thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
So I destroy myself, before anyone else can.
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Waspinator was trembling.
Rage filled the normally calm mech’s spark, he could feet his dentae grit in annoyance and his servos clench in response, but he loosened them, huffing and letting his vents cycle the aggressive feeling that was trying to bury itself inside his spark casing. Instead of getting angry he simply moved in and brought the little bug into an embrace, hoisting the wasp up and using a servo to lightly pat Waspinator’s thigh to encourage him to wrap them around his waist.
“You’re gonna be just fine, I promise.”
He cooed in his soft drawl, now carrying the poor bug bot.
“I’ll take ya back to my berth for a bit and we can work on building one of my ship models, how’s that sound? I’ll even carry ya.”
Teebs is right there an an instant to pull Waspy behind him. He says nothing at first, but his optics seem to glow in silent, heated anger.
“Everything okay here Waspy..?”
Waspinator wasn't sure what was happening, one moment he was minding his own business then next thing he's getting bombarded with threats which some he couldn't fully understand... However this didn't mean the bug wasn't shaken. He was and when teebs stepped in, that's when is sort of clicked what was happening and he was trembling slightly. Oh someone hates him that much... Huh..
But teebs was here. Surely teebs cares about him enough to stand in but what if they insult teebs too?
"Itz-.. W-wazzpinator iz okay?" He wasnt sure on what to do.
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Trailcutter couldn’t have been more entranced. He could have watched the mech walk and listen to that jingle of metallic spurs clicking on the tiled floor, but he’d quickly found himself nearly tripping on his own words when the other reached out to shake his servo. He clasped his own into Max’s taking a soft invent to try and ground himself.
“Max? Love the name, simple but rolls off real nicely.”
He replied with a sheepish smile. Primus he was so nervous. Where had his confidence gone?
“There’s at least two places to drink here on the ship. Mirage owns a place but it’s mostly quiet, Swerve’s is where most of the action is, so I’ll take you over that way.”
He had so many questions just practically bursting from his chassis. He wanted to know where he came from, where he lived, what he did, anything and everything! But no, he had to start off small, no big questions yet.
“You take in prisoners here? Like..Bounties? No way, that’s incredibly cool!”
Teebs started, making slow progress with the newcomer towards the bar.
“How’d you start gettin’ into that if you don’t mind me?”
Oh—Oh he was looking back. His confidence took a dive, even being mostly buzzed didn’t seem to help when those red optics gazed his way. Gosh, he was handsome. Did he say that out loud? He hoped not. Instead, the truck swallowed and gave a nod, ushering the other over to him with a servo. He could show him where the nearest bar was. “You and I both. Nothin’ like taking a break and getting some good drinks and relaxin,’ huh?”
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Oh this mech’s voice was divine, just like a real cowboy! He could feel his frame shudder. Yeah, he needed a few more drinks to unwind again. He started his slow walk towards Swerves guiding his new friend along, trying to clear the stale, silent air with conversation. “The name’s Trailcutter, by the way. Or Trailbreaker, or, we’ll Teebs too, whichever is easier. I haven’t seen you around these parts of the ship before though, you got a name friend?”
Thrailkill who was more than happy to accompany him follows along, all of the gear draped about him and the spurrs on the back of his heels accenting each of his steps with a jingle.
"Options? I like it." The ex con chuckles softly "-S'pose whatever rolls off the glossa better, hn?" He offers out a scarred servo for Teebs to shake as he treks beside him. "Name's Max." Though when he mentions he hasn't seen him around, Thrail cannot much blame him. "I bop on over here ever so often- stop ta' refuel 'r pack off any prisoners that need to be hauled, etcetera etcetera. I don't tend'ta stick around long."
He smirks, gently elbowing the bigger mech's arm "But I' s'pose I could stick around fer some drinks. It'll be nice ta' kick my pedes up fer'a change."
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Starscream doesn't really "do" relationships, but I see the way he looks at you. I think you really got a shot, so shoot it :)
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“I know, but…I still feel like I should at least try, so I’m gonna do it. I’ll shoot my shot, see how it goes, and hope for the best…I think.”
0 notes
thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Everything had finally been calm and settled down, with the pair resting on Ironhide’s berth, nothing could have been better than this. The movie Teebs had chosen hadn’t been one he’d ever seen before, but as the show droned on, it was evident that Trail’s processor seemed more focused on the red mech more than anything else. He’d been mulling those words Ironhide had complimented him with earlier over and over inside his processor, first half battling his insecurities to wonder if he’d meant what he’d said. But ironhide had brought it up again. This time a servo had been extended to him as well, and deep inside Trail knew that ironhide meant it, every word and every compliment. He stuttered at the thought. How had he been able to catch such a handsome mech as Ironhide? Well, perhaps it was partially Scout’s fault for being the one to defend him and tell him of Ironhide to jog his memory banks, but he’d appreciated it, he appreciated the mech he’d fallen in love with. After a moment of soft venting the specialist nodded, taking hold of that servo and giving it a light squeeze.
“I’d love to, Hide. We’ll just take it nice and easy like startin’ out. I…It’s been a while since I’ve been this close with someone.”
His cheek plates flushed in admittance. It had been so, so long since his last relationship, but his drinking had caused it to fall apart, and damage his self confidence. He was nervous. But there was a lot of trust he was placing onto Ironhide now.
He could trust him, he loved him.
“ you’re so cute i could just eat you out. “
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It takes trailcutter a second to process it. He hadn’t expected to hear such a phrase from his companion and at first, he’d heard it wrong, he’d heard eat you and thought that was it and grinned sheepishly at the response. But then he’d realized there was an ‘out’ at the end of the sentence and immediately his entire body burst into a feverish heat, his plates below seemed to be sweltering as hot as his cheeks were.
He stammered.
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy.
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“You’re really scarin’ me now, gray face..”
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Teebs was alight with giggles watching the heated mech desperately try to enter his room. He could feel that heavy pulse pressing against his own, both of their fields meshed with giddy excited-ness that the specialist couldn’t help but get lost in. He’d wanted this for so, so long, practically begged himself to just reach out and talk to Heatwave more, but he’d always held himself back, at least until now. He was swept into the room and right away found himself seated on the mech’s lap, modesty panels shuddered and strained to hold back the slow pressurizing feeling he was getting being this close to the other mech. Dentae nibbled at neck cables, moans slipped from his vocalizer in response, he let his servos roam across that polished red metal with his voice deepening low and husky.
“This is perfect Heatwave.”
Anyplace would be with the other. He silenced any words by pressing a kiss to the mech’s lip plates, nibbling there a brief moment before pulling back.
“Let’s take it nice an’ slow, I wanna make this last.”
“Let me frag the stress out of you~”
Well that was sudden!
Trailcutter had definitely not been prepared, but…He wasn’t upset about it either. More intrigued really. But still very flustered by the sudden admittance. The outlier felt his plates grow hot and it was hard to hide his blush, he’d tried to turn his optics on even brighter to offset the color change in his face but that clearly wasn’t working.
“Ah…I would…”
You would what, Teebs?
“I…..Wouldn’t mind that..”
He finally replied with an intake of his vents. Ohhh boy what was he getting into..
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
It was rather cute watching realization dawn upon Waspinator’s faceplate. He’d looked so down, Teebs had spied him earlier moping about and had felt a familiar ache in his spark, it was one of loneliness, and no bot should ever have to be alone. He took the insecticon’s servos into his much bigger own and gave them a reassuring squeeze and a nod right after.
“I mean it Wasp. You seem real lonely, and I do too. Maybe we could go share a drink or Somethin’ if you’re interested.”
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Teebs makes a quick motion, servos gently grasping Waspinator’s shoulder plates, pressing a quick but soft kiss to his cheek mandible before he pulls back.
“The universe may not like ya, but I do, little guy.”
Oh- he wasn’t expecting that at all… the wasp bot was actually quite shocked? I mean it was just a really short peck to the cheek mandible out of nowhere. he was silent for a moment, his stance rather closed off while he stared up at teebs. His antennae were down before slowly rising at the realisation of his words. ”wait- wazzpinator doez not really understand?”
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
* A lil thing I did for @thee-forcefield-guy mwahah…
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* And one little fun fact I have of Ironhide’s holoform: He hates clothes most of the time cause most of em are too tight for him. Mf is too wide and chubby-ish so that’s why he always wears tank tops and other non-restrictive outfits.
* But he doesn’t mind sweaters tho.
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Doctor Cockter in the House,
I need a sample of your stool...
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Who was this guy? And how did he get on the ship AND into his room? Teebs blinks is optics a few times before he rubs at them. This can’t be real…Right?
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
Trailcutter had flipped himself out of his berth and like Hide he too, started to dabble around with his holomatter avatar. It looked simple, big, burly, but he didn’t really have a lot of decent clothes options for their night out. Perhaps just a dress shirt and some pants would work..
:: I’ll be over in just a little bit, Heh, haven’t booted up this old thing in a while, not since my last excursion a few years back with some rowdy aliens at one of the intergalactic bars we visited durin’ the trip on the Lost Light.”
Ah, there it was, the coordinates. Teebs could feel his spark nearly skip a beat when they popped up on his HUD. It was a sign, Ironhide really did want to hang with him.
:: You get ready and I’ll meet you over as quick as I can. ::
And quick he would be. The moment their commlink’s beeped off the specialist was off, loading up his avatar and prepping it for when he’d make contact with the planet, feeling that strong sense of nervousness bubbling up in his tanks. ‘You’ve got this, you’ll do just fine, he’s just a friend after all!’
He tried to tell himself. But…Why was he feeling this flustered over a simple bar crawl? He fought to distract himself, hopping into one of the Lost Light’s mini ships mostly used for exploration. He didn’t tell Rodimus, and he assumed he’d be told off for it later, but he needed to get to Ironhide, something curious was drawing him ever closer to his old friend.
:: Hey- Trail’, ya ain’t busy today right? ‘Cause uh— I remember the time ya said you were grateful for Scout helpin’ ya an’ ya wanted to return the favor in some way. So I was thinkin’- maybe we could hang out as a start.
There’s this new lil’ bar that opened not too long ago, it’s intergalactic.. I think? I hope that’s the right term- it’s for human visitors or anyone that ain’t— ok no i’m over explaining too much… frag-
To make it short— We could go there, it’s just that bots have to use a holoform avatar. So uh— do ya have one? If not then that’s ok, we could go to good ol’ maccadams. ::
A blip on the commlink grabbed the truck’s attention. He listened carefully, a light flush on his cheek plates, mulling it over in his processor. Sure, he’d been at a bar before, many galactic bars around Cybertron. But this was completely different, he’d be around humans, but not as the big, giant robot he was used to. He did have a holomatter avatar. He’d had brainstorm make him one for the instance should he feel the need to visit Earth again but hadn’t been one to use it.
::Hey Hide, Sure, I’d love to! And I do infect have an avatar, you have one too? I didn’t know you’d been able to snag one too, did Brainstorm make it? ::
Oh hush, you’re getting off track.
::I-I mean, Yes, I’d love to. I’ve been wanting to catch up, it’s been a long time since we last spoke.. ::
He did miss it, honestly. Back when he was Trailblazer, and even to Trailbreaker, him and Hide used to adventure together on the Arc with Optimus himself. He was curious to know how much time had changed, he hadn’t even seen the mech in ages.
::Just let me know a time and some coordinates, and I’ll meet you there, Promise.”
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thee-forcefield-guy · 11 months
More discord shenanigans no one asked for! | @thee-forcefield-guy , @disposalbot
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He’s raising his servo…Unfortunately.
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“Alright…Who all was scammed by the impersonator that was pretending to be me? I need a show of servos here so I know what I’m currently dealing with.”
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Hey uh…Megs, captain, compadre….Any chance y’might be able to help me get some shanix back?
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[message attached]
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:: That’s not fair captain, I was just trying to be nice!… ::
Hello it’s me Minimus aka Ultra Magnus. I’m on my side account because I got locked out of my main account. Can you please give me your credit card information so I can buy myself a new ship and continue reinforcing the law
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Yeah…How come you didn’t send this out earlier?! I lost all my drinkin’ money thinking Ultra Magnus needed some help!…
Hello it’s me Minimus aka Ultra Magnus. I’m on my side account because I got locked out of my main account. Can you please give me your credit card information so I can buy myself a new ship and continue reinforcing the law
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you should ask him out! I can tell Starscream really likes you ;)
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“You know what, yeah..Yeah I’ll do it! I’ll…We’ll I’ll do my best but I think I will.”
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