#belikov x reader
faith-skull · 4 months
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🦋About my blog🦋
I go by she/her and you can call me Kaizeril or Kai
I write for different cod characters I do not write NSFW content I only write SFW content
‼️ please DO NOT be weird or request weird stuff‼️
Characters I may write for (you can request whatever cod characters you want!!):
Jason Hudson
Russell Adler
Maxim Antonov
Ingo Beck
William Peck
Lev Kravchenko
Vladimir Makarov
Grigori Weaver
David Mason
John Price
Gabriel T. Rorke
Dimitri belikov
Vadim Rudnik
Mendo Garcia
Victor Zakhaev
Philip graves
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(I'm sorry if this intro thing sucks I'm new to writing..)
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
The Underworld || Dimitri Belikov
Dimitri Belikov x dhampir!f!reader Summary: The Underworld is a society that thrives on a certain kind of darkness. It is a darkness that lives in everyone but one very few people can truly embrace. You had no such qualms embracing your darkness, it was what led you to Dimitri. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, sexual themes, fight scenes, mentions of blood and wounds, alcohol. WC: 2.6k
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 ||
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“That is a face I never thought I would see here.” There was no need to whisper when both you and Sam were dhampir, she could hear you clearly despite the heavy music that thrashed out of the speakers. “Do you think he is here to fuck or fight?”
“There’s only one way to find out,” she said with a sordid grin. “Go get ‘em tiger.”
You stepped off the bartop you had been perched upon and swiped two shot glasses along with a bottle of vodka, much to the owners chagrin. You blew a kiss to the Moroi who regularly followed you to the dark corners of his club and he rolled his eyes before turning back to his staff awaiting orders. 
Dimitri sat alone on a vinyl bench that was meant to be for larger groups wanting to enjoy the entertainment. Given the ‘fuck off’ vibe rolling off him it was no surprise he had been left alone. All the more room for you to sidle into. 
His eyes were the only sign of life and you caught them darting towards you the moment you moved into his peripheral, but he stayed motionless. Dumping the two shot glasses onto the table in front of him, you poured the vodka to the brim and held one out for him. “Drink?” 
“What do you want?” he asked, his voice cold and restrained as he returned to watching the dancers on the stage. 
“That’s not important,” you began, pausing to take the shot he didn’t, “I want to know what it is you want.”
He kept his eyes on the stage where two dhampir women and a Moroi man were engaged in some scandalous positions, by no means fucking but certainly on their way there. It wouldn’t be long until Kessir gave the signal for the dance to end and offer the Moroi the chance to continue his tryst in the private rooms down the hall. They always said yes. 
Wanting the guardian’s attention, you took a seat in a way he was not expecting from the sudden stiffening of his spine. You had straddled his legs and chuckled darkly as you brushed his long dark hair back from his neck so you could whisper in his ear.
“There’s only two reasons men like you come to a place like this.” His eyes narrowed as he waited for you to continue but you reached back and poured him a shot, one that he finally accepted. “You are either running from something, or looking for something. Which is it, Belikov?”
He tipped his head back and swallowed the vodka without so much as a blink, holding his empty glass for a refill. “If you know so much about men like me, why don’t you tell me?”
You bit your lip as you stared into his golden brown eyes and poured him another shot. “You don’t look like a man who runs from his problems.”
The corners of his lips twitched in amusement before they parted for the shot he took. A drop of vodka lingered on his bottom lip and you shifted closer, tracing your tongue along that full lip until you caught the wayward drop. “So what is it you are looking for?”
His heart beat rapidly under your palms as sat back and left your hands resting on his chest. You hadn’t realised he had begun to relax under you until he started to rebuild the walls and his eyes turned cold. Unwilling to lose the ground you had made, you caught his chin in your hand, enjoying the feel of his 5 o’clock shadow of a beard. 
“Uh-uh, stay with me,” you ordered, “this is a place without judgement. Whatever it is you are looking for can be found here, but you already know that or you wouldn’t have come.”
Almost quicker than you could see he had pinned you to the bench he had been sitting on, his large hand enclosed around your throat. Your air was restricted but not stolen as he pinned you beneath his body and you felt the tremor of his other hand holding yours above your head. 
“Oh my.” A sultry laugh bubbled from your lips and they curved into the sordid smile Sam had given you. “I have you all figured out.”
He released you as quick as he had pinned you, taking the bottle of vodka and drinking straight from the bottle. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know you are just bursting with rage, you can barely contain it beneath that cool facade.” You stepped up to him and he stepped back as you voiced his very fears aloud. “You are so desperate for some semblance of control, that’s why you have come here, that’s what you are looking for.”
His eyes widened as you revealed the truth and this time he stood frozen as you stepped closer. “Let me tell you a secret, Dimitri, you can’t control what you don’t embrace.”
“How can you possibly know this?” he asked in defeat, the bottle nearly breaking in the tight hold. “You don’t know me, I would remember meeting you.”
You smiled at the implied complement and trailed a finger along the lapel of his long black duster. “I came here looking for the very same thing. I was trained just as you were, bottling up my emotions until I thought I would explode.”
He caught your wrist before your touch could travel any lower and he winced as he asked the question he needed answered. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
“No,” you admitted, seeing the hope fade from his eyes, “I found something better.”
You took the bottle from him and grabbed his hand, towing him towards one of many doors that led other areas of the Underworld, a small city in its own right. He let you lead the way, trusting his own ability to fight his way back to the exit if he needed. You had felt the muscles under his clothes and knew he would have no problem cutting through the security - they were there more to keep the Moroi men in check than anything else. 
“Dare I ask where you are taking me?” 
You grinned over your shoulder, the dim lighting making his sharp cheekbones even more defined and adding to his handsome features. “To the Outlet.”
He frowned at the name. “Is that a shop?”
“Not quite.”
A deep rumble rattled the light hanging from the ceiling and he released your hand to take a fighting stance, protectively moving closer. The idea of him protecting a stranger seemed to fit with his serious nature and you normally would have laughed but instead you found it endearing. 
“Relax, big boy,” you purred as you reached the door and turned the handle. “Save your energy, you’re gonna need it.”
The rumble turned to a roar as the door swung open to reveal an arena, a crowd swelling around a cage where two fighters were laying into each other. Money was changing hands quicker than it could be counted and Dimitri looked as surprised as you had been your first time here too. 
“Drink up, handsome, you’re on next.” You tossed him the vodka bottle but he shook his head and handed it back. 
“If I wanted to fight I would've stayed at home.” 
“That is training,” you said as you pushed him against the door he was heading back to, grabbing a fist full of his shirt. “This is fighting, with no rules, no referees, no judgement. It is raw and uncontrolled.”
He scoffed and swiped his forearm up to break your hold but you were quicker. You used his own momentum to turn him and pinned his arm above his head as you pressed your body to his back. “One fight. If you last the first round and still want to leave then no one will stop you.”
You stepped back despite enjoying the warmth of his body and the scent of his cologne and leather duster. He seemed to almost vibrate as he slowly turned and you felt his rage burning beneath the surface of his skin. His hands turned to fists at his sides and his feet widened to a better balanced stance. 
“There it is,” you purred, “embrace that darkness, Dimitri.”
The bell of the final round rang out and you turned to see the cage being unlocked, one of the fighters crumpling to the mat before they could leave. It wasn’t uncommon for the fights to end with knockouts so there were medics on hand to carry the man out. 
“Come on,” you chirped happily as you pushed your way through the crowd. “Boris!”
The beefy middle aged dhampir who ran The Outlet grinned at the sight of you and whistled loudly, the crowd parting at the signal he gave them. You skipped through the gap, waving to a few friends along the way before Boris pulled you into a hug that lifted your feet off the ground. “Gorgeous, been a while since you blessed us with your beauty.”
“You know how it is, it's easy to lose track of time down here.” You punched him on the arm, testing his reflexes but for all his muscle, it slowed him down and he grunted at the hit. “I come bearing gifts.”
“You brought a guardian.” He didn’t sound too happy at the sight of Dimitri but he sighed and waved a hand towards the cage. 
“Aren’t you all guardians?” Dimitri asked, letting you pull his duster off to drape it over an empty chair. 
“Not active, we don’t normally let the actively employed ones down here.” It went without saying why. They were sworn to the crown and that was bad for business in places like the Underworld. “But I think you’re the kind of man who can keep a secret.”
You pushed him towards the cage and followed him up the handful of steps. Blood stained the mat, some faded, some fresh, and the coppery tang of it lingered with the scent of sweat. It wasn’t until he reached the centre of the mat that he turned and opened his arms expectantly. “So who am I fighting?”
You smirked as the cage door slammed shut and the locks engaged automatically. They were timed and wouldn’t open until the round finished, no matter how injured the fighters were. 
“Three guesses, Sherlock.” You raised your fists and eased your foot back so you were in position. “Don’t hold your punches, I promise I won’t.”
The bell rang and you leapt forward with an agility that surprised him once again. Your fist narrowly missed his face as he spun away at the last moment, ducking low and sweeping his foot out. You jumped over the kick that would have knocked you to your ass and slammed your body into his, pushing him into the cage walls. 
There was no crowd, no noise, nothing outside of the octagon that kept the two of you contained. He was wholly focused on you, circling around like a predator fixated on his prey. The tight rein he held on his rage was slipping through his fingers with each passing second and you were ready for him to lose control.
Turning your back on him, he couldn't resist taking the opportunity you presented but you were already moving. You sprinted at the cage wall, leaping high up the chain fence before throwing yourself into a backflip. The mat jarred your knees as you landed behind Dimitri but that was a pain you would face tomorrow, right now your opponent was finally realising fighting like he was training wasn’t going to win the fight. 
You saw the moment he lost control and let go of the restraint that kept his punches in check. A smile even played at his lips as he looked over you appreciatively, albeit cockily. 
“That’s a nice party trick, kотик,” he teased as he stepped closer, daring you to back up but you refused. 
“Can’t say I took Russian as an elective, but I hope that means something sexy.”
He smirked and you narrowed your eyes as he stood toe to toe. “It means kitten.”
He laughed as he blocked the knee you had aimed at his favourite body part, his own attack coming hard and fast. You blocked the jab to your ribs but missed the hook that caught your cheek. The blow sent you sprawling across the mat with the arena spinning around you and it took a second to right yourself and find Dimitri staring at his fist like it was his enemy. 
“Is that all you’ve got?” you taunted as you pushed yourself to your feet and wiped the blood that trickled down your cheek. “My four year old niece can punch harder than that.”
Dimitri tore his gaze away from his fist and rubbed his chest where you had landed a blow. “If she’s related to you I don’t doubt it.”
Boris slapped the cage angrily as he shouted, “Less talking, more fighting.”
You shared a grin with Dimitri and gave him a little bow, “After you.”
“Ladies f-”
You feinted a high attack and his arms rose to block you but dropped to your knees, sliding across the mat and slamming your elbow in the meat of his thigh. He dropped to his knee with a pained grunt and glared at you, though a glimmer of amusement shone through. “Did you seriously just charlie horse me?”
“Payback for calling me kitten.”
He tried to stand but winced and you held your hand out, feeling slightly guilty. The smirk came too late and you realised you had been played. He pulled you off balance as his shoulder collided with your stomach and he flipped you over onto your back. The attack had knocked the air out of you and you couldn’t escape the hold he had as he pinned your arms and legs to the mat. 
You bucked your hips trying to shake him but froze as you felt just how much he was enjoying letting go of his control. Heat spread across your body and you could help rolling your hips again, this time with a new purpose. 
“Kотик,” he groaned as he leaned closer, “don’t tempt me.”
The bell rang and you were torn from his intense stare as you remembered the audience, suddenly hearing their screams and demand for more. Cool air rushed in as Dimitri stood up and pulled you to your feet, the cage door swinging open. 
“One round as promised,” you said with a pout as you looked to the exit.
“What if I said I didn’t want to leave? At least not yet.” He asked as he gently touched the cut on your cheek, the bleeding already stopped. 
“Then I would say, good, because there’s plenty more ways to release that rage than just fighting.” You closed the gap and laced your fingers in his damp hair before kissing him. It was just as ferocious as the fight and you moaned when he bit your lip before pulling away. “Are you up for it?”
He gripped your hips and pulled them closer to his, proving just how up for it he was. “Lead the way, kотик.”
To be continued...Click here for Chapter Two
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lilredniki · 10 months
My one and only
Prompt: I don’t ever want to live without you
Character: Dimitri Belikov
(Y/n) smiled as she watched her young niece walk with her friends.
She offered to take them to the mall to pick out dresses for the formal party they all had to go to.
(Y/n) watched them all interact with Dimitri Belikov and her smile grew.
She turned her head to see her niece next to her.
“Sorry kiddo. What did you say?”
“I asked if everything was okay.”
“Yeah let’s go get you girls the hottest dresses anyone has ever seen.”
(Y/n) walked over to Dimitri and the others with Lisa right beside her.
Dimitri turned and mouthed something only (Y/n) could understand.
(Y/n) turned around just in time to see someone throw something at Lisa.
(Y/n) caught it before it got near her.
Everyone except Dimitri was shocked.
“How did you do that?”
“You all forget that I wasn’t always a princess.”
~Time Skip~
(Y/n) stood next to her niece and their friends as they waited for the Queen to arrive.
(Y/n) was wearing a strapless navy blue dress with lace going down the back.
The Queen walked in followed by the Guardians.
Dimitri saw (Y/n) and smiled.
The Queen stood in front of (Y/n) and nodded.
Dimitri held his hand out and (Y/n) took it.
They went to the dance hall and started to slow dance.
Other people followed suite and soon the floor was packed.
(Y/n) smiled and put her head on Dimitri’s shoulder.
Dimitri kissed her hair.
“I hope this never ends.”
“Well beloved, it doesn’t have to.”
(Y/n) lifted her head. “What do you mean?”
Dimitri stopped and waved to another person.
The band stopped playing and the Queen walked up to the stage.
“Everyone there is a special person who would like to have a moment with the woman he loves.”
Dimitri got down on one knee in front of (Y/n) and pulled a box out of his tux pocket.
“Princess, you have been my closest friend and confidant for a very long time.”
(Y/n) stood in shock.
“I don’t ever want to live without you. Will you make me the happiest man tonight and say yes.”
(Y/n)’s eyes teared up.
“Will you become Mrs. Belikov?”
Everyone watched as (Y/n) nodded and whispered.
Dimitri put the ring on her finger and kissed her.
“I love you (Y/n).”
“I love you too Dimitri.”
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obsessedbliss · 2 years
just discovered kieron moore’s tiktok account, where he posts videos of him reading his poetry and….
i- i- i’m just… i’m speechless
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fallenmistake923 · 2 years
After completing the campaign for cold war, I've just been writing fanfics and only uploaded one so far. The three I have on the back burner are:
Multiversal worlds collide, but every version of Bell can handle it, right? Even if one can't, surely she can help herself figure it out. Meeting herself shouldn't be too bad, no matter how different they look. Unless if they start to hallucinate, have nightmares, and their eyes glow. Then don't worry. It just means that Bell's got a job to do.
Stuck in a repeating never ending loop, keeping her cover intact, and trying to remember the past should be easier than trying to figure out why Adler and Woods are fighting over Bell's affection. But considering the day restarts once she dies, Bell's gonna have a long time to think about who she really wants in her bedroom. That and to figure out why a deaf man would be on Weaver's radar.
Escaping from Adler and his abuse after Solovetsky was hell. Embracing a friendship with Weaver was calming. Helping her escape her simulation prison was complicated. Losing her in a dark ather portal to escape Adler's possessiveness was heartbreaking. Price being given an old receiver that starts picking up an signal from when him and his team are out on a assignment is going to reveal what Weaver was keeping hidden.
I have alot of ideas and not enough time to write it✍
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Vampire Academy Recommendations
Smut - *
Dimitri Belikov
Breaking Point
Don’t You Know I Want You So Bad*
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staplegrapes · 2 years
Dimitri Belikov ✨Masterlist✨
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• Breaking Point - After a rough encounter with Strigoi, you’re severely shaken. With you no longer sure of your own abilities as a guardian, Dimitri assures you that you’re enough and will be there to support you. (Dimitri x Reader)
• Dimka - Dimitri finds his fiancé watching Russian cartoons on his couch. (Dimitri x Reader)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
Hello could you write some smut for Dimitri Belikov x male reader played by Kieron Moore from vampire academy could you make it rough and with over stimulation kink please
Yes, I will write it 👍👍
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
You Call That Sneaky?? - Dimitri Belikov X Reader
Not all goes as planned when Y/N and Belikov fly the bird.
TW: Strong language, use of gunship/death.
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"Belikov, we need covering fire!" is what you heard come through his comms attached to his collar. It was Adler, they were in a pretty tight place. You quickly pulled the missiles online and hit "launch sequence" on the AC-31 Gunship.
Belikov flipped some switches, pulled back on the yoke and held it steady. He looked back at you and gave the nod. You quickly got on the radios to let them know the danger.
"Y/N to Adler, danger close. I repeat danger close. AC-31 out!" You warned them.
You set off the first round of just bullets, and quickly switched to bursts of incendiary rounds.
"Shot out!" You called, hitting a direct target.
The place was practically crawling with enemies, and you needed to clear extraction to bring the team up. They originally came here to collect some potential information regarding Robert Aldrich.
You needed to take him out because he was leaking sensitive information to Perseus, and his trail went cold after Bell was able to crack his spy ring.
So, of course hotshot Adler loaded himself, Woods, and Mason up and hauled their cookies all the way to the Border of Colorado.
They snuck around, maintaining stealth. You and Belikov controlled the bird, and flew around for sweep and cover protection. But, as they snuck up on a meeting, it was all revealed.
Turns out, it was a set up. And it really pissed off Frank. It pissed him off so much, he ended up losing his temper, and reached for a conveniently well place grenade launcher.
To sum it up, Frank fucked up. Because now the three man dream team went up against well over 200 enemies. So, here you were. You layed multiple rounds out until slowly but surely all the white in the thermal sights faded.
"We are clear Belikov! We are heading to the Southeast ridge, hooking up there!" Mason said into the radio.
"We got you guys, don't even worry. Y/N here will keep you safe!" Belikov said, looking over at you and winking.
You felt yourself blush, and quickly turned back to the controls.
"Well, looks like Woods owes all of us a drink after this shit show. You are sleeping on the couch tonight!" Adler yelled.
"Hey fuck you, I'll sleep there with your mom!" Frank retorted.
Man, the conversations between them never got old. You loved the time spent with the team.
You and Belikov pulled the helicopter over the ridge, where the team was going to hook up. You got up from the cockpit, and readied three a long, safety rope with three hookup points for the boys.
You dropped it over and it fell. You watched as they all attached, and you hit the botton for the rope to start slowly retracting.
You made sure they got in one by one, for the safety of everyone. You went back up to the co pilot seat and strapped in.
"Belikov, we are clear! Boys, headphones on!" You shouted.
They all put the headphones on, and started to relax a little.
"Good job as my helper today, Y/N. Soon, you'll be able to fly by yourself. And when that day comes, you'll feel so full and accomplished you'll burst! And that'll be the day I take you out for party." Belikov said, flashing you a dazzling smile.
"Well thank you, Dimitri. And you better! We've talked about this since I first started flying!" You said, Watching the skys.
"Of course, anything for you. You are amazing in everyway possible." He winked at you.
You felt like you were in a daze, until you heard a familiar, yet worrying ding. You immediately sighed, knowing exactly what that ding met.
"Fuck, of course! Dimitri I thought you said you filled up before we left!" You said.
Belikov shot you a "oh shit I completely forgot face" and shrugged.
"The beauty of Adler's face had me distracted. I must have forgotten." He said.
"Finally, someone that appreciates this handsome face." Adler mumbled to himself.
"Well, what now? We'll never make it past the summit if we don't fuel up!" Mason cried.
You turned, looking back at them.
"What happens now, is either Dimitri or I have to go outside and hang off the ledge. While doing that, one of us will have to quickly connect the emergency fuel so it can atleast get us back to a drop zone." You spoke calmly, turning to him.
"But, since Belikov did it last time, it's my turn. I will go do this real quick, prepare for a stop at a fueling station. It looks like I'm reading one about 20 clicks North." You said, slipping on gear.
"Y/N, are you sure about this? I can do it while you fly, come now. Don't be stupid, nyet!" Belikov said.
You looked back, and gave him a thumbs up.
"No, I can do it. It's only fair, don't worry I got this. It'll be quick and easy!" You said, slipping an emergency parachute on just in case.
Adler, Woods, and Mason all watched as you geared up, stepping towards the opening of the heli.
"Y/N, your fuckin' nuts. Do you need any help?" Woods questioned.
You looked back at him, and nodded yes. He got up and came over to you.
"I need you to hold onto my feet until I tell you to let go. I need to start off with a good grip, or else I'll go splat." You said.
He nodded, and you went prone. You hung halfway out, and grabbed onto the support handles. Woods grabbed your feet and secured you.
You clipped your belt to the safety clamp and gave Woods a 'hold steady' hand signal. But, to him it apparently looked like a thumbs up. So, out of routine, he carefully let your feet go.
Immediately, the strong winds pulled your body out of the side, and left you hanging by your harness. The wind whipped and slashed at your skin like tiny, ice cold daggers as you desperately tried to reach for the handles.
Everyone on board started freaking out. Belikov went to make an emergency landing, but there were too many trees. He looked and looked for the best spot possible, and finally spotted a clearing.
You were screaming, yelling and crying. You felt the harness behind to tick and tear. It was going to bust at the seams at any moment, and you were still in the air.
You hung from the clip in the middle of your chest, trying to use your feet to kick back to the side.
Adler was trying to reach you with his arm, but it wasn't happening. You were just out of reach by a few feet. You were out of options.
"Y/N!!! Hang on, we almost have you!!" Mason shouted, quickly throwing together a rope to secure you with.
"What the hell did you do idyot?? I can't land, we are right over Soviet territory!" Belikov wretched out.
He dropped lower to land, but not fast enough. By time he dropped almost enough, is when your harness finally tore straight in half. The clip broke from the force, and you dropped straight down, backwards.
You screamed as you felt the force of the fall practically crush you. You were able to turn to your stomach, and quickly reach for the string used for the parachute.
You fumbled to find out, but when you did you yanked. Relief swept over you when it deployed, and slowly descended down to a platform.
"Her chute deployed, but it's heading straight to the middle of that warehouse it looks like!" Mason yelled.
Belikov channeled your radio, worry racing through him.
"Y/N? Y/N can you hear this? If so, I landed just a few clicks West of you. This is heavily guarded compound!" Belikov spoke into it.
You landed with a thud, and you quickly switched it on, ripping off the vest. You quickly took cover behind a fallen log, looking all around at your surroundings.
"I can see, and that little stunt just sent out a whole fucking search party. They have dogs, please tell me you have a plan." You said, finally throwing the vest to the ground.
Adler came on the radio next.
"Y/N, the best thing for you to do is to try and sneak around to the West side of the compound. We are going to push to you so you'll be safe. Do NOT draw any attention to you. Meet me at the blue warehouse." Was what he said.
"Blue warehouse, got it." Was all you said, clicking it off. You reached for a sharp looking rock you found on the ground, and got up to slowly look around.
You determined the best path to the warehouse, and set off. You were hurt, scared, and shaking. You could feel the adrenaline move through your body, and you almost couldn't think.
You weren't mad at Woods, you knew it was an accident. But right now.....All you wanted was to be in the arms of Dimitri Belikov. You decided now, after you got back to the heli you were going to say how you felt.
You were ready, and nearly dying really helped you decide. You just hoped he felt the same way.
Meanwhile, back with Belikov he was ready to kill. He assembled his trusty AK-47 and was ready to full send it to you. His heart was in a panic, he felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
"Belikov, Y/N is going to be just find. Adler will go get her, and then you'll get us home. Everything will work out, I promise." Mason said, trying to get Belikov to calm down.
Belikov looked to Mason with tears in his eyes. He couldn't stand the though of you out there, alone with no weapon. But knowing you, he knew you found something. That's what he loved about you, and many other things.
"I know, but she is worth a lot to me. I love her." Belikov sobbed.
Mason picked up on his distress, and he opened his arms for Belikov.
Belikov accepted the hug, and Mason patted his back.
"This will be over in a few minutes. Adler and Y/N will be back in no time, I promise." Was what Mason said.
Meanwhile, Frank fueled up the heli. The plan was to pick you up, and book it back home. Nobody wanted to be here more than they had to be.
Back with you, you approached a small fire. Around the fire was a few enemies, asleep. One was in a chair, the other on the ground, and the last against a barrell, hat pulled over his eyes.
You went to step around the group and take a right, but you smacked right into the frame of an old truck. This ended up setting off the panic alarm. You dove behind another old car and held still, as you heard them all shoot up from slumber.
You heard guns cock, and your heart sank. You swallowed hard, and leaned your head back against a car, looking up. They all started looking around, you heard the footsteps.
You fully accepted that you were doing to die. How the hell were you supposed to fight four people off with a sharp rock, while they had full automatic weapons.
You felt no hope, until you saw familiar sunglasses. Adler sat up on the ridge above you, waving you to follow him. Your eyes went wide, but you moved when he signaled.
That was, until you ran right into a person. You looked up at him, and he began to yell in Russian. He pulled his gun on you, but you tackled him quickly. You subdued him somehow, and grabbed his AK.
But you and Adler both spotted a flare in the distance. The screaming of the base alarm system filled your ears.
"Y/N, let's go! Just run, we are right up here!" Adler yelled, taking your hand.
You both sprinted full speed up the ridge side, with the entire army base on your heels. Adler radioed in, and finally you saw the heli in the distance.
"Be ready to go! We have the entire base on our ass, we're about 100 feet from you!" Is what Adler shouted.
You heard the blades begin to spin, it was ready to go. You both gave it all you had ad bullets zipped and flew past your head at incredible speed.
You came to the last few steps, and booked it. You both dove into the side, and Mason slammed it closed. The helicopter took off at full speeds, while bullets hit the side, making a panging sound.
You huffed and puffed on the ground, completely spread out. You suddenly felt arms around you, and a head in your neck.
It was Belikov, you recognized his smell from anywhere. You looked at him, lifting his face. You gave him a big smile and wiped his tears away.
"Hey its alright, I'm here. I'm safe, thanks to Doc." You chuckled.
Belikov took your face in his hands, and tucked your stray hair away.
"I thought I lost you. Y/N, I love you. I realized that tonight, after thinking you were dead. I always have, and will." He said, a tear falling from his eye.
You choked up, and rested your forehead against his. Your hand stroked his face, as you leaned in.
"And the same as I, Dimitri. Now, kissing me you fool." You said with a laugh.
You locked lips. It felt like fireworks and sparklers went off in your brain. It was everything you ever wanted.
After pulling away from the kiss, Belikov pulled you to his chest, and held you there all the way back. He looked down at you, and lost it laughing.
"What's so funny huh?" You questioned.
"No offense Y/N but, you call that sneaky? Tripping right into an enemy?"
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stavroulaschreave · 3 years
If your last name is barnes there is a 120% chance that I'll fall for you
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wfanfic56 · 2 years
How? | Behind us | Weaver x reader
Chapter 3
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Six of them were listening to you carefully and watching every evidence you put on the table in front of them. Every address, code, password, phone number you knew, you told them, but neither of you knew that it would be the main key to Perseus.
Hudson nodded and he politely asked you to note it down on one paper. When you've done it, everyone stood up and planned the mission, but only three members of the team, Belikov, Weaver and you, aren't going anywhere.
Belikov doesn't have American accent, Weaver is known for his eye patch, and you weren't mobile. It was a little bit of awkward, you were between two of them, sitting on a couch while you were watching a movie that Belikov rented this morning. It was fun watching comedy with them, until Belikov fell asleep. Weaver and you chuckled and turned off the TV. He helped you to stand up and gave you your walking stick.
"Thank you, Grigori. I'll go now. I don't want to leave you with no bed." you chuckled
"You're welcome here anytime."
It was awkward that you got close in a day, maybe because you wanted to be professional. You picked up your coat and left the apartment.
There was a noise in hallway. There were people talking in Russian.
Она должна быть здесь / She should be here.
Этот предатель изменил свою сторону / This traitor changed her side.
They came for you, and you slowly came back in apartment. Pale as you have seen a ghost, Weaver came to you.
"Y/N? What happened?"
"They came for me. They're in front of my apartment and they're here to kill me and anyone with me."
"Belikov, wake your ass up. Y/N don't worry about it, okay? We will take care of it. Go in my office and take my gun. I will knock you if I want to come in."
So you did exactly what he told you and you waited them. You heard thumping through the walls of apartment. You held his gun and a knife ready to attack, but then Belikov called for you to come out and help him patch Weaver up.
You came out of the office and took first aid kit and sat beside Weaver.
"Belikov what happened?"
"They were in your apartment and when we came in they attack us with knifes. We killed them, but they scratched Weaver a bit."
"It's nothing, scratch on a face and on arm. It's nothing to worry about."
"Belikov, if you haven't pick up our documents, go and pick it up. I will patch Grigori." you waited Belikov to go and pick everything he needs then you turned to Weaver and slowly cleaning his wounds. "Thank you Grigori, but you should have been careful, both of you."
"It's nothing, I just told you."
"Maybe it's not for you, but for me it is. If it was deeper you could loose your arm. Do I have a permission to clean your wound on your cheek?"
"Just go for it." you sat on his lap, your right hand slowly moves his head on left side so you could clean his right cheek. His hands were holding you for your waist.
"Thank you. As I said, you could have more complicates than you have now." but Weaver didn't pay attention to what you were saying. Instead he was paying attention to details about you.
Your body shape was perfect, your touch was melting and your voice. Oh how he loves it. How could a woman like you end in KGB? How could a woman like you be a killer like he is? How would you fall in love with a man 15 years older than you? Grigori was lost in his thoughts and you saw it, so you decided to reward him for helping you.
You took his chin with your thumb and index finger and pull him closer to your lips. His eyes widened, looking at you in disbelief, wondering how is this happening.
"Thank you for saving me." and you gave him a small yet meaningful kiss, which you didn't expect it would be caught by your close friend.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Silver Lining || Dimitri Belikov
Dimitri Belikov x dhampir!f!reader Summary: When a date goes wrong Dimitri is there to save you in more ways than one. Warnings: fighting, strigoi killing, mentions of reader being attacked, reader wounded WC: 3k
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It was stupid, so fucking stupid. You should have been paying more attention to where you were going but your only thought had been to run. You still couldn’t quite believe how a date had gone quite so terribly wrong. One moment Devon was sweet and kissing you goodnight, the next he was trying to sink his fangs into you, right in the middle of the street. 
You looked around the unfamiliar meadow and saw the glow of the city peeking over the trees to the north. You had run too far, way too far for the wards to protect you. 
A twig snapped and you spun towards the sound. You were dressed in a curve hugging pencil skirt for date night, not your combat clothes to take down a strigoi. You didn’t even have your stake with you. That just added to the level of embarrassment you would feel if you survived. 
“Little bunny, hop, hop, hopped too far from the burrow.” The voice choked you at how close it sounded and you were getting dizzy with how fast you were spinning trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. “Hmmm, what a pretty snack.”
“I’m going to kill you,” you swore, but the waver in your voice gave away the lack of self confidence and only made the strigoi laugh. 
“Come here and try,” he chuckled as he stepped out of the treeline looking just as terrifying as the training videos had shown. 
Now that you knew where he was, you turned your back and ran. It was the first lesson every guardian was taught before they could pick up a stake: run fast, run away. It felt like a betrayal to the guardian code to turn your back on a strigoi but you had no weapon and going hand to hand would only lead to your death. 
Survive, that was the goal.
The glint of a metal roof caught your attention as you reached the peak of a small slope and you found a small hunters cabin a few hundred metres to your right. You only had a split second to decide, north towards the wards or south towards the cabin. The snapping of sticks under fast feet to the left made that decision for you, he was herding you away from the wards so you ran for the cabin.
Every muscle in your body burned with the effort it took to keep a fast pace and you crashed into the door of the cabin, smashing the lock and swinging it wide open. Another string of curses left your lips as you found it had been left dilapidated for a long time, dust coating every inch of the mostly bare room.
The light of the moon was blocked as a body filled the doorway and the hope of it being an armed guardian were doused when you turned. A sinister smile greeted you and you involuntarily stepped away, backing yourself into more of a corner. Stupid, so fucking stupid. 
The strigoi attacked with a snarl and bared his salivating fangs that were going to rip your throat out. You tried to stop him but it was like punching a brick wall and you resigned yourself to your fate.
You refused to close your eyes and give him the satisfaction of seeing you cower in your last moment but the killing blow didn’t come. Something behind him had stolen his attention and he shoved you as he turned. The wooden walls of the cabin broke from the force of his throw and you screamed as pain lanced through you, your body smashing through the wall to land on the ground outside. 
Inside you could see two figures moving with a speed you couldn't fathom, one was the strigoi, the other was Dimitri. 
“Get back to the wards,” Dimitri ordered as he knocked the strigoi back and spared a worried glance in your direction. 
You pushed yourself to your knees and cried out at the stab of broken ribs trying to escape through your skin. Your ankle wasn’t feeling much better but you were fairly sure it wasn’t broken when you put some weight on it - you just weren't going to be running anywhere on it. 
A pained grunt caught your attention and you saw Dimitri go down with a hard hit before he quickly regained his footing and spotted you staring at him. “What are you still doing here? Run!”
You pointed and screamed, “Di-”
He spun before you could finish warning him and grabbed the strigoi’s shoulders just in time to stop him getting close enough to sink his fangs into Dimitri’s throat. It was too close, you had to help. Casting your eyes across the yard you spotted an axe buried in a loose stack of wood and bit your lip to stifle the cries of pain as you limped towards it.
“Dimitri!” you shouted as you shoved the axe through the hole your body had created. “Here.”
You pushed the axe and it spun across the floor to where he desperately grappled with the strigoi but his impressive strength was beginning to fail him. You held your breath as the sharp head spun towards him but he caught the wooden handle before it could hit him, swinging it up with a deep growl. 
The strigoi screeched as the axe buried deep into his side but the wound wouldn't kill him. If anything he looked more pissed off as he backed away, the axe pulling free with a wet squelch. Momentarily distracted by the flesh and blood spilling from his body, the strigoi looked away and Dimitri struck. 
He looked like an avenging angel as he leapt from the ground with the axe raised high and swinging in a smooth arc. The strigoi didn’t even have the time to look shocked before his head tumbled to the floor with a thud. The axe followed with a clatter, then an eerie silence descended upon the small space.
“Are you alright?” you asked from where you waited outside. 
Dimitri nodded, stopping to pick up his stake that had been knocked away in the fight. The need to apologise built along with tears but Dimitri climbed through the hole and carefully cradled your bruised face. “We will talk about this inside the wards.”
He hooked his arm around your waist and took the weight of your sore ankle before setting a quick pace northward. 
“How did you find me?” you asked as you spotted the torchlight from a patrol guardian through the trees.
“I was climbing the turrets when I saw you go past.” He sighed and slowed to a stop, knowing the wards were within reach. “I’ve never seen you like that, not even with the strigoi back there, you looked like you were running for your life. What happened?”
You took a shuddering breath and shook your head. “If a strigoi attacks, we defend ourselves however we can and find honour in killing them. But a Moroi…”
“A Moroi?” he frowned before his teeth ground together and he stepped closer so he could whisper. “A Moroi attacked you.”
“I should have known better,” you whimpered into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. “I’m just dhampir. The only thing a Moroi man would want from me is my blood or my body.”
They come first. It was a lesson instilled into you from the moment you started elementary school. To raise a hand to a Moroi would get you sent to the communes to be a blood whore or a breeder to whichever Moroi man showed an interest in you, it was worse than a death sentence to you. He was right, you had been running for your life. If you had stayed a second longer after your date ended then you couldn’t have stopped your fist from meeting Devon’s face. You would have been shipped out before morning dawned.
“Whoever he was, he was a fool,” Dimitri snapped, the anger not at you but for you. A softness returned to his eyes and his thumbs gently caressed your face. “You deserve a man who will get on his knees and worship you.”
“It was -”
“Don’t tell me his name,” Dimitri shook his head. “I don’t think I have the self control to stop myself from doing something we would both pay for.”
You shut your eyes so you didn’t have to see the war of emotions on his face. “Thank you for coming after me.” 
You lost all ability to breath as he pressed his lips to your forehead and your fingers gripped his shirt harder as they shook. “I’ll always come for you.”
He held you in his embrace for a minute longer before pulling away and looking through the trees. “The patrol has gone, let’s get you inside and cleaned up. Don’t breathe a word about tonight to anyone.”
You nodded and let him help you walk through the wards, leaning on him more than you needed to since you didn’t know when you would have the chance to be this close to him again. Instead of walking back to the dhampir hall, nicknamed The Barracks, where other unassigned guardians like you resided, he led you to the private apartment block and up the back stairwell. You lost count of the flights you climbed, the spiral making you dizzy in your exhausted state. 
“Sit,” Dimitri said softly as he closed his front door and grabbed a large first aid kit that was hanging in his coat closet alongside his dusters. “Where does it hurt?”
You laughed but it turned to a groan. “I think it would be easier to tell you where it doesn’t hurt.”
He blessed you with a small smile as he knelt in front of you and lifted your leg onto his thigh. “I don’t think it’s broken,” he said echoing your earlier thoughts as he gently prodded and turned your foot. “Just a bad sprain.”
He grabbed a bandage and expertly wrapped the limb until it was well supported then gestured for you to lay down across the couch, putting a pillow under your leg to elevate it.
“You make quite the nurse,” you admired as he went to the small kitchenette and got you a bottle of water to swallow some painkillers with. “This is a bit more than we were taught in basic.”
“My mother was a nurse,” he said with a smile as he thought of her. “She taught me everything she could for these exact moments.”
“Strigoi attacks?” You tried to shift to get more comfortable but the movement shifted your ribs and a hiss of pain escaped your lips.
Dimitri shot forward and helped you ease back down, his face inches from yours when he said, “Looking after the people I care about. I need to check your ribs.”
His gaze broke away and you were released from the spell he had bound you with.
You were coming down from the adrenaline high and about to crash at any moment given the shivers that were wracking your body but he couldn’t wrap you in the inviting blanket that lay beside him until he finished his inspection. It took all your concentration not to jump from the spark that his touch produced when his fingers met your skin, brushing your shirt up so he could see the deep purple bruises across your ribcage. 
“Shit, definitely broken,” he murmured as he traced his fingers over each rib, his eyes flinching with each whimper of yours. “We could say it was an accident during a practice session. Alberta might have some questions but I can handle those.”
“What? No, Dimitri, I’m not going to the clinic,” you said sternly, reaching for his hand and squeezing it tight, “and you are not going to take the fall for this. You could get in serious trouble.”
“And you could be seriously hurt,” he countered with such concern fresh tears burned in your eyes. 
“Please, don’t take me there.”
His eyes alternated between your pleading face and your bruised torso as he internally battled himself but finally gave a resigned sigh and a nod. “Fine, but you can’t go back to The Barracks looking like this.” While female dhampir numbers were low they weren’t non-existent and The Barracks was a communal living space with little privacy. The limp and the bruises would be noticed almost instantly. “You can have my room.”
“First you risk your life to save me and now you are offering me your bed? I’m starting to think you are a masochist, but I couldn’t possibly let you do that.” You reached for the blanket to tuck yourself in but he was quicker, snatching it and holding it out of your reach. 
“If you want it, you know where to find it,” he said seriously as he backed away into the bedroom. 
The adrenaline crash began, your teeth chattering and your skin broke out in a clammy cold sweat. Stubborn pride refused to let you give in but you were beyond freezing. You couldn’t even focus on moving to crawl to the room like you wanted, there was just ice spreading through your veins and invading every inch of your body. 
“Ready to warm up? Shit,” Dimitri cursed as he peered around his doorway and saw your state. He was across the room in seconds, his arms scooping you up from his couch and carrying you to his room where he laid you down on his bed. Even with his blankets wrapped around you the shivering didn’t stop and he paced wildly up and down the length of his bed.
“So…cold…” you whispered through chattering teeth. 
He let forth a string of curses that you would have normally found entertaining coming from him and began to shuck off his long leather duster, tossing it across his dresser drawers before kicking off his boots. You couldn’t even enjoy the sight of his shirt and trousers being removed before he slipped under the blankets and carefully pulled you into the curve of his body.
His warmth spread over you and soon you were enveloped in more than just his arms but his calming scent too. The room no longer felt like it was the epicentre for an earthquake nor like it was the north pole, you were finally coming back to yourself. The high and the low drained you completely and with Dimitri whispering soothing words you couldn’t understand, you drifted off into a much needed healing sleep. 
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You were in that delirious state between awake and asleep, where everything seemed real and dreamlike all at once. But you determined it had to be a dream when you found yourself in Dimitri’s arms. 
“I wish you were Moroi.” You whispered as you snuggled closer, burying your face in the crook of his neck. 
His voice was laden and gravelly as he stirred from his sleep, a desirable mix that had an instant effect on you. “Not exactly what I thought I would wake up to hear.”
You smiled at the fake offence and reached up to run your fingers through his mussed bed hair but then your smile dimmed and concern rose in his eyes. “Guardians aren’t supposed to have this…whatever this is, but no one would care if you were Moroi. It’s unfair.”
“We put our lives on the line everyday to protect them,” Dimitri said as he rolled you onto your back and caged you in his arms. “This connection between us is why it is advised against. When I saw you…if I had been on shift it wouldn’t have stopped me from running after you.”
“You said ‘advised against’.” You pointed out as your heart fluttered wildly.
His lips curled up into a proud smile as he spoke, “I did.”
“Not forbidden?” you confirmed, your hands already beginning to trail down the hard planes of his chest. 
“Not forbidden.” 
His kiss was as dominant as his fighting and you were more than willing to cede control to him as his tongue danced with yours. Greedy moans filled the air when he traced his lips along your jawline and down your neck, erasing the touch of Devon and where he had tried to bite you.
Blood whores talked about the pleasure that could be had being bitten but there was no way it could feel better than what Dimitri was doing, it set your body on fire. Your breathing deepened a calloused hand from years of weaponry ran up your leg, along your thigh and brushed the skirt you wore even higher. He could see the effect he was having on you, he could read the way your body begged for more.
Pain whipped at your ribs when you arched your back to be closer and took a deeper breath to inhale his heady scent. His trained eye caught the wince you tried to hide. His hand froze and you almost whimpered when he pulled away. You tried to keep him close but he took your hands and kissed them as he laid back down beside you.
“You’re still hurt, you need to rest and heal.”
You tried to deny it but you ached everywhere so you just sighed and looked across at him. “And when I am?”
He snaked an arm under your pillow and the other over your waist, avoiding the bruises that littered your skin. “Then I will show you how you deserve to be treated.”
“Don’t get me wrong, being attacked by a strigoi sucked but…” you said as you kissed his shoulder, “this is a pretty good silver lining.”
Dimitri chuckled and shook his head. “I would hardly call almost being killed by a strigoi a cloud.”
“A storm?”
“More like a Category 5 hurricane.”
“Nerd.” You rolled your eyes before closing them and relaxing in his embrace. “I’m still glad it led us to this moment.”
You didn’t have to look to know that he was smiling, the small tightening of his arms and intake of breath gave him away as he whispered in his sleepy voice, “Me too, love. Me too.”
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yoyoanaria · 7 years
Big Bad Softy | Dimitri Belikov
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You were with Dimitri in the car, with the princess and her Dampir in the back with another Dampir next to her.
“You were too hard on her Belikov.” You spoke and he gave you a look.
“You were too soft, what of it?” He smirked and you playfully tug his hair.
“Gah! My beautiful locks!” He fakes pain and you laugh evilly.
“Never knew bad ass McGee was a softy.” You and Dimirti look at the rear view mirror and see the two girls smirking and giggling.
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Fanfiction Writing Masterlist
PLEASE DON'T REPOST MY WORK, YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION. Reblogs and tagging my blog for credit are the only permissions for sharing my work.
Accepting requests for:
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy
Ominis Gaunt
🕸 True Colors
🍧🍄 Nearly Headless
🍄Sign of The Times
🕸🍧Room of Requirements
🕸🍄Love and Marriage
🍧You Can Always Learn
🕸🍧Just the Two of Us
🕸 Friendly
🍧A Lifetime
🕸 Never Too Busy
🍧Seeing Stars
🕸 Let Me Show You
🍧🍄You and Me
Sebastian Sallow
🕸 Lust 🕸🍄Emotions (sequel to Lust)
🕸🍧 First For Everything
🍧🍄Moving On Together
🍧A Lifetime
🕸 Let Go
🍧It's Okay
🕸🍄I Needed This
🕸 Ominis and Sebastian touching themselves to you + reaction to you showing up
🕸Ominis and Sebsatian touching themselves to m!reader
🕸 Ominis and Sebastian NSFW speculation
🍧Ominis and a socially awkward reader
🍧Reader and Ominis' hands
🍧Sebastian and a deaf reader
🍧Ominis and Sebsatian with an reader who's experienced abuse
🍧Valentines Headcannons for Ominis, Sebastian, and Poppy
Animagus Headcannons for Ominis, Sebastian, and Poppy
Patronus Headcannons for Ominis and Sebastian
Bucky Barnes
🍄 Prompt: “She’s my best friend, that hasn’t changed.” “It’s clear your feelings for her have.
🕸 Don't Blow Our Cover pt.1 pt.2
🕸 A New Era
Loki Laufeyson
🍧 A Trip Out
🍧A Sick Day
Peter Parker
Dancing in the Dark
🍧🍄 Loving Peter Parker pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Stephen Strange
🍄 Comfort
🍧 A Strange Christmas
Steve Rogers
🕸 Breaking the Tension
Vampire Academy
Adrian Ivashkov
Dimitri Belikov
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
🍄 The Fight
The Vampire Diaries
Kai Parker
🕸 That's Enough pt.1 pt.2
🕸 Daddy Kai x Bonnie
Just Woke Up
Leonardo Dicaprio
🍧Cute Surprise
🕸 Fun with Food
🍧Kind Gesture
🕸 Dirty Date Night
Tom Hiddleston
🕸 Needy
🕸 Words Like Honey
Ray Manzarek
🕸 Relieving Tension
John Paul Jones
Fanfic ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7 ch.8 ch.9 ch.10 ch.11 ch.12 ch.13 ch.14 ch.15 ch.16
John Entwistle
🕸 A Long Day
Keith Moon
🕸 Naughty Girl
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fallenmistake923 · 2 years
In the multiversal fiction im editing at the moment, I've got like five different versions of Bell that I've grown attached to.
Main Bell: Working alongside Adler, Woods, and Mason. Is in a relationship with Adler, hides it from Hudson. Only Woods and Mason know about their relationship. Weapon of choice: Electric batons.
Housewife Bell: Retired after being shot in Solovetsky, saved by Belikov, and killed Adler for revenge with his help. Married Belikov and raising a child with him. Weapon of choice: Dual wielded Pistols.
Robotic Bell: A robotic host found by Adler and Hudson, has Adler's facial scar on her face instead of his. Is sentient and aware that she isn't a human, but oblivious to Adler's affection of her. Weapon of choice: She is the weapon.
Zombie Bell: Murdered while pregnant with Adler's child, resurrected with only one goal in mind - Find who Murdered her and consume their flesh. Before being murdered, was in a loving relationship with Adler and best friends with Mason, even after his divorce. Weapon of choice: Alive? Knives. Undead? Her endless hunger for flesh.
Captive Bell: Was transported into another universe using sorcery and aetherium crystals, held prisoner and experimented on. Knows nothing from her universe and doesn't know Adler like the other versions do. Unable to control her abilities, is terrified of others due to being held prisoner for years. Weapon of choice: Her unknown power and abilities make for an easy choice.
I might be tempted to put a preview of it on here if people are interested in it.
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Can you do a Dimitri x reader one-shot(?) with 46 from your writing prompts list??
+ Anon: (46) and Dimitri from VA if you don’t mind+ Anon: hello! I saw your writing prompt list and thought 6 would be a good idea for a dimitri belikov x reader imagine. can you do one with it please??? love your blog
Requests are open again (except ships)!! Feel free to send me anything HERE!
For my master list, click HERE
For writing prompts list, click HERE
6: “You’re deadly.” “Why? I can’t even throw a punch.” “Smart and pretty, that’s a deadly combination.”46: “Ahaha, me? Of course not. Of course I didn’t do i- alright, I did it.”
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Moving has always been difficult, especially moving miles and miles away from your home and being introduced into a new and foreign culture - or even species.
You watch towering pine trees blur into a dark green curtain outside of the confining car window as your car drive through the mysterious forest of Montana. Tiny snowflakes jump mischievously around the landscape covered by a thick layer of snow. The snow swallowed the ground, and seemed to muffle the sounds around you. An overwhelming sense of silence echoed in your ears as a scene that has been occupying your mind ever since a few days ago played at the back of your mind.
A few days ago, you accidentally stumbled upon your mother on the phone with someone in a hushed voice, with the door ajar. Curiosity got the best of you and you stood by the door, wondering what secretive matter could she be talking about.
“…Vladimir, …dhampir…”, you caught pieces of her conversation. You couldn’t understand the content, so you decided that it probably has nothing to do with you. However, as you were about to leave, you heard you mother talking about sending you away to a boarding school.
Surprised and confused, every second that had passed waiting for you mother to finish the phone call pained you. Finally, you had the chance to ask, and you discovered that you are a dhampir - half human, half vampire - a race you didn’t even knew existed, and you mother planned on sending you to St. Vladimir’s Academy, a school for dhampirs and  moroi. Forget agreeing and disagreeing on your newly learnt information. Before you even had the opportunity to process the news, you found yourself packed, and getting on a black SUV with a stranger whom your mother seemed to trust. Your mother told you he would take care of you and help you settle in, although you didn’t even know this man.
As your memory came to an end, you come into focus with reality and turn your head slightly to take a careful look on the stranger. Dark smooth hair framed his face, a face seemed to be sculpted by the Greek Gods. Dressed in black from head to toe and wearing a leather duster, he has a mysterious aroma surrounding him - and reluctant to admit, he is a sexy hunk. Oh, boy, was he a pleasant sight to behold. You didn’t even realised how intense your gaze has became until the man - Guardian Belikov - he said his name was, clears his throat and temporarily shifts his attention from the road ahead to you. Your cheeks flush as you blurt out, “Hey! Attention on the road!” He chuckles lightly at your statement and shakes his head lightly. This short interaction is the longest interaction you’ve had with him ever since you left home. Your head is still swimming in a pool of mixed emotions - confusion, nervousness, and is it warmth that you’re feeling upon his wordless response?
Without you noticing, you’ve reached the entrance of St. Vladimir’s Academy. The gate of the academy is as grand and historical as the rest of the facility. The carved aches on marble walls, the delicate twists and swirls of the embellishments on the sturdy black gate and the antique looking gargoyles looked as foreign as they are breath-taking to you. Your mouth is agape with wonder and amazement. However, as the sight began to sink in, you felt a strange hollow feeling of alienation. This is not you. You, a playful young lady, who has been living in the 21st century all your life, surrounded by fast-moving technology and dollar fast foods, has no place in this extravagant looking establishment, filled with histories, giving off seriousness and even loftiness.
Over the next few days, no matter how hard you try, the sense of detachment from this new school still won’t leave you. You have absolutely no idea what to do in class. All these combats and defences are so new to you, a girl who has no need and no situation to throw a punch. Despite the countless counsellor sessions, school tours, bonding nights the school has organised, you still feel like an outsider. Your tried talking to your school counsellors but all that has done to you, is adding on to your tight schedule and leaving you even less time for yourself.
This is when you have decided to settle in into this new school your way - through pulling pranks and having fun. To your surprise, no one in the ‘high school’ seemed to do a lot of pranks, if any, despite housing more than a thousand teenagers. Having studied at a human high school and have been crowned as the ‘best pranker’ for 3 years in a row, you started a deliberate planning on how you would spice up this school life.
The idea of pulling pranks and doing something that you’ve always loved doing rekindles the joy and passion in your eyes. You glimmer with excitement and anticipation as you half-hop down the school corridor. Usually, the school hall seemed to stretch out forever as you drag your tired feet down it, the whites and creams of greys of the wall looking almost disorienting. Guardian Belikov is always at the corner, observing, and you would usually dismiss his concerned looked and furrowed brows. But today, you notice every little details at the corridor - every door and locks and windows, the way the light hits a specific spot on the wall and missing the shadowed dark spots at the corner, and most importantly, you meet Guardian Belikov’s eyes with a newfound optimism and excitement. Him, being the careful observer he is, of course picked up your different attitude and tips his head to one side slightly in confusion.
Today might just have been a normal day, but you are determined to make it special. Later that day, after Dimitri has returned to the school after his duty, he heard some news from the teachers. News about a student who put sticky notes all over the classroom, filling the halls with balloons, high-fiving every students who raised their hand in class, and approximately 5 more creative pranks and a handful of versions of the story. Since you are a new student, not a lot of people know your name. Although Dimitri has been at St.Vladimir’s Academy for as long as he remembers, he has never heard of news like these. And he didn’t know how to react as well - angry? Amazed? As the gears turn in his head, something clicked and pieces start to come together. The corner of his lips curl up in amusement upon the realisation.
You are at your room, satisfied, thrilled and adrenaline still running wild after your prank at dinner, when you hear soft knocks at your door. You wonder who it could be at this late hour but your wonder quickly turns into a slight panic state as you saw the person at your door.
‘Shit,” you hiss under your breath as your tried in vain to collect your composure and look as calm as possible.
“Ahaha,” you nervously laughed, “Guardian Belikov! I wasn’t expecting you at all! What a nice surpri-” before you have the chance to complete your statement, Dimitri cut you off.
“Did you do it? The pranks?” his Russian accent rings heavily in his words.
“Ahaha, me? Of course not. Of course I didn’t do i- alright, I did it.” you admitted sheepishly. You looked down on your feet, mentally preparing for the scolding that you thought would come. After a few seconds, nothing came except the sound of Dimitri’s light chuckle, same as the one in the car after he caught you studying him.
You looked up, puzzled by his reaction, only to find him smiling a gorgeous smile. Your brows furrowed as you asked, “Shouldn’t you be mad or something? I mean, you have to be at least a little angry…”
“It’s just…” he answered, “all these years at St. Vladimir’s I’ve never heard so much panic and despair in those other guardian’s voices. Couldn’t lie, it’s pretty funny.”
After his answer, your panic gradually subsided, replaced by a satisfying contentment and proudness. “It’s nothing. Honestly, I’m surprised that they’re more stressed out by the worst student who couldn’t throw a punch than those who are basically half-vampire Bruce Lee, the deadly bunch.”
“You’re deadly.” stated Dimitri, looking at you seriously. He isn’t joking.
“Smart and pretty, that’s a deadly combination.” He finished as the seriousness left his perfect-looking face, replaced by a smile. Fortunately, he started to turn and leave after his unexpected comment and you don’t need think of a remotely witty response. Today really is a special day, you thought to yourself as you waved a small goodbye to him behind his back, with a your cheeks as red as a tomato, and a grin laced with overflowing sweetness.
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