#because its so ready-to-eat just straight out of the fridge
nexus-nebulae · 1 year
i decided to get those uncrustable sandwich things to see if it's a food I can actually eat and I've just been fucking inhaling them
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I saw your doc ock post!!! I also just got into him!!! Ummm idk if you’re still writing but really anything regarding him as the recipient of stuffing, farting, diarrhea, and/or constipation would be great!!! Thank you!!!
(sorry that this is so late! hopefully its worth it, ive been very busy but also writing this on and off for a while. Thank you for the request it was a lot of fun :) enjoy!)
BEFORE YOU READ! This story contains lots of scat, stuffing, and m@sturb*tion, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK 18+ i indulged myself a little more than usual lol
Doc rubbed his stomach, or at least tried with that annoying metal band in the way. He'd definitely never really been skinny, and the suit was designed to fit his body, but after the explosion it seemed to have clamped down onto him, and especially now that he was bloated; rolls of his tummy sticking out from the top and bottom of the belt. His poor stomach was pressing so hard on it the metal was bowing ever-so-slightly. The rubbing didn't help the ache, the only response from his gut being a horrible cramp and gurgle, weeks of trapped gas and waste and now what was probably a weeks-worth of cheap snack food swirling around. Being a super-villain you don't really have the best dietary options and can only really eat what you can steal, and primarily from gas stations unless you want to cause a scene over some steak. Another cramp surged through his intestines and he bent over to give room while he flexed his asshole with a grunt, pushing and pushing until his guts felt like they were going to burst. Nothing. Not even a fart. There had to be some way he could get things going, he'd been stuck in his lair barely making any progress on his generator because of this stupid bellyache, and it only seemed to get worse. But it wasn't like he could just stop eating! Then, he got an idea.
One of his four giant metal actuators crept over to the small fridge in the corner of the room; one of the many things he had invented to accomodate his stay in the ruins of his lab. The actuator opened it, and Otto was happy to find a full carton of milk. He'd gotten a little lactose intolerant as the years went by, not bad just enough to give him a solid case of the runs and some gas for a while, which he would gladly take on for relief. Another cramp shot through his gut, sending a gurgle out through his bowels. Excitedly, he bored down with his hands on his knees and pushed. His asshole gaped open, kissing the insides of his underwear, but again nothing. He groaned and opened the carton, ready to just chug it straight out. He didn't have any clean dishes anyway.
With the fullness in his stomach, which seemed already packed to the brim, the milk was not going down easy. Every few gulps he'd have to let off to calm down the nausea starting to build, and let out a few milky burps that only end up making him feel fuller. If before he was bloated, by half the carton was gone he was huge. His stomach gurgled nonstop, and he sat idly on the ground, milk in hand and a pack of crackers to help it wash down as his stomach expanded around the belt, coming over it on the sides with a red, angry hue. The pain was unbearable. Gurgles and groans that sounded sicker and sicker by the minute filled the room, accompanied with his animalistic grunts and curses as he desperately tried to get something out. He could feel the milk begin to seep into everything he had eaten, and then finally! Moving down his intestine. He could feel the burning inside him, and knew that his next load if it ever came was going to be liquid, but he looked forward to it if it meant he could actually poop. He didn't remember the last time he unloaded but it had definitely been over a week, maybe more. And he was usually a pretty consistent guy.
As the hours went by he had finally finished the jug and now sat on the floor, hands desperately kneading into his stomach as he let out dry burps and moaned through cramps. The milk was starting to run through his system, the pressure that once lie under his belt now pressing against some mass behind his asshole. Crawling on the floor, he threw his ass into the air, uncaring that he was still wearing pants and underwear, and pushed with everything he had. The mass moved maybe a centimeter.
"Come on..." he grunted to himself, and pushed again, feeling all of the hot mush in his rectum push against the hard turd. He was sweating now, teeth grit and eyes screwed shut as he lay unabashedly with his legs spread wide. He guessed he couldnt get anymore embarrassed than this, and two of his metal arms flew down to remove his pants. He hooked his naked legs over his arms and scooted down into place, his other arms steadied himself against the wall, holding him up as he shook and strained. Inch by inch, he could feel the hot liquid shit forcing the mass through his bowels, working him so hard he was breaking a bit of a sweat. "Please--" He grunted as hard as he could, flexing his asshole once more and a small pocket of air around the turd squirted out of him, blasting a jet of hot warm stink onto the floor in front of him.
His guts roiled, pushing desperately to get more out. He grunted and groaned, sounding somewhat primal as his eyebrows furrowed and face turned red in concentration. Several short and slightly damp farts shot out, each one carrying the mass a little more until it was finally resting against his asshole. He took a deep breath before giving it one final push, asshole puckering to reveal the large brown lump inside him, which didn't move. His guts groaned and churned around it, pushing the diarrhea that rest snugly behind it forward and compacting it even harder against the clog in his system. Trapped gas squelched and his eyes were starting to grow wet. Along with the strain, the embarrassment of the situation was very very real, even alone having his naked ass exposed like this felt alien.
The pressure in his stomach got worse, and the bottom of his belly and bowels bloated up, the pressure from the belt creating an even worse pain so bad he felt he would pop. He had to do something, and as another unsuccessful push traveled through his guts he grew desperate. His legs hiked up farther, and one arm came down to rest by his ass, hesitating. Was he really about to do this?
Gggrrgllgg... His stomach answered him, twisting in an agonizing affirmation, and his asshole was forced open another time. His fingers ventured inside, the rim wet and soft from forcing out what little gas he could, and lubing itself up to prepare for what was cooking in his guts. His middle finger slipped inside, and the foreign sensation made it feel like he was already messing himself, but he quickly found the log blocking said fate. It was hard and round inside him, stretching past the walls of his colon and stopping him up good. He knew there was no way he would be able to fit his fingers around the turd to pull it out, so instead he resigned to breaking it up. The sensation of having his fingers stuffed in his own ass, literally about to dig the shit out had already given him quite a tall erection, and he used some of the precum beginning to spit out of his cock as lube before venturing back into his hole.
The sensations were incredible; the pressure of his diarrhea crammed up behind the monster of a log he was currently dismantling, the sexuality of his fingers sliding in and out of his own butt, his massive erection steadily pumping thick hot precum out on his thighs... Even the actuators began to purr and click as they held his position on the floor for him. 20-30 minutes passed and the log was finally venturing closer and closer to the exit, now in still very large but easier to push out chunks. Sliding his finger out from his ass one last time, giving his aching belly and encouraging pat, and moaning out an even more encouraging grunt, Otto began pushing again. His asshole bloomed open, sore and irritated, and he could feel several large knobs of solid feces begin sliding out, fast. Wet farts forced themselves out, pushing his turds to go even faster until one exceptionally juicy fart was plugged by a soft, wet 'ppllrrfffbbt' as his asshole stretched around the first turd. His stomach groaned, the belt forcing even more pressure than he was applying as a hard, slippery shit shot from his asshole, letting out a series of wet sharts that stained the dark floor of his lair with a muddy brown. The turd fell on the floor, resting beneath his asscheeks with a soft noise unheard over the crackling of the rest of his load and his grunting. His face was certainly red from the struggle, and sweat rolled down his face as he filled the room with animalistic moans. His hole didn't even have time think about closing to rest before two more turds were forcing their way out, nudging over the first one to make room in their pile on the floor.
The bottom of Otto's asscheeks were smeared a dirty brown, and the whole room smelled of shit, an odd turn-on the physicist found as another hot smelly jet of farts covered the pile. The pressure was slightly better, but his stomach roiled and bowels moaned, and he knew he was nowhere close to finished. The next load that slid out of his hole was significantly softer and more malleable, pockets of chunky brown liquid sliding out the sides of each piece of mushy shit. The release was incredible; more than a weeks worth of waste all forcing its way out of him at once. As his asshole bloomed harder, forcing a small spurt of shit that began a trickling stream of thick diarrhea, he took one hand to his hard cock. Slowly, he began pumping it, and his moans of pain and grunts of relief turned into those of pleasure.
By this time he was having full on diarrhea, the milk having degraded all of the shit in his body to a thick, chunky liquid like a chowder. His legs were raised in the air, asshole on full display as it worked, the lips blooming open to kiss out more disgusting mud. The sounds were much louder and wetter, his farts becoming more frequent and intense, blasting chunk after chunk of poop all over the floor in front of him, going feet past the huge pile he'd created. Each wet noise from his body send a throbbing wave of arousal through his cock and stroked up the base, sending him closer and closer to coming, but he had more to go.
His ass squirted steadily for about 3 or 4 minutes, and by the time it finally tapered down his poor abused hole felt like fire. He actually had to push to get the final chunks out; mostly just degraded sludge and loud, hot farts. His stomach felt empty, a welcome feeling considering the past week and more of pain, and he realized how hungry he actually felt. Looking down at his pile, or more a smear, of poo he thought about how full he'd felt, and how bloated. All of that having been stored up inside him, brewing and going soft in his rectum. The idea sent him over the edge. At the same time the very last slippery turd slid out of his butt into the shitcastle, his cock throbbed and thick, hearty ropes of cum spurted out of it, adding what appeared to be whipped cream to a hot fudge sundae. With one last, airy fart splitting open his asscheeks, he laid down completely on the floor beside his pile, absolutely exhausted. One of his actuators crawled up, almost seeming embarrassed as it presented him a napkin, and upon his go-ahead, slinked around his legs to wipe up his ass. It was beyond disgusting, coated in diarrhea and would definitely smell awful for a while, as would the rest of his lair. He just hoped it wouldn't hinder him too much as so he couldn't focus on his project, now that he could finally get back to it.
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
one more bc i’m actually having so much fun thinking of these lol!
🍾 with hangman
HUNG(OVER)MAN aka After New Year's with Jake Headcanons
Even when Jake isn’t so good…he’s good.
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Pairing Jake Seresin x reader
Theme Fluff
Warnings One mention of actual hangovers, I also just couldn’t think of another title
Word Count 570
Note This was headed in a completely different direction but seeing as it’s just after New Year’s, I thought this direction seemed a bit fitting! This was supposed to go up earlier (like right after NYE) but I had a not so great start to the new year so this took awhile to write and edit. Also, may or may not be loosely based on how I spend NYD 😬 I hope you enjoy it, love!!!
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If you enjoyed this, please reblog! Reblogs are the best way to support creators (writers, artists, gif makers, everyone!) on this platform. Share the content, share the love!
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On the rare occasion that Jake didn’t have work the day after a big event, the two of you would spend the day as quiet as possible
Every morning, the two of you would wake up absolutely exhausted despite oversleeping
But the drilled-in discipline from his military training will nag at him until he gets up so he’ll at least get up to brush his teeth
But the drilled-in discipline from his military training will nag at him until he gets up so he’ll at least get up to brush his teeth
Then it’s straight back to bed for morning snuggles
(He’s also barely awake while brushing his teeth so he also just wants to lay down)
The next time he gets out of bed is when his stomach starts grumbling
And he’s making sure you’re getting out of bed with him, whether that means throwing you over his shoulder or carrying you bridal style
Neither of you bother to change out of your pajamas, by the way
(And that’s assuming you guys even had the energy to change before getting into bed)
If you didn’t, this would be the time you guys exchange your wrinkled formalwear for comfy sweats and tees
For breakfast (or brunch, rather) Jake is always quick to stop you before you can reach for the sugary cereal atop the fridge
“If I’m ever too lazy to cook breakfast for you, then feel free to throw me out along with the garbage”
It’s a simple plate of eggs and bacon to share, exactly the way you like it, with a mug of hot coffee
Then it’s off to the living room couch for some more cuddling while sharing your meal
The TV volume is set to low as you idly flip through the channels or check out what’s streaming
But neither of you are listening to it
Instead, the two of you talk about your plans for the new year: things you want to do, places you want to see, etc.
You guys could literally spend hours on that couch just doing nothing
Also thanks to the many throw pillows you bought because Jake secretly loves them
At some point, he’ll starts to get antsy so the two of you drive around town
Driving through for coffee
Checking out the new restaurant you plan to eat at soon
Passing the scenic route on the way home
Picking up some pizza for dinner on the way
“Easiest dinner cleanup ever,” you said as you suggested it
“You read my mind”
And it’s back to the couch and TV for dinner, though this time the two of you actually pay attention to the screen
Even though you guys spent the whole day barely doing anything, Jake is alert the moment you yawn
He’s turning off the TV and putting away the leftover pizza while you get ready for bed
“Don’t worry about the mess here, babe, I got this. You go ahead so you can rest”
You stay up long enough to wait for him to get in bed with you
Once he kisses you good night, the two of you fall right asleep, recharged for life to go back to normal
In his dreams, he’s replaying the day he just had, doing everything and nothing with you
Because as much as he loves to celebrate big, it’s the small moments with you that mean everything to him
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Disclaimer  I do not own Top Gun: Maverick or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
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sighingsiren-tales · 2 years
4 hours later...
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Trying to stick to my word.
Should I make Freaky Friday a thing? (Story themed day)
Word Count: 5.6k
“Where in fucks name do you think you’re going?” Jin questions with no real malice. 
You turn around slightly, barely looking over your shoulder before you scoff and pour another glass of wine for yourself. 
“Nowhere” you mumble sourly. 
Seokjin walks around to face you, leaning down, so that his face was but a hair away from you. He scans your expression and your outfit; As his eyes pass over you, you suddenly feel so silly. 
“Your makeup and dress say otherwise”. 
You shoot him a glare. Pushing off the barstool, slightly annoyed, you go to the fridge to grab something to munch on angrily. You hope the vigorous hewing will curb your anger; You grab a green apple, tossing it in the air once before closing the fridge and looking up at Jin with the most nonchalant expression that you could muster. 
“I got stood up” Your words were as dry as the evening. 
His eyes narrow.
“Stood up?” He questions. 
The words sound foreign on his tongue but you are sure he knows the meaning. 
You nod your head once, curtly, before taking another angry bite out of the apple. 
“Do you not know what ‘I got stood-up’ means?” You must say, that was quite bitchy. 
Seokjin does not flinch. 
“Look at my face, look at its perfection, contemplate its beauty” He poses. 
You roll your eyes.
“Are we nearing the point?”. 
“Ignoring that. Given my” He strikes another pose. 
“Assets. Do you really think I know the meaning of such words?”. 
You glare at him ready to fire back but, upon further reflection, what could you truly say to that? Jin was gorgeous, even to the blind. You visibly sag, dropping the bitchy exterior. 
Your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
“It’s been two hours and he hasn’t even attempted to contact me” You mumble the words, as if they’re a shame to get out. 
Embarrassing doesn’t even begin to cover it. 
Seokjin pulls up a stool to sit by you. 
“Not that now is the right time, but did you seriously cut ties with me for a guy who didn’t even show up?”.
Ah, Seokjin and his brutal honesty; Even if the timing was terrible, he’s right. 
“I cut ties with you because I wanted more than just sex”.
To that, Seokjin was absolutely quiet and truth be told, you expected it. You didn’t think he would answer you nor did you think he would jump to your defense at the first sight of your sadness. It wasn't necessarily uncomfortable silence that followed, more like a welcome break from words.
After a few moments of quiet, Seokjin spoke up. 
“Question, what kind of bear is best?” He spoke in his best Jim impersonating Dwight from the office impression. 
It was your favorite sitcom and you looked up at him with a hint of a smile on your features. He could see your eyes twinkle, for only a half a second, but that alone was enough to keep up the bit. He kept a straight face, speaking before you could even answer. 
“False, black bear”.
You giggle, pushing at his shoulder which caused his facade to crack for just a moment, a hint of a smile peaking through. 
“Fact: bears eat beets” He spoke, annunciating  obnoxiously.
You both look at each other for a moment, fighting smiles. 
“Bears, Beets, Battle star galactica” You both finished together, earning him a hearty laugh from you.
He smiles at the sound. That was one reason why you always loved being around Jin, sex or not; He always knew how to make you laugh regardless of the situation. The two of you sat there for God knows how long, watching random episodes of the office and giggling at every joke that was made. Slowly but surely, the air was changing to a much less sad and pathetic vibe the longer you sat there watching videos with Jin on his phone. The longer you stay there with him, the more that you seem to relax and revert back to a state of happiness. Your stress seems to melt away and whenever he felt you devolved back into unwelcome seriousness, his finger tickled you back into happy submission. In those moments filled with fits of laughter, you remembered with a fierce vengeance why you adored Seokjin as you did; His smile and mannerisms could light up a room like nothing else. A part of you selfishly wanted that smile and happiness to belong solely to you. Now, would you make that known? Probably not but in these few moments of bliss You allow yourself a few seconds to believe your deepest desire is true; You were almost lost to it. 
That was until the doorbell rang.
 Your head turns towards the door, your stomach bubbling in both anger and anxiety at the thought of it being Hyungmin. Hell, what would you do if it was Hyungmin? Jin looked at you for a split second and the look you shared means you both know who was behind that door. He does not allow you the chance; He rises quickly, going to the door, shirtless nonetheless. He grabbed the doorknob and threw the door open ,giving you no time to mentally prepare yourself as he revealed Hyungmin. The aforementioned stood there looking as cool as a cucumber; By his lack of remorse, he doesn’t even appear to care about the time of night it was . 
“Hi!” Seokjin’s tone is overly cheery. 
You’re almost concerned about what he would do. Almost.
Before Hyungmin could get a word out, Jin starts speaking again:
“Yeah, so sorry, but she’s busy” His words drip with mock sympathy. 
You hide a chuckle at the fake sympathy that Jin was trying to conjure up.  The not as handsome guy in front of him furrows his eyebrows in confusion as your stomach did the most complicated gymnastics routine your brain could think of; He was nearly four hours late and still had the gaul to show up at your doorstep? Was this even a real attempt to take you out or was he just trying to get in your pants? Who did he think he was?
“Doing what?” He deadpanned, obviously not buying it.
Jin turns around quickly, giving you a glance over his shoulder with a quick smirk. 
“Nosey one isn’t he?” The glint in his eye is dangerous and playful, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder at the audacious intruder.
Even through his playful exterior, you had been around and been with Seokjin long enough that you could sense the hint of jealousy masked in his words. 
Jin does not give you the time to respond, not that you planned on adding to the encounter. The wine was making its presence known quite fiercely, your head swims and you can not bring yourself to keep your composure. The name of the game? Try not to laugh. Only half of his name left your lips, a half-assed attempt at speech before Jin turned back around to face the date that had stood you up; Just like that, Jin was in control of the convo. He was the elder here, of us all.
“I said she’s busy” His true annoyance interlocks with his tone. 
“Look, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are-”
“Lovely, then allow me to introduce myself ” Jin straightens his spine; He is easily looking down on the man in front of him. The bass returns to his voice. 
“Hello there! I’m a decent guy who doesn’t make a woman wait for four hours for a lousy date which, in your case, is code for a half-assed attempt at pussy”. 
No one speaks.
Hyung-Min’s face is unreadable. After another moment or two you decide to pipe up. 
“You were supposed to be here at 7, Hyung-Min”.
Hyungmin is quiet at first, looking to you and then back to Seokjin. Something in Jim’s expression causes him to bristle, scoffing before chuckling slightly in disbelief. Before he can compose himself enough to speak, Jin is on the attack again. 
“If you truly knew how late you were, almost 4 hours in case you forgot, you would not offer any sorry ass arguments. Come to think of it, I see the cowardly lack of an apology”. 
His tone was final and left absolutely no room for argument; His insults were calculated and all were true. 
“And worse, the audacity of still showing up with the expectation of something”.
The finality in his voice and the way he was standing up for your honor was an absolute turn on; It wasn’t kosher but the fact that Jin was outraged at someone mistreating you was sweet. The fact that he stood up for you in spite of the fact that he liked you. This all confirms what you already had a sneaking suspicion of: Jin has a permanent place in your heart. Some part of you would always adore him, forever. You had only wished he did this all the time and not just at spotty moments of emotion; You love the passion, but you love consistency more. If Jin was going to be there for you, you wanted the consistency, the commitment. 
While you’re chewing on that, Hyungmin remains absolutely silent, not responding to the obvious and just staring at Jin. Your knight, who has proven himself to be rather merciless when called for, seems emboldened.
“Also, who picks someone up for a date at” Seokjin pauses to turn around, asking you for the time sweetly; His demeanor changes completely when he looks at you. He’s smiling, genuinely and his eyes hold a certain tenderness.
“Time check beautiful?” That beautiful and all knowing smirk on his face. 
You look him over once quickly, or so you thought; The alcohol definitely slows your reaction time. Your lips turn upwards at his soft handling of you or from the beautiful view of a shirtless Seokjin. When you finally come to and open your phone to check the time, Seokjin notes his observations: 
"Don’t look at me like that while the bozo is still here, it isn’t polite”.
You bit back a smile at his antics, keeping yourself in check the best you could. But truthfully, you were giddy. He was standing up for you in such a profound way; To see how he stepped up to try to lighten your mood was heartwarming.  Seokjin, forever the charmer. Remembering reality, you tell him it was nearly 11pm and he gives you a quick wink. 
“Thanks sweetheart” With that he turns away from you, his voice lowering as he speaks to the man in front of him. 
“At 11pm? If you just want your dick wet, go elsewhere” Jin’s words didn’t shock you, he’s always been a smartass, but his tone was not one for joking. You could tell that he was dead serious about every word that left his mouth. 
Hyung-Min begins to look uncomfortable and at this, Jin makes a smug sound, emanating from deep within his chest as if he had gotten confirmation on who the alpha male was. Truth be told, everyone in the vicinity knew who the alpha male was, including you. 
“Before I tell you about yourself, accept the excuse of ‘she’s busy’ and leave” Jin’s voice lowered back down to his normal, melodic octave, though with a rough edge to it, an edge that made you shiver. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, tracing over the muscles of his back and the proportions of his broad shoulders. His smooth unblemished skin, toned arms with a face sculpted by the Goddess. Did you just lick your lips in front of Hyungmin? 
What was the name of that wine, again?
Hyung-Min’s spine begins to straighten, as if he’s had enough of his manhood being invalidated by Jin talking down to him. 
“If she doesn’t want to see me, say that. Don’t tell me she’s busy when she’s clearly not. I’m not fucking blind” Hyungmin counters, his tone does nothing to hide his irritation. 
Jin lets out a harsh laugh, a bark almost. 
“Amazing, I almost believed you gave a fuck about her. You’re a theater major aren’t you?” The sentence is accompanied by a breathy laugh. 
“Accounting, actually”. 
Jin waves his hand in the air. 
“Who really gives a shit. Why are you still here? Go on” He clicks his tongue and tilts his chin upwards. 
“Off you trot”. 
Hyung-Min’s hands balled into fists at his side. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”. 
Jin takes a step forward; They’re chest to chest. 
“The guy who’s to show her the difference between a boy and a man. I’d return the question if I cared”. 
"Fuck that, Babygirl c'mon. We have better things to do then stay here".
You raise a brow. Who the fuck was Babygirl? Not I, said the cat. (Hint, YOU'RE the cat): Before oyu can respond Jin beats you to the punch
“I said she’s busy” He growls. 
You felt your entire being shift when you heard that sound come from Jin. Did he just growl? Jin rarely shows anger so that growl was palpable. 
“Accept the excuse before I hurt your feelings”. 
“I can see her right the fuck there, I know she’s not busy” Hyung-Min counters, his voice louder than before. 
“You can not be this deft” Jin mumbles before he huffs out a laugh. 
“Trust me, after this I’m going to get on her ass in more ways than one about her dating standards. Men like you are unacceptable”. 
Hyung-Min rolls his eyes and his jaw clenches before he’s looking over at you, past Jin’s shoulder. You barely feel the need to make eye contact with him. All you can think of is the shirtless Adonis who was standing up for you. You don’t even meet his eyes; Your gaze is fixated on Seokjin.
“Your parents ever taught you to look someone in the eye when they’re talking to you?”. 
Hyungmin grits his teeth, nearing his limit as his ears flare red. As if he realizes how childish he’s being, he laughs, though you can tell it is out of frustration. 
“I’m sure she had nothing better planned than our date this evening” Hyungmin shot back, turning up his nose in annoyance and slight disgust as he let out a humorless laugh. 
His arrogance was repulsive; He hadn’t apologized once, didn't even showed remorse and he still expected you to go out with him. What a fucking prick. He originally was going to be a quick fuck and nothing more, but no dick could champion this behavior. 
“That’s where you’re wrong” Jin pauses to look back at you and the heat of his gaze is familiar.
And, though the night proves to be full of surprises, nothing in the world could prepare you for the words that came out of Seokjin's mouth next. 
“I have a few inches of something that’ll keep her busy for the next few hours. Enjoy your night!”. 
You barely saw the look of absolute disbelief on Hyung-Min’s face before Jin slammed the door in it and power walked back over to the kitchen, making a beeline for the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. 
“Whew, all that bullshit made me thirsty”.
“Jin, what in fucks name did you just do?” You asked quite confused and even a bit scared, though the chuckle between your statement did not make it seem so. 
Maybe it was because Hyung-Min was popular at college as you didn’t need people labeling you as a slut because of this or worse. But then again, Hyung-Min was a notorious man whore so, it could technically cancel out any rumor that started about you, right? Jin walks over to you slowly, taking a few gulps of the water before capping it and setting it down on the table next to you. Stalking up to you with the determination of a man on a mission, he grabs your face in his hands. He scans your face once, then twice before his gaze drops to your lips. His thumb brushes your cheek, then your lips before he brings his lips closer to yours. 
Your noses brush against each other. 
“This okay?”. 
You didn’t need to think about it; You nod. 
With that, He kisses you passionately, letting his lips meet yours over and over again. You smile against his lips; He was always in a hurry to kiss you.  As his hands smoothed down the side of your neck, his thumbs brushed over your jaw; You never knew that Jin held that much passion underneath that goofy exterior of his but the proof was there in the swipes of his tongue against your own, the soft feel of his lips. You feel his length digging into your stomach and it takes all you have to swallow your moans. Could you ever resist Jin? Truly? 
You let your hands enclose around his wrist as you stand up, letting the kiss overtake you in ways that you hadn’t felt in months. You pull yourself closer to him, able to feel the heat emanating off of him through the thin material of your dress. Your nipples seem to slide against his chest in ways that make your brain fog. 
“Did you hear what I told him?” He asks once he’s able to pull himself away, slightly out of breath. 
The kiss left you with absolutely words;  You were only able to nod weakly with his coaxing.
“Speak” he commands firmly but gently, pulling you closer to him with a large hand tugging on your hips. 
“Yes, I did” Your voice is barely a whisper.
His eyes pass over you once, then twice before a hand snuck down, underneath your ass. You gasp but he only pulls you closer by the handful; His lips go straight for yours again. All too soon, his tongue disappears.
“Repeat it back to me, I need to be sure you heard me” His voice is lower than you’ve ever heard it. 
You immediately feel your skin and cheeks heat up; You knew what it was that Jin wanted. He wanted you to say it.
 It was a few times before that he got like that, wanting  to hear every single moment of him driving you crazy. He wanted you to say the dirtiest things, he loved to hear it in your voice. 
But what he loved even more to make you watch it happen.
Bottomline, the sex was always amazing when he got riled up and so, you did as he commanded and complained very little. 
Of course, nothing is so easy with Seokjin. 
“Oh, now you don’t have bass in your voice?” His expression is nothing short of a mix of amused and aroused. 
You let your fingers dance up his arms, admiring the veins that trail down the sides of his forearms before letting your hands rest on his broad shoulders. Gripping the back of your neck, he let his gaze flutter down to your lips before locking your gaze again. 
“What did I say?” He asks again, this time while he was much closer to your lips.
You felt yourself consciously raising on your tiptoes as you let your arm hook around his neck, your gaze fixated on his lips. He pulls back a bit, just out of reach. It’s a distance you know he’ll willingly close if you say it. Now or never, right? 
“Well, if I remember correctly, you told me that you have a few inches of something that could keep me busy” You whisper as you drop your head to his chest, hiding there for a moment as you contemplate your next move. 
Your palm hovers over his print before you get the confidence to grab it. 
Looking up at him from underneath pretty lashes you say: 
“I could only imagine this was what you meant”.
“Hmm” he sounds, using a single finger to trace underneath your chin; Your lips are easily accessible and your gaze was firmly on him. 
“You gonna make a liar out of me?” He asks softly, his lips now only a hair away from your own. 
You shook your head moving to close the distance between you two, though Jin resisted. With a slight smile on his face he confirms“no?” and you parrot the monosyllable before finally closing the distance between you two; He lets you. 
Seokjin knows what to do with you before you even get the chance for the words to pass your lips. The second that you let your fingers skim across his chest, Seokjin lets out a dark growl from deep in his chest, grabbing at your hips and pulling them into his. 
 You whine when you meet his hardness poking right into your stomach. The only reason you pull away, is to sigh pleasurably as Jin’s kisses move down your neck at the slowest possible pace. He lets out a low sound when you move against him, gripping at the biceps of his arm and silently begging him to continue. 
“Grind on it”. 
His gruff voice and large hand palming your ass, makes you liable to do whatever he wishes; Not that you were complaining. You roll your hips, and he lets out a low curse, bucking up into you for just a moment before he composes himself.
He pulls away from your neck with a wet sound and, with a dark look in his eyes, pulls you down on the nearby couch, situating you in his lap. His hands went to your waist almost immediately, smoothing their way down your hips and thighs. 
“I love when you touch me” your voice is barely above a whisper as you lean back, giving him a perfect view of your figure. 
“I want to remind you why no one can fuck you like I can”. 
Your fingers dance across his thighs. 
“Well, I suppose the outfit won’t be a waste then”. 
It took all of a few minutes for Jin’s hands to reach your upper thighs, the hem of your dress. His hands rest on your thighs before moving up your body, pushing the dress upwards and along with it. You can barely protest, letting him raise the dress to right above your navel. Bare, looking absolutely pathetic and desperate while you dripped onto Jin’s sweats.
A finger slides in, slow and gentle; He barely feels the need to take off your panties and just pushes them aside instead. You gush around him greedily and make the most lewd noises around his fingers. You squirm in his lap, his erection pressing into your backside. Another finger comes to circle your clit and your head falls back onto his shoulder; Jin had the most magical fingers. You roll your hips in tandem with his fingers. 
“I want to see your pretty face when you cum”. 
No time is wasted; His fingers slow to a stop and you turn to face him. The way he was looking at you at this moment? You were beyond elated that Hyungmin wasn’t the one between your legs tonight.
You look down at him with what you were sure was a heavy lidded gaze, filled with lust. Jin gladly returns your fervor, matching its intensity easily.
“Any reason why you’re staring me down?” He whispers as he leaned up to kiss the slope of your neck while his hand caressed your waist, encouraging and working you to roll your hips in his lap. 
“Mm” You sound, allowing yourself to relax so you could better feel his lips against your neck. 
The second you let out a moan that sounds dangerously close to his name, Jin presses a hand to the slight arch of your back, pulling you closer as he kisses your neck feverishly. He tugs at the waistband of your thong, letting his lips leave your neck so that he could whisper in your ear.
“As sexy as these are, I want them off”.
You make a move to get up but his hand on your ass stops you. Jin looks you straight in the eyes. You can read his mischievous gaze and, in a moment, he tugs hard enough that the material snaps in two.
A smug smirk of victory.
The sting of getting your panties ripped off your body was more than overshadowed by the overpowering lust you felt capsize your boat. You lean forward eagerly and meet Jin’s lips, kissing him with every ounce of passion you have. You let your hand trail down his chest and abs, manicured nails trailing down the flexing muscles before reaching the outline of his dick. You grab him, slowly letting your hand glide across the print. You moan deeply at the feeling; He was hard as a rock for you. He pulls away from your kiss to hiss his pleasure and you take that as your opportunity, sucking and kissing on his neck as you let your hands slip underneath the waistband of his sweatpants. You could hear his breathing become heavy as you let your hand glide up and down his length, spreading the pre cum generously across his tip. He felt so hot and heavy in your hand. Your fingertips and palm are sticky, but you couldn't care less. 
“I swear to God, if you don’t stop fucking with me and just ride me”.
His voice was so deliciously low, so melodious, so sexy; You could barely contain your moan.
“I can not believe you were going to fuck that boy” He accentuated the last of his words with a firm grab of your bare ass. 
His fingers dance over your clit, alternating the pressure as he relishes in how quickly you wet his palm, how sticky his fingers are.
When your thumb swipes over the head of his dick, Jin hisses once more before shoving his pants down his thighs and letting you hover over him. You pull away from the crook of his neck, admiring the marks that you had made. Seokjin let a single eyebrow raise as he looks you over. 
“I need anything?” He asks darkly and you immediately know what he was asking. 
You shook your head, telling him no. Unplanned kids are a super big no-no for you. An amused smirk crosses his lips as he leans up, his hands feeling their way up your waist before caressing your back. 
“You want me to go in raw?” He husks in your ear. 
You could only pull him closer, too aroused to even create sentences. You only grind on him, allowing your slick to drip out onto his length as you grind yourself against him. It feels like forever before you finally sink down on Seokjin, easily sliding down his length and landing comfortably in his lap. He lets out a shuddering moan, muttering something about how wet you were before letting both hands caress the flesh of your ass, lifting you slightly so he could settle himself properly. He swears under his breath before he grabs your ass. He bucks up for a moment and your head drops to his shoulder as you whine out your pleasure. You unconsciously spread your legs, letting him in deeper as you turn his lap into a slip and slide. You move your hips slowly, taking your time rolling them before grinding down on Jin. You felt Jin set his thrusts in time with your hips, pushing in as deep as he could go and letting out low, subtle moans as he enjoys the way he slides against your walls, hugged on all sides. Bracing your hands on his chest, you let yourself raise and fall on him as slowly as you can possibly handle. His lower lip was now caught between his teeth as he worked on matching your intensity; You could see his abs clench with every single movement and the way that he would look at you when he pushed in deep just to see the response that you gave was absolutely lethal. He watches you gush and whine over his cock, letting one hand brush across your navel as you moan his name. That same hand travels downward, its intention clear. He lets his fingers dance up, down and all around your clit, making a mess of you almost immediately. You were letting out loud whines of his name as he continued to move his fingers against your clit. You buck and whine to no use; Seokjin doesn’t care about overstimulation; he’s focused on making you cum harder than he ever has. 
“Seokjin” You call for him, hoping that he knows what you need from him without you saying it. 
Pressing a hand to the small of your back, he cleverly maneuvers you so that your upper half is pressed against him fully with his arm sandwiched between you too. 
“Easy baby, let me work”. 
He thrusts into you easily, his thrusts hitting exactly where you needed them to, over and over and over again.  You let out low moans of his name in quick succession, as if you could say anything else. His pace was picking up in speed and intensity, his skin slapping against yours as loud as ever.  Had you been less lust-stricken, you’d care about the lewd sounds. You widen your legs more, hoping to take all that Seokjin was willing to give you. 
“If I ever find out that you go to guys like that for dick when you have me right here, you’re not leaving my room for days” His words were a promise that you knew he would uphold and you knew that without him having to say any more on the topic.
“No more of that shit, alright?” His voice was softer now, diluted by his lust but tender and mixed with another emotion you couldn’t quite place. 
“No more” You readily agreed, your voice low and breathy.
In a moment, you’re flipped onto your back against the cushions of the couch. His hips piston in and out of you at a pace you almost can’t comprehend. Your legs hook around his hips and lock at the ankles. He lets his moans flow freely and you can do nothing but hang on and moan his praises in his ear. For a second, he pulls back and stills. His eyes soften for just a moment as he looks you over and the sight softens your heart; Your hand comes up to his cheek, fingertips brush across his God-like features, his jawline before stopping at his lips. He holds your gaze before kissing your fingertips. 
“Hi” The monosyllabic word is shy, soft. 
Jin smiles leaning down to connect your lips once more before returning the greeting. He hooks his arms underneath your thighs so that he could stand with him still inside of you. 
You let out a surprised yelp followed by a short laugh as he walked with you to his room. He was still inside of you, emphasized by the slow purposeful steps he took. Since you couldn’t resist, you let your arms hang loosely around his shoulders as you grind against him. He let out a giggle just as you both made it to his room. 
“You always get needy before you come” he teases before setting you down against the soft pillows of his bed and he, reluctantly, slips out. You whine about your discontent but he shushes you.
“I got you baby” He assures.
And, he does. With that, he was hovering over you and sliding in between your thighs with slippery ease once again. 
His thrusts were slow and lazy, but so deep and calculated that you knew you weren’t going to last long at all. Pushing your head back against the pillows, your nails pushing into the skin of his upper back, you let Jin do as he pleased; You knew that he knew you well enough that even while doing as he liked, you would still cum. Grabbing your leg, you lifted it to drape over his shoulder, holding onto it as he drove in deeper and deeper. 
“Jin, deeper” You moaned darkly. 
He chuckled, kissing the skin of your breast quickly before moving over to your ear. 
“How much deeper do you want me angel?” He asked, knowing full well that you couldn’t answer with the way he was working you. 
You could feel the coil turning in your lower stomach and you needed nothing more than for Seokjin to keep going. You let your other leg raise slightly, spreading them so that you could feel absolutely everything. Jin let out a low sound at that action. 
“Keep them just like that” He commanded. 
Holding onto the skin of your thighs, he drives himself deeper and harder, the skin of his pelvis brushing your clit every time he dove back in. You were a whining, moaning mess, saying anything that came to mind as Seokjin used you as he pleased. He was getting louder, full moans escaping his throat now. You let out a mantra of his name, calling to him over and over again as you felt your body about to cum. Jin let his head drop to your shoulder, a single arm going under you and curling around your waist as he began to stroke faster and harder. You were barely able to tell him anything before you came, the sensation hitting you like a freight train. Jin didn’t let up though; He continued, letting out a few more much less subtle moans before he pushed in as deep as he could go, riding out his high as well. You felt as if you were walking on clouds at the moment, Jin laying on top of you comfortably as you both just let the world fade away for a bit, heavy breathing mingling with the others.
“Do you wanna, maybe, do this with, like, only each other?” He asked almost shyly. 
You looked down at Jin, a shy smile on his face as he awaited your answer. 
“Like, boyfriend and girlfriend?” You ask skeptically, unable to contain the smile on your face.
He leans up and kiss your lips quickly before responding.
“As long as I get to be the girlfriend”.
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les-pompiers118 · 1 year
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Doing the math
Buddie | 1887 words | rated T (for mentions of sex) | 6x13 coda
Also on AO3 here
Eddie arrives at Buck’s place later than he thought he would (there was construction on Wilshire) and is disappointed to find he missed all the fun. And by fun, he means chaos.
The kitchen is all tidied up and the apartment is strangely quiet. Honestly, Eddie was kind of expecting a baking day crime scene, but there’s not a splash of flour or dirty mixing bowl to be seen. The only evidence of Christopher and Buck’s efforts are the cooling racks of chocolate chip cookies covering the island—the entire island. Did they mean to make so many? There are enough cookies for the whole school, by the looks of it.
Eddie pops the six-pack he picked up into the fridge, lamenting that he missed his favorite parts of the endeavor: the frantic searches for a misplaced spatula or ingredient every two minutes, Chris’ infectious giggles, Buck’s constant chatter as he measures and stirs. Eddie has never known anyone who likes to talk while he cooks as much as Buck does. Somehow, he always manages to juggle a conversation with whatever he’s doing with his hands. Eddie finds it kind of mesmerizing.
Buck’s already out on the balcony, starting the steaks. Eddie spotted him the moment he opened the door, because his eyes just do that now, apparently. He has his back to the kitchen, his broad shoulders moving beneath the tight, gray sweater he’s wearing (so tight!) as he gets the grill ready. It’s only been a few days since Eddie and Christopher were last here, but Buck insisted. Eddie was not to be trusted with such beautiful steaks, he was told. It was also implied that his job might be at stake (very funny, Buck, another steak pun) if word got back to Bobby that Eddie had overcooked them.
Eddie didn’t argue, especially when Buck offered to make cookies with Christopher while Eddie was at his dentist appointment. Two birds with one stone, and all that. It definitely had nothing to do with the way that Eddie seems to miss Buck more than he used to whenever they’re apart these days. Or the new ache in his chest, both painful and sweet, since Buck was struck by lightning.
Definitely not.
Beer in hand, Eddie finds Christopher tucked into the armchair in the living room, ipad in his lap and oblivious to his dad’s arrival. He doesn’t bother sitting down himself. How the hell Buck’s mom discovered the most uncomfortable couch in Los Angeles is beyond Eddie. She must have found it online and chose it purely for its appearance, without any thought for the person who’d be sitting on it every day. Of course she wouldn’t know that Buck can binge five straight hours of documentaries about tornadoes or mining disasters or God knows what else. She wouldn’t know that he likes to nap here on his days off, usually with the TV on in the background so it’s not too quiet. Really, Eddie could have picked out a better couch for Buck with his goddamn eyes closed. Too late now.
“Hey, buddy,” he says to Christopher to get his attention. “Um, did you guys mean to make so many cookies?”
“Buck decided to make a triple batch,” Chris replies without looking up, “but then he switched to a different recipe that didn’t use metric and he didn’t notice that it makes twice as many cookies as my recipe. He said you guys can take the extras to work.”
“I’m sure they’ll be devoured there. Everyone loves chocolate chip cookies, right?”
“Are you getting hungry?”
“A little.”
“Okay, how many cookies did you eat?” Eddie asks suspiciously.
At last, Christopher grins up at him and sings out, “Not as many as Buck did!”
“That’s actually not reassuring at all,” Eddie laughs. “I’m gonna go check on dinner.”
Buck greets Eddie with a distracted “Hey” as he scrolls through a text message, smiling. Eddie can’t help making a tiny scoff of irritation.
“How many?” he demands. “Roughly.”
Buck looks up with a confused frown. “What, cookies?”
“No, women.” Eddie points at the phone. “I assume you’re still tracking them all down.”
“Well, not all of them. That would take weeks. Hundreds, probably, to answer your question.”
“I’m not bragging,” Buck says earnestly, then lowers his voice. “Buck 1.0 was pretty fucked up and it was the only coping mechanism I had for about five or six years of my life.”
“Jesus. Hey, I’m not judging,” Eddie assures him quickly. “That’s just… a lot of women.”
Buck smirks. “A lot of satisfied women, according to the feedback I’m getting.”
“All right, now you’re bragging.”
“Maybe a little.”
Eddie’s mind unhelpfully conjures an image of a happy, sated, sweaty (and very naked) Buck with some faceless woman, then multiplies it by hundreds. Ugh, no. He desperately wants to ask if it was only women, but it probably isn’t cool to put Buck on the spot like that, even jokingly. And Eddie might just die right here on this balcony if the answer is no, because there’s no way he could disguise his reaction.
Okay, time to stop thinking about this.
Eddie takes a long sip of his beer and turns to look out over the railing. Nothing but blue skies now, like all the storms and atmospheric rivers over the winter never happened. Just as Buck’s laying the steaks on the grill like a bolt didn’t reach down from the sky and try to snatch him away from Eddie and everyone else who loves him. But the signs of both are still there, in the form of fallen trees and sinkholes roped off by caution tape and Buck’s inexplicable new math skills (which is so fucking sexy that nobody could blame Eddie for finding new ways for Buck to use them, right?).
Once the steaks are arranged on the grill to his satisfaction, Buck joins Eddie at the railing and nudges him with an elbow.
“So, how many for you?”
Eddie shakes his head and keeps his eyes on the view. “Let’s just say I don’t need to use all my fingers to count them, and leave it at that.”
Actually, he would only need one hand to count them, even if he included the awkward backseat handjob that definitely wasn’t… mutually enjoyable. Now there’s someone Eddie never wants to look in the eye again. Melanie, his senior year of high school. He shudders just thinking about it.
“Really?” Buck asks, squinting at him.
“Strict Catholic upbringing, remember? And then I knocked up my girlfriend and married her at the ripe old age of twenty-three.”
“Right.” Buck twists around to check on Christopher before asking, “So, have you thought about trying again?”
Nearly choking on his mouthful of beer, Eddie croaks, “Which part? The sex or the marrying?”
“Oh. I hadn’t really thought about it lately. Maybe.”
It’s the only answer Eddie can give that won’t back him into a corner. If he says yes, word will get out around the 118 and before he knows it, he’ll find himself set up with someone’s chiropractor or neighbor or (God forbid) their kid’s teacher. Or he’ll have to listen to a hundred cautionary tales about dating app calamities. Or Buck will ask what Eddie’s type is and he can’t imagine anything more mortifying right now.
On the other hand, if Eddie says no, Buck might expect an explanation. And that’s a no-go, too, unless he wants to lie through his damn teeth. 
Thankfully, Buck decides it’s time to check the steaks. Or maybe he noticed Eddie’s sudden death grip on his beer bottle and took the hint that he doesn’t want to talk about it. Anyway, Eddie is doubly saved by Christopher calling from the living room that the oven timer is beeping.
“Baked potatoes,” Buck explains distractedly as he looks around the grill for something. The tongs, presumably. Eddie reaches around him to lift the empty paper wrappers left from the steaks. “Ah, ha! Thanks. Could you grab the potatoes?”
“Gladly,” Eddie says a little too eagerly.
“Just pile them on a plate,” Buck calls over his shoulder as Eddie’s going through the door.
When that’s done, Eddie sets the table and shoos Christopher into the bathroom to wash his hands. A moment later, Buck arrives and sets the platter of steak in the middle of the table with a proud flourish.
“Just look at those! I’m gonna make a quick salad while the meat rests.” Buck pauses to give Eddie a concerned look. “You all right? You seem like you have something on your mind.”
Eddie shrugs and straightens the fork next to Christopher’s plate. “Just a long day.”
“Oh, okay,” Buck says. He takes a half step towards the kitchen, then stops again. “If you and Chris want to go home right after dinner, I’ll understand. I know that two nights in one week is a lot.”
“No, it isn’t. It isn’t,” Eddie insists when Buck looks doubtful. “If we weren’t at your house, I’m sure you’d be at ours. And besides, I don’t think you guys could make this many cookies in my small kitchen, so it all worked out perfectly as far as I’m concerned.”
Buck ducks his chin sheepishly. “For someone who’s suddenly great at math, I kinda messed up with my calculations, huh?”
“No one’s complaining, trust me. How many cookies per kid would it work out to be, anyway?” Eddie asks, looking to distract Buck from any more questions about what’s going on in his head.
“If Chris took all 152 of them?”
“Uh, huh—assuming you already subtracted the ones you and Chris ate from that number. Twenty-seven kids plus two teachers.”
“That’s 5.241 cookies per person,” Buck answers with a snap of his fingers. “Still pretty impressive, huh?”
“Sure. I mean, it’s not woodworking, but…”
“Hey! It was the first thing that popped into my head! I didn’t expect Willliams to figure it out so fast.”
Chris emerges from the bathroom and Buck proceeds to the kitchen, setting his hand on the middle of Eddie’s back as he passes. The touch feels hot through the fabric of Eddie’s t-shirt… electric. Does Buck notice it, too? He meets Eddie’s gaze with a soft smile.
Figuring he’s filled his quota of more-than-friendly thoughts about Buck for one day, Eddie turns his attention to Christopher, who oohs and ahs over the steaks. Buck tells them about his first cooking lessons with Bobby while he makes the salad, and then there’s a last-minute search through the fridge for butter for the potatoes. 
Finally, they sit down, all at one end of Buck’s long dining table just as the light is starting to fade from the sky. It’s a delicious meal on an ordinary Tuesday night, but it’s more than that, too.
It’s passing things across the table without needing to be asked.
It’s the amused glances exchanged at the random thoughts of a twelve-year-old.
It’s three people who mean the world to each other, who can’t imagine anywhere else they’d rather be.
It could be wishful thinking, but Eddie gets the feeling that it all adds up to something more. Maybe he just needs to wait for Buck to do the math and figure it out for himself.
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toomanystars-jpg · 7 months
TW: jerma, cannabalism, murder
ok so i wrote a short fiction piece about jerma being a cannibal and i got some responses asking me to post it, so here we are. I would love nothing more than to laugh along with you all about how ridiculous this concept is, especially since he's made bits about it before. i'll tell you something super important: JERMA IS NOT A CANNIBAL AND THIS IS FICTION. THIS IS NOT REAL.
The Confession of A Cannibal
Hello. My name is Jeremy. I’m a psycho, or that’s what people would call me if they read this. I’ve done things I’m not proud of. I ordered exotic meat online. I didn’t know what it was, but it tasted like nothing I had ever had before. It was like chicken, but richer in flavour. The warmth as I tore the meat from the ribs settled in my stomach as any warm meat would. It felt like I was always meant to consume this meat of unknown origin. I got hooked on it; it was amazing. I knew I needed more. The meat became my personal heroin; making me suffer from intense withdrawals that shook me, if not physically, certainly mentally. I couldn’t think straight without it. I never knew food cravings could be like this. Truly debilitating. In a moment of weakness I ordered more meat from the site. I wanted to confirm what I had been eating, to know what had its claws around my neck; and this time it was a solely human feature: an arm. 
The package came in, and low and behold, the arm had a hand, ligaments, tendons, bones, and joints; everything but skin. It was slimy, and hard to hold. The only thing I could think of was how good it would taste fresh out of the oven. I cut off the hand; it crunched under the pressure of my cleaver. The sharpness of the blade made the fileting easy. The blade glided across the bones, the meat slapped the bottom of my empty bowl. I seasoned the meat and stuck it in the oven. I was so excited that I sat on the floor in front of the oven while it cooked. The cold hardwood flooring under my palms and feet was not enough for me to come to my senses and forget the amazing taste of human meat. I loved it with all my heart, more than I had ever loved anything before. When it was thoroughly cooked, I cut the cooked bicep into sizable chunks and laid it out over rice. I poured the juices over it too. I stored the rest in containers and placed them in a stack in my nearly empty fridge. The meat was soft and juicy. The rice soaked in the oily juice was heavenly; what they would’ve served in heaven if I had anything to say about it. I was so enthralled that I invited a friend over to share it with me.
My friend arrived after a long day of work, and he was starving. I dumped some rice down onto the plate, gathered extra pieces of the arm that I hadn’t eaten, poured on the juices, and gave it to my friend. After that, I don’t remember anything. I must have black out, because everything is blank. The next thing I remember is kneeling over my dead friend, my pants soaked with his blood. There was a bullet hole in his forehead, and a pistol next to me. Then I had a brilliant thought: Human meat was good, but what could be better than the freshest it could possibly be?
I grabbed my friend and carried him back into the kitchen. His dead weight made me realize just how much delicious muscle my friend had on him. I struggled to lift him up onto the counter, his limp body making him increasingly harder to maneuver. I cut off his clothes, but kept his underwear on. I wasn’t about to rid him of his dignity, nor was I quite ready for the most exotic meat the human body had to offer. I cut off his legs first. Blood got everywhere. It spewed and sprayed from his stumps, filling the air with the smell of blood. It covered my floor, which infuriated me. His arms went next. Again, blood covered the counter and the floor, as his limp arms fell from his torso. I wanted his ribs. I grabbed a garbage bag and cut him open. I began dumping out organs until nothing remained but his empty torso. I don’t know why, but I started salivating. I cut below the ribs and took his head off. I threw the excess in the bag. I cut off his hands and feet, I skinned all the parts, I took the meat off the bones. It took three garbage bags, but all evidence of him was in garbage bags, ready for the garbage truck to take away my friend’s remains. I cut up all the pieces, seasoned the meat thoroughly, shoved most of it in my freezer, and put some in the oven. I cleaned up the blood while it cooked. Wonderfully delicious smells of my friend’s body filling my small home, and I wish it could’ve stayed in my nose forever.  By the time the meat was done cooking, my living room and kitchen was spotless. The smell was now mixed with chemicals, which ruined my appetite. There was nothing that could’ve meant he was here, other than the mountain of digital evidence against me. I’m scrawling this while in bed with a full stomach. I know people are going to be looking for him, but I have no regrets. I feel no remorse. He was delicious.
hope you enjoyed my attempt at writing. if you're at all interested, i wrote this for school and i just wanted to write about jerma, and i remembered the "human meat in the fridge" meme. I'm honestly expecting some hate, because this is truly deranged. I read it out to my roommates and one of them was genuinely concerned for me. I feel like this should go unsaid, i am not a cannibal, i have though watched a lot of true crime so i know lots about the mindset of criminals, especially murderers (moidewers). i hope you have a wonderful day, stay safe, and you're welcome for making the most deranged thing you've read all day.
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trash-monkey · 8 months
(adj.) unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous
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I watch as Aunt Sookie gets ready for her late shift at Merlotte's from my seat on her bed purposely letting her distract me from doing the homework I've been forced to bring home from my kindergarten class and do before bed, soon my mind wonders off.
'You heard right my aunt is *the* telepathic Sookie Stackhouse from the Ture Blood tv show which I've been reborn into after my human death of my last life but I'm lucky enough to regain my memories after turning four so it's hasn't been that long since then, my father is the *can't keep my dick in my pants* Jason Stackhouse from a relationship he had in highschool and been dropped off here straight after birth causing Sookie to name me as I didn't have one. I'm now known as Thackeray 'Tack' Stackhouse the eight year old son of Jason although everyone knows that Sookie and Gran are actually the ones rising me.'
"Tack I know what you're doing! Get to work on your homework little man!" Sookie pulls me back into the world right as she finish getting ready.
'And another piece of luck I have is that Sookie can't read my mind no matter how hard she trys all because I have the same power that Renesmee has from Twilight which blocks Sookie out.'
"Tack? You ok?" She questions softly while sitting by me on the bed and ruffle my dirty blond hair when I don't reply with my usual about hating homework.
"I'm ok, I was just thinking on how to get you to let me have a piece of Grans pie and get to watch tv before bed." She makes a expression that she can't believe I have just said that which I give her a amused smile in return.
"Fine as it's Friday but tomorrow you finish homework, promise?" She holds out her pinky which I quickly hook my own around hers with a smile.
"I promise!" I quickly put everything back into my homework folder and into my school backpack before running down stairs with Sookie trailing behind at a more normal speed.
"Gran! Pie please!" I give Gran a goofy smile after appearing in the kitchen which she smiles back as she open the fridge to get me a slice of the pecan pie she made earlier today right as Sookie finally walked into the kitchen. As soon as I'm handed my plate I speed to the living room where I place it on the coffee table before turning on the old box tv to watch old black and white westerns while I eat, Sookie strolls into the living room after talking to Gran.
"You know the rules so follow them" She lays a kiss on top of my head before leaving for work and after making sure that Gran is focused on reading her book at the kitchen table I sneakily pull out a small handbook I had hidden in the living room, the handbook contains what I remember of the tv show and ideas.
'I plan on stopping Godric from meeting the sun as he can change a lot of things in the future of both humans and vampires, I don't know how yet which it's either telling him death isn't salvation or show him my memories of the supposedly future if the events go as they should which I'll somehow get Jason take me with him to the camp so I can sneak into the basement where Godric will be hold in and hopefully stay there until Sookie comes or give him the book I had found that has a similar to his own which I put the letter I had wrote in it, although Godric did cruel things after being turned which I don't really blame him for doing so as he was taken from his home and not only enslaved by the Romans he was only shown cruelty. He probably thought for such cruelty to himself and others humanity should be punished so he became Death until lately he realizes cruelty will only cause more cruelty and trying his hardest to do better while feeling empty'
I'm taken out of my thoughts by a car pulling up in front of the house which I quickly turn to the clock to see it's way past my bedtime and that it's Sookie coming home from work.
"Shit" I whispered to myself as I quickly put my small notebook back into its hiding place before running up the stairs to my room to put on my PJs and with an ear against the wooden floor as my bedroom sits above the kitchen which I eavesdrop on their conversation from time to time unknowing until now that Gran had retreated to her bedroom some time ago, with silence I carefully made my way to a wall that's close to Gran's room to press a ear against it.
"Tack in bed?" Sook ask Gran as she sits on the bed and pet Gran's cat Tina, I smiled when Gran covers for me knowing I stayed up after my bedtime and soon I hear Sook tell Gran about how Merlotte's got it's first vampire customer which I quickly got into bed after.
'it's finally starting after four years of waiting'
I thought as I close my eyes hope for sleep but with my mind stuck on what's to come sleep escapes from me, after a while just laying and staring at the ceiling Sook sneaks in thinking I'm a sleep so she surprise when seeing me awake.
"What you doing awake?" Sook has her night gown on which slightly flutters as she come over to my bed and take a seat at the edge it, she run fingers through my hair.
"Can't sleep" I simply answer as I turn my body on my side so I'm facing Sook before she smiles at me.
"I know what can do the trick." She going to my large book shelf as I have a addiction to collecting books and pulled out my old story book before sitting against the headboard of my bed with me snuggled up in her side but half away through I asked a question.
"Aunt Sook, can a Villain ever change into a Hero?" I wonder about her response to the question for a while now.
"I believe so if they try hard enough no matter what others say."
"What if he's done something so bad that he believes death is the only way to right what he has done wrong?" Sook frown her eyes together at my odd question.
"Why you asking?" I can hear the worry in her voice.
"I saw a movie earlier about it." I lied through my teeth but hoping she'll still answer my question and seeing me waiting she does with a sigh as she close the book.
"Death is not always the answer to many solutions, when he had come to his senses about what he had done and believes he should repay the cruelty he had showed I think he shouldn't take the easy way out. Instead try his best to help and show others the right path as many doesn't have others to show them."
"What if he had killed many people and thinks that to save others is to end his life?"
"Then he's being a child throwing a fit, his death will do nothing then make the ones that love him sad even if he has done many things wrong, he deserves to live just like you and me. Just remember he's been rised differently then you and his past has might had caused him to do bad things." I nod in agreement at her statement.
"Now, enough of that as you need sleep." She tucks me in bed.
"Can I come to Merlotte's with you tomorrow?"
"You missing Lafayette cooking, don't you?" She smiled when I nod and said that I can go with her to work tomorrow, she lays a kiss on my forehead before leaving but keep a crack in the door and after had I finally been able to fall asleep.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Picnics Turn Into Dates!
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Eddie Munson x reader
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Summary: When you called Eddie over telling him to hurry he thought something else was happening, what that was exactly he doesn’t know but the last thing he expects to be shoved in his face when he walks into your house is a cute white picnic basket with a baby pink fabric liner.
Content warnings: food, preparing food?, brief eating, pet-names(angel), feminine reader(no pronouns used but its probably considered fem reader!), other wise fluff!
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When you called Eddie over telling him to hurry he thought something else was happening, what that was exactly he doesn’t know but the last thing he expects to be shoved in his face when he walks into your house is a cute white picnic basket with a baby pink fabric liner.
“Isn’t it cute, Eddie?” You ask smiling at him and he can’t bring himself to even tell you not to worry him with the way you had called not when you’re so excited to show him the basket.
“Mhm very cute angel.” He hums as you drag him into your bedroom where the box it had came in sits on your bed.
“I ordered it from this magazine my parents gave me!” You tell him excitedly, “I want to make something to put in it but I’m not sure what yet.” You mumble moving around your room to find a dessert magazine while Eddie shifts the boxes on your bed before sitting down while you pull over your vanity’s chair.
“Oh we could make this, Eddie!” You point to a desert and if Eddie didn’t already have a crush on you he’s sure he’d develop one just from the way you subconsciously include him in your plans, always asking friends if you could bring a plus one to things like the mall but getting offended for Eddie when they’d ask if you’d brought him just to carry your bags or something before telling them off and going to have your own day just with him.
“We could definitely” he tells you as you begin listing out ingredients that you have to make the dessert.
“We can go on a picnic tomorrow Eddie!” You tell him excitedly, “and we could make all the food today! Wait” you pause, “you don’t have Hellfire or anything tomorrow right?” He shakes his head no and you smile having known you memorized his schedule correctly(not in a creepy way just like falling into a schedule with him!)
So the rest of that day was spent preparing food for the next day which by that I mean you and Eddie decorating little sandwiches with cute food picks and frosting mini cakes!
Once the two of you are done you pack it all away into the fridge that way you can simply put it straight into the basket and go whenever the two of you are ready!
“Eddie!” You call from the kitchen and he makes his way around towards the kitchen.
“Yes angel?” He asks and you practically melt just like always as you feel your heart rate increase.
“Do you wanna watch that movie I was telling you about?” He nods and you dry your hands finishing the last of the dishes the two of you had dirtied before going to put a movie on and curl up against Eddie on the couch only to fall asleep before the movies even over.
You wake up alone in your bed, typical. No matter the amount of convincing you put in Eddie refused to sleepover. One time it had gotten so late that you’d been half awake as Eddie helped you up to your room that you hardly remembered going into your room in the first place because you were so tired but when you grabbed Eddie’s hand he simply shook it off telling you he needed to head home. Eddie can’t fathom the idea of embarrassing himself in his sleep, what if one of his curls gets in his mouth and you see it, or what if he just so happens to start snoring, or drooling on your pretty satin pillows? He can’t bear the idea of the ways he could embarrass himself if he allowed himself to sleep over even if it was in another room! To be honest Eddie isn’t sure he could even close his eyes in the same room as you, he would always become so conscious around you and he isn’t sure when it started, you catch him off guard with everything you do the way you ask him to tie your apron for you before giving him a kiss on the cheek and than getting embarrassed because of it!
So when Eddie arrives the next morning your already turning to lock your front door before running off to his van basket in hand with your pretty outfit on.
“You look pretty” Eddie comments as he drives off.
“Thank you” he sees out of the corner of his eye the way you get all fidgety and nervous because of his compliment but he’s convinced it may just be because you hate his compliments when it’s quite the opposite. You absolutely adore Eddie’s compliments and any and all of the nicknames he gives you. Anything and everything he does makes you flustered.
You give him the directions to the little park that you want to have the picnic at and watch as he parks his van grabbing the drinks he told you not to worry about putting in your basket after you had mentioned that the condensation may make a mark on the cloth inside of the basket.
Eddie watched as you ran over to the small pond that had a few ducks in the middle of it as he grabbed the blanket from the back of his van.
The two of you sat on the blanket for a while after eating lunch and after some time you turned towards Eddie smiling sweetly at him and he tilted his head a silent way to ask what you were thinking.
“Eddie has anyone told you how pretty you are?” At that Eddie feels his face heat up, you think he’s pretty?
You smile at the way he tries to look away as you bring one of your hands to his face as you begin telling him all the things that make him pretty in your eyes and it takes all Eddie has to keep himself from kissing you a thousand times.
“And that’s why I like you.” You shirt and Eddie silently curses himself for only halfway listening to your praises.
“Wait what?” He asks quickly turning his whole body to face you.
“I said” you clear your throat making sure he can hear you, “I think you’d make a good boyfriend, that’s why I like you!” You aren’t to sure where this confidence boost came from maybe it’s because he complimented you earlier and it’s got you thinking maybe he’ll reciprocate your feelings but you know that you would usually never be this transparent with your feelings that you’ve attempted to bury for Eddie.
“Angel, you like me?” He asks trying to contain his excitement but the moment he sees you nod a bit embarrassed at your sudden boldness he’s practically rolling around in happiness.
“Oh my god this is great.” He tells you as he gently holds you by the shoulders taking care to not allow his rings to dig into your skin, “this counts as our first date right?” He asks and all you can do is nod along with him.
“I’m so happy I could kiss you” he whispers and suddenly your confidence is right back as you quickly peck his lips and Eddie can’t stop himself from peppering kisses all over your face as you giggle at the feeling of his curls brushing against your face.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt21
Temptation Masterlist
Emmett is thrown across the clearing by Jasper while the rest of us watch
"Again!" Emmett shouts, I can clearly see his ego has slightly been hurt because he knows he's the strongest out of all of us, but sometimes he's not the smartest. Edward arrives with Bella then soon after after the wolves join us
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" Edward says obviously reading their minds
"They came. That's what matters. Will you translate?" Carlisle asks Edward, who nods agreeing. They walk a little closer to the pack, Emmett's hands rest on my hips
"Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them"
"They want to know how the newborns differ from us"
"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life" Carlisle looks over to Jasper to continue
"Carlisles right. That's why their created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army" I shift a little and Emmett comforts me by rubbing his hands over my arms "no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are, first never let them get their arms around you. They will crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that, and you will loose. Emmett!" Emmett kisses my head and walks away with Jasper. I go over to Alice and Bella to watch the boys fight
"Don't hold back"
"Not in my nature" Emmett smirks then rushed to Jasper. They throw each other around and then Emmett looks at me, but Jasper then floors him
"Never loose focus"
Next up is Edward and Carlisle. Carlisle wins. Then Jasper and Rose have a go, of course Jasper wins. Alice then has a go and ends up winning by jumping on Jaspers back and kissing him.
"I know this is something we have never spoken about you doing, but would you turn into a wolf Kat? during the fight" Jasper asks and I instantly get nervous
"No. I errr I don't think it's a good idea. My sent will come out and you'll all hate me and any way I haven't turned in so long I don't know if I can"
"Its might help us" Jasper continues but I shake my head
"Kat you don't have to, but none of us here will hate you. Your our family and we love you dearly" Esme says
"I don't know" I shrug
"Well if not then we best train you harder. You aren't as quick, but your nimble. We can use that, use the trees to your advantage. Thomas your up" Thomas and I move to the middle of the clearing where all the flights took place
"Ready?" he asks and I nod. Thomas charges at me but I dodge him I kick his leg causing him to fall but he grabs mine and I fall next to him. Thomas picks me up and throws me across the clearing
"Bro be careful"
"Emmett" I scold shaking my head. I run to Thomas and kick him in the stomach causing him to fly backwards. Thomas ends up winning our fight, throwing me down on the ground many times.
I walk over to Emmett who starts to check me over
"I'm fine stop worrying"
"I'll always worry about you" he kisses my forehead
"Is it time for more food?" I ask looking up
"Geeze woman. Don't ever stop eating" Emmett laughs putting his arm over my shoulders.
The training ends and we all head home after Bella asks Jasper about the newborns and how he knows so much. Jasper tells her about Maria and the army she created and how he was in the Texas cavalry and ended up being a second in command and trained the newborns. Once we arrive home I head straight for the kitchen and open the fridge getting out a stake. I then put it under the grill to semi cook
"Hey" Jasper walks in
"Hey" I smile at him
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just thought you would want to turn after all these years. You know after getting to really know you, none of us hand an issue if you wanted to go for a run"
"Thanks Jasp. The truth is I really don't know if I can, and if I do it will be like you trying to remember what it was like to be human. I won't be of use that way. We are supposed to be in touch with our wolves and it's been so long I haven't felt mine"
"Well if or when you do decide to turn. We all have your back"
"To right we do" I know see the others stood at the kitchen entrance
"All of you?" I look at Rose then Edward
"Yes all of us. Anyway your a Cullen not a Black" Rosalie smiles
"Thanks" I take out my stake and wait for it to cool
"Eat up then go to sleep. Your going to need as much energy you can get" Carlisle says "and Emmett when I tell her to get rest and sleep I mean it" he points his finger. Emmett puts his hands up in defence making me laugh
"I love you guys"
"We love you too. Even Edward even though he rarely shows it" Alice comments.
I finish off my food and head up to bed, Emmett coming with me. I get changed and lie down resting my head on Emmetts chest while he puts the TV on quietly.
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ralucasalmostgone · 1 month
what my (fake) mother cooked?
well...let's see. first of all, she was an awful cook! (most of the good stuff we ever got that was good came from grandma, from the north of Transylvania because everything there was really healthy and tasty; so even if she baked anything, the ingredients she used were really good (sweet milk, good eggs etc.) but we would have fruit and vegetables too and animal products that were straight from the source) - every summer or most of them
there used to be a hill there with one house and its lights turned on at night just like in the Flintstones...
but anyway...
the mother?
the fake mother couldn't compete with grandma or her daughter (the aunt)
she made soups sometimes (they were shitty and had too many random tasteless vegetables) - sometimes she put coriander in them but I discovered I vomit from coriander and she wouldn't believe me because non of the three have this problem - just like the lips, they also don't have my features or full lips
when Liviu butt in they'd try making mash potatoes or something that has a little more taste
she'd make seed-filled bread and pizza - but they tasted awful once they would cool down - the heat made them seem tasty for a few seconds
cabbage dishes (but I threw those out the window because I could so...I got caught once and the neighbour found himself with her cabbage on his head because I threw it on his head by mistake, I always threw the food out the window when I didn't have time to go out; but because Andreea was supposed to be watching me and I'm like a mentalist - always knowing where people are looking - I snuck past her - and the parents didn't appreciate her obliviousness, Liviu punishing her nontheless)
I threw Nela's bread in the toilet a few times and Liviu found it once and flushed down the toilet for me before Nela could find it
she made some vegetable weird soups with a bunch of vegetable oil - she always added too much oil - so I went outside and left them for the homeless people every day (she would never agree for people to not eat her food, thinking herself the best chef imaginable!*)
we ate cereal in the morning with milk sometimes (Liviu would get that ready)
Liviu brought the Milka chocolate too
she made festive dishes too - that also had too much vegetable oil
they - along with Liviu- - made the steaks and all the animal-based cooking (Liviu even cut a chicken once, one that the godfather had given to him)
Nela bought waffles and loved eating them; and some other local Romanian sweets that are awful to me taste-wise (cause they use replacements of cocoa and add a ton of sugar) She still buys the sort till this day, including large cakes of the sort...I hate them, taste-wise still
I had won a competition in high school and they paid me money and for once (eerily) Nela forgot to fill up the fridge. So I remembered and I bought grapes and bananas and chocolate for Liviu and Andreea - which they were grateful; I thought they might need some fructose/glucose after Nela forgot to fill up the fridge. When she found out she was less than happy that her responsabilities and "alpha status" was challenged this way - in her eyes...in my eyes, I was just trying to make sure they don't starve or faint before either of us gets home (and I did just win a bunch of money) - I was a very generous, altruistic type of child/teenager/young adult etc. I had treated my school mates with ice cream with my first allowance (until my mother found out and took it away from me because of that)
*I had to prove I can handle the food making by myself so I made a rice dish towards the end of my stay there - both Liviu and Andreea loved the taste and Nela was giving me the stink eye...cause my rice wasn't tasteless like hers - I just eliminated the extra oil and added salt, DOH
2 years before I left, I didn't eat much, so I would make spoon noises in the plate - I mentioned before - right in front of them, tricking them that I'm eating anything; and then I'd throw their vegetable soup thing in the bin
1 year before I left, I had already started making money from selling the books I had read (and they ignored) and I usually bought art supplies or other books but because I had always some left, I'd buy some pastry from outside the house every now and then - that tasted way better than any of Nela's cooking and I had been starving for like, the past 2 years so...I needed some sugar
Liviu never let us eat from fast foods because having grown up in the North, he had a lot of pride when it comes to eating from natural sources; and because he said that McDonalds is a restaurant for poor people - so we didn't really eat there, aside from my inability to eat a whole hamburger that I discovered at least twice; I just wanted the Happy Meal toys, so my dad took me there once on my birthday just for that type of purchase and he ate the whole hamburger - because he's really good at being a hypocrite
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alexin-wonderlust · 2 months
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Day 12 - Japan Blog - 18 February 2024
Because we had to miss Hiroshima due to my terrible impulse spending … we took a train to Nara. Last time we visited Nara it was cold and rainy — today was lovely. 🥰 AND WE GOT TO SEE PLUM AND CHERRY BLOSSOMS! 🌸🦌✨ Covered a lot of ground — and also food wise today!
Started the day with eggs … in the form of ramen. Ippudo ramen but it was missing something… still good but I just wanted some shichimi or some spice 😭🌶️ Also, I ordered a "bottle" of asahi and it was HUGE!! Before we left, I came across a Tokyu Hands store and I havent been in one of these since they rebranded to just "hands". So, of course I had to go and suss their stationery and kitchen sections. (The best!!) I came out with about $50 of stuff from a soy sauce dispenser, a coffee spoon and about 8 packs of stickers. :) When we got to the station, we bought some Lindt Chocolate in some interesting flavours like Macha, Popcorn, Cheesecake and Sakura. Of course, to eat on the train.
When we arrived in Nara, I remembered why I said I wanted to come back. Its so serene and peaceful and just one of my favourite places. We walked up the street towards the park to see the deer and found a capsule/game arcade which we took a pokemon purikura and Ben hated it! Then he found a great Panini place and outside there were so many puppies, including one in a handbag. I die!! The panini was heaps good too!!
When we were in Nara Park with the deer, there were some early blossoms on the trees. They were super pink and so cute! It was a nice surprise considering the Cherry Blossoms dont usually come out until late March/April. So these were most likely plum blossoms.
Then we hoofed (Deer pun) to Osaka and straight to Dotonbori where I wanted to eat a little bit of everything. Starting with some Kushikatsu and some Japanese Omelette called Tonpei which I was scared for but was actually really good!!
We walked through the shrine in Dotonbori (which I have just googled and its called Hozenji if you wanna go check that area out, its cute!!) and there were cats running around, stealing the show.
After that, Ben wanted MEAT so we went to find a BBQ on the river but it was busy so they took us to their other restaurant and we had Kobe Beef and vegetables on the grill. It was good food, and so reasonably priced. 🔥🥩
The train we caught back to Kyoto was so pretty. It was all wooden and dark maroon. So classy!
When we got back to the hotel, it was time to pack so we finished all the beer and stuff we had in the fridge (which was mainly cheese!!) the cheese selections over here are the best 🤣 But I wasnt ready yet -- I went out to go and find another Pork/Soy/Wasabi Onigiri because that was one of the best things I ate this time!!
Tomorrow is our last day!! 😭
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Santa Baby, Here Are Some Tips to Avoid a Christmas Plumbing Emergency
Michael Bublé is warbling, the ham’s just been carved, roast potatoes are out of the oven (those yummy, crispy, half-smashed Jamie Oliver kind) and the mango pavlova is in the fridge patiently awaiting its big reveal. You’re ready to go, the lunch that you’ve been pumping up for the past 30 odd days when… Aunty Jean says the sink is blocked. Your nephew George races in and says the toilet won’t flush. Nana says there’s no hot water to soak the roasting tray in…
We know you never really WANT to call a plumber (we don’t take offence). But on Christmas Day you REALLY don’t want to call us. You want to enjoy your beautiful meal with your family and friends and eat a sickening amount of dessert because it’s a Universal cheat day and the calories don’t count.
So how can you prevent a Christmas Day plumbing emergency? Below are our top tips to avoid having to call McCarthy Plumbing Group during the Christmas public holidays.
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Tip 1 – Scrape those plates
When you have a house full of guests there’s a mountain of dishes to be done. Make sure you get everyone to scrape their scraps into the bin, so they don’t end up in the sink or dishwasher. Not that there should be any scraps because who in their right mind leaves Christmas meal scraps?! Kitchen scraps are a common offender of drain blockages over the Christmas period so ensure you use a sink strainer when you let any water out of the sink.
Tip 2 – Don’t cause a fatberg
Please for the love of elf on a shelf do NOT flush any kind of fat or oil down the drain. It will harden in your pipes and cause a fatberg. These are not pretty but will cost a pretty penny to remove. Pour any excess oil into a container or on some paper towel and put straight into the bin.
Tip 3 – Be a good bathroom host
Make sure you leave a bin in your toilets and bathrooms. Guests won’t want to walk out of a bathroom with a handful of personal rubbish. To encourage your guests to dispose of their bathroom waste thoughtfully, and not flush things like female hygiene products or flushable (LOL) wipes, providing a bin is necessary.
Tip 4 – Now Dasher, then Dancer, then Prancer, then Vixen; stagger your showers
Another tip when having a house full of guests is to stagger your showers, leaving about 10 minutes between each one. This gives your drains more of a chance to clear in times of high usage, especially if you have any pre-existing concerns with your drains and their capacity.
Tip 5 – It’s just like with Christmas shopping… the time is NOW, not Christmas Eve
If you have an old hot water system threatening to die, a rusted and frayed flexi hose that could burst at any time or a leaky tap with a drip that gets a tiny bit bigger every day NOW is the time to do something about it. With you more likely to be at home a lot more during the holiday period, and potentially with a house full of guests, any extra pressure put on these plumbing problems could cause a Christmas plumbing disaster.
Don’t wait to schedule these things in a few days before Christmas, this is the busiest time of the year for trades businesses, with everyone wanting their homes in ship shape before their guests arrive. Book your plumbing appointment in TODAY to avoid disappointment.
Tip 6 – Turn your water meter off if you’re leaving town
We had a friend in Queensland who recently moved back into their home after months of it being uninhabitable. Their home flooded while they were away camping due to a burst flexi hose. As mentioned in a previous blog, the most common time that a flexi hose tends to fail is when someone is away for a weekend or on holiday.
Why? During a normal day, we brush our teeth, wash our hands, have a glass of water, clean the dishes and flush the toilet, with water coming through our pipes all day long. During the night when we sleep, the water flow is dormant in the pipes waiting to be released by the flush of the toilet or turn of the tap in the morning when we awake.
The water in the pipes is pressurised, and the morning flush of the toilet releases that pressure. When we go away on holiday, the water in the pipes is under constant pressure and does not get its daily ‘release’. This doesn’t prove a problem on most occasions, however if a flexi pipe is damaged or ageing, it is a weak point in the pipe system and its integrity is compromised, causing the risk of a burst hose and escaped water.
Turning off your water at the mains is one way of ensuring you won’t come back to a soggy home. Instructions on how to turn off your water meter are found here.
Help! I have a Christmas plumbing emergency!
Followed those tips and your pipes have still gone jingle bells up?
McCarthy Plumbing Group are open for business as usual during December and January, and on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day we will be on call for emergencies only. Plumbing emergencies include burst pipes, blocked drains, gas leaks and no hot water.
In keeping with our personal value of being a transparent business, our rates will be higher on these public holidays, reflecting the need to pay our plumbers on call appropriately to their award requirements. (Please be cautious of companies that advertising $0*** public holiday rates). Our plumbing emergency number is 03 9931 0905.
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sexvimpulse · 2 years
Mason: [Sighs as she hasn’t answered his text, unable to believe she’s blowing him off after the time they had together. He doesn’t want to turn her off by texting her too much so he hasn’t made the effort]
Hazel: [Hollows her cheeks as she sees the pictures on her feed again. She set her expectations low and knows that she shouldn’t feel this way but she’s bothered by it] Hey. Sorry, I’ve been busy. [Sends him a text before another one] What are you doing?
Mason: No worries. 🙃
Mason: wishing I could see you soon.
Hazel: [Reads his texts, craving him so badly despite her being distant] You haven’t been busy?
Mason: I’ve been working and having some meetings.
Mason: I really want to see you, Haze.
Hazel: [Tries not to scoff as her slight jealousy gets to her, knowing he’s done more than work and meetings. Seeing his message again, she purses her lips as she’s been aching for him] Miss me already, Mase?
Mason: I miss you so much.
Hazel: [Stills as she reads the message. Weakening when she should just ignore it] Do you want me?
Mason: I always want you.
Hazel: Come over. [Gets herself ready as she shakes off the frustration she’s been feeling]
Mason: On my way.
Mason: [Drops everything he had for the day and drives over to her place, ringing her doorbell] Hi..
Hazel: [Fixes up her hair before hearing his car pull up the driveway. Opening the door, she gazes up at him—calming her body as much as she can] Hey.. [Leans in as she places her lips just at the corner of his mouth before letting him in] Did you eat yet? [Her mind feels fucked while her body is on the verge of begging for him]
Mason: [Wraps his arms around her as she gives him such a small kiss] Come here. [Makes her give him a real kiss] Why have you been avoiding me?
Hazel: [Hollows her cheeks as he takes her in his arms, struggling to get her mind straight as she feels his touch and heat] Mason.. [Speaks lowly before she tasting him on her lips. Her hand finds its way to his hair as she kisses him hungrily] I’ve just been busy.. [Eyes him, her tone a little colder than usual] You have too though.
Mason: [Melts as he feels her hand in his hair] Kara said you were relaxing. [Pouts] What do you mean? [Keeps his arms around her as he looks at her]
Hazel: [Huffs before shifting her jaw as he catches her in a lie] Don’t pout. I wasn’t /always/ relaxing. [Purses her lips. She tries to appear composed as he still has her so close to him] Nothing.. I just know you’ve been busy with work and other things. [Lowers her hand from his hair] Are you thirsty? I can get you a drink. [Changes the subject as she looks away]
Mason: How would you know that if you never spoke to me? [Cocks a brow. He sighs as he nods as he doesn’t want her to think all he wants is sex because he doesn’t] Sure. [Sits at the counter and watched her] What do you mean by “other things”? If you’re going to accuse me of something go ahead.
Hazel: Maybe I did what you did and asked Kara. [Mutters as she moves out of his arms and goes into the kitchen. She pours fresh juice and ice into a glass before placing it in front of him] You’re just very friendly and spend a lot of time with others. That’s all. [Stares at him] Is that an accusation if it’s all over the Internet? [Raises a brow as she speaks coolly and leans against the fridge]
Mason: Thanks. [Takes a gulp and blinks as he hears her. His first instinct is to defend himself but he pauses] Are you.. jealous? [Smiles as he looks at her. He stands up and places his hand on the fridge as he towers over her]
Hazel: [Her gaze sharpens as she expected him to become upset and argue with her. She hollows her cheeks as she hears his accusation] Jealous? No, I was answering your question. [Her tone is cold, chest rising and falling as she has to look up at him once he comes close] You just looked very invested in whoever it was that you were with. [Shrugs as her obvious jealousy grows]
Mason: [Finds he incredibly attractive when she’s like this, he tilts up her chin to make her look at him] well then I’m good at my job. [Chuckles] Emme is my costar for a project I have coming up. It’s in pre-production right now and the execs want us to drum up some interest. So they’re staging a lot of “sightings”. [Tells her the truth] The only person I want is you. [Cups her face] Can I kiss you, please?
Hazel: [Narrows her eyes as he gives her a certain type of look, frustrating her even further. Her jaw clenches and her lips purse as he touches her] I don’t see how this is funny. [Mutters before he explains himself] What? [She inhales slowly, trying to look unbothered but she feels annoyed with herself for getting jealous in the first place] Oh, really? It seemed very natural and less staged if you ask me. [Speaks defiantly but her features soften a bit as she hears his sweet words. She tries not to sulk as he forces her to look at him, finding that she actually trusts him] Mason. [Doesn’t know why her heart is racing or why she wants him this much] One kiss. That’s it.
Mason: [Bites his lip as she’s so cold, wanting to melt her] Okay. [Leans in and kisses her just once, pulling back to gaze at her] I missed you. [Strokes her cheek with his thumb]
Hazel: [Her frustration ebbs away as she feels his lips on hers. She whines lowly as he nearly breaks it, pulling him back to lengthen that one kiss] Did you? [Raises a brow, holding back from saying that she missed him too] You don’t want her? [Hollows her cheeks as she asks]
Mason: [Smiles as she pulls him back in] Are you really worried..? [His brows furrow but he likes that she’s territorial] No. All I can think about is you. I mean it. [Shakes his head] I have Hazel brain rot, I swear.
Hazel: [Makes a face before eyeing him] No. [Answers truthfully as she’s not insecure but she doesn’t enjoy the thought of sharing him. She gazes deeply at him, her body warming up to his voice] Hazel brain rot.. That bad, huh? [Thaws a bit as the term amuses her and makes her want him even more] I don’t like to share. [Murmurs lowly as she moves closer to him, gripping the hem of his shirt]
Mason: Yes.. I feel like I can’t think of anything but you. [Shakes his head] Me neither. [Looks down at her, his heart racing as he already knows how he feels about her] So.. did you miss me too? [Stares down at her]
Hazel: [Lifts her eyes to his, stuck in this trance as she constantly has to force herself to think of other things] I did. [Bites her lower lip as she admits it to him] You stopped texting after a while. [Trails off as it made her want him more, aware that it was her fault for not responding right away]
Mason: [Bites his lip to keep from smiling as he looks at her] I.. [Frowns] I didn’t want to be annoying.. [Shakes his head] I wish you would have said something.. maybe I should have told you from the beginning. I didn’t think you’d even care..
Hazel: [Sits on top of the counter as she’s nearly eye level with him] I don’t know.. You didn’t have to. It’s not my business. [Runs her fingers through her hair, realizing that she’s being someone unlike her usual self] My head is all over the place. [Groans as she leans back and purses her lips]
Mason: [moves between her legs and eyes her] What’s on your mind?
Hazel: [Inhales deeply as he settles between her legs] It’s distracting with you standing here like this. [Smiles coyly, keeping her hands to herself] The label wants us to release a new album and single.. We just got a break from touring. [Exhales slowly, withholding the part of her head feeling fucked after seeing those pictures]
Mason: Baby.. [Frowns as he holds her and rubs her back] I’m sorry. [Kisses her shoulder] You’ve got a lot on your plate. [Scratches her scalp]
Hazel: [Closes her eyes as his touch soothes her. She moans softly as his gentle kiss makes her feel something she hasn’t in so long] Mmm.. You make me feel good.. [Places her hand under his shirt as she strokes his abs] But so frustrated at the same time. [Growls playfully as she doesn’t want to get too vulnerable or open]
Mason: [Licks his lips] Like sexually frustrated? [Rubs her thighs]
Hazel: [Bites her lower lip to stop herself from moaning] Something along those lines.. [Pulls him close as she admires his jawline, his dark eyes, and his mouth] I think you’re starting to drive me crazy too. [Purrs lowly as she can’t get him out of her system]
Mason: Oh? What makes you say that? [Stares at her before leaning in to kiss her] I’m happy you missed me. [Licks her lips]
Hazel: [Strokes his neck as he comes in for a kiss, letting his lips linger on hers] For one.. I never get jealous.. [Whispers before scowling at him. She wraps her legs around his waist as she feels his tongue on her lips] Mmm.. I’m sure you are. [Chases after his tongue as she’s addicted to him] I thought about you the other night..
Mason: Oh? So you admit you’re jealous? [Smirks as he pulls her close] What we’re you thinking..? [Speaks into her ear before kissing her neck]
Hazel: [Hollows her cheeks as she realizes that she slipped] A little. [Grips his face as she sees his smirk] Mason.. [His voice makes her shiver before she tilts her head to expose more of her neck] I was thinking about taking your cock with you right under me.. [Moans] Mm… I was teasing you and not letting you cum right away. You were so hard for me.
Mason: [Bites his lip as he hears her describe her thoughts] You’re so mean. [Drags his tongue over her neck] Did you touch yourself while you were thinking of this? [Speaks against her mouth] Show me?
Hazel: [Smiles deviously before reaching up to grip his hair] I thought you liked me mean. [Nods her head, stealing kisses from his lips before sucking on his bottom one] While I was in the shower.. I kept wishing there. [Purrs against his mouth before eyeing him heatedly] Only if you just watch. No touching..
Mason: [Whimpers as he listens to her] Baby.. that’s too mean. [Swallows as he pushes up her dress] I thought you missed me. [Pouts. He stomps his foot and clenches his jaw]
Hazel: [Resists from smiling as she gets him worked up. She moves as he lifts her dress, the fabric bunching up around her waist] I did.. But I want to see you try.. [Places one hand on his chest as his pout and reaction gets her pussy so wet. Spreading her legs, she releases a soft-sounding moan as she rubs herself over her panties] I’ll let you taste it.. [Collects her wetness after shifting her panties to the side. With her coated digit she rubs her juices over his lower lip before slipping it into his mouth]
Mason: [Pouts more as she pushes him away, watching as she reveals her pink little pussy to him] Hazel.. [Bites his lip before he chases her digits before sucking on them desperately. He wants to prove that he can but feels so tempted as his hands grip the end of the counter]
Hazel: [Her digit plays with his tongue as he sucks off her juices. She fucks his mouth until her fingers are slick from his spit] How does it taste, Mason? [Teases him before slipping it out of his mouth. She holds his gaze as her hand caresses her tight body before settling between her legs] Remember.. No touching.. [Her middle finger delves between her swollen pink folds, slowly at first as little moans fall from her lips] Unghhh..Fuck it’s so wet.. [Whines as she teases her clit, feeling it pulse against her digit before she spreads out her pussy lips] I love it when you watch me.. [Bites her lower lip as she watches him struggling to hold back from touching her] Mngh..! [Chest heaving, her digit pushes into her tight little opening, getting more juices out as she pumps in and out of her cunt]
Mason: So fucking good, baby.. [Groans as she torments him] fuck I need you.. [whines but he starts to rub his cock over his pants] Fuck.. you’re so wet.. [Shivers as he can hear it]
Hazel: [Parts her lips as she sees his hand reaching for his cock, making her breathe heavily as his desperation makes her even wetter] Mhmm.. I want your cock to feel good when I let you have my pussy again.. [Arches her back as she circles her clit, getting off on him watching her and not being able to touch] Fuck, Mason.. It wants you so badly.. [Teases him as she increases her pace, wanting him to feel desperate while she plays with herself] Show me your cock, Mason.. I want to see how hard you are for me..
Mason: [Her voice makes him melt as he watches her tease him] Hm.. no. [Smirks as he strokes his cock through his pants. He grabs her and wraps her legs around him, taking them to her room] No more games. [Takes off his clothes as he pulls her to him] I want you to show me how much you missed me. [Grips her hair gently] Open your mouth.
Hazel: No? [Raises a brow before gasping as he picks her up and takes control] Baby, I wasn’t done.. [Smears her wetness all over his mouth as he carries her to the bedroom. She breathes roughly as he undresses, seeing his hardened cock with his pre-cum seeping out] Mmngh.. Mason.. [Parts her lips as he grips her hair, loving the reversal as she gets on her knees for him. Gazing up at him, she obeys him and spits on his cock, getting it slick before wrapping her full lips around the rim] Like this? [Swirls her tongue all over his tip before puckering her lips as she sucks on his sensitive slit]
Mason: [Stares down at her, his dick throbbing at the sight of her on her knees] Fuck.. [Shivers as he feels her spit] Mngh.. baby.. [His head falls back as she teases his throbbing dick] Deeper. [shoves his cock deeper in her mouth and fucks her little tongue] God.. that mouth feels so good, Hazel.. [Threads his fingers into her hair] you’re so fucking sexy.. god.. I can’t stop thinking about you.. [Pushes the straps of her dress down to reveal her tits to him]
Hazel: [Relaxes her throat as she feels more of his cock filling her warm little mouth] Unghh.. [Moans around his cock as she uses one hand to stroke him and the other to massage his balls] Fuck, you taste so good, baby.. [Furrows her brows, spitting on him again before sucking him off hungrily. She craves the feel of his cock gliding along her tongue and his tip struggling to reach the back of her throat] Mmm.. I want you to fuck my tits. [Plays with her tits in front of him while she’s lapping up his tip like an eager kitten. Collecting her spit from his cock, she rubs it between her breasts before leaning upward as she fucks him with her mounds] Ughhh.. God..
Mason: [His cock throbs as he watches her tits] Fuck.. [Shivers as her soft tits wrap around his cock] You feel so good.. [Groans as he feels impatient. He wants to throw her around. He grabs her and tears her clothes off before flipping her over and shoving his cock in her sopping wet cunt] Mngh! [Grips her hair and cradles her face] Fuck baby.. tell me it’s my pussy.
Hazel: [Bounces her tits around his throbbing cock, wanting to get him harder and riled up] Ughhh.. Baby! [Whines as he pulls her off of him and roughly gets her on the bed. She feels his sense of urgency, getting so wet and desperate as she feels his hands tearing every bit of fabric from her body] Mason.. Ughhh! [Screams out as the position makes easy for him to force his cock in deep before she can adjust. Gripping the bed sheet, she has a filthy smile on her lips as he savagely pounds into her cunt to the point where she can hear how wet she is] Fuck.. [Nearly defies him but can’t hold back as he slams into her] It’s your pussy, baby.. Your fucking pussy..! [Speaks without thinking as she lifts her hips from under him, succumbing to the pain as she lets his cock claim her] Baby, it’s so good.. [Eyes roll back as he hits her deep, squeezing her walls around him out of desperation]
Mason: [Loves seeing her beneath him as he pounds into her. He moans as she gives him what he wants and leans down to kiss and bite up her back] Mine. All mine.. [Her submission makes him so hard as he pulls back to slap her ass and spread her cheeks to see his dick tearing in her pink pussy] Oh fuck baby.. you make me so fucking hard.
Hazel: [Writhes beneath him as he absolutely marks his territory on her flesh. She clenches her pussy with each sharp bite] It’s your pussy, Mason. Fucking yours! Mngh! [Moans deeply, bouncing her ass as he sends sharp stings to it] God.. I can feel it.. It’s so fucking good, baby. [Addicted to his hard cock she shakes her ass for him, working his dick as he stretches her out. Her thighs are quivering as every inch of her is highly sensitive. Looking back over her shoulder she watches as his cock pounds in and out of her cunt] Spit on me, baby. Spit on that pussy. [Loves this nasty, unhinged side to him as she becomes his submissive cockslut]
Mason: [Growls as she begs to be defiled by him. It makes him go crazy as he rapes her soaked little cunt. He spreads her pussy and spits harshly on their sexes, marking his territory] Fuck! I don’t want to cum yet. [Groans as he rips his cock from her and moves down, devouring her pussy and licking her little asshole. He bites hard on her ass and leaves a harsh mark]
Hazel: [Tightens her pussy around his thick cock as she feels his spit defiling her cunt, making her eyes roll back as she bounces even harder against him] Baby! [Hisses and whines as he pulls out of her. She breathes raggedly as he spreads her out, putting her little holes on display] Fuck! Mason, please! [Reaches back and grips his hair as his tongue torments her pussy. She’s practically thrashing against his face, torn between keeping him in place or pushing him away as it’s too good] Agh! Baby! [Grinds her ass into him, wanting him to keep tongue-fucking her little asshole] Put it in me, baby.. Mngh! [Begs before the sound turns into a harsh cry as she feels his teeth digging into her flesh] Mason, take my ass too.. I want to feel it! [Chases after his mouth as she moves her hips, getting his tongue on her pussy and back on her little hole]
Mason: [pulls back and admires the deep mark he leaves on her tanned flesh, knowing she won’t be able to wear a bikini for a while] Hm.. you nasty little girl. [Tongue fucks her little hole a little more] I’m going to cum in your ass.. [Moves back up to her and spreads her hole before shoving his cock in her] Fuck.. It’s so tight. [Doesn’t give her time to adjust as he starts to rape her ass, wanting her to hurt for him] Scream, baby.
Hazel: [Pleasure and pain overwhelms her as his tongue circles her little hole while her flesh still pulses from his harsh bite] Do what you want to me.. [Groans as he gets back on top of her from behind. She bites hard on her lower lip as her entire body hums with anticipation] Slow.. Baby! Mnghhh! [Gasps harshly as he shocks her. Her ass tears up for him, every inch of her body tenses as the assault completely overwhelms her. Tears fill her eyes as he pounds into her, his cock hitting so deep that her little hole is forced to stretch for him] Ma.. Mason! Slow, please.. [Her eyes roll back as he doesn’t let up. Screaming for him, her asshole is so tight that she barely take half of his length] Oh my god! Fuck! [Succumbs as he overpowers her, her wetness staining the sheets as she secretly loves how he rapes her hole and makes her cry] Baby, please.. [Begs as she lifts her ass up despite the pain]
Mason: [Loves how she begs for him, his dick throbbing as her tight ass grips him] Oh fuck.. [The tears in her eyes set him over the edge as he cums in her ass, still fucking her as he does so. He pulls out and sees the blood tinted cum before smiling as he turns her weak little body over and nestles between her legs, tormenting her little clit with his sharp tongue]
Hazel: [Rolls her hips into his as her asshole is clenched tightly around his cock] Baby.. Fuck..! [Parts her lips as she feels his warm load spilling inside of her] Oh my god! I need your cum.. [The sensation is euphoric as he fills her up, loving how filthy he had to fuck her to get this much cum inside of her hole] Mason.. [Hisses through her teeth, exhausted as he pulls out and immediately feels sore. Her chest rises and falls rapidly the second that his mouth presses to her aching clit] Baby, no more! [Grips his hair with both hands, nearly squeezing him with her thighs as his tongue is as relentless as his cock was] Ughhh! [Loses control as she cums for him, the last flick of his skilled tongue setting her off. She grinds against his face as her juices seep out, tears staining her cheeks all over again] What are you doing to me.. [Throws her head back in pleasure as she tries moving away from his mouth, so sensitive that her body is shaking. She gasps as she feels his release seeping out of her ass while her wetness covers her thighs]
Mason: [devours her up happily as she’s in absolute shambles from him. He holds her down and makes her take his tongue even as she cums] Mngh.. I love your body.. every inch.. [Kisses her inner thighs and licks up her juices, maintaining eye contact with her] I want you to be mine. [Bites the inside of her thigh and leaves another mark]
Hazel: [Cries even more as she completely loses it—cumming again and again as he doesn’t let her go] Mason.. please, baby! [Pulls his hair as she tries desperately to calm herself. She trembled as he worships her flesh, shivering as she feels his tongue and watches how devoted he is] Fuck.. Baby, enough.. [Barely registers his words as he makes her up. She arches her back, loving how he defiles her despite how overly stimulated she is] You’re driving me crazy.. [Gazes at him between her legs, slipping her digits into his mouth just to feel more of him before pulling it out to lick his spit from her fingers]
Mason: [Finally let’s her go as she grips his hair, he smiles a boyish smile at her before sucking her fingers obediently] Fuck.. you’re so hot. [Groans as he moves up her body and pulls her into his arms] I’m crazy for you. You make me fucking crazy.
Hazel: [Catches her breath as her body throbs and comes down from the intense sexual high] Are you smiling? [Finds him so hot as he looks absolutely pleased with himself. She whines as she moves into his arms, feeling weak as she calms down] Baby.. [Whispers as she breathes him in] I love making you fucking crazy for me.. [Speaks lowly, lightheaded from the pleasure] Fuck.. It’s so good with you.
Mason: [His chest rises and falls as he kisses her flesh] I’ve never had sex like this with anyone else.. [Murmurs] It’s so different with you.
Hazel: [Stirs next to him, putting as she welcomes his sweet kisses] My lips. [Points to her mouth, needing to taste him] Swear? [Caresses his neck, distracting herself to hide how much she loved hearing him say that—especially since she feels the same]
Mason: I swear. [Stares into her eyes and kisses her] I think we were meant to be. [Murmurs]
Hazel: [Kisses him deeply, letting her lips linger on his before pulling back as she gazes at him] Mmm.. What makes you say that, baby? [Brushes her fingers up and down his abs, her heart racing out of desire and hidden hesitation]
Mason: [Basks in the afterglow as he meets her eyes, knowing she doesn’t feel the same] Just my own schoolboy head. [Shrugs as he holds her close and hides his face, knowing she’ll move on from him but wanting to savor it]
Hazel: [Gazes deeply and is almost disappointed by his answer but knows it’s safer for the both of them] I.. [Nearly says something before taking in a breath as she strokes the back of his head] I can’t enough of you.. [Murmurs as she doesn’t know that she’s ever felt this intensely before]
Mason: [Is soothed by her touch] Well maybe now you won’t ice me out for weeks..? [Pouts as he stares at her] You won’t be able to look at your body without remembering me.. [Gazes at his marks]
Hazel: [Stares at his pout and finds it irresistible as she steals kisses from him] I’ll try not to. [Coos teasingly before his possessive words remind her of the ache she feels] Baby.. I don’t even have to look at my body to remember you. [Her pussy and her tight little hole are sore and still throbbing with even the littlest movements] I didn’t think you’d be this nasty. [Scratches under his chin as she recalls the words he said when he first had her]
Mason: I’m not usually this nasty.. [Shakes his head] You bring it out of me. [Says softly]
Hazel: [Her lips curl into a satisfied little smile while feeling her heart racing again] I only want you this nasty for me.. [Lays atop his chest, her full breasts against him as her body feels sore] Will you do that for me?
Mason: [Stares at her, matching her smile and not wanting to ruin the moment] Well.. as long as you don’t get tired of me. I don’t plan on fucking anyone else. [Cups her face] When you were.. icing me out.. you weren’t with anyone..?
Hazel: [Feels warm all over as she hears his words] I highly doubt that’ll happen any time soon. [Coos before meeting his eyes as she hears his question. A part of her wants to lie so that things don’t develop but she can’t bring herself to do it] I wasn’t with anyone.[Trails off] I couldn’t get you out of my head..
Mason: [Smiles softly as he knows there’s an expiration date on this but shoves it to the back of his mind] You mean that? You’re not just saying that because I’m the best fuck you’ve ever had, right? [Pouts]
Hazel: [Eyes widen before she narrows them playfully, gripping his face as she licks his pout] Best fuck I’ve ever had, huh? Mmm.. [Purrs as they both know it’s true] You are the best fuck I’ve ever had but I also like this.. [Lightly taps his forehead as she’s secretly addicted to the part of him she has gotten to know]
Mason: [Chases after he tongue] Hm.. I know it’s the truth. [Smiles] You had tears in your eyes. That’s when you know it’s good. [Smirks as she agrees] Hm.. my forehead? [Plays it off as he knows she’s just messing with him again]
Hazel: [Purses her lips as she expresses a rare blush] Aren’t you cocky? [Melts for him as he smirks before rolling her eyes] Mhm. Definitely your forehead. [Coos before feeling inspired as she thinks of a melody. She hums it softly while using her fingertips to write the lyrics out on his skin]
Mason: [Melts as he hears her humming and feels her touch, he nuzzles into her] That’s pretty.. what are you writing..? [Stares at her]
Hazel: [Snaps out of her reverie before gazing at him] You think so? [Bites her lower lip as she didn’t realize that she was writing on him] Lyrics.. [Trails off as she sings softly] Right now.. right now.. [Hums the rest before pausing as she notices him watching her] I’ll have to finish that one up later.
Mason: [Pouts as she withholds from him but he finds her so talented] I know you don’t really want to be seen together.. but could we maybe go somewhere together? Somewhere private? I just.. want to spend some time with you.. you could write.. I could photograph you.. something nice.. romantic? [Says the last word hesitantly] All this sneaking around.. I don’t like it.
Hazel: [Lifts her head to read his eyes as he speaks. Her expression is that of someone in deep thought. A part of her wants to hold back while the other part is willing to try. She frowns at his last set of words, feeling slightly guilty] I know, baby. [Brushes her fingertips over his pout. Her heart races the more that she thinks his words over] So, like a date? [Stares at him, biting her lip as she tries not to smile—she doesn’t want to give him up but is somewhat hesitant]
Mason: I mean.. a string of dates? It will be a nice little getaway? There’s this lake town near my hometown.. it’s really secluded. I could get us a house? [Bites his lip] I break for filming soon. [Cups her face] Please?
Hazel: [Slowly takes in a breath as she almost changes her mind until he paints a little picture of where they would be] No photographers? No fans? [Gazes at him as she feels his touch, instantly weakening for him] Since you asked so nicely.. yes. [Smiles warmly as she leans in and kisses the corner of his lips] Let me talk to Kara.. and then we can find a date to go.
Mason: [Bites his lip] Okay. [Nods as he eyes her] Don’t you think she’ll be suspicious that we’re both gone at the same time?
Hazel: [Purses her lips before nodding] She will be.. [Trails off as she doesn’t want to lie to her sister] I’m sure she’ll figure it out if I post pictures. [Murmurs] I’ll tell her.. about us. [Stares at him as she waits for his reaction]
Mason: Really? [bites his lip to keep from smiling] You mean it? [Eyes her as he cups her face]
Hazel: [Gazes heatedly as she sees how excited he gets, making her heart race] I’ll talk to her tonight. I’m going over to her place. [Matches his smile as she hopes it’ll go smoothly]
Mason: [Feels excited as this is an incremental step in them becoming “real”] Okay, baby.. [Holds her against him, looking at the big bite mark on her ass and rubbing it gently] Promise you won’t ghost me again..? Even if you’re done.. just tell me, okay?
Hazel: [Experiences a mixture of emotions before she’s distracted as he rubs her sore flesh] Oh my god.. [Sees the bite mark in the mirror across from the bed, parting her lips] Baby, you ruined me. [Sucks his lower lip as his mark on her turns her on] How am I going to look cute when we go to the lake? [Raises a brow as she grips his face, knowing he’s probably proud of himself] Mason.. [Sighs before nodding her head as she can’t picture being “done” with him yet] I promise. [Wraps her pinky around his before kissing him]
Mason: [Frowns as he feels slightly guilty at her reaction] Does it hurt..? [Pouts as he examines it] It will just be us. [Secretly likes that he marked her] Good. [returns her kisses]
Hazel: [Tilts her head as he looks concerned, stroking his jaw to soothe him] Sore.. But I like it on me. [Her eyes brighten at the thought of being alone with him, already thinking of all the things they’ll do together] I can’t wait.
0 notes
lcandothisallday · 2 years
“Right Person Wrong Time Part 2 - Jack Harlow x f!reader
part 1
Note: massive thanks to one of my favs @nye18 who helped me out with this one cos I was struggling a bit😌 shes not my favourite thing that I’ve written but it’s written lol
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Ever since finding out what happened between you and Jack, Urban was damn near ready to square up with Jack and was on the verge of quitting being his photographer. But Urban also knew he had to remain professional and so he decided to wait until the end of the year before he officially broke things off. That didn't mean he wasn't reserved--he made it very clear in fact.
“Cancel the fucking show!” Urban heard Jack yell from the kitchen. He was currently in an argument with Neelam over wanting to cancel an upcoming show. Ever since coming back from Louisville, he had entered a pit of depression- not wanting to go out, or eat, or hang out with anyone and his performances were slacking which everyone could tell.
Neelam sighed as she ran an aggravated hand through her hair. She was slowly beginning to lose patience with Jack and his attitude. “Jack I don’t think it’s a smart move to cancel the show for no reas--”
“I don’t fucking care!” he yelled back. “Say its for a personal matter or some shit! I can’t fucking do this right now!”
Neelam shook her head in frustration, “I don’t know what happened ever since you got back from Louisville but you need to tighten up soon,” she warned, before she walked away. Jack merely rolled his eyes at her before he let out a sigh and put his head in his hands. All that kept going through his mind was how badly he had fucked up everything.
Urban had entered the kitchen to grab a water bottle but he paused and scoffed once he saw Jack sulking. “Get over yourself. Stop acting like the fucking victim,” he muttered while he reached into the fridge.
Jack was slightly taken a back by Urban’s hostility. “I’m not...I’m not trying to act any way,” he mumbled back.
This time it was Urban’s turn to roll his eyes before he let out a defeated sigh. “You fucked everything up, man.”
“I know,” Jack sighed to which Urban shook his head instantly. 
“No I don’t think you do,” the blond practically growled. “I was routing for y’all! I saw the way you two acted around each other growing up and I thought that maybe when you were mature and ready then you’d be the one to make her happy. You’re my best friend-you were supposed to protect her but you just hurt her with your usual shit.”
“You don’t think I know that?!” Jack asked, his voice raised. “I was young and stupid and...I know that’s no excuse but you don’t have to worry about me anymore.” 
Urban’s brows furrowed as he looked at Jack in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Jack couldn’t help himself and his built up emotions got the better of him as his eyes began to water. “She doesn’t love me anymore,” he shrugged, trying to play it off but the tears that slipped proved otherwise. “Got what I deserved so you can stop playing hero big brother and take that stick outta your ass,” he mumbled, pushing past Urban and heading straight into his room.
Urban stood in the middle of the kitchen absolutely shocked because from what he remembered clearly, you had told him you still loved the curly haired boy.
A few weeks pass and Urban still remains reserved with Jack but he can’t help but feel bad for his former best friend. Jack wasn’t motivated, always locking himself in his room or the studio, and he didn’t really engage with anyone.
By some miraculous way, Druski and a few other friends managed to drag Jack out to the club, claiming he needed to loosen up and get some ass.
He sat in the middle with a few girls on either side of him but he simply stared ahead, sipping on his drink or scrolling through his phone. One of the girls, bolder than the others, strut towards him and took a seat directly on his lap with a cocky and confident smirk. Jack looked visibly uncomfortable as he shifted, hoping she would’ve gotten the hint to get off. Instead, she placed a kiss to his neck before whispering “let’s get outta here.”
Jack shook his head and used his hands to push her thighs off of him as he frowned. “Please get off of me,” he mumble. The girl scoffed in offence as she stood up and adjusted her dress before flipping her hair back. “Whatever--you give small dick energy anyway,” she spat, walking away to find her next conquest. 
Urban and Druski watched the entire interaction, but when Jack pushed the girl off of him, that’s when Druski’s eyes widened. “Dude! What the hell?! That’s like the third or fourth girl that you’ve rejected tonight! What’s up with you?” he exclaimed in question. 
“Nothing,” Jack shrugged off.
Druski shook his head at that response. “C’mon man-that last one was a fine piece of ass!” he stated matter of factly.
“But it’s not her right?” Urban asked, his brow raised expectantly. He had observed Jack the past couple of weeks, noting his attitude, lack of motivation, and more importantly, how he stopped sleeping around.
Jack bit his lip as he nodded. “Yeah…”
“Who the fuck is her?!” Druski asked, looking between the two men. “I’m definetly missing something—you’re telling me Jack Harlow is in love?” he teased. “Never thought I’d see the day,” he chuckled.
“He’s in love with my sister,” Urban said before he let out a defeated sigh.
Druski’s eyes widened, almost comically so. “Oh jeez...is that a problem?” he asked Urban. Urban paused a moment before he licked his lips. “Wasn’t supposed to be an issue except he fucked her over three years ago by cheating on her,” he deadpanned.
“Oh dude-that’s fucked up,” Druski mumbled to Jack. “But you’re still in love with her right? Explains why you can’t get it up for anyone?”
Jack let out an annoyed groan but nodded nonetheless which caused Urban to nearly gag. “She’s still my sister y’all! I don’t need to know that he only gets it up for her!” he exclaimed.
Druski rolled his eyes before letting out a chuckle. “Well did you try getting her back if you’re so down bad for her?”
“She doesn’t love me anymore.”
“She does though,” Urban confessed with a sigh, shaking his head. As much as he hated Jack for hurting you, he didn’t want the two most important people in his life to be miserable.
Upon hearing that, Jack’s eyes widened and he sat up straighter. “What do you mean?”
“She told me she still loved you,” Urban clarified.
“So she lied to me?”
Urban scoffed, “of course she fucking lied to you. She doesn’t wanna get hurt again. But y’all are so fucking miserable it’s making me miserable,” he mumbled.
Druski raised a brow as he looked at Urban. “So you’re giving him your blessing?” he asked. Jack’s head snappped to look at Urban with a hopeful expression. Urban shrugged, “I just want him to get his shit together again… but I swear to God Jack if you fuck things up agai—”
“I won’t!” Jack interrupted quickly with the biggest grin, already getting up and reaching for his phone. “I promise I won’t,” he breathed out, already pulling up the instagram dm with you.
Jack: He told me
It was later at night and you had finished all of your remote work so you opted to relaxing in your bed and watching Netflix. When your phone buzzed and you saw it was a notification from Jack, your breath got caught in your throat as you read it over and over.
“The fuck?” you mumble to yourself as you type a quick response.
You: who told you what?
Jack: Urban told me you still loved me. Is that true?
You: I don’t think this is something we should talk about over text.
Jack: I’m gonna facetime you and you better answer
Staying true to his words, you soon found your finger hovering over the answer button to the face time call coming from him. Once it connected, you couldn’t help the fluttering of your heart seeing his handsome face.
“Hey pretty girl,” Jack breathed out, a faint smile on his lips.
“Hi Jack,” you mumbled back in greeting, your cheeks warming up at the nickname. “So what is it that my brother told you exactly?”
Jack couldn’t help but chuckle, the excitement ever so evident in his features. He was craving every little interaction with you. “He said you loved me. So you lied to me that night huh?”
You let out a sigh, your fingers running through your hair. “So what if I did lie?” you challenge, looking at him intently.
“Y/N I’m sorry for everything I put you through. I really do love you and that night when you said you didn’t love me back-fuck it broke me. Ask anyone,” Jack said. “I need to hear you say it back. Please,” he practically begged.
“I do still love you J,” you confess quietly. “I’m just scared of getting hurt again by you.”
Jack shook his head instantly, “baby I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you-if you’ll just give me a chance. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Hearing you say that made his grin grow wider and his heart flutter. “I’ll fly out to Louisville tonight.”
You sputter a laugh as you shake your head, your fingers tucking a bit of hair behind your ears. “You don’t have to—”
“I want to baby girl,” he grinned. “You have no idea how badly I’ve been wanting to kiss you.”
You can’t help but giggle softly, “oh yeah?” Jack hummed as he nodded, “yeah. Been dreaming about it. Been dreaming about other things too but I don’t think I can say it with everyone around,” he chuckled.
Your eyes widened slightly as your cheeks heated up. “Well I guess you better hurry and come over already,” you say shrugging.
“Hell yeah,” he breathed out. “Say it again.”
“Say what?”
“That you love me.”
“I love you Jackman Harlow.”
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
Imagine Steve returning from whatever the thing that tired him out for days, sitting cross-legged in front of the fridge and eating straight out of the containers until he is energetic enough to get up.
Plot twist - he never remembers buying those ready to eat stuff he finds in the fridge, he must be really exhausted because not like anybody is stealthy enough to break into his apartment
okay i have no idea if this is what you meant, but my brain interpreted the plot twist as bucky breaking into steve's apartment and leaving him food and then i wrote a fic LOL. i hope you enjoy!
There’s absolutely fucking nothing in Steve’s fridge.
Blinking, Steve rubs his eyes, and looks again. As if he has the power to will a meal with actual sustenance into existence instead of the half-eaten pack of cold cuts and the lone pizza lunchable sitting on the middle shelf of his fridge. But when no sudden, elaborate meal appears in front of him, Steve sighs. Reaching out for the cold cuts and the lunchable, he lets himself plop down onto the floor in front of the fridge, still dressed in his tac gear from the mission he’d just returned home from.
His joints are stiff and his muscles are sore, and the light from the fridge is the only thing his throbbing headache can handle at the moment. Sitting on the cool, tile floor of his apartment, he peels back the seal for the lunchable, trying not to feel too pathetic as he lethargically eats his way through both mini pizzas, the entire roll of provided pepperoni, a capri sun, and the rest of the roast turkey from the cold cuts bag.
It isn’t filling by any means-- especially after he spent the last week and a half burning a million calories fighting fucking mutant killer cows-- but it gives him enough energy to hoist himself to his feet and lumber down the hall. Stripping off his tac gear, he doesn’t bother showering before he falls into bed, stomach aching as he drops into a dreamless sleep.
“Rogers, you thinking of joining us for sushi?”
Steve looks up from where he’s shoving his shield into its case, hands trembling with fatigue, and chest distinctly tight in the way it tends to get after an adrenaline crash. Tony is looking at him expectantly, and vaguely, Steve knows he should take him up on the offer. But his battery for being in public-- around people-- has officially run out, and Steve knows himself well enough to know if he joined them, he’d either bite someone’s head off or freak the fuck out. And he’s not in the mood to do either of those things right now.
“Nah, not today, thanks,” Steve says, giving Tony a sheepish smile.
Tony shrugs, hands in his pockets. “Suit yourself,” he says, and pats Steve’s shoulder as he passes behind him. Steve shivers a little, trying not to think about how badly he craves to be casually touched like that more often, and finishes packing his things.
But a half hour later, as he’s letting himself into his apartment, head spinning and stomach gnawing at itself, he wonders if he should have bit the bullet and gone out for sushi with the others. Dread is already climbing in his chest as he lugs himself to the kitchen, eyeing the singular can of spaghettios in his pantry with disdain. Fuck, he really ought to go shopping more, but grocery stores are so overwhelming. The harsh overhead lights. The crowds of people. Parents with screaming children, and low levels of chaos that Steve can’t keep track of. Plus there’s so much food now. So much variety and foreign choice, that it sends Steve down a steady spiral of indecision and vague discomfort each time.
After DC and the helicarriers, there had been a short period of variety where new foods were plentiful. While on the road with Sam, it was easy to fall into a routine of following Sam’s lead. Getting takeout from restaurants he suggested, trying local cuisine from the places they hunkered down. But now that he’s back in New York-- back on his own-- finding the motivation to make an effort is a particular struggle.
Steve watches his reflection in the microwave as his spaghettios heats up, and eats the entire bowl standing over the sink. His stomach is still growling when he finishes, so he rinses his bowl, and lugs over to the fridge, already bracing for the empty sort of disappointment that accompanies seeing the barren shelves.
Except, the shelves aren’t empty. Not entirely anyway.
“What the fuck?” Steve mutters. Sitting on the second shelf of the fridge are three pizza lunchables, stacked neatly next to a couple of apples.
The hairs on the back of Steve’s neck stand up, and he reaches in to grab the lunchables. Instantly, he throws away the apples; he knows better than to trust food that’s exposed like that. But the lunchables seem aptly sealed, and entirely untouched. Peeling one of the lunchables open, he leans in to smell it. There’s no abnormalities that his serum enhanced nose can detect. Just starchy, cheap gluten and tangy marinara.
Glancing around, Steve looks for some sign of a break in, but it feels silly. What kind of idiot would break in just to give him more pizza lunchables?
Bucky, his mind whispers. Bucky would break in just to stock more food into his empty fucking fridge.
A pang of hope so sharp it makes Steve sway where he stands courses through his veins, but he tamps it down hard. If Bucky is near, he still clearly doesn’t want to be found, lunchable offerings or not. Steve knows he’s alive-- has known since he saw his figure amidst the rubble of some random Hydra base in Tikhvin, having beaten Sam and him to the location-- but he hadn’t pushed then, and he wouldn’t push now.
Standing by the counter, Steve eats all three lunchables, then grabs a sticky note, scrawling out a little cartoon figure of himself holding up a sign. He scrawls a cursory message into the sign, and sticks it in the fridge where the lunchables had been.
Loved the lunchables! Thank you :D Hope you’re being safe - SR
The note stays in the fridge until Steve is called for his next mission, paper growing damp from the cold. He tries not to think about it too much as he idles through his days, ordering too much takeout, and actually managing to keep his fridge somewhat stock. Even if it’s mostly with chow mein and stir fried vegetables.
But when he returns from his most recent mission-- which had left him and the team stranded for nearly two weeks in Uzbekistan-- the food is all gone, as is the note. In their place is a new note, clearly taken from the same sticky note pad Steve had used and scrawled on with the same pen. Steve’s heart skips a beat, before speeding up as he reaches for the note, unsticking it from the empty shelf and holding it up with shaking hands to read.
Sorry I threw everything away. It all went bad. But I left some food in the freezer for you. Hope that’s fine.
And fuck. Fuck, Steve would recognize that handwriting anywhere. Looping, fast cursive that’s somehow still legible, even if the lines are a little shakier now. An ache of familiarity that Steve hasn’t felt since he died grips his chest so hard he can’t breathe for a moment. He was right. He was right. It had been Bucky who had left the lunchables, which means that Bucky is near. Bucky is watching him, and Bucky is--
Frowning, Steve looks back down at the note. Does this mean that Bucky’s back? Steve highly doubts the Winter Soldier is bringing him frozen foods. But he supposes there isn’t a true answer to that. Bucky will probably never be back, just like Steve isn’t sure bits of himself are ever going to be the same as before.
That’s alright, though, Steve supposes as he opens the freezer and finds a tupperware of frozen pot roast and mashed potatoes. As long as he’s safe-- as long as he’s alive-- that’s all that really matters.
The pot roast tastes like a home Steve never really had, and he eats it all in one sitting, savoring the tender pieces of meat and fluffy mashed potatoes. Vaguely, he wonders how Bucky managed to get the roast-- or make it, perhaps. He hopes he’s warm, wherever he is.
Before he goes to sleep that night, Steve leaves another note, this time with the little cartoon version of himself asleep on his back, hands on his stomach as he sleeps off the food coma.
Pot roast! You spoil me… it was delicious. Hope you saved some for yourself ;). - SR
After the success of the frozen pot roast, Bucky seems to inch closer. Take more risks.
Food appears in Steve’s kitchen even if he isn’t on missions. He comes home from a run one day to find fresh fettuccine alfredo sitting on his countertop, still warm in the tin tray Bucky had seemingly left it in. And a few days later, there’s a delicious banana pudding in the fridge waiting for him after a meeting at the Tower.
They continue to chat through sticky notes, and Steve tries not to think too hard about the fact that Bucky had touched the pen he’s holding as he scrawls yet another cartoon version of himself saying thank you after Bucky had left him some chicken noodle soup. Something in him is settled knowing Bucky clearly has access to all of this food, and he wonders how the hell he’s pulling this all off. Where he’s been getting these recipes. Has he gone to bookstores to get cookbooks? Is he looking them up online? Where is he cooking the food?
But he doesn’t ask questions, and Bucky doesn’t give hints. Steve doesn’t think it really matters anyway. If Bucky wants it to be his business, then he’ll make it his business. For now, Steve lets himself enjoy this bittersweet cadence of odd communication. The rest can wait for later.
There’s someone in Steve’s kitchen. He can hear it as he enters his apartment, still dripping sweat from his routine, three hour morning run. Instantly, he’s alert, hackles raised as he swoops down to grab his shield by the hall closet door. He inches further into the apartment, the distinct smell of bacon and eggs hits him like a truck. And even though his instinct tells him to be careful as he rounds into the kitchen, he already knows what he’s going to find.
Or rather, who.
And despite knowing, nothing prepares him for the breathless shock he feels as his gaze lands on Bucky, standing in front of the stove, cooking breakfast.
Bucky’s hair is swept up into a bun on the back of his head, and he’s wearing an apron with the Iron Man suit on the front. He’s shifting a pan around with his left arm-- the metal one-- and Steve watches, transfixed for a moment as he fries up some eggs.
“Buck,” he breathes, arms loose at his side. He’s still holding the shield, and he grips the straps tighter, trying to ground himself in the feel of leather in his palm.
Bucky glances over at him and smiles. For a moment, Steve’s certain he’s going to pass out, because fuck, that smile. That smile. The goddamn smile that Steve was sure he’d never see again after he watched Bucky plummet into icy hell off the side of that fucking train, a lifetime ago. A world away.
“Hungry? I’m also thinking of making pancakes,” Bucky says, gesturing to the box of pancake mix on the counter with the spatula he’s using. Steve closes his eyes, letting Bucky’s voice wash over him for a moment. He still isn’t sure he won’t pass out. “Which, by the way, I had to pick up after I found out you don’t have flour. Or sugar, for that matter. Or eggs. Why don’t you have fucking eggs?”
Steve swallows hard, blinking a few times. “I… don’t go to the store.”
Bucky squints at him, spatula halting in the pan. “You don’t go to the store,” he repeats slowly.
“I-- yeah. I don’t like it.”
Bucky hums, still squinting at him. “Yeah, okay,” he says after a moment, like he can see where Steve’s coming from. Which, yeah, he probably can, Steve figures. “Well, lucky you, I love going to the store, so I bought you eggs and milk and such, but you should really try and at least keep basics around.”
“Bucky,” Steve says, shaking his head, slowly. It’s fucking surreal. There’s a world of questions between them. Things they have to talk about. Things that need to be said. And yet, Bucky’s berating him for not having fucking eggs in his fridge while cooking breakfast at his stove.
Bucky’s expression shifts and softens, and he nods, turning back to the eggs and adding a handful of shredded cheddar cheese.
“I know,” he murmurs. “Later. I-- not right now. I can’t--”
“That’s okay,” Steve cuts him off. If Bucky needs to wait, they can wait. “Later.”
Bucky nods again, moving the eggs off the heat. He reaches for the pancake mix next, and Steve finally places his shield down.
“Can I at least ask… do you have a place to stay?” Steve asks, moving further into the room. He looks around; breakfast looks fantastic, and it’s clearly methodical. Everything is clearly prepared with care and strategy. Steve vaguely wonders if it’s soothing for Bucky to cook. In the same way it's soothing for him to paint. Some way to purge this need to move in a way that usually meant harm.
“I do,” Bucky confirms, getting a large mixing bowl. Steve tries not to think too hard about the fact that Bucky apparently knows his kitchen layout. “And-- I’m not ready to-- with you-- I mean--”
“I know,” Steve says, and Bucky looks at him, throat working as he swallows. “I was just making sure you’re safe. And Buck, if you’re never ready to come stay with me, that’s not an expectation. I just need to know you have somewhere you can sleep.”
Bucky’s eyes do something complicated, and his jaw shifts. The plates of his metal arm whir softly as he reaches out to grip Steve’s hand. A fleeting movement that leaves Steve feeling like he’s been shocked with electricity.
“I want to, one day,” Bucky says. “And I know we used to… we used to be… something, right?”
Steve closes his eyes for a moment, utterly unprepared for the question. “Yeah, Buck,” he whispers. And if he thinks about it, he can still feel the touch. Bucky’s lips on his brow bone, arms around his waist. Bucky making love to him with a reverence that Steve never felt his deserved. Fleeting touches and weighted looks. Two bodies, moving together as fluidly as one. “We used to be something.”
Bucky nods, biting his lip. “I want to,” he repeats. “I just need a little more time.”
Steve smiles sadly. “If I’m being honest, I think I do, too. But… maybe we can start small? Like… this.” He gestures to the spread of breakfast. “Hanging out. Getting to know each other again. You know… like friends.”
Bucky smiles, and he reaches for Steve’s hand again. This time, he holds on for a few moments, letting their fingers lace together. Steve squeezes. I hear you. I’m with you.
Bucky squeezes back. Me too.
“I’d like that,” Bucky murmurs. “Friends.”
“Friends,” Steve repeats. They watch each other for another moment. A promise solidifying between them. Then Bucky is letting go and checking his hip.
“Pass the milk, punk, I’m teaching you to make pancakes.”
And fuck, Steve can’t wait to get to know Bucky again. Every damn inch.
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moemammon · 3 years
Could I request HC of MC falling asleep on the brothers and someone asks them to do something but they don’t want to move bc of MC🥺 kinda like how it’s illegal to move if an animal is asleep on you🥺💕 thank you!
I'm soft for stuff like this tbh
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC falling asleep on them
Lucifer has found that he works best when you're near him. Something about your presence calms his old soul. So it's become a habit that he has you near while he's going through paperwork, always touching you in some fashion.
Today, you were resting your head against his shoulder in the late afternoon, the warmth of his body and the sound of his pen scribbling on paper lulling you into a sense of peace and sleepiness.
He looked over after noticing the added weight against his side, and found you'd drifted off to sleep. And man.... this man realizes just how soft he is for you. Like, can you BE any cuter??? You're gonna kill him.
He feels a warmth swell up in his chest, not only from his affection for you, he the way you seem so peaceful sleeping against him like that. The fact that you feel secure with him, while others only seem to fear him, makes his heart fill to the brim.
But now he can't move, or you'll wake up. And to make matters worse, he just heard a loud ass crash in the hall right outside, and the sound of Mammon cursing under his breath. MAMMOOONNNNN-
As much as it pains him, he doesn't have the strength to get up while you look so content and secure sleeping against him like this. Besides, he can always kill punish Mammon later. He’d just text Beel to string him up from the ceiling until then.
It's not unusual for the two of you to chill on the couch together, and he doesn't even care that you're all over him. Actually, he's probably the one that pulled you into such a position.
You're laying on his chest, and he's got his arms around you while he plays around on his phone. And that's when he notices the tiniest of snores coming from you. He looks down and sees that you've fallen asleep.
FUCK does that make him wanna scream. His heart is so full of love that he's literally trembling. You were so.. sO CUTE. IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. HE LOVES YOU, DAMN IT.
But then he gets a text from Lucifer, asking him to go back to RAD to fetch some documents. Why'd he have to be his errand boy all the time? Why not Satan??
Mammon is no stranger to Lucifer's wrath though, so now he has a strong need to get you off of him, yet an equally strong need to hold you close.
Especially when you mumble something that sounded vaguely like his name in your sleep. Maybe... it’d be fine to let you rest a little longer? It's not like those lousy papers were going anywhere, right?
You????? Felt comfortable enough to sleep on him?????? In the middle of a movie he put on????
There's practically steam coming out of his ears. He's short circuiting. He's going to die and it's all your fault. WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE YOURE JUST SLEEPING ON HIS ARM AND YET THE MOE IS TOO STRONG-
Seriously though, he's so red up to his ears that you'd think he might die. The only thing that keeps him from death is that you aren't awake to look at him. He was safe!
But then a notification pops up on his D.D.D, and he suddenly remembers he’s got a tournament to compete in with a couple of online friends! He promised them!!!
Maybe... he'll wake you up? No no no, he'd really die if that happened! You can't wake up yet!! But the game-! The dungeon run-!! The loot!!! What can he do?! There's no way he can ruin this 'straight-out-of-an-anime' moment!!!
Levi's never been one to miss a chance to game, so why was he so conflicted?! Now he was thinking that maybe he could just reschedule the match? Besides, when was the next time he might get to see your sleeping face so close to his own? He wonders if he could sneak in a picture or two...
Satan's entire room, albeit cluttered, has a cozy vibe. Just the way he likes, as a man who prefers to keep calm and indulge in the wonders of books. And he's invited you over to indulge with him, per usual
Though he'll admit it IS a little late, so he understands that you're sleepy. It doesn't even surprise him when you slump against his arm from your position next to him, the book on your lap sliding to the ground.
As much as it pains him to see the book fall like that, he quickly realizes he can't bend down to grab it, or you'll wake up.
And he hasn't had a chance to really look closely at your sleeping expression, so he has to get his priorities in order. He could get that boom later, anyway.
He laughs at you, and how easily you've fallen asleep. Why didn't you just tell him you were tired? He’d walk you back to your room so you could sleep. Yet you wanted to spend time with him so badly that you pushed through?
He closes his book and leans his head against yours with a soft sigh. Peaceful days like this were all he could ever ask for. He wished he had a spell to preserve this moment forever.
Helloooo? Are you even listening anymore?? He was in the middle of telling you about the time Beel ate his entire collection of bath bombs, and you fell asleep right on his lap!
Probably because he was making you lay there while he dabbed products onto your face. "This one is a great toner. Doesn't it smell good? And this moisturizer here is sooo creamy!"
He can't help but notice how peaceful you look laying there, fast asleep. He could just eat you up! Catch him leaning in to kiss you a million times, wondering if you'll wake up.
He's gotta put that kissing on hold when he realizes he has a photo shoot to get to in an hour! He'd need every single minute to get himself ready of course, so he needed to start now. The only problem was... you. On his lap.
He can't get up or he’d be cruelly abandoning his precious MC! And there was no way he’d be that heartless. But that photo shoot was pretty important... How else would he give the devildom its dose of his gorgeous face???
Cue Satan coming in and finding Asmo doing his skin care on his bed, straining to see his reflection in the far away vanity mirror... all so he wouldn't disturb a hair on your adorable little head.
Beel had asked if you'd lay on his back for extra weight while he did his planks, but he never expected you to fall asleep there. Belphie does the same thing sometimes, so he's no stranger to having to stay still for someone else's sake.
The warmth of your form draped over his back makes him smile, and he wonders if you're cozy laying like that. Wasn't his back kind of hard?
He was fine with waiting until you woke up, since being stuck in a plank for an unknown amount of time would be a great workout, what wasn't so great was the gnawing of hunger slowly starting to creep up on him.
Beel was hungry. Starving, even. And he was stuck because you fell asleep on him. He tried muttering a soft "MC, wake up" as a means to gently wake you, but when you didn't budge, he wondered if he might die like this.
The longer he waited, the more his hunger built. It was five minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty, and then- he lost it.
You wake up to being suddenly dumped onto the cold floor, and you only catch a glimpse of the avatar of gluttony rushing off to empty the fridge of its contents.
He'll apologize when he's full, okay? He promises he loves you, but his hunger is no joke. Promises to treat you to Madam Scream's later as an apology.
Not unexpected that you'd fall asleep while in Belphie's care. He had a knack for that sort of thing, bringing the air around him to a sleepy halt and making your eyes heavy with that smooth voice of his.
You were listening to him talk about the old days, when he and Beel would sneak away from their brothers to have their own adventures. Then the next thing you knew, you were drifting off to sleep.
Belphie immediately noticed when your head leaned against his hand; he’d been toying around with your hair and occasionally stroking your cheeks. This was one of those moments he didn't feel like bullying you, after all.
But now he kind of does. You were so innocent, and so vulnerable right now! He could tickle you awake at any moment and you wouldn't be able to stop him at all... Though he doesn't.
He instead looks up when the door opens and Beel pops into the bedroom to ask if Belphie can help him find his jacket. There's no way he’d deny his brother, sooo sorry mc. He hesitates for two seconds, but he's leaving you.
Belphie is a sleep expert, and that includes his mastery of the art of not waking people up, so somehow he's managed to carefully maneuver around you so you're still fast asleep.
Leaves you with a little kiss and tucks you into his bed. He'll come tickle you to death later 💕
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