#anyway i had a conditional acceptance but this is a proper one
violentdevotion · 7 months
(alhamdulillah) GOT THAT JOB !!!!
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nebbyy · 2 months
Please write a fanfic about King Baldwin IV from KoH, where he fell in love with female reader. The plot is up to you. Please make it a serious love story with slight fluff 🤗🤭
Baldwin IV x reader - Life always comes down to a game of chess
A/N: You have no idea how much I love you anon, this was one of the prompts I already wanted to write omgggg!! For this fic I kinda got inspired by this painting (which, for everyone interested, it’s “La belle dame sans merci” by Frank Dicksee), and you’ll see how and why reading it;)
Summary: King Baldwin IV receives an offer from an Italian nobleman to marry his daughter; unsure of whether to accept or not this compelling offer, Baldwin decides to do what he does best…
Warning: there are some mentions of christianity and religious references along with some hints at the misogynistic ideologies of the time (about the woman being “owned” by the dominant male figure in her life) ((I don’t condone this ideology at all but I thought it’d be fitting to add it anyway to give some accuracy to it)).
Word count: 2637
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King Baldwin couldn’t quite wrap his head around you. The day that he was informed of your engagement, he felt himself quite skeptical of the idea of marrying someone. After all, ever since his leprosy had been diagnosed he had to get used to the idea of living a life of solitude, forced into a lifelong chastity, for no sane man would ever marry off their daughter to a leper. With time, he had found solace in nurturing his own knowledge and virtue, elevating himself to a level of wisdom that very few could boast at his young age.
During the following days, the young king's mind was plagued with thoughts, considerations he was making to weigh the choice. The benefits of marrying Lady Y/N were many, first and foremost securing a connection to the land of Italian speakers, allowing for easier trafficking of crusaders arriving in the Holy Land, not to mention the abundance that would be the young lady's dowry. And not only did marrying her mean strengthening the economical side of his reign, but it also meant giving the impression to the public that the king's health condition was improving to such an extent that he considered that to be an ideal time to marry. His most trusted men and all of his advisors kept repeating to him, marrying Lady Y/N would’ve been  comparable to a blessing.
But despite all the benefits this union seemed like it would bring, Baldwin continued to hesitate to make a decision. What left him so undecided was the possibility that this was some kind of deception, a conspiracy orchestrated against him, hidden in the form of the most convenient of marriages. It was up to him to decide whether it was worth taking these risks in favor of the benefits that would come if his concerns turned out to be unfounded. 
Like everything else in his life, this choice came down to a game of chess…
It was this idea that prompted him to make a decision. Baldwin had a messenger called, to be sent to Pisa to give the news to Lord Y/F/N that the king wished to report his decision to him live, at his court. For the lord to arrive it would have to wait, but Baldwin has always been a man of exceptional patience.
Four months passed, when at the dawn of Lent it was announced by a Pisan messenger that Lord Y/F/N and his daughter had come to Acre, and would soon be coming to Jerusalem. Another week passed before father and daughter, riding two white horses and accompanied by an escort of knights arrived at the royal palace.
When he first saw you, Baldwin could have sworn he saw Mary himself. You walked with such grace that you almost seemed to float. Your face looked serene, despite the anxiety that had been devouring you from within ever since the day the invitation from the king of Jerusalem reached you; a blue veil covered your hair, framing your face and falling over your shoulders. You bowed to Baldwin as was proper to do before a king, yet he felt so tempted to interrupt you, prevent you from bowing to him, perhaps even bowing to you himself.
At that moment he felt like Lancelot before Guinevere, completely mesmerized by your beauty, one who seemed more fit to an angel than a woman. But, he gave no sign of his true emotional state; after all, a gorgeous woman does not mean she can be fit to serve as queen. Her answer will be decided when she has had a chance to hear you speak, away from the judgmental stares of the court, free from any influence that might change what you really think.
As the sun shone bright in the sky, the banquet took place inside of the palace. The king excused himself before going to eat by himself in his chambers as usual, leaving his guests in the company of his sisters and his court. Loud chatter filled the room, goblets were raised to get more wine poured, courses flowed onto the set table, a tribute to thank Lord Y/F/N for making such a journey to fulfill the king's request. All this noise, yet in your ears all became quiet when a servant approached your chair, whispering a few simple words, "The king has requested your presence at dinner."
Your blood froze in your veins in surprise, and you could almost feel your father's thrill as you rose from your seat, having the servant guide you toward the king's study. Walking through the halls of the palace, you could do nothing but feel so small in comparison, you almost seemed to disappear, enveloped by the magnificence of everything around you that, if all went well, you would have called your own.
You were brought back to reality when the heavy doors of the king's room were opened by the two guards who stood at his sides. An enveloping fragrance, a mixture of myrrh and frankincense filled your senses with a feeling of serenity, an almost familiar feeling. In the center of the room, a hooded figure, dressed in silk as white as snow. "Come forward, my lady. I apologize for my absence at the table but," she interjected for a moment, rising from her seat and revealing her face-or at least, what was not covered by the veil-"many might find my appearance somewhat...disturbing during a meal." He chuckled a little at that last part. You wondered if irony had become a kind of means for him to soften his own hellish condition. 
As soon as he turned around you could not help but study the appearance of what will hopefully be your future husband. Rumors about his condition had been swirling since the day he was crowned, so you had been prepared to be confronted with a horrifically disfigured man. Instead, although part of his face was covered by the thin veil, it was like an instinct for you to try to study his features. You could vaguely make out the golden hair that adorned his face, although it was covered by the veil. His voice had intrigued you; it sounded so jovial and yet so deep. A melody that sang of the young monarch's endeavors. It intrigued you, you wondered what his lips looked like, whether they matched the sound of his voice.
But what really caught your interest were his eyes. They were blue, but of a color so deep, so intense, it reminded you of tales you had heard about the northern seas, of the waters that dark and deep seemed to beckon sailors, to lead them to drown within them. Likewise you felt mesmerized by such intensity. And you wondered, how much of this would remain the same as his illness progressed.
You recovered from that momentary trance, wasting no time to bow, but this time Baldwin stopped you before you were able to bow more than your head: "Don't bow, please. Such reverences are not necessary here." You looked at him a little dumbfounded, but despite the king's unusual attitude you did not object. He stepped to the side, revealing a finely decorated chessboard, with all the pawns already set in place. "Do you play?" he asked softly, and you finally mustered up the courage to speak "It's been some time since I last did," as you approached the table, taking your seat opposite Baldwin. He took his seat again, and for the first time in your life you found yourself face to face with a king. 
You quickly realised that he had assigned you the white pawns, the small courtesy of moving you first. You took a moment to think of an initial strategy, and moved your first pawn. A horse. Baldwin raised his eyebrows, surprised by your decision. "Aren't you going to move the pawns first?" You kept your gaze on the chessboard, partly out of respect and partly out of fear, still unsure why the king would call you to his chambers, if indeed it was all just to have a playmate. "I always prefer to start with the horse. I like to think that the pawns would be frightened to charge against the enemy without a knight to guide them." You looked up, meeting his eyes that studied you intrigued. Chuckling at what you had just said, you continued, shaking your head slightly, "Forgive me, it was just a silly thought."
"Not at all, my lady," he replied, studying your every detail, "I find it fascinating." It was his turn to move, and as per rule, he moved one of the pawns, the one in front of the queen. "So you think good leadership is better than letting the individual decide for himself?" There was a spark that had lit up in his eyes, something playful. It was clear that you were intriguing him, surprisingly in your eyes, since you had been instructed to stay behind your father's shadow, not to express your thoughts or externalize your ideologies.
Everything had to be perfect, one could not risk the futile mind of a young woman ruining the marriage that would have been so beneficial to her dukedom, but above all to her family. Yet at that moment she felt that expressing what resided in her own mind was exactly what Baldwin wanted from her. Something lit up in her too, and he in turn caught the same spark in her eyes. Could it be that she had figured out the trick...? 
Another pawn moved, it was Baldwin's turn to move again. Your eyes seldom parted from each other, just for that moment necessary to make your own move. "Independence is not always what benefits a man. Certainly, it is tempting, but in moments of indecision it risks leading to oblivion. An infantryman needs a leader, a young man who is lost in the woods needs a hunter to guide him out..." Another move, the white bishop points directly at the black king "...an indecisive man needs an outside opinion to make his decision."
You smiled, and like the sweetest of plagues you infected him too. You had deciphered his little deception. An innocent deception, with the purpose of seeing with your own eyes how you, in a condition so similar to what is the duty of a sovereign, would have acted. 
After all, his life always came down to a game of chess....
"So you understood..." Baldwin whispered, again sitting in his place. For the first time in his memory, someone had managed to leave him speechless. His witty mind seemed to have died out all of a sudden, the knight in him unarmed by the woman sitting in front of him. Maybe the deception wasn’t as occult as he had planned, or maybe this young lady was really able to stand up to him.
You smiled at him proudly, be proud of your intuition but also relieved that your thought had not turned out to be foolish. Your pride had removed from your mind every rule, every admonition that had been given to you from the moment you set foot in the Holy Land; your mind was now like a river in flood, finally free to flow out according to its natural course. "I do not blame you, my lord. I realize that this is a difficult choice for you, and that the factors at stake go far beyond your individual will."
"And what do you think about that?" Your smile acquired a bittersweet scent, and you answered without almost hesitation: "I am only a woman, my will is that of my father and it will be of my husband. My family prays that this role will be filled by you, and for this to happen I have been instructed to be fit to reign at your side."
“That I can clearly see, but what truly urges me is to know what your own will says. If we were to marry, you would be the bride to a wretched man, one whose fate has already been announced by God. My demise won't be far off, you’ll be left a widow in a foreign land. And before this… curse gets the better of me, there is no saying that it won’t get to you too. If it did, you would suffer the same fate I had been given.”
It took you a moment to let his words sink into your mind. He spoke the truth, a future with him would be filled with sickness and uncertainty; you would have to live in a court far from your home, where everyone was waiting for the king’s death like a flock of crows flying above a dying man. You took a deep breath, feeling as everything came down to this very moment. “I won’t lie to you, my lord, the future that awaits me while standing by your side is not an easy one by any means, and I’m very much aware of that. I do not expect my future to be easy, for it would be an excess of greed. So if I can have a saying in my own future, I’d like to say that I would much rather all the time that is given to me by the Lord standing by the side of a man filled with virtue, than by the side of a man too full of himself to see anything just an inch away from his reflection. There would be no greater honor for me than to stand by your side, for as long as you still have to live, my lord. And if I ever was to catch this disease as well, then I would have no other words to say other than God wills it.“
At your words, the young king had to shake himself up, now more than ever necessary for him to say something, anything really. “For you, my lady, I shall always be just Baldwin.” His tone was softer than ever, a soft breeze that reached to you and whispered I am but yours now. It was unsaid, but decided. Once this meeting would be over, the king would come to your father, and confirm his decision to accept the proposal. Only problem was, this meeting seemed to have become endless. What was supposed to be a quick meal, accompanied by a game of chess, turned into a lively exchange of political views, then silly childhood anecdotes, then again into a walk in the inner courtyard of the palace. Baldwin tried hard to keep you in his presence for as long as was deemed decent for an unmarried man and woman. He kept you with him as long as he could, and when that was no longer possible, he led you back into the great hall, gently holding your hand over his. Soon after the announcement of your engagement, the wedding was set to happen during the following Easter, and the banquet made in honor of his guests was prolonged until the sun had been long set, this time in honor of his betrothed.
You think back to that day fondly, as you lay on your bed, in the comfort of silky sheets and soft pillows. One of your hands holds your head while the others traces the patterns of the scars in your husband’s face that have considerably worsened during the years. Aside from the bed, sitting on a table, forgotten as long as the night reigned over Jerusalem, were two crowns, along with two chess pawns. A white queen and a black king. Both came from the set that had been used the day the two of you met, a reminder for Baldwin of the day God had merged your destinies in one.
A/N: wowww that came out longer than I though oopss. ANYWAY, this was my interpretation of your request, anon, hope you like it!! Also, for everyone who’s gonna read this, feel free to leave any constructive criticism since this is my first fic and I would like to improve a looot more in my writing skills. That’s it now have a nice day y’all <3<3
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whispereons · 5 months
Oracle!Reader Part 22
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 21, Part 23
Warnings: Sagau Imposter au reader with lots of gore and stuff. Minors are warned but not prohibited.
“What a shrewd mortal you are.” The snake hisses as she travels down Baizhu’s arm to face you better. The V-shaped tongue does little to hide the ivory fangs hidden in her maw.
“I appreciate the compliment, but I suggest you reserve your judgment for the main topics of our discussion.”
“Arrogant too, I see!” An amused scoff leaves Changsheng at your bold words, all while Baizhu’s smile remains unchanging. After shutting the door behind him, he keeps his arm perched for Changsheng before sitting on the small stool near the bed.
“It seems you’re feeling much better now than last night. Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort?” 
“None at all.” You lie politely. Getting tied down here any longer than the decided discharge time would be a hassle. 
“Well, I’m glad to hear that.” Baizhu trails off to write something down on the paper he’s holding as Changsheng decides to start the discussion. Despite her small body, she speaks with the same pride the Adepti held. 
“We are already well aware of your body’s abnormalities. But in order for us to get a proper grasp of the scar tissue culture, you’ll need to answer some personal questions.”
Smiling without a hint of unease, you respond as you sit up to face them. “Seems you’re quite interested in me. Or should I say suspicious?”
A swift denial is what you expect. Maybe a truthful answer showcasing her confidence could happen too.
“Does a human who would rather hide their face, rather than accept the consequences of being bare, have any right to question my curiosity?”
Snakes are known to be sly for a reason. Baizhu’s slight upturned eyes at Changsheng’s words only solidify that belief further.
“I guess it was a dumb question.” You shrug, the subtle jab rolling off you with ease. “I am quite popular, I strongly doubt that you've had a patient quite like me.”
Your teeth are bared in a grin at Changsheng, fully aware of what the display means to the animal. 
She merely hmph’s at you before turning her head to the side as Baizhu cuts in amicably.
“Depending on what I discover in this sample, your words may be true Y/N. Why not first explain how you are the Creator’s oracle?”
Lips pursing as your eyes travel to the side of the room, your finger taps rhythmically on your chin. Wondering, contemplating on how you should answer.
At your silence, Changsheng’s eyes narrow as if she's frowning, while Baizhu’s smile turns almost sympathetic.
“I wouldn't pry into this matter as your physician, but as being an adventurer is your official occupation, I felt the need to question this Oracle one. Quite a few jobs connected to The Creator tend to manifest some otherwise unseen conditions.”
If one looked at it on the surface, they would see a concerned doctor looking to take all situations in accouint. But all you see is an ill person investigating a promising lead.
Baizhu’s quest for immortality was always closely connected to the Adepti, and you just had to be outed by a disciple of one.
“It's not like that child was the only one to refer to you as such. Why would an Oracle even hide such basic information from trusted acolytes like ourselves?”
Changsheng’s tone is scathing, and her question is sarcastic. The hot and cold of the pair’s demeanor and words were easy to recognize.
The kind of tactic they were trying to pull on you was the classic ‘good cop, bad cop’ schtick. 
Baizhu’s honeyed words were to coax the information from someone nervous and fearful, while Changsheng’s harshness was meant to pressure and intimidate someone into spilling. 
Something this dubious in a medical setting shouldn't exist. At least not yet, anyway. Most medical malpractice from eras in the past were born from discrimination, religious propaganda and general inexperience of the human anatomy and physiology.
It sure as hell shouldn't work on any sane adult, let alone from someone like Baizhu who is widely trusted but also suspected.
But then you think back on the kind of people that exist in Teyvat. The strange practices seen as normal, the terrifying yet mesmerizing creatures that roam, and your cult…
Yeah, more than one person must have bent to their will. While you doubt it was done with any bad intention. The fact of the matter is that Baizhu could have removed your mask, but clearly didn't. It still wasn't right.
Then again, why should you care? As long as you keep yourself in check to not reveal any more than necessary, then you were satisfied with that.
No need to play hero in a world that can't see past someone's physical features. The heart you once had that urged you to try and change to become a better person has already been burned away.
“Well, this is classified information, but I do have approval to explain my unique circumstances in these kinds of cases.”  
Your smile is sheepish as you tilt your head and avoid their matching piercing gaze. As if you caved into their words and finally came clean.
“I suppose you can say that being an adventurer is my day job, as my true mission is to uncover the truths behind cult members and acolytes alike on their devotion to the Holy One.”
Baizhu’s smile widens, just a smidge at your words. Changsheng is not nearly as impressed and hisses out her first question.
“And how does that justify the matching scars along your body to the Almighty?”
Just how did Changsheng get to say such brutal questions without being frowned upon? Probably because she's a talking snake.
Many adults in this world probably find it unimaginable and fear her, thinking she's on the level of an Adepti. Others may view her as almost unreal and much like a doll to be played with, downplaying her words and sharp intellect like a child.
You just find her as surreal as a dream; Almost detached in a way from the sheer absurdity of a talking snake. It's only thanks to your knowledge from when you were a player that you can see her for herself.
Smiling, you reply to her question with a carefully constructed answer. Admittedly, this question was always one you were afraid of encountering.
“This body belongs to The Creator, and The Creator alone. When I was first summoned by the Almighty and commanded of my mission, they desired to mark me in a way that no one could deny as a connection to them. I chose to be scarred in the same fashion as them.”
A wide smile, almost manic in nature, stretches across your mouth. Calloused fingers intertwined before covering your lips as if to coyly hide. 
“And what better way is there? A subtle yet bold imprinting of the Creator’s hold over me. A way to experience the suffering our poor God must have gone through to be branded like that.”
Words spoken colorfully are nearly purred before you're left with uncontrollable giggles. You finally calm down with a dreamy sigh as you look at the contracted partners.
Baizhu and Changsheng are silent throughout your whole act. The only movement made was them sharing a glance.
And there is only one emotion you can see bloom so vividly in their exchanged eyes. 
It's safe to say that neither of them asked any more questions about the matter. Changsheng basically fled the room to “bask in the sun on the windowsill in the hall rather than stay with a human like that.”
You don't take any offense to it. In fact, you're overjoyed that your act worked. The only way to stop them from coming to the natural question of: “Does this mean their face is also like the Creator’s?” was to stop them from wanting to think on that train of thought.
It's exactly why you've been so careful to not let your body be so exposed. At least in regard to your torso, as scars on limbs are much easier to disregard.
Acting as a fanatic really was one of the best and easiest ways to throw off suspicion. No one really tries to dig for anything from a crazy person. After all, they have no sensible rhyme or reason to their actions.
It, of course, came with its own risks. Doing it too much will make people think that you’re actually insane rather than just unstable and will never trust you. And even the act itself can only work in certain situations with the right people, or else everything will fall apart.
That’s why you only use it when you see no other choice like now. Both Baizhu and Changsheng are under confidentiality agreements to not speak about you as a patient and considering the normal behavior for believers, your actions shouldn’t be too taboo.
Just a tad bit surprising.
The feather-light tap on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts as you look at the ever-present smile on the doctor. Baizhu sits back down on the stool once he’s sure he has your attention before speaking.
“Since you’ve explained more than enough about your background, we can move on to taking a culture sample of the scar tissue.” Your eyes roam the room for any tools needed for the procedure, and furrow when you fail to find any.
“At least that’s what I would say if I didn’t take it during the initial treatment.” If Baizhu wasn’t such a good doctor, you would ask if his license was revoked yet. This sure as hell doesn’t sound legal.
Annoyance must have been clear on your face as Baizhu leans a little closer to respond calmly. “I can assure you that this is very normal and practiced by many physicians. I just felt the need to tell you, as we agreed to you receiving a form of compensation.”
His eyes slither down your body to linger on where he must have taken the sample. “It would have been a hassle for us both if I waited till now to take it. I would have had to cut your skin after it healed so nicely, meaning you would be at risk for an infection.”
Baizhu may not be acting as obviously as a fanatic as you were earlier, but he was making you wildly uncomfortable. It’s a struggle to keep your body from tensing up under his growing gaze.
“So what did you choose as compensation? Last time we spoke about this, I don’t believe you had a set answer yet.”
With your mind reorienting back to how you can gain from this situation, you request your choice confidently.
“I want the strongest knock-out drug or sedation or whatever other name it goes by that you have. Something that can’t be obtained over the counter. Something that borders on being illegal.”
Was it strange to request this? It seems so, judging by Baizhu’s smile dropping as his eyebrows pinch together in what could be confused as worry.
But it’s a necessity to you.
Yelan and Shenhe couldn’t be dealt with due to the strength imbalance. That would take months, if not years, for you to get to a level where you can fight them one on one without using every means possible to win. Other acolytes exist that were even better than them, some that weren’t even human.
As the environment and tools in your disposal were much different and limited compared to when you were on Earth, you needed something more on the trap side. Having that weird, almost instant knowledge of weapons, elemental energy and rare bursts of power was the most you could ask for in combat. But it would be best to avoid combat if you can.
This drug would be the perfect way to.
“There are plenty of sleeping aids available over the counter. Why not choose from them rather than get a prescription for one from me?”
Baizhu is more than well aware of why you are requesting this, as he specifically addresses it as a mere ‘sleeping aid’. Whether he’s worried about you or for you doesn’t matter.
“I’m not questioning and probing for more answers as to how my tissue sample is so connected to your research. So you shouldn’t be trying to question mine, either.”
His whole face seems to light up at your swift and defensive response. “You have nothing to worry about, my dear.”
A smooth chuckle leaves him as he leans down to whisper into your ear from where you sit on the bed. “I’ll get you exactly what you desire and with any luck, my research will make leaps and bounds of progress.”
Goosebumps are raised across your skin as he stands back up straight. The square-framed glasses almost hiding the slitted golden eyes that try to devour you glint from the sunlight streaming in.
Baizhu leaves and you can finally breathe.
Time passes by slowly and with little options to cure your boredom, you find yourself engrossed in deciding which of Teyvat’s many delicacies you want to try. Last time you cooked on Beidou’s ship, the cooking laws followed the same logic as it did when you played the game.
It was one of the few perks you had from being the Creator. You had to make it count.
Even if it was just to distract yourself from overthinking the upcoming meeting with Ningguang.
It’s the wind’s echoing of the footsteps gradually getting louder that pull you out of the screen and back into the present. With a satisfying stretch, you sit up properly and yell a “Come in!” when a knock rings out.
Different shades of blue hair can be seen entering as Xingqiu strolls in with Chongyun behind him.
You greet them first with a toothy smile and lazy wave. “It's been a while since we last saw each other. Glad to see you both made it back here safely.”
Tension immediately leaves Xingqiu’s shoulders at your words, as Chongyun moves past him to take a hold of your shoulders.
“How could you be so reckless?!” His hair is slicked back, giving you a clear view of his pinched brows and lips bitten raw.
“The Adepti aren't beings to mess with, you could have really died!” Did he think the Adepti were responsible for your injuries? It would be the only logical conclusion, since Yelan chasing you was definitely a secret operation and Shenhe was just by chance.
“I shouldn't have let the confusing mess sweep me along, making me blindly listen to you. Maybe then you wouldn't have gotten this seriously hurt.”
He's hot, you blandly take note as his fingers dig into the clothing. It even seeped through your clothing, but you can't bring yourself to push him off.
Not when he's trying to hide how they shake as if he's the one shivering in a snowstorm.
“Why did you push us to leave with the victims? You and Xingqiu are eloquent enough to have convinced them to let you come back with us! How could you push us away?!”
… Was he trying to blame you? Briefly looking away from the frosty yet heated gaze of Chongyun, you glance at Xingqiu. His head is turned away, and he makes no effort to stop or step in.
“If you just let us help you rather than pushing us away, everything could have been avoided!” What the hell? “I should have just ran back when we were still close enough. Then you wouldn't have been so severely hurt.”
The constant whiplash of Chongyun’s words and emotions confused you. Grabbing his hands, you pry him off and pushed him away.
“I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. Okay, maybe better choices could have been made, but what's the point in dwelling on them now?” There's an annoyed bite to your tone that slips out.
Like gasoline to a fire, Chongyun explodes on you.
“What's the point?! The point is that you nearly died due to something that could have been prevented if we just thought a little harder! What if you died? What would you do then? Nothing! Because it'd be too late!”
His face is red as he yells, and his words feel like a forgotten consciousness crawling back to you. Infesting you with the long forgotten fear of what death had in store for you.
“So what?! That's for me to deal with, not you! If I die then, I die and if I live, then I live.” There's an ugly smile on your face that twists into a snarl. “You don't need to feel responsible for what happened, okay? So don't try to berate me and stew on what is already done.”
Jitters run through Chongyun’s body as he breathes loudly and takes a step forward-Only to get stopped by Xingqiu grabbing his arm.
“Stop it Chongyun. That's enough, your yang spirit is out of control and making you hotheaded.”
“But they-”
“Enough.” Xingqiu’s voice is firm as his grip visibly tightens around the joint. “Cool off inside the room or outside. It's your choice.”
Chongyun glares at Xingqiu before ripping his hand away and stomping to the corner. It's only with the distance that you can see how his fingers tremble worse than an addict.
The popsicle he pulls out is shoved into his throat as sweat visibly sticks to his skin and his haggard breathing becomes visible.
Maybe you should feel sympathetic, but all you can hear is his anger and accusations in your ears.
“Y/N…” Xingqiu’s voice calls out, and you finally get to see his face and take note of the slight red rim around his eyes.
He's been crying, you realize, and what makes it worse is how uncomfortable you feel at the sight.
“Chongyun was definitely in the wrong for getting so mad and starting the fight with you.” He glances over at the Cryo user, who refuses to look at either of you. 
You can spot faint bite marks dotting his fingernails.
“But it's not completely his fault either. He-We’ve been worried ever since we arrived at Liyue and never found you. We tried to-”
“That still doesn't make sense. Just why get so worked up over me missing a few days. I'm an adult, I'll be fine. Hell, I am fine!”
You're agitated and on edge, but for the life of you, you can't tell why. A small part of you, the sensible part of your brain, is already whispering that you're going too far, but you shut it down.
“Why even get mad at me about this? Why not the Adepti?!” Xingqiu’s silent stare at you is like needles prickling your skin.
The annoyance, frustration and confusion are what you cling to at this moment.
“Is it because they're firm believers of the Creator? Is it because you can't trust me as an Oracle?! Or is it because-”
“IT’S BECAUSE WE CARE!” Chongyun bellows out from his spot, whipping around to face you once more.
He takes long strides to you and reaches out his hands to touch you, to grab you-
But stops abruptly at your poorly hidden flinch. His expression morphs into something less fiery, with more hesitancy in his actions.
You let his hands awkwardly rest once again on your shoulders. But instead of the heat you experienced before, his fingers are cool but not cold.
“We were worried because we care about you.” Chongyun doesn't look the same as before. You decide to blame his hairstyle for that.
“I'm sorry for getting so worked up.” He starts slowly, his grip loosening with each word he utters. “I took the anger I had against myself on you, and I'm sorry for that.”
It's foreign to have them worry over your safety. To truly get this emotional over the thought of you dying.
But when you think back to your words and how you reacted in this whole argument, embarrassment creeps in.
“I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have snapped so easily and accused you guys of strange things.”
Yun Jin’s betrayal may have bothered you more than you realized. Not that you were unfamiliar with betrayal, but you didn't expect that a traditionally ‘good’ character would be so quick to sway.
The more you think about it, the more shame you feel.
“While I'm glad you both have made up for the high stress argument, I'm afraid we have more serious matters to discuss.”
Xingqiu’s words alert you both back into the present as he smoothly separates you from Chongyun.
“Ah, that's right, I almost forgot…” Chongyun mumbles to himself, only making you more confused on what the issue was.
“I'm not sure how, but the Qixing knew that you were the main party responsible for saving the kidnapped victims even before you arrived here in this state.”
The surprise must have been clear on your face as Xingqiu repeated his words and explained with more detail.
“Ganyu did arrive and focus the spotlight on her, but the Qixing immediately poked holes in it. The most adamant was the Yuheng.”
How would your incident with the Geovishap hatchling make Keqing believe you would save the children and not be the one to kidnap them?
The guild wouldn't disclose that information. It was literally stated on the contract Khan signed due to the seriousness of the commission. The breech in the confidentiality contract would be enough to warrant a lawsuit or legal action, they wouldn't risk it.
Did you talk to any guards about the case when searching for information? Anyone notable enough to report to Keqing?
It was no use, you couldn't remember all the details due to how long it's been since then.
“We thought that maybe you had already talked to her, so we brushed it off, but it got worse when we tried to go find you.”
Xingqiu gestures animatedly as he speaks. “Not only were there almost double the guards around the main entrances and exits, but I noticed at least four guards following me in the days leading up to your appearance.”
“We were repeatedly stopped from leaving and even when we tried leaving through unconventional ways, they still found us.” Chongyun finishes as he recounts the events.
“Only once were we able to leave the city in the dead of night, and it was the Yuheng herself that stopped us. She said that since we brought the victims back, she had reason to keep us in the city until further notice.”
Xingqiu scowls as he remembers the memory before cursing. “One hell of a convenient ass excuse.”
Chongyun finishes their story as he opens the curtain slightly and gestures to you to look out with him.
“This morning we both received letters saying we were free to leave now. It was just a few minutes later that we heard about you being brought here. And what do we see when we came to visit the first time?”
Following Chongyun’s line of sight, your breath catches at the sight of a Millelith guard hiding in a shaded area under a golden leaf tree.
“There’s even more in buildings and outside the window view.” Xingqiu adds as he takes the other side beside you.
Knuckles clutching the window sill tightly, you forcibly breathe in and out. Thoughts of just how long they've been watching you, what they could have done, and what they could have seen whirls around your brain.
All those Crystalflies, weasel thieves and the conversations you exchanged were now at risk of being exposed. With your heart thumping painfully loud in your chest, you wonder: What could they have already reported?
What was all your work in keeping out of the Qixing’s sight for? Ganyu didn't have much power, Keqing is set against you, Yun Jin betrayed you, Beidou’s gone and Ningguang already tried to off you with Yelan.
What did you possibly have left?
The two hands that lay on you startle but also ground you back to the present. Smooth skin and icy fingers draw your eyes to switch between the two vision holders.
“It'll be okay, Y/N. If they truly wanted to kill you, then they wouldn't have let you rest easily here.” 
“It's true, Ningguang once poisoned the water supply that specifically went to certain patients in a different clinic.”
And now you feel like shit again. It's not like you could trust Baizhu-you weren't even completely sure whether he intentionally hid the existence of the guards!
At your visible dampened mood, Chongyun lightly kicks Xingqiu’s shin, who only hisses at the pain before retaliating.
Watching them childishly fight like this is fun, a simple and small pleasure that you savor after all the bad news and confusing mysteries. 
That's right. You weren't alone. Not totally, at least.
It was painful to think about how your plan to avoid and leisurely please the Qixing failed, but it wasn't all over. Xingqiu and Chongyun thoroughly proved themselves on whose side they were on.
And if push came to shove, you could agree to marry Zhongli and let him deal with your problems.
“Don't worry too much, you two.” At your sudden but cryptic words, both of them stop and look at you.
Smiling serenely despite the turbulence your heart was suffering through, you give a vague explanation. 
“I already have a scheduled meeting with Ningguang. I'll either be praised by the masses as the oracle I am, or show up in a casket at the Wangsheng’s Funeral Parlor.”
Ending it with a sneaky grin, you press a finger to your lips. “I'm aiming for the third option of getting minor recognition before hitchhiking to Mondstadt.”
Rewriting this crap since TUMBLR KICKED ME OUT. I copy the ending that I wrote and only one word of it actually saved for me to paste. I wanna strangle this website. But anyway, got back from vacation, slept, unpacked and finished setting up everything properly after my editor finished. Just rechecked and turns out Tumblr also removed all the italics and bold which I had to re-add, how NICE I did manage to get a whole nice length chapter finished while I was away but I'm saving that for later as school is starting. I wanna have it there and post it in a while when I'm swamped while trying to get my school in order. So. Looking. Forward. To. It. :) I finished reading a few previous chapters to keep everything on track and wow. Y/N used to be so happy and hopeful lol. I would ask what happened but I’M what happened. It was still really fun to reread the adventure with Ayato. Perhaps it wasn’t obvious but Baizhu didn’t completely fall for the fanatic act. Changsheng trust her own judgement too much to look past the surface unless the person is visibly mysterious or pulling away. That’s why Baizhu could act the way he does despite the initial discomfort he felt (which was not faked) Taglist: Open as always!
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername
@zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @starsofabundance, @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus, @silverstarred, @iamapotatoe, @ghosthii, @beloveddroplet, @uchihaeirin, @ibelieveinsleep, @idk098, @thefirstonetoeverlikemeback, @toramune, @haaaaaades, @horologiumwise, @melovaaaa, @alittletiredcry, @aphxdea, @atsukawolfcat, @desirabletravel, @pinkpainc, @eccedentesiast-sapphic, @yuyuzi-ling, @hyperfixationwhore
@juuuuuj101010, @avalordream, @kurayamioterasu, @tottybear, @koiikuno, @lynx-of-skies, @quacking-simp, @synthe4u, @kascar-chronicle, @hug4helios, @hug4helios, @silverstarred, @koiikuno, @ithoughtthinks, @remiivx,
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misstycloud · 1 year
Bear hybrid
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Synopsis: you were on your way to work, when suddenly a bear-hybrid sees you. The look in his eyes says everything you need to know. Not wanting to spend the rest of your life as someone’s possession, you bolt. Too bad he won’t let you get away a second time.
Ugh, another long day ahead of me.
You thought tiredly. The long shifts at the diner you worked at really took its toll on you. If you could, you’d quit. But free time wasn’t worth getting starved.
You sighed and stared down at the gum stuck on a trash can. There was a hint of pale pink on it, signaling the colour it was.
Gum sticking to practically every surface in the subway station wasn’t the only defects. There were plastic cups, cigarettes, paper towels and a lot more unidentified items scattered freely.
Frankly, it was disgusting. If the government spent less on hybrid establishment improvement and more on the condition of public spaces, the maybe it wouldn’t look like shit everywhere.
You felt like a shitty person for thinking such things, hybrids have endured thousands of things in the past and now with modern development, they can finally lead satisfactory lives.
However, the government have begun to focus all their attention to the welfare of hybrids and neglecting humans in the process. It wasn’t their fault, you knew that. Still, one couldn’t help what they felt.
It’s not like you disliked hybrids, yet you did not love them either. You were neutral in that department. There were still humans with the old views, but they weren’t as many anymore or they simply didn’t run around telling people since it wouldn’t be very well received. The biggest problem and maybe the only problem you had with hybrids were their mating culture.
Clearly, no one in the relationship had a choice(not that they complained) and suddenly you’re supposed to be together until you die.
And now that they’re allowed to mate with humans legally, there is little that can stop them from forcing their human partner from submitting to their will; living and accept them as a lifelong partner.
It was wrong to force someone into a relationship they clearly express they didn’t want, unfortunately the animal-hybrids did not care for unwanted courting and do what they want anyway.
You shuddered at the thought of being mates to one of those creatures. It must be hell. Especially if you already have a partner previous to meeting them.
The train arrived and you made an annoyed face at how crowded it was. What felt like hundreds of people were squeezed into one cart, rubbing against each other and breathing as one being, making it incredibly warm inside.
You grabbed a pole with your right hand, trying to steady yourself and also liking to have something solid ground you. You’ve seen way to many consequences of people not holding on to anything while standing.
It was uncomfortable. Arms and elbows poked you from all sides, and two teenagers were talking way beyond the proper volume in such a cramped space. You couldn’t wait to get off.
Suddenly, commotion stole your attention elsewhere. Sounds of irritated folk earned everyone’s stares. You heard men and women alike, complaining about movement and pushing.
“Hey, stop pushing me!”
“Don’t look at me, it’s someone else!”
“Alright, who is then?”
Angry remarks were thrown. Not that you could blame them. The uncomfortable ride paired with lack of oxygen were not suited for enjoyable time.
An apologetic voice exclaimed, “Sorry! I need to get through, it’s important. Sorry, didn’t mean to step on your toes!”
Eyes widening and mouth nearly falling wide open, you turn to see the biggest man you’ve ever seen! His form was easily towering above all others, making you think that he was part of the reason why the train cart was so crowded.
The ginormous man had dark brown hair reaching his broad shoulders, the locks were messy and thick, slightly falling in front of his eyes.
What stood out the most however wasn’t his unnatural size. It was the pair of two brown, rounded ears atop his head.
It instantly hit you. The inhuman height was because he wasn’t human at all. He was a hybrid. A bear one at that! One of the most dangerous hybrids there is. While they might not attack unless provoked or caught off guard, meeting one is definitely something most would avoid.
Your heart nearly beat out of your chest when the bear-man’s eyes connected with yours. They were an odd amber colour, you noticed.
Fuck! You shouldn’t have looked his way.
And like the dumbass wannabe-dead, something in your brain forces your gaze back up and you freeze. The look on his face when he sees you. The look. It was the look.
Oh no. Oh no no no no no.
This could not be happening. It was obvious what was happening. You’d heard about it. On TV. From friends. Seen it in real life. There was no way you could be someone’s mate. Not when you’d spent so many nights praying it wasn’t your fate, since you didn’t want to end up like those humans you’ve heard about.
Well now you knew why he was causing a disturbance on the train. It was to get to you. A hybrid can easily smell its mate hundreds of meters away. He must have smelt you the second you got on that train and gone searching for you.
A squeak escaped your lips as you saw him waving at you while attempting to close the distance. Of course it did not go fast because of all the people between you.
No. You refused to be chained down to some animal. You had to get out. And as if someone above heard you, you heard the train voice speak, “Station X.”
That was your station.
The hybrid seemed to have noticed someone was off, he observed your face before glancing at the approaching platform. Then it clicked in his head.
“No, wait!”
Too late. You were already bolting out the doors, listening to angry comments after you. You only had time to rush a hasted ‘sorry’ before making it on the platform. The man did not have the same luck.
“Don’t go! Please! Don’t leave! No. ”
He desperately tried to shove passed all the passengers to get to the doors, but there was no time left and the doors closed shut before he managed to reach within one meter of them. The wheels of the train were rolling the connected vehicles away.
You had no interest to stay and watch, though. You still had a job to go to and you couldn’t afford to be late, or else your boss would scold you fiercely again.
Half running and half jogging, you hurried to the diner while in deep thought. Had you lost him? Maybe, but probably not forever. As hybrid will stop at nothing to find their mate once they’ve entered their sights. Fuck. My. Life. The next station the train would stop at was a bit away, so perhaps you were lucky this time? If you were careful from now on and don’t go out as much, then you could possibly avoid being found. Also, your work place was somewhat far from the subway.
If you saved up a bit, then you could also by a scent masking spray to hide yourself further. Although it was risky to do that. Because hybrids need a fair chance of finding their mate, masking spray became forbidden after people started using it. So now the only place you can buy it is from shady markets or people who may or may not want to steal your kidneys. Besides all that, it was very costly too.
You dragged a hand through your hair and heaved a deep sigh. What were you going to do?
“Y/N stop daydreamin’ an get back ta work!” Your bosses yelled and slapped you on the back.
Massaging your shoulder you answered, “Sorry boss…”
The diner wasn’t too busy so you had no idea of why he tried to rush you. Sure, there were some customers here and there filling the tables, but you weren’t so understaffed that youd have to srint around like a maniac trying to get everyone’s orders.
Approaching a table with customers, you put on you employe smile, “Hello, what can I get for you today?”
The man looked at the menu an extra time to finalise his decision, “I’ll have the chicken pasta with sundries tomatoes and red wine, can we also order some garlic bread?”
“Yes,” you wrote down the dishes on your small notepad, “and you, ma’am?”
No answer.
But she wasn’t paying any attention to you. It was as if you didn’t even exist, looking passed you like air with wide eyes. Finding this weird you turned back to her husband. Feeling your gaze he chuckled awkwardly.
“Honey? Aren’t you going to order?” She still didn’t respond which forced her husband to see whatever she was focusing so intently on.
It was then you realised they weren’t the only ones acting unusual. In fact, everyone inside the establishment had their eyes turned in the same direction. You swing around to witness the horror.
There, in the resturant entrance stood he. His form creating the illusion of the door being as insignificant as an ant. With heavy breath and droplets of sweat collecting on his forehead, you frantically whirling around until he noticed you.
Dropping your notepad and hand clasping over your mouth, you thought fuck, so I didn’t get rid of him?
Okay, even though it was kinda delusional to believe you could shake him off, you were surpsised he found you so fast. The hybrid wiped his eye and it was then you noted the redness surrounding them, an obvious sign of crying.
He stumbled forward, “There you are, I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to find you!”
Suddenly you were the centre of attention.
“W-what….?” Backing, you feigned ignorance.
“You saw me on the train earlier, I tried to stop you getting off but you took off without warning…” he hung his head in despair.
Yeah, guess why?
“You should leave..”
“Huh? No, I can’t g-“ the hybrid rushed.
“What’s goin’ on ‘ere?” The voice of your boss interrupted. With a deep scowl he paraded into the scene and crossed his arms in a defensive stance as soon as he laid eyes in the bear-man. “W-whatddya you want?” His gruff voice sounded unusually weak. “If there’s any trouble I’ll ‘ave ta call the cops, ya got me?” He said despite appearing like a newborn deer.
A bewildered expression crossed the tall man’s face, “No I’m not here to cause anything! I’m here for someone!” He explained while waving his arms. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect, the humans in the diner cowered lightly at the gesture and he instantly stopped. “Sorry…”
Your boss cleared his throat, “Alright. Who ya ‘ere for?” He’d make that person go with the scary man to make him leave as soon as possible. Not that he’d admit it, but he never liked those hybrid people. They just seemed unreliable it all. Nothing to be trusted. With their animal intincts present and sharp teeth, he couldn’t allow them to be in his resturant. He hadn’t the curious he to blatantly kick them out but he could at least give them what they wanted to make them lose interest as fast as possible.
The bear’s gaze searched yours and your boss put two and two together. “Oi, Y/N, come ‘ere. Someone’s looking for ya!” The man pulled your collar to drag you forward, earning a small frown from the hybrid but it vanished just as quickly.
You refused to look at him, keeping your attention to the floor and praying for him to go away. A rough hand carressed your cheek and you flinched and after hestitation it pulled away.
“Won’t mate look at me..?” A saddened voice said.
A twinge of guilt started brewing in your mind but you pushed it down. “I see this is new to you-being human and all, haha.” He tried to liven up the atmosphere. “Umm…you know what this is, though? Me seeing you and then following you here must be creepy, haha- but it’s not I promise! I just want to love you. Because we’re,” he giggled, “mates!” He happily sighed. “And you know what that is, right? If you don’t it’s fine, I’ll tell you. Being mates is loving someone no matter what, be it looks or personality nothing is important. Mates take care of each other, providing for your mate and making them happy is the best feeling in the world! There doesn’t exist anything that can compare!- not that I know that personally or anything since I haven’t had a mate before but I’ve heard from all my friends who have mates. Oh, I’m so jealous of them whenever I see them together with their mates doing fun things. Though it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing as long as it’s with your ma-“
“Please stop!” You yell, several customers flinch at your tone, not that you cared anymore. Having to listen to his constant talk about being mates had brought you over your boiling point. The man silenced at your exclamation. “Sorry, but I don’t give a shit about all this mate stuff or whatever- it doesn’t mean anything to me so please leave! I’m sorry that this isn’t what you want to hear but I have no interest in being your mate, not now, not ever.” You pointed at the door. “So go.”
The hybrid was stunned and stood quiet, appearing hurt. Then your boss promptly spoke, “Y/N, you showing speak to someone like that! Especially someone who loves you so much!”
“Huh?” What the hell was he going on about? He never cared for hybrids, certainly not their feelings. You’ve heard all those thing he said about them when he thought no one was listening.
“Clark.” The hybrid said and lowered his head.
“My name- I apologise. I shouldn’t have barged in here expecting you to be chill about everything, I’m a fool. I’m just a stranger to you. The least I could do is tell you my name.” The apology sounded so sincere.
“No, it’s uh- fine..” you scratched your arm anxiously. Luckily he seems pretty nice and not someone who would just take their mate and go; it’s happened before. Perhaps you’ve got a chance?
“Oh come on Y/N! Give the poor fella a chance!”
You crash into the giant’s chest from the shove.
“He clearly loves you!
What the hell was he going on about?
Strange that the man was encouraging your reunion, you thought.
“Actually, since I’m so nice, why don’ I do ya a favour and let ya go? Someone like ya shouldn’t have to work in a place like this. This’a happy day!” Then he pointed at the beak room, “Get ya stuff and celebrate.”
“Excuse me-wha- let me go? As in I’m fired?” Your brain tried to comprehend what just happened and words fell out in unfinished sentences. Despite yourself, you fixed your eyes at Clark.
“Don’ worry he’ll be ‘ere when ya get back!” The rough man shooed you towards the break room.
Having no choice but to comply, you do as he wishes and abandons the scene, which might’ve been the best thing really, the continued staring of the present customers was starting to make you uncomfortable.
Glaring at your locker like it was the cause of your I’ll mood, you harshly ripped your jacket off the hook and stuffed some scattered items back in your bag. You could not believe it. Fired? You? You have been nothing but a good employee at the diner, even taking all the shit from the boss and not complaining once.
Through the small window in the door, you spot the cause of your troubles thoughts walking by. Angrily you grab his arm and pull him inside the room, a surprised noise leaving him.
“What the hell, why am I being laid off? I haven’t done anything.”
He expressed a long breath. “Sorry, but I can’t ‘ave some brute hangin ‘round here ‘cause of you, customer don’t like it and I won’t sacrifice my business for someone like you. Surely you understand.”
“He won’t hang around the diner, we’re not together! Besides, it not my fault!” You pleaded with him. You needed this job. Without it you’d definitely die in the end.
“Well, we both know he won’t leave so don’ make this any harder than it already is.” He said before leaving to do whatever shit he did instead of being a good manager.
Bullshit. It wasn’t hard at all. In fact, you bet he loved an recuse to get rid of you. He never liked you from the very beginning.
With despair, you left through the back door and as you listened to it close, you did not react to the loud bam of the heavy metal slam. Recalling at how you flinched the first time you went out the back, you clench your fist. How’re you gonna make it now? You doubted you had much savings in the bank.
Making your way to the station, blew passed you that there was still a bear waiting for you so he could properly introduce himself. He was in his own mind so much that he didn’t realise you’d already left until it was too late.
Good that he was born with a great sense of smell. How stupid of him not to consider your perspective in the beginning! Not to worry, he’ll make sure he doesn’t scare you off the next time. His species didn’t have the best reputation so he understood why you acted the way you did; it still hurt though.
The next time he’d just need to show you he wasn’t dangerous at all.
Sorry the ending sucked and was rushed. I wasn’t really sure how I wanted to end it so it turned into this.
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Do you have any headcanons about the Ghoul's cum? Is it an unusual color, taste, or texture? Is it radioactive? If you look at it under a microscope, do the sperm cells look mutated? Can he get someone pregnant? If he cums inside someone, are there any side effects?
I feel like my answer to this shouldn't start with "I have actually given much thought to what ghoul cum would be like", and it shouldn't be as long as it is, Anon, but here we go:
I headcanon that being a ghoul does make you infertile, especially as a man...early on. Radiation is a massive sperm-killer so I think all the human sperm would be wiped out pretty damn quick. But I think if you manage to stay alive long enough into the ghoulification process (which can be instantaneous or can be drawn out over years and years), your boys could possibly adjust and "heal" from being so damaged by the radiation and start producing sperm again. In the lore of the games, there are records of ghouls reproducing with one another (though it is not elaborated on at all and is apparently rare), so why would it be out of the realm of possibility (in the Fallout universe) that they could reproduce with healthy humans?
I think it would take the right human, the right ghoul, and the right conditions (my heart says 'radstorm', but I know how deeply corny that is), but I do think it's possible for some ghouls to get women pregnant.
I don't think their sperm themselves would necessarily be remarkable under a microscope; sperm having multiple heads/tails, no head/tail, and other malformations already exists in human men, and the number of them visible in a sample is used as an indicator of sperm quality. I think, that close, a sample from a ghoul would just look like a sample from a regular man with poor quality sperm.
The semen would be very radioactive after a few years, especially if you had sexual contact with an older ghoul or a still-sentient glowing one like Jason Bright or Oswald the Outrageous. I think it has a bit of a strangely-colored hue and I think it's thicker in consistency than before. You will absolutely get sick from it (especially if you swallow it) if you don't properly prep with Rad-X. Expect all the traditional symptoms of radiation sickness (fever, fatigue/fainting, confusion, vomiting, red inflammation and burns in the places you had direct physical contact, bleeding from the nose/mouth, unusual bruising) if you don't, and have Radaway ready for afterwards. What's the stuff for if not saving us from ourselves?
When a ghoul cums inside you, you can absolutely taste it, like you rested a nickle on the back of your tongue. You'll really hate it at first, but eventually you'll come to tolerate, even like it. Try not to let them "shoot up the club" every single time, though, since it'll probably leave you incredibly raw and sore. It's also long-accepted ghoul-fucker canon that your sentient ghoul lover cumming inside of/all over you can hide your scent from feral ghouls.
When I tell you that shit would taste so bad, I'm not even sure I have the proper words for what I think it would be like. Sort of like licking a battery combined with the bitter, acidic flavor of bile (and also the taste of semen, which doesn't exactly taste great anyway). You'll probably try to be sexy and brave and at least let your ghoul lover cum on your tongue once, but trust me when I say you'll never offer again. Especially since their regenerative abilities make them cum buckets every single time.
Godspeed, ghoul fuckers. We wouldn't do it if we weren't willing to risk a little rad exposure, right?
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moonlightpetalz6 · 8 months
Kinktober Day 4 (Stygiophilia)
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Character: Dio Brando x Virgin reader
Reader: Fem Reader
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Unprotected sex, Stygiophilia, harsh language, corruption kink, rough sex, blood, talk of religion, mentions of going to hell, degradation, dacryphilia, loss of virginity, manipulation
Stygiophilia: Arousal to the thought of hellfire and damnation.
Wc: 5,042
A/n: Yeaaaaaah I may or may not have fallen behind with my Kinktober works as this is definitely being posted on Day 5. So sorry about that! Thankfully I made sure to get both Day 4&5 written up! (I just have to edit day 5 before posting) Anyway, I tried to get all the warnings labeled and apologize if I missed anything!
"Young miss, please slow down! A lady must not run!" You heard one of your lady-in-waiting yells after you as you happily ran through the familiar corridors of your home. You were the younger sister of Jonathan Joestar and had been sent away to an all-girls boarding school for the last three years, so you were beyond excited to see your father and older brother. As you reach the front doors to the manor, your eyes light up at the familiar sight of your older brother, a giant smile on his face as he holds his arms out to you, ready to accept your tight embrace. "Brother! I missed you!" You cried while leaping into his arms, causing the older boy to laugh as he held you securely while spinning you around. Your lady-in-waiting finally catches up, placing her hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath while trying to scold you.
"My dear sister, are you still causing trouble for people? What's the point of sending you to such a high-class school if you refuse to listen!" Jonathan laughs while playfully ruffling your hair. You pout, pushing his hand away as you stick your tongue out playfully, earning another bright smile from the brother you admired with all your heart. "I have so much I wish to talk about! Where is father?!" You cheered, looking around, wishing to tell him your stories. Jonathan frowns as he leads you into the manor by wrapping an arm around your shoulders comfortingly. "Y/n father's condition appears to be getting worse…he is now bedridden." Your eyes go wide in horror as you quickly take off towards your father's room, ignoring your brother's calls for you to wait.
You run up the stairs, shoes slipping off due to your rush, causing you to stumble a bit, but you pay them no mind as you go and push the doors to the room open, not bothering to knock. "Father!" You called tears in your eyes as you looked at the weak figure of your father sitting peacefully in his bed. "Ah, Y/n, my dear, you've come home!" Your father greets you with a small smile before coughing. You rush to his bedside and carefully place your hands on his. "Oh, Father, why didn't you tell me your condition worsened? I would have rushed to your side to help you recover!" Your father only smiles at your words as he gently runs his hand over your hair, comforting your anxious heart.
"That is exactly why I didn't write about it to you. Your studies in becoming a proper lady are far more important than this small illness." He declares, watching as your brows knit together in annoyance. Before you can give any protest to his words, he cuts you off, his gaze averting to one of the corners of the room. "Besides, I had your brothers here to help me. Isn't that right, Dio and Jonathan?" He asks with a soft smile. Your body stiffens at the name of the boy your father had taken into your home. You hated how your father addressed Dio as your brother, for you had never seen or accepted him as anything else but a cruel, uncaring man who took advantage of your father's kind nature. Slowly, you become aware of your father's presence and the other two who stood in the room with you. "That's right, Father. I have ensured to care for him, so you don't need to fret Y/n." Your body shivered, and blood ran cold at the familiar, sickening voice of Dio.
You slowly turn towards where the voice came from, your eyes locked with those dark, cold brown eyes that still torment you years later. “I see…thank you…” You whisper, trailing off as you never knew how to properly converse with the man whose eyes always stared deep into your soul. Dio gives you a smirk as he takes a few steps towards your form. You feel your heart racing with each step, your nerves screaming for you to move or run, but you can't. Thankfully, Jonathan, who had been silently standing by the door this whole time, moves to stand protectively by your side. Dio frowns at this while pretending to look hurt at the two of you. "What is it, Jonathan? I wish to give our dear Y/n a welcoming hug like you and Father." He defends a fake smile on his face as he outstretched his arms to you, expecting your sweet embrace.
You hesitate, eyes trailing to your brother, who looks down at you; worry fills his eyes. You devise an excuse to avoid hugging the man but stop when you feel your father gently squeeze your hands, earning your full attention. "Go on, Y/n! It's rude not to greet everyone, is it not?" You cringe at your father's words, knowing it would only cause problems for his health if you continued to avoid the man, he tried calling son. With a stiff nod, you slowly stand from the side of the bed, hands placed in front of you as you nervously fidget with your fingers and slowly take a few steps toward the much bigger man who looks at you with mischievous eyes. You bite your lip as you shakily bring your arms up for a hug. Dio quickly pulls you close to his chest in an extraordinarily tight and possessive hug.
"Welcome home, Y/n. We've all missed you dearly." You cringe at the fake joy in his voice, knowing it was all an act to get on your father's good side. Dio smirks as he leans his mouth close to your ear, whispering in a tone that no one else could hear. "I don't care how long it takes…you will submit to me." He growls darkly, causing your eyes to widen as you try to pull away from him but fail due to his tight grip. Dio smirks, finding your resistance adorable before his eyes lock with Jonathan, who glared at the two of you, not trusting Dio's intentions after having stumbled upon Dio and you years ago in the manor library. You hadn't done anything as Dio was the one who had you pinned to the bookshelf, his lips pressed angrily to yours. It was a sight Jonathan would never forget as he kept his pure and innocent sister far away from the man.
"I think that's enough, don't you, Dio?" Your brother asked while pulling you away from the blonde's grasp, causing Dio's lip to twitch in annoyance. "Of course, I'm just so excited to see the Joestar's sweet angel return to the manor after so long." He apologized, though you both knew it wasn't sincere. Jonathan frowned before leading you towards the door, stating that he would take you to your room as he assumed you were tired after such a long ride back. You bid goodbye to your father, ignoring Dio, who looked at you with dark and impure eyes. When you leave the room, Dio grits his fists at his side before licking his lip with amusement.
'Still clinging to that brother of yours like he'll be there forever. I'll have my chance my dear just you wait.'
It had been a few weeks since you came back home. Thankfully, you didn't run into Dio much besides when you visited your father, or Jonathan was around to act as your shield. However, to your dismay, your older brother went off to try and find a cure due to your father's worsening condition, leaving you alone and defenseless. "Y/n, my dear, it's getting late. You should go and get some sleep; I'll be fine!" Your father laughed, trying to rid the frown that blemished your features. "But father, how can I sleep?! Your condition is worsening, and your brother has been gone for days without a word! I worry for both of you!" You cry, gripping his hands. Your father smiles before heavily coughing, causing your heart to ache.
"You've always been such a kind and caring girl, Y/n. I know your mother would be so proud to see the pure and elegant girl you've become." His confession shocks you at the mention of your deceased mother. You and Jonathan were half-siblings, neither having met your mothers due to the accident and your mother's illness. You always remembered the staff whispering badly about her because they were so in love with Jonathan's late mother. This left you feeling alone and secluded from everyone until your brother happily reached a handout for you. Since childhood, you made it a point to be a good and obedient daughter and sister to your family, not wanting to cause any problems. Of course, you would lie if you said being a good girl was easy.
"Now, give me your perfect smile before I get some rest!" Your father cheered, snapping you from your thoughts. You let out a small sigh before putting on that bright smile everyone seemed to love so much. With an approving nod, your father bids you goodnight as you silently walk back to your corridors. 'But I don't want to smile right now, father…I want to scream and cry…I want to feel sadness and anger. I want to scream at the heavens for cursing our family with such traffic fates.' You are shocked by the last thought as you quickly shake your head and slap your cheeks as you enter your room. "Don't think like that, Y/n! It's not good to think such things." You scold yourself as you lock the door before changing into one of your nightgowns.
"Oh? Do tell what things our angel might be thinking?" Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach at the sudden voice lurking in the corner of your room. You slowly turn to see Dio perched against your wall, his eyes shining from the moon's light. "D-Dio?! What are you doing in my room?!" You yelled, taking a step back as you glanced towards your door. Dio followed your eyes just as fast, a dark smirk coming to his lips as he let out an amused chuckle, carefully pushing himself away from the wall. "Father has been voicing concerns about you since Jonathan left. So, I thought I would do him a favor and keep you company." He excused himself as he made his way between you and the door. Your eyes narrow with his word choice as you clench your fists at your sides.
"Don't address him like that when we both know you don't see the Joestar home as a family." You declared feeling yourself growing angry at the situation. Dio looks at you with an emotion flashing past his eyes, one you don't recognize due to the room's darkness. He lets out an amused chuckle while running a hand through his hair, his face falling to one of annoyance, eyes darker than usual as he looks down at you, clicking his tongue. "I see that annoying eye of yours is still as sharp as ever, brat." He spat, finally showing his true colors like when he first arrived in your lives. "Though you must admit I've become a great actor." He joked. Before you could react, Dio's form was looming over yours. His eyes narrowed as he roughly took your wrist, holding it up towards his chest as he glared at you.
"Since we're on the topic…why don't you drop that pure angel act of yours?" Dio watched as your usually bright hues darkened all light, leaving them as you looked at him with a frown. "I do not like what you are insinuating Dio. Now, I must ask you to leave my room." You demanded your words cold as ice, holding no warmth for the man before you. Dio felt his chest puff with pride and joy as he got to see this expression for a second time. He remembers first seeing the dark look in your eyes when he stumbled upon you in the library years ago. The way you stared coldly at the books before you, not a single sight of joy to be seen. It excited him knowing that there was a darker side to the Joestars family within the girl whom everyone always spoke so purely of. He wanted to see more of it, more of the girl whose life has been dedicated to portraying a false sense of joy.
"There it is…" Dio whispered, his grip on your wrist tightening as he went and threw you onto the bed, causing a small gasp to leave your lips as you fell onto the soft surface. As you tried to get up, Dio sat on top of you, his legs trapping your smaller form as he gripped your wrists above your head, his face inches from yours as he looked at you with a sadistic grin on his face. The lack of distance allowed you to examine Dio's features closely. You couldn't deny that he was an attractive man and that you had once found yourself crushing on him, but due to his sick personality, you tried pushing the thought deep into the back of your mind.
"Tell me, does being so good to those who hate you get tiresome?" He asked, watching as your eyes widened in surprise. "What? Did you think I wouldn't notice how the staff treated you over the years? How they look at you with detest." Dio mocked his free hand, going to grab your chin, making it so you could not ignore him. You grit your teeth, anger filling your body as he mocked your hard work to be the perfect girl for your family, all the nights you spent wishing to be accepted by everyone. He would welcome you. To him, you were something to treasure and keep close to; he wanted all of it for himself.
"Dio, let me go this instant! I won't let you make a fool of me!" You yelled while trying to escape his grasp. Dio hummed, amused, as he leaned closer to your face, his lips inches away. "You're so cute; begging like anything could get you out of this." he mused before placing his lips roughly against your own. Your eyes went wide, remembering the last time this happened. How aggressive he was with you, the look in his eyes like a predator wanting to claim what's his. You whine into the kiss, your body reacting in a strange way as you feel a wave of heat rush to your skin. Dio hums, pulling away from the kiss as he watches the saliva still connecting you start to thin. "It must be so exhausting…being an angel." He confesses while carefully sliding his thumb across your bruising lips. He watches your face show surprise at his words, internally grinning as he finds your weak spot.
"Tell me…what was it you were thinking earlier, angel? Was it something impure?" He hoped his words were right as he watched your eyes shift away. You said nothing as you tried processing everything at once. Your silence annoyed Dio as he went and slid his tongue down your neck, his ears taking in your surprised gasp as you tried to squirm away, your legs pressing together. "Does the Joestars' pure and innocent child actually have a filthy mind?" He teased as he went and bit down on your soft spot, feeling himself grow excited when a moan slipped past your lips. "N-no! It's not like that! I don't think that way!" You pleaded, the feeling of his lips sucking on your skin, causing your cheeks to heat up as a strange tingling begins in your lower half. "Oh? Then tell me, if not that, then what? What could be plaguing that innocent mind of yours?" He coos his grip on your wrist tightening as his head moves towards your chest.
Your eyes widened as your heart started speeding up when you realized what he was planning. "It was only for a moment! I cursed the heavens, but I was wrong!" You confessed, hoping it would allow you to catch Dio off guard. However, your words caused something to snap inside Dio's mind as he looked down at you surprised, his heart rate rising as he felt his pants start to feel tighter as he took in your words. "Cursing the heavens? Isn't that a grave sin with you people who worship that God of yours?" He asks, unable to stop the growing smirk, his eyes glossing over with lust as he takes in how pure you looked trapped under him in that white nightgown that fit you perfectly. Your cheeks are deep red due to the unknown feelings starting up within.
"Tell me, angel…has a man ever touched you?" His question causes you to fume with embarrassment as you look away from him, not wanting to answer such a vulgar question. "H-How could you say such filthy things?!" You cried your mind spinning from the situation. Dio's eyes narrowed as he licked his lips, his hand releasing your wrists, catching you by surprise as you looked up at him with confusion. "So, this body is still pure?" He asks with a voice filled with amusement as he trails his hands from your shoulders down to your breasts, roughly massaging them over your precious nightgown. Your eyes widen as you quickly slap a hand over your mouth, muffling the moans that escape from the unknown feeling.
"Is it good when I touch you here? Or maybe here?" he muses, going and grinding against you, the bulge in his pants becoming evident as he finds himself tainting the pure body of Jonathan's most precious treasure. You bite your lip, trying to hold back the sinful sounds that tug at your throat. "N-no, stop it…AH!" Your back arches when Dio suddenly pulls the nightgown down, exposing your breasts to the cool air sending a chill throughout your body. Dio chuckles as he taunts you, clicking his tongue as he shakes his head. "This isn't good…for such a pure body; it sure is acting filthy to my touch." He sighed as he took the perked buds between his thumbs and index fingers, making sure to pinch and pull at them, watching as your body reacted innocently to his actions. "I-I's not my fault!" You tried to defend yourself, though you couldn't help but rub your legs together at his words. 'What's happening? Why am I getting so worked up?' You thought, not understanding your body at all.
"This body is untrained…safe from the fires of Satan." Dio starts before repositioning himself so that he can slide his hand under your nightgown, his fingers ghosting over the dampening fabric as he latches onto one of the perked buds, making sure to sink his teeth into the soft flesh, listening as you let out a loud cry your hands going to grip at his blonde strands. "S-stop! This is wrong!" You pleaded, though your mind couldn't help but betray you as multiple lewd thoughts started plaguing your mind, causing the spot between your thighs to spread against the thin fabric. Dio ignored you as his fingers went and started poking at your panties, chuckling when your thighs squeezed his hand.
"Careful, Y/n," Dio started as he pulled away from the mound of flesh with a pop, his tongue lapping at the hard bud with a dark smirk on his face as he looked up to see your lustful expression. He feels his bulge twitch as he presses his fingers past your panties, sliding them up and down your wet folds. "If you're too loud, everyone will know the sinful act you're committing. Do you want your father to know his angel is falling?" Dio laughed, finding his actions to be a rush as one finger pressed down on your clit, causing your eyes to roll back as you covered your lips with both hands, body shaking. Dio watches his sadistic grin, reaching his eyes that are wide with amusement as he lets out another booming laugh.
"Did you just cum Y/n? What a fucking slut." He growled as he twirled a finger around your freshly dripping hole, refusing to take his eyes away from yours as he watched you come down from your high. "I want you to listen to this, Y/n. Listen to how sinful your pussy is for me right now." He mumbled before slipping a digit inside. You whine in discomfort at the sudden intrusion, tears pricking your eyes from the feeling of Dio's thick finger roughly thrusting in and out of you. "Heh, does it hurt angel? Does having my finger inside this once untouched pussy feel strange?" His words are cruel as he watches your body, once pure and untouched, slowly form into an obedient toy just for him. "D-Dio…" Your words cut off as he slaps a hand over your face, eyes narrowed as he growls against your ear, his finger moving faster as you moan into his palm. "Shut up and listen, angel." He growls before adding another finger to stretch your tight walls further. "Do you hear that Y/n?" He questions while biting your earlobe, giving it a slight pull. You listen, your juices echoing off the walls of the dark room, filling your ears as Dio continues to invade you with his fingers.
"Listen to your sin, darling~" He sings, going to curl the tips of his fingers, causing a deep rumble in your throat as you look up at him, eyes no longer holding any innocent emotions as you allow your mind to be consumed by lust. You can't think straight as you go and stick your tongue out against his palm, the wet muscle licking against his rough skin, causing Dio to lick his lips as a low growl escapes his throat. "Filthy fucking girl. You're nothing but a sinful whore." He spat, looking down at you with disgust, but really, it drove him crazy. He was ruining you, the girl who always held such a beautiful smile, eyes shining so bright with love and joy now dimmed and corrupted, all thanks to him. No one else could ruin you like he was going to. He feels your walls spasm against his fingers, indicating you have orgasmed for the second time.
Dio pulls his fingers out, putting them inches from your face as he wiggles them around, allowing you to see how your juices coated them. "Look at them, Y/n. Your slutty juices are everywhere." He laughs before pulling down your panties as he goes and removes his clothing. You don't say anything as you lay there eyes half-lidded as you try to recover from all the pleasure flooding your mind. Dio notices your dazed-out expression, causing him to frown as he goes and smacks your cheek, causing your gaze to fall on him. "Don't you dare clock out on me now, you brat." He growls, going and spreading your legs wide enough for him to take in just how wet your pussy was. "Fuck so filthy, Y/n." He growls while giving his cock a few pumps, precum leaking from the slit.
You stare at him, trying to process what his next move is going to be. Dio smirked as he went and slid the tip between your folds, his cock becoming drenched from your messy pussy. It soon clicks what he plans on doing, and you look at him, panic written across your face. "N-No! You can't!" You cry, trying to move away from his giant figure. Dio scoffs as he roughly grabs you by the hips, pulling you back into place as his tip pokes at your entrance. He cups your cheek, eyes filled with a dark desire as he takes in your fearful expression, the tears in your eyes making him want to fuck you until they can't produce anymore. "Look at me, Y/n." He demands, watching as you obediently do as told, making him relish in his control over your once pure mind, now filled with corrupt thoughts of him. All him.
"I want to see you fall to hell with me, angel." His words were severe, eyes not leaving yours. You felt your chest tighten as his words caused your pussy to twitch. "Fall…to hell?" You whispered as if in a trance. Dio smirks, leaning his body over yours as he kisses the tears from your face. "Yes, my dear~ The two of us will be bound together for all eternity, our bodies burning from the flames of our sins~" He growled, pressing his lips to yours in a possessive and needy kiss. You whimper slowly opening your mouth to allow his tongue entry as he hungrily searched every corner of your mouth. "So, fall with me, angel…fall from the heavenly pedestal your family has placed you on and be damned to hell with just me by your side." He moaned into the kiss before pressing his cock into your virgin pussy.
Your eyes bulge from the intense pain as you grip Dio's biceps, your nails digging into his skin, drawing small amounts of blood, tears running down your cheeks as you cry into the kiss. Dio growls, eyes squeezing shut from how tight you were, his dick throbbing at the fact he was taking your virginity from you. Your pure body now destroyed by his corrupt one. He relishes that you will never be able to join your loved ones in heaven. You were all his forever. "I-it hurts!" You cry when he pulls away from the kiss. Your lips were bruised and swollen, eyes puffy and filled with tears as your cheeks flushed red and your body trembled. You were ruined, absolutely destroyed, and he loved it. "That's right, angel…feel all that pain, isn't it freeing?" Dio purred before moving his hips. You whine from the pain, wanting it to go away as you reach a handout towards him.
Dio snatched your hand, bringing it to his face as he inhaled your scent before locking eyes with you as he sunk his teeth into your flesh, watching you flinch as his thrusts became more aggressive. "Mmh~ Dio, your cock hurts! Please take it out!" You whine, though it falters when the pain turns into pleasure. "It's dirty! So dirty!" You cry, your legs wrapping around his waist and pushing him closer to you, causing his cock to go even deeper inside your impure pussy. You moan tossing your head back, mouth hanging open as drool falls from your chin. Dio watches you with an evil grin as he roughly grabs your hips, sure to leave bruises later. "That's right, angel fall with me! Join me in a world full of sin where just the two of us can rule!" He moans out, loving that he was destroying you. The girl he's had eyes on for seven years was not being roughly fucked underneath him.
You moan too fucked out to care who heard you anymore as you think of what awaits you once you are to leave this world. "I'm going to burn in hell, Dio~ my pussy is being fucked by a man I'm not married to!" You moaned out, unable to hold back your thoughts as a smile formed on your face from the idea of burning in the hot flames. Dio curses as his gaze travels down to where his cock disappeared inside you, his eyes narrowing when he sees the blood mixed with your juices leaking from his shaft down onto your once clean sheets. "He leans forwards, capturing one of your hands in his as he pounds into your abused pussy deep pants, leaving his lips as he takes you all in with his eyes. "Fall with me, angel…do you like that? The thought of being burned by hell's flames? Your pussy is sucking my dick so good, darling~" Dio coos as he kisses your neck, leaving marks wherever he can.
Your body shutters at the thought eyes in the back of your head, a giant smile on your face as you imagine your body being burned for the pleasure you were receiving in this life. Dio looks down at you, his heart racing about how you reacted to his words and actions. He loved that you were finally showing your true self to the you who worked so hard to be so suitable for everyone. Now you were good for just him. "Think about it, Y/n. You no longer have to please those worthless staff who treated you like the devil…because now you're my beautiful fallen angel…my sinful darling~" Dio growled, his cock twitching as he felt himself reaching his limit. You say nothing as you cry and moan, your stomach tightening for the third time.
'That's right… I'm no longer their angel…I can finally be free from this suffocating cage.' You thought tears formed in your eyes as they slid down the damn skin onto your messy sheets. "You'll be so beautiful screaming in agony~" Dio confesses the thought causing him to curse as his cock swelled inside you, his throat tightening as a vein popped out. "Fuck… I'm going to cum inside your filthy pussy Y/n!" He laughed, his thrusts becoming sloppy. You whined as he went and tossed your legs over his shoulders, the new position causing him to press against your womb. Your eyes went wide as you felt something inside you snap your juices spraying all over Dio's cock as a puddle stained the sheets. Your vision went white, no sound leaving your lips as your body violently shook.
Dio laughs like crazy after witnessing you squirt all over him, his voice echoing throughout the room. "Hahaha! Sorry JoJo! Looks like I've turned your precious little sister into such a sinful devil fit just for my cock~" He laughs manically before gripping your face with one hand as he looks at you with that sadistic look back on his face. He feels himself reach his limit as he cums deep inside your pussy, his cum filling you up.
"Look at me Y/n. I want to see you fall to hell with me darling~"
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
Steven grant being a soft dom? Make it as nsfw as your heart desires 😁
Dear simpforbritgents, THANK YOU for asking for Steven <3 Perfect timing for the Moon Knight anniversary ;) I feel like there is a criminal lack of fanfiction about this lovely man. Writing him dominant was a little difficult at first but I think I did it. I hope you enjoy my smutty little smut smut. It´s purely indulgent because I just LOVE an anxious gentleman. EXPLICIT. Minors, be GONE!! I apologise for any missinformation about their condition/terminology
Summary: Two idiots in love and an alter that´s had enough of the pining
Word count: 4.757
Warnings: comfort/fluff, kissing, making out, teasing, lovemaking, desperate PinV, no protection (Wrap it up, guys!!!), little angsty, immense fluff
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“I´m sorry, love. I´m sorry, I know. I´m late.” Rounding the counter of the gift shop hurriedly, Steven was panting. His ink black hair was slightly plastered to his forehead, little droplets of perspiration gathering at his temple. He gave you an apologetic smile as he kicked his bag underneath the counter. You grinned back mischievously at your best friend, leaning your hip sassily against the countertop and crossing your arms. “Did Marc give you a hard time again?” you asked. His slightly bloodshot eyes went round as saucers and he hissed in a panicked voice “Don´t say that out loud,___. Aside from you, nobody knows about this.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “There´s nobody here yet, Steven, calm down.” He gave you a sour look as you giggled. Steven sighed deeply rubbing his dark circled eyes. “I think the muppet went out drinking last night. I feel proper shit.”
Just as he said it an obnoxious sound reached your ears. The insistent clearing of a throat. “Don´t think I didn’t notice you being late again, Stevie.” Steven closed his eyes in defeat and turned to look at the blond. “Mornin´ Donna.” Her beady eyes shot in your direction for a moment, knowing well you wouldn’t take much of her shit. She usually preferred to berate Steven when you weren’t around. You had no problem snapping back at her the moment she overdid it, especially when it came to your best friend. You were quite fond of Steven. Well, that was a gods damn lie. You were head over heels for the anxious, not knowing how good he looks brit. He didn’t need to know that though. It was wishful thinking even though you´d accepted his issues and tried to help him as best you could. Steven had bigger problems than losing his best friend over silly feelings he didn’t return.
When you noticed that something was up with him and he finally confided in you (after massive arguments with Mark as he told you later), he was so scared you´d deem him a freak and leave. He told you about everything. About Marc and what he had been through. About how he, Steven, came to be. He told you about Konshu and Layla and Harrow, about what happened in Egypt. You went almost crazy when one day he´d just vanished without a trace for days. Steven always said he owed you that explanation. Although he didn’t have to deal with Konshu anymore, Marc, he couldn´t and wouldn´t let go. You understood completely. And yet, you still had to meet Marc in person. Sometimes when Steven knew you wouldn’t have time to spend with him, he´d let Marc take over to spend time with his wife. And every time, Steven came back to work either with a hangover or hickeys scattered across his collarbone and scratch marks down his arms. Those marks hurt. You knew it was Marc and damn it, he was a married man but still…Sometimes you just whished you could mark Steven up just as much. Showing his alter that he was yours, although he wasn’t.
Steven was mortified the first time he connected the dots about these marks and swore by the life of Gus, he couldn’t remember anything. That Marc made sure he would never, ever be involved. Not that Marc´s ego would allow it anyway.
“I really don´t give a rat´s behind what you do all night, Stevie, but come in late one more time and ___ will work the desk alone from now on.” Donna´s head nodded in your direction and you fixed her with a stone cold glare. “It´s Steven, Donna. Ste-ven. One would think an oh so educated career women such as yourself would be able to hold onto that tiny bit of information” you seethed. Donna´s neck turned pink as she gave a sarcastic huff and walked away.
Steven turned to you with a proud smile. “I wish I had the comebacks you have” he said with a crooked grin. You gave him a smirk and leaned closer to him, looking into his glittering dark eyes. “I´ll gladly teach you, my young Padawan.” Steven´s smile widened even more. “Now come on. These highly authentic gummy scarabs aren´t going to sell themselves” you sang.  
Steven mind was reeling even after you leaned back into your own space and began restocking the shelves of the gift shop. His heart was beating in his throat manically and once again he cursed his hesitation. He had it bad for you ever since he heard you berate Donna for the first time for calling him Stevie. His heart warmed every time he saw you, his pulse picking up every time he heard you quietly humming to yourself. He had to force his eyes away from your figure every time you wore one of those bloody summer dresses.
Seriously, man, he heard Marc sigh in his head. How many times do I have to tell you? When you´re in front, go for it! Pursue her, for crying out loud. It´s kind of getting old that you´re always just beating it to the thought of her. Steven spluttered some excuse and immediately made a beeline to the employee bathroom. Locking the door behind him he stomped over to the mirror and was met with the reflection of a sly grinning Marc. “Will you stop?!” he hissed, cheeks aflame. Marc rolled his eyes. Come on, Steven. It´s getting pathetic. It´s happening almost every night now. Aren´t you tired of that? Wouldn’t you rather have her panting underneath you, hmm? Her shaking thighs around your waist? Her perky- “Stop talking about her like that!” Steven yelled and immediately gave the door a panicked look. Marc´s reflection lifted his palms in apology. All right, you´re right. That was a bit out of line but, Steven…you´re head over heels for this woman. It´s getting painful to look at. Will you please just talk to her? Take her out on a date? Fuck her senseless so we can sleep again?
Steven groaned as image after image invaded his mind, making his palms sweat. He exhaled a long breath. Of course he knew Marc was right. It was getting a little ridiculous. The way he thought about you when he was pleasuring himself? Pure filth! Every night! He shook his head. “I know” he admitted, looking at Marc in the mirror. “I know I need to do something but…Marc…what if she doesn’t feel the same? I can´t…I can´t lose her, Marc. That would quite literally rip me apart.” Marc´s expression changed from sly to understanding. Nodding and rubbing his face he tried to encourage his brother. I´m not the most sensitive guy anymore, that´s way more up your alley. I see the way she looks at you though. I see Layla´s expressions in her eyes sometimes. If that helps. Steven lifted his head, his eyes big and hopeful. I can give you some tips I guess. But then it´s up to you. You´re not me. She´s not into me. Remember that. The moment her tongue is in your mouth, I´m gone, dude.
“I´d say that´s what I´d expect, yea?” Steven said with a small smile. His stomach was twisting with nerves. He needed Marc´s help to get anywhere with you. And although he was terrified to confess, he was sure he´d burst at the seams any day now if he wouldn’t be able to make his feelings known. It caused him physical pain.
Tonight was movie night. Perfect. He would have to do something tonight, lest he spend this night as well with his hand around his cock, imagining your blissed out face as you came violently around him.
You knocked on Steven´s door like every Friday night and like every Friday night, Steven opened the door with a smile. Something was different though. It looked like he had just jumped out the shower and your eyes went momentarily wide. Your pulse started to race when your gaze drifted from the water droplets running down his neck to his tousled hair and…the sweatpants. The bloody sweatpants. He didn’t seem to notice your ogling when he turned on his heel and said “Come on in, popcorn´s almost ready, love.”
Shaking your head and trying hard not to look at his firm behind you entered what somehow suddenly felt like a lion’s den. Your skin erupted in goosebumps when you took a look around. You always loved his messy apartment. This time though it seemed like he made some kind of effort. His bed clearly visible in the back was made, the dining table void of any books and notes and….was it warmer in here than usual?
You made your way over to his couch and sat down, stiffer than you usually did. When Steven rounded the bookshelf, bowl of popcorn in hand you had to swallow hard. Was it just your imagination or did his hips swing more than usual? Did he always used to wear shirts that fitted? Since when were his arms this bulgy? Letting your eyes wander shamelessly you also noticed something else. Something lower…something in his sweatpants…Holy bloody hell!
Hastily you averted your eyes. The temperature in your body rising steadily and your breath getting shallower, only one more sentence seemed to form in your brain. He´s not wearing underwear, he´s not wearing underwear, he´s not wearing underwear!!!
Steven plopped down next to you, reaching for the remote. He sat up slightly when he did, set down the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and as he sat back down it wasn’t your imagination playing tricks on you. He was much closer now. So close you could feel his scorching heat burn into your thigh, arm and shoulder. What the hell was going on? It´s not like you didn’t enjoy it. On the contrary. Your head was reeling, body pulsing. Slowly you sank deeper into the cushions of his couch, leaning towards him even more.
While the movie was playing, the sensations his closeness invoked were rising and rising. His scent invaded your every breath. Firewood, cotton and something close to caramel. The pressure you felt right between your legs almost became impossible to ignore. With a little groan you tried to rub your legs together as discreetly as you could but….“You alright, love?”
“Huh?” your head whipped towards Steven who was already staring at you. Not looking, staring. His eyes were intense but soft. Unblinking his dark irises were fixed on yours, his nose almost touching yours while your panting breath escaped your lips. “Are you hot?” he whispered. Your eyebrows shot up your forehead. “W-What?” you croaked dryly. “Is it too hot for you in here, darlin´?” His voice was smooth as butter. Quiet and silken. You almost went cross eyed as you tried not to look at his full lips. “A little…maybe” you breathed. Stevens mouth quirked upwards into a grin you hadn’t seen before. A small thought made its way into your foggy brain like a small flickering light. “Let me get you something to cool down then, yea?” As he said it, he leaned in just a tiny bit more, lightly and carefully bumping the tip of his nose with yours.
You kissed breathing goodbye.
The moment he stood up and passed right in front of you, his round cheeks right in front of your face, you knew…you knew he heard how you almost choked on your own saliva. Suddenly that flickering light in your head turned into a lit match.
“Marc!” you said a little too loudly and clambered from the couch. Steven, or Marc, froze into place by the fridge. You walked over to him slowly on shaky legs. You observed how his strong shoulders tensed and his hands clenched and unclenched. “Are you?...Marc?” you asked carefully, standing only 6 feet behind him now. He let out a sigh and let his head hang as he sheepishly turned around. No Marc. This was definitely your Steven. His ears and cheeks were tinted flaming pink when he looked at you with slightly hooded eyes.
“Afraid it´s just me, love” he said, disappointment lacing his baritone voice. Immediately your body reacted to his tone with a sinking feeling in your stomach. “Just….you? Steven, what…?” you took a step towards him. He lifted his hands and ruffled his own still damp hair and groaned. After taking another big, big breath he turned to you fully and looked you square in the eyes. Something aching visible on his beautiful face.
“I´m sorry,___. I asked Marc to help me with this but I think we both went a little overboard. What was I thinking? I´m not bloody smooth. I´m awkward and I babble when I´m nervous which is all the time when I´m around you. It´s a good nervous. Such a good nervous but did I have the bloody balls to do something about it? No. I needed help from my alter that actually gets laid. He told me! He told me `Steven, don´t forget, she´s into you, not me. Don’t try to be me`. And that´s exactly what I did! I´m such a muppet. You´re the only person I ever wanted to impress or cared about what they thought of me. You´re wonderful, you´re strong, you´re beautiful, you´re…you´re…” by the end of his sentence he was breathless. Still staring at you, gauging for your reaction, his eyes looked at you with worry, fear and hope. It was a look that would forever be imprinted into your brain. Especially when you knew immediately that you wanted to take him out of his misery. You smiled at him as warmly as you could and closed more distance.
“Steven, you wonderful man” you said fondly. His eyes blitzed at the compliment. “How could you think that I would want anyone that is not you?” Slowly you raised your hands and encased his face, his eyes wide. His hands twitched when they lifted to your waist. “And just so you know, you are smooth. Very much so, darling. Got me all flustered” you grinned. His shy laugh made your heart sing. Stevens hand slowly moved up and down your sides before he gently pulled you closer until your chests were touching. “You mean that?” he asked, a little uncertainty still lingering in his voice. “Uhum” you nodded your head softly, tilting it a little to brush your nose with his. He took a shaking breath before his grin let his teeth show. “___” he rumbled your name softly. It caused a shiver to run down your spine in the most delicious way. “Can I?”
Softly nodding you closed your eyes contently, his breath fanning your face and your heart going ballistic. The way he pressed his lips to yours was not hesitant or shy. It was a determined encasing of your lower lip. Soft and insistent. A bolt of lightning shot through your body and as he moved one hand to the back of your head opening his mouth to you, a long happy groan escaped you. It was magical the way his lips moved over yours. A hunger you weren’t used to rose in your belly so the moment he introduced his hot tongue into the kiss your arms wound themselves around his neck, pulling him down to you. A surprised breath escaped him but he didn’t stop. His arm wound around the small of your back, lifting you momentarily.
His tongue gliding over yours made your head foggy yet again. “Steven” you mumbled against his mouth. “Steven…more.” He groaned long and deep. “My pleasure, love” he said happily. You yelped when he scooted down and quite literally threw you over his shoulder, walking briskly over to his bed. Giggling like a maniac he threw you onto the mattress and quickly made his way above you. Swallowing hard you looked at his smiling face. His eyes even darker now, his lips kiss swollen and shining. His elbows held him up while you slowly opened your legs to make room for his narrow hips. Snuggling closer he started pecking your face and neck lightly and lovingly. “Sweet, sweet girl. Been dreaming of this so much. You´re so soft, my love. So warm.” His mumbled praises went right to your nether regions and you could feel your panties dampen. His weight between your legs was comforting and arousing at the same time. Your hands glided over his shoulders and down his chest as he started suckling your neck. “Steven….Steven, please” you said with a whine and arched your back into him.
“Please what, love? Come on, birdie. Use your words.” His confidence sparked something in you. “Please. I want you, Steven. Want to feel you.” He chuckled and grazed his teeth against your jaw, making you shiver and grab onto the hem of his shirt, tugging. It came off in a second, carelessly thrown over his shoulder. Forget damp panties, they were proper drenched now by the sight of his toned chest and shoulders. “Fuck” you huffed and let your hands wander. His fiery gaze raked over your heaving chest. “Your turn, birdie.” Nodding quickly he helped you get rid of your shirt and bra. Once your breasts were freed he sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. His tongue poked out to wet his lips. “Heavens, please. Please let me put my mouth on you” he panted. You only had time to nod once before he surged down and carefully and languidly sucked one nipple into his mouth.
Again you felt a bolt surge down your body and a long moan escaped your lips. Your hips lifted towards him and now you could clearly feel his arousal pressing insistently against your pussy. “Shit” he rasped against your chest, switching to the other nipple. His hand splayed out over the small of your back and quite literally yanked you upwards while grinding against you. A long, ragged groan mixed with your own high pitched sigh created a melody only you and him were able to compose.
Sweat started to coat your body as he was still grinding, suckling and grabbing every slither of naked skin he could find. All your thoughts were occupied by him. The sweet scent of arousal, sweat and him invaded your nose and brain unlike anything you´d ever experienced. “You´re a dream come true” Steve panted, lifting his head and looking at you like you were everything he´d ever wanted. A feeling of overwhelming fondness and attraction tightened your chest and very specific words formed on your tongue. Too occupied with the sensation of his hard cock rubbing just right against the already wet patch on your pants, the words just spilled. “Fuck, Steven. Feels so good, don’t stop, please. I love you.”
His mouth stopped abusing your nipple. Within a second his eyes were trained on yours. Blown wide open he stared at you. “Say it again” he said lowly. “Say it again, please.” You could hear the pleading in his voice. Swallowing hard, your hands moved to the back of his neck and played with his luscious curls. “I love you” you whispered.
Like a dam breaking you saw his eyes water slightly, an incredulous breath bubbling up from his chest. In a second he was on you. Kissing you like a man starved, moving his hips more insistently against you. You threw your head back before you could think too much about the fact that he hadn´t said it back yet. “Darling,” he panted. “Little bird, you have no idea how much I…How often I dreamt of those words. Please let me have you, please, please.” You were sure you were going cross eyed at this point. With a rushing in your ears you clung to him. “Want you in me. Steven, please. Now. Want you so much.”
The last bit of his restraint snapped and with a feral growl he basically clawed the rest of your clothes off of you. Completely bare to him you reached out and pushed down his sweatpants. Quickly he wriggled out of them, kind of awkwardly but none of you could mind it that much.
“You sure?” he grunted while grabbing his cock an tugging on it. “Steven, I swear to everything that is holy, if you don’t fill me up right this second I´m going to lose my mind!” He grinned and grabbed your thighs in a vice like grip, yanking you towards him. “C´ mere then, little bird” he said.
Not waiting for any preparation, just pure lust and desperation to feel each other fuelling you, he grabbed the backsides of your thighs and pushed them back and further apart. Situating himself between them he took his dick into his hand and guided it to your entrance. “Little bird” he breathed raggedly when he pushed himself into you.
“Gods, Steven” you choked out as he bottomed out. Clawing at his back squirming you needed a minute to adjust. He stilled and screwed his eyes shut in concentration. “Don’t move, my love” he pressed out. “Don’t move. I´m goin´ to cum, fuck.” You tried to stay as still as you could but the sensation of his pulsing dick inside of you made it a herculean task. Little desperate whimpers left your mouth as you stared up at his face. His eyebrows were still pinched, his jaw set. When he opened his eyes again they immediately locked on yours. Your hands made their way onto his back, splaying out and clearly feeling the goosebumps there. A shudder ran down his curved spine as he leaned over you more, never breaking eye contact.
“I love you, too” he whispered, stroking your cheek. “I love you so damn much, my bird.” The breath you didn’t notice you were holding escaped your lungs in a rush. As you pulled him down to you yet again his weight settled perfectly on top of you. Steven kissed you while he started moving his hips again and a sensation unlike anything you´d ever felt rocked your body up into his.
“Steven” you mumbled, pressing his face closer to your collarbone. Chuckling lightly he hummed to let you know he was listening. “What-What are you doing to me? You feel so fucking good. Oh, oh fuck.” You could feel how your comments affected him and his determination to make you feel as good as possible. He whines low in his throat, licking one broad stripe up your neck to the underside of your ear. His hot breath fanning the shell of your hear he panted. “I almost came just by entering your beautiful, wet pussy. You´re perfect for me. Just for me. Mine.” His last word was punctuated with a sharp thrust into your hips making you yelp and claw at his back.
“Fuck! Do that again. Steven, move. Please.” He didn’t hesitate and started moving quicker on top of you, holding you in his arms. Burying his face into your neck, moaning, he grinded his pelvis against you in a way that definitely made you cross eyed this time. Your mouth was wide open, your head thrown back and one hand fisted in the soft sheets below you.
“Y-Yours” you managed to croak out as another high pitched moan escaped you. His dick reaching a spot inside you that made your vision blurry from tears. “Mine” Steven panted above you. When your vision zeroed in on his face again he looked magnificent. Sweat was beading on his forehead, his eyes were as black as his hair that lay tousled against his head. His eyes bore an intensity that made your stomach clench and the low simmer of your orgasm erupted into a boiling inevitability.
“You´re mine,___” he said as he looked into your hooded eyes. He lifted a hand and placed it on your jaw, lightly grabbing your chin and tilting your face up to his even more. “Say it” he said with another pressure filled grind of his hips. “Say you´re mine and I´ll let you cum.”
“I´m yours, Steven. Always have been. Fuck, I don’t want anybody else. Please, baby, please, I wanna cum.” The tears that fell down the sides of your face were captured by his lips. “Okey, baby” he said with a sly smile and went up on his hands, positioning himself for the last stretch. “Hold on to me, birdy.” Your arms went around his neck without thinking what he might have warned you about.
You found out the next second.
Steven wasn´t the biggest you´ve ever had but by far the one who knew best how to use the movement of his hips. He didn´t push in what didn’t need to be pushed and didn’t bruise the underside of your thighs. He moved his lower body into you in naturally flowing motions that made your brain stop sending important messages to your body like breathing. As his hips picked up speed and his groans above you became more voluminous you again felt your orgasm approaching further.
“___, fuck. Hmmm, fuck, little one. That´s it. Can feel you´re close. Come on, sweetheart. ´M right behind you. Let me have it, give it to me!”
“Steven, oh gods…I´m so close. Please. Fuck, fuck, fuck!!” Almost each of your words was spiralled higher by his hips, his hot dick and his grabbing hands on your ribs and shoulder. You felt your whole body clench. Your knees pulled up and back further to make his dick slip in further with each stroke, your arms around his wide shoulders pressing him further into you.
“That´s it! That´s it!” he groaned and started quite literally fucking you into the mattress. Only a few moments later your hazy brain registered how your mouth opened and a short, delicious scream came from your throat. Your body seized all movement before you began shaking. The pleasure that surged through your veins shot into every corner of your body. From your toes to your scalp your skin was buzzing and burning. “Steven” you whined and grabbed his hair. “St-Steve-hnnn, oh my gods. Fuck, yes. Yes, don’t stop! I´m cumming, I´m cumming, Steven. Fuck. Shit….Arrrhhgg!”
“Fuuuuuuck, little bird, you´re so gorgeous. Come on, baby, just a little more for me. Ughhn, that´s right. Clench around me again. Goin´ to fill you up so good. Leave your marks on me” Steven was almost babbling as helplessly as you as he gave you these demands. Through the sheen of red and golden flecks dancing over your blurred vision you turned your head and as you lover was desperately rutting into you, you bit his neck right underneath his ear.
Stevens hand shot out to hold onto the bookshelf behind his bed as a masterfully sinful moan passed his lips and his orgasm took him. “Yes! Yes! Yes, baby, so good. So damn good. Fuckin´ ell, ahh!”
A few more rolls of his hips until his ragged breath calmed a little. With one last whiny groan he collapsed onto you.
After several minutes of heavy breathing, little kisses, nips and licks to necks and faces, the both of you lay in each other´s arms, facing each other. Steven had gotten up for only a minute to get a wet cloth from the bathroom to clean you up and after, pulled a sheet over your still slightly shivering bodies. “We sweat a little. Don’t want you to catch a cold just laying here.”
Your hand moved over his back slowly as your eyes grew heavier and heavier. You heard Steven chuckling lovingly, gracing your forehead with several little pecks before whispering. “Sleep, lovie. I´ll be right here when you wake up. Relax, I´ve got you. I love you.”
You couldn’t help the content sigh that left you before you mumbled “I love you too”. He guided your head into the crook of his neck, snuggling you as close as he could. Did you sweat? Yes. Did your bodies still carry the scent of your lovemaking? Yes. Did either of you care? No.
Would you look at that, Steven! You did it. Atta boy.
Steven rolled his eyes when he heard Marc´s voice but couldn’t contain the happy, dorky grin that split his lips as he cuddled your evenly breathing body.
“Shut up, Marc” he whispered as quietly as he could.
Apparently not quiet enough. He could feel your lips move against his throat when you mumbled the words that made him giggle with happiness and pride.
“Yeah, shut up, Marc.”
Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed ;) I´d be very happy if you left a comment, like or reblog this fic. I´m still trying to get my foot in the door when it comes to fanfiction writing.
Have a wonderful day, everyone <3
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apenitentialprayer · 26 days
i've read that mormons and JWs are considered heretics because they don't affirm the trinity, so i was wondering what the sort-of 'cut off' point is. like would the ACOE be considered heretics because they say mary isn't the mother of God, only the mother of christ, for example
Alrighty, this is a big one. So, as far as the Jehovah's Witnesses and the (mainstream) Latter Day Saints movement go, things are.... a little more complicated in terms of whether their doctrine is "heresy" or if they are just plain non-Christian (and thus wouldn't count as heretical).
The crux of the argument that they are not Christian is that they do not affirm the Nicene Creed, which was articulated during the Councils of Nicaea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381 AD). While Mormons and JWs can affirm the most primitive of Christian creeds ("Christ is Lord"), the Nicene Creed very quickly took on the status of the σύμβολον, or symbolum in Latin; the "symbol of faith," the creed whose affirmation is itself a verification of one's Christian identity. That's why during the Council of Trent, for example, the Tridentine Fathers invited Protestants to participate in the Council on the condition that they could still affirm the Creed.
Of course, Mormons and JWs do not see it that way. They self-identify as Christians; and each group doesn't see themselves just as Christians, but as restorers of a purer, more original Christianity that had existed before the creation of that Creed.
But, anyway, if the conclusion of this argument is accepted, and members of the (mainstream) Latter Day Saints movement and Jehovah's Witnesses are not considered Christian, they by definition cannot be considered heretics; per the Baltimore Catechism, heretics are "baptized Christians, but do not believe all the articles of faith" (Q 1170).
The Assyrian Church of the East affirms the Nicene Creed, have Apostolic Succession, and have limited intercommunion with the Catholic Church. And, Christologically, they have an interesting situation going on. The Assyrian Church has not formally accepted the dogmatic Christological definitions of the Council of Ephesus (431). And, on that alone, the ACoE would seem to fit into the Baltimore Catechism's definition of heretic.
But over 1550 years after that split, the leaders of both the Assyrian Church of the East and the Catholic Church signed a document that affirmed that both Churches saw the other's Christological doctrines as valid, and that both theologies were expressions of the same Apostolic faith. You can read the full document, which is not very long, here.
But to abstract the discussion of heresy for a moment (bold of me to do, admittedly, after saying the last ask was a little vague); we need to make a distinction between formal heresy and material heresy. As Pope Benedict noted in 1993, which itself was an echo of the 1912 Catholic Encyclopedia's description of heresy, the defining characteristic of formal heresy is pertinacia, which can be translated as "stubbornness." What makes a person a "heretic" in a condemnable sense is this pertinacia, this holding fast to falsehoods in defiance of correction by proper authority.
So while the first generations of Protestants may be considered formal heretics, Pope Benedict noted that this does not reflect the actual social and religious conditions of Protestants living today, who are simply living out their Christian faith in the traditions that have arisen since the Reformation. They may be material heretics, and the doctrines of Protestantism may be considered heretical from the Catholic viewpoint, but being a Protestant does not automatically incur the guilt of heresy.
And, in all honesty, most Christians alive today (and most Christians in all ages) have in all probability been material heretics - i.e., they hold some wrong or incorrect opinions concerning the faith, but simply out of ignorance and not in defiance of proper authority. And that is not a sin.
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ukulelevillainwrites · 10 months
who follows the rules anyway?
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
pairing : anthony lockwood x she/her reader
word count : 4.5k
content : in this part you get angst, reader and lockwood’s backstory and some plot with a side of ‘i didn’t know where else to go’ in subtext :)))
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They ate dinner in silence. It was clear that the two guys she had in front of her weren’t used to having people over. They were sitting around the kitchen table, notes and drawings covering the cloth beneath their plates. She read the messages closest to her. Many were about cases they probably worked over the past couple of weeks. But here and there she noticed some insults directed at Lockwood and she was glad to see she wasn’t the only one who thought those things. A drawing of a visitor caught her attention. It wasn’t very detailed but its expression seemed sad and lonely nonetheless.
“Who’s that?” she asked.
“That’s the ghost we have to take care of tomorrow. It’s probably a Type One so we should be done quickly.” George answered.
“Where is the house you have to take care of?”
“Hopkins Street in Soho.”
“I’ve been on a case near there! Though it was more dangerous, the Type Two we had to contain was more threatening than we had anticipated. And the house was big too, are you gonna be okay just the two of you?”
“I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Lockwood cut in.
“We could always add a third person, worst case scenario they just stand by…”
“I’d be happy to be there in reinforcement… And that way I could pay you back for letting me stay here.”
Lockwood was far from enthusiastic about the arrangement. y/n saw his jaw tighten as George accepted her offer to tag along.
“I’ll go to Satchell’s to restock.” He got up and aimed for the door. “You and y/n can prep the bags so we can leave when I come back.” He left the table without looking back. There was no room for discussion. It’s like he couldn’t get out fast enough. I guess the feeling is mutual then. But who cared if he couldn’t stand to be in her company either? At least she could repay George by helping him out back. And that way she didn’t have to figure out what her next move should be for another day. She could pretend to be a proper agent one more time and forget about her disgrace.
George immediately filled her in on all the research he had done on the case. Apparently even for a Type One explaining every little detail couldn’t wait until tomorrow. She listened to him ramble on about the history of the house on Hopkins Street and felt at peace for the first time that day. It reminded her of their walks back from a job early in the morning. She paid attention as much as she could until her eyes decided to close on their own.
It was getting unbearably cold and the fact that she was restrained to a small iron circle didn’t help her condition. The night had been a disaster so far. It made her regret Fittes, her old teammates, her decision to stay here and help. She wanted to be a true professional and apply her impeccable methods. What could be better than to follow Marissa Fittes’ instructions to the letter? What could possibly be worth denying everything her supervisors had taught her her entire career? Anthony Lockwood’s sheer will apparently justified changing everything.
It had started as soon as they had set foot inside the house. She wanted to be thorough and efficient. She offered that the group went through the house together to look at each room and possibly locate the source before facing any type of ghost. But their leader had decided otherwise and didn’t even bother to listen. He sidelined her immediately.
“You’re here in reinforcement, right? So we’ll come get you if we need a hand.” He had told her before leaving her behind surrounded by an iron chain. It made her furious. Sure, she hadn’t exactly been warm yesterday, or even polite, but still. He could really use her training and her talent. His stubbornness was really stupidity at this point. And what kind of agency didn’t have supervisors?
She was going on and on in her head about everything that was wrong with this situation when George interrupted her train of thoughts as he entered the room.
“We still haven’t found anything, we’re taking a break in the kitchen. Care to join us?”
Of course, Lockwood wouldn’t have bothered to tell her that. Instead, he greeted her with
“That tea is really awful. Who made it?” he said with a wince.
“I did, and at least I was nice enough to bring tea for everyone.” She went to pour herself a cup from a thermos she had packed.
“Well, it was your job.”
“My job was to prep the bags with George, not play housekeeper.” She said coolly without looking up. She turned her back to him so he couldn’t see the look on her face. That tea really was terrible.
“The tea isn’t the only thing that’s bitter tonight.” He said with a smirk.
She turned around to face him.
“Tea isn’t part of a regulation kit.”
“In our agency it kind of is.” He cut in.
“What I’m trying to say is that you could appreciate the intention instead of making your snide comments. Earlier you literally walked through the door shouting orders without helping us even a little and now you keep criticizing me. You can’t spend the evening reprimanding everything I do.”
“I’m in charge and I can when the work isn’t done properly.”
The room fell silent. She wanted to scream at him, hit something, anything. But this was still a haunted house. She needed to keep her emotions under control. No matter how much she wanted to put him in danger specifically, George didn’t deserve this. Ignoring the satisfied look that Lockwood gave her, she turned to George.
“Is he always so difficult to work with? I’m surprised you haven’t lost your sanity.”
“He’s actually tolerable most of the time.”
Lockwood smiled at her with a “I told you so” grin.
“But you obviously have quite an effect on him.” He told her with a wink.
His smile disappeared instantly and it was George’s turn to laugh.
“Instead of having you two brooding in separate corners of the room, maybe we could try and do the job we were hired to do?”
They went for another tour of the house, using all their senses to try to detect any activity. The only result they got was a drop in temperatures which was a start. They settled into the coldest room, figuring the source was probably nearby. They set up a circle in the center and the boys started to search anything that could be the cause of the haunting. As y/n went to pick up a figurine carved in ivory on a shelf an annoying voice interrupted her.
“I need you to stay in the circle while we look for the source.”
“But my Touch is better than yours and George’s combined! Stop being a jerk and let me do my job for the first time this evening.”
“We’ll tell you if we need reinforcement.”
As George was about to protest she raised her voice.
“I’m getting really sick of your behavior. Stop treating me like I’m a beginner. I can handle myself. I worked for the most prestigious team in the most prestigious agency for God’s sake!”
“Well, you’re not anymore. Your behavior hasn’t been much better and until I know that I can trust you I’m not letting you touch anything in this house.”
“Fine. If that’s how it’s gonna be I’ll be better off anywhere else.”
She left the room in a rush. She was putting both of her teammates in danger anyway with how angry she was getting. It was better for everyone if she left.
She went down the stairs in a hurry and slammed the door on her way out. The fresh air outside helped a little. But she would need a two-hour walk at least to calm down. She started to walk down the street as she heard footsteps running behind her.
Lockwood caught up with her and grabbed her arm to make her turn around.
“Where do you think you’re going? You don’t have anywhere to go and we organized the night with you as backup. If we don’t have you standing by you’re putting both of us at risk if something goes wrong.”
“I’m putting you two at risk anyway with how angry I am at you. I thought getting to know you would change the opinion I had of you but I was right from the start you’re just an arrogant jerk.”
“And I was right to think you were just pretentious and helpless that night we met. If it weren’t for me you’d be dead but instead you disrespect me in my own house and act surprised when I don’t trust you on a case.”
So he did remember that night. She tried to hide her surprise.
“Oh right so I’m supposed to be grateful for you ruining a perfect opportunity for my career.”
“You didn’t need me to ruin your career you handled it very well yourself.”
That stung. She turned around before he could see the tears that prickled her eyes and stormed off into the night.
“Nice one Lockwood! And I’m the one with zero social skill.” George said from the doorstep before going back inside, leaving Lockwood alone in the deserted street.
“y/n I need you to keep the visitor under control while we look for the source!” Kipps shouted as he ran up the stairs, followed closely by Bobby.
“But wouldn’t it be better if-” She tried to point out that her talent would be most useful if she went to look for the source herself but the boys were already gone. Reluctantly she went back to the living room, using her senses to see if the visitor had come back yet.
She was alone for now. Just her and her frustration to keep her company. After a week of strenuous efforts and late nights, her leader still didn’t seem to warm up to her. Obviously if he kept her aside and gave her tasks that didn’t let her show her full potential he could never be impressed with what she could do. But she kept her head down, it was only the first week, she needed to follow his directions to remain on his good side, or at least his neutral side. And if the visitor showed up she would do her best to fight it, maybe that would show him. She tried listening to reason the best she could, but the truth was that Kipps’s behavior vexed her. She couldn’t help feeling underestimated and a kind of sorrow rose in her. What more could she do to make him notice her? His approval was the only thing she sought at the moment. It consumed her so much that she didn’t realize the visitor had resurfaced. It started creeping up behind her when suddenly she felt a presence as the temperature dropped several degrees.
She ducked at the last minute and narrowly avoided the ghost that flew above her reaching for her neck. The phantasm was now hovering between her and the iron chain, she had no refuge. She drew her rapier unaffected and ready to fight. The ghost tried to attack again, it was aggressive and used her frustration to its advantage. She formed complicated patterns with her sword to keep it away from her. They stayed face to face like this for several minutes with no sign from Bobby nor Kipps. Her arm grew tired of this face to face. It was getting harder and harder to draw the ghost off but her mind stayed focused. Fortunately, it was hard to break her spirit. That was until a cramp painfully twisted the arm that held her rapier. The pain was so sudden that she grabbed her arm and dropped her weapon as a reflex. Probably the worst reflex to have in this situation. As her iron defense touched the floor the visitor attacked. She ducked again, getting closer to the iron chain. As she went to step inside, she tripped and broke the circle. Her rapier was out of reach. She grabbed the chain and tried to fend off the ghost with the chain, not using the flares at her belt that certainly would have caught fire inside. Where were Bobby and Kipps? She could really use a hand right now. As the phantasm got very close to touching her the door flew open.
Finally. In the darkness she only saw a silhouette in a long coat drawing the visitor’s attention away from her. She was thankful but she didn’t recognize who it was. Bobby or Kipps would have been coming from upstairs so she wondered how this stranger could have known when to barge in. Nevertheless, the diversion was enough for her to grab her rapier, ready to fight once more. The living room was lit by the ghost lamp outside. She turned around to see her rescuer fending off the phantasm. He was quick on his feet, the movements of his sword clear and precise. His posture looked elegant even in a fight. He seemed completely at ease and it didn’t look like he needed her help. Once more she felt rather useless. She remained alert but couldn’t do more than watch the scene unfold. It was like the visitor had forgotten she was in the room standing right behind it. As the fight went on the guy in front of her tried tempting it more and more each time he dodged a sudden move from the ghost. She slowly walked around to join him on the other side of the room as the ghost was getting closer each time it tried to reach him. What was he doing? The point wasn’t to tempt the ghosts but to keep them away. It’s like he found it amusing somehow. She felt a burst of energy and a shiver ran down her spine. It was getting particularly angry. She hurried to reach his side telling him to get out of the way. She held her sword high, ready to fight off the new blow she was expecting when instead she was pushed behind. She lost her balance as she was shoved against a sofa sitting in the corner of the room and tripped the reckless idiot in the same movement. He held on to the armrest to quickly stand up and stood between her and the visitor. It was getting close, too close. At the last moment it disappeared. The air warmed up and the tension that filled the room was replaced with relief. Only for a moment though.
“Are you crazy? You could’ve gotten us both killed if my team hadn’t just located the source!” She pushed him away as she stood up from the sit he had pushed her into.
“A good evening to you too. What a lovely night isn’t it?”
She looked at him in disbelief.
“You’re not even gonna acknowledge the fact you almost got killed three seconds ago?”
A voice came from the hallway.
“Tony! To what do we owe the pleasure?”
The boy rolled his eyes at her before turning around.
“Shouldn’t you be alone in your big house at this time of night?”
She had never seen Kipps like this before. Sure, he was proud most of the time, but never to that extent.
“You should thank me for saving your teammate from a certain death. I did your reputation a favor here.” He talked about her like she wasn’t standing right next to him. How could someone she met 5 minutes ago irritate her so much?
“I’m sure she could handle herself just fine.”
“I could but he didn’t really give me a chance.” She said, glaring at him. “I didn’t need your help, I had the situation under control.”
“A simple thank you would have sufficed. Next time I’ll just enjoy the show from outside then.” He gave her one last look before exiting the room.
He left the same way he had come without looking back. Or at least she thought. Outside he had glanced one more time through the window where he had first seen her battling the phantasm, his lips curving slightly as he made his way back home. 
The memories of that night kept coming back to her, fueling her rage as she made her way down Wardour Street. He didn’t let her do her job then and he didn’t let her do her job now. And he was acting like an arrogant prick with a smug look on his face while he was doing it. Her head was heavy with the events of the past two days and she felt overwhelmed. She was angry at the universe for turning her life upside down. She had a plan and she was following it. Why did things have to change so suddenly? She was mad at her instincts for misguiding her and she hated the way she kept overreacting. The further she walked the more anger she realized she had to unpack. She had weeks of frustration from all the efforts she made to gain Kipps’s trust and approval and the ironic twist of fate that undid all that in just one day. She also had the hurt from El’s betrayal that still twisted her stomach. The uneasy feeling that something wasn’t right with Mrs Dufour. The shame of being fired. The unbearable weight of figuring out her future now that she threw away the one that she had designed for herself. She wasn’t ready to deal with that just yet and decided to focus on tonight instead. Who cared if she didn’t have a future, at least she still had a friend in the city that very kindly accepted to take her in. Well, until she left him and his colleague alone in a haunted house that is.
She regretted taking her anger out on Lockwood, though some of it was well deserved. She actually didn’t know how to feel about him. Somehow she was convinced he could have been very nice to work with if she had given him a chance from the start. On the other hand, she still wasn’t over how he literally kept her from doing her job all those weeks back. And the fact he behaved the exact same way tonight certainly didn’t help. Still, she hoped they were safe even with her gone.
The stroll did help a lot. She had been gone for half an hour but the fog in her mind already started to lift. She still needed some alone time but she really should apologize for her behavior later. The guys wouldn’t be home for a couple more hours anyway. No need to rush. She could always apologize tomorrow. And she would owe them one less night at their place.
She made her way to the border of the Thames, passing Scotland Yard on her way. It was one of the only buildings with light coming from the windows. She followed the river south, taking deep breaths to try and ease her mind. A gentle breeze rustled her hair and she finally allowed herself to relax for the first time today. The water made her feel safer and the quiet streets made her appreciate the city even more. It was a shame she couldn’t do this more often without taking risks. She could have stayed there for hours but as she leaned on a banister she noticed a boat getting weirdly close to her. It kept coming her way until a girl with a straw hat on came into view. She pointed to somewhere behind her mouthing something. Was it directed at her? She frowned mouthing “what?” back to the girl. She insisted. ‘Watch out.’, she finally understood. She turned around to see men gather and she ducked on instinct. The only people out at this time of night couldn’t be good news.
Curled up behind a brick wall, she slowly craned her neck to try and see what this was all about. There were three men standing a few feet away from her. They were partially hidden by a tree. She moved slightly to her right to have a better view. Relic men. It was very clear that this meant trouble and she needed to get out of there. She turned around, hidden behind the wall to thank the girl on the boat but she was already out of sight.
The easiest way for her to get out of there unseen was to go back the same way she came, practically on her knees the whole time to remain covered. She made slow progress but she would soon be able to reach Scotland yard and from there she could keep walking the other way. She didn’t really care where she was going as long as she was out of danger. She was reaching the last few feet when she heard a familiar voice that made her blood run cold.
“Good evening gentlemen.”
George was right. She was right. Mrs. Dufour was standing there, casually chatting with relic men. Her dismissal seemed even more unfair now. She wasn’t in such a hurry now. She could finally get her answers and get to the bottom of this.
“Did you bring it?” one of the men asked though it sounded more like an order.
“Of course I did. Here, I’m sure you’ll get a good price for it but I want 25%, no less.”
The man closest to her laughed as he dismissed her with a hand.
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s an original from Mrs. Overton’s ancestors. A piece from a prominent family like hers has got to be worth a lot more than the other pieces I brought you. And I’m putting my job on the line for this. 25 or I’ll find someone else.”
Did she really say Mrs. Overton? She was selling the clock she was supposed to bring back in a few days? y/n couldn’t believe it. How was she going to justify the missing piece to their client?
The shock made it hard to breath. She had flashbacks from the day before when she heard voices outside Mrs. Dufour’s office. She tried to step away slowly and discreetly but the friction of her feet on the ground made a sudden noise that made the group look in her direction. She stayed ducked but she heard one of the men get closer to investigate. She only had one option if she wanted to get out of here unharmed. She stood up and immediately started running. She could hear one of the men yelling to go after her from afar but she didn’t turn back to check. She hoped the supervisor didn’t recognize her but now was not the time to worry about this detail. She had more chance losing them if she got lost in the streets instead of following the river. She made a turn on her left, hoping they would lose sight of her. Instead she felt a sharp pain in her left arm. How could she get a cramp in this part of her body while running? Without slowing down she passed a hand up and down her arm to ease the pain. Instead of finding the soft fabric of her jacket her fingers met something wet. She looked down at her bloodied fingers trying to keep up her pace. Not only were these men chasing her but they were throwing knives at her. Letting them catch her wasn’t an option from the start but even less so now. She tried to ignore the sharp ache and kept running until she found a hiding spot in a deserted alleyway. She used the trashcans and piles of cardboard boxes to avoid her pursuers. They ran past her without looking back. She waited a few minutes trying to calm her breathing down.
The street was silent again, she couldn’t hear any voices or steps coming her way. She peered out from her hiding spot and only saw the ghost lamp at the end of the street. She came out and sighed in relief. Her mind had gone completely numb but as she stepped out of the alley she became painfully aware of the situation. Panic started to rise inside her. She wanted to curl up in the middle of the street as her breathing accelerated. Somehow she still wasn’t getting enough air. Her lungs hurt, the world started spinning around her. The wound in her arm was burning, she felt blood running down her arm. All her senses were blinded by the pain and the stress, she couldn’t think straight. Behind her she heard something crack. A leaf, a branch maybe or just a rat passing by. But that was enough to send her running as fast as she could. Her instinct was the only thing guiding her at this point. She needed to get help, to find people she could trust. She needed to go somewhere safe.
All the lights were out inside the house. They probably hadn’t gone home yet. The case could have turned more complicated than anticipated. But she didn’t feel like waiting for them in the street with blood trickling down her arm. She felt dizzy and lightheaded, her throat was sore from the cold autumn breeze and her wound wasn’t getting any better. She climbed the few steps in front of the door, her right hand in front of her in case she tripped. As she got to  the door, she kneeled and retrieved her hooks from the sock where she always kept them. Her dad had always told her this skill would come in handy. At the time she didn’t believe him but still let her teach her. It was a fun father-daughter activity after all. But right now, with the pain she was in, she truly blessed him for having weird hobbies.
In three clicks she unlocked the door and stepped inside without worrying about the noise she made. Her head was heavy and relief flooded her as soon as she closed the door behind her. It didn’t matter that her day had ended up worse than the day before. It didn’t matter that this seemed unconceivable yesterday. The fight, Dufour, the chase, all of it was behind her now. She was safe. As she stepped deeper into the house the walls started spinning. The masks on the wall looked like they were mocking her. She felt the urge to dismiss them with the back of her hand. A sharp pain shot through her arm as she lifted it. She cried out and didn’t notice Lockwood coming down the stairs.
“y/n? What are you doing?”
She hadn’t heard him coming and jumped in surprise, prompting another sharp pain in her left arm.
“y/n? What’s wrong? Wait how did you get in?”
At that she smiled faintly. But her head was spinning too much. Her knees buckled. She saw movement in front of her as the floor got closer before she collapsed in the hall.
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sleepsonclouds · 1 month
Clouds tropespots: The Spirealm, E06
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Episode 6 (Birthday party, 2nd door)
People are… actually reading these? I'm pleasantly surprised! This is the last complete episode in the 2nd door. The egg drama continues, romantically.
Sleight of hand: Lin Qiushi unknowingly breaks his egg, which is a death condition. Nanzhu sneakily switches their eggs, hoping he'll be the target instead. So very… touching.
Propriety in the face of death: Tan Zaozao is scared and wants to share the room. Qiushi offers to sleep on the floor, but Nanzhu immediately, absolutely forbids this. Zaozao should sleep on the floor - because it's still improper for men and women to sleep in the same room! It's not at all because he wants to sleep with Qiushi.
There is only one bed (variant): It is also fine to share the bed if you're both on top of the covers and wearing clothes. Even if you're sort of gravitating towards each other. Distance between elbows: 2 cm.
Holding hands: Totally proper in the face of danger! It evolves in a beautiful sequence from a shoulder grab to mutual wrist-grabbing to what I think is off-screen hand-holding. If you don't obsessively pause the video, it looks like hand-holding, that's for sure. There's also comforting shoulder-touching to complement this. Nanzhu just can't let go.
Lying to protect partner (egg edition): Qiushi realises someone's triggered the death condition. But his egg is fine… "Whose egg is broken?!" Nanzhu, the lying liar, claims it's his.
Worrying about reckless partner: So that's why Nanzhu didn't sleep (Qiushi noticed): he thought he'd be murdered. Qiushi, understandably, would have liked to know. Nanzhu: "It was meaningless to tell you that." Oh dear. Worrying intensifies.
Someone cares about me???: Nanzhu (enjoying this): "You care that much about my life?" Luckily, frustration triggers Qiushi's logical thinking.
Shoulder-touching (lingering): Qiushi has started doing it, too. Carry on.
Plot item of innuendo, cont.: Qiushi: "Protecting our eggs is the most important thing." Didn't you tell Nanzhu off for saying about the same..?
Lying to protect partner - caught!: Qiushi realises someone's trying to kill him. And he pays A Lot of attention to eggs - this isn't his egg, his had a tiny black spot!
Worrying about partner: Nanzhu actually admits to being nervous when his attempt to switch eggs and targets fails. This is Nanzhu we're talking about.
Romantic egg exchange (I can't even): Qiushi wants to switch eggs back (though it doesn't even matter). But we get a beautiful scene where they exhange eggs in a very romantic fashion, crossing wrists and all! The camera makes sure to capture that.
Breaking eggs for your beloved: AND THEN Nanzhu, the perfect, beloved drama sprite that he is, drops his egg on purpose. "It slipped." Yes, I'm sure that's what he said. Now they're… egg-mates. Egg equals. About to be murder-killed anyway! (Nanzhu's puppy dog eyes may kill me first.)
No one has ever cared for me like this: Qiushi STILL can't fathom why Nanzhu would care about him, but he is starting to think this is a pretty extreme hiring tactic. Nanzhu: "I think you're talented, and I want to be your friend. Not everyone gets to be my friend." (Says the man who doesn't do friends.) Qiushi is wising up: "So you entered the door just to help me?" (Nanzhu totally did.)
There is a light in you: Nanzhu believes in Qiushi. "I see a light in you that others don't have." Shameless. Meta-level. Flirting. And eye-contact that just lasts forever.
Clasping hands: How is this gesture so romantic? Is it because Nanzhu's hand nearly covers Qiushi's? Is it the staring? Is it the duration? Forgetting to let go? The soft piano music? Yes.
Am I the prettiest: Nanzhu, upon realising he was the only one who slept: "So do you think my sleeping posture looks good, or does Xu Xiaocheng's look better?" Qiushi tells him they're both pretty. This is acceptable… for now.
Partners in arson: Excellent teamwork again - Nanzhu gets to do the dramatic cannibal cake reveal, while Qiushi and Zaozao light the kitchen on fire. Nanzhu also gets to throw the door god in there. Sadly, arson isn't the answer.
The conclusion to this arc and more dramatics follow in -> Episode 07
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vanyzvat · 1 year
Anti x Reader
Chapter 1: No Strings Attached (You are here!)
Chapter 2: His Name
Chapter 3: Jacksepticeye
Chapter 4: Chase Brody
Jack STILL exists as a character in this fanfic, even though he is NOT canon anymore. This fanfic follows OLD lore.
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Summary: Reader is a YouTuber who has lost everything (How and why is somewhat up for interpretation). As a result, they have lost their sense of fear entirely, and do not seem to care about consequences anymore.
Now, they spend their days making videos "debunking and exposing IRIS", taking advantage of their negative reputation.
They've been affected by ALTR 114209 for quite some time now, but due to their "condition", they seem to be holding up just fine.
After forming a sort of "bond" with ALTR 114209 itself, the supernatural being trusts them enough to get a bit more personal with them.
A lot of things are based off personal headcanons and my own interpretation of these characters! Please keep that in mind. I apologize in advance for any errors! Please let me know if there are any so I can fix them.
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You were not meant to be alive today. Not according to whatever IRIS was saying, atleast. Overexposure to the "ALTR 114209" not only put you in danger, but those around you, too.
But you paid it no mind.
After all, you were someone who had already lost everything.
And while that may sound pessimistic to anyone who didn't know you, you didn't see it that way. It was a fact which you had accepted.
A lonely life was what you lived, but it was more fulfilling than being surrounded by people who only held you back.
As of now, you didn't care about your fate.
You lived your life peacefully, content with whatever route it took. If something "bad" happened, you just rolled with it, and in return, nothing seemed to ever bother you.
Worrying about the outcomes, the consequences of your actions, the future... It was all nothing but a headache to you.
That made him curious.
And just like that, you became a target to him.
"Him", who you only called as such due to his appearance.
Clearly, he was no ordinary human. He probably wasn't human at all.
He was able to warp reality itself to his will. To him, this world was nothing more than a game of puppets, and he was the puppet master.
Still, you saw some resemblance- Signs of humanity within him.
But you didn't even know if he had a proper name yet...
He treated you like all the other ones at first. Just another puppet of his, made to entertain him after he broke his last one.
That's what you assumed, anyway.
But you didn't react- Not in the way he wanted you to.
The whispers, the images he flashed in your eyes- They didn't scare you. You had seen them time and time again.
Instead, they only slightly inconvenienced you when you were trying to do your everyday tasks...
To you, he came off as desperate.
To him, you were infuriating.
He seemed willing to go to every length to be satisfied, to finally get the reaction he wanted out of you, and you took it as a personal goal to not give him that.
You were thankful to not have a job that required you to actually leave your home, otherwise, the task of having to constantly explain your "condition" to everyone you come across would get annoying.
You figured that those living near you were most likely affected by ALTR 114209 too, but... You honestly couldn't care less.
You didn't know them, and they didn't know you. It's their problem, not yours. You've stopped feeling remorse over your "selfish decisions" and thinking, and maybe that was why you were truly free.
...The more you talked to him, the closer the two of you seemed to become.
That didn't mean it didn't take any effort, though. It took you many tries to finally get him to even respond to you.
After hearing him whisper unimportant nonsense in your ears and catching glimpses of him at the corner of your eyes for so long, you decided to try to approach him.
And you did, with all the friendliness you had within you, in hopes of getting something in return.
At first, he would stand completely still, unmoving until he faded into obscurity.
After that, he would only eye you up and down, then tilt his head to the side, almost out of intrigue.
And after that, he would violently snap his neck while giving you the widest of smiles.
To you, that just proved his desperation.
Was he really so lonely, that he would do so much for one person? It was kind of... Humiliating.
That reaction from you was definitely not what he was hoping to achieve with that. Weirdly enough, you could even go as far as to say you found his attempts endearing.
Bold of him to assume something wasn't already wrong with you, when nothing he was doing worked. You weren't normal, you were a "weird little freak" as he would put it.
...He had considered giving up on you multiple times. You gave little to no reactions, you almost instantly moved on from anything he threw at you, and you even tried communicating with him.
Who does that?
You were just a waste of his time.
But when he tried to give up on you, he... Found himself unable to. He'd grown attached to you.
And as much as he hated himself for that, he thought of an alternative solution. He gave up on trying to "put his strings on you", but he didn't give up on you entirely.
You had become his "safe space", in a way.
You had given him a place where he could go to whenever he needed to hide, and whenever he felt like being treated like a guest.
A puppet master does need to rest his hands if he wants to control his puppets properly, that was his excuse.
...Back to you.
Today, you were sitting in your work desk, surrounded by your monitors. Your editing program was open on your main screen, with you being busy cutting up some footage for your next upload.
Your channel was a controversial one, and rightfully so. You've made multiple videos on IRIS, and why they are "not to be trusted".
You were a bit biased, considering your one and only friend was the one thing they were trying to get rid of.
It was kind of surprising they hadn't sent people to kidnap you in your sleep yet...
Maybe they did try to, but were unsuccessful, for... Whatever reason.
Maybe it was because you were one of the few people who were smart enough to not install those WTCHR cameras within their homes.
You lifted the coffee mug off your desk and connected it to your lips, taking a long sip.
You were about to set it back down when suddenly, an odd image flashed brightly infront of you.
The image was clearly of an event you had experienced before, only now something was... Off.
Your vision was blurry, and you blinked frantically in an attempt to bring it back to how it was before.
You felt your head grow heavy, a horrible migraine taking over you...
That was all you needed to know that he was here, or just nearby.
You somehow forgot about your awful migraine in almost an instant, and were instead comforted by the thought of getting to talk to him again.
“Where are you?” You asked, trying to maintain yourself and your excitement.
In response, there were the faint sounds of laughter in the distance.
“I̵ am ͝he͝re,” He whispered right in your left ear.
You could feel the temperature of the room declining rapidly due to his presence...
“I͞ ām t̡herê,” He then whispered into your right ear.
You see two hands covering your vision. Despite knowing he was playful, that still managed catch you off-guard.
“I'͜m͝ ͝eve̢ryw͢h̸e̴r͜e͏.” He spoke once more, his voice now from behind you. He moved around so quickly, it was hard to keep up...
“Yes, yes, I know.” You took his hands off your face, and they fell back to his sides.
“You'̨ve bee̕n͜ w̡orking. Working sò, ̷s̛o ha͡rd... W̴h̶y ̴not͟ ̡take a ͜brȩa̕k to s͝pend ͘s̸o͏me ̸time ̨with m̵ę?”
You sighed...
Of course you favoured being with him over doing work, so you pushed your chair back with your legs, and sat up so you could take a look at him.
“And why should I do that?”
“Bec͟aús͝e I͜'͟m ͏t͏he o̴n̴l̀y ͢pe̢rso͜n in you͠r͟ ́l̀i͜fe̷.” He shot at you.
“You're not even a person.” You shot back, and that earned a laugh from him.
...You always found yourself trying to make him laugh, and wondered if he could tell. He most likely could.
“Yo̵ur ͡w̧o̡r̢d̢s ͡c̀ut̶ ̨d͡e̷ep!”
“N͞o͠w- L̛et̶'s̶ go ̢someẁh͜ere̛ ͟more... Com̨for͏tab͠l͜é, yeah?”
Before you could even say anything, you weren't inside your recording room anymore, but in the living room.
You still needed some time to get used to him doing that- Teleporting you around. Even so, you plopped down on your couch, and he sat besides you.
“Oh, I forgot to ask. Do you want anything?”
“No. ͜Ju̴st ̵yo͡u.̷”
“Ah... So, why have you decided to visit?”
He crossed his legs, then placed his hand on top of his knee, which you can see him digging his nails into.
“Í'̸m͢ ̕just̨ ̛a̴ bi̧t... L̕o̕ǹèly.”
“A̛n̷d͞ upsȩt.”
He gritted his teeth through those last few words, making him come off as way more condescending than he was probably intending...
Or maybe he did that on purpose, so he could somehow feel less like prey accepting its fate against a predator.
You couldn't help but roll your damn eyes. It was ridiculous for him to feel like he had to continuously act this way. It was like he was paranoid that eyes were on him at all times, and he would be completely ruined if he let his guard down.
Still- Being so honest was unusual of him, since he never really bothered talking about how he felt. It was always about his accomplishments, his doings, what he had been up to. He was always so proud and full of himself whenever he talked.
“Well, I need a break anyway, like you said. So I'll be available for a bit. What's wrong?”
There was silence.
You shot glances at him, noticing how he breathed slowly, as if he was contemplating something. He seemed stressed.
...And suddenly, you got a nosebleed.
Because of course you did.
You only noticed it had even happened after a drop of blood fell on your shirt.
“Jesus christ-”
As you quickly got up, you noticed the shocked expression on his face. Did he not mean to do that? You made a mental note while making a run for the bathroom.
After you managed to get your nosebleed to stop, you went back to your room to change into a new shirt before going back to him.
He was still waiting for you in the living room, having not moved an inch.
You spoke, your voice sounding tired. You were tired.
He glanced up at you, then quickly glanced away again. He refused to lift his head to properly look at you. Was he ashamed about what just happened?
“No, it's okay. I was just a bit... I don't know- Surprised? I thought you gave people nosebleeds and whatnot on purpose.”
He chuckled.
You sat down besides him again.
“...Let's try this one more time then.”
You went straight to the point, and his smile faded. He was the one who had told you something was up in the first place, why would he be trying to avoid it now?
“What's wrong?”
You asked, and he answered your question with a question of his own. A question you would've never expected to come from someone like him...
“Ha͟ve͟ ̶you e̕v̧e̡r͘... Be̷e͘n ͡be͟tr͏a̢y̴ed̛?”
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acacia-may · 2 months
Acacia's Definitive Defense of Langris x Finesse
No one asked about this pairing, but I'm going to ramble about them anyway... especially since I realized I don't think I've ever actually written a proper post about them as this has been sitting in my drafts for over a year (A/N: Yikes! Sorry friends. I completely forgot I wrote this until today when I tried to find that post I was absolutely certain I had made about Langris x Finesse only to find it buried in my unposted drafts 😅🙈 But I'm posting it now to coincide with the ship ask game so it kind of works...? Maybe? I have no excuses...).
Anyways, dear goodness do I have thoughts about this ship. I’m not sure I can even wrangle them all, but I am going to try my best.
I’m sure it’s pretty clear from my blog that I have a deep love for my spatial mage boys and want good things for them which is one of the main reasons why I have a lot of concerns about the whole House Vaude soap opera. A friend of mine (irl) and I once discussed that plotline for literally 6 hours so I could go on and on about this for ages, but I have tried my best to be brief. That didn't really happen so I apologize in advance for all of the rambling.
I've tried to keep the focus of this post on Langris and Finesse's relationship, so please check out this post if you want to hear my many thoughts on the House Vaude succession drama as whole and in general. To keep things organized, I've divided this discussion into 2 main subsections for clarity under the cut!
(Warnings: Black Clover spoilers and discussion of some heavier topics such as childhood trauma and abuse. Arranged marriage is also mentioned)
Why I Think Langris and Finesse Genuinely Love Each Other (not necessarily in a romantic way but definitely in a selfless care and concern kind of way)
One of my most basic premises for my personal interpretation of Langris' character really comes down to the fact that I think what Langris actually wants more than anything else is unconditional love and to be accepted for who he is (rather than what he does/his accomplishments). He wants to have people who love him, a family—but he'd never admit this because he is convinced he'll never get it. He is convinced that love needs to be earned and he can't earn it, and his relationship with Lady Finesse is a perfect example of this, I think.
It hurts Langris that she is just the kindest person ever and she doesn't like/love him (or such is the reality in Langris' mind anyway given the fact that he has carried around that one time she complimented Finral as "she hates me" for literal years in the canon. But I digress). Langris doesn't like games he can't see a possibility of winning. He closes himself off from love and building meaningful relationships because he doesn't think he'll "win" people's love in the end. He's very cynical and jaded in this way, but more than that, he's wounded. It comes from a place of being denied love without strings attached, without conditions for his entire life and of being told his by his parents that love has to be earned and being convinced that he can't earn it, that nothing he does will ever be good enough and that he will never deserve the love he so desperately craves. And in that way, it comes from a fear of being hurt and rejected. When you care about someone, you give them the power to hurt you—and Langris doesn't want that kind of vulnerability. So I think he just completely counts himself out of the running when it comes to Finesse and defers to his brother—assuming (probably correctly) that she’d choose Finral if she was given a choice between the two of them.
All of that said, he can't quite stop himself from caring for her with a genuine love and respect (not necessarily in a romantic sense but he does care for her)—it’s just sealed off somewhere and not something he really thinks about or allows himself to feel (let alone label) until his brother "declaring war" on him brings all of that to the surface and he kind of has to reconcile how much he wants to be the Head of House Vaude (what he’s worked for his entire life) with how much he wants Lady Finesse to be happy. I love how in that scene there is actually a moment (at least in the anime) in which "the camera" turns and we're watching the scene unfold from Langris' eyes/perspective immediately before he gets involved and tells Finral to clean up his act.
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(A/N: If you listen very carefully you can hear the sound of Langris' entire world falling apart...)
Okay, bad jokes aside, this is a huge moment for Langris. It takes him all of five seconds to decide that Lady Finesse's happiness is far more important to him than House Vaude, than his title, his future, his own dreams and aspirations that he has worked for literally his entire life and, ultimately, is more important than everything he has looked to for his own self-worth and fulfillment up unto that point (which causes him to have a bit of an existential crisis as he tries to figure out who he is without those things, without being the next Head of House Vaude, but I digress again). It is an incredible act of love to set aside what someone wants for themselves in order to make another person happy—to choose what is best for another person even at great personal sacrifice. Regardless of how you want to qualify that love (romantic or platonic), it does not diminish the gravity of Langris' sacrifice and the willingness he shows to choose Finesse's happiness over the things that are (seemingly) the most important to him in the world.
Up until this point, Langris is this incredibly goal-oriented character who is set on becoming the best, the strongest, and eventually the head of House Vaude which comes off as self-interested and a little ruthless in his willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, but suddenly, here he is, ready to give all of that up so that Lady Finesse can have the chance to be happy. It's almost like he is saying (honestly, far louder and clearer than any words possibly could), "I love you more than all of that."
Why else would he be helping his brother take over as heir to House Vaude when that actually seems to be something Langris wants for himself? (I know the poll I ran examined some different ideas and interpretations but that's always been my personal take on it). It’s almost like in that moment, Langris has realized that he can’t make Lady Finesse happy (even if he wants to), but he thinks that Finral can so he wants to make Finral into the best he can be for her.
Once Langris is reasonably sure that Finral is at a place that he can make Finesse happy and has become a man "worthy of her," I could definitely see him stepping aside so that his brother could take over their House and marry her—purely out of concern for Finesse’s happiness, and there is something incredibly selfless and very beautiful about that.
I think Finesse's side of things is much more practical. The fact of the matter is that Finesse is royalty in a medieval society where she will inevitably be married off for a political alliance and/or to produce children, and she has probably always known that she needs to marry out of duty/responsibility, so I can’t really see her as that much of a hopeless romantic given the circumstances. If she allows herself anything, it is the hope that she will get to spend her life with someone who does care for her and who she can be content with. I don't think throughout most of Finesse's life and certainly not throughout this whole arranged marriage business that anyone has ever really asked her what she wanted or ever really cared about her wishes before, but Langris seems to have a genuine interest in her wishes and her happiness more so than anyone else. And I think she does care for him (again, not necessarily in a romantic way but it is a genuine care and concern of at least friendship).
As I discussed in this post, when Langris has all that elf-business and the King threatens to dissolve the betrothal and punish the Vaudes, it is Finesse who comes to their defense rather than taking what is quite possibly her only chance at an "out." And it is an informed, free choice on her part. I love her line in the English dub that she "knows Lord Langris and has no misgivings about him" and therefore essentially begs her uncle not to "judge him too harshly." I think there is something very strong and very courageous in her decision to believe in the good in Langris even when he is at his worst, and her concern is truly and completely focused on what is best for him. I'm especially thinking of that moment when she begs him to stop before he does something he will regret. She's worried about him: his hurt and his guilt. She really wants what's best for him, and it's this love for him and this belief in him that really brings out the best in Langris.
My absolute favorite thing about this ship (besides how selfless they are towards each other) is really that Finesse has this way of bringing out this softer, gentler side of Langris that, I think, very few people have actually seen. Langris himself is so insistent on hiding this (probably a learned response from growing up in an environment where any hint of emotion and any sensitivity is viewed as a weakness), but really he has such a deep capacity for love and given the opportunity would be fiercely loyal.
Langris may not care about a lot of people, but the ones he chooses to care about he will love forever. He's just such a tsun about it, I think, so it can be very hard for anyone (and especially for those with preconceived notions of him as a snotty stick-in-the-mud) to see that he's really very sweet and awkward as heck about his feelings. Langris' love might be quiet—it's not very flashy and usually shows itself in doing little, everyday things for the people he loves—but still waters run very, very deep and he has shown that he would do just about anything to protect the people he loves most and make them happy, no matter what that means for himself. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he would die for Finesse if it came down to it.
Ultimately, I can imagine a lot of different outcomes for this relationship (some of which never, ever cross over into that romantic place). I really just want them both to be happy whether that means they end up together or not, but yes, I could see them happy with each other in a romantic sense under very specific circumstances since they do have such a selfless love for each other (but I think that is probably a discussion for another time because this is already super, super long so I'm cutting myself off in favor of the next section...).
Why I personally think Langris rather than Finral is better suited for Finesse
As much I don't like pitting ships against each other, I don't think it's avoidable in this case since she is going to be in arranged marriage with one of them. To paraphrase a favorite musical of mine, it's not a matter of "if" but which one. And I think it's best for me to just start off by saying that while I do genuinely like and appreciate Finesse and Finral as a ship as well, I personally think that Langris and Finesse are better suited for one another in the long term.
I will admit upfront that this is in part because of my own personal experiences of having a chronic illness (and needless to say that is a personal bias that colors my opinions, so please just keep that in mind), but I think it's important to talk about the fact that Finesse is chronically ill because it's not something I've ever really seen discussed when talking about ships for her and I really think it should be taken into account. Like Finesse, I have been sick for most of my life, and I can really relate to the kind of difficulties and limitations that Finesse likely experiences due to being chronically ill and the realities of the less active and much more slower-paced life she would lead and, by proxy, the life anyone who married her would have to lead. Again, I am not saying that I don’t like or couldn’t imagine her & Finral together (I do genuinely like that ship too), but I almost think Langris is better suited for her in that he actually wants (or seems to want) the slower-paced life they’d probably have together. For instance, there are likely to be frequent situations that would arise in which Finesse is too ill or too tired to go out and her husband would then be “forced” to stay home with her. With Langris, I think, there would never really need to be much of that feeling of guilt on Finesse’s part or the fear that she is taking away something from Langris or being a burden, because Langris isn’t super sociable and would just want to stay home anyway. In fact, let’s be honest here, he’d probably, actually feel kind of relieved that he has gotten out of unwanted socializing. Whereas Finral is a much more lively and sociable person (rather than an "old soul" like Langris), and though Finral would never, ever want Finesse to feel like a burden or to feel guilty about being sick, I could imagine there is more of that feeling (at least from Finesse’s side) that he has given up a lot more to be with her since his active social life would drastically change as soon as they married.
There's also the matter of the panic Finral would probably have whenever Finesse was ill or having a flare of symptoms. Of course, Langris would be worried as well, but I think because of his personality, he is better able to shelve that and help in a crisis rather than Finral who gets really worked up and then just sort of shuts down. Obviously this is something that can be learned over time, but I just worry that it would be a constant source of stress for Finral which would ultimately make Finesse very worried about him and upset that he is upset on her account. I think Finesse would have a lot of fear that the life she could give a lively, busy, & social person like Finral would be holding him back in some way. The question there is really: will what Finral wants out of life ever gel with the limitations Finesse has to live with? Whereas I don't think that question is as much of an issue with Langris since he is an old soul and incredibly steady, very unlike his more restless, adventurous, and high-energy brother.
I think Langris and Finesse are alike in this way. Though they have many differences in their personalities (and a really nice balance there), they have a lot of similarities in worldview and their attitudes towards life and their life goals—being more traditional, formal, and proper ‘old souls.' Whereas I think she and Finral have more similarities in personality (despite him being much more lively), they’re both incredibly kind, gentle & easy-going people who aren’t particularly ambitious and often make decisions based on what will make other people happy and "keep the peace." But worldview wise he seems much more modern and less traditional than her which I could see causing some tensions since I think they want different things out of life, in a way. It’s almost more important to be alike in life goals/worldview than personality, I think.
I also think Finesse and Langris share common interests and genuinely enjoy each other's company (as we get these glimpses of in the anime where they're just having a quiet, comfortable tea parties together for instance). Even if it started off as an obligation to spend time together because of this arranged marriage they were going to be in, I like to think that eventually Langris and Finesse actually became fairly good friends and came to genuinely enjoy each other's company. I guess it’s a bit unfair to Finral to bring this up since we haven’t seen him spend a lot of time with Finesse so we can't say that they don’t enjoy each other’s company but I just don’t see them having the same shared interests that she would have with Langris.
There is a lot more I could say about these two and their relationship, but I think that's enough ramblings for now. If you read this all the way through to the end, bless you. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Cheers!! 💖
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richmond-rex · 1 year
I've been wondering this for awhile. Why wasn't Elizabeth of York considered as a legitimate candidate for the throne in 1483 after her brothers disappeared?
Once the princes were murdered or out of the way: Yorkist supporters became angry and started looking for another claimant to the throne to oust Richard III from power. It seems one of the reasons they settled on Henry Tudor was because he: was male, had a claim to the English crown via the Beaufort line, and also wasn't married. Unlike say The Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Lincoln etc. Earl of Warwick was still a child.
This seems like one of the biggest reasons he was able to garner so much support by late 1483-1485. Conveniently unmarried, he pledged to marry Princess Elizabeth and restore what many saw as the true royal family to power.
I like Henry VII but also think it's sad the nobles that fought for him ignored Elizabeth of York's arguably much stronger claim to the throne. Not to her sisters and Margaret Beaufort's claims. She should have been crowned Queen Elizabeth I instead. Imagine how differently the 16th century would have gone. If her granddaughters were accepted as ruling Queens why wasn't Elizabeth of York?
Did she not want to rule or was England not willing to accept a female monarch yet?
The truth is that even before her brothers were born and Elizabeth was her father's eldest legitimate child, Elizabeth of York was never considered Edward IV's heir in the sense of one day being able to ascend the throne. Instead, before Edward V was born, English people looked at Edward's brother George as the next-in-line, even though Edward himself preferred to leave things more ambiguous so as to not give George too much power. Elizabeth was never given the education or responsibilities of a king's heir, and although English people did consider women as capable of passing down a claim, they had not so far considered them as capable of bearing the crown.
Remember this was a time when Henry VI, a legitimate king, son and grandson of the last successive kings, was deposed because primogeniture discourse aside (which was an excuse anyway), he was deemed too weak and incapable to rule, not 'manly' enough to handle the war with France or to lead armies on the battlefield. He was infantilised and turned into a innocent fool who was dominated by his wife and was almost stripped of his masculinity altogether. Elizabeth's father had won his crown by showing off his masculine leadership abilities and by accusing the past queen (Margaret of Anjou) of running England into the ground in her condition as an unnatural woman (as she had dared to lead the country, which women were not supposed to do). Queen Margaret was perceived as a transgressive woman who had outstepped the boundaries of her gender and proper place. Do you think people would be happy to, only a generation later, give the sceptre to someone who was a female? The answer is: they weren't, and it's supremely ironic that the same gendered yorkist propaganda that paved the way for Edward IV's ascension would hinder the ascension of his own daughter.
Henry Tudor was the ideal candidate not only because he was male, had royal blood and was unmarried. Henry was closely associated with his uncle Henry VI, who by 1485 was venerated as a saint in England: Henry was literally the nephew of a holy king. His mother Margaret Beaufort had been considered Henry VI's successor by some as far back as 1450. In the continent, some people even erroneously called him Henry VI's youngest son, which brings us to the next point: Henry Tudor was extremely well articulated in terms of international support. King Louis XI of France had tried to receive him in France since 1471 — after all, the Valois kings and the Tudors were cousins (through Catherine of Valois), and the French king was happy to say that himself. Given their past support for the Lancastrians, France was only too willing to support Henry in his bid for the English throne. Besides France, Henry had a good relationship with the Duke of Brittany, a place where he had been exiled for more than a decade, and received support from that duchy too. Lastly, the Tudors were also extremely well-liked in Wales — Henry was literally considered the fulfiller of an ancient Welsh prophecy by an important political class in Wales since his birth — and the Welsh support Henry received made all the difference at Bosworth.
Not any man with a claim to the English throne at that time was as well-articulated as Henry, especially when we add Margaret Beaufort's groundwork to build his base of support in England too. David Horspool, who wrote a book about Richard III, has highlighted Henry Tudor's unique position in challenging Richard. I think that if Henry Tudor had failed in 1485 it's very likely that other people would have risen against Richard III to challenge him for his crown, but it's much less likely they would succeed as Henry Tudor did. I tend to agree with this idea. Henry's Yorkist supporters (in name of his wife) were a fundamental part of why he was able to get to the throne, but they alone wouldn't be sufficient to earn him the crown if it weren't for Henry's international and Welsh support too. He was only able to gather that support in his condition as a Valois, a Tudor and a Beaufort.
To sum up, Elizabeth of York lived in a time when the English crown was extremely fragile in terms of legitimacy and support. The crisis of the Hundred Years War developed into grievous internal strife and a bloody civil conflict where the performance of kingship mattered more than anything else, especially a performance steeped in chivalric values and the male-dominated world of knighthood orders. In a time with so many other male claimants around, Elizabeth of York could never perform in the masculine way the English people expected their monarch to behave. As said by a chronicler in the 1470s, they wanted 'a prynce to wynne mennys hertys' — a prince (masculine) to win men's (masculine) hearts.
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sexybabystevie · 2 years
Tonight’s Steve thought: I headcannon that he’s slightly dyslexic. Like, he had trouble reading and stuff when he was younger, and he kinda just accepted the fact that he was ‘dumb’ like everyone told him, so he just stopped trying so hard with grades and pushed himself in sports because that was something he was good at. But now reader can comfort himself and reassure him that he isn’t what people told him he was, and yeah anyway that’s my Steve though hehe
i'm sorry it took so long to get to this, but i absolutely adore this idea!!
i feel like a lot of people kind of either just assume steve didn't care about school at all, kind of lumping him in as someone lazy, or they just make him seem like he's completely incapable, and i much prefer your explanation! i'm a large believer in the fact that most people genuinely aren't "lazy," they just have various reasons (burnout, conditions, etc) that make it harder for them to do things that are "easy" for everyone else, so they just stop wanting to try and care.
i feel like that definitely could have happened to him. being dyslexic at such a young age and not really understanding why reading is so hard for himself, not to mention that i doubt his highly absent family ever bothered to get him a proper diagnosis, so his peers and probably some teachers too think that he doesn't try hard enough or is just dumb. and after a while of getting told that when he's only a child, he simply thinks it's true and has more fun at recess than he ever did in class because he actually likes and is good at it. and it all just develops as he ages; he stops caring about what people say about his intelligence because he gains popularity and no one seems to bring it up anymore, until everything goes down with billy and nancy and suddenly he's at the bottom of the hawkins high food chain and everyone is taking bites out of his ego.
years later, a few months after you somehow have a chance run in with steve at family video, the two of you hit it off and become friends pretty quickly, and while it's true that steve is a little slow when it comes to unfamiliar topics, but he isn't in any form dumb, so when he abruptly asks you, "do you think i'm stupid?" you feel confused until he reveals it all to you.
steve isn't the one to get vulnerable with just anyone, but he trusts you. that's why he asks you in te first place, he trusts that you'll be honest without being intentionally cruel.
and as steve sits there and voices his doubts, doubts about whether he's smart enough to properly babysit the kids or whether he's good enough to even consider himself friends with people like you and robin, the only thing you can think to do is softly take his face into your hands and keep him at eye level.
and you're talking before you can stop, letting it all out because he deserves to hear every single ounce of praise and adoration that you hold for him.
"you are not stupid, steve harrington. something that's completely out of your control like that doesn't deem you any less important or worthy or smart than anyone else. everyone has their areas of expertise, and you have many. you're good with physical things and you know how to manage seven kids at once, which is insane. more than most people could do, by far. you're emotionally intelligent and kind and you are so, so, so worth my time and robin's. we all love you and nothing would be the same without you, everything would fall apart. you hold us all together, steve, and i know some of the kids don't say it as often as they should, but they adore you and look up to you so much. you are not dumb at all, and you never have been. not ever."
if steve breaks down and sobs into your shirt as you hold him closely afterward, so overwhelmed with all the love that you and his found family had given him, never having heard those things from the people who should have been telling him that years ago, then you just hold him against you and soothingly rub his back. after everything he's been through, it's the very least you can do.
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The discussion about the mistrust of the player character in PLA had me thinking a bit about this whole "outsider to the outsiders" thing going on.
While the player character is very innocent and not deserving of the shunning, I think people tend to interpret the betrayal as a sign that the village(of outsiders) doesn't like outsiders at all which is obviously not the case. They are literal refugees, traders, farmers, academics, etc from all around and they are very much trying to reach out and incorporate the clans into their relations. So that's not why they turn on you.
It's more of your standard rumor mill witch trial born from you falling from the sky(where the spooky rift is!) in a big showy spectacle. Then having strange clothes and an almost inhuman ease with pokemon that even the experts who have been training and studying with them cannot fathom. Now these new problems have started and the magical sky person is the only one who can fix it! Witchcraft!
YES EXACTLY!!! oooooh this ask made me so excited when i saw it in my inbox you have no idea. like, an argument can be made that the clans are isolationist, especially wrt each other (and early dialogue abt mai also suggests that jubilife and the clans are also still relatively remote but that's off topic), but by nature jubilife can't be the same way. kamado even self-describes the galaxy team as a "group of outsiders" in hisui. a security corps guard jokingly refers to them as the "Ragtag Expedition Team." so to say that they're fearful of strangers, or don't easily accept them, is clearly wrong.
not only that, but there's a list of galaxy team principles framed in the player's house, and one of them is "Those who are weaker must be helped." so like, while kamado & other people in the team tend to be rather harsh about everyone paying their due, it's really not a matter of like, disliking new people in the team, y'know? it's more about the fact that survival in hisui is difficult, and they're constantly fighting an uphill battle to sustain everyone, so there really is basically no wiggle room for anyone to not contribute whatever they're able to, which is something that's reiterated over and over in the early game. (also there's like, a considerable amount of old/older people in the village, which to my understanding is fairly unusual for this kind of project since it demands so much physical labor under trying conditions, so presumably that also contributes to the sense that everyone's jumping on this strong able-bodied young person. and also i'm curious about the reasons behind that demographic being so well-represented. this is me getting sidetracked that's just a thing i've been wondering about.)
anyway yeah. the reason ppl are distrustful of you is that you FELL OUT OF THE SKY. you have no past but some ambiguous link to the crack in reality which people already see as some kind of bad omen or worse. and then you're like, instantly all buddy-buddy with these creatures that most people not in the survey or security corps are scared shitless of, to the point of being terrified to leave the safety of the village for fear of encountering any. like that's the other thing to me is that your talent with pokemon isn't just seen as weird, to people already scared of them it would probably be actively really intimidating. especially since you don't have the credentials of prior training, like zisu and the rest of the security/survey corps do! they're just taking it on faith that you do know what you're doing. even if you're very nice and helpful, the more fearful jubilife people would probably see you as a passive threat to the village on account of all those weapons of mass destruction you're casually carrying around in your back pocket that may or may not even be under your proper control.
& then like you said, the rumor mill has its way with you, compounded by the situation with the nobles, and by the red sky event, i mean, i don't think most of the village hates you. not after you've done so many fetch quests for all of them whwjkwhk. it's just that they're quietly sort of afraid of you, which is not at all an emotion negated by how helpful you've been. and that's why you get kicked out.
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foureyedpebblecrow · 29 days
I now have a bed frame.
Look whose moving up in the world. Ha ha. Truly just writing this to myself but having a clean room feels amazing. It wasn't "dirty" per say but my room has bob chin's lighting so the dust was just invisible. I used a desk lamp to see it and cleaned it. I'm also throwing away a lot of stuff that I have Squirreled away. It was just a buch of shool note books and college textbooks from my first few years of college. Kept them (the note books) because they had doodles in them. Why am I writing this. Well it feels good to just write it out in one go and get it out of my system. This is so chaotic. I should just get to the point. The point being... don't...
Horde... useless stuff?
Sounded better in my head.
Oh wait. Having a clean and organized room (I want to say that organized doesn't mean not lived and is intentionally nebulous as to define organized in a matter that I find to be acceptable with my low level of writing would take so may word like shit this is already too long) feels nice and is good from the brain chemical machine health probably, one might say if they cleaned their room for... I don't know... started at 3 and it's fucking 9 a clock at night (~6 hours). One might want to make themselves feel like they did something grand and healing if they say... SPENT 6 HOURS almost straight CLEANING.
My arms hurt.
I feel clean.
It was so fucking worth it though. Oh yeah and I guess I graduated from college too. But... like hey... I clean my room isn't that impressive. Mom do I get a gold star.
What the fuck am I writing any more. This is just like my last post. Nonsense. And I can't honestly say that I know for sure that my co2 detector is functioning here (this is a joke and it is most definitely probably like giving 90% chance that it is in completely totally LEED approved functioning condition).
Oh shit wait is it red lobster or bob chin's... fuck wait I'll look it up but I refuse to edit this smelly piece of garbage I am currently writing.
Okay no I got the right place but now I have so many questions. I....
I didn't know bob chinn's(apparently the proper spelling) and red lobster were different places?!
Anyways love those tiki cups when I was a kid. My childhood home always had so many of them in the cabinet for cups. They could hold so much lemonade or water. Okay time to stop writing. Why am i still here. I need to brush my teeth.
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Me rn for real (source: The Perks of Being a Villain)
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