#as something closer to a parental figure- consciously or not- but he still doesn't see him as family- at least not in his past
hgduo · 6 months
... Will you guys please let me talk about hgduo/gossipduo/mockingjays/ whatever they are called a little more pleaseeeeeeeeee, they make me unwell and I want to get my thoughts about them out of my head- or more specifically about them from Bad's point of view!
There's a familial air to it, but it's just not true to define it like that- and that doesn't make what they DO have any less powerful or significant- They have a unique bond and that continues to be true, even during painful times like this.
Cellbit WAS Bad's responsibility at one point, and that time came and went- he got him through the war and into adulthood ( aka 18 years old or close to it.) They meet again as old friends and generally respect each other as such... but even so Bad can't deny he still feels some duty to watch over the man once he starts crumbling- much like how Cellbit as well can't help but reach out to Bad during this time.
but there's limits.
like- Bad for years had and still wants to protect Cellbit, he's had an influence on him, he taught him how to survive, he himself acknowledges he has some responsibility over Cellbit, looking at Cellbit right now feels like looking in a mirror, he doesn't like having to give up on him, but if it's between him and the kids he's choosing the kids every time... and he knows there is no simple way to save someone who refuses to let themself be saved.
And it hurts! It hurts seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to let him burn! It hurts watching someone he cares for falling down the same path he is! It hurts knowing he's hurting others the way it did for him seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to choose his kids over his protege/ student/ former responsibility/ the kid he watched over years ago/ old friend/ his 'something'!
Like, cc!Bad brought up this internal mental tier list that q!Bad has- I still deeply believe that q!Cellbit is quite high up there even if he'll never be at the level his kids are at- like he loves Cellbit enough that he ACTUALLY CONSIDERED putting parts of his months long plan at risk to save him- even if it was just during the stress of that moment that still means a LOT from Bad- but he was always going to choose his kids in the end!
Based on what I know of q!Bad (which is admitably not a lot lol) there is next to nothing that'd convince him to give up on his kids- with Cellbit he's able to see that he can't help him because Cellbit sadly does not want to be saved- and for Bad that means he simply has to accept it even if he really doesn't like it- the emotions from that night have processed and he's looking at the situation from a more logical and resolute perspective. If it means him and Cellbit may one day clash, then with a heavy sigh so be it....
but if it was Dapper or Pomme... I just don't feel certain in saying he'd be able to come to that conclusion, especially not after one night. Even if it would be the 'smart' thing to do. It's one of the key differences between the dynamic he has with them vs Cellbit...
But, in a perfect situation, he would've done everything to save them both.
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Anyway thanks for reading, posting this at hell hours so my beloved mutuals won't see my hgduo ramblings but tagging this anyway for other people to see LMAO-
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Dick & Rachel and the Invisible String theory (part 2)
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Welcome to part 2! In part 1 we've covered season 1, now it's time for the second season!
And we're starting right from episode 2x01 "Trigon".
Here we have another instance of the pattern I've previously mentioned — Rachel breaks Trigon's control over Dick by entering his subconscious and reminding him of who he is and their promise.
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This is the first time Rachel is doing it consciously — she's basically pulling at the String by herself. She takes full control of the situation, figures out that if the dream she had about Dick before led her to him, then she can now use that dream to save him. "It's all in the dreams," as she says. When she enters the vision Dick is trapped in and sees him, standing over Bruce's body and overcome by darkness, she reminds him that this isn't who he is, that he would never do something like this, that this is just Trigon playing on his fears. She also tells Dick about her dream — which I find really interesting that this is the first time he hears about it; clearly he's been so preoccupied with keeping her safe that it slipped his mind to ask how exactly did she know the stuff she knew in the pilot. At the question of what she is doing here, she replies that she's here to save him because "We're supposed to save each other". Supposed to, like it's a given. Like it's written in the stars or something and she knows. Even when he attacks her, she's not afraid, but grabs at his hand wrapped around her neck and then transports them both right into the heart of the dream that started it all.
And she takes a scary but brilliant risk — knowing that one of Dick's worst fears is having to watch someone he loves fall and lose them just like he had lost his parents, she puts herself in this exact situation to cause an instinctual reaction. This is all happening in his head but the risk isn't any smaller: if she dies here, she dies for real. She pulls the String tight, almost to the point of snapping, knowing that if Dick is still in there, he's not going to let it happen.
She almost hits the ground. We're led to believe her plan is about to fail. But then Dick grabs the String's other end, wakes up and catches her.
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This is monumental for so many reasons. Dick had always believed he failed his parents because he failed to catch them. The show puts great emphasis on the shot of his hand missing his mother's hand by an inch. The burning need to not let this happen again, to not lose another person this way, is what allows him to snap out of Trigon's control and save Rachel. What he had failed to do before, he succeeds in now — and Rachel never doubted for a second that he would. From her side, she displays a truly bottomless amount of trust, she's not afraid to fall because in her head, an option where Dick's doesn't catch her simply doesn't exist. Her faith in him is really never-ending.
Now what I want to talk about is a little theory within a theory, because I've noticed another... well, maybe not a pattern, but an occurrence that feels like an action-reaction type of thing. The String grows stronger not only as the time goes by and they become closer but also every time it's close to being broken (by one of them dying for example), and it seems to come back stronger than before. Which in this episode really happens twice.
Inside Dick's mind, when Rachel jumps off the platform and lets go of the swing to fall. But also earlier, here:
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Trigon rips out Rachel's heart to create the gemstone, which is an action that should technically kill her. It kind of does for a moment before the gem is placed in her forehead and revives her. It unlocks a new level of her powers and gives her access to abilities she never had before. But it also gives the String a new layer, making it stronger. All of this combined allows her to take control of the situation once inside Dick's mind and use their connection to bring him back.
There's also another reason I'm mentioning this moment, but I'll come back to it in season 3 😉
These next two moments are most definitely a stretch, they can 100% pass off as coincidences — but it's more fun to think of them as clues. The first one had been on my radar for a long time, I've been obsessing over it ever since I noticed it. And the second one was recently brought to my attention by @undertheknightwing and it made me connect some more dots.
Isn't it interesting how Dick sort of appears out of nowhere when Rachel is distressed/scared/in danger? How he seems to be gravitating towards her when it happens, as if he was able to sense it? Take episode 2x03 "Ghosts" for example.
Gar, Rachel and Jason are training. Rachel loses control over her powers (a common occurrence in season 2) and attacks Jason. Driven by his fear, Jason reacts and goes off on her, insulting her. We hear him say "Stay away from me, you fucking freak!" right as Dick walks into the room.
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Now, he wasn't eavesdropping. He obviously didn't see what happened, otherwise he would have intervened. But he's close enough to hear the worst of it, just behind the wall.
I love how he plays it btw, like he doesn't know anything. All smiles, all casual, "ah just came here to get Gar, please go on". He asks if everything's okay but everyone keeps their mouths shut. Meanwhile Rachel and Jason are eyeing one another, trying to see if the other is gonna talk. Rachel keeps quiet because she doesn't want to bother Dick with her problems (which she confesses to Gar in 2x02). Jason doesn't bother to talk either, probably thinking Dick is going to take Rachel's side anyway, and instead, redirects Dick's attention to something different. And Dick lets them do this. Without the full context he doesn't want to jump to conclusions but later tries to get it out of Gar when they're alone. Gar, being the loyal best friend, lies through his teeth and obviously Dick doesn't buy a word, but he doesn't press either. And oh how I wish the rest of the episode was focused on Dick doing a little investigation and trying to crack this, having conversations with both Rachel and Jason but season 2 is a mess on wobbly wheels so let's leave this for a fic.
Then episode 2x05 "Deathstroke", similar thing. Jason's gone, he went after Doctor Light and was taken by Deathstroke. Gar comes to Rachel to tell her about it, but she's in the middle of another episode with her powers spinning out of control while in her sleep, and Gar gets accidentally hurt by them. Mere seconds before Dick randomly shows up in the doorframe and asks about Jason, apparently having overheard them talking about him from the hallway.
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Again. Rachel's in distress, her powers out of control, someone gets hurt, Dick appears.
You see a coincidence. I see a pattern.
And now, in an unexpected turn of events, we move the rest of season 2 into a separate part because one post is not enough space to cover it all 🤣 click here to read the rest!
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20 for Riot. And „F“ for you.
Heeehehehehe I'm answering all three here if that's alright. Sooo you asked, 20, 24 and 38, AND C, F and G
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Mmmhmmmm, well, Riot's only experience with familial love came from her (two sets of) grandparents, because her parents were always away with their work, so her views on family love are a bit askew, and maybe also idealised (in the sense that she thinks it should be X way, but she's not sure if it really is).
That is one of the reasons why she is slow to trust, but if you earn that trust it is rooted deep and solid. The same way, if you betray that trust, you've lost it forever (and you'd be lucky if she doesn't cut you out of her life for good - fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me).
If she had to explain the difference between one or another, before Transnistria I think she would have said sexual attraction. If she feels sexual, is not familiar or platonic (she does not (ever) do one night stands, only has sex if there's a connection there). After Transnistria, she thought she'd never feel that again, for fear, or self consciousness, but she's seeing it was a lie.
(Deep and sincere) Familiar love for her is what she feels for Captain Price, Gaz, Gabi, Dr. Heather, Kate Laswell, Zhar and Nik. She'd gladly give her life for them, and would be destroyed emotionally if any of them were missing from her life. She doesn't have many friends as it is, doesn't speak from anyone from her life before the military except for some neighbours that take care of her house and business.
Platonic love is what she feels for Johnny. They are each other's person, and she'd plainly die, no questions, if she didn't have him in her life. She knows (believes) she needs Soap more than he needs her back (which is a fat lie, Johnny feels closer to her than to his own elder sisters), and the mere thought of losing him gives her anxiety.
Romantic love is something she hasn't experimented before, or at least not to the degree she is now (lol). She doesn't have much experience under her belt, because unless she feels a spark she won't make a move or accept a move on her. Before, she would have said the difference was the sexual attraction, now she'd say it's the deep, painful, addicting longing, the greedy and selfish want, the need to have and to keep.
24.  Is sex something that they���re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Riot considers sex as natural as breathing, even though she doesn't partake in casual sex, and has no problems talking about it, maybe even a bit bluntly sometimes. Not with everyone, of course, for example with Soap has had deep, long talks about it (even giving him tips with previous partners). If you ask her anything about sex, 95% of the time she'll answer.
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?
Riot is not someone who tends to dwell on the past, it is what it is and all that.
She misses her grandparents more than she misses her own parents, so it would be a memory from her home in the mountains, next to the sea, where the forest almost gets cut off by the cliffs over the shore, taking care of the cows and sheep at her grandparent's farm, the smell of the Cantabric sea beating against the rocks, the scent of the trees, the chirping of the birds, the howling of the wolves at night.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Well, I read a lot (and still do) about the canon, trying to fit her as best as possible without changing things (at least too much). That's why I decided to set my story AFTER Las Almas and all that (and next game is going to fuck me up, I'm dreading it...).
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
Most of the time, pride. She is everything I am, but better, way better, and at the same time, I also feel sadness for the very same reason.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Their inability of accept praise (pot calling kettle here), to accept they're good enough, and that they are stubborn like a mad bull, the type where she'll be bleeding but pushing forward just because she has to live up to her reputation (too stubborn to just lie down and lie). She's Riot, FFS.
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bedeion-legion · 2 years
gay people?? in MY pokemon?? its more likely than you think
This post is about nightmare headcanons I have for Gladion and Bede, as well as how they help each other with their nightmares (Note, I ship Bede and Gladion together, hence the theming of my blog). I'll first talk about Gladion, then Bede, then the two of them together. The rest is under the cut!
Gladion has nightmares pretty much every night. I feel like that's a pretty believable assumption.
Going off of my own version of him, the guy was forced to run away from home with no money, no home, and half a team of Pokemon, one of which is sylvally in its type: null variant.
He had to grow up under the "care" of Faba because his mother was so busy with work, causing Faba to abuse both him and Lillie (paralleling Lusamine in the games, basically).
And then he found out that Faba, his abuser, hypnotized Lillie and Lusamine into forgetting anything bad happened. And right after this horrifying revelation, he sees his mother taken away by an Ultra Beast at the fault of Faba opening an Ultra Wormhole.
because of this, he has a ton of nightmares ranging from memories of Faba being way to harsh when training Gladion's eevee/umbreon, sylvally getting hurt/dying/taken away, his mother getting possessed by the Ultra Beast and screaming "I hate you!" at the top of her lungs, Lillie getting hurt and feeling betrayed that Gladion left, and every terrible thing he must've witnessed in his (at least) year-long stay out on the streets of an unfamiliar region... Gladion clearly has WAY too much trauma and guilt for a teenager to handle at once.
Every night, without fail, he wakes up in a cold sweat. He's had so many nightmares that he doesn't usually jump up anymore. He just opens his eyes, realizes that it was just a dream, and tries his best to go to sleep despite his fear of another nightmare. It takes a long time for him to finally fall asleep because of that fear, causing him to develop insomnia
Occasionally, however, the nightmare is so terrifying that Gladion shoots up and goes into a panic attack. He doesn't do this as much anymore, but it still absolutely happens. He usually switches to being nonverbal during panic attacks, so others must remember to be calm and patient with him.
Bede's nightmares aren't too different. He also has frequent nightmares, though he has gotten less of them lately due to Opal actually caring for him like a parental figure should (unlike SOME rich flowers i know COUGH COUGH rose COUGH COUGH). He still gets them more frequently than any person should, let alone a teenager, but he's slowly healing.
Bede usually gets nightmares about abandonment or losing the people he loves. Rose usually has some role in these nightmares, whether he's the person abandoning him or some other force.
He'll also often get nightmares that Opal will abandon him and leave him to die in the Glimwood Tangle, along with his friends and other loved ones. Despite Rose being out of his life, Rose's damage to Bede's psyche is still very apparent, and it's something he has to consciously fight against every day.
He at least has Opal, as occasionally she'll sense him having a nightmare and go to comfort him. At first he finds it extremely embarrassing and is all pissy about her helping him, but she tut tut's and makes sure he's ok anyways. He slowly shifts from resenting it to actively being very thankful for it, as deep down, he's glad that she can be there.
Bede and Gladion both understand what its like to have nightmares a lot, so they make sure to comfort each other the best they can. All the walls that they've built up towards people fall down in order to make sure they're ok, as they know how terrifying and lonely it feels to not have someone there for you.
Once they grow a lot closer, they'll offer to hug the other if they need it. This is especially good for Gladion since he still gets extremely bad nightmares at times and needs someone to hold him for a bit in order to calm down.
They don't only start doing this once they fall for each other, they do this as friends without any romantic reasoning because they know how crucial support is when waking up from a nightmare. Of course, once they do fall for each other, they'll make sure to occasionally kiss the other on the cheek if they're ok with it and give plenty of snuggles. The important take-away is that they know how to help each other when the nightmares get bad.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Wilbur’s behaviour is so rapidly changing that even Phil can tell something is wrong despite having no reference as to how he usually acted. Like, their early conversations were layered with fear and power plays. Over time it shifted to something more casual, but it also revealed Wilbur’s bite. In this conversation Wilbur starts out with a bit more bite than usual because he’s no longer afraid of being killed, but he quickly loses energy for the conversation. He had a rough day and the effects are still there, so Phil goes easy on him.
It also becomes more obvious that Phil doesn’t know Wilbur as well as he thought he did. He still tries. He points out Wilbur isn’t acting like himself. He thinks it’s been since Eldingvegr, but it’s been way longer than that. (so he accidentally triggers the identity crisis further). He expects Wilbur to be like his younger self, but Wilbur didn’t move from planet to planet, so Eldingvegr is his home and he does know the culture.
Phil is also definitely mining Wilbur for information now that he has let his guard down. He’s asking about Niki and Eldingvegr. He’s getting Wilbur to talk and waving away his worries when he questions what he’s doing. The familiarity they have build with each other helps too. Some part of Wilbur wants to trust Phil, some part of him wants to have something casual and normal and safe.
Of course, Phil has tricked himself into caring too by seeing Wilbur as his younger self. He understands him, but not entirely. He’s trying to create a bond and getting attached in the process. It does make me wonder how much control Phil has over his wing and how much instinct can influence them. His feathers puff up when talking about the destruction of Elytra. So he doesn’t have full control (unless he’s doing it on purpose for sympathy points, but I doubt that). It’s possible some of the tucking his wing closer around Wilbur or even shielding him altogether is instinct that he is consciously or subconsciously giving in to.
Phil is trying to convince Wilbur that they are similar while Wilbur refuses to believe it because in his mind that is a bad thing. In Phil’s mind it’s a good thing. In Jack’s mind too. But Wilbur is slowly starting to accept that it is real and not a manipulation tactic. Because Phil can put the feeling into words and he has a story to back it up (also that story is sad, but I’ll get to that)
I have forgotten what else I wanted to talk about, so 2/2
now that wilbur isn't constantly fearing for his life it definitely gives him a little bit more room to be a bit of a shithead. he's spiteful and petty and it's definitely showing up more now that he has more leniency to be like that. but even then, he's had a rough time, so he loses the bite pretty fast like you said
phil definitely doesn't know wilbur as well as he thought, but that's also kind of the beauty of it. he wants to know what wilbur is like, which is why he's asking this kind of stuff. now that wilbur is finally starting to talk more casually to him, he's able to get a look at what makes him tick, and it's endlessly fascinating for phil.
a really deep down part of wilbur is desperate to trust phil. he needs an adult figure in his life that can guide him and tell him what to do. he's lost, and he needs someone to show him what to do and where to go. phil is there and he's offering that, but wilbur can't trust him even if a small part of him really really wants to. in short, wilbur really needs a parental figure in his life, and his subconscious is already recognizing phil as a candidate for that
hmm I'm not going to comment much on your thoughts on phil because we're not in his POV so I don't wanna confirm or deny anything, but I'll tell you that as far as the control of his wings goes, it's a bit of a 50/50. he definitely could instinctively wrap his wing around wilbur, but if he noticed he would definitely be able to stop too if he wanted. the puffed up feathers bit though is pretty unintentional lol
wilbur's trust is definitely slow going, but it's getting there :)
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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love in their own way || albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli
masterlist characters: albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o's aren't as forward about their emotions, but still manage to have their little tells that express their love. notes: i hope this meets the request! i had a lot of fun writing this! i just want the boys to be happy :)
albedo -
i like to think albedo is secretly clingy but doesn't allow himself to show it to anyone.
naturally, it's just because he's always holed up with his work.
when he consciously does it... it's because he's nervous.
remember the end of his quest when he's talking to himself at dragonspine?
that's why he's nervous.
he's not too bothered by the fact that you're more reserved.
he has a lot of work so he can't really dwell on the idea for too long.
just you being there when he's working is good enough for him :D
as we all know, this boy is very into experimentation and learning.
so trying to decipher your minuscule facial changes is actually really interesting to him!
he has a bunch of notes just on the little details he can find about you.
and since he's so observant, it doesn't take him long to realize that there are certain signs that only appear around him.
he'll notice them when he's painting you.
whenever he's waiting for results, he'll use the time to draw you <3
because he's done this, he practically has you memorized.
so imagine his surprise when he sees your expression change whenever he leaves your sight.
it takes him a while to actually be able to see this, but i'm sure it's because of timaeus and sucrose.
after all, they're around you a lot whenever albedo is busy.
they probably take a picture to show him something they did while he was gone and that's when he notices.
he doesn't even have to look at a different picture of you.
he can just tell you look different.
the little crinkle next to your eyes was gone.
your lips were more pursed than usual.
you now had a crease in between your brows you didn't have before.
the next time he sees you, he'll hold up the picture next to your face to confirm they're different.
he wants to ask why there's a "clear" difference in your appearance but he already knows why.
he'll ask you just to be sure, though--
your cheeks get a tiny tiny bit darker when you answer wholeheartedly.
it does make him chuckle when he hears that you're so smitten for him in your monotonous voice.
the picture sucrose and timaeus took isn't his favorite of you, so he ends up taking a new one when you two are both exploring dragonspine.
it's a reminder of how much you really love him <3
childe -
out of the four boys here, he's definitely (in my opinion) the most affectionate.
like, this boy will take whatever he can get to just hold you for a second.
especially if you're also from snezhnaya but came all the way to liyue to keep him company.
he's very family-oriented as we've seen, so he treasures these relationships.
now, with an unaffectionate s/o?
honestly, i don't think he'd be too upset about it.
like i said, he really treasures these familial relationships.
because of this, it's his top priority to make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
he won't necessarily keep his distance, but he won't be too clingy either.
he'll stand right beside you, enough to where you can almost feel his skin touching yours.
as for your expressionlessness...
it'll take him a bit to really understand how you're feeling.
it's a lot of communication because he doesn't want to mess anything up.
near the beginning of the relationship, he'd ask how you're feeling and if there's anything bothering you.
but once he finally notices the subtle differences in your face, such as a slight eyebrow raise or a tilt of the head, he'll be able to read you easier.
nothing too complex, but just enough for him to tell your emotions.
there is one subtle change that he always looks for, however.
he's realized, with the help of zhongli of course, that there is a specific characteristic that only happens when he's in your line of sight.
your lips are normally pressed in a fine line.
however, around him, the corners lift up ever-so-slightly.
the only reason he's able to see it is that he'll catch himself staring at your lips because he wants a kiss :)
once he sees that, he starts noticing your little quirks whenever you're around him.
you'll lean closer to him as you're walking through liyue harbor.
your eyes start to soften as he talks on and on about his day (and complains about scaramouche--).
he loves the idea that all of these little details about you only happen around him,
it makes him feel... important.
and loved.
even if he holds back from touching you, he'll settle for seeing your cold exterior melt around him.
xiao -
he's not too well versed in affection...
i mean, he's the vigilant yaksha that is known for being stoic just like you are.
you two are basically carbon copies of each other.
no affection and no clear expressions of love.
people (who know both you and xiao) often forget that you two are actually together.
like, they just think you two sit in silence when you're both tired of dealing with people.
they... aren't necessarily wrong.
the two of you are often found sitting at the balcony looking over liyue.
sometimes you bring him almond tofu to share :)
it's very rare for the two of you to actively show your love for each other, mainly because you both know your feelings.
although... xiao does have those moments.
it's not like he's completely oblivious to the whispers about you two.
and on the days where his karma acts up, he gets insecure.
he's... really scared that one day you'll leave just like the others.
it doesn't matter if you're a mortal or an adeptus, he's scared that one day he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
and if that ever comes, he's scared you'll pass on either doubting your feelings or his.
it doesn't help when he notices the difference in your attitude and appearance when he's around.
his first instinct is that he's doing something bad.
either you're angry or upset at his mere existence...
verr goldet's the one who has to explain why you seem different.
she's quite observant on her own, especially because you're the first person that xiao actively enjoys being around.
she'll be the one to tell him that it isn't because you're mad at him.
you have minuscule changes because that's how xiao makes you feel.
you're so soft around him and she can tell just from the small interactions she's seen of you.
for example, when you're talking to the chef downstairs, you have the same expression that xiao has when he's talking to people.
you're annoyed but you know how to handle it.
but when you're around xiao, it's like everything that bothers you disappears.
it's like you're in your own domain whenever he's around.
nothing else matters except for him.
and even if she's relying on small observations and pure intuition, she can tell that the changes are good.
your eyes that seem to look anywhere besides the person you are talking to are completely different from the ones that seem to only focus on xiao.
your normally stiff body relaxes every time you summon xiao at the balcony.
the tiny smile that graces your lips when you disappear to the top of the inn for hours on end.
verr goldet's explanation calms his heart.
his worries seem to disappear and the next time he sees you...
this is the one thing his karma can't take away. he'll be sure of it.
zhongli -
zhongli is also another person who isn't well versed in relationships.
although he isn't as inexperienced as xiao, it'll take some time for him to figure it out.
he's not someone who craves affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
he definitely would appreciate it but he completely understands that it isn't something you tend to give.
so instead, he'll show his love in the smaller things.
such as telling you stories, sharing tea, going out on walks, etc.
he's another person who is very observant, especially in people close to him.
his storytelling friends often ask him about your relationship with one another.
they try to bring it to his attention that you may not be as interested as he thinks you are.
of course, he'll simply laugh them off and tell them that they should listen to the person who knows you best.
he'll turn those questions into a big story and explain how they're mistaken about you.
he's never actively told anyone this, save for hu tao who tries to bug him into telling her, but he'll tell them about all of the tiny details that tell him your feelings.
when you're feeling upset, you puff out your cheeks a small bit.
when you're angry, your glare hardens at whatever is making you mad.
when you're happy, your lips part slightly.
when you're in love... well, that's a detail he'll keep for himself.
he's quick to say goodbye to his peers, practically rushing back to your shared home.
he's greeted by you as soon as he opens the door.
your stoic expressions... would be exactly the same to anyone else.
but to him, it's like you've lit up like a small puppy seeing their human parents come home after years.
you don't run up to him, but you turn to look at him and away from the book on the table.
he'll greet you with a quiet nod, pulling out the chair and sitting next to you.
he'll take the book from you, taking in your appearance for a moment.
your shoulders relax by a hair and you move your chair an inch closer to his.
you don't lean your head on his shoulder but you lean towards him as if you were about to.
it's these moments that make everything worth it to zhongli.
here, in your home and in your life, he's simply zhongli.
the man you fell in love with and allowed your reserved self to open up to.
and he would trade anything just to have these moments with you.
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wings-of-a-storm · 3 years
Alrighty lovely peeps, here is the final part of my thoughts on Victor’s infamous ‘love-triangle’ journey in episodes 9-10 (and why the undercurrent is full of Benji).
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Our first understanding of how Victor is holding up in episode ten is through the visual of the wedding invitation he is holding. It’s a very strong visual with so many connotations -- weddings are romantic, full of love and celebration, and most importantly a lifelong commitment to a loved one. That is Victor’s dream too and one he was working hard on (not necessarily a marriage but certainly a life-long commitment). But the person he wants to work on that commitment with isn’t talking to him and quite likely easing them into a separation.
What is even more of a mockery is the envelope -- Victor and Benji’s names are printed together in gorgeous cursive, like they are a team, a unit, a done deal. It’s almost like how their own wedding invitation might look, if they ever wanted to have one. But it is a dream that only exists on a piece of paper right now.
It is clear in this scene that Victor is feeling a mix of three things: sad, hurt, and anger. The anger is quite clear when he puts the invitation aside with the shake of his head. He’s angry that Benji ditched the wedding commitment last minute, yes, but no doubt a lot of that anger is born from how hurt he is that Benji is seemingly giving up on them. A glance at his unanswered message to Simon where he says something similar confirms it.
This anger is channeled into a practical matter -- the etiquette faux pas of being a last-minute wedding guest now messing up catering. Victor needs to find a substitute plus one (which to be honest feels like a plot device but shh). Enter Rahim, sans Pilal. Once again, Rahim is a welcome friend that Victor knows he will have fun with, be comfortable around, and more importantly experience a nice distraction with again.
Fast-forward to the next key scene, for me: Victor’s fascinating response to hearing Harold’s and Veronica’s wedding vows. Which brings me to:
Guess what themes happen to be in the wedding vows Victor hears? A) Fighting for a relationship you love. B) Not giving up on someone in the tough moments.
“I know there will be tough days but it's on those days that I vow to love you the hardest” / “I vow to always remember that we are worth fighting for. Forever. No matter what.”
Gee, what an extraordinary coincidence!
And what does Victor do in response to hearing a loving couple voice his own feelings and goals? He looks at Rahim. Or rather, to Rahim. He knows Rahim is a romantic (like himself and Benji are), so he knows Rahim would share those goals too. And Rahim certainly is transfixed by the vows, very much feeling their sentiments too.
Rahim just ticked a box Victor is currently desperate for: someone who looks like they value fighting to beat the odds for the person they love, unlike what Benji is seemingly doing. Victor can project that onto Rahim. In reality, there is no way of knowing what Rahim would actually do in a relationship, but he feels safe right now.
It rather feels like VIctor was trying to distance himself from Benji in that moment and find a sanctuary with someone else who would give him the love and commitment he really needs right now. Like a protective, defense mechanism. He is so terrified that Benji has reached his limit of fight; that this time their argument and Victor’s breach of trust pushed Benji too far and Victor will end up severed from him and alone. With each hour Victor is closer to processing the end of that relationship and is now trying to put up a shield to block the impending tsunami of pain that he really doesn’t want to be hit by.
Victor doesn’t know it yet but we, the audience, get a hint of good news: the romantic vow exchange cuts to Benji staring at a picture of Victor on instagram, clearly missing him. From that piece of storytelling timing, we know what that probably means… (Flashback please to Benji’s declaration of “I don’t think I could give up on you. Even if I wanted to.”)
Benji is fighting. Or trying to.
What seals the deal is the beautiful conversation Isabel has with him -- her promise that Victor adores him and that Victor did actually stand up for Benji to the point of impressing her with his moxy. For a lot of the season, that is so much of what Benji needed -- to know he was worth standing up for, fighting for. Gee, what a familiar theme…
The next time we see Benji, he has come to the wedding reception, after his shift, as Victor’s belated plus one. His appearance symbolizes a promise, a vow of his own that is yet to be said out loud: that he is committed to fighting for their relationship to work.
I found that a really nice piece of storytelling -- that Benji is linked to the wedding vows at Brasstown and then fulfils them (or at least will try to make the sentiment a reality as best he can).
Unfortunately for Benji, Victor does feel a connection with Rahim. New friendship is exciting and thrilling on its own let alone having the opportunity to suddenly slow dance with that person. Lines can get blurred. Plus the atmosphere is completely romantic and Victor has never had the opportunity to experience this particular romantic act before.
Victor and Rahim spend quite some time staring deep into each other’s eyes without even saying a word to interrupt the Moment. Because it is a legitimate moment of intimacy between the two. Which is exactly why Victor doesn’t stop immediately and run straight to Benji as soon as he notices Benji has come to see him. His head is still half in the Moment and it is tricky to extricate himself from Rahim.
That Moment is also why Victor doesn’t keep chasing Benji through the yard after Benji sasses him with his ‘Sure, Jan’ energy after Victor insists Rahim is just a friend.
Consciously Victor thinks he is telling the truth, but his “That was crazy, I’m not allowed to have a friend?” defense had the same energy as S1 Benji’s “I know I didn’t do anything wrong when you kissed me!” before scuttling his ass out of Brasstown with all of his belongings. Hello guilt.
The question is how much is Rahim a friend-cum-something-more. Which is the crossroad Victor finds himself at when Rahim confesses his feelings and kisses him.
We have Rahim who confessed so sweetly and endearingly, who at this moment is comfort and warmth and safety because Rahim isn't going to break up with Victor any time soon. And whom Victor does feel a connection with.
And we have Victor’s relationship with Benji which feels like a dying ember, especially now that Benji is even more furious at Victor and it will be a very hard battle to win him back around again. It won't be a romantic running into each other's arms moment if they were to reunite…
So Victor has a dilemma to figure out now in Mia’s room: does he fight a very hard uphill battle with Benji to win him over (a fight filled with inevitable painful emotions being unleashed), or does he just let it go since that appears to be the trajectory for them... Or does he try exploring things with Rahim where there is a 100% success rate guaranteed in the short-term if he accepts Rahim’s declaration…
If the big theme of this episode is vowing to love someone on their tough days and committing yourself to a relationship worth fighting for (something Victor had been obsessing over even before he heard the wedding vows), it would feel like a strange conclusion for Victor to choose Rahim over the partner who proved he was mutually willing to fight for their relationship against the odds, especially when they have already been tested through tough times and found their way through. (And of course Felix’s visualisation exercise would have reminded Victor of all the qualities he loves about Benji...)
And finally we have the culmination of an underlying parallel: Victor's parents’ relationship, which also slips into the theme of those wedding vows.
Isabel and Armando, the high school sweethearts who were stuck in a cycle of fighting, fore-sake choosing a new partner with less baggage and instead make the choice to get back together. This doesn’t influence Victor’s decision because he doesn't know about his parents’ progress yet but we, the audience, do know. We can see the underlying parallel there. They are making it work, so so too can Victor and Benji if they keep putting the work in to understand each other better and learn how to communicate.
But that’s just my take on ep 10.
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weird4life · 3 years
Ok so this is another gravity falls au
In this au it takes place in bills old dimension. Tad, kill, will, bill, and maybe Jill are siblings ( if you want you can't imagine tad being the cousin) also the age kinda matters depends. Tad is the oldest then kill, after kill is Bill then will a few minutes after(twins) and finally Jill but Jill acts more mature than her age. So tad since he is the oldest and smart he helps his parents kill is also older than the rest and has anger issues. Jill is the youngest and only girl in the family so she gets decent amount of attention from her parents while will is extroverted(your social bar is filler by being around people but you don't have to be super social and out going to be a extrovert. Think of having 0 coins but when you socialize with people you gain coins while being a introvert you start will coins and lose them when you socialize. Will still has a less outgoing, awkward personality.) So his parents pay him attention cause they don't want him to be depressed cause his social bar(happy bar?) Is empty but they don't want him to also interact awhole lot and have a panic attack. For bill he doesn't get that much attention though cause he isn't the oldest(most mature) and he doesn't have any problems (everybody doesn't think he does but he just hides it) Bill is attention starved and when he gets a tastes of being in charged maybe he formed a group or took over a small world so this leads to him forming a plan and attempting the take over of his world but during the process he destroys it. Since this was an accident and didn't mean it to turn out the way he fled and decided to act like he did it on purpose and take over other dimensions/worlds and form friends/allies. After multiple times taking over worlds successfully he lost most of his sanity and tried taking over dippers world(in this au Bill did meet Ford and Ford still hates bill but not as much cause he knew bill just lacked a parental figure and was attention starved. Basically Ford saw bill as maybe his own kid or something similar to that even though bill is still old at least in human years in demon years he is around teenage/young adult age) most suff that happened in the show happened in this au. So that means weirdmeggadon(is that how you spell it?) Happened and bill got kinda killed. His magic got really low so he stayed in axolotl's dimension until he got his memory back, a good bit of his power and woke up(?) He lost so much magic he didn't have a conscious. After he left he visited a place that was just a void that barely anybody went to so he could regain more magic. Finally he started making deals to regain even more magic and during him regaining magic he got bigger closer to his original size.(he was about the size of a ant when he was in axolotl's dimension. After a few thousand years(unless whoever is reading wants some billdip then I guess it could be a lot shorter or imr being different where he is) Then bill comes into contact with his family(parents died) obviously the family won't be very happy to see bill..The family heard of bills journey and maybe saw a few glimpses of him. While bill lost a lot of his magic and consciousness and had to remake one( restart his brain but still with his memories?) He got back most of his sanity so he felt a lot of guilt and sadness for destroying his dimension and killing his parents and other demons. But he still had his memories and was upset, angry, confused, and disappointed for having theses emotions. He then tries to fight but quickly realizes he is to weak and tries to flee but got knocked out or got captured and gave up for the time being and went into his mind/dreamscape. He then woke up or came to when he was placed in a demon cage. The film film start asking him questions and yelling at him. Stuff happen and then they start forming a relationship that is stronger than their old relationship since they never interacted with Bill. Oh also two last things they apologize for ignoring him and it's up to you if you want to imagine them as a human or shape firm. I'm imagining them as both shape
and human at different times.
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poor-sickies · 6 years
For whump prompt 115, Keith doesn't usually get bad fevers, not since he was little. So when he gets a really bad fever from some space flu and he's in bed whimpering, half delirious, hair sticking to his face, he calls out for his dad. If he's at the bom base, he technically does have a parental figure there, but he still calls out for his dad and Krolia does her best. If at the castle, Coran would prob be the guy to call him son if he accidentally called him dad while sick.
Aaaaahhh I loved this prompt! It was so good, and especially after this season, I wanted to write it so much! Hope you enjoy, and thanks for the ask!
Krolia had only dealt with this once.
She remembers waking up in the middle of the night to her baby crying, loud and anguished, unlike any other cry she had heard before. When she picks him up from his little bed, she almost flinches at the baby’s temperature.
Her Keith was burning up.
She wakes up her husband, a hand shaking his shoulders, ripping him away from slumber.
“He’s too warm,” her voice wavers, her hands shaking in panic.
Keith’s father gently takes the baby from her arms, cradling him in his, a hand softly stroking Keith’s forehead. “Kid’s got one hell of a fever.” Keith still cries, but it’s quiet, short whimpers.
“What do we do?! Is this normal for humans?”
“He’s sick,” he says, handing Keith back to her, and goes to the bathroom, quickly coming back with a wet rag, “it happens sometimes. He will be okay.”
The fever had broken shortly after sunrise. It didn’t make her any less afraid of fevers.
But now, her Keith was once again burning from the inside, laying on a bed, but in a much different circumstance.
It’s a galra virus, one that she recognizes easily, and apparently, Keith, even with his half human genetic composition, is able to get it. Although with a few changes.
Krolia remembers the shivers, the migraine and the nausea that came with this virus, along with the fever that weighs the bones.
For Keith, somehow, it’s much worse.
Keith radiates heat, in waves, if she’s close enough to him. He lays, curled up in a tiny ball, one hand covering his ear, trying to block the sound, and the other holding his stomach. There’s a wet rag on his forehead, already warm.
The fever got higher too fast. Kolivan calls her to Keith’s quarters, and once seeing the state he was in, comes back with a chair and a blanket. She installs herself in the room, and she’s not leaving.
Keith doesn’t cry like last time. He’s a mostly grown man, almost her size, and merely hides his face with his arms, beneath the blanket. She can hear his labored breathing, through the fever, the migraine, and the terrible stomachache, and every time it gets particularly bad, he squeezes the blankets in his hand, and lets out a muffled whimper.
“It’s okay, Keith,” she strokes his hair back with one hand, while the other rubs Keith’s forearm gently.
Two hours go by, and it doesn’t get much better. Keith slips in and out of consciousness, and fortunately his fever doesn’t get higher. It doesn’t get any lower either.
He sits up slowly, throwing the rag to the floor on a slow and clumsy gesture, and reaches for something on the side of the bed.
“Keith,” Krolia tries to stop him, one hand on his chest to try and make him lay down again, “you need to rest, plea-”
Keith vomits into the bucket. It’s quick and violent, and every grunt makes krolia shiver, as she strokes his back, whispering comforting words.
When he’s done, there are tears streaming down his face, and his mouth twists up in a sob. He lowers himself back to bed, letting krolia wipe his mouth, and a little of his bangs, which had gotten dirty.
The fever is higher now.
“I’ll be right back,” she says, picking up the rag from the floor, it wasn’t even cold anymore.
She comes back from the bathroom after dipping the rag in cold water and wringing it out, and strokes Keith’s hair back with her fingers, gently placing it on his forehead.
Keith whines at the cold sensation, flinching away. He’s not very conscious, but he’s still crying, silently, laying on his side, his arms wrapped around his middle once again as he shivers.
“Oh Keith…”
His hand makes its way out of the blankets, stopping to rest beside his head, half open. Krolia understands.
Her fingers close around his, and he squeezes, hard when the pain gets too much.
“Dad-”, he chokes out, voice shaking and cracking, and he sounds so much younger, “it hurts-”
He squeezes her hand again, and she keeps rubbing his back, desperately wondering if Kolivan would take too long with the medication.
“Dad?” He asks again, his eyes confused, looking around despite the headache. Krolia rubs the inside of his wrist with her thumb.
“I’m here. You will be fine. Just rest.”
“Love you, dad.” He whispers, before rolling closer to her, snuggling up against her arm.
“I love you too Keith.”
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