#so im winging it and making shit up
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
Have you ever thought about what Yomi's like when ill
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probably just as insufferable as when he's healthy LMAO
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puppyeared · 5 months
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my attempt at making a fursona
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toxooz · 5 months
omg i literally love wheelbitten as a comic and ur art is amazing
random question but how long have u been drawing as an artist and do u have advice.............
thank uuuu and I've been drawin my ass off since I could hold a pencil and I'm 24 (25 next month) now so this shit wasn't overnight by any means lmfao idk the way i did it was have A Thing that you like drawing and just draw the fuck outa it and eventually you'll get better for sure whether it be the desire to get better at drawing said thing makes you do research and study something to become better at it or just literal muscle memory from drawing said thing so much. I had lil spouts of taking time to get better at specific things like anatomy, shading, ect. by studying it but overall i just subconsciously got better by mentally picking up new things everytime i draw and analyzing the world around me. Even recently i got to see that with drawing tactical gear (that ive never really drawn before and never wanted to draw in my life) soley bc i just REALLY fukkin love Ghost and Konig
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i went from being terrified and intimidated of drawing tactical gear (even trying to put a gun in front of it as if that was any better lmfao) it used to be vague as hell and my brain would shut down just trying to look at the references(i remember having a ''shit man am i even gunna be able to draw these characters???'' moment of dread the first time i was drawing Konig pffft) to absolutely loving drawing tactical gear and seeing how much more detailed i can make it with every new drawing, so a complete 180 but that's bc im just totally obsessed with the characters and drawing is how i express that sO thats mainly what i mean by just have a thing that you love and want to draw and the rest should follow with time, patience, and practice. I think it's about training your brain and motivation to pick up on details or a certain way something looks in lighting (or lack thereof) bc my brain is probably wired a certain way after art being like a centerpiece of my development to the point to where drawing is just What I Do and at this point if i dont draw for even a few days i start getting vaguely antsy and fidgety it's crazy lmfao SO idk if this is worded like i need it to but yeah art and the act of drawing can be frustrating as hell but it should be enjoyable and rewarding above all else at the end of the day!
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 months
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YAY FINALLY MEETING THE WINGED LION!!!! maybe ill get some answers finally
i still dont know whats this guys deal except that hes like a patron of the dungeon? but aside from that hes a total mystery to me. well maybe ill learn more soon!!
also. giga quad head marcille happened. not sure what to do w this info tho
currently at chapter 60!! god i love itzusumi so much...... i love all of them...........
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d3l3t3d-deactivated · 1 month
#realized/had an epiphany today that so many of the traits my abusers have condemned me for are the same traits that my friends and family#love about me#im weird and funny and slightly insane#i will threaten to reanimate steve jobs so that i can kill him again and yell at cars driving in the bus lane#i will burn my breakfast and give a dollar to a person on the street and yell PENIS PENIS GOD FUCKING DAMNIT when i stub my toe#i will cover myself in fake blood from target and pretend to be a serial killer to and EDM song because i think it’s funny#i will quote webshows me and 5 other people have seen and i don’t care that you don’t wanna watch it with me#i will interupt people by mistake because im excited to talk to them and you won’t be there to yell at me#i will buy the expensive treat for myself because you aren’t there to steal it from me#i will watch that horror movie and play thay horror game because you arent there to say im gross and depressing for liking it#i will make a fucked up meal with microwave rice and canned beans because you arent there to tell me im a terrible cook#i will fuck around with my makeup because you arent there to tell me i’m bad at makeup#i will thrift for crazy costumes and style crazy wigs because you arent around to steal them from me#i will make new friends because you arent there to tell me you don’t like them so i shouldn’t hang around them#i will keep leading with kindness and not shit talk people i don’t even know just because they give you ‘a vibe’#don’y you dare ever take away my claws and clip my wings again im a weird monsterman and i like it that way
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orcelito · 11 months
I think one of the best things about writing Vash the Stampede is I can just do whatever the fuck I want. There are very few limits to his physical capability. He's got superhuman strength, weird as fuck flexibility, impossibly precise dexterity, and the Devil's Own Luck
Add in the incredibly variable & minimally defined plant powers and there is just... so fucking much I can do
Many times now I've ended up being like "would this even work??" Or "how would I explain this happening??" & it's just like. Fuck It. "Because Plants"
Because Plants is my favorite excuse. I enjoy this creative sandbox very much.
#speculation nation#trigun#itnl shit#<- relevant bc that's where this is most applied. happens in Sentido too but not as much#ive pulled some bonkers shit in itnl so far and we havent even gotten to the Truly bonkers shit yet#like him just casually jumping from the 3rd floor like it's nothing. several times.#him with his insane balance holding a struggling kid still as he balances a cup of water on his knee#climbing 100 feet up a giant structure with minimal handholds IN THE DARK???#getting blasted with a Lethal amount of electricity & walking off 4th degree burns like 'Meh. it hurts i guess. no big deal tho'#AND the fucking. fly test around the 500 ft tall butte where hes just fucking jumping and soaring#& then clips his wing 50 ft in the air so he goes for a Tumble (50 ft in the air) and he grinds thru the sand for like hundreds of feet#bc he was flying FAST. creating a fucking gouge in the land from his tumble. giant cloud of sand kicked up in the air.#he comes to a stop on his back. his wings fucking Hurt. but him himself? oh he is Just Fine.#CRAZY! BONKERS I TELL YOU! and it's perfectly within the bounds of canon!!!!!!#i love playing in this sandbox soooo fucking much i swear lmao#vash is also so goofy and lovable and makes scenes so entertaining to write#until it comes time to Hurt Him and then that's fun to write too heheh#idk man like i love his personality Of Course. but the creative liberties this universe has allowed me to take is SOOO fun#im over here pulling stunt after stunt and i have plans for even more#OH GOD THIS ISNT EVEN MENTIONING THE ANGEL CENTIPEDE THING!!!!!!!!!! hfsjhfkshfjdbdjshdj#oh vash the stampede my beloved. how i enjoy writing you so...
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bunnyb34r · 6 months
I know I should just block (and not OPEN) tags and posts ab '24 but my brain is stupid and likes to be informed even if it makes me worse
#marquilla#im not even joking when i say this next election makes me wanna kms so bad. im fucking terrified and i feel like we already know what's#gonna happen. not bc people arent voting or organizing i mean bc of how far the right has gotten and how angry they are that a#dem won so theyre gonna show up in droves and it's like god i wish we could idk have some safegaurds in place??? like oh idk you#incite an insurrection you Can't run for president?? but also that wouldnt fully stop shit bc florida has its own neo nazi running and#theres more behind him in the wings. but like idk man i just get so fucking suicidal thinking ab the future#and my drs. are like well then dont look at the news??? 'i sure dont' mkay thats great (not) but um i CAN'T not watch bc i need to#be informed i need to know. and they're like well then stop worrying ab it til election day?? LIKE THAT HELPS#so i just dont bring it up. and i just spiral and have breakdowns in the shower and think ab making a will and shit yknow normal stuff#bc this is fine! just dont engage! stop worrying it's like a year away! it MIGHT get better! idk Join in your community then??#like yes yes thats a start but with what fucking energy when im bedbound most of the time im not working and that doesnt stop these fascist#s like me helping the community garden would be good for the community and probably my mental health in general BUT that doesnt deal with#the actual fear that makes me wanna Kermit#like it really fucking feels like all i can do is pray and hope god somehow intervenes (rapture anyone?) and that things do go well and#that the outright outspoken nzis don't win but like I really just wanna die man#i know the outcome more than likely will not directly affect my life bc im white. cis passing. and can go back in the closet regretfully#but like that doesnt reassure me any bc i have friends and loved ones and generally just give a shit ab other people and how this WILL#affect them directly and that terrifies me. it really feels like we cant ever have a moment to just exist yknow??#idk man i just wanna die bc im so scared haha how fun (: how normal (: this is fine. everything is fine.
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dullahandyke · 1 year
coming to the realisation that i can buy whatever i want to look however i want. insane
#but my cd bags havent come yet n i cant buy another thing until they come in the post bcos i prommied myself#n after that i need to get new over-ear headphones#also update the reward points system for making me do things is Not Working so i might ditch it#but also i. dont have a job. so i gotta ration my money. n if i wing it i feel like ill fuck it up#but also like. sigh ok so the plan was that for every task i do i get a euro of spending money. to motivate me to do tasks so i can buy thi#but ive racked up a debt already. oops! so theoretically i need to work that off before i can start saving for someghing new to buy#the thing is tho that my headphones broke n i have earbuds but i NEEEED to have on-ear headphones or ill explode#n im thinking of biting the bullet and buying some proper nice ones#but thats spencey itd take so long to save up for those#n i could theoretically add that to my debt n buy them now but that would render the debt functionally meaningless#bcos if i gotta do 100+ tasks to work off the debt to START saving for shit like a binder#then we're gonna have a problem#this could be mitigated by me getting less expensive headphones n stuff but like w a warranty so that when they inevitably break#i dont gotta vimes boots it and instead i can just get the same headphones again#but thats a lot of electrical waste :(#sigh i COULD ask my mom to get me the nicey headphones as a pre-emptive leaving cert thing#but id say shed rather get me something AFTER the leaving which is like. 20 days. n can i survive that long without overear headphones?#tbh probably. but also my perception is skewed bcos im currently in If I Have Headphones On I Will DIE mode#so shrug ill have to think it thru some other time#aughghghghgh!!!!!1 what if i killed and bit#<- still hasnt started studying for the leaving. at this point i dont think its gonna happen
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rtgame · 6 months
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also forgot to update but this week’s gunpla update:
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gifti3 · 8 months
Mean girl trio with asmo satan and beel
Should they be like mean mean
Or "nice mean"??? I think the 2nd one works the best especially since beel is involved cause hes not dumb enough to not be bothered by asmo being mean to mc
#writing idea#beel will be emotional support for mc later on probably and also hes hot so he needs to be in the group and bribing him is very easy#im gonna try not to straight up copy mean girls or heathers here...#but i need asmo and mc to have the most toxic relationship in existence#okay exaggerating#but its messy#first its just mc seeing through asmos image he likes to push forward#so they probably dont go along with whatever he wants which makes asmo dislike them#and this just leads to mcs rep just plummeting#and the tension between asmo and mc just keeps getting worse until they have a standoff in the bathroom that leads to them making out#so after THAT asmo decides to take mc “under his wing” but its more like hes trying to like keep them nearby#so hes dragging them everywhere and dressing them up and shit#eventually mc is like...yo this is annoying and tries to bounce but just makes asmo latch on harder#so mc is like...i gotta figure out how to undo this whole situation#but the mc keeps throwing it back for asmo even tho they said they would try to end whatever they have going on#and this doesnt even factor in satan and beels thoughts#i feel having them be brothers would mess up this whole dynamic#so they have to be just people that go to the same college or whatever#maybe i could work with that better#let me think on this more...#idk if im gonna write more about this in some tags on a random post lol#i just wanted the bathroom makeout thing to exist but now im building a whole world around this ONE scene in my mind
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shirleyjacksonesque · 8 months
2023 really has been the worst year for me
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vagueiish · 6 months
all i want for christmas is to matter and to be worth something to anyone and not be so fuckin useless and worthless. to not be so fucking alone and have to watch other people being people and being loved and mattering and cared for while i barely fucking register
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mymp3 · 1 year
another P3 FES update!
spoiler talk under the cut :
(start with the tags at the bottom and then read from here. yeah, i know, im crazy. i got too excited and now the post is messy. forgive me.)
anyways, dec 31st.
imagine forgetting something so integral to your being for the year that youve started fighting shadows, and being shown it in the most intimate way ever.
like, of course he's not gonna kill him. its thanatos, its ryoji, it's death, how could he have forgotten? he loves him.
but its so so funny i was like "eh, i dont get it too much rn" *is thanatos* "oh i get it".
i think its just bc everything started slotting into place, and oughhh i love when you get to that part in stories. because it becomes a different picture.
minato has always been alone, but he also hasnt been. humans and family members that pass him from house to house, because "he's too weird", and reminds them too much of death. gets to always have a comforting presence with him, nothing any human could offer, because at least death is there for him.
death is there for him because death LOVES him. death loves him so much. he accepts him for everything minato is percieved to be, and minato loves him tenfold in turn. he's been made fun of, shunned, misunderstood, and hated his whole life for something that was never any fault of his.
his "humanity" was taken from him, ryoji embodies minatos humanity. he's his kindness, expressiveness, his outgoingness. and yet, minato retains his kindness. minato, sweet minato, who made death human, is still unwaveringly kind.
and this is what i think is so amazing and integral to them, specifically as them. theyre foils, it wouldnt work if minato was suddenly happier or more peppy, or ryoji was sad and depressed. it only works if theyre them.
minato loves every bit of death, no matter what he calls himself. he's been apart of his life for as lonf as he can remember. they're one another in all ways you can entangle them.
death though, is terrified of this. he wants to keep minato safe. he ruined any chance he had of him having a normal life. he gets mistreated because of him. how could you love him? dont love him. please dont love me, kill me, i want you to be happy. i dont want you to suffer. and minato looks, smiles, and tells him there'd be no universe in which he'd kill him.
they're soulmates in the traditional since of the word, they make each others souls whole. know and love each other inside and out. and minato knows hed never be alone. hes not afraid of death, it brings him comfort.
Its so sad too, because ryoji fits the role of eurydice too well for comfort. theyre not going to get to be happy together and im so fuckinf scare.d.
sorry for the long ramble, will report back with more when i get some major story stuff again o7
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sosquaresowhat · 1 year
Yo what the fuuuuck happened to my friends?
Obvi if you can see this it's not you, you're still lovely <3 this is about old work and college friends
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ccorvid · 1 year
witchsona you say?
lmaoo. yeah, thanks for asking!
i’m still embarrassed about it so i’m gonna put it under this read more, but yeah. ♥️💖💜
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name: dæv corvax pronouns: they/he/she (in that order) school: hexside track: wild witch, specializing in abominations & elemental magics palisman: crow (named vix) curse: corvus
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arundolyn · 2 years
i love how i had just checked the page for the izayoi also bc it said on the uniform section of the NOL page that “tsubaki is allowed to wear the izayoi while on duty, despite it not being part of the standard uniform”, which led me to believe oh, maybe the izayoi is her WHOLE OUTFIT that would make sense as to why it looks like ayames
......come to find out no, they did just mean the hat. so like help girl are we ignoring tsubaki’s flagrant nigh uncharacteristic disregard for uniform rules for the sake of?? historical accuracy/homage to one of her ancestors? which is honestly sorta on brand for her
#crow.txt#blazblueposting#bc like there IS art of her in a proper wings of justice uniform. like official art. a few i think?#i remember this Specifically bc they say the wings of justice are supposed to have feathers on their sleeves and for some reason#all of them i can remember have little like.. cloth things?#and that bugged me hfjkdhkh#like they make it CLEAR its Only the hat#which is very very funny considering tsubaki is just straight up not wearing literally any of her proper uniform#despite being THE rule abiding goody two shoes to the woooooorst degree ever that is her whole brand#shes more focused on upholding the law and shit than the damn imperator (until the middle of cp and all but yknow)#izanami just kinda fucks around and then she sees tsubaki going absolutely HAM doing everything in her name to keep 'order' as she sees it#and shes like oh shit lol thats fucking hilarious. im going to mind control her now#(as if she wasnt pretty much doing that already honestly. but yeah take away the REST of her free will sure)#god i love remembering tsubaki is the funniest character in blazblue bc she seems like 'normal' but shes actually insane about it#literally every character is the funniest character judging by different metrics. this franchise is going to kill me.#i love just. on one hand: crazy that tsubaki would actually violate the strictures of her job like that in a way she normally wouldnt#BUT in the other: her being soooooo obsessed with larping ayame that she goes up to? idk the head of the wings of justice#and goes pleaaaase can i wear this instead of my uniform. pretty please.#and shes so pathetic about it they cant say no#not often do i get to call tsubaki pathetic but its always funny when i do
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