#as my favorites of All Time
emilykaldwen · 4 months
HI YES HELLO ARE YOU THERE? Right, please RUN do not WALK to go ready this fantastic 'What if Daemon and Rhea Royce ended up having kids' AU because um hi, yes, I'm obsessed. I'm in love. I mean, okay, I've always loved The Roycegaryen kids since being introduced to them last summer. I would die for the Roycegaryen kids (they are even making a cameo in Maiden even though there's no Daemon relationship there they are just that fucking good) and I support all their successes and their crimes. Oooof this is... just such a high caliber AU series, with a flourishing, expansive cast that evokes GRRM at his best.
THE ROYCES! HOUSE ROYCE! So many cousins! Baratheon representation! So many stories and connections. It's a Charlie Day Board of who is tied to who and just goes the extra mile to make this world feel so alive.
This is not a pro-Daemon fic. He is seen through the eyes of his three eldest children which makes things rough, but I definitely feel that it's in character for an angry, abandoned, highly emotional 16 year old who was sent away and then had kids and that's all really fucking complicated.
I think what I love most about this story is the quality of it and that quality is consistent through all my favorite things. The worldbuilding is fantastic. Misa knows Westeros, she understands the houses, and the politics. One of my AU frustrations is when people go 'what if' and then... don't account for the full butterfly effect (and I mean that on a 'they don't change anything' way, not a 'you didn't account for EVERYTHING AND ALL THE TINY DETAILS' way because there's a lot and it's fic). The implications of what it would mean for Daemon to have children, and for Daemon to also have a son is fully taken into account.
The characters. The characters. THE CHARACTERS. First off, hi, yeah, I would take Misa's masterclass course on writing kids because kids are fucking difficult and they feel so real. We spend the first 5/6 chapters dealing with 7-14 year old Yorick and Ella, and Rhaenyra and Alicent and Laenor and Laena. They feel like children. They are full of hope and imagination and bossiness and not understanding how to talk about things. I'm not one who likes going through the 'let's start when they're kids' phases because it's just rarely well done. This? this is well done. This is complex and complicated and innocent and christ almighty, it's just so good.
These characters are imperfect. They have tempers, they fuck up, they make mistakes, they are not always the victim, they are the victim! they can be the villain! They can be the heroes. It's real. These characters feel real. I feel confused that this is not, in fact, how the first half of watching House of the Dragon went, or why are they not in Fire and Blood? I am invested in a cast of OCs in a way I haven't been in awhile because yes, this cast is Majorly OC Centric in the best possible way. (of course, we'll see the TargTower kids coming up) but wow. yeah. I need to sit down and think about my own sense of writing and what I juggle and handle and suddenly I am just terribly inspired.
Hello, yes, I'm filing adoption paperwork for Yorick, Ella, and Aemon. They are mine now. Or should I say, I will share them, because I need @selfproclaimedunicorn to come back from planning hiatus and I am *so annoyed* that I do not have more to read.
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churroach · 26 days
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Looking respectfully
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isawken · 6 months
it’s that time of year again
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possession · 10 months
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“His first question was: 'Who's your favourite philosopher?' My heart sank. I wanted to run off and burst into tears. I didn't know any philosophers. And he probably knew I didn't. When I said so, he replied, 'Oh come on, everyone has a favourite philosopher.' It was such a cruel thing to do to a young girl.” “I was desperate and trying not to cry, but I turned the tables on him and asked him to come up with some names – but he couldn't think of any either! Then he said to me, 'I suppose you've read Dickens,' thinking I hadn't. So I said, 'Yeah, I read him at school.' In the end he said, 'Oh, I can't interview her,' and left the stage.”
TWIGGY & WOODY ALLEN My Generation (2017) dir. David Batty
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kidovna · 10 months
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loved the 1990s european dance music segment in good omens x
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i'm begging you guys to start pirating shit from streaming platforms. there are so many websites where you can stream that shit for free, here's a quick HOW TO:
1) Search for: watch TITLE OF WORK free online
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2) Scroll to the bottom of results. Click any of the "Complaint" links
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3) You will be taken to a long list of links that were removed for copyright infringement. Use the 'find' function to search for the name of the show/movie you were originally searching for. You will get something like this (specifics removed because if you love an illegal streaming site you don't post its url on social media)
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4) each of these links is to a website where you can stream shit for free. go to the individual websites and search for your show/movie. you might have to copy-paste a few before you find exactly what you're looking, but the whole process only takes a minute. the speed/quality is usually the same as on netflix/whatever, and they even have subtitles! (make sure to use an adblocker though, these sites are funded by annoying popups)
In conclusion, if you do this often enough you will start recognizing the most dependable websites, and you can just bookmark those instead. (note: this is completely separate from torrenting, which is also a beautiful thing but requires different software and a vpn)
you can also download the media in question (look for a "download" button built into the video window, or use a browser extension such as Video DownloadHelper.)
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ibenology · 11 months
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I just keep adding to this and it’s slowly going from a meme to something I might have to talk to my therapist about
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pokeberry5 · 5 months
boy hostage (spiritual successor to this)
big brother to the rescue:
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kithj · 9 months
good games i've played on itchio lately:
please tell me you love me - chat with your guild members for the last time before the game's servers are shut down
GIRLKILLER (covet) - there is a girl who looks like you, and today you're going to kill her
cover me in leaves - stuck in your small hometown, you get your first tattoo. and then a few more, and more, and more
don't rock the boat - play through the different perspectives of a women's crew team as they are stalked by something in the water
GUTLESS - you are the captain of a deep sea vessel. your mission doesn't go well
so, about last night... - you wake up sick and weirdly hungry after hooking up with someone at a party. you spend the next night trying to find her.
close the window, my love - short bitsy poem about closing the window. sound on! this creator has a lot of short bitsy works i recommend.
there is a beautiful star - just a short, cute side scroller. lots of short, lighthearted games from them, definitely recommend for a mood booster.
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dozydawn · 6 months
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“A Palestinian girl stands holding stones in her hands waiting in Ramallah in the West Bank for Israeli soldiers to arrive to the place where a young Palestinian was shot dead the same day. 20 February 1988.”
Photographed by Eric Feferberg.
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cassandragemini · 2 months
its so crazy that for the last 5 years a small but annoyingly vocal online group has been acting like mob movies of all things are pretentious and inaccessible cinema. yeah the godfather is kinda slow but these are movies about criminals who shoot people
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silvermoon424 · 6 months
One of my favorite genres of post is one man being like "the female orgasm doesn't exist. I would know, I've had sex with a number of women and they are BIOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE of achieving orgasm" and then a bunch of other guys show up to roast him
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kettle-bird · 16 days
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He floats through the air with the greatest of ease...
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sheryl-lee · 5 months
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Three murders. Six altogether. This is getting serious.
CLUE 1985, dir. Jonathan Lynn
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batterycityghoul · 3 months
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Favorite Lines To Quote: Jurassic Park (1993)
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fernsnailz · 2 months
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big fan of the world's most normal robot ^^
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