saramelaniemoon · 1 year
♡ next ♡
Wayne was always suspicious about girls that were around Eddie
They always have been taking advantage of his boy like weed discounts or making fun of him when he wasn't around. So every time he saw you in a trailer he was worried and tense.
Usually he had night shifts but even though he felt your presence at his home. For example there were flowers on a table, everything was much more cleaner than ever or he's been seeing home-made meals in a fridge. Both of you even talked a few times and you always made more food so he could have a portion. But still was cautious about you.
But one day everything changed.
He was sleeping on a couch and woke up because of argument in hushed voices.
- Eddie, we've talked about it.
- But baby I really don't wanna do this please.
In Wayne's mind there was an loud alarm about what you could make his boy do.
- Eddie, I really don't like to repeat myself.
- Ahh, okay okay.
Wayne opened his eyes and saw his boy putting on a hat on his head probably first time ever.
- See, you look so pretty and you're not gonna be sick babe - you said kissing Eddie's nose.
And since that day he started to warm to you because no one ever was worried about his kiddo and taking care of him besides Wayne.
Although he was kinda scared of your powers because it was impossible to convince Eddie to put a hat on. It wasn't metal enough for him and he always complains how stupid he looks with a hat on.
♡ next ♡
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Call Wayne impressed.
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
it's not ever what it looks like
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is saying you're sorry'
rated m | 3,299 words | cw: language, implied sexual content | tags: angst with a happy ending, arguing, established relationship, hurt/comfort, rock star eddie munson, teacher steve harrington, modern au, steve thinks eddie is cheating on him but HE ISN'T I PROMISE, marriage proposal
It wasn't the first time Steve woke up to pictures and articles about Eddie being seen with some model or actor, but it was the first time he'd actually been worried.
Eddie had been distant lately. Usually, when he was on tour, he'd call Steve on his lunch break and text him when he got off of work, and he'd try to Facetime him after his show if it wasn't in a different time zone.
But for the past week or so, he had excuses. They sounded legitimate until one of the afternoons he said the band was caught up in an interview so he couldn't call and Jeff called him ten minutes later to ask where Eddie was. Even with that, Steve hadn't assumed he was cheating.
Steve figured maybe Eddie was just tired or his social battery had run out. Those kinds of things happened before occasionally.
But not daily for over a week.
He was barely even responding to texts, and the ones he did respond to were hours later and hardly adding to any conversation.
And now this article.
There was a picture of Eddie standing with his arm around some guy who was taller than him, both of them laughing, looking at each other like...well. Steve knew that look because it'd only ever been pointed at him, but now he was seeing it pointed at just some guy.
Steve decided the only way through this was to read the entire article. At least then he could probably convince himself they were wrong.
Except the article went on to explain how Eddie hadn't brough Steve to any shows yet this tour, and how he'd been flirting more with the crowd after the show instead of just during it, how he was seen at two bars over the last week when he usually doesn't go out after shows.
It went on to say that these pictures were taken shortly after they'd been seen sneaking away from a group of people they'd been hanging out with and that they seemed very close for the entire night. The article said the guy was a male lingerie model who made it big posing for Gucci last year. He'd just landed his first film role as a supporting actor and was looking to land a lead role soon.
Steve hated him. And he was getting a terrible feeling in his gut about what was going on.
He had 26 unread texts, most of them from Robin, Dustin, and Gareth.
All of them had said mostly the same things:
I can't get ahold of Eddie.
He wouldn't do this.
Something else is going on.
Call me when you can.
The last one was Gareth, and it's not that he and Gareth weren't close, but they never talked on the phone.
He tried not to think about he didn't have a single message or missed call from Eddie.
Steve called Gareth.
"Steve. Shit, I'm glad you called."
"What's going on?"
Gareth sighed. "Ed's kinda losing it. But before you call him-"
"Why would I call him? Shouldn't he be the one to call me? If he wants to be with some supermodel, he should probably be the one to break up with me, right?" Steve could feel tears gathering in his eyes, stinging the back of his throat. "I'm not sure why I have to be the one to hurt and do the breaking up."
"Is there something you needed Gareth? Or were you just trying to defend your friend?"
"There's nothing to defend! I swear-"
"Yeah. Well. Tell him to call me if he wants to explain anything, I guess."
Steve hung up just before a sob ripped from his throat.
He never had to worry about Eddie being a famous rock star, spending 6-7 months of the year gone, meeting all kinds of flashy celebrities. Eddie loved him so much, he never had any doubt that he'd always be his first choice.
Until now.
It was a shitty feeling and he had to be at work in less than an hour.
No time to wallow.
He sent a quick text to Robin to let her know he was okay, but needed to focus on getting through work, then shut off his phone.
"Is everything okay?" the art teacher, Mrs. Phineas, asked him on their lunch break. "You seem out of it today."
"Just a migraine," Steve gave a half-smile, hoped it was enough to convince her to leave him alone. He still hadn't turned on his phone, and at this point, he didn't really want to.
She tilted her head to the side. "When are you off to see your man?"
"Don't know," he shrugged, ignoring the tug in his stomach, the sudden weight in his chest.
"Ah," she said, turning back to her soup. "Something happened."
"Nothing happened!"
"You look two seconds away from crying," she gave him a deadpan look. "Did he hurt you?"
Mrs. Phineas was a little older than Wayne, close to retirement, and had been his closest friend from the moment he started teaching at this school nearly six years ago. He'd told her everything about Eddie, their relationship, his hopes of Eddie taking a longer break after this tour so they could have some time just the two of them, maybe make a real plan for their future.
Steve nodded once.
Her hand covered his and she squeezed his fingers in her own. "I may not know him half as well as I know you, but I know that boy loves you. You two will get through this, whatever it is."
"I dunno if we will," Steve whispered, scared to speak louder and risk the tears falling. He'd been doing so well today.
She patted his hand and went back to eating, saying nothing else about it.
His students had caught on early that he wasn't quite his usual self, and the group of second graders had been on their best behavior because of it. As the dismissal bell rang and he started calling for bus riders to line up, someone walked through his door.
Eddie walked through his door.
He bit back the anger, knowing his students loved Eddie and wouldn't know he was here for any reason other than to say hello.
"Mr. Munson!" A few of them yelled as most of them ran up to him instead of getting in the line Steve asked them to.
"Hi kiddos!" Eddie was faking it, but luckily the students couldn't tell. "Sorry, but you guys have to listen to Mr. H right now. I promise I will come say hi again tomorrow."
The students grumbled about it and Steve took in his appearance.
He had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept the night before, his hair was in a messy bun instead of perfectly arranged to fall on his shoulders, and he was wearing Steve's hoodie that had suspiciously gone missing the last time he'd been home.
The fact that Steve's first thought was how badly he wanted to pull him into a hug was not a good sign.
He checked names off the list as they filtered out the door and then called the car riders to line up. He went through the list and made sure everyone made it into the hall where they'd be called when their parent pulled up before turning back to Eddie.
He closed his door and made his way to his desk, ignoring the way Eddie awkwardly stood by one of the student desks in the front.
"What are you doing here?" Steve asked, signing off of his work email and organizing tomorrow's lesson plan.
"I needed to explain-"
"That article wasn't supposed to come out yet."
Steve's jaw dropped. So he wasn't going to deny it, he was just gonna act like it was the media's fault for releasing it before he could talk to Steve.
"Yeah. So you decided to come break up with me in person because you got caught cheating instead of doing it over the phone right before the article hit online. Got it."
Steve was not going to cry about this. Not in front of Eddie.
He was going to go home, shower, try to eat something, and then he was going to cry for the next 10 hours.
"No, Steve, you don't understand."
"You're right, I don't. I don't understand how you could throw away a 10 year relationship for a model who doesn't even know your middle name. I don't understand how you can fly all the way here and interrupt my day at my job to try to explain to me why you were so cozy with a guy who doesn't even know that you like your hot chocolate with Bailey's instead of regular milk. I really don't understand how you couldn't even bother to text or call me one single time since the article to even try to explain anything." Steve wiped his eyes furiously, angry that his tears were betraying him. "I don't understand why you would expect me to care for reasons."
Eddie wordlessly picked Steve's phone up off the desk and powered it on. He set it down in front of Steve and waited.
Texts and calls and emails came through all at once, hundreds of notifications lighting up his screen.
Many of them from Eddie himself.
"Go ahead. Open them," Eddie didn't sound mad, he just sounded resigned.
So Steve read through the texts, many of them different renditions of 'please Steve, call me' and 'I love you sweetheart I'm sorry.' Not promising.
But then he started playing the voicemails.
"Stevie, it's really not what it looks like. It's never what it looks like. You know that. Please call me as soon as you can. I love you."
"I can explain everything if you call me back. I promise you it isn't anything more than a business thing. Everyone in the band can tell you. I swear. Just. Please."
"I'm getting on a flight to you now. I'm gonna keep trying to call you even when I land. I need you to know what's going on."
"Just landed. I'm on my way to you. The guys are a little pissed, but you're more important than the show tonight. I'm not doing my own thing until I know you understand."
Steve looked up at him, tears still falling down his face.
"Well?" He asked, broken.
"His name is Wyatt. He's trying to make it in the acting world and he was pretty much told he was the top choice for playing lead in a movie that's in early stages of development," Eddie spoke quickly.
"Great for him."
"It's actually great for all of us. The movie is a biopic of Corroded Coffin. He's expected to play me."
At any other time, Steve would be proud, he'd be jumping up and down at this chance for them, and he'd be kissing Eddie without a care in the world.
But he still saw that picture and that article, and no matter how much "business" was going on, it was pretty clear that wasn't all that was going on.
"So you thought sleeping with him would help him get into the role? Or did you just wanna get into him?" Steve bit back.
"The article was wrong! The picture was just really conveniently timed! You know the media are vultures, Stevie. How many times have they written about us breaking up? How many times have they said Gareth and I have secretly been married for the last two years? How many times have they tried to post shitty things about your relationship before me to prove that you can't possibly be queer?" Eddie pulled Steve to his feet and cupped his face in his hands. "I've been spending the last two weeks talking with him and the producer and the guys to see what might work best for production. They want us involved in as much of the writing and filming part as possible. And he had time in his schedule to come to a show last night, so we all took him out after so he could get a taste of what it's like for us. He's really excited for the role and all of us are really excited for the movie."
Steve felt stupid. Well, maybe not stupid. His feelings were valid and he wasn't dramatic about what he'd seen.
But he did feel a little shitty about doubting Eddie.
Eddie, who had literally flown across the country to explain in person so that there was no way Steve could misunderstand him. Eddie, who once Doordashed him soup from his favorite restaurant when he was sick even though he was in Europe. Eddie, who sent letters to the kids in his class once a month to talk about how important music is and following your dreams. Eddie, who loved him for ten years and wouldn't have let anyone get in the way of what they'd built.
Steve fell against Eddie, buried his face in his neck and his hands in his shirt. Eddie's arms wrapped around him, his voice saying something against his shoulder. Steve couldn’t hear him, but he didn’t think he needed to.
He just needed to feel him.
“I’m sorry,” Steve said against his neck. Tears soaked the hoodie under him, and Steve could feel tears against his own button down. “I shouldn’t have- I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” Eddie shook his head. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone until the article hit, but I was still gonna call you and warn you but I didn’t and I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. This is part of the whole lifestyle. I should be used to it,” Steve shuddered as Eddie’s hand scratched at his scalp. “I should’ve reacted better.”
“We both didn’t treat this the way we should’ve.”
Steve snorted, nodded as he found the spot Eddie had tattooed on his neck a couple years earlier. He pressed his lips over the tattoo of his lip print.
“You flew across the country over this,” Steve pulled away and looked at Eddie, vision blurred from crying. “Just to make things okay.”
“I needed you to know. I needed to hold you. I needed to have you in front of me. And I wanted to celebrate the fact that we’re getting a movie about our lives,” Eddie smirked. “I wonder who will play you. Someone with a nice ass is a must. Their hair will have to defy gravity. Don’t know if they’ll find anyone with that smile, though.”
“Me? Why would they need anyone to play me?” Steve played with the string of the hoodie. “That might be kinda boring.”
“How would they make a movie about me and not include you? You’re the reason I ever made it past Hawkins, sweet thing,” Eddie leaned in to kiss his bottom lip. “Maybe they’ll just cast you. No one else could pull it off.”
“Eds-“ Steve blushed. “Wait. Okay, I trust you, but what were you doing in the picture?”
Eddie laughed. “He had just finished telling me about his boyfriend who lives in Italy. He’s apparently just a regular guy in finance who has no interest in the whole fame thing. Sound familiar?”
“Sounds like you two have a lot in common.”
“The picture was me asking if we could crash at their home in Italy next summer on our honeymoon,” Eddie said casually.
Steve froze. “Honeymoon?”
“I’m open to other places, but you still haven’t been to Italy and I know how much you wanted to see Rome and Florence,” Eddie was smirking.
That bastard.
“You are ridiculous, you know that? I’m over here planning how I’ll survive a breakup with you and you fly across the country to propose with a honeymoon planned before I’ve even said yes! You know how crazy that sounds, right?” Steve shook his head. “You’re lucky I love you. You’re lucky I’m not interested in big romantic gestures.”
“Damn. Hold on, let me make a call,” Eddie reached into his pocket for his phone.
“I gotta cancel the big romantic gesture,” Eddie explained as he typed furiously on his phone.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“It was a whole thing. Robin was involved. There may have been 500 flowers ordered. I think it’s too late to cancel the singing telegram though.”
“I genuinely can’t tell if you’re being serious,” Steve wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of that was true.
“Oh, I’m serious. The ring was being set on the bed in the middle of a heart made of rose petals. I didn’t half-ass a fucking thing, angel.”
Steve pulled his phone out of his hands and set it on his desk. “Don’t cancel anything. I changed my mind. I am very much into big romantic gestures when it’s you doing them.”
“It was a team effort. I mean, I had to move it all up unexpectedly, but this was all gonna happen next month when I came home." Eddie pulled Steve into a long kiss, tongue tracing his lips. He pulled away to rest their foreheads together. "I'm not doing this just because of what happened, but I need you to know you're it for me. You've stuck by me through failing senior year, through being broke trying to book gigs all over the midwest, through the stress of our first album being released and the unexpected overnight fame, every album and tour since then, every time I've had to miss things that matter to you because of the band, all of it. You love me anyway. I don't always deserve it, but I'm grateful."
Steve's lips pressed against Eddie's again. "I love the life we have. I love you."
"I'm not asking you without the ring. I made so many plans. Robin will murder me in my sleep if I don't go through with them," Eddie laughed. "So can we get out of your classroom before I do something inappropriate and get you fired?"
"I mean," Steve glanced at the clock. "Technically all the students should be gone. We could lock the door..."
"Steven Harrington! How dare you suggest I fuck you over your desk in a school! I can't believe you would tell me to unbutton your jeans," he said as he unbuttoned his jeans. "And get on my knees." He got on his knees. "And suck you until you can't stand anymore."
"Eddie!" Steve chuckled, shoving his hand in Eddie's hair. "We should at least lock the door."
"So you're not saying no?"
"Why would I say no?"
"That's what I'm saying!" Eddie got back up and ran to the door, flipping the lock and turning back to Steve with flushed cheeks. "This is like, maybe three of my biggest fantasies in one, so I may actually come in my pants."
"You're ridiculous."
"Baby boy, my hand is my only friend on tour, you know that. How can I possibly hold myself back when I've got your dick in my mouth?" Eddie dropped to his knees again, looking up at Steve with something close to reverence.
"It's not in your mouth yet," Steve smirked as he tugged his waistband down enough to free his cock.
"Oh, I missed you," Eddie said directly to Steve's hard cock. "Steve, I want you to fuck my mouth until I pass out."
"I'm not doing that."
"Okay, well I'll settle for until I have to tap out."
"Fine. But it's not gonna be long for me," Steve shook his head. "Missed you, too."
"The sooner the better, sweetheart."
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I got in an argument with some guy while we walked through my old middle school. We were arguing about whether or not his belt keeping his pants from falling off his ass counted as a deus ex machina. I argued that’s just what belts do but he was so insistent that his belt was special for doing regular belt things. I woke up really angry.
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daniswoso · 4 months
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Don’t Ever Say I didn’t Love You. Of Course I do.
Alessia Russo x Reader.
Warnings: Honestly idk what this is, more of a blurb or whatever you call them, emptying out my drafts bbs get ready 🙏🏼, arguments, swearing, poorly written ending, probably poor grammar.
Summary: Less doesn’t think you love her anymore.
You and Alessia were in another one of your arguments.
It was the 4th one this week, you didn't know why at this point, you just knew your girlfriend was mad at you for something you hadn't even done. You think it has something to do with her makeup and you using the last bit of it or something like that.
"Alessia what has gotten into you?" You asked, your face crumbling slightly as tears well in your eyes. You didn't want to fight with your girlfriend, you loved her dearly and held her close to your heart. So why was it so difficult to get along with her without her blowing up recently?
You knew she had been stressed because of her recent move to Arsenal, but she had never taken her anger about football out on you before, just as you had never taken yours about football out on her.
"You don't love me anymore!" She shouts and for a moment, everything goes still. The clock stops ticking, the only sound in the room heard was your individual breaths. Heavy and laboured, as if you'd just ran 10 miles non stop each. Although, that's what fighting with each other usually felt like anyway.
"What? Less what are you on about?"
"You.. You don't love me anymore." Her voice is quiet, fearful.
"You're fucking delusional if you think that then." You scoff, and she rolls her eyes.
"Why do I even try, Y/N?"
"What makes you think I don't love you, Less?"
"You aren't spending time with me as much anymore!" She complains, and her face holds resemblance to that of a pouting toddler, you think.
"Lessi are you forgetting I have a full time very high stress job? The same job as you, might I add?” You glare at her, honestly offended she'd ever think you didn't love her anymore.
"No, no of course not, I just-" You cut her off with a scoff and disbelieving chuckle.
"Just what? Woke up last week and decided to make me feel like shit over every little fucking thing?!" You snap. You had reached your boiling point. Why was she not seeing that you loved her? Why couldn't she just see that if she had spoke about it with you it wouldn't be this way?
"I love you, Alessia. So don't you ever say I didn't love you, I still do. I always will, for fucks sakes!" You yell, completely flying off the rails.
She just looks at you, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Whatever. I'm gonna stay at Macca's." The blonde says, storming out of your shared apartment and heading to the Irish girl's.
You think about chasing after her but hear her  Mercedes pulling out of the driveway as you glare warily at your trainers. It would've been useless chasing her now.
You sigh and begin to tidy everything up, going getting into the spare bed, which you seemed to be spending a lot of time in lately, so that way if Alessia actually came back this time she'd be able to have space in a bed by herself.
Later that night, you briefly register a dip in the bed and your girlfriends warm body pressing against your own, muttering soft apologies into your hair which you just respond to with a grumble.
When you wake up that morning to the sight of the blonde's head on your chest and her smaller frame wrapped up in your arms, you feel a small flicker of hope that everything will be alright.
Because as long as you had your girl you felt like you could do anything.
A/N: enjoy!
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slashv1xen · 3 months
bo sinclair’s reaction to you flinching
fem!reader x lovesick/obsessed bo sinclair
category: fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort
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the two of you were having an argument. what about? his anger problems
y/n: “you always do this, you seriously need to get your short temper in check”
bo: “my temper ‘s perfectly fine, ya just looking for reasons to argue”
y/n: “you’re raising your voice now! don’t you understand that yelling like this makes everyone else feel like shit?”
bo: *rolls eyes.* “just shut up, okay?!”
he stepped forward towards you aggressively and you flinched. hard.
when he saw this his eyes flashed with hurt and he took a small step back. his jaw was slightly agape, then hardened as he thought of his actions. ‘is she seriously afraid of me?’
you began breathing heavily, and bo sighed whilst running his hand through his hair. your eyes darted around nervously, waiting for a larger reaction
to your surprise, he walked up to you slowly and hugged you, his muscular arms wrapping around your upper back. his face was in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. his eyes watered slightly, and you mouth went dry as you felt you neck becoming damp
“are you afraid of me? you know i’ll never hurt you, right?” he sniffled, then looked up at you for reassurance, his nose and corners of his eyes red, and his cheeks damp from his hot tears.
you stayed silent for a few seconds, unsure how to comfort him. bo’s never this emotional, so it truly was a sight to see. “i know bo, i’m not afraid of you. i’m sorry, i was just…” you sighed and ran your fingers through his hair, smiling at him reassuringly.
his head fell into the crook of your neck once more, finding comfort in this position. he mumbled a few words, words you couldn’t hear. “what was that, bo?”
his face heated up, you didn’t even need to see it, you could feel the blood rush to his cheeks. “let’s just cuddle together” he mumbled again quietly. you laughed at his shyness, and the two of you made it to the bedroom, and reconciled.
authors note: hi loves, this is my first fanfic and i hope you enjoyed it! sorry if it is rushed, i wrote this at 12am while i was supposed to be sleeping. if you have any feedback, please say i would love to improve my writing. if you have any requests i would also love to complete those. i also feel like this is out of character but it’s all up to interpretation i guess. thank you for reading and have a great day x
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tomssexdoll · 1 month
ok here's my silly request: Bill and the reader are childhood best friends. Tom and the reader never really got along, they're kinda like enemies though there's still something between them (of course). One day they decide to go on a camping trip and Bill invites the reader. To y/n's surprise Bill brings his new girlfriend and shares a tent with her. So the reader has no other choice than to sleep in Tom's tent. The reader and Tom argue a lot, but in reality Tom isn't too annoyed by the reader's presence and he's had a crush on her for the longest time. Somehow they figure out they like each other and yeah, the rest is up to you ;)
Maybe you aren't so bad after all
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2007 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + SMUT + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Bill invites Y/N on a camping trip, little did she know he had a new girlfriend he was bringing over and she had no choice but to sleep in the same tent as Tom. A/N: guitar tom WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), kissing, fingering, arguing and yelling
My phone started to ring, Bills face was plastered on my screen and I smiled, instantly picking up.
"Hey Bill! What's up!"
"Me and Tom are going camping, do you want to come?"
"Oh of course! When are you going?"
"Next week, we'll pick you up"
"Sounds good, bye!" I smiled and hung up, getting on with what I was doing.
The days went by and the day of the camping trip was due, I heard Bills car beep outside, altering that he was here. I got all my bags and ran outside, shoving them in the backseat.
"This is Katie, my girlriend, she's coming with us" Bill smiled warmly, I smiled and reached out, hugging her "Hey! I'm y/n" she smiled and introduced herself. Tom just rolled his eyes and stayed on his phone, ignoring all of us.
I ignored Toms shitty mood and closed the car door, the car started and we started our journey to the camp site. It took us 2 hours to finally arrive, we put all our stuff down, setting up the tents and some chairs to all chill.
I realized that since Bill's new girlfriend was coming, I couldn't share a tent with Bill, meaning the only option I had left was Tom and I couldn't bare the though of spending a whole night with him.
Every year we went on the same camping trip, Bill let me sleep in his tent and we would sometimes cuddle because it got so cold. But now, what was I supposed to do if it got cold? I didn't want Toms dirty hands on me, who knows where they've been?
I sighed and accepted defeat, moving all my stuff into the spacious tent. I set up my sleeping bag, then I felt Tom bump into me, sending me flying to the floor. He started to burst out laughing, not even bothering to help me off the floor.
I grunted and got up, shoving him, "what the fuck Tom! Don't make it any worse then it has to be, I don't want to fucking sleep in here with you" he scoffed, "yeah, I feel the same sweetheart don't get your panties in a twist" I just rolled my eyes and stormed out.
After a long day of doing fun activities, hunting for food and fishing we got back to our spot, Tom started a fire for us to cook the food and I started to prepare the fish, putting them on a small metal rack, the meat slowly cooking.
"You're doing it wrong Y/N, let me help" Tom grabbed my arm, commenting on the way I was searing the fish, I grunted and tried to push him away, "fuck off I know what I'm doing, you've never cooked a day in your life what do you know?" he continued to struggle with me, tugging on my arm.
With one last firm tug he pushed the metal rack, flipping the fish onto the ash and ruining the food completely. "What the fuck? Look at what you've done! Now we have no food to eat!" I screamed at him, smacking his hand off me and standing up, storming off.
He quickly followed, "how is it my fault? You're so stubborn you can't let me do one thing, you're so controlling!" he yelled back, I gasped and turned around, "controlling? fucking controlling? maybe you're just an idiot and you can't accept it" my chest heaved up and down, eyes narrowing at him.
He rolled his eyes, "whatever, fuck you" he pushed past me, grabbing some of the meat we hunted and cooking it, wasting our collection for tomorrows dinner.
After we ate and spent some time together we headed to bed, I dreaded this moment all day, being stuck in a tent with the guy I hated the most.
I headed into the tent, seeing that Tom was already fast asleep. "Thank god.." I whispered to myself, slipping into my sleeping bag and slowly falling asleep.
Later in the night I woke up, the cold air seeping into the tent and making me shiver. "Fuck.." I muttered, trying to warm myself up but to no avail. "Come here.." I heard a voice call out, raspy and groggy. I realized it was Toms and furrowed my eyebrows, "what?" "don't act stupid, you're so fucking loud just come here, I'm cold too" holding a hand out.
As much as I disliked Tom, I will admit I need the warmth. "Im not moving, you can come here" I mumbled, "so stubborn..fine" he groaned, getting out of his sleeping back and slipping into mine and wrapping his arms around me.
I felt a sense of safety, like I was protected. I do admit, we are supposed to be enemies but..I do like him and have for quite a while.
My eyes squinted as Tom turned the lamp on, my eyes taking time to adjust to the light "Y/N.." he suddenly spoke up, catching my attention, I turned around and looked up at him, "yeah?" I smiled softly "you know I don't actually hate you right?" he sighed "I really like you, I've just been rejecting the feelings for a while but I can't" before he could say anything else I just smashed my lips into his, his hand snaked around the back of my head and held it softly, deepening the kiss.
"I've liked you for years Tom.." I muttered against his lips, "I need you so bad.." he grunted, shifting his position so that he was on top of me, eyes darkening with lust.
He pressed his erection against my leg, "please?" I nodded and felt him pull my pyjama pants off, slipping his hands into my panties and teasing my entrance with his fingers.
He slowly dipped 2 digits into my wetness, thrusting in and out and picking up his pace, "gotta make this pussy ready for me, mk?" he mumbled, I nodded in response and bit my lip, his fingers curling against my g spot perfectly.
"Oh fuck!" I whined, he quickly covered my mouth, "shhh!" I smirked and continued to moan in his hand, his fingers stretching me out and warming up my hole for what was about to come.
He retracted his fingers, I whined at the loss of contact, "baby..." I pouted, he looked back at me and grinned "be patient liebe" he slid his plaid pyjama pants down, pooling down at his knees.
His cock was straining against his boxers, BEGGING to be freed. It looked painful. I reached a hand out and palmed his cock, earning a low groan from him, his head rolling back, "fuck baby.."
He came back to his senses and held my hips, sliding my panties down and taking his cock out, I gasped at the length and gurth, it was a solid 7 inches, gurthy and veiny.
"Holy shit.." my breathing hitched, his hands coming down to my hips as he placed his tip at my entrance, "tell me if you want to stop ok?" kissing my neck sweetly, I nodded and held onto his toned arms.
He slowly pushed in, stretching me out more then he did with his fingers, a pain submerging throughout my body. "Ah!" I cried out, nails digging into his biceps. "I know baby, just a bit more" he reassured, pushing what was left of his cock in me.
After bottoming himself out he let me rest, kissing my neck and rubbing my clit in hopes to soothe me from the pain of his cock. Eventually he pulled out before slamming back in, creating a quick pace, his length thrusting in and out of me perfectly.
I felt his tip directly hit my g spot, ramming into it at such speed the pleasure came in shock waves. I grabbed his hand and put it over my mouth, muffling the very loud moans about to escape my mouth.
He grinned down at me, pounding his cock into me, every inch that came and went making me want to scream out in pleasure.
"Fuckk!" I mumbled against his hand, rolling my eyes back. "So good.." he grunted, one hand holding my hip tightly, making sure I didn't fling all over the place from his brutal thrusts.
He removed his hand from my mouth and I shoved my face in the crook of his neck, kissing and sucking, leaving dark purple marks all over his neck.
I didn't realize in the moment but the consequences in the morning would be severe. How could we even explain this to Bill? How would he wrap his head around us doing this?
"So so beautiful" he muttered, triggering a smile to form on my face, blush filling my cheeks. He chuckled at my flustered state, "you're adorable, always blushing over the smallest things" I retracted my head from his neck and attatched my lips to his, kissing him passionately as his memeber drilled into my sopping cunt.
I felt tension build in my tummy, a burning sensation forming in my core. I knew I was close to my release, pussy clenching around his cock as it built up higher, "oh fuck!" I whined, my legs shaking as I came all over his cock, moaning against his lips.
He grunted, the feeling of my cunt clamping down on his cock sent him into oblivion. He rolled his eyes back and moaned a little too loudy, shooting his seed deep into me.
"Oh my god..." he panted, collapsing onto my chest, we both were trying to catch our breathes. After a while he finally spoke up, "hey, I mean at least we're warm now, isn't that what we wanted?" I giggled and slapped his arm playfully, "whattt? You know I'm right" he winked and sat up, helping me put my clothes back on and his too, spooning me again.
His arms were so strong and rough yet so gentle and kind. "I'm glad we got this off our chests, I couldn't wait any longer to tell you and it just exploded like this" he sighed "i'm sorry if it looks like I was just using you..I can assure you I'm not, I do really like you" he whispered softly in my ear, his breath tickling my neck softly.
I wanted to believe he was lying, that this was all just for a quick fuck but the sincerity in his voice said otherwise, the way his arms were wrapped around me and how he was so loving when we fucked, the kisses he planted on my lips randomly.
"I know Tom..don't stress yourself out, I'm just a bit surprised you still like me after our little altercation today" I sighed "I'm sorry I get so controlling, I can't help it" I cowered, my cheeks heating up.
He spun me around and grabbed my chin for me to look at him, "don't be so harsh on yourself, you were right I am an idiot" he chuckled "I only did that so I could rile you up, I love seeing you pissed off" he winked, pecking my lips.
I giggled "fuck you Tom, cmon, let's go to sleep it's really late" I yawned softly and rested my head against his chest, slowly melting into his embrace. "Goodnight schatz.." he switched the lamp off, rubbing my back softly.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @ballhair @estxkios @tomkaulitzloverr @itsangelll @ge-billsgf @bkaulitzlover @charliesgoodboy
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slaybestieslay946 · 2 months
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pairing: paul atreides x reader
word count: 2000
warnings: light angst with a happy ending
summary: you are the empress of the known universe alongside paul atreides, however, you dont agree with what hes doing, so you give him an ultimatum.
You had always loved the rain. Especially on Caladan. Yes, on your home planet it had rained fairly frequently, but it wasn’t the same. The rain on Caladan came down by the bucket full, not measly little drops. Each minute sheets of water fell from the sky like rolls of silver fabric. 
The only thing that lulled you to sleep more effectively than rain on a window, was the slow, contented breathing of your husband beside you, and the slow movement of his fingers brushing against your waist. Every now and again he’d re-adjust his position to get even closer to you. 
Usually he fell asleep before he was practically clinging to you, but tonight was not one of those occasions. 
“Paul,” You laughed breathily, pushing away from him a bit in order to spin in his arms and face him. 
He groaned in complaint as you moved away from him and opened his eyes blearily. 
“Why’re you moving away…” He complained, trying to pull you back to him. 
“Because you’re practically on top of me, I’m not a hot water bottle.” You chided, although the teasing smile on your face gave away your true feelings. 
“No, you’re better.” He said, a sly smile on his face, “Now c’mere, I’m cold.” 
You sighed, but did as he said, tugging his arm around you and lacing your fingers together. 
You could feel Paul’s smile on the back of your neck as he found a way to hold you even closer. 
“I love you.” He whispered, and you replied in kind, the smile that formed on your face certain to match the one he was currently wearing. 
“Promise you’ll stay with me?” 
“Mhm. I promise.” 
Now, as you paced nervously around the hangar, you couldn’t help but think back to that promise you had made. At the time, you thought that nothing could tear you away from Paul Atreides, not the sun nor the stars. 
Of course, you could never have planned for him becoming Emperor of the known universe. And you could have never known that it would be him tearing the both of you apart. 
At first, when you had been planning your escape, you had hoped that the aircraft would arrive before your husband. That was before you remembered who your husband was now. He would notice you were gone almost immediately, so you had to plan for confrontation, not avoid it. 
“What is this?” A voice came from the entrance to the hangar, echoing through the cavernous room and into your ears. He didn’t sound angry, merely confused.
You turned to face him and his expression was just what you thought it would be, torn between angry and distressed. In his hand, he held the note which you had written, telling him to meet you down here.
“I am leaving, Paul. For Caladan.” You said firmly, turning to face him. 
He smiled weakly, shaking his head, “Why all the smoke and mirrors? If you wanted to return home you should have said so. I would have prepared a ship for us both-”
“Because I am not going with you.” You interrupted, your voice harsh.
“What do you mean? It is not exactly typical for the Empress to leave her husband days after the coronation.” He laughed, but it was not the melodic sound you had once loved, instead it was forced, choked even. 
“Well, you are not the typical Emperor. I am leaving, and you will not follow me.” You stated, remaining firm, even as your heart threatened to betray your mind and run back to him. 
Paul just stared at you, his face painted white in shock. 
“Why?” He asked, his voice cracking.
“Because I can no longer stay by your side and watch you become this. You are becoming someone I do not recognise.” 
“My love, what are you talking about-?”
“I'm talking about this, Paul! Your holy war! You do remember that, don’t you? The war you swore to me you’d do anything to stop? And now, here you are, at its forefront.”
“I had no choice.” He said, his eyes hardening slightly.
“You always have a choice. You are their so-called ‘messiah’. Their emperor. They would fly into the sun if you asked them to. So ask them, stop this war before it consumes everything.”
“You know it is not that simple!” He shouted, and you couldn’t help but flinch slightly before rallying yourself.
“The man I married on Caladan would not have cared about simplicity. He would have cared about what was right, what was moral! He would never have entered this conflict, he would have laid down his life to prevent it! And I would have been right beside him.” 
“This conflict was inevitable! I am doing my very best to minimise the damage, can’t you understand that?”
“I understand that you are still not doing enough.”
Paul looked at you, incredulously, anger filling his gaze, “Really? How can I do more when my own wife does not believe in me! You claim to support me, and yet now you are leaving me. My position is still weak, and you leave the only man you have ever claimed to love.”
“Your position! You are faced with the massacre of your people and all you can speak of is your position!?. Have you no soul left Paul? Did it melt away on Arrakis, scorched by the sun?” 
Suddenly all the anger and venom drained from Paul’s face, and he found himself dropping to his knees, and begging you to stay. 
“You are my soul. You have been all these years. You keep me balanced, you are my morality, my goodness. Everything I do is for you, my love, for your safety. I only care about my position for it is your position also, all the power I have acquired is only in the name of keeping you from harm.”
You looked at him, staring deeply into his eyes, that piercing blue that you had thought so beautiful when they finally changed. Now they were just a reminder of how much he had changed since coming to this awful place. 
“I want to believe you. But you have always had such a way with words. I watched the way you deceived those people into following you, is that what you’re doing now?” 
He rose to his feet again, taking your hands in his. His face was frantic with fear. 
“I would never deceive you. I mean every word, I’ve felt this way my whole life. You are the most important thing to me. You know I would never lie to you.”
For the first time since the conversation began, you hesitated slightly. Could you believe him? Eventually, you landed on an answer. 
“...I do. You would never lie to me on purpose. You are lying to yourself too Paul. You know that I have never wanted position, nor power, heavens, I have never even wanted safety! All I have ever wanted is you, wholly, truly, with no barriers-”
“And you have me!” 
You reached up to splay your hand across his cheek, wiping away the tears that threatened to spill from his blue-blue eyes. 
“No, I don’t have you. I have splinters of you, and I fear the rest is lost. You may bear the resemblance of the man I love, but you are not him.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but no sound came out. 
Suddenly there was the immense whirring of gears, and you knew your ship was here to take you to Caladan.
“I’m afraid we do not have much time, so listen to what I say,” He didn’t react, his face remaining desperate and heartbroken, but you continued anyway.
“If you finally realise what you have done, and you fix it, come to me on Caladan. But I don’t want to see the Muad’dib, or the ‘Messiah’, or the Kwisatz Haderach. The only man I wish to see is my husband, Paul Atreides. Remember that Paul.” 
You gave him one last longing look before turning away from him, and making towards the ship that was emerging from the floor of the hangar.
“I’ll see you again?” He called, his voice cracking slightly as he stared after your retreating form in defeat. 
“Hopefully so, my love, hopefully so.” 
And with that, you stepped onto the outstretched platform of the ship, and shut the door behind you. Paul stayed in the hangar until the craft was gone, biting his tongue so as not to call out to you again and beg you to stay.  
The message that the Emperor would be coming to visit you had come far sooner than you expected.  
And you were disappointed in him. He was breaking your agreement, and so soon. It had only been a year, and to your knowledge there had been no change in the situation.
 Perhaps he was coming to ask for a divorce, maybe he’d found someone else since you left. That would certainly be ironic, considering the way he had begged for you to stay on Arrakis. 
However, you were incorrect, because only a few days later a messenger came to tell you that the jihad had ended.         
Immediately you leapt out of your seat, clasping your hand over your mouth in shock. He had done it. 
For the next few days, Castle Caladan was abuzz with preparations for the Emperor returning home. You oversaw said preparations with a watchful eye, and though you wouldn’t admit it, you were happier than you had been in years. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you had missed Paul terribly. 
Yet, when his ship landed, you were nowhere to be found. 
“Where is my wife?” Paul asked one of your ladies in waiting as he strode through the halls of his childhood home. 
“My lord, she left on a walk to the cliffs this morning, and has not returned since. Would you like me to send someone to fetch her?”
The Emperor’s harsh expression softened slightly. “No, I’ll go.” 
It didn’t take Paul long to work out where you had gone, and as he climbed one of the paths up to the cliffs, he was glad to see you sitting on one of the benches, clad in the green silks of house Atreides. 
He called your name, and his voice cut through the gusting winds into your ear, and you turned to face him with a searching look on your face. 
You stood, and couldn’t help but jog towards your husband, gathering your skirts so you didn’t trip and make a fool of yourself. However, you stopped short of running into his arms, opting to stand just in front of him so you could inspect his face properly. 
“Is it you, Paul? Have you finally come back to me?” You asked, your voice cracking slightly. 
“It’s me,” He whispered, reaching a hand out to touch you, “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, what I was doing was wrong, and I know that now, and-!”
You cut off his rambling apology by surging forwards into his arms and kissing him fiercely. He immediately responded in kind, wrapping an arm around your waist and cradling your head in his hand, whilst you held onto the lapels of his coat as tightly as you could. 
Despite the fact you wanted to stay like that forever, eventually the need for oxygen prevailed, and you broke away to take a deep breath in, laughing lightly at the sight of his flushed face. 
He grinned at you, moving the hand that was on the back of our head back to your cheek, brushing his thumb along your face. 
“You missed me?” He asked, teasing, but his voice had a slight edge of concern to it. 
“Yes. I missed you so much.” You said immediately, emphatically. Because you had missed Paul, it felt as if you hadn’t seen the real him for years, and the feeling of being reunited was almost too much for you to contain. 
He let out a short sigh of relief, “I missed you too. But it’s ok, because I’ve fixed it all. They still think I’m their messiah, but I’m going to stop acting like it. And you were right, I was power hungry, and selfish, and I exploited so many people, and I betrayed you, and-”
“Enough, Paul.” You said, looking at him with so much care that he couldn’t help but smile softly, “Yes, you have made mistakes, but it wasn’t all your fault. And you’ve made a change now, you’re doing the right thing. And I’ll always be there for you. I had to leave to help you, but I knew we’d see each other again. And here we are, back home, just like old times.” 
“You’re right.” 
“I often am, my love.” 
He wrapped his arms around you once again, “Will you stay with me, here?” 
You nodded, “Mhm. I’ll stay for good this time.”
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s4ndg3m · 3 months
I wanna know ur wallmark divorce headcannons so bad
okokok. i had to type these all up separately so i could organize my ideas. i have like more in my head but they're hard to put into words so this is what you get
cw for alchoholism and general relationship issues. putting it all under the cut. remember these are just my headcanons and thoughts, nothing concrete.
General issues
Conflicting ideals on future life- Wallter being much more of a city guy, while mark prefers a rural setting.
Communication issues- Instead of talking things out they get accusatory and defensive, which means most talks end up arguments.
Further communication issues- They geniunely cannot understand the other half of the time. Wallter will attempt to be subtle in his communication, dropping hints instead of just flat out saying what he wants. Mark cannot pick up on these. Mark's direct communication sometimes comes across as rude and aggressive to Wallter.
General conflict- They have some shared interests, but there's also a lot of things that are important to them that they don't agree on. Like building materials, however silly that might sound.
Mark's issues
Alcoholism- Bit of A drunkard. He insists it isn't an issue but it is when it interferes with plans he and Wallter already had. "It would be weird if I didn't have a few with the boys after a job well done!"
Short-tempered- Which causes even more arguments over small things. (Def not physically abusive toward Wallter, even when drunk)
Abrasive personality- Mark would be more likely to make jabs or meaner jokes because he thinks everyone can take it. He wouldn't understand why someone would get upset over a joke.
He snores really loud- To the point where Wallter usually can't sleep. It builds tensions between them cus either Wallter is sleep-deprived or they never sleep in the same bed.
Dismissive- Wallter will ask/tell him about something that bothers him or something he wants as a gift for a holiday, but Mark usually won't listen.
Oblivious- Won't pick up on hints that Wallter drops, no matter the context.
Wallter's issues
Grey stuff. Wallter loves it, Mark loathes it. They argue over it.
Petty- Incredibly petty. Will make snide comments at Mark when he's upset about something.
Silent- He doesn't help at all with the communication issue, because he just flat out won't say anything! Until it's a big issue, of course. He might make hints but Mark cannot pick up on them.
Insistent on his own opinions- He will often push Mark to think like he does, instead of accepting their differences. It gets frustrating for Mark when he's constantly having to defend his thoughts.
Pretentious- Would absolutely try and take the moral high ground during arguments. He thinks talking in a level tone and not shouting means he's in the right, when really he's the one instigating most of the arguments.
Jealousy- I think he'd be the jealous type. He'd interrogate Mark about his friends and question his honesty often.
I don't think there was one thing that caused the divorce, but a buildup of tension and frustration over the years of their marriage that was never managed. i think they both wanted it to work, even afterward, but neither of them are willing enough to see their issues and work on them. Even then, they kind of ruined the idea of a life with one another because of how horribly their marriage ended.
anyway these are just my initial thoughts on the two. enjoy!
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kyhgwts · 1 year
Summary: when Eddie needs a place to live and so Steve let’s him crash at his apartment. But Eddie comes to find out that Steve has a girlfriend, no one had known about. And Eddie is just about to get a glimpse of how much he wishes he was Steve… or you he doesn’t really- (6.7k)
WARNINGS: Clinginess, size kink(not really), very shy y/n(at first), social anxiety mentions, fighting, angst (kinda?), hurt/comfort, fingering, squirting, vanilla!Steve, Vanilla!Reader (until Eddie changes her mind), dacryphilia, pet names(?) (sweet girl, sweetheart, baby, etc), Eddie says ‘little’ to reader a lot but it doesn’t mean anything it’s just something i think fits his character, this might be bad so sorry in advance. I ended up really not liking this… :( (the pictures shown are not meant to be what the reader (or Eddie and Steve) looks like, just the vibe of the story!!)
PAIRING: Steve Harrington x SHY!FemReader x Eddie Munson
part two
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Eddie was glad he was able to crash at Steve’s, rather than living in Wayne’s trailer. Don’t get him wrong, he loved his dear uncle but sometimes Eddie wanted his own space. Even if he doesn’t necessarily have his own space with Steve, at least it’s someone his age.
But what he was not expecting was when your little figure walked right out of Steve’s room, in only a t-shirt. You yawned rubbing your eyes before you took notice of Eddie’s presence, which was him sitting at the kitchen island eating cereal.
You stopped in your tracks, staring at him with wide eyes, before you ran off back to Steve’s room. Eddie stared at the closed door for a minute, before he got up to get the phone.
‘Hello, this is-“
‘Why didn’t you tell me about the girl.’ Eddie demanded, cutting Steve off.
‘Oh. um y/n you mean?’ he asked, Eddie let out a frustrated sigh.
‘Well fucking hell Steve, i didn’t even get to know her name she walked out here, mind you in only a t-shirt and once she noticed me she scurried on back to your room.’ Eddie said, Steve almost laughed but kept his composure.
‘She’s just a shy girl, i told her that i was having someone live in the apartment for a while. As for you i’m sorry i didn’t tell you, no one else really knows about her’ Steve says, Eddie furrows his brows.
‘Is she your girlfriend?’ Eddie asks confusion deep in his voice. Steve sighs, leaning against the counter.
‘yeah, but she’s shy so- she didn’t really want anyone to know’ Steve explains, Eddie hums.
‘Well she looked terrified of me.’
‘Everyone is terrified of you Ed’s look in the mirror man’ Steve laughed, Eddie grumbled saying his goodbyes before hanging up.
Eddie took his seat back on the stool, finishing his now soggy cereal.
You hadn’t come out at all that day, that is until you heard the jingles of Steve’s keys and then the front door opening. You sit up, getting out of the bed. You open the door peeking out of it, seeing Steve close the door behind him and putting his keys on the kitchen counter.
He spots you and you smile sweetly, he walks over to you walking into the room. Eddie had been watching the whole thing from the couch.
‘Have you even eaten today sweet girl?’ he asked, a little frustrated that you let your social anxiety take over.
‘Um… no. I got scared!’ you whine, he lets out a sigh shaking his head.
‘Eddie is no one you should be scared of’ he explains getting out of his work clothes, changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.
‘You sure’ you whisper, he nods walking over to you and giving you a kiss to the forehead.
‘Come on, you gotta at least be civil to him and say hi.’ Steve says giving you a pair of his boxers, you pout but put them on anyways.
You walk behind Steve as he opens the door, staying behind him. You can sense the presence of another human, and you don’t like it.
‘Say hi’ Steve says, to which you then make yourself visible to the other one whispering a small hi as you look down at your feet.
‘Hi there, would have introduced myself this morning if you hadn’t run off.’ Eddie jokes making you relax a little at his soft laugh.
‘Sorry, i’m y/n’ you whisper, taking a chance at looking at the other man.
‘No worries, i’m Eddie’ he said smiling, his heart absolutely melted at your soft aura.
‘Nice to meet you’ you say avoiding eye contact. Eddie grins looking over at Steve mouthing ‘real shy huh?’ Steve just grins back nodding.
‘Nice to meet you too’ Eddie laughs slightly, you burn up taking note that there is another person staring at you other than Steve.
You make thin line with your lips humming a small ‘mhm’, walking back into Steve’s room. Eddie watched as you shut the door, and he just laughed.
‘Well god dammit Steven, you didn’t tell me she was that shy.’ Eddie said in amusement, Steve rolled his eyes at the name.
‘i told you, she’s just very antisocial she’ll warm up to you’ Steve explained walking to the kitchen to make you something to eat.
The next morning wasn’t so bad, you had not been scared to walk out of Steve’s room to make something to eat. But you still avoided eye contact with Eddie.
He talked to you and you would talk back, and you surprisingly found the company comforting. Steve had work what felt like all the time, so you’d be at his apartment alone. Having someone to talk to gave you a sort of comfort.
‘When did you two start dating?’ Eddie asked as you placed your food on a plate.
‘um… about 5months ago’ you whispered, Eddie hums.
‘Yeah, no one knows. I don’t like people that much’ you mumble, Eddie chuckles making you almost loose your breath. It’s a sound that Steve makes sometimes, and it makes your stomach flutter.
Eddie had tried to engage in you, per Steve’s request.
‘just try and talk to her please, she just needs an extra push’
‘you’d make good friends with El, she’s a quiet little thing like you’ Eddie says and for some reason you blushed.
‘Yeah that’s what Stevie tells me’ You hadn’t even realized you let the name you call him slip, if Eddie had noticed he had no point in showing it.
You place your plate down next to Eddie and happily eat.
As the days went on you began to be more comfortable around Eddie.
Eddie had explained he was leaving to go visit his uncle, and Steve took that chance. He knew you were dying on the inside, because he had told you that you had to hold off on the sex for a while. You guys already didn’t have much sex, so you were going on about 3 weeks without sex.
So when he got you on the couch, kissing down your pretty neck you relished in it.
You were sex deprived?
So when Steve was taking things slow you practically cried. Pouting at him, saying how you’ve been good and waited.
‘Yes, and i’m so proud of you baby’ he replied.
Steve was the soft type, surprisingly.
You were so close, pleading him. So far down into your own mind that you hadn’t heard the front door. Quite frankly neither did Steve, and when Eddie walked in he got a glimpse of just what he wanted.
‘Steve!’ it was a cry out from you that had Eddie freezing in his spot. He stared for a good minute, watching the way Steve’s face contorted with pleasure.
He grew hard in his pants, before either of you could see him he walked back out. Rushing to his van.
He slammed the door, sitting in his seat. Running his hands through his hair. It was running through his mind.
You laying there, all needy and submissive to Steve as he helped you- god.
‘FUCK!’ Eddie hit his wheel, he’s fucked. He leaned down to the wheel thinking for a moment.
He started his van driving off.
‘And i just stood there Robin.’ Eddie said, Robin sighed as she listened to him.
‘Who were you attracted to?’ she asked suddenly, Eddie paused looking at her.
‘I- her obviously i mean-‘ he stopped himself when Robin gave him a look.
‘Why are you looking at me like that.’ he stated, she sat down next to him.
‘because i don’t believe you.’ she said, Eddie raised an eyebrow.
‘You walked in on Steve having sex with some one, and you watched. What if it was Jonathan? Do you think he would stand there and watch Steve fuck someone?’ She asked, Eddie froze.
‘Who were you attracted to Eddie.’ she asked again, Eddie swallowed thickly leaning back into the couch.
‘Both of them.’ he said.
Later that night you were nearly asleep when you heard the sound of keys, and the door opening. You felt Steve pull out of the bed and opening the bedroom door. Then there was faint talking, your bedroom door making it muffled.
‘Where were you?’ Steve asked, Eddie just gave a raised eyebrow.
‘my uncles. i told you-‘
‘yeah you told me you’d be back by 10’ Steve cut him off, Eddie gave a confused look.
‘I’m sorry? i didn’t know i was on a curfew’ Steve rolled his eyes.
‘I’m just saying you could have called to say you were staying later or something.’ Steve said, Eddie has been through too much and now Steve is showing that stupid motherly friend side of him and it’s not helping.
‘Ok sorry’ he mumbled walking to the kitchen to get water, he went over it with Robin. How to tell Steve, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
‘You scared y/n you know’ Steve mumbled, Eddie froze at this. He shut the door, water bottle in hand.
‘Well- i- sorry i didn’t mean to’ he said walking off to the couch.
You were sitting at the door listening to them.
‘Why are you acting like that?’ Steve says, Eddie stops and looks back at him.
‘like what?’ Eddie asks, Steve just stares at him a moment longer.
‘i don’t know- weird’ Steve asks, Eddie lets out a bitter laugh that makes your stomach drop.
‘i thought i was already weird’ Eddie says, Steve just rolls his eyes.
‘Okay whatever, i’m not gonna try talking to you if you’re acting like that’ Steve says, Eddie ignores him.
You hear Steve’s footsteps and you jump up from the floor backing away. He walks in and notices you frantic look.
‘Were you listening?’ he asks, you nod shyly.
‘Sorry, i don’t know what’s up with him’ Steve mumbles, he just kinda stands there.
‘Maybe he just- needs to sleep, we all need sleep sometimes’ you mumble, Steve gives you a small smile kissing you on the forehead.
‘yeah’ he whispered.
It got harder and harder for Eddie to keep his composure around you. To you he was more sweet but to Steve… he just plain out ignored him.
It irritated Steve enormously. He hadn’t figured out why Eddie had been so different around him, it’s almost like he was scared of Steve.
One day you had been asleep in Steve’s room when Eddie walked in. Steve writing something down about rent. When he saw Eddie he got up, moving towards him.
‘Ok ed’s, what is your deal?’ Steve asked in a hushed tone, trying not to wake you up.
‘What do you mean?’ Eddie asked confused.
‘You know what i fucking mean. You’ve been avoiding me like the plague!’ Steve says.
It tipped Steve off, Eddie was his- friend. Eddie was his friend who wasn’t paying attention to him.
‘I- i’ve just been busy’ Eddie says, Steve doesn’t buy it, not one fucking bit.
‘Yeah fucking right! Y/n said you’ve been perfectly normal to her?!’ Eddie freezes at that.
‘Listen it’s just- complicated…’ Eddie tried to reason but Steve is not pleased.
‘GEEZ EDS LET ME HELP YOU OR SOMETHING?! YOU’RE AVOIDING ME AND ITS DRIVING ME UP THE WALL!’ Steve hadn’t meant to shout, but it was hard not to when he felt like what he did.
‘Where’s y/n?’ Eddie asked looking around, Steve just stared at him.
‘She’s sleeping.’ he said blankly.
‘Do you like my girlfriend?’ he accused, Eddie looked stunned.
Steve had thought about it a few times, scared it was true.
‘What? where- where is this coming from.’ Eddie protested.
‘DO YOU LIKE MY GIRLFRIEND?’ Steve shouted again, Eddie was pulled back.
‘I- Steve listen…’
Steve hated this feeling. He was infuriated. But it wasn’t because Eddie liked his girlfriend, it was because Eddie he didn’t like him. His eyes burned and he hadn’t realized tears had grown.
Steve’s head went into a spiral, had he liked Eddie? No. He liked his girlfriend, god he loved her.
‘I walked in on you guys the other day when i said i was going to Wayne’s- i came back a little early i didn’t think- i hadn’t thought and i walked in on you two on the couch-‘ Eddie slowly explained, Steve just stood there in shock.
‘I just… um my mind went a little crazy and i just froze. I ran off to Robins and i told her about it, she kept on asking me who i was attracted to- and i- i just couldn’t set my mind um,’ Eddie didn’t know how to say it.
‘You like both of us.’ Steve said, breathing uneven. Eddie’s head snapped up in alarm.
They both stayed silent, scared to be the first one to talk. Eddie swallowed thickly, Trying to gather his thoughts.
‘Yeah’ he mumbled, his hands went wet.
There was nothing else to say, they both felt frozen.
Eddie knew deep down that he never really cared who he ended up with. But Steve had grown up with entitled parents who thought they were better than everyone else.
He remembers a night where his mother complained about her cousin, who had ran off and dated a boy.
‘He’s disgusting’
He remembered the dis-taste in her voice, the venom. When he met Robin he immediately felt a pang in his heart, Robin was just being herself, she wasn’t disgusting.
Steve always tried his best to please his mom, his father never really gave him the time of day. So if he were able to please his mom then he felt like he had it all. The feeling of pleasing his mom was like winning the Nobel Prize.
But he realized that not everyone wins the Nobel Prize. And not everyone can achieve that, and that’s okay. Because in the end of the day we are all just humans trying to live, so why does it matter that he likes Eddie?
Why does his mom think he’s anything less than herself, why does she think Robin doesn’t deserve to be loved. That’s how he knew that he never really needed to please his mom, he shouldn’t have even tried. Because she was the one that was less than a human, she was the one going against someone who was just trying to love.
‘Idotoo’ Steve hadn’t realized it slipped until Eddie looked up at him in shock.
His feet looked quite interesting in the moment, but they had been blurred by the stupid water in his eyes.
‘What?’ Eddie asked, unsure he heard correctly.
‘I do too, um… you and y/n’ he mumbled looking back up at Eddie, tear streaked cheeks. Eddie just stared in shock, why was he crying?
‘Is that- is that even allowed’ Steve says letting out a nervous huff.
‘Robin said it was’ Eddie shrugged, and Steve actually felt like he could smile. He felt okay, he supposed in the moment.
‘Yeah Robin thinks it’s okay to put ketchup on eggs.’ Steve states softly, rubbing his nose and sniffing.
‘Yeah so we should trust her eh?’ Eddie says, Steve rolls his eyes.
‘You too?’ he asks in disbelief, Eddie shrugs.
‘Sorry man’
Steve hadn’t realized Eddie got any closer until he felt arms wrap around him. He stood frozen for a little until he finally let himself be himself, wrapping his arms around Eddie letting out small sobs.
He just felt okay, like he could destroy the world and bring all back together. He felt like he could actually breath.
He laid out everything to Eddie, about his mother, his father and how for so long he felt like a disappointment. But now he really didn’t care, because people like his parents can never truly be pleased.
And they thought that now they feel content in their feelings, why not make it fun?
Mess with you
It was the next morning Steve was already off to work, you began to walk out to the kitchen when you stopped in your tracks, Eddie was on the couch. With only boxers on.
You just stared, why? why was he so confidently spread out in the open in ONLY his boxers?!?
You just ignored it walking into the kitchen beginning to make your breakfast.
Eddie had been more touchy, not to the point where it made you uncomfortable but just to the point where is made you blush and want to cower.
But something that really made you blush was when he called you sweet girl, it was something you’ve only ever been called by Steve.
But it felt wrong, blushing around him. It felt so wrong, but you couldn’t help it.
Steve came home, dropping his keys on the counter before coming to his room.
You looked up from reading your book, he waved the movie he had in hand grinning like the cat who’s got the milk.
You sit straight up, movie nights were your favorite. And since Steve worked at family video it happened quite often, he always got discounts on new movies they got in stock.
‘What movie is it!?’ you sprint from the bed, book long forgotten. He brings down the case to show you.
‘Raising Arizona?’ you question grabbing it and looking at it. Steve shrugged, getting out of his work clothes and into new ones.
He urges you out the door, you yelp turn towards him.
‘Idontgotanypantson’ you mumble, Steve looks down at you with a questioned look.
‘Sorry baby, what?’ he leaned down to hear you, he genuinely seemed like he didn’t hear you but you never knew with Steve.
‘i don’t have any pants on Steve.’ you state, trying to make it to where Eddie couldn’t hear. Steve just grins, perfect.
‘That’s alright,’ he says
‘wait what-‘
‘Hey Eddie!’ Steve calls out to Eddie who’s laying on the couch, to which Eddie looks up from the paper he was drawing on.
You go wide eyed squealing as you tried to turn around, only to be met with Steve solid figure. He turns you back around.
‘You don’t mind if sweet girl is only in her undies do ya?’ Steve asks, this makes you flush from head to toe.
‘Nope not at all’ Eddie says laughing, why were they joking!?
‘Good because poor baby girl here is just so comfortable in only her undies’ Steve said, you close you’re eyes in embarrassment.
this is not happening right now.
this is not happening right now.
this is not happening right now.
this is not happening right now.
You reluctantly let Steve lead you to the couch, when you made it to the couch your blush had appeared much more to Eddie.
‘I don’t think she liked you ratting her out Steven’ Eddie said grinning, and the name surprised you because it seemed so foreign.
‘She’ll get over it, right’ Steve says leaning down to look at you, you glare at him but just nod.
Steve urges you to sit, a little close to Eddie but it’s okay, you’re okay. He puts in the VHS, and presses play.
When he sits back on the couch, he pulls you closer to him until you’re on his lap. You felt watched, you didn’t like it.
But once the movie went on, you all sat comfortably. Three blankets spread across. Maybe an hour or so into the movie, you were already passed out.
‘She never makes it through movies’ Steve says grinning as he picked you up. You shift slightly in his hold before relaxing.
He brought you to the room, making sure you were comfortable and tucked in before he felt.
‘Do you think she’ll ever end up liking both of us?’ Eddie asked as soon as Steve closed the door.
‘She already does, she just thinks she’s cheating on me if she does anything with you’ Steve says, Eddie gets up from the couch walking to the kitchen.
‘So how are we supposed to make her think it’s not’ Eddie says, Steve walks over to the island sitting down.
‘I could talk to her, maybe if i say she’s aloud to i’m not sure’ Steve says.
‘PRINCESS!’ you were in the kitchen when Steve called you to his room, you turn around from your food and walk to the room.
‘Yeah’ you ask, he waved you over and you raise your eyebrow. You shut the door behind you walking over to him.
‘I gotta talk to you’ he says softly, you were becoming scared. He grabbed your waist pulling you down onto his lap.
‘Should i be scared’ you mumble, he grinned and just shook his head.
‘no of course not, unless you got something to tell me’ he laughs, you just shake you head no.
‘Ok so,’ he slaps his hand down on your thigh as he begins his talk.
‘I’ve noticed, that you get lonely when i’m at work. Locking yourself in my room, and don’t even lie i get told’ Steve says, you blush at that.
‘Well yeah i don’t really have anything to do while you’re gone’ you whisper looking down drawing circles on his jean covered thigh.
‘Which is why i’m making you a deal’ You look up at him in question.
‘a deal?’
‘Yes. I talked to Ed’s, and we both were talking about how devastating it must be, i mean i’m gone lots. So what i’m allowing you to do is when you miss me or need something you can go to Ed’s’ He explains slowly, you just stare at him in shock.
‘Wait… like anything?’ you ask, Steve nods.
‘Wouldn’t that be cheating?’ you mumble, Steve shakes his head no.
‘not if i’ve told you i’m okay with it, and i know it’s happening’ he says, you just sit there confused.
‘Why would you let me do things with Eddie? i’m doing quite fine being lonely’ you say, scared it was a test.
‘Sweet girl, i’m just saying you can you don’t have to’ he explains.
‘i know… i’m just confused’ you say softly, Steve just smiles.
‘Just know if you get… i don’t know needy? then you can go to Ed’s for help’ he said, you just stared at him.
‘really?’ Steve could hear the hint of excitement under what was a voice that you used to try and hide your real feelings.
‘Yeah, i feel bad that you don’t have someone to keep you busy’ he said, you just stare at him in thought.
‘I mean, i keep myself quite busy’ you say looking around realizing you had things left out from throughout the days.
‘I know you do. But like i said, you can you don’t have to’ he said, you just couldn’t wrap your head around it.
You knew he was giving you permission, you understand that. But what you didn’t understand was why he was giving it to you. Why would he want a different boy touching his girlfriend, having sex with his girlfriend. It didn’t make sense, but he said you could and you would.
Even though it felt so wrong, you just couldn’t help but like both the boys. Of course you leaned more to Steve, but if he started letting you do things with Eddie you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop.
Steve had left to work, and you felt scared to leave the room. You didn’t know if it would be the same between you and Eddie. Now that his friend told him it was okay to have sex with his girlfriend.
You finally exit the room to get some water, Eddie was at the island eating cereal.
‘Hey’ you whispered softly, Eddie looks up from his cereal bowl and smiles.
‘Hello’ he says, you grab out things to make your food.
The first two days were just awkward to say the least, but one night it broke.
‘Look sweet girl, i’m sorry i don’t want me to go either. But if i don’t my mother will make sure to make my life a living hell, i’ll only be gone two nights. You have ed’s’ He says, you sigh.
You knew you were clingy, especially with Steve. But it’s not your fault when he treated you so well and spoiled you. He gave into your clinginess.
Steve had moved outside of Hawkins after what had happened, he hated that town. It made his skin crawl. So when his mom asked him to come back and spend some time with family that was coming down it made his stomach drop.
He honestly just wished to cut off all cords with his mom, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. It was harder than what it sounded like.
You laid in his bed, not able to go to sleep. You were spoiled, you slept each night in Steve’s arms ever since you got together.
You shuffled a bit in the bed before letting out a small whine. You huffed sitting up, walking to the bathroom. When you came back out you grabbed the small blanket that was on top of the big one, wrapping it around you and walking out the door.
Eddie was laid on the couch, peacefully asleep. You knew neither of them cared but it still made you feel guilty sleeping with another guy. Steve had told you over the past few days, he consisted on it actually. So you tried to calm yourself down, but before you could your feet were already bringing you to the couch.
You just wanted a good nights sleep, that’s all. You stood next to the couch for a moment, taking a deep breath. Looking back at the bedroom door, you almost just left back to the room until you heard Eddie move.
You looked back and he was half awake rubbing his eyes, looking up at you with squinted eyes. You just kinda stand there till you get embarrassed and mumble out words.
‘What?’ he asks sitting up on the couch, you play with the ends of the blanket nervously.
‘I can’t go to sleep’ you say keeping your eyes on the blanket. Eddie just eyes you, still half awake. Before it all registers in his brain, remembering Steve was gone and you were all alone in the bed.
He clears his throat scooting back on the couch, lifting up the blanket that was laid on him. Your heart stutters and you quickly join him before your mind second guess’ it.
And you actually felt comfortable, even though you hated Steve’s couch. Eddie brought the blanket back down onto both of you, pulling you closer so you weren’t hanging off the edge.
And your eyes start to drift off, the smell of Eddie surrounding you in the best way.
But you froze when Eddie began to do something Steve always did to help you sleep. He began to slowly rub his thumb back and forth over your hip.
It was some what like a turning page in your head, showing that Eddie and Steve weren’t that different. They both made you feel safe, they both gave you butterflies. And most of all they both made you feel loved.
You never knew you could feel loved by two people at the same time. It felt freeing, and it felt so good.
‘Steve told me, your guys’ deal’ you whispered, Eddie froze a bit.
‘Yeah?’ Eddie asked voice rough, you slightly nod.
‘I’ve never felt this way before’ you mumble, Eddie pulls his eyebrows together.
‘What do you mean sweet girl’ Eddie asked cautiously.
‘Loved, Steve made me feel loved just by himself but now you both make me feel loved.’ You say, Eddie stays silent for a moment.
‘That’s because we do love you y/n.’ he whispered, and it sounded surreal. It didn’t sound right in your ears.
To be wanted by Steve was a huge thing, but to be wanted by two people was hard to grasp.
‘You love me?’ you ask, Eddie hums.
‘Steve knows?’ you ask, Eddie sighs nodding.
‘Do you love us?’ Eddie asks before telling you, you think for a moment.
‘Yeah… yeah i guess i do, but i didn’t know i was allowed to’ you say, Eddie turns you to him.
‘Here’s the thing sweetheart, me and Steve also love each other. So, we all love each other.’ He explains, and it just makes sense. It was right, you loved both of them and they both loved you and each other.
‘I like that’ you say smiling, Eddie gives back a soft smile.
‘Me too’ he whispered, you stare at him hunger shown in your eyes.
‘am i allowed to kiss you’ you ask, Eddie chuckles at you.
And he answers by leaning down and giving you a kiss, you melt into him. He begins to get on top of you, pulling back to let you catch your breath before going back.
It felt so right, his hands on your hips while his soft lips guided yours. When he began to kiss down to your jawline, then your neck. You grabbed handfuls of his hair, whining.
Eddie grinned, pushing your head back so he could get access to that one spot Steve had told him about.
‘If you just get that one spot, she won’t be able to make coherent words’
When he sucked on it you gasped, your hips bucking.
Steve and you didn’t have sex very often, and when you did it was soft.
So when Eddie begin to bite and roughly hold your hips down, you gave a pout.
‘Why you pouting, hm?’ he asks, you grunt trying to move your hips.
‘You are being very impatient right now, Steve didn’t teach you how to behave?’ Eddie asks, you paw at his chest with a frustrated whine.
‘What?’ you ask breathlessly, the feeling of his mouth still lingering on your neck.
‘You get everything you want from Steve? He fuck you when you ask, and he lets you tell him what to do?’ Eddie says, you nod with a confused face.
‘So what i’m hearing is you are a spoiled thing’ he says grinning, you shake your head.
‘i’m not spoiled’ you protest, Eddie just laughs at you.
‘no? then why don’t you be a good girl and be patient, yeah?’ he says, and your insides twist at the tone of his voice. You nod your head.
His hands slid under your shirt making you shiver. You moan when his hands come over your bare breasts.
Eddie noticed how reactive you were to everything he was doing. It led him to think you didn’t get this as much as you should have. You’re eyes were blown wide, just wanting to please him.
‘Stevie doesn’t fuck you enough does he?’ He cooed, you whine shaking your head.
‘You poor thing’ he says with sarcastic sympathy, you pout.
He helps you take off your shirt, throwing it to the side. His fingers hook into the waist band of your pajama shorts, he leaves them there for a second to give you time to change your mind. You just lift your hips up in answer, he chuckles at you pulling down your shorts.
‘fuck, your soaking your little panties’ Eddie grinned when you blushed. You turn your head in embarrassment, he turns your head to meet his eyes. You hated making eye contact it killed you inside.
‘Got you embarrassed hm?’ he says, you roll your eyes trying to hide the fact that you were very much indeed embarrassed.
‘Oh? so you’ve got attitude’ he says, turning your chin roughly. Your eyes were so blown wide it made you even more harder to resist.
You shake your head, he just narrows his eyes.
‘You’d think you would be grateful, i’m being so nice to you sweet girl. I can be mean.’ He says making your eyes go wide.
‘Steve doesn’t get rough with you? does he baby you?’ Eddie says, slowly discarding your underwear.
You didn’t answer too distracted by his fingers being everywhere but where you wanted them.
‘You know, i wouldn’t buy you for the vanilla type,’ Eddie says, finger pressing into your entrance making you moan.
When his finger is fully seated in you, you grab hands full of his hair.
‘You don’t love the idea of me fucking you so hard to the point where you can’t even say your own name, you don’t want me to be mean to you while i give you pleasure?’ he says, you shake your head no but your insides tell you yes when you clench around his finger.
When his finger begins a pace you mewl, pushing your hips down. He then adds a second finger making you gasp.
Sure you’ve gotten way bigger, but just the way he was being rough had your mind spiraling.
‘Oh but you do like it rough, don’t ya princess?’ he asks, you don’t answer trying to stand your ground. You hated it when you weren’t right, especially about your own self.
He just laughs at you, because he knew he was right. He felt your pussy clench down on his fingers, he knew you liked it.
Soon his two fingers were pounding into you, and it felt so foreign. Steve was the one to take your virginity, and ever since all you’ve known is soft sex. So for Eddie to show you such roughness made you question why Steve has never done it, because quite frankly it felt so good.
The continuous hits of his fingers into you were making you go crazy. Your hips bucked up as you whine throwing your hands down to claw your hands into the couch.
‘i- i eddieeee’ you whine loosing your breath when he hits a particular spot.
‘ohmygod’ you try to keep your composure but you couldn’t, he was relentless.
‘Ah! just what i was looking for’ he grins, leaning down to kiss on your neck.
‘This is mean!’ you protest, he just laughs hot air fanning your neck.
‘You can tell me to stop, do you want me to stop?’ he says, you groan shaking your head.
‘Than shut up and be a good girl for me yeah?’ he says, and when your body shivers it gives him all the answers he needs.
You hadn’t even realized the tear that rolled down your cheek till he kissed it away. But you weren’t sad… just overwhelmed. The pleasure drew you so far you felt like you were floating.
And when he landed his thumb on your clit, you exploded. Eyes rolling back as you saw stars, thighs shaking. And small sobs erupting from you as you bask in the feelings you just went through.
When your brain was finally brought back to life you looked down and your eyes go wide.
did you pee?!?
You look up at Eddie in fear, he just pulls you up carrying you. You wince when he sits you on the bathroom counter.
‘Sorry baby’ it was so distant but it made you fuzzy on the inside nonetheless.
You meet his eyes your dazed stare making him smile. You gasp when you felt a warm rag drag up your folds. You were picked back up, and taken into Steve’s room. When you got in Eddie placed you down on the bed, walking off.
‘Where are you going!’ him walking you off snaps you out of your daze.
‘I’m just going to get you some clothes sweet girl’ he says, you sigh laying back down.
When he comes back he helps you put on one of Steve’s shirts and a pair of panties. You sigh when you get under the cold sheets, you grab his hand pulling him down with you. He laughs a little getting under the sheets with you.
Instead of it being awkward, this time you snuggle into him liking the warmth and comfort he radiated. He smiles to himself bringing you close, his arm wrapped tightly around you.
When his hand trails up under your shirt and starts to rub your back, his short nails grazing against your skin you melt into him.
‘Good night’ you whisper, he mumbles it back kissing your cheek.
And somehow, you end up falling asleep just as good as you would if it was Steve.
You woke up to the jingles of keys and the opening of the front door, but you were too lost in sleep to care.
But when you felt the dip of the bed and someone slid into it, the soft smell of cologne and lavender your senses were alarmed. You smile when kisses were laid on your cheek. You softly laugh when he begins to attack you with kisses.
‘What are doing home early, i thought you were staying for two nights’ you say, he rolls his eyes.
‘Yeah but you know me, i could never stay that long with my family and how they are’ he said annoyance filled in his voice. It wasn’t until then did you notice there wasn’t another body in the bed.
You turn to see the bed empty, you turn back to Steve and he laughs at you.
‘He’s in the kitchen, he told me all about last night eh?’ he grinned pulling you to lay on his lap. You blush looking away.
‘And he also told me,’ Steve begin sitting up with his back to the headboard, pulling you up with him.
‘That sweet girl, likes it rough’ Steve said it like he was a little kid saying a bad word. You giggle, and you make a mental note to cringe at yourself later. But you can’t help it, the two boys made you feel so giddy.
‘You are a dirty dirty girl’ Steve says edging on your embarrassment. You can’t stand looking in his eyes, nuzzling your face into his neck. He laughs rubbing up and down your back.
‘How come you didn’t tell me?’ he says, you groan more sounding like a whine.
‘because i didn’t even know!’ you say, looking up from his neck.
The door opened and you make a grunt when Eddie piled on top of both you and Steve. He laughs at the both of you, kissing your cheek as a sorry and tapping Steve’s head since his lips couldn’t get to him.
‘My little vanilla babies, have no idea how to have fun’ Eddie says grinning.
‘It’s all Steve’s fault!’ you say laughing when he gasps.
‘How is it my fault?!’ Steve says in defense.
‘I was a virgin when i got with you! you’re the only person i’ve ever been with, so you made me vanilla’ you say, using the word Eddie used even though you had no fucking idea what it meant.
‘ohhh yup, i think princess has point Harrington’ Eddie says, his dimples out.
‘The only reason i went Vanilla on you was because i was scared i was gonna hurt you, and you seemed to like it so i kept doing it’ Steve protests, Eddie rolls his eyes.
‘Boooo, lame excuse. If you just do it right, you can never hurt her. She’s a very strong little lady’ Eddie says, you smile looking back at Steve who was over you two.
‘You two have only been together for one night and you’re already ganging up on me?! what is this! i declare justice’ Steve says, you just laugh laying back down on his chest.
‘It’s okay Stevie, Eddie will just have to teach you right ed’s?’ And for the first time the nickname Steve has always called him slips out your mouth. It makes Eddie so giddy he nearly explodes.
‘Yeah, i sure can.’ he said proudly.
‘How about we start right now yeah? wanna be our prop sweet girl’ Eddie says getting up, you go wide eyed. You’ve never gotten two orgasms within 2 days, let alone within the span of 7 hours.
‘Oh my Ed’s what have you done to my princess, she has a look of terror’ Steve says, Eddie shakes his head.
‘No no no, that is not a look of terror. That is a look of pure joy and excitement, Stevie’ Eddie says, Steve looks back at you and your smirking.
‘What have you done to my precious baby’ Steve says, Eddie shoves his shoulder back into the bed.
‘Our precious baby’ Eddie corrects, and it makes your stomach churn.
Oh boy were you excited.
Okay so i will make a part two, if you guys want. Because i know i stole away the smut from you but i feel like i’ve been holding off this story from you guys for way too long! I need to post it! So i hope you enjoyed, lots of love!
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corvidsofthedeep · 3 months
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No Context Crow #36: Argumentive Crows
Originally posted by druid on Pinterest.
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steviewashere · 3 months
Misplaced Emotion
Rating: General CW: None Apply To This One! Tags: Established Relationship, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, And Gets One, Emotionally Hurt Steve Harrington, Emotionally Hurt Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Cuddling, Arguing, Making Up, Hurt/Comfort
For the @steddielovemonth prompt: "Love is being able to say your sorry and mean it."
Robin’s leaving for college this morning, Eddie knows this. He said his goodbyes yesterday. But Steve is saying his goodbyes today.
What this means, though, is that he needs to be prepared for Steve to come home. He knows already that he’s going to be an emotional mess. Will probably have some things that need to be said. Will probably put his sadness in the wrong place. Eddie’s well aware of how Steve functions in his emotions; it’s not always the prettiest thing to behold. It’s going to be a chilling September afternoon.
Though, when Steve does walk through their apartment, he’s oddly silent. Barely makes a noise with taking his jacket off or stacking his shoes on the rack. Doesn’t puff or groan or growl, like Eddie thought he would. No, he just slides into the living room with a completely glazed-over sheen to his face, limbs tense and awkward as he moves around the coffee table, completely silent when he sits down.
Eddie hesitates, “How’d it go, sweetheart?”
Steve doesn’t look over at him. His eyes set on his hands. Fingers picking at one another. He chews on his lips and shrugs. “I don’t really want to talk about it,” he states. His voice is far away and quiet. Almost lost in the air between them. He collapses back into the couch, moving to tuck himself into a little ball on his side, head pillowed on the arm of the sofa.
“Hm,” Eddie hums. “Y’know, you got back earlier than I thought you would. Thought that she didn’t have to leave until four?” He looks at his watch very briefly. “It’s only two,” he points out.
“Eds,” Steve sighs. “I just said I don’t want to talk about it. Need…Silence, I think.” His eyes are so far away, Eddie nearly fears the distance they’ve travelled to. What happened, he wants to ask, but knows better than to attempt it.
Though, “Are you sure, Stevie? I can turn on a movie or something or maybe make—“
“Eddie!” Steve snaps. Eddie startles in his cushion, face immediately souring at Steve’s tone. He crosses his arms over his chest, broadening his shoulders in the face of Steve’s sharp glare. There’s some clearance in his eyes now. Eddie’s not very pleased with how they’re on him, though. “I don’t want to talk! Just—I just need some time to think!”
“What—Steve,” Eddie growls. If Steve’s going to be pissy, then Eddie can shoot it right back. “Why are you getting angry at me? I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay! This isn’t how you are normally and—“
Instead of listening anymore, Steve abruptly shifts on the couch. Sitting up ramrod straight. Face away from Eddie. Huffing as he stands up. And then he leaves the room entirely, shuffling down the hallway. He slams their bedroom door hard enough that it ricochets the wall behind Eddie.
On any other day, Eddie would dignify Steve’s anger by letting him have his space. But this isn’t a normal day. And this isn’t how Steve even voices his anger, usually. Typically, he’s the type to immediately go sit in their room, contemplating what happened, only reappearing some time later to explain what’s going on in his head. This isn’t him. And something is wrong. And Eddie knows it.
He goes to the farthest door in the hallway. Shuffling absently in front of it, raising a hand to land on the doorknob. And that’s when he hears Steve…crying. Nothing soft or sniffling or quiet, which is typical Steve behavior. No, this is almost wailing. It’s clawing out of him, nails raised at his tender skin, breaking through with blood and bones. The kind that sounds like it hurts to even travel through his throat.
Eddie opens the door. Gently, softly as to not bring attention to himself. He sidelines the bed completely, instead crossing into their attached bathroom. It’s odd to pretend that he’s using the bathroom, just to make sure he doesn’t upset Steve anymore.
But also, if he’s honest with himself, he’s sort of feeling like a massive piece of shit. On one hand, for pushing and prodding at information that Steve doesn’t have or won’t give. And on the other, for not taking care of Steve when he needed it. Why couldn’t I just shut up, he begs to wonder. Because that’s part of it, right? He pissed Steve off by not silencing his yapping. Always one to aggravate the dragon.
When he goes back into their room, he settles tensely on the edge of their mattress. Strips out of his pants, turns on the bedside lamp, sets his alarm for a few hours later, and settles on top as if going to sleep. Steve’s next to him still. Whimpering into his palm. Laying on his side, curled into himself, hands tucked under his chin. He jostles the bed with every small sob that escapes him, but he attempts to bite it back. As if he doesn’t want Eddie to hear. Which, that’s pretty usual for him, but it still makes Eddie ache in a terribly painful way.
He shuts his eyes and breathes deeply, feigning to pretend. Just imagine the room silent and dark. That he’s actually tired and wants to take a nap. Miraculously, it works. He drifts off, still aching and yearning to soothe Steve, still listening in on the cries and the sniffles and the gross wet coughs. But he falls asleep.
The next time Eddie wakes, it’s to his alarm blaring on the table. He clumsily reaches out a hand and silences it. Groaning, running a hand down his face, grimacing at the drool on his fingertips. He’s rolled onto his side at one point and shifts onto his back once more. But as soon as his bleary eyes focus on the space around him, he yelps, freaked out.
Above him, staring at him with the saddest eyes in the world, is Steve. His face is swollen and his eyes are wet, bloodshot, absolutely devastating. Steve’s breath is stuttering hot and cold over Eddie’s face. There are tear tracks sizzled into his skin. A shiny spot of snot at the edge of his nostril. Like he just finished crying.
“Christ,” Eddie breathes. “Hi, baby. Scared me.” He wrestles one of his hands from under the comforter, running it up the length of Steve’s spine, resting his fingers at the nape of his neck, and toys with his hair. “Give a guy a warn—“
“I’m sorry,” Steve cries out. He hiccups a sigh and coughs on the sob at the end of his breath. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey,” Eddie whispers. He carefully sits up, hand still in place, Steve moves with him. His other palm goes to Steve’s left bicep, squeezing with subtle soothe. “Hey, honey, it’s okay. You’re okay.”
“But I was so mean and awful and I didn’t—“ Steve coughs again, gagging with it. His breath shudders in his chest. Face going splotchy red all over again. “—I didn’t—I’m sorry, Eddie. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry.”
Eddie tentatively wraps his arms around Steve, tugging him into his chest, cushioning his head under his chin. Steve turns into his shirt, sobbing loud and jagged right where his heart is. It hurts, hurts, hurts. He shushes the best he can, fingers splayed over his warm back, running in soothing stripes up and down his spine. “I know, baby. It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it,” he assures. Because that’s true. Steve acted on impulse, matching where his emotion was already high strung and set. “I’m sorry, too,” Eddie whispers, “I shouldn’t have pushed.”
Steve only cries harder at that.
They sway lightly from side to side. Eddie’s torso is cramping from his twisted position and knows with how cramped up Steve is, he isn’t faring any better. But still, they rock and sway. He hums and takes deep breaths, just so that Steve has something to follow, to come back to from however far away he is.
And when Steve only hiccups, his little breaths short and forced from his nose, does Eddie stop moving them. “You with me again, sweetheart?” He asks.
A nod against his chest. The silence stretching between them, sans Steve’s breathing. Eddie briefly wonders if this is it. If this is the only thing he’s going to get out of Steve. And knows, that though it’s not the best thing in the world, he’ll take barely anything over nothing.
But then, “She left already,” Steve mutters.
Eddie hums in question.
In tentative, slow movements, Steve pulls away from him. His head is tilted down. Hair hanging limp in his face. Eddie brings a palm to his hairline, guiding it back to the crest of his skull, holding his hand there. It’s weight hot and grounding against Steve’s scalp. With the hair out of the way, Eddie can see the sad, yet contemplative look on Steve’s face.
“Robin,” Steve murmurs, “she left for college already. I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
“What?” Eddie squeaks. Because that can’t be true.
Steve nods solemnly. “Yeah,” he whispers, “hard to believe, isn’t it?”
“Why didn’t she say she was leaving early? That’s—“ Eddie huffs, now is not the time for him to angry. “I’m sorry, love bug.”
“Drove all the way out there at the ass crack of dawn. Got to her house just in time, or so I thought. But when I knocked on her door?” He asks rhetorically. Eddie nods, though he doesn’t think Steve actually sees him. Steve huffs. “Her mom answered. Saying that Robin already left. Said that she had to leave early to make it to her flight.” He shrugs. “Nothing I can do about it now.”
Eddie brings his other palm up and rests it on the side of Steve’s face, cupping his jaw, thumb sweeping over his soft cheek. Steve nuzzles into the hold, eyes closing, sighing from his nose. A stray tear drips down onto the tip of Eddie’s thumb. He wants to crumble at the sight.
“She’ll call,” he tells Steve. “She’ll apologize and find a way to make it up to you.”
“What if—“ Steve chews on his lip. His voice is raspy with emotion when he speaks again. “—What if she just got tired of me?”
Eddie squishes Steve’s cheek, holding him steadfast. “No way,” he rushes to say. Heated with it. “No, Steve, she didn’t. Baby, she was a sobbing mess yesterday about how much she’s going to miss you. All it was was poor planning, that’s all.” He pets Steve’s hair again, smoothing it flatter to his head, tickling his ear with the dry skin of his palm. “That’s all it was, baby. She loves you so much. She’ll call, I promise.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asks, small.
“Yes, Steve,” he assures. “She has our phone number. Robin will call.”
Steve nods in Eddie’s hold. He’s practically boneless, exhausted. He swallows hard. “I really am sorry about how I acted,” he murmurs, “that wasn’t fair of me to put the target on you.”
“Forgiven,” Eddie whispers. He pulls Steve back in, tucking him safely and securely into his body heat. Melding them together. “I love you too much to be angry about something like that. You’re okay.”
With that, Steve shakes again in his embrace. Wetting the skin on Eddie’s neck. He swallows and tilts his eyes to the ceiling. He’ll cry later, now is not the time. He holds to Steve tighter. Doesn’t want to let him go again.
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 10 months
Silent Reverence (Rollo x GN!Reader)
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Content Warning: Mild injury, light angst (arguing), Glorious Masquerade event mentioned Note: Can you spot the two movie references in this fic?
Your heart jumped at the sudden sound, then sank when you realized it was one of pain. “Do you need me to walk slower?” you asked, stalling your pace for a moment. 
The man, whose arm was slung around your shoulder for support, practically hopping on one foot with you as his crutch, scoffed the suggestion. “You think me too weak to keep up such a undermanding pace?” 
“That’s not what I-”
“I do not require such coddling.” Those dark, cold eyes stared ahead as he took one clumsy step - hop - forward. “Come - we are close to a seat.” 
He said it as though he were the one leading you. Honestly, when did his audacity end? You kept your frustrations to yourself as you guided him along, right up to an empty bench near the pool. Thankfully the area there was shaded, or the concrete below your feet would have scalded both your heels by now. With zero grace, you both slumped onto the long bench; a sigh released from you two as the weight of the other was lifted as you separated. For a brief minute, you simply sat there and caught your breath. Before that respite was even over, however, you rolled your head to the side to look at the one beside you. 
“Rollo,” he hazarded you a glance as you spoke, “do you want some water? You can sip on it while I go get some bandages; I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”
There was a flicker of irritation in those gray orbs, but he didn’t voice it for the time being. He just sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall behind the bench, sun hat now slumped to one side, and answered with, “If you would.” 
Though your legs protested as you stood, you went out in search of the refreshing beverage. While you had to shell out eight madol for the small bottles of water, you didn’t complain. Instead, you quickly went back to Rollo and handed him one of the plastic bottles. He opened his eyes to greet you, and gave a small nod in what you supposed was thanks as he took it from you. You watched him hastily, yet elegantly open the bottle and take three big gulps. Just like that, half the water was gone - a third of yours was to follow as you drank from your bottle. After a deep exhale, you closed your bottle and spoke to Rollo again. 
“I’m going to go to the lobby and ask the receptionist if they can lend me a first aid kit. I’ll be right back - don’t move.” 
“Tch,” Rollo clicked his tongue with a roll of his eye. “As if I were fit to do anything more.” 
So, off you went to get those medical supplies - all whilst trying to suppress the irritation that grew within you. 
“Ah!” Rollo’s sharp yelp was followed by a hiss as he glared down at you. “That hurts!” 
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt if you’d stay still!” you shot back, tone just as cutting. 
Rollo’s face morphed into a scowled as he practically growled in anger. “Well, you and those you call housewardens should have kept a closer eye on your students. If you had, I would not be in this predicament!” 
It took all your strength not to throw the roll of bandages in his face. “You were the one running around the edge of the pool, where a ‘No Running’ sign was plastered on every wall. Riddle was just about to take care of Ace, and I Grim, when you came stomping over. As the president of your school’s student council, I thought you would pay more attention to bright white signs with big black letters and a slipping stick figure on them.”
Just as you were about to finish the tie on Rollo’s bandage, he suddenly stood. His hands were balled into fists, teeth grit so hard you thought they might crack. Despite that angry look, his tone was level, authoritative - he spoke to you as if you were some child. “I have had quite enough of you. Step aside - I will seek care else-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you shot up in front of him, face mere inches from his. Your eyes were like knives as they bore into him, pierced his very soul. So, too, was your voice level and demanding, though it came with a pointed edge that, if you were calm enough, would shock even you. “Sit down and shut up.” Rollo’s scowl melted into a stunned look, likely because no one had spoken to him in such a way before. He said not a word as he kept your stern gaze and slowly lowered himself back onto the bench. You followed him down, and when you knelt before him again, you threatened, “Move out of that seat, speak to me like that again, and I’ll give you something worse than a sprained ankle.”
There was a long silence between the two of you after that. In that time, you finished wrapping Rollo’s ankle, which had now begun to bruise. You were tempted to tie the knot a little tighter than what was required, just to get back at him, but you refrained. Despite how he spoke to you, Rollo was injured - you couldn’t be too petty. When you made sure the knot was secure, you quietly packed the bandages and pain relief ointment back into the little bag the receptionist had given you. As you closed the bag with the snap, you said, “Your ankle will probably swell a bit for a few days. Just keep off of it as much as you can; if it gets too painful, or if the bruise becomes worse than normal, you might want to see a doctor.” 
You didn’t even look up to see if Rollo heard you; his eyes had been upon you since he sat down, so you knew you had his full attention. As you stood from your spot on the ground and dusted off your knees, you added, “I’ll tell you vice president and assistant where you are. You said they were by the lazy river?” 
“...yes.” Rollo’s voice was hushed, as though he were hesitant to answer. 
“It shouldn’t take them too long to get here and help you up then.” You still refused to look at him as you turned to leave. “Hope your ankle heals soon.” You took a step away from the bench -
You froze at the sound of your name - of Rollo calling you by name. In the past, he only called you Prefect, or some other formal title you couldn’t recall. Sometimes you even wondered if he knew your name; his utterance of it just answered your suspicions. For the first time in the past several minutes, you glanced over at him. His expression appeared monotone, the usual for him, but there was a distinct…softness about it. In those dark gray orbs was a plea for forgiveness - a hidden respect. Well, that was something you never expected, especially in your direction. 
“Thank you,” his gaze flicked down to his ankle, “for your care.” 
You pushed the surprise to the back of your mind as you gave a shrug of your shoulders. “There was a possibility no one else would, at least when it comes to the ones from NRC. While you did apologize at the end of the masquerade, there are many who don’t hold you in a high regard.” Your eyes narrowed in a show of warning. “Unless you start treating the students like you would your own, instead of dogs or, as you put it, ‘heathens’, that opinion will never change.”
“If you will permit me to ask,” your gazes locked once more as he questioned, “why is your opinion any different?” 
You thought it over for a moment… “Honestly, I don’t know,” you admitted. A light chuckle fluttered at the edge of your words as you suggested, “Maybe I’m a sucker for punishment? It would fit for all things I’ve put up with since enrolling at the college - since I got there.” Although some of that previous frustration still lingered within you, a smile twitched at your lips. “Or maybe because, like me, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves. You said you would repent for your mistakes, right?” 
“That is my intention,” Rollo affirmed with a small nod of his head. 
“Well, you have your chance.” You turned to leave, but not without a final warning. “Don’t screw it up with your ego.” 
Then you walked away without another word. Rollo also remained silent, though you could feel his eyes follow you until you disappeared back into the hotel. They did not cut into your back like a knife, as they had many times before; instead, you felt as though it was out of something else. You couldn’t say what, however. For now, you simply let it slip from your mind as you went to inform Rollo’s cohorts of his accident. Maybe, just maybe, you could also convince Ace and Grim not to gossip about Rollo’s fall. 
“Henchmen!” Grim called out from beside the door to your hotel room. “There’s a lady here - she’s got something for you.” 
Your face scrunched in confusion as you approached the door. A bit of dread lingered in your heart as well. You really hoped it wouldn’t be something from Crowley, likely asking you to take on some task while you were supposed to be vacationing with the others. This was a school-wide trip, after all, and that included you. You swore, if this was yet another chore, you’d-!
“Can I help you?” you asked the lady at the door, in the most polite way despite the plots of doom that swirled in your head. 
“These are for you.” The lady, one you recognized from the hotel lobby, presented a bouquet of flowers with a smile. It was huge! To prevent it from falling to the ground, you had to cradle it like a baby! 
“U-Um…thank you?” You felt a little awkward at the whole situation. “Why am I receiving these?” 
“A young man asked for them to be delivered to you,” she replied. “You can check the notecard in the flowers.” She gave you a small bow before she turned to depart. “Have a good day!” 
“Y-You too.” You had to kick the door to close it - you didn’t want to risk dropping the flowers. Thankfully, Grim stepped out of your way as you headed to your bed, but he followed close behind.
“Why would someone send you flowers?” Those big blue eyes narrowed as he placed his paws on his hips. “What did you do?” 
“No idea,” you answered to both his questions. Now sitting on the bed, you examined the bouquet closely. There were various types of flowers: pink roses, lavender, blue hyacinths, lily of the valley, white tulips, forget-me-nots. This was certainly an expensive bouquet, a well-crafted one as well. You were sure there was some meaning to them; not too long ago, Rook had expressed to you the language of flowers. You made a note to visit him later for an analysis. You plucked the notecard the lady had mentioned before and added, “But we’re about to find out.” 
Grim hopped up onto the bed and took a seat next to you. You could feel him peek around you to try and get a look at the card - the one that now had your mouth agape. “What? What is it?!” Grim struggled to get a better look. “Let me see!” 
His words were like whispers in the wind. The message was not exactly what froze you on the spot - it was the signature below it. The identity of the sender of this generous, meticulously crafted bouquet, specially made for you. 
I hope this bouquet is not ill gotten by you; that it is sent at an inopportune time. I pray it finds you in good health, that it may express my gratitude for your service the day prior - and my deepest apologies for my behavior. I realize you are not one to be taken lightly…not one I should look down upon. These flowers are ones I grow in a garden back on my campus. Let them spell out the words I am unable to utter in your presence. Pray, too, that they are to your liking. May the rest of your days on this trip be filled with respite and peace. 
-Rollo Flamm
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zee-rambles · 1 year
Mikey: Guys, this has gone too far, even for me-
Leo: You’re just jealous that you’ll never be as cute as me!
Donnie: Please. I’m the full package. Handsome and smart. That beats your adequate looks by two to one. So, logically, I am cuter then you.
Raph: Can you two stop fighting for TWO SECONDS and focus-
Leo: Not with that Mt. Rushmore sized forehead you’re not.
Raph & Mikey: (*GASP*) Oh no he didn’t!
Leo: B-banana face?
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funbearer · 10 months
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
omg i just thought of this and I think you’ll be so great at writing down exactly what i’m imagining!! 🤍🤍okok the reader is a part of the band and they went to an award show and the readers “enemy/rival” is there and calls out the reader and they start arguing back and forth ( basically the play scene in euphoria with maddy and cassie ) and tom got HELLA turned on by it 😏😏 if ykyk 🙌
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2008 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST (not with tom) + SMUT SYPNOSIS: Y/N and her band Tokio Hotel go to an award show where they win an award, later on in the night when the rival band gets sent up for an award they start causing shit for no reason, calling out Tokio hotel, Y/N gets PISSED and storms to the stage, arguing with them and nearly getting into a fight. A/N: cumming to this photo WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), (none of these next ones are with tom) yelling, hair pulling, screaming, slurs
Me and my band Tokio Hotel were nominated for an award and invited to this beautiful stadium with TONES of other celebrities and musicians, I was nervous because I had never been in a room with this many people, can you even call it a room?
As we were in the limo hired for us I bobbed my leg up and down nervously, Tom noticing and placing his hand on my thigh to stop it. Tom is my boyfriend and we've been dating for a year.
"Liebe don't be nervous, you'll be ok" he leaned over and kissed the top of my head, easing my worries. I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder, doing deep breathing for the rest of the ride.
We finally arrived, I was wearing a caual dress since it wasn't really a formal event and the band wore what they usually wore. We stepped inside and found our seats, waiting for the show to start. The host came on stage and started a speech, thanking everyone for attending and announcing all the awards that were going to be given.
We were nominated for only one out of the 6 awards. Competing against our rival band who were nominated for 2 awards, one really crappy one and the one we were nominated for.
I rolled my eyes and turned to Bill, "look who is here, if we lose against them I'm literally gonna tear this whole place down, they basically copy our music" he chuckled and squeezed my hand "cross your fingers and toes!" I giggled and held his hand.
As our award came, I held tightly onto Bills hand.
"And the winner for best music video...is....TOKIO HOTEL!" the host screamed, I gasped and turned to Bill, he was smiling so brightly and I got up, trying my best not to run up to the stage. I smiled like an idiot, walking up to the stage and shaking the hosts hand like the rest of the band. Bill made a quick speech, thanking everyone for all the support, he handed the mic to me and I sighed nervously "hello everyone" I smiled "this is my first award show that has ever been THIS big, I want to thank everyone who has supported us, this means every single country in the world who has bought our albums, bought merch, came to our concerts and etc. I love you all and thankyou so much!" I squealed, holding the award up with Bill.
Tom smiled at my excitement, wrapping his arm around my waist as we left the stage. I saw the rival band and smirked, winking at them, they rolled their eyes and scoffed, mumbling to each other. "Someones mad they didn't win" I said a little too loudly for them to hear on purpose.
We sat back down and it was time for the other award the rival band was nominated for, it was basically useless, not as good as ANY of the other awards that had been announced and were going to be announced. The host called our their name and they went onto stage, accepting the award gracefully.
They started to make a speech when I heard my name, I looked up from my phone and listened as he started to talk shit about the band, especially me. I scoffed, not reacting to their shitty attemps to belittle us and especially me, calling me a slut. But it was when they mentioned Bill, "and Bill, the hedgehog looking guy who we all know is secretly a f*g, I mean look at him, makeup, nails and sissy clothes?" he laughed, no one else reciprocating. I stood up and yelled, "who the fuck do you think you're talking about?" they all looked at me and smirked, Tom pulling my arm to sit me down "y/n cmon..they are just trying to get a rise out of you" I pulled my arm away "shut up Tom, I'm not dealing with them talking about Bill like that."
I stormed onto stage and starting screaming at them, "you can belittle me ALL you want but what I will not stand for is you calling my best friend homophobic slurs and making fun of his style, you are a fucking coward" I got closer to the lead singer. "Shut up you stupid bitch, this is why you're with a man who sleeps with every girl he fucking sees, no self respect at all" he snapped at me, basically growling like a fucking dog.
"Oh you are PATHETIC, you have to say it to a whole audience, you can't even say it to his face? You're a pussy!" I spat in his face. Tom watched from afar, seeing you argue turned him on so much, a tent forming in his pants, lowering in his seat and watching you with a grin on his face.
"Why don't we call Bill onto stage and you can say it to his face? Huh?" I grabbed his collar, pulling him closer, he rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Exactly, see you can't even do it because you're a pussy!" I laughed, mocking him in front of everyone. Everyone starting chuckling, in the corner of my eye I saw security laugh too.
"You're such a whore! Wearing such a slutty dress for an event, can't even dress nice?" one of the members added, getting in my face. I laughed at her and pushed her away "don't get near my face you stinky bitch, brush your teeth before you try and insult me" she rolled her eyes.
"You are all pathetic, seriously, you basically copy our music and claim you're the better version. In what universe are you better? You have shit vocals, shit bass and shit drums, the only good thing is the guitar which again, is stolen from us" I crossed my arms "see I knew you guys were all losers with no self respect but I didn't know you were THAT low, hatecriming my best friend at an award show? You couldn't even do it online?" I scoffed.
"We're just real, we say it how it is anywhere we go" one of them shrugged, I laughed "real? honey everything about you is fake, your tits, your ass, your lips, even your personality, nothing about you is real" she went as red as a tomato and I kept on laughing, they all had such pathetic attempts to put me down and the band.
"Whatever, go back to your fag boy and womanizer boyfriend" the lead singer rolled his eyes, turning around, rage built up in me again and I grabbed him by the hair, pulling him down. That's when security got involved, grabbing me and escorting me back to my seat.
I sighed and sat back down, many people looking at me. Tom nudged me and motioned to his pants, the tent growing larger. I chuckled "you really got turned on by me arguing with them" he nodded and leaned in "when we get back to the hotel I'm gonna fuck you so hard" I smirked and held his hand.
As we returned to the hotel room Tom basically dragged me to his room, slamming the door and locking out poor Bill. He threw me onto the bed and smashed his lips into mine, roughly tugging at my clothes, growing impatient.
He finally got my dress off, pulling it off my body and admiring me. "Fuck you're gorgeous, you arguing with them like that made me so fucking hard.." he grabbed my hand, placing it over his clothed erection. I smirked and tugged at his pants, removing his belt and his pants instantly dropping (cause they r so damn baggy), he took his shirt off to reveal his sweaty, toned body. I bit my lip and the burning in my heat grew more apparent.
He caught my lips in a kiss again, pulling my panties down and his boxers shortly after. Revealing his hard, sensitive cock, throbbing and leaking precum. "Fuck I've been painfully waiting to get back to the hotel, need you so bad" he groaned against my lips, placing his tip at my entrance.
He slowly pushed in, his cock stretching me out so deliciously, I moaned and my hands flew to his arms. "So tight..fuck" he groaned, rolling his head back.
As he bottomed out he pulled out briefly before slamming his cock back into me, creating a pace. I moaned loudly, rolling my eyes back as his tip pounded into my sweet spot, pleasuring me so well.
I could honestly scream from how good it felt but nothing left my mouth except for moans.
He held my hips tightly, digging his nails into them "fuckkk.." he moaned, slamming his hips into mine. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room, the air becoming thicker with the scent of sweat and sex.
"Holy shit!" I moaned, scratching at his back as he rammed into me repeatedly, making me scream out in pleasure as he started to thrust harder. I knew the rest of the band and probably the whole building was going to be able to hear us but I didn't care, all I needed was Tom.
Tom leaned down and left soft kisses on my neck and breasts, treating them with such care, like they were fragile.
He pulled back and slung my legs over his shoulder, thrusting back in harder, the newish angle making me cry out in pleasure, his cock continuing to abuse my hole.
"G'nna cum.." I moaned, a knot forming in my stomach and coiling down to my core. He moaned as my pussy clenched around his cock, signalling to him that my climax was close. I felt the tension in his cock, it was twitching and throbbing intensley.
"Fuck!" he cried out, shooting his load deep into me, coating my walls with his thick cum. He kept fucking me to ensure my orgasm, shortly after his orgasm I moaned loudly and came all over his cock.
He sighed and pulled out, both of our juices dripping out of me, he quickly grabbed some tissues and cleaned me up, careful not to overstimulate me. He climbed into the bed and pulled me close, covering us with the sheets.
He kissed my neck softly, whispering in my ear, "you are so hot when you're mad, especially when you're mad at me" he squeezed me, I giggled "well I guess you have to piss me off more then huh?" he chuckled and nuzzled his face into the back of my neck, falling asleep.
For the next few weeks all the media could talk about was my outburst at the awards show, so many people sided with me and gave us so much support, giving us a lot of new fans.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Captain Hook from the animated Peter Pan movie and an adult, human-sized frog were arguing in front of me over who got to roast me over an open fire and eat me. Said fire was already going nearby.
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