling over and over again. 
Fuck. If only I could get inside his head. Then, maybe I’d be able to figure out what the hell he’s thinking. 
For a split second, he could have sworn Steve’s shoulders stiffened, posture going unexpectedly rigid. But then Steve laughed, brushing the swoop of his hair back, fingers dancing tantalizingly close to Eddie’s own, and Eddie was left to wonder if it was just more of his mind playing tricks on him. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, man. I’m like an open book. Ask anybody around and they’ll tell you–you don’t have to put yourself out to get an answer. It’s pretty much all, like…hair care tips and sports stats, 24/7 up here.” 
“Come on, Steve,” Eddie scoffed, “I don’t believe that shit for even a second.” 
Steve only shook his head, smile still firmly in place. 
“Not sure what to tell you, dude. It’s true. Besides,” the word came out lower, almost as if Steve was talking to himself, “between the two of us, pretty sure you’re more the man of mystery than I am, dude.” 
At that, Eddie let out a startled bark of laughter. 
“Me?! You cannot be serious with that one, Harrington, no way in hell. Have you seen me? If anybody’s the open book here, it’s me. I’m practically a screaming headline on the late night news. Every single thought and feeling I’ve ever had automatically comes flying,” Eddie pressed his hand against his lips and made a sound like an explosion, splaying his fingers out, “straight out of my mouth. Always has. Just ask my old man, he used to bitch about it all the time. ‘Quit that blubbering and toughen up, Eddie, or life will steamroll right over you.’”
Steve’s lips pursed, the same knowing but insulted look he always wore when the infamous Munson patriarch came up in conversation. 
“Your dad sounds like a real jackass, Eds.” 
Eddie could only hum his agreement. 
Everybody in Hawkins knew Al Munson, low down no-account that he was. His reputation preceded him–and Eddie, more often than not. But Steve had more of the inside scoop than most, Eddie having opened up to both him and Robin about his home life. 
Still, he wondered at the vehemence with which Steve defended him, any time the mention of his absentee patriarch came up. By contrast, Eddie didn’t know jackshit about the Harringtons apart from the fact that they were hotshots around town. Steve never mentioned them, not really, and Eddie had never run into them the times he’d been over to Steve’s place. Which was…pretty weird in and of itself, wasn’t it?
Yet another mysterious piece of the puzzle that was Steve Harrington. 
“I don’t know, man,” Steve shrugged, voice gone quiet again, tugging Eddie out of his reverie. “I kinda think your book might be in Hobbit, or whatever it’s called from those books you guys love so much, because I don’t really see you that way at all.” 
Reaching out, he suddenly caught a strand of Eddie’s hair between two fingers. Eddie sucked in a sharp breath at the gesture, face going hot. 
“Besides, haven’t you ever heard of tall, dark, and mysterious? If the hair fits.” 
Steve gave the curl a light tug before dropping it. Eddie immediately snatched it back up, tugging it like a curtain across his mouth, desperate to hide the faint color on his cheeks. 
“Guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one, dude.” 
Steve let out what sounded like an amused huff. “Looks like it.”
When Steve looked down at his watch, Eddie realized, in the time they’d been talking, that he’d smoked his cigarette down to a nub.
“We should probably head back inside,” Steve gestured over his shoulder with his thumb, “before all of Lucas’s toppings somehow end up in Dustin’s hair, and Robin decides to ground them all until they’re twenty-five.”
As he stubbed out the bud with his shoe, Eddie fiddled with his rings, trying to subtly shake off some of the tension that had seemed to build up in the air around their conversation. When he met Steve’s eyes again, he was all cheery smiles, hoping he didn’t look too manic as his cheeks stretched with the force of it.
“Well, now, we couldn’t have that,” Eddie agreed, even as he added, “–Thought she said she wasn’t parenting material, though? Pretty sure fun uncles don’t have to ground people.”
His own uncle was more like a father than anything else, and still he’d never really bothered to try grounding Eddie–his disappointed stare always did more to deter Eddie away from his own stupidity than anything else ever had.
“Sure, she says that, until somebody gets chocolate ice cream on her new favorite button down. Then it’s goddamn,” Steve let out one long, forlorn beep followed by two shorter ones–an unmistakable imitation of Pac-Man’s game over death knell, and proof of just how much time he spent at the arcade with the kids, “over for everybody involved, including me somehow.”
“I mean, you did call us Mom and Dad, man. Guess that makes us responsible whenever the kiddos misbehave.”
Steve sighed, long and loud and clearly just a little exaggerated for Eddie’s benefit, if the way Steve widened his eyes in mock fear was anything to go by. 
“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. Those little shits can stir up all kinds of trouble in ten minutes flat. No telling what the damage is.”
So, with one last jocular pat to Eddie’s back, he began herding him back inside the shop.  
And when Eddie’s own traitorous heart gave a twist at such a small, meaningless gesture? All he could do was send a silent curse up to the sky, and do his best to ignore it. 
That night, Eddie fell through a tangle of twisting, nonsensical dreams.
At first, he was in the stolen RV, relieving a memory. The Upside Down crew–Nancy, Robin, Steve, Dustin–stood all around him, preparing for that fateful last trip to try and stop Vecna. After reciting their orders, his hand clapped down on Dustin’s head in reassurance, a last show of camaraderie before they headed off into battle.
But then, without warning, the ground seemed to shift right beneath his feet. 
Coming out of the haze, he found himself staring at a refrigerator, standing in a kitchen he didn’t immediately recognize. On autopilot, with a feeling like his body was being tugged by invisible strings he couldn’t quite control, his hand swung down again, the motion identical as he gave Dustin a fond scuff over his cap. Except…Dustin was shorter, this time, and undeniably younger. And Eddie, well–the Members Only jacket hanging over his shoulders was definitely not his own, though he thought he had spotted one identical to it hanging in the back of Steve’s closet.  
He barely had time to register those weird little details before the world was going topsy turvy yet again. 
Eddie was on his back, a swirl of bats circling overhead like a storm against the violent red splash of Upside Down sky. As his sides screamed in agony, wooziness clenched down on his mind with a vice grip, not at all helped by the fact that the scene around him kept changing. 
One second, he was shirtless, dampness and grime clinging to his chest hair, Nancy Wheeler’s mouth a grim line as she stared down at him with an oar in hand. Then he blinked, and Dustin’s face swam into view above him, fuzzy as Eddie’s own vision blurred around the edges. 
Blink. Wheeler and Buckley, fighting off demobats like two warrior women worthy of only the grandest of campaigns. 
Blink. Dustin, screaming his name so harshly, his throat had to be raw from it. 
Blink. The outline of Eddie himself, shouting up at the sky, demanding they give him all they’d got despite the fucking bone-deep terror he knew he’d been feeling. The out-of-body sensation that slammed into him, existing somehow both inside and outside the moment all at once, was so jarring Eddie’s stomach lurched, like he was going to be sick. 
Back and forth, again and again, like the world’s worst, most bizarre merry-go-round…until finally, Dustin solidified, Eddie’s own memory draping over him like a well-worn but ill-fitting shirt. He flinched a little as he felt dampness drip against his cheeks, and a long moment stretched on before Eddie fully realized that it wasn’t rain hitting him in the face, but instead the fat tears currently racing down the bridge of the other boy’s nose. 
He knew this moment well, viscerally, a long, hellish stretch that had revisited him night after night the past month–and one he’d do almost anything to forget. 
His final goodbyes exchanged, Eddie’s eyes slipped shut of their own accord. It wasn’t peaceful, exactly–some part of Eddie deep down still railed, pissed as hell at what was happening to him–but he was also so fucking tired, after days on the run. Worn out and fed up, and ready to just get some fucking rest.
So, when the blackness swallowed him, he couldn’t help but wonder if this time, it really would be for good.
–And then a faint, familiar voice rang out in the distance.  
“Dustin?!” Eddie heard Steve scream, like a tether pulling him back into his own body. “Eddie?! You gotta be fucking kidding me, where the hell are you guys?!”
The heavy thud of footfalls drew closer, and Eddie practically felt the ground shake as another body collapsed beside Dustin. 
The world flashed, spun again. Suddenly, Eddie was sliding across the rough terrain of the alternate world on his knees, the sound of Dustin’s soft cries making his heart ache…and his own lifeless body spread out on the ground in front of him. 
Large hands fisted in the front of Eddie’s vest, tugging at him urgently. 
“Munson! Munson!” Steve’s words spilled from Eddie’s mouth as his grip on the fabric tightened, giving him a hard shake. “Eddie, come on! I told you not to be a hero. Don’t even think about it, dude–you’re not dying on us now!”
Eddie remembered this, too. Steve’s steely, urgent tone, brooking no arguments, like he could actually will Eddie back to life if he wanted to. Except this time–this time Eddie actually felt the terror behind the words, the urgency making Steve’s voice tremble in his throat. Experienced, in real time, the relief hitting like a truck, flooding through his veins, when his own brown eyes slipped open. 
“Did-Didn’t realize you were my commanding officer, Harrington,” the Eddie on the ground murmured–more like croaked, the sentence breaking unpleasantly in the middle.
“You’re damn right I am,” Steve answered, jaw clenching, and Eddie could feel his muscle twitching with it, “if that’s what it takes to get you to stick around, man, consider me a five star general.”
He’s alive, he’s alive, the Steve in his head sang, again and again, thank fuck, he’s alive.
Because, there and then, he…was Steve. The twin emotions of Steve’s own swelling hope that Eddie might make it coupled with Eddie’s own real shock from what Steve was feeling at the time warred inside him, threatening to overwhelm him. 
Then, like the force of that emotion had thrown him, Eddie landed hard on his back again. Confusion hit him as he glanced down and realized that he was shirtless–Steve was entirely shirtless. Because this had been his memory, before, and now Eddie was back in it. 
The revelation had barely settled before agony quickly drowned out anything else, the demo-bats starting to gnaw at his bare sides. One of their tails wrapped tightly around Eddie’s throat, and his hands shot up, uselessly trying to pry it off. He could feel that darkness creeping in again, the familiar sensation of being knocked unconscious rising up to meet him. 
Fourth time’s a charm, I guess, the voice inside Eddie’s head was wry, and it still definitely wasn’t his own. You made a good run of it, Harrington, but looks like your luck finally ran out this time.
The resignation of it, the acceptance, was enough to shake Eddie to the bone. 
No-no-no, no! Some desperate, deeply buried part of him screamed out. You–You’re the goddamn hero, Stevie. You don’t get to give up.
When the oar slammed down near his head this time, Wheeler calling out a quick Hey, there with Robin and Eddie himself at her sides…Eddie had never been so happy to see someone in his entire fucking life, freaky out-of-body experience be damned. 
The vision, memory, whatever it was…it released Eddie, finally. 
And then Steve was there, standing before him, clad in nothing but sleep shorts and his gray Hawkins Phys Ed shirt, his hair mussed. Darkness surrounded them on all sides, too fuzzy and dim for Eddie to make anything out apart from the figure facing him. 
Steve’s lips moved, the shape of them making out what Eddie thought was his name. Dread dripped down his spine, however, as he realized that no sound–not so much as a peep–followed. 
“Stevie?” he answered, the panicked shrillness evident in his own voice even as he couldn’t hear Steve’s own. “I can’t–shit, man, I can’t hear you.”
Steve’s face drew down into a frown, forehead wrinkled, concern and frustration warring on his face. He tried to speak again, but still, Eddie couldn’t hear a thing. Hand flying upwards, Steve gestured to his own ear, finger tapping it once. 
Eddie shook his head. “Sorry, dude, I–I’ve got nothing.”
On instinct, he reached out a placating hand. Glancing down to see it extended towards him, Steve did the same. Eddie felt his chest clench a little, finding comfort in the thought that even in a moment like this, when they couldn’t hear what the other was saying, they still managed to broach some common ground. 
Their fingertips brushed. A spark ran through Eddie at the touch, seeming almost to infect their surroundings as red lighting suddenly flashed all around them.
Between one blink to the next, Steve disappeared. 
Before he had a chance to cry out, Eddie realized, horror steadily climbed up his throat, that the figure now staring back at him was…himself? 
And not a memory version this time, either. No, this was a living, breathing double. 
His doppelganger’s brow furrowed, head tilting to one side, a bit like a confused puppy.
It was like the sound had been turned on all at once, because when the other Eddie spoke, he could finally hear him.
“Eddie?” his mirror image asked, looking past Eddie, around him, anywhere but directly at him.
If he had ever made it to that shrink Owens recommended, he bet they would have had a field day unpacking whatever this was.
Hands Eddie hadn’t even realized had still been clasped parted, slipping away from each other.
And then, Eddie was sucked back into darkness, feeling adrift as any chance at seeing Steve, his doppelganger, anything and anyone vanished into the distance. He was lost, totally and utterly, and he felt it, every bit of it, the weight crushing in on him as the last dregs of the dream faded away.
The next morning, Eddie woke up in Steve Harrington’s bed.
Part 2
Taglist: @highkingpenny @tinytalkingtina @starryeyedjanai @sidekick-hero @thefreakandthehair @lingeringmirth @eriquin @bifuriouswaterbender @fuctacles
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daedelweiss · 2 years
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i won't get to use this plotline a lot in the comic (probably going to be included in the bonus fanfic episodes tho) but here's lifemission!splinter and a smol leo uwu splints was hyperfocused on finding his missing boys for a good bit, especially when leo was a tot. but he didn't know anyone back then so he had to bring leo during his search a lot. they sometimes get stuck somewhere when it's snowing or raining and he kinda hates himself for putting leo up through this shit.
luckily, he met hueso at some point and hueso volunteered to look after leo because he felt bad for the both of them. eventually, splints made hueso leo's godfather and boneman can't help but melt whenever leo calls him "tio hueso" 🥺 also leo had big separation anxiety (still has in the present, just keeps it on the down low) and splints leaving always causes him to shake a lot 💔 which ties back to him starting to knit as a way to cope 💙
was this just an excuse to draw papa splints and smol tot leo? mayhaps but SSSSSHH-
( 🌿 please do NOT repost, edit, trace, use, and/or sell 🌿 )
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paxdracona · 4 months
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Slider: "Uh oh, did Mitchell take his shirt off where you could see him again?"
Ice: "God, Slider, fuck off >:E"
S: "Oooh, worse than that? Oh, did he smile at you~?"
I: "None of your business, now is it??"
S: "Hey man, you walk around looking like a goddamn pinecone, I'm not NOT gonna mention it :)"
I: "Why the fuck are we friends, God."
Let's all rib Iceman for being besotted B) (gently though, he's kinda delicate)
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kumeramen · 2 years
Hello again! Thank you for making the shisusaku bl I am so happy!!!! But could you also make an obishisusaku? I don't like the obisaku but if it's a trio with shisui then yes! If it's not too much trouble of course ❤❤
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
Sister, Sister: After the End
When Eliza invites the entire family to Midvale over Easter weekend, none of them offer a single squeak of protest. It's been a long few weeks of working on their own endeavors, with only infrequent, hectic teamups between them.
It's nice, Lena decides after dinner the first night. The warmth, the easy familiarity that sinks in as though it never left. But even so, she's grateful for a spare moment to snag a blanket and go out to the dunes, where waves crash steadily against the quiet of darkness.
She spreads the blanket out and lays back, folding her hands over her ribcage. Her magic fills her these days, and she can feel the power of the ocean tugging at her, as though inviting her to join its current. She can also feel the shifting energy of the sand beneath the blanket, and the sway of the reeds that obscure her from the view of the house.
She's not too difficult to find though, as footsteps whisper through the sand towards her. Lena closes her eyes, biting the smidge of irritation that creeps up on her unexpectedly.
"I'm fine," she issues pre-emptively. Kara settles down on the blanket next to her.
"Didn't think you weren't."
Lena's eyes snap open as her head whips towards Nia's voice. Not Kara.
She huffs a laugh. "Sorry," she offers readily. "Thought you were someone else."
"Mhmm," Nia returns. "Considering she's the only one able to get hold of you these days."
Lena grimaces. "I know, I'm sorry--"
"Me too," Nia assures her of no hard feelings. "I could have done more to make it happen. It's just been..."
"Yeah. It's a little crazy to think about, you know? I'm doing more as Dreamer for the foundation than I am as a crime fighter or whatever. And you're back to being on top--"
Lena scoffs a laugh that turns into a giggle as she turns her head to look at Nia. It takes a moment to click.
"Oh--! Lena! You know that's not what I meant!"
The light smack to Lena's ribcage only earns a throatier laugh. Nia joins in with a giggle of her own, and they laugh for a long moment before calming.
"I know what you mean," Lena concedes after a heavy sigh, returning to the moment. "The foundation is everything I hoped it would be, but--"
"It's different." Nia turns her head, and Lena echoes the movement to meet her gaze.
She nods. "Yeah. As much as I don't miss the entire world being in peril..."
"You miss how it was." Nia's voice is quiet. "Even if it's better now."
They stare up at the stars for a long quiet moment. The sky is clear tonight, and the Milky Way spreads out before them in a wide, untouchable ribbon. A wave of nostalgia overwhelms Lena, and not just for the good old days. Sudden tears burn at her eyes.
"I miss my mom," she whispers.
Nia doesn't turn, but pats across Lena's hip until Lena reaches down to clasp the questing hand.
"Me too," Nia returns softly. Her next words curl with a gentle smile. "They'd be so proud of us though."
Lena chokes out a bit of a chuckle, which mostly sounds like she's being strangled. "Yeah." She squeezes Nia's hand. "She would have really liked you."
"Oh my gosh, are you kidding?!" Nia's voice lifts. "My mom would have gushed over you! Especially now with the whole earthy, witchy vibe you have going on these days. She'd love that."
Lena grins. "Could you imagine if they'd had the chance to meet?"
"Oh god." Nia covers her eyes with her free hand. "Inseparable. No embarassing childhood memory would be safe..."
Lena laughs, truly, as though she actually had memories with her mother to be embarassed by. In this fictional world they've created, she would.
"Hey." Lena catches Nia's gaze, and offers a wide smile. "I'm proud of you too."
Nia's lips pinch tight, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. All she can manage is a trembling nod, and a firm squeeze on Lena's fingers to reciprocate the sentiment.
Neither of them keeps track of how long they stay out there on the shallow dunes. They simply lay there, hands clasped, as the galaxy slowly swirls above them.
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muimeo · 2 months
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popjunkie42 · 1 month
WIP Wednesday for Regency Feysand! Coming soon.
Poor Feyre doesn’t know what’s waiting for her…and neither does the ton. Good thing her handsome friend Lucien is around to help.
(Don’t @ me with historical accuracy, we are running on vibes and wet white shirts)
“Well, if you’re in town, at least we’ll know one person,” Elain said, quietly scraping the last of the gravy from her plate.
Lucien’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re going into London? For the season?”
”Elain -“
”Well he’s going to find out anyway,” Elain argued. “It’s not a secret, is it?”
Again, Feyre and Nesta’s eyes flickered to one another, Elain watching them nervously.
There was quiet tension at the table. “Well. It would be a delight to accompany the Archeron sisters for a season. I don’t think the ton will know what hit them.” His eyes darted to Feyre, still tucking into her roast. “And if they knew what was good for them, they’d lock their doors and empty their pockets before Feyre’s sly fingers get near them.”
Feyre kicked his shin under the table and he winced.
”So, we have a lot of work to do.” he said with a smile.
”What do you mean?” Nesta snapped.
Lucien’s answering grin was full of the type of mischief that made Feyre worried.
His chair scraped as he stood and he approached Feyre, extending his hand to her with an elegant flick of his wrist.
“My lady. Might I have this dance?”
Feyre’s eyes were wide as saucers. Lucien only laughed.
”I -“
”You’re supposed to say, yes my lord. Or your grace, or your highness, if you happen to be in the presence of the nobility.”
”The prince will be there?” Elain’s voice had a tinge of fear.
”Maybe. The larger balls are filled with dukes and duchesses, maybe even a Marquis. You never know who is going to show up, and everyone spends their entire days speculating. Feyre?”
With a frown, she threw her napkin onto her empty plate and took his hand, feeling like a conspiracy was beginning to brew against her.
Lucien had one hand tucked behind his back and kept their joined hands lifted carefully between them, looking more elegant and poised than his casual, unbuttoned shirt and loose riding pants had any business being. Suddenly he was transforming before her, not into her friend but into someone polite, mysterious. Moneyed.
He led them to the open floor beside the large dining table and Feyre’s cheeks burned as she felt every eye upon them.
”A waltz, perhaps? Start with the basics?”
Feyre was frozen to the spot as he touched a gentle hand to her waist, the other held outstretched beside him, the full mischief of his lupine smile beaming down at her.
“Um -“
“It’s a count of three, traveling in a circle, just follow my lead.” Lucien began humming a tune, deepening Feyre’s blush.
“And - one, two three, one two three -” Lucien took off with her, spinning around the room. Feyre’s feet tripped and worked against his until they stumbled, Lucien laughing while Feyre smacked him on the chest.
“Go slower!”
“Have you never had a lesson in your life? You’re going to have to tell all the callers you’ve sprained your ankle. Now relax and let me lead.”
Feyre glowered at him, eliciting only more laughter. “Heaven help the man who comes to call on you. You’re just as likely to challenge him to a fight than sit down to tea.”
Feyre pushed out of his arms, her cheeks burning. “I won’t have to dance. Elain’s the one looking for a suitor. It’s just fine with me if no one even knows my name.”
Lucien’s eyebrows raised, looking to Elain. “You’ll be out at London? Taking suitors during the season?”
Elain took a deep breath and looked to Nesta. “Maybe. We still have a lot to discuss,” she murmured.
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dryemiddi · 9 months
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(Submission by @zucchiyeni)
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blorboazula · 1 day
because of this post I'm thinking of a post-canon AU where everyone thinks Azula doesn't talk to them because she's stubborn and proud and all. Zuko eventually is like "since you're behaving except for never responding, I'm taking you home".
Katara or Aang, because this can be pre-Azutara or gen, can be like "she was spitting really hot fire, powered by the comet..." so after approaching Azula like a wild animal, which isn't necessary because girly isn't insane, not actually aggressive at all, they use basic waterbending healing to check if there's something wrong.
well, of course Azula doesn't talk, her vocal chords are basically destroyed. from here it can go a road that is Katara taking her to the North Pole to be healed and ends up falling in love. or Aang takes her and they have the life changing road trip, and become besties because he's the first person to treat her like a normal person.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Mini Moodboard Challenge
Finally fulfilling the tags from @fezwearingjellybananas and @lady-of-the-spirit lol thank you both!
This is for the Barry POV fic:
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Oh these two 🥺 writing their catharsis from Barry’s POV is gonna hit so good (plus, some bonus scenes y’all didn’t get to see due to Morgan’s limited POV!)
Tagging: @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life @icedteaandoldlace @blackaquokat @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @thechaoticfanartist and anyone else who wants to!
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qwertycake · 10 months
more qpr fluffy squishy platonic writing prompts! wahoo!! part two!!! :)
Same disclaimer applies as my first post - these are aro- and ace-spec centric, may only work for shortform fiction, and feel free to tweak them to be less specific/more specific to specific characters.
Specific is a weird word lol
“We both get caught out in the rain and wait out the weather under the same shelter, and either we’re meeting for the first time or we have a nice excuse to hang out together” AU
“You annotate a book for me and I annotate it right back for you, and we keep passing the book back and forth until its a mess of affectionate scribbles that we keep on the coffee table” AU
"It's hot outside and you love the heat but I hate it and you're being stupidly nice and sweet to me while I'm a grouchy mess" AU
"I can teach you how to play this instrument if you stop DISTRACTING ME by looking so ENDEARING AND INFATUATED" AU
"Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes" AU
"We're both too tired to take care of ourselves because of sickness/work/school/whatever but we immediately find the energy to take care of one another via making tea and grabbing blankets" AU
"We trade clothes for Halloween and do terrible impersonations of one another" AU
"We have a bunch of unfinished craft projects between the two of us and decide to just... finish them all in one day... 24 itty-bitty hours... oh boy..." AU
"We recreate a terrible low-budget movie together" AU
"On Valentine's Day, we decide to make a bunch of garlic bread and cake, and buy each other flowers in the colours of our respective aro-/ace-spec flags... and then the day after, we buy all the chocolate that's finally gone on sale" AU
“I teach you how to do make-up because for one reason or another you’re unfamiliar with it” AU
“Fake dating and having dramatic break ups over silly things in public for shits and giggles” AU
“So, the world might have just ended… so guess who has two thumbs and a bunker that desperately could use a roommate?” AU
“We’re made to play seven minutes in heaven at a party and after a few awkward minutes of silence we both decide to just order a pizza or something while we wait out the seven minutes” AU
“Hey, you can dance, and I can’t, teach me— no, I don’t care that I’ve got two left feet, teach me!” AU
“We’re both artists, maybe of different skill levels, and we decide to draw/paint/make art of each other” AU
“I’m a night owl and you’re more of a day person, so whenever we stop texting because you have to go to bed, I’m stuck laying awake thinking about you Please Enjoy Waking Up To A Bunch Of Messages” AU
“I’m a day person and you’re more of a night owl but I struggle to fall asleep because I’m stuck thinking about how lucky I am to be your friend Hey I Think I Could Stay Up For An Extra Ten Minutes” AU
“We’re both nervous about going to the gym alone so we try going together… but neither of us have the guts to get out of the car so we just go for a walk or something instead” AU
“You’re super into sports and exercise and I’m just getting into it but you hype me up so I’m less nervous about getting started” AU
“I bake a whole bunch, you cook big meals… at the same time of day - our kitchen is chaos” AU
“It’s New Year’s Eve and we’re hanging out at a party and everyone’s speculating that we’re gonna have our New Year’s Kiss together but the New Year comes and we just do a weird handshake” AU
“Non-Fatal Hanahaki Disease AU where we’re some of the few people who don’t experience it because we’re content with whatever non-romantic thing we have together… but we both have hay fever and are very annoyed by the constant barrage of flower petals around us and have to tell our friends to Please Stop Crushing On The Random Barista At Starbucks It’s The Third Time This Week You Are KILLING US” AU
“We’re both alien test subjects who’ve never met before and have to try and plan our escape - bonus points if the aliens are specifically testing for something like amatonormative like All Humans Fall In Love and we’re the black swans of the research since they apparently abducted Only Romantic Allosexuals Aside From Us Somehow” AU
“It’s midnight and you show up on my doorstep unannounced after a long while of us drifting apart, what on earth happened?” AU
“We’re both capable of granting wishes - you’re the monkey’s paw and I’m the guy who’s stuck remedying all the messed up things you have happen to people What Is Wrong With You” AU
And finally…
“I’m laying on the couch at a party drunk/high/exhausted/whatever and you’re looking after me, having only met me that night - I proceed to ramble about how embarrassed I’ll be when I’m older and think back to how I made a fool of myself in front of someone I wanted to be friends with really badly… but luckily for me, you’re flattered that I think you’re super cool” AU
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augustjustice · 4 months
"Steddie Bodyswap" for wip weekend please!
Thank you so much for the ask, and about one of my pet projects, too! 🖤💛
“Have fun at school today, Robs, Eddie spaghetti! Ace those tests, don’t take any suspicious looking candy from strangers,” Eddie sing-songed, wagging a finger at them in a parody of scolding suburban parenthood, and, oh, clearly he thought he was goddamn hilarious. 
While Robin’s brow wrinkled in amused confusion, Steve discreetly shot him the bird. 
Eddie’s only answer was to grin, sending him a knowing wink. “All I’m saying is...try not to do anything I wouldn’t do!”
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winterinhimring · 15 days
This isn't a romantic pairing, but your response to my tags the other day made the potential too potentialful. How about Harry Osborn and Peter Parker (Raimi verse) in a Pacific Rim au for the 3 sentence ask game?
OK, you're officially my favourite person tonight. I needed an excuse to write Peter and Harry – and platonic pairings are fantastic also! (But oh noooo, how shall I ever keep this to just 3 sentences??? Let's see.)
Peter Parker has kept a lot of secrets over the course of his life, and drifting with someone you're trying to hide anything from is up there on the 'world's worst ideas' list right up next to 'face down a kaiju single-handed because your best friend's dad thought he had the secret to winning the war and actually called a monster that almost ate Manhattan' – actually, Peter has done that, and it's part of why he has so many secrets, and part of why, when he came back to the Shatterdome, he refused to so much as consider drifting with Harry Osborn, despite the fact that he found himself cutting through the other recruits like a hot knife through butter, despite the fact that he and Harry were best friends for so long (before Peter failed to save Norman even if he did save Manhattan, before Peter disappeared).
But now there isn't any other choice; there are two kaiju closing in on the Shatterdome, the Spider needs pilots, and honestly, everyone on the base has known Peter and Harry are drift-compatible and ignoring it for months.
The drift is nothing, their teachers have always told them, and you don't follow the memories you see, but even though Peter found that to be true in the past, it's not true now, because the drift is everything Peter's tried to hide; it's regret and loss and loyalty and love and it's Harry's loss and bitterness and regret too – but then all the secrets and all the anger flow past them, carried away by the river, and the connection between them snaps into being like it was always there, without words, but with a distinct meaning anyway: my brother, you're finally here, what took you so long?
Thank you for asking this! I gave myself so many feels writing it and might be tempted to actually write this AU now...ask game is here and open to everyone!
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n4tek · 1 year
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This really happened
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