#because he's a little brat who won't listen to anyone
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
Have you ever thought about what Yomi's like when ill
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probably just as insufferable as when he's healthy LMAO
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supershot73199 · 18 days
Ok I'm back with another dcxdp overprotective Danny fic/prompt. No specific ship for this one.
Though Barbara is there this time.
Barbara couldn't help but smile as she looked at all the little kids in the library doing arts and crafts. She loved seeing all the kids different art projects though if she had to be honest she had a favorite little artist.
"Ms Barbara look look! I drew the Signal he looked so cool on his motorcycle!"
Speak of the devil, the little girl proudly running up to show of her art was named Dawn Nightingale a precious four year old who had mistaken Barbara for her Auntie Jazz the first time they met. (Not that Barbara blamed her she had seen a picture of the girls Aunt and they looked almost identical.)
"That looks wonderful why don't you go pin it to the art wall by the door so everyone can see it?" Barbara said as she looked at the surprisingly well done drawing.
As the four year old ran to do so with a cheer Barbara took a quick look over at the girls father, Danny Nightingale was a single father who from what conversations Barbara had with him had his daughter thrust upon him as a teen and was forced to leave home because of prejudiced parents. Despite this he was a natural father and was doing well to care for her even going so far as to be enrolled in engineering courses at Gotham U even while working full time to support his kid.
The single father was helping some of the younger kids while ignoring the single mothers trying to flirt with him with either practiced grace, or density befitting a black hole.
Before she could go to scare off the more persistent women (for Christs sake some of these women were over a decade older than him) there was a sudden bang as the doors to the library burst open revealed the Joker in all his pasty faced glory.
"Well well what fun! A group art project! It's a good thing I was in the area because now you kiddos get to help with Uncle Jokers art. C'mere brat."
Barbara had hit the panic button on her wheelchair the moment the Joker came through the door but she is not too proud to admit that she froze the moment he reached out and grabbed Dawn who had still been near the door hanging up her picture.
She could see the fear on the child she considered an honorary niece and found it hard to listen to what the demented clown was saying. Not that it mattered as before the Joker finished demanding the library patrons do what he said or else he was suddenly stepping back from the heavy blow that an enraged Danny had dealt.
The Joker having let go of Dawn, who ran to Barbara as soon as she was free, could not even seem to muster a defense as Danny beat him right out the door. Every weapon or gag he tried to pull out was either knocked aside or grabbed and used on him. The last thing Barbara saw before the door swung shut was Danny taking the flag gun the Joker tried to pull out and breaking it on the Jokers face.
With her arms now full of crying toddler Barbara did her best to comfort her and just as soon as she managed to calm her the door opening made her look up only to see Danny walking back in.
"Daddy!" The ballistic missile shaped like a toddler leapt into her fathers arms as he held her close.
"It's OK. It's all good. Daddy won't ever let anyone hurt you OK? There isn't anything in this world or the next that will keep me from you."
Barbara turned from the heartwarming display but only because she heard the door opening again thankfully this time it was Signal walking in Barbara figured he must have already secured the Joker since he didn't seem to be in a rush.
"Hey is everyone OK in here? Any injuries? No ok then I'm going to ask you all to stay in here and stay calm until the GCPD can take statements and get done scraping the Joker off the curb." The nervous undercurrent to Dukes voice should have clued Barbara that something was different but then that last statement hit her. Danny must have knocked the Joker out before coming back inside.
Speaking of Danny he was walking over with a Dawn who had fallen asleep in his arms after crying herself out.
"Hey I wanted to thank you for comforting Dawn. This situation was not something she should have been exposed to and I'm glad that she had someone trustworthy nearby to go to. And I am sorry buy I need to ask you one more favor... do you think you could watch Dawn until my sister gets off work if the cops detain me?"
Barbara couldn't help but double take at that.
"I don't mind but I doubt that will happen." She assured.
"Maybe but I did just stain the street with Jokers brain matter. So it's definitely a non zero chance."
Barbara couldn't help it, she was dumbfounded clearly she was mishearing.
"I'm sorry I must be hearing things, it sounded like you said you killed the Joker."
"Yeah I did. I won't let anyone hurt my family especially not that Steven King reject."
The next couple hours passed in a haze of reassuring parents and answering questions from the police for Barbara.
Thankfully Danny was not detained and was allowed to take Dawn home. Though he did ask Detective Bullock if he needed to be worried about and charges being pressed.
"Haha kid your more likely to get a medal or a holiday for this. Everyone has been hurt by that clown in some way.
Later when she was finally able to get the the clock tower she was unsurprised to find Jason waiting for her there. Clearly he had the same idea that she had, that is using her camera outside the library so that she could see what happened for closure.
The pair watched as this young man beat the Joker back at a different angle than when she saw it earlier that day. But shortly after the door shut she saw it happen so fast a trip over the step with Joker having the wind knocked out of him throwing a loose piece of concrete at the single father who caught it and the proceeded to bash the failed jester until he was unrecognizable.
Jason was the first to break the silence.
"I'm going to need a copy of that video and I suggest you make another one to give to Harley at your next girls night with the sirens."
"Deal but only if you get Alfred to help me cook him thank you meal."
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theshinazugawaslut · 18 days
Which girl is suitable for Sanemi, in your opinion? And what kind of character or goals in life?
a/n: my genuine apologies for not being able to finish this sooner!
disclaimer: I will be mentioning things that Sanemi wouldn't be looking for in a partner but this is not to be taken personally.
To start off, I interpret Sanemi as a family-oriented man who would not be interesting in things like partying or hooking-up; he'd date to marry, and would only have sex if he loved you very dearly and trusted you with his life. I say this because Sanemi is a man who isolates himself from everyone he loves but also has a deep respect for women, he wouldn't wish to be like his father (and even without the idea of his abusive father, Sanemi would disagree with ideas like being a fuckboy or making bad decisions). This is not to hate on anyone who does do these sort of things, this is just how I imagine Sanemi to be and what makes most sense regarding his character.
I'm going to split this into little mini-sections with little examples and explanations as well: What Sanemi wouldn't like and what Sanemi would like.
What Sanemi Would Like/Need:
Someone of unshakeable character and a strong moral compass; meaning that the person should be resilient and strong-minded, not easily swayed by others.
Someone family-oriented; this would be incredibly important to Sanemi. He is someone who places great importance on his own mother and siblings hence he'd wish for someone who holds the same importance on their own family as well. This would also play into the fact that Sanemi would want children, so he'd unconsciously want someone who is good with kids and would also want children.
Someone humble, down-to-earth, and simple. Spoiled brats and stuck-up people would make Sanemi strangle someone.
Someone kind-hearted and patient; the most ideal sort of kindness would be someone who is Tanjiro-level. Someone who could calm him down, help him rationalise himself, or help him figure out his emotions during tough times. He'd like someone who is selfless and tender.
Emotionally intelligent. He'd unconsciously need this in a partner due to the fact he is usually unable to express and verbalise his feels so having someone understand him would mean the whole world to him.
Due to his pessimistic nature/thoughts, he'd need someone who can see good in people/things. He's not looking for an overly optimistic, happy person who believes all is good in the world but instead he's looking for someone who can separate right from wrong, acknowledge the darkness of the world and still choose to make and see the best.
Goals-wise — someone ambitious or determined. He doesn't care if your goal is to crochet the world's best handbag or have three kids or open a florist shop, as long as you love it! Someone who rambles a lot would be endearing to him since he likes to just listen.
Feminine. By this, I don't mean someone who looks feminine but someone who acts feminine, someone overall gentle and nurturing, someone he could trust to slice his heart open gently and kiss him so fucking sweet after.
What Sanemi Wouldn't Like/Want:
Somebody who is too social. This isn't to say he wants you cooped up inside the house all the time with no one around you but Sanemi wouldn't be very big on placing a lot of emphasis on friends; he'd rather you and him hang out together all the time so if you dislike clinginess in the sense he will go with you to the gym, shops, salon, your family, then you and Sanemi are definitely not made for each other. So if you're someone who constantly wants to have friends over and go out with friends, he'd most likely find himself bored and slightly irritated even if he won't say anything. He doesn't understand why some people care about their friends so much; if you were hanging out with siblings or parents, he's totally up for it, but he's more iffy about friends. To add to this, Sanemi would really appreciate someone who gets along with family and he'll definitely get along for yours.
People who go partying/clubbing. Sanemi would dislike this because he thinks there are much better ways to spend his time and he overall dislikes the idea of drinking. He probably thinks bars and clubs are immature and a waste of time. He thinks if you can't have fun sober, then you're no fun at all. Overall, he doesn't like the things associated with partying/clubbing culture, and he feels like it's not an overall good place to be. He won't judge people who do it but he definitely wouldn't like it in his own partner.
Hook-up/one-night-stands; Sanemi would never partake in this sort of culture in the first place and I don't think he'd ever go with someone who does. He has different values and beliefs that don't really align with that sort of culture, so I think it'd be very unlike he date/marry someone who partook in it. This isn't for people to get offended but he'd rather someone chaste like himself.
Someone who is always angry. I see this trope in fanfictions a lot but I don't think Sanemi would pair very well with someone who is snappish/brutish like him; he doesn't want you to be a whimpering, pathetic mess, but I don't think he's ever going to fall for someone like himself, he prefers serenity in his partners.
Argumentative. You'll both just end up heartbroken and in a very badly chaotic relationship. It would never work out.
If you don't want kids. He wants kids, he loves them and really wants his own, and you'd probably find a problem later in your life with him if you really don't want kids. He'd never force you or try to push it on to you but he'd feel really sad on the inside.
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
I’m obsessed with Levi, absolutely smitten. Thank you for sharing him with us.
If you feel up to it could we get a snippet of someone maybe a rival vampire trying to plant doubts in Levi about the reader. Maybe accusing them of cheating on him and using him, only for Levi to laugh in their face because he knows how devoted and loyal they are to each other.
Just like the opposite of the miscommunication trope. Please and thank you🥺👉👈
I'm so happy you like Levi ^_^ This is just a little thing, but I thought it turned out cute and it's nice to do something lighter after the last one omg :D
Vampire (Levi) x female mom reader
Word Count: 1k
W: sfw vampire fluff
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“Ugh,” Levi’s cousin Ivan and leader of his clan in Russia grimaced looking down at Meryl over his glass of blood, “don’t you have a nanny?” 
Levi nudged him away from the baby sleeping peacefully in the crib he’d put in his office so she could be nearby. He’d wanted to give you a spa day and he knew you weren’t yet comfortable with the nanny, so he happily offered to keep his favorite cinnamon roll with him.
He also wanted you out of the house when his cousin arrived. He didn’t like males seeing you and he knew how frivolous vampire’s could be. Their lives were long and got boring, rare jewels intrigued them, if only for a time. He’d sent you surrounded by a handful of Amazonian vampire bodyguards, so he felt confident no one would bother you. 
“(Y/N) and I have decided to keep her caretakers to a minimum,” he said, “she’s already been exposed to so many different germs and people, there’s no reason to add anymore.” 
Ivan snorted. 
“So she’s got you babysitting her brat?! Cousin, are you a fool?” 
Of course in his time, the idea of a vampire Clan lord carrying around an infant was preposterous, let alone one that was not his son, specifically. Many vampire mothers immediately gave their children to wet nurses so they wouldn’t look weak carrying a drooling baby around. 
Levi growled at his cousin, prompting him to lower his voice so as not to wake the baby. 
Ivan hissed lightly back, his eyes flashing. Vampire lords didn’t like being told what to do. 
“Who is this trollop anyway?” he snapped, though a bit quieter, “I’ve never seen you so wrapped around anyone’s finger.” 
Levi looked a little wistful. 
“Just an angel I came across in a fish store,” he murmured, his eyes resting fondly on Meryl. 
Ivan raised an eyebrow. 
“Fish…store…? And you’ve taken in her bastard? You’re babysitting it? Levi, I know losing Karen must have been hard but-”
Levi’s face hardened and his voice boomed. 
“Don’t say her name in my presence!” he snarled. 
Meryl cooed that she was waking up and started to whimper realizing she was alone. Levi looked distraught and hurried over to her, picking her up and bouncing her in his arm. 
“I’m sorry baby bat, did I wake you?” he cooed, and she gave him a gummy smile, doing her “daddy is picking me up” dance in his hand. 
Something about the happiness on Levi’s face when he looked at Meryl and how innocently she completely trusted him incensed Ivan. 
“This is absurd Levi. No one can be this happy! How do you know she doesn’t have some lover on the side and she’s just using you? Tugging a vampire lord on a leash?! She’s probably making another one of those things right now! Aren’t you concerned with how this makes the family look?!” 
Levi tipped Meryl’s head to his chest so she couldn’t see before he bared his fangs, transforming his face into a more animal version of itself as a warning. 
“Now you sound absurd, cousin,” he ground out, more offended that he’d say such a thing in front of his darling baby than taking it seriously, “(Y/N) is a devoted mother and wife. I won't listen to you slandering her in front of our child.”
Ivan snorted and crossed his leg with annoyance, spinning his blood around. 
“Goddess, modern romance is so disgusting,” he retorted, turning his face away from the tooth achingly sweet sight of Levi tossing Meryl in the air to make her giggle, “If it were me, I’d never see the thing.” 
“That’s why you’re a cold, lonely bastard,” Levi chuckled, “and I have a warm, beautiful family.” 
Ivan rolled his eyes. 
“Until she backstabs you like your mother,” he snapped. 
Levi growled more loudly. 
“I told you not to mention her,” he snapped, flipping Meryl over his shoulder by one foot so she wouldn’t see his anger and making her laugh out loud. 
“Ugggggh,” Ivan let out the longest groan ever at her pure joy as Levi pulled her back to his chest and found her one of the toys strewn on his desk to play with. 
“I’m back my loves!” you sighed as you walked into Levi’s office and breezed past the vampire sitting in one of Levi’s overstuffed chairs. You tossed your purse lazily on his desk, then tipped up on your toes and gave Levi a kiss, then smooched Meryl. 
“Feel my face,” you beamed, taking his hand and putting it on your freshly worked over skin, “they did some kind of laser thing to it! It’s super soft!” 
He grinned down at you, taking the opportunity to circle your cheek with his fingers. Maybe it was softer than normal, it always felt soft to him, but he was happy you wanted him to touch you. You'd been seeking out his touch more and more, each time delighting him more than the last.
A bit of a tug in the back of your mind reminded you the other vampire was still there and you glanced over your shoulder at him. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?” you asked, looking him over. He looked a bit like Levi, as well, but with wheat blonde hair cropped short and bright blue eyes. 
“Uh…this is my cousin, Ivan,” Levi said with as little enthusiasm as possible, “he’s in town for the wedding.”
He was eager to see you since you’d been gone all morning, but he still didn’t like males looking at you, disappointed your spa treatment ended early. For Ivan’s part his mouth dropped and his eyes grew big. He hopped up from the chair and crossed the room, looming over you. 
He took your hand and gave it a kiss, smiling down at you with the eyes of a predator behind baby blue irises almost flashing green with envy. 
“Levi told me many things about you and I thought he was exaggerating, but he wasn’t lying when he said you are truly lovely. Now I think I understand his fascination. I look forward to seeing more of you, my dear,” Ivan purred, “Levi loves to throw parties so I’m sure there will be plenty of occasions for us to get more acquainted.”
You blinked up at him and extracted your hand from his. 
“Er...good to meet you,” you said, wondering if it was a generational gap thing that made him sound so weird to you. Many of Levi's vampires had odd dialects hinting to their time of origin.
Levi bared his teeth and handed Meryl to you, practically shoving his cousin from the room. 
“I’ll see you later, cousin!” he growled, slamming the door behind him.
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henrioo · 1 year
Part one — Parte two
Child! Shanks x Child! Reader ( x platonic! Edward Newgate)
Synopsis: "A confusing encounter with a red-haired child ends up changing his day completely."
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,6k
Notes: Pronouns should be neutral but because of automatic translation they are masculine, I'm sorry, it was written with a neutral reader in mind. Forgive the bad English too, Google is not one of the best
Revision: @waitingmydemons
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Today would definitely be your day! After weeks of trying to convince your brothers and especially your father, you had managed to get permission to take a tour all alone around the next island the ship stopped. It might seem silly, but living surrounded by men who saw danger in everything made your freedom being compared to one of a bird in a cage. Of course, you were more than grateful for all the effort they put into protecting you, but sometimes you just wanted to run around and play with other kids instead of being followed by famous pirates who scared anyone who came near.
That's why you couldn't hold back the anxiety of finally being able to live a little adventure completely alone! You've prepared very well, choosing fresh clothes that won't get in the way of playing or running, took a purse with a generous amount of money that you collected according to the days and choose the best and most resistant shoes! Everything was perfect, you couldn't even swallow your food during lunch. You were so busy, as soon as the meal was over, you said goodbye to everyone and ran towards the port, excited to explore the place.
Even if walking around and spending money on silly things wasn't exactly the most fun thing in the world, just being able to experience all those new things by yourself and maybe even make a few friends was enough to get you excited. There weren't many young people in Whitebeard's crew, you ended up being the only child and the youngest member which left you a bit alone. Of course no one refused to play with you, Marco and Thatch would spend hours distracting you if that made you happy, the point was that they were adults and eventually needed to take care of their responsibilities, leaving you alone.
Your plan was to buy some candy and maybe find some kids your age to play with, you couldn't wait to get some attention from people who would also like to play. You walked carefree through the big city market, there were countless merchants, mothers, workers, all walking around in their own worlds and duties. You'd eventually stop and look at the fruit, jewelry, or anything else that looked like fun, but you weren't focused on shopping. You were humming absently around, not really caring about your surroundings when you started to hear footsteps approaching.
When you turned around to try to figure out what was going on it was too late, a person collided directly with you but before he could knock you to the ground, he pulled you by the arm away from the main road. You were dragged into an alley and soon a hand covered your mouth, when you regained your senses you could hear more and more footsteps approaching, a crowd running! You frowned in confusion as you listened to what people were saying. "Are you sure you lost them?" You tried to peek down the alley and you could guess they were sailors by their blue and white outfit. "Shit, those little brats! I can't believe they robbed us…" they argued among themselves "Let's keep looking, they can't have gone far".
So when the men walked away you decided to pay attention to the situation you were in. You looked to see who your captors were and came across two… children? The boy holding you had blue hair and a huge red nose, he was holding your mouth while his face had a terrified expression. Next to him was a boy with red hair and a nice hat, he was carrying what looked like a bag of coins and he also looked extremely nervous about being chased. Whoever they were, you knew they'd robbed the sailors, but that didn't mean they weren't a risk to you.
When you were sure the sailors were gone you used all your strength to step on the boy's foot and then bite his hand. You might be small but you weren't harmless, growing up with powerful pirates had taught you a trick or two.
"Ouch! You bit me!" The boy screamed as he held his own hand.
The redhead finally seemed to notice that they'd dragged someone else into the mess and looked at you confused.
"You kidnapped me!" You countered by crossing your arms.
"You kidnapped them?!" The redhead exclaimed looking at his friend in shock.
"They were in the way!" The other tried to defend himself "And you bit me! I was about to let you go!" He was still angry but you didn't care.
"Think before you kidnap me! You're lucky I only bit you, if I told my brothers they would do a lot worse!" You exclaimed proudly of your family.
"Sure, like I'm going to believe a snotty brat" the blue haired one rolled his eyes.
"You called me what?!" You exclaimed with fury as your cheeks burned.
"Snotty brat" he said again with a smirk, looking satisfied with having turned the tables.
The problem was that the boy had underestimated you, one thing you definitely lacked was patience. You learned very early that you shouldn't tolerate offenses against yourself or your family, so you let anger win that fight. You quickly punched the blue-haired boy in the middle of the face, the one who fell on his butt with a scream.
"Buggy!" The red-haired friend screamed and went to help him.
"I'm not snotty!" You said stomping your foot on the floor.
The red-haired boy looked between you and the companion, his gaze showing shock and… fascination? He looked at you like you were a bedtime story hero, someone amazing and you couldn't understand. Shouldn't he be angry? You had just hit his colleague and he seemed fascinated by it?
"Wow…" he exclaimed looking you up and down.
"Humpf! Idiot" you said without patience and then you turned to leave the alley "You're lucky I won't tell my brothers, Marco would finish you off" you said and then left the place ignoring the red haired boy who kept calling you .
You were nervous and frustrated that visit to the city had not gone as you planned, so you decided to go back to the ship earlier. Luckily you would stay a few days in that place, there would be other opportunities to explore and meet kind and fun children, no more children who irritated you. It wasn't long after returning to shore that the crew set up a small camp to store the new supplies while the ship was refueled. There, you found Marco fiddling with some papers and further away you could see his father giving orders to some other members.
You sat with a sulky face while eating a candy you bought in town, Marco looked at you curiously and approached with a characteristic smile.
"What's wrong birdie-yoi?" He smiled and sat down next to you.
"I… I met some annoying kids" you decided it was better to omit what had happened, as much as you wanted revenge, you understood that the confusion had been a misunderstanding and you didn't want your siblings worrying about something so silly.
"Wasn't that fun?" He nodded when he saw you deny it. "Don't worry, you can still meet other kids in the next few days" he smiled trying to calm you down "And if nobody wants to play with you, let's get Visa and Jozu and have a tea party, how about that?" He offered, knowing you were always happiest spending time with your brothers.
"Promise?" You looked at him sullenly.
"On my honor" he smiled as he saw you clearly getting more excited about the idea.
After a little chat, Marco had to get back to work and you decided not to bother him anymore. So to distract yourself until dinner time you decided to walk along the nearby beach and look for some shells to collect, you were still thinking about the boys from before, especially the redhead. He was looking at you with so much emotion that you couldn't help but feel your stomach churning, no one had ever looked at you like that… It was so weird and it made you so confused, what was that? Some noises in the nearby forest caught your attention, being curious that you were, so it didn't take long to approach and look for who was there.
"It 's you!" You said in recognition of seeing the red hair from before.
"Shhhh!" He asked for silence and you covered your mouth, looking around for any threat "Are your brothers here?" he asked quietly.
"They're over there…" you pointed into the distance and he seemed to agree silently "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you again" he admitted looking at the floor, his cheeks were slightly pink and you felt your body getting warm.
"Why?" You asked timidly.
"Because your punch was super cool!" His eyes sparkled "You hit Buggy right on!"
"Is he not your friend?" You asked confused.
"He is… But you were just defending yourself! He shouldn't have called you snotty… You're not snotty, you're too cute to be!" He confidently admitted.
"Do you think I'm cute?" Your cheeks were now on fire.
"I do…" he smiled shyly "I'm Shanks, what's your name?" He approached.
"(Y/n)" you smiled.
"Cool, I didn't know Whitebeard had someone in the crew with my age"
"How do you know I’m in the Whitebeard’s crew?”
"You said you had a brother named Marco, I know him! And my captain said Whitebeard was in town, so that had to be it," he said with pride in his little investigation.
"Your captain? Are you a pirate too?" You were curious now.
"Yes! I'm from the Roger Pirates!" he exclaimed with pride.
That's when your face became sad... You had heard about this crew countless times, all your life you grew up hearing that they were your father's main enemies and that you could not, under any circumstances, approach them.
"I shouldn't be talking to you!" You finally realized and tried to run, but Shanks was quick and grabbed you.
"Wait! Please! I don't want to hurt you!" He begged as he held her wrist gently but firmly.
"How can I trust you? You kidnapped me this morning! And we are sworn enemies!" You snorted.
"But I don't want to be your enemy…"
"You don't?" You let your emotions get the best of you.
"No… I… I want to be your boyfriend!" He declared with fire in his eyes.
"Boyfriend!?" You stuttered in shock, your face was hot and probably red, your eyes were wide in shock.
"Yes! You're super strong and cute!" He said without a care and then let go of your hand "Unless you didn't like me…"
"No! I did like you…!" You admitted with embarrassment "But… I never had a boyfriend… What do they do?"
"They… They" he stammered in embarrassment "They hold hands… Kiss on the cheek and go on dates!" He said with embarrassment.
"Oh!" You exclaimed with as much embarrassment as he was. You thought about holding Shanks hands and your stomach started to turn, it would also be really cool to be able to play with him.
"It's cool, isn't it? We can be sweethearts!" He tried to convince you.
"(Y/n)?! Where are you? It's getting dark and we should go back to the ship" You heard your father's voice approaching.
"Shanks?! Where are you?!" Another unknown voice came from the middle of the forest.
Before you could run away the fearsome encounter took place, behind you was your father and behind Shanks must have been the much talked about Roger, his captain. You both widened your eyes in terror when you realized what was happening, but you didn't dare open your mouth to try to explain.
"Can you explain why your brat is talking to my child?" He quickly put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back.
"Good question, what's up Shanks? Did you come here to talk to the old man?" The captain chuckled, he didn't seem to be mad at Shanks at all.
"I… Well…" the boy mumbled incoherently with embarrassment.
"Did he do something to you?" Your father asked, looking at you calmly, he didn't seem mad at you at all, which calmed you down a bit.
"No…" you mumbled shyly and grabbed his leg.
"Hm, maybe they just met and had a chat" Roger theorized "Or are they secretly flirting, huh Shanks? You naughty, came for the riskiest one" the man teased.
"Don't talk nonsense Roger, (y/n) can't date you, brat" His father said as if that was nonsense.
"I can't?" You asked with some sadness in your voice.
"They can’t?" It was Shanks's turn to look sadly at his captain.
The two men stared at each other in shock, they seemed to slowly understand what was going on between the two of you.
"Don't tell me… Did you like this piece of junk?" your father asked in shock and nervousness.
"Hey! No need to offend other people's children!" Roger defended "Shanks isn't that bad… He's just… He" the man shrugged.
"Like you understand" Edward rolled his eyes.
"Come on, we were young once!" Roger laughed "Let the kids date and have some fun, nothing bad will come of it"
"No" Edward gave the final verdict, but when he felt you pulling his pants and making your huge lost puppy eyes with tears threatening to fall he started to rethink the idea "(y/n)..."
"Please?" You asked "I promise I'll help more often in the kitchen if you let me..." you tried to bargain, you liked Shanks, you didn't want to be banned from dating him, even if you didn't know exactly what boyfriends did.
"Heavens… Who knew having kids would be like this…" He sighed tiredly "You guys can date" Shanks smiled "With some conditions!"
"Conditions? That's not fair!" He huffed angrily.
"Calm down little one, he's the father, he has the right to decide that, you have to earn trust and permission" Roger said quickly, Shanks seemed more resigned.
"First you need to grow up a bit, I can step on you now and I won't let such a small and young brat date my child!" he said quickly.
"Uhum!" The redhead's eyes sparkled.
"Second, you need to be strong! I will not tolerate a weakling having my child as a partner, you need to be able to face me without fear to have their hand"
"Yes! I'm going to be really strong!" He smiled looking at you and you looked away shyly.
"And finally, when you have those two things, the most important one" Shanks listened attentively "You need their acceptance" your father put his hand on your head "If you have both requirements and my child still loves you then I won't be the one going to stop you" he chuckled.
You smiled happily as you looked at Shanks who also looked confident.
"You'll see old man! I'm going to marry them!" He proclaimed with pride.
Roger just laughed praising his apprentice while your father looked frustrated and stroked your hair. You smiled thinking about how cool it would be to have Shanks as your boyfriend, you really didn't see the time to be able to be with him.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Notes: I hope you enjoyed! There will be a part two showing what happened to them as adults, if you can leave what you think it will motivate me a lot because I'm new here! If you want to ask for something feel free! I'll make the best imagines I can, thanks for the support and see you soon
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koolades-world · 11 months
Animal lover Mc!
y'all one of the first questions I had when I started playing obey me was "what is going to happen to my pets while I'm gone??" obviously I would find a way to bring them with me I will NOT be separated from my babies just for some hot demon men
currently I have three cats and a dog, all rescues and eight foster kittens, like, who's gonna feed that many critters for the whole durations of the exchange program not to mention I would miss them!
the first question mc is asking is "where is my entourage?" and when Dia asks what, they're gonna continue to describe their pets in a way only a pet owner would understand. Lucifer understands because he himself is a pet owner
"Welcome to the Devildom! Any questions?"
"where is my entourage?"
"What are you talking about?"
"you know, my zoo? my shadows? my cutie babies? my sillies? my children?"
"Oh, do you mean your pets?"
"Lucifer how did you understand that"
life in the HoL is about to get ten times more chaotic let me tell you
since my dog is a rescue we don't know too much about her past but she does not like tall men and omg what a coincidence! the HoL is all tall men!!1! anyone that doesn't look like me is a red flag to her she's super sweet though once you give her time (one time my school bestie shook a posterboard at her like three years ago and she still remember it to this day and hates him for it)
she warms up eventually if you respect her and listen to her whims but girl... we all know Lucifer would be too prideful to conform to what a dog wants that isn't Cerberus. Satan is a cat person, Beel is a literal giant, Levi would be afraid. she would def like Mammon since he kinda looks like my dad, Belphie is always asleep and therefore can't be a threat to her, and everyone loves Asmo! including me and my dog!
idk about other dogs but my dog just loves to beg and I give in every time. Beel is always eating and probably will give her a little too since he also seems like the puppy eyes would work on him.
I feel like dogs love Levi but he's probably afraid
"Levi we talked about this"
"Are we talking about the same dog? The one that gets excited every time someone arrives home? The one that does a cute little roll over trick? The one that warms your feet on cold nights?"
"She's just looking at you"
"Not helping you"
all of my personal cats are kinda jerks lol... don't get me wrong I love them but like if you aren't used to them (or if they aren't used to you) you will get bitten. two of them have valid excuses, one is an old man, a curmudgeon if you will, and one is a blind kitten so she doesn't take well to new sounds, especially new voices. but my other cat, about three years old now is literally just a brat LOL he once attacked me in my sleep cause i moved a little too much love him tho
just cat things in general, they knock over everything on counters and shelves, they zoom around in the middle of the night, they attack ankles! Satan is in love but Lucifer nearly kicks them
the middle cat loves to sleep in my bed with me, like right on top of me. on my head, on my chest, on my stomach, on my shoulder, on my face. so like, there's no room for anyone else in my bed. yes there might physically be room but my cat's ego is so big there isn't room for another
sorry hot demon men my cat comes first
Belphie would make an excellent pillow for all cats, he's warm, he doesn't move much and he won't care
"Do you know where Belphie is?"
"My room, but don't bother."
"The cats have taken him as their own"
The more Asmo doesn't want cats in his room the more the cats will want to enter his room
omg Satan is about to be your bestie so much quicker than in the original arc. I love the love and care that was placed into befriending Satan but this is the quickest way into his heart
"You must be the exchange student. I... what's in there?"
"My cats"
"Lucifer is letting you have them in the house?"
"You're coming with me. Bring the cats."
"What does that mean? Do you like cats?"
"there are no words to describe my love for cats as deeply as I care for them. they are magnificent creatures. you have single handily done what I have tried to do for millennia. you are my best friend now"
"We will get along just fine"
This isn't even mentioning all of the strange Devildom critters Mc would def befriend
They drag a different brother along each time to feed weird animals that show up in their yard
Feeding stray cats with Satan!!
Dia would totally take them on expeditions to go see Devildom animals in the wild even during school days
Speaking of that, Dia also makes regular trips to the HoL to visit any and all pets
He will never hear the end of it from Barb oh god he will die from all the animal fur he brings back with him
I love rodents but Barb does not...
Nobody tell him that Mc may or may not have a rodent
Mc rescues all of the rats that Barb tries to eliminate and sets them free far away from the castle
the possibilities are endless with this might make a part two
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bonefall · 2 months
I personally like Thunder's prosthetic. Explained it to my friend (who does use a mobility device, a cane and wheelchair, and listens to me rant and infodump about BB) and they agreed, it's important to know that not every person needs what someone wants to give them. It's another example of "bad ableist person does a thing that hurts a disabled person because they are bad and ableist".
Clear Sky got Jagged Peak killed and would have killed Sunlit Frost! He would absolutely force his disabled son to be "normal" and present it like a privilege. "I wouldn't do this for anyone else, it's special, why don't you want to be helped?"
Thunder Storm should toss it in Clear Sky's face. (I would say toss it into the river but we do not pollute waterways in this house)
Thank you for telling me this, and tell your friend I'm thanking them too! If they have anything else to add please forward what they have to say
Since BB!DOTC tackles some of the heaviest topics in the entire series because its canon equivalent is so dark, I think very carefully about what I do here and how I show it. I take feedback on its sensitive aspects very seriously. If I'm understanding the criticism properly, it's that I should avoid stigmatizing prosthetics by making sure Thunder Storm's not the only one with it-- which he's not! And I'll add even more.
I don't want to avoid something only because it's uncomfortable if the topic is important, and my portrayal is respectful. Ableism IS uncomfortable! There are some situations where a prosthetic is not wanted! I think the rejection of this particular one is both a good opportunity to show a type of ableism and ALSO is very fitting for the characters.
In BB!Clear Sky's mind, the villain, he's fixing an old mistake. He can't admit that he got Jagged Peak killed or take REAL accountability for it (though he will, occasionally, apologize insincerely), but deep in his bones, he knows what he did was cruel. He'll never tell anyone this because he doesn't really cognate it himself, but Thunder Storm NEEDS to take his gift.
If Thunder doesn't take it, it blows a hole in his newest story. You see, throwing Jagged Peak out was All That Could Have Been Done back then. It was a Tragedy and he simply Made A Hard Choice. He regrets it very much, But You Have To Understand.
But now? Now? Well, behold. Look at what he's accomplished since the tragic death of his little brother. His cats are well-fed, cared for, and stable enough to make such incredible advancements. If only Jagged Peak had been able to hold on longer, if only he could be here now, I could fix him.
Just like I can (MAKE YOU JUST LIKE ME) fix you.
"Everything I've ever done is for Jagged Peak. For Fluttering Wing. For you." Thunder Sky is SPECIAL, but if he rejects any gift, tries to turn down the "privileges" offered to him, in an instant that becomes ungratefulness and arrogance. He both forces him to be special, and then leverages it against him if it's rejected. "Spoiled brat, doesn't appreciate what I've worked so hard to give him."
It all goes back to him and his own guilt. He can NEVER be wrong. He can't accept his family doesn't have to be "normal" or reflect his own ability. He won't see himself as a bully, let alone a murderer. It was never about his son's comfort or finding out what Thunder Storm wants or needs, it was about his own ego.
...All that said I'm still taking feedback if there's anything else I should keep in mind, or if anyone has a counter point, especially if you also have experience here.
(In the interest of having a link trail for posterity, here's the critique/call for feedback this is in response to)
#ALSO also I will take suggestions on other characters who should have prosthetics#Sunlit makes sense and it will make a really nice character moment later for him to have one built#There's also an amputee in RiverClan few people talk about called Stonestream#I can give him one and bump him up into a bigger character. In BB he is the sibling of Willowshine#BB!DOTC#better bones au#Also just as a side note... I love writing BB!Skystar. My ire for the character comes from his redemption arc so I feel like I get to--#--write the character I WANTED to see#Same with Bramble in other BB arcs#cw ableism#tw ableism#ableism#They're fascinating in that they always have to see themselves as the victim or the hero#They believe every lie they tell.#If you ever catch them in a contradiction they will still try to find some way to turn it on you and YOUR lack of understanding.#Interestingly both of them are ableist. Sky's is just more obvious because he's LOUDLY bigoted.#But BB!Bramble is *notably* less close to Jay for a very sad and very subtle reason.#Jay just doesn't serve his ego like the others do until much later in his life.#unfortunately most bigotry is like that.#the type you have a hard time calling out because it's a deniable bias. the constant gaslighting of being part of a marginalized group#Maybe I need to address the criticism by adding a character with a prosthetic to THIS arc even earlier#Problem is that like... Thunder's small merc group is already full of disabled characters and their THING is forming in response to ableism#OH maybe I'll put someone in the Forest Cat group which is lead by Slash?#I need to finish that last book and then gather up all the cats for sorting into allegiances
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andraxicated · 2 years
Inazuma drift
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Pairings: Itto, Ayato, Kazuha, Thoma, Heizou x f! reader
Synopsis: Inazuma men in the world of racing
Tags: smut | porn with more plot (always!) | oral (m! & f! receiving) | age gap | breeding kink | riding | subby thoma | photocopy machine sex (we have this large ass photocopy machine i swear anyone can sit there and it won't break down.)
a/n: let us say goodbye to inazuma while waiting for the sumeru daddies😗 btw i know nothing about cars.
reblogs are so much appreciated!
reading all of them is not required but they're somehow connected
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got into racing because of him having to pay his fines at the police station. his boys was the one that suggested to try underground racing despite Shinobu's disapproval. do they ever listen to her? no.
Itto wished he did tho. she was right, because on the first night he challenged someone to a race to own their awesome, shiny car...he fucking lost and was dubbed the "newbie with balls". but that was all in the past, because now he was the new DK. from being a newbie with balls, he became the Drift King.
he certainly had come a long way and now practically owns the world of underground racing. but everything just gets a little too tiring when you're not with him. Itto knocks on your door, expecting for you to greet him with a bear hug yet your sour face and cleavage comes to view.
"hey...what's the matter?" "you don't know?" you ask as if he's lost his mind and crossed your arms. turns out he's missed his date with you on your day off and you have work tomorrow; shutting the door in his face yet his bulky figure blocks it from closing. "baby...let me explain!" he shouts and groans in pain from your intentional squeezing of him against the door.
aside from being crazy good at drifting, he's also good at making it up to you! the drift king was humbled to a waiting mess as his cock throbs in his pants from your raised dress, crotchless panty staring right at him. he swears he always makes the wrong decisions when he could've had your pussy earlier than spend hours behind the wheel.
your sharp heel mockingly jabs at his chest, crossed arms and an unsatisfied expression on your face. "go on" you instruct, and that was his cue to press a kiss on your ankle, his hand immediately coming up to your inner thigh to play. "ah..." you let out a breathy moan when his lips slide all the way from your ankle to your thigh, leaving a wet trail on its path. your hole quivers from him being so close to you that it caught Itto's attention, dead-set on giving you the best orgasm of your life.
his head settles properly between your thighs, massaging the flesh while giving you an apologetic smile. "let me make it up to you. later, we'll talk when you're not angry." he says before going down and hiding himself beneath your dress; a wet muscle oh so familiar inside you, wastes no time licking and cleaning your wetness. Itto kisses and eats you out like he's repenting for his sins, his goddess pushing his head deeper for more. "mhmmmhm" you couldn't understand a word he was humming against your folds, yet you knew the vibrations almost brought you to your high; perhaps it was his verbal apology?
you bet ayato was one of those rich brats who loved to compete with each other with their fancy cars and drifting skills. he used to be so reckless, worrying his parents, his sister, and you. a mere family friend who would so often trail behind his sister and blush at every smile he throws your way. he thought you were cute like a puppy and so he would often take you to eat afternoon snacks with him after school. but after his father's death, a sudden responsibility fell into his hands that he was simply too busy to acknowledge you. returning to the corporate world meant you had to distance yourself for good, and it was fine. your teenage crush on him was the highlight of those years that passed by.
coming back to inazuma after years had you facing a problem with ayaka. she had a desperate expression on her face, clasping your hands in hers as she says "please convince my brother to stop". stop what? then you're suddenly informed of his reckless hobby coming back. now standing in front of his penthouse, you almost dropped the cookies you brought when he opened the door. wearing only a bathrobe, wet hair looking messy and the sweet smell of soap hitting you like a truck. you're shamelessly staring at him until he recognizes who the fuck was standing at his door. "(y/n)?" he looked surprised that the little friend he had back then was the stunning woman in front of him today.
you exchanged stories until you told him why ayaka sent you there. the mood taking a turn for the worse as he lets out an exasperated sigh. "i understand her concern but please tell her everything is fine. it's a fairly safe sport." he coaxes you with a hand over yours, caressing your knuckles as you feel ticklish uneasiness. and god, ayato felt so fucking perverted! he almost felt guilty for stealing glances at your body and observing you like a feast. but it's not like you didn't do the same...
caught in the middle of an incoming sibling fight, you don't know what to do. and so you take a cab to his apartment, ringing the doorbell and seeing his frustrated face melt away at the sight of you; it makes you wonder if it held any meaning. "you're back here again." his stern voice startled you as his hostility sunk your heart. everything felt heavy that you can't look him in the eye, fearing to see his angry gaze. he must've been annoyed by ayaka's constant attempt of stopping his racing through you. yet what better way to release his frustrations than destroying the messenger? literally.
"i was right that you wear this kind of panties". his finger bottomed inside you flicking, while the other hand pinned both of your wrists, brushing your hair against your face. your lace panty with the little ribbon was pushed to the side, and your best friend's brother pressed kisses against your neck that was sure to bruise. "ayato stoppp." you whine mindlessly, half of your working brain remembering that those hickeys will be very evident in the morning. "you sure?" his tone was condescending as he inserted another finger stuffing you full. some of your juices squelching lewdly as you could only bite your lip while he smirks.
all the frustrations in life were released on you as ayato pinned you against the bed in a mating press. your thighs against your chest as he kept on thrusting from above. his cock was sore but he couldn't stop from gliding against your delicious heat, fully willing to release inside you and trap you with a child. "it isn't your first time huh? then quit being shy you whore." ayato was soo mad when you admitted to having someone else touch you before :(( he knew you first and so he should have been the one to claim you! he sighs as he keeps on entering your tired body, listless eyes below him and he keeps on thinking if somebody else saw you debauched like that.
"i'm not gonna stop if you let one drop out of you" he commands and you instinctively clench your walls, trying to keep his cum inside even if some of it spills from his continuous thrusting. the sensation of your pussy sucking him further has him hovering over you and kissing you silly, and his cock twitched, exploding its warmth inside you for the umpteenth time that night. ayato stays for a while plugged inside you, bringing your spent body over his for a cuddle. "do you think a niece or nephew will help her anger?"
you would think he's a pen-and-paper type of guy. Poetry incarnate as people sneakily take pictures of him and his book on campus. Yet what people don't know is that behind those cute and soft sweatshirts of his, he trades them for leather jackets at midnight.
kazuha doesn't actually enjoy racing, sure it's fun to beat people who arrogantly challenge him but he'd prefer to coop up in the warmth of your bed and the intimate silence of your room. you were all he could think about as he sits on the hood of the car, swatting touchy hands as his friends converse with fellow enthusiasts. and after spacing out for a few minutes, there it is...his challenge for the night.
a shout of his name arrogantly rings from the opposing side, kazuha then matches the cocky energy while jumping off the hood, a smirk etched on his lips. kazuha swears after he beats this guy's ass, he'll head straight for your house. and there he finds himself panting, fumbling with the keys you gave him for your door.
yet before he could find out which key was right, the door opens to you engulfing him in a bear hug. " 'zuha!" your voice was muffled against his jacket and he chuckles while embracing you with the same enthusiasm. "(y/n)!" he drawls out your name playfully while you two sway each other in a blissful embrace, resting his head on your shoulder with his hand stroking your hair.
"you've been so busy lately..." "i told you you can hang around while i'm reviewing but you didn't even come" you whine while kazuha's deft hands slowly pull up your sweater past your raised arms, revealing your black bra and the sight of your mounds. you thought you would be more into rough handling but you can't deny the effect kazuha has when he's softly tracing his hands all over your body. glancing at you from below to gauge your reactions.
"kazuha—ah!" you could only moan with your jaw slack as you sink down on his cock, his pants zipper open and the clothing hanging low, he didn't even bother to take it off! but the sight of your breasts bouncing even covered was enough to get him riled up for more. kazuha bit his lip and hissed, thrusting faster into your cervix from the sweet expression on your face. "fucking hell (y/n), why are you so damn tight..." he groaned, gripping your waist to meet him halfway in shaky motions.
it was tiring to be constantly on top, your thighs were burning and pools of cum felt sticky and hot on your center. yet the boy below doesn't have any plans to stop any time now. you took a glance at him and saw the fire in his eyes and felt the sly twitching of his member. "why are you so worked up?" you couldn't help but ask since he normally would stop when you're tired, opting to cuddle and bathe you. but have you seen yourself through his eyes? you looked so damn good above him! even in the afterglow of sex where your hair was messy, beads of sweat on your face, and absent-mindedly tilting your head while asking him. yeah, he'd definitely want more if his girlfriend was this hot.
he wandered around inazuma for god knows how long, picking up odd jobs here and there just to sustain his pitiful attempt at starting over. it wasn't until the son of the restaurant owner he's working for felt bad about thoma's life story. and then on one rowdy night with an arm slung over his back, he's suddenly thrown into the world of racing just as he's playfully shoved behind the wheels. "wait i can't drive!" "dude, you're going to be fine!"
thoma was forced to risk his life and the borrowed car all for that 1% chance of winning the race. god, he felt so humiliated after but the boys who brought him there just patted his back rather harshly. they kept on saying it's fine but thoma knows it wasn't. he's prepared for the things coming his way from falling in with the wrong crowd.
juggling restaurant work and housework for that family was tiring yet he stayed. perhaps it was destiny working for him that he got to meet you while thinking about turning in his resignation. "excuse me, is there anyone home right now?" your sudden voice had goosebumps rising, his shoulders flinching as a painful shock was sent straight to his heart. thoma turned around to see who it was and he swore his breath hitched—like he can't breathe.
aside from your pretty face, his eyes naturally darted over your body; top that's barely holding your boobs, your cute tummy exposed by the crop top, and the absurdly tight miniskirt that left no room for imagination. thoma's a man, after all, his shorts pathetically tightened with one glance at you because you looked insanely good! the type he wants to bend over—" um excuse me?" you raised your voice a bit to garner his attention, eyes squinting as the man scratches his neck and nodded. "yes, young master is over there. let me lead you." a lustful scan of your body would have earned a slap but this one's an exception...he's just too hot! you can't deny the forming patch of wetness as you kept on admiring from behind.
you were just a classmate who went once for a project but seeing their cute housekeeper had you faking friendships just to get closer to thoma. now you're getting dragged to underground races that were too rowdy for your liking, yet you had to keep up and act like it wasn't boring you out. but when it was thoma's turn who seriously sat behind the wheel, you can't help the cheshire grin forming on your lips.—the race was upsettingly dirty:(( the opponent kept on colliding purposely into thoma's car while your man still chose to play nice. even though he expectedly lost, his good boy act tugged at your heartstrings and you simply decided to reward him for being so good♥︎you can't stand the sight of him being down.
"(y/n)!" he looked shocked to see you that he stood up and cans of beer fell along. to say he's embarrassed from the race and you seeing him drinking his ass off near a river was an understatement. he was beyond humiliated. and you know what could cheer him up as his sticky gazes didn't go unnoticed. "you did well." your sweet voice made blood rush to his cock as quickly as he forgot his somber. what was he sad about? coz this little display of you slowly kneeling in front of him had his eyes zeroed in on you. nothing else mattered but the sound of his zipper and the freeing of his huge member. "let me make you feel good...my champion." you coo before going down his cock and thoma throwing his head back in delight.
you sucked him off so good that tears edged on his eyes. his bulbous tip deliciously filling your mouth, prodding on your throat as you go down and try to take him in. teeth lightly grazing against the skin brought shudders to thoma's body as he instinctively caught your hair and pushed you closer to his waist. "f-fuck, i'm so sensitive" he breathed out as your tongue slid from the base to the tip, obscenely engulfing the rest of his cock while staring up at him. he felt so wanted by your moans, your warm cavern, and your glossy gaze. he already forgot what happened earlier but you had to jab it in him and destroy his fantasy. "you always looked so cute losing." you say while in between his cock, pulling off with a pop when he's red and ready to release. "but i want you to cum inside me not my mouth."
currently in the middle of a chase was not how you expected your night to go. during lunch break where he chanced upon you alone in the pantry, he sheepishly asked you if you wanted to go out tonight. you almost dropped the coffee bun out of your mouth if not for the teeth that held onto the bread, saving you the embarrassment in front of your workplace crush. heizou was perfect in your eyes, his handsome looks added on top of his strong pursuit for justice. but that same thing you loved about him ended up being the one you hate. he was an avid pursuer of justice even on your date. so when his eyes notice something wrong, you could only tighten your hold on your coat for you know what's going to happen.
this was going to be a failed night as your eyes gloom and your heart sinks. forcing yourself to stand behind heizou as he questions the troubled citizen. you wished he would've noticed how down you were or how good you looked. "(y/n) hurry up! we can't let them escape!" he says while running through alleyways both crowded and empty. has it ever occurred to him that you're wearing heels? your blood is boiling amidst the cold air that you stop running and just watch him turn into a tiny dot. you sigh and pull out your phone, clicking heizou's name and dialing him.
in the same area somewhere, heizou keeps running while fumbling his jacket for his phone. he answers and asks "who is this?" and his voice was breathy on your side, making you roll your eyes. "check the name." your voice stung that he suddenly slowed down and looked at his phone, looked behind him, and gulped before nervously saying "(y/n) where are you?" "i know where they are headed, i'll send the location." "okay, where should we meet?" "we won't. i'll go there first." "wait!-" and you hung up and left a bitter feeling in his stomach. heizou groans to the sky before slamming his head to his hands.
he's welcomed by the rowdy and noisy venue of underground racing in inazuma. he wanted to question how you know this place but judging from how people waved when you passed by, you were a frequenter of the sport. "there. those guys are the ones you're looking for." you pointed at the glee ones with their friends, and heizou comes in being a party pooper just as you expected. his ask for the cooperation of a complaint made by a citizen was met with hostile refusal by the guy. they were now at each other's throats with a crowd forming around them as you stood watching them.
yet this guy suddenly called attention to you by shouting your name, everyone's gaze transferring to you. "hey (y/n)? this your boyfriend?" "no." you reply. "then he must be a coworker. did you snitch on us you bitch?" underground racing wasn't illegal in inazuma. as long as no damage to property was made and no harm was done. but there had been a complaint about his actions that caused heizou to step up. yet an insult to your face was not one you tolerated, nor did heizou. "what did you say you asshole?" your eyes almost popped out of their sockets when you heard heizou's voice loud and clear, cursing; and the guy dared to reply. "i said what i said, she's a sneaky little bitch!" heizou won't resort to violence even at the point of anger. he'll abide by the rules of the underground and say "if i win a race, i'll cuff your mouth and take you to the station with me."
he's crazy! but your heart was pounding crazier, both from his stupid choice and his defense for you. "heizou, i have a friend who's one of the best. let him race for you." "no thanks. besides i'll be fine, heard the best players left earlier." he says before going to a car that a tall blonde guy lent. "please do us all a favor of removing that insect. he's pretty annoying." he bowed playfully before guiding you to the area where the crowd will be. you mouthed a goodluck before heizou smiled and settled himself in the seat. the race was intensely close yet with an unexpected twist, heizou won against the chosen representative. he had some officers take the guy away while he waited for you to finish talking with your friends. "shall we go now?" he suddenly asked, bringing your attention to him. "where?" "to our date."
oh. he still remembered yet the magic of a romantic atmosphere was gone. "i'm really tired, let's call it a day." you were too tired to be with him and so you left without sparing a glance. on the next day of work that you overtimed, heizou approached while you were busy using the photocopy, standing without speaking until your empty gaze fell on him. "i'm really sorry about yesterday." "it's fine." the shuffle of papers and your curt response was making him uneasy. he knew he had to mend this now. as you're arranging and waiting for the papers, you feel the sudden press of warmth against your back, and your stomach against the machine. "heizou?" your voice heightened as his hand slides from your arms to your waist, inching closer to your center. "(y/n) 'm really sorry. but i want to talk with you. please."
wait. how did a supposed talk go to kisses and messy removal of clothes? moaning wantonly with heizou between your legs was not how you expected your overtime to go, but you gladly welcomed it just like how your hole flutters for his thick fingers. "loose up for me baby" he groans against your skin as you tighten and throb, skirt against the glass of the photocopy. "heizou—we can't!" your words were useless when you kept on moaning like a whore, nails clumping his shirt when he enters a third digit inside your pussy. he unclasps your bra and takes them off your shoulder, lips latching quickly on the hardened nub.
he flicks with his tongue, lolling around while massaging the soft flesh. blessing you with amazing foreplay before you go and beg him to fuck you. then you suddenly enclose his face between your hands, sultry voice purring "heizou 'want you now", there he swore something inside him snapped. he took you off the copy machine, making your back face him as he unzips the skirt harshly and lets it fall while letting out his cock. "don't worry bou't making a noise. we have the whole office to ourselves." he reassures with a sticky kiss to your neck before lining up with your hole, pushing inside as you gasp, hand gripping whatever you could grab.
what's more obscene was your face contorted with pleasure, reflected against the glass surface of the photocopy machine, and the tuft of wine-red hair thrusting behind. signifying that it was your dear heizou fucking you and making up for the lost time.
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nottapossum · 3 months
Itty Bitty Sinners 1.6
Pirates and dolls 🏴‍☠️🧸
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⚠️TW⚠️: Abusive parents, taking away comfort items, implied sexual abuse, losing a pet, being ignored, being abandoned, having to give up a pet.
Lmk if I should add.
'I was never a sharp one
But I try to write even when it's dull
This night is a dark one
But sometimes I like when it gets cold
Yeah, all of my movies play in black and white
This wasn't the same old plot I thought I had in mind
Don't ask me if I'm alright, I can't decide
I'm spiraling down, don't wanna take you on a ride.' ~Tony22, Safe place.
~~~Velvette past: Age 13~~~
Velvette's favorite doll was her cabbage patch doll, her name was Nicoline katherine.
It was a gift from her grandmother when she turned five.
She was the only person in Velvette's life who actually listened to her, the only one she could tell anything to without being shot down, judged, or made fun of.
School was awful, home was worse- both of them. And she just needed one person to share her frustrations with.
On this specific day, she came home from school in need of a friend.
She wasn't exactly popular, in fact she was the very opposite.
She wore clothes the other kids found weird, she was loud and overenthusiastic, and though she was really smart, she never did well on tests so everyone of course thought she must be dumb.
It was an awful day, the worst day possible! She hated the world and hated everyone in it.
She ignored her siblings, ignored her step mother, ignored everyone who tried talking to her when she got home in favor of walking upstairs to talk to Nicoline.
But she walked into her room and saw her beloved doll gone.
“Dad? Have you seen my doll?!” She shouts.
Her father does not answer her.
What a surprise.
Velvette sighs and stomps downstairs. “Dad?!"
“Woah, hey. What's going on?” Julie, her stepmother asks, standing in her way. "What happened?"
“My doll isn't in my room.” She says.
“Oh, maybe Sasha took it." She suggests.
“What? She isn't even old enough to climb the stairs!" Velvette says, walking over to the small two year old holding her doll.
“Sasha!” Velvette shouted, she took the doll from Sasha and caused the little one to cry.
“Hey, leave her alone!" Her father snapped at her. "What is the matter with you?" He asks, taking the doll from her.
“That's my doll.” Velvette tells him. "She stole it!"
“Okay. And? You can't share it with her?" He asks.
"Aren't you a little too old for dolls anyway?” He asks her.
“No, aren't you too old to be jobless?" She asks.
“Hey, you will treat me with respect, young lady!” He scolds. "I didn't tolerate this attitude with your mother, I won't tolerate it from you!"
"So divorce me too then!" She shouts. "I don't care!"
He doesn't respond to that, he just hands the doll to his other daughter.
“She's my doll! You can't just give her away just because you like your cheater brat more!” Velvette shouted.
She's slapped across the face.
She looks up at her father again, holding her cheek.
“Go upstairs to your room. I don't want to hear it.” He said.
So she went upstairs and slammed the door.
That was the only time her father ever struck her.
Because Velvette never gave him a reason to…
She didn't talk to him much except to answer questions.
And when she turned 14, her mother got full custody.
And no, she didn't get her doll back.
Her mother agreed she was too old for dolls, so the rest were given to charity.
She didn't complain.
A good child was a quiet one after all.
She took her frustrations elsewhere.
At school,
Then later online.
No one was safe from her opinions there.
She also vowed to buy herself a thousand dolls when she became an adult.
She didn't need her parents.
She didn't need anyone!
She could be her own parent.
Angel woke up the next day, just relieved to be in the hotel, and not at Val's place.
He got up, completely ignoring his phone in case Val was going to try and convince him to work today…
He just can't today, he doesn't care what Val does.
Angel got himself ready for the day ahead.
Took a shower, brushed his hair, got a bit of makeup on…not a lot just enough to cover the black around his eye that Val so “lovingly” caused and some mascara to make him look more awake than he actually was.
It was enough to convince them that he was still worth investing in.
It's enough to make them think he's okay.
Yeah. It's good. He's good.
Angel opens the door to his bedroom to meet with everyone downstairs, he's ready to fake a smile through the next couple of hours- but he sees someone waiting at his door.
“Good morning, Angel.” An annoying smile says to him.
Angel sighs. “What do you want, Al?”
“Me? Oh nothing.” He says. “Just wanted to make sure everything was alright. You seemed so upset about Niffty taking your baby blanket yesterday.”
“It's not a baby blanket.” Angel growls.
“Oh? Then what is it?” Alastor asks.
“It's…it belongs to fat nuggets.” Angel says.
“Oh, yes of course. Silly me.”Alastor says, tilting his head to peek inside Angel's room. “So, I suppose it's safe to assume the adult sized pacifier is also his?” he asks, leaning on the doorframe.
Angel looks behind him and sees Fat Nuggets with his pacifier.
Shit! How does he keep getting a hold of that!?
He takes the pacifier from Nuggs quickly.
The pig just sat down on the floor and smiles, the piglet so proud of himself, thinking he did something good…
Angel doesn't have the heart to tell him what he's actually done.
Angel anxiously fiddled with two of his hands, one was gripping the pacifier tightly, and the last was tugging at his hair.
He was screwed.
“What's the matter, Angel?” Alastor asks. “Are you afraid?”
“Al, I think even you can understand why I don't want this getting out.” Angel says.
“Don't want what getting out?” Alastor asks.
Angel crosses two of his arms. “Stop playing dumb.”
Alastor scoffs. “Honestly, Angel. What's the big deal?” He asks. “Are you worried they'll judge you?” Alastor asks.
Angel crosses his arms. “No.”
“Worried they'll think you're too much to handle and leave you?” He asks. “You don't have to be. I'm sure Husker won't abandon your friendship once he finds out about it.” He says, still smiling.
Angel froze…
Once he finds out?
Angel takes a deep breath, he has no patience for this. “What do you mean by that?” he asks, starting to sound Angry.
Alastor simply shrugged. “Nothing.”
“What do you want? I don't have much of a soul to sell if that’s what you're after.” Angel says.
“Oh, I desire nothing from you. I simply wanted to talk, catch up.” Alastor says.
“I don't believe you.” Angel says. “You always have an angle.”
Alastor shrugs, then he disappears into a shadow.
“Al wait- ugh fuck!” Angel curses.
Angel walks back into his room and throws his pacifier against the wall.
Angel sits on the floor. “Shitshitshitshitshit! What am I going to do- honestly, of all the people to find out! Why did it have to be him?” He asks out loud.
Nuggets fetched the pacifier to give it back to Angel.
He takes the pacifier from his baby piglet, and sets it aside. He picks up Nuggets and holds him close. “Thanks Nuggs.”
What was Alastor up to?
And more importantly, how was he going to stop that strawberry fucker to keep his mouth shut?
After the group had completed their trust exercises for the day, Charlie and Pentious went to her office for their daily age regression session!
Angel hardly said a thing all day, it worried Charlie greatly….
Was he okay?
Was something wrong?
Can she help?
She shook her head. ‘No no, focus on Pentious, talk to Angel later.’ She decided.
“Okay Pentious, I thought we'd try something new today. Something a bit more vulnerable.” Charlie says.
Pentious tilted his head. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I got you another gift.” She says, handing him a box.
Pentious opens it, this time without hesitation and smiles when he sees a little soft toy....Teddies he thinks they’re called! He didn't have them as a kid, but he's pretty sure that's what they are called.
In the box was also a super soft blanket with an elephant on it.
The teddy wore a hat...he liked that about it.
He stared at it for a moment...something was strangely familiar about it…
“Pentious?” Charlie asks. “Are you okay?”
“What- what is it?” Pen asks her.
“It's a little dog plushie.” Charlie says.
“It's a dog?” Pen asks.
“Yeah, I thought it was a bunny at first but I looked it up and…”
Charlie's voice muffled underneath his thoughts.
Of course he was a dog. A very good dog.
Yes, that's what this was!
A good little puppy.
“Okay, baby blow out your candles.” His mother told him.
He squeezed his eyes shut and made his wish before blowing out the single candle on his cake.
“What did you wish for?” His mother asks.
He shut his mouth tightly.
“What? You won't tell me?” She asks.
Pen shakes his head.
“Can I make a guess?” His father asks.
Pen thinks about it and nods.
“Is it a…new pair of shoes?” He asks.
Pen shakes his head. "No."
“Is it a new book?” He asks.
Pen shakes his head again.
“I only have one more guess…is your wish… in this box?” His father asks, handing him a box, it wasn’t wrapped, it was just a small box with a lid that was barley placed on top of it.
Pen takes the lid off the box and a small beagle jumps up at him and licks his face.
“A puppy! How did you know?!” Pentious asks them, picking up the dog happily.
“Must be magic.” His mother says.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He says. “I love him! I'll take such good care of him! You'll see! I'll be the best puppy father ever!”
“I have no doubts.” His mother says, ruffling his hair and kisses his head. “Happy birthday, darling.”
“Pentious?” Charlie asks.
Pentious doesn't say anything, but he hugs Charlie close, crying into her shoulder.
“Hey, it's okay, I'm here.” Charlie says. "It's okay.” She says, patting his back. “Are you okay?” She asks him.
He let's go of her and holds the little puppy close to his chest.
“Are you okay, Pen?” Charlie asks. "What happened?"
Pentious looks down at the puppy teddy. “Yes, I'm okay.” He says. “I just- I-”
He wipes away tears. “I love it.” He says. “The teddy is wonderful, Charlie. Thank you.”
Charlie smiles. “Awe, I'm so glad you like it!" She says, relieved. "I was worried something was wrong."
"No, I'm okay...I think..."Pentious felt a fuzzy feeling in his mind. It was strange…unnatural. He felt like’ like a-
His pupils expand as he looks at his new Teddy. He wipes away his remaining tears, understanding what it must be. “Charlie?” he asks.
“I do…feel smaller now.” He says.
“Wait, really!?” Charlie asks, getting excited.
Pen curles into himself, the feeling of small isn't a bad feeling, but it is rather strange and he doesn't know how to process it. “I think! I…uhm I feel like I am small and fuzzy inside.” He explains. "like I'm smaller than I actually am."
“Pen! You regressed! That's amazing!” Charlie's cheers.
“Is it?” Pen asks.
“I mean, yeah. I think so anyway. How are you feeling?” Charlie asks.
“I- uh. Good. But strange.” Pen explains as best as possible.
“That's okay. You'll get used to it.” She says. "Did the...Teddy trigger it?"
"Yes," Pen explains. He reminded me of my alive dog when I was alive!" He says.
"Oh yeah?"
Pen looks sad all of a sudden. "He was a good dog."
"I'm sure he was." Charlie says.
"I miss him." He says. "I had to abandon him because they wouldn't let me keep him."
"Who's they?" Charlie asks.
"The orphanage." Pen answers, his eyes building up with tears. “Dogs weren't allowed there, so I had to let him go.”
“Oh…pen. I'm sorry.” Charlie says. “Can I hug you?” She asks.
Pentious nods. “Uh, yes. Please." He says.
Charlie smiles and does just that. She squeezes the snake tightly. “Thank you for telling me, Pen. I'm so proud of you."
Pentious feels even smaller as he hugs her back. "You are? Really?”
"Of course I am. You're being honest about your feelings, and opening up to me, it shows just how far you've come since you first got here. You're growing."
"No, I'm shrinking but in a good way." Pen corrects.
Charlie chuckles. "That too."
Pentious rests his head against Charlie. "Thank you, Charlie."
Charlie pets his head. "You too, Pen.”
~~~Charlie and Pentious: Later~~~
Charlie and Pentious were playing with Legos when Charlie's phone went off.
“Oh, Vaggie is calling me." Charlie says to Pentious.
She answers the phone, so Pen keeps quiet. "Hello?”
“Mama?” A small voice says through tears.
Ohh no. That's little Vaggie. “Hold on a second please, sweetie?” Charlie asks.
Charlie smiles at Pentious. “I gotta take this, uhm, why don't you-” Charlie grabs a remote and turns on the TV. “Watch some cartoons. And I'll be back soon, okay?"
Pentious nods. "Oh-okay." He says. His attention turns to the screen as she walks out.
~~~Charlie and Vaggie:~~~
Charlie, with very limited options, walks out of the room. “Vaggie? Baby? You still there? Where are you? What happened?”
“I sowy.” Vaggie starts sobbing through the phone.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. Are you in our room?” She asks, whispering in case anyone is listening.
Vaggie sniffles. “Mhm.”
Charlie climbs the stairs quickly as her heart pounds in her chest, anxiety rising. “Okay, babygirl. I'm on my way, just stay put.” She tells her.
Vaggie doesn't respond, so Charlie just focuses on getting to her room.
She opens the door and starts to look for her precious little one. “Vaggie? Baby? Are you okay?"
Vaggie crawls out of the closet she was hiding in. “Mama!” She cries, holding her arms up to Charlie.
“Oh, baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" She asks, picking up her little one.
Vaggie hugs Charlie. "M' otay." She says.
Charlie sighs with relief. "Oh thank goodness. Sweetheart, what happened?” Charlie asks.
“I wegwessed.” Vaggie says.
Charlie almost laughed- but kept her composure, Vaggie is obviously upset, making her feel embarrassed on top of that wouldn't exactly help the situation. “Yes, I can see that. Have you been feeling overwhelmed?” She asks.
Vaggie doesn't answer.
“Vaggie?” Charlie asks.
“I'm sorry!” She says. “I twied to big!”
Charlie hugs her. “No, it's okay, it's fine! You're fine. You didn't do anything wrong.” She tries her best to reassure her.
“I twied to stay big, I twied to be good.” Vaggie cries harder.
“You are good, you're so very good. It's okay to be little.” Charlie explains.
“But, you aweady take’ caew of Pen.” She says. “I in da way!”
Charlie kisses Vaggy's head as she holds her close. “I don't care what I'm doing, or who I'm with, I always have time for you.” She says. “You are never in the way, you're the full picture, you understand?” Charlie asks.
Vaggie nods. “Otay.”
Charlie pets Vaggie's head and holds her close.
She really needs to get back to Pentious, he's all by himself and so small! She can't just leave him alone!
She takes a deep breath. "Vaggie, sweetie. I have to ask you something, and I want you to be completely honest with me, okay?" She asks.
Vaggie nods.
“Would it be okay if Pentious knew you were a little?” She asks.
Vaggie doesn't answer that, she just looks away from Charlie.
“Because right now, Pentious is little too, and I don't want him to feel abandoned. Can I bring you downstairs with me, so I can take care of both of you? I promise Pentious will play nicely. He's very nice.” She says.
Vaggie nods. “Otay, bu’ you ‘tay wif me.” She says.
“I won't leave you, I promise." Charlie wraps her pinkie around Vaggies’.
Vaggie wraps her finger around Charlie too.
Charlie sets Vaggie down on the ground. "Can you walk?"
Vaggie nods and takes her hand.
“Okay, sugar cube. We gotta be careful and walk downstairs together, so you can hold my hand, but I need you to be very quiet so no one else knows you're regressed. Okay?”
Vaggie nods. “Mkay, mama.”
“Good girl.” Charlie smiles and kisses her cheek.
The two of them walk downstairs quietly. The only one who saw them was Husk…and he couldn't care less what they were up to!
How lucky are they!
~~~~~Pentious, Vaggie, and Charlie! Playdate Time!!~~~
Charlie and Vaggie walk back into the office, Vaggie holding Charlie's hand tightly.
The TV was happily playing: “Can he fix it? Bob the builder-”
“YES HE SHALL!!” Pentious shouts as the two women enter the room. “Charlie! You're back! You was gone forever!” Pentious says. "Dis many minutes!" He says holding up all his fingers on one hand.
“I know, I'm so sorry, Pen.” Charlie says. “I actually have a big question for you, and I need you to be honest with me, alright?"
Pentious tilts his head. “What is it?”
“Well, Vaggie is little right now too. And she needs me to take care of her. I was wondering if it's okay that she plays with us today?"
Pentious looked at Vaggie who looked very shy…
But he smiles at her. “Of course! Does she like Legos too?” He asks.
“She's a little small for Legos right now, but I'm sure there's a bunch of games we can all play.” Charlie says. “Oooh! How about mega blocks?” She asks.
“What's that?” Pentious asks.
“They're a lot like Legos, except they're bigger.” Charlie explains, grabbing the big zippy bag of blocks from the closet of many things.
“Okay, I'll play.” Pentious says, slithering over to them.
Charlie sits on the floor and Vaggy crawls onto her lap.
“Vaggie, do you want to play mega blocks with me?” Pen asks her.
Vaggie nods. “Mhm.”
“Superb! What shall we build?” He asks her.
Vaggie thinks about it.. “Uhhm piwate ship!”
“Ooo! I like pirates.” Pentious says. "That's a great idea!"
“Piwates!” Vaggie giggles. “Mama, nee’ mah Piwates.” She says.
Charlie chuckles. “Okay, hold on. Let me get them." She says.
Charlie sets Vaggie down and walks over to the closet and gets Vaggie's pirate toys. They keep some of them here so Charlie can keep an eye of Vaggie while she does some work if needed.
She sets the toys on the table as she starts putting away the Legos.
"Don't ruin my work in progress, Charlie." Pentious says. “I want to finish it later!”
"I won't," She says. "I'll put it up here for safety." She says, setting his lego project on the desk.
"Piwate." Vaggie says, taking her little pirate cat figurine.
"Are we making a ship for them?" Pen asks her.
Vaggie nods. "Piwate!"
Pentious is very patient with Vaggie, even though she's a little young and it's hard for her to build like he does, he never complained about her doing it wrong.
“Oh, Vaggie. That goes here actually.” He says, tapping where the block she placed was supposed to go.
Vaggie picked up the block and set it where Pen said to. Then she looks up at the snake to be sure it was right this time.
"That's better!" He says. "Good job."
Vaggie smiles at him, and Charlie does too. She was a little worried about how Pentious might react to a younger little one, but he's doing so well! Like a perfect older brother! It was so cute!
He finished the pirate ship for Vaggie since she lost interest very quickly.
"There you are, your pirate ship." Pentious says, setting the ship in front of her.
Vaggie gasps and sets her little pirates on the ship. "Chawe, Piwate!" She says to her caregiver.
"Mhm it's very lovely, what do we say to Pentious who made that for you?" Charlie asks.
"Tant' oo' Pen." She says.
"You're welcome. While you're playing with that, I'm gonna build a sea monster to attack them!" He says.
"What a fun idea!” Charlie says.
Vaggie handed Charlie one of the pirates to play with and the two of them started to play out a story.
"Hello, pirate cat. Are you ready for our big pirate adventure?" Charlie's fox character asks her.
Vaggie's cat character jumps on the table. "Twesue'" She says.
"Yup, gotta find the treasure. I sure hope we don't encounter any evil sea monsters on the way." Charlie says.
"Piwate ship!" Vaggie shouts, placing her cat and Charlie's fox into the ship and moves it around the table.
Pen did a very good job building it, it didn't even break when Vaggie moved it.
"Rawr! An evil sea monster approaches!" Pentious starts to play, with his monstrous and extremely clever creation.
"Oh no, pirate cat. What are we gonna do?" Charlie asks dramatically.
Vaggie looks around and sees a single mega block. "Tannon!"
"A cannon, what a great idea. We can defeat the monster!" Charlie says.
Vaggie's character shoots the cannon and hits the beast.
Pentious's character groaned. "Nuuuu you have shot me! What a world what a world indeed! I deaded! I deaded forever!"
Vaggie laughs at Pen's dramatic characterization of the monster. "Montow no tay dat." She laughs.
"What?" Pentious asks.
"What do monsters say, Vaggie?" Charlie asks.
"Waw!" She growls.
"Ohh." Pentious understood her that time. "Rawwwwr!" Pentious played the death scene again, this time in proper monster language. "Can I be a pirate now that my monster has died?' Pen asks.
Vaggie hands him the dog pirate. "He-a-go." She says.
"Thank you." Pentious says. "Let's go find that treasure!"
“Good job sharing, Vaggie.” Charlie whispers, making her little one smiles.
The three pirates did find the treasure after a long journey across the office.
"Finally, the treasure!" Pen's figurine said.
"What if the treasure was inside of us all along? What if the real treasure was friendship?" Charlie's little fox asks.
"Uhm, no it's...it's gold." Pen's dog pirate says.
"Oh okay." Charlie says. "My bad."
They found the gold and they returned home.
“You did it, Vagitha!” Pen says.
Vaggie giggles. “Yay!”
The perfect ending to a perfect little adventure.
~~~Velvette and Vox:~~~~
Velvette worked overtime and then some.
She worked until she could forget what made her so upset in the first place.
And when she still didn't, she stopped when she became too tired to continue working anymore.
She walks to the kitchen to get some water and sees Vox at the table with a cup of coffee.
"Vox? What are you doing up this late?" Velvette asks.
"Vel...hey!” Vox says, sounding exhausted as he rubbed his screen where his eyes were. "I uh- that, up there is for you." He says, pointing at a gift that was on the counter.
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh, what?"
"Just- open it, please?" He asks.
She unwraps the box and...
It was a cabbage patch doll...
It wasn't Nicoline, but she was still very lovely.
She looks over to the Tv man. "Vox-?"
"You mentioned that you used to have one when you were little. I was going to give it to you on your birthday, it's probably not the one you had as a kid, but-"
"Did you seriously stay up just to give me this?" She asks him, hand on her hip.
Vox scoffs. "What? No! Of course not, I was up already, I just thought I'd do something nice since you were so upset." He says, as if it wasn't a big deal.
Velvette rolls her eyes. “Sure.”
“Look, I'm sorry you had a rough couple of days.” Vox says. “It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. But, you can if you want to, and I'll listen.” He promises. "Or you can talk to the doll if that’s easier, that's fine too."
Velvette looks up at him. "How-"
"You told me while you were regressing a few weeks ago." Vox says. "I know something happened...and I don't think it's right for you not to talk about it."
She looked down at the doll again.
He listened to her...
And took her pathetic little story about a doll seriously.
"I know it's not really like us to talk about stressful adult stuff." Vox says. "But, it can be."
Velvette's eyes fill with tears. “Really?” She asks. "You actually want to hear me bitch about stupid shit all the time?"
"Who doesn't bitch about stupid shit?" He asks. "Me and Val do, why in the hell would it be any different with you? I don't care less just because you're not a kid. I don't hate your company, and I don't hate talking to you either. You have great ideas, it's nice to have someone to talk to who isn't an idiot."
He actually thinks she’s smart?
He actually cares?
Actually wanted to hear her? Actually want to listen?
Velvette puts the doll down and she runs to hug Vox.
"Vel?" Vox asks, this was clearly not at all what he expected.
She doesn't want the doll, for the first time in a long time she didn't want the doll.
She just wanted her caregiver.
Velvette starts sobbing into his shoulder. "M'sowy." She says, sounding small- tiny even.
Vox knows the voice, so he picks her up and hugs her. “It's okay, I'm here.” He says to her. “Get it all out, it's okay.”
She wraps her arms around his neck
"You ready to get some sleep?" He asks her once she's calmer.
She nods. "Okay. Can you stay wif me?"
Vox nods "Yeah." He takes her doll and carries both of them to her room to get some well deserved rest.
They can talk about it tomorrow.
~~~Charlie, Vaggie, and Pentious:~~~
Vaggie and Pentious had a fun time playing together, they played pirates and aliens, and Charlie even taught them patty cake!
It was a full fun day for them.
Vaggie got pretty tired after a bit and asked to take a nap and cuddle with Charlie.
So, Charlie put on Jake and the Neverland pirates for the two littles, and all three of them cuddled up on the couch to relax.
After episode two, Vaggie had fallen asleep.
Charlie turns to Pentious. “Thank you so much for being so nice to Vaggie today, Pen. You were such an amazing friend to her.” She says. “I know it's not always easy. I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate it.”
“It was very easy.” Pentious says. “Vaggie is fun.” He says. “She likes pirates, adventures, and weapons!” he says. “I haven't had so much fun in ages!”
Charlie smiles. “I'm so glad to hear you had fun.” She says.
“Could we do it again sometime?” He asks.
“Of course, if Vaggie wants to. I think she had a lot of fun too.” Charlie says.
Pentious smiles and snuggles up next to her once again.
There's nowhere else in the world Charlie would rather be right now.
'Oh, by the way
All my stuffies wanna know if you're okay
I've been great, 'cause they put me in a safe place
Act like I'm nine when I watch Adventure Time
To cure the pain, I'll explain
That shit put me in a safe place.' ~Tony22, safe place.
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Taglist: @todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn @abby5577 @innocentlittlelambsnursery
82 notes · View notes
blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
@alazycrab00 croc!sanji is live
Had a thought based off this where Sanji runs away from Baratie at like 12/13 and stowaways on Crocodile's boat because he and Zeff can't stop fighting so it's better for Sanji to go now before Zeff finishes what Judge couldn't. He ends up being found out after they're in the Grand Line on the way to Alabasta and Daz and Crocodile are looking at this twirly browed brat staring at them from the storage section where they're storing food.
"Is that the brat from Baratie?"
"Yes, Boss."
Sanji begs for them to not send him back, not that they're exactly interested in Reverse Mountain again so Daz and Crocodile shrug and take him to Alabasta and Crocodile calls Zeff who only curses and tells him to keep Sanji out of anger, he still cares but like clearly they're angry at each other so Crocodile will let them simmer and take Sanji back in a couple months.
Croc ends up introducing Sanji to the rest of what is Baroque Works at the time and Sanji is a good cook and a decent fighter. He and Bon Clay are getting along really well and helping each other stretch and Bon Clay does Sanji's make up. Anna the Banawani likes Sanji and Croc has found them togwther, Sanji reading a cookbook and Anna napping. Crocodile finds Sanji's mouth really amusing and he's great in the markets for haggling.
At one point Bon Clay walks up to Crocodile at one point and is like "I need to take Sanji shopping, he needs dresses and skirts that fit and his own make up." Crocodile just doesn't look up from his paperwork and hands Bon Clay a stack of cash and when Sanji comes back in twirly dress and his make up to the 10s and so happy showing Crocodile is just "fuck, I might need to call Iva too."
So yeah, the call to Zeff a few months later is just Crocodile telling him to eat shit, Sanji is his now. After that everyone starts calling him 'little prince' or 'Mr. Prince'. Sanji grows up as Crocodile's son and his gender expression and stuff is so much more free. Sanji goes to several Warlord meetings as Crocodile literally could not leave him with anyone.
Sanji sitting at the Warlord table with cook book and listening to everyone as he reads. Mihawk at one point comments on how well behaved he is and Crocodile is like "He is actually. Anna adores him." Everyone but Doflamingo makes a face that remarks Crocodile should not probably be letting a child near his beloved bananawani but also every other warlord meeting Sanji attends Doflamingo is trying to bond with this kid because he's trying to get back in with Crocodile.
Crocodile has trained Sanji for this however and the kid will run. Just run. Doesn't matter where. More often than not he runs into Fujitora who absolutely adores Croc's kid and will let him hide in his office and read cook books until it's time to go and Daz finds him. If there's enough time he will cook for Fujitora and is even allowed to call him Issho.
When he meets Robin when she joins they get along really well, Sanji cooks for her and Robin reads to him. Sanji plays with Anna in a way that is definitely frowned upon by most of society but Crocodile knows Anna won't hurt him. She knows better, she only attacks those he and Sanji don't introduce to her. Robin meets Anna after a few months and smiles and lists of ways Anna could kill Sanji and Sanji hangs off Anna and is like "You're not gonna hurt me right? You like me almost as much as Sir Crocodile." Anna makes a noise of agreement. Robin finds him asleep with Anna and asks Crocodile about it and he shrugs. "He's a lovable kid, take him shopping. He has a mouth."
When they meet the Strawhat crew Robin and Sanji are looking at them with interest. That rubber kid and the blue haired girl that seems enamored with the other girl and a swordsman and what appears to be a racoon?
"Hey, Ms. All Sunday, do you think they're going after Mr. 0?"
"Oh I would certainly assume so, Mr. Prince. That is Princess Vivi after all."
"Mn, we're just gonna sit and watch, right?"
"It shall certainly be entertaining." Robin smiles at him and Sanji smiles back.
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love-toxin · 1 year
Oh to be s3 steve's perv step sis who makes fun of him for being a slut and always fucks him before he has a date <3
(cws: stepcest, perv!angelface, slutshaming, pussy slapping/spanking, rough sex, crying, f!reader.)
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stepbrother!Steve just despises you, he finds you such an annoying little brat and he wishes his mom had just stayed single--really, he wishes she would've chosen anyone over your deadbeat dad, and you tagging along to be his new little sister.
not only do you bug him just as much as any annoying younger sister, but you're just.....dirty. for a girl that prances around in skirts and thigh highs when you're almost twenty, and has enough pillows in her room to fill a department store, you're a huge fucking pervert and it's another reason why you won't leave him the hell alone. walking in on him while he's in the shower, bending over with the tiniest panties on under your skirt for him to see, switching out the movies he brings home to watch in his room with porn--how the hell did you even get your hands on that--just to embarrass him when he presses play and his sound's turned all the way up. you even play the tape until it gets to an especially lewd part before you switch them to make it as humiliating as possible. you're just evil.
and yet, you're always teasing him about sleeping around, about being a manwhore, but Steve finds it hard to believe you'd know anything about that considering how annoying you are--he's sure you've never gotten laid, which somehow just makes it more aggravating. a dumb little virgin girl who teases him about getting pussy, but would probably bawl your eyes out if you even got fucked a tenth as rough as he likes it. but any time he shows even a little bit of frustration towards you around your parents, his mom pinches him and barks at him to be nice. and your dad's always quick to pitch in, and throw around some bullshit about "protecting my baby girl" even though you don't even look him in the eyes half the time, and seem much happier when he and your stepmom jet off somewhere for business like they usually do.
maybe that's why you're always on Steve. you're lonely, in need of attention--but your mocking never ends, especially when it's time for him to go on a date and you always seem to show up beforehand. he'll be fixing his hair, putting on cologne, and you'll wander into his room with a grin on his face as you ask which girl he's on now. meandering towards his bed and checking the headboard to "see the notches" picking at his fit and telling him what's wrong with it. you don't have your chest out, Stevie, how are they gonna know you wanna pump their guts tonight?
and that's just....it. he's tired of listening to you moan his name while you touch yourself next door, tired of you grinding back against him when he has to reach for something, and he's tired of you being a damn tease. he puts down his hairbrush, turns to you, and slams you into his bedroom floor like he's a goddamn wrestler. your knees burn on the rug as he shoves you down, face down ass up, and flips up the skirt he knows you're wearing without panties to finally give you what you want. your eagerness is just more irritating, wiggling your ass and crooning his name--he swats you with an open hand so hard on the cheek that your whole body jerks, your pussy weeping with need before he rears back and does it again. more and more and more, soon he switches to spank you between the legs, the reactions even more intense and your squealing even louder as he beats your poor pussy until it's sticky and gushing all over the carpet. he doesn't even bother pushing any fingers in, he doesn't have to, cause you're so sloppy with arousal that he knows he'll just slide right in. and only once you're bent over and crying for him to let you cum does he start fucking you, accepting the fact that he's definitely gonna be late for this date because he's busy blowing his stepsister's back out on his bedroom floor.
Steve's totally convinced he's gonna be in deep shit the next day, too. after he'd held you down and fucked you til you were just babbling nonsense, cleaned you off, and carried you back to bed, he'd still gone on his date. and he still got a night with her, too, even though he was thinking about you the whole time. thinking about how you cried for him and blabbed out that he's so big, and admitted that you touch yourself every night with one of his shirts between your legs, that you've wanted him since before your parents dated and you just want his attention more than anything.
but you act normal. eat your breakfast, hide the carpet burns on your knees. look at him over the table and smile when he takes a bite of his banana. you don't say a word to anyone, and you're in a remarkably good mood, even tamping down your perversions and giving him some privacy......for awhile.
until your urges come back. you've been satiated for a bit, but when you start needing Steve again, you start bothering him. walking into his room unannounced, brushing your teeth with his toothbrush touching yourself with it......waking him up in the middle of the night to your moans, and opening his bleary eyes to find you on top of him, grinding your needy cunt on his bare, hairy thigh until you cum. coming into his work for free icecream and licking it off your hand when it melts a little, just to make his dick stir and stand to attention as he tries to hide his red face under that dumb hat.
from then on, he has a new job: satisfy his little pervy freak of a stepsister whenever she gets needy and wants his attention. and that mostly comes just before his dates, when he's feeling the most anxious and pent-up. you're kinda like his good luck charm in that way--a tight, willing hole for him to split open before he has to go woo a new girl, one that'll inflate his ego and make him feel so relaxed, that he can leave wet and panting and painted with his cum as he saunters off to go find love.
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THE TEXT CONVOS !! I hope it looks ok. I left spaces between the texts (ALSO THANK U FOR THE REQUEST 💗 ) 💺 anon
🍊) My little (brat) princess
🍒: Buy pads please!! 🍊: Already did, anything else that may satisfy her majesty? ❤️
🍊: Hi pretty. Can't find my tie, did you took it? It's the navy one 🍒: No, must've been your side chick :( 🍊: Please tell me you're joking 🍒: I'm not 🍊: Woman I practically worship the ground you walk on 🍒: Screenshotting this to Lem. Also your tie is with me :) 🍊: You two got jokes huh
🍒: Pretty women called "sleepless nights worried about my husband" is waiting for me in bed 🍊: Not tonight love. Coming home in 5
🍊: What kind of streets do ghosts hunt? 🍊: Dead ends
🍊: Really want to shoot him in the head 🍒: What are you talking about? 🍊: He's so fucking cocky huh? 🍒: Ladybug? He's not doing anything 🍊: That "we should all order some food" sounded pretty flirty to me 🍒: You deserve the electric chair
🍊: Are you from Mississippi? Cause you're the only miss who's piss I'll sippie [You blocked this contact]
🍊: That nob better stop touching your shoulder before I give him a lobotomy 🍊: Got the "little off the top" looking haircut 🍒: HE ASKED FOR MY NUMBER 🍊: He should see an optometrist since he clearly didn't notice the ring on your finger 🍒: I told him I have a husband 5 times already but he said "it doesn't matter", so I gave him your number 🍊: That's my girl
🍒: [1 image attached] 🍊: Oh my fucking god 🍊: God took his time with you
🍒: Would you be mad at me if I punched you in the face? 🍊: What's the context love? Are we making out and you just started beating me up? 🍒: Why would I EVER do that??? 🍊: You tell me, you were the one who asked. 🍊: Wait you might actually be onto someting here love 🍒: THATS IT, SEX BAN 🍊: WHAT
🍒: What is taking you so long? 🍊: Lady at the cashier won't leave me alone 🍒: Please hurry up I want you to eat me out :( [Tan reacted with ❤️] 🍒: Tell her "husband duties are calling"
🍋) Silly goofy guy
🍋: I'm really over here with Aristotle talking about plumbs and farmers and shit
🍒: Did you actually got into a fight with that Kimura guy just because he said he didn't like my tie? 🍋: Cherry defender first, human second
🍋: Bro is not listening to me 🤼‍♂️ 🍒: I'll hear you out on Henrys 🍋: [voice message: 42:33]
🍋: Got bored so I drew you 🍋: [1 image attached] 🍒: Thanks !! 🍒: Why do I have 3 fingers on each hand though? 🍋: I stole the other four
🍒: Are the cookies you left for me a prank? 🍋: Are they that bad? 🍒: What?? No!! Of course not!! 😊 I loved them!! 🫶 🍋: I got a feeling you're being sarcastic
🍋: Tan said nobody likes lemons 🍒: I'll kill him
🍒: The bartender asked for my phone number 🍋: BOOOOOO 📢📢 every time 🍒: I gave him Tan's number. Wanna catfish him? 🍋: LETS GO I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK
🍊🍋🍒) The fruit bowl
🍊: The group name is stupid 🍋: IT'S GENIUS 🍒: It's literally what we are 🍊: I think I should've named the group so it wouldn't be something stupid 🍋: "Tangerines are sophisticated" This you❓ 🍒: Point and laugh 🫵🤣 🍊: Piss off
🍋: I burned the pasta 🍊: You can cook? 🍋: I tried 🍊: Never do it again 🍋: Piss off at least I wasn't the one who dropped the pod on the floor 🍒: This is why you two aren't allowed in my kitchen
🍊: I'm just saying, relationships should be 50/50 🍊: She looks pretty, while I growl at anyone who looks at her 🍋: It's getting harder and harder to defend you 🍒: People are gonna think you're insane 🍋: He is
🍋: [1 image attached, it's a selfie of us three] 🍋: BOY WE SEE THEM BABY BLUES 🍒: I swear people don't even say bless you anymore, they just stare at you like that 🍊: Do you two ever stop to think about what you're saying? 🍋: No 😼 🍒: Nope 🍊: It shows
yeah no kidding you aced the shit out of these!!! and they are so fun to read !! I definitely get what you mean now by them being fun😭
LOVE LOVE LOVED them all but these have gotta be my faves
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THIS ONE??? had my cracking up. was still thinking about it and laughing to myself ages after reading 😭😭
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little off the top and the ring comment 😭
and giving the guy tan number and him saying that’s my girl🫠
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god took his time with you??? melting
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WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE!!! lemon definitely sends really long voice messages and spams with videos. like he’s giving you mini personal vlogs😭😭😭 he just starts talking about the most random shit walking around the house. “… yeah they said his car is fucked— no way. I just found this.” and holds it out to the camera and then he carries on with whatever he was saying before
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I feel like he struggled to draw all 10 fingers and got fed up so gave you simpson hands instead
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jinnxd · 4 months
Kakashi pushed Mizuki along, hands far rougher than necessary with the battered man.
With one particularly harsh shove, it seemed Mizuki snapped out of the daze he’d been trapped in. Blinking rapidly and turning around to look at who was pushing him, the teacher actually looked relieved to see him.
“Kakashi-san! You witnessed that, didn’t you? Is there an ANBU squad on the way to arrest them? Those kids are delinquent brats, and their guardian is no better–she’s an insane little bitch. Like, I could have fought them off for sure, but it’s just a couple of kids and a girl, you know, so I held back. You’re gonna tell the Hokage, right? They need to be locked up, the whole lot of them.” He rambled, and Kakashi began to suspect a major concussion. Still, though, there was a clarity in his eyes when he spoke about Kiya that didn’t settle well with him.
The hospital was north of here. In a split-second decision, Kakashi guided Mizuki west. “Oh, I saw what happened, all right. They did quite a number on you.”
A little detour seemed to be in order.
“Yeah, well they fought dirty–dirty…” Mizuki paused, his face contorting in anger at whatever deranged thought his addled mind had landed on. “She’s a dirty fucking whore, you know? I kept her around because she was good for one fucking thing, and she could barely do that right. I don’t know what her problem was, man, acting like she was too good for me.”
He just let Mizuki talk, casually herding him into a back alley and allowing Mizuki to dig his own grave with every hateful word he uttered.
“Really?” He asked disinterestedly, hand tightening intentionally around his broken wrist.
Mizuki let out a pained grunt, but didn’t say anything about it. How cute–he wanted to look tough. “Yeah, funny, right? Hey… where are we going? I thought the hospital was–”
Finally reaching a deserted corner of the alley, Kakashi stopped and turned to face Mizuki, his eye flashing dangerously. “Funny indeed,” Kakashi replied, his voice cold. “It's always interesting to hear the perspective of a delusional liar.”
Mizuki flinched at the harshness in Kakashi's tone, realizing perhaps too late that he had said too much. “W-what do you mean?” he stammered, attempting to backtrack.
But Kakashi wasn't having it. With a swift motion, he slammed Mizuki against the wall behind him, eliciting a cry of pain from the man. “What I mean is that you're a disgrace,” Kakashi began in a low, dangerous tone. “You don’t deserve that headband, and you didn’t deserve her.”
“Who, Kiya?” Mizuki asked, swallowing thickly yet still putting up that transparent bravado. “You’re joking, right? What, did she spread her legs for you, too? Word of advice, man, it’s not worth it. She’s not worth it.”
Slowly, Kakashi increased the pressure of his hold around Mizuki’s wrist, giving him a fake eye-smile all the while. “Listen carefully, Mizuki-kun. You’re not going to speak about Kiya or what happened today ever again. If anyone asks, you fell down a flight of stairs. Understood?” He threatened coldly, enjoying the way the man’s features contorted in pain.
Mizuki's bravado crumbled as Kakashi's grip tightened, crying out. “Y-yes, I understand,” he stammered, beads of sweat dripping down his pallid forehead.
Kakashi leaned in closer, his eye narrowing with intensity. “Good. Then consider this a lesson.” he said, his voice dripping with menace. “Watch your mouth, or I won't be so gentle next time.”
“Yes, Kakashi-san. I-I’m sorry, sir, it won’t happen again.”
In a swift motion, Kakashi released Mizuki and patted him roughly on the shoulder. He flinched with each movement, letting out a shaky breath of relief as Kakashi yanked him out of the alleyway and back in the direction of the hospital.
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starlxghtss · 9 days
Keepin' yer safe and warm
Due to an unexpected stopover, the Ravagers have to set up a camp on a unhabitated planet. And while everyone has laid down to rest, little Peter is shivering in the cold of the night and Yondu, sitting nearby, eventually hears the small Terran.
"What's up with ya, boy?"
A gruff voice called from nearby and Peter shifted his head, shivering and rubbing his shoulders. He looked up to the Centaurian with a sad expression, biting his lip in despair.
"I-i'm cold..."
The child had crossed his arms, in an attempt to warm himself, which didn't help much, though.
Yondu grumbled and let out a humorless laugh.
"Ain't my fault, I told ya to dress warm."
Sensitive Terrans...
Ignoring the child, he turned around again. Not his problem if the boy freezes his ass off. Serves him just right. This stupid brat didn't want to listen and that's what he gets now.
The Ravager grunted, closed his eyes again and tried to ignore the boy's chattering teeth and helpless whimpers in the cold. He waited to fall asleep again. Though, he had to admit that it was kinda chilly tonight, even for him.
Almost dangerously cold, especially for little Terrans - in fact, the boy only wore his thin leather jacket that barely contributed any warmth. Maybe he could...
Nah, he's gonna be fine. Don't care. Ravagers don't give a damn 'bout stupid Terrans.
Yondu still heard Peter shivering desperately under his breath, kinda glad that he at least made any noise by this cold. Admittedly, he had this uneasy gnawing in his chest, whenever he didn't hear any more noises from the kid but relaxed again as he was still breathing.
Great. Now he couldn't even sleep because of the brat.
The Centaurian turned around to the boy who by now had huddled to a bundle, pulled his legs close to his little trembling body. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, the man left out a reluctant grunt.
Peter immediately turned too, raising his head. The boy stared at him with a glazed sight, surprise written all over his face. He didn't need to be told twice and scrambled over to the man.
"Hurry up, before I'm changin' my mind, boy!"
The Ravager held up his arm, pulling the shivering child under his coat to warm him up. Peter snuggled up to his side, his lips of bluish color, cheeks burning red from the cold.
"And if ye tell anyone 'bout this, I'm gonna kill ya myself an' eat'cha then, got it, boy?!" He hissed down to the kid.
Peter already made himself comfortable and eventually stopped shivering, mumbling into Yondu's coat.
And he will deny it later on, say that he just couldn't stand the noise, boy was gonna damage his chompers from all the clatterin'.
Couldn't have let his best little thief freeze t'death, he'd be stupid if he did, now did he?
Hell, he couldn't care less. But when the little Terran lay that close to his body, cradled in big strong arms and buried his face in the warm chest, even the Ravager allowed himself to put his guard down.
There was a feeling in his chest, which he ignored. And he put his hand on the boy's shoulder, just so his coat isn't slipping off and the kid won't start annoying him again. No other reason for that.
And by the stars, Yondu will never ever admit it - even in the afterlife - but he held the boy a little closer that night, making sure he is secured from the cold weather, keeping him safe and warm.
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cainluvr69 · 7 months
Main Story 2 Chapter 20 - The Willingness to Lead (First Half)
Previous Chapter
1 - What You Can't Live Without
Eva: Listen closely, child of Bain.
Bradley: My name's Bradley. Get it through your skull already, Eva. Remember it, and I'll make it worth it.
Eva: Fufu, what an impudent little brat. Well then, I'll be sure to remember you. Listen closely, Bradley.
Bradley: Yeah.
Eva: We are Northern wizards. We bear strong and free souls. And so to live with strength and freedom… You mustn't have something you cannot live without.
Bradley: Something I can't live without?
Eva: Yes.
Bradley: Even like a magical focus?
Eva: Yes. Though you may love it as though it were an extension of yourself, you must always be ready to part with it. Both you and I are proud and solitary kings. No matter how many things we encounter capable of moving our hearts. For should your heart be stolen by someone else, you will become their prisoner.
Bradley: Prisoner? You mean just havin' something irreplaceable in the world at all makes you one?
Eva: Here in the North, acquiring something we value the same as our own lives turns that something into a chain, binding us. Just look at Oz. If there is nothing to move your heart, there is nothing you need pay heed. He has the most isolated heart in the world. And because of it, he is invincible.
Bradley: What about you, Eva?
Eva: Excuse me?
Bradley: Would you be able to get rid of something even if you loved it more than anything?
Eva: Of course. Do you really think I would be controlled by the likes of my own heart?
Murr: Oh, my beloved… If it were for you, I wouldn't mind changing the very nature of my soul. As long as you are always yourself, it doesn't matter if I'm no longer me.
Shylock: … I'm aware love afflicts both fools and the wise equally, but… It's still quite a sight to see someone like you throw away your pride with such vulgarities. Changing your soul isn't a gesture of love or adoration. It's an expression of dependency, is it not?
Murr: I'm fine with being dependent. Belonging to the one you love is happiness, don't you think? I don't need an immutable soul. Protecting your heart as it is is a lovely thing. Persistence is a beautiful trait. But if change is unnecessary, then that would mean both you and I wouldn't need companionship in this vast galaxy of ours. If the friction needed to polish a gem is unnecessary, then the collision, collapse, supernova, and subsequent birth of the hundreds of millions of stars shining above us is also unnecessary. I want you to hurt me and in doing so, bring something I've never noticed before to my attention. I want you to show me things I don't yet know about, leave me scared and anxious…I'd enjoy that kind of surprise. I love this beautiful world. My hands will not reach to the stars above… So I am always thinking of them.
Shylock: … Though I'm sure this will come as a disappointment… I don't know anyone who shines as brightly as you.
Murr: Ahaha. Truly, what a disappointment.
Shylock: …So please… Don't say you'll change the essence of who you are…
Rustica: What a fun day today has been. I'd be happy if you felt the same. Zara.
???: I won't forget today until the day I die. Because of dear, kind Aria, I was able to make the best memories I shall ever have in my life…
Rustica: Let's make more wonderful memories together. As my beloved Aria's elder sister, you are my elder sister as well.
???: …
Rustica: And we are both wizards, as well. I was raised freely and unhidden in the Sapphire Castle. So, Zara. One day, you too, shall have your freedom…
???: Lord Rustica. Please let me see your face one last time before you leave… Please, closer… So that I may engrave it into my eyelids, that I never forget it.
Rustica: Please, feel free. But you needn't engrave anything anywhere. I will still come to see you regardless. As often as you wish, as long as you still desire it.
???: …Thank you very much. But, I already… Please don't say such kind things to me. I'll become more wicked by the day. Had I never met you… Had the flame of desire never ignited in my chest… I could have loved both Aria and this world.
Rustica: Zara?
???: …Such beautiful eyes… Kind eyes, in which only a beautiful world exists… From the day you were born, you were beloved by all, blessed like the protagonist of a fairy tale. Living a life unhurt, unafraid, never faced with anything filthy or unclean… I am sure your beautiful soul, Lord Rustica, will never change, no matter what the world may offer you.
Rustica: Zara. You are also beloved and celebrated, you know. I love you. And I know Aria does, too.
???: … …I love you too… …Lord Rustica…
Owen: ……
Cain: Owen…
Owen turned his face away, without even a smirk on his lips. I glared at him. I didn’t think I could do anything else. I couldn’t see what expression Arthur was making right now. It’s not as if I couldn’t see him because of my injury from the <Great Calamity>. But I felt so guilty, the kind of guilt that can’t be properly formed into words, that I couldn’t bear to look at him. That was when I realized something. I was trying to come up with some sort of excuse for all of this. What the hell am I doing?
Arthur: It’s alright. I have an escort. Ah, right there.
Arthur glanced over towards me. Owen was still not looking at me, his arms crossed–I’d never seen him act like this before. And then, I saw him sneak a glance at me. I just kept glaring at him full force. I’d never wanted Arthur to see me like this. I hated Owen as much as I hated myself. But for just a moment, I saw something I couldn’t put a name to flickering in his eyes. That just made me feel even more guilty, and I didn’t know why. It was as if…I was seeing the little Owen because of how messed up things had gotten. But soon enough, he met my glare with his own equally sharp one. Like a beast.
Cain: (If he’s making that kind of face, he has to be the real one.)
Arthur: Alright, thank you. Owen. Could you come here too, please?
Arthur took one of Owen’s arms and together, they came over to me. I had no idea what to do. Owen didn’t, either. All I could do was steel myself and look up at Arthur. He…wasn’t looking at me with contempt, or even disappointment. He was in his blue training outfit, and his clear blue eyes were sparkling. Seeing him like that…I felt my face turn grim, and I started to yell at him.
Cain: Artie, what are you thinking? Only high ranking military officers are allowed in here! Grunts like you should know their place!
I lightly knocked Arthur away and then jabbed my finger towards his chest. The worst thing that could happen here would be anyone else here finding out who Arthur really was. I was just trying to get him out of here safely. He looked startled at first, but upon realizing what was going on, decided to match my pace.
Arthur: My sincerest apologies. However…
Owen: You don’t need to apologize, Artie. Just sit down right there. Next to Sir Knight.
Owen roughly forced Arthur down next to me. The women and officers I’d been talking with quickly moved out of his way. It was me, Arthur, Owen, plus the women by me and Owen. That was our current lineup.
Woman: Have a glass. One for you, too.
Owen and I were handed glasses while we glared at each other over Arthur’s head. I asked him something, keeping my voice low.
Cain: What are you trying to pull? This is a dirty prank.
Owen: Hmph. The only one playing around here is you. If you’re really so sure of yourself, then surely you can keep doing the same in front of Sir Prince?
Woman: Prince?
Owen’s slip of the tongue stabbed a bit of fear into me, but he simply crossed his legs and smiled at the lady next to him.
Owen: I’m talking about myself. I’m the prince of the Cerberus Kingdom. And I’ll bite your throat out.
Owen had meant it as a threat, but because of the alcohol, the woman took it as a joke. She blushed, and then tilted back her head and presented her neck.
Woman: Ooh, how scary. But I don’t mind if you want to eat me right up.
Owen: Are you stupid? You’d get along great with Sir Knight. I’ve fed him to my dogs before, too.
Cain: Come on…
Right as I was about to argue, Arthur suddenly moved to look at me. He took up my whole field of vision, the only thing I could see.
Arthur: I need to talk to you. Err, rather, I have something I’d like to speak with you about, Sir Cain.
Cain: What’s up, Artie? Is it something so important you had to talk to me here? It’s already late. Kids should be in bed by now.
Arthur: Kids?
Arthur raised one eyebrow. I think…I made him a little mad.
Arthur: It’s an important conversation regarding your honor, Sir Cain. You are a very devoted person, but should you have betrayed yourself to that end…
I saw pale fingers extend past Arthur’s cheek, and then Owen grabbed Arthur’s face and forcibly turned his head. He murmured something into Arthur’s ear. They glanced at me during their quiet conversation, leaving me completely baffled by their newfound…familiarity. This couldn’t be anything good. I suddenly felt restless.
Arthur: …Understood.
While I was being set adrift in a sea of confusion, Arthur simply nodded, and moved away from Owen. This time he got closer to me, putting his arm over the back of the sofa. Arthur’s lips approached my ear. His hair and skin smelled of expensive perfume, the kind that no amount of effort could hide. The idea of having a one on one talk with him was making me just a little bit nervous. Over Arthur’s shoulder, I could see Owen. Arthur whispered into my ear.
Arthur: …Please don’t do anything that would deprive you of your knightly spirit.
I didn’t know how much he’d heard from Owen, but the sincere and earnest tone in his voice made my chest ache. As Arthur pulled away from me, I whispered something back.
Cain: …Don’t misunderstand. I’m trying to win over the Western military to get information on Nicholas. It’s dangerous for you to be here. You should leave immediately. Oz and Riquet should still be…
I glanced up, and my words trailed off on their own. There were heavy footsteps making their way towards us. They were even and composed, like those of higher ranked or commissioned officers. The lively atmosphere around us had become tense. Maybe the general they’d talked about earlier, General Barnett, was here.
Gilles: ……
If it was the Western general, it was entirely probable that he knew what Central Country’s crown prince looked like.
Cain: (I can’t even imagine how things will blow up if the prince of an unfriendly neighboring country is found in a military club.)
I immediately pulled Arthur closer to me, my hand on his back.
Arthur: …Wha–?!
Cain: What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well? You must’ve drank too much. We should get you on your way quick. Owen!
Owen: Excuse me?
Cain: Take care of Artie for me. Or at least take him to the inn.
Owen narrowed his eyes at me.
Owen: And why do I have to do what you tell me to, Sir Knight?
Arthur also looked up at me, frowning a bit.
Arthur: I am still not done talking with you.
I wasn’t listening to either of them. I was busy worrying about if General Barnett was here, and I picked up the book I’d dropped earlier with one hand. This was a popular novel the general liked. I’d been reading it aloud to try and catch his attention. That was the plan, at least.
Cain: Sorry, but please, I need you both to leave. I need to read this book.
Arthur: Right now?
Owen: Why?
Cain: Because the general likes it. He’ll be excited if we like the same things, right?
Arthur: Do you like it, Cain?
Cain: Well, I haven’t read it yet…
Arthur: He won’t be happy if you’re only pretending. When he realizes you’re lying, he’ll only be sad about it.
Arthur’s words reminded me of my mom, and my heart clenched in my chest. I shook my head, a bitter taste at the back of my throat. I glanced around, and then murmured something to him.
Cain: …You and Oz are no good at telling lies. That’s why this is something I have to do. I’m doing what I do best.
Arthur: Trust isn’t something so easily won. Trust balanced on top of lies will come crashing down when it’s most important. If trust is lost on the battlefield, then who can you entrust your life to?
I felt like he’d just punched me in the face. Exactly like Arthur had said, morale dropped under leadership that couldn’t be trusted. Everyone put their life on the line for their pride and sense of justice at some point. And if you weren’t sincere about it, all you’d get is corrupted authority and false justice. That’s why you can’t just start running forward. Arthur’s eyes held the same noble look I’d seen in the portraits of previous kings in Granvelle Castle.
Arthur: Cain, you are my knight. You don’t need to concoct any devious plots.
My heart was wavering in my chest. I wanted to live up to Arthur’s pure, unsullied feelings. But… I think someone who betrays those feelings would serve him better. Nicholas and the white-haired woman. The sunken Adams Island expedition. Should I just give up and try a different method of attack? My honor doesn't matter. What even is true devotion? What would Leno or Shino do if they were in my place?
2 - Touched by the General's Words
I stole a glance at Owen. He was frowning, and then he sighed as if to say “Well, there’s no helping it.” He reached over Arthur and put his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer. And then, he whispered something in my ear. Owen’s voice was oddly shrill, as if he was embarrassed about something.
Owen: Hey… If it’s the only way, then. I’ll kill the Western general for you.
My eyes widened. Owen frowned, making a weird face, like he was trying to hide his embarrassment. He was messing with his bangs like he was annoyed, but he was eyeing me with a certain sense of pride.
Owen: But only for tonight, okay?
My blood drained out of my face and I shook my head.
Cain: Don’t even think about doing something like that. It’d become a massive diplomatic issue.
Owen: …Hah?
Pretty sure Owen thought that he was offering to do a good deed, which was why he was so embarrassed about it, but it was still undeniably an offer of assassination. A Northern wizard killing the Western army’s general in front of Central’s prince was just a recipe for disaster.
Cain: You don’t need to come up with any plots, just take Arthur and…
Owen: Plots? I’m saying I’ll help you, and you say I’m plotting?
Cain: I’m grateful for the offer, but right now, your talents aren’t really what I need here.
Owen’s trunk appeared out of nowhere. I looked up at the ceiling, and then tried again.
Cain: I said not right now, right?
Owen: I’m going to turn you to stone. I don’t take orders from anyone.
Woman: D-didn’t he just pull that trunk from nowhere… Was that…magic?
Owen smiled threateningly at the pale woman.
Owen: That’s right. Didn’t I tell you? I’ll bite your throat out.
Arthur: Could you kindly stop, Owen?
Woman: …I–I’m not scared! I’m not scared of wizards. There are so many officers from the Magical Weaponry Division here. Everyone, please…!
Cain: Let’s calm down! Owen, put your trunk away! Absolutely do not open it!
Owen: …Don’t order me around!
Arthur: We’re not giving you orders. Neither Cain nor I are trying to subjugate you, Owen of the North.
Arthur placed his hand on Owen’s arm, and then he looked up at me.
Arthur: This goes for you too, Cain. My desires are not meant to be chains. They shouldn’t keep you from listening to your heart.
Those painful words felt so good. My heart. My thoughts and feelings could change everything. And how easily mine had been changed. What could I do with these feelings?
Gilles: And what is going on here?
Owen and I stood ready at the same time. We didn’t even have to say anything. Both of us were prepared to guard Arthur. I couldn’t see who had spoken. But I could tell enough from the air around them. This was General Barnett. The cheery, drunken sense of relaxation in the club had changed. Not in a bad way. There wasn’t any fear shooting up my spine. But all the soldiers in the room remembered something now that he stood before them. All he had to do was stand in the same room as them, and the Western army’s soldiers remembered their pride. Their spirit. I hadn’t even seen his face, and General Barnett had already overwhelmed us. If he was this charismatic on a normal day, I wondered how far his leadership would take him on the battlefield. Speaking as a soldier from the neighboring country? I wasn’t looking forward to seeing it.
Cain: …My apologies for disturbing you. I am Cain, a former knight of Central Country.
I smiled amiably and held my hand out to him. I could only wonder if he’d accept it. But I only had to worry for a couple seconds. A large hand grasped mine moments later. The same moment, a tall, capable-looking young man appeared in front of me. He had the sociable, reliable air of someone you could call an ideal commanding officer.
Gilles: Gilles Barnett, at your service. Would those be your friends?
Still feeling the strain, I introduced the two of them.
Cain: My subordinates. Artie and Wen.
Owen: You’re a wizard, aren’t you.
Owen announced that right to General Barnett’s face. It caught me off guard for a moment, but I knew why he’d felt that, so I explained it to him.
Cain: Don’t be rude, Wen. Watch your mouth. This is the man who leads the Magical Weaponry Division. Using that many mana stones can make someone have the same presence as a wizard.
Owen: Mana stones…? …Just how many would you have to use to feel like that.
Owen smiled a thin smile at him, the expression dripping with malice and hatred. But General Barnett was unmoved. His eyes moved to Arthur, and he gestured for him to sit down.
Gilles: Please, sit.
Arthur: Thank you, sir.
Although Arthur took a seat, General Barnett did not. Instead, he sat down next to me, taking the place of a woman who had gracefully offered up her seat. His leisurely manner was also a smart one. And it wasn’t like he was trying to intimidate or overpower us. It looked like he was being considerate of us.
Gilles: You said you were a former Central soldier, didn’t you?
Cain: Yes.
The general smiled at me, friendly-like.
Gilles: As the general of Western Country, I could call myself its greatest hero, but surely that means little to a Central knight. From Central’s oldest knight to its youngest trainee, each one is fearlessly brave. Now that’s true glory. They don’t get ahead of themselves when victory’s in sight, and that’s how the names of so many heroes have been engraved in their history. And you are one of them. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Cain: Ah… Thank you very much. I’m undeserving of such praise.
I knew it was nothing more than flattery, but my chest was still full of emotion. Even the general of another country saw the same splendor in the Central knights that I’d admired ever since I was little. Arthur’s eyes also glowed with the praise.
Gilles: And that is?
The general gestured towards the book next to me. Seems like the story about him liking this series was true. Finally, I could work on fulfilling my intended objective here. I picked up the book with vigor.
Cain: A book from a series I like. I’d heard that you enjoyed it as well. I was thinking of reading some aloud, if you’d be fine with that.
The general smiled at me, and I looked over my shoulder towards Owen.
Cain: Wen. Cover Artie’s ears for me, would you?
Owen: What? Why?
Cain: I’ve got a feeling there’s going to be some events that children shouldn’t be listening to.
Arthur: You keep calling me a child, but I am no longer… I am not a child, Sir Cain.
Owen: I’ll let him listen. Give us a tale so terrifying it gives Artie nightmares.
Arthur: No matter how terrifying a story it is, it won’t keep me awake or give me nightmares. Because I am not a child.
Cain: It’s not a scary story. Well, it shouldn’t be…
I remembered the bit I’d read just before as getting a bit…spicy. I glanced over at the general. As if the friendly air he’d had earlier had been nothing but a lie, he was now completely filled with bloodlust.
Cain: Is… Is something wrong, sir…?
His eyes met mine and slowly, slowly his head turned to join them.
Gilles: That book is a stellar adaptation… Don’t speak of it as if it’s some vulgar, tawdry product.
Cain: Ah… Um…
Gilles: The play it is based on is an action/adventure coming-of-age story centered around the friendship of a landed noble caught up in an inheritance dispute and one of her maids. In any case.
Cain: Yes.
Gilles: The two protagonists fall in love with a traveling merchant, and both compete for his affection in further more impossible ways. You said you liked it, didn’t you?
Cain: Uh, yes.
Gilles: To be frank, I am absolutely appalled. No further conversation is required.
Cain: W–wait! My apologies. Let me be honest. I'm…
Gilles: The Sage’s wizard, Cain Knightley. And that would be another Sage’s wizard, the Northern wizard Owen. And this gentleman would be… No, enough with names.
The general had been looking at Arthur when he said that. Arthur, however, took a deep breath and said his next words very pointedly.
Arthur: Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am the prince of Central Country, Arthur Granvelle. My apologies for being misleading with my identity, General Barnett.
The general’s eyes widened at such a forthwith introduction. For the first time in this conversation, he was shocked. After carefully observing his surroundings, he simply shrugged his shoulders.
Gilles: …My sincerest apologies. I had not heard you would be visiting. Had I been aware, I would have knelt before you. To do so now would be, well, conspicuous.
Arthur: Let me apologize as well. I was distracted.
The general smiled at Arthur’s immediate apology. He leaned forward, lowering his voice.
Gilles: …Please listen without showing surprise. Important citizens of my country have of late been collapsing with sudden illness. Their health worsens very quickly, and as it stands, it is doubtful they can even make it through the night. Were it to be known that a foreign dignitary is visiting me during this plague, it would draw suspicion. Please, leave as soon as you are able.
Arthur: Western country’s dignitaries…
Gilles: I cannot speak further than this. You understand, yes?
Arthur: Yes… Thank you. However, may I ask one thing?
Gilles: You may.
Arthur: Why did you warn me?
Gilles: I’d rather not cause problems for myself by complicating things with easily-rectified matters.
The general smiled calmly. His manner was arrogant, but Arthur’s eyes were happy all the same.
Gilles: You are young, and there is still hope in your heart. Though we may live in a broken world, I keep faith that it shall one day be beautifully reborn. I would rather do you a favor of something more valuable than saying your name too loudly and bringing both of our nations trouble.
Arthur: My thanks, General Barnett.
Gilles: Please, just call me Gilles. Now, I would not say this is advice, per se… If you have no urgent plans, I would suggest staying in the City of Fortune for the moment.
Cain: Why?
Gilles: A coronation ceremony shall be held on a day very soon from now. I believe the Sage’s wizards were also given an invitation.
Those words alone told me everything I needed to know about the state of the West’s dignitaries, and which among them had fallen ill. Western Country was a monarchy, after all. It seemed we’d arrived at a very delicate time.
Gilles: Well then, I shall take my leave. May there be good company on your way home.
With a bow, the general began to walk away from us. I was after him in a flash. He was a fair sort of person. I needed to do something to get rid of the guilt of lying to him.
Cain: Hold on.
Gilles: What?
Cain: …Sorry for lying to you. Err, my sincerest apologies, I mean.
His shoulders shook with laughter. At least the look on his face meant I hadn’t insulted him.
Gilles: What a very Central thing of you to say. No, it was quite fine. Why were you trying to gain my favor?
Cain: Huh?
Gilles: You pretended to have read a book you’d never touched for the sake of my favor, to the point of troubling your comrades.
Cain: That’s, well… I really do apologize for that. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Gilles: It certainly seems that way. I’ve yet to meet someone from Central who enjoyed deceit. Nicholas was the same way.
My eyes widened the moment I heard Nicholas’s name.
Cain: You remember Nicholas?
Gilles: Of course I do. He was once a hero who stood as Central’s head of knights. It was quite exhausting having such a great man foisted onto me as one of my subordinates.
After that bit of complaint, the general smiled at me.
Gilles: I heard a bit of you from him. He called you the kind of genius that only comes around once every thousand years. Nicholas had been quite proud whenever your name was brought up. It was clear that he loved Central Country and Central’s knights from the bottom of his heart. What happened to him was very unfortunate.
The general put his hand on my shoulder. The sudden rush of emotion in my chest was so strong, I could feel my breathing waver. Even if he had fallen as something evil, Nicholas had once been someone I admired. Hearing words of praise for him made my chest tight. Even though I’d tried to convince myself there was no other choice, I’d always hated how things had turned out. If the reason that the gallant knight I admired had become a villain was because I’d cornered him, then didn’t that make me the evil one? The general shook his head, as if to reject the self-hatred I’d never voiced aloud.
Gilles: My only complaint is that you led the knights after someone like Nicholas had been driven out. You’re not the kind of person who would be here to try and gather information. The right person for the right place, after all. Though it’s true Western Country tends to discriminate towards wizards, we are still generous enough to welcome the philosopher Hart to the royal palace with open arms. Those from Central are less sociable. The generosity seen when the King of Knights Alec established that country alongside wizards is nowhere to be seen. The current system in place only shames that sincere warrior. You don’t need to look at me like that. If you’re going to turn your sword on anything, turn it on the system.
This foreign general’s words were like a guiding light that had saved me. Perhaps they were simply honeyed words to win me over. But I wanted to think they were true.
Cain: Thank you very much, sir.
Gilles: Even wicked customs can be changed that way. Should your revolution fail and you go into exile, I would gladly welcome you to our country.
Cain: I’m not planning on abandoning my country. I am a Central knight.
The general smiled warmly at me.
Gilles: I thought that’s what you’d say.
Cain: General Barnett. Did anything strange happen to Nicholas during his time in this country?
Gilles: Why do you ask?
Cain: I heard that he headed an expedition to the sunken Adams Island. He wasn’t exactly a man who was fond of the sea. But if he left anything behind that might tell me what his goal was, then…
Gilles: I see. A very Central expression of camaraderie. I’m fond of Central’s knights because you’re all like characters in a book. Now then, regarding Nicholas… Although he was one for etiquette, there were times when he crossed the line when it came to me. I imagine he couldn’t forgive himself for it.
Cain: I see…
Gilles: Oh, but there is one thing I recall. He once asked me if I was an avid reader. Specifically, he asked if there were any accounts handed down through Western legend of an account of a "walking Hell".
Cain: A walking Hell…?
Gilles: Yes. I’d never heard of something like it. What about in Central?
Cain: This is the first time I’m hearing of anything like it, too.
Gilles: I see. I apologize, but that’s as much as I can offer.
Arthur: A walking Hell… I’ve never heard of it, either. What about you, Owen?
Owen: Who knows.
Arthur: Perhaps you keep it within that trunk of yours?
Owen: Sure. Want to take a peek, Sir Prince?
Cain: Knock it off, Owen.
Owen: Hmph. So you failed to become a villain, Sir Knight. Well, it’s just a matter of time. I’m looking forward to seeing it happen.
Cain: …tsk, he’s gone… God, he’s so…
Arthur: Owen was worried about you, Cain.
Cain: As if.
Arthur: That was why he came to me. …Am I wrong?
Cain: You’re wrong. Maybe he’s not as awful as I thought, but… He’s still awful. Don’t let him fool you.
Arthur: You think so…?
Cain: …A walking Hell… Sigh… All that work, and that’s the only clue we got.
Arthur: We did get to meet with the Western general, thanks to your infiltration. Thank you, Cain.
Cain: Arthur… No, I should be the one thanking you.
3 - The Child Beloved by the Sun and Moon
Liliana: …
Old man: …Please… Please, I beg you… I haven't breathed a word about you to anyone… I promise you…!
Liliana: When has a child of man ever fulfilled their promises?
Old man: Eek…! Someone…! Help me! Please…!
Liliana: Cease this fruitless resistance. Do you really think you can escape me? I gave you happiness, did I not?
Old man: Ahh… My body… I'm wasting away…like I'm dying… …ahh…my arms are turning into branches…
Liliana: You have fulfilled your role. Now, sleep peacefully.
Old man: ……
Liliana: …Haah… That went well. I'm so sorry, Albert. But I'd rather not meet with him while looking like an old man.
Chloe: …Zara… She's a witch who was raised in secrecy, like I was…?
Kelvin: …Your family hid you, too?
Chloe: Yeah… Since if they knew I was a wizard, all of our relatives would hate us…
Kelvin: Hmph. Then let them hate you. People who hate things they don't understand are all boring people, anyways. Besides, they don't hate wizards. They just mistrust them.
Chloe: Mistrust…?
Kelvin: That's right. They suspect us when things go missing, or if something breaks. Or when something bad happens to someone who's usually lucky. They think to themselves, "Couldn't this be because of the strange powers those wizards have?" It's hard to trust something they can't see for themselves, after all. Mistrusting things they can't see is pretty easy for them. They do it with kindness and friendship and things done in good will, too.
Chloe: …But… Rustica trusted me. Ages ago while I was still doing sewing for my parents' shop, I came up with this embroidery concept. Like, if I did this and this and put it all together, how'd that look? And just like I thought, it turned out absolutely beautifully.
Kelvin: Amazing! You've got a real knack for that kind of thing, don't you?
Chloe: Ehehe! Thanks… You're a kind person too, Kelvin. …But my sisters thought there was no way I could've come up with it on my own. They thought I'd seen someone else's embroidery work and copied it.
Kelvin: That's horrible. How could they?!
Chloe: Well, I was used to it… But Rustica trusted me. He said, "That's amazing, Chloe." I couldn't prove I came up with it on my own, but he didn't doubt me in the first place. It was the very first time I looked at my own embroidery and thought, "He's right. It is amazing." I was so happy and proud of myself. All because Rustica trusted me…
Kelvin: That's who Lord Rustica is, after all. He doesn't mistrust anything. He thinks this world only consists of love and peace. That's because Lord Rustica has only ever known kind and happy things in his life.
Chloe: …I don't think it's possible to have only known happiness, but… I still think I get what you're saying… Rustica never has a bad thing to say about anything. He's very good at finding a silver lining in everything. Even if people trick him or treat him badly, he never says anything about it. I always thought it was weird, honestly. I wondered how he could be like that. But… Is it really possible to live while only knowing kind and happy things…?
Kelvin: He did it. It was possible for that family back then.
Chloe: That family back then, huh…
Kelvin: For the Ferch family that lived in the City of Fortune's Sapphire Palace. Rustica was born to the Ferch family at the height of their prosperity.
Chloe: The Ferch family?
Kelvin: They were Western Country's most dazzling and prosperous aristocrats. They had even more power, politically speaking, than the Western royal family did, and nobles and merchants from around the entire continent did business with them. They amassed wealth from around the world, built the Sapphire Palace, and hosted dinner parties every night. Western Country's important talks about things like war, taxes, and politics weren't discussed at the royal palace, but at Sapphire Palace.
Chloe: So, like, they were more important than the king?
Kelvin: Their power grew from their successful business ventures. Especially with their investments in transcontinental transport. The ones who originally planned, implemented, and maintained the road that runs from Western Country, through Central, all the way to Eastern Country were the Ferches.
Chloe: That's amazing!
Kelvin: People even whispered that the Ferches' divine protection would keep them safe from anything dangerous that came down from the North. The Ferches were beloved by the royal family, the commoners, the nobility, even scholars and artists alike. And that was why when a wizard was born to them, he received nothing but blessings.
Chloe: And that was Rustica…?
Kelvin: Yes. I still remember what the people in the City of Fortune called the baby born in the Sapphire Palace. The child beloved by the sun and moon.
Chloe: (…Ahh, it's unbelievable…) (Rustica and I are as different as night and day…)
Kelvin: Until I met Lord Rustica in person, this was what I thought about the heir to the Sapphire Palace: What do they mean, beloved by the sun and moon? He's just some spoiled brat who got raised up to be selfish and covetous and never had anyone say no to him. And then I actually met him, and Lord Rustica couldn't have been more different than that. He was kind, sincere, humble… He was so generous I actually got worried for him.
Chloe: …I understand… That's the same Rustica that I know…
Kelvin: Haha… It's been so long since I saw him, and he hasn't changed a bit. …His eyes are still so clear… I can't even count how many times I felt ashamed of myself in front of those eyes. I was irritable, skeptical, stingy, pessimistic…
Chloe: Kelvin…
Kelvin: …I wanted to become a musician. But I was scared of putting on a poor performance and getting laughed at… Every time I found a musician to try to apprentice with, they'd cruelly mock me. They really were the worst. Even though I really just wanted to listen to music up close and touch an instrument for myself. I encountered Lord Rustica for the first time while I was traveling, as he was playing a flute, and I laughed at him. What's up with this?! What a weird-sounding song! What a bizarre melody! But he just smiled at me and said, "That's not true. It's a lovely song. Why don't you try to play this flute, too?" And for some reason, when he said that to me… For the first time in my life, I said that I did, I did want to try playing the flute. And I meant it completely. I have loved Lord Rustica ever since.
Chloe: …
Kelvin: And Lord Rustica loved me, too. It was as natural as the fact that candy made from sugar is sweet that people loved him, but he loved them in return so easily. He had an unshakeable faith in himself, but he never strayed from his kind, considerate nature. He freely gave his possessions, his time, and his love to anyone who wanted them.
Chloe: (…That's true for me, too… I'm just one of the people he gave those things to…) (Rustica is a very, very special person to me, but…) (To Rustica, am I…?)
Kelvin: Hey, are you okay?
Chloe: Ah…
Kelvin: You're looking kind of pale. Maybe it's just because of the moonlight, but…
Chloe: I'm fine… Ah… Wait, I need to go find Rustica! He was with me until just a little bit ago.
Kelvin: I know. I could feel his presence… Where is he now?
Chloe: W-well… A wizard I've never seen before suddenly showed up and then vanished with him.
Kelvin: Huh?! Did Zara take him?! Even though she hasn't so much as laid a hand on him before now…
Chloe: Why did Zara turn Rustica's bride into a songbird? If Rustica went through something terrible because of that witch, then… If I were to defeat her, the witch controlling Western Country, would that make Rustica happy…?
Kelvin: Lord Rustica would… I don't think he would be happy with that, no matter who it was.
Chloe: …
Kelvin: You'd just make him sad. So he has no choice but to forget things like that.
Rustica: …
I was in a room that smelled absolutely lovely. It was a fine perfume, the sweet, refreshing scent of flowers blended with burnt sugar. I felt oddly nostalgic being wrapped up in that aroma. It was a sweet and gentle atmosphere, one of sadness tinged with joy. The windows of this room were also lovely. Through them I saw a magnificently built palace, backed by the pre-dawn sky. I felt a bit sleepy, so I thought I'd lie down for a bit. I undressed, leaving my clothes scattered untidily over the floor, and suppressed a yawn. And then I thought to myself, something seems off. If someone saw my clothes on the floor like this, I knew what they'd say.
???: You can't do that, Rustica. They'll get all wrinkled like that.
Rustica: Oh, my apologies.
I apologized to that someone and folded my clothes. I couldn't quite place what that someone's name was. I found a brush, and brushed out my hair. I heard the voice of someone who had talked to me while brushing my hair, from sometime before now. It smelled the same now as it did then. Sweet, refreshing flowers and candy. Flowers dancing gently in the breeze. Small, purple flowers. Gemstones glittering brightly. A delicate porcelain cup…
???: Rustica. My angel. Everyone fortunate enough to meet you is blessed. Your eyes are pure and innocent. Your heart is serene and unselfish. You understand the underpinnings of this world. It is possible that in the future, you may hear thoughtlessly said words, words not worth hearing. But please, you mustn't criticize the people who say them. There is no reason for you to take offense to them. Those who are so poor of heart are those pitiful, those not blessed with good fortune. Those who are well-loved, however, are earnest and virtuous. You must extend your hand to them without hate, without hostility. Kindness and compassion are paramount. As those of high status, we have a responsibility to learn proper ethics. My sweet Rustica. Please extend your love to everyone you can. This way, everyone will be happy.
The sky began to brighten. A veil of navy and violet fluttered at the hem of the night sky's dark dress. Birds began to sing their lovely morning songs. My eyes were on the verge of falling shut. I laid down on the bed. I laid down on the bed, and I was happy. Being able to sleep for as long as I like made me feel free and peaceful. Liberated. I began to hum a song, and fell asleep to that same song of my own making.
Aria Mastandrea was the princess of Western Country as well as my fiancee. I have loved her since the day we first met. She was like a little sister. We were often told we suited one another. We were very happy together. Aria loved the sound of my harpsichord, and I loved the stories Aria would tell. Aria spoke to me often about the things that she loved. Brightly colored pastries, wax seals, bluebirds that pecked at flower petals, buttons with gold around the edges, the royal palace's gardens. His Majesty the King, her Majesty the Queen, me. Her favorite chamberlain, Francesca. The lizards that would appear by her window on rainy days. However, she was lying to me. I knew Aria loved more things than that. I saw her once, as I was walking through the palace garden, contemplating something very deeply. I saw tears in the corners of her eyes as she stared at the garden around her, her gaze very earnest. As if she were committing a sin.
Rustica: Why are you crying?
And Aria replied, She was afraid. She had never disobeyed her parents before. But she was disobeying them for the very first time, right now. Please, she pleaded, take the secret I'm about to tell you seriously. Being told something like that made me quite nervous. For I had never had a "secret" before. Under the boughs of a tree, with no one else around, Aria told me something in little more than a whisper. She had an elder twin sister. Her name was Zara. But twins in the royal family were considered unlucky. And because of that, the twin who was born a witch was forced to live in secrecy. She lived in a tower on the palace grounds. Once, she had asked to look out from the top of that same tower.
Rustica: I remember that. You said you wanted to look at the birds perched by its window. But there were no birds to be seen.
Please forgive me, she said. I lied to you. I wanted to show my beloved elder sister the man who would become my husband.
Rustica: I see, so that's what it was. Your sister lives in that tower…
I have a request, Lord Rustica, she said. I'll never ask you for anything more in my life, so please. Please take a walk through the gardens with Zara, dressed in my clothes, as though she were me. If you can, please take her outside the palace walls. Zara has never been past them before.
Rustica: In other words… I should take your elder sister on an outing somewhere? I would be happy to.
Liliana: …
Rustica: …
Liliana: …He's asleep…
Rustica: …mm…
Liliana: …
Rustica: …I don't want to get up yet… Chloe…
Liliana: …
Chloe: …So Rustica's just going to keep forgetting things forever? One day he'll forget me, and the Sage, and everyone else…
Kelvin: That's right. Like how he's forgotten who I am.
Chloe: Isn't… Isn't there anything I can do?
Kelvin: Can you really say something about it? To Lord Rustica? Can you tell him that the bride he's looking for is already dead? That he's the one who killed her?
Chloe: …uu… I don't want to…
Kelvin: Exactly. Because if you tell him that, the current Lord Rustica will disappear. The happy nobleman, the child beloved by the sun and moon, will vanish. I never want to see Lord Rustica suffering like that again, wailing like he was no more than an animal…
Chloe: …
Kelvin: …I need to go. You never know when or where the witch is listening. I'll be avoiding this place for the time being. You should do the same.
Chloe: Wait, Kelvin…!
Kelvin: Take care of Lord Rustica.
Chloe: Ah… …He disappeared… …If I tell him the truth, the current Rustica will disappear… …Then… Who is the real Rustica…? Will he really be happy continuing to search for a bride that no longer exists…? But…I don't want Rustica to remember…something so horrible… … I need to find Rustica… …This isn't the time to be moping. First off, I need to find Rustica… …I need to help Rustica. I at least owe him that much! …Oh, I should tell Master Sage! They said they were going to Cortes Palace, and then heading to the royal palace… If the witch is at the Western royal palace, then that's the first place I should look for Rustica. I need to hurry…!
4 - Dawn is Coming
Shino: This is…
Bradley: …
The spirits definitely felt like Western ones. I didn't feel any hostile intentions from the bone monsters surrounding us. Figaro was still actively wary of the guy with Murr's face. Mithra seemed unhappy with traveling through a door in space that someone else had made. Nero was out like a light again. I didn't know if his condition was stable or not. I wanted to get him properly treated as soon as I possibly could. And Shino was on edge, supporting Heathcliff on his shoulder and fidgeting like he couldn't decide if he wanted to stick close to Nero or to the curseworker. He had the most repressed bloodlust out of all of us right now, even counting the bone freaks.
Bradley: Stand down, Eastern tiny, Mithra.
Mithra glanced over to me, moving only his eyes.
Bradley: Don't make 'em underestimate us.
That was all I needed to say. Mithra focused his attention on what was in front of him, which was impressive, given his short attention span. The guy with Murr's face smiled.
Murr: Welcome. Please, use this manor as you will. I'll arrange for medical supplies to be brought to you shortly. You have many injured, after all.
Shino: You think you get to say that…?! All of their injuries are because of those damn things standing next to you!
Heathcliff: Shino…!
Shino's eyes were blazing with fury for the things that had put his comrades into this state. I could still feel traces of the curseworker's protection magic on him, and he had the guts to try and fight his way out of this. His courage was downright admirable.
Figaro: Get them to me immediately. As well as several people familiar with medical training.
Figaro's voice was calm, but it was steeped in a very obvious, very deadly anger.
Murr: But of course. I'd love to help you myself, but tragically, there is somewhere else I need to be.
Figaro: And where would that be?
Murr: I need to greet the Master Sage.
Figaro frowned, and I wasn't feeling any more happy about that than he was. I didn't want this Murr getting anywhere close to the Sage.
Bradley: (Should I get Mithra to go with him? But if I do that, then we won't have enough people here.) Bradley: (I'm pretty sure this is one of those actualized shards of Murr's soul I've heard about. And the shard was probably attached to that cat of his somewhere.) (Should I shoot it? If I do, how would the bone freaks react?)
While thoughts like that were chasing themselves in a circle in my head, Figaro handed the unconscious Faust off to Lennox.
Figaro: Sorry. I know you're hurt, too.
Lennox: No, it's fine…
But in the next moment, Figaro's magic focus, his orb, appeared at his hand.
Bradley: (This guy's got a short fuse too, huh.)
I was sick of him doing things that reminded me of how the twins wanted to run things. Even if they act like they're sensible, they jump the gun way too damn fast. I held Nero tighter in my arms, and my next words were very pointed.
Bradley: Yo, Southern doctor. You've got wounded to be lookin' after. If anyone's gonna be doin' anything right now, it's gonna be me.
Mithra: I'm going to be the one to take them down. All of them.
But Murr wasn't intimidated.
Murr: Did you enjoy it that much?
Figaro: Then hurry it up. I want to get to treating my patients. I'd rather not get attacked while I'm busy tending to them, so finish things up before that happens.
Murr: If we were planning on attacking you, we wouldn't have brought you here.
Bradley: What do you want with the Sage?
Murr: I intend on collecting all of the Sage's wizards here. Ah, of course. Perhaps I shouldn't have gone about this in the middle of the night. Is that why you're suspicious of me? Things that could happen innocently during the daytime can become perilous in the dead of night. This, too, is a captivating aspect of…
Mithra: <Arthim>
Blue flames raged out of Mithra's crystal skull alongside a furious blizzard, and the shape of Murr in front of us was annihilated. Me and Figaro were both left completely speechless. The cat that had been at Murr's feet leapt away, escaping as far from us as it could. And then, above the now distant cat, Murr once again flickered into view.
Murr: Goodness. Northern wizards have such short tempers. Hey, hey. Can you get close to those people over there again for me? Don't be scared. Please, I'm begging you…
Mithra ignored Murr distantly grumbling to himself and turned to face me.
Mithra: I'm going to go get the Sage.
Bradley: Sure, good plan. You know where they are?
Mithra: If I feel for their presence, yes. Well, I'll be going now. I have a feeling they're here in Western Country.
Having said that, Mithra glanced down at Nero, who was still securely in my arms. I was instantly wary of him. It was more instinct than anything.
Mithra: Is that person dead?
I didn't know what exactly he meant by that, but it still put me on edge. He better not tell me to give him Nero's stone.
Bradley: He ain't dead. He's too stubborn for that.
Mithra: Is that right? Thank goodness. Shino asked me to save him.
There was no possible way I really just heard him say something so…human. The concept alone was completely alien to Mithra of the North--he wouldn't even consider it. Mithra was still staring at Nero, and there was even a smile on his face.
Mithra: Anyway, I'm leaving now.
Bradley: Yeah, thanks.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra was gone, leaving behind only the night breeze. I raised my head, and my eyes met Figaro's. He was as shocked as I was by how Mithra was acting. We both looked away without saying anything.
Figaro: Let's hurry. This way, Leno. Heathcliff, can you walk?
Heathcliff: …ah, I'll be fine.
Shino: You can lean on me. How's Faust?
Lennox: His breathing is shallow. We need to get him laying down as soon as we can.
Shino: Bradley!
Bradley: I'm coming! Nero's still doin' fine.
The jet-black night sky was starting to turn blue around the edges. Dawn was coming. The time Oz's magic would return. Even if the bone freaks attacked us after the Sage and the lil' ones joined us here, everything would be fine. I noticed myself feelin' relieved about that and felt a sudden sense of dread. There's no goddamn way I was feelin' relieved about Oz's continued existence. Maybe I was dreamin' or something. I needed to walk around or somethin' to make sure I was actually awake. The amount of people that could actually be saved was limited. I needed to prioritize and cut the rest off. I glared at the air in front of me, and started walking.
Rutile: It's almost dawn…
Oz: So it is…
Rutile: Mitile and Riquet are both asleep. I'm sure they must've worn themselves out.
Oz: … Why…
Rutile: Hm?
Oz: Why would one give birth?
Rutile: … I…haven't given birth…
Oz: Yes… Of course not.
Rutile: Ahaha… Are you talking about my mother?
Oz: Correct.
Rutile: Do I really resemble her that much? Although I've been hearing that ever since I was Mitile's age.
Oz: You do not. However, there are traces of her in your countenance. The two of you can be…difficult to distinguish.
Rutile: That's an interesting way of putting it. …Were you close with her? My mother?
Oz: No… I had no particular interest in her.
Rutile: …
Oz: Given we have the opportunity, there is something I'd like to discuss with you.
Rutile: What is it?
Oz: … Is there anything… You would not want children to know of…
Rutile: Is there perhaps something you don't want to tell Lord Arthur about, Lord Oz?
Oz: …
Rutile: Ah… Sorry. That was just what came to mind.
Oz: … We should have talked more.
Rutile: You mean with my mother?
Oz: Yes. She talked often.
Rutile: Ahaha. I know all about that.
Oz: …Every time someone used their words with me, part of their heart entered mine. I disliked that.
Rutile: …
Oz: And yet, as I think of her now, I believe that perhaps I should have listened to what she said more attentively.
Rutile: …Why did you dislike it?
Oz: …Yes, why did I… Because I could not understand them. Even if I attempted to, I could not. Consequently, I did not wish to hear the words of others. I do not understand myself, either. And so… I have no words with which to describe myself. Putting myself into words would be inherently inaccurate. That things would always be conveyed inaccurately…left me weary.
Rutile: …
Oz: …Why are you crying?
Rutile: …I'm sorry… It's just, I think that…I must be the same way…
Oz: You talk frequently, however.
Rutile: Ahaha… But…I really do think I'm the same as you. I want to properly listen to people, I want to properly speak to them… But I can't understand what they're trying to say, and so I can't properly convey what I want to, either… …And so I hurt them and get hurt in return…even though I want to be kind to them…
Oz: I see… If it is difficult for someone as kindhearted as you, then I am sure it must be a trial all must face. Though she had a wild temperament, you are kind.
Rutile: You're a kind person too, Lord Oz…
Oz: …That is incorrect.
Rutile: You did great at talking with me, too. I understood what you wanted to tell me. I want to think that I understand…
Oz: …This is something Riquet has said to me. "I feel the same way."
Rutile: Huh…?
Oz: …The sky grows bright.
Rutile: Does this count as dawn?
Oz: Not just yet.
Rutile: Maybe you'll be able to do it if you try. Could I ask you to do that?
Oz: I shall.
Rutile: Then please sit down right here. That way if you fall asleep and fall over, you won't hit your head.
Oz: Here?
Rutile: Yes! Well then, take it away!
Oz: … <Vox…> Snz…
Rutile: Ah!! It really was a bit too early…!
5 - I Don't Want to Lose Anyone
I was flying through the night sky with Shylock, Murr, Gregory, and a piece of Murr's soul. Although we did return to Cortes Palace, none of us could relax, so we departed again after leaving a message for Chloe and Rustica. I was traveling with Western wizards, but no one said a thing. Having been overtaken by my exhaustion from everything that had happened that day, I was nodding off on the back of Shylock's broom.
Murr: You're falling, dear Sage.
Akira: ……ah!
I startled Shylock, and he turned to face me. He narrowed his eyes a bit and smiled.
Shylock: My apologies for not realizing. I suppose a trip like this is a bit taxing for a regular person such as yourself, Master Sage. I can use my magic to ensure you don't fall, but if you'd prefer, shall we find somewhere to rest?
Akira: I'm fine. But, um, just in case, if you could make sure I don't fall…
Mithra: <Arthim>
Just then, I heard a familiar voice. A door suddenly opened in the night sky, and then, there was Mithra.
Akira: Mithra.
Mithra was as relaxed as always, but when he saw Saku-chan, his face twisted into one of blatant distaste.
Mithra: That thing's still clinging onto you.
Saku-chan didn't mind, though. It was just nudging my shoulder with its nose. Mithra came closer to me and shook his hand a little, like he was trying to get something off of it. Gregory took to the air.
Mithra: There's more of you than I was expecting.
Gregory: Wah, watch out--!
Mithra: And I believe this is the one I missed my chance to kill earlier.
Murr: By any chance, are you referring to me?
Shylock: Murr was almost killed?
Murr: Ooh, by who? By Mithra? By Oz? Or by you, Shylock?
Akira: H-hold on, Mithra. Don't throw them off.
I held Gregory and the shard of Murr protectively in my arms, and then asked Mithra a question.
Akira: Do you mean that you tried to kill a shard of Murr's soul? Where did you meet him?
Mithra: A shard of his soul? Oh, now that you mention it, I do think I heard something about that before. No wonder something seemed off. He was on top of a cat.
Akira: A cat?
Murr: Sounds fuuuun! I want to ride on a cat, too!
Murr: I'm glad to hear that shards other than myself are enjoying their lives as well.
Shylock: You killed a shard of Murr? Did the Murr you killed return to the shard? Or did it destroy it permanently?
Murr: Ooh, what an eager student you are, Shylock!
Murr: Are you planning on composing a thesis on the subject?
Shylock: Be quiet, Murr. Mithra, what happened to that Murr?
Mithra: He was riding on top of a cat. He said he was going to go greet the Sage, so I came here to get you instead.
Mithra was frowning. It seemed like something unpleasant had happened to him.
Akira: Why were you and a shard of Murr fighting?
Mithra: He set bone doll monsters on us. Faust and Nero almost died, and Heathcliff and Lennox got done in, too.
Akira: Huh…?!
My mind went completely blank. My heart started pounding in my chest, and my vision started fading around the edges.
Akira: Wh…why…
Mithra: Like I said, we were attacked by doll-like, bone monster-like things. I won, of course.
And now Faust and Nero were almost dead, and Heath and Leno were badly hurt… Their smiles popped into my head. The idea of losing those smiles scared me so bad I wanted to scream. We'd encountered all sorts of dangerous situations before. I always knew that them losing their lives was a real possibility, and yet I just sent them out with little more than a "Take care." Not a single time had I ever been prepared to face the prospect of them actually dying.
Akira: (What do I do, what do I do, what do I do…)
I was so scared and confused I could hardly breathe. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed onto Mithra's arm.
Akira: Did…did you save them?
Mithra: Probably. Figaro is with them.
Akira: …Haahh…
My sigh of relief came from the very bottom of my heart. And yet at the same time as that relief, I felt my stomach twist itself into a knot and my fingers start to tremble. I was told they were almost dead, and then only seconds later, I was told they were going to be okay. But it had felt like an eternity. There were tears in my eyes, ready to fall.
Akira: …sniff, thank goodness… Can I see them? Can you take me to them?
Mithra: Of course I can.
Mithra was looking straight at me.
Shylock: Master Sage…
Shylock tugged me closer to him. The moment I relaxed, I'd started to slip. From within my arms, the shard of Murr started to speak.
Murr: The probability that these "bone doll monsters" are artificial wizards is very high.
Shylock: Artificial wizards? Are you saying you made a wizard? How could you create something like that all over again…
Murr: I didn't make them. But the plans for them were in my laboratory. It seems someone found them and perfected the concept.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra opened another door in the sky. Gregory whispered to me, worried about how pale and shaken I must've looked.
Gregory: Are you okay?
Akira: Yes…
Though he was in the shape of a bird and all he had for a face were his beak and his round eyes, I still felt like he'd smiled gently at me.
Gregory: You're a very kind person. The Sage's wizards must be happy to know how much you care about them.
But of course I did. If even a single one of them were missing, I wouldn't be here right now. I was able to live in this world only because each and every one of them had helped me. I didn't want to lose any of them.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra took us to a room I'd never seen before.
Figaro: Master Sage.
Akira: Figaro…
I wanted to say something to him, but the sight of his fingertips stopped me. They were stained crimson. I looked down and saw Faust laying on a bed, covered in wounds.
Akira: …!
I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming, and that startled Gregory, who took to the air. Seeing what looked like a bird, Figaro drew the bedsheets over Faust's body.
Figaro: What a pretty bird. Or, a person? Sorry, but I'm in the middle of treating patients right now, so you'll need to wait outside.
Akira: S-sorry. Figaro, Faust is going to be okay, isn't he?
Figaro's eyes met mine and he nodded, his smile a reliable one.
Figaro: Of course he is. He's got Dr. Figaro by his side, after all.
Akira: Thank goodness… Thank you so much!
There was a gentle kindness in Figaro's hazel eyes. And maybe it was just my imagination, but he seemed happy, too.
Figaro: Yep. Just leave everything to me.
Akira: What about Nero? Is Nero okay, too?
Figaro: As long as he rests. If he strains himself, he'll lose his life. He's through the room on the other side of the hall.
Akira: Thank you! I'm going to go check on him.
Figaro: Ah, don't walk around on your own. Shylock, could you go with the Sage?
Shylock: Of course. Does that mean this place isn't safe? Or, unsafe enough that we can't let the Sage be on their own.
Figaro: That's right. I'll explain what's up later. Mithra, I need you to fetch Rutile next.
Mithra: Excuse me?
Figaro: We don't have enough hands here, and I want to check up on Nero and Heath, too. He should be somewhere here in Western Country.
Mithra: I refuse.
Figaro: Why?
Mithra didn't respond. I looked up at him, and he was almost pouting.
Akira: …Did you two have a fight?
Mithra: He's a pigheaded jerk.
Figaro: Come on, Mithra. I need you to hurry. And while you're at it, can you track down Oz, too?
Mithra: Absolutely not.
A voice called out from my breast pocket.
Murr: I shall assist you.
I blinked, and my pocket Murr was full size again. When Mithra and Figaro saw him, their faces turned grim. Murr's bright eyes narrowed to slits as he smiled at them.
Murr: I am still a doctor of medicine, you know.
The shard of Murr reached his fingers towards Shylock's hair and stole Shylock's hair tie, just like that. Shylock frowned at him, looking annoyed. As Murr tied his hair back with his purloined hair tie, he addressed me.
Murr: Shall we go, Master Sage?
I pressed my hand against the shard of purple sapphire in my pocket and nodded. Just before we stepped out, I looked up at Mithra.
Akira: Are you sure you won't help us with Rutile? Mithra…
Mithra: …
Mithra was still pouting, his lips curved down in dissatisfaction. He sighed, but he was being reluctant about it.
Mithra: Just this once.
Akira: I'm sorry for the trouble. But thank you.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra disappeared into a door through space. Shylock stepped toward me and put a hand on my back. The nimble, catlike Murr was about to follow us so he didn't get left behind, but Figaro called out to him.
Figaro: Murr, hold on.
Murr: What, what?
Murr: What is it?
Figaro: Err… That's rather troublesome, isn't it. Could the one that's Shylock's dear pet stay and help me? You are a doctor, aren't you?
Murr: I mighta forgotten how to be?
Figaro: I'll tell you what you need to do. Ahh, just when I was getting a feeling of deja vu, instead it turned into Dr. Figaro's Classroom…
Figaro grumbled to himself, looking bitter. It seemed like it had been a long time since he'd taught healing magic, down in the South.
Lennox: Excuse me. --Master Sage.
Just before we could step out the door, Lennox stepped in before us. His clothes, too, were stained with blood. He noticed me before I could figure out what to say and smiled at me.
Lennox: Don't worry, they're just scratches. Please look in on Nero and Heathcliff. What kind of bird is this…? I don't think you should bring the bird with you.
Gregory: Yes, that's true. Master Sage, I shall leave your side for the time being.
Lennox's eyes widened when he heard Gregory speak. Figaro smiled bitterly, even as his hands moved swifly and skillfully.
Figaro: You should at least be able to identify the presence of a person turned into a bird. Faust is going to scold you.
Lennox: That's true.
Their quiet words sounded like prayers. Both of them were waiting for the moment when those prayers would be answered and Faust opened his eyes again. They had faith that moment would come.
I went to the room Nero was supposed to be in with Shylock. Shino was already there. The moment he saw the shard of Murr, his expression changed. His scythe appeared in his hand and flashed across the narrow room. Murr only got a second to dodge. If he'd been even a moment too slow, his head would've separated from his body.
Murr: It seems I've earned quite a bit of resentment.
Shylock: As you always do. Shino, this shard of Murr is one we found in the Royal Botanical Gardens. This shard is different from the one that attacked you Eastern wizards.
Shino: …
Shino eyed us warily, trying to confirm what Shylock had said. It was very easy to tell from the sharpness of his gaze and his lack of composure that something terrible had happened. Shino was a proud wizard and a stranger to cowardice. Any other time, I would've seen a grin on his lips as he boasted about what he'd done. Instead, his whole body was tense. Something had happened that needed him to be that on edge, ready for anything. He let out the breath he'd been holding, and his scythe disappeared.
Shino: Sorry. Sage, come sit with Nero.
Nero was tucked into a bed, his eyes closed. I watched Nero's face quietly, but Shino muttered something.
Shino: Figaro said Nero's wounds were the worst out of everyone's. We were only saved because he took the first hit and told us what to watch out for.
Shino was staring straight into my eyes.
Shino: Be sure you praise him a lot when he wakes up.
Akira: I will… Shino, did you not get hurt at all? Even though I sent you somewhere so dangerous…
I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry. Right as I was about to say that, I remembered what Bradley said to me. I couldn't look apologetic if I was going to give them orders. I needed to be proud of them for what they've done. Be proud of him… What should I say to tell him I'm proud of him? As I thought that, I looked at Shino, at his expression that he was trying so, so hard to keep even. And then I realized something. Faust and Nero had both been badly wounded, and Heathcliff had gotten hurt, too. Right now, Shino was struggling helplessly with something worse than I could ever imagine. When he'd swung his scythe at us just moments ago, he'd been trying to protect his comrades, all on his lonesome.
Akira: Shino… Thank you. Because of you, Faust, Nero, and Heath all came home in one piece. The fact that I can come see them all is all because you were willing to put your life on the line for them. I'm glad you were there for them, Shino. …I'm so, so glad…
Shino's red eyes looked up at me, startled. His gaze trembled, the rippling of the ocean at sunset captured in his eyes. It was the expression of someone very close to tears, even as he smiled at me. But he was so proud and fearless, he wouldn't admit that.
Shino: Yeah, well.
My eyes started getting hot, so I averted my gaze. Instead, I looked down at Nero, still sleeping. I couldn't say I liked seeing his sleeping face like this, though. His skin was so pale it was hard to believe he still had blood pumping through his veins. It hurt to look at him.
Akira: You, too… Thank you, Nero.
My voice was trembling. Shylock gently put a hand on my shoulder. His eyes were closed, and he murmured into my ear.
Shylock: Are you alright, Master Sage?
Akira: Yes… Shylock, Murr. Can I can leave Nero to the two of you? I want to see Heathcliff. Shino, is it okay if I do that right now?
Shino: I'll take you there. Shylock, take care of Nero.
Shylock: Of course. Shino, please stay at the Sage's side. If anything should happen…
Shino: I know. Don't worry. Bradley's here, too.
Akira: He is?
Shino: He was here until just a second ago. After we swapped off, he vanished. So he could keep watch from far away, he said.
Akira: From far away…
Shino: He'll be acting as sniper if anything happens. You should be glad a bullet didn't pass through your skull.
The shard of Murr simply shrugged his shoulders. I looked outside through the room's window. I could feel someone out there, watching over us, protecting us. Even if we were far apart, he would protect me. And he was still much closer than any god was.
Next Chapter
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q-ueen-potato · 1 year
Five times Luffy was recognized as Whitebeard's son and one he figured it out
Part 1 to my gift to @alexoreality .
Here is my dear brain spouse
1- Dadan
Luffy was holding a bird.  
The head of the Dadan family opened the door impatiently because of the annoying knocks, just to be surprised by Luffy holding the bird that was wearing a hat by its feet, the boy was smiling even though his face was all scratched and his hair was messy.  Of course Luffy tried to fight the poor animal 
"I found this funny bird outside your house, can I eat it?"  the 15 year old boy says handing the animal to be close to the woman's face 
"That's not for eating you brat" Dadan says hitting the boy's head "It's a News Coo, look at his paws" 
"There's a package" 
"That's right, it was probably making a delivery" the woman catches the bird picking up the small package wrapped in a letter.  The bird waits for a moment looking between Luffy and Dadan "I won't pay you" Dadan affirms making the bird sigh before flying away distraught 
There was a moment of silence as Dadan pulled the rolled-up letter from the package and read the first few lines for more information.  The bandits inside the house looked curiously at their boss as Dogra approached.
"Whose is this Boss?"  Dogra asks trying to see the contents in the hands of the mountain bandit.  
"From Ace, it's for you Luffy" the woman hands the package to Luffy who looks excitedly at the letter missing his brother
"For me?'' The smile on the boy's face grows as he takes the package and opens the accompanying letter.  He analyzes the words in concentration, tongue sticking out as he tries to read it clearly 
"Do you want to-" 
"No, I can do it" Luffy interrupts Dadan before starting to read aloud 
"Hi little brother, I miss you so much. The Gran Line is amazing and can't wait to meet you here, wanted to wish you a happy birthday- silly Ace, my birthday is next week shishishi" Luffy interrupts his reading to laugh as the bandits take a deep breath to Luffy's silliness 
"He obviously didn't know when the letter was going to arrive Luffy , remember he is on the Gran Line now." Magra tries to explain to the boy who seems to understand although he didn't absorb any information actually
"True, along with the letter there is a small present for you" Luffy puts the letter aside for a moment to open the package, very well packed there was a silver necklace.  
The chain was thin and well-crafted, a jolly roger with a banana mustache was the pendant in the center.  The necklace was understated to the point that you had to look closely to see what it was. It was  obviously hand made and using the best materials.
The bandits' eyes widened as they saw the silver necklace under the light, the implications as to what the jewelry meant hit them by surprise.
"This is..." begins Dadan terrified 
"No matter where you go, you will always have a home in this sea. Love Ace" Luffy smiles even more hugging the letter when he finishes reading, the necklace  firmly in his hands "Ace is so cool shishishi" the boy says immediately trying to fasten the necklace but having difficulties.  
Breaking out of her stupor, Dadan approaches helping Luffy put the necklace.
"Do you know what that necklace means Luffy?"  asks Magra to the boy who was lovingly looking at the pendant on his new necklace 
"It's Ace's gift" Luffy looks at Magra as if the man is stupid.  Didn't he listen to the letter he  just read? 
 "Yes, but on top of that" 
Now Luffy was confused, It was Ace's gift and that what it was. It had no other meaning.  
"That's Whit-" 
"That's Ace's gift" Dadan interrupts a worried Dogra with a look that dares him to continue as she notices Luffy's smile grow.  
She didn't have the heart to tell Luffy that he was adopted by a crazy captain, but not just anyone, but the great pirate Whitebeard.  
Garp is gonna kill her
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