#being enby is like not being enough but also being too much at the same time
pollinatedpansy · 4 months
Just a random FYI to anyone who cares, I'm a weird little gender anarchist trans freak thing and if you have any attraction to me that makes you gay (blanket term) regardless of who you are, hope that helps 😁
For anyone who wants to feel my wrath/understand what the fuck I'm talking about please read the tags, you should get the jist 💕
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squuote · 9 months
realizing that maybe I am just some crow who does not like labels. or at least using too many
#crow thoughts#sorry this is about queer stuff tehe ^___^#but fr I’ve kinda decided that queer is enough for me. like I’m comfy with aro and enby as defining terms#but in terms of my overall sexuality queer is enough for me :-)#honestly while this is about queer stuff I think this also can be used for an sort of identity label for myself#I think I’ve just come to the conclusion that I hate being put inside a defining box for others to assume of me#aside from the ones I actually want to be in#finding out I was aro was kind like one of the best things for me in terms of identity#cause I’ve never rlly given a shit about my sexuality. if I think someone’s cute I think they’re cute#if I don’t think they’re cute then I don’t think they’re cute! simple easy and flows just right for me#in the end it doesn’t matter because to me that aspect of myself is tiny like it doesn’t rlly define me that much#I’m glad to have any identity that allows me to push away the forceful nature of heteronormativity#same with being nonbinary! tho that one was an easy fit hehe#but I’ve also been thinking about other identity stuff as of late too. not just gender n sexuality#like religion and the whatnot. you know the deal#and like yknow what? nah you don’t get a defining term on that personal shit#you don’t get to know why I like calling myself a crow or my religion or whatever other personal shit I got going on#I’m just me. just foster. I’m not one defining characteristic I’m just me#I’m more comfortable with myself than I’ve ever been in my life. I know myself and I will continue to learn more#but I’m comfy not telling anyone until I wanna mention it :-)
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zoolitsky · 15 days
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Please don’t get upset if you disagree with any of these!! This is just how I see the characters ^^ More context about the headcanons under the cut!
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Transfem lesbian!!
Basically married to Vivi (who isn’t pictured but she gives me demigirl bisexual energy with a preference to girls)
And she’s still beautiful and wonderful and Sanji still simps for her. Chubby people are gorgeous
She’s technically pale but tanned a bit from being outside so much
Aaand bandaid because she’s literally just a normal girl and is susceptible to minor injuries unlike the other weird built different ppl on the crew (aside from Usopp)
sPEAKING OF USOPP!!! She’s absolute besties with him like they talk about everything and anything and gossip and all that jazz. They’re so special to me.
I’m not sure if bipolar fits entirely, but there’s definitely something with her mood swings and the intensity of her emotions. If this is insensitive at all please inform me
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Agender aroace reindeer fella??? SiGN ME UP
Both male and female reindeers have antlers so I used that to my advantage because gender silly
I think Chopper uses they/he/it, but slightly prefers to be referred to by their name rather than pronouns
Chopper has attachment issues, but I couldn’t find anything other than avoidant attachment disorder (which doesn’t seem entirely fitting). But it definitely gets very attached to others when it trusts them and has a hard time moving on.
Also I just like to draw Chopper more reindeer-like than Chopper’s canon design but aside from that I don’t really make too many design changes? Just… floofy Chopper… 🩷🩷🩷
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Panromantic asexual!!
Down bad for Sanji (he has terrible taste /j)
I had a revelation after drawing this so Usopp isn’t actually cis lol- they’re a demiboy but in a genderfluid kind of way, some days he feels more masculine and other days they feel more androgynous
I have very mixed feelings about the hair highlights,, I lowkey might not keep them but it was an experiment
FRECKLES!!! USOPP HAS FRECKLES PASS IT ON PASS IT ON!!!! 💛💛💛 Bandaid like Nami because!! They’re literally just a normal teenager!!!
Usopp has anxiety and borderline personality disorder because the feelings of superiority and inferiority? The constant fear? Being immune to Perona’s ghosts from dealing with mental illness their entire life???
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Asexual grayromantic
If he had a partner it would be gay regardless of his own gender expression (I’m projecting because I feel gay when I’m attracted to anyone)
Genderfluid, some days they prefer different pronouns but most of the time they use all at once (also is this ironic bc Luffy can’t swim but is swimming in fluid pronouns)
King of the pronouns!!! King of the genders!!! Will steal your pronouns and gender!!! Watch out!!!
I gave her vitiligo on a whim to be 100% honest, but I feel like it’s very fitting and also very fun to draw ❤️❤️❤️
I only did a headshot here because I have another post with a bunch of other drawings of this Luffy
I feel like I don’t need to explain but Luffy is very very AuDHD to me
He has so much energy and is easily distracted and gets really focused on things and likes to talk about anything and everything
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Bisexual-est guy on the planet (loves all boobs /hj)
Down bad for Usopp (they have great taste)
Demiboy but in an interchangeable kinda bigender way, he’s just both enby and male at the same time
Darker roots!! Sanji’s body hair is always notably darker than his blonde hair so I decided on darker roots
Depression in the sense it’s the reason he smokes. It’s a kind of coping mechanism.
It makes them dazed enough that they don’t have to fully feel their own despair
Imagine Sanji wheezing and struggling to breathe after a fight!! Emotional scene with Chopper trying to convince them to stop smoking!!
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Married to Franky 💜💜💜
Intersex demigirl! Like- the whole being called a monster/demon her whole life and trying to find someone who accepts her is such a good (unintentional) metaphor for the gender discovery experience,,
GIVE ROBIN THEIR MELANIN BACK!!! I don’t care if it wasn’t their original colors… neither were the blue eyes but I’m giving both to them because they deserve it!!
I wanted to give Robin more of a curly hair texture but I was concerned it would start to not really resemble her. I might play around with it another time though and see if I can achieve something still recognizable
Do I even have to explain that-
They are traumatized and get flashbacks and night terrors
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Married to Robin 🩵🩵🩵
He was abandoned by his birth parents, he has a name he doesn’t use anymore, calls everyone bro regardless of gender, HE LITERALLY REBUILT HIS ENTIRE BODY-
Even though Franky’s a cyborg I gave him visible top surgery scars. I think he would show them off with pride and doesn’t necessarily need/want to be seen as a cis man. He’s just a man who once had boobs yk?
The underside of his hair is an even brighter blue because silly!!
ADHD—he hyperfixates like a madman and is also very loud and passionate. Also idk if this is an actual ADHD thing but like he’s super empathetic and cries easily? I’m like that too so idk lol
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Demihomoromantic asexual
Hopelessly, dare I say pathetically, in love with Luffy. I want to clarify that this doesn’t make Zoro less gay and this doesn’t make Luffy less genderfluid.
Also as much as I adore trans Zoro, I think the fact that he’s a cisgender feminist is important. So I headcanon him as cis.
I can’t decide whether or not I like the striped hair,, I’m still on the fence about it lol
Covered in scars because he’s done so much training and fighting, I know they kind of look like something else but they aren’t, don’t worry
Idk why but I always give him a dark green undershirt
Autistic!! He has a narrow range of emotions, makes nonverbal grunts, super into swords, he’s blunt, follows routine, etc.
Aaaand that’s all of them! Phew! Thank you so much for reading 💖
Reblogs, asks, and comments are super appreciated!!
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kaeyas-beloved · 10 months
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Character: Childe
— he’s hopelessly in love with you <333
CWs: spoilers for Childe’s real name, gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned), not proofread!
a/n: snatching this format that I’ve seen around Tumblr because I like it and it fits here. Will I use it again? Not a clue!
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hopelessly in love ajax who introduces you to his family relatively quickly and with little to no hesitation. childe feels with his whole being, love is no exception. so, when he can see a future with you, no matter what form that future may take, you meeting his family is the first step forward.
hopelessly in love ajax who’s all talk unless you make the first move. he can kiss you over and over and over again, teasing you along the way, but the moment you pull him forward and plant your lips on his face before he can is the same moment it’s all over for him.
hopelessly in love ajax who buys you gifts often but they all have sentimental value to them. he’ll but you flowers, handing them to you with the confession that he bought them because his love for you was too much to keep in his heart and no amount of words would describe what he was feeling. childe would also purchase your preferred jewelry - watch, ring, necklace, earrings, a bracelet, whatever you liked, as long as you promised to wear it whenever you went out. “so you’ll always have me with you!”
hopelessly in love ajax who refuses to let go of you once he has you in his arms. he acts like he might perish if he loses the warmth and love you radiate in your embrace! it’s not that he hasn’t received a hug in years, he gets plenty when he visits home, but there’s just something different in your hugs and cuddles that regular holds don’t have. a certain feeling they lack.
hopelessly in love ajax who grabs your wrist if you’re ever helping him take off his scarf or fatui mask, allowing his cheek to rest in your palm. you’ll find he nuzzles into it much like a cat would, but unlike a cat looking for warmth or to scratch an itch, ajax does it because your touch is one of the few things that soothes him after a long day, his mind instantly at ease.
hopelessly in love ajax who tries to impress you in any way he can. it starts simple enough, trying to flash his strength on the battle field and such, but the more he falls for you the more creative he gets. balancing a spoon on his nose, his (slowly improving) chopstick skills, leaping over decent sized creeks, anything to rouse some kind of pleasant response from you.
hopelessly in love ajax who flips between drowning you in whatever fancy dates his money can buy and the more simple, quieter date ideas. it’s never bad to change things up, he reasons, childe’s favourite being to take you out on walks through the nation’s scenery. whether it’s the snow dipped forests in snezhnaya, the golden mountains of liyue or even the green fields of mondstadt, as long as ajax is around, he’ll make sure you enjoy your time with him. (he certainly will be, because when dates like this happen is when he truly gets to connect with you!)
hopelessly in love ajax who’ll sometimes just stare at you. could be while you’re cuddling or sat at the table for a meal, his pretty blue eyes are on you, taking in all that you are. he’ll think how gorgeous you look, how luck he is someone like you loves someone like him, the darker sides of him and all. he thinks about how it’s now his mission to spoil and love you for the rest of his life, because anything less is a crime punishable by life behind bars.
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anameistoohard · 3 months
Oh boy, lets open that can of worms
There's a LOT of discourse with endo vs anti-endo stuff (endogenic system=plural system not formed by trauma if you don't know 🙂). Like, death threats coming from both sides kinda thing. We try to stay out of it. But it's easy to accidentally stumble into it if you're not familiar with some of the nuance. So we want to share some observations as like, a crash course. (And apparently we had a lot to say lol.)
This post isn't really to debate how plurality forms. Just to give some context as to why so much hate is flying between these two groups.
Basically, you have 2 extremes. (And everyone in between obviously)
On one side you have people making up extra rules on top of the diagnostic criteria to exclude and gatekeep anyone who doesn't meet "their level" of disordered. (I've literally heard people say "you can't be a system, you're not as traumatized as me"). A lot of accusations of faking come from this bunch. Too much internal communication? Faker. Too many non-human alters? Faker. Too many or not enough alters? Faker. You can't win with them even if you have a diagnosis.
We've noticed a lot of parallels between this group and transmeds. You need to have x level of dysphoria to ride this ride. You can't be trans if you don't want xyz treatment. You need to reach my arbitrary bar of "trans enough". Enbys and everyone else are fakers. That kind of bs.
But on this side you also have a lot of people who just want to be taken seriously. They want to be validated by their diagnosis and feel hurt when people say or do things that they think will compromise that validity. They, at least initially, come from a place of sincerity not malice. But they fall into the trap of trying to be "one of the good ones".
On the other extreme you have the wild west. Things people treat as fact aren't codified with the same scrutiny as the DSM-5 or ICD-11. This breeds its own confusion and misinformation. We've seen people conflate plurality with things like maladaptive day dreaming, lucid dreaming, adhd, and (applying it to other people with ferocity to the point of harassment) metaphors of all things.
They have a spaghetti at the wall approach that reminds me of a less extreme MOGII (an attempt to define just about every possible form of gender and sexuality). It's a messy patchwork of ideas. We've seen 8 different labels that all mean the same thing and are being used by exactly no one. Redundancy and hyperspcificity, that's the name of the game. But frankly we like this if for no other reason than we want to see what sticks, what becomes mainstream.
We've seen people from this group attack people as badly as the anti-endo group. Openly mocking people for having trauma or saying vile shit like "traumagenics kys". They feel threatened by the exclusionary nature of diagnoses. But instead of taking their frustration out on the systems of power they take them out on normal people. After all if you're diagnosed, you "represent the system"... I guess. Equally bull shit.
But this is also where the edge cases go, the exclusions, those that don't fit into a neat little box. The DSM excludes people whose plurality is accepted as part of their culture or religion. These people don't suddenly stop being systems just because they're accepted, but they're distinctly not disordered. They don't meet the clinical definition of DID or OSDD. Same goes for someone whose symptoms are mild enough to not cause "clinically significant distress". You also have people who don't want to be pathologized or have been failed by the medical system.
So lastly, a warning: When dealing with plural stuff, it's very easy to go stumbling into a mine field.
Tldr: I would always rather land on the side of letting too many people in than exclude people who needed the support. However, no matter your in-group, some people take things too far. Like, ffs don't attack people. 
-Taylor & Mark
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Blaire Hopburn: My Favourite Character From My Least Favourite Piece of Media
So there's this webcomic called Lease Bound. It's set in Australia in 2017, and it follows Jaden and Riley, two lesbians forced to share an apartment after a mix-up with their leases (hence the title).
It was promoted as a lesbian love story, but it soon became pretty notorious for transphobia.
Jaden works as a bouncer for a female-only lesbian bar, and in Chapter 3, she refuses to let in three trans women, who don't take it well. The webcomic was heavily criticised for the way the trans women were drawn and how they behaved.
Years later, Lease Bound is still being updated regularly - in fact, Chapter 11 introduced a load of trans men and enby characters.
I've been following the updates for a while. The webcomic expresses a lot of views that I do not agree with - namely, that trans women are dangerous perverted men, and that trans men and enbies are either attention-seeking straight women or queer women too scared to question the "trans ideology cult".
And yet I keep coming back. It's partly out of morbid curiosity, to see what on Earth is going to happen next. But I think it's also because of one character I actually quite like.
Blaire Hopburn.
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Blaire is Riley's bisexual girlfriend. She works at the same shop as Riley, in a slightly more senior position. She's also studying cosmetology at university and is part of its LGBTQIA+ club.
In a comic that's been so heavily criticised (and rightly so), what makes Blaire so appealing to me?
It's partly because of her personality. The Cast Page describes her as "a passionate, bubbly woman, who always strives to do what she believes is right… Even if not everyone else agrees." I generally like characters with those traits. I enjoy watching people who try to be good and make an effort to help others, but don't always do it in the best way.
And another reason I like Blaire is because I read her as autistic.
Blaire Hopburn: Accidentally Autistic?
Quite a few of Blaire's personality traits are things that I, as an autistic person, relate to a lot.
The author has described Blaire as, "So good at picking up when someone is upset, or not looking after themselves, so bad at reading the room regarding how to act." That could resonate with any autistic people who are high on empathy but low on social skills. You feel other people's pain, you want to help them, but you're not sure how. And what you try seems to make things worse.
This aspect of Blaire is present in Chapter 8, on Pages 2 and 3, when she and Jaden make conversation while erecting a bunk bed:
Blaire: So Jaden, is this your first move out of home? Jaden: I know it's a little later than most people... Blaire: Not judging! My 'rents insisted I stay home until I finish studying. Jaden: Oh nice. What are you studying? Blaire: Cosmetology! I tried early childcare and psychology too, but I couldn't handle that sort of selfless responsibility, haha! Jaden: Oh man, I feel that. My mum's in aged care, and takes care of my Nana now. I could not do what she does for a living, haha. Blaire: Do you think you took longer to move out because you felt guilty leaving your mum with your Nana? Jaden: How many years of psychology did you do...? Blaire: Sorry, that was a total guess! I didn't even last a full year!! Jaden: Could've fooled me, haha.
Thankfully, Jaden is nice enough to let that awkward moment pass, but she could have reacted to Blaire's psychoanalysis in a much worse way.
We also see Blaire being bad at socialising on Chapter 9 Page 17. Riley and Blaire have witnessed Jaden having an argument with her mum, and after her mum leaves, Blaire asks Jaden about it:
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Blaire: Did you want to talk about what happened with your mum, Jaden? Riley: BLAIRE...! Jaden: Hey, it's okay. I have been a bit of a downer... Sorry. Riley: No, you don't have to apologise! Blaire: Yeah, it just sounded pretty upsetting. Jaden: You could say that, haha...
That feels very much like something a person would do when they sense something is wrong and zero in on one way of dealing with it. "Come on, let's talk about our feelings! A problem shared is a problem halved, right? Right?"
There's even a point in Chapter 8 where Blaire muses, "Sometimes it feels like Muddles [Riley's pet cat] is able to comfort Riley in ways that I just can't..." Can you imagine how galling it must feel, knowing that a pet, a creature that can't even speak English, is better at helping your girlfriend than you are?
In addition, Blaire's desire to learn about trans topics and be a good trans ally reads a lot like a special interest to me.
Especially the fact that she randomly brings up trans people in conversation, seemingly apropos nothing at all:
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Blaire: Sorry I ditched you, babe. Auntie's keen for me to learn stock ordering. Riley: As long as you don't forget about me when you're a fully fledged store manager. Blaire: Never! So how'd the bunk end up treating you? Riley: Big upgrade from being on the floor. Blaire: And did Mudz approve? Riley: She was up there with me by morning. Blaire: Damn, that is good! Do you think Jaden could be trans?
That conversation with Riley had nothing to do with trans stuff, so Blaire's question is a bolt from the blue. I suspect the thought of Jaden being trans had been playing on Blaire's mind all day, and she was eager to grab the first chance to discuss it with someone.
She does something similar in a reply to an Anon question from when the author still had Tumblr:
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Anon: Compared to others of her demographic, I gotta give Blaire props for dating a butch gal and treating her well. Blaire: Of course! Butches deserve nothing but love! And that goes DOUBLE for trans women!
Again, that Anon didn't mention trans people at all, but Blaire still brought them up. She was just itching to infodump about trans rights, I just know it.
But Blaire's connection to trans stuff leads to the issues I have with the way she's being written.
Blaire Hopburn: Pretty Problematic?
I really don't like how Blaire is currently being utilised in the story. Mainly because she's made out to be kind-of an idiot. She doesn't notice when she's making her girlfriend feel uncomfortable. And she's quite bad at picking up on social cues more generally.
This is demonstrated in Chapter 11 on Pages 31 and 32. Blaire is conversing with Violet, Jaden's coworker, about Violet's daughter Faith. The view Blaire expresses is the strawman argument often used against trans people and their allies - the supposition that we believe that not conforming to your expected gender norms means you must be trans.
Violet: Oh, and thanks for being patient with Faith. I know she's a bit of a handful! Blaire: It's like you said: they're just very passionate. Just not about dresses and skirts, huh?
Violet's response is interesting, as is Blaire's train of thought after the exchange:
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Violet: NOPE! And I couldn't be happier! It makes buying HER clothes so much simpler! I hope SHE will steer clear of razors and makeup in HER teen years too, haha! Anyway, I best be getting my DAUGHTER to bed. See you at Ballroom Night! VROOM! Blaire: ... Blaire: (thinking) Dang it... It looks like Violet needs more help than I first thought... The sooner I get these [leaflets] to her the more time little Faith will have to choose what kind of body they want as an adult...!
Blaire didn't realise that Violet was emphasising the gendered ways to describe Faith because Violet already knows about trans stuff and rejects it. Instead, she just assumed Violet was ignorant and needed some educational leaflets.
(And Blaire also didn't notice the insult hidden in Violet's words. Blaire clearly shaves and wears makeup, so Violet was basically saying she hopes Faith doesn't turn out like Blaire. But Blaire has no reaction to that.)
Blaire is clearly not the best at detecting what people are implying. But that's being written in an exaggerated way, to satirise belief in "trans ideology" as stupid and in denial of reality.
It can almost feel as if Blaire is being portrayed as bad because of her autistic traits.
The author has addressed this in a comment on one of the bonus comic pages that came out after Chapter 11:
Important to keep in mind that none of the characters are written to be autistic. So Blaire isn’t being made into a villain or singled out for being autistic. In fact, a lot of her "social missteps" are a positive side to her character. Like she's pushy about gender nonsense, but she's also pushy when it comes to making sure her friends take care of themselves (making sure Jaden was getting her share of pancakes, pointing it out fully). She pushes because she cares. It has both positive and negative outcomes.
The trouble is, just because it wasn't the author's intention doesn't mean that's not how it looks. I know I'm not the only one who sees Blaire as autistic-coded.
And when Blaire's difficulties with social interaction are being played up in conversations about trans people, she isn't being written as a character. She's being used as a tool to poke fun at "the trans cult".
That's what annoys me about her portrayal. She isn't allowed to just be a character in a story - a nice, well-meaning but inexperienced girlfriend who happens to take an interest in trans rights. She has to be an extreme strawman of a trans ally, to push the author's anti-trans agenda.
Blaire Hopburn: Vicious Villain?
One of the webcomic's extra features is an "Actor AU", which includes this interview with Blaire's "actress":
Interviewer: Your character is quite controversial isn't she? Lots of people want her killed off and others are holding out hope for some sort of redemption. Which camp are you in, haha? Blaire's Actress: Neither. Interviewer: Oh...? Blaire's Actress: I actually like evil female characters. There's all these memes about deranged women, malicious women, heartless women... But when one does come along they want her removed or fundamentally changed before she's even spread her wings. Interviewer: Do you think fan opinion might change once Blaire ... takes flight? Blaire's Actress: I hope so. Realistically, both extreme camps will probably end up disappointed. But there's plenty of other great stuff to watch for. Will just have to burn the "Blaire bridge" when we come to it.
The funny thing is that the fans who comment on Lease Bound act as though Blaire is already a horrible person, but ... she really isn't?
At her worst, she's so focused on being a good trans ally that she neglects to check in with how others feel. But that's hardly "deranged" or "malicious" or "heartless", is it? Unless you already believe that supporting "trans ideology" makes you at least one of those things.
The closest thing I see to Blaire being villainous is in the first of the "When Riley Met Brick" bonus pages.
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Blaire: Exploring your femininity in a non-traumatic way might help make things clearer too. Riley: O-okay. Blaire: Why don't we go dress shopping later this week, then? Riley: U-uh... I'm not really... They never feel good. Blaire: Cute plus-size options have come a long way in the last few years. It won't be frumpy like the stuff from your old congregation, I promise! Riley: O-okay... *** Blaire: Well, what do you think? Riley: It's... I feel like I can't breathe... Blaire: Huh? But it's so loose and flow-y... Do you need a bigger size? Riley: N-no, please, get it off. OFF! OFF!! Blaire: Riles! Hey, hey! Don't thrash like that, you'll rip it! Here' I'm untying it, see? Riley: ... Blaire: So, no tie-arounds, zippers or buttons... How about this one? You just pull it straight over your head! Riley: I can't... Please, no more... Blaire: Hmm... I think we need to talk to someone who has a bit more expertise than me, baby...
Blaire is forcing Riley to try on dresses and do something she's really uncomfortable with, until Riley is screaming and thrashing about. That does seem very, very bad. But I wonder if there's more to this than meets the eye.
Riley's backstory hasn't been shown in the webcomic yet, but the author has said that she grew up in a religious cult where she was only allowed to wear dresses, never trousers. Blaire presumably doesn't fully understand how bad Riley's past was, as she assumes the issue is with the style of the dresses Riley has tried so far.
In an extra cast reply (and it's debatable how canon it is), Blaire does seem to grasp that what Riley has gone through was traumatising:
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Blaire: Riley's discomfort with femininity is from being forced into it as a kid. That doesn't mean she HATES girly stuff, she just has internalised misogyny to work through at her own pace!
Yes, Blaire is going about things in the wrong way. But ... she kind-of has a point? I certainly wouldn't call it "internalised misogyny", but it is trauma, and that needs addressing.
Not wanting to wear dresses isn't a problem, but the reason for it can be. Riley's discomfort is clearly rooted in pretty serious trauma, and she needs to be able to sit down with someone and work through that. Sadly, she's not yet confident enough to open up fully about it.
And even if she could, Blaire isn't the right person to do this with. Blaire did study psychology briefly at university, but she didn't last a full year. Her idea of helping Riley is taking her to see Brick, a non-binary person ... who's training to be a veterinary nurse, not a human therapist. Blaire is nowhere near qualified to give Riley the help she needs.
I don't see this as an evil trans ally preying on a poor little lesbian. I see this as two flawed women talking past each other, trying and failing to understand each other, ill-equipped to cope with each other's issues.
And then the other "villainous Blaire" moment is at the end of "When Riley Met Brick", as Blaire criticises Riley for the way she talks to Brick:
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Riley: Maybe I'm just feeling a bit confused because I've never met a trans person befor- Brick: THAT is an assumption rooted in transphobic bias! Trans people aren't a monolith! You can't tell who's trans just by looking at them! Riley: Sorry, I didn't know...! Blaire: You know what they say about assuming babe... Riley: I swear I didn't mean to... Blaire: You need to choose your words with more care. Riley: Right... I'm really sorry...
The dark colours, Blaire's body language and ominous words, the top-down perspective on the scared-looking Riley ... this page is trying to make us see Blaire as in the wrong and Riley as her victim. We're meant to judge her for putting her zealousness for trans acceptance before her concern for her girlfriend's feelings.
That's the last time we've seen Blaire in the webcomic so far, but she's due to reappear in Chapter 13. It seems as though the author is planning to do something big with Blaire - something that will cement her as the villain of Lease Bound. But it hasn't happened yet. And I'm curious to see what it is.
I suspect it's something to do with Blaire being in a more senior position at Riley's workplace, as well as the fact that her aunt works there. There's a risk that Blaire could use her influence with her aunt to force Riley out of a job, after a major disagreement over trans rights or something.
But based on what we've seen so far in the webcomic, I can't picture Blaire doing something like that. She just doesn't seem like the kind of person to do something so extreme.
Basically, it's going to take a lot to convince me that Blaire Hopburn is an irredeemable monster.
TL;DR Lease Bound is massively problematic. The one bright spot for me is Blaire, the nice, eager-to-help, slightly autistic-coded bi lady. Unfortunately, she keeps being turned into a caricature to mock those who support trans rights, and that bothers me.
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mslanna · 29 days
Raphael telling Tav, "I've grown quite fond of you, in my way. Perhaps too fond."
enby Tav without body configuration blood Read on AO3
It Takes Too
It was an utter and absolute disgrace. A devil, an infernal being of the most resplendent order and – that. Raphael looked at the heap of flesh and bone before him. Shivering. Quivering. Slowly bleeding out.
He could restore the broken body easily. A snap of his fingers. A dunk in his healing pool. But the actual sting and pain came from how much Raphael wanted to. He was a devil, by the nine hells. A being of evil and suffering. He thrived on desperation. The view before him should light up his heart and bring joy to his day.
It did not.
The joy was postponed and relocated. When he had his hands on the perpetrators of this – incident. It helped his mood that all three of them, the three that survived capture that was, were currently secured in his private cells in his House of Hope. Future pleasure was guaranteed. He had many hours of delightful torture before him until, eventually, he'd suck out their souls like well-aged wine. It might take decades indeed.
But first, there was the matter of his little mouse. What was left of them. Raphael was tempted to poke the heap with a foot, but it wasn't worth soiling his boots over. This should have been the easy part. The shadowcursed lands were healed, the road to Baldur's Gate was free. And this is what Tav did with their triumph. Let themselves get overwhelmed by bandits. Bandits!
A minuscule mewl of pain reached up to Raphael's ear. He'd have to intervene soon. If he wanted to. A question he had avoided until now. Yes, his plan rested, rather squarely, on the shoulders of this mortal. And yes, so far they had done well enough for themselves. And him. He enjoyed watching their progress.
But was it because it brought him closer to his own destiny? The Crown of Karsus was within reach. Tav was this close to figuring everything out and handing it over on a silver platter. His trap was laid out well. The mouse came back to nibble on the "free" cheese ever so often. Once in the city another meeting, maybe two should seal their fate.
Tav was bound to him, of that he had made sure. Raphael sighed. It was a fragile thread as yet. Too fragile for his liking. He wanted – Raphael paused. It didn't matter what he wanted until he had the crown. Everything else had to wait. Even Tav. Maybe, especially Tav. He dammed off the deluge of images intruding his thoughts. Later. Soon.
Not soon enough.
He crouched at the side of the broken adventurer and waved his hand over their body. Close, but not close enough. Tav moaned and moved in pain. A little punishment for their recklessness. Also, the noise was so close to its pleasant cousin. Raphael licked his lips. Later.
A little more magic and Tav opened their eyes, blood-shot and bleary. But their face brightened when they recognised him. "Raphael?"
"The very same." He put an appropriate amount of sarcasm into his tone. "You are reckless, little mouse."
Under the blood and sweat Tav blushed. They tried to speak but Raphael put a finger over their bloody lips. Close enough. Soft. His mind conjured those lips onto his skin everywhere and Raphael pushed the images away resolutely. No time for that yet. "Do you plan to get into debt with me until I can just ask anything from you in a deal?"
The blush deepened. "You didn't have to come."
"No, I did not. But as I said, you are my favourite future client. Am I going to forgo this because you throw away your life on a whim?"
"I want to live." It was a soft murmur. Tav looked away as they said it and their eyes went dark.
"Well, lucky for you then, that I want the exact same thing." Raphael stood and offered his hand. After some hesitation, Tav took it and let him help them to their feet. He gave them a critical once-over. They'd make it to camp.
Raphael ignored the urge to take Tav to the House of Hope. The healing pool beckoned and he could almost see the droplets glistening on Tav's bare skin. Unthinking, he licked his lips again.
"Why, though?" Tav raised a brow and tried to brush of the worst of the mud and gore.
"I've grown quite fond of you, in my way. Maybe too fond." It was enough of the truth.
"Do I owe you now?" Tav asked.
"And what if you did, little mouse? What do you have to offer?"
In return, the mortal looked him over. Raphael wondered what they saw. The devil despite his human form? The saviour he positioned himself as? Or still only a fiend after their soul?
"I can think of a thing or two," they finally replied. "To make sure you are not really too fond of me but just- an appropriate amount of fond." They smiled as they said it and though it wasn't in anyway suggestive, it cut Raphael to the bone.
"Cat got your tongue?" Tav still smiled and held out their hand. "Let me get cleaned up and look into any remaining injuries and I am all yours. For now."
On impulse, Raphael took Tav's hand, pulled them close and teleported into the House of Hope. They could treat any lingering ailments there, much better than in the field or camp. All his for now was good enough. For now.
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mr-bas00nist · 10 months
Hello :D may I please request Albert Wesker with a vampire boyfriend! (Head canons will probs work better for this but whatever you want) Like the black and red blouses, a mansion Victorian Gothic style but he isn't even a old vampire or anything he's just dramatic af and has the entire vampire aesthetic 😭 (sunglasses duo fs) maybe add in the trauma of becoming a vampire and being a immortal monster! anyway have a lovely day and take care of yourself freind, also keep up that wonderful work for us mascs and enbys and I certainly don't see enough trans content so thank you it makes me feel much better about myself! (๑ت๑)
Thanks for the compliment! I will be writing all you guys want 🫡
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Albert Wesker x Vampire! Male! Reader
(male reader is what I was suggesting but no pronouns used)
Cw: Blood, gore and kind of short but their headcannons so their obviously not gonna be the longest
•Okay so I’m not really sure how he’d meet you tbh so we’re gonna hop right into it 💀
•He loves you
•Your style, your demeanor, everything about you
•Your fancy like him and you dress to impress the people around you and yourself
•He respects that because he does the same
•When you take him to your mansion he’s in awe
•it’s the type of mansion you’ll only see in Romania or in a Dracula movie
•You decide to tell him there
•When you tell him it takes everything in him to not dissect you
•He’s a scientist what do you expect? 😭
•But he won’t
•Instead he asks questions and maybe, a little bit of probing and prodding when he gets a chance
•Nothing to crazy though and with your consent
•When you guys finally wind up in a relationship it’s great
•Albert’s usually always up late because of work so he gets to see you in your most active state
•He’s kinda nocturnal
•He brings blood if your not a fan of killing people
•If you don’t care he’ll bring you live victims based on your presence
• “Do you prefer young or old my dear?” Or “Does innocence matter?”
•When your in the relationship your even more flamboyant and dramatic bit he enjoys it
•Your also tidy and neat just like he is with your clothing
•Your cape is dry clean only 😤 (just like his outfit)
•If you do decide to tell him your backstory he listens with care
•He won’t force it out of you though and he probably won’t ask
•You’d have to ask
•He’s not good at comforting people but he’s a great listener when he wants too
•Your like the only person he listens to
•When your done he gives you a gentle kiss and comforts you
•Yeah your an immortal monster who drinks blood from their victims and kills them but hey, he’s no better
•Since you already have your abillities he doesn’t have to inject you with uroborus or anything so that’s one less thing you and him have to worry about
•Your already on his godlike level
•Your sunglasses are different to his enough to were you know their yours
•You have crimson lining on them and a more fancy look than his
•And he still takes them and says that their his
•He loves swapping sunglasses with you and you really couldn’t care less
•His are just as fancy as yours
•All in all you guys are a killer duo
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persesphonestears · 1 year
A little one-shot of Enby! reader kicking ass with cod boys being there too ^^
haven-is-happy - I do be loving a mid 20s enby reader causing havoc and making the old men fear her 
Also @haven-is-happy is there any anon you wanna be because I luv you ^^
This is not proof read btw so very sorry if there are mistakes ^^
Summary?: Young mid 20’s enby reader(call sign is gonna be Razor) proving just because they’re younger and not your typical ‘male or female’ soldier that they will and can gladly kick ass.
Warnings: Some transphobia(?), Swearing, Degrading from other recruits, fighting, blood, y/n beating ass ^3^
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Y/N’s POV:
Joining the 141 was some type of dream, working under Laswell for the longest time, and then out of nowhere telling me she wants me to join one of the most prestigious task forces there is. I thought I was dreaming, until finally being dropped off and greeted by Captain John Price himself.
"Sargent Razor." I nodded back to him holding my hand out to greet the bearded man, "Captain, Its nice to meet you." Thank the gods that I had my gloves on, or I think my hands would have drenched his with my sweat. "Same to you, Laswell has said good things about you, I'm hoping you live up to them." "Yes sir."
He led me into what I assumed was the Rec Room, Entering there was some recruits chatting to each other on some of the couches and other watching TV; non paying attention to the Captain and I walking in. "Ahem?" Captain Price roughly cleared his throat gaining peoples attention as they turned and sent small greetings to their Captain.
"Alright Lads listen up. This 'ere is Sargent Razor, newest to the team. You will treat 'em with the same respect you give everyone else. Understood?" His voiced boomed through out the room as everyone just nodded, some eyeing me and whispering to others next to them. Its like going to a new class in high school all over again.
Price turned again and gave me some directions for where my room, his office and the training grounds were, I thanked him and grabbed my bags heading to my room before being stopped by an even rougher british voice booming through the room, "Everyone in the training grounds in 10. Lets see how he new recruit goes.". Chuckles and sighs where heard out through the room as I groaned and kept walking. Wonderful.
----Small time skip + No ones POV----
After Y/N had changed into some work out type clothes, they reached the training grounds they looked around at the testosterone filled room cringing as all they saw was men. Crossing their arms they continued walking to their Lieutenant; who was currently conversing with the other two 141 men. When they caught eye of you walking over Ghost turned to them and smirked under his mask. "Sargent." "Lieutenant.".
"Alright whose up against the new guy here first hm?" Ghost's voice once again boomed through out the room though there was a hint of a tease. There wasn't anyway you'd take half the guys here easily. Multiple men's hands flew up, most chuckling to themselves, thinking close to the same thing as ghost. Ghost being the lovely person he is picked one of the biggest recruits he saw. After everyone gathered around the small ring they had with both you and this buff man who was much bigger then you inside.
"Don't worry lil guy. Maybe me beating some sense into you will help, some brain damage may help you be less delusional" He murmured loud enough for you and others to hear causing chuckles to come around you. You knew what he meant. Of course you did. You've been berated and made fun of for not being male or female since you joined the military.
You didn't respond, glad you now had a real reason to beat your so called teammate into the ground. Ghost, Soap, Gaz and Price stood watching, surprised at their privates choice of biggited words towards you, but more so the small smirk that ghosted your face after what he said. "GO." Ghost yelled out interested to see how this played out. Gaz and Soap being ready to pull the big guy off you if needed.
The two of you started circling each other, neither going to strike first. "Come on you gotta have some move to use on me, you came up with you gender you can surely come up with an attack. Or will you start crying you type of people always seem to be so sensitive about this stuff" He yelled out laughing at his comment. So you gave in. You attacked like he told you to.
You charged forward, jumping on the ring edge to gain height on him, wrapping your legs around his neck taking him down with the force of the jump. After a second or two he managed to grip your thighs off his neck, turning over to grip your neck, "Jokes on you I'm into this typa shit." You smirked. Seeing your smirk he gripped tighter and gave you a good few decks to the face.
The two of you continued to fight, and as much as a surprise to everyone there you were better then your 'teammate' though he was able to gain some ground and had you on your back, him on op and straddling your hips to hold you in place. As the man on top of you was about to make another comment, he faltered looking away for a second, you, seizing the opportunity sat up quickly smashing your head to his hearing the satisfying crunch of what you guessed was a broken nose. The force had him stumbling back as you didn't waste time getting up and putting him in a rear naked chokehold (please its an actual thing leave me alone).
Adding pressure to his neck as he wriggled to try get out of your grip; even try to get up and slam you back down, though you didn't falter and happily added some strong kicks to both his stomach and his 'little guy'; and eventually he tapped out. After letting him go and him mumbling some more comments, everyone else was eerily quiet.
Turning facing everyone but mainly the rest of the 141, "Just because I'm small doesn't mean I won't cut your dicks off if more comments about me are made" Smiling and walking out of the training grounds downing your water. The rest of the recruits started at where you had just left. How tf? The 141 boys turned to each other surprised that you were able to take down one of their buffest recruits and walk away with few bruises and a split lip.
"OI GET BACK TO TRAINING" Everyone scrambled back to what their training would normally be after hearing their captain yelling. Price, Ghost, Soap and Gaz walked out feeling somewhat guilty, they know Laswell sent you but Jesus they weren't expecting someone who was significantly smaller then them to beat someone half your size. They all sent glances at each other. You sure were going to be an interesting team member.
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Okay, I'm not proof reading this cause I'm super lazy and wrote this whole thing in one sitting so yeah, I can do another part if you guys want. But anyways ^^
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marengogo · 1 year
QUICKIE - 4: Queer Realizations and Acceptances
Part of Your World - by Halle  [The Little Mermaid]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
Ladies, Gentlemen and Distinguished Enbies, how have you all been?
As I’m writing this, the schedule for FESTA 2023 was just released so, i’ll make sure to post this today, so I can focus on it 🤩🤩🤩.
Hope you haven’t allowed too many pestering things in the fandom ruffle your beautiful feathers. It might seem like there is a lot to be angry about, but IN MY OPINION we keep getting appalled and distracted by the same-ol’same ol’, which, NGL, plays perfectly into the hands of those who want to see us triggered and ignore, for example, ACTUAL ANGER INDUCING shit that has been going on in the industry potentially affecting the members, some more than others; NAMELY JIMIN. BUT the title of this post is Queer Realizations and Acceptances, right? So, forgive me, let me not digress.
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From the beginning of this year, I’ve been concentrating heavily on all aspects of my health and thus far, even though it has been so groundbreaking in many positive ways, it has brought about a lot of things I had to face head-on, ready-or-not style. This particular weekend, my family and I met with another family for a nice lunch. During this meeting it was made pretty clear to me that, at this stage in my life, if I were to pursue being my TRUE SELF, a European-born African Queer Woman, with anyone other than my sibling and close cousins, within my family, I would never bring my family any joy, or sense of pride and I would most certainly ostracise myself. And because I also realised that I really love my family, there is really nothing I can do.
These are the cards I was dealt and that I have finally accepted. As a consequence, I have started making my statement clear on my wish to not want to marry, which has liberated me so much; SO FUCKING MUCH. With that weight off my shoulder, the desire to start working on my project has been growing stronger by the day, and with that I also finally came face-to-face with my biggest fear, the one and only reason why I haven’t been able to sit-down and write. I’ve been working on this like half my life, and though it is not the theme it is LGBTQ-heavy, hence I have been feeling literally petrified at the idea of this project somehow ending up catching a public eye or two. Take the infamous situation with Kit Connor, he was basically pushed into having to reveal his sexuality and I CANNOT, AND WILL NOT, HAVE THAT. 
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I have been working on this project for so long, it is my baby, so I want it out in the world, but at the same time I also want to keep my family. I know it sounds like a Have your cake and eat it situation, but that is indeed my situation and: I WANT BOTH. Particularly when, to begin with, it is hella unfair for these two things to be mutually exclusive. So as I kept thinking, Jikook came to mind. For all the speculation, all the love, all the hate, all the gossip, all the rumours, all their actions, all their silences … we still don’t have any confirmation, or negation, regarding whether they are straight or queer. So why couldn’t this be me? 
The only big difference I could spot is that differently from Europe and America, in Asia a journalist will not come up and ask you flat out “Are you Gay?” In fact the private lifestyle of an Asian idol, where just dating is a scandal hence everyone keeps it underwraps, and companies also help you to do so if theta re invested in you enough could prove rather beneficial and a good protection unless you get caught of course 😬😬😬. Nevertheless, as I am not in Asia, I do not have that option but I have indeed figured out what I am going to do in my case if that time were ever to arise 🤡😌. Basically, NEVER LET ANYONE FORCE YOU TO COME OUT. I think this is not said enough, but if you don’t want to come out, YOU 👏🏾 DON’T 👏🏾 HAVE 👏🏾 TO 👏🏾.
Now, obviously I don't know if Jikook assuming they are queer would ever want to come out or not, it is a scary world out there and safety comes ALWAYS FIRST. However, ultimately it is up to them, and in the same way I would want people to respect my decision, even if 4 years from now it becomes painfully clear maybe by being the only two members that aren't married but somehow live together that they indeed are, if by then nothing has still been confirmed or denied then; CLEARLY that would have been their answer with that question. Period.
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So, if I ever were to get "fans" one day, I apologise in advance for my secrecy in regards, but whatever action I take will be my stance. You will be free to speculate and do all that I am respectfully doing with Jikook at the moment, of course, but just as well, because I would have been on both sides, I also know that you won’t die from lack of knowledge; no matter how badly you want to know. BUT THEN AGAIN who knows, maybe by the time I get to that point the world might have made a complete 360 and being part of the Queer community 🏳️‍🌈 wouldn't be such a problematic thing anymore. I wouldn’t hold my breath on this but, hey, miracles do happen, so I can but hope 😊.
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Anyways, enough of my rambling, let's all get ready for FESTA 2023, apparently there already is something on schedule for tomorrow so y'all ... like ... THE OT7 IN MY CAN'T EVEN.
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Always respectfully yours,
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lemonisntreal · 1 year
Hello! I just wanna say that love your content!
I was also wondering what's your favourite thing to incorporate into your designs of the characters detail wise? (ie. jewelry, patterns, accessories etc)
Have an amazing day!!
Oh man- I love everything about character redesigning tbh. The most obvious thing for me to say is my favorite would be scars- not only are they fun to draw and add a little flavor to the character design, but I feel like they can kinda tell a story without words. You don't need a backstory to be spelled out for you if you're given enough context clues + the character has scars.
They can also make the viewer have a lot of like "oh damn how did that happen" kind of thinking, and it creates a lot of intrigue, despite how cliche they can be [I refuse to do eye-scars hehe]. So they're extremely fun.
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I also like doing jewelry and accessories- but more broadly, I just LOVE changing up a character's outfit in general :D
Not anything obnoxious [unless you're Nooshy, which in that case-] or anything that would be out of character for them to wear ofc. But I think things like having Charley's jacket look more full and cozy and give him a necklace, or have Buster's blazer get turned into a tailcoat [scrungly], or making Eddie's bright jacket be more of like a raincoat [also because it sucks when wool gets wet in the rain lol] or- Ash specifically has like a million outfits I like to draw her in. The list could continue forever.
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But I think the most clear and obvious thing I like to do to characters is- for lack of a better way of putting it- completely change up how they look physically to either be more in line with how their irl animal counterpart looks, or to better fit their personality that may or may also have been changed by a plethora of headcanons I have. One of my friends described it as a character being "Lemified" and now the word "Lemification" has permanently been branded into my vocabulary.
Uh- the most obvious example of this is Judith. A character that's been changed so much for Tone Deaf that they're barely recognizable anymore past their name. I turned them into an enby capable of ripping your soul out of your body- 7'4" with a hat and peacoat and sharp teeth. And, most importantly, screentime. Mwahaha-
Another thing is the horns I gave Eddie- like they're such a crucial part of how I draw him now. Same goes for Meena's tusks, which you may not even know they have, because I don't draw her enough, but yeah. They have tusks lmao.
And what I think is my best change, Charley and Buster's double thumbs. I used to hate them but now I love them. Like they're one of my favorite parts about drawing Buster now- I always put a huge focus on his big paws and extra thumbs and the claws too. Omfg. I give a bunch of characters claws that they didn't have before, I fucking love claws >:D
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...I'm reading back and starting to realize that between the scars I give characters and the claws that I draw them with, I might just like anything that can make a story possibly darker o_o
Uh, TLDR; I like violence :/ [mostly a joke lol]
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neighborlywelcome · 6 months
Well hello there! I would like a match-up please! :D pronouns/gender: I'm a genderfluid that uses all pronouns!
sexuality: omnisexual, with a greater preference for men and enby's over women (though they are still very attractive :D)
fandom: Both!
Characters not to be paired with: can't think of any so none!
hobbies/interests: Drawing, watching tv, listening to music, writing stories, and relaxing!
personality: I'm a pretty socially awkward person. I don't like to speak up unless I feel like I'm in a safe space and know what I'm doing. To close people I can be VERY sarcastic (to others I'm not really). I can be very quiet when I talk in situations where I don't want that many people hearing me (social anxiety go brr), and I prefer to talk loudly when around safe spaces (Areas I'm comfortable with). I'm kind though, making sure that everyone is included and that no one is sad.
my "type": someone to hang out with. I like someone that is easy to talk to and is very supportive of me. I don't mind if they're kind of grumpy and I like people who also like physical attention.
Love language(s): Physical intimacy is a major one, I love being hugged and held along with being touched in general (holding hands yasss). I also love to give and receive gifts, it makes me happy.
I hope that it's not too much work for you!!! <3
Hello, of course! Thanks for the request! I’ll give you a Welcome Home one, but if you’d like a TADC one too, let me know!
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Barnaby is the best dog around, he’s easy to get along with even as friends and is 100% supportive of you when you’re in a relationship. I can’t imagine a more loyal pooch! You two would be a great match!
Barnaby doesn’t mind that you have social anxiety—he finds it cute, actually! His best friend is super quiet too, so he’s used to it. It gives him more room to yap and yap and fill the silence… unless you want to talk, in which case, he’s happy to give you room in the conversation!
Most of Barnaby’s talking consists of jokes, though, whether it be puns or knock-knock jokes or what have you. He’d pride himself in getting a laugh out of you, especially when you’re feeling less sociable, and if you’re open enough to be sarcastic with him, he’d love it! He thinks your sarcasm is funny.
You said you like physical attention? Barnaby’s got you covered! He’s always touching you some way or another, holding your hand or patting your head or wrapping his arms around your shoulder. He loves, loves hugs and if you reciprocate all this affection by petting his head (maybe scratching behind the ears?) his tail will wag with happiness!
His favorite pastime with you is definitely cuddling while doing something idle like watching TV while you run your hands through his fur and he holds you like a big, soft weighted blanket. As long as you give him small pets and scratches, he’s content! (He is a dog after all…)
Besides that, he also loves to watch you write and draw. He’s already used to modeling for Wally’s paintings a lot, so he’d love to do the same for you! And read or critique your stories if you wanted… but beware most of his “criticism” is that you should add more corny jokes that he comes up with.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Feel free not to answer this because I feel like it’s a really heavy and rather personal and emotional thing, but you’re also one of the people whose opinion I respect the most and who I think would be able to offer a lot of help with this, and I think it might help some other people too, if it’s not too pretentious to say that. It’s definitely too pretentious, isn’t it.
For context, I’m a cis female lesbian, which is… both a good thing and also the stem of these problems.
First of all, queer people travel in packs, we all know that. It’s amazing, and somehow, most of my friends and I found each other even before any of us came out. It’s the unconscious gaydar, I guess. And more recently, a lot of my friends are coming out as different flavors of trans and nb, and in some ways, it feels like I’m the ONLY person who feels completely comfortable with their birth gender.
God it sounds really bad when I put it that way, and I know it kinda is. I barely know how to describe it, but in some ways, it feels like I’m almost the odd one left out, when most of my friends have that bonding experience and this new struggle they have to deal with, and I’m not able to help them out and be there for them in a way that I was when it was just sexuality in question (and believe me, that took me forever to figure out, and I imagine it’s much the same for gender). And. I dunno. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m one of the ONLY cis people in my friend group, and I feel almost guilty for that? Online there’s all the stuff about “oh it’s the cis people” and like, that’s me, I’m one of the people in question, and how some people act, it’s almost as though I’m not queer enough or something, like being lesbian isn’t enough to actually make me queer and that I have to be some flavor of trans as well. And I know that’s horrible to think, it’s an awful mindset to have, but it’s kinda how I feel. And to clarify, this is absolutely not my friend’s faults, they’re not saying or doing anything at all to imply what I’ve just said, it’s entirely my own fault and that of the internet.
Anyway, I’ll just leave that there for you, because I don’t have a resolution for it, that’s the problem.
My second problem is kinda similar. My two best friends are both enby aroace. One of them is a sex-repulsed ace, and we share a lot of same fandoms and things that we enjoy. They’re a S&B fan, for one, and a while back I sent them WDMTTPL because I figured they’d like it because it’s fantastically written and I love it so much. This is nothing personal to do with you, I’d like to clarify that. Anyway, they got to the first E rated scene and quit and refused to read the rest of it. That’s totally okay, that’s fine, they have every right not to enjoy the same stuff as me. Another thing we both like is Phantom of the Opera, have you seen that? There are two songs, one in the original and one in the (admittedly a shitshow with a good soundtrack) sequel, that yeah, they’re kinda about sex, but they’re still very nice songs. My friend calls the one in the sequel (the song being Beneath a Moonless Sky) as ALW’s E-rated sex fantasy song. It’s… not terribly explicit, in my opinion, but like I said, of course we have different opinions, and that’s okay. But they hate the song so much and whenever it comes up on a playlist or something that we’re listening to together, they always go and skip it. With that musical as a whole, Love Never Dies, it’s a shitshow like I said and it has horrible writing and I really just ignore all of the plot in favor of enjoying some of the few good songs in it. And because of how much they hate that song, which I think has fantastic music regardless of content, I almost feel guilty for liking it and for being a sex-positive person myself. It’s not like my friend saying “I don’t like this and so no one should like this” but in some ways it feels almost like that’s what they’re saying. It’s absolutely not their fault, but it feels like the same thing again. I feel guilty for being straight and not “queer” enough, I feel guilty for being a person who enjoys sex versus an aroace friend who really doesn’t, and then I feel guilty for feeling guilty about things I shouldn’t feel bad about.
The third one isn’t really along the same vein as the first one, but I think it’s one that does put me in the wrong and that I’m very conflicted about.
One of my friends is very openly poly and was ranting to us the other day about some thinly veiled homophobic (and specifically polyphobic) comments one of her professors made, and how for an essay in that class she’s writing about how poly marriage should be allowed and was asking for our opinions and stuff. Personally, I think it’s absolutely okay, I wouldn’t even be opposed to a poly relationship myself. However, eventually they got on the topic of the poly relationship of the variety where one person is married to two different people without those other two people being married together, but consensual between all three. And… something rubs me the wrong way about that. Something feels very inherently unequal and unfair about someone in a relationship with two other people without those people being together, ESPECIALLY if we’re talking marriage. And then I proceed to feel horrible about that, because who am I to judge what kind of love is okay, what kind of poly marriage should be allowed and what shouldn’t? Isn’t that just as bad as, say, telling a bi person in a relationship with a person of the opposite gender that they’re actually just straight? I still don’t feel like being in two seperate relationships at once can be fair or healthy, even if it IS consensual, but I feel horrible for almost gatekeeping something like that, and for getting into a heated debate with the friend in question about it. She also had a boyfriend at the time, and according to her, she said he’d be perfectly okay if she was to have a relationship with a different person beside him at the same time. And then I felt horribly petty, because they broke up like a week after my friend said all of that to the rest of us and that breakup may or may not have been related.
Anyway I have no good way of wrapping this up, I feel like it’s just been one big rant, and I know it’s very very personal and heavy, but you really are someone whose opinion I respect and would really appreciate hearing. You don’t have to answer this ask, because I know it’s a lot, but either way, thank you so much for taking the time to read this anyway.
Welp. Okay. First off, I am very honored that you trust me to talk about this to you, respect my opinion, and are interested in hearing my thoughts. For context, I am also a cis lesbian, and I suspect that I am somewhat-to-significantly older than you (10-15 years). So this is coming from a queer person in their thirties (not in their teens or twenties) and while I have plenty to say here, I'll start with this:
Basically, this ask is an encapsulation of everything that rubs me the wrong way about the online youth culture that has grown up on social media and calls itself "queer" and "progressive" while also uh, not being those things at all and often just being American Protestant evangelical purity culture. I hasten to stress that this is not your fault in any way, and nothing about what you have said is going to make me point a finger and go BAD QUEER PERSON! Instead, I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for you and the guilt and stress that you're enduring and putting yourself through, when you really, really don't have to. I promise. Because if you just changed a few names and descriptions, you could be telling me how unhappy you feel in a religious fundamentalist cult! And that breaks my heart. Because:
You constantly feel guilty about whether you're "enough" for the overall authority/presumed "right way" to be a queer person, and constantly think that you have to do "more" to justify your inclusion;
You hang out with people and in shared social spaces that consciously or unconsciously reinforce the idea that you're "doing it wrong";
You worry constantly about whether being an ordinary human person with a sex drive makes you "unclean," "filthy," "evil," "lesser", etc etc;
You worry that you're in the wrong for expressing any opinion that might run against the prevailing wisdom, no matter what that opinion is or how you arrived at it;
You also worry that this is all "your fault" for not being good enough, and that if you continue to not be good enough, it will reflect on you as a personal sin and lead to your exclusion from the group, and that will be all your fault and nobody else's;
And on and on.
Anyway: as I said, this is flat-out conservative evangelical Protestantism with the names changed, and that's what makes me so averse to the so-called progressive purity/anti culture that has taken so much root in youth queer spaces. This isn't your fault or even that of your friends', it's just a result of what all of you have learned by osmosis and think is the only way to Be Acceptably Queer. And that is hogwash. It is total nonsense. It is absolutely not true. If you're hanging out in places or with people that are constantly feeding and reinforcing this message, whether implicitly or explicitly, then you DO need to find new places, healthier places, with maybe some older queer people who aren't as beholden to the niche culture of Performative Internet Wokeness as the younger terminally-online generation. Because it is a niche culture, it is very small, it is not at all representative of the lives and experiences of queer people all around the world, and you absolutely do not need to let it dictate your thoughts and behavior to the point of making you feel this way about yourself (or even at all). Because listen here:
I am holding your face in my hands, I am looking you in the eye, I am telling you from the bottom of my queer cis lesbian ace-spec old gay adult heart: I LOVE YOU, BABY GAY. YOU IS KIND. YOU IS SMART. YOU IS IMPORTANT. AND AIN'T NOBODY, NOBODY AT ALL, GOT THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU OTHERWISE OR MAKE YOU FEEL BAD FOR BEING BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.
Okay? Got it? I mean it. I am aggressively loving on you right now, in a healthy, boundaries-appropriate way, and telling you that IT IS OKAY. You are queer just the way you are. You're not a secret straight. You don't have to add an endless list of uber-specific micro-labels or nuances or explanations. You're you. You're queer. That's it, end of story, nobody can say otherwise. If people try to make you feel bad about it or shame you or imply that you're not enough, THAT IS THEIR FAULT and you can and should feel justified in calling them out on it. You don't need to torment yourself with guilt over having opinions, or liking sex, or ANY OF IT. Humans are humans! Humans (for the most part) like sex! Sex is a normal and natural and beautiful thing! Queer sex is beautiful! Het sex is beautiful! You can enjoy both or any or all of those things while also critiquing the sexified/commodified/heteronormative/repressive culture in which we exist! Our culture has been so messed up and fucked over (literally) when it comes to sex that once again, we've looped all the way back around to "I am a More Morally Pure Person if I Personally Reject Sex and This is a Totally Progressive Viewpoint" and like. As I said above, I am strongly ace-spec. I tend to enjoy reading about sex or having sexy headcanons more than I'm interested in actually pursuing it in the real world. But that doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else, and I have zero objections to them doing what makes them happy.
So enjoy E-rated fic. Enjoy E-rated songs. Enjoy sex if you like sex, in fiction, real life, or wherever. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, BABY, OKAY? If you know that some of your friends don't like what you like, you don't have to share those things with them or rely solely on their approval/validation (and as I said, if you're hanging out in places or with people that only make you feel bad about who you are and what you like, it's time to re-evaluate that time and how it's spent). Go out in your community, meet older queer people, volunteer in queer spaces, do whatever you would like to make you feel more connected to the real-life community with a broader variety of perspectives. But also, you don't have to do these things to be considered queer. You don't have to Earn Your Place Via Hard Work (oh hello again, Protestant Ethic!) You just have to be you. That is enough.
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nonbinarydeity · 1 year
Firstly, I just wanted to say that I admire your blog.
Your posts have given me a new insight on affirmations and manifestation.
Thank you so much for helping myself as well others.
Now, if it’s alright, I would like to tell you a little about myself…
I discovered subliminals about 2 1/2 years ago, and I’ve been extremely interested in them ever since.
I’ve read hundreds of stories of people getting results (sometimes even major results); and it makes me so happy for them - and excited that maybe I too can manifest great things for myself.
Unfortunately, I haven’t really had much luck manifesting…
It seems like no matter how much I listen to a subliminal, meditate, write affirmations down, change my mindset, etc. Nothing seems to work, and it really brings me down…
Some people get results instantly; but me? Nothing…
I’m a transgender man, and I’ve really tried to make a solid effort to manifest a body that better matches my gender identity. It hasn’t worked though…
I also tried to manifest money to help my family, but that hasn’t seemed to work either.
Right now, for about a month and a half now, I’ve been religiously listening to a subliminal to change my eye color - as well as meditating while visualizing, writing down affirmations, and even trying the “water technique”, but sadly, my eyes pretty much look the same as when I started…
I figured since I can’t drastically change my body or get a large sum of money, I should start with something small - like changing my eyes; but even making a minor change like getting a different eye color hasn’t been working out for me…
The only notable thing that happened recently was I had a dream the other night that I was looking in the mirror, and I was watching my eyes change into my desired eye color. I was so happy! Sadly, it was only a dream though…
With all of that being said…
I would humbly like to ask if you have any sort of advice for me? - Only if you would be willing to give, of course.
Since you seem to have an excellent grasp, as well as experience on the subject of manifestation - turning thoughts into reality.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time!
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate them 🥰
As a transmasc enby, I feel your pain on this one 😭
So to me it sounds like you might have a problem with your mindset. You keep doing methods and listening to subliminals, but you go into it thinking that it won't work because it hasn't in the past, you even said "since I can't drastically change my body or get large suns of money" that mindset has to go out the window right now!! Take some time to work on your self concept, there are plenty of subs for it!! I recommend ones that have benefits like: "trust in your power to manifest," "let go of the old story," etc.
After you've gotten it into your mind that you CAN manifest anything you desire, the biggest thing is making sure you don't waver! Keep persisting, and don't let the 3D tell you that you "don't have it yet" because you DO have it!! Remember, the 3D is the LAST thing to mirror your new mindset, if you start noticing things like dreams or random thoughts about having your desires, you're on the right track!!
For me, having a dream about my desire is a HUGE sign that my mind is being saturated! If I think about it enough, I dream it, so for me that's a sign that you're doing a good job so far! Don't give up just because you don't see it yet, your mind is in the process of accepting it as true. Just don't feed your mind the opposite of what you want, and what you want will come.
Work on your self concept! Listen to self concept subliminals with benefits like, "ignore the 3D," "trust you ability to manifest," "let go of the old story," etc
Don't base your success off the 3D. The goal is to tell your mind that you have it. Use your thoughts that you have it as proof, because that's how you teach your subconscious that what you're telling it is true!
Things like dreams and random thoughts about having your desire are good signs! You're doing well, keep it up!!
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the-wolfpack · 5 months
experiencing gender and sexuality as a polyfrag system is so weird
like im a cis* gay** man
if we want to go in further depth: i appear in the headspace as a twink (cringe)
which is pretty opposite of the truth when it comes in contrast of what body i inhabit, being specifically a trans bear
it’s weird looking in the mirror because while everything that matters in the long run is fulfilled, there is yet that dissonance when it comes to seeing myself differently than how i perceive myself as i am in headspace
and obviously that’s the dissociation coming into play, but for the most part i align with our physical ‘truth’ being that when we go out in public we pass as a cis man
there is a luxury there in passing and not having to think about being trans in most social situations, especially in the past of not having to do much on the medical transitioning side when it comes to passing
we were born tall and relatively up and down and having small breasts that only taking 2 or so years worth of testosterone and being off it for about 2 years now that we still pass extremely well
but there’s more to it obviously
luckily we have a lot of men in our system but we also have a lot of women too
there’s some women who are fine with the body we inhabit because their connection to womanhood is not as tied to the body for feeling acceptance and understanding as women and are fine with having a vagina that mostly works right
not to mention we grew up as a woman or at least a girl, so those experiences are still there to draw from to understand what being a woman is like
but we also have trans women alters, which i know is controversial in the wider system community, but they exist and have their own feelings
and maybe it comes from years of trauma and bullying from not feeling woman enough when bodily we were a cis woman—for being mistaken and teased, being called a man, not being feminine enough
but we have trans women alters and while not all of them feel entirely the same, a lot of them experience dysphoria in a completely different way that some cis men (myself included) and trans men do in system—not to mention the cis women here too
one of our trans woman alters has a lot of dysphoria of hearing her own voice being played back to her, or detests all the body hair we have, and feels sick to her stomach that when she goes out in feminine clothes and her wig she believes she just looks like a man in drag and is hyper aware of how people perceive her
and i feel for her because those are extremely difficult struggles that i personally don’t have to face
and obviously all our trans fem alters don’t have the same lived experiences that singlet trans women or bodily trans women system do—we all have the luxury and safety as presenting as a cis man
but when any feminine alter tries to dress femininely in public there is the same fear we assume trans women also feel— so while not being bodily a trans woman ourselves we can empathize with some of the struggles they have and i think it’s interesting
our gender goal i guess now is to be genderfluid because when our old host fused and basically left we all scrambled in trying to understand who and what we are
there are still a lot us who want to go back onto testosterone— to get rid of things that are changing back because our body creating estrogen again, but there are a lot of us who are excited to see the day when we can present more androgynously as a baseline so when they want to dress more femininely they won’t feel the dysphoria of not being woman enough
also let’s not forget the enbies in here who just wanna fuck around and do whatever with gender presentation
and this ties in with sexuality of course because being perceived as the correct gender when you’re into someone is important— you want them to see you for what you perceive yourself as and it’s disheartening to some people who aren’t seen good enough in the gender they have for xyz reasons
like when i wanna be with a man while i don’t mind being seen as a trans bear i wish i could be seen as my true cis twinky ways (cringe)
all im saying is i honestly don’t know what to make of the gender confusion as a system who identifies as so many different genders and sexualities but the acceptance of gnc people and trans people is important also along with sexual liberation and acceptance of who people want to love
i just really hope we can get to a point in our lives where we are comfortable being genderfluid for whoever is fronting
maybe science will let me get a working dick i can take off at will for the people who wanna pussy it up in here later
this has definitely not been an easy journey but it’s just some thoughts i wanted to get out and i hope some other systems can relate to this feeling too and other singlet genderfluid people can understand to some extent as well
also disclaimer: i don’t condone systems who are not in certain marginalized groups appropriating the suffering that those marginalized groups experience
in reality we are all in a trans masc white jewish body and that is how we will be perceived and treated as such and our experiences should never talk over actual marginalized groups who actually deal with the hatred society throws at them for things that are immutable about them
but that also doesn’t mean going to the other extreme and saying that our feelings don’t have place because i have been there and i have witnessed how others feel in our system especially when it comes to gender and how their dysphoria and pain are real and even their euphoria about doing certain things that also enforce their gender as well
there’s this really great comic that talks about another systems journey through gender and im going to add it in here because it was really liberating seeing another post of someone who felt very similarly to how we do about our presentation and its done more more neatly than this long winded ramble lol
(credit to @akabirdie with this awesome comic they made that we reblogged a couple months ago when it popped up on our dashboard)
i also welcome other systems or genderfluid people to reblog and share their experiences too—i think having a dialogue about this is important because knowing that other people out there who experience this thing is important to me and us as a whole
thanks for reading
-dave from the wolf pack
*cis headspace wise
**sexuality is complicated cuz im mostly attracted to men but there have been women i have and will go straight for so identify as gay for the most part
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god-u · 4 months
Oh gods, this girl was so messy about LGBT stuff and POCs. Like she straight up used to sexualise and woobify the POC in a book series we read (constantly talking about how she wanted a Chinese character to spank her, alongside treating two Native twins as her Uwu Babies). Then she’d get absolutely outraged and bitch if anyone she knew irl mentioned anything remotely sexual because ‘how dare they! didn’t they know she was ace?! Why are they so weird?!’ which, as a fellow ace person, always felt like such an insane take.
The trans thing with Meli is Wild. She did such a U-Turn. Went from criticising JKR and the way she treated trans people to full blown transphobia. Like she originally clarified my pronouns with me when I started using He/Him, telling me about an enby friend she had irl, told me about her niece and then went Full misgendering her enby ‘friend’ and trying to tell me that cis was a slur invented by a German pedophile. 💀💀
Also going off some of her old Twitter links? Madly anti-immigrant. Her old account was chimeracuddles btw. She deleted it because of some drama in the Vikings fandom? Idk. I just know she made some call out posts and shit. All Extremely Dramatic.
Also sorry that I’m just Going Off and this is a big slog of text again but I s2g I’ve been waiting for someone to call her out on her shit for so long. Only thing that stopped me was that she knows too much irl shit about me. Honestly I’m just sorry anyone else had to deal with her shit. 💜
this is just scary AND disgusting like…. we used to talk about being ace cause i’m also on the ace spectrum but i’m still a lesbian and can be sexual at times but she was definitely extreme about being aroace the few times we spoke. she’d also randomly mention maybe being into women when we’d talk.. idk if that was supposed to entice me but she failed ☠️☠️
she seriously seemed to tolerate/like everyone BUT Black women so the fetishizing shit doesn’t surprise me at all. the way you’re describing her changing is almost identical to her describing shallow’s change in views like just a lying ass bitch fr 🥴
she also briefly mentioned vikings fandom drama and some doxxing or whatever but i don’t really care bout that wypipo shit so i tuned it out lmaosjsks
no need to apologize though! i did the same when i found out cause she’s revolting and the entire experience just made me angry asf lol. if this was real life i would have beat that bitch’s ass. i’m glad you’re away from her now (all of us) and if that bitch ever even attempts to return and threaten anyone i already have friends in cybersecurity ready to get her ass. i genuinely believe that scared her most because we spoke enough for her to know i was serious about knowing people who were experts at that kind of thing. anyways good riddance 😌
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