#best pore clearing serum
dsqelitesingapore · 3 months
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irlcupcake · 2 months
10 of my favorite easy glow up tips! 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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get a gua sha!! not expensive at all and made such a difference in my face shape and carving out my cheek bones and jawline. there’s lots of good tutorials on tiktok or youtube!
tea in the morning/night! there’s so many teas to help with different things but my favorite’s are spearmint tea for clearing skin and green tea for reducing bloating.
ice your face! helps SO much with de-puffing and closing up your pores! dipping your face in a bowl with ice water can reduce inflammation, help with acne and reduce oily skin!
make sure to get enough sleep! It’s so easy to stay up scrolling on tumblr until the sun comes up but getting enough sleep is so important mentally and physically!
find a skincare routine that works for you and remember too much skincare can be bad for your skin! my skin was breaking out the worst when i was using a bunch of skincare and It’s cleared so much since i simplified my routine.
use a lash/brow serum! my favorite brand is grande lash and it’s a little pricey but using castor oil works as well and it’s super affordable.
going on walks! I’ve never been a fan of intense exercises and I’m a chronic bed rotter but putting on my favorite hot girl playlist and strutting on the treadmill/sidewalk is genuinely so fun!
rosemary oil for hair growth! my holy grail of hair growth products along with a scalp massager. my whole life my hair grew so slow and since using rosemary oil i have to trim my bangs twice a month sometimes!
i cannot stress this one enough..wear what YOU want! don’t let new trends or judgment from others stop you from embracing your true style. we look our best when we feel most confident!
most importantly ~ take care of yourself! make sure you’re eating enough, drinking water, listening to your body and being gentle with yourself always. improving ourselves can be so fun but make sure it’s not at the expense of your mental health <3
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aaalanasblog · 16 days
the ultimate guide to glowy, clear skin
so your skin looks great with and without makeup for your summer glow up 🫶🏽
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things you should never skip:
- double cleansing at night
- SPF 50 during the day
- spraying a mist before applying hydrating ingredients
- getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night
- washing your hands before touching your face
- washing your pillowcases, hair wraps, and bedding once a week
- using paper towel to dry your face
the main way to have glowy skin? maintaining the skin barrier.
Find everyday products with the following ingredients:
- prebiotics + probiotics
I always use the Axis-Y Biome Radiating Essence
- fatty acids, cholesterols, and ceramides
I always use the Stratia Lipid Gold Serum/Lotion and Aestura Cream
- hydrators: Glycerin, Hyaluronic Acid, Betaine, Panthenol
I always use the Hada Labo Hyaluronic Acid lotion and Mediheal NMF Ampoule Mask
- anti-inflammatories, antibacterials and antifungals: Propolis, Heartleaf, Centella Asiatica, Cica
I always use the Cosrx Propolis Ampoule and Abib Heartleaf Essence
the other part of having glowy skin? minimal texture, radiance, and clear pores.
These are things you’d use 1-2x a week:
- a surface exfoliator: Lactic Acid (darker-skin friendly; is also hydrating), Glycolic Acid
I always use the Paula’s Choice Lactic/Mandelic Acid exfoliator
- a deep exfoliator: Salicylic Acid, EX-07 enzyme, PHAs
I always use the numbuzin no.4 Pore Zero toner pad
- Vitamin A derivatives/alternatives: retinol, tretinoin, bakuchiol, resveratrol
I always use the 23 Years Old Bakuchiol A cream
You can use your surface and deep exfoliators together, but never mix an exfoliator with Vitamin A!
The biggest help to your skin being healthy and clear? Your diet.
What’s going on inside your body reflects directly on your skin - from constipation, to period cycle stage, to lactose intolerance, and more.
The essentials:
• Collagen and Vitamin A
- BB LAB Collagen powder (also has hyaluronic acid and vitamin C)
- Grass-fed Gelatin Gummies
- Country Farms Super Reds
- Leafy Greens, Carrots, Pumpkin, Cantaloupe, Mango
• Prebiotics and Probiotics
- Country Farm Super Greens
- Seed Daily Synbiotic
- Kombucha
- Kefir
- Yogurt
• good ole H20 :)
- at least 64 ounces (8 cups) a day
Wanna keep your skincare routine simple? You’ll only need 5 things.
1. Oil Cleanser (PM only)
2. Gel/Milky Cleanser
3. an all-in-one toner (hydrates, nourishes, calms)
4. a great moisturizer (preferably with fatty acids and ceramides!)
5. SPF
Just make sure your diet, exercise routine, and sleep routine are the best they can be! 💘
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uriekukistan · 3 months
tokyo ghoul characters and their skincare routines
kaneki doesn't have an extravagant routine, but he still takes care of his skin. probably just a basic 3-step routine with soap, moisturizer, and spf. i feel like he kinda has dry skin in the winter, so he probably also keeps chapstick and a little tube of hand lotion in his backpack or pockets.
haise on the other hand has more skincare products than he can count and the quinx squad is tired of how much space it takes up in the bathroom. definitely has one of those fluffy hairbands. he's a double cleanse, toner, at least 3 serums, eye cream, moisturizer, and sunscreen guy. he also exfoliates 2-3 times a week and does a mask every night.
ayato might wash his face with hand soap on a good day. his skin is annoyingly clear.
urie has that patrick bateman skincare routine. face ice pack for morning puffiness, cleanser, exfoliate, a peel-off mask, alcohol-free aftershave, moisturizer, eye cream, and spf. he has the second most extra skincare routine of the quinx squad.
juuzou doesn't want the stitches on his face to get infected, so he takes a good amount of time to wash his face every day. he doesn't really use anything else because he doesn't want it to mess with his stitches. yes, that includes moisturizer and spf.
akira is another skincare diva like haise. actually, she probably put him on to a bunch of his favorite products. she has a pretty regimented routine that she follows to a T. every product she uses is probably really expensive too. she likes to pamper herself.
touka has a pretty average skincare routine. a bit more than kaneki's routine, but not a skincare diva. she does cleanser (one wash in the morning, double cleanse at night), maybe one serum and/or spot treatment for breakouts (she is the most annoyed by ayato's skincare routine because she breaks out easily), moisturizer, and spf. sometimes if yoriko comes over on the weekend, they do masks together.
eto either has a very high maintenance skincare routine or doesn't do anything at all. it depends on the day. on the days she does do skincare, she goes over the top to balance all the nights she falls asleep while writing and does nothing. prone to buying new expensive products to try and not using them.
tsukiyama is the biggest skincare diva on this list. also has a 10+ step skincare routine. not a single product in his collection is less than $100. he gets those gold face masks that models get. and has a facial at least once a month. probably spends at least an hour applying all his products in the most careful way possible. nothing but the best for tsukiyama shuu
hinami has a skincare routine similar to touka's (probably learned it from her when they lived together). her criteria for products is if the packaging is cute. she probably makes ayato do pore cleansing masks with, she is appalled by his twice a month hand soap routine.
saiko buys any products that have animals or characters on the packaging, especially any sanrio x (insert skincare brand) products. she gets a bit lazy with it though, and she's prone just using face wipes so she doesn't have to stop watching her anime or playing her game
mutsuki is a skincare minimalist. soap, moisturizer, and spf works fine for him. doesn't see the point in all of haise's expensive serums. another dry skin boy, he probably also carries around lotion in the winter because his hands get really dry.
shirazu washes his face with shampoo in the shower. yes, shampoo.
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Say Goodbye To Acne Scars And Unlock Clear Skin
Acne scars can be a frustrating reminder of past breakouts, but fear not! With the proper skincare routine and the power of niacinamide, retinol, azelaic acid, and AHA/BHA, you can fade those scars and achieve the clear skin you've always desired. In this article, we'll explore how these incredible ingredients work their magic and provide you with an easy-to-follow routine for achieving optimal results.
Niacinamide: The Skin's Best Friend
Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a superstar ingredient when it comes to fading acne scars. This potent antioxidant helps reduce inflammation, regulate sebum production, and improve skin texture. Incorporate a niacinamide serum into your routine to reap its benefits. Apply a few drops after cleansing and before moisturizing for maximum effectiveness.
Retinol: The Holy Grail Of Skincare
Retinol, derived from vitamin A, is a game-changer for acne scars and overall skin health. This ingredient boosts collagen production, speeds up cell turnover, and reduces hyperpigmentation. Start with a low-concentration retinol product and gradually increase usage to avoid irritation. Apply it at night, after cleansing, and before moisturizing, and always wear sunscreen during the day, as retinol can increase sun sensitivity.
Azelaic Acid: The Brightening Warrior
Azelaic acid is a multitasking ingredient that not only fades acne scars but also helps with redness, hyperpigmentation, and acne itself. This gentle exfoliant unclogs pores, reduces inflammation, and brightens the skin. Look for a 10-20% concentration product and apply it after cleansing, followed by moisturizer. Remember to patch test first to ensure compatibility with your skin.
AHA/BHA: The Dynamic Duo
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) are exfoliating powerhouses that work wonders on acne scars. AHAs, such as glycolic acid, help fade scars by gently removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. BHAs, like salicylic acid, penetrate deeper into the pores, reducing inflammation and preventing future breakouts. Incorporate these acids into your routine 2-3 times a week, starting with a lower concentration and gradually increasing as your skin adjusts.
In Conclusion
Achieving clear skin and fading acne scars is within your reach with the help of niacinamide, retinol, azelaic acid, and AHA/BHA. Remember to introduce these ingredients gradually into your routine and always patch-test new products. Consistency is vital, so be patient and give your skin time to adjust. Embrace this powerful skincare routine, and soon enough, you'll be saying goodbye to acne scars and hello to a radiant, flawless complexion!
Note: For personalized skincare advice, consult with us for a tailored skincare routine
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homunculus-argument · 11 months
Things to look for and why, regarding skincare (we're in different countries, so I don't know what brands are available to you. I'll focus on ingredients over brands as a result). It takes an average of 30 days for complete skin cell turnover, which means it can take that long to start seeing real results. Intro new product one at a time so you can better monitor for allergic/adverse reactions. And to avoid chemical burns. Really follow the directions when it comes to chemical exfoliants, here, because overdoing it can destroy your moisture barrier and make even lotion turn into a chemical burn sensation/reality
Chemical exfoliants are likely to be your best friend, here, as well as a "maintenance" ingredient.
You described your skin as having orange peel texture, which almost always means your skin type is oily. Niacinamide is going to be the key ingredient to help regulate how much oil you're putting out. The ordinary makes a good serum for that, and it's paired with a booster ingredient that helps it work better. Note, if your skin also feels tight (not tight because of a cystic zit) or is also flaky, you could be producing all that oil because your skin is dehydrated, in which case you want a really, really basic moisturizer too. Look for ceremides, because they will help to repair damage to your moisture barrier (if you've been using a LOT of different products it could be damaged, which leads to oil. You can usually tell, because everything will feel like your skin is on fire).
Acids! My beloved. They come in two categories, aha and BHA. Aha is water soluble and can not cut through heavy oil, and will not get as deep into pores when it's really oily, but they WILL support the BHA ingredients that are oil soluble. You are gonna want them both, because you need to cut through the oil and have something left to help out with the clogs. They will both make you more sensitive to UV, so grab an SPF that is basic as hell--i rec trying to avoid dimethicone when you're really oily, because it will generally make a mess of everything
You can safely do glycolic (aha) in really high concentrations up to three times a week. The ordinary has an amazing peel, nip + fab makes incredible pads.
Salicylic can't be had over the counter stronger than 2% in the states, but this is a powerhouse BHA. You want it.
You can usually find those two ingredients bundled together over here, and I rec that if you can find it because they will be formulated in complementary ratios.
If you can get your hands on raya, their aha/BHA cleansing gel + Bliss clear has a serum that is a toner with salicylic and niacinamide. Those two things together, consistently, completely transformed my skin. They're my ride or die when combined with the nip + fab.
The other ingredients to keep an eye out for in case of brand availability are enzymes. What enzymes do is break down the bonds in the oil and in your skin (not as scary as it sounds) so that the individual cells will turn over faster, shed faster, and not be able to stick around as long to get trapped into pores. Enzymes plus some aha/BHA can seriously push everything out of your pores. They are strong, and they can be found in the raya thing I mentioned.
I'm not sure how much character limit I have left. I'm more than happy to answer specific questions, and also help vet products via links/screen caps. r/skincareaddiction is another wonderful place to get in depth reviews, assuming reddit API fuckery hasn't hit them too bad. But I am not afraid to use my license/obsessive research skills, and I'm not afraid to pull out "fixed my face out of sheer spite" knowledge either, so if any of this is confusing or something you'd like more info on don't hesitate (and it could very well be confusing, I haven't had enough caffeine to self medicate the ADHD and it's past my bedtime. I've met myself at least once and know how I am). Either way I hope that this all helps on your quest
Damn, I'll have to go through with this a notebook and write everything down while re-reading. Thank you! I didn't even know asks have a character limit, but you sure used it well.
And yeah my skin type is oily as fuck. You could scrape it with a spoon and collect enough to boil it into soap.
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kxowledge · 3 days
What's your skincare routine currently?
I actually spent the other week taking stock of how my current routine was working and deciding if I needed to change anything, so I have a lot to say on this
Wash face with water
(extra step for wintertime) Avène thermal water
Serum with antioxidants and niacinamide: just switched from facetheory Colloidal-C Anti-Redness Toner, which I got in hope of reducing redness (did nothing for me) back to facetheory’s Cera-C Pore Reducing Toner, which actually makes my skin look great. It has 5% niacinamide and a vitamin C derivative, which is what I want – I just would like extra perks (anti-redness). An alternative I’m considering is the Isntree Onion Newpair Gel cream.
(extra step if my skin is feeling very dry i.e. what I use during winter) hydrating serum: I’ve just finished Avène Hydrance Serum which I found very hydrating though too light weight (i.e. not good for winter for me) and honestly it lasted so little that I won’t buy it again. My go to instead is snail mucin: Mizon’s Snail Repair Ampoule (best formula but not so much product, what I’m currently using); or COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Essence (best bang for your buck, though my pump was really bad)
Alpha-arbutin: most recent addition to my skincare & it seems to be making a difference when it comes to discoloration (PIE). I’m using Beauty of Joseon Glow Deep Serum, mostly because this was the only product I could find here in Norway.
Caffeine for my undereye: I’m using The Inkey List Caffeine Eye Cream – while I can say it’s infinitely better than what The Ordinary offers (because why would you use a dropped for something that goes around the eyes!!), I can’t tell if I’m seeing results or not, despite using it for almost three months. Maybe?
Moisturizer: Eucerin 5% Urea Repair, my holy grail of all time. I buy this by the litre. Since I entered my mid-20s, my skin has turned dry. Combined with drier winters and the heating I have to put on to survive winter, this is the only thing that makes my skin stay intact.
Sunscreen: probably controversial, but I actually don’t wear sunscreen everyday, as the amount of light I get is ridiculous (though I do in the summer or if there is snow). Over the past year, I tried several ones and my top two choices are Beauty of Joseon Sun Relief (cannot fault a single thing and I found it to be good value for money based on how long it lasted me) and Isntree Onion Newpair Sunscreen (jury is out on whether the onion extract actually helps me, but I found the texture to be perfect for me and it actually ensures I apply a proper amount since it’s not too runny)
Dr.Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment: amazing!! This has been so far the only thing that helped with redness. I haven’t worn foundation in a year and it’s only because of this. I don’t even think it’s that expensive because I spent 30£ for a 50 ml jar which lasts me six months of daily use. Love it.
My routine is the following:
Double cleanse: I’ve been liking a lot the Beauty of Jonseon Cleansing Balm – so far the best cleansing product I’ve tried. Micellar water is a no for me, as I don’t like using cotton pads. Oils are mostly ok as an alternative, with iUnik Calendula Complete Cleansing Oil being my failsafe (but it doesn’t remove 100% of my mascara).   Next, I use a foaming cleansing gel. My go-to used to be Neutrogena Clear & Defend, but it keeps being sold out, so I’m now using  CeraVe Blemish Control Cleanser. It works fine. My main criteria here is price tbh.
facetheory Exaglow serum: the daily base, with tranexamic acid, liquorice root, and a vitamin c derivative, this in combination with whatever active follows has helped me reduce my hyperpigmentation so so much
An active (see below)
Moisturizer: Eucerin Urea repair, again.
Actives is when things get more complicated, because I rotate weekly between (combinations of) them
Differin (adapalene): game changer, I tolerate it very well and I recently increased it to three times per week  + Azelaic acid: I love it and over the years I tried so many different products (available in Europe). I find that for me 10% works just as well as 20%. Usually, a higher price tag gets you better texture (i.e. less grainy) but not better results. Isispharma Metroruboril was very smooth, but a more basic one works just fine for me – hence why I keep going back to The Ordinary’s 10% one. It’s not an area where I feel like I should be spending a lot.
Kojic acid: I’m using Dermaceutic’s Radiance, which works fine in combination with my overall routine. + Retinol: bit of a controversial combination, but because I’ve been using retinols for so long, this works fine. I’m using A313, which is v gentle. I bought it in Paris and it has a too thick texture in my opinion, so once I finished the tube I’ll go back to my fave L’Oreal Revitalift (amazing fragrance, great texture, very hydrating too)
An exfoliant: while some of my products have small percentages of lactic acid in it, so I never felt the need to have a dedicated exfoliating step up. However, I thought I could benefit from it and started using  facetheory’s Glycolacsal which has glycolic acid (8.5%), salicylic acid (1%) and lactic acid (0.5%).  I use it twice a week and it’s really good.
In addition to all of this, twice a week I do a face mask with benoxyl peroxide in the shower which helps tons to keep acne at bay BUT is infinitely better than using the cream, which has bleached all of my towels. The cream used to be a must in my routine but now that overall my acne is under control, I don’t need to use it as often.
This ended up being extremely long, but I love skincare and I feel like I learnt so much about my own skin and how to work with it and what products work in the past few years. I’m testing new things but in a calculated manner. And I don’t know. Skincare is nothing static and the whole process of figuring things out can be fun (and necessary).
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warmfaerie · 2 months
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magical skin serum ✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹ ◝꒰ ´ ˘ `✿ ꒱
forced, exaggerated affirmations + booster ♡
affirmations ✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹ ◝꒰ ´ ˘ `✿ ꒱
layer one - detailed, forced and dramatic ✿
♡ the skin on my face and body is plump, glossy, crystal clear, glassy, clean, pure, hydrated, flawless, perfect, moisturized, blurred, smooth, buttery, unblemished, glowy, healthy, soft, godly, ethereal, supple, beautiful, sparkly, lovely, unreal
♡ the skin on my face and body is 999999% free of and immune to acne, acne scars, blackheads, redness, hyperpigmentation, lines, wrinkles, dark circles, texture, large pores, excess oil, sensitivity, eczema, i’m literally immune to any skin issue that exists
♡ i always look like i have a filter on, i always look like i’m wearing luxurious, expensive makeup, i look like i’ve been photoshopped, i look youthful, i definitely won the genetic lottery, people are in disbelief when they see how perfect and unreal my skin is, skincare companies want to work with me because i’m simply the perfect model and advertiser for their products due to how unrealistically beautiful my skin is, i look like i bathe in holy water, my skin smells like vanilla, i look like an anime girl
♡ it doesn’t matter what i eat, drink, if i drink enough water or not, whether i get enough sleep or not, it doesn’t matter if i’m stressed, it doesn’t matter what phase of my cycle i’m in, circumstances are completely irrelevant, my skin has always looked perfect, it always looks perfect and it will always look perfect, period
♡ i have access to every skincare item i desire, i own a pink skincare fridge, sheet masks, hydrating eye patches, frownies, satin sheets and pillowcases, superfoods shots, a humidifier, a face steamer, foreo brushes, the best korean skincare, products from the ordinary, drunk elephant, cosrx, cerave, beauty of joseon, bioderma, youth to the people, byoma, glossier, glow recipe, there’s nothing i can’t afford and on top of that animal testing has been completely abolished everywhere in the world
layer two - simple and straight to the point ✿
♡ i have clean, healthy skin
♡ i eat healthy fats, like almond butter, organic eggs and avocado everyday
♡ i have soft, buttery skin from head to toes
♡ i am glowing
♡ i always look like i’m wearing makeup or a filter
♡ i have a pastel pink skincare fridge
♡ i always use the best skincare products
♡ i use brands like glossier, pixi, sunday riley, drunk elephant, korean brands, the ordinary…
♡ my pores are tight and my skin is smooth
♡ i am immune to aging and wrinkles
♡ i am immune to acne no matter what i eat, how much sleep i get and regardless of the state of my hormones
♡ i take care of my beautiful skin for pleasure, because it is effortlessly lovely and clean
♡ i never feel the urge to pick at my skin or pop my pimples
♡ i eat clean, beautiful foods everyday, which contributes to me having perfect skin
♡ i have lovely, porcelain skin, with no wrinkles, pimples, acne scars, redness, or any other skin issues
♡ the skin on my body is pure perfection
♡ i’m always glowing and moisturized
♡ i look youthful and cute
♡ people still ask me for my id because i simply do not age
♡ my skin is plump, smooth and moisturized, and my cheeks and lips are pretty and pink
♡ i have no dark circles and the skin around my eyes is buttery soft and free of wrinkles
♡ drinking water and staying hydrated comes naturally to me
♡ water tastes delicious to me, i’m obsessed with drinking it
layer three - booster for instant manifestation and ultimate detachment ✿
♡ my desires manifest instantly
♡ i only ever need to listen to a subliminal once and my desires instantly materialize
♡ i don't have to wait for my manifestations to come to fruition, i don't have to lift a finger either, it's done, creation is finished
♡ i get to live the life of my dreams starting now
♡ my desires have no choice but to manifest, my assumptions have no choice but to harden into facts, it's the law
♡ even if i see something in my 3d that upsets me i still remain in the new story
♡ even when i'm feeling down or having doubts my desires still materialize
♡ i'm completely detached from my 3d
♡ imagination is the only reality
♡ circumstances are completely irrelevant
♡ everything i have ever dreamed of already manifested, it all materialized months ago
♡ i don't have to wait, it's here, i get to live my dream life right now
♡ i accept the life i deserve
♡ i show no resistance
♡ i'm open to receiving countless blessings
♡ i let go of the old story
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sknbysakari · 1 year
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Happy February from SKNbySakari! Valentine, Galentine, Palentine. However you spend the night, get ready with our new products and our product of the month!
Get ready for with the Brightening C-Serum. Ditch the dull skin and wake up to bright, bold, glowing skin.
Our heart Konjac Sponge is sure to help leave you with smooth, clean skin!
For dry skin use Rose Hydration Mist, and smell better than any flower bouquet. Surely to replenish, moisturize and leave your skin hydrated.
Balance your oily skin while remaining moisturized and strengthening your skin barrier with Hyaluronic H2O Créme
Pucker Up! Get ready for smooth soft lips with the dynamic duo. Vegan Kisses Lip Exfoliant helps exfoliate dry lips. Icing is the perfect cream lip balm. Helps get rid of rough or dry patches and smooths over your lips for a soft feel.
Finally, enjoy our product of the month! Top rated and most requested, Papaya Burst. Read why it’s the best for visibly clearing pores, dissolving oils and dead skin and brightening dark spots.
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hazeltailofficial · 3 months
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Origins 6 Piece Travel Size Cleansing & Moisturizing Best-Sellers Set Origins Checks And Balances Frothy Face Wash Mini 1 fl oz Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask To Clear Pores Mini 0.5 fl oz Origins Plantscription Multi-Power Youth Serum Mini 0.5 fl oz Origins GinZing Oil-Free Energy-Boosting Gel Moisturizer Mini 1 oz Dr. Andrew Well for Origins Mega-Mushroom Relief & Resilience Soothing Treatment Lotion Mini 3.4 fl oz
Origins Best Sellers Skincare Unboxing #beautyhaul #skincare #shorts
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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truffoire · 2 years
Truffoire Reviews -Tired Of Looking At Your Dull And Dry Skin? Here Is How You Can Fix It
Do you no longer feel confident in your skin? Does your skin feel dry and lacks glow? If your face feels dull, you may be considering some ways to fix it and wondering the reason for not having radiant skin. 
Skin is the body's biggest organ. In this way, it's a good idea that there will be times when your skin appears to be a piece sick. Try to sort out why and how you might change that. The biggest reason known for having dry and dull skin is dehydration. Drinking sufficient water is not only good for your body but it also reflects on your skin. Check out how you can pamper the skin to its best, Truffoire Reviews – Why Your Skin Needs to Stay Hydrated at All Costs. 
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The most effective method to restore dull skin
We all at some point in time have a periodic episode of dry and dull skin. However, assuming you're routinely awakening to dull skin, you may be considering how you might work on its nutrition. 
The uplifting news? You have a lot of choices.
1. Go delicate on your skin
You need to ensure that you have eliminated your pore-clogging routine and cosmetics, however, do it delicately. 
Keep away from brutal cleansers and drying scrubs, which can be a common reason for skin redness, dryness, flaky skin, and rashes. All things considered, incorporate cleaning oil in your skincare routine to get clear skin and a lot of sunscreens without harming the top layer of your skin. Then, at that point, use a delicate skin cleaning agent to eliminate the oil and pat it dry. Also read, A Truffoire Review — How Your Skin Can be Your Pathway to Your Confidence. 
2. Keep away from hot water
Using hot water daily to clean your skin strips away the natural oils causing irritation and dryness. It can likewise cause shallow vessel widening, making the skin seem red, however just briefly.
Rather, utilize water at room temperature while washing your face. Additionally incorporate cleansing moisturizers like shea butter, coconut oil, shea margarine, or luxury products from Truffoire that are carefully designed to restore the moisture in your skin. 
3. Exfoliation is good for your skin
Normal peeling or exfoliation is vital to the gleaming composition of your skin. At the point when dead cells develop on the external layers of your skin, it makes your skin look dry, flakey, and dull and might obstruct your pores. Standard exfoliation or peeling can keep this from occurring. Exfoliation likewise assists with polishing and smoothening your skin, diminishing the presence of scarce lines and flaky skin. 
4. Use a serum to brighten your skin
Face serums contain a high level of minerals and Vitamins that assist to light up your skin, support hydration, and lessen the indications of maturing.
Since serums retain rapidly in your skin, you can use them a few times per day in the wake of cleaning and moisturizing. Choose a serum that has resveratrol, ferulic acid, Vitamin B3 and C.
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urlove-crt · 6 months
Current Skincare Routines 🎀
I have a morning skincare routine and two separate night routines depending on the day of the week. I'll also include some tips that work for me at the end!
🩷 AM Routine
1. I wash my face with the Clean & Clear Morning Burst Face Wash.
2. Once I dry my face, I use the Clean & Clear Morning Burst moisturizer.
3. Chapstick or lip balm on my lips for some nice, not chapped lips before I do makeup and/or apply lip gloss.
🩷 PM Routine: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
1. I wash my face with the Clean & Clear Essentials Face Wash using warm water and do a final rinse with cold water. Of course, I pat dry with a clean paper towel.
2. I rub some Clean & Clear Essentials Toner along my face to remove dead skin. I have to be careful with my eyes cause it will burn them if I get it in my eyes.
3. While the toner is still a bit damp on my face, I pump some Clean & Clear Essentials Moisturizer onto my cheeks, forehead, chin, and a little on my nose and pat it in gently.
4. I let the moisturizer dry a little bit and then apply some face serum while it's still damp. I pat this in as well, as it's better for absorption than just rubbing it in.
5. Occasionally, I'll use an acne spot treatment. I use The Clean & Clear brand.
6. Next, I use my Spascriptions Lift and Firm Eye Cream (the pink one) under my eyes for extra hydration while the serum absorbs into my skin.
7. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll use either the SNP Snail Gel or the SNP Pomegranate Gel to lock in everything. I usually choose the snail gel as I prefer it, but it again depends on how I feel!
🩷 PM Routine: Sun, Tues, Thurs
1. I wash my face with The Body Shop Vitamin E Gentle Face Wash using warm water and do a final rinse with cold water. Of course, I pat dry with a clean paper towel.
2. I use the Clean & Clear Lemon Exfoliating Slices.
3. Occasionally, I'll use an acne spot treatment. I use The Clean & Clear brand.
4. Next, I use my Spascriptions Lift and Firm Eye Cream (the pink one) under my eyes for extra hydration.
5. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll use either the SNP Snail Gel or the SNP Pomegranate Gel to lock in everything. I usually choose the snail gel as I prefer it, but it again depends on how I feel!
Now, for some Tips
Pat your face dry, never rub it with a towel. Rubbing it causes friction and pulling on the skin while patting is way more gentle on the face.
Initially wash with warm water but always final rinse with cold water. A while back heard this helps with your pores, so l've just always done it and it makes my skin feel nice, especially in the morning!
Try to use either paper towels or a departed face towel (not your body towel) when drying your face. I myself use paper towel for my face and my skin doesn't typically break out.
Brush your teeth before applying skincare! This way, you don't disrupt the skincare surrounding your lips when brushing your teeth, flossing, or using mouthwash.
Always wash your hands before starting your skincare routine to minimize bacteria getting on your face.
Always try to patch test and figure out what works best for your skin, never just use what's viral or popular because not everyone has the same skin type. I feel lucky that my skin typically likes most products.
Do your research! When I find a product that interests me, I watch Pinterest and YouTube reviews. I also like to read ingredient lists, application directions, and details on products, and always Google what products can and can not mix together. it's helped me determine what to buy and what not to buy, and so far, my skin has loved it!
Try to wash your pillowcases at least once a week and avoid touching your face with dirty or greasy hands. Also sanitize/disinfect your handheld devices/audio devices (cellphones, iPad or tablets, headphones, etc), eye glasses/ sunglasses, and really just keep anything that touches your face as clean as possible. All of this helps to minimize how much bacteria and dirt make contact with your face. Research different things that may help with improving skin. lce rolling, gua sha, silk pillowcases, physical exfoliates, face masks, etc. Look into stuff that might help your skin or make a difference in your skins appearance and health.
This should've been higher up, my apologies, but drink your water! Staying hydrated on the inside definitely shows on the outside, and being hydrated is an essential component to health overal!
Don't be afraid to apply skincare to your neck!! I've seen photos of older individuals who took care of their face and not their neck and the difference between face and neck skin was astounding, so I personally like to rub excess hydrating serums and moisturizers into my neck as well.
Don't pop your acne! If you do get pimples, which I used to get all the time tho it's slowed down a lot, use a warm/hot washcloth or something similar to apply heat to the pimple. This will help it pop naturally, although popping your pimples may allow for the oil, dirt, and sebum to spread to other areas which may cause more acne. Popping acne with your hands may also cause scarring.
Love your skin!!! Skincare results take time, and there's going to be ups and downs while trying to find what products work for you, so try to love your skin throughout the process. Acne and other skin issues are caused by things sometimes out of our control, such as genetics, hormones, climate and weather, etc, so try not to be too hard on yourself!! Things will improve, and if they don't, after some time, seek out a reputable and trustworthy professional for an opinion and better direction on how to care for your skin!!
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Unlock the Secrets to Glass Skin: A Simple Korean Skincare Routine Revealed!
In recent years, the Korean skincare routine has gained immense popularity worldwide, and for a good reason. Known for its effectiveness in achieving a flawless and radiant complexion, the Korean skincare routine is a step-by-step process that focuses on nourishing and hydrating the skin. One of the most sought-after results of this routine is the coveted "glass skin" look, characterized by a clear, luminous, and dewy complexion. This blog post will delve into the simple Korean skincare routine that can help you achieve glass skin and some recommended products to get you started.
Double Cleansing
Double cleansing is the first and most crucial step in any Korean skincare routine. This step involves using an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup, sunscreen, and excess sebum, followed by a water-based cleanser to cleanse the skin thoroughly. Recommended products for this step include the Banila Co Clean It Zero Cleansing Balm and the COSRX Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser.
Exfoliating your skin is essential to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, resulting in a smoother and brighter complexion. Opt for a gentle exfoliator like the Neogen Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Pads or the Skinfood Black Sugar Mask Wash Off, which helps to unclog pores and reveal a fresh layer of skin.
Toning is a crucial step in the Korean skincare routine as it helps to balance the skin's pH level and prepare it for better absorption of subsequent products. Look for hydrating toners like the Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner or the Son & Park Beauty Water, which boosts moisture and nourishes the skin.
Essences are lightweight, highly concentrated formulas that deliver hydration and nutrients deep into the skin. They are a vital component in achieving glass skin. Consider using the Missha Time Revolution The First Treatment Essence or the COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence, both of which are known for their skin-rejuvenating properties.
Serums are potent formulations that target specific skin concerns, such as brightening, anti-aging, or acne. For glass skin, focus on serums that provide intense hydration and radiance. The Laneige Water Bank Hydro Essence or the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C Serum are excellent choices to incorporate into your routine.
Hydration is critical to achieving glass skin, so investing in a good moisturizer is essential. Look for lightweight, non-greasy options like the Belif The True Cream Aqua Bomb or the Etude House Moistfull Collagen Cream, which provide long-lasting hydration without clogging pores.
Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial for maintaining a youthful and healthy complexion. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, such as the Missha All Around Safe Block Essence Sun Milk or the Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence.
In Conclusion
By following this simple Korean skincare routine, you can be well on your way to achieving the coveted glass-skin look. Consistency is vital, so stick to your routine and be patient, as results may take time. Experiment with different products to find what works best for your skin type and concerns. Embrace the Korean skincare philosophy of nourishing and hydrating your skin, and you'll soon be flaunting a radiant and flawless complexion that will turn heads wherever you go.
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hyaffiliate · 10 months
Busting Common Skincare Myths: What Truly Works and What Doesn't
In the pursuit of radiant and flawless skin, it's easy to get lost in a maze of skincare myths and misconceptions. From homemade remedies to supposed miracle products, the beauty industry can sometimes leave us bewildered. Let's dive into some prevalent skincare myths, setting the record straight on what's effective and what's not.
Myth: The More, the Merrier
Reality: Layering multiple products may seem enticing, but quality trumps quantity. Overloading your skin can lead to irritation and clogged pores. A personalized routine catering to your skin type - including a cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen, and targeted treatment if necessary - is the way to go.
Myth: Natural Means Safe
Reality: Just because something is labeled "natural" doesn't guarantee it's safe for all skin types. Allergies and reactions can still occur. It's crucial to read labels, patch-test, and consult a dermatologist before incorporating new products.
Myth: Pores Open and Close
Reality: You might have heard that steam opens pores while cold water closes them. In truth, pores lack muscles, so they can't change shape. Steam can temporarily soften debris, but a solid cleansing routine and exfoliation work better for maintaining clear pores.
Myth: Oily Skin Rejects Moisturizers
Reality: Hydration benefits all skin types, including oily ones. Skipping moisturizer can lead to increased oil production. Opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to maintain balance without causing breakouts.
Myth: Sunscreen Is for Sunny Days Only
Reality: Sunscreen is a must, no matter the weather. Harmful UV rays are present even on cloudy days and can penetrate windows. Consistent broad-spectrum sunscreen application safeguards your skin from premature aging and damage.
Best sunscreens EVER:
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-in Milk Body & Face Sunscreen
LIVE TINTED Hueguard Invisible Sunscreen Stick SPF 50
Neutrogena Invisible Daily Defense Face Sunscreen + Hydrating Serum with Broad Spectrum SPF 60+
Myth: Exfoliating Daily for Perfection
Reality: Exfoliation aids in cell turnover, but excess can cause irritation. 2-3 times a week with a gentle exfoliant is sufficient for a smoother complexion without harming your skin's barrier.
Amazing Facial Exfoliants:
Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant - Exfoliator Facial Scrub Powder
TULA Skin Care So Poreless Exfoliating Blackhead Scrub
M-61 PowerGlow® Peel- 30 Treatments
Myth: Moisturizers and Oils Aggravate Acne
Reality: Acne-prone skin thrives with hydration. Seek non-comedogenic, oil-free options. Some oils, like jojoba or rosehip, can even regulate sebum and enhance skin appearance.
Moisturizers I personally love:
Paula’s Choice C5 Super Boost Moisturizer with 5% Vitamin C
e.l.f. SKIN Holy Hydration!
CeraVe Moisturizing Cream | Body and Face
TATCHA The Dewy Skin Cream
In conclusion, navigating through the world of skincare requires discerning fact from fiction. An informed approach, coupled with a streamlined routine, is the key to glowing skin. When in doubt, a dermatologist's guidance can be invaluable on your skincare journey. Remember, debunking skincare myths is an essential stride towards achieving your skin's best version.
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preshregimen · 1 year
I have always dreamt of having that perfect skin and of course nothing is perfect but getting closer to perfection.
Growing up as a young girl, I encountered so many skin problems. Talking about skin problems, I mean the critical ones like Acnes,sun burn, dark spots…. Looking at my face in the mirror every day was overwhelming. Recommendations kept popping up from friends and family but none seemed to get better.
At some point, I wanted to give up but guess what?
On a very good day, I came across this impeccable facial product that seemed to do exactly what it says on the tin.
Then I knew I have found a long lasting facial Kit good and healthy for my skin and those problems were gone.
I understand how frustrating and exhausting you can be having a skin problems and getting totally ripped off on the solutions.
When it comes to skin care , one of the options for getting that glow long-term is adding a face serum to your daily lineup.
With so many facial serums in the market,it can feel overwhelming trying to figure out if you should incorporate a serum into your routine _and the best serum choice for you.
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A serum is a product that contains concentrated amounts of one or two key ingredients designed to target a specific skin care function
While serums are no doubt nourishes and weed out many skin problems at the root, they also come with visible benefits and perks
* Hydration: hydration is one of the key components when it comes to maintaining beautiful skin. Ingredients like hyaluronic acid,glycerin and aloe can all help restore hydration ,helping skin to stay refreshed and healthy
* Reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles
* Provide antioxidants protection
* Minimize the appearance of dark spots
* Plump skin and create more youthful look lots more
What Women don’t know is that a serum is most important parts of beauty regimen as you and your skin age.
Once you start using the right serum for your skin, you won’t spend so many time and energy doing make up on your face , applying mascara,using foundations, glitters and everything to hide your dark spots , acnes, decoloration, blemish etc
As a woman, it’s not every skincare product you see on the internet you will buy.
You should be able to understand and know exactly what works for your skin.
The three super serum for clear and glowing skin :
* Unclogs and shrinks pores to clear up acne and prevent future breakout so you have a clear skin
* Reduces fine lines and wrinkles to make you look younger etc…
* Fades sun spots, age spots and acne marks to even tone out your skin
* Boost collagen to naturally lift and firm skin etc …
* Gives skin this radiantly hydrated look
* Plumbs and hydrates dull, dry and matured skin etc…
So my beautiful friends, tell me why you wouldn’t want to give your skin that glow you desire .
For more details and info, click on the link https://bit.ly/3MzKHuF .
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talk1 · 2 years
10-step Korean skincare routine products
It is not unknown that Korean skincare is considered one of the best skincare products in the world. We, at BeautyTalk, bring to you the best Korean beauty products that are suitable for all skin types. We have products that are best for dry, oily, acne-prone, or dull skin.
A very famous 10-step Korean skincare routine is making all the noise recently. Here we will share this skincare routine and also recommend you a 10 step Korean skincare routine kit India, specifically for dry skin. 
Step 1: Apply an oil-based Cleanser
Use an oil-based cleanser to get rid of dirt, make-up, SPF, and impurities. The oil-based cleanser also leaves your skin smooth and moisturized. It is important to ensure that no makeup or impurities are left on your face at the end of the day. This is where the cleanser comes in.  
Suitable for all skin types, our Juice to Cleanse Grain Water Cleaning Oil is a soft moisturizing cleanser. It is formulated with 95% of skin conditioning natural ingredients for beauty salon treatment results. In addition to cleaning, it also provides pore care and gentle dead skin cell removal due to the presence of lemon and papaya fruit extracts.
Step 2: Use a Water-Based Cleanser
The second step of the Korean skincare routine is using a water-based cleanser. It is important to remove anything that might cause pimples. It makes your skin clean and grime-free. 
Perfect for all skin types, our Juice To Cleanse Calming Clean Water is a low-pH cleansing water that dissolves and melts away makeup without disturbing the skin's delicate moisture barrier. It removes any dirt and impurities on the face. Its coconut fruit and aloe leaf juices make the skin feel calm, soothed, and nourished. 
Step 3: Exfoliate
Exfoliating helps to clean pores and remove dead skin cells. Thus brightening and smoothening your skin. However, unlike cleansing, exfoliating is not to be done daily. Exfoliate your skin only once or twice a week. For sensitive skin, we recommend exfoliating only once a week. 
For blemish-free skin, try our SKINFOOD Pineapple Peeling Gel which contains cellulose particles and AHA found in apples. It effectively exfoliates dry skin and eliminates sebum in pores. Pineapple, aloe, and purslane extracts cultivate a skin that is clear and blemish-free.
Step 4: Apply a Toner
The next step in the Korean skincare routine is applying toner. Toners help in preparing the skin for the next skincare routine steps. Dab it gently on your skin with your fingers or using cotton. They also help in maintaining the pH level of your skin. 
Use our It's Skin Collagen Nutrition Toner that repairs dry, dull, and rough skin. It helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness. It has a liquid and creamy texture that also helps with wrinkles and fine lines. 
Step 5: Use a Face Essence
The use of a face essence is forgotten. Essence does the work of both a toner and serum. Additionally, it also hydrates the skin and helps in repairing any skin damage. It also acts as an anti-aging agent. 
Our COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence is a lightweight essence that gives the skin a natural and long-lasting glow. It protects the skin from moisture loss and makes it smooth and healthy. It also soothes damaged skin. 
Step 6: Use a Serum
Once you apply a face essence, your skin gets ready to absorb serums and boosters. Serums help in boosting the elasticity of your skin, reducing acne, and providing smooth and glowing skin. 
Try our It's Skin Hyaluronic acid serum which is a moisture-binding humectant that plumps skin with lasting hydration and optimizes collagen levels for a younger appearance. This Hyaluronic Acid Moisture Serum is lightweight and has all the nutrient-dense benefits. It provides soft and moisture-rich skin. With a soothing lavender scent, it heals skin with each use and gives long-term results.
Step 7: Apply a Sheet Mask
The 10-step Korean skincare routine made sheet masks extremely popular. It began the chatter about sheet masks around the globe. Similar to exfoliating, this step is also to be done once or twice a week. Sheet masks brighten, hydrate, and eliminate acne. 
Use our Mask Sheet For Dry Skin that comes in three variants — Cabbage, broccoli, and paprika. Packed with moisturizing nutrients, these masks serve all the hydrating goodness and provide vitality to the skin.
Step 8: Apply an Eye Cream
Eye cream is something that most people don't use. This habit needs to be changed. The skin around your eyes is very sensitive and delicate. So using an eye cream regularly removes puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines and wrinkles. 
Our It's Skin Hyaluronic Acid Moisture Eye Cream is suitable for all skin types, prevents aging, and moisturizes. It gives a youthful appearance to the eyes. 
Step 9: Moisturize
We don't think we need to explain the importance of moisturizing your skin. Moisturizers help in repairing your skin, keeping your skin smooth, and providing it with the necessary moisture, which ultimately results in bright and glowing skin. 
For dry skin, using a moisturizer is a must. Our One Thing Moisture Plus Cream is a deeply hydrating and firming moisturizer. It improves skin health and adds a glow. It uses green tea leaf water and birch juice extract as its base to provide hydration and maximize the skin-soothing effect. It works from the inside to protect the skin against a polluted environment.
Step 10: Apply a Sunscreen
The last step in the 10-step Korean skincare routine is layering your skin with SPF. Sunscreen is something that you should apply regardless of whether you are staying at home or going out, or whether it is summer or not. Sunscreen protects your skin from UV rays and prevents the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 
Suitable for all skin types, I'm Cover Bb Sunstick is a perfect UV blocker that also tones up the skin. It repairs blemishes while also brightening the skin. It has a powdery texture with a no-shine finish that stays matte for a long time. It is unisex and covers your dark spots. 
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